Earth 2150

Earth 2150

15.10.2013 15:59:26
Earth 2150

by J Sepulveda

Legal Information: This is mine. If you want to use it for your own personal
access, that's fine. If you want to post it somewhere, ask me first and I'll
probably okay it. Never charge anyone for access to this guide. SSI, Earth
2150, and all components thereof are copyright Mattel, Inc. This guide has
not been licensed or endorsed by the owners etc. etc. etc.

This guide is currently posted on,, and
You may find it other places, but these locations will have the most recently
updated version.


I. Version History
II. The Armies
A. Eurasian Dynasty
1. Concept
2. Units
3. Equipment
4. Buildings
B. United Civilized States
1. Concept
2. Units
3. Equipment
4. Buildings
C. Lunar Corporation
1. Concept
2. Units
3. Equipment
4. Buildings
III. Game Concepts and General Information
IV. Walkthroughs
A. Eurasian Dynasty
B. United Civilized States
C. Lunar Corporation
V. Codes


I. Version History

4/21/2005 - Initial version. Partial walkthrus for ED and UCS.
4/29/2005 - 1.1 *UCS walkthru almost complete
*Tables added for UCS and LC units, structures, and equipment
*More information on all three armies' units and weapons
*Grammar and spelling check
5/13/2005 - 1.2 *Began LC walkthru up to Kamchatka
*Tables added for ED units, structures, and equipment
*Minor corrections on ED equipment and weapons
5/24/2005 - 1.3 *Finished UCS walkthru
*Finished LC walkthru
*More editorial information on ED and LC equipment and units

II. The Armies

A. Eurasian Dynasty

1. Concept

The Eurasian Dynasty is the least advanced of the three armies. In fact, much
of their technology is actually based on modern technology: helicopters, large
cannons, and treaded tanks are the basis of the army. The strength of the ED
is exactly that: they can kick ass and take names in a straight fight. A
Pamir will take down a Tiger or Lunar any day. The ED gets some really
impressive nuke-based weapons late in the game, but fielding them is extremely

2. Units
N = no shield equippable
S = 600 PSU shield
M = 1200 PSU shield
L = 1800 PSU shield
All HPs are for level 0 experience
Equipment costs are added to chassis base cost

Chassis HP Shield Armor Speed Base Cost
Gruz 1800 S 0% 19 800
ZK Taiga 450 SML 0% 18 400
MI 27 Boyar 900 SML 0% 36 400
ZT 100 Siberia 600 SML 0% 18 500
ZT 101 Siberia 675 " " 19 "
ZT 102 Siberia 750 " " 19 "
TT 100 Pamir 180 N 75% 21 300
TT 110 Pamir 210 " " 25 "
TT 120 Pamir 240 " " 25 "
HT 400 Kruszchev 900 SM 75% 16 1200
HT 500 Kruszchev 1050 " " 17 "
HT 600 Kruszchev 1200 " " 17 "
HT 800 Ural 600 SML 25% 16 1200
HT 900 Ural 750 " " 17 "
TK 100 Caspian 450 S 0% 21 500
TK 110 Caspian 600 " " 25 "
TK 111 Caspian 750 " " 25 "
TL 70 Volga 900 SML 25% 18 800
TL 80 Volga 1050 " " " "
ZT 200 Minelayer 600 SML 25% 18 500
ZT 210 Minelayer 675 " 50% 19 570
ESS 30 Irkutsk 300 S 25% 21 300
ESS 40 Irkutsk 375 " 25% 25 "
ESS 50 Irkutsk 450 " 50% 28 "
ESS 200 Leviathan 900 SML 75% 17 1000
ESS 300 Leviathan 1050 " " 18 "
MI 106 Cossack 240 N 0% 36 350
MI 107 Cossack 300 " " " "
MI 140 Grozny 300 S 25% 36 450
MI 150 Grozny 375 SM " " "
MI 200 Han 600 SM 50% 25 1300
MI 210 Han 750 " " " "
MI 300 Thor 375 SML 25% 25 1000
MI 310 Thor 450 " " " "
Fake TT 60 N 0% 19 50
Fake ZT 60 N 0% 18 50
Fake HT 60 N 0% 17 50
Truck 750
Tank 900 50%
Heavy Tank 900
NEO 900 0%

Gruz - The Gruz is a constructor unit, which means that it builds all the
structures you'll need. If you lose your only Gruz and don't have a VPC,
you're screwed. It also does some other useful things, like dig trenches
and tunnels, build bridges, and act as a damage magnet if you're feeling
daring. During the campaign, if you save every unit you possibly can
you'll pile up a bunch of these.
Taiga - Taigas form the support structure of the ED. Though they can be
lightly armed, they're not really worth the trouble. Instead, Taigas are
best used in their Repairer capacity. Also, they are the only unit that
can move containers from Mines to Refineries and Transport Bases.
Boyar - These are supply helicopters. Boyars must be assigned to Supply
Depots, and will then carry ammunition produced at the depot to units and
buildings that run out of ammunition. Boyars have no armaments and little
Siberia - The Siberia is essentially the combat version of the Taiga. It can
be armed with just about every non-cannon weapon and is the second combat
unit you'll be using in the campaign.
Pamir - Pamirs are the first combat unit and the mainstay of your military for
a very long time. They can take hits like lighter units can't and have a
tendency to survive. Their weakness is that the standard 105mm Cannon
Pamir is unable to attack air targets.
Kruszchev - The medium tank for the ED with a heavy hardpoint.
Ural - A heavier tank, this time with two heavy weapon hardpoints.
Caspian - Caspians are a rather unique tank built at the WPC that can run on
either land or water. It's not a substitute for a navy but it will ford
any body of water without a bridge.
Volga - After the moderate success of the Caspian, Volgas were adapted to
carry heavy mount weapons. Just like the Caspian it can travel over land
or water with equal ease.
Minelayer - These are useful in specific areas. Mines are invisible to all
enemy units (except Minelayers) and completely harmless to your own. The
downside is that after they run out of mines, they can't be reloaded. Your
Minelayers can also be used to detect enemy mines and destroy any that the
Minelayer is directly next to. Obviously, mines can only affect enemy
ground units or air units that choose to land.
Irkutsk - The Irkutsk is the first aquatic unit you'll use. As such, it's a
light ship with one hardpoint that should be used in packs, not singles.
Leviathan - The Leviathan is appropriately named as the ED battleship. The
ESS 200 has two weapon hardpoints and the ESS 300 has three. Unusually,
you can choose to build either 200s or 300s even after you have researched
the upgrade - this allows you to build either large or pocket battleships
at your discretion.
Cossack - Cossacks are the lightest air unit of the ED. They are fast but
poorly armed and armored. Cossacks make excellent scouts but have an
unfortunate tendency to blow up. They can outrun rockets in a straight
Grozny - The Grozny is almost exactly the same as the Cossack except: it has
25% armor instead of tinfoil; it can carry a Rocket Launcher as well as
20mm; and it gains more HP as it gains levels. Hold off on creating a
permanent air force until you have researched these.
Han - The Han is the heavy bomber. It's big, slow, tough, and extremely
powerful when loaded with nuclear bombs. Defend against enemy interceptors
with 20mm fighter escorts.
Thor - Thors are the lighter bomber unit. They're just as powerful but not
quite as durable as the Han. The Thor can also be equipped with a
Container Hook much like the Taiga's Carrier, allowing it to move mineral
containers from distant Mines to Refineries without ground travel
Fake Units - These are cheap versions of the Pamir, Siberia, and Kruszchev.
They can't take a punch but they will swell your ranks and look impressive
on the battlefield. Despite their mock weapons fake units can't shoot
anything. All fake units become available immediately after you research
the real thing.
Truck - You never get to field Trucks in any ED campaign mission but the other
two campaigns both see them. Trucks are civilian vehicles with weapons
attached, not particularly combatworthy.
Tank - You can never research the Tank, but you will come across six of them
during the Arctic 2 mission. They are much more powerful than Pamirs and
will serve admirably as the mainstay of your ground forces until you get
more powerful chassis. Tanks come equipped with 105mm Cannons.
Heavy Tank - Like the Truck and Tank, you can't research Heavy Tanks. They
only appear in one mission. It's just like the ED Tanks but with a Heavy
Rocket Launcher instead of a 105mm or 120mm Cannon.
NEO - NEO is a specialized Caspian converted by the hacker Neo for his own
personal use. Neo is less an ED soldier than he is a private contractor,
and you'll only have access to him for a few missions. NEO has no weapons
and no armor but if you act according to the mission parameters he has the
ability to hack into the enemy computer systems and convert their units to
your control. You can seize the spoils and use them just like any other
Ukraine - This is the transport helicopter. You'll be using this to ferry
units and credits from your temporary mission base to your main base and
back. The Ukraine needs a Landing Zone built in the mission base in order
to arrive, but it can stay after the LZ is destroyed in an emergency. It
will carry up to 10 of any unit and 5000 credits. If the Ukraine is
destroyed, another will automatically be built and deployed to the main
base area after a short delay, but you will have lost anything that was in
the old Ukraine.
Lenin - You have zero control over the Lenin during the campaign. It shows up
every once in a while to move credits between Transport Bases and the
Spaceport. No data, but it's nice to know what it's called.

3. Equipment
* = can mount standard weapon on top
~ = does not refer to physical damage; see weapon description
AA = can target air or ground units
STS = mounted on ground units and can only fire on ground units and structures
STA = mounted on ground and can only fire on air targets
Staggered numbers under weapon base stats refer to ammo upgrades
Damage is for level 0 experience

Weapon Damage Range Ammo Target Cost
20mm Chaingun 15 6 100 AA 200
17 6 " " "
19 7 " " "
21 7 " " "
2x 20mm Chaingun 23 6 200 AA 200
26 6 " " "
29 7 " " "
32 7 " " "
Helicopter 20mm 15 7 100 AA 300
17 7 " " "
19 8 " " "
21 8 " " "
2x Helicopter 20mm 23 7 200 AA 300
26 7 " " "
29 8 " " "
32 8 " " "
105mm Cannon 25 6 60 STS 300
27 7 " " "
30 7 " " "
33 8 " " "
2x 105mm Cannon 38 6 120 STS 300
41 7 " " "
46 7 " " "
50 8 " " "
120mm Cannon* 50 8 40 STS 700
55 9 " " "
60 10 " " "
65 11 " " "
2x 120mm Cannon* 76 8 80 STS 700
84 9 " " "
92 10 " " "
100 11 " " "
Rocket Launcher 20 8 50 AA 300
22 8 " " "
24 9 " " "
26 9 " " "
2x Rocket Launcher 40 8 100 AA 300
44 8 " " "
48 9 " " "
52 9 " " "
4x Rocket Launcher 40 8 100 AA 300
44 8 " " "
48 9 " " "
52 9 " " "
Helicopter Rocket 20 8 20 AA 300
22 8 " " "
24 9 " " "
26 9 " " "
2x Heli Rocket 40 8 100 AA 300
44 8 " " "
48 9 " " "
52 9 " " "
Heavy Rocket 40 10 30 AA 600
44 11 " " "
48 11 " " "
52 12 " " "
2x Heavy Rocket 61 10 45 AA 600
67 11 " " "
73 11 " " "
80 12 " " "
3x Heavy Rocket 80 10 60 AA 600
88 11 " " "
96 11 " " "
104 12 " " "
Heli Heavy Rocket 40 10 40 AA 600
44 11 " " "
48 11 " " "
52 12 " " "
2x Heli Hvy Rocket 80 10 60 AA 600
88 11 " " "
96 11 " " "
104 12 " " "
Laser 60~ 5 16 STS 300
2x Laser 90~ 5 16 STS 300
3x Laser 120~ 5 16 STS 300
Heavy Laser* 120~ 6 16 STS 700
2x Heavy Laser* 180~ 6 16 STS 700
4x Heavy Laser* 240~ 6 16 STS 700
Ion Cannon 100~ 7 1 STS 300
2x Ion Cannon 100~ 7 1 STS 300
Heavy Ion Cannon 500~ 7 1 STS 600
2x Heavy Ion Cannon 500~ 7 1 STS 600
Bomb Bay 300 1 3 ATS 600
600 " " " "
800 " " " "
1200 " " " "
2x Bomb Bay 400 1 5 ATS 600
600 " " " "
800 " " " "
1200 " " " "
Ballistic Rocket 1500 32 1 AA 2000
2000 37 " " "
2500 47 " " "
5000 77 " " "
Banner 8 N/A 200
Noise Generator 0
Repairer 1 N/A STS 200
Carrier 1 N/A STS 100
Container Hook 1 N/A ATS 100
Shield 600 PSU 100
Shield 1200 PSU 200
Shield 1800 PSU 400

20mm Chaingun - A very basic weapon available to all the armies. It's light,
has high ammo capacity, and can attack air as well as land targets. On the
other hand it's very weak compared to later weapons. The 20mm only fires
in straight lines, which means that your units must have a direct line-of-
sight on the enemy. If you're using a mob assault only the front tanks
will be able to fire.
105mm Cannon - This is the basic weapon your default Pamirs will be equipped
with. It's powerful against ground targets and buildings but useless
against flying foes. The 105mm also fires only in straight lines.
120mm Cannon - Essentially it's an upgrade of the 105mm Cannon taking
advantage of a heavy weapon mount. Note that it uses 120mm shells instead
of 105mms, so you'll have to do more research for maximum damage.
Rocket Launcher - Basically an upgrade of the 20mm Chaingun. It's heavier,
deals more damage, requires frequent reloads, and can be mounted on Pamirs.
The Rocket Launcher is also available to all three armies. Default rockets
are dumb-fire, but upgrades create guided rockets can track targets with
greater accuracy. Unlike 20mms and 105mms, Rocket Launchers can fire in
arcs over friendly units, hills, walls, etc. Incidentally, the information
in the table is correct, but I have no idea why there's no difference
between 2x and 4x.
Heavy Rocket Launcher - Just like the regular Rocket Launcher, only with less
ammo and more damage. It can only be mounted on hardpoints capable of
supporting a heavy weapon mount, usually large tanks and defensive
Laser Cannon - Unlike other weapons, the Laser Cannon deals no damage. It
heats the target until fuel and ammunition inside the target explode. Very
useful early on, it becomes less so after the invention of shields. A 3x
Laser will kill many units in a single hit. Lasers are useless against
buildings. As an energy weapon, Lasers recharge their ammo over time
instead of being rearmed by the Supply Depot.
Heavy Laser Cannon - Like the standard Laser but much more powerful. If your
enemies are fielding shielded tanks bust out this thumper to put some holes
in 'em.
Ion Cannon - Ion Cannons don't deal damage either, but will incapacitate units
and buildings. Disabled units and buildings have blue static around them
and can be captured by any Repairer unit. Ion Cannons are blocked by
shields and recharge their own ammo. Upgraded Ion Cannons recharge faster.
Heavy Ion Cannon - It's the Heavy Laser principle applied to Ion Cannons.
Very useful to compensate for enemy shields, especially the LC.
Bomb Bay - Fly directly over the target with your bombers and drop stuff on
their heads. Powerful, but only holds a few bombs at a time before you
have to fly home to reload, and you have to pause directly over the target
before the bomb falls, leaving you vulnerable. Difficult to use against
mobile enemies. Nuclear Bombs are more fun than a barrel of irradiated
Ballistic Rocket Launcher - Don't lump these in with standard Rocket Launchers
and Heavy Rocket Launchers. Ballistic rockets fire in parabolic arcs up
into the atmosphere over impressive range. You don't have to worry about
seeing the enemy as long as you know roughly where they are. The
disadvantages are extremely low ammo, expense, build time, the rocket hang
time that limits your ability to hit moving targets, and the fact that
these mobile artillery are completely unable to defend themselves. For all
that, there's nothing more fun than wiping out your opponent's entire base
with three well-placed nuclear rockets. Watch out for SDI Lasers that can
shoot down rockets before they explode.
Banner - Banners can be very powerful when used correctly, but they are
difficult to manage. Every Banner mounted on either a building or a unit
extends an aura around it that increases the experience level of all
weapons by two. It does not grant the corresponding HP increase to units.
Banners are not cumulative.
Noise Generator - The only useful function of the Screamer in the single-
player campaign is its ability to reveal Shadowed UCS units. It also
prevents enemy units from being able to receive orders, but the isolated
tank will still fire on enemies around it. Since the AI just shoots
whatever it sees first anyway the Noise Generator doesn't have much effect
unless you're playing a human opponent.
Repairer - This fixes the damage inflicted on your units. It can only be
loaded on a Taiga. Repairers can also capture enemy units disabled by an
Ion Cannon or help friendly disabled units recover. Upgraded Repairers can
perform field upgrades on your units or repaint them to show up as a
different color on the minimap, an option I find less than useful.
Carrier - To move mineral containers from Mines to Refineries you must use
Taigas with Carriers equipped. No other chassis can equip the Carrier.
Container Hook - The Container Hook works exactly like the Carrier except that
it fits on a Thor helicopter, allowing you to airlift containers instead of
moving them along the ground.
Shield Generator - Another technology available to all armies, shields prevent
energy weapons from having any effect on the physical structure of units
and buildings. Since energy weapons are fairly devastating, this is very
important later in the game. After a shield is exhausted energy weapons
will affect the target normally. Shields recharge on their own over time.
Shields take up a separate slot from weapons or equipment. All buildings
can equip all sizes of shield.

4. Buildings

Structure HP Armor Hardpoints Power Cost
Power Plant 2400 0 0 N/A 500
Vehicle Production 3000 0 2 50 1000
Weapon Production 3000 0 1 50 2000
Ship Yard 3900 0 2 50 1500
Supply Depot 2400 0 1 50 1500
Mine 2400 0 1 50 1000
Refinery 3000 0 0 50 1000
Transport Base 3000 0 0 50 1500
Small Tower 300 25% 1 0 400
Large Tower 900 50% 1 20 1000
Pillbox 1200 75% 1 20 1200
Research Center 2400 0 0 50 1000
Headquarters 3000 0 1 50 1500
Radar 750 0 0 50 1500
Tunnel Entrance 750 0 0 0 1000
Landing Zone 300 0 0 0 500

Power Plant - Power Plants both produce and transmit power to structures near
them. Unlike the UCS and LC, you'll have to place one for each of your
building clusters. Fortunately, they're simple, relatively cheap, and
Vehicle Production Center - This structure builds all the noncombat vehicles:
Gruzs, Boyars, Transports, and Repairers. There won't be much use for it,
but it is absolutely necessary for the support structure for your army.
VPCs have two weapon hardpoints.
Weapons Production Center - The WPC builds every unit that has a weapon
attached, both land and air (water units are built at the Ship Yard).
You'll be visiting often. WPCs have one weapon hardpoint.
Supply Depot - These structures provide ammo for all your units and armed
buildings using ballistic weapons. To get the ammo to those in need, each
Supply Depot must have at least one Boyar assigned to it. The Assembly
Point referred to on its status screen indicates where the Boyars will wait
between orders. Supply Depots can be set to serve one tank, a few tanks,
or many tanks with the Fast/Average/Slow button. Early in the game keep it
on Slow, but as tanks become more expensive and powerful late in the game
you may progress to using the faster settings. Doing so requires a field
of depots and a flock of Boyars, though. Air attack units such as the
Cossack must fly back to a Supply Depot to rearm themselves. Supply Depots
have one weapon hardpoint and as a free bonus resupply themselves with
virtually no wait.
Ship Yard - The Ship Yard must be located on a body of water (duh) and builds
all the aquatic units. Ship Yards have two weapons hardpoints.
Mine - A Mine must be built over every mineral field you plan to use. It
will tap all the minerals under it and for one square in any direction.
Mines produce containers worth 250 each that must be transported to a
Refinery or Transport Base by a Taiga. The Mine will also show how many
credits are left to be mined. Mines have one weapon hardpoint.
Refinery - A Refinery converts the containers of a Mine into immediate cash.
This will show up in the cash reserves without any input from you. Credits
can then be spent on buildings, units, upgrades, research, or be moved to
the other base on the Ukraine and used.
Transport Base - Unlike Refineries, Transport Bases convert Mine containers
into credits to be sent to the Space Port in the main base with no input
from you. This is the key building of the campaign, and many missions will
require a certain amount of credits to be sent to the Space Port in this
fashion. Credits will accumulate until 2000 are waiting, then a transport
will automatically show up to take them to the Space Port. You can also
click the Call Trn button to send whatever credits remain to the Space
Small Tower - Small Towers are light defensive structures. They can be
mounted with most weapons and are independently powered so they won't shut
down when the Power Plant is destroyed. Small Towers have one weapon
Large Tower - More powerful than Small Towers are Large Towers. They can
mount any weapon, including heavy mount weapons. Large Towers depend on
Power Plants and will not function without power. Large Towers have one
weapon hardpoint.
Pillbox - Pillboxes are heavily armored gun emplacements. They are exactly
like Large Towers except that they have more HP and stronger armor.
Pillboxes have one weapon hardpoint.
Wall - Walls are cheap ways to prevent ground units from moving through a
given square. You can order a Gruz to build a line of walls instead of one
square at a time. Walls can be destroyed with enough firepower.
Bridge - On mission maps with rivers or valleys you wish to cross the Gruz can
build a bridge. Clicking the bridge icon brings up a display of all the
potential places where a bridge can end on the map. Choose one foundation
point and the another across the obstacle to be bridged. Both narrow and
wide bridges cost 50 per square, but using wide bridge makes your Gruz
build two squares wide instead of one.
Tunnel - Tunnels can only be dug if the unit is already underground thanks to
a Tunnel Entrance (see below). Tunnels are free to construct. Narrow
tunnels are one square across and wide tunnels are two squares. You cannot
tunnel through bedrock.
Flat Terrain - This is the remedy for trenches (see below). A Gruz can
flatten a trench's sides to make it passable, though it's quite likely
you'll get stuck somewhere in the process and another Gruz will have to
flatten around you before you can move. Sometimes you can also use this to
make normally rough terrain safe for building structures.
Trench - A Gruz can dig a trench in a line that will block ground units from
passing over the tall sides. See Trenches under Concepts for more info.
Research Center - One Research Center is required to conduct research. Up to
two more can be built for extra speed, usually in the main base. Building
more than three doesn't provide any extra benefit.
Headquarters - A Headquarters will automate research, unit design, structure
weapons upgrades, or base defense. Each Headquarters can only be used for
one of these purposes at a time.
Radar - The UCS Shadow Generator makes their units invisible. The ED radar
makes them visible again so you can hurt them a lot.
Tunnel Entrance - Tunnel Entrances allow units to enter the underground. The
ED version is fairly slow and tends to bottleneck your forces, so build
multiple TEs if you plan to move large forces underground. TEs can be
built from either above or below ground, but they are vulnerable both above
and below ground while under construction; don't count on coming up in the
middle of the enemy base by burrowing under. TEs can also be used by enemy
Landing Zone - The LZ is essential to call the Ukraine from the main base. If
it is destroyed before the Ukraine arrives onscreen, the Ukraine will
return to the main base. If the LZ is destroyed while the Ukraine is
waiting above it, the Ukraine will remain there until it is sent to the
other base but will not be able to return. If more than one LZ is built,
one LZ must be designated as the Active one.
Space Port - The Space Port is the only structure that cannot be built. It
automatically exists in the main base. The Space Port receives credit
transfers from Transport Bases, lumps them into 10000 credit units, and
sends them to the spacedock where they are used to construct Project

B. United Civilized States

1. Concept

The UCS occupies the middle ground on almost all fronts in this conflict. The
units are moderately fast, moderately powerful, and moderately priced. As
such, while they tend to not excel in any one area, they can hold their own
in most situations. For this reason they're my favorite army, and the one
I'm most skilled with.

2. Units
N = no shield equippable
S = 600 PSU shield
M = 1200 PSU shield
L = 1800 PSU shield
All HPs are for level 0 experience
Equipment costs are added to chassis base cost

Chassis HP Shield Armor Speed Base Cost
Mammoth 1800 S 0% 19 800
Harvester I 600 SML 0% 17 700
Harvester II 750 " 50% 18 "
Harvester III 900 " 75% 19 "
Harvester IV 600 SML 0% 16 1000
Harvester V 750 " 50% 16 "
Harvester VI 900 " 75% 16 "
Condor 900 SML 0% 36 400
Tiger I 240 N 75% 17 200
Tiger II 270 " " 18 "
Tiger III 300 " " 19 "
Spider I 450 SML 0% 18 300
Spider II 525 " " 19 "
Spider III 600 " " 19 "
Panther I 900 SML 75% 17 600
Panther II 1050 " " 18 "
Panther III 1200 " " 19 "
Jaguar I 1200 SML 50% 16 900
Jaguar II 1350 " " " "
Minelayer I 600 SML 25% 18 500
Minelayer II 675 " 50% 19 570
Grizzly III 3600 SML 75%
Shark I 300 S 25% 21 300
Shark II 375 " " 25 "
Hydra I 900 SML 50% 17 1000
Hydra II 1050 " 75% 18 "
Hydra III 1050 " 75% 18 "
Gargoyle I 240 N 25% 36 600
Gargoyle II 270 S " 36 "
Gargoyle III 300 S " " "
Bat I 375 SM 25% 25 1000
Bat II 450 " " " "
Dragon I 600 SML 50% 25 1500
Dragon II 750 " " " "

Mammoth - The UCS constructor unit, like the Gruz in every respect. Builds
structures, digs trenches and tunnels, and builds bridges. Tends to pile
up in your main base.
Harvester - Harvesters are the means the UCS uses to extract minerals. Each
one pulls the minerals out of the ground and then carries them to either a
Refinery or Ore Transport Base for processing. The advantage of this
system is that there need be no structure built over the field itself. If
you can tolerate a long wait time you can mine any field on the map from a
single Refinery. A Harvester carries 500 minerals at a time. Harvester
IIIs mine faster.
Harvester IV - These are exactly like normal Harvesters except that they can
fly, making it easier to mine remote mineral fields. Harvester IIIs cannot
be field upgraded to Harvester IVs because IVs are considered a different
Condor - Condors are supply transports and exactly like Boyars in all areas.
Tiger - Tigers are the basic combat unit of the UCS. They are light and
maneuverable and carry many basic weapons including the Repairer. They
cannot carry heavy mount weapons or shields. Learn to love them because
you'll be using them a lot. Many missions provide you with free Tigers.
Spider - Spiders are slightly less capable Tigers that have exactly one
advantage: they can mount Shield Generators. Spiders are primarily meant
to be a support chassis with Repairers, Banners, and Shadow Generators, but
can also mount light weapons. A few missions provide free Spiders.
Panther - Panthers are the medium tank for the UCS. They can carry any heavy
mount weapon and a Shield Generator.
Jaguar - Jaguars are the heaviest tank in the UCS army. Each one is a very
expensive investment, so guard them carefully and keep them supplied.
Jaguars can mount one standard weapon, one heavy weapon, and a Shield
Generator. They are slightly less hardy than Panthers but make excellent
assault vehicles.
Minelayer - Just like the ED Minelayer, it can lay a set number of mines as
well as detect and destroy enemy mines within one square. Basic Minelayers
start with 10 mines, Minelayer IIs have 20.
Grizzly - Like the Tank you can never research or build Grizzlies, but you
will capture three of them during Kurshatov FZ. Grizzlies enjoy an
absolutely unique resistance to Laser fire above and beyond even what
buildings can withstand. As such they are excellent fodder for the front
when facing a stream of ED Lasers. Your captured Grizzlies come armed with
a Heavy Rocket Launcher and standard Rocket Launcher each.
Shark - The Shark is the basic naval unit for the UCS. It only has one weapon
hardpoint, but they're quick to build and maneuver.
Hydra - Hydras are the UCS heavy bombardment battleship. It's big, slow, and
expensive; treat it exactly like a Jaguar. Hydra Is have one weapon
hardpoint, IIs have two hardpoints, and IIIs have three hardpoints.
Gargoyle - The lightest UCS air unit. It can carry either a 20mm Chaingun or
a Rocket Launcher, and is best used to provide cover for ground units or to
escort heavier bombers. Like the Cossack, they tend to explode if left
unattended, so watch them carefully to prevent the enemy from sneaking up.
Also useful for scouting. In a straight flight without altitude change a
Gargoyle can outrun a pursuing rocket from an enemy launcher. I recommend
only equipping Gargoyles with 20mm because of higher ammo capacity and Bats
are better for rockets.
Bat - Bats are the middle UCS air unit and the first true bomber. They have
great range with their Rocket Launchers and are excellent for taking out
antiair defenses so the Gargoyles can sweep in. Unfortunately, Bats are
very slow and only moderately armored, and so can be quickly dispatched by
enemy air units. They also run through rockets quickly, meaning that a
good bit of game time is spent flying them back and forth from the Supply
Depot. Bats can also be armed with Bomb Bays, but I recommend reserving
these for Dragons.
Dragon - Dragons are a significantly better chassis than Bats but cannot equip
any weapon except the Bomb Bay. I'm not particularly fond of bombing
because you have to get directly over the target, meaning that either there
are few antiair defenses below and you can use your existing air force or
there are few defenses at all and you can use your army to mop up. Dragons
are much too large an investment to sacrifice to AA weapons.
Albatross - This is the UCS version of the Ukraine, exactly the same in all
respects except that it doesn't make the annoying propeller sound as it

3. Equipment
* = can mount standard weapon on top
AA = can target air or ground units
STS = mounted on ground units and can only fire on ground units and structures
ATS = mounted on air units and can only target ground units and structures
STA = mounted on ground and can only fire on air targets
Staggered numbers under weapon base stats refer to ammo upgrades
Damage is for level 0 experience

Weapon Damage Range Ammo Target Cost
20mm Chaingun 15 6 100 AA 200
17 6 " " "
19 7 " " "
21 7 " " "
2x 20mm Chaingun 23 6 200 AA 200
26 6 " " "
29 7 " " "
32 7 " " "
Gargoyle 20mm 15 7 100 AA 200
17 7 " " "
19 8 " " "
21 8 " " "
2x Gargoyle 20mm 23 7 200 AA 200
26 7 " " "
29 8 " " "
32 8 " " "
2x Grenade Launcher 60 6 80 STS 300
66 6 " " "
72 7 " " "
80 7 " " "
3x Grenade Launcher 90 6 120 STS 300
99 6 " " "
108 7 " " "
120 7 " " "
2x Heavy Grenade 120 9 120 STS 600
132 9 " " "
144 10 " " "
160 10 " " "
4x Heavy Grenade 184 9 240 STS 600
203 9 " " "
221 10 " " "
246 10 " " "
Sm Rocket Launcher 20 8 50 AA 300
22 8 " " "
24 9 " " "
26 9 " " "
2x Sm Rocket 30 8 76 AA 300
33 8 " " "
36 9 " " "
40 9 " " "
4x Sm Rocket 40 8 100 AA 300
44 8 " " "
48 9 " " "
52 9 " " "
Rocket Launcher* 40 8 50 AA 300
44 8 " " "
48 9 " " "
52 9 " " "
2x Rocket Launcher* 61 8 76 AA 300
67 8 " " "
73 9 " " "
80 9 " " "
4x Rocket Launcher* 80 8 100 AA 300
88 8 " " "
96 9 " " "
104 9 " " "
Heavy Rocket 40 10 30 AA 600
44 11 " " "
48 11 " " "
52 12 " " "
2x Heavy Rocket 61 10 44 AA 600
67 11 " " "
73 11 " " "
80 12 " " "
3x Heavy Rocket 80 10 60 AA 600
88 11 " " "
96 11 " " "
104 12 " " "
Gargoyle Rocket 20 8 20 AA 300
22 8 " " "
24 9 " " "
26 9 " " "
2x Gargoyle Rocket 40 8 40 AA 300
44 8 " " "
48 9 " " "
52 9 " " "
Bomber Rocket 40 10 40 AA 600
44 11 " " "
48 11 " " "
52 12 " " "
2x Bomber Rocket 80 10 50 AA 600
88 11 " " "
96 11 " " "
104 12 " " "
Plasma Cannon 100 7 50 STS 300
2x Plasma Cannon 200 7 100 STS 300
Heavy Plasma Cannon 200 8 50 STS 600
2x Heavy Plasma 400 8 100 STS 600
2x Heavy Plasma* 400 8 100 STS 600
Bomb Bay 400 1 3 ATS 600
600 " " " "
800 " " " "
1200 " " " "
2x Bomb Bay 400 1 5 ATS 600
600 " " " "
800 " " " "
1200 " " " "
Banner 8 AA 200
Repairer 1 STS 200
Shadow Generator I 5 AA
Shadow Generator II 10 " 1000
Shadow Generator III 15 " "
Shadow Generator IV 15 " "
Radar AA 200
SDI Laser 10 3 STA
Shield 600 PSU 100
Shield 1200 PSU 200
Shield 1800 PSU 400

20mm Chaingun - Exactly like the ED version in all respects.
Grenade Launcher - Very similar to the ED 105mm Cannon, the Grenade Launcher
is devastating against ground targets and helpless against air targets.
Heavy Grenade Launcher - Just like the Grenade Launcher, but more powerful and
more exclusive.
Rocket Launcher - Exactly like the ED versions in all respects. Note that
Small Rocket Launchers can be loaded on heavy hardpoints for more damage -
these are called "Rocket Launchers" on the table. Upgraded Rockets get
better tracking ability.
Heavy Rocket Launcher - Exactly get it. Upgraded Heavy Rockets
also get better tracking.
Plasma Cannon - This is the UCS energy weapon. It can deal huge amounts of
damage to unshielded opponents and can even chew through shields fairly
quickly. The downside is that it can't target enemies in flight. Like the
Laser, Plasma Cannons recharge over time.
Bomb Bay - Bomb Bays can only be equipped on the Bat and Dragon bombers. You
have to fly right over the target, but damage is impressive. Payload
isn't; you only get 5 shots at most before the long, slow flight home for a
Banner - Yep, it's a pretty flag that makes people rally. Weapons gain two
experience levels when they are within range of a Banner mounted on either
a unit or building.
Repairer - Not really a weapon but important nonetheless. Fixes your units
and structures, captures disabled units and structures, and mounts on
either a Tiger or Spider. The Repairer II can repaint friendlies or
perform field upgrades on existing units to bring them up to cutting-edge
technology, but it costs credits to do so.
Shadow Generator - This unusual device creates a fog of war around it that
prevents the enemy from seeing your units as long as all lights are turned
off. Shadowed units have a gray haze over them. The tech tree works funny
for this one: SGs I, II, and III can be mounted on Shadow Towers and have
the range listed above. SGs II, III, and IV can be mounted on units, but
act like one level below their rating, i.e. SG III on a Spider is the same
as SG II on a Tower. Hence, there's no way to put SG IV on a Tower; it's
only meant to act like SG III on a unit.
Radar - You receive Radar after researching Shadow Generator I. It doesn't do
anything worthwhile in the single-player campaign because you never fight
another UCS enemy, but if you were to do so it would make Shadowed enemies
SDI Laser - The SDI Laser comes equipped on any SDI Defense Center you build.
It will shoot down nukes and only nukes that target a spot within its
radius. Ammo regenerates like all energy weapons.
Shield Generator - Protects units and buildings from assault by energy
weapons. The size of the unit limits the size of the generator that can be
attached. After the shield is exhausted energy weapons do damage as
normal. It's possible to equip Shield Generators on flying units, but
doing so is ludicrous since they can only be hit by energy weapons if they

4. Buildings

Structure HP Armor Hardpoints Power Cost
Power Plant 3000 0 0 N/A 1500
Energy Transmitter 150 0 0 N/A 100
Vehicle Production 3600 0 1 50 1000
Weapon Production 3000 0 1 50 2000
Ship Yard 3600 0 0 50 1500
Supply Depot 2400 0 1 50 1500
Refinery 0 0 50
Ore Transport Base 3000 0 0 50 1500
Small Tower 300 25% 1 0 400
Large Tower 900 50% 1 20 1000
Fortress 3000 75% 4 50 3000
Plasma Control 2400 0 0 50 1500
SDI Defense Center 1500 0 0 50 1500
Research Center 3000 0 0 50 1000
Headquarters 2400 0 2 50 1500
Shadow Tower 900 0 0 50 1500
Teleport 1500 0 0 50 1500
Tunnel Entrance 1500 0 0 0 1000
Landing Zone 300 0 0 0 500

Power Plant - Like the ED, the UCS relies on nuclear power plants that
transmit power for a range around them. Unlike the ED, UCS power plants
are pretty expensive, larger, and harder to take down. They also take
slightly longer to build. UCS Power Plants are capable of upgrading
themselves with extra reactors built around the plant to increase its
output more than you'll probably need.
Energy Transmitter - Power Plants may be similar, but the ED has nothing on
the Energy Transmitter. When a UCS player brings up the energy grid (F9)
you can see both yellow lightning bolts (current power distribution) and
gray lightning bolts. The gray are potential areas of expansion by means
of transmitters. Their range is smaller than a full-blown plant, but you
can build 15 Energy Transmitters for the price of one Power Plant. Instead
of building new Power Plants in every one of your bases and fortifications,
you can simply extend the range of one or two plants with transmitters.
The downside is that transmitters are pretty easy to take out, but they are
also easy to replace.
Vehicle Production Center - Just like the ED. It builds all noncombat
Weapons Production Center - Just like the ED. It builds all combat vehicles.
Ship Yard - Builds all aquatic units. Must be built on the coast.
Aerial Supply Depot - Responsible for making ammunition for your combat units
and armed buildings. At least one Condor must be assigned to carry ammo to
units and structures. Aerial units will resupply themselves by flying back
to the supply depot on their own. If a Supply Depot is armed, it rearms
itself with no wait.
Refinery - Refineries take the ore from Harvesters and give you cash on the
barrelhead in whatever base you happen to be at. Simple.
Ore Transport Base - Similar to the ED Transport Base, the OTB accepts
donations from Harvesters and sends them to the Spaceport in the main base
in 2000 credit chunks. Remember to Call Trn at the end of every mission,
and make sure the transport shows up and is heading back to the main base
before you actually close up shop.
Small Tower - Small Towers are small defensive emplacements. They power
themselves and will continue to fire after the plant goes down. Small
Towers cannot mount heavy mount weapons and have one weapon hardpoint.
Large Tower - Large Towers are the Small Towers' big brothers. They can take
more punishment, but must be constantly supplied with power from the Power
Plant. Take that away and they fall strangely silent. Large Towers can
mount heavy mount weapons and have one weapon hardpoint.
Fortress - This is the most impressive dedicated defensive structure in the
game. It's big, but it carries two heavy weapons hardpoints and two
standard weapons hardpoints. The downsides are that it is very expensive,
presents a large profile to enemy attackers, and the entire thing goes down
if the Ion Cannons get through. Very annoying, that. Other than those
small glitches, it will stop enemy mobs cold.
Plasma Control Center - Reagan's Star Wars finally comes to gaming. The PCC
must build at least one and up to four plasma cannons around itself to be
useful, not unlike Power Plant extra reactors. Each cannon must charge for
a (long) period of time, then can be directed to fire at any point or
structure on the map. Expect some hang time as the plasma bolt goes
through a parabolic arc somewhere in the ionosphere before it heads back
down on target. Damages an area around the target spot. The cannons
charge _extremely_ slowly - it will take 2-3 PCCs with full complements to
really be effective in knocking out bases.
SDI Defense - If it is built and powered it'll stop ED ballistic nukes from
hitting your base for a small radius around it. In theory. I haven't
tested it out yet and I'm not really anxious to.
Wall - Exactly like the ED, but substitute Mammoth for Gruz.
Bridge - Still the same.
Tunnel - Yep.
Flat Terrain - .
Trench - One more time.
Research Center - These make research possible. Just like the ED, you can
build up to three Research Centers for maximum efficiency. It doesn't make
the research itself cheaper, only somewhat faster. Don't build the extras
in the mission base, because you'll lose them at the end of the mission and
never get them back. Research costs are only deducted from credit reserves
in the region the Research Centers happen to be in.
Headquarters - Like the ED version, HQs allow certain functions of the game to
be automated so that you, the player, don't have to worry about them. Each
Headquarters can only do one of the following at a time: manage research,
design units, structure weapons upgrades, and base defense.
Shadow Tower - It's a structure with a Shadow Generator attached. See the
Shadow Generator equipment for more details.
Teleport - An oddly pointless structure, the Teleport seems insanely useful at
first glance. It will move any unit that steps onto it to a Teleporter at
the other end, then move them back. All sorts of fantasies about flanking
the enemy emerge. Unfortunately, the Teleporter quickly bottlenecks large
groups. Also, it allows enemy units to use it just as easily as your units
do, meaning that your forward base can suddenly become a highway into your
power and supply infrastructure. Furthermore, you have to get a Mammoth in
to build another end before it's useful, and the fact that a Mammoth and a
fragile structure-in-progress have to be safe largely on their own means
that the forward location probably wasn't that great anyway. Teleports
require power from a Power Plant.
Tunnel Entrance - Similar to the ED Tunnel Entrance, this moves units
underground and back. Because it uses teleporter technology, though, it's
much faster and the bottleneck effect is lessened. TEs are vulnerable both
above and below ground during construction, limiting the number of places
you can bring your units up. And, of course, enemy units have no trouble
using it if they can restrain themselves from blowing it up first. TEs use
self-generated power.
Landing Zone - Landing Zones provide a place for the Albatross to arrive. For
more information, see the ED LZ entry. LZs require no power.
Space Port - Exactly like the ED version except it doesn't look as stupid. It
takes the credit shipments from mission Ore Transport Bases and lumps them
into 10000 credit groups for shipment to the spaceship construction. Once
credits leave for the spaceship, they're gone permanently.

C. Lunar Corporation

1. Concept

The LC represents the bleeding edge of technology in this new world. The
tradeoff for this is that their units tend to be quite expensive and rather
fragile. Unlike the ED or UCS, you probably won't manage much carryover
between missions with this army. On the other hand, you might not need it.

2. Units
N = no shield equippable
S = 1200 PSU shield
M = 2400 PSU shield
L = 3600 PSU shield
All HPs are for level 0 experience
Equipment costs are added to chassis base cost

Chassis HP Shield Armor Speed Base Cost
Phobos 30 N 25% 28 350
Mercury 900 SML 0% 36 400
Lunar m1 240 S 0% 28 100
Lunar m2 270 " " 32 "
Lunar m3 300 " " 36 "
Moon m1 300 SML 50% 21 300
Moon m2 375 " " 25 "
Moon m3 450 " " 28 "
Crater m1 750 SML 75% 19 1200
Crater m2 900 " " " "
Crater m3 1050 " " " "
Crusher m1 600 SM 50% 18 1200
Crusher m2 750 " " " "
Crusher m3 900 " " " "
Crion 750 SM 0% 15 1200
Meteor m1 180 N 25% 36 400
Meteor m2 240 " " " "
Meteor m3 300 S 25% " "
Thunderer m1 600 SML 50% 25 1500
Thunderer m2 750 " " " "
Fang 600 SML

Phobos - This is the LC support unit. It can't mount weapons, but it can use
Detectors, Regenerators, and Shield Rechargers.
Mercury - Just like the Boyar and Condor, the Mercury carries ammo from the
Supply Depot to whoever needs it.
Lunar - Lunars are the most basic LC combat unit. They are VERY light and
tend to die quickly in pitched combat, one after another. They can only
carry a few standard mount weapons. On the other hand, they're pretty
cheap and often provided by missions.
Moon - Moons are the first LC unit you might actually want to go into combat
in. They carry the same weapons Lunars do, but can take a hit or two in
a pitched fight.
Crater - Craters are the heavy tanks for the LC. They carry heavy weapons and
don't die easily. You might also get to preserve them for several missions
with carryover.
Crusher - These are the two-hardpoint tank for the LC. It's not quite as
tough as the Crater but has more firepower.
Meteor - Meteors are the LC's light air unit. They're fast and maneuverable,
but drop like flies if not carefully managed during attacks.
Thunderer - For heavy bombing runs substitute the hardy Thunderer for Meteors.
I recommend using an Air Sonic Cannon and leaving the Rocket Launchers to
the Meteors. The disadvantages are short range and inability to attack air
units, meaning you'll have to escort them with Meteors to keep them from
being picked on.
Crion - This is your reward for fully researching weapons. The Crion can only
equip the Plasma Cannon, but it's a decent tank with high regeneration and
good maneuverability. Even ammo regeneration is acceptable.
Fang - You'll begin the campaign with the Fang, an alien tank with rapid
regeneration and a devastating energy weapon. The Fang is studied in
several missions by LC scientists. The Fang's energy bolts can disable
units and buildings assuming they survive more than a few shots (this would
be useful if you had a Repairer to capture disabled units), but it must be
stationary to fire. It will quickly amass maximum experience if you depend
on it early in the game. Don't let the Fang get killed because in the LC
campaign you are piloting it - if it's destroyed you die, too. Due to bugs
it's sometimes possible to end the mission without actually returning the
Fang to your main base; don't make this mistake, there are several missions
that specifically require the Fang to work.
Jupiter - The Jupiter will transfer up to 10 units and 5000 credits between
the main base and the mission base. Just like everybody else.

3. Equipment
* = can mount standard weapon on top
AA = can target on air or ground targets
STS = mounted on ground units and can only fire on ground units and structures
ATS = mounted on air units and can only fire on ground units and structures
Staggered numbers under weapon base stats refer to ammo upgrades
Damage is for level 0 experience

Equipment Damage Range Ammo Target Cost
20mm Chaingun 15 6 100 AA 200
17 6 " " "
19 7 " " "
21 7 " " "
2x 20mm Chaingun 23 6 200 AA 200
26 6 " " "
29 7 " " "
32 7 " " "
Meteor 20mm 15 7 100 AA 200
17 7 " " "
19 8 " " "
21 8 " " "
2x Meteor 20mm 23 7 200 AA 200
26 7 " " "
29 8 " " "
32 8 " " "
Rocket Launcher 20 8 50 AA 300
22 8 " " "
24 9 " " "
26 9 " " "
2x Rocket 30 8 75 AA 300
33 8 " " "
36 9 " " "
40 9 " " "
3x Rocket 40 8 100 AA 300
44 8 " " "
48 9 " " "
52 9 " " "
Meteor Rocket 20 8 20 AA 300
22 8 " " "
24 9 " " "
26 9 " " "
2x Meteor Rocket 40 8 40 AA 300
44 8 " " "
48 9 " " "
52 9 " " "
Heavy Rocket 40 10 30 AA 600
44 11 " " "
48 11 " " "
52 12 " " "
2x Heavy Rocket 61 10 45 AA 600
67 11 " " "
73 11 " " "
80 12 " " "
4x Heavy Rocket 80 10 60 AA 600
88 11 " " "
96 11 " " "
104 12 " " "
Air Heavy Rocket 40 10 40 AA 600
44 11 " " "
48 11 " " "
52 12 " " "
2x Air H Rocket 80 10 60 AA 600
88 11 " " "
96 11 " " "
104 12 " " "
Electro Cannon 30 5 10 STS 300
2x Electro Cannon 46 5 10 STS 300
Heavy Electro* 80 6 10 STS 600
2x Heavy Electro* 123 6 10 STS 600
Sonic Cannon 60 4 5 STS 300
2x Sonic Cannon 60 4 5 STS 300
Heavy Sonic 60 5 10 STS 600
2x Heavy Sonic 60 5 10 STS 600
Air Sonic Cannon 120 5 6 ATS 600
2x Air Sonic 120 5 6 ATS 600
Plasma Cannon 1000 12 1 STS 600
Banner AA 200
Detector AA 200
Shield Recharger m1 AA 200
Shield Recharger m2 " "
Regenerator m1 AA 200
Regenerator m2 " "
Regenerator m3 " "
Shield 1200 PSU
Shield 2400 PSU
Shield 3600 PSU

20mm Chaingun - Exactly like the UCS and ED versions in all respects.
Rocket Launcher - Ditto.
Heavy Rocket Launcher - Play it again, Sam.
Electro Cannon - The Electro Cannon is the LC energy weapon. It is moderately
strong, certainly better than a Rocket Launcher, but it lacks the punch and
range of either the Laser or the Plasma Cannon. It also can't fire at
airborne targets. The Electro Cannon, like all energy weapons, is blocked
by shields and recharges itself over time. It can disable targets after a
few shots just like the Fang's weapon, but you can't capture these as the
LC lacks a Repairer.
Heavy Electro Cannon - Same as the standard Electro Cannon, but bigger and
Sonic Cannon - The Sonic Cannon generates an unfocused shockwave of energy
around the unit that damages everything it touches. It has relatively
short range and you must literally plunge the unit into the enemy's ranks
for maximum effect, but they do make for very dramatic last stands. Sonic
Cannons are energy weapons and therefore recharge and are blocked by
Heavy Sonic Cannon - Second verse, same as the first.
Plasma Cannon - This one's a little tricky because it doesn't show up on the
research tree. After you research both 2x Heavy Sonic Cannon and 2x Heavy
Electro Cannon it should appear on the standard research screen. The
Plasma Cannon can only be mounted on the Crion and takes a while to reload,
but it's the LC's answer to ED nukes and UCS Offensive Plasma Cannons.
Don't confuse it with the UCS energy weapon of the same name.
SDI Defense
Banner - A snazzy flag with a big star on it that makes your units feel
patriotic and better able to kill things. All of your weapons within range
of a Banner gain two experience levels.
Detector - The Detector slightly increases a unit's sight range and also
renders UCS units under a Shadow Generator visible.
Shield Recharger - The UCS and ED have to sit around to recharge their shields
after a fight. The LC is apparently easily bored. Just mix one Shield
Recharger with several damaged units and wait a shorter time than you would
have to otherwise.
Regenerator - Similar to the Shield Recharger, only for actual damage. All LC
units and structures regenerate over time, but the Regenerator speeds the
process up a bit.
Shield Generator - Shield Generators protect your units and structures from
the ravages of Plasma Cannons and Lasers. They are essential later in the
game. LC shields are stronger than ED and UCS variants because of superior

4. Buildings

Structure HP Armor Hardpoints Power Cost
Main Base 6000 0 4 100 3000
Laser Wall 600 0 0 10 100
Solar Power Plant 3000 0 0 N/A 700
Solar Battery 3000 0 0 N/A 700
Research Center 2400 0 0 50 1000
Headquarters 3600 0 1 50 1500
Mine 2400 0 0 50 1500
Ore Transport 2400 0 0 50 1500
Supply Center 3000 0 1 50 1500
Weather Control 1500 0 0 50 1500
Defender 900 25% 2 0 700
Guardian 1800 50% 2 30 1100
Landing Zone 300 0 0 0 500

Main Base - This is the heart of any LC base. the Main Base builds all units,
combat and noncombat, plus it mounts four (count 'em!) weapons hardpoints.
If it gets blown up, you won't be able to mount a counteroffensive with new
units, but you were probably dead anyway if this behemoth got killed.
Don't confuse this structure with the main base area, separated from the
mission base map.
Laser Wall - Laser Walls are much more expensive than ED and UCS vanilla
Walls. Instead of putting up one wall at a time, plot a line and a number
of Laser Walls will be lowered from orbit at points along that line. Laser
Walls are connected by laser beams to adjacent Laser Walls and this beam
cannot be broken by ground units. The enemy can still destroy the Wall
structure itself, though. To activate or deactivate a given beam, click on
one of the two Walls holding it and then the other.
Solar Power Plant - The LC is much smarter than the UCS and ED. They realized
that it's stupid to put your power source right next to the defenses,
because then the power will go down and the defenses will be crushed.
Instead, the LC can beam power to their units and structures anywhere on
the map as long as they still have either a powered battery or a producing
Solar Power Plant. Solar Power Plants must have solar cells built around
them to be productive at a cost of 100 each. During daylight hours (watch
the clock in the upper left corner), the cells will collect solar energy
and beam it to friendly structures. Power not currently required by
structures is automatically sent to Solar Batteries. Solar Power Plants
produce no power without solar cells or during the night.
Solar Battery - Solar Batteries are the logical solution to the problem of
using solar power at night. Batteries charge during the day with excess
energy produced by Solar Power Plants up to 100% and discharge during the
night to keep structures functioning until sunup. At construction all
Solar Batteries begin with a 25% charge. Without Solar Batteries the base
will completely shut down at night.
Mine - The LC is the most technologically advanced army, so it dispensed with
the measures used by both the ED and UCS for mineral collection. Build a
Mine on top of the mineral field and it will slowly process all the
minerals within one square of the Mine. Mines convert minerals directly
into credits for your use.
Ore Transport Refinery - The OTR works like the LC Mine except it transfers
the credits produced to the Space Port in 2000 credit chunks. Hit Call Trn
at the end of every mission to nickel-and-dime your way to victory.
Research Center - One Research Center makes research possible, two makes fast
research possible, three makes the fastest research possible, and four
makes wasting credits possible.
Aerial Supply Center - Exactly like the UCS and ED versions. Set Mercuries to
transport the ammo to units and buildings.
Defender - Defenders are the lighter base defense for the LC. They are
independently powered and will keep firing when all power has been lost.
However, they are a bit fragile. Defenders have two standard weapons
Guardian - Guardians are heavily armored base defense. They are dependent on
the power infrastructure to keep firing. Guardians have two weapons
Headquarters - See ED and UCS versions.
SDI Defense Center - Works just like the UCS version to stop ED nuclear
missiles from landing within its firing radius.
Weather Control Center - Can provide a number of useful weather effects
depending on map conditions.
Landing Zone - Acts exactly like the LZ for the ED and UCS for the Jupiter.
Space Port - Accepts ore shipments from Ore Transport Refineries, bundles them
into 10000 credit shipments, then dispatches them to the spaceship
construction site.

III. Game Concepts and General Information

Before I say anything else, there are two main strategies to winning any
mission that involves destroying enemy bases, and there are a lot of
missions where killing enemy bases is either required or so extraordinarily
helpful that it might as well be. Those strategies are:

BLITZKRIEG: Before the mission, load the transporter with combat units,
preferably air units because they have no restrictions on movement. Upon
arrival immediately start searching the map for the enemy base. When you
find it, restart the mission and send your air units directly there.
Destroy any buildings in progress and any combat units you can find. If
you have the muscle, gut the base. Follow up with ground units from the
transporter. You see, the enemy has to build up forces the same way you
do. If you can strike with carryover units before the AI can put up
defenses, you can take out the base quickly and with minimal injury. Also,
using this strategy can net you the mineral fields of the enemy at almost
full capacity, either for the Transport Base or cash reserves. Keep in
mind that your enemy often has starting equipment far surpassing your own.

ATTRITION: This strategy works best after you discover Repairers. Instead of
attacking, just sit back in your base. Secure any resource fields you need
and wait out the enemy. It will constantly send units to harass you, which
you can blow up to deprive it of its resources. Eventually, the AI will
exhaust its mineral fields and start heading for yours. You know this has
happened when Harvesters start showing up, or LC Refineries start dropping
from the sky, or Gruzs won't stop trying to build Mines over your fields.
At this point, the enemy forces have peaked and will not be able to replace
their lost units, whereas you can always run away and repair to fight
again. Be advised that this strategy takes longer and doesn't have the
resource bonus, but it is generally safer.

The next section is basic information about the game that should have been
covered in the manual better than it actually was.

- Main Base: During the campaign there is never any need to build a VPC or WPC
in the mission area. Instead, build units in the main base and ferry them
in the transport.

- Experience: weapons gain experience by killing enemy units, indicated by the
dark bar under the HP and ammunition bars for every armed unit and
structure. More experienced units have better damage and HP. Experienced
armed structures have higher damage but no additional HP.

- Event Jump: Your aides will often give verbal alerts when certain events
happen, like completed production of units or sightings of enemy units.
Hit to immediately jump to the location of the last announced
event, then again to cycle through other recent events. Eventually
the jump clock expires so you won't be able to do this for old events.

- Carryover: At the end of every mission, pull all the units you can and any
spare credits and bring them to the main base in the transport. Units that
carry over like this can be shipped out to the next mission, saving the
cost of reconstructing an army. Carrying over units also maximizes
opportunities for accumulating experience.

- Pickups: In missions that have existing tunnel complexes, there are often
spinning icons underground for your units to find. Dollar signs are worth
10000 CR cash. Laptops give information and are sometimes mission
objectives. Blue cones denote computer cores and are often mission
objectives. Spiky boxes with blue static fields will give any unit
shields. Crates resupply units with ammunition (very useful in underground
combat) and respawn. Wrenches give full repair and respawn. Radios
sometimes appear aboveground and give information or objectives. I still
don't know what red and black cages do.

- Cycling: In many missions, there is a certain minimum amount of credits that
must be mined and sent to the Space Port. The only way the game will
recognize this for the objective is if the credits are sent by a Transport
Facility automatically. You can also subvert the objective by using the
transport unit. Use the Give 2000 Credits button on the Transport facility,
then wait for the automatic transport to take them to the Space Port. Cut
over to the main base, wait for the automatic transport to deliver, then
use the Take 5000 Credits button. Move those credits back to the mission
base with the transport unit. Check the objective and you'll see that
you've gained 2000 toward your goal for the mission. Keep this in mind if
your mineral field runs short because you overcashed it. Remember that the
credits must be made up to the space program in the future or you'll still
lose the game.

- Trenches: Gruzs and Mammoths can both dig trenches. The steep walls on
either side of the trench cannot be crossed by any ground unit, but it is
possible for ground units to go down the middle of the trench. They are
also no barrier to air units. Trenches can be used to great effect as a
defensive measure if the ends are closed by the environment or other
trenches. Be very careful when trenching in anything other than straight
lines on flat surfaces because it's quite easy for the digger to get stuck
in the process and you'll need another one nearby to flatten terrain
underneath it before it can move again. Unlike building walls, digging
trenches is free.

- Automining: If you can leave a Transport Base with a Transporter, Harvester,
or an LC Transport Base directly over a mineral field at mission's end
without any enemies or armed enemy structures, the miners will
automatically send the credits to the Space Port. The End Mission button
will give you a report on this possibility before you confirm the mission
end. This doesn't work if you use a Refinery; you have to sit there and
ferry them all to the main base manually.

- Command Queue: You can set up any unit with a series of orders to follow
without further input from you with the command queue in the lower right
corner of the screen. Hit to start recording, then issue all commands
in the order you want them executed, then again to close the list. To
execute the queue hit . You can also use to start the unit
moving as soon as you start issuing commands instead of waiting for the
key. This is very useful for setting up a base with a construction unit or
setting units to complicated patrol routes.

Though the UCS and ED run parallel to each other, the LC uses a few things
that are absolutely unique to them and totally confusing to me when I first

- LC Construction: Unlike the UCS and ED, the LC does not have a constructor
unit. Instead, click the Build tab on the control panel at the bottom of
the screen. Structures will be assembled in orbit and slowly lowered into
the correct position. If you want to cancel construction, go back through
the Build tab and right-click. Just like the ED and UCS structures are
extra-vulnerable during construction, LC structures are extra-vulnerable as
they are being lowered. If any units (including air units) happen to be
underneath the structure as it is lowered they are crushed.

- LC Power: The LC electrical grid has unlimited range on the map, so there
are no building restrictions. It is based not on nuclear fusion reactors
but solar power. Solar Power Plants must build solar cells to generate
power during the daytime and generate no power at night. Solar Batteries
must be built to ensure a nighttime power supply. Batteries charge up with
the excess power generated during the day and discharge whatever power is
needed during the night. They will continually lose power if Solar Power
Plants are not providing enough to keep the base going. Solar Cells start
generating power about 6:40a, hit peak at 9a, then start dropping at 3:30p
until zero power at 7:40p.

- LC Flight: All LC units have antigravity capability to one level or another.
This means that even ground units can float above water, so the LC has no
need for aquatic units of any kind.

- LC Regeneration: All LC units and buildings regenerate lost HP and shields
over time as long as they are stationary. The Regenerator and Recharger
equipment make this faster, but even units without these will recover from
mortal wounds eventually. Point is: always withdraw wounded units so they
can recover and fight again, vastly improving their effectiveness.

The rest of these are tactical points/opinions I hold about the game.

- Air Units: Air units are the key to the easiest way into any enemy base.
Most AI bases are built around the principle of land-based attack, with
mountain ranges and gullies providing barriers and defensive structures
covering only the land and sea approaches. Use air units to attack from
unexpected avenues and take out the enemy power plants so ground units can
sweep in and finish the job. Use long-range rockets to take out antiair
defenses. I recommend using max of four 20mm fighters and two or four
bombers so you can easily select damaged units and withdraw them during

- Water Units: I have never found a use for water units in the campaigns.
They require thousands of credits in research plus a Ship Yard to produce
but they can't actually storm the enemy base. They can't be carried over
into the next mission with the transporter, so any resources invested in
building a fleet are lost forever at mission's end. Furthermore, they
can't even be used on many maps. Spend your credits on air units.

- Research: Only research technology you plan to use. If you're never going
to use Spiders or Crions don't waste the credits and time researching them.
Stick to technologies you like and know how to use.

- Shields: After you discover Shield Generators you will be able to build them
on every single one of your structures through the Building Upgrade screen
(F3). You probably don't need shields on every one of your buildings, so
upgrade carefully. If you're facing the ED, remember that Lasers don't
damage buildings and Ion Cannons only disable them. On the other hand, if
you're facing the LC or UCS, their energy weapons can be very dangerous to
structures so defenses and the power grid should all have some sort of

- Weapon Stacking: Some heavy weapons allow you to stack a standard weapon on
top of the larger one. It might seem like a good idea to put an AA weapon
on top of an STS one so that the tank won't be helpless against air
attacks. I'd recommend against this because it's easier to coordinate
attacks if you have one quick key for the AA forces and another for the
dedicated siege tanks. When the AA/STS tank attacks an air target it has
substantially less firepower than a dedicated AA tank.

- Tunnels: The UCS and ED can build Tunnel Entrances to enter the subterranean
depths. While this could add an interesting dynamic, it usually doesn't.
Tunnels can be used to bypass enemy defenses and arrive in otherwise
inaccessible locations with ground units, but the upper location must be
secured before a tunnel exit can be constructed. In addition, tunneling
takes a long time, even with two or three Mammoths/Gruzs working alongside.
The exception to the "useless tunnel" rule is that some maps have valuable
pickups or even mission objectives underground. In any case, if you do
explore underground, do so with a constructor unit so you can burrow to new
rooms if necessary. Lacking a constructor, LC units can't tunnel but are
free to use enemy TEs if opportunity allows.

- OVermining: Many missions require you to mine a certain amount of credits
for the Spaceport and give you an End Mission after that number is reached.
If you're not in immediate danger, don't end the mission until the mineral
field is completely empty, and remember to Call Trn before you leave.

- Main Base Mining: At the beginning of the campaign the main base area has
access to a mine with about 70000 credits under it. Once it's exhausted
all spending cash must be provided by mission Refineries.

- Constructed Upgrades: Over time, you will be able to research upgrades to
weapons and chassis. Old units will not upgrade themselves, but all new
units have the upgrades at no additional cost. The UCS and ED Repairers
are capable of performing field upgrades, but other than that you are stuck
with the old units until they die and you replace them. Therefore, in any
mission where you can research a weapon or chassis that you are currently
using, don't build any until the research is complete. You will get
stronger units for the same cost. The exception is ammo upgrades which are
automatically applied to every unit regardless of when it was made.

- Luring: The AI reacts very predictably to invasions. As soon as any of your
units attacks a base structure, all the combat units in the area
immediately descend to remove the threat. Therefore, if you attack with
one unit and quickly run away, you can lure the enemy into a trap. Make
sure that your bait unit has a bolt hole through the trap mob and that your
trap is strong enough to actually stop the defenders. Once this is done,
use your experienced units' superior range to whittle down any Towers or
armed buildings for a slow but simple win.

- Gutting: Every time your units attack a base, each member of the mob chooses
its own target and keeps shooting until it runs out of ammo, kills the
target, or dies. These targets are chosen largely by the order that they
move into the unit's field of view. Therefore, if you let your units pick
their targets, they will waste time on Harvesters and Transporters while
air units and turrets pick them off. Instead, send your units to gut the
base and render it harmless first, then set them free to raze it. First,
kill the combat units you lure into the open. Second, take down defensive
towers directly in your path. Alternately, kill the power sources for
larger Towers and kill Small Towers and Defenders with concentrated fire to
minimize losses. Then focus on the power infrastructure to stop any armed
buildings from firing; this also stops production. Finally, kill units and
structures related to mining: Transporter Taigas, Harvesters, Refineries,
etc. This prevents the enemy from sucking up any more of the resources you
can claim as victor. After that, the base is helpless and can be destroyed
as you wish.

IV. Walkthrough

A. Army

1. Mission Location
OBJECTIVES: All the Goals provided throughout the mission. These must be
satisfied to complete the mission successfully. Sometimes it is possible to
continue the campaign even though you lost a given mission.
TRANSPORT: Outlines what units should be loaded in the Ukraine/Albatross/
Jupiter before the mission begins so they can be dispatched with all speed.
Set this up BEFORE you click on the globe to select a mission. Any time I
write , , or means that you may substitute the combat
unit of your choice.
RESEARCH: All the researches available during this mission. Some missions
have research overlap with others because you can choose which mission to take
ENEMIES: The enemy base locations and types of units.
MISSION: The mission walkthrough itself.

A. Eurasian Dynasty

1. Ural
OBJECTIVES: -Find deposits
-Provide your base with 20000 CR
-Construct Landing Base
-Fly two Ore Transporters to battle zone
TRANSPORT: Transporter Taiga x2, Pamir x3
RESEARCH: TT 110 Pamir
ENEMIES: LC base on west side of map, several LC patrols of 20mm Lunars.
MISSION: Congratulations, it's your very first Eurasian Dynasty mission.
After the mission starts, you will be taken to the mission base, which for now
consists of three more Pamirs and a Gruz. A few seconds in, your briefing
will appear to give you an idea of what you need to do (change the tab at the
top for more explicit instructions, and you can return to this screen later
under Menu->Goals).
Group the Pamirs and Gruz and head west. Cross a bridge and follow the path
around the mountains to discover a mineral field. Build a Mine that fits the
field, a Transport Base facing it, a Power Plant near them, and a Landing Zone
a little bit away so you have room to move. As soon as the LZ is completed,
send the Ukraine there with either the Ukraine's To Mission button or the LZ's
Call Trn button. When it shows up, set the Taigas to working the Mine and
Transport Base. Sit there long enough and you'll finish the mission. Load
all the mission units back into the Ukraine and click the globe.
Also on this map are a number of LC patrols and an LC base. If you explore
south of the southern bridge and into the center of the map you'll see them.
This is bad because your superiors will order you to destroy the LC, which is
a lot of work and definitely not worth it. Therefore, don't explore at all.
Keep all your units in your own base and you won't have to deal with the extra
objective. If you accidentally trigger the objective you can either reload
the autosave or Menu->Restart the mission. If you do decide to take down some
LC sissies, remember to build combat units in your main base and ferry them to
the mission instead of building a WPC in the mission base.

2. Arctic
OBJECTIVES: -Track down enemy troops
-Find the enemy base
-Destroy the enemy base
TRANSPORT: Transporter Taiga x2, Pamir x6, Boyar x2
RESEARCH: TT 120 Pamir
MI 106 Cossack
2x 20mm Chaingun, Helicopter Chaingun
20mm Bullet x3
ENEMIES: UCS base centered on north side of map, UCS patrol in southeast
corner. Lots of 20mm and Rocket Tigers and Towers.
MISSION: This mission will see your first actual combat. Head east along the
coast with the Gruz in the lead to act as a damage magnet. You'll encounter a
handful of UCS Tigers that should be easily crushed with concentrated fire.
Keep going east until you hit a small pond, then north to find a mineral
field. Set up your base: Power Plant, Mine, Refinery, Supply Depot, and LZ.
Be very careful not to move north of the mineral field or the UCS units will
spot you, and you don't want that yet.
Bring in the Taigas and Boyars and set them up, then group the Pamirs and go
east, then south. You should run across a number of UCS Tigers. Crush them
and search for a rotating artifact that looks like a radio. Collecting this
gives you access to a bonus mission.
If you still have a decent military, head up north to assault the base.
Build reinforcements if you need them in the main base and bring them over,
transferring extra credits from your Refinery if they're piling up. When you
are ready, follow the chasm up north to the rear of the UCS base. You'll be
facing Large Towers, which need electrical power to function. Take out energy
transmitters to prevent them from firing. As soon as you appear, the UCS will
muster all its Tigers and bring them back to attack you. Kill them with
concentrated fire and be willing to take some casualties. After you are
relatively safe, knock out the Power Plant. Now all the Large Towers are
helpless, but the Small Towers will still be able to fire so be careful.
Sweep south and west, destroying all structures, until you get mission
success. Pull out all units, drain the mineral field, and siphon the credits
to your main base with the Ukraine before you end the mission.

3. Arctic 2
NOTE: This mission is only available if you captured the radio artifact in the
first Arctic mission. I also recommend you do this one after Kamchatka so you
have Repairers already when you begin.
OBJECTIVES: -Get to the Russian Base
-Search for useful information in the tunnel systems
-Locate the central computer in the tunnel systems
-Provide your base with 50000 CR
TRANSPORT: Repairer Taiga x2, Transporter Taiga x2, Boyar x2, Pamir x4 (x6 w/o
RESEARCH: ZT 100 Siberia, ZT 101 Siberia, ZT 102 Siberia
2x 105mm Cannon
105mm Bullet x3
ENEMIES: Three UCS bases in the northwest, northeast, and southeast corners of
the map. Ground units will be Rocket and Grenade Tigers; expect Gargoyles
from the southeast base. Harvesters will also appear regularly. Raids will
be relatively constant.
MISSION: Move the Gruz and Pamirs west and north into the center of the walled
area. Build a Tunnel Entrance somewhere out of the way and an LZ. Set the
Pamirs to clearing rubble so you have some space to breathe and get the
Ukraine in as soon as you can. Have the Gruz go underground to explore when
the TE is up. Send it north to the intersection, then west to find a laptop
(objective #2). Now go east, follow the turn, and tunnel through the small
blockage to find the central computer and two $s. The computer core lets you
move the six Tanks that are sitting close to where you entered. Click them
all and Change Script to a Battle Unit so you can fight with them. Send
everyone back up top.
The core also gave you control of the structures on the surface, but they are
all badly damaged and unpowered and won't last long without immediate repairs.
Put up two Power Plants to power all the existing structures, then complete
the wall around the base with the Gruz. Leave an opening between the
Pillboxes on the west side. Mass your attack units and send them west to the
mineral field, then north to a smaller field. You'll want to mine both of
these dry, but the UCS will try sapping the northern one first. After the
wall is up build a Mine on each of the fields and power for both with a
Transport Base between them. Start the Taigas running on the north field
first. By now all your combat units should have been transferred to the
mission area. Keep a handful back at the central base including some antiair
20mms and send the rest to protect the north mineral field.
After the UCS runs through its own minerals they will start looking at yours.
Each base will send units to attack you and Harvesters to try to steal your
minerals, but you should be able to fend them off as they will only attack
through the gap in the western wall. Gargoyles might appear too, so be ready
with your 20mms in one group for emergencies. You can equip the Supply Depot
and VPC with weapons if you like, but it's not necessary. After a while the
UCS units will stop coming because they have totally run out of cash.
It's up to you whether to take out the bases or not. You'll suffer
casualties unless you're very careful, but it is worth a hefty chunk of
experience. Remember to lead with your new heavily-armored Tanks and fire
from maximum range when taking out armed buildings and Small Towers. Other
than that, you should be able to just wait until the minerals are depleted in
both of your fields. If you do take out the bases, you can end the mission as
soon as you hit the minimum for the objective and let the Taigas do the rest

4. Kamchatka
OBJECTIVES: -Escort Construction Vehicle to our Western Base
-Construct three Research Centers
-Secure Laser Prototype
TRANSPORT: Transporter Taiga x2, Boyar x2, Pamir x4, 20mm Taiga x2
RESEARCH: ZT 100 Siberia, ZT 101 Siberia, ZT 102 Siberia
MI 107 Cossack
Rocket Launcher
105mm Bullet x3
ENEMIES: The LC will build a base over your old one in the southeast corner.
There will be some raids on your new base, especially if you do not defend the
mineral field. Ground units will be Rocket and 20mm Moons and Lunars, with
20mm Meteors as air support.
MISSION: The start of this mission seems very intimidating but it's not
really risky. Select all three Taigas and move them through the east wall,
then send them to the western base directly. Have the Gruz follow them
closely. If any of the units exit the base to the west they will be destroyed
by approaching LC forces. You need the Gruz to survive and the Taigas to be
cannon fodder for it. You'll still encounter the LC as you cross the bridge;
there's literally nothing you can do about it except hope. The LC will
eventually stop following you, but by that point the Taigas will be gone and
the Gruz will be heavily damaged. If you are extremely lucky or skilled you
can save one of the Taigas by letting the Gruz take more damage from trailing
Moons, but it's not worth reloading over.
Once the Gruz arrives, immediately build the three Research Centers behind
the other structures and an LZ in the middle of the open area (the one south
of the mineral field, not the no-man's-land between the turret walls). The
enemy will send tanks to attack, so let the Large and Small Towers take them
out. Set up a Mine and Refinery on the mineral field. When you get a chance,
build a wall north of the Mine and a Small Tower or two; otherwise the LC will
flank you with Meteors and tanks approaching from the beach later. Get your
research going on Repairers, the Siberia, and Cossacks. Cossacks are flying
Faberge eggs, but they are a necessary first step for your air force.
By now your superiors will have informed you that you need to go back to the
old base, now overrun with the LC, and explore underground to find a Laser
unit. Build up to the unit limit (set for each mission and visible on the WPC
status screen). The LC is using Meteors, so build some antiair 20mm Siberias
or Cossacks. Remember: don't build Siberias until you have completely
researched them in order to get the most for your production credits.
When you are ready, assemble your mob and head back the way you came. Have
the Gruz (repaired by now, right? Right?) follow so you don't have to waste
time later waiting for it to trundle to the site. You'll run into a few units
on the way but should take them out in short order. Make sure your antiair
are grouped together for quick selection and countermeasures because your
Pamirs are helpless against Meteors. Approach the base from the west to
prevent your Boyars from taking damage while reloading your units. Some LC
tanks may run into the wilderness when they take damage; follow them and kill
them. If left alone too long, they can regenerate and become a threat.
As soon as your tanks have cleared the northern part of the LC base, let the
Gruz build a TE in a safe spot within the walls and go down. The Laser
Siberia should show up on the map on its own. Change Script and get it back
to the western base. Drain the mineral field, evacuate your units, transfer
the credits, and end the mission.

5. Leviathan
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy robots with new Laser weapon
-Locate LC base and destroy it
TRANSPORT: Boyar x2, Repairer x1, 20mm Siberia x3, Laser Siberia x1, Pamir x3
RESEARCH: Laser (after test), 2x Laser, 3x Laser
ENEMIES: The LC base is at the east edge of the map. It is defended by
Electro Moons. There will be one attack shortly after the test is completed.
MISSION: At first you can only control the Laser Siberia. Send it north and
west to the small enclosed area with six disabled robots. Kill them.
You will get a message that the LC has arrived in the area, gain control of
all the structures and units, and be able to research Lasers. The LC will
attack immediately, so be ready with the Laser Siberia and Pamirs and call in
reinforcements with a shiny LZ. Get all your carryover units together and
loaded and move east to the LC base. Kill everything. Build a Mine and send
a Transporter Taiga to the LC mineral field if you really want to maximize
your profits, then let it run automatically after you leave.

6. Canada
OBJECTIVES: -Find main computer and copy project data
-Destroy enemy base
TRANSPORT: Grozny x4 (or Cossacks), Transporter Taiga x4, Repairer Taiga x2
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: Three enemy bases, all of which are revealed to you when the mission
begins. Surface enemies are generally 20mm Gargoyles and Plasma Tigers.
Underground you will face Panthers armed with Plasma Cannons. Lots of them.
MISSION: Set up your base to the southwest near the mineral field. You'll
want two Mines here so you can pull the minerals out and send them home. This
mission is an opportunity to really set aside a chunk of change for EXODUS.
The enemy is massing forces for raids at three points on the map: south of
your base, west-southwest, and east-southeast. Use your air force to knock
them out, then send them to the west base. If you're fast enough the UCS
won't have defenses over their mineral field yet. You can hover just to the
west and kill all the Harvesters, starving him. There are scattered Sharks
east of this base, northwest of the east base, and at the center of the map
that you can also mop up. For now, that's all you need to do above ground.
The next part is tricky. Your initial objective is only to find the enemy
computer core, and you are told that you can use the underground tunnels to
get to it. This is true. The core is under the southern enemy base. The
downside is that the underground of this map is infested with patrols of
Plasma Spiders and Panthers, and you don't have shields yet. The only weapon
with enough punch to take down Panthers quickly is the Triple Laser, so build
at least six of them if you plan to play by the mission's rules. Also bring
down a Repairer and get ready for a long crawl. Have fun.
Still here? Good. No one says you have to play by the rules at all. Build
a TE east of the field and send a Gruz down. You'll see tunnels to the north,
but don't burrow into them. Instead, start a long mission and burrow straight
south. Then cut east into the tunnel system below the southern enemy base.
If you stray from your path into the surrounding tunnels, your Gruz will be
killed. It might be killed anyway so save often. Also, autodestruct the TE
to make sure that roaming Panthers won't come up into your base and wreak
havok. You should be able to find the core and a laptop that reveals the
entire underground map. You can spend a little time hunting down the few
pickups underground, but there is nothing worthwhile. Write this Gruz off
because it's not worth the recovery effort.
Now that you have the computer data, you are commanded to destroy the enemy
bases. The first one is starved and no longer a threat - use your air force
to kill the power and let the army clean up. The east base has a large force
of Gargoyles, so lure them out of the defense grid by hovering over the
coastal plain to the west. Knock them down to size, then gut the power and
let the tanks mop up again.
Now that the first base has been cleared you can build another Mine over its
old field. There is another field at the southern tip of the west peninsula
you can also exploit. Allocate Refineries and Transport Bases as you see fit.
The southern base is a bit harder, mostly because you have to take it down
entirely with air and naval forces. It is also holding a large naval force
just to the north and a flock of Gargoyles. By now the mineral field east of
this base is probably empty, so the Harvesters will provide easy targets.
Attacking them will draw out the Gargoyles and a few Rocket Tigers - proceed
with caution and repair when necessary. After the defenders are down take
out the Research Center.
There is one more mineral field just west of the center of the map that you
can exploit, but you will have to build a bridge to reach it. Also, you
cannot end the mission and automine unless you clear out all the Panthers and
Spiders underground first - that's just not worth it at all. Wait out your
mining ops and pull the Transporters back before you leave.

7. Alaska
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy enemy base
-Supply base with 100000 CR
TRANSPORT: Tank x6, x4
RESEARCH: MI 140 Grozny
2x Rocket Launcher, 3x Rocket Launcher
Helicopter Rocket Launcher, 2x Helicopter Rocket Launcher
Medium Defense Building
ENEMIES: There are three UCS bases on this map. The first is over the large
mineral field, the second is in the southern central part of the map, and the
third spans from the northern central area to the northwest corner. You'll
see lots of Rocket and Grenade Tigers plus 20mm Gargoyles, but the main threat
is the Rocket Small Towers lining two long corridors.
MISSION: Get comfortable, because no matter what this will be a long mission.
You get started with two Cossacks, a Gruz, and an LZ near a small mineral
field with a recon report on a large mineral field to the north. Call the
Ukraine and get the Gruz started on building a Mine and Refinery on the small
field. Don't build anything else here because this won't be your base.
When the transport arrives send all the tanks in to destroy the UCS base over
the large field. There will only be one or two Rocket Tigers and some
structures equipped with Rockets. Take it out quickly because if you wait to
assemble your entire army the base will be much better defended. Keep the
Ukraine pulling in your units, combat first, then support. You'll need at
least 6 Transporter Taigas to finish the mission as quickly as possible.
After the field is secured send the Gruz north and build three Mines over it
with as little overlap as possible. Two Transport Bases should be all you
need. Also put up two Supply Depots, at least two Power Plants, and a second
LZ (I find that the first one always gets destroyed by a Gargoyle I didn't
see coming). I also built a wall around most of my base, but I think this was
a waste of resources. Empty the small field first into your Refinery for
cash, then get the extra pair of Taigas onto the large field.
Once you are set up enemy units will start trickling in for the entire
mission. Be ready for attacks from both the southwest and northwest passages.
Don't try to follow these back for a counterstrike because both passages are
lined with Rocket Towers that will whittle down your forces. It's also not
worth scouting with the Cossacks because this will entice entire flocks of
Gargoyles to descend on your base. Set up the small field Mine with a 20mm
but don't bother equipping the others. Let the ground units do the fighting
and repair them frequently to keep them alive. There's a lot of experience to
be had on this map if you play it right.
Once the small field is drained, abandon that base entirely and pull your
units back closer to the Mines. Wait out the mission. If you want to, you
can tap the large field with another Refinery, but it can be risky because
there are a limited number of minerals under the field. Specifically, it's
worth about 166K, and 100K of that must go to the Transport Base or you'll
never be able to finish the mission. Drain the field completely and Call Trn
before you evacuate.

8. Japan
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy main enemy base to the South
-Destroy enemy base in the West
-Destroy enemy base in the Southeast
TRANSPORT: All available Cossacks and Groznys, then Tanks.
RESEARCH: TK 100 Caspian, TK 101 Caspian, TK 111 Caspian
ESS 30 Irkutsk, ESS 40 Irkutsk
ENEMIES: From the mission goals, you know there are three LC bases on this
map and their approximate locations. What they don't tell you is that the
West base will attack with mostly Electro Moons and some Rocket Meteors
and the Southeast base will use mostly Rocket Meteors with some Electro Moons.
I'm not sure what the South base uses because I kill it quickly, but I think
it leans toward Electro tanks. The Electro Cannons the LC uses run through
your Pamirs pretty quickly and will continue doing so until you discover
Shield Generators.
MISSION: The first part of this mission is heavily reliant on speed. Unload
the Ukraine, group whatever units you have, and send them south along the
corridor to the largest base as soon as they have disembarked. Use the air
force to provide cover for your Tanks and Pamirs, especially against Meteors.
Take out the base power before you get too close to the Guardians and you
should be okay. It is very important to handle this quickly because if you
allow this base to grow it will become much more difficult to take down.
Killing this base also gives you access to its rich mineral field, but you
don't have the units to defend this satellite mine as well as your original
base. Keep pumping carryover units into the mission with the Ukraine and
build Groznys up to the limit.
The other two bases won't be nearly so easy. The West base is protected by
mountains and a beach, and the Southeast base is waterlocked. This means you
must use either water or air forces to take them out. The designers
thoughtfully provided you with a Ship Yard that will be destroyed unless you
dedicate many units to protecting it. In any case, my aversion to water units
still applies: even if you research them, they won't be able to completely
take out the bases and you will have to resort to air units anyway. Thus,
this is the mission where you grow proficient with your air force.
Take down the west base first, if only because it's closer to your repair and
supply facilities. Whittle down the enemy's power structures from the
mountain range between your bases. Your air force should consist of at least
four units: the two Cossacks from Alaska and at least two Groznys. Using
20mms or Rocket Launchers depends on your style. After the power is down,
kill the rest of the base. If you haven't already, now is the time to take
advantage of the abandoned mineral field to the south. You'll probably have
to scrape LC Refineries off it. Set it up with a Transport Base.
Repeat this strategy for the Southeast base, only with more care. There's
usually a large empty area of land just north of the base where you can
assemble your air force before attacking, but move a Repairer to the southern
coast as close as you can get it so the choppers don't have to fly all the way
back to the base to get fixed up. The enemy will foolishly devote resources
to land units that you can take down from the sky, then move and kill off
Mines and solar cells to starve them. Even though the mineral field was
probably close to empty, this will help you finish them off. Take it slow and
preserve your now-experienced air force. When they're all dead, check the
south field and make sure it will automine after you leave.

9. Great Lakes
NOTE: I recommend doing New York before the Great Lakes because you can put
the Gargoyles liberated there to work here. An air force is very necessary
for this mission or else the Plasma Cannons will shred you.
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy enemy Research Complex
-Search alien base
TRANSPORT: Grozny x4, Transporter Taiga x2, Gargoyle x4
RESEARCH: MI 150 Grozny
ENEMIES: There are two bases on this map: one in the northeast corner revealed
to you at the beginning of the mission and another in the middle of the
southern edge of the map. The enemy will field many Plasma Tigers and Spiders
as well as 20mm Gargoyles. Every building will be armed with either a Rocket
Launcher or Plasma Cannon. And you STILL don't have shields.
MISSION: Your objective for this mission is to destroy the three Research
Centers spotlighted at the beginning of the mission. To do this, you'll have
to take out all of the enemy units and most of the base just to get close
enough. Then the second stage kicks in and you have to get a Gruz into this
base, but we'll talk about that later.
Send your new Pamirs and Gruz south to the mineral field. Along the way
you'll pass four 20mm Small Towers, but you can run them safely with minimal
damage and your tanks might even take one out on their own. Call in your air
force ASAP at the LZ. Have the Gruz set up the usual: two Mines, a Transport
Base, two Supply Depots, two Power Plants, and another LZ closer to your base
of operations.
As soon as your air force starts arriving, send them south and east along the
coast to a bridge. Dodge around the Fortress here and cut off its Power
Plant and defending Small Towers, then start killing off the Plasma Spiders
assembled here. If you wait on this they'll kill your LZ and migrate to your
base, becoming a much larger problem in the long run.
After this is done, ignore the Fortress (it's helpless and won't be fixed)
and fly due north to the edge of the map, then east. Try to knock down a few
Harvesters and defending Gargoyles before you head back to base for repairs.
Don't let your units fly over the base to return. Just keep chipping away at
this base for the rest of the mission - the Power Plants are located on the
northern border and next to the Refineries. This base will continually build
Gargoyles to oppose you, so keep swatting them down as you crawl through.
You won't have to worry about the second base to the south much until after
you've incapacitated the northeast one. As you're taking it apart, a large
flight of Gargoyles may attack from the west. If you're not expecting this it
can be very painful. Counter it by either taking this base out early
(difficult, and not really a priority) or by sweeping down after you render
the first base harmless to kill off the Gargoyles and Harvesters. There are
two muster points that this base uses to collect Gargoyles and Plasma Tigers -
one west of your base on a plain and the other to the southeast, both of which
you should clear out before you head for the base itself.
After the Research Centers go down, you get a new objective to investigate an
underground alien base. You can do this one of two ways: 1) send a Gruz into
the northeast base after it is defenseless and down the UCS TE, or 2) build a
TE in your own base and tunnel north to the bedrock, then west around it and
northeast to the objective. The second one is totally safe and can be
initiated before the base goes down but takes a LONG time. If you send your
Gruz down the enemy TE, go to the southern chamber and tunnel west to bypass
the bedrock and reach the base. The only thing here is a black cone (alien
computer core?), so snag it and head for home. Make sure you also pump out
whatever minerals are left in the two enemy bases and the extra field west of
the southern base.

10. New York
OBJECTIVES: -Saving data on GOLAN IV - East
-Saving data on GOLAN V - West
-Saving data on GOLAN VI - South
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: Rocket and 20mm Towers throughout the map, Grenade and Rocket Tigers,
and several 20mm Gargoyles (more on these later).
MISSION: This mission is totally different from anything you've faced before.
You have exactly one unit, a Caspian that has been modified to be completely
defenseless. If you get attacked at any point in the mission, you have two
options: 1) run away or 2) die. Woohoo.
However, you can use the tunnel systems to get around to your objectives.
There are no UCS combat units in the tunnels, though Harvesters do use them to
get from mineral fields to Refineries. Therefore, you are safe below until
you start leading Tigers down after you. Also, the enemy has no naval units
at all, but the air force will follow you over the water and won't be fooled
by the go-down-one-hole-and-come-up-another trick.
You can survive this mission without Neo taking any damage at all.
Your first target is in the middle of the map. Go west-southwest along the
water, staying clear of the coasts and the Towers on them. There are two
beaches protected by WWII-era landing blocks, but they won't stop one small
unit. Go to the west beach and south to the UCS TE. Underground, go
northwest through a triple corridor and you'll reach the first computer core.
Before you go back above, travel back east along the north edge of the system
until you find a small blind U-turn to the north. At the end of this passage
is a laptop that will show you the entire tunnel system on this map. Go back
up the same TE you came down.
Retrace your path back to the LZ, then go south to the corner of the map.
Keep your distance from the Towers. Swing west and you'll find another TE
near a mineral field. Use it and find the computer core near the mainframe
panel to the northeast and return.
Back up top, follow the west edge of the map north to a bridge, then use the
TE overlooking the sea. Go north and use another TE, then dodge northwest
quickly to the last TE. You will probably be leading a few Grenade and Rocket
Tigers from the main UCS base in the north, so move quickly. There is a
laptop in a southern branch of the tunnel soon after you enter in a room with
three green columns, but I have no idea what it does. If you didn't grab the
other laptop in the first tunnel, this one will still do absolutely nothing.
Just before you grab the last core, save your game and slow it down as much as
possible. The reason is that as soon as you snag it and fulfill your
objectives, all the mobile enemy units on the map will become yours. Quickly
look over the main UCS base on the north edge of the map and send any freshly
converted Gargoyles to your LZ. If you wait, they will be destroyed by all
the Rocket Launchers attached to buildings in this area. This is an excellent
opportunity to flesh out your air force at no cost to you.
You also have an important choice here: if you completed this mission quickly
(as in under 10 minutes) you will only gain about four Gargoyles. If you
choose to wait around in a safe place for another hour, you can liberate ten
or more. Remember that time is precious.
The rest of the new units will probably be destroyed by Towers. There is
absolutely no point to rescuing Harvesters because you can't use them, but you
can salvage a Mammoth and a few Tigers if you are willing to build bridges to
the LZ for them. It's not really worth the time. Rescue Neo and your new
Gargoyles and go home.

11. Amazon -N-
OBJECTIVES: -Provide your base with 100000 CR
RESEARCH: TL 70 Volga, TL 80 Volga
MI 150 Grozny
Heavy Rocket Launcher, 2x Heavy Rocket Launcher, 3x Heavy Rocket Launcher
Guided Rocket 25%, Guided Rocket 50%, Guided Rocket 100%
Heavy Defense Building

B. United Civilized States

1. Ural
OBJECTIVES: -Find deposits
-Provide your base with 20000 CR
TRANSPORT: Harvester x3, Mammoth x1, Tiger x3
ENEMIES: Some Pamir patrols
MISSION: The first mission is easy. It's not even necessary to actually
engage in combat. As soon as you enter, send the Mammoth north and build a
Refinery and Power Plant next to the mineral field. After those go up and the
Harvesters start rolling, send a Mammoth up north to where the mountains are
closest and dig a trench across the gap. The idea here is to prevent enemy
units from being able to roll close enough to your base to fire on your units.
If the Mammoth gets stuck, use the other one to flatten the terrain around it
until it can get moving. Once the north trench is completed, do the same for
the south end of the valley. After these two trenches are complete, your base
is completely safe from the enemy and you won't have to deal with them. Empty
the mineral field and pull out all the units. Set the Harvesters to mining
the field in your main base.

2. Arctic
OBJECTIVES: -Defend base for two days (time remaining)
2x 20mm Chaingun
Grenade Launcher
ENEMIES: Enemy base in the southwest corner. Expect 20mm Taigas, Rocket
Siberias and 105mm Pamirs from due south and west. Late in the mission you'll
see Cossacks. There's a mass of 50 Double 105mm Pamirs on the east edge of
the map, but they won't attack until the end.
MISSION: This mission is all about fortification. You'll have to move quickly
at the start, so slow the game down. There are four groups of 20mm Tigers on
the map: one next to the WPC and the other three stationed with Small Towers
to the south, east, and west. Pull all of them back, group them together, and
switch them to Hold Position. Very soon after you arrive, your Small Tower
outposts to the south will fall. Block the approaching horde with your
starting troops; it'll be dear losses, but there's no help for that at this
point. The west outpost will drop a little later as an attacking squad drives
through. Avoid building new defenders until you've researched the Tiger II
and Double Chaingun upgrades.
You can use the two Mammoths to help defend your base by erecting either
walls and towers. Enemy tanks often target walls in their initial charges,
ignoring your troops momentarily and letting you take the advantage. Watch
out for Cossacks, because they have slightly longer range than your towers and
can take them down without a scratch if you can't interrupt with Tigers.
The other option is to surround your base with trenches. It's possible, but
it takes a full day if you know exactly what to do and longer if you have to
figure it out. Block all sides and close the ends off so the enemy tanks
can't come down the middle and up the inside slope. If you're trying this
route, save often. If you're successful, you'll see enemy tanks start piling
up along the outside edge of the trenches. The enemy will always seek out any
available weak spot, so keep the Tigers roving to block ferreting tanks and
Cossacks. Instead of digging trenches around your entire base, you can choose
to only trench the four approaches to your plateau marked by your Small Towers
at the beginning of the mission (west, south, and two east) but this is much
more risky since you're putting your Mammoths directly in the line of fire and
you need at least one of them to survive to build an LZ.
That's pretty much it for the mission. Sit back and wait for the enemy to
come to you. Build up to the unit limit after you've finished the research.
Tigers won't be enough in the end and you should supplement them with Small
Towers with Double Chainguns for extra defense. Try to limit Small Towers to
the minimum effective number since you won't be able to recoup this investment
at the end of the mission. There will be constant attacks from the south and
west, but preserve units by pulling heavily damaged tanks back.
At the end of the mission, shortly after the clock expires, your base will be
attacked by the mass of Pamirs on the east edge of the map. If it's at all
possible these will invade your base and make a mess of your evacuation.
Trenches will block them, but you have to cover all four sides. Even if they
can't enter the base the Pamirs will sit on the cliff and shoot down on the
WPC and Power Plant.
When you finish the two days you receive 5000 credits and it will now be
possible to build an LZ. You should evacuate as many units as possible for
their valuable experience; also, this mission has a higher unit limit than the
next few so the troops can carry over for immense effect. At the same time,
you're facing down an army of Pamirs, so you'll be bleeding out as well.

3. Stanford Lab
OBJECTIVES: -Test tunnel entry
-Test teleport
RESEARCH: no new advances
MISSION: This should barely count as a mission at all. Command the test Tiger
to move to the Tunnel Entrance in front of it. Hit to make sure it
safely arrived underground, then move it back through the TE to the surface.
It blows up and takes the TE with it. Now switch to the second Tiger and move
it through the Teleport. When it comes out, it blows up itself, the Teleport,
a Research Center, and a Power Plant. Flog your researchers and move on;
there's literally nothing else you can do here. For now.

4. Arctic 2
NOTE: You don't have Repairers yet, so be careful with carryover units. Leave
any units less than 75% health in your main base so you can fix them later.
OBJECTIVES: -Find deposits
-Provide your base with 30000 CR
TRANSPORT: Harvester x1, Condor x2, Tiger x7
RESEARCH: Gargoyle I, Gargoyle II, Gargoyle III
Gargoyle Chaingun
Sm Rocket Launcher, 2x Sm Rocket Launcher, 4x Sm Rocket Launcher
20mm Bullet x3
Grenade x3
ENEMIES: Enemy base dead center on map. Expect the usual 20mm Taigas, 105mm
Pamirs, and Cossacks.
MISSION: Your first base is in the northeast corner of the map next to a very
tiny mineral field. You'll need a great deal more to fulfill your objectives,
so for now just drain it all into the Refinery for cash. Start scouting with
the Mammoth west along the north edge of the map. Pass a V at the north
middle border and keep going until you reach a crevice in the northwest corner
running southwest. Go due south and you should see a much larger field. The
disadvantage here is that the enemy base is immediately to the east, so you
have to be very careful not to provoke them while you're vulnerable. Set up
the Power Plant, Ore Transport Base, Supply Depot and new LZ. Move units here
as they arrive and pull the Harvesters over when they finish at the original
base. The first base will soon fall to an attack by Cossacks. You can choose
to try to defend it, but it's not worthwhile.
Defending the new base is relatively easy. The east approach will be used by
most of the invading ground forces, but you should also watch the back
entrance to the west and the north approach. Sit back, keep your defenses up
with Small Towers against aerial attack, and wait it out. It's quite simple
to set up trenches on all three approaches at the narrow points so that no
ground units can touch you at all - the ED will only send a handful of
Cossacks at you in pairs once you take down the force that destroyed the
original base.

5. Baikal
NOTE: Because of an oddity about research, either take Stanford Lab 2 first or
make sure you leave one advancement uncompleted at the end of this mission.
OBJECTIVES: -Establish communication with the robots
-Destroy all ED forces
TRANSPORT: Mammoth x1, Harvester x3, Condor x2, Tiger x4
RESEARCH: Spider I, Spider II, Spider III
Harvester II
Gargoyle Rocket Launcher, 2x Gargoyle Rocket Launcher
ENEMIES: Small enemy base in the center of the west map border. Air assaults
will include both Cossacks and 20mm Groznys, land forces will add Laser
Siberias to the familiar 20mm Siberias and 105mm Pamirs.
MISSION: When the UCS retreated from this region as the ED advanced, they left
behind some Trojan robots to be captured. With their (minor) help, you're
going to take the region back. The robots are sitting in a small enclosure in
the ED base, and a few minutes into the mission they'll activate on their own
and go wild attacking the base. They'll be crushed quickly, but you can order
them to concentrate fire for maximum damage.
This is the mission where you finally get Repairers and can bring all your
troops back from the near-dead, but the enemy has Repairers as well and will
do all it can to recover from repeated attacks. Point is, kill things, don't
wound them. Enemy repairers will cluster to repair a single building or even
each other, which makes them much more effective. They should be high on your
target priority list.
As for actually running the mission, set up your base is on the middle of the
east border, northeast of the LZ. Don't try to defend the LZ, just grab your
shiny Rocket Tigers and head for the field. You can choose to send the
minerals to either a Refinery or Ore Transport Base at your discretion.
This is the first mission you'll face Laser enemies. Lasers, especially the
Triple Laser, will be the bane of your ground forces' existence until you
discover Power Shield technology. For now your units can take a hit or two,
but Triple Lasers will kill a Tiger in one hit. Take out Laser defenses from
the air to be safe.
There are two approach corridors to this base: west and northwest. Trench
one of them for defense and let the enemy come to you. Expect one or two
waves of ground units and three or four flights of helicopters. Every tank or
helicopter you blow up means your enemies are down resources, until they
eventually run out altogether.
When there are no more attacks, make your way over to the enemy base and
start whittling down enemy Small Towers and units. If the unit limit permits,
build four Gargoyles and practice with air force tactics. If it doesn't
permit, kill a few of your Tigers to make room - yes, it's that important.
Avoid the Large Towers and 20mm-armed buildings until you take the power grid
down. When the defenses finally drop, just mop up with air and ground units
for experience. If the mission doesn't end when the base dies, check the
southwest corner of the map for stray Repairers. Pull out everyone and
everything - there's lots of valuable carryover on this mission.

6. Stanford Lab 2
OBJECTIVES: -Test tunnel entrance
-Test teleport
-Destroy Test-Robot
RESEARCH: no new advances
MISSION: It's back to the lab again for another experiment. Grab the test
Tiger and order it down the TE, then bring it back up. This time it doesn't
explode, which is an improvement. Now send it to the teleport. It arrives
safely, but malfunctions and starts attacking the Power Plant. You get a new
objective: kill the busted Tiger.
To kill your new enemy, find the three other Tigers near the research centers
and switch them to a Battle Unit script. Now you've just got to get over to
the other side of the river. You're supposed to use the TE to go below, then
tunnel to the other side and build another TE, which costs 1000. On the other
hand, you can build a bridge across the river for half that price. Just click
the Narrow Bridge option under the Mammoth's defense tab and pick an anchor
point on your side of the river, then the other straight across. Bring the
security forces across and scrap the rebel.
Don't end the mission yet. The game gave you 5000 credits so you'd have
enough to build the TE. You can use the rest of the credits for research with
the centers provided on the lab map. This is why it's important to leave some
research over from the last mission - otherwise these credits will be wasted.
Switch off your centers in the main base to burn through the mission map's
resources faster. End the mission when you hit zero. The mission Mammoth
can't build an LZ, so you can't carry over these units. Remember to turn on
the research center in your main base when you finish.

7. Alaska
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy all ED forces
TRANSPORT: Gargoyle x4
RESEARCH: Large Tower
Guided Rocket 25%, Guided Rocket 50%, Guided Rocket 100%
ENEMIES: 10 105mm Pamirs. Really. That's it.
MISSION: All you have to do for this mission is kill off the Pamirs that have
attacked your base. You can't do anything with the base because it's already
doomed by the time you get there. Fortunately this small enemy group has
absolutely no antiair capability, so you can bring your shiny Gargoyles in to
kill them all at zero risk for some experience. You'll notice some artifacts
spawning in the base; these are ammo crates since you don't get any support
infrastructure for this mission. Be careful when rearming Gargoyles because
they are vulnerable when they land. When the tanks are all dead, evacuate
your air force and bring the free 10000 credits with you. There's no way to
prevent the transmission of the stolen plans.

8. Japan
OBJECTIVES: -Find plans
-Destroy hacker base
TRANSPORT: Mammoth x1, Harvester x3, Condor x2, x3
RESEARCH: Minelayer I, Minelayer II
Shark II, Hydra I, Hydra II, Hydra III
Repairer II
ENEMIES: Cossacks, Groznys, Rocket Pamirs, 20mm and Laser Siberias - you know,
the usual stuff. Enemy bases due north of your south base, dead center on
map, and north center, with a spare Shipyard in the northwest.
MISSION: If you played through the Eurasian Dynasty missions you know about
Neo, the super-secret yet vulnerable spy that can take over enemy units. This
time you'll be on the other side of the equation and you'll see how much it
You start with three Tigers at an LZ. Immediately call the transport. In a
minute Neo will zap these Tigers and take control of the two on the right,
which will kill the third. Preempt this by siccing the two potential traitors
on each other so they'll be softened up when they turn and help them along
with the spare. The transport will be able to rescue this one before a group
of ED tanks arrives and smashes the LZ. Granted, losing one more Tiger isn't
much at this point, but I don't like letting Neo win. After Neo's performance
your superiors will order you to eliminate him as well.
Switch to the other LZ. Mark this one as Active, then send the Albatross to
the main base and call it here before it arrives. While you're waiting, set
up your research: the Repairer upgrade is the highest priority, followed by
Large Towers and then the rocket tracking upgrades. This mission gives you
the Shark chassis for free with the option to upgrade your navy, but I
discourage that for reasons stated above. Minelayers are nice, but I don't
find myself using them often.
After the Albatross shows up and unloads, set up your base just west of the
LZ. The mineral field south of the LZ should be funnelled into an Ore
Transport Base. By this point you should be up to two Aerial Supply Depots
and four Condors if you've been carrying over your Tigers. There's another
very small mineral field to the northwest that makes an excellent spot for a
Refinery - use Energy Transmitters to power it.
This is the first mission where you can put a navy to use and in honor of
the occasion you've been granted the basic Shark chassis for free. If you
want to use the navy you're free to, but you won't be able to carry over the
ships you build to the next mission. Ever.
After you've had a few minutes to prepare, Rocket Pamirs and Laser Siberias
will start rolling into the base through the tiny north gap. It's fairly easy
to defend. When you finish researching the Repairer upgrade, build a new
Repairer and tell it to upgrade any existing Repairers so they can all do
field upgrades, then start working on upgrading all of your Tigers to better
There won't be many enemy attacks; for the most part they'll stay home until
you show up, then assault in droves. Watch out for more Lasers this time
around, which can kill a Tiger in two hits. To compensate, focus on using
your Gargoyles more for luring them out and taking down defenses. When they
start taking damage, bolt for your ground support.
The first base due north of yours is defended by lots of air units and Rocket
Pamirs, which makes it dangerous for your air force when you first arrive.
Whittle them down and start killing off the structure defenses: a line of
towers on the south approach and the three power plants. Use the ground
forces to mop up and move the air force northeast to find a developed but
undefended mineral field. Scrape the ED and their detritus off and you can
use it for your own with enough Energy Transmitters.
The bigger problem is the base at the center of the map that protects Neo.
You know the location of his Headquarters from the mission briefing, and the
stolen plans are conveniently sitting next to it for you to collect. The only
defenses immediately around the HQ are several Laser and 20mm Small Towers
that shouldn't be too much trouble, but attacking them brings down all the
enemy forces from the northwest. Withdraw and repair as necessary; enemy
helicopters won't.
Be careful not to attack the Research Center next to the HQ until you've made
preparations. Also make sure that you collect the stolen plans (the rotating
artifact next to the HQ) before you destroy either the HQ or the Research
Center to prevent them from becoming corrupted. When you destroy the center
Neo will attack and convert all your units to use against you. You can
minimize the damage by moving most of your units to the main base where they
will be safe or simply holding them in the Albatross. Whatever unit(s) you
use will be lost, and since the area is only accessible from the air that
means losing one of your highly experienced Gargoyles unless you build a
sacrificial lamb. If you lose this mission because you leave too many units
on the field for Neo to take and they destroy your base, proceed to New York.

9. Great Lakes
NOTE: You get Great Lakes whether you won Japan or not.
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy enemy forces
TRANSPORT: Condor x2, Harvester x2, Gargoyle x4, x2
Plasma Cannon, 2x Plasma Cannon
ENEMIES: The LC base is northeast of map center and will send Rocket and Sonic
Moons and 20mm Meteors your way. There is a satellite mining colony along the
east edge of the map.
MISSION: This is the first time you face the Lunar Corporation in combat.
You'll have to build an LZ at the start of the mission, but you have enough
time and resources to import defenses before you start seeing combat. The
first raid arrives shortly after the Albatross and should be easily repulsed
with the aid of the Small Towers.
Ostensibly the purpose of this mission is to test the Plasma Cannon, but it's
not an actual requirement. You have to research it yourself. Unfortunately,
now that you've finally got an energy weapon the LC will be using shields,
somewhat dulling your cutting-edge technology.
When you've got your army prepared, move north-northeast to the coast. LC
units gather here before they move on your base, and you can take them out
before they become a threat. Move east with a few units and scrape LC mines
off a third mineral field before they suck up too much.
Wresting this field reduces the LC to meager resources, making the rest of
the mission extremely simple. Because the path to their base curves down from
the north, they have virtually no defenses to the south. Let your air force
fly over the water and take out the power structures. Remember that to kill
the power for the LC you have to take down both Solar Power Plants and Solar
Batteries. Without resources the LC won't field many units and the base
should be an easy kill. In its death throes, the LC will send you a message
that they are surrendering all their structures and units to you and are
seeking alliance negotiations - not that they give you anything useful.
Make sure all your units are at full ammo and extract them. If you moved
quickly to kill the satellite mine, you can leave one Harvester behind with an
Ore Transport Base to funnel 300000 (!) credits to your spaceship.

10. Kurshatov FZ
NOTE: Again, leave at least one desirable tech advance unresearched until
Stanford Lab so you can take advantage of the free credits there. You also
only get this mission if you succeeded in Japan.
OBJECTIVES: -Find Prototype
-Destroy ED base
TRANSPORT: Mammoth x1, Harvester x3, Gargoyle x4, x2, 5000 credits
RESEARCH: Panther I, Panther II, Panther III
Heavy Grenade Launcher, 2x Heavy Grenade Launcher
ENEMIES: Small enemy bases on the mineral field north of your LZ, east of map
center, and far north. There are only a handful of 105mm and Rocket Pamirs
with Cossacks and 20mm Groznys for air support.
MISSION: This mission runs slightly differently from what you're used to. You
don't have control of the LZ at the start, just six Rocket Spiders. Move them
east to descend to the lake, then west to the mineral field. There are two
Mines and Refineries here protected by Small Towers and a few Pamirs that will
sweep down from the north as you attack. The Spiders are mostly doomed
because they can't rearm, so don't sweat it.
As soon as you kill the first Small Tower the LZ comes online. Call the
transport and the backups should arrive just as the Spiders gasp their last.
Let the Gargoyles sweep over the mountains and knock out the base. Kill the
power first so that the Mines don't hog all the minerals.
You have to provide your own startup funds for the base. Keep it bare-bones
because there's no profit to be made here: Ore Transport Base, Power Plant,
and an Aerial Supply Depot. Send your air force north to clear a small group
of Towers and Pamirs, then east to the ED base. Draw out the Groznys for a
slaughter, then circle and kill the power. The prototypes you're looking for
are on the east platform, but you can't do anything with them yet.
Head for the north border of the map and kill the last ED structures. There
is an ED Tunnel Entrance here that you can use if you restrain yourself from
blowing it up; in that case you'll have to build your own. Underground, you
can find some ammo crates to the northeast. The activation device is in the
southeast. As soon as you pick it up, the Grizzlies come under your command.
Change Script to a Battle Unit so you can use them in combat.
After you secure the Grizzlies you'll be ordered to destroy the ED base.
Since you already did that, you immediately win the mission. Extract

11. New York
NOTE: You only get New York if you failed in Japan. You don't want to fail in
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy enemy forces
-Defend Vehicle Production Center 1
-Defend Vehicle Production Center 2
-Defend Vehicle Production Center 3
RESEARCH: Panther I, Panther II, Panther III
Heavy Grenade Launcher, 2x Heavy Grenade Launcher
ENEMIES: A whole bunch of Rocket Grizzlies.
MISSION: Seriously, I have no idea how you're supposed to beat this mission.
You get here if Neo managed to destroy your base in Japan and therefore
escaped. He then turns your experimental Grizzlies against you and lets them
loose against the New York manufacturing district. You start with about nine
20mm Tigers scattered across the map and more Harvesters than you'll need,
plus two Mammoths. The Grizzlies come from across the southern bridge and
from southwest of the first VPC.
You can use the Mammoth by the first VPC to build an LZ and start bringing in
carryover units immediately. Unfortunately, between LZ construction and
Albatross transport time they won't arrive until the southern contingent of
Grizzlies is already chewing on your southernmost VPC. You can slow them down
a little bit by grouping all your Harvesters at the beginning of the mission
and using them to block the bridge. I'd also suggest upgrading all the base
defenses with Rocket Launchers instead of 20mms and building more Towers to
supplement ground forces.
The problem is that the Grizzlies are just too tough. These things have 3600
HP and 75% armor, making it nearly impossible for 20mms to take them out.
Grenade and Rocket Launchers stand a better chance, but I didn't have enough
of them to carry over. The Grizzlies are using both a Heavy and Small Rocket
Launcher each, which allows them to tear through all of your units like toilet
paper. They might run short of ammo eventually, but they have 220 rounds to
start with. You don't have enough firepower to sever the south bridge and
strand them. By the time the Albatross returns with the second load of
carryover units the second Grizzly contingent is already attacking the north
VPC even though I'd only destroyed one of the southern Grizzlies.
The only thing that might be possible is to use Great Lakes to build up an
enormous force of Plasma Cannons. These might be able to destroy Grizzlies
fast enough, since they deal quadruple the damage of 20mms. If this actually
works, let me know.

11. Stanford Lab 3
OBJECTIVES: -Test Teleport
RESEARCH: no new advances
MISSION: This is the last time, I swear. All you have to do is test the
teleport both ways to get the mission complete. Use the lab's credits for
whatever research is left over from the last mission.

12. India
OBJECTIVES: -Secure area during our negotiations with LC
-Protect LC unit
TRANSPORT: Mammoth x1, Harvester x3, Gargoyle x4, x2
RESEARCH: Harvester IV
Heavy Rocket Launcher, 2x Heavy Rocket Launcher, 3x Heavy Rocket Launcher
Heavy Rocket 25%, Heavy Rocket 50%, Heavy Rocket 100%
ENEMIES: One base located when you arrive, the other directly south of the LC
base with two walls of towers blocking the way in. 20mm Groznys, Rocket
Pamirs, and Laser Caspians are the cannon fodder this time.
MISSION: You're provided with Plasma Spiders this time, which should be
more useful than the Rocket Spiders from Kurshatov FZ since the ED doesn't
have shields yet. The LC will send an Electro Moon down to negotiate. You
must protect this unit and the UCS delegate Minelayer without the ability to
move them until negotiations are completed.
Get your LZ moving as quickly as possible. There will be attacks on the
negotiations soon after you arrive and the Plasma Spiders aren't enough by
themselves. Laser Caspians can take out your unshielded units in one hit;
counter with Laser-immune Grizzlies, Gargoyles, or defensive structures. Tap
the mineral field since you're already here.
After a few minutes negotiations will be completed and you can move both the
Moon and Minelayer. Your new objective is to escort the Moon back to the LC
base in the north. Pull them back into your base and start plotting a course
through the ED emplacements. Use your air force to scout ahead: there are
Towers and Pillboxes all over the passage to the first base that have to be
disabled. You'll get a message from Neo again, but he doesn't seem to do
anything except threaten.
The first base serves as the mineral source for the ED, so if you can halt
mining in the west you should stop them from producing units. Keep your
ground forces close by to clear defenses after your air force kills the power
so the ED can't build new Power Plants. By now you should have no trouble
destroying 20mm defenses and Power Plants with the UCSAF. However, it's
unlikely you'll be able to drain much of this mineral field because the LC
seems to drop Mines on it pretty quickly.
After the first base goes down, repeat the performance for the second.
Without resources they won't be able to build new units, making this a quick
kill. Make sure you take out _all_ the towers before you send the Moon back
to its base just to be safe. If the Moon is destroyed you can still continue
the game, but go to Madagascar (w/o LC allies) instead of the next mission. I
strongly recommend going with the alliance because it gives you access to much
more mineral wealth.

13. Madagascar (LC allies)
OBJECTIVES: -Defend LC base
-Annihilate ED forces
-Secure artifact with Power Shield technology
TRANSPORT: Gargoyle x4, x5, Repairer x1
RESEARCH: Harvester V
Heavy Plasma Cannon, 2x Heavy Plasma Cannon, Stack Heavy Plasma Cannon
600 PSU Shield, 1200 PSU Shield, 1800 PSU Shield
ENEMIES: One large ED base on the northeast corner of the island spewing 105mm
and Rocket Pamirs, Laser Caspians, and 20mm Groznys.
MISSION: With your new alliance to the LC come some responsibilities. You are
dispatched to Madagascar to defend the LC base here against encroaching ED
forces. In this mission, as in any alliance, you and the LC have shared
vision. The game provides you with a few Rocket Tigers and Plasma Spiders to
start, plus an LZ and TE. Ignore the TE for now and set up your base on the
northwest mineral field.
The air force is again critical in this mission because it gives you the
necessary mobility for the fantastic distances involved. Don't worry about
the LC base, they've got more than enough defenses to handle themselves until
you cripple the ED. Bring in the army for ground crew while the Gargoyles
start chipping at the west side of the ED base. Attacking the west side is
preferable because this is the location of the ED mineral field; without it
they won't be able to replace Power Plants and destroyed units. Don't let
your Gargoyles get bogged down destroying Pillboxes, just gut the power and
Small Towers and move east.
After the ED base goes down the LC offers you Power Shield technology as a
reward. To collect it send a unit down your TE and follow the tunnels to the
spot underneath the LC base. Your target is the blue computer core and
collecting it will complete your objectives. There are also six artifacts
southwest of the core that can impart shields to your units, but they won't
work on Tigers.

14. Australia (LC allies)
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy ED base and all ED units
TRANSPORT: Harvester x3, Gargoyle x4, Repairer x1
Bomber Rocket Launcher, Double Bomber Rocket Launcher
ENEMIES: One large ED base at the center of the south border. In addition to
Rocket Pamirs and Laser Caspians you'll be facing Minelayers, Kruszchevs, and
even possibly Urals.
MISSION: You're working with the LC again, this time to attack an ED base -
not much different from last time. Unload your transport and set up a
minimalist base with an Ore Transport Base since you won't need the credits.
Group your Gargoyles and fly them southeast to find a Minelayer. Yep, the ED
has mined the approach from your base and the only way to get ground units in
without losing a few is to lead with a Minelayer that can detect and destroy
them. However, you don't want to have a lot of units on the field for reasons
that will become clear. Send all your units except for the Harvesters,
Repairer, Gargoyles, and maybe a couple of Tigers back to the main base.
Taking the base apart with your Gargoyles is really pretty easy because by
now they should be experienced enough to take out any 20mm emplacements
without getting scratched. Even the Groznys the ED occasionally throws at you
won't really be a problem if you kill them quickly. The only potential
difficulty is preventing ED tanks from leaving their base to attack your
almost-defenseless one. Blast them as they cross the minefield and be advised
that they can sometimes go straight north instead of northwest. Killing the
ED Mines is your priority.
Eventually the LC will get its act together and attack. When this happens,
pull back all your units into the Albatross. For some reason the ED defensive
structures won't fire on the LC so they can destroy the base slowly but
surely. While they're doing that, though, you'll get a message from Neo and
he'll turn all your units against you. If they're in the Albatross he doesn't
get anything.
Pull the Gargoyles back out to clear any stray Minelayers and help tear down
the base and leave one Harvester on the field. When you complete the
objective the field is clear of enemy units and the Harvester will credit your
main base with about 150K credits for the project.
If you were interested, yes it's possible to kill LC units and structures,
and no there aren't any apparent repercussions. I'm not sure what happens if
you destroy the entire LC base after the mission is complete but I doubt it
has any effect.

15. Egypt
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy ED forces
-Destroy LC forces
TRANSPORT: Gargoyle x4, Harvester x3
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: Large enemy base in the southeast corner fielding Rocket Pamirs,
Laser Caspians, 105mm and Ion Kruszchevs, and a fully functional navy. LC
base in the northeast corner with Sonic, Rocket, and Electro Moons and Craters
and 20mm Meteors.
MISSION: It's time for another joint ED-bashing mission. You're in the
southwest corner of the map, the ED is in the southeast and must cross the
river, and the LC is in the northeast corner guarding the bridge. To really
take this mission by storm takes some planning.
First, get over your joy of being provided with three Plasma and four Rocket
Panthers. The order of business while the Albatross is in transit is to set
up the usual Power Plant, Ore Transport Base, and Aerial Supply Depot x2. Arm
the depots with rocket launchers and put up a Fortress on the northeast corner
of your base. When the Albatross arrives disembark the Gargoyles and get the
Harvesters flowing, then cram the Panthers back into the Albatross and send
them home with 5000 credits. You should now have only the Harvesters,
Gargoyles, a Mammoth, and maybe a Repairer on the mission map.
With the base under construction send the Mammoth north-northwest into a
valley with a long east-west tomb. You should see two mini-sphinxes and two
obelisks in front of it. Put in a TE here and send the Mammoth down. The
tomb tunnels are obvious but surrounded by bedrock; to crack into them burrow
southwest to the end of the passage.
While the Mammoth is digging send the Gargoyles northeast to the LC base.
First sever two squares from the bridge near the map border to prevent the ED
from having any possibility of launching a ground assault across the river.
Yes, they could repair it with a Gruz, but they don't do that. ED units will
start attacking - focus on taking out the Caspians and Groznys, the Kruszchevs
are a bit beyond the capabilities of Gargoyles. After the immediate assault
is over it's time to stab your partner in the back. Destroy all three LC
Refineries - yes, I'm serious. When they try to rebuild, blow them up before
they hit the ground. Eventually they'll stop trying.
This is the first mission you can see the ED Ion Cannon. It won't be much of
a threat to you because the ground forces are stopped with the bridge broken,
but if you allow ED tanks through you'll see just how annoying it can be.
Retrofitting all your buildings with shields isn't cheap, but only a few shots
are necessary to hobble your entire base. Your units won't get off much
Meanwhile your Mammoth should have managed to break into the Pharaoh's tomb.
Down here are a total of nine spinning $s worth a total of 90K free credits.
The first one is just down the hall from your entry point, then go northeast
to the room just east of your TE through the bedrock. Grab two pickups here
and head east to the crossroads. Get three more in the south burial chamber,
then take the north path and work your way northwest through the warren to get
the last three. Take your Mammoth back up and send it to the Albatross.
Take a look down south toward the ED base. Watch for the LC to make an
attack against the ED fortifications and get crushed. After this happens you
have a few minutes to move your units back to the Albatross to protect them
(including the Harvesters). You guessed it: Neo sends you a message and
captures all your units on the map. If everyone's already in the main base or
Albatross he doesn't get anything. Unfortunately that's not enough; a few
minutes later the LC claims that you double-crossed them and that the alliance
is severed. In theory this is because your combat units captured by Neo
attacked the LC, but it takes place even if Neo doesn't get any units and even
if you didn't take out the LC's Refineries. There is nothing you can do to
prevent Neo's attack or the cancellation of the alliance. Oh well.
Now that Neo is behind you it's time to pull in your units from the main
base. Your main weapon is still going to be your air force unless you choose
to rebuild the bridge to the LC base. Also build two new Rocket Bats for
long-range aerial assaults.
Defense shouldn't be a major issue because the LC has no resources since you
destroyed the Refineries and the ED exhausted their offensive drive on the LC
early on. I recommend starting with the ED base because they're closer and
therefore much easier for your Bats and Gargoyles to resupply, plus you can
stop them from draining the field and secure some extra resources for yourself
if you move quickly. Take out the navy first, as for some reason they don't
try to escape if you engage them from outside their range with the Rocket
Bats. Let the Bats handle antiaircraft defensive emplacements. You can
choose to gut this base and then mop it with ground forces later after it's
helpless or take it down entire with the air force. If you choose to rebuild
the bridge and bring ground forces down, watch out for mines on the approach
between the LC and ED - sweep thoroughly with a Minelayer to take them out.
After the ED is toast head for the LC. They're completely broke and
shouldn't provide much of a challenge. If necessary move your army to the
north central island with the mineral field so your air force can retreat to
cover and repair if the LC units start dogging you. After both bases go down
you can evacuate everyone and send all the resources to your spaceship. Skip
to Mozambique.

16. Madagascar (w/o LC allies)
NOTE: If you lose India you do not forge an alliance with the LC and come here
instead of the version of Madagascar with the alliance.
OBJECTIVES: Saving data from LC base computer
TRANSPORT: Gargoyle x4, Mammoth x1, Repairer x1, Harvester x3, x1
RESEARCH: Heavy Plasma Cannon, 2x Heavy Plasma Cannon, Stack Heavy Plasma
Shield 600 PSU, Shield 1200 PSU, Shield 1800 PSU
ENEMIES: LC base at map center with 20mm Meteors and Rocket, Sonic, and
Electro Moons and Lunars. ED base at northeast corner with Cossacks and 20mm
Groznys, Laser, Rocket, and 20mm Siberias, and 105mm and Rocket Pamirs.
They're also allied against you.
MISSION: Take the starting forces northwest to secure the mineral field. Both
the ED and LC will invade from the northeast with both air and ground forces,
so focus any defenses in this direction.
Technically you don't have to attack the enemy bases. The computer is
underground and you'll need to tunnel to reach it. You can build a TE in your
base and then dig all the way to the core under the LC base, but it will take
a long time.
Your other option is to beat back the attacking waves and take the fight to
the LC base. Destroy it and build a TE at map center to easily access the
core. If you do this, note that the mountains protect the LC from ground
assault except for a narrow northeast corridor. Wander too far north and
you'll hit the ED base with painful results. They don't have much in the way
of units, but the Towers and Pillboxes are more than enough for defense. The
LC power structures are at the south end of their base and therefore make easy
targets for your air force.
After you hit the core you can end the mission. There is no need to destroy
either ED or LC forces or bases.

17. Australia (w/o LC allies)
OBJECTIVES: -Defend base
TRANSPORT: Gargoyle x4, Condor x2, Repairer x1
Bomber Rocket Launcher, 2x Bomber Rocket Launcher
ENEMIES: Large ED production facility in the southwest corner building
Cossacks and 20mm Groznys, Laser, Rocket, and 20mm Siberias, and Rocket and
105mm Pamirs. Large-scale defensive emplacements east of your base and in the
northwest corner with a Headquarters each.
MISSION: The mission briefing this time around is quite deceptive because it
implies that you're building up defenses to stop an imminent ED attack. While
the ED will attack they won't use one gigantic push, nor will it likely be
enough to break through even the defenses that are built by default. The only
ground approach to your central plateau is the slope on the south side that is
already guarded by two Fortresses and various Towers. You do have to build
Energy Transmitters to make sure that all of these are online and ASDs for
The other thing is that you don't want to keep any units in this mission
unless absolutely necessary. Neo's back again and he'll hit you twice to
switch your units to ED control. The first time is about 26 game hours into
the mission, then again 26 hours after that. In between you are free to build
new Towers if necessary (especially over the mineral field on the southwest
side), mine, and fend off attacks with the air force as long as you can get
all your units back into the Albatross right before the Neo song-and-dance.
Your Harvesters start at a mineral field below the plateau connected by a TE.
Immediately pull them back and send them to work on the southwest field. In
theory you should be able to use command queues to get them mining through the
tunnel but I can't seem to get it to work. Power down the TEs so ED units
can't use them to dodge your defenses.
Attacks from the ED will be relatively weak and sporadic. Every once in a
while a few Pamirs and Siberias will come up the south slope but they should
be easily stopped by all the defenses posted there. If you feel nervous you
can block the passage entirely with Walls and take the tanks out from the air.
Also watch for Cossacks and Groznys flying in from the southwest.
After Neo's second assault bring in all your units. Taking out the two
satellite HQs in the northwest corner and on the east side is very easy since
they don't have any mobile units, allowing you to use your experienced units'
range to destroy all Towers and Pillboxes without taking a hit. The southwest
base is slightly harder, but shouldn't pose much of a challenge either. Note
that even though your objective is to defend your own base, to satisfy it you
must destroy all enemy structures and forces. After you accomplish this you
can mine both of the large fields near your base plus whatever is left at the
ED base. From here proceed directly to Mozambique.

16. Mozambique
NOTE: Whether you allied with the LC or not you eventually end up here.
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy ED forces
-Destroy Neo's HQ
TRANSPORT: Gargoyle x4, Repairer x1, Harvester x1
RESEARCH: Jaguar I, Jaguar II
Shadow Generator I, Shadow Generator II, Shadow Generator III, Shadow
Generator IV
ENEMIES: Enemy base 3/4 up the west border primarily minding its own business.
Expect most of your attacks to come from the base on the north central border:
20mm Cossacks and Groznys and 105mm, Laser, and Ion Kruszchevs. The west base
may field some Thors for target practice.
MISSION: Neo's little stunt in Egypt (or Australia) was the final straw. Now
your superiors want him dead and it's your job to make it happen. Boy, this
sounds like a great idea.
Your base this time is located in a valley between two severe cliffs. Two
pairs of Teleports link your valley to the tops of the cliffs. First things
first: autodestruct the Teleport and Energy Transmitter on the west cliff.
There's nothing up here that you want to get to and it will serve as a passage
into your base for enemy tanks. On the east cliff is a mineral field you'll
want to tap, but this is also a target for enemy tanks. For now set up a
Power Plant, Ore Transport Base, and two Fortresses to defend the field.
Don't depend on Energy Transmitters because they get blown up too easily.
Feel free to retrofit the Fortresses with Plasma Cannons since the ED still
doesn't have shields and aircraft won't approach from this direction. Don't
start mining the field yet; with Neo on the map you should know better.
I had a few problems operating the Teleports on this mission. When the ED
attacked I switched off the west cliff Teleport so they couldn't transport
down, but after I turned it on it never worked again. Instead I built a TE
in the valley and tunneled east, then built another TE.
As for the base itself, set up a trench across the north approach to block
all tanks, two Aerial Supply Depots, and a few extra towers with AA 20mms or
Rockets. The only thing you have to worry about actually hitting your base
is aircraft because tanks are blocked by the trench to the north, the cliff to
the west, and the Fortresses and cliff to the east (turn off the Teleport when
they approach). Send the Spiders home and leave only the UCSAF and a Repairer
on the map.
As soon as they disembark send the Gargoyles north to a small cul-de-sac
guarded by ED Small Towers. Blow the towers and the Tunnel Entrances they're
protecting. This stops the north ED base from being able to dispatch units
underground, giving you a bit more warning if you watch the west and east
approaches. Don't try to stop the Kruszchevs with the UCSAF - Gargoyles can't
deal damage fast enough and Bats aren't good with moving targets.
Neo will steal your units twice during this mission. I can't pinpoint the
time to any particular event, but the second one did happen just after a large
mass of white (north base) tanks assembled on the west cliff. All I can say
is to save often in different files until it happens, then reload and store
your units in the Albatross. I'd estimate that the two events are separated
by about a game day. As soon as Neo's second event triggers it is safe to
move all your units into the mission area.
Now that you are feeling confident send the UCSAF northwest to the first
enemy base. Usually there's a crowd of Repairers or combat units outside the
gates that make for easy pickings. Swing west to the map border to break
through Small Towers easily and use the gap to get at the base's soft
underbelly. Keep Bats hammering the front gates and their defensive
structures from range. Don't bother destroying the entire base, just gut it
for now.
Turn your attention to the base at the north border of the map now. Most of
the defenses are along the east edge, so approach from the west with air
units. For some reason the ED lined a sheer cliff that's impassable to ground
units with Lasers that are helpless against your Gargoyles and Bats. Look for
a Headquarters surrounded by Small Towers and wipe it out to satisfy the "kill
Neo" objective with 96.8% certainty.
Now just tear the two bases apart. This can take a while simply because the
distances involved you down as the UCSAF flies back and forth to rearm. To
save time flatten your trench and send the army to destroy the west base.
After all the structures go down you'll receive a message that Neo's body
hasn't been found.
If you've been truly diligent about sending resources to Project Mars this
mission will provide the last minerals you need to finish the spaceship.
Leave a Harvester for automining and you should satisfy the limit sometime in
the next mission. On the other hand if you aren't particularly close to your
goal, don't worry too much because you've still got three more missions that
will provide minimum 300K to your coffers.

17. Andes
OBJECTIVES: -Provide your base with 100,000 CR
TRANSPORT: Harvester x3, Gargoyle x4, x3
RESEARCH: Dragon I, Dragon II
Offensive Plasma Cannon
Bomb Bay I, Bomb Bay II
Plasma Bomb II, Plasma Bomb III, Plasma Bomb IV
SDI Laser
ENEMIES: Two enemy bases on the north side of the map: ED to the east, LC to
the west, and both of them pissed at you. Expect 20mm Meteors, Cossacks, and
Groznys and some Sonic Thunderers for air cover; 20mm, Rocket, and Electro
Lunars and Moons; 120mm, Laser, Rocket, and Ion Kruszchevs; and Laser, Rocket,
and Ion Siberias.
MISSION: It's time to get your act together. You're here because you haven't
been sending enough resources to Project Mars. If you can't get enough
resources to it between here, Columbia, and Achimania, you lose.
Incidentally, don't be afraid of the alarmist weather report you receive at
the beginning of the mission; the real clock is the one at the top of the
screen in your main base, and no matter what the video tells you there are
still that many days remaining before the earth explodes.
Your base starts with only four Plasma Spiders, a Mammoth, a Power Plant, and
an LZ. Call the Albatross and build an OTR on the west side. This field
won't provide all the minerals you need, but it's a good start. If you build
any defensive structures focus them on the slope to the west; all ground units
will use this approach and air units will come down the valley right next to
When your air force arrives send it to the map's center to find a large
mineral field. There are a handful of ED Small Towers that will go down
easily. Then head north-northeast to the ED base and take out the mining
operation. You can do this by destroying all the Mines and preventing new
ones from being completed or killing all the Taigas so they can't transport
containers to the Refinery. When the operation goes down the ED will become
completely crippled and you don't have to worry about attacks from them.
Don't bother destroying the base because a) it's mined, b) it's unnecessary to
satisfy your objectives, and c) it's a waste of time.
After the ED base drops you can freely move to assault the LC base to the
west. Power structures are at the north and south ends. It is much more
difficult to stop the LC from building new structures because they don't need
a constructor unit, so feel free to withdraw.
Alternately you can choose not to attack the base at all. If you sit on the
central mineral field eventually the LC will empty their field and start
trying to mine there. Put a few antiair defenders around the field and you
can destroy them in the air at great expense to the LC. Don't leave any units
on the field itself while you're doing this because when LC structures drop
they destroy any units underneath them (even though the LC can't build over
your units, if you wander under during construction they are destroyed).
Between the base field and the central field you'll have no trouble hitting
the objective. Clearing the map of enemy units can be very time-consuming,
but doing so ensures that you'll be able to automine an enormous amount of

18. Columbia
OBJECTIVES: -Provide your base with 100,000 CR
TRANSPORT: Harvester x3, Gargoyle x4, x3
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: LC in the southwest, ED in the southeast. Look for 20mm Meteors and
Groznys; Sonic Thunderers; 120mm, Ion, and Laser Kruszchevs and Urals; and
20mm, Rocket, and Electro Lunars and Moons.
MISSION: Just like the Andes, only easier. You'll have to use Energy
Transmitters to reach the field east of your base, but again that won't be
enough to fulfill the objective. Throw up a few rocket defenses around the
Power Plant just in case. You get another free Grizzly and some Plasma
Panthers and Rocket Spiders for defense.
The LC will send a medium-sized tank force at you early in the mission so
make sure you have enough combat units in the Albatross to deal with it. The
starting units won't be enough on their own. Expect LC and ED tanks from the
south, LC air units from the west, and ED air units from the east. Tanks will
have to drive past the central mineral field to reach you base, allowing you
to engage them away from the main base. You'll also see a large-scale raid by
Thunderers that can be quite destructive, but after that the LC runs out of
Send the Gargoyles to map center to secure the large field. I don't
recommend trying to attack either of the enemy bases because they start
entrenched and the mineral facilities are on the far sides. Mining this field
will be necessary and you can get a start by bringing in three more Harvesters
and setting up a satellite mining operation while the first field is still
running. Put up Towers if absolutely necessary.

19. Achimania
OBJECTIVES: -Supply your base with 100,000 CR
TRANSPORT: x6, Gargoyle x4
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: LC base in the northwest corner, ED base in the southeast corner.
Sonic Thunderers, 20mm Meteors, Cossacks, and 20mm Groznys; Rocket and Electro
Moons and Craters; Laser, Ion, and Rocket Siberias; Laser and Screamer
Caspians; 120mm, Rocket, and Laser Kruszchevs; and 120mm, Laser, and Rocket
MISSION: Get all the minerals you need because the Earth is about to go boom.
There's a small field within your base, another one to the south, another
small one at map center, and the fields beneath the two enemy bases. The
three you have access to should be more than enough as long as you can defend
The starting units this time are shockingly outdated. Plasma Tigers and
Rocket Spiders won't be enough to stop the large LC attack that hits right
after the Albatross arrives. You also have to build a Power Plant to get the
base up and running. Use Energy Transmitters to extend power south and mine
the second field.
Keep your units pointing west to stop approaching LC and ED heavy tanks.
Some air units may approach over the southern mountains but they shouldn't be
a major threat. Mine until you hit the campaign objective and see the closing

C. Lunar Corporation

1. Ural
OBJECTIVES: -Find deposits
-Provide your base with 20,000 CR
TRANSPORT: Rocket Lunar x5, Fang
RESEARCH: Lunar m2, Lunar m3
20mm Bullet x3
ENEMIES: Large ED base on the north border of the map fielding 105mm Pamirs
and 20mm Taigas and defended by Small Towers.
MISSION: First one's always easy, but this will be slightly harder than the ED
and UCS versions because there's no way to avoid combat. Luckily you're
provided with the Fang, an alien vehicle offered by the UCS to the LC as a
good-faith present. Why they didn't keep it for themselves is a mystery. In
any case, this is the personal vehicle of YOU, the general, so if it gets
blown up the campaign ends because you're DEAD. You can leave it on a mission
after it ends, but then you lose it.
You may notice that the LC only requires 500k minerals, while the ED and UCS
both needed 1m. The reason is that the LC is free to mine all of the moon
with impunity, but the moon lacks certain heavy metals that can only be
extracted on earth. For those who were interested.
From the LZ head due northwest to find the mineral field. Drop an Ore
Transport Refinery, Solar Power Plant, Solar Cells, and Solar Battery for now.
Don't explore, just keep mining.
Eventually you'll get a message that enemy troops are in the area and you
should prepare defenses. To be clear, "defenses" mean an Aerial Supply Center
(1500) plus a Mercury (400) or two. That's 2000 credits that would be much
better served in your main base for research. Units you build can be
constructed in the main base and ferried over in the Jupiter.
Instead, I choose to use the Fang as a damage magnet and lead defender. As
long as it doesn't move, it's not threatened in any way by the ED forces
because of its rapid regeneration. Two shots from the Fang will kill a Pamir,
three will kill a Taiga. The Lunars will die very quickly if you allow them
into combat, so keep them back for support fire. The Rocket Lunars will run
out of ammo quickly, but whether to build an Aerial Supply Center or just send
them to the Jupiter when they run out is up to you. The Fang's ammo
replenishes itself over time.
As long as the Ore Transport Refinery stays functional the minerals keep
flowing the the main base. Even after the End Mission globe appears you can
keep overmining if you're patient for a full 30,750 CR. Pull the survivors
out and go home.

2. ACME-Laboratory
OBJECTIVES: -Conclude all tests
-FANG must return to main base
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: nothing to speak of
MISSION: The mission's actually just a demonstration of the Fang's abilities
and mostly observation-only. After the Fang arrives and disembarks send it
next to the Moon to the northwest. Set the spectator camera and watch as the
LC tests the Fang's speed, regeneration, and power. After the last test send
it home in the Jupiter to make the End Mission button appear.

3. Himalaya
OBJECTIVES: -Provide your base with 20,000 CR
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Lunar x6
RESEARCH: Meteor m1, Meteor m2, Meteor m3
2x 20mm Chaingun, 2x Meteor Chaingun
Guided Rocket 25%
ENEMIES: A steady stream of 105mm Pamirs, 20mm Taigas, and Gruzs throughout
the mission. Yes, Gruzs.
MISSION: Unlike Ural, this time defenses will be a constant problem. You also
get access to several important researches like the Defender and Meteor. I
don't actually recommend building Meteors for this mission because Lunars are
much cheaper and the air element isn't necessary, but research them after the
Double Chaingun, Defender, and Rocket 25%.
You start with a small base and three 20mm Lunars. Build an LZ immediately
and pull the Jupiter in with the Fang for backup - Lunars will be dropping
like flies throughout this mission. They're cheap, speedy little buggers, but
have no armor and will get pulverized by a couple of 20mms or a single 105mm.
Also build 3-4 Lunars to supplement starting forces and another Mercury. Drop
a couple of Ore Transport Refineries on the mineral field.
First you'll see a Gruz invading to build a Mine on your territory. Take it
out with the Lunars, but don't pursue. Shortly afterward you'll be visited by
a few Pamirs that will show you just how easily those Lunars will explode. If
you didn't build extra Lunars and the Jupiter hasn't arrived yet the Pamirs
will quickly crush existing defenses and move on your buildings.
Beat back the attackers and set up a defensive line with Laser Walls on the
northwest opening. Drop the laser beam (by selecting one Wall and clicking on
the next one) when enemies attack so you can defend it. Fang may hit level 10
experience in this mission if you're keeping it on the front line. Research
but don't build Meteors; you don't need them for this defensive mission. Mine
the field up to the limit and overmine if you feel comfortable continuing to

4. Arctic
OBJECTIVES: -Deliver Alliance documents to the UCS base
-FANG must return to main base
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: One large enemy base at the center of the map, 20mm Small Towers all
over the place, 105mm Pamirs, Rocket Siberias, and 20mm Cossacks.
MISSION: This one's odd because it's addressed to an LC contact within the ED
named Igor Burkov instead of your main general. That doesn't mean much though
because you still must use the Fang if you're going to satisfy the mission
All you have for the mission is an LZ on the south edge of the map - no
startup funds. Pull in the Jupiter and drop off Fang for the messenger run.
The UCS base that is your goal is in the northeast corner of the map, but the
land routes in the way are blocked by ED walls and tanks. There are actually
two walls: to the northwest from your TB and on the west border of the map.
Cut a hole through the northwest one and get ready to run.
There's absolutely no way to dodge the damage you'll be taking as the
Cossacks and Pamirs descend, so just keep moving northeast. Ignore the
buildings as much as possible until you hit a line of 20mm Small Towers backed
up by Pamirs. Blow up one or two of the towers so you can bolt through and
keep running northeast. Get inside the UCS base and the Gargoyles, Tigers,
and structure weapons take out the ED troops following you. This fulfills
objective #1.
Sit in the UCS base long enough to regenerate your HP to full because you're
dashing back. Make sure the Jupiter is waiting for you at the TB before you
run back again. The ED will have replaced the lost units and will be chasing
you again - move fast. Climb into the Jupiter and the pursuing units will
back off. Return the Fang to the main base and end the mission.

5. Kamchatka
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy the ED Research Center
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Mercury x2, Lunar x7
RESEARCH: Moon m2, Moon m3
2x Rocket Launcher, 3x Rocket Launcher
ENEMIES: You should very be used to 105mm Pamirs, 20mm Siberias, and 20mm
Cossacks by now. The bases are on the west and south borders of the map.
MISSION: Get moving quickly because your mission forces won't be able to hold
their ground for long. There are five Rocket Lunars, but even with 25%
Rockets they have quite poor accuracy. Worse, a Gruz invades your base early
on and they'll waste all their ammo missing it and then taking out any
structures in progress, leaving you defenseless.
For now just sit in the base and watch your enemies roll in. There are three
ground approaches: over the bridge to the south and two passes to the west and
southwest. Blow a section out of the bridge and block the passes with Laser
Walls and Defenders. Let the Lunars retreat when they take damage so they can
recover. Remember that the Fang can't fire at Cossacks.
You can choose to win this mission with either the army or the air force.
For the ground war, wait until the Moon and Rocket Launcher upgrades are
completed - Lunars are just too fragile. Alternately you can build four 20mm
Meteors and use them for surgical strikes to weaken the base before mopping
with the Lunars and Fang.
Either way your target is the south base. There are many Cossacks defending
it, but drop those and a few 20mm Small Towers and the air force is completely
safe. Wipe out the structures and you'll get mission complete. Taking out
the west base for experience is entirely optional. Make absolutely certain
that all your combat units are at full ammo before you leave this map!

6. Canada
OBJECTIVES: -Meet up with UCS convoy at northern base
-Escort the UCS convoy to the southern base. 66% must make it through.
-FANG must return to main base
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Meteor x4, x5
RESEARCH: Air Rocket Launcher, 2x Air Rocket Launcher
Guided Rocket 50%
ENEMIES: One enemy base at roughly the 9:30 position on the minimap guarded by
105mm Large Towers and 20mm Cossacks, plus a few 20mm Small Towers posted
along your route and scattered 105mm Pamirs.
MISSION: This one runs different from anything you've seen before. You don't
get a base or any startup funds, you can't build any buildings, but you are
required to engage in combat. The reason you had to reload all your combat
units last mission is because you don't have a Supply Depot on this map and
they'll be stuck with the ammo left over from last time.
The mission briefing lays it out: the UCS has asked for an escort for three
Mammoths from their north base (north of the LZ) to their south base. At
least two of the three must survive to the destination.
Pull four Meteors out to the mission first with Fang and either Lunars or
Moons, whichever you've got. Leave the ground forces at the LZ for the moment
and head for the south base with the air force. Sweep north along a bridge
and kill off four 20mm Small Towers, then a mob of 105mm Pamirs. They can't
hurt you but they may bolt as they take damage. If your Meteors are using
rockets they'll run out of ammo quickly and become useless.
After the second half of the route is clear go for the ED base to the
northwest. You'll see four more Pamirs on the southwest edge. Attacking
these arouses the interest of several Cossacks that actually may pose a danger
if you're not careful. Kill off as many Cossacks as you can, retreating as
Now turn your attention back to the army. Send the Fang north to rendezvous
with the Mammoths. After you get close they'll slave to the Fang and follow
it. Go north over the bridge, then west. Before you cross a second bridge,
destroy a handful of Pamirs to the northeast so they can't hit your flank.
Waiting to the west are a few more Pamirs that make for easy killing. Head
for the west border of the map and wait for the Mammoths to catch up.
Now go south and skirt the ED base. If you didn't kill off all the Cossacks
before they'll harass you now. If the Mammoths didn't catch up before you
went south they'll drive straight through the ED base and get killed by
defensive emplacements.
Once you pass the base you're in the clear. Just follow the path your
Meteors scouted earlier to the south base. Remember that even though your
tanks can float over the water easily the Mammoths are stuck on the land
route. After they arrive you have to send the Fang home before you can end
the mission.

7. ACME-Lab 2
OBJECTIVES: -Complete all tests
RESEARCH: 1200 PSU Shield
MISSION: You're back at the lab to test the Tenebre II, based on the Fang
vehicle. This time you don't have to do anything at all, just watch the
Tenebre run the tests. After it destroys the first UCS drone robot it
explodes - there's nothing you can do to prevent this.

8. Baikal
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy all ED structures
-FANG must return to main base
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Meteor x4, x5
RESEARCH: Electro Cannon, 2x Electro Cannon
Heavy Defense Building
ENEMIES: Enemy base on the center west map border with Cossacks and 105mm
MISSION: Here's a simple mission. The briefing tells you that you already
have the detonation codes for the ED base. Just unload the Fang and send it
to the base at the other side of the map. Fang is in no danger as long as you
don't sit still too long. Park next to the Research Center until a message
appears, then run away. All the buildings except for a Power Plant and a
Weapon Production Center in the southeast corner of the base will explode.
This pisses all the ED units off and they make a beeline for your base. The
Fang can probably take out a Pamir in a single shot now. Let the Meteors
handle the Cossacks and mop up helpless Pamirs. The rush is strong but it
won't last.
With all the forces destroyed set up Mines and Ore Transport Refineries as
you see fit. There won't be any more spending cash for a while, so be sure to
set some aside now. Reload your Meteors before you leave.

9. ACME-Lab 3
OBJECTIVES: -Stop the prototype and destroy it!
-FANG must return to main base
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Meteor x4, 5000 CR
RESEARCH: Sonic Cannon, 2x Sonic Cannon
Weather Control Center
2400 PSU Shield
ENEMIES: TENEBRE III and many, many 105mm Pamirs.
MISSION: Back to the lab again, but this time the test pilot has turned
traitor and started attacking your base. There are two ways to win this
mission: the cheap way and the expensive way. If you like quick victories
bring along 5k CR in the Jupiter. When it arrives, don't empty the transport;
instead take the 5k CR and use it to upgrade the buildings in the base that
are being attacked. Putting up shields on the building that TENEBRE is
actively attacking will slow it down a bit. Add a Rocket Launcher to the
nearby Aerial Supply Depot and you'll be able to destroy TENEBRE without
risking any of your units. Obviously this costs money, but it's the fastest
way to win the mission.
If you don't like spending money you can win the mission with actual combat.
Unload the Jupiter and allow your buildings to self-destruct. This destroys
the entire base and puts TENEBRE on the run for ED cover. Send the Meteors
south to destroy an ED TE in the corner. With this gone there is no way the
TENEBRE can escape. Now just follow it all over the map. It's hard to hit
while it's moving, but it can't regenerate then either. After it's down you
can end the mission or choose to kill more of the Pamirs for experience.
The other thing you should do in this mission is bring the Fang so it can
collect the artifact right next to the LZ. This will give it 3600 PSU shields
for free - in fact, it's one of only two ways to give the Fang shields, and
you'll want those later when you face energy weapons.

10. Amazon
OBJECTIVES: -Provide your base with 50,000 CR.
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Meteor x4, Mercury x2, x3
RESEARCH: Guided Rocket 100%
Shield Recharger m1, Shield Recharger m2
ENEMIES: The enemy base is just east of map center, but he's provided with
tanks all over the map and tower outposts on the west and east bridges. Face
down Cossacks, 20mm and Rocket Siberias, and 105mm and Rocket Pamirs.
MISSION: This mission's quite simple. The briefing tells you that all you
need to do to stop the impending ED attack is sever the three bridges that
lead to your island in the north. These bridges end in the northeast corner,
just southeast of your base, and on the center west map border. The clock at
the top of the map tells you how much longer until the ED show up.
The first thing you should do as you wait for the transport is drop two more
Ore Transport Refineries on the large field you're already mining. Also set
up enough Supply Depots for your tanks and Guardian pairs at the two breaks in
the Laser Wall. Rocket Launchers are the best weapons for all these
structures since they won't have to worry about ground forces.
Now for breaking bridges. The central bridge is unguarded so start there;
force-attack two adjacent squares so no one can cross it. Mob the bridge with
Lunars and Moons since there are no defenses. With the central bridge down
head to the northeast corner. Use your air force to fly past the Towers and
Pillboxes and destroy the Power Plants from behind; if you move quickly you
won't take any damage. Bring in the army after the Towers fall silent to take
out the bridge. If they venture too far south you may attract the attention
of a small group of Pamirs waiting on the next island. After the bridge drops
pull your army back to the base.
The most difficult bridge to break is the west one, but it's not too tough if
you're using the Meteors. Fly over again and take out the Small Towers
defending the Power Plants first so you can move with impunity. During this
time some tanks may flow across the bridge - let your army handle them without
coming into range of the Towers. Disable defenses on both sides of the bridge
and let the army mop up.
That's all you have to do for this mission. If you're using extra OTRs the
field will probably mine out before the clock expires, but you can stay to get
the rest of the minerals. The ED won't repair the broken bridges. Eventually
you will see a flock of Cossacks heading your way but the Guardians should be
more than capable of handling these. Wait for the field to empty and shut
down. Again, make sure your Meteors are at full ammo before you leave.

11. Great Lakes
OBJECTIVES: -Meet up with the convoy at the first base
-Escort the convoy to the southern base. 100% must survive.
-FANG must return to main base
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Meteor x4, x5
RESEARCH: Regenerator m1, Regenerator m2, Regenerator m3
ENEMIES: Scattered Rocket and 105mm Pamirs, Rocket and Laser Siberias, and a
couple of Laser Volgas.
MISSION: The UCS needs another escort. Drop the Meteors and Fang with
whatever escort you desire next to the Mammoth and three Harvesters. You also
have an important choice: to forge an alliance with either the UCS or ED.
Soon after the Fang and convoy start moving you'll receive a message from Neo,
who you should be familiar with if you've played the ED and UCS campaigns
already. He and your general have a past from 2140, and in honor of that
he'll give you the option to ally with the ED if you destroy the convoy. If
you choose this route, just blow the helpless civilian vehicles and go home.
Skip to Rio de Janeiro (ED) on the walkthrough.
If, on the other hand, you want to work with the UCS, you'll have to play out
the mission as is. You'll be facing ED energy Lasers this time, so if you
don't have shields on your units you'll discover exactly why you should.
Alternately, this is a great time to burn through the Lunars you've been
carefully preserving so you can replace them with Moons. Fortunately, the
Meteors can take out the Lasers from the air with no damage; unfortunately
this will take careful management since the Lasers are guarded by Rockets.
First things first: your path this time is less direct. You will travel
south from the LZ to an east-west island, then northwest along bridges to the
north map border, then straight south across the main water body over bridges
and small islands, then southeast to the UCS base. The Lasers are located on
the small island you cross in the middle of the water (southwest of the west
end of the first turn) and north of the UCS base. Take out the small island
with your Meteors first since it has Heavy Laser Volgas guarded only by a
couple of Rocket Siberias. Note that the Volgas can freely move out over
water if distressed.
After this detachment goes down send the Meteors southeast to the plain north
of the southern UCS base. Try to kill the Laser Siberias here without taking
too much damage from the Rocket Pamir guardians. Backtrack north along the
bridges and clear out as many 105mm Pamirs as possible. If your Meteors are
experienced enough they should be able to clear all the tanks in the level
without running out of ammo.
Now get the convoy rolling. You should have no trouble getting the convoy in
as long as you're careful to make sure the path is clear. Congratulate
yourself and move on to Madagascar.

12. Madagascar
NOTE: You only get Madagascar if you successfully escorted the UCS convoy in
Great Lakes. If you destroyed the convoy go to Rio de Janeiro (ED).
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy all ED forces
TRANSPORT: Meteor x4, x6
RESEARCH: Crater m1, Crater m2, Crater m3
Heavy Rocket Launcher, 2x Heavy Rocket Launcher, 4x Heavy Rocket Launcher
Guided Heavy Rocket 25%
3600 PSU Shield
ENEMIES: Large enemy base on the northeast corner of the map with Cossacks,
Laser and 20mm Siberias, and 105mm and Rocket Pamirs. Lots of Rocket
Launchers mounted on base defenses.
MISSION: If you've played the UCS campaign you already know their side of this
mission. The UCS will still provide a steady flow of units against the ED in
the north. That won't be enough to take the base, but it will distract the ED
for a while.
As for yourself, the base defenses are more than enough to repel pretty much
all the ED attacks. Your task is to use the Meteors to tear down the base
itself. Start from the west where the mineral field is. It's a challenge,
but possible, to kill the Mines quickly and prevent them from being rebuilt.
The challenge bit is that you'll be harassed by Cossacks and may have to
retreat frequently to keep the Meteors alive. Also, the Rocket Launchers on
the Small Towers have longer range than your 20mms, which is cause for further
caution. The longer it takes you to pull this off, the more resources the ED
get to use against you.
The surprise for this mission is Neo's appearance. He converts all of the
UCS units to ED control. As a courtesy, he'll keep the majority of these
fighting the UCS in the south rather than attacking you directly. This will
disrupt the UCS attacks on the ED. Stay here long enough and he'll do it
After the UCS base empties its mineral field the Harvesters will start
heading for yours. You can destroy them with no repercussions to the alliance
but doing so prevents the UCS from building more units to attack the ED with.
When the resource-gathering facilities drop and the Cossacks stop flowing you
are in perfect position to gut and dismember the base. Take it slow and
retreat when you need to repair.

13. Australia
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy all ED structures
TRANSPORT: Meteor x4, x6
RESEARCH: Crater m1, Crater m2, Crater m3
Heavy Electro Cannon, 2x Heavy Electro Cannon
ENEMIES: Enemy base on the south border of the map. Lots of Rocket Towers and
structures, plus Cossacks, Laser and Ion Caspians and Siberias, and the usual
105mm and Rocket Pamirs.
MISSION: Again, this is a retread of the UCS campaign version of this mission.
The UCS has the west border, you have the east border, and you'll meet in the
south to crush the ED.
This time you'll have to watch out for Ion Cannons. It's an energy weapon so
your shielded tanks will be safe, and the ED won't be using Repairers to take
over your units, but they will shut down unshielded tanks and structures
fairly quickly. Lasers will be upgraded to 2x Lasers and are therefore more
dangerous. And rocket emplacements will still be outshooting your 20mm
Meteors. Other than that it's a very standard mission.
Drop your base just southwest of the LZ around the mineral field. Set up
defenses facing west. The biggest threat to your base will be the UCS when
Neo switches them to ED control again. Twice. Even so, the UCS base itself
will knock down most of the converts with structure defenses.
Attack the ED from the east border of the map to cut around the towers. Lure
out the Cossacks and Rocket Pamirs before you enter. Take out the Power
Plants from behind to deactivate structure defenses and just crawl through.
The UCS will help tear the base apart as defenses drop.

14. Mozambique
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy ED base
-Destroy Neo's base
TRANSPORT: Meteor x4, x6
RESEARCH: Guided Heavy Rocket 50%
ENEMIES: One large base at the north end of the map with Cossacks, 105mm
Pamirs, Laser Siberias and Caspians, and introducing the 120mm Kruszchev.
MISSIONS: Neo's stunt in Australia was too much and now the UCS orders you to
take him down as a show of support for the alliance. Pretty sad, considering
how friendly he was to you this time around (as opposed to the UCS campaign).
Unlike previous missions, I can't do this one with just the air force - they
can't deal enough damage and are too fragile for sustained attacks. So
starting here I built up a group of 5 Rocket Moons and 5 Electro Craters.
3600 PSU shields are a given.
As for your base, enemies will be approaching from over the northwest plateau
(Cossacks), down the east pass (tanks), and, surprisingly, up the cliff
overlooking your power structures to the south (more tanks). I don't know how
they get up there, but toss a couple of Guardians there to drive them off.
Beyond the mineral fields in your base and the ED base there are four more on
this map: in order of proximity they are southeast, southwest, northeast, and
northwest of your base. Over the course of the mission the ED will take over
the two northern ones unless you check on them occasionally and scrape the
Mines off.
The first thing you should do after you land is take out the ED Small Towers
and TEs in the cul-de-sac north of your base. With these down the ED has to
approach overland, which gives you more warning. Also take out the other end
of the tunnels at the north end of the east pass.
There's no easy way to destroy the main ED base with the Meteors. Approach
from the east and you're facing Small Towers with rockets plus Cossacks. Try
the west and find more Rocket Towers and the occasional Rocket Kruszchev,
which are much too tough for the Meteors to take out easily. The mineral
field is on the north side right against the border and therefore is quite
difficult to reach and destroy before also taking out most of the base and its
defenders. Neo's Headquarters is on the west side of the base but it's well-
defended; you can take it out with the Meteors but you have to destroy the
rest of the base anyway. Even destroying the power infrastructure is very
difficult because of the prevalence of armed buildings and Cossacks that will
force you to retreat.
I suggest moving quickly as soon as you create an attacking force of Moons
and Craters. Sweep in from the east so you can retreat if necessary and cover
them with the Meteors to swat down Cossacks. Electro Cannons are excellent
for tearing apart buildings, but as soon as you start firing the ED will
upgrade the building in question with shields that slow you down. Retreat as
necessary to the cover of Regenerator and Recharger Phoboses and keep pounding
until it falls apart. If the mission doesn't end after you destroy the
northern base check the mineral fields northeast and northwest of your base
for Mines. And of course destroying Neo's HQ doesn't actually kill him.

15. Rio de Janeiro (UCS)
TRANSPORT: -Meteor x4, Crater x6
RESEARCH: Crusher m1, Crusher m2, Crusher m3
ENEMIES: 20mm, Rocket, and Plasma Tigers, Laser Siberias, 120mm Kruzchevs,
105mm and Rocket Pamirs, and Neo himself.
MISSION: Neo's alive in Brazil. The UCS managed to destroy all LZs in the
area, so he can't run anymore. In turn he captured all the UCS units and is
now destroying the UCS base, so it's up to you to take him out.
If you haven't been using Sonic and Electro Cannons before now it's time to
start building them. None of your enemies on this level have shields so these
weapons will cut to the bone. You don't need more than a single Jupiter-load
of tanks.
Let the captured UCS tanks burn through their ammo on the UCS structures
before you approach. The Lunars you're provided with will probably get
themselves killed in short order so you don't have to worry about them at all.
Sweep in with Electros and Sonics to clear the base.
Now go straight south. You'll pass a V-shaped peninsula, then cross a large
bay. Neo is with a group of tanks on the other side. He's in a modified
Caspian that's actually quite speedy and difficult to herd with only the
Craters. Use Meteors to keep track of him and take him out instead of chasing
him all over the map. After he dies you can end the mission or clear the rest
of the map for experience.

16. Lesotho (UCS)
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy ED forces
-Destroy UCS forces (traitors)
TRANSPORT: Meteor x4, Regenerator x1, Recharger x1, Mercury x2, Crater x2
RESEARCH: Thunderer m1, Thunderer m2
Air Heavy Rocket Launcher, 2x Air Heavy Rocket Launcher
Heavy Sonic Cannon, 2x Heavy Sonic Cannon
Air Sonic Cannon, 2x Air Sonic Cannon
Guided Heavy Rocket 100%
SDI Defense
Plasma Cannon
ENEMIES: The ED has a base in the northeast corner with lots of Rocket
Launchers and Lasers defending the structures. The UCS is in the northwest
corner and fields Plasma and 20mm Tigers, 20mm Gargoyles, Rocket Panthers, and
a steady stream of Harvesters.
MISSION: Just from reading the breakdown you already know this is the mission
where your alliance with the UCS ends. You also get access to several
technologies, the most important of which is the Thunderer bomber. You won't
need it this time but it will be very useful in the future.
You'll start with a handful of Rocket Craters and two adjacent LZs. I don't
know why there are two, but there they are. The Rocket Craters will
immediately start hammering on a Pillbox guarding the nearby mineral field.
Pull them back and set them to defending to the east, where the ED will flow
from. If you let them attack freely they will run out of ammo quickly and
can't be resupplied until you destroy the three Pillboxes and Power Plant and
start building your base. Bring in the Electro and Sonic Cannons to do that
After the initial ED attack is repulsed the UCS will start making its way
across the central pass to attack the ED. Along the way they'll destroy an ED
TE. It is possible to go underground in this mission by using this TE, but
it's extremely dangerous since the LC can't build TEs and the only other one
is within the ED base itself. I don't know what's down there. Anyway, the
UCS tanks will push the ED back and secure your base for you, then keep going.
Meanwhile focus on setting up your base. Put a couple of Defenders on the
west side of the mineral field and at your end of the central pass. As long
as the UCS are your friends they'll walk past unmolested. Don't worry about
the eastern front.
Bust out your carryover Craters and Meteors to help the UCS dismantle the ED
base. If you keep your distance the structure defenses won't bother you much.
I don't recommend using the provided Rocket Craters because they don't have
shields so the Lasers pose a significant danger to them. Follow the UCS and
watch them demolish the base. When you get a chance clear the mineral field
and drop OTRs or Mines on top of it with a couple of Defenders for protection.
When it becomes clear that the ED base is doomed the UCS will send you a
message claiming all of the minerals in the region for themselves. This
pisses off your LC superiors, who now order you to take out the UCS as well.
The UCS units that attacked the ED will flow back through your base but these
damaged Tigers and Spiders won't hold a candle to your Craters and Meteors.
The UCS will also start sending Harvesters in to siphon your mineral field.
Block the central pass with a Laser Wall so you can focus on the east pass.
With the threat localized use your Meteors to head north to scout the UCS.
The Power Plant is on the south side and makes an easy target, but between the
Gargoyles and its own high HP you won't be able to take it down particularly
quickly. As it's going down the UCS will build another one on the north side
of the base. Use your ground forces to feint and draw attention to the
mountain ramp so your Meteors can blitz over and take this one out as well.
Mop up. After you finish this mission skip down to Peru.

17. Rio de Janeiro (ED)
NOTE: You skip to this mission from Great Lakes if you destroy the UCS convoy
instead of escorting it, thereby creating an alliance with the ED instead of
the UCS. Neo receives you wholeheartedly.
OBJECTIVES: -Escort Neo to the UCS base
-Destroy all UCS structures
-FANG must return to main base
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, x9
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: A UCS base south of your LZ with Grenade and Plasma Tigers and lots
of defensive emplacements.
MISSION: This one's just fun. Neo offers to "deal with" the local UCS base if
the Fang will escort him in. Just show up and move Fang close enough to slave
Neo to him, then run south. For some reason Neo likes to get stuck on the
laser wall, so turn it off if he jams there.
Head south along the shore until you see a small inland body of water
separated from the ocean by a short northwest-southeast strip of land. Wait
here for Neo to catch up. Save. Once he's with you dash west into the UCS
base and hide next to the Power Plant on the far side. Start attacking it.
The UCS units will all follow you and won't pose a danger to Neo. Keep moving
if your HP drops past 25%.
When Neo reaches the UCS base all the UCS units convert to your control, but
the structures and attached weapons will keep firing against you. You must
protect Neo; if he dies you lose the mission and a major opportunity. As soon
as the units convert hit to pause and select all these units to
give them new targets. If you don't do this they will keep firing on Neo and
Fang by virtue of inertia. It is very important to take out the Power Plant
first so that the defensive emplacements stop shooting. You still have to
take out the Small Towers but that should be no challenge. After you destroy
the base kill two more towers on the peak just to the north, then four more
northwest of those, then four more north of those surrounded by walls. Take
all your new units and head for the LZ. Leave the Harvesters since there's
absolutely no way you can use them except as damage magnets.
If you like you can choose to wait a long time before bringing Neo down,
increasing your unit reward but also making it more dangerous for both Fang
and Neo because they'll take more damage while they're invading. It takes
about 26 game hours for the UCS to drain the mineral field and maximize their
units for you. Also don't miss the handful of Plasma Spiders on the east
peninsula and the Plasma Spiders and Panthers to the extreme south. The south
troops are trapped by jungle but you can force-fire to destroy this. If you
didn't get enough troops from the UCS base you can use these to destroy it.
There are some extremely useful things in the units you just captured. The
combat units are obvious, but you have to Change Script to a battle unit. The
Condors work just like your Mercuries. The Repairers are much faster than
waiting for regeneration and can upgrade and add shields to your existing
units - for a price. Using Repairers is the other way to give the Fang
shields (the first way was using the artifact in ACME-Lab 3). The Mammoths
can be used to make cheap walls instead of the laser version as well as
trenches. If you take captured units into combat note that you cannot reload
Grenade Tigers because your Supply Depots don't make grenades. You also
cannot upgrade UCS units with the Repairer because you don't have the right

18. India
OBJECTIVES: -Provide your base with 50,000 CR
TRANSPORT: Meteor/Gargoyle x10
RESEARCH: Crater m1, Crater m2, Crater m3
Heavy Rocket Launcher, 2x Heavy Rocket Launcher, 4x Heavy Rocket Launcher
Guided Heavy Rocket 25%
Shield 3600 PSU
ENEMIES: Scattered small bases with 105mm emplacements, plus one corridor
northwest of your base guarded by 20mm Small Towers. Each of these bases has
a group of either 120mm Trucks, 105mm Tanks, or Rocket Heavy Tanks.
MISSION: It's another resource grab. Immediately head for the mineral field
northeast of your base and drop two OTRs on top; the third miner can be either
a Mine to provide funds for defense of another OTR for quick extraction. Also
set up power and supply facilities and at least one Guardian to the east.
Keep the Jupiter moving bringing in combat units.
The enemies for this mission are just local tribes that happen to be using
castoff ED equipment. The good news is that they will fight each other just
as readily as they fight you. The bad news is that they start the mission
with groups all over the map just waiting for their cue to storm your base.
The small bases are scattered and very small, usually just a Supply Depot with
a Boyar, sometimes Research Centers, sometimes Headquarters, plus Power Plants
and lots of 105mm defenses. Luckily there are very few antiair defenses.
Also, none of these enemies have shields, so the Electro Cannon and any Plasma
weapons you liberated last mission will be very useful.
As soon as they arrive group your air force and send them south. Find and
destroy as many of the Trucks as you can before they start rolling to attack
your base. They have no antiair ability so this shouldn't be difficult.
After the Trucks die go northeast to a group of Tanks and kill those off the
same way. Don't bother destroying the bases since they're completely helpless
against you.
Now go northeast to some more Tanks. Kill as many as you can, but some will
almost inevitably start moving toward your base. Chasing them forces your
aircraft down a passage guarded by 20mm Small Towers. More importantly, as
they move south they meet a group of Rocket Heavy Tanks that have migrated
from the northeast part of the map. Both groups start shooting and might kill
a few of each other off for you as they head south to your base.
Your ground forces still have to stop the combined offensive on the north
edge of your base. It will be bloody, but you can let all the Lunars and 20mm
and Grenade Tigers die since they'll soon become useless without shields.
Plasma Tigers, Spiders, and Panthers are more useful because of their higher
damage, but they will also fall eventually. The only old units you need to
preserve from this mission are the support units, the aircraft, and the Fang.
After this there will be another attack from the east. This base is located
at the tip of the landmass and has Trucks, Tanks, and Heavy Tanks together.
You shouldn't have any trouble as long as you keep all your firepower together
and don't let the Rocket Launchers focus on your aircraft. After this allow
your military to destroy the abandoned small bases for experience. Keep
mining until you hit the threshold; drain more if you feel comfortable.

19. Egypt
-Destroy UCS base
-FANG must return to main base
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Meteor/Gargoyle x9
RESEARCH: Crusher m1, Crusher m2, Crusher m3
ENEMIES: UCS base spanning from southwest corner. Lots of 20mm Gargoyles and
20mm, Grenade, and Plasma Tigers plus base defenses.
MISSION: Neo has the detonation code for the Egypt UCS base, but he needs you
to get close enough to use it. The bridges across the Nile are guarded by
Small Towers that you can kill for fun. On the west side, head south all the
way to the base and draw Neo into position next to the WPC. Bring the air
force to the southwest corner so that the Fang can retreat if the UCS
Gargoyles start hammering it too hard. Neo will blow most of the structures
and head home.
You still have a few more buildings to mop up. The southeast side of the
main base has a surviving but unpowered Fortress. Keep going east to the
shore to take out two Power Plants, a Teleport, and several towers plus some
straggling Tigers.
Now cut back to the main base and head north. Wipe out any Small Towers you
see either in the blockaded area or the pass east of it. Farther north you'll
find the last Power Plant and Teleport. Take out the Small Towers at the
bridges if you didn't already and you should clear the objective. Send the
Fang home for mission complete.

20. Congo
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy UCS base
-FANG must return to main base
TRANSPORT: Fang x1, Meteor/Gargoyle x9
RESEARCH: Thunderer m1, Thunderer m2
Air Heavy Rocket Launcher, 2x Air Heavy Rocket Launcher
Heavy Sonic Cannon, 2x Heavy Sonic Cannon
Air Sonic Cannon, 2x Air Sonic Cannon
Guided Heavy Rocket 100%
ENEMIES: Large UCS base at map center with lots of 20mm and Plasma Towers and
even Fortresses plus Rocket Tigers and Panthers and 20mm Gargoyles.
MISSION: Here's an easy one. The UCS have built a Plasma Cannon artillery
that Neo can capture and use to destroy the base in this area. Send the Fang
all the way to the revealed map location to the south and wait next to the
PCC. You'll pass a few turrets but the shouldn't be able to deal appreciable
damage as you zip by. Neo will take over the PCC briefly, but security
backups will destroy it before you can put it to use.
You still have to destroy the UCS base. Send Fang back and fly east from the
LZ to a small mineral field. Set up two Defenders facing west to guard the
approach. The level is set up so that the only way from the UCS base is
through a central pass. Shortly after you arrive, before the Jupiter can
finish its second trip from the main base, a UCS attack will destroy the LZ.
It's too strong to stop with your existing forces, so just build another LZ to
the east.
After you've brought in more troops you can send the air force south over the
mountains. The UCS base is vulnerable from the east, with Power Plants
supporting defenses on the south, center, west, and far west. First attack
the east side and destroy all the Gargoyles and Repairers that appear, then go
for the Small Towers and Power Plants. Use ground forces to wipe the base off
the map. If the mission doesn't end yet check the west side for a defensive
outpost and the south approach to the PCC wreckage for Small Towers. Make
sure your air units are fully loaded before you leave.
There are two other mineral fields on this map that you can mine on equator
to the west and east. Drop OTRs or Mines as necessary. For some reason the
UCS rarely bothers these - they send most of their Harvesters toward your
You also get access to a lot of useful research, especially Thunderers and
Air Sonic Cannons. Pick out what you like; you'll end the mission long before
you research all the advances. Sonic Thunderers are excellent for destroying
helpless structures.

21. Lesotho (ED)
OBJECTIVES: -Destroy UCS forces
-Destroy ED forces (traitors)
TRANSPORT: Meteor/Gargoyle x10
RESEARCH: Heavy Electro Cannon, 2x Heavy Electro Cannon
Plasma Cannon
ENEMIES: UCS base to the west with 20mm Gargoyles and Plasma and Rocket
Panthers. ED base to the east with Laser Caspians, 120mm Kruszchevs, Rocket
Pamirs, and Cossacks.
MISSION: Just like the UCS-ally version, only slightly more dangerous because
of Plasma Cannons. You start with 5 Rocket Craters, but they'll all die
trying to kill three Plasma Panthers. Don't build a base yet. Offload your
air force and head for the UCS base. Destroy Power Plants on the south and
north sides to render them helpless, then head to the ED base and destroy as
much of their mining operation as possible.
Wait until the ED forces move past your base and head for the UCS before you
start building a base. If you go early UCS tanks will attack and tear it up
in the infancy. After the ED cripples the UCS base they'll demand that the LC
surrender the region, but your superiors order you to keep mining.
With the ED base short on minerals they shouldn't be much of a challenge. If
you're still holding on to any Lunars or 20mm anything this is the mission to
let them get killed and replace them with shielded Craters and Crushers.
Neither base is particularly offensive so just dismember them and mine out.
The UCS rarely finishes off their field, but the ED may make a play for it.

22. Peru
NOTE: The mission tree branches converge again here. Whether you allied with
the UCS or the ED you will reach this mission after the alliance breaks up in
OBJECTIVES: -Provide the base with 100,000 CR
TRANSPORT: Meteor x4, Regenerator x1, Recharger x1, Mercury x4
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: ED base in the east defended with way too many rockets and sending
Screamer Caspians, 120mm and Laser Kruszchevs, and a handful of Cossacks. UCS
base in the northwest with Rocket and Plasma Panthers, Spiders, and Tigers,
and 20mm Gargoyles.
MISSION: It's time to shift into high resource-gathering gear. This mission
is your first opportunity to finish the game if you've been diligent in using
Your first base has about 60k minerals, but that's not enough. After the
Jupiter offloads use the Meteors to secure a large field due north from the
provided Main Base. The Solar Power Plant and Battery you start with can
easily be destroyed by troops approaching your base, so build new ones next to
the field. Drop two OTRs on this field and four more on the large north one
to speed extraction. Also set up a Guardian in your base and at least three
on the north edge of the larger field. I encourage upgrading at least one of
each of the hardpoints with energy weapons since the close quarters can cause
the rockets to hit your own buildings more often than the enemy.
Once you've secured the resources you're good to go. It's not worth
attacking either of the enemy bases because they're too well defended and the
other base will attack you while the troops are away. The UCS will keep
trying to tap the larger field with Harvesters but the Guardians will have no
trouble. Every once in a while you'll see some ground troops for target
practice. The ED will send some Screamers your way, but if you've set up your
defenses properly they won't bother you at all. If you're in a good position
when you hit 100k overmine for bonus minerals.

23. Amazon
OBJECTIVES: -Provide base with 100,000 CR
TRANSPORT: Meteor x4, Regenerator x1, Recharger x1, Mercury x2, Crater x2
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: UCS attacking with 20mm Gargoyles, Rocket and Plasma Tigers and
Panthers. ED attacking with Cossacks, 120mm Kruszchevs and Urals, and Laser
Siberias and Caspians.
MISSION: Again the mission is focused on resource collection. If you need
more than 200k CR to finish the spaceship (check at the Space Port) try to
secure more than half this mission. By this time I assume that if you allied
with the ED all the stolen UCS units from Rio de Janeiro are dead. All your
other ground units should have maximum possible shields.
Your base has a small mineral field that should be dedicated to two OTRs
immediately. Substitute one Mine if you're extremely short on cash and can't
provide more from the main base. Fly south from your base to find another
large mineral field at the center of the map. Drop three OTRs here and let
your air force defend it. As long as they stay over the field and don't stray
to the pass to the west the only thing they have to worry about is encroaching
UCS Harvesters. Later they may see a few Rocket Panthers that will make for
difficult takedowns.
Your main base will see Cossacks from the southwest over the power
structures, Gargoyles from the northeast, and tanks of all sorts flowing past
the cliff to the north. These tanks will have a clear shot on the mining
facilities so you must move your ground forces down to defend them. The
provided Crushers have Heavy Electro Cannons that can be combined with Electro
Craters for maximum effect since many of the lighter enemy tanks don't have
Stay within your bases, keep mining as quickly as possible and don't stop
until you hit the campaign objective or enemy attacks force you to retreat
from the central field. Keep your defenses up and you should have no trouble.

24. Andes
OBJECTIVES: -Provide your base with 100,000 CR
TRANSPORT: Meteor x4, Fang x1, Crater x5
RESEARCH: no new advances
ENEMIES: UCS base in the southwest corner with 20mm Gargoyles, Rocket and
Plasma Panthers, and Rocket, Plasma, and 20mm Tigers. ED base to the
southeast with Cossacks, Laser and 120mm Urals, Ion Siberias, and Laser and
Rocket Kruszchevs.
MISSION: This is the last LC mission; if you don't get enough credits to
satisfy the space program here you lose the game. Pull out all the stops and
donate any spare credits to the Space Port to accelerate the process. Dump
all your units in the mission area as soon as possible.
There's a small field in your base that you can drop two OTRs on, but the
real mother lode is at map center (again). Fly there with the LCAF and drop
7-10 OTRs to pull out the minerals as quickly as possible. For most of the
mission the UCS and ED will ignore this outpost, but later it will become a
target. Don't bother with defenses.
Shortly after you arrive the UCS will send a small detachment of Tigers in.
The Lunars the mission provides you with aren't nearly enough for defense, so
bring in the Craters and Crushers as quickly as possible. Use the mission
Main Base to build more if absolutely necessary, but no more than you need to
defend yourself.
After this initial attack, most of the pain will come from the ED arriving
through the east Laser Walls. Stop them with focused firepower but don't
sweat light losses like the Lunars and Moons. Every once in a while you'll
see a Cossack, but some of these will be intercepted by the central field OTRs
and the LCAF guarding them. There will be one Cossack blitz, after that they
come and die alone.
Eventually the UCS will get their act together and start sending more forces
at you. This is just a distraction so their Harvesters can get a piece of the
central field. This also signals that the ED will begin attacking the central
field in earnest soon, so relocate tanks if necessary.
When the ED finally show up they'll use heavy tanks to tear apart the OTRs
quickly. Your Meteors can down Urals easily enough, but the stronger armor
and higher HP on Kruszchevs makes them a job for energy weapons. Also watch
out for a Gruz that builds Power Plants and Pillboxes that can become
problematic. The ED will try to distract you with Cossacks, but destroy Urals
first to help protect your mining operation. Don't take tanks south of the
field because ED Minelayers are busy making a no-man's-land of the passage.
When you have enough credits for the Space Port (not the mission objective)
you automatically win the game.

V. Codes
So you wanna cheat. Well, it ain't hard, and here's how. To open the cheat
entry line, just hit , type any of the following, then again.

i_wanna_cheat Activates cheat mode. Must precede any other codes.
ai.allmissions 1 Unlocks all missions at the next mission select
armageddon Meteor rain on screen
fireworks Place mines on screen
x-mas_pack Repair, reload, and shield selected unit or structure
see_you_next_life Kill selected unit or structure
the_hammer_of_thor Kill all enemy units on screen
bad_time_bad_place Damage all units and structures on screen
massacre Destroy all units and structures on screen
eagle_eye Reveal area on screen
let_be_darkness Hide area on screen
no_more_secrets Show entire map, but structures and units don't
appear on minimap
no_one_hides Show all units, but they won't appear on minimap
dirt_cheap_research Research costs less
time_is_relative Research goes faster
einstein 1 Instant research for all players
help_me_please!!! 1 Instant research for player only
i_hate_limits X Increase mission unit level to X
i_love_this_game X Get X credits
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Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

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Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Eine Liste mit allen Waffen- und Chassiswerten zu allen drei Rassen

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24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
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22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014