Eternal Ring

Eternal Ring

17.10.2013 07:44:55

Title: Eternal Ring
Genre: 3D First-Person Adventure RPG
Publisher: From Software (Japan)
Agetec (North America)
Platform: Sony PlayStation 2
Media: PlayStation 2 DVD
Release Date: 2000.03.04 (Japan)
2000.10.26 (North America)
Catalog #: SLPS-25001 (Japan)
????-????? (North America)
Price: 6800yen (Japan)
$49.95 (North America)
Players: 1
Peripherals: Dual Shock
Dual Shock 2
8MB Memory Card (100K)


Document Title: Eternal Ring Walk-through Guide
Version: 1.06
Date: Wednesday, 16 May 2001 (Tokyo Time)
Author: Joe Monson

I wrote this walk-through for the _Japanese_ edition of the game. Because
of this, I may use different monster names, character names, area titles,
and item names than those appearing in the North American edition. Some
of the items in the Japanese version do not appear at all in the North
American version. Please do not send me any messages telling me I used
incorrect names for the items.

I have basically finished the Japanese version walk-through, so I _may_
add info on the North American version, but only _after_ I play it
myself. Please don't ask me for information about the North American
release; I don't have it! (^_^;;

I made complete archive list in Appendix W. The first two URLs always
keep the most recent copy of this walk-through. If you find a copy of
this walk-through on the net someplace other than the archives listed in
Appendix W, please let me know (see Appendix Z for contact info). Thank
you for your help.

I welcome suggestions, comments, criticism, etc., about this
walk-through. If you notice any errors or have suggestions on ways you
think this walk-through could be improved, please contact me (see
Appendix Z).


Copyright Information

Copyright 2000 Joe Monson. Except as specified in Appendix Y, All Rights
Reserved. See Appendix Y for full copyright information.

=== Main Index =================================================================

Section Title
------- --------------------------------------------------------


i Controller Guide
ii Screen Explanation
iii Menu Screen


Chapter Title
------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Introduction Dialogue
2 Arriving at the Island of No Return
3 Dragon Cave
4 Investigation Corps Camp
5 Water Temple
6 Investigation Corps Camp, part 2

7 Place of Ritual
8 Abandoned Place
9 Tree Village
10 Great Looping Cave
11 Sea Cliff Forest
12 Mine Ruins

13 Ironworks
14 Molten River
15 Magic Testing Center
16 Ruins
17 Library
18 Camp on the South Beach: The Underground Lake
(walk-through complete, translation incomplete)

19 Hidden Dungeon
20 Tower of Storms
21 Blizzard Field
22 Magic Testing Center, part 2: The Forgotten Altar
23 Eternal Place (walk-through complete, translation incomplete)

A Monster List
B Item List
C Weapon List
D Dragon List
E Magic Stone List
F Magic Ring Description
G Magic Ring List - Attack Magic
H Magic Ring List - Support Magic
I Magic Ring List - Summon Magic
J Unique Ring List
K Attribute Ring Description
L Attribute Ring - Regular
M Attribute Ring - Compound
N Moving Between Areas in the Game
P People List
Q Questions That Need Answers
S Silly Stats
U Useful Tips
V Version History
W Where Is It Archived?
X Acknowledgements
Y Copyright Information
Z Contact Info

=== NOTES ======================================================================

**SPECIAL NOTE #1 **: This walk-through assumes you have *some*
Japanese ability. You can try struggling
through the story without knowledge of
hiragana and katakana, but I don't recommend
it if you want to enjoy the game story. All
ring names use katakana.

1. View this file using a fixed-width font such as Courier. Use a
program such as BBEdit, emacs, Notepad, or any other plain text
2. This translation/walk-through includes many spoilers. I try to
cover everything I can, and I don't miss much (if anything).
Consider yourself warned. :-)
3. I made every effort to translate the dialogue accurately, but I
make no guarantees.
4. Please thoroughly read the walk-through before sending any
questions. I may ignore any questions already answered by the
walk-through, so read carefully and read it all first!
5. Please send all questions, comments, criticism, and concerns
to the address below in Appendix Z. I welcome feedback.

=== INTRODUCTION ===============================================================

i Controller Guide
ii Screen Explanation
iii Menu Screen

-=|| SECTION i: Controller Guide ||=-

(taken from the manual)

This section explains how to control the game with any compatible
PlayStation or PlayStation 2 controller. The vibration function only
works with vibration-compatible controllers.

Button Function
------ ------------------------------------
Triangle Attack
Circle Take item, Talk, Open, Action (confirm commands)
X Magic Selection, Cancel
Square Use Magic

Start Item Shortcut
Select Menu

L1 Move Right
L2 Look Up
R1 Move Left
R2 Look Down

Up Move Forward
Down Move Backward
Left Look Left
Right Look Right

The direction pad buttons also move the cursor in the menu screens. The
game doesn't use the analog sticks (L3 and R3).

All directions in this walk-through assume you use the default controller
settings. See SECTION iii, below, for information on changing the
controller settings.


-=|| SECTION ii: Screen Explanation ||=-

(taken from the manual)

On the main screen contains up to five different status indicators:

1. The top left of the screen contains a palette. The top left
corner of the palette contains the Compass. The black dot on the
small green globe indicates which direction you face at any
given moment. If the black dot is at the top, you are facing North.
2. Under the Compass are three indicator bars. The top, darker
green gauge is your Magic Gauge. Your magic will be slowly
replenished over time. Until you have a Magic Ring equipped,
this gauge will be at zero.
3. The yellow gauge (marked "HP") is your Hit Point Gauge. If
this falls to zero, you die. You can replenish your HP by
using herbs.
4. The lighter green gauge (marked "MP") is your Magic Point
Gauge. If it's at zero you can't use any magic, so watch it
carefully. You can't use any magic until you get a Magic
Ring. This gauge replenishes a little every time you kill a
5. In the top right of the screen is the Magic Ring Selection
Window. Using this window, you select which ring you want to


-=|| SECTION iii: Menu Screen ||=-

(taken from the manual)

The Menu Screen is accessible by pressing the Select button. The Main
Menu Screen is divided into four sections. I'll describe the three
main boxes first, and then I'll go on to the Menu List.

The box on the top left shows a semi-profile 3D bust of the player
character. Above the bust is the character's name (Cain Morgan). Next
to the character's name is the character's Level. There are two
sections below that: the first shows the HP and MP levels; the second
shows the total Experience and the experience required to advance to
the next level.

The box on the top right shows which area you are in at the top of the
box. Below that is a multi-colored circle with a highlighted "slice"
gradually moving in a clockwise direction, a line indicating the number
of days completed in the game so far, and a line below that indicating
which magic is most powerful at the moment (as indicated by the "slice"
in the circle).

The third box (bottom right) shows your ability levels in the various
elemental attributes. These can go up and down depending on what you
have equipped at any given time.

Now on to the Menu List:

|--Magic Stones

Equipment----Magic Rings
|--Auxiliary Rings


L--Controller Type


PROPERTY: When you select from the submenu here, you will get a screen
with two sides. On the left is a large box listing all the
specific items under that submenu (all your items when you
select Items, all your rings when you select Rings, etc.).
There will be a small icon on the far left, then the name of
the item, followed by the number you have of that item.

On the right side will be either two boxes (in the Items
submenu) or one box (in the other three submenus). The extra
box in the Items submenu shows which item is currently
selected for the Start button shortcut. This allows you to
use one item by pressing the Start button instead of opening
all the menus to use it.

The large box on the right will contain detailed information
about whichever item is highlighted on the left.

EQUIPMENT: This shows what items you have equipped. The two Ring
submenus will show which rings are equipped on which hand
(Magic Rings are on the left hand, but the list of equipped
rings is on the right side of the screen; Auxiliary Rings
are on the right hand, but the list of equipped rings is on
the left side of the screen; go figure...(9_9)...). Above
the list of rings is a box showing your current strengths
and weaknesses in the various elemental attributes,
including STRength.

The Weapon submenu shows you which weapon (if any) you have
equipped. There are four boxes on this screen, two on each
side. On the right side is the attribute box, with the
currently-equipped-weapon box underneath that. On the left
side is a box where details of the selected weapon are
shown, with a listing of all the weapons you have in the box
underneath. Your currently-equipped weapon will not appear
in this box.

STATUS: This screen has two boxes on it. The top box contains the
character information:

Cain Morgan Level XX
MP xxx/xxx NEXT XXXX

The bottom box contains information on every item you have
equipped and how it affects your various elemental attributes.
The attributes, listed along the top of the box, are (in
order): Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Light, Dark, STR. The next
row lists your base attribute scores in each category.

The next line lists your weapon (if any), and the ten lines
under that list the (up to) ten rings you have equipped. The
bottom line shows the final attribute scores.

SETTINGS: Options--
Walking Effect ON OFF
Gradation Setting |Weak----------Strong|
Ring Selection Indicator |When Changing| |Constant|
Status Gauge Transparency xx%

Output Setting |Stereo| |Mono|
BGM Level |Weak----------Strong|
SFX Level |Weak----------Strong|

Memory Card Slot 1
Memory Card Slot 2

That's it for the menus.

=== THE GAME ===================================================================


Chapter Title
------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Introduction Dialogue
2 Arriving at the Island of No Return
3 Dragon Cave
4 Investigation Corps Camp
5 Water Temple
6 Investigation Corps Camp, part 2

7 Place of Ritual
8 Abandoned Place
9 Tree Village
10 Great Looping Cave
11 Sea Cliff Forest
12 Mine Ruins

13 Ironworks
14 Molten River
15 Magic Testing Center
16 Ruins
17 Library
18 Camp on the South Beach: The Underground Lake
(walk-through complete, translation incomplete)

19 Hidden Dungeon
20 Tower of Storms
21 Blizzard Field
22 Magic Testing Center, part 2: The Forgotten Altar
23 Eternal Place (walk-through complete, translation incomplete)


-=|| Chapter 1: Introduction Dialogue ||=-

When you select "New Game", the screen goes black.

"That night, Cain Morgan had a dream of himself as a very young

"He was all alone in the ruins of a burned-down house. He
couldn't see his parents anywhere."

"Now, this was in his country, Sorcia. The neighboring country
of Aldine suddenly attacked Sorcia, though Cain was too young to
know that."

"The only thing Cain remembered was, '...That's right, everyone
went to the island...'."

"The Elders, who were the actual rulers of Heyngalia (the
largest country on the western continent) dispatched a group of
knights to a place on the frontier called 'The Island of No

"Ian Martin, the King from the Moderate Party, had some sincere
questions. However, the Elders made no effort to answer them
even though the King was their equal."

"Gliam Morgan, the Captain of the Royal Guard, sorrowed because
of the King's divided loyalties. The investigation, which should
have revealed the Elder's motives, only revealed one thing
(which the Elders allowed him to learn)."

"[This is what the Elders allowed him to learn] 'The ring that
holds eternal power is sleeping on that island.'"

"Cain's adoptive father Gliam advised the King to send Cain to
the Island of No Return."

"Some days later, while the sun was setting, Gliam set out on
a small, plain boat to go after the group of knights from
Heyngalia. Gliam secretly brought along Cain and a letter from
the King."


-=|| Chapter 2: Arriving at the Island of No Return ||=-

Monsters: a dragon
Items: none
Save Points: none
Warp Points: none
People You Meet: Gliam Morgan

Cain and Gliam arrive on the island and Cain gets out of the boat and
starts walking toward a cave. He stops and looks up and down the cliff.
Gliam also gets out of the boat, walks toward Cain a little, and says:

"Well, I'll be leaving now..."

"Thanks for bringing me," Cain says as he turns around.

Gliam says, "I don't know whether or not they'll accept the
letter, but find the Corps before dark."

Cain replies, "Yeah, okay...well, see ya."

Cain then turns around and walks toward the cave. The camera goes back
to Gliam, who says:

"We're fishermen, but even fishermen don't get near this island...
It's not easy being a servant of the King."

"Oh well...guess I better get ready to go," says Gliam as he turns
and gets back on the boat.

**Fade Out**

Gliam is working with some ropes tied to the boat's mast. As the camera
slowly zooms in onto his face, you see a dragon fly by in the
background. The camera switches to the dragon's point-of-view as the
dragon swoops in. Gliam gets ambushed. No more Gliam... :-(


-=|| Chapter 3: Dragon Cave ||=-

Monsters: Crown Hut, May Fly, Sahagin-1, Shell Hut, Trap Weed
Items: Golden Herb, Magic Ore, Ring of Magic, Ring of Magic (True Eye)
Save Points: 1
Warp Points: none
People You Meet: none

You begin at the entrance to the Dragon Cave. First of all, turn
around and go back outside the cave. Even though you just entered the
cave, there is no trace of Gliam's boat.

There are seven Shell Huts on the beach. I suggest you immediately turn
east and weave your way through the Shell Huts until you are a ways
down the beach. Then turn around and wait for them to come at you. The
best tactic is to thrust at one with your short sword and back off.
Repeat this until you've dispatched all of them. Be careful not to go
too far into the water or you will die immediately (be wary of all the
water on this island).

If you follow the beach on the west side of the cave entrance, you
can go around an outcropping and see another cave. Don't go into this
cave right now, though. You need Light or Darkness magic in order to
enter the main part of the cave, so we'll come back to this cave later.
While you're here, though, you can pick up a Ring of Magic.

Turn around so your back is to the cave. Look to the northwest and
you'll see where the sand and the water meet along the edge of the rocky
cliff. Carefully walk along that edge, looking down, until you see a
small golden ring. You can pick it up by facing it, moving your view so
the ring is near the bottom of the screen, and pressing Circle. This
will cause the ring to be picked up. You can then press Circle again in
order to add it to your items.

Head back to the first cave and re-enter it. Head south and to the west
is a torch stand. You'll find these around in the cave. They
are just for decoration and they hide no treasure. Torch stands are
very useful for keeping yourself oriented in a chamber. When you first
enter a chamber look for a torch stand and remember where it is in
relation to where you entered. Not all chambers have torch stands,
though, so also learn how to tell where you are without using them.

Just past the torch stand and to the east is a tunnel leading to the
first Save Point in the game. There are no monsters here. Remember what
the Save Point looks like, and be sure to use them whenever you find
them. In the northeast corner of the chamber is another Ring of Magic,
so be sure to pick it up before you save your game.

After using the Save Point, go back out to the main tunnel and continue
south. Straight ahead is a drop-off into a cavern with a river flowing
through it. Don't get too close to the edge or you will fall off into
the river below and die (that's what happened to me the first time I
approached it! ^_^;;).

Take the tunnel to the west and follow it down into the next chamber.
Here's where you'll run into the next monsters. Remember the triangle
button - it's your attack button. There are three Sahagin in this
chamber. They seem to be slow-moving, but they like to weave back and
forth and suddenly jump at you. Their normal attack is a swipe with
their very long arms, and they also like to jump backward if they are
attacked. One trick to dispatching a Sahagin is to time your sword
thrust with their jump attacks. If you time it just right they will jump
right onto your sword. After you dispatch a monster, it will often leave
a treasure behind (see the Monster List, Appendix A, for a partial
list). Sometimes the item is hard to see, so be sure to scan the area
where the monster's body disappears.

Once you've defeated the three Sahagin and collected any items, head
south and then east down the next tunnel toward the sound of rushing
water. You come out of the tunnel into the cavern with the river (you
saw it before entering the chamber where you fought the three Sahagin).
To the east is a wooden bridge. To the south are a large waterfall and
another tunnel. To the north the path takes you along the river to the
bottom of the cliff where I fell off and died. x_x

On the wooden bridge is a Ring of Magic, but you can only see it if you
have the True Eye ring equipped. You don't get this ring until Chapter
18, so you'll have to come back and get it after that.

TIP: Do not walk into the river or you will die. Cain
can't swim, so you will die immediately if you fall
into the river. Avoid all the water on this island.

There will be a May Fly to the south of the bridge, hovering above the
river. If you walk to the water's edge, you will be able to kill the May
Fly and pick up any booty it leaves behind. Don't cross the bridge just
yet. There is also a strange flower, a Trap Weed, in the middle of the
river near the waterfall. I'll come back to it later. Go to the tunnel
to the west of the waterfall and walk southwest into the next chamber.

There will be a large stalactite hanging from the center of the ceiling
and a torch stand next to the west wall, directly behind the stalactite.
There are two Sahagin in this chamber, so do your duty and remove them
from the gene pool. Then head south into the next chamber where there is
another stalactite hanging from the center of the ceiling. Directly
south of the stalactite and next to the base of the south wall is a
Golden Herb. It's yellowish brown and looks rather dead, but it's useful
for restoring HP.

There are two monsters here: a Sahagin and a May Fly. The trick to
killing May Flies is to Look Up (L2) and stab at them. Sneaking up from
behind helps, too, so they don't fly away. They generally stay in one
place until you disturb them. May Flies only take one hit to kill.

You came into this chamber through the rectangular entrance on the north
side, so exit through the oval entrance to the east. This will bring you
out into a cavern near the upper part of the river, above the waterfall
you saw previously. If you walk to the north you will come to a vantage
point above the waterfall. Dispatch the May Fly on the way. If you go to
the south, you will pass a broken bridge and find Magic Ore (the small
purple stone).

There's nothing else in this section, and there is nothing else to get
here. You have two ways back down: you can go back the way you came
until you get back to where the Trap Weed is, or you can go back to the
vantage point mentioned above and drop down to the floor below. You will
take a little damage doing this, but it's quicker than going back

When you cross the bridge, do not step on the plant tendrils to the
south, or the Trap Weed will come alive and start shooting poisonous
spores at you. The spores take off about half your HP. On top of that,
you can't kill the Trap Weed, so just avoid it altogether. Dispatch the
Sahagin and enter the tunnel to the east. When you get to the next
chamber, be careful. There is a Sahagin approaching from the south that
will try to ambush you.

Once you dispatch both Sahagin in the chamber, take the north tunnel and
you will come to a chamber with five May Flies hovering near the ceiling
in the middle of the chamber. Dispatch them and walk out through the
west tunnel. There is nothing out here except a view of the first
waterfall chamber (the one with the Trap Weed), but this is a
walk-through so I had to mention it. ^_^

Go back through the previous chamber and take the southwest tunnel
(bypassing the tunnel through which you originally entered), and you will
come to a torch stand next to a waterfall. To northwest is the top of the
first waterfall (the one by the Trap Weed). Walk over there until you are
right near the edge and look down. You should see a small ledge with a
Magic Ore on it. Drop down (you won't take any damage) and pick it up.
Then drop down to the floor, being careful to avoid the Trap Weed

Go back up into the tunnel to the west, and follow that back into the
chamber with the three tunnels. Take the southwest tunnel and you will be
back at the torch stand by the waterfall. To the southeast, past
the torch stand, is another tunnel and a path leading along the edge of
the water. Enter the tunnel.

This tunnel will take you to a chamber containing four May Flies. After
dispatching them, exit the chamber the same way you entered and turn
southwest, following the path along the water's edge. Be sure to pick
up the two Golden Herbs just after turning southwest. Follow the path
along the water to the exit just past the broken wooden bridge.

If you want to build your levels up a bit, you can re-enter the Dragon
Cave and fight all the monsters again. The items won't be around for
you to collect again, but you can always collect more items from the


-=|| Chapter 4: Investigation Corps Camp ||=-

Monsters: none
Items: none
Save Points: none
Warp Points: none
People You Meet: Graham Evans, Marie Fowler, Wallace Frasier,
Dennis Marks, Leo Randall, Ernest Reilly, Darrell Stone

Storehouse: Cost Item Name
---- -----------------
1 Golden Herb
3 Golden Herb Flower
1 Magic Ore
4 Magic Crystal
1 Magic Grass Seed
1 Rat's Tail
1 Sahagin Spine
1 Cockatrice Plume
8 Small Sword

When you exit the cave, you will see a small camp to the south of the
cave. To the southwest is a mill (the building with the water wheel), a
set of three gravestones, and a small canyon leading to a clearing with
a house on the southwest and a locked gate (the Blue Gate/Door) on the
southeast. The man in this house (Darrell Stone) won't talk to you, so
don't bother trying unless you really want to.

Ahead to the south is a bridge, and a man (Leo Randall) sitting by the
bridge. To the southeast are two houses up on a hill, the entrance gate
to a small canyon that leads to the Water Temple, and a storehouse. Feel
free to explore the camp.

Starting with the two buildings on the hill, there is a man sleeping
(Dennis Marks) inside the first building. You can try to talk to him,
but I wasn't able to get a response from him. In the second building is
another man, Graham Evans, sitting behind a table.

When you talk to him, he says:

"Ah, you came from the mainland, didn't you? Listen
to what I have to say."

"I'm Evans, the acting Deputy Captain. Please give
me the letter."

He reaches out and you give him the letter. He opens it, looks at it
briefly, then sets it aside.

"'s something about you joining the

"This is a bit weak...the Captain didn't leave any

"That's so like the Captain...I wonder what I should
do about you..."

"Well....I guess it can't be helped, eh? It's the
King's personal order. The Captain won't be back
anytime soon..."

"That's true...Now, give me your sword. I take care
of the company equipment"

He then reaches out and you give him your sword.

"Instead of your sword, get something from Wallace
in the Storehouse. He's in charge of taking care of
the goods."

Evans then hands you a paper.

"This is a note. Give this to Wallace in the
Storehouse, please."

Talk to Evans again:

"At present, we're investigating the temple ruins in
the neighboring town."

"Deep within the temple, something mysterious is sunken
partway in the water. No one knows what it is."

"The Water Gate inside the temple is easily moved,

"There's a wheel-like control, but it's kinda broken
now, y'see, so it doesn't even respond!"

Talk to Evans again:

"There was someone else who could have been vice-
director...he just disappeared the other day..."

"I just want go back to being a plain old member...
you be careful now, you hear?"

There's nothing to pick up in the building, so go ahead and leave.
Wander down to the man sitting by the bridge (Leo Randall) and talk
to him. He replies, "Whaddya want?"

He continues, "If you've got business talk to me later because I'm
sleepy." If you continue trying to talk to him, he doesn't respond.

Go across the bridge and northwest down some steps toward the mill.
You can enter the front door or the door on the side next to the
waterwheel. I chose the door by the waterwheel. When you enter the
side-building, you will see a bed, a door across from the bed, and
what looks like a door to the east. It's not a door, so don't bother
with it.

Go to the door across from the bed and go through it into the back area
of the main building. You will see a woman fiddling around with some
pots and generally ignoring the rude person who is wandering through
her building. ^_^

Go talk to her.

"Oh! Oh, you're..."

"You're wounded, aren't you? Please wait a moment."

She turns around and takes something out of one of the pots, then turns
back to you and pats it onto you. At this point, your HP and MP gauges
should be fully restored.

"There, now you're all better!"

"I heard from the Deputy Captain that you're from
the mainland, aren't you"

"I'm Marie Fowler. I'm in charge of the medicines
here. It's very nice to meet you."

"If you get wounded again, please come see me right
away. Within limits, I have medicines prepared."

If you talk to her again, she says:

"If you go into that little room over there, please
be quiet. Mr. Marks is sleeping in there."

"Ever since the Captain was attacked by a monster in
his quarters, he's been asleep."

"He's always sleeping, and sometimes he raves in his looks like he's having some kind of

"This has happened before, but those soldiers suddenly

"After their wounds should have been healed, they were
still in terrible pain...I hope it's not some bad
sickness, but..."

If you talk to her again, she asks:

"Umm, have you met the Captain yet?"

"He's in the small detached room over there."

"I don't know if it's okay to tell you this, but...
...isn't it strange?"

"Everyone grumbles because they say the investigation
isn't moving forward, but..."

"Even when I talk to them they don't answer me. I'm
...kind of scared..."

"I'm really a civilian employee of the military."

If you talk to her again, she says:

"I'd heard about this island before, but I wanted to
come no matter what..."

"There's a pretty old temple somewhere around here,
you know."

"Considering that temple, it would seem that those
stories about an ancient civilization here on this
island are really true."

"It's a monster's den now, but I wonder what
happened to the people who used to be there."

If you talk to her again, she says:

"Please take good care of yourself, okay?"

She'll just repeat herself now, so there's no need to talk to anymore
right now. Go ahead and leave the building by either door. There's
nothing else here. You can wander south under the bridge if you want,
but there's nothing there, either. Go back up and east across the bridge
and ahead to the southeast to the storehouse. The doors are really big
(since it's a storehouse), and inside you'll find a ponderous man
(Wallace Frasier) near the back end. Talk to him.

"Hey, you're the guy from the mainland right?"

"Welcome to this god-forsaken island,

He then folds his arms and turns back to his thinking box. Talk to him

"I've heard you've joined our corps, but what
did you _really_ come to do?"

"So you're the King's servant looking for
'Eternal Power'? Really?"

"Heh-heh-heh...You had me worried there for a
sec. So, you're wondering if I know anything, eh?
The Captain told me to keep my mouth shut."

"Why don't you go over to the temple? They might
have something for you there."

"It'd also be good if we could open the sluice
gate a little more."

If you talk to him anymore, he says, "Hey, how're ya doin'?"

If you want to get your new weapon now, make sure you are standing
right next to Wallace and press Select to enter the menu, press Circle
twice to take you to your Item List, and select the first item--the
note from Evans--by pressing Circle again. Confirm you want to use it
by pressing Circle one more time, and Wallace will turn around and take
the note from you.

Wallace clears his throat, "You want a sword, eh?"

He turns around, reaches into the grey box and hands you a dagger.

"Okay, okay, umm...this one oughtta do."

"By the way, people have been finding these
crystals lately here on this island..."

"If you take them back to the mainland, they
look like they'd be valuable."

"Considering the number of people left here,
we have more than enough resources."

"You're going to need lots of different
things now, aren't you?"

The Storehouse inventory screen pops up and you can buy things from
Wallace. On this screen there are three boxes.In the top right corner
is a box listing how many Magic Stones you have and how many you've
spent on buying items.

The other two boxes are actually one box split into two parts. The top
part lists the name of the item, the type of item (in yellow below the
item name), and a short description of the item. The bottom part lists
what items are available from Wallace. There are five columns in this
box: Icon, Item Name, Item Cost, # You're Buying, and # You Have.

I suggest you buy back the short sword. It will be far more useful than
the dagger in the Water Temple because of it's longer range of attack.
It might be possible to beat the Water Temple with just the dagger, but
I kept dying. It's up to you.

There's nothing else in the storehouse, so go ahead and leave once
you've bought what you want.

Go to the east when you exit and talk to Ernest Reilly. He's the guy in
blue holding the polearm who is standing by the temple gate.

"That crest...I heard that somebody from the
mainland came--would that be you?"

"Hmph, can't say much for the king's tastes..."

Talk to him again and he says:

"There's a temple in here. The purpose of our
corps here is to research inside the temple."

"Most people who go into there sink into the
water and we can't find them."

"Some mechanism that would let us move the
sluice gate sure would be nice."

"Well, if you're a Royal Guard, how about a
match before breakfast?"

"Did you see the graves over there?"

"We used to have more people around here, but
now they're all buried."

"We can't get messages from the other side of
the island..."

"They say something's here..."

If you talk to him any more, he says:

"Whaddya want?"

Turn around and go west across the bridge and up the stairs. On
the north are three large rocks half-buried in the ground. Investigate
them. You are told they are "gravestones".

If you wait around long enough, Ernest changes watches (guarding the
Water Temple gate) with Leo. Ernest then enters the building where
your sword was taken. You can then talk to Leo.

If you talk to him, he tells you:

"Don't get in the way."

If you have him open the gate (by trying to open it), he will open it
for you and say, "For the sake of your own well-being, don't go too far
in." Then he goes back to his "Don't get in the way" speech.

At this point, I suggest you go back to the Dragon Cave and go through
it a couple more times in order to collect more Magic Stones (especially
if you bought the short sword) and to raise your level a little more.
Before going into the Water Temple, be sure to visit Marie for free
healing and chit-chat.


-=|| Chapter 5: Water Temple ||=-

Monsters: Crown Hut, Sahagin-2, Shell Hut, Trap Weed, Water Devil (BOSS)
Items: Fireball ring, Magic Crystal, Magic Ore, Ring of Magic
Save Points: 3 (1st Floor, B1 Floor, and B2 Floor)
Warp Points: none
People You Meet: none

Once the gate is open, follow the canyon to the cave entrance and
enter the cave. Follow the cave until you get to a door, and enter the
door. You will find a room containing a Save Point, so use it and
proceed through the south door.

NOTE: When you open doors it is a good idea to back
away from them in case there are any monsters
immediately on the other side. That way you will
have a little space to defend yourself.

The first thing you'll notice when fighting monsters here is that
the knife doesn't do as much damage (you bought and equipped the short
sword as I recommended, right?). It will take about twice as many hits
with the knife to dispatch a monster as it did with the short sword.
You also have to get a lot closer, so you'll probably get damaged more
often, and you may even die. Be sure to use the Save Point! :-)

There are three Shell Huts in the next room, so dispatch them and
you'll get a Golden Herb (sometimes two). Exit the room through the
door in the southeast corner, and go east. You'll find a door on the
north side of hallway labeled "Red Door" (it has a red rune on it). You
can't open it right now. You also can't go any further since your path
is blocked by rubble. Turn around and go back toward the door through
which you entered this room. Turn south when you get to the door and
continue south until you reach more rubble. You'll be next to a wooden
door. Turn east and go across the bridge until you reach another wooden

This door is sealed by some weird purplish ice seeping through the
crack, and you can't open it. The paths to the north and south are both
blocked by rubble, so go back across the bridge to the other wooden
door and go through it.

You'll see a hallway stretching off into the darkness and a door on
your north side of the hallway. There is a Sahagin-2 lurking in this
hallway, so be careful. Go through the door on the north into the next
room. There are two Shell Huts and one Crown Hut in this room, so
dispatch them. Once you've gotten all of them you will get a Magic Ore.
Go back out the door through which you entered and turn west.

If you haven't already dispatched the Sahagin-2, go ahead and do so.
Then follow the hallway to the end and go through the door. There are
two Shell Huts and a Sahagin-2 in this room, so dispatch them quickly
and exit through the door on the southeast side of the room. This will
take you to a short hallway leading to another door. Go through the next
door. There is nothing in this room except a pile of rubble keeping
you from the other half of the room and a stairway leading down to
Basement Level 1. Go down the stairs slowly.

As you are walking down the stairs, scan the room you are entering and
watch for the Sahagin-2 and the three Shell Huts. There is a door to the
west of the bottom of the stairs as well as another Blue Door in the
northeast corner. Go through the door at the bottom of the stairs. This
leads to a fairly long hallway with another door at the end of it.

Here you'll find the first Trap Weed you can exterminate. Apply your
trusty weed whacker liberally to the Trap Weed while avoiding the
tendrils on the ground. No matter which side you attack from, the Trap
Weed will turn and follow your moves. The best defense against its
poisonous spore attack is to keep attacking it until it dies (four hits).
It's safe to enter the light blue water to pick up any items it leaves

Once you are finished pulling the weed, exit through the north door.
You will be in a hallway that opens to a cavern on the west side. The
hallway will lead you north to another Red Door and then turn east. Just
before you reach the Red Door, turn and look northwest into the cavern
and you'll see someone playing with a switch on the wall. There's
nothing you can do right now, so follow the passageway as it continues
toward another wooden door. It also opens into another room on the north
a little before the wooden door. There are two Shell Huts and one
Sahagin-2 in this room.

This room has an open doorway into another room containing a bronze
chest in the southwest corner. Open the chest to receive a Magic Ore.
Then go back through the other room and to the wooden door just
outside. There is a Save Point on the other side, and I suggest you
use it.

Once you are done saving, exit through the door north of the Save
Point. When you enter this room, go immediately to one of the north
corners opposite the door and turn around. There are two Sahagin-2 here,
one on either side of the door you entered, so you want to get as far
from them as possible so you have time to turn around and defend
yourself. Once you have dispatched them, exit through the north door and
you will be in an underground tunnel similar to the one through which
you entered the Water Temple.

Follow the tunnel until you exit into a small room. There will be a
bronze chest to the southwest and a terrace to the east (which you
should recognize as having walked through a few minutes ago). To the
west of tunnel you just exited will be a switch set into the wall.
Activate it. The two sluice gates next to the switch will open and
you'll see a cut-scene of the water level going down elsewhere in the
temple. Next, open the bronze chest to obtain a Fireball Ring. I suggest
you equip it, but don't use it just yet. If you equip it you'll notice
your Magic Gauge fill up.

Be careful to not fall into the water. :-)

Go back to the Save Point and use it again if you want to. Once you're
done saving, exit through the door to the east of the Save Point.
You'll be in another hallway. You can either continue east or turn north.
If you turn north you will come to a door with the weird purple
ice sealing it. In order to get through the door, press Square to use
your Fireball Ring (if it's equipped). This will melt the ice sealing
the door and you'll be able to go through.

As soon as you open the door one to five Shell Huts will attack you.
There are five total in the room. In the back of the room is another
bronze chest. Open it for a Ring of Magic. Exit the room the same way
you came in and go to the intersection in the hallway, turn east and
follow the hallway to the Red Door. Since you can't open the Red Door
yet, turn south and go open the wooden door.

There's another Trap Weed in this room. Go ahead and dispatch it,
collect any treasure, and exit through the south door. Follow the
hallway until you come to another ice-sealed door. Use your Fireball
Ring to open it. Go through the door into the next room with a balcony
opening into the darkness on one side and room on the other. If you act
quickly, you can dispatch the Trap Weed before the Shell Hut awakens it.

Once you have taken care both monsters, follow the balcony north until
you come to another room with a Trap Weed. This room also contains a
Sahagin-2, so dispatch both and exit through the wooden door on the
northwest. You will be in another balcony-hallway that leads to a wooden
door to the west and a set of stairs descending to the south into the
darkness below. You should be able to see into the room on the other
side of the wooden door, and you may notice a Sahagin-2 stalking you.

Go through the wooden door and take care of the Sahagin-2 and the Trap
Weed. Follow the balcony south into the next room and dispatch the Shell
Hut and the Trap Weed. Go back to the stairs and head down to Basement
Level 2, being careful not to fall off the side into the water.

There is a pool of water directly south of the base of the stairs, so
watch out for that. There is a staircase going back upstairs to the
southeast, and a walkway leading south between two pools of water,
like this:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)

|SAVE | | |
'-----. .----' | |
Blue Door | | | \|
.---------. | w | | North
|---------| | a | |
|---------| | l | |
|---------| | k | |
|---------| water | w | water |
|-stairs--| | a | |
|---------| | y | |
|---------|---------' '----------|
| |
| |
| you came |
| down here|
| |---------|
| |---------|
| |---------|
| water |--stairs-|
| |---------|
| |---------|

Go across the walkway, heal yourself up, and use the Save Point. You
may also want to equip the Golden Herbs by highlighting them in the
Item list and pressing Start once. Then, if you need to heal during the
coming battle, just press Start once and you will be completely healed.
Once you've done that, open the door.

The screen will go black and a new scene will load. You will be at the
end of a long hallway, and there will be a door at the south end of it.
As you get closer to the door, you will notice there are hallways to
the east and west of the door. Take the west hallway first. After
curving around to the southwest for a while you will find a Magic
Crystal at the end of the hallway. Head back to the door and take the
east hallway. At the end you will find two Golden Herb Flowers. Collect
them and head back to the door.

Open the door, and the screen will go black. The computer will take
over, and you'll see Cain walk toward the middle of an arena covered
with a shallow pool of water. The camera will cut to an alcove up on
the wall where you'll see an overgrown Sahagin with an attitude. It
will jump down into the arena and charge you.

BOSS: Water Devil
HP: 390
MPr: 80
Weakness: Fire
Items: Power of Move (Ring)

The most effective weapon against this guy is the Fireball ring you
found earlier. At first it will be hard to hit the Water Devil as
it will keep jumping out of the way. You have to time it so it either
jumps into your attacks or you just get lucky. After it's been hit a
few times you can pretty much just blast away at it. It's really not
hard to beat.

Once you beat it, it will drop a ring: Power of Move. This ring allows
you to Dash when moving and holding down the Circle Button--a very
useful ring to have.

Exit the arena through the ornamental doors to the south. You will be
in a short hallway with another set of ornamental doors to the south. Go
through that set, too, and you will see a small pedestal with a glowing
purple key on top of it.

If you try to take the key it will start steadily glowing and
levitating above the pedestal. The camera will cut to under the water,
and you will see a very large, very awesome and cool-looking Water
Dragon swim up through the water toward the pedestal.

As Cain stands there staring at the dragon, it speaks.


"...the key....magical......sunlight....person..."








The Water Dragon then turns and swims back into the depths of the water
and the computer returns control to you. Go ahead and work your way
back to the Save Point and use it. You now have the Water Key which will
unlock any Blue Door for you.

Once you've saved, go up the stairs to the Blue Door. Go to your item
list and use the Water Key (it should be the first item on the list).
There will be three Shell Huts and a Sahagin-2 waiting on the other side
(regenerated from when you were here before). Go up the stairs and
through the wooden door in the room at the top of the stairs. Go through
the short hallway and into the next room, and take care of the two Shell

Go through the wooden door into the long hallway and take care of the
Sahagin-2. You can also take out the two Shell Huts in the side room if
you want the experience and possible treasure. Continue out the door at
the end of the hallway and go east across the bridge to the door
sealed by the ice. Use your Fireball ring to melt it and open the door.

There are two Sahagin-2 in the room, so take care of them. There is
also a bronze chest in the room, so open it to obtain the Ring of Magic

Since you don't have the Fire Key yet, you can't access anything else
in the Water Temple, so go ahead make your way back out (if you can't
remember how: exit the room you're in right now, cross the bridge,
turn north, go straight through the door you come to, take care of the
two Shell Huts in the next room, exit to the Save Point Room, save, and
then exit the Water Temple).


-=|| Chapter 6: Investigation Corps Camp, part 2 ||=-

Monsters: Werewolf-1 (BOSS)
Items: none
Save Points: 1 (after the boss fight)
Warp Points: 1 (after the boss fight)
People You Meet: Marie Fowler, Leo Randall, Darrell Stone

As soon as you exit the Water Temple, you will see a cut sequence. All
the buildings in the camp seem to be burning or burned; everyone in the
camp seems to be dead or dying, except Leo and Darrell. Leo is backing
up from behind the storehouse, and Darrell is walking slowly toward him.
Leo is wounded on his shoulder. After looking down at his bloody hand,
Leo stands up and looks back at Darrell.

Darrell isn't there anymore. When the camera goes back to Leo, Darrell
is now standing behind him. Darrell has changed...a lot: He now has
large black "angel" wings, and the left side of his face has a horrible
purplish scar. His arm is greyish-black and is deformed into a large,
terrible claw.

Darrell smacks Leo from behind, slamming him into the side of the
storehouse. As Leo slumps into a bent sitting position, Darrell says:

"Is this the best those untrustworthy Elders
can do...?"

"The Eternal Rings belong to the dragons."

He then takes to the air and flies toward his cabin in the back canyon
by the Blue Gate and the scene cuts back to you outside the entrance
to the Water Temple.

Walk back to the Water Temple Gate (the one that Ernest and Leo took
turns guarding) and open it. A horrible scene of destruction fills
your view as you look out over the camp. Smoke fills the air, and you
can see the body of Ernest prostrate on the ground near the gate. If
you investigate his body (by looking down at it and pressing Circle),
you will be told he is dead. I also tried to pick up the polearm but
that didn't work.

Wallace, inside the burning storehouse, is also dead. If you talk to
Leo, who is leaning against the outside of the storehouse, he says:

"It was magic...everyone...murdered"

"That was the Captain's....the power of
the ring...?"

"Hurry up already...if you don't go after
the Eternal Ring...."

He then slumps down again. If you talk to him again, he says:

"Damnit...I failed to stop..."

He'll just keep repeating the same thing over and over if you keep
talking to him. The north building up on the hill (the one that
had the sleeping guy in it) no longer has anyone in it. The south
building (with Evans in it) still has Evans in it, though he's dead now.
There's nothing to be had in any of the buildings on this side of the
river, so go west across the burning bridge to the mill.

Marie is on the floor, barely alive. When you talk to her, she says:


She then collapses and dies. [She was my favorite character so far,
too! (;_;)/~ ]

Go back outside, up the stairs, and west and then south toward Darrell's
house in the back canyon. Make sure you still have your Fireball Ring,
the Power of Move Ring, and the Golden Herbs equipped. Then go all the
way back toward Darrell's house.

As you approach, you'll notice that Darrell's house is engulfed in
flames, as are the trees. If you look toward the far left side of the
screen you'll notice something that looks like a large wolf resting
alertly on the ground next to a pile of burning logs. Head toward it.

As you go past the tree near the entrance to the small valley, a
large burning tree will fall behind you, blocking the escape route.
You'll also notice that the wolf-like shape on the left isn't anything
but rubble.

Suddenly, a wolf-like creature leaps out from behind the southeast side
of Darrell's burning house.

BOSS: Werewolf-1
HP: 350
MPr: 80
Weakness: Fire
Items: none

The most effective weapon against the Werewolf is the Fireball Ring. Be
very careful of the Werewolf's jumping attacks. It's like a very
fast-moving Sahagin that only jumps at you. The best way to defeat it
is to shoot fireballs at it from a distance, and then thrust upward at
it with your short sword when it jumps at you. If you get below 50 HP,
be sure to use a Golden Herb. The Werewolf's attacks can do 20-40
damage, so you want to make sure you don't get too low.

If you can do it, try to get the wolf to go behind the torch stand on
the northwest side of the clearing (near Darrell's house). If you can
get it to stay behind there, you can just shoot fireballs at it until
it dies.

After you defeat the Werewolf (a pretty easy task, actually, once you
get the hang of the way it attacks), you will see a short scene where
Cain has just finished burying everyone in the camp. Then you will be
facing Darrell's canyon, so follow the canyon back to the clearing.
Since there is nothing left to do here (you can't even get into
Darrell's burned-out house), head to the Blue Gate in the southeast
corner opposite Darrell's former residence. Use your Water Key to
unlock the door, open it, and enter.

The screen will fade to black, and then you'll be inside a long tunnel.
Follow the tunnel until you come to a room with a Save Point in it.
Use the Save Point. You'll also notice a small rounded platform to the
south of the Save Point. This is a Warp Point.

When you walk onto the Warp Point, you are Warped to a very peaceful
room. There is a person on a floating pedestal in the middle of a
raised platform at the end of a short walkway. When you approach and
talk to the person, the floating platform moves away from you and the
person speaks:

"I will impart of my ancient wisdom"

"Now, O Seeker of the Great Forgotten Magic

"Here is the vessel of my wisdom and power!"

"Now, O Seeker, receive the ring that holds
the consecrated power of the Magic Stones."

The room will undergo a slight transformation as six pillars rise from
the center of the platform on which you stand. A menu will then pop up:

Making Magic Rings
Making Attribute Rings

*Making Magic Rings*

Choosing this option will take you to a list of
available rings you can use to make new rings. This
may include rings you've already created or found
(such as Fireball).

The controls for this section are:

Circle: Select
Triangle: Reset
Square: Create
X: Cancel

If you choose an "empty" ring (Ring of Magic) then
you are taken to a screen with six place holders,
with three light blue holders on one side and
three light green holders on the other. You can
place different Magic Stones in the place holders.

When you select a place holder, press Circle and a
list of your available Magic Stones will appear.
Select the stone you want from the list and press
Circle to place that stone in the place holder.
Press X to cancel.

You need to have at least one stone on each
side in order to create the ring. Once you have
the stones placed, press Square to create the ring.
You will be presented with two options: Create, and
Go Back. If you have the ring the way you want it,
then Create it.

There will be a small animation sequence where the
stones are melded with the ring, creating whichever
ring you chose. The first one I created was Heal
Water. I suggest you create at least a Heal Water
and a Wind Cutter. Then create anything else you

See Appendix E for a list of Magic Rings.

*Making Attribute Rings*

Basically the same procedure as above. These rings
will affect your stats (Speed, etc.). These rings
do not require a Magic Ring to make. Just choose
which stones you want to use and they are melded into
a ring. I suggest Water Breeze and any of the other
rings that raise your elemental attributes.

See Appendix K for a list of Attribute Rings.


Shows your collection of rings, sorted by element (Fire,
Water, etc.)


This one is pretty obvious... ;-)

Once you are done creating your magic rings, choose Exit from the menu,
walk back along the walkway to the Warp Point, and go through the
south tunnel once you are back in the room with the
Save Point.


-=|| Chapter 7: Place of Ritual ||=-

Monsters: Giant Moth, Ogre (club), Twin Tail
Items: Golden Herb, Magic Crystal, Rat's Tail, Ring of Magic
Ring of Magic (True Eye)
Save Points: none
Warp Points: none
People You Meet: Turban Man

Once you make your way through the rather long and winding tunnel,
you will come out into a misty valley with funky music playing in
the background--it can't seem to figure out if it's Spanish music or
techno-industrial. :-) If you look around, you'll see a bunch of
small islets connected by broken-down bridges. The water will kill you
here, too, so avoid falling into it. When you exited the cave you were
facing west.

Go down the stairs. When you get to the bottom, you'll notice the
bridge is broken, so go ahead and jump down to the ground (you'll take
a small amount of damage) or walk down the stone on the right side,
being careful to not go into the water. Go south once you're at the
bottom and you'll run into two Twin Tails. If you made a Wind Cutter
ring, you can shoot them once you get close enough, though it does use a
bit of your MP. It is safer to attack them this way, though, since they
can cause Paralyze (lasts 30 seconds), and they can shoot you with
energy balls from a distance. It takes 3-4 shots from the Wind Cutter
to defeat each Twin Tail.

Once you defeat them, go up the ramp and you'll find an Ogre. These
have 150 HP, so they take a little longer to kill. They're pretty
stupid, though, so dispatching them shouldn't be too difficult. Step
into the gazebo and you'll find a Rat's Tail on the ground. You can go
look around on the ledge to the southeast of the gazebo, but there is
nothing there. Be careful not to fall off.

Go to the southwest corner on the other side of the gazebo. Carefully
look down over the edge and you'll see a rubble walkway going down to
the ground. Go down and you'll find a Ring of Magic. Climb back up and
turn west onto the raised walkway. You'll see a Twin Tail down at the
crossways. Defeat the Twin Tail and follow the walkway to the top of the
stairs. If you look down and to the south of the stairs you will see a
Golden Herb.

When you get to the bottom of the stairs, an Ogre will rush at you.
Dispatch it and get the Golden Herb before continuing. Follow the path
and you'll run into another Twin Tail. If you look at the raised
walkway, you'll also notice three Giant Moths hanging on the sides of
it. If you shoot them with the Wind Cutter you won't have to fight
them--you'll just knock them down.

Once you've taken care of the last Giant Moth, be sure to pick up the
two Golden Herbs to the west of the last one. Then head up the rubble
ramp to the overhead walkway. If you turn around when you get to the
top and go west while staying up on the walkway, you'll run into
another Twin Tail. Defeat it, then turn around head east.

Turn south onto the next walkway and you'll see a man off in the
distance. Walk toward him and the Turban Man will start walking toward
you, and he'll start talking as he's walking:

"You opened the sluice gate, didn't you?"

"I owe you for this...that's right, you've
definitely set things in motion..."

When he stops in front of you, he'll continue:

"As for that matter, you could use that

"Since that ring is useless to me, it'll be
good for you to take it"

He hands you a ring (Protect). Then he continues:

"It contains a magic that will block poison.
Well, you should be very careful in the next
valley, you know."

"On the other side of that valley there's a
camp from the mainland. Those guys have
weapons if you need them."



As he's talking, the ground starts shaking. He looks around, and then
tells you:

"It's settled...? Well, it will be soon....."

"The valley's not really safe either, so use
the ring. It's a better place than the forest."

"It's really dangerous right now in that forest
over past the suspension bridge."

"When next we meet, we'll be more evenly
matched. Until then, take care of yourself."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"The Eternal Ring...those are your words for
'The Eternal Power'."

"There are many things sleeping on this

"Magical power, magic items, dragons. Not to
mention...your ???"

"Your coming to this island was by no means
an accident. You'll understand someday..."

If you talk to him again he will just repeat himself. You can wander
around behind Turban man, but you won't find anything. Once you are
done looking around, go north until you get to the intersection. Turn
east, walk to the edge, and drop down to the land below. You'll take a
little damage.

Pick up the Magic Crystal and go up the stairs. You'll see a Twin Tail
down the walkway a bit, so go ahead and dispatch it. If you shoot the
Twin Tail with the Wind Cutter while it is standing next to the edge
(with two feet hanging off the edge), you might be able to knock the
Twin Tail into the walkway. Then you'll just see a "shadow circle"
moving around on the walkway. You can't kill it anymore and it can't
hurt you, but it's kinda fun to do. I did it accidentally. :-)

Walk east to the broken edge past where the Twin Tail was wandering
and you'll find another Magic Crystal. If you look around, you'll
notice you're at the point where you originally entered this valley.
Turn around, walk back to the intersection, and turn south. Walk to the
broken edge and drop off onto the ground below. You'll be at the point
just before where you encountered the first two Twin Tails.

Make your way back to the walkway where Turban Man is standing. Go west,
then south until you get to some stairs. Go up the stairs to the gazebo.
You'll find a Ring of Magic in the gazebo, but it requires you to have
the True Eye ring equipped in order to be visible.

Go up the next set of stairs to the upper walkway which leads to a rocky
canyon. Follow the path through the canyon until you are in front of the
suspension bridge (rope bridge). To the east is a cave (the Abandoned
Place), and south across the suspension bridge is another cave leading
to the Sea Cliff Forest. The Sea Cliff Forest is much more difficult
than the Abandoned Place.

You can do them in whichever order you like, but this walk-through will
do them in the order listed above.


-=|| Chapter 8: Abandoned Place ||=-

Monsters: Giant Moth, Catoblepas, Lizard Man (dying), Twin Tail
Items: Bracelet, Cloud Stone, Cockatrice Feather, Magic Ore,
Ring of Magic, Ring of Magic (True Eye)
Save Points: 2
Warp Points: 2 (one doesn't work yet)
People You Meet: a dead man

When you first enter the cave, you will notice a strange greenish-
yellow mist in the air. This is poisonous, so be sure to equip your
Protect ring (you'll know it's working when a series of fuzzy yellow
bars is pulsing up the screen in front of you). You can switch which
ring you have equipped by using the X button on the main screen.
When the pulsing fuzzy yellow bars disappear, reactivate them by
pressing Square when the Protect ring is equipped. You must do this
within a few seconds of when they disappear or you will become
poisoned. You can use a Sahagin Spine to cure poisoning.

I had the Fireball, Ice Needle, Wind Cutter, Heal Water, and Protect
rings on my left hand (on the screen it shows the list on the right...
go figure...:-p), and Power of Move, Water Breeze, Ring of Rain, Ring
of Breeze, and Ring of Stone on my right hand (on the screen it shows
the list on the left). That's what I suggest, but if you choose other
rings make sure you have at least Power of Move, Protect, and Wind

Follow the tunnel down until it levels out. You'll notice the floor
seems to be moving. Just ignore that and turn south and follow the
right-hand wall, watching the base of the wall until you see a Magic
Ore. Then follow the left-hand wall until you find a tunnel. Enter
and you'll find a Save Point and a Warp Point.

Exit the chamber and turn south again. Watch for the three Giant Moths.
After you've taken care of them, you should notice a very large stone
monolith blocking the path into another side chamber to the east. You
can't move the stone now, so you'll have to come back later. I wonder
what could be behind it? :-)

Continue south and you'll find several piles of large bones. Search them
for two Magic Ores. Continue along the path and you'll notice another
monolith to the north. Go past it and you'll come to an intersection. If
you continue east, you will come to a large pile of bones blocking the
path. Search them for a Cockatrice Plume. Then go down the north path.

You'll see two Twin Tails here. Make sure you have just restarted your
Protect, and then switch to Wind Cutter and take them out. Switch back
Protect for when you need to restart it. Make sure you do this after
every fight. Protect seems to last from 15-30 seconds (I haven't timed
it yet).

Once you're done with the Twin Tails, you'll see a row of 5 monoliths
to the west, a path continuing past the monoliths to the northwest, and
a path to the northeast. Go northeast and you'll encounter a Giant Moth
and a Dying Lizardman. You can either kill the Lizardman or leave him
there. You get nothing (except for 1 experience point) from him if you
kill him. After you're done with these two monsters, you will see a row
of four monoliths blocking your path to the north.

Go back to the five monoliths and follow the northwest path. Here you
will find a dead body. Search the body to find a bracelet you'll
need later. To the east is a dead end on the other side of the four
monoliths you saw previously. To the northeast is another dead end
blocked by two monoliths.

To the west are three paths: one to the south, one to the west, and one
to the north. Follow the path to the south and you will encounter your
first Catoblepas (if anyone knows what this is, please let me know).
The dangerous part of this beast is the tail. The tail shoots a ball of
energy at you that does quite a bit of damage. You can dodge it if you
are quick. You can dispatch the Catoblepas by shooting it with your
Wind Cutter ring.

Once you are done with that, continue south and you will be in the
chamber on the other side of the 5 monoliths. Open the large chest to
get a Ring of Magic. If you continue south you will come to the backside
of the second single monolith you found when entering this place.

Turn around and head north to the intersection, then go west. There are
three Giant Moths here, so dispatch them. Go back to the intersection
and head north. You will encounter another Dying Lizardman who is only
worth 1 experience point. Past him you'll come to a large open chamber
containing a Giant Moth and three Twin Tails. Dispatch them, then
examine the bone piles to find two Magic Ores.

On the west wall you will find a tunnel entrance. Follow the tunnel
and you'll find a Save Point. On the west wall of this chamber you
will find another tunnel leading to a Warp Point that doesn't seem to
work. On the south wall will be a tunnel leading out into the main
chamber where the three Giant Moths were. Go back through the Save
Point chamber and through the tunnel through which you originally

Near the southeast side of the chamber is another Catoblepas, so be
careful of it. There is a large chest near that beast, containing a
Cloud Stone. If you go south from the large chest, you will come to the
back side of the two monoliths you saw earlier. Just before you get to
the monoliths, turn east and you'll see a tunnel.

Follow the tunnel until you get near an opening. There are three Giant
Moths outside the tunnel, and you can shoot them with your Wind Cutter
while still inside the tunnel. Once you've taken care of them, exit
into the small chamber.

There are two other exits from this chamber: one on the south side, and
one in the northeast corner. Go into the northeast tunnel and follow it
into another chamber. There are two Giant Moths here as well as two
Magic Ores along the north wall.

Go back to the previous chamber and go through the south exit. This
tunnel has three turns in it. Before the fourth turn, make sure you
have just started another Protect, and then switch to the Wind Cutter.
When you round the corner, there will be a Catoblepas at the end of
the tunnel that will start shooting at you. Take care of it, then
proceed to the mouth of the tunnel. Outside are two Twin Tails.

Directly east and a little north of the mouth of the tunnel, along the
east wall, is a Cockatrice Plume. South of the tunnel is tunnel
entrance on the west wall. This leads to a hole in the ground which
takes you to the lair of the Earth Dragon (part of the Great Looping
Cave--Chapter 10). Don't go down the hole just yet, though, because
there is no way back up here if you do.

Right next to the hole in the ground (just a little to the north of it)
is a Ring of Magic which requires the True Eye ring to be visible. Come
back after acquiring the True Eye ring to pick it up.

Southeast of the Earth Dragon entrance tunnel is a pile of bones with a
Magic Ore and a Catoblepas. If you continue past that pile of
bones you will come to the back of the pile of bones where you found
the first Cockatrice Plume.

Turn around and follow the tunnel north, past the Earth Dragon tunnel
and the tunnel where you entered. There will be a steep path leading
north up into another chamber. Climb up and get the Ring of Magic from
the chest. Exit that chamber up another steep climb to the east. Follow
the path around until you enter a large rounded chamber. On the north
side will be a tunnel entrance. Enter the tunnel


-=|| Chapter 9: Tree Village ||=-

Monsters: none
Items: Rapier, Ring of Magic, Ring of Magic (True Eye), Stilleto
Save Points: 1
Warp Points: 1
People You Meet: Den Cutter, Royce Regan

Storeroom: Cost Item Name
---- -----------------
1 Golden Herb
3 Golden Herb Flower
6 Golden Herb Fruit
1 Magic Ore
4 Magic Crystal
8 Magic Gem
1 Magic Grass Seed
1 Rat's Tail
1 Sahagin Spine
1 Cockatrice Plume
8 Small Sword
15 Chinkuedia

When you enter the tunnel you will notice the walls and floor look very
much like wood grain. You are walking inside a large tree. Follow the
tunnel around the corner and up to the next level. At the top of the
ramp, on the north side of the tunnel wall, there will be two rooms.
The first contains a Warp Point and the second contains a Save Point.

Since you have some new types of stones, you might want to try making
some newer, more powerful rings.

Follow the tunnel until you reach a very green room. This is the Tree
Village (more like a Tree House, given how small it is). There are three
floors to the Village, and you're on the first floor.

There are two exits and a ramp on this floor: the exit through which you
entered, an exit leading to the Great Looping Cave, and a ramp leading
up to the second floor. Royce Regan is also standing by the wall
between the two exits.

On the second floor are a ramp leading up to the third floor and a
storeroom. Den Cutter is in the storeroom, and you can buy supplies from
him. On the third floor there is an observation branch (the entrance is
covered by a couple flaps of cloth or animal skin) as well as an exit
leading to the Sea Cliff Forest (this entrance is NOT covered).

If you go out onto the observation branch and very carefully work your
way to the tip, you'll find another Ring of Magic which requires the
True Eye ring to be visible. Come back after you acquire the True Eye
ring and pick it up.

If you come around nightfall, you might catch one sleeping. They
alternate (sort of), so if one is awake the other will sometimes be
sleeping. If the one you want to talk to is sleeping, just wander around
the tree until he wakes up. If you go out on the observation branch, be
careful not to fall off the edge. It's the quick way down, though it's a
bit painful... :-)

Talk to Royce.

"Hey, who're you?"

"Heyngalia's crest... you're one of those
bodyguard knights, aren'tcha."

"It was definitely the Elder's troops on
the beach, wasn't it?"

"I wonder where His Majesty's troops came
from, anyway?"

"This region is dangerous, especially over
by the forest..."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"There used to be three of us here, but one
guy fell off a cliff in the forest and died."

"I think his body is somewhere in the valley,
but...I feel kinda sorry for him..."

"I wish I could at least give his family on
the mainland some token to remember him by..."

"That place (pointing to where you just came
out) is full of poison so I couldn't even get
close to him"

"Not even the knights can handle the poison,

If you talk to Royce again, he says:

"Sometimes I take things across to the
mainland and sell them for high prices"

"We made the town into a nest so it would be
easy to guard..."

"Lately, poison's been coming into the valley,
so we don't have any way of going back."

"Because of the troublesome monsters in the
forest, you can't go from the beach to here."

"I wonder if it's a good idea to stay here...?"

If you talk to him again, he says:

"I think there was a big war on this island a
long time ago. You can see the evidence of it
all over the place. The remains are everywhere."

"Then again, It could have been a natural
disaster, I guess"

"There were definitely some pretty big monsters.
Kinda scary..."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"I wonder if I'll ever be able to go back to my

He'll just keep saying the last thing over and over now if you talk to
him again. If you give him the bracelet you found on that body in the
Abandoned Place, he says:

"Oh, Sir Knight, thank you very much."

You then hand it to him and he continues:

"With this he'll be able to rest in peace."

"This is a 'thank you' gift. Please accept it."

He then hands you a Ring of Magic and continues:

"There's a cave just after a sharp turn in the
mountain road on the way to the hills."

"If you descend there you can get to the hills.
You'll have to find another way back, but..."

"Oh, that's right. I told the same thing to a
fellow who was through here a while ago. He
looked like a warrior, too."

"Heh heh...but even considering that, this is
still a good deal, huh?"

If you talk to him again he says:

"That warrior fellow, he had grey hair and was
wearing leather armor."

"He was asking about the state of the island's
hills, but right after that he left."

"You look like you're worried about him. Do you
know him?"

"Then again, he wasn't using a Heyngalian crest.
Didn't have one, nope..."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"I wonder if I'll ever be able to go back to my

He'll just keep saying the last thing over and over now if you talk
to him again.

Once you're done talking to Royce, go up to the storeroom on the
second floor. Den Cutter will be sitting on one of the crates. If
you try investigating the crates before talking to him, he says:

"Hey, quit messin' with that."

The camera then pans up and over to where Den is sitting. When you
talk to him he says:

"You're a pretty good guy, ain't ya, picking up
that bracelet for us."

"Here's a little somethin' to show our thanks to

He reaches behind himself and grabs the rapier sitting on the boxes,
then turns and hands it to you. He continues:

"Must be pretty rough, followin' your country's
orders. Hang in there, though...and if you get
the chance, help us out, too."

"If there's anythin' you need, you just let us
know, 'kay? Don't know as we can do much, but..."

"So, whaddya want?"

The storeroom menu pops up and you can buy whatever you need or want.
The items are listed above in the order in which they appear on the

When you're done, Den will say:

"Do y'know a lady named Lyla? If you do, I'd
sure like you to bring her by."

"I've met her a bunch of times--seems she's
livin' on this island."

"All this talk must seem pretty strange to
someone like you, but I wanna learn all about
things off this island."

"More than that, though, I want you to tell
me how to get outta this cursed place."

If you talk to him again he says:

"Whaddya want?"

The storeroom menu comes up again. When you're done with it, Den says:

"Oh yeah, that reminds me. A little while ago,
there was this monster with wings went flyin'
toward that volcano."

"It looked almost human, too...I ain't never
seen nothin' like it."

"'Course, this place's full of critters I
ain't never seen before."

If you talk to him again he says:

"Whaddya want?"

The storeroom menu comes up again. When you're done with it, Den says:

"There used to be another guy here, too, but
he went and fell off a cliff in the forest and died."

"You be careful, now, and don't do nothin' stupid."

If you talk to him again he says:

"Whaddya want?"

The storeroom menu comes up again. When you're done with it, Den says:

"To get to the beach from here, go through the
forest or the valley down below."

"Through the valley's easier, but we don't go
down there now on account of the poison."

"Besides, you got through the forest just fine."

If you talk to him again, he just repeats himself. Before you leave,
equip the rapier, as it does more damage and is quicker than the small

You can get the Stilleto if you catch Den when he's asleep. It's in
the long, short box to the left of him (if you're facing him with your
back to the doorway). It's not always there, so keep checking back if
you don't get it the first time.

When you're all done stocking up on supplies (I suggest a lot of Magic
Ore), you have two choices:

1. Head for the first floor and exit back to the Abandoned Place,
being sure to save and/or make new rings along the way. If you
do this, then go on to Chapter 10: Great Looping Cave.
2. Head for the third floor and exit through the non-covered door.
If you do this, then go to Chapter 11: Sea Cliff Forest.

I suggest you do the Great Looping Cave first because the Sea Cliff
Forest has some really tough beasties in it, and having the extra HP,
MP, and experience levels you earn by going through the Great Looping
Cave first will help you a lot.


-=|| Chapter 10: Great Looping Cave ||=-

Monsters: Ghost 1, Golem, Ogre (club), Ogre (sling)
Items: Golden Herb Flower, Magic Grass Seed, Magic Ore, Phoenix Stone,
Power of Branch, Ring of Magic
Save Points: 1
Warp Points: 1
People You Meet: Leo Randall

In order to get into the Great Looping Cave you need to go back into the
Abandoned Place to the entrance mentioned above in the Abandoned Place
chapter. Once you're down the hole, follow it until you come to an open
chamber with a very large, heavily-breathing dragon in a sunken section
of the chamber. This is the Earth Dragon. You can look at it for a bit,
and then continue along around the outer edge of the cavern, being
careful not to fall down into the sunken area (you die if you do).
Nothing you do will wake up the dragon.

Once you are past the cavern a new screen will load and you'll be in the
first section of the Great Looping Cave. There are a lot of twists and
turns here, so it's easy to get lost if you don't pay attention to your
direction indicator (compass) in the top left of the screen.

When you appear in the first section, you will be facing north. Aren't
the walls and floor gorgeous? :-) I like the music in this section, too.
It's very pleasant. There's no one in this chamber and there aren't any
items to find, so go ahead and exit into the passageway on the west
side. Follow it around a bend and you will find a steep slope leading up,
so follow it up. When you get to the top you find another little bend and
another slope leading up again. Follow that up, go through the next jog
and go up yet again.

As you near the top of this slope, you will see a monster waiting around
in the chamber. This is a Ghost 1. Make sure you have your Rapier
equipped (it's your best weapon right now), as well as any rings you
want to have handy (Sonic is a useful one here in this cave), and head
into the fray.

If it starts waving its arm around, that means it's going to cast a spell
(most likely a cursed lightning spell). If you time it right (its arm
will complete two circles before the spell fires), you can dodge right or
left just before it casts the spell, and he'll miss you. If it hits you
there is a chance you will be cursed. This can be remedied by using a
Magic Grass Seed. You can also wait about 30 seconds for it to wear off.
I'm not sure what Curse does to you, though.

Your rapier works fine on Ghosts, though you have to look up to hit them.
Any of your magic should work fine, too, and Sonic knocks them off in two
hits! When you're attacking it, the Ghost 1 will tend to float backward
to avoid you. Just move backward yourself and the Ghost-1 will eventually
start coming back toward you.

Once you've taken care of the Ghost 1, slowly advance into the next
chamber until the two Ogres start advancing on you. Watch out for the
next Ghost 1, who is around the corner just waiting to cast Curse on you.

Once you've taken care of all of those guys, exit through the far east
door and you will come to a fork. It doesn't really matter which way you
go since the north fork loops back to the path continuing east. If you go
east first you might be able to pick up a Phoenix Stone before the Golem
and the Ghost 1 notice you are there, but you'll have to fight them
anyway in order to get the Magic Grass Seed on the north side of the
loop. If you take the north fork, the Magic Grass Seed is along the base
of the north wall. Take your pick.

If you work it right, you can lure the Ghost 1 out before the Golem
notices you. That way you can take care of them one at a time.
Considering the Golem is twice as tough as the Ghost 1, this is a very
good idea. I suggest using Sonic on the Golem and doing your best to
avoid its attacks. Five blasts of Sonic should take care of it. If you
have the space just keep backing up to avoid it since it doesn't move
very quickly. Also, you have to wait for it to get fairly close to you
before firing Sonic. Otherwise it will cross its arms and block the

Once you've taken care of these two, get the Phoenix Stone from the large
chest. Then go back to the main passageway and continue east. When you
round the corner you will see a Ghost 1 off in the distance to the
northeast. Slowly advance toward it (without getting too close), and
you'll notice another Ghost 1 trying to sneak up on you from the north
(there's a bulge in the wall that somewhat hides its advance). Back up
and take care of that Ghost 1. Once you're done with it, take care of
the other and continue to the next fork. One fork leads north, the other

Take the west fork. The tunnel goes straight for a bit, then jogs to the
northwest a bit. There are two Ogres here, so take care of them. The
tunnel then takes you through an S-curve, and you'll find yourself
confronted by two more Ghost 1 annoyances. After taking care of them,
you'll notice a passageway leading northwest and one leading southwest.
At the end of the southwest passage is a chest containing the Power of
Branch ring. At the end of the northwest passage is a Magic Ore.

Once you're done there, head back to the last fork and go north. There
will be a Ghost 1 and an Ogre to deal with. Once you've taken care of
them, pick up the Magic Grass Seed in the small alcove to the east. Then
head north again.

You will come to another fork: a passageway leading west and one leading
east. Take the west passageway. Make sure your MP gauge is maxxed--you're
going to be taking on three Golems just around the corner. Try to take
them one at a time so they don't overwhelm you. Again, Sonic works the
best on these egotistical rock piles.

Once you are through with the three Golems, pick up the Ring of Magic in
the large chest, as well as the Magic Ore next to the chest, and then
head back to the fork and go east. On the south wall there will be a
doorway leading to Save Point and a Warp Point room. Use them. :-)

When you're done with that, exit the chamber and continue east. As soon
as you enter the eastern passageway a Golem will start stomping after you.
Take care of it, then head north, being careful not to fall off the edge
of the drop-off at the end of the passage. If you go down here you will
be in the Tree Village. If you really need some items, go to the Tree
Village, buy what you need, and follow this section from the top to get
back to this location.

Go back to where the Golem was and continue east into the next chamber.
Here you'll run into your first sling-wielding Ogres. They have a range
longer than any of your magic, so the best thing to do is to rush them
and kill them as fast as you can. You can also equip your Power of
Branch ring so you can have your magic attack in two directions at once.
This also uses up twice as many MP, but that's to be expected. This
ain't no discount dungeon.

This set of Ogres is spaced too far apart for this to work effectively,
so I don't advise equipping it here. If you do decide to rush them, watch
out for their arm-flailing attack. It does a lot of damage, has a long
reach, and can kill you with 2-4 hits if you aren't careful. Try to get
rid of one as fast as possible, then take care of the other. Use the
Start button to access your Golden Herbs (you still have them equipped,
right?) or use Earth Heal or Cure Water.

Once you've taken care of the sling brothers, equip the Power of Branch
ring, go up the small step and follow the passage to the next set of
slingin' Ogres. As you come out of the passage, you should see that they
are spaced fairly closely, so the Power of Branch ring will help here.
You should also look up and to the east of the two on the main floor:
there's another slingin' Ogre up in an alcove, so watch out for his
rocks, too. Also, don't go to the north of the slingin' Ogre in the
alcove--there's a Golem there. Save it until after you take care of the
two on the floor, and then try to lure it away from the range of the
alcove Ogre.

Once you've taken care of the Golem, head to the north of the alcove
Ogre and you'll find a Golden Herb Flower at the end of the passage.
Then go back past the alcove Ogre and take the south exit from this
chamber. If you keep moving when passing the alcove Ogre, it won't
be able to hit you.

Once into the south exit, make sure your HP and MP are maxxed: you're
about to run a gauntlet. If you move slowly west to the entrance of
the next chamber, you'll see two large stalagmites growing up from
the middle of the chamber. There's a club Ogre between them. On either
side of the club Ogre are raised alcoves, each containing a slingin'

I suggest you run through this chamber to just inside the exit on the
west side, then take care of the club Ogre that follows you once you are
out of range of the two slingin' Ogres. You can run along one side of
the chamber so one of the slingin' Ogres will have a difficult time
hitting you. Just keep moving and the slingin' Ogres shouldn't hit you.

In the next chamber are three slingin' Ogres, a club Ogre, and a Golem,
all on the same level as you. Just inside the chamber is a large
stalagmite, and on the other side is the club Ogre. Slowly move forward
until it notices you, then back up a bit to stay out of the range of
awareness of any other monsters.

Once you've taken care of it, you'll notice two slingin' Ogres up on the
first raised area of the floor, and one on the next-higher raised level.
They are spaced too far apart to use the Power of Branch ring, so don't
equip it here. If you move west along the south wall you will be able to
stay out of the range of the three slingin' Ogres and take out the Golem
hiding around that corner. Once you've taken care of the Golem you can
handle the three slingin' Ogres without worrying about anything else
sneaking up on you.

The easiest way to take them out is to do it one at a time. The first
one to knock off is the west-most Ogre on the first raised area. If you
move out into the chamber on the west side of the stalagmite then you
should be able to move close enough to take care of it with Sonic while
side-stepping the rocks it's slinging at you. Then take care of the one
on the east side of that same stalagmite, and finally the one on the
second raised area. Wasn't that fun? ;-p

Once you've taken care of those three go up into the southwest section
of the chamber and you'll find two Golden Herb Flowers and a large chest
containing a Ring of Magic. You'll also notice another passageway up
and to the east of the area containing the chest. We'll come back to
that in just a minute.

Instead, go back down to the northeast corner of the chamber. There
you'll find a tunnel entrance behind another large stalagmite. Follow
the tunnel up into the next room where you'll find two club Ogres. Take
care of them, then follow the tunnel west and up until you find one of
the annoying slingin' alcove Ogres. Take pleasure in dispatching the
uncouth beast, and pick up the Magic Ore near the base of the west
wall of the alcove.

Head back down to the large chamber where you opened the chest and exit
through the tunnel just east of the chest. The club Ogre that was in
the room might have regenerated, so watch out for it. You will probably
encounter a Ghost 1 in the east tunnel. Make your way through the
tunnel into the next large chamber.

As you enter the chamber you will see another tunnel entrance just to
the north. Enter and follow that tunnel until you come to the slingin'
Ogre in the alcove just across from the one you were in a minute ago.
Dispatch that Ogre as well as the club Ogre waiting in the tunnel
entrance to the northeast. Follow the tunnel, taking care of the Golem
along the way. At the end of the tunnel, you'll find the first
slingin' alcove Ogre you encountered, as well as another Magic Ore.

Once you're done with them, head back to the large chamber where you
entered this tunnel (where you can go back through the other tunnel
that leads back to the large chest). In the northeast corner is
another tunnel and just inside you'll find Leo Randall sitting
against the east wall. Talk to him.

"It's been a while, eh? I'm glad to see
you're okay..."

"I'm pursuing that Captain. I'll capture
him if I can, or kill him if I can't."

"I can figure you out, though. You came to
figure out the intentions of the
Investigation Corps."

"I owe you one for helping me, so I'll tell
you everything I know."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"The Captain was searching for something
called the 'Eternal Ring'."

"Twenty years ago, the people of Sorcia were
destroyed on this island. It seems they had
a ring called the 'Eternal Ring'."

"Hearing about this ring's marvelous power,
the Elders called forth this 'Eternal Power'."

"I wonder if this has anything to do with
Heyngalia's expansion or their own ambitions...
I don't know what they're scheming to do with
this power."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"Most of the guys in the Corps didn't even know
what the heck we were investigating."

"The Elders didn't trust this Captain either,
so they hired me and concealed me in the ranks."

"If the Captain got too ambitious, I was to kill
him and take the ring back to the Elders."

"But that guy might've found the ring. It's
possible that's what caused him to take that

If you talk to him again, he says:

"You should be able to use your new power here,

"If it's magical, then it might draw on the blood
of Sorcia."

" other thing, I've seen a strange woman
who uses the same powers you do."

"She was with a man wearing a disguise, and when
they noticed me, they ran away..."

"I'm certain her name was Lyla."

If you talk to him again, he stands up and says:

"I told you everything I know, so I'm outta here."

"There's an old institution near here. I'm gonna
go check it out. Maybe I'll learn something there."

He then turns and starts walking away. As he's walking away he says:

"Whether you're a knight or a mercenary, the most
important order is to return alive...I wish you luck."

If you continue after him you will come to the Mine Ruins. At this point
I suggest you go back and complete the Sea Cliff Forest (Chapter 11)
now that you have more experience and higher levels. If you already did
the Sea Cliff Forest, then go on to Chapter 12: Mine Ruins.

To get back to the Sea Cliff Forest, you just need to go halfway back
through the Great Looping Cave to the chamber just before the Save
Point (just before the first set of slingin' Ogres you came to on your
way through). Remember the drop off I mentioned before? Drop off this
time, re-enter the Tree Village, buy any supplies you may need, and
head up to the non-covered door on the third floor.


-=|| Chapter 11: Sea Cliff Forest ||=-

Monsters: Hornet (7-10 per nest), Hornet Nest, Catoblepas,
Lizardman, Lizardman (w/ club), Queen Hornet (one per nest)
Items: Power of Grow, Power of Time, Ring of Magic
Save Points: 2
Warp Points: 1
People You Meet: none

You appear in a mottled rock passageway. Turn east and you'll see the air
turning a bit misty bluish-grey. As you walk toward the cloudy air,
you'll notice it thinning out--good! No more poisonous air! :-)

Turn south and walk toward the exit. You'll see a weird-looking bush off
in the distance. You'll exit the cave onto a raised area. You can't see
very far due to the misty air. Turn west and walk toward the stand of
three tall trees. In the tree farthest to the east you'll notice a
bulbous thing with hovering creatures around it. That's a Hornet Nest.

Go ahead and take care of all the Hornets buzzing around the nest.
However, unless you want to have to deal with the Queen Hornet, do not
hit or destroy the nest. The nest has 500 HP, and the Queen has 700.
She's got a really nasty long stinger, too, with a long reach. If you
practice, you can get good at dodging left and right while attacking the
Queen (Material Arrow works really well), and you get a Dragon Egg if
you defeat the Nest. It's up to you, though.

Once you've taken care of all that, go ahead and drop down on the east
side near the wall north cliff wall to the lower levels where you'll run
into your first active Lizardmen. If you can work it out so you only have
to deal with one at a time, then that will work better for you. They have
high HP, they are fast, and they have a long reach with their swords.
They are weak against Wind magic, so use Sonic on them, though it still
takes a while.

Here's the best way I've found of dealing with them: Try to slowly sneak
up on one and hit it with Sonic. This will get it to come toward you so
you don't enter the range of awareness for the other one (they are
usually in groups of 2-3). Quickly switch to your Earth Heal ring while
it is running toward you; then you can use Earth Heal while you are
attacking if you need it. Time your hits with the Rapier (you did equip
the Rapier, right?) so you hit the Lizardman right after they swing at
you. It's like a little dance of death. :-)

It takes 8-10 hits to kill a Lizardman with a Rapier. It only takes 2-3
hits from a Lizardman to kill you (I had 228 HP at this point), so don't
forget to heal yourself (using Earth Heal). The monsters here do a lot
more damage than any of the previous monsters (including bosses), so it's
very important to keep yourself healed completely. Keep the Golden Herbs
(or something similar) equipped to the Start button for quick access.
Also be careful not to fall off any of the cliff edges here (you fall
down into the Abandoned Place and die, just like that poor guy you

Once you're done with the first four Lizardmen, go to the east and
you'll see a torch pillar next to a stone bridge. Cross the bridge and
go south. You'll come across a Lizardman. After you take care of him,
continue south, staying close to the edge (but not too close), and
you'll encounter another Lizardman. Just after that, along the south
cliff edge, you'll find an unlit torch pillar. Light it using Fireball
and you'll hear a grinding sound in the distance.

Go back north the same way you came, and head east from the stone
bridge. Watch to the southeast and you'll encounter another Lizardman.
To the north, you'll notice a drop-off with a tree and a torch pillar
down below. Just east of the torch pillar is a ramp leading down to the
lower area. Before you go down, inspect the tree branch that's
overhanging the ground where you are and you'll find a Ring of Magic. Go
down the ramp and light the torch pillar. Inside the cave near the
torch pillar is a Save Point.

Back at the top of the ramp, carefully go south and you'll encounter a
trio of Lizardmen in a triangle formation. This makes it very hard to
sneak up on just one at a time. However, if you do your best to come
at them from one point at a time, then you should be able to take care
of them one at a time.

Just to the east of this Lizardman trio is a lone Lizardman. This one
has a club instead of a sword, and a few hundred more HP, too. When you
defeat it, you should get a Celestial Dragon Fang, a very nice and rare
item. Now go back toward the ramp leading down to the Save Point and the
torch pillar. Just before you get to the ramp you'll see a new stone
bridge on the east cliff edge.

Just across this bridge is a Hornet Nest. Before you go across I suggest
you use the Save Point again. No use wasting all the time you just spent.
You can either take out the Hornet Nest, or quickly go by it. You need
to go east past it, then south. You'll be in a small ravine, so follow
it until you get back out in the open. Just to the southwest is a
Lizardman, and just past it, along the edge of the cliff, is another
torch pillar. Be sure to light it. Search this end of the hill in the
middle and you'll find a Ring of Magic. It's next to a clump of weeds.

Just south of the torch pillar is another Lizardman next to a tree with
a Hornet Nest. This Lizardman seemed to last a lot longer than any of
the others, and he defended, too. Just east of the Hornet Nest, up on
the hill, is another Hornet Nest with a large chest underneath it. The
chest contains a Ring of Magic. Just to the west of that is another
Lizardman and a torch pillar.

Just southwest of the torch pillar is a clump of weeds next to a tree.
Search the ground there for a Ring of Magic. On the south side of the
hill in the middle is a torch pillar, so light it. Then search the
ground to the west of the pillar (on the other side of the hill near
the top) for another Ring of Magic. There are also three Lizardmen near
there, so be careful.

Directly west of the three Lizardmen is another torch pillar. Go north
from there and you'll be back at the first Hornet Nest I mentioned this
side of the ravine. There may be two Lizardmen there, as well. Cross
over the stone bridge and light the torch pillar on the small island,
being careful not to fall off. You'll see a set of monoliths rise to
form a stone bridge to the southwest of the island you're on. Maybe
now you can get into that area in the Abandoned Place that was blocked

Now go back to the mainland and to the northeast corner, along the edge
of the cliff, is a narrow path leading northeast. There will be four
Lizardmen here and a large chest containing the Power of Time ring. The
last three Lizardmen are hard to see through the tall weeds, and if you
aren't careful you'll startle at least two at the same time.

Here's a fun thing I did: after defeating the first Lizardman, go to the
western cliff edge, and get just close enough that you can see the
shadow of one of the other Lizardmen. If you do it just right, it will
notice you, come running at you, and fall off the cliff. You don't get
anything for doing it, but it's kinda fun. It also reduces the
remaining three to only two! :-)

The chest containing Power of Time is on the north side of the tall
weeds. Now head back to the Save Point in the cave on the lower level
and use it. Then head back toward that first Hornet Nest. On the west
side of the Hornet Nest you will see a tunnel entrance, which leads to
room containing a Save Point and a Warp Point. The south exit takes you
to that suspended bridge you found after the Place of Ritual and before
you entered the Abandoned Place. There's a Hornet Nest just outside the
tunnel exit, too. The east exit takes you to a medium-sized ledge.

Go out the east exit and you'll see a torch pillar (light it!) on the
east edge across from another Hornet Nest. Cross the monolith bridge and
take out the Catoblepas (Sonic will do it in two hits), then the
Lizardman. Head southeast until you see another torch pillar. Just south
and a little west of the torch pillar is a Catoblepas hiding in the
tall weeds. Get close enough to get a clear shot with Sonic, and take it
out. Just a little southwest of that one is another one, though it's
harder to see because it's farther inside the tall weeds.

A little farther southwest, just at the edge of all the tall weeds is a
Lizardman. Try to get a clear view of it before it notices you, and
don't be too close to a cliff edge, either. To the east of the Lizardman
is a Hornet Nest. Southeast of that is a cliff edge across from a torch
pillar. Get close enough to the edge so you can light it with Fireball.

If you want to, go southwest and then north once you come to a cliff
edge. You'll see a monolith bridge and across it you'll find two more
Lizardmen. Once you take care of them, you can go northeast and you'll
be back where that first Catoblepas was. Otherwise, go to the southeast
and cross the stone bridge, then walk east and then north and cross
another stone bridge. On this island you'll find a large chest with the
Power of Grow ring. Head back to the last Save Point, use it, and then
you have two choices:

1. Go out the south exit to the suspension bridge, cross it and
go down into the Abandoned Place to get that Ring of Magic.
Then go back to the Tree Village.
2. Go back to the Tree Village.

When you get back to the Tree Village, stock up on items you need. At
this point I suggest you go back and complete the Great Looping Cave
(Chapter 10) if you haven't already done so. If you already completed
the Great Looping Cave, then go on to Chapter 12: Mine Ruins (you have
to go back through the Great Looping Cave to get to it--Yay! more
experience and Magic Stones!) Feel free to build experience for a bit by
going back and forth in the Great Looping Cave.


-=|| Chapter 12: Mine Ruins ||=-

Monsters: Flame Rat, Golem, Witch
Items: Golden Herb, Magic Ore, Ring of Magic
Save Points: 1
Warp Points: 1
People You Meet: none

The Mine Ruins have six levels and three shafts. You are on level one of
the west shaft. In the west shaft there are four floors (from level one
through four); in the middle shaft there are three floors (from level
four through six); in the east shaft there are four floors (from level
two through five). It looks something like this:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)

West Shaft Middle Shaft East Shaft

Level Six
Level Five-----Level Five
| |
Level Four----Level Four-----Level Four
| |
Level Three Level Three
| |
Level Two Level Two
E--Level One

The "E" marks where you entered the ruins, and the "X" marks the exit.
The dashes and pipes indicate access between the levels.

What ominous music! When you enter the Mine Ruins, walk forward and you
will see a path to the north and a path to the south. Take the south path
and you'll find a Save Point room. When you're done there, head north
into the mine. The tunnel will curve around until you're headed east and
you'll enter a room with a large greyish-blue raised area in the
northwest corner of the room. This is a transport block. Step onto the
transport block and look at the north wall to see the activation switch
for it. Activate the transport block to move up to Level Two.

When you reach Level Two you will see two Flame Rats running around. Sonic
kills them in one hit. There's nothing else on this level, so go up to
Level Three. Head east from where you get off and you'll find the one
Flame Rat on this level. On Level Four are two Witches.

If you move very slowly toward them, you can get close enough to hit them
with Sonic without them attacking you. Otherwise, they shoot a strange,
slow-moving yellowish ball of energy at you. If this hits you it will
paralyse you. In the southwest corner are two Golden Herb Flowers. On the
east wall is a large opening leading to another part of the room
containing two Flame Rats. In the northwest corner of this room is
another large opening, this one leading to Level Four of the Middle

There are two Golems, two Witches and one Flame Rat in this room. The
Witches sometimes leave a Wizard's Secret Potion! There's a secret to
killing one of these Golems, too, because it has no HP itself: you need
to kill the Witch that is controlling it. Usually the Witch will be
directly behind the Golem, so just use Sonic. The Golem will get red
highlights whenever you hit the Witch.

Against the north wall of the room is a stack of three large stones. On
top of one of them is a Ring of Magic. You can't get to it just yet, so
we'll come back to it later. In the northeast corner are two Golden Herb
Flowers and in the southwest corner is a large chest containing a Ring
of Magic.

Exit the large room through the large opening in the southeast corner
and you will enter Level Four of the East Shaft. There are two Flame
Rats here. Exit through the large opening on the northeast side of
the room and you will come to the main East Shaft. If you look around
you'll see five Witches, three on your level and two down below. There
are four platforms on this level, one in each corner:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)

|XXX | | |
|XXX | | |
| 4 | | 3 |
| W | | |
| W | | |
|-----------' '-----------|
| XXX|
| XXX|
West | | East
|XXX |
|XXX |
|-----------. .-----------|
| | | |
--' | | W |
1 | | 2 |
E | XXX| |
| XXX| |

The "E" indicates where you entered. The "W" indicates where a Witch
is located. The grouped "X" shows where a transport platform is
located. The numbers are for convenience.

Get on the transport block and activate it. The block will move to the
east, toward platform 2 (the one with one Witch). You will need to
quickly get off the transport block and zap the Witch with Sonic (when
you are close enough) before it can hit you with its really powerful
fireball cluster spell (not sure what else to call it).

Go to the southwest corner of platform 2 and activate that transport
block. This will take you to platform 3. Go to the southeast corner
and activate that platform. This one will take you Level Three:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)

|XXX |
|XXX 4 |
| |
| |
.-----------' '-----------.
| |XXX W | E |
| |XXX | |
West | 2 | W | 1 | East
| | XXX| |
| | XXX| |
'-----------. .-----------'
|XXX |
|XXX |
| 3 |
| |

The "E" indicates where you entered. The "W" indicates where a Witch
is located. The grouped "X" shows where a transport platform is
located. The numbers are for convenience.

The transport block next to platform 1 will take you to platform 2. On
the way are two Witches floating in midair. Just avoid their attacks as
you go by. When you get to platform 2, take the next transport block
down to Level Two:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)

| |
| |
.------' '------.
| E |
| |
West | | East
| |
| |
'------. .------'
| XXX|
| XXX|

The "E" indicates where you entered. The grouped "X" shows where the
transport platform is located.

Once you're down here, use Material Arrow to get rid of the annoying
Witches--just shoot them down from below. Here on Level Two are four
Magic Ores plus whatever the Witches drop. Head to the transport block on
the southeast side and go back up to Level Three:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)

|XXX |
|XXX 4 |
| |
| |
.-----------' '-----------.
| |XXX | |
| |XXX | |
West | 2 | | 1 | East
| | XXX| |
| | XXX| |
'-----------. .-----------'
|XXX |
|XXX |
| 3 E |
| |

The "E" indicates where you entered. The grouped "X" shows where a
transport platform is located. The numbers are for convenience.

You arrive on platform 3. Take the next transport block to platform 4
and board the next transport block. There is a Ring of Magic in the
center of this transport block. This will take you back up to Level Four:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)

|XXX E | | |
|XXX | | |
| 4 | | 3 |
| W | | |
| W | | |
|-----------' '-----------|
| XXX|
| XXX|
West | | East
|XXX |
|XXX |
|-----------. .-----------|
| | | |
--' | | |
1 | | 2 |
| XXX| |
| XXX| |

The "E" indicates where you entered. The "W" indicates where a Witch
is located. The grouped "X" shows where a transport platform is
located. The numbers are for convenience.

Use Sonic or Material Arrow to quickly dispatch the Witches before they
do anything to you. Then board the transport block in the northwest
corner. This will take you to Level Five of the East Shaft, which is
just a long narrow ledge with a large opening near the middle of the
west wall. There are three Flame Rats in this passageway.

When you get through the passageway, you'll be on another long narrow
ledge (Level Five of the Middle Shaft), this time above the large room
with the stacked blocks. Go to the northwest corner of the ledge and
activate the transport block to go up to Level Six. There are two
Witches here. Once you've taken care of the Witches, walk along the
south edge of the ledge until you are lined up with those three stacked
blocks I mentioned before. There's a Ring of Magic on top of one of

If you go to get the ring, then you'll have to wander all the way back
up here, so it's up to you. If you go through the doorway in the center
of the north wall, you enter the Ironworks.


-=|| Chapter 13: Ironworks ||=-

Monsters: Berserker, Berserker Witch, Captain of the Guard-1 (BOSS),
Flame Rat, Golem-2, Witch
Items: Amplify ring, Ring of Magic
Save Points: 1
Warp Points: 1
People You Meet: Leo Randall

There is a Save Point and Warp Point room to the west as you head into
the Ironworks. Continue north and the hallway will start curving east,
snaking along until you reach a doorway into a large room. as you enter,
look to the north side of the room and you will see two Witches floating
there. Along the south wall is a pit containing molten iron. Don't fall
into it! :-)

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)


| || || |
| || || |
| || W W || |
| || || |
| \:===============:/ |
| || |
| || |
| || |
| || |
| || |
| || |
--' ## |
## | East
--. ## |
| || |
| || |
| || |
| || XXXXX|
| || XXXXX|
| || XXXXX|
| |
| |
| Molten Iron |
| |
| |

The "W" indicates a Witch, "X" indicates the transport block elevator,
"#" indicates the small bridge, and "@" indicates a small gateway
through which molten iron enters the channels.

Near the center of the room, there is a small bridge over the channel
for molten metal. On the north side you'll see a small bar in the
center extending from the bottom of the bridge to the bottom of the
channel. After you activate a lever on the third floor of the Ironworks,
you'll be able to get the Fire Key here. We'll come back to this later.
Go to the transport block elevator and activate it. It will rise up into
another room.

To the north you'll notice a sitting Golem-2. There's another one to the
southwest on the other side of a fast-moving conveyor belt. These Golems
just sit there right now.

To the northwest is a Berserker. If you get too close, it will cast Seal
Magic on you, which makes it so you can't use any magic rings, and the
effect lasts for 1 minute. If you time your attacks between its
spell casting, you can down it with about 6 hits from Material Arrow.
Tornado also works really well.

On the northwest side of the room, near the edge where the conveyor belt
is headed, is a Witch next to a Red Door. Near the middle of the west
wall is another sitting Golem-2 (you'll notice that these three Golems
have green eyes instead of red eyes) and a wooden door. Go through the
wooden door.

There are three Flame Rats here. To the south is another wooden door.
Through that wooden door is a larger room. On the west wall near the
southwest corner is a wooden door. On the east wall, near the center, is
another wooden door inside a small alcove. To the south you'll find a
body on the ground: it's Leo Randall! To the west of his body are a
Ring of Magic (near his hand) and a wooden table. On the table is a
diary. If you read it, it says:

"Regarding the army of Aldine, of which I
am a member: The Sorcia invasion was a
complete failure"

"All those fearsome dragons are all that
is left after the invasion of Sorcia. I
still don't believe it."

"My body is gradually changing into
something evil. It's the curse of Sorcia."

"Either that, or it's the power of the
Eternal Ring the King was after."

"I've hung a key in this building, and
I've decided to stay and fight the evil
curse until the end."

"If I lose my humanity, throw me into
the molten iron. I'm prepared to leave
this hideous form behind."

"Someday, if something happens to me,
please stop the power of the ring."

Repeated readings of the diary will reveal nothing new.

After you finish reading, go through the door in the east wall (the door
in the alcove) and go up to the next floor using the transport block
elevator. Walk east to the wall, then along the east wall to the
northeast corner. Activate the switch. This will cause the transport
block on which you're standing to move to the west. Move west onto the
next block and activate that switch.

Immediately turn so you're facing east and move onto the enclosed block
as soon as the transport block you're on moves next to it. Activate the
lever. You will see a cut-scene of the first floor of the Ironworks (the
floor where you entered. One of the small gates will open and some molten
iron will flow out. If you watch closely, you'll see something glowing on
top of the molten iron. This is the Fire Key.

Go back down to the first floor and get the Fire Key. If you haven't made
a Tornado ring yet, and you have at least three Cloud Stones and three
Wing Stones, use the Warp Point and make one. It will come in very handy
a little later. Be sure to use the Save Point afterward.

Go back to the room where Leo Randall is sleeping eternally, and go out
the west door. You may be attacked immediately by two Witches (maybe even
before you open the door!), so watch out. Continue on through the next
door. As soon as you go through, you'll see a Berserker trying to cast
Seal Magic on you. Once you're done with it, go into the room and take
care of the Witch. In the southwest corner is a Magic Crystal.

There are two other exits from this room, and both are in the east wall.
Take the middle exit first. There are two Witches and a Flame Rat here.
When you're done with them, go back out and take the southeast exit.
There are three Flame Rats in this room, and an exit in the northeast

Through this door are two Berserkers. Using Protect will keep their Seal
Magic from working on you. There is a Magic Crystal in the northeast
corner and large chest in the southeast corner which contains a Ring of
Magic. Once you're done here, head back to the room where Leo lies and
exit through the east door. Go up to the third floor and go over to the
transport blocks along the east wall.

Move to the last one near the north wall and slowly move toward the west
edge of the block. If you do it right, you'll drop down on top of the
crates below and be able to access the door in the east wall. Inside
you'll find a Golem-2 slowly working the large turnstile. Get rid of it,
and go to the base of the pillar on the south wall where you'll find a
Ring of Magic. Go back outside and go use the Save Point once more, then
return to this room. You're about to have another big fight.

Go to the Red Door on the northwest side of the room. Use your Fire Key
to unlock the door, and then enter. Be sure to have the Tornado Ring
equipped and a healing item equipped to the Start button shortcut. Then
go through the next wooden door.

You'll be in a large L-shaped room, and you'll be able to see a door
down at the far west end. Walk toward it and you'll see another door in
the south wall, and then the screen will go black. This is your toughest
boss fight yet.

BOSS: Captain of the Guard-1
HP: 1000
MPr: 250
Weakness: Light
Items: Sunshine Stone

The camera then cuts to a hideous golden creature with huge black wings
that looks something like the dark angel that Darrell Stone was becoming
(back in the Investigation Corps Camp--the strange creature that attacked
Leo there). It looks like it's rising out of the ground. It says:

"You...came following me, didn't you..."

"You, too...just like him...I'll get you...!"

It then immediately starts attacking you with Sonic. You can dodge left
and right to avoid the attacks while sending Tornado and other attacks
its way. Keep track of your HP as its attacks can wear them down pretty

If you can get close to it you can attack it with your sword (takes
about 30 hits to kill it) while keeping it from sending its most
devastating attacks at you. You'll take some damage, but not as much.
Just make sure you keep your HP up because it will most likely poison
you, and maybe throw some other status anomalies your way.

When you defeat it, it will fall to the ground, and then get up and fly
away into the darkness overhead. It will leave a Sunshine Stone on the
ground. This is your first Light Magic Stone. Now go to the northeast
corner of the room and look at the base of the support pillar. There's a
Ring of Magic there.

Head to the door in the south wall and enter the room behind it. Inside
is a large chest containing the Amplify ring. This increases the
recharge rate for your Magic Gauge--very useful!

At this point, you may want to go all the way back to the Water Temple
to access the goodies behind the Red Doors there (plus all the Magic
Stones you get on the way there and back!). You can get the following:
a Magic Ore, a Cascade Stone, a Blaze Stone, and a Dragon Scale. Refer
to Chapter 5 for the locations of the Red Doors in the Water Temple. When
you're done there, come back to this location and go through the door in
the west wall. This takes you to the Molten River.


-=|| Chapter 14: Molten River ||=-

Monsters: Balloon Cloud, Fire Dragon (SUPER BOSS), Fire Giant, Phoenix,
Phoenix Nest
Items: Amplify, Ring of Magic
Save Points: 1
Warp Points: none
People You Meet: Turban Man, Lyla Yunoh

Listen to that bubbling sound! Follow the passageway south to a small
cavern containing exits to the south and east. Next to the east exit
you'll find Turban Man. He's standing there with his arms folded and
head bowed, as if in deep thought. Talk to him:

"You're pretty good to have fought your
way this far."

"That mercenary is dead now, isn't he. His
prowess with the sword was well-known, but
it was futile here on this island."

"I believe the Captain thinks the monsters
have the Eternal Ring."

"In the past, many people sought the Eternal
Ring. They believed in a thing called

"But every last one of them was cursed so they
didn't understand the tale of the Eternal Ring."

"Twenty years ago, the magic users of Sorcia
and the invaders from Aldine came over to this

"The person you want to meet is near here. The
last time you met him, he was in his final form."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"I served under that man previously in a country
called Aldine."

"That was more than twenty long years ago..."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"Seek out Lyla. She's the only one who knows the
way to the Eternal Ring."

"If you can't find her, then the curse will
claim you, too, and this island will indeed
continue to be lost."

"...just like me..."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"Get lost..."

He'll just keep repeating that if you talk to him any more. Go ahead and
Use the Save Point if you want to, and then head out through the south
exit. Follow the tunnel until you come to a large cavern containing a
molten river. You can go either north or south, but going south takes
you to a dead-end, so go north.

The first monster you'll encounter is a Fire Giant. They like to cast
Tornado at you, so try to take them out from afar using Ice Sword.
Tornado causes Paralyze, so do your best to avoid it. :-)

The Fire Giant is standing next to a Magic Crystal. Following the
river-side path north will take you to another Fire Giant. Continuing
north and then west, you will come to a Fire Giant on a narrow bridge
over the molten river. This one can be taken out safely like this:

| /

/ |x

Stand where the "x" is and use Material Arrow to attack the Fire Giant,
"F", until you defeat it or it gets annoyed and starts walking toward
you. If you are in the correct spot, it will walk off the edge of the
bridge into the river. If you aren't in the right spot, the Fire Giant
will get close to you and start breathing fire at you. This will kill you
very quickly, so try to avoid it.

Just across the bridge is a Balloon Cloud. The trick to defeating them is
to attack with Sonic until they start shaking in mid-air, then back away
as fast as you can so you don't get caught in their self-destruct blast
(which will do A LOT of damage to you). Once you've taken care of the
Balloon Cloud, continue across the bridge and follow the path to the east
along the edge of the river--you will find a Magic Crystal there. Then go
back to the door next to which the Balloon Cloud was resting.

These doors require you to use magic on them to open them. I shot the
first one with Material Arrow (I shot the glowing orb in the middle of
the door). Behind the door you'll find a passageway and at the end of
the passageway is another magically sealed door. On the other side of
this door you'll find a Fire Giant and three Balloon Clouds. I beat them
by running forward and taking pot shots at one of them, then retreating
to the relative safety of the tunnel (the Fire Giant's Tornado will
follow you in, so make sure you retreat past the first turn).

Next to where the Balloon Clouds were resting is another magically-sealed
door. Go through that long, winding tunnel, and come out to the molten
river again. Staying inside the tunnel, look to the northeast and you'll
see a glowing pool on a narrow bridge across the molten river. That is a
Phoenix Nest. First go to the west to get a Magic Crystal, then go back
toward the Phoenix Nest.

When you get close enough to the nest, a Phoenix will come out and start
circling the nest. If you stand far enough away, you can hit the nest
with Ice Sword without the Phoenix attacking you. When you destroy the
nest, the Phoenix dies, too.

Across the bridge and to the northeast are five Balloon Clouds, and behind
them is a large chest containing a Ring of Magic. South-southwest of the
Balloon Clouds you'll find two pillars, and the east one has a Fire Giant
behind it, and behind the Fire Giant is a magically-sealed door that lets
you into another long, winding tunnel. This one isn't empty, though: it
has a Balloon Cloud in it.

[I don't know if it was a glitch in the game or what, but as I was going
through the tunnel, there was a brief flash of black on the screen.
Nothing happened to me, but I thought I'd mention it just in case anyone
else had that happen to them, too. It might not happen in the US release
of the game.]

At the end of the tunnel there is a Magic Door. When you get near the
entrance, you'll be able to someone (or something) off to the west. When
you exit the tunnel, someone says:

"Is that Nell...?

Then the computer takes over and you walk over toward the figure to the
west. The figure looks somewhat demonic, and is wearing a large yellow
tear-drop-shaped pendant. Note that behind the figure is a narrow path
along the side of the molten river. You'll need to remember this in a
minute--it will literally save your life!

The figure continues:

"No. Who might you be, honorable stranger...?"

"That crest is one I have never before seen. From which
country do you hail...?"

"I am Matthew D. Ross III, king of the great country of

"If I returned to my domain, would not many thousands of
people come to greet me in spite of this body?"

"This place is not my kingdom, so you need not be formal
with me. Be at ease..."

If you talk to him again, he continues:

"So, honorable stranger, have you seen Nell...?"

"My loyal servant who proposed this invasion."

"Even now, he seeks a way to return me to my original form."

"So, will you also seek this?"

"If you can rid me of this abominable form, returning me to
my true form, I will appoint you as one of my knights."

"How would you like to be captain of my bodyguards? That
should satisfy your ambitions better than being a warrior
for some unknown little country."

If you talk to him again, he continues:

"I should explain how I came to be in this might
be necessary if you are to find a way to return me to my true

"This was more than twenty years ago..."

He turns and looks eastward (basically the direction from which you
came), continuing:

"I led many thousands of soldiers to this island seeking the
mighty power sealed within the Eternal RIng."

"We were tricked by the people of Sorcia when they ambushed us
using strange magic, and the Eternal Ring was right before our

"But in the end, the foolish Sorcians used a bizarre technique."

"Whereupon my soldiers and I began to change into foul
monsters the likes of which had never before been seen."

"As it is, I would have to reorganize the expeditionary force
in order to return to our country."

He then turns back toward you and continues:

"In order to accomplish that, I decided long ago to return
from this accursed form to my original body."

"However, Nell is taking a long's been quite some
time since he left..."

"And when the king is absent for a long period of time, the
people grow uneasy..."

He suddenly turns toward the molten river (as your controller begins
vibrating) and says:

"Wha-what's that?"

A large Fire Dragon rises out of the molten river and roars in your
general direction. It then shoots a stream of flame at the creature with
whom you were conversing, and he drops dead as you roll out of the way.
The dragon turns to you, and you hear a voice (not the dragon) saying:

"This way, quickly!"

The camera then turns toward that narrow path along the side of the
molten river. Run as fast as you can along the narrow path until you
get a long ways inside the next long, winding tunnel (I suggest running
until you get to the magically-sealed door just to be safe. The Fire
Dragon's breath can go around halfway through the tunnel!). As long as
you move quickly, you should be able to get away without getting fried.
If the Fire Dragon hits you once, you're dead.

When you open the door, you'll see a woman standing on a bridge of land
between two parts of the molten river. When you leave the tunnel, the
computer takes over and you walk up to the woman. She says:

"You're fine here. Do you have any wounds?"

"That Fire Dragon has no self esteem anymore...
so you should be careful of the danger."

"You've been using magic all over the island...
I've noticed it. You're from Sorcia, aren't

"I had thought there weren't any more Sorcians
any more..."

"My name is Lyla. Lyla Yunoh. I'm the last of
the Ayershian."

"Ayershia was once on this island, a glorious
magical clan. The Sorcians were also here."

"I'm so happy. Was there anyone left alive
other than me who could use magic?"

"You came over from the mainland, right? Hey,
will you tell about life off this island? I've
never been away from here."

"Over that way a little more is the place
where I live......!!!"

Lyla suddenly looks to the north and you see the Fire Dragon in the
molten river, right next to you! It roars, and then Lyla says:

"This is dangerous, so don't move!"

She then casts a spell on you that creates a shimmering shield around
you. Then she says:

"I wonder what I'm going to do now..."

"Father! It's me, Lyla. Calm down!!"

That doesn't seem to help any, and "father" blasts you with his fiery
breath, knocking you off the other side of the bridge. This knocks you
down into the Magic Testing Center.


-=|| Chapter 15: Magic Testing Center ||=-

Monsters: Berserker, Chimera, Cockatrice (BOSS), Flame Rat, Nosferatu
Items: Dragon's Egg, Magic Gem, Ring of Magic, Ring of Magic (True Eye),
Save Points: 1
Warp Point: 6 (four are special warp points)
People You Meet: none

When you quit falling, you find yourself in a long hall with many
alcoves along each side. You turn and look up the long ramp down which
you came tumbling. Since you can't go back up to be fried by the Fire
Dragon, go ahead and walk west down the hall to the door and go through
it. When you go through the door, turn north and go through the door to
find the Save Point. The two Warp Points are located elsewhere within the

There are five areas in the Center, and four of them can only be accessed
by using the special warp points located in the main area. One nice
thing: there are no monsters in the main area except for the boss, so you
don't have to worry about being attacked while wandering around here
unless you're in one of the four warp areas.

From the Save Point room, you can go south to the Blue warp point (note
the color of the gem inset in the top of the pedestal) or west to the
Green warp point. I suggest you start with Blue. To activate it, step up
on the platform and press the blue button on the pedestal. You will then
warp to a closed room with one door. Go through the door and you'll be
confronted by a Chimera. You'll see it down at the other end of the hall
by another door like the one you just opened.

Chimeras are susceptible to Light magic, so equip Heaven if you made
it--one hit will take care of it. Remember that Light and Darkness spells
use up a lot more MP than most other rings, so keep track of your MP
level. The Chimera will cast a black-blue orb at you so avoid that if you

At the end of the hall where the Chimera was, there are three doors: one
each to the east, west, and north. In the east room is a large chest
containing a Ring of Magic, the west room is empty, and the north room
contains a warp platform that takes you back to the first Blue warp
point. Use it to return.

Now go north and then west to the Green warp point. When you use it,
you'll go to another room very much like the one to which the Blue warp
point transported you. The hall will be empty when you open the door, and
there will be three doors at the north end of the hall again. The east
room contains a Nosferatu, the west room contains a Nosferatu and
a large chest with a Magic Gem inside, and the north room contains the
return warp point. As you get near the north end of the hall, you'll be
able to hear the two Nosferatu jumping around.

Nosferatu are a pain to kill because they are fast, jump around a lot,
shoot powerful fireballs (even through walls!), and their physical
attacks are strong, too. I suggest using Tornado repeatedly when you have
it trapped in a corner. It will take a little work, but you'll get it, and
you might even get lucky and defeat it with only one Tornado! When you're
done here, use the return warp point.

Don't worry about the door to the north of the Green warp point for now.
Continue west past a Warp Point (to the Magic Ring "factory"), and then
south to the Red warp point. Again, you'll find yourself in an empty room
with one door after using the Red warp point. Through the door is another
hall, but this time you're facing south and there are only two doors at
the south end of the hall: the west room contains a Berserker (remember
to use Protect so you don't get poisoned) and a large chest with a
Sacrifice ring inside, and the south room contains the return warp point.
When you're all done use the return warp point.

Again, ignore the door to the west of the Red warp point for now, and
continue your rounds by going south and then east to the Yellow warp
point (there's a True Eye Ring of Magic by this pedestal. Be careful not
to fall off the edge when getting it). Go through the door into the hall,
and you'll notice there are five doors here. Each room except the south
room contains a Flame Rat, the northwest room contains a large chest
holding a Ring of Magic, and the southeast room contains a large chest
holding a Dragon's Egg. When you're done, use the return warp point in
the south room.

I suggest you use the Save Point now, and then go to the Red warp point
and enter the door there instead of using the warp point. It's
boss-fightin' time!

BOSS: Cockatrice
HP: 1000
MPr: 300
Weakness: none
Items: Silence Stone

Make sure you are ready before you open the door. As soon as you open
the door the computer will take over and walk you toward the giant
chicken in the middle of the room. Be careful of its colorful breath
weapon--it even anticipates where you are going to move! Whatever you
do, don't get too close to it or it can kill you almost immediately.

You can only hurt it when its torso eyes are closed. I suggest hitting
it with Tornado (you need to get fairly close to do this) and then using
Cure Water or Earth Heal to keep your HP up and equip Magic Ore as your
Start Button Shortcut. If you do this, it will only take a couple minutes
to defeat it.

When you are done, the Cockatrice will leave a Silence Stone behind. This
is your first Darkness Magic Stone. Collect your booty, go back into the
main area of the Center and use the Save Point (since there isn't one in
the next area) and head out the west exit and up the stairs to the Ruins.


-=|| Chapter 16: Ruins ||=-

Monsters: Hawkman, Hell Hound, Living Chain Mail, Werewolf-2
Items: Hunting Sword, Ring of Magic, Ring of Magic (True Eye)
Save Points: none
Warp Points: none
People You Meet: none

As soon as you get up the stairs, you will see a Werewolf-2 off to the
southwest, with another just behind it. Heaven works really well on them,
and if you time it with their jump, you can get them before they do any
damage to you. One hit is all it takes. There is nothing to the
northwest, so continue walking southwest and you'll encounter a Hawkman.

It will start shooting at you before you can see it (due to the misty
air), so back up and let it come forward a bit. Then hit it with Tornado.
Once or twice should work. Continue south and you'll encounter another
Hawkman. After that you'll find three Living Mail monsters. Hit them once
with Heaven and they're toast. Just to the west of the Living Mail you'll
find the Hunting Sword stuck in the ground. The Hunting Sword will
increase your Wind attribute by 5 points, and your strength by 30 points.
It's slower than the Rapier, so it's a bit of a trade-off. There is a
True Eye Ring of Magic next to where the Hunting Sword was, so be sure to
come back and get it once you have the True Eye ring.

There's nothing to the south or east, so continue west. Here you will
encounter an extremely fast, but weak, Hell hound wandering around outside
between the buildings. It is weak against Water magic. Turn south and
you'll find the entrance to a building next to a pile of boulders. Go
east into the building, and then south out of the building, and you'll
find another Hell hound. Southwest a little more is another building with
another Hell hound inside guarding a large chest containing a Ring of

Go back to where you encountered the first Hell hound (just west of where
you picked up the Hunting Sword) and go west. Just around the corner to
the south is a Werewolf-2, and just southwest behind it is another one.
There's nothing to the south, so continue west and enter the first
building to the south. There's two Living Mail monsters inside. Watch
out for attacks from a Hell hound while you're taking out the Living Mail.

Then go north, following the path between the buildings. As you round the
corner to head east, you'll encounter two more Living Mail monsters.
Follow the path east and then north and you'll encounter a Hawkman and a
Werewolf-2. Continue north and then west and you'll find two Hell Hounds.
Behind the Hell hounds is the entrance to the Library.


-=|| Chapter 17: Library ||=-

Monsters: Faerie, Gargoyle-1 (Darkness), Gargoyle-1 (Earth),
Gargoyle-1 (Fire), Gargoyle-1 (Light), Gargoyle-1 (STR),
Gargoyle-1 (Water), Gargoyle-1 (Wind), Ghost-1
Items: Earth Dragon Stone, Power of Seek ring, Sacrifice
Save Points: 1
Warp Points: 2 (one takes you to the Magic Training Center)
People You Meet: Turban Man (Nell Grey)

Before going through the doors, turn to the east and you'll see someone
sitting against the wall--it's Turban Man, minus the turban. Talk to him:

"Are you surprised at how this body

"I served the king of Aldine. The name's
Nell Grey."

"I've been protecting the king for the
last 20 years, trying to find a way of
returning things to the way they were in
the beginning."

He holds out his hand and says:

"The king became this blaze magic when
he died. As for me, I'm just this form..."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"The Eternal might think it's a
ring or something like that, but it's not."

"It's really a cell to seal away this
perilous existence forever..."

"But it also takes your power away. But
that's not really true, either..."

"Perhaps...if you want to know about
yourself, I'll teach you what I know."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"You already know that you're a Sorcian."

"Even though I served the king of Aldine...
I was from Sorcia."

"I was born into a noble family, but I had
no magical I was cursed like the

"Because of that, I met with persecution,
even in my own family. My older brother, who
had become the head of our family, despised

"After I left the country I caught the eye of
the king of Aldine and found success...and
after a while I proposed an invasion of

"I wanted to show my older brother that his
magic wasn't good for anything..."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"Relying on the legends, the Sorcians fled to
this island and found the Eternal Ring..."

"By the power of the beings that were sealed
within the ring, they became dragons and the
entire island fell under a curse."

"The Fire Dragon was the man who was my
brother, but that thing is no longer human..."

"You look somewhat like my older brother...
that's what you wanted to know, right?"

If you talk to him again, he says:

"I thought that by using you I could destroy
the sealed power, and thereby remove the curse,
but...I just don't care anymore."

"My brother isn't human anymore, and my king
is gone...I'll just stay here in seclusion now."

"Get going now...the Eternal Ring grows weaker
still. The power that was sealed is getting out."

"If that happens, then every living thing in this
world, even you and Lyla, will cease to exist."

"You can get to Lyla's house through the basement.
Now, hurry up and go see the last of our kindred..."

If you talk to him any more, he'll just repeat that last line, so open
the north door and walk north to the end of the hall, opening the next
door. Go around the hole in the floor and continue north through the open
doorway, through the next door, and use the Save Point. You may also want
to create some more powerful rings while you're here, too.

When you're done, go back to the center room with the hole in the floor
and through the west door. Go around the raised platform on the floor to
the northwest door, open it, then go to the next door. When you open this
door, you'll see a Gargoyle-1 on a pedestal in the middle of the room.
Gargoyles have no specific weaknesses, so you'll just have to beat it
while staying out of it's reach. If they touch you, your magic might get
sealed so you can't use it.

Exit through the southwest door, go through it and the next door, and
you'll find another Gargoyle-1. Repeat the process again by going through
the southeast and taking care of the next one. Then go back to the first
room with the raised platform in the center by exiting through the
northeast door. Go back to the room with the hole by exiting through the
east door, go around the hole, and enter the east door. Follow the same
pattern as before going through the rooms on this side, until you get
back to the room with the raised platform in the center.

When you walk onto it, you are raised to the second floor and you walk
off the elevator platform facing the northeast door. There is also a door
to the southeast. Go through the northeast door and the next door and
you'll be in a library room.

As you walk between the rows of bookcases, you'll start to hear a
tinkling sound and you'll see some small glowing lights flitting around
near the ceiling. These are Faeries, and they are weak against Darkness
magic, though since they only have 50HP it doesn't really matter what you
use against them. They are somewhat fast, though. i suggest Fireball or
Material Arrow so you don't waste too many MP on them. They give you
Consume Stones if you defeat them (sometimes).

Once you're done here, go through the two sets of doors in the northeast
corner and enter the next room. This room has three Faeries in it, as
well as a large chest containing a Sacrifice ring (in the northeast
corner). You exit the room in the southeast corner, and the next room has
four Faeries in it. Go to the northeast corner of the room and through
the door. In this room there is a switch you need to push down. When
you're done with that, go back outside the room and to the southwest
corner door.

Through this door is yet more of the library, and this room contains one
Faerie. The exit is in the southwest corner again, and the next room
contains three faeries. The exit is in the northwest corner, and this
takes you back to the elevator platform. Use the platform to return to
the first floor, then go to the west side (on the other side of the room
with the hole in the floor) and step onto that elevator platform.

When you get to the second floor, make sure you have Sonic equipped--
you'll be running into a lot of Ghost-1 monsters here, and that ring
can take them without using too many MP. Then go through the northwest
set of doors. There is nothing in this first room except the exit in the
northwest corner. Through that set of doors is the next room, which
contains two Ghost-1 monsters. Remember that the Magic Grass Seed can
remove any Curse status.

The next room is through the set of doors in the southwest corner. There
are three Ghost-1 monsters in the next room, a large chest containing an
Earth Dragon Stone, and two exits: one in the northwest corner and one in
the southeast corner. Go through the northwest set of doors and activate
the switch in that room. Then go back and exit through the southeast set
of doors.

There is nothing in this room except the exit doors in the southeast
corner, so go to the next room. This room has one Ghost in it, and an
exit in the northeast corner. Through the northeast exit is the elevator
platform room where you can go back down to the first floor. Once there,
go use the Save Point if you wish, then go to the room with the hole in
the floor.

You'll notice the hole is now filled with a stone, so step onto the
stone and it will take you to the basement. There is nothing else in this
room, so go out the only door and you'll see a hallway stretching off to
the south. There are seven other doors in this hall, but there is nothing
behind any except the door at the south end. Feel free to explore the
small library rooms, though.

Through the south door you will find another Gargoyle-1. When you're done
here, exit through the southeast set of doors and you'll be in a room
with a large chest (containing the Power of Seek ring), a Warp Point
(which will take you back to the Magic Training Center), and a tunnel
exit. You can go back to the Center if you want to, but you'll just have
to come back here, so go through the tunnel.


-=|| Chapter 18: Camp on the South Beach: The Underground Lake ||=-

Monsters: none
Items: True Eye ring
Save Points: none
Warp Points: 1 (takes you to the Abandoned Place)
People You Meet: Lyla Yunoh, Water Dragon

You'll come out in front of a ruined hut. Off to the east is another cave
entrance partially blocked by rocks. You can walk along the edge of the
cliff to the south of that entrance, but there's nothing there (and if
you fall off you're dead!). If you walk to the west, you'll see a working
windmill to the southwest--turns out all the huts were once windmills. If
you continue west, you will also notice a large wall to the northwest--
could it be blocking something?

To the west of the working windmill is a Warp Point. This one takes you
to the Abandoned Place. If you want to revisit the Tree Village to stock
up on any supplies, this is how you do it. Now go inside the windmill. As
soon as you enter, you will see Lyla turn around and say:

"You're safe! Thank goodness..."

"This is my house...this used to be a town built
by the Ayershians."

"But now I'm all alone..."

"Since you're from Sorcia, I think you need to
know the truth."

"The story's a little long, but..."

If you talk to her again, she says:

"The civilization known as Ayershia once flourished
on this very land. They manipulated magic freely."

"Back then, the Ayershian master magic users, seeking
to create the ultimate life form, began their research."

"Finally, building sacrifice upon sacrifice, they
created an artificial human: the Homonculus."

"That child possessed magic more powerful than that
of anyone else, the perfect immortal human."

"The magic users were delighted, called it a 'god' and
celebrated its creation."

"But it wasn't completely had no soul..."

"It couldn't feel the sorrows and pains of the people."

"It didn't feel anything when people were hurt. Even
when someone died, It couldn't comprehend the dead body."

"When their 'god' unwittingly destroyed the town, the
magic users realized for the first time the magnitude of
what they'd created."

"In order to make their immortal creation more mature,
they had to imprison it eternally in a cell outside space
and time."

"That cell is the Eternal Ring. What everyone thinks is
this wonderful power is really the Homonculus."

If you talk to her again, she says:

"After trapping the Homonculus in the Eternal Ring..."

"The people of Ayershia left a few people to guard it,
and then left the island."

"Those who went to the continent mingled with the people
of many years passed, their names changed and
they forgot their long history..."

"Then, 20 years ago, the Sorcians suddenly returned to
this island..."

"Being driven by the army of Aldine, they returned to this
island seeking the legend."

"Believing that the Eternal Ring held sealed a god that
would save them..."

"They overcame the watchers and somehow opened the Eternal

"Waking to a new age, a half-interested Homonculus granted
the Sorcians the power they needed to fight the army of
Aldine by turning them into dragons..."

"And so the overpowering magical forces cursed the entire

"...because this child is still so small, it can't
distinguish between right and wrong..."

If you talk to her again, she says:

"The watchers somehow managed to return the Eternal Ring to
its original form, and once again sealed-in the Homonculus."

"Because there weren't any magic users as powerful as those
of old, they couldn't put things back exactly as they'd been,

"There were many mother and myself were the
only ones left."

"But then two years ago, my mother...huh...!?!"

The ground starts to shake and she says:

"There's no time stay here!"

She then runs out of the windmill, leaving you there alone. Go to the
west side of the room to the mantle and pick up the True Eye ring on top.
With this ring equipped, you can see all the hidden rings scattered
around the island (there are nine of them, see Appendix J under "True
Eye" for a list of all the locations). The first one you find is on the
mantle next to where the True Eye ring was.

If you read the diary on the table, it says:

"To my beloved daughter Lyla,"

"This is my last will and testament."

"This is my last will and testament. It's mixed in
with old stories, but I hope you'll read it all."

"As you already know, you're the last of the Sorcians."

"Twenty years ago, the people of Sorcia returned to
this island to destroy the Eternal Ring."

"Many of the watchers died, and for many years I was
the only one left."

"I hid and had no hope in life. The one who renewed my
interest in life was you, Lyla."

"I raised you as a daughter, and you gradually grew to

"On your tenth birthday, even after I told you about
your real mother (rest her soul), and your real father,
who had become the Fire Dragon,..."

"You still called me 'mother'."

"And you also got along well with the Homonculus, whom
the all watchers had feared."

"You worked with me to make this horrible existence

"I believe that someday you'll be able to train the
heart of the Homonculus."

"And so, even if I die, please continue to be my gentle
Lyla. "

"If you do that, your wish should come true."

"May you always have the guidance of good magic."

"To the last daughter of Sorcia from the last
mother of Ayershia."

Go ahead and go outside the windmill. If you walk north you will see that
the wall that was there is now broken and you can see stairs going down
into the darkness. Go down the stairs and through the passageway at the
bottom. Then follow the winding path above the shimmering lake until the
computer takes over. As you are walking toward the end of the path, the
Water Dragon rises out of the water to the west of the path and roars at
you. It says:





"..........................................Can you
hear me....?"

"I'm using magic to speak to you..."

"I'm more dragon than man now, and it's difficult to
form words."

"It's been a long time, hasn't it...I'm the leader of
Sorcia, Lord Oweyl."

"I'm the only dragon that is still self-aware."

"As for all the others....the mighty magician Gill Grey
is just another Fire Dragon..."













The Water Dragon then sinks into the water and swims away. Continue north
along the path and enter the tunnel. To the west is a room containing a
Save Point and a Warp Point. I suggest you use them. Now go back to
Lyla's house, but instead of going inside, go to the west side and use
the Warp Point to go back to the Abandoned Place. From there, make your
way back to the Dragon Cave and the beach where you first landed (you can
pick up some of the "True Eye" Rings of Magic along the way, too).

Before going out to the beach, use the Save Point as there are none in
the Hidden Dungeon. Then go out to the beach and go west around the
outcropping to the entrance of the Hidden Dungeon. Make sure you have
either Heaven or Fall Down or you won't be able to enter the dungeon. :-)


-=|| Chapter 19: Hidden Dungeon ||=-

Monsters: Assassin, Balloon Cloud, Balloon Ghost, Bone Emperor,
Bone Fencer, Chimera, Cockatrice, Crazy Tail, Death Hut,
Ghost-3, Ghost Giant, Ghost Rat, Flame Rat, Last Sahagin,
Living Mail, Master Lizard, Master Lizard (dying), Nosferatu,
Phantom Hut, Water Demon, Werewolf-3, Witch-2
Items: Eternal Sword
Save Points: none
Warp Points: 8 (used to get between floors)
People You Meet: none

At this point, I had Cain at level 37. I suggest you don't come here
unless you're at least at level 35 because of the strength of the
monsters in this dungeon. Some of them can kill you in one hit, so be
very careful.

When you enter the cave, you will be in a long, winding corridor. Follow
the corridor to the end and you'll find a door with a cream and grey
sunburst on it.Use either Heaven or Fall Down on the door and it will
open, revealing a room with a Warp Point. Walk onto the Warp Point and
you will be transported to a red marble room.

Follow the corridor and take out the two Flame Rats. Continue until you
come to a three-way intersection: the way you came from, a corridor to
the west, and a corridor continuing north. At this intersection, you'll
find a Balloon Cloud. You can either ignore it or continue north to the
corner and then west to the next intersection and north into the next

Here you'll run into a Werewolf-3 and a Flame Rat. Use Heaven to take
out the Werewolf-3 (which can almost kill you in one hit, so be careful).
Go all the way west (running into another Flame Rat along the way), then
turn and follow the hallway northward. You'll pass a four-way
intersection along the way, but just go past it. Be sure to have Heaven
equipped because you'll be running into three more Werewolf-3 before you
get to the Warp Point that takes you to the second level.

When you get to the end of the corridor, you'll be in a room with the
first two Werewolf-3 and two Flame Rats. Go into the room and immediately
turn north and you'll see another exit just north of the one you just
came through. Follow that corridor and you'll come to a room with one
Werewolf-3 and a Water Demon. The Water Demon is very tough, but is weak
against fire. On the north side of the room is the Warp Point to
the second floor.

TIP: Try to lure out the Werewolf-3 first so you
don't have to deal with both it and the Water
Demon at the same time. Two hits from the
Water Demon will kill you.

Once you're done here, warp to the second level. The second level is laid
out in a grid, like this:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)


.------. .------. .------. .------. .------.
| .__. |__| | | |__| |__| | E
| | | | | | | | | |
'------' '--..--' '--..--' '--..--' '------'
|| || ||
.------. .--''--. .--''--. .--''--. .------.
| |__| | | |__| |__| | D
| | | | | | | | | |
'--..--' '--..--' '--..--' '------' '--..--'
|| || || ||
.--''--. .--''--. .--''--. .------. .--''--.
| |__| |__| |__| | | | C
| | | | | | | | | |
'------' '--..--' '--..--' '--..--' '--..--'
|| || || ||
.------. .--''--. .--''--. .--''--. .--''--.
| | | |__| | | |__| | B
| | | | | | | | | |
'--..--' '--..--' '--..--' '--..--' '--..--'
|| || || || ||
.--''--. .--''--. .--''--. .--''--. .--''--.
| |__| | | |__| | | .__. | A
| | | | | | | | | |
'------' '------' '------' '------' '------'

5 4 3 2 1

You appear in room A1, and you need to get to room E5 to warp to the
next level. The path of least resistance is this:


Or in other words:


If you follow this path, you won't have to fight some of the toughest
monsters. This is a good thing. (^_-) You can also just run as fast as
you can through all the rooms until you get to the Warp Point. If you
do it right, chances are you'll receive little or no damage.

When you arrive on the third level, everything will be all white. This
level is more of a system of caves than a planned layout. Head north
into the caverns and immediately run northwest to the tunnel there.
Follow that tunnel, hugging the south wall and ignoring any branches to
the north, until you reach another large cavern. There are four Dying
Master Lizards and three Crazy Tails here.

Head southwest while hugging the north wall until the wall turns and
becomes the east wall. Follow that wall north until you reach the Warp
Point to the fourth and final level.

Now here's where it gets fun! Here's what this level looks like:

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)


| A |
/ \
.------. | | .------.
| | | | | |
| 1 '--------' '--------' 2 |
| .--------. .--------. |
| | | | | |
'------' | | '------'
.-------' '-------.
| .-----. .-----. |
| | | | | |
/ \ \ / / \
/ 3 \ \ / / 4 \
\ / '| |' \ /
\ / | | \ /
|_| / \ |_|
| _ |
| |_| |
| |
\ /
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ 5 \
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /

Points A and B are Warp Points--you arrived at point A. Point B will take
you back to the entrance to this dungeon. Room 1 contains two Bone
Fencers and four Death Huts, Room 2 contains two Assassins and four Death
Huts, Room 3 contains a Chimera, and Room 4 contains the Last Sahagin.
Room 5 is the final room of the dungeon and contains four Ghost-3 and the
boss of this dungeon: the Bone Emperor. When you defeat the Bone Emperor
you receive the Eternal Sword, the most powerful weapon in the game.

BOSS: Bone Emperor
HP: 20,000
MPr: 999
Weakness: none
Items: Eternal Sword

One nice things about the Death Huts: almost every time you defeat one, it
will drop a Celestial Dragon Fang. If you get enough of these you can max
all your stats, which makes the end of the game much easier. Fight the
Death Huts, warp back to the third level so the fourth level will reset,
and then go back to the fourth level to fight more Death Huts. If you
repeat this process enough, you will raise your stats very quickly. Then
you can go back through this dungeon several times to raise your experience
and levels and you won't die as easily.

You can get some more tips and suggestions for this dungeon by reading the
"Sealed Cave/Secret Dungeon Guide" by BishonenFY (Jay Kim). You can find it
at GameFAQs.

Now head back to the South beach and on to the Tower of Storms (just past
where you saw the Water Dragon for the second time).


-=|| Chapter 20: Tower of Storms ||=-

Monsters: Gryphon, Hawkman, Wind Dragon (BOSS), Wyvern
Items: Consume Stone
Save Points: 1
Warp Points: 3 (one takes you to the Magic Training Center, one takes
you to the Blizzard Field, and one is normal)
People You Meet: none

To the west is a room containing a Save Point and a Warp Point. I suggest
you use them. :-) Once you're done with that, go back into the passageway
and head north down the stairs and through the door. I suggest you have
Earth-based rings equipped (along with your healing ring). All the
creatures here are weak against Earth magic (Material Arrow is one fo the
best to use here, coupled with Power of Seek).

Just through the door, you'll encounter your first three Gryphons, as
well as two Hawkmen. If you open the door and take out the Hawkman just
behind the pillar before entering the room, things will be easier. Then
turn east and take out the Gryphon in the corner. The trick to defeating
both the Hawkmen and the Gryphons is to not get too close and dodge
side-to-side as you fire your Material Arrow. If you get to close to
either, they will charge and they do a lot of damage this way. Be sure to
pick up all the Magic Stones dropped here: they are all level four

Across the room you'll find two doors (guarded by the other two Gryphons)
that are sealed--you'll need to get the Wind Key and the Earth Key to
open them. You get the Wind Key from the Wind Dragon and the Earth Key is
in the Blizzard Field. Once you're done on this level, go to the west
side of the room and go up the stairs to the second floor. Follow the
passageway around the corner and enter the door at the end.

Be careful as you enter this room. There are two Gryphons on this floor,
and at least two Hawkmen can attack you, though I could only see one of
them. Take care of the baddies and head to the northwest corner to head
up the next set of stairs to the third floor.

There are three Wyverns on this floor, sitting in the windows along the
outer wall. Take them out with Material Arrow as you work your way
around to the northwest corner to the stairs. Go up the stairs to the
fourth floor and take out that annoying Hawkman that's been hitting you
since the second floor. There's a treasure chest containing a Consume
Stone, and directly south of that chest is a Wyvern perched in the
window. On the east side are the stairs to the fifth floor.

On the fifth floor you'll find you're outside the tower, so be careful
of the edges. There are four Hawkmen on this level: two each on the
southeast and northwest corners. When you're done with them, go to the
northwest corner, through the door, and up the stairs to the sixth

There are two Hawkmen and a Gryphon on the northwest corner, and
remember not to get too close to the Gryphon--it'll ram you and may
knock you off the edge. There is another Hawkman, along with another
Gryphon, on the northeast corner. When you're through with these guys,
go through the door on the northeast corner. You should make sure your
HP and MP are both maxxed, and make sure you have some good rings
equipped. I had Earth Dragon and Water Dragon as two of mine to boost my
Earth and Water attributes. Power of Seek is also essential, so you don't
have to aim Material Arrow. Make sure you have something to replenish your
MP equipped to the Start button, too (just in case). Then go through the
door in the southwest corner of the room and step up on the platform in
the southeast corner of the next room.

The computer will take over and you'll be raised to the roof of the
tower. As you walk off the elevator stone, a large dragon will rise
up above the edge of the tower.

BOSS: Wind Dragon
HP: 1500
MPr: 300
Weakness: Earth
Items: Wind Key

One of the tactics the Wind Dragon will use is to buffet you with
wind from its wings. Be very careful you don't get blown over the
edge by this. Also, the dragon will only attack you from one of the
three corners marked by the fancy gold work. The tactic I used was to
get as close to the edge where the dragon was and shoot it with
Material Arrow. It will cast Tornado at you, but it shouldn't do too
much damage. When the dragon flies up into the sky to prepare for a
dive, quickly heal any damage done to you and switch back to Material
Arrow before it swoops back down. You shouldn't have too much trouble
with it.

When you defeat it, it will fall down to the bottom of the tower and a
glowing key will float up by the corner where the dragon was defeated.
In order to pick it up you need to get as close to the edge as you can,
then press the Circle button. Just don't fall off! :-)

Go back down to the first floor and save your game. Then go to the
sealed door on the first floor which has a green crystal marking it. Use
the Wind Key to open it, go through the next door, and enter the room to
find the Warp Point to the Blizzard Field.


-=|| Chapter 21: Blizzard Field ||=-

Monsters: Gryphon, Harpy, Wyvern, Yeti
Items: Earth Key, Power of Mind, Ring of Magic, Ring of Magic (True Eye)
Save Points: none
Warp Points: 1 (used to travel back and forth from the Tower of Storms)
People You Meet: none

All of the monsters here except for the Yeti are weak against Earth
magic. The Yeti is weak against Fire magic, so maybe equip Earth Heal
instead of Cure Water. Then equip all Fire and Earth rings so you can get
maximum power for both of them.

When you arrive, you'll be in a misty white area. As soon as you walk out
of the ruined house containing the Warp Point, someone says:

"What's this? A human?"

You turn and see a werewolf off to your left. It starts stalking toward
you claws open and seemingly ready to attack.

"I'm not a monster! Please don't hurt me."

"You know I was a soldier from the army of Aldine, don't you?'s the biggest country on the mainland."

"I'm not familiar with which country that crest is's been
a long time since then, so things have probably changed on the

If you talk to him again, he says:

"You, do you know about Aldine and Sorcia...?"

"I've hidden here ever since I got this body..."

"The dragon that's in the interior here is my friend. We're really
mutual enemies, but when I got this body there really wasn't any
point in continuing to fight..."

"He didn't go around scaring me. He was a good guy."

"But we're becoming less and less human..."

"It's been three years since the dragon grew tired and went to

"The people have slowly disappeared from this island. Maybe
they're all dead now."

"Maybe it's because of this pendant, but I've been able to keep my
wits about me and stay fairly sane."

If you talk to him again, he says:

"If you stay on this island too long you'll become like me, so
you should leave as soon as you can."

"I have a mother, but she was getting's been twenty years
now and I doubt she's still alive..."

If you talk to him again, he says the last two comments over again. Head
west past the other ruined house and you'll come to an intersection. You
can take either way since they both end up in the same place. You'll
find two Yetis (dodge the snowballs), two Harpies, and a Gryphon. Head
northwest and you'll come to another intersection. Take the tunnel that
slopes down to the north. When you come out, be very careful not to go
off the edge.

A Harpy will attack you as soon as you get near the tunnel exit. Continue
to the east and you'll find a large chest, and there will be a Wyvern to
the north of it, and another Wyvern to the northeast. Take out the
Wyverns before opening the chest. Inside the chest you'll find the Power
of Mind ring. To the east of the chest you'll find a large clear section
of the ice on which you're walking, and inside is a dragon. There's also
a Gryphon resting on the south side of the clear area.

There's nothing else in this area, so go back up through the tunnel to
the main pathway and follow the path to the northwest. When you reach a
sharp bend in the pathway, you'll run into two Yetis, two Harpies, and a
Gryphon. Follow the pathway north past the next intersection, and you'll
find another Yeti. Just past the Yeti is a ruined house containing a
large chest. Inside the chest is a Ring of Magic. Collect that and head
back to the intersection.

Follow the path down into the tunnel. Here, you'll need to be careful
of the cliff edges again. Falling off is not good for your health! ;-)

You'll find a Wyvern by the edge of the cliff, and then the path will
follow another tunnel heading back up. When you near the exit, a Harpy
will come flying near. Around the corner from the exit you'll find a
Gryphon lying in wait, and just past there, next to more ruined houses,
are three more snowball-throwing Yetis and a Harpy.

Continue south past the ruins, following the path as it turns west and
goes down into another tunnel. At the exit of the tunnel, turn north and
follow the path while carefully avoiding the cliff edges. You'll find
yourself at an ice bridge, sheer drop-off on either side, and a Gryphon
at the other end (also a Wyvern across the way on this end, so take care
of it first). Here, I suggest you use Power of Branch so you can fire
two Material Arrows at the same time. This will allow you to take out
the Gryphon as quickly as possible. I suggest you don't try to dodge
while on the bridge, and don't get too close to the Gryphon, either.

When you get past the Gryphon, there's a Wyvern to handle (do they do
anything other than flap their wings and make noise?). Go down into the
tunnel, and when it starts going up again you'll be accosted by a Yeti.
Just back up while lobbing fireballs and you should be able to get away
with little or no damage.

You'll come out onto a clear area. On top of the bump of snow in front of
you is a True Eye Ring of Magic, and to the southeast, you will find
another tunnel, this time going up. Follow the path and you'll find a
large chest inside another ruined house. Inside is the Earth Key. Now
head back to the beginning of the area. If you talk to the werewolf
again, he just repeats what he said before.

However, when you go to use the Warp Point, he says:

"Hey, please wait a minute!"




[NOTE: this will be translated within a couple days.]

If you talk to him again, he starts to repeat himself again, so warp
back to the Tower of Storms. When you get there, go out onto the main
floor and unlock the door which has the yellow crystal embedded in it.
This one will take you to the Magic Testing Center.


-=|| Chapter 22: Magic Testing Center, part 2: The Forgotten Altar ||=-

Monsters: none (unless you visit the Warp areas - see Chapter 15)
Items: Ring of Magic (True Eye) [if you didn't get in Chapter 15]
Save Points: 1
Warp Point: 7 (five are special warp points)
People You Meet: none

When you exit the Warp Point room, you'll be in a hallway with a bunch of
cool-looking purplish-blue crystals. Exit through the door at the end
and turn east, following the hall until you get to the Save Point room.
Use the Save Point. Exit the room and follow the hall south, past the
opening and into the next hall. Follow that hall to the next opening.

Pick up the True Eye Ring of Magic just in front of the Yellow pedestal
(between the pedestal and the open area in the center of the building) if
you haven't already done so. Now, insert the Earth Key in the pedestal
and you will hear a humming noise for a couple seconds. Turn west and
follow the hall to the next pedestal (the Red pedestal), and insert the
Fire Key. Continue around the building to the remaining two pedestals,
inserting the appropriate key in each (Green = Wind Key, Blue = Water
Key). When you insert the Water Key, a set of stairs will appear,
descending from the Red pedestal to the doorway below the Blue pedestal.

Save your game, go down the steps, enter the doorway, and the screen
will go dark. When you can see again, you'll be in a place reminiscent
of the Ring Making Place. Walk forward and the computer will take over
as the block you are on starts moving forward. When it stops, you'll
find yourself next to the Warp Point in the Ring Making Place. Walk
forward (you can walk over the Warp Point as it doesn't work right now)
and talk to the Ring Maker.

"O person who carries the blood of the fallen magical civilization."

"I am the last remnant of the lost magicians of Ayershia."

"Offer up the stone on the forgotten altar and receive
of my final wisdom."

You can now make any rings you want for the last area of the game. When
you're done, the Ring Maker will say:

"Behind you is the eternal prison we made. There
sleeps the god-child we created."

"The child's heart and body grow together."

"The body is still young, but if you give it a very
long time it will lead to maturity."

"But it's too late."

"Presently, the eternal prison's time will run out,
nature will take its course, and my duty will be

"The child will unravel the bindings and the world
will meet with sudden destruction."

"Only one hope remains."

"The person who undoes the bonds of time, and freely
rejects the power of the hatchling child."

"You are the last to inherit the lineage of magic."

"Well, you should go, from the ranks of magic to the
side of the god-child..."

If you talk to him again, he just repeats his usual pre-ring-making
mantra, and you can make more rings. He doesn't say anything to you when
you are done.

Now walk back toward the Warp Point. If you use it now, you will enter
the last area of the game. However, if you carefully walk around the Warp
Point and walk onto the transport stone, you will be taken back to where
you entered. When the stone stops, walk forward into the darkness and
you'll be at the bottom of the large stairs in the Magic Testing Center.
Walk forward onto the first step and the stairs will rise and form a flat

Now you can go use the Save Point, visit the Tree Village, or gain more
levels by wandering around the island. When you're ready for the last
area, come back to the Magic Testing Center and use the Warp Point
mentioned above.


-=|| Chapter 23: Eternal Place ||=-

Monsters: Bone Fencer, Captain of the Guard-2 (BOSS), Gargoyle-2,
Ghost-2, Homonculus (BOSS), Witch-2
Items: Consume Stone, Ring of Magic (True Eye)
Save Points: 0
Warp Points: 0
People You Meet: none

[NOTE: There are no Save Points in this area, so watch your HP
carefully. It's very frustrating to have to go through
the entire area again because of carelessness.]

First, you will see a cut-scene of Lyla and the Homonculus. The
Homonculus says:

"...however many times you tell me, there are some
things I just don't understand!"

"Let's continue this tedious conversation tomorrow."

"Let's talk about something else...maybe birds on the
island or something..."

Lyla replies (talking as if to a young child):

"No. Today, please listen until you understand, okay?"

"If the little chick gets hurt, it dies...isn't that

The Homonculus says:

".......but there are lots of other birds, so there
are lots to replace the little chick."

Lyla asks:

"But that's a different chick, right?"

The Homonculus replies:

"I understand what you're trying to say, but what's
it to me?"

"I don't see why people would even want a 'heart'.
It just makes you and the other humans unstable,
doesn't it?"

"...hmmm? Someone just came in."

Lyla turns around and says:

"Eh?...must be that person."

She then turns back to the Homonculus and says:

"I'll go quickly and see who it is, okay? When it
shakes you'll know."

The Homonculus says:

"When you get back can we talk about the little
chicks some more?"

Lyla replies:

"Yes....I got it, I got it. So behave yourself, okay?"

The Homonculus replies:

"Hurry and come back, okay Lyla? There's nothing to
do here, so I'm bored."

The scene fades and comes up in a dark area. Be very careful of all the
edges here, as falling off any of them will kill you instantly. None of
the edges are safe edges. In this area, as in all the others, it's best
to try to take out the monsters one at a time.

Walk northwest and down the embankment. You'll see a Ghost-2 on each
side of the path, but the one on the west side is only a decoy (first
time I've seen that in this game). The real Ghost-2 is on the east side,
and the easiest way to kill it is to use Green Dragon.

Continue northwest and down the next embankment where you'll find two
very real Witch-2 just waiting for you. Green Dragon makes short work
of them, too, as do Thunder and Heaven. In fact, most monsters here
(excepting the Gargoyles) are quite vulnerable to any Light magic.

Continue along the pathway and at the bottom of the next embankment
you'll find three more Witch-2. Thunder takes them out in about five
strikes each at a cost of 24MP per strike, and Green Dragon takes them
out in one hit at a cost of 96MP. Use Green Dragon. (^_^)

Follow the path downward and you'll find two more Ghost-2, but the one
on the north side of the path is another decoy. Continue spiralling
downward and you'll meet up with two more Witch-2. Just past that
point you'll find two more Ghost-2, and the one on the west side is the
decoy. Just past them is a large door. Walk up to it and open it to
enter the second level of the Eternal Place.

In this section you'll find Witch-2 and Gargoyle-2 (no weaknesses!).
The first baddies you encounter is a Gargoyle-2. This one will fly in
from the west. Continuing along the path, you'll encounter three more
from the northeast and east.

When you get past them, you'll find a Witch-2. Follow the path past
the raised areas (there's nothing up on them...anymore--that's where
some of the gargoyles were) and you'll encounter two more of the
witches. As soon as you're through the raised areas, you'll find an
embankment leading down to the west.

Follow that path down for a while and you'll find another Gargoyle-2
seeking to play with you. Just past that you'll find another Witch-2.
Continue on the path, staying to the north side of the raised, past
another Witch-2, and down until you find another large door. Open the
door and enter the third level of the Eternal Place.

Here you'll find a couple Bone Fencers (they are quite tough--3000HP,
the same level as the final two bosses!), and several more gargoyles.
The Bone Fencers are weak against Light magic, but Green Dragon works
really well against them, too. Follow the path until you see the two
Gargoyle-2 winging their ways toward you. Wait and take them out before
engaging the Bone Fencer (you should be able to see that, too). This
may even raise you a level, and that always helps!

The Bone Fencer will take two hits from Green Dragon before it dies, and
watch out for the little flying flame-spirit as it can attack you, too.
This Bone Fencer will drop a Wizard's Secret Potion, too, and these are
very useful for the last two boss battles--they halve your MP cost for
30 seconds!

Continue on the path, past the two raised areas, and you'll encounter
another Bone Fencer. When defeated, this one will drop a Dragon's Egg.
Follow the path downward until you encounter three more gargoyles. Take
them out and continue down the pathway. When you near another of those
large doors, you'll find Lyla lying on the ground. When you get close to
her, she'll try to get up, and she'll say:


"That child...not yet..."

"From here on...the thing I...must teach"

She then sinks to the ground, the last vestiges of life draining from
her body (boy, doesn't that sound melodramatic? ;-p ). If you
investigate her body, it will tell you she's dead. Now you need to put
on the True Eye ring, then look at the ground near her feet. There you
will find the last Magic Ring in the game. Once you've acquired that,
replenish all your MP and HP, make sure you have an MP-replenishing item
set to the Start button shortcut, and head to the door. Open it to enter
the fourth level of the Eternal Place.

When you enter the area, you'll see a man-shaped black-winged creature
pounding on the door at the far end. It says:


It then notices you coming through the other door and immediately turns
and begins attacking you.

BOSS: Captain of the Guard-2
HP: 3000
MPr: 500
Weakness: none
Items: none

Hit him with Green Dragon twice and he'll say, "Aaaaaaaaa..." as he
crumples to the ground. You'll likely go up a level, too. Replenish your
HP and MP again and head to the door on the north side. Open it to enter
the Eternal Ring.

WHen you enter, the Homonculus will greet you:

"Oh, you there. I saw you. What'd you do to Lyla!"

"When she talked to you she stopped moving!"

"Why? What happened to Lyla!"

"Get outta here! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!!"

As he powers-up (the "gaaaaaaaaaahh!!" is the powering-up), the Eternal
Ring starts shaking and there's a blinding flash of light. Two large
spheres shoot out from the Homonculus (one from each side) and you are
plunged into battle!

BOSS: Homonculus
HP: 3000
MPr: 0
Weakness: none
Items: none

The two spheres are Energy Balls, and you need to take care of them
first. It only took three hits from Green Dragon and the Energy Balls
and the Homonculus were both defeated.

When you defeat the Homonculus, it drops to the ground and the game cuts
to a "movie". Cain says:

"The god-child has quit moving...the eternal prison is
completely destroyed..."

"I should head back to where time flows normally. My
duty here is complete."

Cain looks around the room, then starts walking toward a large stone
that suddenly rose next to the edge of the room. He stops and looks at
the Homonculus lying in the bottom of its non-longer-floating "egg". The
camera pans back toward the transport stone as Cain walks to the center
of it. The screen fades to black as Cain looks back one last time.


The scenes opens again showing the Homonculus, and suddenly its body
jerks. It slowly sits upright and says:

"I can't move very well. It's the first time this
has happened."

It sits, slowly breathing as if collecting its strength, then slowly
turns and floats toward the door.

"Lyla...I'll go ask Lyla..."

It continues floating toward the door.


The scene goes black and switches to just outside the Eternal Ring. The
Homonculus slowly drifts toward Lyla's body.


It stops next to Lyla.

"Hey, long are you going to stay

"I, I got out on my tell me about the
little chicks..."

"Oh yeah, since I'm out, why don't we go see
them together?"

"..........ummm.....are you mad at me?"

"Lyla...? C'mon, Lyla..."

"Lyla? Lyla? C'mon..."



There's a sudden flash and you see the Homonculus bend down and pick
up Lyla. It's suddenly grown into a man-sized being.

"That's right..."

"This must be 'death'..."

The Eternal Place starts quaking strongly and the scene fades.

The narrator takes over:

"Some days later, Cain Morgan returned to the castle
of the king of Heyngalia."



** More to come **

=== Appendices =================================================================

A Monster List
B Item List
C Weapon List
D Dragon List
E Magic Stone List
F Magic Ring Description
G Magic Ring List - Attack Magic
H Magic Ring List - Support Magic
I Magic Ring List - Summon Magic
J Unique Ring List
K Attribute Ring Description
L Attribute Ring - Regular
M Attribute Ring - Compound
N Moving Between Areas in the Game
P People List
Q Questions That Need Answers
S Silly Stats
U Useful Tips
V Version History
W Where Is It Archived?
X Acknowledgements
Y Copyright Information
Z Contact Info


-=|| Appendix A: Monster List ||=-

This is a list of the baddies found in the game.

Legend: HP..........Hit Points
MPr.........Magic Points Recovered by player

Monster Name (Mana area)
HP, MPr, Weakness
(Possible Items)

Assassin (Fire)
HP:3100, MPr:4, Water
Balloon Cloud (Earth)
HP:200, MPr:8, Wind
(Forest Stone)
Balloon Ghost (Earth)
HP:200, MPr:8, Wind
(Silver Dragon Stone)
Berserker (Water)
HP:202, MPr:24, Fire
(Melting Stone)
Bone Emperor (Darkness)
HP:20000, MPr:999, n/a
Bone Fencer (Darkness)
HP:3000, MPr:32, Light
Captain of the Guard-1 (Darkness)
HP:1000, MPr:250, Light
(Sunshine Stone)
(BOSS, this was Darrell Stone)
Captain of the Guard-2 (Darkness)
HP:3000, MPr:500, n/a
(BOSS, this was Darrell Stone)
Catoblepas (Earth)
HP:1, MPr:1, Wind
(Magic Ore, Blaze Stone)
(the head shoots an energy bolt at you)
(see for more info)
Chimera (Darkness)
HP:500, MPr:24, Light
(Eternal River Stone)
Cockatrice (Wind)
HP:1000, MPr:300, Earth
(Silence Stone)
Crazytail (Earth)
HP:2000, MPr:8, Wind
Crown Hut (Water)
HP:46, MPr:2, Fire
(Golden Herb, Magic Ore, New Leaf Stone)
(light brown in color)
Death Hut (Water)
HP:4200, MPr:1, n/a
Energy Ball (n/a)
HP:500, MPr:36, n/a
Faerie (Light)
HP:50, MPr:16, Darkness
(Consume Stone)
(harmless and really fast)
Fire Giant (Fire)
HP:320, MPr:24, Water
(Melting Stone)
Flame Rat (Fire)
HP:55, MPr:6, Water
(Blaze Stone)
Gargoyle-1 (STR)
HP:500, MPr:20, none
Gargoyle-1 (Darkness)
HP:500, MPr:20, none
(Void Stone)
Gargoyle-1 (Earth)
HP:500, MPr:20, none
(Earth Dragon Stone)
Gargoyle-1 (Fire)
HP:500, MPr:20, none
(Fire Dragon Stone)
Gargoyle-1 (Light)
HP:500, MPr:20, none
(Consume Stone)
Gargoyle-1 (Water)
HP:500, MPr:20, none
(Water Dragon Stone)
Gargoyle-1 (Wind)
HP:500, MPr:20, none
(Flying Dragon Stone)
Gargoyle-2 (STR)
HP:1000, MPr:30, none
Ghost-1 (Darkness)
HP:80, MPr:12, Light
(Blaze Stone)
Ghost-2 (Darkness)
HP:400, MPr:30, Light
Ghost-3 (Darkness)
HP:6720, MPr:32, Light
Ghost Giant (Fire)
HP:320, MPr:24, Water
(Golden Dragon Stone)
Ghost Rat (Fire)
HP:55, MPr:6, Water
Giant Moth (Wind)
HP:10, MPr:1, Earth
(Plume Stone)
(the Fireball ring is very useful against these)
Golem, Horde (Earth)
HP:n/a, MPr:n/a, n/a
Golem-1 (Earth)
HP:400, MPr:20, Wind
(Giant Tree Stone)
Golem-2 (Earth)
HP:300, MPr:0, n/a
Gryphon (Wind)
HP:650, MPr:30, Earth
(Phoenix Stone)
Harpy (n/a)
HP:220, MPr:24, Fire & Earth
(Cyclone Stone)
Hawkman (Wind)
HP:600, MPr:30, Earth
(Cyclone Stone)
Hell hound (Fire)
HP:80, MPr:18, Water
(Phoenix Stone)
Homonculus (STR)
HP:3000, MPr:0, none
Hornet (Wind)
HP:5, MPr:5, Earth
Hornet Nest (Earth)
HP:500, MPr:10, none
(Dragon Egg)
Hornet, Queen (Wind)
HP:700, MPr:16, Earth
(Cloud Stone)
Last Sahagin (Water)
HP:128, MPr:1, n/a
Living Chain Mail (Darkness)
HP:600, MPr:24, Light
(Forest Stone)
Lizard Man, Club (Earth)
HP:1000, MPr:16, Wind
(Forest Stone, Ocean Stone, Celestial Dragon Fang)
Lizard Man, dying (Earth)
HP:1, MPr:1, none
Lizard Man, Sword (Earth)
HP:600, MPr:16, Wind
(Forest Stone, Ocean Stone)
Master Lizard (Earth)
HP:3072, MPr:2, Wind
Master Lizard, Dying (Earth)
HP:1, MPr:1, n/a
May Fly (Wind)
HP:10, MPr:1, Earth
(Bonfire Stone, Plume Stone)
(harmless, fly around a lot)
Nosferatu (Fire)
HP:450, MPr:30, Water
(Cyclone Stone)
Ogre, Club (Earth)
HP:150, MPr:8, Wind
(Giant Tree Stone, Blaze Stone)
Ogre, Sling (Earth)
HP:130, MPr:12, Wind
(Giant Tree Stone, Cascade Stone)
Phantom Hut (n/a)
HP:4200, MPr:1, n/a
(Golden Dragon Stone)
Phoenix (Fire)
HP:875, MPr:24, Water
Phoenix Nest (Fire)
HP:530, MPr:32, Water
(Fire Dragon Stone)
(produces Phoenix)
Sahagin-1 (Water)
HP:75, MPr:5, Fire
(New Leaf Stone, Plume Stone, Sahagin Spine, Trickle Stone)
(will stalk you when you're within range, if moving side to side
they will swipe-attack, if not moving they will jump-attack)
Sahagin-2 (Water)
HP:75, MPr:5, Fire
(New Leaf Stone, Plume Stone, Sahagin Spine, Trickle Stone)
(will stalk you when you're within range; if moving side to side they
will swipe-attack; if not moving they will jump-attack; have a
longer reach, jump farther, and do more damage than Sahagin-1)
Shell Hut (Water)
HP:46, MPr:2, Fire
(Golden Herb, Magic Ore, New Leaf Stone)
(grey in color with blue and brown on the top)
Trap Weed (Water)
HP:134, MPr:7, Fire
(Bonfire Stone, Magic Ore, Plume Stone, Trickle Stone)
(don't step on its tendrils or it will awaken and attack...)
(it shoots poisonous exploding spores)
Twin Tail (Earth)
HP:70, MPr:4, Wind
(New Leaf Stone)
(cause Paralyse status if they bite you...)
(...shoot energy balls at you from between the tips of their two tails)
Water Demon (Water)
HP:10000, MPr:8, Fire
Water Devil (Water)
HP:390, MPr:80, Fire
(BOSS, obtain Power of Move ring from it, basically a giant Sahagin)
(use a Fireball ring to defeat it more quickly)
Werewolf-1 (Water)
HP:350, MPr:80, Fire
(BOSS, leaps and jumps)
(use a Fireball ring to defeat it more quickly)
Werewolf-2 (Darkness)
HP:250, MPr:20, Light
(Ocean Stone)
Werewolf-3 (Earth)
HP:1700, MPr:4, Wind
(Earth Dragon Stone)
Wind Dragon (Wind)
HP: 1500, MPr: 300, none
Witch-1 (Earth)
HP:200, MPr:55, Wind
(Forest Stone)
Witch-2 (Earth)
HP:700, MPr:30, Wind
Wyvern (Wind)
HP:300, MPr:24, Earth
(Far Mountains Stone)
Yeti (Water)
HP:1000, MPr:30, Fire
(Eternal River Stone)


-=|| Appendix B : Item List||=-

Many of these items can be found after dispatching monsters, so be sure
to check the ground after the tussle. :-)

Item Name Description
------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Bequeathed Bracelet EVENT ITEM. The bracelet you find on the dead
body in the Abandoned Place. Give it to Royce
in the Tree Village and he'll give you a Ring
of Magic.

Celestial Dragon Fang The tooth of a Celestial Dragon. Raises all
attributes 2 points permanently.

Cockatrice Plume A greyish feather from a Cockatrice. Cures
"Paralyse" status. Can be bought in the
Investigation Corps Camp and in the Tree

Communique EVENT ITEM. Evans gives this to you to
deliver to Wallace Frasier in the storehouse
in the Investigation Corps Camp. Give it to
Wallace in order to get the Knife.

Dragon's Egg A shiny purple egg with a dark purple dragon
silhouette on its shell. Restores 300 MP and
300 HP.

Dragon's Scale A rainbow-colored dragon scale. Restores
either 300 MP or 300 HP.

Earth Dragon Fang The tooth of an Earth Dragon. Raises Earth
attribute 3 points permanently.

Earth Key Opens Yellow Doors.

Feathered Dragon Fang The tooth of a Feathered Dragon. Raises Wind
attribute 3 points permanently.

Fire Dragon Fang The tooth of a Fire Dragon. Raises Fire
attribute 3 points permanently.

Fire Key Opens Red Doors.

Golden Dragon Fang The tooth of a Golden Dragon. Raises Light
attribute 3 points permanently.

Golden Herb A plant called "the origin of life". Looks like
a dead, golden-brown plant. Can be bought in
the Investigation Corps Camp and in the Tree
Village. Restores 80 HP.

Golden Herb Flower Made from the flower of the Golden Herb. Looks
like the Golden Herb with a pink flower. Can
be bought in the Investigation Corps Camp and
in the Tree Village. Restores 150 HP.

Golden Herb Fruit The fruit of the Golden Herb. Bulbous and
brownish-green. Can be bought in the Tree
Village. Restores 250 HP.

Letter from the King EVENT ITEM. You give this letter to Evans in
the Investigation Corps Camp. You have it at
the beginning of the game.

Magic Crystal Solid crystallized magic power. Looks like an
orange, yellow, green and greyish-purple
crayon. Can be bought in the Tree Village.
Restores 160 MP.

Magic Gem A beautifully cut magical crystal. Can be
bought in the Tree Village. Restores 400 MP.

Magic Grass Seed A light brown seed with a dark brown sun symbol
engraved on it. Cures "Curse" status. Can be
bought in the Investigation Corps Camp and in
the Tree Village.

Magic Ore A stone filled with crystallized magic power.
Looks like a roundish purple rock with pink
and whitish crystals sticking out of it. Can
be bought in the Investigation Corps Camp
and in the Tree Village. Restores 80 HP.

Rat's Tail Cures "Seal" status. Can be bought in the
Investigation Corps Camp and in the Tree

Ring of Magic Used in conjunction with Magic Stones to create
Magic Rings. Golden in color.

Sahagin Spine A spine from a sahagin. Long and thin with some
small spikes around one end. Cures "Poison"
status. Can be bought in the Investigation Corps
Camp and in the Tree Village.

Silver Dragon Fang The tooth of a Silver Dragon. Raises Darkness
attribute 3 points permanently.

Water Dragon Fang The tooth of a Water Dragon. Raises Water
attribute 3 points permanently.

Water Key Opens Blue Doors. You obtain it from the pedestal
next to the water where you meet the Water Dragon
in the Water Temple.

Wind Key Opens Green Doors.

Wizard's Secret Potion A beautiful purple potion bottle. Spell MP cost
is halved for 30 seconds.


-=|| Appendix C: Weapon List ||=-

There aren't very many weapons in this game, but here's the list. They
are listed alphabetically.

Weapon Name
Attack Speed, Range
(Status effects)

Normal, Normal
(STR +35)
(obtained in the Tree Village, costs 15 Magic Stones)
Eternal Sword
Normal, Normal
(All Magic +50 each, STR +70)
(obtained at the 4th floor of the Sealed Labyrinth)
Hunting Sword
Slow, Long
(Wind +10, STR +60)
(obtained in The Ruins)
Kaiser Knuckle
Extremely Fast, Normal
(All Magic -50 each, STR +200)
(obtained at the 4th floor of the Sealed Labyrinth)
Fast, Short
(STR +20)
(Obtained for free from Wallace in the Investigation Corps Camp)
Normal, Normal
(STR +40)
(obtained in the Tree Village)
Small Sword
Fast, Normal
(STR +20)
(Cain's sword from when he came to the island)
(You must buy it back from Wallace before going to the Water Temple)
Fast, Short
(Light +5, STR +40)
(obtained in the Tree Village)


-=|| Appendix D: Dragon List ||=-

Name Notes
------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Earth Dragon You see this dragon in the Great Looping Cave.
It's sleeping, though you can wake it with
Darkness magic. If you wake it, it will kill

Fire Dragon You meet this dragon in the Molten River area.
Not very friendly.

Water Dragon You meet this dragon in the Water Temple. He
appears when you try to take the Water Key.

Wind Dragon You meet this dragon at the top of the Tower
of Storms. Not very friendly.


-=|| Appendix E: Magic Stone List ||=-

Magic |--------------------------Attribute----------------------------|
Level | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | Light | Darkness |
1 | Bonfire | Trickle | Plume | New Leaf | -- | -- |
| | | | | -- | -- |
2 | Blaze | Cascade | Wing | Giant | -- | -- |
| | | | Tree | -- | -- |
3 | Melting | Ocean | Cloud | Forest | Sunshine | Silence |
| | | | | | |
4 | Phoenix | Eternal | Cyclone | Far | Consume | The Void |
| | River | | Mountains | | |
5 | Fire | Water | Flying | Earth | Golden | Silver |
| Dragon | Dragon | Dragon | Dragon | Dragon | Dragon |

Fire, Wind, and Light magic are used mainly for attacking. Water,
Earth, and Darkness are used mainly as support magic.


-=|| Appendix F: Magic Ring Description ||=-

These are rings for casting magic spells (fireball, heal, etc.). You
must have a Ring of Magic in order to make one of these rings. The
descriptions of the rings will be added as I get them.

There are three different types of Magic Ring: Attack, Support, and
Summon. Stones put on the left side of the ring creation platform (in
the Warp area where you create rings) determine the attributes of the
ring (Wind, Earth, Fire, etc.). Stones put on the right side determine
the magic type: Fire, Wind, and Light stones make Attack rings; Earth,
Water, and Darkness stones make Support rings. See Appendix I for more
info on Summon rings.

For instance, to create a Blast ring (Wind, Level 4, Attack), you would
put three Wind stones on the left side, and any combination of Fire,
Wind, and Light stones on the right side, and make sure the total Magic
Stone levels adds up to at least 22:

(The number in parentheses after the stone name is the stone's level)

--------------- -------------
Cyclone(4) Melting(3)

Cyclone(4) Cloud(3)

Cyclone(4) Consume(4)
--------------- -------------

Subtotals: 4x3=12 (3x2)+4=10
Total Magic Stone Levels: 22

The magic level of the ring depends on the total Magic Stone levels
used to create the ring:

| Stone | Ring |
| Levels | Level |
| 02-07 | Level 1 |
| 08-14 | Level 2 |
| 15-21 | Level 3 |
| 22-30 | Level 4 |


-=|| Appendix G: Magic Ring List - Attack Magic ||=-

| Ring |--------------------------Attribute----------------------------|
| Power | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | Light | Darkness |
| 1 | Fireball | Ice | Wind | Material | Heaven | Fall |
| | | Needle | Cutter | Arrow | | Down |
| 2 | Firewall | Ice | Sonic | Statue | -- | -- |
| | | Sword | | | -- | -- |
| 3 | Floating | Ice | Tornado | Poison | Thunder | Dark |
| | Bomb | Trap | | | | Thunder |
| 4 | Bomber | Blizzard | Blast | Dragon | Flash | Dark |
| | | | | | | Flash |

Ring Name, Magic Level, MP:# of MP used
(Attribute effects)

Fireball, Level 1, MP:2
(Fire +15)
(shoots a small fireball at an enemy in front of you)
Firewall, Level 2, MP:4
(Fire +30, Earth +2, Water -2)
(shoots a wall of fire toward an enemy in front of you)
Floating Bomb, Level 3, MP:8
(Fire +50, Wind +3, Water -4)
(creates floating firebombs)
Bomber, Level 4, MP:16
(Fire +75, Water -5)

Ice Needle, Level 1, MP:4
(Fire +15, STR +1)
(shoots an icicle at an enemy in front of you)
Ice Sword, Level 2, MP:8
(Fire -2, Water +30, STR +2)
(shoots many icicles at an enemy in front of you)
Ice Trap, Level 3, MP:8
(Fire -4, Water +50, STR +3)
(creates an "ice trap" on the floor in front of you)
(if a monster steps on it, it damages them with icicles)
Blizzard, Level 4, MP:32
(Fire -6, Water +75)

Wind Cutter, Level 1, MP:3
(Wind +15)
(fires a small wind blade at an enemy in front of you)
Sonic, Level 2, MP:8
(Wind +30, Earth -1)
(fires a wall of wind toward an enemy in front of you)
Tornado, Level 3, MP:16
(Wind +50, Earth -3)
(creates a small cyclone)
Blast, Level 4, MP:20
(Wind +75, Fire +2, Earth -5)

Material Arrow, Level 1, MP:3
(Fire +15, STR +3)
(forms and shoots a matter arrow at an enemy in front of you)
Statue, Level 2, MP:6
(Earth +30, Wind -2, STR +6)
Poison, Level 3, MP:10
(Earth +50, Wind -4)
(monster you touch has 50% chance of being poisoned, lasts 15 seconds)
Mist, Level 4, MP:16
(Earth +75, Wind -7)

Heaven, Level 1, MP:16
(Light +40, Darkness -4)
Thunder, Level 3, MP:24
(Wind +8, Light +62, Darkness -8)
Flash, Level 4, MP:32
(Wind +2, Light +85, STR +2, Darkness -12)

Fall Down, Level 1, MP:16
(Darkness +40, Light -4)
Dark Thunder, Level 3, MP:24
(Darkness +62, STR +3, Light -7)
Dark Flash, Level 4, MP:32
(Darkness +85, Light -18)


-=|| Appendix H: Magic Ring List - Support Magic ||=-

| Ring |-------------------------Attribute----------------------------|
| Power | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | Light | Darkness |
| 1 | Magic | Heal | Glide | Earth | Reflect | Abaddon |
| | Seal | Water | | Heal | | |
| 2 | Weakness | Cure | Confusion | Protect | -- | -- |
| | | Water | | | | |
| 3 | Change | Dis- | Invisible | Wall | -- | -- |
| | | Poison | | | | |
| 4 | Anti- | Clear | Bind | Orbiter | Barrier | Time |
| | Magic | | | | | Stop |

Ring Name, Magic Level, MP:# of MP used
(Attribute effects)

Magic Seal, Level 1, MP:8
(Fire +15)
(blocks an enemy's magic abilities for 10 seconds)
Weakness, Level 2, MP:8
(Fire +30, Water -2)
(lowers an enemy's defense for 30 seconds)
Change, Level 3, MP:10
(Fire +50, Water -3)
Anti-Magic, Level 4, MP:12
(Fire +30, Water -2)

Heal Water, Level 1, MP:5
(Water +15)
(restores some HP)
Cure Water, Level 2, MP:15
(Water +30, Fire -2)
(restores many HP)
Dispoison, Level 3, MP:2
(Water +50, Fire -4, Earth -1, Darkness -1)
(cures "Poison" status)
Clear, Level 4, MP:16
(Water +75, Fire -5)
(clears all status anomalies)

Glide, Level 1, MP:8
(Wind +15)
Confusion, Level 2, MP:12
(Wind +30, Earth -2)
(confuse enemy for 10 seconds)
Invisible, Level 3, MP:72
(Wind +50, All Others -5)
Bind, Level 4, MP:24
(Wind +75, Earth -6, Darkness +2)

Earth Heal, Level 1, MP:10
(Earth +15)
Protect, Level 2, MP:12
(Earth +30, Wind -2)
(protects against any bodily harm for a time)
Wall, Level 3, MP:16
(Earth +50, Wind -2)
Orbiter, Level 4, MP:16
(Earth +75, Wind -5)

Reflect, Level 1, MP:16
(Light +50, Darkness -2)
Barrier, Level 4, MP:64
(Light +75, Darkness -3)

Abaddon, Level 1, MP:16
(Darkness +50, Light -1)
Time Stop, Level 4, MP:64
(Darkness +75, Light -5)


-=|| Appendix I: Magic Ring List - Summon Magic ||=-

To create these you need six Magic Stones of the same level (for
instance, six Phoenix Stones--level 4 Fire Magic Stones--to create the
Level 1 Fire Summon ring "Blade"). Six level 4 stones are required to
make Level 1 Summon rings, and six level 5 stones are required to make
Level 2 Summon rings.

| Ring |--------------------------Attribute----------------------------|
| Power | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | Light | Darkness |
| 1 | Blade | Arrow | Spear | Axe | -- | -- |
| | | | | | | |
| 2 | Red | Blue | Green | Yellow | White | Black |
| | Dragon | Dragon | Dragon | Dragon | Dragon | Dragon |

Ring Name, Magic Level, MP:# of MP used
(Attribute effects)

Blade, Level 1, MP:48
(Fire +80, STR +40, Water -10)
Red Dragon, Level 2, MP:96
(Fire +120, STR +20, Water -15, All Others +10)

Arrow, Level 1, MP:48
(Water +90, STR+30, Fire -13)
Blue Dragon, Level 2, MP:96
(Water +116, Fire -12, STR +16, All Others +8)

Spear, Level 1, MP:48
(Wind +85, STR +18, Earth -8)
Green Dragon, Level 2, MP:96
(Wind +121, Earth -16, All Other +11)
(summons the Green Dragon)

Axe, Level 1, MP:48
(Earth +75, STR +45, Wind -10)
Yellow Dragon, Level 2, MP:96
(Earth +140, Wind -15, All Others +14)
(summons the Yellow Dragon)

White Dragon, Level 2, MP:96
(Light +168, Darkness -17, All Other +20)
(summons the White Dragon)

Black Dragon, Level 2, MP:96
(Darkness +153, Light -15, All Other +19)
(summons the Black Dragon)


-=|| Appendix J: Unique Ring List ||=-

| Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | Light | Darkness |
| Mirage | Fortune | Power of | Power of | Create | Create |
| Edge | | Seek | Move | Life | Magic |
| Power of | Power of | Amplify | Power of | -- | -- |
| Branch | Mind | | Grow | | |
| Burn | Sacrifice | Power of | True Eye | -- | -- |
| Edge | | Time | | | |

Ring Name
Location where obtained
(Attribute effects)

Mirage Edge
(Fire +8, STR +3)
(repeat attacks)
Power of Branch
Great Looping Cave
(Fire +6)
(branches magic)
Burn Edge
(Fire +4, STR +4)
(gives Fire attribute to weapon, attack power goes up)

(Water +4, Light +5, Darkness -5)
(chances of getting items after battle go up)
Power of Mind
(Water +2, All Others but STR +1)
(power consumption drops 30%)
Magic Testing Center
(Water +2)
(automatic resurrection if equipped)

Power of Seek
(Wind +6, All Others but STR -2)
(enhances magic results)
(Wind +10)
(Magic Gauge recharges 30% faster)
Power of Time
Sea Cliff Forest
(Wind +1)
(when equipped time slows down to 1/4 normal speed)

Power of Move
Water Temple
(Earth +2)
(allows Dash when Circle button held down, obtained from Water Devil)
Power of Grow
Sea Cliff Forest
(Earth +8)
(when equipped you earn experience while walking)
True Eye
Camp on the South Beach, on Lyla's mantle
(Earth +1)
(makes invisible items visible)
(* indicates the only one visible w/o this ring:)
(Dragon Cave, Place of Ritual, Abandoned Place, Tree Village)
(Magic Testing Center, Ruins, Camp on the South Beach*, Blizzard Field)
(Eternal Place)

Create Life
(Light +4, All Other -4)
(automatically regain HP)

Create Magic
(Darkness +5, All Other -3)
(automatically regain MP)


-=|| Appendix K: Attribute Ring Description ||=-

These rings affect your overall status. They can increase your attack,
raise your defense, make you move faster, etc.). These do not use a
Ring of Magic when they are made.

There are two types of Attribute Rings: regular and compound. Regular
Attribute Rings positively affect only one attribute. Compound Attribute
Rings positively affect two attributes.


-=|| Appendix L: Attribute Ring - Regular ||=-

The magic level of the ring depends on the total Magic Stone levels used
to create the ring:

| Stone | Ring |
| Levels | Level |
| 01-10 | Level 1 |
| 11-20 | Level 2 |
| 21-30 | Level 3 |

| Ring |--------------------------Attribute----------------------------|
| Power | Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | Light | Darkness |
| 1 | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of |
| | Heat | Rain | Breeze | Stone | Light | Shadow |
| 2 | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of |
| | Flame | Wave | Gale | Block | Shine | Night |
| 3 | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of | Ring of |
| | Blaze | Abyss | Storm | Meteor | Glare | Chaos |

Ring Name, Magic Level
(Attribute effects)

Ring of Heat, Level 1
(Water -1, Fire +20)
(small increase to Fire attribute)
Ring of Flame, Level 2
(Water -2, Fire +40)
(medium increase to Fire attribute)
Ring of Blaze, Level 3
(Water -4, Fire +80)
(large increase to Fire attribute)

Ring of Rain, Level 1
(Fire -1, Water +20)
(small increase to Water attribute)
Ring of Wave, Level 2
(Fire -2, Water +40)
(medium increase to Water attribute)
Ring of Abyss, Level 3
(Fire -3, Water +80)
(large increase to Water attribute)

Ring of Breeze, Level 1
(Fire -1, Wind +20)
(small increase to Wind attribute)
Ring of Gale, Level 2
(Fire -3, Wind +40)
(medium increase to Wind attribute)
Ring of Storm, Level 3
(Fire -6, Wind +80)
(large increase to Wind attribute)

Ring of Stone, Level 1
(Wind -1, Earth +20)
(small increase to Earth attribute)
Ring of Block, Level 2
(Earth +40, Wind -2)
(medium increase to Earth attribute)
Ring of Meteor, Level 3
(Earth +80, Wind -3)
(large increase to Earth attribute)

Ring of Light, Level 1
(Darkness -1, Light +20)
(small increase to Light attribute)
Ring of Shine, Level 2
(Light +40, Darkness -2)
(medium increase to Light attribute)
Ring of Glare, Level 3
(Light +80, Darkness -3)
(large increase to Light attribute)

Ring of Shadow, Level 1
(Light -1, Darkness +20)
(small increase to Darkness attribute)
Ring of Night, Level 2
(Darkness +40, Light -2)
(medium increase to Darkness attribute)
Ring of Chaos, Level 3
(Darkness +80, Light -3)
(large increase to Darkness attribute)


-=|| Appendix M: Attribute Ring - Compound ||=-

| Fire | Water | Wind | Earth |
| Wind | Wind | Fire | Fire |
| Heat | Rain | Breeze | Stone |
| Earth | Earth | Water | Water |
| Heat | Rain | Breeze | Stone |
| Sword | Sword | Sword | Sword |
| Heat | Rain | Breeze | Stone |
| Water | Fire | Earth | Wind |
| Heat | Rain | Breeze | Stone |

Ring Name
(Attribute effects)

Wind Heat
(Fire +30, Wind +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Wind & Fire ring. Increases the Wind and Fire attributes a little)
Earth Heat
(Fire +30, Earth +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Earth & Fire ring. Increases the Earth and Fire attributes a little)
Sword Heat
(Fire +30, STR +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(STR & Fire ring. Increases the STR and Fire attributes a little)
Water Heat
(Fire +30, Water +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Water & Fire ring. Increases the Water and Fire attributes a little)

Wind Rain
(Water +30, Wind +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Wind & Water ring. Increases the Wind and Water attributes a little)
Earth Rain
(Water +30, Earth +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Earth & Water ring. Increases the Earth and Water attributes a little)
Sword Rain
(Water +30, STR +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(STR & Water ring. Increases the STR and Water attributes a little)
Fire Rain
(Water +30, Fire +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Fire & Water ring. Increases the Fire and Water attributes a little)

Earth Breeze
(Wind +30, Earth +10, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Earth & Wind ring. Increases the Earth and Wind attributes a little)
Water Breeze
(Light -5, Dark -5, Wind +30, Water +10)
(Wind & Water ring. Increases the Wind and Water attributes a little)
Fire Breeze
(Light -5, Dark -5, Wind +30, Fire +10)
(Wind & Fire ring. Increases the Wind and FIre attributes a little)
Sword Breeze
(Light -5, Dark -5, Wind +30, STR +10)
(Wind & STR ring. Increases the Wind and STR attributes a little)

Fire Stone
(Fire +10, Earth +30, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Fire & Earth ring. Increases the Fire and Earth attributes a little)
Water Stone
(Water +10, Earth +30, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Water & Earth ring. Increases the Water and Earth attributes a little)
Sword Stone
(STR +10, Earth +30, Light -5, Dark -5)
(STR & Earth ring. Increases the STR and Earth attributes a little)
Wind Stone
(Wind +10, Earth +30, Light -5, Dark -5)
(Wind & Earth ring. Increases the Wind and Earth attributes a little)


-=|| Appendix N: Moving Between Areas in the Game ||=-

Here's a graphical representation of the different areas of the game and
how you can move between them.

(You need to view this in a fixed-width font, such as Courier, in
order for it to look right.)

.--------------------. .--------------------.
| Dragon Cave |---------| Hidden Dungeon |
'--------------------' '--------------------'
.--------------------. .--------------------.
| Investi.Corps.Camp |---------| Water Temple |
'--------------------' '--------------------'
.--------------------. .--------------------.
| Place of Ritual |---------| Sea Cliff Forest |
'--------------------' '--------------------'
| |
| |
| |
| |
.--------------------. |
*****| Abandoned Place | |
* '--------------------' |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* .--------------------. |
* | Tree Village |-------------------/
* '--------------------'
* |
* |
* |
* .--------------------.
* | Great Looping Cave |
* '--------------------'
* |
* |
* |
* .--------------------.
* | Mine Ruins |
* '--------------------'
* |
* |
* |
* .--------------------.
* | Ironworks |
* '--------------------'
* |
* |
* |
* .--------------------.
* | Molten River |
* '--------------------'
* #
* #
* \#/
* '
* .--------------------.***********************************
* | Magic Testing Ctr. |****** *
* '--------------------'*** * *
* | * * *
* | * * *
* | * * *
* .--------------------. * * *
* | Ruins | * * *
* '--------------------' * * *
* | * * *
* | * * *
* | * * *
* .--------------------. * * *
* | Library |*** * *
* '--------------------' * *
* | * *
* | * *
* | * *
* .--------------------. * *
*****| Camp on S. Beach | * *
'--------------------' * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
.--------------------.****** .--------------------. *
| Tower of Storms |*********| Blizzard Field | *
'--------------------' '--------------------' *
| *
| *
| *
.--------------------. *
| Eternal Place |***********************************

* Warp access between areas (both ways)
| Normal access between areas (both ways)
- Normal access between areas (both ways)
# One-way access between areas (note which way the arrow points)


-=|| Appendix P: Character List ||=-

Name (if any) Notes
------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Cutter, Den Manages the storeroom in the Tree Village.

Evans, Graham The Deputy in the Investigation Corps Camp.

Fowler, Marie The medicine woman in the Investigation Corps

Frasier, Wallace Manages the storehouse in the Investigation
Corps Camp.

Grey, Gill Was a mighty magician, but is now a dragon.

Grey, Nell A man who served the king of Aldine.

Lord Oweyl The former leader of Sorcia. Now a dragon.

Marks, Dennis The Captain of the Investigation Corps.

Martin, Ian The current King of Heyngalia. 18 years old.

Morgan, Cain The player character. A new member of the
Royal Guard of the Kingdom of Heyngalia. His
adoptive father is the Captain of the Royal
Guard. 25 years old.

Morgan, Gliam Captain of the Royal Guard and Cain's adoptive

Randall, Leo A soldier in the Investigation Corps Camp. Usually
sits on a rock by the bridge, dozing. Dressed in

Regan, Royce A man standing in the commons area of the Tree
Village when you exit the Abandoned Place.

Reilly, Ernest Guards the Water Temple gate in the Investigation
Corps Camp. Dressed in blue and silver and
carrying a polearm.

Ross, Matthew D. The king of the ancient kingdom of Aldine. You
meet him in the Molten River area just before
meeting the Fire Dragon.

Stone, Darrell One of the soldiers in the Investigation Corps
Camp. Lives in the house at the end of the back
canyon by the Blue Gate.

Stone, Harlan An Elder and advisor in King Ian's court.

Turban Man A fellow explorer you first meet in the Place of

Yunoh, Lyla A beautiful woman you meet at the end of the Molten
River area. She basically saves your hiney. :-)


-=|| Appendix Q: Questions That Need Answers ||=-

The following are questions that need answers. They are mostly about
information I don't have yet or rumors about items I can't find. If you
have information on any of these questions, please contact me (see
Appendix Z).

1. Do you have any info for the North American release (price,
2. Do you have a question not answered in this walk-through guide?
3. How do you get the Stilleto from Den Cutter?
4. Do you have any tips for the Hidden Dungeon?


-=|| Appendix S: Silly Stats ||=-

Just in case you're interested, this document contains:

Characters: 271,241
Words: 41,978
Lines: 6,906
Pages: 102


-=|| Appendix U: Useful Tips ||=-

This is a random list of general tips I thought you might find useful. If
you have any tips you think would be good to add here, contact me (see
Appendix Z).

- There isn't a real "pause" feature in the game, but you _can_
pause the game by pressing the Select button. This brings up the
Menu Screen, and no game time passes while you are in this screen.

- Try to take on as few monsters at a time as possible. A monster
has a range of awareness that you have to enter before it will
notice you. When you notice a group of monsters, move toward them
slowly until one notices you. Then take them out one at a time
this way.

- Always check the ground when a monster disappears. About 60% of
the time the monster will leave something behind in the spot where
it disappeared. Some of the items left are very rare.

- Many creatures regenerate after a certain period of time (it
varies), so be careful when going back through an area. Take as
much caution as you did when going through for the first time. One
nice thing, though: many of the monsters will be facing the other
way when you go through from the back of an area, so you can sneak
up on them. :-)

- If you want to boost your experience levels, go through an area
more than once. Even if you haven't exited the area, some monsters
regenerate so you can gain experience (and more Magic Stones) by
traveling back and forth between the entrance and exit of an area.

- The four lizard men in the sea cliff forest section that leads to
the tree camp aren't too hard to take out before doing the
Abandoned Place. They all have limits beyond which they won't
rush you anymore. The first two won't run past the tunnel
entrance. So, run towards them until you can annoy one with a
fireball, and then run backwards while possibly lobbing another
fireball or two until you are well inside the tunnel. It will
stop at or just inside the tunnel entrance.

Then take it out by getting just close enough for it to swing
and miss, running in and hitting it just after it swings, and
running back to safe (but swinging) distance. The timing's a
little tricky but once you get into the rhythm it gets easier.
Repeat with the second. The third and fourth won't cross a
line roughly even with the bee tree, so you just have to run
backwards until they stop, then cautiously approach.

All of these may drop level 3 water and earth stones, and
they're worth a lot of EXP, and they regenerate. So you can
collect a lot of power by repeatedly taking them out, and make
a Ring Of Meteor and Ring Of Abyss. The Abyss is especially
nice as it powers up your Heal Water substantially. Meteor
makes your Material Arrow quite deadly, which is useful in
the Mines. (from Howard Landman, edited by me)


-=|| Appendix V: Version History ||=-

Version 0.?? - Finish narration translation in Chapter 23.
- Finish Water Dragon dialog translation in Chapter 18.
- Expand Chapter 19 a bit more.
- Add an example of Attribute Ring creation to Appendix K.
- Add info about North American release (maybe, after
walk-through is completed)

Version 1.06 - Fixed many scattered errors (text, not facts).
Version 1.05 - Major spell-checking update. :-)
Version 1.04 - Rewrote the Notes and Introduction sections a little.
Version 1.03 - Removed references to Introduction sections iii, iv, and
vi. Renamed section v to iii.
Version 1.02 - Updated information just below the Document Title with
comments about what is (and isn't!) in this walk-through.
- Removed Special Note #2 in Notes section.
Version 1.01 - Added link to CompuServe.
Version 1.00 - Finished Chapter 23 except for translation of the
final narration. Actual walk-through complete.
Version 0.99 - Added True Eye Ring of Magic info to Chapter 23.
- Added a little more to the end of Chapter 22.
Version 0.98 - Removed link to
Version 0.97 - Completed Chapter 22.
Version 0.96 - Completed Chapter 21.
Version 0.95 - Completed Chapter 20.
Version 0.94 - Verified Summon Ring creation method info in Appendix I.
Version 0.93 - Added a new tip in Appendix U.
Version 0.92 - Added an example of Magic Ring creation to Appendix F.
Version 0.91 - Found and translated Leo's parting comment at the end
of Chapter 10.
Version 0.90 - Added URL.
Version 0.89 - Corrected a few minor naming errors.
Version 0.88 - Added True Eye Ring of Magic info for Chapters 15 and
Version 0.87 - Removed all 'less-than' and 'greater-than' characters
because of some problems people have viewing them.
Version 0.86 - Added Absolute PlayStation URL.
Version 0.85 - Added Appendix N.
Version 0.84 - Corrected the romanization of Catoblepas. Thanks to
Howard Landman for the direction!
Version 0.83 - Updated Appendix W with walk-through location info.
- Added reference to BishounenFY in Chapter 19 and in
Appendix X.
Version 0.82 - Finished basic walk-through for Chapter 19.
- Added note about North American version to the Notes
Version 0.81 - Added the Wind Dragon to Appendix A.
- Marked all bosses in Appendix A.
Version 0.80 - Added chapter headers for Chapters 20-23.
Version 0.79 - Added info on True Eye Rings of Magic to Chapters 3,
7, 8, 9, and 18. Remaining rings will be listed later.
Version 0.78 - Moved Hidden Dungeon to Chapter 19 and bumped remaining
chapters down one place.
Version 0.77 - Modified Appendix A.
- Added location list for True Eye Rings of Magic
(Appendix J).
Version 0.76 - Updated base archive URL.
Version 0.75 - Added info to Chapter 18 and Appendix J on what the
True Eye ring does.
- Updated the Notes section.
Version 0.74 - Finished dialog translation in Chapter 18 except for
the conversation with the Water Dragon.
- Made small modification to Chapter 3.
Version 0.73 - Finished dialog translation in Chapter 14.
Version 0.72 - Added info to Appendix I.
- Added Nathan Mercuri to Appendix X.
Version 0.71 - Finished Chapter 18 except for some dialog translation.
Version 0.70 - Added Appendix Q.
Version 0.69 - Made chapter beginnings consistent.
Version 0.68 - Finished Chapter 17.
Version 0.67 - Fixed Appendix titles.
Version 0.66 - Corrected some ring info in Appendix G.
Version 0.65 - Added more info on some of the monsters in Appendix A.
Version 0.64 - Finished Chapter 16
Version 0.63 - Added a little more info to the end of Chapter 15.
Version 0.62 - Finished most of the dialog translation in Chapter 14.
- Updated Appendices P and S.
Version 0.61 - Finished Chapter 15.
- Started Chapter 16.
Version 0.60 - Finished Chapter 14 except for dialog translation.
- Started Chapter 15.
- Updated some info in Appendix D.
Version 0.59 - Finished dialog translation in Chapter 13.
- Started Chapter 14.
- Added some header info on the North American release.
If you have more info, please let me know (see
Appendix Z).
Version 0.58 - Added maps to Chapter 13.
- Added Lyla to Appendix P.
- Added note about North American release to Notes.
- Corrected spelling of "Darrell" throughout walk-through.
Version 0.57 - Finished Chapter 13 except for some minor dialog.
Version 0.56 - Corrected some info in Appendix P.
Version 0.55 - Corrected some wrong info in Appendices G, H, I, L,
and M.
- Started Chapter 13.
Version 0.54 - Added Appendices J and L.
- Completed Attribute Ring Lists.
- Completed Unique Ring List.
Version 0.53 - Added Appendix M.
- Completed three Magic Ring Lists.
Version 0.52 - Rearranged Appendices D, E, F, G, and H.
- Added Appendices I, K, and P.
- Corrected some ring info in Appendices G, H, I, J, L,
and M.
Version 0.51 - Finished Chapter 12.
Version 0.50 - Added Appendix S.
Version 0.49 - Made mini-map of Mine Ruins and inserted it into
the beginning of Chapter 12.
- Created more mini-maps for Chapter 12 to make it
easier to explain things.
Version 0.48 - Changed "Latch Tail" to "Rat's Tail".
Version 0.47 - Removed number indicator for items in each chapter.
Version 0.46 - Removed number indicator for monsters in each
Version 0.45 - Made many small corrections throughout the text.
- Changed all references to specific chapters.
- Added more rings to Appendix E.
- Checked margins (less than 80 columns!).
Version 0.44 - Updated Appendix E info.
- Tweaked Appendix D.
Version 0.43 - Finished Chapter 11 walk-through. I _really_ love
Lizardmen. ^_^;;;
Version 0.42 - Finished Appendix B.
- Updated Appendix U with a little more info.
- Corrected Chapter 9 walk-through with info on
obtaining the Stilleto because previous info was
Version 0.41 - Finished translating the dialog with Den Cutter in
Chapter 9.
Version 0.40 - Found out how to get the Stilleto from Den Cutter.
in Chapter 9. Added that info.
- Corrected a few minor errors and replaced some
filler words with the actual item names.
Version 0.39 - Finished Chapter 10 translation.
- Started Chapter 12 walk-through.
Version 0.38 - Finished Chapter 10 walk-through.
Version 0.37 - Corrected a few mistakes in Chapter 10.
- Added Den Cutter to Appendix G.
Version 0.36 - Finished most of Chapter 10.
Version 0.35 - Added Appendix U.
- Added Appendix W and moved all archive URLs there.
- Changed chapter numbering system.
- Switched Appendices C and D (and relabeled them
Version 0.34 - Found Chapter 11 really hard (the monsters were too
tough since I only had 132HP at the time), so I
decided to go back and do Chapter 10 first.
- Switched Chapters 10 and 11 and relabeled them
Version 0.33 - Finished the walk-through of Chapter 9.
- Started the walk-through for Chapter 11.
Version 0.32 - Added more rings to Appendices E and F.
- Added more monsters to Appendix A.
- Fleshed out the Index to list the titles of all the
chapters so I don't have to keep remembering to update
Version 0.31 - Added Appendix H.
- Continued translation and walk-through of Chapter 9.
Version 0.30 - Found out this walk-through was archived at CheatStop
( without my knowledge. Sent
request for them to update their seriously-outdated
copy and asked for them to ask first before archiving
anything else I write.
- Added to the list of archive
Version 0.29 - Added to
- Found the exact URL for the walk-through on
Version 0.28 - Added to
- Added to
- Added to
Version 0.27 - Changed title from "FAQ/Walk-through" to "Walk-through
Guide" since there is no Q/A format in this walk-through.
- Changed all internal references to this document from
"FAQ" to "walk-through".
- Started Chapter 9.
Version 0.26 - Corrected some errors in Chapter 8.
- Finished Section v of the Introduction.
- Updated info in Appendices E, F, X, Y, and Z.
- Updated the section before the Main Index, the Main
Index, Notes, Chapters 3-7.
- Made minor spelling and wording changes in several
- Added: "I welcome suggestions, comments, criticism,
etc., about this walk-through. If you notice any
errors or have suggestions on ways you think this
walk-through could be improved, please contact me. My
contact info is at the end of this walk-through in
Appendix Z." I'm serious about it, too. Please let me
know if there are any problems with this walk-through.
Version 0.25 - Added to
Version 0.24 - Corrected the name of one of the Magic Stones.
Version 0.23 - Finished Chapter 7.
- Finished Chapter 8.
- Added a few more monsters to Appendix A.
Version 0.22 - Changed all directions to compass directions.
- Changed chapter/section numbering for the main story.
- Changed the Notes section.
Version 0.21 - Completed the Weapons List (Appendix D).
- Added some info to Appendix B.
Version 0.20 - Added a lot more info to Appendices A, E, F (including
a lot of new ring listings).
- Added three new acknowledgees (is that a word?) to
Appendix X.
- Changed some contact info in Appendix Z and the header.
- Added a trick for defeating the Werewolf at the end of
Chapter One.
Version 0.19 - Changed the index and section headings slightly.
Version 0.18 - Corrected the CheatCity URL.
- Added charts in Appendices C, E, and F.
Version 0.17 - Added the info on Warp Points at the end of
Chapter 6.
- Added some info to Appendices A, B, D, E, and F.
Version 0.16 - Finished Chapter 6.
- Updated some item descriptions with descriptions of
what the items looked like on-screen.
- Modified layout of Appendices E and F.
- Added a couple more ring descriptions to Appendices
E and F.
Version 0.15 - Finished the Chapter 5, including the
translation of the Water Dragon's small speech.
Version 0.14 - Added info on three Rings of Magic in Chapter 3
section. Added Ring of Magic to Appendix B.
- Added info on the Crown Hut in Appendix A.
- Redid Appendix A to make it easier to read.
Version 0.13 - Walk-through added to:,,, and
Version 0.12 - Added and completed translation of Chapter 1.
- Completed translation and walk-through of Chapter 2.
- Moved Copyright Information section to Appendix Y.
- Moved Acknowledgements section to Appendix X.
- Changed Appendix Z to a general Contact Info section
and moved my contact info there.
- Changed base URL for the walk-through to
Version 0.11 - Added to
- Added direct URLs to GameWinners and GameFAQs.
Version 0.10 - Completed Chapter 4.
Version 0.09 - Fixed some monster and item names.
Version 0.08 - Corrected some translation errors.
Version 0.07 - Finished translating Chapter 4 dialogue for the most
Version 0.06 - Figured out how to get a replacement sword (actually a
knife...grumble, grumble...) from Wallace in the
storehouse in Chapter 4.
Version 0.05 - Made Appendices B, C, D, E, F, V, and Z.
Version 0.04 - Completed basic Introduction v.
Version 0.03 - Completed Introduction i and ii, Chapter 3,
and started Appendix A.
Version 0.02 - Uploaded the walk-through to
Version 0.01 - Most of Chapter 4 and some of Chapter 2 completed.


-=|| Appendix W: Where Is It Archived? ||=-

Look for this walk-through at the following locations. The first two
sites will always have the most recent copy:

The following sites do NOT keep a current copy of this file, so don't
bother visiting them until they update:

If you want to archive this walk-through, please read Appendix Y for
details on what you need to do. If you find this walk-through somewhere
on the net other than the places listed above, please let me know.



-=|| Appendix X: Acknowledgements ||=-

Thanks to From Software for making an interesting first-person-view
adventure RPG. I rarely enjoy first-person-view games, and while this
one is not my most favorite game of all time, it has been fun playing
it. I'm looking forward to the US version, though I'm a bit leery about
the added voice-overs.

These people have helped with corrections and with making sure all the
info is correct. Email addresses have been modified to avoid spambot

My beautiful wife, Heather, for helping with translation and
putting up with the repetitive background music in the game (it
gets repetitive when translating). No, you can't have her email
address. ;-p

"Eternal Ring Official Guidebook", 2000.04.21, Enter Brain, Inc.
ISBN 4-7577-0001-6, 1200yen. I got some of the Appendix info
from this book.

"The PlayStation Weekly", SoftBank Publishing. I got some Appendix
info from this magazine.

Cheub (cheub at wanadoo dot fr) - Answered a question.

Nathan Mercuri (npm7655 at excite dot com) - Provided info on
making Summon Rings (see Appenidx I).

B Germaniuk (bgermaniuk at okanagan dot bc dot ca) - Provided
info on waking the Earth Dragon.

BishonenFY (Seoul underscore Racing at yahoo dot com) - Has a good
mini-FAQ on the Hidden Dungeon. Get it at GameFAQs.

Howard Landman (co-designer of the PS2 Emotion Engine) - Provided
the correct romanization for the Catoblepas.

Since email address change all the time, I take no responsibility for
maintaining an accurate listing of email address. If your email address
is listed here and is incorrect, please let me know and I will correct
the error.



-=|| Appendix Y: Copyright Information ||=-

This walk-through is Copyright 2000-2001 Joe Monson. You may duplicate
this work on your website under the following conditions:

1. This work must remain intact in its entirety.
2. Proper credit must be given to me.
3. You must ask me and get permission BEFORE it is published.
4. You must provide the URL to where this work is stored on your
5. You must keep this work updated on your site.
6. This Copyright Information section must remain with any copies.

Individuals have permission to keep one electronic copy and one printed
copy of this work for personal use only.

This translation is provided for informational use ONLY, and no
monetary or other material gain should be obtained by anyone using this
work. In other words, don't use this work in any for-profit magazines,
on any for-profit websites, etc. Wholesalers and retailers of any and
all types are expressly forbidden to use, give away, or sell this work
in any manner or form. This includes using it as an incentive to
potential buyers.

"Eternal Ring" Copyright 2000 From Software Inc.
"PlayStation", "PlayStation 2", "Dual Shock", and "Dual Shock 2" are
trademarks owned by Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc.


-=|| Appendix Z: Contact Info ||=-

Joe Monson
nihon at pazu dot net


163-1408 Tokyo-to, Shinjuku-ku,
Nishi-Shinjuku 3-20-2
Tokyo Opera City Tower 8F
From Software, Inc.

User Support: 03-5353-0362 (Japanese only)
M-F, 13:00-17:00


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17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Gegenstände, Schlüssel, Ringe, Waffen, maximale Gesundheit, maximales Mana, maximale Erfahrung im letzten Kampf.

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

09.Октябрь 2013
Secret Dungeon

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018