Zone of Enders

Zone of Enders

14.10.2013 18:20:31

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Zone of the Enders

Created by: Tiger8191
Date Created: 3/29/01
Last Update: 5/24/01
Version 1.5
For Playstation 2


This FAQ is protected by international copyright law. This FAQ is for personal
use only. DO NOT post this FAQ on any website for profit. DO NOT copy this FAQ
and post it on your website as yours without the expressed written consent of
me. If you do I ask that you email me and ask for permission and an explanation
of your site. 99% of the time I will allow it is not for profit and I get
credit on your site for creating the FAQ. If you do sell it I will require 99%
profit made by my FAQ and you can have the rest. DO NOT make your own FAQ by
taking bits and pieces of mine. This is called plagiarism and it is illegal and
I have enough money to take legal action if necessary, or will I?? But I'm sure
we won't have to go that far, right? You can print this file to use while you are
playing the game. Give it to your friends if you like.

Webmasters! If you have a site and it isn't up yet, email me with the URL when I
am able to check out your website. I will not put my FAQs on any site that has
offensive material. So when I am emailed by another site wanting to host my FAQ
I check out the site, but lately I have had webmasters email me wanting permission
to post my FAQ but their site doesn't exist. These emails will be ignored and
deleted. If you were one of these, email me again when your site is up and you
most likely be granted permission.

If you can't follow these rules then do not bother reading this. I posted this to
help fellow gamers with troubles they might be having, that's all, nothing else.
For permission please email me at


Well things are looking up for all the Playstation 2 owners who have been
waiting for games that are worth playing. With March's release of Ominusha,
Ring of Red, Bouncer, and Star Wars:Starfighter, we have been seeing the
reasons of why we bought this great little black box! Well now we get the
pleasure to play a top notch game in Z.O.E. Hey and we even get a MGS2 demo,
whoopee! As always this has been a great pleasure to write a FAQ for all my
fellow gamers who are looking for a little help. Hopefully this FAQ will give
you the info you are needing. Thanks for reading! Please see CJayC's FAQ and
Adrenalines FAQs as well, if you haven't already. These are both great FAQs
and offer different perspectives of the game.

Well the game has been out for quite awhile now (5/24/01) and it has gotten some
mixed reviews. I think all and all it has been successful. Sure it is a little short
and can get repetitive, but it is still worth the play and it leaves you wanting the
sequel, and in this day and age, that is what it's about in the game industry. Demand.
I hope you all enjoy this game as much as I did and I hope there is something in this
FAQ that helps you out.

*Version History*

Version 1.0 (3/29/01)-Everything you see here. I will update when I find
mistakes or find new info that I have missed. For the most part the basics of
the game are here to beat it.

Version 1.1 (4/2/01)-Added some more thanks, added a Frequently Asked
Questions section. gameshark codes, ran this thing through a spell-checker,
yikes I need to learn how to type! Added more gameplay tips, and other tid-
bits of info for all you ZOE fans!

Version 1.2 (4/6/01)-Added some more questions, enemies, fun things to do,
vs, mode, and little tid-bits. Hopefully this is the final version!

Version 1.3 (4/6/01)-Oops forgot to add stuff I said I would. Hey, I'm new at
this leave me alone. Hopefully this will be it unless I find some valuable info
that Adrenaline and CJayC don't have, which is probably zip! So bye for know!
ALSO!!!! It seems there is a second ending. Check out the first Q in the
Frequently Asked Question List! Hmmmm...interesting. So I will try to confirm the
rumor as fast as I can. Keep an eye out!

Version 1.4 (4/25/01)-Well there were some mistakes and new info I wanted to post
up here before going back to Phantasy Star Online. Webmasters be sure to check out
the new info in the copyright info and disclaimer. This will be my second to last
update, I will be submitting the final version after I am satisfied with all my
info and I fix my format and get my lovely girlfriend to proof read it. Stay

Version 1.5 (5/24/01)-Well it's been a month since my last update. I thought that
this would be last one but I am still awaiting the corrections. So hopefully the next
version will be 2.0 and Final! Yippee! This was the most fun I have ever had making a
FAQ. And thanks to all the great emails I have received. That brings me to why I am
updating. I received an amil that offered some gameplay tips and I thought I would add
them. Check it out in section VIII if you wish. See ya next time!

*Table of Contents*

I. Controls
II. Special Moves
III. Game Screen
IV. Command Menu
V. Weapons, Items, and Enemies
VI. Passcodes
VII. Programs
VIII. Gameplay Tips and FUN THINGS TO DO!
IX. Walkthrough
X. Vs. Mode
X1. Frequently Asked Questions(SPOILERS)
XII. Gameshark Codes
XIII. Email Rules
XIV. Acknowledgements
XV. Copyright Info (webmasters please read!!!)

*I. Controls*

Left Analog Stick-Controls the movement of your gear, moves the map while in
the Command Menu

Triangle Button-Ascend your gear

X Button-Descend your gear/Cancel during selection

Square Button- Main Weapon. When attacking from long range, your weapon is a
shot. When in close combat it is a sword. Press repeatedly to make successive

Circle Button-Sub-Weapon in long distance attacks/ Grab and Throw for close
combat/ Confirm your selection

L1-Cancels Lock-on/ Changes camera view when not locked-on to an enemy

L2-Lock-on target/press to scroll through available targets/

R1-Hold to guard

R2-To dash during movement and to burst when not moving

Start-Opens and closed Command Menu

Right Analog Stick-Change view

Directional Buttons-Selects Sub-Weapons

*II. Special Moves*

Escape-When you feel your are in danger press the L1 button to take any locks
you have on a target and boost away from the enemy. You will see a timer which
will count down. Once it reaches 0 you will be out of danger.

Dash Attack-Press the Square Button while dashing (R2). These will create
stronger attacks.

Burst Attack-Press the Square button while pressing the R2 button. If you
are not moving you will burst attack.

Grab and Throw-If you are close to an enemy, press the circle button to grab
the enemy and when you release him you will throw him.

Camera Controls-When not in a battle you can use the right analog stick to
move your camera and look around. When moving around your crosshairs move and
you can aim at porters or anything else to get a bulls-eye shot.

*III. Game Screen*

_ A B _
_ C _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ E G _
_ F D _

A. This is how many enemies that you are in current attack mode with

B. This is how many squads of enemies in the current area you are patrolling

C. In a Rescue Mission this shows the percentage of survivors in the area.

D. This shows the current sub-weapon you are using and the amount of ammunition

E. This is your health meter, once it becomes empty, you are dead!

F. The little line underneath your health meter is your experience gauge, the
more enemies you kill the more it fills.

G. This is your current experience level.

When in the global stage there are 3 things you should be aware of. Each area
you can visit of have visited has a tag that tells you important information.

Purple Tag-This is the next place to go to complete you mission in most cases.

Orange Tag- This is an area that has a SOS out. This will be a rescue
Mission if entered.

Green Tag- This is the regular color of areas that you have visited already. Be
sure to check all the tags when coming back to the global stage to see if any
green tags have a "?". This means that there are special items to be had, but
only for a limited time.

*IV. Command Menu*

WEAPONS- This is a list of sub-weapons that you have uncovered plus the
ammunition currently on-hand. You can use this to change your weapon.

PROGRAMS- This is a list of programs you have obtained.

PASSCODES- This shows the current passcodes you are carrying. If you have some
listed, go find the servers to obtain the program.

AREA CHANGE- Use this to leave an area. You cannot change areas if you are in a
battle with the enemy.

MISSION- Shows the current mission and a some helpful hits and tips.

OPTIONS- This is to change the settings, like subtitles, vibration, and sound.

SAVE- This is to save your game. You can only save while in the global stage.

To the right of the menu you get a map of the area you are in. If you are in
the global stage it will show the different areas you can explore. Use the
sticks to manipulate the map.
If you are in an area you can see the placement of the enemy and see what they
are carrying.

(M)-Indicates the enemy squad is carrying a Metatron.

(P)-Indicates the enemy squad is carrying a passcode

(B)-Indicates the enemy squad is carrying sub-weapon ammunition.

*V. Weapons, Items, and Enemies*

This is a list of sub-weapons. You can obtian ammo for these weapons from red
item boxes and by killing enemy squads.

Javelin- A spear shaped throwing weapon.

Phalanx- A shooting weapon that is effective when rapidly fired. Firing is
pressure sensitive.

Geyser- A grenade-like weapon. When armed on the ground it explodes with an
energy blast.

Halberd- A gigantic sword. Press the circle button once to extend it and again
to retract it.

Bounder- An energy board that enables you to bounce around.

Comet- A heat-seeking energy ball.

Mummy- A Protective shield. Press the circle button to shield and press again
to unequip.

Sniper- A weapon with precise history. Good for shooting porters.

Decoy- A weapon that creates a decoy of yourself fooling the enemy to attack it
instead of you.


Green Item Box- This will hold Metatrons which fill up your health meter.

Red Item Boxes- These are filled with sub-weapon ammunition.

Porters- Little vase like things found in areas. Destroying all of them in an
area opens up a secret.


These are slow moving fat little frames. But don't be deceived, they can cause
some srious damage if you don't deal with them correctly. They are purely long
range attackers, so get as close as you can. If they get away from you fire long
range weapons to keep it from attacking you.

These are the skinny frames that you see a lot of. They are fairly easy to beat. I
love close combat so I like to get in close slashing them till they explode.

These frames look like Raptors on steroids. These guys are quick and agile and will
beat you if you are not ready. They block a lot morre successively then the others
and will counter attack you to death if you are not careful.

*VI. Passcodes*

Here is a list of passcodes. Most are found in the area where they say it is
used but some are not and I will note that. These codes have been put in order
of when they are found.

Passcode necessary to obtain flight mode module. For use in FACTORY 1.

Passcode necessary to obtain Javelin.drvr. For use in TOWN 1

Passcode necessary to obtain phalanx.drvr. For use in TOWN 2

Passcode to obtain colony info. For use in FACTORY 1

Passcode necessary to obtain geyser.drvr. For use in CITY 1

Passcode necessary to obtain halbred.drvr. For use in EPS.1.

One of the passcodes necessary to obtain Raptor control module. For use in
EPS.1. Found in EPS.2

One of the passcodes necessary to obtain Raptor control module. For use in
EPS.1. Found in TOWN 1

Passcode necessary to obtain vaccine program. For use in FACTORY 2

One of the passcodes necessary to obtain decoy.drvr. For use in FACTORY 2
Found in CITY 2

Passcode necessary to obtain comet.drvr. For use in CITY 2.

Passcode necessary to obtain geyser.drvr. For use in EPS.2.

One of the passcodes necessary to obtain decoy.drvr. For use in FACTORY 2.

Passcode necessary to obtain bounder.drvr. For use in MOUNTAIN 1.

*VII. Programs*

Here is a list of programs that you find in the game and what area to obtain
them. These are also in order of when you find them.

Scouting module. Can open Command Menu. Found in FACTORY 1

Flight mode module. Can select Area Change in Command Menu. Found in FACTORY 1.

Device driver for the use of javelin. Found in TOWN 1

Device driver for the use of phalanx. Found in TOWN 2
EPS systems data. Contains power supply facility info. etc. Found in FACTORY 1

Device driver for the use of geyser. Found in CITY 1

Device driver for the use of halberd. Found in EPS.1

Raptor control module. Can control uncontrolled Raptor. Found in EPS.1

Anti-Stealth module. Can detect invisible objects. Found in EPS.2

All purpose vaccine program to detect and exterminate system infecting virus.
Found in FACTORY 2

Device driver for the use of comet. Found in CITY 2

Anti-Stealth module. Can detect invisible objects

Device driver for the use of gauntlet. Found in EPS.2

Device driver for the use of decoy.

Device driver for the use of decoy

*VIII. Gameplay Tips*

- When in a battle with an enemy squad, try to target the mummy, the fat round
enemy, his long range attacks can cause a lot of damage. Keep hitting him
before he fires a shot.

- Always look out for question marks in the area tags. You can find some much
needed sub-weapon ammunition.

- I have found that close range attacks are the easiest way to destroy an
enemy. I always boost around them while attacking them with my close range
attack. Nothing better than boosting behind and pulling off some super cut!

- For the first 3 boss fights, move, move , move. This is the best defense.
Some of their attacks will miss because you got the boost on and are moving
around. Wait for your chance to attack!

- If you feel the need to level up or need some sub-weapon ammo go back to areas
you have already visited and destroy the squads.

- Bounder can be best used in closed and tight spaces

- Use halberd for destroying porters.

- Always check out areas that have a "?". Especially in the harder difficulties
to get much needed ammo!

- If you don't know what to do next, try going from area to area and scan through
the squads to see if anyone is carrying a passcode.

- If you are trying for an "A" ranking, save before you enter a Rescue Mission.
That way if you don't get an A you can quit and reload and try again!

- Well here is a tip that was emailed to me so I thought I would share it since I
need to keep everyone happy!

Use boost and circle around him. Then use the halberd and fire right
thru his back to the point marked with the crosshairs. The halberd
will fire thru him and hurt like hell. After he changes form, avoid him until he
tries to ram you. When he misses you with the ram, load up a stationary
burst shot (large blue energy ball) and fire it as soon as he is in the
centre of your screen. Repeat until either one of you is dead.

Use the boost shot (MIRV energy beams) until he dives and tries to ram you.
Then move in and use Halberd while he's floating around. After he changes
form, dodge like hell and fire boost shots. If you hit, move up close and
fry him with halberd until he gets bored of getting hit and flies straight
upwards. Repeat until either one of you is dead.

Because she's faster than you in close combat, dodge continously and fire
boost shots in long range. You'll spot anything she tries to fire soon
enough and can easily dodge them. If you don't get careless you can beat
Neith with no health loss, even on Very Hard difficulty level.

Zombie Neith:
Move a bit closer and start rapid-firing comets. She'll try to dodge them,
but will eventually get hit and lose a lot of health. Because you're
continously tapping the circle button, you'll automatically throw her if
she gets too close.

If you challenge one enemy at a time, the others will circle around the
town and destroy buildings, so fire up your boosters and round up all the
enemies to a single huge battle. If they're trying to get you, they're not
killing civilians. Then lead them to a safe combat arena. Suitable areas
are the parks in Town 2, the deep canal in Town 1, the canal and the park
in Town 3.

City 2 is easy, since the only things that can break are windows and the
choppers. Just move quickly and finish the weak enemies off in close
combat. City 1 can be tricky, because any unattended enemy will try to
destroy the pillars, and they break quickly (at least in Very Hard
difficulty level). So engage the enemies quickly in close combat, and

DON'T do any burst slashes in the immediate vicinity of the pillars.
If the SOS area gets any enemy reinforcements, try to get them to join
the battle assoon as the arrive. If you've challenged all the enemies at
once, you'llspot when the reinforcements arrive by the appearance of the radar
circle(s) around Jehuty.

Raptors break easily if you fire normal shots and close up on them,
switching to a triple-hit slash combo. The raptor will get hit and fly a
backwards, just outside close combat range. Repeat. If you're in a
hurry, you can always do boost slashes, but beware of higher level Raptors,
because they occassionally have time to do a burst slash or a burst shot on
you if you're constantly in close combat. Three consecutive burst slashes
can mean death, even on Level 8.

Cyclopses can mean trouble, because their counter-attacks hurt. Use the
tactic mentioned above to lower-level Cyclopses, but higher level Cyclopses
can dodge your triple slash combo and counter-attack. Either kill them
safely from a distance with boost shots or try boost slashing them. Just
boost _quickly_ away from them if they dodge your boost slash, because
you're about to get seriously hit by a counter-attack.

Mummies can kill you in an instant if you ignore them and go fight with the
other enemy types, because their beams and burst shots hurt. Because
they're so slow, you can lure the other enemies away from them and kill
them before the mummies close in. Then just fire normal shots to force them
to keep their shields up and not firing, and close in to close combat. If
they block your hits, immediately do a boost dodge, because you're about to
get hit by the dual beams.

Thanks to:
Stormshadow (Attainer of AAAAA and rank S on Very Hard


There is some fun things you can do if you get bored and need a new challenge.

-In vs. mode you can take Jehuty at lvl 1 and go against Neith at lvl 8. That
could take sometime to beat. Try different combinations and try to win.

-Destroy everything you possibly can. Sure you will get a bad rating, but it
can be fun and it changes the script a little. Check it out! And now I guess
this will bring on a new ending!

-Try to go through the whole game with no sub-weapons, except the decoy and
sniper. But the hitch is, only fight the enemies that have passcodes, that
is it. If you are brave, destroy buildings to keep your level as low as possible.

*IX. Walkthrough*

It's AD: 2172, You are on a Jupiter Space Colony, Antilia. Looks like someone
wants to start a fight. Viola is the main antagonist who has come to raise a
little hell!

You then cut to an FMV of our hero, Leo, running and having flashbacks of him
and his friends in a bad predicament. We cut back to Leo running through
bloodied streets with bodies in his way. He flashes back to him and his friends
and you see a mech killing his friends but he has escaped.
We cut back to Viola wanting to disobey orders from her superior. Then back to
Leo running through the streets again and enters a warehouse and finds Jehuty,
the mech. Here is where our adventure begins!

You enter your first battle. Just go ahead and see how the mech works. Get
close and use your square button and you should do just fine. After the battle
you meet ADA, the onboard computer. She will now take you through a training
course on how to use Jehuty.

When done, fly over to the metatron orb to fill up your health meter. Now move
outside when you are confident of your abilities.

When you exit the warehouse you will be greeted with a series of enemies. Use
those newly acquired abilities to dispose of them. After that you will be
greeted by Viola. This could be a tough battle if you are still having trouble
using your abilities. She is fast but soon she will give up and obey the orders
to leave at once.

After the battle you will be contacted by Elena, at Atlantis. Basically you get
asked to transport Jehuty to Atlantis so it can be used in an important mission
on Mars. After a lot of begging, Leo agrees to help. Did you really think he
wouldn't? The game would be over!

ADA now informs you that you need to hook up with the local server and get the
function module. Follow her marker to the server and get the monitor.fcmd. This
will give you some new battle options. Be sure to go through some training
before moving on. You also will receive the Command Menu (Start)

-Mission 1-
Obtain the flight mode module and move to another area using "Area Change" in
the Command Menu.

After some training, go out and kick some butt. Find the squad with the
passcode. You will get pass_global. When you get that pull up the map (start)
and locate a green sphere and then head to the server and obtain the
global.fcmd. Once found kill any squads left and grab the metatron orb to
replenish your health. Then press start and choose Area Change.

Now you are flying high above the sectors of Antilia. We see that Leo's sector
is under attack!

-Mission 2-
Move to TOWN 1

Head towards TOWN 1 and press the circle button to enter. You will see a mean
looking machine in the distance blowing up buildings. You know cut to an FMV.
From this point on I will not spoil the story of Z.O.E. Sorry!

Well here is your first boss. He can be tough but here is the jist of it.

Boost around and keep hitting his helmet with the long range burst boost
attack. When his health is around 50% he will change form. He know uses three
types of attacks, fire balls, little energy needles, and jumping on you. Keep
boosting around and use your guard against his attacks. When his head pops out
attack like you were before. When it goes back down, put up your guard.
Eventually you will defeat him.

Now more squads are about to blow up the buildings in this sector. You must
quickly dispose of them before they kill innocent people. Here you will get the
pass_javelin, needed for your first sub-weapon. When you destroy all the
squads, pull up your map and locate the server. Once found you will obtain the
javelin.drvr. Now exit the area.

Now ADA will give you a detailed description of your mission. She tells you to
go back to FACTORY 1 to get the info needed to help you exit Antilia and head
for Atlantis. Here you can do your first rescue mission in TOWN 2 or go to
FACTORY 1. I am a nice guy so I will do the rescue mission. SAVE

**Rescue Mission 1**
Go to TOWN 2

Basically you need to destroy all the squads before they kill innocent people
and destroy buildings The more they kill and destroy the worse your overall
game will be. Try to only engage in close combat so as not to let a long range
attack miss and kill people. You will also find the passcode pass_phalanx. When
you have finished and received your grade, look for the server to get your
second sub-weapon, Phalanx. Exit and Save.

-Mission 3-
Obtain the info necessary for mission completion from the local server in

Go to FACTORY 1. Destroy all the squads, especially the one with the passcode,
pass_antilia. Once alone, locate the server and get the Now leave
the area.

ADA will now go into a detailed mission plan. Save when she is finished if you

**Rescue Mission 2**

As with all rescue missions, kill quickly without letting them kill or destroy.
Use the same battle techniques as in RM 1 and you should get a good grade. Be
sure to get any sub-weapon ammo you find.

-Mission 4-
Move to CITY 1 where the colony shaft is located and destroy the EPS relay

You find that you don't have the right weapon to destroy the relay block. Kill
any squads around to get some EXP. When done exit the area to look for the
special weapon.

-Mission 5-
Find long-distance bullet weapon necessary to destroy the relay block.

Head to TOWN 2. Here you will get your first look at porters. Basically they
open up secrets in the area. Kill the squads before you attempt to destroy the
porters. When all clear seek out and destroy the porters. Once done a red item
box will appear in the area and inside it is the SNIPER. Just what you need!
Exit the area.

-Mission 6-
Use the newly obtained SNIPER and destroy the EPS relay block.

Head back to CITY 1. Kill any squads around so you won't be disturbed in
destroying the relay block. Position yourself near the rotating column. Equip
you Sniper sub-weapon. See the white dots, those are your targets. By using
your right analog stick place the crosshairs on the column and use the sniper
to shoot the relays as they go by. Once it is destroyed ADA will inform you
that there must be an emergency generator running the EPS. Sounds like another
mission to me! Go kill the squad with the passcode pass_geyser. Look for the
server and obtain the geyser sub-weapon. Exit the area.

-Mission 7-
Destroy the power supply facility of EPS.1 and EPS.2.

Head over to EPS.1. Destroy all the squads then proceed to destroy all the
porters to receive the pass_halberd. Head to the server to obtain Halberd
sub-weapon. Move to the satellite dish and you see that you can't destroy it.
Pull up the map and you see that there is un underground passage.

Enter the underground maintenance passage and head down the tunnel. You will hit
an intersection and enter a battle. Now keep going in the same direction. You
will enter some more battles till you reach a big room. Fly to the far wall
and drop down. Turn around and you will see a big circle. Fore at the center
hub to destroy the emergency generator. Now exit the underground maintenance
passage. Now exit the area and save if you wish.

Notice that CITY 1 has a "?" in the tag. Stop there to get some Sub-weapon ammo,
EXP, and the Mummy.

-Mission 8-
Destroy the emergency EPS generator of EPS.2.

Head to EPS.2. Well I can see why some people say this is a repetitive game at
times! Kill all the squads. After you have done that look for the underground
maintenance passage. When you get in there you see that you cannot get past an
energy field. ADA informs you that you have to find another way. When you exit
you see some new baddies, S class baddies to be exact. You will receive the
pass_control1 from them. Now leave the area.

-Mission 9-
Obtain the necessary module to get past the EPS.2 energy field.

head to TOWN 1. Here you will find some.... bad guys. One squad has a passcode.
So fry up some enemies. The ones with the passcode are some "*" class enemies.
They have a serious attack! Read the gameplay tips to find out easy ways to
keep them from firing. When done you will receive the pass_control2. Obtain
the metatron orb to fill your health and then exit.

Now head to EPS.1. You can fight the squads if you want or head straight for
the underground passage. There is also some sniper ammo if needed. Once in the
passage go to that 1st intersection and turn right. Go to the room with the
server. Here you obtain the rapt_cntl.fcmd. Now you can operate a Raptor, that
isn't effected by the energy field, to destroy the generator in EPS.2. Exit the
passage and exit the area.

-Mission 10-
Find the uncontrolled Raptor to get past the EPS.2 energy field.

If you saw the scene when first entering TOWN 2 you saw some mechs laying on a
hill. Well one is a Raptor. Go to TOWN 2 and get it. ADA will send it to EPS.2,
then you will take control of it.

-Mission 11-
Destroy the emergency EPS generator.

Head to the underground passage with the Raptor, trying not to engage in any
battle. Head through the passage. At the first intersection fight the enemy and
then head right. Keep going till you find the sever where you will obtain the
detector.fcmd. Turn back and you will see some porters. Destroy all the porters.
When you get back to the original intersection turn right and head to the room
with the generator. You will see a wall blocking your entrance to the room.
Position your cross hairs on the box on the wall, it is a weak point. Enter the
room and destroy the emergency generator the same way you did to the other one.

-Mission 12-
Move to MOUNTAIN 1 and meet up with Atlantis.

First go to TOWN 2 and get the Sniper and Mummy ammo if needed.

There is also an SOS from TOWN 3

**Rescue Mission 3**

This is a tough one. Many squads, so try your hardest to dispose of them before
anything gets destroyed. Again use only short range attacks. I have yet to get
a good grade here!!

-Mission 12 cont.-

Head to Mountain 1. On the way FACTORY 2 is now available and ADA will tell you
it is where she was built. After that you go straight to MOUNTAIN 1. Well here
is your next boss. He is a tough one. Go ahead and try to kill can't!
Here is proof!

-Mission 12A-
Avoid battle with the large Orbital Frame located ahead and move to another

This is easy...exit area!

When you exit you see that someone has emailed ADA with the snow-white and seven
dwarves virus or maybe that Anna Kournikova.jps.file! You have a new mission
now. Be aware, this virus depletes your health to the point that one hit and
you are dead!

-Mission 13-
Find the program in FACTORY 2 necessary for the repair of ADA

At this point I will ignore the SOS because of the status of Jehuty. I will
attempt this soon and put in a strategy on how to complete this RM in the next

Well here is a way that was submiited to me by Telrath.

"I just wanted to tell you of a way to beat the SOS you get while you have the
virus.. there's 3 different squads in the area.. 2 are the close range melee
guys who juss lob their missles aimlessly barely ever hitting anything. Take
out the first one on the left.. he's the easiest since he's by himself. Than
there are juss two groups of 2 left. One is the same unit type and the other
is the one that tends to shoot the spray bullets n lasers. First take out
the melee ones they should be closest to where you first entered. Then after
you take them out you can pull in along the road to the right without having
the range units attack you. Then you can just launch a power shot the one
where you stand still n punch the giant orb n it should hit both of them into
the red if not outright kill them.. than its just a quick shield up n when
they pause in their shootings shoot once or twice with your normal gun.
You'll eventually kill them without losing any buildings or civs if
their/your shots dont stray too much."

Go to FACTORY 2 and pull up the map. You see that there is an underground
passage! Get there with out going into battle! Ignore the metatron orb in
front of you, it won't work, trust me I tried! Head to the passage and enter.
You will see two servers but both are red, jettison up and enter a battle with
the enemy that has the passcode you need. After you beat it you receive the
pass_vaccine. Go back down to the server and get the vaccine.exec to cure ADA.
Whew! Go up and fight if you want or exit the area.

-Mission 14-
Find the module necessary to avoid the laser attacks of the large orbital frame
in PARK 1.

EPS.1 has a "?"-you will find sniper and Mummy if needed.

CITY 1 is under attack.

**Rescue Mission 5**

Same as know what to do.

Head to CITY 2 and you will see on e of the squads has a passcode. Destroy them
and get pass_decoy1. Destroy all the porters in the area to obtain comet. Head
to TOWN 3 and you see that, well, can't see. This brings on a new
mission, exit.

-Mission 15-
Find the anti-stealth module necessary to detect the enemy in stealth.

Go to EPS.2 and go see your Raptor you earlier controlled. Find him in the
underground passage and you will have to destroy it to receive the
detector.fcmd it earlier picked up. When you exit the tunnel destroy the
porters to get the pass_gauntlet.

Go to TOWN 3 and destroy the stealth enemies and get the pass_decoy2. When done
exit and SAVE!

-Mission 16-
Find the module necessary to avoid laser attacks of the large Orbital Frame in

Yup, we are at it again. Go to FACTORY 2. Destroy all the squads and destroy
the porters. After you do this ignore the red item box for now and head to the
underground passage to input you passcodes to obtain the decoy. Exit the tunnel
and go get the decoy ammo out of the red item box. Decoy will give you the
ability to put out a decoy of yourself and hopefully the enemy will attack that
while you are attacking the enemy. Well let's see if it works. Exit and SAVE.

-Mission 17-
Destroy the large Orbital Frame in Park 1

Well head to PARK 1 and face your next boss. Make sure to have your decoy up on
the Sub-weapon indicator.

When the boss locks on use decoy and he will target that. Boost around and keep
hitting him with burst shots and use decoys when necessary. When you get him
down to 50% he changes form into a little spaceship. If the first stage of this
battle was ain't see nothing yet. He will attack by flying towards
you and kicking your butt. Try to boost around him while attacking and
guarding. When he comes towards you use a decoy if you have any left and he
will fixate on that. It will take time but eventually it you can kill it.

-Mission 18-
Move to MOUNTAIN 1 and meet up with the Atlantis

PARK 1 has a "?", go there to get Mummy

You are probably low on health, go to another area to find a Metatron Orb if
you like or continue to MOUNTAIN 1.

Elana will contact you and put you through to Thunderheart. He will take the
Frame from you. I won't spoil any of the story here. You need to get to the
warehouse. Go to MOUNTAIN 1 to meet up with him.

-Mission 19-
Fly through the gully along the mountain slope and get from the dam to the

Head straight and pick up the Metatron orb if you didn't already. Then move to
pick up SW ammo. Keep following to pick up more ammo. Go to the dam and fight
the enemy and get the pass_bounder. Head up to the server to get your last SW.
Head back to the start and turn to the left. Fly to the end destroying enemies
as you do so and picking up items. Destroy the wall to get to the other
gully. Head right down the gully to the next wall. Blast through and head
left and follow it through the gully till the second intersection and turn
right. Here you will enter the room that leads to the warehouse.

-Mission 20-
Destroy the large Orbital Frame in MOUNTAIN 1

Time for another boss fight, against Nebula. This is a tough one but after a
few tries you should get him.

Nebula likes to move around a lot. He attacks with fire balls and red energy
beams. Keep moving and boosting around avoiding his attacks and to get him down
to 50% by attacking when clear. After that he will turn into a spider looking
thing. Try and shoot his head and he will expose his butt. Now attack it with
everything you got, gauntlet, comet, or a boost attack. Keep doing this till
you have beaten him. It will take time but you will conquer this Frame.

After the battle Thunderheart will contact you and tell you how to meet up with
him. You are sent to the warehouse and guess who's there.

-Mission 21-
Meet up with the civilian freighter Atlantis.

Well Viola is here. She is ready to go toe to toe with you again but she won't
be as easy. Boost attack her for a bit and then go into close range attack with
her. She will get a hold of you and ADA will ask you to eject, but what fun is
that? Eventually Leo gets free and time to finish her off. Try to do some close
combat with her and defeat her. It's more fun that way!

A whole lot of story goes on at this point but I won't spoil it for you! You
are off to HUB 1 to disable some bombs. This can be tough but a heck of a lot
of fun.

ADA will find the time bombs for you. While she is searching kill as many
enemies as you can. When she has found one she will tell you. Stop what you are
doing and target the bomb and fly over to it. When you get close enough press
the circle button and don't let go till the bomb is disabled. Watch the timer
till it reaches 0. Now go back to killing enemies till she finds another one.
Keep doing this till all the time bombs are disabled.

Now you get to fight Viola again. Just get in close and attack her relentlessly
like you would the mummies or raptors. Eventually she will fall.

There is one last battle but I don't want to talk about it because I feel it is
important to the story, and you should have no problem figuring it out. So on
that note, we are done here.

*X. Versus Mode*

After completeing the game you will get access to this little gem. Here you can be
any frame you wish and fight one on one with the computer or a friend...or enemy.
You can be Jehuty, Mummyhead, Neith, Raptor, Cyclops, Single-Sword Raptor, and
Zombie Nieth. Also you get to fight in a lot of the areas in the game. I personally
like the warehouse!

You can change the levels of your frame in the start-up mode. You can be lvl 1-8.
Try and find new ways to enjoy this mode by trying to beat Jehuty(lvl 8) with a
Raptor(lvl 1). It's fun and hard!

*XI. Frequently Asked Questions* SPOILER ALERT!!!!

Q. Is there a second ending?

A. YES!!!! Basically destroy anything and everything in the game. Cars, trucks,
buildings, etc. When you go to fight Tyrant in the park the game will end. Check
it out, it's fun and doesn't take that long!

Q. Hey, I beat the game and it seems that there should be more to the story than
this..... does he save ADA, and are you ever able to beat the last boss he is
so hard I was at level 8, please fill in these blanks....

A. Well this is the most commonly asked question! Yes, that is the ending, sorry
to say, but it does set up the sequel quite nice if you ask me! I can't wait!

Q. I can't get higher than level 8!

A. Not exactly a question but I can provide an answer to that statement. As far
as I could find, you cannot get higher than level 8. I have heard some people
say that they have reached level 9, but I don't believe it. I have reloaded
previous saves and just kept going from area to area trying to get to level 9
but it never happens!

Q. Is there gameshark codes?

A. Yes! Look at section XII.

Q. Please let me know if I can copy these just for my own use. The game looks
wonderful yet there is no way I can do it without a walkthrough. Let me know.

A. Yes! You can print it out and use it to play the game. You can even share it
with your friends if you like. Just as long as you don't own a store and print
them and sell them!

Q. About how long do you think it would take to beat the game?

A. Depends on how you play. My first time through it took me 6:06 hrs to beat. The
second time through, I think 4 or 5 becuase I was writing notes down as I played.

Q. I heard if you beat the game 2x, you can unlock 2 more orbital frames and
stages, if so which frames?

A. Yes, when you beat the game the second time through you get 2 new frames and
a couple new stages. You will get Single-Sword Raptor and the Frame Viola used in
your last battle. I will get the names down when I mess around with versus mode!

Q. I heard there is more then one ending. Is there? And if their is then how do you
get it?

A. No, only one ending, but if you acheive an A Ranking in all your rescue missions
you will get a different ending theme.

Q. Where do you get the decoy ammunition when if you run out during the fight against
the Large Orbital Frame in PARK 1?

A. Well that happened to me the first ime through and you can find the decoy ammo back
in FACTORY 2 where you aquired the at first.

Q. Is there any difference to the ending depending on what grade I get?

A. Based on the grade assessed to your final score, you will receive comments from one
of the voice actors:

Rank B- Leo
Rank A- ADA
Rank S- Celphis

Q. Can you change levels of your Frame in Vs. Mode?

A. Yes, when you select your frame, you will sees some blue bars, move your directional
pad left or right to choose your level (1-8).

*XII.Gameshark Codes*

Thanks to JiggaMan14x for sending these codes to me!

Must Be On

Infinite Javelin

Infinite Geyser

Infinite Bounder

Infinite Phalanx

Infinite Halberd

Infinite Comet

Infinite Gauntlet

Infinite Sniper

Infinite Decoy

Infinite Mummy

Press L2 = Javelin Equipped

Press L2 + X = Geyser Equipped

Press L2 + O = Bounder Equipped

Press L2 + Triangle = Phalanx Equipped

Press L2 + Square = Halbered Equipped

Press L2 + L1 = Comet Equipped

Press L2 + R1 = Gauntlet Equipped

Press L2 + R2 = Sniper Equipped

Press L2 + D-Pad LEFT = Decoy Equipped

Press L2 + D-Pad RIGHT = Mummy Equipped

Ultimate Jehuty

0 Continues Used

0 Saves Used

9999 Defeated

No Casualties-Town 2

NO Casualties-Town 3

NO Casualties-City 2

*XIII. Email Rules*

Yes I have rules on emails, but not many. I just have a few don'ts, but don't
get me wrong, I love to answer emails.

1. Send me walkthroughs
2. Don't send hate mail
3. Don't send me porn

1. Ask me questions
2. Give me praise
3. Tell me what you think of my FAQ, even if you didn't like it just don't get
4. Suggestions, secrets, things I might have missed
5. Anything you want as long as it pertains to this or any of my other FAQs.

That is all. I just want to help my fellow gamers, not get into fights or flame
wars. Basically I have had nothing but wonderful email! Thanks to everyone who
emailed me with their questions so far!

*XIV. Acknowledgements*

I would like to thank the following for many reasons!

-CJayC! As I have said before, he is a great man to create this place called
gamefaqs. I hope he doesn't hate me for posting this FAQ next to his!

-All the people at the gamefaqs FAQ Contributors Board for being a cool bunch
of folk!

-JiggaMan14x for giving me the gameshark codes!

-Stormshadow with offering some gameplay tips!

-Telrath for giving me the walkthrough on how to beat the SOS mission when
infected by the virus.

-My girlfriend...becasue she is cool!

-Janus Operative for critiquing this FAQ and pointing out some format problems!

-The boys at Babbages Oakland Mall for getting me my copy of Z.O.E.

-All my friends at the Q&S board!

-And to the readers! Thank you!

*XV. Copyright Info*

This walkthrough is copyright 2001 (C)Tiger8191 FAQS

You can find this file on the following websites: (this is where you will find the most updated copy!) (this is my website so it should be updated
as well)
Sorry if I forgot a site, I lost track!

If you see this FAQ posted at a site other than the ones mentioned above,
please email me so I know who to get mad at. Stealing of FAQs is a common
problem these days and with the help of others we can fight it. Thanks!

REMINDER: If your site isn't up yet, don't bother emailing me for permission
to host my FAQ. Email me when you have a site to look at.

I am in no way affiliated with Konami

Zone of the Enders are registered trademarks of KONAMI Corporation.


-End of File-

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18.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
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NTSC zu PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version

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Alle Bilder und Stages im VS modus und verschiedene Andere Spielstände.

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