Earth 2150

Earth 2150

18.10.2013 00:22:06
* Earth 2150 *
* The Guide to being the best *
* *
* [ Version 1.1b , 03/04/02 ] *
* © David Wilson *
* *

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have any coments please email them to


(A) Copyright
(AI)Version histroy
(B) How to Play Earth 2150
1.Controls (Novice /newcomers to Earth 2150)
2.How to Play the game over the Internet to build an empire
(C) The teams
1.Earth 2150 Prologue
(D) Tips on Being the best
(F) Cheats
(G) Credits


Copyright © 2000-2002 David Wilson
If you Would like to modify this guide in Any type of way ,
email me and ASK !( Also ask me if
you would like to put this guide on your site. I have spent
alot of time writing this up on my own so if i let you modify
it you still have to give alot of the credit to me , David
Wilson for making this guide.If you want to ask a question
feel free to email me and please put the subject as Earth 2150.
Anyway enough naging lets get on with the game and I hope this
guide makes you a better soldier !

----------------------VERSION HISTORY------------------------

Version 1.0 released 10/06/01
First ever game guide, hope you like it. Did everything i could think of except
teams because that meant alot of writing and i had my SATs coming up so sorry
about the teams in version 1. When i get some more time i will right about the
vehicles and buildings of each team.

Version 1.1 released 03/08/01
Current version, i have added quite alot more towards the teams but school and
my sister is getting in the way. Also have added a mini contents to each team as
well as a reveiw ! i will continue to update this guide if i get a response by

version 1.1b released 03/04/02
I have not updated in a long long time ! I have deleted the mini contents because
they just didn't suite the guide. Also i have deleted the "How to Play earth 2150
over the Internet" because you used to be able to play it on the zone but now thats
gone so i know nowhere that hosts Earth 2150. I have changed/modifed the LC review,
some people kept emailing in saying i had been a bit harsh, so that has changed.
I am trying to finish the vehicle guide and the Walkthrough wii come soon, maybe.

--------------------HOW TO PLAY EARTH 2150-------------------


Earth 2150 Can be a very difficult game to play because there is
so much stuff to do but here are some of the controls to the game.

Default keyboard Buttons that are most used

F1 - Brings up the construction window
F2 - Brings up the Reseach screen
F3 - Change the weapons of the selected building
F9 - Show the range of the power on the selected power station
F12 - Shows you the tunnels you have built
Alt+F2 - Save your game
Alt+F3 - Load a game

Enter on keypad (Right side of Keyboard) - Rotate the building
before your about to
build them
0 on keypad (Right side of keyboard) - Centre the camera on your
selected unit

+ or (-) - Change the game speed
Number lock - Pause game
, - select all the units in site
. - select all air units in site
/ - select all ground units in site
; - select all miltay units in site

Mouse buttons

left mouse button - click it to select a unit or drag it to selct
a number of units . Left click once on a button.
Right mouse button - tell selected unit to go were you click .
Hold and move the mouse to zoom in/out or hold
it and move the muse left or right to rotate
the veiw

While in a game click on the menu button at the bottom of the srceen to bring up a
number of things , save your game ,exit a game , load a game and alot more.

************************************************** , which used to host Earth 2150 has stopped hosting it now. So sorry
guys but i have no idea if anyone hosts it now. If you find out that a websiet does
host it please email me quick ! thanks


There are alot of thing you have to do just to win a simply game of Earth 2150.
the first thing you need to know is how to build buildings . for the ED and UCS
you will start the game with a machine which builds buildings for you . You simply
click on the building you want to build and select were you want to build it .
With the LC you click on build button near the bottom half of the screen and click
on the area were you want to build your building . You can press Enter on the
number pad to turn the building around . To build a unit first you have to build
the building which build the unit (eg. To build Pammir you have to build a weapon
production centre , sinmle realy ) . Another important issue in Earth 2150 is to
supply your battle units with ammo . to do this you will need aerial centre and a
supply ship to take the ammo to the units . the will be more info on the supply
ships and and buildings later on in this guide . In most missons to get money you
ill have to mine for ore . each Team has its own way of doing this , you can find
about the mining vehicles later in this guide . The ED and UCS can also build
tunnels and bridges . I think this is a great feature in this game and when you go
these two teams you should use the tunnel building as a great defensive advantage .
The bridges are also good because without them you could not get youre troops
around the map . The reason For the Lc not having bridges is that all the units
can fly ! and i don't know why they do not have tunnels .

The main things to remeber are when you are gettting ore get it fast , there is
not much ore on the map in that is your ownly source of money (unless your on
Skirmish mode , in which you can just get given money) so get there before the
enemy does . also if you are fighting for some ore take in consideration the
amount of ore , is it really worth all the losses of your expesive machines if
not just leave the dam stuff , if there's alot of ore in one place fight for it
with your life , never give up ! Another friendly note , have lots of weapons
centres , in this game there is no population limit and the enemy knows that ,
you should to , in other words build lots of stuff .

before you start the campaign i recommend that you stay on Skirmish for abit
because the campaigns are hard , one mistake can cost you the whole game on
the campaign so get better on Skirmish mode before you try the long hard
campagin .
NOTE : The campaign on this game is different to others because you always
have a base were you have to send your ore to . So realy there is only 3
campaigns in the game , one for each team , but there are long and take weeks
to complete (unless you play on your computer continously)

--------------------THE TEAMS OF EARTH 2150------------------

There are 3 teams in Earth 2150 each having there special abilitys , they will
be explained in detail but first the Earth 2150 Prologue.


The 21st Century was supposed to herald the dawn of a new age. The wars, famines
and suffering of the last two millennia were to become a distant, fading memory,
as scientific advances brought global peace and prosperity. Toward the end of
the 20th century, a now forgotten US president even went as far as to officially
proclaim the arrival of a new world order, in whih right, not wrong, would govern
international relations.

Unfortunately, this bright future was not to be. First came a meltdown of the
international stock and currency exchanges. Then the major international
conglomerates were dissolved in a vain attempt to stop the fiscal haemorrhage. By
2012 the world enconomy had collasped. Poverty and hunger caused soial and
political tensions to flare. As the crisis wore on, few were bold or naive enough
to predict anything positive for the future. Mostrealised that the planet was on
the verge of global conflict.

During this time, the odd american organisation, NASA, were taken over by a new
company called the Lunar Corporation. The LC, as it was known, saw a business
opportunity in all this chaos, and began building a city in orbit. When it was
completed, those who could afford it flocked to the newly opened Orbital City I.

In 2048, the anticipated global conflict broke out with a level of violence that
shook the planet to its core . All major centralised goverments were destroyed in
the maelstrom. Europe and Eastern Asia bore the brunt of the devastation, as the
entire urban centres, from Madrid to Moscow and from Seoul to Singapore were
literally wiped off the map. The 20th-century dream for a better world ended in
death and destruction. The population of Orbital City I, shocked by the horrors
they were witnessing, emigrated to a newly constructed Lunar base to better
protect themselves. The colony then severed all connections with earth and began
to prosper as a separarte, selr-contained community.

The human race has always been known for its resiliency. Within a dozen years,
the Earth's inhabitants had begun to restore their old nationalities - with a
few twists. Twelve states of the former United states joined together to form
a new country, called the United Civilised States. The UCS citizens had
essentially given up thier old roles as producers and leaders. Nearly all work
was being performed by robots which were controlled by expert computer systems.
Not surprisingly, the human inhabitants of the UCS had become lazy and decadent.

In the European and Asia territories, which suffered so terridly in the war, a
new empire was created under the iron fist of the khans. Its pround name was
meant to conjure up an ossociation with a glorious former age - The Eurasian
Dynasty. With access to the military bases, weapons and technology of the former
Soviet Union, the Khans were able to build up a formidable military state.
Decadence is unheard og in the ED. The citizens are drilled from an early age
to serve the state and be ready if so ordered. The regime is quick to eliminate
any individualists and pleasure-seekers, not to mention those who are merely lazy
or incompetent.

As the only two organised powers, both the ED and the UCS were able to extend their
borders very quickly, and soon possessed all remaing inhabitable areas. but two
powerful empires can rarely live in harmony. Soon the ED army invaded the UCS
territories. Thus began another horrendous war. During eight years of continuous
conflict, the retreating ED army, desperate after suffering a series of battlefeild
defeats, attempted to turn the tide with nuclear weapons. A barrage was lunched
against UCS positions near the North pole. The explosions unleashed were so violent
that the Earth's orbital motion was effected. This was first noticed in 2150 by UCS
scientists and the almost forgotten colonists on the moon. Soon, the infomation also
reached ED headquaters. The scientists' calculations became cause for serious alarm.
The distance between the Earth and the Sun wouls shrink by nearly 17% over the next
few years. The implications became clear, even to the thick-headed ED commanders -
the Earth and the moon are headed for a terrible cosmic disater.

The only hope for salvation is to escape the doomed planet. But building an evacuation
fleet of such size requires immense natural resorces and these are to be found only in
a few selected regions. This means only one thing - Whichever side emerges victorious
in the battle for these territories wil escape Armageddon. The next war will truly be
the last our eart will ever see...

* C2) ED *


The ED is the most undated team, it still has tanks and cannons and hasn't changed
much since this century. But don't let that put you off they are still a very good
team as they have alot of units. Also they have nuclear bombs and ballistic missiles,
whats is wrong with that! This is my favorite team (my view only) as the units make
fast, they have laser cannons which are good and there buildings look nice : ) Also
the helecopters which they have are boss. If you do the campaigns i would start off
with this team because the units are cheap but effective.

* C2.1) Rating *

Weapons...........9 - they have some very good weapons ,
like the bomb bays, nuclear ballistics
missiles, lasers and alot more. They all
are very effective and you can upgrade
them about 50 times which is good but
takes alot of reseaching time, but thats
a small price to pay for what you get
out of it.
Buildings.........7 - Some nice buildings that look also they
are all guite small which come in handy
when you only have a small space to work
in. The best defence is prety poor
because it can only hold one weapon but
it pays up by having very high HP. Plus
they have walls which are good and can
take quite a bit of battering , overall
very good and nice.
units.............9 - very good units, very cheap and
effective and they you alot of choice .
The ED's even have anpibous vehicles
which are very good and again cheap.
There main attack vehicle the kruszchev
is very armoured and can carry and good
load of weapons, again they are cheap
and best of all they are quick to make.
technolgoys.......8 - Some good technolgys such as the laser
and heavy rockets and cannons make this
team the best . Also you can make the
rockets guided which is useful and there
are a great deal of upgrades for every
weapon . They also have repairers which
are usefull in times of need.
Total ........33/40 - a good overall team and a good score ,
go them and you will most likley win
(well, i do). Good, cheap, devastating,
nuclear , there is no prblem with this
team it is almost perfect, the best team
in the game from my point of veiw.

(Please remember this is my veiw only, don't get annoyed or
angry with me if you think different)


* C2.2) Units *

Gruz - This is a heavy costruction vehicle equipped with frony mounted excavation
buckets. It is used for constructing building, digging ditches and tunnels, and
levelling ground.A rear mounted construction module contains most componets needed
to build important structures. You must always have one of these if you want to
live. It is the first and only unit you start off with on skirmish mode.

Taiga - This is a heavy transportation vehicle used originally for cutting trees
in the Taiga forests. The ZK Taiga is currently assigned to hauling containers
between mines and refineries. A powerful genartor enables add-on systems, such as
laser weapons, or other equipment to be attached. With these attachments , it is
often used as a support unit. You start the game with these already reseached.
These are good for a varitey of things, there good at the start beacuse they can
have sheild generators and can carry large weapons like the laser while the pamir

Siberia - The Sibera model was designed during adaptation of the ZK series for
military purposes. The sibera is armoured, but unlike the ZK Taiga, is also fast
and light. The reduction in weight was possible because the ZT 100 sibera was not
intended to be used as a transportation unit. The powerful generator remains
unchanged, enabling the user to attach the usual extra equipment. The ZT series is
the mainstay of the ED support units. You have to resaech the siberia. I don't
realy use this much, altough it is faster than the Taiga it is not as strong
and durable.

Minelayer - After war broke out in 2140, construction began on a vehicle that would
be able to mine large area in a short time. This led to the development of the
minelayer. During the development process, however, the scientists luckily stumbled
across a design for a laser mine detector, which they immediately incorporated into
the minlayers. This detector finds mines quickly and detonates them from a safe
distance.You have to reseach the minelayer. These can become very usefull as it only
takes one to mine a whole area, and if the enemy goes over a mine it will certainly
do alot of damage.

Boyar - This light, speedy helicopter is used as a supply unit. Its main task is to
resupply front-line units with ammunition. These are essential in the game as you
always need to resupply your units or they will be out of ammo and will not fire at
the enemy. You start of the game with Boyar's already reseached. You don't realy
need many of these it depends on how many units you have, the more unts you have
the more of these you will need.

Pamir - The TT model ("Pamir") was developed from the american Abrams M1A1 tank.
To adapt the design to 22nd Century demands, scientists modified its equipment so
that one man can operate it. The steering stand is situated inside the chassis right
beneath the turret, giving the operator better protection. A targeting computer
installed in the turret controls the firing. Although it isn't a particularly large
unit, it comes with high-quality armour enabling it to take part in very dangerous
operations. It can also travel over most types of terrain. Unfortunatly the genertor
is not powerful enough for a laser weapon.This is the standard unit of the ED army
and you start of with it from the begining of the game. UIt is not realy very good
except for its speed and the cannon it can have on. Don't get many of these, i would
advise you just to reseach the Kruszchev staight away and use them instead.

Kruszchev - An upgrade of the Pamir, HT 400 Kruszchev tanks were constructed as defence
vehicles. Their to most significant features are low speed and very heavy armour. The ED
mainly uses them to repulse enemy attacks. Their heavy armour (and boy they have alot of
it!) makes them extremely resistant and they can inflict appreciable losses on any
opponent. Its fighting prowess can be tremendously increased by attaching add on
equipment. You first have to upgrade the Pamir to reseach these beuties. I think these
are the best things in this game, they are gorgeous and powerfull. Just put on a heavy
cannon with rockets on top and watch them destroy your enemy. There HP is great and they
can carry every ED weapons.

Ural - Although the Ural has less armour and strength then the Kruszchev, it makes up
for its lack of armour with greater firepower. The Ural is the ED's hardest hitting ground
unit and has two hardpoints for weapons. Often used as a command vehicle, the Ural can
carry a banner or noise generator and still caryy up to two other weapon systems. Yes it
is good for its attack power but thats all, its HP is less than harve compared to the
Kruszchev and there are prety exspensive for an ED unit. It is just better and cheaper to
get two Kruszchev's than to get one of these.

Caspian - The ED army needed an amphibious vehicle capable of oparating in swamps and f
looded areas. So they developed the TK101 Caspian from an armoured infantry transporter.
The transporter bed was replaced with a higly efficient generator, giving it more than
enough energy to power any special add-ons. On solid ground, the vehicle uses all-wheel
drive; on water, it is driven by rear and front-mounted propellars, giving it tremendous
speed and manoeuvrability. The TK101 is lightly armoured. When equipped with a light
weapons system, it is often deployed in rough terrain as a reconnaissance vehicle.You
have to reseach the Caspian as you do not start of with it. These are good to play around
with as they can go neary everywere on a map.The bad point is that they can't have sheild
generators and cannot have many weapons but on them. O well.

Volga - When the scientists at the Kurtchatov Reseach centre started work on an amphibious
tank, the first thing they did was reduce the armour. The TL 70 model is the result of
these experiments, which were partially successful. The TL 70 can operate in water but is
very slow and cumbersome. So the engineers came up with a better idea - to use it as a
mobile ballistic rocket launcher. You will first have to reseach and upgrade the Caspian
before you can reseach the Volga.

Irkutsk - The Irkutsk is a lightly armoured patrol boat used for reconnaissance and
strike operations. Its main function is battling heavy enemy ships. The unit's enormous
speed enables it to strike like a cobra and quickly withdraw beyond enemy range. It can
also defend ships of the Leviathan class. You start off the game with the first version
of the Irkutsk. Good scouting ship but has lame armour.

Leviathan - This heavily armoured ship id the ED navy's main strike unit . It has an
extended firing range, meaning that its rockets can hit targets situated far inland.
Various upgrades of the leviathan allow it to mount more weapon systems. You first have
to reseach and upgrade the Ifkutsk before you get the chance to reseach the Leviathan.
These are realy great if you upgrade them to the best they can go, as they are strong and
can carry a heavity amount of weapons, bad point, they break your bank acount.

Cossack - This small helicopter, equipped with machine guns, is perfectly suited for
reconnaissance operation. With its tremendous speed and manoeuvrability, it can easily
dodge enemy rockets, while its special ammunition helps it destroy light enemy units.
You need to reseach this. It is avalible to reseach at the start of the game. These
little things are crap, sorry but they can get destoyed by anythink. They are nippy
which is good in someways (like running)

Gronzy - Due to heavy losses of MI 106 Cossacks during the early part of the war, ED
scientists were forced to develop a new helicopter that would be strong enough to
withstand a direct hit from a surface-to-air-rocket. The needed breakthrough was
reached when the scientists developed new composite armour. This enabled them to
construct an assault helicopter, the "Gronzy" with much more armour than the Cossack.
However, the increase in protection came at the expense of overall flying speed. You
can get the Gronzy after you have reseached the Cossack. These are farily good but they
cannot have any 'heavy' weapons, but their good to start of with.

Thor - The Thor is a heavily armoured helicopter used to carry out air raids. Able to
carry either heavt rocket launchers or bomb bays, the Thor is capable of delivering a
deadly payload to the enemy. The Thor is also versatile since it can be equipped with
a container hook. When equipped with a hook, Thors can lift and transport ore containers.
You have to reseach the gronzy before you can reseach the Thor. These look nicer than the
Hans and can do juat as good job as well as carry ore containers, good in the late stages
of the game.

Han - Similar in design to the Thor, the Han is a dedicated heavy weapons platform. The
Han is much tougher than the Thor and carries more armour. This additional protection
prevents the Han from using container hooks, but allows it to deliver its deadly payloads
with a much higher degree of sucess.You first have to reseach and upgrade the Thor before
you can get the Han. Nearl the same as the thor realy, maybe they have a liitle bit more
HP, but thats all.

Ukraine (game only, not in skirmish mode) - The Ukraine is a heavy transport craft used
to ferry units and resouces from mission areas to the main ED base. It can carry up to
10 units and 5,000 credits simultaneously. You can't make these and you start of the game
with one of them.

Lenin (game only, not in skirmish mode) - The lenin is a heavy transpot helicopter used
for hauling ore betwwen transport bases and the space port. You can not build these, or
control them, they just come and take the ore the the space port automaticly.

Fake units - fake tank units are used by the ED to mask thir numbers and make their
armies seem larger. These units are basically mockups of tanks and can fool an enemy
into thinking he faces more opponents than he actually does. I never use these because
you cannot fool the computer : ) Good over te internet because you can scare alot of
your enemys.

* C3) UCS *


This team is very futrastic and very good to. The main part of this army is walking
vehicles. They have good weapons and good technologys. They even have a telepotation
machine which is very good. The other good thing is there power because you can run
power cable type things around your base instead of having power stations everywhere.
If you don't know what i mean there are like pylons now, they spread power into places
with no power, if you get me : ) The only bad part about them is that there units are
very exspensive for what they are.

* C3.1) Rating *

Weapons...........7 - some good weapons but not a large
variety. These don't have cannons or
lasers. They do have plasma cannons but
these aren't as good as the lasers. The
plasma bomb on the other hand is a great
invension and can destroy even the
tougthest units but crap against a
Buildings.........9 - This teams has good buildings. The
fortification is the tougthest thing in
the entire game and can't be destoyed by
a load of nuclear bombs plus it can hold
4 weapons at a time making it another
record breaker in the game. Also you
good add nuclear reactors to their power
statons. Also the can have them power
pylons which talked about before. They
didn't get ten because of the tank
barriers What are them things for ?
Overall Good buildings, thumbs up if you
like to build.
units.............7 - Their units are'nt great but just quite
good. The main bad thins is the shear
cost of even a little crapy tiger can
cost you more than the ED's entire army
! Also they are slow and for some reason
none of their units have wheels (ever
noticed that?)
technolgoys.......9 - The UCS's technolgy is much like the
ED's. But they also have the teleporter
which is very good to get around the map
if you have two bases.
Total ........32/40 - Just not as good as the ED's but near
the top. The main thing which lets them
down is the cost of their things. In a
game were you have to mine you just
can't get very far even if you mine the
whole map.

(Please remember this is my veiw only, don't get annoyed or
angry with me if you think different)


* C3.2) Units *

Mammoth - This versatile, heavy robot is used for building constuction,
ditch/tunnel digging, and levelling ground. You need to watch your mammoth
closely as it is very slow and has a hard time evading enimes. This is just
the same as the ED's Gruz , they are very important so don't loose them. You
will start of with one on most missions and on the skirmish mode. Remember
protect it well don't let it die young : )

Tiger - This is the basic robot of the UCS army. With good armour and the
capability to hold various weapons, the tiger is fast off the assembly line
and can cause trouble to opposing forces in large numbers. Its weak spot is
low resistance against projectile weapons.
Well thses are ok against pamirs and small stuff but later in the game they
will die. They cannot carry generators so if the ED's come with lasers and you
have a host of these, well your pretty f**ked .

Spider - This 6-legged chassis can support equipment add-ons, making it a favorite
support unit in the UCS army. The spider chassis can also be equiped with a shield
generator to give it good protection against energy weapons. Its weak spot is poor
armour against weapons such as rockets and cannons. These are like the taiga. You
can get them at the start of the game, they can have sheild generators and can carry
plasma cannons, use them.

Panther - A 2-legged chassis deployed as a main striking force, the Pnather packs a
real wallop with its ability to carry heavy weapon systems and sheilds. The greater
the amount of armour on this unit does take away from its speed but the panther just
plods along, killing all in its way. A nice strong unit and probally the best unit to
use if you go the UCS. not as dear as the Jaguar and it doesn't take 20 years for it
to make .

Jaguar - This 2-legged chassis, a modified version of the panther, is eguiped with an
add on weapon system. This add on weapon system allows for greater damage as the jaguar
can lay down twice the amount of firepower of the Panther. Due to the extra equipment
and armour on the unit, it takes alot longer to make, beleave me, you will probaly only
make about 10 of them a game! Also its prety slow. Go for the Panther its better, faster
and easier to make, by the time you make one of these you will have 3 panthers made.

Minelayer - A caterpillar vehicle deployed either for mine-laying or quickly clearing
large mined areas,it can locate and detonate enemy mines at a distance. This is due
to an electromagnetic feild detector connected to a radio transmitter. The rear-mounted
mine bay can quickly lay mines over an entire battlefield. Basic models carry a maximum
of 10 mines , each of which can destroy an enemy vehicle. Higly effective i must say,
are these, a good defense is to have a large minefield in front of your base. They can
destroy the toughest of enemys, but the LC are not effected by the mines due to there
floating vehicles, good against ED.

* C4) LC *


A very futuristic team that went to live on the moon, They consist mainly of floating
vehicles, so no boats. There units are fairly low cost. They have the usual cannons,
along with some weird ones such as the electro cannon and the sonic cannon, also they
have a weather changing system. The main advantige of these guys is they can build
anywhere that you have explored, good for the mining. The units aren't that strong but
they have two units which are probally the best in the game, explanied more below.

* C4.1) Rating *

Weapons...........6 - Well these weapons are completely
different compared to the other teams
ones (except the rockets) The have some
type of sonic thing which has no effect
on anythink unless you put it on the
thunderer were it beats the crap out of
any living thing. These do have weapons
but they don't seem to harm anythink much
But just customize the weapons and you will
soon find some firepoer in them.
Buildings.........6 - There buildings are strange and the
power plants are impossible to use. You
have to build giant battaries and little
solar panels around a giant genartor,
what the hell is going on, are the
enviromently friendly to the earth
because the not pumping out gas, its
going to explode and disintergrate
anyway so why don't they just use gas
,ahhh ! Also there walls stop nothing as
you just destroy one of the generators
and the whole laser wall goes out. On to
the good point, they only have one base
which builds civilian and military units
plus it hold 4 guns , why isn't this
there defence, is good enough. They do have
some good buildings, not many...
units.............7 - most of them are crap, what else can i say
except they have one realy good, no two
realy good units, the thunderer with the
sonic cannons on is one of the best weapons
in the game and the test vehicle which fires
out a strange blue blob
technolgoys.......7 - you can't get repairers like the other
team and you can't build tunnels or have
any fancy giant bombs which is not very
nice. The good point is they have a
weather changing system but again that
is crap because all it doas is maybe
send down a few drops of rain .
Total ........31/40 - only go against these, don't go them. O
yes one important thing they can build
anywere which is realy good . Maybe i
can give them an extra couple of marks
for that ,

(Please remember this is my veiw only, don't get annoyed or
angry with me if you think different)


* C3.2) Units *

-------------------TIPS ON BEING THE BEST--------------------

Here are some useful hints to make the game easier.

* At the start of each game , try and think of a strategy to use,
you either concentrate all your reseach on offensive stuff, like
units if you want to attack the enemy at the start or you go for
the deffensive things like buildings and repair technolgys if you
want to attack the enemy later.
* If you have hard or multipe enemy i would avise you to build up your
defence first. Then later when you are fully armed you can attack them
without worring to much about your base.
* Always protect your powerplants, if they get destroyed its very hard
to get going again.
* Always keep your builders (applies only for UCS and ED) protected.
* Explore the map quickly and get to the biggest mine feilds before
the enemy does.
* Don't get destroyed !
* Always watch your money and keep abit spare incase of an emergancy.
* remember that the UCS and ED can build tunnels, keep that in mind in
the case of an emergancy
* the enemy can get down your tunnels so don't let the enemy see you
go down because the will chase after you. (fuuny to watch though)


If you want to ask ant other questions email me at ,
you should get a reply in the next to days of sending it. Will you also put
the subject as Earth 2150 please, thanks.

Q: Can i build a tunnel entrance starting from under ground ?
A: Yes you can start to build a tunnel from the underground, this is usefull
to know and at the start i did not realise it. Just build a building like you
normaly do and it will start to build it underground. Also the tunnel entrance
does not need a powerplant to run so you con go up straight away.

Q: Who do you think is the best team ?
A: I think all of the teams are good in different ways. But i would say that
in my persenal veiw that the ED are the best because they have a good lay out
of weaponsand units. They are also good/quick miners which can make alot of differance.
They do not have the best technolgy but the lasers and the rocket launchers together
pack a good punch.

Q: What do you think is the worst team ?
A: I think that the worst team in this game is... nobody, there all good. Well truly
i would probably say the LC because the have no hire powered weapons such as nuclear
bombs and thier power system is very annoying with all the solar pannels and batterys,
its not worth it. But o the missions at the start they are good because you have one
very good unit, but they need it , plus they can't get any boats, the defence is crap,
they don't have tunnels and their wall is easily destroyed, the only real good point
about them is that they can build anywere. Which i must say does come in handy.

Q: Is there any cheats for the game ?
A: Yes there is and i have put them below. I don't know if they work or not because
i hate cheating on this game, it seems to spoil the fun of destroying the enemy in an
act of rage and insanity, why use cheats, there is no point there is no unit limit so
you don't need good units if you build thousands of them. But for people who take the
joy out of life there arecheats below in section F.

Q: What is the best unit in the game ?
A: Now thats a hard one. all of the units are very good in some way. And i cannot pick
an absolute favorite or best. But i can for each team. I would say the ED best unit is
the Ural with 2 nuclear ballistic rocket launchers on the back of it. If not that probally
the Kruszchev because that has more armour than the Ural. Also it is good with a double
heavy cannon and rocket launchers on top of that. For the UCS i think the jaguar with
rocket launchers and a plasma cannon on it is good, also the Dragon is very good with
bombs or rockets on it.For the LC i think the only two good things they have is the
Crion which is some big secret thing which fires out a large blob which instantly
destoyers alot of units. And the thunderer with a sonic cannon on can be very devastating
if it hits units without sheilds on.


Here are the earth 1250 cheats i know. If anybody knows anymore please email me and
tell me and i will put them on.

First press ENTER during the game, then type in : I_wanna_cheat. Next hold the left
SHIFT and 0 on the keypad (right side of the keyboard) and press ENTER(the one on the
right side of the keyboard) at the same time. Finally hit ENTER, type in one of the
following cheats and hit ENTER again.

NOTE : these cheats have not been tested, i don't cheat and refuse to test them so
they might not work

x-mas_pack.......................Full repair and reload ammo
i_hate_limits*...................Set*unit CR limit
einstein 1.......................Fast explore on
the_hammer_of_thor...............Kills all enemys
massacre.........................Kills all objects
see_you_next_life................Destroy selected unit
hasta_la_vista_enemigos..........Destroy all viible units
bad_time_bad_plac................Damage all units
eagle_eye........................see all
no_one_hides.....................See all units
no_more_secrets..................Full map
armageddon.......................Meteor shower

* - put i number instead of the *.


David Wilson (greatdane3k) - the only maker of this guide will help from
the Earth 2150 booklet
SSI - the makers of the great game of Earth 2150 make a second Earth 2150
guys !
email me at
You Guys for reading this guide
Copyright © 2000-2002 David Wilson

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