Medal of Honor: Frontline

Medal of Honor: Frontline

14.10.2013 15:06:26
|Original Publish Date - June 3rd, 2002|

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FAQ by Mark "Eversio" Vicca

Medal of Honor: Frontline | Version 1.2 | June 5th, 2002 |

| This FAQ and all Its content is Copyright (C)|
| 2002 Mark Vicca and may not be redistributed |
| or copied in any form or way unless without |
| the owners permission. This FAQ may only be |
| linked from and |
| |

----------------TABLE OF CONTENTS---------------
| I. Version History |
| II. What's in this guide |
| III. Weapons |
| IV. Walkthrough |
| A. Mission 1 |
| B. Mission 2 |
| C. Mission 3 |
| D. Mission 4 |
| E. Mission 5 |
| F. Mission 6 |
| V. Strategies / Tricks / Tips |
| VI. Cheat Codes |
| VII. Updates |
| VIII. Thanks |

I. Version History

v1.0 - The first copy of this FAQ, not too much inside of it. [6/3/02]

v1.1 - Second copy, changed the ASCII logo, added 2 more codes,
and finished the walkthrough for Mission 2 [6/4/02]

v1.2 - Although at 12:05 AM, I still managed to submit version
1.2 on June 5th. Now I can wait 2 full days until I
fullfil my promise of adding an new version each day.
In this version I added all of Mission 3. Phew, I'm
beat. [12:05 AM, 6/5/02]

II. What's in this guide

This FAQ for EA's game Medal of Honor: Frontline is meant as
helpful guide for people who are stuck anywhere through this
game. This FAQ is ONLY featured on and, so if you found this FAQ somewhere
else, contact me at IMMEDIATELY. Leechers
are never a good thing. If you want to use this guide on your
site, contact me first. A few simple lines of text could save
you a lot.

This FAQ has a weapons database, a full walkthrough, and a
couple of miscellaneous things that can be helpful through-
out the game. I hope you find this FAQ useful throughout
your Medal of Honor: Frontline experience.

III. Weapons

*** BROWNING AUTOMATIC RIFLE [BAR] - The bad boy of WWII guns,
the BAR is a hefty rifle that packs a more powerful punch
then the M1 Garand and the Thompson SKG.

CLIP: 20 rounds

*** COLT 45 - This pistol packs a powerful punch and became a
favored weapon by the Allied Army.

CLIP: 7 rounds

*** GEWEHR 43 - Far superior to the Allied Springfield '03, this
Axis sniper rifle can pick off an enemy at 700 meters with a
max of 2200 meter zoom. Using a magazine, this sniper can
hold twice as many bullets then the Springfield, and can be
reloaded more quickly.

CLIP: 10 rounds

*** OSS HI-STANDARD PISTOL - Used by the OSS during covert op
missions, this pistol comes standard with a silencer,
making this one deadly but silent gun.

CLIP: 7 rounds

*** M1 GARAND - The standard issue rifle for the U.S Army, this
weapon can have it's disadvantages. This rifle must have an
empty clip in it to be reloaded. It still packs a powerful

CLIP: 10 rounds

*** M9 BAZOOKA - This massive beast fires a 3 pound grenade
rocket that can penetrate enemy armor at over 90 meteres

CLIP: 1 round

*** MARK II FRAG GRENADE - Standard issue grenade for the U.S.
Army, this grenade could inflict damage on an enemy 50
meters away.


*** MP40 SMG - This German Sub-Machine Gun is a powerful weapon
of choice that is capable of firing 500 rounds per minute.

CLIP: 40 rounds

*** PANZERSCHRECK - This German Bazooka has a unique shield in
front of it with a small window to help aim your weapon.

CLIP: 1 round

*** WINCHESTER RIOT SHOTGUN - A very cool weapon, this pump
action shotgun packs quite a punch at close range.

CLIP: 8 rounds

*** SPRINGFIELD '03 SNIPER RIFLE - This rifle was replaced by
the M1 Garand in 1936, but was then continued as the Allied
Sniper Rifle. Although not as advanced as the Gewehr, this
rifle still can pack quite a punch at a long range.

CLIP: 5 rounds

*** STG 44 STRUMGEWEHR - This German submachine gun literally
means "assault rifle", and this gun is the basis for most
modern assault rifles. At 500 long range shots a minute,
this gun was the preferred German weapon.

CLIP: 30 rounds

*** STIELHANDGRENADE - This German grenade translates to Stick
Hand Grenade. Although not as powerful as it's Allied
Counterpart, this grenade can be thrown farther and easier.


*** THOMPSON SMG - This Allied submachine gun was standard issue
for Lt.'s and other officers. This "Tommy Gun" packs a powerful
punch at long range.

CLIP: 30 rounds

*** WALTHER P38 - This German pistol wasn't as powerful as the Colt,
but was sub-automatic and lighter.

CLIP: 7 rounds

Phew... that's a lot of weapons. @_@

IV. Walkthrough

Well, this is the part you've been waiting for, the Walkthrough.
I'm not an expert at this game by no means, so if I leave out a
trick that you know of, please tell me. You will, obviously, get
credit for it. Thanks!

------------------------MISSION 1-------------------------
| D - D A Y |
| 1. Your Finest Hour |
| 2. Into the Breach |

1. YOUR FINEST HOUR - No briefing, you start out on a D-Day boat.

- Meet the Captain on shore
- Rescue 4 pin downed soldiers
- Rejoin squad at shingle embankment
- Rescue engineer at end of embankment
- Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
- Cross the minefield and man machine gun
- Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

With all those objectives, this may seem like a long level, but
it goes by fairly fast.

At the very beginning of this mission, you're in a D-Day boat
heading to Omaha Beach. You can't do much for now, so just enjoy
the sights of war. After some exciting animations, your boat
explodes as you get onto the beach. Another short animation
underwater and you finally get control of your character. Quickly
run onto the beach and left and look for your captain behind the
wreckage of a boat. You will most likely get hit from a machine
gun. Don't worry, there's plenty of medical kits on the beach.
Once you reach the captain, he will give you your next orders.

X Meet the Captain on shore
- Rescue 4 pin downed soldiers
- Rejoin squad at shingle embankment
- Rescue engineer at end of embankment
- Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
- Cross the minefield and man machine gun
- Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

The captain has ordered you to go rescue 4 soldiers. Head right
and look for a soldier behind a tank stopper (the big X's). He
will be crying out for help. Head over to him and he will tell
you to give him cover fire so aim your gun at one of the towers
and start firing at the lights. Eventually it will show "1 of 4
soldiers rescued". Move onto the next soldier, he is located down
the beach to the left behind another tank stopper. Again, give
him cover fire. The next soldier is located in a shell hole
farther to the left. Once again, give him cover fire. The last
soldier is located even farther left behind a tank stopper. You
know the routine.

X Meet the Captain on shore
X Rescue 4 pin downed soldiers
- Rejoin squad at shingle embankment
- Rescue engineer at end of embankment
- Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
- Cross the minefield and man machine gun
- Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

Now head to the shingle embankment (the trench closest to the
towers). You will most likely get hit a couple of times.
Remember, just like during the real thing, it will be a hard
level, but just keep persisting. Once you get there, you
receive new orders.

X Meet the Captain on shore
X Rescue 4 pin downed soldiers
X Rejoin squad at shingle embankment
- Rescue engineer at end of embankment
- Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
- Cross the minefield and man machine gun
- Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

You now have to rescue the engineer with the explosives to
blow the shingles. Head all the way to the right and he will
be hiding under debris. Give the engineer cover fire and then
follow him back to the trench.

X Meet the Captain on shore
X Rescue 4 pin downed soldiers
X Rejoin squad at shingle embankment
X Rescue engineer at end of embankment
- Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
- Cross the minefield and man machine gun
- Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

After the shingles are blown apart, head through them to the
left tower where your captain is.

X Meet the Captain on shore
X Rescue 4 pin downed soldiers
X Rejoin squad at shingle embankment
X Rescue engineer at end of embankment
X Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
- Cross the minefield and man machine gun
- Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

Your captain gives you orders to cross the minefield and man
a machine gun. The best way to cross the minefield is to jump
from shell hole to shell hole. If you accidently step on a mine,
you should still have sufficient health. Now head into the Nazi
trench an take out the two soldiers inside. Head up the short
ladder and press "square" to man the machine gun.

X Meet the Captain on shore
X Rescue 4 pin downed soldiers
X Rejoin squad at shingle embankment
X Rescue engineer at end of embankment
X Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
X Cross the minefield and man machine gun
- Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

Once you have control of the machine gun, aim it towards the MG's
located on the ridge between the two towers. It may take a while,
but just keep firing at the nests (you have unlimited ammo).

X Meet the Captain on shore
X Rescue 4 pin downed soldiers
X Rejoin squad at shingle embankment
X Rescue engineer at end of embankment
X Rendezvous with Captain at base of bunker
X Cross the minefield and man machine gun
X Destroy MG Nests on Ridge
- Eliminate enemy soldiers in trench

Once the nests are destroyed, aim the machine gun back down into
the trench and about 15 Nazi's will come after you. It's pretty
easy to kill them, though. After they're all dead, head back down
into the trench and wait for your squad to show up, and head
towards the door leading into the right tower. The first level is

2. INTO THE BREACH - No briefing, again.

- Clear machine gun bunker
- Destroy radio link to upper gun deck
- Find smoke grenades
- Clear both gun decks
- Mark gun deck with smoke grenade

You start out as one of your men tries to enter the bunker. He is shot.
Don't do this. Instead, peak around the corner and AIM your gun at a
barrel by the machine gunner. Shoot it, and it should explode, kiling
the gunner. _NOW_ head into the bunker, shooting any soldiers close by.
After the area is cleared, head back to the machine gun and command it.
Some Nazi's will come through the trench, so blow them away.

X Clear machine gun bunker
- Destroy radio link to upper gun deck
- Find smoke grenades
- Clear both gun decks
- Mark gun deck with smoke grenade

Now head upstairs and there should be two Nazi's. Take them down, and
once upstairs hang 2 rights. You will come to a small room with a
German soldier talking into a radio. Blow his brains onto the radio,
then destroy the radio by shooting it.

X Clear machine gun bunker
X Destroy radio link to upper gun deck
- Find smoke grenades
- Clear both gun decks
- Mark gun deck with smoke grenade

Next head out of the room and you'll have a long walk. Make your way
through the bunker killing everybody you see. There's nothing to fancy
about it, just run through the bunker blowing everyone away. You should
climb one ladder and then come to another. Climb up the ladder, but then
head back down and backwards. An explosion (grenade) should happen and
then head back up, taking down the sonuvabitch who threw it plus his
buddies. Now head through the tunnel close by and look to your left.
Viola, smoke grenades!

X Clear machine gun bunker
X Destroy radio link to upper gun deck
X Find smoke grenades
- Clear both gun decks
- Mark gun deck with smoke grenade

You will have another long walk through tunnels and hallways. Again,
nothing fancy. Just run through it shooting everyone in sight. There's
plenty of medical kits and such so don't worry too much. Eventually
you will come to a door leading to the gun deck. Open it, and blow all
of all the guys away up there. Once they are dead, wait until a bomber
comes and blows up the deck to the right of you.

X Clear machine gun bunker
X Destroy radio link to upper gun deck
X Find smoke grenades
X Clear both gun decks
- Mark gun deck with smoke grenade

Now, look towards the middle of the gun deck and there should be a
blinking red box, hit the "use" key to place the smoke grenades. Now,
what does that grenade mean? It means it's ready for bombing, so
head out of there quickly. Once out, follow the halls back and the
mission is complete. Congradulations, you survived Omaha Beach!

------------------------MISSION 2-------------------------
| A S T O R M I N T H E P O R T |
| 1. Seaside Stowaway |
| 2. Special Cargo |
| 3. Eye of the Storm |
| 4. A Chance Meeting |


- Collect Resistance drop at insertion point
- Man machine gun in Church Tower
- Secure submarine fueling roster
- Breach wall to docks
- Locate submarine fueling dock
- Stow away in cargo crate

This is one of my favorite missions, because it is one of the only
real war experience levels. You start out in a small grove by some
crates. Press the "use" key around them and receive the drop.

X Collect Resistance drop at insertion point
- Man machine gun in Church Tower
- Secure submarine fueling roster
- Breach wall to docks
- Locate submarine fueling dock
- Stow away in cargo crate

Now head down the walk way and to the road. You will see a very cool
fight between an Allied attack car and an Axis fighter. The car will
crash at the end of the road so run down there and man the machine
gun on the car. Take out some Nazi's, and eventually they'll stop
coming. Get off the MG and head down the road. You will find some
more soldiers so take them out. Now head down the alley at the end
of the road and follow it to a small crouch point. Crouch and go
through the small hole. Get back up and follow it to another road.
Here you will see some really cool fighting, but forget that. At
the end of the road is a bridge, and on the other side is tank. And
yes, the tank does fire at you. Head across the bridge and sneak
past the tank. Your troops should give you cover fire. Once across
the bridge you will encounter few German soldiers, simply take them
out. At the end of the road is a destroyed Church, head in and to the
left should be a tall ladder. Head up. Man the machine gun up there,
and on the ground should be some Nazi's firing at your troops. Take
them out.

X Collect Resistance drop at insertion point
X Man machine gun in Church Tower
- Secure submarine fueling roster
- Breach wall to docks
- Locate submarine fueling dock
- Stow away in cargo crate

Once you get down, there will be more soldiers firing at your troops.
Simply take them out. Now from inside the church, hang a right and
another right. You will meet some resistance, but merely pick them
off. Head into a large room and there should be a crouch hole to
your left, head through it, and pick off some more German's on the
other side. Head through the alley on your left and move through
more roads. Eventually you will come a small alley with a crouch
hole again, head through it to find a Nazi interrogating an Allied
soldier. There is no way to save the soldier, so don't try, just
kill the Nazi. On the wall by the door is the fueling roster.

X Collect Resistance drop at insertion point
X Man machine gun in Church Tower
X Secure submarine fueling roster
- Breach wall to docks
- Locate submarine fueling dock
- Stow away in cargo crate

Once you head out the door you will find some more soldiers.
Your troops should take care of them. Now on your left is a small
alley way. A red drum (no, not redrum ;)) is there, shoot it to
breach the wall.

X Collect Resistance drop at insertion point
X Man machine gun in Church Tower
X Secure submarine fueling roster
X Breach wall to docks
- Locate submarine fueling dock
- Stow away in cargo crate

Head through it and you should come to a fork in the road. Take
the left one and at the end on your right will be about 5 German's.
Don't worry about your health, you're at the end of the level. Take
the soldiers out and head toward the truck.

X Collect Resistance drop at insertion point
X Man machine gun in Church Tower
X Secure submarine fueling roster
X Breach wall to docks
X Locate submarine fueling dock
- Stow away in cargo crate

By the truck should be some crates, one of them is open. Head into
and the level is over!


- Sabotage U-boat engines
- Set explosives in Aft Torpedo Room
- Disable radio communication
- Set explosives in fore torpedo room
- Find enigma code book
- Escape through exit hatch

At the start, you're inside a crate in a German U-Boat. Press action
to open the crate and quickly shoot the two workers. Now open the door
and on your right will be another door. Wait until it opens and take
out the German soldier. Others will come due to the noise, so shoot
them. Now head into the kitchen and there should be about 4 guys.
Quickly shoot them. In the next room is a fat chef who throws knives
at you and about 5 other guys. Again, shoot them. In the next room
are two soldiers, and because of all the gun fire, valves start
leaking. DON'T STEP INTO THE STEAM. There are 3 valves to turn to stop
the gas from escaping, one at the beginning, one at the far left, and
one in the middle. In the next room are about 4 guys, make sure you
have a full clip. Once they are gone, set a bomb on the steamer and
head outta there. Kaboom.

X Sabotage U-boat engines
- Set explosives in Aft Torpedo Room
- Disable radio communication
- Set explosives in fore torpedo room
- Find enigma code book
- Escape through exit hatch

After the engines explode, there will be a crouch hole at the end of
the room. Head through the shaft and up the ladder, and kill the two
soldiers at the end of the room. Now set the explosives at the glowing
red box on the torpedo.

X Sabotage U-boat engines
X Set explosives in Aft Torpedo Room
- Disable radio communication
- Set explosives in fore torpedo room
- Find enigma code book
- Escape through exit hatch

On the other side of the door are about 6 guys, so I would pull out my
MP-40 for easier killing. Now head through the door and you will find
two captains. Take them out, and head through the door again. A guy
on the radio will be there, take him out and destroy the radio.

X Sabotage U-boat engines
X Set explosives in Aft Torpedo Room
X Disable radio communication
- Set explosives in fore torpedo room
- Find enigma code book
- Escape through exit hatch

Head to the back and you will encounter 3 soldiers, kill them and head
through the door. There will be another 3 soldiers, spray the room with
MP-40 bullets and place the charge.

X Sabotage U-boat engines
X Set explosives in Aft Torpedo Room
X Disable radio communication
X Set explosives in fore torpedo room
- Find enigma code book
- Escape through exit hatch

Head back out and a captain will come out of his quarters. Kill him, and
then go inside. Open the cabinet and get the enigma code book.

X Sabotage U-boat engines
X Set explosives in Aft Torpedo Room
X Disable radio communication
X Set explosives in fore torpedo room
X Find enigma code book
- Escape through exit hatch

All that's left is to go back to the command room and head up the hatch.
Level complete!


- Find resistance weapons cache
- Find rooftop hatch near u-boat pen 2
- Destroy supply trucks
- Acquire deployment roster
- Infiltrate wet docks facility

I won't lie to you. This is one of the longest and hardest missions in
this game. Make sure you're ready to go because it's non stop action
and treachery. Let's begin.

Quickly turn around and kill the two dock loaders behind you. Then,
crouch behind the crates you began by and whip out your MP-40. There's
a guard in a tower to the east of you, AIM and carefully take him out.
After he's dead, head towards the tower and there will be another guard
to your left, kill him. Before moving on, behind the shack is some
supplies, grab them. Head down the dock but don't go too far, head up
the stairs on your right. Then climb up the ladder to the rooftop where
you will encounter two German soldiers. Take em down. Head across the
little catwalk and turn right, there you will find a case with a
Springfield '03.

X Find resistance weapons cache
- Find rooftop hatch near u-boat pen 2
- Destroy supply trucks
- Acquire deployment roster
- Infiltrate wet docks facility

Now, on the rooftop to your right (right of the case) there will be two
guards. Whip out your Springfield and take them down. Then head back
across the catwalk and on your right should be a crane and a German on
it. Take him down, and on your far, far left on a rooftop should be a
lowly sniper, take him down before he knows what's happening. Right about
now the U-Boat in the dock should be blowing up, it's a pretty cool
spectacle, don't miss it. Now head back down the ladder but don't get
off the stairs yet. Head to the very edge of the top of the stairs and
pick off as many Nazi's as you can with your sniper. Now head over to
where you just shot those Nazi's, but BE CAREFUL. There should be 2
Germans on the battleship and there's a machine gun on board. Quickly
take them out before it's near impossible to kill them without taking
some heavy damage. Head right and there should be 2 more soldiers, pick
them off and hang another right. There will be, yep, 2 MORE soldiers,
take them out and at the far end should be another guard patrolling the
area, if you're a good shooter, you should be able to pick him off.
Check the alcoves for some sniper ammo and then hang a left. Now, it's
your turn two guess how many soldiers will behind the corner. Yep, 2!
Take them off and then another soldier should come up the stairs. Next
is the hardest part, so stock up and reload, because you'll be doing a
lot of firing. Head downstairs and slowly turn the corner, there will
be about 7 Nazi's, so just spray hell into the hallway. Once your clip
is out, move out of the crossfire and reload. Now backup a little, and
depending on how many you actually hit, 2 or 3 soldiers should run around
the corner looking for you. Just be ready and nail them. The remaining 3
soldiers are smart so get out your sniper and see if you can pick em off.
Once the area is clear, head up the stairs and hang a quick left onto the
walkway. Head all the way back and get those supplies, then head back and
2 soldiers should be waiting for you. Pick em off and continue. Now comes
the test of your sniper skills. Take the first right and continue down the
corridor. Now straight ahead is a catwalk and a train boxcar. There will
be soldiers on each one, so take them out. Now a little to your left is a
tall building with another sniper on it. Now to your right are 2 soldiers,
one behind a machine gun, and one across the dock. Crouch down so you're
shielding by the barrel and quickly pick them off. All snipers should be
clear now, but as you head towards the train 3 more soldiers pop out and
around the train is another. Take them out with your MP-40 and then head
up the ladder to the roof. Before you do that, take out one more soldier
by the doorway and take the field surgeon pack on the crates. Now whip
out your sniper and head up. Here you will encounter 6 soldiers. 4 on the
rooftop, one on that catwalk again, and one in a guard tower behind you.
Now head all the way down the rooftop until you reach a hatch. FINALLY!
You got another objective!

X Find resistance weapons cache
X Find rooftop hatch near u-boat pen 2
- Destroy supply trucks
- Acquire deployment roster
- Infiltrate wet docks facility

Now you'll have to carefully go through the hatch, but on the other side
are about 6 soldiers, and then an alarm. About 4 more pour into the room,
creating quite a ruckus. I would use the MP-40 right here. Head down the
ladder to your right and another soldier should come out. Pick him off
and continue through the door. Hang a right and another right to find a
medical kit, then head back and through the alley. Two soldiers will
greet you then another two down the way. Turn on your first right and an
officer will come out. Then hang a left and around the corner will be two
more soldiers. Next take out your sniper rifle and take out the guard in
the tower to your right. Now head around the corner and you will encounter
4 Germans, kill them, and place the explosives on the 3 trucks by you.
Watch out, because the last truck will blow up some oil tanks around!
Once the trucks are incinerated, a door will open revealing about 5 Nazi's.
Carefully pick them off and head through the door. On your right are 2
soldiers, take them out. Continue through and you will enter a room with
a field surgeon pack and the deployment rosters on a desk.

X Find resistance weapons cache
X Find rooftop hatch near u-boat pen 2
- Destroy supply trucks
X Acquire deployment roster
- Infiltrate wet docks facility

Head back outside two meet 4 Germans and a new truck off towards the left.
Place a charge on the side of it and watch out! The explosion causes a beam
to fall down and give you a nice passageway to the wet docks.

X Find resistance weapons cache
X Find rooftop hatch near u-boat pen 2
X Destroy supply trucks
X Acquire deployment roster
- Infiltrate wet docks facility

Jump on the crates making a stairway to the beam and head across it. Once on
the roof, to your left are supplies and on your right is the way out of this
hellhole of a level! Congradulations, you made it through my least favorite


- Sabotage engines in research facility
- Acquire engine blueprints
- Infiltrate U-Boat bunker
- Destroy all U-Boats
- Blow up fuel depot
- Find dock gates

Jump down from the crates and head to the left. Two soldiers will pop out,
and them down. Get the supplies and head back, where there will be one Nazi
around the corner and one sniping you out on the roof. Take them both out
and continue through. You will meet with an officer, take him out, and head
through the alley. Here you will encounter about 5 Germans, 3 on the train
and two on the ground. Carefully pick them off. Now head down the train and
there will be two more guards. Kill them, and head around the train, there
should be a lever by the tracks. Press the "use" key and it will release
the car with the machine gun on it. Head back around and jump on the create
to the car. About 7 Germans will come out and play, including one in the
guard tower. Take them all out then head into the open area. To your right
is a truck and a 2 soldiers guarding it. Take them out and grab the supplies
in the truck. Another soldier will sneak up behind you, so take him out, too.
Stay by the truck, and straight ahead will be a soldier in another truck.
Take him out and slowly head into the open and take out the two soldiers by
MG nest and the sniper on the crane. Be careful that the two soldiers DO NOT
take command of the machine guns! If they do, it's near impossible to survive
this mission. Now head around the corner and take out the 4 guys there and
continue around the corner past the little motor car. There will be a sniper
on the rooftop so be careful. On your right is another sniper on the rooftop,
but he has an SMG, so be careful. Continue around the train and you will find
3 workers, take them out with your sniper rifle. Head through the door where
they were and follow it to a door, open it, and you will face 5 enemies. 2
straight ahead, 2 to your left, and one straight and to your left. Once they
are killed, head into the pit and place the charges on the engines. Kaboom.

X Sabotage engines in research facility
- Acquire engine blueprints
- Infiltrate U-Boat bunker
- Destroy all U-Boats
- Blow up fuel depot
- Find dock gates

After the engines explode, 4 guards will rush into the room. Quickly get rid
of them and head through the door they entered. Another soldier will run down
the hallway, waste him. Continue through the hallway and you will find 5
Germans. Two to your left, one coming down the hallway, and two scientists at
the end. Where the scientists are, there's a table with blueprints and a medical

X Sabotage engines in research facility
X Acquire engine blueprints
- Infiltrate U-Boat bunker
- Destroy all U-Boats
- Blow up fuel depot
- Find dock gates

After you get the blueprints, an officer will rush in through the door. Take him
out and head through that door. Head down the hallway and you will find a large
room with half of a U-Boat. There will be a number of enemies in here, 2 on your
right, one on the U-Boat, 3 come through the door, and 1 straight and then right.
There's a medical kit straight and then right on a table. Head through the double
doors and up the stairs, on your right are two guards, might as well take them out
for the gold rating. Head back and there will be a ventilation shaft, crouch and
shoot it and head through. You will see a short cinematic where a high ranking
German officer surveys the operation. After you regain control, go to the first
vent opening and kill the guard close to you, the guard on the far catwalk, then
the sailor at the very far hallway. Once they are gone, head out through the second
ventilation shaft by shooting it down. On your right is another guard, kill him.
Then head to the middle of the catwalk and you will find another guard, and 3
Germans looking around. Kill them all with the sniper. Now head to that hallway
where you sniped out that sailor. Follow the corridor and you will find some nice
sniper food. Kill the scientist, and wait for another scientist two run by. Kill
him. Quickly head down and kill the officer before he pulls the alarm. If he does,
just kill him and turn it off and then shoot it so it will never ring again.

X Sabotage engines in research facility
X Acquire engine blueprints
X Infiltrate U-Boat bunker
- Destroy all U-Boats
- Blow up fuel depot
- Find dock gates

Head to the controls, and here comes the fun part, hit the lever and a torpedo will
drop on the U-Boat, causing it to explode, and 4 more soldiers come. 2 will come
from down there, and 2 will come to the room your in. Simply take them out and
head back down the corridor and a new door will be open. Head down the stairs
and there will be a German, head around the corner to find 2 more soldiers. Then
on the other side will be 2 more soldiers. Take them all out and head towards the
stairs on the other side of the dock. As you get there, 3 more soldiers will appear,
two at the base of the stairs and 1 up at the top. Head up the stairs and through
the hallway to find another sailor. After you kill him, continue through the hallway
to the stairs. Head up and there will be a soldier to your left, take him out and
utter chaos begins. There will be 5 more soldiers below to take care of. You will
take a number of damage, but at the base of the ladder is a medical kit and field
surgeon pack. Now head onto the U-Boat, the fun begins. See the huge gun on the U-
Boat? Use it :) This will cause a number of Nazi's to barge through the doors. Take
them all out with your new found gun and not to mention the fuel depot (those huge
tanks outside).

X Sabotage engines in research facility
X Acquire engine blueprints
X Infiltrate U-Boat bunker
- Destroy all U-Boats
X Blow up fuel depot
- Find dock gates

Once everyone is dead, head back off the ship and around to the other side to get to
the demolition spot on the U-Boat. Get off the U-Boat (there's a field surgeon pack
on the crates if you're really hurt) and watch as the glorious boat explodes.

X Sabotage engines in research facility
X Acquire engine blueprints
X Infiltrate U-Boat bunker
X Destroy all U-Boats
X Blow up fuel depot
- Find dock gates

Now all that's left is to head outside and through those gates on your left. Congrats!
You completed one of the hardest missions in the game!

------------------------MISSION 3-------------------------
| N E E D L E I N A H A Y S T A C K |
| 1. Rough Landing |
| 2. The Golden Lion |
| 3. Operation Repunzel |


- Protect Corporal Barnes as he destroys tanks
- Find kerosene

The level starts out with Barnes telling you to look around. Now you'll hear a voice
saying "Hey Jimbo, wanna give me a hand here?". A paratrooper stuck on a windmill.
Sadly, there is no way of saving him, so it's best not to watch him get shot by Nazi
scum. On the side of the house is a German officer, take him out and continue down the
road. You will first face 2 soldiers, then down the road you will find the two bastards
that shot down the paratrooper. Go ahead, pump lead into their bodies like the hell demon
you are, once they're dead whip out your sniper and take out the 4 soldiers in the clearing.
Once they're gone, pull out your thomspon and slowly peak behind the wall Take out the two
soldiers, but BE CAREFUL. These tanks CAN and WILL fire at you, and you lose about half your
life. Provide cover for Barnes by shooting the soldier at the end of the road by the bridge.
Pretty soon, BOOM, one tank down.

Grab the medical kit in the little thing and continue across the bridge. In the other little
thing will be a 82nd Airborne seperated from his troop. If you shoot him accidently, he'll be
fine. He joins your little brigade so continue down the road to find 3 more soldiers, take them
out and continue. In the village you will find 5 Germans, but more importantly tank number two
hidden behind the building on the right. Be careful, because this one fires, too. Let Barnes
take it down and continue. On the road are 2 soldiers and in the next village are 3 soldiers.
A tank is blocking the bridge straight ahead, but there's another bridge to the right. Head
through and on your left is a bonfire with 4 soldiers. Take them all out and also take the
kersene by it.

- Protect Corporal Barnes as he destroys tanks
X Find kerosene
- Create distraction to open city gates

You also receive a new objective which I will explain later. Continue left and head down the
road. In the clearing are 4 soldiers and the infamous tank from before. Kill the soldiers, let
Barnes take care of the tank, and head towards the road on the right. Take out the two Germans
and continue through. You will find about 3 more Nazi's down the road, simply take them down.
In the next clearing you will find about 2 soldiers in the beginning, two in the building on the
left (with the 4th tank, too), and 3 more to your far right, including a sniper in the windmill.
You know what to do, take care of everything and continue through the clearing. There's a field
surgeon's pack in the windmill if you need it. Ladder on the back. Head down the road and into
the clearing are about 5 soldiers, take them out, and Barnes will tell you to try and take out
the tank with the rocket launcher, but it's not possible, so just keep going. Continue down the
road to the west and you will find a huge clearing. There's a lot of mortors here, so be careful.
Just watch out for the mini silo things. Head all the way through the clearing to find the final
tank. Before the tank is destroyed however, it takes down your 82nd Airborne friend. Let destiny
(or programming) take it's course and let him die.

X Protect Corporal Barnes as he destroys tanks
X Find kerosene
- Create distraction to open city gates

Now head down the road and Barnes will tell you he's not going any further. No matter, the level
is almost complete. Simply head down the road to find a huge haystack, press the "use" key and
watch it burn. The fire will set the windmill on fire, too, causing the guards to rush out of the
gates. If you hide behind the little building, they'll rush to the fire, and you can sneak past
them through the gates. Level complete!


- Locate tools to sabotage vehicles
- Sabotage motor pool to prevent pursuit
- Meet operative at garage

- Meet contact in Golden Lion bar

This is a long and grueling mission... so lets begin. Take out the two guards to your right past
the corner, and if you want to get a gold star, man the machine gun and take out the 5 guards on
the right and the 5 guards on the left. Now continue right and take another right to find some
much needed supplies. Continue down the main road and turn right into a little grove to take out
two guards, then turn around and go to the little river. There will be a guard across the river,
2 on the bridge, and a sniper to your left on a rooftop. Take them out, go across the bridge, and
head left. There will be a small hallway, enter it and straight down the road will be a small shack
with an alarm in it. Shoot it with your sniper so no one can pull it and continue down the road.
Now behind the cars are three guards, take them down and head through the green double doors. Grab
the tools in the toolbox on the bench to your left.

X Locate tools to sabotage vehicles
- Sabotage motor pool to prevent pursuit
- Meet operative at garage

- Meet contact in Golden Lion bar

Now go the back of the car in the room you got the tools and press the "use" key. One car down. Head
back out. For the truck, you have to crouch in the front and sabotage it. For the black car stand in
the front and sabotage it, and for the brown car in the middle you have to stand in the back and sab-
otage it.

X Locate tools to sabotage vehicles
X Sabotage motor pool to prevent pursuit
- Meet operative at garage

- Meet contact in Golden Lion bar

Now head back all the way to the river and head down all the way to the left. Take out the 4 guards and
hang a left then a right. Follow the corridor then enter the building on your left through the door.
The operative is in the truck.

X Locate tools to sabotage vehicles
X Sabotage motor pool to prevent pursuit
X Meet operative at garage

- Meet contact in Golden Lion bar

He tells you to clear the way, and I'm not going to explain everything, so here are the locations of the
Germans in each area. Remember, head back to the truck after each area is clear.

----------------AREA 1-----------------
| 1 on church steps |
| 1 sniper on church roof |
| 1 in building little to your left |
| 1 past wagons on your far left |
| 1 sniper on rooftop above the wagons|
| 1 sniper on rooftop right of garage |
| 1 sniper on rooftop above garage |

----------------AREA 2-----------------
| 1 guard on steps of dome building |
| 1 sniper ON dome building |
| 2 guards by gate on right |
| 2 guards by alarm shack on right |
| 1 sniper on rooftop on right |
| 1 sniper on rooftop above your truck|
| 1 sniper on rooftop on left |

----------------AREA 3-----------------
| 6 soldiers in the park |
| Through door way on left: |
| 1 sniper on rooftop straight ahead |
| 6 on ground straight and right |
| 1 sniper on rooftop to your right |
| Open gate and hop on truck |


X Locate tools to sabotage vehicles
X Sabotage motor pool to prevent pursuit
X Meet operative at garage
- Meet contact in Golden Lion bar

----------------AREA 4-----------------
| 1 sniper on rooftop little to right |
| 1 sniper on rooftop straight ahead |
| About 4 soldiers on ground |
| 1 sniper on rooftop left of truck |
| Get officer's uniform in truck to |
| your right. Jump to get it |

X Locate tools to sabotage vehicles
X Sabotage motor pool to prevent pursuit
X Meet operative at garage
X Get an officer's uniform
- Meet contact in Golden Lion bar

Sadly, the truck driver dies in the car explosion, so you're left on your own. There's a sniper and
two guards so quickly take them out and continue down the road, cross the second bridge and continue
right. At the end of the road, there will be a blue door, enter to reach the infamous Golden Lion bar.
Go inside, and tip the piano player. The guards blocking the staircase will move, head up and out to
the back. Drop all 3 beers on the edge, some drunken Nazi's will get into a fight, and head downstairs.
Wait a while and the old man will say something to you. Head over to him and he will lead you through a
door. Level complete!


- Find kitchen key set
- Search the paintings to find map
- Destroy clocks to find documents
- Find keys to cell door
- Locate Gerritt

Compared to the previous mission (A Storm in the Port), this mission seems relatively short and easy.
Well, it's about to get a lot harder. Shall we?

You start in front of a Nazi Estate, you're disguised as a Nazi official, so play it cool. First head
to the side door on the left, the front door is locked. Head down the main hallway, but don't enter
the final room at the end. Instead, take the second to left right and go up the stairs. Take 2 rights,
and on the wall is the kitchen key set and a shotgun.

X Find kitchen key set
- Search the paintings to find map
- Destroy clocks to find documents
- Find keys to cell door
- Locate Gerritt

Now head back downstairs, into the main hallway, and on the right is a door. Open it, and quickly take
out the two soldiers. Your cover is now blown, so the rest of the level is an old fashioned gun fight.
Head out the opposite door, rip out your shotgun, and blow away the Nazi's in the corridors. Now be
careful before you advance. A little to your left is a hefty knife wielding chef that can cause consid-
erable damage. Take him out first then focus on the other 4 Nazi's. Grab the bread (health) and head
through the double doors to a large banquet hall. Two soldiers on the ground and two at the podium, pick
them off and continue to the bandstand. In the entry way to the bandstand there are 5 soldiers, one on
the left and 4 on the right. Take them down and continue to the actual bandstand. There will be 4 sold-
iers here, including one drunk one. It'd be nice to spare his life, but then again, he is a Nazi. Now
to the left of the bandstand is a door leading to a garden. !BE CAREFUL HERE! Take out the two guards
patrolling the bottom, then go a LITTLE out of the doorway and turn directly around and aim up. You'll
see about 6 hands + guns shooting at you, but they can't hit you. Shoot them through the railing THEN
go around to the stairs and take out the remaining soldiers. Continue through the corridor and take out
a couple more Germans. Now, go through the doorway to a huge art hall, now, at the very end of it may
or may not be a rocket guy at the podium, if there is, take him out before he sees you. Then go grab
the STG44 by the podium and head back upstairs. There's no point in searching the paintings downstairs,
the map is hidden in the painting upstairs above the podium. Head across the little bridge or walkway,
to the painting on the wall, press the "use" key, and viola.

X Find kitchen key set
X Search the paintings to find map
- Destroy clocks to find documents
- Find keys to cell door
- Locate Gerritt

Continue through the doorway on the left through the red halls. You will encounter 2 soldiers, take
them down with your STG44 (quick note, the STG44 is an excellent weapon, although subautomatic, it
can cause major damage with one shot. Don't waste your bullets on this gun). Head upstairs and take
down the two snipers in the balconey straight ahead then the solitude soldier on the ground. Or maybe
he wasn't alone. Around the corner are two more soldiers, take them out. Now head through the doorway
and down the hall and enter the first doorway. Take out the 3 robed Nazi's. Grab some supplies in the
room then head to the second room. In there you will find 4 leisure loving Nazi's, take them out and
check out the cuckoo clock left wall (the small one that is hanging up). Shoot it to grab a document.

X Find kitchen key set
X Search the paintings to find map
X Destroy clocks to find documents
- Find keys to cell door
- Locate Gerritt

The objective is a little misleading, there is only one document to get. Anyways head back to the
first room (the steam room) and open the door. Here you encounter 2 more leisure Nazi's, but wait,
it's a dead end! Nah, there's a secret passageway on the left wall. Now head through it to find a Nazi
on the radio. No wait! That's a spy! She'll tell you some crap, but more importantly, grab the supplies
on the right wall and head upstairs. Through two doors brings you to a hallway with 3 guards in it.
Take them out and head back into the room you just came from. When you first enter, straight ahead is
a bookcase, press the "use" key and it will reveal another secret passageway. Head through and forget
the first door, keep going and open the last door. In this room is about 7 Nazi's, take them out and
grab the cell door keys on the table.

X Find kitchen key set
X Search the paintings to find map
X Destroy clocks to find documents
X Find keys to cell door
- Locate Gerritt

Gerritt is around here, but forget about getting him, the next part is much easier without him tagging
along. Get ready and reloaded for an intense battle. Head upstairs and immediately you will see 2
guards. Take them out, hide, reload, go back out into the garden and take out as many guards as pos-
sible. Hide, reload, go back out and take out the remaining guards. There are also two snipers strai-
ght up by the clock tower. Take them down and then head back downstairs for Gerritt. He is in the room
to the left of the doorway when you enter the room. Uhhhh... here's a diagram:
|------ doorway-|
| |
gerritt |
|------ doorway-|
stairs |

X Find kitchen key set
X Search the paintings to find map
X Destroy clocks to find documents
X Find keys to cell door
X Locate Gerritt
- Commandeer enemy vehicle

New objective. First, get him and head back to the stairs. Wait for Gerritt to catch up. Go up the
stairs and head to the far railing and wait for Gerritt. Sure hope you cleared those snipers. Once
Gerritt shows up, press the "use" key to push him over the railing. Hehehe... No, you didn't just
kill him. He fell into a hay wagon, which you'll have to do, too. Look down, line your self up with
the wagon, and step over the edge. On the way down, make sure you're still lined up with the wagon.
If you miss, instant death, you have to redo the entire level :) If you make it, walk over to the
vehicle and mission and level complete!

-------------------COMING SOON: THE REST OF THE WALKTHROUGH-----------------

V. Strategies / Tricks / Tips

1. Controls

Medal of Honor: Frontline may seem like it has weird controls in the
beginning, believe me. But what you have to do is learn to use the
AIM button when you want to fire. Using the L3 and R3 combo to aim
makes this game near impossible

2. Manually reload

Manually reloading can save you a lot in this game. When you're down
to one bullet in your clip, RELOAD your weapon, don't just run in
there with one bullet, because you'll have to reload, losing valuable

3. Strafing

In any FPS (especially Counterstrike), strafing is vital to life.
Mainly because instead of turning around and running, you can simply
push a button and get out of the crossfire easily. This is essential
when reloading.

---Got a strategy or trick that I don't? Email me at

VI. Cheat Codes

Ah yes, cheat codes. Most people look down upon these. But cheat codes give
essential replay value to most games. So here are all the codes that the
community knows of to date:

ORANGUTAN - Unlocks mission 2 of 6 (A Storm in the Port)
BABOON - Unlocks mission 3 of 6 (Needle in a Haystack)
CHIMP - Unlocks mission 4 of 6 (Several Bridges Too Far)
LEMUR - Unlocks mission 5 of 6 (Rolling Thunder)
GORILLA - Unlocks mission 6 of 6 (The Hornet's Nest)
BOING - Rubber grenades
WHATYOUGET - One hit kill
MONKEY - Win current mission with gold rating
WHERERU - Invisible enemies
LONGSHOT - All guns zoom like sniper
URTHEMAN - One shot kills. It kills you :)

Thanks to Shiatsu ( for WHERERU, CHIMP, and URTHEMAN!
Thanks to Pappy8503 (AIM name) for LONGSHOT!
Thanks to John ( for WHERERU!

---Got a cheat code that I don't? Email me at

VII. Updates

I will continue to update this probably until I die.

Also, I made a promise to myself to add a new version to the walkthrough each day until
completed. Remember, this is to myself, so you can't hold it against me :)

VIII. Thanks

This is the most important part of the FAQ. I would like to thank the
following people and sites for helping me: - Obviously, for hosting this FAQ - For also hosting this FAQ - For helping me with some weapon names

Lord Zophar - For helping me remember some objectives

Shiatsu, Pappy8503, and John for all the cheat codes!

The GameFAQS community - For getting new cheat codes everyday!

And You - For reading this FAQ! Thanks!

Copyright (C) 2002 Mark "Eversio" Vicca
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Portuguese Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Demo Walkthrough

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019