The Legend of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon

14.10.2013 10:51:49




-Revision history
-Chapter 1 (Disc 1) - The War in Seldio
-1.0 Area Flow Chart
-1.1 Home's Burning
-1.2 Rescue
-1.3 Escape
-1.4 Shana's Mystery
-1.5 Ravits' Home
-1.6 Dragoon Rosé
-1.7 The 7th Stronghold
-1.8 A Trip through a Volcano
-1.9 Graham and the Green Dragon
-1.10 Dragony Grass
-1.11 Sharlie the Silver Dragoon
-1.12 Hero Contest
-1.13 An Untimely Death
-1.14 Doyle the Emperor
-Chapter 2 (Disc 2) - The Silver Conspiracy
-2.0 Area Flow Chart
-2.1 Where Is Lloyd?
-2.2 Thief Gang
-2.3 The Number One Dancer
-2.4 Emil and Lisa
-2.5 Zero Gravity
-2.6 Giant's City
-2.7 Who's Princess Emil?
-2.8 Queen Philly
-2.9 Ghost Ship
-2.10 Dart and Rosé
-2.11 Reunion
-2.12 Leenus
-2.13 Dart and Shana
-Chapter 3 (Disc 3) - Fate and Spirit
-3.0 Area Flow Chart
-3.1 Water City
-3.2 Wolf Hunting
-3.3 Denningrad
-3.4 Meru's Secret
-3.5 Staff of Dragon Seal
-3.6 Destruction
-3.7 The Divine Dragon King
-3.8 Captured
-3.9 The Last Moon Artefact
-3.10 Lloyd's Intention
-3.11 Emperor Deus and the Secret of the Dark Demon
-Chapter 4 (Disc 4) - The Setting Moon and the Final Fate
-4.0 Area Flow Chart
-4.1 Death Frontier
-4.2 Cities of the Winged
-4.3 Hatchel's Home
-4.4 The Magic Capital
-4.5 The Law Capital
-4.6 The Death Capital
-4.7 The Divine Tree
-4.8 The Setting Moon
-4.9 Final Confrontation
-Appendix A - Optional Areas
-A.1 Magician Elder Fausta (Fulanbel Tower)
-A.2 The Stronghold of Magrad (Snow Field)
-A.3 The Dragoon Towers (Capital City of Belweb)
-Appendix B - List of Equipment and Items
-B.1 Weapon
-B.2 Helmet
-B.3 Armour
-B.4 Footwear
-B.5 Accessory
-B.6 Item
-Legal Note



Version 0.0 - 25 February 2000
- Completed walkthrough on Chapter One.

Version 0.05 - 12 March 2000
- Continued on Chapter 2 walkthrough.

Version 0.1 - 20 March 2000
- Completed walkthrough on Chapter Two.

Version 0.15 - 24 March 2000
- Continued on Chapter 3 walkthrough.

Version 0.2 - 25 March 2000
- Completed walkthrough on Chapter Three.
- A new section is added for the optional areas.

Version 0.25 - 28 March 2000
- Continued walkthrough on Chapter Four.
- Completed appendix section for Optional Areas.
- Also added a short paragraph on the opening CG.

Version 0.3 - 30 March 2000
- Walkthrough completed.

Version 0.4 - 31 March 2000
- Added list of equipment.
- Checked consistency of equipment names.

Version 0.5 - 15 April 2000
- Added list of items.



I have never intended to write anything long for this game. But since I
have received many emails asking me various questions about the game, I
think it may just be easier if I simply write a short walkthrough for the
whole game. This guide will not contain everything. Please refer to my
other guides if you want more information about the characters, the
Additional skills, the Dragoons and the Star Dust Mini-game. The most
updated versions are posted to GameFAQs at

The Legend of Dragoon is a Japanese styled console RPG developed by
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan. It is a large development with the
size of 4 CD-ROM. It is compatible with the DUALSHOCK analogue
controller and the PocketStation. It requires 1 block of memory for
saving the game, and 9 blocks if you want to play the PocketStation
mini-game, Moguuru Dabas.

*Note* This guide is written based on the Japanese version of the game.
Some of the features may change when the game is translated. Also, I
have tried my best to translate the names. It may not be totally correct.
I put [square brackets] around names I am not too confident with. (I do
not speak Japanese, but I can understand much of the scripts based on
experience of playing Japanese titles. I also have a Japanese-English
dictionary with me most of the time for doing the translations.)*

In addition, I shall warn you that this document contains major SPOILERS.
Do not read on unless you are prepared, as I'll have the major plot
revealed in this walkthrough. (Hopefully, this will facilitate people who
do not understand the story.)

I do make mistakes. If you spot any errors in this document, please send
me an email. Any positive suggestions are also welcomed.



- 1.0 - Area Flow Chart -

Opening Sequence -> The Village of [Celes] -> Forest -> [Helraina] Prison
-> Grassland -> Limestone Cave -> The Capital City of [Bel], [Inderus]
Castle -> The Village of [Hocus] -> Humid Terrain -> Wild Volcano
-> Dragon's Lair -> The Commercial City of [Loan] -> Dragon's Lair ->
Sharlie's Temple -> The Commercial City of [Loan] -> [Helraina] Prison
-> The Village of [Celes] -> The Capital City of [Cathas], Black Castle
-> End of Disc 1

- 1.1 - Home's Burning -

The opening sequence shows an army raiding a small town at night. They
will find an unconscious girl lying in the ruin. The commander of the
army will produce a device in his hand. He will have the device placed
on the girl's forehead. A strange glow will appear under the moon light.
It seems like they have been looking for this mysterious yound lady for
some time already. They will then take her with them.

After watching the nice CG opening, you will get a sequence where a
mysterious woman will spot a "green tooth dragon" in the forest. (Well,
The game says it is a dragon, but I think it looked more like a giant
grasshopper.) Our hero, while returning home, will meet the same
soldiers who attacked the village during the opening movie. They will
confront Dart, but will run away when they see the "dragon". Dart will
try to run away from the "dragon" as well, but it looks pretty hungry.
Just when he is about to get eaten, the mysterious woman will jump down
and help Dart. The woman will tell Dart that she is a Dragoon and she
will tell him that a nearby village has been attacked. Dart is alarmed
because Celes is his home and destination. So he will excuse himself and
run into the village.

Once you are in control, go down and across the fence, and you will see
2 soldiers kicking a villager. You will enter your first fight in the

They are pretty easy and you will get 2 Heal Potion if you kill both of
them. Talk to the villager who was kicked and he will tell you to rescue
Shana and before he die. There is a save point in here. Next to it is a
chest containing a [Bannauto]. Go left to the next screen. It seems that
the mayor is hurt but it is not life threatening. He will also tell you
to help Shana. An enemy sergeant will spot you. He will tell you that
Shana has been sent to Helraina, a high security prison. He will then
attack with two other soldiers:

-> Boss: Sergeant (Dark) and Sandra Empire Soldier (Fire) x2

The sergeant can cause some damage but nothing serious. Kill the soldiers
first. Guard when you are low on HP. You will get two Heal Potions and
a [Bannauto] if you kill all of them.

Proceed to the left and talk to the guy near the exit. He is Master
Tasman who will show you how the Additional system works. Also check the
third grave from the left for a Star Dust. Exit the village through the

- 1.2 - Rescue -

Once you are in control, you will be on the world map. Your location is
South Seldio. Follow the guide and you will arrive in a Forest. Enter the
Forest and you will see a merchant who will sell you these items:

Heal Potion - 10G
Body Clear - 10G
[Bannauto] - 10G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

The merchant will also show you how to use items during battle. There is
a chest on the right above the exit. It contains a Heal Potion. Proceed
left and get a Dispel Evil Perfume in the chest above the bridge. You
will be in a forest maze in the next screen. The exit is at the bottom
left. The chest on the left contains a [Bannauto] and the one on the
right contains 20G. Continue down the path and you will exit the area
into the world map.

Proceed to Helraina Prison. The prison is a fortress located at the
seaside. Follow the merchant cart into the prison. Jump into the cart
when it is going through the gate. When you are in control, go to the
top left exit and grab a [Bannauto] in the chest. Come back to the first
room. When you try to exit / talk to the merchant, he will call a guard
and you will be engaged in a fight automatically. After the easy fight,
the merchant will "help" you and he will sell you items if you talk to
him again:

Heal Potion - 10G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Spark Net - 10G

*Note: you cannot get all the chests in this area yet. The chests will
be available when you come back in a later event.*

There is no random encounters in the prison. You will engage in fights
only if you are touched by prison guards. Once engaged in a fight, you
will not be able to escape. The prison guard can do some damage, and so
you should remember that you can recover HP by Guarding. There are three
exits in the next screen. The top exit is back to the front gate, which
is blocked. The left exit leads you to an elevator which is out of order.
The right exit up the stairs is where you want to go.

Go across the bridge to a save point. Go into a dormitory next to the
save point. Take care of the guards if you want. Grab the items in the
chests next to the bed on the left. One of them contains an Angel's
Prayer and the other contains a Leather Jacket (for Shana). The chest
near the centre fireplace contains 50G. Go back outside and take the
lift upstairs. Exit to the left and you will be in a prison tower.

Once in the tower, you will get a sequence automatically. After the
battle with 3 prison guards, Ravits (Level 3) will join you. The prison
tower is circular, and it cycles around if you exit through the left or
the right. You can collect items in the cells. There is nothing in the
cell in the first screen. If you go clockwise, the second screen is the
exit and there are two cells in the third screen. The chest in the left
cell contains 20G and the one in the right contains a [Spark Net].

Exits through the second screen and a guard will come down from above.
After the fight, take the elevator up. Go left and enter a room with lots
of guards. Don't worry because they won't see you. Go up the ram and you
will find a key to the right hand tower, where Shana is held. Go into the
right tower. If you go clockwise again, you will find 20G in the cell in
the next screen. In the next screen, you will find 3 guards blocking the
entrance to Shana's cell. Fight them and go inside. Shana is very happy
to see Dart again. After much talk, Ravits will tell you to hurry and you
will be attacked by 3 more guards. Shana will join the party after the
fight. You can also get 20G in the chest in the cell to the right.

Time to escape. Go all the way back to the entrance. Save if you want.
You will meet the merchant again and he will sell you the same items.
At the entrance, you will be greeted by [Furyugel] the prison chief.
You will have to fight him. You will have to fight two normal prison
guards first. When these are killed. He will summon two more powerful

-> Boss: [Furyugel] (Earth), Prison Guards (Fire) x2 and Advanced Prison
Guards (Fire) x2

The first two prison guards are easy, but the advanced prison guards are
more powerful. They can cast Power Up to increase their physical defence
and they have a final attack that damages all your party members.
Furyugel has some strong attacks, but all of them can only damage one
character. The strategy is basically the same. Guard when your character
is low on HP. Keep attacking with you Additional skills and you will soon
be able to defeat all of them. You will get 4 Heal Potions and a Knight
Shield for defeating these guys. After the fight, your characters will
escape by stealing the nearby horses, and you will be back in the world
map automatically.

- 1.3 - Escape -

The way back home through the forest will be blocked. So, go the other
way and you will arrive in the Grassland. Apparently, the guards are
still chasing you. Ravits will got shot by an arrow, but nothing too
serious. Your characters will hide behind a tree in the next screen.
After you have control again, exit left to find a hut. Enter the hut and
you will get a sequence about Dart's past.

When Dart was young, his place of birth was destroyed by a "Dark Devil".
Both his parents perished during this attack, but Dart was saved because
he was hidden by his parents. So it seems that everyone were dead except
himself. When he came back to the ruin the next day, he found a shiny
object that he believed to have belonged to his father. It is the only
thing left from his father, and to this day Dart still has that in
possession. Apparently, he was adopted by the good people in Celes, but
he could not forget about his past. He set out for a journey five years
ago in search of the Dark Devil. When he could not find anything, he
came back to his "new" home at the beginning of the game, only to find
that it is also destroyed.

The characters will then decide to go to the Capital City of Bel,
Inderus Castle to see King Albert. In the hut, you can recover by
examining the chair again. Go out of the hut and go north. Examine the
tree trunk there and go back to the hut to grab an axe. After the event,
go back to where your characters hid and go north. The tree trunk will
float there and you will be able to get across the river. In the next
screen, there is a chest above the exit with an Angel's Prayer. Talk to
the family to the left. They are from [Cathas], and so they think that
you are enemy. But being the nice guy, Ravits gave the hungry kid some
food, and the family is very grateful. There doesn't seem to be anything
special in this area, so exit through the left.

- 1.4 - Shana's Mystery -

So you are back on the world map. Follow the guide and enter the
Limestone Cave. Open the chest above the cliff for an Explosive Stone.
Fall into the first stream for a chest that contains 20G. Fall into the
same stream again, but hold right, then hold down, and you will get
access to the chest that contains a bastard sword (for Dart). Exit the
room and you will be in an area where you will have to jump across some
rocks. Ravits will fall towards the end, but Dart will save his life.
Grab the items in the chests as well. The one on the left contains a
Body Clear and the one on the right contains a Fog Dispel.

In the next area, go through the top right exit first to get 100G from
the chest. Go back to the centre area and you will discover a recovery
point. The chest there contains an Angel's Prayer and the one at the top
contains a [Bannauto]. You can take advantage of the recovery point here
to gain some good levels for your Additional skills. Exit to the bottom
right when you are done. Get a Dispel Evil Perfume from the chest there
and go north. You will have to play hide and seek with a little creature
there. Once you manage to catch it, it will drop you a chest that
contains a Poison Guard. The chest at the top left contains a Spark Net.

Go back to the previous screen and exit to the right, and you will be
inside a large cave with a save point. The chest on the left contains a
Body Clear and the one on the right contains a Bandana (which is
useless). Save here if you want. If you have been training your
characters, you should have more than one Poison Guards. Equip them to
the most powerful characters. Now try and exit through the top and you
will be attacked by a giant snake which is obviously the guardian of the

-> Boss: Uroboros (Earth)

The Uroboros is not very difficult if you are fighting with the correct
strategy. Nearly all the attacks from this guy can cause the Poison
status. But you will be OK if your characters have the Poison Guards
equipped. Attack only with the characters who have Poison Guards equipped
and the other characters should defend. (Your characters are immune to
negative statuses while defending.) You will get a Fighter's Charm for
defeating this guy.

The apparently dead snake will try to attack Shana again, but just before
she gets eaten, a mysterious force will try and protect her and the snake
will be destroyed. May be that's why the enemies wanted her so badly.

Exit left after the event. Get the items in the two chests in this area.
The first chest contains a Heal Potion and the second contains 50G. Exit
to the world map and head to the Capital City of Bel.

- 1.5 - Ravits' Home -

Bel is the first proper town in the game. So before you go and see King
Albert, you should explore the town first. In the first screen, go to the
left house and talk to the painting girl and she will paint a portrait of
Ravits. Get 50G from the chest in there. Next go underneath the fountain.
Unfortunately, a drunk is blocking the way here and he seems to want more
alcohol. Head back above. There is an item shop in the far right. It
sells these items:

Heal Potion - 10G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Spear Frost - 10G
Meteor Fall - 10G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

Next to the item shop is an inn. You can rest there for 10G. There is a
pub in front of the inn. The bartender will sell you a bottle if you talk
to him. Go through the exit between the item shop and the inn. Examine
the well to get a Star Dust. Talk to man in the left house and he will
tell you about Star Dust. There is a stable on the right, but there is
nothing there yet. Ravits' house is at the top, but Ravits wants to see
the king first. Go back to the first screen and go left. Go down the
basement of the left house and you will find a secret chamber, but you
cannot get through to it yet. There is a weapon shop near the top:

Bastard Sword - 60G
Shiny Bow - 50G
Scale Armour - 50G
Leather Jacket - 50G
[Saret] - 40G
Poison Guard - 200G
Panic Guard - 300G
Faint Guard - 200G
Courage Charm - 300G
Knight Shield - 200G

There is a Star Dust at the bottom part of the weapon shop. The exits to
the right and the far right will both go to the same area. There is a
library and a hospital here. You can cure bad statuses in the hospital
for a price and you can read some information in the library if you know
Japanese. When you are done, continue north to Castle Inderus.

Time to explore the castle. Everyone seem glad to see Ravits again. On
the ground floor, you will find a Shiny Bow for Shana. The fireplace also
contains a Star Dust. Go upstairs to first floor. Go down the ladder near
the exit and continue down to the underground area. Turn the wheel there.
Come back up and get 50G from the left chest. Go upstairs to second
floor. Get a Star Dust at the top left platform. Open the right chest for
a Spear Frost. Go round the bottom and down the ladder and you will find
an Active Ring in the chest. Go upstairs and you will be greeted by King
Albert. It seems Albert is a Ravits' personal friend. He will introduce
Dart and Shana to Albert and they will begin to talk about the history of
the world. You will get a sequence about the War of Dragoon 11,000 years
ago. If you look carefully, you will notice the man in dark mantle at the
right hand side of Albert. What's he doing here. Isn't he supposed to be
on the other side?

Anyway, Shana will walk over to the balcony after the talk. Follow her
there and Ravits will join. The characters will then decide to go to
Hocus to relieve the situation in there. But Ravits will invite you to
his house first. Time for more exploration. Go back to the first screen.
Head to the exit beneath the fountain. If you have got the drink from
the pub, the drunk will move away and you will be able to go through.
Make you way down the hidden corridor. Watch out for a hidden chest that
contains 20G. At the end of the corridor, you will find a boat. You can
now go for a tour around town. When you stop in front of a door, choose
the second option to get off. Check the north wall for a Star Dust. Go
all the way back and head to Ravits' house.

Ravits' mom is glad to have him back. She will also think the Shana is
going to be her future daughter-in-law. You have the choice to either
agree or disagree in here. Watch for Shana's reaction! After that, mom
will make you dinner and Shana will go and help. (Shana is never very
good in battles anyway...) Talk to Ravits and choose the 4th option and
he will agree to show you around his house. Go upstairs and check out the
bottom room. You will get to see a sequence where Ravits will talk about
himself. After dinner, you can grab 20G from the left chest, but mom
will be blocking the way to the kitchen that contains a Star Dust. Say
goodbye to her, but remember to come back later for the Star Dust. Go
upstairs to the roof and jump across to the stable. Walk across the beam
carefully, pressing the action button promptly whenever you get an
exclamation mark. Get a Heal Blitz there. Time to go to Hocus.

- 1.6 - Dragoon Rosé -

Follow the guide on the world map and head to Hocus. The town is built
like a fortress for the war. Ravits tells you to go to the war council,
but obviously you can explore the town first. Go to the left house and
down the basement, and you will find a Star Dust in the fireplace. Go
round the city wall at the bottom of the screen and enter the right. You
will find 20G in the chest. There is an old midwife downstairs. She will
tell you about the relationship between King Albert and his enemy,
Emperor Doyle. It seems Doyle is a brother of Albert's dad and it seems
that they have actually started the war for some really personally
reasons. After listen to the lady, you can go down to the sleeping area
beneath the city wall at the bottom of the screen. You will find a heal
potion in the chest. At the top of the town is a broken church. There is
nothing special in here. Check the inn next and you will find an Angel's
Prayer. When you are done, head to the war council at the centre of the
town. A guy called Kaiser is in charge here. After discussing your
defence strategy. Come back in and you will find a Star Dust at the
bottom left of the room. Talk to Ravits and choose the second option
when you are ready.

Go up to the city wall near the front gate to relieve the soldier on duty
there. The screen will then switch to the night time. As expected, the
enemies will attack at night. You will fight your battles with Dart and
Ravits here. You will begin by fighting two normal soldiers. Be sure to
use Guard to heal up when you are low on HP. Next you will have to fight
a special force from Sandra:

-> Boss: Sandra special soldier (Dark)

This guy is pretty tough. He has a magic attack the can damage both of
your characters and his normal physical attacks are also quite strong.
After you have drained away half of his HP, he will begin to cast a spell
that divides himself into 3 "shadows". The illusion will collapse when
you manage to hit the true body. Guard when it does that. The true body
is the one that uses magic attacks. You will get a Heal Blitz for
defeating this guy. After the fight, you will see their commander. He is
a giant named Kongol. He is the last of the Giganto race and you will
have to fight him.

-> Boss: Kongol (Earth)

Kongol has very high physical attack and defence. He will begin attacking
with his axe but he would later throw it away in favour of his charge
attacks. It can also grab both of your characters at the same time and
do some serious damage. He will counter attack automatically if you miss
any timing input of your Additional combo. Try to use the simplest
Additional skill if you are not very good at Timing Inputs. When you have
"defeated" him, Dart will charge up for a normal killing stroke, as
always. But Kongol will have it defected this time. Dart fell and Kongol
will try to chop him in pieces with his axe. Guess what? The dark
mysterious woman in the beginning of the game will fly down and save
Dart. She will then awaken the power inside Dart and he will transform
into a Dragoon. Kongol fell but escaped. You will receive a Power Wrist
for defeating him. Dart will then collapse through exhaustion.

When you are awake, you will be introduced to Rosé, the Dragoon woman who
saved your life more than once. Be grateful and tell Shana the truth! She
will then tell you something about Dragoon. After the event, you will be
told to go to the humid terrain to help the soldiers in the stronghold in
there. It seems that they have found some strange creatures including a
dragon in those areas. When you try and exit the town, Rosé will show you
how to fight as a Dragoon. When you are done, head back to the world map
again. From this moment on, you will be able to change your fighting
party at any time you want. Now, it is a good time to head back to Bel to
get the Star Dust in the kitchen of Ravits' house. Head to the Humid
Terrain afterwards.

- 1.7 - The 7th Stronghold -

The Humid Terrain is a swampy area. Head north to the 7th Stronghold and
help the fight in there. You will have to fight six battles in here
before you can get into the Stronghold. A sergeant will fight you at the
last battle. It seems that the Stronghold is wiped out after the fight.
Get the chest at the branch outside the Stronghold for a San Rhapsody.
Go into the Stronghold. Get another San Rhapsody at the right hand side
of the entrance. The left chest contains a Heal Potion. There is also a
Star Dust at the fireplace. Talk to the dying soldier at the bottom and
you will receive a Fighter's Charm. The chest at the far right contains a
Spirit Potion. Go out through the left exit and you can get a Lance for
Ravits. Head back to the first screen when you are done.

Travel left by walking on the branches to a second screen. Get on the
boat. The first stop will take you to a chest that contains a Spirit
Potion. The second stop will take you to another chest that contains a
[Bannauto] and you will get a Body Clear in the third stop. Continue the
boat trip and it will take you to the final stop on the next screen.
There are two chests. One contains a Sealing Stone and the other contains
a Faint Guard. Go back and travel north and you will get a sequence with
Shana on Dart's back. She is the source of trouble, isn't she? Continue
north and you will be back on the world map.

- 1.8 - A Trip Through a Volcano -

Follow the guide and you will end up in the Wild Volcano. At the first
screen, you will see a giant bird coming up from the magma. A bad sign...
Your character will try and run away to the second screen. You can get
a Spear Frost in this next screen. Continue on and you will find a Mind
Clear in the chest at the left. At the top of the screen, you can either
go left or right. Go right first and get a Panic Guard there. Go left
and you will find a save point, a very bad sign indeed. In the next area,
you will find some rocks floating on magma. Follow the way across and
Shana will run out to the left. Something is bothering her. At the next
screen, you will notice a statue. Rosé tells you that it is a creature of
the Winged that are left over from the Dragoon War 11,000 years ago. As
you are talking, it comes to life and attacks.

-> Boss: Varaz (Void) - Head, Body and Arm

This guy has three parts. Killing the head will kill it. The Arm has very
little HP, but will regenerate every now and then. It does only physical
attacks. The body has more HP, and it does not seem to regenerate. It can
attack all with the status effect Fear. Try and get rid of the body
first. The head has a very strong beam attack that can do up to 100
points of damage. Guard when low on HP. Use Rosé's Astral Drain to do
some serious damage to this monster. After the fight, you will get a Mind
Clear and 2 Heal Potions.

Proceed to the right exit and you will notice a guy trapped at the top of
a cliff. Let's go and help him! He is called Dabas, an antique merchant
in Loan. He will give you a Pika Pika Bag. Continue your journey round
a pool of magma and the giant bird you saw at the entrance will attack.
It seems there is no escape.

-> Boss: Roc Raken (Fire)

This guy is quite fast and it has an annoying attack that attacks all the
whole party. It can also summon 4 fireball buddies from the magma to give
you some good amount of damage every now and then. Have Rosé use Astral
Drain several times and it should be dead very quickly. You will get a
Red Eye Stone when you defeat it. Continue up and grab 50G from a chest
there. Talk to Dabas again and he will sell you some items:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Dancing Ray - 20G
Stone Grain - 10G

When you are done, exit north to the world map and continue your journey
to Dragon's Lair.

- 1.9 - Graham and the Green Dragon -

Go north and you will get a sequence. Rosé thinks that the forest is
"poisoned" and Shana feels pretty uncomfortable. After a short rest, you
will be able to continue. You will fall to an underground terrain in the
third screen. At the bottom of the cave is a recovery pond. Make good use
to it. There are two sections in this area. You are supposed to touch the
mushrooms in the upper area to kill the plant that are blocking the
paths. There is a few chests here. The one in the upper level contains a
Sprit Potion. The one at the lower left contains a Body Clear. The one at
the centre right has a Courage Charm and the top chest has a Mind Clear.
When you are done, head north pass the save point and you will be greeted
by an old friend of Ravits. Graham will begin an argument with Ravits
about honours and stuffs, and then you will have to fight him and his
green dragon. He has the Dragon Spirit of the Jade Green Dragon and he
will transform into a Dragoon. He will also mention a name, Emperor Dues,
a name known only in the legend of the Dragoon War 11,000 years ago.

-> Boss: Graham (Wind) and Green Dragon Ferubrand (Wind)

Finally, you get to fight the monster you saw at the beginning of the
game. It turns out that this Green Dragon is not that difficult. What
more can I say? Have Rosé use Astral Drain again! These guys will be
defeated pretty quickly. You will get a Down Bust and a Plate Mail for
chopping up these guys.

After the battle, Ravits will inherit the Jade Green Dragon Spirit. Rosé
will mention something about "fate" again. Shana will fall afterwards. It
seems that Dart should have left her in the prison after all... She got
herself poisoned and Ravits suggests going to Loan to find the famous
physician there. Go back above ground and head south first. Get a
chain mail in the chest at the far end. Go all the way back and exit
north. You will be back on the world map.

- 1.10 - Dragony Grass -

Follow the guide and enter Loan. You will automatically go to the
hospital. The physician Sanatol will tell you that he has never, in his
long life, seen such poison before. He thinks he cannot do anything
unless you can find the legendary Dragony Grass. But its existence is
only a legend. You can do anything yet, so forget about Shana and explore
the Commercial City of Loan.

The city is arranged in an inverted "U" shape. Let's start from the
hospital and going kind of semi-clockwise. In the room opposite the
hospital, you will find a chest with 200G. Above that room is a pub. You
can go up to the roof in here, but there is nothing special. The inn is
at the top. Then you will get into a room with a big bird outside the
window. The next room has a secret panel. You can get in by using the
action button. Go below and you will find a Star Dust at the fireplace.
The next room is the merchant guild. Then you will go to the item shop:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Spin Gale - 10G
Gas Magma - 20G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

Above the item shop is the weapon shop. It sells an Legendary Helm at
an outrageous price. But trust me, it will be worth the while if you can
afford it later in the game. Other items include:

Lance - 100G
Cap - 60G
Legendary Helm - 10000G
Active Ring - 200G
Protector - 200G
Panic Guard - 300G
Power Wrist - 200G
Fighter's Guidance - 1000G

Head to the far right and visit Dabas in his shop. He will mention about
the Dragony Grass and the way to get through the plant in Dragon's Lair.
Talk to him again and he will give you a special bag. You will now be
able to play the PocketStation Mini-game Moguuru Dabas. Don't forget to
get a Star Dust in an ancient suit of Armour in his shop.

Go down to the city below using the stairs in the centre of the town. A
street merchant will try and sell you a jar for 100 million G. Well, this
is the commercial city after all, and it seems you can bargain your price
down. I think you can buy the jar for as low as 100G. Go right and get
100G in the chest next to a cage. Search the box opposite the chest and
you will find a Star Dust. Go back to the entrance of the city. Search
the bottle on the right for another Star Dust. When you are done, exit
to the world map and head back to Dragon's Lair.

Go back underground to the recovery pond. Get some water in there and
go south to the second screen. Try and exit north and Dart will pour
some recovery water on the strange plant in there. You will be able to
exit to the world map from there. Follow the guide and you will reach
Sharlie's Temple.

- 1.11 - Sharlie the Silver Dragoon -

All chests are empty in this place and you will also find notes around
the place. It seems that someone has explored this place already. At the
entrance, Rosé will tell you to bring out your Dragon Spirits and it
seems they resonant with this place. Continue through. You will find a
recovery point if you exit to the right. If you go left, you will be able
to turn a wheel to reveal another exit but there really is nothing in
here. Continue north and you will find a 3 digit password dial. Since you
don't know the password yet, you should continue on. Climb the stairs up
and you will find yet another box. If you open it however, you will fall
into a little cart that will take you around the temple. You will get the
password 3, 5, and 2 during the journey. Go back to the password dial and
enter the password. A new exit will open up. Climb the stair and you will
see two statues. Turn to golden one to face front and the silver one to
face left and you will be able to proceed. At the top area, you will find
a save point. If you continue on, a guy named Drake will attack.

-> Boss: Drake (Wind)

He can throw knives at you for some decent damage. Every now and then he
will throw out three bombs. The bombs will roll toward your characters.
They will do a massive amount of damage if you don't manage to stop them
before they explode. Drake can also cast a protective web in front of
him. If he does that, you will not be able to get to him until you
manage to destroy the web. Concentrate your attacks on Drake (because he
can heal himself). A few Astral Drains and he should be dead very soon.

Sharlie will come out when Drake is defeated. Apparently, Drake was only
trying to "protect" Sharlie from intruders. Well, maybe. She will
recognise Rosé, isn't that odd? She tells you that there is no Dragony
Grass, but she can help Shana by giving you her Silver Dragon Spirit.
This Dragon Spirit is special because it possesses a magical healing
power. But before you walk off with it, she will test your personalities
first. Just use Guard during this fight. You will get a Q and A session.
Don't worry about giving the wrong answer. She will ask again if she is
not satisfied.

First she will ask you why you are fighting. You should answer with the
second option that it is because you are trying to protect your love
ones. Then Sharlie will morph into Shana. She will ask you why you went
away for your journey. You will answer with the second option that you
are looking for the Dark Devil. Then she will ask you what you want to
do afterwards and you will answer with the first option that you are
going to take your revenge. Then she will ask you what you will do after
all these and you will answer with the first option that you are going
to protect Shana.

She will then morph into Albert and he will ask Ravits these questions.
His majesty will ask you why you are not following order. You should have
returned to him after the fight and not come here. You will answer with
the second option that Ravits will tell Albert that it is not what he
thought. He will tell you that as a soldier, you will have to follow
orders and think of the country as a whole. So you will answer with the
first option telling Albert that you cannot see a friend dying.

Then Sharlie will be back to herself and she will ask your each of your
characters a question. Answer whatever you like and you will have her
"defeated". You will win a Silver Stone after the battle.

Sharlie will then give you her Silver Dragon Spirit. She will ask you to
heal Drake with it. Dart will trigger its power by using his own Dragon
Spirit. When Drake is back to life, Sharlie disappears. Go get the
treasure inside the building. There are 9 chests. Seven of them contain
20G each. The other ones contain a Heal Blitz and a Demon's Tiltat for
Rosé. Head back to Loan when you are done.

Once you are in Loan, go to the hospital and you will trigger a sequence.
Dart will lay the Silver Dragon Spirit on Shana. But before he took out
his to trigger it, it triggers on its own and Shana is restored to full
health. The physician thinks it is a miracle and so he will not charge
you anything for the "care" he has given. He will then tell you about the
Hero Contest, currently being held in the Arena in Loan. So head down to
the arena.

- 1.12 - Hero Contest -

Dart will decide to participate in the contest when you talk to the
register at the right screen and choose the second option. You will have
to fight a series of battles in here. None of them are difficult - all
except the last battle. The final battle against Lloyd is impossible to
win. (It reminds me of Star Ocean 2...) You will also meet a familiar
face in the waiting room. Hatchel is a friend of Dart. They met several
years ago while Dart was on his journey looking for the Dark Devil.
Hatchel fights with martial arts, a style called "Dragon and Tree". If
all goes well, Lloyd will be the Champion, and Dart and Hatchel will be
the runner-ups of the contest.

1st Battle: Golgaga (Void) - he cheats by using poison on you in the
first round but you can easily beat him.
2nd Battle: Serfis (Fire) - this guy in heavy armour is pretty easy.
3rd Battle: Dadon (Earth) - another heavy armour guy. He has a reduce-
to-1-HP attack, otherwise, he is pretty easy.
4th Battle: Atlow (Dark) - this guy fights with bows and arrows. He will
attack your pressure points. When you are attacked 5 times,
it will trigger a special attack that does more damage.
Other then that he will be defeated if you just keep hitting.
5th Battle: Lloyd (Void) - All attacks from Dart will miss. You will
"finish" each other at the end and Dart will admit that Lloyd
is much stronger.

Ravits will come into the waiting room after the fight. Dart will
introduce him to Hatchel. Ravits will tell you to find Shana. Shana is at
the entrance. Watch the comical sequence when Hatchel is introduced to
the "girls". Ravits will give you some tickets and you can use them to
have a go at the mini-games. When you are done, talk to Ravits. He will
ask Dart why he is not holding Shana's hand. Dart will tell him that he
treats Shana as a sister... Try and exit the city after the sequence. You
will get a sequence with a dying cavalry. You will be told that King
Albert has been captured by the enemies. He is now being kept in Helraina
Prison and they are planning to have him executed very soon. Ravits will
be agitated and Hatchel will come out and have him "calmed" down. After
the sequence, your party will decide to go to Helraina Prison to save
Albert. Hatchel will join at this point.

- 1.13 - An Untimely Death -

Go Southeast from Loan and you will get to Helraina Prison. Instead of
hiding in a merchant cart, Ravits will jump the gate, kill the guards and
have the gate opened for you. As before, you will not get any random
encounters in here. All encounters are touch based. You will get a
sequence of Furyugel the prison chief and he is going to execute Albert
at sunrise.

There are a few guards in the prison, and the merchant is still there. He
will sell you some new items:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Midnight Terror - 20G
Thunder Ball - 20G

Go to where the broken elevator was. It seems that it is working now. Go
up using the elevator and stop at the "first floor". Go up the ladder and
get a Leather Armour. Come back and walk into the exit and you will come
out below. There is an exit to the right and two on the left. Go right
and continue on and you be back in some familiar areas. Get a Field Hat
in the first chest and a Survival Ring in the second. (Survival Ring is
one of the most useful accessories. You will recover 10% HP per battle
turn.) Go all the way back and enter the first exit to the left and up
another elevator. Get a Thunder Ball at the right chest. Go down the
broken ladder and get a Silver Vest for the ladies. Go to the far right.
Get a [100 Ghost At Night] in the chest there. When you are done, take
the main elevator up. Get a Short Bow in the chest in the next area and
continue on.

You will be back in a familiar screen with many guards. Here they will
trigger a trap and your characters will fall down in an underground
cavern. Open the chest in there for a Smell Bag. Search the right hand
wall to reveal an exit and a monster will attack.

-> Boss: Jango (Earth)

Kill it quickly. Have Rosé use Astral Drain several times and it should
be dead very soon. You will get another Smell Bag for winning this
battle. The exit will also opens up after the fight and your party will
run off, leaving Shana and Hatchel. Shana was pretty jealous of the type
of friendship that can develop between the boys (Dart and Ravits), but
Hatchel will tell her that these things take time and she will have
Dart's heart eventually. Continue up and you will be blocked by a few
guards. Fight them and open the chest there with a Heal Potion. Fight
your way up and you will be back on familiar ground. Fight more guards
again and follow the guard that ran off. You will find yet more guards
in the next screen. Fight your way through and you will be up in an open
area. There is a save point there with 3 chests. Open them to get a broad
sword, a spear and 20G.

It seems the sun is just going to rise at this point and Furyugel is
going to have our king executed. But of course, our party will arrive
just on time for the show. Now see who die first! Time to fight.

-> Boss: Furyugel (Earth), Gafdas (Dark) and Lodrigas (Wind)

This time, you will have to fight the prison chief and his pets. Kill
Gafdas the doggie first because it has an attack that causes confusion
to the whole party. Handle Lodrigas the birdie next. Both of them are
quite easy. Just keep hitting them with normal attacks will do. (Have a
character use Special to turn everyone into Dragoon if any one of your
characters is confused.) Have Rosé use Astral Drain to heal up and have
Ravits use Flower Storm (if you have already got it) to reduce the
damage. The fight should not last too long if you are careful. Ravits
will charge up and finish Furyugel when you have done enough damage.

That's not the end. The Dark Mantle Man will come and he is doing
something to Albert. He will take the Moon Jade, an artefact of some
sort, from him. Ravits will charge up to defend his king. Turning into a
Dragoon, Ravits will try to attack the Dark Mantle Man. The Dark Mantle
Man is faster though and a strange looking sword will appear and it will
pierce through Ravits' heart.

Surprise, surprise! Ravits is dead and the Dark Mantle Man is Lloyd! He
will escape with the Moon Jade, but the Jade Green Dragon Spirit will
float from Ravits to Albert. You will also get a Gravity Grabber after
this scene. From this on, Albert will replace Ravits and he will have all
of Ravits' statistics.

Your characters will be back in Celes automatically where they will
recover from the event. Albert will tell you that Ravits is more than a
subject of his. He was his personal friend as well. Rosé will mention
that the name of Lloyd's sword is called Dragon Buster, an ancient
artefact for slaying dragons. Even the most powerful Dragoon will not be
able to stand against its might - hence the death of Ravits. Talk to
everyone when you are back in control. Albert will tell you that the Moon
Jade is an artefact that was left over from the Dragoon War 11,000 years
ago. Nobody knows its use now, only that it is an important artefact. It
seems there are more than one Moon artefact and they are currently held
by the other royal households around the world.

After the talk, the party will decide to go to the Black Castle and take
on Emperor Doyle. You will then get a short sequence in Black Castle
where Doyle will be talking to Lloyd. Go back to the world map after
that. Go through the Forest and go south west. The Capital City of
Cathas, Black Castle is just south of Loan.

- 1.14 - Doyle The Emperor -

There is much to explore in Cathas. Enter the first room on the left by
the entrance and search a barrel near the doorway and you will find a
Star Dust. Enter the opposite room and talk to the guy at the counter.
He will ask you whether you want to register as a soldier as well.
Answer yes and talk to the person in the counter for 100G. Go upstairs
and search the pile and you will get another Star Dust. Also get an
Attack Jade from the chest there. Back to the street. The second exit to
the left is an inn. The one on the right is a room with a chest that
contains a Twister Grab for Albert. There is not much in the third exit
to the left, except some people practising their speeches. The door to
the right is a weapon shop. A customer will get arrested just when you
come in. Search the pile at the left hand side of the counter for another
Star Dust. The weapon shop sells:

Heat Blade - 150G
Long Bow - 150G
Armet - 100G
Iron Boots - 100G

Go north. The guards in the front gate of Black Castle won't let you
pass, so you should go to the shanty town to see if you can get some
help. Go down into the first door. There is a Star Dust there if you
search the bookshelf above the entrance. Go down on the left. In the
next area, go to the left door first and you will find a "shopping"
area. There are two Star Dusts here if you search the barrels to the
bottom left and the barrels just below the stairs to the left. At the
right hand side is an item shop:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Dark Mist - 10G
Fatal Blizzard - 20G

At the top is a healing platform and a "secret" weapon shop. It sells:

Fake Power Wrist - 100G
Fake Knight Shield - 100G

Exit and try the left door. A kid will block the way and he will ask you
some question. The first question is on who you think will win the war
and you will answer with the third option that you think it will be
neither side. Then he will ask you what you should be fighting for and
you will give the third option telling him that you should fight for your
family. The third question is what you will be fighting for. You will
answer with the second option that you will be fighting to protect.

He will then introduce himself as Bobo, a representative in the New
Seldio Party. He will be surprised when Albert introduces himself. He
will then tell you that he knows of a way into the Black Castle. You can
save at a save point at the right. Talk to Bobo at the top when you are
done. He will open a way for you to go into the basement of the Black

You will be inside some underground tunnels with ropes to go up and down.
Climb down the first rope at the top and get 20G from the chest. Go to
the far right and climb down that rope. You will be able to go down and
enter the Black Castle from the basement. Climb the ladder up and you
will be inside a room with a few guards. Like Helraina Prison, you don't
any random fights in the Black Castle. All encounters are touched based.

Fight your way through and get a Spark Net in the chest. Exit and you
will be inside the front entrance to the Castle. Fight the guards there
and make your way into the entrance hall. Ignore the guards posted at the
north. Exit right and into a room with a strange looking column at the
centre. This is a research facility occupied by two researchers. One is
in a green robe and the other is in a white robe. You will get a sequence
with them and they will tell you that that centre column, the purple
flame, is the power source in the Black Castle. It contains Magic Oil
that can be used to drive the elevators. Get some and you will be able
to use it on the slots next to the elevators. You can also use the
recovery point developed by the white robed researcher.

Continue right and put examine the slot next to the elevator, Dart will
put some Magic Oil in it and you can now go down using the elevator.
There are more researchers in the next room. Continue down and you will
reach a disposal area for magical waste. Get across the platform and try
to avoid the falling rocks. You can get a Red Stone from the chest there.
Go back to the other side and go down the ladder. (If you fell from the
platform, you will end up here as well.) You will be down at a disgusting
looking screen. Get a Trance Light and a Dark Mist from the chests in

Back at the entrance hall, go left and use the elevator to go up. Go
round the gallery. Fight the guard in there and continue on. You will
get into another research area. A guy in there will show you, the
intruders, some of his most powerful magic but he will turn himself into
a puppy instead. You can get a Blue Stone from the chest in there.

Now, it is time to fight the guards that are posted in front of the north
elevator at the entrance hall. Use the elevator to go up after the fight.
You will be at the second floor of the castle. You can go round in this
area. If you go anti-clockwise, you will go to a screen with a kitchen
and a storeroom. There is a Best Fang in the chest there. Continue and
you will find a lift up. (If you continue going left, you will end up
back on the first screen.) Take the elevator up to the third floor.
Three guards are practising in here. They will challenge you to a fight,
in turn. Fight them and continue on. Take the lift there and you will be
inside a room with a captain. Talk to him and he will recognise Shana.
Apparently, he is the guy at the opening CG. He was the one who captured
Shana in the beginning of the game! But he will tell you that he was only
trying to follow order and he does not want to fight you now. He thinks
his emperor has gone mad because of Lloyd. He will help you by giving you
a Yellow Stone. He tells you that these Stones are keys in the Black

Back down and continue on. The lift there will take you down, but you
will want to continue going right. Fight the guard there to go up. In the
upper hall, there is a special guard on duty there and you will have to
fight him as well. Go to the far right after the fight and take the tram
car there. You will be taken to a construction site. Get the items in the
chests there. They contain a Spirit Ring and a Spear Frost. Go back and
take the lift there and you will get a Spin Gale in the chest in that

Make your way back to where you fought the three practising guards in
turn and you will be able to take the lift up. You will be inside a large
hall with a large statue of some goddess. There is also a save point
there. Talk to the priest at the foot of the statue and then examine the
triangle next to the save points. Put your Red, Blue and Yellow Stones in
the slots and an exit will open up at the bottom of the statue. Get in
there and take the lift up the inside of the goddess... Exit to the
right. You will meet Kongol again when you are in the next area. He is in
full armour this time and you will have to fight him again.

-> Boss: Kongol (Earth)

He doesn't have any group attacks this time, but he is very fast and he
is very powerful. He has an attack where he will summon a wall behind
your character, stick your character onto it and hit the character until
the wall breaks. This attack can do serious damage. He will create a
magic barrier if you try and attack him with spells. Not much to say
here, you should keep hitting him with Additional skills, Guard when your
character is low on HP. It is just a matter of time when he will be
defeated. You will get a Fighter's Guidance for winning the battle.

Continue on if you think your party is still pretty strong after
fighting Kongol. But I recommend going all the way back to the room with
the two researchers and use the recovery point next to the white robed
researcher to heal. You will probably want to save at the save point at
the hall with the Goddess statue as well. Go into the hall of audience
when you are done.

Doyle is alone in the hall of audience. Albert will greet him as Uncle
Doyle, but will challenge him on his past for killing his father and
splitting the kingdom. He will mention the name Deus, the holy emperor
again and it seems Lloyd is working for this Deus fellow and they are
trying to obtain all the Moon Artefacts from around the world. In any
case, he will challenge you to a fight.

-> Boss: Emperor Doyle (Thunder)

He attacks with two big swords. They can do some damage, but nothing
serious because all attacks are targeted on single characters. Kill
attacking him. Guard when your characters are low on HP. Try and keep
your HP up at this fight. Once you have managed to do enough damage, he
will use the power of his Dragon Spirit and turn into a Dragoon!

-> Boss: Purple Electric Dragoon Doyle (Thunder)

Now, he is the final boss of Chapter One, so don't expect the fight to be
easy. He has around 3000HP and has some nasty all-effect attacks. Have
Rosé use Astral Drain a few times if you have her in the party. If you
have Albert, you should cast Flower Storm to reduce the damage done to
your characters. If you have got Dart's Final Bust, use it. When you have
reduced his HP to about half, he will cast a magic shield on himself. It
will block all your attacks. Just Guard at this point and wait for the
shield to disappear. When you have done enough damage, Dart will charge
up and finish him. He will collapse. Before he dies, he will tell you to
chase after Lloyd to stop his mission to destroy the world. He will tell
you that Lloyd has gone to the kingdom of Tiberoa. You will get nothing
for winning this fight.

Your party will then decide to go the Tiberoa, but Hatchel wants to back
away. He was promptly stopped by the Purple Electric Dragon Spirit.
Hatchel will inherit the Dragon Spirit and he will decide to come with
you. This concludes Chapter One.



- 2.0 - Area Flow Chart -

The Capital City of [Fletch], Twin Castle -> Deserted Land -> The Flower
Capital of [Donau] -> Deserted Land -> The Capital City of [Fletch], Twin
Castle -> Deserted Land -> Gravity Breakdown Valley -> [Giant's City] ->
The Flower Capital of [Donau] -> The Capital City of [Fletch], Twin
Castle -> The Flower Capital of [Donau] -> The Queen Philly -> Ghost Ship
-> The Village of [Ridiela] -> Underwater Cave -> The Town of [Phino] ->
The Village of [Ridiela] -> Underwater Cave -> The Capital City of
[Fletch], Twin Castle -> End of Disc 2

- 2.1 - Where's Lloyd? -

You will be in the Capital City of Fletch at the beginning of Chapter 2.
You will begin by seeing a little flash of Lloyd going into the city.
Then your party will arrive. You will enter a beautiful city with rather
odd looking buildings. If you try to cross the bridge in the first
screen, you will get to see a sequence between Dart and Hatchel. Dart
will notice a little mark on the bridge with the word "Claire". He will
tell everyone that his mother is also called Claire. Hatchel will also be
surprise, because his runaway daughter is also called Claire. It seems
Hatchel has been searching for his daughter for 20 years now. Is he by
any chance related to Dart? Should Dart call him grand-dad? The other
party members think it must be a coincidence since the name Claire is
pretty common in this part of the world. Let's forget about Claire and
explore the town.

First have a look at the right hand side of the first screen. The first
house belongs to a normal folk and there is nothing special with it. next
door, up the stairs, is a bar. You can get a Star Dust if you examine the
wine cask just outside it. Talk to the barmaid Caffie and she will tell
you to come back later because they have not opened yet. Next to the bar
is an inn. The last door is locked.

At the other side of town, all the houses are locked. The first house
belongs to the guy who is working on some plants at the far left. It
seems he is working on some project to on environmental protections. If
you examine the stairs in a block above this house, you will find another
Star Dust. At the top left of the screen is a weapon shop. It sells:

Shadow Name - 200G
Chain Mail - 150G
Soft Boot - 100G
Poison Guard - 200G
Active Ring - 200G
Protector - 200G
Panic Guard - 300G
Faint Guard - 300G
Self Magic Bell - 300G
Power Wrist - 200G
Knight Shield - 200G
Fighter's Guidance - 1000G

Search the left box for a Star Dust. At the centre of the town is a
church. It seems they worship the stars in this city. At the top right
hand room, you can eavesdrop on a conversation between a couple. I think
the male is trying propose to the female or something. They will chase
you out when they saw you. At the left hand room, you can see a peaceful
star field simulation. Not much to do here, so go north to the next area
of the city.

The first left hand shop is a jewel shop. You can get a Star Dust at the
bottom left of the screen. The shop sells:

Ruby Ring - 1000G
Sapphire Brooch - 1000G
Emerald Pierce - 1000G
[Brachina] Necklace - 1000G

Try and go north and you will get into a sequence with Princess Emil of
the Twin Castle. She seems to be a nasty person. A pregnant woman will
try and ask her to name her new baby, but Emil will refuse and walk off.
After the sequence, go to the item shop just north of the jewel shop.
There is a Star Dust if you search the telescope. The shop sells:

Heal Potion - 10G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Trance Light - 10G
Black Rain - 20G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

Opposite these stores is a hospital complex, but nothing special. The way
to the Twin Castle is blocked by a guard and you won't be able to get in
yet. You can climb the ladder on the side to have a look at it though!

When you are finished looking at the Twin Castle, head back to the bar
and it is now opened. You will get a sequence with Caffie the barmaid and
she will tell you something about the history of this area. It seems they
are pretty advanced in astronomy in this city and they worship the
constellations. Talk to her again and Dart will ask whether she has seen
Lloyd. She does not seem to have, but she will tell you to find Festa
at night, who knows much about astrology and stuffs. It is night time
when you come out of the bar. You can check the previously locked houses
on the left, but there is nothing special about them. Check the house
next to the inn. It is Festa's house. Dart will ring the bell but nobody
will answer. Shana will try again with a shout and Festa will come out
and greet you. He will invite you into his house. He will tell you
something about the Moon and the legend of the Dark Devil. Unfortunately,
he has to rush off after that because he has to see princess Lisa. You
can have a look at the Moon using his telescope.

Head to the first house at the left hand side and you will be introduced
to Nero, the guy who was working on the plants outside her house and he
will tell you about his environmental project. However, it seems all
except Albert are bored by this conversation and they will all drift to
sleep after some time. The next morning, you will at the entrance area
automatically. It does not seem Lloyd has been in this area at all. As
usual, Rosé is completely uninterested in this conversation. Your
characters will decide to continue your journey to Donau, the Flower
Capital. But before you go, head back to the bar and you will get a
sequence with Mattel. It seems she is looking for some Star Dusts and she
promise to exchange give you some nice items if you can find some Star
Dusts for her. At this stage, you should have found 25 Star Dusts, so you
be able to get a Physical Ring and an Amulet from her.

- 2.2 - Thief Gang -

Head north and enter the Deserted Land. At the first screen, you will
find a Martial Artist's Robe for Hatchel at the right hand chest. Go
north and you will bump into three thieves from a gang called Gerihhi and
you will be engaged in a fight:

-> Boss: Mappi (Dark) and 2x Crafty Thieves (Dark)

They are quite fast and their attacks hit quite hard. But you should have
no trouble defeating these guys with Additional skills alone. Dart will
try and finish Mappi off as usual, but he will pretend to beg for
forgiveness. When Dart came close, he will try and attack and the Red Eye
Dragon Spirit will fall from Dart. Dart tried to grab it but Mappi was
faster. Rosé tried to attacked him as well, but he was very fast for a
thief and will escape with your Dragon Spirit. You will get a Fog Dispel
for winning this battle. Without the Dragon Spirit, Dart will no longer
be able to use Dragoon Skills. Your party will decide to continue on to
Donau anyway to collect more information about this thief gang.

Go north. Go through the first exit and up the ram, and you will get a
Recover Jade in the chest. Continue north and there is another chest.
This one contains 50G. Exit to the world map at top left. Continue north
and you will be in the Flower Capital of Donau.

- 2.3 - The Number One Dancer -

Donau is a beautiful city with flowers all over the place. However, you
will also find member of the thief gang all over the city. You will get
a sequence when you enter the town. It seems that a few days ago, some
thieves were trying to do something to a woman. While she was cornered,
Lloyd came out from behind the thieves and saved the day. The thieves ran
off. It seems that this woman is someone important. She is the third holy
lady of Mir Sezo. Her name is Wink.

Time to explore the town. You can find a Star Dust in a water pond near
the entrance of the town. Go to the first house on the right and you will
get a sequence with a woman named Kate. It seems her fiancé Lyn has been
abducted by the thief gang. She will tell you that Lyn is the mayor's son
and the thieves have forced him to send a letter to her. She don't know
what to do, but she will give you the letter to deliver to the mayor.

Go right and you will find the area where Wink was attacked. There is a
hospital on the left and a shop on the right. If you go into the shop,
you will find a few thieves in there. It seems they were having an
argument with the keeper of the weapon shop. The weapon shop is on the
left. It sells:

Silver Vest - 150G
Tiara - 150G

The item shop is on the right. It sells:

Heal Potion - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Rainbow Twister - 20G

Back to the first screen and you will find a church at the top and an inn
next to it. Exit to the left. Go forward and there is a bar on the left.
If you continue on, you will be in the harbour area overlooking the Elisa
Bay. Come back and go up the stairs to the mayor's house. Talk to the
butler and he will be alarmed by the letter. Your party will agree to
help because of your own reason. The mayor will tell you that the hideout
of the thieves is somewhere beyond the Gravity Breakdown Valley. After
the sequence, you can search the top left in the mayor's house for a Star
Dust. Come back down the stairs and you will see an event.

It seems a girl is confronting the thieves you saw in the weapon shop.
The girl will chase them away. (Or did they just see your party?) This
girl looks a lot like Lloyd because she also has silvery hair. She is
excited to see you guys and she wants to come with you. Meet Meru, the
self-proclaimed number one dancer in Donau. She claims to know about the
Gravity Breakdown Valley and she will tell you that you will need a
permit from the king in the Twin Castle to enter that area. She insists
joining you, but your characters will be sceptical because of her
appearance. After some persuasion, Dart will give in and she will join
the party. Head back to Fletch through the Deserted Land.

- 2.4 - Emil and Lisa -

Now how are you supposed to get the permit from the king when you cannot
even go into the castle? It seems Albert knows the king, but he'd rather
have his identity kept secret. Go to the entrance to the Twin Castle. The
guard will still block you. Meru will try to charge him to knock him down
but it doesn't work - of course. You will then be given an option to
either break in or to re-consider a better strategy. Whatever you choose,
the guard won't give in and you will have to find someone to introduce
you to the king. Perhaps Nero, Caffie or Festa can help? Go see Nero, but
it seems he is quite busy at the moment. The same goes to Caffie. Go and
see Festa and it seems he has gone out. Look around town for him.

It seems Festa is in the item shop looking at the giant telescope. It
seems he can help you. Go outside and walk north to talk to him again.
He will take you to his home and you will discuss your plan with him
there. It seems he is a minister in there. Follow him and he will bring
you to the audience chamber of King Zioll. He thinks that you are some
youngsters looking for adventure, but he will grant you a permit anyway.

Back at the entrance hall, you can search the right armour for a Star
Dust. When you try to leave, a maid called Libria will call out Albert's
name and you will be summoned to see princess Lisa in her room. It seems
that Lisa knew about Albert through her skills in astrology. She will
tell you about Emil. Apparently, Emil fell from a horse about half a year
ago and her personality has changed ever since. It will be Emil's 20th
birthday soon. As the heir to the throne, she will be presented with the
royal artefact, the Moon Dagger, as custom requires. Lisa is very worried
because it will probably be a bad idea to have the dagger presented to a
princess-gone-insane. After some talk, you will be invited to a royal
banquet. Hatchel and Meru were overjoyed when food is mentioned.

Talk to Libria and you will be brought into the royal dining room. It
seems Emil is behaving rather badly - she keeps making noise with her
cutlery and she is not too interested in the conversations. You will be
back in Lisa's balcony after dinner. Meru thinks she can help Emil - with
her hammer... The characters are pretty suspicious on Emil's condition
because falling from horseback should not trigger such personality
change. Enough worry, you will also be invited to stay in the a guest
room in the castle. Everyone will be very tired. Hatchel will ask Rosé
why she never smiles. She will tell you that she has forgotten how to and
went to bed. Shana and Albert are next to say good night. You can talk to
Hatchel or Meru afterwards. Meru will ask what's Hatchel's daughter
Claire was like. Hatchel thinks her daughter was a nice lady before she
went away. Hatchel thinks Meru is a complete opposite. You will be given
an option. Whatever you choose, Meru will go to sleep and Hatchel will
walk off. Time for bed yourself.

In the morning, you are free to explore the castle. Go upstairs and
examine the altar in the room at the basement of the right tower and you
will get another Star Dust. When you are done, head to the Gravity
Breakdown valley through the left exit of the Deserted Land.

- 2.5 - Zero Gravity -

Once you are in the valley, talk to the first guard. He will open the
door when he sees your permit. Go into the valley and get a sequence. It
seems this valley gets its property through the magic of the Winged. Meru
will kick a rock down its path. It will come back up and hit her right on
the head! Go left and down the steps for a Spirit Up in the chest. At the
top left is a recovery point. The chest on the right contains a smell
bag. When you are done with the recovery point, continue north.

Get up the branch and work your way through the maze. You can get a
Meteor Fall in the right hand chest. Continue North. The maze is getting
more complicated here. There are 3 ways to lead you to the screen above.
The first one will lead you to a chest that contains a Talisman. The
other one will lead you to a chest containing a Knight Helm. The last one
is the true exit and you will get a sequence. There is a save point here.
When you are done, try and exit to the north and you will be attacked by
the giant monster there. It is another [Varaz].

-> Boss: Varaz (Void)

Like the previous Varaz, this guy has multiple parts. This time, it has
a head, a body and two arms. You have to kill its head to kill it. Its
left arm can grab a character for an instant death attack. The right arm
can perform an all effect magical attack that hits quite hard. The arms
has very little HP but can regenerate. Try to get rid of the left arm all
the time to prevent the instant death attack. The body has a normal
physical attack and a magic attack that can inflict fear to all
characters. You can try to get rid of the body as well to prevent this
attack. Once you have got rid of the body, concentrate on the head. The
head has a magical attack that can hit pretty hard. If you have Albert,
use Flower Storm to reduce the damage. If you have Rosé, use Astral Drain
to do some good damage and to heal. Dart will charge forward to "kill" it
when you have done enough damage.

The Varaz will try to attack Shana, but the mysterious power within Shana
is released again and the Varaz will fall into the valley. You will get a
Moon Selenide for killing the Varaz. After the fight, talk to everyone
and exit to the north. You will be back on the world map. Make your way
to the Giant's City.

- 2.6 - Giant's City -

When you enter the city, you will be attacked by some trap arrows. Run
around to prevent getting attacked. Open the left chest for a Fake Knight
Shield. Exit to the left and examine the shiny point on the left. Trigger
it to stop the trap arrow outside (by choosing the 2nd option). The chest
at the bottom contains 20G. Exit to the bottom right to get a Thief's
Ring in the chest there. Continue north and you will get a sequence. The
thieves upstairs will try to shoot you with lots of arrows. You can avoid
the arrows by running around. When you try to exit to the north, you will
be blocked by a large gate. The south exit will also be blocked by two
guys. Run around a few times and you will have to fight a higher ranking
thief. It seems he is fighting with the same Dragon and Tree style as

-> Boss: Gangster (Earth) and Crafty Thieves (Dark) x2

These guys are not really bosses and they are relatively easy. The
Gangster may be quite difficult but none of them are challenging. After
the fight, the gangster will tell Hatchel that he learnt his fighting
style from their chief. When all of them have run off, Hatchel will break
the block to the north exit using his fighting art. At the next screen,
you characters will decide to explore the right doorway, but Hatchel will
be too tired to continue. They set Meru to looking after Hatchel. But
Hatchel will hit Meru on her head and he will go off on his own.

You will lose Hatchel temporarily here and you will be prompted to choose
a party if you have Hatchel in the party previously. The right doorway is
now a recovery point. The chest on the right contains an Angel's Prayer.
There is also a save point at the top. Exit to the top to proceed and you
will see Kongol entering the screen at the bottom.

You will get a sequence of Gerihhi and Mappi at their hideout. Hatchel
will come in and it seems Gerihhi was one of Hatchel's apprentices. It
does not seem a happy reunion, however and you will have to fight Gerihhi
and Mappi. (You must have Dart and Hatchel in the party in this fight.)

-> Boss: Gerihhi (Earth) and Mappi (Dark)

All their attacks are singly targeted physical, but all of them hit quite
hard, so you should avoid having Shana or Meru in the party. Get rid of
Mappi first because it has an annoying instant death attack. Gerihhi has
larger amount of HP, but he is not really that difficult. If you have
Rosé, you should use Astral Drain frequently to deal large amount of
damage to Gerihhi. When you have done enough damage, Hatchel will hit
Gerihhi into a statue. The hit was slightly too hard, and the arm of the
statue will fall done on the party. At the last instant, Kongol will come
and save the day. You will get a Soul Helmet for winning the fight.

It seems Kongol helped because he does not want to have the robbers in
this city, which is a sacred place to their race. He will decide to join
the party after some talk. Gerihhi will die and Hatchel will have him
taken out. When you are back in control, examine the right candle light
for a Star Dust before going down to the basement.

At the basement, Meru will try to kick the door to the prison cell open,
but Albert will help her by using the catch on the left. Lyn will be
released and he will thank you for your help. After saving Lyn, your
party will try to find the Red Eye Dragon Spirit. It is located at the
bottom right. You will be back above automatically. If you go down to the
basement with Kongol again, he will tell you about his brother, the chief
of their race, if you examine the right statue. Head back when you are

When you arrive in the Deserted Land, you will get a sequence with Lyn.
He will invite you to his wedding in Donau. Although your party will want
to get back to Fletch, there is no harm in going to the wedding first.
Also, now that you have Kongol, you can obtain his Dragon Spirit in Loan
for 1000G. Head back to Fletch when you think you are ready.

- 2.7 - Who's Princess Emil? -

When you arrive in Fletch, you will get a sequence. It seems the ceremony
that marks Princess Emil's birthday is to begin soon. At the ceremony,
the Moon Dagger will be transferred to Emil. Thinking that something bad
may happen, the party will decide to go into Twin Castle.

Before you go, stop by the bar first. You should be able to claim another
prize from Mattel for having collected your 30th Star Dust. Visit the
shops and stock up if you are low on supplies - because you are about to
face one of the most difficult bosses in the game. Head to the castle
when you are done.

The gate to the castle is not guarded this time, so you can just walk in.
Once inside, you will be greeted by the front guard. He will tell you
that all the guards on duty in the castle have been replaced by Princess
Emil and all of them are up to no good. Too bad. These new guards all
look like criminals. The front guard will now post himself on the front
door and you won't be able to leave the castle. So, the only way to go is
to investigate what exactly is going on. But before doing that, you can
go to the training room (first exit at the centre). There are two chests
in there. One contains a Moon Selenide and the other one contains a San

Try to go up the stairs and the criminal guards will challenge you. But
when you mention that you are here for Princess Lisa, they will let you
go. Continue up and you will be at the base of the twin towers. Princess
Emil's tower is not accessible yet, so go to the right to Lisa's tower.
Here you will have to avoid being seen by the guards, or else they will
take you back to where you started.

Lisa will greet you when you enter her room. She will tell you that the
Princess Emil who is going to receive the Moon Dagger is an impostor. The
real princess has gone missing. It seems that this impostor is working
together with the thief Gerihhi thief gang. Lisa will also try to locate
Emil with her skills in astrology, but she will not be able to locate her
sister. So your party decide to go and search her room on top of the left

With Lisa in your party, you will still have to avoid the criminal
guards. Or you will be sent be the where you started - because Lisa is
supposed to be "ill". There are two guards posted in front of Emil's
room. Your party will fool the guards saying that you have heard Emil's
scream downstairs. Seeing Lisa's serious face, they ran off leaving your
party to explore Emil's room. Kongol, Meru and Hatchel will stay outside
as rear guards while the rest of the party will search the room.

The portrait painting at the right looks strange, doesn't it? Examine it
and you will be sent to a magical dimension. There is an unconscious Emil
on the other side of the dimension, but you will not be able to get
across to wake her yet. Talk to everyone and then examine the top shiny
ball. A bridge will open up at the centre and you will be able to get
across. Albert will wake Emil and your party will tell her the whole
story. Whatever it is, Emil decided to hurry back to the Chamber of the
Sun where her birthday ceremony will be held.

With the real Emil in your party, the guards will no longer be able to
stop you. Go to the Chamber of the Sun (the audience chamber where you
met the king to get the permit to the Gravity Breakdown Valley). It seems
the birthday ceremony is being held with the impostor. As tradition
requires, the princess will be presented the Moon Dagger on her 20th
birthday. Your party will come in at just the right time, but the
impostor is faster. She has managed to steal the artefact from the king
already. Your party has her cornered in the balcony. She will reveal
herself as Leenus, in her most indecent costume. Time for a fight.

-> Boss: Leenus (Water)

At the beginning of the fight, you will notice wings attached at Leenus'
back. Guess who she is...

Whatever she is, this woman can kill. She is very strong in magic. Making
matter worse, she seems to be able to attack many times in a row.
Typically, she will have about 3 - 6 attacks. Rosé and Albert are good
choices for party member. Make sure you have the right accessory
equipped. (Hint: something to increase Rosé's HP and something to
increase Albert's speed.) Have Dart turn on a Special. He should attack
continuously with Final Bust. When he runs out of MP, he should switch to
physical attacks. Albert should use Flower Storm on the first round. Rosé
should cast Astral Drain, as usual. Leenus has around 5000 HP. Hopefully,
you will be able to kill her before she kills you!

When you have her defeated, she will jump out of the balcony and fly
away. It seems Leenus is a Winged. After the fight, you will get a short
sequence with the king. You will be charged with the mission to recover
the royal artefact, the Moon Dagger. Emil will tell you that Leenus has
escaped towards Elisa Bay. She will tell you to go and find Captain Pyura
who is on board the iron warship Queen Philly. It is currently docked in
Donau. Let's go!

- 2.8 - Queen Philly -

It seems everyone in Donau are in good mood. Go to the dock and you will
be greeted by Tim. He will call for the Captain. Captain Pyura will allow
you on board his ship. Talk to Tim and choose the second option to set
sail. You will be outside at Elisa Bay. The ship will move automatically.
Half way through, you will get a sequence with Shana on the deck. She will
decide to talk to Dart. You will be in control of Shana.

Here are the location of your party members:

Dart is at the bridge.
Shana is on the front deck.
Rosé is at the top of the mast.
Hatchel is at the upper deck, below the bridge.
Albert in the first cabin directly north of the exit to the front deck.
Meru is in the next cabin, behind the kitchen.
Kongol is in the engine room below deck.

There is a Star Dust at a box next to Kongol. There is another Star Dust
at a pipe next to the exit to the front deck. You can play a chopping
game with the chef in the kitchen at left hand side of Albert's cabin. If
you examine the opened locker in Meru's cabin, you will get different
reactions from different characters. I wonder what's in there.

Locate Dart and Shana will run off. You will be in control of Dart. He
is thinking of the Dark Demon. He will decide to find Rosé to see if she
knows anything. Go to Rosé but she is not telling you much. Dart will
walk off leaving you in control of Rosé. She will decide to go for a
walk. She will find Hatchel napping at the upper deck. Talk to him and
Rosé will walk off. You will then witness a sequence about Hatchel's
past. It is about his daughter Claire 25 years ago. Hatchel thinks that
Claire might have run off because he has trained her too hard. He will
decide to talk to Kongol to see what he is up to. Talk to Kongol and he
will want to know more about human, especially about human royalty.
Hatchel tells him to talk to Albert. Now you are in control of Kongol.
After the talk with Albert, Kongol will walk off leaving you in control
of Albert. He is bored and decides to talk a walk. At Meru's room, he
will be a perfect target for Meru's little game. Talk to her and Albert
will walk off. Meru decides to get Dart to play with her.

At the bridge, Meru will sneak behind Dart and covers his eyes. Dart will
have to "guess" who it is... Very funny... Anyway, Meru will join you in
search of the other party members. If you go to Rosé, you will get a
CG sequence of the ghost ship. It will hit the Queen Philly. The crews are
pretty afraid and everyone will come on the deck. The captain will restore
the order, but it seems the engine is damaged. But worse of all, Hatchel
will report Shana's missing. He thinks she has gone to the ghost ship.
(Yeah, once again, Shana is to be the source of trouble.)

- 2.9 - Ghost Ship -

The ghost ship was once a royal boat that carries the royalty in the land
of Mir Sezo. Your party will go across to "rescue" Shana. She is
surrounded by a host of demons, but the demons will get chased away by
some unknown warrior spirits. Shana will rejoin the party.

Here in the ghost ship, you will not get any random fights. All
encounters are touched based.

In the same screen where Shana was attacked, you will find a staircase
that leads to below deck. There is a door to the right that leads to the
captain's quarter. The door near the left exit is locked. If you head
left, you will find another door that leads to a chest with a combination
lock. You can't open it yet though. You can go back to Queen Philly and
you will find a recovery point and a shop. The weapon shop sells:

Grab - 250G
Beast Fang - 250G
Fighter's Costume - 150G
Faint Guard - 200G
Self Magic Bell - 300G

The Item shop sells:

Heal Potion - 10G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Trance Light - 10G
Dancing Ray - 20G

Head back to the ghost ship. Go the captain's quarter and you will get a
short sequence. The door to the captain's cabin is locked and you are
told to find the key to the captain's quarter. Go downstairs and you will
find a little demon going into the first doorway. Follow the demon into
the cabin. Open the chest and the demon will come out. It will wake the
three skeletons on the floor and you will have to fight them. The demon
will escape. Head back out and try the second door on the left. There is
a chest here again, and the demon will come out again. This time, it will
fight you with two skeletons. It seems the demon is called Magician Bogy.
Once again, it will escape after the fight, so head back outside. The
chest at the end of the corridor contains 50G. Go to the door at the end.
Examine the chest on the left. Guess what? The Magician Bogy again. This
time, you will have to fight all three together. After the fight, the
spirit of the captain will be released. The captain will invite you to
his cabin.

Before leaving the cabin, check the shiny object at the top right hand.
Four spirits will appear. Each will give a number. This is the clue to
open the combo-locked chest, so note the numbers down. Before heading to
the captain's quarter, you can go and open the locked chest. You are
required to input three correct numbers in the correct sequence to open
the chest. The correct combination is random each time, and the correct
numbers are 3 of the 4 numbers given by the spirit at the end room below
deck. You have ten attempts to get it right. If you fail to open the
chest after the 10th times, you will have to fight 3 skeletons, and the
combination will change. In that case, you will have to head back to the
end room to get a new clue. If you manage to open the chest, you will be
able to get a Faint Guard. After getting the item, exit and the chest
will close on its own. Perhaps there is more?

Indeed, you can open the chest again and again, but the number of
attempts you are allowed will decrease. Here is what you will get:

1 - Faint Guard - 10 attempts allowed
2 - Panic Guard - 8 attempts allowed
3 - Self Magic Bell - 6 attempts allowed
4 - Talisman - 4 attempts allowed
5 - Fighter's Ultimate - 2 attempts allowed
6+ - 100G - 2 attempts allowed

You will find that it is almost impossible to get the combination correct
once you have opened the box a few times. The best way to try the
combination is to have your game saved first - at the save point on Queen
Philly before trying the combination. This will save a lot of time -
because every time you screw up, you will have to fight and the
combination will change. You will have to fight your way down to the end
room again. But if you have had your game saved, you will be able to
reload if you screw up - and then you will be able to try another
combinations with the same set of numbers.

Once you are done playing with the box, head to the captain's cabin.
There is a painting up on the wall. It is a Queen of Mir Sezo, and she
looks like someone you know. The captain will appear. It seems that
before he died, he was trying to protect their princess Lufia from the
Dark Demon. Is it the same Dark Demon that killed Dart's parents?

The left chest at the captain's cabin contains 100G and the right one
contains 200G. Examine the shiny object on the floor where the captain
was and you will find a key. Go back on the deck. Try and exit. You will
get a sequence where the dead warriors are trying to attack Rosé.

Now that you have the key, you will be able to unlock the previously
locked door. Go in. You will find a Courage Charm in the chest. Try and
exit through the left and you will get a sequence with the dead warriors.
They are trying to protect Shana (Princess Lufia) from the Dark Demon
(Rosé). Very strange indeed. They will think that you are in league with
the Dark Demon and you will have to fight them.

-> Boss: Dead Captain (Dark) and Dead Knights (Dark) x4

The dead knights will regenerate, so you should concentrate your attacks
on the captain. These knights are pretty strong in magic. They have
attacks that can reduce your HP by half. Just concentrate your attacks
on the captain. Have Dart turn on a Special once you have done
considerable amount of damage. If you have the summons, use them. You
should be able to finish the battle in 2 - 3 rounds. If you are low on
Dragoon level, use the normal spells to do some more damage to the
captain. He should not last long. You will get a Night Raid for winning
the battle.

After the fight, Shana will tell the dead warrior to rest in peace and
she will tell them not to fight again. They will disappear and the door
to the left will unlock. Go in the room when you think you have finished
everything in the ship. You will not be able to come back here again.
The chest in the next room contains a Dancing Dagger. Examine the baby
bed at the bottom left and you will get a sequence with the spirit of the
nanny. She will also recognise Shana as Princess Lufia, and she will be
surprised to see her still alive.

After the sequence, the ship will begin to shake. It seems that it is
going to sink. Head back and the screen will switch automatically back
to the front. Your party will try to jump back to Queen Philly. Rosé and
Dart will go last. When the ships break apart, Dart will get thrown off
board. Rosé will try to save him, but both of them will end up getting
thrown into the sea.

- 2.10 - Dart and Rosé -

You will get a sequence of Rosé and Dart in a cave. Dart is unconscious.
Rosé has set up a fire and is looking after him. You will then get to
know more about Rosé's past. You will get a nice CG sequence of the last
battle of the Dragoon War 11,000 years ago. It will show a sequence of
Jiku, the former Red Eye Dragoon fighting the Emperor of the Winged.
While he managed to inflict a mortal wound on the emperor, he was
petrified by the last spell cast by the Emperor. With the Emperor
defeated, the floating structure also collapsed. Rosé tried to save Jiku,
but was too late.

It seems Jiku was Rosé's lover. For some reason, Rosé has managed to stay
alive for another 11,000 years until now. So, she is the only one who has
full knowledge of the Dragoon war. Rosé thinks Dart looks a lot like
Jiku. And eventually she falls asleep with Dart's head on her lap.

In the morning, they were spotted by a village boy and his dog. The boy
Pete will take you to his village. The village name is Ridiela. It is a
small village in an island of Elisa Bay.

Pete thinks that Dart and Rosé are lovers. They will deny, of course, and
Rosé will wonder what Pete has seen in the morning. Anyway, it seems that
Pete's mom is ill, and he tells you that they are heading to the hospital
at the nearest town, Phino. Since this is exactly where Queen Philly was
heading before the "accident", you will decide to travel to Phino
together. But before going to Phino, you can explore the small village of
Ridiela first.

You can take the boat outside Pete's tent. It can either go to the
platform in the middle of the sea or it can take you to shore. There is
nothing special at the platform at the moment, so go to the shore. There
is a chest next to the exit to the world map. It contains a Heal Potion.
There is a talkative woman at the large tent. There is a cage in the
middle. You can enter by going outside, up the ladder and down the one on
top of the tent. There is a Star Dust at the cupboard next to the ladder.
When you are done, try and exit the town and Pete will join you with his
mother. Go outside to the world map and head to the Under Water Cave.

There is nothing special in here at the moment, so just go through the
cave and head back on the world map. Enter Phino on the other side.

- 2.11 - Reunion -

Once you are in Phino, Pete and mom will thank you for the company and
they will go to the hospital. Pete will tease Rosé again for what he saw
at the cave. Rosé does not seem too happy about it...

There is an item shop next to the exit. It sells:

Heal Potion - 10G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G
[Bannauto] - 10G
Gust Magma - 20G

The same keeper also runs a weapon shop. Watch him runs backward and
forward. It sells:

Farsion - 250G
Confusion Bow - 250G
Morning Star - 250G
Plate Mail - 200G
Shiny Dress - 200G
Knight Helm - 150G

The hospital is on the right. You can visit Pete and his mom there. There
is a Star Dust at the painting just below the staircase. There is a save
point outside the hospital. There is a hot spring bath house underneath
the hospital. There is a male and a female section. Try going into the
female section and see what happens! The inn is opposite the hospital.
The keeper will tell you that all the rooms are booked. There is a Star
Dust at the barrels underneath the staircase.

Go down to the harbour area and you will find Queen Philly docked there.
Tim is there and he is glad / surprised to see you alive. He tells you
that your party has gone into town. Head back and you will bump into
Meru. She tells you that your party is staying at the inn and Shana is
worried about you. Head to the inn and you will have Meru sneak up on
you, again. You party is relieved to see you alive. They tell you that
Shana is alone upstairs.

Go upstairs. Shana is at the bottom left room. She is praying in front of
the bed. She is REALLY glad to see you alive. While you were trying to
talk, there are some noise outside. It seems Meru, Albert and Hatchel are
all there, eavesdropping. They will run off when you have discovered
them. Once you are alone again, the screen will turn black. What happens
next is only known to the developers...

Your party will decide to continue their quest, but they will be nosy
enough to ask what happened when Dart and Rosé were alone in a cave. Head
back to the Queen Philly and speak to the captain. He will tell you about
an incidence in the Prison Dragon Island about half a year ago. This place
is a little island inside a ring island called Sancrist. You need to go
through the Under Water Cave to get there. It may be the right way to go,
because the incidence occurs the same time when Princess Emil got
"swapped". Head to the Under Water Cave.

- 2.12 - Leenus -

When you try to go through the cave, you will get a sequence. Meru thinks
that she is hearing sounds of a dragon in the north. The way is blocked.
It seems to be blocked artificially though, so your party decides to head
to Ridiela to ask if the mayor there can help.

Go to the sea platform and you will automatically get a sequence with the
mayor. After some talk, he will have his assistant open up a gate for
you. Head to where Pete's house is and go round it to reach a cave. There
are two chests inside. One contains a Heal Fog, and the other contains a
Heal Rain. Go down and examine the wheel and the water gate will be
opened. Time to head back to the Under Water Cave.

The water inside the cave will be drained and you will be able to go
north. The chest near the exit contains an Attack Jade. Proceed to the
next screen. The chest just above the exit contains a Jewel Crown. The
chest on the left contains a Gust Magma. Exit left first and make your
way up the twisting path. Open the chest at the top for a Recovery Jade.
Go back to the previous screen and take the exit north. You will be in an
area with a staircase at the centre. Proceed to the left first and get
another Recovery Jade. Proceed up the central staircase. Jump across the
platform to get a [Bannauto]. Proceed up. The chest on the way contains
another Attack Jade. There is a save point at the top. Exit at the top
and proceed. You will get a sequence of Lloyd and Leenus.

Leenus will pass her prize, the Moon Dagger to Lloyd. It seems Leenus
works for Lloyd for her affection towards him. Of course, the party will
turn up just at the wrong moment. Lloyd will tell you that he works
according to Emperor Deus. He will then fly off. It seems both Lloyd and
Leenus belong to the race of the Winged. Lloyd will tell you that he is
heading for Mir Sezo for another Moon Artefact. Leenus will stay and
fight you. She will transform to the Sea Wave Dragoon. You will have to
fight her and her dragon.

-> Boss: Leenus (Water) and Sea Wave Dragon Regal (Water)

Leenus does not have her multiple attacks any more, so this fight is
actually easier than the previous. Watch out for the dragon though,
because it has a very strong magical attack that can deal very serious
damages to all your characters. Do some damage to the dragon first and
have Dart turns on a Special. Final Bust the dragon a few times and it
should be a goner. Continue to use normal attacks on Leenus and she will
die very soon. Dart will charge up to do the killing blow as usual.
Leenus will try to use her last strength to do Dart some more damage, but
all her attacks will be blocked by Shana and Dart. Leenus dies. You get a
Frozen Jet for this battle.

After the battle, the Sea Wave Dragon Spirit will call to Meru and she
will inherit the Dragon Spirit. She is overjoyed by the fact, but
everyone will just ignore her. Your party will decide to head back to
Fletch to report to the king.

Head back to Phino. You can visit Pete at the hospital. You will be given
some option in the conversation. Whatever you choose, you will get into
trouble with one of the ladies. Talk to the captain of Queen Philly and
then to Tim and you will set sail back to Donau. (You will encounter
enemies during the journey. It is so unrealistic. Queen Philly is a large
ship. It should have enough weapons on board to stop any encounters that
can be handled by three guys...)

- 2.13 - Dart and Shana -

From Donau, head back to Fletch. Once you are there, head to the castle.
Outside the castle, you will get a sequence of Princess Emil giving a
speech to a crowd. She apologises for all the misshapen caused by her six
month absence. It seems Emil is well loved by the crowd. The real
princess will name the baby for the pregnant woman. (Not much for a name
though. It will be called Al if it is a boy and Ai if it is a girl.)

After the sequence, talk to the guard and you will be allowed in the Twin
Castle. Once you are in, you will automatically get invited to the
Chamber of the Sun. Your party will report to king. Although you failed
to get the Moon Dagger back, the king will be overjoyed to hear the news.
You will be named heroes for defeating the thief gang and the sea dragon.
The king has also arranged a party for you. Meru seems overly excited by
the idea of having a party.

Outside the Chamber of the Sun, your party will leave to prepare
themselves for the party. Dart will be left alone with Shana and they
decide to have a private talk up in the balcony below the twin towers.
Just as they were about to kiss, Festa came and he decides to call you
the New Hero. Try again and you will be disturbed again by the
chambermaid Libria. She tells you that it will soon be ready for the
party and she wants you to gather your party members. Find your friends
inside the castle. Here are their locations:

Rosé is in the guest room.
Albert is at Emil's room on top of her tower, telling her stories.
Hatchel and Meru are in the dinning room, stealing food.
Kongol is in the training area underneath the Chamber of the Sun.

Once you have the whole party, go to the dressing room behind the
training area. Libria will be there to measure the dresses for the
ladies. Rosé and Meru did not want to dress up, however. You will be sent
to the guest room where you will be called to the party.

At the banquet, you can talk to your party members. Albert is still
talking to Emil. If you talk to Hatchel, you will get two ladies trying
to dance with you. Hatchel will come to your rescue. (It seems he is
still a charming man at his age.) If you talk to Meru, you will be able
to dance with her. Try to go to the right to the balcony when you are
done. A maid will call, telling you that Rosé is calling for you. Rosé is
out at the balcony and she will point you towards Shana. Shana is in her
newly made, beautiful dress. Finally Dart will be alone with her and
their kiss concludes the second chapter.



- 3.0 - Area Flow Chart -

The Water Capital of [Farni] -> Coniferous Forest -> The Capital City of
[Denningrad], Crystal Castle -> The Forest of the Winged, Forbidden Land
-> The Capital City of [Denningrad], Crystal Castle -> Coniferous Forest
-> Mt. Dead Dragon -> The Capital City of [Denningrad], Crystal Castle ->
[Cashua] Glacier -> [Fulanbel] Tower -> [Cashua] Glacier -> Snow Ground
-> The Capital City of [Belweb] -> End of Disc 3

- 3.1 - Water City -

At the beginning of the chapter, you will be in Queen Phili
automatically, heading for Mir Sezo, Dart's birth place. When you are
docked at a port, you are in the Water Capital of Farni. Rosé will feel
uneasy because she can feel violence. Let forget about it first and
explore the area.

You can go back to the Queen Phili if you talk to Tim. On your left is an
item shop, but the keeper won't sell you anything yet. On your right is a
house. You can find a Star Dust at the junk pile near the entrance. When
you are done, proceed north to the next screen.

You will get a sequence with the captain of the security guard in the
town talking to a group of hunters and mercenaries. It seems there is
problem of a monster in this town. The monster is called Kamui and it is
a wolf. A boy in this town is also with it. Captain Harris will then tell
everyone that there will be an award of 100G for slaying the monster and
you will get 5 times the award if you manage to rescue the boy, Teo, as
well. One of the mercenaries will try to challenge you, but Harris will
tell him to slap out of it, because this is supposed to be a team
mission. Captain Harris' house is at the north, but there is not much to
do here, so go left to the inn.

At the inn, talk to the keeper and she will think that you are also one
of the hunters. Hunters get free accommodations at the inn. But being a
good fellow, you will tell them the truth that you are only travellers
and you have just get off your ship. When you tell them that you are from
the Queen Phili, the keeper will recognise you as the heroes who slay
the dragon and defeat the thief gangs. It seems like news is spreading
fast. The keeper will give you a permit to use the boats in town and she
will ask you to go and see the mayor. Get on the boat and it is time to

You can go back to the item shop and the keeper will sell you items this
time. It sells:

Heal Fog - 10G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Petrify Clear - 30G
Thunder Bolt - 20G

There is a weapon shop just left of the inn. It sells:

Dancing Dagger - 300G
Giant Helm - 200G
Fighting Boots - 180G
Petrify Protector - 400G
Attack Medallion - 1000G
Body Mantle - 300G

Proceed north. On the next screen, there is a hospital at the north. The
way to the right is blocked. So, there is only one choice and it is going
to the mayor's house. You will get a sequence with the mayor and his
daughter. It seems that his daughter Fa has not been talking since Teo
was missing. So, he will ask you people to go help the hunting and have
Teo rescued. You people will agree, of course. The mayor will let you stay
in his house for the night. It seems like Fa likes Shana a lot. Talk to
the mayor again when you are ready.

At night, Shana will get Fa in bed by singing to her. Hatchel will notice
the tune and you will get a sequence about Hatchel and Claire 25 years
ago. It seems that the tune was composed by Claire and she wrote the song
so that she would be able to sing to her future children before they
would go to bed. Hatchel will ask where Shana has learnt the song. Shana
will tell Hatchel that she learnt the song from Dart. It is a song that
was sung by Dart's mother when he was small. Hatchel thinks it may still
a coincidence.

Next, Shana will go up to the roof to Dart. She will be followed by,
guess who... Meru. Shana will feel a strong headache looking up at the
Moon. She will faint and Dart will take her to rest downstairs. Shana is
fine the next morning and she will continue to travel with you. Head out
and you will find the way to the right is now unblocked. Teo's house is
there. You can get to the storage basement in the house by using the
slide. Go up the stairs and find a catch just in front of a painting. If
you have triggered the catch, you will be able to go down the basement.
A Star Dust can be located near a crystal ball. Once you are done here,
exit the town and head to the Coniferous Forest.

- 3.2 - Wolf Hunting -

There are three ways to go from the first screen of the Coniferous
Forest. You can go left, right or up. Go left first and get a Body Clear
from the chest there. Return to the first screen. Head to the right and
you will find a chest with a Petrify Protector. Back to the first screen,
you can use the save point there if you like. Head north to the next
screen and you will find yourself inside a maze. There are exits at the
left, bottom right and at the top of the screen. The top exit leads to
nowhere, yet. The bottom right is blocked by a guard. The top right chest
contains a Petrify Clear. The left exit leads you to a third screen,
towards the Capital City of Denningrad. But before you go left, talk to
the boy at the centre of the screen. This is Teo. He will run off. It
seems the hunters have found Kamui the wolf already. Teo seems to have an
affection for the wolf and the two with stay together. They will escape
towards the left exit.

Head to the left and you will be in another screen with 3 ways to go. The
left is blocked by a guard. The will at the bottom of the screen leads
you to Denningrad. Don't go there yet, or you will lose Rosé and Meru.
The boy and the wolf have escaped towards the exit at the top. So go
there. You will get a sequence with them. If you go forward, you will
tell Teo about the muted mayor's daughter and he will consider. But just
when you think you have the situation under control, the mercenaries will
come in and spoil the party. The will think they have the wolf cornered,
but they are no match for it. The wolf will attack you as well. Time for
a boss fight.

-> Boss: Kamui (Void)

The wolf has pretty strong physical attacks. It also has a magic that can
do pretty much damages to all your characters. It also has an all effect
magic that can paralyse your party. The wolf has a considerable amount of
HP as well. You can use a similar strategy as the previous bosses, but I
find it easier to just concentrate on normal physical attacks. (By this
time, you should have mastered some powerful Additional skills already.)
You get a Dark Stone for defeating the wolf.

Teo is sad too see the death of his friend, the wolf. So Shana will use
the magic of the Silver Dragon Spirit to heal it. It seems the Silver
Dragon Spirit has cured its brutal nature as well. The wolf is now a
cute little cub! Now that you have "slay" the monster and have the boy
"rescued", you can go back to Farni to claim your prize. Talk to Captain
Harris in his house and he will give you 500G for your reward. When you
have finished with Farni, head back to the Coniferous Forest and head to
the way that leads to Denningrad.

- 3.3 - Denningrad -

Near the exit of the Coniferous Forest, you will get a sequence. First it
will be Rosé and then it will be Meru. Both will leave the party for
their own reasons. Nothing you can do here, so head to Denningrad.

The Capital City of Denningrad with its Crystal Castle is located in the
north and it is a pretty cold place. Time to explore the town. At the
first screen, you will find a hospital on the left. The first right is a
civilian house. The second right is a shop. The weapon shop sells:

Tomahawk - 300G
Fear Lance - 300G
Diamond Glove - 300G
Iron Breast Plate - 250G
Master's Costume - 250G
Spirit Hat - 200G
Jewel Crown - 200G
Star Fragment Boot - 150G
Protector - 200G
Brave Charm - 300G
Petrify Protector - 400G
Legendary Armour - 10000G

The item shop sells:

Heal Fog - 30G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Petrify Clear - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Spark Net - 10G
Thunder Bolt - 20G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

The third right exit is a temple and the fourth right is another civilian
house. Go to the temple and you will get a sequence with the high priest
[Deiyu] about the Winged and the Divine Tree. Talk to the high priest
again and choose the second option. You will get to see a CG sequence of
the Divine Tree that created the different races in the world. The high
priest will then tell you to go to the library if you want to know more.
Talk to the librarian who is standing next to the alter and he will get
the key to open the library for you.

The library is located in the upper part of the town. Head there. There
is an inn in this part of the town. A save point is also there. The
entrance to the Crystal Castle is at the top, but you cannot enter yet.
The library is the second left. When you are in control, talk to each of
your friends and you will be told more history about the world. It also
seems that Lloyd has searched this library before. It seems that he was
interested in topics such as the Winged, the Moon Artefacts, dragons and
dragoons. It seems there are four Moon Artefacts in the world and they
are located in Seldio, Tiberoa, Mir Sezo and Death Frontier. Talk to the
librarian and you will get another CG sequence about the Moon.

The librarian will mention the Dark Demon and the Tragedy in Neat. He is
surprised to know that you are also a survivor in the town. It seems that
the Dark Demon has missed a few people. The second holy lady in Mir Sezo,
Loanne, is also a survivor. Talk to the librarian once more, and he will
tell you more about the Dark Demon and its mission to kill the Children
of the Moon.

When you have finished with the CG, the screen will switch to Rosé. She
is in the tragic town of Neat. It seems she has been here before. Go
forward and you will find the second holy lady Loanne in there with her
guards. It seems that she is visiting the grave of her parents. Then you
will get a sequence about 18 years ago when the Dark Demon attacked. The
Dark Demon was really after a Princess Lufia. (Remember the ghost ship?)
Loanne's mother will tell the demon the Princess Lufia has gone out to
the sea. The Dark Demon will talk about the birth of the Children of the
Moon. It seems that the Children of the Moon will mark the destruction of
the world and so Princess Lufia must die. Loanne will then see her mother
die, but the Dark Demon seems too busy to deal with her. After the
sequence Rosé will agree to accompany the holy lady back to Denningrad.

- 3.4 - Meru's Secret -

The screen will then switch to Meru at the entrance of her home town, it
seems. She will get attacked by a fireball, but the attacker will turn
out to be a friend - and he is a Winged. It seems Garaha is Meru's
childhood friend. He will tell her that the village does not welcome her
any more, because she has "gone out" on her own. But Meru will insist on
talking to the chief herself. So, proceed into the village.

This is a village of the Winged, and it really seems that she is not
welcomed here. Most people run away seeing Meru and a few actually
challenge her. The chief will come out and have everyone calmed. But he
thinks that since Meru has decided to "go out", she should stay out
forever. Meru's mom will try to come out and greet her, but she will be
stopped promptly by Dad. There is nothing she can do and so Meru leaves
the village unhappily. She will meet Garaha at the entrance again. He
will mention the weakening of the seals that bounds the Divine Dragon
King in Mount Dead Dragon. Garaha feels uneasy about the situation, but
Meru thinks that it will be all right because the Winged have in their
possession two artefacts called the Dragon Slayer Sword and the Staff
of Dragon Seal. Despite Garaha's effort, she will leave the village
on her own.

You will then get a CG sequence of the Divine Dragon King. He will break
the chains that sealed him for aeons. You will then be back in control
with the main party. They will decide to wait for Rosé and Meru. Try exit
town and you will bump into Rosé, the second holy lady Loanne and the
fourth holy lady Ceti. Your party will decide to talk at the inn. You
will talk more about the Dark Demon with Loanne. But all in a sudden, the
ground will start shaking. It seems like the dragon is coming. It flies
pass and does some damage but it does not seem to be ready for the attack
yet. Meru will rejoin just after the sequence.

Loanne will suggest you to meet Teresa the Queen. Go into the Crystal
Castle. If you explore the living area in the castle, you will find a
Holy Person's Anhk in a chest. Go up to the top to meet the Queen. You
will see a rather violent woman in there. Meet Miranda, the first holy
lady of Mir Sezo. You will get a sequence where your characters will talk
about the Divine Dragon King. The dragon was sealed in Mount Dead Dragon
by the Winged aeons ago. It seems it has now broken the seal and it is now
going to take its revenge. You will then reveal yourself as Dragoons.
Since you know that the Dragon Slayer is with Lloyd, you decide to find
the Staff of Dragon Seal. Rosé will turn to Meru who will be rather
reluctant to give the answer. Meru will then tell you about the Forest of
the Winged and she will take you there. It is just north of the
Coniferous Forest.

While everyone are ready to depart, Shana seems to be missing. You will
find her back in the chamber next to the throne room. It is the chamber
of the seal. It seems the castle and this chamber was built long ago by
the Winged. Shana seems absorbed and unwell. At this point, the Silver
Dragon Spirit will flow out of Shana automatically and Miranda will
receive it. Shana will then faint. When she is awake in the bed room, you
guys will tell her to rest while you will travel to find the Staff. Shana
will leave the party permanently at this point. Miranda will inherit all
of Shana's abilities and statistics.

Head back to the Coniferous Forest and make your way back to where you
first met Teo. The top exit leads you to the Forest of the Winged. But
before you go there, you can now go through the bottom right exit. The
guard is no longer there. This exit will lead you back to the world map
and you will be able to reach Neat, Dart's tragic hometown. There is not
much to do in Neat except that there is a Star Dust at the lamp near the
entrance. Head back to the Coniferous Forest when you are done. Head to
the top exit and you will get a sequence.

Meru will open up a way and she will reveal to the party as a Winged.
Dart will decide to trust Meru for who, but not what, she is. Upon seeing
you, the Winged will appear quite hostile. They will report to the chief,
who will agree to give you an audience. You can proceed to the next
screen. There is a save point there. If you talk to the Winged next to
the save point, he will take you up to the building. Go in and you will
find a complex with weird looking rooms. Meru's parents are at the end
room and you can talk to them. Dart will explain to them that the war
between human and the Winged was over 11,000 years ago and there is no
reason for hating each other any more. Meru's parents will agree at last,
and they will want you to look after their daughter.

There are three transporters in this area. The left transporter will
take you back to the ground. The upper right transporter will lead you to
the shops and the lower right one will take you to a recreational area.
Go to the shops first. There is a weapon shop on one side and an item
shop on the other. The weapon shop sells:

War Hammer - 300G
Magic Ring - 600G
Spirit Ring - 600G
Sprite Mantle - 300G

The item shop sells:

Heal Fog - 30G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Heal Blitz - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Dark Mist - 10G
Black Rain - 20G

You can go to the exit at the top left from the shopping area. It leads
to Garaha's house. Garaha is glad to see Meru again, but is surprised to
see her friends. Meru will fall into an argument with Garaha who thinks
that Meru has changed. Meru will tell him that she has changed because
she has seen outside. Anyway, you can get another Star Dust if you search
the top right of this room. Go back to the shop. If you go up the top
right, Meru will open up a panel to reveal you a statue. It seems that it
is a protector of the Winged, called the Seventh Angel. When you are
done, head back to the area where Meru's parents are and try the lower
right teleporter. It will lead you to a recreational area. There is a
Star Dust in here if you search the right pillar next to the exit up.

Proceed up and you will get a sequence with the Badel brothers. It seems
that their sister has been influenced by Meru's "going out". She has gone
out as well, only that she was murdered by humans later. The brothers
blame Meru for their sister's death. The elder brother will try to
attack, but he will be blocked by Dart's Dragoon magic. He will then give
way to you and you will then be able to proceed. (If you go back to this
area again, it will become a recovery point.) Talk to the Winged outside
and he will get you to the top. Enter and you will find the chief there
waiting for you. The chief will let you get the Staff of Dragon Seal. But
it seems that the Staff is hidden somewhere else. He will then switch on
some device to take you to an area called Forbidden Land. The Staff is
stored there and is guarded by some guardians. Talk to the chief again
and choose the second option to proceed.

- 3.5 - Staff of Dragon Seal -

The Forbidden Land was once a capital city of the Winged, but now it is
just a ruin. When it was in its glory, the city was named Kadessa.
Proceed north to enter. You will be inside an area with a zig-zag path.
The chest at the right contains a Mind Clear. Proceed north and you will
be in front of a building. The way may look complicated, but there is
actually only one way to go. So proceed and enter the building.

Once you are inside, you can either go to the top left teleporter or exit
to the right. Try the top left first and continue your way, you will end
up in a platform with a chest that contains a pair of Dancer's Boots. Try
the right exit next and you will be able to go round the front of the
building and you will end up in the bottom left exit. When you proceed,
you will be inside what has once been a coliseum. This place smells
strongly of blood, violence, death and decay. The arena was used in
ancient days by the Winged to watch the death match between "inferior"
races. Meru will be ashamed to have such brutal ancestors, but Dart will
tell her that she should not be taking responsibility for what her
ancestors did in aeons ago. Make your way up to the top exit.

You will end up in an area with a save point on the left and a recovery
point at the bottom. Use these good facilities to train your characters a
bit, because you will have many difficult fights when you progress
through this disc. In this area, you can go either north or exit to the
right. Both will lead you to the same goal.

Path 1:

If you exit north, you will end up in a strange room with six statues.
Each of them represents a race. You are supposed to examine each by order
of creation. If we number the statue 1 - 6 from left to right, then you
should examine them in this order: 6 -> 1 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 2. You will
get a life at the centre afterwards. Proceed through the lift and you
will see a Varaz again and it will attack. Naughty child, I thought I
told you not to touch that!

-> Boss: S Varaz (Void)

If you manage to kill this guy, you must be pretty powerful. But chances
are you will just have to wait for it to die. It has 10 lives and every
1 - 2 rounds, its life energy will be deducted by 1. Your task is to
remain alive in this battle. This guy has some pretty bad attacks and it
will use its super weapon just before it dies. So make sure your HP is
kept as high as possible. You will get a Heal Rain for "winning" the
battle. An exit will open up at the top the will lead you to an area with
spiral corridor. The centre exit is where you want to go, the bottom exit
is where you will come from if you take the other path. So let's talk
about the other path now. End of Path 1.

Path 2:

If you head to the right exit from the area with the save point, you will
end up in a strange room with some weird flying robots. These robots will
attack if you touch them. There are 5 marks on the floor. You are
supposed to destroy these marks to open up the exit to the top. In
addition, the destruction of a mark will help you getting rid of one of
the robots. When all the marks are destroyed, all the robots will be
destroyed as well, and the way to the top will open up.

In the next area, you will get a few flying blocks going up and down.
There is a chest at the top that contains a Power Up. The bottom chest
contains a Mind Clash. Exit through the top right and you will end up in
the area with a spiral path. The top exit leads you to where you will
come from if you take the first path. Proceed through the centre exit.
End of Path 2.

When you proceed through the centre, you will be inside a room with the
Staff hanging at the ceiling. You will get a sequence where your
characters will mention that the Divine Dragon King was sealed by the
Winged over 11,000 years ago and so you will hope that the magic of the
Staff will still work. Meru will fly up to retrieve the Staff, but it
seems to be attached to something. And this something will attack. You
don't expect it to be that easy, don't you?

-> Boss: Grand Jelly (Earth)

Don't bother with Dragoon transformation because the boss will use the
Dragon Seal Staff on you if you do, and you will end up powerless.
Concentrate your attacks using your most powerful Additional skills. If
you have listened to me earlier and have trained your characters a bit
using the recovery point, then this fight should not be too difficult. It
will also help if you have your some accessories on your characters to
improve their speeds. This guy uses some all effect magic spells and it
can also cast a level down spell on you. Otherwise, it is pretty
harmless. But you should watch out, because it can heal itself when it is
low on HP. You will get a Spectral Flash for winning the battle.

You will get the Staff of Dragon Seal after the fight. Proceed to the
right and you will end up back at the beginning. Head back. At the
entrance to the city, you will feel that the Divine Dragon King is on its
move. So hurry. When you are back to the Winged Forest, the chief will
try to have you teleported back to Denningrad, but he does not seem
strong enough and he will fail. Meru's parents and other Winged will then
come and help and you will get a free journey back to Denningrad.

- 3.6 - Destruction -

You will then get a CG sequence of the city being wiped out by the Dragon
King. It will break the top chamber of the Crystal Castle and you will
see some strange light coming out of it and the beam of light will go up
to the Moon. It seems like you are too late. Miranda will hurry back to
the castle to see if the queen is hurt, but you can explore the destroyed
town first.

The pile in front of the "new" shops contains two Star Dusts. You can
also go upstairs at the inn now. (It is a new hospital there.) If you
search the gyroscope looking device, you will get another Star Dust. Head
to the castle. Miranda will be glad to see that Loanne and Ceti are both
alive. She will go straight up to Teresa. When you go pass Wink at the
stairs outside where Shana's room used to be, she will tell you that
both Shana and the queen are fine. If you search the destroyed entrance
to Shana's room, you will find another Star Dust. Go up to the audience
chamber and you will see a strange light fainting. The source of the
light is from Shana, of course. It seems she was able to protect the
queen with her mysterious power when the Dragon King strike. But as
usual she has absolutely no idea how it happened. Shana does not like her
power, because she thinks that the power has been the source of all
trouble. Yeah, that's right.

Your party will decide to travel to Mt Dead Dragon to challenge the
Dragon King now that you have the Staff of Dragon Seal. Shana will be
left behind to rest at the inn since she still has not fully recovered
yet. If you now head back to the audience chamber in the castle, you will
find another Star Dust at the destroyed entrance to the seal room on the
right. Now it's time to slay the king of the dragon.

- 3.7 - The Divine Dragon King -

Head back to the Coniferous Forest and go up to the second screen. Talk
to the guard on the left and he will let you through. The chest beneath
the tent contains a Mind Clear. Exit and you will be back on the world
map. Make your way north into Mt Dead Dragon.

After you have entered the area, go up to a second screen and you will
find an Attack Jade in the chest on your left. Continue up to a third
screen. Here, you can either go left into a cave or go right around the
cliff. Head to the right first and get a Mind Clear in the chest there.
Go into the cave to the left next and proceed. You will be inside a cave
with boiling magma on one side. There are exits above and below the
entrance. There is also an exit that leads to up. Go to the exit below
first and you will find a chest with a Giganto Armour. Go to the exit
just above the first entrance and you will find a chest with a Heal
Blitz. Head north when you are ready.

There is a chest on the way that contains a Dragon Helm. Continue your
way and you will get a sequence. It seems something is going on at the
peak and you don't want to miss it. So go up quickly. Proceed to the
next screen and you will find a save point. The chest there contains a
Fog Dispel. On the way up you will hear fighting going on. There is
another chest there containing a Body Clear. Proceed up.

It seems Lloyd is fighting the Dragon King already using his Dragon
Slayer Sword, the Dragon Buster. After the short CG, Lloyd will disappear
and you will have to fight the Dragon King.

-> Boss: Divine Dragon King (Void)

Dart will use the Staff of Dragon Seal in the first round. It will
diminish the power of the Dragon King, but it will also diminish the
power of the Dragoon. So don't bother with transforming to Dragoons. The
Dragon King has three parts: main part, Divine Dragon Cannon and Divine
Dragon Shot. You kill the Dragon King when you have destroyed its main
part, but I think you should get rid of the other two parts as soon as
possible since they can really do some massive damage. The Divine Dragon
Cannon shoots at a single target doing massive damage and it will affect
his / her neighbours for smaller damage. The Divine Dragon Shot will do
massive damage to all targets. The Dragon King can also attack with magic
and physical attacks. All of these can do some damage, but nothing life
threatening. This should not be a difficult fight if you have trained
your characters hard back in the Forbidden Land. But if you have not done
very much training, then you will have to bring a good supply of healing
items. It is the Divine Dragon King after all. When you have done enough
damage, Dart will charge forward for the final stroke and the king of the
dragon will collapse in pain. Lloyd will reappear to give the dragon king
a final chop up and he will steal the Dragon Spirit of the Divine Dragon
King. He has been planning this for long, it seems. You will get a
Gravity Grabber and an [Inatsumakoreda] for winning the battle.

Lloyd will then disappear and you will have to backtrack to go after him.
You will catch him up at the cave with magma on one side, but he will
shoot a fireball at you. Dart and Rosé will fall off the edge. They don't
quite end up in the magma though. They have fallen to a lower platform.
Rosé will faint and she will talk about strange things. She will mention
something about the Dark Power and the Moon Child again. What's going on?
Does she know something about the Dark Demon? You will get a sequence of
the destruction of Dart's tragic hometown again. Once more, you will
witness Dart's parents going off to fight the Dark Demon and met their
own deaths instead. Just when Dart was going to get more from Rosé, Meru
will fly down to get you. Must be a difficult task for her to take to
back up!

Your party will get Miranda to talk about the Moon Artefact at last. She
will mention the Moon Mirror that is in the possession of the royal
family in Mir Sezo. Your party will be alarmed, because Lloyd will
probably go after Teresa for the Moon Mirror. Hurry back to Denningrad!

- 3.8 - Captured -

At the entrance of the Coniferous Forest, you will get a sequence about
the third Holy Lady Wink and her guards. She was attacked by a Winged.
Remember the Badel brothers who hated Meru? This is the younger one.
Lloyd will come out of nowhere and saved Wink's life once again. (He has
saved her once in Donau, remember?) Lloyd was slightly hurt after the
fight (probably from fighting the Dragon King though) and Wink will take
her back to Denningrad to find him a physician.

Head back to Denningrad and go to the castle. It seems that Lloyd has got
Teresa already. You will get to see a sequence of what happened when Wink
had Lloyd introduced to her queen. He reported to the queen that he met
Miranda et al while he was travelling and he told the queen that the
mission of YOUR party was a success. The Dragon King was killed. Wink
will tell of her rescues by Lloyd, but he would tell the queen that the
rescued were coincidence. At this point, Loanne would begin to feel
uneasy. She did not think that it was coincidence and she questioned
Lloyd's intention. Lloyd then revealed himself. He was after the Moon
Mirror and then he would have the queen captured.

After the sequence, the party will have to go to the Fulanbel Tower which
is located west of the Cashua Glacier. This is where the Moon Mirror is
located and so this is where Lloyd and Teresa have gone. When you are
done, go back to the world map. The Cashua Glacier is just west of

- 3.9 - The Last Moon Artefact -

When you enter the Cashua Glacier, you will get a short sequence of the
relationship between Miranda and Teresa. After the sequence, you should
proceed through the slippery zig-zag path up to the top left. The chest
near the entrance contains a Thunder Bolt and the chest at the top right
contains a Heat Blade. At the next screen, there is a chest at the top
right that contains a Meteor Fall and a chest at the bottom left that
contains a Heavy Mace. Miranda will not let you go through the exit to
the top left, so you have to go down through the exit at the centre.

You will find yourself inside an underground icy cave. There are two
brother merchants standing on the left. One of them is an item shop and
the other is a weapon shop. The item shop sells:

Heal Fog - 30G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Body Clear - 10G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

The weapon shop sells:

Mind Clash - 350G
Battle Axe - 350G
[Fulanbeluzu] - 350G
Poison Bow - 350G
Saint Armour - 300G
Robe - 300G
Guard Medallion - 1000G

There is a chest on the right that contains a Gust Magma. Make your way
down the cliff using the ice pillars. There is a chest at the bottom left
that contains a Dancing Ray. The one on the right contains a Red Bird
Feather. There is a save point at the bottom of this screen. Exit through
the bottom right.

The chest underneath the ramp on the right contains a Fatal Blizzard. Go
up the ramp and try to proceed and you will get a sequence. You will get
attacked by a snow monster.

-> Boss: Indigo (Water)

This guy has considerable amount of HP so you will need to be careful. It
is best to have some speed enhancing equipment for the fight. Indigo can
counter attack sometimes as well. Most of the time, it will attack using
a magical clawed arm that throws a character away. It also has a physical
grab attack. Every now and then, it will have a character captured in its
belly while releasing two Snow Cannons. You can have the captured
character released once the Snow Cannons are destroyed. This guy is not
really that difficult, but the fight may just drag on if you are not well
prepared. You will get a Bag Nag for winning the fight.

Get a Black Rain from the chest on the left and proceed up to the top
right. You will be at the entrance of the Fulanbel Tower. According to
Rosé, the tower was once a flying fortress that was built by the Winged
during the Dragoon War 11,000 years ago. There is a Rave Twister inside
the left chest. Enter the tower and you can get a Spirit Ring on the
right. Exit left through the teleporter. You will be in a strange room
with many spheres. Whichever way you go, you will have to use the
teleporter at the bottom right sphere. It leads to a chamber with a chest
that contains a Magical Ring. Proceed to the left teleporter.

You will end up in another room with many spheres. Proceed using the
bottom left teleporter in a left sphere. You will be at the top of the
tower where the Moon Mirror is stored. There is a save point at the
centre. When your character reaches the centre, they will feel a
resonance with their Dragon Spirits. Looks like Lloyd is up the top
chamber. There is also an exit to the bottom right, but Miranda won't let
you go there. Go up to the top chamber when you have saved your game.

Inside the chamber, Teresa has just given Lloyd the Moon Mirror. Thank
you for your co-operation, your Majesty. Lloyd will tell you about his
intention with Emperor Deus to create a new and peaceful world. This can
be achieved by using the Moon Artefacts to unseal the Divine Tree so that
the 108th race can be created. In any case, you will have to fight Lloyd.

-> Boss: Lloyd (Void)

This is a pretty tough fight especially if you are not well equipped.
Lloyd is a tough guy. He is strong in almost everything. His only
weakness is probably his HP. For all his strength, he is only a mortal
and his HP is relatively low for a boss. He attacks with an all effect
magic that summons a dome to envelop your characters. This magic can do
really massive damage. Other than that, Lloyd uses normal attacks as
well as common magic spells. He also has a high evasive rate, so your
attacks may miss a few times during the fight. If you think you can
reduce his magical damage by transforming your characters to Dragoons,
then you are pretty wrong. Lloyd uses instant death attacks on your
characters if they ever transform to Dragoons. Unless you have Talismans
equipped, I don't think it is a good idea to fight Lloyd as Dragoons. You
should just concentrate on normal attacks using your Additional skills.
If you have listened to me earlier and have your characters trained in
the Forbidden Land, you should have very little trouble in the fight. A
healing item or two, however, will be unavoidable. You get no item for
winning this fight.

At the end of the fight, Dart will charge up at Lloyd, but he is agile
enough to avoid the attack. When Dart charges up to strike another blow,
Wink will come up and block the attack. Your blade will end up hitting
Wink at her back. Wink does not believe Lloyd is a bad guy. After all, he
has saved her life more than once.

Wink will then tell you why she is here. It seems like Deus has visited
Denningrad himself. Shana is captured by him. He has also issued an order
to have Lloyd back to the Capital City of Belweb. He will want Dart et al
to come as well. Lloyd will give you all the Moon Artefacts as ordered by
Deus. It seems like you will have a new journey while Teresa et al will
return to Denningrad. Dart will ask Lloyd why he saved Wink's life, but
Lloyd will tell Dart that there is no particular reason in doing so.

Emperor Deus will want you to hurry, but you should go back to the top
of the Tower first. Now you can go through the exit to the right. It is a
chamber that belongs to the master of the tower, the Magic Elder [Fausta].
Don't disturb him yet. If you do, you will be engaged in an impossible
fight. But there is nothing to stop you get the survival ring in the
chest there.

Note: You won't be able to fight the Magic Elder yet. There are also many
optional areas in this tower that are not yet accessible. These places
will be available once you have obtained the Dispel Illusion Stone in the
next chapter.

*A walkthrough for this area is documented in Appendix A.

Head back to the glacier and make your way back out to the ground level.
You will be able to take the exit to the top left now.

- 3.10 - Lloyd's Intention -

Proceed west through the world map and you will end up in the Snow Field.
Proceed to the left. There is a chest along the way that contains a
[Bannauto]. When you try to exit left, Lloyd will suggest to rest in the
cave near the exit first to wait until the snow storm is less severe.
(This will become a recovery point later.) You will get a sequence where
Lloyd will tell you more about Deus' intentions. Deus wants to create a
new world. He thinks that the current world is corrupt and the only way
to cleanse this corrupted world will be to have the 108th and the last
race created. The Moon Child and the Moon Artefacts are the keys for this
to happen.

These artefacts were created by the Winged during the Dragoon War 11,000
years ago. At the time, Emperor Merv Frama of the Winged was in power. He
led his people to believe that the Winged, being the 107th race, was the
highest race. So the seals were created in the name of the Moon. They
were made in the form of a dagger, a mirror and a jade. When all the Moon
Artefacts are gathered, their power can be released allowing the Divine
Tree to create the last race.

That's all Lloyd has knowledge about. He tells you to ask Deus himself if
you want to know more. After the sequence, the storm is less severe and
you can now exit to the left. The exit to the top left will lead you to
the world map, but you will want to explore this area first, won't you?

There is a sign on the left telling you to watch out for slippery ice. If
you go to the left edge, you will fall down the cliff. Notice two chests
on the snow during your way down? They can be obtained if you follow this
guide line. Notice when you descend, you will be prompted to press the
button 4 times? To get the left chest, start from above the sign. When
you are prompted to press the button, you should: 1st - press, 2nd -
don't, 3rd - press and 4th - press. The left chest contains a Magic
Shield. The right chest can be obtained if you start your journey below
the sign. When you are prompted to press the button, you should: 1st -
don't, 2nd - press, 3rd - don't and 4th - press. The right chest contains
a Dancer's Ring.

The first time you are at the bottom of the cliff, you will get a
sequence with the glowing tablet in there. It looks like that the words
are written on it. Meru will recognise the ancient language of the
Winged, but it seems too difficult for her to read. Dart and Kongol will
recognise ancient human and ancient Giganto as well, but neither of them
can read the ancient scripts. Dart will ask Rosé for help. She will be
able to read the script, and she will mention something about the ancient
city of Jenebatos, the Law Capital of the Winged. Dart will ask if this
is the place, but Rosé will tell you that this is actually the ruin of
a human stronghold during the Dragoon War. This place is called [Magrad].

*It is optional whether you go into this place or not. If you do, you can
check out Appendix A at the end of this guide.*

Head back and get the items in the chests on the way back. The bottom
left one contains a Banging Wave and the top right one contains a Gust
Magma. Head to the top left exit and go back to the world map. The
Capital City of Belweb is Northwest of the Snow Field.

- 3.11 - Emperor Deus and Secret of the Dark Demon -

Belweb was the capital city of the human during the Dragoon War, but like
Capital Kadessa of the Winged, it is just a ruin now. There are seven
towers on the far side and Deus is in his throne room. Proceed and
continue your way. You will be in an area where you will be walking along
the side of a fallen building. Enter the centre exit and get an Attack
Jade on the chest below. Continue your way to the left.

On the next screen, you will get a sequence about a tower on the far
side. Rosé will tell you that it was a cannon tower. It was designed to
shoot down flying fortresses such as the one that is now Fulanbel Tower.
If you take the exit down the bottom right, you will meet two more
brother merchants. One of them is a weapon shop and the other is an item
shop. The weapon shop sells:

Partisan - 400G
Heavy Mace - 400G
Giganto Armour - 400G
Active Costume - 300G
Giganto Ring - 1000G

The item shops sells:

Heal Fog - 30G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

When you are done, proceed left and continue. You will get a sequence
with none but Sharlie the Silver Dragoon. It seems like she has been
waiting here for you. She will tell you that four of the dragoons from
the Dragoon War have their spirits still trapped in their towers. They
cannot go through to the world of the dead. Sharlie will tell you to go
to Emperor Deus first and then you can come back and see if you can save
these poor souls from their own prisons. (If you come back to where
Sharlie is later, she will become a recovery point.)

There is a save point here. The exit to the left leads to Deus and the
exit to the top leads to the Dragoon Towers. If you feel confident at
your party level, you can go and fight the souls of the old Dragoons.
The area is optional. However, you can still go up there to check out the
centre Tower. It belongs to Rosé and there is a Star Dust there in the

*See Appendix A for a walkthrough for the Dragoon Towers.*

Proceed to the left and continue. You will have to descent down a spiral
staircase. There are 4 exits in here. The first one leads to a dead end.
The second leads to a chest with Rosé's Hairpiece. The third exit leads
you to Deus and the last exit leads you to a chest that contains a Spirit
Potion. Proceed through the third exit to the throne room.

At the throne room, you will see Shana lying there, but Deus will stop
you from reaching her. Lloyd and you will then present him with the Moon
Artefacts. He will then reveal his intentions to you. It seems like his
way of "creating a new world" is to cause the destruction of this world.
He is going to use the Moon Artefacts and the Moon Child to create the
ultimate 108th race - the Destruction God of Varaz Enbulio (whatever that
is). This race will be there to cleanse the world as intended by the
creator Soa. This has surprised Lloyd as well, because this is not what
he has intended. He was thinking about a "new world" as the future of the
current world. Deus will attack Lloyd and call him a fool. With Lloyd
gone, Deus will take his mask off and reveal himself. You will get a CG
sequence at this point. Meet Jiku and Dart's father!

Neither Dart and Rosé can believe their eyes. Jiku will continue his
speech. He began by talking about the creation of the world. The creator
Soa created the world by placing a single seed in the soil. Hence, the
Divine Tree was created. With the Divine Tree, there will be 108 races
in the world. For example, the 97th race was Giganto, the 99th race was
Mininto, the 105th race was Dragon, the 106th race was Human and the
107th race was the Winged. The intention of the creator was to have the
108th race as the ultimate race. This race will have the world destroyed
and hence the world can be re-created.

The Winged knew of this about 11,000 years ago. They created a seal to
have the Divine Tree sealed away so that they can keep the world in one
piece. Once they have got everything sealed, the Emperor of the Winged,
in his pride, began his thoughts to conquer the world. So Merv Frama
began his regime to enslave all the other races in the world. But his
evil plan was destroyed when the human began to ally themselves with the
dragons. The alliance between the human and the dragon was strong as it
allows the human to transform themselves to the ultimate form of
Dragoons. During the final battle, Jiku delivered a killing blow to Merv
Frama, but his magic was strong and Jiku was turned to stone by his
magic. Over the time, however, the magic weakens and Jiku was able to
escape from his stone prison. At this age, he settled in the town of Neat
where he and his "new" wife gave birth to Dart.

He will then tell you that even though the Divine Tree was sealed away,
the spirit of the Destruction God will be reborn every 108 years in the
form of the Moon Child. At the end of the Dragoon War, a Dragoon was
assigned to kill the Moon Child every time when it is reborn until the
end of time. This is to keep the Divine Tree locked away so that the
world will be kept in one piece. This Dragoon is the Dark Demon, and it
is not anyone but Rosé.

Dart will be shocked by this, but Rosé will confess. She does it because
it is necessary. But then Jiku will reveal to Rosé that she has failed
her task this time, because the Moon Child that was born 18 years ago had
a twin sister. The Moon Child Princess Lufia was killed by Rosé, but her
twin sister is still alive and she is here in front of them. She is
Shana. Shana is also a Moon Child and Jiku is going to use her to break
the seal and have the Destruction God released. Jiku will then disappear
with Shana. This shocking news concludes the third Chapter.



- 4.0 - Area Flow Chart -

Death Frontier -> The Spring Town of [Wurara] -> The Capital City of
[Fletch], Twin Castle -> The Frontier Town of [Luzu] -> The Magic Capital
of [Agulus] -> The Law Capital of [Jenebatos] -> The Death Capital of
[Mefil] -> Divine Tree -> The Setting Moon -> Ending Sequence

- 4.1 - Death Frontier -

You will begin this chapter in a desert area. This is Death Frontier, and
according to Rosé, there is a Winged settlement called Wurara in this
area, (but you will just have to look for it). From where you start,
there is a save point at the bottom left. You can go down to an
underground cave from the left exit, but there is very little you can do
there. The top exit leads you back to where you came from (i.e. it is a
dead end). The only way out is to go through the bottom exit.

Note: The maps in here are inter-connected. You will not get any random
encounters in here. All encounters are touch based. There are sand falls
in many areas. If you are caught near the sand fall, you will fall down
to the underground cave at the beginning of the area. Some of these sand
falls will lead you to the treasure chests at the underground caves. I
shall try my best to use an ASCII diagram to draw a simple map of the
maps. On the diagram, each box represents 1 field map. These maps can be
grouped into two major areas. depending on where you will go if you fall
down a sand fall.

Also, upon entering the second area, you will get a sequence where
Miranda will get impatient with Rosé. She will do what she does best.
Miranda will slap Rosé. The other party members will have her calmed
down afterwards.

Key: B = blocked
Cx = treasure chest (x = number identifier)
Ex = exit to next area (x = area number)
F = normal sand fall
Fx = sand fall with treasure (x = number identifier)
R = recovery point
S = save point
Ux = entrance to underground cave (x = area number)

Chest treasures: C1 Heal Blitz
C2 Heal Fog
C3 Gradius
C4 Power Down
C5 Heal Potion

Fall treasures: F1 Moon Selenide
F2 Heal Rain
F3 (Drops down to a recovery point)
F4 Recovery Jade
F5 San Rhapsody
F6 Thief's Boots.

Exit to world map
| |
| |
| |
---- E2E2 ----
| | | C5|
| | | |
| | | |
---- FFFF F6F6
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
---- ---- ----
| | S | |
Start | | R | |
| | | | |
---- FFFF ---- FFFF
| | | F5 | |
|U1 | |C4 F5 | |
|S | | F5 | |
---- E1E1 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
| | | B F | F |
| | | B F | F |
| | | B F | F |
---- FFFF ---- ---- FFFF ---- ----
| F1 F B | | | |
| F1 C1 F B | | | |
| F1 F B | | | |
---- ---- ---- FFFF ---- ---- ----
| | | B | S | F |
| | | B | R | F |
| | | B | U2 | F |
F2F2 ---- ---- E2E2 ---- ---- ----
| | F3 E1 B F F4 |
| | F3 E1 B F F4 |
|C2 | F3 E1 B F F4 C3|
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Head back to the world map when you are done collecting treasures and
training your characters. Go south and you will reach Wurara, a town that
belongs to the Winged.

- 4.2 - Cities of the Winged -

When you enter the area, you will get a sequence. The town of Wurara is
nowhere to be seen, but Rosé is sure that it is here. She will tell you
that the town is invisible because it is hidden by the magic of the
Winged. She will produce a device and the city of Wurara will be revealed
in front of you. After the sequence, you can check the chest there to get
a San Rhapsody. Use the teleporter to transport to the town.

At the entrance, you will be greeted by a person called Karon. It seems
that Karon thinks highly of Rosé. She will tell you to go and see Sharul
Frama. Go up to the next screen. Here you can exit to the bottom right,
top right or top left. The bottom right teleporter leads to a bar, but it
is not opened yet. The top left exit leads to an area with a flower bed.
You will get a sequence with Miranda. It seems that Miranda has developed
a hatred to rose. There is a save point here. If you examine the flower
bed, you will get a Star Dust. Continue left and you will be inside a
shop. Check the top wall for another Star Dust. The counter is a weapon
seller and the lady who is wandering around is an item seller. The weapon
shop sells:

Fairy Sword - 400G
Spirit Bow - 500G
Thunder Fist - 450G
Magical Greaves - 300G
Magic Power Ring - 600G
Sprite Ring - 600G
Body Mantle - 300G
Sprite Mantle - 300G
Wise Person Mantle - 600G

The item shop sells:

Heal Fog - 30G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G
Panic Bell - 20G
Faint Hammer - 20G
Poison Needle - 20G
Midnight Terror - 20G
Attack Jade - 100G
Recovery Jade - 100G

When you are done shopping, head back to the second screen and exit top
right. You will get a sequence where Rosé will talk to a local Winged and
you will get to know more about the seals. She will tell you once again
to go and talk to Sharul. If you examine the carnivorous plant, you will
find a Star Dust in its mouth.

If you talk to the young Winged on the left hand side, he will talk about
Merv Frama's intention to conquer all races and enslave all their minds
as well as their bodies. His evil plan was overthrown when he was killed
by Dragoon Jiku. Merv and the capital city of Kadessa were both destroyed
at the same time. However, there is a person who may be as dangerous as
Merv and he is still alive. He is Magic Elder Fausta, the right hand man
of Merv. He is strong in magic and can create illusion of himself and his
surroundings. You will need a Dispel Illusion Stone if you want even to
fight him in battles. The young Winged will also tell you that Fausta was
once the commander of a super mobile fortress Fulanbel. Apparently, the
fortress was shot down by the human using a most advance weapon called
the Spear Shooter. (That's probably the cannon pointed out to you by Rosé
when you were in Belweb.)

After the conversation, exit to the top left and you will get a sequence
with Sharul Frama, Emperor Merv Frama's elder sister. Dart will be
introduced to her as Jiku's son. It seems that not all Winged have joined
the Dragoon War 11,000 years ago. Some of them wanted peace and they
actually stayed away. You will be given three options.

Choose the first option to ask about the Seal Evil Spheres. These spheres
are the seals that keeps the body of the Destruction God sealed. These
seals are magical in nature and the only devices that can destroy them
are the Moon Artefacts. Five Seal Evil Spheres were made before the
Dragoon War but only three of them are left now. As for the other two,
one was in the destroyed Capital of Kadessa (now Forbidden Land) and the
other one was in the Crystal Palace in Denningrad and was destroyed by
the Divine Dragon King. Jiku had Lloyd collecting the Moon Artefacts with
full intention to destroy these seals.

Choose the second option to ask about the Setting Moon. The 108th race
that will be created by the Divine Tree will be the Destroyer God. To
prevent their creation, the body and the spirit of the Destroyer God are
sealed away separately. When the body is sealed by the Seal Evil Spheres,
the Spirit was sealed away by a magical crystal ball. Since Merv was the
one who made the seal, his death also caused the crystal ball to lose its
power. Thus, the spirit of the Destroyer has escaped to the human. It
will be reborn as the Moon Child every 108 years. For the Destroyer to be
reborn, the Moon Child must travel to the Setting Moon. That's why Rosé
was assigned to task to keep the Moon Child dead in all eras until the
end of time.

Choose the third option to ask about Jiku. Sharul does not know why Jiku
wants to destroy the world. She will tell you that Jiku and Rosé were
engaged before the Dragoon War and they were planning to get married
after the war. Of course, it never happened.

A 4th option will pop out after you have chosen the first three. You will
ask why they have made the Moon Artefacts for the destruction of the
seals. It does not seem reasonable. Sharul will tell you that she was
actually opposed to it, but the Moon Artefacts were made by Merv himself.
It seems that he intended to destroy the world if he could not have it
conquered. But of course, he was killed before he was able to use the
Moon Artefacts to destroy the seals to release the Destroyer.

A 5th option will pop out after the 4th. You will ask about the locations
of the rest of the seals. Sharul will tell you that they are in the Magic
Capital of Agulus, the Law Capital of Jenebatos and Death Capital of
Mefil. She will tell you to go to Luzu, Hatchel's home. There you will be
able to get more information about these places.

Sharul will then ask you to stay in her house for the night. At this
point, you will be back in control. Go upstairs. There is a chest there
containing a Moon Selenide. After stealing from your hostess, go outside
and you will get a sequence with Rosé. You will have a flashback of what
happened during the confrontation between Dart and Rosé in Death
Frontier. Rosé was defeated and she was going to let Dart take his
revenge on the Dark Demon. But Dart would not kill her and he would say
that it was because in his mind, the Dark Demon had died already. Rosé
will then tell you her reason for taking this task. She believes that
all races should have the freedom to determine their own fate, even if
the creator has intended to have them destroyed from the very beginning.

Next head to the shop. Albert and Kongol are there checking out the
weapons made by the ancient Winged. Kongol seems to think that the
weapons are of the highest quality. After the sequence, go to the bar. It
is opened now. Miranda and Hatchel are there. Miranda will tell more
about her reason for developing the hatred on rose and it has something
to do with her negligent mother. Of course, Hatchel is still worried
about his runaway daughter. It seems like both of them have had too much
drink already, but Dart and Rosé will join in anyway. You will have to
find Meru next. She is outside, talking to (or annoying) Karon near the
entrance. She wants to know how the teleporter works. Not now. Karon will
tell you that you can go back to Fletch through Giant's City. In Fletch
you will be able to talk the king into helping you to get a ferry across
the ocean to Luzu. You will then go to sleep.

The next morning, go back to the entrance and you will see everyone are
waiting for you there. It seems Sharul is giving your party a salute that
is befitted to heroes. Sharul has sent a messenger ahead of you to the
king in Fletch. You will exit the town automatically. Back on the world
map, continue your way and you will be inside the Giant's City. Kongol
will open a new way for you just next to the Recovery Point. Go through
the Giant City, the Gravity Breakdown Valley, the Deserted Land and go
all the way back to Fletch. Once you are there, enter the Twin Castle.
The king and the princesses will greet you at the entrance. He has
already arranged to have the Queen Phili at your service and it is docked
just underneath the castle. Go down to the basement and you will get a
sequence with captain Pyura and Tim. After the sequence, talk to Tim to
set sail.

- 4.3 - Hatchel's Home -

You will arrive in the small fishing village of Luzu in a small landing
boat. The residents there seem pretty excited to see the Queen Phili
docked outside of town. The mayor will come and greet you and he will
recognise Hatchel at the instant. He will invite you to go upstairs to
talk to him.

The beauty of RPG is that you never have to listen to what people say. So
you can explore the town before talking to the mayor. The guy at the
bottom won't let you through, but you can talk to the people at the top
right. One of them is a weapon shop and the other an item shop. The
weapon shop sells:

Attack Medallion - 1000G
Guard Medallion - 1000G
Giganto Ring - 1000G

The item shop sells:

Heal Fog - 30G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 30G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Panic Bell - 20G

Go up any ladder and you will be upstairs. The mayor is sitting at the
centre but you don't need to talk to him yet. Exit to the bottom right
and it will lead you to a chest with a Fighter's Guidance. Exit to the
centre right and you will get a Learned's Costume. Exit to the top.
Remember Mattel? The woman who will exchange goodies for your Star Dusts?
She is here, with her son Riru. It seems that her son is ill and she is
trying to use the magic of the Star Dusts to cure him. Go pass her and
round the balcony. In the next room, you will find a chest with 100G. If
you search below it, you will find the final Star Dust in the game.

Talk to Mattel again, and if you have got all Star Dusts, she will use
them to cure her son. She will thank you and give you the goodies as
promised, including a Dispel Illusion Stone.

Now, go back and talk to the mayor. Hatchel will think that nothing has
changed in Luzu. The mayor will agree as life is pretty routine here. The
people just fish, sleep, fish and sleep again. The martial artist will
also agree as they will just practice, sleep, practice and sleep again.
Hatchel will then tell the mayor their story. The mayor will tell you
about the "Pillar" that is sticking out of the sea in front of the
village. Perhaps it has something to do with the ancient Winged cities?

Now go down and go outside. Go round the left to reach a large platform.
Many of the martial artists are training in here. Indeed, you see a large
Pillar sticking out of the sea. Rosé thinks that it must be the Magic
Capital of Agulus. You will get 5 options to ask Rosé about the cities of
the Winged. The first one is Kadessa, now the Forbidden Land. It was the
capital city of the Winged and the centre of their politics and economy.
The second option is Crystal Palace, the Birth Capital. It is now the
Crystal Castle of Denningrad. The Winged gave birth in there. The place
had facilities for choosing babies, so that all babies were born to
become strong in magic. The third one is the Death Capital of Mefil. It
was where the Winged send their Dead. The fourth one is the Law Capital.
It was where the Winged made their laws. It seemed like a city of
justice, but it was actually a city of ultimate racism. Most of the laws
were made to enslave the other races. The fifth option is for the Magic
Capital of Agulus. It is the centre for magic research for the Winged.
When you are done, choose the sixth option to exit the conversation.

Rosé is pretty sure that the "Pillar" is the Magic Capital, but you will
just have to find a way to get there. Perhaps you can go back to the
Queen Phili and ask for help? On the way back, just outside the main
building of the town, you will get a sequence. It seems like someone is
watching you with a scrying device somewhere. The ground will then begin
to shake. It seems like the "Pillar" has risen up from the sea. Head back
to the small boat you used to land and go out to the sea.

- 4.4 - The Magic Capital -

When you are out at the sea, you will get an option. The first option
will take you back to Luzu, the second will take you to the Queen Phili,
and the third will take you to the Magic Capital of Agulus.

At the entrance of the Magic Capital, you will get a short sequence.
After the sequence, you will be able to get into the city by examining
the door (after talking to everyone). You will be inside a large open
area. The whole city is located under water and water is kept out of it
by a strong magical aura. Proceed using the teleporters.

In the next area, you will meet a little magical creature. It has been
waiting for several thousand years for the "seven heroes" to turn up. If
you check the left door, it won't open, yet. Remember this place. Follow
the little creature to the next screen. There is only one way to go in
this area. There are two chests here. The first one contains a [Bannauto]
and the second one contains a Gust Magma. Use the teleporter near the
exit first. Proceed to the next area and get a Moon Selenide and a
Magical Hat. Go back and take the exit. Proceed and you will be inside a
research centre. It looks like the magical creatures here are research
assistants. They are working in a project on a machine called Psychedelic
Bomb and its Motor. An Angel's Prayer is in a chest in this area.
Continue your way and you will be in a room with yet more teleporters.
One of the teleporters will lead you to the chest that contains a San
Rhapsody. Proceed to the exit and you will get another sequence. A
magical creature will tell you to go and talk to Savan, the head of the
research centre.

Next, you will be inside a scrying room that you saw earlier. You will be
able to see your own image at the centre. Continue to the next screen.
You can get a Heal Fog in the first chest. The second chest is not
accessible yet. Continue to the next screen with still more teleporters.
One of them will lead you back to the second chest in the previous
screen. You can get a Heal Rain in this chest. Continue when you are
done. In the next room, you will find 7 portals of different colours and
a save point. Savan will come and greet you.

Savan is the head of the research facility here. Before the Dragoon War,
he was assigned a task called the Winged Rehabilitation Program. It was
aimed to facilitate the Winged to rehabilitate whether they have won or
lost in the war. Savan is very strong in magic. With his own magic, he
was able to stop his own ageing and so prevented his own death. He was
alone in here after the Dragoon War. For the first 4,000 years, he was so
bored that he wished he would die. But about 7,000 years ago, he found
Rosé using his scrying glass. After that, he began to know the purpose of
his life. Since then, he has been working on a project on the Psychedelic
Bomb and its Motor. It is a device that can be used to stop Soa's plan
and Jiku's evil intention to destroy the world. By using this device, it
will be possible to have the Destruction God sealed forever in the
Setting Moon. Perhaps there is hope after all. He will then tell you that
the strange device he created will need to have courage as its fuel. His
own is not enough and so he will ask to "borrow" some of your courage.
But he will have to test you first. Talk to Savan to begin the test and
your party member will each walk into the appropriate portals. You can
use the save point now to save your game. Talk to Savan again to start
the test.

Kongol is the first one to be tested. He will first get confronted by
Rosé then Emperor Doyle. When Doyle is going to strike you, choose the
second option to take his blade and you will pass the first test.

Miranda is next. She would be pretty impatient as usual. When the magic
creature ask why she comes here, you will choose the second option.
Miranda comes here because of the world. The magic creature will then
tell Miranda that since she has won't the game, it is going to die and
with it dead, she will die as well. Choose the second option. Everything
will be all right again and you will pass the test.

Albert is next. He will be confronted by one of his ministers. The
minister will tell him that something is wrong in Seldio. He tells Albert
to come back home as soon as possible, because an unknown enemy is
invading them from the east. Choose the second option and you will tell
him that they are not an enemy. You will then pass the test.

Then it is Meru's turn. The younger Badel brother will be here for the
avenging his sister. Garaha will come out and block the initial attack
for her. When Badel attacks again, choose the second option. Meru will
block the attack herself and you will pass the test.

Hatchel's turn. You will get a sequence with Claire again. After the
sequence, choose the second option and you will pass the test.

Rosé is next. She does not have to be tested. She is already brave enough
for taking up the task as "Dark Demon".

Dart is the last one to be tested. Shana is in front of him. His sword
will force him to kill her for what she is. Choose the first option. Dart
will answer that he will try to help her instead and you will pass the
final test for your courage.

After your test, continue left and follow Savan. You will end up in
another teleporter maze, but there is actually only one way to go. In the
next screen, Savan will announced to you that the Psychedelic Bomb is
finally completed and its Motor is up and running. You will get a
Psychedelic Bomb from the device. Follow him to the next screen and
continue. You can pick up 200G and a Heal Blitz on your way. You will get
to an area with a save point next. Continue and you will end up in the
Seal Chamber of the Magic Capital. The Seal Evil Sphere is there with
Savan's Psychedelic Bomb. However, Jiku will also be here and he has
controlled the guardian to the Seal Evil Sphere. The Last Kraken will try
to destroy both the Seal Evil Sphere and the Psychedelic Bomb. It is up
to you to try and stop it.

Boss: Last Kraken (Water)

This is one big octopus and it is one of those who fights pretty
unfairly. While its normal and its spray attack can do some massive
damage to only single targets, it can sometimes attack multiple times. In
my game, Albert got attacked by it about 4 times in a row for no reason
what-so-ever. That took Albert from full HP down to a near death
situation. Luckily, it has not done the same again. In fact, this boss is
actually not that difficult. You can probably do some good damage to it
by having Dart turn on a Special. But it is equally OK if you concentrate
on using normal Additional skills alone. Every now and then, it will
summon two [Cleone] to help it. These little fairies don't do very much
damage and they can be easily taken care of. When you win the battle, you
will receive a Pretty Hammer for Meru.

Oh no, it seems the Psychedelic Bomb has become unstable because Jiku has
taken his chance to disrupt it. It is going to explode and Savan saved
your life by having you teleported outside and by having the chamber
sealed. Savan dies with the explosion. It seems the only way is to go
back now. At the test room, the magic creature that tested Miranda will
really die, with Savan dead. At the scrying room, you will see Jiku and
he is heading towards the Law Capital of Jenebatos. Before they die, the
magic creatures will tell you to use the teleporter near the entrance of
the city. Head back to where you first saw the little magic creature. The
left door is now opened. Go in and you will get a short sequence. After
the sequence, examine the teleporter to go to the Law Capital of

- 4.5 - The Law Capital -

Go outside the Teleport Facility and you will in Jenebatos. A flying
robot will fly towards you. It will tell you that this city is under
martial law and any races except the Winged are not allowed in the city.
Humankind especially. Just when your characters are prepared for an
attack, the little robot will fly away. It seems like the best it can do
is talk. Then you will see a giant sting ray looking flying towards your
way. This is Kuron. It was summoned by Savan to help you. You can use it
to travel to various major locations on the world map.

Next, go to the roof of the Teleport Facility and talk to the blue rock
there. It will tell you that you are not allowed to go where the Seal
Evil Sphere is because you are not Winged. Meru will try to tell it that
she is, but her magic is probably not strong enough and the stone will
not recognise her as one. The stone will also tell you that it is the Law
of the Winged Section 703 that makes it forbidden to have any races other
than the Winged to go to where the Seal Evil Sphere is.

Head to the next screen on the right. A save point is there. A robot is
also there next to the save point. Talk to it and it will tell you that
the only places that you are allowed to go to are the Legislation Hall,
the Law Factory and the Law Launch Area. When you ask whether you can go
to the Seal Evil Sphere, it will tell you again that it is forbidden by
the law. But you can probably go to the Legislation Hall to put forward
a proposal for changing the law. So it seems you will have to go to the
Legislation Hall to put forward a change to Section 703.

Talk to the robot again and you will be given an option. The 1st option
is cancel. The 2nd option takes you to the Law Factory, the 3rd takes you
to the Law Launch Area and the 4th takes you to the Legislation Hall.
Before you go to the Legislation Hall, choose option 2 to go to the Law
Factory first. There is a shop in front of the entrance to the Law
Factory. Although it is forbidden for human to use the shop, you can
still use it. The weapon shop sells:

Great Axe - 400G
Gradius - 400G
Red Eye Dragon Armour - 800G
Green Dragon Armour - 800G
Dark Dragon Armour - 800G
Sea Dragon Armour - 800G
Panic Guard - 300G
Courage Charm - 300G
Petrify Protector - 400G

The item shop sells:

Heal Fog - 30G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Heal Blitz - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Petrify Clear - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Dispel Evil Perfume - 4G

When you are done shopping, go to the Legislation Hall on the right.

In these areas, you are supposed to avoid getting caught by the security
guard robots. But you should get caught at least once because there are
items that can only be obtained by getting caught! When you get caught,
you will sent to a prison. It seems there is no way to escape. But where
is Kongol? Not for long, he will break in. The party will wonder why he
is not sent here as well. Rosé has the answer, as usual. It is probably
because Kongol is too heavy for the security guards to teleport him into
the prison. Now that you can escape, head outside and there are two
chests. One of them contains an [Inatsumakoreda] and the other one
contains 200G. Take the platform back.

OK, this time round, try to avoid the security robots. They will only
chase you if you are in the path, hence you are safe at the teleporters,
the exits and in front of chests. There are two chests in this area. The
first one contains a Frozen Jet and the second one contains a Banging
Wave. At the top of the Legislation Hall, you should go join the queue
with the robots. When it is your turn, go and examine the centre of the
hall. You will asked whether you want to make a new law. Answer no (2nd).
The robot councillor will then ask you whether you want to change any
existing law. You will answer yes (1st) and they will prompt you to input
the section code. Input 7, 0 and 3 and you will be given a Law Production

Now head back and go to the Law Factory (Left). It is pretty similar
here. You should avoid being caught by the security robots. There are
three chests in this area. The first one contains a Spectral Flash. The
second one contains a Night Raid and the third contains a Rainbow Dress
for the ladies. When you reach the Law Factory, talk to the robot on the
left by the machine. It will give you a Law Launch Permit. Now go back
and go to the Law Launch Area (top). Again, avoid getting yourself
caught. There are three chests in this area again. The first one contains
a Down Bust, the second contains a Sprite Mantle and the third contains a
Gravity Grabber. At the Law Launch Area, use the platform to go up and
bingo, the law is launched!

Go all the way back to the roof of the Teleport Facility and talk to the
robot by the blue stone. You will get a short sequence. (It seems like
the system takes time to get used to a new instruction!) Talk to the
robot again and choose the second option to go to the Grand Magistrate,
which is also where the Seal Evil Sphere is.

When you get to the Grand Magistrate, a robot there will tell you that
all of you are suspects of some crime, but it will tell you to go forward
into the court. There is a save point here, so you know what's going to
happen... When you enter, you will be found guilty by all the robots in
there. The Chief Justice robot, Nomus, will tell you the charge. You are
guilty of trying to oppose the will of the Creator Soa and you are
sentenced to death. It seems like Jiku has been here already. The Chief
Justice will send in the executioners and you will have to fight them.

-> Boss: Kubera (Dark), Bekuta (Dark) and Serebu (Dark)

Kubera is pretty bad. It can summon a monster to attack your whole party.
It can use all effect magic spells and it has an instant death final
attack. The best strategy is to deal with this guy first. Bekuta is less
dangerous. He is rather slow and can only deal physical damage to a
single target. However, every now and then, Serebu can give Bekuta a kiss
and it will boost him up to a giant form. Bekuta is more dangerous in the
giant form. It can do physical damage to your whole party and it can
swallow one of your characters for massive damage. Serebu is also quite
dangerous. Not only that she can boost up Bekuta, she can also use some
nasty magic attacks. She is also quite fast. So I think it is best to
kill her after you are finished with Kubera and leave Bekuta last. You
don't get anything by murdering the executioners.

After the fight, make your way up to the Seal Chamber. Guess who's there?
It seems Jiku has destroyed the Seal Evil Sphere already. Too late. Now
you will have to go back and find your way to the Death Capital of Mefil.

When you are back outside the Teleport Facility, talk to the little robot
beside Kuron. The little robot will tell you that it is forbidden for
non-Winged to go to Mefil. Talk to it again, and you will be told that it
is forbidden because of Law Section 410. It seems like you will have to
go and change the law again. Repeat the same procedure as before. Once
you have changed Section 410, talk to the robot again, and you will be
able to use the Teleport Facility to go to Mefil.

- 4.6 - The Death Capital -

When you examine the Teleport Facility, you will get an option. The first
is cancel. The second will return you to the Magic Capital of Agulus and
the third will send you to Mefil.

You will witness Jiku arriving in the city when you arrive at Mefil. Go
outside and you will get a short sequence. After that proceed using the
teleporters. In the next chamber, Albert's Dragon Spirit will resonant
with the thing in the middle of the room. This is the ghost of the Green
Dragon Ferubrand. It seems to be trapped here. Talk to it again to free
it by fighting it.

-> Boss: Dragon Ghost (Wind)

This is an easy fight. The dragon ghost will only attack using not very
strong physical attacks. Just keep attacking it with your Additional
skills and it will be "freed" soon. You will get a Down Bust for winning
the battle. Continue your way.

You will get into a teleporter maze again. (The Winged is really a group
of maniac for creating these mazes... Sorry Meru.) Anyway, you need to
watch out hidden passages in this city as some will only light up when
you walk on them. Here, there is a chest on the top side if you go up the
hidden passage from the centre. The chest contains a Poison Guard. If you
go left pass the chest, you will be able to get to another teleporter.
This one will eventually lead you to a chest that contains a Faint Guard.
If you go right from the Poison Guard chest, you will end up in an area
that will lead you to a Panic Guard and a Protector.

After collecting your treasures (from the dead), continue and you will be
inside another round chamber with a thing in the middle. This time, it is
Meru's Dragon Spirit that is resonating. It seems like it is Regal the
Sea Dragon. Fight it to free this poor soul.

-> Boss: Dragon Ghost (Water)

This is slightly more difficult than the previous battle, because the
ghost of Regal can use all effect magic spells on your party. The boss
can also fight unfairly and attack you multiple times in a row. It is
also quite fast, but is pretty weak against physical attacks. So, your
normal Additional skills should work just fine. You will get a Frozen
Jet for murdering the dragon again.

Proceed to the next screen. In the next area, you can go up first and the
way will lead you to a chest containing an Active Ring. Proceed to the
next chamber and you will see more dragon ghost. This one belongs to the
Divine Dragon King and Miranda is determined to have him freed.

-> Boss: Dragon Ghost (Void)

Basically this guy is an enhanced version of the Dragon King when it was
alive. It is considerably stronger and tougher. Making matter worse, it
can still use its two super Divine Dragon weapons (Shot and Cannon), and
there is no way to kill off these weapons first this time. The worst
thing is that it can also use these nasty weapons on you multiple times
in a row. (Hence, it can kill a character or two in a row.) It is fast as
well. It is probably best to have Dart turn on a Special and he should
keep attacking with Final Bust to do some real damage. You should also
consider having either Meru or Miranda in the party so that you will be
able to keep your HP up. (Rosé's Astral Drain will not be enough.)
Albert's Flower Storm will also help. If you are rich, you should have a
Legendary Helm or two equipped. (In that case, you will probably be able
to laugh at this boss.) Just keep attacking and healing and you will
eventually be able to free his majesty the ghost of the Dragon King. You
will get a [Inatsumakoreda] for winning the battle. The chest there
contains a Petrify Protector.

There is a save point in the next room. Go pass it to the next area. You
will end up in a room with a grid in front of you. The bottom left exit
leads to a room with a chest that contains a Courage Charm. In the grid
room, you will see laser pulses from a source below striking at the
squares on the grid. When a pulse strike a square, it will either turn
red or white. If it turns red, it means that it is a true floor. If it
turns white, it means the floor is fake. You can only move on real floor
panels, of course. If you touch a fake floor panel, you will fall throw
to the room below, which is the room as the bottom left exit.

Walk through the first part of the red panels and you will reach the
right side of the room. You will go into a chamber with a recovery point.
The chest there contains a Self Magic Bell. Continue and back into the
grid room. Play the second part and you will end up going through an exit
at the top. There you will get a short sequence. It seems that the ghosts
here are haunting Rosé the Dark Demon. Rosé does not seem to care.
Continue your way and walk through the third part of the grid. You will
be able to reach the teleporter on the left.

Above is a room with a save point and a chest (Heal Rain). You will meet
the ghost of a friend here. It seems something is wrong with Ravits'
ghost. He seems to be possessed. He will disappear through the teleporter
on the right. Follow him. Outside the teleporter, you will find out that
something is stuck on Ravits' back. That thing on the back is up to no
good. Let's get rid of it for Ravits. Time for battle.

-> Boss: Ravits' Ghost (Wind)

Talk to Ravits by choosing the first option when you are prompted. Do not
attack when Ravits is facing you. Only attack him when his back is
turned. Be careful, because every now and then, the thing at the back
will use an attack that can cause confusion to the whole party. When you
have done enough damage to the thing at his back, it will reveal itself.
It is a demon called Jagoyle and it wants your souls as well.

-> Boss: Jagoyle (Dark)

This one is a tough fight, especially if you have been using up a lot of
your items in the previous fight. This guy has a pretty strong physical
attack as well as strong, all effect magical attacks. It also has an
instant death attack, but will only use it infrequently. Every now and
then, it will turn into a bat with even stronger physical attacks. All
your attacks will do no damage while it is in this form. This boss is
fast, tough, bad and has lots of HP. Having a healer (Meru or Miranda) in
the party is certainly a good idea. Keep hitting it will your Additional
skills and its life will be drained away eventually. Dart will charge up
to give it a final blow, as usual.

The demon will try to possess Ravits again. This time Ravits will go
completely mad and he will attack Dart. Ravits will send Dart's sword
flying. Weapon-less, Dart will get charged by Ravits. But at the very
last moment, Ravits will recognise his friends and he will use his will
power to force the demon away. The reunion is short life because it is
time for Ravits to go to his final rest. He will use his last power to
create a way for you to reach the Seal Evil Sphere. You will get a Heal
Rain and a Hell Bat for winning this battle.

You can examine the beam and choose the second option to go up to the
Seal Chamber. Before you do that, however, you should go back and save
because you will not be able to turn back once you have gone up the light
beam. If you are low on items, go back to Jenebatos to stock up. If you
have not been through the optional areas, you should visit them now. I
will also recommend strongly on getting a few Legendary Helm in Loan as
well. They will certainly be useful for the fighting the bosses to come.

When you are ready, float up the beam created by Ravits to reach an upper
chamber. Once you are here, you can't go back any more. There is a chest
here that contains a Spectral Flash. Continue your way into the Seal
Chamber. It seems Jiku has not been here yet, because the Seal Evil
Sphere is still unbroken. It looks like there is some hope yet. But not
for long. Jiku will turn up, destroy the last seal and disappear again.
With the seal broken, the earth will start shaking. This is really the
end of the world. Your characters will decide to follow Jiku into the
Setting Moon so that you can save the world, and Shana. The exit through
the left is a dead end, but Kuron will fly in for the rescue. (I wonder
why he didn't take you here directly in the first place.)

- 4.7 - The Divine Tree -

Once you are on Kuron's back, you will get a CG sequence of the Setting
Moon. It is descending towards you. The Divine Tree will then pop out
from nowhere. The Moon will land on top of it. (It looks like the Divine
Tree was designed to hold the Moon in its place.) You will then begin to
see Varazes coming out of the Moon. Kuron will be attacked by a Varaz and
you will land crushing down on one side of the Divine Tree. (It looks
like the Varaz are the fore soldiers for the new race the Destruction God
Varaz Enbulio.)

Kuron will be too hurt to fly any more so you will have to make your way
up the Divine Tree to the Moon. Once you are in control, you can use the
save point in the screen. Proceed up. In the next screen, if you examine
a little shiny spot on the left, you will find a Red Bird Feather.
Continue up. You will find another shiny object here, but no item this
time. Instead, you will get a short sequence with Rosé explaining to you
about the creation of races by the Divine Tree. Continue up. In the next
screen, you will find yet another shiny object in a pond. Rosé thinks it
must be where the fishes / mermaids were created. Continue your way up
and you will soon arrive in an exit where you will get blown up the tree
with a strong air current.

Go up there. It seems your whole party is fine. However, when Kongol
tries to land, he will be too heavy and the ground will shake violently.
This shake will disturb a giant caterpillar on the branch. Never mind it
now. There is a shiny object just in front of the tree trunk. Examine it
and you will get a Silver Dragon Armour. There is also a recovery point
on the right. Continue up. You will find another shiny object in here,
but there is nothing special. Continue up and you will arrive at the top.
There is a save point on the right. Exit to the top left. Try to proceed
and you will see the giant caterpillar again. It does not seem to like
you (or perhaps it is just hungry). It will attack.

-> Boss: Divine Tree Butterfly (Void)

This boss has three forms. It will begin as a caterpillar. When you
"kill" the caterpillar, it will become a cocoon. Finally, when you have
done enough damage to the cocoon, it will become the adult. The first
form attacks with a physical attack. It can also shoot out a paralysing
gas and a poison gas. The cocoon cannot attack at all. The adult has the
most HP and is slightly better in defence. It attacks with singly
targeted physical and magical attacks. Every now and then, it can also
shoot out a weakening gas (that causes the "low spirit" status). This
boss is really not very difficult at all. A good strategy is to have two
strong fighters + Miranda in the party. Miranda should concentrate on
healing. (She is very good in this fight, because her spells can cure bad
status.) The fighters should concentrate on attacking with their normal
Additional skills. For winning the battle, you will get a Moon Selenide,
a San Rhapsody and a Heal Rain.

Continue left and you will arrive at the entrance to the Setting Moon.
Your characters think that they will have to make their way to the centre
of the Moon to rescue Shana and prevent the creation of the last race.
Jump into the portal to enter.

- 4.8 - The Setting Moon -

From the entrance, proceed to the right. In the next area, you will get a
sequence. The ground will shake and you will fall. When you are awake,
you will be inside a forest. Have you been taken outside? Rosé does not
think so, because if you listen carefully, you will be able to hear the
heart beat of the Destruction God at the centre of the Moon. This must be
the magic of the Moon. It is capable of creating illusions. It can also
see the past from the hearts of your characters. When you are in control,
you can get a Frozen Jet from the chest across the bridge. Exit to the
top right. You will then be inside a grassland area, but the sky looks
wrong though. Proceed to the right and you will end up in an area with
frozen ground. Miranda will recognise this place as her childhood forest
in Mir Sezo. The place is calling her and she will run into the forest on
her own.

There is a flower bud on the ground. It is the rose that Miranda hates.
You will get a sequence of young Miranda. (I think) her father had died
and her mother was prepared to re-marry to a man who will not take
Miranda with him. Her mother will leave her by herself. That's why
Miranda can never forgive her mom and that's why she hated rose - a
flower given to her mom by that man. When she tries to examine the
flower, it will turn into a monster and attack.

-> Boss: Death Rose (Void)

Here, just keep attacking with normal physical attacks. It is even better
if Miranda has a Survival Ring on. The boss can only attack with weak
physical and magical attacks. It will also drain your life to recover
itself every now and then. It is an easy fight if anything. Once in a few
rounds, the rose will open up to reveal the face of Miranda's mother. You
will get to know more about their relationships. It seems the name
Miranda was named after the goddess Mir, meaning love or something like
that. Once you have done enough damage to the boss, you will get prompted
with an option. Choose the first option to forgive your mother and you
will win the fight. Party will rejoin after the fight.

Continue your way. You can get a Down Bust on your way. Exit to the
bottom left. Next you will be inside a cave. Go through it and you will
end up in an area with human and the room looks like an inn! When the
party thinks that this must be illusion, Rosé will try to cut herself.
She will feel the pain and so she will inform the party that this is no
illusion at all. Albert will recognise the clothing style. This people
must have come from his home country Seldio. You will also see a strange
girl downstairs and she will walk into a mirror and disappear!

In this room, there is a hospital at the top left. Next to it is the inn
keeper. There is a save point here. Below the inn is an item shop. It

Heal Fog - 30G
Heal Blitz - 50G
San Rhapsody - 50G
Angel's Prayer - 30G
Petrify Clear - 30G
Mind Clear - 20G
Body Clear - 10G
Panic Bell - 20G
Poison Needle - 20G

Below the item shop is a guy playing piano. Talk to him and he will play
Claire's tune. Both Dart and Hatchel will be surprised to hear the tune.
The guard at the bottom won't let you through the bottom exit. Talk to
the drunken man in the bottom right, and Albert will recognise him as a
rich man in Seldio. This guy is called Doran and he disappeared 20 years
ago. Above him is a weapon shop. It sells:

Claymore - 500G
Hell Bat - 500G
Basher - 500G
Destruction God's Iron Hammer - 500G
Red Eye Dragon Armour - 800G
Green Dragon Armour - 800G
Golden Dragon Armour - 800G
Purple Electric Dragon Armour - 800G
Silver Dragon Armour - 800G
Dark Dragon Armour - 800G
Sea Dragon Armour - 800G
Magic Power Ring - 600G
Sprite Ring - 600G
Attack Medallion - 1000G
Guard Medallion - 1000G
Giganto Ring - 1000G

Follow the girl into the mirror when you are done shopping. You will be
inside the village of the Mininto, the 99th race. A chest in the left
house contains 200G. Exit to the bottom. Go across the bridge to get a
Spectral Flash from the chest. Continue and exit to the bottom again. You
will find the strange girl in here again. She will disappear into the
black hole behind her. This is Claire and Hatchel will follow her into
the black hole alone.

Inside is a room decorated with martial art training equipment. It looks
like that Claire does not like learning martial art. She does not want to
possess the power to hurt. She just want to flowers, songs, loves, just
like other girls. Hatchel will explain that the martial arts are from
their ancestors. It has been going down their lines for centuries. But
Claire will not listen and she will attack.

-> Boss: Claire (Thunder)

Claire is possessed. The spirit of the "Martial God" is inside her. She
will attack you with the forbidden move in the Dragon and Tree style. The
move is called "Four Gods Terminating Strike" or something like that. It
is basically a reduce to 1 HP attack. I just hope that you have plenty of
Heal Fog in your inventory! This is not a difficult fight. Use a Heal Fog
when your HP is reduced to 1 HP. Continue with normal Additional attacks
and you will soon be prompted with an option. Choose the first one and
Claire will finally come back to herself. She will thank her father
before disappearing. It seems the Moon can really see your past.

The party will rejoin. If you continue down the path, you will eventually
end up at a chest containing an [Inatsumakoreda]. There is little to do
here except getting lots of random fights. So perhaps you should head
back to the inn.

The guard that was previously at the bottom exit has moved and now you
can go outside from the inn. You will see a castle at the top of the
screen. It belongs to Emperor Doyle. The guard will tell you that the
Doyle has gone to the Giant's City. There is an exit on the left. Go
through it and you will be in another cave area. Go through this area to
the next and you will be inside an area with floating glass platforms.
The exit to the top right leads to a dead end, so you should go to the
top left.

When you proceed further, Rosé's Dark Dragon will appear out of nowhere,
and it will attack. Your party will escape, but they have gone through to
different areas. Dart and Rosé are on one side while the rest are on the
other side.

Albert et al will be in the Giant's City. One of them will mention that
the Moon has a way of knowing your past - and your past will become
reality again in here. You will get to see a short sequence. It will show
the last day of the Giganto race. Kongol was still a boy and he was left
alone after all his kinds were killed. You will meet Doyle, who was in a
mission to bring peace to the world. That's Kongol's memory of Doyle and
that's why he worked for him. Continue your way up the steps and you will
be in the centre of the Giant's City. Kongol will leave the party and
enter the top building alone. There he will meet his brother Indra.
Apparently Indra is the warrior of the Giganto race. Kongol will
challenge him to a fight.

-> Boss: Indra (Earth)

Although Indra has pretty strong physical attacks, the fight should not
be too difficult. Indra does not have that much HP. Just keep hitting him
with your Additional skills and you will drain away his life pretty
quickly. However, you should bear in mind that Indra is similar to Kongol
when you were fighting him as a boss. Indra will automatically counter
your attack if you miss a timing input in your combo. You will get
Indra's Axe for winning the battle. Kongol is now the best warrior of his

After the party has rejoined, go downstairs and only the cell door with
the handle on the side. You will find a chest with a Golden Dragon
Armour. Head back outside and exit through the pond on the left. Go all
the way back to the inn. Albert et al will decide to wait here for Dart
and Rosé. The screen will switch to them.

You will be in a mountain area. There are some cute little dragons on one
side. Rosé seems to like them a lot. Exit up. The first chest on the
right contains a Night Raid. You can't reach the one above yet. Continue
up. At the next screen, there is an exit to the right, but Rosé will not
let you go there yet. You can go up the ramp to the right to get back to
the chest at the previous screen. It contains a Banging Wave. Proceed Up.

At the top, you will get a sequence. Rosé will know this place. It is
where she first met her dragon. She was with Jiku then, and she has named
her dragon Mohair. Back to now, the rather dead looking dragon in front
of you will start to move and it will attack you. It does not seem to
recognise Rosé at all.

-> Boss: Dark Dragon Mohair (Dark)

Whatever you do, you will not be able to damage this dragon. Rosé will
tell you that you are facing Mohair the Dark Dragon, the most powerful,
the toughest and the fastest of its kind. Rosé knows of its weak point
though. Dart will ask about it. A few rounds later, when you are
prompted, choose the first option. Rosé will tell Dart that when the
dragon uses its Black Laser attack, it will have its heart exposed for a
short period afterwards. You will then be able to attack its heart for
maximum damage. Guard and wait until it uses this attack. You will be
able to switch your target cursor on its hearts after the attack. A good
complete Additional attack should finish the dragon in one hit.

Once you have the dragon defeated, go back down and go to the exit to the
right. You will end up in the cave above the inn, (but you will be coming
from a previously inaccessible exit.) Go to the inn and you will exchange
information with the rest of your party. Go outside. Talk to the guards
outside the castle. Albert will ask for an audience with his uncle.

Once you are in the castle, go up to the throne and Albert will go to
talk to Doyle on his own. This will talk about the reason for Doyle's
action in the past. Doyle thought that Albert's father was useless as a
king and so he killed him. Albert thought his father was a good king
though, and well loved by his people. It looks like you can only resolve
the issue with a fight.

-> Boss: Dark Doyle, Light Blade and Dark Blade (Thunder)

You cannot hit Doyle until you have broken the both the light blade and
the dark blade. Doyle will attack with these swords as well as magic
spells. Just keep using your normal Additional attacks. The fight will
not last too long. Doyle will die and he will ask Albert to be a good
king. Part will rejoin.

Go back to where you should have gone before you were attacked by Rosé's
dragon. Continue your way and you will eventually end up in front of the
Crystal Palace. You will get a sequence here and Meru will get teleported
into the Palace on her own. Before she knows it, she will be in front of
the Seventh Angel, a goddess of the Winged. The goddess will accuse Meru
of hanging out with the low human race and she will not listen the Meru's
explanation. You will have to fight her.

-> Boss: Seventh Angel (Light)

This boss has a reduce-to-1-HP attack. I hope you have bring along some
Heal Fog, just in case. Her physical attacks are not very strong, so you
should not have too bad a time fighting her. Meru will try to explain to
the angel about the hope, dream, and equality of the different races, but
the angel will reject everything. No matter what you say, you will have
to kill her. Party will rejoin afterwards and you will be able to go up
from the centre in this room.

Next, you will be inside a very strange looking room. It looks like you
have arrived to the inside of a TV. Exit top left. In the next room, you
will find a Gravity Grabber in the chest. Exit bottom left and you will
arrive in a room with a save point. Go to your right and you will get a
short sequence. In the form of telepathy, Dart will hear the words "My
word, my future and my hearts". It sounds like Shana. She must be inside.

- 4.9 - Final Confrontation -

Go through the exit and you will find a Super Varaz blocking your way.
You will have to fight it to get it out the way.

-> Boss: Super Varaz (Void)

Like the other Varaz, this guy has three parts, head, body and arm. But
you can kill this guy by killing its body alone. It can drop rocks on
all your characters for massive physical damage. It can also use strong
magical attacks. (If you have taken my recommendation earlier, you should
have got some Legendary Helms. In that case, you really don't have to
worry about magical attacks at all.) The body has strong defence and lots
of HP. It can also fight unfairly with multiple attacks. I have managed
to defeat this guy without ever turning into Dragoons but you may need to
consume a healing item or two in this fight.

Go forward to the next screen after the fight. You will be inside another
room with a save point. A chest is next to it. It contains an Explosive
Bow, the best weapon for Miranda. Go forward to the next screen and you
will find Shana lying in there. Jiku is there as well. He will attack
Dart for the Dragon Spirit. He will have the Dragon Spirit equipped on
himself and you will finally get to fight Dart's father.

-> Boss: Jiku (Fire)

You won't be able to use Special for this battle, because you have lost
the Dart's Dragon Spirit. Jiku has a tendency to attack his son a lot, so
you should have the Red Eye Dragon Armour equipped on him. Jiku attacks
with Dragoon Additional and Dragoon Magic. His style look more impressive
than Dart's style, but there is not much difference. In any sense, this
is actually an easy battle, because Jiku's HP is quite low. (This is
especially true if you have got some Legendary Helms. In that case, you
will able to laugh at Jiku's magical attacks.)

After the fight, a strange thing will occur. It seems that Jiku has been
possessed all along. And it is not any body but Merv Frama himself! He
has been controlling the body of Dart's father! Dart's father can't be
the bad guy, can he? It happened like this. When Jiku "killed" Merv
during the final battle 11,000 years ago, Jiku was petrified by Merv. In
the mean time, Merv's spirit managed to escape into Jiku's Dragon Spirit.
When the magic weakens about 20 - 30 years ago, Jiku was able to turn
back to normal. He settled in Neat and gave birth to Dart. But when the
"Dark Demon" came 18 years ago, Merv's spirit was released when Jiku
tried to use the Dragon Spirit. Since then, Jiku's body has been
controlled by Merv.

But this time, Merv has found a new body. It is the body of the
Destruction God Varaz Enbulio. The time has come now and he will absorb
the spirit of the Destruction God from Shana. Shana will fall down but
does not seem to be hurt. Merv will now become the Destruction God
himself and he wants to destroy the world and create a new one for his
own - so that he is god himself.

At this good moment, Lloyd will turn up as the Divine Dragoon. He will
challenge Merv to a fight. Lloyd will fall, however, when Merv strikes
him with a beam directed on his heart. Before he die, Lloyd will give
Dart his Dragon Spirit and his sword the Dragon Slayer (Dragon Buster).
Dart can now transform into a Divine Dragoon, (but the Fire Dragon Spirit
will still be with his father). The Dragon Buster is the best weapon for
Rosé. You can now talk to your party members or you can go back one
screen to save your game. (You characters will be fully recovered here.)

When you are ready, go up and choose the second option to fight the final
boss of the game. Make sure you have stocked up in healing items and more
importantly, make sure you have enough time for this fight. This fight
can easily drag on for 30 - 60 minutes depending on your skills. There is
no specific strategy for this boss. Just keep up your attacks. Heal or
Guard when your characters are low on HP. Don't rely too much on Dragoon
transformations, but you should concentrate on attacking with normal
Additional skills. He is strong against both physical and magical
attacks. So it may take a long time to defeat him, but you will be able
to do it eventually.

-> Boss: Merv Frama (Void)

The final boss has many forms. You begin the fight in a cave-like
background. At the beginning of the fight, he has four tentacles attached
to his body. These annoying tentacles can deal strong physical damage on
a single target. Make sure you get rid of them first. The boss also has
some normal magical attacks. Every now and then, it will shot out a
paralysing gas on a single target. It can also summon three Varaz to deal
some nasty magical damage to the whole party. He will "Guard" every now
and then as well. If you attack him physically when he is "guarding", he
will counter attack automatically.

After fighting for some time, the background will change to the "1st Age"
and Merv's attack style will also change. The background will become a
fast moving star field. The boss will now attack with a laser sword
dealing physical damage to a single target. Every now and then, he will
suck a character into its body. The character will be released in a few
rounds. When he / she is released, he / she will be thrown towards
another character. Both will suffer massive physical damages.

The background will change again after some time. The "2nd Age" is a
desert-looking area. The "3rd Age" is a dark area with rain, thunder and
lightning. You do not have to fight these ages.

The screen will then switch to the "4th Age". You begin the age in a
valley with clear night sky. The boss has new attacks now. Its physical
attack will become a "catch and clamp" attack. It has some magic spells
that can affect all targets. It can also summon 4 Bomb Stars. These
annoying creatures will explode in the sky doing lots of damages to all
your characters. The boss will switch the sky between day and night every
now and then. In day time, it attacks with fire based magic as well as a
spin-ball physical attack. It can also seal a command of a character.

It will change to "5th Age" after some time. This is the age of life with
grasslands, forests and animals in the background. You do not have to
fight in this age.

The "6th Age" is the age of humanity. You will be shown various pictures
of civilisations, friendships, loves and death. The boss will now be
using his strongest attacks yet. It has a projection attack that can deal
massive physical damage to a character. It can cause confusion to the
whole party. It can also summon Winged warriors to attack the whole
party. This attack causes massive damage to the whole party. (I think the
damage equals to 3 / 4 of the maximum HP of each character.)

At the end of the battle, Dart will transform into the Divine Dragoon
and attack with the Divine Cannon automatically. Time for a nice CG
ending. Merv will begin to explode. Dart will come down to protect Shana.
(He looks so much bigger in the Dragoon costume.) Merv will try his final
assault, but Jiku and Rosé have seen him move. Together, they will charge
towards Merv using the Dragon Buster. Merv will truly die this time. With
him are the Varazes and the Moon. The Varazes will explode and the Moon
will begin to collapse. Your characters will use all their might and
their speeds to fly out of the Moon. Both the Setting Moon and the Divine
Tree will disappear. Everyone are safe, but Jiku and Rosé will be dead.

You will then get an epilogue for each character before the rolling of
the credits. Kongol will be learning martial arts with Hatchel. Miranda
will be back with her Queen and the other holy ladies. Meru will continue
her travel. She is currently performing magic in Loan. Albert will marry
Emil and they will live happily ever after. Dart and Shana are back in
Celes. The villagers are finally rebuilding their homes.

After the credits, you will see two birds nested on a tree. One has a red
tail and the other one a dark purple tail. Are they the reincarnation of
Jiku and Rosé?

The game and my walkthrough conclude here.



- A.1 - Magician Elder Fausta (Fulanbel Tower) -

Once you have got the Dispel Illusion Stone in Disc 4, you can go back to
the Fulanbel Tower to fight Fausta the Magician Elder. Go back to Cashua
Glacier. (You will need to have Disc 3 ready to gain access to this
area.) Go all the way down through the underground cave below the glacier
and go all the way up the Fulanbel Tower. At the screen below the chamber
where you fought Lloyd, you will be able to use the teleporter on the
bottom right to get to a new area.

*The Dispel Illusion Stone can be obtained from a woman called Mattel.
She can be located in Luzu in Disc 4. You will give you the Dispel
Illusion Stone after you have obtained all 50 Star Dusts in the world.
The locations of the Star Dusts are documented in my Star Dust List and
in the previous sections in this walkthrough.*

In the centre of this room, you will meet the illusion of the Magician
Elder. If you don't have the Dispel Illusion Stone yet, you will be
attacked in here. You will not be able to do any damage to him, because
you will just be attacking an illusion. You will have no choice but to
escape from this fight. Once you have the Dispel Illusion Stone, however,
you will get a short sequence. The Magician Elder, Fausta will claim to
be the most powerful magician in the world. Being the right-hand man of
Emperor Merv Frama of the Winged, the Magician is also the commander of
the super fortress Fulanbel. Rosé will then tell Dart to use the Dispel
Illusion Stone. The illusion of the Magic Elder will be destroyed and you
will be able to proceed through a teleporter at the centre. If you have
not opened the chest in this room yet, it contains a Survival Ring.

Go down through the teleporter and continue your way down the teleporter
/ sphere maze. Eventually, you will end up in a room with a save point, a
chest and three exits. The chest contains a Dragon Helm. The three exit
leads to a new teleporter / sphere maze. If you make your way through the
maze, you will come into a room with a platform at the centre and there
are three paths leading to it. When you try to proceed, the path will
break and you will have to go back. Go back and try another way. It will
break again. Go back again and try yet another way. This time, it seems
the path will hold, and you will be able to reach the central platform.
(Here, it does not matter which way you come into first, the first two
paths will always break.)

Before walking towards the central platform, make sure you are ready for
a very tough fight. I recommend having a party that is strong in magical
defence. The ladies are good choice for this fight for their natural
resistant to magic attacks. I strongly recommend getting at least one
Legendary Helm before entering this fight. Have Dart equip the helm. The
other characters should also have appropriate guards to protect them
against magic. In addition, any equipment that can boost up their speeds
are good. The Dragon Armours are quite good as well because they will
give your characters immunity to their own element. Finally, you should
also have plenty of recovery items in your inventory. Of course, you
should have mastered all your Additional skills already.

Walk towards the platform at the centre and you will fall down with it.
At the bottom, Fausta will "welcome" you again and he will continue his
speech. OK, he is the strongest magic user in the world. He can create
illusion of himself. He believes that it is a miracle that you managed to
dispel his illusion with your ridiculous little piece of stone. He has
used magic to keep himself alive for longer than 11,000 years. He also
wants to conquer the world once he manage to fix his super fortress. (He
must be pretty useless compared to Savan in the Magic Capital. At least
Savan managed to create something during his semi-immortal life time.
This guy cannot even fix his own tower!) You will then be given and
option to either pull back or fight. Whatever you choose, you will end up
in battle.

-> Boss: Magician Elder Fausta (Void)

This guy has approximately 32,000 HP. He is extremely strong in magic,
but is relatively weak on physical. He is not really that fast, but can
easily have your party completely wiped out if you do not have the right
equipment on you. While he does not seem too dangerous on his usual
speed, he can fight extremely unfairly at time. He will perform multiple
counter-attacks every time he takes damage from your attacks. If you have
had your characters equipping a Legendary Helm or two, you should be able
to laugh at his attacks most of time. Otherwise, you will be in for a
tough fight. Don't bother changing to Dragoon in this battle, because
normal Additional attacks work best on him. (The exception is Miranda. If
you have her, you can have her transform into Dragoon, but she should be
concentrated on healing, but not attacking.) The best strategy is to have
only one character attack all the time. The other should keep healing or
simply Guard. It will reduce the number of times you will get counter

If you have trained your characters enough and if you have the right
equipment, this fight should not last too long. You will be awarded an
Illusion Shield, 10,000 G and 20,000 EXP for winning the battle. You can
also open the chests in the room and you will get a Magical Hat, a Holy
Person's Anhk and a Dancer's Ring. Use the teleporter at the top of the
screen and it will send you all the way back to outside of the tower.

- A.2 - The Stronghold of Magrad (Snow Field) -

Upon entering the stronghold, you will get a sequence. Meru is ever so
childish and she will throw snowballs at you! Rosé will tell you more
about this place. This stronghold was the place where the human declared
war on the Winged. The human were led by Emperor Deus and the seven
Dragoons. They were to fight the Winged so that they will not get
enslaved by them. They were to fight the Winged for their freedom.

After the sequence, you can get a Midnight Terror in the chest near the
entrance. Enter the stronghold and you will get yet another sequence when
Deus declared war. You will hear cheers such as "Long live Emperor Deus"
and "Long live the country of Gloriano". After the sequence, check the
chest on the right for a Faint Hammer. There is also a save point at the
centre. The chest next to it contains a Poison Needle. Do not go any
further if your party is relatively weak. (I'll say, if your party HP is
below 2000, you should train them more before coming back here.)

Go to the centre platform and you will get yet another sequence. You will
now know that Rosé was betrothed to Jiku in front of Deus. They were to
be married after the war. Of course, the wedding never happened because
Jiku was petrified during the final battle. When Rosé is back to herself,
you will notice movements of a red sword that was stuck in the wall. It
is moving towards you and it will attack.

-> Boss: Porter Sword (Dark), Porter Helm (Dark) and Porter Armour (Dark)

Each part attacks differently. The sword can deliver a pretty powerful
physical attack and it has a final attack that will cause instant death
to the character who delivered its killing blow. The helm can cast a
spell to seal a command in one of your characters. (The effect will last
for 3 rounds.) It is annoying, but nothing really harmful. The armour is
very bad, however. It uses magic attacks and it has this really powerful
all effect magic that can do massive damage to the whole party. If you
have done enough training of the characters, this fight should not be too
difficult, because none of the parts have very high HP. You get a Soul
Eater and a Smoke Jade for winning the battle.

Finally, you can get the items in the chests on the platform. The left
one contains an [Inishie] Armour and the right one contains a Panic Bell.

- A.3 - The Dragoon Towers (Capital City of Belweb) -

There are seven Dragoon Towers in Belweb. These towers belong to the
Dragoons heroes who fought the Dragoon War 11,000 years ago. The first
time you come across this area, Sharlie will come and greet you, and she
will tell you that the spirits of these guys are still trapped in their
own memories and so they cannot rest in peace. Sharlie will ask you to
help them when you have time. (The first time you are in Belweb, you are
supposed to go and see "Emperor Deus" first.)

When you come here again at any time afterwards, Sharlie will come and
greet you and ask you for help. The same spot will also become a recovery
point. There is a save point at the top of the screen. Next to the save
point is an exit that leads to the towers. The towers are arranged around
a circular path. So lets start by going clockwise from the central tower.

1st Tower:

This tower belongs to the Dark Dragoon, i.e. it is Rosé's tower. It is
just part of the ruin now. There is a Star Dust on the alter if you have
not got it already. Otherwise, there is little you can do in here.

2nd Tower:

The Purple Electric Dragoon, Kansas, lives in this tower. He does not
seem too happy to see Rosé, though. In fact, this guy will want to kill
her. You will be engaged in battle:

-> Boss: Kansas (Thunder)

This guy uses the same Dragoon Additional and the same Dragoon Magic as
Hatchel. The only difference is that he is a boss can so he can fight
unfairly. Hence, like other bosses, he can attack any time he wants, not
just when it is his turn. His statistics are also similar to Hatchel,
except that he has pretty much more HP. Thus, he is above average in both
physical and magical attacks. You can have anyone in your party for this
fight, provided that you have given them the right equipment to balance
out their defences against both physical and magical attacks. Normal
Additional skills work as good as magic attacks on this guy, so I'll
probably concentrate on normal attacks. Make sure you have plenty of
healing items in your inventory unless you have either Miranda or Meru to
heal you. You will get a Purple Electric Stone for winning the battle.
You will know more about this guy after the fight. It seems that Kansas
has some affection for Sharlie. In fact, he would not have joined the
battle if not for her. He will then disappear and his room will then fade
from his memory and turn back into the ruin.

3rd Tower:

The Golden Dragoon Vanruzack resides here. This guy likes children. He
will recognise Rosé on first look and he will thank her for the visit. He
will first recognise Dart as Jiku, but he will realise that he must be
someone else. Vanruzack joined the war because the Winged killed the
children. Rosé will then remind him about Sharlie, and he will remember
the horror of the final battle. He was attacked by a Super Varaz. Just
before he was going to die, Sharlie came up with a shield to block the
attack. (I think Sharlie died in that battle.) Vanruzack will go insane
at this point and he will attack you.

-> Boss: Vanruzack (Earth)

This boss attacks with the same Dragoon Magic and Dragoon Additional as
Kongol. His statistics are also pretty similar. Thus, he is very strong
in physical, but pretty hopeless in magic. He has pretty high HP as well.
As boss, of course, he can also fight extremely unfairly. Make sure your
characters are well protected from physical attacks, because his
Additional can easily kill a weak character (especially the ladies) in
one hit. His magic attacks, including the Golden Dragon, are not very
strong, but the damage can still accumulate. Thus you should also have
plenty of healing items or you should have Meru / Miranda. Have someone
turn on his / her special for this battle and give the boss a good dose
of magical attacks. This battle should not be too difficult if you have
the right equipment and the right strategy. You will get a Golden Stone
for winning. After the fight, Vanruzack will thank Rosé for releasing his
spirit. Finally, he can go and have his final rest. As before, the
setting of his room will turn back into the ruin.

4th Tower:

This is the tower of the Red Eye Dragoon, Jiku. There is nothing special
in here. It is just part of the ruin now.

5th Tower:

This is the tower of the Sea Dragoon, Damia. She looks like a little
child to Dart. Rosé will tell you that Damia was only fifteen when she
joined the war. Dart will ask if that is possible to control the power of
the Dragoon at such a young age. Rosé will tell you that Damia was the
descendant of human and mermaid and so she has special power in her
blood. After a little talk, you will have to fight her.

-> Boss: Damia (Water)

As you have expected, this girl fights with the same style as the Meru.
She is very strong in magic, but relatively weak on physical. So, your
normal Additional attacks will work very well against her. If you have
good protection against magic, none of her attacks should be life
threatening. Since she is very weak in physical, you should have very
little problem in this fight. (She is not as good as Meru, because she
will not heal herself with her magic.) In any case, I think she is
probably the easiest boss in this area. You will get a Sea Stone for
helping this poor soul. She will then ask Rosé to come with her because
she is probably afraid to be on her own. But of course, Rosé cannot come
to her yet. She will disappear on her own and the surrounding will turn
back to the ruin.

6th Tower:

This one belongs to Sharlie the Silver Dragoon. There is nothing to do in
here. It is just the ruin again.

7th Tower:

The last tower belongs to the Green Dragoon Shubel. He is an inventor and
he is still doing his research on Mefil, the Death Capital. He is still
trying to work out how the Winged had managed to control both Birth and
Death in their cities. In any case, you will have to fight him.

-> Boss: Shubel (Wind)

This guy fights exactly the same as Ravits / Albert. Thus he is strong in
physical but weak in magical attacks and he has lots of HP. Being a Wind
Dragoon, he also has a pretty good evasive rate as well and so a few of
your physical attacks may miss. Despite the fact, both your magical and
normal attacks will work well on him. You should have appropriate
protections against his physical attacks. He can also fight unfairly at
time. So, you should have plenty of healing items for this battle. For
winning, you will get a Green Stone. Shubel will then thank Rosé for
freeing his spirit. He can now travel to Mefil. He will then disappear
with his surrounding turning back into the ruin.



- B.1 - Weapon -

Dart: -

Weapon Name Atk Cost Remark

Broad Sword 2 --- Initial equipment
Bastard Sword 7 60 ---
Heat Blade 18 150 Fire elemental
Farsion 26 250 ---
Mind Clash 34 350 Chance to cause Confusion
Fairy Sword 39 400 SP gain increases by 50%
Claymore 44 500 ---
Soul Eater 75 --- Loses HP per round

Ravits / Albert: -

Weapon Name Atk Cost Remark

Spear 4 20 Initial equipment
Lance 19 100 ---
Twister Grab 28 --- Wind elemental
Grab 37 250 ---
Fear Lance 45 300 Chance to cause Fear
Partisan 56 400 ---
Hell Bat 65 500 ---

Shana / Miranda: -

Weapon Name Atk Cost Remark

Short Bow 3 --- Initial equipment
Shiny Bow 9 50 Light elemental
Long Bow 18 150 ---
Confusion Bow 24 250 Chance to cause confusion
Posion Bow 30 350 Chance to inflict posion
Spirit Bow 40 500 SP gain increases by 50%
Explosive Bow 50 --- Attacks all targets

Rosé: -

Weapon Name Atk Cost Remark

Reaper 13 --- Initial equipment
Demon's Tiltat 18 --- Chance to cause Fear
Shadow Name 24 200 Dark elemental
Dancing Dagger 30 300 ---
[Fulanbeluzu] 35 350 Chance to paralyse target
Gradius 40 400 Chance to cause instant death
Dragon Buster 100 --- ---

Hatchel: -

Weapon Name Atk Cost Remark

Iron Knuckle 20 --- Initial equipment
Beast Fang 31 250 Chance to paralyse target
Diamond Glove 37 300 ---
Bag Nag 43 --- Chance to cause instant death
Thunder Fist 49 450 Thunder elemental
Destroyer's Hammer 55 500 Power inversely propotional to HP

Meru: -

Weapon Name Atk Cost Remark

Mace 15 --- Initial equipment
Pretty Hammer 15 --- Double SP gain
Morning Star 20 250 ---
War Hammer 25 300 ---
Heavy Mace 30 400 Chance to paralyse target
Basher 40 500 ---

Kongol: -

Weapon Name Atk Cost Remark

Axe 45 --- Initial equipment
Tomahawk 59 300 ---
Battle Axe 67 350 ---
Great Axe 79 400 Chance to paralyse target
Indra's Axe 88 --- Chance to cause instant death

- B.2 - Helmet -

Helm Name Def MAt MDf Cost Who Remark

Bandana 0 3 0 --- G ---
Field Hat 0 5 0 --- L ---
[Saret] 0 8 0 40 G Atk% +10%
Cap 0 17 0 60 L ---
[Armet] 0 23 5 100 G ---
Tiara 5 29 0 150 L M-Atk% + 10%
Knight Helm 5 37 0 150 D/A Gain SP from magic damage
Jewel Crown 0 42 5 200 S/M Gain SP from magic damage
Spirit Hat 5 25 5 200 H Gain SP from magic damage
Giganto Helem 10 14 5 200 K Gain SP from magic damage
Red Bird Feather 0 30 10 --- P Protect v various statuses*
Rosé's Hairpiece 0 36 0 --- R Protect v instant death
Dragon Helm 10 50 0 --- P Max HP + 50%
Magical Hat 0 50 10 --- P Max MP + 50%
Legendary Helm 0 50 127 10000 P Extreme magic protection

* Protects against Charm, Confusion, Fear and Low Spirit Statuses *

Key: D = Dart, A = Ravits / Albert, S = Shana / Miranda, R = Rosé,
H = Hatchel, K = Kongol, L = all Ladies, G = all Gentlemen,
P = everyone in Party, Def = Physical defence, MAt = Magical Attack,
MDf = Magical Defence

- B.3 - Armour -

Armour Name Def MDf Cost Who Remark

Leather Armour 2 2 --- D/A Initial armour (Dart / Ravits)
Clothes 4 5 --- L Initial armour (shana)
Monk's Costume 13 8 --- H Initial armour (Hatchel)
Lion's Skin 46 20 --- K Initial armour (Kongol)
Leather Jacket 7 12 50 L ---
Scale Armour 8 8 50 D/A ---
Angel's Clothes 10 20 --- S/M Chance to recover from death
Silver Vest 13 27 150 L Def% + 5%
Chain Mail 20 24 150 D/A ---
Figther's Costume 25 23 150 H Def% + 5%
Shiny Dress 19 45 200 L Gain SP from physical damage
Plate Mail 27 20 200 D/A ---
Master's Costume 30 29 250 H Gain SP from physical damage
Iron Breast Plate 59 14 250 K ---
Robe 25 35 300 L Gain SP from magical damage
Saint Armour 34 34 300 D/A ---
Active Costume 37 26 300 H SP gain + 50%
Giganto Armour 75 25 400 K Gain SP from physical damage
Inishie Armour 35 35 --- D/A/K Protects v various statuses**
Rainbow Dress 32 55 --- L Protects v various statuses**
Learned's Costume 40 31 --- H Protects v various statuses**
Red Eye DA 41 40 800 D Immunity v Fire
Sea DA 30 54 800 M Immunity v Water
Green DA 54 27 800 A Immunity v Wind
Golden DA 88 23 800 K Immunity v Earth
Silver DA 27 80 800 S Immunity v Light
Dark DA 41 42 800 R Immunity v Dark
Purple Electric DA 45 40 800 H Immunity v Thunder
Legendary Armour 127 0 10000 P Extreme Physical Protection

* Protects against Poison, Paralysis, Weapon-sealed statuses *

Key: D = Dart, A = Ravits / Albert, S = Shana / Miranda, R = Rosé,
H = Hatchel, K = Kongol, L = all Ladies, G = all Gentlemen,
P = everyone in Party, Def = Physical defence,
MDf = Magical Defence, DA = Dragon Armour

- B.4 - Footwear -

Footwear Name Def Cost Who Remark

Leather Boots 0 --- G ---
Leather Shoes 0 --- L ---
Iron Boots 5 100 G ---
Soft Boots 5 100 L ---
Fighting Boots 5 150 G Def% +5%
Star Dusts Boots 5 150 L M-Def% +5%
Magical Greaves 0 300 P Def% +5%, M-Def+5%, Speed + 10
Thief's Boots 0 --- G Speed + 20
Dancer's Boots 0 --- L Speed + 20

Key: L = all Ladies, G = all Gentlemen, P = everyone in Party,
Def = Physical defence

- B.5 - Accessory -

Accessory Name Cost Remark

Bracelet --- ---
Poison Guard 200 Protects v Poison
Panic Guard 200 Protects v Confusion
Faint Guard 200 Protects v Paralysis
Active Ring 200 Protects v Low Spirit
Protector 200 Protects v Weapon-sealed
Courage Charm 300 Protects v Fear
Self Magic Bell 300 Protects v Charm
Petrify Protector 400 Protects v Petrification
Talisman --- Protects v instant death
Rainbow Piece --- Protects v all statuses
Holy Person's Anhk --- Chance to recover from death
Thief's Ring --- Speed + 20 (Gentlemen only)
Dancer's Ring --- SPeed + 20 (Ladies only)
Fake Knight Shield 100 Def + 5
Fake Power Wrist 100 Atk + 5
Knight Shield 200 Def + 10
Power Wrist 200 Atk + 10
Body Mantle 300 Def% + 20%
Sprite Mantle 300 M-Def% + 20%
Magical Power Ring 600 M-Atk + 30
Sprite Ring 600 M-Def + 30
Wise Person's Mantle 600 Def% + 20%, M-Def% + 20%
Attack Medallion 1000 Atk + 20, M-Atk + 20
Guard Medallion 1000 Def + 20, M-Def + 20
Giganto Ring 1000 Atk + 20, Def + 20
Fighter's Charm --- Atk% + 20%, M-Atk% + 20%
Fighter's Guidance 1000 Additional fully succeeds, SP / Damage halves
Fighter's Ultimate --- Additional fully succeeds
Fighter's Bead --- SP Gain +50%
Physical Ring --- Max HP + 50%
Armulet --- Doubles Max MP
Survival Ring --- Recovers 10% HP every battle turn
Magical Ring --- Recovers 10% MP every battle turn
Spirit Ring --- Recovers 20 SP every battle turn
Ruby Ring 1000 Gain SP from magical damage
Sapphire Brooch 1000 Gain MP from magical damage
Emerald Piece 1000 Gain SP from physical damage
Branchina Necklace 1000 Gain MP from physical damage
Red Eye Stone --- Halves damage for Fire element
Jade Green Stone --- Halves damage for Wind element
Silver Stone --- Halves damage for Light element
Dark Stone --- Halves damage for Dark element
Purple Electric Stone --- Halves damage for Thunder element
Sea Stone --- Halves damage for Water element
Golden Stone --- Halves damage for Earth element
Dragoon's Shield --- Physical damage reduced by 50%
Angel's Scarf --- Magical damage reduced by 50%
Illusion Shield --- All damage reduced by 50%

- B.6 - Item -

Item Name Cost Remark

Heal Potion 10 Recovers 50% of Max HP (single)
Heal Blitz 50 Recovers 50% of Max HP (all allies)
Heal Fog 30 Recovers full HP (single)
Heal Rain --- Recovers full HP (all allies)
San Rhapsody 50 Recovers full MP (single)
Moon Selenide --- Recovers full MP (all allies)
Spirit Potion --- Recovers 100 SP
Angel's Prayer 30 Recovers from death with 1/2 Max HP (single)
Body Clear 10 Recovers from various body statuses*
Mind Clear 20 Recovers from various mind statuses**
Petrify Clear 30 Recovers from petrification
[Bannauto] 10 Attacks single for Fire damage (boost-able)
Spin Gale 10 Attacks single for Wind damage (boost-able)
Dark Mist 10 Attacks single for Dark damage (boost-able)
Trance Light 10 Attacks single for Light damage (boost-able)
Spark Net 10 Attacks single for Thunder damage (boost-able)
Spear Frost 10 Attacks single for Water damage (boost-able)
Stone Grain 10 Attacks single for Earth damage (boost-able)
Explosive Stone --- Attacks all for physical damage
Gas Magma 20 Attacks all for Fire damage (boost-able)
Rave Twister 20 Attacks all for Wind damage (boost-able)
Black Rain 20 Attacks all for Dark damage (boost-able)
Dancing Ray 20 Attacks all for Light damage (boost-able)
Thunder Bolt 20 Attacks all for Thunder damage (boost-able)
Fatal Blizzard 20 Attacks all for Water damage (boost-able)
Meteor Fall 20 Attacks all for Earth damage (boost-able)
Psychedelic Bomb 20 Attacks all for Void damage (boost-able)
Banging Wave --- Attacks all for strong Fire damage
Down Bust --- Attacks all for strong Wind damage
Night Raid --- Attacks all for strong Dark damage
Spectral Flash --- Attacks all for strong Light damage
[Inatsumakoreda] --- Attacks all for strong Thunder damage
Frozen Shot --- Attacks all for strong Water damage
Gravity Grabber --- Attacks all for strong Earth damage
Psychedelic Bomb X --- Attacks all for strong Void damage
Panic Bell 20 Inflicts Confuse on single target
Poison Needle 20 Inflicts Poison on single target
Faint Hammer 20 Inflicts Faint on single target
Midnight Terror 20 Inflicts Fear on single target
Sealing Stone --- Inflicts Paralyse on single target for 3 turns
Power Up --- Increases power for 3 turns
Power Down --- Decreases power for 3 turns
Speed Up --- Increases speed for 3 turns
Speed Down --- Decreases speed for 3 turns
Material Shield --- Immunity to physical attacks for 3 turns
Magical Shield --- Immunity to magical attacks for 3 turns
Dispel Evil Perfume 4 Reduces encounter rate
Fog Dispel --- Dispels a random enemy
Smoke Jade --- Escapes from battle
Attack Jade 100 Automatic use of attacking items
Recovery Jade 100 Automatic use of recovery items
Perfume Bag --- ?
[100 Ghost At Night] --- ?

* Body Clear recovers a single target from Poison, Paralyse and Weapon
Seal statuses.

** Mind Clear recovers a single target from Charm, Confuse, Fear, and Low
Spirit statuses.



Thanks to SCEI ( for producing an evil grey box
called PlayStation and for producing this nice and addictive game.
Thanks to GameFAQs ( for providing a place for
this document.
Thanks to YOU for reading.

:-) Matt



This document is intended for personal reference only. This document can
be distributed freely so long as I am fully credited and that none of the
parts are changed.

home work if you want to make money. Life is tough.

"PlayStation", "DUALSHOCK", "PocketStation", "The Legend of Dragoon" and
"Moguuru Dabas" are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Copyright (c) 2000 Happy Matt. All rights reserved.


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16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Plot Analysis

16.Октябрь 2013
Special Monsters Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Complete Guide

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Secret Quest

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Story Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Dropped Item Chart

13.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +3 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
Patch für die japanische NTSC Version (XPS) .

12.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014
11.Февраль 2016