Guilty Gear X

Guilty Gear X

17.10.2013 18:29:21
Guilty Gear X Soundtrack FAQ
For Guilty Gear X on Arcade, Dreamcast, and Playstation 2.
Written by Kenny "Kenshi" Tam

Version History

Version 1.0
January 8, 2002

Version 1.1
January 12, 2002
Minor fixes

Version 1.2
January 25, 2002
Fixed confusion between AST and OST

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Track Differences
III. Track Listing/Info
IV. Notes and Credits

I. Introduction

Guilty Gear X, one of the sleeper hits, boasts one of the best multimedia
experiences. The lush graphics to the booming sound effects. Yet what
I enjoyed the most was the incredible soundtrack. It was on par or beyond
what I have heard before, taking a place as the only MD in my player everyday
for six months straight (yeah I know its sad,) and listening to the awesome
bass of "No Mercy" or frantic beat of "Bloodstained Lineage" as I rode
the school bus to and from school, 5 days a week, for 6 months.

Keep in mind I know nothing about music nor its terminology.

II. Track Differences

There are two versions of the Guilty Gear X soundtrack. One version for
the Arcade, and anther version, the Heavy Rock Tracks, for the Home Consoles.
The Heavy Rock tracks use real instruments, where as the arcade version
uses synthesized ones. The changes can be quite large, in which some
versions are better than others, but it is really up to the listener.

Basically the AST version is more guitar orientated, in which it sounds
more like a guitar jamming session. The OST version is completely
synthesized, so the sounds aren't as accurate or close to the real deal.
Both versions do have their pros and cons, and as such, different tracks
may sound great for one version, but ear grating for the other.

The OST is for the Arcade Version.
The AST is for the Home Console version.

III. Track Listings and Information

Original Compostion: Daisuke Ishiwatari
Performed by: ?? (I think Lapis Lazuli did the Heavy Rock Tracks)

The OST version refers to the Arcade track, whereas the AST refers to the
home version, the Heavy Rock tracks.

1. Soul Dealer: Introduction Track

2. No Mercy: Ky Kiske vs Sol Badguy

OST (Length: 4:01) Rating: 7/10
AST (Length: ) Rating: 6/10
A Rocking guitar track, it really sets the atmosphere for the game's two
characters, a la Kyo vs Iori or Ken and Ryu. It is mainly an electric
Guitar track, with the trademark heavy bass in the background.

3. Keep Yourself Alive: Sol Badguy Stage

OST (Length: 3:05 ) Rating: 8/10
AST (Length: 2:46) Rating: 7/10
The electric guitar intro sets the "badass" atmosphere as for when the
battle starts, complimenting Sol's mien. The deep snare drums set the
rhythm during the interludes, and the simplicity of the track sets the
battle to be one of strength and power as opposed to anything else. The
entire OST Track uses three instruments; an electric guitar, bass guitar,
and drums. The AST version sounds rather different, even in tune. The
real guitars give a significantly wider range of pitches, thus, a very
different sounding track.

4. Holy Orders 2- Be Just or Be Dead: Ky Kiske Stage

OST (Length: 4:17) Rating: 10/10
AST (Length: 3:06) Rating: 10/10
One of the best tracks on the entire CD. The combination of the organs
and the electric guitar makes for an incredible track. It is fast and
upbeat, setting the incredible atmosphere for the fast and furious battle
that ensues. The deep bass that accompanies the organ is a perfect
juxtaposition, fitting the incredibly catchy and moving tune of both the
guitar and organ portions. Although it is a common complaint that the
synthesized version is not as good, the organ notes are much shorter and
clearer, thus making the track sound faster and fitting the pace
significantly better. However, the guitar does sound better in this
version, thus, giving the AST a different feel.

5. Blue Water, Blue Sky: May Stage

OST (Length: 3:53) Rating: 7/10
AST (Length: 2:43) Rating: 8.5/10
This is a very upbeat and cheerful track, almost matching the beeps and
squeaks of May as she summons a montage of cheerful looking sea creatures.
While some people like it a lot, it really does not suit me for listening.
However, in actual gameplay, it does seem better as it matches the pace
of battle much better. The AST version is signigfcntly better, since the
organ/harpsichord is much clearer, making the track sound better.

6. Make Oneself: Axl Low Stage

OST (Length: 3:17) Rating: 8/10
AST (Length: 3:16) Rating: 8.5/10
The track starts of slow, but soon goes into rock. It is very drum
orientated, and sounds almost jazz like. The guitar is much slower in
this track, making it somewhat relaxing to listen to. The piano gives
a good pause to the track, as an interlude from the guitars. The AST version
is much clearer, making it a better rock tune.

7. Feel a Fear: Zato-One Stage

OST (Length: 4:39) Rating :8/10
AST (Length: 2:37) Rating: 8/10
This fits Zato-One perfectly. It starts off with a dark, psycho-type solo
then goes into a creepy sounding track. The whining pitch of the guitar
as well as the brooding tune of the bass make this track fit in with the
background and the shadows in which Zato is accustomed to. The AST version
does not sound significantly different however, other than the obvious
switch to real instruments. It does sound more like a guitar track as
opposed to a creepy sounding theme.

8. Suck a Sage: Chipp Zanuff Stage

OST (Length: 3:57) Rating 9.5/10
AST (Length: 2:53) Rating: 9.5/10
This track fits the game the best. Its rocking guitar intro seems as if
it was designed for the game's round start, immediately landing the player
into the upcoming fast and furious battle against Chipp. It is a fast track,
with a simple drum accompance. The Bass and Electric guitars take care
of the catchy tune and melody. The AST however does have a slight yet
noticeable change. The main lick in the beginning does end in a low note,
where as the OST ends in a higher note. It does sound better with the
real instruments, but once again, gives a different 'feel.'

9. Burly Heart: Potemkin Stage

OST (Length: 3:26) Rating: 7/10
AST (Length: 3:28) Rating: 7/10
This is another deep, brooding track. It is somewhat slow and powerful,
like Potemkin himself. The AST doesn't sound much different at all, follow
the same melody and tune.

10. The Original: Faust Stage

OST (Length: 3:39) Rating: 8/10
AST (Length: 2:42) Rating: 8.5/10
This track doesn't seem to match the character in which it represents.
The guitars backed up by saxophones makes a good combination, but its Jazz
riffs combined with rock does not seem to accompany a giant freak very
well. It does sound similar to Makes Oneself with the piano tunes. The
AST track does make the saxophones sound much better, thus improving the
track quite a lot.

11. Writhe in Pain: Millia Rage Stage

OST (Length: 2:57) Rating: 10/10
AST (Length: 2:36) Rating: 10/10
The other trademark theme of the game. It starts off with a violin solo,
soon joined with the bass, drums and electric guitar. It is a brilliant
pace, with perfect scores for each instrument. The long violin sections
accompanied by bass and drums give it a Vanessa Mae feel. It is an extremely
fast and upbeat track, yet with a touch of class and elegance which Millia
possesses. The constant beat from the snare drum that accompanies the
violin scores is simply beautiful. The AST is the closest to the original
from Guilty Gear. Oddly enough the AST version got rid of the violin for
the most and used the harpsichord instead. The snare drum is more
announced in this version, but it sounds the most different, replacing
most of the instruments.

12. Monetarily Life 2: Baiken Stage

OST (Length: 3:46) Rating 9.5/10
AST (Length: 2:38) Rating: 10/10
Another great track. It combines the shamisen with the electric guitars.
The melody and tune is great, combining the two instruments to give a feel
or "old in new.' The tune matches the character and stage well, with a
samurai-like character battling in the future. The fast tempo of the track
allows it to match the pace of battle and give a sense of excitement. The
AST makes the shamisen clearer, and the guitar seems to last a bit longer,
taking a longer score and replacing the shamisen at certain points.

13. Liquor Bar and Drunkard: Johnny Stage

OST (Length: 3:57) Rating 7/10
AST (Length: 2:48) Rating: 7/10
A very guitar based track, it is somewhat slow, matching the calm and cool
personality of Johnny well. I personally don't like this track much, but
other people like this track a lot. The AST does use real instruments,
so it is bound to be better for a guitar track. Oddly enough, it doesn't
sound much different than the OST.

14. Fuuga: Anji-Mito Stage

OST (Length: 2:38) Rating: 8/10
AST (Length: 2:54) Rating: 8/10
It supposedly starts off like a Motley Crew song, but I haven't check it.
It's a very heavy rock theme, with various harpsichord (?) interludes
included. I have no idea what "Fuuga" means either, but it does match
the pace of battle quite well. The AST sounds almost identical to OST.

15. A Solitude that Asks Nothing in Return: Venom Stage

OST (Length: 4:25) Rating: 10/10
AST (Length: 3:19 ) Rating: 8/10
Another classic on the track. It starts off sounding like a rave with
the bass guitar solo, but enters with electric guitars. The bass is
present through out the whole track. It sound monotonous with the same
guitar riff until 3/4 into the track, where the interlude is simply amazing.
The entire bass and guitar stops to allow for an amazing and nifty sounding
tune with the chimes, as if allowing for a monetary break and pause for
reflection on the battle. The AST version sounds significantly different,
as the bass guitar maybe to low or quite to be heard at times. The AST
is significantly shorter than the OST version, and sounds different at
points. Since the AST was performed with real instruments, some sections
came across as sounding rather strange or different to the OST. Still,
the introduction and interlude of this track easily make it one of the
best tracks on the CD.

16. Babel nose: Jam Kuradoberi (Cranberry Jam) Stage

OST (Length: 3:56) Rating: 8/10
AST (Length: 2:47) Rating: 8/10
It starts of sounding very oriental, with high pitched riffs as in
introduction. It becomes very heavy metal afterwards, but contains the
oriental aspect throughout the track. It does sound like Fuuga in a sense
when considering the bass and guitars. The AST actually sounds more
oriental, since it includes chimes and uses real instruments (I mentioned
this like 500 times already.) There is little difference between the AST
and OST though.

17. Bloodstained Lineage: Testament Stage

OST (Length: 4:56) Rating: 9/10
AST (Length: 5:04) Rating: 9/10
It starts off slow, but gives a sense of doom and fear as the high notes
from the guitar gives an almost "psycho" feel to the tune. It is the fastest
track by far, and the drums move frantically to keep up. Apparently, they
had trouble finding a drummer who could keep up with the pace for so long.
Anyhow, it is a very fast and intense tune, with almost too much going
on. Although it sounds pretty messy it matches the fast pace of the battle
as you try to overpower the mighty Testament. The AST actually sounds cooler,
similar to a heavy duty guitar session. Aside from that it can be pretty
difficult to tell the difference at certain sections between OST and AST.

18. Awe of She

OST (Length: 4:43) Rating: 10/10
AST (Length: ) Rating: 10/10
Guilty Gear X ends with a fight against Dizzy; the all powerful Gear that
has a fitting choir to start off the round, as a sign of her power. It
soon jumps to full harpsichord/bass/electric guitar track similar to Holy
Orders 2, giving a sense of drama as well as the furious battle. The AST
version does not sound too different than the OST version, unlike some
of the other tracks. It does sound slightly better with the real
instruments, but gives the track a different atmosphere, one of a divine
battle against an omnipotent opponent. The AST is a real pleasure to
listen to. The choir sounds much better than the synthesized ones, and
the harpsichord is really clear and precise.

19. Fatal Duel: Same Character Battle

OST (Length: 4:00) Rating: 8/10
AST (Length) Rating:
It sounds very similar to "No Mercy," but with a few differences. In fact
I have to look at the track name to identify which I am listening to. It
is still a fast paced and exciting track, setting the pace of battle.

20. Still in the Dark: Millia Rage vs Zato-One

OST (Length:?) Rating: 10/10
AST (Length) Rating: 10/10
The second of the character duel specific tracks, this highlights the
rivalry between Zato-One and Millia Rage. It is (another) upbeat and
energizing track, with an intro almost adding and starting the drama
between the two rival fighters. The AST version is almost identical, but
being an electric guitar song, sounds slightly better.

21. Primal Light: Ending Theme

22. Calm Passion: Ending Theme

23. Walk in the Dusk: Ending Theme

IV. Notes and Credits

- Guilty Gear X, its Characters, and all likeliness are Trademark and
Copyright of Sammy and Arc System Works.

- W.W for his button-mashing Sol Badguy and eating thousands of supers
from Johnny.

-N.H: no Melody, tune or riff can match the harmony of your presence.

-Mr. Jeff Veasey at Http:// for hosting this FAQ.

-Mr. Akin Eihnpatrick for pointing out the AST/OST omission.

This document Copyright 2002 by Kenny "kenshi" Tam, and may not be
duplicated or reproduced (in part or in full) for profit without the
explicit permission of the author. Chances are it will be rare if anyone
would want to use this crappy FAQ.

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17.Октябрь 2013
Soundtrack FAQ

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