SD Gundam G Generation

SD Gundam G Generation

17.10.2013 06:57:36

___/ /
\ ___/ _________ / \
SD GUNDAM |\ _/ __/ \ / |\
---------------------+G\ +----------------------------------------+G\ +--+
------------------------+ \G+----------------------------------------+ \G|
/ \| \_ ______/ \|
| \ / / \
\ \___________/ /
\_ /
\_______________ /
(Looks nice doesn't it? Thanks Jembo!)

* WANTED: information on how to get these units: *


FAQ V3.92

SYSTEM: Sony PS-X Playstation (Japan)
GENRE: Strategy(RPG)
FEATURES:The best Gundam Strategy game yet.
KNOWLEDGE LEVEL OF JAPANIESE: Low/High if you read all text.
MEMORY CARD: 3-12 Blocks

What the hell? There is no G-Generation FAQ out?! is what I thought when
I first looked for this game on the net. I have been yelling at my computer
that this is the #1 game in Japan and there is no freakin' FAQ. Well Gundam
fans here it is................

Stealing any of the work from this FAQ/Walkthrough will not be tolerated.
If you don't give me any credit for this work you can try to create your
own G-Generation FAQ/Walkthrough. If for any reason I find any of your
FAQ/Walkthrough material similar to mine and if you don't even post my name
on the credits section of your FAQ/Walkthrough, I will personally make your
life like hell if I ever find you. It's time to stop all of this
FAQ/Walkthrough-stealing injustice as this crap has gone way too far. This
FAQ/Walkthrough can be reproduced, retransmitted, and redistributed as long
as the contents of this FAQ/Walkthrough are untouched, unedited,
unmodified, unmutilated, and unpiratedand. This FAQ/Walkthrough can only be
redistributed and obtained in its entirely original format. You may not
edit or update this FAQ/Walktrough for any reason. Also, please don't make
any money out of my work by selling printouts of the FAQ/Walkthrough or by
using any of the material from this work as part of your magazine articles.

Gundam, and all Gundam related material and issues are registered
trademarks and is a copyright of Bandai/Agency Enterprise.

If this FAQ/Walkthrough is posted on a webpage, E-mail me and you will be
added to my E-mail list so you can get the most updated versions first and
I will know how many people and webpages have this FAQ on their site, it
really helps.


A. General information.
B. Quest Demos.
C. Capturing.
D. Combining.
E. Flow chart of upgrades.
F. All Unit List.
G. Game Shark Codes.
H. Stage Level Help.
I. Credits.

A. General information.

This game goes from Gundam, War in the Pocket, GP03 0083, ZGundam,
ZZGundam to Char's counter attack. There are 42 stages in all. There are
Quest demo's on stages in which you have to complete a certain move and a
FMV will appear. Some weapons have a PSYCOM option on it. That means that
you must be a strengthened human or a new type to use it. It depletes mp
when ever you use that type of weapon. Strengthened humans take twice the
mp to use it so I advise you use the new types. After you beat the game a
new option will pop up, a new battle mode. Here you are now able to use
your army against friends(CAUTION:MAP WEAPON BATTLE!!! Gundam DX!!!!).
*The Mother Ship has two options which other normal mobile suits don't
have it is kakuranmaku and sanpu.
*Kakuranmaku creates a beam barrier which protects all of your units from
beams for one turn.
*Sanpu does some red rings and reduces all enemy's accuracy for one turn
*Anyone who is not a NewType are able to become "enhanced".
*Leveling up New Types raises the NTL(New Type Level) which increaces
damage of psycom weapons.
*After you beat the game, you can re-play any stage again.
*There may be a SD GUNDAM GENERATION part 2 where, V, W, G, X may appear.
*To get people in your army:
1. Look at the guest units. Check if they are a siganhei(ŽuŠè•º).
2. Keep them alive until the end.
3. Enlist them.
*To caputre enemy units, destroy the mother ship associated with the enemy
unit, then kaishu(‰ñŽû) them with your mother ship.
*Don't kyoka(‹­‰») your people unless they are the higest rank.
*Ranks in order:
*You cannot get the enemy bosses! Ex. Char,Gato,Gyunei.
*If you cannot develop new MS by combining, that mean your MS develop
list is full. Delete a few MS by chosing the first option.
*If you want to make another mother ship, goto a vacant space and press
here-> |X||X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|
* All MS created starts at level 1.
* If you buy an OP for an MS and that MS gets upgraded, the OP still stays.
* The second disk, the prenium disk, contains commercials, unit data and
enables you to save a production list to your memory card.
* V Gundam Hekise is created by putting a V Gundam as your leader unit
for your mother ship.
* God Gundam Gold is created by putting Domon Kash on God Gundam.
The same thing is done with Shining Gundam to get Shining Gundam Gold.

B. Quest Demos +15000 credits if completed

1:Attack one of the 3 Black Stars (Zaku I) with Reibru (Mazaran)
4:Attack Garuma's Ship (Gau) with White Base
6:Attack one of the 3 Black Stars (Domu) with Amuro (Gundam)
(Matilda's Midea must be in the 10-space radius to let event occur)
9:Attack Ifrit (upgraded) when his HP is at 1/3 with Blue Destiny
10:Attack a Zugock with Amuro (Gundam)
11:Attack Char (Char personal Zugock) with a GM. Result:GM destroyed
15:After destroying Bernard's (Bernie) Samson, Bernie will come out with
a ZakuII, when his HP is at 1/3, attack him with Christina (Chris)
16:Attack Rara (Elmis) with Amuro (Gundam) with Char (Char personal
Gerugugu) in a 13-space radius (Very long FMV). Result:Elmis destroyed
17:Destroy Char's Ziong and attack the head (which escapes inside of Au
Baua Ku) (Famous scene in Gundam!). Result:Ziong and Gundam destroyed.
25:Attack Jarred (Marasai) with Kamiyu (Gundam Mk II)
34:Attack Shiro-ko (The-O) when his HP is at 40% of max with Kamiyu
(Z Gundam)(Ending of Z Gundam.....very sad) Result:The-O destroyed,
Kamiyu disabled
39:Attack Hamaan (Qubeley) with Judo (FA ZZ Gundam)
42:Attack Char (Sazabi) with Amuro (Nu Gundam). Result:Nothing

C. Capturing.
This is a list of important units you are able to catch on a level.


D. Combining.
Combining units and units create new units and are ESSENTIAL to the game.
Here are a few to show you. I haven't finished this list yet(got a long way
to go!!!!).You can only combine units after you finish the stage and before
you save. The reason why I changed it to this format because of a problem
of importers, they can't read some of the names of the units, therefore
these numbers corresponds with both unit charts so if you can't read it
look for the identical one in japanese.
How to Read this Chart.
The numbers correspond to the number on the complete unit chart. Now I
don't have to make two combining charts.:)
MS-xxx = The unit created
MS-xxx + MS-xxx = 1 possible combination.
MS-xxx-> = The unit is created by upgrading MS-xxx

MS-120 + MS-230

MS-313 + MS-342
MS-313 + MS-425

MS-342 + MS-505

MS-335 + MS-335
MS-335 + MS-405
MS-335 + MS-465
MS-335 + MS-475
MS-335 + MS-516

MS-117 + MS-353
MS-120 + MS-151

MS-104 + MS-321
MS-104 + MS-322
MS-104 + MS-324
MS-104 + MS-328

MS-337 + MS-148
MS-337 + MS-335
MS-337 + MS-341
MS-337 + MS-405
MS-337 + MS-465
MS-337 + MS-475
MS-337 + MS-516

MS-151 + MS-256
MS-272 + MS-340
MS-273 + MS-340
MS-274 + MS-340

MS-139 + MS-456
MS-142 + MS-456
MS-162 + MS-422
MS-411 + MS-432
MS-412 + MS-432
MS-418 + MS-432
MS-419 + MS-432
MS-420 + MS-432
MS-411 + MS-432
MS-432 + MS-470
MS-432 + MS-512
MS-432 + MS-513
MS-456 + MS-466
MS-456 + MS-525
MS-457 + MS-518

MS-154 + MS-322
MS-154 + MS-324

MS-231 + MS-272
MS-273 + MS-411
MS-274 + MS-411
MS-274 + MS-412
MS-274 + MS-418
MS-274 + MS-419
MS-274 + MS-420
MS-274 + MS-470
MS-274 + MS-512
MS-274 + MS-513

MS-154 + MS-456

MS-457 + MS-460

MS-105 + MS-285
MS-106 + MS-285
MS-107 + MS-285
MS-109 + MS-285

MS-221 + MS-435

MS-222 + MS-435

MS-140 + MS-373

MS-300 + MS-353

MS-111 + MS-230

MS-137 + MS-146

MS-256 + MS-344

MS-128 + MS-258



MS-256 + MS-332

MS-263 + MS-266

MS-220 + MS-328

MS-269 + MS-278

MS-284 + MS-353
MS-353 + MS-434

MS-135 + MS-151

MS-281 + MS-509

MS-274 + MS-432

MS-156 + MS-274

MS-120 + MS-161

MS-121 + MS-461
MS-121 + MS-464

MS-121 + MS-461
MS-121 + MS-464

MS-121 + MS-161

MS-238 + MS-509
MS-238 + MS-510
MS-239 + MS-509
MS-239 + MS-510

MS-142 + MS-230

MS-350 + MS-230
MS-350 + MS-231
MS-350 + MS-232
MS-350 + MS-233
MS-350 + MS-234
MS-350 + MS-235
MS-350 + MS-236
MS-350 + MS-237
MS-350 + MS-238
MS-350 + MS-239
MS-350 + MS-240
MS-350 + MS-241
MS-350 + MS-242
MS-350 + MS-243
MS-350 + MS-244
MS-350 + MS-245
MS-350 + MS-246
MS-350 + MS-247
MS-350 + MS-248
MS-350 + MS-249
MS-350 + MS-250
MS-428 + MS-230
MS-428 + MS-231
MS-428 + MS-232
MS-428 + MS-233
MS-428 + MS-234
MS-428 + MS-235
MS-428 + MS-236
MS-428 + MS-237
MS-428 + MS-238
MS-428 + MS-239
MS-428 + MS-240
MS-428 + MS-241
MS-428 + MS-242
MS-428 + MS-243
MS-428 + MS-244
MS-428 + MS-245
MS-428 + MS-246
MS-428 + MS-247
MS-428 + MS-248
MS-428 + MS-249
MS-428 + MS-250

E. Upgrades
When leveling up a unit till it is an ACE it is able to(usually) upgrade
into a new unit. Units ending in ACE means that it can't be upgraded.
The order of leveling up: 1,2,3,ACE
You can level up the MS if you destroy something, pilot doesn't really
matter. You can upgrade at the scene before you send you units out in the
situation mode, under MS Kaihatsu. If I have lots of time I will put these
in the combination part.









/ \->MS-349
\ /->Heavy Jegan


/ \
/ \->MS-109->MS-108->ACE
/ \->MS-245->MS-246
\ /->MS-104->MS-245->MS-246
\ /
\ /->MS-240
\ /

MS-134/MS-135->MS-136/MS-137->Wing Zero Custom


/->Light Z Gundam








F. All Unit List(excluding WingZeroCustom , Heavy Jegan and Proto Gundam)

MS-100 61 type tank
MS-101 Ez-8
MS-103 FA Gundam
MS-104 G-3 Gundam
MS-105 GP01
MS-106 GP01-Fb
MS-107 GP02A
MS-108 GP03-D
MS-109 GP03-S
MS-110 GP03-S Basic
MS-111 G Cannon
MS-112 G Cannon Magna
MS-113 G Defenser
MS-114 G Fighter
MS-115 G Fortress
MS-116 G Fortress 0 Type
MS-117 MSM-02
MS-118 R Ja Ja
MS-119 RB-79K
MS-120 RGM-79 (G)
MS-121 RX-79 (G)
MS-122 TIN Cod
MS-123 V' Gundam (MA)
MS-124 V' Gundam (MS)
MS-125 V2 Assult Gundam
MS-126 V2 Assult Buster
MS-127 V2 Gundam (MA)
MS-128 V2 Gundam (MS)
MS-129 V2 Buster Gundam
MS-130 V Gundam (MA)
MS-131 V Gundam (MS)
MS-132 V Gundam Hekise (MA)
MS-133 V Gundam Hekise (MS)
MS-134 W Gundam (MA)
MS-135 W Gundam (MS)
MS-136 W Gundam Zero (MA)
MS-137 W Gundam Zero (MS)
MS-138 Z II (MA)
MS-139 Z II (MS)
MS-140 ZZ Gundam
MS-141 ZZ Gundam Basic
MS-142 Z Gundam
MS-143 Z Zaku
MS-144 Alpha Azeel
MS-145 Nu Gundam
MS-146 Nu Gundam HWS
MS-147 Nu Gundam Basic
MS-148 Ai Zack
MS-149 Aqua GM
MS-150 Aqutozaku
MS-151 AcGuy
MS-152 Ahgu
MS-153 AhguGuy
MS-154 Ahzam
MS-155 Ashima (MA)
MS-156 Ashima (MS)
MS-157 Apsalas
MS-158 Apsalas II
MS-159 Apsalas III
MS-160 Ifrit
MS-161 Ifrit Kai
MS-162 Val Valo
MS-163 Wave Rider
MS-164 Elmis
MS-200 Ga Zoum (MA)
MS-201 Ga Zoum (MS)
MS-202 Gabera Tetra
MS-203 Gaia's Zaku I
MS-204 Gaia's Hi Powered Zaku II
MS-205 GazaC (MA)
MS-206 GazaC (MS)
MS-207 GazaC Kai (MA)
MS-208 GazaC Kai (MS)
MS-209 GazaD (MA)
MS-210 GazaD (MS)
MS-211 GazaR
MS-212 GazaL
MS-213 Ga'sha
MS-214 Gato's Gerugugu
MS-215 Gatoru
MS-216 Kapool (MA)
MS-217 Kapool (MS)
MS-218 Gabslei (MA)
MS-219 Gabslei (MS)
MS-220 GarusuJ
MS-221 Galbaldy (Alpha)
MS-222 Galbaldy (Beta)
MS-223 Garuma's Dop
MS-224 GunEZ
MS-225 Gun Cannon
MS-226 Gun Cannon Detecter
MS-227 Gun Cannon II
MS-228 Heavy Armored Gun Cannon
MS-229 Gundiver
MS-230 Gundam
MS-231 Gundam Pixy
MS-232 Gundam DX
MS-233 Gundam F90
MS-234 Gundam F90A
MS-235 Gundam F90D
MS-236 Gundam F90S
MS-237 Gundam F91
MS-238 Gundam Mk-II (Black)
MS-239 Gundam Mk-II (White)
MS-240 Gundam Mk-II FA
MS-241 Gundam Mk-II Basic
MS-242 Gundam Mk-III
MS-243 Gundam Mk-III FA
MS-244 Gundam Mk-III Basic
MS-245 Gundam NT1
MS-246 Gundam NT1 FA
MS-247 Gundam NT1 Basic
MS-248 Gundam X
MS-249 Gundam X Divider
MS-250 Gundam Basic
MS-251 Guntank
MS-252 Guntank II
MS-253 Guntank R44 (MA)
MS-254 Guntank R44 (MS)
MS-255 Gunblaster
MS-256 Gigan
MS-257 Kikeroga
MS-258 Kya'toru
MS-259 Gyapuran (MA)
MS-260 Gyapuran (MS)
MS-261 Gyan
MS-262 Gyan Kai
MS-263 Quebeley
MS-264 Quebeley Mk-II (Red)
MS-265 Quebeley Mk-II (Black)
MS-266 Gira Dooga
MS-267 Gira Dooga (Leader Unit)
MS-268 Gira Dooga Psycomyu Test Type
MS-269 Gira Dooga Kai
MS-270 Quin Mantha
MS-271 Quin Manthahead
MS-272 Gufu
MS-273 Heavy Armored Gufu
MS-274 Air Type Gufu
MS-275 Gurablo
MS-276 3 Black Stars' Zaku I
MS-277 3 Black Stars' High Manuver Zaku II
MS-278 Gemaruku
MS-279 Guze
MS-280 Guze (Orange)
MS-281 Gerugugu
MS-282 Gerugugu (Blue)
MS-283 Gerugugu (Leader Unit)
MS-284 Gerugugu J
MS-285 Gerugugu M
MS-286 Gerugugu M (Leader Unit)
MS-287 Gerugugu Cannon
MS-288 Gerugugu Masai
MS-289 Kempfer
MS-300 Core Fighter
MS-301 Core Fighter [G-3]
MS-302 Core Fighter [Escape]
MS-303 Core Fighter II
MS-304 Core Fighter II-Fb
MS-305 Core Fighter V
MS-306 Core Fighter V2
MS-307 Core Fighter ZZ
MS-308 Core Booster
MS-309 Core Booster V
MS-310 Gock
MS-311 God Gundam
MS-312 God Gundam (Gold)
MS-313 Psycho Dooga
MS-314 Psycho Gundam (MA)
MS-315 Psycho Gundam (MS)
MS-316 Psycho Gundam Mk-II (MA)
MS-317 Psycho Gundam Mk-II (MS)
MS-318 Psycho Gundam Mk-II Head
MS-319 Psycho Gundam Mk-III
MS-320 Psycomyu High Manuver Test Type Zaku
MS-321 Zaku I
MS-322 Zaku II F Type
MS-323 Zaku II F Type (Leader Unit)
MS-324 Zaku II J Type
MS-325 Zaku II J Type (Leader Unit)
MS-326 Zaku II J Type Kinbaraitoshisama
MS-327 Zaku II J Type Desert Color
MS-328 Zaku II Kai
MS-329 Zaku II Kai (Leader Unit)
MS-330 Zaku III
MS-331 Zaku III Kai
MS-332 Zaku Cannon
MS-333 Zaku Cannon (Leader Unit)
MS-334 Zakutank
MS-335 Zaku Flipper
MS-336 Zaku Mine Layer
MS-337 Zaku Mariner
MS-338 Zaku Mariner (Leader Unit)
MS-339 Zaku Marine
MS-340 Zakurero
MS-341 Zaku Strong Observer Type
MS-342 Sazabi
MS-343 Zani
MS-344 Zameru
MS-345 The-O
MS-346 Jegan
MS-347 Jegan A Type
MS-348 Jegan B Type
MS-349 Jemzugan
MS-350 Ziong
MS-351 Ziong Head
MS-352 Ji'ko
MS-353 GM
MS-354 GM Custom
MS-355 GM Cannon II
MS-356 GM Ku'eru
MS-357 GM II (Red)
MS-358 GM II (Green)
MS-359 GM III (Red)
MS-360 GM III (Green)
MS-361 GM Cannon
MS-362 GM Command
MS-363 GM Sniper II
MS-364 GM Sniper Custom
MS-353 GM Kai
MS-366 GM Kai (Red)
MS-367 Char's Gerugugu
MS-368 Char's Zaku II
MS-369 Char's Zugock
MS-370 Char's Rick Dom
MS-371 Shining Gundam
MS-372 Shining Gundam (Gold)
MS-373 Javelin
MS-374 Jamuru Fin (MA)
MS-375 Jamuru Fin (MS)
MS-376 Ju A'gu
MS-377 Shutsurumu Dias
MS-378 Super Gundam
MS-379 Zugock
MS-380 Zugock E
MS-381 Zusa (MA)
MS-382 Zusa (MS)
MS-383 Zusa Custom
MS-384 Stark Jegan
MS-385 Saberfish
MS-386 Zogock
MS-387 Zo'ku
MS-400 Center Module
MS-401 Desert Zaku
MS-402 Desert Zaku (Blue)
MS-403 Di'je
MS-404 Di'je SE-R
MS-405 Relay Dish
MS-406 Dovenwolf
MS-407 Dop
MS-408 Topfighter V
MS-409 Topfighter V2
MS-410 Topfighter V Hekise
MS-411 Dom
MS-412 Dom Troopen
MS-413 Dom Troopen (Brown)
MS-414 Drysen
MS-415 Dragon Fly
MS-416 Dratsue
MS-417 Toriez FF-4
MS-418 Troopicarudom
MS-419 Dowaji
MS-420 Dowaji Kai
MS-421 Don Escargo
MS-422 Nemo
MS-423 Nemo III
MS-424 Neue Ziel
MS-425 Neue Ziel II
MS-426 Bazam
MS-427 Hardy Gun
MS-428 Perfect Ziong
MS-429 Perfect Ziong Head
MS-430 Hi Gog
MS-431 Vairan
MS-432 Hizack (Blue)
MS-433 Hizack (Green)
MS-434 Hizack Custom
MS-435 Bau (Red MA)
MS-436 Bau (Red MS)
MS-437 Bau (Green MA)
MS-438 Bau (Green MS)
MS-439 Bau Attacker (Red)
MS-440 Bau Attacker (Green)
MS-441 Bound Dog (Red MA)
MS-442 Bound Dog (Red MS)
MS-443 Bound Dog (Yellow MA)
MS-444 Bound Dog (Yellow MS)
MS-445 Bound Dog (Grey MA)
MS-446 Bound Dog (Grey MS)
MS-447 Public
MS-448 Public with No missle
MS-449 Paras Atene
MS-450 Halo
MS-451 Powered GM
MS-452 Hanfu Rabi (MA)
MS-453 Hanfu Rabi (MS)
MS-454 Hamma Hamma
MS-455 Bigzam
MS-456 Biguro
MS-457 Biguromier
MS-458 Fanfan
MS-459 Fly Manta
MS-460 Blau Blo
MS-461 Blue Destiny No. 1
MS-462 Blue Destiny No. 2 (Red)
MS-463 Blue Destiny No. 2
MS-464 Blue Destiny No. 3
MS-465 Plober
MS-466 Prototype Z Gundam
MS-467 Prototype ZZ Gundam
MS-468 Protype Psycho Gundam
MS-469 Protype Rick Dias
MS-470 Pezun Dowaji
MS-471 Heavy Gun
MS-472 Heavy Gundam
MS-473 Ball
MS-474 Fixed Ball
MS-475 Hover Truck
MS-476 Hobbi Hyzack
MS-477 Homoabis
MS-478 Borinook Samaan
MS-479 Mazera Attack
MS-480 Mazera Top
MS-481 Matsunaga's Hi Manuver Type Zaku II
MS-482 Marasai
MS-483 Megarider
MS-484 Metasu(MA)
MS-485 Metasu(MS)
MS-486 Metasu Kai [MA]
MS-487 Metasu Kai
MS-488 Me'sarra (MA)
MS-489 Me'sarra (MS)
MS-500 Yakuto Dooga Blue
MS-501 Yakuto Dooga Red
MS-502 Raiden's Hi Manuver Type Gerugugu
MS-503 Raiden's Hi Manuver Type Zaku II
MS-504 Ri Gazui (MA)
MS-505 Ri Gazui (MS)
MS-506 Ri Gazui Custom (MS)
MS-507 Ri Gazui Custom (MS)
MS-508 Rigerugu
MS-509 Rick Dias (Red)
MS-510 Rick Dias (Black)
MS-511 Rick Dias II
MS-512 Rick Dom
MS-513 Rick Dom II
MS-514 Manufacture Type Hamma Hamma
MS-515 Manufacture Type Bigzam
MS-516 Ru'Gn
MS-517 Rezin's Gira Dooga
MS-518 High Manuver Type Gerugugu
MS-519 High Manuver Type Gerugugu (Leader Unit)
MS-520 High Manuver Type Zaku II
MS-521 High Manuver Type Zaku II (Leader Unit)
MS-522 Hyakushiki
MS-523 Hyakushiki Kai
MS-524 Manufacture Type ZZ Gundam
MS-525 Manufacture Type Z Gundam
MS-526 Manufacture Type ƒË(Nu) Gundam
MS-527 Manufacture Type Gun Cannon
MS-528 Manufacture Type Quebeley
MS-529 Manufacture Type Psycho Gundam
MS-530 Manufacture Type Hyakushiki
UNIT-601 Aagama
UNIT-602 Aagama [Event]
UNIT-603 Irish
UNIT-604 Audomura
UNIT-605 Albion
UNIT-606 Alexandria
UNIT-607 Valkyre
UNIT-608 Endra
UNIT-609 Gau
UNIT-610 Garuda
UNIT-611 Gallop
UNIT-612 Gallop [No Cargo]
UNIT-613 Glarf Zepplin
UNIT-614 Clap
UNIT-615 Guwajin
UNIT-616 Guwadan
UNIT-617 Guwaden
UNIT-618 Guwaran
UNIT-619 Guwanzan
UNIT-620 Guwanban
UNIT-621 Colony Lazer
UNIT-622 Colombus
UNIT-623 Zaku Tanker [Blue]
UNIT-624 Zaku Tanker [Brown]
UNIT-625 Sedaraan
UNIT-626 Sachiwanu [Blue]
UNIT-627 Sachiwanu [Green]
UNIT-628 Samson
UNIT-629 Saramisu
UNIT-630 Saramisu Kai
UNIT-631 Saramisu Kai [Event]
UNIT-632 Zanjibal
UNIT-633 Sundra
UNIT-634 Jeekfreet
UNIT-635 Jupitoris
UNIT-636 Sudori
UNIT-637 Solar System
UNIT-638 Solar System II
UNIT-639 Solar Ray
UNIT-640 Dabude
UNIT-641 Chibe
UNIT-642 Chibe Kai
UNIT-643 Temptation
UNIT-644 Dogos Gear
UNIT-645 Toroy Horse
UNIT-646 Doros
UNIT-647 Dorowa
UNIT-648 Nashiville [Event]
UNIT-649 Nail Aagama
UNIT-650 Barmingum
UNIT-651 Pazaku
UNIT-652 Papua
UNIT-653 Hario
UNIT-654 Big Tray
UNIT-655 Fat Ankle
UNIT-656 Falmel [Char Musai]
UNIT-657 Bluenei
UNIT-658 Bosnia
UNIT-659 Whitebase
UNIT-660 Mazeran
UNIT-661 Mazeran [Green]
UNIT-662 Mazeran Kai
UNIT-663 Mad Angler
UNIT-664 Midea
UNIT-665 Mindra
UNIT-666 Musai
UNIT-667 Musai [83 Brown]
UNIT-668 Musai [83 Green]
UNIT-669 Musai Kai
UNIT-670 Musaka
UNIT-671 Meroudo
UNIT-672 Monbran
UNIT-673 Yuirin [Event]
UNIT-674 Yuucon
UNIT-675 Yuucon U99
UNIT-676 Raa Kaim [Event]
UNIT-677 Raa Kairam
UNIT-678 Raa Keim [Event]
UNIT-679 Raa Cha'taar
UNIT-680 Radish
UNIT-681 Ravian Rose
UNIT-682 Ririimalulane
UNIT-683 Leuruura
UNIT-684 Ronbarudia
UNIT-685 Yousouki

F Part 2
All unit list in japanese(excluding wingzerocustom)

MS-100 ‚U‚PŽ®íŽÔ
MS-101 ‚d‚š|‚W
MS-102 ‚e‚`‚y‚y
MS-103 ‚e‚`ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-104 ‚f|‚RƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-105 ‚f‚o‚O‚P
MS-106 ‚f‚o‚O‚P|‚e‚‚
MS-107 ‚f‚o‚O‚Q‚`
MS-108 ‚f‚o‚O‚R|‚c
MS-109 ‚f‚o‚O‚R|‚r
MS-110 ‚f‚o‚O‚R|‚rƒx[ƒVƒbƒN
MS-111 ‚fƒLƒƒƒmƒ“
MS-112 ‚fƒLƒƒƒmƒ“ƒ}ƒOƒi
MS-113 ‚fƒfƒBƒtƒFƒ“ƒT[
MS-114 ‚fƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[
MS-115 ‚fƒtƒH[ƒgƒŒƒX
MS-116 ‚fƒtƒH[ƒgƒŒƒX‚OŒ^
MS-117 ‚l‚r‚l|‚O‚Q
MS-118 ‚qEƒWƒƒƒWƒƒ
MS-119 ‚q‚a|‚V‚X‚j
MS-120 ‚q‚f‚l|‚V‚Xi‚fj
MS-121 ‚q‚w|‚V‚Xi‚fj
MS-122 ‚s‚h‚mƒRƒbƒh
MS-123 VfƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚`j
MS-124 VfƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚rj
MS-125 ‚u‚QƒAƒTƒ‹ƒgƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-126 ‚u‚QƒAƒTƒ‹ƒgƒoƒXƒ^[
MS-127 ‚u‚QƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚`j
MS-128 ‚u‚QƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚rj
MS-129 ‚u‚QƒoƒXƒ^[ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-130 ‚uƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚`j
MS-131 ‚uƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚rj
MS-132 ‚uƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒwƒLƒTi‚l‚`j
MS-133 ‚uƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒwƒLƒTi‚l‚rj
MS-134 ‚vƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚`j
MS-135 ‚vƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚rj
MS-136 ‚vƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒ[ƒi‚l‚`j
MS-137 ‚vƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒ[ƒi‚l‚rj
MS-138 ‚y IIi‚l‚`j
MS-139 ‚y IIi‚l‚rj
MS-140 ‚y‚yƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-141 ‚y‚yƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒx[ƒVƒbƒN
MS-142 ‚yƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-143 ‚yƒUƒN
MS-144 ƒ¿EƒAƒW[ƒ‹
MS-145 ƒËƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-146 ƒËƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚g‚v‚r
MS-147 ƒËƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒx[ƒVƒbƒN
MS-148 ƒAƒCƒUƒbƒN
MS-149 ƒAƒNƒAƒWƒ€
MS-150 ƒAƒNƒgƒUƒN
MS-151 ƒAƒbƒKƒC
MS-152 ƒAƒbƒO
MS-153 ƒAƒbƒOƒKƒC
MS-154 ƒAƒbƒUƒ€
MS-155 ƒAƒbƒVƒ}[i‚l‚`j
MS-156 ƒAƒbƒVƒ}[i‚l‚rj
MS-157 ƒAƒvƒTƒ‰ƒX
MS-158 ƒAƒvƒTƒ‰ƒX II
MS-159 ƒAƒvƒTƒ‰ƒX III
MS-160 ƒCƒtƒŠ[ƒg
MS-161 ƒCƒtƒŠ[ƒg‰ü
MS-162 ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹Eƒ”ƒ@ƒ
MS-163 ƒEƒFƒCƒuƒ‰ƒCƒ_[
MS-164 ƒGƒ‹ƒƒX
MS-200 ƒKEƒ]ƒEƒ€i‚l‚`j
MS-201 ƒKEƒ]ƒEƒ€i‚l‚rj
MS-202 ƒK[ƒxƒ‰Eƒeƒgƒ‰
MS-203 ƒKƒCƒAê—pƒUƒN I
MS-204 ƒKƒCƒAê—p‚‹@“®Œ^ƒUƒN II
MS-205 ƒKƒU‚bi‚l‚`j
MS-206 ƒKƒU‚bi‚l‚rj
MS-207 ƒKƒU‚b‰üi‚l‚`j
MS-208 ƒKƒU‚b‰üi‚l‚rj
MS-209 ƒKƒU‚ci‚l‚`j
MS-210 ƒKƒU‚ci‚l‚rj
MS-211 ƒKƒYƒAƒ‹
MS-212 ƒKƒYƒGƒ‹
MS-213 ƒKƒbƒVƒƒ
MS-214 ƒKƒg[ê—pƒQƒ‹ƒOƒO
MS-215 ƒKƒgƒ‹
MS-216 ƒJƒv[ƒ‹i‚l‚`j
MS-217 ƒJƒv[ƒ‹i‚l‚rj
MS-218 ƒKƒuƒXƒŒƒCi‚l‚`j
MS-219 ƒKƒuƒXƒŒƒCi‚l‚rj
MS-220 ƒKƒ‹ƒX‚i
MS-221 ƒKƒ‹ƒoƒ‹ƒfƒBƒ¿
MS-222 ƒKƒ‹ƒoƒ‹ƒfƒBƒÀ
MS-223 ƒKƒ‹ƒ}ê—pƒhƒbƒv
MS-224 ƒKƒ“ƒC[ƒW
MS-225 ƒKƒ“ƒLƒƒƒmƒ“
MS-226 ƒKƒ“ƒLƒƒƒmƒ“DƒfƒBƒeƒNƒ^[
MS-227 ƒKƒ“ƒLƒƒƒmƒ“ II
MS-228 ƒKƒ“ƒLƒƒƒmƒ“d‘•Œ^
MS-229 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒCƒo[
MS-230 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-231 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€EƒsƒNƒV[
MS-232 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚c‚w
MS-233 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚e‚X‚O
MS-234 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚e‚X‚O‚`
MS-235 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚e‚X‚O‚c
MS-236 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚e‚X‚O‚r
MS-237 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚e‚X‚P
MS-238 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| IIi•j
MS-239 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| IIi”’j
MS-240 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| II‚e‚`
MS-241 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| IIƒx[ƒVƒbƒN
MS-242 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| III
MS-243 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| III‚e‚`
MS-244 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| IIIƒx[ƒVƒbƒN
MS-245 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚m‚s‚P
MS-246 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚m‚s‚P‚e‚`
MS-247 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚m‚s‚Pƒx[ƒVƒbƒN
MS-248 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚w
MS-249 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚wƒfƒBƒoƒCƒ_[
MS-250 ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€ƒx[ƒVƒbƒN
MS-251 ƒKƒ“ƒ^ƒ“ƒN
MS-252 ƒKƒ“ƒ^ƒ“ƒN II
MS-253 ƒKƒ“ƒ^ƒ“ƒN‚q‚S‚Si‚l‚`j
MS-254 ƒKƒ“ƒ^ƒ“ƒN‚q‚S‚Si‚l‚rj
MS-255 ƒKƒ“ƒuƒ‰ƒXƒ^[
MS-256 ƒMƒKƒ“
MS-257 ƒLƒPƒƒK
MS-258 ƒLƒƒƒgƒ‹
MS-259 ƒMƒƒƒvƒ‰ƒ“i‚l‚`j
MS-260 ƒMƒƒƒvƒ‰ƒ“i‚l‚rj
MS-261 ƒMƒƒƒ“
MS-262 ƒMƒƒƒ“‰ü
MS-263 ƒLƒ…ƒxƒŒƒC
MS-264 ƒLƒ…ƒxƒŒƒC‚l‚‹| IIiÔj
MS-265 ƒLƒ…ƒxƒŒƒC‚l‚‹| IIi•j
MS-266 ƒMƒ‰Eƒh[ƒK
MS-267 ƒMƒ‰Eƒh[ƒKiŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-268 ƒMƒ‰Eƒh[ƒKƒTƒCƒRƒ~ƒ…ŽŽŒ±Œ^
MS-269 ƒMƒ‰Eƒh[ƒK‰ü
MS-270 ƒNƒCƒ“Eƒ}ƒ“ƒT
MS-271 ƒNƒCƒ“Eƒ}ƒ“ƒTƒwƒbƒh
MS-272 ƒOƒt
MS-273 ƒOƒtd‘•Œ^
MS-274 ƒOƒt”òsŒ^
MS-275 ƒOƒ‰ƒuƒ
MS-276 •‚¢ŽO˜A¯—pƒUƒN I
MS-277 •‚¢ŽO˜A¯—p‚‹@“®Œ^ƒUƒN II
MS-278 ƒQ[ƒ}ƒ‹ƒN
MS-279 ƒQƒ[
MS-280 ƒQƒ[iƒIƒŒƒ“ƒWj
MS-281 ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒO
MS-282 ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒOiÂj
MS-283 ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒOiŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-284 ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒO‚i
MS-285 ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒO‚l
MS-286 ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒO‚liŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-287 ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒOƒLƒƒƒmƒ“
MS-288 ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒOƒ}ƒTƒC
MS-289 ƒPƒ“ƒvƒtƒ@[
MS-300 ƒRƒAEƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[
MS-301 ƒRƒAEƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[m‚f|‚Rn
MS-302 ƒRƒAEƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[m’Eon
MS-303 ƒRƒAEƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[ II
MS-304 ƒRƒAEƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[ II|‚e‚‚
MS-305 ƒRƒAEƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[‚u
MS-306 ƒRƒAEƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[‚u‚Q
MS-307 ƒRƒAEƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[‚y‚y
MS-308 ƒRƒAEƒu[ƒXƒ^[
MS-309 ƒRƒAEƒu[ƒXƒ^[‚u
MS-310 ƒSƒbƒO
MS-311 ƒSƒbƒhƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-312 ƒSƒbƒhƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‹àj
MS-313 ƒTƒCƒREƒh[ƒK
MS-314 ƒTƒCƒRƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚`j
MS-315 ƒTƒCƒRƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‚l‚rj
MS-316 ƒTƒCƒRƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| IIi‚l‚`j
MS-317 ƒTƒCƒRƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| IIi‚l‚rj
MS-318 ƒTƒCƒRƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| IIƒwƒbƒh
MS-319 ƒTƒCƒRƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€‚l‚‹| III
MS-320 ƒTƒCƒRƒ~ƒ…‚‹@“®ŽŽŒ±—pƒUƒN
MS-321 ƒUƒN I
MS-322 ƒUƒN II ‚eŒ^
MS-323 ƒUƒN II ‚eŒ^iŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-324 ƒUƒN II ‚iŒ^
MS-325 ƒUƒN II ‚iŒ^iŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-326 ƒUƒN II ‚iŒ^ƒLƒ“ƒoƒ‰ƒCƒgŽd—l
MS-327 ƒUƒN II ‚iŒ^ƒfƒBƒU[ƒgƒJƒ‰[
MS-328 ƒUƒN II ‰ü
MS-329 ƒUƒN II ‰üiŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-330 ƒUƒN III
MS-331 ƒUƒN III‰ü
MS-332 ƒUƒNƒLƒƒƒmƒ“
MS-333 ƒUƒNƒLƒƒƒmƒ“iŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-334 ƒUƒNƒ^ƒ“ƒN
MS-335 ƒUƒNƒtƒŠƒbƒp[
MS-336 ƒUƒNƒ}ƒCƒ“ƒŒƒCƒ„[
MS-337 ƒUƒNƒ}ƒŠƒi[
MS-338 ƒUƒNƒ}ƒŠƒi[iŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-339 ƒUƒNƒ}ƒŠƒ“
MS-340 ƒUƒNƒŒƒ
MS-341 ƒUƒN‹­s’ãŽ@Œ^
MS-342 ƒTƒUƒr[
MS-343 ƒUƒj[
MS-344 ƒUƒƒ‹
MS-345 ƒWE‚n
MS-346 ƒWƒFƒKƒ“
MS-347 ƒWƒFƒKƒ“‚`ƒ^ƒCƒv
MS-348 ƒWƒFƒKƒ“‚aƒ^ƒCƒv
MS-349 ƒWƒFƒ€ƒYƒKƒ“
MS-350 ƒWƒIƒ“ƒO
MS-351 ƒWƒIƒ“ƒOƒwƒbƒh
MS-352 ƒWƒbƒR
MS-353 ƒWƒ€
MS-354 ƒWƒ€EƒJƒXƒ^ƒ€
MS-355 ƒWƒ€EƒLƒƒƒmƒ“ II
MS-356 ƒWƒ€EƒNƒDƒGƒ‹
MS-357 ƒWƒ€ II iÔj
MS-358 ƒWƒ€ II i—΁j
MS-359 ƒWƒ€ III iÔj
MS-360 ƒWƒ€ III i—΁j
MS-361 ƒWƒ€ƒLƒƒƒmƒ“
MS-362 ƒWƒ€ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒh
MS-363 ƒWƒ€ƒXƒiƒCƒp[ II
MS-364 ƒWƒ€ƒXƒiƒCƒp[ƒJƒXƒ^ƒ€
MS-365 ƒWƒ€‰ü
MS-366 ƒWƒ€‰üiÔj
MS-367 ƒVƒƒƒAê—pƒQƒ‹ƒOƒO
MS-368 ƒVƒƒƒAê—pƒUƒN II
MS-369 ƒVƒƒƒAê—pƒYƒSƒbƒN
MS-370 ƒVƒƒƒAê—pƒŠƒbƒNƒhƒ€
MS-371 ƒVƒƒƒCƒjƒ“ƒOƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-372 ƒVƒƒƒCƒjƒ“ƒOƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€i‹àj
MS-373 ƒWƒƒƒxƒŠƒ“
MS-374 ƒWƒƒƒ€ƒ‹EƒtƒBƒ“i‚l‚`j
MS-375 ƒWƒƒƒ€ƒ‹EƒtƒBƒ“i‚l‚rj
MS-376 ƒWƒ…ƒAƒbƒO
MS-377 ƒVƒ…ƒcƒ‹ƒ€EƒfƒBƒAƒX
MS-378 ƒX[ƒp[ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-379 ƒYƒSƒbƒN
MS-380 ƒYƒSƒbƒN‚d
MS-381 ƒYƒTi‚l‚`j
MS-382 ƒYƒTi‚l‚rj
MS-383 ƒYƒTƒJƒXƒ^ƒ€
MS-384 ƒXƒ^[ƒNEƒWƒFƒKƒ“
MS-385 ƒZƒCƒo[ƒtƒBƒbƒVƒ…
MS-386 ƒ]ƒSƒbƒN
MS-387 ƒ]ƒbƒN
MS-400 ’†‰›ƒ‚ƒWƒ…[ƒ‹
MS-401 ƒfƒBƒU[ƒgEƒUƒN
MS-402 ƒfƒBƒU[ƒgEƒUƒNiÂj
MS-403 ƒfƒBƒWƒF
MS-404 ƒfƒBƒWƒF‚r‚d|‚q
MS-405 ƒfƒbƒVƒ…˜A—‹@
MS-406 ƒh[ƒxƒ“ƒEƒ‹ƒt
MS-407 ƒhƒbƒv
MS-408 ƒgƒbƒvƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[‚u
MS-409 ƒgƒbƒvƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[‚u‚Q
MS-410 ƒgƒbƒvƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[‚uƒwƒLƒT
MS-411 ƒhƒ€
MS-412 ƒhƒ€Eƒgƒ[ƒyƒ“
MS-413 ƒhƒ€Eƒgƒ[ƒyƒ“i’ƒj
MS-414 ƒhƒ‰ƒCƒZƒ“
MS-415 ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“Eƒtƒ‰ƒC
MS-416 ƒhƒ‰ƒbƒcƒF
MS-417 ƒgƒŠƒAƒG[ƒY‚e‚e|‚S
MS-418 ƒgƒƒsƒJƒ‹ƒhƒ€
MS-419 ƒhƒƒbƒW
MS-420 ƒhƒƒbƒW‰ü
MS-421 ƒhƒ“EƒGƒXƒJƒ‹ƒS
MS-422 ƒlƒ‚
MS-423 ƒlƒ‚ III
MS-424 ƒmƒCƒGEƒW[ƒ‹
MS-425 ƒmƒCƒGEƒW[ƒ‹ II
MS-426 ƒo[ƒUƒ€
MS-427 ƒn[ƒfƒBEƒKƒ“
MS-428 ƒp[ƒtƒFƒNƒgEƒWƒIƒ“ƒO
MS-429 ƒp[ƒtƒFƒNƒgƒWƒIƒ“ƒOƒwƒbƒh
MS-430 ƒnƒCEƒSƒbƒO
MS-431 ƒoƒCƒAƒ‰ƒ“
MS-432 ƒnƒCƒUƒbƒNiÂj
MS-433 ƒnƒCƒUƒbƒNi—΁j
MS-434 ƒnƒCƒUƒbƒNƒJƒXƒ^ƒ€
MS-435 ƒoƒEiÔ‚l‚`j
MS-436 ƒoƒEiÔ‚l‚rj
MS-437 ƒoƒEi—΂l‚`j
MS-438 ƒoƒEi—΂l‚rj
MS-439 ƒoƒEƒAƒ^ƒbƒJ[iÔj
MS-440 ƒoƒEƒAƒ^ƒbƒJ[i—΁j
MS-441 ƒoƒEƒ“ƒhƒhƒbƒNiÔ‚l‚`j
MS-442 ƒoƒEƒ“ƒhƒhƒbƒNiÔ‚l‚rj
MS-443 ƒoƒEƒ“ƒhƒhƒbƒNi‰©‚l‚`j
MS-444 ƒoƒEƒ“ƒhƒhƒbƒNi‰©‚l‚rj
MS-445 ƒoƒEƒ“ƒhƒhƒbƒNiŠD‚l‚`j
MS-446 ƒoƒEƒ“ƒhƒhƒbƒNiŠD‚l‚rj
MS-447 ƒpƒuƒŠƒN
MS-448 ƒpƒuƒŠƒNƒ~ƒTƒCƒ‹–³‚µ
MS-449 ƒpƒ‰ƒXEƒAƒeƒl
MS-450 ƒnƒ
MS-451 ƒpƒ[ƒhƒWƒ€
MS-452 ƒnƒ“ƒuƒ‰ƒri‚l‚`j
MS-453 ƒnƒ“ƒuƒ‰ƒri‚l‚rj
MS-454 ƒnƒ“ƒ}Eƒnƒ“ƒ}
MS-455 ƒrƒOƒUƒ€
MS-456 ƒrƒOƒ
MS-457 ƒrƒOƒƒ}ƒCƒ„[
MS-458 ƒtƒ@ƒ“ƒtƒ@ƒ“
MS-459 ƒtƒ‰ƒCEƒ}ƒ“ƒ^
MS-460 ƒuƒ‰ƒEEƒuƒ
MS-461 ƒuƒ‹[ƒfƒBƒXƒeƒBƒj[‚P†‹@
MS-462 ƒuƒ‹[ƒfƒBƒXƒeƒBƒj[‚Q†‹@iÔj
MS-463 ƒuƒ‹[ƒfƒBƒXƒeƒBƒj[‚Q†‹@
MS-464 ƒuƒ‹[ƒfƒBƒXƒeƒBƒj[‚R†‹@
MS-465 ƒvƒ[ƒo[
MS-466 ƒvƒƒg‚yƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-467 ƒvƒƒgƒ^ƒCƒv‚y‚yƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-468 ƒvƒƒgƒ^ƒCƒvƒTƒCƒRƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-469 ƒvƒƒgƒ^ƒCƒvƒŠƒbƒNƒfƒBƒAƒX
MS-470 ƒyƒYƒ“EƒhƒƒbƒW
MS-471 ƒwƒr[ƒKƒ“
MS-472 ƒwƒr[ƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-473 ƒ{[ƒ‹
MS-474 ƒ{[ƒ‹‰üCŒ^
MS-475 ƒzƒo[ƒgƒ‰ƒbƒN
MS-476 ƒzƒr[ƒnƒCƒUƒbƒN
MS-477 ƒzƒ‚ƒAƒrƒX
MS-478 ƒ{ƒŠƒm[ƒNEƒTƒ}[ƒ“
MS-479 ƒ}ƒ[ƒ‰EƒAƒ^ƒbƒN
MS-480 ƒ}ƒ[ƒ‰Eƒgƒbƒv
MS-481 ƒ}ƒcƒiƒKê—p‚‹@“®Œ^ƒUƒN II
MS-482 ƒ}ƒ‰ƒTƒC
MS-483 ƒƒKƒ‰ƒCƒ_[
MS-484 ƒƒ^ƒX(MA)
MS-485 ƒƒ^ƒX(MS)
MS-486 ƒƒ^ƒX‰üm‚l‚`n
MS-487 ƒƒ^ƒX‰ü
MS-488 ƒƒbƒT[ƒ‰i‚l‚`j
MS-489 ƒƒbƒT[ƒ‰i‚l‚rj
MS-500 ƒ„ƒNƒgEƒh[ƒKÂ
MS-501 ƒ„ƒNƒgEƒh[ƒKÔ
MS-502 ƒ‰ƒCƒfƒ“ê—p‚‹@“®Œ^ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒO
MS-503 ƒ‰ƒCƒfƒ“ê—p‚‹@“®Œ^ƒUƒN II
MS-504 ƒŠEƒKƒYƒBi‚l‚`j
MS-505 ƒŠEƒKƒYƒBi‚l‚rj
MS-506 ƒŠEƒKƒYƒBƒJƒXƒ^ƒ€i‚l‚`j
MS-507 ƒŠEƒKƒYƒBƒJƒXƒ^ƒ€i‚l‚rj
MS-508 ƒŠƒQƒ‹ƒO
MS-509 ƒŠƒbƒNEƒfƒBƒAƒXiÔj
MS-510 ƒŠƒbƒNEƒfƒBƒAƒXi•j
MS-511 ƒŠƒbƒNEƒfƒBƒAƒX II
MS-512 ƒŠƒbƒNEƒhƒ€
MS-513 ƒŠƒbƒNEƒhƒ€ II
MS-514 —ÊŽYŒ^ƒnƒ“ƒ}ƒnƒ“ƒ}
MS-515 —ÊŽYŒ^ƒrƒOƒUƒ€
MS-516 ƒ‹ƒbƒOƒ“
MS-517 ƒŒƒYƒ“ê—pƒMƒ‰ƒh[ƒK
MS-518 ‚‹@“®Œ^ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒO
MS-519 ‚‹@“®Œ^ƒQƒ‹ƒOƒOiŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-520 ‚‹@“®Œ^ƒUƒN II
MS-521 ‚‹@“®Œ^ƒUƒN IIiŽwŠöŠ¯‹@j
MS-522 •SŽ®
MS-523 •SŽ®‰ü
MS-524 —ÊŽYŒ^‚y‚yƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-525 —ÊŽYŒ^‚yƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-526 —ÊŽYŒ^ƒËƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-527 —ÊŽYŒ^ƒKƒ“ƒLƒƒƒmƒ“
MS-528 —ÊŽYŒ^ƒLƒ…ƒxƒŒƒC
MS-529 —ÊŽYŒ^ƒTƒCƒRƒKƒ“ƒ_ƒ€
MS-530 —ÊŽYŒ^•SŽ®
UNIT-600 ‚g‚k‚u
UNIT-601 ƒA[ƒKƒ}
UNIT-602 ƒA[ƒKƒ}mƒCƒxƒ“ƒgn
UNIT-603 ƒAƒCƒŠƒbƒVƒ…
UNIT-604 ƒAƒEƒhƒ€ƒ‰
UNIT-605 ƒAƒ‹ƒrƒIƒ“
UNIT-606 ƒAƒŒƒLƒTƒ“ƒhƒŠƒA
UNIT-607 ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒ…[ƒŒ
UNIT-608 ƒGƒ“ƒhƒ‰
UNIT-609 ƒKƒE
UNIT-610 ƒKƒ‹ƒ_
UNIT-611 ƒMƒƒƒƒbƒv
UNIT-612 ƒMƒƒƒƒbƒvmƒJ[ƒS–³n
UNIT-613 ƒOƒ‰[ƒtEƒcƒFƒyƒŠƒ“
UNIT-614 ƒNƒ‰ƒbƒv
UNIT-615 ƒOƒƒWƒ“
UNIT-616 ƒOƒƒ_ƒ“
UNIT-617 ƒOƒƒfƒ“
UNIT-618 ƒOƒƒ‰ƒ“
UNIT-619 ƒOƒƒ“ƒUƒ“
UNIT-620 ƒOƒƒ“ƒoƒ“
UNIT-621 ƒRƒƒj[ƒŒ[ƒU[
UNIT-622 ƒRƒƒ“ƒuƒX
UNIT-623 ƒUƒNEƒ^ƒ“ƒJ[mÂn
UNIT-624 ƒUƒNEƒ^ƒ“ƒJ[m’ƒn
UNIT-625 ƒTƒ_ƒ‰[ƒ“
UNIT-626 ƒTƒ`ƒƒkmÂn
UNIT-627 ƒTƒ`ƒƒkm—΁n
UNIT-628 ƒTƒ€ƒ\ƒ“
UNIT-629 ƒTƒ‰ƒ~ƒX
UNIT-630 ƒTƒ‰ƒ~ƒX‰ü
UNIT-631 ƒTƒ‰ƒ~ƒX‰ümƒCƒxƒ“ƒgn
UNIT-632 ƒUƒ“ƒWƒoƒ‹
UNIT-633 ƒTƒ“ƒhƒ‰
UNIT-634 ƒW[ƒNƒtƒŠ[ƒg
UNIT-635 ƒWƒ…ƒsƒgƒŠƒX
UNIT-636 ƒX[ƒhƒŠƒB
UNIT-637 ƒ\[ƒ‰EƒVƒXƒeƒ€
UNIT-638 ƒ\[ƒ‰EƒVƒXƒeƒ€ II
UNIT-639 ƒ\[ƒ‰EƒŒƒC
UNIT-640 ƒ_ƒuƒf
UNIT-641 ƒ`ƒx
UNIT-642 ƒ`ƒx‰ü
UNIT-643 ƒeƒ“ƒvƒe[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“
UNIT-644 ƒhƒSƒXEƒMƒA
UNIT-645 ƒgƒƒCƒz[ƒX
UNIT-646 ƒhƒƒX
UNIT-647 ƒhƒƒ
UNIT-648 ƒiƒbƒVƒ…ƒrƒ‹mƒCƒxƒ“ƒgn
UNIT-649 ƒlƒFƒ‹EƒA[ƒKƒ}
UNIT-650 ƒo[ƒ~ƒ“ƒKƒ€
UNIT-651 ƒpƒ]ƒN
UNIT-652 ƒpƒvƒA
UNIT-653 ƒnƒŠƒI
UNIT-654 ƒrƒbƒOEƒgƒŒ[
UNIT-655 ƒtƒ@ƒbƒgƒAƒ“ƒNƒ‹
UNIT-656 ƒtƒ@ƒ‹ƒƒ‹mƒVƒƒƒAƒ€ƒTƒCn
UNIT-657 ƒuƒ‹ƒlƒC
UNIT-658 ƒ{ƒXƒjƒA
UNIT-659 ƒzƒƒCƒgƒx[ƒX
UNIT-660 ƒ}ƒ[ƒ‰ƒ“
UNIT-661 ƒ}ƒ[ƒ‰ƒ“m—΁n
UNIT-662 ƒ}ƒ[ƒ‰ƒ“‰ü
UNIT-663 ƒ}ƒbƒhƒAƒ“ƒOƒ‰[
UNIT-664 ƒ~ƒfƒA
UNIT-665 ƒ~ƒ“ƒhƒ‰
UNIT-666 ƒ€ƒTƒC
UNIT-667 ƒ€ƒTƒCm‚W‚R’ƒn
UNIT-668 ƒ€ƒTƒCm‚W‚R—΁n
UNIT-669 ƒ€ƒTƒC‰ü
UNIT-670 ƒ€ƒTƒJ
UNIT-671 ƒƒƒEƒh
UNIT-672 ƒ‚ƒ“ƒuƒ‰ƒ“
UNIT-673 ƒ†ƒCƒŠƒ“mƒCƒxƒ“ƒgn
UNIT-674 ƒ†[ƒRƒ“
UNIT-675 ƒ†[ƒRƒ“‚t‚X‚X
UNIT-676 ƒ‰[EƒJƒCƒ€mƒCƒxƒ“ƒgn
UNIT-677 ƒ‰[EƒJƒCƒ‰ƒ€
UNIT-678 ƒ‰[EƒPƒCƒ€mƒCƒxƒ“ƒgn
UNIT-679 ƒ‰[Eƒ`ƒƒƒ^[
UNIT-680 ƒ‰[ƒfƒBƒbƒVƒ…
UNIT-681 ƒ‰ƒrƒAƒ“ƒ[ƒY
UNIT-682 ƒŠƒŠ[ƒ}ƒ‹ƒŒ[ƒ“
UNIT-683 ƒŒƒEƒ‹[ƒ‰
UNIT-684 ƒƒ“ƒoƒ‹ƒfƒBƒA
UNIT-685 —A‘—‹@

G. Game Shark Codes.
Now I have a game shark. Yaaay.

Unlimited Money:8012DEA0967F+8012DEA20098

Make the MS/MA
8012C5F8 0NNN
8012C5FA 8000
Each time add 6(remember the number system is 16, not 10)
like 8012C5F8+6=C5FE 8012C5FA+6=C600
NNN is 000 to 174(cannot be bigger than 174)
80121817 0003(add 14 each time)

Some good units to try
10f = Gundam DX
10d = Wing Zero Gundam(might be Gundam X)
100 = Sazabi
04e = Z Gundam
115 = ZZ Gundam
150 = Psyco Gundam Mk II
041 = super mk2
0df = Neue Ziel
05c = ziong
15d = God Gundam
149 = Qubeley
15f = V' Gundam
16e = Blue Destiny 2
1f2 = The-O
10e = Gundam X Divider
10b = Wing Gundam
162 = MSM-02
0d7 = Hamma-Hamma

Character Stat editing
(+30 each time)
PDPA(PA=attack accuracy, PD=evade accuracy)
80122C00 6363
New Type
30122BC9 0002(3012... maybe an 8012...)
NTL Level 9
80122BCC 09cc(cc is the job of the people 0 to 9. Not useful)
MS/MA Level ACE (it seems to hang up....)
80121817 0003(add 14 each time)

H. Stage Level Help

Level 8 Destroy the A-Bomb.

This is one of the stages I have heard rants about. It would be nice
if you have a couple gundams here. You have limited turns on this stage so
you want to maximize the efficiency of your units. This is the only place
in the game where I recommend support units. Try building a couple of
Flying Armors. Proceed to set your MS on it and travel as far as you can
every turn. I wouldn't care much of those 66 type tanks because they
wouldn't do much. Only attack the A-Bomb!!! Attacking other units will do
you no good. Your mother ship would help also, because the A-Bomb gets hit
most of the time so it does major dammage. If this doesn't work, surround
the A-Bomb with four units, this will make the A-Bomb unable to move. Kill
it using your beam sabers.

I. Credits

Daniel Takeuchi( for lending me the game also for the
help on the quest demos.(this guy is crazy...he beat the game in 3 days..
ALL NIGHTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! after the game came out.)Any questions should
be directed to him. Some of the combining credit goes to him. Thanks!
Jason G. Embuscado( aka Jembo, for the ASCII art,
and information.
Mark Kim for the introduction paragraphs.
Iwata Shoji for the system/title/etc. thing.
Duncan( for some GameShark Codes. for even more GameShark Codes(Units mostly).
Rembrandt Luther( aka Jard,
Loren Leung(,
Rockman Leung(,
JV( aka Heero Yuy,
Chew Teck Yong(,
Vallen C. Aurelio(, and
Wenming( for the infomation on various things.
The folks at Bandai Japan for making the complete unit chart(missing
wing zero custom and some other units though.....).

This FAQ/Walkthrough was created by Duo Maxwell. Updates and saves are at
Any additions/questions? E-mail me at , ICQ me at 13329280,
AIM me at DethScythH, Yahoo page me at F_91 or with IRC my nick is
Duo_Maxwell (DALnet) at #GundamW and #SuperRobotWars.

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17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
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