Guilty Gear X

Guilty Gear X

15.10.2013 18:55:51


Guilty Gear X
"How to win with Chipp Zannff"
By: Big D (Dustin Kulwicki) (He's the man!)


Table of Contents

1-Whats Guilty Gear X? Chipp who?
2-Key for the Guide
3-Chipp's Basic Moves
4-Chipp's Special Moves
5-Chipp's Overdrive's
6-Chipp's Instant Kill
7-Chipp's Extra Moves
8-The Way to Win With Chipp (Skip to Here if you know the Basics and
then some, but first stop at Section 2)
9-Email Me!

1-Whats Guilty Gear X? Chipp who?

Guilty Gear X Is PS2's latest fighting game. And i have to tell you,
straight up it has the best Non-3d graphics ive ever seen, it looks
as good as watching an anime movie, and in order to like GGX, your
probably going to have to like anime too, and if you DONT like anime,
but you like GGX, go watch more anime, because thats what GGX is
mostly modeled after. Its Fighting Scheme is VERY remininscent of the
street fighter saga, which, pretty much set the trend for Fighting
games worldwide.
Chipp is a character in GGX, he's a Great character too!
Really! ..As far as plot and Character Development can go..I dont
think most people give less than a rats ass, The Game Developers,
and the players, had one thing on they're mind when they made this
game, and thats Multiplayer. (unless the game developers were just
lazy on the plot side? the world may never know!).
Anywho, Chipp is this really fast Ninja Guy! There's a plethra
of Anime to compare him too, but "Really Fast Ninja Guy" just sounds
better, right? Okie, onto The Key for the Faq, which, is really really
important, because if you dont read that, you dont understand the rest
of the FAQ, its kinda like school huh? .. sorry, i know you didnt
deserve that.

2-Key for the Guide

Okay, this is the Section where i deal with Showing what all the
pretty little Symbols Mean, ive tried to keep it as READABLE as

Up Back Forward Down
Jump Go Left Go Right Duck

Cross Square Triangle Circle Right 1
X # /\ O R
Kick Punch Slash Heavy Taunt

+ (Signifies a Stop, Go deal. stop the current move, start the next

- (Signifies a Slide motion of the Thumb, or whatever you use.)

XU (An Example which signifies pushing X and Up at the Same Time)

D-F (An Example which signifies pushing Down, and sliding your Thumb
to Forward)

Here's a hard one
FF + /\/\ + D/\ + DO (An Example which signifies Double tapping Forward
to Dash, then hitting Triangle, Triangle for a Double hit, then hitting
Down & Triangle at the same time, and finishing the 4-hitter with a Down
& Circle at the same time, sending the opponent soaring! its a real combo
with Chipp, Try it.)


Mwahaha.. It looks good doesnt it? so smart! # is Square, thats

3-Chipp's Basic Moves

Chipp has a lot of Basic moves, just as much as any other character!
Chipp's moves dont Do an exceptional ammount of damage, But He can
combo together Virtually all his moves. Any..lets get started.


Notes: Chipp's main fight is in standing attacks, all his Combo
Starters are the're, and he just plain looks cool when standing.

Jab: #
Chipp pushes forward a bit, and throws a VERY light punch out, its
one of the quickest moves in the game. It deals virtually no damage,
so only use it a Chipper! (haha! the day is mine!) It can be useful,
if you Charge close, and just hit this button reall fast.

Double Punch: F#
Chipp simply punches, and throws another out sorta Bruce-Lee like,
it isnt quite as fast, and not as combo-able, but it hits twice. In
my opinion, this move is a cool taunt if done repeatedly.

Kick: X
Chipp simply kicks, its a very fast kick, and can be comboed with
itself until chipp pushes himself away. Not the best of Chipp's

Jump Kick: FX
Chipp Presses forward, takes a Small leap, and pushes his feet out.
It doesnt deal much damage, and it has a slow take off and recoil
stage, so its only use is really to suprise an opponent with

Upward Elbow Slash: /\
He pushes out with his blade arm, and delivers an upward elbow slash
with the blade! its damage is'nt the greatest, but it can be comboed
with the Turn Slash, listed below

Turn Slash: (Close) /\
He simply spins, and slashes, its so fast its hard to make out, this
is Chipp's classic Melee move, its something all Chipp players use,
because it Starts virtually ALL of his comboes, never forget though,
that you can start a combo with Jabs, THEN go into this for extra

Haduken: O
He shoots his arms out, like Ryu or Ken from SF, like he's about to
deliver a fireball, no fireball, but it looks so cool, the damage is
rather high, for how quick the move comes out, And its also a good
mid-combo move.

Turn-Around Dive Slash: FO
He Spins, and lifts his blade, Diving it down into the opponent. This
attack is Chipp's Strongest Melee Attack, and Sadly, its very
difficult to stick it in any combo, The move also looks Very stylish.
Its range is unexpected, so Close-Range keep away can be fun.

Notes: Chipp is not a Crouching character, mmk? What his Crouching
moves do, is aid in Combomids and Combofinishers, Especially the

Hand Lift: (Crouch) #
Dont use this move unless its by accident, capiesh?

Monster Kick: (Crouch) X
Dont use this either, it got its name from this: Doing this move in
rapid succession makes Chipp lift his arms and push them, like a
monster does in a bad horror film weird eh? those crazy japs.

Downthrust Slash: (Crouch) /\
This is a great move! Its the Perfect combo for his Uppercut Slash,
which is also a crouching move, and the best combo of all his basic
moves is doing his two combo's together, the double /\/\ Standing into
this crouch combo, starting with this move, A Beautiful 4-hitter.

Uppercut Slash: (Crouch) O
Again, another great move, he sends his blade up, uppercut style, this
is a very powerful move, and it sends the opponent flying, And, if you
tap VO again, Chipp Teleports RIGHT INFRONT of his helpless, flying
opponent, and you all know what we do to helpless, flying opponents,
dont we children? Now, for further refernce, you can do the 4-hitter,
ending with this (look at Downthrust Slash) then teleport infront of
them, and do whatever you like, In my opinion, One of Chipp's Absolute
deadliest combination moves.

Notes: Chipp's air Moves are a mimic mostly of his Crouching moves,
A bunch of Comboer's, which is good for Chipp. However, the Super
Spin! as i have dubbed it, Is EXTREMELY good for suprise tactics,
which is one of the only ways chipp can win!

Low Slap: (Air) #
Dont use this move unless its by accident, capiesh? My pal bubba will
hurt you.

Multi-Kick: (Air) X
Its a basic attack where he sticks his foot out, normally, i would say
not to use this move, but, it hits twice. so is that reason enough?
sorta, i would refrain from using this.

Drive-Plant (Air) DX
Its Got to be his GREATEST Airial move, generally, it stops a vast
majority of his air speed, to swirl down at his oponent, and dance on
They're face. Since it stops his speed, or cuts it down about 80% of
the time, you can suprise the HELL out of them with it. On top of all
this, if your lucky enough, Chipp can sometimes (depending on angle)
combo this Three hitter into the beginning of another Standing-Start

Super Spin! (Air) /\
Its damage is low, it leaves him open for the rest of the jump too,
on top of all that, its a bad move! (though it looks pretty cool) Id
Reccomend staying away from it, even in Combo's. There is, however,
one exception, Chipp can Combo this move into one of his Air-Capable
special's allowing for even more damage.

Flip Slash (Air) O
Chipp spins around, and brings his blade with him, capable of hitting
an opponent up to two times, this move isnt that bad, plus it looks
really stylish. Another Plus to this move is that can hit both ways,
despite its appearance. Good For Flip Cross-Overs

4-Chipp's Special Moves

1. Alpha Blade: D-F + #
Description: Chipp Ducks low, then Poof! vanishes, and he appears on
the other side of the Screen, if your opponent was inbetween those
two spots, Thwap! he gets nailed. Has a Range of NEARLY the whole
screen length.
Notes: Alpha Blade is a Vital Asset to Chipp, Although all of his
specials are..heh, Anyway. One Important note, you can do this move
at Any time in mid-air. This move is best use at long distances, on
the run from an opponent, it'll hit them 8/10 times if timed right,
in a mid-jump. Another Important note, about 60% of the time, you can
Combo this move with each other.. WHAT?! ..yes, thats right, you can
do the move, then once he falls, get on the other side and Do it
again! Timing is critical, but it isnt that difficult. A New Tactic!
Heres what you do, Hit them with a FO, so you bring that heavy blade
down on them, And they WILL block, when they do, cut that move
imediately into this one!! its almost instant! (This trick works
with all moves)

2. Beta Blade: F-D-FD + /\ (the Trick is this: F-D-F)
Description: Chipp Crouches low, and uppercut style Brings his blade
across his foes face, with a Sweet Blue trail coming from it, Its a
stylish move that hits twice.
Notes: As much as people might tell you how cool this move is, its
not that effective, Its damage is okay, and it leaves Chipp open for
a counter attack, What this move is good for, is finishing Air
Combo's, Its also good to Teleport (with O) High infront of them, an
suprise them with an uppercut starting in they're face. An Extra
note for this technique, you can do it Whenever in the air, just like
Alpha Blade.

3. Gamma Blade: B-D-F + O
Description: Chipp sends out a Duplicate of himself thats very fast,
this duplicate floors anyone foolish enough to get in its way, it
travels about 3/4's of the screen.
Notes: This, is Chipp's Most OVERLOOKED move, granted, the move isnt
very damaging at all, However, what you do is Pop them with this
every time they get up, for Damage chipping. You can even hit them
while they're on the ground with this move. In addition of extra
damage, you can play keep away with the Power-Boys, meaning Potemkin,
and the two Rival Sword guys. Nothing in the art of Combo's really.

4. Tsuyoshi-Shiki Teni (Teleport): DD + # or X or /\ or O
Description: Chipp holds a hand to his head, blurrs, and reapears,
sounds cool doesnt it?
Notes: Its your average teleport scheme, this teleport takes effect
remarkably fast, however, allowing Chipp to do some insant dodge
tactics. Depending on the button you push, Chipp will go to a
different place.
X :Roughly the whole screen, Chipp generally gets behind his opp.
# :Moves Chipp forward about 1/4 of the Screen.
/\:Moves Chipp Back about 1/4 of the Screen.
O :Moves Chipp infront of his Opp, but Right Above him. (if opp is
airborn, moves you infront of them, directly.)
The Teleport is a GREAT move, always keep your finger ready on the
1/4 away button, but most importantly, the Combo-linker is the O one,
try doing a Uppercut Slash Into that Teleport, and then you'll grin.

5. Tsuyoshi-Shiki Meisai (Fade): D-B + X
Description: Chipp calls out, and begins to fade In and out of the
backround for roughly 10 seconds.
Notes: Its a really cool move, but if you get hit while in the mode,
it ends. What exactly does it do? im not sure, but im researching,
from what i can gather, all it does is make him harder to see, which,
has NO effect in single player, however can confuse the HELL out of
someone in a M-Player match.

6. Genro Zan (Neck Slash): B-D-F + X
Description: Chipp Vanishes, and is replaces by a swarm of Green
leaves, if anyone is near, chipp Grabs him from behind by the neck
and slits they're throat.
Notes: This is a good move, you can Cheap the Computer opponents by
repeatively doing it as they get up, in Multiplayer games, however,
its a pretty hard move to connect with. So id stay away from it,
because even though Chipp is vanished, he can just as easily be hit.

7. Ressho: D-F + /\
Description: Chipp Pushes forward with a Purplish Dragon-like flare,
and slams it into his opponent
Notes: Its very light damaging, but its almost instantly done, so its
generally a Very good Combo Ender. Try # + # + # + /\ + /\ + O + Ressho

8. Rokusai: (After Ressho) D-F + /\
Description: As a Follow Up, Chipp neals and instantly delivers a
nifty looking Trip manuever, however it Does not floor the opponent.
Notes: Did you like Ressho? It only gets better from here, try the
combo listed above and tag this at the end.

9. Senshu: (After Rokusai or Ressho) D-F + X
Description: As the Third and final, Chipp pops up and slams a heel
into his foe to finish the combo.
Notes: Ugh, This makes me mad, it ISNT A COMBO with the Rokusai, OR
the Ressho, so the three cant be comboed, That Doesnt mean this
move is useless, infact, its one of his most useful moves, the
trick is Tricking! faking people out, Try doing a Ressho into a
Rokusai, then stop, and as soon as you get up, Repeat!!! It will
fool people all the time. Another good tactic is to start away
from the opponent, then smoke them with the last part.

5-Chipp's Overdrives
Note: All Overdrives require half the Tension bar to be filled.

1. Banki Messai: D-F + D-F + X
Description: Chipp Launches forward and delivers a Plethra of moves
to the opponent, so fast, it dizzies even you, ending with that cool
Beta Blade.
Notes: Whats cool about this special is that it.. umm .. shit.
nothing is cool about this special besides looks, dont get me started
on Damage. IF you have a Gold Bar, Roman Cancel out of the Final Beta
Blade and leap after your sailing opponet for additional smack down.

2. Zansei Roga: F-D-B + F + O
Description: Chipp Vanishes, and appears at the opponent, pushing him
higher by teleporting on random sides, Very cool looking.
Notes: Not a a bad move, because if your opponent is in mid-air, It
has a MUCH higher priority to hit, the chances are doubled, it even
gets difficult for a blocking player to block it, because they're is
a 50% chance you'll hit'm from behind. Although the last attack is
where the real damage comes in, if you Roman Cancel before the last
strike, your foe Hovers in mid-air, waiting for you to Strike, he/she
will SLOWLY fall down, but its real slow. Another way to get this a
solid 50% chance to hit, no matter what, is to Do it as your opponent
is just getting up. Ive also found and insta-hitter for this, you
know that 4-hit combo ive talked about above? Try that, and as you
hit them with the uppercut, do this move ;) yes, your welcome.

6-Chipp's Instant Kill

1. Delta End: D-F + D-F + O (Must be in Insta-kill mode all 4 Buttons)
Description: You think id tell you Chipp's insta kill? nah.
30% Hit 1: Try to confuse them by jumping above them, Then again,
Then again, Make sure you offset the angle just a little bit so its
hard to pick which side your going to land on, Hopefully they dont
dash away and you can Do the move as soon as you land, the closer you
are, the more confusing it is for them to block.
40% Hit 2: Charge at them, Then Trip them, once they're down, Execute
the move AS THEY STAND, timing is critical, you want to make them
think your going to attack them as they stand, so they counter-attack.
55% Hit 3: A Good way to try to get them, (most complex) is to connect
with a Launcher, Then Teleport with X, then do the Move, they'll be
falling as you execute.
70% Hit 4: The Best way, to hit them with this.. Is to Charge at them,
then begin to Teleport back and forth around them, Rapidly Teleport,
then, when they stick a move out and it misses you, Hit them hard,
because your behind them! (Teleport with the X Button)

7-Chipp's Extra Moves

1. Speed Dash: FF (hold last F)
Description: Dude! i think Chipp is related to Sonic the Hedgehog!!
(wanna know somethin Funny? get two Chipp's, have them run at each
Notes: Use this EVERYWHERE. Always use this before a jump, it lets
you fly (well..mostly) Since Chipp cant take it, use this to make it
so he doesnt have to.

2. Backflip: BB
Description: A Simple Backflip, Think Vega.
Notes: It doesnt make him do anything special, but, Its a really quick
move, and yes, Chipp can Dodge with it, not projectiles, but he gets
away fast.

3. Taunt: R1
Description: He holds his hand out with blade, and has a slick smile
on his face, saying some jap stuff. I Think he might be saying
"You Chicken?" on one
Notes: Well, I found something Funny, although your not supposed to
be able to Attack or do anything while Taunting? Chipp can, through
the 2nd half of his Taunt, Do anything its funny, Charge at the
opponent, then Slide-Taunt him, Then, GRAB HIM.

4. Respect: FR1
Description: He holds his head with a hand, extending an elbow, and
spits, He says voice things, and i think one is "jesus!"
Notes: Unlike his Taunt, you can Do stuff out of his respect ANYtime.
Sucker-Punches, anyone?

5. Throw: FO
Description: He Grabs them, and goes down with them, in the process
slamming his blade down into they're face, blood gushing out all over.
Notes: just like any other throw, use it when.. needed.

6. Tripple Jump: UUU
Description: He leaps 3 times, which is better than 2 times.
Notes: Use this all the time to keep your opponent guessing as to if
your taking the air or the ground. Also, as a mean little move, Get
away from your opponent, Charge, Jump halfway to them, soaring over
them, as you pass them, Jump again, and as your about to hit the
ground, perform an Alpha Blade, it will hit 9 times out of 10 the
first time you do it. To Confuse later on, Sneak in an extra Jump
in the middle of the other two, so you go higher, you may also
Alter the Speed & Direction by push only up instead of Up-Forward
or even Up-Back to travel back down at your opponent, then into
that nifty air-spin kick!

7. Super Jump: D + U
Description: He just jumps a bit higher than normal, but then no
tripple jump, it really depends on the situation.
Notes: know.

8. Soar: FF or BB
Description: Shoots Chipp in one direction or the other, depending
on what you want. its very sneaky, and can throw off anyone, every

9. Safe Jump: FF + D + UC or UFC or UBC
Description: Basically, Charge at your opponent, Super Jump and
hit Circle as you leave the ground, this will Flip Chipp into his
Spin, i made this tactic myself, and what it does, is stop the
opponent from hitting you if he/she is grounded, thus, its called
a safe-jump. Also note that you can alter the speed & direction
on HOW you super jump.

Email Me!
Yeah..Feedback is welcome of course..along with all that other stuff
Yes, if you have a better something you can mail it to me
..But Im very i dont know if ill upgrade this..If enough get
sent in, It might convince me.. Anyway..Yeah!

* Copyrighted to Dustin M. Kulwicki 2001 *
Yes yes, Just like the website says, All my Stuff is Copyrighted. If
your just Dying to use some of my material..Simply ask..Email me,
Yes, ill probably mail you back the same day, Yes, I WILL mail you
back, i promise. Odds are ill let you use what you want..A Great
Artist once said "Good Artists Create, But Great Artists Steal" ..i
think it was of them famous guys..anyway..Thanks For
Reading this if you bothered..And Remember, Big D is The Man.

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