Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

13.10.2013 22:49:52
-- Final Fantasy X (US) "Mix" List --
-- by CB! (Christine Bomke, --
-- Final Version, 12/20/01 --

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This guide is for PERSONAL USE ONLY, copyrighted to me,
Christine Bomke. Do not put this FAQ on your site without first emailing
me for permission. If permission IS granted, you are not permitted to
change a single word of this FAQ when you post it, and must leave it as a
.txt file unless I've explicitly told you otherwise that you may change
it. Do not steal information from this FAQ for your magazine, or other
form of media - printed, online, or otherwise. Do not pass GO, do not
collect $200. If you violate this disclaimer anyway, know that I have the
means and mettle to pursue this matter legally, and you _will_ regret it.

NOTE TO WEBMASTERS: If permission is granted to post this document on your
site, it is _your_ responsibility to get the most recent version from my
site or periodically. If you can't be bothered to keep it
current, then you may not post it.

Avast ye matey, thar be spoilers ahead.

-- Table 'o Contents --

I. Version History
II. Foreword / Contact Information
III. Effects of Mixed Items
IV. Mix List
a. POTIONS (Potion, High Potion, X-Potion, Mega Potion)
b. ETHERS (Ether, Turbo Ether)
c. ELIXIRS (Elixir, Mega Elixir)
d. PHOENIX ITEMS (Phoenix Down, Mega Phoenix)
e. STATUS-RESTORATIVE ITEMS (Antidote, Soft, Eyedrops, Echo Screen, Holy
Water, Remedy)
f. SPHERE DISTILLER ITEMS (Power Distiller, Mana Distiller, Agility
Distiller, Ability Distiller)
g. HIGHER RESTORATIVE ITEMS (Al Bhed Potion, Healing Water)
h. ELEMENTAL ITEMS (Tetra Elemental, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Core, Fire Gem,
Electro Marble, Lightning Marble, Lightning Gem, Fish Scale, Dragon
Scale, Water Gem, Antarctic Wind, Arctic Wind, Ice Gem)
i. GRENADES (Grenade, Frag Grenade)
j. NEGATIVE STATUS-INFLICTING ITEMS (Sleeping Powder, Dream Powder, Silence
Grenade, Smoke Bomb)
k. HIGHER MAGIC STONES (Shadow Gem, Shining Gem, Blessed Gem, Supreme Gem)
Gold Hourglass, Candle of Life, Petrify Grenade, Farplane Shadow,
Farplane Wind, Dark Matter)
m. HIGHER SUPPORT ITEMS (Chocobo Feather, Chocobo Wing, Lunar Curtain,
Light Curtain, Star Curtain)
n. SPRINGS (Healing Spring, Mana Spring, Stamina Spring, Soul Spring,
Purifying Salt)
o. HIGHER MEDICINES (Stamina Tablet, Mana Tablet, Stamina Tonic, Mana
p. STARS (Twin Stars, Three Stars)
q. COMMON SPHERES (Power Sphere, Mana Sphere, Speed Sphere, Ability Sphere)
r. RARE SPHERES (Fortune Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Special Sphere, Skill
Sphere, White Magic Sphere, Black Magic Sphere, Master Sphere)
s. KEY SPHERES (Level 1 Key Sphere, Level 2 Key Sphere, Level 3 Key
Sphere, Level 4 Key Sphere)
t. STATISTIC SPHERES (HP Sphere, MP Sphere, Strength Sphere, Defense
Sphere, Magic Sphere, Magic Defense Sphere, Agility Sphere, Evasion
Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Luck Sphere)
u. MOVEMENT SPHERES (Clear Sphere, Return Sphere, Friend Sphere, Teleport
Sphere, Warp Sphere)
v. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (Map, Rename Card, Musk, Hypello Potion, Shining
w. RARE ITEMS (Pendulum, Amulet, Designer Wallet, Door to Tomorrow, Wings
to Discovery, Gambler's Spirit, Underdog's Secret, Winning Formula)
V. Thanks, Credits, Shameless Plugs

-- I. Version History --

vFinal 12/20/01: Remember what I said about having your wisdom teeth extracted?
Here comes the pain..err, I mean here comes the fun! All Japanese item and
effect names are now current with the English release. If you're playing Final
Fantasy X in Japanese, as always, I still have the Japanese Mix List on my
site. Unless new information comes to light, this will be the final update.

v1.0 11/27/01: ...Nearly a month, and six thousand, three hundred, and
twenty-eight item combinations later, we're done. Changed 'Magic Sphere' to
'Mana Sphere' and 'Ba-All' to 'Nul-All'. The fun part will be converting the
rest of the Japanese names to the English ones come January. (And when I say
"fun", I mean it in the "having your wisdom teeth extracted" sense of the
word. Glee!)

v0.7 11/24/01: Completed up to the Candle of Life item, and finished the "Effects
of Mixed Items" section.

v0.5 11/22/01: Happy Thanksgiving! Finished Table of Contents, and completed
guide up to the Ice Gem. Updates from now on will be much speedier,
since I don't have an unfinished Equipment Remodeling Guide hanging over my
head anymore.

v0.3 11/9/01: List is now about 1/5th completed, up to Ability Distiller. Made
section order much clearer in the table of contents.

v0.2 11/5/01: List is about 1/10th completed, up to Mega Phoenix. Added
an "Effects of Mixed Items" section. Submitted to GameFAQs and posted on
my website.

v0.1 11/3/01: Began guide. Not released to the public yet.

-- II. Foreword / Contact Information --

First, this is not a gameplay FAQ. This is a complete and exhaustive list
of Rikku's "Mix" Overdrive command. If you need help figuring out the Sphere
Grid system, or want a walkthough, look elsewhere.

Most of this list is taken from the foldout chart that came with the Final
Fantasy X Ultimania Battle Guide, and all I did was translate it. Full
credit goes to Digicube / Studio Bentstuff for exploring the combinations,
and credit as well to the Brady strategy guide for providing me with
English item and effect names (even though the Brady foldout Mix chart is
missing a couple items...).

If you have a submission or a question regarding Rikku's overdrive that I
haven't covered in this document, you may email me at or, or contact me via AOL Instant Messenger as
"Ceebsie". I'm also on the GameFAQs boards as "Ceebs" occasionally. Please
try to use a modicum of grammar and politeness, and please make sure your
question hasn't already been answered. If you don't, I can pretty much
guarantee your message will go ignored. I'm an extremely busy person, and
have tried to make this list as thorough and self-explanatory as possible,
so I have neither the time nor desire to regurgitate material from it.
Let's put it this way - the more time I spend reading your email, the less
I have to work on the guide. Capiche? The latest version of this document,
and all the other ones I've written, can always be found at GameFAQs
( and my site (
Please reference them before finding fault with what may be an out-of-date

-- III. Effects of Mixed Items --


* Ultra Potion - all party members; full HP recovery
* Panacea - all party members; cure abnormal status
* Ultra Cure - all party members; cure abnormal status and full HP recovery
* Mega Phoenix - all party members; revive from K.O. with half HP
* Final Phoenix - all party members; revive from K.O. with full HP
* Elixir - one party member; full HP and MP recovery
* Mega Elixir - all party members; full HP and MP recovery
* Super Elixir - all party members; cure abnormal status and full HP and
MP recovery
* Final Elixir - all party members; cure abnormal status, partial HP and MP
recovery, and revive from K.O. with partial HP


* Nul-All - one party member; all four Nul-Spells
* Mega Nul-All - all party members; all four Nul-Spells
* Hyper Nul-all - all party members; all four Nul-Spells plus Cheer and
* Ultra Nul-All - all party members; all four Nul-Spells and all stat boosts
* Vitality - one party member; doubles max HP
* Mega Vitality - all party members; doubles max HP
* Hyper Vitality - all party members; doubles max HP plus Cheer
* Mana - one party member; doubles max MP
* Mega Mana - all party members; doubles max MP
* Hyper Mana - all party members; doubles max MP plus Focus
* Mighty Wall - all party members; Shell and Protect
* Mighty G - all party members; Shell, Protect, and Haste
* Super Mighty G - all party members; Shell, Protect, Haste, and Regen
* Hyper Mighty G - all party members; Shell, Protect, Haste, Regen, and
* Freedom - one party member; 0 MP Consumption
* Freedom X - all party members; 0 MP Consumption
* Hero Drink - one party member; high critical hit rate
* Miracle Drink - all party members; high critical hit rate
* Quartet of 9 - one party member; hit for 9999 every time
* Trio of 9999 - all party members; hit for 9999 every time
* Hot Spurs - one party member; Overdrive gauge rises twice as fast
* Eccentric - all party members; Overdrive gauge rises twice as fast


* Grenade - all enemies; small damage
* Frag Grenade - all enemies; small damage
* Blaster Mine - all enemies; small damage plus status abnormalities
* Hazardous Shell - all enemies; small damage plus status abnormalities
* Pineapple - all enemies; medium damage
* Calamity Bomb - all enemies; medium damage plus status abnormalities
* Cluster Bomb - all enemies; large damage
* Potato Masher - all enemies; large damage
* Tallboy - all enemies; large damage
* Chaos Grenade - all enemies; large damage plus status abnormalities
* Nega Burst - all enemies; HP reduced to 1/4th
* Black Hole - all enemies; HP reduced to 1/16th
* Supernova - all enemies; 19998 damage

- FIRE -

* Heat Blaster - all enemies; small damage in five bursts
* Fire Storm - all enemies; small damage in six bursts
* Burning Soul - all enemies; small damage in nine bursts
* Brimstone - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status
* Abaddon Flame - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status


* Thunderbolt - all enemies; small damage in five bursts
* Rolling Thunder - all enemies; small damage in six bursts
* Lightning Bolt - all enemies; small damage in nine bursts
* Electroshock - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status
* Thunderblast - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status


* Waterfall - all enemies; small damage in five bursts
* Flash Flood - all enemies; small damage in six bursts
* Tidal Wave - all enemies; small damage in nine bursts
* Aqua Toxin - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status
* Dark Rain - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status

- ICE -

* Snow Flurry - all enemies; small damage in five bursts
* Icefall - all enemies; small damage in six bursts
* Winter Storm - all enemies; small damage in nine bursts
* Black Ice - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status
* Krysta - all enemies; large damage in three bursts plus status

-- IV. Mix List --

As we go down the list, you may notice that the combinations get smaller and
smaller - this is to avoid repetition of the same combination. If the list
didn't taper in this manner, it would be five times as large. If you're
looking for the sum of a Fire Gem and a Gambler's Spirit, you'll find it under
Fire Gem, because that comes first on the list. Likewise, if you need the
result of a Frag Grenade and a Mega Potion, look under Mega Potion.

If you want to find the effect of two mixed items that requires the least rare
components, I suggest you do a Ctrl + F for the effect name. For example, the
simplest combination of items that results in Supernova is a Fire Gem plus a
Dark Matter, while the most complicated combination resulting in Supernova is
an Winning Formula plus an Winning Formula. This strategy allows you to save
your really rare items for remodeling equipment, and not waste them on Rikku's

- a. POTIONS -

Potion + Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + High Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + X-Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mega Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Ether = Mana (SPECIAL)
Potion + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Potion + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Power Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mana Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Agility Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Ability Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Healing Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Tetra Elemental = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Bomb Fragment = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Bomb Core = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Fire Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Electro Marble = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Lightning Marble = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Lightning Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Fish Scale = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Dragon Scale = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Water Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Antarctic Wind = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Arctic Wind = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Ice Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Grenade = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Frag Grenade = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Sleeping Powder = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Dream Powder = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Silence Grenade = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Smoke Bomb = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Shadow Gem = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Poison Fang = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Silver Hourglass = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Gold Hourglass = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Candle of Life = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Petrify Grenade = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Chocobo Feather = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Chocobo Wing = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Lunar Curtain = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Light Curtain = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Star Curtain = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Healing Spring = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mana Spring = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Stamina Spring = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Potion + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Potion + Power Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mana Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Speed Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Ability Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Potion + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Potion + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Musk = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Hypello Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Shining Thorn = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

High Potion + High Potion = Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + X-Potion = Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Mega Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Ether = Mana (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Power Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mana Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Agility Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Ability Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Bomb Fragment = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Bomb Core = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Fire Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Electro Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Lightning Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Lightning Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Fish Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Dragon Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Water Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Antarctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Arctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Ice Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Grenade = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Frag Grenade = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Lunar Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Light Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Star Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Power Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mana Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Speed Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Ability Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Attribute Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Special Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Skill Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + White Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + HP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + MP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Strength Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Agility Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Evasion Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Clear Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Return Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Friend Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

X-Potion + X-Potion = Vitality (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Mega Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Ether = Mana (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Power Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mana Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Agility Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Ability Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Bomb Fragment = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Bomb Core = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Fire Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Electro Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Lightning Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Lightning Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Fish Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Dragon Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Water Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Antarctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Arctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Ice Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Frag Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Farplane Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Lunar Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Light Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Star Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Power Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mana Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Speed Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Ability Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Attribute Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Special Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Skill Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + White Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + HP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + MP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Strength Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Agility Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Evasion Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Clear Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Return Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Friend Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Mega Potion + Mega Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Ether = Mana (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Power Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mana Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Agility Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Ability Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Bomb Fragment = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Bomb Core = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Fire Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Electro Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Lightning Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Lightning Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Fish Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Dragon Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Water Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Antarctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Arctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Ice Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Frag Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Farplane Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Lunar Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Light Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Star Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Power Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mana Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Speed Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Ability Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Attribute Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Special Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Skill Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + White Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + HP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + MP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Strength Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Agility Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Evasion Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Clear Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Return Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Friend Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

- b. ETHERS -

Ether + Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Elixir = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ether + Phoenix Down = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mega Phoenix = Freedom (SPECIAL)
Ether + Antidote = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Soft = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Eyedrop = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Echo Screen = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Holy Water = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Remedy = Freedom (SPECIAL)
Ether + Power Distiller = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Distiller = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Agility Distiller = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Ability Distiller = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Al Bhed Potion = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Healing Water = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Tetra Elemental = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Bomb Fragment = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Bomb Core = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Fire Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Electro Marble = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Lightning Marble = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Lightning Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Fish Scale = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Dragon Scale = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Water Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Antarctic Wind = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Arctic Wind = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Ice Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Grenade = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Frag Grenade = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Sleeping Powder = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Dream Powder = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Silence Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Smoke Bomb = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Shadow Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Shining Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Blessed Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Supreme Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Poison Fang = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Silver Hourglass = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Gold Hourglass = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Candle of Life = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Petrify Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Farplane Shadow = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Farplane Wind = Freedom (SPECIAL)
Ether + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ether + Chocobo Feather = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Chocobo Wing = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Lunar Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Light Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Star Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Healing Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Stamina Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Soul Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Purifying Salt = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Stamina Tablet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Power Sphere = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Sphere = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Speed Sphere = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Ability Sphere = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ether + Attribute Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Special Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Skill Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + White Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Black Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Master Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Level 1 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Level 2 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Level 3 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Level 4 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + HP Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + MP Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Strength Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Defense Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Magic Defense Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Agility Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Evasion Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Accuracy Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ether + Clear Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Return Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Friend Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Teleport Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Warp Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Map = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Rename Card = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Musk = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Hypello Potion = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Shining Thorn = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Pendulum = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Amulet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ether + Door to Tomorrow = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Wings to Discovery = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Gambler's Spirit = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Underdog's Secret = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Winning Formula = Freedom X (SPECIAL)

Turbo Ether + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Elixir = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Turbo Ether + Phoenix Down = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mega Phoenix = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Antidote = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Soft = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Eyedrop = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Echo Screen = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Holy Water = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Remedy = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Power Distiller = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Distiller = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Agility Distiller = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Ability Distiller = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Al Bhed Potion = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Healing Water = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Tetra Elemental = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Bomb Fragment = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Bomb Core = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Fire Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Electro Marble = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Lightning Marble = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Lightning Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Fish Scale = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Dragon Scale = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Water Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Antarctic Wind = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Arctic Wind = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Ice Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Frag Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Sleeping Powder = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Dream Powder = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Silence Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Smoke Bomb = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Shadow Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Shining Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Blessed Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Supreme Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Poison Fang = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Silver Hourglass = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Gold Hourglass = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Candle of Life = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Petrify Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Farplane Shadow = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Farplane Wind = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Turbo Ether + Chocobo Feather = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Chocobo Wing = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Lunar Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Light Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Star Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Healing Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Stamina Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Soul Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Purifying Salt = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Stamina Tablet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Power Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Speed Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Ability Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Attribute Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Special Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Skill Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + White Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Black Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Master Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Level 1 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Level 2 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Level 3 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Level 4 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + HP Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + MP Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Strength Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Defense Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Magic Defense Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Agility Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Evasion Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Accuracy Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Clear Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Return Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Friend Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Teleport Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Warp Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Map = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Rename Card = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Musk = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Hypello Potion = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Shining Thorn = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Pendulum = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Amulet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Door to Tomorrow = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Wings to Discovery = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Gambler's Spirit = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Underdog's Secret = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Winning Formula = Freedom X (SPECIAL)

- c. ELIXIRS -

Elixir + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Phoenix Down = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Antidote = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Soft = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Eyedrop = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Echo Screen = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Holy Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Remedy = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Power Distiller = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mana Distiller = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Agility Distiller = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Ability Distiller = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Al Bhed Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Tetra Elemental = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Bomb Fragment = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Bomb Core = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Fire Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Electro Marble = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Lightning Marble = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Lightning Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Fish Scale = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Dragon Scale = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Water Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Antarctic Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Arctic Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Ice Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Frag Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Sleeping Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Dream Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Silence Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Smoke Bomb = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Shadow Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Shining Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Blessed Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Poison Fang = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Silver Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Gold Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Candle of Life = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Petrify Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Farplane Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Dark Matter = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Chocobo Feather = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Chocobo Wing = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Lunar Curtain = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Light Curtain = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Star Curtain = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Healing Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mana Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Stamina Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Soul Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Purifying Salt = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Attribute Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Special Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Skill Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + White Magic Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Black Magic Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Master Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + HP Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + MP Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Strength Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Defense Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Magic Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Magic Defense Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Agility Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Evasion Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Accuracy Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Clear Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Return Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Friend Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Teleport Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Warp Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Map = Mega Elixir (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Musk = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Hypello Potion = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Shining Thorn = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Pendulum = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Mega Elixir + Mega Elixir = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Phoenix Down = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Mega Phoenix = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Antidote = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Soft = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Eyedrop = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Echo Screen = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Holy Water = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Remedy = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Power Distiller = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Mana Distiller = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Agility Distiller = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Ability Distiller = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Al Bhed Potion = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Healing Water = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Tetra Elemental = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Bomb Fragment = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Bomb Core = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Fire Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Electro Marble = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Lightning Marble = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Lightning Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Fish Scale = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Dragon Scale = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Water Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Antarctic Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Arctic Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Ice Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Frag Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Sleeping Powder = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Dream Powder = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Silence Grenade = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Smoke Bomb = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Shadow Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Shining Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Blessed Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Poison Fang = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Silver Hourglass = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Gold Hourglass = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Candle of Life = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Petrify Grenade = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Farplane Shadow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Farplane Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Dark Matter = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Chocobo Feather = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Chocobo Wing = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Lunar Curtain = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Light Curtain = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Star Curtain = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Healing Spring = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Mana Spring = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Stamina Spring = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Soul Spring = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Purifying Salt = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Stamina Tablet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Mana Tablet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Stamina Tonic = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Mana Tonic = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Twin Stars = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Three Stars = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Power Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Mana Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Speed Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Ability Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Attribute Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Special Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Skill Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + White Magic Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Black Magic Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Master Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Level 1 Key Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Level 2 Key Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Level 3 Key Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Level 4 Key Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + HP Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + MP Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Strength Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Defense Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Magic Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Magic Defense Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Agility Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Evasion Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Accuracy Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Clear Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Return Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Friend Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Teleport Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Warp Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Map = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Rename Card = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Musk = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Hypello Potion = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Shining Thorn = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Pendulum = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)


Phoenix Down + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Power Distiller = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Mana Distiller = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Agility Distiller = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Ability Distiller = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Al Bhed Potion = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Healing Water = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Tetra Elemental = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Bomb Fragment = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Bomb Core = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Fire Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Electro Marble = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Lightning Marble = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Lightning Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Fish Scale = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Dragon Scale = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Water Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Antarctic Wind = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Arctic Wind = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Ice Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Grenade = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Frag Grenade = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Sleeping Powder = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Dream Powder = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Silence Grenade = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Smoke Bomb = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Shadow Gem = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Shining Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Blessed Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Poison Fang = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Silver Hourglass = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Gold Hourglass = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Candle of Life = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Petrify Grenade = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Farplane Shadow = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Farplane Wind = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Chocobo Feather = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Chocobo Wing = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Lunar Curtain = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Light Curtain = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Star Curtain = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Healing Spring = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Mana Spring = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Stamina Spring = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Soul Spring = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Purifying Salt = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Power Sphere = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Mana Sphere = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Speed Sphere = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Ability Sphere = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Attribute Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Special Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Skill Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + White Magic Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Black Magic Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Master Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + HP Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + MP Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Strength Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Defense Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Magic Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Agility Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Evasion Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Accuracy Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Clear Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Return Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Friend Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Teleport Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Warp Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Musk = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Hypello Potion = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Shining Thorn = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Pendulum = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Amulet = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Door to Tomorrow = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Wings to Discovery = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Gambler's Spirit = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Underdog's Secret = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Winning Formula = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)

Mega Phoenix + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Antidote = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Soft = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Eyedrop = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Echo Screen = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Holy Water = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Remedy = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Power Distiller = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Distiller = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Agility Distiller = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Ability Distiller = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Al Bhed Potion = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Healing Water = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Tetra Elemental = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Bomb Fragment = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Bomb Core = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Fire Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Electro Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Lightning Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Lightning Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Fish Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Dragon Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Water Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Antarctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Arctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Ice Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Grenade = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Frag Grenade = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Sleeping Powder = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Dream Powder = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Silence Grenade = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Smoke Bomb = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Shadow Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Shining Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Blessed Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Poison Fang = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Silver Hourglass = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Gold Hourglass = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Candle of Life = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Petrify Grenade = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Farplane Shadow = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Farplane Wind = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Chocobo Feather = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Chocobo Wing = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Lunar Curtain = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Light Curtain = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Star Curtain = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Healing Spring = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Spring = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Stamina Spring = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Soul Spring = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Purifying Salt = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Stamina Tablet = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Tablet = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Stamina Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Twin Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Power Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Speed Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Ability Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Attribute Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Special Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Skill Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + White Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Black Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + HP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + MP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Strength Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Agility Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Evasion Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Accuracy Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Clear Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Return Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Friend Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Musk = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Hypello Potion = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Shining Thorn = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)


Antidote + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Antidote + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Antidote + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Antidote + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Antidote + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Antidote + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Antidote + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Antidote + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Antidote + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Antidote + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antidote + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antidote + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Antidote + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antidote + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antidote + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Power Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Mana Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Speed Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Ability Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Soft + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Soft + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Soft + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Soft + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Soft + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Soft + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Soft + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Soft + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Soft + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Soft + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Soft + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Soft + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Soft + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Soft + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Soft + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Soft + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Soft + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Soft + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Soft + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Soft + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Soft + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Soft + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Soft + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Power Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Mana Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Speed Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Ability Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Soft + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Soft + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Soft + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Eyedrop + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Eyedrop + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Eyedrop + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Eyedrop + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Eyedrop + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Eyedrop + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Eyedrop + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Eyedrop + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Eyedrop + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Eyedrop + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Eyedrop + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Eyedrop + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Eyedrop + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Eyedrop + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Eyedrop + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Power Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Mana Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Speed Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Ability Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Echo Screen + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Echo Screen + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Echo Screen + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Echo Screen + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Echo Screen + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Echo Screen + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Echo Screen + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Echo Screen + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Echo Screen + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Echo Screen + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Echo Screen + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Echo Screen + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Echo Screen + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Echo Screen + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Echo Screen + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Power Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Mana Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Speed Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Ability Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Holy Water + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Holy Water + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Holy Water + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Holy Water + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Holy Water + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Holy Water + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Holy Water + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Holy Water + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Holy Water + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Holy Water + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Holy Water + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Holy Water + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Holy Water + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Holy Water + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Holy Water + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Remedy + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Healing Water = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Tetra Elemental = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Remedy + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Remedy + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Remedy + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Remedy + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Remedy + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Remedy + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Remedy + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Remedy + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Remedy + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Remedy + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Remedy + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Remedy + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Remedy + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Remedy + Sleeping Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Dream Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Silence Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Smoke Bomb = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Shadow Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Shining Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Blessed Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Poison Fang = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Silver Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Gold Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Candle of Life = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Petrify Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Farplane Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Chocobo Feather = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Chocobo Wing = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Healing Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Mana Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Stamina Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Soul Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Purifying Salt = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)


Power Distiller + Power Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Mana Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Agility Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Ability Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Power Distiller + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Power Distiller + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Power Distiller + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Power Distiller + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Power Distiller + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Power Distiller + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Power Distiller + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Power Distiller + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Power Distiller + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Power Distiller + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Power Distiller + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Power Distiller + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Healing Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Mana Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Stamina Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Soul Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Purifying Salt = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Musk = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Hypello Potion = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Shining Thorn = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Mana Distiller + Mana Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Agility Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Ability Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Mana Distiller + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Mana Distiller + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Mana Distiller + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Mana Distiller + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Mana Distiller + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Mana Distiller + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Mana Distiller + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Mana Distiller + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Mana Distiller + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Mana Distiller + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Mana Distiller + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Mana Distiller + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Healing Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Mana Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Stamina Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Soul Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Purifying Salt = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Musk = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Hypello Potion = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Shining Thorn = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Agility Distiller + Agility Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Ability Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Agility Distiller + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Agility Distiller + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Agility Distiller + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Agility Distiller + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Agility Distiller + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Agility Distiller + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Agility Distiller + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Agility Distiller + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Agility Distiller + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Agility Distiller + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Agility Distiller + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Agility Distiller + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Healing Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Mana Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Stamina Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Soul Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Purifying Salt = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Musk = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Hypello Potion = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Shining Thorn = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Ability Distiller + Ability Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Ability Distiller + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Ability Distiller + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Ability Distiller + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Ability Distiller + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Ability Distiller + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Ability Distiller + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Ability Distiller + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Ability Distiller + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Ability Distiller + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Ability Distiller + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Ability Distiller + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Ability Distiller + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Healing Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Mana Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Stamina Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Soul Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Purifying Salt = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Musk = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Hypello Potion = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Shining Thorn = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)


Al Bhed Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Al Bhed Potion + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Al Bhed Potion + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Al Bhed Potion + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Al Bhed Potion + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Al Bhed Potion + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Al Bhed Potion + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Al Bhed Potion + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Al Bhed Potion + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Al Bhed Potion + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Al Bhed Potion + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Al Bhed Potion + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Al Bhed Potion + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Three Stars = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Musk = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Hypello Potion = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Shining Thorn = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Healing Water + Healing Water = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Tetra Elemental = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Bomb Fragment = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Healing Water + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Healing Water + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Healing Water + Electro Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Healing Water + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Healing Water + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Healing Water + Fish Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Healing Water + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Healing Water + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Healing Water + Antarctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Healing Water + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Healing Water + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Healing Water + Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Healing Water + Frag Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Healing Water + Sleeping Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Dream Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Silence Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Smoke Bomb = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Shadow Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Shining Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Blessed Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Poison Fang = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Silver Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Gold Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Candle of Life = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Petrify Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Farplane Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Healing Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Mana Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Stamina Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Soul Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Purifying Salt = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Three Stars = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Musk = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Hypello Potion = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Shining Thorn = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)


Tetra Elemental + Tetra Elemental = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Bomb Fragment = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Tetra Elemental + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Tetra Elemental + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Tetra Elemental + Electro Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Tetra Elemental + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Tetra Elemental + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Tetra Elemental + Fish Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Tetra Elemental + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Tetra Elemental + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Tetra Elemental + Antarctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Tetra Elemental + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Tetra Elemental + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Tetra Elemental + Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Tetra Elemental + Frag Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Tetra Elemental + Sleeping Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Dream Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Silence Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Smoke Bomb = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Shadow Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Shining Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Blessed Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Poison Fang = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Silver Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Gold Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Candle of Life = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Petrify Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Farplane Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Healing Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Mana Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Stamina Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Soul Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Purifying Salt = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Three Stars = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Musk = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Hypello Potion = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Shining Thorn = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Bomb Fragment + Bomb Fragment = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Electro Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Lightning Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Lightning Gem = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Fish Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Dragon Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Water Gem = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Antarctic Wind = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Bomb Fragment + Ice Gem = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Bomb Fragment + Grenade = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Frag Grenade = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Sleeping Powder = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Dream Powder = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Silence Grenade = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Smoke Bomb = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Poison Fang = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Silver Hourglass = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Gold Hourglass = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Candle of Life = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Petrify Grenade = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Farplane Shadow = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Farplane Wind = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Chocobo Feather = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Chocobo Wing = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Healing Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Mana Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Stamina Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Soul Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Purifying Salt = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Three Stars = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Power Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Mana Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Speed Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Ability Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Attribute Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Special Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Skill Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + White Magic Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Black Magic Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Master Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Level 1 Key Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Level 2 Key Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Level 3 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Level 4 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + HP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + MP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Strength Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Magic Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Agility Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Evasion Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Accuracy Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Clear Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Return Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Friend Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Teleport Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Warp Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Map = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Rename Card = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Musk = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Hypello Potion = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Shining Thorn = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Pendulum = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Amulet = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Door to Tomorrow = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Wings to Discovery = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Gambler's Spirit = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Underdog's Secret = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Winning Formula = Burning Soul (FIRE)

Bomb Core + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Electro Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Lightning Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Lightning Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Fish Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Dragon Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Water Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Antarctic Wind = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Arctic Wind = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Ice Gem = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Bomb Core + Grenade = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Frag Grenade = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Sleeping Powder = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Dream Powder = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Silence Grenade = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Smoke Bomb = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Poison Fang = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Silver Hourglass = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Gold Hourglass = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Candle of Life = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Petrify Grenade = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Farplane Shadow = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Farplane Wind = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Chocobo Feather = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Chocobo Wing = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Healing Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Mana Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Stamina Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Soul Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Purifying Salt = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Three Stars = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Power Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Mana Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Speed Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Ability Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Attribute Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Special Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Skill Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + White Magic Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Black Magic Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Master Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Level 1 Key Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Level 2 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Level 3 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Level 4 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + HP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + MP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Strength Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Magic Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Agility Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Evasion Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Accuracy Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Clear Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Return Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Friend Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Teleport Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Warp Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Map = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Rename Card = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Musk = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Hypello Potion = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Shining Thorn = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Fire Gem + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Electro Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Lightning Marble = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Lightning Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Fish Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Dragon Scale = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Water Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Antarctic Wind = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Arctic Wind = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Ice Gem = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Grenade = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Frag Grenade = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Sleeping Powder = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Dream Powder = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Silence Grenade = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Smoke Bomb = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Poison Fang = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Silver Hourglass = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Gold Hourglass = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Candle of Life = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Petrify Grenade = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Farplane Shadow = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Farplane Wind = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Dark Matter = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Chocobo Feather = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Chocobo Wing = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Healing Spring = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Mana Spring = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Stamina Spring = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Soul Spring = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Purifying Salt = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Power Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Mana Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Speed Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Ability Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Attribute Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Special Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Skill Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + White Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Master Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + HP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + MP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Strength Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Agility Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Evasion Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Clear Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Return Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Friend Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Teleport Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Warp Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Map = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Rename Card = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Musk = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Hypello Potion = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Shining Thorn = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Electro Marble + Electro Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Fish Scale = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Electro Marble + Water Gem = Waterfall (WATER)
Electro Marble + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Arctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Ice Gem = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Grenade = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Frag Grenade = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Sleeping Powder = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Dream Powder = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Silence Grenade = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Smoke Bomb = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Poison Fang = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Silver Hourglass = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Gold Hourglass = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Candle of Life = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Petrify Grenade = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Farplane Shadow = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Farplane Wind = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Chocobo Feather = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Chocobo Wing = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Healing Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Mana Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Stamina Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Soul Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Purifying Salt = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Three Stars = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Power Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Mana Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Speed Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Ability Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Attribute Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Special Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Skill Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + White Magic Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Black Magic Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Master Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Level 1 Key Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Level 2 Key Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Level 3 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Level 4 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + HP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + MP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Strength Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Magic Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Agility Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Evasion Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Accuracy Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Clear Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Return Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Friend Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Teleport Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Warp Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Map = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Rename Card = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Musk = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Hypello Potion = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Shining Thorn = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Pendulum = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Amulet = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Door to Tomorrow = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Wings to Discovery = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Gambler's Spirit = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Underdog's Secret = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Winning Formula = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)

Lightning Marble + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Fish Scale = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Dragon Scale = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Water Gem = Waterfall (WATER)
Lightning Marble + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Arctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Ice Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Grenade = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Frag Grenade = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Sleeping Powder = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Dream Powder = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Silence Grenade = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Smoke Bomb = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Poison Fang = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Silver Hourglass = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Gold Hourglass = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Candle of Life = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Petrify Grenade = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Farplane Shadow = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Farplane Wind = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Chocobo Feather = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Chocobo Wing = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Healing Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Mana Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Stamina Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Soul Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Purifying Salt = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Three Stars = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Power Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Mana Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Speed Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Ability Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Attribute Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Special Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Skill Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + White Magic Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Black Magic Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Master Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Level 1 Key Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Level 2 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Level 3 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Level 4 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + HP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + MP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Strength Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Magic Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Agility Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Evasion Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Accuracy Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Clear Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Return Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Friend Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Teleport Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Warp Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Map = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Rename Card = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Musk = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Hypello Potion = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Shining Thorn = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Lightning Gem + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Fish Scale = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Dragon Scale = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Water Gem = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Arctic Wind = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Ice Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Grenade = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Frag Grenade = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Sleeping Powder = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Dream Powder = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Silence Grenade = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Smoke Bomb = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Poison Fang = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Silver Hourglass = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Gold Hourglass = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Candle of Life = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Petrify Grenade = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Farplane Shadow = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Farplane Wind = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Dark Matter = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Chocobo Feather = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Chocobo Wing = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Healing Spring = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Mana Spring = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Stamina Spring = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Soul Spring = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Purifying Salt = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Power Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Mana Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Speed Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Ability Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Attribute Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Special Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Skill Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + White Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Master Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + HP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + MP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Strength Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Agility Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Evasion Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Clear Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Return Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Friend Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Teleport Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Warp Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Map = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Rename Card = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Musk = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Hypello Potion = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Shining Thorn = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Fish Scale + Fish Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Arctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Ice Gem = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Grenade = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Frag Grenade = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Sleeping Powder = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Dream Powder = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Silence Grenade = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Smoke Bomb = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Poison Fang = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Silver Hourglass = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Gold Hourglass = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Candle of Life = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Petrify Grenade = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Farplane Shadow = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Farplane Wind = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Chocobo Feather = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Chocobo Wing = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Healing Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Mana Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Stamina Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Soul Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Purifying Salt = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Three Stars = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Power Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Mana Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Speed Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Ability Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Attribute Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Special Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Skill Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + White Magic Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Black Magic Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Master Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Level 1 Key Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Level 2 Key Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + HP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + MP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Strength Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Magic Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Agility Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Evasion Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Accuracy Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Clear Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Return Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Friend Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Teleport Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Warp Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Map = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Rename Card = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Musk = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Hypello Potion = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Shining Thorn = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Pendulum = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Amulet = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Door to Tomorrow = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Wings to Discovery = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Gambler's Spirit = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Underdog's Secret = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Winning Formula = Tidal Wave (WATER)

Dragon Scale + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Arctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Ice Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Grenade = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Frag Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Sleeping Powder = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Dream Powder = Dark Rain (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Silence Grenade = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Smoke Bomb = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Poison Fang = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Silver Hourglass = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Gold Hourglass = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Candle of Life = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Petrify Grenade = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Farplane Shadow = Dark Rain (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Farplane Wind = Dark Rain (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Chocobo Feather = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Chocobo Wing = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Healing Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Mana Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Stamina Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Soul Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Purifying Salt = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Three Stars = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Power Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Mana Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Speed Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Ability Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Attribute Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Special Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Skill Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + White Magic Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Black Magic Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Master Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Level 1 Key Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + HP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + MP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Strength Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Magic Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Agility Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Evasion Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Accuracy Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Clear Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Return Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Friend Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Teleport Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Warp Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Map = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Rename Card = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Musk = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Hypello Potion = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Shining Thorn = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Water Gem + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Arctic Wind = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Ice Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Frag Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Sleeping Powder = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Dream Powder = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Silence Grenade = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Smoke Bomb = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Poison Fang = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Silver Hourglass = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Gold Hourglass = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Candle of Life = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Petrify Grenade = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Farplane Shadow = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Farplane Wind = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Dark Matter = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Chocobo Feather = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Chocobo Wing = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Healing Spring = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Mana Spring = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Stamina Spring = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Soul Spring = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Purifying Salt = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Power Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Mana Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Speed Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Ability Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Attribute Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Special Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Skill Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + White Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Master Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + HP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + MP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Strength Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Agility Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Evasion Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Clear Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Return Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Friend Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Teleport Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Warp Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Map = Waterfall (WATER)
Water Gem + Rename Card = Waterfall (WATER)
Water Gem + Musk = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Hypello Potion = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Shining Thorn = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Antarctic Wind + Antarctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Grenade = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Frag Grenade = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Sleeping Powder = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Dream Powder = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Silence Grenade = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Smoke Bomb = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antarctic Wind + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antarctic Wind + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antarctic Wind + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antarctic Wind + Poison Fang = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Silver Hourglass = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Gold Hourglass = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Candle of Life = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Petrify Grenade = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Farplane Shadow = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Farplane Wind = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Chocobo Feather = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Chocobo Wing = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Healing Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Mana Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Stamina Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Soul Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Purifying Salt = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Three Stars = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Power Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Mana Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Speed Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Ability Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Attribute Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Special Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Skill Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + White Magic Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Black Magic Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Master Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Level 1 Key Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Level 2 Key Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Level 3 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Level 4 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + HP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + MP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Strength Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Magic Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Agility Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Evasion Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Accuracy Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Clear Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Return Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Friend Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Teleport Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Warp Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Map = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Rename Card = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Musk = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Hypello Potion = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Shining Thorn = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Pendulum = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Amulet = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Door to Tomorrow = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Wings to Discovery = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Gambler's Spirit = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Underdog's Secret = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Winning Formula = Winter Storm (ICE)

Arctic Wind + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Grenade = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Frag Grenade = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Sleeping Powder = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Dream Powder = Krysta (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Silence Grenade = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Smoke Bomb = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Arctic Wind + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Arctic Wind + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Arctic Wind + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Arctic Wind + Poison Fang = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Silver Hourglass = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Gold Hourglass = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Candle of Life = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Petrify Grenade = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Farplane Shadow = Krysta (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Farplane Wind = Krysta (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Chocobo Feather = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Chocobo Wing = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Healing Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Mana Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Stamina Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Soul Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Purifying Salt = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Three Stars = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Power Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Mana Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Speed Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Ability Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Attribute Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Special Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Skill Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + White Magic Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Black Magic Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Master Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Level 1 Key Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Level 2 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Level 3 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Level 4 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + HP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + MP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Strength Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Magic Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Agility Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Evasion Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Accuracy Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Clear Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Return Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Friend Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Teleport Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Warp Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Map = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Rename Card = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Musk = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Hypello Potion = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Shining Thorn = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Ice Gem + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Grenade = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Frag Grenade = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Sleeping Powder = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Dream Powder = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Silence Grenade = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Smoke Bomb = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Poison Fang = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Silver Hourglass = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Gold Hourglass = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Candle of Life = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Petrify Grenade = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Farplane Shadow = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Farplane Wind = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Dark Matter = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Chocobo Feather = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Chocobo Wing = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Healing Spring = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Mana Spring = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Stamina Spring = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Soul Spring = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Purifying Salt = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Power Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Mana Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Speed Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Ability Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Attribute Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Special Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Skill Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + White Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Master Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + HP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + MP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Strength Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Agility Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Evasion Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Clear Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Return Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Friend Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Teleport Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Warp Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Map = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Ice Gem + Rename Card = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Ice Gem + Musk = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Hypello Potion = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Shining Thorn = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)


Grenade + Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Grenade + Frag Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Grenade + Sleeping Powder = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Dream Powder = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Silence Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Smoke Bomb = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomh (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Poison Fang = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Silver Hourglass = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Gold Hourglass = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Candle of Life = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Petrify Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Farplane Shadow = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Farplane Wind = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Chocobo Feather = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Chocobo Wing = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Healing Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Mana Spring = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Stamina Spring = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Soul Spring = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Purifying Salt = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SEPCIAL)
Grenade + Three Stars = Tallboy (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Attribute Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Special Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Skill Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + White Magic Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Black Magic Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Master Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Level 3 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Level 4 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Clear Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Pendulum = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Frag Grenade + Frag Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Frag Grenade + Sleeping Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Dream Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Silence Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Farplane Shadow = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Farplane Wind = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Healing Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Three Stars = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)


Sleeping Powder + Sleeping Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Dream Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Silence Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Dream Powder + Dream Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Silence Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Silence Grenade + Silence Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Smoke Bomb + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)


Shadow Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Shining Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Blessed Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Poison Fang = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Silver Hourglass = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Gold Hourglass = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Candle of Life = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Petrify Grenade = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Farplane Shadow = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Farplane Wind = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Chocobo Feather = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Chocobo Wing = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Healing Spring = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Mana Spring = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Stamina Spring = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Soul Spring = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Purifying Salt = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Power Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Mana Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Speed Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Ability Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Attribute Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Special Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Skill Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + White Magic Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Master Sphere = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + HP Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + MP Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Strength Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Defense Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Magic Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Agility Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Evasion Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Clear Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Return Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Friend Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Teleport Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Warp Sphere = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Map = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Rename Card = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Musk = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Hypello Potion = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Shining Thorn = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Pendulum = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Amulet = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Wings to Discovery = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Underdog's Secret = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Winning Formula = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Shining Gem + Shining Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Blessed Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Supreme Gem = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Poison Fang = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Silver Hourglass = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Gold Hourglass = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Candle of Life = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Petrify Grenade = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Farplane Shadow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Farplane Wind = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Dark Matter = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Chocobo Feather = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Chocobo Wing = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Lunar Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Light Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Star Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Healing Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Mana Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Stamina Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Soul Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Purifying Salt = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Mana Tablet = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Mana Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Twin Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Three Stars = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Attribute Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Special Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Skill Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + White Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Master Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + HP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + MP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Strength Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Agility Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Evasion Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Clear Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Return Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Friend Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Teleport Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Warp Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Map = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Rename Card = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Musk = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Hypello Potion = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Shining Thorn = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Amulet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

Blessed Gem + Blessed Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Supreme Gem = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Poison Fang = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Silver Hourglass = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Gold Hourglass = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Candle of Life = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Petrify Grenade = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Farplane Shadow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Farplane Wind = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Dark Matter = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Chocobo Feather = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Chocobo Wing = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Lunar Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Light Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Star Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Healing Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Mana Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Stamina Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Soul Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Purifying Salt = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Mana Tablet = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Mana Tonic = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Twin Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Three Stars = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Attribute Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Special Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Skill Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + White Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Master Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + HP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + MP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Strength Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Agility Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Evasion Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Clear Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Return Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Friend Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Teleport Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Warp Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Map = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Rename Card = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Musk = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Hypello Potion = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Shining Thorn = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Amulet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

Supreme Gem + Supreme Gem = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Poison Fang = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Silver Hourglass = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Gold Hourglass = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Candle of Life = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Petrify Grenade = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Farplane Shadow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Farplane Wind = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Dark Matter = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Chocobo Feather = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Chocobo Wing = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Lunar Curtain = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Light Curtain = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Star Curtain = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Healing Spring = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Mana Spring = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Stamina Spring = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Soul Spring = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Purifying Salt = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Mana Tablet = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Mana Tonic = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Twin Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Three Stars = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Power Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Mana Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Speed Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Ability Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Attribute Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Special Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Skill Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + White Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Master Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + HP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + MP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Strength Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Agility Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Evasion Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Clear Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Return Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Friend Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Teleport Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Warp Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Map = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Rename Card = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Musk = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Hypello Potion = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Shining Thorn = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Amulet = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Wings to Discovery = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Underdog's Secret = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Winning Formula = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)


Poison Fang + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Silver Hourglass + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Gold Hourglass + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Candle of Life + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Petrify Grenade + Petrify Grenade = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Farplane Shadow + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Chocobo Feather = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Chocobo Wing = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Lunar Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Light Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Star Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Healing Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Mana Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Stamina Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Soul Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Purifying Salt = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Attribute Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Special Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Skill Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + White Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Black Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Level 1 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Level 2 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Clear Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Farplane Wind + Farplane Wind = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Chocobo Feather = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Chocobo Wing = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Lunar Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Light Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Star Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Healing Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Mana Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Stamina Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Soul Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Purifying Salt = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Three Stars = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Attribute Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Special Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Skill Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + White Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Black Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Level 1 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Level 2 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Clear Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Dark Matter + Dark Matter = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Chocobo Feather = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Chocobo Wing = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Lunar Curtain = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Light Curtain = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Star Curtain = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Healing Spring = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Mana Spring = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Stamina Spring = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Soul Spring = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Purifying Salt = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Stamina Tablet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Mana Tablet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Stamina Tonic = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Mana Tonic = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Twin Stars = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Three Stars = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Power Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Mana Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Speed Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Ability Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Fortune Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Attribute Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Special Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Skill Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + White Magic Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Black Magic Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Master Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Level 1 Key Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Level 2 Key Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Level 3 Key Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Level 4 Key Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + HP Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + MP Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Strength Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Defense Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Magic Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Magic Defense Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Agility Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Evasion Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Accuracy Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Luck Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Clear Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Return Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Friend Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Teleport Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Warp Sphere = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Map = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Rename Card = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Musk = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Hypello Potion = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Shining Thorn = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Amulet = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Designer Wallet = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Door to Tomorrow = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Wings to Discovery = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Gambler's Spirit = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Underdog's Secret = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Winning Formula = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)


Chocobo Feather + Chocobo Feather = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Chocobo Wing = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Healing Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Mana Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Stamina Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Soul Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Purifying Salt = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Map = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Rename Card = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Musk = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Hypello Potion = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Shining Thorn = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Pendulum = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Amulet = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Door to Tomorrow = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Wings to Discovery = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Gambler's Spirit = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Underdog's Secret = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Winning Formula = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Chocobo Wing + Chocobo Wing = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Healing Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Mana Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Stamina Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Soul Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Purifying Salt = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Map = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Rename Card = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Musk = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Hypello Potion = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Shining Thorn = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Lunar Curtain + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Healing Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Mana Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Map = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Rename Card = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Musk = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Hypello Potion = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Shining Thorn = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Light Curtain + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Healing Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Mana Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Map = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Rename Card = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Musk = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Hypello Potion = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Shining Thorn = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Star Curtain + Star Curtain = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Healing Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Mana Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Power Sphere = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Mana Sphere = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Speed Sphere = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Ability Sphere = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Map = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Rename Card = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Musk = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Hypello Potion = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Shining Thorn = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

- n. SPRINGS -

Healing Spring + Healing Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Mana Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Stamina Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Soul Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Purifying Salt = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Map = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Rename Card = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Musk = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Hypello Potion = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Shining Thorn = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Mana Spring + Mana Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Stamina Spring + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Soul Spring + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Purifying Salt + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)


Stamina Tablet + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Twin Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Power Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Mana Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Speed Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Ability Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Attribute Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Special Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Skill Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + White Magic Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Black Magic Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Master Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Level 1 Key Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Level 2 Key Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Level 3 Key Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Level 4 Key Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + HP Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + MP Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Strength Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Defense Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Magic Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Magic Defense Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Agility Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Evasion Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Accuracy Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Clear Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Return Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Friend Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Teleport Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Warp Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Map = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Rename Card = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Musk = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Hypello Potion = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Shining Thorn = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Designer Wallet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Mana Tablet + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Twin Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Power Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Mana Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Speed Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Ability Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Attribute Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Special Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Skill Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + White Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Black Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Master Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + HP Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + MP Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Strength Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Defense Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Magic Defense Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Agility Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Evasion Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Accuracy Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Clear Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Return Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Friend Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Teleport Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Warp Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Map = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Rename Card = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Musk = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Hypello Potion = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Shining Thorn = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Pendulum = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Designer Wallet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Stamina Tonic + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Mana Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Twin Stars = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Three Stars = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Power Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Mana Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Speed Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Ability Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Attribute Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Special Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Skill Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + White Magic Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Black Magic Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Master Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + HP Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + MP Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Strength Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Defense Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Magic Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Magic Defense Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Agility Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Evasion Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Accuracy Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Clear Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Return Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Friend Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Teleport Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Warp Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Map = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Rename Card = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Musk = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Hypello Potion = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Shining Thorn = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Pendulum = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Designer Wallet = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Mana Tonic + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Twin Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Power Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Mana Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Speed Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Ability Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Attribute Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Special Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Skill Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + White Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Black Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Master Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + HP Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + MP Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Strength Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Defense Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Magic Defense Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Agility Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Evasion Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Accuracy Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Clear Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Return Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Friend Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Teleport Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Warp Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Map = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Rename Card = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Musk = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Hypello Potion = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Shining Thorn = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Pendulum = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Designer Wallet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

- p. STARS -

Twin Stars + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Three Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Power Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Mana Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Speed Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Ability Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Attribute Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Special Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Skill Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + White Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Black Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Master Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Level 1 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Level 2 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Level 3 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Level 4 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + HP Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + MP Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Strength Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Defense Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Magic Defense Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Agility Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Evasion Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Accuracy Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Clear Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Return Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Friend Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Teleport Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Warp Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Map = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Rename Card = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Musk = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Hypello Potion = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Shining Thorn = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Pendulum = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Designer Wallet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Three Stars + Three Stars = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Three Stars + Power Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Mana Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Speed Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Ability Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Attribute Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Special Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Skill Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + White Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Black Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Master Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Level 1 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Level 2 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Level 3 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Level 4 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + HP Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + MP Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Strength Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Defense Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Magic Defense Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Agility Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Evasion Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Accuracy Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Clear Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Return Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Friend Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Teleport Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Warp Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Map = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Rename Card = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Musk = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Hypello Potion = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Shining Thorn = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Pendulum = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)


Power Sphere + Power Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Mana Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Speed Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Ability Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Special Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Skill Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Master Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Mana Sphere + Mana Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Speed Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Ability Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Special Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Skill Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Master Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Speed Sphere + Speed Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Ability Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Speed Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Special Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Skill Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Master Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Potato Master (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Speed Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Speed Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Ability Sphere + Ability Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Special Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Skill Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Master Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)


Fortune Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Special Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Skill Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Master Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + HP Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + MP Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Strength Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Defense Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Magic Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Agility Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Clear Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Return Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Friend Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Warp Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Map = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Rename Card = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Musk = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Hypello Potion = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Shining Thorn = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Pendulum = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Amulet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Winning Formula = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)

Attribute Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Special Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Skill Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Attribute Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Attribute Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Special Sphere + Special Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Skill Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Special Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Special Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Skill Sphere + Skill Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Skill Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Skill Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

White Magic Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
White Magic Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
White Magic Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Black Magic Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Master Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Master Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Amulet = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Master Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Winning Formula = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)


Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Level 2 Key Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Level 3 Key Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Amulet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

Level 4 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + HP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + MP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Strength Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Agility Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Clear Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Return Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Friend Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Map = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Rename Card = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Amulet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)


HP Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

MP Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Gernade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Strength Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Defense Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Magic Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Luck Sphere = Holy War (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Magic Defense Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Agility Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Evasion Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Accuracy Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Luck Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Clear Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Return Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Friend Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Warp Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Map = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Rename Card = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Musk = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Hypello Potion = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Shining Thorn = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Pendulum = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Amulet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Winning Formula = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)


Clear Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Clear Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Return Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Return Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Friend Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Friend Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Teleport Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Teleport Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Warp Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Warp Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)


Map + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Map + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Rename Card + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Rename Card + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Musk + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Musk + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Musk + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Musk + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Musk + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Hypello Potion + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Hypello Potion + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Hypello Potion + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Hypello Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Shining Thorn + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Shining Thorn + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shining Thorn + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)


Pendulum + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Pendulum + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Pendulum + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Amulet + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Designer Wallet + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Door to Tomorrow = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Wings to Discovery = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Gambler's Spirit = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Underdog's Secret = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Winning Formula = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)

Door to Tomorrow + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Door to Tomorrow + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Door to Tomorrow + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Door to Tomorrow + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Door to Tomorrow + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

Wings to Discovery + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Wings to Discovery + Gambler's Spirit = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Wings to Discovery + Underdog's Secret = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Wings to Discovery + Winning Formula = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Gambler's Spirit + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Gambler's Spirit + Underdog's Secret = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gambler's Spirit + Winning Formula = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Underdog's Secret + Underdog's Secret = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Underdog's Secret + Winning Formula = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Winning Formula + Winning Formula = Supernova (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-- V. Thanks, Credits, Shameless Plugs --

Big thanks go out to Tronix ( and National Console
Support, Inc ( for selling me Final Fantasy X and a
Japanese Playstation 2, respectively. Best import shops on the web, they

Thanks as well to Amazon Japan ( for stocking the
two FFX Ultimania guides, and being kind enough to ship overseas.

Thanks to Muni Shinobu ( for his excellent FFX
walkthrough and numerous other guides on the game. Without him, we would not
know wairo from Shinola.

Thanks to my friends and family for putting up with me throughout the writing
of this, and my other Final Fantasy X guides, especially my sister Annie
( Show your appreciation by flooding her email box with
marriage proposals. Really. She likes it.

Special thanks to J. Parish (, without whom I'd
never have begun importing games, and obviously FAQs like these wouldn't have
been written.

Much respect to Alexander O. Smith for his fantastic localizations of Vagrant
Story, Parasite Eve 2, Final Fantasy IX, soon-to-be Final Fantasy X, and all
the rest. Thank you for elevating video game dialogue to fine literature.

Extra special thanks to Square ( for creating FFX
and many other quality titles, and GameFAQs ( for
hosting FAQs on every game imaginable, and respecting FAQ author's rights.
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Walkthrough Spanish

15.Октябрь 2013
The Story

15.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
International FAQ/Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Monster Arena FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Original Soundtrack List

14.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part One

14.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part Two

16.Октябрь 2013
Aeon In-Depth FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Sphere Grid FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Blitzball Database

14.Октябрь 2013
12 Random Chests FAQ | Omega Ruins Side-Quest FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough and FAQ Part 1/2

14.Октябрь 2013
Monster Encyclopedia

16.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough und FAQ Part 2/2

14.Октябрь 2013
Chocobo Racing Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Item List

14.Октябрь 2013
Character/Aeon Overdrive In-Depth FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Item List

16.Октябрь 2013
Equipment Remodeling Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ultimate Weapons Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
In den Macalania Woods kurz vor der FMV Sequenz mit Tidus und Yuna.

17.Октябрь 2013
Blitzball Techniques FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Bribe FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Secrets FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
07.Июнь 2019