King of Fighters Kyo

King of Fighters Kyo

17.10.2013 00:27:00
############ The King of Fighters: KYO ############
############ ~ Basic Guide ~ ver.a ############
############ by ChaRles! ############
############ Pao Pao Cafe ############
############ http: ############
############ 981028 ############


The King of Fighters:KYO is the adventure game(AVG) that had been relaesed at
1998/8/27, exclusively only in Playstation. The game was based on the comic book
(same title) by a Japanese Artist,?Natsumoto Masato. The difference, well, the
main difference is the comic is based on the story of KOF96, and the game is
base on KOF97. In the game, you must travel worldwide to found partners to enter
the KOF97 touranment. And after a month's jounery you have to enetr the KOF97
touranment, and fight your destined enemy......

Notes: this walkthrough only contains the information that you need to go
through the game. When the character ask you a question you can just choose the
1st one expect the stated

After the bizzare fight in 1996 ......

Kyo Kusanagi, the champion of both KOF 95 and 96, had lost his reason of fight.
Under the lead of fate he meet his destined rival: Iori Yagami. Iori is
discontent about Kyo. To him, it is unfair since he know that the Yagami had a
burden called "Riot of the Blood", and this Riot of the blood had always drive
him crazy.But he is still brave enough to bear this. So he left Kyo alone, and
let him think about his own reason of fight....

In the other day, when Kyo is skipping class as usual...... "So tell me, are you
going to school for a sleep? " The person who are brave enough to scold the
champion of KOF touranment is Yuki, Kyo's girlfriend. When they are talking, a
young student appear and challenge Kyo. After the battle, the student introduce
himself as Shingo Yabuki, who had been a fan of Kyo since KOF 96'. Then he
request Kyo to take him as the sucessor. Kyo accepted. When Kyo is about to
leave the school a group of 3 can-tell-they-are-bad-from-their-look students
known as Sendo brothers appear and bugging Kyo about a "Invitation Letter". Kyo
can't understand their question and think they are chasing a invitation form a
costume party. This pissed them off and yell for a fight.

After the battle, found Iori at Playground/Bridge, with two strange figure
arguing with him. These two persons are Yashiro Nanakase and Ryuji Yamazaki.
When they are about to fight Iori, Iori is raging again. Kyo warn them about the
terror of a Raging Iori and they get away.

After returning home, Saishu Kusanagi tell Kyo that the "Invitation" is the
invitation of KOF97 touranment, and it was just 31 days to go before the
touranment. Then Saishu will test Kyo to see if Kyo is lazy or not, and tell Kyo
to found partners to enter the touranment .

Later Saishu will ask Kyo to deliver a package to Souji Kusanagi, his cousin. In
the way Shingo will curious about this Souji character since he haven't ever
heard of that person exists. Kyo told Shingo that Souji was also a student of
Kusanagi fist, but he just quit the training suddendly. After Shingo's encourage
you open the package and found a photo which show a ..Raging man?

Kyo found Souji was living happily since his withdrawal from the Kusanagi fist
training. He had become a family man and having a beatuiful life with his wife,
his kid, and his sister, Aoi Kusanagi. Kyo cannot understand and go back to
Osaka, and ask Saishu why Sonji quit the fight. But Saishu advise you to ask
Souji directly. Then you go to Tokyo again. At the train station, you'll be
greeted by Athena Asamiya, accompanied by Yuki. When they know about your trip
to Tokyo, they yell for going together.

Kyo found Souji at his house, and Souji will explain that he man in the photo is
actually him. He experience a raging when he is training , and this had been
annoying him since he afraid that one day he will lost control and hurt his
family. So he quit the training and living as a normal person. He warned Kyo and
claim that even Saishu had experience the same status once. That makes Kyo
wonders about if that is some curse on Kusanagi Clan. When Kyo is reporting to
Saishu, Saishu ask Kyo if Kyo is ready to bear the possiity of Raging, Kyo's
answer is "YES"

Later, Shizuka Kusanagi told Kyo that Souji had phoned, and sounds emergency.
After the phone call Kyo known Aoi had been missing for days. And since Aoi
always have a misunderstnading that Kyo is the reason of Souji quitting fight,
Souji think she had come to Osaka. Then Kyo start his search. At the Highway,
Kyo 's motorcycle had been followed and Kyo found that person is Aoi! Aoi is
angry about Kyo about Souji's withdrawl from Kusanagi fist and want to challenge
Kyo. Kyo is surprised to see that Aoi is casting a purple flame since only
Yagami have flame like that. When Kyo is trying to reason with her, the Sendo
Brothers appear again and fight Kyo. After the battle Kyo had lose the tracks of

Kyo report what he had saw/heard from Aoi to Souji. Then Souji will ask Kyo to
search Tokyo since he will search Osaka. When Kyo reach Tokyo Iori appear and
fight Kyo. After defeating him Kyo will question Iori if he is the person that
teach Aoi to use purple flame. Iori denied and claim that he will never let
other person learn Yagami's skills. Then Kyo return to Osaka.

At the moment that Kyo step into home Kyo heard a fight. it was Yamazaki +
Yashiro vs Saishu and they are asking questions about a "sword". ?After that
Saishu will tell Kyo something about Kusanagi sword and encourage Kyo about the
search of Aoi. Kyo go to everywhere and request his friends to help in this
search. Suddendly one of the Sendo brothers appear and fight Kyo. After the
battle Kyo sensed that he have been followed

At the next day, when Kyo are wandering in the park/playground, Kyo saw Athena
and Sie Kensou arguing with something. Athena ask Kyo for a date since she want
to make Kensou angry, Choose the 2nd answer of the 2nd Question for refusing
Athena since he has Yuki. then Yuki appear and ask Kyo for a date. After the fun
Yuki will ask Kyo if he can play the song for her again. They re-unite with
Athena & Kensou at playground/park/school , and goto the showtower. When they
are preparing the equipments, Iori appear and ask for a duel. Athena suggest a
music duel and Iori accept. then watch Kyo & Iori play a song...

Since there is no clue inside Osaka, Kyo heading his way to Tokyo, in case
Chizuru Kagura can help him or not. But Chizuru is quiet busy since she is under
attack of Yashiro and Yamazaki. Help her to fight. After the battle she 'll tell
Kyo that?Yamazaki & Yashiro is looking for some "Mirror" . She request Kyo to
found Iori and bring him here since she have a clue at Iori's rage. When Kyo ask
Saishu about that tale he can only tell Kyo about the 660 years destiny. Then
found Iori. Since Iori is not that easy to go Kyo must use force to mae him
follow. After defeating Iori Kyo bring him to Chizuru's place. Then Chizuru will
tell Kyo the tale of Yamata No Orochi the big snake and how it had been defeated
by two young men Kusanagi and Yasakani, and how Yasakani become Yagami by making
a Blood Deal with Orochi. At the moment Iori will fall by his blood and Chizuru
stop her story. Then Kyo go to Mai Shiranui's home to see if Mai have any clue.
After reading the old scrolls Mai told Kyo that besides of Kusanagi and Yasakani
there should be a third person called Yata. After dicussion they certained that
Chizuru is Yata's sucessor. When they return to Chizuru, Chizruru will tell Kyo
the truth of the"Mirror of Yata", and told Kyo that the raging inside Kusanagi
Clan are the curse of Orochi. Then Kyo go to Souji's home and encourage him use
the Kusanagi Fist to fight the inner demons instead of avoiding them.

At the other day, when Kyo is still busy at the search of Aoi, Yuki appear and
request Kyo to accompany her to a fashion show of Sherime. In the show hall Kyo
discover not only the suspicious Sendo brothers but Aoi also! When Kyo try to
reach her Sendo brothers appear and fight Kyo. Sherime confess that she is the
one who teach Aoi to use purple flame. When Kyo want to ask more, the damaged
Shingo cry and need to go to hospital. When Shingo is under operations a young
handicapped kid greets Kyo. He claim he had been Kyo's fans since KOF 96. Then
he ask Kyo if Kyo can visit him tomorrow , and Yuki promised him. At the next
day, Kyo is suprised to see that actually the kid is the kid brother of the
Sendo brothers. The reason of asking the invitation from Kyo is they want their
kid brother see them fight in the KOF Touranment. Then they ask Kyo to keep
secret about what have they done. Kyo agreed in exchange of Aoi's informationt.
By their information Kyo found Aoi from the highway . After explaination she
realize her misunderstanding about Kyo and they return to Souji's home together
and have a good talk. With all these business done, Shingo advise Kyo start the
journery of making partners for the KOF touranment ......

Kyo's first stop is California. In the main street Kyo are greeted by Terry
Bogard, the legendry lone-wolf.After the friendly match Terry tell Kyo that he
is heading to Southtown, and he ask Kyo to come with him if he is interested.
After picking up Andy Bogard at cemetry Shingo is yelling about lunch. In this
case Terry and Andy will have a argue and Kyo will have to choose from accomany
Terry or Andy since they have different taste of food. The one which Kyo haven't
choose will go to have his lunch alone. Later when Kyo found Terry/Andy at
Downtown/Shopping Avenue later, Terry/Andy will be facing Yashiro/Yamazaki. Help
the Bogard defeat his enemy and gather again. Blue Mary will be appear and tell
Kyo about the disaster that happened recently at Downtown: Some landlord are
using force to expell the residents away from downtown. Kyo are angry about this
matter and promise to fight.

When Kyo arrive downtown Kyo amazed that the "evil landlord's force" is actually
Billy Kane. Since Billy is loyal to Geese Howard the Bogards think this incident
may somehow linked to Geese.Then Kyo must take side(choose from Top: help the
Bogards, middle: help Billy or Bottom: help nobody; the choice Kyo make here
will lead to 3 different events Kyo will have.. check it out at "Character
events" section...) After the fight Terry will gather Kyo, Andy and discuss
about thius matter. All of them agreed that Geese had some plan behind these
moving incident?and spilt out to look for information. But since Kyo, Andy and
Terry are not good at information hunting Terry suggest to look for the help
from the "professional"-Blue Mary. Mary suggest Kyo ask King. Outside of King's
"Illusion" Bar Kyo found some suspicious blood samples and King told Kyo that
there was a strange diseases spreading all over California. Now the City
Hospital and the medience Plant had joined forces and not allowing any private
investigate. Since the access into the Hospital had been blocked by Ikari Team (
Leona is resting inside the hospital). Kyo try to look for the clues from the
Medience Plant. After seeing Hopper and Ripper walking around Kyo undersatnd
that Geese must be behind that Medience Plant. Kyo found it was unusual and
reporting it to Terry. Then Kyo recall that Mary once told Kyo the people at
Mexico had also experience this strange disease so Kyo fly off to mexico, and
hoping that he may found more information there.

When Kyo arrived Mexico he will be greeted by Ryo Sakazaki. He told Kyo that
some of his students had experienced some disease with the same symptom All
clues are leading to that Hospital. Kyo going back to ?Califronia and try to
investigate the hospital. But Ralf & Clark blocked his way. When Kyo try to
enter again Mary and King appear and ask Kyo to join their investiagtion that
night. In the mid night they sneak into the hospital and go to the data room.
Sendo brothers appear and fight . After defeating these "security" Kyo found
Mary and King are working busy at a computer. After entering the
password"OROCHI" Kyo found the reports of some human test; and these strange
diseases are the result of the tests! All these tests are held by Geese's
Medience Plant. Terry and Andy are waiting for Kyo there.?

At the first step into the Medience Plant Kyo are greeted by Yashiro and
Yamazaki. They explain that Geese is just their tools of preaching the Orochi
message. After the fight they told Kyo that Geese is expecting them at the Top
floor's VIP Room. When Kyo reached Geese's room he will explain that he had been
attracted by the Orochi power after his fight with Goenitz in 96'. So he open
this medience plant for making a drug that make a similar effect....and the
citizens of Downtown is his test mouse. This lead to a fight. After the fight
Geese get up again and claim he have the Orochi power and fight again. After his
2nd defeat he will be killed by a Reppu Kenf. The Real Geese appear, and claim
that the Geese who hunger for Orochi power is just his shadow, he?is not
interested in a power that come by some drugs. Then he leave along with Billy.
The furious Bogards can do nothing unless watching Geese's helicopter fly away.

After these events Shingo remind Kyo that he it is about time to go back to

Shingo want Kyo to teach him more skill after they have back to school, Kyo
promise Shingo if he can buy Kyo a lunch within 3 minutes. Meanwhile Yuki appear
and try to talk to Kyo. But Shingo's untimely return had break the moment and
Yuki leave. Then Kyo found Yuki inside the playground and she will ask Kyo for a
date. At the next day when Kyo is going to playground Sendo brothers appear and
block Kyo's way(and asking for the invitation again). The battle was easy but
had delayed Kyo's time. Since Kyo can't found Yuki everywhere he assume that she
was angry for Kyo's late. Then Kyo meet Athena and Athena was angry about Kyo
absence to Yuki. Kyo is depressed and back to his home, in case Yuki had drop
him any phone call. Shizuka told Kyo that Yuki's parents had called and asking
if Kyo know where Yuki is. Then Kyo know Yuki had been missing since last night!
Then Kyo ask for Chizuru's help. And the result is shocked Kyo since Chizuru
claimed that Yuki is not inside the area of japan. And Mai told Kyo know that
Andy had witnessed someone like Yuki in California. When Kyo is about to fly off
Saishu appear and tell Kyo that he had contacted Takuma Sakazaki , and takuma is
willing to help .

The worried Kyo rush to California and look for Andy. Andy was inside the
Airport and tell Kyo that he saw Yuki was leading away by someone. Kyo is
furious that Andy haven't done anything but watch. Later, when kyo is trying to
fly off, Andy suggest Kyo to look for Mary's Help. Found Mary at night, but she
was quiet busy of following Yamazaki. When they are talking Yamazaki/Yashiro
appear and taunt Kyo for a fight. Help Mary to fight in her place in exchange of
helping to found Yuki, then Mary will help and ask Kyo to give her information
of Yamazaki when he meet him. Then Kyo fly to Mexico to see if Takuma had any
news. Takuma cannot help but advise Kyo found Robert Garcia since the world-wide
information network of Garcia group is helpful in cases like this.

Then Kyo fly to China, and found Robert in Garcia Building. Robert promise he
can help. After hanging around Kyo return to Garcia Building and Robert told Kyo
that his source had send him a map that was about Yuki's missing.?Suddendly
Yamazaki appear and take away the map. You chase him and found him at the train
station/airport. After the fight he drop the map and get away. Robert is too
excite about the adventure since he is bored with the life of a Businessman. Kyo
remember his promise with Mary so he want to inform Mary about Yamazaki's news
first. Then Kyo fly back to California and look for Mary. Mary is glad of Kyo's
help but refuse to go along with Kyo since her investigate is restricted in
America. And Kyo encounter Ryo & Yuri Sakazaki in the Airport. Ryo had
misunderstood Robert's meaning of map and think it was a big treasure. When they
arrive at China Robert tell Ryo the truth and they promise to help. Robert
suggest the team found Chin Genstau first ?since they need a tour. In Chin's
home you cannot found Chin but his grandchild LeiLing. LeiLing tell Kyo that
Chin had been taken away by a millionarie which live at the mountain and she
think it was a kidnapping.?When they rush to that place Kyo found that in truth
that millionarie want Chin to teach him some martial art, but Chin become
"Raging" when he found some wine. Bring Chin back to his home.

At the next day, after awaken from his drunk, Chin tell Kyo that the spotted
area of the map is actually the place that Yamata no Orochi being defeated 1800
years ago. So Kyo rush to the place and found Yashiro and Yamazaki. The fire
inside Kyo cannot stop after defeating them. The energy flow inside Kyo and Kyo
cast a unknown fire Column to his fallen foes. Suddendly Chizuru appear and
stopped Kyo. She told Kyo that the whole "kidnapping" was just a trick of her,
in case of training Kyo to know his reason of fight: "to protect whom you love".
Yashiro and Yamazaki's appearance is just a coincidence. And that skill that Kyo
casted are Saishuu Kessen Ougi, the legendry skill of Kusanagi Fist. Then Yuki
appear. Chizuru promise she will send Yuki back to Japan and encourage Kyo since
the KOF touranment is near.

After receiving the title of "Offical Kusanagi Sucessor" from Saishu, there is
nothing left to do but walking around and visiting people. At the last 2 night
before the touranment, Yuki come to Kyo's home and ask for a date before the
touranment. Kyo promised.

Kyo are late for the date again, and Yuki is no where to be found. Shingo found
a Locket. You remember this Locket belongs to a kid that was Yashiro's
partner(Chris). Kyo have a bad feeling about this......

So the KOF97 Touranment begins......

Enjoy the game ! ^_^

Well, this guide can only offer you the directions inside the game ..
If you wanna know the following answer:
- What should I do to make more people join my fight?
- How to fight in combat?
- I van't figure out which place is which. You got any maps?
- Any secret character? Can I use XXXXXX ? He/She was awesome when the Computer
use him/her!
- What is Iori doing when I'm busy at making friends?

For stuffs like these please check my site..informations like these are excluded
from he since it contains many tables, pictures...etc and I'm too lazy to
convert a HTML table to a text-format table... ^_^

If any problem/questions about this guide pls feel free to mail me!
Happy Gaming!

Pao Pao cafe

the King of Fighter Kyo, and the trademarks are copyrighted by Yumekobo and SNK

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