Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land

Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land

15.10.2013 11:52:03

Tales of the Forsaken Land

Complete FAQ

Made by:

Forsetti &

Version: 2.0

Email: eforsetti@hotmail.com

*This FAQ was proudly made with NOTEPAD.exe. Use NOTEPAD.exe to get the best
performance reading my FAQ. I’m from Canada and I speak/write FRENCH at home
that’s why sometimes I make mistakes in writing this FAQ! Sorry about that.

Table of Contents

A. Introduction
B. Future add-ons

1. Walkthrough
2. Original Character
3. Allied Action
4. Quests List
5. Spells List
6. Vellum List
7. Magic Stone Recipe List
8. Materials Price List
9. Shop List
10. Gotz Trap (Not Complete)

C. Special Thanks

A. Introduction

My walkthrough is based on the maps I have made so you need to refer to them
each time you read my walkthrough.


This is not a complete FAQ yet. It will become more complete with time. If you
want to send an e-mail, please include "Wizardry" in the subject.

I don’t intend to build a FULL walkthrough. I’m not going to reproduce the
game on paper. This is what you will find here: complete lists of all items,
spells, quests, and characters in the game. No great spoilers will be found
here. The game is has a great storyline and you will learn it as you progress
through the game.

Everything in this FAQ will refer to my maps in .GIF format For example: “The
first Garcia quest can be completed at the spot 10 on Level 2 (Old Jail map)”
That is all you need!

If by any chance or bad luck you find an error in my FAQ or my maps please
report it to me! (eforsetti@hotmail.com.) I will make the change immediately.
However, if you find an error in the distant future, like January 12 2022…
please... don’t report it. :)

This FAQ cannot be copied, distributed, modified or use in any media without
explicit consent of its' owner. The most recent versions of all my work
concerning Wizardry Tales of the Forsaken Land can only be found on
www.gamefaqs.com and www.psxcodez.com.

B. Future add-ons

- Monster Guide.
- Gotz Trap Faq.

1. Walkthrough

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 1 (Fortress) Walkthrough =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

This is the first level of the labyrinth of Duhan. You can find many things on
this level. This floor is a kind of tutorial floor, but don’t worry, it's not
boring at all. The door at 1 can be unlocked at the end of this level at 16.
Treat this door like your first "shortcut". The "Monster Shop" and the
"Material Shop" will appear early in the game. If your health allows, always
walk back to town through the dungeon when you finish a level. You may
encounter another party of adventurers or a wandering villager asking you to
perform a little side quest or simply talk about something not always

The path you should take to finish this level is:
(Always refer to the map)

From town, go to 6, 3, 13, 12 -> Go up the spiral stairs to the top. Fall
through the hole and meet a hobbit thief. He will show you the button to push
(16) to unlock the door at 1. The end of this level is at 11.

Important area

- 2: Helga's Room. Some event will appear here during the game.

- 3: Imperial Guard room. Return there often. Many important events will
show up here.

- 4: Monster/Material Shop. This room provides both a quest and the materials
needed to produce magic stones. See the Spell section for more information.

- 5: Gotz Trap making. See the Gotz Trap section for more information.

- 9: Smiley's Shop. See the Shop section for more information.

- 10: Pei Pei Writing. Pei Pei is a nice orc trying to write all your
adventure. You can learn many from the 3 books here.


- The door at 1 is a kind of shortcut. Open the door at 16.

- 6: It’s an altar. You will find a way later from the Level 5 (Waterfall) to
open the altar from the other side. This shortcut lead to Level 5 spot 21.

- 14: Will be later in the game a teleportation circle automatically create
when you finish the Level 8 (Sham Sanctuary). Sends you to Level 8 spot 13.

- 15: Will be later in the game a teleportation circle automatically create
when you finish the Level 10 (Testament). Sends you to Level 10 spot 4.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 2 Walkthrough (Old Jail) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

This is old jail. Four simple floors with many small rooms. There is almost
nothing on this level. When you will enter your controller will shake. That is
because of the "Hidden Door". You need to get one of your character possesses
by the reaper and you will see the door. Inside you will find the healing
Vellum. You will also find Rui trying to complete a quest. Help her and later
she will join your party.

The path you should take to finish this level is:
(Always refer to the map)

"From 21" Goto 14, 3 to 5, 4 to 7. Now go in the elevator room X in from of
you and break the wall (Gray square) Turn back and go to 16. Return to the
elevator room by breaking the wall and go to 7 to 4, 11 to 12, 12 to 13, 17,
go back to the elevator room X by the long way and take the elevator to floor
4 and on your left take the stairs at 22.

Important area

- 10: You meet RUI here. You can choose to help her or not, and by finding
her you finish the first Garcia’s quest.

- 18: You will find the skeleton of Gilman here, you'll be able to complete
Lorenzo’s quest with it. Its also called "Prison of Evil".

- 19: Some pixies will appear if you have accepted the “Tell me who I am.“
quest. Then it will be completed.


- The elevator Y can be restore by pressing the switch at 9. After that you
need to unlock the door from the other side in the level 4: (Cemetery).
Send you to B7 on the level 4.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 3 Walkthrough (Labyrinth 1) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

This is the first Labyrinth. The floor on this level is random so I can't make
a map. It’s always big, sometime with 2 floors and always some good stuff in
chest. It’s a good place to level up and get materials for spell and vellum.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 4 Walkthrough (Cemetery) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

This level is really frustrating. You will fall in many pit all the way and
you need to start the trip again. Follow my instruction and you will pass this
area fast.

The path you should take to finish this level is:
(Always refer to the map)

"From A9" Go to the first pit you see (Purple square) and go to B8 to A10, Go
left and south. Avoid all pits and go on A1 by passing over a Trap pit (Ashed
purple square). A1 sends you to B1, B2 to A5, A2 to A3. Look at my map there
is only one safe way to A3 by passing over a Trap pit. A3 to B3, B5 to A6, A4
to B4, B6 to A7 and finally A8 by passing over a Trap pit.

Important area

- A14: Giorgio will appear here after you've accepted Rose's quest and it
will be completed.

- A15: Gorgeous Couple tomb. It’s a waypoint to the last quest.

- B12: In this room you will finish the quest for Palo.

- B13: Here is the Party Shield for the Gustav's quest.


- B7: Sends you to level 2: (Cemetery). You have to unlock the door from the
cemetery side and power up the elevator on the Old Jail side.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 5 Walkthrough (Waterfall) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

This is my favorite level. The waterfall can be frustrating because you can't
or almost can't avoid any fight. Almost all paths are too small to strafe.
Here you can find the Kasta's Shop! You will found also a nice shortcut to
the Level 1: (Fortress).

The path you should take to finish this level is:
(Always refer to the map)

"From 1" The way is simple. You have to go down all the way but on the floor 2
you need to break the wall and continue to the bottom. After that at the spot
2 you have to send the "Gondola" up, leave it off and walk again to the bottom
and jump in the pit where was the Gondola. Now you can go to the stairs.

Important area

- 3: Kasta's Shop! See the shop section for more details.

- 15: Lucid's Shop/Musical Instrument Repair. Go there to finish the quest
from Fawn. After that as long as I know, this room is useless.

- 16: Drinking fountain. Drop the Sage Stone here to finish the quest from
Paul. After you that you can recover HP/MP/Abnormal Status by drinking in
the water.


- 21: Sends you to level 1: (Fortress). Go through that stairs and wall the
long way. You will arrive behind the altar on the level 1. Push the button
and you get a nice shortcut!

- 32: The stairs in the water. Future shortcut to level 8: (Sham Sanctuary).
Later in the game you will find a way to lower the water and you will find
a teleportation circle.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 6 Walkthrough (Moldy Fort) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

This level seems to be big. But in reality there is almost nothing. You will
find another "Hidden Door" at 3 with a Shuriken in a chest. The NO MAP AREA is
boring. There is nothing in there and you can't use your MAP spell or the
mini map.

The path you should take to finish this level is:
(Always refer to the map)

"From 1" Go north and take the door and follow the path without taking any
other door except the door leading to the RED area. At 4 you have to fight a
big monster. After that go to the pit at 7 and fall to 8 go south and pass
the weird door. These door open and close alone. Just wait if it’s close.
After that go to 12 and next level to 13.

Important area

- ???: I don’t know if there is something special here but this spot seem
special. Email me or post in the forum on www.gamefaqs.com if you find
something about it.

- 12: After you accepted the quest from HINA you will meet is brother there,
fight a demon and finish her quest.



-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 7 Walkthrough (Labyrinth 2) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

This is the second Labyrinth. Like the first one the floor on this level is
random so I can't make a map. Its always big, sometime with 2 floors and
always some good stuff in chest. It’s a good place to level up and get
materials for spell and vellum.



-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 8 Walkthrough (Sham Sanctuary) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

This is the best level for "Story Line"! You will learn many things here about
the real story of Duhan and what was the Flash. Nothing else here except a big
frustrating floor with one-way door and some teleporting.

The path you should take to finish this level is: (Always refer to the map)

"From 1" Go left by any door and find you way with the map to reach 9. 9 to
10, 15 to 18, Find your way to 25 (Middle right GREEN room). Continue with, 25
to 24,26 (Middle left GREEN room) continue with the last green room and go to
27. Now you are in the last part of the map. No help needed for that but if
you are not ready to fight a big monster turn back and return later.

Important area

- 25,26 and 27: Memories Crystal. You will learn a good part of the story
in theses rooms.


- After your fight in the last part of the map on the level 1: (Fortress)
a teleportation circle will appear at 14 sending you to 13 on this level.

- 21: Push a switch to lower the water on the level 5: (Waterfall). At the
waterfall you will find a one-way shortcut at 32 sending you to 21 on this

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 9 Walkthrough (Labyrinth 3) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

This is the last Labyrinth. Like the two other labyrinth the floor on this
level is random so I can't make a map. It’s always big, sometime with 2 floors
and always some good stuff in chest. It’s a good place to level up and get
materials for spell and vellum.

I used this floor to level up fast and get some good items. All is random so be
patient to get good item.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 10 Walkthrough (Testament) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

This level is a maze made of Teleportation Circle. The maze and a big fight
are the only two challenges here. The way is not hard to find, just long. Don’t
forget the Blazing Vellum at 53 and you ran into a locked door you can unlock
it by pressing a switch at 20.

The path you should take to finish this level is:
(Always refer to the map)

*The path you should take to finish this level is:
"From 1" 14 to 15, 16 to 17, 18 to 19, Click on the switch "20", 34 to 35,
15 to 14, 25 to 26, 27 to 28, 39 to 40, 43 to 44, 49 to 50 and Pass the door.
After that you have only one path to follow. You can't get lost here until you
get a way to the next level.

Important area

- Nothing here.


- At 15 on the level 1: (Fortress) you will find a teleportation circle after
the fight with the big monster. The shortcut will send you to 4 on this

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level 11 Walkthrough (Dimension) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

This place is weird and boring. I HATE THAT LEVEL. I was hoping for a big and
hard level like almost all RPG game I play. But here it’s the smallest level of
all the game. It’s really simple. Get the right teleporter, kill the boss and

The path you should take to finish this level is:
(Always refer to the map)

"From 1" Fall anywhere until you get to floor 4 and take any teleporter. Now
go on the teleport 16. THATS ALL.

Beat the boss finish the game. Enjoy.

Important area

- 18: Humm... the final battle area is important... that’s all...


- You really need one?

I was really disapointed about the final level and the final boss is not hard
enough. Many party of monster you encounter in level 8, 9, ,10 and 11 can be
more dangerous.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Abyss =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

After you beat the final boss you can save your game and start again. Go at 5
on the level 1: (Fortress). The stone behind Gotz its not there anymore. Go
down and you will find The Abyss!

I don’t know yet how many levels but I guess a lot because it’s all random! You
will encounter merchant monster, monster INN and the Material merchant. You
will also fight with stronger monster... Really stronger. Like 400 dmg with
4 lvl drain. Good luck there its just a bonus dungeon and if I find something
interesting I will update my faq. For now refer to the Faq made by Jerrold on

2. Original Character

Original Characters are other adventurers able to join your party. If you ask
me the difference between original and how made character... The answer is s
simple: Homemade are stupid muted useless char and original are character with
a goal in life, an opinion and (little) personality. Play with them. Try to
deal with them is a part of the game. You have 14s Original Characters and
I’m sure you can find your type.

Name Class Attribute How to get him/her
Kyo Ninja Good Accept his Quest from the bar.
Ricardo Warrior Neutral Accept his Quest from the bar.
Sara Priest Neutral In level 1 after Kyo/Ricardo quest
Rui Thief Good In the bar after you helped here in level 2.
Orphe Warrior Evil After the level 6 return to level 4 and do all
the way again.
Aoba Samurai Evil After the level 6 return to level 4 and do all
the way again.
Kulgan Ninja Good After the level 8 he will join you.
Virgo Sorcerer Evil After the level 10 return to the Kasta's Shop
and "Try to stop her"
Grace Knight Good You will get them in level 5: Waterfall after
the level 8 shortcut is open.
Wolfe Warrior Good You will get them in level 5: Waterfall after
the level 8 shortcut is open.
Kaza Bishop Good After the level 10 he will join.
Michele Sorcerer Good At the end of level 5 she will join you.
Hina Samurai Good She will join when you will accept here quest.
Daniel Thief Neutral Level 5: (Waterfall). To get him follow these

1: Grab both gold bags in the mine cars.
2: Then go to the room with an orc guarding the room.
3: Defeat the orc kings and voila! Daniel is yours to keep.


those orcs would have killed Daniel and you can't recruit him anymore

Credits to: Raven001 for this information post on www.gamefaqs.com on the
message board of Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land. 1/20/2002 6:41:01 PM

My party was made of 5 Originals Character: Kulgan as Ninja, Hina as Samurai,
Sara as Priest, Michele as Sorcerer and later as Bishop and Rui as Thief. I
Changed all their alignment to Good with item (Release SP). I was able to get
with this team a "Trust Level" 8 at my level 25 for my Leader.

3. Allied Action (AA)

Allied action is a great idea. Now your party member can act together and you
team is almost invincible if you play correctly. I will not explain what AA do
because in the game you got a nice explication and a graphic to show you what
the AA does. Most AA

Allied Action
Offensive Allied Action Trust lvl

Converge Attack Level 6 Guild
Sweep Attack Level 5 Guild
Rush Level 3 Guild
Ninja Attack Level 8 Guild
Double Slash Level 3 Base AA
Stun Attack Level 4 Guild
Fake Attack Level 6 Guild
Hold Attack Level 4 Guild
Jump Attack Level 5 From Rui
Warp Attack Level 8 From Orphe and Aoba
Back Attack Level 4 Guild
Sacred Cross Level 8 Guild
Crisscross Level 8 Guild
End Lash Level 5 Guild

Defensive Allied Action

Front Guard Level 2 Base AA
Deploy Level 6 Guild
Spell Shell Level 6 From Michelle


Assisted Spell Level 6 Guild
Sweep Spell Level 7 Guild
Silence Breaker Level 7 Guild
Spell Sword Level 5 Guild

Assisted Allied Action

Assisted Shop Level 4 Guild
Restrict Shop Level 3 Guild
Spell Cancel Level 4 Guild

4. Quests list

The quest book found at the Luna Bar will appear all over the game. No quest
are really important to the story line or your quest to defeat evil. You will
get nice stuff and experience for completing quest.

Name: Kyo
Introduction: Help me conquer my fear.

I've lost my pride as a ninja ever
since I was faced with death. Will
you help me to conquer this fear
so I can stand tall in battle?

How to do it: Bring Kyo to level 1, Fortress, spot 13 on the map.

Reward: Nothing, except the fact you'll keep a nice Ninja as a companion.

Name: Ricardo
Introduction: Tell me what trust is.

Help me believe that "trust" is
integral part of an adventure. I know
it's a sad request. But, it's
important to me

How to do it: Bring Ricardo to level 1, Fortress, spot 13 on the map.

Reward: Nothing, except the fact you'll keep a nice Warrior as a companion.

Name: Lisa
Introduction: Charm to fulfill a love.

Please retrieve 2 Pixie's Wing
needed to perfect Pixie's Charm.
It's a charm that will fulfill a love.

How to do it: Fight Pixies monster on the level 1, Fortress, until you get
2 Pixie's Wing.

Reward: 300xp, Hair Ornament (Lapis Ornament, Accessory)

Name: Lydia
Introduction: Help my boyfriend

I'm ashamed of telling, but my dumb
boyfriend started somekind of stupid
business. Please do something to set
him straight.

How to do it: Go in Level 1, Fortress, spot 4 on the map. Pay to fight
monster, after the fight the guy will change his mind.

Reward: 350xp, Stone (Creta)

Name: Lydia
Introduction: Change my boyfriend.

I'm embarrassed to say, but my dumb
boyfriend started another stupid
business. Please do something to make
him think like a normal human being.

How to do it: Once the Material shop is open (Level 1, Fortress, spot 4
on the map), sell the shopkeeper one each Material you can
find in the game.

Reward: 50,000xp, Shield (Don't know what shield)

Name: Maria
Introduction: Train me to be a Priest.

I would like to be a priest. But, I
have yet to learn many, many things
in order to become one. Please allow
me to practice healing paralysis.

How to do it: Bring her a paralyzed party member. Look on the level 2: Old
Jail for any undead like Undead Kobold. They can paralyze
your party members with a physical attack.

Reward: 400xp, Magic Stone (Parazkea)

Name: Maria
Introduction: Please train me to be a Bishop.

I'm aiming to become a Bishop. But,
I have much to learn before becoming
one. Please allow me to resurrect
people from their ashes.

How to do it: Bring her a party member that has been reduced to ashes. Not
dead, but in the "Ash" status, with a gray X on his/her name.
To do that easily kill a character and try to revive him with
a Carcass spell. If the spell fail the body turn to ashes.

Reward: 7000xp, Cloak (Bishop's Cloak)

Name: Helga
Introduction: I'm opening a magic stone shop!

Retrieve a specific stone in the
Labyrinth for my fabulous plan! I'll
reveal my secret plan to whomever
accept my quest!

How to do it: Bring her the Labyrinth Stone, found on the level 1,
Fortress from Gotz the orc, spot A5 on the map.

Reward: 200xp, Magic Stone (Don't know which one)

Name: Helga
Introduction: I'm opening a weapon shop!

Retrieve a Hound Hear for my
magnificent plan. I will reveal my
top secret plan to whomever
accept my quest.

How to do it: Fight Gaze Hounds monster on the level 5, Waterfall, until
you get the Hound's Ear.

Reward: 5000xp, Mace (Combo mace)

Name: Helga
Introduction: I'll sell special swords.

Go spread the good news about the
grand opening of my new shop,
Helga Mart! Don't worry, you'll be
getting a fat paycheck!

How to do it: Fight between 30 and 35 monsters. When you got enough
kills a warrior with talk with you in town. If you want
to be nice with Helga be sure to get a Dragon Heart
before you go to his room in the labyrinth.

Reward: 8000xp, Vellum (Silence Vellum)

Name: Garcia
Introduction: Find a girl named Rui.

I asked a girl named Rui to do
something for me, but I'm worried
because she hasn't come back yet.
Will you search for her?

How to do it: Go to Level 2, Old Jail, Spot 10 on the map.

Reward: 400xp

Name: Garcia
Introduction: Delivering an axe.

Would you please deliver this axe
to Wolfe? That fool went to go kill
Vampire Lord.

How to do it: Go on level 8: (Sham Sanctuary) on the spot 7. You will meet
Wolfe and Grace.

Reward: 38000xp, Two-handed Sword

Name: Lorenzo
Introduction: Check if he is dead or alive.

I hear that Gilman was imprisoned in
an underground jail. Can you verify if
he died during the flash or not?

How to do it: Go to Level 2, Old Jail, Spot 18 on the map.

Reward: 1,500xp, Dagger (Petrified Dagger)

Name: Anonym
Introduction: Tell me who I am.

I lost my memory during the flash...
I can't remember who I am, nor where
I came from. Will you find out
who I am?

How to do it: How to do it: Go to Level 2, Old Jail, Spot 19 on the map.

Reward: 2000 xp, Staff (Useless Staff)

Name: Merrick
Introduction: I want a wonder drug.

Will you bring back 2 Dragon Hearts?
I need these to make the wonder drug
for immortality.

How to do it: How to do it: Fight Poison Dragon monster on the level 4,
Cemetery, until you get the 2 Dragon Hearts.

Reward: 4,500 xp, Cloak (Cloak of Anti-Evil)

Name: Palo
Introduction: I want to sleep soundly.

Someone disrupt my sleep. Will you
find that "someone". He's somewhere
in the Labyrinth... And He look just
like me.

How to do it: Go to Level 4, Cemetery, Spot B12 on the map.

Reward: 11,000 xp, Charm (Ash Charm)

Name: Rose
Introduction: Find out about my husband.

My husband has been sneaking into the
Labyrinth lately. I think he's hiding
something. Can you find out for me?
His name is Giorgio and has long hair.

How to do it: Go to Level 4, Cemetery, Spot A14 on the map.

Reward: 10,000 xp, Hair Ornament (Mitral Ornament)

Name: Gustav
Introduction: Recover our party's shield.

I've lost my party's shield because of
my mistake. And fate as now allowed
me a chance to turn the tables. Please
retrieve my shield in lieu of myself.

How to do it: Go to Level 4, Cemetery, Spot B13 on the map.

Reward: 11,000 xp, Shield (Reinforced shield)

Name: Paul
Introduction: I want to do the right thing.

Will you throw this stone into the
drinking fountain? It's really
effective because it's a Sage Stone.
I'm sure everybody'll be happy.

How to do it: Go to Level 5, Waterfall, Spot 16 on the map.

Reward: 12,000 xp, Wrist (Parvenu Wrist)

Name: Geese
Introduction: Please find Hannah.

Will you find a girl named Hannah?
I don't know how she disappeared.
When I got back from the Labyrinth,
she was nowhere to be found.

How to do it: In the waterfall give the pixies at the spot 8 what she want,
a carcass or cathedral stone. Leave and come back later.
Enter the room and fight a monster and you will get an

Reward: 21,000 xp Wrist (Knight Wrist)

Name: Fawn
Introduction: Bring back our magic.

Please bring back our music so that
I have hope to go on with my life.

How to do it: Go to Level 5, Waterfall, Spot 15 on the map.

Reward: 12,000 xp Hair Ornament (Elf Ornament)

Name: Walter
Introduction: Find a certain book.

I want to find the book of
Festivals. It’s an ancient book, and
someone has seen it in the labyrinth.

How to do it: On the level 6: Moldy Fort go at the beginning of
the Red Area, No Map Area, Look on the right you
will see a book. Spot 14.

Reward: 30,000, Ring

Name: Hina
Introduction: Help my brother.

Would you help my brother please?
I'd rather hope you kill the Greater
Demon before my brother.

How to do it: Go to Level 6, Moldy Fort, Spot 12 with Hina in your party.

Reward: Nothing, except the fact you'll keep a nice Samurai as a permanent

Name: Elizabeth
Introduction: Unknown

How to do it: You have to go back to the labyrinth from level 1 to 6:

Level 1: Go to the little waterfall at the end of level 1, spot 11.
Level 2: Go to the “Prison of Evil” at the spot 18.
Level 3: Pass the level fast, go on level 4 and come back on
level 3. Continue on level 4.
Level 4: You need to find a tomb. Spot A15.
Level 5: Go to the Foutain, where you dropped the sage stone
at the spot 16.
Level 6: Just walk trought the “Red Area” and the quest will
finish on the other side.

Reward: Unknown

5. Spells List and effect.

There is the list of all spell in the game. As you can see there is not a lot
of spell in Wizardry. Most of them are attack or healing spell and the rest
are effect spell. The thing I love here its the % of chance for spell to work.
When you cast the SILENCE spell. IT CAN WORK!! Not like in so many other rpg
like FF series. The revive and ressurect spell are not really good at low
level. If you invest in that spell think to get at least a level 10 before
thinking about using it or you revive will turn to ash and your ressurect
will vanish the character.

Name Lvl at Target Description
Bless 1 9 1 character Increase evade
Feal 1 25 1 character Restore HP
Barrets 1 25 1 enemy Inflict damage
Kowt 1 5 1 character Increase agility
Conair 2 9 1 row Increase evade
Conairu 3 9 All party Increase evade
Safeal 3 50 1 character Restore half HP
Conkowt 3 5 1 row Increase agility
Feals 4 50 1 row Restore half HP
Sabarrets 4 32 1 enemy Inflict damage
Jiscort 4 5 All party Increase agility
Lafeal 5 40 1 character Restore large HP
Force 5 40 1 enemy Huge Inflict of damage
Stipyl 5 10 1 row Fire damage
Amok 6 20 1 row Inflict damage
Stigma 7 10 All enemy Inflict damage

Name Lvl at Target Description
Creta 1 30 1 enemy Fire damage
Hardy 1 9 Caster Increase evade
Teal 1 10 1 row Thunder damage
Yaiba 2 10 1 character Increase damage, can kill undead
Zateal 2 20 1 row Large thunder damage
Zakreta 3 10 1 row Large fire damage
Jateal 3 30 All Enemy Huge thunder damage
Zaiba 3 10 1 row Increase damage, can kill undead
Delpus 4 9 1 row Decrease evade
Kuld 4 10 1 row Ice damage
Jakreta 4 20 All Enemy Huge fire damage
Zakuld 5 20 1 row Large ice damage
Dipps 5 9 All Enemy Decrease Evade
Daiba 6 10 All Enemy Increase damage, can kill undead
Jakuld 6 30 All Enemy Large ice damage

6. Vellums List

Vellum other kind of sorcerer or priest spell. You need tree materials to
make them and you have only one formula. You also need to find the vellum
scroll to be able to build a stone. The stone build by a vellum formula can't
be separate. Most of these spell are max out at level 1.

|* Credits to Jerrold (JNg) faq |
| for the location of Guiding, |
| Hypnosis and Light-Up vellum. |

Hypnosis Vellum
Recipe: Bogey Cat's Fur - Bogey Bird's Claw - Slime's Goo
Result: Spleem Stone - Level 1 Sorcerer
Effect: Puts a row of enemies to sleep.
Location: On level 2, floor 2.

Guiding Vellum
Recipe: Bogey Bird's Claw - Pixie's Wing - Thief Blood
Result: Maps Stone - Level 2 Sorcerer
Effect: Show you the map or all area.
Location: On level 1 from Daniel the thief.

Sculpture Vellum
Recipe: Rotten Meat - Frog Tongue - Broken Stone
Result: Strain Stone - Level 2 Priest
Effect: Paralyze a row of enemy.
Location: On level 4, floor 2.

Silence Vellum
Recipe: Bogey Cat's Fur - Pixie's Wing - Thief Blood
Result: Sarome Stone - Level 2 Priest
Effect: Put a row of enemy in silence and they can’t use spell.
Location: Level 4 in the first red pit.

Healing Vellum
Recipe: Rotten Meat - Demon's Egg - Priest's Hair
Result: Parazkea Stone - Level 3 Priest
Effect: Cure paralyzed character.
Location: Level 2 in the first room hidden by a reaper door.

Antidote Vellum
Recipe: Demon's Egg - Cocoon - Priest's Hair
Result: Poizkea Stone - level 4 Priest
Effect: Cure poisoned character.
Location: At the end of level 5.

Light-Up Vellum
Recipe: Skull - Wyvern Eyeball - Sorcerer's Earring
Result: Undepps Stone - Level 5 Sorcerer
Effect: Cure darkness
Location: Level 6 south of first one-way door.

Resurrect Vellum
Recipe: Dragon Heart - Priest's Hair - Bishop's Bracelet
Result: Carcass Stone - Level 5 Priest
Effect: Revive a dead character. This spell will fail sometime
And your character will turn to ash.
Location: On level 5 in a black chest in a dead-end

Mutation Vellum
Recipe: Vampire Claw - Hound's Ear - Slime Jelly
Result: Nirvana Stone - Level 6 Sorcerer
Effect: Caster will be unavailable for 1 round. Any
“enhance” spell effect can append.
Location: On level 8 in the big room on the right.

Recovering Vellum
Recipe: Slime's Jelly - Priest's Hair - Bishop's Bracelet
Result: Will Stone - Level 6 Priest
Effect: Cure all HP and all status.
Location: Reward from Helga's third quest.

Transfer Vellum
Recipe: Pied Piper's Flute - Dragon Tail - Fairy's Wing
Result: Leap Stone - Level 7 Sorcerer
Effect: Like a transfer potion. Send you to town.
Location: On level 6, in a room with poisnous floor.

Conversion Vellum
Recipe: Pied Piper’s Flute – Chimera’s Head – Fairy’s Wing
Result: Valhalla Stone - Level 7 Sorcerer
Effect: Decrease the caster by 1 level. You can choose 1 of 3 random option:

May it heal my strength - Party Hp/Mp restored.
Return to where you belong - Vanish all enemy.
May the invisible blade […] - All party offense enhance.
Halt to form a mutated chant – Seal monster spell.
Give us strength by the magic moon – Increase spell strength
May the invisible shield […] - All party defense enhance.

Blazing Vellum
Recipe: Giant's Blood - Chimera's Head - Sorcerer's Earring
Result: Megadeth Stone - Level 7 Sorcerer
Effect: Strongest attack spell.
Location: On level 10 at spot 53.

Reviving Vellum
Recipe: Slime Jelly - Pixie's Wings - Bishop's Bracelet
Result: Cathedral Stone - Level 7 Priest
Effect: Revive a dead or ashed character. This spell will fail
sometime and your character will vanish.
Location: On level 8 in the big room on the left.

7. Stones Recipe List

Here is the list of all spell stone and their formula. When you have a stone
you can also separateto get back the materials. If you look at the moon on
your screen. When it become Yellow or Red and you make or separate a stone
you can get something good. Like you make a Kuld stone and you get a Jakuld
stone or you build a Teal stone using Rotten Meat/Sorcerer's Earring then
you separate the stone and get something else like Vampire Claw/Thief's Blood.
Its the way I found to get all materials fast.

Spell are not really important in this game. Only for boss and the last four
floor (8,9,10,11). Before that your Allied Action will do the job without any

Sorcerer Spells

Broken Sword x Broken Sword

Bogey Cat's Fur x Ninja's Hood Slime's Goo x Ninja's Hood
Pixie's Wing x Pixie's Wing Bogey Cat's Fur x Thief's Blood
Bogey Bird's Clawx Thief's Blood Slime's Goo x Pixie's Wing
Slime's Goo x Demon Egg Slime's Goo x Thief's Blood
Bogey Bird's Clawx Broken Sword Pixie's Wing x Broken Sword
Frog Tongue x Broken Sword Demon Egg x Broken Sword

Skull x Ninja's Hood Devil's Horn x Ninja's Hood
Devil's Horn x Priest's Hair Giant's Tooth x Slime Jelly
Giant's Tooth x Priest's Hair Giant's Tooth x Sorcerer's Earring
Giant's Guts x Demon Egg Giant's Guts x Cocoon
Giant's Guts x Ninja's Hood Giant's Guts x Priest's Hair
Giant's Blood x Pixie's Wing Giant's Blood x Demon Egg
Giant's Blood x Thief's Blood Giant's Blood x Ninja's Hood
Dragon Heart x Slime's Goo Dragon Heart x Pixie's Wing
Dragon Heart x Thief's Blood Dragon Scale x Slime's Goo
Bogey Cat's Fur x Slime Jelly Bogey Bird's Clawx Demon Egg
Bogey Bird's Clawx Cocoon Frog Tongue x Frog Tongue
Wyvern's Eyeball x Slime's Goo Hound's Ear x Slime's Goo
Rotten Meat x Sorcerer's Earring Skull x Priest's Hair
Devil's Horn x Thief's Blood Giant Tooth x Cocoon
Bogey Cat's Fur x Wyvern's Eyeball Bogey Cat's Fur x Hound's Ear
Bogey Cat's Fur x Cocoon Bogey Bird's Clawx Frog Tongue
Bogey Bird's Clawx Wyvern's Eyeball Frog Tongue x Pixie's Wing
Frog Tongue x Demon Egg Wyvern's Eyeball x Pixie's Wing
Dragon Heart x Broken Sword Vampire Claw x Broken Sword
Vampire Claw x Thief's Blood Undead Dragon Wingx Broken Sword
Dragon Scale x Broken Sword

Rotten Meat x Giant's Tooth Rotten Meat x Rotten Meat

Thief's Blood x Bishop's Bracelet Ninja's Hood x Bishop's Bracelet
Priest's Hair x Sorcerer's Earring Priest's Hair x Samurai's Beard
Sorcerer'sEarringx Sorcerer's Earring Ninja's Hood x Samurai's Beard

Priest's Hair x Bishop's Bracelet Sorcerer'sEarringx Samurai's Beard
Sorcerer'sEarringx Bishop's Bracelet Samurai's Beard x Samurai's Beard

Samurai's Beard x Bishop's Bracelet Bishop's Braceletx Bishop's Bracelet

Bogey Cat's Fur x Priest's Hair Bogey Bird's Clawx Ninja's Hood
Bogey Bird's Clawx Priest's Hair Frog Tongue x Ninja's Hood
Wyvern's Eyeball x Thief's Blood Slime's Goo x Cocoon
Slime's Goo x Demon Egg Slime's Goo x Priest's Hair
Slime's Goo x Sorcerer's Earring Pixie's Wing x Demon Egg
Pixie's Wing x Cocoon Pixie's Wing x Priest's Hair
Demon Egg x Demon Egg Demon Egg x Thief's Blood
Demon Egg x Ninja's Hood Cocoon x Thief's Blood
Bogey Cat's Fur x Sorcerer's Earring Frog Tongue x Thief's Blood
Pixie's Wing x Ninja's Hood Hound's Ear x Broken Sword
Cocoon x Broken Sword Wyvern's Eyeball x Broken Sword
Slime Jelly x Broken Sword

Bogey Cat's Fur x Bishop's Bracelet Bogey Bird'sClaw x Sorcerer's Earring
Bogey Bird'sClaw x Samurai's Beard Frog Tongue x Priest's Hair
Frog Tongue x Sorcerer's Earring Wyvern's Eyeball x Ninja's Hood
Wyvern's Eyeball x Priest's Hair Hound's Ear x Ninja's Hood
Chimera's Head x Thief's Blood Slime's Goo x Fairy's Wing
Slime's Goo x Samurai's Beard Slime's Goo x Bishop's Bracelet
Pixie's Wing x Slime Jelly Pixie's Wing x Fairy's Wing
Pixie's Wing x Sorcerer's Earring Pixie's Wing x Samurai's Beard
Demon Egg x Cocoon Demon Egg x Slime Jelly
Demon Egg x Priest's Hair Demon Egg x Sorcerer's Earring
Cocoon x Ninja's Hood Cocoon x Priest's Hair
Slime Jelly x Thief's Blood Slime Jelly x Ninja's Hood
Fairy's Wing x Thief's Blood Hound's Ear x Thief's Blood
Cocoon x Cocoon Chimera's Head x Broken Sword
Fairy's Wings x Broken Sword Broken Sword x Incubus Wing
Bogey Cat's Fur x Samurai's Beard

Rotten Meat x Samurai's Beard Rotten Meat x Bishop's Bracelet
Skull x Samurai's Beard Skull x Sorcerer's Earring
Skull x Bishop's Bracelet Devil's Horn x Sorcerer's Earring
UndeadDragonWing x Thief's Blood UndeadDragonWing x Ninja's Hood
UndeadDragonWing x Priest's Hair PiedPiper'sFlute x Fairy's Wing
Giant's Tooth x Slime Jelly Giant's Tooth x Samurai's Beard
Giant's Tooth x Bishop's Bracelet Giant's Guts x Slime Jelly
Giant's Guts x Fairy's Wing Giant's Guts x Sorcerer's Earring
Giant's Guts x Samurai's Beard Giant's Blood x Cocoon
Giant's Blood x Slime Jelly Giant's Blood x Priest's Hair
Giant's Blood x Sorcerer's Earring Dragon Heart x Demon Egg
Dragon Heart x Cocoon Dragon Heart x Priest's Hair
Dragon Scale x Pixie's Wing Dragon Scale x Demon Egg
Dragon Scale x Thief's Blood Dragon Scale x Ninja's Hood
Dragon Tail x Slime's Goo Dragon Tail x Pixie's Wing
Dragon Tail x Thief's Blood Bogey Cat's Fur x Chimera's Head
Bogey Cat's Fur x Fairy's Wing Bogey Cat's Fur x Incubus Wing
Bogey Bird'sClaw x Hound's Ear Bogey Bird'sClaw x Chimera's Head
Bogey Bird'sClaw x Slime Jelly Bogey Bird'sClaw x Fairy's Wing
Frog Tongue x Slime Jelly Wyvern's Eyeball x Wyvern's Eyeball
Wyvern's Eyeball x Cocoon Hound's Ear x Demon Egg
Chimera's Head x Slime's Goo Chimera's Head x Pixie's Wing
Slime's Goo x Incubus Wing Dragon Heart x Ninja's Hood
Frog Tongue x Wyvern's Eyeball Frog Tongue x Hound's Ear
Frog Tongue x Cocoon Wyvern's Eyeball x Demon Egg
Hound's Ear x Pixie's Wing Vampire Claw x Ninja's Hood
Vampire Claw x Priest's Hair Pied Piper's Flute x Broken Sword
Dragon Tail x Broken Sword Broken Sword x Golem's Flesh

Devil's Horn x Samurai's Beard Devil's Horn x Bishop's Bracelet
Undead Dragon Wing x Sorcerer's Earring Pied Piper's Flute x Ninja's Hood
Pied Piper's Flute x Priest's Hair Giant's Guts x Bishop's Bracelet
Giant's Blood x Fairy's Wing Giant's Blood x Samurai's Beard
Giant's Blood x Bishop's Bracelet Dragon Heart x Slime Jelly
Dragon Heart x Fairy's Wing Dragon Heart x Sorcerer's Earring
Dragon Heart x Samurai's Beard Dragon Scale x Cocoon
Dragon Scale x Slime Jelly Dragon Scale x Priest's Hair
Dragon Scale x Sorcerer's Earring Dragon Tail x Demon Egg
Dragon Tail x Cocoon Dragon Tail x Ninja's Hood
Dragon Tail x Priest's Hair Bogey Bird's Claw x Incubus Wing
Frog Tongue x Fairy's Wing Frog Tongue x Incubus Wing
Wyvern's Eyeball x Hound's Ear Wyvern's Eyeball x Chimera's Head
Wyvern’s Eyeball x Slime Jelly Wyvern’s Eyeball x Fairy's Wing
Chimera's Head x Demon Egg Pixie's Wing x Incubus Wing
Demon Egg x Incubus Wing Thief's Blood x Golem's Flesh
Ninja's Hood x Golem's Flesh Frog Tongue x Chimera's Head
Hound's Ear x Hound's Ear Hound's Ear x Cocoon
Hound's Ear x Slime Jelly Chimera's Head x Cocoon
Vampire Claw x Sorcerer's Earring Vampire Claw x Samurai's Beard
Vampire Claw x Bishop's Bracelet Broken Sword x Sword Fragment
Thief Blood x Broken Sword

Rotten Meat x Pied Piper's Flute Rotten Meat x Dragon Tail
Rotten Meat x Golem's Flesh Skull x UndeadDragonWing
Skull x Pied Piper's Flute Skull x Dragon Scale
Skull x Dragon Tail Devil's Horn x UndeadDragonWing
Devil's Horn x Dragon Heart Devil's Horn x Dragon Scale
UndeadDragonWing x Giant's Guts UndeadDragonWing x Giant's Blood
PiedPiper'sFlute x Giant's Tooth PiedPiper'sFlute x Giant's Guts
Pied iper'sFlute x Bishop's Bracelet Giant's Tooth x Golem's Flesh
UndeadDragonWing x Bishop's Bracelet Devil's Horn x Vampire Claw
Vampire Claw x Vampire Claw Vampire Claw x Giant's Blood
Vampire Claw x Giant's Guts

Wyvern’s Eyeball x Bishop's Bracelet Hound's Ear x Bishop's Bracelet
Chimera's Head x Sorcerer's Earring Chimera's Head x Bishop's Bracelet
Cocoon x Bishop's Bracelet Slime Jelly x Fairy's Wing
Slime Jelly x Samurai's Beard Slime Jelly x Bishop's Bracelet
Fairy's Wing x Fairy's Wing Fairy's Wing x Sorcerer's Earring
Fairy's Wing x Samurai's Beard Fairy's Wing x Bishop's Bracelet
Priest's Hair x Incubus Wing Sorcerer'sEarringx Incubus Wing
Samurai's Beard x Incubus Wing Bishop's Braceletx Incubus Wing
Hound's Ear x Samurai's Beard Chimera's Head x Samurai's Beard

Rotten Meat x Frog Tongue Skull x Bogey Cat's Fur
Skull x Bogey Bird's Claw Skull x Slime's Goo
Skull x Pixie's Wing Devil's Horn x Bogey Cat's Fur
Devil's Horn x Slime's Goo Giant's Tooth x Giant's Guts
Giant's Tooth x Giant's Blood Giant's Tooth x Bogey Bird's Claw
Giant's Tooth x Frog Tongue Giant's Guts x Giant's Guts
Giant's Guts x Bogey Cat's Fur Giant's Guts x Bogey Bird's Claw
Giant's Blood x Bogey Cat's Fur Rotten Meat x Bogey Bird's Claw
Rotten Meat x Pixie's Wing Rotten Meat x Demon Egg

UndeadDragonWing x Chimera's Head UndeadDragonWing x Fairy's Wing
UndeadDragonWing x Hound's Ear PiedPiper'sFlute x Slime Jelly
PiedPiper'sFlute x Incubus Wing PiedPiper'sFlute x Fairy's Wing
PiedPiper'sFlute x Incubus Wing Dragon Heart x Incubus Wing
Dragon Scale x Dragon Tail Dragon Scale x Chimera's Head
Dragon Scale x Incubus Wing Dragon Tail x Dragon Tail
Dragon Tail x Hound's Ear Dragon Tail x Chimera's Head
Dragon Tail x Incubus Wing Wyvern’s Eyeball x Golem's Flesh
Hound's Ear x Golem's Flesh Chimera's Head x Golem's Flesh
Cocoon x Golem's Flesh Slime Jelly x Golem's Flesh
Fairy's Wing x Golem's Flesh Incubus Wing x Golem's Flesh
Pied Piper's Flute x Chimera's Head Vampire Claw x Incubus Wing
Frog Tongue x Sword Fragment Wyvern’s Eyeball x Sword Fragment
Hound's Ear x Sword Fragment Chimera's Head x Sword Fragment
Demon Egg x Sword Fragment Cocoon x Sword Fragment
Slime Jelly x Sword Fragment Fairy's Wing x Sword Fragment
Incubus Wing x Sword Fragment

Priest Spell

Rotten Meat x Broken Sword Giant's Tooth x Slime's Goo
Giant's Tooth x Broken Sword Bogey Cat's Fur x Bogey Cat's Fur
Bogey Cat's Fur x Slime's Goo

Broken Sword x Slime's Goo Slime's Goo x Slime's Goo
Bogey Cat's Fur x Broken Sword

Rotten Meat x Thief's Blood Skull x Thief's Blood
Rotten Meat x Ninja's Hood Skull x Broken Sword
Rotten Meat x Priest's Hair Devil's Horn x Broken Sword
Giant's Tooth x Pixie's Wing Giant's Guts x Slime's Goo
Giant's Tooth x Demon Egg Giant's Guts x Pixie's Wing
Giant's Tooth x Thief's Blood Giant's Guts x Broken Sword
Giant's Tooth x Ninja's Hood Giant's Guts x Thief's Blood
Giant's Blood x Slime's Goo Giant's Blood x Slime's Goo
Bogey Cat's Fur x Demon Egg Bogey Cat's Fur x Pixie's Wing
Bogey Cat's Fur x Frog Tongue Bogey Cat's Fur x Bogey Cat's Claw
Frog Tongue x Slime's Goo Bogey Cat's Clawx Bogey Cat's Claw
Bogey Cat's Clawx Slime's Goo Bogey Cat's Clawx Pixie's Wing

Broken Sword x Broken Sword Broken Sword x Thief's Blood
Thief's Blood x Thief's Blood

Broken Sword x Priest's Hair Thief's Blood x Priest's Hair
Broken Sword x Sorceror's Earring Thief's Blood x Ninja's Hood
Ninja's Hood x Ninja's Hood

Rotten Meat x Giant's Guts Skull x Giant's Tooth
Rotten Meat x Giant's Blood Skull x Giant's Guts
Rotten Meat x Skull Skull x Skull
Rotten Meat x Devil's Horn Devil's Horn x Giant's Tooth

Broken Sword x Samurai's Beard Broken Sword x Bishop's Bracelet
Thief's Blood x Sorceror's Earring Thief's Blood x Samurai's Beard
Ninja's Hood x Sorceror's Earring Ninja's Hood x Priest's Hair
Priest's Hair x Priest's Hair

Rotten Meat x Vampire Claw Rotten Meat x UndeadDragonWing
Rotten Meat x Dragon Heart Rotten Meat x Dragon Scale
Skull x Devil's Horn Skull x Vampire Claw
Skull x Giant's Blood Skull x Dragon Heart
Devil's Horn x Devil's Horn Devil's Horn x Giant's Blood
Devil's Horn x Giant's Guts Vampire Claw x Giant's Guts
Vampire Claw x Giant's Tooth UndeadDragonWingx Giant's Tooth

Rotten Meat x Incubus Wing Rotten Meat x Chimera's Head
Rotten Meat x Fairy's Wing Skull x Fairy's Wing
Skull x Hound's Ear Skull x Chimera's Head
Skull x Slime Jelly Devil's Horn x Cocoon
Devil's Horn x Hound's Ear Devil's Horn x Wyvern's Eyeball
Devil's Horn x Slime Jelly Vampire Claw x Frog Tongue
Vampire Claw x Wyvern's Eyeball Vampire Claw x Demon Egg
Vampire Claw x Cocoon UndeadDragonWingx Bogey Cat's Claw
UndeadDragonWingx Frog Tongue UndeadDragonWingx Pixies Wing
UndeadDragonWingx Demon Egg PiedPiper'sFlutex Pixies Wing
PiedPiper'sFlutex Slime's Goo PiedPiper'sFlutex Bogey Cat's Claw
PiedPiper'sFlutex Bogey Cat's Fur Giant's Tooth x Incubus Wing
Giant's Tooth x Chimera's Head Giant's Tooth x Dragon Tail
Giant's Guts x Chimera's Head Giant's Guts x Dragon Tail
Giant's Guts x Dragon Scale Giant's Guts x Hound's Ear
Giant's Blood x Hound's Ear Giant's Blood x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Blood x Dragon Scale Giant's Blood x Dragon Heart
Dragon Heart x Wyvern's Eyeball Dragon Heart x Frog Tongue
Dragon Scale x Frog Tongue Dragon Scale x Bogey Cat's Claw
Dragon Tail x Bogey Cat's Fur Dragon Tail x Bogey Cat's Claw
Bogey Cat's Fur x Golem's Flesh Slime's Goo x Golem's Flesh
Dragon Heart x Dragon Heart

Skull x Incubus Wing Devil's Horn x Chimera's Head
Devil's Horn x Incubus Wing Devil's Horn x Fairy's Wing
Vampire Claw x Fairy's Wing Vampire Claw x Chimera's Head
Vampire Claw x Hound's Ear Vampire Claw x Slime Jelly
UndeadDragonWingx Slime Jelly UndeadDragonWingx Hound's Ear
UndeadDragonWingx Cocoon UndeadDragonWingx Wyvern's Eyeball
PiedPiper'sFlutex Wyvern's Eyeball PiedPiper'sFlutex Cocoon
PiedPiper'sFlutex Demon Egg PiedPiper'sFlutex Frog Tongue
Giant's Guts x Incubus Wing Giant's Blood x Incubus Wing
Giant's Blood x Chimera's Head Giant's Blood x Dragon Tail
Giant's Heart x Dragon Tail Giant's Heart x Dragon Scale
Giant's Heart x Hound's Ear Giant's Heart x Chimera's Head
Giant's Scale x Dragon Scale Giant's Scale x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Scale x Hound's Ear Giant's Tail x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Tail x Frog Tongue Bogey Bird'sClawx Golem's Flesh
Bogey Bird'sClawx Sword Fragment Bogey Cat's Fur x Sword Fragment
Frog Tongue x Golem's Flesh Slime's Goo x Sword Fragment
Pixie's Wing x Golem's Flesh Pixie's Wing x Sword Fragment
Demon Egg x Golem's Flesh

Giant's Tooth x Bogey Cat's Fur Rotten Meat x Bogey Cat's Fur
Rotten Meat x Slime's Goo Giant's Tooth x Giant's Tooth

Bogey Bird'sClawx Bishp's Bracelet Frog Tongue x Samurai's Beard
Frog Tongue x Bishp's Bracelet Wyvern's Eyeballx Samurai's Beard
Wyvern's Eyeballx Sorceror's Earring Chimera's Head x Ninja's Hood
Chimera's Head x Priest's Hair Pixie's Wing x Bishp's Bracelet
Demon Egg x Samurai's Beard Demon Egg x Fairy's Wing
Demon Egg x Bishp's Bracelet Cocoon x Samurai's Beard
Cocoon x Slime Jelly Cocoon x Fairy's Wing
Cocoon x Sorceror's Earring Slime Jelly x Priest's Hair
Slime Jelly x Sorceror's Earring Thief's Blood x Incubus Wing
Ninja's Hood x Incubus Wing Hound's Ear x Priest's Hair
Hound's Ear x Sorceror's Earring Slime Jelly x Slime Jelly
Slime Jelly x Priest's Hair Slime Jelly x Sorceror's Earring
Fairy's Wing x Ninja's Hood Fairy's Wing x Priest's Hair

Rotten Meat x Sword Fragment Skull x Sword Fragment
Skull x Golem's Flesh Devil's Horn x PiedPiper'sFlute
Devil's Horn x Dragon Tail Devil's Horn x Golem's Flesh
Vampire Claw x PiedPiper'sFlute Vampire Claw x Dragon Scale
Vampire Claw x UndeadDragonWing Vampire Claw x Dragon Tail
UndeadDragonWingx UndeadDragonWing UndeadDragonWingx Dragon Heart
UndeadDragonWingx Dragon Scale PiedPiper'sFlutex Giant's Blood
PiedPiper'sFlutex Dragon Heart Giant's Guts x Golem's Flesh
Giant's Guts x Sword Fragment Giant's Tooth x Sword Fragment
Giant's Blood x Golem's Flesh

UndeadDragonWingx Samurai's Beard PiedPiper'sFlutex SorcerorsEarring
PiedPiper'sFlutex Samurai's Beard Dragon Heart x Bishop's Bracelet
Dragon Scale x Bishop's Bracelet Dragon Scale x Samurai's Beard
Dragon Tail x Samurai's Beard Dragon Tail x Slime Jelly
Dragon Tail x SorcerorsEarring Wyvern's Eyeballx Incubus Wing
Hound's Ear x Chimera's Head Hound's Ear x Incubus Wing
Cocoon x Incubus Wing Slime Jelly x Incubus Wing
Ninja's Hood x Sword Fragment Priest Hair x Golem's Flesh
Priest Hair x Sword Fragment SorcerorsEarringx Golem's Flesh
Chimera's Head x Chimera's Head Chimera's Head x Slime Jelly
Dragon Scale x Fairy's Wing Dragon Tail x Fairy's Wing
Hound's Ear x Fairy's Wing Chimera's Head x Fairy's Wing

Rotten Meat x Wyvern's Eyeball Rotten Meat x Hound's Ear
Rotten Meat x Cocoon Rotten Meat x Slime Jelly
Skull x Frog Tonhue Skull x Wyvern's Eyeball
Skull x Demon Egg Skull x Cocoon
Devil's Horn x Frog Tongue Devil's Horn x Demon Egg
Devil's Horn x Pixie's Wing Devil's Horn x Bogey Vat's Claw
Vampire Claw x Bogey Vat's Fur Vampire Claw x Bogey Vat's Claw
Vampire Claw x Slime's Goo Vampire Claw x Pixie's Wing
UndeadDragonWingx Bogey Vat's Fur UndeadDragonWingx Slime's Goo
Giant's Tooth x Wyvern's Eyeball Giant's Tooth x Dragon Heart
Giant's Tooth x Dragon Scale Giant's Tooth x Hound's Ear
Giant's Guts x Giant's Blood Giant's Guts x Dragon Heart
Giant's Guts x Frog Tongue Giant's Guts x Wyvern's Eyeball
Giant's Blood x Bogey Vat's Claw Giant's Blood x Frog Tongue
Dragon Heart x Bogey Vat's Claw Dragon Heart x Bogey Vat's Fur
Dragon Heart x Bogey Vat's Fur Slime Jelly x Slime Jelly

Devil's Horn x Sword Fragment Vampire Claw x Golem's Flesh
Vampire Claw x Sword Fragment UndeadDragonWingx PiedPiper'sFlute
UndeadDragonWingx Dragon Tail UndeadDragonWingx Golem's Flesh
PiedPiper'sFlutex PiedPiper'sFlute PiedPiper'sFlutex Dragon Scale
PiedPiper'sFlutex Dragon Tail Giant's Blood x Sword Fragment
Dragon Heart x Golem's Flesh Dragon Heart x Sword Fragment
Dragon Scale x Golem's Flesh

8. Materials Price List

Material are use to build Magic stone. You can also "separate" a stone at
Virgo's Shop. The vellum stone can't be separate. If you make or separate a
stone when the moon is yellow or red you get a chance to make a different
stone or get different materials. Red moon give you more chance.

The materials are easy to find. Just fight monster like a giant and he may
give you a giant part at the end of combat. Not all " Giant ", for example,
will not give you all part. Great is the monster higher materials will fall.

Material Price Material Price
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------

Rotten Meat 200 Slime's Goo 200
Skull 400 Pixie's Wing 400
Devil's Horn 600 Demon's Egg 600
Vampire Claw 1000 Cocoon 800
Undead Dragon Wing 2000 Slime Jelly 2000
Pied Piper's Flute 3000 Fairy's Wing 3000

Giant's Tooth 200 Broken Sword 200
Giant's Guts 400 Thief's Blood 400
Giant's Blood 600 Ninja's Hood 600
Dragon Heart 1000 Priest's Hair 800
Dragon Scale 2000 Sorcerer's Earring 1000
Dragon Tail 3000 Samurai's Beard 1200
Bishop's Bracelet 1400
Bogey Cat's Fur 200
Bogey Bird's Claw 400 - Unique Material -
Frog Tongue 600
yvern Eyeball 800 Incubus Wing
Hound's Ear 2000 Golem's Flesh
Chimera's Head 3000 Sword Fragment

9. Shop in dungeon

Some merchant are doing buisness in the dungeon. You can find usefull thing
in these shop. Here is the list and the location of the shop I found. The
materials shop is not listed here.

Kasta's Shop

You can find that shop on Level 5: (waterfall) at 5. The orb he sells can
change your class. You don’t need the class requirement to use an orb.

Transfer Potion 500 Gold
Healing Potion 250 Gold
Antidote 250 Gold
Curing Potion 20000 Gold
Revival Potion 100000 Gold

Warrior Orb 50000 Gold
Sorcerer Orb 50000 Gold
Priest Orb 50000 Gold
Thief Orb 50000 Gold
Samurai Orb 70000 Gold
Ninja Orb 70000 Gold
Knight Orb 70000 Gold
Bishop Orb 70000 Gold

Smiley's Shop

You can find this shop on Level 1: (Fortress) at 9. Guiding Staff is really
useful. Use it and you will see all the map you already walk on.

Transfer Potion 500 Gold
Healing Potion 250 Gold
Antidote 250 Gold
Curing Potion 20000 Gold
Guiding Staff 900 Gold

10. Gotz Trap faq.

On the level 1: (Fortress) you will find on the spot 5 Gotz! The Trap maker
orc. He will chalenge you to PAY and TRY his trap. Disarm until the trap
broke and you get a prize. You have to disarm 10 traps time per level. SO if
there is 10 levels like everyone think for now you will need to disarm 550
trap to fnish the level 10!

Cost Prize
| Level 1 1000 Golds | 3 Transfers Potions |
| Level 2 2000 Golds | Curing Potion |
| Level 3 3000 Golds | 4 Potions: Transfer, Curing, Healing, Antidote |
| Level 4 4000 Golds | Dwarf's Flail |
| Level 5 5000 Golds | Ash, Punish, Merciful, Shulard and Deadly Stone.|
| Level 6 6000 Golds | 1 Orb of each class. |
| Level 7 7000 Golds | 1 Stone of each Vellum. |
| Level 8 8000 Golds | Dont know yet |
| Level 9 9000 Golds | Dont know yet |
| Level 10 10000 Golds | Dont know yet |

C. Special Thanks

- Hectorm71 who have revise everything I done because I s'ck in english and he
become a good Internet friend!
- TeamXK from who we learn about the reaper door on the www.gamefaqs.com forum
- Jerrold for making another faq and with who I have exchange many information
about this game.
- Raven001 who have specify WHY I can't find the little Hobbit Thief Daniel.

I surely forgot some of them, tell me who and i will add them!

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15.Октябрь 2013
NEOKEY Patch für die US NTSC Version

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