Eternal Ring

Eternal Ring

15.10.2013 14:46:28

* Eternal Ring : Rings Faq * v 0.1 (25/04/00)

Made by Cheub (

0. Disclaimer

1. Introduction
1.0. The Magical Stones

2. Spell Rings
2.0. How to create a Spell Ring
2.1. Fire Spells
2.2. Earth Spells
2.3. Wind Spells
2.4. Water Spells
2.5. Light Spells
2.6. Dark Spells

3. Stone Rings
3.0. How to create a Stone Ring
3.1. Fire Stone Rings
3.2. Water Stone Rings
3.3. Wind Stone Rings
3.4. Earth Stone Rings
3.5. Light Stonte Rings
3.6. Dark Stone Rings

4. Extra Rings
4.0. List of Extra Rings

5. The Secret Dungeon

* 0. Disclaimer *

The name of the rings are based on my translation of Katakanas. If you find
some mistakes, just tell me and i'll correct them.

The numbers I give are taken from my gaming experience. They might not be very
accurate, so if you find some errors, just tell me...

I don't have the time to test all the rings for now, so i can't put a
description of the effects of the rings. If you want to know what are the
spells effects, just test them yourself :)

This FAQ is copyrigheted to Cheub, so it's my intellectual property. You may
use it for a personnal use, but it is forbidden to use it for any commercial
use without my agreement.

English is not my native langage, so you might find tons of bad spelling or
grammar mistake... Sorry about this!

* 1. Introduction *

This FAQ will help you to create the rings you want. To make a ring, you need
to go to see the woman than is accessible by taking the teleporters that
usually are near save points.

When you talk to her, you have 4 choices:
The first one is to make spell rings.
The second one is to create stone rings.
The third one is to see your collection of rings.
The fourth one is to leave.

To create a spell ring, you need at least a Magical Ring (a "useless" ring you
can find on the floor or in some chests of the game), and at least 2 Magical

To create a stone ring, you need at least 1 Magical Stone.

I strongly recommend that you save your game before trying to create any ring,
and load if you didn't get the ring you get (that way you wont loose any
Magical Stone).

- 1.0. The Magical Stones -

When you kill monsters, you usually find Magical Stones on them.

There are 6 types of stones, which are divided in two classes (Low Stones and
High Stones). Each kind of stones can be found in 5 different levels (from 1
to 5).

Here are the different Magical Stones you can find in the game.

Low stones :
-Fire (Red)
-Wind (Green)
-Light (White)

High Stones:
-Water (Blue)
-Earth (Orange)
-Dark (Purple)

* 2. Spell Rings *

- 2.0. How to Create a Spell Ring -

When you talk to the woman that let you create Rings, and take the 1st choice,
you first have to choose a Magical Ring on which you wish to put the Magical
Stones. You can either take a ring that already has a spell, or take a new
ring (if you have one, it'll be found at the end of the list).
Then you'll see 6 empty slots. 3 on the left, that are blue, and 3 on the
right, that are green.
The slots on the left will be called "Element Slots". The Magical Stones you
put in them will determine to which element will the ring be linked (ie. on
which line of the "collection" menu it will appear).
The slots on the right will be called "Spell Slots". The class of the stones
you put in them will determine which type of spells you'll get.
To be able to create a Spell Ring, you need to put at least one Magical Stone
in the Element and Spell Slots.

There are 10 different Spell Rings for the elements Fire, Water, Wind and
Earth, and 6 different Spell Rings for the elements Light and Dark.

These Spell Rings can be divided in 3 categories.
The 1st one will be called the Low Spells Rings.
The 2nd one will be called the High Spells Rings.
The 3rd one will be called the Special Spells Rings.

! Now here is how it works: !

To determine which Spell Ring you want to make, you have to put in the
Elements Slots 1 to 3 Magical Stones that are the same color (same element).
If you put more that one type of element in these slots, your results will be
To determine which kind of spell (Low or High) you want to make, you have to
put in the Spell Slots 1 to 3 stones that belong to the same class (Low or
High, see "Magical Stones" for more information about it). If you put stones
that belong to different classes, the results will be random!
To determine the level of the spell, the game will add the level of all the
Magical Stones you used. The resulting number will determine the level of the

Here is how the game calculates spell levels from Magical Stones levels for
Fire, Earth, Wind and Water spells.

(The numbers on the right are the total of all the Magical Stones level you
put in the slots)

Spell Lvl 1 : 1-5
Spell Lvl 1-2 (random) : 6-7
Spell Lvl 2 : 8-11
Spell Lvl 2-3 (random) : 12-13
Spell Lvl 3 : 14-16
Spell Lvl 3-4 (random) : 17-18
Spell Lvl 4 : 19+

And here is how the game calculates spell levels from Magical Stones levels
for Light and Dark spells.

Low Spells:
Lvl 1 : 1-11
Lvl 1-2 (random) : 12-13
Lvl 2 : 14-16
Lvl 2-3 (random) : 17-18
Lvl 3 :19+

High Spells:
Lvl 1: 1-16
Lvl 1-2 (random) : 17-18
Lvl 2: 19+

Finally, here is how to create the Special Spell Rings :

Special Spell 1 : 6 Magical Stones of the same element, all of level 4.
Special Spell 2 : 6 Magical Stones of the same element, all of level 5.

- 2.1. Fire Spells -

Low Spells :

Lvl 1 : Fireball
Lvl 2 : Wall of Fire
Lvl 3 : Floating Bomb
Lvl 4 : Bomber

High Spells :

Lvl 1 : Magic Tool
Lvl 2 : Weakness
Lvl 3 : Change
Lvl 4 : Antimagic

Special Spell 1 : Blade
Special Spell 2 : Red Dragon

- 2.2. Earth Spells -

Low Spells :

Lvl 1 : Material Arrow
Lvl 2 : Statue
Lvl 3 : Poison
Lvl 4 : Myst

High Spells :

Lvl 1 : Earth Heal
Lvl 2 : Protect
Lvl 3 : Wall
Lvl 4 : Orbiter

Special Spell 1 : Axe
Special Spell 2 : Yellow Dragon

- 2.3. Wind Spells -

Low Spells :

Lvl 1 : Wing Cutter
Lvl 2 : Sonic
Lvl 3 : Tornade
Lvl 4 : Blast

High Spells :

Lvl 1 : Graid
Lvl 2 : Confusion
Lvl 3 : Insivible
Lvl 4 : Bind

Special Spell 1 : Spear
Special Spell 2 : Green Dragon

- 2.4. Water Spells -

Low Spells :

Lvl 1 : Ice Needle
Lvl 2 : Ice Sword
Lvl 3 : Ice Trap
Lvl 4 : Blizzard

High Spells :

Lvl 1 : Heal water
Lvl 2 : Cure Water
Lvl 3 : Dispoison
Lvl 4 : Clear

Special Spell 1 : Arrow
Special Spell 2 : Blue Dragon

- 2.5. Light Spells -

Low Spells :

Lvl 1 : Heaven
Lvl 2 : Thunder
Lvl 3 : Flash

High Spells :

Lvl 1 : Reflect
Lvl 2 : Barriere

Special Spell 1 : none
Special Spell 2 : White Dragon

- 2.6. Dark Spells -

Low Spells :

Lvl 1 : Fall Down
Lvl 2 : Dark Thunder
Lvl 3 : Dark Flash

High Spells :

Lvl 1 : Abadon
Lvl 2 : Time Stop

Special Spell 1 : none
Special Spell 2 : Black Dragon

* 3. Stone Rings *

- 2.0. How to Create a Stone Ring -

Stone Rings are used to improve your attack and defensive power based on an
When you talk to the woman that let you create rings, and take the 2nd choice,
you'll be asked to put Magical Stones in the slots.
There are two kinds of Stone Ring that you can create. The 1st kind (Single
Element) is made by using Magical Stones of only one element if the slots (if
you put more that one element, the results will be random). The second kind
(Dual Element) is made by putting Magical Stones of two different elements in
the slots.

There are 3 levels of Single Element Stone Rings. Here is how the game
calculates the level of the Single Element Stone Ring from the levels of the
Magical Stones you used.

Lvl 1 : 1-9
Lvl 2 : 10-14
Lvl 3 : 15+

There are 4 types of Dual Element Stone Rings, but they only exist for the
elements Fire, Earth, Wind and Water.

Here is how to create such Rings:
You have to put stones from two differents elements. You can put only one
stone of each element (no need to waste all your stones). Be aware that Light
and Dark count for the same Element for these rings.
Whatever you do, results seems to be random. To have the best chances of
creating the Ring you want without wasting Stones, here is a litte tip:
1- Put a Magical Stone A of level 1 (or higher) in a slot.
2- Put a Magical Stone B of level 2 (or higher, just need to be more than the
level of the Magical Stone A) in another slot.
3- Create the Ring. You should have high chances of creating a Dual Element
Ring Stone that will appear under the element of the Magical Stone B, and that
will combine effects of Magical Stones A and B.

- 3.1. Fire Stone Rings -

Single Element :

Lvl 1 : Ring of Heat
Lvl 2 : Ring of Flame
Lvl 3 : Ring of Braize

Dual Element :

+Earth : Earth Heat
+Wind : Wind Heat
+Water : Water Heat
+Light/Dark : Sword Heat

- 3.2. Earth Stone Rings -

Single Element :

Lvl 1 : Ring of Stone
Lvl 2 : Ring of Rock
Lvl 3 : Ring of Meteo

Dual Element :

+Fire : Fire Stone
+Wind : Wind Stone
+Water : Water Stone
+Light/Dark : Sword Stone

- 3.3. Wind Stone Rings -

Single Element :

Lvl 1 : Ring of Breeze
Lvl 2 : Ring of Gail
Lvl 3 : Ring of Storm

Dual Element :

+Fire : Fire Breeze
+Earth : Earth Breeze
+Water : Water Breeze
+Light/Dark : Sword breeze

- 3.4. Water Stone Rings -

Single Element :

Lvl 1 : Ring of Rain
Lvl 2 : Ring of Water
Lvl 3 : Ring of Abyss

Dual Element :

+Fire : Fire Rain
+Earth : Earth Rain
+Wind : Wind Rain
+Light/Dark : Sword Rain

- 3.5. Light Stone Rings -

Single Element :

Lvl 1 : Ring of Light
Lvl 2 : Ring of Shine
Lvl 3 : Ring of (Gulea)

Dual Element :


- 3.6. Dark Stone Rings -

Single Element :

Lvl 1 : Ring of Shadow
Lvl 2 : Ring of Night
Lvl 3 : Ring of Chaos

Dual Element :


* 4. Extra Rings *

- 4.0. List of Extra Rings -

Extra Rings can't be created, they can only be found in the game. Here is the
list of all Extra Rings I found:

Fire Extra Rings:

- Mirage Edge
- Power of Branch
- ?

Earth Extra Rings :

- Power of Move
- Power of Claw
- Tall Eye

Wind Extra Rings :

- Power of Seek
- Amplifier
- Power of Time

Water Extra Rings :

- Fortune
- Power of Mind
- Sacrifice

Light Extra Ring :

- ?

Dark Extra Ring :

- ?

* 5. The Secret Dungeon *

There is in the game a hidden place, which is a dungeon divided in 4 Floors.
To access this place, you have to possess a Dark or Light Magic Spell Ring.
Then go to the beach where you start the game, go to the left and you'll find
a door that is locked. Cast a Dark or Light Spell on the door, and it will

Inside this dungeon, you'll find really thought monsters. Most of them will be
able to kill you in one hit, so be very careful. Here are the reasons why you
must visit this dungeon:

- You'll get Lvl 5 Magical Stones of all kind.
- You'll find Magic Rings (in the 3rd floor, there is a bird that give them
- You'll find Special Rings (including the Mirage Edge, that makes you hit 4
times instead of one).
- You'll find the Eternal Sword (you have to kill a monster in the last floor
to get it).
- You'll gain tons of XP (big birds in 2nd floor are the best).
- You'll be able to become almost invulnerable (see below).

To become invulnerable (any attack will have almost no effect on you), here is
the trick. On the 4th floor, their are white crabs. Almost each time you kill
them, they'll drop a Dragon Fang that will raise your stats (resist fire,
resist ice...) by one. All you have to do is to kill all these crabs (using
the Mirage Edge and the Eternal Sword is the easiest way). Then use all the
Dragon's Fang, go to the 3rd floor and back to the 4th, and all the crabs are
back... Keep doing that until all your stats reach 255, and you won't fear any

I have some advices for you. 1st, don't try to kill all the baddies,
espacially if it's the 1st time you enter the dungeon. Just run and try to
find the teleporter to the next floor. Once you'll reach the 4th floor, you'll
be safe because there are very few monsters there. You'll be able to kill them
one by one. Start by killing the big monsters to get the Mirage Edge, then
kill some crabs to make your caracter better. Then just go out and save your
game. After that, go back to the 4th floor and try to get the Eternal Sword.
Once you get it, go out and save again. Finally, go back to the 4th floor and
kill crabs again to max out your stats. After reaching 255 in each stats, you
won't die whatever happens, so just go to the 3rd floor and kill the big birds
that are there. This will max out your XPs. After that, you can visit all the
floors and make you collection of Magical Stones and Rings.

* The end *

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