Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

14.10.2013 10:13:44
Version FINAL
Made CB! a co-author
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Press CONTROL +F to find what you need faster

Final Fantasy X (English Ver.) V.FINAL

--> Complete Walkthrough and FAQ
--> Written on 12-27-01
--> Written by Sephiroth101 and CB!
--> 100% Based on the US version, no translation errors

|0| Pre-Thanks and Pre-Intro

A big thanks goes to the contributors out there and Ceebs! They made a lot of
this FAQ possible. Thanks for the info !

Well, I made this FAQ with one thing in mind: The most frequently asked
questions. I won't clutter my FAQ with useless tips, or with 60K of the
Instruction Booklet online. I don't have a 400 word description of emailing me.
I make it simple. And I put in what is necessary only. This is the best FAQ for
FFX out there and you can make it better by contributing. See the section below
for contributing. Remember, that its a huge chain, GameFAQs woudn't be here if
it wasn't for the FAQ writers, and the FAQ writers wouldn't be here without the
contributers. Thanks for everyone who contributed !

|0| Versions

(01-18-02) v.FINAL- Final Version. No more updates after this, so don't email
me anything. Ive had fun with this FAQ, but its wasting my life to update it
with the flood of emails I get. Im off to write other reviews and FAQs for
other games. FFX was fun ! Ill never stop playing it !

(01-17-02) v.1.7- Completed vital things 100%, including Blitzball. Mix List
Completed ! Courtesy of CB!'s FAQ on ! Im telling you, she should
be out there writing books, seriously. Anyways things are going along great. Im
getting so many emails a day too. Remember though, specify the FAQ version when
submitting, so I can see where the error/correction/submission belongs. Working
on a monster listing too. That will not take long over the weekend, I have the
format planned out.

(01-15-02) v.1.6- Adding huge updates to current sections, like Blitzball,
Weapons, ect. I could use more strategies for bosses near the end of the game.
Suggest things to me! I need the other Sidequests too, I think its called the
Cactuar Village or something. So I need you people to contribute as much as you
can to finish this thing a bit more ! Thanks !

(01-14-02) v.1.5- Walkthrough now 100% finished ! CjayC should give me a full
circle now. Also came up with some challenges for people who have beaten the
game, so check that out. Now I need to polish the FAQ with more information in
the non-walkthrough portions.

(01-14-02) v.1.4- Going through and correcting errors. Please, if you submitted
something on the 8th or 9th, re-send it. A virus deleted most of my e-mail on
those days. PS2 is repaired too ! Finished a little more of the walkthrough to
cover the part most people seem to have trouble on. Ill also be working on
challenges for people who have beaten the game and want something new ! Suggest
things !

(01-10-02) v.1.3- Some Updates this time around. I'm NOT a question answer, so
do not e-mail me questions, I just delete them. Still not done with the FAQ,
having some PS2 problems. I also got a virus through my e-mail and it deleted
all my emails off my computer, then reset it. So if you submitted something and
it didn't get posted, try again !

(12-29-01) v.1.2- Just added a load of contributions. Walkthrough not complete
yet. Main reason for this version is to update all the errors, so I stop
getting repeated emails.

(12-29-01) v.1.1 - A whole lotta corrections, tips, and other things sent by
E-mail, and this update covers them ! Sigil and Crests were reversed. Also
includes more Blitzball strategy, and the Walkthrough is a little more

(12-27-01) v.1.0 - Initial Release. I realize some things are missing and
incomplete. E-mail me so I can fix them as soon as possible! I am accepting all
contributions too! I will finish the Walkthrough 100% come the next update.
Suggest sections, and send info until then!

|0| Copyright

This FAQ is Copyrighted by the International Copyright Law.
Copyrighted 2001. The latest version may be found here at GameFAQs. Webmasters
and people may NOT alter this in any way. This may not be converted to HTML,
Java, Javascript, ASP, PHP, .Doc, .Rtf, or ANYTHING. This is to be preserved in
its original state, and any altering of it will follow immediate action.

Known sites that carry this FAQ

Known sites that may NEVER take this FAQ or they shall be sued:

|0| Table of Contents

-A. Introduction
-B. Controls
-C. Characters
-D. Overdrives
-E. Weapons and Armor
-F. Aeons
-G. Sphere Grid
-H. Blitzball
-I. Bribing
-J. Items and Rare Items
-K. Mix Listing
-L. Ultimate Weapons
-M. Sidequests
-N. Secrets
-O. Tips and Tricks
-P. Challenges
-Q. Temple Guide
-R. Walkthrough
-S. Story line
-U. Credits

|A| Introduction

What you are reading and looking at is a complete walkthrough and FAQ for the
Playstation 2 game, Final Fantasy X (10). This guide features a walkthrough,
boss strategies, instructions for playing Blitzball, and much, much more.

I created this when I went to GameFAQs and noticed that only 1 or 2 of the 20
FAQs there were based on the English version. No offense meant, but the
translations from Japanese are not that good, and people who own the English
version, get easily confused when reading them. So I have attempted to write
the best, complete, walkthrough for Final Fantasy 10! Ever since I played Final
Fantasy 6, I have played everyone in the series, so it’s no wonder that I had
to get FFX on the day it was released in the US. Now, I realize there are
already a lot of FAQs for the game on this site; however, none of them are
based around the US version, which means they have countless translation errors
and other stuff.

|B| Controls

U= Up
L= Left
R= Right
D= Down

T= Triangle
C= Circle (O)
X= X
S= Square

SL= Select
ST= Start

A1= Analog Stick Left
A2= Analog Stick Right
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| L2 | | R2 |
|______| |______|
|__L1__| |__R1__|
/ \ / \
/ U \________/ T \
| L R S C |
| D X |
\ SL ST /
\ ________ /
| |A1 ||A2 | |
| |L3 ||R3 | |
| / --- --- \ |
| / \ |
| / \ |
\____/ \_____/


X Button - Accepts Command, go to next menu
O Button - Cancels Command, closes menu, backs up
Triangle Button - Go to menu
Square Button - Check if a person wants to join your Blitzball team
R1 - Nothing
L1 - Nothing
L2 - Nothing
R2 - Nothing
Start - Pause
Select - Nothing


X Button - Accepts Command, go to next menu
O Button - Cancels Command, closes menu, backs up
Triangle Button - Nothing
Square Button - Nothing
R1 - Next Person
L1 - Previous Person
L2 - Nothing
R2 - Nothing
Start - Nothing
Select - Nothing

-->Other Navigation

When you first get anything new like Chocobos, they will tell you all of the
buttons and controls.

-->Quick Uses

R1,R2,L1,L2 + Start + Select resets the game
Select in battle opens a help menu at the top

|C| Characters

Before I show the characters, here is what everything stands for:

Found At = Location you get character
Weapon = Weapon character uses
Armor = Armor character uses
Attack = Characters attack power
Magic = Characters magic power
Hp = Characters hit points
Special = Enemy character is good against
Over D = The characters Overdrive

Here they are ! Remember, I list them in the order that you get them
permanently.You may see a character before one, but you actually get them,
later on.

Found at:Beginning
Weapon :Light Weighted Swords
Armor :Small Shields
Attack :Medium attack power
Magic :Weak magic power
Hp :Medium hit points
Special :Ground monsters
Over D :Swordplay (Attack using sword in style)
(Get more by using Overdrive a lot)

Although Tidus (default name) seems weak, don't forget you can boost him up
using the sphere grid. You can make him pretty strong if you know how to use
him. Try to customize his weapons to give more strength, or an elemental

Found at:After second Sin attack
Weapon :Customized Blitzballs
Armor :Heavy Armguards
Attack :Medium-High attack power
Magic :Weak magic power
Hp :High hit points
Special :Flying monsters
Over D :Slots (Randomize certain things)
(Get more by winning at Blitzball)

Wakka is a strong guy, so it's easy to plow through enemies. Remember that he
almost always hits flying enemies with his Blitzball. Whenever you see a flying
creature, only have Wakka attack it, the other party members will frequently

Found at:Besaid Island
Weapon :Possessed creatures and dolls
Armor :Light Weighted Bangles
Attack :Extremely Low attack power
Magic :High magic power
Hp :Low hit points
Special :Elemental Monsters
Over D :Fury (Casts spells different ways)
(Get more by increasing magic power)

Lulu is the basic black magic user. Low HP, high magic, and a pathetic attack
power. However, when you run into ANY enemy with magic, just use the opposite
it does and it should die in 1 turn.

Found at:Besaid Island Temple
Weapon :Magical Staffs
Armor :Magical Rings
Attack :Extremely Low attack power
Magic :High magic power
Hp :Low-Medium hit points
Special :Anything with high HP, and elements
Over D :Grand Summon (Summons creature with a full overdrive gauge)
(Get more by... hey ! You can't get more !)

Yuna is the magic user of the party who can summon. She gains summons by
praying at temples across Spira (the world you live in). Each one grants here 1
new Aeon (summon). She is also the best party member to use white magic with.

Found at:Besaid Island
Weapon :Pole Arms and Pole Axes
Armor :Heavy Armlets
Attack :High attack power
Magic :Medium magic power
Hp :High hit points
Special :Grounded monsters, low-flying monsters
Over D :Ronso Rage (Casts spells learned from enemies)
(Get more by using Lancet a lot)

Kimahri can learn enemy attacks, just like in the previous 9 Final Fantasy's.
To learn attacks, use the _Lancet_ ability when fighting a creature, and if
you're lucky, you may learn one of its strong attacks to use on a future

Found at:Blitzball Tournament (Luca)
Weapon :Huge Swords
Armor :Heavy Bracers
Attack :Extremely high attack power
Magic :Medium magic power
Hp :Extremely high hit points
Special :Heavily armored monsters
Over D :Bushido (Unleashes elemental powers in a huge attack)
(Get more by finding Jecht Spheres)

Auron is a bit over powered, that’s what your thinking. Well, yes he is, plus
he has abilities like Power break to make everything in the way become
weakened. But, he is vulnerable to magic, just like the other fighters of the

Found at:After defeating Al Bhed Underwater Machina
Weapon :Claws and hand-weapons
Armor :Targes
Attack :Low attack power
Magic :Low magic power
Hp :Low hit points
Special :Machina
Over D :Mix (Combine 2 items to create a powerful attack or healing)
(Get more by mixing different combinations)

Rikku may seem like nothing special, I mean, her stats are just ugly. That’s
what you think. Her usefulness is in stealing, using attack items, and her
Overdrive. try to mix things to get different attacks. Try combining your
spheres to get effects. Here are a few examples:

Megalixer : 2 Elixirs
Frag Grenade : 1 Power Sphere, 1 Mana Sphere

|D| Overdrives

Information from various sources

1- Spiral Cut
[Already Learned]
(Damage single enemy with spin move)

2- Slice & Dice
[Use Spiral Cut 10 times]
(Attacks 6 times at random enemies)

3- Energy Rain
[Use Slice and Dice 20 times]
(Attacks all enemies)

4- Blitz Ace
[Use Energy Rain 50 times]
(Attacks single enemy multiple times)

In order to get them to work, press X when the moving line gets to the center
of the bar. The faster you do it, the more damage that is dealt. Gain more
overdrives by using the current ones many times.

-->Wakka (SLOTS)
1- Element Reels
(Elemental attributes are added to your attack)

2- Attack Reels
(Extra damage is added to your attack)

3- Status Reels
(Status effects are added to your attack)

4- Aurochs Reels

Wakka is interesting here. All you have to do is match up 2 of the 3 slot reels
to execute the move. Gain more by winning and competing in Blitzball

-->>Lulu (FURY)

Just rotate the analog stick (right one) as many times as you can to cast
spells multiple times. The amount you can cast increases with your strength.


Nothing special. Summons any Aeon with a full Overdrive gauge

-->Kimahri (BLUE MAGIC)

1- Jump
(Damages one enemy)
2- Fire Breath
(Damages all enemies with Fire)
3- Seed Cannon
(Damages one enemy)
4- Self-Destruct
(Kamikaze attack to a single enemy)
5- Thrust Kick
(Attacks a Single enemy)
6- Stone Breath
(Attacks all enemies with Stone)
7- Aqua Breath
(Attacks all enemies with water)
8- Doom
(Casts gradual death to all enemies)
9- White Wind
(Heals whole party. 1/2 of Kimahri HP is the healing amount)
10- Bad Breath
(Casts every status effect on all enemies)
11- Mighty Guard
(Casts Protect, Shell, and all Null Magic on party)
12- Nova
(Attacks all enemies for major damage)

Gain more abilities by using the Lancet attack on enemies that use the above

-->Auron (BUSHIDO)

1- Dragon Fang
[D, L, U, R, L1, R1, X, O]
(Attacks all enemies)
{Already Learned}

2- Shooting Star
[Triangle, O, square, X, left, right, X]
(Attacks one enemy. May insta-kill enemies and some bosses)
{1 Sphere}

3- Banishing Blade
[U, L1, D, R1, R, L, triangle]
(Attacks one enemy)
{3 Spheres}

4- Tornado
[O, R, R1, L, L1, triangle]
(Attacks all enemies for major damage)
{10 Spheres}

Abilities are learned by collecting Jecht Spheres

1- After defeating Spherimorph
2- Besaid Village, right of the temple
3- On the ship SS Liki
4- Luca Stadium, Basement A
5- Mi'ihen Highroad
6- Mushroom Rock Road
7- South Shoopuf morph
8- Thunder Plains
9- Macalania Woods, southern part
10- Gagazet Mountain

-->Rikku (MIX)

Rikku will mix two items to produce an offensive, Defensive, or Healing item
that is used instantly.

-->Overdrive Types

Stoic (3 of 5) - Gauge increases at you receive damage from allies
Warrior (4 of 5) - Gauge increases as you deal damage to enemies
Comrade (4 of 5) - Gauge increases when enemies attack allies
Healing (2 of 5) - Gauge increases when you heal an ally
Slayer (5 of 5) - Gauge increases when you defeat an enemy
Victor (4 of 5) - Gauge increases when a battle is won
Tactician (3 of 5) - Gauge increases when a status effect is successful
Ally (4 of 5) - Gauge increases on allies turn
Daredevil (3 of 5) - Gauge increases when character fights in terminal
Hero (3 of 5) - Gauge increases when fighting tough enemies
Solo (2 of 5) - Gauge increases when you fight alone
Victim (4 of 5) - Gauge increases when hit by status effects

|E| Weapons and Armor

In this game, you can have 1 piece of armor and 1 weapon equipped per
character. You can also carry around extra armor and weapons if needed for a
later time. In Final Fantasy X, they introduce the element of _customizable_
weapons. This means you can give weapons cool attributes. To do this, you have
to have Rikku permanently in the party. Go to the menu and select _Customize_.
Now any weapon in gray cannot be customized for one reason or another.

Select a weapon in white text, and look to the right. There should be empty
pink boxes, these indicate how many abilities you can have. To put an ability
on a weapon, select in on the left side. If it’s grayed out, then you cant
equip that ability. Putting on an ability requires items, so to get good
abilities on weapons like Auto-Med, go item hunting.

Select your desired abilities, and test them out in battle to see if the weapon
is how you like it. I recommend things like Strength and Armor + and HP + for
your armor. Try getting NullShock on your armor too, many enemies and Machina
use lightning and you can absorb it.

-->Tidus' Weapons
Warriors Sword
Fencing Saber
Enchanted Sword
Rune Steel
Soldier's Sword
Sorcerer Sword
Baroque Sword
Force Sword
Variable Steel
Liquid Steel
Lightning Steel
Ice Brand
Flame Tongue
Hunter's Sword
Twilight Steel
Muted Steel
Lullaby Steel
Poison Steel
Basilisk Steel
Stunning Steel
Death bringer
Double Edge
Wizard Sword
Knight Sword
Night Bringer
Mage Masher
Grave Stone
Dane Macabre
Sonic Steel
Mirage Sword
Prism Steel
Trio Styeel
Arc Sword
Master sword
Astral Sword
Surtr's Sword
Crystal Sword
Taming Sword
Long Sword

-->Wakkas Weapons
Center Forward
Power ball
Hyper Ball
Magic Ball
Rune Ball
Switch Hitter
Thunder ball
Fire Ball
Ice ball
Blind Pass
Noise breaker
Dream Team
Rule breaker
Delay of Game
Rough Play
Double Penalty
Double Header
Power play
Stone Cold
Sudden Death
Miracle Comeback
Mirage Ball
Prism Ball
Return Match
Triple Penalty
Free Agent
Half time
World Champion
Over the Top
Ace Wizard
Ace Striker
Penalty Master
Buzzer Beater
Rookie Star
Double Score
Triple Score
Scoring Chance
Winning Streak
Tie Breaker
Grand Slam

-->Lulu's Weapons
Stinger Mog
Attack Mog
Buster Mog
Magical Mog
Rune Mog
Moomba Warrior
Moomba Mage
Variable Mog
Moomba Force
Morphing Mog
Water Moomba
Thunder Moomba
Ice Moomba
Fire Moomba
Cactuar Scope
Blinding Cait Sith
Quiet Cait Sith
Sleepy Cait Sith
Noxious Cait Sith
Fossil Cait Sith
Late Cait Sith
Fatal Cait Sith
Ominous Cait Sith
Moomba Duo
Magician Mog
Power Mog
Dark Cait Sith
Mute Cait Sith
Dreamy Cait Sith
Toxic Cait Sith
Stone Cait Sith
Chronos Cait Sith
Wicked Cait Sith
Sensor Cactuar
Swift Cactuar
Serum Mog
Booster Cactuar
Prism Cactuar
Raging Cactuar
Vengeful Cactuar
Abaddon Cait Sith
Moomba Trip
Space Bandit
Cactuar Wizard
Mana Mog
Space Mage
Space Warrior
Chaotic Cait Sith
Magical Cactuar
Space Power
Lord Cactuar
Star Cactuar
Comet Cactuar
Space Energy
Space Force
Space King
Space Masher
Space Soul
Onion Knight
Soul of Mog
Moobma Quartet
Trapper Mog

-->Yuna's Weapons
Arc Arcana
Astral Rod
Beladonna Wand
Bizarre Staff
Break Rod
Calcite Staff
Rune Rod
Seraphim Rod
Shining Staff
Darkness Staff
Death Wand
Dual Rod
Ductile Rod
El Dorado
Enchanted Rod
Entangling Rod
Faerie Staff
Force Rod
Full Metal Rod
Healing Rod
Heavenly Axis
Herding Staff
Lullaby Rod
Mage's Staff
Rod of Roses
Rod of Silence
Rod of Striking
Wonder Wing
Prism Rod
Reticent Staff
Rod of Beating
Malleable Staff
Mirage Rod
Rod of Lightning
Sorcery Rod
Spiked Rod
Staff of Thorns
Wicked Wand
Wind Rod
Wing Wand
Monk Staff
Nemesis Rod
Nimbus Rod
Ominous Rod
Power Staff
Shining Staff
Sorcery Rod
Spiked Rod
Staff of Thorns
Chaos Rod
Wicked Wand
Wind Rod
Wing Wand
Wonder Wand
Wonder Wing
Wonder Wand
Rod of Darkness
Rod of Fire
Rod of Ice
Rod of Water
Rod of Wisdom

-->Auron's Weapons
Critical Blade
Dark Blade
Djinn Blade
Dozing Blade
Dragon killer
Dual Blade
Fire Blade
Frost Blade
Genji Blade
Gil monger
Basara Blade
Prism Blade
Riot Blade
Magic Blade
Master Djinn
Master Ogre
Beast master
Blurry Moon
Chaos Blade
Gorgon Gaze
Heaven's Cloud
Hunter's Blade
Spiritual Blade
Still blade
Tacit Blade
The Nameless
Thunder Blade
Venomous Blade
Assassin Blade
Knight Blade
Life giver
Mirage Blade
Ogre Blade
Ogre killer
Peaceful Slumber
Matoya's Blade
Rune Blade
Shimmering Blade
Sonic Blade
Soundless Scream
Spider's Kiss

-->Rikku's Weapons
Dual Claw
Rising Sun
Shocking Fist
Buster Claw
Eye Poker
Flexible Arm
Force Knuckles
The Ogre
Tidal Knuckles
Golden Arm
Golden Hand
Hot Knuckles
Hurricane Claw
Iron side
Kaiser Knuckles
Lights Out
Mage Husher
Magic Claw
Manticore Claw
Ice Claw
Iron Claw
Barbed Knuckles
Battle Freak
Deus Ex Machina
Break Knuckles
Iron Grip
Mirage Claw
Ninja Claw
Tongue Holder
Typhoon Claw
Poison Claw
Prism Claw
Sticky fingers
Tempest Claw
Magic Glove
Magic Knuckles
Bulster Glove
Buster Knuckles
Clock Hand
Magical Rave

-->Kimahri's Weapons
Astral Spear
Twin Lance
Venom Spike
Mage Hunter
Shape shifter
Silent Spear
Snake head
Magic Lance
Matador Spear
Mirage Lance
Venus Gospel
Vicious Lance
Web Lance
Wizard Lance
Dark bringer
Dragoon Lance
Dream Lance
Dusk Lance
Eldritch Lance
Enchanted Lance
Force Lance
Full Metal Spear
Gae Balg
Giant Spear
Shamanic Spear
Sonic Lance
Spirit Lance
Striking Spear
Taming Spear
Thunder Spear
Tidal Spear
Titan Lance
Thanatos Lance
Healer Spear
Heat Lance
Break Lance
Calamity Spear
Chaos Lance
Heavy Spear
High wind
Horn of the Ronso
Hunter's Spear
Hypnos Spear
Ice Lance
Kain's Lance
Knight Lance
Net Spear
Prism Spear
Quad force
Rebel Lance
Rock Buster
Rune Lance
Trans muter

-->Weapons Abilities
Name - Sensor
Needs - 2 Ability Spheres
Description - Detect the enemies HP amount
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Piercing
Needs - 2 Key Spheres lvl 1
Description - Armor has no effect on weapons
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Initiative
Needs - 6 Chocobo Feathers
Description - Increases the chance of first turn
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - First Strike
Needs - 1 Return Sphere
Description - Increases chances of first strike
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - Fire Strike
Needs - 4 Bomb Fragments
Description - Adds Fire to all of your attacks
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Lightning Strike
Needs - 4 Electric Marbles
Description - Adds Lightning to all of your attacks
Rating - 4 of 5 (Good vs. Machina)

Name - Water Strike
Needs - 4 Fish Scales
Description - Adds Water to all of your attacks
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - Ice Strike
Needs - 4 Arctic Winds
Description - Adds Ice to all of your attacks
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Silence Strike
Needs - 20 Silence Grenades
Description - 100% of silencing enemy
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Silence Touch
Needs - 60 Echo Screens
Description - 50% of silencing enemy
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Sleep Strike
Needs - 16 Dream Powder
Description - 100% of sleeping enemy
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Sleep Touch
Needs - 10 Sleeping Powders
Description - 50% of silencing enemy
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Dark Touch
Needs - 60 Eye drops
Description - 50% of darkening enemy
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - Dark Strike
Needs - 20 Smoke Bombs
Description - 100% of darkening enemy
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Poison Strike
Needs - 24 Poison Fangs
Description - 100% of silencing enemy
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Poison Touch
Needs - 99 Antidotes
Description - 50% of silencing enemy
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Stone Touch
Needs - 10 Petrify Grenades
Description - 50% of petrifying enemy
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Stone Strike
Needs - 60 Silence Grenades
Description - 100% of petrifying enemy
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Death Strike
Needs - 60 Farplane Winds
Description - 50% of killing enemy
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - Death Touch
Needs - 30 Farplane Shadows
Description - 15% of killing enemy
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Zombie touch
Needs - Holy Water x70
Description - 50% of Zombie
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Zombiestrike
Needs - 30 Candle of Life
Description - 100% of Zombie
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Slowtouch
Needs - 16 Silver Hourglass
Description - 50% of slow
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Slowstrike
Needs - 30 Gold Hourglass
Description - 100% of slow
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Str +3%
Needs - 3 Power Sphere
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - Str +5%
Needs - 2 Stamina Spring
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Str +10%
Needs - 1 Skill Sphere
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Str +20%
Needs - 4 Supreme Gem
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Magic +3%
Needs - 3 Mana Sphere
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - Magic +5%
Needs - 2 Mana Spring
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Magic +10%
Needs - 1 Black Magic Sphere
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Magic +20%
Needs - 4 Supreme Gem
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Counterattack
Needs - 1 Friend Sphere
Description - Counterattacks when attacked by fiends
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Evade & Counter
Needs - 1 Teleport Sphere
Description - Evade an attack and then follows up with a counter
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - Magic Counter
Needs - 16 Shining Gem
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - Magic Booster
Needs - 30 Ether Turbo
Description - Increases magic attack power, and doubles MP cost
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Alchemy
Needs - 4 Healing Water
Description - Medicine restores double the amount
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Half MP Cost
Needs - 20 Twin Stars
Rating - 3 of 5

Name - One MP Cost
Needs - 20 Three Stars
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Double AP
Needs - 20 Mega Elixir
Rating - 4 of 5

Name - Triple AP
Needs - 50 Wings to Discovery
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Overdrive to AP
Needs - 10 Door to Tomorrow
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - SOS Overdrive
Needs - 20 Gambler's Spirit
Description - Overdrive gauge rise faster
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Double Overdrive
Needs - 30 Underdog's Secret
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Triple Overdrive
Needs - 30 Winning Formula
Rating - 5 of 5

Name - Gillionaire
Needs - 30 Designer Wallet
Description - Gil received is always doubled in battle
Rating - 2 of 5

Name - Break Damage Limit
Needs - 60 Dark Matter
Description - Breaks the 9,999 damage mark
Rating - 5 of 5

The same rules and most abilities go for armor. When assigning abilities, some
begin with SOS, which means it’s activated when a character is in terminal
condition. Mess around and try to create super-powerful weapons.

To see a much more detailed list, see the in-depth FAQ for Equipment Remodeling
here at GameFAQs. Ceebs did a great job making it, and it is very detailed.

|F| Aeons

A summoner has the gift on summoning great beasts to fight for her/ him. In
your party, Yuna is the Summoner. Like characters, Aeons are controllable and
have overdrive gauges. Here are a few notes:

+ Controllable
+ Can only have one out at a time
+ Need to revive at Save Sphere when they die, or after a certain amount of
battles, as shown in the Aeon screen
+ Overdrive gauge is reset if Aeon is killed
+ Can be taught abilities
+ Does NOT use the sphere grid

The Aeons can learn abilities by spending items, just like how you can
customize armor. In the Aeon menu, if you have gotten the Summoners Soul, you
can press O, then select abilities at the top. Aeons learn these abilities by
spending items. Some abilities that are useless to Aeons are Life and Full
Life. Unless you are fighting a lot of Zombies, I recommend you save those
items needed to learn revive moves for later.


|Specials| |
-------- |
|Sonic Wing: Deals damage and delays targets turn |
|Magic| |
----- |
|Fire 4 MP |
|Blizzard 4 MP |
|Thunder 4 MP |
|Water 4 MP |
|Overdrives| |
---------- |
|Energy Ray :Non Elemental Damage |
|Energy Blast :Major Non Elemental Damage |


|Specials| |
-------- |
|Meteor Strike: Deals damage and delays targets turn |
|Magic| |
----- |
|Fire 4 MP |
|Null-Frost 2 MP |
|Null-Blaze 2 MP |
|Overdrives| |
---------- |
|Hell Fire: Fire damage to all enemies |


|Specials| |
-------- |
|Aero Spark: Attacks enemy and delays turn |
|Magic| |
----- |
|Thunder 4 MP |
|Thundara 8 MP |
|Overdrives| |
---------- |
|Thor's Hammer: Thunder attack on all enemies |


|Specials| |
-------- |
|Heavenly Strike: Damages enemy and delays turn |
|Magic| |
----- |
|Blizzara 8 MP |
|Blizzard 4 MP |
|Null-Blaze 2 MP |
|Null-Frost 2 MP |
|Overdrives| |
---------- |
|Diamond Dust: Deals Ice damage to all enemies |


|Specials| |
-------- |
|Impulse: Damages all enemies |
|Magic| |
----- |
|Fire 4 MP |
|Blizzard 4 MP |
|Thunder 4 MP |
|Water 4 MP |
|Fira 8 MP |
|Blizzara 8 MP |
|Thundara 8 MP |
|Watera 8 MP |
|Firaga 16 MP |
|Blizzaga 16 MP |
|Thundaga 16 MP |
|Wateraga 16 MP |
|Overdrives| |
---------- |
|Mega Flare: Major non-elemental damage on all enemies |

All Aeons can access a special menu on their turn by pressing right on the
command menu.

BOOST: Take more damage (+150%) for one turn, Overdrive fills faster.
SHIELD: Take less damage (-150%) for one turn, Overdrive gauge freezes.
DISMISS: Send Aeon away. Good when low on HP.

All the Aeons can learn abilities too. Here is a list of everything every
single aeon can learn and is capable of. They are in no special order except
for the Elemental spells.

Name: Sleep Attack
Items: Sleeping Powder x3

Name: Delay Attack
Items: Silver Hourglass x20

Name: Delay Buster
Items: Gold Hourglass x30

Name: Zombie Attack
Items: Holy Water x99

Name: Triple Foul
Items: Skill Sphere x4

Name: Power Break
Items: Stamina Spring x8

Name: Magic Break
Items: Mana Spring x4

Name: Armor Break
Items: Lv.2 Key Sphere x2

Name: Mental Break
Items: Shining Thorn x4

Name: Dark Buster
Items: Smoke Bomb x12

Name: Silence Buster
Items: Silence Grenade x10

Name: Sleep Buster
Items: Sleeping Powder x10

Name: Dark Attack
Items: Smoke Bomb x4

Name: Silence Attack
Items: Silence Grenade x3

Name: Pray
Items: Healing Water x5

Name: Cheer
Items: Power Sphere x5

Name: Aim
Items: Speed Sphere x5

Name: Focus
Items: Mana Sphere x10

Name: Reflex
Items: Speed Sphere x10

Name: Luck
Items: Fortune Sphere x2

Name: Jinx
Items: Fortune Sphere x2

Name: Cure
Items: Hi-Potion x99

Name: Cura
Items: X-Potion x30

Name: Curaga
Items: Mega-Potion x60

Name: NulBlaze
Items: Bomb Fragment x2

Name: NulShock
Items: Electro Marble x2

Name: NulTide
Items: Fish Scale x2

Name: NulFrost
Items: Antarctic Wind x2

Name: Haste
Items: Chocobo Feather x10

Name: Hastega
Items: Chocobo Wing x16

Name: Slow
Items: Silver Hourglass x4

Name: Slowga
Items: Gold Hourglass x8

Name: Scan
Items: Ability Sphere x10

Name: Life
Items: Elixir x6

Name: Full-Life
Items: Megalixer

Name: Shell
Items: Lunar Curtain x4

Name: Protect
Items: Light Curtain x6

Name: Reflect
Items: Star Curtain x3

Name: Dispel
Items: Purifying Salt x3

Name: Regen
Items: Healing Spring x50

Name: Flare
Items: Shining Gem x60

Name: Ultima
Items: Supreme Gem x99

Name: Holy
Items: Blessed Gem x60

Name: Death
Items: Farplane Shadow x30

Name: Fire
Items: Bomb Fragment

Name: Thunder
Items: Electro Marble

Name: Water
Items: Fish Scale

Name: Blizzard
Items: Antarctic Wind

Name: Fira
Items: Bomb Core x2

Name: Thundara
Items: Lightning Marble x2

Name: Watera
Items: Dragon Scale x2

Name: Blizzara
Items: Arctic Wind x2

Name: Firaga
Items: Fire Gem x4

Name: Thundaga
Items: Lightning Gem x4

Name: Waterga
Items: Water Gem x4

Name: Blizzaga
Items: Ice Gem x4

Name: Bio
Items: Poison Fang x8

Name: Demi
Items: Shadow Gem x4

Name: Drain
Items: Stamina Spring x60

Name: Osmoses
Items: Mana Spring x10

Name: Lancet
Items: Soul Spring x20

Name: Double cast
Items: Three Stars x5


|G| Sphere Grid


In Final Fantasy X, there is no more typical system of leveling up. The days of
having to reach a certain level before wanting to do that hard fight is OVER.
Now, it has been replaced with the perfect Sphere Grid. After doing a fight, or
doing other special things, you receive things like ability spheres or power
spheres. These can be used on a board-game like field.

After a battle, you will receive AP, ability points. After you get a certain
amount, you level up. For each level up, you get 1 Sphere Level.

1 Sphere Level= Move 1 space forward
Move 4 spaces backward (spaces you have claimed)

During battle, you may also get Spheres to unlock spaces on the giant grid. The
grid is composed of many circles, which represent spaces. Each circle has
something on it, like the Fire Spell, or Hp +200. To actually claim it though,
you use these special spheres collected in battle.

-->Sphere Uses

Power Sphere unlocks = HP Bonuses
Attack Bonuses
Defense Bonuses
Speed Sphere unlocks = Hit % Bonuses
Evade % Bonuses
Agility Bonuses
Mana Sphere unlocks = MP Bonuses
Magic Attack Bonuses
Magic Defense Bonuses
Ability Sphere unlocks = Blk Spells
Wht Spells
Lock Sphere unlocks = Sphere Grid Locks
Clear Sphere unlocks = Erases a spot on the grid (not recommended)
Fortune Sphere unlocks= Luck Bonuses

-->Explanation (cont.)

Sphere grid locks are like huge rocks blocking the path to an ability. To
unlock a lvl 1 lock, you must use a lvl 1 sphere. To unlock a lvl 3 lock, you
must use a lvl 3 sphere. This whole grid system is much easier to understand if
you see the in-game tutorial, and if you try it yourself. There are also about
20 other spheres, but they are SPECIAL spheres and are self-explanatory. Like
the Teleport Sphere lets you move anywhere on the board someone has been, and
the HP Sphere turns circles with no ability on them into a +300 circle.


Can I max out my HP and MP ?
Yes. You have to wipe the board clean and fill it about 75% full of HP +300 and
Mp+30 to get max HP, but then your strength will be nothing.

Can I max out my stats ?
Yes. You have to wipe the board clean and use a chunk of it on Stat+4s. Of
course, you will end up with around 600 HP per character if you do that !


|Tidus |
|_____ ___|
|Sph lvl 1|
|3 Power Sphere |
|2 Ability Sphere |
|2 Lvl 1 Lock |
|4 Fortune Sphere |
|2 Clear Sphere |
|2 HP Spheres |

__ __ __ __ __
/1 \ _____ /2 \ ____ /3 \ _____ /4 \ _____ /5 \
\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
HP+200 Flee Lvl 1.Lock Tidus Luck+1

In here, Tidus is on Sphere 4. He has 1 sphere level, as indicated on the top
left side of the screen. That means he can move 4 spaces back, or 1 space
forward. Here, Tidus has already claimed all the sphere spaces to the left of
him. That means with 1 level, he can go 4 spaces back, or 1 forward. Lets move
him forward to the right. To claim the Luck Sphere, you have to use a fortune
Sphere from Tidus. Tidus claims it and gets 1 luck point. Lets say Tidus lvls
up and gets another Sphere level. Now he can move back to lets say the Flee
ability. We don't like it at all and want something new there. So we use a
Clear Sphere to delete Flee from everyones board. Now we can use Tidus' HP
Sphere to change the empty space into an HP+300. Now use a Power Sphere to
reclaim that space. Its easier done than said !

-->Abilities on the Grid

This is a listing of the abilities that can be learned on the Sphere Grid.
Unlike what most people say, any character can learn anything on the Sphere
Grid, and its possible to claim every space too. Here is a list of the
abilities that any character can learn:

Thunder : Do minor thunder damage
Thundara : Do normal thunder damage
Thundaga : Do major thunder damage
Blizzard : Do minor ice damage
Blizzara : Do normal ice damage
Blizzaga : Do major ice damage
Fire : Do minor fire damage
Fira : Do normal fire damage
Firaga : Do major fire damage
Water : Do minor water damage
Watera : Do normal water damage
Waterga : Do major water damage
Bio : Constantly damage enemy
Haste : Increases turn rate on one character
Hastega : Increases turn rate on whole party
Slow : Decreases turn rate on one enemy
Slowga : Decreases turn rate on al enemies
Death : Instant death 25% of time to target
Demi : Reduce HP by a quarter
Drain : Absorb HP from enemy
Osmose : Absorb MP from enemy
Flare : Cause major destructive damage to target
Ultima : Cause major destructive damage to multiple targets
Use : Use special items in battle.
Flee : Have entire party run from battle
Cheer : Increase everyones Strength and Defense slightly
Aim : Increase everyones Accuracy to hit fast and flying enemies
Jinx : Lower enemies Luck slightly
Reflex : Increase the parties evasion slightly
Focus : Increase Magic attack and defense slightly
Luck : Raise your parties luck slightly
Lancet : Absorb enemy HP and MP
Guard : Defend another character
Steal : Steal items
Spare Change : Throw Gil at enemy to deal damage. Damage = to Gil/10
Sentinel : Defends all characters
Copy Cat : Character mimics the last action done in battle
Threaten : Freeze one enemy with fear, paralyzing it
Entrust : Fill another OVerdrive Gauge at the cost of your own
Provoke : Provokes enemy to attack character
Double Cast : Cast two magic spells in a row
Bribe : Bribes enemy to leave the fight. Requires Gil.
Dark Buster : 100% chance of dark for 1 turn
Silence Buster: 100% chance of silence for 1 turn
Sleep Buster : 100% chance of sleep for 1 turn
Delay Attack : Makes enemy lose 1 turn
Delay Buster : Makes enemy lose 2 turns
Zombie Attack : Cause Zombie status on the target
Dark Attack : Cause blindness in enemy for 3 turns
Silence Attack: Cause muteness in enemy for 3 turns
Sleep Attack : Cause drowsiness on enemy for 3 turns
Triple Foul : Cause 3 statues effects on an enemy
Mug : Steal and do 1/2 damage to enemy at same time
Quick Hit : Faster attack rate
Esuna : Same effect as the remedy item
Regen : Constantly restore HP
Cure : Cure up to 600 HP
Cura : Cure up to 2000 HP
Curaga : Cure up to 9999 HP
Life : Revives character in critical condition
Full-Life : Revive character with full HP. Kill zombies instantly.
Protect : Receive half damage
Shell : Receive half magic damage
NulBlaze : Immune from Fire
NulTide : Immune from Water
NulFrost : Immune from Ice
NulShock : Immune from Thunder
Reflect : Reflects all curative and offensive magic to opposing party.
Dispel : Disables all positive status effects
Holy : Deal massive damage to zombies and fiends
Auto-Life : Revives a character when killed
Power Break : Halves enemy attack power
Armor Break : Halves enemy defense
Magic Break : Halves enemy Magic Power
Mental Break : Halves enemy magic defense
Scan : Reveals the enemies statistics

|H| Blitzball


Blitzball... the mini-game of FFX. Final Fantasy X has a mini-sport you can
play at save points once you participate in your first Blitzball tournament.
You can only play it at Level 2 Save Travel Spheres (save points lvl 2). So if
you're reading this, then you probably need help. Lets start.

-->Blitzball 101

The Teams are:

Besaid Aurouchs
Kilika Beasts
Luca Goers
Ronso Fangs
Al Bhed Psyches
Guado Glories

Like in most sports games for consoles, the players in Blitzball are good at
certain things. Unlike traditional sports, these are special statistics. You
can access them from the Blitzball main menu. You want characters with good
stats, and lucky you that the original team has those good stats.

Like real sports you have to sign up people to be on your team. They sign a
contract for a certain amount of games, for a certain amount of Gil per game.
You can do this by pressing Square by a person to recruit them.

Blitzball is played in two halves, each 5 minutes long. The game ends at the
buzzer, no last shots or passes are allowed. The game also has a few ways of
moving. Manual and Auto. Auto is for beginners who dont want to risk the game.
Experienced players should switch to manual movement though.


In Blitzball, everyone has statistics and they affect huge things. Whenever
someone is blocking, passing, attacking, catching or shooting, the number for
that statistic is randomly decreases or increased by 50$, meaning a person who
shoots at a goal with a SH less than the CA, has a very small chance of still
making a goal.

HP - Hitpoints : A players energy or Stamina. It slowly decreases and HP is
required to do certain special attacks or moves.

SP - Speed : How fast a player moves. This affects you ability to catch and out
run other players in the water.

SH - Shot Average : The ability to shoot the ball into a goal. You score if
your SH is higher than the opponents CA. SH slowly goes down as friction slows
it down. SH also decreases from opponents trying to block the ball.

PA - Pass Average : The ability to pass a ball. This number slowly decreases as
a ball travels. The pass can only be caught if the PA is above 0 by the time it
reaches the person cathcing the ball.

EN - Endurance : The ability to withstand attacks. The endurance is a defensive
number. If the endurance is higher than an opponents AT, then you can break
through them. Every time you break, you lose some EN.

AT - Attack : The ability to take out a person breaking. If the AT is higher
than the EN, you will cause the opposing player to fumble the ball.

BL - Blocking Average : The ability to block an oncoming pass or shot. If a
person chooses to pass or shoot instead of break, the SH/PA is emasured against
the BL. A higher BL than the SH/PA means the player will catch the shot or
pass, thereby intercepting it.

CA - Cathing Average : The Goalies' ability to block a shot. If the CA is
higher than the SH, the shot is sucsessfully blocked.

-->Blitzball Playing

Teams are made of a:

LF Left Forward (need good SH and EN)
RF Right Forward (need good SH and EN)
MF Midfielder (needs best PA and AT)
LD Left Defense (needs good AT and EN)
RD Right Defense (needs good AT and EN)
GL Goalie (needs best CA)

In the game, you can open a menu by pressing the SQUARE button while you have
the ball. In the menu, as long as no opponents nearby, you can do three things:

Dribble (Move around)
Shoot (Attempt a Shot)
Pass (Attempt a Pass)

The menu changes a little when people are blocking you:

No Break ----------------
Break to _____ |
Break to _____ |
Break to _____ |

Shoot (Attmept a shot with risk of oppenents catching it)
Pass (Attempt a pass with risk of opponents catching it)

If you choose no break, you will attempt to do an action while risking the ball
by being caught by the opponents. You can also break to a person. You break
through 1 person by choosing the first person on the list to break through. You
break through all of them by picking the last one. When you try to get through
opponents, the enemy AT is subtracted from your EN. If the number is higher
than zero, the break suceeds, and you have 1 less opponent to worry about
catching your ball. If you break through all the opponents, you have a clear
shot or pass, or you can keep dribbling the ball.

Note that all the stats (AT, BL, SH) have a randomizer attached to them. This
changes the number by 50%-150%, meaning a shot against a goal with 5, while the
goalie has a 6 CA, means the shot has a slight chance of going in.

Breaking Sucsess:
If number left is higher than zero, you break
If number left is zero, you fumble the ball

Normal Pass with no one blocking:
If PA is above zero when it reaches the catcher, its a pass
If number left is zero when it reaches the catcher, you fumble the ball

Passing Sucsess against a block:
If number left is higher than zero, you pass
If number left is zero, you fumble the ball

Shooting Sucsess against a goalie:
If number left is higher than zero, you score
If number left is zero, you don't score

-->Status Effects

Certian abilites in Blitxball cause Status effects on the enemy and yourself.
This is a detailed explanation on that.

Sleep (Nap)
The sleep ability will put a target to sleep under certian conditions. The
player stops moving and cannot be played. The character is black on the
mini-map. Luckly, sleep can be cured in three ways and three ways only. You can
throw the ball to that person as a pass. It will hit the player and wake
him/her. You can also just wait for the player to wake up on his/her own. The
last way is too wait until a goal is scored, at whcih point they wake up. A
goalie that falls asleep cannot block any shots at all, letting an opponent
from across court with high SH able to score.

Wither (Stat killers)
Statitic killers. A player inflicted with Wither will experience a reduction in
certain statistics by half, indicated by blue lettering. A withered player can
only be cured in two ways. First is you can just wait, and second is to wait
for the end of the half or game. A withered person is not a good player when
vital stats like SH ans PA are affected.

Poison (Venom)
Posion increases the HP loss of a person by triple the normal ammount. This
also hinders the players ability to use any shot techs at all until the poison
wears off over time. Pile Venom will hinder the ability to use any special
techs at all until the venom is gone. The ways to heal this status us by
waiting for the end of a half, or by just waiting. Venomed and posioned players
revover no HP at all during the time of poisoning.


By pressing Triangle, you can choose your movement, then your teams formation.

Normal Formation:
Defenders and Forwards try to go after the guy with the ball while not moving
too far away from their normal areas. The MF tries to get the main guy to any
extent, except for going far into the opponents area.

Marking Formation:
Before the game, you can mark opponents. When this formation is on, all the
players go after the marked person. This is good to mark a big opponent shooter
who always scores. Mark him/her with 2 or 3 guys, and that opponent shooter
will have a tough time shooting anymore.

Left Side:
Players chase anyone down who has the ball in the left side of the Sphere
arena. The other side is left defenseless.

Right Side:
Players chase anyone down who has the ball in the right side of the Sphere
Arena. The other side is left defenseless.

The defenders are focused into the center, leaving the rest of the field
defensless. This is effective against opponents who have their shooters go
stright down the middle. This is also effective for you offense, because you
have back-up very close.

All Defense:
Your whole team defends your side of the Sphere pool, creating a hard defense
for opponents to get through. They find themselves rushed by up to 4 blockers
at a time. However, your going to be the only one who tries to enter the other
side of the pool to score.

Flat Line:
Your entire team goes on offense, leaving your goal open. You teamates will get
early blocking on the enemy though. This formation is good when you need people
blocking others in order for you to get a solid shot in.

Ally our defenders block both goals on the field. This still leaves your goal
somewhat open to distant shots. Blocking their goal helps slightly, but your
better off with something else.

Double Side:
Places the defenders and forwards into the sides of the pool, on each side of
the goals. This creates a good defense and an okay defense. Opponents will find
it very hard to get a goal in while this mode is in. The two defenders side
attack any threat to the goal.


After or during those games that you are leveling up to lvl 3+, you may see an
opponent use an ability you marked. If he/ she does, look in the top leftish
corner. If your player whom marked him is watching, the words TECHCOPY will
appear at the top. Press X while it says it to learn how to use the ability.
(Japanese version is CIRCLE not X). You can now un-mark the player at
half-time. When you press X at TECHCOPY, 3 things can happen:

1. You learn the ability. It says who learned it on the bottom.
2. You do not learn the ability. It says your level is too low.
3. You do not learn the ability. Your hear a buzz sound. (Pressed to late)

So keep trying to get abilities. As more guys learn them and you hit level 3,
they can start using them. Your Forwards need to have a TACKLE ability, and a
SHOT ability. Try to give your MF (midfielder, the passing guy) passing
abilities, and a tackle. Give your defenders Tackles and PASSING abilities, and
give the Goalie, Goalie abilities (Grip, Super Goalie, etc.). Remember to keep
practicing Techcopy.

Just keep leveling up. By around lvl 3-6 you should get your first win ! Now
try this. During the game when you have the ball, press TRIANGLE. Select Manual
A. Now you can actually move your players, making it easier to get goals. Try
to get goals with Tidus and his Sphere Shot. Just get in close and go for it.

-->Tech Listing

Here are all the abilites you can Techcopy off other players. Try to learn as
many as you can. These are alphabitized.

Anti-Drain : Costs 10 HP : 50% Preventing of Drain Attacks
Anti-Drain 2 : Costs 50 HP : 100% Preventing of Drain Attacks
Anti-Nap : Costs 40 HP : 50% of blocking Sleep
Anti-Nap 2 : Costs 210 HP : 100% of blocking sleep
Anti-Venom : Costs 5 HP : 50% chance of blocking poison
Anti-Venom 2 : Costs 50 HP : 100% chance of blocking posion
Anti-Wither : Costs 30 HP : 50% chance of blocking wither
Anti-Wither 2 : Costs 200 HP : 100% chance of blocking wither
Aurochs Spirit : Costs 600 HP : Adds total SH of team to Wakkas SH
Brawler : Costs 10 HP : 60% of being in encounters from far
Drain Tackle : Costs 0 HP : Absorb 30 HP
Drain Tackle 2 : Costs 0 HP : Absorb 150 HP
Drain Tackle 3 : Costs 0 HP : Absorb 500 HP
Elite Defense : Costs 5 HP : Interecpt ball farther away
Gamble : Costs 300 HP : Random Stats after waking up
Golden Arm : Costs 30 HP : Slower SH and PA decrease while traveling
Good Morning : Costs 80 HP : Makes charcter better after waking up
Grip Gloves : Costs 30 HP : Raises goalkeepers ball contro;
High Risk : Costs 300 HP : Lower stats dramaticlly while doubling EXP
Invisible Shot : Costs 220 HP : Ball is invisbale, control with analog
Jecht Shot : Costs 120 HP : Downs 2 blocking players. SH+5
Jecht Shot 2 : Costs 999 HP : Downs 3 blocking players. SH+10
Nap Pass : Costs 40 HP : Puts opponent to sleep if they touch ball
Nap Pass 2 : Costs 200 HP : Puts opponent to sleep if they touch ball
Nap Pass 3 : Costs 510 HP : Puts opponent to sleep if they touch ball
Nap Shot : Costs 45 HP : Puts opponent to sleep if they touch ball
Nap Shot 2 : Costs 80 HP : Puts opponent to sleep if they touch ball
Nap Shot 3 : Costs 350 HP : Puts opponent to sleep if they touch ball
Nap Tackle : Costs 40 HP : If EN=0, oppenent falls asleep. AT+3
Nap Tackle 2 : Costs 90 HP : If EN=0, oppenent falls asleep. AT+5
Nap Tackle 3 : Costs 180 HP : If EN=0, oppenent falls asleep. AT+7
Pile Venom : Costs 30 HP : Poisons enemy dramaticlly
Pile Wither : Costs 70 HP : Withers enemy dramaticlly
Regen : Costs 50 HP : Triple HP recovery when not holding ball
Sphere Shot : Costs 90 HP : SH+3. Adds random amounts to SH. (0-10)
Spin Ball : Costs 30 HP : Makes a ball harder to catch by Goalie
Super Goalie : Costs 30 HP : Adds random amounts to CA (0-10)
Tackle Slip : Costs 40 HP : 40% chance to evade tackles
Tackle Slip 2 : Costs 170 HP : 80% chance to evade tackles
Tech Find : Costs 0 HP : Unlocks slots in characters skill listing
Venom Pass : Costs 40 HP : PA+3. Poisons whoever touches ball
Venom Pass 2 : Costs 120 HP : PA+5. Poisons whoever touches ball
Venom Pass 3 : Costs 250 HP : PA+7. Poisons whoever touches ball
Venom Shot : Costs 20 HP : SH+3. Poisons whoever touches ball
Venom Shot 2 : Costs 35 HP : SH+3. Poisons whoever touches ball
Venom Shot 3 : Costs 100 HP : SH+3. Poisons whoever touches ball
Venom Tackle : Costs 30 HP : AT+3. 40% of poisoning blocker
Venom Tackle 2 : Costs 70 HP : AT+5. 70% of poisoning blocker
Venom Tackle 3 : Costs 160 HP : AT+7. 100% of poisoning blocker
Volley Shot : Costs 10 HP : Player can shoot fumbled balls. 40%.
Volley Shot 2 : Costs 40 HP : Player can shoot fumbled balls. 75%.
Volley Shot 3 : Costs 250 HP : Player can shoot fumbled balls. 100%.
Wither Pass : Costs 40 HP : PA+3. 30% of withering enemy
Wither Pass 2 : Costs 180 HP : PA+5. 60% of withering enemy
Wither Pass 3 : Costs 4400 HP : PA+7. 100% of withering enemy
Wither Shot : Costs 30 HP : SH+3. 40% of withering goalie
Wither Shot 2 : Costs 180 HP : SH+5. 70% of withering goalie
Wither Shot 3 : Costs 390 HP : SH+7. 100% of withering goalie
Wither Tackle : Costs 8 HP : AT+3. 40% of withering blockers
Wither Tackle 2 : Costs 80 HP : AT+5. 70% of withering blockers
Wither Tackle 3 : Costs 250 HP : AT+7. 100% of withering blockers

-->Extra Help

For extra help on things I didn't cover, check out these subjects in the
Tutorial (yes, they are good)

- Status Effects
- Endurance
- Breaking
- Passing
- Shooting

Just combine my help and those tutorial subjects and you should get the idea.
Remember, it takes 5-10 games until your first win. If you need practice,
select Exhibition mode and play against the Ronso Fangs. They are a little
slower than other teams and make good practice.

Blitzball Recruiting, by LionBlade28

Naida - Rin's Traveling Agency, Calm Lands
Rin - Rin's Traveling Agencies/Airship
Zev Ronso - Port 5, Luca Harbor

Blitzball Tips from ZillyBong

"Whenever you get the ball from the start, swim close to the center, then when
the other middle guy is about to encounter you, pass it off to Tidus. since
Tidus usually only has one person covering him, press square right away and
break past. Keep dribbling, and if another defender comes up, break past him.
get reeeeeaaaaaallllly close to the goal, and you have an easy goal. the whole
point of this is to limit Tidus (or whoever has the highest EN rate) to have
only one defender on him at all times. hope this is useful. I also have some
good Blitzball player locations that you could use"

Ropp - Rin's Travel Agency, Mi'hen Highroad
Brother - Airship pilot
Wakka - Airship
Wedge - Luca stadium, one of the guards

Some Blitzball strategy on beating the Goers from Palatably

"Auto is suicide. You have to play it yourself. If you choose formation left,
Datto is your point man. If you choose formation right, Tidus is. TheGoers
take the ball away a LOT. Your team is WAY outclassed. But, in the first
half, be sure you get the ball to Tidus (formation right) at least twice. And,
with a bit of luck, you can maybe even score once. If things are really going
your way, you can maybe even set up a goal for Datto. The game is completely
unfair. You may need several shots at winning, since this is also your first
time controlling a Blitz game. Your goal in the first half is simply to finish
in a tie. If you *can* finish ahead, that's better, but incredibly difficult.
Hopefully, you have the Jecht Shot and have had Tidus carry the ball enough to
be able to use it during the half. This is how you push into the lead. You
will get to use it one time, and then Tidus is
pretty well spent for the game, so change formations to depend on Datto
scoring. At some point, the crowd will cheer for Wakka, Tidus will leave
(which is fine if you've done the Jecht Shot, since he's tired), and Wakka will
come in. Formation Right again and run the ball along the outside of the
field. This should put Wakka near the goal. A pass, a shot, and he can

|I| Bribing

You can use the Bribe ability to bribe monsters to leave a battle and drop
their items. Giving them a certain amount of gil causes them to drop better
stuff. The key is 20 times their HP amount. This can get expensive. If you miss
a bribe, try again with one more gil each time. Here is a not-done list of some
things you can get (please contribute some more):

Dual Horns 60 Hi-potions
Bombs 16 Bomb Cores
Exoray Turbo Ether
Garm 7 Sleeping Powders
Flame Flan 10 Fire gems
Iron Giant Stamina Tonic
Great Malboro 8 Wings to Discovery
Chimera Brain 2 Lvl. 4 Spheres
Demonlith 40 Lvl 3 Key Spheres
Behemoth 30 Lvl. 2 Spheres
Behemoth King 14 Three Stars
Mech Leader 2 Doors to Tomorrow
Land Worm 2 Dark Matter
Master Tonberry 3 Pendulums
Dark Element 3 Return Spheres
Adamantoise 6 Special Spheres
Raldo 10 Hypello Potions
Coerl 2 Friend Spheres
Mech Gunner 40 Al Bhed Potions
Achelous Healing Spring (x16)
Aerouge Lightning Marble (x4)
Ahriman Farplane Wind (x6)
Alcyone MegaPhoenix (x2)
Anacondaur Healing Water (x16)
Aqua Flan Water Gem (x15)
Bandersnatch Dream Powder (x20)
Barbatos Teleport Sphere (x20)
Bashura Stamina Tablet (x80)
Basilisk Petrify Gernade (x24)
Black Element Black Magic Sphere (x2)
Blue Element Water Gem (x2)
Chimera Underdog's Secret (x15)
Dark Flan White Magic Sphere (x2)
Defender Stamina Tablet (x20)
Defender Z Designer Wallet (x5)
Epaaj Farplane Wind (x25)
FloatingDeath Gambler's Spirit (x10)
Gemini Stamina Tonic (x10) OR Magic Tonic (x10)
Ghost Mega Phoneix (x38)
Grat Remedy (x40)
Grendel Mega Potion (x60)
Halma Supreme Gem (x20)
Imp Lv. 1 Key Sphere (x4)
Kusariqqu Silver Hourglass (x20)
Land Worm Dark Matter (x2)
Machea Chocobo Wing (x60)
Maelspike Attribute Sphere
Malboro Wings to Discovery (x4)
Mandragora Return Sphere (x24)
Master Coeurl Warp Sphere
Mech Defender Al Bhed Potion (x99)
Mech Hunter Al Bhed Potion (x60)
Mech Leader Door to Tomorrow (x2)
Murussu Hypello Potion (x24)
Nidhogg Gold Hourglass (x12)
Octopus Stamina Spring (x20)
Ogre Stamina Spring (x50)
**Ultima Weapon Pendulum (x99)

|J| Items and Rares

-->Items Listing

Potion : Restores 200 HP to one character
Hi Potion : Restores 1000 HP to one character
Mega-Potion : Restores 2000 HP to entire party
X-Potion : Restores 100% of HP to one character
Phoenix Down : Revives one character into critical condition
Mega Phoenix : Revives entire party with full HP
Ether : Restores 100 MP to one character
Turbo Ether : Restores 500 MP to one character
Elixir : Restroes 100% HP and MP to one character
Megalixir : Restores HP and MP of entire party
Antidote : Heals Poison
Soft : Heals stone
Eye Drops : Heals darkness
Echo Screen : Heals silence
Holy Water : Heals Zombie and Curse
Remedy : Heals all status effects
Power Distiller : Enemy drops power spheres
Speed Distiller : Enemy drops speed spheres
Ability Distiller : Enemy drops ability spheres
Magic Distiller : Enemy drops magic spheres
Al Bhed Potion : Cures status effects and heals 1000 HP to all
Healing Water : Fully restores HP
Tetra Elemental : Casts NullALL on party and restores HP
Antarctic Wind : Deals ice damage to enemy
Arctic Wind : Deals ice damage to enemy
Ice Gem : Deals ice damage to enemies
Bomb Fragment : Deals fire damage to an enemy
Bomb Core : Deals fire damage to an enemy
Fire Gem : Deals fire damage to enemies
Electro Marble : Deals thunder damage to enemy
Lightning Marble : Deals thunder damage to enemy
Lightning Gem : Deals thunder damage to enemies
Fish Scale : Deals water damage to enemy
Dragon Scale : Deals water damage to enemy
Water Gem : Deals water damage to enemies
Grenade : Minor damage to all enemies
Fragmentation G. : Minor damage and armor break to all enemies
Sleeping Power : Causes sleep on enemies
Dream Power : Causes sleep on enemies
Silence Grenade : Causes silence on all enemies
Smoke Bomb : Causes darkness on all enemies
Shadow Gem : Reduce target HP by 50%
Shining Gem : Deals Damage
Blessed Gem : Deals Damage
Supreme Gem : Deals Damage
Poison Fang : Posions all enemies
Silver Hourglass : Delays enemies turn
Gold Hourglass : Delays enemies turn and deals damage
Candle of Life : Casts Slow Death on enemy
Petrify Grenade : Petrifies enemies
Farplane Shadow : Causes death on enemy
Farplane Wind : Causes death to all enemies
Designers Wallet : No use
Dark Matter : Deals major damage to enemies
Chocobo Feather : Haste one character
Lunar Curtain : Casts Shell on one person
Light Curtain : Casts Protect on one person
Star Curtain : Casts Reflect on one person
Healing Spring : Casts Regen one one person
Mana Spring : Absorbs MP from target
Stamina Spring : Absorbs HP from target
Soul Spring : Absorbs HP & MP from target
Purifying Salt : Dispells status effects
Stamina Tablet : Double maximum HP of a character
Mana Tonic : Double maximum MP of a character
3 Stars : Reduce magic casting to zero MP
Power Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for STR+, HP+, and DEF+
Mana Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for MP+, Magic Pow+, and Magic D+
Speed Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for Agil+, Acc+, and Evd+
Ability Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for abilities
Fortune Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for Lck+
Attribute Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for activating an allied node
Special Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for activating an allied node
Skill Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for activating an allied node
Blk Magic Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for activating an allied Blk Mgc node
Wht Magic Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for activating an allied Wht Mgc node
Master Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for activating any node on the board
Lvl 1 Key Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for unlocking lvl 1 locks
Lvl 2 Key Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for unlocking lvl 2 locks
Lvl 3 Key Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for unlocking lvl 3 locks
Lvl 4 Key Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for unlocking lvl 4 locks
HP Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with HP+
MP Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with MP+
Stength Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with Str+
Defense Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with Def+
Magic Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with Mgc P+
Magic Def Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with Mgc Def+
Agility Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with Agil+
Evasion Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with Evd+
Accuracy Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with Acc+
Luck Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for replacing nodes with Lck+
Clear Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for deleting spaces to become empty
Return Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for teleporting to a claimed space
Friend Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for teleporting to an allied location
Teleport Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for teleporting to an allied space
Warp Sphere : Used on Sphere Grid for teleporting anywhere on the board
Map : See world Map
Rename Card : Rename any Aeon
Musk : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Hypello Potion : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Shining Thron : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Pendulum : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Amulet : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Door to Tomorrow : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Wings to Discovery: Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Gamblers Spirit : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Underdogs Secret : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor
Winning Formula : Good for mixing or in wepaons and armor

-->Rare Items

Lvl 3 Key Spheres Fighting monsters in Omega Ruins
Lvl 4 Key Spheres Fighting Monsters in Omega Ruins
Summoners Soul Fighting Belgemine the second time
Mercury Crest Whirlpool of sand in the Sanubia Desert. Fight for it.
Mercury Sigil Complete the Cactuar Village Side quest
Mars Crest Capture 10 monsters, of 10 species, in 10 different areas
Mars Sigil Mi'ihen Road
Saturn Crest Beat the Butterfly game
Saturn Sigil Mount Gagazet
Moon Crest Kill all the Aeons at Remiem temple
Moon Sigil At Besaid Beach
Venus Crest Dodge 200 lightning bolts at Thunder Plains
Venus Sigil At the Farplane
Jupiter Sigil Luca locker room locker
Jupiter Crest Blitzball prize
Sun Sigil At the Zanarkand Dome
Sun Crest Finish Chocobo race at 0: 0.0
Wings of Desire Bribing Marlabos for 540,000 gil
Aeons Soul Found in the calm lands only
Cloudy Mirror Beat the Chocobo in its race in Remiem Temple
Celestial Mirror Transforms from the Cloudy Mirror in the Macalania Forest

|K| Mix Listing

Rikku's Overdrive lets here combine 2 items and instantly use it. It may be
attacking items, or healing items, but here are some listed combinations I have
tried. I am still trying out combos. You can contribute some MIX combos to help
out a lot.

-->Mix Combos

Thanks to CB! (Ceebs)! Its FAQ writers like her and Dallas and others that
inspired me to write this FAQ. Here is the mix list, all CB!s work.


Potion + Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + High Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + X-Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mega Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Ether = Mana (SPECIAL)
Potion + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Potion + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Power Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mana Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Agility Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Ability Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Healing Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Tetra Elemental = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Bomb Fragment = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Bomb Core = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Fire Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Electro Marble = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Lightning Marble = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Lightning Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Fish Scale = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Dragon Scale = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Water Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Antarctic Wind = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Arctic Wind = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Ice Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Potion + Grenade = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Frag Grenade = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Sleeping Powder = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Dream Powder = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Silence Grenade = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Smoke Bomb = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Shadow Gem = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Poison Fang = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Silver Hourglass = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Gold Hourglass = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Candle of Life = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Petrify Grenade = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Chocobo Feather = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Chocobo Wing = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Lunar Curtain = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Light Curtain = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Star Curtain = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Healing Spring = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mana Spring = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Stamina Spring = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Potion + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Potion + Power Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Mana Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Speed Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Ability Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Potion + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Potion + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Potion + Musk = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Hypello Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Shining Thorn = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Potion + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Potion + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

High Potion + High Potion = Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + X-Potion = Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Mega Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Ether = Mana (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Power Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mana Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Agility Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Ability Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Bomb Fragment = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Bomb Core = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Fire Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Electro Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Lightning Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Lightning Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Fish Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Dragon Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Water Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Antarctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Arctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Ice Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Grenade = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Frag Grenade = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Lunar Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Light Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Star Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Power Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Mana Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Speed Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Ability Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Attribute Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Special Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Skill Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + White Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + HP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + MP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Strength Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Agility Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Evasion Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Clear Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Return Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Friend Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
High Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
High Potion + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

X-Potion + X-Potion = Vitality (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Mega Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Ether = Mana (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Power Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mana Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Agility Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Ability Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Bomb Fragment = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Bomb Core = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Fire Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Electro Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Lightning Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Lightning Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Fish Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Dragon Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Water Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Antarctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Arctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Ice Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Frag Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Farplane Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Lunar Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Light Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Star Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Power Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Mana Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Speed Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Ability Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Attribute Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Special Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Skill Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + White Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + HP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + MP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Strength Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Agility Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Evasion Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Clear Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Return Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Friend Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
X-Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
X-Potion + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Mega Potion + Mega Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Ether = Mana (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Power Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mana Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Agility Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Ability Distiller = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Bomb Fragment = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Bomb Core = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Fire Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Electro Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Lightning Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Lightning Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Fish Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Dragon Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Water Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Antarctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Arctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Ice Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Frag Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Farplane Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Lunar Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Light Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Star Curtain = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Power Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Mana Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Speed Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Ability Sphere = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Attribute Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Special Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Skill Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + White Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + HP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + MP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Strength Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Agility Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Evasion Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Clear Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Return Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Friend Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Potion + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)


Ether + Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Elixir = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ether + Phoenix Down = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mega Phoenix = Freedom (SPECIAL)
Ether + Antidote = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Soft = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Eyedrop = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Echo Screen = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Holy Water = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Remedy = Freedom (SPECIAL)
Ether + Power Distiller = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Distiller = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Agility Distiller = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Ability Distiller = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Al Bhed Potion = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Healing Water = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Tetra Elemental = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Bomb Fragment = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Bomb Core = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Fire Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Electro Marble = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Lightning Marble = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Lightning Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Fish Scale = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Dragon Scale = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Water Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Antarctic Wind = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Arctic Wind = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Ice Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Grenade = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Frag Grenade = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Sleeping Powder = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Dream Powder = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Silence Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Smoke Bomb = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Shadow Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Shining Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Blessed Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Supreme Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Poison Fang = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Silver Hourglass = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Gold Hourglass = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Candle of Life = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Petrify Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Farplane Shadow = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Farplane Wind = Freedom (SPECIAL)
Ether + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ether + Chocobo Feather = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Chocobo Wing = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Lunar Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Light Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Star Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Healing Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Stamina Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Soul Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Purifying Salt = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Stamina Tablet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Power Sphere = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Mana Sphere = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Speed Sphere = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Ability Sphere = Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ether + Attribute Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Special Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Skill Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + White Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Black Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Master Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Level 1 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Level 2 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Level 3 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Level 4 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + HP Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + MP Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Strength Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Defense Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Magic Defense Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Agility Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Evasion Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Accuracy Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ether + Clear Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Return Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Friend Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Teleport Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Warp Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Map = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Rename Card = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Musk = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Hypello Potion = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Shining Thorn = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Ether + Pendulum = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Amulet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ether + Door to Tomorrow = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Wings to Discovery = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Gambler's Spirit = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Underdog's Secret = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ether + Winning Formula = Freedom X (SPECIAL)

Turbo Ether + Turbo Ether = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Elixir = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Turbo Ether + Phoenix Down = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mega Phoenix = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Antidote = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Soft = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Eyedrop = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Echo Screen = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Holy Water = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Remedy = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Power Distiller = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Distiller = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Agility Distiller = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Ability Distiller = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Al Bhed Potion = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Healing Water = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Tetra Elemental = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Bomb Fragment = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Bomb Core = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Fire Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Electro Marble = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Lightning Marble = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Lightning Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Fish Scale = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Dragon Scale = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Water Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Antarctic Wind = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Arctic Wind = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Ice Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Frag Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Sleeping Powder = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Dream Powder = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Silence Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Smoke Bomb = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Shadow Gem = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Shining Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Blessed Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Supreme Gem = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Poison Fang = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Silver Hourglass = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Gold Hourglass = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Candle of Life = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Petrify Grenade = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Farplane Shadow = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Farplane Wind = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Turbo Ether + Chocobo Feather = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Chocobo Wing = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Lunar Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Light Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Star Curtain = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Healing Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Stamina Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Soul Spring = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Purifying Salt = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Stamina Tablet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Power Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Mana Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Speed Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Ability Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Attribute Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Special Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Skill Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + White Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Black Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Master Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Level 1 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Level 2 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Level 3 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Level 4 Key Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + HP Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + MP Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Strength Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Defense Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Magic Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Magic Defense Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Agility Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Evasion Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Accuracy Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Clear Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Return Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Friend Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Teleport Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Warp Sphere = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Map = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Rename Card = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Musk = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Hypello Potion = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Shining Thorn = Mega Mana (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Pendulum = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Amulet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Door to Tomorrow = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Wings to Discovery = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Gambler's Spirit = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Underdog's Secret = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Turbo Ether + Winning Formula = Freedom X (SPECIAL)


Elixir + Elixir = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mega Elixir = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Phoenix Down = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Antidote = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Soft = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Eyedrop = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Echo Screen = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Holy Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Remedy = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Power Distiller = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mana Distiller = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Agility Distiller = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Ability Distiller = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Al Bhed Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Tetra Elemental = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Bomb Fragment = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Bomb Core = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Fire Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Electro Marble = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Lightning Marble = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Lightning Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Fish Scale = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Dragon Scale = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Water Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Antarctic Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Arctic Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Ice Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Frag Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Sleeping Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Dream Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Silence Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Smoke Bomb = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Shadow Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Shining Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Blessed Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Poison Fang = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Silver Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Gold Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Candle of Life = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Petrify Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Farplane Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Dark Matter = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Chocobo Feather = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Chocobo Wing = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Lunar Curtain = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Light Curtain = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Star Curtain = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Healing Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mana Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Stamina Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Soul Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Purifying Salt = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Attribute Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Special Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Skill Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + White Magic Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Black Magic Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Master Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + HP Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + MP Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Strength Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Defense Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Magic Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Magic Defense Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Agility Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Evasion Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Accuracy Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Clear Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Return Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Friend Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Teleport Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Warp Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Map = Mega Elixir (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Musk = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Hypello Potion = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Shining Thorn = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Elixir + Pendulum = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Elixir + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Mega Elixir + Mega Elixir = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Phoenix Down = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Mega Phoenix = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Antidote = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Soft = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Eyedrop = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Echo Screen = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Holy Water = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Remedy = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Power Distiller = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Mana Distiller = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Agility Distiller = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Ability Distiller = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Al Bhed Potion = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Healing Water = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Tetra Elemental = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Bomb Fragment = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Bomb Core = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Fire Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Electro Marble = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Lightning Marble = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Lightning Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Fish Scale = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Dragon Scale = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Water Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Antarctic Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Arctic Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Ice Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Frag Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Sleeping Powder = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Dream Powder = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Silence Grenade = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Smoke Bomb = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Shadow Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Shining Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Blessed Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Poison Fang = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Silver Hourglass = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Gold Hourglass = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Candle of Life = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Petrify Grenade = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Farplane Shadow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Farplane Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Dark Matter = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Chocobo Feather = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Chocobo Wing = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Lunar Curtain = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Light Curtain = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Star Curtain = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Healing Spring = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Mana Spring = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Stamina Spring = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Soul Spring = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Purifying Salt = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Stamina Tablet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Mana Tablet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Stamina Tonic = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Mana Tonic = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Twin Stars = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Three Stars = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Power Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Mana Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Speed Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Ability Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Attribute Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Special Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Skill Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + White Magic Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Black Magic Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Master Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Level 1 Key Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Level 2 Key Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Level 3 Key Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Level 4 Key Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + HP Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + MP Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Strength Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Defense Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Magic Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Magic Defense Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Agility Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Evasion Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Accuracy Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Clear Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Return Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Friend Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Teleport Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Warp Sphere = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Map = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Rename Card = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Musk = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Hypello Potion = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Shining Thorn = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Elixir + Pendulum = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mega Elixir + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

-->Revival Items

Phoenix Down + Phoenix Down = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Power Distiller = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Mana Distiller = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Agility Distiller = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Ability Distiller = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Al Bhed Potion = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Healing Water = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Tetra Elemental = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Bomb Fragment = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Bomb Core = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Fire Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Electro Marble = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Lightning Marble = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Lightning Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Fish Scale = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Dragon Scale = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Water Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Antarctic Wind = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Arctic Wind = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Ice Gem = Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Grenade = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Frag Grenade = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Sleeping Powder = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Dream Powder = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Silence Grenade = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Smoke Bomb = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Shadow Gem = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Shining Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Blessed Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Poison Fang = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Silver Hourglass = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Gold Hourglass = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Candle of Life = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Petrify Grenade = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Farplane Shadow = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Farplane Wind = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Chocobo Feather = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Chocobo Wing = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Lunar Curtain = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Light Curtain = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Star Curtain = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Healing Spring = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Mana Spring = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Stamina Spring = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Soul Spring = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Purifying Salt = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Three Stars = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Power Sphere = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Mana Sphere = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Speed Sphere = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Ability Sphere = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Attribute Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Special Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Skill Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + White Magic Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Black Magic Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Master Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + HP Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + MP Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Strength Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Defense Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Magic Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Agility Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Evasion Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Accuracy Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Clear Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Return Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Friend Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Teleport Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Warp Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Map = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Rename Card = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Musk = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Hypello Potion = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Shining Thorn = Mega Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Pendulum = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Amulet = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Phoenix Down + Door to Tomorrow = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Wings to Discovery = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Gambler's Spirit = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Underdog's Secret = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Phoenix Down + Winning Formula = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)

Mega Phoenix + Mega Phoenix = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Antidote = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Soft = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Eyedrop = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Echo Screen = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Holy Water = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Remedy = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Power Distiller = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Distiller = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Agility Distiller = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Ability Distiller = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Al Bhed Potion = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Healing Water = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Tetra Elemental = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Bomb Fragment = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Bomb Core = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Fire Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Electro Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Lightning Marble = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Lightning Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Fish Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Dragon Scale = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Water Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Antarctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Arctic Wind = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Ice Gem = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Grenade = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Frag Grenade = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Sleeping Powder = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Dream Powder = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Silence Grenade = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Smoke Bomb = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Shadow Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Shining Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Blessed Gem = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Supreme Gem = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Poison Fang = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Silver Hourglass = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Gold Hourglass = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Candle of Life = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Petrify Grenade = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Farplane Shadow = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Farplane Wind = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Chocobo Feather = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Chocobo Wing = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Lunar Curtain = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Light Curtain = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Star Curtain = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Healing Spring = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Spring = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Stamina Spring = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Soul Spring = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Purifying Salt = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Stamina Tablet = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Tablet = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Stamina Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Twin Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Power Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Mana Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Speed Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Ability Sphere = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Attribute Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Special Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Skill Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + White Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Black Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Level 1 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Level 2 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + HP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + MP Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Strength Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Magic Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Magic Defense Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Agility Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Evasion Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Accuracy Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Clear Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Return Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Friend Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Musk = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Hypello Potion = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Shining Thorn = Final Phoenix (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mega Phoenix + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mega Phoenix + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

-->Status Curing Items

Antidote + Antidote = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Antidote + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Antidote + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Antidote + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Antidote + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Antidote + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Antidote + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Antidote + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Antidote + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Antidote + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antidote + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antidote + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Antidote + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antidote + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antidote + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Power Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Mana Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Speed Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Ability Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Antidote + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Antidote + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Soft + Soft = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Soft + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Soft + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Soft + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Soft + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Soft + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Soft + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Soft + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Soft + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Soft + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Soft + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Soft + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Soft + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Soft + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Soft + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Soft + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Soft + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Soft + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Soft + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Soft + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Soft + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Soft + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Soft + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Soft + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Power Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Mana Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Speed Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Ability Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Soft + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Soft + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Soft + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soft + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Eyedrop + Eyedrop = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Eyedrop + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Eyedrop + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Eyedrop + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Eyedrop + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Eyedrop + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Eyedrop + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Eyedrop + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Eyedrop + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Eyedrop + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Eyedrop + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Eyedrop + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Eyedrop + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Eyedrop + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Eyedrop + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Power Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Mana Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Speed Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Ability Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Eyedrop + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Eyedrop + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Echo Screen + Echo Screen = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Echo Screen + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Echo Screen + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Echo Screen + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Echo Screen + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Echo Screen + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Echo Screen + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Echo Screen + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Echo Screen + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Echo Screen + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Echo Screen + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Echo Screen + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Echo Screen + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Echo Screen + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Echo Screen + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Power Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Mana Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Speed Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Ability Sphere = Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Echo Screen + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Echo Screen + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Holy Water + Holy Water = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Holy Water + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Holy Water + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Holy Water + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Holy Water + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Holy Water + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Holy Water + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Holy Water + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Holy Water + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Holy Water + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Holy Water + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Holy Water + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Holy Water + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Holy Water + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Holy Water + Sleeping Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Dream Powder = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Silence Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Smoke Bomb = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Shadow Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Poison Fang = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Silver Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Gold Hourglass = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Candle of Life = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Petrify Grenade = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Farplane Shadow = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Farplane Wind = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Chocobo Feather = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Chocobo Wing = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Holy Water + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Holy Water + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Remedy + Remedy = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Power Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Mana Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Agility Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Ability Distiller = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Al Bhed Potion = Panacea (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Healing Water = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Tetra Elemental = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Remedy + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Remedy + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Remedy + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Remedy + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Remedy + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Remedy + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Remedy + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Remedy + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Remedy + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Remedy + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Remedy + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Remedy + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Remedy + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Remedy + Sleeping Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Dream Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Silence Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Smoke Bomb = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Shadow Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Shining Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Blessed Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Poison Fang = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Silver Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Gold Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Candle of Life = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Petrify Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Farplane Wind = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Chocobo Feather = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Chocobo Wing = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Healing Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Mana Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Stamina Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Soul Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Purifying Salt = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Musk = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Hypello Potion = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Shining Thorn = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Remedy + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Remedy + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

-->Sphere Distillers

Power Distiller + Power Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Mana Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Agility Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Ability Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Power Distiller + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Power Distiller + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Power Distiller + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Power Distiller + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Power Distiller + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Power Distiller + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Power Distiller + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Power Distiller + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Power Distiller + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Power Distiller + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Power Distiller + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Power Distiller + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Healing Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Mana Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Stamina Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Soul Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Purifying Salt = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Distiller + Musk = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Hypello Potion = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Shining Thorn = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Distiller + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Power Distiller + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Mana Distiller + Mana Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Agility Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Ability Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Mana Distiller + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Mana Distiller + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Mana Distiller + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Mana Distiller + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Mana Distiller + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Mana Distiller + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Mana Distiller + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Mana Distiller + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Mana Distiller + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Mana Distiller + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Mana Distiller + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Mana Distiller + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Healing Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Mana Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Stamina Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Soul Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Purifying Salt = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Distiller + Musk = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Hypello Potion = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Shining Thorn = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Distiller + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Distiller + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Agility Distiller + Agility Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Ability Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Agility Distiller + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Agility Distiller + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Agility Distiller + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Agility Distiller + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Agility Distiller + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Agility Distiller + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Agility Distiller + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Agility Distiller + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Agility Distiller + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Agility Distiller + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Agility Distiller + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Agility Distiller + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Healing Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Mana Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Stamina Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Soul Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Purifying Salt = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Distiller + Musk = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Hypello Potion = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Shining Thorn = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Distiller + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Agility Distiller + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Ability Distiller + Ability Distiller = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Ability Distiller + Bomb Core = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Ability Distiller + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Ability Distiller + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Ability Distiller + Lightning Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Ability Distiller + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Ability Distiller + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Ability Distiller + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Ability Distiller + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Ability Distiller + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Ability Distiller + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Ability Distiller + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Ability Distiller + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Healing Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Mana Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Stamina Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Soul Spring = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Purifying Salt = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Three Stars = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Distiller + Musk = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Hypello Potion = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Shining Thorn = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Distiller + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Ability Distiller + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

-->Higher Restoring Items

Al Bhed Potion + Al Bhed Potion = Ultra Potion (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Healing Water = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Tetra Elemental = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Bomb Fragment = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Al Bhed Potion + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Al Bhed Potion + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Al Bhed Potion + Electro Marble = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Al Bhed Potion + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Al Bhed Potion + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Al Bhed Potion + Fish Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Al Bhed Potion + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Al Bhed Potion + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Al Bhed Potion + Antarctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Al Bhed Potion + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Al Bhed Potion + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Al Bhed Potion + Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Frag Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Sleeping Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Dream Powder = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Silence Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Smoke Bomb = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Shining Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Blessed Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Supreme Gem = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Poison Fang = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Silver Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Gold Hourglass = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Candle of Life = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Petrify Grenade = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Farplane Shadow = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Farplane Wind = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Cure (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Healing Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Mana Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Stamina Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Soul Spring = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Purifying Salt = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Three Stars = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Musk = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Hypello Potion = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Shining Thorn = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Pendulum = Super Elixir (CURATVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Amulet = Super Elixir (CURATVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Al Bhed Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Wings to Discovery = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Underdog's Secret = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Al Bhed Potion + Winning Formula = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)

Healing Water + Healing Water = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Tetra Elemental = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Bomb Fragment = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Healing Water + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Healing Water + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Healing Water + Electro Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Healing Water + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Healing Water + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Healing Water + Fish Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Healing Water + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Healing Water + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Healing Water + Antarctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Healing Water + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Healing Water + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Healing Water + Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Healing Water + Frag Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Healing Water + Sleeping Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Dream Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Silence Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Smoke Bomb = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Shadow Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Shining Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Blessed Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Poison Fang = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Silver Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Gold Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Candle of Life = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Petrify Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Farplane Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Healing Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Mana Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Stamina Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Soul Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Purifying Salt = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Three Stars = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Musk = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Hypello Potion = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Shining Thorn = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Water + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Water + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

-->Elemental Items

Tetra Elemental + Tetra Elemental = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Bomb Fragment = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Tetra Elemental + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Tetra Elemental + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Tetra Elemental + Electro Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Tetra Elemental + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Tetra Elemental + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Tetra Elemental + Fish Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Tetra Elemental + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Tetra Elemental + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Tetra Elemental + Antarctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Tetra Elemental + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Tetra Elemental + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Tetra Elemental + Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Tetra Elemental + Frag Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Tetra Elemental + Sleeping Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Dream Powder = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Silence Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Smoke Bomb = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Shadow Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Shining Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Blessed Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Supreme Gem = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Poison Fang = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Silver Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Gold Hourglass = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Candle of Life = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Petrify Grenade = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Farplane Shadow = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Farplane Wind = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Dark Matter = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Chocobo Feather = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Chocobo Wing = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Healing Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Mana Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Stamina Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Soul Spring = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Purifying Salt = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Three Stars = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Master Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Level 3 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Level 4 Key Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Teleport Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Warp Sphere = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Musk = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Hypello Potion = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Shining Thorn = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Tetra Elemental + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Tetra Elemental + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Bomb Fragment + Bomb Fragment = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Electro Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Lightning Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Lightning Gem = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Fish Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Dragon Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Water Gem = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Antarctic Wind = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Arctic Wind = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Bomb Fragment + Ice Gem = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Bomb Fragment + Grenade = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Frag Grenade = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Sleeping Powder = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Dream Powder = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Silence Grenade = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Smoke Bomb = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Fragment + Poison Fang = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Silver Hourglass = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Gold Hourglass = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Candle of Life = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Petrify Grenade = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Farplane Shadow = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Farplane Wind = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Chocobo Feather = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Chocobo Wing = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Healing Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Mana Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Stamina Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Soul Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Purifying Salt = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Three Stars = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Power Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Mana Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Speed Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Ability Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Attribute Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Special Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Skill Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + White Magic Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Black Magic Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Master Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Level 1 Key Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Level 2 Key Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Level 3 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Level 4 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + HP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + MP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Strength Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Magic Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Agility Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Evasion Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Accuracy Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Clear Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Return Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Friend Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Teleport Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Warp Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Map = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Rename Card = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Musk = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Hypello Potion = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Shining Thorn = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Pendulum = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Amulet = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Fragment + Door to Tomorrow = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Wings to Discovery = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Gambler's Spirit = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Underdog's Secret = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Fragment + Winning Formula = Burning Soul (FIRE)

Bomb Core + Bomb Core = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Electro Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Lightning Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Lightning Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Fish Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Dragon Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Water Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Antarctic Wind = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Arctic Wind = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Ice Gem = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Bomb Core + Grenade = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Frag Grenade = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Sleeping Powder = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Dream Powder = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Silence Grenade = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Smoke Bomb = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Bomb Core + Poison Fang = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Silver Hourglass = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Gold Hourglass = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Candle of Life = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Petrify Grenade = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Farplane Shadow = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Farplane Wind = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Chocobo Feather = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Chocobo Wing = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Healing Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Mana Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Stamina Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Soul Spring = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Purifying Salt = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Three Stars = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Power Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Mana Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Speed Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Ability Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Attribute Sphere = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Special Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Skill Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + White Magic Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Black Magic Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Master Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Level 1 Key Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Level 2 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Level 3 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Level 4 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + HP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + MP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Strength Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Magic Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Agility Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Evasion Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Accuracy Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Clear Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Return Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Friend Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Teleport Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Warp Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Map = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Rename Card = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Musk = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Hypello Potion = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Shining Thorn = Brimstone (FIRE)
Bomb Core + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Bomb Core + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Fire Gem + Fire Gem = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Electro Marble = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Lightning Marble = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Lightning Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Fish Scale = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Dragon Scale = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Water Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Antarctic Wind = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Arctic Wind = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Ice Gem = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Grenade = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Frag Grenade = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Sleeping Powder = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Dream Powder = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Silence Grenade = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Smoke Bomb = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Poison Fang = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Silver Hourglass = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Gold Hourglass = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Candle of Life = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Petrify Grenade = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Farplane Shadow = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Farplane Wind = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Dark Matter = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fire Gem + Chocobo Feather = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Chocobo Wing = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Healing Spring = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Mana Spring = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Stamina Spring = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Soul Spring = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Purifying Salt = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Power Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Mana Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Speed Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Ability Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Attribute Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Special Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Skill Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + White Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Master Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + HP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + MP Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Strength Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Magic Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Agility Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Evasion Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Clear Sphere = Fire Storm (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Return Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Friend Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Teleport Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Warp Sphere = Burning Soul (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Map = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Rename Card = Heat Blaster (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Musk = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Hypello Potion = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Shining Thorn = Abaddon Flame (FIRE)
Fire Gem + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fire Gem + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Electro Marble + Electro Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Fish Scale = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Dragon Scale = Waterfall (WATER)
Electro Marble + Water Gem = Waterfall (WATER)
Electro Marble + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Arctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Ice Gem = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Grenade = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Frag Grenade = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Sleeping Powder = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Dream Powder = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Silence Grenade = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Smoke Bomb = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Electro Marble + Poison Fang = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Silver Hourglass = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Gold Hourglass = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Candle of Life = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Petrify Grenade = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Farplane Shadow = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Farplane Wind = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Chocobo Feather = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Chocobo Wing = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Healing Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Mana Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Stamina Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Soul Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Purifying Salt = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Three Stars = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Power Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Mana Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Speed Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Ability Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Attribute Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Special Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Skill Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + White Magic Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Black Magic Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Master Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Level 1 Key Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Level 2 Key Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Level 3 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Level 4 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + HP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + MP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Strength Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Magic Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Agility Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Evasion Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Accuracy Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Clear Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Return Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Friend Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Teleport Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Warp Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Map = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Rename Card = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Musk = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Hypello Potion = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Shining Thorn = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Pendulum = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Amulet = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Electro Marble + Door to Tomorrow = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Wings to Discovery = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Gambler's Spirit = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Underdog's Secret = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Electro Marble + Winning Formula = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)

Lightning Marble + Lightning Marble = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Fish Scale = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Dragon Scale = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Water Gem = Waterfall (WATER)
Lightning Marble + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Arctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Ice Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Grenade = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Frag Grenade = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Sleeping Powder = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Dream Powder = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Silence Grenade = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Smoke Bomb = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Marble + Poison Fang = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Silver Hourglass = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Gold Hourglass = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Candle of Life = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Petrify Grenade = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Farplane Shadow = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Farplane Wind = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Chocobo Feather = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Chocobo Wing = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Healing Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Mana Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Stamina Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Soul Spring = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Purifying Salt = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Three Stars = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Power Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Mana Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Speed Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Ability Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Attribute Sphere = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Special Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Skill Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + White Magic Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Black Magic Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Master Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Level 1 Key Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Level 2 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Level 3 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Level 4 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + HP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + MP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Strength Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Magic Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Agility Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Evasion Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Accuracy Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Clear Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Return Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Friend Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Teleport Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Warp Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Map = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Rename Card = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Musk = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Hypello Potion = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Shining Thorn = Electroshock (THUNDER)
Lightning Marble + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Marble + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Lightning Gem + Lightning Gem = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Fish Scale = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Dragon Scale = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Water Gem = Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Arctic Wind = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Ice Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Grenade = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Frag Grenade = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Sleeping Powder = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Dream Powder = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Silence Grenade = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Smoke Bomb = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Poison Fang = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Silver Hourglass = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Gold Hourglass = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Candle of Life = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Petrify Grenade = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Farplane Shadow = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Farplane Wind = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Dark Matter = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Lightning Gem + Chocobo Feather = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Chocobo Wing = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Healing Spring = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Mana Spring = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Stamina Spring = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Soul Spring = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Purifying Salt = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Power Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Mana Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Speed Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Ability Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Attribute Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Special Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Skill Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + White Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Master Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + HP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + MP Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Strength Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Magic Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Agility Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Evasion Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Clear Sphere = Rolling Thunder (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Return Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Friend Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Teleport Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Warp Sphere = Lightning Bolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Map = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Rename Card = Thunderbolt (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Musk = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Hypello Potion = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Shining Thorn = Thunderblast (THUNDER)
Lightning Gem + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Lightning Gem + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Fish Scale + Fish Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Arctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Ice Gem = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Grenade = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Frag Grenade = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Sleeping Powder = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Dream Powder = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Silence Grenade = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Smoke Bomb = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Fish Scale + Poison Fang = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Silver Hourglass = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Gold Hourglass = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Candle of Life = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Petrify Grenade = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Farplane Shadow = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Farplane Wind = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Chocobo Feather = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Chocobo Wing = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Healing Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Mana Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Stamina Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Soul Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Purifying Salt = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Three Stars = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Power Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Mana Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Speed Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Ability Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Attribute Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Special Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Skill Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + White Magic Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Black Magic Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Master Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Level 1 Key Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Level 2 Key Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + HP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + MP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Strength Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Magic Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Agility Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Evasion Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Accuracy Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Clear Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Fish Scale + Return Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Friend Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Teleport Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Warp Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Map = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Rename Card = Waterfall (WATER)
Fish Scale + Musk = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Hypello Potion = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Shining Thorn = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Fish Scale + Pendulum = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Amulet = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fish Scale + Door to Tomorrow = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Wings to Discovery = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Gambler's Spirit = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Underdog's Secret = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Fish Scale + Winning Formula = Tidal Wave (WATER)

Dragon Scale + Dragon Scale = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Arctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Ice Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Grenade = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Frag Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Sleeping Powder = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Dream Powder = Dark Rain (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Silence Grenade = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Smoke Bomb = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dragon Scale + Poison Fang = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Silver Hourglass = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Gold Hourglass = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Candle of Life = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Petrify Grenade = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Farplane Shadow = Dark Rain (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Farplane Wind = Dark Rain (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Chocobo Feather = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Chocobo Wing = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Healing Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Mana Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Stamina Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Soul Spring = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Purifying Salt = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Three Stars = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Power Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Mana Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Speed Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Ability Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Attribute Sphere = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Special Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Skill Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + White Magic Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Black Magic Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Master Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Level 1 Key Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + HP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + MP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Strength Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Magic Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Agility Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Evasion Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Accuracy Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Clear Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Return Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Friend Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Teleport Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Warp Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Map = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Rename Card = Waterfall (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Musk = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Hypello Potion = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Shining Thorn = Aqua Toxin (WATER)
Dragon Scale + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dragon Scale + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Water Gem + Water Gem = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Antarctic Wind = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Arctic Wind = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Ice Gem = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Frag Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Sleeping Powder = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Dream Powder = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Silence Grenade = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Smoke Bomb = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Poison Fang = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Silver Hourglass = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Gold Hourglass = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Candle of Life = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Petrify Grenade = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Farplane Shadow = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Farplane Wind = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Dark Matter = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Water Gem + Chocobo Feather = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Chocobo Wing = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Healing Spring = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Mana Spring = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Stamina Spring = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Soul Spring = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Purifying Salt = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Power Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Mana Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Speed Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Ability Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Attribute Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Special Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Skill Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + White Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Master Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + HP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + MP Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Strength Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Magic Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Agility Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Evasion Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Clear Sphere = Flash Flood (WATER)
Water Gem + Return Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Friend Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Teleport Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Warp Sphere = Tidal Wave (WATER)
Water Gem + Map = Waterfall (WATER)
Water Gem + Rename Card = Waterfall (WATER)
Water Gem + Musk = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Hypello Potion = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Shining Thorn = Dark Rain (WATER)
Water Gem + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Water Gem + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Antarctic Wind + Antarctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Grenade = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Frag Grenade = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Sleeping Powder = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Dream Powder = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Silence Grenade = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Smoke Bomb = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antarctic Wind + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antarctic Wind + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antarctic Wind + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Antarctic Wind + Poison Fang = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Silver Hourglass = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Gold Hourglass = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Candle of Life = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Petrify Grenade = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Farplane Shadow = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Farplane Wind = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Chocobo Feather = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Chocobo Wing = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Lunar Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Light Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Star Curtain = Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Healing Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Mana Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Stamina Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Soul Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Purifying Salt = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Three Stars = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Power Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Mana Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Speed Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Ability Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Attribute Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Special Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Skill Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + White Magic Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Black Magic Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Master Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Level 1 Key Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Level 2 Key Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Level 3 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Level 4 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + HP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + MP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Strength Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Magic Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Agility Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Evasion Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Accuracy Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Clear Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Return Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Friend Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Teleport Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Warp Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Map = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Rename Card = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Musk = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Hypello Potion = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Shining Thorn = Black Ice (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Pendulum = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Amulet = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Antarctic Wind + Door to Tomorrow = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Wings to Discovery = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Gambler's Spirit = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Underdog's Secret = Winter Storm (ICE)
Antarctic Wind + Winning Formula = Winter Storm (ICE)

Arctic Wind + Arctic Wind = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Grenade = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Frag Grenade = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Sleeping Powder = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Dream Powder = Krysta (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Silence Grenade = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Smoke Bomb = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Arctic Wind + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Arctic Wind + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Arctic Wind + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Arctic Wind + Poison Fang = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Silver Hourglass = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Gold Hourglass = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Candle of Life = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Petrify Grenade = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Farplane Shadow = Krysta (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Farplane Wind = Krysta (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Chocobo Feather = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Chocobo Wing = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Healing Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Mana Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Stamina Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Soul Spring = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Purifying Salt = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Three Stars = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Power Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Mana Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Speed Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Ability Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Attribute Sphere = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Special Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Skill Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + White Magic Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Black Magic Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Master Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Level 1 Key Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Level 2 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Level 3 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Level 4 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + HP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + MP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Strength Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Magic Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Agility Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Evasion Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Accuracy Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Clear Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Return Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Friend Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Teleport Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Warp Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Map = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Rename Card = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Musk = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Hypello Potion = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Shining Thorn = Black Ice (ICE)
Arctic Wind + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Arctic Wind + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Ice Gem + Ice Gem = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Grenade = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Frag Grenade = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Sleeping Powder = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Dream Powder = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Silence Grenade = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Smoke Bomb = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Poison Fang = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Silver Hourglass = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Gold Hourglass = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Candle of Life = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Petrify Grenade = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Farplane Shadow = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Farplane Wind = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Dark Matter = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ice Gem + Chocobo Feather = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Chocobo Wing = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Healing Spring = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Mana Spring = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Stamina Spring = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Soul Spring = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Purifying Salt = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Three Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Power Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Mana Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Speed Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Ability Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Attribute Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Special Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Skill Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + White Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Master Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + HP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + MP Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Strength Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Magic Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Agility Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Evasion Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Clear Sphere = Icefall (ICE)
Ice Gem + Return Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Friend Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Teleport Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Warp Sphere = Winter Storm (ICE)
Ice Gem + Map = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Ice Gem + Rename Card = Snow Flurry (ICE)
Ice Gem + Musk = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Hypello Potion = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Shining Thorn = Krysta (ICE)
Ice Gem + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Ice Gem + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)


Grenade + Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Grenade + Frag Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Grenade + Sleeping Powder = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Dream Powder = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Silence Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Smoke Bomb = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomh (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Poison Fang = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Silver Hourglass = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Gold Hourglass = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Candle of Life = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Petrify Grenade = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Farplane Shadow = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Farplane Wind = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Chocobo Feather = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Chocobo Wing = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Lunar Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Light Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Star Curtain = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Healing Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Mana Spring = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Stamina Spring = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Soul Spring = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Purifying Salt = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SEPCIAL)
Grenade + Three Stars = Tallboy (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Attribute Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Special Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Skill Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + White Magic Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Black Magic Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Master Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Level 3 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Level 4 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Clear Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Pendulum = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Designer Wallet = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Grenade + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Grenade + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Frag Grenade + Frag Grenade = Flash Flood (WATER)
Frag Grenade + Sleeping Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Dream Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Silence Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Farplane Shadow = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Farplane Wind = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Healing Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Three Stars = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Frag Grenade + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Frag Grenade + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Status Inflicting Items

Sleeping Powder + Sleeping Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Dream Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Silence Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Sleeping Powder + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Sleeping Powder + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Dream Powder + Dream Powder = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Silence Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Dream Powder + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dream Powder + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Silence Grenade + Silence Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silence Grenade + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silence Grenade + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Smoke Bomb + Smoke Bomb = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Shining Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Blessed Gem = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Smoke Bomb + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Smoke Bomb + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Higher Magic Stones

Shadow Gem + Shadow Gem = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Shining Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Blessed Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Supreme Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Poison Fang = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Silver Hourglass = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Gold Hourglass = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Candle of Life = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Petrify Grenade = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Farplane Shadow = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Farplane Wind = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Chocobo Feather = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Chocobo Wing = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Lunar Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Light Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Star Curtain = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Healing Spring = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Mana Spring = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Stamina Spring = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Soul Spring = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Purifying Salt = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Power Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Mana Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Speed Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Ability Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Attribute Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Special Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Skill Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + White Magic Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Master Sphere = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + HP Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + MP Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Strength Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Defense Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Magic Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Agility Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Evasion Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Clear Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Return Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Friend Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Teleport Sphere = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Warp Sphere = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Map = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Rename Card = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Musk = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Hypello Potion = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Shining Thorn = Nega Burst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Pendulum = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Amulet = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shadow Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Wings to Discovery = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Underdog's Secret = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shadow Gem + Winning Formula = Black Hole (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Shining Gem + Shining Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Blessed Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Supreme Gem = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Poison Fang = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Silver Hourglass = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Gold Hourglass = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Candle of Life = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Petrify Grenade = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Farplane Shadow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Farplane Wind = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Dark Matter = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Chocobo Feather = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Chocobo Wing = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Lunar Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Light Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Star Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Healing Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Mana Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Stamina Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Soul Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Purifying Salt = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Mana Tablet = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Mana Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Twin Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Three Stars = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Attribute Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Special Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Skill Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + White Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Master Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + HP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + MP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Strength Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Agility Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Evasion Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Clear Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Return Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Friend Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Teleport Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Warp Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Map = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Rename Card = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Musk = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Hypello Potion = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Shining Thorn = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Gem + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Amulet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Shining Gem + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

Blessed Gem + Blessed Gem = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Supreme Gem = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Poison Fang = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Silver Hourglass = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Gold Hourglass = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Candle of Life = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Petrify Grenade = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Farplane Shadow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Farplane Wind = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Dark Matter = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Chocobo Feather = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Chocobo Wing = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Lunar Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Light Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Star Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Healing Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Mana Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Stamina Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Soul Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Purifying Salt = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Mana Tablet = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Mana Tonic = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Twin Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Three Stars = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Attribute Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Special Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Skill Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + White Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Master Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + HP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + MP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Strength Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Agility Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Evasion Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Clear Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Return Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Friend Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Teleport Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Warp Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Map = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Rename Card = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Musk = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Hypello Potion = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Shining Thorn = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Blessed Gem + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Amulet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Blessed Gem + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

Supreme Gem + Supreme Gem = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Poison Fang = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Silver Hourglass = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Gold Hourglass = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Candle of Life = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Petrify Grenade = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Farplane Shadow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Farplane Wind = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Dark Matter = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Chocobo Feather = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Chocobo Wing = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Lunar Curtain = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Light Curtain = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Star Curtain = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Healing Spring = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Mana Spring = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Stamina Spring = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Soul Spring = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Purifying Salt = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Mana Tablet = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Stamina Tonic = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Mana Tonic = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Twin Stars = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Three Stars = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Power Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Mana Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Speed Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Ability Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Attribute Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Special Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Skill Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + White Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Black Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Master Sphere = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Level 1 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Level 2 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Level 4 Key Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + HP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + MP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Strength Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Magic Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Agility Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Evasion Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Accuracy Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Clear Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Return Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Friend Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Teleport Sphere = Hot Spurs (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Warp Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Map = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Rename Card = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Musk = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Hypello Potion = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Shining Thorn = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Amulet = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Supreme Gem + Door to Tomorrow = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Wings to Discovery = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Gambler's Spirit = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Underdog's Secret = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Supreme Gem + Winning Formula = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Higher Status Inflicting Items

Poison Fang + Poison Fang = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Poison Fang + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Poison Fang + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Silver Hourglass + Silver Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Silver Hourglass + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Silver Hourglass + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Gold Hourglass + Gold Hourglass = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Gold Hourglass + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gold Hourglass + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Candle of Life + Candle of Life = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Petrify Grenade = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Candle of Life + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Candle of Life + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Petrify Grenade + Petrify Grenade = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Dark Matter = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Chocobo Feather = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Chocobo Wing = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Lunar Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Light Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Star Curtain = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Healing Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Mana Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Stamina Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Soul Spring = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Purifying Salt = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Power Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Mana Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Speed Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Ability Sphere = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Attribute Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Special Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Skill Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + White Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Black Magic Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Level 1 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Level 2 Key Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Clear Sphere = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Map = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Rename Card = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Petrify Grenade + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Petrify Grenade + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Farplane Shadow + Farplane Shadow = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Farplane Wind = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Chocobo Feather = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Chocobo Wing = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Lunar Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Light Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Star Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Healing Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Mana Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Stamina Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Soul Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Purifying Salt = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Three Stars = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Attribute Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Special Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Skill Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + White Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Black Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Level 1 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Level 2 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Clear Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Shadow + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Shadow + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Farplane Wind + Farplane Wind = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Dark Matter = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Chocobo Feather = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Chocobo Wing = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Lunar Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Light Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Star Curtain = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Healing Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Mana Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Stamina Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Soul Spring = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Purifying Salt = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Three Stars = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Power Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Mana Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Speed Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Ability Sphere = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Attribute Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Special Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Skill Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + White Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Black Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Master Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Level 1 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Level 2 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Level 3 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Level 4 Key Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + HP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + MP Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Strength Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Magic Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Magic Defense Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Agility Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Evasion Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Accuracy Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Clear Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Return Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Friend Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Teleport Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Warp Sphere = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Map = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Rename Card = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Farplane Wind + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Farplane Wind + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Dark Matter + Dark Matter = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Chocobo Feather = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Chocobo Wing = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Lunar Curtain = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Light Curtain = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Star Curtain = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Healing Spring = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Mana Spring = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Stamina Spring = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Soul Spring = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Purifying Salt = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Stamina Tablet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Mana Tablet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Stamina Tonic = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Mana Tonic = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Twin Stars = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Three Stars = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Power Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Mana Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Speed Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Ability Sphere = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Fortune Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Attribute Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Special Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Skill Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + White Magic Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Black Magic Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Master Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Level 1 Key Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Level 2 Key Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Level 3 Key Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Level 4 Key Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + HP Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + MP Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Strength Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Defense Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Magic Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Magic Defense Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Agility Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Evasion Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Accuracy Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Luck Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Clear Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Return Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Friend Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Teleport Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Warp Sphere = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Map = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Rename Card = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Musk = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Hypello Potion = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Shining Thorn = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Dark Matter + Amulet = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Designer Wallet = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Door to Tomorrow = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Wings to Discovery = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Gambler's Spirit = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Underdog's Secret = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Dark Matter + Winning Formula = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Higher Support Items

Chocobo Feather + Chocobo Feather = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Chocobo Wing = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Healing Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Mana Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Stamina Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Soul Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Purifying Salt = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Map = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Rename Card = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Musk = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Hypello Potion = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Shining Thorn = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Pendulum = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Amulet = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Door to Tomorrow = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Wings to Discovery = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Gambler's Spirit = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Underdog's Secret = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Feather + Winning Formula = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Chocobo Wing + Chocobo Wing = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Healing Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Mana Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Stamina Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Soul Spring = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Purifying Salt = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Map = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Rename Card = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Musk = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Hypello Potion = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Shining Thorn = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Chocobo Wing + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Lunar Curtain + Lunar Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Healing Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Mana Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Map = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Rename Card = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Musk = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Hypello Potion = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Shining Thorn = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Lunar Curtain + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Light Curtain + Light Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Star Curtain = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Healing Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Mana Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Power Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Mana Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Speed Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Ability Sphere = Mighty Wall (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Map = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Rename Card = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Musk = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Hypello Potion = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Shining Thorn = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Light Curtain + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Star Curtain + Star Curtain = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Healing Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Mana Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Power Sphere = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Mana Sphere = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Speed Sphere = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Ability Sphere = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Attribute Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Special Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Skill Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + White Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Black Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Master Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + HP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + MP Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Strength Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Magic Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Agility Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Evasion Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Accuracy Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Clear Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Return Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Friend Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Teleport Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Warp Sphere = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Map = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Rename Card = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Musk = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Hypello Potion = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Shining Thorn = Mega Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Star Curtain + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)


Healing Spring + Healing Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Mana Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Stamina Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Soul Spring = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Purifying Salt = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Map = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Rename Card = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Healing Spring + Musk = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Hypello Potion = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Shining Thorn = Ultra Nul-All (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Pendulum = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Amulet = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Door to Tomorrow = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Wings to Discovery = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Gambler's Spirit = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Underdog's Secret = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Healing Spring + Winning Formula = Hyper Mighty G (SPECIAL)

Mana Spring + Mana Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Spring + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Mana Spring + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Stamina Spring + Stamina Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Spring + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Spring + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Soul Spring + Soul Spring = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Soul Spring + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Soul Spring + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Purifying Salt + Purifying Salt = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Three Stars = Super Mighty G (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Power Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Mana Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Speed Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Ability Sphere = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Attribute Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Special Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Skill Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + White Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Black Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Master Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Level 1 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Level 2 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Level 3 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Level 4 Key Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + HP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + MP Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Strength Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Magic Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Magic Defense Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Agility Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Evasion Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Accuracy Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Clear Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Return Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Friend Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Teleport Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Warp Sphere = Super Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Map = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Rename Card = Mega Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Purifying Salt + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Purifying Salt + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

-->Higher Medicines

Stamina Tablet + Stamina Tablet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Twin Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Power Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Mana Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Speed Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Ability Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Attribute Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Special Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Skill Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + White Magic Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Black Magic Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Master Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Level 1 Key Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Level 2 Key Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Level 3 Key Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Level 4 Key Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + HP Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + MP Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Strength Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Defense Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Magic Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Magic Defense Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Agility Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Evasion Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Accuracy Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Clear Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Return Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Friend Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Teleport Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Warp Sphere = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Map = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Rename Card = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Musk = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Hypello Potion = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Shining Thorn = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Pendulum = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Amulet = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Designer Wallet = Mega Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tablet + Door to Tomorrow = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Wings to Discovery = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Gambler's Spirit = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Underdog's Secret = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)
Stamina Tablet + Winning Formula = Final Elixir (CURATIVE)

Mana Tablet + Mana Tablet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Twin Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Power Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Mana Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Speed Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Ability Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Attribute Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Special Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Skill Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + White Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Black Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Master Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + HP Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + MP Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Strength Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Defense Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Magic Defense Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Agility Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Evasion Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Accuracy Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Clear Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Return Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Friend Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Teleport Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Warp Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Map = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Rename Card = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Musk = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Hypello Potion = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Shining Thorn = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Pendulum = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Designer Wallet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tablet + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Stamina Tonic + Stamina Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Mana Tonic = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Twin Stars = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Three Stars = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Power Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Mana Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Speed Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Ability Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Attribute Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Special Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Skill Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + White Magic Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Black Magic Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Master Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + HP Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + MP Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Strength Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Defense Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Magic Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Magic Defense Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Agility Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Evasion Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Accuracy Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Clear Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Return Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Friend Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Teleport Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Warp Sphere = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Map = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Rename Card = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Musk = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Hypello Potion = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Shining Thorn = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Pendulum = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Designer Wallet = Hyper Vitality (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Stamina Tonic + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Mana Tonic + Mana Tonic = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Twin Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Three Stars = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Power Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Mana Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Speed Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Ability Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Attribute Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Special Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Skill Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + White Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Black Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Master Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Level 1 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Level 2 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Level 3 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Level 4 Key Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + HP Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + MP Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Strength Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Defense Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Magic Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Magic Defense Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Agility Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Evasion Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Accuracy Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Clear Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Return Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Friend Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Teleport Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Warp Sphere = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Map = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Rename Card = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Musk = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Hypello Potion = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Shining Thorn = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Pendulum = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Designer Wallet = Hyper Mana (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Mana Tonic + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)


Twin Stars + Twin Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Three Stars = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Power Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Mana Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Speed Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Ability Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Attribute Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Special Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Skill Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + White Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Black Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Master Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Level 1 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Level 2 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Level 3 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Level 4 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + HP Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + MP Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Strength Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Defense Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Magic Defense Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Agility Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Evasion Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Accuracy Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Clear Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Return Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Friend Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Teleport Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Warp Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Map = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Rename Card = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Musk = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Hypello Potion = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Shining Thorn = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Pendulum = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Designer Wallet = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Twin Stars + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Three Stars + Three Stars = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Three Stars + Power Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Mana Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Speed Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Ability Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Fortune Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Attribute Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Special Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Skill Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + White Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Black Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Master Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Level 1 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Level 2 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Level 3 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Level 4 Key Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + HP Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + MP Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Strength Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Defense Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Magic Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Magic Defense Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Agility Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Evasion Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Accuracy Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Clear Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Return Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Friend Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Teleport Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Warp Sphere = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Map = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Rename Card = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Musk = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Hypello Potion = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Shining Thorn = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Pendulum = Freedom X (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Three Stars + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

-->Common Spheres

Power Sphere + Power Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Mana Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Speed Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Ability Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Special Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Skill Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Master Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Power Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Power Sphere + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Mana Sphere + Mana Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Speed Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Ability Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Special Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Skill Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Master Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Mana Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Mana Sphere + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Speed Sphere + Speed Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Ability Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Speed Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Special Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Skill Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Master Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Potato Master (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Speed Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Speed Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Speed Sphere + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Ability Sphere + Ability Sphere = Frag Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Special Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Skill Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Master Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Luck Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Map = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Rename Card = Pineapple (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Musk = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Hypello Potion = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Shining Thorn = Blaster Mine (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Ability Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Ability Sphere + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Rare Spheres

Fortune Sphere + Fortune Sphere = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Special Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Skill Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Master Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + HP Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + MP Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Strength Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Defense Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Magic Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Agility Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Clear Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Return Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Friend Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Warp Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Map = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Rename Card = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Musk = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Hypello Potion = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Shining Thorn = Hero Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Pendulum = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Amulet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Fortune Sphere + Winning Formula = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)

Attribute Sphere + Attribute Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Special Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Skill Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Attribute Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Attribute Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Attribute Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Special Sphere + Special Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Skill Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Special Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Special Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Special Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Skill Sphere + Skill Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Skill Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Skill Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Skill Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

White Magic Sphere + White Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
White Magic Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
White Magic Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
White Magic Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Black Magic Sphere + Black Magic Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Black Magic Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Master Sphere + Master Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Master Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Amulet = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Master Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Master Sphere + Winning Formula = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Key Spheres

Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 1 Key Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 1 Key Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Level 2 Key Sphere + Level 2 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Level 2 Key Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Level 3 Key Sphere + Level 3 Key Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Amulet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 3 Key Sphere + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

Level 4 Key Sphere + Level 4 Key Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + HP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + MP Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Strength Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Magic Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Agility Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Clear Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Return Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Friend Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Warp Sphere = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Map = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Rename Card = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Pendulum = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Amulet = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Level 4 Key Sphere + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

-->Statistic Spheres

HP Sphere + HP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
HP Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
HP Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

MP Sphere + MP Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Gernade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
MP Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
MP Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Strength Sphere + Strength Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Strength Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Strength Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Defense Sphere + Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Defense Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Defense Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Magic Sphere + Magic Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Luck Sphere = Holy War (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Magic Defense Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Magic Defense Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Agility Sphere + Agility Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Agility Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Agility Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Evasion Sphere + Evasion Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Evasion Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Evasion Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Accuracy Sphere + Accuracy Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Pendulum = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Amulet = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)
Accuracy Sphere + Winning Formula = Quartet of 9 (SPECIAL)

Luck Sphere + Luck Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Clear Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Return Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Friend Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Warp Sphere = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Map = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Rename Card = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Musk = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Hypello Potion = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Shining Thorn = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Pendulum = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Amulet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Luck Sphere + Winning Formula = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)

-->Movement Spheres

Clear Sphere + Clear Sphere = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Musk = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Hypello Potion = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Shining Thorn = Calamity Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Clear Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Clear Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Return Sphere + Return Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Return Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Return Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Friend Sphere + Friend Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Friend Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Friend Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Teleport Sphere + Teleport Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Teleport Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Teleport Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Warp Sphere + Warp Sphere = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Musk = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Hypello Potion = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Shining Thorn = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Pendulum = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Amulet = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Warp Sphere + Door to Tomorrow = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Wings to Discovery = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Gambler's Spirit = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Underdog's Secret = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Warp Sphere + Winning Formula = Tallboy (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Miscellaneous Items

Map + Map = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Map + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Map + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Rename Card + Rename Card = Potato Masher (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Musk = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Hypello Potion = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Shining Thorn = Hazardous Shell (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Pendulum = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Amulet = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Rename Card + Door to Tomorrow = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Wings to Discovery = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Gambler's Spirit = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Underdog's Secret = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Rename Card + Winning Formula = Cluster Bomb (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Musk + Musk = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Musk + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Musk + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Musk + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Musk + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Musk + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Hypello Potion + Hypello Potion = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Hypello Potion + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Hypello Potion + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Hypello Potion + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Hypello Potion + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Shining Thorn + Shining Thorn = Hyper Nul-all (SPECIAL)
Shining Thorn + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Shining Thorn + Door to Tomorrow = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Wings to Discovery = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Gambler's Spirit = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Underdog's Secret = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Shining Thorn + Winning Formula = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Rare Items

Pendulum + Pendulum = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Pendulum + Amulet = Chaos Grenade (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Pendulum + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Pendulum + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Amulet + Amulet = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Door to Tomorrow = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Wings to Discovery = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Gambler's Spirit = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Underdog's Secret = Eccentric (SPECIAL)
Amulet + Winning Formula = Eccentric (SPECIAL)

Designer Wallet + Designer Wallet = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Door to Tomorrow = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Wings to Discovery = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Gambler's Spirit = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Underdog's Secret = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)
Designer Wallet + Winning Formula = Miracle Drink (SPECIAL)

Door to Tomorrow + Door to Tomorrow = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Door to Tomorrow + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Door to Tomorrow + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Door to Tomorrow + Underdog's Secret = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Door to Tomorrow + Winning Formula = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)

Wings to Discovery + Wings to Discovery = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Wings to Discovery + Gambler's Spirit = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Wings to Discovery + Underdog's Secret = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Wings to Discovery + Winning Formula = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Gambler's Spirit + Gambler's Spirit = Trio of 9999 (SPECIAL)
Gambler's Spirit + Underdog's Secret = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Gambler's Spirit + Winning Formula = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Underdog's Secret + Underdog's Secret = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)
Underdog's Secret + Winning Formula = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)

Winning Formula + Winning Formula = Sunburst (NON-ELEMENTAL)

-->Mix Effects

So what does a "Trio of 9999" do (well thats obvious), but how about a
Supernova? This listing will break down all that. Thanks to Ceebs for this


Ultra Potion - All party members; full HP recovery
Panacea - All party members; cure abnormal statuses
Ultra Cure - All party members; cure abnormal statuses and full HP recovery
Mega Phoenix - All party members; revive from K.O. with half HP
Final Phoenix - All party members; revive from K.O. with full HP
Elixir - One party member; full HP and MP recovery
Mega Elixir - All party members; full HP and MP recovery
Super Elixir - All party members; cure abnormal statuses and full HP, MP
Final Elixir - All party members; cure abnormal statuses, partial HP and MP
recovery, and revive from K.O. with partial HP


Nul-All - One party member; All four Nul-Spells
Mega Nul-All - All party members; All four Nul-Spells
Hyper Nul-All - All party members; All four Nul-Spells plus Cheer, Focus
Ultra Nul-All - All party members; All four Nul-Spells and All stat boosts
Vitality - One party member; doubles max HP
Mega Vitality - All party members; doubles max HP
Hyper Vitality - All party members; doubles max HP plus Cheer
Mana - One party member; doubles max MP
Mega Mana - All party members; doubles max MP
Hyper Mana - All party members; doubles max MP plus Focus
Mighty WAll - All party members; Shell and Protect
Mighty G - All party members; Shell, Protect, and Haste
Super Mighty G - All party members; Shell, Protect, Haste, and Regen
Hyper Mighty G - All party members; Shell, Protect, Haste, Regen, Reraise
Freedom - One party member; 0 MP Consumption
Freedom X - All party members; 0 MP Consumption
Hero Drink - One party member; high critical hit rate
Miracle Drink - All party members; high critical hit rate
Quartet of 9 - One party member; hit for 9999 every time
Trio of 9999 - All party members; hit for 9999 every time
Hot Spurs - One party member; Overdrive gauge rises twice as fast
Eccentric - All party members; Overdrive gauge rises twice as fast


Grenade - All enemies; small damage
Frag Grenade - All enemies; small damage
Blaster Mine - All enemies; small damage plus statuses
Hazardous Shell - All enemies; small damage plus statuses
Pineapple - All enemies; medium damage
Calamity Bomb - All enemies; medium damage plus statuses
Cluster Bomb - All enemies; large damage
Potato Masher - All enemies; large damage
TAllboy - All enemies; large damage
Chaos Grenade - All enemies; large damage plus statuses
Nega Burst - All enemies; HP reduced to 1/4th
Black Hole - All enemies; HP reduced to 1/16th
Supernova - All enemies; 19998 damage
Heat Blaster - All enemies; small damage in five bursts
Fire Storm - All enemies; small damage in six bursts
Burning Soul - All enemies; small damage in nine bursts
BrimstOne - All enemies; large damage in three bursts plus statuses
Abaddon Flame - All enemies; large damage in three bursts plus statuses
Thunderbolt - All enemies; small damage in five bursts
Rolling Thunder - All enemies; small damage in six bursts
Lightning Bolt - All enemies; small damage in nine bursts
Electroshock - All enemies; large damage in three bursts plus statuses
Thunderblast - All enemies; large damage in three bursts plus statuses
WaterfAll - All enemies; small damage in five bursts
Flash Flood - All enemies; small damage in six bursts
Tidal Wave - All enemies; small damage in nine bursts
Aqua Toxin - All enemies; large damage in three bursts plus statuses
Dark Rain - All enemies; large damage in three bursts plus statuses
Snow Flurry - All enemies; small damage in five bursts
IcefAll - All enemies; small damage in six bursts
Winter Storm - All enemies; small damage in nine bursts
Black Ice - All enemies; large damage in three bursts plus statuses
Krysta - All enemies; large damage in three bursts plus statuses

|L| Ultimate Weapons

Each character has 1 weapon that is of incredible power, and has great uses. To
get them, you need to do a few things of course. When you get a weapon, it has
the NO AP ability. That isn't good. But by Getting 2 items, and the Mirror, you
can power up the weapon and remove that No AP ability.

To power up a weapon, use the Celestial Mirror, and two items in front of the
crystal in Macalania woods.

-->The Mirror

First you need the Cloudy Mirror. No problem. Head to Remiem temple in the Calm
Lands. Speak with the Chocobo there and it will race you. Win the race to get
the cloudy mirror. 1/2 way done. Now, head to Macalania Woods.

Talk to the mother and kid in the southern portion of the woods. Head to the
Woods' campsite and speak with the missing husband there.

Tell him everything, then head back to the mother and kid. Take the glowing
path to some water, and speak with the boy. Now, use the Cloudy mirror on the
crystal, and ta-da! It’s magically a Celestial Mirror. Now you can get rid of
that No AP junk.

-->The Weapons

Tidus - Caladbolg
[Need: Sun Sigil (at the Zanarkand Dome)]
[Need: Sun Crest (finish Chocobo race at 0: 0.0)]

You need to beat the Chocobo trainer in the Calm Lands at a race. After that,
go to the Northwest area of the calm lands and go through the path there, into
a valley. You can use the Mirror to power up your weapon.

Wakka - World Champion
[Need: Jupiter Sigil (Luca locker room locker)]
[Need: Jupiter Crest (Blitzball prize)]

Just talk to the Bartender in the Luca Cafe Bar

Lulu - Onion Knight
[Need: Venus Sigil (Dodge 200 lightning bolts at Thunder Plains)]
[Need: Venus Crest (At the Farplane)]

Go to Baaj Temple. Swim north and fight that giant fish thing. Beat it and
search underwater for the treasure chest containing the Onion Knight.

Yuna - Nirvana
[Need: Moon Sigil (Kill all the Aeons at Remiem temple)]
[Need: Moon Crest (At Besaid Beach)]

Capture all the fiend types in the Calm Plains. Go back to the monster owner
and he will give it (weapon) to Yuna.

Kimahri - Spirit Lance
[Need: Saturn Sigil (Beat the Butterfly game)]
[Need: Saturn Crest (Mount Gagazet)]

Activate all the Quactar stones in the Thunder Plains. Follow the Quactar ghost
to a lightning rod tower, and let it be hit by lightning. The weapon then

Auron - Masamune
[Need: Mars Sigil
(You need to capture enough monsters to complete a combined total of 10 Area
or Species Creations in the monster arena. This means you need to capture ONE
monster of each kind from 10 areas, or capture the requisite number from 10
species, or any other combination of completed areas or completed species that
adds up to 10.)]
[Need: Mars Crest (Mi'ihen Road)]

You must have the Rusty Sword, which can be gotten at the cliff by the Cavern
of the Fayth. Take it to the statue on Mi'ihen road, and touch the glyph,
showing the weapon.

Rikku - Godhand
[Need: Mercury Sigil (Finish the Cactuar Villages side-quest)]
[Need: Mercury Crest (In a whirlpool of sand in the Sanubia desert)]

Input the GODHAND password into the airship, and it will reveal the location of
where Rikku’s weapon is. Go to that location to get the Godhand weapon.

|M| Sidequests

-->Lighting Dodging

In the Thunder Plains, you can get cool prizes for being hit by lighting, and
for dodging lightning. Its best to have the No Encounters ability, and a few
hours of uninterrupted pure silence. You cannot save between strikes, this all
has to be in a row. Dodge lightning by pressing X whenever you see a flash of
thunder. Here are the prized that can be collected at Rins Traveling Agency.
Note that getting hit deals damage to your characters, so be careful.

| Get Hit | Prize |
| 5 Times | 2 X Potions |
|10 Times | 2 Mega Potions |

| Dodge | Prize |
| 5 Times | 2 X Potions |
|10 Times | 2 Mega Potions |
|20 Times | 2 MP Spheres |
|50 Times | 3 Strength Spheres|
|100 Times | 3 HP Spheres |
|150 Times | 4 Megalixers |
|200 Times | 1 Venus Sigil |

-->Omega Ruins
From Fayth

"From the save there are three paths--Right, Middle, and Left.
Right will lead to a room with two treasure chests. (note: all the chests
it the ruins must be opened a certain order to get the treasure, other wise
it is a monster and all the others disappear.)

Before this room is a path that branches of to the left, this path circles
around and meets the middle path. The middle path leads to an alter
looking thing and an over look of a lower chamber. Nothing much here, but
a nice view.

The left path leads to another room with three boxes and before it is a
path that splits off right. Take this path to another split. Left leads to
more treasure. The right path leads to an un active glyph and a ledge.
Nothing with the glyph yet.

Pass the glyph to enter the room with four boxes. The "Al Bhed #26" is in
this room you can't miss it. There is also another split right or left.
The left path will take you to another glyph (touch it and the other to see
what happens) You will also see a path that heads right, If you do the
glyph ignore it for now--yep the left path circles around. Anyway, the
left path will take you to a room with more treasure and a lift.

Prepare yourself. Up the lift is your first boss fight. "Ultima Weapon"
After defeating him, its up again and yes more fights. You are now looking
at a path with nine circles. Each circle contains monsters, (you will
encounter them even with no encounter, I don't know if these monsters give
you anything unique because I fled from them all) The path left leads to a
treasure chest and the right path leads through seven fights and then
finally the boss "Omega Weapon" (Kimahri can get his Nova). After defeating
him you are sent back to the beginning, but you are given a peak of a
treasure in the back of the room. This is the end of the Omega Ruins.

All this is easier with "no encounter" which I got form the big square
monsters, these cannot be captured so give this fight your best.

Also I have found that it is better to go through until you get the
airship to do most of the mini games, but if you are planning to collect
the monsters and/or Jecht spheres, first go to the "high bridge" Now the
party will be able to enter the chambers of the Fayth and get lots of

From: Arth

Boss: Omega
Cannot scan
Vulnerable to any type of the 4 magics.
Steal : Gamblers spirit ( SOS Overdrive)

"Usually damages everyone 2000ish (shimmering rain). He might use break
(causes stone on one person)

Start off with someone that has Hastega, Rikku (if you want to steal), and
Kimahri. Kimahri can learn an ability with lancet from Omega. After Kimahri
learns his new ability get Yuna out if she isn't already and Hastega. Omega is
fairly easy from this point if you have the magus sisters, just get them out
and let them do their stuff and when they die use yojimbu and Omega should die.
If you don't have the magus sisters you can use other summons or just double
cast Ultima. If you don't use summons keep everyone at full life (alchemist
and Mega potions).

After you defeat Omega you are Teleported to the entrance. You can run back to
where he was if you want a magic sphere. The guys in the circles won't attack
you this time."


First go to the north east exit where the bridge is in the calm lands then beat
that robot. After that there is another bridge, go under that bridge by going
to the exit on the right, then when you get to the next place there is an
entrance to a cave.Before you get in there will be a few cutscenes then go in
the cave. Go your way all the way through, near the end you'll find the
summoner that Lulu used to guard and then you will have to fight her. She will
call on Yojimbo (the Aeon),don't worry hes not that tough. After you beat her
there will be that pad that can take you four directions. Go straight to get
Yojimbo ,but the bad thing is that you have to pay him 250000 gil to get him
and you even have to pay him to fight during a battle. He has an random
overdrive where he chops off the enemies head! But if you pay him to do that
chances are that you lost all your money

Dextar686 Says:
"You can get him for cheaper! The first time, offer him
half of his asking price plus one dollar/ gil. Then, the next time he asks,
raise your bid by one gil. The third time, he'll generally accept offers as
low as $200,000, but not much lower."


In order to get this beast, you have to go to the Baaj temple, kill
that big fish, then enter the door in the pool area. Walk up the stairs,
you'll see 6 statues, in order to get Anima you have to open up every
treasure chest in the Cloister of Trials from every temple, meaning that you
have to get the secret ones involving the destruction sphere. Once you have
gotten all the secret treasures from the glyph games, stand in front of all the
6 statues and Yuna will enter the chamber. You'll now have Anima.

Gunstarheroz sent this in:
"I just found out that you CAN get the sixth statue to light up in Baaj Temple
by returning to Zanarkand after you get the airship, and re-doing the puzzle
(which is a new one) where the team fights the second guardian, after doing all
the sphere puzzles. So if someone misses the Bevelle temple treasure, they can
get Anima anyway just by returning to Zanarkand later. "

-->Magus Sisters

Capture every monster in the Calm Lands and the Gagazet Mountains. Having done
this, get a Chocobo and travel towards the Remiem Temple southeast of the Calm
Lands via Chocobo feather near the broken bridge. Defeat all of Belgemine's
Aeon battles, and you obtain this powerful Aeon.

-->Sea Gulls
From JB Chavy

I thought you'd like to know that if you return to the ship where you
learned the Jecht Shot (after you get the airship) and go to the top floor,
you will find a man counting seagulls. He asks you to count the seagulls for
him. If you return with the correct count, he will reward you with the "Ace
Wizard" for Wakka. I counted eleven seagulls.

Ace Wizard (Blitzball for Wakka)
Magic +20%
Magic +10%
Magic +5%
Magic +3%

|N| Secrets

-->Missing Al Bhed Primers

#19 It's located behind the left Chocobo at the hidden
temple (the one where you fight aeons).

-->Airship Coordinates

On the airship, you can input coordinates, and some will take you to secret, or
special places. Use these as a starting point, the coordinates are usually
right around the area listed. (Thanks Stanly)Here they are:

Location X Y
Baaj Temple | 11,16 | 57,63
Sanubia Temple | 12,16 | 41,45
Besaid Falls | 29,32 | 73,76
Mi'ihen Ruins | 33,36 | 55,60
Battle Site | 39,43 | 56,60
Omega Ruins | 69,75 | 33,38

-->Secret Aeons

There are several Aeons in the game that can only be obtained by doing a few
side quests. These are explained in the Side Quests Section

-->Airship Passwords

GODHAND - Rikku’s Weapon
VICTORIOUS - Rikku’s Armor
MURASAME - Auron’s Weapon

-->Aeon Powers
From Rob S.

Near the beginning of the game, right after you get Yuna and the cut scene
where your party leaves Besaid, I found something really good by accident. The
game had just made me leave the village but I was low on potions so turned
right around and went back in to buy some before heading out to the boat.
After talking to the lady, whose shop only sells potions, antidotes and phoenix
downs, and buying some stuff, (not sure if you have to buy anything) she says
something like "my dog found something and dug it up, isn't that odd?" I
remembered there's a dog in one of the houses on the right, up near the temple,
and went and talked to it. The game said something like "you've acquired
something chewed and mangled" and then it said "Valefor has learned ENERGY
BLAST." This is a second overdrive skill for the Aeon and works a hell of a lot
better than the one he starts out with.

|O| Tips and Tricks

-->200 Lightning Bolts Easily ?

I think I stumbled on a big bug playing Final Fantasy 10 just a few minutes
ago, concerning the thunder mini-game. I'm not sure how I did this, but I know
this would help other people out obtaining the Venus Sigil. I did the usually
dodge the lighting routine and didn't get any more than 40 untill I was struct,
frustrated I went to get kimhari's spear instead. I came back and was struck by
2 lighting bolts then apoarched the treasure chest out side Rin's building and
it said that I, "Dodged 20 Consecutive lighting Bolts." I was only struck by 2
although it said 20.....???? I think this had something to do with the cactuar
stones that you pray at. I looked on the lighting record book inside Rin's shop
and it said I dodged 623 bolts and dodge only 80 consecutive? I walked outside
and the chest thats usually there was now GONE! I tried everything to get rin's
chest back but it didn't come back, I even reloaded t! he game . The lighting
record mentioned something about a momento from the council to be given to me?

Maybe thats where the venus Sigil is......?

Heres basically what I think i did to x10 to whatever times you dodge lighting

-Prayed at the Cactuar Stones in the northern Thunder Plains
-Prayed at 2 or 3 Cactuar Stones in the southern Thunder Plains
-Recieved Kimhari's Spear
-Got struck by lighting.....a few times.....

I think there is another way of obtaining the Venus Sigil, Dodging 200 lighting
bolts consecutively seems a little frustrating, maybe the key lies in how many
times your struct or dodge a lighting bolt

-->Al Bhed Language
In the game, some people speak the AL Bhed Language, so here I am to help
translate it. Find the books scattered throughout the world to get it all !
Here is a letter by letter translation:

A = E
B = P
C = S
D = T
E = I
F = W
G = K
H = N
I = U
J = V
K = G
L = C
M = L
N = R
O = Y
P = B
Q = W
R = H
S = M
T = D
U = O
V = F
W = X
X = Q
Y = A
Z = J

And if you're just too lazy to translate manually, check this link out: .It’s an Al Bhed Translator for
anyone who can't find the books or anyone who does not feel like translating.
For the locations of the books for the people who need to collect them:

1- Al Bhed Ship Deck
2- Besaid Village Lodge
3- SS Liki, Power Room
4- Kilika, Inn
5- SS Winno, Control Room
6- Luca Stadium, Basement
7- Luca Theater
8- Mi'ihen Road, from Rin
9- Mi'ihen Highroad
10- Mushroom Road
11- Djose Highroad
12- Moonflow
13- Guadosalam, in a house
14- Thunder Plains, Travel Agency Inn, from Rin
15- Macalania Woods
16- Lake Macalania, Travel Agency
17- Sanubia Desert
18- Sanubia Desert
19- Al Bhed HOME
20- Al Bhed HOME
21- Al Bhed HOME
22- Bevelle Temple
23- The Calm Lands, northwest area
24- Remiem Temple
25- The Calm Lands, cavern of Fayth
26- Omega Ruins

-->Rikku and Customizing
From Fraxcat

"Okay, if you look in the current Armor Customization FAQs, they tell you that
pretty much, the only way to get Rikku's upgraded steal abilities is to bribe
Ultima Weapon or tons and tons of Tonberry/Tonberry Kings.

This is not correct. ;)

If you capture all the monsters on Besaid Island and have the Magus Sisters,
you can kill the special monster that the trainer creates, and it drops 4
Amulets every time. 20 of those, and you can add the upgrade to an armor that
increases your chances of stealing the "rare" items. You'll steal the crappy
ones first, then get the rare ones. "

|P| Challenges

--> The 100% Sphere Grid Challenge

Difficulty: 2 of 5
You need to fill up the entire sphere grid before beating the game. That means
every last space filled up with every last character. Just make sure you do it
before beating the game. You are not allowed to cheat in any way !

--> The 0% Sphere Grid Challenge

Difficulty 5 of 5
You have to beat the game without every laying a hand on the Sphere Grid. Of
course though, there are limits to how much you can play while doing 100
damage. So here are the rules.

1) No spaces on the Sphere Grid may be used. Not a single one.

2) You may not cheat. This means using a code or something do you can get a
Trio of 9999 each battle.

3) You may use 2 and only two Power, Mana, Speed, Fortune, and Ability Spheres.

4) You may also use 3 and only 3 Lvl 1, 2, 3 and 4 Locks per character.

5) You may NOT use any special spheres, like HP +300 or Blk Magic Spheres. Only
the ones specified are allowed.

6) Good Luck.

--> The One Character Challenge

Difficulty 4 of 5
You have to beat the game using Tidus and only Tidus. That means special rules

1) Only Tidus may battle, unless the fight requires another character.
2) You are to have the two other characters beside Tidus escape fights.
3) Only Tidus may use the sphere grid. No one else.
4) Tidus may NOT use items to exceed 9999 damage.
5) Try to not use Aeons in any battles.

|Q| Temple Guide

--> Besaid Temple

Go ahead and examine that ugly gold colored glyph on the wall. Doing that
reveals a tealish colored glyph. Talk to that and it opens up a path. Head on
down the stairs until you see a green, glowing ball. Pick it up, and continue
down the stairs. Put the sphere into the door, and it opens ! Now, take the
sphere back out. Go through the open door until you find an area on your left
that seems that can hold a sphere. Go ahead and put the sphere in and magically
you are rewarded with a Destruction Sphere. Ignore it for now though. Continue
down the hall until you see two walls, with a bunch of white symbols on them.
Examine them all until a door opens to a sphere. Take that sphere and put it
into the pedestal across the hall. Push the pedestal into the room that
appears. Go grab the destruction sphere before doing anything else, and insert
it into the hidden room that had all the blue lines going into a sphere. Insert
it there where you grabbed the sphere and an opening is revealed. Go inside and
get the prize, a Rod. Go back to the pedestal and push it across until it snaps
in place into an indention in the ground. Puzzle Competed.

--> Kilika Temple

The first thing you see is a pedestal. Approach it and take the nice fiery
Kilika Sphere. Put the sphere into that slot by the door, causing it to burn.
Grab the sphere and head on through the door. Put the sphere into the slot on
the north wall. Take it out, and put it in on the slot on the left wall. Touch
any Glyphs that appear. It should open up a wall. Take the blue sphere from the
Pedestal and put it into a slot on the right side. GO through the wall opening
and into a room with fire. Step on the symbols on the floor causing the
pedestal to appear in the room. Take the red fiery sphere from the right wall
and pop it into the pedestal. Now place the blue sphere form the previous room
into that slot which ignites the fire. The fire is burned out. Push the
pedestal into the slot on the floor and cross the gap. Go ahead and place the
sphere you find down in the gap by the northern door. Take it out, burning the
door, and make your way through.

--> Djose Temple

Take the two spheres in this room and insert them into the slots by the door.
Go through. Now, take 1 of the spheres by the door and insert it into the
farthest right slot in the room. Take the other sphere and insert it into the
other slot on the far right of the room. This causes the pillar above to become
charged. Take the pedestal with the sphere in it, and push it under the charged
pillar. This charges the sphere on the pedestal. Take the charged Sphere and
insert it into the slot by the door in this room. Go to the far left of the
room with the pedestal and step on the floor glyph. Grab the two spheres that
are charging the pillar on the ceiling, and put them into the pedestal. now
push the Pedestal with the spheres into the Pit of lighting in the room to the
north. This disables the electricity. Go across the lightning pit and pus the
pedestal inwards. Jump back to the main room. Step on the floor glyph on the
far left again to recover the pedestal. Take both spheres from the pedestal,
and put the into the two slots all the way back into the entrance room. Go back
to the pedestal room and take the charged sphere. Put it into the slot to the
left of the door leading to the lightning pit. Go to the pedestal and ride the
new platform up. On this level, go to all 5 pedestals in the rooms, and push
them into the wall as far as they go. This unlocks a staircase. Ride to the
lower level first though. Go to the far left in the room and touch the glyph on
the wall. This reveals a destruction sphere. Go back to the higher level and
place the destruction sphere into the pedestal. Receive your prize, then climb
the stairs.

--> Macalania Temple
As you try to leave, the temple guys reset the Cloister of Trials before you
can get out. Oh well, this is one of the easiest ones. Go down the ramp thing
to the lower floor. Take the sphere from the very middle pillar. Put it into
the pedestal. Now, push the pedestal to the right until it hits a pile of ice
and stops. Now push it northwards until it falls into a hole. Follow the
pedestal and take the sphere out. Put it into the left-most slot on the wall
down there. Go back up, and take the newly accessible sphere. Go back down and
put it into the pedestal. Push the pedestal to the right, creating a brand new
1/3 completed bridge. Now, go back up. Now, grab the sphere all the way on the
far right side. Take it down the ramp and place it in the pillar on the left.
Go back up and grab the sphere right next to the ramp going down. place it in
the pillar where you took the first sphere from. Now, go back up to where the
ice bridge is completed, and step on the floor glyph. The pedestal is now at
the top of the long ramp. Take the sphere out from the pedestal and push the
pedestal down the ramp. Go down the long ramp, and onto the floor. Go down and
step on the floor glyph. Take the sphere your holding and insert it into the
slot on the far right of the room, making icicles appear. Take the sphere from
the center pillar of the room now. Put it into the slot by the ramp leading
into the basement floor. Go back to the pedestal and take the destruction
sphere from it. Go to the lowest level and place it in the slot right next to
the doorway. Go in and grab your prize. Go back up and push the pedestal to the
right, smashing into the icicles. Take the sphere from the far right slot in
the room and place it into the pedestal. Push the pedestal north causing it to
fall into the basement floor. Go down there and push the pedestal to the right,
completing part of the bridge. Go back up and take the sphere by the basement
ramp. Place it into the pillar in the center of the room and get out of here !

--> Bevelle Temple

1. Push the first pedestal inwards, turning it into a platform.
2. You are in a loop, so do not worry if you mess # 3 up.
3. On the first turn, press X when the arrow points to the right.
4. Continue down, and go straight at the next turn.
5. Go to the end, and take the sphere. Place it into the pedestal.
6. Push the pedestal into the path. Go back to the loop.
7. When your in start of the loop, turn right on the second turn.
8. Take a sphere from the pedestal and place it into the slot.
9. Push the pedestal back into the path and start looping.
10. From the loop start, go left on turn two. Take the sphere and loop.
11. At turn 1, go right. When you reach the bottom, go left.
12. You are in loop 2. Take a right turn at the last turn.
13. Place a sphere into the slot, uncovering a glyph sphere.
14. Go back to loop 2. Now, take a right turn at the 2nd to last turn.
15. Take the Glyph sphere there and pop it into the pedestal. Go into loop 2.
16. Go right at the last turn. Go across and insert the Glyph Sphere.
17. Take the destruction sphere. Get back in loop 2.
18. Go right on the 2nd to last turn. Pop in the destruction sphere in the slot
19. Get onto the loop. Turn right at the last turn, take the sphere there.
20. Get into loop 2. Make a right turn at the first available turn.
21. Push the pedestal across. Get into the new path.
22. Go up the stairs and take the treasure. Now step on the floor glyph.
23. Take a sphere from the pedestal and place it in the nearby slot.
24. Push the pedestal into the near path, and get your treasure.
25. Ride back an enter the Chamber of Fayth.

--> Zanarkand Temple

In the first room, this is going to be like a warm up before the real thing. On
the back wall are Tetris images, and you goal is to find them on the floor. Go
up and talk to the wall with the Tetris image and it shows you where you need
to step. Its like a memory game. Memorize where you need to step and do it. The
order does not matter. Messing up cause the puzzle to reset. Once you complete
it, pedestals come out the sides of the room. Push them in one at a time,
starting counter-clockwise. When you put one in, its activates the next Tetris
puzzle in the next room. You have to complete all 4 to continue onwards. The
left center and right center pedestals are for later, so leave them alone. When
you push the first pedestal in, go to the next room and speak with the Tetris
wall-images to see where to step. When you finish the puzzle, head back and
push in another pedestal, and another, and another. At this point you will have
4 of them done. Go into the huge room and take the red sphere from the left of
the Tetris wall image. Go to room one and insert it into the left pedestal.
That deactivates the power. Push it into the wall. Go back and get the blue
sphere, which deactivates the Tetris-wall image. Insert it into the last
pedestal, and push it into the wall too. Puzzle complete !

|R| Walkthrough


I'm going to try to NOT be too specific here. I wont say, "Go left, right, up ,
down" because the MAP shows you (follow the red arrow when in doubt). But, I
will try to explain everything else as best as I can.

Zanarkand - The Beginning

Make sure, as you start out, to talk to everyone. Continue to follow the
general path until you get to the Blitzball Stadium. Push through the crowd,
and watch the little movie scene take place. Tidus gets into the Sphere Pool
and starts to play Blitzball. As Tidus goes for his Sphere Shot, a fireball
crashes into the stadium, destroying it. Tidus falls to the rubble below.

Now that you have some control, go ahead until you find Auron. He will tell you
everything. Follow the path once more, going away from the Stadium. As you
continue, you will eventually see a large creature emerge from the sky and
crash into a building. All of a sudden, battle ensues.

[BATTLE - Sinscales]

Cut through the enemies with the brand new Longsword that Auron gave you. Use
your attack command and only attack the enemies that you need to kill to
advance pass them. Continue to cut through and run until....

[MINIBOSS - Sinspawn Ammes]
[2400 HP - 0 AP - Steal Nothing]

Your first true battle ! Make sure to just keep using your normal attacks.
Follow the directions to use Auron’s _Overdrive_. The enemy cannot kill you, so
do not bother healing. The Sinspawn can get you to 1 hp, but nothing more. The
enemy dies when you cut off all of the dangling tentacles on the top.

Now, proceed to the Save Sphere Lvl 1, which is marked by a white square on
your mini-map. Go ahead and activate it. Whenever you interact with it, it
replenishes your party’s Hp and MP completely. After that, continue down the
path until Tidus and Auron get attacked by hundreds of Sinscales. Keep fighting
until Auron alerts you that you should attack the Tanker to the right. So
attack it until it explodes, disabling all the Sin Scales nearby.

Auron tells you to continue. By now, he tells you that huge Waterball attacking
the city is Sin, a super-powerful enemy. Auron lifts you up, and Sin
subsequently takes both of you away.

Tidus finds himself in what seems to be water. Press and hold O to dive, and
move around. Go and talk to the person on the ledge below.

Al Bhed - Lost at Sea

Tidus wakes up all alone in the middle of a cold ocean or sea. Press O to dive
and move towards the red triangle on the mini-map. On the far left, there are a
few secrets there including a treasure chest, so check that out before heading
up the middle. After that, head up the middle, up the stairs.

After that, there is a save sphere, so go ahead and use it to save and heal.
Continue northwards and take the left pass, which seems to be a dead end. Grab
the treasure at the end, and continue northwards on the main path. The bridge
breaks apart, and you are dumped in the sea.

[BATTLE - Sahagins]

These fish are easy to beat. After taking out two of them though, watch out !

[FIXED FIGHT - Geosgaeno]
[32,000 HP]

Thankfully, this is a fixed fight, so do not bother healing. After the big fish
kills the small one you were fighting, it sees you. Just attack until your low
on HP, then it takes over. Tidus will automatically run from the fight and
barely escape.

Now you are in a freezing cold place. You need to build a fire in the center,
so head into the room by the Save Sphere and get the Flint in the chest. Go
back to the main room and go through the northern door to get the Withered
Bouquet. Go back to the main room and build the fire.

[BOSS - Klikk]
[1500 HP - 5 AP - Steal Grenades]

Tidus falls asleep and wakes up to a burned out campfire and a boss fight.
Start out by just attacking. Whenever you get to 200 HP, use a normal or
hi-potion. Keep attacking until a group of Al Bhed bust down a door and come
into the room. The girl, who is wearing a costume, will join the fight. Use
your new grenades to kill the beast, or just continue to attack it. After the
fight, you are approached and taken against your will.

Al Bhed - The Ship

Tidus is taken aboard with people who speak the Al Bhed language. You can start
to translate their language by collecting dictionaries, and each one will
automatically translate 1 Al Bhed letter to English. So once you gain control,
check out the deck for a yellow square book and get it. Go and talk to a person
on the ship and see if it translates some of the letters into English. If it
does, the letters appear in pink. After you are done checking out the ship,
talk to the lady who helped you in the fight back against the Klikk.

Al Bhed - Salvage the Treasure

Tidus will dive into the water and you are prompted to follow the red triangle
on the mini-map. Dive below the water and go until you reach the ship. You may
get in random battles with weak enemies, just ignore them.

Once on the underwater ship, go to the Save Sphere to save the game. Keep on
going through the ship, following the red triangle on the mini-map. You will
need to unlock a few doors using computers.

On your way out, be prepared to fight a giant squid!

[BOSS - Tros]
[2200 HP - 8 AP - Steal Grenades]

Another easy fight ! Keep on using normal attacks, and using grenades you steal
from the boss to attack. The boss will go to the other side of the room. A
tutorial will appear on trigger commands. So press left when your turn comes
and choose stand by to heal up. After that, the boss will attack you. After
more attacking, the boss will go to the other side again. This time, when your
turn comes up, press left and select Pincer attack. You will surround the boss.
Now just keep attacking and heal if your HP dips below 150. Easy fight, huh?

After the fight, follow the red triangle on the mini-map back to the ship.

Al Bhed Ship - Sin Reappears

Shortly after getting back, Sin appears! Where will you end up this time???

Besaid Island - Intro

After you awaken, go and chat with the local Blitzball team. Talk to them
multiple times and get some items. Wakka is the coach of the Blitzball team,
and although he has never won a game, he always does his best. Explore the bay
and coastline to find some items.

Wakka will lead the way back to his village, so follow him. You get to a point
where he shoves you into a small creek. Take this time to check out the area
and explore. Collect items, then head to the next place, which leads to the

Besaid Village - Exploration
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer vol. II]

Ok, head on through and meet the two Crusaders. After this, head to the
village. Once there, Wakka will ask you if you know the Prayer. Your answer
will not make a difference at all. After Wakka tells you the prayer, he points
out the Crusader's Lodge and tells you to explore.

So head on over to the Crusaders Lodge right now. Talk to everyone inside, and
save the game if you need to. The Crusaders say they are warriors, dedicated to
keeping the villages safe, and that defeating Sin isn't their purpose. Leave
the lodge, and explore some more. Before heading into the huge temple, check
out the shops and people. You can buy some Potions in one on the tents on the
left. Stock up right now. After that, head on to the huge temple to the north.

Head on up the stairs in the middle to start a little chat about Summoners. The
guys are very religious, and Tidus goes with the “Sins Toxin” excuse to save
his butt. Well, after the little "chat", head on outside and go back to Wakka’s
Tent on the right hand side. Take a nap there.

When Tidus wakes up, head back to the temple. Inside, go and talk to everyone.
It won't take long before Tidus feels he has to be a hero, and he climbs the
central stairs.

Besaid Temple - Cloister of Trials

Good ‘ol Tidus, breaking every single rule that he doesn't know of. It was bad
enough he didn't know the prayer, and worse that he told the people he didn't
know what a High Summoner was, but now Tidus has gone into an area that is
sacred and only to be accessed by Guardians and Summoners. Well, might as well

Go ahead and examine that ugly gold colored glyph on the wall. Doing that
reveals a tealish colored glyph. Examine it and it opens up a path. Head on
down the stairs until you see a green, glowing sphere. Pick it up, and continue
down the stairs. Put the sphere into the door, and it opens! Now, take the
sphere back out. Go through the open door until you find an area on your left
that can hold a sphere. Go ahead and put the sphere in and magically you are
rewarded with a Destruction Sphere. Ignore it for now though. Continue down the
hall until you see two walls, with a bunch of white symbols on them. Examine
them all until a door opens to a sphere. Take that sphere and put it into the
pedestal across the hall. Push the pedestal into the room that appears. Go back
and grab the destruction sphere before doing anything else, and insert it into
the hidden room that had all the blue lines going into a sphere. Insert it
there where you grabbed the sphere and an opening is revealed. Go inside and
get the prize, a Rod. Go back to the pedestal and push it across until it snaps
in place into an indention in the ground. Puzzle Completed.

Besaid Temple - The Fayth

Ok, from here on, it’s just about all controlled for you. Just pay attention to
what everyone says, until you exit the temple.

Besaid Village - The Summoning

Head on out and watch as Yuna, the new summoner, tries out her summoning
skills. A Summoner can call out huge beasts in battle (known as Aeons). They
will fight in place of your party until they die, or you dismiss them. When
they are dismissed or get KOed, your party comes back ready for battle. You may
heal Aeons at any Save Sphere.

Talk to everyone after watching the Aeon, however don't talk to Wakka until
last. Once you're done chatting, choose the Sleep option after talking to
Wakka. In your dream, talk to everyone. When Tidus awakes, examine the front of
the checkout counter at the lodge, to get the next Al Bhed book. That makes 2
so far.

Head outside and Wakka will give you his brother’s Sword, the Brotherhood. Go
ahead and equip it. You will get 2 new party members, Yuna, the summoner, and
Lulu, the Black Mage.

Besaid Village - Story line Clear Up

So what is happening, you might ask? Summoners are trained from the time that
they choose their destiny, to become summoners. They are fighters, who journey
to every temple in the World of Spira (called the Pilgrimage). They pray at
each temple, praying to defeat Sin. The Fayth at each temple, rewards a
summoner with a new Aeon. After visiting all the temples, a summoner journeys
to get the Final Aeon, which has the power to defeat Sin. The summoner defeats
Sin, and gives the people 10 years of peace (or Calm) until another one is
born. That is a summoner’s journey, to give people 10 years with no Sin. Wakka
believes Sin is Spira’s punishment for letting things get out of hand
(especially because Machina where used to kill). That’s the story line thus
far, however it is time to begin the Pilgrimage. Also note that Wakka and Lulu
are both Yuna's Guardians, people sworn to protect a summoner.

Besaid Mountain - The Pilgrimage Begins

Head out of the Village once everyone has joined the party. Exit from the
South, and head up the mountain where Tutorial Battles ensue. If you want a
quick run-down of it, here it is:

Flying Monsters - Use Wakka, Use Lulu
Grounded Monsters - Use Tidus, Use Lulu
Elemental Monsters - Use Lulu

After that, continue up the path, following the mini-map the whole time. When
you reach the summit, have Tidus pray at the rocks if you want him too. Wakka
says that the day that his brother Chapuu didn't pray, was the day he died. So
make the choice, pray or not. It won't make a difference, just for Wakka's
emotional reasons. Walk around and continue, until, all of a sudden, something
attacks! It’s the beast you saw at the temple (if you were paying attention).

[BATTLE - Kimahri]
[750 HP - 0 AP - Steal Nothing]

This is an easy fight. Keep attacking like normal, and use the Overdrive if it
comes up. Use a potion if your HP hits 150-200. You did _remember_ to buy them,
didn't you? Just keep it up and he (enemy) will quit. Watch how many healing
items you use up though, unless you have over 10, limit the healing in battle,
you really need them in an upcoming fight. Don't worry about that though.

Join Up! Kimahri is part of the party now. Go into battle with him, and you
should get a tutorial fight with him. But here is the Tutorial fight rundown.

High HP enemies - Use Kimahri
Powerful Enemies - Use Yuna

Continue on until you reach the boat, but before leaving, speak with the
townsfolk to get a bunch of useful items. Board the boat, and head off !

SS Liki - Trouble Brews
[Important Items - Al Bhed Primer vol. III]

Finally! A small break from all the noise, fights, and people! Talk to
everyone, including Wakka and explore the Ship! Below deck, you can find a
merchant, O'aka. He overcharges for most things, but is nearly everywhere in
the game. If your feeling nice, loan him cash. It will let O'aka buy rare items
for him to sell in his shop, but watch how much you give him. Potions are the
best bet right now. Make sure you have at least 5 Phoenix Downs and 10 Potions.
Talk to the Blitzball team, and check everything out. After you're done taking
a break, go ahead and look for the Al Bhed Primer vol. III. If you find it,
great. It is in the Power Room. After that, head on deck and talk to Yuna.

It won't take long after talking to Yuna that everything gets deadly. All of a
sudden, the ship starts to shake, and people run onto the deck. Someone yells
out "SIN !". Not good. Get ready for a fight too. After the crew harpoons Sin,
your taken into battle.

[MINI-BOSS - Sins Fin]
[2000 HP - 10 AP - Steal Nothing]

3 Sin-scales are on deck, not to mention Sin itself. Kill off 2 of the
sin-scales. If you kill all of them, Sin just gives you more to kill. With only
1 left, bring in Wakka, Lulu, and Yuna into battle. Have Yuna summon her brand
new Aeon (Valefor). Every action an Aeon does will increase its overdrive. So
attack Sin with thunder. When your Overdrive fills up, unleash the Energy Ray
onto Sin, most certainly killing him. If the Aeon cannot pull it off, and dies,
then start attacking Sin with Wakka’s normal attack and Lulu’s magic. Heal with
a potion the second you drop below 200 HP. Sin won't take long to beat.

Sin is scared off, and not long after, Wakka notices Tidus is gone and a
Harpoon is missing. Wakka dives into the water only to find...

[MINI-BOSS - Sinspawn Echuilles]
[2000 HP - 12 AP - Steal Nothing]

Oh great, now you only have Wakka and Tidus, so first things first. If you drop
to 200 HP, heal up. And always make sure the enemy has Darkness inflicted on
it. So try to use Wakka’s Dark Attack every 3-4 turns. Keep using your normal
attacks, and your overdrive whenever needed. Heal when needed and keep up the
fight. Do NOT attack the Piranha, just the Sin Spawn. After plenty of attacks,
it goes down.

Kilika - Recovery Operation
[Al Bhed Primer Vol. IV]

Well, after defeating the Sinspawn, the next place you can control is here. So
watch the movies as Sin attack Kilika, and you arrive there. You will gain
control soon. Keep going west, where Yuna performs a sending.

Kilika - Story line Clean Up

Time to explain what is going on.

Ok, first off, whenever, and wherever Sin goes, it leaves behind creatures
called Sinspawn to clean up the place, kill anyone left, etc. Sin is always
known to return for its spawn. What you fought with Wakka and Tidus was a

Next, a summoner has another job; The sending. This is where a Summoner
performs a dance to send the spirits of a person into the Farplane, and the
Farplane is where these spirits live. Not all people’s spirits are sent though.
Sometimes a bond between the real world and a person is so strong, that the
spirit stays on the planet. This isn't good, because the spirits are
uncontrollable and act like fiends in the real world.

Kilika - Departure

Not too much time is spent in Kilika. Go and speak with Wakka on the far right
side of Kilika. Before that, check out the town. An Al Bhed Primer is in the
Bar, which makes 4. Check out the shop and buy any extra items too. Talk with
Wakka, and make your way on to the temple. Head west to enter the forest.

A Tutorial battle comes up about Lancet. You use Lancet from Kimahri to learn
new overdrives for him. So in the tutorial fight, use it and learn Seed Cannon.
Whenever you find an enemy with a strange ability, try Lancet 3 times. After
that, proceed and find Lord Ochu.

[4649 HP - 40 AP - Steal Nothing]

This can be hard or easy. Start by bringing in Wakka, Lulu, and Yuna. Have Yuna
summon an Aeon and fight using Fire Magic. If the Overdrive comes up use it.
Have the Aeon fight to its death, and after that, keep Yuna in the party to use
cure magic and esuana to heal poisoning. Try to keep everyone at Full HP
throughout the fight by using Yuna. Have Lulu keep casting Fire, and switch
between Wakka, Kimahri, and Tidus to use normal attacks. After a while, Ochu
goes down. Ouch.

Go to the Save Sphere and heal if needed, and prepare to save. A bit of a long
path ahead. Don't bother exploring, no useful items here. Just follow the River
as it curves north.

Kilika Temple - Sinspawn Again

Once you get to the temple stairs, everyone races up. Talk to Lulu and then
save the game. At least use the Save Sphere to heal. Head on up and find...

[BOSS - Sinspawn Geneaux]
[3000 HP - 53 AP - Steal Nothing]

Sure, there are Boss fights every 10 minutes it seems, but this is easy. Attack
the tentacles behind you with everything you have. When they go down, direct
all fire magic, Aeons, and attacks at the main part. This thing will go down
FAST. Follow a new rule, if you dip to 300 HP, heal. Use Yuna for healing
instead of potions.

After the fight, go to the nearest Save Sphere, heal and save your game. Head
to the temple and meet a few Rivals. Seems Wakka is being friendly, but not
those Luca Goers. You will beat them come tournament time though, so for now
proceed to the central stairs, only to remember you're not a guardian. You have
to wait until they come back, so check the place out.

A few steps, and it seems Yuna’s Rival summoner comes up to you. Her and her
Guardian throw you down into the Cloister Of Trails. Once Tidus realizes he
can't be there, he notices the elevator platform isn't working. Oh well, might
as well continue onwards.

Kilika Temple - Cloister of Trials

Yay, more puzzles. The first thing you see is a pedestal. Approach it and take
the nice fiery Kilika Sphere. Put that sphere into the slot by the door,
causing it to burn. Grab the sphere and head on through the door. Put the
sphere into the slot on the north wall. Take it out, and put it in the slot on
the left wall. Touch any Glyphs that appear, thus opening up a wall. Take the
blue sphere from the Pedestal and put it into a slot on the right side. GO
through the wall opening and into a room with fire. Step on the symbols on the
floor causing the pedestal to appear in the room. Take the red fiery sphere
from the right wall and pop it into the pedestal. Now place the blue sphere
form the previous room into that slot which ignites the fire. The fire is
burned out. Push the pedestal into the slot on the floor and cross the gap. Go
ahead and place the sphere you found down in the gap by the northern door. Take
it out, burning the door, and make your way through.

Kilika Temple - The Fayth

About time! Well, first of all you get in trouble for coming down here. You
explain what happened and that clears your name. Speak to everyone a few times
and walk around. Eventually Yuna comes through the door, exhausted. She has
been granted the Aeon Ifrit for her praying. Leave the temple, and head back to
the village of Kilika.

Kilika - The new Ship

When you arrive at Kilika, go down to the ocean docks and depart on the new
ship with your party.

SS Winno - Exploration
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer vol. V.]

Important: DO NOT inspect the Blitzball on deck yet

Go under the ship, and find O'aka. Lend him some cash since all those fights
should have made you rich. You do not need too many potions, since you should
be healing with Yuna. Get 5 potions, unless you already have them, just for
emergencies, and don't worry about having more than 3 Phoenix Downs. Lend O'aka
as much as you can, but try to leave 1000 Gil for yourself.

Go back on deck and approach the upper floor, and listen to what Wakka and Lulu
have to say. Keep on going up the stairs until they have nothing further to
say. After that, head into the control room. It’s the room beneath where you
spied on Wakka and Lulu. Grab the Al Bhed Primer Vol. V. So that makes 5
letters translated, good.

Now BEFORE doing anything, save the game. Now head onto the deck and talk to
the Blitzball. You get this chance to learn the Jecht Shot. It starts with some
practice by having you press in a direction and press X. this works best using
the analog stick. Now the real thing will start. Whenever memories (words)
appear on the screen, press towards that direction and press X. If you do it
right, the words will disappear. Get them all to go away, and Tidus learns the
Almighty Jecht Shot Mark III. If you fail, reload the game (hence the saving
point). After that, you arrive in Luca.

Luca - The Blitzball Begins
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer vol. VI. and vol. VII.]

Shortly after your arrival, the teams are all introduced and you're ready to
go. Yuna looks forward to the arrival of Maester Mika at a nearby dock.
Everyone goes to see his arrival and Mika introduces another Maester, Seymour.

You are taken to the Locker Room to prep for the coming up tournament. Go
through the tutorial and review it a few times. Go through the Passing and
Shooting 2 or 3 times. Plus, check on breaking 2 or 3 times.

Yuna comes in saying that Auron is somewhere in Luca, and she asks you to help
her look for him. Wakka says you had better be back soon, so leave the locker
room and take the first left, leading into the other locker rooms. You can find
The Al Bhed Primer Vol. VI in one of them. After that, head to the area marked
on the mini-map. When you find Yuna, you should be near the Theater. Remember
where this place is, so after your little encounter coming up, you can come
back and grab Al Bhed Primer vol. VII in the theater. Keep following the
Mini-map, until eventually, Yuna turns up missing. Only the Al Bhed could have
done such a thing, so assemble the party and head to Dock 4.

Keep on fighting your way around the Stadium towards Dock 4. Machina attack
you, so counter attack them by using thunder. It wont be long before you reach
Dock 4, only to see that the Al Bhed ship is leaving! After it!

Your party will jump onto the Al Bhed ship, and surprise!

[FIXED BOSS FIGHT - Oblitzerator]
[6000 HP - 36 AP - Steal Nothing]

This is a kind of a fixed fight. Have Lulu cast Thunder on the crane to the
right every turn until it starts up. Have Tidus inspect the Crane every turn to
turn it on. If you do it, the crane rips off the top half of the enemy Machina,
causing 4000-5000 hp of damage, and making it incapable of everything. If you
get to 300 HP, use a potion. This fight is a breeze.

Luca - The Blitzball Opening Season Tournament

After the whole Yuna kidnapping thing, you will be returned to the Stadium
Locker Room. Check the tutorial one last time and get ready to Blitz. Talk to
Wakka and begin. The Luca Goers are nearly impossible to beat. At the start,
press triangle and select Manual A, so you can move around. Whenever you get
the ball, back up and pass to Tidus. Get Tidus in a little close and shoot.
Whenever it asks you to break, look at your END number. If it’s higher than the
number below, break to the first player, then shoot or pass. If it’s lower, do
not break and shoot or pass. The game is nearly rigged, so do not worry about
winning. The crowd will cheer for Wakka to come out in the second half, so pass
to Wakka and shoot like crazy.

Luca - Under Heavy Attack

After the game, Wakka gives you a thumbs up for trying so hard. All of a
sudden, you're attacked! Get up and fight! These guys are no problem, of
course, so use your Dark Attack and Normal Attack. When they all annihilated,
you finally see Auron. Auron gets in a battle, so just cut through, until Wakka
and Tidus find Auron. Be prepared to fight, but before attacking, remember:

Flying Monster - Use Wakka
Ground Monster - Use Tidus
Armored Monster - Use Auron

The monsters keep coming, and all of a sudden, the new Maester Seymour summons
a great beast from the underworld. And every time it blinks, a monster is
killed. Everyone comes out safe, and Seymour seems to have saved everyone.
After the mayhem, don't forget about Al Bhed Primer Vol. VII in the Theater!!!

Luca - The Strongest Guardian

Follow your mini-map now that everything is OK, until you meet up with the
others, and Auron proposes to be Yuna’s Guardian. She accepts, and it is time
to continue the Pilgrimage.

Luca - Story line Clear Up

Auron tells you that Sin is Jecht. Jecht is your father, so what happened so
long ago? Only time will tell...

Mi'ihen - The Road
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primers vol. XII, IX, and X]
[Warning ! Strong Random Battles Ahead !]

Ok, here we are! First off, head to the Save Sphere lvl. 2. Now, you may
participate in Blitzball whenever you desire. Save the game and head out. Make
sure to talk to every single person that you see. They all have valuable
information and give away free items! The Random Battles here are hard, mainly
because the Dual Horns 500HP attack and the Bombs Self-Destruct.

Dual Horn - Blind using Wakka’s Dark attack
Bomb - Kill using the Ifrit Aeon or Lulu’s Blizzard Spell

Continue along the path, speaking to everyone, and make sure to talk to the
Chocobo (pronounced cho-ca-bo) Knights and learn about them. After that,
somewhere on the path to the right side is Belgemine, who is a summoner. You
will see her plenty of times throughout your journeys, so talk to her and she
will challenge your Aeon to a duel to see your power. Every other turn Ifrit
has, it uses Meteor, so use the new Shield command when this happens. It helps
by having the Overdrive ready at the start of the fight. If you win, you get a
Echo Ring; and if you lose, you get a Seekers Rings, both are better than what
you should have now.

By this point, check up on every ones Sphere Grids. Have Lulu try to go towards
the Fira, Bliazzara, Thundara, and Watera spells by this point. They will help
a lot.

Continue Up the road until you see a Blitzball. Talk to the kid who owns it
forest, then kick it. If you do it the other way around, the kid will be mad at
you for losing it. Continue until you come to a rest area. Go inside and take a
nap. On your way out, Rin, the owner of a large chain of Al Bhed Inns, will
give you Al Bhed Primer Vol. VIII. If you are liking Blitzball, and want a new
player, approach Rin and press Square to hire him. You can do this to anyone,
and even hire Wakka back onto the team.

Leave and continue your journey. But wait? What was that! The Chocobos are in
trouble! Go outside quickly!

Mi'ihen - The Chocobo Eater

[BOSS - Chocobo Eater]
[10,000 HP - 135 AP - Steal Nothing]

Hard fight here. Start off by using Power Break on the monster, and then attack
it with all you have. Use Aeons, magic, attacks, anything that deals a lot of
damage. You have to flip the enemy onto its back. Then it can be pushed by
using a strong attack. You need to kill the Chocobo eater before it pushes you
off. Plus, this the only way to get an Al Bhed Primer, and 135 AP. Heal if
you're HP gets in the yellow area. If you lose, you're on the Low road. If you
win, you're on the Highroad. Either way, they both lead to the same area, so
win or lose, start walking.

Start walking to the next area. If you won that last fight, look out for the Al
Bhed Primer Vol. IX on the road. If you're not up there, just survive the
battles and get to the Mushroom Gates. (What should also be noted is, that once
you arrive at the main gate for Operation Mi'ihen, you can take the high road).

Mi'ihen - Mushroom Gates

When you arrive here, by the Highroad or low road, talk to the person by the
Chocobo. You need to rent one for 1000 gil. If you can't afford it, start
selling junk or fighting. If you killed the Chocobo Eater, you get a Chocobo
for free. Now that you're on it, go through and continue (no random fights on
Chocobos) and look for special areas. Press X near the ledge, and the Chocobo
can jump to inaccessible areas. Look for areas with rocks to jump to. There
should be an area on the left side you can get back in the low road area, by

Try to go through the Mushroom Gates and you will learn you cannot pass. Talk
to the man on the left and he explains the upcoming operation. You can donate
money to the cause.

100 Gil - Scout (Wakka Weapon)
1000 Gil - Ice Lance (Kimahri Weapon)
10000 Gil - Moon Ring (Yuna Armor)

But most likely, you can only hand over 100 or 1000 by now. Walk away from the
gates and it turns out Maester Seymour is there. Yuna explains the situation
further, and Seymour orders the Guards to grant them access. Follow Seymour and
get ready for a WILD ride.

Mi'ihen - Exploration to the Command Center

Oh boy. Talk to everyone and everything you see, and he or she will more than
likely give you an item. Follow the mini-map through this mini-maze. You will
get to dead ends frequently, but investigate strange looking rocks to find out
they are platforms that lead to other areas. Go through this huge area, and you
will find the Command Center at the end.

Mi'ihen - The Upcoming Battle

Finally... after you get through all that, there is a field of forbidden
Machina. Head through all that talking to everyone the whole way. O'aka is also
here, overpricing his weapons. He sells weapons and armor for around 4000-7000
a piece. Ouch. Head further on and keep going until you see the Save Sphere on
the mini-map (white box).

In the command center (yes, it is a tent) you can see Gatta outside. Earlier
before you got here, he was arguing with Luzzu about wanting to fight Sin. Now,
the following things you do determines death or life for 2 people when talking
to Gatta.

Talk to Gatta Twice. Choose 2nd option (fight Sin) two times. Gatta dies, and
with any other option order, will cause Gatta to not fight Sin and Luzzu will

Tough choice, but you have to choose. Now, about the insane Operation going on?
Let me brief you on it...

Mi'ihen - The Dangerous Operation

1. Capture Sinspawn
2. Lure Sin to come back for them
3. Attack Sin with Crusaders, Chocobo Knights, and Forbidden Machina

Well, they already have the Sinspawn ready. Go to the Save Sphere and save the
game. Head inside the tent and follow the Mini-map. Eventually, the mini-map
leads you to a guy. Talk to him and say your ready. Here it goes!

The cage full of Sinspawn is put out over the ocean, and once the cage is
opened up, and the Sinspawn fall into the sea below. Unfortunately, it turns
out that one of them can fly and it attacks the closest thing (which just so
happens to be Tidus and the party)!

[BOSS - Sinspawn Gui]
[Head 4000 Hp - No AP - Steal Grenade]
[Body 12000 Hp]
[Arm 800 Hp each]

Strategy contributed by: amazingmrdonut
"First off make sure Yuna and Ifrit are at overdrive. Go into battle and summon
Ifrit and have him deuce out his overdrive twice. This should take care of the
head and both arms( temporarily). If it didn't take out the head have Wakka
beat it a few more times and Lulu cast some ara spells on it. Next bring in
your tough hitters like Kimahri, Auron and Tidus and have them beat the hell
out of the body. After three turns the arms regenerate. Bring in Lulu to cast
ara spells on them to get some overkill points, and you can now continue
attacking the body. I seriously suggest having Tidus cast haste on most
everybody especially Yuna because you'll need to cycle her in to heal a lot."

After the battle, witness Sins attack. Hundreds are killed as Sin unleashes a
barrier. But it turns out the Sinspawn Gui isn't dead! Seymour joins the fight.

[BOSS - Sinspawn Gui]
[Head 1000 Hp - 1514 AP - Steal Nothing]
[Body 6000 Hp]
[Arm 800 Hp each]

Easy fight. No strategy here, just experiment with Seymour’s magic attacks.
Attack anything with Seymour and it will die in 1 turn, except the body. Just
mess around.

Dark Child Sent this in about Seymours overdrive
He actually has an Overdrive called Requiem, and it resembles a series of
cosmic implosions and Sigil inscribed rings that spin, dealing about 2300
damage to everything whence is completes

When Tidus sees all the dead people, Sin starts to back off. Tidus jumps in the
water and swims after Sin.Tidus ends up washed ashore, so inspect everyone to
see who is dead, who is alive. Talk to the party, then have Yuna perform the
sending. Onto the next place.

Djose Highroad - To the Temple
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI]

Once again, just head down the path. you will come to several people, talk to
them in order to receive gifts. Along the way will be a huge, spiky, pointy
rock on the side of the road. Behind it is the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI.. Keep
going up the road, and you will notice a fork in the road. After talking to
Auron, you find out you are headed to the temple, so take the right path.

Djose Highroad - Djose Temple

Finally. Wait, that highroad wasn't long at all... oh well. Head into the Inn
and heal if you need to. Afterwards, head into the temple, where you will learn
that Summoners have been disappearing during their Pilgrimage. Before heading
anywhere else in the Temple, search around. On the left side is a chest with
4000 Gil in it, and there are a few more goodies here. When you are ready, go
up the middle set of stairs.

Djose Temple - The Cloister of Trials

Take the two spheres in this room and insert them into the slots by the door.
Go through. Now, take 1 of the spheres by the door and insert it into the
farthest right slot in the room. Take the other sphere and insert it into the
other slot on the far right of the room.

This causes the pillar above to become charged. Take the pedestal with the
sphere in it, and push it under the charged pillar. This charges the sphere on
the pedestal. Take the charged Sphere and insert it into the slot by the door
in this room. Go to the far left of the room with the pedestal and step on the
floor glyph.

Grab the two spheres that are charging the pillar on the ceiling, and put them
into the pedestal. Now, push the Pedestal with the spheres into the pit of
lighting in the room to the north. This disables the electricity, so you can
now go across the lightning pit and push the pedestal inwards.

Jump back to the main room, and step on the floor glyph on the far left again
to reset the pedestal to its original position. Take both spheres from the
pedestal, and put the into the two slots all the way back into the entrance
room. Go back to the pedestal room and take the charged sphere.

Put it into the slot to the left of the door leading to the lightning pit. Go
to the pedestal and ride the new platform up. On this level, go to all 5
pedestals in the rooms, and push them into the wall as far as they go. This
unlocks a staircase.

Ride to the lower level first though. Go to the far left in the room and touch
the glyph on the wall. This reveals a destruction sphere. Go back to the higher
level and place the destruction sphere into the pedestal. Claim your prize,
then climb the stairs.

Djose Temple - The Fayth

Speak to everyone twice, then attempt to leave the room. Yuna will come out of
the chamber, with a new Aeon. Ixion, the thunder horse/unicorn/Aeon thing!

Djose Temple - Continue the Pilgrimage!

Whew! Tidus wakes up in the Inn, all alone. Go ahead and open the treasure
chest in the room, then go outside and greet the party. They inform you that
they are waiting on Yuna. Go into the temple and explore the side rooms. Talk
to everyone and eventually, Yuna wakes up. Time to get going! Exit the Djose
Temple area, back to the fork in the road. Now, head left!

Moonflow Path - Traveling
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. XII, Summoners Soul, and Key Spheres]

Ok, now head north along this path picking up anything you see and speaking
with everyone. There are quite a few Key Spheres hidden in small caves, ledges,
etc. Head on north until you find Belgemine once again.

She wants to see how your Aeons have developed, so she challenges you to a
battle. Summon Ifrit to counter her Ixion. This fight is much easier if every
Aeon comes in with a full Overdrive. Unleash everything you have on her. Don't
worry about boosting, or shielding, just attack and build your overdrive. If
Ifrit falls first, Summon Valefor as back up. If you win, you get some dragon
Scales. No matter what though, she gives you a Summoners Soul. This lets you
teach your Aeons abilities, provided you have the correct mix of items.

Win or lose, head out.

It won't take long until the path leads to the Shoopuf Departure Bay. Shoopufs
are well.... you will see. When you arrive, speak with your party members to
learn about Shoopufs, and what’s coming up. Go to the stores and stock up on
Potions and Phoenix Downs. Save the game, and talk to the Shoopuf Driver when
you are ready to depart.

After departing, it won't take long until...

[BOSS - Extractor]
[4000 HP - 660 AP - Steal Nothing]

Easy, easy. Again, only Wakka and Tidus can fight underwater. Attack it with
everything you have, making sure to use Wakka’s Overdrive correctly. Make sure
you try to get Wakka’s overdrive to get at least 2 thunder elements. Whenever
the Extractor goes above you, have Wakka attack it and Tidus heal. at that
point it is readying depth charges. When they are unleashed, heal up with those
potions you bought. Continue this and the Extractor is gone in no time.

The Shoopuf stops and you all get off to recover. In the area ahead, O'aka has
the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XII, so grab it. After saving the game and what not,
get aboard the Shoopuf again.

Moonflow - You have arrived

Finally, you arrive, so check it out. It wont be long before Tidus stumbles
onto Rikku. It seems she was inside that extractor you busted up, yeah, the one
that was after Yuna. She is back now, and wants to join the party. A Tutorial
fight will show you her abilities, but here is a fast rundown:

Steal - Steals items
Use - Uses Stolen items
Mix - Mixes two items that will either restore health, or attack enemies

And this is used later on.

Steal - Can kill some Machina in one hit by having Rikku dissemble them

After hanging out at the Moonflow, continue the Pilgrimage. The next temple is
getting closer.

Guadosalam - Talking arises
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIII]

When you arrive, there is not a lot of freedom to do anything, so this next
part is quite linear. When you enter Guadosalam, Rikku will teach you how to
customize armor. Try it out now. This will however, deplete your inventory of
whatever is needed to make the weapon, so be careful.

When you gain control, head to the Inn, the nearest building. Check it out, and
use the save sphere there. Don't forget to check all the houses here for the Al
Bhed Primer Vol. XIII.. Go ahead and explore, but you really can't go anywhere,
so just follow the mini-map into Seymour’s place. After talking to the party,
open the huge purplish colored doors and go on in.

Seymour offers food, so talk to your party as everyone eats. When you're done,
go ahead and exit. Seymour also proposes that Yuna marry him, and the marriage
is to help the people of Spira, but Yuna wants some more time to think it over.
Moving right along, exit the temple and join up with the party. They suggest
visiting the Farplane, so go right along up the ramp and to its entrance.
Remember, the Farplane is where the dead spirits are taken.

Follow the party into the Farplane and speak with Wakka to see how he is doing.
You watching that conversation between him and his brother unlocks the power of
the Brotherhood weapon, raising its attributes. Talk to Lulu also, then catch
up with Yuna to see what she thinks of the marriage.

Exit the Farplane with everyone else and wait around and speak with your party.
A lady in green tells your party that Seymour has left to another temple, so
gather the party and head into the Thunder Plains, onward to Seymour, so Yuna
can speak with him.

Thunder Plains - Onto Macalania
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer vol. XIV]

Ok, here we are. It won't take long until Auron and the others explain what the
Thunder Plains are. There isn't any strategy involved here. When a lightning
bolt is about to strike, press X to dodge it. Do this all the way through the
Thunder Plains. Make sure to speak to the old man near a lightning rod to get a
history lesson about this place.

[Quick Note:]
Why is Rikku afraid of lightning ?
Funny thing is that when Rikku was younger, her brother was trying to save her
from a sea creature by casting lighting magic, and accidentally hit Rikku.
That’s where her fear of it comes from.

Continue through the place until Rikku forces the party to hide out inside an
Inn for a little while. The party gives in, so take a rest. To get the next Al
Bhed primer, talk to Rikku. Rin will come out and ask how the study of the
language is going. Say that it is going "good" and he hands over the next
valuable Al Bhed Primer vol. XIV..

Explore the Inn and check up on Yuna if you need to. Exit the Rest area, and
prepare to finish it off. Continue through the Thunder Plains, following your
mini-map. Eventually, Yuna has to say something important. That is, she has
decided to marry. After the party hears that, continue onwards and exit this

Macalania - The Journey to the Temple
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. XV, and XVI]

Ah, another forest. Talk to everyone on the way, but don't take too long. The
random fights here are nasty, so get to the area marked on the mini-map as fast
as you can.

Keep going through until you meet a weird person, who offers you to play a
mini-game. You have to catch (touch) 7 Blue Butterflies. Accept the challenge.
Head back the way you came and touch all 7 to get a prize. Touching a red one
results in a hard fight.

After that, continue onwards. When you come across O'aka, go to the side
opposite him and search the ground for a hidden Al Bhed Primer Vol. XV.. Also,
go into O'aka's inventory of junk and don't buy anything. Tell him then that
his prices are too steep, and he cuts the priced by a lot!

Continue onwards and you come across...

[BOSS - Spherimorph]
[12000 HP - 3240 AP - Steal Either]

This is a semi hard fight, but there is a sure-fire way to beat him. Fight him
until he starts to attack using fire or thunder. Now, summon the Aeon that
corresponds to it. If it uses fire, summon Ifrit, Thunder, summon Ixion. Now,
do not use your Overdrives or anything that will cause more than 500-600
damage. So just keep using your normal attack or special until it dies. You can
also heal using fire or thunder on yourself. It’s a cheap and long way to win,
but it’s easy. Or you can fight the normal way, by using Lulu. Just have Lulu
use the opposite element that Spherimorph uses for major damage.

Strategy by Ben
"First make sure Ifrit and Rikku have their overdrives. When Shperimorph
starts to use blizzard summon Ifrit and have him use hell fire until Ifrit
dies then Rikku combine any 2 itmes to deal damage to the enemy and if
spreimorph is till alive use lulu to finish it off"

When it is dead, it leaves behind a Jecht Sphere. Collecting them makes Auron
learn new Overdrives. This sphere also proves that Jecht really likes Tidus
deep inside.

Macalania - Lake Macalania

About time isn't it? Well, everything is frozen over, but that’s no problem.
Head on to the Travel Agency Inn, and just outside of it is a guy and a
Chocobo. He wants you to suggest a career to him, so go ahead. After that,
check the ground for a nice, cold, yellow, Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVI.. Wow,
that’s a lot of books so far!

Heal at the Inn and save the game. If you do not save the game, you're in
trouble, the next part can get challenging.

[BOSS - Crawler]
[16000 HP - 4950 AP - Steal Lunar Curtain]

Machina! It must be the Al Bhed once again! First things first, destroy the
little negator floating above. That allows you to use summons and magic, but
charges the Crawlers Mana beam, a devastating attack. Once you do that, summon
Ixion. Have Ixion unleash all it’s got on the Machina. Remember that Machina
are weak vs. lightning. When it says Mana beam in 1 turn, have the Aeon use
shield. The second 1 Aeon goes down, get another. This should take care of the
whole fight. If all your Aeons go down, or you don't want to face the Mana
beam, then just rely on physical damage with Kimahri, Tidus, and Wakka or
Auron. If you don't plan on using magic, don't destroy the negator floating in
the sky.

Macalania - The Temple

Ok, the temple, about time. Head inside first of all and get ready for a lot of
surprises. Go up into the Cloister of Trials, but then you hear something. Go
back down and enter the right side door to reveal Seymour’s true plans! Talk to
everyone in the temple and they will shed light on Seymour. Before heading into
the temple any more, save the game! This is crucial! Head into the Cloister of
Trails and find Seymour, waiting for Yuna to exit the Fayth. As Yuna comes out,
she tells Seymour why she really came there. To kill Seymour, not to marry him!

[BOSS - Seymour]
[6000 Hp - 0 AP - Steal Turbo Ether]

This is the hardest fight yet! Bring out Rikku, Yuna, and Auron first. Have
Rikku steal from each of the guards on each side of Seymour. That will take all
their potions, so they cannot auto-heal anymore. Switch Rikku for Tidus.

Have Yuna cast cure when you're hurt, and have her cast Null-Frost-,
Null-Thunder, Null-Water, and Null-Blaze in that order. Have Yuna continually
cast them each time her turn comes, in the same order. That will protect from
Seymour’s magic now, and later on.

Have Tidus and Auron Attack the Guado Guards on each side using their attack,
and have Auron Magic Break on Seymour for later on.

The Null magic is very important, because later on, Seymour will start casting
magic that can do 1800+ damage, and the Null will block it.

Have Tidus cast Haste on Yuna when the guards are dead. Now, make sure that all
the null-magic is in effect on your whole party. You can tell because they
should each have 3-4 small spheres encircling them. If there are spheres
orbiting each character, (at least 3 to be safe), then attack Seymour with all
you got, except for Yuna, who needs to keep up the Null-Magic.

Once Seymour is hurt enough, he summons Anima.

[BOSS AEON - Anima]
[18000 Hp - 0 AP - Steal Silence Grenade (not worth it!)]

Ha. This is going to be hard. On Yuna's next turn, summon the Aeon "????", its
the one she got from this temple. It’s Shiva! Now, whenever Anima attacks using
Pain, heal yourself using Blizzard. When your Overdrive fills up, unleash it.
You should do 6000-8000 damage. Now, do the same thing. If you ever get 2 turns
in a row, or you're at max HP on your turn, cast Heavenly Strike on Anima, but
do NOT use any magic. Keep this up and Anima will die. If Shiva dies, or runs
out of magic, summon Ixion and the others. As a last resort, use Auron to

[BOSS - Seymour]
[6000 Hp - 6220 AP - Steal Turbo Ether]

Round number 2. Seems that Seymour healed himself, plus learned multi-magic.
Once you gain control, Seymour will probably cast a multi-spell, but if you
followed this FAQ and casted Null-Magic, then you're OK. Whenever Seymour uses
the multi-magic, it will destroy the corresponding null barrier. So if he uses
Multi-Firaga, cast Null-Blaze on the next turn. Keep it up, with Yuna healing
and nullifying. Have Auron and Tidus or Wakka attack and this guy, and he will
be dead in no time. On Tidus' first turn, cast haste on Yuna. This whole fight
may take multiple tries, but you can do it! Remember that this last part is
much easier if you cast hate on Yuna.

Macalania - The Cloister of Trials

Uh oh, you killed a Maester. Now you're in deep, deep doggie-doo. As you try to
leave, the temple guys reset the Cloister of Trials before you can get out. Oh
well, this is one of the easiest ones. Go down the ramp thing to the lower
floor. Take the sphere from the very middle pillar. Put it into the pedestal.
Now, push the pedestal to the right until it hits a pile of ice and stops. Now
push it northwards until it falls into a hole. Follow the pedestal and take the
sphere out. Put it into the left-most slot on the wall down there. Go back up,
and take the newly accessible sphere. Go back down and put it into the
pedestal. Push the pedestal to the right, creating a brand new 1/3 completed
bridge. Now, go back up, and grab the sphere all the way on the far right side.
Take it down the ramp and place it in the pillar on the left. Go back up and
grab the sphere right next to the ramp going down. Then, place it in the pillar
where you took the first sphere from. Now, go back up to where the ice bridge
is completed, and step on the floor glyph. The pedestal is now at the top of
the long ramp. Take the sphere out from the pedestal and push the pedestal down
the ramp. Go down the long ramp, and onto the floor. Go down and step on the
floor glyph. Take the sphere your holding and insert it into the slot on the
far right of the room, making icicles appear. Take the sphere from the center
pillar of the room now. Put it into the slot by the ramp leading into the
basement floor. Go back to the pedestal and take the destruction sphere from
it. Go to the lowest level and place it in the slot right next to the doorway.
Go in and claim your prize. Go back up and push the pedestal to the right,
smashing into the icicles. Take the sphere from the far right slot in the room
and place it into the pedestal. Push the pedestal north causing it to fall into
the basement floor. Go down there and push the pedestal to the right,
completing part of the bridge. Go back up and take the sphere by the basement
ramp, and place it in the pillar in the center of the room and get out of here!

Macalania - The Escape!

Oh great, the troubles still are not over. Run for your life and do not stop!
If a Guado catches up with you, you must fight it along with 2 powerful
enemies. If you do get in a fight with one, I suggest stealing their potions so
they cannot heal. Keep running until you get to a snowy, rocky area. It forks
into two paths. Take the right path for time purposes. As you finally escape,
you run into...

[BOSS - Windigo]
[18000 Hp - 3160 AP - Steal Hi-Potion]

This fight can get very rough. Bring in Rikku, Yuna, and Wakka. Have Wakka keep
using sleep attack to keep the beast asleep. Have Rikku steal the potions off
the guards. Switch Rikku for Auron. The guards may cast berserk on Windigo,
doubling the creature’s attack power. Counter-act that with using Auron's
threaten, to un-berserk it, and use Power Break to make it weak. Summon Shiva
ASAP to do some major damage. Kill off the guards first, and if Shiva goes
down, bring in Ifrit, then Valefor, and then Ixion. Keep up the Sleep attack
and Windigo is toast.

Macalania - Under the Ice

Saving the game is a great idea here. Talk to everyone multiple times to make
sure you get out. All of a sudden, Sin revisits you guys! This time, no

The Desert - Sanubia Desert Oasis
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVII, and XVIII]

Tidus wakes up nearly drowning in a pool of water. The first thing he sees is
sand. Not good. Swim to the lower left and dive to open a treasure chest with
some medicines in it.

Continue northwards, out of the pool of water. All of a sudden, you're ambushed

[12000 Hp - 1200 AP - Steal Smoke Bomb]

Well, well, well. Start off by exchanging blows and healing. After taking an
attack that does major damage, Auron enters the battle! Use his power break
right away, and keep up the battle until Lulu comes in. Cast thunder on the
bird. Keep this up, and its bye-bye Zu.

Your still missing Wakka, Yuna, Kimahri, and Rikku. 4 people. Auron and Lulu
say they have seen no one else. Heal up and head out into the desert. Head
north until you see Wakka! Great job. But he hasn't seen Yuna and he is pretty
depressed over it. Open the nearby chest and grab the potions. These are Al
Bhed potions only which can be used by Rikku. (I wonder why Wakka never saw the
chest there...)

Continue with Wakka along the what seems to be convenient desert path. You will
come across Kimahri, and he too is saddened over not fulfilling his role as
Guardian to protect Yuna.

Follow the path and you should stumble onto Rikku, who knows a few secrets.
Follow Rikku through the desert to this "Home" she talks about. Keep going
until you reach a fork in the road. Head left. Keep going and near the exit,
under a semi-circular ruin is the next Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVII! Go north until
you find a sign. Right around it is Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVIII ! Lucky you. Go
ahead and go to this "Home"

Sanubia Desert - Al Bhed HOME
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer vol. XIX, XX, and XXI]

Not good! Rikku notices her home is being destroyed, so go and approach it to
find out that the Guado are attacking Rikku’s home! After talking to Cid,
Rikku’s dad, go into the Home. Inspect the dead people first for healing items,
or leave them in their pride. Either way, save the game. Right by the Save
Sphere is a wonderful Al Bhed Primer vol. XIX.. Head into the center area, only
to be attacked by the Guado. Use the main strategy, steal his potions and
summon an Aeon. Keep this up for every random fight you enter.

Go down the stairs and through the south hall, then you should stumble onto a
few rooms. There are locked treasure chests here. They are coded in Al Bhed
though, and the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XX. might help. It’s right here in the same
room. To open the chest, you need to match up words that appear, with the Al
Bhed translation. Primers or no Primers, I'll give the answers to you all.

#1 - Center Bottom Word
#2 - Right Center Word
#3 - The Center word

There. Now get your fabulous prize, a sphere for the ability grid. Now exit the
room and go down the stairs. Go through the right-hand path after saving.
Search the floor for Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXI.. Enter the blue lighted door to
enter a fight. The chests in the room require Al Bhed translation. So if you
got it then:

1st Number: Add both numbers
2nd Number: Subtract 2nd from the 1st
3rd Number: Multiply Numbers 1 and 2
4th Number: Add both numbers

This won't make since unless you have picked up all 21 Al Bhed Primers up to
this point. The other chest asks you question you need to answer them
correctly. They are displayed in Al Bhed, but if you have not gotten all the

Question 1 : 3rd Option
Question 2 : 4th Option
Question 3 : 2nd Option
Question 4 : 1st Option

You got all you need. Exit the room and go back to the Save Sphere. Take the
left path this time and go into the Summoners Sanctum to learn some devastating

Sanubia Desert - Al Bhed HOME - Summoners Sanctum

You learn that When summoners call upon the Final Aeon, they are killed in the
process. But Wakka and Lulu say that Yuna has known ever since the start, and
that she wouldn't mind sacrificing herself to make people happy. So the Al Bhed
have been capturing Summoners, so they don't have to die. But then again, it’s
the summoner’s choice. They pick whether to die or not, and Yuna chose to die.
But Tidus wants to stop Yuna anyway and go against her will.

Also, the Guado kidnapped Yuna during the attack. To the airship!

Before leaving, pick up the items around which include 10000 gil and some lvl 4
lock spheres under the stairs. Depart for the airship.

Airship - A narrow escape

As you leave, the Al Bhed destroy Home, and Rikku gets emotional about it. Talk
to everyone on the Airship, and buy whatever you need from Rin too. Return to
the deck after you talk and speak with the Pilot. He has located Yuna, and she
is in a wedding dress ? What could be going on ? As the pilot tries to get on,
the airship is attacked by fiends! Time to fight! Save the game, and head for
the top of the airship. Speak with Rin and he lets you go outside. Ready for
battle? This one is tough!

[BOSS - Evrae]
[32,000 HP - 5400 AP - Steal Water Gem]

Ok, this will not be easy. Everyone needs to have at least 1700 HP, so fight
random battles on the airship if you need to. Begin by going in with Auron,
Tidus, and 1 last guy, and heading into the fight with full Overdrives. Unleash
your overdrives on him, and keep attacking. When all overdrives are exhausted,
use Tidus, Auron and Rikku. Have Tidus and Auron continue attacking and have
Rikku use an Al Bhed potion whenever someone is petrified or poisoned. When
Evrae goes down to 8000 HP, he casts haste. Have Tidus cast haste on everyone
before you nail the 8000 HP mark. When Evrae inhales air, it’s going to use
Poison breath the next turn. Have Rikku use an Al Bhed Potion before and after
the attack. Keep it up, and Evrae will hit the floor hard. They key to the
battle is have everyone hastened, have Rikku use Al Bhed Potions, and have
everyone at least at 1700 HP to survive the Poison Breath.

Bevelle - A marriage gone wrong
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXII]

After the group defeats that ugly dragon, time to get to Bevelle. The group
watches as the airship crew let a few wires down to the Bevelle area. The party
jumps onto the wires, and grinds their way down to the marriage area in a nice
FMV. When you land though, Tidus starts busting through.

Keep pushing through everyone and healing as you proceed. The Warrior Monks
will fire their guns at you for 200 damage, but the threat is the Flamethrower
Guys. They will douse the party in flames, causing 800-1000 damage. If you get
into any fights with Machina, kill them first. The Machina with legs know the
attack Thrust Kick, and that’s something Kimahri can learn.

When you get to the Machina called YAT-99, kill the guards first, then unload
on that Machina. It will go down fast. Onwards to Seymour !

A nice little movie scene takes place here. Yuna didn't really want to marry,
but to send Seymour to the Farplane. As she is sending him, a Maester warns her
that if she sends him, Yuna’s friends would all die. Yuna gives up and is
forced to kill Seymour. Yuna walks to the edge of the tall platform, and says
that she can fly. As she jumps off, Tidus yells out to her but it’s too late.
As Yuna gets ready for an almost certain death, the area around her starts to
glow, and Valefor comes from the sky. Yuna lands on the Aeons front side and
looks toward the sky.

Uh oh, Tidus and Co are in trouble now. All of a sudden, Rikku says "shield
your eyes." Something is thrown at Seymour, and there is a delay. All of a
sudden, the item explodes. An Al Bhed Flash bomb ! Run outta there !

The party finds themselves at Bevelle Temple, only for Wakka to realize that
the temple uses Machina ! Yevon's teachings are nothing it seems... it was all
corrupted from day 1. Wakka is saddened. Rikku says the Machina is just comes
in handy. Heh. Well, when you gain control, examine the Machina control panel
until Tidus and friends get onto the platform. Onto the Cloister of Trials !
But when the platform gets to the bottom, inspect the area for an Al Bhed
Primer Vol. XXII ! It’s yellow, just like the ground, so look hard. Onwards !

Bevelle Temple - The Cloister Of Trials

Where would Yuna be ? One place of course, the temple ! She is probably at the
Fayth room praying right now, but first, you need to get through this Machina
Maze. It isn't pretty, but Ill try to explain this...

1. Push the first pedestal inwards, turning it into a platform.
2. You are in a loop, so do not worry if you mess # 3 up.
3. On the first turn, press X when the arrow points to the right.
4. Continue down, and go straight at the next turn.
5. Go to the end, and take the sphere. Place it into the pedestal.
6. Push the pedestal into the path. Go back to the loop.
7. When you're in start of the loop, turn right on the second turn.
8. Take a sphere from the pedestal and place it into the slot.
9. Push the pedestal back into the path and start looping.
10. From the loop start, go left on turn two. Take the sphere and loop.
11. At turn 1, go right. When you reach the bottom, go left.
12. You are in loop 2. Take a right turn at the last turn.
13. Place a sphere into the slot, uncovering a glyph sphere.
14. Go back to loop 2. Now, take a right turn at the 2nd to last turn.
15. Take the Glyph sphere there and pop it into the pedestal. Go into loop 2.
16. Go right at the last turn. Go across and insert the Glyph Sphere.
17. Take the destruction sphere. Get back in loop 2.
18. Go right on the 2nd to last turn. Pop in the destruction sphere in the slot
19. Get onto the loop. Turn right at the last turn, take the sphere there.
20. Get into loop 2. Make a right turn at the first available turn.
21. Push the pedestal across. Get into the new path.
22. Go up the stairs and take the treasure. Now step on the floor glyph.
23. Take a sphere from the pedestal and place it in the nearby slot.
24. Push the pedestal into the near path, and get your treasure.
25. Ride back an enter the Chamber of Fayth.

Bevelle Temple - The Chamber of Fayth

Tidus and Kimahri try to rip open the door to the Chamber of Fayth, where Yuna
is. Auron explains what is going on inside, and what the Fayth is. As Yuna gets
her Aeon, Bahamut, she faints. Tidus picks her up and heads out side. Rikku
yells to not come out but too late. They have been captured.

Bevelle - The High Court

Now for your fair trial ! Seems that Seymour, and all the Maester except the
Ronso one are dead, and that there is no use for the living. Yevon’s teachings
have gone horribly corrupted, and everything Wakka and Yuna believes is dirt.
Great. Great. Plus instead of a death sentence, you get to be thrown into a
what seems endless maze, with the whole party separated. What a day !

Bevelle - The Separated Party

You start by gaining control of Yuna. Remember three things down here: Do not
use Teleport pads, it’s easy to get lost, and there are a LOT of save spheres.
The reason to not Teleport, is because now you can gain levels easier by
walking. Yuna needs to level up a bit for the upcoming 2 battles. Now, to get
through this place:

1. Go east and follow the hall, then go north.
2. Keep heading north until you find Kimahri.
3. Grab the nearby treasure and keep following the path north.
4. As the path keeps going, you run into Auron.
5. Keep going west now until you hit a locked room.
6. Head south from the room.
7. Keep going until you find a Teleport pad. Now go east to find Lulu
8. Go south all the way and unlock the glyph.
9. Backtrack all the way to the first room.
10. Head north ways now, and take the first east. Step on the pad.
11. Go to where you found Auron. Go west.
12. When you hit the T-intersection, step on the Teleport when it points up.
13. Get your treasures. Now, head to the red on the mini-map !

Prepare for battle before you head all the way to the red area. Get all your
Aeons overdrives full, and Yuna’s overdrive full. Save at a Save Sphere and
accept the challenge up there !

[BOSS - Isaaru's Aeons]
[Ifrit - 8000 HP - 0 AP - Steal Nothing]
[Valefor - 12000 HP - 0 AP - Steal Nothing]
[Bahamut - 20000 HP - 6000 AP - Steal Nothing]

This can get ugly. Get ready to kill off all 3 of his Aeons. They all have
special names, but ill refer to them as their normal names. Summon Bahamut
first, and unleash your overdrive onto Ifrit. This should kill it in one hit if
you built up Yuna. If you didn't, then cast Blizzaga until Ifrit goes down.
Make sure to use shield on every Aeon before they unleash Overdrives on you.
Next, he calls Valefor. Summon Bahamut and have it fight to its death. Now,
bring out Ixion and unload your overdrive. Keep attacking and fighting and
Ixion's 2nd overdrive should kill it. Heal yourself with Thundara, so don't use
Thundara to attack. After a while, it will go down. Next up, Bahamut. It
doesn't attack, but every 5 turns it uses Maga-Flare. So bring out all your
Aeons, and attack like crazy with Overdrives. Heal by casting magic on
themselves, and shielding BEFORE Bahamut uses Mega-Flare. Kill Bahamut to win.

Bevelle - Going for a swim ?

After Isaaru is defeated, Yuna and the others leave. Isaaru is dying, and it
seems that his Pilgrimage is done with. The control switches back to the Party
with Tidus. Go ahead and save the game. On the right is a treasure chest. You
can buy items from it, which is highly recommended. Stock up on Hi-potions, and
Potions, then continue around this corner.

When you round the corner, head for the Save Sphere. Your party swims very
slow, so it will take a bit to get there. After you save, head on into the area
ahead to fight the ghost of a dragon...

[Evrae Altana]
[16384 Hp - 5800 AP - Steal Water Gem]

You about to see the bad thing about if any party member becomes a zombie.
Start by having Rikku steal that water gem. Next, use 2 Phoenix Downs on it.

That was easy eh ? Zombies are killed by curative magic, so the Phoenix downs
had the opposite effect on the beast. Try using hi-potions and Elixirs on
petrified enemies through-out the game. But remember, if you're ever a zombie,
trying to cure yourself will kill you !

You can also sue the trigger command to unlock the gate in battle, however, you
will miss out on the Avenger and Rematch items. If you killed the boss my way,
go through the tunnel ahead, and dive to the bottom to collect the items, then
continue on. If you did not kill the boss my way, and instead used the trigger
commands, then you cant get the items. Go forward either way.

Continue onwards ! Just fight random enemies and soon the party is reunited !

Bevelle - Reunited

During this next part, there is a lot of talking. It seems that Seymour isn't
gone after all. Seymour starts to talk about how it would be better if everyone
was dead, and starts acting insane. Kimahri, angered, attacks Seymour head on,
only to realize he is useless. He tells everyone to run, so you run ! After
some running though, Yuna realizes that she cannot let Kimahri die like that,
and persuades everyone to help him. During this next area, you have 2 save
spheres with a lot of room in-between. Buy items from O'aka, and head to the
other end. This place has very hard monsters, so watch out ! Once you get to
the last save sphere, save the game. I recommend getting everyone’s Overdrive,
including the Aeons before heading out. So do that, and let’s go fight Seymour
again !

[BOSS - Seymour Natus and Mortibody]
[36,000 Hp - 6300 AP - Steal Tetra Elemental]

This battle is 75% luck, and 25% skill. Sadly, its true, it depends on how
Seymour will execute his moves. First off, bring in Rikku, her Al Bhed potions
will help a whole lot. Bring Auron and Tidus in too. Unleash everyone’s
Overdrive and mix a power sphere and anything else for Rikku's mix attack.
Steal the Tetra Elemental too. Bring in Wakka, Lulu, and Kimahri, use the
Overdrives. Whenever someone goes down, use a phoenix down, and forget about
healing. The battle turns into a pattern. You will have to have 1 attack, 1
phoenix down, and 1 un-petrify every turn. Do NOT attack Seymour directly
unless you want to see what a flare looks like up close. Instead, attack the
other thing. When it gets low on HP, it takes more from Seymour. If you need
to, bring in an Aeon and have it use its Overdrive too. The Aeon can only do 1
move before Seymour dismisses it for you. Keep up attacking and overdriving,
plus healing and this battle is over !

Strategy by SphinX974
"This might not be a "really good hint" but I stumbled on a very interesting
technique that can be used to defeat Seymour easily the second time you fight
him. This is very simple and has minimal requirements. The only thing you need
to do is keep up everyone's levels since the beginning of the game ( don't run
from battles frequently). by the time you get to Seymour the second time you
should have what you need and that is the reflect ability for Yuna it also
helps to bring everyone's overdrives up to make it easier ( including
the aeons ). I've found out that in the battle Seymour constantly casts high
level spells. all you have to do is cast haste on Yuna and then have her cast
reflect on everyone. If you kept up the levels then her magic should be pretty
high and the spell should last the entire battle. Cast reflect on everyone in
your party and then watch as Seymour literally kills himself. focus any attacks
on the floating monster next to him as it will drain Seymour's HP also. You can
then have your aeons do their overdrives for one turn. Also to make this even
more fun have someone cast haste on Seymour and the monster. They will just
speed up the process. About 3/4th of the way the monster will start to heal
Seymour. Simply cast reflect on Seymour himself. Since reflect only bounces
magic once the healing spells will cure you instead. In all the battle takes
about 4 - 8 minutes will minimal damage ,plus you don't even have to do

Strategy by Matt
"In the hallway before the battle with Seymour, next to the Save Point, I kept
running around in circles waiting to get in battles. Get as party members as
you can (esp. Auron, Tidus, and Yuna) to their Overdrives, and get all of
Yuna's Aeons to their overdrives as well, esp. the strongest ones. Also make
sure you're far enough on Tidus' Sphere Grid so that he has Hastaga.

When it comes time for the battle, cast Tidus' Hastaga on the entire party
(which the game forces to be Tidus, Yuna and Kimahri, but dont worry about
Kimahri). When it comes to Yuna's turn, use her Aeon's and use their overdrive
ability. Most of them will be able to hit Seymour and his friend for about 8000
HP each, and then his little friend will drain 4000 HP from Seymour to add up
to a devastating 12000 HP from Seymour. I also brought Auron in and used his
overdrive. Just keep using the aeon's overdrives and you will defeat Seymour
EASILY. With just three aeons, auron's overdrive, and one hit from Tidus I
managed to defeat Seymour without him even laying a finger on my party."

When Seymour gets killed, it time to get out of there and head to the Calm

Bevelle - Story line Clean-Up

So, Seymour says that the world would be better if everyone was dead. Death has
no pain, but then again, it seems that Yevon has been corrupted in every way
possible. Seymour seems crazy with his plan, but the question is why ? Who

Then we have Auron. Several things have hinted that Auron may be "dead", like a
good fiend. Remember, that if a bond between the earth and a person is strong
enough, they can still live as a dead person. Several things hint at Auron
being dead.

:Seymour says he smells the Farplane on Auron:
:Auron seems to know everything:
:Auron refuses to visit the Farplane:
:Rin says he is surprised that Auron recovered from a wound in 1 day:
:What Rin says kinda hints that Auron may have died when he was wounded:

And at the Farplane, Yuna had to send Jyscal, afterwards, though, Auron seemed
to be weakened, like he had to fight to not be sent along with Jyscal. Many
more things are also pointing at that fact, but its all just theory as of now.

Macalania Woods - Resting Up
[Important Items: Jecht Sphere]

The party has stopped to rest up. Head on south and continue past the
crossroads to find Kimahri, who points to where Yuna is for you. Head down and
view the long FMV. Seems that Yuna is sad that she can never go to Zanarkand,
because the Final Aeon will kill her. She starts crying, and Tidus comforts her
with a hug and kiss. Hey ! Didn't Wakka say not to get any ideas ?! Oh well.
After the long song and FMV, Yuna and Tidus return to camp. Take a nap and wake
up next mourning. When everyone wakes up, go to the crossroads and take a left.
Grab the Jecht Sphere there and move out to the right!

The Calm Lands - A long walk
[Important Items: Aeon Soul, Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIII]

Follow the relative path here, which leads to the huge rolling plains below.
When you get there, a Rin's Traveling Agency Vehicle pulls up and scares off
all of the Chocobos. Go ahead and buy any items and weapons that you need. Head
North-East now until you find a semi-circular area with a shop tent there. When
you arrive, a guy by the name of Father Zuke arrives. He is a summoner who quit
on his Pilgrimage. He tells you some quick news. Talk to everyone and save the
game here. You can also start playing Blitzball again. Before, it wouldn't let
you play for a while.

Head southwest from the Shop to find Belgemine. Before talking to her though,
get Ifrit or Bahamut's Overdrives full. Head into the fight with her and
unleash all you have. Use either Ifrit or Bahamut and the battle should be
yours. If you win, you get the Aeon Soul and 30 Power Spheres. You lose, you
miss out.

Head out east until you can go to a new area on the east side. Go on in and
visit the Monster Catcher. He collected monsters to train the crusaders, but he
is too old to get any anymore. GO ahead and outfit two or three people with one
of the special monster catching weapons. You need to catch 9 different monster
species in the Calm Lands. Machina do NOT count though. Catch all 9 and return
to him to receive 60 Farplane Winds! Not bad !

Head to the most upper left corner of the Calm Lands and nab AL Bhed Primer
Vol. XXIII. From there, go east until you fins a Chocobo rider. Talk to the
person. You can play Chocobo minigames now. Beat the first one and you can rise
a Chocobo across the Calm Lands. You can also win Lvl. 1-3 key spheres from it.
Afterwards, Chocobo or not, start traveling. Now, exit the calm lands in the
upper right corner and move on.

The party heads through the valley, only to find more Guado guys. Seems they
are not attacking head on. As your party refuses to give up at this point, a
huge stone fiend approaches the party. Time to fight !

[BOSS - Defender X]
[65,000 Hp - 6660 AP - Steal Lunar Curtain]

There is only one challenge in this fight, and that’s to keep everyone at max
health. Bring in Auron and do Power Break and Armor break to the stone enemy.
Bring in Lulu and start pounding at him using Ice or Water. Tidus should use
haste on the entire party too. Whenever someone goes down, just revive them and

Strategy by SecatoR
"I thought I should let you on a tip I discovered while fighting the boss
Defender, just before you get to Mt.Gagazet. The original plan was to use
Tidus' provoke ability so I could have Yuna to shield him with a protect, but
it turned out to be less complicated. As soon as the boss is affected by
berserk, he won't stop using his blast punch (equals a Demi spell) on the
character who cast it, Tidus in occurrence.. so there is no chance he can get a
kill. Be aware that it doesn't work on those robots you find in the caves that
look alot like it."

Keep this up and Defender X will be gone in no time. After the battle, head on
out !

Mount Gagazet - An even longer walk
[Important Items: Braska Sphere]

Ronso territory. The Ronso here don't like people who betray and kill Maesters,
but Yuna makes a stand. It seems that her words got to the Ronso, and the only
thing that matters is Sin being defeated, not if your a traitor or not. When
you gain control, save the game and speak to the Ronso on the right. Buy as
many potions, Phoenix downs, and holy waters as you can. Trust me on the holy

As you continue onwards, it seems that you wont be getting through the mountain
so easily after all...

[BOSS - Biran, Yenke]
[Varying Hp - 9000 AP - Steal Lvl 3 Key Sphere]

Well, if Kimahri can steal, go for it ! As you go through the battle, both
Biran and Yenke have great abilities to get through Lancet, so Lancet until
they have no abilities left to give you. If they use a new ability on you
through the fight though, Lancet again. These guys are easy and are no match
against Kimahri even with low levels. Just use healing when your low on the HP.

From Fayth
"When Kimahri fights with his brother, he can get all, except
one, of his Lancet overdrives. (That one you can get from the last fight at
the omega ruins) Also if Kimahri has the "mug" ability he can steal level 3
key spheres from them--I've gotten about six of them. Mug, Lancet,Heal. Draw
the fight on as long possible to get everything."

Continue up through the maze of a mountain. Its a long walk, so I suggest to
just explore. Most of the dead-ends you run into are packed with items like Gil
and stuff, so explore every path.

Mike Says:
"I found something important. On your way across the mountain, you
reach a crown-shaped plateau that shows in mostly the upper-right hand corner
of the mini-map. Coming off the left spike is a narrow path that leads upwards
to a dead end. If you look closely, on the ground beside you is a Braska
Sphere left to Yuna. Also, at one point afterwards a short path ending in a
spiral is shown in the direction of the red marker. At the end of this spiral
is a Defending Bracer."

Along the way, you also meet up with Oakas Brother. Stock out on every item
there if you can. Also, on the way up, get all your overdrives filled including
Aeons. When you finally get to a save sphere, save the game and go forward.
Watch the FMV as Seymour comes out of nowhere. You know what that means !

[BOSS - Seymour Flux]
[80,000 Hp - 10000 AP - Steal Elixer]

Remember two things before I hand this battle off to the contributors. If you
cannot survive the Final Annihilation or Cross Cleave at full health, then you
need to level up. Also make sure to come in stocked on all items, and don't
bother trying to steal. Time for the pros to explain the hardest fight to-date!
This fight is 50% strategy and 50% Luck, so do not give up after one try !

Strategy by Bobby Lee
"I found that while Seymour Flux really beat the tar out of me when trying
conventional battle techniques, simply getting all 5 of your aeons in full
overdrive mode is enough to get the job done. Go through 2 regular battles
where you allow the opponents to beat on your aeons mercilessly, charging
their overdrives very quickly. Then in the boss battle, have Tidus cast
Hastega. Seymour Flux should be able to get off one zombie/full-life, but
who cares, leave em dead. simply having Yuna go through each aeon's
overdrive (each taking 9999 + 4000...3000...) should be good for a total of
about 60000 HP. In between each summoning, have the remaining character deal
one good hit. Seymour Flux is so busy banishing aeons, sending HP to
Mortiochis, and protecting itself, that he never has the opportunity to
attack again for the rest of the battle. The whole process takes under 5

Strategy by Sean
"If you haven't stopped anywhere to really power up your characters on the
local fiends, do it at the save point before this version of Seymour, otherwise
he will be much faster than your characters. The first time I did it he was
about on par with hasted Auron for speed =p Best strategy I could come up with
is use the local fiends elemental magic trends to raise your Aeons overdrives
all to full (i.e. Ifrit in 2x grenades 1x flying thunder guy, gets damaged by
thunder and gauge raises, gets healed by fire attacks), then just summon them
one at a time and let them blast him before he banishes them. I 'killed' his
little friend several times once he got to 1000 hp but he never fully
disappeared, so just ignore him. Zombie Ward helps, but the holy waters are

Strategy by Chris
"Start the battle off with Tidus, Lulu, and Yuna in the party. Ensure that
Yuna and Lulu have at least one damage spell in the -aga range (Thundaga,
Firaga, etc.). Also, Tidus should have the Hastega ability, and Wakka the
Silence Buster ability.

As soon as Tidus gains initiative, cast Hastega on the party. Pay
attention to the order in which Seymour and his suit attack... the goal is
to prevent them from being able to use their combo attacks by silencing
Seymour just prior to that turn. At the last turn before a Seymour attack,
swap Wakka in and use the Silence Buster. This prevents Seymour from doing
anything particularly horrible for that turn. Haste Wakka as soon as you
can, and just swap the four characters as necessary so that you can always
Silence Seymour prior to an attack. Continue to pound Seymour with the aga
spells, and nuke his suit from time to time as well.

I also created some Blessed Armor for my characters with the Customize
ability, but I don't think this is necessary.

During this battle you should be increasing your overdrive for Yuna. When
the suit indicates that it's ready for annihilation, drop the hammer with
Yuna's overdrive summoning of her most powerful Aeon, and use it's
overdrive to finish off Seymour."

After this little fight, head on through the path.

Mount Gagazet - The caverns and trials
[Important Items: Nothing]

After a movie scene of Tidus touching the Fayth, he gets into a dream. Head
north onto the ship. Head through the green door on the deck. Inside, Tidus
sees the Fayth that has been with him since the beginning. And here is where
Tidus learns the truth of everything that happened. Follow the Fayth and keep
talking with him until Tidus wakes up. But what just happened ? Turns out that
Tidus is a dream, so is Jecht and Zanarkand altogether. There was a war between
Bevelle and Zanarkand many years ago, but Zanarkand didn't stand a chance. The
summoners of Zanarkand became the Fayth, and summoned Tidus, Jecht and all of
Zanarkand into a dream where they could live. When Sin attacked, Tidus somehow
got back into the real world as a dream. And the last thing that the Fayth
tells you is if you will let them rest. But if you let the Fayth stop dreaming
then Tidus wouldn't exist at all. Oh well, Tidus takes the whole incident as a
dream he had and continues forward. So why don't you do the same.

You will eventually reach a cavern. Save at the save sphere and go the only
direction you can, west. You will reach an underwater area where only the 3
swimmers can access, thats Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku/ Swim through and fight the
tough enemies. Counter them with Wakkas Dark Attack to keep them from nailing
you. Watch out for the fishes' attacks, which poison you.

Get to the end and prepare for the first Trial of Gagazet. Wakka needs to hit
the glowing ball in the center of two rotating shields. Time it right and don't
get nervous, you have unlimited tries provided your PS2 doesn't melt. After
completing that, grab the Lvl. 1 Key Sphere and head back to the save sphere.
Go through the new path now until you reach more water.

Have the group swim through once again until you reach 3 lights. It isn't
really smallest goes in smallest hole, but the colored holes correspond to a
characters Sphere Grid. Send the character with an Orange Sphere grid through
the orange hole. Thats Wakka. So here is the breakdown:

Rikku: Green
Tidus: Blue
Wakka: Orange

Get the treasure that appears, a Fortune Sphere. Swim back through the river
you just came from and take the new path opened up to you on the east side.
Swim through a small river to reach a Return Sphere and Recovery Ring. The
Sphere is a great help on the sphere grid letting you Teleport to areas you
have been to. Return back to the area you came from. Go to the west until you
reach a Star Armgaurd and head back to the area you came from. Go north and
take the left path there. When you reach the top a conversation begins.
Afterwards, head to the save sphere and save. Get ready for an easy fight.

[BOSS - Sanctuary Keeper]
[40,000 Hp - 16,500 AP - Steal Turbo Ether]

Enter the fight with Auron, Wakka/Kimarhi, and Yuna. Have Yuna cast reflect on
the boss. That will cause it to reflect its healing spells onto you. Also use
Armor Break to do double damage. Switch out Yuna for Tidus and start attacking.
The beast will try to heal itself, only to end up healing you. After trying
that a few times though, it gets the idea. It will then cast reflect on one of
your characters to bounce healing onto itself. At that point, you need to
Dispel the reflect off you, or switch out the character. Every time you lose a
character, just Phoenix Down, don't bother healing. Just keep attacking it. The
boss only has a few moves:

Photon Wings: Casts Curse (no overdrives),and other effects. Deals 1000+ damage
Mana Breath : Deals 4300 damage to one person. Just revive the fallen
Attacks Deals about 1200 damage. Ignore it
Tail SweepDeals about 1200 damage and delays your turn. Wakes up everyone.
Curaga Cures 9000+ HP

He starts the battle with Photon Wings, which is the most annoying attack. As
long as your HP does not dip below 1100, your ok. The tail sweep is good when
Photon Wings put your whole party to sleep. Just keep attacking it and its gone
in no time. Almost to the end of the game !

Zanarkand Ruins - Revisiting old memories
[Important Items: Nothing]

This is like the walk on Gagazet, long. But not too long. Start going through
the straight path. You will battle normal fiends along the way. Continue until
you reach the huge dome area. Once you enter, prepare for a beating. The random
fights here are pretty tough, mainly Machina of any kind. And Rikku can't kill
them in one shot. Rely on Power Break and Armor break through this. If you
fight any undead people, just use a Phoenix Down on them and kill them. There
may seem to be many paths, but they are all short and meet up in the same
place. Just keep going and collecting treasures.

The place is full of Pyre flies, so you will se many images of the past. When
you see the images of Seymour as a child, keep going. You will then see Braska
and Jecht and Auron in the memories. Follow them and save at the next sphere.
Time for the simple and long cloister of trials. This one is very easy, but you
have to do a lot.

Zanarkand ruins - The Cloister of Trials
[Important Items: Sun Crest]

In the first room, this is going to be like a warm up before the real thing. On
the back wall are Tetris images, and you goal is to find them on the floor. Go
up and talk to the wall with the Tetris image and it shows you where you need
to step. Its like a memory game. Memorize where you need to step and do it. The
order does not matter. Messing up cause the puzzle to reset. Once you complete
it, pedestals come out the sides of the room. Push them in one at a time,
starting counter-clockwise. When you put one in, its activates the next Tetris
puzzle in the next room. You have to complete all 4 to continue onwards. The
left center and right center pedestals are for later, so leave them alone. When
you push the first pedestal in, go to the next room and speak with the Tetris
wall-images to see where to step. When you finish the puzzle, head back and
push in another pedestal, and another, and another. At this point you will have
4 of them done. Go into the huge room and take the red sphere from the left of
the Tetris wall image. Go to room one and insert it into the left pedestal.
That deactivates the power. Push it into the wall. Go back and get the blue
sphere, which deactivates the Tetris-wall image. Insert it into the last
pedestal, and push it into the wall too. Puzzle complete !

Save the game, and go into the huge room. Get ready for a complicated battle!

[BOSS - Spectral Keeper]
[52,000 Hp - 12,000 AP - Steal Turbo Ether, and Ether]

Strategy by: Sean

"Tough. Your characters surround him on the points of a hexagon, with him in
the middle. You can move to different points by using your turn, which is good,
cause every time the boss is hit by any attack he counterattacks and hits all 3
points he is facing for 2500-3000 damage. Protect and haste on your entire
party are almost requirements. On his regular turn. the *only* attack he uses
is Berserk Tail, which, you guessed it, tries to berserk one party member,
making them attack and get your whole party counterattacked. Do not summon
Aeons unless they have their overdrive up, you will only have time to do one
thing with them before a Glyph Mine appears under them and kills them
immediately. Occasionally a couple of Glyph Mines will appear at random
points, move characters off of them ASAP before they explode"

Time to head deeper into the ruins. Save the game and head forward. Follow your
party members and save the game. You will meet Yunalesca, the toughest boss
battle yet. After the talking, get prepped !

[BOSS - Yunalesca]
[24,000 Hp - 0 AP]
[48,000 Hp - 0 AP]
[60,000 Hp - 14000 AP]

3 forms. Hard. Not Easy at all. Ill hand it this one off to the best Boss
fighter, Sean.

By Sean
"Form #1 20000 hp: Ah, you think to yourself, 20000 hp? There has to be a
catch. And you are right. This is form #1 of this boss, and the easiest by
far. Attacking with physical attacks will cause it to counter with a 200ish
damage attack that negates all beneficial spells like Haste and also casts
Darkness and sometimes Curse. Magic attacks are countered with Silence. You
should be able to take care of it fast though. Try not to use your aeons for
this form, you'll need their status immunity later."

"Form #2, 40000 hp: Tougher. Counterattacks the same as above, except now
alternates her turns between Hell biter (very low damage and inflicts Zombie on
every party member) and Absorb (absorbs half a characters MAX hp, meaning 2 of
them kills you) She does this over and over till you kill her. Shiva helps
here, the other Aeons are too slow and their overdrive gives ???? three turns,
generally Absorb Hell biter Absorb, and then you have a dead aeon. Aeons that
cannot heal themselves are essentially worthless (Valefor and Bahamut if you
haven't given him Cure spells) Since Absorb kills any of them in two hits.
Not too hard, you say? Its not over yet!"

"Form #3, around 70000 hp:

Counterattacks same as above two forms, uses Hell biter alot, but now things
get tricky. Now it uses Curaga (5000-6000 damage on one zombified person) and
Mega Death (instant kill on all non-zombified people). Also sometimes uses
Mind Blast(500-1000 damage on each character, inflicts confusion) I recommend
full hasted party, two non zombified people and one zombified person at all
times. Thats how I lasted the longest anyway. Aeons, assuming you even have
any left alive by now, get even harder to use here with the Mega Death threat."

After the fight, search around for the Sun Crest. Thats needed for Tidus's
Ultimate Weapon and if you miss it, you will have to come back down here. After
you get it, ride the elevator back up and exit the place. Cid arrives on the
scene at this point.

Airship - The Final Destination
[Important Items: Nothing]

Free at last ! That means you can go anywhere on the map you want to ! Talk to
everyone on the ship and get organized. Save the game and try a few Sidequests.
Take a vacation to a town, or go item and monster hunting. After your done with
your break though, its onwards to Sin.

The Final Confrontation - Battles
[Important Items: Nothing]

Back on the Airship, speak with Cid. You can now fly the thing to wherever you
want. From the list of places to go though, select High bridge. Its time to
fight. When you arrive, head forwards to the people there. Looks like things
won't go too smoothly, and Sin is waiting for you. Prepare to battle ! Just
keep pushing onwards and fighting. After a battle, If you can move, just go
forward and don't explore. Save whenever a Save Sphere pops up too.

[BOSS - Sins Fin]
[65,000 Hp EACH - 16,000 AP EACH - Steal Gems and X-Potions]

Easy fight. The key here is to Haste your party, and Armor Break Sin. Bring in
the Fighters and start hacking away at Sin. This form of Sin is very weak and
deals damage easy to heal. Just heal with potions of any kind and revive using
Phoenix Downs. Protect spell helps here too.

[BOSS - Sin and Sinspawn]
[36,000, 20,000 Hp - 19,800 AP - Steal Gems]

It gets a bit harder now. The Sinspawn takes all magic attacks directed at Sin,
do take it out first. Armor break it and Silence it, then just attack it. The
weak Sinspawn stands no real chance. Push onto Sin now and unleash a few
Overdrives and attacks. Cure your party whenever your health reaches critical
areas. Keep it up and another battle is won. Try to not use too many
overdrives, and rely on magic the most.

[BOSS - Overdrive Sin]
[140,000 Hp - 20,000 AP - Steal Gem, Ether]

This is the hard fight. Sin now has an Overdrive Meter. Make sure to rely on
magic once more. Unleash all you Overdrives on Sin and keep healing any Status
Effects casted on you. Hastega and Armor break will help. Mental Break helps
you inflict more magic damage. Double cast Ultima with Lulu, and have Yuna use
her Holy. Keep it up and don't let Sin each its Overdrive. If Sin manages to
use the Giga-Gravitron, your dead as a door nail in one hit. Its best to just
heal after every attack you take, and make sure all your attacks dish out at
least 9999 damage, so you can kill Sin before it uses its Overdrive.

The Final Confrontation - Seymour Again
[Important Items: Nothing]

After the Sin battles, you end up inside Sin. Push through this place and try
to avoided all battles, as these fiends are terrible. Keep following the main
path until you find...

[BOSS - Seymour Omnis]
[80,000 Hp - 24,000 AP - Steal Gems]

All you need are 3 or 4 Overdrives from your characters and Valefors final

By: Quicslvr05
"For the last incarnation of Seymour you can beat him unbelievably easily by
using Valefor's second overdrive energy blast. If you don't have it take the
air ship to Besaid and talk to a women by the temple, she'll give you
"something chewed and mangled" it will actually be Valefors energy blast.
This takes about 50000 of his 80000 hp. Before you use it though just use a
couple powerful over drives. that should pretty much do it."

The Final Confrontation - The Tower
[Important Items: Nothing]

Yay, how great. Follow the main path until you find a wall with a Glyph. Touch
it. Now, continue and step on a symbol on the floor. You now have to find all
ten treasures in this place before heading to the final fight. You first need
to kill 30 fiends to open all the doors here. After that, had through each door
and collect all ten treasures. This Teleports you to the final fight.

[BOSS - Braska's Final AEON]
[60,000 Hp FIRST FORM ]
[120,000 Hp SECOND FORM]

Easy. Use the same tactics as all the fights before, except save your Aeons
Overdrives and Characters Overdrives for the second form. Haste everyone at the
start. Use double cast flare and Yuna's Holy to attack. Make sure you heal
whenever hurt, max HP is crucial here. Keep it up until it transforms. At this
point, watch for the Aeons overdrive gauge. If it gets too full, use Tidus'
Talk option to lower the gauge. When it gets to around 100,000 HP, unleash
every, single overdrive you have. This thing is dead, especially if it faces
Valefors second overdrive.

[BOSS - Aeon Battle]
You get to fight your own Aeons, but you have the advantage of choosing which
you want to fight with. This means just use an Aeon with the opposite element
of the enemy and its over. Easy as pie.

The Final Confrontation - YU YEVON

[FINAL BOSS - Yu Yevon]
[99999 HP]

Easy. All the other fight to this point are relatively harder. All you have to
do is cast reflect on Yu Yevon to make him heal you, and reflect on one of your
guys to reflect his attacks. Don't worry about spells, just keep using the
attack command and healing whenever your hurt. A pretty lame final boss, oh
well. If you want a challenge, then try to not use reflect. Very easy for a
last fight ! Congratulations though, you beat the game ! Enjoy the sad, but
great ending !

|S| Story line


Id like to hear everyone elses theory on the story line. What do you have to
explain for the ending ? The whole game ? Send em in and they get posted. As
long as they seem realistic though !


KerberosKOTH Thinks:
1st - He is reborn in the ocean and goes to Yuna
2nd - He's back in his timeframe and returns to his old life
3rd - He is dead but the afterlife forms his memories to make it easy on him


Q :I missed the Bevelle temple treasure ! Can I get it ?
A :You can get it again. Just look at the Sidequests section above.

Q: Is this the last FF ?
A: No, Square has plans for FF Online (11), FFX International, and FFXII (12)

Q: Whats FFX International?
A: A re-release of FFX in Japan Only. It will have an extra 10 minute ending.

Q:How can I buy it then ?
A:You will have to import it.

|U| Credits

Thanks to CjayC for posting this on GameFAQS !
Thanks to Ceebs for letting me use some information !
Thanks to the FFX Social and Message Board for cheering me on !
Thanks to the GameFAQs site, for being there !
Thanks to for so much information and help !

-Fraxcat, for many corrections, and the Zanarkand spelling
-Several people, for all pointing out the SOS error
-Nick H, for the story line correction
-Orion388, for telling me about the Sigil and Crest error
-AlphaX, for 2 pages of contributions, including mixes, bribing, info, and more
-RJ, for Rikku’s special
-Jeff A, for the rare item, "Wings of Desire"
-ZillyBong, many Blitzball tips
-Rob S, pointing out another Aeon power
-Nick H, for editing the entire document
-Danny J, for contributing a mix
-DarkChild, for Seymours overdrive info
-Gludlow, for the missing Al Bhed Primer # 19
-H0nDaXvTeC, for several contributions
-Kevin M, for one of Rikkus mixes
-Nitros697, for the Sidequest and Secret Aeon
-Matrixfish777, for the Anima sidequest
-SecatoR, for a Boss strategy
-LionBlade28 for a huge chunk of secret things
-JB Chavy, for the Sea Gulls
-Blue Dragoon, for corrections !
-Jerred B, for a Rikku mix
-KH, for 20+ bribes
-Mike for Yu Yevon's HP
-Nightman, for quite a bit of stuff
-ColdFusion, for a correction on ultimate weapons
-MasterGame2001, for a Rikku Mix
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Walkthrough Spanish

15.Октябрь 2013
The Story

15.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
International FAQ/Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Monster Arena FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Original Soundtrack List

14.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part One

14.Октябрь 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part Two

16.Октябрь 2013
Aeon In-Depth FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Sphere Grid FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Blitzball Database

14.Октябрь 2013
12 Random Chests FAQ | Omega Ruins Side-Quest FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough and FAQ Part 1/2

14.Октябрь 2013
Monster Encyclopedia

16.Октябрь 2013
Walkthrough und FAQ Part 2/2

14.Октябрь 2013
Chocobo Racing Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Item List

14.Октябрь 2013
Character/Aeon Overdrive In-Depth FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Item List

16.Октябрь 2013
Equipment Remodeling Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ultimate Weapons Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
In den Macalania Woods kurz vor der FMV Sequenz mit Tidus und Yuna.

17.Октябрь 2013
Blitzball Techniques FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Bribe FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Secrets FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
07.Июнь 2019