Championship Manager 4

Championship Manager 4

11.10.2013 05:07:56
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After a long wait due to technical hiccups, the new Championship Manager
is here-finally. Not that we hate you Eidos and Sigames but I think that
they've taken their time.


Championship Manager(PC)
Game Copyright: Eidos Games/Si Games
Strategy Guide written by: Rockin N Deep (Max)
Strategy Guide Copyright of: Rockin N Deep (Max)
Guide Complete:03/05/03
Contributors- Tony Short, Guitarfreak86 (big thanks for the ASCII logo)
Kamil Mûller.


Feel free to send me your queries, add-ons, things I have missed out,
secrets and such things to I may have missed out
something, which is quite likely.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ### ##### # #
+ + + + + CONTENTS + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ##### # # #

<1>..........Version History
<1.5>........Legal Stuff
<3>..........Game Basic
<4a-4Fvii>...All the basics about the toolbar I'll only include
the more important bits in the ToC.
<4A>.........Continue Game
<4B>.........Your Name
<4D>.........Clubs and Nations
<4E>.........Recent Items
<4F>.........Game Options
<7>..........Low Budget Signings
<8>..........Loans Signings
<9>..........Top Players
<9.5>........Best Staff
<10>.........Contact Information
<12>.........Frequently Asked Questions
<14>.........Closing Words

*Note that all of the headings which only have a single number, or are the
first heading of the section have CM4 logo in the header. As seen below

### ##### # #
# # # # ##@#
##### # # #

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<1> + + + + + VERSION HISTORY + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

1.0-02/05/03-The walkthrough is finished! Though it s a little short, I
will be adding to it in the near future.

1.5-03/05/03-Added the ACSII art.

2.0-18/05/03- Major re-vamp of the walkthrough, I've finally fully
completed it. The new parts of the guide are-

Legal Stuff
Game Basic
Updated training
Closing Words
The CM4 logo was made for me by Guitarfreak86-thanks alot.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<1.5> + + + + + LEGAL STUFF + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

This FAQ/Strategy guide is copyright of me Rockin N Deep, and it may not
be used on websites which I haven't given the go-ahead to. These are the
websites which arecurrently allowed to host my FAQ-

If you see this FAQ on any site which isn't on the list, me contact me
immediately. If you wish to host this FAQ on your website please contact
me at


Ok I'm not going to find this an easy FAQ to do, but here goes...

This strategy guide is made with me using the football team Sheffield
Wednesday but any Division One team will suffice. Also I have used
Farnborough. For Premiership clubs I have included 20 of the worlds best
players and their clubs and values at the bottom of the guide. Also for
Division Two clubs many of the players inthe Low Budget Buys and the Loan
Signings sections may be aquired.

*Note this strategy guide is based on the English leagues.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<2> + + + + + PRE-SEASON + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

Ok start the season and the first thing that you should do is trim off the
fat. Or put simply dump all of your useless players. By which mean all
the players not good enough to play in your team/division. Experienced
Championship Manager players will know what I mean by this, but if you are
new to the game I'll tell you what I mean by this. First of all you should
check out the players ratings. They should include at least 15,10 pluses.
Also if you are on a tight budget as I was, you may want to get rid of a
few players on high wages. By which I mean players on a wage 7,000 pounds
or more.

To sell these players, first select their profile, then click action, and
then select Set Transfer Status. Once here, put the player on the transfer
list, put the asking price just below the transfer value and set there
transfer status to "This player is not needed by the club". Doing these
things will increase the chances of this player being sold.

Another way of increasing chance of sale is to select "Offer to clubs"
and then select- interested clubs and also select- Assistant managers
recommended clubs. This will offer the player to each club that appears on
the list. After about a period of a day or so each club on the list will
either decline the offer or make a bid for the player. Also relegating
the player to the reserve squad may help.

If you are really desperate to get rid of a player then put their transfer
value down to zero.

Now you can begin trying to buy low-budget buys (see the low budget buys
section). Or if your rolling in it, the Top Players section.

A word of common-sense in buying players here. Use your sense and don't go
buying defenders with tackling ratings of 1 or strikers with finishing
ratings of 1. Or such ratings lower 9.

Test out these new players in pre-season friendlies. Friendlies also give
good opportunity to get your players fit for the coming season. As you will
notice nearly every one of your players are either unfit or lacking match

Though don't take friendlies to seriously and certainly don't take them as
a prediction for your league position, as when I was Farnborough Town I
beat Notts County, Bristol Rovers and Brighton in preseason, but only
finished 6th in the Conference.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<3> + + + + + GAME BASIC + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

This are the basics which you will need to know to get yourself through
the game. The game basic section will span from <4> to <4Fvii>

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<4> + + + + + TOOLBAR + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

Listed below are the functions of the toolbar, which is located along the
left-hand side of the game screen.

<4A> + + + + + CONTINUE GAME + + + + +

Does exactly what it says- continues game, can take game forward hours or

<4B> + + + + + YOUR NAME + + + + +

When you click on your name, a large selection of opitions are opened to
you. These are listed from to.

<4Bi> + + + + + YOUR TEAM + + + + +

Your first team squad screen. Here you can select the profiles and
information of your first team players.

<4Bii> + + + + + STAFF + + + + +

On this screen, you can see who your staff are and what attributes they
have. Here is an example-

Name | Job | CGK Coa Phy Tct Yng Man Ada Det Jud Jpt Dis Mot
Benstead,G |Ass Manager| 13 13 13 13 10 13 10 10 13 13 10 13

I'm sorry about it not being that clear but it should hold it's purpose.

Also on the Staff screen you can view you board members (i.e Director of
Football, Managing Director, General Manager).

<4Biii> + + + + + FINANCES/INFORMATON + + + + +

On the finances screen you can view your seasons transfer budget,remaining
transfer budget, percentage of transfer revenue made available, your
current sponsors and the loans which you have outstanding (if any).

Also you will be able to open income details, expenditure details, salary
deatails and the club overview.

<4Biiv> + + + + + FIXTURES + + + + +

On this screen you can-

*see your up and coming matches

*Arrange friendlies and friendly tournements and cups

*View the compitition which your next match is in, the venue where it is
being played, the match rules, the weather forcast and the betting odds for
each team. Here is an example-

Fixture Details

Compitition English Conference
Venue Cherrywood Road, Farnborough
Rules No player restrictions, 5 subs named maximum 3 used.
Weather 19 degrees C
Odds Farnborough:4-5 (fav) Draw:2-1 Halifax:3-1

<4Biv> + + + + + TRANSFERS + + + + +

In this section you can view your players in, players out future transfers
in and out, loans in and out and staff in and out, for this season and
previos ones. Also the club which they signed for/from, the transfer fee
and the total profit/loss from sale of players.

<4Bv> + + + + + TACTICS + + + + +

In this screen your current tactics are shown. You can set positions,runs,
the captain and if you click the i next to each player, then you can set
that players match instructions.

There are a range of favored tactics among me and my friends but I usually
go with a 4-4-2 with the left and right midfielders making runs forward.
Although a flat 5-3-2 works just fine with me. Though it really depends on
where your strengths are,- if you have strong defense go for a 5-3-2. Or
if you have a strong attack go for 4-4-3. And finally if your midfield is
your best asset go for a 3-5-2.

Remember, if your first few matches don't go well change your tactics a

Ok so with 20 minutes left your are losing what do you do? Simple. This
tactic got from one of the creators of the game Mark Vaughan. Play 3 in
attack, with 2 wingers, making inward runs and with 3 at the back.I have
done a simple plan below. The plan isn't too good but you get the idea.
Also you will notice I have included a plan for all tactics I have

And now another scenario, you are winning with 10 minutes left what do
you do? Ok just play the simple 5-3-2 system.

I must warn you none of these tactics are fool-proof so don't go blaming
me if you done get the results every time.

I've had different responses to the 'play to your strengths' hint. Someone
was getting hammered every game. Someone else reached the Premiership
with Shrewsbery.

You will notice there is a contibuted tactic, I have not tried this
myself, so give me your feedback.

| O O O | 3-2-2-3 Use this when you
| / \ | are losing with around 20
|O O | minutes remaining.
| |
| O O |
| |
| |
| O O O |
| |
| O |

| O O O | 4-3-3 use this tactic if your
| | strength n your squad is in
| | attack.
| |
| O O O |
| |
| |
|O O O O |
| |
| O |

| O O |
| | 5-3-2 Use this tactic if
| | your assets in the team
| | are defenders.
|O O O|
| |
| |
|O O O O O |
| |
| O |

| O O | 3-5-2 Use this tactic if
| | you have a strong
| | midfield.
| |
|O O O O O |
| |
| |
| O O O |
| |
| O |

|^ O O ^ | 4-4-2 This is the most
|| | | commonly used tactic
|| | | on the game. It's an all-
|| | | round tactic. Perfect if
|O O O O | your teams best are
| | spaced about. Notice that
| | that the wingers are making
| O O O O | forward runs, this to give
| | a more attacking edge.
| O |

| O-> <-O | This is a great formation.
| | The DMC needs to be someone
| | strong like Roy Keane or
| | Patrick Viera. Or the lower
|O O O | league versions-i.e
| O | Dean Keates.This formation
| | was contributed by Tony
|O O-> <-O O| Short.
| |
| O |

<4Bvi> + + + + + Training + + + + +

In 'training' you can do numerous things. First of all you can set a new
training schedule. There are two below that have been suggested to me, but
I'm not too sure of their effectiveness. Alternativly, if you don't want
to or you are too lazy to deal with training you can ley your Assistant
Manager deal with it.

Here are training schedules try them out I'm not to sure the exact
effectivness of these but they work for me so here you go. I'll
attempt to elaborate this section later.

Sunday: Rest - Rest- Rest
Monday: Overload Attack - Heading - Shooting
Tuesday: Rest- Rest - Rest
Wednesday: Closing Down Session - Shadow Training Match
Thursday: Pig In The Middle - 5 A Side Small - Closing Down Session
Friday: Training Match - Shooting - Technique
Saturday: - Rest - Rest - Rest

Sunday: Rest - Agility - Rest
Monday: Techique - Pig In The Middle - Overloading Attack
Tuesday: 5 A Side Large - Closing Down - Set Pieces Defence
Wednesday: 5 A Side Small - Pig In The Middle - Overlaoding Defence
Thursday: 5 A Side Large - Tactical - Set Pieces Attack
Friday: 5 A Side Small - Pig In The Middle - Shadow Play
Saturday: - Rest - Rest - Rest

Below are all of the possible training activities, and their descriptons.

First of all I will be deal with activities that can involve both
outfield players and goalkeepers.

5-A-SIDE(LARGE PITCH): Small sided games on larger pitches. Though the
players will tire quicker, they will build up stamina, improve their work
rate and develop good passing and movements.

5-A-SIDE(SMALL PITCH): Small sided games on smaller pitches. Players will
improve their marking, movement and ability to think quickly. Outfield
players are also encouraged to get plenty of shots on target, enabling
goalkeepers to hone their reflexes and practice one-on-one situations.

OVERLOADING(DEFENSIVE): By using more attackers than defenders this
excercise encourages defenders to hold their defensive line and learn
which parts of the pitch are most vunerable to attack. By encouraging
tight marking, teamwork and positioning, overloading will improve the link
between your goalkeeper and his defense.

OVERLOADING(ATTACKING): By outnumbering the defense in this exercise, your
attackers will be encouraged to make use of the extra men down the flanks
and get crosses into the box. Your strikers will improve their movement and
get used to finishing off moves.

SPRINTS: Sprinting over short distances with lots of repitition, this
exercise improves accelaration, pace and balance of your players.

PENALTIES: Gives your players the oppotunity to prctice penalty taking and
increase their composure. This session is more useful before those dreaded
penalty shoot-outs in cup compititions.

TACTICAL TRAINING: This session is tactics specific and gives the players
a chance to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the opposition. This
will include watching videos of previous games, studying tactics and
identifying danger men. As a very important part of preparation for both
team and the individual, players will improve their ability to make
decisions and work as a team.

CROSS COUNTRY: Particularly, effective during pre-season to get your players
fit the up and coming campaign. Cross country running improves stamina and
encourages weight loss. This exercise is claimed to have a multiplying
effect on other aspects of training.

PIG IN THE MIDDLE: This moderate session involves several players passing
the ball amongst themselves within a set perimeter, whilst one or two
others try to win the ball back. While creating a fun and relaxed
atmosphere, your players will particularly improve their anticipation
and first touch.

TECHNIQUE: This exercise encourages your players to improve their ball
control, passing and dribbling. Players will work mainly on skill,
using all parts of the body to improve first touch control.

CROSSES: This exercise encourages your players to deliver lofted or driven
balls into the box. Your midfield players will be taught to hit the
eight areas with their crosses and your attackers will learn to time runs
to recieve the ball in the best positions.

SET PIECES(ATTACKING): In this routine, your players will work on their
attacking set pieces for the big match. By training your set piece takers
to deliver accurate free-kicks, corners, penalties and long-throws, your
team will improve it's chances of scoring from these situations.

SET PIECES(DEFENSIVE): In this session, both your goalkeepers and outfield
players will practice defending set piece sceinarios that occur within the
game. This will improve their anticipation, marking and positioning.

TRAINING MATCH: By playing the selected first team against a second string
team,in a full match, this high intensity session will give your players a
chance to play together, but is also guarenteed to tire them out.

WEIGHT TRAINING: Weight training builds up muscle definition, including the
hamstrings, calf, upper body and neck muscles. At low intensity it can reduce
a players chance of injury, but too much can result in loss of balance,
mobility and pace.

Now I will tell you about goalkeeping training only.

AGILITY(GK): Training with goalkeeping coach to improve reflexes and agility.

DISTRIBUTION: Training with your goalkeeping coach to ensure good recycling
of possosion and mprove distribution from goal kicks.

HANDLING: Training with the goalkeeping to practice positioning and get a
feel for the ball.

SHOT STOPPING: This exercise encourages ypur goalkeepers to get their body
behind the ball and stop powerfull shots confidently.

Now finally we're onto outfield only...

CLOSING DOWN SESSION: In this exercise, three small sided teams play within
a certain perimeter. Two of the teams atempt to keep hold of the ball whilst
the third endevours to dispossess them. Constant movement ensures players
will build up their stamina nd also develop vsion, communication and ball
skills. Positional play, tacklng and teamwork will also be improved.

HEADING: Heading exercises help your players to strengthen their neck
muscles and get distance on headers. As well as improving abitity to to
clear the ball quickly and efficiiently from dangerous situations, your
players will get better at flick-ons, knock-downs and scoring headers.

SHADOW PLAY: This low pace session is best implemeted only a couple of days
before a match, this literaly walks the players through what is expected
of them in the next match. As well as getting the players comfortable with
the ball, this exercise improves teamwork, decisions and movement.

SHOOTING: This exercise increases the awareness of your players in and
around the box and your strikers will gain confidence from hitting the net
regularly in training. As well as improving their touch and ability to
volley, this session will also encourage the players to practice shooting
with their weaker foot. Other benefits include increase composure,
anticipation and ability to shoot from distance.

AGILITY: Although not fitness intensive, your players will develop better
fluid motion through running, turning and shifting their body weight.
This exercise particularly improves accelarartion, balance and

And now we move onto REST.

REST: Give your players a break.

<4Bvii> + + + + + LAST MATCH + + + + +

This screen shows you your player ratings, match report, statistics and
action zones of your last match. Not forgetting scores, injuries, half-
time scores, possesion and tactics from your last match. Also you can view
the weather, referee, venue and date of your last fixture.

<4Bviii> + + + + + YOUR TEAM'S DIVISION + + + + +

If you click this, your teams division screen will be shown. On this screen
there options such as- results, fixtures, schedule, history, team stats,
player stats and awards. Not forgetting most importantly, the league table.
Your team will be highlighted in yellow. Also the current holders will be
shown at the very top(i.e Conference Holders-Boston United

<4Bviii2> + + + + + HISTORY + + + + +

This screen shows you your team's modern day and seasonal history. There
are numerous options such as- landmarks, attendences, sequences, players
and transfers. As soon as you enter this screen however, you will be
automatically on the records section. On this screen there is a long
list of records, a few of them are listed below as an example.

Highest League Position
Lowest Laegue Position
Top Goalscorer
Most Assists
Biggest Win
Biggest Deafeat

And these are to name but a few.

<4Biix> + + + + + YOUR TEAMS RESERVE SQUAD + + + + +

View your reserve players. Those with a small reserve squad will notce that
there are players in grey. These are not players who are part of your squad
or who you can sign. They are just players who are 'filling in' who the
computer includes. Also you can view the reserves last match, see the
reserve league and see the reserves tactics.

<4Bix> + + + + + UNDER 19'S + + + + +

View your under 19 players. Here is where you could find your future stars.
Usually your assstant manager deal with everything about the under 19's.
Also on this page you can view their last match, the under 19 league and
their tactics. If your under 19's squad is small you will notice the 'grey'
players mentioned above.

<4Bx> + + + + + NEWS + + + + +

Probably the most essential part of the game.Here is where you get all of
the information from the footballing world. It lists all of your most
recent news, and everything that will effect you and your team, from
contract talks to injuries, to sackings. You'll find eveything you need in
the news section. When you have clicked 'Continue Game (see above)' you
will in most cases taken to the News page when the game has advanced.

<4Bxi> + + + + + YOUR TEAMS DIVISION + + + + +
This has already been explained in <4Bviii> but here is the explaination

If you click this, your teams division screen will be shown. On this screen
there options such as- results, fixtures, schedule, history, team stats,
player stats and awards. Not forgetting most importantly, the league table.
Your team will be highlighted in yellow. Also the current holders will be
shown at the very top(i.e Conference Holders-Boston United

<4Bxii> + + + + + CLUB CONFIDENCE + + + + +

Here you can find out how the board and supporters think you should be
doing and how you are actucally doing.

Here is an example-

Board: Current Opinion
The Farnborough directors are hopeful of a long and successful era with
you at the helm.

However, the clubs wage bill is currently very high and they will restrict
available wages until the situation is rectified.

Board: Seasonal Expectations
The team is expected to achieve a safe mid-table finish within the
Conference this season.

Supporters: Current Opinion
The Farnborough supporters are pleased with the good start that you have
made at the club.

Supporters: Seasonal Expectations
The team is expected to achieve a safe mid-table finish within the
Conference this season.

<4Bxiii> + + + + + ALL NOTES + + + + +

Shows all notes which you have added to your notes list.

<4Biixv> + + + + + ALL TRANSFERS + + + + +

Shows all transfers, the clubs which they signed for and from. This is
within England only, but you can change the filter to be 'All Nations'.
Other filters include- month filter and staff/playersfilter. *Note loan
signings are included in this.

<4Bixv> + + + + + JOB INFORMATION + + + + +

This is a table that shows the job status of all English managers,managing
a club. Though there is an 'All Nations' filter. At the start of the
season, most jobs are either 'safe' or 'secure

+ + + + + PLAYER/STAFF SEARCH + + + + +

On this search you can search for 'famous players in your area'. Also in
this section is your shortlist, the staff search and the scouting section.
There is a filter which allows you to condition your search to a whole
manner of things,such as-age, value, transfer status etc.

<4Bxv> + + + + + QUICK SEARCH + + + + +

In this section you can search for players, clubs and nations. This player
search looks for everyone on the database (see Game Prefrences. The
smaller the data base the less player avalable). Though the only way they
can be filtered is by name.

<4Bxvi> + + + + + MANAGER OPTIONS + + + + +

This section is where you decide the running of your club. Here you can
tell your assistant manager to handle training or arrange friendles.

Also you can tell your assistant manager/coaches to control theunder 19's
and the reserves. Also they can handle contract renewels.

It's up to you but I suggest that you control the first team entirely
yourself. and let your asistant manager control the reserves and the under

<4Bxvii> + + + + + GO ON HOLIDAY + + + + +

If you select this, the game carry on playingthe by itself, without you
being there. You won't be able to watch matches or control your team.
When you want to come back just click it off or return on the date which
you selected.

When you select this option, a table will flash up, with tick boxes in it.
Edit your prefrences and then 'go on holiday'..or go and have your tea and

<4Bviii> + + + + + RESIGN FROM CLUB + + + + +

This option will give you the choice to resign from your position. If you
select 'yes' then you will leave the club and be a clubless manager.

<4Biixx> + + + + + RETIRE + + + + +

If you retire you will leave the club and this player will be retired from
the game.

<4C> + + + + + COMPETITIONS + + + + +

When you select this you can view most of the world competitions, their
fixtures, tables etc. The full list of competitions is below.

World Cup- Cup between the 32 qualifiers of the World Cup Qualifying.

World Cup Quals AFR- World cup qualifying between African nations.

World Cup Quals ASI- World cup qualifying between Asian nations.

World Cup Quals CON- World cup qualifying between.

World Cup Quals EUR- World cup qualifying between European nations.

World Cup Quals OEC- World cup qualifying between Oceanic nations.

World Cup Quals SAM- World cup qualifying between South American nations.

Fifa World Rankings- Shows the world ranking of every footballing nation.


African Nations Cup- A competition between all African nations.

African Nations Cup Quals- Qualifying for the African Nations Cup.

Asian Cup- A competition between Asian nations.

European Cup- A competition between European nations.

European Cup Quals- Qualifying rounds for the European Cup.
(16 qualifying teams)


OFC Nations Cup

Copa America- A competition between South American teams, including 1 guest

Confederations Cup-


Intercontinental Cup-

Champions Cup- Aka the Champions League. A competition between Europes top

UEFA Cup- A competition between Europes 'above average' teams.

Intertoto Cup- Not really a cup, you can gain entry to the UEFA cup this

Super Cup-

Premier League- England's top league, the FA Barclaycard Premiership.
Here you can qualify for the Champions league and the UEFA cup. You
can also get relegated to Division 1.

Division 1- England's second league, you can gain promotion to the
Premiership from this division. You can get relegated to Division 2.

Division 2- England's third league, you can gain promtion to Division 1
from this league. You can get relegated to Divison 3 from this league.

Division 3- England's lowest professional league. You can get relegated
to the Conference (and the professional leagues), but you can also get
promoted to Division 2.

Conference- England's highest semi-professional league. Can get promoted
to Division 3 (and the football leagues), but can get relegated to the
lower leagues.

FA Cup- A great cup with a great reputation, you can qualify for the UEFA
cup if you win or even if you finish as runner-up. Also you will get a
sizeable sum of money for winning it.

League Cup- Often called the 'Mickey Mouse' cup as it has no real point,
but you can qualify for the UEFA cup this way.

Community Shield- Takes place at the start of the season, the winners of
the previous seasons Premiership and the previous seasons FA Cup play for

LDV Vans Trophy- Divisions 2, 3 and the Conference play for the trophy.

FA Trophy- A competition of the lower leagues.

<4D> + + + + + CLUBS AND NATIONS + + + + +

Shows all footballing nations and their under 21 squads. All major world
clubs, English league, English non-league and other less important teams
from around the world.

<4E> + + + + + RECENT ITEMS + + + + +

This shows you the recent team and player screen which you have vistited
and dealt with.

<4F> + + + + + GAME OPTIONS + + + + +

<4Fi> + + + + + ADD MANAGER + + + + +

Self explanitry- add a new manager to the game.

<4Fii> + + + + + EDIT PREFRENCES + + + + +

Here you can edit languages, currency, wages, temperature, sounds,
database size(affects number of footballers on the game), autosave, the
game 'skin'and the explaination of the selected skin.

<4Fiii> + + + + + MANAGER CHAT + + + + +

Again self-explanitry, chat with other managers on the game.

<4Fiiv> + + + + + GAME STATUS + + + + +

Shows save name, last save, game version, data in game, game time played,
selected leagues and your addictiveness rating (i.e mildly addicted).
Also on this screenyou can see your status (i.e playing) and you can add
new managers as well.

<4Fiv> + + + + + HALL OF FAME + + + + +

A list of the greatest managers and their score, nation and club. You will
notice that some of the producers and designers of the actual game are on
the list. Every human manager which has played will be on the list. I'm
telling you now that you'd have to be Alex Ferguson to even get insde the
top 200...really.

<4Fv> + + + + + GAME CREDITS + + + + +

Credits of the producers of Championship Manager 4.

<4Fvi> + + + + + COMMUNITY INFORMATION + + + + +

Internet community- Different Championship Manager websites.


Start a new game.
Load a previous game.
Save your current game.
Quit current game.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<5> + + + + + MORALE+ + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

Moral seems to play a bigger part in this Championship Manager than it
has in recent years. If you lose a few games in a row then your players
morale will be poor and they will concede sloppy goals. This makes it
even more important to get a good win under your belt.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<6> + + + + + SACKING + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

At the beginning of the season or as soon as you take a job, you will be
given the board expectations and if you do not meet these expectations
you will be sacked as likely as not.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<7> + + + + + LOW BUDGET SIGNINGS + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

These are the bargain basement players, which are good value for money.
Personally recommend that you sign every free transfer that you can.
Please note that all players clubs and values are subject to change.

There is no doubt going to be a long list of contributers over the Low
Budget Signings, Loan Signings and Top Players sections.

Cedric Rousell Wolves 300k
Artur No Club Free
Ivan Hurtudo No Club Free
Stephen Hughes No Club Free
Amado Guevara No Club Free
Adam Proudlock Wolves 220k
Slavisa Jokanovic No club Free
Junior Baiano No Club Free
Chris Day Q.P.R 35k
Alexandre Palmeiras 240k
Marcus Gayle Watford 230k
Matthew Jones Leicester 220k
Bob Taylor Bolton 120k
Nick Wright Watford 110k
Colin Hendry Bolton 75k
Phil O'Donnell Sheff Wed 75k
Tim Flowers Leicester 70k
Trevor Benjamin Leicester 55k
*A.Isakkson Djurgarden
*K.Kallstrom Djurgarden
#Marc Bridge-Wilkinson Port Vale
#Ian Armstrong Port Vale
#Mark Goodlad Port Vale

* Contributed by Tony Short
# Contributed by Kamil Mûller

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<8> + + + + + LOAN SIGNINGS + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

These are great loan signings for cash-strapped clubs. Please
note that all players clubs and values are subject to change.

Adam Proudlock Wolves
Tote Real Madrid
Luke Chadwick Man Utd
Neil Mellor Liverpool
Thomas Butler Sunderland
Mista Valencia
Diego Gavilan Newcastle
Matthew Etherington Tottenham
Aldo Duscher Deportivo
Kevin Kyle Sunderland
Trevor Benjamin Leicester
#Lamine Traoré Anderlecht

# Contributed by Kamil Mûller

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<9> + + + + + TOP SIGNINGS + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

These are the signings for clubs with real money to spend.
Most football fans will have heard of every one of these
players, but here they are just to remind you. By the way
these are the 20 most expensive players n the world at the
start of the season. Please note that all players clubs and
values are subject to change.

We are lagging in this department for contributions people! Don't go
overkill but suggest some good expensive signings.

Alessandro Del Piero Juventus 30m
Raul Real Madrid 29m
Francesco Totti Roma 27m
Andriy Shevchenko AC Milan 27m
Ronaldo Real Madrid 26m
Ruud Van Nistelrooy Man Utd 23.5m
Patrick Kluivert Barcelona 22.5m
Thierry Henry Arsenal 22m
David Beckham Man Utd 21m
Patrick Vieira Arsenal 20m
Michael Ballack FC Bayern 19.5m
Javier Zanetti Inter Milan 19m
Oliver Kahn FC Bayern 19m
Michael Owen Liverpool 18.75m
Pablo Aimar Valencia 18.5m
Juan Sebastian Veron Man Utd 18.25m
David Trezeguet Juventus 18m
Edgar Davids Juventus 17.75m
Christian Vieri Inter Milan 17.75m
Puyol Barcelona 17.75m

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<9.5> + + + + + BEST STAFF + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

Hopefully this section will grow in time, but for now there's just the


#Dave Colley England 33

Please remember, that all sections are subject to change.

# Contributed by Kamil Mûller.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<10> + + + + + CONTACT INFORMATION + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

If you want to add to the player lists, to avoid being snowed
in by emails- only email me with a least 3 suitable players at
a time. It's okay to email me everything else singley. Me E-mail is Please state what you want to tell me and which
game it is for. Please make sure anything that you are E-mailing me
isn't already in the FAQ thanks!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<11> + + + + + PLANS + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

This is the section where I tell you my up and coming ideas. Don't
forget I'm open to your ideas so email them to me. So to current

Also to add to the FAQ a guide to the lower leagues.

I'm planning to add a STAFF section, but I need your contributions for
this with thanks to Kamil Mûller for suggesting this idea.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<12> + + + + + FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

I have had a complaint about these questions, havng not appeared on the
boards, but these are questions whch have come up in conversation between
me and my friends.

Q.Are the load times meant to be this slow?

A.Well obviously their not MEANT to be this slow, but this is one of the
many mistakes in the game. Everybody's game is like this so don't feel
singled out. As I understand it there has been an update disk to deal
with these problems and hopefully the load times. Also if you have more
than 1 countries leagues, the load times will increase.


Q. There are not good tactics for my current team, and none of them in
the guide seem to work can you help?

A. The only suggestion I can put forward is to wait to see if I put any
new ones in the guide.


Q. I cannot find a player who I know of,and he's not on the game.

A. Go to game prefrences, look at the database and if it says small or
medium, then expand it to large. There are two drawbacks to doing this
the first is that this will increase load times even more. The second is
that the expanding only takes affect if you start a new game.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
<13> + + + + + CHEATS + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

I do not agree with cheating as it is no real stimulaton, but Iunderstand
there are people out there who think it's okay to cheat.Therefore I have
(after much self-debate) decided to include this section for such people.


Players For Free

I'm not sure that this will work every time as I've only tested it once.
Make a LARGE offer for the player you want to sign. When you are in
negotiations with the player, click the players name and withdraw the
offer. Stay on the players profile and make a new offer of 0 for the
player.When you have confirmed you're new offer click the back arrow and
negotiate a contract with the player. If he accepts the offer you will
get him for free. Note that if a player doesn't want to join you then
he won't.


Get Money Fast

This is a cheat which is common among Championship Manager vetrans.

Go to add manager and select a club with serious dollar such as Man Utd
or Arsenal. Now with this team buy some of the worse players like from
the reserves of your playable for HUGE amounts of money. When this is
done this is done retire from the big-money club. Instant cash.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<### ##### # #
+ + + + + CLOSING WORDS + + + + + # # # # ##@#
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>##### # # #

The only thing that I regret about this strategy guide is that
it is to short, I will be adding to it in the near future.

Feel free to send me your queries, add-ons, things I have
missed out, secrets and such things to I may have missed
out something which is quite likely.

Rock N Deep


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Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Online Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

10.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v4.0.8)

15.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v4.0.7)

17.Октябрь 2013
Tactics/Good Player guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Сентябрь 2013
Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

11.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

12.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v4.05)

04.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v4.03)

14.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.0)

14.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
07.Июнь 2019
30.Июнь 2014