Zone of Enders

Zone of Enders

13.10.2013 23:05:41
Zone of the Enders
by FFrulez
copyright 2001 FFrulez

+ 1. Versions +
+ 2. Introduction +
+ 3. Controls +
+ 4. Frames and strategy's +
+ 5. Tips for more fun +
+ 6. Credits +

1. Versions

There was actually only one version, cause gamefaqs never got the other
one. The only thing that it missed was the credis section.

2. Introduction

First of al I think the vs-mode is way past cool, cause you can fight
with the badguys and you'll have lots of fun playing against a friend.
Lot's of people think the vs-mode was stupid and it adds nothing new to
the game, but it does. What's more fun than throwing you're friends
frame against a building? The only problems in vs-mode is that you can't
use Jehuty's special weapons, like the javelin, cause it wouldn't be
fair. Another problem is that the camerawork is a bit weird, but you'll
get used to it. Some people also say it's too fast, but the faster the
better, it think.

How do you get it?
Simply by completing the story-mode. To get everything you'll have to
complete it twice, but you can also enter this code at the press start

o,x,right, left, right, left, down, down, up and up.

You should have 7 frames and 11 stages.
Now let's get started.

3. Controls

Menu controls
O - confrim a selection
X - cancels a selection
left/right - toggle between options, frames, levels and stages

Frame controls
left analoge stick - moves your frame arround
right analoge - aim with gun
X - descent with your frame
Triangle - fly up with your frame
O - grabs opponent(only at close range)
Sqaure - fire projectile(s)/ slash
r1 - use your shield
r2 - burst-status
r2(while moving) - dash in a direction.

burst shot - press sqaure while being in burst-status.
dash shot - press square while dashing
fast up/move - press triangle or X together with r2 to go up/down
quikly(looks cool!!)

burst slash - press sqaure while being in burst-status.
dash slash - press square while dashing

HINT: if you're not good with the analoge button(just like me in the
beginning) you can try improving that skill in two player mode.

Your energybar is displayed at the bottomleft of the screen amnd wil
change colours you get hit.

Green: 100%-75% of your health
Yellow/green: 75%-25% of your health
Red: 25%-0% of your health

4. Frames and Strategy's
There are 7 frames to use in vs-mode al with there good and week points.
I'll give points from 1 to 10 for the ability's.

Agility: for the speed which the orbital frame moves with.

Power: given for the amound of damage they can inflict with there

Shield: how good the shield is and if you really need it with the frame
you are using.

Attacks: for the total amound of different attacks that the frame has
and how useful they are.

The attacks come after that in this order
1c.normal attack
1f.normal attack
2c.dash attack
2f.dash attack
3c.burst attack
3f.burst attack

The f and c stand for close or far from the enemy frame.
Rank: 7 is the baddest, 1 the best

From left to right.

Agility: 1
Power: 10
Shield: 10
Attacks: 6
Note: the mummyhead only has three attacks and can't grab.
1.Phalanx: fires small bullets constantly
2.Plasmaray: fires a two beams that you can move like the halberd.
3.Energy-balls: fires two energy balls that home in one your oppponent
Discription: you could say it looks like a raptor with a protection-
shield and no swords. It's big, slow ,not easy to use and only has three
attacks. On the other hand it has the best shield, the best power and
quite useful attacks. To be honest I think the mummyhead is a very bad
frame since it's just too slow. A Jehuty or Neith can easily fly arround
him and slash on his back or grab him. You should only use this if you
have a really bad oppponent or an opponent that also chose a mummyhead.
Startegy when fighting with:
So you still want to use it? OK then here goes. If you play as mummyhead
be sure to stay close to your opponent and keep blasting with the
phalanx. This forces your opponent to use his shield(unless he wants to
get hit a million times). When you're close enough, start using the
plasmaray to destroy his shield, do damage and stun him a bit. After
that you can either repeat this or fire energy-balls and hope you hit
him. If your opponent is not neer to you, try to fire lots of energy-
balls. When you get attacked by an enemy burst attack simply use the
plasma ray to destroy it.
When suffering mayor wooping from close range, use your shield and wait
until your opponent's combo has ended. This is your change to fire a
plasmaray or phalanx, causing your enemy to retreat. If not just repeat
the above strategy.
Strategy when fighting against:
Keep away from him and use lots of burst attacks. When he's charging
quikly fly towards him and grab him. When he uses his shield grab him or
fly around him and start a 4hit-combo. You should easily defeat him.
Rank: 7

Agility: 8
Power: 8
Shield: 7
Attacks: 5
Note: Cyclops has only one burstattack.
1c.Jab: punches(4-combo)
1f.Slam: punches
2c.Surprise: flys toward the opponent slamming him
2f.Hard-slam: flys toward the opponent slamming him
3.Power-jab: very hard jab
Discription: Looks like a raptor without blades, but with powergloves.
It's attacks are good, the guy is fast and has good power. The only
problem is that you need to get up close to do damage. This means fast
opponents like Jehuty and Neith are a hard to defeat. Quite good for
small stages like the hangar.
Strategy when fighting with:
From the first moment the battle starts samsh into your opponent like a
wild beast using surprise and jab much. You can also try to garb your
opponent and try to throw him in a corner were you can crush him. If
your enemy flies away go after him fast or do it slow while using your
shield. If your opponent can throw burst attacks quikly then hide
yourself behind buildings or other objects and time an attack. When
fighting annother Cyclops be careful. Use the shield and wait until you
get a good change to grab him or start a combo.
Strategy when fighting against:
Be careful!!! Stay at a distance and fire burst or dash attacks. If he
gets too close do a burst slash or grab him. If he already start a combo
try to dash away while using a dash shot. If you think you are using a
fast frame try to fly up and down confusing your opponent, giving you
the oppurtunity to fire a dash shot. If he gets in really close driving
you into a corner then dash like a mad or use your shield.
Rank: 3

Agility: 8
Power: 6
Shield: 8
Attacks: 8
1c.Slash(4-combo):slashes with his sword
1f.Javelin: throws a spear weapon
2c.Dash slash: slashes hard with wis sword
2f.Geyser: throws orbs that create energy beams
3c.Double slash: slashes with both swords at once
3f.Powerball: Creates and fires an energy ball that will bounce once.
Discription: Looks exactly like....... a raptor(duh!!!). The raptor has
two energyblades. It's quite fast and has fast attacks. Especially his
Powerball is good cause it's the fastest burst attack in the game. Too
bad it's power isn't that great and it has a too slow normal(far)
Strategy when playing with:
Just take some distance from your enemy and fire some Powerballs. You
can surprise the enemy by throwing a powerbal via a wall. If get within
medium range just use dash slashes to attack.
When you get close enough throw or drive your opponent into a corner or
small space with walls. Then use your geyser while you're slashing on
them. If the geyser hits them use a double slash, but if they use their
shield, fly back an throw a javelin that will penatrate the shield.
If you are heavily attacked just use your shield and counterattack
Strategy when playing against:
Stay in medium range and don't give him a change to throw a Powerball
towards you. If you're far away just dash up and down and towards your
opponent. If your lucky you can even use a dash shot on him while he's
When you get close use the grab move and the shield to keep yourself
alive. If he uses a double slash quikly dash out of there and use a
normal or dash attack.
If you really get problem with the Powerball you can also destroy it
with your own burstattack

Agility: 9
Power: 8
Shield: 6
Attacks: 8
1c.Slash(4-combo): slashes with his sword
1f.Triple shot: fires three shots of energy
2c.Dash slash: a hard slash while dashing
2f.Dash rays: fire 6 rays that home in on your enemy
3c.Powerslash: round slash
3f.Burstball: homing ball of energy that Jehuty hits toward his enemy
Discription: Jehuty is quite strong and has a lot of useful attack.
Especially the dash shot is good, cause it covers a big area. You won't
use his shield much, cause he's very fast. His burstball is very slow,
but his powerslash is fast. A great choice for beginners in vs-mode.
Strategy when playing with:
Whatever you do don't use the burstball. It's just too slow. The enemy
could destroy easily if you use it too much. If you still really want to
use it, then only do it from very far away.
Now for taking down the enemy you use dash shots until you get a bit
closer. When you are close enough slash your opponent twice and then use
a dash slash for extra damge. After that use triple shot and then grab
your opponent. If your fast enough it will work and your enemy will
suffer serious damage. If your enemy uses a shield, simply burst slash
or grab him.
If you suffer damage, just dash up or down and counter with a dashslash.
Strategy when playing against:
Watch out for his dash shots. Avoid them by dashing down or up. Stay on
medium range and fire a lot of dash shots or use dash slashes. Just
attack him and fly away. Repeat this and use a burst attack when he
makes a mistake. If you can try to keep him in a corner and slash away
like a mad to damage him. If you see him charge a burstattack, dash
right at him and then dash down or up a bit. If you do this you'll have
a change of grabbing him without getting harmed.

Agility: 10
Power: 9
Shield: 7
Attacks: 10
1c.Slash(4-combo): slashes with his two swords
1f.Fastfire: fires three fast energy shots
2c.Double slash: use both swords at once for a slash
2f.Red Flare: fires a homing red flare
3c.Spinslash: uses both swords for 2 fast slashes
3f.Fireball: an orange energy ball is fired
Discription: Neith is simply awesome. His power is good, his attacks are
very good and he's the fastest frame in game. Since I love speed and
agility Neith is my favorite frame. His fireball is fast and lethal just
like Neith itself.
THE frame to use for an easy win, enough said.
Strategy when playing with:
Since you have chosen the fastest frame in the game you don't want to
use the shield that much. Simply evade burst or dash shots and counter
with one of your own. If you can't evade a burstattack anymore fire your
own burst attack to the destroy it.
When you're close to the enemy just keep flying around him while
slashing. Grab him if he uses his shield and use a dash slash after
that. Be sure you don't miss with the slash or you'll be open to an
attack for a second.
Annother good strategy is to stay at a distance and keep shooting
burstattacks. You can also hide behind buildings and fire lots of red
flares. Cause the flares go through buildings you won't get hurt by
enemy attacks while you're damaging him.
Strategy when playing against:
Try to grab him and throw him in a corner. Keep slashing on him and stay
close. If Neith is too far from you, use fast up/down while you're
closing in. From far you can't do that much.
Get within medium range and fire normal shots and dash shots. Just try
to keep track of him at all time and make sure your dash shots hit him.
Rank: 1

Single sword raptor
Agility: 8
Power: 6
Shield: 8
Attacks: 7
1c.Slash(3-combo):slashes with his sword
1f.Javelin: throws a spear weapon
2c.Dash slash: slashes hard with wis sword
2f.Geyser: throws orbs that create energy beams
3c.Double slash: slashes with both swords at once
3f.Powerball: Creates and fires an energy ball that will bounce once.
Discription: a raptor with only one sword. It's a weaker version of the
Strategy when playing with:
Just take some distance from your enemy and fire some Powerballs. You
can surprise the enemy by throwing a powerbal via a wall. If get within
medium range just use dash slashes to attack.
When you get close enough throw or drive your opponent into a corner or
small space with walls. Then use your geyser while you're slashing on
them. If the geyser hits them use a double slash, but if they use their
shield, fly back an throw a javelin that will penatrate the shield.
If you are heavily attacked just use your shield and counterattack
Strategy when playing against:
Stay in medium range and don't give him a change to throw a Powerball
towards you. If you're far away just dash up and down and towards your
opponent. If your lucky you can even use a dash shot on him while he's
When you get close use the grab move and the shield to keep yourself
alive. If he uses a double slash quikly dash out of there and use a
normal or dash attack.
If you really get problem with the Powerball you can also destroy it
with your own burstattack
Rank: 6

Zombie neith
Agility: 8
Power: 9
Shield: 7
Attacks: 5
1c.Slash(4-combo):slashes with his wrecked arms
1f.Fastfire: fire three fast energy shots
2c.Dashslash: fast slash with both arms
2f.Blue Flare: a better version of the redflare
3c.Double slash: powerful slash with both arms
3f.Revenge: fires six big energy balls at once
Discription: a destroyed version of neith. Not as agile, but more
powerful. You might think this better than Neith, but actually it's
worse than even a raptor. His burst attack might be powerful, but is way
too slow and easy to avoid.
Strategy when playing with:
Stick to your opponent and keep slashing. Use fastfire or blue flare at
medium range. You can also hide behind buildings and fire lots of blue
flares. Cause the flares go through buildings you won't get hurt by
enemy attacks while you're damaging him. One thing... DON'T USE THE
BURST ATTACK. It may look impressive, but experienced players will
easily avoid it and grab you.
Strategy when playing against:
Just stay at medium range and fire dash shots or normal attacks. When
gets in close grab him or fly away. When he uses his burstattack fly
right at him to avoid it and give you a chance to grab him or start a
To avoid the blue flare properly dash away and stay still. Then dash
away again and it will miss you.

# Rank List #
1. Neith
2. Jehuty
3. Cyclops
4. Raptor
5. Zombie Neith
6. Single Sword Raptor
7. Mummyhead

Now you know how to use them al properly here are some tips.

5.Tips for more fun

Use of the shield: when an enemy is busy with a combo quikly turn on the
shield and when he's finished grab him. Also use the shield to stop
normal attacks.

Cheesy way to win: grab your opponent and throw him in a wall. He'll
bounce back, so hit him once and grab him again. It's kind of cheesy if
you time it well. If the enemy bounces back and uses his shield you
don't have to slash him. Just grab him at once. I always call this the

Grabbing: if your oppponent uses his shield much, grab him a few times.
Also when you have the opponent in your hand don't be hasty and throw
him right away. Look around first and see a wall or a building, throw
into that to cause extra damage.

Confuse the enemy: dash around like a mad while shooting dash shots.
Then get up close and fly away. Fly up and down and dash left and right.
You're opponent could get confused and lost track of you. This your
chance to attack with dashslashes and burstattack.

Time your burst attack: if you're enemy is about to throw a burst
attack, fly behind an object and charge your own. If the object gets
destroyed by the enemy's burstattack throw your own for damage.

Be sure to hit: most of the time an enemy will burst attack you when
you're close. So be sure your dashslash hits, cause else you'll take
heavy damage.

Improve your skills: set the enemy level on 8 and your own on 1 is the
hardest. Try to lower your levels each time you win. You'll get better
and better the more you battle.


Increase the fun of the game by trying to destroy every building
together on a stage.

Don't be a coward and adjust your level to the opponent's skill.

Emberras someone: if you really want to emberras someone use a fast
frame. Dash away like a mad avoiding every attack that is thrown against
you. Don't attack, just let the other player get more frustrated while
he can't hit you. It's extreme fun to see your mate throwing his
controller to the floor!!

Well this is all.

First I would like to thank KCEJ for making this game. It's awesome and
they better make a sequel.

I would also like to thank Adrenaline SL. Thanks to his walkthrough I
could finish the game and gain acces to the vs-mode. I would also like
to thank him for the code to unlock vs-mode.
Haven't finished story-mode yet?? Go check his walkthrough, it's great.

Last but not least I would like to thank gamefaqs for posting this

Have any questions or remarks? Then e-mail me at:

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18.Октябрь 2013

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