Dragon Quest 4

Dragon Quest 4

17.10.2013 03:18:00
ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒNƒGƒXƒg IV/Dragon Quest IV Remix

Chapter 1 Translation Guide

Version 1.0 12/04/01

By: Red Scarlet (akaiscarlet@hotmail.com)

Version 1.0 12/04/01-Guide created, and complete through Chapter 1.

This Guide is for personal use only. It cannot be
altered without the consent of its owner (me), nor published in any
magazines or any reproducted form. This walkthrough is not meant for
sale and is Copyright 2000, 2001 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this on
your website or page, please e-mail me for permission

To view this text file correctly, please use a Japanese text viewer
program or download NJStar at www.njstar.com and download the Japan-
ese word processor and the CJK viewer. By the way, if you have Inter-
net explorer 5.0 (I think), right click on the text, and choose 'Encoding',
then select Japanese (Auto Select) and the kana will come
out just right. I strongly recommend doing this to view any of my
guides with Japanese in them correctly.


Hello, welcome to my Dragon Quest 4 Remix-Chapter 1-4 Translation Guide.
In this guide are translations of the menu screen, item menus, status menus,
spell menus, strategy menus, and battle menus. Also in this guide are
translations of all the weapons, armor, items, spells, town shop info, and
monsters I have found while playing through Chapter 1.
A quick summary of what to do to get through Chapter 1 is also included.


Quick Summary

1-Start in ƒoƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒh: Batorando (Batlando), and find out about the
missing children.
2-Enter the cave northwest of Batlando, and exit out the other side.
3-Head east to the town of Imuru, and buy better equipment.
4-Walk around while near Imuru until it becomes nighttime, then enter the
5-Go down the stairs to the left of the House of Healing (Church) at night.
6-Talk to the man in jail; his name is ƒAƒŒƒNƒX: Arekusu (Alex).
7-Walk back to Batlando.
8-Enter the house below you at the entrance of town, and talk to
ƒtƒŒƒA: Furea (Frea). She will join you.
9-Return to the jail in Imuru, and Alex will reveal the location of the
secret playground in the forest southeast of the signpost near Imuru.
10-Enter the well at the playground.
11-Find ƒzƒCƒ~ƒ“: Hoimin (Healie) while exploring the well cave.
12-Find the ‚»‚ç‚Æ‚Ô‚­‚Â: Soratobukutsu (Flying Shoes) in the well cave.
13-Use the Flying Shoes (while at an outside area) to fly to the island
tower where the kidnapped children are held.
14-Kill the two boss monsters at the bottom of the tower to free the
captive children.
15-Return to Imuru and drop the rescued children off.
16-Return to Batlando Castle and talk to the King to end the chapter.


Control Scheme

Directional Pad/Left Analog Stick
Move up, down, left, right

L1 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves counter-clockwise.
L2 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves counter-clockwise
by 45 degrees.
R1 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves clockwise.
R2 Button: Moves the 3-Dimensional map in towns and caves clockwise by 45
Triangle: Picks up pots and barrels; also used to talk to people automatic-
ally, and look through dressers.
Square: Zooms the camera way out while in a town. Also views the map (once
you have it) while on the overworld screen.
Circle: Accept button. Also opens the Command Window.
X: Cancel button. Gives the ‚¢‚¢‚¦: Iie (No) reply when asked a question
and this button is pushed. Goes back 1 page in some menus.
Select: Opens the ‚¹‚ñ‚ê‚«: Senreki (Combat Experience) screen.
Start: If pushed while in a town or cave, the 3-D map will flip around to
its default position. Holding L1 and pushing R1 (or vice-versa)
does the same effect.


House of Healing Translations

When you visit a church, these are the options that appear:

‚¨‚¢‚Ì‚è‚ð‚·‚é: Oinori wo Suru (Save Game)
‚¨‚‚°‚ð‚«‚­: Otsuge wo Kiku (Inform)
‚¢‚«‚©‚¦‚点‚é: Ikikaeraseru (Revive)
‚Ç‚­‚Ì‚¿‚è‚傤: Doku no Chiryou (Poison Treatment)
‚Ì‚ë‚¢‚ð‚Æ‚­: Noroi wo Toku (Undo Curse)
‚â‚ß‚é: Yameru (Cancel)

If you choose to save the game, the priest double checks if that is what
you want to do. Reply with ‚Í‚¢: Hai (Yes) if you want to save, or say ‚¢‚¢‚¦:
Iie (No) if you do not want to. If you do say no, the priest asks if you want
to still play. If you didn't save, I wouldn't recommend saying you want to
take a break; you'd have to redo everything since the last time you did save.
Reply to his first question with ‚Í‚¢: Hai (Yes), and he asks which
memory card slot you want to use. Reply with Slot 1 or Slot 2. Save over
whatever empty/current file you have, then he asks if you want to keep playing.

What Inform does is simply say how much more experience everyone in the
party needs until they reach their next level.

Revive will bring dead party members back to life, but for a price.

Poison Treatment will cure ‚Ç‚­: Doku (Poison) status.

Undo Curse will remove a cursed item from a party member. Note that when
a cursed item is removed, it is destroyed in the process.

Cancel will exit the menu.


ƒRƒ}ƒ“ƒhƒEƒBƒ“ƒhƒE: Komandouindou (Command Window)

Hit the Circle button to open up the command window. The six options that
appear are:

Note-a ** means there are more options that open when you select that

‚Í‚È‚·: Hanasu (Talk) ‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ: Jumon (Magic)
**‚Ç‚¤‚®: Dougu (Item) ‚µ‚ç‚ׂé: Shiraberu (Search)
**‚‚悳: Tsuyosa (Status) **‚³‚­‚¹‚ñ: Sakusen (Strategy)

‚Ç‚¤‚®: Dougu (Item Bag) Translations

Choose a character, and then hit the A button on the item in
question, and another menu pops up. The translations for those are
as follows:
‚‚©‚¤: Tsukau (Use item)
‚킽‚·: Watasu (Move item up or down in list)
‚»‚¤‚Ñ: Soubi (Equip the item if you can)
‚·‚Ä‚é: Suteru (Throw the item away; once its thrown, its gone!)
‚â‚ß‚é: Yameru (Cancel)

‚‚悳: Tsuyosa (Status) Translations

When you choose this command, you can choose an individual char-
acter, or choose the bottom option, ‚º‚É‚ñ: Zenin, which shows a
'quick list' of all party members' current/max hp, current/max mp,
their current experience level, and the amount of time the game has been
Now choose an individual character, and the stats are translat-
ed as follows:

| Name | Amount of Gold |
|Character Type |--------------------------------------------|
| Sex | ‚¿‚©‚ç: Chikara (Power) |
| Exp. Level | ‚·‚΂₳: Subayasa (Agility) |
------------------ ‚½‚¢‚è‚å‚­: Tairyoku (Vitality) |
|Weapon equipped | ‚©‚µ‚±‚³: Kashikosa (Intelligence) |
|Armor equipped | ‚¤‚ñ‚̂悳: Un no Yosa (Luck) |
|Shield equipped | ‚±‚¤‚°‚«—Í: Kougeki Chikara (Attack Power) |
|Helmet equipped | ‚µ‚ã‚Ñ—Í: Shubi Chikara (Defense Power) |
|Decoration eqpd | ‚³‚¢‚¾‚¢HP: Saidai HP (Max HP) |
-----------------| ‚³‚¢‚¾‚¢MP: Saidai MP (Max MP) |
| Ex: Current Experience Points |

Note-‚±‚¤‚°‚«—Í: Kougeki Chikara (Attack Power) is figured by the
characters' ‚¿‚©‚ç: Chikara (Strength) + the attack power of their
equipped weapon, and ‚µ‚ã‚Ñ—Í: Shubi Chikara (Defense Power) is figur-
ed by the defense power of their equipped armor, shield, helmet,
decoration (if it applies) plus 50% of their Agility rating.


‚³‚­‚¹‚ñ: Sakusen (Strategy) Translations

When you open this menu, these options pop up. The translations
for these are to the best of my knowledge, so if anyone out there
knows what the last option does, please email and I will give you
credit for it.

‚à‚ñ‚½‚ñ: Montan (Use the strongest heal spells to heal everyone)
‚»‚¤‚Ñ: Soubi (Equip weapons and armor)
‚È‚ç‚Ñ‚©‚¦: Narabikae (Change party order)
‚¹‚ñ‚ê‚«: Senreki (Combat Experience)


‚¹‚ñ‚ê‚«: Senreki (Combat Experience) Translations

‚Ú‚¤‚¯‚ñ‚µ‚½ŽžŠÔ: Boukenshita Jikan (Adventure time) ŽžŠÔ: Hours •ª: Min.
í“¬‰ñ”: Sentou Kaisuu (Number of battles)
‚½‚¨‚µ‚½•C”: Taoshitahikisuu (Number of monsters fought)
‘SŠl“¾ƒS[ƒ‹ƒh: Zenkakutoku Go-rudo (Acquired gold)
Ÿ—˜‰ñ”: Shouri Kaisuu (Number of battle victories)
‘S–ʼnñ”: Zenmetsu Kaisuu (Number of times the party has been defeated)
“¦‘–‰ñ”: Tousou Kaisuu (Number of times the party has fled)
ˆêŒ‚Å‘åƒ_ƒ[ƒW: Ichigeki Saidai Dame-ji (Highest single attack damage)


Battle Screen Translations

When you get into a fight, the battle menu on the bottom left looks like

‚½‚½‚©‚¤: Tatakau (Fight)
‚É‚°‚é: Nigeru (Flee)

If you hit Left or Right on the directional pad or the left analog stick,
the game asks if you want to change the message speed. Hit the Circle button
if you want to, hit Left, Right, or the X button if you don't want to.
The default message speed is 4. 1 is the fastest, while 8 is the slowest.
If you choose to ‚½‚½‚©‚¤: Tatakau (Fight), another window opens up. This is
the Fight Command menu.

| Character's Name | |
|-------------------| Monster name |
| ‚±‚¤‚°‚« ‚Ç‚¤‚® | |
| ‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ ‚»‚¤‚Ñ |---------------------|
| ‚Ú‚¤‚¬‚傤 ‚É‚°‚é |

‚±‚¤‚°‚«: Kougeki (Attack) ‚Ç‚¤‚®: Dougu (Use item)
‚¶‚ã‚à‚ñ: Jumon (Spell) ‚»‚¤‚Ñ: Soubi (Equip)
‚Ú‚¤‚¬‚傤: Bougyou (Defend) ‚É‚°‚é: Nigeru (Flee)


Chapter 1-ƒ‰ƒCƒAƒ“: Raian (Ryan)/Ragnar

–‚•¨‚̃ŠƒXƒg: Mamono no Risuto (Monster List)

This list was created in the order I fought monsters in (Chapter 1 monsters
only), and go by the same formula as everything else in the guide
(kana/romaji/translation), but also includes the US version of Dragonquest 4's
name. The HP totals are taken from my foldout poster that came with the US
version of the game on the NES.

ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€: Suraimu (Slime)/HP: 8
‚¨‚¨‚Ý‚Ý‚¸: Oomimizu (Giant Earthworm)/Giant Worm/HP: 11
‚Í‚³‚Ý‚­‚킪‚½: Hasamikuwagata (Scissor Bug?)/Stag Beetle/HP: 9
ƒGƒAƒ‰ƒbƒg: Earatto (Air Rat)/Diverat/HP: 14
‚«‚è‚©‚Ô‚¨‚΂¯: Kirikabuobake (Stump Monster)/Demon Stump/HP: 21
ƒoƒuƒ‹ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€: Baburusuraimu (Bubble Slime)/Babble/HP: 12
ƒLƒ‰[ƒXƒRƒbƒv: Kira-sukoppu (Killer Scoop)/Lethal Gopher/HP: 16
‚Ý‚È‚ç‚¢‚ ‚­‚Ü: Minaraiakuma (Apprentice Devil)/Sizarmage/HP: 17
ƒzƒCƒ~ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€: Hoimisuraimu (Heal Slime)/Healer/HP: 16
ƒŠƒŠƒpƒbƒg: Riripatto (Lilypat)/Lilypa/HP: 21
ƒ_ƒbƒNƒXƒrƒ‹: Dakkusubiru (Ducksbill)/HP: 22
ƒxƒr[ƒ}ƒWƒVƒƒƒ“: Bebi-majishan (Baby Magician)/Ozwarg/HP: 33
ƒsƒNƒV[: Pikushi- (Pixie)/HP: 29
‚¨‚¨‚É‚í‚Æ‚è: Ooniwatori (Big Chicken)/Giant Bantam/HP: 31
ƒsƒTƒ‚Ì‚Ä‚³‚«: Pisaro no Tesaki (Pisaro's Fingers)/Saro's Shadow/HP: 250
‚¨‚¨‚ß‚¾‚Ü: Oomedama (Big Eyeball)/Giant Eyeball/HP: 42


•Ší‚̃ŠƒXƒg-Buki no Risuto (Weapon List)

This is the order I found weapons in, and for Chapter 1 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) 100/75. +12 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA
‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Konbou (Club) 30/22. +7 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA, AR
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) 200/150. +14 RA
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) 550/412. +20 HR, KR, MI, TO,
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) 350/262. +18 RA
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) 880/660. +28 HR, KR, TO, RA
‚Í‚¶‚á‚̂‚邬: Haja no Tsurugi (Evil Crushing Sword) 3500/2625 +45 HR, TA,
Casts ƒMƒ‰: Gira (Fireball) when used as an item in battle.


ŠZ‚̃ŠƒXƒg-Yoroi no Risuto (Armor List)

This is the order I found armor in, and for Chapter 1 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

”ç‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) 180/135. +12 HR, KR, BR, TO,
‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) 350/262. +18 HR, KR, TO, RA, AL
•z‚Ì•ž: Nuno no Fuku (Cloth) 10/7 +4 All
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) 700/525. +25 HR, KR, MI,
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) 1200/900. +30 HR, KR, MI, RA


‚‚̃ŠƒXƒg-Tate no Risuto (Shield List)

This is the order I found shields in, and for Chapter 1 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

”ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) 90/67. +4 HR, KR, MI, BR, TO, RA
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) 180/135 +7 HR, KR, MI, BR,
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) 650/487. +12 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA


Š•‚̃ŠƒXƒg-Kabuto no Risuto (Helmet List)

This is the order I found helmets in, and for Chapter 1 only.

What everything means: name/romanji/translation/cost to buy ( a '-' in buy/sell
value means it cannot be bought or sold; Example: -/2000: cannot buy, but can
sell for 2000 gold)/selling value/added attack power/which classes can equip.

HR: Hero, KR: Kurifuto/Cristo, MI: Minea/Nara, MA: Ma-nya/Mara,
BR: Burai/Brey, TO: Toruneko/Taloon, RA: Raian/Ragnar, AR: Ari-na/Alena

”ç‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) 65/48. +2 All
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) 120/90 +6 HR, KR, MI, TO, RA, AR



This is the order I found these in (Chapter 1 only). The numbers after the
name are Buy price, Sell price, followed by effect.

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) 8/6
Heal some HP.
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) 10/7
Cures ‚Ç‚­: Doku (Poison).
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) 20/15
Keeps weak enemies away for a period of time.
‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Chikara no Tane (Strength Seed) -/90
Increases the user's ‚¿‚©‚ç: Chikara (Strength).
‚·‚΂₳‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Subayasa no Tane (Agility Seed) -/67
Increases the user's ‚·‚΂₳: Subayasa (Agility).
ƒLƒƒ‰‚̂‚΂³: Kimera no Tsubasa (Chimera Wing) 25/18
Warp to a town you've visited. Same effect as the
ƒ‹[ƒ‰: Ru-ra (Return) spell.
ƒ‰ƒbƒN‚Ì‚½‚Ë: Rakku no Tane (Luck Seed) -/52
Increases the user's ‚¤‚ñ‚̂悳: Unnoyosa (Luck).


Event (Special) Items

‚»‚ç‚Æ‚Ô‚­‚Â: Soratobukutsu (Flying Shoes) Found in the Well Cave southeast
of Imuru. Used to reach the island tower where the kindapped
children are.


Town Shops List

ƒoƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒh: Batorando (Batlando)/Burland

Inn: $4 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚±‚ñ‚Ú‚¤: Konbou (Club) $30
‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550

Armor Shop

”ç‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Kawa no Yoroi (Leather Armor) $180
‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350
”ç‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Kawa no Tate (Leather Shield) $90
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180
”ç‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Kawa no Boushi (Leather Hat) $65
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) $120

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20

ƒCƒ€ƒ‹: Imuru (Imuru)/Izmit

Inn: $6 per person. House of Healing: yes

Weapon Shop

‚Ç‚¤‚̂‚邬: Dou no Tsurugi (Copper Sword) $100
‚¹‚¢‚È‚éƒiƒCƒt: Seinarunaifu (Sacred Knife) $200
ƒNƒƒXƒ{ƒE: Kurosubou (Crossbow) $350
‚­‚³‚肪‚Ü: Kusarigama (Chain Sickle) $550
“S‚Ì‚â‚è: Tetsu no Yari (Iron Spear) $880

Armor Shop

‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç: Kusarikatabira (Chain Mail) $350
‚¹‚¢‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Seidou no Yoroi (Bronze Armor) $700
“S‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢: Tetsu no Yoroi (Iron Armor) $1200
‚¤‚낱‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Uroko no Tate (Scale Shield) $180
“S‚Ì‚½‚Ä: Tetsu no Tate (Iron Shield) $650
–Ø‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ: Ki no Boushi (Wooden Hat) $120

Item Shop

‚â‚­‚»‚¤: Yakusou (Medical Herb) $8
‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ‘: Dokukeshisou (Antidote Herb) $10
‚¹‚¢‚·‚¢: Seisui (Holy Water) $20


That's it for now, unless I get enough emails about anything else or any
additions/changes. Thank you for reading my FAQ and email with any questions
(akaiscarlet@hotmail.com) or if you just want to talk to someone about any of
the Dragonquest games, or any other games I have written FAQ's for.

Copyright Red Scarlet, 2001.
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