Championship Manager 4

Championship Manager 4

15.10.2013 21:49:12
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C H A M P I O N S H I P M A N A G E R 4

(ASCII LOGO courtesy of GuitarFreak86, FAQ by AlaskaFox)

-= C H A M P I O N S H I P M A N A G E R 4 =-
-= Championship Manager 4 FAQ/Strategy Guide =-
-= For PC =-
-= By: AlaskaFox(Ronan Murphy) =-
-= Created: May 18, 2003 =-
-= Date last Updated: May 26, 2003 =-
-= Version 1.1 =-
-= Home Page: =-
-= Gamefaqs CRP: =-
-= =-
-= =-
-= Post your Questions/Suggestions on: =-
-= =-

This Game Guide / FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it
for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides,
Commercial Web Sites, unless you have my written permission.
You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this Game Guide / FAQ and put
it on your own Game Guide / FAQ. Anyone doing this is guilty of plagiarism",
the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of another as one’s
own without crediting the source.
You also cannot use this Game Guide / FAQ as a guide for you to make your own
Game Guide / FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself
or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You
can copy the layout though.
You can put this Game Guide / FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web
site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you
MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of
the entire FAQ / Guide or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal
Remember "You don’t have to steal, just ask." - B.O.F.III

If you wish to ask me a question or make a suggestion, go to:
and post a message, stating your query. I will try to get to it
as soon as possible. If I get an email regarding Championship Manager,
it will be ignored and deleted.


The latest version of this FAQ can, and always will be found at:

Current Progress:
Guide: 60% complete
File Size: 137K

Version 1.1 (Started: May 19, 2003)
- ASCII Logo Added (Thanks to GuitarFreak86)
- Updated Formatting a little
- League Guide: j-o Added
- Player Guide: 311 players
- Custom Training Added
- Cheats: 1 Cheat Added
- FAQs: i-j Added
- Game Help: d Added
- File Size: 137k

Version 1.0 (Started: May 18, 2003)
- Game Setup Added
- Playing CM Added
- Tatcics: Basic Tatcics Added
- League Guide: a-i added
- Player Guide: 252 players
- Training Added
- Cheats: 2 Cheats Added
- FAQs: a-h Added
- Game Help: a-c Added
- Disclaimer, Email Notice Added
- Outro, Credits Added
- File Size: 107k

-) Introduction
i) Game Setup
a) Game Settings
b) Starting a New Game
c) Keyboard Shortcuts
ii) Playing CM
a) Club Expectations
b) Your Squad
c) Transfer Market
d) Tactics
e) Player Attributes
f) Coach Attributes
iii) Tactics
a) Basic Tactics
b) User Tactics
iv) League Guide
a) Introduction
b) Argentina
c) Australia
d) Austria
e) Belgium
f) Brazil
g) China
h) Columbia
i) Croatia
j) Czech Republic
k) Denmark
l) England
m) Finland
n) France
o) Germany
p) Greece
q) Holland
r) Hong Kong
s) India
t) Ireland
u) Israel
v) Italy
w) Japan
x) Mexico
y) Northern Ireland
z) Norway
aa) Poland
bb) Portugal
cc) Russia
dd) Scotland
ee) Singapore
ff) South Africa
gg) South Korea
hh) Spain
ii) Sweden
jj) Switzerland
kk) Turkey
ll) USA
mm) Wales
nn) Yugoslavia
v) Player Guide
a) Attackers
b) Midfielders
c) Defenders
d) Goalkeepers
vi) Training
a) Introduction
b) All Players
c) Goalkeepers
d) Outfielders
e) Custom Training
vii) Cheats
viii) Frequently Asked Questions
ix) Game Help
x) Outro


Throughout this FAQ you will see the words "Index Number" and "Search
Field". These are to help you locate certain sections of the FAQ, as
listed in the index. Use Ctrl + F on most Word Processors and in Internet
Explorer to use the Find/Locate command.

Example: If you are looking for The section "Game Setup - Settings", type
'i-a' into the Find box. 'i' is the Index Number and 'a' is the section
number. This will take you to the beginning of the section.


Index Number: i
=- Settings -=

Search Field: i-a

This is which langauge you want to run the game in. It's suggested you run
CM4 in your home language.

Choose either your local currency or the currency of the country you are
playing in (every major currency is included).
*BUG NOTE* In the unpatched version of CM4, the Ter skin does not have the
Euro symbol (€)

Whether the game shows wage format in weekly, monthly or yearly. Note: this
does not effect how the wages are paid out. They are still paid on a weekly

Celsius, Farenheit or Kelvin - it really depends which side of the Atlantic
you live on (or whether you live in a science lab)

Database Size
Your computer processor and RAM will determine what setting to use here.
The better your computer the quicker "Large" will run. Minimum spec computers
can also use the Large database, although it will sufficiently slow the game.

In the unpatched version of the game, it has a habit of crashing, so I'd
choose monthly. You can also disable Auto-Save if it annoys you too much.

Continue Game Timeout
This is how much time the game waits before continuing. If you remain inactive
the game will continue after the set amount of time.

Use Real Players
Always have this on, I really don't see the point in using Fake players.
Unless you know nothing about football and it won't make a difference.

Play Sounds
I have this set to off, as I play music instead. The sounds are just
basic matchday sounds.

Select Skin
CM4 allows you to skin the game, the default skin Ter is good enough for
me though. In future versions of this FAQ I will list places to download
new skins.

Full Screen
If your display is greater than 1024 x 768, you can choose to play the game
windowed. Minor Note: the game plays quicker in full screen mode.

Enable Background Changes
This slightly slows the game, but not much. When you change screens during
the game, new pictures will appear relevant to the area you are in. You
can also add extra pictures for the game to use.

If you are playing a Network game, you will have to check(tick) this box.

=- New Game -=

Search Field: i-b

Load Quick Start
If you only want to play one league with the minimum database, choose
this option, if not...

Start New Game
After the database loads, you will be presented with the Select Leagues

Select Leagues
Deselect all Leagues using Deselect All, and then choose which leagues
you wish to play. You can choose to play all the leagues, but I doubt
there are many computers in the world with such capabilities. I suggest
playing one or two leagues, unless your computer is excellent. In CM4
you can also choose the game start date if you select more than one
League. Another option is too chose which divisions you want to use
i.e. if you are playing in England, you can choose to use the
Conference or not. You can also choose just to use the top division
if your computer is pretty pathetic. Press Continue when you are

Select Recommended
Cm4 will assess your computer and give you a number of Leagues to select
which will make the game run smoothly. I recommend you only use one or
two divisions more than recommended at most!

Add Manager
Obviously you can't play a management game without managing someone, but
the question is who to manage? You may want to choose your supported team,
or some team from the bottom division to guide up to the top, or you could
just want to pick the best team with the best players. It's up to you, and
you have no time limit, so choose carefully (or randomly, if that's your
bag baby).
On this screen you will also be asked to add a nationality and favourite
club, these may determine the jobs you get, or the players you bring to
the club i.e. Swedes are less likely to get the England managerial position
than English nationals; also players from your home country like playing
for a boss of that nationality.

What next....
You can add more managers if you want, or you can continue with the game.
Once you've decided to continue, you'll be in the big bad world of football
management. If you're stuck, and need help, read the manual that comes with
the game. [If you noticed, I just copied this paragraph directly from my
CM01/02 guide, hehe, I'm lazy]

=- Keyboard Shortcuts -=

Search Field: i-c

All Screens
alt + Left - previous screen
alt + Right - next screen
pg up - previous screen
pg dn - next screen
space - continue game / read unread news (when on news screen)
ctl+c - copy
ctl+insert - copy
ctl+v - paste
sh+insert - paste
ctl+x - cut
sh+delete - cut
ctl+z - undo
ctl+sh+z - redo (Mac standard)
ctl+y - redo
ctl+a - select all
ctl+q - quit
ctl+s - save
ctl+sh+s - save as
TAB - advance selection to next edit box
ctl+f - full screen
alt+return - full screen
F1 - your squad
F2 - your staff
F3 - your finances
F4 - your fixtures
F5 - your transfers
F6 - news
F7 - default competition that you are in
F8 - player/staff search
F9 - manager chat
F10 - game status
F11 - training
F12 - Quick search screen

News Screen
up/down - next/prev message

Dialog Screens
return - default button
esc - cancel

In-Screen Menus
return - choose selected item
esc - cancel
up - move selection up
down - move selection down
pg up/dn - move selection by page
home - move selection to first item
end - move selection to last item


Index Number: ii
=- Club Expectations -=

Search Field: ii-a

After you select your team, the Chairman and/or Board of Directors
will set you a goal for the upcoming season. This is what they
expect from you. If you don't achieve their goal, you could be
facing some time on Unemployment Benefit. But if you're lucky,
they might not sack you even if you don't achieve the goal.

In CM4, the Fans will also have expectations from you. These
are usually similar to what the Board want. But, the fans aren't
as loyal as the board, if you start performing badly, you'll be
out on your ear. And I should know I've been sacked once already!

At the end of every month, the board and fans will assess how you are
performing and give an analysis. You can check this at any time via
the Club Confidence Screen.

The Club Expectations are, as follows:

Serious Championship Challenge
You have to finish 1st at the end of the season. Nothing more,
nothing less.

Expect Continental Qualification
You have to get into a Continental competition, any competition
will do(with the exception of the Super Cup and Intertoto Cup).
The board don't care how you do it, but get it done! But try not
to finish in the bottom half of the table if you do make it via
the cup.

Expect Promotion
You have to get your club up to the next footballing level,
possibly without the use of play-offs.

Expect Play-Offs
Your club needs to be in the Play-Offs at the end of the season.
You don't necessarily need to win the Play-offs, just be in them.

Respectable League Position
Your club should be in the top half of your league, come closing
day - the higher the better!

Stay Clear of Relegation
Exactly what it says on the tin. Do not get relegated, but you
better not be just on the edge of the Relegation Zone, or your
job could be in jeopardy(And I don't mean the TV show).

Battle Bravely Against Relegation
Try not to be relegated, but if it happens, it happens. It's not
your fault you're managing a team of no-hopers.

Improve Club Squad
If you get relegated, it doesn't matter. Just make sure the team
is improved enough, so will you get promoted next season from that
lower division if you do get relegated. (Don't do a Warbury!)


Search Field: ii-b

The first thing you'll want to do is look at your team, to see your strengths
and many weaknesses. Once you find out these you can build the team into a

Most teams have just one good keeper and one below-par one. If you're lucky,
you may have got two half-decent ones. Also, some advice for all positions:
check out your reserves and youth teams, they might have some good players
too (Ronaldo starts off at Real Madrid B after all).
The stats which goalkeepers need are:
They do not need all these to be over 15 (over 17 for top divisions), but
most will need to be. Also try to have none under 7 (under 10 for top teams).

Depending on your formation, you will need between 3 and 5 first team
defenders (unless you're playing some strange hybrid formation). You will
also need one backup for each defender (i.e for 4-4-2, four DCs, 2 DLs and
2 DRs). This is recommended, but can be more lenient if you have a player
you can play in numerous positions (e.g. Rory Delap of Ireland).
Defenders need good stats in:

Again you will need two players for each position. 4 MCs, 2 MRs, and 2 MLs in
a 4-4-2 formation. (P.S. not musical MCs)
Midfielders need good stats in:
+Creativity (for wingers)
+Crossing (for Wingers)
+Off The Ball

Again, two for each position in a 4-4-2, but only 4 strikers are needed if
you are playing 4-3-3. They need good stats in:
+Off the Ball

Compare Players
A helpful way to decide which players to use is the Compare Players option,
which can be accessed from the player's individual screen. You can then
compare him with up to 10 different players. Displayed on this screen is
a comparison between the player stats, with different colours showing
the differences in skill. The Player Comparison option also tells you
who is better in each position.


Search Field: ii-c

Searching for Players
There are two ways you can look for players, by going through
tonnes of information i.e. trawling through Teams/Nations; or
the easy way - use the Player Search & Scouts. These can be found
in the main menu, by clicking on your name.

Player Search
From here you can search from all the players in your region,
and all reputable players. You can also use the Filter to
block out players you don't want(i.e foreign players, expensive
players, goalkeepers, whatever...), or look for players with
certain stats(e.g. Tackling 20, Dribbling 15, etc.). Once
you've filtered out all unwanted players, you can click on
the the names of the players to see their info. If you
want to buy/loan a player, click Action in the corner of
the screen, then click on your preferred action.
You can also search for text, such as player name or
nationality. You can also get your Assistant Manager to
filter out unrealistic targets, so as not to get Raul in
every search.

You can assign your scouts certain tasks, so they find the correct
players for you. You can select to scout a team, a country, a region,
a competition, or to scout your next opposition. After the scout has
completed his task, you will be presented with the list of players he
has found. Then you select the new "John O'Shea".

Bidding for a Player
When you've found the player you want, and clicked "Bid", you will
have to compose your bid. On this screen you will find the player's
current valuation, as well as other options. If the player is on
the Transfer List, just bid his valuation and it will be accepted,
but if not, you will have to make a bid higher than the valuation.
You can pay in instalments, add a sell-on clause, or pay a fee
after a certain number of appearances. See the manual for more info.

Offering a Contract
When the club accepts the offer, you will be given the option of
offering a contract. Firstly, you will have to select the player's
Squad Status. Only give the greatest players "Indispensable" or
you will be regretting it later. If the player doesn't want the
status you've offered him, he will say so on the wages screen,
and you'll have to give him more money to entice him to come.
On the wages screen, you can select how much the player gets paid,
his signing-on fee, his contract length, and any clauses and bonuses.
NOTE: He will have to agree with the contract you offer him, or else
he won't join your club.

Loan Contract
In CM4 you are only allowed a maximum number of loans per season, and
a maximum simultaneously. You can choose to get a player on loan for
up to 12 months or until the end of the season. Loaning players is
similar to bidding for them.

First Option
You can take out a First Option on a player in CM4. This means if the
club wish to sell the player, you have the "first option" to buy him
i.e. you must be offered him first. Only take out these on players
you really want to buy, because they can cost alot of money.

Want to know how much a team want for a player, enquire about it!
You will then be given a value which you can choose to accept, and


Search Field: ii-d

Basic Tactics
The default Tactic is 4-4-2, but CM4 offers more pre-made tactics than ever
before. This are easily accessed through the Quick Load option on the menu
at the top left of the tactics screen. Choose which ever one suits your
players. In other words, build your tactic around your team, not vice-versa.
You can only work with the players you have. If you are on the verge of
buying new players, then you can work it the other way around, and pick
the tactic first.

Making your own Tactic
Use the pitch to the right to move players around by dragging them using the
left mouse button. If you want the players to make runs, drag them with the
right mouse button. The Game Manual explains how to your own tactics and
which options to use. (pp 55-61)
But I will also list the Team and Player Instructions options more in-depth.

Passing Style
Short: The players will use short passes more often than long passes.
For this to work effectively all your players will need
reasonable Passing and Off the Ball stats. High Decisions stats
are also quite helpful.
Direct: The players will pass the ball to the feet of other players in
order to get the ball into the box quicker. Reasonable Passing
and Creativity stats are needed for this to work.
Long: The players will boot the ball up the field and hope for the
forwards to get on the end of it. Use this if you have
speedy forwards with good Off the Ball stats, or if you are
playing extrememly tough opposition in order to keep the ball
away from your goal. Heading and Anticipation are helpful.
Mixed: This is a combination of all the passing styles, and is the
default style. Sometimes short, quick passes will be played,
and long balls will be played at other times. Your players
will decide when to play short or long, so high Decision making
is a valuable attribute.

Focus Passing
Down Both Flanks: Your players will pass the ball down both the right and
left wings rather than play a ball through the middle.
Neither side is valued more than the other. For this to
work you will need a safety scissors, only joking,
you'll need two talented, speedy, creative wingers.
Down Left Flank: Your players will pass the ball down the left wing rather
than use the middle or right. This is useful if your Left
Winger is very talented, whereas your right one is not.
Down Right Flank: The direct opposite to the Down Left Flank option. The
players will pass it to the right-hand side winger rather
than play through the middle or down the left.
Through the Middle: Your players will use the central midfielders to
distribute the ball rather than use the wingers. Your
central midfielders will need to have high passing stats
for this to work.
Mixed: A combination of all the above, there will be no bias
where the ball will be passed to. The players themselves
will choose the correct course of action (if they're
good enough, that is).

Easy: Your players will be more cautious when going for the ball, they will
often pull out of 50-50 challenges. Only use this in friendly matches
when you don't want your players injured, or set as a Player Option
if your star player is one yellow away from missing the Cup Final.
Hard: Your players will almost always challenge for the ball, they will
be more inclined to go for risky tackles and get booked. I use this
setting all the time, a few bookings never harmed anyone!
Normal: Under this etting, the players themselves will decide whether to go
in for challenges (risky or not). Players like Roy Keane will still
go in with Hard Challenges, but less determined players wont.

Closing Down
Own Half: Your players will only close down opposition players in your own
half. Some players may close down in the other half, but not all.
This will not leave you as exposed if you make a mistake as
Closing Down: Always will.
Always: Your players will always close down the opposition to get the
ball. This can leave you exposed at the back and open to
a counter attack. But on the plus side, it also helps you start
your own counter attacks.
Stand Off: Your players will stick to their positions and not close down
opposition players on the ball.

Ultra Defensive: Your players will not attack very often, sticking to the
safe options and try to keep the game at 0-0. This is
only recommend against top class sides or when you are
defending an important lead.
Defensive: Your players will be quite defensive, and will only
attack when a clear chance is on. They will also be very
cautious when they do attack, and try not to leave any
gaps at the back.
Attacking: Your players will go forward more, and sometimes leave
you wide open to the counter attack. I usually use this
menatlity as I feel my defenders are usually capable of
stopping the other team scoring.
Gung Ho: Your players will always try to attack and score, even
your defenders. This causes havoc on the CM4 Message
Board for foreigners who do not know English colloquialisms.
Now, I've caused havoc, by using the word colloquialism -
consult a dictionary, guys.
Normal: Your players will attack when the opportunity arises, but
will not go looking for the opportunities, or try to
keep out every shot. (That's why it's called "Normal")


Search Field: ii-e

Crossing: How good the players are at getting the ball into the
box from wide areas. Essential for Wing backs and wide
Dribbling: How good the player is with the ball at his feet, and how
well he can get around players with it there. Players
who run with the ball and playmakers need this attribute.
Finishing: How good the player is at putting the ball in the onion
bag (slang for goal). This is essential for all forwards.
Heading: How well the player can head the ball - how accurate he is
at putting the ball where he wants it to go. This goes hand
in hand with the jumping attribute. And is essential for
target strikers and central defenders.
Long Shots: How well the player can strike the ball from Long Range.
Matt Holland is an excellent example of a player who
has great long range shooting in real life. (Yes, CM is not
real! SHOCK!) This is a good attribute for attacking
midfielders and also strikers.
Long Throws: How well the player can throw the ball over distance. This
stat is essential for the player you have selected to take
your throw ins.
Marking: How well the player can stick to opposition players. This
is not essential for defenders, but is essential if you
are playing a man-marking system. But it wouldn't be a bad
thing if your defenders did have it.
Passing: How well the player can distribute the ball to teammates.
This is essential if you are using short or direct passing
styles, and is needed by all players.
Penalty Taking: Whether the player is any good at taking Penalties. Your
penalty taker will need 17+ in this attribute. But note,
anyone can miss a penalty, isn't that right Roberto Baggio?
Set Pieces: How good the player is at taking corner and free kicks.
After a few matches you will know whether players can take
corners or frees by watching the 2D match engine. Any
player selected to take a set piece will need this stat.
Tackling: How well the player can tackle. EVERY defender needs this,
if he can't tackle why is he a defender. Although Roberto
Carlos seems to be able to do it without being able to
tackle. All defensive midfielders will need this too.
Technique: How well the player can control the ball when he gets it
and when he has it. Players who are often in possession of
the ball need this stat.

Aggression: How aggressive the player is when going in for tackles.
Players like Eric "Le God" Cantona are aggressive players.
Your defenders and defensive midfielders will need to be
somewhat aggressive.
Anticipation: This determines whether the player will be able to anticpate
(or predict) where the ball will go when either teammate or
opposition have the ball. Your forwards will need this stat
in order to receive the ball, and your defenders need it
to cut out passes.
Bravery: Whether the player will go in for difficult challenges.
Players with high bravery are likely to win more challenges.
Defenders need to be reasonable in this stat.
Creativity: How good the player is at creating openings and making chances.
Creative players are the players who can turn a game. Much like
Damien Duff. Attacking midfielders and playmakers need this
Decisions: How well the player can make decisions quickly, on and off the
ball. Central midfielders need to have good decisions ratings
in order to create openings.
Determination: How determined the player is - will he do anything to win?
Players with high determination will never give up, even if
they are on the losing side. Your captain will need high
determination, as he is an inspiration to the other players.
Flair: How good the player is at doing the unexpected. I think I
mentioned Damien Duff already. Sometimes these players can
over-elaborate though, but their incredible play otherwise
will more than make up for it.
Influence: Whether the player influences the other players. The higher
this attribute is the more respect the players will have
for that player. Essential for captains.
Off the Ball: How well the player moves off the ball - i.e. gets into
good positions. Your attacking players and forwards will
need good Off the Ball statistics.
Positioning: This is similar to Off the Ball but applies to defenders
instead. It also is required if you wish to play the
offside trap. Defenders will need this stat, especially
with Zonal marking or the offside trap.
Teamwork: How well a player works with his teammates. These players
can also encourage the other players on your team to play
better. All players need to have good team work stats in
order to play as a unit.
Work Rate: How hard the player works. This goes hand in hand with
the Teamwork attribute. All players will need this
stat, especially players who are order to close down

Acceleration: How quickly the player reaches his top speed. This stat
is complimented and compliments the Pace stat. Wingers
and forwards will need high Acceleration.
Agility: How well the player can move on and off the ball.
Players with high agility can seem to get out of the most
difficult of situations.
Balance: How good the player is at staying upright when challenged.
Players with high balance will not be knocked off the ball
easily, whereas players with low balance can often win
Jumping: How good the player is at getting up in the air for headers.
This has to be joined by a high Heading ability to make
the most out of it. If a player can jump well but not head
the ball, what use is the jumping stat? Defenders, forwards,
and especially goalkeepers need good jumping.
Pace: How quick/speedy the player is. A great example of a Pacey
player would be Roberto Carlos. Wingers and forwards especially
need high pace. Defenders also need to be pacey to cope with
quick attackers.
Stamina: The higher this stat is, the less likely a player is to become
tired as the match progresses. Older players will have lower
stamina due to their age. Every player need to have good
stamina, especially players that have to run alot.
Strength: How strong the player is. The higher this is the more chance
he has of winning the ball in a 50-50 challenge. This combines
with Tackling and Balance. Central players will need this stat.

Aerial Ability: How good the goalkeeper is at making difficult saves
from high or difficult balls. This is needed to defend
against crosses.
Command of Area: How good the goalkeeper is at controlling his penalty
box. Goalkeepers with a high stat in this are good at
defending set pieces and coming out on opposing players.
Communication: How well the keeper works with his defenders. Goalkeepers
with high communication will be good at organising their
defence and forming walls.
Eccentricity: How crazy the keeper is. Fabien Barthez and JL Chilavert
are examples of eccentric keepers. This can be both good
and bad, so keepers with a stat around 10 are best.
Handling: How well the keeper can hold onto the ball. This is the
main attribute in a goalkeeper, and was the one you
always looked at in old CMs.
Kicking: How good the keeper is at goal kicks and kickouts. A
high kicking stat is needed if you are playing long ball.
If your keeper has low kicking make sure you tell him
to "ask defenders to collect".
One On Ones: How good the goalkeeper is at coming out on players through
on goal. The higher this stat is the less likely the
forward is to score.
Reflexes: How good the goalkeeper is at making reflex saves - ones
that have to be made on the spur of the moment, due to
a deflection or offensive trickery.
Rushing Out: This is similar to the One on Ones attribute. Keepers who
have high Rushing Out stats will almost always come out
on the forward.
Tendency To Punch: The higher this stat is the less likely the goalkeeper will
catch the ball. He will have a tendency to punch it away
instead. I try to have this stat as low as possible, but
some managers like it.
Throwing: How well the keeper can throw it out. The better this is
the further the keeper will be able to throw the ball
accurately. Look at Peter Schmeichel to see what I mean.


Search Field: ii-f

Adaptability: How well he adapts to living in a country
which isn’t his own.
Coaching Goalkeepers: How well he can train Goalkeepers
Coaching Outfield Players: How well he can train Outfielders
Determination: His determination to reach his goals. How hard
he works.
Judging Player Ability: How well he judges how good players are.
Judging Player Potential: How well he judges how good staff could become.
Level of Discipline: How severely he punishes players who misbehave.
Man Management: His ability to psychologically handle those
below him.
Motivating: His ability to motivate players.
Physiotherapy: How good he is at physiotherapy.
Tactical Knowledge: The coach's knowledge of tactics.
Working with Youngsters: How well he works with young players.


Index Number: iii
=- Basic Tactics -=

Search Field: iii-a

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O O O O
Tackling: Normal v v
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O
Mentality: Normal v v
Offside Trap: No O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O O O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O
Mentality: Normal v v
Offside Trap: No O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O O
Mentality: Normal v
Offside Trap: No O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O O O O
Tackling: Normal v v
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O O O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O
Tackling: Normal O
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O
Tackling: Normal O O
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O O
Mentality: Normal v
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed
Tackling: Normal O
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O
Mentality: Normal O
Offside Trap: No O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O O O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O
Tackling: Normal O O
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O
Tackling: Normal ^ ^
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed ^ O O ^
Tackling: Normal | |
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O
Tackling: Normal ^ ^ ^
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O O
Mentality: Normal v v
Offside Trap: No O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O O
Tackling: Normal ^ ^
Closing Down: Stand-Off | O O |
Mentality: Normal O O
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O
Tackling: Normal ^ O ^
Closing Down: Stand-Off | O O |
Mentality: Normal O O
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O
Mentality: Normal O O O
Offside Trap: No VO O Ov
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O
Tackling: Normal ^
Closing Down: Stand-Off ^ O O O ^
Mentality: Normal O O
Offside Trap: No O^O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No O
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O O
Tackling: Normal ^
Closing Down: Stand-Off ^ O O O ^
Mentality: Normal O O
Offside Trap: No O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

Passing: Mixed
Focus Passing: Mixed O
Tackling: Normal
Closing Down: Stand-Off O O O O
Mentality: Normal
Offside Trap: No O O O O O
Zonal Marking: Yes O
Counter Attack: No
Men Behind Ball: No

=- User Tactics -=

Search Field: iii-b

These will be added in the next version, so get cracking on making your own


Index Number: iv

=- Introduction -=

Search Field: iv-a

This is just a descprition of the League Guide and what each feature means.

General Info
Divisions: How many divisions are playable in the country
Game Start: What date the game starts from
Competitions: A list of the competitions playable in the country (including
stages or playoffs)
Awards: Every award that is given out in the game (weekly, monthly and
Continental: What continental competitions teams from the country can qualify
Worldwide: What worldwide competitions teams can play in/qualify for

Division Info
Highest Reputations: The teams who are best known and most popular in
the division. For the top division only teams with
a Continental or World-Wide reputation are listed.
For lower divisions, teams with National reputations
are listed.
Best Finances: Any teams with Secure or Rich finances.
Best Training: Any teams with a training ground of "Top Facilities
plus Youth Academy" is listed here. If no clubs have
Top Facilities, no clubs will be listed. For lower
divisions, teams with "Good Facilities" are listed.
Continental Qualifiers: The teams who have qualified to play in continental
competitions at the start of the game (the competition
they will participate in is in brackets)
Title Challengers: The teams whose boards want the title or to challenge
for it.
Continental Hopefuls: Teams who want to qualify for continetal competitions
but are not outright title hopefuls. (Top Division

=- Argentina -=

Search Field: iv-b

General Info
Divisions: 2
Game Start: 30 June 2002 (Sunday)
Competitions: Argentinian Premier Division
(Opening Stage, Closing Stage + Playoffs)
Argentinian Second Division
(Opening Stage, Closing Stage + Playoffs)
No Cup Competitions
Awards: Premier Division Team of the Week
Second Division Team of the Week
Continental: Copa Libertadores
Worldwide: Copa Panamericana
Inter-Continental Cup

Premier Division
Highest Reputations: Boca Juniors
Best Finances: River Plate
Best Training: Boca Juniors, River Plate
Continental Qualifiers: Boca Juniors (Libertadores)
Estudiantes de La Plata (Libertadores)
Racing Club (Libertadores)
River Plate (Libertadores)
Title Challengers: Boca Juniors, River Plate
Continental Hopefuls: Racing Club, San Lorenzo de Almagro

Second Division
Highest Reputations: Argentinos Juniors, Belgrano de Córdoba
Best Finances: None
Best Training: Almagro, Gimnasia y Esgrima de Jujuy
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: Argentinos Juniors, Belgrano de Córdoba, Quilmes

=- Australia -=

Search Field: iv-c

General Info
Divisions: 1
Game Start: 31 August 2002 (Saturday)
Competitions: National Soccer League (Minor Premiership, Group Playoff, and
Grand Final)
Awards: Australian NSL Goalkeeper of the Year
Australian NSL Leading Goalscorer
Australian NSL Manager of the Month
Australian NSL Manager of the Year
Australian NSL Player of the Month
Australian NSL Player of the Year
Australian NSL Team of the Week
Australian NSL Young Player of the Month
Australian NSL Young Player of the Year
Continental: Ocenaia Club Championship
Worldwide: None

National Soccer League
Highest Reputations: None
Best Finances: All teams finances are "Okay"
Best Training: All teams have "Good Facilities"
Continental Qualifiers: Sydney Olympic Sharks (OFC Championship),
Wollogong Wolves (OFC Championship)
Title Challengers: None
Continental Hopefuls: None

=- Austria -=

Search Field: iv-d

General Info
Divisions: 2
Game Start: 8 June 2002 (Saturday)
Competitions: Austrian Premier Division
Austrian First Division ( + Playoffs)
Austrian FA Cup
Austrian Super Cup
Awards: Austrian Goalkeeper of the Year
Austrian Manager of the Year
Austrian Player of the Year
Austrian Premier Division Team of the Week
Austrian Premier Division Team of the Year
Austrian Sports Writer's Player of the Year
Austrian Top Goalscorer
Austrian First Division Goalkeeper of the Year
Austrian First Division Manager of the Year
Austrian First Division Player of the Year
Austrian First Division Team of the Year
Austrian First Division Top Goalscorer
Austrian First Division Young Player of the Month
Austrian First Division Young Player of the Year
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

Premier Division
Highest Reputations: None
Best Finances: FK Austria Vienna
Best Training: FK Austria Vienna
Continental Qualifiers: SW Bregenz (Inter-Toto)
FC Austria Karnten (UEFA)
Grazer AK (Champions Cup)
SV Salzburg (Inter-Toto)
SK Sturm Graz (Champions Cup)
Title Challengers: SK Sturm Graz
Continental Hopefuls: FK Austria Vienna, SK Rapid Vienna

First Division
Highest Reputations: None
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" finances
Best Training: Kapfenberger SV
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

=- Belgium -=

Search Field: iv-e

General Info
Divisions: 3
Game Start: 15 June 2002 (Saturday)
Competitions: Belgian First Division
Belgian Second Division ( + Playoffs)
Belgian Third Division A ( + Playoffs)
Belgian Third Division B ( + Playoffs)
Belgian Cup
Belgian Super Cup
Awards: Belgian Ebony Boot
Belgian First Division Goalkeeper of the Season
Belgian First Division Goalkeeper of the Year
Belgian First Division Revelation of the Year
Belgian First Division Top Goalscorer
Belgian Golden Boot
Belgian Man of the Season
Belgian Manager of the Year
Belgian Player of the Year
Belgian Professional Player of the Year
Belgian Rookie of the Year
Belgian Young Player of the Year
Belgian Second Division Revelation of the Year
Belgian Second Division Team of the Week
Belgian Second Division Top Goalscorer
Belgian Third Division Top Goalscorer
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

Premier Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" reputations
Best Finances: RSC Anderlecht, Club Brugge KV, RAEC Mons,
R Excelsior Mouscron, R Standard de Liege
Best Training: None
Continental Qualifiers: Unknown
Title Challengers: RSC Anderlecht, Club Brugge KV, K Racing Club Genk
Continental Hopefuls: R Standart de Liege

Second Division
Highest Reputations: None
Best Finances: KSK Ronse
Best Training: Daring Brussels FC, KSK Heusden-Zolder, RFC Liege,
KSK Ronse
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

Third Division A
Highest Reputations: VC Eendracht Aalst, KV Kortrijk Voetbalt,
R Cappellen FC, KV Oostende
Best Finances: KSK Wevelgem City
Best Training: KV Red Star Waasland, KSK Maldegem,
Thor Korkerij Meldert, KSK Wevelgem City
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: VC Eendracht Aalst

Third Division B
Highest Reputations: Royale Union Saint-Gilloise
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" finances
Best Training: K Bocholter VV, K Lyra TSV, ZD Oud-Heverlee Leuven,
AC Olen, Racing Mechelen, R Spa FC, Exc Veldwezelt
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

=- Brazil -=

Search Field: iv-f

General Info
Divisions: 3
Game Start: 6 January 2003 (Monday)
Competitions: Brazilian National First Division
Brazilian National Second Division
Brazilian National Third Division (Groups 1-8 + Playoffs)
Brazilian Acre State Championship
Brazilian Alagoas State Championship
Brazilian Amapá State Championship
Brazilian Amazonas State Championship
Brazilian Bahia State Championship
Brazilian Ceará State Championship
Brazilian Distrito Federal State Championship
Brazilian Espírito Santo State Championship
Brazilian Gaúcho State Championship
Brazilian Goiás State Championship
Brazilian Maranhao State Championship
Brazilian Mato Grosso State Championship
Brazilian Mato Grosso do Sul State Championship
Brazilian Minas State Championship
Brazilian Pará State Championship
Brazilian Paraíba State Championship
Brazilian Paraná State Championship
Brazilian Pernambuco State Championship
Brazilian Piauí State Championship
Brazilian Potiguar State Championship
Brazilian Rio State Championship
Brazilian Rondonia State Championship
Brazilian Roriama State Championship
Brazilian Santa Catarina State Championship
Brazilian Sao Paulo State Championship
Brazilian Sergipe State Championship
Brazilian Tocantis State Championship
Brazilian Cup
Awards: Brazilian 1st Division Manager of the Year
Brazilian 1st Division Player of the Year
Brazilian 1st Division Team of the Week
Brazilian 1st Division Team of the Year
Brazilian 1st Division Top Goalscorer
Brazilian 1st Division Young Player of the Year
Brazilian 2nd Division Manager of the Year
Brazilian 2nd Division Player of the Year
Brazilian 2nd Division Team of the Week
Brazilian 2nd Division Team of the Year
Brazilian 2nd Division Top Goalscorer
Brazilian 2nd Division Young Player of the Year
Brazilian 3rd Division Manager of the Year
Brazilian 3rd Division Player of the Year
Brazilian 3rd Division Team of the Week
Brazilian 3rd Division Team of the Year
Brazilian 3rd Division Top Goalscorer
Brazilian 3rd Division Young Player of the Year
Continental: Copa Libertadores
Worldwide: Copa Panamericana
Inter-Continental Cup

Premier Division
Highest Reputations: CR Flamengo, Sao Paulo FC
Best Finances: C Atlético Paranaense, Cortiba FC
Best Training: Unknown [TODO]
Continental Qualifiers: SC Corinthians Paulista (Libertadores)
Gremio FBPA (Libertadores)
Paysandu SC (Libertadores)
Santos FC (Libertadores)
Title Challengers: Unknown [TODO]
Continental Hopefuls: C Atlético Mineiro, [TODO]

Second Division
Highest Reputations: América FC (MG), América FC (RN), Botafogo FR,
Ceará SC, SE Gama, C Naútico Capibaribe,
SE Palmeiras, A Portuguesa D, C Remo,
Santa Cruz FC, Sport C Racife
Best Finances: Brasiliense FC, SER Caxias do Sul

Third Division Group 1
Highest Reputations: ABC FC
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances

Third Division Group 2
Highest Reputations: Numerous Teams with Regional Reputation
Best Finances: EC Guarani

Third Division Group 3
Highest Reputations: Alegrense FC, ADC Bandeirante, CA Bragantino,
Friburguense AC, SE Matonense, EC Pelotas, River AC
Best Finances: Colo-Colo FR, Real C

Third Division Group 4
Highest Reputations: Ji-Paraná FC, Maranhao AC, Olaria AC,
A Rio Negro C (AM), Sampaio Correa FC, CS Sergipe,
Treze FC
Best Finances: Bandeirante EC

Third Division Group 5
Highest Reputations: Goiania EC, Malutrom SA, Nacional FC (AM), Serra FC,
Uniao A Barbarense FC, AD Vasco da Gama,
EC XV de Novembro
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances

Third Division Group 6
Highest Reputations: Botafogo FC (PB), AD Confianca,
SC Corinthians Alagoano, Fluminense de Feira FC,
SER Juventude, Rio Branco FC (AC), TunaLuso Brasileira
Best Finances: CF Zico (RJ), SE Picos

Third Division Group 7
Highest Reputations: AS Arapiraquense, Bargu AC, Botafogo FC (SP),
AA Portuguesa, Uberlandia EC, Villa Nova AC
Best Finances: Cachoeiro FC

Third Division Group 8
Highest Reputations: Atlético C Goianiense, CS Alagoano,
Desportiva Capixaba, EC Genus Rondoniense,
Madureira EC, Mamoré EC
Best Finances: Andirá EC, Passo Fundo SC

=- China -=

Search Field: iv-g

General Info
Divisions: 2
Game Start: 9 February 2003 (Sunday)
Competitions: Chinese National First Division A League
Chinese National First Division B League
Chinese FA Cup
Chinese Super Cup
Awards: Chinese First Division A Manager of the Month
Chinese First Division A Player of the Month
Chinese First Division A Team of the Week
Chinese First Division A Team of the Year
Chinese First Division A Young Player of the Month
Chinese Foreign Player of the Year
Chinese Golden Boot
Chinese Manager of the Year
Chinese Player of the Year
Chinese Young Player of the Year
Chinese First Division B Manager of the Month
Chinese First Division B Player of the Month
Chinese First Division B Team of the Week
Chinese First Division B Team of the Year
Chinese First Division B Top Goalscorer
Chinese First Division B Young Player of the Month
Chinese FA Cup Top Goalscorer
Continental: AFC Champions League
Worldwide: None

First Division A League
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputations
Best Finances: Dalian Shide, Bejing Guo'an, Qingdao Yizhang,
Shandong Lueng, Shenyang Jinde, Shenshen Jianlibao,
Yunnan Hongta, Shanghai Zhongyuan
Best Training: August First, Chonqing Lifan, Dalian Shide,
Qingdao Yizhang, Shanghai Shenhua, Yunnan Hongta
Continental Qualifiers: Dalian Shide (AFC Champions League)
Title Challengers: Dalian Shide
Continental Hopefuls: Bejing Guo'an, Shandong Luneng, Shenzhen Jianlibao

First Division B League
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputations
Best Finances: Jiangsu Shuntian, Wuhan Gaoke, Xiamen Hongshi,
Zhejiang Lucheng, Zhuhai Anping
Best Training: Chengdu Wuniu, Gansu Tianna, Qingdao Hailifeng,
Harbin Lan'ge, Nanjng SVT, Xiamen Hongshi,
Guangdong Xiongying, Zhuhai Anping
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

=- Colombia -=

Search Field: iv-h

General Info
Divisions: 2
Game Start: 18 January 2003 (Saturday)
Competitions: Colombian First Division (First & Second Phases + Playoffs)
Colombian Second Division (Groups 1-3; First & Second Phases
+ Playoffs)
No Cup Competitions
Awards: First Division Team of the Week
Second Division Team of the Week
Continental: Copa Libertadores
Worldwide: Copa Panamericana
Inter-Continental Cup

First Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: All teams have "Awful" Facilities
Continental Qualifiers: CD América de Cali (Libertadores)
AC Deportivo Cali (Libertadores)
CDI Medellín (Libertadores)
Title Challengers: CDC Atlético Nacional
Continental Hopefuls: AC Deportivo Cali

Second Division Group 1
Highest Reputations: Itaguí FC
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: All teams have "Awful" Facilities
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

Second Division Group 2
Highest Reputations: CF Deportivo Rionegro
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: Escuela Carlos Sarmiento Lora, D Real Popayán FC
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

Second Division Group 1
Highest Reputations: CN Cúcuta Deportivo
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: CD El Cerrito, Los Pumas de Casanere
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

=- Croatia -=

Search Field: iv-i

General Info
Divisions: 2
Game Start: 23 June 2002 (Saturday)
Competitions: Croatian First Division ( + Playoffs)
Croatian Second Division North
Croatian Second Division South
Croatian Cup
Croatian Super Cup
Awards: Croatian First Division Player of the Year
Croatian First Division Team of the Week
Croatian First Division Top Goalscorer
Croatian Second Division NE Player of the Year
Croatian Second Division NE Team of the Week
Croatian Second Division NE Top Goalscorer
Croatian Second Division Player of the Year
Croatian Second Division Team of the Week
Croatian Second Division Top Goalscorer
Croatian Second Division WS Player of the Year
Croatian Second Division WS Team of the Week
Croatian Second Division WS Top Goalscorer
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

First Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: NK Dinamo, NK Kamen Ingrad, NK Osijek
Continental Qualifiers: NK Dinamo (UEFA Cup)
HNK Hadjuk (UEFA Cup)
HNK Rijeka (Inter-Toto Cup)
NK Slaven Belupo (Inter-Toto Cup)
NK Varteks (UEFA Cup)
NK Zagreb (Champions Cup)
Title Challengers: NK Dinamo
Continental Hopefuls: HNK Rijeka, NK Zagreb

Second Division North
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: NK Belisce, NK Cakovec, NK Dilj, NK Graficar Vodovod,
NK Metalac, NK Valpovska Satnica
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: NK Marsonia

Second Division South
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: NK Inker, NK Istra, NK Orijent, NK Croatia Sesvete
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

=- Czech Republic -=

Search Field: iv-j

General Info
Divisions: 2
Game Start: 8 June 2002 (Saturday)
Competitions: Czech First Division
Czech Second Division
Czech FA Cup
Awards: Czech First Division Manager of the Month
Czech First Division Player of the Month
Czech First Division Team of the Month
Czech First Division Team of the Year
Czech First Division Young Player of the Month
Czech Manager of the Year
Czech Player of the Year
Czech Young Player of the Year
Czech Second Division Manager of the Month
Czech Second Division Player of the Month
Czech Second Division Team of the Month
Czech Second Division Team of the Year
Czech Second Division Young Player of the Month
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

First Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: Chmel Blsany, Sigma Olomouc, Slavia Prague, Teplice
Continental Qualifiers: Unknown [TODO]
Title Challengers: Slovan Liberec, Sparta Prague
Continental Hopefuls: Bohemians Prague, Slavia Prague, Teplice

Second Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: Neratovice, Sigma Olomouc B, Vitkovice
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: Opava

=- Denmark -=

Search Field: iv-k

General Info
Divisions: 3
Game Start: 23 June 2002 (Saturday)
Competitions: Danish Premier Division
Danish First Division
Danish Second Division
Danish Cup (DONG Cup)
Awards: Danish Goalkeeper of the Year
Danish Manager of the Year
Danish Player of the Year
Danish Premier Division Player of the Year
Danish Premier Division Team of the Week
Danish Premier Division Young Player of the Year
Danish Team of the Year
Danish Young Player of the Year
Danish First Division Player of the Year
Danish First Division Team of the Week
Danish First Division Young Player of the Year
Danish Second Division Player of the Year
Danish Second Division Team of the Week
Danish Second Division Young Player of the Year
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

Premier Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: Aalborg Boldspilklub, Brondbyernes Idraetsfoerning,
Football Club Copenhagen
Best Training: Brondbyernes Idraetsfoerning, Football Club Copenhagen
Continental Qualifiers: Akademisk Boldklub (Inter-Toto)
Aalborg Boldspilklub (Inter-Toto)
Brondbyernes Idraetsfoerning (Champions Cup)
Football Club Copenhagen (UEFA Cup)
Football Club Midtjylland 1999 (UEFA Cup)
Odense Boldklub (UEFA Cup)
Title Challengers: Brondbyernes Idraetsfoerning, Football Club Copenhagen
Continental Hopefuls: Aalborg Boldspilklub

First Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: All teams have "Good" Training except FC Aarhus and
Boldklubben Skjold of 1915
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

Second Division
Highest Reputations: Numerous teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: All teams have "Good" Training except FC Nordjylland
and Korup
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: Kolding FC

=- England -=

Search Field: iv-l

General Info
Divisions: 5
Game Start: 14 July 2002 (Sunday)
Competitions: English Premier Division
English First Division
English Second Division
English Third Division
English Conference
English FA Cup
English League Cup
English Community Shield
English Vans Trophy
English FA Trophy
Awards: English Footballer of the Year
English Players Player of the Year
English Players Premier Division Select
English Players Young Player of the Year
English Premier Division Manager of the Month
English Premier Division Manager of the Year
English Premier Division Player of the Month
English Premier Division Team of the Week
English Premier Division Young Player of the Month
English First Division Manager of the Month
English First Division Manager of the Year
English First Division Player of the Month
English First Division Team of the Week
English First Division Young Player of the Month
English Players First Division Select
English Second Division Manager of the Month
English Second Division Manager of the Year
English Second Division Player of the Month
English Second Division Team of the Week
English Second Division Young Player of the Month
English Players Second Division Select
English Third Division Manager of the Month
English Third Division Manager of the Year
English Third Division Player of the Month
English Third Division Team of the Week
English Third Division Young Player of the Month
English Players Third Division Select
English Conference Manager of the Month
English Conference Manager of the Year
English Conference Player of the Month
English Conference Team of the Week
English Conference Young Player of the Month
English Players Conference Select
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

Premier Division
Highest Reputations: Arsenal, Chelsea, Leeds United, Liverpool,
Manchester United, Newcastle United
Best Finances: Arsenal, Aston Villa, Birmingham City,
Blackburn Rovers, Bolton Wanderers, Charlton Athletic,
Fulham, Liverpool, Manchester United, Middlesborough,
Newcastle United, Southampton, Tottenham Hotspur,
West Bromwich Albion
Best Training: Arsenal, Blackburn Rovers, Leeds United, Liverpool,
Manchester City, Manchester United, Middlesborough,
Newcastle United, Tottenham Hotspur
Continental Qualifiers: Arsenal (Champions Cup)
Aston Villa (Inter-Toto)
Blackburn Rovers (UEFA Cup)
Chelsea (UEFA Cup)
Fulham (Inter-Toto)
Leeds United (UEFA Cup)
Liverpool (Champions Cup)
Manchester United (Champions Cup)
Newcastle United (Champions Cup)
Title Challengers: Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United,
Newcastle United
Continental Hopefuls: Aston Villa, Chelsea, Leeds United, Tottenham Hotspur

First Division
Highest Reputations: Numerous teams have "National" Reputations
Best Finances: Numerous teams have "Okay" finances
Best Training: Burnley, Leicester City, Millwall, Norwich City,
Nottingham Forest, Reading, Rotterham United,
Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Stoke City,
Watford, Wimbledon
Continental Qualifiers: Ipswich Town (UEFA Cup)
Title Challengers: Ipswich Town, Leicester City

Second Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "Regional" Reputation
Best Finances: Cardiff City, Wigan Athletic
Best Training: Barnsley, Brentford, Cheltenham Town, Crew Alexandra,
Notts County, Oldham Athletic, Peterborough United,
Port Vale, Queens Park Rangers, Stockport County,
Wigan Athletic
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: Bristol City, Cardiff City, Wigan Athletic

Third Division
Highest Reputations: Numerous teams have "Regional" Reputation
Best Finances: Carlisle United, Darlington
Best Training: AFC Bournemouth, Bristol Rovers, Bury, Exeter,
Leyton Orient, Lincoln, Rushden & Diamonds,
Scunthorpe United, Southend United, Torquay United,
Wrexham, York City
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: AFC Bournemouth

Highest Reputations: All teams have "Local" Reputation
Best Finances: Numerous teams have "Okay" finances
Best Training: Burton Albion, Farnborough Town,
Gravesend and Northfleet, Hereford United,
Kettering Town, Leigh RMI, Margate, Morecambe,
Stevenage Borough, Telford United, Yeovil
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

=- Finland -=

Search Field: iv-m

General Info
Divisions: 2
Game Start: 22 March 2003 (Saturday)
Competitions: Finnish Premier Division
Finnish First Division
Finnish Cup
Awards: Finnish Player of the Year
Finnish Premier Division Goalkeeper of the Year
Finnish Premier Division Manager of the Month
Finnish Premier Division Manager of the Year
Finnish Premier Division Player of the Month
Finnish Premier Division Player of the year
Finnish Premier Division Team of the Month
Finnish Premier Division Team of the Year
Finnish Premier Division Top Goalscorer
Finnish Young Player of the Year
Finnish First Division Manager of the Month
Finnish First Division Player of the Month
Finnish First Division Top Goalscorer
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

Premier Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" Finances
Best Training: FC Lahti, HJK
Continental Qualifiers: FC Haka (Inter-Toto)
Tampere United (Champions Cup)
Title Challengers: None
Continental Hopefuls: HJK, Tampere United

First Division
Highest Reputations: All teams have "National" Reputation
Best Finances: All teams have "Okay" finances
Best Training: OLS
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None

=- France -=

Search Field: iv-n

General Info
Divisions: 3
Game Start: 15 June 2002 (Saturday)
Competitions: French First League
French Second League
French National
French Cup
French League Cup
French Champions Trophy
Awards: French Foreign Player of the Year
French League One Club of the Year
French League One Player of the Month
French League One Star Goalkeeper of the Season
French League One Star of the Season
French League One Stars Team of the Season
French League One Team of the Week
French League One Top Goalscorer
French Manager of the Season
French Manager of the Year
French Player of the Year
French Players League One Goalkeeper of the Season
French Players League One Player of the Season
French Players Most Promising Player
French Revelation of the Year
French League Two Club of the Year
French League Two Manager of the Season
French League Two Manager of the Year
French League Two Player of the Year
French League Two Star Goalkeeper of the Season
French League Two Stars Team of the Season
French League Two Team of the Week
French League Two Top Goalscorer
French Players League Two Goalkeeper of the Season
French Players League Two Player of the Season
French Amateur Club of the Year
French National Star Player of the Year
French National Top Goalscorer
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

First League
Highest Reputations: Marseille, Paris SG
Best Finances: Ajaccio, Auxerre, Bastia, Bordeaux, Guingamp,
Le Havre, Lens, Lille, Marseille, Montpellier,
Nantes, Nice, Paris SG, Rennes, Sedan, Sochaux
Best Training: Auxerre, Bordeaux, Lens, Marseille, Nantes,
Rennes, Strasbourg, Troyes
Continental Qualifiers: [TODO]
Title Challengers: Lyon, Marseille, Paris SG
Continental Hopefuls: Auxerre, Bordeaux, Lille

Second League
Highest Reputations: Amiens, Beavais, Caen, Chateauroux, Geugnon, Istres,
Laval, Le Mans, Lorient, Metz, Nancy, Niort,
Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Valence, Wasquehal
Best Finances: Ameins, Caen, Clermont, Créteil, Grenoble, Istres,
Le Mans, Lorient, Metz, Nancy, Niort, Reims,
Saint-Etienne, Toulouse
Best Training: Saint-Etienne
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: Metz, Saint-Etienne

Highest Reputations: Alés, Angers, Cannes, Louhans, Martigues, Nimes,
Rouen, Valenciennes
Best Finances: Angouleme, Beaucaire, Besancon, Cherbourg, Dijon,
La Roche, Pau, Romorantin, Sete, Trélissac, Viry
Best Training: Nimes
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: Cannes, Nimes

=- Germany -=

Search Field: iv-o

General Info
Divisions: 3
Game Start: 30 June 2002 (Saturday)
Competitions: German First Division
German Second Division
German Regional Division North
German Regional Division South
German Cup
German League Cup
Awards: German Defender of the Year
German First Division Manager of the Year
German First Division Player of the Month
German First Division Team of the Week
German First Division Top Goalscorer
German Goalkeeper of the Year
German Midfielder of the Year
German Player of the Year
German Striker of the Year
German Second Division Manager of the Year
German Second Division Player of the Month
German Second Division Team of the Week
German Second Division Top Goalscorer
Continental: Champions Cup
Inter-Toto Cup
Super Cup
Worldwide: Inter-Continental Cup

Premier Division
Highest Reputations: Dortmund, FC Bayern, HSV, Hertha BSC, Leverkusen,
Schalke 04, Werder Bremen
Best Finances: Dortmund, FC Bayern, Schalke 04
Best Training: Dortmund, FC Bayern, HSV, Leverkusen, Schalke 04,
Werder Bremen
Continental Qualifiers: Dortmund (Champions Cup)
FC Bayern (Champions Cup)
Hertha BSC (UEFA Cup)
Kaiserslautern (Inter-Toto)
Leverkusen (Champions Cup)
Schalke 04 (UEFA Cup)
VfB Stuttgart (Inter-Toto)
Werder Bremen (UEFA Cup)
Title Challengers: Dortmund, FC Bayern, Schalke 04
Continental Hopefuls: Hertha BSC, Leverkusen

Second Division
Highest Reputations: None [TODO]
Best Finances: None
Best Training: None
Continental Qualifiers: None
Title Challengers: None


Index Number: v

Player Values are rouned off to the nearest 100k (for below 1m values)
or .5m or .0m for higher values. This means a player marked 100k may be
valued as low as 2k. The reason I did this is that player values vary
very much from game to game.

=- Attackers -=

Search Field: v-a

Name | Age | Nationality | Club | Value
Adrian Mutu 23 ROM Parma 24m
Adriano 20 BRA Parma 18m
Alan Shearer 32 ENG Newcastle 11m
Alexander Farnerud 18 SWE Landskrona 500k
Alexandros Papadopoulos16 GRE Eth Asteras 100k
Andreas Holm 16 NOR Ost Free
Andrei Pereploytkin 17 UKR Southampton 800k
Andres Mendoza 24 PER Club Brugge 700k
Andriy Shevchenko 26 UKR Milan 41m
Arjen Robben 18 HOL PSV 11m
Beli MouMouni Dagano 21 BFA Genk 1.5m
Ben May 18 ENG Millwall 500k
Bobby Zamora 21 ENG Brighton 2m
Claudio Lopez 28 ARG/SPA Lazio 10m
Darius Vassell 21 ENG Aston Villa 9m
Emmanuel Olisadebe 23 POL Panithanikos 11m
Gary Doherty 22 IRL Tottenham 3.5m
Kaka 20 BRA Sao Paulo 8m
Onandi Lowe 27 JAM Rushden 100k
Robbie Keane 22 IRL Tottenham 11m
Robinho 18 BRA Santos 3.5m
Ronaldinho 22 BRA Paris SG 11m
Wayne Rooney 16 ENG/IRL Everton Free
Wilfred Bouma 24 HOL PSV 11m
Yoo Sang-Chul 30 SK Ulsan 5m

=- Midfielders -=

Search Field: v-b

Name | Age | Nationality | Club | Value
Aggellos Basinas 26 GRE PAO 4.5m
Aldo Ducher 23 ARG/AUT Deportivo 3.5m
Alessandro Santos 24 JAP/BRA S-Pulse 2m
Alessio Tacchinardi 27 ITA Juventus 4.5m
Alexander Farnerud 18 SWE Landskrona 500k
Alexei Smertin 27 RUS/UKR Bordeaux 3m
Alou Diarra 21 FRA/SEN Le Havre 100k
Anderson 19 BRA Flamengo 100k
Andrea Pirlo 23 ITA Milan 12m
Andres D'Alessandro 21 ARG River 12m
Andres Iniesta 18 SPA Barcelona 1.5m
Andriy Husin 29 UKR Dinamo Kiev 4.5m
Antoliy Tymoschuk 23 UKR Shakhtar 5m
Artur Numan 32 HOL Rangers 2.5m
Barry Ferguson 26 SCO Rangers 12m
Brett Emerton 23 AUS Feyenoord 7m
Bruno Cheyrou 25 FRA Liverpool 9m
Chris Bart-Williams 28 ENG Charlton 2.5m
Christian Karembu 31 FRA/NCL Olympiakos 4m
Christian Nerlinger 29 GER Rangers 2.5m
Christian Ziege 30 GER Tootenham 7m
Clarence Acuna 27 CHI Newcastle 4.5m
Clarence Seedorf 26 HOL/SUR Milan 10m
Claude Makelele 29 FRA/DRC Real Madrid 6.5m
Claudio Husain 27 ARG River 4.5m
Cosmin Contra 26 ROM Atletico Madrid 5m
Cristian Ledesma 23 ARG HSV 3m
Cristiano Zanetti 25 ITA Inter 4.5m
Damiano Zenoni 25 ITA Atalanta 7.5m
David Prutton 20 ENG Southampton 3m
Derek McInnes 31 SCO WBA 2.5m
Dimitrios Grammozis 24 GRE Kaiserslautern 2m
Edgar Davids 29 HOL/SUR Juventus 18m
Emerson 30 BRA/POR Atletico Madrid 6.5m
Esteban Cambiasso 21 ARG Real Madrid 5.5m
Evanilson 26 BRA Dortmund 5m
Fabio Paim 13 POR Sporting Lisbon Free
Fabio Rochemback 20 BRA Barcelona 5m
Fernando Meira 24 POR VfB Stuttgart 3m
Flavio Conceicao 28 BRA/SPA Real Madrid 5m
Freddy Adu 13 USA/GHA No Club Free
Gabor Gyepes 21 HUN Ferencvaros 3.5m
Gabri 23 SPA Barcelona 4m
Gerardo Torrado 23 MEX Sevilla 4m
Geremi 23 CMR Middlesborough 4m
Gianluca Pessotto 32 ITA Juventus 5m
Gianluca Zambrotta 25 ITA Juventus 5.5m
Gilberto 25 BRA Arsenal 5.5m
Giuliano Giannichedda 27 ITA Lazio 4.5m
Gonzalo Colsa 25 SPA Vallodolid 5m
Guly 28 ARG/ITA Inter 3.5m
Hakan Unsal 29 TUR Galatasaray 4m
Harold Lozano 30 COL/SPA Mallorca 4m
Hierro 34 SPA Real Madrid 3m
Ibrahim Said 22 EGY Al-Ahly 250k
Igor Demo 27 SVK Munchengladbach 4.5m
Igor Tudor 24 CRO Juventus 7m
Ivan Helguera 27 SPA Real Madrid 12m
Jamie Carragher 24 ENG Liverpool 8m
Jarkko Wiss 30 FIN Hibernian 1m
Javier Zanetti 29 ARG/ITA Inter 20m
Joe Cole 19 ENG West Ham 6m
Johan Mjallby 31 SWE Celtic 2.5m
Johann Vogel 25 SWI PSV 9.5m
John O'Brien 25 USA Ajax 7m
Jose Ignacio 28 SPA Celta 4.5m
Jose Maria Movilla 27 SPA Atletico Madrid 5m
Josep Guardiola 31 SPA Brescia 7m
Juan Pablo Sorin 26 ARG Barcelona 5m
Julio Cesar Enciso 27 PAR Olimpia 3m
Junior 29 BRA Parma 4m
Kaka 20 BRA Sao Paulo 8m
Kakhaber Kaladze 24 GEO Milan 6m
Kevin Nolan 20 ENG Bolton 2.5m
Kim Kallstrom 19 SWE Djurgarden 1m
Kleberson 23 BRA Atlético Paranaense 5.5m
Lauren 25 CMR/SPA Arsenal 3.5m
Lionel Scaloni 24 ARG/ITA Deportivo 4m
Luca Di Biagio 31 ITA Inter 9m
Mancini 21 BRA Atlético Miniero 6.5m
Marcel Desailly 33 FRA/GHA Chelsea 2.5m
Markus Heikkinen 23 FIN Portsmouth 400k
Massimo Donati 21 ITA Torino 4m
Matias Jesus Almeyda 28 ARG/ITA Inter 4m
Matteo Brighi 21 ITA Juventus 11m
Michael Carrick 21 ENG West Ham 3m
Mike Zonneveld 21 HOL NEC 2m
Ned Zelic 31 AUS/CRO Urawa Reds 300k
Niclas Jensen 27 DEN Man City 2.5m
Niko Kovac 30 CRO/GER FC Bayern 4m
Olivier Dacourt 26 FRA Leeds 3m
Owen Hargreaves 21 ENG/CAN FC Bayern 7.5m
Pablo Thiam 28 GUI/GER Wolfsburg 4.5m
Patrick Viera 26 FRA/SEN Arsenal 21m
Paul Codrea 24 ROM Palermo 1.5m
Paul Konchesky 21 ENG Charlton 3m
Pawel Streak 18 POL Wisla Krakow 300k
Penbe Ergun 30 TUR Galatasray 4m
Peter Luccin 23 FRA/MAR Celta 3.5m
Philip Cocu 31 HOL Barcelona 7.5m
Pierre Wome 23 CAM Fulham 3m
Radek Bejbl 30 CZE Slavia Prague 3m
Radoslaw Kaluzny 28 POL Leverkusen 4m
Roger 25 SPA Espanyol 4m
Rogerio 26 BRA Corinthians 3.5m
Ronnie Wallwork 29 ENG WBA 2m
Roy Keane 31 IRL Man Utd 16m
Ruben Baraja 27 SPA Valencia 12m
Sabri Lamouchi 30 FRA Parma 4m
Santiago Solari 26 ARG Real Madrid 11m
Scott Parker 21 ENG Charlton 3m
Serginho 31 BRA Milan 4m
Sergio 25 SPA Deportivo 9.5m
Silvinho 28 BRA Celta 4.5m
Stephan Appiah 21 GHA Brescia 3.5m
Steven Gerrard 22 ENG Liverpool 8m
Teemu Tainio 22 FIN Auxerre 2.5m
Theo Lucius 25 HOL PSV 2.5m
Thomas Gravesen 25 DEN Everton 8m
Thomas Hengen 28 GER Kaiserslauten 3.5m
Tobias Linderoth 23 SWE Everton 2.5m
Viktor Onopko 33 RUS/UKR Rayo Vallecano 1.5m
Vincent Candela 28 FRA Roma 9m
Wayne Bridge 22 ENG Southampton 8m
Wilfred Bouma 24 HOL PSV 11m
Xabi Alonso 20 SPA/BSQ Real Sociedad 6.5m
Yoo Sang-Chul 30 SK Ulsan 5m
Ze Elias 26 BRA/ITA Mallorca 4m

=- Defenders -=

Search Field: v-c

Name | Age | Nationality | Club | Value
Adam Drury 23 ENG Norwich 400k
Aimo Stefano Diana 24 ITA Reggiana 3.5m
Aitor Karanka 29 SPA/BSQ Athletic Bilbao 5.5m
Alexandre 27 BRA Palmeiras 600k
Anderson 19 BRA Flamengo 100k
Anderson Polga 21 BRA Gremio 3m
Andreas Svensson 16 SWE GAIS 100k
Andrew Mumford 23 WAL Swansea 200k
Ariel Gracé 23 ARG River 3.5m
Arkadiusz Glowacki 23 POL Wisla Krakow 2m
Ashley Cole 21 ENG Arsenal 7m
Ashley Oarton 16 ENG Notts County Free
Asik Emre 28 TUR Galatasray 3.5m
Athirson 25 BRA Flamengo 1.5m
Bixente Lizarazu 32 FRA/BSQ FC Bayern 7.5m
Boris Zivkovic 26 CRO Leverkusen 4m
Carl Fletcher 23 ENG Bournmouth 100k
Cetin Servet 21 TUR Denizlispor 500k
Choi Jin-Chul 31 SK Chonbuk 3.5m
Christian Chivu 22 ROM Ajax 7m
Christian Panucci 29 ITA Roma 7m
Christophe Metzelder 21 GER Dortmund 11m
Ciro Ferrarra 35 ITA Juventus 1.5m
Clint Hill 23 ENG Oldham 100k
Cris 25 BRA Leverkusen 4m
Daniele Adani 28 ITA Inter 3.5m
Daniel van Buyten 25 BEL Marseille 7.5m
Danny Mills 25 ENG Leeds 4.5m
Dario Simic 26 CRO Milan 4m
Diego Crosa 26 ARG Boca 2m
Dominic Matteo 28 SCO/ENG Leeds 4m
Eddie Pope 28 USA MetroStars 1.5m
Fabio Cannavaro 29 ITA Inter 12m
Fabio Coloccini 20 ARG/ITA Atlético Madrid 5m
Gabri 23 SPA Barcelona 4m
Gabriel Milito 21 ARG/ITA Independiente 7m
Gary Doherty 22 IRL Tottenham 3.5m
Geremi 23 CMR Middlesborough 4m
Gilberto Martinez 22 COS Brescia 4.5m
Goran Djorovic 30 YUG Deportivo 3.5m
Hannu Tihinen 26 FIN Anderlecht 500k
Heinze Gabriel Ivan 23 ITA/ARG PSG 4m
Hong Myung-Bo 33 SK Los Angeles 3m
Hugo Ibara 28 ARG Boca 700k
Ian Harte 24 IRL Leeds 3.5m
Ibrahim Said 22 EGY Al-Ahly 250k
Ibrahim Sonko 19 GHA Crewe 100k
Isaac Okoronkwo 24 NIG Shaktar 4m
Ivan Campo 28 SPA Bolton 4m
Ivan Hurtado 26 ECU No Club Free
Jamie Carragher 24 ENG Liverpool 8m
Jari Ilola 24 FIN Elfsborg 500k
Joan Capdevila 24 SPA Deportivo 4m
John Terry 21 ENG Chelsea 5.5m
John Welsh 20 ENG Liverpool 700k
Joleon Lescott 20 ENG Wolves 700k
Jonathan Woodgate 21 ENG Leeds 5.5m
Jonathan Zebina 24 FRA Roma 3.5m
Jorge Andrade 24 POR Deportivo 3m
Jose García Calvo 27 SPA Atlético Madrid 3.5m
Josip Simunic 24 CRO/AUS Hertha 4m
Juanfran 26 SPA Celta 4m
Juan Valesco 25 SPA Celta 4m
Junior 29 BRA Parma 4m
Junior Baiano 32 BRA No Club Free
Kees van Wonderen 33 HOL Feyenoord 4.5m
Lasha Chelidze 17 GEO Gaz Gaz 100k
Lazlo Bodnar 24 HUN Dinamo Kiev 4m
Lee Wilkie 22 SCO Dundee 2.5m
Lillian Thuram 30 FRA/GLP Juventus 9m
Lionel Scaloni 24 ARG/ITA Deportivo 4m
Litos 28 POR Malaga 3m
Luciano Zauri 26 ITA Atalanta 10m
Lúcio 24 BRA Leverkusen 11m
Luigi Sala 28 ITA Atalanta 3m
Mancini 21 BRA Atlético Miniero 6.5m
Marcello Castellini 29 ITA Bologna 3.5m
Marchena 23 SPA Valencia 4m
Martin Laursen 25 DEN Milan 3.5m
Michael Dawson 18 ENG Nottingham Forest 1.5m
Michael Reiziger 29 HOL Barcelona 5m
Michal Stasiak 21 POL Widzew Lodz 300k
Michel Salgado 26 SPA Real Madrid 6m
Mikael Silvestre 25 FRA/GLP Man Utd 5.5m
Mike Duff 24 NIR Cheltenham 300k
Mike Zonneveld 21 HOL NEC 2m
Mladen Krstajik 29 YUG Werden Bremen 3.5m
Murat Yakin 27 TUR/SWI Basel 2.5m
Nemanja Vidic 20 YUG Red Star 3.5m
Nicolas Burdisso 21 ARG Boca 3.5m
Nicolas Gillet 25 FRA Nantes 2.5m
Nigel de Jong 18 HOL Ajax 2m
Nikolas Dabizas 28 GRE Newcastle 3m
Noureddine Naybet 32 MOR Deportivo 6m
Pablo Rotchen 29 ARG Monterrey 3m
Paul Konchesky 21 ENG Charlton 3m
Phillipe Mexés 20 FRA Auxerre 4.5m
Puyol 24 SPA Barcelona 18m
Rafael Marquez 23 MEX Monaco 4.5m
Ricardo Rocha 24 POR Benfica 4m
Rio Ferdinand 24 ENG Man Utd 11m
Robert Kovac 28 CRO/GER FC Bayern 7.5m
Roberto Carlos 29 BRA Real Madrid 17m
Roger 25 SPA Espanyol 4m
Romero 31 SPA Deportivo 5m
Roque Junior 25 BRA Milan 5m
Santiago Hernán Solari 26 ARG Real Madrid 11m
Sergio 25 SPA Celta 3.5m
Stefan Henchoz 27 SWI Liverpool 5m
Stephen Carr 26 IRL Tottenham 3.5m
Theo Lucius 25 HOL PSV 2.5m
Titus Bramble 21 ENG Newcastle 2m
Tomas Hubschman 20 CZE Sparta Prague 5m
Tomasz Waldoch 31 POL Schalke 04 3m
Tom Coulson 17 ENG Chester 100k
Vladyslav Vaschuk 25 UKR Dinamo Kiev 4m
Washington Tais 29 URU/SPA Betis 3m
Wayne Bridge 22 ENG Southampton 8m
Zdenek Grygera 22 CZE Sparta Prague 2.5m

=- Goalkeepers -=

Search Field: v-d

Name | Age | Nationality | Club | Value
Andreas Isaksson 20 SWE Djurgarden 2m
Andy Marshall 28 ENG Ipswich 1.5m
Bogdon Labont 24 ROM Ajax 3m
Brad Friedel 31 USA Blackburn 2.5m
Daniel Aranzubía 23 SPA/BSQ Athletic Bilbao 1.5m
Dembo Touray 22 GAM Djurgarden 200k
Franco Costanzo 22 ARG River Plate 2m
Frank Rost 30 GER Schalke 04 3m
Gianluca Pagliuca 36 ITA Bologna 3.5m
Gianluigi Buffon 24 ITA Juventus 15m
Grégory Coupet 29 FRA Lyon 4m
Hans-Jorg Butt 28 GER Leverkusen 2.5m
Henri Sillanpaa 23 FIN TP 47 Free
Iker Casillas 21 SPA Real Madrid 8.5m
Imanol Exteberría 28 SPA Rayo Vallecano 400k
Ivan Pelizzoli 21 ITA Roma 3.5m
Jerzy Dudek 29 POL Liverpool 4.5m
Joe Murphy 20 IRL WBA 700k
José Manuel Pinto 26 SPA Celta 600k
Jussi Jaaskelainen 27 FIN Bolton 3m
Kike 31 SPA/BSQ Poli Ejido 100k
Lee Woon-Jae 29 SK Suwon 3m
Leo Franco 24 ARG/ITA Mallorca 3m
Marcos 28 BRA Palmeiras 2.5m
Massimo Taibi 32 ITA Atalanta 3.5m
Mickael Landreau 23 FRA Nantes 3.5m
Nicolas Penneteau 21 FRA Bastia 1.5m
Nikki Bull 23 ENG Aldershot 100k
Oliver Kahn 33 GER FC Bayern 20m
Oscar Córdoba 24 COL Besiktas 4m
Pedro Contreras 30 SPA Málaga 3m
Rob Green 22 ENG Norwich 5m
Roy Carroll 24 NI Man Utd 3.5m
Sebastian Saja 23 ARG San Lorenzo 3.5m
Sébastien Frey 22 FRA Parma 3m
Shay Given IRL Newcastle
Stuart Taylor 22 ENG Arsenal 1.5m
Tim Howard 23 USA MetroStars 400k
Tomislav Butina 28 CRO Dinamo 700k


Index Number: vi

=- Introduction -=

Search Field: vi-a

Guide to schemes
Firstly I will list the game's description for the training scheme.
Then I will list what the training involves in each area (out of 8)

Training Types
Some schemes are only for outfield players, some are for goalkeepers
and others are for both. Don't give a player a training scheme which
isn't for his position, because this can only hinder his development

When to Train?
How much training am I to do? How much rest am I to give my players?
Most people suggest to rest the players after match days (there is
an option in the game to do this), give the players Sundays off, and
Saturday afternoons. (i.e 5 rest periods a week). Some other players
change this around and give the players rest periods each day at
varying times. It's really up to you. At the end I have included some
custom training schemes to help you. If you have a scheme you find
works, tell me about it on my message board.

=- All Players -=

Search Field: vi-b

5-a-side (Large Pitch)
Small sided games on larger pitches. Though the players will tire quicker,
they will build up stamina, improve their work rate and develop good
passing and movement.
Ball control: 2
Fitness: 5
Movement: 5
Reflexes: 2
Set Pieces: 2
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 5
Tactics: 2
Team Work: 5

5-a-side (Small Pitch)
Small sided games on smaller pitches. Players will improve their marking,
movement and ability to think quickly. Outfield players are also
encouraged to get plenty of shots on target, enabling goalkeepers
to hone their reflexes and practice one-on-one situations.
Ball control: 2
Fitness: 2
Movement: 5
Reflexes: 2
Set Pieces: 2
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 5
Tactics: 2
Team Work: 5

Cross Country
Particularly effective during pre-season to get your players fit for
the campaign ahead, cross-country running improves stamina and encourages
weight loss. This exercise is claimed to have a multiplying effect on
other aspects of training.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 7
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 0
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 0

This exercise encourages your players to deliver lofted or driven balls
into the box. Your midfield players will be taught to hit the right
areas with their crosses and your attackers will learn to time their
runs to receive the ball in the best positions.
Ball control: 2
Fitness: 0
Movement: 2
Reflexes: 5
Set Pieces: 7
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 7
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 2

Overloading (Attacking)
By outnumbering the defence in this exercise, your attackers will
be encouraged to make use of the extra men down the flanks and get
crosses into the box. Your strikers will improve their movement and
get used to finishing off moves.
Ball control: 5
Fitness: 2
Movement: 7
Reflexes: 2
Set Pieces: 2
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 2
Tactics: 5
Team Work: 7

Overloading (Defensive)
By using more attackers than defenders, this exercise encourages
defenders to hold their defensive line and learn which parts of the
pitch are most vulnerable to attack. By encouraging tight marking,
teamwork and positional play, overloading will also improve the
link between your goalkeeper and his defence.
Ball control: 5
Fitness: 2
Movement: 7
Reflexes: 5
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 5
Tactics: 5
Team Work: 3

Gives your players the opportunity to practise taking penalties and
increase their composure. This session is most useful before those
dreaded penalty shoot-outs in cup competitions.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 5
Set Pieces: 5
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 7
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 0

Pig In The Middle
This moderate session involves several players passing the ball
amongst themselves within a set perimeter whilst one or two
others try to win the ball back. While creating a fun and
relaxed atmosphere, your players will particularly improve
their anticipation and first touch.
Ball control: 7
Fitness: 5
Movement: 5
Reflexes: 0
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 5

Set Pieces (Attacking)
In this routine, your players will work on their attacking set
pieces for the big match. By training your set piece takers to
deliver accurate free-kicks, corners, penalties and long throws,
your team will improve its chances of scoring from these situations.
Ball control: 5
Fitness: 0
Movement: 3
Reflexes: 2
Set Pieces: 7
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 5
Tactics: 5
Team Work: 3

Set Pieces (Defensive)
In this session, both your goalkeepers and outfield players will
practice defending the set piece scenarios that occur within a game.
This will improve their anticipation, marking and positioning.
Ball control: 5
Fitness: 2
Movement: 2
Reflexes: 2
Set Pieces: 7
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 2
Tactics: 5
Team Work: 5

Sprinting over short distances with lots of repetition, this exercise
improves the acceleration, pace and balance of your players.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 7
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 2
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 0

Tactical Training
This session is tactics specific and gives the players a chance to
analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the opposition. This will
include watching videos of previous games, studying tactics and
identifying danger men. As a very important part of preperation
for both the team and the individual, players will improve their
ability to make decisions and work as a team.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 0
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 0
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 5
Team Work: 5

This exercise encourages your players to improve their ball control,
passing and dribbling. Players will work mainly on skill, using all
parts of the body to improve first touch and control.
Ball control: 7
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 2
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 7
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 0

Training Match
By playing the selected first team against a second string in a full match,
this high intensity session will give your players a chance to play together
but is also guaranteed to tire them out. Amongst other things, this exercise
improves passing, communication and positioning.
Ball control: 2
Fitness: 5
Movement: 2
Reflexes: 2
Set Pieces: 2
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 2
Tactics: 2
Team Work: 2

Weight Training
Weight training builds up muscle definition, including the hamstrings,
calf, upper body and neck muscles. At low intensity it can reduce a player's
chance of injury, but too much weight training can result in loss of balance,
mobility and pace.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 5
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 0
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 0

=- Goalkeepers -=

Search Field: vi-c

Agility (GK)
Training with goalkeeping coach to improve reflexes and agility.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 7
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 5
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 2

Training with your goalkeeping coach to ensure good recycling of possession
and improve distribution from goalkicks.
Ball control: 2
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 5
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 5
Tactics: 2
Team Work: 5

Training with the goalkeeper coach to practice positioning and get a feel
for the ball.
Ball control: 2
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 7
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 2
Shot Stopping: 7
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 0

Shot Stopping
This exercise encourages your goalkeepers to get their body behind
the ball and stop powerful shots confidently.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 7
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 7
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 0

=- Outfielders -=

Search Field: vi-d


Although not fitness intensive, your players will develop a better fluid
motion through running, turning and shifting their body weight. This
exercise particularly improves acceleration, balance and coordination.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 5
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 2

Closing-Down Session
In this exercise, three small sided teams play within a set perimeter.
Two teams attempt to keep hold of the ball whilst the third team
endeavours to dispossess them. Constant movement ensures players will
build up their stamina and also develop their vision, communication and
ball skills. Positional play, tackling and team work will also be improved.
Ball control: 5
Fitness: 5
Movement: 5
Reflexes: 0
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 5

Heading exercises help your players to strengthen their neck muscles
and get distance on headers. As well as improving their ability to clear
the ball quickly and efficiently from dangerous situations, your players
will get better at flick-ons, knock-downs and scoring headers.
Ball control: 5
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 0
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 2

Shadow Play
This low-pace session, best implemented only a couple of days before a
match, literally walks the players through what is expected of them in
the next match. As well as getting the players comfortable on the ball,
this exercise improves teamwork, decisions and movement.
Ball control: 0
Fitness: 2
Movement: 7
Reflexes: 0
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 0
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 5
Team Work: 5

This exercise increases the awareness of your players in and around the
box and your strikers will gain confidence from hitting the net regularly
in training. As well as improving their touch and ability to volley, this
session will also encourage your players to practise shooting with their
weaker foot. Other benefits include increased composure, anticipation
and ability to shoot from distance.
Ball control: 2
Fitness: 2
Movement: 0
Reflexes: 0
Set Pieces: 0
Shooting: 7
Shot Stopping: 0
Tactics: 0
Team Work: 0

=- Custom Training -=

Search Field: vi-e

Goalkeepers (by Christos Papouis)
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Sunday: [Rest] [Rest] [Rest]
Monday: Agility (GK) 5-a-side small Distribution
Tuesday: Distribution Agility(GK) Handling
Wednesday: Handling Overloading (def) Shot Stopping
Thursday: Shot stopping Weight training Agility(GK)
Friday: Penalties Handling Shot stopping
Saturdy: Shot stopping [Rest] [Rest]

Defenders (by Christos Papouis)
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Sunday: [Rest] [Rest] [Rest]
Monday: Overloading (def) Heading 5-a-side large
Tuesday: Heading Pig in the middle 5-a-side small
Wednesday: Heading Clossing down Tactical training
Thursday: Heading Sprints Set pieces (Def)
Friday: Overloading (def) Technique Sprints
Saturday: Set pieces (def) [Rest] [Rest]

Midfielders (by Christos Papouis)
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Sunday: Penalties [Rest] [Rest]
Monday: Crosses Set Pieces (att) Technique
Tuesday: Crosses Sprints Agility
Wednesday: Crosses Set Pieces (att) Pig in the Middle
Thursday: Crosses Shooting Pig in the middle
Friday: Crosses Sprints Set pieces (att)
Saturday: Shooting Sprints [Rest[

Strikers (by Christos Papouis)
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Sunday: Penalties [Rest] [Rest]
Monday: Shooting Overloading (att) Crosses
Tuesday: Shooting Sprints Heading
Wednesday: Shooting Sprints Shadow play
Thursday: Shooting Overloading (att) Technique
Friday: Shooting Set pieces (att) tactical training
Saturday: Sprints Heading [Rest]

Under 21s (by Christos Papouis)
Day Morning Afternoon Evening
Sunday: Penalties [Rest] [Rest]
Monday: Heading Overloading (att) [Rest]
Tuesday: Shooting Overloading (def) Weight training
Wednesday: Shooting Sprints tactical training
Thursday: Shooting Sprints Cross country
Friday: Shadow play Crosses Training match
Saturday: Clossing down Heading [Rest]

*NOTE: Also remember that when the season finishes turn
all your players to a pre-season training and wait about
10 to 7 days before the first OFFICIAL game (not a friendly)
to turn each player back to it's program.

-= CHEATS =-

Index Number: vii

Free Players
Make a high offer to purchase a player and make sure it is accepted.
When acceptance go to offer the player wages. Now use the menu to the right
to go to the news screen. Click on the player's name and change your bid
to €0, and press back until you reach the contract offer screen. Offer a
good contract with a large signing-on fee (after all you're not paying for
the player), and hope he accepts.

Super Training
Open the training files with Notepad. Edit all the stats to be 8 and save.
Then train away. But make sure you give the players extra rest, as these
schedules will be very intensive.

Speed Up The Game
(from and )
1. Load up your game.
2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to return to desktop.
3. Open My Computer.
4. Open the CM4\temp folder in your CM4 directory.
5. Open the file in there (called something like E97846-9578549).
6. Sort by file type then delete all the PKM files.
(There may be thousands of these).
7. Close My Computer.
8. Return to your game and save. You should notice a vast improvement in
save time and also when you next load the game.

Note: these PKM files are the 2d files of the games played and
are required if you want to watch games that you've previously played.
If, like me you would rather have the game work much quicker than
watch your defeat at hame against Rotherham, you'll lose nothing
by deleting these files.


Index Number: viii

This section is for all questions about Blitzball. Unlike the other
sections, it contains its own Table of Contents to help you find
the question you're looking for. If you have a question that is not
listed here, don't hesitate to post it on my message boards.

viii-a) Installation problems
-b) Game Crashes
-C) Windowed Mode
-d) Corrupt Saves
-e) Small Ball
-f) Demo Saves
-g) Screenshots
-h) Editors
-i) Logo Packs
-z) How do I ask a Question?

Question 1
Search Field: viii-a

I can't install the game! It says I don't have the correct Windows Installer,

On older versions of Windows i.e. ME, 98, and NT you may get this error. The
solution to the problem is very easy. You just need to download and update
a newer version of Windows Installer.
Version 2 of Windows Installer can be found at this link:
The file is around 1.6MBs and should not take too long to download even with
a dial-up connection. (It took me 7 minutes with 56.6 when I downloaded it
for a friend)

Question 2
Search Field: viii-b

The game crashed and I lost XX hours of gameplay, arrrggghhhh!

There is no solution to game crashes. SI Games are trying to eliminate these
by releasing enhancement packs (found through links on The only
thing that can help is to regularly save your game so as if the game does
crash, you wont lose as much info.

Question 3
Search Field: viii-c

Why can't I run the game in Windowed Mode?

In order to run the game in windowed mode your screen resolution must be
greater than 1024x768. Anything less than this and the game must play in
Full Screen Mode.

Question 4
Search Field: viii-d

My save game says it's corrupt! Fuckin' SI Games are corrupt, not my game!

There is no solution to this either. Just make backups of your gamesave
every season or quarterly if you're that paranoid. Secondly, I'm not
sure if they're corrupt. Why don't you ask them, email SI Games, go on.

Question 5
Search Field: viii-e

I'm playing on a laptop/small screen and can't see the ball in 2d Match.
Is there any way to help me apart from going to Specsavers?

There certainly is. Go to your Game\Data folder and edit a file called
init.cfg with Notepad. To do this right click and choose Open With,
then select Notepad. Then you need to type in "BIG_BALL" in the text
file and save it as init.cfg

Question 6
Search Field: viii-f

Can I use my save from the Gold Demo/Normal Demo in the full version?

Indeed you can, just copy it to the save directory. Although, some
stats may not be the same as in the full version.

Question 7
Search Field: viii-g

Where's Print Screen/Screenshot option gone?

i don't know. They should have left it in, I loved saving my squad and stats
to text files. Silly SI. But you can take screenshots by using the
Print Screen button on the keyboard to save to the clipboard. Then paste
your screenshot into a image editor/paint program and save.

Question 8
Search Field: viii-h

Where's the bloody editor? I want to buy me!

Unfortunately there is no official editor for the game out yet. But this
helpful site, made by a GameFAQs board member will give you links to
some unofficial ones:
(Watch out for all the pop-up ads though)

Question 9
Search Field: viii-i

How do I install Logo Packs?

Unzip the files into the following subsection of your CM4 directory
If there is no such folder, create it with "Make A New Folder"

Question 10
Search Field: viii-j

I just scored, but it didn't count because I subbed the player. Why?

A. (thanks to SI Games)
SI Games still haven't been able to fix this bug (maybe in EP4), so here's
what to do to make sure it doesn't happen. But it does slow down your 2d

Right click on your cm4.exe icon and check the file path to it,
and then change it from (this is the default path) "c:/Eidos/Cm4/cm4.exe"
to "c:/Eidos/Cm4/cm4.exe -safe_match"

Question 26
Search Field: viii-z

I have a question, how can I ask it?

Ask on my boards, the link is at the top. (off up there)


Index Number: ix

This is similar to the Frequently Asked Questions section above, but
only deals with in-game problems. Like bad players/tactics/media etc.

ix-a) Scoring Problems
-b) Defending Problems
-C) Captain Selection
-d) Player Positions
-e) ....
-f) ....

Question 1
Search Field: ix-a

I'm having problems putting the ball in the onion bag, what do I do?

If you are not getting many chances, you need to improve your midfield and/or
wing players. Look for players with high creativity and passing to help you
If you can create chances, but can't put them away, then you need better
forwards. Get some strikers with good finishing and heading.

Question 2
Search Field: ix-b

Every game I seem to concede large amounts of goals. Why?

If every shot seems to go in, you have a bad goalkeeper. Try to find one
that has all-round goalkeeper ability. Not just high handling.
If you're always defending, you have a poor midfield. That's right, it's
not a bad defence, it just means your midfield keep losing the ball. Get
some better midfielders or change to a long-ball tactic.
Also, your defence are causing the problem if every time the ball is
in your half it results in a shot. Get some better defenders with good
tackling and anticipation.

Question 3
Search Field: ix-c

Who do I choose as captain?

You need a player who has both high Influence and Determination. Roy Keane
is a great example of this, and after all, he is Man Utd's captain. You
may find that age also helps, as a young player with these stats may not
be able to control your team as well as a more experienced player.

Question 4
Search Field: ix-d

What's the difference between a forward and a striker?

Forwards can also play in attacking midfield. Here's a handy list of all
the positions:
POS Name Suitable Players
GK Goalkeeper GK
DR Defender (Right-Sided) DR, DMR
DL Defender (Left-Sided) DL, DML
DC Defender (Centre) DC
MC Midfielder (Centre) DMC, MC, AMC
MR Midfielder (Right-Sided) DMR, MR, AMR, FR
ML Midfielder (Left-Sided) DML, ML, AML, FL
FC Forward (Centre) FC, SC

-= OUTRO =-

Index Number: x

Next Version:
-Finished League Guide
-More Players
-More Questions answered

-"A" Tadeo for the Disclaimer
-CJayC for putting this FAQ on his site,
-SNg for putting it on
-GuitarFreak86 for his ASCII Art (check out his PES and WE guides!)
-SI Games and Eidos for this Game
-Microsoft for Windows and Notepad
-Dell for my 1.8Ghz animal of a PC
-You for reading it

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©Ronan Murphy - AlaskaFox 2003

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Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Online Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

10.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v4.0.8)

15.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v4.0.7)

17.Октябрь 2013
Tactics/Good Player guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Сентябрь 2013
Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

11.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

12.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v4.05)

04.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v4.03)

14.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.0)

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11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
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30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
07.Июнь 2019
30.Июнь 2014