Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry

15.10.2013 05:37:23
The Devil...?? Bah, it's all in the Orochi!

[ Game ] : Devil May Cry Quick Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
[ System ] : PlayStation 2
[ Author ] : Orochi K
[ E-mail ] : kartelkertra caramail com
[ Version ] : Final
[ Date ] : April 29, 2002

© Copyright 2002 Ashvin "Orochi K" Sawmynaden.
This FAQ is for personal use only. Do not distribute it or use it for
profitable purposes. It may not be reproduced in any way without the
author's permission. If you want to host it on your website, e-mail
me first. Do not forget to put "Devil My Cry" (DMC is enough) for
whatever reason you wish to mail me. Failure to do so means you e-mail
will be ignored.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

-=- Orochi's DMC Quick Spoiler-Free Walkthrough -=-

M I S S I O N 1

· Enter the castle.

· Explore the castle and collect the required orbs.

· Go through the red door.

· Go through the other door in the new room.

· Take the spiral staircase upwards.

· Jump through the hole in the next room and grab the [RUSTY KEY].

· Take care of the enemies.

· Go back to the main entrance and use the [RUSTY KEY] on the other door.

· Slash the suits of armor at the back in the next room and strike the dial

· Brush up your skills against the enemies.

· Go back up and kill more enemies.

· Exit through the door to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 2

· Follow the corridor.

· Check the picture at the end for [ALASTOR].

· Go through the door.

· Grab the [RUSTY KEY] from the statue.

· Leave the room and use the [RUSTY KEY] on the yellow door halfway across
the corridor.

· Kill the enemies and use the ruined steps to go on the higher ledge. Move
on and exit through the door to the right.

· Kill more enemies and go to the pedestal.

· Strike it repeatedly and it will reveal a trap. Go down.

· Grab the [STAFF OF JUDGEMENT] and exit this area.

· You'll be in the library. Fight all the enemies to break the seal on the

· Use the [STAFF OF JUDGEMENT] on the picture where you got [ALASTOR] to end
the mission.

M I S S I O N 3

· Move forward and check the pedestal for the [PRIDE OF LION] although you
can't take it yet.

· Go through the door at the opposite end.

· Walk across the bridge and check the pad. Retrace your steps.

· You'll drop in the water. Move forward and battle the enemies to be able
to go up through the warp pad. Note that your life will slowly drain away
while you're in the water.

· Enter the castle once more and you'll be able to take the [PRIDE OF LION]

· Your first boss encounter...The mission ends when you defeat it.

M I S S I O N 4

· Move on to the corridor and you'll have to face the boss again. You can
try to kill it but it's better to continue running while avoiding its

· Once you reach the end of the corridor, go through the door to be safe and
to trigger a Secret Mission.

· Once you're done, head back to the door halfway across the corridor and
go into the next area.

· Use the [PRIDE OF LION] on the forcefield and strike the statue.

· Defeat the hard boss and once you're done, go through the door above the

· Drop down and hit the dial. Stand on the platform to go up. Once it stops,
jump to the ledge and grab the [DEATH SENTENCE].

· Jump onto the stairs and go down until you see a door which you need to
go through.

· Use the [DEATH SENTENCE] on the statue next to the door and you'll be
rewarded with the [MELANCHOLY SOUL].

· A boss will appear. Follow him to fight him. The mission ends once you
beat him.

M I S S I O N 5

· You have 3.00 minutes to complete this mission. If you fail, you can just
reset and start again.

· Defeat all the enemies first to break the seal on the door.

· Head back into the castle and go back to where the dial is. There's a door
on the other side. Use the [MELANCHOLY SOUL] on it to complete the mission.

M I S S I O N 6

· Head along the path and go through the first door.

· Take the [RUSTY KEY] which is located on one of the pipes.

· You will have to battle against a lot of enemies as soon as you've taken
the [RUSTY KEY] to break the seal on the door.

· Leave the room and continue along the path.

· Use the [RUSTY KEY] on the door at the end.

· Head along the new path.

· Once you reach the end of this path, you will have to face a boss. Once
you've won, grab the [GUIDING LIGHT] to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 7

· Your health will be slowly drained in this mission due to the [GUIDING
LIGHT]. Don't hang around too much.

· This mission is pretty straightforward. You just need to get back to the
bedroom by tracking back.

· Once you reach the end of the corridor, defeat all the enemies to break
the seal on the door.

· Enter the tower and hit the dial to use the platform again.

· Make your way to the bedroom and use the [GUIDING LIGHT] on the panel
next to the mirror. The panel will open and you just need to check it to
end the mission.

M I S S I O N 8

· Mission 8 really starts only when you go through the door across the gap.
Feel free to go collect other items or to replenish your red orb collection
if you wish. Once you're done, jump across the gap and go through the door
at the end.

· In this new room, go through the door which is above the one you entered

· Move forward in the next area and go towards the door to trigger an event.
Defeat the boss.

· Once you're done here, go through the door, jump down and grab the

· Jump down the gap between the two statues to access a new room.

· Strike the red sphere to active a mechanism but don't go through it yet.
Instead, run around the back and take the [GRENADE GUN] from the corpse.

· Drop down the trap and you'll see another mechanism in the new area.

· Use the trident on it and a cut-scene will roll.

· Go quickly to the room where the barricade has been raised and pass through
the door to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 9

· Cross the bridge until you reach the other side.

· Move forward and go down the step to the next area.

· Defeat all the enemies to be able to move on.

· You'll notice that there is a highlighted path to one of the doors. Go
through that door.

· Strike the dial to active some platforms.

· Jump onto the numerous platforms until you reach a floating pedestal. Grab
[IFRIT] and enjoy the cut-scene.

· Head back to the courtyard and try your new weapon against the boss.

· Follow the new highlighted path and use [IFRIT] to light up the right side
of this door. This will open the door.

· Defeat all the enemies in the next area and go through the other door.

· The next area is also packed with enemies. Give them a taste of your skills
and collect all the items.

· The sealed door requires [200 RED ORBS] to open. Go through it to end the

M I S S I O N 1 0

· From where you start, go forward and you'll face a bunch of enemies. Once
you're done, check the tombstone. This will cause a ball of white light
to appear and the latter will show you which path to take out of the two
ones. You need to be quick to kill all the enemies as you move on and to
keep an eye on the ball of light to know which path to take. Moreover,
some enemies will swallow the ball. Simply kill them to release it. If
you take the wrong path at a point, you will be brought to the start where
you'll have to start again by checking the tombstone once more.

· Follow the ball of light through all the areas and you'll eventually
emerge in a huge garden.

· Defeat the enemies and go through the door to complete the mission.

M I S S I O N 1 1

· You'll be facing some enemies as soon as you start. Defeat them all.

· Jump into the hole and defeat another bunch of enemies.

· Move forward and jump over the ledge onto a new area.

· Grab the [SIGN OF CHASTITY] and go back to where you started.

· Exit via the other door.

· Move forward and place the [SIGN OF CHASTITY] in the pedestal to get the

· Watch the cut-scene and defeat the boss.

· Go into the alcove to the front and place the [CHALICE] in the pedestal to
open a door.

· Go through it to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 1 2

· Move forward and jump into the water.

· Swim into the ship, avoid the enemies and climb inside.

· Go up the stairs, collecting the [NEEDLE GUN] along the way.

· Collect the red orbs scattered around the ship if you want and once you're
done, head towards the door of the captain's cabin and you'll have to
deal with an enemy.

· After you've won, try going through the door again and you'll now have to
face yet another boss.

· When the battle is over, go through the door to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 1 3

· In the captain's cabin, take the [STAFF OF HERMES] and water will flow in.

· Your only way out is through the vent near the Time Statue, swim through
it and retrace your steps. Take care of the annoying enemies along the

· Go back the way you came through and get out of the hull to end the

M I S S I O N 1 4

· Mission 14 starts only when you go through the door near the top of the

· Once the mission has started, follow the circular path and take the [EMBLEM
SHIELD] from the skeleton. Move its right hand to raise the iron gate but
this also causes spikes to come up while the room rotates.

· Go back to the iron gate (-now raised-) and take the elevator up.

· Move on until you see a door which requires [200 RED ORBS] to open.

· In the next area, deal with the bunch of enemies and go through the other
door which will open against [100 RED ORBS] to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 1 5

· Kill the enemies in the courtyard and go through the blue door on the side
of the closed highlighted door.

· Grab the [LUMINITE] at the end of the room and go down the stairs.

· Go through the double doors and take care of the enemies in the confined

· Follow the circular path, avoiding the spikes, and use Air Raid or the
platform to acknowledge the [PAIR OF LANCES].

· Go back and get out of the blue door but you'll have to deal with some
more enemies in the courtyard.

· You may then go through the red shielded door.

· This area is very straight-forward. Strike the dials, kill the enemies
and claim the [NIGHTMATE-BETA] which should prove very useful.

· Exit this room and use the [PAIR OF LANCES] on the set of double doors to
open it.

· In the new area, walk onto the illuminated circle and a boss will show
up to try and put an end to your miserable life.

· Once you've returned him the favour, jump onto the platform which will
lower to a room where you'll find the [WHEEL OF DESTINY]. Claim it to end
the mission.

M I S S I O N 1 6

· Exit the coliseum and go back to the bridge. Use the [WHEEL OF DESTINY]
to lower it and re-enter the castle.

· In the main hall, strike the dial which has replaced the statue and you'll
have to face an enemy. Hack away joyfully! When it's dead, the door will

· Follow the corridor to find out that the end room has changed just like
the rest. Go through the lonely door and you'll end up in the room where
you had your first boss encounter.

· Strike the dials as usual and examine the puddle to trigger a cut-scene,
after which you'll have to face a nasty boss.

· Once you've won, go through the door leading to the stone bridge.

· Proceed to the end and use the [STAFF OF HERMES] on the tablet.

· Jump into the left picture to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 1 7

· Go up the spiral staircase and through the door at the top.

· Jump into the left picture at the end of the new room.

· Fight the enemies to break the seal on the door in the next area and go
through it.

· Follow the corridor and kill all the enemies along the way. Ignore the
first turn but instead, continue forward until you see a door which you
need to go through.

· When you see the fiery dragon, use [ALASTOR] to return its fireballs thrice
and it'll collapse.

· Run to the crank and rotate it using the analog stick after confirming that
you want to use it.

· Jump onto the higher ledge and grab the [QUICKSILVER] which just appeared.

· Exit this room, go into the corridor and take the left turn you ignore

· Use the [QUICKSILVER] on the door and enter the room to face a boss.
Defeat it to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 1 8

· After the cool cut-scenes, use the portal to go back to the pictures and
jump into the right one.

· Swim along and defeat the enemies to open a door. Go through it to emerge
in a new area.

· Strike the dial and swim up until you reach the top of the tower. Wait for
the water to disappear and you'll end on the stairs.

· Jump onto the higher ledge and take the [PHILOSOPHER'S EGG].

· Go down the stairs and through the brown door.

· In the courtyard, place the [PHILOSOPHER'S EGG] in the fire and you'll
have to live through another boss encounter.

· After you've defeated the boss, take the [ELIXIR] from the same fire to
end the mission.

M I S S I O N 1 9

· Enter the portal and go to the bridge once more where you need to jump in
the right picture.

· Examine the mirror in the next room and pass through it.

· Go through the double doors next, jump down and grab the [PHILOSOPHER'S

· Kill the enemies to unlock the door and and return to the real world.

· Head back to the cathedral and drop into the puddle to enter yet another

· Use the [PHILOSOPHER'S STONE] on the liquid below and jump into the hole
to end the mission.

M I S S I O N 2 0

· Double jump into the high opening and follow the path.

· At the end of the path, strike the fleshy wall and enter into a new room.

· Strike the fleshy wall behind the Time Statue and you'll end up in a
gloomy room.

· Too bad, a boss was waiting for you. Try to make short work of it as
the mission automatically ends once the boss is defeated.

M I S S I O N 2 1

· Jump onto the ledge and go through the door.

· Jump across the platforms and strike the red crystal to be able to go
through the other door back where you started.

· Backtrack and go through this other door to find yourself in a fleshy

· Follow the path and avoid the tentacles (jump and strike with [ALASTOR]
to get rid of them). Defeat the enemies to unseal the door.

· In the next area, you'll first have to deal with a couple of enemies which
shouldn't pose too much problem if you got all the skills.

· Make your way across the platforms and make sure you don't fall in the lava
as it will drain your life. Strike the dials when you see them (only 2)
and new platforms will appear so you can move on.

· Strike the fleshy wall at the top and go through the opening.

· Jump across the huge gap and strike the dial on the opposite side to open
the door.

· Jump down and go through the door to end this tedious mission.

M I S S I O N 2 2

· Move along in the strikingly clean room and watch the long cut-scene.

· Welcome to hell! Defeat the boss to end the mission. Warning, this will
be one long battle whatever mode you're playing on.

M I S S I O N 2 3

· You have only 5.00 minutes to escape!

· Backtrack and kill the enemies to open the door.

· Head to the platform and take it to return to your world.

· Follow the hall and take care of the enemies which get in your way (but
you'd be better avoiding them due to the time limit).

· Once you reach the aeroplane room, something crazy will happen and you'll
need to face the final boss amidst a few cut-scenes. Do your job!

· Get out of the castle skilfully DMC-style and enjoy the (pathetic) ending.

· And now, why don't you play under Dante Must Die! mode? :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

-=- CREDITS -=-

- Capcom for this sweet game.

- Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for posting my FAQs on his great site.

- Nemesis for inspiring me with the format.

Thx for reading! Ready for DMD! mode?

© Copyright 2002 Ashvin "Orochi K" Sawmynaden.

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14.Октябрь 2013

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Alle geheimen Missionen, alle Level freigeschaltet. Jeder Level startet mit kompletter Energie.

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Quick Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

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Vier verschieden Spielstände: 1. Alle Schwierigkeitsgrade und Dantes Erscheinungen. 2. Super Dante auf easy automatic in Mission 1, nachdem das Spiel zuvor beendet wurde. 3. Super Dante auf easy automatic Schwierigkeit in Mission 23. 4. Super Dante

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