Dragon Quest 4

Dragon Quest 4

14.10.2013 13:09:42
Dragon Quest IV -The Guided Ones-
Japanese EUC encoding
By: Aryuze RV
E-mail: (remove .NOSPAM to get the address)
Final Version

<-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 78characters -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=->

Past version: 04-18-2002 (April 18, 2002) = This one had numerous spelling

1. Basic Knowledge
1a. Overview
1b. Controls
1c. Creating an User File
1d. Town and Castle Basics
1e. Regular Moment Commands

2. Character Introduction
2a. Main Characters
2b. Other Characters

3. Battle Techniques
3a. Battle Curriculum System
3b. In Battle Commands
3c. Monster Notebook
3d. Other techniques

4. All About Spells
4a. Spell Names
4b. Character's Spell List
4c. Additional Spell Information

5. Item Analysis
5a. Item Names
5b. Equipment List
5c. Item Price

6. Monster Compilation
6a. Monster Names
6b. Monster Statistics
6c. Monster Distribution

7. World Map
7a. Place Names
7b. Map
7c. Terrain and Vehicles

8. Immigrant Town
8a. Immigrant Occupations
8b. Town Forms
8c. Immigrant Locations

9. Mini-Game Information

10. Prologue - Invitation to Adventure

11. Chapter 1 - The Warriors of the Royal Palace

12. Chapter 2 - Adventures of the Tomboy Princess

13. Chapter 3 - Toruneko, the Weapons Dealer

14. Chapter 4 - Sisters of Monbarbara

15. Chapter 5 - The Guided Ones
15a. Beginning to Aneil Town
15b. Aneil Town to Arena Joining
15c. Arena Joining to Getting the Sky Helmet
15d. Sky Helmet to Getting the Balloon
15e. Getting the Balloon to Reaching the Shrine of Hope
15f. Shrine of Hope to the End

16. Chapter 6 - The Secret Story
16a. Star of Endoll to the Hidden Dungeon
16b. Hidden Dungeon
16c. The 9th Guided One

17. Additional Information
17a. Small Medal List
17b. Titles


1. Basic Knowledge
1a. Overview

- Recommended Viewing.
JWPce = a Japanese Word Processing Program
Character Set = Japanese EUC (it should auto-select)
Display and ASCII Font = MS Mincho (a beautiful single width Japanese font)
Font Size = 16 pixels
Line Width = Fixed, Size 37
Search the Internet to find the above mentioned stuff.

- Dragon Quest IV is a role playing game. It consists of four main chapters,
each with a different story and main character. Then the real story begins
in chapter five where each of the main characters from the past chapters
gather together.

- This game is a remake of the old Famicom game, but the system and such
closely resembles Dragon Quest 7 (DQ7). Things like the Small Medals, and
the Immigrant Town are similar as well. Monsters have lively animations with
a picture book to showcase them. There are a few arrangements that differ
from the original, like the addition of the bag, the Monster Notebook, and
some tweaking to the computer AI to perform better.

1b. Controls

- Directional Key: Moves the character in eight directions. Yes, that means
the character can walk in diagonals. That useful when you want to cut across
a field in a shorter period of time. Get used to the new feeling. This key
also moves the cursor in four directions, and pressing left or right key while
there is a right arrow on the bottom right corner will turn the page.

- Square Button: Pulls out the vantage point. In certain areas, like towns
and castles, this button will give a view from above. You can see the whole
town from this angle. Spinning the map around is allowed in this point of
view. Other uses of this button are viewing the map (once the Treasure Map
Item is obtained) on the field, and closing all open windows in the Command
Menu. I frequently use this button to close the Command window when done with
using the bag. Instead of having to press X button several times, just one
push of this button is faster. Furthermore, it acts like the X button in
battle mode.

- Triangle Button: The useful button. If you are in front of a person, it
will be the talk button. If you are in front of a drawer, treasure box, or
water well, then this will become the search button. If you are in front of
a pot, barrel, or flower, then this will become the pick-up-and-throw button.
You will probably use this button a lot throughout the game.

- Circle Button: This button will open the command window, and acts as the
confirmation button. Whatever the cursor is pointing to, this button will
execute that command.

- X Button: The cancel button. This will close the current open window, and
cancels an executed command. It will also act as the "no" button in yes or
no situations.

- Select Button: Battle Curriculum System. Pressing this button will open the
menu that will show your battle history. The game will give you a title based
on your behavior.

- Start Button: Pushing this button will move the camera back to it's default
position if the map has been rotated by the top four L and R buttons.

- L1 Button: Rotates the camera toward the left as long as it is held down.
Also acts like the Circle Button in battle.

- L2 Button: Each push will rotate the camera toward the left at a 45 degree
angle. This also acts like the Circle Button in battle. I tend to use this
button more than the L1 and R1, since this gives a nice and straight rotation.

- R1 Button: Rotate the camera toward the right.

- R2 Button: Rotate the camera toward the right at a 45 degree angle.

- L1+R1: Move the camera back to default position.

- L2+R2: Move the camera back to default position. Same as the Start Button.

1c. Creating an User File

- First off, you will need to create an Adventure Writings (that's your save
file). Here's what appears after pressing the Start Button or Circle Button
during the opening sequence.

ËÁ¸±¤ò¤¹¤ë¡Î¤Ü¤¦¤±¤ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Go out on the Adventure
ËÁ¸±¤Î½ñ¤òºî¤ë¡Î¤Ü¤¦¤±¤ó¤Î¤·¤ç¤ò¤Ä¤¯¤ë¡Ï¡¡Create Adventure Writings
ËÁ¸±¤Î½ñ¤ò¾Ã¤¹¡Î¤Ü¤¦¤±¤ó¤Î¤·¤ç¤ò¤±¤¹¡Ï¡¡¡¡Erase Adventure Writings

Go out on the Adventure: Continues off where you last saved. Saving is done
at churches that are spread out in the world.

Create Adventure Writings: Pick a slot and place you want to save (it takes
1 block of memory). Now input the name and gender you want for the Hero.
There is no real difference for the gender, except there are some equipment
than can be equipped by only by certain genders. Once you're done with that,
press the circle button to create your save file.

Erase Adventure Writings: Pick a save file you want to erase. Probably there
is no need to use this. I've never used this.

1d. Town and Castle Basics

- Most towns and castles you come across have these basic functions.

¨§¤ªµ§¤ê¤ò¤¹¤ë¡Î¤ª¤¤¤Î¤ê¤ò¤¹¤ë¡Ï¡¡- Say a prayer
¨§¸æ¹ð¤òʹ¤¯¡Î¤ª¤Ä¤²¤ò¤­¤¯¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Listen to an oracle
¨§À¸¤­ÊÖ¤é¤ì¤ë¡Î¤¤¤­¤«¤¨¤é¤ì¤ë¡Ï¡¡- To revive
¨§ÆǤμ£ÎšΤɤ¯¤Î¤Á¤ê¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Cure poison
¨§¼ö¤¤¤ò²ò¤¯¡Î¤Î¤í¤¤¤ò¤È¤¯¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Remove curse
¨¦»ß¤á¤ë¡Î¤ä¤á¤ë¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- End

Æ»¶ñ²°¡Î¤É¤¦¤°¤ä¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Item Shop
¨§Ç㤤¤ËÍ褿¡Î¤«¤¤¤Ë¤­¤¿¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Came to buy
¨¦Çä¤ê¤ËÍ褿¡Î¤¦¤ê¤Ë¤­¤¿¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Came to sell
Éð´ï²°¡Î¤Ö¤­¤ä¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Weapon Shop
Ëɶñ²°¡Î¤Ü¤¦¤°¤ä¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Defense Shop

ι¿Í¤Î½É²°¡Î¤¿¤Ó¤Ó¤È¤Î¤ä¤É¤ä¡Ï¡¡¡¡Traveller's Inn
¥´¡¼¥ë¥É¶ä¹Ô¡Î¤®¤ó¤³¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Gold Bank
¨§Í¤±¤ë¡Î¤¢¤º¤±¤ë¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Deposit
¨§°ú¤­½Ð¤¹¡Î¤Ò¤­¤À¤¹¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Withdraw
¨¦»ß¤á¤ë¡Î¤ä¤á¤ë¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- End

Say a prayer: This is how you save the game. Pick the file you want to
overwrite. After the chime, the game is saved. Some churches don't have this
option available, meaning you can't save in that particular area.

Listen to an oracle: Picking this will make the priest tell you how much
Experience Points are needed for the next level up. He will go by the order
of your party, and give the information to each individual.

To revive: Revives any dead members (ones with zero Hit Point) to full for a
cost. The higher the character level, the more money it will cost for this

Cure poison: Remove the poison status received by certain enemies. This too,
requires a donation of money.

Remove curse: Certain pieces of equipment can be cursed. When you are cursed,
you cannot unequip the item. This choice will allow you to remove the item
from the equip status (you get to keep the item in question). This service
requires a fee.

End: When you're done with business here, choose this or press the X button
for the same effect.

When buying: You will see a list of goods, the quantity, and the cost in gold
in that order from left to right. Press left or right to increase or decrease
the quantity. This way, you can buy in bundles, not just one by one.

When selling: Pick your character and a list of the selling price will appear
on the right side of the list. Some items cannot be sold.

Deposit and Withdraw: The bank holds gold in 1000 Gold increments, meaning you
must have at least 1000 Gold to begin using this service. Money kept inside
here is safe. When the party gets wiped out, then you lose half your gold in
possession, not counting the money in the bank, and start at the last point
saved at. By using the bank, it will keep losses to a minimum, should this

1e. Regular Moment Commands

- When you are on the field map, pressing the circle button will open the
Command Window.

¨§»È¤¦¡Î¤Ä¤«¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡- Use
¨§ÅϤ¹¡Î¤ï¤¿¤¹¡Ï¡¡¡¡- Hand over
¨§ÁõÈ÷¡Î¤½¤¦¤Ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡- Equip
¨§¼Î¤Æ¤ë¡Î¤¹¤Æ¤ë¡Ï¡¡- Throw away
¨§»ß¤á¤ë¡Î¤ä¤á¤ë¡Ï¡¡- End
¨§¸«¤ë¡Î¤ß¤ë¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Look
¨¦¸«¤»¤ë¡Î¤ß¤»¤ë¡Ï¡¡- Show
¨¦Á´°÷¡Î¤»¤ó¤¤¤ó¡Ï¡¡- All members
¨§Ëþ¤¿¤ó¡Î¤Þ¤ó¤¿¤ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Fill to max
¨§ÁõÈ÷¡Î¤½¤¦¤Ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Equip
¨§ºîÀïÂؤ¨¡Î¤µ¤¯¤»¤ó¤¬¤¨¡Ï¡¡¡¡- Change tactics
¨§Ê¤ÓÂؤ¨¡Î¤Ê¤é¤Ó¤«¤¨¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Change line-up
¨§Æ»¶ñÀ°Íý¡Î¤É¤¦¤°¤»¤¤¤ê¡Ï¡¡¡¡- Sort items
¨¢¨¦Á´°÷¡Î¤¼¤ó¤¤¤ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- All members
¨§ÂÞÀ°Íý¡Î¤Õ¤¯¤í¤»¤¤¤ê¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Sort the bag
¨¢¨§¼ïÊ̽ç¡Î¤·¤å¤Ù¤Ä¤¸¤å¤ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡- Order by assortment
¨¢¨¦¤¢¤¤¤¦¤¨¤ª½ç¡Î¤¸¤å¤ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Order by aiueo
¨¦ÀïÎò¡Î¤»¤ó¤ì¤­¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Battle Curriculum

Talk: Stand in front of someone to speak to them. In this re-make, now you
can talk to your comrades. Just choose this command when there is no one
else nearby, and sometimes your friends will make some comments about the
current situation. Try talking to them after a major event to see what they
have to say. If you talk to them too much, they eventually become speechless

Use: Use the item.

Hand over: Gives the item to another member, or gives it to the bag.

Item -> Equip: Equips the item right away, without having to go to Tactics.

Throw away: Removes the item permanently. You can't throw away important
items that are vital to progressing the story.

Look and Show: Only if Toruneko is in the party. This will make him examine
the item more carefully. He will tell who can equip the item, or the effects
of the item, and he will know the selling price of that item.

Strength -> All Members: Show the total amount of time played. Pressing O
button will show a list of all the member's ability values.

Change Tactics: Allows you to change the tactic on certain members or you can
change the tactics for the entire group. It is only available once you reach
Chapter 5.

Sort items: Pick a person or all members in order to clean up their item list.
This will put all non-equipped items into the bag. Special items, like the
ones that have an effect in battle will not go into the bag by using this

Order by assortment: Sorts items into groups like use items, important items,
weapons and so forth.

Order by aiueo: Sorts items in the Japanese syllabary order, going a, ka, sa
ta, na, ha, ma, ra, ya, n', wa.

- Strength and Ability Value listings

ÁõÈ÷ÉʡΤ½¤¦¤Ó¤Ò¤ó¡Ï¡¡Equipment Goods

±¿¤ÎÎɤµ¡Î¤¦¤ó¤Î¤è¤µ¡Ï¡¡Virtue of Luck
¹¶·âÎϡΤ³¤¦¤²¤­¤ê¤ç¤¯¡Ï¡¡Attack Power
¼éÈ÷ÎϡΤ·¤å¤Ó¤ê¤ç¤¯¡Ï¡¡Defensive Power
ºÇÂç£È£Ð¡Î¤µ¤¤¤À¤¤¡Ï¡¡Maximum Hit Point
ºÇÂç£Í£Ð¡Î¤µ¤¤¤À¤¤¡Ï¡¡Maximum Magic Power
·Ð¸³Ã͡Τ±¤¤¤±¤ó¤Á¡Ï¡¡Experience Value (EX)

Name: Character name from section 2.
Occupation: Also from section 2.
Gender: Only certain items are restricted to a certain gender.
Level: The character's current level.
Equipment Goods: The character's current equipment, shown by an E mark.
Gold: The current amount of gold the party is carrying, maximum of 999,999.
Power: The character's unarmed power. When this value is added to the
character's equipped weapon, then that is the Attack Power. Maximum Value =
Agility: This is the character's speed rating. This determines the battle
order. The higher the number, the better chance of that character going first
in battle. Also, this value is related to Defensive Power. Maximum Value =
Stamina: The character's life force. In this version of the game, it seems
like it has no relation to HP. Maximum Value = 255.
Wisdom: This value is the intelligence required in learning Spells. The
higher the value, the better chance of that character to learn spells quicker.
It is also related to Maximum Magic Power. Maximum Value = 255.
Virtue of Luck: This value may be related in avoiding monster attacks, other
than that, is seems to have no real purpose. Maximum Value = 255.
Attack Power: This value affects damage done by weapon attacks. It is the
sum of Power and the attack power of the equipped weapon. Maximum
Value = 999.
Defensive Power: This value affects the damage done by enemy physical attacks.
It is the sum of half the Agility and the defensive power of the protectors
that is equipped. Maximum Value = 999.
Maximum Hit Point: The amount of HP that character has for the current level.
This value will increase after a level up. Staying at an inn will restore
this value to full along with Maximum MP. Maximum Value = 999.
Maximum Magic Power: The amount of MP that character has for the current
level. Fighter type characters will have a value of zero, since those type
won't use spells. Maximum Value = 999.
Experience Value: The total amount of experience earned by that character.
The main method of increasing this value is by defeating monsters. The
greater this value, the higher the level the character achieves.


2. Character Introduction
- This section has character information.

2a. Main Characters


- Ryan is an expert in using heavy weapons and armor. He is a soldier from
the Castle of Bautland. Lately, he has heard about the mysterious
disappearance of the children of Imuru Village. He sets off to investigate
the matter. His Power, Stamina, and Maximum HP are second to none, which
makes him suited to be at the front of the battle array. The only weakness
he has is his low Agility rating. Being a fighter, he won't learn any spells.

- The Princess of Saintheim Castle. She has dreams of becoming the number 1
Martial Artist in the world. Because of her ambitions, the King of Saintheim
is worried. He forbids Arena to leave the castle. However, she will not give
up that easily. Arena's Agility is top class. Most of the time, she will
move first in battle. As she gains levels, the chance of her releasing a
Congenial Blow is high. You can use her as a metal slime type killer.

- He also is from Saintheim Castle. He secretly (or maybe not so) likes
Princess Arena. Being a Priest, Klift learns many healing spells, as well
as support spells like Sukara, Sukuruto, and Mahoto-n. He can also equip a
fair amount of weapons and armor.

- He watched over the Princess when she was younger. A powerful magic user,
the Hyado class of spells is his specialty. He also learns some useful
support spells like Rukani and Bikiruto. However, his equipment is limited,
so he is best at the back of the battle array.

Éð´ï²°¡Î¤Ö¤­¤ä¡Ï¡¡Weapon Dealer
- He comes from Lakenaba Town. His wish is to be the best weapon dealer in
all the land. He has thoughts about having his own store, with the best
selection of goods in stock. Toruneko does random things in battle, so he
is not really meant for battle. In this remake version, he learns some useful
spells for navigation and item hunting.

- Born in the Village of Kohmiz, she is traveling along with her sister,
Manya, in search of their father's killer. Minea is a healer type character,
plus she learns some useful support spells like Rariho-ma, and Fuba-ha.

- The sister of Minea, she is the top dancer in the Town of Monbarbara.
However, it seems she likes to gamble away her earnings at the casino, a move
which draws criticism from her sister. During battle, Manya is an offensive
powerhouse. She excels in Mera, Io, and Gira type spells. Watch her MP when
using her.

¼ç¿Í¸ø¡Î¤·¤å¤¸¤ó¤³¤¦¡Ï¡¡Main Character
- The main character of the story. The Hero is a balanced fighter and spell
caster. After spending the peaceful days with Cynthia (a childhood friend)
in the Village Deep in the Mountains, the Hero sets out to meet destiny after
a sorrowful event. Solo would be the official name for the male hero, while
Sofia would be the official name for the female hero. Use those names if you
can't think of your own name to use.

2b. Other Characters
- These are the characters that are not controlled by the AI. Most of these
people join the party temporarily until they complete their duties.

Here are the characteristics of these type of characters.
- They will ignore whatever Tactic is set and think on their own.
- They cannot hold items, and you cannot change their equipment.
- If they die, you can bring them to a church and revive them for 10 Gold.
- Level and EXP are unknown (they are displayed as '?').
- They cannot walk on their own. (one of the main eight has to be present)
- New to the PS version is the fact that they now can use spells outside of
battle. Now you can use them to heal while walking about.
- Another new feature to the PS version is that you can talk to them through
the conversation system, like you would the other party members.

- Patricia is the horse that pulls the party wagon. Hoffman owns this rare

¥Û¥¤¥ß¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡Hoimi Slime
- Despite being a monster, Hoimin admires humans. One day Hoimin wants to be
a human. In the meantime, Hoimin will help you out by casting the Hoimi
spell for healing. A good friend you can get in the first chapter.

ι¤Î»í¿Í¡Î¤¿¤Ó¤Î¤·¤¸¤ó¡Ï¡¡Travelling Poet
- Ordinarily, he is calm and quiet, but when battle begins, he helps out with
Rariho- and Hoimi spells. His Gira spells is useful for enemy groups, but
watch his MP. You can hire him temporarily in Chapter 3.

- Using his tough body and great equipment, Scott is a veteran fighter.
Although he can't use spells, he is powerful enough just by fighting. He is
also available for temporary hire in Chapter 3.

- He is one of the disciples of Edgan (Minea and Manya's Father). His high
Power and HP ratings make him a great fighter to put in the lead. However,
Orin's greatest asset is the ability to force open red doors with his massive
strength. Naturally, he is a Chapter 4 character.

½É²°¤Î©»Ò¡Î¤ä¤É¤ä¤Î¤à¤¹¤³¡Ï¡¡Innkeeper's Son
- He used to have a strong sense of curiosity. However, after he had his
trust broken by a close friend, he has closed his heart to everyone. Later
on, he will study under a great teacher and become the originator of the
Immigrant Town. In battle, Hoffman sometimes can use the Power Accumulate
in order to double his attack power the next turn.

ι·Ý¿Í¡Î¤¿¤Ó¤²¤¤¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Travelling Entertainer
- An expert in making people laugh, Panon is a famous comedian that travels
the country. During battle, he is skilled at making monsters sleep with his
Rariho- spell and Sword of Slumber equipment.

Å·¶õ¿Í¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤¸¤ó¡Ï¡¡Sky People
- One day on a trip from the Sky Castle to the World Tree, she fell and hurt
her leg. She is a little careless person from the Sky World. In battle, she
uses Behoma, Rukanan, and Manusa spells to help out.

ζ¤Î»Ò¶¡¡Î¤ê¤å¤¦¤Î¤³¤É¤â¡Ï¡¡Child Dragon
- A little monster that comes from the Sky World. Although he doesn't have
any equipment, his attack and defensive powers are high. In battle, he can
breathe Sweet Breath and Chilly Snow Storm against enemies.

ËⲤβ¦¡Î¤Þ¤¾¤¯¤Î¤ª¤¦¡Ï¡¡Ruler of the Devil Tribe
- The silver haired demon that is the antagonist of the Hero. He is studying
the Secret Process of Evolution and he wants to investigate it thoroughly.
His only connection to the Human World is the Elf named Rosary.


3. Battle Techniques
- Battle related stuff here.

3a. Battle Curriculum System

- This is the menu you see when you press the select button, or when you
access it through the Tactics in the Command Window. This is the place to
view various records set by you, and it will give you a title based on your
fighting style. The title given to you changes frequently, so it would be
tough to list them all.

ËÁ¸±¤·¤¿»þ´Ö¡Î¤Ü¤¦¤±¤ó¤·¤¿¤¸¤«¤ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡Total play time in the adventure
ÀïÆ®²ó¿ô¡Î¤»¤ó¤È¤¦¤«¤¤¤¹¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Went to battle this many times
Åݤ·¤¿É¤¿ô¡Î¤¿¤ª¤·¤¿¤Ò¤­¤¹¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Killed this many monsters
Á´³ÍÆÀ¥´¡¼¥ë¥É¡Î¤¼¤ó¤«¤¯¤È¤¯¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Amount of total gold acquired
¾¡Íø²ó¿ô¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤ê¤«¤¤¤¹¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Number of victories
Á´ÌDzó¿ô¡Î¤¼¤ó¤á¤Ä¤«¤¤¤¹¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Wiped out this many times
ƨÁö²ó¿ô¡Î¤È¤¦¤½¤¦¤«¤¤¤¹¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Ran away this many times
°ì·âºÇÂç¥À¥á¡¼¥¸¡Î¤¤¤Á¤²¤­¤µ¤¤¤À¤¤¡Ï¡¡Greatest damage in one hit
¿Þ´Õ´°À®¤Þ¤Ç¡Î¤º¤«¤ó¤«¤ó¤»¤¤¤Þ¤Ç¡Ï¡¡¡¡This many monsters left until the
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡picture book is complete
¾Î¹æ¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤´¤¦¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Title awarded

- After clearing the game once and saving the data at the end, the Curriculum
changes slightly. Now it will have two pages (press right to see the other
page. The new page on top will show your current progress, while the older
page will show stuff from before clearing the game.

- After clearing Chapter 6, a third page gets added to the Curriculum. This
one details the things you did in that chapter. The regular ending is the one
you see after chapter 5, while the happy ending is the ending you see after
Chapter 6.

¥¨¥ó¥Ç¥£¥ó¥°¤Þ¤Ç¤Î»þ´Ö¡Î¤¸¤«¤ó¡Ï¡¡Time you took to reach the ending
¥Ï¥Ã¥Ô¡¼¥¨¥ó¥É¤Þ¤Ç¤Î»þ´Ö¡Î¤¸¤«¤ó¡Ï¡¡Time you took to reach the happy ending
ͦ¼Ô¤Î¥ì¥Ù¥ë¡Î¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡The Hero's level when you cleared the game

- Here is a sample of my Battle Curriculum.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Over 148 hours played, passed the 90's in level for an Endless King Title...

3b. In Battle Commands

- When you walk around the field or dungeon, you will undoubtedly meet some
monsters along the way. Battle is fought using a turn based system. The
characters with the highest agility will usually move first. Here is the Main
Command Window that appears at the beginning of battle. Pressing left or
right here will give you the choice to change the message speed, with 1 being
fast, and 8 being slow (more like in page increments).

¨§¹¶·â¡Î¤³¤¦¤²¤­¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Attack
¨§¼öʸ¡Î¤·¤å¤â¤ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Spell
¨§Ëɸæ¡Î¤Ü¤¦¤®¤ç¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Defend
¨§Æ»¶ñ¡Î¤É¤¦¤°¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Item
¨§ÁõÈ÷¡Î¤½¤¦¤Ó¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- Equip
¨¦Æ¨¤²¤ë¡Î¤Ë¤²¤ë¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡- Escape
¨§Æþ¤ìÂؤ¨¡Î¤¤¤ê¤«¤¨¡Ï¡¡- Replace
¨§ÁíÂؤ¨¡Î¤½¤¦¤«¤¨¡Ï¡¡¡¡- All Change
¨¦¸«¤ë¡Î¤ß¤ë¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡- See

Attack: A physical attack with the weapon equipped.

Spell: Gives you a list of learned spells to cast. Most require MP
(Magic Power)

Defend: For that round, damage received is halved, including spells.

Item: This will make the character use a item. Some items don't have any
effect in battle.

Equip: This allows changing of equipment while in battle. It will open that
character's item list and allow you to equip that item if they can equip that
item in the first place. This command won't consume a turn in battle, so use
it if you have equipment ready for certain enemies. However, if a piece of
equipment is inside the bag, it cannot be accessed while in battle, so give
it to someone if you plan to use this command.

Escape: This will make the party attempt to flee from battle. Doesn't always
work. It seems the higher the party level is, the easier it is to escape.

Replace: Allows you to switch one party member for another, without taking a
turn in battle. The only condition is that the wagon is present. In certain
places, the wagon is not accessible, so during that time, you cannot switch
party members.

All Change: Similar to Replace, but allows you to totally replace the party.
Pick the four character you want to participate in battle. This is useful if
you want to switch out more than two members. This is only available in
places the wagon can enter.

See: Pick a character, and you can see what spells they have learned. This
may help in deciding who to bring to battle.

- For the Tactics, here are the six different one you can give other party
members. You can assign different tactics to each individual. Note that the
male and female hero have slightly different names to the tactics, but they
are basically the same.

¥¬¥ó¥¬¥ó¹Ô¤¦¥¼¡Î¥¬¥ó¥¬¥ó¤¤¤³¤¦¤¼¡Ï¡¡¡¡Attack relentlessly (masculine)
¥¬¥ó¥¬¥ó¹Ô¤¯¤ï¤è¡Î¥¬¥ó¥¬¥ó¤¤¤¯¤ï¤è¡Ï¡¡Attack relentlessly (feminine)
- This tactic will try to kill off the enemies as quick as possible, with no
regard to remaining MP. Use against strong foes if there is a recovery spring

²¶¤ËǤ¤»¤í¡Î¤ª¤ì¤Ë¤Þ¤«¤»¤í¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Let me handle it (masculine)
»ä¤ËǤ¤»¤Æ¡Î¤ï¤¿¤·¤Ë¤Þ¤«¤»¤Æ¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Let me handle it (feminine)
- People under this tactic won't attack directly. They will provide back-up
using support or healing spells. They will leave the attacking for you to do.
Sometimes the person just defends instead of doing anything.

Ì¿Âç»ö¤Ë¡Î¤¤¤Î¤Á¤À¤¤¤¸¤Ë¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Life is important
- This tactic will make the person aware of current HP. They will make HP
recovery the highest priority. When at full HP, they will usually join the
attacking force.

¥Ð¥Ã¥Á¥ê´èÄ¥¤ì¡Î¥Ð¥Ã¥Á¥ê¤¬¤ó¤Ð¤ì¡Ï¡¡¡¡Surely do the best
- A balanced tactic, in terms of offense and defense. I use this tactic the
most. All characters start with this tactic when they join the party. The
characters will use spells that are just enough to defeat the monsters with-
out wasting too much MP.

¼öʸ»È¤¦¤Ê¡Î¤·¤å¤â¤ó¤Ä¤«¤¦¤Ê¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Stop using spells (masculine)
¼öʸ¤Ï»ß¤á¤Æ¡Î¤·¤å¤â¤ó¤Ï¤ä¤á¤Æ¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡Stop using spells (feminine)
- Use this one to conserve MP when going through a deep dungeon with a boss
at the end. Characters will not use any spells that cost MP under this
tactic. Most of the time, the person will just fight with their weapons.

Ì¿Îᤵ¤»¤í¡Î¤á¤¤¤ì¤¤¤µ¤»¤í¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡I will order you (masculine)
Ì¿Î᤹¤ë¤ï¤è¡Î¤á¤¤¤ì¤¤¤¹¤ë¤ï¤è¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡I will order you (feminine)
- This allows you to give direct commands just as you would the hero. Just
be careful of certain enemies that have spell resistance. If they have full
resistance, certain spells will never work on them, resulting in a waste of
turns. The AI knows the monster resistance, and will never waste a turn using
spells that don't work. So sometimes it is better to leave it to the AI for
monsters that you are unfamiliar with. This tactic allows manual control for
the character, while the other 5 tactics are for the computer AI to utilize.
Use whatever you like the best.

- These three tactics were in the original Famicom game but were removed in
the Playstation re-make version.

³§´èÄ¥¤ì¡Î¤ß¤ó¤Ê¤¬¤ó¤Ð¤ì¡Ï¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Everyone do your best
- Same as "Surely do the best" just a different name for it. The only
difference is, in the original, everyone had to follow one tactic. In the
re-make version, each individual can have separate tactics for the better.

¼öʸ¤òÀáÌó¡Î¤¸¤å¤â¤ó¤ò¤»¤Ä¤ä¤¯¡Ï¡¡Conserve spells
- Characters would use spells in moderation in a effort to save some MP, but
since there is the "Stop using spells" tactic, this one is almost useless.

¿§¡¹¤ä¤í¤¦¤¼¡Î¤¤¤í¤¤¤í¤ä¤í¤¦¤¼¡Ï¡¡Try different things
- Characters would use items in their inventory, and try spells they don't
normally use. Since there was no way to directly give orders to your comrades
in the original version, this was the way to make them use items. It had
unpredictable results, so I think that's why it was removed.

3c. Monster Notebook
- This item will appear in the fifth chapter. This keeps tracks of all your
battles. It is improved from part 7 in that there is a index of monsters,
with a list of 16 monsters on one page. This allows quick search of the
monster you want. If you complete the notebook (by at least meeting all 210
monsters) then the reward is 300,000 Casino Coins. This is for buying a
certain item that can negate random encounters.

¤¿¤ª¤·¤¿É¤¿ô¡Î¤Ò¤­¤¹¤¦¡Ï¡¡How many of this monster you defeated
£Å£Ø£Ð¡¡The amount of experience this monster has
·×¡Î¤±¤¤¡Ï¡¡Total amount of experience or gold received up to this point
¥´¡¼¥ë¥É¡¡The amount of gold this monster has
¥¢¥¤¥Æ¥à¡¡How many times you got an item from this monster
¤ä¤¯¤½¤¦¡¡Name of item the monster has, in this case, Medical Herb
¤Ï¤¸¤á¤Æ¤¿¤ª¤·¤¿£Ì£Ö¡¡¥ì¥Ù¥ë£±¡¡The level you first beat this monster

- Press the O button to see the monster's animation pattern.
- Defeat the same monster at least 20 times to see what item they have.

3d. Other techniques

- About experience. Whether you fight the monsters alone, or with all four
members, then the experience gained is the same. Experience is gained for
all members that are alive, including the ones sitting inside the wagon.
However, there are some places that the wagon cannot enter, like small caves
and towers. In that situation, experience is awarded only to the members
outside the wagon.

- If you have the wagon and during battle, the four people outside the wagon
perish, then the remaining members will jump out and participate in the
battle. If the new people perish also, then it is game over. The wagon
cannot be brought into small caves and towers, so beware.

- Paralysis status is not as fatal as in other games in the series. In this
remake version, the numbness on a character in battle will last about 5
turns. After that, the character will shake it off, so don't panic. After
battle, the paralysis status will be cured, but poison and death will not
be cured.


4. All About Spells
- This section has information on all the spells in this game, including the
special techniques that cost zero MP.

4a. Spell Names

Á´£¶£²¼ïÎà¡¡62 In All

Mera = Fireball Spell
Merami = Scarlet Fireball Spell
Merazo-ma = Red Hot Fireball Spell

Gira = Heat Flash Spell
Begirama = Big Heat Flash Spell
Begiragon = Maximum Heat Flash Spell

Io = Explosion Spell
Iora = Compressed Explosion Spell
Ionazun = Maximum Explosion Spell

Hyado = Ice Crystal Spell
Hyadaruko = Cold Air Spell
Hyadain = Frozen Arrow Spell
Mahyado = Blizzard Spell

Bagi = Vacuum Spell
Bagima = Whirlwind Cutter Spell
Bagikurosu = Tornado Spell

Raidein = Electric Shock Spell
Gigadein = Thunder Bolt Spell
Minadein = Group Lightning Spell

Zaki = Death Spell
Zaraki = Great Death Spell

Rariho- = Hypnosis Spell
Rariho-ma = Intensified Hypnosis Spell

Rukani = Defense Reduction Spell
Rukanan = Dispersed Defense Reduction Spell

Moshasu = Metamorphosis Spell
Dragoramu = Fire Dragon Transformation Spell

Mahoto-n = Spell Sealed
Mahotora = Magic Power Absorb Spell

Piorimu = Acceleration Spell
Bikiruto = Double Attack Power Spell
Nifuramu = Devil Exorcise Spell
Medapani = Confusion Spell

Parupunte = Unpredictable Spell

Sukara = Defense Power Increase Spell
Sukuruto = Dispersed Defense Increase Spell

Manu-sa = Bewitching Spell
Asutoron = Steel Transformation Spell
Mahokanta = Spell Reflection
Mahosute = Spell Interception
Fuba-ha = Defensive Light Curtain Spell

Hoimi = Recovery Spell
Behoimi = Great Recovery Spell
Behoma = Complete Recovery Spell
Behomara- = Entire Group Recovery Spell
Behomazun = Ultimate Recovery Spell

Kiari- = Poison Antidote Spell
Kiariku = Paralysis Healing Spell

Zameha = Awakening Spell
Zaoraru = Revive Spell
Zaoriku = Greatest Revive Spell
Megazaru = Recovery Self Sacrifice Spell

Ru-ra = Instant Movement Spell
Riremito = Labyrinth Escape Spell
Toherosu = Weak Enemy Sealed Spell
Toramana = Barrier Passing Through Spell
Inpasu = Treasure Chest Judgement Spell
Ranaru-ta = Day and Night Reversal Spell

Remira-ma = Item Search Spell
Zaraki-ma = Extreme Death Spell

Megante = Attack Self Sacrifice Spell
Meirusutoromu = High Water Pressure Spell (Maelstrom)

Æõ»¡Î¤È¤¯¤®¡Ï¡¡Special Skill
Á´£±£µ¼ïÎà¡¡15 In All

¥®¥¬¥½¡¼¥É¡¡Giga Sword

Ǧ¤Ó­¡Î¤·¤Î¤Ó¤¢¤·¡Ï¡¡Stealth Feet
Âë¤ÎÌܡΤ¿¤«¤Î¤á¡Ï¡¡Eye of the Hawk
Êõ¤ÎÆ÷¡Î¤¿¤«¤é¤Î¤Ë¤ª¤¤¡Ï¡¡Scent of Treasure

´Å¤¤Â©¡Î¤¢¤Þ¤¤¤¤¤­¡Ï¡¡Sweet Breath
Åन¤ë¿áÀã¡Î¤³¤´¤¨¤ë¤Õ¤Ö¤­¡Ï¡¡Chilly Snow Storm

¥É¥é¥´¥ó»Â¤ê¡Î¥É¥é¥´¥ó¤®¤ê¡Ï¡¡Dragon Murder
Ëâ¿À»Â¤ê¡Î¤Þ¤¸¤ó¤®¤ê¡Ï¡¡Devil Murder
¥á¥¿¥ë»Â¤ê¡Î¥á¥¿¥ë¤­¤ê¡Ï¡¡Metal Murder
¿¿¶õÇȡΤ·¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Ï¡Ï¡¡Vacuum Wave
Åà¤ÆÉÕ¤¯ÇÈÆ°¡Î¤¤¤Æ¤Ä¤¯¤Ï¤É¤¦¡Ï¡¡Freezing Wave Motion
¥¸¥´¥¹¥Ñ¡¼¥¯¡¡Jigosupa-ku (Jigo Spark)
¥Þ¥À¥ó¥Æ¡¡Madante (All Magic Power Release Technique)

¥â¥ó¥¹¥¿¡¼Æõ»¡Î¤È¤¯¤®¡Ï¡¡Monster Special Skill
Á´£³£±¼ïÎà¡¡31 Types in all

Ãç´Ö¤ò¸Æ¤Ö¡Î¤Ê¤«¤Þ¤ò¤è¤Ö¡Ï¡¡Call Out For Friends
ͺ¶«¤Ó¡Î¤ª¤¿¤±¤Ó¡Ï¡¡War Cry
²ø¤·¤¤Æ·¡Î¤¢¤ä¤·¤¤¤Ò¤È¤ß¡Ï¡¡Suspicious Pupil
ÀÐ㪡Τ¤¤·¤Ä¤Ö¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Stone Throw
âÁ¤·¤¤¸÷¡Î¤Þ¤Ö¤·¤¤¤Ò¤«¤ê¡Ï¡¡Dazzling Light
²Ð¤Î¶Ì¡Î¤Ò¤Î¤¿¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Ball of Fire
ÍŤ·¤¤¸÷¡Î¤¢¤ä¤·¤¤¤Ò¤«¤ê¡Ï¡¡Suspicious Light
¹âÇ®¤Î¥¬¥¹¡Î¤³¤¦¤Í¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Highly Heated Gas
³ùóì¡Î¤«¤Þ¤¤¤¿¤Á¡Ï¡¡Whirlwind Cutter
ÄÅÇȡΤĤʤߡϡ¡Tidal Wave
¾Æ¤±ÉÕ¤¯Â©¡Î¤ä¤±¤Ä¤¯¤¤¤­¡Ï¡¡Burning Breath
·ã¤·¤¤±ê¡Î¤Ï¤²¤·¤¤¤Û¤Î¤ª¡Ï¡¡Violent Flames
¼ÞÇ®±ê¡Î¤·¤ã¤¯¤Í¤Ä¤Û¤Î¤ª¡Ï¡¡Red Hot Flames
Î䤿¤¤Â©¡Î¤Ä¤á¤¿¤¤¤¤¤­¡Ï¡¡Icy Breath
µ±¤¯Â©¡Î¤«¤¬¤ä¤¯¤¤¤­¡Ï¡¡Shining Breath
¥á¥À¥Ñ¥Ë¥À¥ó¥¹¡¡Medapani Dance
ÎÏί¤á¡Î¤Á¤«¤é¤¿¤á¡Ï¡¡Power Accumulate
Àµ·ýÆͤ­¡Î¤»¤¤¤±¤ó¤Å¤­¡Ï¡¡Justice Fist Stab
´äÀÐÍî¤È¤·¡Î¤¬¤ó¤»¤­¤ª¤È¤·¡Ï¡¡Rock Drop
ÂçËɸæ¡Î¤À¤¤¤Û¤¦¤®¤ç¡Ï¡¡Big Guard
²ó¤·½³¤ê¡Î¤Þ¤ï¤·¤²¤ê¡Ï¡¡Spin Kick
ÇúÎö·ý¡Î¤Ð¤¯¤ì¤Ä¤±¤ó¡Ï¡¡Exploding Fists
ÂÎÅö¤ê¡Î¤¿¤¤¤¢¤¿¤ê¡Ï¡¡Body Ram
¹õ¤¤±©¤ò»µ¤­»¶¤é¤¹¡Î¤¯¤í¤¤¤Ï¤Í¤ò¤Þ¤­¤Á¤é¤¹¡Ï¡¡Scatter the Black Feathers
²ç¤Ç³ú¤ßºÕ¤¯¡Î¤­¤Ð¤Ç¤«¤ß¤¯¤À¤¯¡Ï¡¡Fang Cruncher
­¤ÇƧ¤ß¤Ä¤±¡Î¤¢¤·¤Ç¤Õ¤ß¤Ä¤±¡Ï¡¡Feet Trampler
¼Ù°­¤Êµ§¤ê¡Î¤¸¤ã¤¢¤¯¤Ê¤¤¤Î¤ê¡Ï¡¡Wicked Prayer
¿¿µ±¤¯Â©¡Î¤·¤ó¤«¤¬¤ä¤¯¤¤¤­¡Ï¡¡The True Shining Breath

4b. Character's Spell List

SPELL NAME = The name listed in part 4a.
RG = Range; E1 = One Enemy; EG = Enemy Group; EA = All Enemies
; F1 = One Friend; FA = All Friends; SF = Self
; VR = Varies
TI = Time the spell can be used; BT = In battle only; FT = On the field,
outside battle only; AT = Anytime in or out of battle
MP = Magic Power this spell consumes. F = All 4 Friends need MP to use.
All = Consumes all Magic Power.
SO = Main Character, the Hero
KU = Klift
BU = Burai
TO = Toruneko
MI = Minea
MY = Manya
PI = Pisaro
DAMAGE/EFFECT = Estimated maximum damage and spell effect.
- The number under the character name is the average level that spell is
learned. There may be some variance in level, so your game may be a little
different. "-" means that character can't learn that spell.

Mera E1 BT 2 3 - - - - 1 - 15
Merami E1 BT 4 - - - - - 19 - 90
Merazo-ma E1 BT 10 - - - - - 33 - 200
Gira EG BT 4 9 - - - - 7 - 25
Begirama EG BT 6 - - - - - 14 - 40
Begiragon EG BT 10 - - - - - 27 - 100
Io EA BT 5 - - - - - 11 - 25
Iora EA BT 8 23 - - - - 23 - 70
Ionazun EA BT 15 - - - - - 36 35 160
Hyado E1 BT 2 - - 1 - - - - 15
Hyadaruko EG BT 5 - - 11 - - - - 60
Hyadain EA BT 8 - - 27 - - - - 80
Mahyado EG BT 11 - - 32 - - - 35 110
Bagi EG BT 2 - - - - 8 - - 25
Bagima EG BT 4 - - - - 23 - - 55
Bagikurosu EG BT 8 - - - - 32 - - 120
Raidein E1 BT 4 25 - - - - - - 90
Gigadein EA BT 15 34 - - - - - - 220
Minadein E1 BT F15 37 - - - - - - 360
Zaki E1 BT 4 - 18 - - - - - Instant death
Zaraki EG BT 7 - 24 - - - - - Instant death
Rariho- EG BT 3 - - 5 - 5 - - Sleep for 3 turns
Rariho-ma E1 BT 3 15 - - - 16 - 35 Strong sleep for 3 turns
Rukani E1 BT 3 - - 3 - - 3 - Defense down 100%
Rukanan EG BT 4 - - 21 - - - 35 Defense down 50%
Moshasu SF BT 5 - - - - - - - Change to another friend
Dragoramu SF BT 18 - - - - - 30 49 100 to all, can't control
Mahoto-n EG BT 3 - 12 - - - - - Seal the target's spells
Mahotora E1 BT 0 - - 25 - - 16 - Steal MP from the target
Piorimu FA BT 3 - - 14 - - - - Speed up 100%
Bikiruto F1 BT 6 - - 19 - - - 36 Attack up 100%
Nifuramu EG BT 3 1 - - - - - - Enemy eraser, no EX or GD
Medapani E1 BT 5 - - 30 - - - - Confusion
Parupunte VR BT 20 39 - - - - - - 28 different effects
Sukara F1 BT 3 - 4 - - - - - Defense up 150%
Sukuruto FA BT 4 - 14 - - - - - Defense up 100%
Manu-sa EG BT 4 - 6 - - - - - Lower hit percentage
Asutoron FA BT 2 21 - - - - - - Invincible for 3 turns
Mahokanta SF BT 4 - - 8 - - - - Reflect spells
Mahosute F1 BT 2 19 - - - - - - No spells other than self
Fuba-ha FA BT 6 - - - - 29 - - Fire, ice damage down 50%
Hoimi F1 AT 2 2 1 - - 1 - - 40
Behoimi F1 AT 4 5 16 - - 13 - - 90
Behoma F1 AT 6 27 27 - - 26 - 35 Recover all HP
Behomara FA AT 10 - 30 - - - - 35 90
Behomazun FA BT 20 32 - - - - - - Recover all HP
Kiari- F1 FT 2 - 8 - - 3 - - Cure poison status
Kiariku FA BT 2 - - - - 10 - - Cure paralysis status
Zameha FA BT 2 17 - - - - - - Cure sleep status
Zaoraru F1 AT 8 28 21 - - 20 - - Revive 50% chance half HP
Zaoriku F1 AT 15 - 33 - - - - 38 Revive 100% chance all HP
Megazaru FA BT All - - - - 35 - - Full recovery, user dies
Ru-ra FA FT 4 7 - 9 - - 8 35 Go to towns instantly
Riremito FA FT 4 13 - 7 - - 9 35 Escape dungeons quickly
Toherosu FA FT 4 11 - - - - - 35 Low Lv enemies stay away
Toramana FA FT 2 - - - - - 21 35 No damage from barriers
Inpasu -- FT 2 - - 15 - - - - Checks treasure content
Ranaru-ta -- FT 4 - - 17 - - - - Switches day and night
Remira-ma -- FT 2 - - 23 - - - - Lights up hidden treasure
Zaraki-ma EA BT 15 - - - - - - 42 Instant death
Megante EA BT 1 - - - - - - - Death or close to death
Meirusutoromu EA BT 12 - - - - - - - 140
Giga Sword E1 BT 15 50 - - - - - - 300
Stealth Feet -- FT 0 - - - 2 - - - Encount rate down
Eye of the Hawk -- FT 0 - - - 5 - - - See the closest building
Scent of Treasure -- FT 0 - - - 7 - - - Sense treasures on floor
Whistle -- FT 0 - - - 11 - - - Calls enemies to you
Sweet Breath EA BT 0 - - - - - - - Sleep, Dran uses it
Chilly Snow Storm EA BT 0 - - - - - - - 60, Dran uses it
Dragon Murder E1 BT 0 - - - - - - 35 1.5 damage to dragons
Devil Murder E1 BT 0 - - - - - - 35 If it hits, big damage
Moonsault EA BT 0 - - - - - - 35 More enemies= less damage
Metal Murder E1 BT 0 - - - - - - 40 1-2 damage to metal type
Vacuum Wave EA BT 0 - - - - - - 44 100
Freezing Wave Motion EA BT 0 - - - - - - 46 Remove support spells
Jigosupa-ku EA BT 25 - - - - - - 53 270
Madante EA BT All - - - - - - 61 Damage= Used MP x 3
- Behomazun costs 20 MP in the remake version, but that spell cost 36 MP in
the original version. Also Hoimi spell costs 2 MP in the remake version,
while in the original, it cost 3 MP.

- In the original version of the game, the Hero learned the Moshasu spell at
Level 30. In this remake version, the Hero doesn't learn that spell. Only
the Imitator (monster number 138) monster uses that spell now.

- For Doragoramu, the caster transforms into a flame breathing dragon, but
sometimes the user will user their claws to attack the enemy. This does about
60 damage, ignoring enemy defense power. This can be useful in defeating the
metal slime family of monster, but the flame won't damage the metals.

- Pisaro's Special Skills come directly from part 7 of the series. The listed
level learned says 35, since he already has those spells when he first joins
the party. Note that if an enemy casts Mahoto-n and Pisaro's spell is sealed,
he can still use the Special Skills that cost zero MP (!!). Sweet!

- Moonsault's actual damage = Attack Power (3/a + 1), where a = number of
monsters there are. This would explain why Moonsault does high damage when
there is only one monster as the target.

- If the enemy casts Mahoto-n and seals the Hero's spells, then the Hero can
still use the Giga Sword technique. That is more of a Special Skill rather
than a spell. The Giga Sword looks like a reduced version of the Ultima Sword
skill from DQ7.

- For Megante, only Bomb Rock (monster number 90) uses it. For Meirusutoromu,
only Frog King (monster number 167) uses it.

- Parupunte's 28 effects.
01 All enemies and friends fall asleep 100% chance.
02 All enemies and have their hit percentage reduced like Manusa Spell.
03 All enemies and friends are confused 100% chance.
04 All friends defensive power increased 100% including wagon members.
05 All friends change into an uncontrollable ice and flame breathing dragon.
06 All friends recover HP to full, including wagon members.
07 All enemies and friends recover HP to full.
08 All enemies and friends have their MP reduced to zero.
09 All enemies get hit by a demon about 120 damage, ignores defense.
10 All enemies die by a quake, and they leave experience and gold behind.
11 All enemies and friends have their direct (physical) attack power doubled.
12 All friends get double experience and gold after winning the battle.
13 All enemies transform into Metal Slimes.
14 All enemies get taken away by a white dragon. No EX or GD awarded.
15 All enemies run away from the dreadful thing the party calls forth.
16 All enemies and friends can't use magic due to a strange mist.
17 The Hero gets hit by a bright light for a 1000 damage and dies. The damage
may be the Hero's Level x 10, since I was at Level 99 when this happened.
18 Time stops for 3 turns for all enemies and friends except for the Hero.
19 All enemies get smashed into pieces. No Experience or Gold awarded.
20 All friends get their power to swell up. Afterwards, all attacks become
Congenial Blow. This is true for all members, including wagon members.
21 All friends lose a turn due to a wailing voice.
22 All enemies have their MP reduced to zero.
23 All friends have their Agility increased by 50%, including wagon members.
24 Time returns to the beginning of the battle like using the Sand of Time.
25 A violent earthquake hits all enemies for about 50 damage.
26 All enemies become confused.
27 Instantly warp out of battle to some town on the Ru-ra list.
28 Voice echoes about, nothing happens. This happens if there is no one dead.
If there is someone dead, then this will revive them to full HP.
- Numbers 03, 08, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 and 27 will not
appear during boss battles.

- Toruneko's Random Effects in Battle
01 Calls an Army = Range: All enemies; Hits 3 times, damage = AP of Toruneko
02 Sand Blower = Range: Enemy group; Reduce hit percentage like Manusa spell
03 Feet Tripping = Range: 1 enemy; Stops the enemy's movement for 1 turn
04 War Cry = Range: All enemies; Stops the enemy's movement for 1 turn
05 Funny Pun = Range: All enemies; Stops the enemy's movement for 1 turn
06 Lullaby = Range: All enemies; Makes the enemy sleep up to 3 turns
07 Mysterious Dance = Range: 1 enemy; Drains the target's Magic Power
08 Spin the Finger = Range: 1 enemy; Can cause confusion if successful
09 Accumulate Power = Range: Self; Next turn, attack power is doubled
10 Trip on a Stone = Range: 1 enemy; Always Congenial Blow
11 Soothe the Enemy = Range: All enemies; Monster leave behind Gold and Items
12 Steal Treasure = Range: 1 enemy; Steal the monster's dropped item; rare
13 Shut the Mouth = Range: 1 enemy; Stops the monster's spell use
14 Protect a friend = Range: 1 friend; Takes damage in place of a friend; rare
15 Stare in Space = Does nothing for that round
- Number 12 rarely ever happens. I had it happen only one time. If he does
steal something from the enemy, it will appear in the Monster Notebook.
- Number 13 can happen while betting on the Monster Fighting Area in the
Casino if you bring Toruneko along. This can be good or bad, since he could
shut the mouth of the monster you are betting on.

Monster Special Skills

TG = Target; E1 = One Enemy; EG = Enemy Group; EA = All Enemies
; F1 = One Friend; FA = All Friends; SF = Self
; VR = Varies

Call Out For Friends SF The same enemy or a different enemy appears
War Cry FA Scared people get stunned for one turn
Suspicious Pupil F1 100% success rate of falling asleep
Stone Throw FA 25
Dazzling Light F1 Decreases the character's hit percentage
Ball of Fire FA 10
Suspicious Light FA 50
Highly Heated Gas FA 40
Lightning FA 40
Tremors FA 60
Whirlwind Cutter F1 80
Tidal Wave FA 35
Burning Breath FA If it connects, then the target is paralyzed
Violent Flames FA 100
Red Hot Flames FA 170
Icy Breath FA 13
Shining Breath FA 140
Meditate SF Recovers 500 HP
Medapani Dance FA If it connects, then the target is confused
Power Accumulate SF Charges up power for the next attack
Justice Fist Stab F1 Does about 1.5 x attack power damage
Rock Drop FA 130
Big Guard SF All damage does 1/10 the normal damage
Spin Kick FA 100
Exploding Fists FA Attacks four times in a row, random target
Body Ram F1 Does near death damage
Scatter the Black Feathers FA All physical attacks one turn will always miss
Fang Cruncher F1 250
Feet Trampler F1 200
Wicked Prayer SF Recovers MP
The True Shining Breath FA 230
Madante FA 200

4c. Additional Spell Information
- All support spells, like Bikiruto will wear off after about 6 turns in
battle. Keep that in mind when using Mahoto-n to seal monster spells. It
would be wise to re-casts those type of spells in the 5th turn or so to keep
the effect going, especially if you are expecting a long battle.

- If an enemy uses a strange mist to nullify all spells, than the Freezing
Wave Motion can be used restore everything back to normal (since that is more
of a Special Skill rather than a Spell). It's useful if you absolutely need
to use a spell. Also, while in spell nullify mode, items which have spell
effects while in battle can be used, so take advantage of that.

- Some information concerning spell resistance.
Ever wonder why sometimes spells would connect, while other times the spell
would miss? Are you puzzled at why some spells never work on certain enemies?
The answer lies in spell resistance. Most spells fall into some category,
like the Mera class, or Gira class. The resistance level to these spells
determines the chance of that spell hitting the target.

Mera Class = Mera, Merami, Merazo-ma
Gira Class = Gira, Begirama, Begiragon
Io Class = Io, Iora, Ionazun, Lightning
Hyado Class = Hyado, Hyadaruko, Hyadain, Mahyado
Bagi Class = Bagi, Bagima, Bagikurosu, Vacuum Wave, Whirlwind Cutter, Tremors,
Tidal Wave, Maelstrom
Dein Class = Raidein, Gigadein, Minadein, Giga Sword, Jigosupa-ku
Zaki Class = Zaki, Zaraki, Zaraki-ma
Nifuramu Class = Nifuramu
Rariho- Class = Rariho-, Rariho-ma, Toruneko's Lullaby
Manusa Class = Manusa, Toruneko's Sand Blower
Medapani Class = Medapani, Toruneko's Spin the Finger, Medapani Dance
Mahoto-n Class = Mahoto-n
Mahotora Class = Mahotora, Toruneko's Mysterious Dance
Rukani Class = Rukani, Rukanan
Rest Class = Toruneko's Feet Tripping, War Cry, and Funny Pun
Flame Class = Ball of Fire, Highly Heated Gas, Violent Flames, Red Hot Flames,
Snowstorm Class = Icy Breath, Chilly Snow Storm, Shining Breath, The True
Shining Breath
Strike Class = Stone Throw, Rock Drop, Justice Fist Stab

There are four spell resistance levels. These apply to monsters only.
0 = No resistance. The spell will hit all the time.
1 = Partial resistance. The spell will hit about 75% of the time.
2 = High resistance. The spell will hit only about 50% of the time.
3 = Full resistance. The spell will never hit the target no matter what.

So if an enemy has a level 2 resistance to the Mera class spells, and you try
to cast Merami, that spell will hit about 50% of the time. If the spell hits,
it will do damage appropriate for that spell, If the spell misses, then the
enemy will take no damage. This phenomenon can be seen easily when you cast
a group hitting spell like Begirama against a group of monsters. If it
sometimes hits and sometimes misses, then you know that monster must have some
resistance to that class of spell.

- All of the Metal Slime family of monsters have a resistance level 3 for
most all spells. That is why spells won't work on them.

- Madante looks like a special case spell. The resistance level doesn't
determine the chance of this spell hitting. Instead, the level determines how
much damage Madante will do.

Madante (flame) resistance levels.
0 = No resistance. Madante will do full damage (used MP x 3).
1 = Partial resistance. Madante will do (used MP x 2.39) damage.
2 = High resistance. Madante will do (used MP x 1.5) damage.
3 = Full resistance. Madante will do no damage to the target.

This is the reason why Madante won't do full damage to some enemies, and the
reason Madante won't work on the Metal Slime family (since those monsters have
a resistance level of 3).

- Spell Resistance can help explain why your party takes less damage from
spells from enemies even with no equipment. Party member resistance level
determines how much damage is taken similar to Madante resistance. Equipment
can help reduce damage from fire and ice. Sometimes it is better to choose
equipment with spell and breath resistance rather than the one with the
highest defensive power. Since you can change equipment in battle without
taking a turn, keep some different equipment on hand to change at a moment's


5. Item Analysis
- The item section.

5a. Item Names

ÛؤÎËÀ¡Î¤Ò¤Î¤­¤Î¤Ü¤¦¡Ï¡¡Cypress Stick
Ƽ¤Î·õ¡Î¤É¤¦¤Î¤Ä¤ë¤®¡Ï¡¡Copper Sword
Å´¤ÎÄޡΤƤĤΤĤá¡Ï¡¡Iron Claw
º¿³ù¡Î¤¯¤µ¤ê¤¬¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Chain Sickle
Å´¤ÎÁä¡Î¤Æ¤Ä¤Î¤ä¤ê¡Ï¡¡Iron Lance
¹Ý¤Î·õ¡Î¤Ï¤¬¤Í¤Î¤Ä¤ë¤®¡Ï¡¡Steel Sword
¥Ð¥È¥ë¥¢¥Ã¥¯¥¹¡¡Battle Ax
¶ä¤Î¥¿¥í¥Ã¥È¡Î¤®¤ó¤Î¥¿¥í¥Ã¥È¡Ï¡¡Silver Tarrot
À»¤Ê¤ë¥Ê¥¤¥Õ¡Î¤»¤¤¤Ê¤ë¥Ê¥¤¥Õ¡Ï¡¡Holy Knife
¥Û¡¼¥ê¡¼¥é¥ó¥¹¡¡Holy Lance
¥¯¥í¥¹¥Ü¥¦¡¡Cross Bow
ÀµµÁ¤Î»»ÈסΤ»¤¤¤®¤Î¤½¤í¤Ð¤ó¡Ï¡¡Abacus of Justice
Å´¤ÎÀð¡Î¤Æ¤Ä¤Î¤ª¤¦¤®¡Ï¡¡Iron Fan
°ï¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¤Î·õ¡Î¤Ï¤°¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¤Î¤±¤ó¡Ï¡¡Astray Metal Sword
ÆǿˡΤɤ¯¤Ð¤ê¡Ï¡¡Poison Needle
ÍýÎϤξó¡Î¤ê¤ê¤ç¤¯¤Î¤Ä¤¨¡Ï¡¡Logic Power Cane
Íë¤Î¾ó¡Î¤¤¤«¤º¤Á¤Î¤Ä¤¨¡Ï¡¡Thunder Staff
Ëâ¿À¤Î¶âÄȡΤޤ¸¤ó¤Î¤«¤Ê¤Å¤Á¡Ï¡¡Devil Hammer
½ô¿Ï¤Î·õ¡Î¤â¤í¤Ï¤Î¤Ä¤ë¤®¡Ï¡¡Double-Edged Sword
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥­¥é¡¼¡¡Dragon Killer
¥­¥é¡¼¥Ô¥¢¥¹¡¡Killer Pierce
ŷȳ¤Î¾ó¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤Ð¤Ä¤Î¤Ä¤¨¡Ï¡¡Staff of Divine Punishment
¤Þ¤É¤í¤ß¤Î·õ¡Î¤Þ¤É¤í¤ß¤±¤ó¡Ï¡¡Sword of Slumber
ÆDzë¤Î¥Ê¥¤¥Õ¡Î¤É¤¯¤¬¤Î¥Ê¥¤¥Õ¡Ï¡¡Poison Moth Knife
±ê¤ÎÄޡΤۤΤª¤Î¤Ä¤á¡Ï¡¡Blazing Talons
ɹ¤Î¿Ï¡Î¤³¤ª¤ê¤Î¤ä¤¤¤Ð¡Ï¡¡Icicle Blade
´ñÀؤηõ¡Î¤­¤»¤­¤Î¤Ä¤ë¤®¡Ï¡¡Marvel Sword
ËâÉõ¤¸¤Î¾ó¡Î¤Þ¤Õ¤¦¤·¤Î¤Ä¤¨¡Ï¡¡Magic Sealing Staff
¥Þ¥°¥Þ¤Î¾ó¡Î¥Þ¥°¥Þ¤Î¤Ä¤¨¡Ï¡¡Magma Staff
³§»¦¤·¤Î·õ¡Î¤ß¤Ê¤´¤í¤·¤Î¤±¤ó¡Ï¡¡Massacre Sword
½ËÊ¡¤Î¾ó¡Î¤·¤å¤¯¤Õ¤¯¤Î¤Ä¤¨¡Ï¡¡Staff of Blessings
Å·¶õ¤Î·õ¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Î¤Ä¤ë¤®¡Ï¡¡Sky Sword
Èù¾Ð¤ß¤Î¾ó¡Î¤Û¤Û¤¨¤ß¤Î¤Ä¤¨¡Ï¡¡Staff of Smiles
Ç˼٤ηõ¡Î¤Ï¤¸¤ã¤Î¤Ä¤ë¤®¡Ï¡¡Wicked Breaking Sword
È»¤Î·õ¡Î¤Ï¤ä¤Ö¤µ¤Î¤±¤ó¡Ï¡¡Falcon Sword
¥Ç¡¼¥â¥ó¥¹¥Ô¥¢¡¡Demon Spear
¥°¥ê¥ó¥¬¥à¤ÎÊÜ¡Î¥°¥ê¥ó¥¬¥à¤Î¤à¤Á¡Ï¡¡Whip of Gringam
Ç˲õ¤ÎÅ´µå¡Î¤Ï¤«¤¤¤Î¤Æ¤Ã¤­¤å¤¦¡Ï¡¡Iron Ball of Destruction
°­Ëâ¤ÎÄޡΤ¢¤¯¤Þ¤Î¤Ä¤á¡Ï¡¡Fiendish Claws
Ë⳦¤Î·õ¡Î¤Þ¤«¤¤¤Î¤Ä¤ë¤®¡Ï¡¡Sword of the Devil World

ι¿Í¤ÎÉþ¡Î¤¿¤Ó¤Ó¤È¤Î¤Õ¤¯¡Ï¡¡Traveler's Clothes
Èé¤Î³»¡Î¤«¤ï¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Leather Armor
º¿Öé»Ò¡Î¤¯¤µ¤ê¤«¤¿¤Ó¤é¡Ï¡¡Chain Mail
Å´¤Î³»¡Î¤Æ¤Ä¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Iron Armor
Å´¤ÎÁ°³Ý¤±¡Î¤Æ¤Ä¤Î¤Þ¤¨¤«¤±¡Ï¡¡Iron Apron
¹Ý¤Î³»¡Î¤Ï¤¬¤Í¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Steel Armor
¸¨¤Î¥í¡¼¥Ö¡Î¤­¤Ì¤Î¥í¡¼¥Ö¡Ï¡¡Silk Robe
ÍÙ¤ê»Ò¤ÎÉþ¡Î¤ª¤É¤ê¤³¤Î¤Õ¤¯¡Ï¡¡Dancer's Clothes
ÀÄƼ¤Î³»¡Î¤»¤¤¤É¤¦¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Bronze Armor
°ï¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¤Î³»¡Î¤Ï¤°¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Astray Metal Armor
ÌÓÈé¤Î¥³¡¼¥È¡Î¤±¤¬¤ï¤Î¥³¡¼¥È¡Ï¡¡Fur Coat
¥Ô¥ó¥¯¤Î¥ì¥ª¥¿¡¼¥É¡¡Pink Leotard
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥á¥¤¥ë¡¡Dragon Mail
¿È¤«¤ï¤·¤ÎÉþ¡Î¤ß¤«¤ï¤·¤Î¤Õ¤¯¡Ï¡¡Avoidance Clothes
ËâË¡¤ÎË¡°á¡Î¤Þ¤Û¤¦¤Î¤Û¤¦¤¤¡Ï¡¡Cleric's Magic Robe
¿å¤Î±©°á¡Î¤ß¤º¤Î¤Ï¤´¤í¤â¡Ï¡¡Water Feather Garment
ÉԻ׵Ĥʥܥì¥í¡Î¤Õ¤·¤®¤Ê¥Ü¥ì¥í¡Ï¡¡Wonderful Bolero
Å·¶õ¤Î³»¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Sky Armor
¿Ï¤Î³»¡Î¤ä¤¤¤Ð¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Bladed Armor
¥¹¥Ñ¥ó¥³¡¼¥ë¥É¥ì¥¹¡¡Spangle Dress
Å·»È¤Î¥ì¥ª¥¿¡¼¥É¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤·¤Î¥ì¥ª¥¿¡¼¥É¡Ï¡¡Angel Leotard
¥Þ¥¸¥«¥ë¥¹¥«¡¼¥È¡¡Magical Skirt
°Â¤é¤®¤Î¥í¡¼¥Ö¡Î¤ä¤¹¤é¤®¤Î¥í¡¼¥Ö¡Ï¡¡Robe of Relaxation
¥¾¥ó¥Ó¥á¥¤¥ë¡¡Zombie Mail
¸÷¤Î¥É¥ì¥¹¡Î¤Ò¤«¤ê¤Î¥É¥ì¥¹¡Ï¡¡Luminous Dress
Ëâ¿À¤Î³»¡Î¤Þ¤¸¤ó¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Demon's Armor
¥¹¥Æ¥Æ¥³¥Ñ¥ó¥Ä¡¡Men's Underwear
Ë⳦¤Î³»¡Î¤Þ¤«¤¤¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Armor of the Devil World

Èé¤Î½â¡Î¤«¤ï¤Î¤¿¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Leather Shield
Îڤνâ¡Î¤¦¤í¤³¤Î¤¿¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Shield of Scales
Å´¤Î½â¡Î¤Æ¤Ä¤Î¤¿¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Iron Shield
ÎϤνâ¡Î¤Á¤«¤é¤Î¤¿¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Shield of Power
¥ß¥é¡¼¥·¡¼¥ë¥É¡¡Mirror Shield
É÷¿À¤Î½â¡Î¤Õ¤¦¤¸¤ó¤Î¤¿¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Wind God's Shield
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥·¡¼¥ë¥É¡¡Dragon Shield
Å·¶õ¤Î½â¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Î¤¿¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Sky Shield
°ï¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¤Î½â¡Î¤Ï¤°¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¤Î¤¿¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Astray Metal Shield
Ë⳦¤Î½â¡Î¤Þ¤«¤¤¤Î¤¿¤Æ¡Ï¡¡Escutcheon of the Devil World

Èé¤Î˹»Ò¡Î¤«¤ï¤Î¤Ü¤¦¤·¡Ï¡¡Leather Hat
¥Ø¥¢¥Ð¥ó¥É¡¡Hair Band
ÌÚ¤Î˹»Ò¡Î¤­¤Î¤Ü¤¦¤·¡Ï¡¡Wooden Hat
Å´³õ¡Î¤Æ¤Ä¤«¤Ö¤È¡Ï¡¡Iron Helmet
Å´²¾Ì̡ΤƤ䫤á¤ó¡Ï¡¡Iron Mask
±©º¬Ë¹»Ò¡Î¤Ï¤Í¤Ü¤¦¤·¡Ï¡¡Feather Hat
Å·¶õ¤Î³õ¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Î¤«¤Ö¤È¡Ï¡¡Sky Helm
¼Ù¿À¤ÎÌ̡Τ¸¤ã¤·¤ó¤Î¤á¤ó¡Ï¡¡Masque of the Evil God
¶â¤Îȱ¾þ¤ê¡Î¤­¤ó¤Î¤«¤ß¤«¤¶¤ê¡Ï¡¡Golden Barrette
¹¬¤»¤Î˹»Ò¡Î¤·¤¢¤ï¤»¤Î¤Ü¤¦¤·¡Ï¡¡Hat of Happiness
°ï¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¥Ø¥ë¥à¡Î¤Ï¤°¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¥Ø¥ë¥à¡Ï¡¡Astray Metal Helm
Ë⳦¤Î³õ¡Î¤Þ¤«¤¤¤Î¤«¤Ö¤È¡Ï¡¡Head-Piece of the Devil World

À±¹ß¤ëÏÓÎءΤۤ·¤Õ¤ë¤¦¤Ç¤ï¡Ï¡¡Falling Star Bracelet
À±¤Î·ç¤±¤é¡Î¤Û¤·¤Î¤«¤±¤é¡Ï¡¡Star Fragments
¥á¥¬¥ó¥Æ¤ÎÏÓÎءΥᥬ¥ó¥Æ¤Î¤¦¤Ç¤ï¡Ï¡¡Megante (Attack Sacrifice) Bracelet
¥á¥¬¥¶¥ë¤ÎÏÓÎءΥᥬ¥¶¥ë¤Î¤¦¤Ç¤ï¡Ï¡¡Megazaru (Recovery Sacrifice) Bracelet
¶â¤Î¥Ö¥ì¥¹¥ì¥Ã¥È¡Î¤­¤ó¤Î¥Ö¥ì¥¹¥ì¥Ã¥È¡Ï¡¡Gold Bracelet
ÌÖ¥¿¥¤¥Ä¡Î¤¢¤ß¥¿¥¤¥Ä¡Ï¡¡Netted Tights
¼é¤ê¤Î¥ë¥Ó¡¼¡Î¤Þ¤â¤ê¤Î¥ë¥Ó¡¼¡Ï¡¡Safeguard Ruby
µ§¤ê¤Î»ØÎءΤ¤¤Î¤ê¤Î¤æ¤Ó¤ï¡Ï¡¡Ring of Prayer
½÷¿À¤Î»ØÎءΤ᤬¤ß¤Î¤æ¤Ó¤ï¡Ï¡¡Goddess Ring
¥´¥¹¥Ú¥ë¥ê¥ó¥°¡¡Gospel Ring
¹¬¤»¤Î·¤¡Î¤·¤¢¤ï¤»¤Î¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Shoes of Happiness
Ì¿¤Î»ØÎءΤ¤¤Î¤Á¤Î¤æ¤Ó¤ï¡Ï¡¡Ring of Life
ÎϤλØÎءΤÁ¤«¤é¤Î¤æ¤Ó¤ï¡Ï¡¡Force Ring
ÅƤο¬Èø¡Î¤¦¤µ¤®¤Î¤·¤Ã¤Ý¡Ï¡¡Rabbit's Tail
¼ÀÉ÷¤Î¥Ð¥ó¥À¥Ê¡Î¤·¤Ã¤×¤¦¤Î¥Ð¥ó¥À¥Ê¡Ï¡¡Gale Bandana
¹ë·æ¤ÎÏÓÎءΤ´¤¦¤±¤Ä¤Î¤¦¤Ç¤ï¡Ï¡¡Bangle of Greatness

ÌôÁð¡Î¤ä¤¯¤½¤¦¡Ï¡¡Medical Herb
ÆǾä·Áð¡Î¤É¤¯¤±¤·¤½¤¦¡Ï¡¡Antidote Herb
À»¿å¡Î¤»¤¤¤¹¤¤¡Ï¡¡Holy Water
¥­¥á¥é¤ÎÍã¡Î¥­¥á¥é¤Î¤Ä¤Ð¤µ¡Ï¡¡Chimera's Wing
Ëþ·îÁð¡Î¤Þ¤ó¤²¤Ä¤½¤¦¡Ï¡¡Full Moon Herb
Æ÷¤¤ÂޡΤˤª¤¤¤Ö¤¯¤í¡Ï¡¡Scented Pouch
ÎϤμï¡Î¤Á¤«¤é¤Î¤¿¤Í¡Ï¡¡Seed of Strength
ÁÇÁᤵ¤Î¼ï¡Î¤¹¤Ð¤ä¤µ¤Î¤¿¤Í¡Ï¡¡Seed of Quickness
¸­¤µ¤Î¼ï¡Î¤«¤·¤³¤µ¤Î¤¿¤Í¡Ï¡¡Seed of Wisdom
¥é¥Ã¥¯¤Î¼ï¡Î¥é¥Ã¥¯¤Î¤¿¤Í¡Ï¡¡Seed of Luck
Ì¿¤ÎÌڤμ¡Τ¤¤Î¤Á¤Î¤­¤Î¤ß¡Ï¡¡Nut of Life
ÉԻ׵ĤÊÌڤμ¡Τդ·¤®¤Ê¤­¤Î¤ß¡Ï¡¡Nut of Enchantment

Åð±¤Î¸°¡Î¤È¤¦¤¾¤¯¤Î¤«¤®¡Ï¡¡Thief's Key
ËâË¡¤Î¸°¡Î¤Þ¤Û¤¦¤Î¤«¤®¡Ï¡¡Magic Key
ºÇ¸å¤Î¸°¡Î¤µ¤¤¤´¤Î¤«¤®¡Ï¡¡Last Key
ËâË¡¤ÎÀ»¿å¡Î¤Þ¤Û¤¦¤Î¤»¤¤¤¹¤¤¡Ï¡¡Magical Holy Water
¥é¡¼¤Î¶À¡Î¥é¡¼¤Î¤«¤¬¤ß¡Ï¡¡Mirror of Rah
¤ªÊÛÅö¡Î¤ª¤Ù¤ó¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡Boxed Lunch
ÇϤÎʵ¡Î¤¦¤Þ¤Î¤Õ¤ó¡Ï¡¡Horse Feces
À¤³¦¼ù¤ÎÍաΤ»¤«¤¤¤¸¤å¤Î¤Ï¡Ï¡¡World Tree Leaf
À¤³¦¼ù¤Î¼¶¡Î¤»¤«¤¤¤¸¤å¤Î¤·¤º¤¯¡Ï¡¡World Tree Drops
¾®¤µ¤Ê¥á¥À¥ë¡Î¤Á¤¤¤µ¤Ê¥á¥À¥ë¡Ï¡¡Small Medal
¶õÈô¤Ö·¤¡Î¤½¤é¤È¤Ö¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Sky-Flying Shoes
²«¶â¤ÎÏÓÎءΤª¤¦¤´¤ó¤Î¤¦¤Ç¤ï¡Ï¡¡Golden Bracelet
Óó¤ê¤Î̪¡Î¤µ¤¨¤º¤ê¤Î¤ß¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Chirping Nectar
¤¢¤ä¤«¤·¤ÎÅ«¡Î¤¢¤ä¤«¤·¤Î¤Õ¤¨¡Ï¡¡Flute of Seeing
Å´¤Î¶â¸Ë¡Î¤Æ¤Ä¤Î¤­¤ó¤³¡Ï¡¡Iron Vault
²¦»Ò¤Î¼ê»æ¡Î¤ª¤¦¤¸¤Î¤Æ¤¬¤ß¡Ï¡¡Letter of the Prince
²¦¤Î¼ê»æ¡Î¤ª¤¦¤Î¤Æ¤¬¤ß¡Ï¡¡Letter of the King
¶ä¤Î½÷¿ÀÁü¡Î¤®¤ó¤Î¤á¤¬¤ß¤¾¤¦¡Ï¡¡Goddess Statue of Silver
°Ç¤Î¥é¥ó¥×¡Î¤ä¤ß¤Î¥é¥ó¥×¡Ï¡¡Lamp of Darkness
Àżä¤Î¶Ì¡Î¤»¤¤¤¸¤ã¤¯¤Î¤¿¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Jewel of Silence
²ÐÌô¤ÎÄۡΤ«¤ä¤¯¤Î¤Ä¤Ü¡Ï¡¡Gunpowder Pot
¾èÁ¥·ô¡Î¤¸¤ç¤¦¤»¤ó¤±¤ó¡Ï¡¡Boarding Ticket
¿®¤¸¤ë¿´¡Î¤·¤ó¤¸¤ë¤³¤³¤í¡Ï¡¡Heart of Trust
À»¤Ê¤ë¼ï²Ð¡Î¤»¤¤¤Ê¤ë¤¿¤Í¤Ó¡Ï¡¡Saint Pilot-Light
Êõ¤ÎÃϿޡΤ¿¤«¤é¤Î¤Á¤º¡Ï¡¡Treasure Map
¥Ñ¥Ç¥­¥¢¤Î¼ï¡Î¥Ñ¥Ç¥­¥¢¤Î¤¿¤Í¡Ï¡¡Padekia Seeds
¥Ñ¥Ç¥­¥¢¤Îº¬¤Ã»Ò¡Î¥Ñ¥Ç¥­¥¢¤Î¤Í¤Ã¤³¡Ï¡¡Padekia Roots
³é¤­¤ÎÀСΤ«¤ï¤­¤Î¤¤¤·¡Ï¡¡Parching Stone
»þ¤Îº½¡Î¤È¤­¤Î¤¹¤Ê¡Ï¡¡Sand of Time
ÊѲ½¤Î¾ó¡Î¤Ø¤ó¤²¤Î¤Ä¤¨¡Ï¡¡Cane of Change
¸­¼Ô¤ÎÀСΤ±¤ó¤¸¤ã¤Î¤¤¤·¡Ï¡¡Sage's Stone
¥¬¥¹¤ÎÄÛ¡Î¥¬¥¹¤Î¤Ä¤Ü¡Ï¡¡Jar of Gas
¥Ð¥í¥ó¤Î³ÑÅ«¡Î¥Ð¥í¥ó¤Î¤Ä¤Î¤Ö¤¨¡Ï¡¡Baron's Horn
À¤³¦¼ù¤Î²Ö¡Î¤»¤«¤¤¤¸¤å¤Î¤Ï¤Ê¡Ï¡¡Flower of the World Tree
¥â¥ó¥¹¥¿¡¼¿Þ´Õ¡Î¥â¥ó¥¹¥¿¡¼¤º¤«¤ó¡Ï¡¡Monster Notebook

¥ß¥ß¥Ã¥¯¤Îåлà¡Î¥ß¥ß¥Ã¥¯¤Î¤¤¤·¡Ï¡¡Mimic's Death Strangle
Á´ÌǤÎÀСΤ¼¤ó¤á¤Ä¤Î¤¤¤·¡Ï¡¡Wipe-Out Stone

°­Ëâ¤Î¥«¡¼¥É¡Î¤¢¤¯¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Devil's Card
ÂÀÍۤΥ«¡¼¥É¡Î¤¿¤¤¤è¤¦¡Ï¡¡Sun Card
Åã¤Î¥«¡¼¥É¡Î¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡Tower Card
ÀµµÁ¤Î¥«¡¼¥É¡Î¤»¤¤¤®¡Ï¡¡Justice Card
»à¿À¤Î¥«¡¼¥É¡Î¤·¤Ë¤¬¤ß¡Ï¡¡Death God's Card
·î¤Î¥«¡¼¥É¡Î¤Ä¤­¡Ï¡¡Moon Card
ÎϤΥ«¡¼¥É¡Î¤Á¤«¤é¡Ï¡¡Might Card
À±¤Î¥«¡¼¥É¡Î¤Û¤·¡Ï¡¡Star Card
°ú¤¤¤Æ¤¤¤±¤Ê¤¤¥«¡¼¥É¡Î¤Ò¡Ï¡¡Forbidden Card

5b. Equipment List
- A list of people who can equip what items at a glance.

NAME = Name of item listed in part 5a.
SO = Main character, the hero
RY = Ryan
AR = Arena
KU = Klift
BU = Burai
TO = Toruneko
MI = Minea
MY = Manya
PI = Pisaro
- = cannot equip it
o = can equip it
x = only female hero can equip it
ATK = Attack Power of the weapon
DEF = Defensive Power of that protector
FEATURE = Characteristics of the item. B: = use that item in battle for
some kind of effect.

Cypress Stick o o - o o - o o - 2 Standard weapon
Club o o o o - o o - - 7
Copper Sword o o - o - o o - o 12
Iron Claw - - o - - - - - o 38
Chain Sickle o o o o - o o - o 20
Iron Lance o o - o - o - - o 28
Steel Sword o o - - - - - - o 40
Battle Ax o o - - - - - - o 50
Silver Tarrot - - - - - - o - - 21 B: Various
Holy Knife o o o o - o o o - 14
Holy Lance - o - o - - o - - 33
Cross Bow o o o o o o o o - 18
Abacus of Justice - - - - - o - - - 35 B: Nifuramu
Iron Fan - - - - - - - o - 22
Astray Metal Sword o o - o - o o - o 130 2 dmg to metal
Poison Needle - - - - o - - o - 0 1 dmg or kill
Logic Power Cane - - - o o - o o - 55 3 MP used
Thunder Staff - - - - o - - o - 29 B: Begirama
Devil Hammer o o - - - - - - o 70 Cursed
Double-Edged Sword o o - - - - - - - 99 Cursed
Dragon Killer o o - - - - - - o 90 1.5x dmg dragon
Killer Pierce - - o - - - o - - 5 2x attack
Staff of Divine Punishment - - - o - - o - - 35 B: Bagima
Sword of Slumber o o - - - - - - - 60 B: Rariho-ma
Poison Moth Knife - - - - o o o o - 24 Paralysis
Blazing Talons - - o - - - - - o 60 B: Begirama 1
Icicle Blade o o - - - - - - o 75 B: Hyadaruko
Marvel Sword o o - o - o - - - 100 *
Magic Sealing Staff - - - o o - o o - 50 B: Mahoto-n
Magma Staff - - - o o - o o - 63 B: Io
Massacre Sword - o - - - o - - o 120 Cursed
Staff of Blessings - - - o o - o - - 5 B: Behoimi
Sky Sword o - - - - - - - - 65
Staff of Smiles - - - o o - o o - 33 Give smiles
Wicked Breaking Sword o o - - - o - - o 45 B: Gira
Falcon Sword o o - - - - - - o 67 2x attack
Demon Spear - o - - - - - - o 90 Can instant kill
Whip of Gringam - - o - - - o o - 135 Group attack
Iron Ball of Destruction - o - - - o - - - 115 Attacks all
Fiendish Claws - - o - - - - o o 80 Can poison
Sword of the Devil World - - - - - - - - o 150 *
* = HP is recovered with each strike of the weapon. HP amount recovered is
1/4 the damage dealt.

- If Minea is in the active party, she can use the Silver Tarrot Cards outside
of battle to make her do a fortunetelling for the day. If you sleep at a inn,
then she can do another one. She will give a reading of a positive or
negative sign, plus she will say your lucky number and lucky color. I don't
know what effect that has on the game. During battle, using the Silver Tarrot
will produce 9 different effects, depending on what card she draws.

- In battle Silver Tarrot effects.
Devil's Card = Range: All enemies; Reduces Defense Power like Rukanan Spell
Sun Card = Range: All friends; Recovers all HP like Behomazun Spell
Tower Card = Range: All enemies; Does damage depending on level
Justice Card = Range: All enemies; Removes enemies like Nifuramu Spell
Death God's Card = Range: One enemy; Attempts to kill like Zaki Spell
Moon Card = Range: All enemies; Lowers hit rate by enemies like Manusa Spell
Might Card = Range: One friend; Doubles attack power like Bikiruto Spell
Star Card = Range: All friends; Gold and Experience x2 after winning battle
Forbidden Card = Range: All friends; Attempts to kill like Zaraki Spell

- For the Devil Hammer, it is either hit or miss. If it hits, the damage is
great plus it ignores monster defense. It is pretty much a metal killer.

- For the Double-Edged Sword, HP is lost with each strike. HP lost is 1/4 the
damage dealt.

- For the Massacre Sword, equipping it will bring defensive power down to
zero (not counting Pisaro). Use in battle for Rukanan effect.

- For the Sky Sword, 65 is the Attack Power is when you first find it. Once
it gets powered up from the Master Dragon, it will have an Attack Power of
110. Furthermore, when used in battle it will produce the Freezing Wave
Motion effect (remove support spells from all the enemies). This will remove
Sukara, Sukuruto, Rukani, Rukanan, Bikiruto, Mahoto-n, Mahosute, Piorimu,
Doragoramu, Manu-sa, Medapani, Fuba-ha, and Moshasu spells all in one shot.
Real useful to say the least.

Clothes o o o o o o o o - 4
Traveler's Clothes o o o o o o o o - 7
Leather Armor o o o o o o - - o 12
Chain Mail o o o o - o - - o 18
Iron Armor o o - o - - o - o 30
Iron Apron - - - - - o - - - 32
Steel Armor o o - - - - - - o 35
Silk Robe x - o - - - o o - 10
Dancer's Clothes - - - - - - o o - 8
Bronze Armor o o - o - o o - o 25
Astray Metal Armor o o - o - o o - o 95 Reduce spell dmg
Fur Coat o o o o - o o o - 22
Pink Leotard x - o - - - o o - 38
Dragon Mail o o - - - - - - o 45 Reduce fire&ice
Avoidance Clothes - - o - o - - o - 28 Avoid attacks
Cleric's Magic Robe - - o - - o - - - 35 Reduce spell dmg
Water Feather Garment - - - - o - o o - 43 Reduce fire&ice
Wonderful Bolero - - - o o - o o - 47 Absorb spell MP
Sky Armor o - - - - - - - - 70 Reduce spell dmg
Bladed Armor o o - - - o - - o 50 1/4 dmg reflect
Spangle Dress - - o - - - o o - 40
Angel Leotard x - o - - - o o - 60 Reduce fire&ice
Magical Skirt x - o - - - o o - 45 Reduce spell dmg
Robe of Relaxation - - o o o o o - - 33 *
Zombie Mail o o - - - - - - o 49 Cursed
Luminous Dress x - o - - - o o - 50 Reflect spells
Demon's Armor o o - - - - - - o 60 Cursed
Men's Underwear - o - - o o - - - 8
Armor of the Devil World - - - - - - - - o 100 Reduce spell dmg
* If the wearer is paralyzed or sleeping, damage taken is 1/2.

- For the Bladed Armor, the reflected damage ignores the monster's defense,
so it can be a useful 'weapon' against the metal slime family of monsters.

- For Zombie Mail, every step taken reduces some HP.

- For Demon's Armor, putting it on will reduce speed to zero, but will provide
some resistance to fire, ice, and spell damage.

Leather Shield o o - o o o o - - 4
Shield of Scales o o - o o o o - - 7
Iron Shield o o - o - o o - o 12 Reduce fire&ice
Shield of Power o o - o - o - - - 40 B: Self Behoimi
Mirror Shield o o - o - - - - o 45 Reduce spell dmg
Wind God's Shield o o - - - - - - - 50 B: Nifuramu
Dragon Shield o o - - - - - - o 30 Reduce fire&ice
Sky Shield o - - - - - - - - 55 Reduce fire&ice
Astray Metal Shield - o - o o - o o o 60 Reduce fire&ice
Escutcheon of the Devil World - - - - - - - - o 55 Reduce fire&ice
- For Mirror Shield, sometimes 1/4 the spell damage is reflected back at the
caster, but not always.

- For Sky Shield, use in battle for Mahokanta effect (reflect spells).

- For Astray Metal Shield, use in battle for Mahosute effect (spell

Leather Hat o o o o o o o o - 2
Hair Band - - o - - - o o - 5
Wooden Hat o o - o - o - - - 6
Iron Helmet o o - o - o - - o 16
Iron Mask o o - - - - - - o 25
Feather Hat - - o - - - o o - 8
Sky Helm o - - - - - - - - 30 Status Resist
Masque of the Evil God o o o o o o o o - 200 Cursed
Golden Barrette x - o - - - o o - 12 Confuse Resist
Hat of Happiness - - - o o - o o - 15 Recover MP/step
Astray Metal Helm o o - o - o o - o 50 Status Resist
Head-Piece of the Devil World - - - - - - - - o 40 Status Resist
- For Masque of the Evil God, wearing it will make the user fall into a state
of permanent confusion.

- Status Resist is protection from sleep, paralysis, and death spells. It is
only partial protection, so it won't protect 100%, but it's better than

Falling Star Bracelet o o o o o o o o o Agility x2
Star Fragments o o o o o o o o o Luck +5
Megante Bracelet o o o o o o o o - Defense +15
Megazaru Bracelet o o o o o o o o - Defense +15
Gold Bracelet o o o o o o o o - Defense +5
Netted Tights x - o - - - o o - Defense +8
Safeguard Ruby o o o o o o o o o Defense +15
Ring of Prayer o o o o o o o o o Defense +5
Goddess Ring o - o o - - o o - Intelligence +33
Gospel Ring o o o o o o o o o Luck +50
Shoes of Happiness o o o o o o o o o Luck +50
Ring of Life o o o o o o o o o Defense +15
Force Ring o o o o o o o o o Power +8
Rabbit's Tail o o o o o o o o - Luck +8
Gale Bandana o o o o o o o o o Agility +15
Bangle of Greatness o o o o o o o o o Power +25
- Use the Star Fragments in battle to heal one person of confuse status.

- For Megante and Megazaru Bracelet, if you die, then the said spell will
activate and the bracelet will break.

- For Ring of Prayer, using it will recover about 30 MP, but it has a chance
of breaking if overused.

- Goddess Ring has Status Resistance, plus it will recover MP just by walking
around. It is about 1 MP per 4 steps.

- Equipping the Gospel Ring will make it so that there is no random battles.

- For Shoes of Happiness, experience will be gained just by walking around.
However, this is only true in areas where monsters appear.

- Ring of Life will recover HP just by walking around. It's about 1 HP per
2 steps.

Use Items - One use and they are gone
Medical Herb Recover HP about 15 to 30
Antidote Herb Cures Poison Status
Holy Water B: Does about 15 damage, wards off weak monsters
Chimera's Wing Instant warp to towns already visited like Ru-ra
Full Moon Herb Recovery from paralysis status
Scented Pouch Increases encounter rate with monsters
Seed of Strength Raises Power about 1-3 points
Seed of Quickness Raises Agility about 1-2 points
Seed of Wisdom Raises Intelligence about 1-3 points
Seed of Luck Raises Luck about 1-3 points
Nut of Life Raises Max HP about 4-6 points
Nut of Enchantment Raises Max MP about 3-6 points

Rare Items
Thief's Key Opens the blue color doors
Magic Key Opens the red color doors
Last Key Opens the sliding jail doors
Magical Holy Water Recover MP 25-35, after one use, it is gone
Mirror of Rah B: Removes Moshasu spell on one enemy
Boxed Lunch Recover HP 15-30, after one use, it is gone
Horse Feces None, or so it seems...
World Tree Leaf Recover 1 dead person to max, gone in one use
World Tree Drops Recover all HP to all members, gone in one use
Small Medal A certain king is looking for these
Sky-Flying Shoes Warp to Lakeside Tower. Chapter 1 use.
Golden Bracelet Trade bait for hostages in Chapter 2, mystery item
Chirping Nectar Used to recover the voice of the king of Saintheim
Flute of Seeing Opens secret passage in Rosary Hill
Iron Vault When defeated, keep money in possession. Chapter 3
Letter of the Prince Letter from Prince Rick to Princess Monica
Letter of the King From King of Endoll to the King of Bonmole
Goddess Statue of Silver Someone in Endoll will buy it for 25000 Gold
Lamp of Darkness Changes daytime to nighttime
Jewel of Silence Seals magic like Mahoto-n spell
Gunpowder Pot Explosion can scare a certain cabinet minister
Boarding Ticket Ticket for a ship to Endoll Castle
Heart of Trust Gives trust to a deceived person
Saint Pilot-Light Holy fire for the Great Lighthouse
Treasure Map Shows where the Sky Sword is roughly located
Padekia Seeds It can grow into Roots if cultivated
Padekia Roots Can heal sickness
Parching Stone Drys up water
Sand of Time B: Return time to the beginning, unlimited use
Cane of Change Change into various things, including monsters
Sage's Stone B: Recover all members about 50-70 HP, unlimited use
Jar of Gas Powers the hot-air balloon
Baron's Horn Brings the wagon to the party if stranded
Flower of the World Tree Blooms only once every 1000 years
Monster Notebook Records all your encounters with monsters
- If you didn't get the Iron Vault in Chapter 3 and wait until Chapter 5, then
the Vault will still be there. However, it has lost it's abilities, so if you
die with it, then you will still lose half your gold.

- Use the Baron's Horn in battle for a 3 or 4 hit attack, doing about 30
damage per hit.

Strange Items
Mimic's Death Strangle Kill all enemies like Zaraki-ma, ignoring resistance
Wipe-Out Stone Kill all party members, ignoring resistance

5c. Item Price
- Price listings of buying and selling price, and where to buy them.

NAME = Name of item listed in 5a.
BPRICE = The value in gold of the said item when shopping. Items bought in
the Casino by coins are suffixed by 'c' like 250000c. Items that cannot be
bought are shown by '-'.
SPRICE = The value in gold of the said item when selling. Items that cannot
be sold are shown by '-'.
WHERE = The most common place to find the said item. Some monsters can drop
items, but it will be omitted since it is listed in the monster section. Tr
= Treasure Box

Cypress Stick 10 7 Chapter 3 Fox Prairie Village
Club 30 22 Branka
Copper Sword 100 75 Branka
Iron Claw 1500 1125 Chapter 2 Endoll
Chain Sickle 550 412 Endoll
Iron Lance 880 660 Endoll
Steel Sword 2000 1500 Bonmole
Battle Ax 5500 4125 Kohmiz
Silver Tarrot - 375 Attemtoh Mine Tr
Holy Knife 200 150 Branka
Holy Lance 1250 937 Endoll
Cross Bow 350 262 Branka
Abacus of Justice 1600 1200 Endoll
Iron Fan 625 465 Aneil
Astray Metal Sword - - Waterfall Rapids Tr
Poison Needle 1300 975 Salan (need Magic Key)
Logic Power Cane 2500 1875 Salan (need Magic Key)
Thunder Staff - 15000 Cave South of Freynoll Tr
Devil Hammer 8500 850 Grand Slum Immigrant Town
Double-Edged Sword - 2475 Endoll Tr (need Magic Key)
Dragon Killer 15000 11250 Rosary Hill
Killer Pierce 7500 5625 Rosary Hill
Staff of Divine Punishment - 3225 30 Small Medals prize
Sword of Slumber 8000 6000 Stanciara
Poison Moth Knife 750 562 Endoll
Blazing Talons 7300 730 Ladies Town Immigrant Town
Icicle Blade - 600 Lakenaba Tr (need Last Key)
Marvel Sword 31000 3100 Royal Castle Immigrant Town
Magic Sealing Staff - 3000 Grave of the Royal Family Tr
Magma Staff - - Saintheim Tr (need Magic Key)
Massacre Sword - 150 Konanberry Tr (need Last Key)
Staff of Blessings - 4500 World Tree Tr
Sky Sword - - World Tree
Staff of Smiles 3000c 67 Grand Slum Casino
Wicked Breaking Sword 3500 2625 Mintos
Falcon Sword 65000c 18750 Endoll Casino
Demon Spear - 18750 Grand Slum Tr
Whip of Gringam - 7500 60 Small Medals prize
Iron Ball of Destruction 65000 6500 Royal Castle Immigrant Town
Fiendish Claws 13500 1350 Premium Bazaar Immigrant Town
Sword of the Devil World - - Crater of Enigma Prize
Clothes 10 7 Salan
Traveler's Clothes 70 52 Monbarbara
Leather Armor 180 135 Branka
Chain Mail 350 262 Branka
Iron Armor 1200 900 Endoll
Iron Apron 1500 1125 Endoll
Steel Armor 2300 1725 Mintos
Silk Robe 110 82 Monbarabara
Dancer's Clothes 400 300 Gardenburg
Bronze Armor 700 525 Endoll
Astray Metal Armor 35000 26250 Endoll (need Magic Key)
Fur Coat 600 450 Bonmole
Pink Leotard 6300 4725 Gardenburg
Dragon Mail 5200 3900 Stanciara
Avoidance Clothes 3000 2250 Endoll (need Magic Key)
Cleric's Magic Robe 4400 3300 Ocean-Side Village
Water Feather Garment 15000 11250 Home of the Elves
Wonderful Bolero - 5625 Premium Bazaar Tr
Sky Armor - - Shrine of the Ocean Roar Tr
Bladed Armor 9800 7350 Endoll (need Magic Key)
Spangle Dress 2000 1500 Ladies Town Immigrant Town
Angel Leotard 13000 9750 Ladies Town Immigrant Town
Magical Skirt 9800 7350 Ladies Town Immigrant Town
Robe of Relaxation - 4500 Padekia Cave Tr
Zombie Mail - 652 Upper Right Devil World Tr
Luminous Dress - 6600 Devil World Cave Tr
Demon's Armor - 750 Devil World Cave Tr
Men's Underwear 100 75 Great Farm Immigrant Town
Armor of the Devil World - - Crater of Enigma Prize
Leather Shield 90 67 Branka
Shield of Scales 180 135 Branka
Iron Shield 650 487 Endoll
Shield of Power 13000 9750 Home of the Elves
Mirror Shield - 6750 Immigrant Town Final Form Tr
Wind God's Shield 20000 2000 Grand Slum Immigrant Town
Dragon Shield 7100 5325 River-Side
Sky Shield - - Gardenburg Tr (need Last Key)
Astray Metal Shield - - 52 Small Medals prize
Escutcheon of the Devil World - - Crater of Enigma Prize
Leather Hat 65 48 Branka
Hair Band 110 82 Monbarbara
Wooden Hat 120 90 Branka
Iron Helmet 1100 825 Mintos
Iron Mask 3500 2625 Kohmiz
Feather Hat 280 210 Bonmole
Sky Helm - - Stanciara King has it
Masque of the Evil God - 6 Monster Tower Immigrant Town Tr
Golden Barrette 540 405 Konanberry
Hat of Happiness - 11 43 Small Medals prize
Astray Metal Helm 100000c - Grand Slum Casino
Head-Piece of the Devil World - - Crater of Enigma Prize
Falling Star Bracelet 10000c - Endoll Casino
Star Fragments 500 375 Premium Bazaar Immigrant Town
Megante Bracelet 5000 500 Premium Bazaar Immigrant Town
Megazaru Bracelet 10000 1000 Premium Bazaar Immigrant Town
Gold Bracelet 1000c 262 Endoll Casino
Netted Tights 1200 900 Ladies Town Immigrant Town
Safeguard Ruby 2700 2025 Immigrant Town Final Form
Ring of Prayer 3000 2250 Premium Bazaar Immigrant Town
Goddess Ring - - Small Shrine of the Horn Tr
Gospel Ring 250000c - Grand Slum Casino
Shoes of Happiness - - Cave of Coral B3-2 Tr
Ring of Life - - Secret Dungeon Tr
Force Ring 800 660 Premium Bazaar Immigrant Town
Rabbit's Tail 230 172 Premium Bazaar Immigrant Town
Gale Bandana 650 487 Grand Slum Immigrant Town
Bangle of Greatness 37000 3700 Royal Castle Immigrant Town
Medical Herb 8 6 Majority of item shops, Endoll
Antidote Herb 10 7 Majority of item shops
Holy Water 20 15 Majority of item shops
Chimera's Wing 25 18 Majority of item shops
Full Moon Herb 30 22 Majority of item shops
Scented Pouch 150 112 Gottside
Seed of Strength - 90 Various Tr
Seed of Quickness - 67 Various Tr
Seed of Wisdom - 60 Various Tr
Seed of Luck - 52 Various Tr
Nut of Life - 187 Various Tr
Nut of Enchantment - 412 Various Tr
Thief's Key - - Freynoll Gift
Magic Key - - Cave West of Kohmiz Tr
Last Key - - Gardenburg Gift
Magical Holy Water 30c 22 Endoll Casino
Mirror of Rah 10000c - Grand Slum Casino
Boxed Lunch - 7 Lakenaba, from Nene
Horse Feces - 1 Bonmole Tr
World Tree Leaf - - World Tree branches
World Tree Drops - - Sky Castle Gift
Small Medal - - Lots of places
Sky-Flying Shoes - - Well on the Village Outskirts Tr
Golden Bracelet - - Cave South of Freynoll Tr
Chirping Nectar - - Top floor of the Chirping Tower
Flute of Seeing - - Saintheim Tr (need Magic Key)
Iron Vault - - Cave North of Lakenaba
Letter of the Prince - - Bonmole
Letter of the King - - Endoll
Goddess Statue of Silver - - Goddess Statue Cave Tr
Lamp of Darkness - - Cave West of Kohmiz Tr
Jewel of Silence - - Cave West of Kohmiz Tr
Gunpowder Pot - - Attemtoh Mine Tr
Boarding Ticket - - Kingleo Tr
Heart of Trust - - Cave of Betrayal Tr
Saint Pilot-Light - - Great Lighthouse Tr
Treasure Map - - Mintos, given by Hiltan
Padekia Seeds - - Padekia Cave Tr
Padekia Roots - - Country of Soleta Gift
Parching Stone - - Ocean-Side Village, on the beach
Sand of Time - - Waterfall Rapids Cave Tr
Cane of Change - - Grave of the Royal Family Tr
Sage's Stone - - Death Castle Tr
Jar of Gas - - Estark Temple Tr
Baron's Horn - - Small Shrine of the Horn Tr
Flower of the World Tree - - World Tree
Monster Notebook - - Village Deep in the Mountains
Mimic's Death Strangle - - Cheat Code, item # 9Fh
Wipe-Out Stone - - Cheat Code, item # A0h
- There may be other places some of these items can be found in. Explore on
your own to find them.

- The Astray Metal Armor used to cost 15,000 gold (buy price) and 11,250 gold
(sell price) in the original version of the game. It is now 35,000 gold
(buy price) and 26,250 gold (sell price) in the remake version. Go fight some
Mystery Doll enemies in Saintheim Castle, chapter 5, to build up some gold.


6. Monster Compilation
- Information on the monsters that appear in the game.

6a. Monster Names

Âç¤ß¤ß¤º¡Î¤ª¤ª¤ß¤ß¤º¡Ï¡¡Big Earthworm
¥¨¥¢¥é¥Ã¥È¡¡Air Rat
î÷¤¯¤ï¤¬¤¿¡Î¤Ï¤µ¤ß¤¯¤ï¤¬¤¿¡Ï¡¡Scissor Pincer
¥Ð¥Ö¥ë¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡Bubble Slime
°­µº¤â¤°¤é¡Î¤¤¤¿¤º¤é¤â¤°¤é¡Ï¡¡Mischief Mole
ÀÚ¤ê³ô¤ª²½¤±¡Î¤­¤ê¤«¤Ö¤ª¤Ð¤±¡Ï¡¡Stubble Goblin
¥Û¥¤¥ß¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡Heal Slime
¥­¥é¡¼¥¹¥³¥Ã¥×¡¡Killer Shovel
¸«½¬¤¤°­Ëâ¡Î¤ß¤Ê¤é¤¤¤¢¤¯¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Apprentice Fiend
¥ê¥ê¥Ñ¥Ã¥È¡¡Lily Pat
¥À¥Ã¥¯¥¹¥Ó¥ë¡¡Ducks Bill
¥Ù¥Ó¡¼¥Þ¥¸¥·¥ã¥ó¡¡Baby Magician
Âç·Ü¡Î¤ª¤ª¤Ë¤ï¤È¤ê¡Ï¡¡Big Chicken
ÂçÌ̡ܶΤª¤ª¤á¤À¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Great Eyeball

¥­¥ê¥­¥êéûÃî¡Î¥­¥ê¥­¥ê¥Ð¥Ã¥¿¡Ï¡¡Quick Grasshopper
¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¥Ù¥¹¡¡Slime Bess
ÅÚ¤ï¤é¤·¡Î¤Ä¤Á¤ï¤é¤·¡Ï¡¡Earth Laugher
¼ªÈô¤ÓÁ͡ΤߤߤȤӤͤº¤ß¡Ï¡¡Ear-Flying Mouse
˽¤ì¹ý¸¤¡Î¤¢¤Ð¤ì¤³¤Þ¤¤¤Ì¡Ï¡¡Riotous Lion-Dog
¤ª²½¤±Âû¡Î¤ª¤Ð¤±¤­¤Î¤³¡Ï¡¡Monster Mushroom
˽¤ìµíÄ»¡Î¤¢¤Ð¤ì¤¦¤·¤É¤ê¡Ï¡¡Raging Buffalo
¿Í¿©¤¤Áð¡Î¤Ò¤È¤¯¤¤¤½¤¦¡Ï¡¡Man Eating Plant
¥á¥é¥´¡¼¥¹¥È¡¡Flame Magic Ghost
¥µ¥ó¥É¥Þ¥¹¥¿¡¼¡¡Sand Master
¥é¥ê¥Û¡¼¥Ó¡¼¥È¥ë¡¡Hypnosis Beetle
µ´¾®ÁΡΤª¤Ë¤³¤¾¤¦¡Ï¡¡Demon Youngster
¤È¤µ¤«¼Ø¡Î¤È¤µ¤«¤Ø¤Ó¡Ï¡¡Crested Snake
긥¢¡¼¥Þ¡¼¡Î¤µ¤½¤ê¥¢¡¼¥Þ¡¼¡Ï¡¡Scorpion Armor
µÛ·ìéþéõ¡Î¤­¤å¤¦¤±¤Ä¤³¤¦¤â¤ê¡Ï¡¡Blood-Sucking Bat
³ùóì¡Î¤«¤Þ¤¤¤¿¤Á¡Ï¡¡Whirlwind Cutter
¥Ý¥¤¥º¥ó¥ê¥¶¡¼¥É¡¡Poison Lizard
ÇèÃˡΤϤ¨¤ª¤È¤³¡Ï¡¡Fly Man
¿Í¿©¤¤¥µ¡¼¥Ù¥ë¡Î¤Ò¤È¤¯¤¤¥µ¡¼¥Ù¥ë¡Ï¡¡Biting Sabre
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥Ð¥¿¥Õ¥é¥¤¡¡Dragon Butterfly
³¼¹ü·õ»Î¡Î¤¬¤¤¤³¤Ä¤±¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Skeleton Swordsman
×Ç×Ó¤¦³»¡Î¤µ¤Þ¤è¤¦¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Prowling Armor
¥á¥¿¥ë¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡Metal Slime


Àí¤ó¤¬¤êƬ¡Î¤È¤ó¤¬¤ê¤¢¤¿¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Pointed Head
ÀпͷÁ¡Î¤¤¤·¤Ë¤ó¤®¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Stone Puppet
»È¤¤Ëâ¡Î¤Ä¤«¤¤¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Familiar Spirit
¥á¥¤¥¸¤â¤â¤ó¤¸¤ã¡¡Mage Momonja
¥Ø¥ë¥Ó¡¼¥È¥ë¡¡Hell Beetle
¹çÂÎ¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡Î¤¬¤Ã¤¿¤¤¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡Ï¡¡Unite Slime
¥­¥ó¥°¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡King Slime
¥¨¥Ó¥ë¥Ï¥à¥¹¥¿¡¼¡¡Evil Hamster
¥Ù¥í¥Ù¥í¡¡Tongue Licker
¥À¡¼¥¯¥É¥ê¥¢¡¼¥É¡¡Dark Dyriad
¸×ÃˡΤȤ餪¤È¤³¡Ï¡¡Tiger Man
°ì¤ÄÌÜ¥Ô¥¨¥í¡Î¤Ò¤È¤Ä¤á¥Ô¥¨¥í¡Ï¡¡One-Eyed Pierrot
áã¤ìÃÊÊ¿¡Î¤·¤Ó¤ì¤À¤ó¤Ó¤é¡Ï¡¡Paralysis Sword
×Ç×Ó¤¦º²¡Î¤µ¤Þ¤è¤¦¤¿¤Þ¤·¤¤¡Ï¡¡Wandering Soul
¥á¥¿¥ë¥¹¥³¡¼¥Ô¥ª¥ó¡¡Metal Scorpion
¥É¡¼¥É¡¼Ä»¡Î¥É¡¼¥É¡¼¤É¤ê¡Ï¡¡Dodo Bird
¥Ù¥Ó¡¼¥µ¥é¥Þ¥ó¥À¡¡Baby Salamander
¥Ç¥Ó¥ë¥×¥é¥ó¥È¡¡Devil Plant

ÆÇÌðƬ¶Ò¡Î¤É¤¯¤ä¤º¤­¤ó¡Ï¡¡Poison Arrow Hood
¥¢¥í¡¼¥¤¥ó¥×¡¡Arrow Imp
¥Ç¥¶¡¼¥È¥´¡¼¥¹¥È¡¡Desert Ghost
±ë¤ÎÀï»Î¡Î¤Û¤Î¤ª¤Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Flame Warrior
¥Þ¡¼¥¸¥Þ¥¿¥ó¥´¡¡Mage Matango
¥Ö¥ë¥Û¡¼¥¯¡¡Bull Hawk
¥Ù¥Ó¡¼¥µ¥¿¥ó¡¡Baby Satan
ÃϹö¤Î³»¡Î¤¸¤´¤¯¤Î¤è¤í¤¤¡Ï¡¡Hell's Armor
»àÎî¤Îµ³»Î¡Î¤·¤ê¤ç¤¦¤Î¤­¤·¡Ï¡¡Dead Spirit Knight
¥ß¥¹¥Æ¥ê¥É¡¼¥ë¡¡Mystery Doll
¥ª¥Ã¥¯¥¹¥Ù¥¢¡¡Ox Bear
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥Ñ¥Ô¡¼¡¡Dragon Puppy
»àÎî»È¤¤¡Î¤·¤ê¤ç¤¦¤Ä¤«¤¤¡Ï¡¡Ghost Tamer
°­Ëâ¤ÎÁã¡Î¤¢¤¯¤Þ¤Î¤¹¡Ï¡¡Devil's Den
¥Ù¥Û¥Þ¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡Complete Heal Slime
ºÔÃË¡Î¥µ¥¤¤ª¤È¤³¡Ï¡¡Rhinoceros Man
¥ß¥Ë¥Ç¡¼¥â¥ó¡¡Mini Demon
¥¢¥¤¥¹¥³¥ó¥É¥ë¡¡Ice Condor
¥­¥é¡¼¥¢¡¼¥Þ¡¼¡¡Killer Armor
ÇúÃÆ´ä¡Î¤Ð¤¯¤À¤ó¤¤¤ï¡Ï¡¡Bomb Rock
¥Ü¡¼¥ó¥Ê¥¤¥È¡¡Bone Knight
¥¢¡¼¥¯¥Ð¥Ã¥Õ¥¡¥í¡¼¡¡Arc Buffalo
¥Þ¥ó¥ë¡¼¥¹¥¿¡¼¡¡Man Rooster
¥°¥ì¡¼¥È¥ª¡¼¥é¥¹¡¡Great Walrus
°ï¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¡Î¤Ï¤°¤ì¥á¥¿¥ë¡Ï¡¡Astray Metal
»à¿À¡Î¤·¤Ë¤¬¤ß¡Ï¡¡Death God
Áö¤êéòéî¡Î¤Ï¤·¤ê¤È¤«¤²¡Ï¡¡Running Lizard
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥é¥¤¥À¡¼¡¡Dragon Rider
¥Þ¥Ò¥ã¥É¥Õ¥é¥¤¡¡Blizzard Fly
¥Õ¥§¥¤¥¹¥Ü¡¼¥ë¡¡Face Ball
¥Ö¥é¥Ã¥É¥½¡¼¥É¡¡Blood Sword
¥Ù¥Û¥¤¥ß¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡Big Heal Slime
¥¸¥ã¥¤¥¢¥ó¥È¥Ð¥Ã¥È¡¡Giant Bat
¥¢¡¼¥à¥é¥¤¥ª¥ó¡¡Arm Lion
¥Ö¥ê¥¶¡¼¥É¥Þ¥ó¡¡Blizzard Man
¥á¥À¥Ñ¥ËéûÃî¡Î¥á¥À¥Ñ¥Ë¥Ð¥Ã¥¿¡Ï¡¡Confuse Grasshopper
¥¢¥ó¥¯¥ë¥Û¡¼¥ó¡¡Uncle Horn
¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¥Ù¥Û¥Þ¥º¥ó¡¡Slime Ultimate Heal
¥é¥¤¥Î¥¹¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Rhinos King
¥Ö¥é¥Ã¥¯¥Þ¡¼¥¸¡¡Black Mage
ÃϹö¤ÎÌçÈ֡Τ¸¤´¤¯¤Î¤â¤ó¤Ð¤ó¡Ï¡¡Hell's Gate Keeper
Ȭ¤ÄÎö¤­¥¢¥Ë¥Þ¥ë¡Î¤ä¤Ä¤¶¤­¥¢¥Ë¥Þ¥ë¡Ï¡¡Eight Tearing Animal
Ìë¤ÎÄ벦¡Î¤è¤ë¤Î¤Æ¤¤¤ª¤¦¡Ï¡¡Emperor of the Night
¥á¥¿¥ë¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Metal King
¥°¥ê¡¼¥ó¥É¥é¥´¥ó¡¡Green Dragon
¥ì¥Ã¥É¥µ¥¤¥¯¥í¥ó¡¡Red Cyclone
»à¿Àµ®Â²¡Î¤·¤Ë¤¬¤ß¤­¤¾¤¯¡Ï¡¡Noble Death God
¥¹¥â¡¼¥ë¥°¡¼¥ë¡¡Small Ghoul
¥È¡¼¥Æ¥à¥­¥é¡¼¡¡Totem Killer
¥Ô¥Ã¥È¥Ð¥¤¥Ñ¡¼¡¡Pit Viper
¥Õ¥§¥¢¥ê¡¼¥É¥é¥´¥ó¡¡Fairy Dragon
¥Ö¥ë¥Ç¥Ó¥ë¡¡Bull Devil
¥Õ¥ì¥¤¥à¥É¥Ã¥¯¡¡Flame Dog
ÅÚ¶öÀï»Î¡Î¤É¤°¤¦¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Clay Soldier
Å´µåËâ¿Í¡Î¤Æ¤Ã¤­¤å¤¦¤Þ¤¸¤ó¡Ï¡¡Iron Ball Demi-Human
¥ì¥Ã¥É¥É¥é¥´¥ó¡¡Red Dragon
¥Ó¥Ã¥°¥¹¥í¡¼¥¹¡¡Big Sloth
ÂçËâÆ»¡Î¤À¤¤¤Þ¤É¤¦¡Ï¡¡Great Heresy
¥Ç¥Ó¥ë¥×¥ê¥ó¥¹¡¡Devil Prince
¥é¥¤¥Ð¡¼¥ó¥í¡¼¥É¡¡Wyvern Lord
¥Ç¡¼¥â¥ó¥¹¥Ô¥ê¥Ã¥È¡¡Demon Spirit
¥°¥ì¡¼¥È¥é¥¤¥É¥ó¡¡Great Ridon
µ´ÛþËÀ¡Î¤ª¤Ë¤³¤ó¤Ü¤¦¡Ï¡¡Demon Cudgel

¥À¡¼¥¯¥¢¡¼¥Þ¡¼¡¡Dark Armor
¥¾¥ó¥Ó¥½¥ë¥¸¥ã¡¼¡¡Zombie Soldier
¥Ö¥é¥Ã¥É¥Ï¥ó¥É¡¡Blood Hand
¥µ¥ó¥À¡¼¥µ¥¿¥ó¡¡Thunder Satan
¥Ç¡¼¥â¥ó¥ì¥¹¥é¡¼¡¡Demon Wrestler
ÃϹö¤ÎÈÖ¸¤¡Î¤¸¤´¤¯¤Î¤Ð¤ó¤±¤ó¡Ï¡¡Hell's Watchdog
¥Ì¡¼¥Ç¥Ó¥ë¡¡New Devil
Æú¹¦¿ý¡Î¤Ë¤¸¤¯¤¸¤ã¤¯¡Ï¡¡Rainbow Peacock
¥ª¡¼¥¬¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Ogre King
¥®¥¬¥ó¥È¥É¥é¥´¥ó¡¡Gigantic Dragon
¥é¥ó¥×¤ÎËⲦ¡Î¥é¥ó¥×¤Î¤Þ¤ª¤¦¡Ï¡¡Devil Lamp
°Å¹õ¤Ä¤à¤ê¡Î¤¢¤ó¤³¤¯¤Ä¤à¤ê¡Ï¡¡Darkness Snail
¥­¥ë¥²¡¼¥¿¡¡Kill Gator
¥Õ¥í¥Ã¥°¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Frog King
¥×¥é¥Á¥Ê¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Platinum King

¿Í¿©¤¤È¢¡Î¤Ò¤È¤¯¤¤¤Ð¤³¡Ï¡¡Cannibal Box
¥Ñ¥ó¥É¥é¥Ü¥Ã¥¯¥¹¡¡Pandora Box
°æ¸Í¾·¤­¡Î¤¤¤É¤Þ¤Í¤­¡Ï¡¡Well Invitor
°æ¸ÍËâ¿À¡Î¤¤¤É¤Þ¤¸¤ó¡Ï¡¡Well Devil

áã¤ì¿åÊì¡Î¤·¤Ó¤ì¤¯¤é¤²¡Ï¡¡Numbing Jellyfish
¥Þ¥ê¥ó¥ï¡¼¥à¡¡Marine Worm
¥Þ¥Ã¥É¥ë¡¼¥Ñ¡¼¡¡Mad Looper
»¦¿Í¤¨¤¤¡¡Murdering Ray-Fish
ÆÍ·âµû¡Î¤È¤Ä¤²¤­¤¦¤ª¡Ï¡¡Assault Fish
ÃϹö¤Î¤¶¤ê¤¬¤Ë¡Î¤¸¤´¤¯¤Î¤¶¤ê¤¬¤Ë¡Ï¡¡Hellish Crayfish
ÂýËâ¿À¡Î¤¿¤³¤Þ¤¸¤ó¡Ï¡¡Octopus Devil
áã¤ìò½òá¡Î¤·¤Ó¤ì¤¢¤ó¤³¤¦¡Ï¡¡Paralysis Anglerfish
¥·¡¼¥é¥¤¥ª¥ó¡¡Sea Lion
¼óĹζ¡Î¤¯¤Ó¤Ê¤¬¤ê¤å¤¦¡Ï¡¡Long-Necked Dragon
¥Õ¥ë¥¹¥Í¥¤¥«¡¼¡¡Full Snaker
¥·¥ã¡¼¥¯¥Þ¥ó¥¿¡¡Shark Manter
¥Õ¥é¥¤¥ó¥°¥Ç¥¹¡¡Flying Death
±²Ä¬¥­¥ó¥°¡Î¤¦¤º¤·¤ª¥­¥ó¥°¡Ï¡¡Vortex Tide King
¥¨¥Ó¥ë¥¢¥ó¥°¥é¡¼¡¡Evil Angler
¥ì¥¤¥®¥¬¡¼¥¹¡¡Ray Gigas
¥È¥É¥Þ¥ó¡¡Sea Lion Man

¥Ô¥µ¥í¤Î¼êÀè¡Î¥Ô¥µ¥í¤Î¤Æ¤µ¤­¡Ï¡¡Fingers of Pisaro
¥«¥á¥ì¥ª¥ó¥Þ¥ó¡¡Chameleon Man
¥Ù¥í¥ê¥ó¥Þ¥ó¡¡Tongue Licker Man
΢Àڤ꾮ÁΡΤ¦¤é¤®¤ê¤³¤¾¤¦¡Ï¡¡Betrayal Youngster
ÅôÂ楿¥¤¥¬¡¼¡Î¤È¤¦¤À¤¤¥¿¥¤¥¬¡¼¡Ï¡¡Lighthouse Tiger
¥­¥ó¥°¥ì¥ª¡¡King Leo
¥Ð¥ë¥¶¥Ã¥¯¡Ü¡¡Balzack Plus
¥Ô¥µ¥í¥Ê¥¤¥È¡¡Pisaro Knight
¥®¥¬¥Ç¡¼¥â¥ó¡¡Giga Demon
¥Ø¥ë¥Ð¥È¥é¡¼¡¡Hell Battler
¥¨¥Ó¥ë¥×¥ê¡¼¥¹¥È¡¡Evil Priest

¥ß¥¹¥¿¡¼¥Ï¥ó¡¡Mister Han
Åð±¥Ð¥³¥¿¡Î¤È¤¦¤¾¤¯¥Ð¥³¥¿¡Ï¡¡Bakota the Robber
¥Ç¥¹¥Ô¥µ¥í¡¡Death Pisaro
¥¨¥Ó¥ë¥×¥ê¡¼¥¹¥È¡Ü¡¡Evil Priest Plus

6b. Monster Statistics
- Information on the lovely monsters.

### = Monster Identification Number. Used in the Monster Notebook. Entries
marked --- are monsters that don't appear inside the Monster Notebook.
Monster Name = The name shown in section 6a. May be abbreviated for space.
Dropped Item = Item that can be obtained from this monster after battle. Uses
the name shown in section 5a. May be abbreviated for space.
None = That monster doesn't have an item.
HP = Monster's Hit Point. Reduce to zero to defeat them.
MP = Monster's Magic Power. Entries marked FFFF are ones that have infinite
Magic Power.
AT = Monster's Attack Power.
DP = Monster's Defensive Power.
SP = Monster's Speed, or agility. This determines the battle order.
EXP = Amount of Experience Points earned for defeating this monster.
GD = Amount of Gold earned for defeating this monster.

001 Slime Medical Herb 8 0 9 5 3 1 2
002 Big Earthworm Medical Herb 11 0 10 6 2 3 6
003 Air Rat Medical Herb 14 0 11 2 7 3 7
004 Scissor Pincer Medical Herb 9 0 9 5 3 1 4
005 Bubble Slime Antidote Herb 12 0 11 9 8 6 8
006 Mischief Mole Medical Herb 10 0 10 6 5 2 4
007 Stubble Goblin Medical Herb 21 0 18 8 1 7 13
008 Heal Slime Medical Herb 16 FFFF 13 8 12 7 11
009 Killer Shovel Seed of Strength 16 0 19 15 10 9 10
010 Apprentice Fiend Cypress Stick 17 2 16 10 7 11 13
011 Lily Pat Clothes 21 3 26 20 20 13 15
012 Ducks Bill Leather Shield 22 3 25 18 12 14 10
013 Baby Magician Medical Herb 33 2 17 24 14 18 20
014 Pixie Seed of Quickness 29 3 26 22 15 16 20
015 Big Chicken Medical Herb 31 0 28 22 18 20 9
016 Great Eyeball Medical Herb 42 0 29 32 20 27 40
017 Quick Grasshopper Medical Herb 8 0 8 5 8 1 2
018 Slime Bess Medical Herb 10 0 9 5 3 2 5
019 Earth Laugher Medical Herb 13 0 13 8 5 4 10
020 Ear-Flying Mouse Leather Hat 11 0 11 6 9 3 5
021 Riotous Lion-Dog Chimera's Wing 23 0 19 18 7 7 20
022 Minoun Chimera's Wing 16 0 8 22 8 5 18
023 Monster Mushroom Medical Herb 19 0 19 15 10 6 15
024 Raging Buffalo Seed of Strength 20 0 22 12 10 7 17
025 Man Eating Plant Medical Herb 17 0 21 16 4 7 18
026 Flame Magic Ghost Holy Water 12 2 11 12 8 6 16
027 Tebero Leather Shield 25 0 21 31 15 15 25
028 Sand Master Clothes 30 0 30 3 24 22 27
029 Hypnosis Beetle Magical Holy Water 23 6 24 18 10 12 15
030 Kodora Holy Lance 32 0 30 33 25 25 39
031 Demon Youngster Holy Water 33 4 30 24 21 18 36
032 Crested Snake Feather Hat 31 4 31 28 18 18 25
033 Scorpion Armor Leather Armor 40 0 33 42 9 38 44
034 Blood-Sucking Bat Seed of Quickness 25 3 25 22 14 11 23
035 Whirlwind Cutter Cross Bow 41 4 29 31 40 32 34
036 Poison Lizard Antidote Herb 34 0 35 32 15 18 21
037 Fly Man Magical Holy Water 34 3 31 34 17 35 47
038 Biting Sabre Copper Sword 29 0 35 30 17 30 46
039 Puteranodon Seed of Quickness 41 8 28 24 19 36 50
040 Dragon Butterfly Chimera's Wing 47 3 36 20 25 38 60
041 Spectate Leather Hat 35 6 30 30 21 31 62
042 Skeleton Swordsman Iron Claw 52 8 49 45 27 53 54
043 Prowling Armor Chain Mail 54 0 45 43 25 55 49
044 Metal Slime Golden Barrette 4 12 20 1023 50 1350 5
045 Ele-Floper Dancer's Clothes 28 0 22 16 10 14 18
046 Momonja Medical Herb 10 0 10 6 5 3 8
047 Pointed Head Antidote Herb 14 0 13 13 7 7 11
048 Stone Puppet Magical Holy Water 15 3 17 15 5 12 17
049 Familiar Spirit Wooden Hat 20 3 20 17 12 15 28
050 Mage Momonja Leather Hat 25 3 30 30 17 18 30
051 Hell Beetle Club 20 0 27 29 10 16 21
052 Unite Slime Medical Herb 40 0 0 30 15 3 1
053 King Slime Nut of Enchantment 150 2 40 24 17 100 150
054 Evil Hamster Medical Herb 35 0 38 28 30 43 18
055 Tongue Licker Cypress Stick 43 4 32 30 15 28 61
056 Dark Dyriad Wooden Hat 28 5 28 38 18 25 30
057 Tiger Man Traveler's Clothes 50 0 58 44 20 30 50
058 One-Eyed Pierrot Nut of Life 36 6 31 43 26 27 52
059 Paralysis Sword Full Moon Herb 30 0 40 30 16 25 18
060 Wandering Soul Holy Water 40 0 20 40 1 20 28
061 Vamp-Dog Holy Knife 38 6 40 41 28 36 24
062 Metal Scorpion Shield of Scales 42 0 50 50 25 59 38
063 Dodo Bird Feather Hat 52 0 47 40 26 50 51
064 Baby Salamander Medical Herb 40 0 42 36 27 59 58
065 Devil Plant Seed of Luck 37 3 39 40 15 40 34
066 Poison Arrow Hood Antidote Herb 17 0 21 18 10 18 16
067 Mandrake Nut of Enchantment 30 0 44 34 15 26 17
068 Arrow Imp Traveler's Clothes 27 0 46 36 21 47 16
069 Desert Ghost Fur Coat 55 0 45 30 25 70 68
070 Flame Warrior Holy Lance 75 8 70 75 36 110 52
071 Mage Matango Magical Holy Water 43 10 40 53 20 45 30
072 Bull Hawk Iron Lance 52 39 43 55 26 49 39
073 Baby Satan Seed of Luck 40 0 55 33 23 80 75
074 Conjurer Seed of Luck 38 8 40 49 30 70 31
075 Hell's Armor Iron Armor 58 0 63 63 24 77 76
076 Yeti Fur Coat 75 0 65 35 25 85 38
077 Dead Spirit Knight Steel Sword 80 10 82 59 40 106 47
078 Mystery Doll Golden Barrette 40 FFFF 42 40 30 37 300
079 Ox Bear Iron Apron 80 0 60 45 33 89 49
080 Dragon Puppy Chain Sickle 67 0 64 40 34 96 50
081 Ghost Tamer Iron Claw 100 10 54 30 55 200 54
082 Devil's Den Chain Mail 25 5 60 130 5 80 10
083 Complete Heal Slime Nut of Enchantment 60 FFFF 60 50 28 68 43
084 Sub-Knuck Antidote Herb 80 8 80 55 38 125 81
085 Bengal Fur Coat 100 4 73 32 36 115 62
086 Rhinoceros Man Battle Ax 70 0 88 100 22 126 39
087 Mini Demon Mask of the Evil God 95 24 103 62 54 193 43
088 Ice Condor Seed of Strength 85 0 66 40 37 104 33
089 Killer Armor Steel Armor 64 5 80 75 30 120 58
090 Bomb Rock Nut of Life 300 1 0 0 0 150 40
091 Teranozahs Bronze Armor 90 10 85 75 40 116 45
092 Beles Logic Power Staff 125 20 90 80 57 132 70
093 Bone Knight Iron Lance 180 8 110 65 40 216 82
094 Arch Buffalo Seed of Strength 90 0 95 85 39 121 72
095 Man Rooster Chimera's Wing 85 0 81 80 61 108 40
096 Great Walrus Abacus of Justice 120 0 112 75 40 128 54
097 Astray Metal Happiness Hat 5 FFFF 65 1023 150 10050 10
098 Hanbaba Full Moon Herb 90 0 109 79 30 144 76
099 Dragonit Avoidance Clothes 105 0 84 110 41 180 100
100 Pleciodon Silk Robe 380 0 125 50 30 135 57
101 Death God Zombie Mail 130 0 140 85 53 315 50
102 Gaon Killer Pierce 91 14 84 79 50 290 102
103 Running Lizard Seed of Quickness 114 36 98 40 74 270 81
104 Dragon Rider Seed of Strength 141 0 115 87 70 351 108
105 Blizzard Fly Horse Feces 90 12 70 78 35 261 151
106 Kalon Ring of Prayer 110 36 83 75 50 234 91
107 Face Ball Full Moon Herb 130 0 108 76 67 225 186
108 Blood Sword Steel Sword 114 3 89 68 49 180 80
109 Terano-Bat Chimera's Wing 98 0 115 72 43 187 74
110 Bibinbah Staff of Blessings 100 6 120 70 57 211 88
111 Big Heal Slime Nut of Life 140 30 90 80 47 162 55
112 Rhino-Soldier Devil Hammer 142 17 120 150 35 245 68
113 Giant Bat Robe of Relaxation 113 3 92 82 38 172 84
114 Arm Lion Leather Dress 150 0 94 80 45 224 119
115 Blizzard Man Nut of Enchantment 85 11 50 40 47 286 100
116 Wyvern Poison Needle 120 0 134 90 82 393 116
117 Confuse Grasshopper Scented Pouch 90 10 109 40 59 261 99
118 Uncle Horn Nut of Life 250 12 123 98 78 387 122
119 Slime Ultimate Heal Copper Sword 150 FFFF 90 25 30 384 300
120 Rhinos King Steel Armor 220 7 200 160 70 855 150*
121 Black Mage Wonderful Bolero 130 48 132 83 58 477 146
122 Hell's Gate Keeper Chain Sickle 250 26 130 116 61 585 73
123 Ogre Blazing Talons 210 0 143 40 47 391 65
124 Eight Tear Animal Silver Tarrot 200 0 110 90 57 447 92
125 Emperor of Night Pink Leotard 220 24 143 127 60 495 144
126 Metal King Astray Metal Helm 7 FFFF 140 1023 165 30010 20
127 Green Dragon Dragon Shield 143 0 136 90 55 405 132
128 Red Cyclone Cross Bow 80 30 152 55 79 403 128
129 Noble Death God Nut of Life 146 14 127 95 65 702 139*
130 Small Ghoul Zombie Mail 134 0 155 35 66 558 63*
131 Totem Killer Iron Mask 150 0 142 60 75 485 52
132 Barack Ring of Prayer 140 0 162 75 70 473 172*
133 Pit Viper Full Moon Herb 200 0 147 80 60 563 95
134 Fairy Dragon Nut of Enchantment 123 5 127 145 110 655 390*
135 Bull Devil Dragon Mail 250 24 178 132 88 870 205*
136 Flame Dog Nut of Life 165 0 170 90 61 585 205*
137 Beezelbub Double-Edged Sword 250 23 8 0 68 605 123*
138 Imitator Mirror of Rah 153 105 104 122 120 582 316
139 Clay Soldier Nut of Life 400 FFFF 142 140 120 693 15
140 Iron Ball DemiHuman Demon's Armor 380 0 220 90 55 1094 53
141 Red Dragon Seed of Luck 167 28 183 90 78 703 215*
142 Big Sloth Staff of Smiles 250 8 135 40 37 589 99
143 Beast Seed of Quickness 178 0 125 73 54 540 81*
144 Great Heresy Luminous Dress 1023 FFFF 162 160 220 1232 112
145 Devil Prince Magic Sealing Staff 200 38 172 95 70 921 226*
146 Guardian Dragon Killer 300 35 175 120 75 1040 169*
147 Wyvern Lord Seed of Quickness 400 0 195 90 67 786 254
148 Demon Spirit Avoidance Clothes 250 28 135 170 80 965 247*
149 Great Ridon Double-Edged Sword 300 0 200 170 71 1678 20
150 Demon Cudgel Club 1023 0 21 43 22 1023 137
151 Dark Armor Wicked Break Sword 200 20 132 130 78 450 92
152 Zombie Soldier Zombie Mail 350 20 125 75 70 563 72
153 Blood Hand Gold Bracelet 185 50 125 60 112 347 50
154 Thunder Satan Seed of Luck 259 0 142 100 91 480 95
155 Geryuon Seed of Quickness 352 27 165 110 102 543 102
156 Demon Wrestler Great Bracelet 375 70 188 120 105 680 142
157 Hell's Watchdog Scented Pouch 300 0 175 130 123 435 95
158 New Devil Mask of the Evil God 360 50 180 135 83 685 121
159 Ranga Seed of Quickness 380 20 180 160 125 712 160
160 Rainbow Peacock Nut of Enchantment 456 120 200 150 95 885 155
161 Ogre King Demon's Armor 360 0 195 135 115 750 200
162 Gigantic Dragon Nut of Life 520 50 220 130 82 935 130
163 Necro-Balser Bladed Armor 440 65 203 135 102 525 142
164 Devil Lamp Men's Underwear 350 0 170 105 88 700 117
165 Darkness Snail Seed of Wisdom 190 8 133 180 62 356 83
166 Kill Gator Demon Spear 170 0 165 140 106 415 77
167 Frog King Ring of Prayer 400 38 190 93 88 740 110
168 Gyaos Seed of Strength 450 0 240 92 90 640 150
169 Platinum King Megazaru Bracelet 200 100 210 800 255 65000 700
170 Cannibal Box Chain Mail 100 0 140 55 62 150 25
171 Mimic Dancer's Clothes 190 10 90 72 70 350 48
172 Pandora Box Pink Leotard 900 10 240 200 131 1250 280
173 Well Invitor Safeguard Ruby 120 0 75 70 65 350 100
174 Well Devil Seed of Strength 210 20 120 75 61 574 67
175 Numbing Jellyfish Full Moon Herb 40 0 35 15 20 35 12
176 Marine Worm Medical Herb 90 0 65 30 41 94 29
177 Piranha Chain Sickle 55 3 58 30 50 80 43
178 Mad Looper Cypress Stick 64 6 73 40 25 113 60
179 Murdering Ray-Fish Nut of Life 40 0 50 45 23 70 24
180 Assault Fish Iron Helmet 47 0 6 20 10 75 33
181 Hellish Crayfish Iron Mask 44 6 52 115 40 95 25
182 Octopus Devil Cross Bow 120 0 53 12 29 120 72
183 Paralysis Angler Full Moon Herb 90 6 81 42 51 155 72
184 Sea Lion Icicle Blade 150 0 98 50 30 140 80
185 Long-Necked Dragon Killer Pierce 48 0 42 33 26 65 38
186 Full Snaker Golden Barrette 130 3 85 63 38 170 124
187 Shark Manter Seed of Quickness 72 0 72 35 39 103 48
188 Flying Death Nut of Enchantment 105 7 115 105 60 187 70
189 Vortex Tide King Avoidance Clothes 100 6 74 120 42 180 84
190 Barracuda Iron Fan 120 10 88 77 47 165 69
191 Evil Angler Magical Holy Water 35 7 39 30 25 48 30
192 Dagon Nut of Life 300 0 75 30 30 208 98
193 Ray Gigas Iron Shield 98 0 110 70 62 221 100
194 Sea Lion Man Chimera's Wing 150 0 55 25 25 98 55
195 Fingers of Pisaro None 250 FFFF 52 36 16 73 60
196 Chameleon Man Nut of Life 40 6 28 28 50 136 60
197 Tongue Licker Man None 55 0 40 65 10 0 0
198 Balzack None 300 FFFF 70 36 20 500 0
199 Betrayal Youngster None 35 0 37 30 3 450 20
200 Lighthouse Tiger None 230 9 60 83 15 2000 350
201 King Leo Steel Armor 950 FFFF 140 80 35 5100 0
202 Balzack Plus None 500 FFFF 150 100 40 6500 350
203 Pisaro Knight Jewel of Silence 1200 0 165 155 40 6800 0
204 Andreal Dragon Shield 450 0 180 150 100 1020 300
205 Giga Demon Club 2300 8 230 40 11 4100 250
206 Hell Battler Marvel Sword 3300 FFFF 190 200 111 5500 0
207 Evil Priest None 1600 FFFF 160 190 150 6300 0
208 Estark None 2700 0 200 140 120 15000 0
209 Eggler Nut of Enchantment 2800 FFFF 250 250 150 12000 850
210 Chickler Nut of Life 3200 FFFF 350 200 180 9800 560
--- Mister Han None 70 0 45 68 20 0 0
--- Ragos None 90 0 50 80 50 0 0
--- Vivian None 90 12 35 62 68 0 0
--- Simon None 90 0 58 105 15 0 0
--- Bakota the Robber Seed of Quickness 1000 FFFF 140 125 122 7400 0
--- Death Pisaro 1 None 2000 0 200 250 100 0 0
--- Death Pisaro 2 None 1600 0 300 220 110 0 0
--- Death Pisaro 3 None 1600 FFFF 200 200 100 0 0
--- Death Pisaro 4 None 1800 0 240 200 110 0 0
--- Death Pisaro 5 None 1600 0 215 220 120 0 0
--- Death Pisaro 6 None 1700 0 280 230 130 0 0
--- Death Pisaro 7 None 2100 0 320 230 150 0 0
--- Evil Priest Plus 1 None 1800 FFFF 315 150 150 0 0
--- Evil Priest Plus 2 None 2000 FFFF 350 150 160 0 0
--- Evil Priest Plus 3 None 2000 FFFF 385 170 170 0 0
--- Evil Priest Plus 4 None 3800 254 385 200 200 0 0
* These enemies have lower experience points than the original version. The
listed experience is from the original Famicom version. Also monster ID
number 144 and 150 have less Hit Point than the original version that is
listed here.

- Monster ID number 151 to 169, 172 to 174 are all new monsters for the remake
version. Note that all of these monsters are from Dragon Quest 7 (!!) with
near identical statistics other than EX and GD.

- Monster ID number 048 (Stone Puppet) and 049 (Familiar Spirit) appear only
inside the Cave West of Kohmiz in Chapter 4. Looks like the programmers
missed the fact they don't appear at all in Chapter 5. Make sure you get them
while you can.

- Monster ID number 203 (Pisaro Knight) won't appear if you defeat Estark
first. Make sure you meet Pisaro Knight in Rosary Hill Village before taking
on Estark, otherwise there will be a blank space in the Monster Notebook.

- Monster ID number 202 (Balzack Plus) has natural recovery of 50 HP per
turn. If you don't damage at least 50 points every turn, you won't win, so
beware of playing defensively. Also monster number 198 (Balzack, chapter 4)
has a natural recovery of 20 HP per turn.

6c. Monster Distribution
- This section has information on where to find these monsters.

C = Chapter Number that monster generally appears in. Chapter 6 is the same
as Chapter 5 plus some extra areas.
Ar = Area on the world map. The ones without an area are names of caves or
towers and such. The names are from section 7a.

001 Slime C1 - Bautland Area; C5 - Mountain Deep Village Area
002 Big Earthworm C1 - Bautland Area; C5 - Cave North of Lakenaba
003 Air Rat C1 - Bautland Area; C5 - Endoll Area
004 Scissor Pincer C1 - Bautland Area; C5 - Mountain Deep Village Area
005 Bubble Slime C1 - Bautland Area; C5 - Endoll Area
006 Mischief Mole C2 - Saintheim Area; C5 - Cave North of Lakenaba
007 Stubble Goblin C1 - Outskirts Well; C5 - Cave North of Lakenaba
008 Heal Slime C1 - Outskirts Well; C5 - Konanberry Area
009 Killer Shovel C1 - Outskirts Well; C5 - Bonmole Area
010 Apprentice Fiend C1 - Outskirts Well; C5 - Bonmole Area
011 Lily Pat C1 - Lakeshore Tower; C5 - Cave of Betrayal Area
012 Ducks Bill C1 - Lakeshore Tower; C5 - Bonmole Area
013 Baby Magician C1 - Lakeshore Tower; C5 - Lakenaba Area
014 Pixie C1 - Lakeshore Tower; C5 - Cave of Betrayal Area
015 Big Chicken C1 - Lakeshore Tower; C5 - Cave of Betrayal Area
016 Great Eyeball C1 - Lakeshore Tower; C5 - Cave of Betrayal Area
017 Quick Grasshopper C2 - Saintheim Area; C5 - Mountain Deep Village Area
018 Slime Bess C2 - Saintheim Area; C5 - Outskirts Well
019 Earth Laugher C2 - Saintheim Area; C5 - Endoll Area
020 Ear-Flying Mouse C2 - Saintheim Area; C5 - Mountain Deep Village Area
021 Riotous Lion-Dog C2 - Tenpe Area; C5 - Bonmole Area
022 Minoun C2 - Tenpe Area; C5 - Outskirts Well
023 Monster Mushroom C2 - Freynoll Area; C5 - Cave South of Freynoll
024 Raging Buffalo C2 - Freynoll Area; C5 - Cave South of Freynoll
025 Man Eating Plant C2 - Freynoll Area; C5 - Bonmole Area
026 Flame Magic Ghost C2 - Freynoll Area; C5 - Endoll Area
027 Tebero C2 - Cave South of Freynoll; C5 - Cave of Betrayal Ar
028 Sand Master C2 - Desert Bazaar Area; C5 - Lakenaba Area
029 Hypnosis Beetle C2 - Cave South of Freynoll; C5 - Kohmiz Area
030 Kodora C2 - Desert Bazaar Area; C5 - Great Lighthouse
031 Demon Youngster C2 - Cave South of Freynoll; C5 - Cave S. of Freynoll
032 Crested Snake C2 - Cave South of Freynoll; C5 - Aneil Area
033 Scorpion Armor C2 - Desert Bazaar Area; C5 - Desert Inn Area
034 Blood-Sucking Bat C2 - Cave South of Freynoll; C5 - Goddess Statue Cave
035 Whirlwind Cutter C2 - Chirping Tower; C5 - Konanberry Area
036 Poison Lizard C2 - Chirping Tower; C5 - Goddess Statue Cave
037 Fly Man C2 - Chirping Tower; C5 - Konanberry Area
038 Biting Sabre C2 - Chirping Tower; C5 - Chirping Tower
039 Puteranodon C2 - Chirping Tower; C5 - Konanberry Area
040 Dragon Butterfly C2 - Chirping Tower; C5 - Chirping Tower
041 Spectate C2 - Chirping Tower; C5 - Chirping Tower
042 Skeleton Swordsman C2 - Endoll Area; C5 - Mintos Area
043 Prowling Armor C2 - Endoll Area; C5 - South of Desert Inn Area
044 Metal Slime C2 - Endoll Area; C5 - Lakenaba Area
045 Ele-Floper C3 - Goddess Statue Cave; C5 - Same as C3
046 Momonja C4 - Monbarbara Area; C5 - Endoll Area
047 Pointed Head C4 - Kohmiz Area; C5 - Outskirts Well
048 Stone Puppet C4 - Cave West of Kohmiz; C5 - Doesn't appear!
049 Familiar Spirit C4 - Cave West of Kohmiz; C5 - Doesn't appear!
050 Mage Momonja C4 - Cave West of Kohmiz; C5 - Lakenaba Area
051 Hell Beetle C4 - Kingleo Area; C5 - Outskirts Well
052 Unite Slime C4 - Kingleo Area; C5 - Outskirts Well
053 King Slime C4 - Kingleo Area; C5 - Outskirts Well
054 Evil Hamster C4 - Kingleo Area; C5 - Mintos Area
055 Tongue Licker C4 - Kingleo Area; C5 - Attemtoh Mine
056 Dark Dyriad C4 - Attemtoh Area; C5 - South of Desert Inn Ar
057 Tiger Man C4 - Attemtoh Mine; C5 - Konanberry Area
058 One-Eyed Pierrot C4 - Attemtoh Mine; C5 - Cave of Betrayal Area
059 Paralysis Sword C4 - Kingleo Area; C5 - Outskirts Well
060 Wandering Soul C4 - Attemtoh Mine; C5 - Great Lighthouse
061 Vamp-Dog C4 - Attemtoh Mine; C5 - Mintos Area
062 Metal Scorpion C4 - Attemtoh Mine; C5 - Mintos Area
063 Dodo Bird C4 - Attemtoh Mine; C5 - Konanberry Area
064 Baby Salamander C4 - Attemtoh Mine; C5 - Soletta Area
065 Devil Plant C4 - Attemtoh Mine; C5 - Great Lighthouse
066 Poison Arrow Hood C5 - Lakenaba Area
067 Mandrake C5 - Cave of Betrayal Area
068 Arrow Imp C5 - Aneil Area
069 Desert Ghost C5 - South of Desert Inn Area
070 Flame Warrior C5 - Great Lighthouse; Cave West of Kohmiz
071 Mage Matango C5 - Mintos Area
072 Bull Hawk C5 - Soletta Area
073 Baby Satan C5 - Cave West of Kohmiz
074 Conjurer C5 - Padekia Cave
075 Hell's Armor C5 - Padekia Cave
076 Yeti C5 - Padekia Cave
077 Dead Spirit Knight C5 - Cave West of Kohmiz
078 Mystery Doll C5 - Cave West of Kohmiz, Saintheim Castle
079 Ox Bear C5 - Kingleo Area
080 Dragon Puppy C5 - Cave West of Kohmiz
081 Ghost Tamer C5 - Cave West of Kohmiz
082 Devil's Den C5 - Tenpe Area
083 Complete Heal Slime C5 - Saintheim Area
084 Sub-Knuck C5 - Tenpe Area
085 Bengal C5 - Saintheim Area
086 Rhinoceros Man C5 - Freynoll Area
087 Mini Demon C5 - Cave of the Waterfall Rapids
088 Ice Condor C5 - Stanciara Area
089 Killer Armor C5 - Stanciara Area
090 Bomb Rock C5 - Stanciara Area
091 Teranozahs C5 - Cave Southeast of Gardenburg
092 Beles C5 - Gardenburg Area; Imuru Area
093 Bone Knight C5 - Gardenburg Area
094 Arch Buffalo C5 - Gardenburg Area
095 Man Rooster C5 - Gardenburg Area
096 Great Walrus C5 - Cave Southeast of Gardenburg
097 Astray Metal C5 - Gardenburg Area; Grave of the Royal Family
098 Hanbaba C5 - Cave Southeast of Gardenburg
099 Dragonit C5 - Cave Southeast of Gardenburg
100 Pleciodon C5 - Shrine of the Ocean Roar
101 Death God C5 - Shrine of the Ocean Roar
102 Gaon C5 - Shrine of the Ocean Roar
103 Running Lizard C5 - Shrine of the Ocean Roar; Devil God Statue
104 Dragon Rider C5 - Shrine of the Ocean Roar; Estark Temple
105 Blizzard Fly C5 - Shrine of the Ocean Roar; World Tree
106 Kalon C5 - Shrine of the Ocean Roar
107 Face Ball C5 - Shrine of the Ocean Roar
108 Blood Sword C5 - Grave of the Royal Family
109 Terano-Bat C5 - Grave of the Royal Family
110 Bibinbah C5 - Grave of the Royal Family
111 Big Heal Slime C5 - River-Side Area
112 Rhino-Soldier C5 - River-Side Area
113 Giant Bat C5 - River-Side Area; Devil God Statue
114 Arm Lion C5 - Devil God Statue
115 Blizzard Man C5 - Devil God Statue
116 Wyvern C5 - Estark Temple
117 Confuse Grasshopper C5 - Estark Temple; Death Palace Area
118 Uncle Horn C5 - Estark Temple
119 Slime Ultimate Heal C5 - Estark Temple; Top floor of the World Tree
120 Rhinos King C5 - Estark Temple; Tower to the Sky
121 Black Mage C5 - Gottside Area
122 Hell's Gate Keeper C5 - Gottside Area
123 Ogre C5 - Gottside Area
124 Eight Tear Animal C5 - Gottside Area
125 Emperor of Night C5 - Gottside Area; Tower to the Sky
126 Metal King C5 - Gottside Area; Tower to the Sky
127 Green Dragon C5 - World Tree
128 Red Cyclone C5 - World Tree
129 Noble Death God C5 - Tower to the Sky
130 Small Ghoul C5 - Tower to the Sky
131 Totem Killer C5 - Tower to the Sky
132 Barack C5 - Tower to the Sky
133 Pit Viper C5 - Tower to the Sky
134 Fairy Dragon C5 - Tower to the Sky; Cave to the Devil World
135 Bull Devil C5 - Cave to the Devil World
136 Flame Dog C5 - Tower to the Sky
137 Beezelbub C5 - Cave to the Devil World
138 Imitator C5 - Death Palace; Shrine of Hope Area
139 Clay Soldier C5 - Death Castle Entrance
140 Iron Ball DemiHuman C5 - Shrine of Hope Area
141 Red Dragon C5 - Cave to the Devil World
142 Big Sloth C5 - Cave to the Devil World
143 Beast C5 - Tower to the Sky
144 Great Heresy C5 - Cave to the Devil World
145 Devil Prince C5 - Death Castle
146 Guardian C5 - Death Castle
147 Wyvern Lord C5 - Death Castle
148 Demon Spirit C5 - Cave to the Devil World
149 Great Ridon C5 - Death Castle
150 Demon Cudgel C5 - Cave to the Devil World
151 Dark Armor C6 - Secret Dungeon, Great Lighthouse Room
152 Zombie Soldier C6 - Secret Dungeon, Hobbit Tribe Cave Room
153 Blood Hand C6 - Secret Dungeon, Monster's Rocky Mountain Room
154 Thunder Satan C6 - Secret Dungeon, Hobbit Tribe Cave Room
155 Geryuon C6 - Secret Dungeon, Monster's Rocky Mountain Room
156 Demon Wrestler C6 - Secret Dungeon, World's Tallest Tower Room
157 Hell's Watchdog C6 - Secret Dungeon, Mountain of Flame Room
158 New Devil C6 - Secret Dungeon, Provina Mountain Cave Room
159 Ranga C6 - Secret Dungeon, Waterfall Rapids Cave Room
160 Rainbow Peacock C6 - Secret Dungeon, Mountain of Flame Room
161 Ogre King C6 - Secret Dungeon, Waterfall Basin Cave Room
162 Gigantic Dragon C6 - Secret Dungeon, Devil Airspace Temple Room
163 Necro-Balser C6 - Secret Dungeon, Devil Airspace Temple Room
164 Devil Lamp C6 - Secret Dungeon, Devil Airspace Temple Room
165 Darkness Snail C6 - Secret Dungeon, Goddess Statue Cave Room
166 Kill Gator C6 - Secret Dungeon, Goddess Statue Cave Room
167 Frog King C6 - Secret Dungeon, Cave of Coral Room
168 Gyaos C6 - Secret Dungeon, Cave of Coral Room
169 Platinum King C6 - Secret Dungeon, World's Tallest Tower Room
170 Cannibal Box C5 - Outskirts Well
171 Mimic C6 - Secret Dungeon, Waterfall Rapids Cave Room
172 Pandora Box C6 - Secret Dungeon, Devil Airspace Temple Room
173 Well Invitor C5 - Outskirts Well
174 Well Devil C6 - Secret Dungeon, Waterfall Rapids Cave Room
175 Numbing Jellyfish C5 - Ocean Area, near Konanberry
176 Marine Worm C5 - Ocean Area, near River-Side
177 Piranha C5 - Ocean Area, near Endoll
178 Mad Looper C5 - Ocean Area, near Stanciara
179 Murdering Ray-Fish C5 - Ocean Area, near Konanberry
180 Assault Fish C5 - Ocean Area, near Konanberry
181 Hellish Crayfish C5 - Ocean Area, near Gottside
182 Octopus Devil C5 - Ocean Area, near Gottside
183 Paralysis Angler C5 - Ocean Area, near Stanciara
184 Sea Lion C5 - Ocean Area, near Stanciara
185 Long-Necked Dragon C5 - Ocean Area, near Konanberry
186 Full Snaker C5 - Ocean Area, near River-Side
187 Shark Manter C5 - Ocean Area, near Endoll
188 Flying Death C5 - Ocean Area, near River-Side
189 Vortex Tide King C5 - Ocean Area, near Saintheim
190 Barracuda C5 - Ocean Area, near River-Side
191 Evil Angler C5 - Ocean Area, near Konanberry
192 Dagon C5 - Ocean Area, near Rosary Hill
193 Ray Gigas C5 - Ocean Area, near Rosary Hill
194 Sea Lion Man C5 - Ocean Area, near Mintos
195 Fingers of Pisaro C1 - Lakeshore Tower Boss
196 Chameleon Man C2 - Tenpe Village Boss
197 Tongue Licker Man C2 - Endoll Coliseum Boss
198 Balzack C4 - Kingleo Castle Boss
199 Betrayal Youngster C5 - Cave of Betrayal Boss
200 Lighthouse Tiger C5 - Great Lighthouse Boss
201 King Leo C5 - Kingleo Castle Boss
202 Balzack Plus C5 - Saintheim Castle Boss
203 Pisaro Knight C5 - Rosary Hill Tower Boss
204 Andreal C5 - Barrier Guardian
205 Giga Demon C5 - Barrier Guardian
206 Hell Battler C5 - Barrier Guardian
207 Evil Priest C5 - Barrier Guardian
208 Estark C5 - Estark Temple Boss
209 Eggler C6 - Secret Dungeon, Crater of Enigma Boss
210 Chickler C6 - Secret Dungeon, Crater of Enigma Boss
--- Mister Han C2 - Endoll Coliseum Challenger
--- Ragos C2 - Endoll Coliseum Challenger
--- Vivian C2 - Endoll Coliseum Challenger
--- Simon C2 - Endoll Coliseum Challenger
--- Bakota the Robber C5 - Cave Southwest of Gardenburg Boss
--- Death Pisaro 1 C5 - Last Volcano Boss
--- Death Pisaro 2 C5 - Last Volcano Boss
--- Death Pisaro 3 C5 - Last Volcano Boss
--- Death Pisaro 4 C5 - Last Volcano Boss
--- Death Pisaro 5 C5 - Last Volcano Boss
--- Death Pisaro 6 C5 - Last Volcano Boss
--- Death Pisaro 7 C5 - Last Volcano Boss
--- Evil Priest Plus 1 C6 - Death Palace Final Boss
--- Evil Priest Plus 2 C6 - Death Palace Final Boss
--- Evil Priest Plus 3 C6 - Death Palace Final Boss
--- Evil Priest Plus 4 C6 - Death Palace Final Boss

- Rare Monster List. These are the hardest to find monsters (in my opinion).
These monsters don't appear frequently, so it may take some effort to find

169 Platinum King (hard to find, hard to kill)
048 Stone Puppet (chapter 4 only)
049 Familiar Spirit (chapter 4 only)
203 Pisaro Knight (get him before taking on Estark)
136 Flame Dog (only one appears at once)
188 Flying Death (rare ocean monster)
119 Slime Ultimate Heal (only one appears at once)
164 Devil Lamp
149 Great Ridon
111 Big Heal Slime (better chance to meet at day)
090 Bomb Rock
067 Mandrake
053 King Slime (you need to wait until the slimes combine)
103 Running Lizard
055 Tongue Licker
115 Blizzard Man
066 Poison Arrow Hood (better chance to meet at night)
187 Shark Manter
152 Zombie Soldier
030 Kodora
036 Poison Lizard
041 Spectate


7. World Map
- This section has information regarding town, castles and dungeons that will
appear in the game.

7a. Place Names

¥Ð¥È¥é¥ó¥É¾ë¡Î¥Ð¥È¥é¥ó¥É¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Bautland Castle
¥Ð¥È¥é¥ó¥É¾ë²¼Ä®¡Î¥Ð¥È¥é¥ó¥É¤¸¤ç¤¦¤«¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Bautland Castle Town
¥¤¥à¥ë¤Ø¤Îƶ·¢¡Î¥¤¥à¥ë¤Ø¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave to Imuru
¥¤¥à¥ë¤Î¼¡Î¥¤¥à¥ë¤Î¤à¤é¡Ï¡¡Imuru Village
¥¤¥à¥ë¤ÎÃϲ¼Ï´¡Î¤Á¤«¤í¤¦¡Ï¡¡Imuru Underground Prison
¼³°¤ì¤Î°æ¸Í¡Î¤à¤é¤Ï¤º¤ì¤Î¤¤¤É¡Ï¡¡Well on the Village Outskirts
¸Ð¤ÎÅã¡Î¤ß¤º¤¦¤ß¤Î¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡Lakeshore Tower

¥µ¥ó¥È¥Ï¥¤¥à¾ë¡Î¥µ¥ó¥È¥Ï¥¤¥à¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Saintheim Castle
¥µ¥é¥ó¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥µ¥é¥ó¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Salan Town
¥Æ¥ó¥Ú¤Î¼¡Î¥Æ¥ó¥á¤Î¤à¤é¡Ï¡¡Tenpe Village
¥Õ¥ì¥Î¡¼¥ë¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥Õ¥ì¥Î¡¼¥ë¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Freynoll Town
¥Õ¥ì¥Î¡¼¥ëÆî¤Îƶ·¢¡Î¥Õ¥ì¥Î¡¼¥ë¤ß¤Ê¤ß¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave South of Freynoll
º½Çù¤Î¥Ð¥¶¡¼¡Î¤µ¤Ð¤¯¤Î¥Ð¥¶¡¼¡Ï¡¡Desert Bazaar
°Ü̱¤ÎÄ®¡Î¤¤¤ß¤ó¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Immigrant Town
Óó¤ê¤ÎÅã¡Î¤µ¤¨¤º¤ê¤Î¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡Chirping Tower
¥µ¥ó¥È¥Ï¥¤¥à´Ø½ê¡Î¥µ¥ó¥È¥Ï¥¤¥à¤»¤­¤·¤ç¡Ï¡¡Saintheim Check Point
¥¨¥ó¥É¡¼¥ë´Ø½ê¡Î¥¨¥ó¥É¡¼¥ë¤»¤­¤·¤ç¡Ï¡¡Endoll Check Point
¥¨¥ó¥É¡¼¥ë¾ë²¼Ä®¡Î¥¨¥ó¥É¡¼¥ë¤¸¤ç¤¦¤«¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Endoll Castle Town
¥¨¥ó¥É¡¼¥ë¾ë¡Î¥¨¥ó¥É¡¼¥ë¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Endoll Castle

¥ì¥¤¥¯¥Ê¥Ð¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥ì¥¤¥¯¥Ê¥Ð¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Lakenaba Town
¥ì¥¤¥¯¥Ê¥ÐË̤Îƶ·¢¡Î¥ì¥¤¥¯¥Ê¥Ð¤­¤¿¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave North of Lakenaba
¸Ñ¥ö¸¶¡Î¤­¤Ä¤Í¤¬¤Ï¤é¡Ï¡¡Fox Prairie
¥Ü¥ó¥â¡¼¥ë¾ë²¼Ä®¡Î¥Ü¥ó¥â¡¼¥ë¤¸¤ç¤¦¤«¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Bonmole Castle Town
½÷¿ÀÁü¤Îƶ·¢¡Î¤á¤¬¤ß¤¾¤¦¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Goddess Statue Cave
¥Ö¥é¥ó¥«¥Ø¤Î¥È¥ó¥Í¥ë¡¡Tunnel to Branka
¥¨¥ó¥É¡¼¥ë¥Ø¤Î¥È¥ó¥Í¥ë¡¡Tunnel to Endoll

¥â¥ó¥Ð¡¼¥Ð¥é¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥â¥ó¥Ð¡¼¥Ð¥é¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Monbarbara Town
¥³¡¼¥ß¥º¤Î¼¡Î¥³¡¼¥ß¥º¤Î¤à¤é¡Ï¡¡Kohmiz Village
¥³¡¼¥ß¥ºÀ¾¤Îƶ·¢¡Î¥³¡¼¥ß¥º¤Ë¤·¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave West of Kohmiz
¥Ï¥Ð¥ê¥¢¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥Ï¥Ð¥ê¥¢¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Havalia Town
̨¤Î¤ª¹ð¤²½ê¡Î¤ß¤µ¤­¤Î¤ª¤Ä¤²¤·¤ç¡Ï¡¡Promontory Inform Place
¥­¥ó¥°¥ì¥ª¾ë¡Î¥­¥ó¥°¥ì¥ª¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Kingleo Castle
¥¢¥Ã¥Æ¥à¥È¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥¢¥Ã¥Æ¥à¥È¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Attemtoh Town
¥¢¥Ã¥Æ¥à¥È¹Û»³¡Î¥¢¥Ã¥Æ¥à¥È¤³¤¦¤¶¤ó¡Ï¡¡Attemtoh Mine

»³±ü¤Î¼¡Î¤ä¤Þ¤ª¤¯¤Î¤à¤é¡Ï¡¡Village Deep in the Mountains
ÌÚ¤³¤ê¤Î²È¡Î¤­¤³¤ê¤Î¤¤¤¨¡Ï¡¡Lumberjack's Hut
¥Ö¥é¥ó¥«¾ë²¼Ä®¡Î¥Ö¥é¥ó¥«¤¸¤ç¤¦¤«¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Branka Castle Town
º½Çù¤Î½É²°¡Î¤µ¤Ð¤¯¤Î¤ä¤É¤ä¡Ï¡¡Desert Inn
΢ÀÚ¤ê¤Îƶ·¢¡Î¤¦¤é¤®¤ê¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave of Betrayal
¥¢¥Í¥¤¥ë¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥¢¥Í¥¤¥ë¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Aneil Town
¥³¥Ê¥ó¥Ù¥ê¡¼¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥³¥Ê¥ó¥Ù¥ê¡¼¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Konanberry Town
ÂçÅôÂæ¡Î¤À¤¤¤È¤¦¤À¤¤¡Ï¡¡Great Lighthouse
¥ß¥ó¥È¥¹¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥ß¥ó¥È¥¹¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Mintos Town
¥ß¥ó¥È¥¹Åì¤Î㬡Υߥó¥È¥¹¤Ò¤¬¤·¤Î¤Û¤³¤é¡Ï¡¡Shrine East of Mintos
¥½¥ì¥Ã¥¿¤Î¹ñ¡Î¥½¥ì¥Ã¥¿¤Î¤¯¤Ë¡Ï¡¡Country of Soletta
¥Ñ¥Ç¥­¥¢¤Îƶ·¢¡Î¥Ñ¥Ç¥­¥¢¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Padekia Cave
Åç¤ÎÏ·¿Í¤Î²È¡Î¤·¤Þ¤Î¤í¤¦¤¸¤ó¤Î¤¤¤¨¡Ï¡¡Island of the Old Man's Home
³¤Êդμ¡Î¤¦¤ß¤Ù¤Î¤à¤é¡Ï¡¡Ocean-Side Village
¥¹¥¿¥ó¥·¥¢¥é¾ë²¼Ä®¡Î¥¹¥¿¥ó¥·¥¢¥é¤¸¤ç¤¦¤«¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Stanciara Castle Town
¥¬¡¼¥Ç¥ó¥Ö¥ë¥°¾ë¡Î¥¬¡¼¥Ç¥ó¥Ö¥ë¥°¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Gardenburg Castle
ÆîÅì¤Îƶ·¢¡Î¤Ê¤ó¤È¤¦¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave Southeast of Gardenburg
¥á¥À¥ë²¦¤Î¾ë¡Î¥á¥¿¥ë¤ª¤¦¤Î¤·¤í¡Ï¡¡Medal King's Castle
³¤ÌĤê¤Î㬡Τ¦¤ß¤Ê¤ê¤Î¤Û¤³¤é¡Ï¡¡Shrine of the Ocean Roar
Âì¤Îή¤ì¤ëƶ·¢¡Î¤¿¤­¤Î¤Ê¤¬¤ì¤ë¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave of the Waterfall Rapids
¥í¥¶¥ê¡¼¥Ò¥ë¤Î¼¡Î¥í¥¶¥ê¡¼¥Ò¥ë¤Î¤à¤é¡Ï¡¡Rosary Hill Village
²¦²È¤ÎÊè¡Î¤ª¤¦¤±¤Î¤Ï¤«¡Ï¡¡Grave of the Royal Family
¥ê¥Ð¡¼¥µ¥¤¥É¤Î¼¡Î¥ê¥Ð¡¼¥µ¥¤¥É¤Î¤à¤é¡Ï¡¡River-Side Village
Ëâ¿ÀÁü¡Î¤Þ¤¸¤ó¤¾¤¦¡Ï¡¡Devil God Statue
¥Ç¥¹¥Ñ¥ì¥¹¡¡Death Palace
¥¨¥¹¥¿¡¼¥¯¿ÀÅ¡Υ¨¥¹¥¿¡¼¥¯¤·¤ó¤Ç¤ó¡Ï¡¡Estark Temple
¥´¥Ã¥È¥µ¥¤¥É¤ÎÄ®¡Î¥´¥Ã¥È¥µ¥¤¥É¤Î¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Gottside Town
³ÑÅ«¤Î㬡ΤĤΤ֤¨¤Î¤Û¤³¤é¡Ï¡¡Small Shrine of the Horn
¥¨¥ë¥Õ¤ÎΤ¡Î¥¨¥ë¥Õ¤Î¤µ¤È¡Ï¡¡Home of the Elves
À¤³¦¼ù¡Î¤»¤«¤¤¤¸¤å¡Ï¡¡World Tree
Å·¶õ¤Ø¤ÎÅã¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Ø¤Î¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡Tower to the Sky
Å·¶õ¾ë¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Sky Castle
Ë⳦¤Ø¤Îƶ·¢¡Î¤Þ¤«¤¤¤Ø¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave to the Devil World
²Í¤±¶¶¤ÎÅã¡Î¤«¤±¤Ï¤·¤Î¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡Bridge Building Tower
´õ˾¤Î㬡Τ­¤Ü¤¦¤Î¤Û¤³¤é¡Ï¡¡Shrine of Hope
¥Ç¥¹¥­¥ã¥Ã¥¹¥ë¡¡Death Castle

Ææ¤Î°ÛÀ¤³¦¡Î¤Ê¤¾¤Î¤¤¤»¤«¤¤¡Ï¡¡The Strange World of Enigma
¨§¥ª¥ê¥¸¥Ê¥ë¥Õ¥í¥¢¡¡Original Floor
¨§¾ÂÃϤÎƶ·¢£Â£´¡¼£²¡Î¤Ì¤Þ¤Á¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Marsh Land Cave, B4-2 (DQ7)
¨§Ï´¹ö¤Ø³¤¯Æ¶·¢£±£Æ¡Î¤í¤¦¤´¤¯¤Ø¤Ä¤Å¤¯¡Ï¡¡Cave Leading to Prison, 1F (DQ7)
¨§½÷¿ÀÁü¤Îƶ·¢£Â£³¡Î¤á¤¬¤ß¤¾¤¦¡Ï¡¡Goddess Statue Cave, B3
¨§Ëâʪ¤Î´ä»³£¸£Æ¡Î¤Þ¤â¤Î¤Î¤¤¤ï¤ä¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Monster's Rocky Mountain, 8F (DQ7)
¨§¥Õ¥ì¥Î¡¼¥ëÆî¤Îƶ·¢£Â£±¡Î¤ß¤Ê¤ß¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave South of Freynoll, B1
¨§ÂçÅôÂ棲£Æ¡Î¤À¤¤¤È¤¦¤À¤¤¡Ï¡¡Great Lighthouse, 2F
¨§¥ì¥¤¥¯¥Ê¥ÐË̤Îƶ·¢£Â£³¡Î¤­¤¿¤Î¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Cave North of Lakenaba, B3
¨§¥Û¥Ó¥Ã¥È²¤Îƶ·¢£Â£²¡Î¤¾¤¯¡Ï¡¡Hobbit Tribe Cave, B2 (DQ7)
¨§¥Û¥Ó¥Ã¥È²¤Îƶ·¢£±£Æ¡Î¤¾¤¯¡Ï¡¡Hobbit Tribe Cave, 1F (DQ7)
¨§ÂìÔä¤Îƶ·¢£±£Æ¡¼£±¡Î¤¿¤­¤Ä¤Ü¡Ï¡¡Waterfall Basin Cave, 1F-1 (DQ7)
¨§¥µ¥é¥ó¤Î²È¡Î¤¤¤¨¡Ï¡¡House From Salan
¨§Âì¤Îή¤ì¤ëƶ·¢£Â£³¡Î¤¿¤­¤Î¤Ê¤¬¤ì¤ë¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Waterfall Rapids Cave, B3
¨§»¹¸ê¤Îƶ·¢£Â£²¡Î¤µ¤ó¤´¡Ï¡¡Cave of Coral, B2 (DQ7)
¨§»¹¸ê¤Îƶ·¢£Â£³¡¼£²¡Î¤µ¤ó¤´¡Ï¡¡Cave of Coral, B3-2 (DQ7)
¨§»¹¸ê¤Îƶ·¢£Â£³¡¼£±¡Î¤µ¤ó¤´¡Ï¡¡Cave of Coral, B3-1 (DQ7)
¨§Ë⳦¤Ø¤Îƶ·¢¤ÎÉô²°¡Î¤Ø¤ä¡Ï¡¡Room From Cave to the Devil World
¨§¥×¥í¥Ó¥Ê»³¶µ²ñ¡Î¤ä¤Þ¤­¤ç¤¦¤«¤¤¡Ï¡¡Provina Mountain Church (DQ7)
¨§Ì¨¤Î¤ª¹ð¤²½ê¤ÎÉô²°¡Î¤Ø¤ä¡Ï¡¡Room From Promontory Inform Place
¨§²¦²È¤ÎÊ裱£Æ¡Î¤ª¤¦¤±¤Î¤Ï¤«¡Ï¡¡Grave of the Royal Family, 1F
¨§±ê¤Î»³£Â£µ¡Î¤Û¤Î¤ª¤Î¤ä¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Mountain of Flame, B5 (DQ7)
¨§¥Þ¡¼¥Ç¥£¥é¥¹Âç¿ÀŤÎÊè¡Î¤À¤¤¤·¤ó¤Ç¤ó¡Ï¡¡Mardilas Temple's Grave (DQ7)
¨§»³Â±¤Î¥¢¥¸¥È¡Î¤µ¤ó¤¾¤¯¡Ï¡¡Bandit's Hideout (DQ7)
¨§¥×¥í¥Ó¥Ê»³Æ¶·¢£³£Æ¡Î¤ä¤Þ¤É¤¦¤¯¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Provina Mountain Cave, 3F (DQ7)
¨§À¤³¦°ì¹â¤¤Å㣴£Æ¡Î¤»¤«¤¤¤¤¤Á¤¿¤«¤¤¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡World's Tallest Tower, 4F (DQ7)
¨§Ëâ¶õ´Ö¤Î¿ÀÅ£²£Æ¡Î¤Þ¤¯¤¦¤«¤ó¤Î¤·¤ó¤Ç¤ó¡Ï¡¡Devil Airspace Temple, 2F (DQ7)
¨¦¥á¥À¥ë²¦¤Î¾ë£²£Æ¡Î¤ª¤¦¤Î¤·¤í¡Ï¡¡Medal King Castle, 2F
Ææ¤Î¶µ²ñ¡Î¤Ê¤¾¤Î¤­¤ç¤¦¤«¤¤¡Ï¡¡Enigma Church
Ææ¤Î²Ð¸ý¡Î¤Ê¤¾¤Î¤«¤³¤¦¡Ï¡¡Crater of Enigma

7b. Map







7c. Terrain and Vehicles

- When traveling in the adventure, you will surely come across a variety of
terrain that make up the world.

These are the terrain you can walk on.

Ê¿¸¶¡Î¤Ø¤¤¤²¤ó¡Ï¡¡Grassy Plains
ÆǤξÂÃϡΤɤ¯¤Î¤Ì¤Þ¤Á¡Ï¡¡Poison Marsh Land

Grassy Plains = This terrain is common. It has the least encount possibility
of monsters.
Thicket = It is displayed as a group of bushes.
Forest = This place has a higher encount rate with monsters than the plains.
Mountains = This place looks like a bunch of hills. The encounter rate with
monsters here is high.
Desert = Sandy terrain. Pretty high monster encounter rate.
Bridge = Use this to cross to another continent.
Poison Marsh Land = The party will receive damage if stepped on. The Toramana
spell can nullify this damage. Monsters can appear here too.
Barrier = This terrain can appear inside buildings. It looks like a strange
flashing, purple zone. The damage received by stepping on this terrain is
greater than the Poison Marsh Land. Once again, the Toramana spell can
nullify this damage.

These terrain can be passed through only by ship.


These terrain can be passed through only by the hot-air balloon.

´ä»³¡Î¤¤¤ï¤ä¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Rocky Mountains

- Caves come in two sizes, big and small. The big size caves allow the wagon
to pass through, while the small size will not allow the wagon to enter.
Towers are just like small caves in that the wagon can't enter there. When
exploring these places, choose four people that you want to participate in
battle. The other people will have to sit in wagon, so be careful about dying
without the wagon.


8. Immigrant Town
- This side quest is available in Chapter 5. It is really not necessary to
do in order to complete the game, but it can be rewarding. It is located
where the Desert Bazaar was in Chapter 2. It seems like you can begin this
quest after you find the Magic Key, and talk to a person sitting in the inn
in Kohmiz Village in Chapter 5.

- If you played DQ7, then it is nearly the same. Once you set up the town,
then immigrants will appear in predetermined places in most towns, castles,
and even some dungeons. Once improvement from part 7 is that, once an
immigrant has appeared in a spot, then you go somewhere else and then come
back to the first place, then another immigrant can appear there. (In 7,
once an immigrant appeared in a spot, you had to save, then reset in order
to get another immigrant to appear in that spot. Otherwise you will have to
make 5 or more immigrants in different spots to appear, then you can go back
to the original place to find new immigrants. This way, you don't have to
reset in either game.)

- The variety of immigrants that you can recruit have increased from part 7.

- The town can hold up to 38 people maximum. Once there, you will have to
drive some people out if you want new immigrants to appear.

- Once the town gets started by Hoffman, you can visit him and he will give
you these choices.

½»Ì±¤¤¤Á¤é¤ó¡Î¤¸¤å¤¦¤ß¤ó¡Ï¡¡Citizen List
Ä®¤«¤é½Ð¤¿¤¤½»Ì±¤ò¤µ¤¬¤¹¡¡Look for citizens that want to leave

Citizen List = Shows you who is currently in the immigrant town. It shows the
name, then their occupation, followed by where they came from. There are
eight people per page.

Look for citizens that want to leave = Lets you release someone from the town.
If you release someone from the town, you can find them again later on, so
don't worry too much about cutting someone out. There needs to be at least
11 people in the immigrant town before you can release someone. Therefore,
once you build the town to a certain degree, the minimum amount of people in
town is 10. That certain degree is 30 or more people. Once the town is built
to that form, you can begin to kick people out if you are looking to build
another form of the Immigrant Town.

8a. Immigrant Occupations

Ï·¿Í¡Î¤í¤¦¤¸¤ó¡Ï¡¡Old Person
Ï·ÇÌ¡Î¤í¤¦¤Ð¡Ï¡¡Old Woman
ι¤Î¾¦¿Í¡Î¤¿¤Ó¤Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Travelling Trader
¹Ó¤¯¤ì¡Î¤¢¤é¤¯¤ì¡Ï¡¡Rowdy Person
¥Ð¥Ë¡¼¡¡Bunny Girl
Å·¶õ¿Í¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤¸¤ó¡Ï¡¡Sky People
¥°¥ì¡¼¥È¥Ç¡¼¥â¥ó¡¡Great Demon
ÂçÌ̡ܶΤª¤ª¤á¤À¤Þ¡Ï¡¡Big Eyeball
¥ß¥Ë¥Ç¡¼¥â¥ó¡¡Mini Demon
¥Ù¥Û¥¤¥ß¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡Behoimi Slime
¥é¥¤¥ª¥ó¥Ü¡¼¥ë¡¡Lion Ball
ÅôÂ楿¥¤¥¬¡¼¡Î¤È¤¦¤À¤¤¥¿¥¤¥¬¡¼¡Ï¡¡Lighthouse Tiger
¥Û¥¤¥ß¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡Hoimi Slime
º½Çù¤Î¤ª¤¸¤¤¤µ¤ó¡Î¤µ¤Ð¤¯¡Ï¡¡Grandfather of the Desert
¥°¥é¥ó¥Ô¥µ¥í¡¡Grand Pisaro
¥¯¥¤¥ó¥í¡¼¥¶¡¡Queen Roza

- Sky People and the monsters don't appear often. It seems like they have a
better chance of appearing near the end of chapter 5. They do appear more
frequently during Chapter 6. The exact trigger is after you talk to the
Master Dragon in the Sky Castle. Once the Sky Sword is powered up, then
the monster immigrants will start to appear.

8b. Town Forms

- The immigrant town will change form depending on how many people are
currently residing in town. Think of it as the town changing after every few
new people that come in. There are some small medals within these various
forms, and these medals must be gotten before you move on to the next phase
of the town. Once you reach the 7th Form of the immigrant town, you can't
go back to the previous forms. Make sure to check the town frequently to get all the treasure before inviting too many people inside.

Âè°ì·ÁÂ֡ΤÀ¤¤¤¤¤Á¤±¤¤¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡1st Form

- Population = 0-5 people

- One Small Medal inside a barrel

- Items = 15 Gold

ÂèÆó·ÁÂ֡ΤÀ¤¤¤Ë¤±¤¤¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡2nd Form

- Population = 6-9 people

- Hoffman moves into a small house nearby. This is your chance to name the
immigrant town whatever you like.

- Small Medal inside a barrel

- Items = Rabbit's Tail, Gale Bandana

Âè»°·ÁÂ֡ΤÀ¤¤¤µ¤ó¤±¤¤¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡3rd Form

- Population = 10-13 people (this one is easy to miss)

- Small Medal inside a pot

- Items = Seed of Luck, Scented Pouch, 50 Gold, 7 Gold, Hairband

Âè»Í·ÁÂ֡ΤÀ¤¤¤è¤ó¤±¤¤¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡4th Form

- Population = 14-19 people

- A church and inn are built. You cannot save at the church.

- A small item shop is built

- No Small Medals here

- Items = Horse Feces, Antidote Herb, 13 Gold, Rabbit's Tail, Traveler's

Âè¸Þ·ÁÂ֡ΤÀ¤¤¤´¤±¤¤¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡5th Form

- Population = 20-24 people

- One Small Medal in a pot, and another inside a drawer

- Items = Nut of Life, Seed of Strength, Silk Robe, Chain Mail, Chimera's Wing

ÂèÏ»·ÁÂ֡ΤÀ¤¤¤í¤¯¤±¤¤¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡6th Form

- Population = 25-29 people

- Protector shop is built

- One Small Medal in a pot

- Items = 73 Gold, Nut of Enchantment, Magical Holy Water, Leather Dress,
Steel Sword, Nut of Life, Boxed Lunch, Scented Pouch.

Âè¼··ÁÂ֡ΤÀ¤¤¤Ê¤Ê¤±¤¤¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡7th Form

- Population = 30-34 people

- One Small Medal in a pot, another in a barrel, and a third one on the ground

- Items = 370 Gold, Boxed Lunch, Nut of Enchantment, Blazing Talons, Fur Coat,
Seed of Intelligence, Horse Feces

ºÇ½ª·ÁÂ֡Τµ¤¤¤·¤å¤¦¤±¤¤¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡Final Form

- Population = 35-38 people

- This is the plain final form of the immigrant town. You will get this if
you don't match any of the requirements of the special final forms.

- Weapon shop is built

- One Small Medal in a pot, another in a barrel

- Items = Spangle Dress, 1200 Gold, Star Fragment, Nut of Life, Boxed Lunch,
Seed of Intelligence, Mirror Shield, World Tree Drops, Seed of Strength,
Seed of Quickness, Prayer Ring, Falcon Sword.


- Special Final Forms of the Immigrant Town

- These forms are harder to obtain, since these require certain immigrants
to make.

- There are 7 special forms, 4 of which are the same from DQ7. All require
at least 35 people, plus some conditions.

- If you don't match any of the requirements, then you will just get the
plain Final Form of the town. Putting too many monsters in the town will
cause this to happen. Try to fill the rest of the town with humans if

¥ì¥Ç¥£¡¼¥º¥¿¥¦¥ó¡¡Ladies Town

- Conditions = 35 people, 30 of them female

- Features = Looks like the plain Final Form of the town, except it has
reddish colored walls. The protector shop sells the Angel Leotard for 13,000
Gold. This is the only place to buy that armor.

- If you gotten the treasures from the plain Final Form town, then you won't
be able to get them here.

¥°¥é¥ó¥É¥¹¥é¥à¡¡Grand Slum

- Conditions = 35 people, 19 or more misfits. Those are Rowdy People,
Prisoners, Bunny Girls, Dancers, and Sailors. You need at least one of each.
Bar Tenders are optional.

- Features = This place looks exactly like the one used in part 7 of the
series. The only difference is the Casino Prizes. There is the Astray Metal
Helm here for 100,000 Casino Coins, as well as the Gospel Ring for 250,000
Casino Coins. This is the only place to get the Gospel Ring. If you complete
the Monster Notebook, then you will receive 300,000 Casino Coins, which is
enough to buy this ring. Equipping this ring will cause no random battles
to appear.

- One Small Medal inside a pot

- Items = 50 Gold, Seed of Strength, Seed of Quickness, Nut of Enchantment,
Horse Feces, Nut of Life, Magical Holy Water, Prayer Ring, Megante Bracelet,
Well Devil Monster, Demon Spear

¥×¥ì¥ß¥¢¥à¥Ð¥¶¡¼¡¡Premium Bazaar

- Conditions = 35 people, 16 or more Traders or Travelling Traders.

- Features = The bazaar looks a little different than in DQ7. It has an
item, weapon, and protector shop, two of each. You can buy the Megante
Bracelet for 5,000 Gold, the Megazaru Bracelet for 10,000 Gold, and the
Fiendish Claws for 13,500 Gold. This place also has a Gold Bank, just like
the one in Endoll.

- There is one Small Medal inside a barrel.

- Items = Magical Holy Water, Wonderful Bolero, Boxed Lunch, Full Moon Herb,
Falling Star Bracelet

ÂçÀ»Æ²¡Î¤À¤¤¤»¤¤¤É¤¦¡Ï¡¡Big Cathedral

- Conditions = 35 people, 17 or more Priests and Sisters.

- Features = This place looks exactly like the one from part 7, except that
there doesn't seem to be any store to buy something from. You can find some
interesting books here. One is titled, "From Bonmole, With Love". You are
about to read it, but the handwriting is so bad that it is illegible. You
can barely make out the words, Author: Rick. You can also find another
writing inside the pages of the Bible. It reveal the confessions of a man.

- One Small Medal inside a barrel.

- Items = Magical Holy Water, Magical Skirt

¥°¥ì¡¼¥È¥Õ¥¡¡¼¥à¡¡Great Farm

- Conditions = 7 or more Farmers, 8 or more Animals (Horse, Cow, Pig) and
Hobbits. Of course there needs to be 35 or more citizens total.

- Features = Once again, this place is reused from DQ7. There is an item
shop which sells the Force Ring for 880 Gold. It has one big farmhouse in the
center, with rice fields in the front side.

- There is a Small Medal inside a pot.

- Items = Men's Underwear, Force Ring, Horse Feces, Nut of Life, Boxed Lunch,
Megazaru Bracelet

²¦¾ë¡Î¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Royal Castle

- Conditions = 7 or more Kings and Princesses; (could be more conditions, I'm
not sure...) 35 or more citizens total, and remember to keep the monster
population low. A combination of 8 or more Kings and Brown Soldiers can also
meet the conditions to create this form of the immigrant town.

- Features = This looks to be a new form of the immigrant town. This place is
a huge and elegant castle, complete with a moat surrounding it. The shop
sells the Bangle of Greatness for 37,000 Gold, the Marvel Sword for 31,000
Gold, and the Iron Ball of Destruction for 65,000 Gold. This is the only
place to buy these great items.

- There is one Small Medal in a barrel, and another one inside a treasure box.

- Items = Seed of Intelligence, Megazaru Bracelet, Magical Holy Water, 50
Gold, Silk Robe, Steel Armor, Staff of Smiles, Seed of Quickness, Falling Star
Bracelet, Mirror Shield, Safeguard Ruby, Marvel Sword (the last three and the
Small Medal in the treasure box require the Last Key, since they are behind a
jail door).

¥â¥ó¥¹¥¿¡¼¥¿¥ï¡¼¡¡É÷¤ÎÅã¡Î¤«¤¼¤Î¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡Monster Tower - (Tower of Wind)

- Conditions = 30 or more Sky People, Elves, and Monsters. Any combination
of those to total 30. You need 35 or more total citizens.

- Features = The map looks exactly like the Tower of Wind (up to the 4th
floor) from Dragon Quest 7! This place is crawling with monster immigrants.
There doesn't seem to be any shop, plus I couldn't find any Small Medals here.

- Items = Nut of Enchantment, Marvel Sword, Mask of the Evil God

- To get the monster immigrants to appear, you must meet a condition. That is
to meet the Master Dragon in the Sky Castle, and get the Sky Sword powered up.
After that, the monster immigrants will start to appear. The same is true
for the Sky People and the Elves.


8c. Immigrant Locations

- Here are all the known spots where immigrants can appear.

If you are looking for Human immigrants, look at these places. 26 in all.

Branka Inn, 2F
Endoll Inn, 2F
Endoll Church
Endoll Check Point
Lakenaba Church
Desert Inn
Aneil Inn (north side)
Konanberry Church
Mintos Inn, 2F
Havalia Inn, 2F
Havalia Church
Promontory Inform Place
Monbarbara Inn
Monbarbara Theater, 1F
Ocean-Side Village Inn
Salan Inn, 2F
Tenpe Inn
Freynoll Inn, 2F
Saintheim Check Point
Stanciara Inn
Bautland Church
Imuru Church
Gardenburg, In front of Castle Gates
River-Side Inn
Attemtoh Church
Gottside Inn

If you are looking for Monster immigrants, look here. 8 in all.

Bonmole, B1 Jail, top left corner
Fox Prairie, open field
Chirping Tower, top floor
Well on the Village Outskirts, beside the well
Lakeshore Tower, top floor (need the balloon to reach)
Medal King's Castle, beside the Medal King
Grave of the Royal Family, 1F, in front of the jail door
River-Side, underground passage


9. Mini-Game Information
- These are the games to play in the casino. The casino is located in Endoll
Town, in the basement of the inn. There is a second casino if you build the
Immigrant Town into the Grand Slum. They both play the same, but the prizes
are better in the Grand Slum, naturally.


- First choose how much you want to bet. The range is from 1 coin to 10
coins. They more coins you bet, the higher the payoff chances are.
However, if you don't create a winning hand, then you get nothing in return.
The suits are Slimes, Swords, Shields, and Crowns. The values are 2 through
10, J = 11, Q = 12, K = 13, A = 14, and the Joker card.

Â夨¤ë¡Î¤«¤¨¤ë¡Ï¡¡Exchange Card
»Ä¤¹¡Î¤Î¤³¤¹¡Ï¡¡Leave Behind Card
ÇÛ¤ë¡Î¤¯¤Ð¤ë¡Ï¡¡Deal Card

Exchange Card = This will be the card(s) that you don't want. It will be
replaced by a new card after Deal Card.
Leave Behind Card = This will be the card(s) that you want to keep to create
a winning hand. These cards won't change after Deal Card.
Deal Card = This command can be done only once. It will replace any card that
you ordered to Exchange. Afterwards, if there is a winning hand, then you
will gain some coins. If there is no winning hand, then you lose.

£²¥Ú¥¢¡¡2 Pair
£³¥«¡¼¥É¡¡3 Card
¥Õ¥ë¥Ï¥¦¥¹¡¡Full House
£´¥«¡¼¥É¡¡4 Card
¥¹¥È¥Õ¥é¡¡Straight Flush
£µ¥«¡¼¥É¡¡5 Card
¥í¥¤¥ä¥ë¡¡Royal Straight Flush
£µ¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¡¡5 Slime

2 Pair = Rate: x1; A pair of same numbers, like 2 2 4 4 8
3 Card = Rate: x2; 3 cards with the same number, like 5 5 5 J K
Straight = Rate: x4; 5 cards in numerical order, like 5 6 7 8 9
Flush = Rate: x5; 5 of the same type of cards, like 5 Sword cards
Full House = Rate: x8; 3 Card + 1 pair, like 3 3 3 8 8
4 Card = Rate: x10; 4 cards with the same number, like 10 10 10 10 Q
Straight Flush = Rate: x20; 5 same type cards, in numerical order
5 Card = Rate: x100; 4 Card + 1 Joker
Royal = Rate: x250; 10 J Q K A, Straight + Flush
5 Slime = Rate: x500; Card type is Slime in Royal Straight Flush

- Example: If you bet 10 coins, then you get a 5 Slime winning hand, then you
will receive 5000 coins (the rate x amount of coins placed on the bet). I
have never gotten a 5 Slime hand, let alone a R.S.F (Royal Straight Flush)

Double up
- If you get a winning hand, you have a chance to double up. In double up
mode, you must pick which card is stronger than the one that is shown out of
4 cards. Stronger meaning which card has the higher numerical value. The
cards to choose from are face down, so take a guess. If you are successful,
then you will earn twice as much coins that you bet on, and you have a choice
to double up again. If you fail, then you lose all coins that you bet, and
the double up mode ends. If you pick the Joker card, then it is an automatic
win for you. If you pick a 2, then you will almost surely lose, unless you
get a draw by going against another 2.


- Press up to insert coins, up to five at once. Press down to reduce the
amount of coins put in. Press O button to start the reels. The reels will
stop spinning automatically if you don't press anything. You will have to
match the same type of pictures in a horizontal in order to win coins. If
you put in 4 or 5 coins, then you can win by matching in a diagonal.

1 coin = Middle Row
2 coins = Middle + Top Row
3 coins = Middle + Top + Bottom Row
4 coins = Middle + Top + Bottom + Diagonal Down Right
5 coins = Middle + Top + Bottom + Diagonal Down Right + Diagonal Up Right

Here are the payoffs.

2 Cherries = Rate: x5
3 Cherries = Rate: x10
3 Pots = Rate: x20
3 Swords = Rate: x50
3 Rings = Rate: x100
3 Crowns = Rate: x200
3 Bars = Rate: x500
3 Sevens = Rate: x1000

- It looks like there is no Bonus Game (free spin rounds) like part 7...

¥â¥ó¥¹¥¿¡¼³ÊÆ®¾ì¡Î¤«¤¯¤È¤¦¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Monster Fighting Area

- Here you will bet on which monster you think will win a battle. You will
see a list of monster names, and their payoff rate. You can bet up to 50
coins at once. If the monster you bet on wins, then you have a chance of
double up, similar to Poker. If you win again, the reward is double amount
of the coins that you won. If you lose, then all coins betted on will be
lost. You can cancel the list by hitting X button if you don't like the
choices given to you. You can't cancel the selection during double up mode.

Here are some of the best choices to bet on. Some require a high level of
your character, since some of these choices won't appear during low levels.

¥¢¥ó¥¯¥ë¥Û¡¼¥ó¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Uncle Horn x10
¥¹¥é¥¤¥à¥Ù¥Û¥Þ¥º¥ó¡¡¡¡Slime Ultimate Heal x200
- Bet all 50 coins on Uncle Horn. This is a sure win, since the outcome is
either Uncle Horn wins, or a Draw Game (if the slime keeps healing). If the
outcome is a Draw Game, then all money betted on will return to you. This
should get you 500 coins almost every time. The Uncle Horn should win in
three turns, if the slime doesn't heal with Behomazun.

¥ì¥Ã¥É¥É¥é¥´¥ó¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Red Dragon x2
¥Ö¥ë¥Ç¥Ó¥ë¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Bull Devil x4
- Bull Devil has a good chance of winning, and the payoff is pretty good at

ÂçỊ̀ܶÁ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Great Eyeball A x100
¥¹¥Ú¥¯¥Æ¥Ã¥È£Á¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Spectate A x100
¥¹¥Ú¥¯¥Æ¥Ã¥È£Â¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Spectate B x100
ÂçỊ̀ܶ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Great Eyeball B x100
- This combination is most likely a Draw Game, but sometimes a winner will
emerge. Bet all 50 coins on Great Eyeball B. The chances of winning this
one is real small, but if you do, you will get 5000 coins.

¥°¥ê¡¼¥ó¥É¥é¥´¥ó¡¡¡¡¡¡Green Dragon x2
¥ì¥Ã¥É¥µ¥¤¥¯¥í¥ó¡¡¡¡¡¡Red Cyclone x4
- If Red Cyclone casts Bagicross, and moves first, then Red Cyclone will
surely win. If not, then Green Dragon will most likely win.

¥°¥ì¡¼¥È¥ª¡¼¥é¥¹¡¡¡¡¡¡Great Walrus x3
¥Ö¥é¥Ã¥É¥½¡¼¥É¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Blood Sword x7
¥À¥´¥ó¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Dagon x3
- Great Walrus can attack twice per turn, and has a high attack power rating.
Dagon can attack twice per turn also, but has a lower attack power and higher
Hit Point rating. Either one has a good chance of winning. However, if one
of these kills one another, and Blood Sword remains and casts Sukara, then the
Blood Sword will almost always win.

¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥Ð¥¿¥Õ¥é¥¤£Á¡¡Dragon Butterfly A x10
ÂçÌ̡ܶ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Great Eyeball x1
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥Ð¥¿¥Õ¥é¥¤£Â¡¡Dragon Butterfly B x10
- Despite the odds, either Dragon Butterfly has a good chance of winning the
battle. If the one you bet on casts Hoimi to heal themselves, you have a
great chance of winning. A x10 return rate is pretty good.

- As for the rest of the monster patterns, I don't see a clear cut advantage
on winning, so it is up to you to decide what to pick. If you see any
combinations with a x100 return rate or higher, then those battles are most
likely to go to a stalemate for a Draw Game.


10. Prologue - Invitation to Adventure
- This part is new to the PS version. From this section onwards begins the
walkthrough of the game. I will list the place name, and the items that can
be found in that area in [brackets].

Village Deep in the Mountains
- After creating a new file, the Prologue begins. From the darkness, you hear
the sounds of swords clashing. The next thing you know, the Hero is laying on
the floor, being tired out and all. When you attempt to move, your sparring
partner asks if you give up. I said no to the question. He will compliment
you and say that is enough for the day. His purpose is to raise you into full
adult-hood. Now he orders you to go rest at your own house. Now you can move
around. Get accustomed to the controls at this point. Search the barrel for
a [Medical Herb] and the pot for a [Seed of Strength]. Another barrel nearby
contains [3 Gold]. Walk up the stairs. It is dusk outside. You will hear
a voice calling out to the Hero. Search the barrel nearby for an [Antidote
Herb]. Walk left across the bridge, then you will hear a voice saying 'help'.
Suddenly, a frog jumps out of the small pond. The frog says he is not really
a frog. He asks, "Right now, I look like a frog, no matter what, right?" I
answered yes to the question. The frog responds by saying you are an honest
person. For your honesty, the frog has a wish. You may already know this,
but the frog is really a princess from some kingdom. However, due to a curse
placed on her by an evil magician, she is stuck in this frog form. Then she
says, looking back at it, it can't be helped. Being a frog does have it's
advantages. Because of that, everyday she is living freely. There is just
one problem, that is... "Oh someone is coming, I must hide!" The frog
runs off to the stairs that you came out of.

- Follow the frog right to the place that you began. When you arrive, there
is no sight of the frog. Talk to the lady you see there. Cynthia will notice
that your sword training time is over. "What? Something about a frog? What
are you talking about? I was here the entire time. I've never seen a frog...
You didn't see... Ha ha ha, I can't hold back anymore! You must have seen
this frog." Cynthia casts the Moshasu spell (transformation). She changes
into the frog you say earlier. She continues her conversation from earlier.
Her problem is... She changes back to human form. She is sorry that she
can't remember anymore than this. She planned to create more of the story,
but the Hero showed up earlier than expected. Cynthia asks you if you are
surprised she learned the Moshasu spell. With it, she can change into just
about anything. Now Cynthia changes into a rabbit via the Moshasu spell.
Afterwards, she leaves. Before she completely leaves, she relays a message
to you from the Hero's mother. Mother is calling for the Hero since it is
dusk already. "See you tomorrow!" she says. When you gain control of the
Hero, go back up the stairs. Cross the bridge, and you can explore the small
village. Don't enter the house on the bottom left corner just yet, since
that's your house. Talk to a farmer nearby and he will say it is almost
night. He might go home too, for a nice little meal. The guy in front of the
well will mention how the sword training from today was kind of rough. It is
for your benefit. A soldier will be blocking the way at the southern part of
town, so you can't exit the village. When you are finished exploring the
place, go to your house. Search the pot for a [Medical Herb]. Talk to your
father and he will order some food. Sit down and eat. He will say that you
have only known this village since you where young. However, the outer world
is huge, full of different kinds of people. Soon, you will grow and
eventually leave this small village. The mother will scold him for talking in
such a lonely tone. The mother believes the Hero will stay here, no matter
what happens. The father laughs and agrees. Now the real story begins. End
of Prologue.


11. Chapter 1 - The Warriors of the Royal Palace
Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Bautland Castle
- This is the land of Bautland, the story of soldiers of a small kingdom. A
soldier, named Ryan, was one of these soldiers. One morning, the King
assembled all the warriors into the castle. The minister then goes to call
the King. Ryan is the red soldier among the blue soldiers. The King has
called the soldiers because of the recent events. All of you must of heard of
the children that have mysteriously disappeared without a trace. This
morning, the King got sued by the mothers of Imuru Village. The mothers are
worried about the safety of their kids. Being the King, he can't leave this
matter alone. He wants all the soldiers here to investigate. After that, a
lady flies in from the right and asks Ryan to find her child. She feels if
you don't hurry, it could be too late.

- Now that you have control of Ryan, walk around and explore the castle.
There is a blue door which you cannot open just yet, so the six treasure boxes
you see will have to wait. A drawer here contains a [Medical Herb]. You can
find a book that is titled, "The History of Bautland" it reads, "The origins
of the name come from Batorea, a person who guarded this land long ago. It is
said that a shield from the Heavens was given to Batorea that would protect
from all kinds of attacks." This book gives hints about the Sky Shield, but
that is for later on in the game.

- Now walk out the castle. Explore Bautland Town. A barrel contains [3
Gold]. The house on the bottom right has [5 Gold], while another barrel has
a [Medical Herb]. Talk to a lady wandering in front of the house on the
bottom left corner of town. Her name is Flair. Her husband, Alex, went on a
trip and hasn't returned. She says, if you see Alex, let her know. Inside
Flair's house, there is a treasure box containing [Seed of Strength]. When
you are ready, go outside of town to fight some monsters. After walking
outside for a while, you may notice that the time is passing by. When it
turns to night, go inside to Bautland Town to see what has changed. On the
second floor of the protector shop, inside the drawer has a [Leather Shield].
Equip this immediately to give a defensive boost for Ryan. When Ryan reaches
Level 4 or so, you can safely move on. Just watch out for the Bubble Slime
enemy that appears at nighttime. They can poison you with their attacks, so
carry some Antidote Herbs just in case.

- Walk northwest of Bautland until you reach a large cave. Inside the cave,
walk up until you reach a pond. The soldier nearby says that he is heading
toward Imuru Village. That is your next objective also. Now head to the
depression on the bottom right. Open the treasure box for a [Medical Herb].
Go back to the pond, and go to the left. Move a little up, and open the box
for [40 Gold]. Go up, then take the stairs to exit the cave. Back on the
world map, you see a tower surrounded by a lake, but ignore it for now. Walk
to the northeast to reach Imuru Village.

Imuru Village
- Treasures: A barrel has [3 Gold]. Inside the well, right of the puddle
[25 Gold]. The inn's drawer has [Clothes][Medical Herb]. Once you are done
exploring, go to the stairs to the left of the church. Talk to the man behind
the jail door. The strange thing is that he talks like a little kid, saying
that he is sorry for stealing some bread. He calls himself Alex. On the left
side of town, there is a school. Search the drawers here to find a [Medical
Herb]. In the school, you can search the bookcases to find a diary of the
school leader. It says, "The kids won't listen to what I have to say. The
kids are sneaking out under their parent's eyes and they are just playing
outside the village." During nighttime, visit this village and enter the shed
beside the inn. Here, you can find a guy peeking into the bath area. Talk to
him, and he will deny what he is doing, but he will tell you that the guy in
the underground prison was someone he has seen somewhere before. It was in
the Castle Town of Bautland. He suggests that Ryan go back there. When you
are ready, walk back to Bautland via the large cave again.

- Inside the cave, you will see that the blue soldier is still lost. Once you
arrive at Bautland, go to Flair's house on the bottom left corner from the
default position. Find Flair and talk to her. She will be shocked that her
husband was involved in stealing and is now in jail. She begs of you to take
her to Alex. Now Flair will follow Ryan around, but she will sit out the
battles and let Ryan handle that part. Go back to Imuru Village by passing
through the cave once again. Once there, visit the basement jail. Flair will
call out to Alex, but he doesn't know who she is. She tries to explain, but
he still doesn't respond. So then Flair wonders if this will make him
remember. Puff-puff... Puff-puff... Magically, Alex's memory returns! (Ha
ha ha! Since when did blowing someone ever cure amnesia?) Apparently, he was
assaulted by some monsters, which made him a child as result of fearing death.
He will thank you for helping him. He will tell you something that he heard
from the little kids. To the southeast of this village, there was a secret
play spot of the kids inside the forest. He suspects there could be something
there and says you should check it out. Until this event happens, you cannot
enter that place, no matter how much you search the forest beforehand. Walk
to the area that Alex just mentioned and you will find your first real

Well on the Village Outskirts
- I was about Level 6 when I got here. When you get near the well, a voice
tells you to come closer. However, let's go to the stairs on the top left
corner. Downstairs, in the pots you can find stuff like [Seed of Quickness]
[Medical Herb] [15 Gold]. Rotate the camera to find a treasure box hiding in
the dead angle. Open it to get the [Nut of Life]. Go back up the stairs, and
enter the well. When you walk down and to the left, you will hear voices
calling out for you. If you go to the left, that leads to a pit leading to
the exit. Head downwards until you reach a pond, then go to the left and up
to find the stairs leading down. The voice will say that's the wrong way,
so just go down. At the intersection, head to the right. In the next room,
go right and around the path to find a treasure box. It contain's a [Medical
Herb]. Go back the way you came, and this time, go down at the intersection
point. Go down to the next floor. Now go right to reach the next room.
Follow the path and you will see a monster. Talk to it, and it will say it is
Hoimin, a Healer Slime that has dreams of becoming human. He will wonder if
becoming a human's friend will make that wish come true. He asks if he can
join the party. Say yes, and now you will get a great healer in your ranks.
This makes battles a little easier. Getting Hoimin to join is optional, but
worth it. Now go back the way you came. Go upwards this time, until you hit
a wall. Go to the right and into the next room. Follow the path until you
reach a treasure box. Get [580 Gold]. Go back once again to the wall, and
head left this time. Open the treasure box there for the [Sky Flying Shoes].
With this item, you can proceed to the next objective, which is conquering the
Lakeshore Tower. Work your way out of this place via the hole near the
beginning when you first entered the well. Go to Imuru Village to make some
preparations before advancing forward. Focus on buying some defensive
equipment, since there is a powerful weapon hidden inside the tower. The Iron
Armor for 1200 Gold is a good buy.

Lakeshore Tower
- About Level 9. When you are ready, use the Sky Flying Shoes as an item
while out on the field. You will warp to the top floor of the tower. Walk up
to see a child and a Great Eyeball monster. The monster is trying to get the
kid to move, but the child is frightened. After they leave, go down the
stairs. Now go up, then, left, and down to get a [Chimera's Wing]. Go back
to the stairs and go downwards, past the hanging armor. Head right past the
pillars. Talk to the soldier wandering nearby to find out that he happened
to find that old well by chance, and he has made it here. However, the
monsters here are frightening. He wished that he got Hoimin to join to make
the trip easier. When he sees that Ryan does have Hoimin, he feels envious.
Continue upwards to reach the stairs leading down. On the next floor, go up,
then take the stairs back up to reach a treasure box containing a [Seed of
Strength]. Go back down and look for a door leading to a room in the middle.
Enter from the right side to find [640 Gold]. Enter the room from the bottom
side to get a [Scale Shield]. Go down the stairs to the next floor. Here, go
up, open the door, then go left and open the treasure chest to get the [Wicked
Breaking Sword]. Use this great weapon in battle for the Gira spell effect.
This is the best weapon for this chapter.

- Go to the right side and get the [Seed of Luck] from the box. Now if you
want to escape the tower, climb back up one floor and jump off the opening at
the bottom of the screen. From the stairs, go down and take the downward
stairs. Step into the light to recover HP and MP. It has unlimited use, so
use this point to level up if you desire. Go back up the stairs and from
there, go left, down, then right until you reach the stairs. A boss battle is
coming soon. Near the stairs, a soldier is laying down on the floor. He says
he can't go any further. Somewhere in this world the "Emperor of Hell" is
rumored to have been revived, or is in the process of being revived. However,
the monsters know about the prophecy of the Hero being raised in order to
destroy that emperor. The monsters plan to find that Hero and bury the Hero
into darkness before the Hero grows up and gains any power. That is the
monster's plan. They kidnapped the little kids, thinking one of the kids
could be the legendary Hero! His last wish is for you to protect the kids.
Go down the stairs, and head to the right to reach a room with a strange
Circular Magic Formation. Go up to hear a kid call for help. Talk to the
Kuja Head at the alter. He will say that their only intention is in the kids,
since this kid could be the Hero. They have no interest in adults. Since
Ryan found out what's going on, the monsters won't let you live. Get in the
ring to fight!

- The boss is Pisaro's Finger along with a Great Eyeball monster. Have Ryan
-> Fight against the Eyeball. Never mind the spell cast by Pisaro's Finger.
When the Eyeball gets low on HP, it will turn red and start attacking with
Regretful Blows, so knock it down quick. Once it becomes the Finger alone,
just fight as Ryan. Hoimin will usually heal you with the Hoimi spell at the
right time. The Iron Shield will reduce the flame ball damage a little (5
points down), and Hoimin is resistant to the spells cast by Pisaro's Finger.
Sometimes Hoimin will die, but no matter. In that case, just use Medical
Herbs to keep Ryan alive. Winning shouldn't be too hard.

- After battle, the monster is shocked. However he predicts some other
monster will find the Hero and kill that Hero. He than says that you humans
will become a sacrifice for the Emperor. See you in Hell! Now the jail door
opens and the kid is set free. The kids will thank you and they will join the
party temporarily. The kid will say that if you jump off the top of the
tower, then you can escape this place. There are no more monsters, so take
your dandy time if you want.

- Go back to Imuru Village. The mothers will be happy to see that their
children are okay. Now all that's left to do is to return to Bautland Castle.
However, before doing so, you should change any remaining gold into items.
When you change chapters, any gold you had will be gone. Items, however, will
remain (not counting the rare items). When these characters join again in
Chapter 5, you can sell the excess items for extra gold then. When business
is finished here, go back to Bautland Castle. Go up to the King and he will
be pleased at what Ryan has done. He asks what you would like as a prize.
Ryan says a journey. The King will realize that Ryan wants to look for that
child that could become the Hero. The King will grant permission for Ryan to
leave on that journey. Plus the King will give Ryan 10,000 experience points.
This will give a boost to Ryan's level, since you won't meet up with him for
quite a long time. End of Chapter 1. Between Chapters, you have a chance to
save the game to the memory card. Do so if needed.


12. Chapter 2 - Adventures of the Tomboy Princess
Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Saintheim Castle
- Long ago, some place, some time, there was a Princess named Arena. It
seemed like she was a tomboy. That country's king worried everyday about the
Princess. One morning, the king called the Princess to the throne room. The
king tells her that he has heard about her plans to go out on a trip to test
her strength. The king will not allow that to happen. Especially with the
monsters wandering about in the outer world. Arena is forbidden to leave the
castle. Now you have control of Arena. Your next objective is to find a way
to escape the castle. Go to the stairs on the bottom left. Ignore the blue
door on the upper right, and go to Arena's room. Search the closet for a
[Medical Herb] and a [Feather Hat]. Equip this hat immediately, since it
gives an 8 point boost in defensive power. Talk to the sailor, and he will
tell the Princess that he is repairing the wall (probably because Arena
crushed the wall in her own room).

- Now, in order to trigger the next event, you must talk to everyone in the
castle at least once. Head down to talk to the elder woman. She says she was
the one who ordered the repair of the wall in Arena's room. She warns Arena
not to kick the wall again (The Princess is not going to follow that order).
Go back to the throne room, and talk to everyone you can find. Go downstairs
to find two soldiers blocking the entrance. Search the pots for a [Medical
Herb] and the closet for a [Holy Water]. Search the bookcase nearby to find a
book "Religious Faith and Prayer". Inside the pages, you find something
interesting: a Bromide of Arena! After you are done with talking with
everyone you can find, go back to your room. If you did talk with everyone,
then the repairs on the wall should be done. Search the wall, and the
message says it seems it would be easily broken down. The game asks if you
want to break it down. Say yes. Arena will back up, get a running start, and
kick down the fragile wall. Now fall down into the newly opened hole. Rotate
the camera to get a better view of the place. Go to the dead end on the
opposite side of the slime, and search the design on the floor to get [50
Gold]. Jump off the edge nearby the cat. Walk out the castle. After you
take about 3 steps, Klift and Burai will stop you. They won't allow the
Princess to go out alone. They will join the party. Use the nearby town of
Salan as a base of operations.

Town of Salan
- Items: [Seed of Quickness]. Fight some enemies outside to gain some
experience and gold. Try to buy the Holy Knife for Arena for 200 gold.
That's a big 14 point boost in Attack Power. The rest of the gold can be used
to buy some protectors for Klift and Burai. In this town, there is a red door
blocking the way in the room to the right of the church. There is nothing
you can do about this place for now, but remember this place for later.

Village of Tenpe
- About Level 6. When you are ready, head north from Salan, then east across
the hills. Soon you will reach the Village of Tenpe. It seems that this
village is under control of monsters. Items: [Antidote Herb], [Leather Hat],
[Seed of Quickness]. It looks as though the village elder's daughter, Nina,
is going to be offered as a sacrifice. As you search the houses, you can find
a book that's titled, "Travel to the World's Mysteries" It reads, "There are
many amazing things that await in the world. A huge statue of the gods, a
giant tree that pierces the heavens. A country that is surrounded by rocky
mountains, and some towns that are not on the map. If you want to believe it
for yourself, look with your own eyes. Go out on a travel. The world is
waiting for you."

- Go and search the well in the middle of town. Inside, search the ground on
the left side to find [#01 Small Medal]. You can get this medal in Chapter 5,
but if you do, a Well Inviter monster will guard the place. Now go to the
house just above the graves. Talk to the village leader. He says he must
give his daughter, Nina, to the monsters in order to spare the village. Are
you here to exterminate the monsters? Say yes if you are ready for a boss
battle. At first he thinks you don't look fit to do the job, but he changes
his mind and hires you. He tells you to see the priest. Now go to the church
at the north end of town. Talk to the priest. He knows about the plans of
exterminating the monsters. However, the monsters won't show themselves
unless the village offers a sacrifice. Are you saying you want to be a
substitute for the sacrifice? Say yes. He will place you inside the
sacrificial basket, if you are ready. Say yes once more. Walk down and you
will automatically enter the basket. The villagers will bring the basket to
the area north of town. As night falls, a strange mist surrounds the place.
Now a boss battle begins.

- Fight the Chameleon Man and Rampaging Lion Dog x 2. First focus on getting
rid of the Lion Dogs. Have Arena -> Fight, Klift -> Use Holy Water, Burai
-> Hyado. Now continue attacking as Arena, and have Klift -> Sukara for
defense, and Burai -> Rukani on Chameleon Man to reduce the enemy's defense.
Once it is down to the Chameleon Man alone, have Arena -> Fight, Klift ->
Sukara on everyone, Burai -> Hyado. Repeat until you win. You should get a
Nut of Life as a dropped treasure. Afterwards, the village people will hear
about Arena's deeds. Then night falls. The next day, the village is more
cheerful than before. Plus the item shop is now open for business. The
Crossbow for 350 gold is a good buy for all, if you can afford it.

Town of Freynoll
- When you're ready, exit the village through the north end. Walk towards
the east until you reach the Town of Freynoll. Items: [Antidote Herb], [10
Gold], [Nut of Life] - to get this one, you must save the game at the church.
Say no when the priest asks if you want to continue playing. Reset, and start
the game. The priest will be behind the counter, so now you can pass into the
area he was blocking. Search the garden for the Nut of Life. Inside this
town, everyone is excited about the arrival of the Princess of Saintheim.
However, it is not Arena they are talking about. Apparently, the so called
princess is inside the inn. Let's make a visit there. Go to the second
floor, and just around the corner, you will see four people standing around,
with one laying on the floor. When Arena approaches near, she will see a
princess calling out for help. When you get closer, you see a cloaked figure
behind the princess. If you get real close, the rowdy person will warn you
not to come any closer, or else the life of the princess will terminate. The
guy goes on to say what a shock for a princess to be in this kind of inn. He
tells his comrades to get going. Search the hangers for a piece of [Clothes].
Exit the door that the kidnappers went out of. Exit town. Once this happens,
now you can use the inn. Use this point to gather up some experience and
gold. Watch out for the Mera (fireball spell) Ghost enemy. This monster can
divide itself into tow if attacked with weapons. Use Burai's Hyadaruko spell
to clean them up if you are having trouble. The next objective is to head to
the Cave South of Freynoll, where a great treasure awaits.

Cave South of Freynoll
- I was about Level 9 when I went in. Once inside the cave, take the first
path down to find a chest. It contains a [Chimera's Wing]. Go back up and to
the left. Head upwards to a treasure box. Get [360 Gold]. Go back down and
get the treasure in the middle of the four pillars. This box contains the
[Seed of Quickness]. Take the top path that is above this chest and go down
the slope. Continue to the left, then up two slopes. Soon you will reach the
stairs down to the next level. This next part has some tough enemies, so it
would help to have some extra Medical Herbs for healing. Go down and take the
right path. Take a left at the four pillar intersection. Open the box for
a [Magic Holy Water]. Go back the way you came and head downward. Take the
bottom slope to the left. Search the treasure box to get the key item, the
[Golden Bracelet]. Now make your way back out of the cave, or use Burai's
Riremito spell for a quick escape. Go back to the town of Freynoll.

- Back at town, talk to the little boy near the water fountain. He says his
dog had a letter in it's mouth. He reads it to you. It reads, "If you want
your dear princess back, tomorrow night, come to the village graveyard. Bring
the village's treasure, the Golden Bracelet." So now go outside and wander
about until nighttime comes, then go back inside town. Now go to the
graveyard in the western part of town. You should see the kidnappers here.
Approach close, then an event will begin. The guy will say, bring the
promised article over here. Say yes, and Arena will throw the Golden Bracelet
over to the cloaked man. They hand the princess back and leave. She will
thank you, but say it was rough acting as a princess. People were nice to
her, but this time, she pushed her luck a little too far. Then May's comrades
(named Walift and Purai - funny pun) come to get her. May will give you the
[Thief's Key]. May already knows Arena is the real princess. As for the
strange people, it seems like they will take that Golden Bracelet and sell it
to the monsters.

- After May leaves, the party takes a rest. With the Thief's Key, now you can
open the blue colored doors. First off though, visit Freynoll's Weapon Shop.
It will open up once May leaves town. Get the Iron Spear for Klift for 880
gold. Go back to Saintheim Castle and enter the King's Room. Since you have
the Thief's Key, you can pass through. Search the hangers for [30 Gold].
Drop off the cliff in Arena's room. Drop off the roof and enter the room
locked by the blue door. Search the pot for a [Nut of Enchantment], and the
hanger for a [Chimera's Wing]. Remember this place for later on. Go back to
Freynoll, then head south past the cave. While coming here, stop by Tenpe
and search the area behind the grave for a [Nut of Life]. Continue until you
see a small shrine. This is the Saintheim Checkpoint. Although you can't
pass through yet, remember this place, as soon you will be able to use this
place. From the shrine, go west across the desert to find a tent. Enter here
find the Desert Bazaar.

Desert Bazaar
- Item: [Horse Feces], [Medical Herb], [Seed of Strength]. This place is open
only during this chapter, so don't miss out on anything. When Arena goes near
the tent in the top left corner, a soldier will spot you. He tells the
Princess to hurry and return to the Castle. Something has happened to the
King. Return to Saintheim Castle by whatever means, and visit the King. Try
talking to the king. It looks like he is trying to say something, but he is
speechless. Talk to the minister, and he says he is trying to keep this a
secret from the other people in the castle. Then he says the old man Gon may
know something. This Gon is living in the back garden room. Go to Arena's
room, and jump off the cliff. Drop off the roof near the cat and enter the
blue door room. Talk to Gon, and he will know of the situation that the king
lost his voice. It's the end of this country! Sorry for being over dramatic.
Then Gon says he has heard of the poet named Maroni. A while ago, this poet
had a sore throat. Now he has the most beautiful voice in all the land. He
may know something.

- This Maroni is the poet that lives in Salan Town. So now you know where to
go next. He is on the second floor of the church. Talk to Maroni. Arena
will ask how he has such a beautiful voice. Maroni says it is because of the
Chirping Nectar, which is a medicine of the Elves. He says, one time, he
found this nectar in the item shop of the Desert Bazaar. So now you know
where to go next. Back at the Bazaar, in the large tent, get a [Seed of
Quickness]. I mainly use this kinds of seeds on Arena, since toward the end
of this chapter, she has to fight alone. When you look around the Bazaar,
there is no sign of this special nectar. Talk to a old lady here and she will
say that the shop used to have the item in question. Right now it is possible
to get some of this if you visit the tower to the west. However, the
difference now is that the tower has become a monster's nest, so it's best not
to go near. You should know what to do now. Make all your preparations as
necessary, then continue to the west of the Bazaar to find the Chirping Tower.
Note that you must talk to the people listed above, otherwise the nectar won't
appear inside the tower.

Chirping Tower
- About Level 12. If you have Burai's Hyadaruko spell, it makes the battles
here easier. Since there is no boss here, don't worry too much about MP.
Near the entrance, there is a prisoner who says he can't get inside since
there is a locked door. He has heard that Elves came down to this tower.
What is he going to do when finds that Elf? He won't say. The door on the
right leads to an underground inn. Use it if you need to. Now open the large
blue on the left side. Take the stairs up to the next floor. Go down, and
take the open doorway on the left side. Go up to the stairs. Continue up and
to the left to find two treasure boxes. The one on the left contains a [Seed
of Strength], the one on the right has [1200 Gold]. Go back down the stairs
and back to the starting point of that floor. This time go right then down
past the statue of benevolence. Take the left hand corridor and follow it
until you reach an upside down T section. Go left from there, then down and
right to reach the stairs to the next room.

- On this floor and above, watch out for a group of four Dragon Butterflies.
This is where Burai's Hyadaruko spell comes in handy. If you don't have that
spell, then tough it out. Go upwards and go under the open door to the right.
Continue until you see a chest. Get a [Chimera's Wing]. Go back down to the
beginning of the floor. Now go left until you see a room with a large pit in
the middle. Carefully walk along the edge in a clockwise motion. If you fall
off, you will have to make your way back up here. On the next floor go to the
left, then down to reach the path to the top floor. Here you will see two
Elves around a flower bed. When Arena approaches close, the Elves get scared
since you are humans. Reese! Let's return! Reese says, yes sister. Reese
drops some medicine but the other elf says forget about it, let's hurry and
escape. The two fly off. Go up to the sparkling yellow patch. Search it to
get the [Chirping Nectar]. Now use the Ru-ra spell or a Chimera's Wing to
escape the tower. Since this is the top floor, there is no worry of bumping
your head on the ceiling.

- Go back to Saintheim Castle and visit the king. Stand in front of the King
and use the Chirping Nectar as an item. Now the king will regain his voice.
He says he saw a dreadful dream. A giant monster that will revive from the
depths of Hell. A monster that will destroy all. At first, the king tried
to keep this to himself. However, he has seen this same dream numerous times,
so it makes him uneasy. He tried to tell the minister about this dream, and
at that moment, his voice disappeared. The king wonders what is going on.
He tells Arena that she is free to travel the world along with Klift and
Burai. Now the next objective is to travel to the land of Endoll. You can
exit out the "proper" way through front door from now on. Go to the Town of
Freynoll. Head south past the cave. Enter the shrine you see. Now you can
pass through since you have the King's approval. Take the travel door (which
looks like a blue swirling cloud) and it will take you to the Endoll
Checkpoint. Exit the shrine, then walk south to reach the Castle Town of

Endoll Castle
- Items: [5 Gold], [Antidote Herb], [Silk Robe], [40 Gold], [Seed of Luck],
[16 Gold]. There is a casino in the basement of inn. Play there if you want.
When you're done exploring town, head north to the castle. The main
attraction is the Endoll Martial Arts Tournament. First go visit the king of
this castle. Without his permission, Arena cannot enter the tournament. The
king wants Arena to win the tournament. If a woman were to win, she would be
free. Apparently, there is someone named Death Pisaro that is making some
noise around here. This Death Pisaro is the favorite to win the whole
tournament. Items: [3 Gold], [Holy Water]. Treasure box [Nut of Life]. Take
the side path on the outside of the castle. Follow the hallway and down the
stairs. Go upwards to find the entrance to the coliseum. Talk to the soldier
on the left. He will let you pass. Go up to the item shop and buy the Iron
Claw for Arena and some Medical Herbs. If you are not ready to enter the
tournament, exit through the door at the north end. If you are ready (about
Level 14), then take the stairs upward.

- The Martial Arts Tournament. Here, Arena will have to face 5 opponents in
a row. There is a chance to use a Medical Herb in between rounds. Only Death
Pisaro has passed through and defeated 5 opponents, so Arena may face him in
the finals. The first opponent is Mister Han. In this battle just have Arena
-> Fight. No problem. You have a choice of whether or not to use a Medical
Herb. It's up to you. The second opponent is Ragos. He will shoot a
Crossbow. Have Arena -> Fight. He will go down in 5 turns or so. Ragos
drops a Medical Herb. The third opponent will be Vivian. Although she looks
like a bunny girl, she is really a guy (you will find that out if you invite
her to the immigrant town in the fifth chapter). Vivian uses the Hyado spell,
so have Arena -> Defend until Vivian runs out of MP. Then have Arena attack.
Sometimes Vivian throws in the Gira spell. Once she's out of MP, she is
vulnerable. Go in for the kill. Vivian also drops a Medical Herb. Recover
HP if needed, then get ready for the next battle.

- The fourth opponent is Simon. He has high defense, so this battle may take
some turns. Have Arena -> Fight, then use Medical Herbs in battle if needed.
Simon drops a Medical Herb also. The fifth opponent is the Tongue Licker Man.
This enemy splits into four images at the beginning of battle. Arena will
have to pick the one she thinks is the real one. If she is right, the Tongue
Licker Man will take damage. If not, then he takes no damage, and splits
again, with a chance to change positions. On the first turn, I usually pick
the second one from the right. That seems to have a good chance of hitting.
After that, make your best guess as to which one is the real one. After
victory, you have a choice to use a Herb, but there is no need to do that.

- Now it's the finals, against Death Pisaro begins. However, nobody shows
up. The guards go looking for him, but they can't find him. Since he is not
here, Arena will win the tournament. Apparently, Pisaro had more important
things to attend to. Now Arena will want to go home to Saintheim Castle to
report the news to the king. Before going, spend all of your money on
something like Casino Coins, since this chapter is almost over. When you exit
Endoll Castle, a soldier will come out and say to return to Saintheim as quick
as possible. The soldier then perishes at the spot. When you are ready,
return to Saintheim. You will find that no one is here. Go to Arena's room
and jump off the cliff. There is just one lone cat wandering about. Exit the
castle to finish the chapter. What dream did the King of Saintheim see?
Where did Death Pisaro go off to? Where did the citizens of Saintheim go? To
solve this puzzle, Arena sets off on another journey. End of Chapter 2.


13. Chapter 3 - Toruneko, the Weapons Dealer
Chapter 3 Walkthrough

Lakenaba Town
- Far north of the Town of Endoll, there is a small village named Lakenaba.
A man named Toruneko lived here. Right now, he is being employed by other
people, but Toruneko is saving up some money in order to become the world's
best weapons dealer. That was his dream. The scene begins with Nene telling
Toruneko to wake up. If he doesn't hurry, he could get scolded for being
late. After he gets up, Nene will hand him some boxed lunch. She tells him
not to stray, and go straight to the west. Search the hangers for a [Leather
Hat]. Explore outside the house to find an [Antidote Herb]. Talk to the
old man sitting above the item shop. Tom will say Toruneko came at the right
time, and that he has a favor. Because of Tom's age, he has trouble walking
to the church. Can you push me to the church? Say yes, then move Toruneko
behind the man and start pushing. The church is to the left. After
successfully pushing Tom to the church, he will give you about 10 gold. You
can repeat this for money if desired, but there is a better way to gather

- Search the backside of the weapon shop to find a door. Enter and go to the
second floor. Look inside a drawer to find a [Leather Shield]. Inside the
inn, Toruneko finds a book titled, "A True and Dreadful Story". It reads,
"One Traveling Merchant was in the middle of doing business. He lost his way
during the night, and wandered into a forest. He came across an unknown
village. All the people there seemed nice enough. They even offered a
stranger like him to stay the night. The troubled merchant took this offer
happily and stayed the night. Then the next morning, when he woke up, there
was nothing but a barren wasteland. The village disappeared without a trace."
Remember this story, as it will come into play soon.

- Now go to the little shop on the southwest corner of town. The boss of the
shop will be waiting for you. He brings Toruneko inside. Here's where
Toruneko gets to be a merchant, buying and selling weapons to customers. The
boss will pay once the day is over. He will wait downstairs. Now some random
customers will visit. They will ask if this is a Weapon Shop. Say yes. Show
me what you're selling. Say yes. The customer will buy something, if they
have enough gold. Some customers will sell stuff. In this case, buy the
item from them. If it is a new weapon, it will get added to the list to be
sold only once. However, if Toruneko buys that weapon for himself, the item
will still be there. The item to look for is the Wicked Breaking Sword. If
you can get it from a customer, don't sell it to anyone else. Try to gather
over 3500 gold so you can buy it yourself. During this selling phase, if the
total sales reach 1000 gold, then the day is over. Toruneko will get 1/10 of
the sales as pay, so it's usually about 100 gold.

- Now it is nighttime. Go back to your house. Search the pots nearby for
a [Medical Herb]. You can see Poporoy (Toruneko's son) mumbling in his sleep.
You can also see Poporo's drawings of cute animals inside the bookcase. Talk
to Nene and Toruneko will go to sleep after a long day. The next day Nene
will give Toruneko a fresh boxed lunch. However, if you still have the old
one from the other day, she will replace it with a new one. Now go back to
the shop to begin the buying and selling process again. Search the boss' room
to find a [Seed of Strength]. In order to make 3500 gold, it is better to go
out and fight monsters. This is a special chapter, in which even weak
monsters can drop Iron Armors and Steel Swords. By selling this excess
equipment, you can get 3500 gold real quick. However, right now Toruneko is
weak. Try to buy a Holy Knife for 200 gold as a starting weapon. Now go out
and fight enemies around town. Sometimes you may run into a traveling inn or
such instead of monsters. Use these services if you need it.

- Once you have the Wicked Breaking Sword, you will be close to invincible
in this chapter. After that, you can head to the Cave North of Lakenaba to
get the Iron Vault, but for this walkthrough, I will save that for the fifth
chapter. If you wait until then to get it, then the Iron Vault will lose it's
properties, so it is just for item collection (that item will disappear after
chapter three if you take it right now). Head south of Lakenaba to find a
village in the woods. This is the Fox Prairie. Once inside, take the path
leading north. Item: [Horse Feces], [Medical Herb], [Men's Underwear]. In
this village, the merchant sells herbs for 8 gold and Steel Swords for 10
gold. Sounds like a deal, but when you buy it, this steel sword is really
a Cypress Stick, so don't be fooled. By talking to the people around here,
you hear some rumor of a fox that is masquerading as a human somewhere near
here. In one house, you see a traveling architect, Don Garde. It looks like
he has married and is living here. One merchant here is puzzled that the last
time he came here, this village wasn't here. Talk to the leader of the
village and he will ask if you are lost. Say yes, and he will ask if you
will like to rest. Say yes again and take a nap. When Toruneko wakes up,
the village is gone. Just a barren rough land as the surrounding background.
This is what that book was talking about. Leave the village and continue
south. Soon you will reach the Castle of Bonmole.

Bonmole Castle
- Since the bridge nearby is broken, just enter the castle. Buy a Chimera
Wing from the item shop if you don't have one yet. Items: [Leather Shield],
[70 Gold]. Enter the castle and talk to the guy on the bottom left corner.
He says since they have a shortage in protectors, he will buy any defensive
equipment you have. He can buy protectors for more than double the price it
normally sells for. Use this place extensively to gather more gold. Talk to
the King, and he will be impatient at the fact that Don Garde hasn't shown up.
That architect was supposed to repair the bridge. Without him, the King can't
setup an assault on Endoll, the country nearby. Now the next task for
Toruneko to do is to find this Don Garde. Go to the basement jail behind the
throne room. Be careful of the two guards that are patrolling the area. If
they spot Toruneko, he will be kicked out. Try not to get spotted and go
quickly to the jail on the far right. Talk to the prisoner through the jail
bars. He will recognize Toruneko. He is the son of Tom. He promises not to
do anything bad from now on. He asks Toruneko to buy a Chimera's Wing. Give
it to me! Say yes, and he will give you a reward if you come back to Lakenaba

- Now make your way back to that town. Before leaving, talk to Prince Rick,
who is sitting to the left of the throne room. He says he has a request for
you. Visit the weapon shop area at night. While waiting for that, check the
Protector Shop to find a [Nut of Life]. Walk around until it is night. Find
Prince Rick inside the castle. He is near the church, above the Weapon Shop.
Talk to Rick, and he says he wants you to visit Endoll Castle as soon as the
bridge is fixed. Hand this letter to the Princess of Endoll. Receive the
[Letter of the Prince].

- Visit Tom in Lakenaba Town. Go to the jail cell in the upper right corner
of town. Talk to Tom's son, and he will give you the dog named Thomas. This
dog is useful for Fox Hunting. There is a rumor of a fox hiding in the small
village to the south. Go to the Fox Prairie. When Toruneko arrives at the
village, Thomas will run off. It looks like he has sniffed out the fox. Go
to the house in the north part of the village. Talk to the leader of the
village, and he will say he is weak against dogs. Then the concentration
begins to break. The village leader was really a fox in disguise. The fox
gives up. He begs for you to let him go. Say yes. He gives Toruneko a
Steel Armor. Then a guy named Don Garde comes up from behind. He wonders
what happened. When he came to, the village was gone. Then he remembers what
he was supposed to do. Don rushes to Bonmole Town. Follow him and talk to
the King of Bonmole. He says Don Garde has finished repairing the bridge.
Walk south across the new bridge. Soon a castle comes into view.

Endoll Castle
- This place looks familiar from the second chapter. Go talk to the king of
this country. He asks if you would like to have permission to release a shop
here in Endoll. Say yes, and he says he will consider it. Now go in front
of Monica Princess and use the Letter from the Prince as an item. The letter
says, "To my love, the Princess of Endoll, Monica. I have talked to my father
about you. The days are passing by quickly. A dreadful thing is happening.
My father is planning to attack your country, Endoll. Before that happens,
I want to do something about it. Let your father know about this."
Afterwards, the King of Endoll will give you a letter addressed to the King
of Bonmole. Receive the [Letter of the King]. Make your way back to Bonmole
Castle. Take this letter and use it as an item in front of the king. This
letter reads, "My friend, the King of Bonmole. It is sudden, but please hear
what I have to say. It seems my daughter Monica is seeing your son, Rick.
I won't say now at this moment, but I want them to get married. From the King
of Endoll." The King of Bonmole says if that happens, then his son Rick will
become the next king of Endoll. That way, Bonmole wouldn't have to attack
Endoll, and he can still have Endoll in his grasp. The next task for Toruneko
is to buy his own shop in Endoll Town.

Endoll Town
- In this town, there is a shop for sale. It is located in the bottom left
corner of town, just before the church. Talk to the old man on the second
floor. He says that the shop below is not closed, but it is really for sale.
He wants to take the money and live in peace. However, he needs permission
from the King to sell it, and he needs someone willing to buy it. Neither
have come true yet. Go talk to the King of Endoll. He will already know
about Bonmole's situation. Now the king will allow Toruneko to have his own
shop. Go back to the old man selling the shop. His asking price is 35,000
Gold. The next task is for Toruneko to gather this much gold. In the upper
right corner of town, there is a mansion. A man here will buy the Silver
Goddess Statue for 25,000 Gold. However, in this walkthrough, I'll gather
35,000 Gold the hard way, since I want to save that item and others for
Chapter 5. Use Bonmole's Protector buyer to gather up gold. This will take
a while, but if the monster drop lots of Iron Armors, then it won't be that

- In front of the church, there is a soldier that you can hire. A guy named
Scott will temporary join the party for 5 days if you will give him 400 gold.
On the second floor of the inn, a bard named Laurence will join the party
temporarily for 5 days for 600 gold. Use them if you want, but I didn't need
their help this time around. Also, the casino is not yet open, but you can
find Ryan here from Chapter 1. Ryan says the person he is looking for may
have participated in the Martial Arts Tournament. However that tournament is
already over and this casino is temporarily shut down.

- Once you have enough money, pay the 35,000 gold to the old man to buy your
own shop. Once this happens, Toruneko brings his family over to the newly
bought shop. Nene is happy, like a dream coming true. Now with Nene able to
buy articles, you can make some money real fast. Buy some more Wicked
Braking Swords from the Lakenaba Shop (3500 gold a piece). Take these swords,
and sell them to Nene (she only operates at daytime). She will sell that
sword for over 5250 gold. Now go behind the counter and talk to Nene.
Toruneko will rest. Talk to Nene, then she will give you the sales from
yesterday. Now repeat this until you are rich. Laugh all the way to the
bank. When you are done with that, go talk to the King of Endoll. He will
congratulate Toruneko for getting his own shop. Now he will ask of you for
something. The castle's soldiers are gathering weapons and protectors. There
are some people downstairs that are taking orders. He wants 6 Steel Swords
and 6 Iron Armors. For more information, talk to the soldier leader
downstairs. Go downstairs and go to the room on the upper right of the
stairs. The soldier leader will ask if you brought the goods. If you have
the required goods, say yes and Toruneko will automatically hand over the
goods. The soldier will say how many left until completion. In the original
Famicom version, Toruneko had to get 7 of both the Steel Sword and Iron Armor.
The reason for gathering this many equipment is for getting 60,000 gold. That
is the price needed to complete the tunnel east of Endoll. Go there to find
an old man. He has dreams of getting a ship so he can gather the world's
treasures. However he is out of money and his age is getting to him. If he
had 60,000 gold, construction can resume. How about it? Will you make my
dream come true? If you have enough money, say yes.

- If you don't have enough, then gather the necessary amount either by
yourself, or by gathering the 6 Steel Swords and 6 Iron Armors and giving it
to the soldier leader in Endoll. The soldier will give you 60,000 gold after
that is accomplished. Since monsters have a good chance of dropping these
items, it shouldn't take that long. Once you get enough money, go to the cave
east of Endoll. Give the man the money, then go back to Endoll. Spend a few
days and nights fighting some monsters. Go back to your house and talk to
Nene from the back of the counter. She says the casino just opened. Visit
the Casino, then go back and talk to Nene. She says the cave just opened.
She asks if Toruneko wants to continue the journey. Say yes, and she will let
you go on. Before going on, buy at least 10 Wicked Breaking Swords from the
Lakenaba Weapon Shop. This is to bring into chapter 5. Now spend the rest
of your gold on casino coins. The coins are 200 gold for 1 coin. When you
are ready, enter the cave east of Endoll. Walk through the completed cave to
end the chapter. Toruneko continues the journey to find the legendary weapon.
His dream is to get every weapon and make the best weapon shop in the world.
End of Chapter 3.


14. Chapter 4 - Sisters of Monbarbara
Chapter 4 Walkthrough

- The story that is about to begin. It is a story of a pair of beautiful
sisters that are on a journey to find their father's killer. The older sister
Manya is a dancer. The younger sister Minea is a Fortune Teller. The story
begins in Monbarbara, the town of singing and dancing. Now you see Manya
performing her dance in front of the crowd. After she is done, she makes her
way backstage. Minea asks if Manya saw what they were looking for. Manya
says no, today there wasn't any good men out there. Minea says, wrong! We're
talking about Balzack, the very same Balzack who killed their father. Manya
corrects herself and says too bad Balzack wasn't in the crowd. Then the
Chairman interrupts them and tells them not to get so down. If they continued
their journey, they would eventually find what they were looking for. He
hands over 100 Gold. He says he won't stop them from avenging the killer of
their father. The chairman tells the sisters to rest and depart in the

- The next morning, Minea wakes up Manya. Now walk around and explore the
place. Item: [Medical Herb], [Traveler's Clothes], [20 Gold], [Leather Hat],
[5 Gold]. Now go to the stage area where the customers sat and watched the
dance. Search the top row pillars, between the 1st and 2nd pillars from the
left to discover [80 Gold]. Search near the chairman to get a [Seed of
Strength] and a [Silk Robe]. Now go to the weapon and protector shop to sell
some of the goods you just found. Sell the Traveler's Clothes, Silk Robe,
and the Dancer's Clothes (Manya's starting equipment). You should have 639
Gold right now. Buy a Leather Dress, and Crossbow for Manya. This should
make the beginning battles easier. Go outside and fight some monsters. When
you get to battle, notice that the music is different than the normal battle
music. It has a more gypsy flavor than the usual tune.

- When it is nighttime, visit Monbarbara again. Search around town. It has
changed dramatically compared to the daytime. Visit the inn and now you can
enter the room with the well (The priest blocked the way in the daytime).
Talk to the bunny girl, and she (her name is Linda) says to please let her go.
She doesn't want to go to the castle. Linda has heard rumors about Kingleo
Castle, and the revolution that has occurred there. The King was murdered
because of that. Now the new King of Kingleo Castle has begun terrible
experiments using alchemy. Visit the Bar on the left side of town. It is
open only at night. On the second floor, search the hangers for an [Antidote
Herb]. In the middle room, talk to the dancer and she will say that this room
is the "Puff-puff Room", but keep it a secret! (You can visit here in Chapter
5 if you bring one male character at night and get some puff-puff action).
Yeah! When you are done with this little bit of excitement, exit town and
head north to reach a secluded village.

Village of Ko-miz
- This is the home of the sisters. As a result, they can use the inn for
free. Talking to the people, it seems like the name Edgan keeps coming up.
That is the name of Minea and Manya's father. Items: [Leather Shield]. Even
though Edgan is gone, the dog in this town still remembers the sisters. The
dog is named Pester. Visit the Alchemist Edgan's house. Pick up a [Nut of
Enchantment] and [35 Gold]. Go to the back of the house and search in front
of Edgan's grave to pick up a [Nut of Life]. When you reach about Level 6,
then you are ready to explore the Cave to the West.

Cave West of Ko-miz
- At the entrance, it is a one path road, so follow it. Talk to the merchant
here. He will wonder if you're here looking for the Jewel of Silence. He
says to give up on that. He came here from Monbarbara; however he can't find
the stairs downward. Note: Make sure to meet the Stone Puppet and Familiar
Spirit monsters here. This is the only time to meet them, so don't miss them
if you're looking to complete the Monster Notebook. These two monsters won't
appear in Chapter 5!

- Walk left past the merchant. Go upward at the lake area. Open the box for
a [Chimera's Wing]. Go a little down, then take the right hand path.
Continue until you see a strange device. This is the elevator. Step on the
symbol to go down to the next floor. On this floor, go down, then left. Take
the bottom left path and follow it to reach a treasure box. Pick up [240
Gold]. Go back and take the upper path and take the elevator down to the next
floor. Go to the right, then down around the huge underground lake. Take the
bridge across to the left and talk to the guy that is standing there. You
find out it is Orin, who is another student of Edgan's. He will find out the
purpose of the sister's travels. He is looking for Edgan's killer also. Orin
was waiting here in order to heal his wounds. The rumor that has spread
around was that Balzack sold his soul to the devil in order to gain tremendous
power. However, if the Jewel of Silence were to be used, it can seal
Balzack's powers. Orin will join the party. This makes the battles easier.
The next task is to look for this Jewel of Silence. That item is rests in
this very cave, but it is off on another path. That item is not necessary to
clear this chapter, but it does make things easier. Open the treasure box
nearby to get the [Lamp of Darkness]. Use this to change day to night as many
times as you want.

- Now go back the way you came. After taking the elevator up, go to the room
with the small lake. Take the bottom right path. Take the little path off to
the right to pick up a [Nut of Life]. Continue downward to reach another
elevator. Take this down to the next floor. Continue walking to the right to
find yet another elevator. You will be on the same floor where you find Orin,
but in a different sector. Walk to the left to find a treasure box on a
pedestal. Open it to find the [Jewel of Silence]. Use this item in battle
for the Mahoto-n spell effect. It can seal monster's magic, and it can be
used as many times as you want. However, this item disappears when you get to
Chapter 5. It is possible to ignore picking this item up until Chapter 5, but
this makes the battle against Balzack much more difficult, since he uses the
Behoma spell to heal himself. It's much easier if you take this item right
now. After that, make your way out of the cave. If you can, come back here
after recovering HP and MP to gain some levels. When you reach about Level
11, you can visit the area east of Ko-miz.

Havalia Area
- Head to the northwest to reach Kingleo Castle. There are several red doors
here that Orin can force open. Items: [200 Gold], [Dancer's Clothes]. As
you look around, you may notice something strange. The King's Throne Room is
nowhere to be found. According to the information gathered from the people
here, the new king is extremely cautious. There are rumors of a secret throne
room somewhere in this castle. Also it looks as though only the Minister
knows the whereabouts of the king's room. However, all the minister does is
tell you to get out, or be thrown in jail. Continue to gather information
here and you will find out that the Minister is really a coward. If some
loud noise were to echo near the Minister's room, he would get scared and run
off to tell the king. At this point, there is nothing you can do, so leave
the castle and head north to reach the town of Havalia.

Havalia Town
- Use this place to prepare for the upcoming dungeon by buying some of the
equipment here. Items: [Medical Herb], [15 Gold]. This town has a ship
leaving to Endoll Town. With no ticket however, the sisters can't board just
yet. In the basement jail, a prisoner claims he did no wrong. All he did
was explode some gunpowder beside the Minister's Room in Kingleo Castle. If
you are wondering where to get this gunpowder, he says long ago, he was at the
Mines of Attemuto. That's where he got his hands on that stuff. By now, you
should know what the next objective is. Head west of Havalia Town. You
should reach a small shrine. This is the Promontory Inform Place. This
mysterious place has an alter with one big flame surrounded by seven smaller
flames. This is really showing the Hero and the seven guided ones from the
other chapters. Talk to the nun farther inside to learn this holy place is
where the gods come to inform. The fortune teller Minea can already see it,
the person they are looking to avenge is being protected by a huge force of
darkness. However, it is not time to panic. The sisters are protected by a
force of light. Right now there is a slender, small light, but piece by
piece, the light will be guided into a larger power. When they are lost in a
path of despair, for sure that is the time when the true journey begins. Once
you are done with business here, continue west to reach the Mining town.

Town of Attemuto
- About Level 14. Having Manya's Begirama spell helps tremendously around
here. This town was once a prospering mining town. Now it is a place unfit
to live. From the depths of the mine, some strange gas has emitted. People
have been falling over left and right. Monsters have accompanied this poison
gas as well. An old man laying in a bed says that he is a gunpowder making
master, but Kingleo Castle has forbidden the making of that powder. If you
want some of that powder, there may be some left inside the mine. He says
you're free to take it. Items: [Medical Herb], [Leather Helmet], [Holy
Water.] After that, go to the building on the upper right. Go through it to
reach the entrance to the mine. On the upper left area, you can search the
corpse to find a letter that is gripped in the hands. "Father, you've
returned quickly. My younger brother Pippen is also lonely. This time we
will meet you together." This refers to Luna and Pippen, who you can find
in Havalia Town at night, inside the inn.

- Now enter the mine of Attemuto. The monsters here have gotten stronger.
Go up, and at the T intersection, go right. Search the pot nearby to find an
[Nut of Enchantment]. Continue to go up, then to the right. Go up, then
take a right at the next intersection. Take a left to find a treasure box.
Open it to get the [Silver Tarrot]. This is for Minea use. Go to the right
to find the stairs down to the next floor. Once there, go up, then take a
left to reach an area with four graves. The guy nearby says a lot of his
friends have perished. He is thinking about leaving this town... cough...
cough... Search the second grave from the right to find a [Nut of Life].
Against the enemies here, use Minea's Rariho- spell to put them to sleep.
This makes the battles easier. Go back to the intersection and go a little
right, then up. At the next intersection, go left to find some barrels.
Search them for [50 Gold]. Go back to the right to find the stairs down. In
this room, you see two people digging the wall. One of them says if you want
some gunpowder, then open the nearby treasure chest. It looks like the only
use for that pot is to make a loud bang, for a flashy effect. The other
hobbit guy says he will continue to dig even if there are monsters coming out.
He will dig until money comes out. Now take the chest nearby for the
[Gunpowder Jar]. With this item, you are ready to move on with the story.
Before doing so, make any preparations as you see fit, as a boss battle is
coming up shortly.

Kingleo Castle
- When you are ready, go to Kingleo Castle. Go to the small depression to the
left of the Minister's room. Use the Gunpowder Jar as an item here. The
minister will get startled by the noise, and run off. Follow him, and you
will see him open a secret passageway by pushing a button on the wall. After
he leaves, search the wall to find a button. Say yes when it asks if you like
to push that button. Enter the secret door to find the hidden King's Throne
Room. Talk to the king, and he will say, "Oh, that's Edgan's daughters. You
have come to avenge your father, yes? I am Balzack. Your father Edgan
accidentally discovered the 'Secret Ways of Evolution'. What was he thinking
when he buried that into the darkness? Don't you think that's foolish? If
one were to have that 'Secret Ways of Evolution', then they could become the
King of the World. Take a good look at my power! This excellent, evolved
body!" Balzack changes into a beast and attacks.

- This Balzack has a natural recovery of 20 HP. He can heal about that much
Hit Point at the end of each turn, so you must do over 20 damage per turn in
order to beat him. Also, when Balzack gets low on HP, he casts the Behoma
Spell to fully recover. First, use the Jewel of Silence as an item. This
will seal his spells for about 6 turns. Now use Manya -> Rukani to lower
Balzack's defense. Now just have everyone attack with weapons. Balzack has
high spell resistance, so some attack spells won't connect. Remember to use
the Jewel of Silence again around the fifth turn or so to seal his magic
again. Use Minea -> Behoimi for healing. Keep this up and victory will be

- After that boss battle, you hear someone saying that Balzack has failed.
The lion statue in the back of the throne turns into a huge lion monster. He
says Balzack is not fit to rule this country. That, and the fact it wouldn't
make Death Pisaro satisfied. Balzack tells Kingleo to keep this a secret from
Death Pisaro. Kingleo says, Balzack still has a use. Then he tells the
sisters that he is the real successor to this country. Now Kingleo attacks.
Kingleo has 1000 HP, natural recovery of 100 HP, high resistance to most
spells, and high attack power. Basically, this Kingleo is unbeatable, so just
meekly lose. It's pretty easy to annihilated, but it is necessary to continue
with the story.

- The sisters wake up to someone calling them. Talk to the old man sleeping
inside the cell. You find out he is the former king of this castle. To the
outside world, he is already dead. The one you just fought against was his
son. However his son sold his soul to the devil. Right now you cannot beat
him. The best thing to do now is to leave this country, and accumulate more
power. In the interior room, there is a box that contains a boarding pass.
Take it. Then, someday you can get this country back to it's righteous path.
I'm counting on you. Search the nearby pots to find a [Seed of Strength].
Throw out the barrels and pots to find a pathway out. In the next room, open
the treasure box to get the [Boarding Pass]. With this item, the sisters can
board the ship in Havalia. Follow the path to reach the exit. When you exit,
a soldier will ask where you can from. Orin will hold off the soldiers, so
now is your chance to make your escape. The soldiers will call for backup,
due to the jailbreak. Escape Kingleo Castle and go to Havalia Town. Now buy
some Poison Needles (1300 gold a piece) to reduce your gold supply. This
chapter is nearing it's end. The Hero will meet up with the sisters pretty
early on, so bring some items with you.

- Go to the harbor in the north end of town. Talk to the sailor blocking the
ship. He will let you board the ship, now that you have the ticket. Search
the ship to find a [Nut of Enchantment]. Make any last minute shopping if
needed before move forward. When you are ready, talk to everybody on board
the ship to trigger the next event. The sisters find out that this ship is
headed to Endoll Town. In the basement, you see Luna and Pippen on board.
She won't tell Pippen about their father. One of the merchants here will
mention he is celebrating the fact that Toruneko, his friend, has opened his
own store in Endoll. He is going to visit Toruneko. When you are done with
chatting with everyone, talk to the captain of the ship. He says when this
ship leaves, there is no turning back. Are you ready to leave? Say yes if
you are ready. Then the captain tells the sailor to raise the anchor, it's
time to depart. This is how Manya and Minea left their hometown, with some
unfinished business left behind. What could this slender, small light be in
order to help them? In order to find this light, the two sisters begin to
travel once again. End of Chapter 4.


15. Chapter 5 - The Guided Ones
15a. Beginning to Aneil Town

Chapter 5 walkthrough

Village In the Heart of the Mountains
- This is where the real story begins. The story continues off from the
prologue. There is a nameless village far to the east of Endoll, deep in the
mountains. For the people who live here, they live a secluded life everyday,
never going out, never letting any strangers in. The villagers know nothing
more, for people other than the ones from this village don't even know the
existence of such a village. Then... Your mother tells you to bring this
boxed lunch over to your father, who is fishing at the pond. Then she reminds
you to greet everyone in the village if you run across them.

- Go to the inn of the village. You will see a silver haired man standing in
one of the rooms. Talk to the innkeeper, and he says that last night, a
traveling bard was lost and found this place. He broke the village law and
helped this wanderer. He hopes this doesn't create the seed of calamity...
Talk to the silver haired man (It is really Pisaro...). He claims he is a
traveling bard (lie) that got lost on a mountain path (lie) and found this
village. He is surprised to find a village this deep in the mountains.
(Pisaro is really planning to attack this place). Now go find your father by
the pond. He will take the lunch from you. He tells you that you're 17 years
old now, it's about time to join the adult ranks. No matter what happens,
live strong. Walk south from here to see Cynthia sunbathing in a field of
flowers. Talk to her and she will say good morning. She is relaxed when
resting like this. She wonders if they can stay like this after they grow up.
Lately, she has seen a dream. A dream of her and the Hero living in happiness
in this village. She likes this place, as well as the Hero. We'll be
together always.

- After you are done talking with everyone in the village, go back to your
house and talk to your mother. She asks if you want lunch. Say yes. She
will tell you to wait a moment. Before she can move though, someone is
screaming a distress call. A merchant comes rushing inside and informs that
monsters have discovered this village. The mother tells the informer to run,
don't worry about us. He will take the Hero to a safe place. A soldier will
say they will hold off the enemy. Cynthia will say if something should happen
to the Hero, then... Just hide. Soon she will go also. One guy gets
frustrated that the monsters found this place. If they had a little more
time, he could raise a fine Hero. The father says, now the time has come. He
never told you this, but he and his wife are not your true parents. He would
like to explain more thoroughly, but there is no time. The teacher leads you
to the basement warehouse. The farmer there says they must fight against the
monsters. The teacher puts you in a secret room.

- He says to listen carefully. The monsters are looking for the Hero's life.
To the eyes of the monsters, the Hero is an eyesore. The Hero has a secret
power. Someday, for sure, that power will grow strong enough to defeat any
evil. However, you are weak right now. It is best to run to stay alive.
Then he will give you a large bag (to store items) and a Monster Notebook
(for recording the type of monsters that are encountered). He leaves to fight
the enemies. The village takes a heavy blow from the invasion. The next
thing you know, Cynthia walks in. She says it was fun; all the times they had
together. It's alright, she will make sure the monsters don't get to you.
Cynthia casts the Moshasu spell. She transforms into the split image of the
Hero. Then Cynthia says goodbye. The attack continues. Then you hear some
voices outside. It's coming from the monsters. They are calling to Death
Pisaro. They report that the Hero is dead (It's really Cynthia in disguise).
Death Pisaro says good work, he has a reward for their deeds. Pisaro orders
everyone to retreat. Now you can move. Climb up the stairs to find the
village in ruins. Poison marshes are scattered about the ground. Fire is
licking the remains of the buildings. Not a sign of life left. Search the
area where Cynthia used to be sleeping to find a [Feather Hat]. Exit the
village and walk south to find the Lumberjack's Hut. Items: [Medical Herb],
[50 Gold], [Leather Armor]. Although the guy in here tells you to get lost,
he is actually pretty nice. He lets you sleep here for free. Use this place
to gather some Levels. You have to leave the room and come back the first
time to make the guy generous. Search in front of the grave to find a [Nut
of Life].

Branka Castle
- Walk south of the hut to find this place. At the entrance, you see a party
of four adventurers heading out. Since they are at the limit, the Hero can't
join their party. Items: [Clothes], [20 Gold]. This castle you really don't
need to visit. At this point you can go east of the castle, but since the
enemies get stronger immediately over there, it is best to go west from
Branka. It should be all right around Level 3 or so. Go west from the castle
to find a large cave. This is the tunnel Toruneko built in chapter 3. It
connects the continents of Endoll and Branka together. When you reach the
other side, continue west to reach Endoll Castle.

Endoll Castle
- The main event going on here is the marriage of Prince Rick and Princess
Monica (from chapter 3 also). If you go to the coliseum, you can witness it
yourself. Go to the area in front of the church to find a soldier in
conversation with a fortuneteller. You find out it is Minea from chapter 4.
She asks for 10 Gold for a fortune telling session (she actually won't take
the money from you once she discovers who you are). She can predict the
future of the Hero. Minea says she sees seven lights surrounding the Hero.
It is still small, but eventually they are guided into one big light... Wait
a second, you must be the Hero! She has been looking for you. The one with
the power to drive out evil. She says along with her older sister Manya,
they are the ones to go up against evil. There are others in the world who
carry the same fate on their backs. Although she doesn't know exactly who
they are, they need to bring their powers together in order to stop the
revival of the 'Emperor of Hell'. The Hero will be the guide for all of
them. Now Minea joins the party. Then she mentions how Manya must be
gambling away at the casino again.

- Go to the inn and down the stairs to reach the casino. As Minea predicted,
you find Manya playing at one of the slots (if you tried to talk to Manya
before getting Minea, then Manya just ignores you). Talk to her, and Manya
says don't bother me. Minea tells her that she knew Manya would here. Minea
gets pissed off since Manya takes the money made from the fortunetelling, and
puts it all on the line by using it for the casino. Because of that, the
sisters are always poor. Manya says sorry and asks who the other person is,
pointing to the Hero. Minea says it is the Hero they were looking for. Manya
says great timing, and she joins the party.

- Both sisters have their status and items from chapter 4. Go sell some extra
Poison Needles for some money. Set up your member's tactics for AI right
now. Since the two sisters are probably more powerful than the Hero at this
point, let them do the fighting. The Hero will grow in time. Note that you
will find the past chapter's characters in the opposite order. They will
join in the order of chapter 4, 3, 2, and 1, so getting Ryan will take awhile.
Also, if you put Minea and Manya in the first two positions, then you will get
the Chapter 4 theme music for field and battle situation. For now it is only
the battle music, since you don't have all 8 people yet. With the two
sisters, the battle are easier.

Cave North of Lakenaba
- Now we will go back and explore the past dungeons that I passed up on during
chapter 3. Go to the northeast of Endoll Castle. Continue upwards past
Bonmole, past the Fox Prairie, and go to the cave north of Lakenaba Town.
Once inside, go to the left to find the stairs to the next floor. Head to the
right to find a wall with a button on it. Push it (say yes) and the water
will flood out, pushing the party up to the next floor. Go to the single set
of stairs you see nearby. Go to the left and open the treasure box for a
[Chain Sickle]. Go back and push the button again on the stone wall to let
the water out. After falling down, go up and take a left at the T-shaped
intersection (the right side takes you to the area you were just before
falling down). On the next floor, go up and to the left. Go down the stairs
nearby to find a rowdy person wandering about. He is looking for the Iron
Vault. He has a feeling that rolling rock is suspicious. You might say he is
here to get that treasure.

- Go back up the stairs. Go to the left to see a large boulder stuck between
two small pillars. Walk in front of that to activate a little trap. When you
go down, the boulder is released and it follows you. Go down, then take the
right path to cause the boulder to follow you. Walk to the right, down, then
to the left back onto the main path. Go a little up and wait. The boulder
will follow you, all the way until it reaches the main path. If you fail, try
again. The boulder should cover the pit on the left hand path. Now cross the
newly formed bridge to reach the next room.

- Here, take the small rock you see nearby and push it to the left, then up.
Now you see the Iron Vault. Take it and trap will trigger. The door behind
you will close shut. The switch on the door was held down by the weight of
the vault. So take the little rock you brought into the room and push it over
the switch. Now you can escape. Note that this vault has no effect anymore.
It used to be able to prevent the half gold loss when your party was wiped
out. Used to, being the past tense. In chapter 5, this is a useless item.
The only bonus I see, is that you get the title 'Smart Player'. Walk your way
out of the cave.

Silver Goddess Statue Cave
- Now we will go to the other cave left over from chapter 3. Go back to
Endoll and head north past the cave to Branka. Soon you will reach a cave
surrounded by a small marsh. Once inside, go up to reach a wide room with
a raft to the right. Take this raft and maneuver it around the narrow
passage and drop down the waterfall. After making a splash, continue to the
left, then up to reach land. Go to the right to find a treasure box. Open
for a [Chimera's Wing]. Look nearby for a guy who is puzzled at the steep
cliffs that prevent him from reaching the treasure. Continue to the right,
then go to the bottom right area to find the stairs leading upward. On this
floor, go up across the bridge, then left across another bridge. Go up across
a third bridge. Step on the small switch on the floor. It will ask if you
will push it. Say yes, then this will cause the water from this floor to
drain to the floor below. Go back the way you came, and you will see the
first bridge is down, since the water level held that bridge up. Go up to see
a slope leading to the lower part of the floor. Since the water is gone, now
you can explore. Take the nearby treasure for a [Iron Lance]. Go back across
the bridge and find another slope down. Open the nearby chest to get [760
Gold]. Go a little up to find a group of four pots. Get a [Chimera's Wing]
and an [Antidote Herb]. Head left, under the arch of the bridge, then go up
to find a [Holy Lance].

- Go to the stairs nearby leading up if you want to leave the cave. Take the
stairs going down to continue exploring. Take the raft and head to the right.
Open the chest for an [Iron Armor]. Continue to the right to find a [Steel
Sword]. This will save money for the Hero's equipment. Go to the right for
more treasure. However, these boxes are empty, so you don't have to get them.
Now go to the island on the top right, the one with four statues. On the next
floor, pick up the [Silver Goddess Statue]. In Chapter 3, you can see this
item for 25,000 gold, but in Chapter 5, this is just a collector's item. Now
you can leave the cave. Go around Bonmole, Lakenaba, and Endoll to find and
buy some equipment for the Hero. Hopefully, the Hero has become more powerful
now, about Level 10 or 11. When you are ready, go back to Branka Castle via
the tunnel east of Endoll. Go further east to reach the Desert Inn.

Desert Inn
- This is a rest point for adventurers seeking to cross the vast desert to the
south. However, without a horse carriage, or wagon, it would be dangerous to
do so. The problem is that the owner of the wagon is suspicious of everyone.
A while ago, he (later known as Hoffman) went with a friend to the cave to the
east. He returned on the back of Patricia all bloodied up. He stopped
trusting people after that. He wouldn't say what happened in that cave. Talk
to Hoffman himself and he will refuse to give the horse wagon over to you. He
says to go away. Say no to the question, and he says you're persistent, at
least hear what he has to say. Long ago, Hoffman used to travel like you are
now. He heard some rumors of the world's greatest treasure hiding inside of
some cave. With another friend, they went inside that cave. However, Hoffman
got mad since his friend betrayed him. This causes Hoffman to stir up some
bad memories, so he tells you to go away. Search the place for [Boxed Lunch],
[15 Gold]. It is time to investigate the cave that Hoffman was talking about.
Go further east from this and cross some bridges to find the Cave of Betrayal.

Cave of Betrayal
- Go upward to see a cracked wall. Push against it to make it crumble away.
Continue walking the simple path until you reach a steel door. When you pass
through, Minea and Manya will fall into the pit, while the Hero jumps away at
the last second. Since the Hero alone can't open the steel door alone, go
down the nearby staircase. Here you will see Minea and Manya run off to the
path on the left. Follow them to a dead end. Talk to either one of them, and
Manya will be relieved you came. Minea says they thought the Hero must be
looking for them, so they waited. Manya agrees, saying they waited a long
time. Minea says you're going to hell for that. Fight against two Tongue
Licker monsters. Just attack with your weapon to defeat them. If the monster
casts the Manusa spell to blind you, use the Mera spell to attack. They
shouldn't be too hard if you prepared with some good equipment. After
victory, the Hero will fall into a pit. Now you see Minea and Manya being
chased by some monsters (hopefully they are the real sisters). Talk to them,
and Manya says where were you? Fighting some impostors alone? Then Minea
says the monsters around here can suck the blood out of the opponent. The
opponent is not them, but it's you! It turns out these sisters were impostors
again. Fight! Now the battle is against 2 Betrayal Youngsters and 2 Blood
Sucking Bats. First have the Hero -> Fight against the bats since they are
annoying. Once the bats are gone, focus the assault on the remaining Betrayal
Youngsters. Use Behoimi if the Hero's HP gets low. Their fireball breath
attack should not be a problem if you equip the Iron Shield. After victory,
take the stairs in the upper right corner of the room. Make your way to the
point where you see Minea and Manya again.

- Talk to them and Manya will say, you thought I was going to say thanks for
rescuing me, right? Now Manya will think the Hero is an imposter, so she is
ready to attack, but Minea stops her. Minea says, this Hero is the real one.
Manya has doubts, so she poses a question for you. The real Hero should know
the answer to this one. She asks, "In Endoll's Casino, it is Minea who spent
tons of money there. Is that right?" Say no to the question (the answer is
Manya, not Minea). Manya says that is correct. She believes it is the Real
Hero. Minea is sorry for doubting you. The sisters faced many impostors of
the Hero, just like you did. Now you start to see the reason for Hoffman's
predicament. He must have gotten tricked the way you just saw. The sisters
rejoin the party. Go up and take the stairs closer to the bottom edge. Go
down and open the steel door. Open another set of steel doors. Continue
going further down the stairs until you see a huge room with many cracked
walls. Just walk right through them to make them crumble. Make you way to
the center. It's a little hard to see, (you can rotate the camera only 45
degrees here) there is one entrance on the top side of the center block.
Walk downwards there to enter the secret chamber. Open the treasure box to
get the [Heart of Trust]. This is the cave's biggest treasure. Now walk out
of the cave and return to the Desert Inn.

- Talk to Hoffman. He asks what is that jewel you are holding? The Hero
gives the Heart of Trust to Hoffman. Just looking at the Jewel makes his
heart feel washed clean. He asks where you found this treasure. What! That
Cave! How ironic, that's the place where his friend betrayed him. That place
also had this treasure hidden inside. Wait a moment, if he had trusted his
friend back then, then it could have been a different outcome. Hoffman
continues to say that cave is a place of trials, a place to test the belief
in the heart. The most important treasure there was to believe in the human
heart. Hoffman says he was wrong. He decides to trust you now. He wants to
join, along with the horse wagon. With Hoffman and the wagon, now you are
ready to cross the desert to the south. The horse's name is Patricia.

15b. Aneil Town to Arena Joining

- The next objective is to cross the desert to the south, then get closer in
obtaining the ship. Note that Hoffman will act on his own in battle, so you
cannot control his actions. Cross the desert by exiting the desert inn from
the south end. Head south, then a little to the east. Soon an opening in
the mountains will come into view. Go through there and soon you will reach
a town.

Town of Aneil
- This town is famous for it's hot springs. Items: [Seed of Quickness], [50
Gold], [Antidote Herb], [Leather Shield]. Inside a drawer in the hot springs,
there is a [#02 Small Medal]. In this town, there was a great warrior named
Rivast. He had a magnificent armor which is on display at the church.
However, it seems like it was switched out with a regular armor. At night,
you can visit the church to see it for yourself. Search in front of Rivast's
grave to find a [Seed of Strength]. At night in the church, you can see a
shining armor, but it is a fake. Rivast's real armor was the Sky Armor.
Nearby, there is a book titled, "In Search of the Magic Staff, Chapter 1".
It reads, "My name is Madorue, from the town of Lakenaba. I am a magician.
Right now I have thrown away my hometown and is working for the King of
Saintheim. This notebook is written under the orders by the King of
Saintheim. It is a record of my personal experiences during this travel to
find a magic staff. Since it is a bit too personal, I will be careful so that
the people of Saintheim would not know." There are more chapters to this
book later on in the game. Also at night, you can find Rivast's spirit
standing in front of his grave. Indeed the great warrior's armor was the
Sky Armor. However, that armor got stolen. He asks you to find that lost
armor. Then his spirit disappears. When you are done here, continue
traveling south of this town.

Konanberry Town
- Soon you will reach the port town of Konanberry. Items: [#03 Small Medal],
[Traveler's Clothes], [15 Gold], [Seed of Strength], [#04 Small Medal].
Inside the ships, they have [Men's Underwear], [#05 Small Medal] - Limited
time only. Get them before clearing the Great Lighthouse. [Holy Water],
[Antidote Herb]. In this town, you hear about Toruneko and how he wants to
buy the ship here, so he can travel farther south. The problem is that
monsters have moved into the Great Lighthouse to the east. Without the light
from the there, the ships cannot depart from the harbor. Your next task is
to rid the monsters of the lighthouse and restore the light there so the ships
can leave. In one of the houses to the left of the inn, there is a book
titled, "In Search of the Magic Staff, Chapter 2". It reads, "I'm the
Magician Madorue. Under the order of the King of Saintheim, I'm searching the
world for a magic staff. Why am I doing this? That's the King's hobby, his
dissipation. I don't want to say anything bad about the leader, after all it
is a period of peace. I don't know what to think when kings get caught
up in their hobbies. Okay, it's time to get to work. The rumors of a magic
staff are saying go west of my hometown. Until now, I was wasting a lot of
time. I hope I can find this magic staff..." When you're done here, move on.
Walk east of Konanberry to find the Great Lighthouse. If you are brave, try
walking all the way east on the tip of the island. Here, real powerful
enemies can appear here like Hanbaba, Bone Knight, and Dragonit. These enemies
are too powerful at this point in the game, but if you can win, you can get
lots of experience points and gold.

Great Lighthouse
- About Level 14 for the Hero. Once inside, you notice it is dark inside, due
to the flames of darkness. Go either left or right, it doesn't matter since
they end up at the same place. Enter the large room in the middle. Search
the treasure boxes for [400 Gold], (rotate the camera) [Seed of Luck]. Go
upwards to see Toruneko near the stairs. Get near, then Toruneko will say
you came at a good time. The reason he came here is to extinguish the evil
flame that's burning in this lighthouse. The monsters here are strong, so
Toruneko can't advance any further. He asks you if you can erase the evil
flame instead of himself. Say yes, and he will be thankful. He says a while
ago, the Saint Fire used to burn here. That Saint Pilot Light is still
somewhere in this tower. If that Saint Pilot Light is used, then the evil
light should be erased. He asks if you would like to hear his speech again.
I said no. Then Toruneko says he will wait at the Harbor Town (Konanberry).
Climb the stairs to the next floor. Go to the left to find a box with a
[#06 Small Medal]. Go to the bottom left side to find a staircase leading up.
Continue upwards to find a box with the [Magic Holy Water]. Go back down to
the second floor. Head to the bottom right section to find a path to another
treasure box. Get a [Seed of Strength]. Go to the middle part of the room
to continue on.

- Be careful of the pits on the floor, and go right. Now you will see a
monster, a mini demon type monster. Talk to the demon, and he will wonder
where Toruneko went. He heard Toruneko would come here, so he is here waiting
to ambush him, and have him for lunch. He finds out Toruneko returned to the
harbor town. He has no interest in you, he wants Toruneko. The monster uses
the Ru-ra spell to give chase. However, the monster bumps his head on the
ceiling. The monster is now unconscious. Remember that if you want to use
the Ru-ra spell inside a tower, do so on the top floor, so you won't crash
into the ceiling. By the way, this monster will possibly join the Immigrant
Town, later on if you are lucky enough to run into him. Continue downward,
and to the right. Go up to find a [Full Moon Herb]. Go to the left to find
a [Crossbow]. On the next floor, go down to find a lone box. Open it to get
the [Saint Pilot Light]. Take the stairs on the upper right to reach the top
floor. Go to the top left side to get a [Silver Barrette].

- In the middle of the room, you see three monsters wandering around a
blackish flame. Get ready for a boss battle. Approach near to hear the
monsters say, burn, burn. With the flames of evil, all the ships that try to
depart shall sink. Who's there? The monsters calls you idiots for coming
here. You came at a good time. We shall beat you and throw you into the
flames! Battle against the Lighthouse Tiger and two Flame Warriors. Strategy
is Hero -> Nifuramu against the Flame Warriors to get rid of them quickly.
Minea -> Rariho-ma against the Lighthouse Tiger to put him to sleep. Manya
-> Merami against the Lighthouse Tiger. Nifuramu may not work all the time,
but if it does, it makes the battle easier. Once the tiger is sleeping, the
battle is even more easier. The Merami spell will make short work of the
tiger. If the Flame Warriors still remain, then use Rariho-ma to put them
to sleep as well. Then slowly have your way with them.

- After victory, go up to the black flames, and use the Saint Pilot Light as
an item. This will make the black flame disappear, and make Holy Fire burn in
it's place. Now you have successfully completed your duties here. Return to
Konanberry Town. Go to the port to find Toruneko. Now the seas have become
calm. Furthermore, his ship is finished and ready to go. Then he says he is
a target for monsters. He asks if he can join the party. It would make him
feel assured. Let's travel the world together. Say yes. He will say that
the horse wagon can board the ship. Toruneko joins the party. Now you have
the ship! With it, you can go just about anywhere.

Riverside Town
- Toruneko suggests to go south to reach the Town of Mintos. An old man there
is proficient in the ways of the sea, and he has a great map, or so it is
said. First, take Toruneko's equipment from Chapter 3, which is about 10
Wicked Breaking Swords. Give one to the Hero, and sell the rest. With this
method, you should have about 30,000 gold. With this money, sail southeast
from Konanberry to find the Town of Riverside. Go to the Weapon Shop to buy
a Dragon Killer for 15,000 gold. Give this to the Hero. Now buy the Dragon
Mail and Dragon Shield for a total for 12,300 gold. Give these to the Hero
along with an Iron Masque. Now the Hero has the best equipment for the time
being. Search the town for items. [Gold Bracelet], [Full Moon Herb],
[#07 Small Medal], [#08 Small Medal], [Nut of Life] : Nighttime in front of a
grave. Now go back to Konanberry and sail south from there to find the Town
of Mintos.

Town of Mintos
- When you arrive in town, Hoffman will be happy to see this town. A man
named called the god of traders, named Hiltan resides here. Hoffman will
leave the party to study under this Hiltan. Hoffman was going to follow in
his father's footsteps in having a splendid inn. He now wants to train under
the god of traders. He pleads you if he can leave the party. Say yes, and
he will be thankful. Take care of Patricia; that's his last wish. Items:
[#09 Small Medal], [Seed of Luck], [Full Moon Herb], [#10 Small Medal],
[Scale Shield], [Seed of Intelligence].

- In the daytime, visit the crowd nearby the well. Talk the old man that is
holding a lecture. The man named Hiltan asks if you think he is the one that
knows a lot about the sea. Say no, and he says you do understand. It is not
just the ocean, but it is the world he knows about. It seems you got some
bone, will you take my test? Say yes, and he will ask, what is the most
important thing in trading? The Hero is speechless... Hiltan says, yes,
that's it. Don't say anything. In other words, silence equals money! Hiltan
will give you a treasure map. He got this map when he was younger. However,
he could not figure out the meaning of this map. Get the [Treasure Map].
Maybe you can figure out the meaning behind this map. Use the item (or press
the square button while on the field) to see the map. The huge X marks the
spot for the Sky Sword. It looks like the treasure is nearby, but you can't
reach that place right now. Remember this place for later on. Now go to the
second floor of the inn. You will see Burai and Klift from chapter 2. Talk
to Burai, and he says his friend has gotten a sickness. Their leader,
Princess Arena went on a travel to find some medicine. He asks a favor to a
stranger, but he feels that you have heart. Burai wants to join so he can
look for Arena, since she hasn't come back in a while. Say yes, and Burai
will join the party.

- In the Mintos Inn, 2F, there is a book, "In Search of the Magic Staff,
Chapter 3". It reads, "I'm the Magician Madorue. In search of a magic staff,
I came across the rumored town. I immediately began asking around. It looks
like my troubles are about the be rewarded. The staff in question, wasn't in
the town, but in seems like it is in the cave nearby town. Oh, why do people
have to hide important treasures inside a cave? This causes people like me to
fall into a state of hardship. I hate caves!" When you are ready, walk east
of Mintos to reach a shrine. Walk along the outer edge and search the dead
end depression in between the two travel doors to find a [#11 Small Medal].
The doors here are locked by jail doors, so there is not much to do here for
now. Continue the journey by going south to reach the Country of Soletta.

Soletta Country
- Items: [Nut of Enchantment], [3 Gold]. Here, this country grows the Padekia
Plant, one that can cure all sickness, but that was long ago. It seems the
Padekia Roots were destroyed in the drought from 5 years back. The King of
this country says that the past kings thought this would happen, so as a
countermeasure, they stored the Padekia Seed in the cave to the south. Soon
monsters started making a living in that place. The country's soldiers can't
keep up with those monsters. It looks like you will have to get this seed
yourself. When you are ready, go to the cave south of here.

Cave South of Soletta (Padekia Cave)
- This cave has some one-way arrows that force you in one direction.
Effective reading of the arrows beforehand is the key to advancing here.
Since this is a small cave, only 4 people can enter here, so choose your
members before entering. Upon entering, you hear Arena saying this is the
cave that has the Padekia Seed. It looks like she is traveling with the party
you saw in Branka Castle, minus the Bunny Girl. Note: If you didn't visit
Mintos town, and you still have Hoffman in the party, then Arena won't
appear here. This means you can't advance any further, so make sure to visit
Mintos first. A large blue door blocks the way, so Arena decides to kick it
down to open it. The group behind her starts mumbling that the princess has
the Thief's Key, why didn't she use that instead? Talk to Burai, (if he is
in the party) and he says it's embarrassing, but the princess always solves
problems with force. Go through the newly opened door. Follow the arrows to
get a [Seed of Quickness]. Continue down to reach the next floor. Here you
will find Arena's party all confused due to the arrows tiles. This is a
large floor, with sections being blocked off by these one-way arrows. The
tile you want to take is the one all the way to the left, in the upper part.
Take the chest to get a [Nut of Life]. Step to the right and let the arrows
take you to the next section.

- Now go to the left and step on the arrows sitting in the middle of four
pillars. This will take you to the box containing [800 Gold]. Go back to
this pillar area, then go left, just barely avoiding the arrows. This leads
to another treasure box containing the [Robe of Relaxation]. Now step on the
arrow on the right. You will fall, down to the next floor. Go right to get
back to the large room. Make your way back to the four pillar area. This
time, take the arrows on the right side, second from the right. Walk down to
reach the stairs. This room has lots of arrows to confuse you. Take the
arrows on the upper right corner. Walk left then take the arrow that is
third from the left and go down. Walk down to find a treasure box. However,
it is a Cannibal Box, so don't open it if you don't want to fight it. From
here, take the arrow second from the bottom of the little black pit. Go
right and it should lead you straight to the goal. Open the treasure box for
the [Padekia Seed]. Use the Riremito spell for a quick exit. Go back to
Soletta Country and find the king. He is wandering in a garden near the
south end of the place. He will plant the seed in the rice fields. The seeds
will grow quickly. The buds sprout fast. Now the king will give you some of
this plant. Get the [Padekia Roots].

- Go back to Mintos Town and visit the inn. You see Hoffman at the desk of
the inn. Go to the second floor. Arena is already here. Arena will see
that you have the Padekia Roots. She gave up on trying to find that, so now
she's happy. Stand in front of Klift and use the Roots as an item. His color
will turn back to normal and he is revived. Klift is sorry for causing
trouble. Arena doesn't mind, now they can continue the journey in looking for
Death Pisaro. Then Arena finds out the Hero is also looking for this Death
Pisaro. Klift says he heard that this Pisaro destroyed the village of the
Hero. So with a common purpose, Arena and Klift join the party. Walk out of
the room, then the nearby bard will stop you. He said he is sorry to have
eavesdropped on the conversation, but he knows you are the Hero. A while ago,
a warrior named Ryan stopped at this inn. This Ryan is in search of the Hero.
It looks as though Ryan went far west to Kingleo Castle. Go outside to reform
your new party. I usually go Hero, Arena, Minea, Manya as the main party.
This is the Harlem Knight party if the Hero is male.

15c. Arena Joining to Getting the Sky Helmet

Rosary Hill Village
- Arena has the Thief's Key from chapter 2, so you could go back to some
places to check on stuff you can get. However, it is better to wait until
you get the Magic Key, though. From Mintos, sail east, then upwards. Once
past the Great Lighthouse, take the next river you come across. This will
lead to Rosary Hill Village. Buy the Killer Pierce weapon for Arena for
7,500 gold. It is her most powerful weapon, since it strikes twice in one
attack (the Fiendish Claws are a good second choice, since that can poison as
an additional effect, but that's later). Items: [Nut of Enchantment], [#12
Small Medal], [Poison Needle]. Although there is not much to do here,
remember this place for later on. This is the residence of the Hobbits and
animals, but an elf named Rosary lives here. It seems that the Ruby tears
flowing from an elf has a strong will from the elf. Humans couldn't dare
touch such a precious gift. The tower in the village was built by Pisaro.
There are rumors saying he hid his most valuable treasure here. The animals
here can talk, due to the work of Pisaro and the Secret Ways of Evolution.

- Now go back to Branka Castle and sail west along the coast. Soon you will
reach a solitary house. The lone man there will say be careful of traveling
around these parts. Right now, it is buried deep in the ground, but long
before, somewhere around this continent, there was the castle of the Emperor
of Hell. It is sunken deep underground now, but the evil aura emitting from
the castle come up to the overworld as a gas-like form. He is referring to
Attemto Mine, but right now, there is nothing there. Search the pot for
[#13 Small Medal]. From here, sail south to reach the Town of Havalia from
Chapter 4. This is to return here quickly by the Ru-ra spell. Warp to
Soletta Castle by Ru-ra. Now sail south from here. Soon you will reach the
Small Medal King's Castle. You can trade in the Small Medals you've collected
so far. His first prize is the Force Ring at 15 Medals. It is convenient
that you can come here by Ru-ra spell.

Havalia Continent
- Now warp back to Havalia Town, and head south. You will reach Kingleo
Castle. You can't enter yet because of the Red Doors, but you can find Hoimin
here from chapter 1. However, Hoimin is now in human form. He begs for your
help. Ryan was taken by the soldiers of Kingleo. If you had the Magic Key,
you could enter the castle. About the Magic Key, in the underground room in
Ko-miz Village, Hoimin's old friend knows something about that. Go south
from Kingleo to reach Ko-miz Village. If you have Minea and Manya in the
party, then you can stay at the inn for free. Visit the Promontory Inform
Place and talk to the nun. She says the warrior from Bautland, Ryan came to
this shrine. She showed him the figure of the Hero, as directed by the gods.
The light has grown one step bigger. You will meet him soon. Go west from
here to reach Attemto Town. Although there is nothing to do here, this is to
add it to the Ru-ra list for quick access later on in the story. Also visit
Monbarbara Town to the far south of the continent to add it to the Ru-ra list.
In Monbarbara, visit the chairman in the stage area. You can see that show
has changed to Panon's Jester Show. Remember this place for later on. Back
at Ko-miz Village, visit Edgan's house. Talk to the slime there. He says
Edgan had another secret laboratory other than here. It was in the cave to
the west. The Magic Key is sure to be there.

Cave West of Ko-miz
- You visited this place before in Chapter 4, but there is a secret still
hiding here. The enemies have become stronger. I had everyone about Level
20 when I visited here. Like before, follow the simple path until you reach
a small lake. Go up, then to the right to reach the elevator. On the next
floor, go down, then left to reach another elevator. Go to the right, down,
then left across a bridge. Search the empty treasure box that had the
darkness lamp inside. You will find a button on the bottom of the box. The
game asks if you will like to push it. Say yes, then a secret staircase will
appear nearby. There are blue doors down here, so having the Thief's Key from
Arena is a must. Search the pots for [#14 Small Medal] and a [Nut of
Enchantment]. Search the bookcase for a book. "In Search of the Magic Staff,
Chapter 4". It reads, "I'm the magician Madorue. I'm not satisfied, but this
is my job, so I explored this cave. It is said that in order to find this
Magic Staff, you must search the treasure box deepest inside the cave, in the
bottom depths. So I make my way to the deepest room of the cave. Does it
hate me that much? Once I find this staff, I'm quitting this job. I'm
returning to my hometown, and using the money I have accumulated, I'll start
selling stuff. That's more the life I want to live." To be continued. Open
the nearby treasure box to get the [Magic Key]. With this key, you can open
the red doors. Now it is time to go back to places you visited before to get
some treasure.

Treasure Hunting
- At this point, you can start the Immigrant Town, but first, let's go back to
Endoll Town. Wait until it is night. On the bottom right corner of town,
there is a building locked by blue and red doors. Now you can enter here.
You can buy the Bladed Armor for 9,800 gold and the Astray Metal Armor for
35,000 gold. You probably need to fight some Mystery Doll monsters to gain
that much gold. Now go to Endoll Castle area. Take the path leading to the
Coliseum. If you rotate the camera, you should see a red door hiding in the
dead angle. Follow this path downstairs, careful of the poison marsh halfway
into it. This leads into the back room of the locked building that sells
the rare armor. Open the treasure boxes for a [Seed of Strength], [Double
Edged Sword], and a [#15 Small Medal]. Continue up the stairs to get behind
the counter of the armor seller. Here you can find a book of this methods.
"The Hundred Ways and Knacks of Saving Money" is the title. "When walking a
path, walk close to the ground. If there is money there, stuff it into the
pocket. Any dropped items should be sold at a shop. Never lend money to
anyone. Think of it as lent money will never come back. Instead, do the
opposite, borrow money from others. When buying items, try to haggle. Even
if the shopkeeper cries, even if they get angry, don't give up until the
price is at half the normal value." Hmm... This shopkeeper I wouldn't want
to deal with.

- Exit the building by jumping off the roof. Go back to Endoll Castle. There
is more treasure to loot. Make your way to the throne room, being wary of the
soldier patrolling back and forth. If you get caught, he will kick you out,
so make your move when his back is turned. Go up the stairs to reach the
King's Room. In the daytime, the maid blocks the way, but at night, the path
is clear. Open the two red doors to reach the treasure room with the King
inside. Since the Princess (Monica) married this quick, now the king lost his
place to sleep. Search the dressers for a [#16 Small Medal] and a [Feather
Hat]. Open the chests for a [Pink Leotard] and a pair of [Netted Tights].
Now use Ru-ra to warp to the Medal King's Castle. Trade in the 16 small
medals to get the [Force Ring]. The next prize is the Safeguard Ruby for 20
total medals. When you are ready, head to Kingleo Castle.

Kingleo Castle Again
- My Hero was about Level 20. Now you can enter the castle due to the Magic
Key. Go to the secret passageway that you discovered in Chapter 4 to find
Ryan being guarded by two soldiers. The soldiers are telling Ryan to settle
down. Ryan says, the likes of you can't hold me down! Ryan knocks the
soldiers away. Talk to Ryan. He immediately recognizes you as the Hero.
Ryan has traveled long far to find you. However, there is a more important
task at hand. Inside this room is an evil user that's planning to throw the
world into ruin. Let's fight together to destroy it, and the evil source
hiding in the background. Ryan leads you inside, but then more soldier spot
him. Ryan will hold off the soldiers, now it's your job to confront Kingleo.
Talk to the King. He says he is Kingleo. He is the ruler of this country in
place of Death Pisaro. Then he recognizes the sisters that got their revenge
against Balzack (I had Minea and Manya in the party at the time). Too bad,
but Balzack is not here. Ha ha! I shall show you how powerless humans are.
He transforms into a lion. He says you should hold a grudge against god for
giving you brittle bodies! Fight against Kingleo.

- This time, this monster is beatable. Have the Hero -> Fight, Arena ->
Fight, Minea -> Defend, Behoimi if needed, Manya -> Merami. Kingleo attacks
twice per round. After getting hit by the Chilly Snowstorm, use the Behoimi
spell to recover. Keep this pattern up, and as long as you heal, then you
should be able to win. Kingleo drops a Steel Armor. After victory, Kingleo
asks, what are you? Could it be the Hero that will destroy the Emperor of
Hell? That's stupid! Death Pisaro already killed the Hero! The King returns
to normal, but he can't remember what happened. Talk to Ryan at the exit. He
will say you did great, but that monster is only a small part of the vast evil
that still lurks about. The battle is not over yet. Ryan will lend his hand
to the Hero. Now he finally joins the party. At the exit, Hoimin will pass
away, so you can't make him meet Ryan again... Now that you have all eight
members, you have completed about half the game. At this point, I would start
to build the Immigrant Town.

Build the Immigrant Town
- From Branka Castle, sail west along the shore. Keep going past the Endoll
Checkpoint, then land on a sandy beach area. You will find the Desert
Bazaar area from Chapter 2. Here you will find Hoffman in this abandoned
place. After studying under Hiltan, Hoffman will now put his skills to use.
He wants to build another town like Mintos. In search of a place to build a
town, he came to this place. It must have been the guidance of the gods to
meet again. He will build his new town here. However, it would be impossible
to build this town alone. Hoffman has a wish for you. Since you travel the
world, if you find someone that wants to move, then could you recommend this
place? If lots of people are gathered, then this barren land can turn into
a splendid town. Now you can begin gathering immigrants. Explore this
continent to expand the Ru-ra list. Begin looking for immigrants by looking
in the spots listed in the Immigrant section. I would recommend building the
town as the Lovely Town that the Flowers Bloom, also known as the Ladies
Immigrant Town. It is not that hard to make. Just invite only female
immigrants and the goal is closer than you may think.

- You can visit Freynoll's inn to find Orin from Chapter 4. His scars keep
him on the bed however. He is glad to see that the sisters escaped without
harm. In Salan Town, you can enter the secret shop, now that you have the
Magic Key. Explore the new parts of town, and you will discover a researcher
on history. He says the King of Saintheim historically, could see the future.
In the house in the southeast corner of town, pick up an [Antidote Herb],
and [Clothes]. The old man here raised the king. The king was worried about
his daughter (Arena) so he put a sign on the backside of the church. Go out
the house, and walk along the outer edge of the town, in a counterclockwise
direction. Read the lone sign posted here. It says, "To my daughter. Right
now you are surely in a time of need. I'll tell you something good. High in
the sky, there is a castle in the air. The Deity of Dragons resides there.
This Deity Dragon is real powerful. A long time ago, this Dragon sealed the
Emperor of Hell into the darkness. Regarding the Sky Castle, the people in
the northern ocean of Stanciara know more about it than I do. From the King
of Saintheim." After this, you could go to Saintheim Castle, but right now
it's invaded with monsters, so we will save that for a little later. For now,
just use the Ru-ra spell and gather more immigrants.

- After getting 4 immigrants, go back to the Immigrant Town. Pick up the
[#17 Small Medal]. Search the house for [15 Gold]. When the population
reaches 6, go back to the Immigrant Town to find Hoffman. The place has
changed a bit. Hoffman wants to name this town. He has a few choices for
you. He will let you decide. He asks if you like Solo (Hero's Name) Town.
Say no and he says Solo Land. Say no and then he says, Solo Alley. If you
say no again, then you can freely name the town. Hoffman asks one more time
just for confirmation. Once you choose a name, you can't change it later on.
Now Hoffman will move into the small house next door. He wants the citizens
themselves to create the town, so he moves away. He is focused on management
of the people, and as an advisor. Back in the Immigrant Town, search the
barrel for near the item shop for [#18 Small Medal]. Search the other barrel
for a [Rabbit's Tail] and [Gale Bandana]. Keep gathering female immigrants.
When you get 11 immigrants total, return to base. Search the town for a [Seed
of Luck], [Scented Pouch], [50 Gold], [7 Gold], [#19 Small Medal], [Hairband].
Now when the population reaches 15, search the town for [Horse Feces],
[Antidote Herb], [13 Gold], [Rabbit's Tail], [Traveler's Clothes].

- To take a short break, take the time to visit the Ocean Side Village on the
western part of the map. At night, you can see a strange spot of land
surrounded by water. Remember this place and search there in the morning to
get the [Parched Stone]. Other items: [Leather Hat], [#20 Small Medal],
[Netted Tights]. With 20 Medals, visit the Small Medal King again to get
a [Safeguard Ruby]. The next prize is the Magical Skirt for 25 total medals.
Now continue building the Immigrant Town. When the population reaches 20,
search the town for [Nut of Life], [Seed of Strength], [Silk Robe], [#21
Small Medal], [Chain Mail], [#22 Small Medal], [Chimera's Wing]. When the
population reaches 25 people, search the town for [73 Gold], [Nut of
Enchantment], [Magical Holy Water], [Leather Dress], [#23 Small Medal], [Steel
Sword], [Nut of Life], [Boxed Lunch], [Scented Pouch]. When the population
reaches 30 immigrants, search the town for [370 Gold], [#24 Small Medal],
[Boxed Lunch], [Nut of Enchantment], [Blazing Talons], [Fur Coat], [Seed of
Intelligence]. In the basement: [Horse Feces], [#25 Small Medal], [#26
Small Medal]. Now trade these medals for the Magical Skirt. The next prize
is the Staff of Divine Punishment for 30 small medals.

- Once you get 35 immigrants, check the town. If you have at least 30 female
citizens, you should have gotten the Ladies Town. Search the town for these
nice items. [Spangle Dress], [1200 Gold], [Star Fragment], [Nut of Life],
[Boxed Lunch], [Seed of Intelligence], [#27 Small Medal], [Mirror Shield],
[World Tree Drops], [Seed of Strength]. Search one of the bookcases to find
a nameless diary. It reads, "X month, X day. Recently my breasts have gotten
too big. I'm a little distressed. In a consultation with mama via letter,
she says that can be your biggest weapon. That's the response I get back.
I don't know..." Go to the underground area to find a [Seed of Quickness],
[Prayer Ring], [#28 Small Medal], [Falcon Sword] = search the second grave
from the right to find a hidden passage to reach the box containing this
great weapon. Now gather some Gold by fighting some Mystery Dolls in
Saintheim Castle. Don't go to the second floor of that castle just yet.
Buy the Angel Leotard in the Ladies Town for 13,000 Gold apiece. Try to get
one for Arena, Minea, and Manya. This is big, since it's the best armor for
them. It reduces spell, flame, and snowstorm damage. You normally cannot get
this armor until Chapter 6, so take advantage of this opportunity.

Other Forms of the Immigrant Town
- If you feel like it, you can try to build the other forms of the town.
However, they are harder to get than the one you just got. If you create the
Grand Slum, here are the treasures that you can get. [50 Gold], [Seed of
Strength], [Seed of Quickness], [Nut of Enchantment], [Horse Feces], [Nut of
Life], [#29 Small Medal], [Magical Holy Water], [Prayer Ring]. The basement
area has the [Megante Bracelet], Well Devil Monster, [Demon Spear] = use the
secret passageway in front of the gravestone to get this.

- If you get the Premium Bazaar, then here are the treasures. [#30 Small
Medal], [Magical Holy Water], [Wonderful Bolero]. Underground area has [Boxed
Lunch], [Full Moon Herb], [Falling Star Bracelet].

- If you build the Big Cathedral, the things you can find here include a novel
titled, "From Bonmole, With Love". However, the writing is bad, so you can't
read it. You can barely make out the words, Author: Rick... There is another
writing stuck inside a bible. "God, I have a confession to make. I'm not
really a man..." In the underground area, [Magical Holy Water], [#31 Small
Medal], [Magical Skirt].

- If you build the Great Farm, you can get [#32 Small Medal], [Men's
Underwear], [Force Ring]. There is a book titled, "In Search of the Magic
Staff, Chapter 6". It reads, "I am the magician Madorue. Under the order of
my superior, the King of Saintheim, I'm searching for a magical staff. In the
world, there is a theory that stories end in 5 chapters, but I decided to
leave a sixth chapter behind. Right now, I have aged considerably. That
travel in search of that Magic Staff seems like a distant memory. However, I
have found a startling discovery. The other day, when I tried to move, in
moving stuff to a new place, I found the ultimate staff. The name of that
staff is the Cypress Stick. For someone like me with weak hips and feet, that
stick is invaluable in going anywhere. Speaking of which, the birthday of the
King is coming up. As a present, I'm thinking about giving this Magic Staff
to the King. After all, the King is aged, just like me..." In the
underground area, you can find [Horse Feces], [Nut of Life], [Boxed Lunch],
[Megazaru Bracelet] = Once again, this treasure is hidden under the stairs in
front of the gravestones.

- If you can build the Royal Castle Immigrant Town, (my favorite one) then you
can find a book, it is someone's Monster Picture Book, but all it has is a
bunch of slimes defeated. The rest is a bunch of blank pages... Items:
[Seed of Intelligence], [Megazaru Bracelet], [Magical Holy Water], [50 Gold],
[Silk Robe]. There is another book, titled, "The Egg and the Chicken". It
reads, "Long long ago, sometime, some place, there were two guys that boasted
on their skills of arguing. The beginning of life... was it the egg first?
Or was the chicken first? The two kept arguing to no end. So the two decided
to hear the opinion of a lady from a village. With this, they can put an end
to their long quarrel. This is what the lady said. 'Which came first? Who
cares? Can't you think of anything else?' The two dropped their shoulders,
and disappeared into the sunset. The End." This story will come into play
in Chapter 6, but that's farther down the line.

- Continue to search the castle to find [Steel Armor], [#33 Small Medal],
[Staff of Smiles]. In the basement area (hidden behind the stairs of the main
floor), you can find [#34 Small Medal], [Mirror Shield], [Safeguard Ruby],
[Marvel Sword] = You need the Last Key to get these four treasure boxes, since
they are behind a sliding jail door. [Seed of Quickness], and [Falling Star

- If you can get the Monster Tower (you can't get it now, since it requires
you to meet the Master Dragon first. Only then will the monster immigrant
make their appearance.), then you can get the [Nut of Enchantment], [Marvel
Sword], and the [Mask of the Evil God].

- If you can build all of these forms, then you can get some great items.
However, it takes time to get the form you want, since the immigrants that you
want won't always show up. Plus you can't trade immigrants between memory
cards anymore, unlike Dragon Quest 7. Alright, we have gone way off course of
the main story, so when you are satisfied with the immigrant portion of the
game, let's move on with the story.

Take Back Saintheim Castle
- When you are ready, go to Saintheim Castle. Make your way to the throne
room. Here you will face off against Balzack Plus. He will recognize the
daughters of Edgan. He transforms into a huge demon, wielding a club. He
says he already reached the ultimate in evolution. Balzack's body is close to
god. Even Death Pisaro can't touch him now. For Edgan's daughters, since you
love your father that much, I'll send you to meet him! Fight! Note that this
Balzack Plus has a natural recovery of 50 HP per turn. So you must do over
50 damage per turn if you want to win. For this battle, I went Hero -> Fight,
Arena -> Fight, Minea -> Defend and Behoimi, Manya -> Rukani, then Merami.
Rukani spell may not work all the time, so just stick with Merami for offense.
Balzack Plus attacks twice per turn, and his Hyadaruko and Ice Breath
combination is powerful. This is where defensive equipment with spell and
ice breath resistance comes in handy.

- After victory, Balzack says that's impossible, his body is supposed to be
perfect. As long as the Secret Ways of Evolution exists, he cant' be
destroyed. Then a mini demon monster appears. He says the experiment failed,
he must report to Death Pisaro. Apparently, Pisaro is still in the
experimental stage of the Secret Ways of Evolution. Balzack was just a Guinea
pig. Another mini demon appears and says, definitely, in order to complete
the Secret Way of Evolution, they need the Golden Bracelet (from Chapter 2).
This important item can increase the powers of darkness. A Kuja-Head monster
appears and says, when they get their hands on this Golden Bracelet and
complete the Secret Ways of Evolution, then the period of the Tribe of
Darkness with come forth. With the defeat of Balzack Plus, the spirit that
guarded the red door on the first floor is gone. Open the treasure boxes (use
Toramana spell to avoid barrier damage) to find a [Seed of Strength], [Flute
of Seeing], [Magma Staff]. The last two are rare items that are needed to
progress in the story.

Meet the Elf Rosary
- Now it's time to visit Rosary Hill. It is in the eastern part of the map.
You can use the Ru-ra spell if you have visited here before. You now have the
Flute of Seeing, so use that item on the plate in front of the tower. Inside
the tower, there is a green knight blocking the way. Talk to him, and he
won't let you pass. Fight the Pisaro Knight. For this battle, I have the
Hero -> Fight, Arena -> Fight, Minea -> Defend or Behoimi, Manya -> Rukani,
then Merami. This enemy can use the Jewel of Silence to seal your magic.
Also, he can call some Ice Condors to participate in battle. I had my
healer's spell sealed, so I couldn't use Behoimi. Now I had to finish the
battle quickly. Pisaro Knight drops a Jewel of Silence after battle.

- Talk to the slime nearby. He will say if you bully Rosary, he will kill
you. What? You're not here to do that? Then I'll tell you something good.
The Grave of the Royal Family to the southwest of Endoll seems to have the
Cane of Change. If you use that cane, then you could sneak into the castle of
the monsters. Talk to the elf standing at the window. She notices that you
are humans. The strange thing is that you seem different from the other
humans she knows. She will trust you. She says she is Rosary. Please listen
to what I have to say. The world is about to be destroyed by monsters. The
monster bundle is put together by a person named Pisaro. Right now, he calls
himself Death Pisaro. By using the Secret Ways of Evolution, he has become an
even more dreadful existence. Rosary asks of you to stop the ambition of
Pisaro, no, Death Pisaro. She doesn't want to burden him with anymore crimes,
even if that means having to kill him. From the pupil of Rosary's eyes, some
Ruby Tears flow out. The Hero gets the Ruby Tears. However, as soon as the
tears touch the hands of the Hero, the tears scatter into thin air. After
that, continue exploring the world to find Imuru Village and Bautland Castle
for Chapter 1.

Travel the World
- In Bautland Castle, you can find 6 treasure boxes that you couldn't get
before. They are behind a blue door, and protected by some barrier floor.
Pick up the [Nut of Life], [#35 Small Medal], [Iron Helmet], [750 Gold],
[Strength Seed], [Seed of Quickness]. At Imuru Village, stay at the inn to
see Pisaro's dream. It shows the location to use the Flute of Seeing, but
since you done that event already, you don't have to see it again. In the
basement Jail, get a [Medical Herb]. Get another [Medical Herb] beside the
church. There is [5 Gold] behind one of the shops. I missed those items from
chapter 1, so I picked them up right now. East of Imuru, there is the old well
on the outskirts of the village. Here, past enemies from earlier chapters
will appear here. Only 2 monsters from chapter 4 won't appear here, so

- Now let's go get one of the Sky Equipment. Visit the town of Stanciara,
which is on the upper left corner of the world map. Items: [#36 Small Medal],
[Magical Holy Water], [#37 Small Medal], [Seed of Strength]. Visit the castle
by raft. It seems that if you could get the King to laugh, he will give you
anything you want. Search the castle area to find [#38 Small Medal], [Magical
Holy Water], [Chimera's Wing]. At the throne room, wait in line until it is
your turn to meet the king. The king asks you to make him laugh. The Hero
tries to think of all kinds of gags. However, the king doesn't laugh. He
says, boring. Try again sometime. This is not a task for an amateur. You
will need to find someone who can make the king laugh. In the floor below
the throne room, speak to a merchant sitting by a table. This is required
to trigger the next event. The merchant says he wonders where Panon could be.

- Now use the Ru-ra spell to warp to Monbarbara Town. Go to the backstage of
the dance area. Talk to Panon. He asks if you want him to join. Say yes,
then he understands that you need the Sky Helmet in order to continue the
journey. You need Panon's talents to make the king laugh. Panon will join
the group. You can take Panon to all the towns to hear some funny puns if you
like. Now go back to Stanciara. Go back to the king's room. When it is your
turn, talk to him after you put Panon in the front position. Panon says,
"It's words, my king. Sorry, but I can't make the king laugh. Please give
these people the Sky Helmet. These people can save the world. They can get
back the heart's of people, making them laugh. That day can come if you
comply". The king says, very good. Panon read the mind of the king. The
king did this little thing for the benefit of the country. For the people
that lost hope, you can't get back the brightness. The king gives you the
[Sky Helmet]. Go down the stairs, then Panon will leave the party since his
job is done. Now he can continue his travels. Now Panon can appear as a
citizen of the immigrant town from now on.

15d. Sky Helmet to Getting the Balloon

Look for the Sky Armor
- Now we shall go get the Sky Armor. I was about Level 28 for the Hero.
Begin at the Medal King's Castle. Sail north to reach a little cave. This is
the Shrine of the Ocean Roar. The enemies here are powerful, and you can't
bring the wagon inside here, so be careful. Open the large red door. Sail
the raft to the right. Open the box here to get [#39 Small Medal]. Continue
sailing up until see a path to the left. Get off the raft and enter the room.
Open the treasure box here to [#40 Small Medal]. Go back and sail the raft
to the top side. Go down to enter the room from the top side. In the next
room, go down, then to the left to get to the next room. Take the stairs
downward. Open the two boxes for the [Sky Armor] and [#41 Small Medal].
You can exit here now. This is a short path, but the enemies are strong, so
seem longer than it really is.

Look for the Last Key In Gardenburg
- The next objective is to obtain the Last Key, so you can open the jail
doors. Begin by going to Imuru Village by the Ru-ra spell. Take the boat,
sail east, and get off at the continent just past the rocky mountains. Walk
south until you reach a volcano. At the dead end, use the Magma Staff as an
item. This will cause an eruption of lava. This will open a crack in the
rocks. Go up and retake the Staff. Continue onward to reach the Castle of
Gardenburg. As you may notice, this is an all woman castle. Items: [#42
Small Medal], [Leather Dress], [Seed of Quickness]. Search the bookcases and
you can find a book titled, "In Search of the Magic Staff, Chapter 5". It
reads, "After all, I couldn't find that magic staff. For sure, deep in that
cave, there was a hidden staircase and a treasure box. However, that box was
behind the iron lattice. The treasure box is right in front of my eyes, but
treasure was hopelessly far away... I have forgotten about this treasure box,
and now I've started a new search for another, new magic staff. Now that I
think about it, when will this job end? Oh, I want to eat mom's stew...
I am the Magician Madorue. Under orders of my leader, the King of Saintheim,
I'm in search of the magic staff." Putting together all six chapters of this
story, you can figure out that the treasure lies in the Cave South of
Freynoll. However, you need the Last Key to get past the iron lattice jail
door. That part is coming soon.

- On the first floor, look behind the stairway leading upward to find a
hidden staircase leading down, in a obscure place. Open the treasure box
here to get the [Blazing Talons]. When you are ready, go to the room with a
bard in front of a drawer. Nearby, pick up a [Seed of Intelligence]. Talk
to the bard, and he will say to search the drawer. There is something good
inside. He runs off quickly. Search the drawer, but there is nothing of
interest inside. When you try to leave the room, the nun will come in and
ask what are you doing. Then she accuses you for stealing her precious
Bronze Cross. A warrior come in and she brings you to jail. While in prison,
wait a while, then the warrior will let you out to see the Queen. The Queen
says justice will be served to anyone that commits a crime. According to the
sister, you stole the Bronze Cross. Is this not wrong? Say no, and she says
the sister saw you stealing it. Are saying that's wrong, despite the
evidence? Say yes, then the Queen wonders who stole the cross. If you are
falsely accused, then she will give you a chance to catch the real thief. On
one condition, though. You must leave one of your friends in jail. It looks
like the second person in line gets put in jail. If you want to change who
gets abducted, then talk to the warrior nearby. It seems you can't change the
person in front or the Hero. I put Toruneko in jail for the time being. Now
it's time to look for the real thief.

Cave South of Gardenburg
- Walk south of Gardenburg to find a small cave. I brought the Hero, Arena,
Klift, and Manya for this cave. Once inside, go down, then to the left. Go
down the slope, then walk to the right. Go a little down, then up a slope to
reach a box with a [#43 Small Medal]. Go back down, then go a little up,
then right. Walk around the rocky structure to find a chest with [Seed of
Strength]. Take the slope below that box, then go up, then right. Go down
the slope to get [1050 Gold]. Now take the path that forms the vertical part
of the T-shaped formation. Go straight down that path. Continue to the left,
to reach the stairs to the next floor. Here, take the left path and go
downward to reach a box with a [Luck Seed]. From the box, go right and down
the slope. Continue downward, then take the slope second from the bottom.
Go left, and go up to find an [Iron Mask]. Go downward to get a [Dragon
Shield]. Go back to the right side. Now take the slope at the bottom side.
Continue to the right, and it should lead you to the stairs down to the next

- On this floor, you see the bard you saw back at Gardenburg Castle. Search
the room for a [#44 Small Medal], [Holy Water], [Gale Bandana]. Look at the
bookcase for a book titled, "Bakota's Diary". It reads, "Dragon's Month, 3rd
Day. Finally, I'm able to get a job at Gardenburg Castle. The aim is, of
course, is the big treasure of that castle, the legendary Sky Shield. If this
heist is successful, I can put my shoulders along side the legendary Great
Thieves, Kandata (from Dragon Quest 3) and Ragos (from Dragon Quest 2).
Dragon's Month, 5th Day. I have infiltrated Gardenburg, but I couldn't find
the Sky Shield. All I could do was to steal the Cross that was made of
Bronze. What the hell is up that? That iron lattice jail door is real
suspicious. How terrible! That's all for today. I must sleep now." Now
talk to the sleeping Bakota, and you can see the Bronze Cross resting on his
chest. Then he wakes up. He remembers you from the castle. He won't be
caught so easily, but if you walk over to the doorway, you can block his exit
out. Get ready for a boss battle. Talk to him when he is in front of you
to begin the battle.

- For this battle, I go with Hero -> Raidein or Fight, Arena -> Fight, Klift
-> Mahoto-n, then Sukuruto. Manya -> Rukani, then Merami. Once you manage
to seal Bakota's spell of Hyadaruko, then use Klift's Sukuruto several times
to pitch a shutout. After that, this battle is easy. At the end of battle,
Bakota drops a Seed of Quickness. Bakota pleads for forgiveness. Then a
warrior from Gardenburg comes in. She congratulates the Hero for a good job.
Under orders from the Queen, she followed you. The Queen was a bit worried,
so that's why the Queen sent a warrior to help you if needed. The warrior
will take the real thief back to the castle. I would use the Riremito spell
to get out of here quickly, then Ru-ra spell to get back quickly to Gardenburg

- Talk to the Queen. She will praise the Hero for finding the real thief.
She heard it all from the warrior that just returned. She will give you the
key to release your captured comrade. Receive the [Last Key]. Now you can
also pick up the Sky Shield that's in the basement. Then the Queen says she
has heard from other travelers that you are on a quest to defeat the Emperor
of Hell. She says south from this land, lies a place called Rosary Hill. At
one time, a member from the Devil Tribe used to live there. You may learn
something, so it's worth a visit. Go back down to the basement on the left
side to free your trapped friend inside. On the bottom side, there is Bakota
in jail. If you talk to him, he says in this castle, he heard that there were
three underground rooms that exist. He couldn't find that third room. He is
talking about the room with the Blazing Talons, in that obscure place behind
the stairs. Now go to the underground room to the right. Open the jail door
to get the [Sky Shield]. With this, the Hero has gathered three out of the
four of the Sky Series of equipment. You need all four in order to climb the
Sky Tower, so it's required to get them all. Now the Sky Sword remains, but
before that, let's backtrack and get all the good treasures that were behind
jail doors.

Treasure Hunting Part 2
- Use Ru-ra to warp to Branka Castle. Open the jail door in the upper left
corner to get [350 Gold], [#45 Small Medal], and the [Prayer Ring]. Now go
to Bonmole Castle. Go to the basement prison cell. Rotate the camera to find
pots inside the cells hiding in the dead angle. Pick up [Nut of Enchantment],
[Horse Feces], [Nut of Life], [#46 Small Medal]. The next stop is Lakenaba
Town. Go to the house Toruneko used to work in. Go to the basement area and
get the three treasures that are behind the jail door. [Seed of Strength],
[Chain Sickle], [Icicle Blade]. Now visit Aneil Town at night. Go visit
Rivast's grave. Talk to his ghost and he will see you have his armor, the Sky
Armor. He will allow you to use it to save the world. Continue on by
visiting Konanberry Town. Go to the second floor of the inn and visit the
Unopened Room. Talk to the wandering soul (if it's nighttime), then he will
say, you people who don't know fear. If you want to die, then go ahead.
Eventually, your ship will sink into the depths of the ocean. After he fades
away, open the lone treasure box in the broken down room. Get the [Massacre
Sword]. Although it is cursed, it can be used in battle for the Rukanan
(dispersed defense reduction) spell.

- Now go to Havalia Town. Visit the basement prison to find [#47 Small
Medal], [Seed of Strength], [#48 Small Medal]. Go to Freynoll Town. Go to
the cave to the south. Make your way all the way to the treasure box
containing the Golden Bracelet from Chapter 2. Search the box and push the
button found here. Take the hidden stairs, then open the jail door and get
the treasure box to find the [Thunder Staff]. Use this in battle for the
Begirama spell effect. This is the Magic Staff described in the "In Search of
the Magic Staff, Chapters 1 through 6" series of books. Visit Imuru Village.
Go to the underground prison cell. Search the pot here to get [#49 Small
Medal]. If you want more treasure, head on to the Waterfall Rapids Cave. It
is on the same continent as Rosary Hill Village, but on the other side of the

Waterfall Rapids Cave
- This is a small cave, so the wagon is not allowed inside. Go up to the
waterfall and use the Parching Stone as an item. After throwing the stone in
the water's surface, it will dry up, allowing passage to the next floor.
Enter the red door to get the [Sand of Time]. Use this item in battle to
return to the beginning of a battle. It has unlimited use. Continue on
through the jail door to the next floor. Here, go up, then left, then up to
get [#50 Small Medal]. Continue down, then up around the U shaped rocks.
Keep going that path to reach the stairs to the next floor. On this floor,
go down to reach a box containing a [Mask of the Evil God]. Go back to the
stairs, then go to the right, then down to get [780 Gold]. Go up, then to the
right. At the split path, take the right hand side slope to clear this floor.
On the next floor, go left, then down to reach the treasure box containing the
[Astray Metal Sword]. This is the metal slayer weapon. After that, you can
leave this place.

Grave of the Royal Family
- The next objective is to obtain the Cane of Change. Starting at Endoll
Castle, sail south until you reach a peninsula with a shrine on it. This is
the Grave of the Royal Family. The entrance is blocked by a jail door, but
with the Last Key, this is no problem. On the next floor, take the upper one
way arrow. Go down to the next floor. Go right on the arrow, and continue
following the arrows until you reach the treasure box containing the [Demon
Sealing Staff]. To the right, there is a travel door leading to another part
of the grave, but you can ignore it. Go to the left, down, and to the right.
Carefully walk beside the arrows to reach a box containing [#51 Small Medal].
Continue downward, then to the right. Climb up the stairs at the end of the
path. On this floor, go left, then up to reach a recovery point. Step into
the light to restore HP and MP. It has unlimited use. Go down and avoid
stepping on the arrows. Climb the stairs at the bottom. On this floor, go
left, down, and around the arrows. Open the treasure box to get the [Cane of
Change]. Using this item, it allows you to transform to some other form like
monsters and towns people and such. Take the nearby arrows to quickly reach
the exit.

Infiltrate the Demon Statue
- The next place to visit is Riverside Town. From here, sail south out of
town, then disembark at the shore. Enter the Demon Statue. Talk to the
priest in the little hut. He says that gods stop their own tears with their
own hands. That is the hint of passing through the statue. Go through the
jail door to reach the base of the Demon Statue. Enter the area near the
feet. Here, go up and past the downward stairs to reach a box. Get [#52
Small Medal]. Go back to the stairs to get to the next floor. Here, go to
the left, then down to get [640 Gold]. Go to the right, then up to reach
the stairs going up. Continue going up to the next floor. On this floor,
go to the left, down, right, down, left, up, and left to get to the stairs.
Now go right and up the stairs. Go left, then down and out the door. On the
statue's hand, open the box to get the [Demon's Hammer]. Go back down the
stairs, then go to the upper right corner of the room with a roof. Turn the
camera to find a doorway hidden in the dead angle. Enter that room to find
the stairs leading up. On this room, go down, right, up past the stairs to
reach a treasure box containing the Mimic Monster. Go down and climb up the
stairs. Here, jump off the left side cliff (if you take the right side, you
will end up in the area with the treasure box that had the Demon's Hammer).
After that, you should be on the left (your left) side of the statue's hand.
You fell out of the god's eyes (the tear) onto the hand. Now enter the
nearby doorway. Go up and around the left to reach the stairs. Continue
climbing up to reach the top floor. Search the lever on the bottom side.
It will ask if you will pull the lever. Say yes. This will cause the Demon
Statue to move. Watch the short movie of the statue walking across the river.
Now exit the statue by falling off either side of the ears. If you want to
return to the River-side area, take the nearby shrine entrance. It has a
one-way travel door. Now continue to the right on the World Map. Cross the
hills and the forests. Walk upwards, then to the right. You have arrived at
Death Palace, home of the monsters.

Sneak Into Death Palace
- Here, if you are not in monster form via the Cane of Change, then the
monsters will attack you. On the other hand, if you are in monster form, then
information can be gained from them. At the entrance, head to the basement
area on the upper left part. Search the pots inside the jail cells to find
[#53 Small Medal], [Prayer Ring], [Star Fragment]. Continue down the stairs,
then back upwards. In one of the towers, you see a Bengal and an Arm Lion
monster talking to one another. Let's eavesdrop on the conversation. The
Lion is shocked that the Evil Priest is plotting something against Death
Pisaro. The Bengal says yes, but this time it is for real. The Evil Priest
is going to use foolish humans in order to take away Death Pisaro's most
important thing (the Elf named Rosary). The Arm Lion says by the way things
are going, the Evil Priest will soon become the New King of the Devil Tribe,
replacing Death Pisaro. Then they notice someone is near, so they break off
conversation. One of the monsters on the upper floor will say that long ago,
the Emperor of the Devil Tribe, Estark had mastered the ultimate in Evolution.
However, that feared existence caused the God of the Sky to seal the Emperor
deep underground. Go back to the jail area. Move the barrels and pots out of
the way to reach a doorway. Continue following that path to find a human
merchant here. He will give you information on the Cane of Change in case you
don't have it. Back at the main entrance hall, enter a small doorway and go
to the right. Take the large staircase to the next floor. At the throne
room, take the stairs downward in the top left corner. Rotate the camera to
see a doorway off to the left. This leads to the outer parts of the Palace.
Go to the far left, around the trees and go up around the small pond. There
is a stairway leading down. In the basement, open the numerous jail doors to
get the treasures. [Nut of Enchantment], [#54 Small Medal], [Shield of the
Wind God]. The bottom right box is a Mimic monster. Fight is if you wish.

- Go back to the throne room. Exit here via the doorway on the bottom side.
On the connecting bridge, jump off the edge. Have Manya use the Toramana
spell to avoid barrier damage. Walk to the bottom right corner of the Palace.
Go down the stairs you see there. Look at the grave to see the proud citizens
of the Devil Tribe resting here. Search in front of the grave to get a
[Megante Bracelet]. Make your way back to the connecting bridge. Turn the
camera to find the door to the other building. This is the conference room.
Once inside, a mini demon monster is hurrying to reach his seat. Apparently,
Death Pisaro hasn't been here in a while, but he is coming soon. Talk to all
the monsters, then the blue Bengal monster. He says your seat is behind him.
After greeting everyone, wait patiently at your seat (of course in monster
form). Now just wait on the seat as directed by the blue Bengal. Wait a
moment, then a Rhino Soldier will come in and call for silence. Death Pisaro
will be making a visit. Death Pisaro arrives via the Ru-ra spell. Pisaro
comes in and makes his speech. He says, right now, an important event has
occurred at the Mining Town of Attemto. It seems like the Emperor of Hell,
Estark has been revived by the hands of humans. It looks like the humans
unwillingly dug their way to the world of hell. Anyways, we must head to
Attemto. We must get Estark to come to our castle. Let's go, quickly.
Pisaro leaves, along with a group of monsters in pursuit. After this event,
Attemto Town will have changed. Use the Ru-ra spell to warp to Attemto. This
is the entrance to Estark Temple.

Invade Estark Temple
- Before entering, make any necessary preparations, then enter town. The Hero
was about Level 32, with a party of the Hero, Arena, Klift, and Manya. Enter
the mine. The first two floors are just like Chapter 4. Go up, then take the
second right. Go up, then right, then up to reach the stairs to the next
floor. Here, go up all the way, then right. On this floor, the enemies will
become stronger. Now the humans that were here have dug deeper into the mine.
Go up, left, up, right, past the mini demon. Then go up and to the left to
reach the stairs to the next level. On this floor, go up, left, right, then
up to reach the temple area. Go up and enter the small room to find a
recovery point. Use it if needed. Go to the right to find the entrance to
Estark's Temple. Go straight up and through the door. Here, take the
treasure boxes to get [#55 Small Medal], [Magical Holy Water], [Seed of
Strength], [Seed of Quickness], [2480 Gold]. Head downward past the boxes to
find the stairs leading up. On the balcony, go up and to the right. Ignore
the stairs leading up, and continue downward to find the stairway leading
down. Open the treasure boxes here for a Mimic monster and [#56 Small Medal].
Nearby, there is a flame spirit guarding a treasure box. This spirit is a
servant of Estark since the ancient times. The Emperor gave it eternal life.
As long as Estark lives, this spirit will never perish. Remember this place
for later on. Continue to the left to find the stairs leading up. Continue
going up the next flight of stairs to find a group of Bengals and a Rhino
King monster in front of a huge monster in blue, wielding two giant blades.
Talk to the monsters to make them notice you. They say that it will take a
while for Estark to wake up. Leave now. Say no, and get into battle with
the small fry. Take out the Bengals first, then go for the Rhinos King. Just
be careful of the Rhinos King's Mahokanta spell.

- After that, talk to the Emperor Estark. He will ask who are you. Why do
you disturb my sleep? Get ready for a tough battle. Estark begins the battle
asleep. When he is sleeping, he emits this suspicious light. This causes
about 50 damage to all, plus he can do it twice. On the first turn, have
everyone defend except Arena. Have her fight to wake up Estark quickly. Once
he wakes up, he attacks by swinging his sword at a single target, breathes a
chilly snowstorm, and accumulates power for the next attack. Estark can also
use the Freezing Wave Motion to erase any support spells. The Rariho-ma spell
works, but while Estark is asleep, he will do that suspicious light attack.
It is better not to put Estark to sleep. Rukani spell sometimes works. The
strategy is, Hero -> Raidein or Fight. Behoma and Behomazun for healing,
Arena -> Fight, Klift -> Sukuruto, Behoma, Behomara- for healing. Manya ->
Rukani, then Merazo-ma for offense. Use this pattern to win.

- After battle, Estark will slump over, with the blue draining out of him.
The Emperor of Hell is now just a lifeless, gray corpse. Note that this
Estark is the hidden boss in Dragon Quest 5 (I don't know if part 4 or 5 came
first in the Sky Series Story Line). When you try to leave, Death Pisaro will
appear. He will be shocked that Estark lost to you. They have waited a long
time for the awaited revival of the Devil Emperor. To lose to humans like
you... But the prophecy says the only one who could possibly defeat the
Emperor, is the Hero that has the blood line of the Sky People. Then you must
be... Before Pisaro could finish his sentence, a mini demon monster rushes in
to alert Pisaro of some terrible news. Something has happened to the Elf,
Rosary. It looks like humans were behind it. Pisaro gets enraged, and orders
everyone to retreat. Pisaro ignores you and leaves.

- Now go back to the area with the flame spirit. Now that Estark is put to
rest, you can get the one treasure you couldn't before. Open it to get the
[Gas Jar]. This item is the power source of the hot-air balloon. Use
Riremito to escape this place. Go to River-side Town. Go to the house on the
right side. Talk to the scholar there and he will ask if he can see that
strange pot you have. Say yes, and he will see that it contains gas. With
this, the scholar can use it for his invention. He asks if he can have this
pot. Say yes again, and he says come back tomorrow to pick up your gift. Go
to the inn, and sleep overnight. The next day, visit the guy once more. He
will say that it is complete. You now have the Hot-Air Balloon. With this
new mode of transportation, you can fly over rocky mountains with ease, and
land just about anywhere solid. Go outside to see it. You are free to travel
around the world.

15e. Getting the Balloon to Reaching the Shrine of Hope

The World Tree and the Sky Sword
- Now that you have the balloon, the next task is to get the Sky Sword to
complete the Sky collection of equipment. Begin by going to the Town of
Mintos. Take the balloon and fly east. Remember the X mark on the treasure
map? Now it's time to visit that place. Since it is surrounded by mountains,
it is accessible only by balloon. This is the Village of the Elves, also
know as the World Tree. Before entering the tree, bring only three members
to the tree. You will see why later on. This makes battles a little tougher,
so bring the Hero, Arena, and Minea as the standard members. Enter the tree
trunk. Take the left path you see and go up the stairs. Go up and onto the
branch (don't worry since you cannot fall off from there even if you tried).
Search the leaves anywhere to get the [World Tree Leaf]. You can hold only
one at a time, or more precisely, pick off one at a time. Open the nearby
chest for the [Blessing Staff]. Use this item in battle for the Behoimi
effect. It has unlimited use. Go back down the stairs to the entrance area.
This time, take a right and take the stairs up from there. Go down, then
right across the branch. From the branch, go down, then to the left. Then
go up to find the stairs to the next level. On this floor, go straight down,
to find a stairway going up. Search the treasure box nearby to get the
[World Tree Drops]. Go back down the stairs. This time, go upwards to reach
another branch area. Work your way to the right, then down. Walk in a
clockwise direction to reach the staircase. On the next floor, walk in a
counterclockwise direction to reach the staircase.

- On this floor, you see someone laying there on the branches. She is calling
for help. Talk to her, and she will introduce herself as Lucia, of the Sky.
She came down from there in order to pluck some World Tree Leaves. She got
attacked by monsters, which caused her wings to break. She asks if you can
help her return to the Sky Castle. Say yes, and she will say that in order
to enter the Tower leading to the Sky, you must get all the Sky Equipment.
The Sky Sword is somewhere nearby. Lucia joins the party, only if you have 3
or less people in the party. If you came here with 4 people, then you can't
advance any further. Plus you will have to come back again with less people
(waste of time). From here, continue to the left, then down across the
central root. The Sky Sword is near the bottom right branch. Search it to
get the [Sky Sword]. Lucia will say, that's it. The Sky Sword. With this,
now she can return to the Sky Castle. Since her wings are broken, she can't
fly. She asks if you can take her there. Say yes, and she will say she knew
that's the answer you would give. To get to the Sky Castle, you must climb
the tower to the sky. Plus you need all the Sky Equipment in order to even
enter that tower. Let's go. The Sky Sword you have now is not at full
strength, so I wouldn't equip it just yet. You can use the Riremito spell to
escape from here.

The Challenger to the Sky
- Now that you have all the Sky Equipment, it's time to climb the Tower to
the Sky. Where is this place? It is on a little island accessible only by
balloon (the place is surrounded by shallows). Go to Konanberry Town, then
fly west from here. Land on the island you find there. This will take you
to a separate map. Walk east to find the Town of Gottside. Items: [#57
Small Medal], [#58 Small Medal]. This town has a group of prophets. They say
that the only thing in Death Pisaro's heart is hatred. They must stop him,
before he evolves into a terrible, evil monster. You also hear that if the
Golden Bracelet is used, then the Secret Ways of Evolution will become more
fearful than ever before. However, it seems that Death Pisaro has already
completed the Secret Ways of Evolution, becoming the Second Estark. There
was a prophecy that Estark would be revived, then be defeated by the Hero.
Afterwards though, there is nothing said by the gods. The rest is up to you.

- Exit town and walk further to the east. Enter the small shrine you see
here. This is the Horned Shrine. There are no enemies here. Go up, and
ignore the elevator for now. Take the stairs going down. At the bottom, take
the stairs you see in the squarish area. This is what the elevator would
cover up if you took the elevator. Take the treasure box there to get the
[Goddess Ring]. This ornament recovers MP just by walking, so give it to
someone who doesn't have the Hat of Happiness (same effect). Go back to the
top floor, and this time take the elevator. Go back to the top floor, then
jump off the pit that used to be occupied by the elevator. You will land on
top of the elevator. Walk downwards and take the stairs down. Open the
treasure box to get the [Baron's Horn]. Using this item on the field will
call the Horse Wagon if you get stranded. Using it in battle will summon a
group of angry horses to trample the enemy. It does about 3 to 4 hits, 30
damage per hit, depending on the monster resistance. The next objective is
to climb the Tower to the Sky.

The Tower that Pierces the Heavens
- From the Town of Gottside, walk south to find this tower. The Hero must be
in the party, holding all the Sky equipment. If the Hero is not present, then
an unseen force will kick the party out. This tower is large, so expect at
tough journey, since you have only 4 party members to work with. At the
entrance hall, take a left across the carpet and around the pond to reach a
stairway. Now take the stairway going up on the bottom left corner. Go
upstairs once more to get a treasure box with the [Dragon Shield]. Go back
down the stairs and walk out the door. On the outer frames of the tower,
there are no random encounters, so use this opportunity to recover MP by
walking using the Goddess Ring and the Hat of Happiness. After that, go back
inside, then go down the stairs. On this floor, take the stairs going up in
the bottom right corner. Enter the doorway to find a box containing the
[Wonderful Bolero]. Go out the door and take the floating platform to take
you to the next floor. Ignore the room you see here (it's a dead end) and
go to the backside of the room to find another platform. Take it to continue
on. In the next room, enter the doorway at the foot of the pillar. Take the
stairs downward. Go down, to the left and open the door that's facing
sideways. Go down and take the stairs upward. Open the nearby treasure chest
to get the [World Tree Drops]. Go back down the stairs again, then continue
to the left and take the stairs up. In this room, climb up the ladder to
reach the next area.

- Here, go right, and take the stairs up. Now climb down the short ladder and
enter the open doorway. Search the middle of the cross shaped pattern on the
floor to find [#59 Small Medal]. Go up and climb the stairs going down. Walk
a little downward to find some pots and barrels. Search them to get [#60
Small Medal], [Seed of Strength]. Go back up the stairs and out the door.
Climb up the ladder, then back down the stairs (The doorway you see nearby
just leads to a dead end). In this room, go all the way to the left side and
take the stairs up. Enter the small door you see nearby. Take the stairs up
to reach another platform to ride on. This will take you even higher in the
sky. In the next room, go to the right and open the box for a [Megazaru
Bracelet]. Go back to the left, then up and around the narrow corridor.
Cross the overpass bridge to the right side. Now go down, then back up around
the small opening to reach the next floor. Go straight down to reach the
stairway leading up. You have reached the top floor. Climb up the steep
slope to find an altar. Step on the alter and a cloud will pick you up and
carry you high in the sky. You have arrived at the Sky Castle.

Sky Castle
- Enter the castle. As soon as you do, Lucia will automatically leave the
party. She has returned home. About this castle. If you have played part
5 and 6 of the series, this place looks familiar. It is the same Sky Castle
in 5 and it is Zenith Castle from part 6. Items: [World Tree Drops] = Talk
to the mini demon. He says something about the World Tree Flute. If you
have no drops left, then the monster give you more, one at a time. The first
time he will give for free, even if you do have drops from treasure chests.
[#61 Small Medal]. In the lower levels, talk to Lucia. She thanks you for
returning her to home. As a reward, she gives you Dran, the dragon child.
This dragon is hard to use, since he acts on his own free will. [#62 Small
Medal] = Search the ground near the dragon kid at the church.

- When you are done exploring, go to the large doorway at the center of the
castle to reach the throne room of the Master Dragon. This is the dragon that
flies around in the opening movie. Talk to the Master Dragon. He says he is
the ruler of this castle, being the god of dragons. He knows all that's
happening in the world. The Dragon knows why you are here. The problem is
that even the Master Dragon cannot seal the evolution of the one known as
Death Pisaro. The dragon isn't the absolute one, as you might think.
Suddenly, an evil surge is shot from the entrance to the dark world, one that
penetrates the clouds. A soldier of the Sky comes in to inform this to the
Master Dragon. The dragon predicts that Death Pisaro didn't do that to drop
the Sky Castle, but that was more of a provocation to the Hero. Pisaro
already knows that the Hero has reached the Sky Castle, and so he gives out
his taunt.

- The dragon continues to say that humans are a mysterious living creature.
Even weak humans at times can exert unbelievable power. He makes a bet to the
Hero, who has the bloodline of the Sky People and Humans. He believes you
can defeat the evolved beast. The Master Dragon gives all his power to the
Hero. The Hero gains 20,000 experience points, and the Sky Sword begins to
shine brightly. The sword is now at full power. The dragon tells you to head
to the Devil World by using the hole in the clouds formed by that blast
moments ago. Now the Sky Sword is worthy of being equipped. You can also use
that weapon in battle for the Freezing Wave Motion effect to nullify all types
of support spells used by the enemy. Exit the place by taking the door on the
bottom right side of the castle. Go further down, and out the door at the
church. Walk on the clouds, and if you look carefully, there is a blue spot
among clouds. This is the hole you must fall into to reach the next area.

Journey to the Dark World
- When you are ready, drop into the hole in the clouds to land back in the
Gottside Area, but right beside the cave surrounded by rocky mountains. This
is the Cave to the Devil World. This is another long dungeon, but this time
you can bring the wagon inside, so the trip is not that hard. Begin by going
up, through the big door to find the [Luminous Dress]. Go out the door, then
go to the left. In the next room, go upward, then go left. Continue going
left in the long corridor, then go down. Take the side path to the left. In
this room, take the one-way arrow on the bottom right side. After taking the
ride, go down to find a treasure box. Take it to find [#63 Small Medal]. Go
back up and to the right to return to the main path. Continue going down at
the main path.

- The next room is a long corridor that wraps around in a squarish patten.
Walk in a counterclockwise direction to advance forward. Near the end of this
room, there is a path off to the left, but ignore it for now. Continue
downward to the next long corridor. Here, walk in counter-clockwise direction
again to reach the next room. The next room is a large one, with a large
lake, with some poison marsh surrounding it. Use Manya's Toramana spell to
avoid barrier damage, then go to the upper left corner to get a [Bangle of
Greatness]. Go back to the long corridor, and walk back to the place we
ignored the first time through. Take the left there, then continue to the
left. Open the box there to get a [Staff of Smiles]. Now go down, then take
the right path. The treasure box in the poison marsh is a Mimic monster, so
fight it if you want. Move on to the left, then up to reach the stairs
leading up. In this room, take the one way arrow on the bottom left to reach
the box containing the [Demon Armor]. From here, take the arrow pointing to
the right near the four arrows pointing left. Look carefully to see how the
arrows are arranged and you should be able to make it to the stairs leading

- The next part has four treasure boxes. Open them to get [3280 Gold], [Nut of
Life], [Seed of Quickness], [Seed of Strength]. Continue down the stairs to
reach the center of the large lake area. Take the nearby raft and move to the
right. Look for the stairs going down on a solitary island. Go to the left,
then search the area just above center of the four pillars to find a [Nut of
Enchantment]. In the next room, open the large red door, then exit out the
door on the bottom side.

- You have reached the Bridge Building Tower. This is a good place to level
up, since a group of monsters forming one Metal King, three Astray Metals, and
four regular Slimes can appear. The Sand of Time can help here if the metals
run away before you can kill them. Use Rariho- spell to put the slimes to
sleep to prevent them from running away. Walk down across the bridge above
the lava. Fall off the crack in the floor to reach the box containing the
[Mirror Shield]. Drop into the nearby crack, then go back up one floor to
pick up a [Nut of Life]. Go down, two floors, then walk down to exit the
tower. You are now in the Devil World, home of Death Pisaro. Walk down to
find the Shrine of Hope, the last save and recovery point.

15f. Shrine of Hope to the End

Shrine of Hope
- You can use Ru-ra to come back to this point. Walk down, to see a spirit.
Approach close and the spirit changes into a Sky Person. She says this is the
Shrine of Hope. She has waited for your arrival. Around Death Pisaro's
Palace (Death Castle), there is a binding force stretched around it. Pisaro
is continuing to evolve over on the other side. As long as the binding force
is there, an mysterious power will stop you in your tracks. The four points
of the binding force must be destroyed to break the seal around the castle.
May God be give you divine protection. She completely recovers the party, and
gives the option of saving the game. If you do save, then reset, the starting
point will be the church in Endoll Castle.

Break the Seal
- From the Shrine of Hope, go to the southeast corner of the area to reach
the first binding point. Inside the small shrine, go down the stairs. Then
go to the left or right to find a dragon waiting for you. Talk to the dragon
and he will say he is the guardian of this barrier. He will protect the place
with his life. Fight the Andreal monster. You have to fight three dragons at
once, and they can call for more help, so it is best to clean them up as quick
as possible. Have the Hero -> Fight, or Gigadein, Arena -> Fight, Minea ->
Fuba-ha, Behoimi, Bagikurosu, Manya -> Merazo-ma. After victory, they Andreal
should drop a Dragon Shield as an item. Andreal says that Pisaro has lamented
ever since the loss of Rosary. Humans shall be brought to ruin. Long live
Pisaro! One part of the binding force is gone. Go back to the Shrine of Hope
to recover.

2nd Seal
- Go to the shrine on the southwest corner. Go down the stairs to find a
room with the clay statues that follow your every move. If your party comes
in contact with anyone of these statues, then your party gets kicked out of
the room, and you must try again. Here is one method to pass this difficult
room with ease. From the beginning of the room, go up 8 spaces, left 6 (the
statue 2nd from the left should be caught behind the stationary statue). Go
up 1, right 7 (the two statues close to you should get caught behind the
screen also). Now go straight up to reach the to the next room. If that
didn't work, adjust the steps slightly to get the clay statue to get caught
in the stationary Demi Human Statue. The next room has a strange Magic
Formation on the floor. A huge demon with a club is waiting for you. Talk
to him, and he will say you did well in making it here. He says he will offer
a gift. He says to search the center of part of the Magic Battle Array that
you see on the floor. If you do, then he is call you fools for showing your
back to the enemy. When you battle him, he will get the first strike, so if
you don't want that, just ignore what he says, and just talk to him a second
time. Fight the Giga Demon. I have the Hero -> Gigadein, and Behoma, Arena
-> Fight, Minea -> Behoma, Manya -> Rukani, then Merazo-ma. The Giga Demon
can attack twice per turn, and his attack power is high. It might be better
to replace Minea with Klift, and have him use Sukuruto several times for
defense. Sometimes the Giga Demon defends for one turn, but Gigadein and
Merazo-ma will still do full damage. After beating him, you should get a
Club as a dropped item. The Giga Demon says how stupid! This makes two
parts of the barrier destroyed. Go back to the Shrine of Hope to recover.

3rd Seal
- The next task is to tackle the shrine in the northwest corner. In this
simple shrine, climb up the ladder to face the Hell Battler. He says, so
you are the ones trying to interfere with the evolution of Death Pisaro.
You nefarious people. You humans, I shall bring success and defeat! The
Hell Battler's biggest attack is the Ionazun spell. Here I have the Hero ->
Gigadein, or Behoma. Arena -> Fight, Minea -> Use the Jewel of Silence for
the Mahoto-n effect, Fuba-ha, Behoma. Manya -> Rukani, Merazo-ma. If you
succeed in sealing his Ionazun spell, then battle becomes easier. Mahoto-n
spell should work against him. If the Rukani spell wears off, then just
continue with Manya using Merazo-ma. Keep this pattern up, and victory will
be near. Fuba-ha will reduce the Chilly Snowstorm breath damage, and the
Violent Flames damage. If you take more than 6 turns, recast Mahoto-n if
necessary. After battle, the Hell Battler will drop a Marvel Sword. The
Hell Battler says you done well in defeating him. Chew it well, the short
lived victory. No matter what, you will still be destroyed by the evolved
form of Death Pisaro. That makes three parts of the binding force destroyed.
Go back to the Shrine of Hope to recover if needed.

Last Seal
- It's time to tackle the final stronghold. Go to the tower in the northeast
corner of the Devil World. At the entrance, go up the flight of stairs in
front of you. Exit out via the door off to the right (it's hidden, so rotate
the camera if you need to). Take the stairs upwards in the top right corner.
Walk downward to find a treasure box containing the [Zombie Mail]. Go back
down, then take the stairs on the bottom left corner. Go up to reach the
summit. Talk to the priest sitting on the throne in the middle of the room.
He says you all finally here, but you are too late. Death Pisaro will use the
Secret Ways of Evolution in order to evolve into the ultimate being. That
will also cause Pisaro to awaken as a grotesque being as well. That
transformation will make his heart full of hatred against humans, and nothing
else. The Death Pisaro will never again be the ruler of the Devil Tribe.
Pisaro shall die in obscurity. Here is a present from Hell! The priest
transforms into the Evil Priest. The Evil Priest says it was he who used
humans to kidnap Rosary.

- Battle the Evil Priest and three Small Ghouls. The Evil Priest begins the
battle with the Mahokanta (spell reflection) spell on himself. It would be
best to remove that barrier by using the Sky Sword as an item. Have the Hero
-> Use the Sky Sword for the Freezing Wave Motion effect, then Gigadein and
Behoma. Arena -> Fight the Evil Priest, Minea -> Bagikurosu against the Small
Ghouls, then Behoma for healing. Manya -> Defend, wait until the Mahokanta
barrier is gone, then use Rukani, then Merazo-ma against the Evil Priest.

- Continue this pattern, and as long as you heal at the right time, then you
should be okay. Rukani spell may not always work. Watch out as the Evil
Priest can recast Mahokanta spell to make things more difficult. You may need
to use Behomazun. It gets real annoying when the Evil Priest recasts
Mahokanta over and over, but that can waste one attack (he can attack twice
per turn). Also, he has some Mera resistance, so it may be best to leave the
attacking to Arena. After the battle, the Evil Priest will say, how stupid.
He was one step away in being the King of the Devil Tribe. He won't allow
you, absolutely won't allow you to mess with his plans. With this, all four
points have been destroyed. Now the path of Death Castle is open. Go back to
the Shrine of Hope if needed, and prepare for the last dungeon.

Invade Death Castle
- Now it's time to capture the Last Dungeon. Enter Death Castle, then walk in
the front door. In the first room, there is a barrier floor, with some Clay
Soldiers walking around. Use Toramana spell to avoid barrier damage and try
to walk past the enemy if you can (they move two steps for every one step you
take). Go up and to the right side. Then go down to find the stairs to the
next room. Walk out the doorway to reach the veranda portion of the castle.
No enemies appear here. Walk up, past the corpse to the next room. Now go up
and to the left. Take the stairs down to find a large room with a poison
marsh filling most of it. Use the Toramana spell, then go to the bottom of
the room to find a lone treasure box. Open it to get the [#64 Small Medal].
Go back up the stairs. Go a little down to see a flame spirit. It says don't
go any further. Ignore that, and go to the right and climb the stairs. Walk
down between the wicked looking Demi Human Statues, and out the door. Take
the left hand door to reach an elevator. Skip this elevator for now and
continue upwards. Climb the stairs to reach a long, horizontal corridor with
a bunch of wicked statues lined up in a row. Go to the right, and at the
third statue you come to, push it out of the way to find a hidden doorway
behind it. Enter it and follow the series of stairs and you will reach the
veranda area with a treasure box. Open it to get the [Sage's Stone].
Use this item in battle to recover about 60 HP for all 4 members. It has
unlimited use, so take advantage of that.

- Go back to the long hallway with the statues. This time go to the right and
out the door. On the porch area, take the door on the far right side. Open
the two boxes for a [World Tree Leaf], and [Thunder Staff]. Now walk all the
way back to the elevator. This time, step on the button to activate the
elevator. This will take you back to the area with the flame spirit. Now
exit the elevator by going downwards. Head to the right, under a doorway,
then up to find the stairs. On the next floor, go down, then right to find a
warrior laying on the ground. It is just a corpse, however. Take the nearby
elevator which will lead you back down one floor. Exit the elevator, then
take the nearby stairs back up one floor. Now you can walk on top of the
elevator, on the square roof portion to reach the other side. Take the stairs
up to reach the next part. Climb up another set of stairs, then go up, then
left a long way to reach a water fountain area. Go straight down from that
fountain, out the doorway. On the veranda area, go left and enter the doorway
you see there. You are now in the rocky mountain area. Go straight up to
reach the exit. You have reached the last volcano. Use the Baron's Horn to
bring the wagon to the last battle. If you don't have the Baron's Horn, then
go back to the rocky mountain part, and immediately cast the Riremito spell.
You will end up in front of the volcano with the horse wagon in tow. When you
are ready, enter the volcano to face Death Pisaro once and for all.

Final Battle
- My Hero was about Level 41. I would give Arena the Sage's Stone, so she
can heal quickly in a pinch. Walk up the simple path to find Death Pisaro,
who has already evolved past the Estark level. Pisaro has two huge swords,
which a brownish Estark-like body. Get near, then Death Pisaro will ask who
are you. My name is Death Pisaro. I just awakened as the King of the Devil
Tribe. He doesn't know anything... He can't remember anything, but he knows
what he must do. Exterminate all humans! Fight the final battle. Be warned
that Pisaro have a total of seven forms, so try to conserve MP for the later
part of the battle.

1st Form
- Pisaro looks like Estark in this form. Have the Hero -> Fight, or Gigadein
if you can spare it. Arena -> Fight, Sage's Stone if needed. Minea ->
Fuba-ha, Behoma. Manya -> Rukani, then Merazo-ma, but conserve MP for later.
You can also switch out Minea for Klift and have him use Sukuruto several
times for defense. When you do enough damage, then Pisaro's left arm flies
off and he enters the 2nd form.

2nd Form
- When Pisaro changes form, the battle turn automatically ends, so be careful
of the timing for healing. In this form, have Manya or Burai use Rukani to
reduce his defense power constantly. After accumulating more damage, then
Pisaro's right arm falls off.

3rd Form
- This form attacks twice per turn, and is a magic user. He constantly uses
Sukuruto to raise his defense, and uses Hyadaruko for offense. To counter
this, have the Hero -> Use the Sky Sword to take off Sukuruto. Arena ->
Sage's Stone for healing. Minea -> Fight, Manya -> Rukani after the Hero
moves. This form also breathes sweet breath to make you party members sleep.
My Hero fell asleep, so I'm in a little trouble, since the Hero has the
Zameha (awaken) spell. Pisaro's Zaki spell also is annoying, since it
killed Arena. In this case, replace Minea with Klift and have him use
Zaoriku to revive and dead members. Try to do enough damage to make Pisaro
go the next form. After enough damage is done, Pisaro's head pops off.

4th Form
- Right when the turn begins, Death Pisaro's stomach wriggles violently. A
new head pops out his stomach, and Pisaro turns green in color. This form
uses Meditation to heal 500 HP, so you must attack quickly. Use Rukani,
Merazo-ma, and Gigadein to quickly reduce his HP. This form also breathes
violent flames, and can use the Freezing Wave Motion, so you must recast
Fuba-ha when necessary to minimize damage.

5th Form
- Continue the assault, then Death Pisaro will grow two new arms out from both
side of his body. This is the 5th form. Continue using the same pattern as
before, just be careful of his high attack power.

6th Form
- After some more damage, Death Pisaro grows new legs that are thicker than
before. This is the sixth form. Use the same pattern as before, Rukani,
Merazo-ma, Gigadein for attack, Behoma, Behomazun, Sage's Stone for healing.
Klift's Sukuruto helps here as well as Minea's Fuba-ha to reduce damage.

7th Form
- How much damage can this freak take? Now Pisaro jumps into the air, grows
a second head on top, then grows two horns on that head. Then he grows two
more horns on the legs. When he opens his eyes on the second head, you see
that it is a grotesque, three eyed monster. At the same time, he casts the
Mahokanta spell to reflect your magic. The music changes, indicating this is
the seventh and final form. Have the Hero -> Use the Sky Sword to tear off
that Mahokanta barrier. Arena -> Fight or Sage's Stone, Minea -> Fuba-ha,
Behoma. Manya -> Defend, then Rukani and Merazo-ma after the Mahokanta
barrier is gone. Death Pisaro uses the Shining Breath (about 110 ice damage
to all members) in this form, so Fuba-ha is a must. If it wears off, recast
it. Attack with Gigadein if you have MP to spare for the Hero. Pisaro's
Freezing Wave Motion is annoying, so be prepared to recast your defensive
spells frequently. Keep this up and Death Pisaro will be defeated.

- After winning, Death Pisaro's body flashes in rainbow color. He says his
body is getting hot. He feels that he lost, and his body will crumble away.
Death Pisaro disappears in a flash of light. He returns to his human form
for a second, then he dies. The whole place rumbles, but the Master Dragon
picks up the party and flies them to safety. Back at the Sky Castle, this is
where the ending begins. Thanks to the Hero, the Secret Ways of Evolution
sank deep underground along with Death Pisaro. Now humans can live in peace
without fear. The dragon thanks the 8 guided ones for their deeds. He says
the Hero can stay here in the Sky Castle, but the face of the Hero says
otherwise. The Hero wants to return to the lower world. The Master Dragon
understands the friendship built in the middle of war, that can't be destroyed
by anyone. Now you can move around. The party will be the Hero, Arena, Ryan
and Manya. You can walk around and talk to everyone, but eventually you must
make your way out of the castle by taking the exit in front of where the mini
demon gave you the World Tree Drops.

- Exit the castle then you can see a little movie of the Sky Castle. The
party boards the balloon and flies to various places. The first stop is
Saintheim Castle. Everyone is back, and repairs on Arena's room has begun.
It probably won't stay like that for long. The next stop is Bautland Castle.
After greeting the King, the Hero leaves Ryan behind. Next is Rosary Hill,
with all the citizens mourning over Rosary's Grave... Next is Endoll.
Toruneko's family is there to greet him. The next stop is Ko-miz Village.
Minea and Manya visit Edgan's grave. The party moves on to Monbarbara Town.
The people surround the sisters. The Hero watches Manya's dance a little bit.
Now the Hero goes home to the Village Deep in the Mountains. The Hero lays
down in the place where Cynthia used to be. The poison marsh nearby turns to
flowers, then Cynthia is revived. The two embrace, and all the other seven
friends are there to witness the Hero's moment. Congratulations! You have
cleared Dragon Quest 4! However, it is not truly over yet. There are a
few loose ends that are unresolved. After the sign, "The End" comes up,
wait a little while, then the game will ask if you would like to save the
current war history (Battle Curriculum). Say yes and save the game to the
memory card. This will open up the mysterious Chapter 6.


16. Chapter 6 - The Secret Story
Chapter 6 Walkthrough

16a. Star of Endoll to the Hidden Dungeon

Endoll Town
- Reset the game, and check your save file. It should say Chapter 6 on it.
Chapter six. This is the additional scenario not present in the original
version of the game. This will clear up the loose ends left over in chapter
five. You will begin in Endoll Church. At first, it looks like nothing has
changed from chapter 5, but there are some subtle changes in the world.
From here, visit Imuru Village. Sleep at the inn to see the Rosary Dream.
Here you see a group of humans beating on Rosary. They are trying to make her
cry, so they can get the Ruby Tears out of her. They can't get her to cry,
and mention how stubborn she is. Rosary can't take many more blows. Pisaro
comes in and sees what is going on (this is just after Pisaro left Estark
Temple). Rosary is happy Pisaro came to see her. Pisaro gets pissed off at
what the humans did to Rosary. Pisaro kills all three humans in one blow.
Pisaro tries to wake up Rosary. She says, please listen to my last selfish
plea. Throw away your ambition, and we can live together forever. After
that, Rosary breathes her last breath. Pisaro is enraged. He will never
forgive the human race. No matter what happens to his body, Pisaro will
exterminate all humans, leaving none behind. The screen turns blood red.
That's the end of the dream.

A Strange Immigrant
- Now go to the basement jail (the one where Flair and Alex were in during
chapter 1) and you see that the soldier has caught a strange creature. Open
the jail and talk to the monster. This Behoimin sounds drunk, but he is happy
the door is open. He admits that he is a criminal. He can't think of a safe
place to live in. You have a choice to invite Behoimin to the Immigrant Town,
if you have 37 or less people inside (38 is the maximum population of the
Immigrant Town). Say yes to invite him to the town. He says that would be a
great place, since that place would have people that don't know him. In
effect, Behoimin escaped from jail, but no matter... BehoIMIN (IMIN =
Immigrant) Ha, ha, funny pun!

Puff-puff Daughter
- Let's visit Monbarbara Town for some fun. Wait until it is night, then
enter town with one male character only (leave everyone else in the wagon).
Visit the bar, which is to the left of the Main Dance Stage. On the second
floor, in the middle room, there is the "Puff-puff Daughter". Say yes when
she asks if she can puff-puff you. Halfway into it, she says Pafurinko,
Pafurinko... Ha ha ha! Pafucho suya! Now she's done. What she done was the
"Puff-puff omajinai" (meaning something like good luck). That will make you
popular with the ladies. Ha ha ha! That's hilarious! From now on, have
confidence and live on.

Elves and Company
- Visit Rosary Hill Village. Here you can see that the elf inside the tower
(Rosary) was killed by humans. You find out that just yesterday, Pisaro
carried Rosary's corpse in his arms and returned to this town. He built her
grave right here, in the place surrounded by flowers, then he left
immediately. You can visit Rosary's Grave. The inscription reads, "This
village, the one that loved all the spirits, rest in peace." Right now, it
seems like the Elves have moved to the World Tree Area for some reason. Maybe
you could learn more if you went there. If you talk to the slime that is
residing in the tower, the slime says he heard this from Pisaro. In front of
Rosary's Grave, Pisaro was talking to himself. He said, the promise that
they can be together, it will be honored once he gets reborn. It seems like
Pisaro is willing to die to keep that promise. Now visit the World Tree via
balloon. Some of the Elves here talk about the World Tree Flower. It seems
that flower blooms only once every 1000 years. It is said that this flower
can revive any form of life. If you search the world, you may find some
change, something that would point to the flower blooming.

A Shuddering Crack in Gottside
- Visit the Town of Gottside. Something has happened here. A huge hole has
opened up in the alter of the town. Is this God's Judgment, or is this the
guidance to glory? Talk to the people nearby to learn of the situation. A
while back, during the night of the Full Moon, a fearful earth shaking
occurred. This opened the hole that you see now. One of the prophets nearby
says that Death Pisaro's heart is soaked in hatred. If true love where to
happen, then it could melt away that hate. However, his lover is already
gone. When you are ready, enter that hole, which is the entrance to the
Secret Dungeon.

16b. Hidden Dungeon

Strange World of Enigma
- Welcome to the game's hidden dungeon. The theme of this bonus area is
Dragon Quest 7! The majority of rooms and the majority of monsters here are
from part 7 of the series. Having the Sage's Stone helps, since the wagon is
not allowed inside. Choose your four battle members, and let's get going.
The first floor is an original floor. No enemies are present. Go up and past
the pillars to the next room. This floor is the Marshland Cave, B4F from DQ7.
No enemies are here either. Go up and take the door behind the waterfall.
The next room is the Cave Leading to the Prison, 1F from DQ7. Take the left
path, and down the ladder to find the stairs going down. This floor is a
repeat of the Silver Goddess Cave B3F. Take the raft, then go to the right.
The first treasure box you see has the [Force Ring]. Go to the right to find
a [World Tree Drops]. Continue to the right to find two more boxes. The left
one has [#65 Small Medal], while the right one has the Pandora Box enemy.
This is a tougher version of the Mimic type monster. Use the Sky Shield
(Mahokanta effect) to protect from the Pandora Box's Mahotora and Zaki spells.
The 900 HP is also a pain, but Burai's Medapani spell sometimes works to
confuse that wicked box. Go to the left and back up the stairs. This time
take the right path to advance further in the cave

- The next floor is an imitation floor from the Rocky Mountain of Monsters,
8F from DQ7. Go up, and continue upward to find a box. This one has the
[#66 Small Medal]. Go back down, and take the right side of the path. Take
the stairs up to reach the next floor. This floor repeats the Cave South of
Freynoll, B1F. Go to the left, then down. Go up the slope and take the
upper box to get the [Seed of Quickness]. The box on the bottom side contains
the [Ring of Life]. Go to the right, then down to find a box containing a
Mimic monster. It is not as hard as a Pandora Box. Continue going up and
take the stairs you see there. The next floor borrows from the Great
Lighthouse, 2F. Go to the left to find a box. Get a [Nut of Enchantment].
Now take the bottom right path to reach an isolated box containing [1200
Gold]. Go back up, and take the stairs leading upwards. The next floor is
from the Cave North of Lakenaba, B3F. Go left, then down and to the right.
Take the stairs up to the next floor. The next floor closely resembles the
Hobbit Tribe Cave, B2F from DQ7. Go up, then to the right. Now go upwards to
find the ladder to the next floor. This floor is also from the Hobbit Tribe
Cave, 1F. Walk in a clockwise direction to form a spiral. Exit out the
bottom of the screen. The next floor imitates the Waterfall Basin Cave, 1-1F
from DQ7. Go up, then take a left at the water. Go a little up, then right
across a bridge. Continue to the right side, then go down to find the
doorway. The next floor is from Salan Village.

- There are no enemies here, so take advantage of this by walking around with
MP recovery ornaments. Talk to the old man on the right and he will be
surprised to see someone here. He says to search the roots of the nearby tree
for a gift. Do so to get [#67 Small Medal]. The merchant on the right side
of the old man acts like an inn. Rest here is you need to. It is 10 gold per
person. Continue up the stairs to advance deeper into this Strange World of
Enigma. The next floor looks like the floor from the Waterfall Rapids Cave,
B3F. Go to the right, then up. At the intersection, go up on the slope. Go
left, then take the path down to find a treasure box. This one has the [Mask
of the Evil God]. From here, go up, and to the left. At the stairs, go
straight down to find a box with another Pandora Box monster. Go straight
up to reach the stairs upward.

- The next room imitates the Cave of Coral, B2F from DQ7. Go to the right,
then take the path downward. Take the stairs down to find the same room from
the Cave of Coral B3-2F. Go up and open the box to get the [Shoes of
Happiness]. Go back to the stairs. Go upwards to find the stairs on the
upper left. Watch out for the Gyaosu monster here. It's violent flames
attack is devastating if you have no protection from flame. The next floor is
also from the Cave of Coral, B3-1F from DQ7. Just go upward past the arched
pillars to find the stairs going up. The next floor looks like the one from
the Cave to the Devil World, the one in front of the Bridge Building Tower.
The only difference is that the door is just a normal one, instead of a red
door. Exit via the door at the bottom of the screen.

- You have reached the outer parts of the Provina Church from DQ7. The farmer
nearby wonders where you came from. He recommends you save your game here by
giving a prayer at the church. You can return here quickly by using Ru-ra as
soon as you enter the church. It is listed as the end as the Church of
Enigma. This church looks like the Promontory Inform Place. Talk to the
priest at the top to save your game. No enemies appear here or outside the
church. Outside the church, the horse wagon is allowed temporarily, so you
can switch members in or out if you like. At this place, I still use the
Hero, Arena, Minea, and Manya.

What could be waiting at the end?
- All right, let's tackle the second part of the hidden dungeon. Exit the
church by entering the little cave on the top left corner. The next floor is
just like the Grave of the Royal Family, 1F. No enemies here. Walk up and
open the jail door. Take the staircase down. The next floor is the Mountain
of Flame, B5F. It is the inner depths of Engou's Volcano from Dragon Quest
7. Go straight down, then walk to the left. Open the box to get the
[Fiendish Claws]. Now go up, then to the left at the T-shaped intersection.
Go down, then to the right under the bridge. Now go down under the bridge to
find an obscure treasure box. Open it to get the [Nut of Life]. Now go back
up, then under the top side bridge. Climb up the slope, then go to the left.
Take the open door beside the lava flow.

- The next floor is the Mardilas Temple Graveyard area from DQ7 (it's where
you could learn the Majustice spell in the present time, and the Gigajustice
spell in the past time). Go to the right, and search the pots by the graves
to get [2600 Gold] and [#68 Small Medal]. Continue upwards to find the
doorway to the next room. The next thing that appears in front of you is the
Bandit's Hideout near Da-ma Temple from DQ7. No enemies are here. Search the
dresser for the [Relaxation Robe]. Talk to the Eteponge Zombie (rotten
corpse) and he says he's good at cooking, but nobody will eat his meals. A
slime nearby is worried about Rosary. Under orders by the Evil Priest, the
slime was forced to tell the humans of the whereabouts of that elf. Ah! I
shouldn't have said that. Please forget what I just said. Go to the right.
Search the barrel for a [Megazaru Bracelet]. Enter the room at the top. The
pot here contains [Horse Feces]. The dresser contains a pair of [Men's
Underwear]. Talk to the elf that resides in the leader's room. She says on
the world above, the World Tree blooms a flower once every 1000 years. The
World Tree Flower is a source of life. If that flower where to be placed on a
grave marker, a miracle would occur. Can you figure out what this means?

- You probably can figure out something if you put together all the clues
given so far. Go back down and take the stairs behind the jail door. The
next challenge is the Provina Cave, B3F from DQ7. Go up, then to the right to
get a [#69 Small Medal]. Go back up and to the left. Keep going left to find
another box. Get a [Safeguard Ruby]. Go back to the start of the floor.
Now go down, then take the first right you see to reach the stairs going up.
The next scenery is the World's Tallest Tower, 4F from DQ7. Go to the right
and open the treasure box here to get a [Demon's Spear]. Go up and climb up
the slopes left and right. The next room imitates the Devil Airspace Temple,
2F from DQ7. Go to the upper left corner of the room to find a box containing
the [Angel Leotard]. Go to the stairs on the upper right corner. Watch out
for a group of three Pandora Boxes on this floor. I spent 10 minutes fighting
this nightmare, I'm surprised I even survived that battle. A few other rare
monsters live on this floor only, like the Necro-Balser, and the Lamp Devil.
The next room is the one from the Medal King's Castle, 2F. You are just
about nearing the end of this long dungeon. Take the travel door that is
swirling about. This leads to the Crater of Enigma.

The Egg and the Chicken
- The horse wagon is here, so make your preparations for a battle with the
hidden boss. Bosses to be more accurate. Bring out any World Tree Drops and
Leaves if needed. When you are ready, walk upwards. Here you will be on a
high cliff. You can see some chickens and various eggs laying around. There
is a huge picture of a tree above a large crater that is filled with lava.
Talk to the strange looking people. The one on the left, Eggler says eggs
are great. No matter what anyone says, the egg are great. The one on the
right, Chickler says no, chickens are definitely greater. Eggler replies,
can't you see the love and beauty of the egg? Chickler says the egg is no
match for chickens. Without chickens, eggs cannot be laid. Eggler says,
are you an idiot? Chickens are born from the egg! Then the two notice your
presence. Eggler says you came at the right time. Which do you like, the
egg or the chicken? Chickler says, of course the chicken, right? Eggler
says, no, it's the egg. Chickler says, chicken, right? I said yes, and
Eggler says, no, it's the egg right? I said yes again. Chickler asks,
chicken, right? I said yes a third time. Then they both get pissed and
say forget it, they will fight you instead. It is time to fight against the
two cheapest bosses I've ever seen.

Don't be fooled by the music
- The battle begins with the Casino Music playing in the background. Eggler
(the one with the green hood and two knives) is the supporter, who has a wide
arsenal of attacks like the Red Hot Flames, Shining Breath, Medapani Dance,
Sukuruto, Behomara, and Zaoraru if Chickler is dead first. You should
concentrate on taking out Eggler first. However, Chickler's attacks are super
annoying. The one on the right, Chickler (the guy with the wild Mohawk
hairstyle) uses a bunch of Martial Arts Techniques for Dragon Quest 6 and 7.
Rock Drop, Justice Fist Stab, Spin Kick, Exploding Fists, Body Ram, and Power
Accumulate are the skills he wields. Chickler has high attack power and can
attack up to three times in one turn. Furthermore, his cheapest skill ever
is when he Scatters the Black Feathers. When feathers fly, all physical
attacks by the party for that round will always miss! What is even more
annoying is that Chickler has a Big Guard that can reduce all damage to 1/10
the normal value. He can attack and guard at the same time. How cheap is
that? Plus Chickler can restore defensive power lost to Rukani, I don't know.
Probably when he changes attack modes.

- Here is the strategy for this battle. Hero -> Gigadein for attack. Behoma
and Behomazun for healing. Arena -> Fight against Eggler. Minea -> Fuba-ha
for flame and ice protection, Behoma and the Sage's Stone for healing. Manya
-> Rukani against Eggler, the Ionazun or Merazo-ma for offense. After that, I
temporarily replace Minea with Klift, and go Klift -> Sukuruto at least twice
to withstand Chickler's high attack power (His Rock Drop doesn't depend on
defense power, so that is going to be the biggest damage you take). Behoma,
Behomara is for healing, and Zaoriku to revive any dead members other than
himself. Eggler can use the Freezing Wave Motion to remove the Fuba-ha and
Sukuruto effects, so recast them if needed. The problem is that my Hero's
agility is too slow, so I bit the dust almost immediately. I was around Level
42 for the Hero and I couldn't win. At this point, their attacks are way too
violent, and I couldn't withstand their attacks for more than two turns. I
decided I don't have a chance at this point, so I decided I needed the Falling
Star Bracelet (double the wearer's agility) and I needed a few more levels in
order to win.

Begin Some Training
- There are several ways to get this Falling Star Bracelet. Let's go for the
Royal Immigrant Town method. I went looking for Kings, Princesses, and Brown
Soldiers as immigrants. Anyone else I rejected. Before doing so, I released
a few immigrants to destroy the Ladies Town that I currently have. I could
fight a bunch of Mystery Dolls to get a bunch of gold (200,000) to trade in
the Casino in Endoll to buy this bracelet, but I'm going for the immigrant
town method. After about 4 hours running from town to town gathering
immigrants, I finally got the Royal Castle Immigrant Town. It seems you need
at least 3 Kings and 4 Princesses to build the town to this form. I had 2
Kings, 5 Princesses, and 5 soldiers, but that just created the plain final
form of the town. Now I picked up all the treasures here, including the
Falling Star Bracelet. Equip that on the Hero. The next thing I did was to
get to Level 50 for the Hero, so I could use the Giga Sword Technique. I
slayed a bunch of Metal Kings with Arena and the Sand of Time of achieve this.
Save the game at Level 49, and if you don't learn Giga Sword at Level 50 for
the Hero, then reset the game until you do. Now it's time for a re-match
against Eggler and Chickler.

Round 2
- This time, I had the Hero with the Falling Star Bracelet, and Minea with
the Megazaru Bracelet just in case. The strategy is the same as before, but
this time I went with Hero -> Giga Sword against Eggler. Arena -> Fight
against Eggler, Minea -> Fuba-ha first then switch to Klift -> Sukuruto twice.
Manya -> Merazo-ma against Eggler. The faster you get rid of Eggler, the
easier the battle becomes. Of course do the healing as you see fit. The
Hero should be able to move faster due to the Falling Star Bracelet. This
makes the Hero's Behomazun more useful. Once Chickler is gone, it is easier
since that annoying stuff he does really makes this battle a long one. Now
it's one on one with Chickler. Cast Rukani several times, if Eggler used
Sukuruto several times. Finish him off with Giga Sword and Merazo-ma.
Klift's Sukuroto can reduce all Chickler's damage except the Rock Drop to

- Eggler has 2800 HP and Chickler has 3200 HP. No natural recovery, so
concentrate on healing and victory will be near. The casino fan fare will
play (when you get over 500 coins in one shot) as the victory song. They both
hold high experience (21,800 exp total) so you might get a level up or two.
They also leave 1410 Gold between the two of them. Afterwards, Chickler says
you did well. It was fun battling you. Eggler agrees. Chickler says he'll
give you a reward. Eggler says, hey, I was going to say that! A flash of
light from the both of them sprinkles the picture behind them. A flower
appears on the tree. Eggler says something great has happened. Chickler's
says that a rare flower has bloomed on some tree. Eggler says give thanks to
the egg and I. Chickler says, no, if you are going to say that, then you
should thank the chicken and I. Eggler argues back, I'll teach you the
beauty of the egg. Eggler notices that the Hero is still here. He tells you
to return to your world. Do so by jumping into the crater behind the duo.
You will be blasted back to the Town of Gottside. Put together all the clues
you have received so far, and you will figure out that the next destination
is the World Tree.

16c. The 9th Guided One

The Miracle
- Go to the World Tree via balloon. Climb up the tree like before. The
enemies are the same as in chapter 5, so they shouldn't present a problem. In
case you forgot the directions, take right at the entrance floor. On the next
floor, go to the right, then downward into the branch. Go left to reach the
stairs. On the next floor, go up then walk in clockwise direction on the
branches to reach the stairs. At the next floor, walk in a counterclockwise
direction to reach the stairs. At the top floor, go to the left, then down
the center. Near the place you first picked up the Sky Sword, the World Tree
Flower will be there, fully bloomed. Search it to pick up the [World Tree
Flower]. It's on the left side bottom area. Now think about this. If the
World Tree Leaf can revive a dead party member, what do you think the Flower
can do? Revive a dead being outside the party.

- Let's go to Rosary Hill next. Go in front of Rosary's Grave and use the
World Tree Flower there. A miracle will occur. In a shower of light,
Rosary's spirit is revived! Rosary notices that's the World Tree Flower. She
realizes that you humans used it to bring her spirit back to life. The Yeti
nearby will be happy, as well as the entire village. Rosary says she never
thought humans would be the ones to give her life again (after all, it was
humans who killed her). Now she believes there are people with a righteous
heart. Then she says it's not time to celebrate yet. She must stop the
ambition of Pisaro-sama before the world is in ruin. She figures you, the one
that obtained the World Tree Flower, can stop Pisaro. Rosary says take her to
see Pisaro, maybe it is not too late. Then she says if she can't stop Pisaro,
no Death Pisaro, then you must kill him. That is her wish. Let's hurry.
Rosary joins the party as a non-combat member.

- The next task is to visit Death Pisaro at the Last Volcano in the Devil
World. When you exit Rosary Hill, Dran will leave the party. Rosary says
Dran went back to the Sky Castle to tell the people of the World Tree Flower.
Maybe that's the customs of the Sky People, as she says. Warp to the Shrine
of Hope. Enter Death Castle. Make your way to the end just like before.
Climb the volcano to face Pisaro. When you face Pisaro with Rosary in the
party, a new event will spring forth. Pisaro begins his speech like before,
saying he must exterminate all humans. Then Rosary interrupts his speech.
Death Pisaro faintly recognizes that voice. Rosary says, don't you remember?
That's the name you gave me. From the pupils of Rosary's eyes, the Ruby Tears
spill out. She says to Pisaro, try to remember the day they first met.

A Revealing Flashback
- A black and white flashback scene occurs. An elf (Rosary) is running away
from someone. She hides behind a nearby tree. A man comes running in and
curses to himself, since he let that fast elf escape. After more careful
inspection, the man discovers the elf behind the tree. The man slowly walks
near. He says if he could catch her, he could be a rich man because of the
Tears of Ruby. He tries to calm her down, and moves closer. Before he could
get there, he senses the presence of someone else. The man burns up in blue
flames. Pisaro drops in and says that was close. The elf asks Pisaro was he
the one that did that? Pisaro confirms that and says that there are plenty
of those greedy humans that have done some elf-hunting. The elf is shocked at
that and says that's horrible. Pisaro says, horrible? It's horrible that I
saved you? The elf says that Pisaro didn't have to kill that human. Humans
are just like her, a living creature. Pisaro "......"

- Pisaro laughs and says what a strange creature, those elves. How fun. He
is impressed. Pisaro asks the Elf Girl what is her name. The elf says, name?
We make a living in the forest. We have no name. Pisaro says, "Oh, so that's
how it is. But it's troublesome to call her Elf Girl. He continues, "All
right, from today onwards, your name will be Rosary". The elf repeats her new
name. Pisaro explains that's the name of a village on the over world that he
has known for quite some time. You don't like it? Rosary says no, it's not
that. It's just up until now, nobody has ever called her by name. Pisaro
tells Rosary he will invite her to that village someday. Until then, be
careful as not to get caught by those humans. We'll meet again. My name is
Pisaro. Remember it well. Pisaro casts Ru-ra spell and makes his dashing
exit. Rosary "...... Pisaro-sama..." End of flashback.

Secret of the Tears
- Death Pisaro tries to say Roza... Rosary. The Tears of Ruby erases the
Secret Ways of Evolution! Pisaro returns to human form. Pisaro wonders if
this is the land of the dead. Rosary explains that the Hero revived her
using the World Tree Flower. I know it is hard to believe, but the humans
that kidnapped me were controlled by someone from the Devil Tribe. Pisaro's
head is spinning at the current situation. Pisaro thanks you humans for what
you have done. You are his life's benefactor. For a long time, Pisaro
thought that the human race was the true enemy. He wonders if he was wrong.
Pisaro says until his mind is more stable, he will return to the village and
live with Rosary. However, there is one thing left to do... He is kind of
sorry, but his path merges with yours. It means Pisaro and the Hero are now
fighting for the same cause. Pisaro joins the party! Yes! Finally, like
a dream come true, my favorite character now usable!

- The silver haired demon is the most balanced character in every aspect.
Pisaro can equip cursed items will no ill effects. At this point I gave him
the Massacre Sword, Demon Armor, Mirror Shield, Iron Mask, and the Shoes of
Happiness as his equipment. Pisaro begins with a wide variety of spells and
special skills. His Moonsault technique is useful for hitting multiple
enemies at once without using MP. When Pisaro levels up, he learns even more
great skills that are exclusive to him. You may recognize those skills as
ones that appeared in Dragon Quest 6 and 7.

- He is the best character, so from now on, Pisaro is always in my standard
member party. Now it is time to do some level training to strengthen Pisaro
up. There is a new evil uprising, so now is the time to prepare before moving
on. Note that Pisaro cannot enter the Sky Castle due to his status. He will
just wait inside the wagon if you try to go there. Other than that, Pisaro
can go just about anywhere. Go to a place where you can find Metal Kings and
use that as a training place. After leveling up to 60, Pisaro will learn his
last technique, Madante. This ultimate skill uses all of Pisaro's MP to
create a gigantic blast that damages by the used MP multiplied by 3 (not
counting monster resistance). Once you get that, it's time to get Pisaro's
best equipment. The Egg and the Chicken are the keys to that.

The Dispute Continues
- Go back to the hidden dungeon and go all the way through to meet Eggler and
Chickler again. If the Hero is at or over Level 60, then use the Toherosu
spell and you can walkthrough the secret dungeon without meeting any enemies.
This helps conserve your power for the Egg and Chicken. As usual, the egg and
chicken argument continues. This time the picture has a Knight fully clad in
armor, helmet, shield, and sword. Before talking to the duo, make a party of
Pisaro, Hero, Klift, Minea. Fight Eggler and Chickler again. Chickler says,
if you say that, the chickens won't lay anymore eggs. Eggler's says, how
impertinent! He you say that, then he won't warm up the eggs anymore. Then
they notice you again. Eggler says you came at a good time. The two can't
agree on anything, so Chickler says they want to fight you to relieve some
stress. Eggler asks if you are ready. Say yes to begin the battle.

- In this battle, now we have Pisaro, so go Pisaro -> Madante, then Moonsault (since he will have no MP left). Hero -> Giga Sword on Eggler, or Gigadein,
Behomazun, or Sage's Stone. Klift -> Sukuruto several times, and Behomara-
for healing. Minea -> Fuba-ha, then on the next turn, switch out Minea for
Manya. Manya -> Rukani, Ionazun, Merazo-ma. Just like before, try to get rid
of Eggler as quick as possible, then go for Chickler. Madante will cut their
HP in half (if Pisaro has about 439 MP) Eggler has level 1 resistance to
Madante, but Chickler has no resistance. Once Chickler is alone, focus all
your attacks on him. This way, you can beat this duo within 10 turns. After
victory, the two will feel refreshed. Now they can calmly continue their
argument. They will give you a prize. They take the [Escutcheon of the Devil
World] from the Knight inside the picture and give it to you. This is
Pisaro's best shield. It can reduce flame and snowstorm damage, which is
important. Jump into the crater to leave the place.

Strip! Strip!
- Now repeat this procedure, fighting Eggler and Chickler many times. The
third time you beat them, the reward is the [Sword of the Devil World] from
the picture. This weapon is exclusive to Pisaro. It works like the Marvel
Sword (Pisaro cannot equip that weapon) in that it recovers 1/4 HP of the
damage inflicted. Notice that you are slowly stripping away the clothes of
the guy in the picture. If you talk to Eggler afterwards, he says, why can't
you understand the deepness of the egg's silence? Then he says don't bother
him while his arguing. Talk to Chickler, and he says to Eggler, the egg
cannot imitate the 'koke' sound made by the chicken. When he sees you, he
says he is on a roll, don't get in his way.

- The fourth time you beat the duo, the reward is the [Armor of the Devil
World]. Of course it is for Pisaro only, and it will reduce damage done by
spells. Now look at the picture. The guy is in his underpants, and he is
well tanned due to the close proximity to the lava of the crater. It gets
kind of tedious, but by the fifth time, you should get the hang of it by now.

- On the fifth victory, the reward from the egg and chicken is the [Men's
Underwear]. It is the striped blue boxers from the guy in the picture. Look
at the picture. Now a leaf is covering the vital spot in between the legs.
Ha ha ha! Fight them a sixth time, then the gift received from them is the
[World Tree Leaf]. That's the leaf covering that spot. Now the guy in the
picture is holding his hands over the vital spot to cover himself. Ha ha ha!
This is hilarious! Go a seventh time (the two are still arguing) and if you
win within 10 turns, (use Madante to achieve this easily), the prize is the
[Head-Piece of the Devil World]. This helmet is exclusive to Pisaro. It
offers resistance to Rariho-, Paralysis, and Zaki spell effects.

Unexpected Immigrant
- At this point, you can see the face of the guy in the picture. He looks
like a weird demon. Leave the place and come back for the eighth time. Beat
the egg and chicken within 10 turns and now they will say you have done really
well. Eggler says it has been a while since they have had this great feeling.
A special prize will be awarded. Eggler looks at the picture behind him, and
realizes there is nothing left to give. Suddenly, the guy in the picture
behind them flashes and makes his way out. Talk to the naked guy and he says
it has been a long time since he has spoken with anyone. He lived inside that
picture for a while, but now that he is bored with that place, he came out.
However, this place is too hot. He asks the Hero's party if they know an
appropriate town that he could possibly live inside. If you have 37 or less
people in the Immigrant Town, then an option will come up and ask if you will
tell this guy about the location of your Immigrant Town. Say yes, then he
will say that place sounds fun. He introduces himself as G. Pisaro. He is
waiting to meet you again. He leave to join the Immigrant Town. Chickler
asks, who was that guy, anyway? Eggler says, I don't know...

- If you don't invite G. Pisaro to town, then you can't fight Eggler and
Chickler anymore until you do. Go to the Immigrant Town. Look around town
for the new guy. It depends on what form of the Immigrant Town you built. I
have the Royal Castle Immigrant Town, and I found him in the library area,
bottom right corner from the first floor. This G. Pisaro calls himself Queen
Roza and talks in a feminine tone. The location he says he is from changes
randomly every time you speak to him. This can help you discover the location
of other immigrants. Then he declines your flirting. How bizarre is this?
Visit Hoffman next door and check the citizen list. For the guy you just
invited, his name is G. Pisaro, occupation is Grand Pisaro, and his location
is the Crater of Enigma. This is really strange that he calls himself Queen
Roza. It also seems that once you invite this G. Pisaro to the Immigrant
Town, you cannot kick him out. This bonus feature closely resembles inviting
God to the Immigrant Town in Dragon Quest 7.

- Now visit our friends Eggler and Chickler a ninth time. The picture behind
them is nothing but a blue sky with white clouds. Talk to them, and Chickler
says to Eggler, now that I think of it, the egg is pretty nice. Eggler says
back, no, I can't believe how I didn't notice how beautiful the chicken is.
When they notice you, Eggler says that now their opinions match. Chickler
says the egg is great. The chicken is great. That's the truth of the world.
Because of that reason... Eggler finishes that sentence with, we are bored
since there is no topic to argue over. They now both want to fight you. Win
the battle once more, and they will tell you it was a great battle.

- Eggler will say how many turns it took for you to win (with Madante,
Gigadein, Giga Sword, Behomazun, Sukuruto, Rukani, Moonsault, Ionazun, and
Merazo-ma, it should take about 6 turns to win). Chickler says you are good
people. Come back and play again sometime. Eggler says, hey, I was going to
say that before you. Talk to Eggler and he says, sometimes you should think
about the beauty of the egg. The egg has all the world's beauty. The egg is
the truth. The egg is supreme! Talk to Chickler, and he asks if you really
do like the chicken. No matter what you answer, he replies, you don't have to
answer that. He knows how you feel just by looking at your eyes. Be careful
on the trip back. From now on you can continue to visit Eggler and Chickler
and fight them as many times as you want. They will tell you how many turns
it took to win every time from now on. When you are satisfied with that, it's
time to close the book on this chapter.

The Black Curtain
- When you have made your preparations, warp to Death Palace, the former
stronghold of Pisaro. Since you cannot bring the wagon inside, I put a party
of Pisaro, Hero, Arena, and Minea. In Death Palace, a revolution has
occurred. The monster population is split between the Death Pisaro Sect and
the Evil Priest Sect. If you talk to the monsters with Pisaro in the party,
you can tell which side they are on. Pisaro followers will greet you, while
the Evil Priest followers will attack you. Use the Cane of Change to
transform into a monster to gather some information.

- It looks like the Evil Priest is the new ruler of the Palace. The Pisaro
followers can't believe that Pisaro is dead. In the underground prison area,
the humans are the watch keepers now. The Pisaro followers are jailed for
disobeying the Evil Priest. The Evil Priest has mastered the ultimate in the
Secret Ways of Evolution for himself. The difference between him and Death
Pisaro is that the Evil Priest reached the ultimate in evolution while staying
in the same body.

- When you are ready,go to the throne room to face off against the evolved
Evil Priest in the true Final Battle. Pisaro must be in the current party for
this to occur. The Evil Priest will be shocked to see Death Pisaro still
alive. By the look on Pisaro's face, he knows by now what's going on. The
priest says it was him that killed Rosary to make Pisaro self-destruct. Do
you have hatred toward me? However, by joining the human side, that's the
ultimate in shame! No matter what, it is too late. Death Pisaro's rule is
over. I shall show you my new form, my mastery of the ultimate in the Secret
Ways of Evolution. Evil Priest transforms into a form similar to Death
Pisaro, but silver in color, with purple trim. He says, curse you all. Be
sad that you were born in same era as the True King! The final battle against
the Evil Priest begins.

1st Form
- The Evil Priest Plus battle begins with the Estark battle music. The Evil
Priest Plus' flame and ice breath damage is big, so Minea's Fuba-ha is must to
have. Since you can't switch in and out members, heal when necessary. Since
this enemy has four stages of evolution, try to conserve MP until the fourth
form. Have Pisaro -> Moonsault, or Fight for offense, Rariho-ma, Rukanan for
support, Behoma, Behomara-, and Zaoriku for recovery. Hero -> Fight to save
MP, Behoma, Behomazun if needed. Arena -> Fight, Minea -> Fuba-ha, then
Rariho-ma and Sage's Stone. Rariho-ma works on the first form of this enemy.
Once the priest is asleep, attack and recast the spell if he wakes up. Once
enough damage is done, the second form grows.

2nd Form
- The Evil Priest grows two arms and two legs with reddish claws. Continue as
before, but Rariho-ma doesn't work, so just concentrate on healing. This form
can use Ionazun, as well as stomp with his big feet. The stomp hits one
person, but it does big damage. When he takes more damage, the third form

3rd Form
- The Evil Priest Plus jumps into the air, rotates, and a shining light
creates a new head on top. The face has three eyes and the body grows four
more horns. The music changes to one with a faster tempo. Have the Hero ->
Giga Sword, but sparingly. Save MP for the final form. Rukani works on all
the forms, but since I didn't bring someone who could use that spell, I didn't
use it this time. Fuba-ha can reduce the Red Hot Flames blown by this form.
Evil Priest Plus' attacks become more heavy, so try to pile the damage on the
enter the last phase.

Final Form
- Evil Priest Plus' final form is when he turns dark gray in color, with
blue trim. His attacks become real fierce. This form's most devastating
attack is the True Shining Breath. This does 220 ice damage to members that
don't have resistance. Fuba-ha can cut that damage in half, but he can
remove that with the Freezing Wave Motion. This form also uses the Madante
technique, then recovers MP by doing the Wicked Prayer technique to next turn.
Note that the monster's Madante does about 200 fixed damage to all members,
no matter how much MP the monster has. Where have I seen this before? Yes
this closely resembles Deathtamoor (DQ6) and Orgo Demirra (DQ7). Their final
forms use this Madante -> Wicked Prayer technique so they can reuse Madante
again. Since the Evil Priest can attack twice in one turn, be prepared to
take heavy damage. The Hero should use all his MP on Giga Sword and
Behomazun. If you are unlucky, the Evil Priest Plus' True Shining Breath ->
Madante combination can do over 400 damage to all members. That's insane!
One person equipped with the Megazaru Bracelet can help avoid dying. Try to
finish this battle as soon as possible, since a long battle is a disadvantage
for you.

Happy End
- After victory, the Evil Priest says it is stupid. Or is this the illusion
shown by the Secret Ways of Evolution? I am for sure, the ruler of the world,
the King of the Devil Tribe, the Evil Priest. He disappears in a bright flash
of light. Now you can hear a strange voice. It tells the Hero to return to
the Sky Castle. The screen fades to black. Pisaro tells the Hero, can you
hear me? I'm governing the Devil Tribe. I can't enter the Sky Castle.
Goodbye. I'll leave it like this. We may meet again. Maybe as friends,
maybe as enemies. Who knows? Back at the Sky Castle, the Master Dragon tells
the party how he know all that is going on in the world. He says you have
done well in eradicating the Secret Ways of Evolution, along with the Evil
Priest. Now humans can live in peace without fear. Just like the Chapter 5
ending, he tells all the eight guided ones of their accomplishments. He adds
a comment on the Ruler of the Devil Tribe, Death Pisaro. Without Pisaro's
power, the party couldn't defeat the true, giant evil. The rest is the same
as Chapter 5. Leave the castle just like before. The only difference in this
ending is that when the balloon stops at Rosary Hill, you can see Pisaro and
Rosary looking at the sky at the balloon. Save the game at the end and
restart the game. A third page is added to the Battle Curriculum. It
displays the time it took to reach the Happy End. You are done with the game.

Extra Things
- Once you are done with the story, you can continue to play game to do other
things like a true maniac.

- Complete the Monster Notebook
- Get all the Immigrant Town forms
- Beat Eggler and Chickler and as many monsters as possible 999 times
- Gather lots of Casino Coins
- Start a new game, try for a Time Attack, clear the game as quick as possible
- Start a new game, try for a Low Level Clear and/or other restrictions.
- Go for Item Completion
- Investigate how to get the Titles
- Anything else you can think of


17. Additional Information

17a. Small Medal List
- 70 Medals in all.

## Where to find the medal.
01 Tenpe Village, inside the well, left side of the small pond.
02 Aneil Town, inside a drawer in the hot springs area.
03 Konanberry Town, inside a barrel near the top right corner of town.
04 Konanberry Town, inside a barrel of the ship dock.
05 Konanberry Town, inside a dresser on the right hand ship. Limited time.
06 Great Lighthouse, 2F, inside a treasure box to the left of the stairs.
07 River-side Town, inside a pot of the professor's house.
08 River-side Town, inside a barrel on a solitary island.
09 Mintos Town, inside the well, search the floor on the right side.
10 Mintos Town, inside a pot near the house on the right side.
11 Shrine East of Mintos, in the outer edge depression on the floor.
12 Rosary Hill Village, inside a drawer in the basement church.
13 Old Man's Solitary House, inside a pot near the sink.
14 Cave West of Ko-miz, inside a pot in Edgan's secret lab. Need Thief's Key
15 Endoll Town, inside the treasure box of the locked room. Need Thief's Key
16 Endoll Castle, King's room's dresser. Night only + Thief's Key required.
17 Immigrant Town, population of 4, inside a barrel. Limited time only.
18 Immigrant Town, population of 6, inside a barrel. Limited time only.
19 Immigrant Town, population of 11, in a barrel in a house. Limited time.
20 Ocean-Side Village, inside the dresser in the well.
21 Immigrant Town, population of 20, in a barrel of a shop. Limited time.
22 Immigrant Town, population of 20, in a dresser of a house. Limited time.
23 Immigrant Town, population of 25, in a barrel of a shop. Limited time.
24 Immigrant Town, population of 30, in a pot beside the large building.
25 Immigrant Town, population of 30, underground room, in a barrel.
26 Immigrant Town, population of 30, underground, in the middle of a marsh.
27 Immigrant Town, Ladies Town, in a barrel of the protector shop.
28 Immigrant Town, Ladies Town, underground, in a pot in the kitchen.
29 Immigrant Town, Grand Slum, inside a pot of an enclosed room.
30 Immigrant Town, Premium Bazaar, in a barrel in the southeast house.
31 Immigrant Town, Big Cathedral, in a pot in the basement area.
32 Immigrant Town, Great Farm, in a pot in the main farm house.
33 Immigrant Town, Royal Castle, in a barrel in the kitchen.
34 Immigrant Town, Royal Castle, in a box in the basement. Need Last Key.
35 Bautland Castle, treasure box, need the Thief's Key.
36 Stanciara Castle, in a pot inside the bar.
37 Stanciara Castle, inside a drawer of a house.
38 Stanciara Castle, inside a drawer of a room in the castle.
39 Shrine of the Ocean Roar, 1F treasure box.
40 Shrine of the Ocean Roar, 1F in a box off the main path.
41 Shrine of the Ocean Roar, B1 in a box beside the Sky Armor.
42 Gardenburg Castle, in a pot in the kitchen area.
43 Cave South of Gardenburg, B1 in a treasure box.
44 Cave South of Gardenburg, B3 in pot on the left side.
45 Branka Castle, in a treasure box, need the Last Key.
46 Bonmole Castle, basement prison cell, in a pot, need the Last Key.
47 Havalia Town, basement prison cell, right side pot, need the Last Key.
48 Havalia Town, basement prison cell, left side pot, need the Last Key.
49 Imuru Village, basement prison cell, in a pot, Last Key required.
50 Waterfall Rapids Cave, B2 treasure box.
51 Grave of the Royal Family, in a treasure box.
52 Devil God Statue, 1F in a treasure box.
53 Death Palace, B1 in a pot in the jail cell.
54 Death Palace, B1, in the top left treasure box.
55 Estark Temple, inside a treasure box in a small room.
56 Estark Temple, inside the left side box near the Gas Jar.
57 Gottside Town, in a dresser in the top right house.
58 Gottside Town, in a pot in the top left house.
59 Tower to the Sky, on the floor on the cross shaped pattern.
60 Tower to the Sky, in a pot in the room below #59.
61 Sky Castle, in a drawer next to the plant area.
62 Sky Castle, in the grass by the pond on the right side of the church.
63 Cave to the Devil World, in a box in the one-way arrow room.
64 Death Castle, in a treasure box in the poison marsh basement area.
65 Strange World of Enigma, Silver Goddess Cave imitation floor, in a box.
66 Strange World of Enigma, Monster's Rocky Mountain floor, upper right box.
67 Strange World of Enigma, Salan House imitation floor, in front of the tree.
68 Strange World of Enigma, Mardilas Temple Grave floor, in a pot.
69 Strange World of Enigma, Provina Mountain Cave floor, upper right box.
70 Doesn't exist. It seems like there are only 69 Small Medals to be found in
this world. The curious thing is that the Monster Tower Immigrant Town has no
basement area, and no small medal, unlike the other final forms of the
Immigrant Town. I guessing the programmers forgot to put a medal there. It
is really suspicious...

- There are 17 Small Medals in the different forms of the Immigrant Town, some
are available only for a limited time, so if you miss them, there is no way to
go back and get them again.

- Small Medal Prizes

15 = Force Ring
20 = Safeguard Ruby
25 = Magical Skirt
30 = Staff of Divine Punishment
34 = Megazaru Bracelet
38 = Marvel Sword
43 = Hat of Happiness
47 = Bangle of Greatness
52 = Astray Metal Shield
60 = Whip of Gringam

17b. Titles
- Depending on your fighting style, a title will be given. You can see it by
pressing Select to access the Battle Curriculum. You may not be able to see
all of these titles during your first trip through the game. This is like the
Personality System from SFC DQ3 remake, except this one changes frequently as
you progress through the game. The (?) is probably some abbreviation of a
word, or possibly some kind of slang I haven't been able to figure out.

¾Î¹æ°ìÍ÷¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤´¤¦¤¤¤Á¤é¤ó¡Ï¡¡Title Listings

Âè°ì¾Ï¡Î¤À¤¤¤¤¤Ã¤·¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Chapter 1
ɾ²Á̤³ÎÄê¡Î¤Ò¤ç¤¦¤«¤ß¤«¤¯¤Æ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Evaluation Pending
¤â¤¦¤¹¤°É¾²Á²Äǽ¡Î¤Ò¤ç¤¦¤«¤«¤Î¤¦¡Ï¡¡Almost Possible to Evaluate
¤Ø¤Ê¤Á¤ç¤³Àï»Î¡Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Hobbling Soldier
̵ŴˤÀï»Î¡Î¤à¤Æ¤Ã¤Ý¤¦¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Reckless Soldier
¤½¤³¤½¤³¤¤¤Ã¤Ñ¤·¡¡Like Others, or so
ÉÏ˳Àï»Î¡Î¤Ó¤ó¤Ü¤¦¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Poverty Soldier
¥ê¥Ã¥Á¥Þ¥óÀï»Î¡Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Rich-man Soldier
Çî°¦Àï»Î¡Î¤Ï¤¯¤¢¤¤¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Benevolent Soldier
ͧ¾ðÀï»Î¡Î¤æ¤¦¤¸¤ç¤¦¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Fellowship Soldier
¥í¥ó¥ê¡¼Àï»Î¡Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Lonely Soldier
¼ÀÉ÷¤Î²¦µÜÀï»Î¡Î¤·¤Ã¤×¤¦¤Î¤ª¤¦¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Royal Palace Soldier of Gale
̾ÍÀ¤Î²¦µÜÀï»Î¡Î¤á¤¤¤è¤Î¤ª¤¦¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Royal Palace Soldier of Honor
¤Î¤ó¤Ó¤êÀï»Î¡Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Leisurely Soldier
¤¬¤ó¤Ð¤êÀï»Î¡Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Endurance Soldier

ÂèÆó¾Ï¡Î¤À¤¤¤Ë¤·¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Chapter 2
¤ªÅ¾Ç̲¦½÷¡Î¤ª¤Æ¤ó¤Ð¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Tomboy Princess
ιΩ¤Á²¦½÷¡Î¤¿¤Ó¤À¤Á¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Princess on a Trip
¤¹¤¿¤³¤é²¦½÷¡Î¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Sutakora (is this an abbreviation?) Princess
¿Í½õ¤±²¦½÷¡Î¤Ò¤È¤À¤¹¤±¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Rescuing Princess
¶á½ê¤Î¼¤Î¿Íµ¤¼Ô¡Î¤­¤ó¤¸¤ç¤Î¤à¤é¤Î¤Ë¤ó¤­¤â¤Î¡Ï¡¡Popular Person of the
Neighboring Village
¤Õ¤é¤Õ¤éɱ¡Î¤Ò¤á¡Ï¡¡Dizzy Princess
¼ÂÎÏ¥×¥ê¥ó¥»¥¹¡Î¤¸¤Ä¤ê¤ç¤¯¡Ï¡¡Efficient Princess
ËÜʪ¥×¥ê¥ó¥»¥¹¡Î¤Û¤ó¤â¤Î¡Ï¡¡Genuine Princess
ÉÏ˳¥×¥ê¥ó¥»¥¹¡Î¤Ó¤ó¤Ü¤¦¡Ï¡¡Poverty Princess
ÃùÃߥ¯¥¤¡¼¥ó¡Î¤Á¤ç¤Á¤¯¡Ï¡¡Savings Queen
¤ï¤¯¤ï¤¯²¦½÷¡Î¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Excited Princess
¥É¥­¥É¥­²¦½÷¡Î¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Heart-Beating Princess
¤¹¤È¤È¤ó¥×¥ê¥ó¥»¥¹¡¡Sutoton' (?) Princess
¿´ÇÛ¥¯¥¤¡¼¥ó¡Î¤·¤ó¤Ñ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Anxious Queen
¤ª¤Þ¤«¤»¥×¥ê¥ó¥»¥¹¡¡Entrusted Princess
ÃöÆÍÌԿʲ¦½÷¡Î¤Á¤ç¤È¤Ä¤â¤¦¤·¤ó¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Reckless Princess
¥¬¥ó¥¬¥ó²¦½÷¡Î¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡All Out Princess
É餱¤º·ù¤¤²¦½÷¡Î¤Þ¤±¤º¤®¤é¤¤¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Determined Princess
¥Á¥ã¥ó¥Ô¥ª¥ó²¦½÷¡Î¤ª¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Champion Princess
Ç㤤ʪ¥×¥ê¥ó¥»¥¹¡Î¤«¤¤¤â¤Î¡Ï¡¡Shopping Princess
´ó¤êÆ»¥×¥ê¥ó¥»¥¹¡Î¤è¤ê¤ß¤Á¡Ï¡¡Sidetracked Princess

Âè»°¾Ï¡Î¤À¤¤¤µ¤ó¤·¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Chapter 3
ÉáÄ̤Τª¤Ã¤µ¤ó¡Î¤Õ¤Ä¤¦¡Ï¡¡Just a Regular Uncle
¾¦ÇäÇ®¿´¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ð¤¤¤Í¤Ã¤·¤ó¡Ï¡¡Trade Enthusiasm
¥¹¥¿¥³¥é¤¢¤­¤ó¤É¡¡Sutakora (?) Trader
²¼ÀѤ߾¦¿Í¡Î¤·¤¿¤Å¤ß¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Lowest Merchant
¤¬¤ó¤Ð¤ê¾¦¿Í¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Hard Working Merchant
¿µ½Å¾¦¿Í¡Î¤·¤ó¤Á¤ç¤¦¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Prudent Merchant
̵Ũ¤Î¾¦¿Í¡Î¤à¤Æ¤­¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Invincible Trader
ι¤Î¶â¸ËÈ֡Τ¿¤Ó¤Î¤­¤ó¤³¤Ð¤ó¡Ï¡¡Traveler's Treasury
ι¤Î¾¦¿Í¡Î¤¿¤Ó¤Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Traveling Merchant
¤ª»¶Ê⤢¤­¤ó¤É¡Î¤µ¤ó¤Ý¡Ï¡¡Strolling Trader
¿Í½õ¤±¾¦¿Í¡Î¤Ò¤È¤À¤¹¤±¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Mercy Merchant
°¦¤Î¥­¥å¡¼¥Ô¥Ã¥È¡Î¤¢¤¤¡Ï¡¡Cupid of Love
Ì´¸«¤ë¤¢¤­¤ó¤É¡Î¤æ¤á¤ß¤ë¡Ï¡¡I Dream of Merchants
̵Ŵˤ¾¦¿Í¡Î¤à¤Æ¤Ã¤Ý¤¦¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Reckless Shopkeeper
ÉÏ˳¾¦¿Í¡Î¤Ó¤ó¤Ü¤¦¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡A Poor Merchant
Éٹ뾦¿Í¡Î¤Õ¤´¤¦¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Wealthy Merchant
¥¦¥Ï¥¦¥Ï¾¦¿Í¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Uha-Uha Merchant
¥³¥Ä¥³¥Ä¾¦¿Í¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Click-Click Merchant
¼«ÎϤ¢¤­¤ó¤É¡Î¤¸¤ê¤­¡Ï¡¡Self-Made Trader
¤Î¤Û¤Û¤ó¾¦¿Í¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Nohohon Shopkeeper
Ƨ¤óÄ¥¤êÉð´ï²°¡Î¤Õ¤ó¤Ð¤ê¤Ö¤­¤ä¡Ï¡¡Straddling Weapons Dealer
¸Û¤¤¼ç¥È¥ë¥Í¥³¡Î¤ä¤È¤¤¤Ì¤·¡Ï¡¡Employment Master Toruneko
¤ä¤Ã¤¿¤¼Éð´ï²°¡Î¤Ö¤­¤ä¡Ï¡¡We Did It! Weapons Dealer
¾¦ÇäÈËÀ¹¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ð¤¤¤Ï¤ó¤¸¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Thriving Transactions
¥®¥ã¥ó¥Ö¥é¡¼¾¦¿Í¡Î¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Gambling Merchant
¤ä¤ê¤¯¤êÉð´ï²°¡Î¤Ö¤­¤ä¡Ï¡¡Managing a Weapon's Shop
¸þ¤³¤¦¸«¤º¾¦¿Í¡Î¤à¤³¤¦¤ß¤º¤·¤ç¤¦¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Merchant Not Looking Over There
¥¹¥¿¥³¥éÉð´ï²°¡Î¤Ö¤­¤ä¡Ï¡¡Sutakora (?) Weapons Dealer
¹¬¤»¤ÊËèÆü¡Î¤·¤¢¤ï¤»¤Ê¤Þ¤¤¤Ë¤Á¡Ï¡¡Everyday Happiness
¹Ô¤¯¤¾¿·Å·ÃϡΤ¤¤¯¤¾¤·¤ó¤Æ¤ó¤Á¡Ï¡¡Let's Go, New Universe
¤Î¤ó¤Ó¤êÂç¾­¡Î¤¿¤¤¤·¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Carefree Admiral

Âè»Í¾Ï¡Î¤À¤¤¤è¤ó¤·¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Chapter 4
¥¹¥Æ¡¼¥¸¤Î¿Íµ¤¼Ô¡Î¤Ë¤ó¤­¤â¤Î¡Ï¡¡Favorite of the Stage
¤¹¤¿¤³¤é¥À¥ó¥µ¡¼¡¡Sutakora Dancer
̵Ŵˤ¥À¥ó¥µ¡¼¡Î¤à¤Æ¤Ã¤Ý¤¦¡Ï¡¡Rash Dancer
ŨƤ¤Á»ÐËå¡Î¤«¤¿¤­¤¦¤Á¤·¤Þ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Revenge Sisters
Τµ¢¤ê»ÐËå¡Î¤µ¤È¤«¤¨¤ê¤·¤Þ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Sisters Returning Home
¥´¡¼¥¸¥ã¥¹»ÐËå¡Î¤·¤Þ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Gorgeous Sisters
ÉÏ˳ι·Ý¿Í¡Î¤Ó¤ó¤Ü¤¦¤¿¤Ó¤²¤¤¤Ë¤ó¡Ï¡¡Poor Traveling Entertainers
ήΥ¤ÎÍÙ¤ê»Ò¡Î¤µ¤¹¤é¤¤¤Î¤ª¤É¤ê¤³¡Ï¡¡Wandering Dancers
Ũ¤òµá¤á¤Æ»°ÀéΤ¡Î¤«¤¿¤­¤ò¤â¤È¤á¤Æ¤µ¤ó¤¼¤ó¤ê¡Ï¡¡Seeking the Enemy, 3000
̤¨¤ë»ÒÍӡΤޤ褨¤ë¤³¤Ò¤Ä¤¸¡Ï¡¡The Lost Lambs
¤¹¤¿¤³¤é»ÐËå¡Î¤·¤Þ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Sutakora Sisters
¶ÌºÕ»ÐËå¡Î¤®¤ç¤¯¤µ¤¤¤·¤Þ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Defeated Sisters
¥ê¥Ã¥Á¥¹¥¿¡¼¡¡Rich Star
²«ºª»ÐËå¡Î¤¿¤½¤¬¤ì¤·¤Þ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Twilight Sisters
ιΩ¤Á»ÐËå¡Î¤¿¤Ó¤À¤Á¤·¤Þ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Sisters Setting Off
ËܲûÌÜÁ°¡Î¤Û¤ó¤«¤¤¤â¤¯¤¼¤ó¡Ï¡¡Desire Before the Eyes
ÊÖ¤êƤ¤Á»ÐËå¡Î¤«¤¤¤ê¤¦¤Á¤·¤Þ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Failed Avenger Sisters
½¤¹Ô¤ÎÆü¡¹¡Î¤·¤å¤®¤ç¤¦¤Î¤Ò¤Ó¡Ï¡¡Daily Training
Àꤤ¤Ï¤¤¤«¤¬¤Ç¤¹¤«¡©¡Î¤¦¤é¤Ê¤¤¡Ï¡¡How About a Fortune Telling?
ÂǤÁ¤Ò¤·¤¬¤ì¤Æ¡Î¤¦¤Á¡Ï¡¡Getting Beaten Up

Âè¸Þ¾Ï¡Î¤À¤¤¤´¤·¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Chapter 5
»³±ü¤Î»Ò¶¡¡Î¤ä¤Þ¤ª¤¯¤Î¤³¤É¤â¡Ï¡¡Child of the Mountains
Èᤷ¤ß¾¯Ç¯¡Î¤«¤Ê¤·¤ß¤·¤ç¤¦¤Í¤ó¡Ï¡¡Sorrowful Boy
Èᤷ¤ß¾¯½÷¡Î¤«¤Ê¤·¤ß¤·¤ç¤¦¤¸¤ç¡Ï¡¡Sorrowful Girl
¤Þ¤À¤Þ¤À¤Ò¤ç¤Ã»Ò¡Î¤³¡Ï¡¡Still a Little Child
̵Ŵˤ¥½¥ë¥¸¥ã¡¼¡Î¤à¤Æ¤Ã¤Ý¤¦¡Ï¡¡Reckless Soldier
¤Ø¤Ã¤Ý¤³¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥¿¡¼¡¡Heppoko (?) Fighter
¥é¥Ã¥­¡¼¥Ü¡¼¥¤¡¡Lucky Boy
¥é¥Ã¥­¡¼¥¬¡¼¥ë¡¡Lucky Girl
¤¦¤Ã¤«¤êƬ¶Ò¡Î¤º¤­¤ó¡Ï¡¡Careless Hood
ήΥ¤ÎÈù¿Ð»Ò¡Î¤µ¤¹¤é¤¤¤Î¤ß¤¸¤ó¤³¡Ï¡¡Wandering Water Flea
¥¯¥ê¥¯¥êË·¼ç¡Î¤Ü¤¦¤º¡Ï¡¡Kuri-kuri Bald Head
¥ê¥È¥ë¥¢¥¤¥É¥ë¡¡Little Idol
¤»¤Ã¤«¤Á²¾Ì̡Τ«¤á¤ó¡Ï¡¡Hasty Mask
·ðÌó¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤±¤¤¤ä¤¯¡Ï¡¡Thrifty Hero
¥ä¥ó¥°¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡¡Young Hero
¼ä¤·¤ó˷ͦ¼Ô¡Î¤µ¤Ó¤·¤ó¤Ü¤¦¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡Lonesome Hero
Ǻ¤á¤ë»×½Õ´ü¡Î¤Ê¤ä¤á¤ë¤·¤·¤å¤ó¤­¡Ï¡¡Tormented Puberty
ɡʵͦ¼Ô¡Î¤Ï¤Ê¤¯¤½¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡Nasal Excrement Hero
ƨ¤²Â­°ìÈ֡Τˤ²¤¢¤·¤¤¤Á¤Ð¤ó¡Ï¡¡Running Away is Number One
ê³éÖ³¹Æ»¡Î¤ª¤±¤é¤«¤¤¤É¤¦¡Ï¡¡Highway Mole Cricket
ƬǾ¥×¥ì¥¤¥ä¡¼¡Î¤º¤Î¤¦¡Ï¡¡Smart Player
ÉÏ˳¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤Ó¤ó¤Ü¤¦¡Ï¡¡Poverty Hero
¹¬¤»²¾Ì̡Τ·¤¢¤ï¤»¤«¤á¤ó¡Ï¡¡Happiness Mask
ÀµµÁ¤ÎÌ£Êý¡Î¤»¤¤¤®¤Î¤ß¤«¤¿¡Ï¡¡Ally of Justice
±ê¤ÎÀï»Î¡Î¤Û¤Î¤ª¤Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Warrior of Flame
Ä«¾Æ¤±¤ÎÀï»Î¡Î¤¢¤µ¤ä¤±¤Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Morning Glow Warrior
¼«²è¼«»¿Àï»Î¡Î¤¸¤¬¤¸¤µ¤ó¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Warrior of Conceit and Self Praise
¥«¥Ã¥³¥Þ¥ó°ìÈ֡Τ¤¤Á¤Ð¤ó¡Ï¡¡Stylish Man Number One
Áú¾Æ¤±Æó¹æ¡Î¤·¤â¤ä¤±¤Ë¤´¤¦¡Ï¡¡Frostbitten Number Two
¼«¹û¤ìƬ¶Ò¡Î¤¦¤Ì¤Ü¤ì¤º¤­¤ó¡Ï¡¡Hood of Conceit
ÂÀ¤ÃÊ¢Â粦¡Î¤Õ¤È¤Ã¤Ñ¤é¤À¤¤¤ª¤¦¡Ï¡¡Generous Great King
¥×¥ê¥Æ¥£¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥¿¡¼¡¡Pretty Fighter
»õí¤꥽¥ë¥¸¥ã¡¼¡Î¤Ï¤®¤·¤ê¡Ï¡¡Teeth-Grinding Soldier
ðÔ¤ÎÀï»Î¡Î¤¨¤¯¤Ü¤Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Warrior with a Dimple
ÉáÄ̤Îͦ¼Ô¡Î¤Õ¤Ä¤¦¤Î¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡An Ordinary Hero
Åܤê¤Îͦ¼Ô¡Î¤¤¤«¤ê¤Î¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡Angry Hero
´ó¤êÆ»¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤è¤ê¤ß¤Á¡Ï¡¡Hero That Dropped By
¤Î¤ó¤Ó¤êι¹Ô¡Î¤ê¤ç¤³¤¦¡Ï¡¡Leisurely Travel
¥ì¥Ù¥ë¾å¤²¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥¿¡¼¡Î¤¢¤²¡Ï¡¡Level Up Fighter
¤³¤À¤ï¤ê¥¸¥ã¥Ã¥¯¡¡Prejudice Jack
¥á¥¿¥ë¥Ï¥ó¥¿¡¼¡¡Metal Hunter
°ï¤ì¥Ï¥ó¥¿¡¼¡Î¤Ï¤°¤ì¡Ï¡¡Astray Hunter
¥í¥¤¥ä¥ë¥á¥¿¥ë¥Ï¥ó¥¿¡¼¡¡Royal Metal Hunter
¥¢¥ó¥Á¥á¥À¥ë²¦¡Î¤ª¤¦¡Ï¡¡Anti Medal King
¥Ï¡¼¥ì¥à¥Ê¥¤¥È¡¡Harlem Knight
¿ÆÉã¹¥¤ß¡Î¤ª¤ä¤¸¤³¤Î¤ß¡Ï¡¡Likes Old Men
¥«¥¸¥Î¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Casino King
Æó·³Íî¤Áͦ¼Ô¡Î¤Ë¤°¤ó¤ª¤Á¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡Hero That Fell to the Second Ranks
¸ÉÆȤʥҡ¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤³¤É¤¯¡Ï¡¡Isolated Hero
¿¬¤ËÁ³¤ìÂâ¡Î¤·¤ê¤Ë¤·¤«¤ì¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡A Certain Butt Regiment
Íç¤ÎÂ粦¡Î¤Ï¤À¤«¤Î¤À¤¤¤ª¤¦¡Ï¡¡The Naked Great King
ĹϷµßÀ¤¼ç¡Î¤Á¤ç¤¦¤í¤¦¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤¤¤·¤å¡Ï¡¡Elder Saviour
½Ïǯ¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤¸¤å¤¯¤Í¤ó¡Ï¡¡Mature Hero
Ë°¤¯¤Ê¤­Ìî˾¡Î¤¢¤¯¤Ê¤­¤ä¤Ü¤¦¡Ï¡¡Insatiable Ambition
¤Î¤ó¤Ó¤ê¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡¡Leisurely Hero
Á´ÌÇ¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤¼¤ó¤á¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Annihilation Hero
ƨ¤²Æ¨¤²¥½¥ë¥¸¥ã¡¼¡Î¤Ë¤²¤Ë¤²¡Ï¡¡Escape Soldier
¥É¥ê¡¼¥à¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥¿¡¼¡¡Dream Fighter
¥ä¥ó¥°¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥¿¡¼¡¡Young Fighter
¤µ¤µ¤¯¤ìÀï»Î£Î£Ï£¹¡Î¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Split Soldier Number 9
¥É¥ó¥É¥³Âç¾­¡Î¤¿¤¤¤·¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Dondoko (?) General
Ǩ¤ì°áͦ¼Ô¡Î¤Ì¤ì¤®¤Ì¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡Falsely Accused Hero
¤¦¤Ã¤Õ¤ó¥Ô¥ó¥¯Ââ¡Î¤¿¤¤¡Ï¡¡Uffun' Pink Squad
ÊÑ¿È¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤Ø¤ó¤·¤ó¡Ï¡¡Disguise Hero
ÄÉÀ×µßÀ¤¼ç¡Î¤Ä¤¤¤»¤­¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤¤¤·¤å¡Ï¡¡Saviour in Pursuit
ÃùÃߥҡ¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤Á¤ç¤Á¤¯¡Ï¡¡Savings Hero
²«ºªÀï»Î¡Î¤¿¤½¤¬¤ì¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Dusk Warrior
Íç¤Î²¦Í͡ΤϤÀ¤«¤Î¤ª¤¦¤µ¤Þ¡Ï¡¡King of Nakedness
¥¯¥ê¥¹¥¿¥ë¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥¿¡¼¡¡Crystal Fighter
Á´ÎÏÀï»Î¡Î¤¼¤ó¤ê¤ç¤¯¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡All Out Combatant
¥¹¥Þ¥¤¥ë¥¨¥ó¥¸¥§¥ë¡¡Smile Angel
µ¤Ê¶¤ìÀï»Î¡Î¤­¤Þ¤°¤ì¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡Whimsy Warrior
ÁðÍúÃî¤Îι¡Î¤¾¤¦¤ê¤à¤·¤Î¤¿¤Ó¡Ï¡¡A Travel of Paramecium
×Ç×Ó¤¦µßÀ¤¼ç¡Î¤µ¤Þ¤è¤¦¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤¤¤·¤å¡Ï¡¡Loitering Saviour
À¤³¦¤ò½ä¤ì¡Î¤»¤«¤¤¤ò¤á¤°¤ì¡Ï¡¡Patrol the World
Å·¶õ¤Ø¤ÎÄ©Àï¼Ô¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Ø¤Î¤Á¤ç¤¦¤»¤ó¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡The Challenger to the Sky

ÂèÏ»¾Ï¡Î¤À¤¤¤í¤¯¤·¤ç¤¦¡Ï¡¡Chapter 6
Å·¶õ¤Î¿Íµ¤¼Ô¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Î¤Ë¤ó¤­¤â¤Î¡Ï¡¡The Favorite of the Sky
¥¨¥ó¥É¡¼¥ë¤ÎÀ±¡Î¤Û¤·¡Ï¡¡Star of Endoll
¥¹¡¼¥Ñ¡¼¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡¡Super Hero
À¤³¦¤ÎµßÀ¤¼ç¡Î¤»¤«¤¤¤Î¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤¤¤·¤å¡Ï¡¡Saviour of the World
¼ÀÉ÷¤ÎµßÀ¤¼ç¡Î¤Ï¤ä¤Æ¤Î¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤¤¤·¤å¡Ï¡¡The Messiah of Squall
¤È¤­¤á¤¯¥Ë¥Ò¥ë¥Þ¥ó¡¡Throbbing Nihil Man
Î路²µ½÷Àï»Î¡Î¤¦¤ë¤ï¤·¤ª¤È¤á¤»¤ó¤·¡Ï¡¡The Lovely Maiden Warrior
¤ä¤ê¹þ¤ß¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤ä¤ê¤³¤ß¡Ï¡¡Yarikomi (game play style?) Hero
¥â¥ó¥¹¥¿¡¼¥Þ¥¹¥¿¡¼¡¡Monster Master
¥°¥é¥ó¥É¥â¥ó¥¹¥¿¡¼¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Grand Monster King
¥­¥ó¥°¥ª¥Ö¥³¥ì¥¯¥¿¡¼¡¡King of Collector
º²¤Î¥Á¥ã¥ì¥ó¥¸¥ã¡¼¡Î¤¿¤Þ¤·¤¤¡Ï¡¡Spirited Challenger
¤È¤³¤È¤ó¥¨¥ó¥Ú¥é¡¼¡¡Tokoton' (?) Emperor
¥¨¥ó¥É¥ì¥¹¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Endless King

΢µ»²þ¤²¦¡Î¤¦¤é¤ï¤¶¤«¤¤¤¾¤¦¤ª¤¦¡Ï¡¡King of Remodel and Reverse Skills
Áá²ò¤­¥­¥ó¥°¡Î¤Ï¤ä¤È¤­¡Ï¡¡King of Fast Solve
Ì£Á¹¤ÃÞèͦ¼Ô¡Î¤ß¤½¤Ã¤«¤¹¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡Immature Hero
¥ß¥Ã¥·¥ç¥ó¥¤¥ó¥Ý¥Ã¥·¥Ö¥ë¡¡Mission Impossible
ÉÔ»à¿È¤Îͦ¼Ô¡Î¤Õ¤¸¤ß¤Î¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡The Immortal Hero
Ũ¤Ë¸å¤í¸«¤»¤º¡Î¤Æ¤­¤Ë¤¦¤·¤í¤ß¤»¤º¡Ï¡¡Without Showing the Back to the Enemy
´°Á´Ìµ·ç¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤«¤ó¤¼¤ó¤à¤±¤Ä¡Ï¡¡Completely Flawless Hero
¤Ø¤Ã¤Ô¤êͦ¼Ô¡Î¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡Heppiri (?) Hero
ÅŸ»¤Ä¤±¤Ã¤Ñ¤Ê¤·¡Î¤Ç¤ó¤²¤ó¡Ï¡¡Electrical Power Left On
¥°¥é¥ó¥ÉËâʪ¥Ï¥ó¥¿¡¼¡Î¤Þ¤â¤Î¡Ï¡¡Grand Monster Hunter
¥Ç¥Ó¥ë¥¯¥é¥Ã¥·¥ã¡¼¡¡Devil Crusher
¿µ½Å½ã¾ðÇɡΤ·¤ó¤Á¤ç¤¦¤¸¤å¤ó¤¸¤ç¤¦¤Ï¡Ï¡¡Prudent and Naive Sect
¶ÌºÕ¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤®¤ç¤¯¤µ¤¤¡Ï¡¡Defeated Hero
ðêÂÌÅ·¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤¤¤À¤Æ¤ó¡Ï¡¡Running Swift Hero
ÃùÃߥ­¥ó¥°¡Î¤Á¤ç¤Á¤¯¡Ï¡¡Savings King
ÂÀ¤Ãʢͦ¼Ô¡Î¤Õ¤È¤Ã¤Ñ¤é¤æ¤¦¤·¤ã¡Ï¡¡Generous Hero
¥í¥¤¥ä¥ë¥Þ¥Ã¥Á¥ç¡¡Royal Macho
¥´¥Ã¥É¥Ï¥ó¥É¡¡God Hand
¥¢¥¤¥¢¥ó¥Ü¥Ç¥£¡¡Iron Body
Íç¤ÎµßÀ¤¼ç¡Î¤Ï¤À¤«¤Î¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤¤¤·¤å¡Ï¡¡The Nude Saviour
¥É¥é¥´¥ó¥­¥ó¥°¡¡Dragon King
Å·¶õ¤Î»È¤¤¼ê¡Î¤Æ¤ó¤¯¤¦¤Î¤Ä¤«¤¤¤Æ¡Ï¡¡User of the Firmament
¥«¥¸¥Î¥¨¥ó¥Ú¥é¡¼¡¡Casino Emperor
º²¤Î¥×¥ì¥¤¥ä¡¼¡Î¤¿¤Þ¤·¤¤¡Ï¡¡Spirited Player
¤¸¤Ã¤¯¤êµßÀ¤¼ç¡Î¤­¤å¤¦¤»¤¤¤·¤å¡Ï¡¡Careful Saviour
½àÈ÷ËüÁ´¥Ò¡¼¥í¡¼¡Î¤¸¤å¤ó¤Ó¤Ð¤ó¤¼¤ó¡Ï¡¡Well Prepared Hero
ºÇ¸å¤Þ¤ÇÍ­Æñ¤¦¡ª¡Î¤µ¤¤¤´¤Þ¤Ç¤¢¤ê¤¬¤È¤¦¡Ï¡¡Thanks For Playing to the End!
²þ¤¥³¡¼¥É¥¢¥¤¥Æ¥à²¦¡Î¤«¤¤¤¾¤¦¤³¡¼¤É¤¢¤¤¤Æ¤à¤ª¤¦¡Ï¡¡Cheat Code Item King
²þ¤¥³¡¼¥É¤ÎÀ±¡Î¤«¤¤¤¾¤¦¤³¡¼¤É¤Î¤Û¤·¡Ï¡¡Star of the Remodel (Cheat) Code


- Thanks to all Japanese game faq writers

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