Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

17.10.2013 11:06:14
FINAL FANTASY IX: Complete Game Script
Version 1.0

By: "Soggy" Baatar
Created: September 17, 2001


Wassup people! This month I have decided to make a Final
Fantasy IX complete script. I am still working on it but I
hope you guys enjoy it and also please visit my Suikoden Game
Script FAQ. Thank you. This is NOT a Walkthrough FAQ, it's the
script of the game.

< Disclaimer >
I have written this game script myself and nobody is going to
steal my work. This written down script cannot be copied or
posted without my permission! Just because this is a game
script FAQ it doesn't mean you can steal it and use it freely.
I have spent late nights writing this script and if you steal
my work I will nail you until you have no money left.
< Ahem > ... sorry about that.
If you want to post it in your web site please do ask me first
and tell me how are you going to credit me:
If you see this game script FAQ anywhere please let me know.
Thank you.
Right now these following sites can use my FAQ:

< About the Author >

Name: Tsogtsaihan Baatar
Nick man: Soggy
Nationality: Mongolian
Age: 15
Aim name: Tsogtoo777

I don't want to go into details but here is something for you
all! Enjoy!!!!

----------( '-' )----------
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Version 1.0 - September 17, 2001:
Very first version of the FAQ! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA
- Everything is new 'cause it is the very first FAQ!
- Town Dialogue

Table of Contents

I. Game Script: Disc 1
- Tantalus = The Infamous Thief
II. Town Dialogue

Game Script: Disc 1

<<<<<< Tantalus = The Infamous Thief >>>>>

#| FMV |#

[In the middle of a sea storm, a lady and her child is seen on
a small boat. The camera shows the lady and her child's face.
Suddenly a girl wakes up, apparently she was dreaming. The
girl wipes her eyes and looks out the window. The camera pans
out of her window showing Alexandria. After that birds are
seen flying and a ship appears. Inside the ship a boy with a
tail slides down from a pole and enters a door]

Boy with a tail: Sure is dark...

[The boy walks up a little]

Boy with a tail: Guess nobody's here yet.

[The boy lights a match and lights the candle in the middle of
the room]

???: Who's there?!?

Zidane: It's me, Zidane!

[Three guys comes out from the right side room and does a
Tantalus handshake]

Blank: Hey, Zidane! You sure are late!

Zidane: Sorry. So, where's the boss?

Cinna: Ain't here yet.

[A man with a dragon mask comes out from the left side room
and attacks the four. The man rushes in forward and hits
Zidane hard]

Masked man: Get some!

[The masked man goes up high and comes down]

Masked man: Gwahaha!

[and hits Blank. After that he tries to hit Marcus and trips

Masked man: Oww!

[The masked man tries to hit Cinna and falls over]

Masked man: Ouch!

[After taking some slashes from the four the dragon mask
splits up revealing Baku]

Baku: UGHUUA! Oh, my head! Go easy, guys!

Baku: Use a potion to restore HP!

Cinna: Whew

Marcus: Whew

Zidane: Whew

Blank: Whew

[Cinna lies down while the other three tries to hold their

Baku: Hey, fools!

[Walks up and pats Zidane on the head]

Baku: You're lookin' a lot better!

[Turns around and slaps his stomach]

Baku: Gwahahaha!

[Baku walks up to the right side of the room and waves his
hand at the four]

Baku: Alright! Let's start this meeting already!

[Baku kicks the door and goes inside. Everybody runs inside
the room. Baku enters the room and stands in front of the
table. Zidane and Marcus sits at the table. Cinna lies on the
treasure box while Blank stands next to the door]

Baku: Here's the plan!

[The camera zooms in to the table showing a model of

Baku: Tantalus, the infamous band of daring thieves (that's
us), is headin' to the Kingdom of Alexandria...

[Baku brings out a Princess Garnet's doll]

Baku: Our mission: to kidnap the heir to the throne, Princess

[The camera goes into a different view. Cinna stands up]

Cinna: I'll take it from here, so listen up!

[Cinna brings out a model of their ship]

Cinna: Our ship's about to dock at Alexandria... And when it
does, we're gonna put on our costumes......and perform 'I Want
to Be Your Canary,' the most popular play in Alexandria! Break
a leg, Marcus! 'Cause you're playin' the lead!

[Marcus stands up]

Marcus: Leave the actin' to me! Of course, the real
kidnappers'll be Blank and Zidane!

[The camera changes view. Blank brings out an oglop]

Blank: I'll distract the audience from backstage with these
little buggers. I can't stand oglops...

[Blank puts the oglop back]

Blank: But I'll manage so don't worry about me. And that'll be
your cue, Zidane!

Zidane: Okay!
1. That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right?
2. That's when I kidnap Princess Garnet, right?

< 1. That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right? >

[The camera angle changes. Baku brings out a Queen Brahne

Baku: You bet! You're gonna kidnap the fat-ass, butt-ugly
Queen Br- What...what'm I sayin'!?

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

<> Choose < 1. That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right? > 2
or more times <>

Baku: That's right Your gonna kidnap the fat-ass, butt-ugly

[Camera angle changes back]

Baku: Alright, quit jokin' around!

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

<> Choose < 1. That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right? > 64
times <>

Baku: That's right Your gonna kidnap the fat-ass, butt-ugly

[Ruby comes in and shouts at Zidane]

Ruby: Zidane! I reckon you're more stubborn than a grumpy

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 2. That's when I kidnap Princess Garnet, right? >

[The camera angle changes and Baku brings out the Princess
Garnet doll]

Baku: You bet! You're gonna kidnap the most babe-ilicious
beauty in all of Alexandria, Princess Garnet!

#| FMV |#

[People is seen walking around the city. A pointy-hat boy
stops near the Heroine Statue. The boy looks up and sees the
ship. Everybody sees the ship in amazement. The ship heads to
the Alexandria castle. In the middle of the castle there is a
big long sword. The camera changes view and the game's name is

<<<< Final Fantasy IX >>>>

- Alexandria -

[The boy walks up the street and gets knocked over. The boy
loses something from his hand. A little girl approaches the

Little Girl: Are you awright?

[The pointy-hat boy gets up. The girl gets the thing that the
boy dropped]

Little Girl: Here! You dwopped your ticket.

[The girl gives the ticket]

Girl: Bye-bye!

[The little girl runs off. The boy runs up the street and gets
knocked again]

Rat Kid: Oww!

[The boy and the kid gets up]

Rat Kid: Why you- get outta my way!!!

[The kid runs off. The pointy-hat boy comes across some

Herald: Honorable nobles of Treno... Castle Alexandria is this

[Herald blows a horn. Herald and the nobles head left. The
pointy-hat boy also heads left and sees a ticket booth]

Pointy-Hat Boy:
1. Peek into the ticket booth
2. Cancel

< 1. Peek into the ticket booth >

Ticketmaster: Can I help you, son?

Pointy-Hat Boy: Uh... Umm...
1. Show ticket
2. What's showing today?
3. Tell me about Alexandria!
4. Leave

< 2. What's showing today? >

Ticketmaster: This year's performance is the masterpiece 'I
Want to Be Your Canary.' The Tantalus Company is performing.

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 3. Tell me about Alexandria! >

The Kingdom of Alexandria is a fine country, ruled by Queen

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 4. Leave >

[The pointy-hat boy leaves]

< 1. Show Ticket >

[The pointy-hat boy shows the ticket]

Ticketmaster: What's this? There's something odd about this
ticket... Why, it's another fake! I've seen so many today.

[The boy looks down and cries]

Pointy-Hat Boy: Nooooo!

Ticketmaster: Now, now. Don't cry. I know how you must feel.
Here, I'll give you these. Do try to cheer up now, hmm?

[The ticketmaster gives the boy a Goblin Card, Fang Card and a
Skeleton Card]

Ticketmaster: Talk to Alleyway Jack to learn more about cards.
Good luck, lad!

[The boy leaves the ticket booth and heads right. The boy goes
down and trips over. The Hippo who was nailing a sign, misses
and the one side falls]

Hippo: Blast it!

[The Hippo goes down the ladder]

Dante the Signmaker: Hey! You made me miss, you little klutz!

[Dante goes up and hammers the sign three times]

Dante the Signmaker: Whew. That should do it.

[Dante goes down and stretches]

Dante the Signmaker: Well, it's been a long day.

[Dante leaves and a rat kid comes out]

Rat Kid: Hey, you! Shrimp! You're the one with the phony
ticket, ain'tcha?

Rat Kid: I saw the guy tell you it was fake!
1. Y-Yeah, it's fake
2. N-No, it's not fake
3. Are you Alleyway Jack?

< 1. Y-Yeah, it's fake >

Rat Kid: I'll let you see the show if you become my slave!

<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. N-No, it's not fake >

Rat Kid: Liar! I'll let you see the show if you become my

<> Continues with the game <>

< 3. Are you Alleyway Jack? >

Rat Kid: Do I look like that loser!? But I'll let you in to
see the show if you become my slave!

<> Continues with the game <>

Rat Kid: Well, whaddya say?
1. Alright
2. N-No, I don't want to

< 2. N-No, I don't want to >

[The boy shakes his head]

Rat Kid: Okay... Later!

[Rat Kid leaves]

<> It does not do anything so choose the first choice <>

< 1. Alright >

Rat Kid: Awesome! Now for your first assignment! You go stand
over there and see if anyone's comin'!

[The rat kid heads down and looks while the pointy-hat boy
heads up and looks]

Rat Kid: All clear?
1. Yeah, it's clear
2. I think someone's coming

< 2. I think someone's coming >

Rat Kid: You 'think'!? I wanna know!!!

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 1. Yeah, it's all clear >

Rat Kid: Awesome! Engage according to mission parameters!

[The rat kid takes the ladder and runs off with it. The boy
also follows the rat kid]

Rat Kid: Over here! Don't fall behind! Into the steeple!

[The boy follows the kid]

Rat Kid: Now we're gonna climb up this tower!

[The rat kid moves aside]

Rat Kid: It's very dangerous. You go first.

[The boy tries to climb the ladder when suddenly a weird
creatures falls on the pointy-hat boy]

Rat Kid: Ahahaha! What the heck was that!?

Weird Creature: Sorry 'bout that, kupo!

Rat Kid: That's Kupo. He's a moogle.

Kupo: Kupo!

Rat Kid: And this is slave number one! Try to get along, okay?

Kupo: Kupo! Pleased to meet you! I sorry. I enter you in
Moogle Diary!

Kupo: If you want to save game onto MEMORY CARD, just ask us
moogles, kupo! And you can regain health if you have Tent,
kupo! You understand?
1. I understand
2. Once more...

< 1. I understand >

Kupo: Glad I can help, kupo!

<> Continues with the game <>

< 2. Once more... >

Kupo: If you want to save game onto MEMORY CARD, just ask us
moogles, kupo! And you can regain health if you have Tent,

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

Rat Kid: Alright, time for some upward mobility!

[The Rat Kid carries the ladder and climbs up]

Rat Kid: Okay, come on up, slave!

[A weird tiger-looking moogle walks in]

Stiltzkin: Kupo...? You here?

Kupo: Kupo! Stilizkin! Why that getup? You leaving, kupo?

Stiltzkin: Yeah, and this time I might be away for a long

Kupo: I'll miss you, kupo.

Stiltzkin: Now, don't you worry. I'll write.

Kupo: Okay, kupo!

Stiltzkin: Well, I'm off. Take care! Oh, and say hi to Mosh in
the castle for me.

[The weird looking moogle goes off]

Pointy-Hat Boy: Was that a friend of yours?

Kupo: Yes, kupo. A very special one, kupo!!!

[From above the tower]

Rat Kid: Hey, slave! I thought I ordered you up here!!!

[The pointy-hat boy goes up the ladder]

Rat Kid: Alright, the play's gonna start if we don't hurry!

[The rat kid goes across a little bridge that is connect the

Rat Kid: Come on! Get over here! Lemme guess... You're afraid
of heights, aren't you? It's okay! Just pretend you're on the

[The boy walks slowly across the little bridge]

Rat Kid: Come on, already! We're runnin' outta time!

[The rat kid walks over an another little bridge]

Rat Kid: Not again... Don't worry! It won't fall!

[The boy walks slowly across the bridge. But at the halfway falls! The boy jumps to the building just in

Rat Kid: Hahahaha... I guess it fell. No point in worrying
now, right?

[The kid runs up and stops]

Rat Kid: Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I don't even know your

Vivi: Vivi

Rat Kid: So your name's Vivi, huh? Kinda funny name... My
name's Puck! Pleased to meetcha!

[The two reaches two buildings but there are no bridges to

Puck: Whew... We finally made it!

[Puck puts down the ladder to make a bridge]

Puck: After this wall, we'll be inside the castle! C'mon,
let's go!

[Vivi follows Puck]

#| FMV |#

[The castle is seen and then the Prima Vista is seen.
Musician's is seen playing. Vivi and Puck sneaks in behind the
audience. Brahne smiles but the princess looks depressed.
Captain notices the princess and smiles. Then the captain
points his sword at the ship. The show begins and everybody is
amazed. The audience claps. The captain looks at the princess
and is shocked because the princess still looks depressed]

[Baku comes out on stage and bows at the audience. The
audience is still clapping]

Baku: Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight's performance is a story
that takes place long, long ago. Our heroine, Princess
Cornelia, is torn from her lover, Marcus. She attempts to flee
the castle, only to be captured by her father, King Leo. When
our story begins, Marcus, having heard of this, crosses swords
with the king. And now, Your Royal Majesty, Queen Brahne, Your
Highness, Princess Garnet...noble ladies and lords, and our
rooftop viewers, Tantalus proudly presents 'I Want to Be Your

[Music plays and Baku bows down. Everybody claps]

< The Play >

[Cinna, Zidane and Blank kneels down. Blank stands up]

Blank: Bereft of father! Bereft of mother! Marcus! Thou hast
lost even thy love!

[Cinna stand up]

Cinna: Fortune hath escap'd thee! For what end shalt they

[Zidane stands up and swings his sword up]

Zidane: For the sake of our friend... Let us bury our steel in
the heart of the wretched King Leo!

Cinna and Blank: Aye!

[They run towards the screen. On the stage lightening is seen.
The three comes out on the stage. King Leo and some of his men
is trying to capture Marcus when the three aids Marcus]

Blank: We shall back thee, kinsman!

Marcus: Pray, sheathe thy swords! This villain is mine alone!

Cinna: Nay, kinsman! For I, too, have lost a brother to this

[The King Leo swings his sword]

King Leo: What ho? Out, vermin! Away! Thou darest bare thy
sword before thee king!? All who stand in my way will be

[The camera changes view. Marcus draws his sword and points it
to the king]

Zidane: Treacherous Leo, my kinsman's suffering shall not be
in vain! For I shall instruct thee in his incomparable pain!

[They all fight]

[The king attacks Blank]

King Leo: Taste steel

[The four defeats them. The king holds his wound]

King Leo: Arrg...Grr...

[The king walks up the stairs and come on top]

King Leo: Thou hast not seen the last of me, Marcus!

Zidane: Come back!

[Zidane tries run after him but Blank steps in front of him
and blocks the way]

Zidane: Out of the way, Blank!

[Zidane slashes his sword at him. Blank jumps back]

Blank: Consider this, Zidane! If Prince Schneider were to
marry Princess Cornelia, peace would reign over both their

Zidane: 'Tis foolishness! If all were so easy, why, none would
suffer in this world!

[The two goes up the top and starts sword fighting]

Zidane: Aha!

[Zidane slash at Blank. Blank ducks]

Blank: Mph!

[Blank slashes down. Zidane jumps. Zidane slashes at him but
Blank ducks it]

Zidane: Aha!

[Zidane tries to hit his leg but Blank avoids it with a back
flip. The two fights around the stage and comes in front of
the audience]

Blank: En garde!

Zidane: Expect no quarter from me!

[The two fights]

Blank: We shall finish this later!

Zidane: Come back here!

[The two runs into the castle]

< Update Soon >

Town Dialogue
CC – means Card Challenge

Alexandria (Disc 1):

<< Around the Heroine Statue >>

= Heroine Statue =

This statue was built to commemorate General Madelene, who
fought in the 9th Lindblum War, in 1389.

At the tender age of 13, General Madelene fought agaisnt the
Lindblum army with only 9 soldiers under her command.

She died in 1401, well before her time.

Noble Lady: Oh, these street urchins are simply dreadful!
CC - Oh, do play cards with me won't you?

Noble Lord: Why, you're no city child... and you aren't a
noble child, either...
CC - Card-playing is a proper way to pass the time, don't you

Alexandrian Soldier: Kids shouldn't leave the city by
themselves, you know.
CC – None

Alexandrian Soldier: This gate leads outside.
CC – None

Nikolai: Nobles always come to Alexandria to see the annual
CC – Wanna play cards?

A girl holding a balloon: I saw the nobles first!
CC – None

Boy: I saw the nobles first!
CC – None

Fish man: Commoners like us have to watch the play from the
rooftops, far away from the stage.
CC – None

<< The street >>

A girl with a balloon: Theodore, wait for me!
CC – None

Theodore: Wow! Nobles!
CC – None

Kid: Yay!
CC – None

Boy with a green shirt: Nobles are in the square!
CC – None

Man: Well, that's it for today. Time to get ready to see the
CC – I'm busy. Do you still wanna play cards?

<< Grandma's House >>

Old Woman: Whew... Just a little longer.

[An old man comes in]

Old Man: Darlin', I'm home!

Old Woman: I'm not done with Ilia's dress yet. Coma back

Old Man: Rahaha. Every year, it's always the same. You're
spoilin' them grandkids, I say!

[The old man leaves the house]

Old Woman: Is that you, Ilia? Your new dress is almost done...

<< Morning Star Bar >>
- Today's half-price special: Our original cocktail, Her ?
Majesty! -

Ashley: We'll sure be busy tonight. But it'll also be the last
time we'll be so busy.
CC – Play some cards?

Dante the Signmaker: I got another job to do. Save it for
later, kid!
CC – How 'bout a game of cards?

Maggie: I gotta get back to work!
CC – We're not very busy yet, so how about a game of cards?

Male Red Mage: I don't know why I'm depressed... I have a
ticket to see a great show. I should be happy.
CC – How about a game of cards?

<< A house beside the Bar >>
- There is a letter on the door -

- Goodbye, Alexandria -
It's been three years since I moved from Treno. I started a
new business here, filled with hope, but the people of this
city didn't accept me... Why? Why can't I sell any oglop
goodies in Alexandria!?

Alexandria is still a hick town. Maybe my business is too hip
for this place. I'm moving to Lindblum! In Lindblum, my dreams
will become reality!

<< Area outside of the Morning Star Bar >>

Girl: Wanna come with us to see the nobles?
CC – None

Theodore: The nobles're in the square!
CC - None

<< Doug's Item Shop >>
- Potions, Antidote, Phoenix Downs Doug's Item Shop has them
all! -

Doug: Good afternoon!
CC – Cards? Alright, just this once.

<< Area outside of Doug's Item Shop >>

Theodore: Hurry up if ya wanna see the nobles!
CC – None

Girl with a balloon: Theodore, wait!
CC – None


Mick: Wow!.. How'd you get a ticket for the show? You better
head straight to the ticket booth in the square. You have to
get your ticket stamped before you can go in the castle.

Mick: What? Your ticket was fake? What kind of a jerk would
sell a fake ticker to a little kid!?
CC – Hey, how about some cards?

<< Ticket Booth >>
- Notice -
The hit epic that captivated all of Lindblum, 'I Want to Be
Your Canary,' triumphantly returns to Alexandria on the
Theater Ship Prima Vista! But this time, the performance
commemorates the sixteenth birthday of Her Highness, Princess
Garnet. Don't miss it!

Tickets available at the ticket booth.

Ticketmaster: Can I help you, son?

Pointy-Hat Boy: Uh... Umm...
1. What kind of troupe is Tantalus?
2. Who's Queen Brahne?
3. Leave

< 1. What kind of troupe is Tantalus? >

Tickermaster: They're star performers from Lindblum, the
regency to the west, with accompaniment by Lav Layderce!

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

Pointy-Hat Boy: Uh... Umm...
1. What's 'I Want to Be Your Canary' about?
2. Who's Queen Brahne?
3. Leave

< 1. What's 'I Want to Be Your Canary' about? >

Ticketmaster: This play is a tale of romance between a noble
and a peasant! You really must see it!

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 2. Who's Queen Brahne? >

Ticketmaster: Did you know Queen Brahne has a beautiful
daughter, Princess Garnet?

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

Pointy-Hat Boy: Uh... Umm...
1. Tell me about Queen Brahne!
2. Who's Princess Garnet?
3. Leave

< 1. Tell me about Queen Brahne! >

Ticketmaster: Unfortunately, I've heard strange things about
Queen Brahne recently.

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

< 2. Who's Princess Garnet? >

Ticketmaster: Today is Princess Garnet's sixteenth birthday,
you know!

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

Pointy-Hat Boy: Uh... Umm...
1. Tell me about Princess Garnet
2. Leave

< 1. Tell me about Princess Garnet! >

Ticketmaster: Her Higness is a beautiful princess, and
everyone in Alexandria loves her!

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

Pointy-Hat Boy: Uh... Umm...
1. Is Princess Garnet really that pretty?
2. Leave

< 1. Is Princess Garnet really that pretty? >

Ticketmaster: Why, she's the most beautiful princess in the
history of Alexandria!

<> You will be taken back to the choice <>

Pointy-Hat Boy: Uh... Umm...
1. Leave

< 1. Leave >

[The boy leaves the ticket booth]

<< Area around the ticket booth >>

Theodore: I saw the nobles first!
CC – None

A girl with a balloon: I saw the nobles first!
CC – None

<< Synthesist's Wife >>

Synthesist's Wife: Married for 30 years, worked our rear ends
off, and finally we can afford a ticket to the show. I'm so
CC – So how about a card game, hmm?

Synthesist: I'm taking my wife to the theater tonight, so we
shall close soon.
CC – It's been a long time since I played, but how about a
card game?

<< Equipment Shop >>

Shopkeeper: I keep telling my son we'll go out of business,
but he never comes home.
CC – Yes, I know the rules of the card game. Would you like to

Ryan: Hmm... Which sword to buy... I wish I had a little more
CC – Wanna play some cards?

[A sign that is on a wall]

= Recruiting New Knights of Pluto Members =

We are always looking for recruits for the Kinghts of Pluto in
Alexandria Castle! Come, all you brave young men! Let us
protect the queen, and our beautiful country, together!

Captain, Knights of Pluto

<< The Three Heroic Knights of Pluto >>

= The Three Heroic Knights of Pluto =

This statue was built to commemorate the three knights who
fought bravely in the 15th Lindblum War, in 1601.

<< Area around the Statue >>

Florist: Flowers for sale! A perfect gift for the one you
CC – I love cards! How about a game?

Honorable Lord: Do you like flowers, too?
CC – Challenge me to a game of cards? You're quite a bold lad.

Honorable Lady: The blossoms in Alexandria are quite splendid,
don't you think?
CC – Why, I play cards every day. I'll be more than a match
for the likes of you!

<< Inn >>

A Red Mage: Whaddya mean, there's no vacancies!!!?

Fish Man: Yes, you see... Really quite sorry.

A Red Mage: What!? I don't believe this!!!! I have a
reservation dammit!!! Geez

[The Mage runs out of the inn]

Pointy-Hat Boy: (Yikes!) (City people are so scary.)

Fish Man: Sorry, no vacancies today.
CC – Are you up for a game?

A Hippo Lady: Busy busy busy! Pardon me, sir. Out of the way,
CC – Wanna play cards?

Hippaul: I don't want nobody to steak my cards, so I always
carry 'em with me.
CC – I'm pretty good at cards. You feelin' lucky, kid?

<< Outside the inn >>

[Three girl playing jump rope]

Girl: You wanna try?

[The boy plays jump rope]

Come play with us again!

<< In the alleyway >>

Pointy-Hat Boy: Umm... Excuse me, but is your name Alleyway

Alleyway Jack: Huh? How id you know my name? If you know who I
am, you probably wanna challenge me to a card game, huh? What?
You don't know how to play? And you want me to teach you?
Well... Why not? I finished one job already. Follow me, kid!

[The boy follows Alleyway Jack to the bar]

Alleyway Jack: We'll start with the basics. You need 5 cards
to play the game. To play a game, approach someone and press
[]. Some people may not be interested; in that case, move on
to someone else. Do you understand now?
1. How do you play the card game?
2. How does the card game proceed?
3. What's a card battle?
4. What's a combo?
5. What's a perfect?
6. What's a collector's level?
7. Can we try a game?
8. I think I understand

< 1. How do you play the card game? >

[He already explained so no need to explain it again]

< 2. How does the card game proceed? >

Alleyway: Let's talk about how to actually play the game. You
take turns placing your cards on a 4x4 grid with your
opponent. Sometimes your opponent's card flips. That's because
of the yellow arrows on the corners and the sides of the
cards. If your arrow is facing in the direction of yours
opponent's card, that card becomes yours. But if your
opponent's card has an arrow facing yours, a card battle

< 3. What's a card battle? >

Alleyway Jack: When several arrows face each other, multiple
card battled may occur. You can choose where to begin the
cared battle when that happens. Where you choose to begin the
battle affects how the rest of the battles play out. Let's
see... You can also use combos.

< 4. What's a combo? >

Alleyway Jack: Okay, I'll teach you the technical stuff now!
You gotta be careful during a card battle. If your card wins
against the opponent's card, all the cards facing that card's
arrows are yours. That's called a combo. It's a double-edged
sword, because the same thing happens to you if your card
loses against your opponent's card! Try to play a perfect

< 5. What's a perfect? >

Alleyway Jack: What is a perfect game, you ask? You get one of
your opponent's cards when you win. If you flip over all of
your opponent's cards and play a perfect game, you can take
all of them! Reach for the highest collector's levels!

< 6. What's a collector's level? >

Alleyway Jack: Let me tell you about collector's levels! Check
your menu and go to the section entitled Card. You can check
your collector's level there. You level up as you collect more
cards. Even I don't know what the highest collector's level

< 7. Can we try a game? >

Alleyway Jack: Let's play.

< 8. I think I understand >

Alleyway Jack: This is the only town where I'm called Alleyway
Jack. I go by other names elsewhere. They're also just
aliases, of course. You wanna know my real name? I'll tell you
when you get better.

Pointy-Hat Boy: Thank you.

<< Area outside of the church like-structure >>

Ilia: Twy not to dwop your ticket, okay?
CC – wanna twy pwaying cards? I just wearned the wules.

Boatman: Hey, kid, don't even think about trying to sneak into
the castle by boat. I tried that last year. But them guards,
they caught me lickety-split! Gwahaha!
CC – Play some cards?

Retired Boatman: Them new-fangled misht-powered shipsh float
through the air, but true shipsh are shupposhed to float on
water, right, shunny?
CC – You wanna play shum cardsh with thish old geezer?

Tom: My kitten, Mittens, ran away... Tell me if you see him,

Pointy-Hat Boy:
1. Yes
2. No

< 2. No >

Tom: Oh... You're mean.

< 1. Yes >

Tom: Thanks!

[The boy finds the cat near the Heroine Statue]

Cat: Meeeeeow

[Tome runs out]

Tom: Oh, you found him. Come here! Thanks!

[Tom runs off]

- Update Soon -

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Walkthrough Spanish

15.Октябрь 2013
The Story

15.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
International FAQ/Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Monster Arena FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Original Soundtrack List

14.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part One

14.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part Two

16.Октябрь 2013
Aeon In-Depth FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Sphere Grid FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Blitzball Database

14.Октябрь 2013
12 Random Chests FAQ | Omega Ruins Side-Quest FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough and FAQ Part 1/2

14.Октябрь 2013
Monster Encyclopedia

16.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough und FAQ Part 2/2

14.Октябрь 2013
Chocobo Racing Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Item List

14.Октябрь 2013
Character/Aeon Overdrive In-Depth FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Item List

16.Октябрь 2013
Equipment Remodeling Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ultimate Weapons Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
In den Macalania Woods kurz vor der FMV Sequenz mit Tidus und Yuna.

17.Октябрь 2013
Blitzball Techniques FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Bribe FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Secrets FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019