Medal of Honor: Frontline

Medal of Honor: Frontline

17.10.2013 10:30:39
| MM M MM EE D DD AA AA LL LL -------- |
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| F R R O O N N N T L I N N N E |
| F R R O O N N N T L I N N N E |

For: PlayStation2
By: The Wizard Of Ozzy (John Coakley)
Last Updated: 6/23/02
Version: 1.2

1. Stuff You Should Know
2. Controls
3. Weapons
4. Walkthrough-

Mission 1 - D-Day:
A - Level 1 - Your Finest Hour
B - Level 2 - Into the Breach

Mission 2 - A Storm In The Port:
C - Level 3 - Seaside Stowaway
D - Level 4 - Special Cargo
E - Level 5 - Eye of the Storm
F - Level 6 - A Chance Meeting

Mission 3 - A Needle In A Haystack
G - Level 7 - A Rough Landing

6. Codes
7. Secrets/Glitches
8. Contact Me
9. Special Thanks

Hello. This is my second FAQ ever. Some of you people who have the MOH
demo might have read my walkthrough for it. Anyways, I hope to make
this FAQ eventually the most complete MOHF guide. I will be updating
all the time. I'll soon be adding walkthroughs for all of the missions
and stuff like that. Anyways, if you guys know something that I don't,
or think something is wrong with this FAQ, than send me an email! I
usually always write back.

Also, if you can't find something in the guide, try using CTRL+F. It's
pretty useful... Well, c ya.

Most recent entry at the bottom:

6/03/02 (Version 0.1) - Started this guide. Added some info about the
6/04/02 (Version 0.2) - Made the guide more polished up, also added a
walkthrough for "Into the Breach".
6/05/02 (Version 0.6) - Put in a walkthrough for "Special Cargo". I'm
also going to try to fix some spelling errors I made. There are a ton
of spelling/grammar errors I made. I also added new FAQ questions. And
I made the MOHF logo. Pretty cool huh? That's pretty much it!
6/06/02 (Version 0.7) - Today is the anniversary of D-day. Isn't that
ironic? Anyways, I added a walkthrough for the "Eye Of The Storm"
level. I still have a long way to go with the guide. So thank you guys
for being patient. That's all for today!
6/12/02 (Version 0.8) - Sorry for the lack of updates. But now I'm on
summer vacation and I'll be able to get more work done on this FAQ! I
added a "Stuff You should know" section. And put in a new secret. I'm
also working on the rest of the walkthrough. But it wont be done for a
while. Anyways, that's' it! Bye.
6/13/02 (Version 0.9) - I made the table of contents a little more
detailed (I just added the names of the missions for each level). Also
tidied up the guide a little more. More of the walkthrough is coming
6/17/02 (Version 1.0) - I just fixed up the legal notice and updated
the FAQS section. That's all.
6/22/02 (Version 1.1) - I added a walkthrough for "A Chance Meeting".
Making the walkthrough should be easier now since I just got a word
processor. That's it for today.
6/23/02 (Version 1.2) - I added a walkthrough for Level 7.


You may not post this guide on your site without permission from the
author. Just send me an email asking me. You can't take credit for
anything I wrote in this guide. I worked hard on it. And I don't
appreciate people who just rip off my work. The only site that doesn't
need permission to post this guide is That's it! No
exceptions! Anyways, on with the guide!

Here is a list of the sites that you can find this guide on. If you see
them on any other site. Please contact me immediately.

You can always find the most recent version at gamefaqs.


Here are some tips for beginning players.

* You can always explore the area after you kill all the guards. Once
you take them out, go ahead and find some items that you missed or some

* Sometimes it's better to crouch down and move instead of walking. In
the D-Day missions, you should be running everywhere. Because there is
so many bullets flying everywhere. But in missions like Seaside
stowaway. It's a good idea to crouch down.

* In some missions, you'll come across certain rooms that look like
kitchens. In these rooms, you can find pieces of bread. These pieces of
bread act like medical canteens, if you go near one, you'll eat them
and regain some health!

* Always reload before going into a gunfight. If you see a bunch of
guards ahead of you. Make sure you have a full clip of ammo loaded into
your gun.

* Take advantage of your melee attack. If you run out of ammo. Don't be
afraid to use the melee attack to defend yourself. It's actually pretty


Here is a list of the controls taken straight out of the Medal Of Honor
instruction booklet...

[NOTE - This is based on the MOH: Sharpshooter control type.]

LEFT ANALOG STICK - Move character.
RIGHT ANALOG STICK - Turn left/right, look up/down.
X - Action Button.
O - Next Weapon.
SQUARE - Previous weapon.
R1 - Fire weapon.
R2 - Reload.
R3 - Melee attack.
L1 - Aim/look.
L2 - Crouch.
L3 - Center view.
START - Pause game/go to pause menu.
D-PAD - Zoom in (when using Sniper Rifle).


Here is a list of weapons which I also got from the instruction

Weapon Accuracy Rate Of Fire Damage Clip Capacity
Colt. 45 | 3 | 20 | 10 | 7 |
Walther P38 | 3 | 20 | 9 | 8 |
Webley and
Scott Silenced
Pistol | 3 | 40 | 10 | 7 |


Weapon Accuracy Rate Of Fire Damage Clip Capacity
M1 Garand | 2 | 30 | 12 | 8 |
'03 Sniper | 1 | 40 | 16 | 5 |
STG 44 | 3 | 8 | 10 | 30 |
BAR | 3 | 9 | 10 | 20 |
Gewehr 43 | 1 | 40 | 16 | 10 |


Weapon Accuracy Rate Of Fire Damage Clip Capacity
MP40 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 32 |
Thompson | 3 | 4 | 6 | 20 |


Weapon Accuracy Rate Of Fire Damage Clip Capacity
Mark II Frag
Grenade | NA | NA |Explosion| NA |
Granate | NA | NA |Explosion| NA |


Weapon Accuracy Rate Of Fire Damage Clip Capacity
Shotgun | NA | 55 | 5-75 | 8 |
Bazooka | 1 | 200 | Exp. | 1 |
Panzerschreck | 1 | 200 | Exp. | 1 |

This walkthrough will tell you how get through each level. That's all.
This guide is not intended to tell you how to earn gold on each
mission. Or obtain every single item in each level. I think it's more
fun to find that kind of stuff out for yourself. Just have fun
exploring each level!





Mission Objectives -

1. Meet the Captain on shore.
2. Rescue 4 pin downed squad men.
3. Rejoin squad at shingle embankment.
4. Rescue engineer at end of embankment.
5. Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker.
6. Cross the minefield and man machine gun.
7. Destroy MG Nests on Ridge.
8. Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench.

Walkthrough -

At the start, wait 30 seconds until the boat gets hit. You'll fall in
the water and then resurface. Now, you have to go meet the captain.
He's nearby. When you hear his voice, that means he's right near you.
Once you find him, he'll tell you to go and look for squad men who are
pinned down. You can make this easier by finding the Thompson gun
that's to the far right of the beach. You'll get some ammo also. When
your ready, go ahead and find the squad men. There will be four of
them. Every time you find one, help him out by aiming at the bunker.
Aim extremely carefully and try to take out one of the guys who are
controlling the machine guns up ahead. This might get sort of
difficult, because there are several explosions going off. And your
aimer will wiggle around. When your done, you have to go near the
wiring up ahead and meet with your captain. He'll tell you to go and
meet with the engineer at the end of the embankment. So head to the far
right of the beach (the same place where you got your Thompson gun).
And meet with him. Your goal here is to protect the engineer while he
runs up to blow the wiring. This is extremely easy, so just follow him
and take cover when he blows the wire.

Once your threw, head to the bunker nearest to you and meet with the
captain (again). He asks you to cross the minefield and destroy the MG
nests. So head across the minefield. Don't worry if you get hit. It
doesn't do much damage anyway. Once you get across, look to your right
and you'll see a machine gun. Press the action button to use it. Now,
aim towards the hill and blow the nests up. Now, aim the machine gun to
your right. And shoot out all of the Nazis that are in front of you.
Now just wait for your comrades to cross the minefield and its mission

Level 2-

Mission Objectives -

1. Clear Machine Gun Banker
2. Destroy Radio Link to Upper Gun Deck
3. Find Smoke Grenades
4. Clear Both Gun Decks
5. Mark Gun Deck With Smoke Grenades


When you start, listen to the captains orders and then equip your M1
(or Tommy gun if you have ammo for it). As soon as you try to enter the
building, there will be someone shooting at you with a machine gun. So,
aim extremely carefully and shoot at the barrels that are right infront
of the guy using the machine gun. When that's done, head in the
building and turn to your left. Make sure you fully explore the area
before you head up the stairs.

Now, shoot the guards that get in your way while your heading up the
stairs. When you make it up, head to the right and shoot the guard
who's using the radio link. Then shoot the radio itself. OK! The first
2 objectives are complete! Now, head out of that room and into the room
where a guard will turn a table over and try to shoot at you. Kill all
the Nazi's in the area. Then head threw and climb up the ladder. Enter
the room on your right, and kill any guards that get in your way. Head
through the hallway where you'll end up in a room where you can get 16
M1 bullets and 20 Thompson bullets. Then, head into the tunnel area.
Watch out though, because there are guards wearing camouflage. At the
very beginning of the tunnel, you can find the smoke grenades.

Head through the tunnel and eventually you'll enter a room. Kill all
the guards in this room and then continue through the tunnel. Now
you'll be in another room. To your left, there will be 2 guards sitting
down. Shoot the barrel to take them out easily. Then, head up into yet
another room. Turn to your right and go into a hallway. Kill the Nazi's
then go down the hallway. To your right you'll see a ladder. Climb it.
When you get to the top, go straight ahead and enter the door.

You'll now be on the gun deck. Kill all of the guards on the deck. Now
wait a few seconds for a plane to come and clear the gundeck across
from yours. Your captain will appear on the gundeck across from your
and set off the smoke bomb. Do the same to yours. Just press select at
the little red box to set it off. When that's done, head out off the
deck and go threw the door that was previously inaccessible. Follow the
narrow path until your captain comes and talks to you. Congrats!
Mission accomplished!



Level 3-

Mission Objectives -

1. Collect Resistance Drops at insertion Point
2. Man Machine Gun In Church Tower
3. Secure Submarine Roster
4. Break Wall To Docks
5. Locate Submarine Fueling Dock
6. Stow Away At Submarine Cargo


NOTE - The walkthrough for this guide is pretty much a copy/paste of my
demo walkthrough. Because it's the same level. :).

When you first start the mission, you should run straight ahead and
head towards the little white box directly infront of you. Press the
action button to see what's inside. That was easy. Wasn't it? Your
first mission objective is already complete! Just press start to see
what objectives you've done/need to do. Now head through a little ways
more and you'll see a car come zooming by. Follow the car, and when it
crashes, press the action button near the super cool machine gun. You
can use the gun to kill the Nazis that are in the area. Or you can
destroy the crates etc. etc. Just have fun and experiment. When your
done, kill off the rest of the Nazis. Head to the far right of this
area. And enter the small building. You can pick up 10 grenades here.
As well as a health pack. And some rounds. Now go forward, and head
down the road. You'll see a war plane come by and kill of some Nazis.
Just keep moving forward. When you come to the end, you can pick up two
health packs if you want. Then turn left down the small path and kill
the two or three Nazis in your way. Follow the small path. And when you
get to a dead end again, press the crouch button (L2), to duck down.
You'll be able to walk through the smaller hole.

Now here comes the hard stuff. Go forward and pick up the health icon
if you need it. Look towards the bridge and you'll see a tank! This
tank can move around to, and it can point it's turret anywhere. So
watch out! Your goal is to get across the bridge. So, head towards the
bridge. Just before the bridge, on the right, is a doorway leading to a
health pack and some ammo. just before this doorway is an alley. If you
go down this alley and follow it around, you will see the tank on the
left. The handy thing about this spot is the tank is too busy shooting
your comrades and will ignore you, unless you shoot it after everyone
has been killed, then it will commence shooting at you. Anyway, All you
have to do is use the grenade, Hold the button down to throw it
further, aim a little higher than the tank and just throw. You may want
to take out the couple of nazi's who start shooting but they are not
much of a problem, just throw a couple of grenades at them, they soon
scatter. It will take only 2-3 hits to destroy the tank. ** NOTE **
Credit goes to Daz1236900 for sending me a mini guide on how to beat
the tank. Thanks a lot!** Also, if that seems to difficult, you can run
across the bridge and try ducking behind the crates for cover.

When you make it across, don't bother trying to take out the tank or
the Nazis... yet! Directly in front of the bridge, you'll see a dead
comrade in what looks like a church tower. You'll hear his radio asking
him to give support fire in the tower. So, turn left near his body, and
you should see a ladder. Climb the ladder. And aim your character
upwards to go faster. When you make it to the top. You'll see another
one of the super cool machine guns! Take control of it. And fire at the
tank that's in front of the bridge (if you've already taken it out,
don't worry, you still have to do this if you want to complete the
objective!) . When it's gone. Take out the rest of the Nazis. OK. The
second objective is done! Climb down the ladder and head out of the
building. Watch out though. There might be Nazis patrolling the area.
Head down the path to the right. And pick up a health icon if you need
it. Now, When you get to the end of the road, turn left into the
building that has wood all barricaded on the windows. Just head to the
left side and crouch down. You'll go under neath the wall. Shoot the
two Nazis that are standing there. And head out into the new area. Help
your comrades and then head through to the area with the tank that's to
the left. Don't worry. It's already been blown up! Now, head to the
small room that has the hole in the wall, duck through it and head all
the way to the end of the tunnel. Shoot the Nazi that is interrogating
the soldier. And pick up the items in the room. Yay! Third objective

OK. Right outside you should see three Nazis at a machine gun turret.
Throw a grenade at them and watch what happens! Then, take over the
turret! When your done. Head a little up and turn left again. Do you
see those barrels? You have to destroy them. Just shoot at them or drop
a grenade at them to blow them up. Now you have a choice as to where
you want to go. You can head through the little opening pathway on the
far left of the circular area, and then shoot the Nazi using the
turret. Then, head up towards the crates. I think this way is easier
but you can also do it the following way... OR when you blow up the
barrels, walkthrough and shoot the Nazi in front of you. Pick up the
health item if you need it. Go forward and shoot the Nazi using the
machine gun. Then grab hold of the gun and blast away at the huge group
of Nazis heading towards you! When that's done, take out your handgun.
And be careful, because there is a Nazi at the other end with a machine
gun. Press L1 to go to aiming mode, and carefully take out the Nazi at
the other end from a distance. When its safe, go ahead and move forward
to the stack of crates. Congratulations! Mission accomplished!

Level 4-

Mission Objectives-

1. Sabotage U-boat Engines
2. Set explosions in Aft Torpedo Room
3. Disable Radio Communication
4. Set explosives in Fore Torpedo Room
5. Escape through Exit Hatch


When you first start, you'll be in a Crate. Press the action button to
open the crate door. Then kill the 2 guards in the room. You can also
get some MP40 ammo in this room. Then enter the next room. Kill the
guard hiding in the bathroom to your right. Then continue up to what
looks like a dining room. Shoot all the guards in the area and continue
up until you reach the kitchen. When you try to proceed into the next
room, the steam from the bar will come shooting out. So, just to the
right of the steam is a valve, turn it to shut off the steam. Now
proceed into the room of steam. Head to the left and duck under the
steam. Then move forward and turn another valve. When that's done, turn
another valve that's to your left. Now all the steam should be shut
off. So go ahead and proceed to the next room.

Kill all the guards in the area. Then, head forward to the red box.
Select it to place the demolition charge. When it's blown up, head
through the new hole that you opened up. Just crouch down to get
through. Follow the small tunnel and climb up the ladder. You'll then
end up in a vent shaft. Shoot the shaft to exit it. And then kill the 2
guards in the room.

Now, set the explosives in the torpedo room. And exit the room. You
should get the medical canteen on the shelf if you need it. Now kill
the guards and continue forward. In this room you'll see a guy using
the a radio. Shoot him, and then shoot the radio to disable the radio

When that's done, head up through the hallway and enter the room with
the torpedoes. Be careful when you kill the guards in this room,
because you might be low on health. Anyways, after you set the
explosives, walk straight ahead and into the room with one bed. Turn to
the right and open the cabinet, you now have the Enigma Code Book. Now
you just nee to backtrack and exit up the exit hatch. Mission

Level 5-

Mission Objectives-
1. Find Resistance Weapons Code
2. Find Rooftop With Hatch Near U-boat pen 2
3. Destroy Supply Trucks
4. Acquire Deployment Roster
5. Infiltrate Wet Dock Facility


When you begin, look to your right and shoot the guard. Then move
forward and kill the guard that's in the area also. You can try to
shoot the sniper on the tower, if not, than just continue forward.

When you make it to the other side you'll see a set of stairs. Climb up
the stairs and you'll reach a ladder. Climb up the ladder and you'll be
on top of a roof. On this rooftop, look to your right and pick up the
resistance weapons. It's a sniper rifle. Use this sniper rifle to take
out the snipers who are sitting on towers and guards who are far away.

When your ready, head back down the stairs so your on ground level.
Then head past the stairs and continue forward. You should now be in
front of a big ship. Turn right and head down the path. At the end of
the path, turn left and kill the guards in the area. Now head down the
set of stairs and follow the road until the end. Make sure you kill all
the guards that are nearby. When you reach the end, go up the stairs.
At the top, turn right and follow the small alley way. When you make it
through head right and shoot the guard near the machine gun. Take over
the machine gun and kill everyone near you. When your done, head right
from the machine gun and walk down towards the end of that area. To
your right there will be a door, open it to get a field surgeons pack
and some ammo.

Now, backtrack to where the machine gun is, follow the road infront of
the machine gun and then turn right on the next road. Head up the
stairs that are on the train and go on the other side. There is a
ladder nearby, climb up it. You'll be on the roof. Follow up it. You'll
be on the roof. Follow the roof to be on the right and go down the
rooftop hatch.

Now go down the ladder and into the station. Kill all the guards in the
area and then head to the wall on the left. Go through the door. Go
straight ahead through the all the crates. Turn left and follow the
road and then tun right and follow those roads. Now you'll be in an
area with 3 trucks. You have to blow the truck up. So select the red
box to destroy them. When that's done, head to the room where the
security alarm is. Then enter the door near it. Follow the hallway an
enter the door at the end. Shoot the guard at the desk and then pickup
the deployment roster. Now exit this area.

Outside you'll see the last truck parked next to the boxes. Destroy the
truck. Doing this will lower the rod that was in the air. So, climb up
the boxes and walk across. Follow the rooftop to the end. And then it's
mission accomplished.

Level 6-

Mission Objectives-
1. Sabotage Engine In Research Facility
2. Acquire Engine Blueprints
3. Infiltrate U-boat Bunker
4. Destroy All U-boats
5. Blow Up Fuel Depot
6. Find Dock Gates


When you start out, head a little to your right and kill the two guards
patrolling that area. Now move forward. You'll see a train. There is a
lot of guards on this train. So be careful! Try to make the guards on
the train come after you, and then kill them, because if you go out and
start shooting, there is a good chance you die. When you've killed all
the guards, Turn to the left of the train and go down the side of the
train. When you get to the end, turn right and enter the new area. In
the new area, if you turn right, you can see a truck, kill the guards
near the truck and then go towards the back of the truck. Jump on the
crate on the back and get the items you need from the back of the
truck. Now get off he truck and head forward into this area. Kill the
two guards using the machine gun and take over it if you want. When
you've killed all the guards. Head down the right side of this area and
you'll see another train area. On the right side of this area you'll
see two guards. Kill them and then enter the doorway that leads to The
Engine Research facility. Kill the guards in this area and head towards
the little red boxes. Press select to equip a bomb on them, When your
done, kill the guards that come entering the facility, and head through
the door the guards came through.

In this hallway, kill the guards nearby an then head further into the
room. You can find the engine blueprints on the desk (it also has a
health item on it). Once you get the blueprints, a guard will come into
your room, kill him and then enter the hallway he came through. In the
next room. Kill all the guars in this room and then head up the
staircase that is nearby. In this new room. Shoot the vent shaft cover
that is to you left, then duck and crawl in. When you enter, it will
trigger a small cinema. When its over, crawl toward the first vent
shaft, and equip your sniper rifle. Aim for any of the guards that you
can see and snipe them out. When you're done, head down the shaft a
little more and shoot the vent shaft cover at the end. Now crawl out of
he vents. And kill all of the guards in this area. Head through this
pathway into a new hallway with red lights all in it. Kill the
scientists in this area and when you reach the end of this hallway,
you'll be in a very small room. Head near the control panel and press
the action button. This will make the crane drop an destroy one of the
U-boat Bunkers. Now head back and go down the stairs. Now head to the
opposite end of the area and climb up anther set of stairs. There will
be a new hallway with red lights on it again. So enter it.

When you get to the end, head left and climb down the ladder. Kill all
the guards in this area and then climb onto the U-boat. Take over the
Canon and shoot at the door the guards will open. Once they open the
door, shoot at the Fuel Depot to blow it up. Then kill all the guards
in the area. Be careful, because this can get kind of tricky. So just
keep your cool and don't panic. If you die. Just try again. When your
done. Head to the other side of the U-boat and enter the small fenced
in area. Then climb in and set the bomb for the U-boat to explode. When
that's done, head through towards the next area and keep on moving
until you find the Dock Gates. Mission Accomplished!


Level 7-

Mission Objectives-
1. Protect Corporal Barnes As He Destroys Tanks
2. Find Kerosene
3. Create Distraction to Open City Gates

This really is one of my favorite missions. I just really enjoy it a


Move forward a little and meet up with corporal Barnes. When he's done
talking, proceed into the small area with the windmill in it. Go
towards the end of the area. Go past the car and shoot the guards that
are in this small pathway. When you get out of the path, just keep
moving forward and kill any guards in the area. Barnes will go in and
blow up the tank that's nearby. Just provide cover fire for him. When
he blows he tank up, continue forward. So go past the bridge. There
will be a small hut and you'll see a soldier come out of it. don't
shoot him! He's an ally. He'll join you and Barnes. Now continue
forward through the pathway killing any guards you see. When you get to
the end, cross the bridge and you'll be in an area with some houses.
Turn right just as soon as you get off the bridge. And behind the house
there will be the second tank. Let Barnes destroy it. Just cover him.
Only 3 tanks left! Now head out of this area. In the back of this area
there will be another bridge. Cross it. Now follow the path killing any
guards in your way. Once you get to the end of the path you'll be in
an area with a couple of houses. Kill the guards in the area and then
continue forward. In the back of this area, you'll find some guards
sitting around a fire. Kill them and them and take there kerosene.

Now follow Barnes towards the next area. to the left is the third tank.
Let Barnes take care of it. Now kill the guards in the area. And
continue forwards. follow the path and kill any guards you see. When
you get tot he end. Let Barrens go ahead and destroy the tank. Now go
around killing the guards in the area. Once Barrens has destroyed the
tank, go ahead and continue forward. Just follow the path and keep on
moving. When you get to the new area, kill all the guards in the area.
Then find the cannon type thing. And press the action button near it.
When you do this, it will destroy the tank that's on the other side of
the pond.

Now continue to the next area. In this area, follow Barnes while he
goes to destroy the tank. Make sure you keep on moving because you
don't want a to get hit. Cover Barnes while he goes to destroy the
tank. Now all the tanks should be destroyed! Follow Barnes out of this
area. Now you'll be in an area with a giant windmill. You have to
create a distraction to make the guards open the gates. So approach the
haystack that's near the windmill and press the action button to set it
on fire. This will make the windmill go on fire as well. So now
approach the gates. And the guards will come out to see what the
problem is. So when they come out, go ahead and enter through the
gates. Mission Accomplished.

5 - FAQ

1. Q - Why can't I reload the M1 Garand?
A - The M1 Garand wasn't made to be reloaded. And the developers wanted
the weapons to be as realistic as possible.

2. Q - Is there a way to set the controls to be like the previous MOH
A - Yes. Just select "classic MOH" in the options menu.

3. Q - In operation Repunzel, I keep on getting caught by the guard at
the desk! Am I doing something wrong?
A - I have gotten a TON of emails of people telling me how to do this.
So a big thanks goes out to everyone who gave me advice on this matter!
Thanks! There are several ways that you can get past the guard. Just
remember, you will eventually get caught in the mansion. To get by, you
can try to walk by when the guard is leaning forward. He might not see
you. Or sometimes it's best to just not slow down at all and run by the
guard without hesitating. I've come to the conclusion that it's just a
matter of luck. IMO, it's not really worth it. Because your cover WILL
get blown eventually.

4. Q - When will the walkthrough be complete???
A - The walkthrough is being updated constantly (like daily). So expect
more in-depth info on levels soon!

5. Q - What is your favorite weapon?
A - I personally like the RAM. But the Sniper rifles are cool too!

6. Q - I've heard rumors of there being a secret D-Day mission, can you
confirm this?
A - I have no idea, but if there is one, I'll be sure to post it in the

7. Q - Do you have to know a lot about World War II in order to
understand this game?
A - I don't know a lot about WWII. I only know what my teachers told
me. Of course you don't need to know about WWII in order to play the
game and have fun!

8. Q - If I enjoy this game, what other games would I enjoy?
A - It depends, you should definitely try out the previous MOH titles.
And if your really into first-person games, than you should try
TimeSplitters or Halo. **On a side note, if your really interested in
WWII, you should see the movie "Saving Private Ryan". The opening scene
in that movie is just the D-Day level in this game!**


Before you use these codes, I strongly think you should have completed
this game at least one time. Because, for me, codes will take the fun
right out of playing (if this is your first game). But, I think you
should go ahead and use this codes If A - You desperately need them to
beat a mission. Or B - Have beaten the game already. OK! I'm done
rambling on! Here are the cheats! NOTE- I do not take credit for
finding these cheats. Credit goes to everyone on the GameFAQS MOHF
message board.


WHATYOUGET - One hit kills (Silver Bullet Mode).

LONGSHOT - Snipe-O-Rama (lets you aim any weapon like a sniper).

MONKEY - Complete each mission with gold. No matter what.

WHERERU - Makes all enemies invisible.

LEMUR - Unlock Rolling Thunder Mission.

ORANGUTAN - Unlock Storm in the Port Mission.

BABOON - Unlock Needle in a Haystack Mission.

BOING - Unlock bouncing grenades.

TIMEWARP - Get gold rating on previous mission.

URTHEMAN - You die in one hit.

GLASSJAW - Enemies die only from head shots.



At the end of each mission, you can earn "Medals" for how well you did
during the mission.

*You earn a BRONZE STAR medal of you complete the level.

*You earn a SILVER STAR if you complete the level and neutralize 95% of
the enemies.

*And you earn a GOLD STAR if you complete the level, neutralize 95% of
the enemy and maintain 75% health.

If you earn GOLD STARS throughout all the levels in a mission, you'll
get a combat medal and unlock a movie in the gallery.
In some missions, you'll see a guy in a chef's hat. He is always using
a knife. When he first appears, he'll appear pretty healthy, but,
whenever you encounter him, his clothes will appear a little more
ripped, and he'll be bruised! Eventually, near the last mission, he'll
look extremely beat up. You guys should keep an eye out for him. It's
pretty funny.



You can reach me at . Feel free to send me your
questions or comments! I usually always write back. But please, just
to make my inbox a little smaller, before you send me your questions,
make sure you search this guide before you go emailing me asking me a
question. The answer could be on this guide already. Thanks.


*Thanks goes to EA Games for making such an awesome game!
*Also to CJayC for posting this faq on GameFAQS!
*To everyone who contributed something to the FAQ.
*To for hosting this faq.
*To for hosting this guide also!
*And to me! For writing it!

Thanks guys. Bye!

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Portuguese Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Demo Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019