Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land

Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land

14.10.2013 17:02:11
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/ W I Z A R D R Y \
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\ T A L E O F T H E F O R S A K E N L A N D /
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- Race
- Attribute
- Class

- Rows and Ranks
- Trust
- Behavior
- Good Versus Evil
- Switching Classes
- Advanced Classes
- NPCs vs. Created Characters
- Equipment
- Reaper
- Gotz's Traps
- Party Suggestions
- Playing Hints
- Neat Tricks

- Kyo Hattori
- Ricardo Dorephes
- Sara McDuff
- Rui
- Daniel
- Michele
- Hina
- Orphe Bright
- Aoba
- Grace
- Wolfe
- Kulgan the Agile
- Virgo
- Kaza

- Normal Spells
- Vellum Spells
- Mutated Spells

- Offensive AA
- Defensive AA
- Spell AA
- Assisted AA
- Possessed Party AA
- Combat Hints

- Monster List
- Monster-killing Tips

- Path to Allied Actions
- B1 (Fortress)
- B2 (Old Jail)
- B3 (Labyrinth)
- B4 (Ancient Cemetery)
- B5 (Waterfall)
- B6 (Moldy Fort)
- B7 (Labyrinth)
- B8 (Sham Sanctuary)
- B9 (Labyrinth)
- B10 (Testament)
- Dimension World
- The Abyss

- Kyo - Help me conquer my fear
- Ricardo - Tell me what trust is
- Lisa - Charm to fulfill a love
- Lydia - Help my boyfriend
- Lydia - Change my boyfriend
- Maria - Train me to be a priest
- Maria - Train me to be a bishop
- Helga - I'm opening a magic stone shop!
- Helga - I'm opening a weapons shop
- Helga - I'll sell special swords
- Garcia - Find a girl named Rui
- Garcia - Deliver an axe
- Lorenzo - Check if he's dead or alive
- Anonym - Tell me who I am
- Merrick - I want to make a wonder drug
- Palo - I want to sleep soundly
- Rose - Find out about my husband
- Gustav - Recover our party's shield
- Paul - I wanna do the right thing
- Geese - Please find Hannah
- Fawn - Please bring back our music
- Walter - Find a certain book
- Hina - Help my brother
- Elizabeth - I want to go to the labyrinth



Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land brings back a long-gone
genre which was one of my favorites back then - not really a
name to it, but I just like to call 'em "block movement
dungeon crawls". Despite being quite old-school, the game
arrives onto PS2 with some impressive graphics, impressive
combat system, and altogether great game play. The storyline
deserves mentioning as well :- while I expected a simple,
bland storyline (it's like that at the start), at the middle
part the plot starts thickening a fair bit, and by the end
there are a few major plot twists that would surprise even a
seasoned RPG gamer.

The dungeon design is fairly impressive - no two floors
look alike (except the labyrinth floors). In a nice
evolution of the old block movement of old, you've got
slopes, multiple floors within a floor, curving paths and
such that gives the game a fresh, yet old school appeal.
And the combat system is superb - the use of Allied
Actions make sure your battles are never dull. And battles
never last long enough to be boring, which is a good thing
since there's so much of it. All in all an excellent game,
and despite the little hype it has, it's well deserved to
be in anyone's RPG collection.

Okay, enough with the reviews, let's get on with the good


Upon starting the game, you will be asked to create your
character. No, don't panic just yet, you will be given a
chance of creating the rest of your party later. The
character you are about to create is basically the hero
of the story, and the entire plot will revolve around
him, basically. And yes, it's a him, not a her (unless
there are some serious lesbian overtones here...). First
you should give your hero a name, then choose his race.

Race affects many things in the game - the type of
behavior, stat changes in general and best class choice.
Be sure to pick the right race for your class.

Quite balanced. Other than having low faith (thus not
making a good priest, at least at the start) they can
be just about any class without any real penalties.

Their high wisdom and faith makes them ideal candidates
for being priests and sorcerers. They've got poor
physical skills so making them warriors will give them
a disadvantage. They aren't too bad as thieves though.

The usual big, strong and scruffy race make excellent
warriors. But they've got good faith as well, so they
can be pretty good priests as well. If you want to
make yourself a knight, a dwarf is your best choice.

Really high faith makes them excellent priests, and
they are really agile so they make good thieves as
well. But they aren't all that impressive otherwise,
so unless you really want a good priest/thief you
should skip this one.

Excellent agility makes them a good thief, and best
choice for turning into a ninja later. They've got
average stats otherwise, so they aren't all that
useful either.

Upon picking your race, you now pick your "attribute"
(more savvy RPG gamers would call it alignment). This
is important as a team with a constant attribute will
go up faster in trust and learn allied actions faster
(see below for more info on that). If you are "Good"
you should not be attacking friendly monsters, and
should only choose the positive option when talking
to other people. If you are "Evil" you should go
around slaying even friendly monsters and pick the
negative option when talking to other people. "Neutral"
means it really doesn't matter either way. Be sure to
act your attribute or it will change.

If you've already gone through the first area and are
creating the rest of your party members, be sure to
take a note of their Personality. Acting positively
towards his/her personality increases their trust,
and vice versa. It's an important trick to ensure a
steady growth in trust, which becomes very vital in
the game later on.

Attribute also determines one other important factor
of the game - the NPCs that join you. Different
characters will join your party depending on your
leader's and your party's attribute. Being "Neutral"
is the big advantage here since more characters will
join your party than if you were of any other attribute.

Once you are done, the next step is to pick your class
from Warrior, Sorcerer, Priest or Thief (Thief only
appears if you pick "Evil" as your attribute). There's
four other classes, but they aren't available from the
get go so I'll skip them for now. You can change the
bonus points to distribute among your stats by going
back one screen then forward again. You usually get
7-12 points, but in rare instances you may get 13-30
points (very rare instances, I might add). So if you
really want to start out better, you can try re-rolling
your bonus points over and over, but it's not going to
effect the game terribly (you'll just be better off at
the start).

As you might expect, the beef of the party. Uses just
about every weapon and armor available, and thus the
best in the front row. If you are making a warrior dump
most of your points to Power, then to Life and
Agility (all that brute Power isn't going to matter
if you can't hit straight).

Your boy for attack magic. Weak as a puppy otherwise,
and can't really equip much of anything, so best kept
in the back. Dump points to his Wisdom and Life so that
he has at least some decent HP.

Your boy for healing magic. Unlike the sorcerer, he can
equip some fairly decent weapons and armor. It's still
not recommended for him to be put up front, however.
Note that you MUST have a priest in your party or you
will not survive - they have the ability to turn undead,
which becomes very important on a certain floor. And
without a strong healer in your party, you will not last
long at lower floors, where monsters can just lop off
massive chunks of HP per blow. Dump points to his Faith
and Life.

In my opinion the thief is the weakest class in this
game. He can cast up to level 3 priest and sorcerer
spells, but then again spells in those circles are
generally crap anyway. He's weak physically, and is a
little poorer in armor use compared to the priest. He
can wield decent weapons though, but you will want him
at the back row because of his weak defence. His only
use is that he can pick locks easier. If you really
want to use a thief, I suggest upgrading him to ninja
later. When you make a thief, dump points to Agility,
Power and Life.

Next it's time to distribute the bonus points to your
stats. IMPORTANT NOTE :- Be sure to distribute those
points properly - when your level goes up the new
points in ratio to the points you distributed here, as
well as to your class. If you toss a lot of points to
Power, for example, expect to gain just as much, if not
more, points into that stat per level, especially if
you're the fighter-type. You have to plan ahead if
you're making an advanced class, or else you will never
get the right stats.

Now that you're done, you are ready to start the game!
The section below gives you some tips on more advanced
stuff, but it's nothing you can't discover by yourself,
so you can skip it if you want.


Rows and Ranks
Your party consists of six members, three in the front and
three at the back. The ones in the front are the only ones
that can attack with short-range weapons. Of course, they
are also the ones who will get his by short-range attacks.
The back row can only attack with ranged weapons, but don't
worry, there are plenty of ranged weapons to be found in
this game. When any of your front row members get killed,
the person behind him/her will move forward to the front
row. Obviously, fighter-types like the samurai, warrior
and knight should be in the front, and the thief, priest
and sorcerer at the back. Ninjas can go either way, but
they are better at the back.

When you run into a monster with his back turned on the
side, there's a good chance you will surprise your opponent,
giving you a full round of free attacks. But if a monster
runs into your side, then there's a chance he will suddenly
attack you, giving him a full round of attacks. These also
happen at random when you simply walk face first into a

When you get attacked from the behind (i.e. a monster walks
up behind you) your rows switch, putting your weaker members
up in the front. And it will take a full round to swap back
to the original position, meaning the monsters get two free
rounds of attacks on you. Therefore, DON'T get attacked from
the back. It's bad. Trust me.

Allied actions are team-based attacks that involve two or more
of your party teaming up to perform a special attack/defence.
The number of these actions you have is directly based on the
overall trust in your party (represented by the circle with
all those Japanese characters in the lower left corner of the
screen). The overall trust is the average of your five party
member's trust (your party leader doesn't contribute). It's
important to keep raising your member's trust and thus raise
the overall party trust and gain new and more powerful allied
actions. In the later sections of the game, the monsters will
become near unkillable without the right allied actions.

Allied actions contribute a lot to the game. After a floor or
so, you will probably not even think about using individual
attacks. It's that important. So trust building is important.
Everybody's trust go up after a battle. If you leave friendly
monsters, those with Evil attribute will have their trust
lowered, and those with Good attribute will have their trust
go up. The opposite occurs if you attack a friendly monster.
Also, trust can be raised by building towards your member's
personality. For instance, a Neutral Hobbit hates insect
monsters. So if you kill tons of insect monsters his trust
will sky-rocket (or at least go up faster than everyone else).
And finally, conversations with NPCs you meet will affect
trust as well. Positive responses raises trust of Good and
Neutral members, while lowering the trust of Evil members.
The reverse is true if you reply with a negative response

You can thus tell that it's easier to raise trust if your
party members have the same attributes. It's suicide to
go with a party of mixed attributes, so don't even try
unless you are REALLY up for a challenge. In later bits,
you can find items that can change your member's attribute,
so don't worry too much if you did the wrong stuff to cause
an attribute change.

Other than attribute, if you check your characters, each
have a set behavior which will affect how fast (or slow)
theirs trust goes up and down. It's quite important to
take these into consideration when exploring the labyrinth.
Behavior does not change with attribute change - if you
started of as an evil dwarf for example, and he turns good,
he will still retain his DHT behavior. And please note,
Behavior overwrites Attribute in terms of trust change.
For instance, if you get a good human and turn him Evil,
fighting friendly monsters will still make you lose
trust (because of his JUS behavior). Thanks go out to
Lacrymite who posted this on the Gamefaqs board!

Good - Jus (Justice) - "Believes even enemies can be
friends if they show amity." Trust goes up when you
let friendly monsters go.

Neutral - Kin (Kinship) - "Friends comes before
anything else. Hates to lose friends." Supposedly
goes up from raising dead on fellow party members.
Not sure how else, but my Kin characters' trust go
up faster than my Jus characters, and I've only
raised maybe one or two characters the entire time
I've been playing. Additional notes : keeping a
member dead for a long time will also lower those
of the Kin behavior.

Evil - Bel (Belligerent) - "Likes to fight with strong
monsters, but hates weak ones." Haven't tried it, but
I would assume you gain more trust from battles with
strong monsters than usual, and less (maybe even lose?)
from battles with weak ones.

Good - Int (Intellectual) - "Intellect comes from
believing in spells. Likes to master them." Trust goes
up every time you use a stone to gain a spell level on
anyone in the party.

Neutral - Lon (Loner) - "Gets depressed when a large
number of people is around." I would assume that trust
goes up higher when you have less party members. Haven't
tried sending down a Lon character with only my leader
though for testing.

Evil - Fic (Fickle) - "Gets bored exploring the same
place. Gets depressed soon after." I would guess this
type gains trust by exploring new map area. If it's
based on visiting squares in the map that you haven't
been to before, I guess going through the Labyrinth
levels would help their trust immensely. Not sure
though, haven't tried it. Additional Notes : Trust will
go down if you hang around places you've been to before.

Good - Fri (Friendly?) - "Shy to strangers, but likes
to be with those of the same race." Haven't tried, but
I would guess trust goes up faster when more party
members are also dwarves.

Neutral - Fea (Fearful) - "Hates dark places and zombies.
Can't stay in the Labyrinth long." Probably gains by
killing zombies, and drops by exploring Labyrinth (opposite
of Fic?). Haven't tested.

Evil - Dht (Dragon Hater) - "Hates dragon monsters. He
lives to defeat them." Haven't tried, but pretty obvious...
trust mainly goes up by killing dragons.

Good - Emo (Emotional? No clue...) - "Likes disarming
traps. Becomes happy when successful." Trust goes up from
trap disarms by this character. Probably makes a great
thief or ninja then.

Neutral - Cow (Cowardly) - "Prefers to flee than to fight.
Hates the Reaper." This is probably one of the worst, right
up there with Fea. I would assume trust goes up by running
from combat rather than fighting, and goes down when hit by

Evil - Gre (Greedy) - "Greedy and thinks an adventure is
how to make real money." Haven't tried, but I would guess
trust goes up with money accumulation.

Good - Col (Collector) - "Likes collecting rare items. Gets
depressed when loses things." Haven't tested, but my guess
is gains trust by getting items, especially rare/powerful
ones. Loses trust by losing items (using and breaking?
Selling? Dropping?).

Neutral - Iht (Insect Hatred) - "Hates Insect monsters.
The more defeated, the better." Trust goes up from killing
insects (spiders, dragonflies, boring beetles). Really easy
to raise trust with the B5 spiders + Jakreta.

Evil - Kht ("Aht" would make sense... Kht? I don't get it.
Any ideas?) - "Hates animal monsters. The more that are
defeated, the better." Haven't tried, but I would assume
trust goes up from killing animals live gazehounds, bogey
cats, harpies, maybe chimera?

Good Versus Evil
I've played through the game using both a "Good Party"
(good + neutral members) as well as an "Evil Party"
(evil + neutral members) - and honestly, being evil
doesn't pay. There's no advantage of playing an evil
party as far as I can tell, and it's harder to manage
since most of the better NPCs that join you are good
(their personalities will clash = lower trust). And
worst still, you are forced to fight Friendly monsters
(or you'll turn good) - so you end up meeting monsters
that you HAVE to fight (you can choose to fight, then
escape, but that's dangerous). So my advice - be a nice
guy and pick either Good or Neutral as your attribute.

There is one small advantage of being evil though - the
use of Evil Weapons. Evil Weapons are among the strongest
weapons in the game, but require an evil attribute to
equip - some are cursed, some are not.

Switching Classes
All characters, NPCs or created ones, can change class.
Created characters can change class by going to the guild,
but there are requirements involved. You can skip those
requirements if you locate items that immediately change
class upon use (the orbs sold in B5 work fine). NPC
characters can only change class using items. Be warned
however - when you use class change items spell levels
and experience are not recalculated. So if you're a
warrior switching to a sorcerer, you will still have
crap spell levels if you used a class change orb or any
class change items.

Guild class changes can also be done only once per level of
experience. You lose whatever special ability that your
previous class had, but not your spells. However, your MP
will be recalculated for your new class, so you may or may
not be able to cast them. Your experience level will also
be recalculated for your new class, which may result in you
going up or down a level or two.

Advanced Classes
Samurais, Ninjas, Bishops and Knights are "advanced" classes,
meaning your created members will require a bit of training
in order to switch to them in the guild. The requirements for
changing to them are listed below, though you can just go to
the guild to check them as well.

These guys can cast up to level 6 sorcerer spells, and fight
just as well as most warriors. There are a few weapons and
armor that warriors can equip, but they cannot. But they are
otherwise pure killing machines - they have an ability to
instantly kill an opponent (random, not quite as often as
that of a ninja, but often enough to be useful). And the
biggest advantage is their ability to equip katanas that no
other class can equip. Katanas are one of the strongest
weapons in the game. Requires Level 8, Non-Evil Attribute,
23 Power, 20 Life and 20 Agility.

They can use up to level 2 priest and sorcerer spells (i.e.
forget about using them for spells). They have the ability
to instantly kill an opponent with their physical attacks,
and at higher levels the frequency of this occurring is quite
high (around once every two battles or so). They also have
supernatural evade abilities, meaning they are exceptionally
hard to hit. But if they are hit they suffer higher damage
that everyone else, which is a fair trade-off. They are suited
to be in the front (since not much monsters can actually hit
them right) but once you find shurikens, put them at the back
and laugh as they kill huge monsters with one shuriken. And
finally, they also have better lock-picking skills (not quite
as good as that of a thief, but with practice it's manageable).
So it's really nice to have one around. Requires Level 12,
Evil Attribute, 25 Power, 25 Life, 25 Agility and 25 Luck.

Like the samurai, but has up to level 6 priest spells instead.
You can use them as backup healers, and they can turn undead,
but other than that they aren't all that useful. In a direct
opposite of a ninja, a knight will have a drastic drop in
evade (i.e. they don't evade) but they do have more HP that
everyone else, including warriors. Requires Level 8, Good
Attribute, 20 for all stats except Luck.

Can cast both priest and sorcerer spells (but not as well as
a pure priest or sorcerer). They also can wear better armor
than sorcerers, but not as well as priests. They can dispel,
but pure priests do it better. And they have a useful, but
not really important skill of appraising unknown items. But
on the downside they go up levels the slowest - it's not as
bad as you think though; they will be at most two levels
below your party average. They also gain spells slower than
a pure priest of sorcerer. Requires Level 5, Non-Neutral
Attribute, 23 Wisdom and 23 Faith.

Some stats may be hard to obtain, but thankfully around
halfway through the game you can buy items that immediately
changes your class no matter your level, stats or attribute.

NPCs vs. Created Characters
Here's something debatable - should you party consist of
created characters or NPCs? Well, I suggest a little mix
of both myself. First of all, created characters can be
renamed and can change class easily. But they will remain
totally mute throughout the game. However, NPCs do
contribute to conversation, so you can gain a little more
insight into the plot (though it's not terribly important
to know what they think, really). Spellcasting NPCs also
have a big disadvantage - though they know all the spells,
their spells start at level 1. So if you plan to replace
your current spellcaster with an NPC spellcaster, be
prepared to spend a lot of time and money to build them
up to respectable standards. I myself would suggest
keeping some of the early ones you find and ignore all
but the fighter types. Or just put them in to loot their
good stuff.

And remember your overall trust is an average of your
member's trust. If you drop a fella his trust doesn't
change, but your overall trust might. You can however
raise trust levels by dropping ones with low trust
and adding ones with high trust.

I'm thinking of creating an equipment FAQ, but for now,
here's a list of all the weapons, armor and armaments
you can find in Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land.
All the items marked with (c) are cursed.

Dagger Short Sword
Craftman's Dagger Magus' Short Sword
Petrified Dagger Spiritual Sword
Assassin's Dagger Ancient Sword
Thief's Dagger Evil Short Sword
Wind Dagger Banishing Sword (c)
Cursed Dagger (c) Skeletal Sword (c)
Prowler's Dagger Cursed Sword (c)
Bloodied Dagger (c)
Great Sword
Long Sword Magus' Great Sword
Slashing Sword Demon Slayer Sword
Splitting Sword Fire Sword
Blessed Sword Thunder Sword
Holy Knight Sword Neck Breaker
Evil Saber Massive Sword (c)
Betraying Sword (c) Nightmare Sword
Dark Sword Demonic Sword
Ghost Sword Queen's Guard Sword

Katana Healing Staff
Muramasa Guiding Staff
Kanesada Silencing Staff
Kotetsu Blazing Staff
Osafune Freezing Staff
Bereaved Katana (c) Suffocating Staff (c)
Grievous Katana (c) Cursed Staff (c)
Cursed Katana (c) Useless Staff (c)
Craftsman's Katana
Masamune Hand Axe
Kikuichimonji Steel Hand Axe
Apprentice Hand Axe
Mace Slicing Hand Axe
Holy Mace Craftsman's Axe
Combo Mace Thunder Axe
Crushing Mace Cursed Hand Axe (c)
Devout Mace Evil Hand Axe
Blazing Mace Knight's Hand Axe
Skeptical Mace (c)
Crimson Mace (c) Shuriken
Tainted Mace (c) Spirited Shuriken
Shinobi Shuriken
Battle Axe Resentful Shuriken (c)
Slashing Battle Axe Cursed Shuriken (c)
Swordmaster's Axe
Guard's Battle Axe Flail
Dwarf Battle Axe Power Flail
Demonic Battle Axe Magus' Flail
Deceased Battle Axe (c) Dwarf's Flail
Faithless Battle Axe (c) Dazer Flail
Evil Battle Axe Invisible Flail
Rusty Flail (c)
Crossbow Bloody Flail (c)
Magic Crossbow Hateful Flail (c)
Wishing Crossbow
Thief's Crossbow Robe
Elf's Crossbow Magus' Robe
Elf's Robe
Throwing Knife Pashmina Robe
Poison Throwing Knife Cursed Robe (c)
Shade's Knife Bloody Robe (c)
Unwieldy Knife (c) Betrayal Robe (c)

Leather Armor Chain Mail
Magus's Armor Magus' Chain Mail
Decorated Armor Dragon Chain Mail
Silver Armor Blessed Chain Mail
Faith Armor Freeze Chain Mail
Ninja Armor Evil Chain Mail
Deceased Armor (c) Rusted Chain Mail (c)
Evil Armor Cursed Chain Mail (c)
Betrayal Armor (c) Deceased Chain Mail (c)

Chest Plate Plate Mail
Decorated Plate Quality Mtl Armor
Mystic Chest Plate Craftsman's Armor
Ceasing Chest Plate Knight Mail
Spirited Chest Plate Neutral Armor
Shielded Chest Plate Prime Armor
Deceased Chest Plate (c) Evil Armor
Betrayal Chest Plate (c) Broken Armor (c)
Cynical Chest Plate (c) Cursed Armor (c)
Knight's Mtl Armor
Small Shield
Small Steel Shield Shield
Magus Small Shield Metal Shield
Charmed Small Shield Reinforcing Shield
Dwarf's Shield Pheromone Shield
Gnome's Shield Prime Shield
Shady Small Shield (c) Evil Shield
Demon's Small Shield Ragged Shield (c)
Cursed Small Shield (c) Depleting Shield (c)
Knight's Shield
Steel Gauntlet Helmet
Silver Gauntlet Enduring Helmet
Demon's Gauntlet Transfer Helmet
Strength Gauntlet Evil Helmet
Evil Gauntlet Valiant Helmet
Ragged Gauntlet (c) Cursed Helmet (c)
Corrupt Gauntlet (c) Grievous Helmet (c)
Knight's Gauntlet Knight's Helmet

Lapis Ornament Decorative Charm
Elf Hair Ornament Sculpture Charm
Mitral Ornament Ash Charm
Water Ornament Samurai Charm
Cursed Ornament (c) Devilish Charm
Cursed Charm (c)
Ogre Power Wrist
Knight's Wrist Cloak
Parvenu Wrist Anti-Evil Cloak
Weakling Wrist (c) Blazing Cloak
Bishop's Cloak
Speed Boots Thunder Cloak
Stamina Boots Poison Cloak
Cursed Boots (c) Cursed Cloak (c)

If I've missed any cursed equipment, that's usually because
I've missed the item completely in the game! If you've
noticed that I've missed something on the list, do tell
me about it!

At most floors, the reaper will sometimes appear and chase
you around. Since he can move levels (within that floor),
go through walls and move as fast as you walk, it's pretty
hard to avoid him. To avoid him, leave the floor or use a
transfer potion to head back to town.

Or just get nailed by him. It's actually not as deadly
as it's made out to be. Your possessed character becomes
a little stronger, but a little weaker in defence, but
that's not really all that noticeable. You can also hit
undeads now despite not having a magic weapon. As long as
you keep him alive, it's only going to cost you a couple
of thousand bucks to restore him in town (and you really
don't have that much use for money anyway). Just make sure
he's alive (use restrict shot or spell cancel AA). However,
if he does die, the character will either turn to ash or
worse, be gone forever i.e. erased clear out of the game
- so that's generally a bad thing. Unless you plan to kick
him out or something. And if that happens to your leader
the game ends immediately. So it's not all that dangerous
if you are careful. In fact, I explored two whole floors
with a possessed leader and came out unscathed.

Getting nailed by him also gives you one additional ability
- you will be able to see reaper doors. If you are walking
around and suddenly feel your controller shake, and no
reaper is chasing you, you're near a reaper door. It can
only be seen and opened if one or more of your members are
possessed by the reaper. It's not that big a deal; there
are only two reaper doors throughout the entire game, in
B2 and B6.

One final extra - when you get your entire party possessed,
something interesting occurs - check the Allied Actions
section for more.

Gotz's Traps
At B1 you will find Gotz, a trap making orc. You can get
some rare items if you break his traps - you have to pay
him 1000 x Trap Level Gold to try it out, and if you can
break it you will get some useful (and not so useful)
items. Different leveled traps require you to break the
trap by disarming it 10 x Trap Level times. There are ten
levels to disarm, meaning a full 100 times to disarm at
the final level, which may or may not be worth it. For
more details check Forsetti's FAQs, but here's briefly
the rewards by the level :-

1) 3 Transfer Potions
2) 1 Curing Potion
3) 4 Potions
4) 1 Random Dwarf Item
5) All 5 Mutated Stones
6) All 8 Class Change Orbs
7) All 14 Vellum-made stones
8) All 31 Materials
9) All 50 Magic Stones
10) 14 Cursed Items

You can repeat levels you have cleared to get the same
items again - level 1 is a great way to amass Transfer
Potions, by the way. Make sure you have space in your
inventory for the items or you will not even get one
item for your efforts. If you have trouble with breaking
Gotz's traps, check the Neat Tricks section below for a
simple but helpful trick.

Party Suggestions
My party? In case you're curious, I started of with a
human fighter as my leader. Then I kept Kyo and Sara,
and added the already-made hobbit thief, made a
dwarf warrior and an elf sorcerer (actually I just
took the already-made elf priest and turned him into
a sorcerer). My two warriors in the front with Kyo.
Sara, the thief and the sorcerer behind. This party
worked fairly well for the first four floors or so.

Later I replaced my hobbit thief with Rui (better
trust, better stats, better skills). I eventually
changed my party leader to a samurai, my dwarf to a
knight, and my sorcerer to bishop (more healing spells,
besides I needed more priest spells that sorcerer
spells by then). Then near the 8th floor down, I found
my first shuriken, and promptly tossed Rui out, gave
Kyo the shuriken and put him to the back, then got Hina
(female Samurai) to do her quest. Once I found Kulgan
I replaced Kyo with him. I found this team to be such
an ass-kicker that I kept it till the end of the game.
What's nasty here is plentiful healing spells (you will
need them) and THREE characters with instant kill
attacks. And you can also do a quest to get an instant
kill two-handed sword (Garcia's Second Quest), which I
gave to my dwarf. That's FOUR characters with instant
kills. Quite deadly.

When I replayed the game as an evil party, I used Ricardo,
Kyo, Sara, and a Bishop (created) and a warrior (made).
I turned my warrior leader to a samurai, and later booted
Ricardo for Orphe, and my other samurai for Aoba. Then I
booted out my created bishop for Michele (turned her into
a bishop). Basically ended up the same as my previous
party, but Orphe and Aoba are just a little harder to
play since their HPs were so low to start.

Some tips : Thieves aren't all that useful since, with
practice, a ninja can unlock just about anything a thief
can (note from Ndufer: having a thief also raises the
chance of getting better treasure, but the ninja does
that too, to a lesser degree). A pure sorcerer isn't
quite that useful either since you don't really need that
much sorcerer spells - at least not as much as priest
spells. On forethought, knights are somewhat overrated
since their dispel ability is quite crap, and they have
minimal healing spells. And dwarves are overrated as
well because it's tough to raise their trust (unless
they're evil). And they're slow as hell. If you have a
knight or samurai, don't bother giving them spells -
they suck at using them anyway, so just use them
strictly for hacking purposes.

Playing Hints
First and foremost, do not rush this game. Blindly
running through levels get you killed quick. You must
take your time with every new level, killing everything
you see to build experience, and exploring everywhere
to maximize stuff you have. You will need to have your
party go up 2-3 levels in experience before you should
even think of going down a new level. If you've got a
few members lagging behind, drop a few high-level
members and go down. You get more experience fighting
with a smaller party.

Trust, as I have mentioned countless times before, is an
integral part of the game. Going down to the lower levels
without sufficient new AAs will get you killed really
quickly. Even the monsters use AAs, so you should too.
Explore every floor until you fill up all of it's map if
possible. Go back to town to level-up and sell off/make
spells of the junk you've collected a few times per
floor. And find shortcuts! They are fairly easy to
locate, and save you plenty of time and patience.

ALWAYS have at least one transfer potion handy. Early
in the game you can find plenty, and even find a shop
that sells 'em cheap. But once you start finding
shortcuts, you will miss them, and you WILL regret it
later in the game when you just HAVE to make a hasty
retreat just to find out that you're out of transfer

If you are in need of combat hints, check the Allied
Actions section.

Neat Tricks
Not having a bishop early in the game isn't that big a
deal if you use a trick I commonly use in the game. When
you find ?Items, do not use them yet; wait till you return
to town. Once you do, save the game. Then start equipping
all the items. Make a note of the items that are cursed,
then re-load the game. Equip all the items again except
skip those that you know are cursed (and no, they don't
change if you re-load). Then go to Vigger's and sell off
what you don't need. Appraise the cursed items there and
then sell them off as well - despite being cursed, they
fetch a good price - at least a few times more that the
amount you put in to appraise them. Easy cash.

Got some incredible item you want to equip on your
characters but can't because of their class? Forsetti has
a neat trick. It's costly, but might well be worth it. Go
to B5, to Kasta's shop. Buy an orb and change your character
to whatever class that allows you to equip the item he/she
wants. Then go ahead and equip the item, then buy the orb
of your original class. Use the orb to change back to your
original class - hey, they forgot to un-equip your stuff!
As long as you don't un-equip them accidentally, they will
stay on.

Having trouble with traps and locked chests? Can't do
Gotz's Traps? Fellow gamefaqs board member Alicard77 has a
neat trick - use Start to pause between two or three button
presses (not available in the Japanese version of the game,
apparently) to catch you breath and you should do fine.

Another Gamefaqs board member Fishandbeernuts has a nice
trick for those nasty monsters hiding in the back row. If
you have a front row samurai or knight who has a spell that
targets a single monster, then try this out. Select the
spell, then a back row target. Just make sure the arrow is
pointing on the target (don't press X again), then back up
three menus to that character's main menu and select
"Fight" and you'll still be targeting the back row monster!
You can now even select other monsters in the back row!
Note that the spell MUST target a single monster - Teal,
for example, will not work with this trick.


This section describes all the original characters, or NPCs
(non-player characters) as I call them, in the game. As
suggested by one fan, I've separated out this section for
easy access to methods concerning how to obtain each of
the 14 NPCs. Thanks go out to Forsetti for finding them all!
Oh, if you aren't planning to look at the walkthrough at
all, I've also included point markers (numbers in brackets)
from Forsetti's maps for important places you need to visit
to get them.

Note : The NPCs attribute changes with your own leader's
attribute. For instance, a Good Leader will get Kyo as a
good ninja, while an evil or neutral leader will get Kyo
as a neutral ninja. Since most of these vary, I not be
putting down their attributes here - not that it doesn't
change their behavior - Kyo, for example, always acts as
a good human no matter what his attribute is.

I've also added a ratings (A-D) which shows how good they
are, at least in my experience. How you use them in your
party may change their effectiveness, of I may miss
something that makes them special. Nevertheless, here they
are, listed in the order you can get them in.

1) Kyo Hattori
Race - Human Class - Ninja Rating - B+
A young ninja who stricken with the fear of death when
you first meet him. You must have him join your party
when you start the game, but he may leave you after the
training round is done and you'll never see him again.
To ensure he doesn't leave, you must have an adequately
high trust (not really a big factor). When you reach the
four-direction roundabout in B1, he will talk to you -
your response will affect his trust in you. From there
go north to the snowy altar (6). Then just finish the
training level. Kyo is a very nice additional to the
party since... well there's not much of a choice if you
want a ninja (you can't create one for another few
floors). And he's usually good or neutral (unlike ninjas
you create, which HAVE to be evil), making him fairly
easy on trust raising.

2) Ricardo Dorephes
Race - Human Class - Warrior Rating - C
A warrior who wonders if trust is an important part of
a party after having a bad experience with his last
one. Like Kyo, you have to have him, but he may leave
your party if his quest isn't done. From the B1
four-direction roundabout take the west path (4).
Search the skeleton on the ground and his event will
come up. Fight the two thieves, then finish the
training level. Nothing special about him - you can
create character's much stronger and faster than him.
But he's always nice to have around if you want to
hear his comments (which mainly consists of cussing
about everything and everyone).

3) Sara McDuff
Race - Human Class - Priest Rating - B-
A priestess who is concern for the welfare of the poor
(aww...) and who really doesn't have much of a priest's
fashion sense. You'll bump into her automatically when
you do the training stage (3) - no matter how much you
whine about it, she'll forcefully join your party. Near
the end of the stage, you'll get to help a poisoned man
- how you react there, together with your trust, will
affect whether she will stick to your party or leave.
She's a fairly good addition, but gets hampered by
very low speed - near the end of the game she's almost
always the last person to act, severely hampering her
healing abilities. But her remarkably high faith lets
her learn more priest spells than everyone else, so
there's a good balance there.

4) Rui
Race - Human Class - Thief Rating - C+
A sorcerer-turned-thief who teaches you some of her
streetwise (dungeon-wise?) knowledge for a price.
Eventually, after helping her out she'll join your
party. To get her, first locate her at B2, second
floor (10). She'll call you to talk with a dwarf named
Garcia. Go back to the tavern, talk to Garcia, do the
world's shortest side-quest, then go back to Rui in B2.
Help her get the baked silver. She'll now owe you; go
back and talk to Garcia, then bump into her in the
lodging. She'll join up. Rui gets a lousy rating since
she's... well, at thief. Not a bad one, if you want one,
at least better than anything you can create. She can
also be a pretty good sorcerer if you turn her into
one later. She's also fairly adept as a ninja, though
not as good as Kyo. She will teach you the nearly
useless Back Attack AA.

5) Daniel
Race - Hobbit Class - Thief Rating - D+
This clever thief will help you out a little at the
start, and trick you into helping him out a little
later. After meeting him in B4, go down to B5. Locate
and grab two bags of gold in old trolleys (be careful,
they are poison-trapped). One is just before the
break in the outer waterfall path (4), and the other
is behind the door right in front of the gondola at
the bottom. Locate the two, then don't take the
gondola up. Instead, go back a up a little bit to a
room you may have passed - it's a single room with no
other exits (other than the one you came in) - it
contains a ? Katana (Osafune). If you did it right,
an orc is now guarding the door. Burst in and slay
all the orc kings and Daniel is yours! In order to
get it right, you shouldn't raise the gondola and
drop down to meet Michele - he'll be dead by the
time you get back! Daniel isn't all that impressive
- he's got very high agility, but Rui is better
all-round as a thief. He's got insignificant skills
otherwise, so it's not really worth all the trouble
of getting him, in my opinion. He does have a few
things worth looting on him, however.

6) Michele
Race - Elf Class - Sorcerer Rating - B-
A young elf who's apparently way wiser that she
looks. She wants to make up for her people's
mistakes and what to solve the mystery of the
labyrinth. This one's easy - she'll join
automatically when you finish B5. While she is
hampered by low HP, she's got a lot of spells,
even ones your created sorcerers would be hard
pressed to find (the mutated spells). Since she
joins in B5, it's still not too late to start
building her spells, and later on she'll be
the first to hit 99 in Wisdom, and thus meaning
tons of sorcerer HP. She's also got good Faith
so she can be a good priest, or better yet, a
good bishop.

7) Hina
Race - Elf Class - Samurai Rating - A
After the death of both her adopted brothers in
the labyrinth, she joins your cause to defeat
the evil that lies within. You'll find her
offering a side-quest upon reaching B6. You have
to let her join your party in order to do quest,
but be warned that it's fairly hard. But after that
she'll permanently join your party. She is probably
your best investment in an NPC - good stats, great
items, great trust and altogether a worthwhile
addition. You can probably make a samurai who is
stronger than her though, but who doesn't one a
cute, shy girl who slices up monsters faster than
you can say "ouch!".

8) Orphe Bright
Race - Human Class - Warrior Rating - C+
Annoyed by the sudden revelation that her father is
actually a walking dead man, she decides to get to
the bottom of this - with your help, of course. You'll
bump into her every now and then in town and in B3. Do
Gustav's Quest first. When you find the shield in B4
(B13), a zombie shuffles up - "Watch what it does".
Then complete the quest. Upon reaching B6 you'll bump
into Orphe and Aoba. Locate a nearby one-way door, go
south from there and you'll meet them one more time,
fighting a bunch of fairies. Help them. Then back to
B4. At the entrance (or exit, depending on which way
you came in by) of B4 you'll meet Aoba. Then head to
the second elevated bridge (A13) and pass it to find
Orphe. They'll both join your party. Other than
getting the most powerful AA of the game, Warp Attack
from Orphe, she's not really worth putting in the
party. As a warrior she has way too little HP to
stand a chance up front. And she's always Evil, so
she's a pain in a Good party. She's got fairly high
faith so making her a knight might be an option, or
even a priest. As a priest she'll be bumped up a
rating since she's physically much tougher than Sara,
but she'll have inferior number of spells.

9) Aoba
Race - Human Class - Samurai Rating - B-
Aoba is Gustav Bright's student and acts as Orphe's
older brother. To get him, just check Orphe's entry
- he'll join when Orphe does. If you have an evil
party he might be an interest to you - after all,
he's the only Evil samurai in the game. But his
stats is so-so compared to Hina, the other NPC
samurai. And he's got naff equipment as well, so
you really need to invest on him to get him to a
decent fighter out of him.

10) Grace
Race - Human Class - Knight Rating - C+
The fiancée of one of the game's minor villains
Eugene Guestem. She is trying to turn her hubby-to-be
back to the path of righteousness, but that will
require your help! You'll meet her a few times
here and there - you spot her in B2 and B3, as well
as B6 quite often. When you reach B8, do Garcia's
second quest (7), then drain the lake in B5 with a
switch in B8 (21). Once both of those are done, go
back to the tavern and talk to Garcia to get your
reward. Leave, that go back in again and he'll say
that both Grace and Wolfe are off in B5 - go look
for them there in the now revealed staircase. You'll
bump into Kasta who mentions them if you did it all
right. Go down the staircase that was under the water
(32) and help them fight off a Raver Lord. They'll
join your party, and Grace will teach you Silence
Breaker AA. Grace is not too bad as a knight, decent
stats and all. She's got a good collection of priest
spells (at lv.1) but has very poor Faith so turning
her into a priest is fairly pointless; you're bit
too late into the game to build her spells anyway.

11) Wolfe
Race - Human Class - Warrior Rating - D+
You'll bump into this warrior every now and then,
and listen to his rather cynical outlook on life
every now and then. He will eventually hook up with
Grace and will join when Grace does, so check
Grace's entry to get him too. Wolfe is just plain
lousy - you'll have created warriors and even
Ricardo better than him. For such a big, brawny
individual, he's got poor HP as well, so he's
definitely going to be liability in your party.
Nice equipment though...

12) Kulgan the Agile
Race - Elf Class - Ninja Rating - A
One of the most loyal of the Queen's Guard, the
elite team of the Queen's bodyguards led by
LeDua Almsay. No real choice here - Kulgan joins
your party automatically at the exit of B8. But
he is good, quite a ways better compared to Kyo
(though Kyo does have higher HP, maybe because
my Kyo has higher levels). His 90 Agility and
near maximum trust makes him a good investment
if you want a ninja or want to replace your

13) Virgo
Race - Human Class - Sorcerer Rating - D
It's Barfo! An evil (well, more like annoying)
sorceress who bugs you a few times. She's anxious
to locate what she believes is treasure at the
bottom, but after she found out what's down there
she gets so disheartened she joins your party.
First meet and fight her in B10 (at this point you
should have already fought her two other times).
Then near the exit to B10 (21) you'll meet her
again. You can then meet her again in B7 where
she'll tease Kasta again. Finally, return to
Kasta's shop in B5 (3) and she'll be there bugging
Kasta one last time. Talk to her and choose
"Persuade her to stay" and she'll join up. She is
the game's best sorcerer in terms of stats, but
there's two major problems. One, she's always
evil, so it's bad for a good or neutral party.
And the biggest problem is that you get her so
late in the game, and she STILL has level 1 for
all her spells. Since you're minutes away from
finishing the game, why bother building all her
spells up at all?

14) Kaza
Race - Elf Class - Bishop Rating - D-
Michele's friend/partner who is close to Sophia
the holy priest of the Queen's Guard. He believes
you indirectly caused Sophia's death, hence he
is pretty hostile to you at the start. You'll meet
him first in B5 with Michele, and then later you
will meet him in the empty room in B6 (2). Upon
meeting him at the end of B10, if you have Michele
in your active party he'll have a change of heart
and join as well. He's an adept bishop, but he
suffers the same problem Virgo does - too little,
too late. He's got a lot of spells, granted, but
all are at Lv.1. Poor trust, usually Neutral or
Evil to boot. And here you're minutes away from
finishing the game; will you really bother?

Most of the directions as to how to get them are also
listed in the walkthrough, so check there if you want.
And no, as much as rumors will persist, there are no
more NPCs - the Original Characters screen in the
tavern is already filled up after all fourteen names
are in.


Normal Spells
You will pick up plenty of the monster's grisly bits
as you hack through mounds and mounds of them. These
bits can be brought to Vigger's shop, where his wife
will combine them for you to turn them into stones.
Using these stones give you spells. You can use a stone
repeatedly on the same person to power up your spells,
and the effect of powering up is fairly drastic. In fact
most spells at level 1 are nearly useless, so powering
up spells are pretty important.

If you need the complete listing of all the spells you
can make in the game, check Forsetti's FAQ for that.
The good man has got them all!

A little into the game, a material shop will open on
the first basement. You can sell a monster material here,
and henceforth buy that material infinitely. In fact,
that's where almost all your money will go later in the
game, since dungeon shops sell stuff you can find
elsewhere (and probably have a lot of already), and
Vigger's shop is more of an expensive storeroom than a

Here's the complete listing of all the materials in the
game as listed in the order of the material shop. To
find out what monsters drop what material, check the
"Monsters" section of the Advanced Info above (though
most are self-explanatory, really).

Page 1 Rotten Meat
Devil's Horn
Vampire's Claw
Undead Dragon Wing
Pied Piper's Flute

Page 2 Giant's Tooth
Giant's Guts
Giant's Blood
Dragon Heart
Dragon Scale
Dragon Tail

Page 3 Bogey Cat's Fur
Bogey Bird's Claw
Frog Tongue
Wyvern's Eyeball
Hound's Ear
Chimera's Head

Page 4 Slime's Goo
Pixie's Wing
Demon Egg
Slime Jelly
Fairy's Wing

Page 5 Broken Sword
Thief's Blood
Ninja's Hood
Priest Hair
Sorcerer's Earring
Samurai's Beard
Bishop's Bracelet

There are three boss materials which cannot be obtained
anywhere else (i.e. there's only one of them in the game)
- they are Incubus Wing, Golem's Flesh and Sword Fragment.
Though they act like materials, they cannot be sold at
the material shop thus cannot be re-bought. They are also
materials required for the best spells (non-vellum type)
of the game. However, those spells can also be made using
other materials as well, so they aren't all that important
so don't fret if you've accidentally used them.

Be careful when the moon is red (check the circle where
you also see your overall trust). When making or separating
stones during this time, random things will occur. Might
be good, might be bad, just quite unpredictable. This also
occurs, in a lesser degree, during a yellow moon. It is
great for getting the rare materials of the game, though.

Vellum Spells
Vellum is another sort of spell. These are more powerful
spells that Vigger's wife does not have recipe for, so
you have to find them. They are the most useful spells in
the game, so it's a good idea to hunt high and low for
them. Unlike normal spells which require two monster
materials, these require three, often rare ones. The
complete list and their location is as follows. I've also
included position markers for Forsetti's maps if you are
using those as well (in brackets), though some of them
aren't marked. Here goes :-

- Hypnosis Vellum - B2
2nd floor down (not marked)
- Guiding Vellum - B1
Daniel gives it to you (not marked)
- Sculpture Vellum - B4
It's in a pit (Near B8)
- Silence Vellum - B4
In the first red pit (B1)
- Healing Vellum - B2
Behind a reaper door (20 or near 21)
- Antidote Vellum - B5
Just before the exit to B6 (not marked)
- Light-Up Vellum - B6
South of first one-way door, west side (not marked)
- Resurrect Vellum - B5
In a dead end (5 in Floor 3)
- Mutation Vellum - B8
In one of the big rooms (7)
- Recovering Vellum - B1
Finish Helga's third quest
- Transfer Vellum - B6
In the poison floor room (south of 4)
- Conversion Vellum - Dimension World
On one of the floors (Near 13)
- Blazing Vellum - B10
Behind a crumbly wall near the door (53)
- Reviving Vellum - B8
In one of the big rooms (22)

If you want to know the materials needed to make them,
go take a look at Forsetti's FAQ, it's all there!

Mutated Spells
You may notice a few spells that some characters have
that you can't seem to make. These are mutated stones,
that can only be randomly made during a red moon. Head
to Vigger's Shop at this time and combine these
materials to form these unique stones. I've also put
down what these combinations normally make when not in
a red moon (in brackets) in case you have trouble
finding them :-

Rotten Meat x Priest's Hair = Ash (normally Barrets)
Skull x Priest's Hair = Ash (normally Teal)
Devil's Horn x Priest's Hair = Shulard (normally Teal)
Vampire Claw x Priest's Hair = Punish (normally Kuld)
Undead Dragon Wing x Priest's Hair = Merciful (normally Kuld)
Pied Piper's Flute x Priest's Hair = Deadly (normally Jakreta)

They don't work all the time, so keep trying! You can also
get them from disarming Gotz's traps up to level 5. Thanks
go out to NHeng of the Gamefaqs board!


Since Allied Actions (or AAs for short) are such an integral
part of the game, I'll dedicate this section on proper usage
of them. They are split into four categories. Most are learned
the moment you gain a new level in overall party trust (eight
levels in all), buy them at guilds or gain a new party member
that has a unique AA (these appear regardless of whether you
have that new member in the party or not).

Offensive AA
Converge Attack (Trust Lv. 6)
All three of your front characters team up on one hapless
monster. Each character's damage go up slightly. Strange
that this one is actually an advanced AA, but is actually
WEAKER than Double Slash, one of the first AAs in the game.
I don't actually use it at all.

Sweep Attack (Trust Lv. 5)
All three front attackers sweep across the front row of
enemy ranks, doing damage to all of them. This one is
only useful if you've got a long row of weak monsters in
front of you, since the damage done isn't all that good.
And it can miss as well, so don't try it on ninjas or
other fast monsters.

Rush (Trust Lv. 3) (Bought from Guild)
All six members rush forward, hitting everything in sight
for minor damage. I find this useful only when I'm
traversing through early areas of the game again, and
forced to fight large groups of wimpy monsters again and
again. You might also want to use it to finish off
weakened monsters. One nice point is that it ALWAYS
hit, so it's nice to clear off ninjas and other such
fast moving monsters. The big disadvantage is that it
uses up all your member's turn so if there are any
survivors they will hurt you bad. Just so you know,
the damage done by Rush is based on your member's levels,
not their weapons. And as long as even one is equipped
with a weapon that can't hit undeads, Rush will not harm

Ninja Attack (Trust Lv. 8) (Bought from Guild)
Yes, you only get this at the highest trust level, and
it's not really worth the effort, though it's powerful
just the same. You basically need a ninja upfront with
two fighters. The ninja jumps up and the two fighters
attack, and finally the ninja comes down for a big strike.
While it only targets a single monster, a great advantage
is that fact that you can target ANY monster, even those
hiding in the back row. And another advantage is the fact
that the ninja's final attack has a ridiculously high
chance of causing an instant kill - in fact, if you are
fighting normal monsters you will almost always get
instant kills.

Double Slash (Trust Lv. 3)
You earn this after your training section at the start,
and I dare say that it will be the one you use the most.
Two members will gang up to attack one opponent. Not
only does the accuracy increases a fair bit (still can
miss though), the damage nearly doubles that of ordinary
attacks, making it very deadly at the right hands, and
especially when either or both members have multiple hit
weapons. By the time you gain Converge Attack, Double
Slash will do equivalent damage, not including the fact
you have one freer front attacker.

Stun Attack (Trust Lv. 4)
With a spellcaster of any sort at the back, you cast a
spell on the character in front, which gives the weapon
the ability to stun an opponent. When you hit the
opponent, he will either stumble a little (no stun) or
get electrified. Getting stunned means neglecting armor
defence, so that translates to bigger damage. Stun does
not work on all monsters, but if it does it's quite
effective, especially teamed with Double Slash. Good for
those really big monsters that attack by themselves (the
Giants and Gaze Hounds of B5 are good examples).

Fake Attack (Trust Lv. 6) (Bought from Guild)
One front attacker does a fake attack while the other
goes and hits him from the side. Near useless as far
as I can tell. Neither the front nor the fake attack
does any decent damage whatsoever, and the attack still
can miss (so don't try it on high-agility monsters).

Hold Attack (Trust Lv. 4)
Thanks to "Thomas Hoffend" - this AA seems similar to
Stun Attack, but it has another purpose in the game
- to hit hard-to-hit monsters. Basically, your rear
member will Hold an enemy with a spell while the person
in front of him strikes for more damage than usual (if
the hold is successful). Despite doing less damage
comparatively, this ensures a very high hit rate, which
is great for high agility monsters such as ninjas and

Jump Attack (Trust Lv. 5)
A back caster of any sort will levitate his front
attacker, and the attacker can thus hit any opponent
in any rank while opponents cannot hit him. Doesn't
really do big damage, so it's useful if you just do
not want that character to be hit. You can do a
flawless defence combining this with restrict shot,
thus rendering your entire front rank un-hittable.
A disadvantage is of course, he only attacks after
everyone else (including monsters) have taken their
turns - and the low damage makes it only useful
against spellcasters at the back row... after they
already did the damage.

Warp Attack (Trust Lv. 8) (When Orphe joins)
Yes, this is the MOST powerful AA you can ever obtain
in the game. Basically, one spellcaster behind warps
away your entire front row. Any attacks whatsoever
targeted at them automatically misses. At the end
of the round, when everyone else has taken their turn,
your three front men warp onto a single monster of your
choice (even back row monsters) and hits it for double
their usual damage. This AA is incredibly overpowered,
since it combines near flawless defence and offense
simultaneously (despite using up four character's turns).
Mix it up with Spell Cancel to have the ultimate combo
attack. Bosses don't stand a chance!

Back Attack (Trust Lv. 4) (When Rui joins)
One front attacker acts as decoy while the other two
attacks from the back. Decent damage as long as your
decoy has plenty of life (he will not dodge any
attacks, so don't act hero and put your ninja as a
decoy). Another useful feature is that the two
attackers will repeatedly back attack as long as
someone is hitting the decoy, so you can indirectly
have them attack more than once per round. But the
disadvantage is that the monsters aren't guaranteed
to hit the decoy, so you'll waste all three front
attacker's actions if monsters hit your non-decoys
instead. Useful if you mix in Back Attack with Restrict
Shot on your two non-decoys so you'll guarantee that
attacking monsters will always get countered one way
or another.

Sacred Cross (Trust Lv. 8) (Bought from Guild)
You will need a knight up front with either a priest
or bishop right behind him. Basically a souped-up
version of Dispel attacks, it targets "Immortals"
(i.e. undeads - their names are in red, if you haven't
noticed). Doesn't seem to be that much of an upgrade
from your basic Dispel Attack, since my priest can
dispel just as much undeads that the Sacred Cross does.
So all the effort to actually get this AA (Trust Lv.8,
exorbitant price) seems to be quite a waste, unless
I'm missing out on something here...

End Lash (Trust Lv. 5) (Bought from Guild)
Two front attacks will attack all enemies on the extreme
ends of their rows. This move looks pathetic, but with
careful use it will become your most valuable AA. The
point of the attack is that you will give a physical hit
to the back row, which becomes invaluable when you start
meeting spellcasters that just love to hide behind big
strong warriors or some such. Combine it with shots from
your rear group and you can pretty much guarantee the
spellcasters will be dead before they can even cast one
spell (and that's good since their spells will hurt much
more than any of the warrior's physical attacks). And
other advantage occurs when one of the rows only has one
monster standing in the center - this means he gets hit
by two end lashes, one from each side. The damage is
fairly low, but then again your target here are
spellcasters, which don't have that much life in the
first place.

Crisscross (Trust Lv. 7) (Bought from Guild)
Your center front attacker knocks your opponent into the
air, then the two side front attackers fly up and hits
him hard. This one is really a hit or miss AA, literally.
If it misses (and it does quite often) you will do
pathetic damage, but if it hits, it usually does enough
damage to kill whatever monster it's targeting. Unless
he's a boss, in which case it will almost always miss.
And it uses up the action of all three front attackers.
So it's really your choice whether you want to take the
risk or not.

Defensive AA
Front Guard (Trust Lv. 1)
Your three front attackers guard everyone from some
status changes or enemy rush attacks. You will want to
use this if you eye three or more like monsters in
two rows, since that means they are capable of using
rush attacks. And rush attacks by monsters are BAD.
Alternatively you can Front Guard while your back row
attacks or cast spells for maximum protection.

Deploy (Trust Lv. 6) (Bought from Guild)
Your entire party will scatter when attacked by breath
attacks, effectively blocking or halving damage for
each member. Obviously, you'd want to keep this handy
when fighting monsters with breath weapons (and there
are plenty, especially near the end). A good thing
about deploy is that it doesn't use up actions of your
members, so that can still freely attack (and perform
one other AA).

Spell Shell (Trust Lv. 6) (When Michelle joins)
Your rear three members erect a spell shield that
absorbs half the damage of attack spells and negate
effect spells. This one is vital if there is a large
group of enemy spellcasters in the battle - at least
those you can't kill before they cast spells. Of
course, this also renders your front attackers
totally unprotected from physical attacks.

Spell AA
Assisted Spell (Trust Lv. 6)
One other back member will assist a spellcaster,
which causes his spell to double in level. This
generally means a huge improvement in damage (you
can't cast effect spells using this option). I've
seen damages TRIPLE using spell assist. In fact,
my favorite tactic is to use Assisted Spell with
a level 10 or higher Jakreta or Megadeth - it will
kill nearly everything on the screen! Just don't
try this on bosses since most bosses have barriers
against these things.

Sweep Spell (Trust Lv. 7) (Bought from Guild)
This particular AA uses up the turns of all your
back members, but it extends the range of an
attack spell. A spell that targets one monster will
target one row instead, and a spell that targets
one row will target everyone instead. The damage
doesn't change however - only useful if you have
very high strength but low level spells (I would
just spend some money upgrading your stronger
spells instead).

Silence Breaker (Trust Lv. 7) (When Grace joins)
Three back members will cure a front member of
silence. But... why? You don't use front members
to cast spells anyway so who cares if they're
silenced or not? And it's way too cumbersome to
swap silenced spellcasters to the front (and too
dangerous too). And despite what it says, it does
not cure death possession, so don't bother.

Spell Sword (Trust Lv. 5) (Bought from Guild)
Thanks to "Thomas Hoffend" - despite what the
description says, Spell Sword does not overcome
enemy curses - it breaks magic barriers on monsters
to ensure a spell cast by a back row member is
guaranteed to hit. On higher levels most monsters
can barrier against just about any attack spell.
Use this successfully and they'll be vulnerable
against any magic attack of the game! Useful -
works great in conjunction to, say, Megadeth.

Assisted AA
Assisted Shot (Trust Lv. 4) (Bought from Guild)
When one front attack attacks, the shooters in
the rear first shoots his target, increasing the
front attacker's accuracy. In effect, this is
letting your back row attack a few times each,
which is good if you have a strong shooter (thief
or ninja) behind. But that also negates any
protection the rear group can offer with other AAs.

Restrict Shot (Trust Lv. 3)
This is definitely your bread-and-butter AA - you
will not survive this game without this AA!
Basically, one or two of your rear members will
guard two of your front attackers. Any physical
attacks done on them will automatically be blocked,
and the attacking monster also gets a face-full of
arrows/knives/shurikens. I've noticed that damage
done by a Restrict Shot is also higher than usual.
Also, you don't need to have a rear member armed
with a ranged weapon - if he doesn't have one he'll
just fling a rock instead. The protection lasts the
entire round, you can have your rear shooters
counter multiple times for nice damage.

Spell Cancel (Trust Lv. 4)
Yet another bread-and-butter AA - this ability lets
you cancel one spell an enemy is casting. The
nightmare of spell-casting monsters everywhere,
this AA is vital when you are fighting bosses that
use spells fairly often (and there are a few). It's
also useful to kill off spellcasters hiding in the
back row. Like the restrict shot, if the shots hit
they do higher than usual damage. At the highest
trust level (Lv. 8) you can cancel two spells
instead of one.

Possessed Party AA
Special thanks to Ndufer of the Gamefaqs board :-
To obtain these, you must get your ENTIRE party
possessed by the reaper. It's quite a tough chore -
seems that the odds of the reaper appearing
decreases the more possessed members you have.
Don't worry about members getting possessed twice;
the reaper will always go for an unpossessed
member first. Once successful, you will now get a
whole new set of Allied Actions that reflects the
fact that you have just conquered your fear of

When this occurs, you will definitely notice - the
entire screen will turn a bright red hue. You will
lose the use of ALL your normal AAs, and can only
use the AAs below and Individual Actions. It gets
quite challenging during this time - you lose even
your most basic AAs such as Flee Together, and in
place of those are these rather suicidal maneuvers :-

Reaper's Blade (Trust Lv. 3)
Your entire party gets double the chance of scoring
a critical, and everyone's damage will increase by
x1.5 times. However, one of your members (except the
party leader) must sacrifice half his HP. Lasts
throughout the battle.

Soul Smash (Trust Lv. 4)
You sacrifice any one member (except for the party
leader) to kill everything on the screen. Those
who survive (usually only bosses) will suffer small
damage. The character sacrificed will be totally
erased from the game, so be sure you want to do it
before trying it!

Stealing Voice (Trust Lv. 6)
All members except the party leader loses half their
HP, but the entire party of monsters loses their
special attacks (Glare, Breath, Paralysis, etc...)
for a few rounds. It doesn't prevent spellcasters
from casting spells, despite what the description
says. It's also fairly random; sometimes it only
lasts for the round you use it in, sometimes it
lasts about two or three rounds. But it will wear
off quickly, so it isn't all that useful.

Spirit Healing (Trust Lv. 6)
Your party leader's HP is restored in the amount
equivalent to the all the damage of the rest of
the party added together - ie. the more injured
they are, the more HP your leader will regain.

Deceptive Slip (Trust Lv. 2)
One of your members (except party leader) acts as a
decoy, and all the others flee. The result is a 100%
escape rate, but the decoy will suffer 5 HP worth of
damage. Note that you still can't escape from boss

So is it really worth it to attain a Possessed Party
condition? Not really - the new AAs aren't all that
great. And in this condition, all party deaths are
quite permanent - they get erased clear off the game!
To their credit, these AAs do look the most visually
impressive of all the AAs of the game.

If you're really interested in getting a Possessed
Party, I've got a few pointers. For me, the best
place for a sure-fire reaper encounter is at Sham
Sanctuary (B8), near the exit. The reaper almost
always appears there. So warp from B1 to B8, then
go get possessed. Return to town, save the game,
exit to title (this will negate the reduced reaper
encounter rate) and reload. Then repeat. This may
take a while since it's still not sure-fire that
he will appear, so you have to be patient.

Combat Hints
Upon raising your trust level to 4, you will then
learn how to perform two Allied Actions. From then
on combat will consist of mixing together these two
AAs for maximum effort. AA combinations I have found
useful are :-
- Double Slash + Restrict Shot - You'll do this is
nearly every other combat.
- Double Slash + Spell Cancel - Great if there's a
single spellcaster (or two at higher trust levels).
- End Lash + Restrict Shot - You'll kill spellcasters
and guard your party from physical attacks at the
same time.
- End Lash + Spell Cancel - If you meet a group of
4 or more spellcasters this will end their misery.
- Stun Attack + Double Slash - Great for monsters
that fight alone. While it doesn't work all the
time, the combination will produce damages nearly
four times the usual.
- Restrict Shot + Jump Attack - Renders your entire
front row un-hittable by physical attacks.
- Restrict Shot + Back Attack - Ensures physical
attacks will always get countered one way or
- Spell Sword + Assisted Spell - Make sure your
faster members perform Spell Sword - then hit with
an assisted spell for mucho damage against a single
strong monster.
- Double Slash + Assisted Shot - The best combo if
maximum damage is what you want; but there's no
defence in this one.
- Crisscross + Assisted Shot - More of the maximum
damage category; use on single monsters.
- Double Slash + Spell Shell - Great for battles
against spell-happy bosses like the Vampire Lord.
- Double Slash + Deploy - This one is really for
monsters with breath weapons; you can have your
rear members cast spells for more damage.
- Front Guard + Spell Assist - Use Jakreta or
Megadeth to cause untold havoc; at least to those
who don't have spell resistance.
- Double Slash + Spell Assist - Great with bosses,
the Spell Assist clears out his sidekicks while
the double slash hurts him bad. No defence though.
- Warp Attack + Spell Cancel - The ultimate in
flawless defence, superior attack.

If you want you can replace Double Slash with
Converge Attack, though I'm warning you it's not
as good damage-wise. Another option is to replace
it with Ninja Attack or Warp Attack, if you have


Monster List
Here's a list of all 108 monsters you will encounter in
Wizardry Tale of the Forsaken Land, where they first pop
up, and what materials they drop.

Name First Appearance Material
Bubbly Slime B1 Slime Goo
Red Slime B6 Slime Jelly
Silver Slime B7 Slime Jelly
Orc B1 Broken Sword
Orc King B2 Broken Sword
Bogey Cat B1 Bogey Cat Fur
Pixie B1 Pixie Wing
Fairy B8 Fairy Wing
Kobold B1 Broken Sword
Undead Kobold B1 Rotten Flesh
Giant Toad B1 Frog Tongue
Harpy B1 Bogey Bird Claw
Zombie B2 Rotten Flesh
Ogre B4 Broken Sword
Ogre Lord B7 Broken Sword
Dragonfly B3 Demon Egg
Stonefly B9 Demon Egg
Boring Beetle B4 Demon Egg
Spiral Beetle Abyss Demon Egg
Huge Spider (Red) B5 Cocoon
Huge Spider (Green) B5 Cocoon
Giant Spider B5 Cocoon
Spirit B4 Skull
Ghost B6 Skull
Shade B4 Skull
Gaze Hound B5 Hound's Ear
Wyvern B5 Wyvern Eyeball
Rotting Corpse B4 Rotting Flesh
Lifestealer B8 Rotting Flesh
Vampire B10 Vampire's Claw
Chimera B6 Chimera's Head
Will O'Wisp B8 Demon Egg
Gas Dragon B3 Dragon Heart
Blue Dragon B7 Dragon Heart/Scale
Copper Dragon Abyss Dragon Tail
Earth Giant B5 Giant's Tooth
Fire Giant B6 Giant's Tooth/Blood
Frost Giant B7 Giant's Blood/Guts
Poison Giant B8 Giant's Guts
Gargoyle B4 Devil Horn
Lesser Demon B4 Devil Horn
Spell Demon Abyss Devil Horn
Greater Demon B6 Devil Horn
Maelific Dimension World Devil Horn
Elder Demon Abyss Devil Horn
Pied Piper Dimension World Pied Piper's Pipe
Vampire Lord B8 Vampire's Claw
Fire Dragon B7 Dragon Scale
White Dragon Dimension World Dragon Tail
Gold Dragon Abyss Dragon Scale/Tail
Dragon Zombie B10 Undead Dragon Wing
Raver Lord B5 Broken Sword
Deathbringer Abyss Broken Sword
Rogue B1 Thief's Blood
Bushwacker (Sword) B2 Thief's Blood
Bushwacker 2 (Crossbow) B2 Thief's Blood
Highwayman B2 Thief's Blood
Lv4 Thief (Sword) B4 Thief's Blood
Lv4 Thief 2 (Crossbow) B4 Thief's Blood
Lv10 Thief (Sword) B7 Thief's Blood
Lv10 Thief (Crossbow) B7 Thief's Blood
Phantom Thief (Sword) Abyss Thief's Blood
Phantom Thief 2 (Crossbow) Abyss Thief's Blood
Lv1 Priest B2 Priest's Hair
Lv3 Priest B4 Priest's Hair
Lv8 Priest B7 Priest's Hair
High Priest B8 Priest's Hair
Arch Priest Abyss Priest's Hair
Virgo B1 -
Lv5 Priestess B3 Priest's Hair
Master Priestess B8 Priest's Hair
Lv1 Mage B2 Sorcerer's Earring
Lv5 Mage B3 Sorcerer's Earring
Lv7 Mage B7 Sorcerer's Earring
Arch Mage B8 Sorcerer's Earring
Lv10 Mage B9 Sorcerer's Earring
High Wizard B10 Sorcerer's Earring
Necromancer Abyss Sorcerer's Earring
Lv3 Warrior B3 Broken Sword
Lv7 Warrior B4 Broken Sword
Lv8 Warrior B5 Broken Sword
Lv10 Warrior B7 Broken Sword
Swordsman B9 Broken Sword
Berserker Abyss Broken Sword
Lv1 Bishop B2 Bishop's Bracelet
Lv8 Bishop B5 Bishop's Bracelet
Lv10 Bishop B7 Bishop's Bracelet
Arch Bishop Abyss Bishop's Bracelet
Lv3 Samurai B1 Samurai's Beard
Minor Daimyo B3 Samurai's Beard
Major Daimyo B5 Samurai's Beard
Champ Samurai B7 Samurai's Beard
Hatamoto B9 Samurai's Beard
Shogun Abyss Samurai's Beard
Lv1 Ninja B2 Ninja's Hood
Lv3 Ninja B4 Ninja's Hood
Lv6 Ninja B6 Ninja's Hood
Lv8 Ninja B8 Ninja's Hood
Master Ninja B3 Ninja's Hood
The High Master B9 Ninja's Hood
High Ninja Dimension World Ninja's Hood
Fuma Ninja Abyss Ninja's Hood
Nine Tail Abyss -
Incubus B6 Incubus Wing
Flesh Golem B8 Golem's Flesh
Reaper B2 Sword Fragment
Bu'Shin Dimension World -

Monster-killing Tips
Here I'll provide tips to killing the monsters you will
encounter during the game. Got trouble with a certain
monster? Check here! The tips are based around my
experiences in dealing with them, so if your experiences
based on party, levels and spells may differ somewhat,
and I'll try to take that into consideration. If you
have nastier tricks to off these monsters do tell me
about it.

Slimes (Bubbly Slime, Red Slime, Silver Slime)
Bubbly slimes are pretty much a non-issue since they
go down with nearly any blow. Red Slimes come in huge
groups, and can poison, so it's best to wipe them all
out in one fell swoop. They can also rush and front
guard. Use a Rush of your own if you're strong enough,
otherwise hit with an assisted spell that targets all
monsters (Jakreta works fine). Silver slimes are another
matter. They almost always run on the first round, and
have unreal tolerance to physical and magical attacks.
You can try Rush to hit them, though you probably cannot
kill them all (needs 140-150 damage Rush, which is a
level 30-40 party). You can kill the remainders with
another rush if any remains. Sometimes (very rarely)
spells can hit them as well.

Footsoldiers (Orc, Orc King, Kobold)
Not much of a threat either unless they are in a large
group with three or more in each row - that means they
can front guard and rush. They also sometimes Double
Slash and Converge Attack. Their rush HURTS at early
levels, so make sure you front guard often (usually
first or second round, then every alternate round).
Their individual attacks aren't all that good, and the
back row's only actions are usually escape (chickens!).
No real threat here.

Level 1 Wusses (Bogey Cat, Pixie, Giant Toad, Harpy)
Nothing all that stressful. Bogey Cats hit the hardest
of all monsters at the first floor, so finishing them
off should be a priority. Pixies and Harpies are fast,
but nothing tough about them. Pixies in the back row
can cast Sleep on a row of your members, but unless you
are really weak nothing happens. Giant Toads are a
joke unless they come in large parties, in that case
they will keep calling for assistance, which can be
a bother, but nothing that should cause any harm to
your party.

Weak Undeads (Undead Kobold, Zombie)
They come in unbelievably huge groups, but if you've got
a good priest you should at least wipe out most (if not
all) the undead kobolds. Zombies are harder to turn, but
if you've got even a slightly decent spell or magic
weapon they will go down in one blow. Front Guard - they
can paralyze, and big groups can rush.

Ogres (Ogre, Ogre Lord)
These guys hit HARD and larger parties can rush as well.
But they have no rear attacks and Restrict Shot + Jump
Attack should protect your front party. If there's three
in the front row they can Converge Attack. Concentrate on
killing one or two until they cannot rush, then it's
fairly easy from that point on.

Flies (Dragonfly, Stonefly)
Dragonflies are jokes since you can rush them to kill them
all even when you meet them for the first time. Be careful
when they attack with others - they have a weak breath
weapon, but when there's more than two attacking it quickly
adds up. If there are more than two rush to kill them all
first, and endure what the remaining monster will dish out.
Stoneflies that you meet late into the game don't breath,
but their attacks can stone your party. Again, by then rush
should kill them all. If you really need to concentrate on
another monster instead, guard yourself with Restrict Shot.

Bugs (Boring Beetle, Spiral Beetle, Huge Spiders, Giant Spider)
Kill them as quick as possible - they hit weak, but the
huge number of them can quickly add up. You probably can't
rush at them and expect to kill them all, so use assisted
spells instead. Great source of EXP. Be extra careful when
you meet the Spiral Beetles in the Abyss - they have big HP
and can't be killed immediately by any rush, or spells for
that matter (unless you use an Assisted Megadeth). And they
hit VERY HARD - if two or three gang up on one member he
WILL die.

Ghosts (Spirit, Ghost, Shade)
Nasty. Spirits and Ghosts can use insanely powerful spells
(at the time you meet them at least) so unless you spell
cancel they will give you hell. Shades aren't tough, but
they have an inordinately high chance of draining a level
(and those can't be returned, mind you). All three can
drain a level, actually. Restrict Shot if they are in the
front. Kill them fast if they are in the back with spell
cancel (via magic weapons) or spells. They are undeads, so
End Lash also works, but the two attackers involved must
have undead-killing weapons.

Gaze Hound
They can hit pretty hard when you first meet them in B5,
and their Gaze paralyzes one member until the Gaze Hound
is killed or quite a few round have passed. But it doesn't
work all that often. Hit them with your best attacks to
kill them fast, using Restrict Shot to protect (their Gaze
can't be protected from not matter what you do). By the
time you meet them in pairs you should have no trouble
killing them within one or two rounds each. Stun attack
works wonders here by the way.

High agility-type monster. Hard to hit, so use End Lash or
Hold Attack. Their tails can paralyze, use Restrict Shot.
They don't use spells. Not much HP either (100-110) so they
shouldn't be much of a bother to your members.

Corpses (Rotting Corpse, Lifestealer, Vampire)
VERY annoying monsters. They are undeads so only certain
things can do damage to them, and they've got nasty spells
an paralyzing touches as well. Vampires can even drain
levels. What is even more annoying is that they are often
used as footsoldiers for stronger monsters, so you'll
be hard-pressed to decide who to concentrate your attacks
on. Dispel usually doesn't work unless there's a big level
difference so don't bother. Hit them with magical weapons
or spells - they don't have much HP. Spell cancel the
back row ones, restrict if they are front row. As with
all undeads, do not Rush unless everyone has undead-killing
weapons. End Lash is fine though - at least two of your
members should have undead-killers equipped anyway.

DEPLOY! Even at later levels, the breath weapon of a Chimera
hits VERY hard and can easily do 100-200 damage if you're not
careful. When you first meet them in B6, they appear alone.
Deploy then hit them with everything else you've got and hope
they die before they start their attack. Almost all the time
they will use their breath weapons. Their physical attacks
don't warrant much attention, so skip the Restrict Shot and
use Double Slash instead. If you meet more that one, getting
nailed by their breath weapon isn't really much of a choice.
Take out one (you should be able to do that by then) before
he can attack. Set your one-hit-kill characters on the other
and hope he gets killed quick. Stun attacks may work here

Will O'Wisp
Another one of the high-agility types. They don't hit hard
at all, but if you plan to use physical attacks it will take
quite a while (so don't). Use assisted Jakreta to kill them
within one round and get exorbitant amounts of EXP! Your best
source for leveling up late in the game - they first appear
in B8.

2-legged Dragons (Gas Dragon, Blue Dragon, Copper Dragon)
Once again, Deploy. They aren't hard otherwise, and their
physical attacks shouldn't trouble much. It gets quite
nasty when they start coming in pairs, since their big HP
means you usually can kill them in one round. Nothing much
you can do except endure the damage, really. Be VERY
careful of Copper Dragons in the Abyss. They have inordinate
amounts of HP, and their breath weapons hurt. And most of
the time they combo with another really tough monster, so
it's a true test of your endurance. Stun attacks are your
friend here.

Giants (Earth Giant, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Poison Giant)
Earth and Fire Giants shouldn't be much of a concern since
they only have physical attacks, hence Restrict Shot ends
their pain. Frost and Poison Giants are a concern because
they do have breath weapons. If you can't kill these in
one round then Deploy. If you meet a combination of these
always focus on the one with breath weapons. Poison Giants
are nasty since they have high defence and a really really
bad breath, so if you meet a big group you should use Daiba
to kill them quickly since their damages add up after a few
rounds (and you won't kill them all in one round, trust me).
Stun attacks work great on them, by the way.

They can fly so then can hit back members too, but they
will usually hit front row instead. Restrict Attack. End
of story.

Weak Demons (Lesser Demon, Spell Demon)
Fairly nasty critters. They look hideous and hit fairly
hard with spells and attacks. When alone use restrict
shot (they don't cast spells as often as they do attacking).
When in big groups, you really don't have much of a choice
except endure. They can barrier weaker spells, so if you've
got low level ones don't try them. Higher level assisted
Jakretas can kill a good number, however. Spell Demons
of the Abyss don't attack in big groups, but they have
insanely high HP, and uses more spells that attacks (hence
their name) - spell cancel instead.

Strong Demons (Greater Demon, Maelific, Elder Demon)
Probably the one of the most powerful category of monsters
you will fight. They all have superior defence so Daiba is
a must. Getting hit by their tail causes paralysis and they
hit fairly hard with spells as well. You're spoilt for
choice whether to guard their spells or their attacks (both
are nasty). And to top it off they can call for assistance.
Anything above three of these critters will slaughter your
party, so run if there are that many. Other than double
slash, stun attacks sometimes work against them, so use that
if you want a gamble. Maelifics are quite a bit more nasty
since they have the use of Megadeth, so spell cancel. Luckily
Maelifics are fairly rare in the game - you usually meet
just one in Dimension World if you're lucky (or unluckly,
whichever way you look at it). There are those guarding
Smiley's Shop as well, but fighting four is definitely
stretching it. Elder Demons of the abyss are the nastiest
of the lot due to their inhuman defence - don't be surprised
that none of your party can do more that one point of damage
without Daiba. Even when Daiba is on you probably can't do
more than double digits. My advice? Run like hell ^_^. If
you are planning to off yourself a greater demon, Spell
Cancel is necessary - they will throw high level Megadeths
at you at the slightest opportunity.

Pied Piper
A denizen of the Dimension World. They are perhaps the only
monsters in the game that can mass-confuse your party, and
they have breath weapons as well. They shouldn't worry you
if they are alone, but two is pushing it. Restrict attack
is better than Deploy here - they have cold breath, but
don't do it all that often.

Vampire Lord
He's a boss when you first meet him, and his Jakuld hurts
like mother. He can also drain levels up close. But he
isn't much of a challenge HP-wise - you shouldn't take more
than two rounds to quash him with Double Slash. As much
as his spells hurt, his physical attacks hurt a lot more
(especially when he can drain 2-4 levels right off your
members) so Restrict Attack if he is up close, and spell
cancel when he's at the back. He's a priority at every
battle - kill him first before focusing on others if

4-legged Dragons (Fire Dragon, White Dragon, Gold Dragon)
These guys are NASTY! Very big HP means you'll need Daiba
to get anything done before they toast you completely.
Deploy is a must for every round. They can cast some fairly
nasty spells - so check to see which hurt you more (breath
or spells) and guard respectively. Concentrate your best
physical attacks on them - spells will usually get barrier'd
unless you use cold spells vs. fire dragons, fire spells vs.
white dragon. A special warning against the Gold Dragons of
the abyss - they are the second-strongest monsters in the
game. Insane HP means you'll take 8-10 rounds of combat even
with a Daiba-upped party, and they can wipe you out very
easily if you're not strong enough (Lv. 40-50 average is a
must). They are usually followed by another annoying and nasty
monster, and you'll need to kill that first since they are
in front, which adds another 2-3 rounds. If they consecutively
perform their breath attacks you CANNOT survive no matter how
powerful you are, so a word of prayer is in order if you fight

Dragon Zombie
Fairly nasty monster. For some reason, you can hit him with
anything in the first round, but if you can't kill him by
then, he becomes undead, i.e. only spells and magic weapons
will hit. He's almost always using his breath weapon (even
more than the other dragons), so keep deploying every round.

Lords (Raver Lord, Deathbringer)
One of the bosses you will meet. He's basically a souped-up
samurai with some very hard-hitting physical attacks, so
use restrict shot. His spells aren't quite that nasty. The
superior Abyss version, Deathbringer, has the usual upgrades
(more defence, more HP, more damage) plus a nasty new trick
- upon critical he can kill in one blow, like a ninja.
Otherwise he's nothing you should be sweating about.

If you really have trouble with these guys then you REALLY
will have trouble with this game! While they are fairly
annoying at the start of the game, they soon lose out to
the other monsters you will meet. They have very high
accuracy so most of their attacks will hit, back row ones
will use a crossbow, and those can't be blocked. But they
do lousy damage either way, and despite high agility can
be hit easily. And, second to the spellcasters, they have
the lowest HP, so they can be killed within one or two
attacks. Concentrate on others; these guys you can take
care of last.

Priests & Priestesses
Slightly more HP than all other spellcasters make them a
bother since End Lash usually won't kill them in one swoop.
Combine it with spell cancel or just attack with missiles
to take them out quickly. Lower level ones aren't dangerous
since all they do is sleep or silence. Higher level priests
do big damage with Force and other attack spells so these
need to be taken out quickly. Two or more can use Assisted
Spell to give even more oomph to their attacks. But give
priority to taking out mages and bishops.

Virgo (BOSS)
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.

Low HP means you can usually off them without them actually
doing anything. Usually guarded by a row of front attackers.
Sorcerers have to be made a priority in battle, because their
spells do very nasty damage - most of the time more than all
the physical attacks of the front row combined. And if there
two or more at the back, they can use Assisted Spell as well.
End Lash will end their misery.

These are usually there to guard spellcasters. Fairly decent
HP means you'll take some time to kill them. They only do
physical attacks so use restrict shot once you've finished
off the spellcasters on the back row. Do be careful that
they can rush if there's six of them, and front guard as well.
Higher level warriors (Lv.10 Warrior onwards) can double slash
or converge attack as well, and the damages there can get quite
high, but still you shouldn't make them your priority to kill
in battle.

The hit a little harder than warriors and can cast fairly
weak attack spells if they are in the back row. Unless you
are fighting fairly high-leveled samurais the should be
treated as warriors (low priority). Do be careful when you
meet Major Daimyo and stronger samurais - they can instant-kill
your members upon critical. They also start double-slashing,
and that's a sure fire instant-kill right there. Keep up
Restrict Shot. You can ignore their spells since there are
usually much worse things for you to be worried about at the

Threat these as you would threat a sorcerer. They have even
lower HP than sorcerers (due to their comparatively low levels)
so they shouldn't be a bother. They can do fairly nasty sorcerer
and priest spells if left alone, however. They too can use
Assisted Spell if they come in pairs or more.

Nasty. Very high agility means that, unless your own agility
is boosted you're not going to hit them at all. End Lash works
fine. You MUST put up Restrict Shot - strong ninjas can
instantly kill on contact with very high probability. Low HP
means you can safely Rush them to take them all out at higher
levels, but not when you first meet them. Spells work well too
if there's a big group. Master Ninja onwards mean they can cast
spells as well - which is actually a disadvantage to them since
their spells suck anyways.

Nine Tail
Boss of the abyss - the strongest monster in the game. Check
the abyss section of the walkthrough for more info. Oh, and
if you bump into him, here's a tip - start praying. ^_^

Incubus (BOSS)
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.

Flesh Golem (BOSS)
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.

Reaper (BOSS)
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.

Bu'Shin (BOSS)
Strategies can be found in the main walkthrough, look there.


I'll try to provide a spoiler-free walkthrough (if you haven't
already been spoiled by what I wrote up there). This is only
for the main quest - the side quests (the ones you get at the
tavern) will be covered in the next section.

NEW! If you're using Forsetti's maps in conjunction to this
walkthrough, I've included position markers that are in them.
So if you see a (32) that means position mark 32 in Forsetti's
maps for that particular floor.

Path to Allied Actions
A big training stage if anything. You must have Kyo and
Ricardo to start this off (or else Kasta won't let you
in). Nothing too hard. You should immediately go back
and level up after your first fight with Kobolds to
have a better chance. Early on you'll reach a square room
with exits in four directions. Take the one left to do
Ricardo's quest (4), up to do Kyo's quest (6), and then
finally take the one going right to get Sara, a capable
priestess (3). You'll want to be around level 4 by the
time you reach the clear canyon floor area. Just a little
further up you'll meet a threesome that you will see a
lot of for a while for more training on items and such.
Past that there's fork in the path. Go right to help the
poisoned man (9) to put yourself in the Sara's good books.
Then go back and take the other path. You'll meet the
swordsman (13) who will teach you your first Allied Actions
- Restrict Shot, Front Guard and Double Slash which will
quickly become your staple AAs for the rest of the game.
You'll meet your first boss, Virgo, here. Just double slash
like crazy and she'll go down in due time. Ignore the stairs
and get your butt back to town, 'cuz you're now able to
create other party members! At the guild you can also learn
Rush, which is fairly useful later.

B1 (Fortress)
Back here again. You'll be given another brief tutorial
about vellums, then you get your first vellum. Go back
to where you recruited Sara (3), and you'll meet Queen
Otelier and Le'Dua. After all that, return to the area
with the spiral stairs. Where you helped the man earlier,
you can now find a Maelific Shop (9), where you can buy

Here's a warning thanks to Strider009 :- If you've got
some really big ones (as Pei Pei would say), then try to
buy something without having enough money for it - as
you leave you will be attacked by four Maelifics, which
WILL decimate you. Seriously, unless you really enjoy
seeing the Game Over screen, don't try it. Worth big
experience (~100k) if you, by some miracle, beat them.

You should now be back at the spot where you were taught
Allied Actions. Be careful now, your first meeting with
the reaper is near. After a quick warning by a wounded
warrior, proceed. If you're quick, you can dodge pass it,
go up the stairs all the way and drop down the pit to
trigger the switch (8). This opens a small shortcut
through B1 (1). Then go over to the first exit on the
stairs (the one you skipped before) and cross the bridge
there (you can drop down to the canyon below from here).
You'll meet Rui here, who will give you some training
with fighting undeads. Basically, all you can do now is
dispel and cast spells (you DO have a priest and a
sorcerer, right?) since you don't have any magic weapons
yet. Nevertheless, you will fight two undead kobolds,
which shouldn't be too hard if you're careful. Off you
go to B2 (11).

B2 (Old Jail)
Upon descending, you will feel your controller shake a
little. No, there's no reaper nearby, rather a reaper
door. You can only see and use reaper doors if one of
your members are possessed by the reaper. Inside is a
small room with the healing vellum (Parazkea).

You'll meet plenty of NPCs to chat with around here.
Basically, the area consists of three circular floors
with an open central area, and cells on the walls.
You'll also find an elevator; it's not powered up
yet, but that's the main aim of this floor. You'll
bump into the soldiers Le'Dua requested you to find
eventually. After talking to them (and getting yet
another quest) you should go back to Le'Dua for big
EXP and a nice item. Anyway, to clear this floor, first
descend down to the third floor. You'll find the lift
straight away (X). In the lift room there's a cracked
wall - run into it to break it. Ignore the path it
opens up since it's basically a dead end for now. Now go
over the other red-colored room (on the map, that is).
You will need to pass a one-way door to do that. You'll
find another elevator here (Y), but that's for later.
Alternatively you can cross the lift in the center.
Once you reach the last red room (16), you'll be in a
battle for your life against... three pixies? You can
kill 'em with your eyes closed. Watch the scene, then
pull the switch. The center lift will go up, forming a
bridge to a new area in the first floor. Break the
crack that is also in this room, then follow the path
back to the third floor first elevator. Now go back to
the bridge. Be careful now... your first tough boss is
just a step before the bridge (16).

The reaper looks hard as nails, but he isn't actually
that bad if you have been doing some training around
here. His spells hurt, so use spell cancel. Double slash
like crazy until he falls. Your priest should heal your
front character after they get nailed by his attacks.
You can ignore the zombies beside him - they are weak
enough to be a non-issue.

After a battle like that, I suggest going back to rest.
Granted, you have to do that elevator raising bit all
over again, but better that that going down and getting
killed before you can save, right? Anyway, pass the
new bridge is a hole. Drop down until you reach the
fourth floor of the jail. The reaper lurks around here
too, so be careful. Skip the cells and the one other door
that leads to stairs going up. At the end is a little
room where you can power up the elevator (17). Now that
it's done, head back to the door with the stairs then go
through the one-way door back a to the first floor
elevator, then take it down to fourth floor. From now
on, you can simply ride the elevator 1 down to here and
skip all of B2 completely. The decent to B3 is here (22).
Also, you should flip the switch right behind the
elevator (9) to activate the other elevator you saw (Y).

B3 (Labyrinth)
Don't even try to map this place since it's totally
random every time you enter. You'll bump into a priest
pretty soon after you enter - he'll read your fortune.
You'll get good or bad stuff happen to you as per his
reading. For some reason, mostly bad stuff happen to
me - it's really not much of a big deal even if it
is good stuff, so just ignore him. You'll also meet
Grace and Orphe in separate encounters - these may be
important steps in getting them into your party later.
First of all, finding the staircase down is fairly easy
- it's always on the outer corridors (i.e. not behind
any door) so after running around a bit you should find
it. Sometimes it's on a lower floor - if you find stairs
going down, by all means go down. Look around this floor
to find magic stones, kill more monsters to gain
experience. Because you will need it when you go down a
floor into what is arguably the most annoying floor of
the game.

B4 (Ancient Cemetery)
This place is a nightmare. It consists of two layers,
one upper area you start in, and the tunnels underneath.
Not only do you meet hordes upon hordes of undead, you
are stuck on paths filled with pits that drop you down
to the tunnels below... over and over again until you
find the right path. The lower floors aren't all that
bad (unless you drop on a monster falling down) but the
upper floor is nasty. You only have single paths to
walk on so monster battles are usually inescapable. And
while pits can't be crossed by you, they can be crossed
by monsters so you'll have to watch your back - rear
ambushes occur fairly often here.

You'll eventually meet Matsuri, and complete the quest
given to you by the solders from B2. You'll also meet
the same party from B1, Annmarie, Rune and Oscar. Your
conversation can lead you to fighting Rune and Oscar,
but they really can't do much if you put up restrict
shot. If you do fight them instead of giving up half
your money like a wuss, you can meet them again in B3
and play a little mini-game where both your parties
have to locate the exit while fighting as much monsters
as possible. Make sure you kill more than five monsters.
Don't worry if you draw - you always draw with them as
long as you beat more than five monsters (that's a bit
of a cheat, isn't it?). They will then offer to sell
you certain magic stones. Be careful, not all of them
are the real deal - the carcass stone is probably the
best value for money. If you fought less that five
monsters (you guessed it!) you lose half your money.

Anyway, to clear this floor, you have to locate the
red-colored pits on the map (all other pits are pink in
color). From your starting position, go up a little, then
right - you'll be on an elevated bridge (A10) which you
will appear on often when you take the teleporter in the
tunnels below. Now go further right a bit, then down all
the way. Then right all the way, and up a little. From
here locate a special pink pit you can step on without
falling (near A1 - you'll activate a pit trap, just hit
the right sequence to pass it). Just to the west of that
pit on the map is the first red pit (A1).

Drop down, follow along and you'll be in the upper right
area of the map. Locate the large gravestone on the ground
(A2) and push it to open a new path. By the way, if you're
doing Gustav's quest, the pit where his shield is located
(B13) is near here. From the stone, go left a bit, then
down, then up to another elevated bridge (A13). From here
you can go up, then left a little, down and left and you'll
find a key on the ground, which opens a door you will
find later. Back at the second bridge, go up again, but
now off to right. There are two pits next to each other;
one of them is another pit-trap that you can step over.
Go up from there and you'll reach a gate. Here a mini-boss
battle will occur where you fight thieves. They suck, so
don't worry too much. Loot the stuff in the little room
behind the gate, then follow the thief down the next red
pit (A3).

You will pass a locked door and a teleporter (B3). Heed
good Odom's advice and ignore the teleporter. You can use
the key you found before to open the door; that door
leads back up to B2, second elevator (B7) - another
shortcut. Past these there's a small boss fight where you
face off against Kulgan the Agile - he's a pushover if
you restrict shot. Once you emerge, go south and search
around to locate another movable gravestone (A4). Descend,
then follow the path. From there go south until you reach
a third pit trap. Past that is the stairs down to B5 (A8).

B5 (Waterfall)
This "floor" (and I use that very roughly) is basically
a giant spiral path down the waterfall, with stops at
interconnecting caves. There's a shop at the start (3),
some weird orc activity, and yet another encounter with
the cute elf girl.

You should explore all the caves for treasure and such.
Early on you will find a pixie guarding a door (8) - it's
related to Geese' Quest (no.20 on the list below). She
will disappear after that quest is done, but before that
you can get a crimson ring (regenerates HP when equipped)
if you give her a Carcass or Cathedral stone. When you
find train tracks, follow them to your first old trolley.
It's trapped and contains some gold. Nab the gold. You will
eventually find a cave that has a broken wall. You can go
another few levels down to find the Lucida's music shop
(15) and spring room (16) - both of them are related to
quests you can do; but for now bust the broken wall and go

Okay, now you can head back to the broken wall area. Pass
it, then locate the pit you can jump down on, and proceed.
If you follow the caves a little, you will find another
broken wall which you can destroy. This leads back to a
few levels above the spring and music shop, so you can go
back up if you want (the wall can't be broken from the
other side, lest you get any bright ideas). Anyway,
pass the break in the path, you will meet Virgo again (18),
this time with two Gaze Hounds as backup. Concentrate on
Virgo entirely; if you've done your training, you should
be able to beat her within a round or so. Then you can
concentrate to fighting the Gaze Hounds.

Further down you'll find a really nice shortcut in one
of the caves (21) - it leads all the way back up to the
snowy alter in B1, so that's going to save you a lot
of walking. Go down a little more and you'll eventually
find a single room with no other exits (24) that contains
a katana, Osafune, in it - quite good if you've got a
samurai. Make a mental note of this room, then push on to
reach a gondola (30). Go in the door directly in front of
the gondola and you'll see some more train tracks - once
again, follow them to an old trolley. It's also trapped
and also contains a bag of gold, which you should nab. Now
go back to the room with Osafune - you'll encounter an
orc guarding a prisoner. Note : this only occurs if you
nabbed BOTH bags of gold WITHOUT raising the gondola. Help
out and you'll get a brand new NPC added to your group,

Ride the gondola up, get off but don't send the gondola
back down. Use a transfer potion to get back to town
(Kasta's Shop nearby sells 'em if you're out). Take
the new shortcut in the B1 snowy alter you just opened.
You will bump into Eric on the way, who has a new
venture - the most useful shop in the game, the
Materials Shop is now open (4)! Now then back to where
we left off in B5. At the spot where the gondola was
(before you used it - 30) is a now open shaft. A long
cut scene occurs culminating in a new NPC for your
addition - Michele, the elf sorceress. Ignore the pit
there, and descend down to B6 (31).

B6 (Moldy Fort)
Hopefully you have both Resurrect (Carcass) and Poison
Cure (Poizkea) - both are in B6. You will need them
both now. B6 is one of the larger floors, and will
take a fair bit of exploring. Just to the south you
will find a one-way door, in which you are on the
wrong side of. Further south of that is a big room
where you can find the Light-up vellum. To get to the
rooms in the east, first go to the north all the way,
then east down the drop-off. You'll meet Orphe and
Aoba in a little bit.

After meeting them, you can go back to where you
found the Light-Up vellum (just take the nearby
one-way door would do). You'll meet the duo again
and help them fight off some fairies. Once that is
done, you can return to B4 - at the start you will
meet Aoba again. At the spot where you met Orphe
and Aoba for the first time in the cemetery (past
the second bridge, you can't miss it) you will
meet Orphe, and finally both Orphe and Aoba will
join you. You will also learn the most powerful AA
of the game, Warp Attack, from Orphe. You probably
can't use it yet however - it's a Level 8 Trust AA.
Note that Orphe will not appear at her spot if you
have not done Gustav's Shield quest (quest no. 18)
or during the quest you killed the zombie involved.

Back to where we left off in B6. Down the long room
you'll find two doors. One going back left is the
one-way door, so unless you're really itching to get
out, don't use it. The door opposite will lead you to
Kaza's room (2), where he will chat with you a little
bit. Hey, is that your controller vibrating? Another
reaper door is nearby (3). There's some spirited
shurikens behind, so if you want to dunk your ninja
to the back now is a good time. Further down and to
the left you will notice a pink area if you used Maps.
You can't use maps here (not even the spell) so plan
your path carefully before moving.

Here's the most straightforward path - Once through
the door, hug the right wall until you reach a
T-junction. Side-step left, then go straight - there
should be a staircase to your right. Go up those
stairs. At the top, go right, then left, then left
again. Now go straight and you'll reach a door. Pass
that room and go straight ahead to a green room (4).
Green room means safety, right? Not a chance. After
a brief chat, it's boss time.

Incubus is nasty since both his spells and his
physical attacks hurt. But what also hurts are the
two mages by his side - you should try to take them
out with a spell ASAP (ole' Horseface himself is
pretty much immune to spells you cast). You should
be able to survive his physical attacks (make sure
your priest is always free and casting Fiealds,
Safeal or Lafeal) so use spell cancel. You probably
have converge attack by now. It looks powerful, but
it's not - using double slash and your third front
man attack actually does more damage.

Once Incubus is down you can take a breather, then
continue. You'll soon reach a room with puddles of
ooze - stepping on them gets you poisoned. A scene
will occur here if Hina is in your party. Some
chests here are surrounded by poison puddles, so
you will get poisoned if you try to get them. One
of them holds the Transfer vellum, however. There's
two passages going left. The one furthest from you
is one BIG dead end. You can bypass the ooze by
breaking the walls to your right, but there's no
real reason to explore that path unless you want
some miscellaneous treasure (and want to fill up
the map).

The left passage nearest to you is what you want to
take. Follow it along until you reach a room with
what looks like two drains on the floor. The one
nearer to you (5) just drops you down to the dead
end mentioned above, so skip that and take the
drain further from you (7).

Keep going, and don't jump down any pit you see
(they all lead to the afore-mentioned dead end).
There's a room where the door is blocked by oozes
on the floor. No choice there; you've gotta step
on them to proceed. That's why you should have
Poizkea. At the very end you'll reach what looks
like a bridge - there's a chest on the other side,
but it's bait to make you fall down to the room
below (12). You'll be in the room with a skeleton
chained to the wall. If you have Hina her quest
will end here with a HUGE fight with a Greater
Demon. You can avoid this by simply not having
Hina in your party. Go forward to locate the
stairs down to B7 (13). The other passage leads
to a one-way door back to the area before the
mapless room - so ignore it.

B7 (Labyrinth)
Another randomly changing floor. Don't actually
bother exploring this floor until you get down to
B8 since that will immediately open a short cut
from B1 to B8. Just run around, locate the stairs
going down, then HEAL YOURSELF because a boss
fight (two, actually) is up next.

B8 (Sham Sanctuary)
You'll be hit by not one but two boss fights on
the get go here. First one consists of a battle
with master ninjas. Like all other ninjas, physical
attacks will most likely miss, so slap 'em sideways
with spells or guaranteed-hit-attacks like End Lash.
Don't use Rush - you'll want your front to be
guarded with restrict shot. And don't let them hit
you - the odds of them killing you instantly is
fairly high. And focus on one ninja - if you keep
them all alive long enough they'll do a converge
attack which cannot be restricted, and will pretty
much guarantee their victim gets insta-killed.

The next boss fight is actually HARDER. The flesh
golem is your primary concern (wipe his flunkies
out with one strong Zakreta). He hits hard. Very
hard. If he connects all his hits he can kill
just about any of your warriors almost immediately.
So use restrict shot. Keep your priest free for
Lafeal and Fiealds. Spells don't work much so don't
bother. His spells do hurt, but it won't kill you
as long as you keep healing. As always, double
slash, with Zaiba for good measure.

Once he's defeated, pick up some of his flesh and
get out on the double. You're no match for any
of the monsters here, not yet. Do your town stuff,
use the new portal that will appear, then go back
up to B7 and train there (and grab those magic
stones). Once you're confident enough, go back
down to B8.

The first area of B8 consist of tons of corridors,
teleporters, doors and one-way doors. Again, there
are the relatively useless pink teleporters, and
the important red teleporters. Make your way to
the big rooms you can see with Maps - they hold
some fairly useful stuff, including a vellum on the
left one. The first red teleporter you can reach is
at the middle right of the map (17). You should be
able to get there without using any teleporters. Once
you use it, you will appear at the opposite end of
the map (18), the middle left. Use maps to locate a
green square room (25) just above the FIRST red
teleporter. You'll have to cross the entire span of
the map rightwards until you reach the green room. A
long series of flashbacks occur here.

Once you've seen all that, go out through the other
door. Go straight forward (ignore the door to the
left for now). and you'll end up in the right half
of the largest room on this map (21). You will see
red step on the floor - search it to activate it -
notice the waters around you stop flowing. You might
not realize it, but you've just drained the lake at
the bottom of B5 (32 of B5 map). It's another nice
shortcut. Search around for another vellum.

If you've done side-quest no.12 (Garcia's quest)
when you go back to town and head to the tavern
Garcia will mention that Grace and Wolfe are
down at B5. Use the snowy alter shortcut, then
go down to the lowest level (jump down the pit
near the staircase to B6). You'll bump into
Kasta if you did it right. A new path here will
lead you to a Grace, Wolfe and a boss.

This particular nasty, the Raver Lord, is not
all that tough, at least compared to the Vampire
Lord. He's got nasty attacks so use restrict shot,
daiba, double slash to end his misery real quick.
After this, both Grace and Wolfe become available
as members in the tavern.

Now then, take the teleporter here and you'll
be back to B8, where you hit the switch. Go back
a room, and now take the door here to another
red teleporter (23). From here you have to go up
to reach the next green room (26). There's more
stuff, mainly concerning your hero's memory, then
after that you can proceed to the third and final
crystal (27).

If you own three quartz (I think it's quite
unavoidable to get them), you can use the three
crystals to restore HP, restore MP and remove
adverse conditions respectively. Not that you'll
need them. If you nab the surprise quartz later
there's even more interesting stuff here... look
at the B10 section for more info.

Past the third crystal is the rather annoying
twisting-turning room. Looks just like any
ordinary big room, but some of the squares here
turn you around for a bit - what's dangerous is
the fact that there are plenty of monsters
wandering about, and you don't want to walk
towards a monster just to have you back turned
to him when he attacks. There's a bag in the
center of the room (30) - it holds a key to the
door just south (11). That's another shortcut -
from the first room of B8 it's just one teleport
and a quick walk to this door (you should have
passed by it before). And this also immediately
renders the B5 shortcut useless.

Past the twisting room is another long corridor
with more twists, and is a reaper hotspot; a rather
nasty combo. At the very end, an emotional scene
occurs, and Kulgan joins after that (he's good,
quite a fair bit better than Kyo or any ninja you
might have). Then it's down to B9 (29).

B9 (Labyrinth)
Yes, another Labyrinth. Once again, don't bother
to stick around; just look for the exit and head
straight down. Unlike the previous Labyrinths,
the exit in this one might be in a lower floor;
use Maps to locate large rooms that have
staircases going down. The monsters here aren't
that bad, so fight some if you have to.

Once you get down to exploring B9 proper, during
a red moon you might bump into a mysterious
wizard/god/demon named Gimrey. Upon meeting him
he will ask you to sacrifice one of your members
in order to gain a powerful item (the higher
that member's trust, the better the item - don't
fall for it, all the items are nothing to shout
about). That's the evil choice. If you refuse, he
sics two Flame Dragons on you. As long as you have
Deploy AA you shouldn't have any problems. Once you
defeat the dragons he will reward you by raising
all your member's Max HP by 20.

B10 (Testament)
Yep, like before, the moment you step foot into
B10 you face a boss - yeah, it's her again. This
time Virgo has the services of two giants. Not a
tough boss - take out both the giants while using
spell cancel to prevent Virgo from actually doing
anything. Once both giants are dead, Virgo will
be a pushover.

And like before, get your butt outta here on the
double. Back in B1 a portal will conveniently
open that takes you back to B10 - go back to B9
and do some more training.

All done? Here's how to properly clear B10. The
start of B10 is basically small rooms all connected
by teleporters. It's not all that big, and with
some trial and error you should figure out most
of it fairly easily. First off, you need to reach
a red square seen with the Maps spell. To get
there, from the first room, take the warp in the
southeast (14). Then take the northeast warp (16)
(not like there's much of a choice). Now you'll be
in a four-warp room, in the northeast. Take the
northwest warp (18). You'll be in another four-warp
room, this time with a plate (20) (red square)
nearby. Switch on the plate to open the main door.
Now take the warp nearest to the plate (22)
(northeast). Then take the southwest warp (12).
You'll be back at the entrance room.

To make it to the open door, back at the entrance,
take the northwest warp (25). You'll be in a small
rectangular room with four warps. Take the one
right next to the one you're standing on
(27)(southwest). Then the northeast (39), then
southeast (43). You'll be in a square, four-warp
room again. Take the warp furthest from you (49)
(northwest). You are now facing the door. There
are two fragile walls on either side (55 & 53), so
break them to claim the treasures within (don't
take the warps unless you want to trek through all
those warps again) - you will find a new vellum
(Blazing aka Megadeth) and a katana (Kikuichimonji,
the one Hina has). Now take the door. You'll bump
into Virgo again, a little depressed. There's also
a sad scene here if you have Grace in your party.
You can Virgo her again in B7 (not important) and
then in Kasta's shop in B5, where she can then join
your party. Back to the floor at hand, after a few
cut scenes, it's time for a boss.

Surprise... the second boss of the game is also the
second-to-last boss of the game. Don't be scared if
you're only doing single points of damage to the
Reaper, he's just got overly high defence. He has
preference to casting spells, so use Spell Cancel
(it's alright this time since he's always the first
monster to attack). First thing you need to do is
to get rid of the four annoying ghosts tagging along
with him - it's a long battle, and while their
damages are weak, it adds up after a while. Use Daiba
to ensure that your entire party can hit them (this
also lets you do at least some damage to the Reaper
himself). Kill all the ghosts, then concentrate on
hitting the Reaper (you should be doing at least
double digit damages with Daiba, if not you're too
weak). He's got a lot of HP so you'll need to be
patient. Make sure Spell Cancel is done every round.
He sometimes does physical attacks, and you'll need
either Carcass or Cathedral (prefebly Cathedral) here
- like a ninja, his attacks can cause instant kills.
He's also got an unblockable attack called "Underworld
Cry" which might cause fear to your party members.
With patience, the Reaper should not be a problem to
you. Incidentally, if you haven't explored both the
reaper doors, haven't messed with a Possessed Party,
then it's too late for you - upon killing the reaper,
his possessing form will never appear again...

Once you're done, Kaza makes a brief appearance, and
will join your party if Michele is around as well. Nab
the sword fragment on the ground then proceed ahead and
grab the Queen's Guard Sword (54), a fairly impressive
weapon. You might want to return to town here, because
the final stage is almost upon you (56)!

Nheng of the gamefaqs board has some interesting info
about a unique item... If you did Annmarie's race at B3,
after killing the reaper in B10 you will meet her and
her cohorts at the entrance to B9. They will challenge
you to disarm the traps made by Oscar. If you ask them
"How many traps" you'll end up fighting Rune and Oscar
(they are still pathetic, don't worry). They then will
tell you there's 10 traps. Disarm them (they're hidden
all over the floor - you'll get a special note telling
you it's Oscar's Trap), then go to the B9 exit and meet
them again. They will mention that they will meet you
again at the entrance of B1. Go there. Now Rune will
challenge you to kill fire dragons that lurk in B9 -
answer all three questions (correct answers - 3,2,2)
and you'll find out you need to kill more than 5 fire
dragons. Go to B9 through B8 (do not go up from B10).
Kill 6 or more fire dragons then proceed down to B10.
Annmarie will tell you that both her buddies have been
killed by flame dragons. Choose "Think of a way to save
them" - she will cast Carcass, Cathedral and finally
Valhalla, and Rune and Oscar will come back to life.
You will now be rewarded with a Surprise Quartz! When
you used it at memory crystals in B8, random happenings
will occur :-
- An orc gives you character information
- lose or get money
- Gain exp
- Abnormal status / Ash
- recovered HP/MP and abnormal status
- Your stats increase or decrease
- Fight with monsters
- MP is completely drained ...etc.

Dimension World
You will discover a startling truth just as you enter,
and then it's insane battles all the way. The main idea
here is to drop down floors until you reach the lowest
one, which just consists of four teleporters (2,4,6 & 8).
Doesn't matter which one you drop on, since they all
bring you to the topmost floor (3,5,7 & 9 respectively).
Make sure to grab all the chests littered about; there's
a vellum in one of them (floor 3). From there you can
drop off the edges to teleporters you see by the sides
of the floor when you first entered. From here, the one
teleporter you want to drop onto is at the eastern drop.
There's two squares to drop off from, you'd want the
south drop (16). Walk up to the large platform (18).
Your NPC members will give you a final pep talk, then a
scene will occur, culminating in the battle to end all
battles. Your battle with Bu'Shin begins...

He/She/It is quite cheap since restrict shot is disabled,
so your only choice is Spell Cancel for defence. Use
priests or bishops for healing. Daiba is a must to do
decent damage. When he is using his "Male" face attack
Bu'Shin himself, he's considered a front row attacker.
When he switches to his "Female" face, attack the other
target on his body instead - she's considered a back row
attacker, so if you have Ninja Attack or Warp Attack AA
that's a big bonus. He's got some cheap unblockable
attacks, but if you've got a good priest it shouldn't be
a problem. It's a long fight, but surprisingly quite
easy if you know the trick.

Once you've taken care of Bu'Shin, pat yourself in the
back, because you've just finished Wizardry - Tale of
The Forsaken Lands! You'll get to save the game, which
lets you go back to Town and explore to see if you've
missed anything. You can't do missed side quests however;
that option is disabled in the tavern as is your Quest
Confirmation option in your party menu. But if you head
back to the Labyrinth, a new shortcut would have opened
up - go back to Gotz's (the trap-making orc's) room, and
you'll notice the boulder there is missing. Go down and

The Abyss
This is the game's bonus dungeon - basically a collection
of random floors filled to the brim with nearly the all
the toughest monsters of the game, as well as some new,
abyss-only monsters. Some pointers here...

- Thus far I've never reached the end. Who knows how
long this dungeon goes? I've heard reports of it being
999 floors or 9999 floors.
- You will randomly bump into a zombie selling medicine,
a rotting corpse running an inn (your levels don't
raise if you stay there) and the Material Shop guy.
- The monsters are a mixed bag. I've met a single
samurai before, but I've also met two Vampire Lords
and two White Dragons, four chimeras, etc...
- The new monsters are TOUGH. Be very prepared when you
take on a Gold Dragon - he has more HP that Bu'Shin
- You can get all manner of items, powerful and weak, in
chests found here. Anything from a cloak to the Queen
Guard Sword (yes, another one) can be found.
- If you're missing any vellums, you might fight them
in chests as well.
- I've met the Incubus (as a bat-type monster) - he'll
drop Incubus Wings. It's possible other bosses are
in there as well. Additional Info :- Strand
has mentioned that all the bosses only appear in
multiple-of-ten floors, just like Nine Tail.
- If you find yourself walking down a small corridor lit
with candles, and see a Japanese-looking altar with a
ball of light floating on it, be warned; you are a few
steps away from meeting the most powerful monster of
the game, Nine Tail. According to Strand, he is always
found in multiple-of-ten floors - thus your first
encounter would be in B10. Be warned, he is a fair bit
harder than ole Bu'Shin himself. His physical attacks
hit for some 300-400 points, he can cast Jakuld at
100-200 points of damage each, and finally a cold
breath that can take away up to a whopping 400 points
of damage per person. He doesn't have as much HP as
Bu'Shin, but nevertheless you'll need 8-10 rounds to
defeat him - if you can last that long. Other than a
big chunk of money and 40,000 EXP, you don't really
get anything else, except the pride of defeating him.

If you really plan to see bottom, you will need the following :-

- As many characters with Maps spells as possible so you can
find your way down the fastest.
- No desire to level up - you can't in the abyss.
- No desire to explore - just find the exit and go down
- Level 40-50 to survive the monsters here.
- Look for Corpsa-Lodge when you run out of Maps, and you will
fairly quickly.
- Learn to use Suspend Data so you can take a break every now
and then.
- A lot of patience.
- A lot of dedication.
- No social life.

And do fill me in on what you find at the bottom! Well, that's
it for the main walkthrough. If you don't have Forsetti's maps
and FAQ, I strongly suggest to grab them - there's just so much
I can explain without a map handy... Check those out at :-



You get these from the tavern - the harder ones appear as you
go down floors. Don't worry if you seem to be missing some :-
the quest list isn't listed chronologically. I'm listing them
as they appear in the quest list; again, you will not be doing
them in the order as I have listed below. Once again, bracketed
numbers are those used in Forsetti's maps.

1) Kyo - Help me conquer my fear
This one is done at the very start. First, you must go to
the place he was nearly killed in - locate the square room
where exits go up, down, left and right. If you enter the
room Kyo will tell you where to go from there. Go there
and walk up to the altar (6). Then just finish the floor
and you would have cleared this one.
Reward - Keep Kyo as a member

2) Ricardo - Tell me what trust is
Just like the above quest. At the square room, go left
instead and you will enter a small room (4). Head to the
skeleton in the corner and search and you will be ambushed.
Defeat both thieves. Then just finish the floor and that's
Reward - Keep Ricardo as a member

3) Lisa - Charm to fulfill a love
Easy one, just go back to the tavern with a pixie wing in
hand. Pixies are found all over the first floor.
Reward - 300 EXP, Hair Ornament (Lapis Ornament)

4) Lydia - Help my boyfriend
Another easy one. Just go back to the square room and watch
the scene that unfolds, then go off to the room where you
did Ricardo's quest (4).
Reward - 350 EXP, Magic Stone (Feal Stone)

5) Lydia - Change my boyfriend
Not so easy. To make him tired of his shop, sell him every
sellable material there is in the game (until his inventory
list is complete). Check the "Spells" section for a complete
listing of the materials you need to sell, and check the
"Monsters" section for info on what monsters drop them.
Don't worry when he leaves; he'll come back once you re-visit
the shop the next time.
Reward - 50,000 EXP, Shield (Pheromone Shield)

6) Maria - Train me to be a priest
Upon meeting undeads, let them hit you until one gets
gets you paralyzed, then go back to the tavern. No problem.
Reward - 400 EXP, Magic Stone (Parazkea Stone)

7) Maria - Train me to be a bishop
You'll need a low-level Carcass spell first. Once one of
your member dies, cast the spell at him. Sometimes he will
turn to ash (a big gray cross replaces the red one). Once
that occurs, go back to the tavern.
Reward - 1000 EXP, Cloak (Bishop's Cloak)

8) Helga - I'm opening a magic stone shop!
You will want the Labyrinth stone - you'll get it when you
find the trap-making orc Gotz on the first floor. Give it
to Helga at the tavern. Oh, you should also go to her room
on B1 (2) and see what happens.
Reward - 800 EXP, Magic Stone (Creta Stone)

9) Helga - I'm opening a weapons shop
To get a Hound's Ear, go down a fight a Glare Hound on the
fifth floor onwards and you'll get one. Go back to the
tavern to get your reward.
Reward - 5000 EXP, Mace (Combo Mace)

10) Helga - I'll sell special swords
Nothing to it. After you get the Houndsword (it's a special
item, not a weapon), fight 30 battles or more then return to
town (you don't have to do it all in one sitting) and a
warrior will remark that he wants the weapon. Go back to the
tavern. Also, after a while, when in town an announcement of
Helgamart opening will occur at her room in B1. Now go there
(2). Oh, and you might want to bring a Dragon Heart too.
Reward - 8000 EXP, Vellum (Recovering Vellum)

11) Garcia - Find a girl named Rui
The quest won't appear, but go to B2 (Old Jail) and look for
Rui - she's on the second floor, in one of the cells (10).
Back to the tavern you go, accept the quest. Yup, record time
Reward - 400 EXP

12) Garcia - Deliver an axe
This one's tough. Go down to B8 (Sham Sanctuary) and go to
the big room in the lower left corner of the map (7) (use
Maps spell if necessary). A really tough battle with a Vampire
Lord will occur here. To defeat him, you must kill the two
front vampires within one or two rounds or the Vampire Lord
will decimate you with Zakuld. And no, you can't use Spell
Cancel because the other two vampires will cast spells first
(really worthless ones, to piss you off further). Try Daiba
and a strong Zakreta (Zakreta should kill at least one of the
vampires). Once both vampires are dead, old Vampire Lord
himself is a pushover - Spell Cancel non-stop (his physical
attacks are pathetic) - and he'll be down in no time. Watch
what enfolds, then go back to Garcia at the tavern.
Reward - 38,000 EXP, Two-handed Sword (Neck Breaker)

13) Lorenzo - Check if he's dead or alive
Head down to the fourth floor of B2 (Old Jail) and go into
one of the cells there (18), then search the skeleton. Then
head back to the tavern.
Reward - 1500 EXP, Dagger (Petrified Dagger)

14) Anonym - Tell me who I am
Head back down to the fourth floor of B2 (where you did
Lorenzo's quest) - you'll meet a fairy there (19). After that
talk, head back to the tavern.
Reward - 2000 EXP, Staff (Silencing Staff)

15) Merrick - I want to make a wonder drug
Get him two Dragon Hearts. Dragons first appear in B3.
Reward - 4500 EXP, Cloak (Cloak of Anti-Evil)

16) Palo - I want to sleep soundly
This is a rather disturbing quest. Head to B4 (Ancient Cemetery)
and drop down to the tunnels located in the lower right of the
map, then go to the furthest right room (B12). Be prepared to
fight a rotting corpse (he's quite pushover when you use spells).
Reward - 11,000 EXP, Charm (Ash Charm)

17) Rose - Find out about my husband
Yet another disturbing quest. Head down to B4 (Ancient Cemetery)
then walk around the upper area and you'll bump into Giorgio
eventually (A14). Ooh... spooky.
Reward - 10,000 EXP, Hair Ornament (Elf Hair Ornament)

18) Gustav - Recover our party's shield
Similarly themed to the above two quests. Back to B4 and drop
down into the tunnel located upper right of the map. There
should be a bag on the ground (B13) - get it. When a zombie
appears, choose to observe it for a while - that's so you can
get Orphe and Aoba in your party later.
Reward - 11,000 EXP, Shield (Reinforcing Shield)

19) Paul - I wanna do the right thing
Head down to B5 (waterfall) and locate the Fairy's Spring -
head down the outside path, all the way until you reach the
break in the path. It's in a room nearby (16). Check the
spring. Dang, don't you wish there were more of these in the
Reward - 12,000 EXP, Wrist (Parvenu Wrist)

20) Geese - Please find Hannah
Back down to B5. Somewhere above the Fairy's Spring is a
room guarded by a fairy (8). If you accept this quest a little
scene will occur and you will end up fighting a Lesser Demon
in the room inside. He's not tough. Use Restrict Shot (he
doesn't cast spells all that often) and double slash over and
over and he'll go down like a ton of screaming bricks.
Reward - 21,000 EXP, Wrist (Knight Wrist)

21) Fawn - Please bring back our music
Back down to B5. Nearby the Fairy's Spring, find the music
shop (15). Then watch the scene, and head back to the tavern.
Listen to the rather nice song, and pick up your reward.
Reward - 12,000 EXP, Hair Ornament (Mitral Ornament)

22) Walter - Find a certain book
Walter's Book of Festivals is located in the unmappable
region of B6 (Moldy Fort) - just enter the door and look
right and you'll spot it immediately (14).
Reward - 30,000 EXP, Ring (Sorcerer's Ring)

23) Hina - Help my brother
This quest can only be done with Hina in your party. You
should have reached B8 (Sham Sanctuary) since only then
will you be powerful enough to kill the boss here. Get
Hina, then use the teleport to B8. Then go up, pass the
Labyrinth, then up again. Now you're in the tail end of
B6, where you should have passed a skeleton chained to a
wall (12). A Greater Demon will appear, and you're in for
a tough fight. His physical attacks hurt more than his
spells (though both hurt a lot) so use restrict attack.
Daiba or Zaiba to power up your front crew, then double
slash repeatedly. Don't use converge attack since it won't
do as much damage. Leave your free back row member to heal.
Reward - Nothing... except Hina is happier ^_^

24) Elizabeth - I want to go to the labyrinth
This final quest only appears when you've cleared nearly
all the side-quests of the game. It's not hard... just
quite tedious. You are supposed to take two old folks down
the labyrinth (all the way to B6), stopping at what they
call "sight-seeing spots" on each floor. Nothing too hard
if you know your way around well. Here are the stops :-
B1) Spring of Fortune - The pool just by the exit (11)
B2) Prison of Evil - Where you did Lorenzo's quest (18)
B3) Labyrinth - Go down to B4, then go back up to B3
B4) Grave of the Gorgeous Couple - After falling down the
first red pit, once you are back to ground level head
east then south a little. In a dead-end surrounded by
pits you'll find the grave (A15)
B5) Sage's Spring - Where you did Paul's quest (16)
B6) Hell of Mold - This is the unmappable area. Just walk
right through it like you normally do
They will leave and transfer back to town after you leave
the "Hell of Mold". Go back with them and claim the reward
at the tavern.
Reward - 40,000 EXP, Robe (Pashmina Robe)


- RACJIN, for making such a masterpiece of an RPG
- Atlus, for publishing said masterpiece
- Http://www.gamefaqs.com/ for hosting this FAQ/Walkthrough
- As well as CheatCC (http://www.cheatcc.com)
- And many more sites that I've forgotten completely!
- All the helpful members of Gamefaqs board - Lachrymite,
Kotonk, hectorm71, kamikaze62, synbios1978, Shni23 and
all the others who contributed to the making of this FAQ!
- Forsetti, who made some great maps as well as a great FAQ
and also contributed somewhat to the making of this FAQ
- "NHeng", who contributed tons of new material to Ver4.0 of
this FAQ - yet another true master of the game
- "Alicard77" for the Gotz's traps bit
- "Fishandbeernuts" for his little back row attack trick
- "Thomas Hoffend" for contributions to some AA functions I
totally fubbed
- "Strand" who e-mailed me about some info about the abyss

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