Virtua Fighter 4

Virtua Fighter 4

15.10.2013 01:09:56
Virtua Fighter 4 Starting Guide

Put together by Hyun Supul (
December 20, 2001

Revision History:
v0.1 December 19, 2001 Initial Version
v0.2 December 20, 2001 Fixed formatting

Legal Crap:
You can distribute this doc freely as long as you don't make
money off of it. (Not beyond the cost of reproduction) If you put this on a
website, please let me know as courtesy. All the trademarked names are
properties of the trademark owners.

- Why this FAQ?
- Okay, so what are the similarities between Tekken
and VF4? (50000 ft view)
- Terminology and legends
- Basic Poke Mechanism
- Let's inflict some damage:
Canned combos and Juggles in VF4
- Double Over Stun (Hey, this looks familiar!) and Stagger
- But you also need to throw!
(Throw mechanism in VF4)
- About the sticks
- Tell me more about dodging in this game
- More about movement: crouch dashing in VF4
- The riser and the attacker: Eternal Struggle
- Walls: Friend or Foe?
- Advanced Techniques
- Character Guide
- Misc
- Web Sources
- Ackonwledgements

Why this FAQ?
The short answer is, because there is a demand for it. Those who continue
to play fighting games belong to the last echelon of hardcoregamers
who populate our arcades. I would like to think of us fighting game
players as not a group with territorial mindset, but open to new idea
and always willing to learn. In fact, it's clear there has been
movement of player population between VF and Tekken series, throughout their
long history, in both directions. But few attempts have been
made to ease people to transfer their experience in one game to another

In fact, when I first played Tekken 3 I wished there was a "Tekken Guide
for VF Players," something that explains the similarity and differences of
the two. It's a mystery why there weren't FAQs like that. Wouldn't it be
logical for us to have "KOF FAQ for SF players" or such, given everyone and
his momma played SF at some point. Anyway, I felt the time was right for a
guide like this.

Before I go on, I MUST CLARIFY that this FAQ is NOT intended to fuel the
never ending and pointless Tekken VS VF debate or anything of that nature.
Both of them are great series and I have no intention to suggest otherwise.
However, it's a fact now that there are significant number of Tekken players
out there interested in learning VF4. The reasons are varied of course. Some
Tekken 3/TTT players are not too happy with Tekken 4. There are some old
ex-VF2 players interested in picking up VF again because VF4 resembles VF2
more than VF3 did. Some players simply want to pick up something new after
long history of Tekken.

I personally think Tekken 4 to be a pretty good game. Actually superior to
TK3/TTT in many aspect. But without touching all the controvertial debate
going on, this FAQ will simply try to address the demand: Demand for a VF4
guide for people with Tekken background.

Throught this guide I will often assume that the reader has intermediate
knowledge of TK3/TK4. I will also assume you want to learn comparable,
intermediate to advanced knowledge of VF4. But even if you have no Tekken
background, you may still find some useful info, as fundamental issues
explained should be no different whether you have Tekken background or not.

Last thing I need to clarify is that I don't claim to be an expert of either
game. I just started playing Vf4 and I am a mediocre TK4 player at best. But
I decided to take on this task simply because there was no one else doing
it. This is also by no means the final document and there maybe errors.
Hopefully with more feedback, this guide will grow and mature.

Before we begin: Terminology and legends

Stick directions:
b/u u f/u

b n f

b/d d f/d

P (VF) Punch button
K (VF) Kick button
G (VF) guard button

LP or 1 (TK) left punch
RP or 2 (TK) right punch
LK or 3 (TK) left kick
RK or 4 (TK) right kick

FC = from crouch
CD = crouch dash
MC = Major counter. Interruting your opponent's attack during its execution
mC = Minor counter. Attacking your opponent while s/he is recovering from
a move.

RFF = right foot forward
LFF = left foot forward

Okay, so what's the similarity between Tekken and VF4? (50000 ft view)

At the fundamental level, they are both fighting games, meaning that your
aim is to deplete your opponent's life bar using a series of punches, kicks,
throws and what not.

But you have known these already. So let's get down to things less obvious.
The fundamental, most basic "strategy" behind both games are still the same.
"Blocking" defeats "Strike." "Throw" defeats "Blocking." "Strike" defeats
"Throw." At the most basic level both games have this rock/paper/scissors
mechanism. Of course, in practice things become more complex as we have
high/middle/low/ground level strikes, priorities, (a concept that's never
easy to explain in a 3D fighter.) high/low throws, reversals, parries,
sidesteps and so on. To be successful in either game, one needs to
understand all these properities of both his/her own character and the
opposing character.

You may find that VF4 and Tekken4 share many of these properties. Both
Tekken and VF4 characters have set of moves including varying level of
strikes, ground attacks, reversals and so on. And there are juggles, stun
combos, wall combos and tech roll and etc. In both games the goal is to
capitalize on the opponent's mistakes and deal maximum damage in given
situations using all these factors.

Now with that out of the way, it's time to examine the subtle differences,

Basic Poke Mechanism
As you know, in Tekken 4 poke became much more important. Everyone has to
poke to survive. This has been a topic of heated debates in Tekken community
and I will refrain from reproducing the debate here.

What I need to say here is that poking is a very important part of VF4 as
In VF4 the basic poke game involves punch, low punch, midlevel moves of some
sort, and or 2 or 3 punch string and variations.

Dead or Low Punch
If you are fighting against a VF4 equivalant of Paul 1,2 rush, an easy way
to stop this would be a low punch.

In fact in VF3 low punches were toned down so that it's not easy to
interrupt high attacks with a low punch. (There was techniques to make low
punch more effective in VF3. It's beyond the scope of this FAQ's subject
however.) In VF4 low punches are beefed again so you will find low punches
very reliable in interrupting high attack. It can even often interrupt mid
attack when timed right. This is an important difference from Tekken that
need to remember.

Once you hit low punch as a counter, you gain substantial initiative in
terms of frame numbers and then you can change the flow of the battle and
start attacking (or throwing) yourself. Low punches can be both great
and offensive tools. And it also allows you to execute FC moves.

As you see, the idea of the low punch in VF4 is not too different from
Tekken. However you need to keep in mind that this low punch poking game is
even more important in VF4. And don't let anybody tell you that this is

Of course, low punch is not a solution to everything. For example if you low
punch a standing defender, you will see the defender lifting his/her leg to
"block." This is a variation of Tekken mechanism as you might realize. (Low
punch being a "special low" that can be blocked high.) In this situation the
defender recovers faster than you and consequently you just lost initiative.
Also low punch has very limited range and don't forget that either.

Beyond Low punch
The fundamental idea behind PP or PPP plus mid level pokes are not too
different from Tekken. Of course, different characters have different
variations/effectiveness in poking. But never forget that you have universal
jab/low punch poke to get out of tight spots or to keep pressure.

Also, here is a clarification of VF terminology. Where the Tekken players
use the term "custom string" the VF players use the term "flow chart." The
two terms are very similar but the idea is slightly different. Basically the
idea behind "flow chart" is that there are multiple branches of action you
can take after punch/low punch or other move. To use a Tekken 4 example,
after Lp,Rp,Lk string of Law, Law can do another Lp,Rp,Lk, high parry,
low parry, d+LP (more poke), d+Rp,LK (juggle starter), and so on. It all
depends on what you think your opponent will do. "Poking" in both VF4 and
Tekken 4 revolve around the same idea too, and "flow chart" is just a VF
terminology to refer to this concept.

Art of Jab
It's useful to know the "right" way to jab in VF. The right way to throw a
single punch in Vf is not just to tab P, but tab P then tab G. The rational
is this, explained using a Tekken example: With Law let's say you do b+Lp.
You know this starts dragon storm (b+LP,RP,LP) string, and you can delay
the rest of the string. But what if you don't want the rest of the string
and immediately want to get into some other move involving RP? Since
in VF4 has PP or PK string of some sort and they can be delayed slightly,
you need to tab G to cancel the string in the buffer if you want to just
single jab and get into other moves as fast as possible. Hopefully that made

More about Anti-Low Punch Tactics
Technically you can interrupt low punch with elbow or sidekick to score
stagger. (Refer to "Double Over Stun and Stagger" section for explanation
about stagger.)
But this happens only if you had equpped yourself with frame advantage.
Let's say you notice that your opponent always low punches after his
certain mid move get blocked. This is not a bad tactic per se, but armed
with frame advantage the blocker can get his elbow out first to interrupt
low punch. And after stagger you can deal some serious damages. So, even
low punch game boils down to predicting your opponent and understanding
frame advantage.

Important Announce About Buffering
In VF4, it's important to take advantage of the fact that you can buffer
moves while you are in recovery (either from block stun or recovery from
your own move.) This can make things work better for you after you
block a move, going on your poke, doing juggle, and many other situations,
as it lets you excute moves as fast as possible without worrying too
much about timing of command input.

Let's inflict some damage: Canned combos and Juggles in VF4
Eventually, you want to use poking to lead into some real damage. We will
examine the ways to inflict real damage.

First, canned combos and juggles: This would be a part where the two games
are quite similar. Both have share of short canned strings where if the
hit connects, the rest is guarranted. An example would be Jacky's elbow
heelkick (f+P,K) Regardless of whether the elbow counters or not, heelkick
guarranted for knockdown if the elbow connects.

Both games have share of juggle starters and set of possible juggles.

Matter of Weight
In VF4 the heavier characters are generally harder to juggle, and the juggle
height often varies depending on whether it was a counter and what kind of
move it countered and so on. So compared to most juggles in tekken, the
juggles in VF4 tend to be more situation specific and you need to watch out
how high your opponent flies after your successful juggle starter. However,
there are also plenty of juggles that works almost all the time. To master
a character, you would need to learn both reliable canned strings/juggles
and the ones less reliable but potentially more damaging.

A good example would be Jacky's canned P+K,P,K (bitch slap, backfist,
spinning kick) string. If P+K connects the rest almost always connect as
juggle. But if P+K floats your opponents higher than average, than P+K,P,
u/b+K (kickflip) or P+K,P, P,P,f+K can connect for greater damage. As
you gain more experience you will be able to pick and choose right juggles
for given situations.

If we follow the character stat given by Sega, here is the order from the
lightest to the heaviest, but I honestly think there must be some errors:

Aoi, Pai, Sarah/Vanessa, Shun/Lion/Lei, Kage, Jacky, Lau, Akira, Wolf,

Double Over Stun (Hey, this looks familiar!) and Stagger
Yes, VF4 has double over stuns. As in Tekken, this is a great way to add
guarranted damage. But you need to know subtle differences. First, it
doesn't work like Tekken where you can add WGF after stun with Kazuya and
start juggling.
In most cases you cannot add much more than a canned string, instead of a
full-pledged juggle combo. Of course, even just a canned string can hurt

Also no double-over stun in the game is quite the same. Some stun-creator
require MC, some don't. Some allow you to connect full PPPK variants. Others
give you lesser options.

Also it's useful to remember that the least you can connect after these
stuns is pounce. (u+P for everyone.) Also those with low throws can often
low throw while the opponent is in double over stun. (You have to input
commands fast.)

Some examples of double over stun and follow ups

b,b+K+G (requires no major counter) u+P pounce

b,b+P+K (requires no major ocunter) PPPK

dashing elbow (f,f+P) (major counter) Dragon Lance combo
or Double Jumping kick (f,f+K,K)

f+P+K (major counter) low throw
d+G+K (major counter) butt pounce (u+K+G)

Now let's talk about stagger.
It's important to distinguish between a real stagger and what _looks_ like
stagger. This especially confuses people who played DOA extensively.
The game actually tells you whenever a real stagger occurs by showing that
joystic wiggling symbol. Basically what happens is that you are vulnerable
and unable to block when you are staggered. You can however reduce that
vulnerable time by "struggling."
By holding G and moving joystick rapidly back and forth, you may be able to
recover faster and block your opponent's follow up attack. (That's why they
show that wiggling joystick symbol.)

Of course, your opponent may anticipate that and choose to throw instead.
Mashing on P or d+P will lets you stop a throw attempt. So can break throw
commands (refer to the next section about throws). But then your opponent
may try a juggle starter anyway . . . You see? The stagger creates an
interesting psychogical guessing game situation.

Some examples of stagger situations follow:

Connecting mid-elbow (f+P for several characters) or mid kick (d/f+K for
some characters) against low-blocker.
Countering a low punch or other low move with mid-elbow (f+P for several
characters) or mid kick (d/f+K for some characters)

You get hit by Akira's guard crushing double fisted strike (You will know
when you see it.)

But you also need to throw!

Let's get this clear: In VF if you want to win you have to throw. A look at
the movelist will make it obvious why this is so: In Tekken most throws do
around 30 points damage and maybe a ground attack. But in VF even basic
throws tend to do 40-50 points and there are plethora of more powerful
throws for just about everyone. It cannot be overemphasized that in VF4,
is a very important and integral part of the game play. Far more so that

In Tekken throws tend to do little damage and relatively easy to defend
Sure throws are still integral part of the gameplay, but in VF4 it's more so
because they are more dangerous.

How to Escape Throws
Beside the damage factor let's see what makes the throws in VF4 dangerous.
First, it's harder to escape throws in VF4 as the escape mechanism is more
complex. To escape throw, you have to know the command of the throw your
opponent is using, and match the last command of the said throw. For
Jeffry has crucifix pile driver that features a jaw dropping damage. The
command for this is f/d,f/d+P+G and to escape this you have to input
f/d+P+G. Same idea for Wolf's Giant Swing (HCF+P+G) You have to hit f+P+G in
order to escape. (If you want, doing HCF+P+G yourself will also escape giant
If the throw has only single command, then just duplicate that command.

Since many characters have more than a few throws, you now see it's a harder
guessing than Tekken. But fortunately you can option select throw-escape
like following:
If you quickly input P+G (joystick neutral) then f+P+G, you will escape
regular P+G throw and any command throw that ends in f+P+G.

Connecting Throws
Now let's examine the important differences between the properties of the
In both Tekken4 and VF4 throws have execution times. In VF4, the throws tend
to have longer reach actually, so you may find yourself being thrown from an
unexpected distance, especially when dealing with the heavies. (Well, in
Tekken this also happens too I guess, against the likes of King and Julia

As a general rule of thumb, if you have to dash in order to throw that means
the throw is no longer guarranted. But of course, there are many situation
when you can guess that he will block thus allowing you to dash in and
Still it's important to learn to take avantage of VF4's deceptively long
throw ranges. Also quite a few moves in VF4 are minor counterable with throw
if blocked.
You just have to buffer in throw command quickly after blocking. (Refer to
the note about buffering under "Basic Poke Mechanism" section.)

It's useful to know what are throw counterable and what aren't. Some
examples that are throw counterable:

Most juggling knees. (f+K)
Akira's juggling shoulder. (FC, f+P+K)
Jacky's Elbow-Heelkick (f+P,K)
Most rising attacks are not throw couterable however. But if they block
afterward. . .

About the sticks: Can you count the number of buttons?

Let's discuss some subtle issues. On the VF4 panel, there is a block button.
And one punch button and one kick button. The first significance of the
block button, in comparison to Tekken 4, is that it lets you block low
worrying about finding that d/b diagnoal. Hold the block button and hold
either down or d/b and you will be able to block low.

There are more advanced uses for the block button, but for now let's move on
to the punch and kick buttons. Unlike Tekken, VF always had one button for
punch and one button for kick. This has a very subtle, but important

Let's back track a little and consider the fact that Hwoarang is the only
Tekken character who fights with either left foor or right foot forward
And just to throw a single jab with Hwoarang, you need to watch out the
stance he is in so you know if you have to push LP or RP button. Thankfully,
again Hwoarang is the only character who requires you to do this. Now let's
get back to the VF world, where EVERY character can fight with either RFF or

In most cases it doesn't matter since there are no LP/RP LK/RK kick anyway.
Hitting f,f+KK with Akira will give you double jumping kick regardless of
which leg you have up front.

At the intermediate/advanced level this has a couple of important
The first is that in order to dodge successfully, you have to watch out
which foot of your opponent is forward. Let's say you expect your opponent
to throw a basic elbow (f+P) and you want to dodge it with a sidestep.
Since the basic elbow uses whatever hand that is put forward, you need to
watch his stance and dodge accordingly. (So if your opponent has left foot
forward, you dodge to his right. If you opponent has right foot forward,
you dodge to his left.) You may notice that the fundamental idea behind
dodging is not different from Tekken. But since VF characters often change
the stance, that's something you need to watch out for, unlike Tekken.
It's not difficult once you get used to it.

In the VF circle, another terminology often used is "close side" and "open
side" Closed side means where the character's back points. "Open side" means
the side where the character's stomach's points. (Stupid terminology if you
ask me.) Alternatively, we also say "dodge to the oppoent's back" or "dodge
to the oppoent's front" when we explain the proper dodge direction.

Relative stance issues
Other term you may run into are: "Closed stance" and "Open stance." What
this means is as follows:

the feet position of the two fighters

X X Here we have "closed stance" (1P has RFF, 2p has RFF)

X X Here we have "open stance" (they have different foot
X X forward)

For VAST majority of situations you don't actually have to worry about this.
And in fact most VF players don't bother paying attenion to this issue.
There are however some specific situation where this comes into play. I may
add those situation in a future revision (or maybe even another FAQ?) But
for now let's move on.

Okay then tell me more about dodging in this game

It's a difficult subject because we are still learning how to use dodge
properly in this game. VF4 abandoned VF3's dodge system and made some
drastic changes. In short VF3 dodge system resembled Tekken3/4 a little
In VF3 dodges could be canceled by crouch dash and this allowed what we call
"Korean step." This basically was the same idea as sidestep canceled into
dash in Tekken. In both games this mechanism allowed some crazy 3d

In VF4, however, dodge became much more restricted and more difficult to
use. There are in fact two diffrent kinds of side step in VF4. One is when
you just sidesetp when the opponent is not attacking you. The sidestep you
get at this situation is pretty useless except may be for strategic
positioning. You get limited movement, your opponent can track you, and
be canceled with dashes. More useful sidestep happens when you time your
correctly just as your opponent attacks you. You will hear audible grunt
by your own character when s/he successfuly dodges your opponent in this
manner. The right way to think about this is that dodge should be timed
precisely LIKE REVERSAL. And then you can attack your helpless opponent who
just whiffed his attack.

For us, this is a serious change from VF3 where dodge was very powerful and
relatively painless to use.

Before letting you go, another very important property of dodge in VF4 is
that you can be high-thrown anytime while you are dodging. So forget
about using sidestep to avoid throw attempt. In VF3 if your opponent
abuses dodges going for throw was a very good strategy. But in VF4 it's less
so since those who abuses dodging would be killed _anyway_.

More about movement: VF's crouch dashing

Of course, you know how to crouch dash in Tekken, but only for certain
characters. In VF4 series EVERY character can crouch dash.

The official way to use crouch dash is to f/d, F/D for forward crouch dash
and b/d, B/D for backward crouch dash. Alternative way to do this is
d, f/d,d,F/D. (Think of Law's sliding tackle for example.) This used to be
more reliable way to crouch dash especially on a lousy stick. But in VF4 you
can go into dodge by mistake if you are not carefull. If you buffer the
command into a move's recovery, or with block button down, you won't have to
worry about accidental dodging too much.

There are no crouch-dash specific moves in VF4 like the ones found in Tekken
(for example, Wind God Fist) So every move that requires FC position can be
done from crouch dash without any cancelling technique. Most characters have
useful FC move of some sort, so ability to quickly buffer crouch dash can be

Crouch dash can be canceled with block button.

So to sum it up, compared to Tekken3/4 or VF3, VF4 doesn't have as much
potential for sidestep maneuvers. It however has backward crouch dash.
This can be a very good defensive move that avoids high throw and high
attacks while allowing you to move backward.
Combined with backward crouch dash and regular backdash, VF4 offers
substantial amount of options for people who like to (ab)use backdash. Of
course, there are factors working against backdashers as well. All the VF4
stages are confined one way or the other so you can't just keep running
VF4's throw mechanism also make turtling not so easy.

The riser and the attacker: Eternal Struggle

You have seen this zillion times: The one who's down wants to get up safely
and turn the table around if possible. The attacker wants to make sure the
other guy stays down. At the intermediate level and up the question often
becomes not who can do the most impressive juggles, but who can survive this
wake-up game better.

In VF4 it's no different. What's different, of course, is in the details.

First, tech roll is done by hitting P+K+G as you hit the ground. d+P+K+G
will let you roll out of the screen, u+P+K+G will roll into the screen. And
plain P+K+G will let you kip up. In general tech rolling in VF4 is safer
the ones in Tekken. (I hear tech rolling sideways leave you vulnerable for a
low throw or mid attack for a small period of time. MOre on this once we
figure out more.)

Once the tech role is over, of course, fight starts again.
The attacker can force brutal guessing games after tech roll
as victim must predict which way the attacker will attack. Middle? Low?
Throw? If the victim guesses right, of course, s/he can turn the table
(If you guessed wrong, well, then it's another wake up game for you.)

For some throws you can tech roll just as you hit the ground to reduce
damage. The examples are:
Wolf's Giant Swing(HCF+P+G)
Kage's Ten Foot Toss (b+P+G, if you didn't get hit on your way down)
Jeff's body press (b+P+G)

The rising attacks are basically mid-low guessing game like Tekken.

Walls: Friend or Foe?

The wall dynamic in VF4 is quite different from both Tekken 4 and VF3.
What's common is that in both Tekken 4 and VF4 wall combos can be quite
painful. Let's examine the differences then.

First of all, in VF4 there is no "wall stun" where the victim sticks against
the wall for a certain amount of time. So that means there are less time for
wall combo and many are quite tricky to do compared to Tekken 4 wall combos.
On the other hand, wall tech roll is not possible in VF4. So whatever damage
happenes, happens, no matter what the victim does.

Finding wall combos are still an on-going process so can't give an extensive
list. But if you see your victim bouncing off the wall try something and you
will find you can add extra damage quite easily and frequently. Just adding
a sweep, sommersault kick, or knee or double low kicks and such against your
opponent bouncing off the wall may work surprisingly well.

Some of more obscure examples:

Akira: b,f+P+G throw, (opponent bounces off the wall) bodycheck (b,f,f+P+K)
Kage: Ten Foot Toss throw, (b+P+G) Instant rising knee (buffer crouch dash,
then f+K) PPPK, (opponent hits the wall) Dragon Punch (f,d,d/f+P) (Isn't it
scary what you can do after a throw?)

A Note about Ring Out
This also has been a controvertial subject ever since VF1. But at the end,
you will get used to this factor. Most arcades have set their machine so
that the challenger can choose either open or closed rings. So if you don't
want to deal with it you can simply choose a closed ring. Compared to the
earlier versions of the game ring outs are considerably less frequent in

Advanced Techniques
Option select Defense
So far, you learned that there are plenty of decision games involved in
defensive aspect of VF4. This defensive game is quite harsh for defenders
compared to Tekken really.
Do I block? Do I reverse? Do I break throw? Of course you have same
situations in Tekken too, but since throw is more dangerous in VF4 the odds
are tilted in the attacker's favor once you are forced to defend.

To keep the long story short, here is a defensive trick that lets you both
block and break throw at the same time. (Of course here the assumption is
that you can recover fast enough to block the particular move the opponent
throws at you.) Let's say you got your move blocked by Jeffry and you decide
to defend. (But what about his throw?)
In this situation, hit d/f+P+G to break his piledriver while you are
still recovering. And before you recover, hit G and hold. (Some people may
tell you that you need to hit d/f+P+G and hold G. But from my experience you
can quickly tap d/f+P+G, then hit G and hold G. Either way would be fine.
The key point is that you should be holding G at the moment you recover)

And voila! You just performed an option select defense that stops both his
piledriver and knee. In VF circle we call it G-TE. It stands for guard-throw
escape. A variation of this is performing a reversal then buffering throw
escape into reversal animation. So if you can reverse knee (Pai, Akira and
Aoi can do this) instead of G-TE you can hit knee reversal command then
buffer in throw escape. That way if he does knee you will reverse. If he
piledrives you break out of it.
Also you can do up to multiple throw escapes at once. so quickly hitting
d/f+P+G, f+P+G, then hitting G and holding will let you escape both his
piledriver and backbreaker, and let's even block. We call it G-DTE.
(guard-double throw escape.)

Of course this defense is not invincible. Jeffry can simply
do some other throw or simply go into poke game. (Poke into throw!)
Still if you can do this option select consistently without being too
predictable, you will gain a substantial upper hand in this offense-defense

"modified" moves
This basically is the VF terminology for using quick crouch dash to perform
FC moves instantly without taking time to sit down first. Of course, you
know Tekken has its equivalents and the idea is the same.

Character Guide

Okay, this section is intended to help you pick a character and give you
basic tactics behind each charcters. (So no complaining that this section
doesn't have everything. It never meant to. Refer to "web sources" section
to find out where to go from here)

Ah, Paul of VF world. Back in the VF1 days, in some places it was considered
cheap to pick Jacky. Except against an expertly played Lau, Jacky was so
blatantly overpowered compared to other characters. Also traditionally it
required few moves to win with Jacky. (Think of Paul players who use no more
than 2-5 moves in Tekken)

Fast forward to VF4: Now he has been somewhat toned down and made less
What still makes Jacky deadly is, as usual, that he is one of the best
striker but also has strong throws. Combined with his strong multi level
strike arsenal, he fits naturally into VF4's poke/mid strike/low strike/
throw guessing game.

If you want to be minimalistic, just jab, low punch, elbow and throw can
serve as the frame work of your poke game. If your opponent ducks
to avoid throw, elbow can stagger. You can either follow up with canned
heel kick follow up after elbow, or try throw or juggle. (Refer to the
section about double over stun and stagger for more explanation.)

As you can see, Jacky is a very good character to learn the feel and general
strategy behind the game. He may not have the strongest throw or most
damaging juggles, but his balanced, easy to use arsenal allows you to
inflict damage as long as you can keep your opponent off balance.

Basic strategy:
Poke using Punch, low punch, low kick, elbow, and b/d+P low backfist. Mix
up throw
Some basic combos: P+K,P,K canned juggle
knee (f+K), P,P,f+K (two punches and knee for juggle)
Alternate f,b+P+G throw and f/d,f/d+P+G throws once you get pressure

Clone of Jacky, faster but not as strong.
Actually that's not really true! Before, she could be played like Jacky if
you wanted to. But in Vf4 that's no longer an effective way to play her.
Unlike Jacky, she doesn't have canned juggles, strong throws, low backfist
and his set of low arsenal. To make up for it, she has faster punch and
generally better speed overall. In addition, she has FLAMINGO STANCE. Yay
like Hwoarang!. Well sorta. If you are a Hwoarang player it's important
to know similarities and differeces. First of all, she can only move forward
while she is in flamingo stance. No backdash or side step. What a bummer
compared to Hwoarang. Although I agree this kinda sucks, be assured that
it's still a lot of fun to use flamingo stance with Sarah. Like Hwoarang,
she can hit high, middle, low, and jab. She can even throw, hit throw,
sommersault kick, and parry low punch from flamingo. Also, although she
can't sidestep normally, she has dodging attacks she can do from this

Overall, she is more poke oriented character than Jacky. Your throws
may not do as much damage but combined with your speed and poke you should
be able to add up damage. Also combined with flamingo stance you can keep
pressure going while demoralizing your opponent. You also have a greater
juggle potential than Jacky.

Basic strategy:
Poke using punch, low punch, low kick, elbow, elbow-chop(f+P,f/d+P) and
chop-flamingo stance kick (f/d+P,K) Mix up throw
Once a while use elbow, (delayed) knee (f+P,(optional delay)K)
Flamingo string: 1. Move into flamingo stance using f/d+P,K f,f+P+K b+K
or b+P+K
2. You can do lots of stuff here, refer to the move list
in the web resource section.
3. Move out of flamingo stance by punch(s) or low punch,
Basic combos: knee or b/d+K (like Nina's divine cannon) into
Other (less frequently used) juggle starters include

He is basically a custom string generator from Hell, to use Tekken
He also traditionaly has been a juggle monster.

Let's see. His building blocks for his custom string rushes:

f/d+P,P mid level chop followed by punch.
FC, f/d+P,P lifting palm followed by punch. The lifting palm juggles on
major counter. (To get into FC position, you can either use low
punch or buffered crouch dash. Buffer d,d/f,d,d/f+P motion to do
this quickly and you have rush going on.)
d/f,d/f+P,P lunging palm. Also juggles on major counter and used to close
distance otherwise.
Note: You have option to continue on to his PPPK, PPPd+K, PPPb+K string from
above. (All those strings can be delayed at various points too.) But
if you G cancel, you have a mid level string that ends as a jab.
See how this can be a great custom string tool?
f+P,P elbow, palm. If elbow hits palm is guarranted. Throw this out
to get those who try in vain to duck under your punch string.

Okay now you have tools to brain freeze your opponent. From here you can
mix throws, sweeps, and other high impact moves.

d/f,d/f+P+G a fairly strong throw. If you need to switch position use b+P+G
or P+G.
f,d+K One of the best sweeps in the game
d/f+P+K super knife, juggle starter
b,b+P Turnaway palm, juggle starter
FC, d/f+P,P+K Lifting palm followed super knife, juggle starter.
b+P,K Can juggle on major counter.
b,f+P High knockdown palm. Against light characters you can connect
Against others you should be able to at least connect d+K,K
low kick.

As juggle ender, try PPPK, PPPd+K, d/f+PPPd+K, d/f+P+K, or if you can buffer
crouch dash quickly, FC, d/f+PPPPd+K

Pai can be played somewhat like Lau, but it's important to know
differences. She is faster than Lau and doesn't have as many string
options, not to mention that her juggles aren't as strong either. In short
she is more poke oriented character than Lau. Her basic string starter is
d/f+P,P. From there you can either go to d/f+P,P,f+P (juggles if hit) or
d/f+P,P,P,d+K (Optional delays.)
Or go into other strings and poke (recommended) Since Pai doesn't have elbow
it's important to mix in her sidekick (d/f+K) to score stagger. Also, FC,
neutral+K is a string mid-level that knocks down. Mixing low punch, throw
and low punch, n+K is another basic pattern.

Juggle starter:
d/f+P,P,f+P (if the last mid hit hits.)
FC,f+P (major counter)

Juggle Ender:

b+P cause double over stun on major counter. After this f,f+P,K, u/f+KK,
f+K,K, or u+K+G will connect.

To the newbies he may look like a slow moving punchbag armed with a limited
set of vocabulary, but at the hand of an expert he transforms into a deadly

As a matter of fact, when you analyze throw/strike guessing game none offers
greater threat than Jeffry. It's possible that he can win just by
alternating between knee juggle and throw, and both do serious amount of
damage when they connect. Of course, he is not without weaknesses. Against
expert players who do option select defense (see Advanced tactics section)
and out-poke Jeffry, poor Jeff quickly loses momentum. Still, playing Jeffry
can also teach you the basic guessing game/distance game involved in
VF4 and award you with some serious damages when you do the right thing.
Jeff can be considered as Jacky on steroid except the drugs made him slower
and reduced his move set.

Basic strategy:
Poke with punch, double punch, low punch, low kick, dashing elbow(f,f+P),
dashing elbow-upper(f,f+P,P) and d+G+K (stuns on MC for guarranted
follow ups)
Good poking game is especially important against the expert types

Connect f/d,f/d+P+G throw to win. Mix up other throws or strikes for people
who break out of it.

Basic combos/juggles:
knee(f+K) or kenka upper (f/d,f/d+P) juggle starter followed by:

P,(P) dashing elbow upper (f,f+P,P)
P, knee
low punch, dashing elbow upper or knee
(with high float) K,K,P

After f+P+K MC double over stun
low throw
Other mid-level power hit sequences

After d+K+G MC double over stun
pounce (u+P or u+K+G)
Pick up to start guessing game (d+P+G)
After d+P+K hits
Low throw (This is NOT guarranted but has good chance of working.
Throw knee instead if your opponent struggles out of low

Against people who do mid reversal/throw escape option select:
K, K, P

Wolf is well, a little like Jeff. Also you may find that he resembles King
from Tekken too. Traditionally he has been considered easier to use than
His Giant Swing (HCF+P+G) has been the single most damaging throw in the
game with its jaw-dropping damage and immense ring-out potential. (This
also has a deceptively long grab range.) But now this throw has been
somewhat toned down because you can tech-roll/quick-rise at the moment you
hit the ground to reduce damage. (No tech roll for you if you hit the wall
or go out of the ring though.)

Basically you need to poke, throw, and juggle like Jeff does. Wolf is armed
with more of useful medium range/long range arsenal than Jeff so distance
game is easier on Wolf. Also his short shoulder (b,f+P+K) is a juggle
starter that cannot be reversed.

Some useful moves and combos.
d/f+P+K is a low knockdown hook (Think of Steve's you-know-what move.)
and b,f+G+K will connect on ground if the opponent doesn't tech roll.
f,d+K is another low move that causes double over stun. (pounce
guarranted.) So unlike Jeff he has low moves for guarranted
knockdown and that's good to remember.
dodge+P+K+G gives you his long range catch throw that may remind you of
a move of King. Just try it and see.
after f+K or b,f+P+K juggle starter:

Ah, so called "Expert's character." A lot has been made about Akira being
hard to use but seriously, his hard to use moves are really Sega's plot
to collect more money from those obsessed about mastering his moves. If
you have dexterity to do Tekken 4's just frame moves and wave dash around
for breakfast, using Akira's arsenal should be no problem.
Basically if you can do those difficult moves/combos in Tekken, you have
enough dexterity to use Akira or any other difficult moves in VF4, sticks
Even if you can't use Akira's more difficult moves with good accuracy, he
still has a set of easier and damaging arsenal as well.

It's true that Akira requires a stiffer learning curve than most. He is
probably least friendly to mashers maybe except Jeffry, but you are not
a masher anyway. Compared to VF3 he has been made stronger. So you may find
it rewarding to learn him after you tried simpler characters.

Basic Strategy and Combos

In addition to jab and low punch, his dashing elbow (f,f+P) and super
dashing elbow (f,f,f+P) are abusable moves. (They cause double Over stun
when you connect as major countered) As far as juggles go, just learn to
do Dragon Lance Combo (d/f+K+G,f+P,b,f,f+P+K) and Akira Special 3 (d+K+G,
Once you can do these two strings consistently there are really few reasons
to do anything else as juggle finisher. Akira Special 3 is especially useful
for low float situation. Once you put the fear of mid attacks, start
(His throws are not bad either.)

After dashing elbow MC double over stun:
f,f+K,K double jumping kick
d+P, (low punch) plus double palm (FC, b,f+P)
Dragon Lance Combo

FC, f+P+K Shoulder ram (This is a juggle stater. Mix low punch, shoulder
ram sequence with low punch, throw
and you should start building win streak.)
Dragon Lance Combo (optional jab before DLC)
d+P, b,f+P (low punch followed by FC, b,f+P (Double Palm strike)
P, b,f+P+K (jab followed by double fisted strike)

d/f+P+K low attack MC double over stun:
FC, f+P+K shoulder ram (since you are considered crouching after d/f+P+K,
you can just do f+P+K when you see your opponent falling down.)
bodycheck (b,f,f+P+K)
Akira Special 3

Additional Note: It's safe to say being able to crouch dash can benefit
Akira significantly, given his options from FC. If you can instantly
excute his shoulder ram or double palm using buffered crouch dash, you
will really start to scare your opponent.

She is a girlfriend of Marduk :) Actually, Sega intended her to be somewhat
unique in the sense that she is a strong grappler unlike the fast kick
oriented female characters that populate fighting game worlds. (Except
Tina of DOA and Jane of Sega's own Fighting Vipers.)

She has two stances and different set of moves belonging to each stance. The
one you start with is throw/reversal oriented Vale Tudo stance. The second
stance is strike oriented Muay Thai stance. You switch stance by hitting
P+K+G. Once you switch you won't switch back until you hit P+K+G again.

Compared to Jeff and Wolf, Vanessa lacks strong juggle potential. Well,
actually, she lacks juggle potential period. She more than makes up for it
with her large set of strings and throw set up sequence.

Basic Tactics and Combos
Again, basic jab and low punch pokes are important. Switch to Muay Thai
stance if you need some more leverage against faster characters. You gain
access to faster, stronger, and more useful strings in this stance. (You
are vulnerable while switching stance so don't switch when you are under
attack!) Never forget that she has some serious throwing power and can
reverse form Vale Tudo stance.

Here, let me change the format a little and give analysis of some very
useful moves for Vanessa.

d+K,P,P (Both stances)
Here you have two canned high punches that follow a low kick. If the last
punch connects it knocks down and ground hit/pounce is guarranted. And even
better news: If the low kick major counters standing the rest of the string
is guarranted! If the opponent starts ducking your punches, switch to
d+K,P,K string.

This move ignores high attacks and if this get blocked, or hits without
knocking down, you have frame advantage. Enter throw! Connecting this move
plus a damaging throw would take off half life bar easy. (Recommended throws
from Vale Tudo: HCF+P+G, d/f,d/f+P+G)
If this move hits as major counter you can juggle (PPPK or PPK)
But do not abuse this move as people can duck under it and punish you.

While holding G: d+P or u+P: Dodging gut punch(both stances)
She learned this gut punch from Kazuya :) It has built in dodge and causes
double over stun, allowing you to connect a low throw. While this is throw
counterable if blocked, this can easily turn tide of the battle if used
This can be used against pitbull type players to dodge their attack and
punish them. Possibly the best dodging move in the game. If the opponent
breaks out of low throw, use d/f+G+K if you are in Vale Tudo. Use f+P,P,K
if you are in Muay Thai. (You have to buffer in the moves)
(Also, pounce works too)

This move is a guard crusher. You can use the following two options after

Good moves to mix from a medium range:
f,f+P+K,P (unblockable take down)
b,f+P+K,P (med lunging punch string that knocks down)
These provide basic mid/take down guessing game, as both look quite similar.

Muay Thai stance:
f+P+K knocks down and can be followed with f+PPK pr d/f+P,K string.
Well, technically you can juggle with d/b+K+G too. But try connecting that
move. . . Perhaps only when you expect a rising sweep.
Muay Thai strings that start with f+P, b,f+P, d/f+P or K are all useful.
Don't forget that you can low throw in this stance too.

He is one masher friendly character! Well, okay, he is Lei from Tekken fused
with masher friendliness of Eddy. Actually it's not that bad. For starter
you cannot take off close to half-life bar with two hits, like Eddy could
in Tekken 3. Still he gives a masher an edge over a player without an
experience against Lei. If you actually learn a few combos he might become
even more troublesome.

Unlike other VF4 characters, Lei's moves naturally move him from one stance
to another. In that sense, Lei, well, resembles Lei from Tekken, or
from Soul Caliber and etc. The following may not be the best most
compregensive collection of streategy for Lei, but I will give some idea
behind his four stances.

P,P (And crane stance)
This puts him into his crane stance where he can auto reverse
Those not used to Lei will try to jab or low punch after you P,P,
only to be auto reversed. (You just have to leave stick neutral and
leave buttons alone. That's why you will never see this reversal done
by a button masher.) Eventually your opponent will catch on and do a
kick or throw after your PP. That's when you resume button mashing :)

No, seriously, hitting K from crane stance gets you back to crane
stance and can interrupt any throw attemp and most mid attacks. Now
you are back to crane stance and the same guessing game begins again.
d+K gets you sweep if you need alternate guessing game.
Alternatively, f+PP will also get into crane stance. Hitting G
cancels crane stance.

P,P,P (And scorpion stance)
Altenatively, you can use f+PPP or single K to go into scorption
stance (d+P+K+G also works.) Hitting d+P+K+G from scorpion goes
into crane.
PP from scorpion goes into crane. Perhaps the biggest reason to go
into scorption is P+K frm Scorpion Stance, AKA da Lungin Power
Strike. If you hit P+K and hold P+K, you will get guard crushing
version of this move.
Even when blocked it will push back the opponent. Just try mixing
scorpion stance, P+K sequence and you will start seeing immediate
results. This is an excellent okizeme attack too.
(These moves go into crab stance)
From here you can do semi-unversal d+K sweep and perhaps the best move
to use is P,K. (It auto parries some moves and goes into crane
You can move in this stance actually and it looks there is a potential
for advanced stepping technique. (Subject for further experiement.)
K from crab stance goes into Tiger stance.

(These moves go into Tiger stance)
Actually even though they call it "Tiger Stance" this looks
disturbingly similar to the crab stance. But you should be able to
tell the difference soon enough.
Just hitting P out of Tiger stance executes the move called hammer.
This move goes through high and mid attacks and cause double over
stun when hit. (Follow it with b+P,P)
your opponent tries to block this, you can do d+K,P. (BTW,
d+K,P from Tiger Stance gets you into crane stance)

>From normal stance:

f,f+K Use these moves when thing get hairy.
d+K+G a sweep.
u/f+K+G Juggle starter. Something like d+P, u/f+K+G will connect as juggle
d/f,d/f+P,P Another juggle starter. Try d+P+K,P
d/f+P+G This is a throw that lets you do a bounce juggle. After this throw
you can try P+K,P,P or d/f,d/f+P, K+G

What I have written so far will give you basic building block of your
strategy, but be aware there are so many moves not mentioned here. Just
like Tekken Lei, he has mind boggling combincation involving many
different stances so get a move list and start experimenting.

It's unfortunate that he attracts newbies with his funny stances. Then the
newbies get their ass handed back to them and lose interest in the game. He
is simply not an easy character to use and even tougher to use him to win.
(Akira is hard? Bah. He is a cheap bastard compared to Shun.) At the high
level of competition it's not really a matter of how hard it is to do a
move, but how hard it is to conect your move. THAT is not easy with Shun.
With Shun it's very important to keep mixing up since he doesn't have many
easy to abuse moves (unlike Akira even.) At least not until you get drunk.
So for now I advise against using Shun as a beginner character.

Basic Strategy and Combos
I am not a Shun expert but I will write what I know.

To win with Shun you need to drink. As you drink, your move will
do more damage and gain access to new moves. To drink, connect P+G throw,
back throw (P+G), f+P+K, or hit P+K+G from lying down stance. (HCF) To
connect throws you will have to poke. In early stage you might even want to
forfeit juggle opportunities in order to drink. (Knock him down, lie down,
then drink.)

Some other useful moves:

d+K Shun's low kick is one of the best. Poke with this in addition to
jab and low punch.
FC, d/f+P This creates double over stun.
QCF+P This is THE juggle starter for Shun. Once you get 6 drink points
you can do QCF+P,P combo
d/f+P,P,K You won't be able to use it till you get 8 Drink points. (d/f+P
works without drinks but the rest of the string won't) But once
you get this move use it after QCF+P,(P) juggle. To use this in
a juggle, after juggle starter move the stick to d/f
first before hitting PPK, rather than hitting d/f and P at the
same time. (You will get ground attack if you do) When you don't
have drink points, f,f+K or b,d/f+K are recommended as juggle
u+K This is another juggle starter that beats low punch. Also, you can
connect f+P+K as juggle ender after this for drinking points.
Unfortunately, if the opponent tech rolls after f+P+K s/he will
recover faster than you do.
PP,d+KK You gain this move after 6 drinking points. Note: According
to a Japanese source, after certain drinking points the string
is guarranted if the first P connects. (!)
d+P+K,K,K (When you are drunk) These are sweeps to mix up.
Special dodge: d/f+G+P+K, u/b+G+P+K

However I still need to repeat this again: I have seen Shun drawing the
newbies like the bugs being drawn to those electric bug zappers. . . only
to get slaughtered after doing some stupid drunken dances. Shun is simply
not a good beginner character and not a good character to learn basics of
VF either.

He clearly is easier to use and win than Shun but he doesn't have strong
damage potential. He does have his share of double over stuns, juggles, and
decent throws so still a viable character if you learn to use these. Not
necessaily a character newbies should pick against an experienced player

d+P, b/d+PP, f+P,d/f+P, P,P are all his good poking tools. d/b+K is also
an annoyingly effective low attack. (You are screwed if you get blocked

f,f+P, b,d/f+P, b+P+K, HCB+P all can create double over stun, f,f+K,K will
work in all situations. Also try b,f+K+G.

His FC,f+P and b,b+K,P+K are primary juggle starters. (b,b+K lifts and P+K
keeps the opponent in air for further damage.) Use the following moves (or
combinations there of) after you connect a juggle starter.

Throw combinations:
FC,f+P+G throw, b,f+K+G
f/b+P+G throw,f/d+P,P,f,f+KK (not guarranted)

In Vf4 she does have some serious damage potential unlike in the previous
She is the best reversal user in the game, able to reverse/parry 95% of
moves including rising atatcks. (This is kinda shock to the VFers who
are not used to have the rising attacks reversed.)

Her Yin/Yang stance (b+P+K+G. Refer to move list for other ways to get into
this stance) is a simply an auto parry stance for high/middle punches and
kicks. More on this if we find better uses of this stance.

Basic Strategy
Poke with punch, punch strings, low punch, low kick. from there mix up
PPP variants, elbow variants, sweep, throw and reversals.

f/d+P (major counter),PPPK f/d+P interrups surprisingly well and overall
damage is no laughing matter either. The main juggle used by Aoi
FC, f+P+G throw, ground throw (d/f+P+G)
b,b+P+K, b,d/f+P, f+K+G,P
All of these create double over stun and can be followed with one of
the following
low throw

Did I miss anybody? Oh Yeah Kage

To be honest he was one of the cheaper characters in VF2/VF3 days. He is
made more difficult to use by toning down his ring-out, combo, and poke
(Oh boy what else is there to tone down.)

The way to inflict big damage using Kage is now limited, but the most
important option still continues to be his ten foot toss throw (b+P+G)
After you launch your opponent sky high into the air with this there are
bazillion different juggles you can do. But you just need to find what
works for you. Many of these combos can be difficult to do on crappy sticks.
If you don't want to/can't do complex juggles, then canned b+P+G,u+P+G chain
will do 60 points of damage. (hit u+P+G without delay) But seriously, if you
want to play Kage you should learn to do more damaging TFT combos. Really
what else is there for Kage. . .

Of course, a weary opponent will always try to escape your Ten Foot Toss
Fortunately Kage has a multitude of different throws that can do at least 50
points each so mix up.

Basic Strategy.
POke with punch, low punch, throw out elbow to cause stagger(don't overuse
elbow since it's slow compared to Jacky and Sarah's)
His d+G+K (mid heelkick that knocks down) seems to avoid high attack just a
little. b,b+K+G low attack is useful for knockdown. d/f+P and FC,d/f+P,
although not the fastest moves, should be used since they are juggle
starters. With these you have foundation for poke/mid/low/throw game.

Basic Combos
d/f+P or FC,d/f+P followed by one of the following:
P, d+P+K,K
u/b+G+K (sommersault kick)
P, u/b+G+K

b,b+K+G, d+P,d+K, dragon punch (this only works against people who don't
roll so don't bother if your opponent knows how to tech roll.)
b,b+K+G, u+P (pounce)
u/f+K+G, d+P, dragon punch (f,d,d/f+P)
u/f+K+G gets people who sweep/rising sweep
f+P+G (exchange throw) dragon-punch, drop kick (f,d,d/f+P,K)
Ten Foot Toss combos: too numerous to list. Refer to the resources in "Web
sources" section. But here is a fav of mine to give you an idea:
after b+P+G, d+P+K, b+P,K, d+P+K,K

To sum it up:
Balanced Striker: Jacky, Sarah
Balanced Strikes plus Reversal: Akira
Grappling and brute force: Jeff, Wolf, Vanessa
Poke and custom strings from Hell: Pai, Lion
Custom strings and juggle from Hell: Lau
Stances and strikes: Lei, Shun
Speed, reversal and stun: Aoi
Speed and throw: Kage

Running Attacks
Unlike Tekken, there are very few "running attacks" of significance and
one of the few example's Kage's running slide. (Run, K causes double over
But that hardly means running doesn't have its place in the game. Even if
Tekken didn't have specific "running attacks," running would still be an
important part of offense.

VF4 doesn't have Tekken's mega damage unblockable moves. (Which you don't
use anyway) Wolf has unbrekable running clothesline however. Also some
characters have "guard crushing" move that cause stagger even if you block.
(Those work a little like Jin's(TK4) unblockable uppercut at the end of his
three hit string. The move is slow but you have to be able to react.)

This is the term used for those special parrys that behave differently from
regular parries. A good example is Akira's b+P+K+G and Sarah's P+K from
Flamingo stance. While many of them are just different kind of parries,
there are a few that actually "hit" if the opponent doesn't block. An
example is Lei's P from his Tiger Stance. During the execution it overrides
high and mid attacks and unlike parries/reversals, it will actually hit as a
mid attack.

"Charge attacks"
There are quite a few attacks that change the property if you hold down the
buttons. (Most of them become guard crushing version of the normal move,
like Jin's unblockable version of his laser rush.)

Web sources

This guide never meant to be an all-inclusive guide for VF4 and you are
encouraged to look for other sources. (A movelist would be useful, no?)
Unfortunately, there is no VF website comparable to as we speak.

Not exactly a Tekken Zaibatsu, but a real good starting place would be
Virtua Project ( The site contains extensive movelist,
combo list (in progress) and damage data for the mathheads, and more. The
site also has links for other VF4 sites.

Currently most of the links in are broken but its
forum is functional. (click on the link named "versus city" You may find
useful info if you take patience to wade through the posts.)

For media and a list of non-English links, FeixaQ's Vf4fx website
( is recommended. You will find a collection of
VF4 play video footage from around the world. CreeD also maintains FTP
mirrors of VF4 videos. (

Extra Note: Many of the above sites do have some stability issues. If
you can't connect just try sometime later, or it could just be the link is


I would like to thank the following Tekken and VF players for

Harold Hesse
Shang Yang

For the research material, I benefitted from the following sites so I would
like to thank the people behind them:

Virtua Project (
TeamBattle Zone (
Tekken Zaibatsu (

Note about contacting me:
Contributions and comments are welcome. However, individual questions, in
general will NOT be answered. (Let's face it, what's the point of writing
a FAQ if I have to answer individual questions anyway? Try first to digest
the content in this FAQ and study the web sources suggested. If you still
can't find answer to your question, post a question on one of the forums.
If it's really a FAQ, I may address it in a future revision.)

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Pai Chan Command List and FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
FAQ for Jeffry McWild

14.Октябрь 2013
Vanessa Character FAQ

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Lion Rafale Character FAQ

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14.Октябрь 2013
The ABC of Shun Di

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Wolf Hawkfield FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Sarah Bryant FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Starting Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Vanessa Lewis Combo FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
General Guide

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
07.Июнь 2019
25.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014