Virtua Fighter 4

Virtua Fighter 4

15.10.2013 16:08:30
Virtua Fighter 4
Pai Chan Command List and FAQ (Version 3.8 - Text Version)

Current Update: Friday, 21 June 2002
Previous Update: Saturday, 27 April 2002
Created: Saturday, 25 August 2001

By Asagiri Yohko

Note: This FAQ is primarily based on the second "Ver.B"
arcade version, not the PlayStation 2 version (VF4PS2)
or VF4 Evolution.
Also, I'll not mind if the writers of other VF4
character FAQs borrow the flexible layout of this FAQ.

0. Wanted
1. Acknowledgements
2. Introduction
3. Nutrition Information
3.1 1st Impression
3.2 2nd Impression
3.3 3rd Impression
4. Commands
4.1 Basic Commands
4.2 Advanced Commands
4.3 Advanced Commands II
4.4 Other Commands
5. Pai Strategies
5.1 Pai Combos
6. Links


I'm looking for:
- Pai strategies and combos, vs CPU and vs humans,
from Pai players.
- Anti-Pai strategies and combos, from Pai and
non-Pai players.
- Descriptions of Pai's poses, quotes, and Ring Out
animation before, during, and after a match.
- Descriptions of Pai's VF.NET accessories and items.
- Jacky "Jerky" Bryant's voice actor's name.
- A Greek translation of the Disclaimer (see below).
- Osama bin Laden, dead or alive.

Disclaimer: I send the newest version of this file
to only six Websites:
- http://DLH.Net/
If you downloaded or read this file at other
Websites, the SysOps of the other Websites probably
leeched it from one of the above Websites.

Dementi: J'ai envoye la plus recente version de ce
fichier a seulement six sites webs.
- http://DLH.Net/
Si vous avez telecharge ou lu ce fichier a partir
d'autres sites, les responsables de ces sites l'auront
probablement pompe a partir de l'un des sites ci-dessus.

Notice: To help popularise VF4 in the UK, permission
is granted to Dynamic League of the UK to print this FAQ
Ver.3.1 to Ver.3.7 in the Dynamic League Magazine.

"Setsunasa!" (*1)


Thanks to these sierra hotel persons/organisations:
- Akai Akuma and Kuro-Pai of Japan, for strategies.
- Big Dipper of USA, for the VF4 Lion FAQ.
- Borgman of Philippines and his wife.
- Chou Akira of Japan, for damage data.
- Chris Lee of Hong Kong, for the Dreamcast mags.
- Colin Williamson of Japan, for VF4 seiyuu info.
- Douglas Cootey, for helping me acquire a movie file
of the circa March-April 1998 Segata Sanshirou (Fujioka
Hiroshi) TV CM of Sakura Taisen 2 for SS that co-starred
Yokoyama Chisa as Shinguuji Sakura.
- Hyun Supul, for the VF4 Starting Guide for Players
with Tekken Experience FAQ.
- Ice-9, for the VF4 Pai Chan Dojo in the VFDC (Virtua
Fighter Dot Com) HP.
- Jean-Luc Barbera of France, for the French
translation of the Disclaimer, and the English translation
of the NOIR foreword. (After all, Canada's official
languages are English and French.)
- kbcat of Canada, for technique names in English.
- Mo Imram, for the VF4 Kage General Guide.
- Philip In of Hong Kong, for being yet another
non-Japanese friend who works in Japan.
- Project VF4 Pai FAQ contributors (that is, anyone who
contributes anything constructive and educational to this
Don "Gamera" Chan, for proof-reading this FAQ and
Rolander of Singapore, for strategies.
shoda clinic, for poses.
Yupa of USA, one of the few AOLers who don't s_ck,
for proof-reading this FAQ.
- Rich Williams, for the Virtua Fighter 4 General
Guide/Movelist, Transcribed Combos List, and Transcribed
Counter List.
- Satomix of Japan, for her funny 4 koma manga and
VF4 seiyuu info.
- Wojciech Dworak of Poland, for the Virtua Fighter 4
General Guide/Movelist (now off-line) and proof-reading this
- NATO personnel participating in Operation Enduring
Freedom. The Empire Strikes Back.

(Social democracy in action.)

No thanks to these lima delta persons/organisations:
- The EVIL terrorists responsible for the attacks in
the USA in the morning on (Tuesday) 11 September 2001 (local
- M27Power.Com, for computer virus.
- Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda.

In memory of:
- The victims of the terrorist attacks in the USA in
the morning on 11 September 2001. God bless America.

"Le noir, ce mot designe depuis une epoque lointaine le
nom du destin.
"Les deux vierges regnent sur la mort.
"Les mains noires protegent la paix des nouveaux-nes."
- NOIR (TV: 2001)


Title: Virtua Fighter 4
Genre: 3D fighting
Rating: Teen (Violence)
Players: 1-2
OS: NAOMI 2 (arcade), PlayStation 2
Maker: Sega
On Sale: 1 August 2001 (arcade), 20 August
2001 (arcade Ver.B), 31 January
2002 (PlayStation 2)


Note: To paraphrase the anime studio KSS, all
characters, stock prices, and three sizes in this game are

Name: Pai CHAN
Nickname: ?
Martial Art: Enseiken
Difficulty: Beginner (see below)
Debut: Virtua Fighter 1
Sex: Female
Height: 166 cm (5'5")
Weight: 49 kg (108 lb, light)
B/W/H: 85 cm (33.5")/54 cm/88 cm
Blood Type: 0
Date of Birth: 17 May (1975)
Nationality: Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.,
People's Republic of China)
Family: Father (Lau Chan)
Occupation: Actress
Hobby: Dancing
Likes: ?
Dislikes: ?
Voice Actor: Takayama Minami

"Difficulty" means whether this VF4 chara is easy or
hard for players to learn, use, and master.

(By now, Pai is virtually 26 years old, a "Christmas

1P Costume (G): Blue hat, blouse, and pants, with
yellow embroidery. Red sash. No socks. Blue shoes, with
white bottoms.
2P Costume (G+Start): Red head-dress. Red vest with
two tuxedo-like tails. An embroidered "banner" hangs down
from under the front of the vest. The banner has a dark
green rear side. Pink sleeves and pants. No socks. White

(I don't think Pai's hat can fall off or be knocked
off. Neither can Kage's head-ring. Also, Pai bounces
(nudge, wink), but isn't as "bouncy and full of life" as
Sarah or Dural.)

VF1 Costume: According to the 2001.09.21 issue of Bi
Weekly Dorimaga, which has photographic proof, the
conditions to choose any VF4 chara's blocky VF1 appearance
- Use a VF4 Character Access Card (VF.NET).
- The player's ranking is above Shodan.
- In the chara select screen, hold P+K when the
player selects his chara.
VF4 chara who weren't in VF1, such as Aoi and Vanessa,
also have blocky VF1 appearances.
I presume this also allows the VF4 chara, except
Vanessa and Lei Fei, to do their winning poses from
previous VF games.

Stage: Aquarium
Size: 10 m x 10 m
High Fences: Yes and unbreakable
Ring Out: No
Floor: Clear, flat, and unbreakable
BGM: ?

(I don't think the glass tiles on the floor can be
In one corner of the background is a dolphin (Ecco).
When a round begins and that corner is in the screen, the
dolphin quickly comes to loiter behind Pai.
Does the dolphin do a back flip at random? Or does it
do a back flip whenever Pai does a back flip, but not when
she does a front flip? Or whenever either Pai or her enemy
does a back flip?
Also, does the dolphin roll over and sink below the
window frame when Pai is knocked down or rolling on the


[Ramble ON]

One of the differences between VF4 and VF3tb is when
a defender blocks an attack, the attacker's limb passes
through the defender's limb. In VF3tb and VF3, the
attacker's limb stops at the defender's limb. This way,
VF4 fights more like FMM and VF2.

Because of her speed, at Stage 3, CPU Pai is an Ensign
Eliminator to VF4 novice players.

What's with the Japanese arcade fighting game
programmers' current fascination with the names Christie and
New characters in DOA3 and Tekken 4 are named Christie,
and new characters in KOF2000 and VF4 are named Vanessa.
There must be a conspiracy somewhere in this.

Given the 3D fighting games of DOA3 (Tecmo), Soul
Calibur 2 (Namco), Tekken 4 (Namco), and VF4 (Sega), I'm now
more interested in Cassandra Alexandra of Soul Calibur 2.

Thanks to Satomix of Japan, here's the seiyuu (voice
actor) list of VF4 for arcade, typed up in the format of
Doi Hitoshi's Seiyuu Database HP.

Virtua Fighter 4 [Arcade, PlayStation 2]
# Arcade: Sega, 2001.08.01 (first), 2001.08.20 (Ver.B)
# PlayStation 2: Sega, 2002.01.31
Umenokouji Aoi :: Kumagaya Niina
Pai Chan :: Takayama Minami
? :: Claire O'Connor
? :: Colleen Lanki
? :: Donna Burke
Sarah Bryant :: Lenny Hardt {PlayStation 2}
system voice :: Lenny Hardt {PlayStation 2}
? :: Yuko Florence Yunokawa
Lau Chan :: Chiba Shigeru
Yuuki Akira :: Miki Shinichirou
Kagemaru :: Mitsuyoshi Takenobu
? :: Sakai Tetsuya
? :: Sakurai Takahiro
? :: Tsujimura Mahito
? :: Eric Kelso
? :: Dennis Gun
? :: Jeff Manning
Jeffry McWild :: Marcus Hood
? :: Ryan Drees

The list in the staff roll at the end of the game,
doesn't actually specify who voices whom, but based on the
lists of the previous VF games, Kumagaya Nina is probably
Umenokouji Aoi again, and Takayama Minami probably
replaces Iwao Junko as Pai Chan.
Miki Shinichirou, Chiba Shigeru, and Mitsuyoshi
Takenobu are probably Yuuki Akira, Lau Chan, and Kagemaru
Satomix has a VF4 fan page at:

In return, Satomix wants to know who in the above
list is Jerky's seiyuu?

In the Tokyo Classified HP, a "Tokyo Talk" article has
a photo of Jeffry's seiyuu, Marcus Hood, at

Also in the Tokyo Classified HP, the "Life in Japan"
articles have interviews with and photos of two other VF4
seiyuu: the theatre artist Colleen Lanki at
and the singer and narrator Donna Burke at

In the Tokyo Weekender - Japan's Forum for Foreigners
HP, an article has a photo of Ryan Drees at

In the Wasedajuku (Waseda Prep School) HP, the
Wasedajuku WPN (Waseda Prep News) section has a photo of
Eric Kelso at

Besides the voice actor list of VF4, I'm also looking
for the complete voice actor lists of Soul Calibur 2 and
Tekken 4.


In VF4, in an one-player game, I think the player's
chara only does her before-match pose once, before the
first match.
Before the second and later matches, only the CPU
chara do their before-match poses.

When a standing loser is KO and falling, the winner can
continue to attack or throw the loser to humiliate him.
OTOH, Shun players use this loss time to add 2-3 DP.

When the timer is 0.00 and the game announces
"Time Up", attacks that hit will cause no damage. Also,
VF4 chara have no Time Up animations.

For documentary purpose, I've been understandably
watching Pai a lot, and noticed a feature. (Yes, I'm
When Pai's knocked down, lands on her back, and remains
on the ground for a second, her thighs automatically close.
When she lands on her back after a sacrificial throw, such as
her DDT (Tenchi Touraku), her thighs also close. When she
lands on her front, her legs don't move.
The other female chara, plus Dural, also have this
feature. The male chara don't have this feature WRT modesty,
however they land.
(OTOH, I'll not be amused if Jerky has it.)
For comparison, the female chara in Soul Calibur 1 also
have this feature, even when they land face-down.
(All right, I'll crawl back into the woodwork now.)

Lastly, the proper pronunciations of some VF4 chara's

Pai pie (rhymes with "eye")
Akira ah-key-rah
Kage car-geh (not "cage" or car-jeh)
Lion lee-orn
Jacky Jerky

Revision history of this file:

Version 0.5 (Limited Edition): Tuesday, 28 August 2001
Version 0.6 (Limited Edition): Thursday, 30 August 2001
Version 1.0: Saturday, 15 September 2001
Version 1.5: Wednesday, 26 September 2001
Version 2.0: Saturday, 20 October 2001
Version 2.5: Friday, 26 October 2001
Version 3.0: Friday, 9 November 2001
Version 3.1: Monday, 3 December 2001
Version 3.5: Friday, 18 January 2002
Version 3.6 [65 KB]: Sunday, 10 March 2002
Version 3.7 [65 KB]: Sunday, 7 April 2002

Number of times I've played the arcade version of VF4: 5
Number of times I've played the PS2 version of VF4: 0


From CreeD (2001.11.22):

In Dural's stage, that boring tiled background that
looks like a bunch of big metal plates? There are little
cubbyholes in the center and in those cubbyholes are mini

[Ramble OFF]


The data in this section are derived from:
- Bi Weekly Dorimaga, Vol.6/2001 (Softbank Publishing,
- Bi Weekly Dorimaga, 2001.09.21 extra issue (Softbank
Publishing, 2001.09.21).
- Various English Websites (see the Links section).
- Various Japanese Websites (see the Links section).
- Wojciech Dworak's VF4 FAQ (now off-line).

Note: Correct me if I'm wrong.

See Wojciech Dworak's VF4 FAQ (if able) for
explanations of the standardised abbreviations used in this

Though the commands in this FAQ are written as P-K-G,
the buttons should be wired as G-P-K. Most players place
their thumb, index finger, and middle finger on the G, P,
and K buttons. Other players may place their index finger,
middle finger, and ring finger on the buttons. YMMV (Your
Mileage May Vary).


(hold stick in any direction)
Walk in that direction.

Dash forward.

Dash backward.

Crouch dash forward.

Crouch dash backward.

Run forward.

u or uf or ub
Dodge into screen.

(u or uf or ub),P+K+G
Dodge into screen and attack.

d or df or db
Dodge out of screen.

(d or df or db),P+K+G
Dodge out of screen and attack.

(u or uf or ub)+(hold P)
Jump up. After Pai jumps, release P for a jump attack.

(u or uf or ub)+(hold K)
Jump up. After Pai jumps, release K for a jump attack.

(n or f or b)+(hold G)
Block high and middle attacks.

(d or df or db)+(hold G)
Block low attacks.

High punch.

High kick.

High throw, when Pai and the enemy are standing and in close

Ground attack. Hits a knocked down enemy.

Recover (break fall), after Pai is hit and almost knocked
down, but before she actually lands on the ground.

Recover and roll into screen.

Recover and roll out of screen.

Side roll, after Pai is knocked down.

Get up, after Pai is knocked down.

Roll in the OPPOSITE of the stick direction and get up,
after Pai is knocked down.


The Advanced Commands below are divided into
these groups:
- Regular Attacks
- Special Attacks (Attacks that execute from the
Bokutai and Meishouho stances.)
- Throws
- Reversals
- Jumping Attacks
- Ground Attacks
- Turn-Towards Attacks
- Wall Attacks
- Rising Attacks

Note: Damage is measured in damage points, not damage
percentages or Shun's drink points (DP). Each VF4 chara,
regardless of costume and weight, normally (at standard
difficulty settings) has an energy bar that represents 200
damage points before KO. The damage of an attack increases
when the attack hits as counter.

A normal hit causes a white flash. A counter hit causes
a yellow flash. A staggering hit causes a red flash.

Some hit levels are incorrect or missing. Correct me if
I'm wrong.
(HHH) means when the first strike hits as normal, the
other strikes in the brackets also hit.
[HHH] means when the first strike hits as counter, the
other strikes in the brackets also hit.

For convenience, the technique names below are
transliterated into English alphabets by the more
common Hepburn convention, instead of the more precise
Kunrei convention.
Warning: To sabotage non-Japanese game mag writers who
cowardly steal materials from non-Japanese game FAQs that
are deposited at Websites and don't honestly credit the
authors of those materials, plus just for fun, some of the
technique names are in fact items from the menu of a local
Japanese restaurant.
(No, I'm not as creative as the great Jirawat Uttayaya.)


P 10 H
Chuuken (Punch)

P,P 10,10 HH
Renshou (Double punch)

P,P,P 10,10,12 HHH
Raigekishou (Triple punch)
When the enemy blocks the first strike, he can block the second and third

P,P,P,K 10,10,12,38 (HHH)H
Renkan Tenshinkyaku (Triple punch, crescent)
Breaks wall. When blocked, the enemy can throw or
counter-attack Pai.

P,P,P,f+K 10,10,12,30 (HHH)H
Renkan Koutankyaku (Triple punch, straight kick)
Breaks wall (mid-air). When this hits, it knocks down the
enemy (onto his butt). When blocked, the enemy can throw

P,P,P,d+K 10,10,12,30 HHHL
Renkan Tenshinsoukyaku (Triple punch, sweep)
After a float, use this combo as follow-up. When blocked,
the enemy can throw or counter-attack Pai.

P,P,P,b+K 10,10,12,20 (HHH)M
Renkan Haitenkyaku (Triple punch, flip kick)
When the b+K hits as a normal hit, it doesn't knock down
the enemy. When blocked, the enemy can throw or
counter-attack Pai.

P,P,P,ub+K 10,10,12,20 HHHM
Renkan Haitenkyaku (Triple punch, flip kick)
When the ub+K hits as a normal hit, it doesn't knock down
the enemy.

P,P,K 10,10,10 HHM
Renken Toukyaku (Double kick, straight kick)

P,P,K,K 10,10,10,25 HHMM
Renken Toukikyaku (Double punch, kick, hop kick)
After a float against a heavy enemy, use this combo as
follow-up. Breaks wall. When blocked, the enemy can throw or
counter-attack Pai.

(while P or P,P or P,P,P hits)
K+G 30 H
Renken Senpuuga (Crescent)

(while P or P,P or P,P,P hits)
d+K+G 30 L
Renken Ensenshuu (Sweep)

P,K 10,20 HH
Renken Tai (Punch, heel kick)

f+P 14 M
Senchuuken (Chop)

F+P 10 H
Chuuken (Double palm)
Steps forwards.

f,f+P 20 M
Enshi Soushou (Puncture fist)
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai. Changes Pai's

f,f+P,K 20,20 [MH]
Hien Dantai (Puncture fist, jump kick)
After a float, use this combo as follow-up. When the enemy
doesn't recover, follow with f+K,K or D+K,K. When blocked,
the enemy can throw Pai.

f,b+P 12 H
Jouhosouchuushou (Lungeing palm)
Shun -1 DP. Reportedly hits HM.

f,b+P,P 12,20 (HM)
Ensei Soushou (Lungeing palm, standing palm)
The first strike hits HM. Changes Pai's footing.

df+P 12 L
Soukasui (Low blue fist).

df+P,P 12,8 [LH]
Souka Rensui (Low blue fist, punch)
Can follow with any combo that begins with P,P.

df+P,P,f+P 12,8,25 [LH]M
Souka Rensuishou (Low blue fist, punch, uppercut)
When blocked, the enemy can throw (close stance) or
counter-attack (open stance) Pai.

df+P,P,K 12,8,10 LHM
Rensui Toukyaku (Low blue fist, punch, kick)

df+P,P,K,K 12,8,10,25 LHMM
Rensui Toukikyaku (Low blue fist, punch, kick, hop kick)

df+P,K 12,25 LH
Souka Senpuukyaku (Low blue fist, whirlwind kick)
Shun -1 DP. Chargeable. When blocked, the enemy can throw

df+P,(hold K) 12,45 LM
Souka Senpuukyaku (Low blue fist, whirlwind kick)
Shun -1 DP. When blocked, staggers the enemy. Can be

d+P L*
Souchuuken (Low punch)

D+P L*
Souchuuken (Low punch)

(D or FC),f+P 20 M
Ensei Kosouha
When this hits as counter, it floats the enemy. When
blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

db+P 12 H
Rikensui (Retreating chop)
Shun -2 DP. Even a normal hit floats the enemy. Use against
an enemy who misses his throw. Changes Pai's footing. When blocked, the
enemy can throw Pai.

b+P 20 M
Jouho Chuushou (Lungeing underhand chop)
When this hits as counter, it staggers the enemy. When
blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

B+P 10 H
Chuuken (Lungeing underhand chop)

b,f,f+P+K 30 M
Kasuishou (Guess palm)
Chargeable. Changes Pai's footing.

b,f,f+(hold P+K) 45 M
Kasuishou (Guess palm)
When this hits or is blocked, it staggers the enemy. Changes
Pai's footing.

K 20 H
Koushuu Tai (Snap kick)
When this hits, it floats the enemy. When blocked, the enemy
can throw Pai.

K,P 20,12 HM
Koushuu Kasui (Snap kick, chop)

K,P,K 20,12,25 HLH
Koushuu Kasui Senpuukyaku (Snap kick, chop, whirlwind leg)
Shun -1 DP. Chargeable. When the first strike hits (open
stance), the other strikes also hit. When blocked, the enemy
can throw Pai.

K,P,(hold K) 20,12,45 HLM
Koushuu Kasui Senpuukyaku (Snap kick, chop, whirlwind leg)
Shun -1 DP. When blocked, staggers the enemy. Can be

K,K 20,20 (HM)
Koen Senkyaku (Snap kick, heel drop)
Shun -1 DP. When this hits, the enemy can't recover. When
blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

f+K 21 M
Ensei Toukyaku (Blue leg)
Staggers a crouching enemy.

f+K,K 21,15 (MM)
Ensei Toukikyaku (Blue leg, hop kick)
Breaks wall. When blocked, the enemy can throw or
counter-attack Pai.

(while running)
F+K 45 H*
Honshin Choutankyaku (Flying kick)
When this hits, it staggers the enemy.
Also known as "Rider Kick", as seen in the Kamen Rider TV
series. Good for okizeme, IMO.

f,f+K 30 H
Koutankyaku (Lungeing kick)
When this hits, it knocks down the enemy (onto his butt).
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

uf+K 15 M
Hien Tankyaku (Single swallow kick)
When this hits as counter, it staggers the enemy. When this happens, follow
with uf+K,K.

Changes Pai's footing.

uf+K,K 15,20 (MM)
Hien Rekkyaku (Double swallow kick)
Breaks wall. When the first strike hits as counter, it
staggers the enemy. When blocked, the enemy can throw or
counter-attack Pai.

df+K 21 M
Senchuutai (Side kick)
When this hits as counter or hits a croucher, it staggers
the enemy. When this happens, follow with K, then f,f+P,K,
then d+K,K.

d+K 10 L
Sensaitai (Low kick)
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai. Change's Pai's

d+K,K 10,19 LH
Renka Sentai (Low kick, heel kick)

D+K,K 10,20 LL
Rensen Soukyaku (Low kick, sweep)
When blocked, the enemy can throw or counter-attack Pai.

(D or FC),n+K 30 M
Taitou Risenkyaku (Heel kick)
At long range, damage is 25. When blocked, the enemy can
throw Pai.

b+K 19 H
Ensei Haikyaku (Reverse heel kick)
Changes Pai's footing.
Optional: Tap down after b+K to end as Bokutai stance.

ub+K 30 M
Haitenkyaku (Back flip kick)

ub+K,f+K 30,30 MM
Rensen Haitenkyaku (Back flip kick, reverse back flip kick)
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

u+P+K 10,20 LLt
Ensei Katai (Evading blue parry)
When this hits, it auomatically shifts to throw. Use
against a dodging enemy or an enemy rolling into the
background or foreground.

d+P+K 10,20 LLt
Ensei Katai (Evading blue parry)
When this hits, it auomatically shifts to throw.

K+G 30 H
Senpuuga (Crescent)
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

f+K+G 20,12 (MM)
Enbu Renkyaku (Cartwheel kick)
When this hits, the enemy can't recover.

f,f+K+G 20,20 (MM)
Ensei Toukuu Haikyaku (Blue sky kick)
When this hits, follow with K,K. When this hits as
counter, follow with P,P,P,d+K. Changes Pai's footing.

uf+K+G 30 M
Enshuu Haitenkyaku (Reverse back flip kick)
Changes Pai's footing.

uf+K+G,K 30,30 MM
Enshuu Haitenrenkyaku (Reverse back flip kick, back flip kick)
When this hits as counter, it floats the enemy. When
blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

d+K+G 30 L
En Senshuu (Sweep)
When blocked, the enemy can throw or counter-attack Pai.

db+K+G 25 L
Honshin Soukyaku (Quick sweep)
When this hits as a normal hit, it doesn't knock down the
enemy. When this happens, follow with f+P+G for a throw.
Even when this hits, the enemy can counter-attack Pai.

b+K+G 35 H
Enjin Senpuukyaku (Reverse crescent)
Shun -2 DP.

u+K+G 25 M
Hien Youshuu
Normally hits M, but can hit a knocked down enemy (G). When
blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

(while dodging into screen)
P+K+G 25 M
Sokushin Senpuuga (Evading crescent)
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.
Can input as u,u,P+K+G.

(while dodging out of screen)
P+K+G 25 M
Sokushin Senpuuga (Evading crescent)
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.
Can input as d,d,P+K+G.


b+K,d 19 H
Bokutai (reverse heel kick, circular evade)
Stance. Can avoid middle attacks.

(while Bokutai)
P 8 M
Bokutai - Chuuken (Punch)

(while Bokutai)
P,P 8,12 (MH)
Bokutai - Raigekishou (Double punch)
Can follow with any combo that begins with P,P,P.

(while Bokutai)
P,P,K 8,12,38 MHH
Bokutai - Renkan Tenshinkyaku (Double punch, crescent)

(while Bokutai)
P,P,f+K 8,12,30 MHH
Bokutai - Renkan Koutankyaku (Double punch, heel kick)

(while Bokutai)
P,P,d+K 8,12,30 MHL
Bokutai - Renkan Tenshinsoukyaku (Double punch, sweep)

(while Bokutai)
P,P,(b or ub)+K 8,12,20 MHM
Bokutai - Renkan Haitenkyaku (Double punch, back flip kick)

(while Bokutai)
K 23 L
Bokutai - Koushuu Tai (Low kick)
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.

(while Bokutai)
K,K 23,10,10 LMM
Bokutai - Koen Senkyaku (Low kick, heel kick)
When the first strike hits, the other strikes also hit.

(while Bokutai)
P+K 20 M
Bokutai - Kinkei (Double strike)
When this hits, it floats the enemy. Changes Pai's footing.

(while Bokutai)
K+G 23 L
Bokutai - Kousou Tai (Double leg sweep)

(while Bokutai)
K+G,P 23,35 LM
Bokutai - Kousou Soushougeki (Double leg sweep, double palm)
When blocked, the enemy can throw or counter-attack Pai.

b+P+K+G 0 -
Meishouho (Sway step)
Stance. Change's Pai's footing.

(while Meishouho)
P 10,10 (MM)
Meishouho Ryuusui Shouta (Body blow)
Ends as Bokutai stance.

(while Meishouho)
P,P 10,10,5,10,5,5 (MM)(MMMM)
Meishouho Gekiryuu Shouta (Double body blow)
Ends as Bokutai stance.

(while Meishouho)
P,P,P 10,10,5,10,5,5,20 (MM)(MMMM)M
Meishouho Gekiryuu Ha (Double body blow, double palm)
Even when this hits, the enemy can counter-attack Pai.

(while Meishouho)
K 23 L
Meiho Zensoutai (Sweep)
When this hits, it knocks down the enemy. When blocked, the
enemy can throw Pai.

(while Meishouho)
Meiho Zensou Sokutantai (Sweep, side kick)

(while Meishouho)
K+G 20 M
Meishougei Ensenkyaku (Crescent)

(while Meishouho)
K+G,P 20,12,10 MMM
Meishougei Enshi Renshou (Crescent, lungeing punch)

(while Meishouho)
K+G,P,K 20,12,10,23 (MMM)L
Meishougei Enshi Renshou Soukyaku (Crescent, lungeing punch, sweep)
When blocked, the enemy can throw Pai.


P+G 50 Ht
Tenshin Soutou
P+G to escape. After this throw, the most basic follow-up is
the df+P ground punch (12), for a total of 62 damage points.

(enemy is left or right of Pai)
P+G 40 Side-Ht
Haishin Choushou (Challenge palm)
P+G to escape. Throws the enemy backwards (WRT Pai) and can
Ring Out the enemy.

(while Pai is standing behind enemy)
P+G 10 Back-Ht
Shun'en Katou (Spring swallow hanging pagoda)
P+G to escape. Can follow with K,P,K (57) or K+G (30).

(while Pai is standing behind enemy)
P+G,K+G 10,30 Back-Ht,M
Zenshuu Koutenkyaku

f+P+G 50 Ht
Raishin Nyuurin (Roaring thunder enters forest)
Shun -1 DP. f+P+G to escape. Breaks wall. Throws the enemy
forwards and can Ring Out the enemy.
When escaped, the enemy faces Pai's side.

(wall is behind Pai)
f+P+G 60 Wall-Ht
Raishin Nyuurin (Roaring thunder enters forest)
Shun -1 DP. f+P+G to escape. Breaks wall. Throws the enemy
forwards and can Ring Out the enemy.
When escaped, the enemy faces Pai's side.

f,f+P+G 50 Ht
Toushin Inshou (Collapsing body, shadow palm)
f+P+G to escape. After this throw, the enemy can quick rise.

f,b+P+G 55 Ht
Tenchi Touraku (Heaven and earth head drop)
DDT. b+P+G to escape. Throws the enemy backwards (WRT Pai)
and can Ring Out the enemy.
When escaped, the enemy faces Pai's front and can quickly
counter-attack her.

(wall is before Pai and behind enemy)
f,b+P+G 63 Wall-Ht
Tenchi Touraku (Heaven and earth head drop)
Shun -1 DP. DDT. b+P+G to escape. Throws the enemy backwards
(WRT Pai) and can Ring Out the enemy.
When escaped, the enemy faces Pai's front and can quickly
counter-attack her.

df+P+G 0 Ht
Hien Honko
df+P+G to escape. Tsukame.

(D or FC),f+P+G 60 Ht
Kuuretsu Tenhou
f+P+G to escape. When a d+P hits as counter, can use this
throw as follow-up. After this throw, the most basic
follow-up is the df+P ground punch (12), for a total of 72
damage points.

d,f,u,b+P+G 60 Ht
Yakiniku Teishoku (Whirlwind bloom)
b+P+G to escape. Throws the enemy backwards (WRT Pai) and
can Ring Out the enemy.
Can input the stick motion as: tap d, then rotate the
stick 3/4 of a circle counter-clockwise from d to b.

b,f+P+G 60 Ht
Senpuu Enjin (Sudden turning wind)
f+P+G to escape. When used at the edge of the ring, can Ring
Out Pai. Changes Pai's footing to close stance.
When escaped, the enemy faces Pai's side.

b,d+P+G 10 Ht
Seien Katou (Swinging pagoda)
d+P+G to escape. Can follow with uf+K,K (35) or another
b,d+P+G (10).

u,f,d,b+P+G 60 Ht
Yakiniku Teishoku (Whirlwind bloom)
b+P+G to escape. Throws the enemy backwards (WRT Pai) and
can Ring Out the enemy.
Can input the stick motion as: tap u, then rotate the
stick 3/4 of a circle clockwise from u to b.

(enemy is crouching)
f+P+K+G 0 Lt
Enfuu Rinshou (Wind wheel)
f+P+K+G to escape. Can follow with uf+K,K for an actual 35
damage points. Or can follow with a df+K side kick (21) to
stagger the enemy.

(enemy is left or right of Pai)
f+P+K+G 40 Side-Lt
Haishin Choushou (Push over)
f+P+K+G to escape. Throws the enemy backwards (WRT Pai) and
can Ring Out the enemy. While beside the enemy, a uf+K,K
(35) may not be guaranteed.

(while Pai is standing behind enemy)
f+P+K+G 10 Back-Lt
Shun'en Katou (Push over)
f+P+K+G to escape. Can follow with K,P,K (57) or K+G (30).
While behind the enemy, a uf+K,K (35) may not be guaranteed.


f+P+K 5 H
Unshu Soushouha (Punch inashi)
VS high punches.

f+P+K 5 H
Senpuu Haikyaku (Kick inashi)
VS high right kicks.

f+P+K 5 H
Senpuu Soukyaku (Kick inashi)
VS high left kicks.

df+P+K 5 M
Unshu Soushouha (Punch inashi)
VS middle punches.

df+P+K 5 M
Mougyuu Kenkaku (Kick inashi)
VS middle right kicks.

df+P+K 5 M
Ryuusui Hekiken (Kick inashi)
VS middle left kicks.

df+P+K 5 M
Sousui Sanmon (Elbow inashi)
VS middle right elbows.

df+P+K 5 M
Rakuen Katou (Elbow inashi)
VS middle left elbows.

df+P+K 5 M
Teishitsu Soukyaku (Knee inashi)
VS middle right knees.

df+P+K 5 M
Soushitsu Touraku (Knee inashi)
VS middle left knees.

db+P+K 25 H
Ensen Hairyuu (Punch reversal)
VS high and middle punches.

db+P+K 25 H
Rasen Anshou (Kick reversal)
VS high kicks.

db+P+K 25 M
Kakyaku Senten (Kick reversal)
VS middle kicks.

db+P+K 30 M
Hien Hairyuu (Elbow reversal)
VS elbows.

db+P+K 25 M
Shitsuten Toukai (Knee reversal)
VS knees.

b+P+K 25 H
Ensen Hairyuu (Punch reversal)
VS high and middle punches.

b+P+K 25 H
Rasen Anshou (Kick reversal)
VS high and middle kicks.

P+G 10 H
Honshin Rasen Anshou (Kick reversal-reversal)
VS Pai's b+P+K only. In other words, after the player's Pai
attacks with an high or middle right kick, and is reversed
by the enemy's Pai's b+P+K. Not effective against df+K and
other kicks.


(while jumping up)
Toukuu Soushou (Hop chop)

(while in mid-air)
Toudan Kensui (Hop punch)

(while jumping up)
Kishitai (Hop kick)

(while in mid-air)
Soukushuutai (Landing side kick)

(while landing)
d+K M
Soukushuutai (Downward kick)


(while enemy is knocked down)
df+P 10 G
Rai'in Shouda (Ground punch)

(while enemy is knocked down)
u+P 25 G
Enshuu Raigeki (Forwards jumping knee pounce or backwards
jumping knee pounce)

(while enemy is knocked down)
u+K+G 25 M
Hien Youshuu
Normally hits M, but can hit a knocked down enemy (G).


(enemy is behind Pai)
Haihousui (TT punch)
Can follow with any combo that begins with n+P.

(enemy is behind Pai)
d+P M
Haikahousui (TT low blue fist)
Can follow with any combo that begins with df+P.

(enemy is behind Pai)
Haichuutai (TT kick)

(enemy is behind Pai)
d+K L
Zaka Sentai (TT sweep)

(enemy is behind Pai)
ub+K M
Zenshuu Koutenkyaku (Reverse back flip kick)
Can input as: hold G, tap stick to the ENEMY'S uf direction,
release G, and press K.

(enemy is behind Pai)
Zenshuu Koutenkyaku (TT crescent)


(wall is before Pai and behind enemy)
f+P+K+G M
Hekikahaishuu (Off the wall back kick)
f+P+K+G to escape. Staggers the enemy. Tsukame.

(wall is before Pai and behind enemy)
uf+P+K+G Wall
Hekikahaiten (Back flip off the wall)


(face down, feet towards)
Haisentai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face down, feet towards, delayed)
Koushuutai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face down, feet towards, side roll)
Koushuutai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face down, feet towards, forward roll)
Koushuutai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face down, head towards)
Koushuutai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face down, head towards, delayed)
Zensentai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face down, head towards, side roll)
Zensentai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face down, head towards, backward roll)
Zensentai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face up, feet towards)
Zensentai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face up, feet towards, delayed)
Zensentai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face up, feet towards, side roll)
Zensentai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face up, feet towards, backward roll)
Zensentai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face up, head towards)
Koushuutai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face up, head towards, delayed)
Koushuutai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face up, head towards, side roll)
Koushuutai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face up, head towards, backward roll)
Koushuutai (Rising spin kick, rising middle kick, or mule kick)

(face down, feet towards)
Chisousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face down, feet towards, delayed)
Kousousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face down, feet towards, side roll)
Kousousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face down, feet towards, forward roll)
Kousousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face down, head towards)
Chisoukyaku (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing crescent)

(face down, head towards, delayed)
Zensousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face down, head towards, side roll)
Zensousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face down, head towards, backward roll)
Zensousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face up, feet towards)
Zensousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face up, feet towards, delayed)
Zensousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face up, feet towards, side roll)
Zensousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face up, feet towards, backward roll)
Zensousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face up, head towards)
Kousousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face up, head towards, delayed)
Kousousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face up, head towards, side roll)
Kousousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing

(face up, head towards, forward roll)
Kousousentai (Side-swipe kick, sweep, low spin kick, or low slicing


This is a condensed version of the above section, which
players can cut out, print, and use at arcades.

(Under construction!)



The player can choose Pai's pose and quote before and
after a match by pressing G, P, or K.
For precision, the quotes are transliterated into
English alphabets by the Kunrei convention.
The English translations are approximate and aren't
necessarily literal.

Press: Before-match poses and quotes:

P (Pose?)
"u--n. saa-- tatakai masyou ka?"
("Umm. Well... Let's fight?")

K Pai stretches her arms and back.

? At the end, she crosses her hands a short distance
before her face, and glares at the camera.

? (Pose?)
"anata ga taisen aite ne. yorosiku ne."
("You are the opponent, aren't you. It's
good to see you.")

? Pai steps forwards and makes a respectful gesture:
her hands are before her at neck level, and her
left fist presses against her right palm. Her
right fingers are straight.

Press: Winning poses and quotes:

P At the end, Pai stands still, with one foot before
the other. Her head is looking left. Her left hand
is at her left hip, and her right hand is raised
above her head.
"zyuunen hayakatta wane!"
("You were ten years too early, weren't
you!" In other words, "You should have
trained for ten more years before you fought

K Pai stays standing, looks at her enemy, brushes or
wipes her left hand on her left thigh, and places
both hands on her hips.

? (Pose?)
"anata niha KUNHUU ga tarinai wa!"
("Your skill is insufficient!")

? (Pose?)
"anata tte zenzen kawattenai none."
("You are completely unchanged, aren't you."
In other words, "You haven't improved since
VF2 or VF3tb, have you.")

P+K (Pose? Quote?)

P+K+G (Pose? Quote?)

According to shoda clinic, to do the P+K and P+K+G
poses, the player must have a VF.NET card and be higher
than 2nd Dan. These two poses are reportedly old poses
from the previous VF games.

During "Continue?" countdown:

Pai kneels on the ground, looks down, and slightly
swings her limp arms by her sides. Her fingers point at the
ground. Later, her body shakes once as she sobs. At the end,
she bends forwards and places her hands on the ground.

If the player continues:

Pai looks up (forwards) and says her quote.

Ring Out:

(Pose? Quote?)

(When a standing VF4 chara is pushed out of an
unwalled ring, or he voluntarily walks out of the ring,
while the game announces "Ring Out" and before the next
round begins, the loser does a short animation. When the
loser is knocked down and lands outside the ring, he
won't get up even when his energy isn't zero, AFAIK. If
the winner walks out of the ring after the loser is RO,
the winner stays standing and doesn't do any animation.)


"The enemy invariably attacks you under one of two
conditions. One, when you're ready for them. Or two, when
you're not ready for them."
- Murphy's Laws of Combat

Against a low-level AI, and even in the later stages,
Pai can KO the CPU enemies by a continuous stream of K,K; or
uf+K,K; or P,P; or P,P,P. Plus the occasional pounces. Don't
bother with the G button.
(I once witnessed an oblivious masher reached Dural's
stage this way.)

From Rolander (2001.10.18):

General comments about VF4 over VF3:
- Generally, recovery time after many attacks appear to be shortened
in VF4. IMHO, this

has caused a little
confusion among former VF3 players as counterattacks that
work in VF3 are not guaranteed in VF4.

VF3 Pai moves in VF4:
- Most standard attacks have survived relatively
unchanged for Pai. VF3 Pai players can fight fairly well
in VF4 player vs player using VF3 tactics (at least I
- f+K+G was mostly useless in VF3. In VF4, the
recovery time has shortened enough considerably to make
it hard to counter if it hits.
- df+K+G is no longer a guaranteed knockdown, unless
on a counter, it will stumble the opponent briefly if
it hits.
- The b+K in P,P,P,b+K and df+P,P,P,b+K no longer
knocks down.

New Pai moves in VF4:
- u+K+G: Pai does a quick high jump and attempts to
stomp on her opponent. On a hit, the opponent is knocked
down and Pai backflips away after landing. Only useful as
a surprise move. Low damage and inability to combo makes
this move useless for anything else.
- New f+K,K and (P,P,)K,K: Pai does a slow hop
mid-kick for the first kick, and a stronger hop kick which knocks down on a
hit for the

second kick. f+K,K
comes out too slow to be useful as a fast pressure move,
though the range of the second kick is considerable and
may catch an opponent at mid-range off guard. P,P,K,K is
potentially a very useful addition to Pai's P,P combos
since it helps mix up attack levels and confuse a victim
of Pai's rushes.
- Most of Pai's new moves are concentrated into her
special stances. To that end, b+K then d for Bokutai
stance is not that good, as the b+K is not too fast and
Bokutai can be interrupted by a d+P at close range.
b+P+K+G into Meishouho is significantly better, and the
follow-up combos can be somewhat confusing for the
opponent, especially when mixed into Bokutai stance.


From Don "Gamera" Chan (2001.11.14):

Though the following combos are arbitrarily
translated or mistranslated from Japanese VF4 Pai fan
pages, the writers of the fan pages are acknowledged in
the, well, Acknowledgements section and the Links section.
The combos are sorted in order of ascending minimum total
normal (not counter) damage.


db+P -> K,K 12 + 40 = 52

Close stance only, because db+P changes footing. Both
attacks decrease Shun's drink points.
Against a light-weight enemy, can cheap in one or more

b+P -> f+K,K 20 + 36 = 56

b+P must hit as counter.

K -> f+K,K 20 + 36 = 56
K -> f,f+P,K 20 + 40 = 60

Against a heavy-weight enemy, plus Akira and Jerky,
when the first K hits as normal.
Against a light-weight enemy, can replace with:
K -> P -> d+P -> f,f+P,K 20 + 10 + 12 + 40 = 82
f+K,K does less damage than f,f+P,K, but f+K,K has
shorter recovery time, and is easier to deal with an enemy
who quick recovers, or when the enemy hits the wall and Pai
follows with another combo.

b+P -> f,f+P,K 20 + 40 = 60

b+P must hit as counter. The most damaging combo after a
b+P. If the enemy quick recovers and rolls left or right,
can try the Special Combo (see below).

K -> K,K 20 + 40 = 60
K -> K,P,K 20 + 57 = 77
K -> K,P,(hold K) 20 + 77 = 97

Open stance and the enemy is floated. After the K,K, a
df+P is guaranteed. Or, when the enemy doesn't quick
recover, can follow with a u+P.
Against a light-weight enemy, can cheap in one or more

db+P -> P,P,K,K 12 + 55 = 67
db+P -> P,P,P,d+K 12 + 62 = 74

Against all enemies, when the first db+P hits as

f+K+G -> K,K 32 + 40 = 72

Even applicable against a heavy-weight enemy, when the
f+K+G hits as counter. Easy to see whether the f+K+G hits as
counter because when it doesn't hit as counter, it doesn't
knock down.
Reportedly less or not effective against Lion.

(while Bokutai) P+K -> d+P -> f,f+P,K 20 + 12 + 40 = 72

Even applicable against a heavy-weight enemy, when the
P+K hits as counter.

K -> P,P,K,K 20 + 55 = 75
K -> P,P,P,d+K 20 + 62 = 82

Against a light- or medium-weight enemy, except Akira
or Jerky, when the first K hits as normal. Not limited by
P,P,K,K does less damage than P,P,P,d+K, but P,P,K,K
moves Pai forwards, and is easier to deal with an enemy who
quick recovers.

D,f+P -> P,P,P,d+K 20 + 62 = 82

Against a light- or medium-weight enemy, can cheap in
one or more P:
D,f+P -> P -> P,P,P,d+K 20 + 10 + 62 = 92

K -> P -> D,f+P -> f,f+P,K 20 + 10 + 20 + 40 = 90

Against a light-weight enemy, not guaranteed when the
first K hits as normal. Against a medium- or heavy-weight
enemy, the first K must hit as counter.

(while rising) middle K -> P,P,P,d+K 30 + 62 = 92

When the while-rising middle-level K hits an enemy
who's in mid-air, such as when he's pouncing, and spins him.
Probably not applicable against a heavy-weight enemy.

Note: Combos that begins with K can follow any of the
following hits under the specified conditions:

D,f+P [Counter hit] = 20+
uf+K+G [Normal hit] = 30
(while rising) middle K [Mid-air enemy] = 30
f,f+K+G [Counter hit] = 40+
(while Meishouho) K+G,P [Counter hit] = 42+
df+P,P,f+P [Counter hit] = 45+


df+P+G -> uf+K,K 0 + 35 = 35

Buffer in the uf+K,K while Pai's landing. Or, can input
as: while Pai's throwing the enemy, hold UF and repeatedly
tap K.

f+P+K+G -> uf+K,K 0 + 35 = 35

If the enemy quick recovers and rolls left or right,
can follow with an u+P+K or d+P+K.

(behind enemy) P+G -> K,P,K 10 + 57 = 67
(behind enemy) P+G -> K,P,(hold K) 10 + 77 = 87

The P+G causes a footing change to open stance.

b,d+P+G -> K -> df+P,P,K,K 10 + 20 + 55 = 85

Against an enemy who isn't Akira, Jeffry, or Wolf. Can
input as: after the K, hold DF and tap P,P,K,K.
Against Akira, Jeffry, and Wolf, replace with a
f,f+P,K. Or, a K,K -> U+P when the enemy slow recovers.

b,d+P+G -> K -> P,P,K,K 10 + 20 + 55 = 85
b,d+P+G -> K -> P,P,P,d+K 10 + 20 + 60 = 92

Against a light-weight enemy. The K can be blocked by
an enemy who quick recovers. The K can also miss Aoi, Pai,
Vanessa, Jeffry, and Lei Fang when they don't recover.
Against such enemies, can replace with an uf+K,K.

b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> f+K+G -> df+P,P,K 10 + 30 + 32 + 30 = 102
b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> f+K+G -> K,K 10 + 30 + 32 + 40 = 112

The f,f+K can be blocked by an enemy who quick recovers,
but reportedly effective against a CPU enemy. Can follow the
K,K with a df+P.
The K,K is reportedly less or not effective against


Note: Combos against an enemy who doesn't quick recover.

df+P,K -> db+K+G 37 + 25 = 62

The df+P,K spins the enemy, which can be hard to quick

f,f+P,K -> uf+K,K 40 + 35 = 75
f,f+P,K -> f,f+P,K 40 + 40 = 80

The f,f+P,K must hit as counter.

d+K+G -> d+K -> d+K -> D+K,K 30 + 10 + 10 + 30 = 80

Can also follow a (while dodging) P+K+G.
Sometime after the d+K+G, can replace with a

f+K,K -> f+K,K -> D+K,K 36 + 36 + 30 = 102


K -> P -> f,f+P,K -> df+P,P,f+P 20 + 10 + 40 + 45 = 115

Against an enemy who doesn't quick recover after the

df+P,P,f+P -> df+P,P,f+P -> df+P,P,f+P 45 + 45 + 45 = 135

Against an enemy who doesn't quick recover.


D,f+P+G -> wall -> D+K,K 60 + 30 = 90


K -> P,P,K,K -> break wall -> f+K,K 20 + 55 + 36 = 111

To try to Ring Out the enemy in a stage with breakable
walls. After the P,P,K,K hits the enemy, and he hits and
breaks the wall at the highest point of his float, the f+K,K
tries to Ring Out him.

K -> P,P,K,K -> wall -> P,P,K,K 20 + 55 + 55 = 130

Against a light-weight enemy, can hit as normal.
Against a medium- or heavy-weight enemy, must hit as
Against a light-weight enemy, can also cheap in one or
more P.


K -> P -> d+P+K 20 + 10 + 30 = 60

When open stance, replace with an u+P+K.

K -> P -> ub+K 20 + 10 + 30 = 60

Open stance only.

b+P -> b+K -> d+K,K 20 + 19 + 29 = 68

The b+P must hit as counter.


b+P -> f,f+P,K -> enemy rolls left/right -> df+K -> D,f+P -> P,P,P,d+K
b+P -> f,f+P,K -> enemy rolls left/right -> df+K -> K -> P,P,P,d+K

Only when the b+P hits as counter, the f,f+P,K knocks
down the enemy, and the enemy quick recovers and rolls
left or right. When the df+K hits the enemy while he's
quick recovering and rolling left or right, it staggers
him while he's turned away from Pai. Crouch-dash towards
him to execute the D,f+P.
If the enemy can quick recover and block the D,f+P,
replace with a uf+K,K after the df+K.


Note: Though B.L.T, Charamelt, Shuttle Japan, and
St Cosple Gakuen may have VF cosplay (*^_^*), I'll not
post the URLs of their HPs.


The VF4 category in Yahoo! Japan.

Virtua Fighter 2000, the tourist information centre of VF4.

The Virtua Fighter 4 Web Ring.

VFDC (Virtua Fighter Dot Com), by Mike Abdow of
Sydney, Australia. English. Has message boards dedicated to
the VF series and frequented by international VF players.
Here, I use the alias Bronze Parrot, in memory of the two
Fujiya-owned, attractive but expensive family restaurants
in Tachikawa, Tokyo, and Tsurumi, Kanagawa. My current
tagline is in Greek.
is the Pai section in the VFDC.

VirtuaProject: The premiere site for Virtua Fighter
information, by kbcat of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. English.
Has command lists and other materiel for all VF4 chara.
Here, to be consistent, I also use the alias Bronze Parrot.
Other aliases I considered were Asagiri Yohko, Gamera,
Mireille Bouquet, Segata Sanshirou, Shinjou Hayato, and
Yuumura Kirika.

Rico's FAQ Shaq. English. Has VF FAQs.

The Virtua Fighter 4 Dojo, by Will Gilles. English.

Virtua Fighter 4 Fun Page, by Satomix Black of Gifu,
Gifu, Japan. Has funny 4 koma manga and illusts. Satomix
is a Jerky player.

CDM (China Doll Maniax), by Kuro-Pai of Kanagawa,
Japan. A VF4 Pai fan page. Has command list and hints for
almost all of Pai's attacks.

BEAT THE BEAT!, by Akai Akuma of Urawa, Dasaitama,
Japan. One of the VF4 Pai fan pages registered at Yahoo!
Japan. Has command list and hints for almost all of Pai's

Kiwami, by Chou Akira of Japan. Has command lists and
other materiel for all VF4 chara.

The official VF4 Pai command list at the Sega Japan HP.

The VF4 command lists at the GameSpot Japan HP.

The Kee Company HP. Kee Company is the theatre company
to which the VF4 seiyuu Colleen Lanki and Yuko Florence
Yunokawa belong.

The HP. Dagmusic is the music company to
which the VF4 seiyuu Donna Burke belongs.

Shredded Bits, by Pinkgirl of Singapore. English. Has
desktop downloads of wallpapers and images.

Itemauzo Kora, by Zero-chan of USA. English.
"A page about Virtua Fighter's sister series Fighting
Vipers, with techniques, information, pictures and art, and
miscellaneous other additions. Authored and maintained by a
far too devoted female fan. Some personal content here,

GLC's Virtua Fighter FAQ Centre, by Wojciech Dworak of
Poland. English. Now off-line.

The Dynamic League HP, based in London, England, UK.
"Rise to the Challenge."

Zany Video Game Quotes. English. Has very funny quotes
and screen shots from many vidgames, plus movie files of
Segata Sanshirou TV CMs.

[Ramble ON]

Selios' Lairs, by Jean-Luc Barbera of France. English.
"Selios' Lairs is primary a fan site on different
things I enjoy a lot, some of which are not well known
outside Japan or by rare fans worldwide.
"Les Antres de Selios sont avant tout un site de fan
sur differentes choses que j'apprecie beaucoup, don't
certaines sont tres meconnues en dehors du Japon hormis de
rares fans de part le monde."

The Absentminded Artist, by Douglas Cootey of USA.

Genmu Senki Leda: Suki suki Yohko san!, by Taira of
Japan. A rare Asagiri Yohko fan page. Taira is also the
chara designer of the PlayStation games Anoko Dokonoko and
Anoko Dokonoko: Endless Season. FYI, Asagiri Yohko is the
heroine of the anime Genmu Senki Leda (Leda: Fantastic
Adventure of Yohko).

Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Asagiri Yohko (

| I don't know if the days of year and a half are |
| too long or too short to admire a person. |
| But I composed this melody with all my love for |
| him. |
| When I completed this melody, I made up my mind. |
| I must confess to him my love. |
| |
| Me, a Warrior of Leda? |
| I flew over the land of Ashanty, to reach to my |
| stolen melody. |
| Let me return to my own world. |
| Ringhum, Yoni, please help me! |
| I shall never let it take the Heart of Leda! |
| |
| - Asagiri Yohko |
| Genmu Senki Leda |
| (Leda: Fantastic Adventure of Yohko) |
| OVA: 1 March 1985 |
| Movie: 21 December 1985 |

PS On 7 September 2001, Pioneer LDC finally releases the
long-awaited DVD version of the anime Genmu Senki Leda.

PPS Someday, I'll finish typing up the command list of
Vitamin, a chara in Toy Fighter, another recent 3D
fighting game for arcade by Sega.

*1 "Sakuretsu!"

[Ramble OFF]

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Pai Chan Command List and FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
FAQ for Jeffry McWild

14.Октябрь 2013
Vanessa Character FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Lion Rafale Character FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
The ABC of Shun Di

14.Октябрь 2013
Wolf Hawkfield FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Sarah Bryant FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Starting Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Vanessa Lewis Combo FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
General Guide

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
07.Июнь 2019
25.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014