The Legend of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon

16.10.2013 17:11:33
Walkthrough - Version 0.0
Happy Matt -

-Revision history
-Chapter 1 (Disc 1) The War in Seldio
-Area flow chart
-Home's burning
-Shana's mystery
-Ravits' home
-Dragoon Rosé
-The 7th Stronghold
-A trip through a volcano
-Graham and the Green Dragon
-Dragony Grass
-Sharlie the silver dragoon
-Hero contest
-An untimely death
-Doyle the Emperor
-Chapter 2 (Disc 2)
-Area flow chart
-Chapter 3 (Disc 3)
-Area flow chart
-Chapter 4 (Disc 4)
-Area flow chart
-Legal Note


Version 0.0 - 25 February 2000
-Completed walkthrough on Chapter One.


I have never intended to write anything long for this game. But since I
have received many emails asking me various questions about the game, I
think it may just be easier if I simply write a short walkthrough for the
whole game. This guide will not contain everything. Please refer to my
other guides if you want more information about the characters, the
Additional skills, the Dragoons and the Star Dust Mini-game.

The Legend of Dragoon is a Japanese styled console RPG developed by
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan. It is a large development with the
size of 4 CD-ROM. It is compatible with the dual shock analogue
controller and the PocketStation. It requires 1 block of memory for
saving the game, and 9 blocks if you want to play the PocketStation
mini-game, Moguuru Dabas.

*Note* This guide is written based on the Japanese version of the game.
Some of the features may change when the game is translated. Also, I
have tried my best to translate the names. It may not be totally correct.
I put [square brackets] around names I am not too confident with.*

I do make mistakes. If you spot any errors in this document, please send
me an email. Any positive suggestions are welcomed.


- Area Flow Chart -

Opening Sequence -> The Village of [Celes] -> Forest -> [Helraina] Prison
-> Grassland -> Limestone Cave -> The Capital City of [Bel], [Inderus]
Castle -> The Village of [Hocus] -> Humid Terrain -> Wild Volcano
-> Dragon's Lair -> The Commercial City of [Loan] -> Dragon's Lair ->
Sharlie's Temple -> The Commercial City of [Loan] -> [Helraina] Prison
-> The Village of [Celes] -> The Capital City of [Cathas], Black Castle
-> End of Disc 1

- Home's Burning -

After watching the nice CG opening, you will get a sequence where a
mysterious woman would spot a "green tooth dragon" in the forest. (Well,
The game said it was a dragon, but I think it looked more like a giant
grasshopper.) Our hero, while returning home, would meet the same
soldiers who attacked the village during the opening movie. They
confronted Dart, but ran away when they saw the "dragon". Dart tried to
run away from the "dragon" as well, but it looked pretty hungry. Just
when he was about to get eaten, the mysterious woman jumped down and
saved his life. The woman told Dart that she was a Dragoon and she told
him that a nearby village was under attack. Dart was alarmed because
Celes was his home. So he excused himself and ran into the village.

Once you are in control, go down and across the fence, and you will see
2 soldiers kicking a villager. You will enter your first fight in the

They are pretty easy and you will get 2 Heal Potion if you kill both of
them. Talk to the villager who was kicked and he will tell you to rescue
Shana and die. There is a save point in here. Next to it is a chest
containing a [Bannauto]. Go left to the next screen. It seems that the
village chief is hurt but it is not life threatening. He will also tell
you to help Shana. An enemy sergeant will spot you. He will tell you that
Shana has been sent to Helraina, a high security prison. He will then
attack with two other soldiers:

Boss: -> Sergeant (Thunder) and Sandra Empire Soldier (Fire) x2

The sergeant can cause some damage but nothing serious. Kill the soldiers
first. Guard when you are low on HP. You will get two Heal Potions and
a [Bannauto] if you kill all of them.

Proceed to the left and talk to the guy near the exit. He is Master
Tasman who will show you how the Additional system works. Also check the
third grave from the left for a Star Dust. Exit the village through the

- Rescue -

Once you are in control, you will be on the world map. Your location is
South Seldio. Follow the guide and you will arrive in a Forest. Enter the
Forest and you will see a merchant who will sell you these items:

Heal Potion - 10G
Body Clear - 10G
[Bannauto] - 10G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

The merchant will also show you how to use items during battle. There is
a chest on the right above the exit. It contains a Heal Potion. Proceed
left and get a Dispel Evil Perfume in the chest above the bridge. You
will be in a forest maze in the next screen. The exit is at the bottom
left. The chest on the left contains a [Bannauto] and the one on the
right contains 20G. Continue down the path and you will exit the area
into the world map.

Proceed to Helraina Prison. The prison is a fortress located at the
seaside. Follow the merchant cart into the prison. Jump into the cart
when it is going through the gate. When you are in control, go to the
top left exit and grab a [Bannauto] in the chest. Come back to the first
room. When you try to exit / talk to the merchant, he will call a guard
and you will be engaged in a fight automatically. After the easy fight,
the merchant will "help" you and he will sell you items if you talk to
him again:

Heal Potion - 10G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Spark Net - 10G

*Note: you cannot get all the chests in this area yet. The chests will
be available when you come back in a later event.*

There is no random encounters in the prison. You will engage in fights
only if you are touched by prison guards. Once engaged in a fight, you
will not be able to escape. The prison guard can do some damage, and so
you should remember that you can recover HP by Guarding. There are three
exits in the next screen. The top exit is back to the front gate, which
is blocked. The left exit leads you to an elevator which is out of order.
The right exit up the stairs is where you want to go.

Go across the bridge to a save point. Go into a dormitory next to the
save point. Take care of the guards if you want. Grab the items in the
chests next to the bed on the left. One of them contains an Angel's
Prayer and the other contains a Leather Jacket (for Shana). The chest
near the centre fireplace contains 50G. Go back outside and take the
lift upstairs. Exit to the left and you will be in a prison tower.

Once in the tower, you will get a sequence automatically. After the
battle with 3 prison guards, Ravits (Level 3) will join you. The prison
tower is circular, and it cycles around if you exit through the left or
the right. You can collect items in the cells. There is nothing in the
cell in the first screen. If you go clockwise, the second screen is the
exit and there are two cells in the third screen. The chest in the left
cell contains 20G and the one in the right contains a [Spark Net].

Exits through the second screen and a guard will come down from above.
After the fight, take the elevator up. Go left and enter a room with lots
of guards. Don't worry because they won't see you. Go up the ram and you
will find a key to the right hand tower, where Shana is held. Go into the
right tower. If you go clockwise again, you will find 20G in the cell in
the next screen. In the next screen, you will find 3 guards blocking the
entrance to Shana's cell. Fight them and go inside. Shana is very happy
to see Dart again. After much talk, Ravits will tell you to hurry and you
will be attacked by 3 more guards. Shana will join the party after the
fight. You can also get 20G in the chest in the cell to the right.

Time to escape. Go all the way back to the entrance. Save if you want.
You will meet the merchant again and he will sell you the same items.
At the entrance, you will be greeted by [Furyugel] the prison chief.
You will have to fight him. You will have to fight two normal prison
guards first. When these are killed. He will summon two more powerful

Boss: -> [Furyugel] (Earth), Prison Guards (Fire) x2 and Advanced Prison
Guards (Fire) x2

The first two prison guards are easy, but the advanced prison guards are
more powerful. They can cast Power Up to increase their physical defence
and they have a final attack that damages all your party members.
Furyugel has some strong attacks, but all of them can only damage one
character. The strategy is basically the same. Guard when your character
is low on HP. Keep attacking with you Additionals and you will soon be
able to defeat all of them. You will get 4 Heal Potions and a Knight
Shield for defeating these guys. After the fight, your characters will
escape by stealing the nearby horses, and you will be back in the world
map automatically.

- Escape -

The way back home through the forest will be blocked. So, go the other
way and you will arrive in the Grassland. Apparently, the guards are
still chasing you. Ravits will got shot by an arrow, but nothing too
serious. Your characters will hide behind a tree in the next screen.
After you have control again, exit left to find a hut. Enter the hut and
you will get a sequence about Dart's past.

When Dart was young, his place of birth was destroyed by a "Dark Devil".
Both his parents perished during this attack, but Dart was saved because
he was hidden by his parents. So it seems that everyone were dead except
himself. When he came back to the ruin the next day, he found a shiny
object that he believed to have belonged to his father. It is the only
thing left from his father, and to this day Dart still has that in
possession. Apparently, he was adopted by the good people in Celes, but
he could not forget about his past. He set out for a journey five years
ago in search of the Dark Devil. When he could not find anything, he
came back to his "new" home at the beginning of the game, only to find
that it is also destroyed.

The characters will then decide to go to the Capital City of Bel,
Inderus Castle to see King Albert. In the hut, you can recover by
examining the chair again. Go out of the hut and go north. Examine the
tree trunk there and go back to the hut to grab an axe. After the event,
go back to where your characters hid and go north. The tree trunk will
float there and you will be able to get across the river. In the next
screen, there is a chest above the exit with an Angel's Prayer. Talk to
the family to the left. They are from [Cathas], and so they think that
you are enemy. But being the nice guy, Ravits gave the hungry kid some
food, and the family is very grateful. There doesn't seem to be anything
special in this area, so exit through the left.

- Shana's Mystery -

So you are back on the world map. Follow the guide and enter the
Limestone Cave. Open the chest above the cliff for an Explosive Stone.
Fall into the first stream for a chest that contains 20G. Fall into the
same stream again, but hold right, then hold down, and you will get
access to the chest that contains a bastard sword (for Dart). Exit the
room and you will be in an area where you will have to jump across some
rocks. Ravits will fall towards the end, but Dart will save his life.
Grab the items in the chests as well. The one on the left contains a
Body Clear and the one on the right contains a Dispel Fog.

In the next area, go through the top right exit first to get 100G from
the chest. Go back to the centre area and you will discover a recovery
point. The chest there contains an Angel's Prayer and the one at the top
contains a [Bannauto]. You can take advantage of the recovery point here
to gain some good levels for your Additional skills. Exit to the bottom
right when you are done. Get a Dispel Evil Perfume from the chest there
and go north. You will have to play hide and seek with a little creature
there. Once you manage to catch it, it will drop you a chest that
contains a Poison Guard. The chest at the top left contains a Spark Net.

Go back to the previous screen and exit to the right, and you will be
inside a large cave with a save point. The chest on the left contains a
Body Clear and the one on the right contains a Bandana (which is
useless). Save here if you want. If you have been training your
characters, you should have more than one Poison Guards. Equip them to
the most powerful characters. Now try and exit through the top and you
will be attacked by a giant snake which is obviously the guardian of the

Boss: -> Uroboros (Earth)

The Uroboros is not very difficult if you are fighting with the correct
strategy. Nearly all the attacks from this guy can cause the Poison
status. But you will be OK if your characters have the Poison Guards
equipped. Attack only with the characters who have Poison Guards equipped
and the other characters should defend. (Your characters are immune to
negative statuses while defending.) You will get a Fighter's Charm for
defeating this guy.

The apparently dead snake will try to attack Shana again, but just before
she gets eaten, a mysterious force will try and protect her and the snake
will be destroyed. May be that's why the enemies wanted her so badly.

Exit left after the event. Get the items in the two chests in this area.
The first chest contains a Heal Potion and the second contains 50G. Exit
to the world map and head to the Capital City of Bel.

- Ravits' Home -

Bel is the first proper town in the game. So before you go and see King
Albert, you should explore the town first. In the first screen, go to the
left house and talk to the painting girl and she will paint a portrait of
Ravits. Get 50G from the chest in there. Next go underneath the fountain.
Unfortunately, a drunk is blocking the way here and he seems to want more
alcohol. Head back above. There is an item shop in the far right. It
sells these items:

Heal Potion - 10G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Spear Frost - 10G
Meteor Fall - 10G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

Next to the item shop is an inn. You can rest there for 10G. There is a
pub in front of the inn. The bartender will sell you a bottle if you talk
to him. Go through the exit between the item shop and the inn. Examine
the well to get a Star Dust. Talk to man in the left house and he will
tell you about Star Dust. There is a stable on the right, but there is
nothing there yet. Ravits' house is at the top, but Ravits wants to see
the king first. Go back to the first screen and go left. Go down the
basement of the left house and you will find a secret chamber, but you
cannot get through to it yet. There is a weapon shop near the top:

Bastard Sword - 60G
Shiny Bow and Arrows - 50G
Scale Armour - 50G
Leather Jacket - 50G
[Serrate] - 40G
Poison Guard - 200G
Panic Guard - 300G
Faint Guard - 200G
Bravery Charm - 300G
Knight Shield - 200G

There is a Star Dust at the bottom part of the weapon shop. The exits to
the right and the far right will both go to the same area. There is a
library and a hospital here. You can cure bad statuses in the hospital
for a price and you can read some information in the library if you know
Japanese. When you are done, continue north to Castle Inderus.

Time to explore the castle. Everyone seem glad to see Ravits again. On
the ground floor, you will find a Shiny Bow and Arrows for Shana. The
fireplace also contains a Star Dust. Go upstairs to first floor. Go down
the ladder near the exit and continue down to the underground area. Turn
the wheel there. Come back up and get 50G from the left chest. Go
upstairs to second floor. Get a Star Dust at the top left platform. Open
the right chest for a Spear Frost. Go round the bottom and down the
ladder and you will find an Active Ring in the chest. Go upstairs and you
will be greeted by King Albert. It seems Albert is a Ravits' personal
friend. He will introduce Dart and Shana to Albert and they will begin
to talk about the history of the world. You will get a sequence about
the War of Dragoon 11,000 years ago. If you look carefully, you will
notice the man in dark mantle at the right hand side of Albert. What's
he doing here. Isn't he supposed to be on the other side?

Anyway, Shana will walk over to the balcony after the talk. Follow her
there and Ravits will join. The characters will then decide to go to
Hocus to relieve the situation in there. But Ravits will invite you to
his house first. Time for more exploration. Go back to the first screen.
Head to the exit beneath the fountain. If you have got the drink from
the pub, the drunk will move away and you will be able to go through.
Make you way down the hidden corridor. Watch out for a hidden chest that
contains 20G. At the end of the corridor, you will find a boat. You can
now go for a tour around town. When you stop in front of a door, choose
the second option to get off. Check the north wall for a Star Dust. Go
all the way back and head to Ravits' house.

Ravits' mom is glad to have him back. She will also think the Shana is
going to be her future daughter-in-law. You have the choice to either
agree or disagree in here. Watch for Shana's reaction! After that, mom
will make you dinner and Shana will go and help. (Shana is never very
good in battles anyway...) Talk to Ravits and choose the 4th option and
he will agree to show you around his house. Go upstairs and check out the
bottom room. You will get to see a sequence where Ravits will talk about
himself. After dinner, you can grab 20G from the left chest, but mom
will be blocking the way to the kitchen that contains a Star Dust. Say
goodbye to her, but remember to come back later for the Star Dust. Go
upstairs to the roof and jump across to the stable. Walk across the beam
carefully, pressing the action button promptly whenever you get an
exclamation mark. Get a Heal Blitz there. Time to go to Hocus.

- Dragoon Rosé -

Follow the guide on the world map and head to Hocus. The town is built
like a fortress for the war. Ravits tells you to go to the war council,
but obviously you can explore the town first. Go to the left house and
down the basement, and you will find a Star Dust in the fireplace. Go
round the city wall at the bottom of the screen and enter the right. You
will find 20G in the chest. There is an old midwife downstairs. She will
tell you about the relationship between King Albert and his enemy,
Emperor Doyle. It seems Doyle is a brother of Albert's dad and it seems
that they have actually started the war for some really personally
reasons. After listen to the lady, you can go down to the sleeping area
beneath the city wall at the bottom of the screen. You will find a heal
potion in the chest. At the top of the town is a broken church. There is
nothing special in here. Check the inn next and you will find an Angel's
Prayer. When you are done, head to the war council at the centre of the
town. A guy called Kaiser is in charge here. After discussing your
defence strategy. Come back in and you will find a Star Dust at the
bottom left of the room. Talk to Ravits and choose the second option
when you are ready.

Go up to the city wall near the front gate to relieve the soldier on duty
there. The screen will then switch to the night time. As expected, the
enemies will attack at night. You will fight your battles with Dart and
Ravits here. You will begin by fighting two normal soldiers. Be sure to
use Guard to heal up when you are low on HP. Next you will have to fight
a special force from Sandra:

-> Boss: Sandra special soldier (Dark)

This guy is pretty tough. He has a magic attack the can damage both of
your characters and his normal physical attacks are also quite strong.
After you have drained away half of his HP, he will begin to cast a spell
that divides himself into 3 "shadows". The illusion will collapse when
you manage to hit the true body. Guard when it does that. The true body
is the one that uses magic attacks. You will get a Heal Blitz for
defeating this guy. After the fight, you will see their commander. He is
a giant named Kongol. He is the last of the Giganto race and you will
have to fight him.

-> Boss: Kongol (Earth)

Kongol has very high physical attack and defence. He will begin attacking
with his axe but he would later throw it away in favour of his charge
attacks. It can also grab both of your characters at the same time and
do some serious damage. He will counter attack automatically if you miss
any timing input of your Additional combo. Try to use the simplest
Additionals if you are not very good at Timing Inputs. When you have
"defeated" him, Dart will charge up for a normal killing stroke, as
always. But Kongol will have it defected this time. Dart fell and Kongol
will try to chop him in pieces with his axe. Guess what? The dark
mysterious woman in the beginning of the game will fly down and save
Dart. She will then awaken the power inside Dart and he will transform
into a Dragoon. Kongol fell but escaped. You will receive a Power Wrist
for defeating him. Dart will then collapse through exhaustion.

When you are awake, you will be introduced to Rosé, the Dragoon woman who
saved your life more than once. Be grateful and tell Shana the truth! She
will then tell you something about Dragoon. After the event, you will be
told to go to the humid terrain to help the soldiers in the stronghold in
there. It seems that they have found some strange creatures including a
dragon in those areas. When you try and exit the town, Rosé will show you
how to fight as a Dragoon. When you are done, head back to the world map
again. From this moment on, you will be able to change your fighting
party at any time you want. Now, it is a good time to head back to Bel to
get the Star Dust in the kitchen of Ravits' house. Head to the Humid
Terrain afterwards.

- The 7th Stronghold -

The Humid Terrain is a swampy area. Head north to the 7th Stronghold and
help the fight in there. You will have to fight six battles in here
before you can get into the Stronghold. A sergeant will fight you at the
last battle. It seems that the Stronghold is wiped out after the fight.
Get the chest at the branch outside the Stronghold for a San Rhapsody.
Go into the Stronghold. Get another San Rhapsody at the right hand side
of the entrance. The left chest contains a Heal Potion. There is also a
Star Dust at the fireplace. Talk to the dying soldier at the bottom and
you will receive a Fighter's Charm. The chest at the far right contains a
Spirit Potion. Go out through the left exit and you can get a Lance for
Ravits. Head back to the first screen when you are done.

Travel left by walking on the branches to a second screen. Get on the
boat. The first stop will take you to a chest that contains a Spirit
Potion. The second stop will take you to another chest that contains a
[Bannauto] and you will get a Body Clear in the third stop. Continue the
boat trip and it will take you to the final stop on the next screen.
There are two chests. One contains a Magical Sealing Stone and the other
contains a Faint Guard. Go back and travel north and you will get a
sequence with Shana on Dart's back. She is the source of trouble, isn't
she? Continue north and you will be back on the world map.

- A Trip Through a Volcano -

Follow the guide and you will end up in the Wild Volcano. At the first
screen, you will see a giant bird coming up from the magma. A bad sign...
Your character will try and run away to the second screen. You can get
a Spear Frost in this next screen. Continue on and you will find a Mind
Clear in the chest at the left. At the top of the screen, you can either
go left or right. Go right first and get a Panic Guard there. Go left
and you will find a save point, a very bad sign indeed. In the next area,
you will find some rocks floating on magma. Follow the way across and
Shana will run out to the left. Something is bothering her. At the next
screen, you will notice a statue. Rosé tells you that it is a creature of
the Winged that are left over from the Dragoon War 11,000 years ago. As
you are talking, it comes to life and attacks.

-> Boss: Varaz (Void) - Head, Body and Arm

This guy has three parts. Killing the head will kill it. The Arm has very
little HP, but will regenerate every now and then. It does only physical
attacks. The body has more HP, and it does not seem to regenerate. It can
attack all with the status effect Fear. Try and get rid of the body
first. The head has a very strong beam attack that can do up to 100
points of damage. Guard when low on HP. Use Rosé's Astral Drain to do
some serious damage to this monster. After the fight, you will get a Mind
Clear and 2 Heal Potions.

Proceed to the right exit and you will notice a guy trapped at the top of
a cliff. Let's go and help him! He is called Dabas, an antique merchant
in Loan. He will give you a Pika Pika Bag. Continue your journey round
a pool of magma and the giant bird you saw at the entrance will attack.
It seems there is no escape.

-> Boss: Roc Raken (Fire)

This guy is quite fast and it has an annoying attack that attacks all the
whole party. It can also summon 4 fireball buddies from the magma to give
you some good amount of damage every now and then. Have Rosé use Astral
Drain several times and it should be dead very quickly. You will get a
Red Eye Stone when you defeat it. Continue up and grab 50G from a chest
there. Talk to Dabas again and he will sell you some items:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Dancing Ray - 20G
Stone Grain - 10G

When you are done, exit north to the world map and continue your journey
to Dragon's Lair.

- Graham and the Green Dragon -

Go north and you will get a sequence. Rosé thinks that the forest is
"poisoned" and Shana feels pretty uncomfortable. After a short rest, you
will be able to continue. You will fall to an underground terrain in the
third screen. At the bottom of the cave is a recovery pond. Make good use
to it. There are two sections in this area. You are supposed to touch the
mushrooms in the upper area to kill the plant that are blocking the
paths. There is a few chests here. The one in the upper level contains a
Sprit Potion. The one at the lower left contains a Body Clear. The one at
the centre right has a bravery charm and the top chest has a Mind Clear.
When you are done, head north pass the save point and you will be greeted
by an old friend of Ravits. Graham will begin an argument with Ravits
about honours and stuffs, and then you will have to fight him and his
green dragon. He has the Dragon Spirit of the Jade Green Dragon and he
will transform into a Dragoon. He will also mention a name, Emperor Dues,
a name known only in the legend of the Dragoon War 11,000 years ago.

-> Boss: Graham (Wind) and Green Dragon Ferubrand (Wind)

Finally, you get to fight the monster you saw at the beginning of the
game. It turns out that this Green Dragon is not that difficult. What
more can I say? Have Rosé use Astral Drain again! These guys will be
defeated pretty quickly. You will get a Down Bust and a Plate Mail for
chopping up these guys.

After the battle, Ravits will inherit the Jade Green Dragon Spirit. Rosé
will mention something about "fate" again. Shana will fall afterwards. It
seems that Dart should have left her in the prison after all... She got
herself poisoned and Ravits suggests going to Loan to find the famous
physician there. Go back above ground and head south first. Get a
chain mail in the chest at the far end. Go all the way back and exit
north. You will be back on the world map.

- Dragony Grass -

Follow the guide and enter Loan. You will automatically go to the
hospital. The physician Sanatol will tell you that he has never, in his
long life, seen such poison before. He thinks he cannot do anything
unless you can find the legendary Dragony Grass. But its existence is
only a legend. You can do anything yet, so forget about Shana and explore
the Commercial City of Loan.

The city is arranged in an inverted "U" shape. Let's start from the
hospital and going kind of semi-clockwise. In the room opposite the
hospital, you will find a chest with 200G. Above that room is a pub. You
can go up to the roof in here, but there is nothing special. The inn is
at the top. Then you will get into a room with a big bird outside the
window. The next room has a secret panel. You can get in by using the
action button. Go below and you will find a Star Dust at the fireplace.
The next room is the merchant guild. Then you will go to the item shop:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Spin Gale - 10G
Gas Magma - 20G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

Above the item shop is the weapon shop. It sells an Legendary Helm at
an outrageous price. But trust me, it will be worth the while if you can
afford it later in the game. Other items include:

Lance - 100G
Cap - 60G
Legendary Helm - 10000G
Active Ring - 200G
Protector - 200G
Panic Guard - 300G
Power Wrist - 200G
Fighter's Guide - 1000G

Head to the far right and visit Dabas in his shop. He will mention about
the Dragony Grass and the way to get through the plant in Dragon's Lair.
Talk to him again and he will give you a special bag. You will now be
able to play the PocketStation Mini-game Moguruu Dabas. Don't forget to
get a Star Dust in an ancient suit of Armour in his shop.

Go down to the city below using the stairs in the centre of the town. A
street merchant will try and sell you a jar for 100 million G. Well, this
is the commercial city after all, and it seems you can bargain your price
down. I think you can buy the jar for as low as 100G. Go right and get
100G in the chest next to a cage. Search the box opposite the chest and
you will find a Star Dust. Go back to the entrance of the city. Search
the bottle on the right for another Star Dust. When you are done, exit
to the world map and head back to Dragon's Lair.

Go back underground to the recovery pond. Get some water in there and
go south to the second screen. Try and exit north and Dart will pour
some recovery water on the strange plant in there. You will be able to
exit to the world map from there. Follow the guide and you will reach
Sharlie's Temple.

- Sharlie the Silver Dragoon -

All chests are empty in this place and you will also find notes around
the place. It seems that someone has explored this place already. At the
entrance, Rosé will tell you to bring out your Dragon Spirits and it
seems they resonant with this place. Continue through. You will find a
recovery point if you exit to the right. If you go left, you will be able
to turn a wheel to reveal another exit but there really is nothing in
here. Continue north and you will find a 3 digit password dial. Since you
don't know the password yet, you should continue on. Climb the stairs up
and you will find yet another box. If you open it however, you will fall
into a little cart that will take you around the temple. You will get the
password 3, 5, and 2 during the journey. Go back to the password dial and
enter the password. A new exit will open up. Climb the stair and you will
see two statues. Turn to golden one to face front and the silver one to
face left and you will be able to proceed. At the top area, you will find
a save point. If you continue on, a guy named Drake will attack.

-> Boss: Drake (Wind)

He can throw knives at you for some decent damage. Every now and then he
will throw out three bombs. The bombs will roll toward your characters.
They will do a massive amount of damage if you don't manage to stop them
before they explode. Drake can also cast a protective web in front of
him. If he does that, you will not be able to get to him until you
manage to destroy the web. Concentrate your attacks on Drake (because he
can heal himself). A few Astral Drains and he should be dead very soon.

Sharlie will come out when Drake is defeated. Apparently, Drake was only
trying to "protect" Sharlie from intruders. Well, maybe. She will
recognise Rosé, isn't that odd? She tells you that there is no Dragony
Grass, but she can help Shana by giving you her Silver Dragon Spirit.
This Dragon Spirit is special because it possesses a magical healing
power. But before you walk off with it, she will test your personalities
first. Just use Guard during this fight. You will get a Q and A session.
Don't worry about giving the wrong answer. She will ask again if she is
not satisfied.

First she will ask you why you are fighting. You should answer with the
second option that it is because you are trying to protect your love
ones. Then Sharlie will morph into Shana. She will ask you why you went
away for your journey. You will answer with the second option that you
are looking for the Dark Devil. Then she will ask you what you want to
do afterwards and you will answer with the first option that you are
going to take your revenge. Then she will ask you what you will do after
all these and you will answer with the first option that you are going
to protect Shana.

She will then morph into Albert and he will ask Ravits these questions.
His majesty will ask you why you are not following order. You should have
returned to him after the fight and not come here. You will answer with
the second option that Ravits will tell Albert that it is not what he
thought. He will tell you that as a soldier, you will have to follow
orders and think of the country as a whole. So you will answer with the
first option telling Albert that you cannot see a friend dying.

Then Sharlie will be back to herself and she will ask your each of your
characters a question. Answer whatever you like and you will have her
"defeated". You will win a Silver Stone after the battle.

Sharlie will then give you her Silver Dragon Spirit. She will ask you to
heal Drake with it. Dart will trigger its power by using his own Dragon
Spirit. When Drake is back to life, Sharlie disappears. Go get the
treasure inside the building. There are 9 chests. Seven of them contain
20G each. The other ones contain a Heal Blitz and a Demon's Turret for
Rosé. Head back to Loan when you are done.

Once you are in Loan, go to the hospital and you will trigger a sequence.
Dart will lay the Silver Dragon Spirit on Shana. But before he took out
his to trigger it, it triggers on its own and Shana is restored to full
health. The physician thinks it is a miracle and so he will not charge
you anything for the "care" he has given. He will then tell you about the
Hero Contest, currently being held in the Arena in Loan. So head down to
the arena.

- Hero Contest -

Dart will decide to participate in the contest when you talk to the
register at the right screen and choose the second option. You will have
to fight a series of battles in here. None of them are difficult - all
except the last battle. The final battle against Lloyd is impossible to
win. (It reminds me of Star Ocean 2...) You will also meet a familiar
face in the waiting room. Hatchel is a friend of Dart. They met several
years ago while Dart was on his journey looking for the Dark Devil.
Hatchel fights with martial arts, a style called "Dragon and Tree". If
all goes well, Lloyd will be the Champion, and Dart and Hatchel will be
the runner-ups of the contest.

1st Battle: Golgaga (Void) - he cheats by using poison on you in the
first round but you can easily beat him.
2nd Battle: Serfis (Fire) - this guy in heavy armour is pretty easy.
3rd Battle: Dadon (Earth) - another heavy armour guy. He has a reduce-
to-1-HP attack, otherwise, he is pretty easy.
4th Battle: Atlow (Dark) - this guy fights with bows and arrows. He will
attack your pressure points. When you are attacked 5 times,
it will trigger a special attack that does more damage.
Other then that he will be defeated if you just keep hitting.
5th Battle: Lloyd (Void) - All attacks from Dart will miss. You will
"finish" each other at the end and Dart will admit that Lloyd
is much stronger.

Ravits will come into the waiting room after the fight. Dart will
introduce him to Hatchel. Ravits will tell you to find Shana. Shana is at
the entrance. Watch the comical sequence when Hatchel is introduced to
the "girls". Ravits will give you some tickets and you can use them to
have a go at the mini-games. When you are done, talk to Ravits. He will
ask Dart why he is not holding Shana's hand. Dart will tell him that he
treats Shana as a sister... Try and exit the city after the sequence. You
will get a sequence with a dying cavalry. You will be told that King
Albert has been captured by the enemies. He is now being kept in Helraina
Prison and they are planning to have him executed very soon. Ravits will
be agitated and Hatchel will come out and have him "calmed" down. After
the sequence, your party will decide to go to Helraina Prison to save
Albert. Hatchel will join at this point.

- An Untimely Death -

Go Southeast from Loan and you will get to Helraina Prison. Instead of
hiding in a merchant cart, Ravits will jump the gate, kill the guards and
have the gate opened for you. As before, you will not get any random
encounters in here. All encounters are touch based. You will get a
sequence of Furyugel the prison chief and he is going to execute Albert
at sunrise.

There are a few guards in the prison, and the merchant is still there. He
will sell you some new items:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Midnight Terror - 20G
Thunder Ball - 20G

Go to where the broken elevator was. It seems that it is working now. Go
up using the elevator and stop at the "first floor". Go up the ladder and
get a Leather Armour. Come back and walk into the exit and you will come
out below. There is an exit to the right and two on the left. Go right
and continue on and you be back in some familiar areas. Get a Field Hat
in the first chest and a Survival Ring in the second. (Survival Ring is
one of the most useful accessories. You will recover 10% HP per battle
turn.) Go all the way back and enter the first exit to the left and up
another elevator. Get a Thunder Ball at the right chest. Go down the
broken ladder and get a Silver Vest for the ladies. Go to the far right.
Get a [100 Ghost At Night] in the chest there. When you are done, take
the main elevator up. Get a Short Bow in the chest in the next area and
continue on.

You will be back in a familiar screen with many guards. Here they will
trigger a trap and your characters will fall down in an underground
cavern. Open the chest in there for a Smell Bag. Search the right hand
wall to reveal an exit and a monster will attack.

-> Boss: Jango (Earth)

Kill it quickly. Have Rosé use Astral Drain several times and it should
be dead very soon. You will get another Smell Bag for winning this
battle. The exit will also opens up after the fight and your party will
run off, leaving Shana and Hatchel. Shana was pretty jealous of the type
of friendship that can develop between the boys (Dart and Ravits), but
Hatchel will tell her that these things take time and she will have
Dart's heart eventually. Continue up and you will be blocked by a few
guards. Fight them and open the chest there with a Heal Potion. Fight
your way up and you will be back on familiar ground. Fight more guards
again and follow the guard that ran off. You will find yet more guards
in the next screen. Fight your way through and you will be up in an open
area. There is a save point there with 3 chests. Open them to get a broad
sword, a spear and 20G.

It seems the sun is just going to rise at this point and Furyugel is
going to have our king executed. But of course, our party will arrive
just on time for the show. Now see who die first! Time to fight.

-> Boss: Furyugel (Earth), Gafdas (Dark) and Lodrigas (Wind)

This time, you will have to fight the prison chief and his pets. Kill
Gafdas the doggie first because it has an attack that causes confusion
to the whole party. Handle Lodrigas the birdie next. Both of them are
quite easy. Just keep hitting them with normal attacks will do. (Have a
character use Special to turn everyone into Dragoon if any one of your
characters is confused.) Have Rosé use Astral Drain to heal up and have
Ravits use Flower Storm (if you have already got it) to reduce the
damage. The fight should not last too long if you are careful. Ravits
will charge up and finish Furyugel when you have done enough damage.

That's not the end. The Dark Mantle Man will come and he is doing
something to Albert. He will take the Moon Jewel, an artefact of some
sort, from him. Ravits will charge up to defend his king. Turning into a
Dragoon, Ravits will try to attack the Dark Mantle Man. The Dark Mantle
Man is faster though and a strange looking sword will appear and it will
pierce through Ravits' heart.

Surprise, surprise! Ravits is dead and the Dark Mantle Man is Lloyd! He
will escape with the Moon Jewel, but the Jade Green Dragon Spirit will
float from Ravits to Albert. You will also get a Gravity Grabber after
this scene. From this on, Albert will replace Ravits and he will have all
of Ravits' statistics.

Your characters will be back in Celes automatically where they will
recover from the event. Albert will tell you that Ravits is more than a
subject of his. He was his personal friend as well. Rosé will mention
that the name of Lloyd's sword is called Dragon Buster, an ancient
artefact for slaying dragons. Even the most powerful Dragoon will not be
able to stand against its might - hence the death of Ravits. Talk to
everyone when you are back in control. Albert will tell you that the Moon
Jewel is an artefact that was left over from the Dragoon War 11,000 years
ago. Nobody knows its use now, only that it is an important artefact. It
seems there are more than one Moon Jewel though and they are currently
held by the other royal households around the world.

After the talk, the party will decide to go to the Black Castle and take
on Emperor Doyle. You will then get a short sequence in Black Castle
where Doyle will be talking to Lloyd. Go back to the world map after
that. Go through the Forest and go south west. The Capital City of
Cathas, Black Castle is just south of Loan.

- Doyle The Emperor -

There is much to explore in Cathas. Enter the first room on the left by
the entrance and search a barrel near the doorway and you will find a
Star Dust. Enter the opposite room and talk to the guy at the counter.
He will ask you whether you want to register as a soldier as well.
Answer yes and talk to the person in the counter for 100G. Go upstairs
and search the pile and you will get another Star Dust. Also get an
Attack Jade from the chest there. Back to the street. The second exit to
the left is an inn. The one on the right is a room with a chest that
contains a Twister Grab for Albert. There is not much in the third exit
to the left, except some people practising their speeches. The door to
the right is a weapon shop. A customer will get arrested just when you
come in. Search the pile at the left hand side of the counter for another
Star Dust. The weapon shop sells:

Heat Blade - 150G
Long Bow - 150G
Armet - 100G
Iron Boot - 100G

Go north. The guards in the front gate of Black Castle won't let you
pass, so you should go to the shanty town to see if you can get some
help. Go down into the first door. There is a Star Dust there if you
search the bookshelf above the entrance. Go down on the left. In the
next area, go to the left door first and you will find a "shopping"
area. There are two Star Dusts here if you search the barrels to the
bottom left and the barrels just below the stairs to the left. At the
right hand side is an item shop:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Dark Mist - 10G
Fatal Blizzard - 20G

At the top is a healing platform and a "secret" weapon shop. It sells:

Fake Power Wrist - 100G
Fake Knight Shield - 100G

Exit and try the left door. A kid will block the way and he will ask you
some question. The first question is on who you think will win the war
and you will answer with the third option that you think it will be
neither side. Then he will ask you what you should be fighting for and
you will give the third option telling him that you should fight for your
family. The third question is what you will be fighting for. You will
answer with the second option that you will be fighting to protect.

He will then introduce himself as Bobo, a representative in the New
Seldio Party. He will be surprised when Albert introduces himself. He
will then tell you that he knows of a way into the Black Castle. You can
save at a save point at the right. Talk to Bobo at the top when you are
done. He will open a way for you to go into the basement of the Black

You will be inside some underground tunnels with ropes to go up and down.
Climb down the first rope at the top and get 20G from the chest. Go to
the far right and climb down that rope. You will be able to go down and
enter the Black Castle from the basement. Climb the ladder up and you
will be inside a room with a few guards. Like Helraina Prison, you don't
any random fights in the Black Castle. All encounters are touched based.

Fight your way through and get a Spark Net in the chest. Exit and you
will be inside the front entrance to the Castle. Fight the guards there
and make your way into the entrance hall. Ignore the guards posted at the
north. Exit right and into a room with a strange looking column at the
centre. This is a research facility occupied by two researchers. One is
in a green robe and the other is in a white robe. You will get a sequence
with them and they will tell you that that centre column, the purple
flame, is the power source in the Black Castle. It contains Magic Oil
that can be used to drive the elevators. Get some and you will be able
to use it on the slots next to the elevators. You can also use the
recovery point developed by the white robed researcher.

Continue right and put examine the slot next to the elevator, Dart will
put some Magic Oil in it and you can now go down using the elevator.
There are more researchers in the next room. Continue down and you will
reach a disposal area for magical waste. Get across the platform and try
to avoid the falling rocks. You can get a Red Stone from the chest there.
Go back to the other side and go down the ladder. (If you fell from the
platform, you will end up here as well.) You will be down at a disgusting
looking screen. Get a Trance Light and a Dark Mist from the chests in

Back at the entrance hall, go left and use the elevator to go up. Go
round the gallery. Fight the guard in there and continue on. You will
get into another research area. A guy in there will show you, the
intruders, some of his most powerful magic but he will turn himself into
a puppy instead. You can get a Blue Stone from the chest in there.

Now, it is time to fight the guards that are posted in front of the north
elevator at the entrance hall. Use the elevator to go up after the fight.
You will be at the second floor of the castle. You can go round in this
area. If you go anti-clockwise, you will go to a screen with a kitchen
and a storeroom. There is a Best Fang in the chest there. Continue and
you will find a lift up. (If you continue going left, you will end up
back on the first screen.) Take the elevator up to the third floor.
Three guards are practising in here. They will challenge you to a fight,
in turn. Fight them and continue on. Take the lift there and you will be
inside a room with a captain. Talk to him and he will recognise Shana.
Apparently, he is the guy at the opening CG. He was the one who captured
Shana in the beginning of the game! But he will tell you that he was only
trying to follow order and he does not want to fight you now. He thinks
his emperor has gone mad because of Lloyd. He will help you by giving you
a Yellow Stone. He tells you that these Stones are keys in the Black

Back down and continue on. The lift there will take you down, but you
will want to continue going right. Fight the guard there to go up. In the
upper hall, there is a special guard on duty there and you will have to
fight him as well. Go to the far right after the fight and take the tram
car there. You will be taken to a construction site. Get the items in the
chests there. They contain a Spirit Ring and a Spear Frost. Go back and
take the lift there and you will get a Spin Gale in the chest in that

Make your way back to where you fought the three practising guards in
turn and you will be able to take the lift up. You will be inside a large
hall with a large statue of some goddess. There is also a save point
there. Talk to the priest at the foot of the statue and then examine the
triangle next to the save points. Put your Red, Blue and Yellow Stones in
the slots and an exit will open up at the bottom of the statue. Get in
there and take the lift up the inside of the goddess... Exit to the
right. You will meet Kongol again when you are in the next area. He is in
full armour this time and you will have to fight him again.

-> Boss: Kongol (Earth)

He doesn't have any group attacks this time, but he is very fast and he
is very powerful. He has an attack where he will summon a wall behind
your character, stick your character onto it and hit the character until
the wall breaks. This attack can do serious damage. He will create a
magic barrier if you try and attack him with spells. Not much to say
here, you should keep hitting him with Additionals, Guard when your
character is low on HP. It is just a matter of time when he will be
defeated. You will get a Fighter's Guidance for winning the battle.

Continue on if you think your party is still pretty strong after
fighting Kongol. But I recommend going all the way back to the room with
the two researchers and use the recovery point next to the white robed
researcher to heal. You will probably want to save at the save point at
the hall with the Goddess statue as well. Go into the hall of audience
when you are done.

Doyle is alone in the hall of audience. Albert will greet him as Uncle
Doyle, but will challenge him on his past for killing his father and
splitting the kingdom. He will mention the name Deus, the holy emperor
again and it seems Lloyd is working for this Deus fellow and they are
trying to obtain all the Moon Jewels from around the world. In any case,
he will challenge you to a fight.

-> Boss: Emperor Doyle (Thunder)

He attacks with two big swords. They can do some damage, but nothing
serious because all attacks are targeted on single characters. Kill
attacking him. Guard when your characters are low on HP. Try and keep
your HP up at this fight. Once you have managed to do enough damage, he
will use the power of his Dragon Spirit and turn into a Dragoon!

-> Boss: Purple Electric Dragoon Doyle (Thunder)

Now, he is the final boss of Chapter One, so don't expect the fight to be
easy. He has around 3000HP and has some nasty all effects attacks. Have
Rosé use Astral Drain a few times if you have her in the party. If you
have Albert, you should cast Flower Storm to reduce the damage done to
your characters. If you have got Dart's Final Bust, use it. When you have
reduced his HP to about half, he will cast a magic shield on himself. It
will block all your attacks. Just Guard at this point and wait for the
shield to disappear. When you have done enough damage, Dart will charge
up and finish him. He will collapse. Before he dies, he will tell you to
chase after Lloyd because to stop his mission to destroy the world. He
will tell you that Lloyd has gone to the kingdom of Tiberoa. You
will get nothing for winning this fight.

Your party will then decide to go the Tiberoa, but Hatchel wants to back
away. He was promptly stopped by the Purple Electric Dragon Spirit.
Hatchel will inherit the Dragon Spirit and he will decide to come with
you. This will conclude Chapter One.


- Area Flow Chart -

The Capital City of [Fletch], Twin Castle -> Deserted Land -> The Flower
Capital of [Donau] -> Deserted Land -> The Capital City of [Fletch], Twin
Castle -> Deserted Land -> Gravity Breakdown Valley -> [Giant's City] ->
The Flower Capital of [Donau] -> The Capital City of [Fletch], Twin
Castle -> The Flower Capital of [Donau] -> The Queen Phili -> Ghost Ship
-> The Village of [Ridiela] -> Underwater Cave -> The Town of [Phino] ->
The Village of [Ridiela] -> Underwater Cave -> The Capital City of
[Fletch], Twin Castle -> End of Disc 2

*Full walkthrough to be implemented*


- Area Flow Chart -

The Water Capital of [Farni] -> Coniferous Forest -> The Capital City of
[Denningrad], Crystal Castle -> The Forest of the Winged, Forbidden Land
-> The Capital City of [Denningrad], Crystal Castle -> Coniferous Forest
-> Mt. Dead Dragon -> The Capital City of [Denningrad], Crystal Castle ->
[Cashua] Glacier -> [Fulanbel] Tower -> [Cashua] Glacier -> Snow Ground
-> The Capital City of [Belweb] -> End of Disc 3

*Full walkthrough to be implemented*


- Area Flow Chart -

Death Frontier -> The Spring Town of [Wurara] -> The Capital City of
[Fletch], Twin Castle -> The Frontier Town of [Luzu] -> The Magic Capital
of [Agulus] -> The Law Capital of [Jenebatos] -> The Death Capital of
[Mefil] -> Divine Tree -> The Moon -> Ending Sequence

*Full walkthrough to be implemented*


Thanks to SCEI ( for producing an evil grey box
called PlayStation and for producing this nice and addictive game.
Thanks to GameFAQs ( for providing a place for
this document.
Thanks to YOU for reading.

:-) Matt


This document is intended for personal reference only. This document can
be distributed freely so long as I am fully credited and that none of the
parts are changed.

home work if you want to make money. Life is tough.

Copyright (c) 2000 Happy Matt. All rights reserved.

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16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Plot Analysis

16.Октябрь 2013
Special Monsters Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Complete Guide

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Secret Quest

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Story Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Dropped Item Chart

13.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +3 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
Patch für die japanische NTSC Version (XPS) .

12.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014
11.Февраль 2016