Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry

15.10.2013 18:59:45
****** * ***
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* * * *** * * * * * A FAQ/Walkthrough for...
* * * * * * * * *** * * *
* * **** * * * * ** "Half Man..."
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* *
* * * * *** * *
* * * * * * * * ** ...Shinji Mikami's...
* * * ** * * * * *
*** * *** ** *** *
* "Half Demon."
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* ** * *
* * * * * **
* * * * * * *
****** ** ** * ...Devil May Cry!
* " Pure Vengeance."
* *


After getting this wonderful game, I HAD to write a strategy guide for
it! This is the best action game ever! So hopefully this guide
will be able to help you beat those exhausting missions! This guide will
cover secret missions, strategies, weapons and monsters! Good luck in
Devil May Cry!

I have teamed up with ORCA782 to enhance this FAQ! Now with double the
authors, this guide can be updated more frequently!

Email: (CVXFREAK) (Orca782)




JUNE 2, 2002
UPDATE: CVXFREAK fixes up format issues.

Orca782 will be changing this guide, hopefully for the better, by adding
new sections, and adding to some of my old ones. I hope it helps!






1. G A M E B A S I C S


Have any of you played "Onimusha: Warlords" for the Sony PlayStation 2?
Well, that game involved sword battling and item collecting. Well,
Devil May Cry plays VERY similar to Onimusha.

But the control is a little different. Dante can now jump and slash
downward and use guns, unlike Onimusha. Also, the 3d control style
(i.e. forward is always up, and hitting left or right will only turn
your charcter, whereas in Devil May Cry the control is the normal 2d
style where left=left, right=right, etc).

Well, the game basically puts you in control of Dante. Around you,
monsters produce themselves and you must use your swords to kill all
sorts of demons.

You can use an assortment of guns, which have infinite ammo. Be warned
that using guns sometimes gives you less Red Orbs (See Orbs section)
after each demon dies.

Some guns are slower, but stronger than others, so study the Monster
List to see which enemies are quick, slow, strong and weak. Believe it
or not, some weapons you may have forgotten about which you have used
in the first few missions may come in handy during later missions,
either because of their quickness or the monster is particularly weak
against that weapon.

Though many monsters may look similar, some actually attack differently
or throw different types of melee weapons. You must try killing some
quicker than others.

There are several strategies for defeating different monsters and
bosses. Refer to the strategy section!


2. C O N T R O L S







AIR HIKE (after acquiring Red Orbs) (PRESS TWICE)

O BUTTON (HOLD) = ROUND TRIP (after acquiring Red Orbs)














3. O R B S


During game play, you will find many different colored orbs. They are
green, yellow, blue and red. They all have different powers on how they
assist Dante.

These items will be vital to survival of Dante's adventure in this


If you defeat monsters with any weapon, they will give you red balls.
These are devilized cash, because they can buy you medical supplies and
new moves with your Ifrit and Alastor sword. If you use guns to kill
enemies, they give you less Red Orbs.

Small ones are worth one. Medium sized ones are worth five. Larger ones
are worth 50 to 100! They are basically "devilified" money for Dante to
use. Use them in lion statues holding a time glass.


If you are damaged greatly by any monsters, defeat them and they will
likely surrender Green Orbs, which recharges a small amount of health.
The sizes vary depending on your damage, the enemy and the weapon used.
In Easy Automatic mode, they pop out from MANY monsters when you are
hurt. EA players will love this.


These orbs can give you extra retries if Dante dies during the course
of the game. They can be found on the ground occasionally, but you can
buy them with Red Orbs in the Statue of Time throughout all the levels.
They cost 350 on normal to start with, and they go up to 550 and stay


These orbs increase your overall health gauge. You can buy some of
them, but some you have to find, or put together on your own. You will
often find fragments of them hidden along your journey. You must
acquire 4 of these fragments in order to increase the Devil Gauge. They
are found in fragments. These are needed because as you progress through
the game, bosses will begin to do much more damage, but if you acquire
many of these, your extended health will compensate for the extra
damage. These can be bought from the time statues, but they will
increase in cost dramatically.

Devil Trigger

Under the Devil Gauge, look for the rune symbols. When the
entire "bar" is lit, press L1 to acquire increased strength for a few
seconds. These are needed for bosses that are tough, like Nelo Angelo.
Make use of the feature, because you'll need it!


4. S T R A T E G I E S


To defeat monsters using a general strategy, you must learn to jump.
The most effective way to defeat almost any type of monster is to jump
and then press the Sword or Gun button while in the air to deliver a
fatal blow.

This strategy is very effective against all monsters and bosses,
especially monsters that usually block (Nelo Angelo). Because they
don't have any sort of defense on their heads, attacking from the top
is most effective.

Against groups of monsters, again, you will want to learn to actually
jump. Jumping away from groups that gain up on you, not only damages
them greatly when you hit them, but you avoid getting hurt!

For more specific strategies, please refer to the Monster and Boss
sections below. For more specific moves, see that corresponding

In groups of monsters you will want to constantly be on the move, and
try to stay in the middle of them as little as possible. Get them all
on one side of you, then start shooting or hacking away. If they get
close, jump away. Remember that you can jump infinitely on monsters,
whereas you can only wall jump once.

Against a single harder enemy, you will want to dodge often, as they
will probably attack enough to simulate a group. A good strategy is to
roll, attack, roll, attack. It may not seem necessary to roll after
each attack, but it's better to be safe than sorry!


5. D I F F I C U L T Y M O D E


There are 2 preliminary difficulty modes in Devil May Cry. They are
Normal Mode and Easy Automatic Mode.

When you start a new game, you must play the first mission in Normal
Mode. Once you beat Normal Mode, you get a choice before starting
Mission 2.

You can stay on Normal Mode or switch over to Easy Automatic Mode. It
is your choice, but you should use the first Mission to determine that.

If you think you can handle the normal, and you aren't going to go down
washout lane, then go with normal. Normal will advance to new
difficulties. If you feel that it was devastatingly hard to do the
first mission, or that you just want to have lots of fun and get lots of
money, do easy. I'd recommend normal. Normal leads to the extra modes,
such as Hard, Legendary Dark Knight, Dante Must Die, and finally the
coveted Super Dante.

The choice is yours.


This is the mode for beginners. In this mode, you won't have to hold R1
to shoot a gun, which makes the controls much easier. Also, Dante will
have learned several sword techniques already, which will have taken
mastering in Normal Mode.

Dante can resist attacks much more this time. When an enemy hits him,
it takes less damage. Dante also jumps and attacks much better than in
Normal Mode, which is good for bosses.

In layman's terms, it is a simplified Normal Mode for beginners. If you
really want the easy challenge, then select this mode. If you are
thinking about it, check Normal Mode out, first.


This is the mode for intermediate and advanced players. In this mode,
you will have to hold R1 to shoot a gun, which makes the controls much
harder. Also, Dante will have to learn several sword techniques, which
will have taken no mastering in Easy Automatic Mode.

Dante can't resist attacks much more this time. When an enemy hits him,
it takes more damage than in the other mode. Dante also jumps and
attacks much worse than in Normal Mode, which is bad for bosses.

In layman's terms, it is a difficult mode for advanced gamers. If you
really want the hard challenge, then select this mode.


After finishing Normal Mode, save your game. Hard Mode is a much harder
version of Normal Mode, with Dante's attacks doing little damage. The
enemies also have more stamina.

If you think you did good in Normal Mode, you are read for this mode.
Otherwise, practice some more on Normal Mode.


Dante's father, Sparda, can be controlled from this mode. He has his
unique weapon. It is a powerful sword called the Yamato. But the game
plays basically is the same as with Dante, with changes where necessary.


Defeat Hard Mode to unlock Dante Must Die Mode. This mode is insanely
difficult. Sometimes a 30-second timer appears, giving you 30 seconds
to wipe monsters out. Monsters become invincible if you don't kill them
in time. As before, monsters are harder and Dante is weaker.


Finish Dante Must Die Mode. You can now play the game again as Super
Dante, in Devil Trigger Mode! This is the SUPER Easy Mode!


Again, if you had a hard time in Mission 1, then Easy Automatic Mode is
the way to go. If you had considerable control over the Mission 1
situation, then you should stick to Normal Mode.

I recommend that first time gamers to this game take Easy Automatic,
because the controls get a little more complicated than in Resident
Evil/BioHazard CODE: Veronica X/Complete.

But anyone willing for the challenge should take the opposing mode,
Normal Mode.

The choice is yours, but the walkthrough will cover both modes at the
same time.

At the end, there are other modes. The difficulties are harder, but
mainly follow that of the Normal Difficulty Mode, except with the
increased difficulty.


6. M O V E L I S T S


Press TRIANGLE button while jumping against walls and on enemies. You
can jump once off of a wall, but infinite times off of enemies. This is
necessary for some extra bonus missions.

While holding R1, press the Left Analog Stick toward Dante's left or
right and the TRIANGLE button.

While holding R1 button, press the Left Analog Stick in the direction
of Dante's back and the O button. Then continue holding down the O
button to jump. Finally, while jumping, press the O button again to
slash down. You can throw in some air fire if you wish, shooting the
enemy once or twice with the shotgun before hitting the O button one
more time to finish 'em.

(note: All Alastor moves carry over to the Force Edge and to Sparda).

While holding the R1 button, press the Left Analog Stick in the
direction that Dante is facing and the O button. This move can be
upgraded to go farther and hit a bit harder. It's good for those
enemies in the back of a room about to throw something. It is also
useful when it comes to long gaps, as doing the stinger towards the long
jump will automatically jump Dante a very long way. It starts out at
350, and level 2 is 1500 or so.

Press R1 button while jumping in Devil Trigger State. Press R1 to
return to the ground surface. You can also shoot lightning from your
hands (Emperor Palpatine anyone?). This attack is fairly damaging, and
it's hard for most enemies to hit you while flying. This is useful for
getting across that broken bridge outside the castle, and other such
altitude requiring areas. It costs 750.

Hold down the O button. The longer held, the longer distance. Dante
will throw his sword in a spinning pattern, and it will lock onto the
nearest enemy and hack at them. While it's going, you can either shoot
them, run away, or do punch punch kick combos. This costs around 1225
to purchase.

While airborne in the Devil Trigger State, use the Left Analog Stick
and the O button. This attack is a bit hard to control, but it will
auto aim itself to the right height, so no need to worry there. It also
does a lot of damage if you do it continuously to a boss, like Phantom
or Griffon. This costs 900 to start with, and 2700 for the second

Press the TRIANGLE button while jumping. It will allow you to jump as if
wall jumping on thin air. The down side, besides this move being 4000
to purchase, is that you can't wall jump after it. After learning this,
and being downcast at how unrealistic it was, I decided to put it at the
end of my "to buy" list.
It's not that useful.


While holding the R1 button, press the Left Analog Stick in the
direction of Dante's back and the O button. This move will uppercut
your opponents in a fiery blaze. You can also charge it for maximum
power. If you do it quickly it will juggle opponents. It costs 500 to

While holding the R1 button, press the Left Analog Stick in the
direction that Dante is facing and the O button. This attack will knock
opponents backwards in a quick spin kick. It costs 750, then 2100 later
to upgrade to level 2.

This attack renders Dante an inferno while jumping with Ifrit equipped.
It's very useful when you jump up against enemies, such as Phantom or
Griffen. It costs 3450 to buy.

While in Devil Trigger State and Jumping, press the Left Analog Stick
and the O button.

While in Devil Trigger State, hold the R1 button. Then press the Left
Analog Stick in the direction of Dante's back and the O button. You can
charge these fireballs, and you can get level 2 for even bigger damage.
They cost 1100 to start, and 2500 later to upgrade.


7. M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H



Run up the stone path after all the cut-scenes. Grab the Yellow Orb
nearby. Jump into the high up walkway for a blue orb. At the end of the
path, you should see a hole you should enter.
Enter the hole and you are in the Main Hall.

There is a giant monument of Mundus, the final boss of the game. To
continue, you must collect 45 Red Orbs that are scattered throughout
the entire room. There is also a blue orb you can jump to.

Head up the staircase and grab Red Orbs in spaces you cannot yet see.
Practice your jumping ability while doing so. You'll see a Statue of
Time, but as of now, it is inactive.

Once you have collected 45 Red Orbs, run to the door with those
skeleton faces. Pay them 45 Red Orbs and then the door will open.
Travel through the door.

A gate is nearby- the exit to this damn castle. Unfortunately, the gate
is lowered and Dante will need an item to open it. Nearby are knight
statues. Slash them for Red Orbs.

[Note: Whenever you see tables, knight statues or other things that
seem to stand out from the background, slash them. They usually contain
Red Orbs. Some may even reveal some useful weapons!]

Head through the next set of doors. In this room, climb the staircase.
Head through the hole at the top and look at the Marionette for a Rusty

Take it back to the Main Hall and unlock the blue doors. Marionettes
attack, so slash them up with your Force Edge. Down the staircase, go
to a room that is blue, on the second floor. Look in the water on the
left for a Blue Orb Fragment.

Travel back to the Main Hall. There, unlock the blue doors and pass
through them. Dante is now in a room with a giant plane. The red doors
nearby are locked, but slash some tables up for prizes.

Look in the corner for some round shield and slash it with your Force
Edge Sword. Once the rune symbols are fully lit, ride the elevator
below Dante's feet down.

In this arena, destroy all the Marionettes. Legions will attack Dante,
but they will pose little threat if you Jump and Slash down and slow
them down with your Handguns.

Once they are all dead, ride the elevator back up to the airplane room.
Back there, kill the now-live Marionettes. This shouldn't be difficult.
After they all die, the red doors nearby unlock.

If the tense music stops but the door is still locked, there is a
Marionette SOMEWHERE in the room that is alive. Kill it.

Head through the red doors to end the first mission!


You are now in a long hallway you may recognize from the Devil May Cry
Demo that came with Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X for PlayStation 2.
Well, we must play the mission through now.

Head right from the door you are at. The door Dante is in front of
leads back to the room with the plane. If you need supplies, head to
the small door to the left.

Inside, use the Statue of Time and spend some Red Orbs for Vital Stars
and Yellow Orbs. These are needed throughout the game to survive this
Mallet Island nightmare.

[Note: Whenever you see those Statue of Times, PURCHASE SUPPLIES! You
can purchase strategies for future weapons when you get those weapons.
Items are important. You cannot survive without them.]

Outside in the Long Hallway, head passed the double doors all the way
down the hall, killing any monsters that get in your way. At this
point, killing monsters is needed to gather Red Orbs.

At the end is a Sword stuck into some type of wall. Grab it and Dante
can now use Devil Trigger and his new Alastor! The Alastor is stronger
than the Force Edge, so this is great.

The wall where the Alastor was changes, and that is the goal of the
mission now.

Enter the nearby double doors from where you got the Alastor. In this
Library, slash up any tables you may see. One of the tables on the
second floor hides a Shotgun. That Shotgun is an important weapon!

[Note: Replace the Dual Handguns with the Shotgun. The Shotgun is much
more useful. The Dual Handguns will only be used occasionally
throughout the rest of the game.]

Examine one of the paintings for a Rusty Key. Take it to the double
doors halfway through the Long Hall and unlock them. In the Fountain
Room, kill every monster. The Shotgun will be a very good weapon to

The Blue Force Field blocks some tiger statue, so look for the stairs
and jump your way across several platforms. A door at the end is your
destination, so head through the doors.

In the Tomb Room, kill all the monsters. The door you just came through
is now locked and the hand that protrudes from it can hurt you. Kill
all the monsters in this room and examine the coffin halfway through
the room.

Slash at it and it should push back. Climb down the newly revealed
ladder. Grab the shining object- the Staff of Judgement! A portion of
the room will spin, making the exit to this weird room.

Head through and you are in the library again, where you got the
Shotgun. Exit back to the Long Hall. Sin Scissors will attack you.

The most efficient way to kill them is to jump and slash at them with
the Alastor and then shoot them with the Shotgun. This is the quickest
way to kill them, because their scissors (as their name suggests) can
be very damaging. After they are all dead, travel back to the Long

Go to where you took the Alastor and examine the skeleton door. Use the
Staff of Judgement to unlock the door. Enter and you are in the

The mission ends!


In the Cathedral, all doors leading out are blocked. Head up the set of
stairs and examine the Pride of Lion. One of the doors will open, so
head through.

Outside is the Bridge area, called the Path of Trials. Remember that
name, because this area will be revisited later. Cross the bridge and
examine everything at that side.

Attempt to return to the Cathedral and you will drop to the water
below. Below, step on the circle in the center and six Sargasso attack
you. Use the Shotgun to dispose of them. AVOID GETTING HURT, BECAUSE A

Once they are all dead, step onto the center platform to warp back to
the bridge above. The bridge is now broken, but you are on the
Cathedral side. To get back to the other side, you can try to jump all
the platforms or head down and defeat the six skeletons again.

Return to where you left the Pride of Lion. Grab it and the first boss

This is a pretty difficult boss for the beginning of the game. You will
need your Alastor and Shotgun for this evil boss. Start attacking it by
jumping and then slashing down.

This boss has several attacks, and you need to know them and when to
expect them to win this fight. His primary attack is a sweep with his
leg/pincer. He will do this if you are near, so just expect it. He
will put his head into the ground, and 4-6 lava geysurs will erupt.
Just keep walking or running to avoid them. His signature move is his
fireball, which he will charge in a white hot orb in his mouth, then
release momentarily. Just roll out of it's way. If you are feeling
lucky, and are at some distance, you can reflect it with Alastor. Don't
try to jump over it, as he will aim it and hit you. If you are on his
back, he will try to use his scorpion stinger on you. It's not to hard
to avoid. The last attack, which I find most deadly, is his jump. He
will jump at you, and land where you were. My best tactic is to jump,
and keep hitting triangle so as to jump off of him while he's in the
air. Then you will land on him, and it's all good.

To beat him, primarily you need to use melee attacks. The best way to
get him is up on his back. Get up there, and start slashing away.
Remember that only his attacks hurt you, he's not one of those bosses
from Mario who will hurt you if you even touch him. Disregard the demo
at the beginning of the game where they get up and shoot him, as
shooting does little damage. If you have it use, Air Raid. If you have
Ifrit (second time only) then you can use the blazing jump to jump off
of him repeatedly, then jump kick him. When he's at some distance, feel
free to blast away at him with whatever you've got. These strategies
apply for all appearences of Phantom (yes, there are many) because
he never really changes. The one thing he learns later on is a meteor
attack, where fire comes out of his back, then rains down. As with the
lava, just keep running to avoid it.

Once Phantom runs away, return through the doors to the Long Hallway
from the last mission. The mission ends!


You are back in that long hallway. Now, RUN toward the fountain room
halfway through the hall. Phantom, the boss you just fought, chases you
into the room! AHHH!

You can kill it for a lot of Red Orbs, or run into the study. I suggest
you run into the fountain room. Once you leave the room through any
door, Phantom will leave.

In the fountain room, use the Pride of Lion on that force field. A mini
boss fight will occur, but it isn't as tough as the Phantom.

The Alastor and Shotgun will be your best friend again. Start by
shooting it while at close range. Remember to dodge. The shotgun takes
a huge toll on it and it will be weakened soon.

Shadow eventually turns into some liquid orb. START SLASHING IT WITH THE
Devil Trigger mode, as you will bring him down to red status in one go.
The Alastor is ineffective while Shadow is in Tiger Mode and the Shotgun
is ineffective while in Liquid Mode. After he turns red, just dodge him
at all costs. He will eventually explode. If you does catch you, he
will explode with you in his mouth; very damaging.

The Shadow attacks somewhat intense, so return to the study to recharge

Once Shadow is dead, the door above opens.

Head through the door the battle opened, right after Shadow is dead.
Inside this high room, slash that shield similar to the one you saw in
Mission 1.

See the circle on the ground? Step on it and it rises to the top, near
a shining object. Jump towards the shining object. It is the Death

Head back down and travel up the staircase. There are double doors
nearby for you to go through. In this bedroom, insert the Death
Sentence into the statue next to the mirror.

Grab the Melancholy Soul item that drops. Nelo Angelo will then pop out
of the mirror and will head through the doors leading outside. Follow
him outside.

Nelo Angelo appears 3 times, and the 3rd is harder than the first 2.
His name means non angel in Spanish (now they can't say you didn't learn
anything from this game).

He has a few attacks, learn them to avoid them. He has a basic
Slash/Slash/Double Slash combo, similar to your own, with the timing
done right. Just run from this one, as even dodging all 4 slashes at
close range can be really tough. He has a stinger like move, which he
usually teleports before. He'll put his sword in a stabbing stance,
like the Gotetsu from Kenshin. Then he will charge an INSANE distance
and skewer you if he can.

Roll out of the way, and hack away at him. He will teleport more often
than not, so as to catch you unawares. Each time he teleports, be ready
to dodge, as he will come out of it with an attack. He has fireballs
that he takes a second to charge, and if you can hit him in that second,
good for you, you'll disrupt him. If you can't dodge it, it isn't that
hard. He also has the upper slash, then the dive slash. This will hit
you even in the air, so beware.

To kill him, you have to strike at the right times. Right after he
attacks is good. You can't just blindly run in, as he will block you.
If you can get into devil trigger mode, then he can't block your last 2
hits, to hack away at him. But beware, he has a move where he holds his
sword horizontally that basically nothing can deter him from. Jump if
you see him doing this. Don't ever try to hit him after a teleport. He
is quite full of himself, and taunts you often. Feel free to fix his
face at this moment. He will also prepare for some moves by holding his
sword straight up. Hit him while he's doing this, and he'll reel
backwards. If you hit him again, he'll be stunned and you can hack at
him a bit. Generally just hit and run, don't use the guns to often as
they do little damage, and he will block them, or even better shoot his
fireballs at you.

His third form is the same as the first two, but he's bigger and
stronger. Besides that, it's all good.

With Nelo Angelo defeated, the mission ends.


You begin in the courtyard where you fought Nelo. Now you have exactly
3 minutes to use it to unlock the door on the bottom of the tall room
inside the castle (where you rode that large elevator to get the Death

You must battle a Shadow, SO KILL IT QUICKLY! After Shadow is dead,
jump to the highest area where you fought Nelo Angelo and jump down the

Enter the double doors to the bedroom and head through the other door
to that tall room. Jump all the way down to the bottom and use the
Melancholy Soul on the thin door by the foot of the staircase.

Use it before the 3 minute timer ends.


Go to the door passed the fountain room if the 3 minute times runs out.
Remember the room where you pushed the tombstone? Passed it is a
Prisoner Statue. Use it to recharge it.

Return to that staircase, but a Shadow occupies the Fountain Room. Kill
it and get to that staircase! If you can't kill THAT Shadow, try
recharging it again and again until you get it.

Once you enter through the blue door at the bottom of the stairs, the
mission ends!


From the door, head right. Head to the nearest door you see to Dante's
right. Inside the little hole with a shining object, grab yet another
Rusty Key. (Why doesn't Dante just keep the ones he gets? :/)

Little bugs called Beezlebub will then attack Dante. The Shotgun will
take care of these annoying runts. Exit and Beezlebub will be in the
hall. Enter the hall across, collect several items and break the Orb

Use the Rusty Key to unlock the door nearby. Travel through this lit
hallway and kill the Sin Scissors. Passed them is the Guiding Light.
Collect it and the mission ends!


Remember the bedroom where Nelo Angelo came from? Return there now, and
quickly because Dante's energy will drain as you go. There are Green
Orbs around to recharge your energy, so keep aiming back for the

Phantom will appear again, but you can run away and he'll disappear. If
you choose to, you can fight him, but it's hard, as you can't jump on
his back. Just roll out of the way of his attacks and give it to him
with the shotgun. Kill ALL Sin Scythes you see in the final room,
including a little corridor halfway through the hallway with the exit to
these waterways.

The door leading to the staircase will unlock. Head through and climb
the stairs to the master bedroom. Don't stop for anything except for
Green Orbs.

Go to the bedroom and the statue with the sun and then a new door will
be revealed. This relatively quick mission ends.


You appear on a narrow platform above the Main Hall from the beginning
of the game. Jump across another platform to get to a new door. You
might want to get some Red Orbs by exploring the areas from the first
few missions.

Otherwise, travel through the door. There is a Statue of Time here, so
purchase supplies. Head through the mouth-like door. Phantom will
battle you again. The strategies are basically the same.

This is a pretty difficult boss for the beginning of the game. You will
need your Alastor and Shotgun for this evil boss. Start attacking it by
jumping and then slashing down.

This boss has several attacks, and you need to know them and when to
expect them to win this fight. His primary attack is a sweep with his
leg/pincer. He will do this if you are near, so just expect it. He
will put his head into the ground, and 4-6 lava geysurs will erupt.
Just keep walking or running to avoid them. His signature move is his
fireball, which he will charge in a white hot orb in his mouth, then
release momentarily. Just roll out of it's way. If you are feeling
lucky, and are at some distance, you can reflect it with Alastor.
Don't try to jump over it, as he will aim it and hit you. If you are on
his back, he will try to use his scorpion stinger on you. It's not to
hard to avoid. The last attack, which I find most deadly, is his jump.
He will jump at you, and land where you were. My best tactic is to
jump, and keep hitting triangle so as to jump off of him while he's in
the air. Then you will land on him, and it's all good.

To beat him, primarily you need to use melee attacks. The best way to
get him is up on his back. Get up there, and start slashing away.
Remember that only his attacks hurt you, he's not one of those bosses
from Mario who will hurt you if you even touch him. Disregard the demo
at the beginning of the game where they get up and shoot him, as
shooting does little damage. If you have it use, Air Raid. If you have
Ifrit (second time only) then you can use the blazing jump to jump off
of him repeatedly, then jump kick him. When he's at some distance, feel
free to blast away at him with whatever you've got. These strategies
apply for all appearences of Phantom (yes, there are many) because he
never really changes. The one thing he learns later on is a meteor
attack, where fire comes out of his back, then rains down. As with the
lava, just keep running to avoid it.

With Phantom dead, go through the gate. Head to the lower roof area and
grab the Trident nearby. There is a hole leading to a mechanism room.
Smash the lever and a patch door opens.

Grab the Grenade Gun from the skeleton and equip it. Take the ladder
down and you are in that Blue Room from Mission 1. Go to the face and
use the Trident.

Now run back to the Gate Room you saw at Mission 1, passed the Main
Hall. The Gate will lower, so ignore all the enemies you see. Once you
pass the gate, head outside and cross the drawbridge.

The mission is complete!


Run across the Drawbridge. Jump over the stone. The drawbridge will

Grab some Red Orbs hidden in the area if you wish. Down the area is a
spiral staircase. Go down them and then through the door at the very
bottom of the flight of stairs.

Through it is a Courtyard. Blades, the enemies that were ripped out of
Dino Crisis populate this area, so use your Alastor for this fight.
Head through the open gate. Through it, climb a ladder on any side and
grab the items. Look for the shield and hit it so the platforms rise
into the air.

Head right from the shield (based on the camera angle) and jump on the
first platform.

[Note: Jumping will be very tricky. Use this strategy.]

The platforms move up or down, making it hard to jump onto the next
platforms without falling back onto the ground. Timing is careful for
this, because if you jump out too late or too early, you'll end up on
the ground.

When the rising platform is about equal to the next platform, FACE IT
AND JUMP! Be quick, because time is needed. When the platform needs to
descend in order to reach the next platform, wait it out and see where
it stops and rises again.

Now that you know the location of the platform, jump onto the next one.
When both are moving at the same time, wait until the platform you are
aiming is equal or lower than the platform you are on. Jump and you
will eventually end up at the goal platform.


Grab the Ifrit at the top and equip it. It is needed to get through
the door in the Courtyard (the previous room). You must now face the
third terror of Mundus, Griffon!


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs within Nightmare, which is not really a
boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target
the air, not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel
to the ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one,
duck the second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non)
battle, so just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot
up and down rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him
from Dante's point of view, and go back and forth between the lines
shooting. He will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes
above your view level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the
second battle he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that
will attach itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot
it to destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon
does very little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a
battleground, manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often.
In the third battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half,
and shoot down at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too.
For the second part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never liked the Nightmare B much
either, as it's so weak and takes your devil gauge. Whenever he gets
close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit or Alastor. He shouldn't
be too tough.

With Griffon gone, go to the door to the right of the gate leading to
that platform room. To the right, use your new Ifrit to break the seal
of the door.

Inside, cross the misty woods and try to go through the door into the
small building. Marionettes attack you, so kill all of them in order to
unlock the door to the small building.

Head through the doorway. Run down a set of stairs. There are numerous
items to collect throughout the level so collect them. Kill all the
Marionettes in the area and spend 200 Orbs on the nearby door.

Go through and the mission ends!


You are in a path filled with mist. Kill all monsters in this area
before examining the tombstone. MAKE SURE YOU DO IT THAT WAY!
Afterwards, the tombstone in the room will release a light. Follow the
light QUICKLY!

If the light runs away from Dante, heading out the path will take you
to the final door from Mission 9. When you reach a new room, repeat
what you did with the tombstone and light and then you should
eventually arrive in a courtyard.

Kill the 2 giant spiders, called Kyclops and then enter through the
next door, which ends the mission!


Kill the Death Scythe. Jump on the platform that appears following the
battle. There are many Red Orbs to collect throughout the entire room,
so collect them by searching around.

Once you have gotten every Red Orb you can find, return to the center
of this room to proceed. Find the Well in one of the hallways nearby.
Read the inscription. Then jump down into the abyss, Silent Hill 2

Blades are at the bottom, so eliminate them quickly. Down the entire
hallway, surrounded almost entirely by glass, is the Sign of Chasity.
Look for the glowing item you saw on your way to the Sign of Chasity.

Return to the upper area, called the Green House. Looking on your map,
look for the northern area and then doors there. Jump to a platform in
the middle area and then jump down the platform. Head to the lower part
of this room.

Remember the doorway nearby. There is a glowing item. Swap the Sign of
Chasity for the Chalice. Now we have to fight another boss again and he
is familiar- Nelo Angelo!

Nelo Angelo appears 3 times, and the 3rd is harder than the first 2.
His name means non angel in Spanish (now they can't say you didn't learn
anything from this game).

He has a few attacks, learn them to avoid them. He has a basic
Slash/Slash/Double Slash combo, similar to your own, with the timing
done right. Just run from this one, as even dodging all 4 slashes at
close range can be really tough. He has a stinger like move, which he
usually teleports before. He'll put his sword in a stabbing stance,
like the Gotetsu from Kenshin. Then he will charge an INSANE distance
and skewer you if he can. Roll out of the way, and hack away at him.
He will teleport more often than not, so as to catch you unawares. Each
time he teleports, be ready to dodge, as he will come out of it with an
attack. He has fireballs that he takes a
second to charge, and if you can hit him in that second, good for you,
you'll disrupt him. If you can't dodge it, it isn't that hard. He also
has the upper slash, then the dive slash. This will hit you even in the
air, so beware.

To kill him, you have to strike at the right times. Right after he
attacks is good. You can't just blindly run in, as he will block you.
If you can get into devil trigger mode, then he can't block your last 2
hits, to hack away at him. But beware, he has a move where he holds his
sword horizontally that basically nothing can deter him from. Jump if
you see him doing this. Don't ever try to hit him after a teleport. He
is quite full of himself, and taunts you often. Feel free to fix his
face at this moment. He will also prepare for some moves by holding his
sword straight up. Hit him while he's doing this, and he'll reel
backwards. If you hit him again, he'll be stunned and you can hack at
him a bit. Generally just hit and run, don't use the guns to often as
they do little damage, and he will block them, or even better shoot his
fireballs at you.

His third form is the same as the first two, but he's bigger and
stronger. Besides that, it's all good.

With Nelo Angelo finally gone again, jump to a high platform and you'll
see a knight. Place the Chalice there. The exit unseals, so head there
to end the mission!


[Note: Get used to the underwater controls by studying them intensely.
They can either be confusing or easy to control.]

Go to the Statue of Time and purchase more items, because this mission
can get you damaged if you cannot control the underwater controls

Jump into the water and go through a hole into the ship. Swim, but
avoid the monsters since you don't have the Needle Gun yet. Swin and
head up the stairs you see nearby.

Kill the Blades that appear. Near the stairs in the Needle Gun. Equip
it because it is the only weapon that can be used underwater. It cannot
be used above water, so switch to the Grenade Gun during above water
events or use the Ifrit.

Grab the Devil Star. Jump into the water near the stairs (by where you
took the Needle Gun). The barrels you can shoot contain valuable Red

An Untouchable is in the room, which will be useful for the next boss.
Swim to the surface you eventually see. Travel to the door you see.
Read the locked door and then kill the Death Scythes that emerge from
the door.

As usual, kill them to unlock the door. Examine swords you see by the
door and the ship will sail. Griffon will attack you again. Don't
worry- he is the same as the one in the coliseum!


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs
within Nightmare, which is not really a boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target the air,
not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel to the
ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one, duck the
second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non) battle, so
just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot up and down
rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him from Dante's
point of view, and go back and forth between the lines shooting. He
will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes above your view
level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the second battle
he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that will attach
itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot it to
destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon does very
little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a battleground,
manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often. In the third
battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half, and shoot down
at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too. For the second
part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's near.

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never liked the Nightmare B much
either, as it's so weak and takes your devil gauge. Whenever he gets
close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit or Alastor. He shouldn't
be too tough.

Head through the now unlocked door after Griffon is defeated. The
mission ends!


Inside the control room, grab the Staff of Hermes! This item will be
used a few missions from now. After the item is pulled, the ship sinks
once again, so you must now get out.

Swim through the hole right of the now blocked door. Kill 2 Blades.
Swim through to the next areas. Swim through the hole in the hull of
the ship and you will leap out of the water.

Outside the ship, head to the water to the right and collect the Holy
Water. Head down and up the stairs. The mission ends!


Head through the corridor and turn left. Circle the corridor. A
skeleton at the end holds an Emblem Shield for you to take. Pull the
skeleton's arm and the gate you passed will rise.

A booby trap begins, so jump to avoid the spikes that rise from the
ground. Head for the gate and ride the elevator up. You appear by a
waterfall, which hides a Blue Orb Fragment.

Head down the hill in the next area. Look for a mine shaft and use 200
Red Orbs to head through the door.

[Note: Search the entire area for Red Orbs and other prizes.]

Kill all the monsters in the next area. After killing all the enemies,
surrender 100 Red Orbs to the next door, which ends the mission!


You appear back in a familiar area: the place where you first fought
Griffin. Kill all the monsters in this area. Head to the Blue Door in
the hallway.

Unlock it with the Emblem Shield. Inside, take the Luminite near the
stairs. Head down the stairs and kill any enemies you see. Smash the
cracked wall on the bottom, smash anything in the room to collect

Travel to the door and you appear in a moving room. Run passed the
spikes and jump across a chasm to claim the Pair of Lances. With this
item, return to the Courtyard.

Back there, you can use the Emblem Shield to get another item. It is an


To grab the Nightmare Beta, use the Emblem Shield to get through the
red glowing door. Travel down the stairs and then break the wall, break
the items and grab the items. Head through the door, dodge the spikes,
jump down into the pit, jump up and grab the Nightmare Beta.

Return to the Courtyard.

Once we are reunited, go to the hall with the red and blue glowing
doors. In the center, use the Pair of Lances to unlock the door. Travel

Collect all the orbs in the room. Then return to the ground floor. In
this room, pressing the circle will cause a boss battle. Griffon is
back for a final fight.


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs within Nightmare, which is not really a
boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target the air,
not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel to the
ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one, duck the
second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non) battle, so
just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot up and down
rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him from Dante's
point of view, and go back and forth between the lines shooting. He
will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes above your view
level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the second battle
he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that will attach
itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot it to
destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon does very
little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a battleground,
manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often. In the third
battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half, and shoot down
at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too. For the second
part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's near.

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never liked the Nightmare B much
either, as it's so weak and takes your devil gauge. Whenever he gets
close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit or Alastor. He shouldn't
be too tough.

With Griffon FINALLY dead, jump onto the new elevator. It took me a few
minutes to get on there, but use the classic "Mario 64" jump by jumping
on the wall and onto the elevator.

Grab the Wheel of Destiny! You have now accomplished the task you
needed ever since you left the castle! The mission ends!


Our goal now is to return to where the game had started, in that
castle. In the Courtyard, kill all the monsters to unlock the entrance.
Head through the entrance door you used when you first got here in
Mission 9.

Run up those spiral stairs and over to where the drawbridge is raised.
Use the Wheel of Destiny on the engraved hold and the bridge will
lower, accessing the castle once again.

Cross the bridge and say goodbye to the garden. Through the door, you
appear in the gate room. The door to the stair room is mysteriously
gone. Head through the door to the Main Hall.

Inside, things will have changed. Go to the shield you see passed the
stairs. Activate it by hitting it and you will face a new type of
monster called Plasma. It retains that name because plasma means fire
or electricity, which this monster is.

Use the Ifrits to kill this monster easily. This monster is fast, but
you can beat it easily with the Ifrits. Head to the room with the

Head into the room leading into the long hallway. Head to the door to
STARS. You should have plenty of Red Orbs by now.

Enter the door leading to the Cathedral. The door to the fountain room
has vanished, as well. In the room where you fought Phantom for the
first time (where you took the Pride of Lion) is a puddle.

Smash the 1 shield before examining the puzzle. Then examine the puddle
and a new boss approaches!

Nightmare is definitely a Doosey. He is kinda scary to look at too. In
general, practice hit and run, but when you hit, hit hard. Also, in
every room where you fight him, there are the rune circles you attack to
fill. Without these on, he cannot be hurt, so keep them on at all

Here are his attacks. When you don't have any circle runes filled, he
will try to swallow you. It's your choice, but the 2nd and third fights
I prefer not to let him. Inside of him are minibosses, and sargassos.
His first form has Phantom in it, the second has Griffon, the third has
Nelo Angelo. They will most likely give you green orbs if you beat
them, but it's not a guarentee, and I don't think it's worth it. Just
keep the runes lit, and you can dodge this attack. It looks like a
mound of ooze closing on you. He will often draw electricity from the
circles on the floor, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt you. He will
summon little orbs to shoot you that can be shot down if you like. They
don't do too much damage. However, while they are shooting he will
do several other things. The weakest of which are his little slime
things, that go after you, and eventually make ice crystals to hurt you
where they land. Just run from them and you'll be fine. Even if one
catches you, keep moving and you won't get hurt. He will also shoot
rock spears out of himself 3 times for A LOT of damage, so dodge these.
His most damaging attack by far is his blue beam. You will know it's
coming when his sphere comes out and white lines start flowing across
the floor. AT this time, try your best to either get on top of him, or
behind him. If you are behind him, be ready to jump over it, as he will
keep it out for awhile. The farther back the fight, the longer
he keeps it out. In the third fight, he will keep it out for a good 5
seconds, so be wary.

Damaging him is fairly simple, or so it would seem. With the runes lit,
he will often let his sphere out. It is a bigger orb than the ones that
shoot you, and it has runes on it. Attack it, and it will shatter more
and more until he dies. Getting on top of him is best for this, but Air
Raid is good too. Don't use Ifrit in this fight, as it's too slow. If
you do go inside him and come out alive, he will lose one quarter of his
life. That is a lot, but it's hard work. There's also the chance of
green orbs from the monsters in him.

Refer to boss sections if you need help. Phantom is generally the same
as always, maybe weaker.

With this nightmare (heh) gone, head outside to the broken bridge. Try
crossing the broken platforms or kill six skeletons in the sea below.
Go to the end of the Path of Trials and look at the picture. Use the
Staff of Hermes from the sunken ship and then leap into the painting to
the LEFT. The mission is over!


You are in a familiar room, huh? Well, go all the way up the stairs and
to the double doors that have now suddenly appeared. Through it is a
desk room. Approach the end of the room.

Look at the left painting and then jump through with the jump button.
You end up in a nightmare version of the coliseum from the garden you
explored earlier (where Griffon finally died).

Look for the double doors and a battle initiates. Kill the Frost
monsters. Use the Ifrits. Devil Trigger Mode is a helpful tactic
against these bastards.

After they are defeated, travel through the double doors. The Alastor
is needed for the next area. Run through this hallway and turn the
corner you see. You will see a locked door for which you have to open

Return to the main path and run to a door. Kill all the monsters in
here for Red Orbs. Head through the next door and you will see a
skeleton dinosaur. It will fire fireballs at you.

Stand before it. When it fires at you, swing the Alastor at the
fireball and it repels back onto ole' fossil. Stand about midway down
the hallway, on the circular pattern. The dinosaur dies in 3 hits. Now
THAT was easy, wasn't it?

A spotlight will appear by the entrance of this room. By it is a crank
mechanism. Press X to control it. Turn the spotlight with the crank
until it hits a dial.

When lightning strikes, you'll see blue platforms near some walkways
above. Jump on them and follow to an item at the end. Grab the
Quicksilver. Return to the door outside in the hallway and unlock it
with the Quicksilver.

Inside, you must battle Nelo Angelo for the final time, and he is

TIPS FOR FINAL BATTLE: Use the Ifrits instead of the Alastor. But
stick to the normal strategy used in the 2 previous fights.

Nelo Angelo appears 3 times, and the 3rd is harder than the first 2.
His name means non angel in Spanish (now they can't say you didn't learn
anything from this game).

He has a few attacks, learn them to avoid them. He has a basic
Slash/Slash/Double Slash combo, similar to your own, with the timing
done right. Just run from this one, as even dodging all 4 slashes at
close range can be really tough. He has a stinger like move, which he
usually teleports before. He'll put his sword in a stabbing stance,
like the Gotetsu from Kenshin. Then he will charge an INSANE distance
and skewer you if he can. Roll out of the way, and hack away at him.
He will teleport more often than not, so as to catch you unawares. Each
time he teleports, be ready to dodge, as he will come out of it with an
attack. He has fireballs that he takes a second to charge, and if you
can hit him in that second, good for you, you'll disrupt him. If you
can't dodge it, it isn't that hard. He also has the upper slash, then
the dive slash. This will hit you even in the air, so beware.

To kill him, you have to strike at the right times. Right after he
attacks is good. You can't just blindly run in, as he will block you.
If you can get into devil trigger mode, then he can't block your last 2
hits, to hack away at him. But beware, he has a move where he holds his
sword horizontally that basically nothing can deter him from. Jump if
you see him doing this. Don't ever try to hit him after a teleport. He
is quite full of himself, and taunts you often. Feel free to fix his
face at this moment. He will also prepare for some moves by holding his
sword straight up. Hit him while he's doing this, and he'll reel
backwards. If you hit him again, he'll be stunned and you can hack at
him a bit. Generally just hit and run, don't use the guns to often as
they do little damage, and he will block them, or even better shoot his
fireballs at you.

His third form is the same as the first two, but he's bigger and
stronger. Besides that, it's all good.

With Nelo dead, watch the cut-scene involving Trish and Mundus. The
mission ends!


Dante will get the Perfect Amulet, which transforms the Force Edge
Sword Dante started with into a MUCH MORE powerful sword, the Sword of

Go to the teleport pad and warp back to the 2 paintings in that study
room. Jump into the other painting. As with the sunken ship, swim over
to the next area. Kill the Sin Scissors with the Needle Gun.

In the next dry area, you'll find yourself in a VERY FAMILIAR room, the
staircase. Strike the dial at the bottom and then swim to the top of
the room.

Grab the item called the Philosopher's Egg before the water drains.
Head through the red door and Dante appears in the Fountain Room, only
the room is reverse, like in a mirror.

Remember the Lion statue where you placed the Pride of Lion at the
start of the game? Well, place the Philosopher's Egg in there.
Nightmare from the Cathedral attacks you again. The strategy is
basically the same, though, do don't worry.

Nightmare is definitely a Doosey. He is kinda scary to look at too. In
general, practice hit and run, but when you hit, hit hard. Also, in
every room where you fight him, there are the rune circles you attack to
fill. Without these on, he cannot be hurt, so keep them on at all

Here are his attacks. When you don't have any circle runes filled, he
will try to swallow you. It's your choice, but the 2nd and third fights
I prefer not to let him. Inside of him are minibosses, and sargassos.
His first form has Phantom in it, the second has Griffon, the third has
Nelo Angelo. They will most likely give you green orbs if you beat
them, but it's not a guarentee, and I don't think it's worth it. Just
keep the runes lit, and you can dodge this attack. It looks like a
mound of ooze closing on you. He will often draw electricity from the
circles on the floor, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt you. He will
summon little orbs to shoot you that can be shot down if you like. They
don't do too much damage. However, while they are shooting he will
do several other things. The weakest of which are his little slime
things, that go after you, and eventually make ice crystals to hurt you
where they land. Just run from them and you'll be fine. Even if one
catches you, keep moving and you won't get hurt. He will also shoot
rock spears out of himself 3 times for A LOT of damage, so dodge these.
His most damaging attack by far is his blue beam. You will know it's
coming when his sphere comes out and white lines start flowing across
the floor. AT this time, try your best to either get on top of him, or
behind him. If you are behind him, be ready to jump over it, as he will
keep it out for awhile. The farther back the fight, the longer he keeps
it out. In the third fight, he will keep it out for a good 5 seconds,
so be wary.

Damaging him is fairly simple, or so it would seem. With the runes lit,
he will often let his sphere out. It is a bigger orb than the ones that
shoot you, and it has runes on it. Attack it, and it will shatter more
and more until he dies. Getting on top of him is best for this, but Air
Raid is good too. Don't use Ifrit in this fight, as it's too slow. If
you do go inside him and come out alive, he will lose one quarter of his
life. That is a lot, but it's hard work. There's also the chance of
green orbs from the monsters in him.


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs within Nightmare, which is not really a
boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target the air,
not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel to the
ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one, duck the
second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non) battle, so
just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot up and down
rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him from Dante's
point of view, and go back and forth between the lines shooting. He
will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes above your view
level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the second battle
he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that will attach
itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot it to
destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon does very
little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a battleground,
manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often. In the third
battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half, and shoot down
at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too. For the second
part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's near.

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never liked the Nightmare B much
either, as it's so weak and takes your devil gauge. Whenever he gets
close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit or Alastor. He shouldn't
be too tough.


With Nightmare away again, the mission ends!


A teleport pad leads you to the 3rd floor room with the 2 paintings
again. Backtrack to the entrance of this entire area to the Path of
Trials bridge.

Enter the painting to the RIGHT this time when you get back. It is the
Bedroom where you saw Nelo Angelo for the first time. Use the Elixir on
the mirror and head through. Head outside now, through the doors.

In the courtyard where you fought Nelo Angelo for the first time, grab
the Philosopher's Stone. New monsters will attack Dante and they are
pretty tough!

Use the Sword of Sparda. Jump and slash down at them. When they begin

Return to the bedroom by jumping to the highest area where you first
fought Nelo Angelo. Jump down the hole and return to the bedroom.
Travel through the mirror again.

Warp back to the Path of Trails and cross the bridge back to the
Cathedral where you fought Phantom and Nightmare for the first time
(and where you took the Pride of Lion).

Examine a puddle of water. Press the X button and then Dante warps to
the underworld at last!

When you land, look at the platform. It is an elevator leading back to
the Cathedral. Look for a dome and insert the Philosopher's Egg into
the hole. Jump into the underworld. The mission ends at last!


You seem to be in a place resembling the human heart. You'll see
passageways blocked by fat. Chop it up and head through. The Statue of

Rip through more fat until you are in another chamber. You must fight
Nightmare one last time! Don't worry- he is as tough as the first time
and by now, he is weak!

Nightmare is definitely a Doosey. He is kinda scary to look at too. In
general, practice hit and run, but when you hit, hit hard. Also, in
every room where you fight him, there are the rune circles you attack to
fill. Without these on, he cannot be hurt, so keep them on at all

Here are his attacks. When you don't have any circle runes filled, he
will try to swallow you. It's your choice, but the 2nd and third fights
I prefer not to let him. Inside of him are minibosses, and sargassos.
His first form has Phantom in it, the second has Griffon, the third has
Nelo Angelo. They will most likely give you green orbs if you beat
them, but it's not a guarentee, and I don't think it's worth it. Just
keep the runes lit, and you can dodge this attack. It looks like a
mound of ooze closing on you. He will often draw electricity from the
circles on the floor, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt you. He will
summon little orbs to shoot you that can be shot down if you like. They
don't do too much damage. However, while they are shooting he will do
several other things. The weakest of which are his little slime things,
that go after you, and eventually make ice crystals to hurt you where
they land. Just run from them and you'll be fine. Even if one catches
you, keep moving and you won't get hurt. He will also shoot rock spears
out of himself 3 times for A LOT of damage, so dodge these. His most
damaging attack by far is his blue beam. You will know it's coming when
his sphere comes out and white lines start flowing across the floor. AT
this time, try your best to either get on top of him, or behind him. If
you are behind him, be ready to jump over it, as he will keep it out for
awhile. The farther back the fight, the longer he keeps it out. In the
third fight, he will keep it out for a good 5 seconds, so be wary.

Damaging him is fairly simple, or so it would seem. With the runes lit,
he will often let his sphere out. It is a bigger orb than the ones that
shoot you, and it has runes on it. Attack it, and it will shatter more
and more until he dies. Getting on top of him is best for this, but Air
Raid is good too. Don't use Ifrit in this fight, as it's too slow. If
you do go inside him and come out alive, he will lose one quarter of his
life. That is a lot, but it's hard work. There's also the chance of
green orbs from the monsters in him.

He's not as easy as the other two, so don't expect an easy fight. If at
all possible, I'd recommend staying on the outside of Nightmare, so you
don't have to fight this battle.


Nightmare finally dies. The mission ends!


In this room, look for ledges that rise from hitting a shield and jump
to a lantern. Hit it to open up a doorway. Head to that doorway. From
there, wander through the halls. Kill all the monsters you see and
follow the path.

This should be relatively easy. Look out for the tentacles protruding
from the walls. Eventually, you should reach a dial that will unlock
the door to Mundus.

Strike it. Then jump down to the entrance. You will now confront
Mundus. The mission ends!


Watch a cut-scene involving Trish and Mundus, you will battle Mundus in
a flying form.

Boss: Mundus
Difficulty: HARD
Mundus is the nefarious leader of the armies you've been battling all
along. Thus he's pretty hard. His first form is a flying angel thing,
and you get to fly too, in super devil mode. Fireballs are your best
bet, as you can shoot him and eventually he'll go down. However, if you
have a devil guage with 3 runes or more, use it. Dante will do a super
attack too cool for words, and it will damage Mundus a LOT. In the air,
the strategy is like that of Starfox 64, or any other rail shooter game.
You can dodge any of his attacks by going in a circular pattern around
the screen.

After his first form, Mundus drops to ground level and settles into a
pit of lava to fight. You should try to dodge most of his attacks, as
they are very damaging. He will also deploy orbs to shoot you, which
you can kill with the shotgun or handguns. He will also send blocks of
earth shooting at you, so just dodge em. His most damaging attacks are
his beam and his fireballs, so dodge those at all costs. His fireballs
come from the sky, so roll out of the way. his other beam attack comes
from him, so dodge it by rolling and jumping as well. To damage him,
you still must mainly rely on ranged weapons. On normal mode you can go
into devil mode and just charge him. Your sword will grow to insane
lengths to damage him quite a bit as well. Use any Invulnerables or
Devil Stars you have in this fight (first or second form).

His third appearance is nothing short of a laugh. Just beat him for a
few seconds and he'll be done. Then watch the cool cg, go into devil
mode and shoot him with Ebony and Ivory, and watch it all come down.


The mission ends!


With Mundus gone, the entire island will collapse. We need to escape in
5 minutes! In the hallway where you first saw Mundus, run back to the
heart organ level. Defeat all enemies in Devil Trigger Mode to unlock
all doors.

Use the Sparda Sword in order to gain the upper edge. When you reach
the start of the Underworld level, ride the elevator back to the fake

Run back to the long hallway from the start of the game and run toward
to room with the airplane. In the long hallway, you don't have to kill
any monsters, unlike in the previous rooms.

In the airplane room, the floor collapses and you end up in the
waterway room where you got the Rusty Key 3. You have to fight Mundus
for the last time.

See above strategy, if you REALLY need help. This should be a very easy

After the battle, ride the plane using the controls similar to that of
the Mundus battle. Eventually, you should reach the exit. DON'T HIT

You just beat Capcom's latest masterpiece, Devil May Cry! Great job!
Now try to beat those harder modes!


8. S E C R E T M I S S I O N W A L K T H R O U G H



After defeating Phantom at the Cathedral (your first encounter with
Phantom), return to that broken bridge you saw and jump down.

This is a hard first secret mission. You need to hit the sin once to
get her to drop her scissors. Then get as close as possible, and shoot
her in the face with the shotgun. Alasotr might work too. I'm betting
devil mode helps a lot too.

It must be a critical hit, or else you can't win the mission.


When Mission 4 begins, enter the Cathedral doors.

To win the mission, equip your Handguns and start killing all the
Phantom Babies on the ground before the time limit ends. The quickness
of the Handguns should have no problem doing this, as the Phantom Baby
dies with one handgun shot. Start near the door, then move slowly up to
the alter. You need to kill 100 in 30 seconds.


Clear Secret Mission 2 and go to that long hallway in the castle. Enter
the room with the time statue and start stomping! You have to kill 100
without weapons. This is fairly easy, and it takes me 1-2 times each
time. It's not hard as long as you keep moving. You must kill 100 in 30
seconds in order to beat this secret mission.


During Mission 4, go to that room with the airplane. Hit that blue
shield and ride the elevator down. Defeat all the shadows. Now this may
be more easily said than done. Dodge their attacks, and shoot them with
the shotgun or grenade launcher when possible. When they turn into the
orb, go wild on them. When they are dead, you can pat yourself on the
back, cuz that was a hard mission. Then ride the elevator back up and
the secret mission is done!


After that light mission in mission 7, go to those waterways you saw a
while back. You have to let the Kyklops in the room with the pipes kill
each other. This is very hard. Get between them and then jump as they
shoot rocks, so they hit each other. You can feel free to weaken them
with your guns if you with, though. After they are all killed, this
mission is done! Do this mission after you kill the Death Scissors.


To beat this, you need to go back to the entrance to the cathedral and
jump on the numerous Sin Scissors. Get up against the front wall, and
jump and wall jump, then jump up the wall by jumping on the Sin
Scissors. Remember that after each jump on an enemy, you can wall jump
again. When you are very high, wall jump towards the screen, ie away
from the wall. You should get the piece. Do this most any time before
you've beaten Nelo Angelo the second time.


Go into the room with the skeleton captain after the ship is filled with
water, and examine the captain. You will go into a large area with 8
blades. You need to kill them all. All in all this is an easy mission.
Just shoot them with the needle gun a few times and they should go down.
Just dodge their blood spikes.


Go to the area where the spikes came out of the revolving floor. This
is where you got either Nightmare Beta or the two lances. Examine the
picture on the wall to start the mission. This is a really hard one, so
do your best. Take out the 3 monsters.


Defeat Nightmare in that cathedral room in Mission 16 and then head to
the room with the airplane inside. Defeat the two Shadows there and the
one in the main hall. Head to the drawbridge of the castle and kill the
final Shadow. This secret mission is done! For Shadow strategy, check
the monsters section.


Basically, after beating Griffon into the ground, come back to this
arena and jump the Sargasso stairway. They are lined up, so it's pretty
easy. At the end, jump on the last one, and jump towards the screen, ie
away from the Sargasso. You should get the piece.


You may want to save your game for this one at the end of Mission 16.
In Mission 17, go to the broken bridge and jump across without falling
down into the water. If you saved, this will be helpful. Just jump on
the Death Scythe and don't let it kill you. You can fly across the
bridge in devil mode if you wish. Also, if you have the runes, and can
get high enough, just fly to the blue orb.


9. I T E M L I S T


Vital Star - Buy them at the Statue of Time. Raises a full bar of

Blue Orb - Buy it or make it with 4 fragments. Raises health

Invulnerable - Buy it at the time statue. Makes you invulnerable and
devil mode for a short period.

Devil Star - Buy it at the time statue. Fills your devil gauge.

Purple Orb - Gives you another devil rune. Buy at time statue.

Yellow Orb - Gives you another continue. Buy at time statue or find

Holy Water - Kills or damages heavily your enemies. Buy at time statue
or find them.

Amulet - You start with it.

Rusty Key - 3 Missions.

Pride of Lion - Mission 3.

Death Sentence - Mission 4.

Melancholy Soul - Mission 4.

Guiding Light - Mission 6.

Trident - Mission 8.

Sign of Chastity - Mission 11.

Chalice - Mission 11.

Staff of Hermes - Mission 13.

Emblem Shield - Mission 14.

Luminite - Mission 15.

Pair of Lances - Mission 15

Wheel of Destiny - Mission 15

Quicksilver - Mission 17

Perfect Amulet - Mission 18

Philosopher's Egg - Mission 18

Elixer - Mission 18

Philosopher's Stone - Mission 19


10. W E A P O N L I S T


This is the default sword of the game. It is weak, but it is
essentially better than nothing. It was used to defeat Mundus though,
storywise. It's true power is sealed currently. It's actual name is

This is a powerful sword Dante will use throughout the game. You can
acquire different strengths for the sword throughout the missions,
using the Red Orbs to purchase them. It is faster than the other
weapons, and it has the lightning element to it. (Orca) I prefer this
weapon above all other devil arms. Dante can do a normal 3 hit combo,
or if you wait a split second on the last hit, a 5 hit combo, adding to
quick upper strokes. If you wait a full second on the last hit, Dante
will do a multi stab combo instead of his final slash. If you keep
pressing the button he can do up to 7 or 8 hits just stabbing!

Dante's fists will turn on fire and you can use them as a weapon. As
with the Alastor, purchase different strengths for this weapon as you
proceed through the game. These are a lot slower than Alastor, but what
they lose in speed they make up for in power. Dante can do a 4 hit
combo with them, and he can charge each hit to do insane damage.
Rolling blaze makes these gloves 100% better too.

This gigantic sword is Dante's and his father's most powerful weapon.
It resembles something Cloud might use in FF7. It is much more powerful
than either Ifrit or Alastor, and it's speed is great. It will change
forms depending upon what you do. If you do Stinger, it will turn
itself into a spear, and lengthen itself at the last second to do 2 hits
instead of one. If you do Round Trip it will turn into a scythe.

These are the weakest guns in the game. But they fire fairly quickly.
Use them against the bosses of the beginning of the game because their
quickness can distract them for very valuable seconds. These dual Desert
Eagles could take out a normal person in one shot, but, go figure,
devils apparently don't mind the .50 caliber bullets. Anyway, you can
juggle enemies and fire quickly. These guns are great (Orca).

This is a powerful, but slow gun. The recoil is fairly powerful, so
don't completely rely on it against bosses. Two or three shots can blow
most beasts down, making them weak enough to use your Ifrit or Alastor
to finish them off.

Fires slightly slower than the Shotgun, but packs a MUCH bigger punch.
Most monster die after only 2 or three shots. Bosses cripple very
quickly with this very useful weapon. The power overpowers the recoil
of this gun. This gun is good against mid level bosses, but as you get
to the end it starts doing too little damage. Against common monsters
like Blades and Nobody's, this gun is great. (CVX's favorite).

This gun can only function underwater. It is somewhat accurate, and it
is reliable. Not exactly the easiest weapon to control, but is
definitely better than nothing. Fairly powerful. It shoots six times
before Dante needs to reload it.

This weapon is powerful based on the power of Dante's Devil Trigger. It
is accurate, but make sure Dante is in Devil Trigger Mode to utilize
the power of this unorthodox gun. Overall however, the style of this
gun makes it fairly useless. Don't use it unless you are just going for
fun factor against normal monsters.


11. B O S S L I S T


So what does it take to defeat a boss? Good controls? Difficulty mode?
The proper weapons? Yes, it takes all that. But there is one thing that
nothing beats when it comes to defeating bosses: logic!

To beat bosses, you must use your common sense. Learn to take advantage
of the arena in which you are battling. Certain areas may shield you
from danger or may be the point of origin for a powerful attack.

Learn to dodge attacks, too. I shouldn't have to tell you this, but
jumping to avoid attacks is very smart and a lot of people forget how
simple that tactic may actually be.

Use the weapons I recommend. They are the best choices for the boss.
Getting caught with the Handguns in your hand for a boss requiring the
Grenade Gun (Griffon) would be a nasty and time-consuming effort. You'd
probably die from Griffon if you used the Handguns, SO USE YOUR LOGIC
strategies provided, rest assured.


This is a pretty difficult boss for the beginning of the game. You will
need your Alastor and Shotgun for this evil boss. Start attacking it by
jumping and then slashing down.

This boss has several attacks, and you need to know them and when to
expect them to win this fight. His primary attack is a sweep with his
leg/pincer. He will do this if you are near, so just expect it. He
will put his head into the ground, and 4-6 lava geysurs will erupt.
Just keep walking or running to avoid them. His signature move is his
fireball, which he will charge in a white hot orb in his mouth, then
release momentarily. Just roll out of it's way. If you are feeling
lucky, and are at some distance, you can reflect it with Alastor.
Don't try to jump over it, as he will aim it and hit you. If you are on
his back, he will try to use his scorpion stinger on you. It's not to
hard to avoid. The last attack, which I find most deadly, is his jump.
He will jump at you, and land where you were. My best tactic is to
jump, and keep hitting triangle so as to jump off of him while he's in
the air. Then you will land on him, and it's all good.

To beat him, primarily you need to use melee attacks. The best way to
get him is up on his back. Get up there, and start slashing away.
Remember that only his attacks hurt you, he's not one of those bosses
from Mario who will hurt you if you even touch him. Disregard the demo
at the beginning of the game where they get up and shoot him, as
shooting does little damage. If you have it use, Air Raid. If you have
Ifrit (second time only) then you can use the blazing jump to jump off
of him repeatedly, then jump kick him. When he's at some distance, feel
free to blast away at him with whatever you've got. These strategies
apply for all appearences of Phantom (yes, there are many) because
he never really changes. The one thing he learns later on is a meteor
attack, where fire comes out of his back, then rains down. As with the
lava, just keep running to avoid it.

Nelo Angelo appears 3 times, and the 3rd is harder than the first 2.
His name means non angel in Spanish (now they can't say you didn't learn
anything from this game).

He has a few attacks, learn them to avoid them. He has a basic
Slash/Slash/Double Slash combo, similar to your own, with the timing
done right. Just run from this one, as even dodging all 4 slashes at
close range can be really tough. He has a stinger like move, which he
usually teleports before. He'll put his sword in a stabbing stance,
like the Gotetsu from Kenshin. Then he will charge an INSANE distance
and skewer you if he can. Roll out of the way, and hack away at him.
He will teleport more often than not, so as to catch you unawares. Each
time he teleports, be ready to dodge, as he will come out of it with an
attack. He has fireballs that he takes a second to charge, and if you
can hit him in that second, good for you, you'll disrupt him. If you
can't dodge it, it isn't that hard. He also has the upper slash, then
the dive slash. This will hit you even in the air, so beware.

To kill him, you have to strike at the right times. Right after he
attacks is good. You can't just blindly run in, as he will block you.
If you can get into devil trigger mode, then he can't block your last 2
hits, to hack away at him. But beware, he has a move where he holds his
sword horizontally that basically nothing can deter him from. Jump if
you see him doing this. Don't ever try to hit him after a teleport. He
is quite full of himself, and taunts you often. Feel free to fix his
face at this moment. He will also prepare for some moves by holding his
sword straight up. Hit him while he's doing this, and he'll reel
backwards. If you hit him again, he'll be stunned and you can hack at
him a bit. Generally just hit and run, don't use the guns to often as
they do little damage, and he will block them, or even better shoot his
fireballs at you.

His third form is the same as the first two, but he's bigger and
stronger. Besides that, it's all good.


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs within Nightmare, which is not really a
boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target the air,
not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel to the
ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one, duck the
second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non) battle, so
just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot up and down
rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him from Dante's
point of view, and go back and forth between the lines shooting. He
will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes above your view
level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the second battle
he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that will attach
itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot it to
destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon does very
little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a battleground,
manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often. In the third
battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half, and shoot down
at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too. For the second
part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's near.

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never liked the Nightmare B much
either, as it's so weak and takes your devil gauge.
Whenever he gets close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit or
Alastor. He shouldn't be too tough.


Nightmare is definitely a Doosey. He is kinda scary to look at too. In
general, practice hit and run, but when you hit, hit hard. Also, in
every room where you fight him, there are the rune circles you attack to
fill. Without these on, he cannot be hurt, so keep them on at all

Here are his attacks. When you don't have any circle runes filled, he
will try to swallow you. It's your choice, but the 2nd and third fights
I prefer not to let him. Inside of him are minibosses, and sargassos.
His first form has Phantom in it, the second has Griffon, the third has
Nelo Angelo. They will most likely give you green orbs if you beat
them, but it's not a guarentee, and I don't think it's worth it. Just
keep the runes lit, and you can dodge this
attack. It looks like a mound of ooze closing on you. He will often
draw electricity from the circles on the floor, but I'm pretty sure it
doesn't hurt you. He will summon little orbs to shoot you that can be
shot down if you like. They don't do too much damage. However, while
they are shooting he will do several other things. The weakest of which
are his little slime things, that go after you, and eventually make ice
crystals to hurt you where they land. Just run from them and you'll be
fine. Even if one catches you, keep moving and you won't get hurt. He
will also shoot rock spears out of himself 3 times for A LOT of damage,
so dodge these. His most damaging attack by far is his blue beam. You
will know it's coming when his sphere comes out and white lines start
flowing across the floor. AT this time, try your best to either
get on top of him, or behind him. If you are behind him, be ready to
jump over it, as he will keep it out for awhile. The farther back the
fight, the longer he keeps it out. In the third fight, he will keep it
out for a good 5 seconds, so be wary.

Damaging him is fairly simple, or so it would seem. With the runes lit,
he will often let his sphere out. It is a bigger orb than the ones that
shoot you, and it has runes on it. Attack it, and it will shatter more
and more until he dies. Getting on top of him is best for this, but Air
Raid is good too. Don't use Ifrit in this fight, as it's too slow. If
you do go inside him and come out alive, he will lose one quarter of his
life. That is a lot, but it's hard work. There's also the chance of
green orbs from the monsters in him.

Boss: Mundus
Difficulty: HARD
Mundus is the nefarious leader of the armies you've been battling all
along. Thus he's pretty hard. His first form is a flying angel thing,
and you get to fly too, in super devil mode. Fireballs are your best
bet, as you can shoot him and eventually he'll go down. However, if you
have a devil guage with 3 runes or more, use it. Dante will do a super
attack too cool for words, and it will damage Mundus a LOT. In the air,
the strategy is like that of Starfox 64, or any other rail shooter game.
You can dodge any of his attacks by going in a circular pattern around
the screen.

After his first form, Mundus drops to ground level and settles into a
pit of lava to fight. You should try to dodge most of his attacks, as
they are very damaging. He will also deploy orbs to shoot you, which
you can kill with the shotgun or handguns. He will also send blocks of
earth shooting at you, so just dodge em. His most damaging attacks are
his beam and his fireballs, so dodge those at all costs. His fireballs
come from the sky, so roll out of the
way. his other beam attack comes from him, so dodge it by rolling and
jumping as well. To damage him, you still must mainly rely on ranged
weapons. On normal mode you can go into devil mode and just charge him.
Your sword will grow to insane lengths to damage him quite a bit as
well. Use any Invulnerables or Devil Stars you have in this fight
(first or second form).

His third appearance is nothing short of a laugh. Just beat him for a
few seconds and he'll be done. Then watch the cool cg, go into devil
mode and shoot him with Ebony and Ivory, and watch it all come down.


12. M O N S T E R L I S T


These are the basic monsters of the game. The zombies from Resident
Evil as it were. They have a few attacks, all easily dodged. They will
wind up and spin at you with blades out. They will spin their weapons
(gun, knives, or crescent blades) and throw them. The blades travel
curved, the knives and bullets straight. Very few have guns, but kill
them first as guns hurt a lot. They can slash you like any normal fool.
They can jump on your back and hack at you. Whirl the left stick to
dislodge them. Overall, any weapon is good, these guys are only hard
when there are tons of them attacking each which way.

Slightly stronger than the Marionettes, thes look the exact same as red
marionettes. Same strategy, just they take longer to kill. These are
level 2 zombies.

This gals are always laughing hysterically, and slashing at you. Knock
the scissors out of the way and go in for the kill. The only thing you
can hurt is their mask. Alastor or the shotgun are great choices. When
they die, their scissors come spinning to the ground. Watch out for

These are similar to the scissors above. They will throw their scythe's
sometimes, and they travel forwards then back, like a boomerang, so be
careful to dodge it both times. They will sometims slash you and draw
you in. Whirl the left stick to break free. They make little floating
pins, so beware when they do, for if they get you in a hold, it may be a
one hit kill. They will also slash at you in a horizontal slash. They
rotate around you very quickly sometimes, so keep shooting, and moving,
to distract them. When they die, their scythes come spinning to the
ground, one last shot at you. Dodge it. Shotgun or the pistols are
good against em.

These guys are really hard, but not as bad as Death Scythe. They will
attack with spinning dives, whirling scissors, or the normal scissors
jab. Just use the shotgun and Alastor (for range) as much as possible
to take these suckers out.

These Phantom like foes aren't too easy. Use the grenade gun to hit
them from long range, and if it comes to it, Ifrit is the best for close
range, especially with rolling blaze. They attack with clones of
Phantom's attacks basically. They shoot rocks instead of fire, so it
won't travel as far, and you can't reflect it with Alastor. They will
jump on you if possible, and swipe at you with their legs. However,
they can't change from Spider to Scorpion like Phantom did, so they
can't sting you, or use the lava geysurs. They will also hurt each
other if their are too and they hit each other.

The Alastor and Shotgun will be your best friend once again. Start by
shooting it while at close range. Remember to dodge. The shotgun takes
a huge toll on it and it will be weakened soon.

Shadow eventually turns into some liquid orb. START SLASHING IT WITH THE
Devil Trigger mode, as you will bring him down to red status in one go.
The Alastor is ineffective while Shadow is in Tiger Mode and the Shotgun
is ineffective while in Liquid Mode. After he turns red, just dodge him
at all costs. He will eventually explode. If you does catch you, he
will explode with you in his mouth; very damaging.

The Shadow attacks somewhat intense, so return to the study to recharge

Once Shadow is dead, the door above opens.

These slimy things are quite repulsive, but not too hard. They fly
around and spew maggots at you. Now, as we all know from science (I'm
sure) maggots actually clean wounds, not hurt you. But these are evil
demon maggots, and they do hurt you. Do jump slash or stinger to shake
the maggots off. Use guns to knock these suckers out of the air, any
gun will do. There are two varieties, the walking and the flying, both
are easy. Stay clear when they die, or maggots will attack you.

These guys are good for making money off of. They often multiply, so
you can kill tons of them at a time. They aren't easy however. Ranged
attacks prove the best, but often kill them before you get the number of
red orbs you were hoping for. These guys have your attacks, which are
very numerous. They have the 4 hit sword combo, the high time slash
combo, the short range stinger, the kick 13, the 4 hit Ifrit combo, the
jumping Ifrit kick, and the Ifrit uppercut. Overall, try to stay away
from them. They also have their own laser beam which goes horizontally.
They charge before it. You can dodge all of their attacks, and they
will hurt each other. To dodge the laser, roll towards it (left/right)
not away. You will roll through it. They often turn into bats if
you go higher then them as well. The bat has a vertical laser and a
wave it shoots, both easy to dodge. To kill them, the shotgun is great,
and Sparda is great. Either Ifrit or Alastor are okay too. Air Raid is
a quick and easy too, especially with vortex.

These lizard demons look hard, but they are only average in reality.
They will jump or lunge at you, so dodge that. They can tunnel
underground then come up for a jump attack. They can also shoot bloody
spikes at you from long range. Just dodge them and shoot with the
grenade gun. When they are down, slash or punch them. There are bigger
and smaller versions, but they act the same, besides stamina.

Sargassos appear near the beginning of the game, and later inside of
Nightmare. They are floating skulls, and are generally very easy to
beat. They have 2 attacks, their chomping move which they use to bite
you at close range, and their breath, which they will hit you with from
medium to close range. Both are easy to dodge and see coming. In the
beginning of the game, the pistols and Alastor are easy to use, later in
the game you can kill them any way you like. Inside Nightmare there is
a leveled up one with a symbol on his face. He just attacks slightly
faster, so don't worry.

Nobodies have to by far be one of my most detested monsters. Not really
because they are hard, but because they do a victory dance after they
kill, or even hit you. They sound like monkeys also, which I hate.
Generally I just roll out of the way and hit them with the grenade gun.
If you have to at close range, I'd recommend the Alastor. They will try
to jump attack you often, so watch out for that. They also charge you
like the Blades do. Another thing to watch out for: when they die their
bodies explode, so don't get near. And keep moving, or this claw thing
comes out of the ground to hurt you.

These are like level 3 zombies. They are stronger and harder than the
last two types. They can shoot fire, which they lean back before, or
block you. If they block you, the attack is almost un-dodgeable. They
can throw spinning wheels of fire as well, I'd recommend jumping over
those. They will also wind up and spin towards you. If you can hit
them while they're winding up, they won't do a thing. They of course
also have the normal single slash. Use the handguns to juggle them, or
any weapon you like. These guys are easy.

Being made of ice, I think we can all assume that Ifrit is a good
choice. However, I prefer to stay at long range with all the attacks
that they've got, and I use the grenade gun. Just keep dodging and
shooting. They can jump straight up, then come down and make a fairly
wide ice patch. Stay away to dodge that one. They will jump or lunge
at you, so just dodge. They will also sometimes stand their for a
second, invulnerable, then go into an ice cube. This I'm pretty sure
raises their health. To deter them, hit the ice cube while they heal,
so they don't heal as much. They can also shoot either two clumps of
icicles, or one large radial bunch. Lastly, they can hit the ground
to send a heat seaking icicle patch at you.

These guys are really tough. I can't even really be sure of their
attacks, or how to dodge them. Here are the ones I know. They will
often dive at you from high heights. Just roll out of the way. They
will appear in front of you and slash you. My best strategy is to stand
still until they appear, then slash. This will stop their slash and
throw them off balance. Then you can hit them. They also sometimes try
to grab you and draw you in. Whirl the left stick to get lose. If you
don't they do a one hit kill. They also sometimes send 4 spinning
scythes after you, which is insanely hard to dodge. They will also make
columns of earth send you flying skyward, then bat you back to earth
with the scythe. Should this happen, do the jump attack as you go down,
to make sure you hit them, not vice versa.

I'm pretty sure guns are useless against them, so rely on Alastor. Good



13. R A N K I N G


What to know how to get the highest ranking, S? Follow my guidelines!

You have to beat missions quickly, just run past most enemies in boss
levels to get it over with.

When fighting bosses, don't lose much life.

Try to kill as much as you can, even though it takes time.

Get lots of items (red orbs, etc).

Use weaker weapons to show skill.

Primarily, you need to beat stages fast and not get hurt. Now, doing
secret missions takes time, so don't always bust your back trying to get
an S. Yes, it will give you 1500 red orbs, but that's not always worth
it. Also try to get lot's of "AWESOME"s and "STYLISH"s.

To get a good kill rating, you need to switch up your moves, or do one
over and over without getting hit. If you stinger an enemy 5-6 times in
a row, you should get AWESOME, and STYLISH for a few more. Try
different things.


14. S T O R Y


According to legend, 2000 years ago while snow was falling on a clear,
freezing night on Earth, a fierce devil prince was born deep in the
darkest pit of the netherworld.

He grew rapidly. Within a short time he gained his full powers and took
into the Devil Throne. His first act as a ruler of all devils was to
declare himself emperor of the Devil Kingdom. His next feat was an
invasion of the human world. His plan was to conquer it and rule over
both the lower and upper realms.

But a powerful devil-knight known as Sparda took pity on humans for
their brief, transient lives. In fierce battles he defeated all the
Devil ruler's armies and finally imprisoned him in a sealed vault.

Having achieved his victory, Sparda abandoned the Devil Kingdom to live
in the human world. He married a human woman and soon fathered a half
devil, half man son.

But beware, mankind. After 2000 years, the cursed Devil Emperor will be
released and will return to invade the human world once again.

Sparda's son must be our protector!

-From Devil World History (age unknown)
house in the library of Forbidden Books


15. C H A R A C T E R B I O G R A P H I E S


Dante is a freelance underground mercenary in modern America. But his
secret persona is even more extraordinary! He slays bloodthirsty devils
from the depths of burning hell with his huge sword and dual-wielded
handguns. Even a devil may cry begging for Dante's mercy.

Dante's Mother and Brother were killed, or so he thinks, by a demon.
That demon is Mundus. Mundus actually made Vergil, Dante's brother,
into Nelo Angelo. Kinda sad to kill your brother. Mundus also killed
Dante's mother, and made a clone of her, for she was so powerful, the
clone was called Trish.

Trish is a hauntingly beautiful woman who invites Dante to Mallet
Island, gateway to the devil world. She possesses supernatural powers
and vast knowledge about devils. It is said she knows Dante's secret
history. But what is her true identity and purpose?

Trish is a clone of Dante's mother. She has quite some power, and she
is actually in league with Mundus. She saves Dante in the end however,
so never fear. At the end, she and Dante are out to kill more Evil!


16. V E R S I O N S O F D E V I L M A Y C R Y


This is the American/European version of the game.

This is the Japanese version of the game. The cover is similar to that
of the US one, apparently.

This is the first demo version released with Capcom's BioHazard CODE:
Veronica Complete for PS2. It contains a few missions. The game also
looks slightly different from the other demo.

This is the American demo, which is supposedly different from the
Japanese version. Any input is appreciated!


17. M Y P E R S O N A L R E V I E W



Survival Horror is in no doubt my favorite genre. I played the
Resident Evil series and loved. I played Silent Hill 1 and loved it.

CVX: But I played Silent Hill 2 and didn't like it. Devil May Cry is
released and this is undoubtably the best game of the year, hands


Orca: I'd have to say that I really appreciate the action aspect of this
game. It's like a horror movie crossed with the Matrix. And everybody
knows Dante's going to win, because he's such a BAD ***!.


CVX: Devil May Cry is simply another Capcom and Shinji Mikami (Resident
Evil creator) masterpiece that has already filled the void that Silent
Hill 2 caused for me.


Orca: I didn't mind Silent Hill 2 much at all. I really liked it. It
wasn't the same style game, I think CVX prefers the action and head
exploding action. I like the deep plot behind Silent Hill, and the
increased scare factor.


Graphics: 9
CVX: The graphics in this game are marvelous. They are clean, crisp and
look amazing for a PS2 game. Devil May Cry is a great upgrade from
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X on the PS2. Dante and the monsters all
have that detail and uniqueness to them. But jaggies are apparent in
this game, but not in an annoying way.


Orca: The graphics are very well done. I look at FFX now, and I don't
see much of a difference between the two. Maybe Tidus looks a bit
sharper in normal gameplay, but not much. This game is really


Sound: 10
CVX: Unlike Survival Horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill,
Devil May Cry doesn't really focus on slow, scary music. The music is
fast paced, especially when monsters are near. One thing I love is that
the soundtrack is simply enjoyable and gives a different survival horror
feel to it.


Orca: The music is nice in this game. It gets you hyped when you're
fighting, and then it kind of dulls down when you're alone, like in
Metal Gear 2. I don't know if I'd give it a ten, but it is well done.


Gameplay: 10
CVX: Unlike Silent Hill where your character moves like a tank, Dante
moves freely throughout the prerendered worlds. The goal of the game is
simply to kill every monster in sight with your sword, similar to that
of Onimusha: Warlords. But what makes this title more unique is the
mixture of guns. You can use a Shotgun, Handgun and Sword throughout
the game. Solid gameplay, with nothing too repetative. Go Devil May


Orca: Dante's control scheme is different than Silent Hill, but I don't
see that different makes one worse than the other. Silent Hill was
meant to be harder to control. As this is an action game, I apreciate
that the control is a normal 2d style, so that I can really get into the
action. Unlike Onimusha where I couldn't even manage to turn the guy
the right way!


Fun Factor: 10
CVX: The last time I saw fun was with Silent Hill and Resident Evil 3:
Nemesis. But now, Devil May Cry redefines fun. There are many things
to do within these worlds. You solve puzzles, kill off monsters and
collect orbs. Unlike the key-fest called Silent Hill 2, Devil May Cry
simply revolutionizes fun. Cool!


Orca: This game is definitely awesome. All you have to do is sit down
for two minutes before you're hooked on Dante's awesome jumping and
shooting prowess. I could play this game to death before I got bored.
It's really fun.


Replay Value: 7
CVX: There still isn't as much replay value as Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
or Silent Hill, but playing the missions over and over again is still
fun, because of the concept of the entire story.


Orca: With the several hidden modes, this game has a lot of replay
value. I'm still trying for that Dante Must Die mode.


Story: 8
CVX: Dante is half man, half... angel? No, half Devil. He is trying to
redeem himself of that, so he goes through these missions to get to
his goal. The entire concept is not as great as Silent Hill or
Resident Evil, but it hangs in there.


Orca: There's something to be said for an action game with very little
plot. I don't mind this at all because it lets you get to the action
faster. Metal Gear Solid has an excellent plot, but it takes around
half the game time to watch it all! This game has a few short concise
cut scenes to explain the story, then back to the action! I appreciate


Overall: 10
CVX: Devil May Cry is another Capcom masterpiece title that will never
leave my hands. It is fun, unique and a cool game. If you are torn
between Silent Hill 2 and Devil May Cry, definitely get Devil May Cry.


Orca: Yes, this game is as good as the other greats out. If you want
something for your birthday, and it's a PS2, get Metal Gear Solid 2,
Final Fantasy 10, and this.


Last word: (CVX) Devil May Cry will be a sought after PlayStation 2
title for a VERY long time!


(Orca) Actually I just got this game recently, and it's been out for
about half a year now. I'm having a blast, and it's not old feeling at


Reviewer's Score: 10 / 10, Originally Posted on 10/19/2001


18. S P O I L E R - F R E E W A L K T H R O U G H



Run up the stone path after all the cut-scenes. Grab the Yellow Orb
nearby. At the end of the path, you should see a hole you should enter.
Enter the hole and you are in the Main Hall.

To continue, you must collect 45 Red Orbs that are scattered throughout
the entire room.

Head up the staircase and grab Red Orbs in spaces you cannot yet see.
Practice your jumping ability while doing so. You'll see a Statue of
Time, but as of now, it is inactive.

Once you have collected 45 Red Orbs, run to the door with those
skeleton faces. Pay them 45 Red Orbs and then the door will open.
Travel through the door.

A gate is nearby- the exit to this damn castle. Unfortunately, the gate
is lowered and Dante will need an item to open it. Nearby are knight
statues. Slash them for Red Orbs.

[Note: Whenever you see tables, knight statues or other things that
seem to stand out from the background, slash them. They usually contain
Red Orbs. Some may even reveal some useful weapons!]

Head through the next set of doors. In this room, climb the staircase.
Head through the hole at the top and look at the Marionette for a Rusty

Take it back to the Main Hall and unlock the blue doors. Marionettes
attack, so slash them up with your Force Edge. Down the staircase, go
to a room that is blue, on the second floor. Look in the water for a
Blue Orb Fragment.

Travel back to the Main Hall. There, unlock the blue doors and pass
through them. Dante is now in a room with a giant plane. The red doors
nearby are locked, but slash some tables up for prizes.

Look in the corner for some round shield and slash it with your Force
Edge Sword. Once the Kanji symbols are fully lit, ride the elevator
below Dante's feet down.

In this arena, destroy all the Marionettes. Legions will attack Dante,
but they will pose little threat if you Jump and Slash down and slow
them down with your Handguns.

Once they are all dead, ride the elevator back up to the airplane room.
Back there, kill the now-live Marionettes. This shouldn't be difficult.
After they all die, the red doors nearby unlock.

If the tense music stops but the door is still locked, there is a
Marionette SOMEWHERE in the room that is alive. Kill it.

Head through the red doors to end the first mission!


You are now in a long hallway.

Head right from the door you are at. The door Dante is in front of
leads back to the room with the plane. If you need supplies, head to
the small door to the left.

Inside, use the Statue of Time and spend some Red Orbs for Vital Stars
and Yellow Orbs. These are needed throughout the game to survive this
Mallet Island nightmare.

[Note: Whenever you see those Statue of Times, PURCHASE SUPPLIES! You
can purchase strategies for future weapons when you get those weapons.
Items are important. You cannot survive without them.]

Outside in the Long Hallway, head passed the double doors all the way
down the hall, killing any monsters that get in your way. At this
point, killing monsters is needed to gather Red Orbs.

At the end is a Sword stuck into some type of wall. Grab it and Dante
can now use Devil Trigger and his new Alastor! The Alastor is stronger
than the Force Edge, so this is great.

The wall where the Alastor was changes, and that is the goal of the
mission now.

Enter the nearby double doors from where you got the Alastor. In this
Library, slash up any tables you may see. One of the tables on the
second floor hides a Shotgun. That Shotgun is an important weapon!

[Note: Replace the Dual Handguns with the Shotgun. The Shotgun is much
more useful. The Dual Handguns will only be used occasionally
throughout the rest of the game.]

Examine one of the paintings for a Rusty Key. Take it to the double
doors halfway through the Long Hall and unlock them. In the Fountain
Room, kill every monster. The Shotgun will be a very good weapon to

The Blue Force Field blocks some tiger statue, so look for the stairs
and jump your way across several platforms. A door at the end is your
destination, so head through the doors.

In the Tomb Room, kill all the monsters. The door you just came through
is now locked and the hand that protrudes from it can hurt you. Kill
all the monsters in this room and examine the coffin halfway through
the room.

Slash at it and it should push back. Climb down the newly revealed
ladder. Grab the shining object- the Staff of Judgement! A portion of
the room will spin, making the exit to this weird room.

Head through and you are in the library again, where you got the
Shotgun. Exit back to the Long Hall. Sin Scissors will attack you.

The most efficient way to kill them is to jump and slash at them with
the Alastor and then shoot them with the Shotgun. This is the quickest
way to kill them, because their scissors (as their name suggests) can
be very damaging. After they are all dead, travel back to the Long

Go to where you took the Alastor and examine the skeleton door. Use the
Staff of Judgement to unlock the door. Enter and you are in the

The mission ends!


In the Cathedral, all doors leading out are blocked. Head up the set of
stairs and examine the Pride of Lion. One of the doors will open, so
head through.

Outside is the Bridge area, called the Path of Trials. Remember that
name, because this area will be revisited later. Cross the bridge and
examine everything at that side.

Attempt to return to the Cathedral and you will drop to the water
below. Below, step on the circle in the center and six Sargasso attack
you. Use the Shotgun to dispose of them. AVOID GETTING HURT.

Once they are all dead, step onto the center platform to warp back to
the bridge above. The bridge is now broken, but you are on the
Cathedral side. To get back to the other side, you can try to jump all
the platforms or head down and defeat the six skeletons again.

Return to where you left the Pride of Lion. Grab it and the first boss

This is a pretty difficult boss for the beginning of the game. You will
need your Alastor and Shotgun for this evil boss. Start attacking it by
jumping and then slashing down.

This boss has several attacks, and you need to know them and when to
expect them to win this fight. His primary attack is a sweep with his
leg/pincer. He will do this if you are near, so just expect it. He
will put his head into the ground, and 4-6 lava geysurs will erupt.
Just keep walking or running to avoid them. His signature move is his
fireball, which he will charge in a white hot orb in his mouth, then
release momentarily. Just roll out of it's way. If you are feeling
lucky, and are at some distance, you can reflect it with Alastor. Don't
try to jump over it, as he will aim it and hit you. If you are on his
back, he will try to use his scorpion stinger on you. It's not to hard
to avoid. The last attack, which I find most deadly, is his jump. He
will jump at you, and land where you were. My best tactic is to jump,
and keep hitting triangle so as to jump off of him while he's in the
air. Then you will land on him, and it's all good.

To beat him, primarily you need to use melee attacks. The best way to
get him is up on his back. Get up there, and start slashing away.
Remember that only his attacks hurt you, he's not one of those bosses
from Mario who will hurt you if you even touch him. Disregard the demo
at the beginning of the game where they get up and shoot him, as
shooting does little damage. If you have it use, Air Raid. If you have
Ifrit (second time only) then you can use the blazing jump to jump off
of him repeatedly, then jump kick him. When he's at some distance, feel
free to blast away at him with whatever you've got. These strategies
apply for all appearences of Phantom (yes, there are many) because
he never really changes. The one thing he learns later on is a meteor
attack, where fire comes out of his back, then rains down. As with the
lava, just keep running to avoid it.

Return through the doors to the Long Hallway from the last mission. The
mission ends!


You are back in that long hallway. Now, RUN toward the fountain room
halfway through the hall. Phantom chases you into the room! AHHH!

You can kill it for some Red Orbs, or run into the study. I suggest you
run into the fountain room. Once you leave the room through any door,
Phantom will leave.

In the fountain room, use the Pride of Lion on that force field. A mini
boss fight will occur.

The Alastor and Shotgun will be your best friend again. Start by
shooting it while at close range. Remember to dodge. The shotgun takes
a huge toll on it and it will be weakened soon.

Shadow eventually turns into some liquid orb. START SLASHING IT WITH THE
Devil Trigger mode, as you will bring him down to red status in one go.
The Alastor is ineffective while Shadow is in Tiger Mode and the Shotgun
is ineffective while in Liquid Mode. After he turns red, just dodge him
at all costs. He will eventually explode. If you does catch you, he
will explode with you in his mouth; very damaging.

The Shadow attacks somewhat intense, so return to the study to recharge

Once Shadow is dead, the door above opens.

Head through the door the battle opened, right after Shadow is dead.
Inside this high room, slash that shield similar to the one you saw in
Mission 1.

See the circle on the ground? Step on it and it rises to the top, near
a shining object. Jump towards the shining object. It is the Death

Head back down and travel up the staircase. There are double doors
nearby for you to go through. In this bedroom, insert the Death
Sentence into the statue next to the mirror.

Grab the Melancholy Soul item that drops. Head through the doors
leading outside.

Nelo Angelo appears 3 times, and the 3rd is harder than the first 2.
His name means non angel in Spanish (now they can't say you didn't learn
anything from this game).

He has a few attacks, learn them to avoid them. He has a basic
Slash/Slash/Double Slash combo, similar to your own, with the timing
done right. Just run from this one, as even dodging all 4 slashes at
close range can be really tough. He has a stinger like move, which he
usually teleports before. He'll put his sword in a stabbing stance,
like the Gotetsu from Kenshin. Then he will charge an INSANE distance
and skewer you if he can. Roll out of the way, and hack away at him.
He will teleport more often than not, so as to catch you unawares. Each
time he teleports, be ready to dodge, as he will come out of it with an
attack. He has fireballs that he takes a second to charge, and if you
can hit him in that second, good for you, you'll disrupt him. If you
can't dodge it, it isn't that hard. He also has the upper slash, then
the dive slash. This will hit you even in the air, so beware.

To kill him, you have to strike at the right times. Right after he
attacks is good. You can't just blindly run in, as he will block you.
If you can get into devil trigger mode, then he can't block your last 2
hits, to hack away at him. But beware, he has a move where he holds his
sword horizontally that basically nothing can deter him from. Jump if
you see him doing this. Don't ever try to hit him after a teleport. He
is quite full of himself, and taunts you often. Feel free to fix his
face at this moment. He will also prepare for some moves by holding his
sword straight up. Hit him while he's doing this, and he'll reel
backwards. If you hit him again, he'll be stunned and you can hack at
him a bit. Generally just hit and run, don't use the guns to often as
they do little damage, and he will block them, or even better shoot his
fireballs at you.

His third form is the same as the first two, but he's bigger and
stronger. Besides that, it's all good.

The mission ends.

You begin in the courtyard. Now you have exactly 3 minutes to use it to
unlock the door on the bottom of the tall room inside the castle (where
you rode that large elevator to get the Death Sentence).

You must battle a Shadow, SO KILL IT QUICKLY! After Shadow is dead,
jump to the highest area and jump down the hole.

Enter the double doors to the bedroom and head through the other door
to that tall room. Jump all the way down to the bottom and use the
Melancholy Soul on the thin door by the foot of the staircase.

Use it before the 3 minute timer ends.


Go to the door passed the fountain room if the 3 minute times runs out.
Remember the room where you pushed the tombstone? Passed it is a
Prisoner Statue. Use it to recharge it.

Return to that staircase, but a Shadow occupies the Fountain Room. Kill
it and get to that staircase! If you can't kill THAT Shadow, try
recharging it again and again until you get it.

Once you enter through the blue door at the bottom of the stairs, the
mission ends!


From the door, head right. Head to the nearest door you see to Dante's
right. Inside the little hole with a shining object, grab yet another
Rusty Key. (Why doesn't Dante just keep the ones he gets? :/)

Little bugs will then attack Dante. The Shotgun will take care of these
annoying runts. Exit and Beezlebub will be in the hall. Enter the hall
across, collect several items and break the Orb Vase.

Use the Rusty Key to unlock the door nearby. Travel through this lit
hallway and kill the Sin Scissors. Passed them is the Guiding Light.
Collect it and the mission ends!


Remember the bedroom? Return there now, and quickly because Dante's
energy will drain as you go. There are Green Orbs around to recharge
your energy, so keep aiming back for the bedroom.

Phantom will appear again. Phantom will vanish, though. Kill ALL Sin
Scythes you see in the final room, including a little corridor halfway
through the hallway with the exit to these waterways.

The door leading to the staircase will unlock. Head through and climb
the stairs to the master bedroom. Don't stop for anything except for
Green Orbs.

Go to the bedroom and the statue with the sun and then a new door will
be revealed. This relatively quick mission ends.


You appear on a narrow platform above the Main Hall from the beginning
of the game. Jump across another platform to get to a new door. You
might want to get some Red Orbs by exploring the areas from the first
few missions.

Otherwise, travel through the door. There is a Statue of Time here, so
purchase supplies. Head through the mouth-like door. Phantom will
battle you again. The strategies are basically the same.

This is a pretty difficult boss for the beginning of the game. You will
need your Alastor and Shotgun for this evil boss. Start attacking it by
jumping and then slashing down.

This boss has several attacks, and you need to know them and when to
expect them to win this fight. His primary attack is a sweep with his
leg/pincer. He will do this if you are near, so just expect it. He
will put his head into the ground, and 4-6 lava geysurs will erupt.
Just keep walking or running to avoid them. His signature move is his
fireball, which he will charge in a white hot orb in his mouth, then
release momentarily. Just roll out of it's way. If you are feeling
lucky, and are at some distance, you can reflect it with Alastor. Don't
try to jump over it, as he will aim it and hit you. If you are on his
back, he will try to use his scorpion stinger on you. It's not to hard
to avoid. The last attack, which I find most deadly, is his jump. He
will jump at you, and land where you were. My best tactic is to jump,
and keep hitting triangle so as to jump off of him while he's in the
air. Then you will land on him, and it's all good.

To beat him, primarily you need to use melee attacks. The best way to
get him is up on his back. Get up there, and start slashing away.
Remember that only his attacks hurt you, he's not one of those bosses
from Mario who will hurt you if you even touch him. Disregard the demo
at the beginning of the game where they get up and shoot him, as
shooting does little damage. If you have it use, Air Raid. If you have
Ifrit (second time only) then you can use the blazing jump to jump off
of him repeatedly, then jump kick him. When he's at some distance, feel
free to blast away at him with whatever you've got. These strategies
apply for all appearences of Phantom (yes, there are many) because
he never really changes. The one thing he learns later on is a meteor
attack, where fire comes out of his back, then rains down. As with the
lava, just keep running to avoid it.

Go through the gate. Head to the lower roof area and grab the Trident
nearby. There is a hole leading to a mechanism room. Smash the lever
and a patch door opens.

Grab the Grenade Gun from the skeleton and equip it. Take the ladder
down and you are in that Blue Room from Mission 1. Go to the face and
use the Trident.

Now run back to the Gate Room you saw at Mission 1, passed the Main
Hall. The Gate will lower, so ignore all the enemies you see. Once you
pass the gate, head outside and cross the drawbridge.

The mission is complete!


Run across the Drawbridge. Jump over the stone. The drawbridge will

Grab some Red Orbs hidden in the area if you wish. Down the area is a
spiral staircase. Go down them and then through the door at the very
bottom of the flight of stairs.

Through it is a Courtyard. Blades, the enemies that were ripped out of
Dino Crisis populate this area, so use your Alastor for this fight.
Head through the open gate. Through it, climb a ladder on any side and
grab the items. Look for the shield and hit it so the platforms rise
into the air.

Head right from the shield (based on the camera angle) and jump on the
first platform.

[Note: Jumping will be very tricky. Use this strategy.]

The platforms move up or down, making it hard to jump onto the next
platforms without falling back onto the ground. Timing is careful for
this, because if you jump out too late or too early, you'll end up on
the ground.

When the rising platform is about equal to the next platform, FACE IT
AND JUMP! Be quick, because time is needed. When the platform needs to
descend in order to reach the next platform, wait it out and see where
it stops and rises again.

Now that you know the location of the platform, jump onto the next one.
When both are moving at the same time, wait until the platform you are
aiming is equal or lower than the platform you are on. Jump and you
will eventually end up at the goal platform.


Grab the Ifrit at the top and equip it. It is needed to get through
the door in the Courtyard (the previous room). You must now face the
next boss.


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs within Nightmare, which is not really a
boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target the air,
not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel to the
ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one, duck the
second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non) battle, so
just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot up and down
rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him from Dante's
point of view, and go back and forth between the lines shooting. He
will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes above your view
level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the second battle
he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that will attach
itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot it to
destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon does very
little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a battleground,
manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often. In the third
battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half, and shoot down
at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too. For the second
part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's near.

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never liked the Nightmare B much
either, as it's so weak and takes your devil gauge. Whenever he gets
close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit or Alastor. He shouldn't
be too tough.

Go to the door to the right of the gate leading to that platform room.
To the right, use your new Ifrit to break the seal of the door.

Inside, cross the misty woods and try to go through the door into the
small building. Marionettes attack you, so kill all of them in order to
unlock the door to the small building.

Head through the doorway. Run down a set of stairs. There are numerous
items to collect throughout the level so collect them. Kill all the
Marionettes in the area and spend 200 Orbs on the nearby door.

Go through and the mission ends!


You are in a path filled with mist. Kill all monsters in this area
before examining the tombstone. MAKE SURE YOU DO IT THAT WAY!
Afterwards, the tombstone in the room will release a light. Follow the
light QUICKLY!

If the light runs away from Dante, heading out the path will take you
to the final door from Mission 9. When you reach a new room, repeat
what you did with the tombstone and light and then you should
eventually arrive in a courtyard.

Kill the 2 giant spiders, called Kyclops and then enter through the
next door, which ends the mission!


Kill the Death Scythe. Jump on the platform that appears following the
battle. There are many Red Orbs to collect throughout the entire room,
so collect them by searching around.

Once you have gotten every Red Orb you can find, return to the center
of this room to proceed. Find the Well in one of the hallways nearby.
Read the inscription. Then jump down into the abyss, Silent Hill 2

Blades are at the bottom, so eliminate them quickly. Down the entire
hallway, surrounded almost entirely by glass, is the Sign of Chasity.
Look for the glowing item you saw on your way to the Sign of Chasity.

Return to the upper area, called the Green House. Looking on your map,
look for the northern area and then doors there. Jump to a platform in
the middle area and then jump down the platform. Head to the lower part
of this room.

Remember the doorway nearby. There is a glowing item. Swap the Sign of
Chasity for the Chalice. Now we have to fight another boss!

Nelo Angelo appears 3 times, and the 3rd is harder than the first 2.
His name means non angel in Spanish (now they can't say you didn't learn
anything from this game).

He has a few attacks, learn them to avoid them. He has a basic
Slash/Slash/Double Slash combo, similar to your own, with the timing
done right. Just run from this one, as even dodging all 4 slashes at
close range can be really tough. He has a stinger like move, which he
usually teleports before. He'll put his sword in a stabbing stance,
like the Gotetsu from Kenshin. Then he will charge an INSANE distance
and skewer you if he can. Roll out of the way, and hack away at him.
He will teleport more often than not, so as to catch you unawares. Each
time he teleports, be ready to dodge, as he will come out of it with an
attack. He has fireballs that he takes a second to charge, and if you
can hit him in that second, good for you, you'll disrupt him. If you
can't dodge it, it isn't that hard. He also has the upper slash, then
the dive slash. This will hit you even in the air, so beware.

To kill him, you have to strike at the right times. Right after he
attacks is good. You can't just blindly run in, as he will block you.
If you can get into devil trigger mode, then he can't block your last 2
hits, to hack away at him. But beware, he has a move where he holds his
sword horizontally that basically nothing can deter him from. Jump if
you see him doing this. Don't ever try to hit him after a teleport. He
is quite full of himself, and taunts you often. Feel free to fix his
face at this moment. He will also prepare for some moves by holding his
sword straight up. Hit him while he's doing this, and he'll reel
backwards. If you hit him again, he'll be stunned and you can hack at
him a bit. Generally just hit and run, don't use the guns to often as
they do little damage, and he will block them, or even better shoot his
fireballs at you.

His third form is the same as the first two, but he's bigger and
stronger. Besides that, it's all good.

Jump to a high platform and you'll see a knight. Place the Chalice
there. The exit unseals, so head there to end the mission!


[Note: Get used to the underwater controls by studying them intensely.
They can either be confusing or easy to control.]

Go to the Statue of Time and purchase more items, because this mission
can get you damaged if you cannot control the underwater controls

Jump into the water and go through a hole into the ship. Swim, but
avoid the monsters since you don't have the Needle Gun yet. Swin and
head up the stairs you see nearby.

Kill the Blades that appear. Near the stairs in the Needle Gun. Equip
it because it is the only weapon that can be used underwater. It cannot
be used above water, so switch to the Grenade Gun during above water
events or use the Ifrit.

Grab the Devil Star. Jump into the water near the stairs (by where you
took the Needle Gun). The barrels you can shoot contain valuable Red

An Untouchable is in the room, which will be useful for the next boss.
Swim to the surface you eventually see. Travel to the door you see.
Read the locked door and then kill the Death Scythes that emerge from
the door.

As usual, kill them to unlock the door. Examine swords you see by the
door and the ship will sail. Another boss fight ensues!


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs within Nightmare, which is not really a
boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target the air,
not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel to the
ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one, duck the
second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non) battle, so
just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot up and down
rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him from Dante's
point of view, and go back and forth between the lines shooting. He
will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes above your view
level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the second battle
he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that will attach
itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot it to
destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon does very
little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a battleground,
manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often. In the third
battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half, and shoot down
at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too. For the second
part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's near.

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never liked the Nightmare B much
either, as it's so weak and takes your devil gauge. Whenever he gets
close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit or Alastor. He shouldn't
be too tough.

Head through the now unlocked door. The mission ends!


Inside the control room, grab the Staff of Hermes! This item will be
used a few missions from now. After the item is pulled, the ship sinks
once again, so you must now get out.

Swim through the hole right of the now blocked door. Kill 2 Blades.
Swim through to the next areas. Swim through the hole in the hull of
the ship and you will leap out of the water.

Outside the ship, head to the water to the right and collect the Holy
Water. Head down and up the stairs. The mission ends!


Head through the corridor and turn left. Circle the corridor. A
skeleton at the end holds an Emblem Shield for you to take. Pull the
skeleton's arm and the gate you passed will rise.

A booby trap begins, so jump to avoid the spikes that rise from the
ground. Head for the gate and ride the elevator up. You appear by a
waterfall, which hides a Blue Orb Fragment.

Head down the hill in the next area. Look for a mine shaft and use 200
Red Orbs to head through the door.

[Note: Search the entire area for Red Orbs and other prizes.]

Kill all the monsters in the next area. After killing all the enemies,
surrender 100 Red Orbs to the next door, which ends the mission!


You appear back in a familiar area. Head to the Blue Door in the

Unlock it with the Emblem Shield. Inside, take the Luminite near the
stairs. Head down the stairs and kill any enemies you see. Smash the
cracked wall on the bottom, smash anything in the room to collect

Travel to the door and you appear in a moving room. Run passed the
spikes and jump across a chasm to claim the Pair of Lances. With this
item, return to the Courtyard.

Back there, you can use the Emblem Shield to get another item. It is an


To grab the Nightmare Beta, use the Emblem Shield to get through the
red glowing door. Travel down the stairs and then break the wall, break
the items and grab the items. Head through the door, dodge the spikes,
jump down into the pit, jump up and grab the Nightmare Beta.

Return to the Courtyard.

Once we are reunited, go to the hall with the red and blue glowing
doors. In the center, use the Pair of Lances to unlock the door. Travel

Collect all the orbs in the room. Then return to the ground floor. In
this room, pressing the circle will cause a boss battle.


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs within Nightmare, which is not really a
boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target the air,
not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel to the
ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one, duck the
second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non) battle, so
just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot up and down
rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him from Dante's
point of view, and go back and forth between the lines shooting. He
will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes above your view
level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the second battle
he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that will attach
itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot it to
destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon does very
little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a battleground,
manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often. In the third
battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half, and shoot down
at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too. For the second
part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's near.

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never liked the Nightmare B much
either, as it's so weak and takes your devil gauge. Whenever he gets
close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit or Alastor. He shouldn't
be too tough.

Jump onto the new elevator. It took me a few minutes to get on there,
but use the classic "Mario 64" jump by jumping on the wall and onto the

Grab the Wheel of Destiny! You have now accomplished the task you
needed ever since you left the castle! The mission ends!


Our goal now is to return to where the game had started, in that
castle. In the Courtyard, kill all the monsters to unlock the entrance.
Head through the entrance door you used when you first got here in
Mission 9.

Run up those spiral stairs and over to where the drawbridge is raised.
Use the Wheel of Destiny on the engraved hold and the bridge will
lower, accessing the castle once again.

Cross the bridge and say goodbye to the garden. Through the door, you
appear in the gate room. The door to the stair room is mysteriously
gone. Head through the door to the Main Hall.

Inside, things will have changed. Go to the shield you see passed the
stairs. Activate it by hitting it and you will face a new type of
monster called Plasma. It retains that name because plasma means fire
or electricity, which this monster is.

Use the Ifrits to kill this monster easily. This monster is fast, but
you can beat it easily with the Ifrits. Head to the room with the

Head into the room leading into the long hallway. Head to the door to
STARS. You should have plenty of Red Orbs by now.

Enter the door leading to the Cathedral. The door to the fountain room
has vanished, as well. In the Cathedral, another boss fight occurs.

Smash the 1 shield before examining the puzzle. Then examine the puddle
and a new boss approaches!

Nightmare is definitely a Doosey. He is kinda scary to look at too. In
general, practice hit and run, but when you hit, hit hard. Also, in
every room where you fight him, there are the rune circles you attack to
fill. Without these on, he cannot be hurt, so keep them on at all

Here are his attacks. When you don't have any circle runes filled, he
will try, to swallow you. It's your choice, but the 2nd and third
fights I prefer not to let him. Inside of him are minibosses, and
sargassos. His first form has Phantom in it, the second has Griffon,
the third has Nelo Angelo. They will most likely give you green orbs if
you beat them, but it's not a guarentee, and I don't think it's worth
it. Just keep the runes lit, and you can dodge this attack. It looks
like a mound of ooze closing on you. He will often draw electricity
from the circles on the floor, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt
you. He will summon little orbs to shoot you that can be shot down if
you like. They don't do too much damage. However, while they are
shooting he will do several other things. The weakest of which are his
little slime things, that go after you, and eventually make ice crystals
to hurt you where they land. Just run from them and you'll be fine.
Even if one catches you, keep moving and you won't get hurt. He will
also shoot rock spears out of himself 3 times for A LOT of damage, so
dodge these. His most damaging attack by far is
his blue beam. You will know it's coming when his sphere comes out and
white lines start flowing across the floor. AT this time, try your best
to either get on top of him, or behind him. If you are behind him, be
ready to jump over it, as he will keep it out for awhile. The farther
back the fight, the longer he keeps it out. In the third fight, he will
keep it out for a good 5 seconds, so be wary.

Damaging him is fairly simple, or so it would seem. With the runes lit,
he will often let his sphere out. It is a bigger orb than the ones that
shoot you, and it has runes on it. Attack it, and it will shatter more
and more until he dies. Getting on top of him is best for this, but Air
Raid is good too. Don't use Ifrit in this fight, as it's too slow. If
you do go inside him and come out alive, he will lose one quarter of his
life. That is a lot, but it's hard work. There's also the chance of
green orbs from the monsters in him.

Phantom's the same as ever. Same strategies, better weapons. Go


Head outside to the broken bridge. Try crossing the broken platforms or
kill six skeletons in the sea below. Go to the end of the Path of
Trials and look at the picture. Use the Staff of Hermes from the sunken
ship and then leap into the painting to the LEFT. The mission is over!


You are in a familiar room, huh? Well, go all the way up the stairs and
to the double doors that have now suddenly appeared. Through it is a
desk room. Approach the end of the room.

Look at the left painting and then jump through with the jump button.
You end up in a nightmare version of the coliseum from the garden you
explored earlier.

Look for the double doors and a battle initiates. Kill the Frost
monsters. Use the Ifrits. Devil Trigger Mode is a helpful tactic
against these bastards.

After they are defeated, travel through the double doors. The Alastor
is needed for the next area. Run through this hallway and turn the
corner you see. You will see a locked door for which you have to open

Return to the main path and run to a door. Kill all the monsters in
here for Red Orbs. Head through the next door and you will see a
skeleton dinosaur. It will fire fireballs at you.

Stand before it, about on the circle pattern on the floor. When it fires
at you, swing Alastor at the fireball and it repels back onto ole'
fossil. 3 times and the dinosaur dies. Now THAT was easy, wasn't it?

A spotlight will appear by the entrance of this room. By it is a crank
mechanism. Press X to control it. Turn the spotlight with the crank
until it hits a dial.

When lightning strikes, you'll see blue platforms near some walkways
above. Jump on them and follow to an item at the end. Grab the
Quicksilver. Return to the door outside in the hallway and unlock it
with the Quicksilver.

Another boss fight, my friend.

TIPS FOR FINAL BATTLE: He's bigger than ever this time, so take your
pick of Alastor or Ifrit. I prefer Alastor (Orca) but CVX prefers the

Nelo Angelo appears 3 times, and the 3rd is harder than the first 2.
His name means non angel in Spanish (now they can't say you didn't learn
anything from this game).

He has a few attacks, learn them to avoid them. He has a basic
Slash/Slash/Double Slash combo, similar to your own, with the timing
done right. Just run from this one, as even dodging all 4 slashes at
close range can be really tough. He has a stinger like move, which he
usually teleports before. He'll put his sword in a stabbing stance,
like the Gotetsu from Kenshin. Then he will charge an INSANE distance
and skewer you if he can. Roll out of the way, and hack away at him.
He will teleport more often than not, so as to catch you unawares. Each
time he teleports, be ready to dodge, as he will come out of it with an
attack. He has fireballs that he takes a second to charge, and if you
can hit him in that second, good for you, you'll disrupt him. If you
can't dodge it, it isn't that hard. He also has the upper slash, then
the dive slash. This will hit you even in the air, so beware.

To kill him, you have to strike at the right times. Right after he
attacks is good. You can't just blindly run in, as he will block you.
If you can get into devil trigger mode, then he can't block your last 2
hits, to hack away at him. But beware, he has a move where he holds his
sword horizontally that basically nothing can deter him from. Jump if
you see him doing this. Don't ever try to hit him after a teleport. He
is quite full of himself, and taunts you often. Feel free to fix his
face at this moment. He will also prepare for some moves by holding his
sword straight up. Hit him while he's doing this, and he'll reel
backwards. If you hit him again, he'll be stunned and you can hack at
him a bit. Generally just hit and run, don't use the guns to often as
they do little damage, and he will block them, or even better shoot his
fireballs at you.

His third form is the same as the first two, but he's bigger and
stronger. Besides that, it's all good.

With Nelo dead, watch the cut-scene. The mission ends!


Dante will get the Perfect Amulet, which transforms the Force Edge
Sword Dante started with into a MUCH MORE powerful sword, the Sword of

Go to the teleport pad and warp back to the 2 paintings in that study
room. Jump into the other painting. As with the sunken ship, swim over
to the next area. Kill the Sin Scissors with the Needle Gun.

In the next dry area, you'll find yourself in a VERY FAMILIAR room, the
staircase. Strike the dial at the bottom and then swim to the top of
the room.

Grab the item called the Philosopher's Egg before the water drains.
Head through the red door and Dante appears in the Fountain Room, only
the room is reverse, like in a mirror.

Remember the Lion statue where you placed the Pride of Lion at the
start of the game? Well, place the Philosopher's Egg in there. Another
boss fight occurs. When will it all end?

Nightmare is definitely a Doosey. He is kinda scary to look at too. In
general, practice hit and run, but when you hit, hit hard. Also, in
every room where you fight him, there are the rune circles you attack to
fill. Without these on, he cannot be hurt, so keep them on at all

Here are his attacks. When you don't have any circle runes filled, he
will try to swallow you. It's your choice, but the 2nd and third fights
I prefer not to let him. Inside of him are minibosses, and sargassos.
His first form has Phantom in it, the second has Griffon, the third has
Nelo Angelo. They will most likely give you green orbs if you beat
them, but it's not a guarentee, and I don't think it's worth it. Just
keep the runes lit, and you can dodge this attack. It looks like a
mound of ooze closing on you. He will often draw electricity from the
circles on the floor, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt you. He will
summon little orbs to shoot you that can be shot down if you like. They
don't do too much damage. However, while they are shooting he will
do several other things. The weakest of which are his little slime
things, that go after you, and eventually make ice crystals to hurt you
where they land. Just run from them and you'll be fine. Even if one
catches you, keep moving and you won't get hurt. He will also shoot
rock spears out of himself 3 times for A LOT of damage, so dodge these.
His most damaging attack by far is his blue beam. You will know it's
coming when his sphere comes out and white lines start flowing across
the floor. AT this time, try your best to either get on top of him, or
behind him. If you are behind him, be ready to jump over it, as he will
keep it out for awhile. The farther back the fight, the longer he keeps
it out. In the third fight, he will keep it out for a good 5 seconds,
so be wary.

Damaging him is fairly simple, or so it would seem. With the runes lit,
he will often let his sphere out. It is a bigger orb than the ones that
shoot you, and it has runes on it. Attack it, and it will shatter more
and more until he dies. Getting on top of him is best for this, but Air
Raid is good too. Don't use Ifrit in this fight, as it's too slow. If
you do go inside him and come out alive, he will lose one quarter of his
life. That is a lot, but it's hard work. There's also the chance of
green orbs from the monsters in him.


Griffon's just the happy go lucky neighborhood killer thunder owl, so no
need to be afraid. You are going to grow to hate him as time goes by.
He appears 3 times, and one (not) time. The first and (not) battles
have the same strategy, and the 2nd and 3rd battles are generally the
same. The (non) battle occurs within Nightmare, which is not really a
boss, but a sub boss.

Okay, here are his attacks. Every once in awhile he'll come down and
charge you. This is a prime opportunity to jump off of his face and hit
him. If you don't move, he'll hit you with his beak. This is his
easiest to dodge attack. He will often shoot orbs of thunder that stay
near him but project to lines of thunder at you, at your current
altitude. They come together and then stay in a line for a second.
Jump over them either left or right and you'll be fine. Also jumping up
and down may help, as if you are in the air, they will target the air,
not you. Similar to this, he shoots rays of lightning parallel to the
ground at you, at your current altitude. Jump the first one, duck the
second, etc. He will do bombing runs in the first and (non) battle, so
just roll out of the way. In the final battle he will shoot up and down
rays at you in large numbers, so try to get a view of him from Dante's
point of view, and go back and forth between the lines shooting. He
will dive bomb you in all fights, so beware when he goes above your view
level for a second. Keep rolling to avoid this. In the second battle
he will create a kite sort of thing to annoy you, that will attach
itself to you with electricity and fling you skyward. Shoot it to
destroy it momentarily. In the second battle, overall Griffon does very
little. He will divebomb often. With the ship as a battleground,
manueverabilty is tough, to try to devil yourself often. In the third
battle, try to stay on the top level for the first half, and shoot down
at him. The green orbs up there are really useful too. For the second
part, keep shooting and physically attacking when he's near.

For the first and (non) battles, use the grenade gun as much as
possible. It does good damage. For the second battle, try to go devil
as much as possible. For the third battle, use any gun you like
(grenade, pistols or Nightmare B). The shotgun is not well suited, as
it's a close range gun. I personally never
liked the Nightmare B much either, as it's so weak and takes your devil
gauge. Whenever he gets close, jump over him and hack away with Ifrit
or Alastor. He shouldn't be too tough.

Return to the Fountain Room and you will remove 1/4th of the health of
Nightmare, so the trip was worth it. Strike on of the dials and then
start stepping on the blue circles on the floor.

A blue circle appears on top of Nightmare. Strike this to remove
health. The Sword of Sparda will be more useful in this situation
because of the longer range. Strike the ball.

When it retreats into the monster, step on the circles again and repeat
the tactic. If the balls stop appearing, strike the shields again and
continue your assault.

This monster attacks you with little buggers. Jump to dodge them. DON'T
Dodge his attacks and attack his sphere and Nightmare will run away!

The mission ends!


A teleport pad leads you to the 3rd floor room with the 2 paintings
again. Backtrack to the entrance of this entire area to the Path of
Trials bridge.

Enter the painting to the RIGHT this time when you get back. It is the
Bedroom. Use the Elixir on the mirror and head through. Head outside
now, through the doors.

In the courtyard, grab the Philosopher's Stone. New monsters will
attack Dante and they are pretty tough!

Use the Sword of Sparda. Jump and slash down at them. When they begin

Return to the bedroom by jumping to the highest area. Jump down the
hole and return to the bedroom. Travel through the mirror again.

Warp back to the Path of Trails and cross the bridge back to the

Examine a puddle of water. Press the X button and then Dante warps to
the underworld at last!

When you land, look at the platform. It is an elevator leading back to
the Cathedral. Look for a dome and insert the Philosopher's Egg into
the hole. Jump into the underworld. The mission ends at last!


You seem to be in a place resembling the human heart. You'll see
passageways blocked by fat. Chop it up and head through. The Statue of

Rip through more fat until you are in another chamber. Yet another boss
fight, friend.

Nightmare is definitely a Doosey. He is kinda scary to look at too. In
general, practice hit and run, but when you hit, hit hard. Also, in
every room where you fight him, there are the rune circles you attack to
fill. Without these on, he cannot be hurt, so keep them on at all

Here are his attacks. When you don't have any circle runes filled, he
will try to swallow you. It's your choice, but the 2nd and third fights
I prefer not to let him. Inside of him are minibosses, and sargassos.
His first form has Phantom in it, the second has Griffon, the third has
Nelo Angelo. They will most likely give you green orbs if you beat
them, but it's not a guarantee, and don't think it's worth it. Just
keep the runes lit, and you can dodge this attack. It looks like a
mound of ooze closing on you. He will often draw electricity from the
circles on the floor, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt you. He will
summon little orbs to shoot you that can be shot down if you like. They
don't do too much damage. However, while they are shooting he will
do several other things. The weakest of which are his little slime
things, that go after you, and eventually make ice crystals to hurt you
where they land. Just run from them and you'll be fine. Even if one
catches you, keep moving and you won't get hurt. He will also shoot
rock spears out of himself 3 times for A LOT of damage, so dodge these.
His most damaging attack by far is his blue beam. You will know it's
coming when his sphere comes out and white lines start flowing across
the floor. AT this time, try your best to either get on top of him, or
behind him. If you are behind him, be ready to jump over it, as he will
keep it out for awhile. The farther back the fight, the longer he keeps
it out. In the third fight, he will keep it out for a good 5 seconds,
so be wary.

Damaging him is fairly simple, or so it would seem. With the runes lit,
he will often let his sphere out. It is a bigger orb than the ones that
shoot you, and it has runes on it. Attack it, and it will shatter more
and more until he dies. Getting on top of him is best for this, but Air
Raid is good too. Don't use Ifrit in this fight, as it's too slow. If
you do go inside him and come out alive, he will lose one quarter of his
life. That is a lot, but it's hard work. There's also the chance of
green orbs from the monsters in him.

Basically this is the first form of Nelo all over again. He isn't easy,
so don't think that he's a pushover. Refer to past sections for help if
need be.


The mission ends!


In this room, look for ledges that rise from hitting a shield and jump
to a lantern. Hit it to open up a doorway. Head to that doorway. From
there, wander through the halls. Kill all the monsters you see and
follow the path.

This should be relatively easy. Look out for the tentacles protruding
from the walls. Eventually, you should reach a dial that will unlock
the door to Mundus.

Strike it. Then jump down to the entrance. The mission ends!


Watch a cut-scene, and you will battle a boss.

Boss: Mundus
Difficulty: HARD
Mundus is the nefarious leader of the armies you've been battling all
along. Thus he's pretty hard. His first form is a flying angel thing,
and you get to fly too, in super devil mode. Fireballs are your best
bet, as you can shoot him and eventually he'll go down. However, if you
have a devil guage with 3 runes or more, use it. Dante will do a super
attack too cool for words, and it will damage Mundus a LOT. In the air,
the strategy is like that of Starfox 64, or any other rail shooter game.
You can dodge any of his attacks by going in a circular pattern around
the screen.

After his first form, Mundus drops to ground level and settles into a
pit of lava to fight. You should try to dodge most of his attacks, as
they are very damaging. He will also deploy orbs to shoot you, which
you can kill with the shotgun or handguns. He will also send blocks of
earth shooting at you, so just dodge em. His most damaging attacks are
his beam and his fireballs, so dodge those at all costs. His fireballs
come from the sky, so roll out of the way. his other beam attack comes
from him, so dodge it by rolling and jumping as well. To damage him,
you still must mainly rely on ranged weapons. On normal mode you can go
into devil mode and just charge him. Your sword will
grow to insane lengths to damage him quite a bit as well. Use any
Invulnerables or Devil Stars you have in this fight (first or second

His third appearance is nothing short of a laugh. Just beat him for a
few seconds and he'll be done. Then watch the cool cg, go into devil
mode and shoot him with Ebony and Ivory, and watch it all come down.

The mission ends!


The entire island will collapse. We need to escape in 5 minutes! In the
hallway, run back to the heart organ level. Defeat all enemies in Devil
Trigger Mode to unlock all doors.

Use the Sparda Sword in order to gain the upper edge. When you reach
the start of the Underworld level, ride the elevator back to the fake

Run back to the long hallway from the start of the game and run toward
to room with the airplane. In the long hallway, you don't have to kill
any monsters, unlike in the previous rooms.

In the airplane room, the floor collapses and you end up in the
waterway room where you got the Rusty Key 3. You have to fight YET

Start attacking it with your Ifrit and Handguns. It can't hurt you too
much, so just hack away at it. Eventually, you'll automatically equip
your 2 handguns. If you really have problems, refer to the above

Start firing the Handguns in Devil Trigger Mode and then Mundus will
finally give up!

After the battle, ride the plane using the controls similar to that of
the Mundus battle. Eventually, you should reach the exit. DON'T HIT

You just beat Capcom's latest masterpiece, Devil May Cry! Great job!
Now try to beat those harder modes!


18. C O N C L U S I O N


CVX: Well, this is my Devil May Cry FAQ/Walkthrough! I hope this guide
has been simple, yet specific enough for you players to use, because one
of the guides are too big and confusing, so I came here to fix that!

Orca: I hope this FAQ helped any gamers out there that needed it. This
game is awesome, and I couldn't help but do a FAQ on it. CVX offered to
let me fix his up, as I found it below par, but now I think it's
probably the best one up!


Thanks to:

-My mom for buying this game; thanks!
-Bonds Legacy, for helping me get an idea for this FAQ
-BradyGames DMC guide, for help with the Nightmare! I HATED that boss!
-CJayC for running, the best website EVER!
-Capcom, for making this magnificent game!
-Shinji Mikami: You rock!

-Capcom: for a good action game finally!
-Gamefaqs: for an awesome site, and a contest that let me purchase this
-CVX: for letting me add onto his FAQ!


Future Projects:
BioHazard Zero (GameCube)
BioHazard 2 (GameCube)
BioHazard 3: Last Escape (GameCube)
BioHazard CODE: Veronica Complete (GameCube)
BioHazard 4 (GameCube)
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams (Microsoft XBOX)


Super Smash Brothers Melee
Xenosaga (when it finally arrives)





This document is protected by international copyright. Don't post it on
your website without my permission, print it for sale or change it
around to make it your own work or WE will definitely sue the living
hell out of you!

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14.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Alle geheimen Missionen, alle Level freigeschaltet. Jeder Level startet mit kompletter Energie.

17.Октябрь 2013
Quick Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

15.Октябрь 2013
Feind Strategy FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Normal S-Rank FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Hard S Rank Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Vier verschieden Spielstände: 1. Alle Schwierigkeitsgrade und Dantes Erscheinungen. 2. Super Dante auf easy automatic in Mission 1, nachdem das Spiel zuvor beendet wurde. 3. Super Dante auf easy automatic Schwierigkeit in Mission 23. 4. Super Dante

16.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Ein Spielstand in dem man in Mission 23 startet und einer, in dem man in Mision 1 startet, nachdem das Spiel zuvor schon komplett erledigt wurde.

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Patch for the Japanese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019