Rainbow Six 3 - Raven Shield

Rainbow Six 3 - Raven Shield

18.10.2013 02:41:29
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield Strategy Guide by Alasdair Lo
System: PC, CD-ROM
E-mail: kylohk@netvigator.com
Date: 2 August, 2004
Version 5.0
Contents: [Search Key]
1. Introduction [TCRC3RS1]
2. Updates [TCRC3RS2]
3. Story [TCRC3RS3]
4. Basics [TCRC3RS4]
5. Tips and Tricks [TCRC3RS5]
6. Primary Weapon List [TCRC3RS6]
a. Submachine Guns [TCRC3RS6A]
b. Assault Rifles [TCRC3RS6B]
c. Sniper Rifles [TCRC3RS6C]
d. Shotguns [TCRC3RS6D]
7. My Favorite Weapons [TCRC3RS7]
8. My Preferred Operatives [TCRC3RS8]
a. Character Bios [TCRC3RS8A]
b. Preferred Operatives [TCRC3RS8B]
9. The Campaign [TCRC3RS9]
a. Stolen Flame [TCRC3RS9A]
b. Cold Dagger [TCRC3RS9B]
c. Mountain Watch [TCRC3RS9C]
d. Sentinel Wolf [TCRC3RS9D]
e. Falcon Hour [TCRC3RS9E]
f. Pearl Castle [TCRC3RS9F]
g. Crimson Hook [TCRC3RS9G]
h. Stone Cannon [TCRC3RS9H]
i. Shattered Glass [TCRC3RS9I]
j. Lion Shadow [TCRC3RS9J]
k. Broken Stone [TCRC3RS9K]
l. Briar Gate [TCRC3RS9L]
m. Talon Steel [TCRC3RS9M]
n. Whisper Blade [TCRC3RS9N]
o. Steal Rose [TCRC3RS9L]
10. Conclusion [TCRC3RS10]
Appendix I. Feedback Information [A1]
Appendix II. The Ending [A2]
Appendix III. Obsolete Plans [A3]

1. Introduction [TCRC3RS1]
Well, I have not been writing guides for a while since school began, but
as I am waiting for the release of another game that I would like to have,
I might as well write a guide on one of the games which I enjoyed playing.
I admitted that I used to hate Rainbow Six, as the people tend to die
instantly when exposed to gunfire. However, by learning how to plan and
execute commands properly, I finally got the hang of it, and began to enjoy
the pace. Well, it's time to begin anyway. This guide makes the assumption
that you are playing as the Veteran Difficulty, after all, things won't
be very different if you choose harder difficultly settings, as the
terrorists only shoot faster, after all.

Please note that the contents of this guide are merely SUGGESTED ANSWERS
to your problems. If you want to play and experiment on your own, DO NOT
READ THIS GUIDE. Apart from this, this guide MAY spoil the plot, so again,
if you do not want to know the ending before you start playing, DO NOT
READ THIS GUIDE. Is that clear? OK, let's begin.

Having visited Raven-Shield.com (The official website of Rainbow Six 3:
Raven Shield), I found that Ubi Soft has created a 1.51 update to the game,
which causes some silenced weapons to become more powerful, hence, I will
have to make a few adjustments to my guide.

I have used my own plans to play the missions on Veteran Difficulty, and
so far, all has been well up all the way to the end. In fact, the whole
campaign was a success.

2. Updates [TCRC3RS2]
Version 5.0
Rewrote the plan for the 2nd mission.

Version 4.9:
Added the character bios for the operatives in the game.

Version 4.8a:
The USAS-12 Automatic Shotgun was tested and rated. Great! This only leaves
the Light Machine Guns!

Version 4.8:
The M1 and SPAS-12 Shotguns were tested and reviewed.

Version 4.7:
The VSS Vintorez and WA-2000 Sniper Rifles were tested and rated.

Version 4.6:
The PSG-1 and SSG-3000 Sniper Rifles were tested and rated.

Version 4.5b:
The M82A1 Sniper Rifle was rated.

Version 4.5:
The AW Covert and Dragunov Sniper Rifles have been reviewed.

Version 4.4:
The TAR-21 and the Type 97 Assault Rifles are rated, and hence the review
of the Assault Rifles is complete at last. The next thing on the agenda
is the Sniper Rifle.

Version 4.3:
The M82 Assault Rifle is rated, and I added the descriptions of the Mini

Version 4.2:
The M4 Assault Rifle is rated, and I added the descriptions of the Sound

Version 4.1:
The M14 and M16A2 Assault Rifles have been reviewed.

Version 4.0:
The L82A1 Assault Rifle has been tested and rated, and I have given a little
more detail on the different types of ammunition as well as the High
Capacity Magazine.

Version 3.9:
Now, I tested and reviewed the G3A3 and Galil ARM Assault Rifles.

Version 3.8:
Rated the FNC and G36K Assault Rifles.

Version 3.7:
The FAL and FAMAS G2 Assault Rifles were rated respectively.

Version 3.6:
Started to rate the AK-47, AK-74 and Steyr AUG assault rifles.

Version 3.5:
Started to rate several Submachine Guns.

Version 3.4:
Added the Weapons List.

Version 3.3:
Added a second plan for Mission 8.

Version 3.2:
Added a new plan for Mission 2 that would give the terrorists a bit more
of a surprise.

Version 3.1:
Added a third plan for Mission 12.

Version 3.0:
Added a mew plan for Mission 10, as to make Red Team's job easier, and
also allowing the usage of 3 slightly smaller teams.

Version 2.9:
Added a new plan for Mission 12 that would allow the other teams to see
more action, and making the job of Red Team easier.

Version 2.8:
Added a new plan for Mission 13.

Version 2.7:
Made a slight modification to the strategy of Mission 4.

Version 2.6:
Added an extra tip about setting waypoints.

Version 2.5:
Added Appendix II: The Ending.

Version 2.4:
Started making adjustments to my guide so it can accommodate game play
in the Veteran Difficulty level.

Version 2.3:
Made a few adjustments here and there to cope with the changes made by
Update Version 1.51.

Version 2.2:
Added Mission 15. That is the final mission.

Version 2.1:
Added Mission 14.

Version 2.0:
Added Mission 13.

Version 1.9:
Added Mission 12.

Version 1.8:
Added Mission 11.

Version 1.7:
Added Mission 10.

Version 1.6:
Added Mission 9: Added my comments to each and every mission.

Version 1.5:
Added Mission 8.

Version 1.4:
Added Mission 7, added many alternate lines in the planning section to
allow for easier reading, as it is rather difficult for people to read

Version 1.3:
Added Mission 6.

Version 1.2:
Added Mission 5.

Version 1.1:
Added Missions 2, 3 and 4.
3. Story [TCRS3RS3]
In the year 1945, the Allies were getting victorious in the Second World
War, and the Nazis were getting defeated. Fascist regimes all over the
world crumble and those people who took advantage of the chaos to loot
holocaust victims dive desperately for shelter. This included the Nazis'
allies in the Ustache Regime in Yugoslavia. In the First National Bank
of Croatia, Zagreb, 2 men, Peja Sicic and Dejan Blazlevic are busy shipping
gold from Montenegro to other countries, and the documents detailing their
theft were hidden where no one can ever find them.

Or is it? 60 years later, in 2005, a bank staff stumbled into those documents
out of those old archives. He was busy reading them when some terrorists
busted into the bank, killing a female clerk, a security guard as well
as that man. "The building's clear, are those the documents?" One terrorist
entered the room and asked. "Some of them, not all." The leader replied.
"What do we do now?" "We destroy them and leave and wait for our next
orders." Now, note that the terrorists only managed to destroy PART of
the evidence, but not all, and Rainbow is there is recover the rest and
find out what's going on.

4. Basics [TCRC3RS4]
Default Controls: (Keyboard and Mouse)
W, S, A, D: Move forward, backward, strafe left, strafe right respectively
Z: Reload Weapon
X: Stance Down, press once while standing to crouch, another time to crawl.
C: Stance Up
B: Change Rate of Fire of weapon
Q: Lean to the left
E: Lean to the right
1: Arm Primary Weapon, if any
2: Arm Secondary Weapon
3: Arm first extra item
4: Arm second extra item
5: Activate Infrared Vision
G: View the action from the map
R: Commands other ream members to Hold / Fall in
H: Commands all teams to hold / Move on
J: Alpha Go Code
K: Bravo Go Code
L: Charlie Go Code
Shift: Zoom in / out
Home / End: Switch between operatives
Page Up/ Page Down: Switch between teams
Left Mouse Button: Fire
Right Mouse Button: Hold to run

Health system:
Rainbow Six is famous (or notorious depending on which way you put it)
for its "One shot one kill lethality system". In this game, they represent
an operative's health by a circle. When it is full, then the operative
is ready. If it is half full, the operative is wounded, and he moves much
slower, and the reticule recovery time increases. If it is empty, then,
well he's either dead or incapacitated, and will be out of action in the
missions to come. Note that not all shots will wound you, some will just
kill you immediately, so be careful, and I advise you retry action if even
one of your team members are killed, otherwise, they will be replaced by
inferior back-ups later on.

The importance of crawling: (Snipers, Recons)
Note that for some sniper rifles like the powerful and long range M82A1,
the reticule recovery time is really long, and if you try to take out someone
while you wait for the recovery, you most certainly will be killed. However,
if you crawl, the reticule is really close to the center already, and hence
a rather short time for the reticule to converge, so you can kill enemies
much quicker and without them knowing.

Same goes for Recons, if you want to avoid detection by patrolling guards,
it's sometimes to crawl and stay hidden behind a table rather to be seen
when standing up. After all, you WILL lose immediately when a guard sees
you in a Reconnaissance mission.

Breaching: (Demolitions)
The Demolitions specialize in planting and disarming explosives. They can
set up breaching charges on doors faster than most operatives. When you
place a breaching charge on a door, and set it off, the terrorists behind
it are either likely to be killed or stunned by the explosion, and you
can make a surprise entry into the room.

Seeing what you cannot see: (Recons)
In a Reconnaissance Mission, the goal is NOT to be detected by the enemy.
If you are unsure if a guard is patrolling around the corner. Whip out
your Heartbeat Sensor. Electrical signals made by heart beats will come
out as little circles on your screen. If the guard is real close, you can
hear the beep. Follow the movement of the circles, and you can guess the
guard's patrol route.

Purpose of Go Codes:
The purpose of Go Codes is to make a synchronized assault, if you want
all 3 teams to storm into a facility at the same time. Set up identical
go codes at the desired positions. And when you see Waiting-Alpha on the
other 2 team's status bar, and you yourself are waiting for the Alpha Go
Code, press the required button, and all 3 teams will act at once.

Setting Waypoints:
Planning is one of the unique features of Rainbow Six that has been copied
by other squad based first person shooter games. To plan your teams' routes
in a mission, go to the Planning Room. There, you will find a map of each
level of the area your team is going to enter. The Red Rectangle(s) on
the map are the insertion zone(s), those are the possible starting points
of your teams. The first waypoint of any team should be within the insertion
zone. In some missions involving hostage rescue or the one and only
reconnaissance mission of the game, you have these areas. In the hostage
missions, a hostage is only considered to be rescued if you have escorted
them to an Extraction Zone; In the reconnaissance mission, you are
considered to have completed the mission only if you stepped into the
Extraction Zone. Therefore, in most hostage rescue missions where killing
all terrorists isn't necessary; the last waypoint of the team(s) involved
in hostage rescue has to be in one of those green areas. For the
Reconnaissance Mission, it is always wise to have the last waypoint to
be within the green area, and then you can know where to walk to when you
leave. Another thing to note in the maps is those crosses, green targets
and gold squares with circles in the middle.

Red Crosses represent the positions of terrorists in a certain area. The
Green Targets indicate the presence of a hostage, while a Gold Square
indicate the presence of a mission objective to be fulfilled (For example,
a bomb to be disarmed, a phone to be bugged and so on.). If you are not
going to play as a team that will be completing a certain mission objective,
always mark your waypoints so that their routes will go through those Green
and Gold symbols. Then, you can be sure those teams will be doing their

5. Tips and Tricks [TCRC3RS5]
Grenade! Take Cover!
There are 4 types of Grenades: Flashbang, Fragmentation, Tear Gas and Smoke

The Flashbang Grenade explodes with a flash, and causes the enemy to have
a concussion, and you can kill them while they are blinded. They are most
useful when you want to save hostages, and you do not want to kill them

Fragmentation Grenades are just the typical explosive grenade. Use them
to blow your enemy to bits.

Tear Gas Grenade: Yes, these grenades makes the enemy cry! However, they
can also make your team members cry as well! To negate the effect, put
your gas masks on. The principle of this weapon is the same as that of
the Flashbang Grenade.

Smoke Grenades create a large smokescreen, and you can kill the terrorists
while they are wondering what's behind the smoke. This is important if
you want to give the sniper time to set himself up without getting killed.

When using Grenades, always try not to let the enemy see you, as it takes
a rather long time for you to throw the Grenade, and when you are face
to face with a terrorist, don't even think about it! Instead consider to
open doors a crack, throw the Grenade in, and then close the door
immediately. Destruction guaranteed!

My preference of the Grenades are as follows:
Flashbang > Frag > Smoke > Gas

Sandwich Theorem:
The Control always advocates you to synchronize a multi team entry into
a certain area to generate an element of surprise. This is true because
the terrorists tend to be confused when your operatives enter the room
from several directions at once. This is best achieved by the usage of
Go-Codes. Of course, breaching 3 doors and making rapid entry is the ideal
way to do it.

Observer Mode:
If you select Observer Mode, you will just let the computer control all
the teams, and they will simply follow the waypoints like machines. In
my opinion, this is the best way to find out why a certain team keeps getting
killed all the time; and thus can help you correct your planning mistakes.

Moving Speed and Modes of engagement:
When you are setting the waypoints for your teams, you will notice that
on the lines joining the waypoints, you will notice some circles with a
symbol on it. If you right click those circles, you will find a menu that
allows you to set the mode of engagement of the team between those 2
waypoints. After that, you can set the moving speed of the operative.

The 3 modes of engagements of the Operatives are as follows:

The Team will gun down any threats they see immediately.

The Team will gun down any threats if they spot them.

The Team will only open fire on the enemy if they fire at them! No good!
Never set this stance!

The 3 moving speeds are as follows:

Blitz: The Team runs like mad to the next waypoint.

Normal: The Team walks to the next waypoint.

Cautious: The Team crouches and walks to the next waypoint.

Waypoints and orders:
In any waypoint you set in the planning room, you can issue orders for
you teams to follow. Here are all the orders, note that humans are better
at performing those tasks than computers with the exception of Breaching:

Frag (With or without Go-Code)
The Team will throw a Fragmentation Grenade at that waypoint and at the
target you specify (After you give the go-code, if you have set it there).

Flash (With or without Go-Code)
The Team will throw a Flashbang Grenade at that waypoint and at the target
you specify (After you give the go-code, if you have set it there).

Gas (With or without Go-Code)
The Team will throw a Tear Gas Grenade at that waypoint and at the target
you specify (After you give the go-code, if you have set it there).

Smoke (With or without Go-Code)
The Team will throw a Smoke Grenade at that waypoint and at the target
you specify (After you give the go-code, if you have set it there).

Snipe (Go Code Only)
The Team will choose the best sniper of the group, and set his weapon to
single shot mode. Then, he crawls down and shoots at any enemy he sees
in the area you specify . The team will stay there until the Go-Code is

Breach (With or Without Go-Code)
This command is only available near a door. The Team will choose the
operative with the best Demolitions stat, and will plant a Breaching Charge
on the door, and will detonate it (Upon giving the Go-Code, if you have
set it) to make quick entry.

6. Primary Weapons List [TCRC3RS6]
In this section, I will introduce each weapon of the game, one by one,
as well as give it a rating after I field tested it.

There are 5 different statistics of the weapon.

Range, which tells you how far the gun can fire.

Damage, which tells you how much damage a bullet does to the enemy.

Accuracy, which is the convergence limit of the aiming reticule, and the
more the reticule converges, the more accurate is the weapon.

Stability, which determines how much the gun is shaken up by its recoil
while firing.

Recovery, which is the speed of which the reticule reaches its convergence

Different Peripherals for the Weapons
Each weapon has a wide variety of different peripherals for you to add
to your guns. These peripherals have different effects on your weapons,
and their drawbacks and advantages are stated below.

High Capacity Magazine:

M14 Assault Rifle without peripheral:
Bullets per Magazine: 21
Range: 49
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 76
Stability: 40
Recovery: 83

M14 Assault Rifle with High Capacity Magazine:
Bullets per Magazine: 101
Range: 49
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 76
Stability: 40 + 22 = 62
Recovery: 83 - 10 = 73

The High Capacity Magazine significantly increases the bullets loaded into
the gun at once, as there are more bullets loaded, the gun becomes heavier,
so the stability is increased, however, this increased weight also
contributes to a decrease in reticule recovery time.

Mini Scope:
A Mini Scope allows you to aim at the targets more accurately from a longer
range. There really are no drawbacks for this peripheral. So, this is my
personal favorite peripheral, particularly if you are using a shotgun.

Sound Suppressor (Silencer):

M16A2 Assault Rifle without peripheral:
Bullets per Magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 66
Accuracy: 74
Stability: 38
Recovery: 90

Silenced M16A2 Assault Rifle:
Bullets per Magazine: 31
Range: 39 - 20 = 19
Damage: 66 - 33 = 33
Accuracy: 74 + 12 = 86
Stability: 38 + 61 = 99
Recovery: 90 - 4 = 86

When you silence a weapon, it makes much less noise than before. However,
the usage of special subsonic rounds can significantly lower range and
damage of these weapons. However, after the version 1.51 update, their
range and damage are not as weakened as before, as the silencer at most
will half the weapon's damage and the range will not be that much weakened.
Reticule recovery will also be slightly reduced. Fortunately, this is
offset by the increased accuracy and stability. Use these if you would
like to save hostages that are in open areas, such as when there are no
doors separating you from the hostages and their takers.

The score is given in a basis of a 100 mark scale. (To be completed) Now,
let's start with the Submachine Guns.

a. Submachine Guns [TCRC3RS6A]
OK, let me first tell you what conditions I will test the submachine guns.
I will play a terrorist hunt custom mission in the Penthouse stage, with
25 terrorists, and I would have activated God Mode, as I have only one
operative in use.

CZ-61 Skorpion
Bullets per Magazine: 21
Range: 6
Damage: 6
Accuracy: 30
Stability: 85
Recovery: 100

7.65mm Auto Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

7.65mm Auto Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine, Sound Supressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per Magazine increased by 30, Stability increased by 4, Recovery
decreased by 1

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 2, Damage decreased by 2, Accuracy increased by 10,
Stability increased by 6, Recovery decreased by 3

The CZ-61 Skorpion machine pistol is a dual purpose weapon, intended for
both close combat and personal defense. Its small size makes this weapon
very suitable for concealed carry or for use in confined spaces, such as
cars or aircraft. This gun is popular with police, security and
counter-terrorist units, as well as some terrorist organizations.

Test Run:
I used the CZ-62 with a high capacity magazine. I went down the flight
of stairs that was the fire exit, and all the terrorists there were killed
by one in single shot hits, other terrorists at level 0 were not a problem
for this gun, but I found out that this submachine gun had trouble shooting
at large groups of people, even when I was standing at the other end of
the living room, it took me quite some ammo to hit and take out all of
them, and I was shot at in the process. Which means I may have been dead
long ago if God Mode was not enabled.

I encountered the same problems in the Japanese garden at the top level,
the terrorists at the other side of the pagoda were easily missed, and
having 51 bullets per magazine just simply was not enough for the 7
terrorists that lurk there. I had to reload once, in fact. Fortunately,
the target reticule converges to its limit very quickly, and that is the
only advantage of this submachine gun. IN this mission, 115 shots were
fired, and 35 hit the target, and the accuracy was only a mere 35%!

Score: 34

Bullets per Magazine: 31
Range: 11
Damage: 25
Accuracy: 39
Stability: 70
Recovery: 93

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

9mm Parabellum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine, Mini Scope, Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per Magazine increased by 60, Stability increased by 7, Recovery
decreased by 3

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 4, Damage decreased by 12, Accuracy increased by 6,
Stability increased by 20, Recovery decreased by 2

The 9mm M12 SMG is a recoil operated, select-fire weapon, firing from an
open bolt. It has a low rate of fire compared to other SMGs and is a little
less accurate but its small size and weight makes up for it.

Test Run:
I used a High Capacity Magazine with this gun, and I descended the stairs
of the fire escape, and took out the two terrorists down there with ease.
It was the same throughout the Level 0 corridors. When I engaged the enemies
in the living room, standing by a door, I had better accuracy at those
guys there, and was not shot at as much. Of course, it took me much less
time to get rid of all those guys at once. The close combat capabilities
of this weapon are marvelous, and I stand more of a chance indoors inside
the Penthouse level than with the CZ-61.

However, it was when I reached the Japanese garden when things went awry.
I stood at the door, and tried to shoot the tangos to the right, but it
took a while for the bullets to connect, and even so, the first bullet
hurt the terrorist while the second one killed him. I also tried to shoot
someone from one end of the garden, but it missed a lot, and I had to move
close to pick him off. In conclusion, the M12 is not a bad submachine gun,
but its range could have been improved. There is nothing too bad about
its accuracy, as of the 70 bullets fired, 29 of them hit the target, making
up a total accuracy of 41%.

Score: 40

Mac 11/9
Bullets per Magazine: 33
Range: 11
Damage: 15
Accuracy: 13
Stability: 72
Recovery: 100

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

9mm Parabellum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine, Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 18, Stability increased by 4, Recovery
decreased by 1

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 4, Damage decreased by 7, Accuracy increased by 13,
Stability increased by 14, Recovery decreased by 3

The Mac 11/9 machines pistol was developed around 1970 when Special Forces
and police units adapted it. Its high rate of fire and small size make
it ideal for close combat.

Test Run:
I used the High Capacity Magazine with the Mac 11/9, and set off into the
penthouse. The two terrorists at the foot of the stairs were rather easy
to kill, and so are the rest of them in the Level 0 corridor. I again had
a hard time shooting at the terrorists from a distance in the living room,
and it took me quite a number of bullets to drop them all, and if I had
not activated God Mode, I would have been dead. Therefore, this weapon
really has a problem with its range. Although it is excellent in close
combat, and most of the people are dead in a flash up close.

Another thing I found out about this weapon is that it is always stuck
in automatic mode and that there is no single shot mode regardless of how
I press the B key. Therefore, even for close kills, I often fired two bullets
at once, and this would not be a good choice for those accuracy hogs or
people who want to save ammo in a game. The same accuracy problems were
encountered in the Japanese garden, and I was again forced to move close
to finish of that tango at the far side. A total of 103 shots were fired
in this mission, and only 31 hit the target, making up an accuracy of 30%.
Not a very good weapon I must say.

Score: 36

Bullets per magazine: 33
Range: 11
Damage: 15
Accuracy: 28
Stability: 59
Recovery: 100

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

9mm Parabellum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine, Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 18, Stability increased by 6, Recovery
decreased by 1

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 4, Damage decreased by 3, Accuracy increased by 10,
Stability increased by 12, Recovery decreases by 3

The Micro-Uzi was developed as a personal defense weapon. Police and
military of more than 90 countries have adopted this weapon due to its
compact size and reliability.

Test Run:
For this gun, I again used the High Capacity Magazine to increase the number
of bullets carried per magazine to 51. I went down the stairs as usual,
and was able to pick off the two tangos there with single shots from the
Micro-Uzi. To my surprise, this gun has more accurate at long range combat,
as I can pick off the terrorists in the living room on Level 0 with fewer
bullets than before. In fact, I was fired at only once. It seems that the
range and accuracy of this gun really can do better. Of course, for a machine
pistol, the Micro-Uzi is a very good close combat weapon. And, for those
accuracy lovers out there, you can set it to single shot mode if you are
feeling confident of yourself.

This gun has a rather good range indoors, but when I went outdoors to the
Japanese gardens, the same problems were found. I was shot at just as often
as the other cases, and I had to fire more to get rid of them. However,
the Micro-Uzi has been a big improvement when accuracy is concerned. Of
the 57 shots fired, I landed 34 hits, making up to 59% accuracy. If only
the magazine size can be increased, then I would be happy. I would use
this as a secondary weapon if possible though, as there are better stuff
out there to use. Isn't this obvious?

Score: 44

Bullets per magazine: 33
Range: 10
Damage: 39
Accuracy: 43
Stability: 44
Recovery: 94

10mm Auto Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

10mm Auto Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 68, Stability increased by 20, Recovery
decreased by 5

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 3, Damage decreased by 20, Accuracy increased by 10,
Stability increased by 38, Recovery decreased by 3

The MP5 10A2 SMG is a basically an MP5 chambered for a 10mm round. The
increased stopping power of the heavier round is offset by increased

Test Run:
Like before, I made use of the High Capacity Magazine, and the bullet
capacity increased to 101. I descended the fire stairs as usual, and this
gun was accurate enough for me to perform single shot kills on the
terrorists there. The same thing happened to all the terrorists there.
I made a discovery when I cycled through the rates of fire of this weapon.
It seems that aside from automatic mode, this gun had a triple shot mode,
where one click of the mouse button would send a triple shot burst through
the gun. I tried it out in the living room, and it was great. There were
a couple of terrorists standing quite closely together in front of the
television, and all I needed was one single click of the mouse button to
make them all fall to the ground! Powerful, and from a range too.

Unfortunately, a submachine gun is a submachine gun. It still lacks range,
and the triple shot does not help in open areas. I tried to use the triple
shot to kill a terrorist at the other end of the Japanese garden, but I
have to click the mouse button three times to get rid of him. That's nine
bullets for one man, and this is what lowered my accuracy. In fact, in
the 54 buttons I fired, 30 hit the target, making up 55%, and I am sure
it could be better if I used the right rate of fire at the right time.

Score: 45

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 11
Damage: 21
Accuracy: 44
Stability: 75
Recovery: 95

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

9mm Parabellum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 8, Recovery
decreased by 3

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 4, Damage decreased by 11, Accuracy increased by 9,
Stability increased by 8, Recovery decreased by 3

The preferred submachine gun of counter-terrorist operatives around the
world, the 9nn MP5A4 SMG is known for its reliability and accuracy, even
when firing on full automatic.

Test Run:
As usual, I made use of the High Capacity Magazine to increase the number
of bullets that can be loaded into the submachine gun at once. Again, 101
bullets were loaded. The MP5A4 is a lot similar to the MP5/10A2, maybe
it is because they are just two variants of the same gun. I was able to
use single shots to take out the enemies at corridors and stairs at close
range, and like the MP5/10A2, the MP5A4 also has the triple shot mode,
which I gladly unleashed upon the 6 terrorists in the living room.
Unfortunately, they showed up one by one, so it took me 6 clicks of the
mouse button to kill them all, making up to 18 bullets used. Therefore,
anyone who likes to use the triple shot mode should wait until several
terrorists are close together before shooting, or they should use Automatic
mode, or expect to get a low accuracy rating!

This gun is slightly more effective than the MP5/10A2 in outdoor combat,
as I can kill one terrorist per burst, which is slightly better, but I
guess that is just dumb luck, so I would not recommend using this gun
whenever there are long stretches of land. In this test, 51 shots are fired,
29 hit their targets, making up to 56% accuracy.

Score: 45

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 11
Damage: 18
Accuracy: 23
Stability: 73
Recovery: 95

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

9mm Parabellum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per Magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 8, Recovery
decreased by 3

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 4, Damage decreased by 9, Accuracy increased by 12,
Stability increased by 16, Recovery decreased by 13

The 9mm MP5K PDW SMG is a compact version of the classic MP5. Its folding
stock and low weight make it an ideal choice when a full rifle or a
submachine gun would be unmanageable.

Test Run:
Of course, I almost always make use of the High Capacity Magazine, as it
is the only peripheral that does good to the Submachine Gun. The usual
testing process goes on, and I cannot find many differences between the
MP5K PDW, I guess Heckler & Koch must have been rather lazy and uncreative
lately. Yes, the good and accurate single shot kills are always there are
have rather decent range as well. So is the triple shot mode. I use it
on the tangos in the living room, with similar effects with the previous
two MP5 guns, not much difference is there? If you look at their stats,
you will find that their range and damage are rather similar in nature
here. How boring. And I wonder why they will put out 3 guns with similar
stats in Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield.

Score: 45

Bullets per Magazine: 31
Range: 7
Damage: 8
Accuracy: 47
Stability: 91
Recovery: 93

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Stability increased by 3, Recovery decreased by 3

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Terrorists throughout the world fear the 9mm MP55D% SMG. Its integral
silencer is so effective that the report of the bullet is miniscule compared
to the click of the belt operating. RAINBOW uses the 9mm MP55D5 whenever
both accuracy and stealth are essential.

Test Run:
I used the High Capacity Magazine on the MP55D5 in this run. I expect you
all to believe that this is another of those boring variants of the H&K
MP5 series right? Well, you are wrong. The MP5 is a gun with an attitude,
or I should say, silence. This gun is equipped with an integral sound
suppressor, and hence when you fire the gun, you will hear some discreet
clicking sound, which will not attract the attention of terrorists too
much. Yes, that's how I slipped into the Penthouse and taking each terrorist
by surprise! This gun has an improved accuracy due to the suppressor present,
but the triple shot mode is always there to help you when you are not
confident in hitting your target.

But still, I found out that even at medium range, I can just perform single
shot kills on the terrorists, even in the widely open Japanese garden!
That's a surprise. Of the 36 shots fired in the run, 29 hit their targets,
and that made up to an awesome 80% accuracy. However, I would not advise
you to use this gun in non-hostage missions, as their range is poor. I
won't advise you to use this gun in hostage rescue missions either, as
you have Assault Rifles to help you too.

Score: 43

Bullets per Magazine: 31
Range: 15
Damage: 15
Accuracy: 34
Stability: 81
Recovery: 93

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

9mm Parabellum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 7, Recovery
decreased by 3

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 6, Damage decreased by 7 Accuracy increased by 14,
Stability increased by 10, Recovery decreased by 3

The TAR-21 is an extremely modern bullpup design and is offered in four
configurations. The MTAR-21 specially configured for commando, airborne,
paratroopers and special rescue units.

Test Run:
I used the High Capacity Magazine, as usual, and this time, the MTAR-21
really is a big disappointment. I ran down the stairs as usual, and I found
the first terrorist there. Even at such a close range, I could not hit
him and take him out in one shot, and I was forced to fire maybe 4 consecutive
shots to take him down. (This gun has no triple shot mode). In my opinion,
I guess you are expected to hold the trigger down while using this gun,
as most of the time I used it, I had to just get the gun blazing, not good
if you want to put your enemy in a surprise, eh? Unfortunately, sound
suppressors are only good if you use them in hostage rescue missions, so
that is tough, isn't it?

The weakness of this weapon can be clearly seen, as I tried to ambush a
guy at the other end of a corridor, I fired a couple of shots, he was hurt,
and then he started to fight back! If I had not used God Mode, I would
have been long dead! That's the problem with guns where you have both poor
range AND accuracy. In fact, of the 88 shots fired, only 32 hit, and that
accounts for only 36% of the accuracy!

Score: 36

Bullets per Magazine: 51
Range: 14
Damage: 17
Accuracy: 39
Stability: 72
Recovery: 93

5.7x28mm Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 9, Damage decreased by 9, Accuracy increased by 9,
Stability increased by 22, Recovery decreased by 3

The 5.7mm P90 SMG is a blowback operated, select fire weapon. It is fed
from 50-round box magazines located on top of the weapon and made from
translucent polymer. IT was developed in the late 1980s and may be referred
to as a forerunner of the PDW (Personal Defense Weapon) concept.

Test Run:
The P90 has a 51 bullet magazine to start with and hence does not need
to make use of any more high capacity magazines. I tested it on the
terrorists and it did surprisingly well for a Submachine Gun. Of course,
due to its accuracy, I had to run in with guns blazing in the living room,
which is a big no-no for a Rainbow Six game. Fortunately I had god-mode
on, or I would have been killed a few times over. For your information,
this gun only has single shot mode and a fully automatic mode, and there
is no Triple Shot mode. One of the drawbacks of this weapon is its slow
reloading time. Every time I reloaded, I had to watch Ding Chavez pen the
cover of the gun and then place the ammo in and close it one again. I guess
that there is a price to be paid if you want to have 51 bullets loaded
in a gun at once.

I fired 50 shots in this test run, and 26 hit their target, which contributed
to a 52% accuracy. Not bad for a submachine gun, not bad at all.

Score: 43

Bullets per Magazine: 21
Range: 12
Damage: 20
Accuracy: 35
Stability: 59
Recovery: 99

9x21mm R Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 30, Stability increased by 9, Recovery
decreased by 1

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 6, Damage decreased by 10, Accuracy increased by 9,
Stability increased by 27, Recovery decreased by 2

The SR-2 is a modern machine pistol currently in use with Special Forces.
Its special 9x21mm Gurza ammunition is sufficiently powerful to penetrate
most forms of body armor.

Test Run:
I picked the high capacity magazine, as usual, to increase the number of
bullets loaded into the gun to 51. Then I went into battle inside the
Penthouse. Like the many other machine pistols, the SR-2 has a stock holster
strapped onto the weapon when used as a Primary Weapon. This gun is quite
accurate for medium range combat, as it is possible for me to take out
terrorists in one shot in the level 0 corridors. All I need was some rapid
firing to finish off the terrorists in the living room (There is no triple
shot mode for this gun), but that tango that is hiding behind the kitchen
table cannot be dealt with that easily. So there is still some problem
with the accuracy of this weapon.

The SR-2 like all other submachine guns has a very good recovery time,
but it lacks accuracy when shooting in a range. After all, on average,
4 shots have to be fired at each of the terrorists in the Japanese Garden
in order to kill them. In the 66 shots fired in this test run, 29 hit the
target, making up to 43% accuracy. This is just typical for a submachine
gun, I must really say.

Score: 42

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 11
Damage: 15
Accuracy: 31
Stability: 75
Recovery: 99

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

9mm Parabellum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per Magazine increased by 20, Stability increased by 3, Recovery
decreased by 1

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 4, Damage decreased by 7, Accuracy increased by 15,
Stability increased by 12, Recovery decreased by 4

The 9mm TMP is a modern compact SMG. It uses a blowback operated, locked
breach design with a rotating barrel. THE TMP is reported to be a very
controllable and comfortable weapon to fire.

Test Run:
I equipped the TMP with the High Capacity Magazine and it increased the
bullets loaded to 51. Then I set off into the Penthouse. It is possible
to perform one hit kills on the terrorists at level 0, but I noticed that
the trigger of this weapon is rather sensitive, as it is easy to fire out
two bullets at once if you are in automatic mode. The terrorists in the
living room fell down like toys when I sprayed the area full of bullets,
and all of them were killed in a jiffy. I caught them by surprise this
time. Then I went up to the top of the penthouse as planned, and most
terrorists can be taken out in two shots.

I experienced a few difficulties in the Japanese garden, as it took me
quite a while to hit the terrorists with the TMP as they are rather far
away, but fortunately, they were killed quickly enough when I held down
the trigger, so it is not good for those people who like accuracy. Of the
59 shots fired, 30 hit their target, accounting for 50% accuracy. Not bad.

Score: 43

Bullets per Magazine: 26
Range: 10
Damage: 26
Accuracy: 43
Stability: 66
Recovery: 96

.45cal Auto Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

.45cal Auto Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 75, Stability increased by 21, Recovery
decreased by 11

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 2, Damage decreased by 5, Accuracy increased by 9,
Stability increased by 12, Recovery decreased by 4

The UMP is a .45cal SMG roughly based on the MP5. The stopping power of
the round comes at the price of an decreased recoil and a lower rate of

Test Run:
As usual, I made use of the High Capacity Magazine on the submachine gun,
and this time, it can hold up to 101 bullets. Then I went charging into
battle. The gun's trigger can be easily controlled and single shot kills
were not very hard to achieve when done at close range. Another good thing
is that, as this gun is based on the MP5 series, then it has the triple
shot mode apart from the fully automatic mode, and it was with it that
I cleaned up the living room without being shot at once. I guess I have
to thank the accuracy of 44 that this gun offers. After this, I reverted
to fully automatic mode to kill the terrorists on the upper floors.

I switched back to triple shot mode in the Japanese garden, and thanks
to the accuracy of this gun, I was able to take out any terrorist within
2 bursts of the UMP. Of course, triple shot mode can hurt accuracy, and
in the 60 shots fired, 29 hit their target, making up to 48% accuracy.
Not bad for a submachine gun with a burst.

Score: 44

Bullets per magazine: 33
Range: 11
Damage: 21
Accuracy: 40
Stability: 75
Recovery: 92

9mm Parabellum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

9mm Parabellum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

High Capacity Magazine
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 18, Stability increased by 2, Recovery
decreased by 1

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 4, Damage decreased by 11, Accuracy increased by 15,
Stability increased by 15, Recovery decreased by 3

The UZI is manufactured in several countries and is the primary submachine
gun of several of the world's military. The overall ruggedness and
simplicity of the UZI have given it a reputation as a very reliable weapon
capable of operating under the severest conditions.

Test Run:
So, this is one of the most popular submachine guns in the world. It has
been mentioned a lot in magazines and other video games. But is it that
good. Now, let's test it shall we? I used the High Capacity Magazine and
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds this time, as the terrorists all wear suits
in this level. The Uzi has a nice button control, and I can easily perform
one hit kills on terrorists around the place. However, I still sprayed
out bullets in the living room, as there are just so many terrorists running
at me at the same time, but after firing about 7 shots, all terrorists
were killed and I can move on up the Penthouse.

The Uzi is not only good for close combat but it is also good for long
range combat, as it is quite accurate. I used it in the Japanese garden,
and surprisingly practically all terrorists, no matter how far they are
from me fell in only one shot! (I was sneaky enough so I was not shot at.
In the total of 59 shots fired, 31 hit their target, and this accounts
to a 52% accuracy. This is must as good as the MP5 series, and I now know
why it is so popular in the world.

Score: 47

b. Assault Rifles [TCRC3RS6B]
Yes, the assault rifles are practically the backbone of Rainbow Six 3:
Raven Shield. They are so powerful, and have substantially better range
than the Submachine Guns. This time, I will perform a test run on both
the High Capacity version and the Silenced version of the weapon, and I
am testing it in the Private Airport stage, with 35 terrorists!

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 37
Damage: 80
Accuracy: 56
Stability: 34
Recovery: 90

7.92x39 M45 Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 23, Recovery
decreased by 7

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 22, Damage decreased by 40, Accuracy increased by 16,
Stability increased by 55, Recovery decreased by 5

Its accuracy after the first round is questionable, but the first shot
is reasonably accurate. By single and double tapping hostiles, you are
sure to come out on top. Aim for the chest, and double tap. This gun is
superior to most every other gun for medium-long range.

Test Run:
So this is the famous Kalashnikov. First, I entered the garage, and picked
off the terrorists that are patrolling around the fire engine and ambulance,
and they were relatively small fry, and can be taken out within two shots
each, even at a considerable distance away. Then I went to the second floor
and got out of the back door to the parking lot and found a lot of rather
well concealed tangos, and yet, they can be disposed of rather quickly,
within 3 shots, and some of them were miles away. Then I entered the terminal
building, and the gun was just as accurate, although I missed a terrorist
that was running a few times. But they can be easily dispatched when I
found them.

With the terminal building cleaned up, I went into the hangar via the west
of the tarmac, and although there are couple of terrorists at medium range,
they can be taken out in one single hit each. I went up to the second floor,
and shot at a relatively far away terrorist inside the hangar within three
shots of the AK-47. Then I went into the hangar section itself and cleaned
it up, the terrorists are down well quick, and only one of them took two
hits. I then went to the tarmac again, and found the final tango walking
around on the other side. All it took was a decisive shot to kill him.

In the 60 shots fired in the test run, 36 hit their targets and this is
quite average for an Assault Rifle.

Score: 63
I entered the garage, and then picked off the terrorists one by one, this
time, the terrorists were killed without drawing too much attention from
the gun. I went upstairs, and went out to the car park. The terrorists
are so far away from me that they look like little dots on the screen,
but when I found them, I could take them out one by one in one shot, even
if they are standing to the right near the tarmac! The terminal building
is next, and I experienced similar effects with the silenced AK-47. However,
this time, no terrorists came running after me as the AK-47 made very little
clicks when I fired it, so I was shot at less than when I used the silenced
assault rifle.

Now, I went onto the tarmac as planned, and although some terrorists are
rather hard to notice due to them being so far away, I still could kill
most of them in one single hit. However, the one by the window took 3 shots
to kill, as maybe the glass slowed the first bullet down. Inside, the hangar,
all terrorists were killed in one shot. Then, I went around the premises
again to hunt the remaining terrorists down and it was as easy as pie due
to the over 70 accuracy of the AK-47.

43 shots were fired in this testing run, and 35 hit their target, making
up to 81% accuracy! This is a killing in hostage rescue missions (or
missions that require you not to be detected by the enemy.)

Score: 65

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 37
Damage: 53
Accuracy: 64
Stability: 49
Recovery: 91

5.45x39mm 7N6 Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 15, Recovery
decreased by 4

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 27, Accuracy increased by 14,
Stability increased by 50, Recovery decreased by 5

The AK-74 assault rifle comes directly from the AK-47, but is chambered
for a 5.45mm round similar to the 5.56MM NATO Round. When compared to the
M16, the AK-74 shows slightly worse accuracy, but better reliability in
battle environment and lower maintenance requirements.

Test Run:
I walked over to the garage, and picked off any terrorist that got in the
way, and all of those were one shot kills. Then, I entered the garage.
All terrorists were taken off guard, and I hit all of them in one shot,
except for the one behind the chain link fence. Then I walked upstairs
to the rear exit, and peeped out to the left. There is a terrorist standing
by the door, and I zoomed in on him and took him out with a couple of shots.
The other terrorists also could be taken out while I stood on top of the
flight of stairs. The zoom does works wonders! Then I walked into the
terminal building. The terrorists were taken out just as easily as before,
and I was surprised when only one bullet was needed to fire through two
terrorists that were standing in a column towards me!

I reached the tarmac, and then noticed the auto-aim lock on to a target
just behind the plane, and I skipped it for now, and took out the tango
behind the crates. Some terrorists ran and I missed a couple of times,
but once the bullets connected, they were immediately dead. The terrorists
inside the hangar met similar fate. One of the terrorists in the hangar
saw me at the window and ran to get me, but another single shot kill ended
him and the test run was over.

51 shots were fired and 35 were on target, which meant that once a terrorist
is hit, he is a dead man. The accuracy is 68%, over 60! This is quite good
for an assault rifle, I must say.

Score: 71

The usual procedures were followed, with the terrorists falling silently
than ever before. The terrorists in the parking lot were just as easily
killed when I used the zoom feature to zoom in, although several of them
took a few more shots to kill. The performance of the silenced AK-74 was
just as god as it was in the outside.

On the tarmac, there was this terrorist trickily concealed behind the plane,
but all I needed was maybe 6 shots to take him out. The terrorists inside
the hangar were just as easily taken out.

A total of 46 shots were fired, and 37 of them hit their targets, this
makes up for 80% accuracy, making the AK-74 just as good as the AK-47 when

Score: 65

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 57
Accuracy: 59
Stability: 54
Recovery: 90

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 12, Recovery
decreased by 4

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 34, Accuracy increased by 14,
Stability increased by 46, Recovery decreased by 4

The 5.56mm AUG AR is a futuristic looking assault rifle with a compact
bullpup design. It is well-suited for missions requiring the
maneuverability of a submachine gun combined with the punch of an assault

Test Run:
Hmm, the say that this gun has the maneuverability of a submachine gun
and the stopping power of an assault rifle, but is it true? We shall see.
We start with the garage and the area outside, which is an area good for
testing the short range capabilities of an assault rifles. So, far so good.
All terrorists but one were killed in one hit of the Steyr AUG's 5.56 rounds.

Next, we test the long range capabilities of the AUG, and there is something
that is of very good help to me. It is that the AUG has a built in Mini
Scope. I was able to pick of the terrorists one by one sneakily without
being seen too much. Only one trickily positioned tango took three shots.

To test the medium range capabilities of this weapon, one must enter the
terminal building, where there are many long hallways and open concourses.
The terrorists were killed just as easily, sometimes, with just a little
aid from the built in mini-scope. (Of course, I took it out while I am
hiding to avoid being fired at.)

The tarmac is infamous for several neatly placed tangos, but with the scope,
I can target them more precisely, and hence those with a small chunk of
flesh poking out can be killed in 2 to 3 shots. Then I entered the hangar
to get rid of the terrorists inside. Of course this is where all the ranges
of the weapon are put to the test. The terrorists are just as surprised
when I popped them in the head with several decisive shots.

In the end, 50 shots were fired, 38 hit their targets, which makes up for
a 76% accuracy! The AUG is awesome, I tell you! Awesome! Thanks, Mr. Scope!

Score: 90 *****AWESOME!*****

The stealth capabilities of the silenced AUG is now put to the test. Let
us see how well it does this time!

As before, the short range combat abilities of the silenced AUG are just
as good as that of an AUG with a High Capacity Magazine installed, only
that it is better as it is quieter and will not draw as much attention
to you. All I need is a simple click sound and the terrorist's head will
go pop and they'll soon be dead!

The scope, coupled with the silenced AUG makes a very good sniping weapon,
as I was able to peek discreetly around the corners in the parking lot
and take out the terrorists one by one with a couple of shots. Basically,
all of them dropped in one single hit!

Inside the terminal building, similar results were found, but I noticed
that this game may have a glitch that a terrorist may not be hit even if
only his entire head is in the middle of the crosshairs of the aiming
reticule, therefore, I missed a couple of times when I engaged the tangos
at close range. That is tough, I guess, let's hope they will patch it up.

Thanks to the increased accuracy of the silencer, even sticking a small
lump of flesh would prove fatal, as I noticed a head sticking above the
top of a plane, and that head was popped with one bullet thanks to the
scope! That tango had no way of fighting back, as his gun was out of sight!

In the end, 47 shots were fired, 40 hit their targets, which makes up for
an 83% accuracy! The silenced AUG is also awesome, I tell you! Awesome!
Thanks, Mr. Scope! Pop goes their heads and they'll soon be dead!

Score: 74

Bullets per magazine: 21
Range: 49
Damage: 99
Accuracy: 74
Stability: 33
Recovery: 85

7.62x51mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine, Mini Scope, Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 80, Stability increased by 27, Recovery
decreased by 9

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 30, Damage decreased by 50, Accuracy increased by 15,
Stability increased by 58, Recovery decreased by 5

The FAL is one of the most widely sued battle rifles of the 20th century.
Due to its heavy recoil in full-auto mode, it's often used in semi-auto.
It uses 7.62mm NATO rounds with a magazine capacity of 20 rounds.

Test Run:
One of the most commonly used Assault Rifles in the 20th Century, eh? We
shall see how useful it is.

First things first, I will test the short range combat capabilities of
this weapon. I took the usual walk from my starting point to the garage,
and all the terrorists are relatively close here, and they all can be
dropped in only one shot of the FAL (with the exception of a neatly placed
one, you cannot have 100% accuracy, as the position sometimes does not
allow you to hit it no matter how hard you try.

Then, for the medium range combat capabilities. I sneaked Ding Chavez into
the parking lot, and found a lot of terrorists below wandering around with
no idea of my presence. Therefore, I pressed shift to zoom in on them and
plucked them off one by one. Easy, although I was ambushed by a terrorist
beneath the stairs. Fortunately that godmode was enabled, or I would be
dead and would have to retry this test run.

In the Terminal Building, I can test the short-medium range combat
abilities of the FAL. Most terrorists also dropped in only one shot, but
there is this one in the restaurant hidden in the corner that I decided
to lure him out. Thanks to the accuracy of the weapon, I was able to hit
that small chunk of flesh sticking out, and then I threw a Frag Grenade
in to finish the job.

Now for the tarmac. This time, there are terrorists firing at me all the
way from the other side of this long area, but all I took were 4 bullets
to take each of them out. The terrorists in the hangar also took 3 to 4
shots to get rid of the two of them. (They are very far away from the window
Ding was standing in front of.

In this test, 49 shots were fired, and 40 were on target. That results
in an accuracy of 82% accuracy! That's even more accurate than the AUG
and there is no mini scope to help it! Good grief!

Score: 94 *****AWESOME!*****

Now that the loud version of the FAL is so deadly accurate, I wonder if
silencing it will help it a little bit more? Now, let's begin.

The short range combat abilities of this weapon are just superb, I was
able to kill every single terrorist accurately and quietly on my way to
the garage and inside the garage. That's what they meant by a silent death,
I suppose. Tee hee.

Now, to test the medium range abilities of the silenced FAL. I sneaked
off into the parking lot via the back stairs of the garage, and I carefully
took pot shots at the terrorists around, and all of them were taken out
in one hit besides the one hiding behind the trees on the balcony and the
one on the path between the hangar and terminal building.

The terrorists in the airport terminal were met with rather similar fate,
and as it is more accurate with a silencer on, flesh shooting becomes much
easier, and that terrorist hiding in the corner of the restaurant can be
hit much easier.

On the tarmac and in the hangar, similar results were obtained. A total
of 45 rounds were fired, where 41 of them were on target! That makes up
for 91% accuracy! Deadly effective in silent missions, I must say.

Score: 80

Bullets per magazine: 31
Tange: 39
Damage: 56
Accuracy: 60
Stability: 52
Recovery: 91

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 14, Recovery
decreased by 4

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 28, Accuracy increased by 13,
Stability increased by 47, Recovery decreased by 4

The FAMAS G2 AR fires the 5.56mm NATO round. Its rate of fire of 950 rounds
per minute is the highest among RAINBOW's assault rifles.

Test Run:
Fastest firing assault rifle of Rainbow, eh? I wonder if it really is that
good. Let's see.

Let us start with the short range combat capabilities of this weapon. Now,
I travelled from the starting point and into the garage, and all terrorists
can be killed within one hit. However, there is one hiding by a van outside,
and in spite of the zoom feature, I cannot kill the terrorist. Therefore,
the bad accuracy of this weapon really is to blame.

For your information, the FAMAS G2 has a triple shot mode, and that is
what I used to deal with the terrorists in the parking lot. However, not
even the triple shot mode is enough to kill the terrorists, as many of
the terrorists took 3 bursts to be killed when I shot at them from the
back stairs of the garage. The accuracy is responsible for this mess!

Now, the performance of the FAMAS G2 inside the airport terminal building
is the only area which the FAMAS G2 is relatively good at. After all, all
terrorists can be taken out in one shot, and that is about it. Unfortunately,
every other assault rifle has this ability, and I will not consider it
to be a big bonus. (This is common property, in fact.)

The long range capabilities of the FAMAS G2 are tested in the hangar. There
was only one terrorist, coming at me from quite far away, and I still need
2 triple shots bursts to get rid of him even though he was getting closer
and closer to me! I wonder how badly can the FAMAS G2 perform. I guess
we will have to wait until Ding Chavez enters the hangar before we can

Inside the hangar, the FAMAS G2 performed surprisingly well, and the 2
terrorists inside the hangar can be taken out with single shot kills from
the glass window overlooking it. But, having observed the poor accuracy
outside, I guess this must have been dumb luck. In total, 100 shots were
fired, and only 44 hit their target, which is only 44% accuracy. This makes
this gun even worse than the cheap AK-47 knock offs!

Score: 60

Now, from the above test, I found out that the loud version of the FAMAS
G2 is really poor in performance for an Assault Rifle, let's hope that
the silenced version of the gun can do a bit better.

The short range combat abilities of this weapon are obviously better than
that of the loud version, as all terrorists, in the area outside and inside
the hangar can be taken out in one hit.

This time, when I went to the parking lot, I decided to use the single
shot mode of the Assault Rifle instead of triple shot mode, and boy, it
did work better, even the furthest terrorists would take only 4 shots to
hit him compared with the 9 I used for the loud FAMAS G2.

The performance inside the passenger terminal building is just as good
as that of the loud FAMAS G2, except the terrorists will not run like mad
when I fire, and would just stay in place. That's I substantial improvement,
I believe.

ON the tarmac, I found two terrorists that are quite far away, one of the
terrorists can be taken out after careful aiming with the gun. (He did
not notice me coming, so I can do this.) However, the one inside the hangar
window cannot be shot as easily, as he was half hidden by the curtains.

The terrorist inside the hangar also took 4 shots, as he was as small as
a dot in the screen, and the dot did not cover all the space inside the
aiming reticule.

This time, 56 shots were fired, with 39 hitting their targets. This accounts
for 69% accuracy, and unfortunately, this is only the accuracy a typical
unsilenced assault rifle.

Score: 63

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 62
Accuracy: 72
Stability: 57
Recovery: 86

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 10, Recovery
decreased by 4

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 31, Accuracy decreased by 12,
Stability increased by 43, Recovery decreased by 4

Once called "The free world's assault rifle, the FNC incorporates the best
ideas and characteristics of the Gail, AK and FAL. It uses 5.56mm NATO
rounds with a magazine of 30 rounds.

Test Run:
It is time for the free world to see how good its assault rifle is, now
that it had the best of 3 worlds, or so they say.

Let's begin with the areas inside and outside the airport garage. First,
I walked over to the entrance of the garage and killed the terrorist there
with one single shot of the FNC, and then, the terrorist behind the van
behind me walked over to investigate. I turned around, and was able to
kill him in only one shot although half of his body was obscured by the
van! Inside, the hangar, it seems that the terrorists in the medical room
are expecting me. They are of a considerable range away, and yet only two
shots are needed to put them out of their misery.

Now, I slipped Ding Chavez out via the back way and then sneaked out to
the parking lot. The terrorists there really have no idea where I am, and
although one tried to shoot at me from the path between the hangar and
the terminal building, he was using a Desert Eagle, and those guns do not
have much range to hit me from this far, even if I did not used God Mode.
All terrorists took up to 3 shots to take care of, with the exception of
that annoying one hidden behind the tree!

Inside the terminal building, the terrorists are at most at medium range
away from me, and scoring one hit kills does not prove to be any problem
at all, except of the fact that I would have been killed when I entered
the building if Godmode was off as I did not notice the terrorist to the
right that was already waiting for me.

On the tarmac, there are not terrorists that are too far away, so to test
the long range capabilities of the FNC, I had to enter the hangar and shoot
the terrorists inside from the second floor window. It was great, as both
terrorists took only two shots to be hit and killed, and that's that.

A total of 50 shots were fired, and 36 were on target, this makes up for
72% accuracy. This is not bad at all, but also not as good as the AUG,
but it is still very good for a weapon that is dubbed "The free world's
assault rifle". I wonder how good would it be if it were silenced?

Score: 87

Now, it is time for me to test the silenced version of the FNC. I first
walked to the hangar, killing all terrorists that got in the way, and all
of them were killed in precisely one hit. The terrorists inside the hangar
shared a similar fate. So far, so good, and 8 terrorists were killed in
8 shots around here. That's what you get for having 100 in stability when
you have attacked a sound suppressor on the gun.

Similar results can be obtained in the parking lot, with most terrorists,
no matter how far, being plucked with only one shot each. Unfortunately,
there was one person partially hidden by a gas tanker, and another hidden
behind a palm tree, and those took 4 shots to kill each, and that is what
brought down the accuracy of this weapon.

Inside the terminal building, all terrorists were a small fry, really.
I was able to click, click and click and all the terrorists fell like toys.

On the tarmac, again, there are no terrorists that are too far away, so
the long range capabilities of this weapon can only be tested when I move
indoors into the hangar. There was one terrorist in the hangar that ran
as soon as he saw me, so it took me 3 shots to kill him.

A total of 43 rounds were fired, with 36 on target, that constitutes a
83% accuracy. Which is quite good consider the presence of several tricky
terrorists, but I would prefer the loud version in non-hostage missions.

Score: 82

Bullet per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 56
Accuracy: 59
Stability: 43
Recovery: 92

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 17, Recovery
decreased by 4

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 28, Accuracy increased by 13,
Stability increased by 56, Recovery decreased by 4

The 5.56mm G36K AR is an extremely modern weapon. Its compact design makes
it useful in close quarters, while its 5.56mm round penetrates most body

Test Run:
The G36K assault rifle does look quite modern with the scope on it lined
up in a streamlined shape. But does modernity mean performance? I will
now find out.

I made my way into the garage as usual, and spotted the terrorist hiding
behind the van. I crouched down, and whipped out the integral mini scope.
I fired at his legs, and two shots were all I needed to bring him down
to the ground. At this point, one tango in the garage heard the shots,
and he tried to throw a grenade at me, but ended up blowing himself up.
Therefore, I had one less terrorist to kill in this test run.

Now, another modern feature of this modern assault rifle is that it has
3 firing modes, a single shot mode, a triple shot mode and a fully automatic
mode. The parking lot is where I tested the efficiency of the triple shot
mode. With the help of the mini scope, aiming is very easy, and all
terrorists (all 4 of them) can be shot dead in only one burst of the G36K
assault rifle. Yes, there are no cheaters hiding behind trees this time!

Inside the terminal building, I switched back to the fully automatic mode
again, and resorted to killing the terrorists using single shots of the
G36K. My, it does works wonders, all terrorists can be shot dead in only
one shot here, which makes G36K ideal for close combat as stated in the
assault rifle's description.

After this, I got out to the tarmac. This time, there was a tango with
half of his body sticking out of the wall, and thanks to our friend the
mini scope, one shot is all I needed to take care of this tricky shot.
There is one hiding behind the crates at the far end of the tarmac, and
all it took was a single 3 round burst to get rid of him.

Inside the tarmac, all terrorists can be taken out easily and quickly with
the scope, but one of them ran, so I was forced to run downstairs to meet
up with him and put a single shot into him to finish the test run.

A total of 56 rounds were fired in this test, and 38 were on target, which
makes up for 67% accuracy. Which is nice considering that a large number
of bullets missed due to those triple shots. This does confirm the fact
that modernity = performance!

Score: 92 *****AWESOME!*****

This time, we have the G36K with both its integral mini scope and a sound
suppressor attached to it, I wonder whether it would make a good sniping
weapon with such a combination?

First things first, I walked over to the tarmac, and notice the tango hiding
behind the van again. I crouched down and took him out using two shots
in the leg again. Inside the hangar, the terrorists were not expecting
me, and with such accuracy, the G36K can fire across the garage and hit
the terrorist on the other side, without help from the scope. All other
terrorists were killed by single shots of the gun here.

Another lovely surprise is waiting for me in the parking lot. I crouched
down and whipped out the scope. Now, it's time to play duck hunt, except
that my prey has no idea that I was there. All terrorists, no matter how
far or how obscured they were can be taken out with single shots of the
G36K! (Even the cheater who was hiding behind the palm tree.)

Inside the terminal building, the same things practically happened, except
that I missed a few times due to the tangos running faster than I can shoot.
Otherwise, it is just a matter of one hit KOs.

On the tarmac, the same duck hunting principles applied, as that single
terrorist with his head sticking out of the top of the aeroplane can be
shot dead in one hit! The one hiding behind the lower floor window of the
hangar was luckier though, somehow, the glass absorbed the energy of the
bullet, and two shots were needed to kill him.

Inside the hangar, there was a cunning tango who ran when he saw me, and
I missed once, otherwise, no problems were met.

A total of 43 rounds were fired, with 37 on target, and this makes up for
86% accuracy, which is also good for a silenced assault rifle. Modernity
really equates to performance here!

Score: 87

Bullets per Magazine: 21
Range: 49
Damage: 87
Accuracy: 65
Stability: 42
Recovery: 86

7.62x51mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 90, Stability increased by 23, Recovery
decreased by 10

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 30, Damage decreased by 44, Accuracy increased by 17,
Stability increased by 49, Recovery decreased by 5

The G3A3 is a standard assault rifle. It fires the powerful 7.62mm NATO
round, making it both accurate and deadly.

Test Run:
They say that using the 7.62mm NATO round makes it accurate and deadly,
or I should say, deadly accurate. The stats show that, and let's see whether
it does live up to expectations.

First, I worked my way to the airport garage, killing the terrorist to
the right of my starting point. This attracted the terrorist behind the
van's attention, and he came out to search for his fallen comrade. He was
at middle range from me, so I zoomed in and hit him with two shots from
the G3A3, and then he fell like a sack of potatoes on the floor. Inside,
the hangar, the terrorists had no idea that I was there, so all it took
was some door opening and pot shots to take all of them out, with neat
one hit clean kills. (Actually, it was dirty work.)

Then, I sneaked out the back of the garage into the parking lot as usual,
and there was a single terrorist right in front of me, and he can be taken
out in one neat hit. There was another beneath the stairs, and he was taken
out with 2 hits on the shoulders. However, the terrorist on the tarmac
saw me and walked away, so I could not take him out from this range,
therefore, the best thing to do would be to enter the terminal building.

Inside the terminal building, there was a single terrorist behind the bar
counter, partially hidden by the wall, so I leaned to the left and took
him out. All terrorists on the first floor were easy as pie to be taken
out. So, the G3A3, like most Assault Rifles are excellent in close combat.

Now, I sent Ding Chavez out to the tarmac. There is one terrorist quite
far away on the other side of the tarmac, and it took me 3 shots to hit
and kill him with the G3A3, this makes this gun quite good for long range
combat, but its accuracy can be improved.

Finally, I sent Ding Chavez into the hangar, and there was a terrorist
as small as a dot inside the hangar, and as there is a glass window in
the way, several bullets must have changed direction as it took me 6 shots
to hit that small dot there. Then, I went downstairs to kill the two
remaining terrorists.

In total, 47 shots were fired, with 36 on target. This makes up for a 76%
accuracy. Not bad, in fact, it is better than the AUG as it managed to
achieve this feat without the help of the mini scope!

Score: 92 *****AWESOME!*****

Now, let us attach a single sound suppressor to the powerful G3A3 and see
how powerful it would be now.

As usual, I started in the southeastern corner of the Private Airport,
and made my way to the airport garage, as planned. There was a single
terrorist to the right. (He is usually there, due to the programming of
Ubi Soft) Of course, at such a range, even a pea shooter can hit him, and
that's what happened. This time, there is another terrorist behind the
van, but he did not hear the shot, so I was able to crouch and put two
caps on his legs to get rid of him even though he cannot see me. Then,
I entered the garage, no one is expecting me to be there.

The terrorists inside the garage are just as surprised when I killed them
with utmost precision with the silenced G3A3. Then I sneaked out the back
way to the parking lot. There was a single terrorist on the parking lot,
one beneath the stairs, and they are both a medium range, and were killed
in one shot each. The one very far away to the right was killed with 2
shots. Considering that this gun only had 19 range, it performed very well
in this respect.

The next destination is of course, the passenger terminal building, there
were two of them in the bar, but one ran away when I killed the first one,
and therefore I missed once here. Therefore, I had to hunt him down at
close range. The other terrorists were also surprised and each were given
one bullet in the head to be finished off. Silently.

With the terminal building cleared, it is time to move out to the tarmac.
There was one terrorist standing outside the hangar, and as his head was
half hidden, even with the auto aim on, I had to shoot him 3 times to take
him down. All the other terrorists, even the one on the other side, were
taken out with neat, clean and tidy one shot kills.

In the hangar, all terrorists, no matter how far they are away from Ding
Chavez, can be taken out in one shot! That's the end of the run. 41 shots
were fired, and 38 were on target! This makes up for 92% accuracy! This
is the first silenced weapon to achieve such a feat. Congrats, G3A3!

Score: 90 *****AWESOME!*****

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 60
Accuracy: 71
Stability: 55
Recovery: 88

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 11, Recovery
decreased by 4

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 30, Accuracy increased by 12,
Stability increased by 45, Recovery decreased by 5

The Galil is basically a recreation of the AK-47 design chambered for the
NATO 5.56mm cartridge. A magazine holds 30 rounds and it has a rate of
fire of 650 rounds per minute.

Test Run:
Let's hope the Galil is not a cheap rip off of the AK-47. Let's start with
its short range combat abilities. Now, I moved Ding Chavez to the garage,
and took out every single terrorist in the way. Yes, one of them heard
the shots, and was lured over and got a shot to the head. That was how
the Galil ARM performed when short range abilities are concerned.

The Parking lot goes next in the test, and my, there were quite a lot of
terrorists to be shot. All of them were quite easy to kill, except for
the one who was quite far away from me, and standing by the tarmac, and
it took he six shots for me to hit him and kill him. Another one that I
had trouble hitting was the one who ran across the parking lot, faster
than I can shoot, and he took 4 shots. (One to hurt him, slowing him to
a limp and one to kill him.) I guess this gives you the impression of the
Galil ARM's performance when long range combat is concerned.

There is nothing too special inside the terminal building, it is just the
see, aim and shoot to death in one hit routine that happens regardless
of what assault rifle you use, so, there is no problem with the Galil ARM
when short to medium range combat is concerned. Now, it is time to go out
to the tarmac to find the terrorists there.

On the tarmac, surprisingly, there are no terrorists but one, and that
one is particularly close range. Of course, one hit would do the trick,
but suddenly, someone ran out from behind and was hiding behind the plane,
so I crouched, and aimed at his body half hidden ply the plane and it took
me two shots to hit him and kill him.

Finally, I entered the hangar, and went up to the upper floor. There is
a terrorist that is in clear sight but rather far away from me inside the
hangar, and it took me 4 shots to hit and kill the terrorist. Then, I went
down to the hangar itself and took out any other stray terrorists that
were not seen and that was that. That concludes my test run of the Galil
ARM Assault Rifle.

A total of 58 shots were fired, and 40 of them were on target. That is
just the performance for the AK-74, now I know what is meant by a cheap

Score: 71

Now, it is time to silence this rip off of an assault rifle and find out
how well it does when it is quiet out there.

Let's start with its short range combat abilities. Now, I moved Ding Chavez
to the garage, and took out every single terrorist in the way. Yes, this
time not one of them heard the shots, and no one knew what hit them until
I fired at them. That was how the silenced Galil ARM performed when short
range abilities are concerned.

The Parking lot goes next in the test, and my, there were quite a lot of
terrorists to be shot. This time, all it took was careful aiming, and all
terrorists, regardless of how far they are from my current position.
Unfortunately, the auto aim of this game seemed to have problems locking
on people who are hiding behind trees, as there is this single terrorist
there, and the auto aim picked him up, but I had to fire 3 shots in his
direction to be rid of him.

There is nothing too special inside the terminal building, it is just the
see, aim and shoot to death in one hit routine that happens regardless
of what assault rifle you use, so, there is no problem with the Galil ARM
when short to medium range combat is concerned. Now, it is time to go out
to the tarmac to find the terrorists there, again.

On the tarmac, surprisingly, there are no terrorists but one again, (The
one hiding behind the window ran when he saw me, so I could not shoot him
from outside.) and that one is particularly close range.

Finally, I entered the hangar, and found that terrorist walking out to
survey the area again, that was when I fired one decisive shot at him and
he was on his way to Valhalla. With him gone, I went up to the upper floor.
There is a terrorist that is in clear sight but rather far away from me
inside the hangar, and this time it took me 2 shots to hit and kill the
terrorist. Then, I went down to the hangar itself and took out any other
stray terrorists that were not seen and that was that. That concludes my
test run of the silenced Galil ARM Assault Rifle.

This time, 43 shots were fired, and 38 were on target, and this made up
for 86% accuracy. Now, the silenced version IS better here, but still,
I do not recommend using it even on hostage missions, there are better
guns out there than this one, that's for sure.

Score: 75

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 58
Accuracy: 63
Stability: 52
Recovery: 90

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 13, Recovery
decreased by 4

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 34, Accuracy increased by 12,
Stability increased by 47, Recovery decreased by 4

The 5.56mm L85A1 AR is a standard infantry weapon. Its bullpup design
greatly decreases its size and increases its usefulness in close quarter

Test Run:
Well, an Assault Rifle dubbed the standard infantry weapon. Now, it is
time to see whether it makes a good standard special forces weapon.

Now, I started with the garage, and I moved forwards and killed the
terrorist to the right. Then, I stopped and zoomed in to the left. I found
out that the L82A1 has a mini scope attached to it to start with, and that
is how I managed to snipe at the terrorist who was quite far away from
me and coming out from behind the fire truck. He did not stand a chance,
and he was killed in one shot thanks to the precise aiming of the scope.
Inside the garage, I was surprised by a terrorist who decided to walk out
of the medical room and investigate. Luckily, I shot him and his comrades
to death with two shots, otherwise, he would have chucked a grenade at
me. (It would not have killed Ding Chavez, as God mode is enabled.)

After the hangar is devoid of terrorists, I sneaked out the back way and
into the parking lot, where a couple of terrorists hang around, admiring
the cars. One of them saw me and hid by the entrance to the terminal building,
so I did not fire at him. Instead, I went after the terrorist at the bottom
of the stairs, and the one by the tarmac. The mini scope does work wonders,
everyone and anyone can be shot dead in a single shot! The one who ran
away tried to run into the terminal building, and was killed soon after
he opened the door. This opened door allowed be to aim at the terrorist
standing behind the bar counter, and he fell in only one shot, thanks to
the built in mini scope.

Inside the terminal building, I missed 4 times, mainly due to the
unpredictable actions of the terrorists, running around like flies, making
them a bit harder to kill. Otherwise everyone else fell in one and only
one hit. That is excellent. Nice, indeed.

The next destination is the tarmac. There is one single terrorist standing
at the far end of the tarmac, and he tried to shoot at be from beneath
the plane. Now, all he needs is a little precise scope aiming, and he was
killed, in only one hit, again!

With the terrorists outdoors all killed, all that left are those inside
the hangar. There is one particularly far away from me and behind the window
inside the hangar, and again, thanks to the scope, he is killed in one
hit, and that ends the test run. A total of 39 shots were fired, 35 were
on target. This accounts for 89% accuracy, and is just as sweet as the
G36K. I must thank the mini scope again for this.

Score: 92 *****AWESOME!*****

This time, let us silence the L82A1, and see if this infantry standard
weapon can be made good use of when it is stealthy and silent.

Now, let us start with the garage. I moved Ding Chavez to the garage, and
open fired on the terrorist to the right, and he was killed so peacefully
that he never spoke a word. Then, I crouched down and aimed at the terrorist
behind the fire engine, two shots in the leg were all I needed to put him
out of his misery. Then I entered the garage, similar results were met.
The terrorists really don't know what hit them. Actually they do, but by
the time they knew, they were dead!

One firing mode I forgot to test in the loud version is the triple shot
mode, so I enabled it and sneaked out back into the parking lot. There
are terrorists hiding in obscure angles, half hidden by trees and other
things, and yet, each of them only needed a single triple round burst of
the L82A1 to be killed! Excellent, indeed, excellent. Now, I switched back
to the fully automatic mode to engage the terrorists inside the terminal

The terrorists inside the terminal building were quite harmless and tame,
and all it took was one shot each to get rid of all of them. That is all.

The tarmac was another good place for me to test out the triple shot
abilities of the L82A1, to bad there are no terrorists at long range this
time, so I just stuck with the fully automatic mode to take out the terrorist
hiding behind the crates by the terminal building. Then, I entered the
hangar to get rid of the terrorists there.

Inside the hangar, there is a terrorist standing in the same position as
last time, and the triple shot burst had absolutely no problems in taking
him out from a range. That concludes the testing run of the silenced L82A1.
A total of 61 shots were fired, with 41 of them on target, this makes up
for 67% accuracy, and this is quite good as the triple shots lowered the
accuracy of this weapon by a bit.

Score: 87

Bullets per magazine: 21
Range: 49
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 76
Stability: 40
Recovery: 83

7.62x51mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds (FMJ) are standard all-purpose rounds. They
inflict considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of closing
armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 80, Stability increased by 22, Recovery
decreased by 10

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 30, Damage decreased by 50, Accuracy increased by 15,
Stability increased by 52, Recovery decreased by 5

The direct descendant of the classic M1 Garand, the M14 AR fires a 7.62mm
round with extreme accuracy. It entered service in 1957 and is still in
use by Special Forces today.

Test Run:
Wow, this assault rifle really is an oldie, considering that it has been
in service well before even I was born. There must be some reason for this.
Let me go and test it out now. For this test, I used only the single shot
mode of the Assault Rifle, as the trigger is too slippery, and it is far
too easy for Ding Chavez to let out two shots even if I don't need to fire
two shots at the enemy.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
got rid of the terrorist there. Then, his buddy behind the fire engine
heard the noise and went out to investigate. Half of his body was exposed,
but I aimed at his chest, and therefore, he was killed in a single shot.
(The bullet must have fragmented and destroyed several of his organs at
once.) Now, I went into the garage. The terrorists there are all hidden
inside the rooms, with two of them in the medical room, and they were all
a piece of cake once the M14 comes into action. All of them took a single
shot before they fell in a pool of their own blood.

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, and they are rounding
around all the time! There are 4 of them altogether, and 3 of them took
2 shots each as they are quite difficult to hit while running. When I went
down to the parking lot itself, I saw the head of a tango just above the
gas tanking, and amazingly, only one shot was needed even in this awkward
position! That's super accurate, I must say.

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my M14. All I needed was bang, bang and bang, and
they were all down in a flash before they could even fire at me.

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. I fired at that piece of soft human being,
and he was hurt. He crouched down. I fired a second shot at the terrorist,
then, he dropped and I got the response that the tango is down. I then
walked across the tarmac, spying the terrorist behind the crates on the
other side, I crouched and zoom in. Bang! One shot and he is dead.

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar, and there
were no targets visible as the one had ran down as soon as he saw me.
Therefore, I walked down and dropped all the terrorists there using one
hit kills and that was that.

In this run, 42 shots were fired, and 38 were on target! That makes up
for a whopping 90% accuracy! Finally! An unsilenced gun that can shoot
with an accuracy with a 9 in its tens digit! Congratulations, M14, you
are truly the best assault rifle in this game!

Score: 97 *****AWESOME!*****

Now, let us silence the M14 and see how well it performs in stealthy runs,
shall we?
Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
got rid of the terrorist there. Then, his buddy behind the fire engine
did not hear the shot, maybe he thinks that any clicking sound that he
hears is just the wind, or maybe the sound has been drowned out. Therefore,
I saw his legs beneath the engine, and crouched down, I fired two shots
at his leg and that got rid of him. Now, I went into the garage. The
terrorists there are all hidden inside the rooms, except for the one of
the far side, and killed with a single shot. The rest were all a piece
of cake once the silenced M14 comes into action. All of them took a single
shot before they fell in a pool of their own blood. (Unfortunately, I missed
once because I accidentally let out two shots while killing one of them.)

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, this time, they
stayed relatively still, with little running. There are 3 of them this
time, and they all took one single shot to kill, regardless of how far
they are away from me. When I went down to the parking lot itself, I saw
one more terrorist hiding beneath the stairs. Thanks to the auto-aim, I
can see him and kill him before he can shoot. (He would not have killed
me even if he shot anyway.)

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my M14. All I needed was click, click and click,
and they were all down in a flash before they could even fire at me.

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. But this time, he ran out to engage me,
and hence no precise aiming is required, only one single shot on his locked
on body is enough. Then, I walked across the tarmac, and found a terrorist
running towards me. I fired a shot, he was not killed, but I knew he was
hit as his run slowed down to a limp after the shot, and all he needed
was a second shot to finish him off for good.

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar, and there
was one terrorist standing rather high up on a balcony, and only one shot
was needed even at this range. Two terrorists were left. Therefore, I walked
down and dropped all the terrorists there using one hit kills and that
was that.

In this run, 39 shots were fired, and 38 were on target! That makes up
for a whopping 97% accuracy! This is absolutely cool! This would make it
a good weapon to use in hostage rescue. Now, I know why the special forces
will use this assault rifle for over 45 years!

Score: 92 *****AWESOME!*****

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 66
Accuracy: 74
Stability: 38
Recovery: 90

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds (FMJ) are standard all-purpose rounds. They
inflict considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of
penetrating armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 18, Recovery
decreased by 4

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 33, Accuracy increased by 12,
Stability increased by 61, Recovery decreased by 4

When extra range or firepower is called for, RAINBOW turns to the M16A2.
The M16 has proven itself over time as its 5.56mm round easily penetrates
body armor.

Test Run:
This is another famous assault rifle, the M16. Now, it is the time to test
it to see how promising it is. Note that this assault rifle has NO FULLY
AUTOMATIC MODE, it only has the triple shot mode, so I will use that mode
for the entire duration of the test run.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
there is no terrorist there this time. However, there is one behind the
fire engine this time. (Must be one of the preprogrammed spots for the
terrorists.) I crouched down, and zoomed in. The first burst hurt his leg
and the second killed him. The one behind the garage door could not hear
the shots, therefore I can just open the door and kill him. Now, I went
into the garage. The terrorists there are all hidden inside the rooms,
with two of them in the medical room, and they were all a piece of cake
once the M16A2 comes into action. All of them took a single burst before
they fell in a pool of their own blood. That's efficiency.

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, and they are static
this time. Due to the triple shot bursts, the gun really has amazing
accuracy. The first one had his head sticking out of the top of the car,
and one burst got rid of him. The one standing by the door was injured
by the first burst, and killed by the second burst. All the other terrorists
here are killed in one single burst each.

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my M16A2. All I needed was bang-bang-bang,
bang-bang-bang and bang-bang-bang, and they were all down in a flash before
they could even fire at me. This time some closely packed terrorists can
be taken out in one single burst!

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. I fired at that piece of soft human being,
and he was killed. That's simple enough, isn't it? This time, there are
no other terrorists on the tarmac, so I will have to wait until I enter
the hangar to further test this weapon's long range abilities.

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar (using
only one burst!), and the single terrorist visible through the window was
taken out in one burst again. Therefore, I walked down and dropped all
the terrorists there using one burst kills and that was that.

In this run, 117 shots were fired, and 48 were on target! That makes up
for a whopping 41% accuracy! I know, the M16A2 is a great assault rifle,
but I will have to give it a lower score than the FAL, as its triple shot
mode can waste a lot of ammo at times. Still, it is awesome!

Score: 93 *****AWESOME!*****

Now, it is time for me to test the silenced version of the M16A2. You are
going to love the sound this gun makes. Such a magic melody.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
got rid of the terrorist there. Then, his buddy behind the fire engine
did not hear the shot, maybe he thinks that any mellifluous triplet tones
that he heard were just the wind, or maybe the sound has been drowned out.
Therefore, I saw his legs beneath the engine, and crouched down, I fired
a single burst at his leg and that got rid of him. Now, I went into the
garage. There is a single terrorist right in front of me when I entered,
and that was taken care of before he could see me! The rest were all a
piece of cake once the silenced M16A2 comes into action. All of them took
a single triple-shot-burst before they fell in a pool of their own blood.

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, again, they stayed
relatively still, with little running. There are 4 of them this time, and
they are all human targets for my M16A2. It does not matter how far they
are from my position on the stairs. All I needed was one burst each. NO
matter how far, obscured they are! This is absolutely cool, I must say.

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my silenced M16A2. This time, instead of going
bang-bang-bang, the M16A2 went ch-ch-ch, and it reminded me of certain
percussion instruments! All of the terrorists were dead amused when they
heard the sounds, or amusingly dead, in fact.

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. Only one single burst on his chest is enough
to kill him. I noticed that there is a small head sticking out from the
top of the plane, and I fired, and that terrorist was hit in only one burst,
and that terrorist was supposed to be far away, on the other side of the
tarmac! This is unbelievable!

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar, and there
was one terrorist standing rather high up on a balcony, and only one burst
was needed to kill him. Three terrorists were left. Therefore, I walked
down and dropped all the terrorists there using one hit kills and that
was that.

This time, 110 shots were fired, with 54 on target. This makes up for 49%
accuracy. I like this assault rifle better than the silenced M14 because
its rate of fire is awesome, when compounded with its accuracy, it can
make a very destructive weapon. The only drawback is that you will have
to reload often, though, as you can only fire up to 11 bursts before the
magazine runs out.

Score: 93 *****AWESOME!*****

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 56
Accuracy: 49
Stability: 47
Recovery: 96

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket rounds (FMJ) are standard all-purpose rounds. They
inflict considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of
penetrating armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 19, Recovery
decreased by 4

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 28, Accuracy increased by 10,
Stability increased by 52, Recovery decreased by 4

A compact version of the M16 AR, the 5.56mm M4 AR is commonly sued when
the firepower of an assault rifle is needed, but the weight and size is

Test Run:
Well, judging by the very high recovery stat of this weapon, I'd say it
is very lightweight, as it is easy to be held back to the most accurate
position. It looks like a cheap rip off of the M16A2. But does compact
necessarily mean good? For your information, this gun only has a single
shot mode and fully automatic mode.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
killed the terrorist standing in the corner there. There is one behind
the fire engine this time. He heard the shot, therefore, he walked over
to inspect the scene, and he was at medium range, and yet it took me 3
shots to hit him! The one behind the garage door could not hear the shots,
therefore I can just open the door and kill him. Now, I went into the garage.
The terrorists there are all hidden inside the rooms, and they were all
a piece of cake once the M4 comes into action. All of them took a single
hit before they fell in a pool of their own blood. That's efficiency.

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, and they are static
this time. However, this is where hell broke loose for the M4. The
terrorists could not be hit very accurately this time, as the accuracy
was less than 50. The closer terrorists had to be fired at thrice before
going down, while the one who is standing on the tarmac quite far away
took 8 shots! I think I know what two words to use to describe this weapon.
Horribly imprecise! That is what this weapon is!

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my M4. All I needed was perform several single
shots, and they were all down in a flash before they could even fire at
me. Therefore, I must say that short range capability is the one and only
thing the compact M4 is good at!

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. I fired at that piece of soft human being,
and he was killed. That's just dumb luck, isn't it? This time, there are
2 other terrorists on the tarmac, and thanks to lady luck, both of them
only needed to be shot twice before falling down. (The first shot obviously
missed the target, I am sure. The terrorist showed no signs of slowing
down when I fired the first shot at him.

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar (using
only one burst!), and no terrorists were in clear sight. Therefore, I walked
down and dropped all the terrorists there using rapid shot kills and that
was that.

In this run, 94 shots were fired, and 40 were on target! That makes up
for a 41% accuracy. The M4 has the same accuracy as the M16A2, but however,
as you have the choice to fire the minimal number of shots at the enemy
to drop him, I think 41% is far from an Assault Rifle's full potential.
Therefore, this gun is utterly hopeless. What a disappointment and a cheap
rip off! This is worse than the AK-47!

Score: 55

This time, I will try to silence the M4 and see if it can help with the
accuracy. It increased the accuracy by a wee bit to 59, but is this enough?
I will see for now.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
got rid of the terrorist there. Then, his friend behind the fire truck
did not hear the shot again, maybe he thinks that any clicking sound he
heard were just part of the wind or insects crying, or maybe the sound
has been drowned out. Therefore, I saw his legs beneath the engine, and
crouched down, I fired two shots at his leg and that got rid of him. Now,
I went into the garage. There is a single terrorist right in front of me
when I entered, and that was taken care of before he could see me! The
rest were all a piece of cake once the silenced M4 comes into action. All
except one, that is. There is one terrorist standing on the other side
of the garage, and I had to fire at him three times before he was hit and
killed. What a disappointment.

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here. This time, they
all panicked and ran around like mad. All of them were taken out in three
shot bursts, and this is rather sad. At least the total number of shots
fired from the silenced M4 are slightly fewer than the number of shots
fired from the loud version of the M4 around here. This is a slight
improvement, but not much of any significance.

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my silenced M4. However, one of the terrorists
cried, "I'm getting out of here!", and ran around the room in the zig-zag
path. This is very confusing for even the most accurate gunman, and I cannot
hit him properly, and therefore I missed a few times and can only hit him
when he stopped running and stood still.

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. This time, I ma not so lucky as the last
time. It took me 4 shots to take out the terrorist from this narrow angle.
There is another terrorist inside the hangar and he was half-hidden by
the curtain. I had to shoot the window to drive him out before I could
kill him. No other terrorists were found on the tarmac.

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar and no
tangos are in sight this time, like the last one. Two terrorists were left.
Therefore, I walked down and dropped all the terrorists there using one
hit kills and that was that.

This time, 40 shots were fired, with 42 on target. This makes up for 60%
accuracy. This makes this silenced assault rifle even less accurate than
the loud version of the AK-47! What a big disappointment. I would not
recommend you to use this gun even in hostage rescue missions, as it is
just plain hopeless! The final verdict is...

Score: 60

Bullets per magazine: 31
Damage: 57
Accuracy: 55
Stability: 48
Recovery: 92

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket rounds (FMJ) are standard all-purpose rounds. They
inflict considerable damage to unarmored targets and area capable of
penetrating armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 15, Recovery
decreased by 4

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 29, Accuracy increased by 13,
Stability increased by 51, Recovery decreased by 4

The M82 AR is based on AK/AKM internal design, but chambered in 5.56mm
NATO rounds. It has a polymer frame, a magazine capacity of 30 rounds,
and a rate of fire of 750 rounds per minute.

Test Run:
This is yet another assault rifle that is based on the AK-47. But is it
an improved version of it, or is it just a cheap rip-off of the model?
There is only one way to find out.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
there is a terrorist looking at the wall, and I promptly shot him dead.
There is a single tango behind the fire engine this time. He heard the
characteristic bang of this M82, and he came over to investigate. I was
able to quickly subdue him with another single shot of the M82. Inside
the garage, all terrorists were a piece of cake. All of them took a single
shot before they fell in a pool of their own blood. That's efficiency.
However, another one went in from the other door and as I was behind a
chain link barrier, it took me three shots to hit him and kill him.

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, and this is where
things went wrong. The one on the parking lot was killed in one shot, that's
fine, but the two terrorists on the terminal building balcony each took
3 hits, regardless of how I tried to auto aim. Meanwhile, the one who was
the furthest away was very difficult to hit due to the M82's poorer accuracy,
and he took a total of 7 shots to be killed! This is poor! Very poor!

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my M82. Like the other assault rifles beginning
with an M, all I needed was bang, bang and bang, and they were all down
in a flash before they could even fire at me. That was it. This is just
typical of any Assault Rifle in this game.

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was walking to the entrance of the hangar. He had his
backed turned towards me, and had no idea that I was there when I promptly
shot him in the back of the head. This time, there is a single terrorist
inside the window of the hangar on the lower floor, but due to the bad
accuracy of the M82, I had to fire at the terrorist a whole 10 times before
he could be killed! This is ridiculous!

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar (using
only two shots!), and no terrorist was visible. However, I heard the sound
of a door opening from the room below. Therefore, I walked down and dropped
the terrorist there using a single shot kill and that was that.

This time, 64 shots were fired, and 40 were on target. This makes up for
a 62% accuracy. Well, it seems that this assault rifle is good a close
range, but it would not have the accuracy to make a difference when long
range combat is concerned, so I would not recommend you to use this weapon.

Score: 66

This time, let's see how accurate the M82 will be if I fit it with a silencer.
The accuracy is now increased by 13 to 68. Is the increase significant
enough? Let me test it and find out.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
there is a terrorist looking at the wall, and I promptly shot him dead.
There is a single tango behind the fire engine this time. He did not hear
the shot, and he stayed where he is (My, is it me, or this click is the
softer than that of the other silenced assault rifles?). I was able to
quickly subdue him with two shots of the silenced M82. Inside the garage,
all terrorists were a piece of cake. All of them but one took a single
shot before they fell in a pool of their own blood. That's efficiency.
However, the one who found me and was on the other end of the garage took
three shots before he was hit.

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, and one of them
aw me and ran over to his friend near the entrance of the terminal building.
I shot at them both, and I had to shoot each terrorist three times before
they can both get killed. This time, I have to shoot at the terrorist behind
the tree three times before he dies. The one furthest away took 5 shots
instead of 10 last time.

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my silenced M82. Like the other assault rifles
beginning with an M, all I needed was click, click and click, and they
were all down in a flash before they could even fire at me. That was it.
This is just typical of any Assault Rifle in this game.

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing proudly outside the hangar with a chunk of
flesh sticking out. This time, I was lucky. Only one shot was needed to
take him out. I was just as lucky when I got onto the tarmac itself. All
terrorists, no matter how obscure or how far they are from me took only
one shot! This tells me that this assault rifle really is very luck

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar (using
only two shots!), and the terrorist standing on a catwalk inside the hangar
was dealt with one shot as well. Two terrorists remain, therefore, I went
down to the hangar and killed them both with one shot kills and the test
run was over.

In this test, 62 shots were fired, with 41 on target. This makes up for
68% accuracy, which can be considered to be a slight improvement to this
random firing M82. But still, do not use this gun, as you need loads of
luck for this one.

Score: 59

Bullets per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 52
Accuracy: 57
Stability: 49
Recovery: 89

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds (FMJ) are standard all-purpose rounds. They
inflict considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of
penetrating armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 15, Recovery
decreased by 4

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 26, Accuracy increased by 13,
Stability increased by 50, Recovery decreased by 5

The TAR-21 is an extremely modern bullpup design and is offered in four
configurations. The TAR-21 is designed as a basic infantry rifle.

Test Run:
Here we go again! Yet another basic infantry rifle put in the hands of
an elite counter terrorist teams. The stats do not look very favourable,
so it is time to find out how good this assault rifle really is.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
there is no terrorist there this time. However, there is one behind the
fire engine this time. (Must be one of the preprogrammed spots for the
terrorists.) This time, I decided to ignore him first and take out the
terrorist behind the door to the hangar first. I fired at that terrorist,
killed him, and the one behind the fire engine heard the shot. He came
over, and I shot him dead with one single shot. Then, more drama! The second
terrorist in the garage heard the shot and came out after me, so I would
have to turn back again and shoot him dead. With these three dead, I can
walk into the garage and kill all the terrorists there within 3 shots each
(This is because I accidentally shot more bullets than necessary. The
slippery trigger of the TAR-21 is a drawback, I believe.)

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, and they are running
around in panic this time. All terrorists took two shots before they dropped
to the ground, and this time, there were only two of them. The one standing
near the tarmac just was not there, nor were the ones in the balcony. (Must
be another preprogrammed combination.) Therefore, I was able to clear this
area quickly.

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my TAR-21. All I needed was bang, bang and bang
some more, and they were all down in a maximum of two shots. This time
the tangos tend to be more curious than last time, as many of them went
out of their hiding places to find what's going on!

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. I fired at that piece of soft human being,
and he was killed. I was lucky, I guess, then I walked across the tarmac
and found another terrorist inside the first floor window of the hangar,
and he was as small as a dot, and yet I could hit him. The terrorist running
from the other side was taken out in three shots.

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar and there
was no terrorist in sight, so I went downstairs into the hangar itself,
killed the two terrorists left and that was that.

A total of 45 shots were fired in this run, with 35 on target. This makes
up for 77% accuracy! This is great! Just great, another awesome weapon,
for soldiers and even the elite!

Score: 92 *****AWESOME!*****

Now, it is time to test this regular infantry weapon with a sound suppressor.
Are you ready for some more? I bet you are.

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
shot the terrorist dead. Then, I crept over to the fire engine and spotted
a pair of legs beneath it. I went into a crawling position and fired once.
I heard the terrorist crying "ooh!" Then, I fired a second shot and he
was dead. Then, I entered the garage and killed all the terrorists that
were found. All of them can be killed in one shot.

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. This is where things went a bit crazy, as the number of
bullets taken to kill each terrorist varied drastically. For instance,
the terrorist by the tarmac had to be fired at once, the one on the parking
lot itself needs to be fired at 4 times, while the one behind the tree
and on the balcony had to be fired at 8 times! So, practically no conclusion
can be drawn around here. Maybe it was the tree's fault.

Then, I went into the terminal building. The terrorists there really did
not stand a chance with my silenced TAR-21. All I needed was a lot of single
shots and the terrorists are dropped in a blink of an eye, before they
can even raise their weapons.

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that there is one and only one terrorist here, hiding behind the crates
on my end of the tarmac. Therefore, only one shot was needed to kill him,
and I missed the chance to test this weapon's long range capabilities.

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar, and noticed
that there is a terrorist on the balcony inside the hangar. He was far
away, but this time, only one shot was enough to take him out. The remaining
three tangos were hunted down respectively in the hangar, and the test
run ended at this point.

A total of 55 rounds were fired, with 37 on target, and thanks to that
cheater in the parking lot, only a 66% accuracy can be achieved. But I
still give this one a higher score, as that's just dumb luck with that
tango behind the tree.

Score: 83

Type 97
Bullet per magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 53
Accuracy: 41
Stability: 31
Recover4: 98

5.56x45mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds (FMJ) are standard all-purpose rounds. They
inflict considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of
penetrating armoured targets.

High Capacity Magazine
Mini Scope
Sound Suppressor

High Capacity Magazine:
This attachment replaces the standard magazine of the weapon with a larger
one. The results are twofold: 1)The weapon doesn't jump as much when
shooting and you don't have to reload as often.; 2) The weapon's reticule
recovery rate decreases due to the extra weight and you have less overall
ammunition for the weapon.

Bullets per magazine increased by 70, Stability increased by 24, Recovery
decreased by 5

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Sound Suppressor:
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 20, Damage decreased by 27, Accuracy increased by 12,
Stability increased by 57, Recovery decreased by 5

The Type 97 Assault Rifle entered service around 1997. This carbine version
is specifically designed for Special Forces, police and vehicle crews.

Test Run:
This time, we have an assault rifle that is so high in Recovery, but weak
in almost every other aspect. Can it make the cut?

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
killed the terrorist standing there. Then, he pal behind the fire engine
heard the sound and came running out. I stayed in my position, and fired
at him, but this Assault Rifle is so inaccurate that it took me 4 shots
to kill the terrorist at this range, and by the time I finished, the one
behind the door leading into the garage had already ran out! He also took
4 shots for me to take out! Poor! Very poor! Fortunately, the ones inside
the garage were easy and close enough for the Type 97 to kill in a single
shot each. There are worse things to come for this assault rifle...

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, and although that
are static, it is still very difficult to hit them with the Type 97. I
was forced to fire the Type 97 in bursts and each terrorist took 6 shots
to kill! Talk about inaccuracy!

Then, I went into the terminal building. This time, as they are considerably
close to me, most, but not all the terrorists were killed in single shots
of the Type 97. Thankfully it did not miss at such a range! There was some
running around, but as they are close enough, I can easily handle those

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. I fired at that piece of soft human being,
and he was killed. I was lucky, I guess, then I walked across the tarmac
and found another terrorist inside the upper floor window of the hangar,
and he was as small as a dot, and yet I could hit him in one shot. I was
not so lucky with the terrorist hiding behind the crates on the far side
of the tarmac, as I was yet again forced to fire my assault rifle in bursts
at that guy, and he took 2 three shot bursts (that is, six shots) to be
taken out! Horrible. Can things get any worse for this lousy gun?

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar and there
was no terrorist in sight, so I went downstairs into the hangar itself,
killed the three terrorists left and that was that. (Using one shot kills
this time, I am lucky.)

But still, in the 93 shots fired in this test run, only 39 hit their targets!
This is absolutely poor for an assault rifle! The attachment of a Sound
Suppressor MAY give some hope to this machine! We shall see...

Score: 52

We all have witnessed how useless the Type 97 is when it is loud. But does
it fare any better when it is silenced?

Now, I walked forward from my starting point, and turned to the right and
killed the terrorist standing there. Then, I went over to the fire engine
and lied down, I fired two shots in the legs of the terrorist on the other
side and he was killed. Then, I entered the garage and killed all the
terrorists there using one shot kills. Nothing so special, just the usual

With the garage cleared, I sneaked out the back of the garage and into
the parking lot. Terrorists are as small as ants here, and although that
are static, it is slightly less difficult to hit them with the sileced
Type 97 than with the loud one. However, the one standing near the tarmac
still took a great 10 shots to kill! Talk about no improvement!

Then, I went into the terminal building. This time, as they are considerably
close to me, most, but not all the terrorists were killed in single shots
of the silenced Type 97. Thankfully it did not miss at such a range! Yes,
I know, one of the terrorists behind a counter near the metal detector
ran when he saw me, and hence I missed the first shot. Otherwise, all
terrorists are rather easy kills.

With the terminal building cleared, I crept out to the tarmac, and I noticed
that a terrorist was standing outside the entrance to the hangar and had
a chunk of flesh sticking out. I fired at that piece of soft human being,
and this time I was not lucky, I guess, as I had to fire 4 times. Then
I walked across the tarmac and found another terrorist inside the lower
floor window of the hangar, and he was as small as a dot, and yet I could
hit him in one shot. I was not so lucky with the terrorist hiding behind
the crates on the far side of the tarmac, as I was yet again forced to
fire my assault rifle in bursts at that guy, and he took 5 shots to be
taken out!

Now, it is time for me to enter the hangar and finish off the remains of
the 35 tango group that I have made to appear in this stage. I killed the
two terrorists in the room overlooking the inside of the hangar and the
one tango on the balcony moved away, so I was forced to go downstairs to
kill him and his two little friends.

In this test run, 84 shots were fired, with 42 on target. This makes up
for 50% accuracy, which well, did a little bit better than the loud version
of the gun, still, I would not recommend using it.

Score: 57

c. Sniper Rifles [TCRC3RS6C]
OK, this time, I will be testing the Sniper Rifles in the game. I know,
only the snipers in this game will be using the Sniper Rifles, so I have
decided to use Homer Johnston, the best Sniper in the game in this test,
and I will play a practice mission of Mission 4. Of course, to make sure
things go the right way, I will enable Team God Mode so that he will not
be prematurely killed.

Let us begin with the AW Covert.

AW Covert
Bullets per magazine: 11
Range: 19
Damage: 40
Accuracy: 83
Stability: 90
Recovery: 52

7.62x51mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket rounds (FMJ) are standard all-purpose rounds. They
inflict considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of
penetrating armoured targets.

Thermal Scope

Thermal Scope:
A thermal scope attachment allows you to see through solid objects such
as walls and doors. This vision mode only works only when zoomed in and
displays "heat signatures" of objects in the world. To activate this vision
mode press the Secondary Fire/Toggle Weapon Attachment Key.

The AW Covert is a silenced sniper rifle firing the 7.62x51mm subsonic
round. This round is less powerful than the standard 7.62x51mm round,
making this rifle slightly less powerful and accurate than other sniper
rifles. This reduced effectiveness is offset by the fact that the rifle
is silenced by default.

Test Run:
A silenced sniper rifle by default, eh? It is more than obvious that it
is silenced by default, as it only has a range of 19! This gave me a bad
impression right of the bat. Let's hope it can prove me wrong.

I walked forward from the starting point, and then turned to the right,
there was a terrorist walking between the containers. Of course, I opened
fire, and he was killed in one hit. Then, I threw a smoke grenade out to
the area in front of me. Meanwhile, a terrorist walked out from the left,
and was killed by my teammate. Then, I was able to aim at the guy at the
window in the building in front of me. In spite of the smoke, I could sniff
him out due to the thermal scope. One shot was all I need. Then, I turned
left. There was a terrorist on the crane. I aimed and fired, I did not
have to use the scope, and he was killed! Then, I circled the container
depot once and moved on to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists using single shot kills.
Not difficult at this range. Then, when the Red Team was ready, I gave
the go-code, and went into the warehouse, and I picked off any terrorist
I found. The auto aim malfunctioned at this point, and I was not able to
hit one terrorist by the vital spot, so I had to shoot him in the chest
twice to kill him. Otherwise, everyone else took only one shot and they
are dead. In the warehouse, I climbed up the ladder right in front of me
as I entered and walked along the catwalk. I went through the door at the
other end. (Circling the catwalk once) and entered the office.

The office was where the terrorist at the window was. I walked past his
dead body, and circled the area. There is a terrorist aiming to the left,
and he has his back turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a single
shot at him to kill him at such a range. Then, I threw a smoke grenade
at the next table. When the smoke thickened, I found that one terrorist
was still in the office, so I shot him dead in one hit, and then looked
out the window. I turned on the thermal scope. There was a terrorist
standing on the upper deck of the ship. Of course, he took the one shot
treatment. Then, all I had to do is to look out that window, and kill any
terrorists that pop while, while Red Team and Green Team did the rest of
the work and that ends the test run.

A total of 13 shots were fired, and all 13 were on target, but only 12
terrorists were killed by these 13 shots. This is not bad, really, but
it is not so awesome, anyway, as Sniper Rifles are meant to be one hit
kill weapons. But I still will give it a good score.

Score: 85

Bullet per magazine: 11
Range: 61
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 83
Stability: 1
Recovery: 60

7.62x54mm R Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

7.62x54mm Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

Sound Suppressor
Thermal Scope

Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 34, Damage decreased by 50, Accuracy increased by 11,
Stability increased by 85, Recovery decreased by 7

Thermal Scope:
A thermal scope attachment allows you to see through solid objects such
as walls and doors. This vision mode only works only when zoomed in and
displays "heat signatures" of objects in the world. To activate this vision
mode press the Secondary Fire/Toggle Weapon Attachment Key.

The Dragunov was designed not as a standard sniper rifle but as a light
support weapon to extend the effective range of an infantry squad up to
600 meters. As a sniper rifle, the Dragunov is lightweight, accurate and
capable of semi-auto fire. It is extremely reliable in almost all

Test Run:
Another so called infantry support weapon, eh? Now, let me first silence
the weapon and see how well it does in those conditions. At least, the
range of this weapon is larger than 19 even when silenced.

I walked forward from the starting point, and then turned to the right,
there was no one there. I waited for a moment, eventually, two terrorists
walked to the right. I opened fire on them, and both of them were killed
in one shot each. Then, I crouched down and took out the scope. I looked
up and looked for the window of the office building. I slowly strafed to
the right, and when I thought the time was right, I leaned over to the
left, found the terrorist, and shot him dead in only one shot. Then, I
circled the container depot once and moved on to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists using single shot kills.
Not difficult at this range. Then, when the Red Team was ready, I gave
the go-code, and went into the warehouse, and I picked off any terrorist
I found. This time, the auto-aim worked perfectly, and all terrorists can
be locked on to, and killed using single shots of this weapon. In the
warehouse, I climbed up the ladder right in front of me as I entered and
walked along the catwalk. I went through the door at the other end.
(Circling the catwalk once) and entered the office.

The office was where the terrorist at the window was. I walked past his
dead body, and circled the area. There is a terrorist aiming to the left,
and he has his back turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a single
shot at him to kill him at such a range. Then, I slowly strafed to the
right, with my eyes focused on the opening on the wall, and there was a
terrorist there in the room, and only one shot was needed to put him out
of his misery. There was another terrorist circling this floor, and it
did not take me to find him and kill him. Then, I crouched down and made
my way to the next desk, keeping my eye on the window. There he is, a
terrorist on the ship! He could not see me, and I was able to shoot him
dead without trouble. Then, I looked down below, a terrorist saw me and
tried to run into the hut at the far side. I was using the scope then,
and I managed to hit him once while is was running, and a second shot killed
him. Now, it is up to the Red Team and Green Team to complete the objectives
of this mission.

A total of 13 shots were fired, and all 12 were on target, but only 11
terrorists were killed by these 12 shots. I think that I should give the
Dragunov a better score than the AW Covert as it managed to hit a running
target in this test.

Score: 88

Now, it is time to test out the Dragunov with its full potential, that
is, its louder version.

I walked forward from the starting point, and then turned to the right,
there was a terrorist walking between the containers. Of course, I opened
fire as before, and he was killed in one hit. Then, I threw a smoke grenade
out to the area in front of me. A heard a terrorist cried "Help!" But I
did not know where it cam from. Then, I was able to aim at the guy at the
window in the building in front of me. This time, I could not see the enemy
sniper at the window until the smoke almost cleared. I found the heat
signature of the tango then, and I saw him raise his weapon, but he was
killed first. Then, I turned to the left and sniped at the terrorist on
the crane. Bang! He was killed. Then, I circled the container depot once
and moved on to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists using single shot kills.
Then, when the Red Team was ready, I gave the go-code, and went into the
warehouse, and I picked off any terrorist I found. But this time, the
terrorists like to pop out from behind me, and thankfully, my teammate
was able to kill them all before they start to annoy me. Otherwise, everyone
else took only one shot and they are dead. In the warehouse, I climbed
up the ladder right in front of me as I entered and walked along the catwalk.
I went through the door at the other end. (Circling the catwalk once) and
entered the office.

The office was where the terrorist at the window was. I walked past his
dead body, and circled the area. There is a terrorist aiming to the left,
and he has his back turned to me. He found me, but still, I shot him dead
in one hit at such a range before he can even fire back! Then, I strafed
to the right again and killed the terrorist inside the room to the left.
Afterwards, I threw the smoke grenade at the usual position by the desk,
and then looked out the window through the thermal scope. There he is again,
the terrorist on the ship, bang! He's dead. Then, when the smoke cleared,
I looked out the window through the scope. Oh, there is a head sticking
out of the crates! Bang! He is dead. Then, it is up to Red Team and Green
Team to clear this place up.

A total of 11 shots were fired, and all 11 were on target, and 11 terrorists
were killed in 11 shots! This is the first sniper rifle that can achieve
a perfect record! Congratulations! Dragunov! You are awesome!

Score: 92 *****AWESOME!*****

Bullets per magazine: 11
Range: 100
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 89
Stability: 1
Recovery: 9

.50 cal M33 Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

.50cal M33 Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

Sound Suppressor
Thermal Scope

Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 43, Accuracy increased by 11, Stability increased by
81, Recovery decreased by 8

(Note: The Sound Suppressor does not affect the damage of this weapon!!!)

Thermal Scope:
A thermal scope attachment allows you to see through solid objects such
as walls and doors. This vision mode only works only when zoomed in and
displays "heat signatures" of objects in the world. To activate this vision
mode press the Secondary Fire/Toggle Weapon Attachment Key.

The M82A1 SR was the first .50cal sniper rifle to achieve widespread use.
Its massive length (1.55m) and weight (13.4kg) make it the largest sniper
rifle in RAINBOW's arsenal. Extreme care should be used in employing this
weapon, as its high powered .50cal M33 round can tear through multiple
targets just as easily as it can through an engine block.

Test Run:
From the description, the M82A1 seems a very powerful weapon, and when
placed vertically on the ground, it can be as tall as Napoleon! (Napoleon
is a short emperor) Wow! Let's see how well it does in reality. (This is
one of the few weapons in the game with 1 for recovery, I guess.)

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was a single terrorist there, he cried "Look out!"
as soon as he saw me, but I was fast enough to hit him before he can open
fire. Then, I strafed slowly to the left, keeping focused on the office
building in front of me. As soon as the aiming reticule changed position,
I knew the terrorist by the window was there, and therefore, I opened fire!
Bang! The terrorist was killed in one hit, and yet I need not use the scope!
I took out the terrorist on the crane as well. Then, I circled the container
depot once and moved on to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists using single shot kills.
This time, the second terrorist ran out before I can move in to find him.
Then, when the Red Team was ready, I gave the go-code, and went into the
warehouse, and I picked off any terrorist I found. However, most of the
terrorists must have been distributed to Red Team's side of the warehouse,
as I only encountered 1 terrorist. Afterwards, I climbed up the ladder
right in front of me as I entered and walked along the catwalk. I went
through the door at the other end. (Circling the catwalk once) and entered
the office.

As I opened the door to the office, this time, there were two terrorists
directly in front of me. The one in the front was facing me, while the
one at the back was looking at the window, or the wall. I fired two quick
shots and they were both taken out. The office was where the terrorist
at the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled the area. There
is a terrorist aiming to the left, and he has his back turned to me,
therefore, I was able to fire a single shot at him to kill him at such
a range. Then, I crouched down and made my way to the next desk, keeping
my eye on the window. There he is, a terrorist on the ship! He could not
see me, and I was able to shoot him dead without trouble. Then, I looked
down below, there was a single terrorist standing in front of some high
explosive barrels. I opened fired on him, and boy, the description was
right about the M82A1 being a very high calibre weapon, as the bullet went
through the terrorist and into the barrels. BOOM! Now, it is up to the
Red Team and Green Team to complete the objectives of this mission.

In this run, 13 shots were fired, 13 were on target, and 13 terrorists
were killed! This is yet another perfect record. Considering that the
silenced M82A1 has 2 stats that are at 100 points, I must give this gun
an even high score than the Dragonov! There is one catch though, if you
want to turn around, make sure you turn slowly, then the reticule won't
diverge too much. Otherwise, you will have to wait quite some time for
the reticule to converge to its limit.

Score: 94 *****AWESOME!*****

This time, we will try using the loud version of the M82A1, with a thermal
scope. Like its silenced version, the loud M82A1 has two stats that are
at 100 namely, range and damage. Its accuracy is also very large, at 89,
and its recovery is literally 9 times that of the silenced version!

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was no one there! I waited for a moment, and yet no
one showed up to be plucked. Therefore, I simply threw a smoke grenade
down onto the ground where I was standing in that moment, and waited for
the smoke to thicken. Afterwards, I looked up through the scope, and found
the hear signature of the terrorist at the window of the office building.
I aimed at the white shadow, and boom! The terrorist fell! Then, I took
out the terrorist on the crane as usual. I circled the container depot
once and moved on to the warehouse, it seems that Red Team has done a good
job in eliminating the terrorists this time.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, (crawling to be more careful, and to make it easier to aim)
and killed those two terrorists using single shot kills. Then, when the
Red Team was ready, I gave the go-code, and went into the warehouse, and
I picked off any terrorist I found. However, most of the terrorists must
have been distributed to Red Team's side of the warehouse like the last
time, as I only encountered 2 terrorists. Afterwards, I climbed up the
ladder right in front of me as I entered and walked along the catwalk.
I went through the door at the other end. (Circling the catwalk once) Before
I entered the office, I used the thermal scope on the door, and found the
thermal image of a terrorist right behind the door.

Therefore, I opened the door. There are 3 terrorists facing me. I fired
three quick shots and they were both taken out. The office was where the
terrorist at the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled the
area. There is a terrorist aiming to the left, and he has his back turned
to me, therefore, I was able to fire a single shot at him to kill him at
such a range. Then, I crouched down and made my way to the next desk, keeping
my eye on the window. There he is, a terrorist on the ship! He could not
see me, and I was able to shoot him dead without trouble. Then, I looked
down below, no one there, but suddenly, something stuck out of the crates,
I fired at the target, and it is not moving anymore. Now, all I had to
do was to wait for Red Team and Green Team to finish their jobs and that's

In this run, 12 rounds, were fired, 11 were on target, and 11 terrorists
were killed. But still, I give this weapon a higher rating as that 1 missed
shot was due to the door. In conclusion, no matter you use the silenced
or loud version, the M82A1 is guaranteed to satisfy your sniping needs!
Try to rely on it!

Score: 95 *****AWESOME!*****

Bullets per magazine: 11
Range: 49
Damage: 98
Accuracy: 83
Stability: 16
Recovery: 42

7.62x51mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

7.62x51mm NATO Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

Sound Suppressor
Thermal Scope

Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 30, Damage decreased by 44, Accuracy increased by 12,
Stability increased by 69, Recovery decreased by 7

Thermal Scope:
A thermal scope attachment allows you to see through solid objects such
as walls and doors. This vision mode only works only when zoomed in and
displays "heat signatures" of objects in the world. To activate this vision
mode press the Secondary Fire/Toggle Weapon Attachment Key.

The PSG-1 is arguably the most accurate, semi automatic sniper rifle
off-the-shelf. A favorite of police forces around the world, the PSG-1
comes standard with a 6x sight and fires the NATO 7.62mm round.

Test Run:
Yet another favorite for police forces around the world. The PSG-1 is one
of the sniper rifles being hyped up by people, saying that if you want
stability, you will need the PSG-1. Now, it is time to test the silenced
PSG-1 and see whether it lives up to expectations.

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was a single terrorist there, he was waling to the
right, unaware of my presence. I opened fire, and he fell in one hit, and
I do not even need the scope. I waited for any more tangos to appear, but
there was no avail, I guess Red Team must have killed them for me already.
Then, I ordered my team mate to move out, and he spotted the terrorist
at the window before I could, and he actually managed to kill him before
he could open fire! With him gone, I killed the terrorist standing atop
the crane as well. Then, I circled the container depot once and moved on
to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists using single shot kills.
This time, the terrorists below this area must have seen me, as two of
them ran up to get me, and were shot on sight. Then, when the Red Team
was ready, I gave the go-code, and went into the warehouse, and I picked
off any terrorist I found. However, most of the terrorists must have been
distributed to Red Team's side of the warehouse, as I only encountered
1 terrorist. Afterwards, I climbed up the ladder right in front of me as
I entered and walked along the catwalk. I went through the door at the
other end. (Circling the catwalk once) and entered the office.

As I opened the door to the office, this time, there was one terrorists
directly in front of me. He got shot, and then, I was about to move, when
a second terrorist ran out from a room, I could not see him, nor can he,
but my teammate shot him with a few shots of his M14. The office was where
the terrorist at the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled
the area. There is a terrorist aiming to the left, and he has his back
turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a single shot at him to kill
him at such a range. Then, I crouched down and made my way to the next
desk, keeping my eye on the window. There he is, a terrorist on the ship!
He could not see me, and I was able to shoot him dead without trouble.
Then, I looked down below, after a while, something popped out between
the crates. I opened fire at that thing, and the terrorist was killed.
Now, all I had to do was to wait for Red Team and Green Team to complete
their objectives and the test run ended.

This time, 14 shots were fired, all of them on target, and this made up
to 14 kills. That's one shot a kill. Excellent. But what put me off was
that this sniper rifle had only 19 range, therefore, I had a good reason
to give this weapon a slightly lower score.

Score: 89

This time, I will test the loud version of the PSG-1. The silenced version
was quite good already, and now let me see how better the loud version
will be.

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was a single tango walking away from me. Of course,
he was shot dead. Therefore, I simply threw a smoke grenade down onto the
ground where I was standing in that moment, and waited for the smoke to
thicken. Afterwards, I looked up through the scope, and found the hear
signature of the terrorist at the window of the office building. I aimed
at the white shadow, and boom! The terrorist fell! Then, I took out the
terrorist on the crane as usual. I circled the container depot once and
moved on to the warehouse, it seems that Red Team has done a good job in
eliminating the terrorists this time.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists using single shot kills.
Like before, I have attracted the attention of a terrorist from below,
as he ran up after me, but was put to sleep by my team mate. Then, when
the Red Team was ready, I gave the go-code, and went into the warehouse,
and I picked off any terrorist I found. However, most of the terrorists
must have been distributed to Red Team's side of the warehouse like the
last time (for the 4th time in a row), as I only encountered 2 terrorists.
Afterwards, I climbed up the ladder right in front of me as I entered and
walked along the catwalk. Suddenly, a terrorist shot at me from below,
and of course, he was an easy target for my PSG-1. I went through the door
at the other end. (Circling the catwalk once) Before I entered the office,

Therefore, I opened the door. There are 2 terrorists facing me. I fired
two quick shots and they were both taken out. The office was where the
terrorist at the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled the
area. I noticed that a terrorist was on the other side of the long room
to the left, and of course, I put him out of his misery before he cold
open fire. Then, on the other side, there was a terrorist aiming to the
left, and he has his back turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a
single shot at him to kill him at such a range. I then threw a smoke grenade
at the next desk, and looked out of the window through the scope as the
smoke thickened. The terrorist on the ship was there as usual, and I could
just aim at his head signature and take him out. There is another terrorist
standing in front of the barrel, and not only my bullet hit him, and it
went through him and detonated the barrels! Now, all I had to do was to
wait for Red Team and Green Team to defuse the bombs and it was over.

This time, 13 shots were fired, and all of them were on target, and 13
terrorists were killed. Yet another perfect record, therefore, I will just
rate the sniper rifles with respect to their stats. This is yet another
good choice, that is for sure, but I would prefer the M82A1 any day.

Score: 91 *****AWESOME!*****

Bullets per magazine: 6
Range: 71
Damage: 78
Accuracy: 80
Stability: 58
Recovery: 52

7.62x51mm NATO Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

7.62x51mm NATO Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

Sound Suppressor
Thermal Scope

Sound Suppressor
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 44, Damage decreased by 39, Accuracy increased by 12,
Stability increased by 35, Recovery decreased by 10

Thermal Scope:
A thermal scope attachment allows you to see through solid objects such
as walls and doors. This vision mode only works only when zoomed in and
displays "heat signatures" of objects in the world. To activate this vision
mode press the Secondary Fire/Toggle Weapon Attachment Key.

The SSG-3000 is a bolt-action sniper rifle which fires the powerful 7.62mm
NATO round. It is extremely accurate and has a magazine capacity of 5

Test Run:
From its description, the SSG-3000 is a very accurate weapon, but it is
still slightly less accurate than the M82A1. But can its performance be
comparable to that of the all mighty M82A1? It is time for me to find out.

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was a single tango wearing a black coat, with a red
armband with white trousers walking to the left. He obviously did not notice
me, and of course, one bullet to his baldy head was enough for now. Then,
I waited, and I heard someone cry "Look out!", and heard my team mate say,
contact rear. But where did that come from? But first thing first. I took
out my scope, and focused on the office building, as soon as the tango
at the window was in sight, I opened fire and that got rid of him, before
he had time to move a muscle. I moved forward, and found the source of
the voice. It seemed that a lone terrorist had climbed atop some containers,
and he was shot on sight. Then, I shot the terrorist a top the crane. Then,
I circled around the containers and made my way to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists. But this time, when I shot
the second terrorist, I only wounded him, and my 6 round magazine was then
empty. Therefore, I had to back off while my team mate took care of him.
Now, this would be funny if it happened to me on a real mission! I saw
a terrorist on the level below, his head stuck out, and I shot him dead
as he said "Hello!". Another terrorist was down below, but I again had
to hit him twice to kill him. Then, when the Red Team was ready, I gave
the go-code, and went into the warehouse, and I picked off any terrorist
I found. There was a terrorist walking from the right and as soon as he
entered my sights, he was shot dead. Afterwards, I climbed up the ladder
right in front of me as I entered and walked along the catwalk. I went
through the door at the other end. (Circling the catwalk once)

Therefore, I opened the door. There was a terrorist in front of me, and
he was taken out without any trouble at all. I walked forwards, and looked
to the left into the room there. 2 terrorists were on the other side, and
they were absolutely no problem at this range. The office was where the
terrorist at the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled the
area. Then, on the other side, there was a terrorist aiming to the left,
and he has his back turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a single
shot at him to kill him at such a range. I then crouched down and took
out the scope of my sniper rifle, I found the terrorist on the ship, and
then, bang! He was history. Then I looked out the window, still using the
scope. I waited, waited, and suddenly a terrorist popped out. I fired
another shot at him and he was killed. Now, all I had to do was to wait
for Red Team and Green Team to finish their respective tasks and that was

In this test run, 18 shots were fired, all on target, but only 15 terrorists
were killed. Sniper Rifles like these won't do, not at all. Besides, having
only 6 shots in a magazine is not enough, and would require frequent
reloading. Therefore, I would not recommend using the silenced version
of this weapon.

Score: 87

The silenced version of this gun is good, but is not too impressive either.
Now, let's see how well this rifle can do when you let it achieve its full

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was no one this time. I waited, and waited, suddenly,
a terrorist in paramilitary uniform came out from the left, and of course,
he was shot dead in one hit. Afterwards, I threw a smoke grenade down at
my feet and waited for the smoke to thicken up. I looked through my scope,
and activated the thermal vision. I waited for a while, and finally, the
heat signature of the terrorist standing at the window of the office
building can be picked up. All I had to do is to fire one shot at the white
shadow, and I saw the shadow fall onto the ground in a heap. With the
terrorist gone, I walked over to the left, and fired at the terrorist sniper
atop the large container crane. Then, I circled around the containers and
made my way to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists. I noticed that my aiming
reticule had picked up something on the level below. I took out my scope,
and I saw nothing. I stood up, there he was, a tango's head sticking out!
I shot at the target and he was dead instantly. Then, when the Red Team
was ready, I gave the go-code, and went into the warehouse, and I picked
off any terrorist I found. There was a terrorist walking from the right
and as soon as he entered my sights (again), he was shot dead. The Red
Team is rather fast in this test run, as they have killed virtually every
other tango in the warehouse before I could find any more targets.
Afterwards, I climbed up the ladder right in front of me as I entered and
walked along the catwalk. I went through the door at the other end.
(Circling the catwalk once)

Therefore, I opened the door. There was a terrorist in front of me, and
he was taken out without any trouble at all. 2 terrorists approached my
from the right as I entered, and my team mate was able to kill on of them,
while the other ran to the right and out of sight. The office was where
the terrorist at the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled
the area. Then, on the other side, there was a terrorist aiming to the
left, and he has his back turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a
single shot at him to kill him at such a range. I saw the other terrorist
and shot him before he could respond. I then crouched down, threw a smoke
grenade and took out the thermal scope of my sniper rifle, I found the
terrorist on the ship, and then, bang! He was history. Then I looked out
the window, still using the scope. I waited, waited, and suddenly a
terrorist popped out. I fired another shot at him and he was killed. Now,
all I had to do was to wait for Red Team and Green Team to finish their
respective tasks and that was that.

In this test run, 12 rounds were fired, 12 were on target, and 12 terrorists
were killed. This is yet another perfect record. To rate such rifles, I
will just compare its stats to other rifles. In my opinion, this gun's
stats seem to balance out that of the PSG-1, therefore, I am giving the
same score as the PSG-1. Another awesome gun indeed.

Score: 91 *****AWESOME!*****

VSS Vintorez
Bullets per magazine: 11
Range: 9
Damage: 25
Accuracy: 54
Stability: 76
Recovery: 70

9x39mm SP6 Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds (FMJ) are standard all purpose rounds. They
inflict considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of
penetrating armoured targets.

Thermal Scope

Thermal Scope:
A thermal scope attachment allows you to see through solid objects such
as walls and doors. This vision mode only works only when zoomed in and
displays "heat signatures" of objects in the world. To activate this vision
mode press the Secondary Fire/Toggle Weapon Attachment Key.

The VSS Vintorez (Special Sniper Rifle) was designed for special operations
in 1987. This rifle has an integrated sound suppressor and uses special
subsonic ammo - 9mm long cartiridges.

Test Run:
Yet another covert Sniper Rifle put to the test. We will see whether it
will do well in spite of the rather mediocre range of 9.

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was no one this time. I waited, and waited, and still
no one came. Therefore, I threw a smoke grenade down at my feet and waited
for the smoke to thicken up. I looked through my scope, and activated the
thermal vision. I waited for a while, and finally, the heat signature of
the terrorist standing at the window of the office building can be picked
up. All I had to do is to fire a two shot burst at that white image in
the scope, and I saw the shadow fall onto the ground in a heap. As you
can see, the VSS Vintorez has a fully automatic firing mode. In fact, it
is the only Sniper Rifle with a fully automatic mode. With the terrorist
gone, I walked over to the left, and fired at the terrorist sniper atop
the large container crane. Then, I circled around the containers and made
my way to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists. I noticed that my aiming
reticule had picked up something on the level below. I took out my scope,
and I saw nothing. I stood up, there he was, a tango's head sticking out!
I shot at the target and he was dead instantly (After a two round burst).
Then, when the Red Team was ready, I gave the go-code, and went into the
warehouse, and I picked off any terrorist I found. This time, I killed
a terrorist waling behind the forklift, as well as the terrorist on the
catwalk above. The Red Team is rather fast in this test run, as they have
killed virtually every other tango in the warehouse before I could find
any more targets. Afterwards, I climbed up the ladder right in front of
me as I entered and walked along the catwalk. I went through the door at
the other end. (Circling the catwalk once)

Therefore, I opened the door. There was a terrorist in front of me, and
he was taken out without any trouble at all. I walked by the open room
that leads to the other side of the office and found a terrorist on the
other side. I shot and killed him. The office was where the terrorist at
the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled the area. Then,
on the other side, there was a terrorist aiming to the left, and he has
his back turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a single shot at him
to kill him at such a range. I then crouched down, threw a smoke grenade
and took out the thermal scope of my sniper rifle, I found the terrorist
on the ship, and then, bang! He was history. Then I looked out the window,
still using the scope. There was a terrorist standing right below my
position, and he took a 2 round burst before he fell. I waited, waited,
and suddenly a terrorist popped out. I fired another shot at him and he
was killed. Now, all I had to do was to wait for Red Team and Green Team
to finish their respective tasks and that was that.

In this test run, 20 rounds were fired, 18 were on target and 13 terrorists
were killed. However, I still will give some bonus points of the VSS
Vintorez, as it has a fully automatic mode, and that can ensure a better
rate of fire.

Score: 90 *****AWESOME!*****

Bullets per magazine: 7
Range: 87
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 67
Stability: 1
Recovery: 52

.30 cal Magnum Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Full Metal Jacket Rounds are standard all-purpose rounds. They inflict
considerable damage to unarmored targets and are capable of penetrating
armoured targets.

.30cal Magnum Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Jacketed Hollow Point rounds (JHP) are specialty rounds that inflict
maximum damage to unarmored targets and little or no damage to armored

Sound Suppressor
Thermal Scope

Sound Suppressor
Sound suppressors reduce the amount of noise produced when you fire a weapon.
They only reduce the sound of weapons and never completely silence them.
Two side effects of silencers are increased weapon weight and decreased
damage due to special subsonic ammunition.

Range decreased by 50, Damage decreased by 50, Accuracy increased by 12,
Stability increased by 92, Recovery decreased by 7

Thermal Scope:
A thermal scope attachment allows you to see through solid objects such
as walls and doors. This vision mode only works only when zoomed in and
displays "heat signatures" of objects in the world. To activate this vision
mode press the Secondary Fire/Toggle Weapon Attachment Key.

The shortest sniper rifle used by the RAINBOW team, the WA-2000's bullpup
design and lightweight make it a favourite of snipers who need to move
stealthily into difficult positions. Its powerful .30cal Magnum round has
more punch that the common 7.62mm NATO Round

Test Run:
Wow, a Sniper Rifle that fires a magnum round! That's absolutely cool!
Let's see how well it does in the battlefield, shall we?

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was a single tango wearing a black coat, with a red
armband with white trousers walking to the left. He obviously did not notice
me, and of course, one bullet to his baldy head was enough for now. Then,
I took out my scope, and focused on the office building, as soon as the
tango at the window was in sight, I opened fire and that got rid of him,
before he had time to move a muscle. I moved forward, and turned to the
right, looking upwards to the left with my scope. I saw the terrorist on
the crane, and got rid of him in one shot. The rest of the terrorists were
taken out by the Red Team. Then, I circled the containers before moving
on to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists. I heard some one said "What
was that?" But I thought that it came from below. I looked down to the
room below, and I saw a head of a terrorist down there. I shot at him,
I saw the blood spurt out, but he was not dead, so another round put him
in his place. Then, the tango who said "What was that?" came out and was
killed by my teammate. Then, when the Red Team was ready, I gave the go-code,
and went into the warehouse, and I picked off any terrorist I found. There
was a terrorist on the catwalk facing the forklift, and I took him out
in a shot. Afterwards, I climbed up the ladder right in front of me as
I entered and walked along the catwalk. I went through the door at the
other end. (Circling the catwalk once)

Therefore, I opened the door. There was a terrorist in front of me, and
he was taken out without any trouble at all. I walked forwards, and looked
to the left into the room there. The office was where the terrorist at
the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled the area. Then,
on the other side, there was a terrorist aiming to the left, and he has
his back turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a single shot at him
to kill him at such a range. I then crouched down and took out the scope
of my sniper rifle, I found the terrorist on the ship, and then, bang!
He was history. Then I looked out the window, still using the scope. I
waited, waited, and suddenly a terrorist popped out. I fired another shot
at him and he was killed. Now, all I had to do was to wait for Red Team
and Green Team to finish their respective tasks and that was that. (While
I was waiting, a tango came in to investigate, but he was put to a halt
by my teammate's M14 and my WA-2000 together.

In this test run, 14 shots were fired, all on target, and 13 terrorists
were killed. This is yet another rather perfect record, as that extra shot
is due to the slightly obscured tango. But still, statswise, I would not
give this gun as many points as the silenced M82A1, as it has less range
and less damage and less accuracy than that gun. Stability and Recovery
are not deciding factors of a Sniper Rifle.

Score: 91 *****AWESOME!*****

It is now time to test the loud version of the last sniper rifle. WA-2000.
Let's hope it will do well with such stats.

I walked forward from the starting point, and then crouched and turned
to the right, there was a single tango wearing a paramilitary uniform
walking to the left. He obviously did not notice me, and of course, one
bullet to his head was enough for now. I threw a Smoke Grenade down at
my feet. Then, I took out my scope, and focused on the office building,
as soon as the heat signature of the tango at the window was in sight,
I opened fire and that got rid of him, before he had time to move a muscle.
I moved forward, and turned to the right, looking upwards to the left with
my scope. I saw the terrorist on the crane, and got rid of him in one shot.
The rest of the terrorists were taken out by the Red Team. Then, I circled
the containers before moving on to the warehouse.

Before I went into the door of the warehouse, I went over to the opening
to the right, and killed those two terrorists. There is nothing so special
here, except that there is a terrorist standing in the room below, and
one shot to the head was enough.. Then, when the Red Team was ready, I
gave the go-code, and went into the warehouse, There were two terrorists
standing in front of each other, facing me, and the one in the front took
one shot while the one behind took two. Afterwards, I climbed up the ladder
right in front of me as I entered and walked along the catwalk. I went
through the door at the other end. (Circling the catwalk once)

Therefore, I opened the door. There was a terrorist in front of me, and
he was taken out without any trouble at all. I walked forwards, and looked
to the left into the room there. The office was where the terrorist at
the window was. I walked past his dead body, and circled the area. Then,
on the other side, there was a terrorist aiming to the left, and he has
his back turned to me, therefore, I was able to fire a single shot at him
to kill him at such a range. I then threw a Smoke Grenade on the floor,
and took out the thermal scope. I found the terrorist on the ship, and
then, bang! He was killed. Then I looked out the window, still using the
scope. There was a terrorist half obscured by a forklift, and it took me
3 shots to kill him. Now, all I had to do was to wait for Red Team and
Green Team to finish their respective tasks and that was that.

A total of 15 rounds were fired, 14 were on target and only 12 terrorists
were killed. Now, it is obvious that this rifle is no better than the M82A1,
after all, its accuracy alone was a big let down, and it can only hold
7 bullets. But still, it is still an awesome gun to use.

Score: 92 *****AWESOME!*****

d. Shotguns [TCRC3RS6D]
All shotguns are close-range, indoor combat weapons. All of them have one
thing in common. It is that they all have 8 Range, 100 Damage and 1 for
Accuracy. The only different things each shotgun has to offer are their
shell capacity, their stability and recovery. Now, let us start with
reviewing the Benelli M1. All shotguns are tested while I am applying
Mission 14, with God Mode on.

Shell Capacity: 6
Range: 8
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 1
Stability: 5
Recovery: 91

00 Buck Shot
00 Buck fires 9,.38 caliber bullets in a circular pattern. Its effects
are devastating against unarmored targets. Buck shot is also capable of
opening most doors.

Slugs are roughly the diameter of your thumb and pack a hefty punch. Slugs
also have built in riflings and have substantially increased range over
00 Buck.

Mini Scope

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

Whether used for door breaching or highly lethal close quarters combat,
a good tactical shotgun is an essential part of all anti-terrorist teams.
RAINBOW uses the 12g M1, largely because of its superb recoil
characteristics and reliability.

Test Run:
OK, I started in the alley outside the garage. I moved forward, and around
the corner of the alley, and finally reached the garage entrance. There
was a terrorist standing by the dumpster to the left. He was close enough
to be killed in a single shot of the Shotgun, even though the convergence
limit of the aiming reticule is very far away from the centre dot.

Then, I moved to the right and opened the door. There was a terrorist right
behind the door, and he was put to a stop immediately after he saw me.
Then I moved forward to the gap in front of me and turned to the left.
I killed the terrorist, and I turned back, facing the gap I came out of.
I must have aroused a few terrorists around the corner behind the gap,
as I saw three running out for me. I killed two, and missed the third,
and he ran away back to where he came from. Meanwhile, Red Team was waiting
for the Alpha Go-Code. I threw a smoke grenade at the door next to the
gap, and waited for the smoke to thicken. When it has thickened, I gave
the Go-Code and turned left. I saw many terrorists through my scope, and
they could not see me while they were shot down like rabbits. I went down
to that garage and killed any stragglers that remained, and went back in
a circle back to the gap.

Now, I went through the hallway where the 3 terrorists came from, and I
found 2 openings in the wall. I threw a Smoke Grenade at the opening, and
waited for it to thicken. I then went through the 2 openings, and killed
the terrorists before they could see me. I then went through the other
side of one of the rooms and moved on.

I now found myself in the locker room, adjoining a store room. There was
a terrorist around the corner, and he fired a panic shot at me, and made
me miss once with the M1 before he was killed. There was another terrorist
in the storeroom that had to be taken out with the Mini Scope. I then went
through the door on the other side of the store room.

I am now in another garage. There was no one there, and I found a larger
opening leading to an open space outside. I threw my 3rd Smoke Grenade
at that opening, and I first turned left and killed that leering terrorist,
then I looked outside through my mini-scope, and found quite a lot of
targets. I fired at each individual target, and they were all down in 1-2
shots, except for the terrorist hiding behind a car. Two more terrorists
are found on the other side of that big van, and were also taken out at
a range with the Scope.

I sent Green Team back into the garage through the door on the other side
of the open space. I turned left, through another garage, and arrived at
the car display room. I opened the door slowly and picked of any terrorist
that appeared with the help of the Mini Scope, and then gave the Go-Code
for Red Team to search another side of the room.

I noticed that there were terrorists at the railings looking down at the
garage from above. Thanks to the scope, I was able to shoot them in their
heads. I then walked up the stairs, and killed the 2 terrorists that are
not standing in the edges. I waited for Red Team to plant the breaching
charge, and then ordered my teammates to open and clear the door. As soon
as they have opened the door, I have the Go-Code, and Red Team busted in
from the other side. Except that they have killed, not captured Gutierrez,
and the mission failed! Anyway, the test run is over.

In this test run, 40 shots were fired, and 34 were on target, leading to
29 terrorists killed. This makes up for 85% accuracy. Which is quite good
for a one shot instant kill weapon. The only thing that let this weapon
down is that it can only hold 6 shells, and you can only reload one shell
at a time. Which is inconvenient.

Score: 88

Now, let me use the other type of ammunition for the M1, and see how well
it performs. The Slug shot is said to pack a punch, but can it do well
in this weapon?

Again, I started in the alley outside the garage. I moved forward, and
around the corner of the alley, and finally reached the garage entrance.
This time, there is not a single terrorist here, so I get to kill no one.
I noticed that the aiming reticule's convergence limit has a great
improvement when I use the Slug type of shells.

Then, I moved to the right and opened the door. There was a terrorist right
behind the door, and he was put to a stop immediately after he saw me,
this time he ran, and I saw the blood spurt out in the opposite direction
of his running. Then I moved forward to the gap in front of me and turned
to the left. I killed the terrorist, and I turned back, facing the gap
I came out of. I must have aroused a few terrorists around the corner behind
the gap, as I saw two running out for me. This time, both were killed in
one shot, and no one managed to get away. Meanwhile, Red Team was waiting
for the Alpha Go-Code. I threw a smoke grenade at the door next to the
gap, and waited for the smoke to thicken. When it has thickened, I gave
the Go-Code and turned left. I saw many terrorists through my scope, and
they could not see me while they were shot down like rabbits. I went down
to that garage and killed any stragglers that remained, and went back in
a circle back to the gap. This time, the auto-aim failed to lock on to
one of the terrorist, and I missed once.

Now, I went through the hallway where the 3 terrorists came from, and I
found 2 openings in the wall. The terrorists must really have had some
psychic powers here, and that they all popped out to engage me while I
was struggling with the Smoke Grenade. Fortunately, my teammates were
always there to help, and they helped me to kill all the terrorists. With
them down, I moved on.

I now found myself in the locker room, adjoining a store room. There was
no terrorist around the corner this time. There was another terrorist in
the storeroom that had to be taken out with the Mini Scope. He was killed,
and I noticed a terrorist in the other garage through the window, and he
was taken out with the scope. His mate saw him drop, and went through one
of the side doors to get at me, and was shot dead too. I then went through
the door on the other side of the store room.

I am now in another garage. There was no one there, and I found a larger
opening leading to an open space outside. I threw my 3rd Smoke Grenade
at that opening, and I first turned left and killed that leering terrorist,
then I looked outside through my mini-scope, and found quite a lot of
targets. I fired at each individual target, and they were all down in 1-2
shots, except for the terrorist hiding behind a car. Two more terrorists
are found on the other side of that big van, and were also taken out at
a range with the Scope.

I sent Green Team back into the garage through the door on the other side
of the open space. I turned left, through another garage, and arrived at
the car display room. I opened the door slowly and picked of any terrorist
that appeared with the help of the Mini Scope, and then gave the Go-Code
for Red Team to search another side of the room.

I noticed that there were terrorists at the railings looking down at the
garage from above. Thanks to the scope, I was able to shoot them in their
heads. I then walked up the stairs, and killed the 2 terrorists that are
not standing in the edges. I waited for Red Team to plant the breaching
charge, and then ordered my teammates to open and clear the door. As soon
as they have opened the door, I have the Go-Code, and Red Team busted in
from the other side. This time, my team mates were smart enough not to
do the overkill and capture, not kill Gutierrez and the mission was a
success. The test run is now over.

In this test run, 33 shots were fired, and 30 were on target, leading to
29 terrorists killed. This makes up for 90% accuracy. Which is even better.
The only thing that let this weapon down is that it can only hold 6 shells,
and you can only reload one shell at a time. Which is inconvenient. Now,
you know what kind of shells are good for a shotgun, but still, M1 is still
not awesome with this in hand.

Score: 89

Shell Capacity: 8
Range: 8
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 1
Stability: 19
Recovery: 87

00 Buck Shot
00 Buck fires 9,.38 caliber bullets in a circular pattern. Its effects
are devastating against unarmored targets. Buck shot is also capable of
opening most doors.

Slugs are roughly the diameter of your thumb and pack a hefty punch. Slugs
also have built in riflings and have substantially increased range over
00 Buck.

Mini Scope

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

The 12g SPAS-12 SG is a dual-operation shotgun with an eight-shell capacity.
This weapon is ideal for quickly clearing a room.

Test Run:
Ah, now, we have the Resident Evil shotgun in the game! (So called because
it appeared in Resident Evil: Code Veronica) This one holds 2 more shells
than the M1. Now, we can go hunting!

I started in the alley outside the garage. I moved forward, and around
the corner of the alley, and finally reached the garage entrance. There
was a terrorist standing by the dumpster to the left. He was close enough
to be killed in a single shot of the Shotgun, even though the convergence
limit of the aiming reticule is very far away from the centre dot as in
the case of the M1. There was another terrorist to the right by the trash
can, and he was also taken down, same for the one who went out through
the door to the left.

Then, I moved to the right and opened the door. There was a terrorist right
behind the door, and he was put to a stop immediately after he saw me.
Then I turned 90 degrees to the left, and strafed right, and looked into
the garage through the gap. I took out the mini scope, and killed 3
terrorists there. Then I killed the terrorist to the left of the gap. This
time, the terrorists to the right are not coming to get me. Meanwhile,
Red Team was waiting for the Alpha Go-Code. I then ran in to pick off any
terrorists that were not killed while I was still in the gap. I also noticed
a pair of hands holding a pistol trying to get out at me through the door
by the gap, and yet, any shots to the hand do not count, and hence I missed
twice here. I had to open the door before I could kill the terrorist behind
it! I went down to that garage and killed any stragglers that remained,
and went back in a circle back to the gap.

Now, I went through the hallway where the 3 terrorists came from, and I
found 2 openings in the wall. I threw a Smoke Grenade at the opening, and
waited for it to thicken. I then went through the 2 openings, and killed
the terrorists before they could see me. I then went through the other
side of one of the rooms and moved on.

I now found myself in the locker room, adjoining a store room. There was
no terrorist around the corner. Still, there was a terrorist in the
storeroom that had to be taken out with the Mini Scope. His pal in the
garage heard the shot and came running after my team, and was taken down
before I could shoot at him. I then went through the door on the other
side of the store room.

I am now in another garage. There was no one there, and I found a larger
opening leading to an open space outside. I threw my 3rd Smoke Grenade
at that opening, and I first turned left and killed that leering terrorist,
then I looked outside through my mini-scope, and found quite a lot of
targets. I fired at each individual target, and they were all down in 1-2
shots. Two more terrorists are found on the other side of that big van,
and were also taken out at a range with the Scope.

I sent Green Team back into the garage through the door on the other side
of the open space. I turned left, through another garage, and arrived at
the car display room. I opened the door slowly and picked of any terrorist
that appeared with the help of the Mini Scope. This time, the terrorists
are much more alert than before, and came at me from all sides. Thanks
to the God Mode that I am not killed! I then gave the Go-Code for Red Team
to search another side of the room.

I noticed that there were terrorists at the railings looking down at the
garage from above. Thanks to the scope, I was able to shoot them in their
heads. I then walked up the stairs, and killed the 2 terrorists that are
not standing in the edges. I waited for Red Team to plant the breaching
charge, and then ordered my teammates to open and clear the door. As soon
as they have opened the door, I have the Go-Code, and Red Team busted in
from the other side. My team mates killed the two bodyguards and captured
Gutierrez, and the test run is over.

In this test run, 42 shots were fired, 38 were on target, and 34 terrorists
were killed! Wow! That makes up for 90% accuracy, even with Buck Shot!
As Buck Shot is the type of shells you use to hunt bears, this SPAS-12
really is an awesome shotgun. Now, let's go hunting, boys!

Score: 90 *****AWESOME!*****

The Slug is also used for hunting, but can it match the performance of
the 00 Buck Shot in the SPAS-12. Now, I shall find out.

I started in the alley outside the garage. I moved forward, and around
the corner of the alley, and finally reached the garage entrance. There
was a terrorist standing by the dumpster to the left. He was close enough
to be killed in a single shot of the Shotgun, even though the convergence
limit of the aiming reticule is much closer to the centre dot than when
the 00 Buck Shot is used. There was another terrorist to the right by the
trash can, and he was also taken down, same for the one who went out through
the door to the left.

Then, I moved to the right and opened the door. There was no terrorist
right behind the door this time. Now, I simply turned left at the gap,
and killed the terrorist there. I also looked around the corner to the
right of the gap with my scope. I found a terrorist, and I killed him just
as he cried, "I need some back up now!" Sure enough, back up did arrive,
and two terrorists wearing the exactly same outfit came running out after
me. They were both killed just as they stood still to aim. Meanwhile, Red
Team was waiting for the Alpha Go-Code. I threw a smoke grenade at the
corner, and I heard someone cry, "Grenade!". It was the terrorist behind
the door at which I threw the smoke grenade. He ran out, and was killed
by my teammates. I waited for the smoke to thicken. Then I gave the go-code,
and aimed with the scope through the smoke. There are 3 terrorists standing
still, and were all plucked before they even knew what was going to happen
to them. I went down to that garage and killed any stragglers that remained,
and went back in a circle back to the gap.

Now, I went through the hallway where the 3 terrorists came from, and I
found 2 openings in the wall. I threw a Smoke Grenade at the opening, and
waited for it to thicken. I then went through the 2 openings, and killed
the terrorists before they could see me. I then went through the other
side of one of the rooms and moved on.

I now found myself in the locker room, adjoining a store room. There was
no terrorist around the corner. Still, there was a terrorist in the
storeroom that had to be taken out with the Mini Scope. This time, there
is yet another terrorist hiding behind the shelves, and thanks to my
observant teammates, he was quickly put to a stop before he noticed the
Green Team.

I am now in another garage. There was no one there, and I found a larger
opening leading to an open space outside. I threw my 3rd Smoke Grenade
at that opening, and I first turned left and killed that leering terrorist,
then I looked outside through my mini-scope, and found quite a lot of
targets. I fired at each individual target, and they were all down in 1-2
shots. Two more terrorists are found on the other side of that big van,
and were also taken out at a range with the Scope.

I sent Green Team back into the garage through the door on the other side
of the open space. I heard someone say, "Hello?" and I looked behind me.
Sure enough, a terrorist from the car display room opened the door. He
was shot dead at once, while his friend by the car behind him was killed
by my teammate. I turned left, through another garage, and arrived at the
car display room. I opened the door slowly and picked of any terrorist
that appeared with the help of the Mini Scope. This time, the terrorists
are much more alert than before, and came at me from all sides. Thanks
to the God Mode that I am not killed! I then gave the Go-Code for Red Team
to search another side of the room.

I noticed that there were terrorists at the railings looking down at the
garage from above. Thanks to the scope, I was able to shoot them in their
heads. I then walked up the stairs, and killed the 2 terrorists that are
not standing in the edges. I waited for Red Team to plant the breaching
charge, and then ordered my teammates to open and clear the door. As soon
as they have opened the door, I have the Go-Code, and Red Team busted in
from the other side. My team mates killed the two bodyguards and captured
Gutierrez, and the test run is over.

In this test run, 40 shots were fired, 38 were on target, and 34 terrorists
were killed! Wow! That makes up for 95% accuracy, this is just incredible!
Besides, the SPAS-12 has 2 more bullets than the M1, and hence deserves
more points. This is nice!

Score: 91 *****AWESOME!*****

Shell Capacity: 21
Range: 8
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 1
Stability: 46
Recovery: 77

00 Buck Shot
00 Buck fires 9,.38 caliber bullets in a circular pattern. Its effects
are devastating against unarmored targets. Buck shot is also capable of
opening most doors.

Slugs are roughly the diameter of your thumb and pack a hefty punch. Slugs
also have built in riflings and have substantially increased range over
00 Buck.

Mini Scope

Mini Scope:
The Mini Scope is a 3.5x power scope that easily attaches to most weapons.
While it is very useful for long-range shots, it occupies considerable
screen space, reducing your field of vision.

The USAS-12 is a fully automatic shotgun based on the M16 design. Due to
its weight with 20-round detachable drawn magazines, the WSAS-12 is said
to be controllable in fully automatic mode.

Test Run:
Well, the USAS-12 really is the odd one out of the three shotguns, it has
a very large magazine, and is capable of firing at a fully automatic mode!
Now, let us see how well this auto shotgun performs.

I started in the alley outside the garage. I moved forward, and around
the corner of the alley, and finally reached the garage entrance. There
are no terrorists here this time. Everything is just very quiet. Therefore,
it was time for me to simply move on.

Then, I moved to the right and opened the door. There was a terrorist right
behind the door, and he was put to a stop immediately after he saw me.
Then I turned left at the gap, and killed the terrorist who is facing the
wall. I then turned around and looked at the opening to the right using
the Mini Scope. A terrorist emerged, and was taken out in one single shot.
This time, his friends are not able to come to assist him. Meanwhile, Red
Team was waiting for the Alpha Go-Code. I then threw a Smoke Grenade at
the door at that corner, and a terrorist behind thought it was a Frag Grenade.
He panicked and ran out, and was killed by my teammates. I waited for the
smoke to thicken, and then looked into the garage, picking off any
unsuspecting terrorists with my scope while I gave the Go-Code. I went
down to that garage and killed any stragglers that remained, and went back
in a circle back to the gap.

Now, I went through the hallway to the right of the gap where I came out
from, and I found 2 openings in the wall. I threw a Smoke Grenade at the
opening, and waited for it to thicken. I then went through the 2 openings,
and killed the terrorists before they could see me. I then went through
the other side of one of the rooms and moved on.

I now found myself in the locker room, adjoining a store room. There was
no terrorist around the corner. Still, there was a terrorist in the
storeroom that had to be taken out with the Mini Scope. His pal in the
garage heard the shot and came running after my team, and was taken down
before I could shoot at him. I then went through the door on the other
side of the store room.

I am now in another garage. There was no one there, and I found a larger
opening leading to an open space outside. I threw my 3rd Smoke Grenade
at that opening, and I first turned left and killed that leering terrorist,
then I looked outside through my mini-scope, and found quite a lot of
targets. I fired at each individual target, and they were all down in one
shot each. Two more terrorists are found on the other side of that big
van, and were also taken out at a range with the Scope.

I sent Green Team back into the garage through the door on the other side
of the open space. I turned left, through another garage, and arrived at
the car display room. I opened the door slowly and picked of any terrorist
that appeared with the help of the Mini Scope. This time, the terrorists
are much more alert than before, and came at me from all sides. Thanks
to the God Mode that I am not killed! I then gave the Go-Code for Red Team
to search another side of the room.

I noticed that there were terrorists at the railings looking down at the
garage from above. Thanks to the scope, I was able to shoot them in their
heads. I then walked up the stairs, and killed the 2 terrorists that are
not standing in the edges. I waited for Red Team to plant the breaching
charge, and then ordered my teammates to open and clear the door. As soon
as they have opened the door, I have the Go-Code, and Red Team busted in
from the other side. My team mates killed the two bodyguards and also killed
Gutierrez, causing the mission to fail, and the test run is over.

IN this run, 34 shots were fired, with 32 on target. 30 terrorists wre
killed. This made up for an awesome 95% accuracy even with the 00 Buck
Shot Used. Besides, the use of 21 shell magazines can really help save
time, as the player does not have to reload often. This shotgun is awesome!

Score: 92 *****AWESOME!*****

Now, the accuracy and range is bound to improve with the inclusion of the
Slug ammo. Let's see how well this auto shotgun can perform.

I started in the alley outside the garage. I moved forward, and around
the corner of the alley, and finally reached the garage entrance. There
are no terrorists here this time. Everything is just very quiet. Therefore,
it was time for me to simply move on.

Then, I moved to the right and opened the door. There are still no terrorists
hanging around here. Then I turned left at the gap, and killed the terrorist
who is facing the wall. I then turned around and looked at the opening
to the right using the Mini Scope. A terrorist emerged, and was taken out
in one single shot. This time, his friends did come to assist him. Maybe
it was because he cried, "Alarm!" before I shot him dead. Meanwhile, Red
Team was waiting for the Alpha Go-Code. I then threw a Smoke Grenade at
the door at that corner. I waited for the smoke to thicken, and then looked
into the garage, picking off any unsuspecting terrorists with my scope
while I gave the Go-Code. I went down to that garage and killed any
stragglers that remained, and went back in a circle back to the gap. Of
course, I checked the room hidden behind the door where I threw the Smoke
Grenade, and found a terrorist. He was dead by the time he saw me.

Now, I went through the hallway to the right of the gap where I came out
from, and I found 2 openings in the wall. I threw a Smoke Grenade at the
opening, and waited for it to thicken. I then went through the 2 openings,
and killed the terrorists before they could see me. I then went through
the other side of one of the rooms and moved on.

I now found myself in the locker room, adjoining a store room. There was
no terrorist around the corner. Still, there was a terrorist in the
storeroom that had to be taken out with the Mini Scope. He had a buddy
standing behind the shelves to the left of him, and he had to be taken
out as well.

I am now in another garage. There were a couple of terrorists here and
there, and I found a larger opening leading to an open space outside. I
threw my 3rd Smoke Grenade at that opening, and I first turned left and
killed that leering terrorist, then I looked outside through my mini-scope,
and found quite a lot of targets. I fired at each individual target, and
they were all down in one shot each. One of the shots must have gone through
two tangos at once, as I saw a tango fall and the other behind him slow
to a limp. Two more terrorists are found on the other side of that big
van, and were also taken out at a range with the Scope.

I sent Green Team back into the garage through the door on the other side
of the open space. I turned left, through another garage, and arrived at
the car display room. I opened the door slowly and picked of any terrorist
that appeared with the help of the Mini Scope. This time, the terrorists
are much more alert than before, and came at me from all sides. Thanks
to the God Mode that I am not killed! I then gave the Go-Code for Red Team
to search another side of the room.

I noticed that there were terrorists at the railings looking down at the
garage from above. Thanks to the scope, I was able to shoot them in their
heads. I then walked up the stairs, and killed the 2 terrorists that are
not standing in the edges. I waited for Red Team to plant the breaching
charge, and then ordered my teammates to open and clear the door. As soon
as they have opened the door, I have the Go-Code, and Red Team busted in
from the other side. My team mates were smart enough not to accidentally
kill Gutierrez before he surrendered, and the test run is over.

IN this run, 34 shots were fired, with 33 on target. 30 terrorists wre
killed. This made up for an incredible 97% accuracy. Besides, the use of
21 shell magazines can really help save time, as the player does not have
to reload often. This shotgun is even more awesome! Now, it is more than
obvious that Slugs are preferred to 00 Buck Shots!

Score: 93 *****AWESOME!*****

7. My Favorite Weapons [TCRC3RS7]
Before I start about which weapons I prefer, I will give a brief
introduction to the statistics of a weapon.

There are 5 different statistics of the weapon.

Range, which tells you how far the gun can fire.

Damage, which tells you how much damage a bullet does to the enemy.

Accuracy, which is the convergence limit of the aiming reticule, and the
more the reticule converges, the more accurate is the weapon.

Stability, which determines how much the gun is shaken up by its recoil
while firing.

Recovery, which is the speed of which the reticule reaches its convergence

Different Peripherals for the Weapons
Each weapon has a wide variety of different peripherals for you to add
to your guns. These peripherals have different effects on your weapons,
and their drawbacks and advantages are stated below.

High Capacity Magazine:

M14 Assault Rifle without peripheral:
Bullets per Magazine: 21
Range: 49
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 76
Stability: 40
Recovery: 83

M14 Assault Rifle with High Capacity Magazine:
Bullets per Magazine: 101
Range: 49
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 76
Stability: 40 + 22 = 62
Recovery: 83 - 10 = 73

The High Capacity Magazine significantly increases the bullets loaded into
the gun at once, as there are more bullets loaded, the gun becomes heavier,
so the stability is increased, however, this increased weight also
contributes to a decrease in reticule recovery time.

Mini Scope:
A Mini Scope allows you to aim at the targets more accurately from a longer
range. There really are no drawbacks for this peripheral. So, this is my
personal favorite peripheral, particularly if you are using a shotgun.

Sound Suppressor (Silencer):

M16A2 Assault Rifle without peripheral:
Bullets per Magazine: 31
Range: 39
Damage: 66
Accuracy: 74
Stability: 38
Recovery: 90

Silenced M16A2 Assault Rifle:
Bullets per Magazine: 31
Range: 39 - 20 = 19
Damage: 66 - 33 = 33
Accuracy: 74 + 12 = 86
Stability: 38 + 61 = 99
Recovery: 90 - 4 = 86

When you silence a weapon, it makes much less noise than before. However,
the usage of special subsonic rounds can significantly lower range and
damage of these weapons. However, after the version 1.51 update, their
range and damage are not as weakened as before, as the silencer at most
will half the weapon's damage and the range will not be that much weakened.
Reticule recovery will also be slightly reduced. Fortunately, this is
offset by the increased accuracy and stability. Use these if you would
like to save hostages that are in open areas, such as when there are no
doors separating you from the hostages and their takers.

My Favorite Weapons
Sub Machine Guns:
In my opinion, these guns are useless, as they never have the range or
damage I desire. In fact, I never use them!

My Favorite Assault Rifle:
M14 Assault Rifle with Mini Scope
Bullets per Magazine: 21
Range: 49
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 76
Stability: 40
Recovery: 83

This has got to be the all rounded Assault Rifle. It has the best range,
best damage and is quite accurate. Although it may be rather shaky when
you fire many rounds at once, it is still the best! After all, the US has
the reason to use this rifle since 1957!

My Favorite Silenced Assault Rifle:
M16A2 Assault Rifle with Sound Suppressor
Bullets per Magazine: 31
Range: 39 - 20 = 19
Damage: 66 - 33 = 33
Accuracy: 74 + 12 = 86
Stability: 38 + 61 = 99
Recovery: 90 - 4 = 86

When it comes to hostage rescue, or sneaky raids, the M16A2 is well, precise
and powerful. Its reticule recovery is much faster than the silenced
version of the M14 Assault Rifle, and hence will be my weapon of choice
if I must use Silenced Weapons. Besides, this weapon is a triple shot
assault rifle, and hence 3 shots will be fired by one click of the mouse

My Favorite Pistol:
Desert Eagle (.50 caliber) with High Capacity Magazine
Bullets per Magazine: 15
Range: 20
Damage: 70
Accuracy: 76
Stability: 1 + 6 = 7
Recovery: 81 - 1 = 80

Best range, best damage and quite accurate, really. Sure, it has got to
be extremely shaky, but who cares? After all, pistols are meant to be
one-shot weapons. But still, as you can notice, the High Capacity Magazine
sort of increases its stability by 6 times! Ha ha ha! This 70 damage can
really guarantee a 1 hit KO, I am sure.

My Favorite Machine Pistol:
SR-2 with High Capacity Magazine
Bullets per Magazine: 33
Range: 12
Damage: 20
Accuracy: 26
Stability: 59 + 4 = 63
Recovery: 85
For a machine pistol, the SR-2 has the highest Range, Damage, Stability
and Recovery! What else could be better? If your operative's primary weapon
is a shotgun, I suggest you use this as a support weapon, as it can help
a lot when you have some enemy far away that you cannot shoot easily.

My Favorite Shotgun:
USAS - 12 with Mini Scope
Shells per Magazine: 21
Range: 8
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 1
Stability: 46
Recovery: 77

Although all 3 shotguns have the same range, damage and accuracy, I choose
USAS - 12 to be the best for one reason: It has the highest ammo capacity,
and it reloads more than one shell at a time compared with the other 2
types of shotguns! After all, it's an auto shotgun. Feel free to equip
this to the demolition specialists. Good hunting. I recommend using the
Slug shells as they have increased range compared with the 00 Buck.

My Favorite Sniper Rifle:
M82A1 with Thermal Scope
Bullets per Magazine: 8
Range: 100
Damage: 100
Accuracy: 89
Stability: 1
Recovery: 9

In my opinion, a good sniper rifle MUST have a good range AND damage. Only
then it can always achieve one shot kills. Although it is extremely shaky
and has slow recovery time, such effects can be negated if you crawl.

My Favorite Light Machine Gun:
Bullets per Magazine: 100
Range: 49
Damage: 99
Accuracy: 54
Stability: 61
Recovery: 62

For a Light Machine Gun, the 21E has the best range and accuracy, and is
2nd for damage. Sure, it may be shaky and have a relatively slow recovery
time, it really is not that far behind in those department. Besides, this
gun just looks so awesome!

Different Types of Ammunition
Full Metal Jacket Rounds
Supported weapons:
Submachine Guns, Pistols, Machine Pistols, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles
and Light Machine Guns
The Full Metal Jacket Round is the standard type of ammunition for all
of the weapons in Rainbow Six: Raven Shield. They deal typical damage to
enemies without body armor, and can penetrate any armor worn by the enemy.
All the terrorists in the game use this type of ammunition, so even if
you wear the heaviest type of body armor, the terrorists can still kill
you in two shots! Note that this is the only type of ammo usable by Machine
Pistols, Assault Rifles and Light Machine Guns, as these 3 are the most
commonly used types of weapons in Rainbow Six, I suggest you try to rely
on these.

Jacketed Hollow Point Rounds
Supported weapons:
Submachine Guns, Pistols, Sniper Rifles
These rounds have a dented tip, and hence are called Hollow Point rounds.
They deal very heavy damage towards targets that are unarmored. However,
if the enemy does wear body armor, the bullets most likely will just bounce
off him and no damage will be dealt. As submachine guns are such useless
weapons in this game, you don't even need to consider using these, and
simply stick to the Full Metal Jacket Rounds. However, there is no harm
in using this type of ammunition for your pistol, in particular, the Desert
Eagle (.50 caliber).

00 Buck Shot
Supported weapons:
00 Buck Shots are green colored shells. The bullets inside the shell spread
out in a circular pattern. In fact, this is the type of ammo, hunters will
use in their shotguns to hunt bears and other game animals. In real life,
if a person is hit by such ammunition, they are well, liquid. Hence, they
are effective against people who are unarmored. This shell can be used
to blast open doors, creating an element of surprise. Just make sure that
it flings open in the direction it is supposed to naturally open.

Supported weapons:
These Red colored shells pack a greater punch to armored targets than the
00 Buck. They also have a better range than the 00 Buck. That's about it.

8. My Preferred Operatives [TCRC3RS8]
Before I begin on which operatives I prefer, I must explain the different
statistics of each operative before moving on, as different types of
operatives are dependent of different statistics to ensure good
performance. The bracket following each statistic shows which types of
operatives that particular statistic is most important to.

Assault: (All Operatives except Snipers)
The Assault Stat affects how fast an operative's aiming reticule reaches
its convergence limit. For maximum reticule recovery time, choose an
operative with 100 Assault Stat, and then use a weapon with a high recovery

Demolitions: (Demolitions)
This is basically the speed of an operative in planting or defusing
explosives. If you want to minimize the time taken to defuse bombs or place
breaching charges, use Lars Beckenbauer and equip him with the Demo Kit.

Electronics: (Electronics)
This is the speed of an operative in planting electronic devices. That's
it. As the one and only one electronics mission of the game is a stealth
mission, and no electronics specialists have decent stealth ratings (that
is, above 90), you better make use of the electronics kit to speed things

Sniper: (Snipers)
This affects how fast the aiming reticule reaches its convergence limit
when using sniper rifles. If you want to use high powered sniper rifles
like the M82A1, always use an agent with a high sniper rating.

Stealth: (Recons)
This is how quiet an operative is when moving.

Self Control: (All Operatives)
This determines how patient a computer controlled agent is to wait for
the reticule to reach its convergence limit. Therefore, an agent with
good self control can shoot more accurately.

Leadership: (All Operatives)
This determines the response time of your fellow teammates when you issue
orders. The better the leadership, the faster the teammates respond.

Observation: (All Operatives)
This determines how observant an agent is, and how easily can he or she
detect other enemies.

a. Character Bios [TCRC3RS8A]
Arnavisca, Santiago
Born in Malaga, Spain. Although the family's holdings were greatly
reduced under Franco's rule, the Arnaviscas still control large tracts
of farmland around Cordoba and the Guadalquivir river valley. The second
youngest son in a family of eight, his eldest brother is a deputy in the
Adalucian Parliament. Attended University of Seville, 1983-88. Joined
the Guardia Civil upon graduation. Served as a brigade commander 1994-96
in the Western European Union (WEU) administration of Mostar in Bosnia
where he was instrumental in rebuilding the local police force. In 1997
recruited by the Guardia Civil's counter-terrorism unit, the Unidad
Especial de Intervencion (UEI) as part of their focus on the growing threat
of terrorist action within the European Union by former citizens of

Arnavisca has competed in shooting competitions since he was a child and
is an expert marksman. He speaks English, German and Italian fluently,
as well as his native Spanish, and can make himself understood in most
other European languages. Despite his aristocratic bearing, he is more
comfortable acting as a lieutenant and advisor than a team lead. Extremely
tenacious in combat, he has a reputation for maintaining an air of calm
detachment no matter how tense the situation.

Bogart, Daniel
Born in Keokuk, Iowa, USA. Father is a local deputy sheriff, mother a
homemaker. Two brothers. Attended University of Iowa on a track & field
scholarship, 1972-76. Graduated with honors with a degree in law
enforcement. Worked for three years as a patrolman in Keokuk police
department. Hired in 1980 by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Member
of FBI Hostage Rescue Team 1987-97. Married since 1979. Wife and two
teen-age children live in Maine, USA.

Bogart is an excellent team lead. He has exceptional tactical skills and
situational awareness from his years with HRT. Extremely cool under fire,
he is also a crack shot, having won several marksmanship awards during
his tenure at the FBI. His low-key demeanor and laconic sense of humor
have made him a well-liked member of the RAINBOW team.

Burke, Andrew
Born in Manchester, England. Whereabouts of father unknown. Mother is
a secretary at a plastics processing plant in Leeds. Three siblings, two
brothers and a sister. Joined Royal Marines in 1986. Two tours of duty
with British Special Air Service (SAS), 1989-91 and 1996-1999. Awarded
Military Cross, 1998. Has taken part in SAS actions in twenty-two countries
on four continents. Further details of his service record are sealed.

Burke is a seasoned veteran of numerous covert operations. While not
reckless, he has a strong can-do attitude and unlimited confidence in his
abilities. As a leader he is decisive and demanding. He has a quick sense
of humor and is likely to keep his team relaxed by telling jokes before
the start of a mission. While he has some contact with his immediate family,
he considers the service to be his home.

Chavez, Ding
Born in Los Angeles, California. Joined U.S. Army, 1983. Served with
the 7th Infantry Division, 1984-87. Rose to rank of Staff Sergeant before
being recruited by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1987
for narcotics interdiction operations in South America. Discharged 1988
and became a full-time CIA employee the same year, working under John Clark.
Service records for the years 1989-99 are sealed. Earned B.S. Political
Science, George Mason University, 1995. M.A. International Relations
from the same institution 1999. Married.

Chavez is an excellent light infantry soldier with an exceptional grasp
of small unit tactics and close quarters battle. Although small in stature
he is powerfully built and agile, a formidable opponent with a wide range
of weapons and in hand-to-hand combat.

Filatov, Genedy
Born in Pskov, Pskovskaya Oblast, Russian Federation. No information on
family available. Served in army of former Soviet Union, 1981-85,
including tour of duty in Afghanistan. Recruited by "Alfa" counter
terrorist group in 1987. Operated in all major territories of the former
Soviet Union and eastern Europe. Resigned from "Alfa" in 1991 in response
to that organization's ambiguous response to the failed Soviet coup.
Director of operations for private security firm, 1991-96. Returned to
"Alfa" during its 1997 restructuring under the Russian Federal Security
Service. Married, no children.

Filatov is a solid counter-terrorism operative. Although his training
and background are unorthodox by western standards, he has a wealth of
real-world experience from his years in the security forces of the former
Soviet Union, and numerous contacts across Eastern Europe and Asia. His
steady nerves and methodical approach to any threat make him a particularly
valuable asset in combat situations. Team commanders should not be misled
by his world-wearymanner; he is not a pessimist but a realist, and he prides
himself on being the voice of reason and conservatism in any debate.

Haider, Karl
Born in Graz, Austria. Father is a petroleum distributor, mother a
homemaker. Two siblings, a brother and a sister, both still in school.
Joined the regular Austrian army in 1992. Transferred to
Gendarmerieeinsatzkommando Cobra (GEK Cobra) in 1996. Trained with both
Germany's GSG-9 and Israel's Sayeret Mat'Kal. Participated in GEK Cobra
raid on Deissenmayr GmbH headquarters in Vienna in 1998 and was credited
with single-handedly saving the lives of seven hostages. Married 1999,
no children.

In combat situations Karl is unstoppable. He is extremely aggressive and
will not hesitate to use whatever methods are necessary to complete his
mission. He is fanatical about protecting the lives of hostages and
innocent bystanders, even to the point of jeopardizing his own life. Off
the job he is soft-spoken and private, but has an iron determination.

Hanley, Timothy
Born in Margaret River, Australia. Father is a winery foreman, mother
is a homemaker. Two siblings, a brother and a sister. Attended Australian
Defense Forces Academy in Canberra, 1983-87. Upon graduation was
recruited into newly formed 1st squadron of the Special Air Service
Regiment (SASR) and remained with this unit when it was reorganized into
the Australian Tactical Assault Group (TAG) shortly thereafter. His
entire career has been with TAG with the exception of one tour of duty
with the Australian Intelligence Corp (AustInt), 1993-96. Has lead
counter-terrorist teams on three continents and has cross-trained with
both the U.S. "Delta Force" and British Special Air Service. Unmarried.

Hanley is a career CT officer. He is a veteran of dozens of assaults and
approaches even the most dangerous missions with the easy-going good humor
that has become his hallmark. Off duty he is an experienced backpacker
and mountaineer and has taken part in amateur expeditions to many of the
world's major peaks. He is in superb physical condition and has
demonstrated an ability to endure even the most extreme physical hardship.

Loiselle, Louis
Born in Paris June 6 1968, married to Elaine, three years. Father former
commercial pilot, mother is a clerk at local department store in Avagion.
Former member of the French Parachute Division, he was detailed to DGSE.
Part of action group Service 7. Involved in tactical espionage and
counter-espionage throughout Europe. Began training DGSE recruits in
1985. On assignments he is a utility player, and doesn't get shaken easily.
He is a marksman with pistols and rifles, although he is experienced in
all forms of counterterrorism. He spends most free time reading and
spending time with his wife.

Murad, Jamal
Born in Bani Suwayf, Egypt. Murad is the son of an influential moderate
Muslim cleric, and grew up learning a great deal about both the religious
and secular worlds. To the dismay of his pacifistic parents, Murad joined
the Egyptian armed forces rather than continue his scholarship. Privately
upset by the reputation of Egypt's Unit 777, Murad set out to change the
organization from within. His contacts with US, British and German training
units convinced him there was a better way, but that Egypt would not be
taking that path soon enough for him. His exceptional skills, both
linguistic and military, landed him a frequent cross training position
with the SAS, where he came to the attention of RAINBOW.

In combat, Murad is a swift and lethal presence. Once he has committed
a plan to memory, nothing stand in his way to accomplish that plan. Prior
to the mission, Murad questions every detail of every plan, often
infuriating the planning officers but ensuring that every possible
consequence and complication have been well thought out. His insistence
that there is a Right Way has won him many admirers, if few friends.

Noronha, Alexandre
Born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. His late father ran an import business.
His mother is a homemaker. One older brother, two younger sisters.
Attended college at the Brazilian military academy, Colegio Militar do
Rio de Janeiro (CMRJ), 1977-81. Served two terms of duty with the regular
Brazilian army before being recruited into the Counter-Terrorist
Detachment (CTD) of the 1st Special Forces Battalion in 1987. Since 1995
he has commanded one of CTD's three squadrons. He has cross-trained with
the U.S. "Delta Force", Chile's Unidad Anti-Terroristes (UAT), Agentina's
Brigada Especial Operativa Halcon, and Columbia's Agrupacion De Fuerzas
Especiales Urbanas (AFEU). In 1997 he was one of a group of senior Brazilian
CTD operators who assisted the Peruvian armed forces in ending the
occupation of the Japanese embassy by the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary
Movement (MRTA). Married since 1985. His wife and two daughters live
in Rio de Janeiro.

Noronha has spent the majority of his military career as a CT operator.
He is well-known in the CT community, particularly in North and South
America, and has a reputation as a stern taskmaster. Although he has
conducted actions in a wide variety of terrains and circumstances, he is
particularly proficient in jungle operations and long-range intelligence
gathering. In combat situations he is extremely aggressive and he expects
the same from any team that serves under him. He has no sense of humor
and considers it unprofessional in others. His only passion in life (aside
from his work and his family) is classical music and opera.

Novikov, Arkadi
Born in Minsk, in what is now Belarus. Novikov is the son of a career army
officer; his family is politically very well connected, and has made the
transition from the USSR to the CIS very well indeed. Novikov enjoyed the
finest education and living standard available, including an engineering
degree from the University of Moscow. He spurned the regular army to take
a prized field position in the enforcement arm of the KGB, only to find
it disintegrating beneath him. When his co-workers joined the forming
Russian Mafias, Novikov left the city to return to Minsk where the newly
independent Belarus army offered him a chance to lead a CT team of his
own creation. A series of low profile but well-planned and executed
missions brought him to the attention of RAINBOW, which Novikov gladly

Novikov combines the broad built of the Russian athlete with an incisive
mind and stern leadership. He is capable of working much higher in the
organization, but prefers field duty, even if it means taking more orders
than he gives. Other team members feel comfortable with Novikov in charge,
as his personal bravery combines with sharp planning to virtually guarantee

Price, Eddie
Born in London, September 21 1958. Father deceased, mother living in
Cambridge, retired nurse. Price is a former color sergeant who served
in the 22nd SAS at Hereford. Spot promoted to Sergeant major, he spent
time in Northern Ireland for the 14th Intelligence Company. Highly trained
in techniques such as CQB, IR photography and covert surveillance, "The
Company" as it is known performs in Northern Ireland, monitoring known
IRA terrorists and pre-emptively striking against terrorist targets.
Involved in hostage rescue in Columbia, 1984, where scientist was on a
research expedition. Extremely physically fit, and an expert marksmen.
Enjoys reading, smoking his pipe, and working out with Weber. Unmarried.

Rakuzanka, Kazimeira
Born Kazimiera Koziol in Gdansk, Poland. Her father and brothers worked
in the shipyards and she was active from an early age in the movement that
later become known as Solidarnosc. In 1981 when she was 17 she was beaten
seriously enough by police to require hospitalization and in 1982 she was
arrested during a street demonstration and spent the following year in
jail. Upon her release in 1983 she resumed activity in the Solidarity
underground while working odd jobs in and around Gdansk. Married in 1986
to Andrzej Rakuzanka, a follow underground activist. With the shifting
of political winds in 1989 and the founding of the Republic of Poland she
was able once again to make public her affiliation with Solidarity. In
1990 she joined the reconstructed Gdansk police force and quickly moved
into undercover work to battle the growing organized crime problem in the
newly liberated country. In 1993 she was recruited by the Grupa Reagowania
Operacyjno Mobilnego (GROM), Poland's newly-formed counter-terrorist
unit. Initially she was involved purely in intelligence gathering
activities, but in 1994 when her unit took part in Operation Restore
Democracy, the American-led invasion of Haiti, she was promoted to
full-fledged CT operator. In 1998 she lead her first assault team, and
has since cross-trained with the U.S. "Delta Force", Norway's
Beredskapstroppen, and Finland's Osasto Karhu. Her husband and two
daughters reside in Gdansk.

Rakuzanka is a survivor. Despite her unassuming appearance she has an
iron consititution and is capable of enduring extreme hardship. She is
a strong team player and an excellent shot. She has a sarcastic way of
speaking but always reserves her sharpest barbs for the rich and powerful.
She is called "Kazi" by friends and family, and "Kamikazi" by her colleagues,
although never to her face.

Raymond, Renee
Born in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. Father is a retired U.S. Army
colonel, mother is a homemaker. Two older brothers. Attended University
of Oklahoma, 1986-89 under Reserve Officers Training Corp (ROTC) program,
majoring in Political Science. Entered regular U.S. Army upon graduation.
Served in Kuwait, 1991. Recruited into U.S. Special Operations
Psychological Operations (PSYOPS), 1992. Served in Bosnia, 1996-97. In
1998 was selected to take part in U.S. Army trial introduction of women
into special operations ground combat forces. Trained with 1st Special
Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D, "Delta Force") .
Married since 1993. Husband is a lieutenant in U.S. Army, stationed in
Frankfurt, Germany. One child, a daughter, born 1995.

Raymond is extremely self-reliant and resourceful. An excellent combat
soldier, she is also well-versed in a variety of types of psychological
warfare, and understand how both soldiers and civilians react under the
stress of combat. Although an experienced officer, she is too much of
a loner to be at her best as a team lead and will be used to maximum advantage
in a support role. She doesn't talk much, and weighs her words carefully
when she does speak.

Walther, Jorg
Born in Saarbrucken, Germany. Father is a safety engineer with Lufthansa,
mother is a homemaker. Three younger siblings, two sisters and a brother.
Amateur archer, competing in Germany junior national championships, 1990.
Entered the German Federal Border Police Force (Bundesgrenzschutz) in 1994
at the top of his cadet class. Stationed at Saarbrucken, 1994-98.
Recruited into Germany's elite counter-terrorist force,
Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG-9) in 1998. Completed GSG-9 training in record
time, again at the top of his class. Temporarily attached to GSG-9/1,
the group's primary CT strike unit, before reassignment to RAINBOW.
Married since 1996. No children.

Walther is currently the youngest member of the RAINBOW team. His lack
of experience in the field is balanced by his extraordinary drive and
determination. He is a quick learner and an exceptional team member,
following every order without hesitation or question. Although his primary
training was as member of an assault team, he is also well-versed in
wire-tapping and electronic surveillance. He is clearly being groomed
for advancement by the Bundesgrenzschutz command and his assignment to
RAINBOW reflects the German government's long-term commitment to
international CT collaboration.

Galanos, Kure
Born in Nicosia, Cyprus. Galanos was thrust into the ethnic tensions on
Cyprus from an early age, when her family lost their homes during widespread
clashes between Turkish and Greek rioters. The Galanos family, while never
physically harmed by the tensions, continued to suffer difficult times
for many years due to the unrest. Eventually they fled the city, and
Galanos' father, an ex-ELDYK sniper, taught her his trade in extended
hunting trips through the center of the island. Galanos attempted to join
the Greek MYK force, but was denied due to her gender. Instead, she joined
the civilian police force and quickly rose to prominence as a sniper with
a reputation for precise shooting in less than optimal conditions.

Galanos is, at times, a sheer force of nature. What she cannot achieve
by skill alone, she often completes by force of will. Teammates often claim
her piercing gaze does more damage than her bullets. She displays no
antipathy towards Turks, or indeed any other nationality or criminal. She
treats assignments as problems to be solved, and solves them with a single,
clean trigger pull.

Johnston, Homer
Born in Boise August 23 1972. Father local logger, mother secretary at
lumber mill. Brought up in true mountain man fashion, he shot his first
deer at age 10. Former Green Beret and Delta member. Part of 101st
AirMobile Fort Campbell, Kentucky, he found his way into Black Ops by 1989.
Definitive distance runner, relies on stealth and speed to set up his sniper
locations. Expert with all forms of rifles. Spends free time hunting with
Weber and spending time with his parents. Unmarried.

Narino, Emilio
Born in Cartagena, Colombia. Narino's early activities are shrouded in
mystery, a situation he enhances with conflicting stories regarding his
training and upbringing. At various times, Narino has claimed to be the
nephew of a Colombian drug lord, a failed university professor, an
ex-police officer, and a freedom fighter. Most team members believe that
he learned his trade as a CIA assassin, a belief that Narino alternately
encourages with outrageous stories or flatly denies cold stares.
Regardless, everyone agrees that Narino is a cool and composed marksman
with a disquieting ability to sneak into exposed positions without being

Narino is a study in unpredictable mood swings. One minute joking and
talkative, the next tight-lipped and silent. This never interferes with
his professionalism on the job, but it has kept Narino at arm's length
from the easy camaraderie pervading most of the team. This distance is
especially noticeable during planning sessions, where he doesn't
contribute unless it is to point out an unorthodox sniping position.

Petersen, Einar
Born in Hamar, Norway. Parents owned and operated a ski resort high in
central Norway. Began skiing at an early age; soon added hunting and
shooting, to become an accomplished biathlete. Attempted and failed to
win entry to Norway's Olympic Biathlon Team in 1988 and 1992, missing by
fractions of a point each time. Joined Beredskapstroppen in 1990, after
sister travelling in the Middle East was wounded in a terrorist attack.

Petersen is a nearly unstoppable sniper if allowed the proper setup time.
He projects an air of icy calm at all times, prompting teammates to devise
various pranks and embarrassing situations to disturb that calm. All
attempts so far have failed. While aloof, his unerring accuracy has
endeared him to the rest of the team. When not on duty, Petersen often
embarks on lengthy solo cross-country skiing trips, disappearing into
dense terrain for days at a time.

Weber, Dieter
Born in Munich July 9 1971, Father ironworker, mother deceased. Graduate
of German Army's Burger Fubrer or Mountain Leader schools, one of the
physically toughest schools in the world. Came from German GSG-9 team,
which was part of the former Border Guards, the Federal Republic's
counterterrorism team. Fluent in English and German, his marksmen ability
only matched by a few members on the team. Spends free time hunting,
working out with Price, and practicing Tai Kwon Do. Unmarried.

Beckenbauer, Lars
Born on a farm near Chemnitz on the Czechoslovakian border in what was,
at the time, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). Drafted into
the East Germany Army, 1970. Specialized in bomb disposal and demolitions.
Assigned to East German Border Patrol, 1971-76. Arrested by the GDR State
Security Service (Stasi) in 1976 under suspicion of involvement in several
high-profile defections. Released for lack of evidence and discharged from
army in 1977. Movements and activities from 1977-84 are unknown. The
current German government will neither confirm nor deny rumors that he
was a member of the "Libellen", an underground group held responsible for
several bombings of East German governmental offices in and around Berlin
in the summer of 1981. Resurfaced in 1985 when he was granted asylum by
West Germany after a risky crossing of the Baltic Sea in a small sailboat.
Opened Pyrotechno GmbH, a security consulting firm, in 1989. Since then
he has built his reputation as Germany's leading expert on explosives and
demolitions. Married, 1995. Two children.

Beckenbauer has an encyclopedic knowledge of all types of explosive devices.
Years of working with bombs have made him extremely meticulous. He never
overlooks any detail of an operation and leaves nothing to chance. In his
relations with the rest of the team he is liable to be somewhat cold and
distant, but only because he is so completely focused on his job that he
considers personal interactions to be a dangerous distraction.

McAllen, Roger
Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Father is a senior officer with the Royal
Bank of Canada. Mother is deceased. One sister, still a resident of Toronto.
Joined the Canadian Army as a Field Engineer, 1981. Served one tour of
duty, 1981-85. Received advanced trainingin both combat diving and
explosive ordnance disposal. Upon discharge joined the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police (RCMP) and in 1988 became a member of the Special Emergency
Response Team (SERT), the RCMP's elite counter-terrorism unit. When SERT
was disbanded in 1993, he helped coordinate the transition of
counter-terrorist responsibilities to the Canadian Armed Forces' newly
formed Joint Task Force Two (JTF-2). McAllen re-enlisted in 1994 and
became a full member of JTF-2 the same year. He has participated in
counter-terrorist actions on three continents, including the JTF-2
extended operations in 1996-97 against war criminals in Bosnia. Married
in 1984, divorced in 1992. One child, a daughter, born 1986, lives with
her mother in London, Ontario.

McAllen is a specialist in multiple areas. He is an excellent shot and
is extremely aggressive in combat situations, making him a good choice
as a member of an assault team, but he also has extensive experience with
bomb disposal and demolitions. He is an amateur power-lifter and his
strength and stamina make him a formidable opponent. Team leads should
be warned that he performs better in a subordinate rather than a command
position. He has a hearty, good-natured manner and spends his off-duty
time socializing with a wide circle of friends, most of them current or
ex-military men.

Morris, Gerald
Born in Birmingham, Alabama, USA. Father is a retired furniture salesman,
mother is a homemaker. Two younger sisters, both still living in Birmingham.
Valedictorian of his high school class, National Merit Scholar, 1982.
Attended Rice University in Houston, Texas, 1983-87, graduating with a
BS in Material Science and a BA in Russian Literature. Joined the American
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) in 1988 as an agent in their
Explosives Division. Earned an MS in Inorganic Chemistry from the
University of New Orleans during a leave of absence from BATF, 1992-1994.
His thesis "Applications of Micro-stress Analysis in Accelerant
Identification" is considered to be a landmark in the forensic analysis
of bomb debris. Upon return to active duty in 1995 he was assigned to the
BATF's International Response Team (IRT). Since 1998 he has been on
extended assignment in South Korea with the Korean counter-terrorism task
force, the National Police 868 Unit, training them in techniques of bomb
detection, bomb disposal, and post-bombing investigation. His wife and
two daughters currently live in Seoul, South Korea.

Morris is a team player who likes his operations to run strictly by the
book. His primary specialty is forensics, but he is also an expert at the
setting and disarming of all types of explosive devices. Although he knows
a fair amount about conducting counter-terrorist assaults from his years
working with the 868 Unit, in hostage situations he prefers an indirect
approach. Morris likes to spend his off-duty hours with his family. In
his spare time he collects antique blues recordings and memorabilia.

DuBarry. Alain
Born in Chantilly, France. Father is a manuscript curator at a local museum,
mother is a journalist. Four sisters and two brothers. Second oldest sister
is a prominent professor of mathematics at the University of Paris.
Attended the Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs en Electrotechnique et
Electronique (ESIEE) in Paris, 1984-89. Graduated with a degree in
electronics engineering and computer science. Joined the Gendarmerie
Nationale in 1990 as an officer in their computer crime division.
Instrumental in thwarting a 1994 attempt by a group of Algerian nationals
to bring down the French Minitel computer network using a virus spread
by telephone switching software. In 1996 he was recuited by the Groupe
d'Intervention Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN), France's elite counter
terrorist unit, as a specialist in telephony and electronic surveillance.

DuBarry is an expert on computers and computer nets as well as more
conventional forms of surveillance. Although his role in CT actions is
usually intelligence gathering and communications, as a veteran of GIGN's
extensive combat training he is fully qualified to participate in armed
operations. Introverted and thoughtful, and an excellent tactician, he
often makes connections that other team members miss. Off-duty he is an
avid amateur scuba diver and is an officer in the Confederation Mondiale
des Activites Subaquatiques (CMAS).

Lofquist, Annika
Born in Goteborg, Sweden. Father was a retired admiral in the Swedish Navy,
now deceased. Mother is a professor of Romance languages at Goteborg
University and is active in Miljopartiet de Grona, the Swedish Green Party.
Three brothers. The entire family sails avidly. Attended Stockholm
University 1984-87, graduated with a B.S. in Physics. After a stint as
an engineer with the Swedishsemiconductor giant Microelektronik AB
(1988-92), Lofquist joined the Stockholm police force as an expert on
electronic surveillance. In 1994 she was recruited into Ordningspolisens
Nationella Insatsstyrka (ONI), the national rescue unit of the Stockholm
Police Department. From 1997 to 1999 she led ONI intelligence and
surveillance teams in over a dozen different counter-terrorist actions,
including the high-profile 1998 Red Cell occupation of the trading floor
of the Stockholm futures exchange. Unmarried.

Lofquist is an electronics genius. Her name is on 14 different patents
held by Microelektronik, her old employer, and she continues to consult
with their engineers while serving as a member of the RAINBOW team. Most
of her innovations have been in the area of electronic eavesdropping. She
is extremely confident and courageous, although at times her lack of
military training can lead her to overestimate her ability to handle a
situation. Off duty she keeps to herself, living alone on a sailboat in
Saltsjobaden outside Stockholm.

Maldini, Antonio
Born in Milano, Italy. Father is the manager of a textile factory, mother
is a homemaker. Five siblings. Attended Universita degli Studi di Ferrara,
1984-88. Graduated with a degree in Chemistry. Joined L'Arma dei
Caribinieri in 1989 and after completing training was assigned to the
Comando Carabinieri Antidroga, the Caribinieri's anti-narcotics agency.
Transferred in 1995 to the Gruppo Intervento Speciale (GIS), Italy's elite
counter-terrorist team. Married since 1990. Three children.

Maldini's specialty is stealth. At GIS his ability to occupy positions
undetected by the enemy resulted in the nickname "The Invisible Man". He
is in excellent physical condition and is exceptionally quick on his feet.
His demeanor is calm and somewhat aloof. Although a solid team member,
he is too introspective to be a truly effective commander. Off-duty he
is an amateur marathoner and has competed in races across Europe. Extremely
intelligent and well-spoken.

Pak, Suo-Won
Born in Kangnung, South Korea. Pak is a member of a large family of fishermen;
he has four brothers and three sisters. He entered the South Korean army
at the youngest age he could, so long as he would not have to serve on
a boat, ever again. Despite (or perhaps because of) his slight build, Pak
developed a reputation for physical prowess, particularly endurance. He
was accepted into the 707th Special Mission Battalion, making battalion
history by being the only inductee to exceed every one of the punishing
physical tests exacted upon the battalion during training. He built his
reputation up further by succeeding at lengthy solo infiltration missions
behind North Korean lines, often in disguise for extended periods of time.

Pak is cheerful and optimistic at all times. While Recon operatives are
not used in all missions, Pak manages to be in the center of the planning
and discussion stages all the same.

Woo, Tracy
Born in Los Angeles, California, USA. Father is a doctor, mother a lawyer.
No siblings. Amateur gymnast, competing in west coast regional
championships 1987-88. Attended UCLA University 1989-92, graduated with
a BA in Psychology. Joined Los Angeles Police department in 1992,
transferred to Metro Division S.W.A.T Team in 1994, where she specialized
in surveillance and negotiation. Awarded commendation for bravery for role
in ending the New Millennia occupation of L.A. city hall in 1999.

Woo is an expert on reconnaissance and surveillance. She can move quickly
and quietly through terrorist-controlled areas and is well-versed in the
installation and removal of a wide variety of electronic
intelligence-gathering devices. She handles command well, but she has
an independent nature and has been known to argue with her superiors. Her
combat skills are average. Outspoken and self-reliant.

Yacoby, Ayana
Born in Tel Aviv, Israel. Father is a greengrocer, mother died when she
was three. One younger brother, plays professional soccer for Beitar
Jerusalem. Joined the regular Israeli army, 1992. Transferred to
Sayeret Mat'kal in 1995, where she served in the general staff
reconnaissance unit. Recruited in 1997 by the Mossad. Specialization
in infiltration and intelligence gathering. Speaks fluent English and
Arabic. Unmarried.

Ayana is a master of the silent kill. Her training has prepared her for
moving stealthily into hostile territory and neutralizing whatever
threats may confront her. She is extremely intelligent with little
tolerance for fools. The quintessential professional, she has been known
to complain about the "cowboy attitude" of some of the other members of
the team. Ruthless in combat, in non-military situations she may err on
the side of excessive force.

b. My Preferred Operatives [TCRS3RS8B]
I really have no personal favorites for these agents, as you will be using
at most 8 of them in a mission. So, I could not care less. However, for
the sake of clarity, I will recommend certain people to be the leader of
the teams and which people to use as the team members.

The Team Leaders:
Ding Chavez, Arkadi Novikov, Jorg Walther

Ding Chavez
Assault: 100
Leadership: 100

Arkadi Novikov
Assault: 94
Leadership: 99

Jorg Walther
Assault: 96
Leadership: 97

These 3 operatives are the top 3 in Rainbow when Leadership is concerned.
Always try to keep these people alive and have them lead your 3 teams,
hence can make life easier.

The Team Members:
I don't care which people to use in your teams, but I suggest you use someone
with high Assault rating. I recommend the following agents, note that they
are all Assault Specialists, all other types of Specialists, regardless
of how high their assault ratings are, are completely ignored.

Santiago Arnavisca, Daniel Bogart, Eddie Price, Timothy Hanley, Kazimiera

Homer Johnston
Sniper: 100
Stealth: 100
This American Sniper from the novel is definitely the best sniper in the
game. After all, he is the only sniper to have a sniper rating of 100.
The stealth rating of 100 is also paramount if you don't want to be spotted.

Lars Beckenbauer
Assault: 76
Demolitions: 100
Lars Beckenbauer is the only agent in the game to have 100 in Demolitions.
Although he may have a mediocre assault rating, I still prefer him, as
Demolitions Operatives tend to use shotguns, and these are weapons that
Recovery is not an issue.

There are only 2 Electronics Operatives in the game, and the only mission
where planting bugs is necessary is a recon mission, this makes the
Electronics agents useless in this game.

Antonio Maldini
Stealth: 100
Yes, the invisible man is in the house! Although Ding Chavez and Homer
Johnston both have stealth ratings of 100, such recon work is best left
to the specialists.

9. The Campaign [TCRC3RS9]
*****MISSION LIST*****
Before I start, I think it is better for me to list out all the missions
in the game. The game has 15 missions, and the objectives of each mission
are ever so similar. Some just require you to go in and kill every single
terrorist you find, but some are not as simple. Here, before you read the
strategy guides to the missions below, I will simply introduce each mission
to you superficially. For more detailed analysis, read on. For your
information, the difficulties of the missions are given in a 3 star scale.
The more stars a mission has, the harder it is.

Mission 1: Stolen Flame
Date: 30-11-2003
Time: 23:00
Location: Amuay, Venezuela

Terrorists have seized control of an oil refinery in Amuay, Venezuela.
They have rigged much of the compound with explosive and are threatening
to detonate them unless their demands are met. Your mission is to neutralize
the terrorists.

Mission Type: Free for all
Difficulty: *

Mission 2: Cold Dagger
Date: 2-12-2005
Time: 16:00
Location: Jura Canton, Switzerland

Terrorists have taken hostages in the village of Lamoura, Switzerland.
Among them are several delegates to the current IMF conference in Geneva.
Swiss security forces have sealed off the area in preparation for your
arrival. You mission is to liberate the IMF delegates.

Mission Type: Hostage Rescue
Difficulty: *

Mission 3: Mountain Watch
Date: 2-12-2005
Time: 19:00
Location: Jura Canton, Switzerland

Several Terrorists managed to escape Lamoura with hostages before your
arrival. At the mouth of a tunnel on the N90 highway, the lead car skidded
into the tunnel wall, producing a multiple car pile-up. The surviving
terrorists have retreated into the tunnel with their hostages, using the
wrecked cars for cover. Your mission is to rescue the remaining IMF

Mission Type: Hostage Rescue
Difficulty: **

Mission 4: Sentinel Wolf
Date: 5-2-2006
Time: 03:00
Location: Bergen, Norway

Background: Terrorists have seized a shipyard in Bergen, Norway. When
authorities were alerted by a premature bomb detonation, the terrorists
fell back to the central ship completion area. They have rigged much of
the shipyard with explosives. Your mission is to prevent the detonation
of further explosives and eliminate all terrorists.

Mission Type: Bomb Squad
Difficulty: **

Mission 5: Falcon Hour
Date: 10-03-2006
Time: 13:00
Location: Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands

Background: A joint American-British drug bust in Cayman Brac has failed,
leaving several agents down and others taken hostage. The kidnappers have
taken refuge within a private airport complex and are threatening to
execute their hostages. Your mission is to rescue the captives and
eliminate their captors.

Mission Type: Hostage Rescue
Difficulty: **

Mission 6: Pearl Castle
Date: 19-4-2006
Time: 13:00
Location: Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands

Narco-Terrorists have taken members of the Royal Cayman Islands Police
Force hostage at a private estate on Cayman Brac. The Governor's offive
requests you assistance in resolving the situation. Your mission is to
secure the estate and liberate the captive officers.

Mission Type: Hostage Rescue
Difficulty: *

Mission 7: Crimson Hook
Date: 17-5-2006
Time: 05:00
Location: Pilar, Argentina

Background: A hostage situation has developed at a meat packing facility
in Pilar, Argentina. In response to a request from the Argentine government,
RAINBOW is being deployed to resolve the situation. Your mission is to
secure the hostages and eliminate their captors.

Mission Type: Hostage Rescue
Difficulty: **

Mission 8: Stone Cannon
Date: 10-06-2006
Time: 05:00
Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil

Background: An import-export firm in Porto Alegre, Brazil is allegedly
housing what authorities have identified as components of a chemical nerve
agent. Surveillance data has been confirmed by details of confessions
extracted from several of the terrorists captured on Cayman Brac. Your
mission is to raid the company's warehouse and secure all chemical agents
on the premises.

Mission Type: Free for all
Difficulty: ***

Mission 9: Shattered Glass
Date: 09-08-2006
Time: 09:00
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Background: RAINBOW has been authorized to plant audio surveillance
devices in the penthouse of Alvaro Gutierrez, an extremist Argentine
politician. Gutierrez has been linked to both the incidents in Switzerland
and Nikola Gospic, the owner of the meat packing firm. Your mission is
to plany bugs in the computer and one of two phones in Gutierrez's

Mission Type: Reconnaissance
Difficulty: **

Mission 10: Lion Shadow
Date: 23-09-2006
Time: 15:00
Location: London, England

Background: A private banking house in London has been seized by terrorists
in paramilitary gear. They have taken hostages and opened fire on the
Metropolitan Police. As several of the hostages are Swiss nationals, both
the British and Swiss governments have requested your assistance in this
matter. Your mission is to liberate the bank and any hostages within, and
prevent the destruction of valuable financial records that we believe are
the terrorists' target.

Type of Mission: Hostage Rescue
Difficulty: *

Mission 11: Broken Stone
Date: 11-11-2003
Time: 11:00
Location: Pilar, Argentina

Background: We have concluded that the meat packing operation in Pilar
is being used as a distribution vector for chemical agents. The Argentine
government confirms that several of Gospic's operatives have recently
entered the country and have been spotted of Pilar. Your mission is to
secure the meat-packing facility and prevent the dispersal of the chemical

Type of Mission: Free for all
Difficulty: **

Mission 12: Briar Gate
Date: 22-12-2006
Time: 17:10
Location: Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands

Background: RAINBOW is authorized to search the estate of Nikola Gospic
for evidence of more chemical weapons. Intel believes he is still in
possession of a highly lethal blistering agent, which he will attempt to
use. Your mission is to prevent the destruction of evidence on Gospic's
computer and to secure the estate using all necessary force.

Mission Type: Free for all
Difficulty: *

Mission 13: Talon Steel
Date: 22-12-2006
Time: 23:30
Location: Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands

Men identified as working as Gospic have killed an Interpol agent who had
infiltrated their operation and seized control of an airport on Cayman
Brac. Their baggage, which has been recovered, contains aerosol dispersal
equipment intended for use with the blistering agent, the existence of
which has been confirmed. Your mission is to secure the airport and
neutralize all gunmen.

Mission Type: Free for all
Difficulty: *

Mission 14: Whisper Blade
Date: 04-02-2007
Time: 11:00
Location: Rio de Janiero, Brazil

Background: A garage near the Festas Juninas parade route in Rio de Janeiro
must be stormed. It has been identified as the site where Gospic constructed
the parade float from which he intended to disperse the blistering agent.
Intel believes that Alvaro Gutierrez is on site, supervising the last
details of the operation. Your mission is to secure the garage and capture

Mission Type: Free for all
Difficulty: **

Mission 15: Steel Rose
Date: 02-24-2007
Time: 18:00
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Background: The float concealing the blistering agent has been located
near the beginning of the parade route, and must be seized. Gutierrez has
surrendered the rough locations of both Gospic and the blistering agent,
which he intends to disperse by the means of a small concussion device.
Your mission is to prevent the detonation of the explosive and eliminate
both Gospic and his men.

Mission Type: Bomb Squad
Difficulty: ***

a. Mission 1: Stolen Flame [TCRC3RS9A]
Location: Amuay, Venezuela
Date: 30-11-2003
Time: 23:00

Terrorists have seized control of an oil refinery in Amuay, Venezuela.
They have rigged much of the compound with explosive and are threatening
to detonate them unless their demands are met. Your mission is to neutralize
the terrorists.

John Clark:
The terrorists are demanding the end of deportation proceedings against
a senior citizen named Peja Sicic. It turns out that Mr. Sicic was a
high-ranking official in the Yugoslavian Ustache Regime during World War
II, working for the bad guys. That piece of his past just caught up with
him. (1) However, members of a neo-fascist organization called the People's
Social Nationalist Party (PSNP) (2) don't see anything wrong in what he
did back in the forties. They've seized the refinery in response to the
deportation hearings, and if Sicic isn't released within twenty-four hours
they threaten to blow the entire facility sky high.

All the information we have on the terrorists indicates that they're
neither well-organized nor well-armed. (3) Intel's analysis is that their
bombs are most likely home-made, which means that there's a chance that
they could go off at any moment and take the surrounding landscape with

(1) Peja Sicic was the man you saw in the intro movie with the hat on in
the 1940s. It seems that the Venezuelan Government does not like people
who stole millions from Jews in the Second World War. Hence, well, they
are considering to deport him. In fact, South America was the paradise
for some high-ranking fascist officials to take refuge. Adolf Eichmann,
a high ranking SS official for instance was one of them, and he was caught
by the MOSSAD in 1961 in Argentina, and was executed a year later after

(2) You call yourselves People's Social Nationalist Party? Sounds like
a Socialist Party to me.

(3) These guys are not very good at using guns, and they use some relatively
weak weapons. But still, don't underestimate them, as this game taunts
a "one-shot kill lethality". So, don't get shot at all!

Kevin Sweeney:
What we are dealing here is a lot of bloody dangerous amateurs sitting
on top of a powder keg. These lads are affiliated with the so-called
People's Social Nationalist Party, which got itself booted from the far
right coalition for being too extremist. Neat trick, that. They've had
a number of scraps with the police, usually after seven or eight of them
get together to introduce an immigrant to the finer points of a mass beating.

Nothing in their profile indicated that they're well-organized or well
supported, so you can most likely expect a lot of small caliber arms.
They're erratic, politically fanatical and by all accounts, not that bright.
Right now, they're sticking explosives over a few million barrels of crude
oil and gasoline, and they don't seem to care if they get incinerated,
so long as they get their point across. (2)

(1) The People's Social Nationalist Party has all the typical racist
policies of a fascist organization. They are so fanatical that even those
ordinary nationalist and right-wing parties have decided to ditch them
and move on. Sigh...

(2) Yes, and these terrorists don't mind dying as a martyr for their cause.

Planning Tips
My Comments about this mission:
This is just the typical search and destroy mission, really. Your only
goal is to kill all the terrorists inside the oil refinery, and hence you
should have a plan that involves your teams covering every square foot
of the refinery. This mission is rather easy, and within one try or a few
more, you should be able to beat it without any loss of operatives.

Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Daniel Bogart, Eddie Price)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Louis Loiselle,
Kazimiera Rakuzanka)

Gold Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Jorg Walther, Santiago Arnavisca)

Objectives of each team:

Red Team: To storm the Oil Refinery from the east

Green Team: To storm the Oil Refinery from the west

Gold Team: To storm the Oil Refinery from the upper level

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M14 Assault Rifle with Mini Scope

Green Team: M14 Assault Rifle with Mini Scope

Gold Team: M14 Assault Rifle with Mini Scope

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Gold Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Black Camo

Green Team: Heavy Black Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Black Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: As you wish

Green Team: As you wish

Gold Team: At least 3 Frag Grenades

The vague rundown of the plan:

Red Team will begin at the Eastern Insertion Zone, and will start by
circling the courtyard once before waiting outside for a Alpha Go-Code
outside the door next to the ladder.

Green Team will Begin at the Western Insertion Zone, and will start by
circling the area with the train cars and tracks in an anti-clockwise
direction once before going up the 2nd westernmost ramp to engage any
possible any enemies before going through the southernmost door in that
courtyard, going east until they reach the door at the end of the hallway,
where they will wait for the Go-Code.

Gold Team also begins at the Western Insertion Zone, and will circle the
train track area in a clockwise direction before climbing up that ladder
next the tracks and throw a Frag Grenade into the following room behind
the door, they then go through the door to the east, and through the hallway,
and wait for the Alpha Go-Code behind that door leading to the catwalk
above the room Red Team and Green Team are about to enter.

When given the Go-Code, Red Team and Green Team will bust into the same
oil processing room from their respective doors, having scanned the room
once, Green Team will go through the northwestern door, while the Red Team
goes through the door to the northeast and goes upstairs. Gold Team will
Frag the room in front of them, killing everyone before going through the
eastern door.

Now, Red Team will just continue west on the upper level, engaging enemies
as they go. Meanwhile, Green Team just circles around the lower level of
the complex in an anti-clockwise direction, making use of as much cover
as possible and visiting every room they find.

Gold Team will also circle the upper level in an anti-clockwise direction.

When planning, make sure that all rooms are visited, then it can ensure
that all terrorists can be hunted down. (Provided no team was wiped out
in the process, of course.)

As Gold Team:
As soon as you start, turn around the corner, they may or may not be
Terrorists in the distance. If there are, whip out your scope and kill
them, as they can barely see you.

Circle around the area with the tracks, and give Green Team a favor by
killing the Tango up the ramp and the lone one on the catwalk above. When
you have finished circling around the tracks, climb up that set of steps
by the tracks and climb up the ladder. Walk across the catwalk to the door.

Tension Zone! Heavily Guarded Control Room
Get back to business, open that door slightly, and throw a Frag Grenade
in, and quickly close the door. The Grenade should kill 2 of the 4 Tangos
inside. Those 2 survivors will be too confused to fight back when you bust
in and kill them. Then, follow your waypoint, and go through that door
to your right. Wait for the Alpha Go-Code as planned.

When all 3 teams a ready, give the Go-Code. Then Most likely, the Tangos
in that oil processing room will be a bit surprised when Red, Green and
Gold Teams come in at the same time, and most likely, no operatives will
be killed.

With that Tension Zone taken care of, it's just a matter of following the
waypoints and killing anyone that gets in the way. There are about 25
Terrorists in the Refinery, when you have killed them all, the mission
is complete.

b. Mission 2: Cold Dagger [TCRC3RS9B]
Location: Jura Canton, Switzerland
Date: 2-12-2005
Time: 16:00

Terrorists have taken hostages in the village of Lamoura, Switzerland.
Among them are several delegates to the current IMF conference in Geneva.
Swiss security forces have sealed off the area in preparation for your
arrival. You mission is to liberate the IMF delegates.

John Clark:
Normally we'd leave something like this to the Swiss authorities, but the
profile of the hostages is high enough that we've been called in. There
were at least five IMF conference delegates present in the village when
it was stormed. I say "were" because we don't know how many are left alive.
(1) The terrorists hit the local bank first, then rounded up hostages when
they realized they were pinned down. They've issued a few demands, but
they haven't identified themselves. (2)

Something about all this stinks, but figuring out what is Intel's job,
not yours. Yours is to go in there, clear our that village and make sure
both the delegates and the locals who have been taken hostage come out
in one piece.

(1) Some of the hostages may have been killed by the terrorists already.
(2) We don't know who and where the terrorists come from. From outer space,

Kevin Sweeney:
There's something odd about this operation. At first, the terrorists seemed
unaware of the identity of their captives (1), as though they'd been
planning to hit the town anyway and the presence of the IMF officials was
a lucky accident. Apparently the delegates were taking a day's ski trip
away from the conference in Geneva. They'd have been better off if they'd
kept their minds on business. Still, there's something here that doesn't
make any sense. There's certainly nothing else in Lamoura worth mounting
an operation like this over. (2)
(1) The terrorists have absolutely no idea that their hostages were IMF
(2) There is nothing else of interest in Lamoura for the terrorists if
they do not know about the IMF delegates' presence in the village. There
must be some other motive for the terrorists' actions.

Planning Tips
My Comments about this mission:
This is the first hostage rescue mission of the entire game, and you are
to rescue two hostages hidden inside some houses in a village. There is
no need to make use of any silenced weapons here, but multi-team entry
works in some areas. Not a difficult mission at all, just watch out for
the houses near the extraction zone.

For your information, I have added a new plan for this mission the old
one is obsolete.

Your Teams:

Red Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Daniel Bogart, Eddie Price,
Santiago Arnavisca)

Green Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Louis Loiselle,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka, Jorg Walther)

Objectives of each team:

Red Team: The Main Assault Team, to rescue and escort the 2 Hostages to
the Extraction Zone

Green Team: To cover the village from a different direction

Primary Weapon:

Red Team:
Leader and 2nd and 3rd Operatives: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound
Remaining Operative: 21E Light Machine Gun

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or M16A2 Assault Rifles
with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team:
Leader: SR-2 Machine Pistol with High Capacity Magazine
Remaining Operatives: Desert Eagle .50 Cal

Green Team: Desert Eagle .50 Cal


Red Team: Light Winter Camo

Green Team: Light Winter Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: Heartbeat Sensor, 3 Smoke Grenades

Green Team: 3 Flashbang Grenades, 3 Smoke Grenades

The vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team chooses the northern path at the first junction, and follows the
path, until they reach the next door. They go through the door, and out
the other one. They then wait for the Bravo Go-Code outside the double
doors leading to the first hostage. Green Team takes the other path, and
enters the houses through the first door they see. They head for the
easternmost ladder and climb down, to the courtyard, waiting for the Alpha

When the Go-Code is given, Red Team proceeds to wait for the Bravo Go-Code,
while Green Team enters the path Red Team has been a while ago, and goes
through the opening at the far end. They go down the slope, and follow
the northern part behind the houses. They enter the house with the red
cross and then back out. They then go west and through the door, and waits
for the Bravo Go-Code behind the door leading to the second hostage.

When the Go-Code is given, both teams rush it to rescue their hostages.
Green Team explores the room to the east, throws a Smoke Grenade at the
door, and then heads out Cautiously to the extraction zone.

Meanwhile, Red Team goes out through the way they came in and heads for
the extraction zone through the southern path. You may ask them to examine
the houses to the far east.

Playing as Red Team:
At the start, go forward, and then right. Keep a close eye at the window.
If there is a terrorist there, shoot him quick, and you will see another
running to the right. Shoot him dead as well. Well, I guess that is tango
orange for the Red Team.

Follow the path, down the steps and around the corners. There are a couple
of terrorists here. But they usually will not be aware enough for you to
worry about. But when you reach the opening to the courtyard to the right,
STOP. Wait a while, if he is not there already, a tango should come walking
at you from the corner in front of you past the door. Kill him. Then if
no terrorists are coming from the right, throw a Smoke Grenade around the
opening, and wait for it to thicken. Run through the smoke, and kill any
terrorists that you see. They should not be able to see you.

Then, go through the door I talked about earlier. There is a tango right
in front of you. He cries, "Hello!" Say hello and shoot him in the face!
There is one up the ladder to! Kill him, climb up the ladder and look out
the window. There is another tango at the window in the building opposite.
Shoot him immediately as well as his little friends. This is going to cut
Green Team some trouble.

Then go down the ladder and give the Alpha Go-Code, have the 2 teams charge
into the courtyard, killing any hostilities they find here. Then wait for
the Bravo Go-Code. Green Team should not mess up now. They should make
a modest number of kills down their way, I'm sure.

When both teams are ready, give the Go-Code, and charge!

Tension Zone! First Hostage Rescue
There are basically 2 ways to charge in here. One is through the left,
and one is through the right side. I suggest the right side. Run in, and
target the hostage keeper first, before the others. No one should be killed
if you are fast and lucky enough. Green Team should have killed the taker
at the same time, but sometimes they will just fail.

Anyway, with the hostage secure, get out the same way you came in, and
go left. There may be another terrorist here. Go straight on, taking
whatever cover possible, destroying any more terrorists in the way, and
reach the last set of houses. If there are not any immediate threats, join
Green Team in the Extraction Zone and the mission will be complete.

c. Mission 3: Mountain Watch [TCRC3RS9C]
Location: Jura Canton, Switzerland
Date: 2-12-2005
Time: 19:00

Several Terrorists managed to escape Lamoura with hostages before your
arrival. At the mouth of a tunnel on the N90 highway, the lead car skidded
into the tunnel wall, producing a multiple car pile-up. The surviving
terrorists have retreated into the tunnel with their hostages, using the
wrecked cars for cover. Your mission is to rescue the remaining IMF

John Clark:
It looks like the Swiss didn't bottle up those terrorists in Lamoura as
well as they claimed. A handful managed to sneak out with hostages, while
the local authorities were still sealing the perimeter. Near as we can
tell, they had vehicles waiting downslope for their getaway (1). Those
who slipped out headed for the French border, but got mixed up in the storm
and took the wrong turn on highway N90.(2)

That's the good news. The bad is that they wiped out about fifty clicks
from Lamoura. The ones who can still walk have fallen back into a tunnel,
taking their hostages with them. They're using the wrecked cars as a
barricade and firing at the Swiss police as we speak. The other end of
the tunnel is blocked of, so we're going to have to go in the front door.(3)

(1) It seems that the terrorists had planned their operation well enough
to have some sort of "contingency plan" in case things went wrong. Things
did go wrong when you stormed the village, and some terrorists escaped
in the cars waiting for them downslope.

(2) Fortunately, they had a little car accident (It happens all the time!)
and they are now stuck at the mouth of the tunnel, and you can go get them.

(3) Actually, there is a sneaky way into the tunnel that allows you to
take the terrorists by surprise, so you need not go through the front door.

Kevin Sweeney:
Back luck on this one. The tunnel the terrorists have holed up in isn't
just a cheese bore through a pile of rock. Instead, the whole thing's
connected to an old bunker system someone carved back in the 1930s. It's
a rat maze, and those rats have sharp teeth. (1)

We have confirmation from several of the rescued hostages that our
terrorists went for the bank first, and that once inside they looked for
old bank records before they went rummaging for cash. (2) Hopefully, you'll
be able to bring someone in who can shed light on this mess, because right
now Intel and I are stumped.(3)

(1) See? You can get into the middle of the tunnel through that bunker
system to engage the terrorists at the mouth of the tunnel from behind.
God knows why someone would want to carve such a sophisticated Bunker system
back in the 1930s, perhaps they are preparing for the Second World War?

(2) The searching for the Bank Records inside the bank is a lot like the
action of the terrorists in the opening FMV, is there a connection?

(3) Even Intel has no idea what's going on in Jura Canton. They will have
to interrogate one of the terrorists to find out what are their motives
and so on.

Planning Tips
My Comment about this mission:
This is the second hostage mission in a row. There are 2 hostages, and
they are both in the same room, and silenced weapons are NOT required,
as the terrorists tend not to hear you if you are behind doors. But of
course, breaching the room to the hostage is quite a good idea really.

Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Daniel Bogart, Eddie Price)
and 1 Demolitions Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Green Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Louis Loiselle, Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Note: An alternative plan is to replace another Assault Operative in the
Red Team with a Sniper (Homer Johnston). Equip him with Smoke Grenades,
a VSS Vitorez Sniper Rifle with a Thermal Scope attached.)

Objectives of each team:

Red Team: To rescue the 2 hostages

Green Team: To watch the escape route of the Red Team, ensuring no
terrorists will sneak up on them

Primary Weapon:

Red Team:
Leader, Demolitions Operative, 2nd Assault Operative:
M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound
Remaining Operative:
21E Light Machine Gun

Green Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or M16A2 Assault Rifles
with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: SR-2 Machine Pistols with High Capacity Magazines

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Winter Camo

Green Team: Heavy Winter Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team:
Assault Operatives:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
Demo Kit, 3 Breaching Charges

Green Team: As you wish

Vague Rundown of the Plan:
Both teams start at the Insertion Zone on Level #2. They both go through
the door to the northwest of them, and climb down the spiraling flight
of steps, reaching a hallway at the bottom. They go along the hallway to
the other end, and go through the exit to the northwest. Having walked
behind a parked car, they will both go through the door to the north.

At the T-Junction that follows, Green Team turns to the west, and waits
at that small room there for a Go-Code. Red Team goes east, along the
corridor, and then going up the ramp, and towards the room where the hostage
is kept. Red will breach the door to the hostage's room to surprise the
lone terrorist inside. After the hostage is rescued, Red Team gives the
Go-Code to Green Team, which will go up the ramp and explore the remaining
areas of the bunker above where Red will not explore, eventually making
their way to the Extraction Zone.

Red Team will herd the hostages back to the extraction zone by the same
way they came in.

Playing as Red Team:
Go through the door according to the plan, and there may or may not be
a Terrorist right behind the door. Kill him if he's there. Make your way
down the stairs, killing any enemies you find. When you reach the bottom,
consider going into a crouching or crawling position, then you can use
your Light Machine Gun to kill those 3 to 4 Terrorists while making yourself
a smaller target.

With the Sniper, throw a Smoke Grenade round the corner, and take out your
Sniper Rifle. Use the scope and activate the thermal scope by pressing
the ALT key. All the tangos will show up as white shapes in your sight,
and you can take them all out without fear of retaliation at all.

Continue round the corner, and kill the Tango behind the barrels if he's
there. Then, you will reach a door to your right. Get into a crouching
position, take a deep breath as you are going to have the experience of
your life!

Tension Zone! Terrorists caught from behind
As soon as you open the door, kill the terrorist behind it, and then fire
as rapidly as possible, and all the terrorists at the mouth of the tunnel
should be killed. Then close the door, and wait for any survivors to show
up for your 21E! Lovely massacre, eh? Note that if you have had Homer
Johnston there with you, you can throw a Smoke Grenade before you open
the door. Then, you can again use the Thermal Scope and pick all the enemies
off one by one.

Now, go through the other door, taking out any terrorists near the parked
car and any that comes from your right. Go through the door in front of
you. At the next junction, turn right and kill that lone Tango there. Then
move up the ramp, there is another patrolling Terrorist directly in front
of you. Take him out! There are several more Terrorists waiting for you
to the right, using the crates and barrels as cover. Kill them carefully,
and head for the door to the hostage's room.

Switch to Lars Beckenbauer. Place the Breaching Charge on the door and
detonate it. BOOM! Command your teammates to move into the room. The
terrorist most likely will be a bit too shocked by the explosion, and will
only react when one of your men put a bullet in his head.

Congratulations! You have secured the 2 hostages! Now, move them back to
the extraction zone the same way you came in, and the mission is complete.
There ends your Swiss Adventure.

It is entirely optional to give your Green Team the go-code, as you will
be risking their lives again if you send them up to that room above.

d. Mission 4: Sentinel Wolf [TCRC3RS9D]
Location: Bergen, Norway
Date: 5-2-2006
Time: 03:00

Terrorists have seized a shipyard in Bergen, Norway. When authorities were
alerted by a premature bomb detonation, the terrorists fell back to the
central ship completion area. They have rigged much of the shipyard with
explosives. Your mission is to prevent the detonation of further explosives
and eliminate all terrorists.

John Clark:
Imagine the refinery operation in Amuay? Imagine that scenario, only this
time you're going up against pros. (1) That's basically what we're dealing
with here, ladies and gentlemen, but we actually caught a break on this
one. It seems that one of the charges the terrorists were setting on the
ship hulls detonated prematurely. (2) It wrecked the hull, but alerted
local police forces, and they were smart enough to call in the heavy
artillery. Once the Norwegian anti-terrorist units arrived on the scene,
our playmates fell back to the central ship finishing facility and started
issuing their demands. (3)

There's a lot of long sight lines in the shipyard, and a lot of good sniping
points. Advance slowly and carefully or you're going to find yourself
chewed up and spit out a hundred yards from your objectives. (4)

(1) This is another of those missions where you have to prevent Terrorists
from blowing up oil related facilities. This time, it's a shipyard building
oil tankers that you will have to deal with.

(2) The Terrorists sort of gave themselves away when they accidentally
blew up a bomb too early.

(3) This "accident" attracted the police's attention, and they called in
some advanced squad to take care of business. That's when the terrorists
retreated to the main ship building area and started to issue their demands.

(4) There are many snipers watching over the shipyard. Therefore, you will
have to send in a sniper yourself to snipe at those sniping snipers,
clearing the way for our bomb squad. Get the pun?

Kevin Sweeney:
Here's the latest we know on your Swiss adventure, and it isn't much. All
that we've got from the bodies is that they were traveling on Argentinean
passports. (1) We did manage to bring in one chap who got himself trapped
in an overturned car, but he hasn't said anything useful yet. I suspect
that will change with time. In any case, the Argentine government is
promising a full investigation and will grant us access to their findings.

Today you've got oil tankers to deal with. The Bergen shipyard's in the
middle of a contract with PDVSA, the Venezuelan oil company. They're making
a fleet of new tankers, and those are the hulls the terrorists are targeting.
The ships are insured, but that's not the point; if those hulls are wrecked,
it's going to cost PDVSA millions from the delays.(3)

The Terrorists' demands are very interesting. They want the release of
some paramilitary types convicted of blowing up oil company offices, the
American oil facilities in Venezuela nationalized (4) and the usual safe
passage and money. Someone's got serious issues with the Venezuelan oil
industry it would seem. (5)

(1) The Terrorists you met in the 2 missions in Jura Canton, Switzerland
are most likely Argentineans, or the person financing them or in charge
of them is an Argentinean.

(2) Intel has got what they wanted, they managed to catch a terrorist alive,
and bring him back for questioning. The Argentine Government will help
Rainbow investigate the case.

(3) The whole point of setting the bombs of the ship hulls of the oil tankers
under construction is to delay the PDVSA's use of the tankers, causing
them to lose a lot of money due to this delay, and possibly to close down
or something.

(4) They want the companies nationalized? That sounds rather communist
to me.

(5) This is the second time terrorists have tried to attack the Venezuelan
oil industry. The first time, it's in Amuay, Venezuela.

Planning Tips
My Comments about this mission:
The first mission requiring the disarming of bombs is finally here! I am
sure you are going to have fun. Although all you have to do to prevent
all the bombs from detonating is to destroy the leader by the ship hull,
you have to destroy every single terrorist in the shipyard, so it is always
a good idea to make your 3 teams to cover the entire shipyard. Red Team
and Green Team will be responsible for defusing the bombs, and Gold Team
will help clear the way by sniping at various points of the mission.

Your Teams:

Red Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price) and 1 Demolitions
Operative (Roget McAllen)

Green Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca) and
1 Demolitions Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Gold Team: 1 Assault Operative (Jorg Walther) and 1 Sniper (Homer Johnston)

Objectives of the teams:

Red Team: To defuse the Warehouse Bomb, to storm the basement with the
ship hull bomb

Green Team: To defuse the Machine Room Bomb, to storm the basement with
the ship hull bomb

Gold Team: The Sniper Team; To kill any snipers or anyone else that gets
in the way of the other teams

Primary Weapon:

Red Team:
Assault Operatives:
M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes
Demolitions Operative:
USAS-12 Shotgun with Mini Scope

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes
Demolitions Operative:
USAS-12 Shotgun with Mini Scope

Gold Team:
Assault Operative:
M14 Assault Rifle with Mini Scope
M16A2 Sniper with Thermal Scope

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Gold Team:
Assault Operative: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)
Sniper: SR-2 Machine Pistol with High Capacity Magazine


Red Team: Heavy Euro Camo

Green Team: Heavy Euro Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Euro Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team:
Assault Operatives:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
Demo Kit, Primary Magazines for Shotgun

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
Demo Kit, Primary Magazines for Shotgun

Gold Team:
As you wish

Vague Rundown of the Plan:
Red Team starts at the Insertion Zone to the west, while Green and Gold
Teams start at the east.

Red Team moves a little bit forward along the side of the truck, and waits
for an Alpha Go-Code behind the door. Green Team goes up the ramp and waits
for the same Go-Code just before the corner.

Meanwhile, Gold Team also goes up the ramp, and turns to the north, and
snipes there for a short moment, and then turns to the west between some
containers, sniping to the west, then they circle the containers in a
clockwise direction, through the short way round, and heads for the eastern
door into the warehouse, waiting for the Alpha Go Code.

The go-code is given at this point. Red Team and Gold Teams enter the
warehouse, and Red Team tries to take cover from the crates while they
head for the bomb, and having disarmed it, will go north then east, through
2 doors to another storage area, that is where they will wait for another
Alpha-Go Code next to the door leading north. At the same time, Gold Team
moves west, and towards the ladder at the far end, and climbs up to the
catwalk above, and moves along it, reaching a control room before
continuing to the main offices through the southern door. Gold will circle
around the office in an anti-clockwise direction, and will snipe at the
window to the north. That is where they will stay. Green Team will circle
the container area the long way round in a clockwise direction before
heading into the storage area from the south cautiously. They will then
circle that room in a clockwise direction before heading down the stairs
to the east. Once they are down, they will just go east cautiously, and
making use of the crates for cover. Then they quickly head over to the
room with the machine room bomb and defuse it, and then quickly head back
up to where Red Team is waiting. They also wait for an Alpha Go-Code.

After the Go-Code is given, both teams will get through that door. Green
heads down the stairs in front of them and waits for a Bravo Go Code in
the Corridor just before the opening, while Red Team takes the long way
round through the completion area also cautiously, and storms the office
for any more tangos to the west before heading down the stairs next to
the office. In the basement, Red Team goes through the first opening they
find in the corridor and moves to the north, then east, at the second room
(The room next to the room with the final bomb); they wait for the Bravo
Go-Code. When the Go-Code is given, Red Team storms that room in a blitz
from the northwest, while Green Team does it from the south. The 2 teams
converge at the bomb.

Playing as Gold Team:
As soon as the mission starts, switch to Homer Johnston, get into a crawling
position just before you go around the corner, then crawl out and pick
off any Tangos in front of you, then look up through your scope, there
is a Tango sniper up there in the window, kill him. Then crawl to your
right between the container and the pile of crates, there may be a tango
in front of you, but he cannot see you yet. Take him out as well, next,
look above to your left, there is another sniper on top of that crane there,
you know what to do.

With such threats eliminated, switch back to the assault operative. Follow
the route as planned until you reach the door to the warehouse as mentioned
in the plan. Give the go-code and CHARGE!

Tension Zone! Warehouse Bomb
Strafe to the ladder, keeping your eyes to the right, as there are tangos
on the catwalks, there may be another one above the ladder. When all the
tangos on your side of the warehouse are killed, climb up the ladder and
follow through to the door to the office.

There are 4 tangos on this floor of the office. Pick them off, then switch
to Homer Johnston, and get into a crawling position. See that Tango on
the ship outside the window, with you crawling, he cannot see what is going
on when you shoot him dead. Then crawl until you reach the wall under the
window. Then stand up, as you can see there are several tangos down there,
play Duck Hunt and pick them all off.

When both the Red Team and Green Team has assembled and are waiting for
the go-code, give the go-code, and let them finish the job. You may have
to assist Red Team by shooting that lone Terrorist in that window in case
he shows up.

When the Red Team and Green Team are both at their positions surrounding
the room with the final bomb, give the go-code and the 2 teams will charge
in and sandwich the terrorists inside.

Mission Complete.

e. Mission 5: Falcon Hour [TCRC3RS9E]
Location: Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands
Date: 10-03-2006
Time: 13:00

A joint American-British drug bust in Cayman Brac has failed, leaving
several agents down and others taken hostage. The kidnappers have taken
refuge within a private airport complex and are threatening to execute
their hostages. Your mission is to rescue the captives and eliminate their

John Clark:
Pack your swim trunks, you are going to the Cayman Islands. Unfortunately,
it's not a pleasure cruise. A joint drug intercept between the American
DEA and British Customs went haywire at a private airport and since the
defense of the Caymans is still under British control (2), we've been put
on the spot. (1)

The local police were mart enough to block off the runways so that the
terrorists can't take off. What that means in practical terms is that we
have a squad of angry, heavily armed drug dealers somewhere in the airport
complex itself. Even worse, they got ticketing agents with them as

According to witnesses, someone or something must have tipped the smugglers
off, because they were toting more ordnance than usual. When the DEA and
Custom agents went to make their move, they got a nasty surprise. (3)

(1) Apparently, the British and Americans were yet to deal with another
instance of drug trafficking in the Cayman Brac, but their plans went
terribly wrong.

(2) I guess that means that the Cayman Islands are still a British colony
or something like that.

(3) The smugglers somehow knew about the British and Americans' plan to
stop their trafficking. They were heavily armed, and they really caught
the unsuspecting agents off guard.

Kevin Sweeney:
Cayman Brac's the easternmost of the Cayman Islands. It's got a lot of
money, a lot of big houses and a lot of people who like their privacy.
(1) The airport where the hostage-takers are holed up is small and private,
with a short strip. Mostly, it handles Gulfstreams and the like, wealthy
people jetting in for the weekends (2). It's also a major drug distribution
hub, mainly marijuana and cocaine, and the local police have made several
busts there in the past. (3) However, there's never been a hostage situation
before. Don't kidnap the police was always one of the unwritten rules,
but it seems that rule's been changed.

(1) Cayman Brac houses a lot of wealthy people, and is a rather private
residence for people.

(2) A lot of rich people living along the Persian Gulf like to fly over
to the Cayman Islands for vacations, and this airport serves their private

(3) This airport has a record number of drug smuggling incidents, maybe
its privacy favors all this.

Planning Tips
My Comments about this Mission:
This is the third mission in the game to require the rescue of hostages.
In this mission, the usage of all rounded weapons is a must. It is always
wise to make use of Silenced Weapons, as they have extremely good accuracy
to pick off terrorists from obscure angles, and the sniper rifle I use
is good at indoor combat as well as outdoor combat.

Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Daniel Bogart, Eddie Price)

Green Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca) and
1 Demolitions Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Gold Team: 1 Assault Operative (Jorg Walther) and 1 Sniper (Homer Johnston)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To rescue the hostage in the garage

Green Team: To storm the passenger terminal building, hangar and to breach
the room with the 2 other hostages in the passenger terminal building.

Gold Team: The Sniper Team; To storm the passenger terminal building,
hangar and to storm the room with the 2 other hostages in the passenger
terminal building.

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Gold Team:
Assault Operative:
M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors
VSS Vitorez with Thermal Scope

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Gold Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Green Camo

Green Team: Heavy Green Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Green Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: As you wish

Green Team: As you wish and at least 3 Breaching Charges

Gold Team: As you wish, Primary Mags for the Sniper.

A Vague Rundown of the Plan:

Red Team starts at the Southern Insertion Zone, while Green Team and Gold
Team starts at the Northern Insertion Zone.

Red Team moves into the building directly to the northwest of them. (The
one with the first hostage) through the eastern door, and enters, circling
the lower level in a clockwise direction, through a few rooms behind the
fire engine and the ambulance. Then they go up the stairs, into the
hostage's room and rescue the hostage, and they head back to the extraction
zone. That's all the Red Team does in the mission.

Meanwhile, Green Team proceeds to the door to the hangar directly to the
west of their insertion zone and waits there for an Alpha Go-Code, while
Gold Team waits for the Charlie Go-Code behind a fuel truck on the tarmac.

When the Charlie Go-Code is given, Gold Team will move cautiously across
the tarmac to the west, before entering the door to the hangar from the
north, they move up to the second floor of the hangar, and enters the room
overlooking the actual area where the planes are kept. They snipe there
for the Bravo Go-Code.

At this point, the Go-Code is given, Green Team circles the hangar before
exiting through the door to the south, and then heading out of the hangar
through the north door and then going south to wait for another Charlie
Go-Code behind a tour bus.

Gold Team then exits the hangar through the southern door on the upper
level of the hangar, and snipes there until the Charlie Go-Code is given.
After they have finished, the go-code is given, and Gold Team heads to
the main terminal building, and enters via the northern door, they walk
cautiously and circles the rooms on the lower level in an anti-clockwise
direction, before waiting for another Bravo Go-Code behind a door that
leads to the lobby of the building. Meanwhile, Green Team heads for the
southern entrance of the lobby and places a breaching charge on the door,
waiting for the Bravo Go-Code as well.

After the Go-Code is given, the 2 teams storm the lobby at once, and Gold
Team explores the northern part of the terminal while Green Team explores
the lower part. Both teams will go-upstairs via their respective staircases,
and then wait outside their respective doors to the 2 hostages' room for
the final Alpha Go-Code, with Green Planting a Breaching Charge on the
door. Then when both teams are ready, they storm the room from both sides
and that's that.

OK, in this mission, you will have to switch between teams. We begin with
the Red Team.

Playing as Red Team:
Enter the warehouse in a crouching position. It is important to keep your
head down, otherwise, the Tango in the room above may see you coming and
execute his hostage. Kill the 2 Patrolling Tangos, and head through the
first door you see in front of you. Go through room by room, killing the
tangos as you go, then climb up the stairs.

There are 2 Terrorists inside guarding the hostage. It is best to play
it safe, and open the door a crack. Then throw in a Flashbang Grenade.
You will hear the hostage whimper, but that's OK. As soon as the grenade
explodes, the 2 Tangos inside will be blinded and will be bagging for
Tylenol! Then, feel free to charge right in and kill those 2. The hostage
is yours. Get back to the extraction point, and that's all the Red Team
will do for this mission.

Switch to the Gold Team.

Playing as Gold Team:
Immediately give the go-code, and switch to Homer Johnston, have him crawl
sideways, with the scope in hand. Then, you should be able to see a lone
Terrorist Sniper among some boxes on the other end. Pick him out, I suggest
you stay for a while to pick any terrorists who are foolhardy enough to
run out from the hangar building.

Then you can make your way across. Enter the hangar building, and go through
the corridor. You will pass by a lone door to your left, do Green Team
a favor and consider killing the Tango inside by throwing a Frag Grenade
through a small gap in the door. Then go upstairs, still playing as Homer,
go over to the second door to your right, and quickly kill the 2 Terrorists
inside, as you can see, the VSS Vitorez is an automatic sniper rifle, so
you can fire bullets in quick bursts, making it an effective indoor as
well as outdoor combat weapon. Crouch, and look out that glass window,
there are tangos down inside the Hangar, pick them all off, then you can
give the Go-Code, and have Green Team enter and finish off any stragglers
you may find inside.

Then, go back out of the room, and look out of the window, there may be
a Terrorist behind a window in the main terminal building. Take them out
as well. Then head out of the door found in the other end of the corridor,
get into a crawling or crouching position. There are a couple more Tangos
in the parking lot. Take them out, then crawl and look to your right, there
is a terrorist behind a window on the lower level and a sniper on the catwalk
above. Take them down. Then you can give the next Go-Code, and have Green
Team wait outside the door. Enter the Terminal Building fro the other door,
move over to the door right in front of you carefully. See that opening
by the staircase? You should be able to see a Terrorist or 2 through careful
viewing of the scope. Zoom in and take them out before they know it. Just
watch out for another patrolling Tango coming down the stairs and the
possibility of another Terrorist coming over through the door I just
mentioned. After that, go through the door, killing the Terrorist, then
turn left, and you will come to 2 more doors, go through the one on the
left, and give the Go-Code, your men should be able to cover the entire
lobby relatively easily.

Then head upstairs as planned. Wait outside the room with the hostage,
eliminating any more patrolling Tangos that get in the way, when the 2
teams are ready, CHARGE! Have some lovely Tango Sandwich!

Mission Accomplished!

Note: If a Tango is foolhardy enough to open either door to see what your
teams are doing, open the door immediately with guns blazing. This should
take care of them before a single hostage is killed.

f. Mission 6: Pearl Castle [TCRC3RS9F]
Location: Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands
Date: 19-4-2006
Time: 13:00

Narco-Terrorists have taken members of the Royal Cayman Islands Police
Force hostage at a private estate on Cayman Brac. The Governor's offive
requests you assistance in resolving the situation. Your mission is to
secure the estate and liberate the captive officers.

John Clark:
It looks like the hostage-taking is the latest fad on Cayman Brac. (1)
What we're looking at is the island estate of a man named Nikola Gospic,
whom the local police wanted to ask some questions about the run-in at
the airport (2). It was routine stuff, just "Did you see anything?", but
they got a non-routine response. Gospic wasn't at home, but somebody else
was. When they saw the police they panicked and opened fire. (3) The
officers who weren't hit in the first exchange fell back and radioed in
for back-up, but two men were already down and a couple more were taken
hostage by whatever's in the house.

Since we were still in the vicinity, the Governor specifically requested
that we help resolve this situation. Fortunately, Gospic likes his privacy,
because the estate is walled and out in the middle of nowhere. (4)

(1) This is the second hostage rescue mission you encountered on the Cayman

(2) This private estate belongs to Nikola Gospic, and the Cayman Islands
Police intended to ask him some questions about the hostage situation at
the private airport.

(3) However, instead of finding Nikola Gospic in the house, the police
instead ran into a large group of gunmen in the house, and those gunmen
were assuming that the police are coming to arrest them, and opened fire.
What paranoid people.

(4) If the estate is in the middle of nowhere, most people would not know
about this island mission, and the activities of Rainbow here can be kept
in secret. After all, Rainbow is supposed to be an elite task force that
is not known to the public. Read the novel by Tom Clancy and you will

Kevin Sweeney:
The estate you'll be liberating belongs to a man named Nikola Gospic, one
of the most well liked man on Cayman Brac. Gospic is in his 80s and is
something of a philanthropist. (1) He's also got extensive business
interests throughout Argentina and Brazil, and according to Intel he's
currently in Buenos Aires tending to some of them. (2) He picked a smart
time to be out of the house.

We can safely assume that the men holed up on Gospic's estate are ties
to the narco-terrorists you took down at the airstrip. The bullets the
local ballistics experts dug out of one of their police cars match the
ones the terrorists were using. (3) Furthermore, the Cayman Authorities
have a positive ID on two of the shooters at the house. They're small time
drug runners who'd been overheard bragging about a big score they were
about to make. (4)

(1) It turns out that Nikola Gospic is a wealthy VIP on Cayman Brac. Gospic
is more than 80 years old. I don't know what a philanthropist is. Must
be some kind of a perfectionist or something.

(2) Nikola Gospic is a busy man. He does a lot of business in Argentina
and Brazil, and is currently in Buenos Aires doing something.

(3) The terrorists in the house must be linked to the terrorists at the
airport as the bullets they use are the same.

(4) It turns out that 2 of the gunmen in the house are serial killers.

Planning Tips
My Comments about the mission:
Well, it seems that you are legally breaking into someone's private
property by the front door. The good thing is that, many of the terrorists
can be taken out from obscure angles and outside the house. The Terrorists'
hearing is excellent, and sometimes will execute hostages even if they
hear you, they are also hidden in obscure angles. So, be careful and make
use of silenced weapons.

Your Teams:

Red Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Daniel Bogart) and 1 Demolitions Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To storm indoors of the lower level of the private estate, and
to rescue the hostage on the lower level.

Green Team: To storm the pool area of the lower level, as well as the upper
level of the estate. To rescue the hostage in the bathroom on the upper
level, and to breach into the room with the hostage on the lower level
from the stairs.

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressors


Red Team: Heavy Tan Camo

Green Team: Heavy Tan Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: As you wish

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
Demo Kit and at least 3 Breaching Charges

A Vague Rundown of the Plan:
Red Team will go west from their insertion zone and go south along the
path until they reach the southernmost door. They get into the room, and
wait behind the next door for an Alpha Go-Code.

Green Team will also go west, then south, and then will plant a breaching
charge on the double doors, waiting for the Alpha Go-Code as well.

When both teams are ready, they charge into the living room. Red Team
circles the northern perimeter of the living room, before going through
the door near the piano. They go through the next room, and wait outside
the door for a Bravo-Go-Code.

Meanwhile, Green Team heads south, and plants another breaching charge
on the double doors. They wait for the Charlie Go-Code, after the Go-Code
is given, Green Team charges out to the pool area, and then goes up stairs
after circling that area once. They then go through the first door at the
east, and then through the other door, they proceed south to the hostage,
and then get back to the billiards room. Then, they explore the 2 other
rooms before they go down stairs through the northwestern staircase.

The Green Team then plants a 3rd Breaching Charge on the door at the bottom,
and waits for the Bravo Go-Code.

After both teams are ready, they breach the room from 2 directions and
converge at the hostage.

Note: In this mission, you will be playing as both the Red Team and the
Green Team. But, to start, we will play as the Red Team. This is because,
some of the actions made by the AI are suicidal if you let the computer
control the Green Team. You will see why.

Playing as Red Team:
Go forwards and turn left as planned, and move with your back against the
wall. You should be able to see through the windows into the living room.
Use your Assault Rifle to take out as many Terrorists you can find. They
should not be able to hit you. (For some strange reason, the Auto Aim seems
to be malfunctioning here, I don't know why. You'd be better of if you
target the Terrorists manually here by moving your mouse. Sigh...) Then
continue to move on, and you will notice that there is a second window
with a Tango or maybe two behind it. Kill the Terrorist before he can say,
"Help!" Also, watch out for the possibility of a lone Terrorist up on the

Go to the end of the path and through the door into the kitchen. There
may or may not be a terrorist cooking here. Then, wait for the go-code
at the next door. When both teams are ready, give the go-code! CHARGE!

Tension Zone! Stragglers in the living room
There will most certain be some more terrorists who have not been killed
when you were outside the house. Take them out now. When both teams come
from different sides, there is a high chance that they will be too confused
to stop you.

Then, circle the living room area, to the double doors leading to the pool
complex and back. Then enter the room by the piano, open the door, killing
the Tango that may appear. You should wait for the Bravo Go-Code by the

Meanwhile, Green Team should have placed the breaching charge on the double
doors. Switch to Green Team now. Here comes the interesting part. Heh heh

Playing as the Green Team:
Set off the Breaching Charge, and then switch to a better Assault Operative,
then run out there, and take out all those Terrorists you can see, it is
not really that hard, but however, the Computer has a tendency to screw
up here and end up getting slaughtered. Just be careful of a certain
terrorist who is armed with a very powerful M14 Assault Rifle and you will
be fine. I assure you. Walk up stairs cautiously, and go through the first
door on the right. You will be in the billiards room.

Kill the Tango if he is there, then exit through the other door and turn
right, go around the corner, and there will be some terrorists waiting
to ambush you. Take them out, and go through the double doors. You will
be in the master bedroom. The other set of double doors leads to a balcony,
there may be a sniper outside, if you have not taken him out. Open that
door and take him out if necessary.

Meanwhile, in front of you are 2 doors, both leading to the bathroom. Take
the left door, and the hostage taker will be immediately in front of you.
Kill him now! Ignore the hostage. Then return to the billiards room, and
back to the balcony. Then go through the right hand door in the other pair
of doors on the balcony. You will be in a bathroom. Enter its side door
to reach the bedroom, then, exit through the other door in the bedroom
to reach the main corridor. Go through the door to your left, and go down
the stairs.

You will come to a door at the bottom. This is the door that leads to the
second hostage's room. Use Lars Beckenbauer to plant a final breaching
charge on the door. Then give the Go-Code. When you see that the Red Team
is opening the door from the screen, detonate the charge, and the terrorists
should be so shocked that they'd be sitting ducks for Red Team.

At this point, the mission should be over, as probably all the terrorists
in this Island Estate should have been neutralized. If not, then continue
through the estate, and hunt down any stragglers you find. Then you can
call it a day.

Here ends our pleasure cruise to the Caribbean Island Paradise that is
the Cayman Islands. Feeling refreshed after your trip? You'd better!

Heh heh heh.

g. Mission 7: Crimson Hook [TCRC3RS9G]
Location: Pilar, Argentina
Date: 17-5-2006
Time: 05:00

A hostage situation has developed at a meat packing facility in Pilar,
Argentina. In response to a request from the Argentine government, RAINBOW
is being deployed to resolve the situation. Your mission is to secure the
hostages and eliminate their captors.

John Clark:
According to police reports, a night watchman interrupted some intruders
in the act of destroying company records at the plant. (1) He was killed,
but not before he managed to call the police. When the cops arrived, however,
they found that the burglars had taken hostages, including a few
night-shift managers. They also found that they were taking AK-47 fire
whenever they got close to the building, so they pulled back and waited
for the terrorists' next move. (2)

Now, here's where it gets really interesting. Those managers call some
of the most powerful politician in Argentina "Mommy" and "Daddy", and they
all seem to have gotten their jobs as political favors to their parents.
(3) Who gave them those jobs? Why, Mr. Gospic from Cayman Brac did. He
just happens to have a small ownership share in the meat-packing operation.

That, incidentally, is why a request was made for "the man in black". (4)
We can figure out the puzzle behind this later, though. Right now we've
got at least two hostages and a threat to kill another one on the hour
if we don't meet their demands. (5) Get to work.

(1) Why were the burglars destroying company records? Usually, such actions
are done to destroy evidence, but what is so significant about some typical
meat packing plant's company records?

(2) The cops found out that those men who broke into the meat packing plant
were very skilled and deadly gunmen, and they have taken hostages.

(3) Obviously, those managers have some special relationships with
Argentina's powerful politicians, as they treat them as their parents.
But what's so politically important some stupid meat packing plant?

(4) There is a good reason for Rainbow to storm this plant as it is partially
owned by Nikola Gospic, and the results of this case could give Rainbow
more clues to what is going on around here.

(5) The terrorists are very desperate in this mission, as they are
threatening to kill one hostage per hour if their demands are not met.

Kevin Sweeney:
We're starting to find some links here. The story we're being held on the
estate incident is that a member of the household staff took advantage
of Gospic's absence. He'd run up debts with some local smugglers, and to
pay them off he offered the house as a base of operations. (1) It's a good
story, but it's difficult to verify. It seems that the employee in question,
a gardener named Michael Curry, was found conveniently dead afterwards.
Very neat; one bullet to the back of the head. Not at all what you'd expect
in a firefight. (2)

In any case, it turns out that Mr. Gospic owns a minority share in the
meat-packing operation you're going to be liberating. (3) He also has his
finders in a dozen other industries, ranging from shipping to oil
exploration in Venezuela (4), and one of his companies made a massive
contribution to the campaign fund of a far right-wing presidential
candidate named Alvaro Gutierrez. (5) Gutierrez is quite a character
himself. He's got support from a half-dozen neo-fascist organizations,
but he's been good at maintaining a politically appropriate distance. (6)
Intel has, however, managed to link him to the terrorists from Switzerland.
It seems he helped a few of them get their passports.

The final piece of the puzzle we've got in hand comes from the terrorists
in the meat packing plant. Several of their demands reiterate those made
by the shipyard terrorists in Bergen. (7) There's something here we're
not seeing.

(1) The story: someone runs up debt with loan sharks and finds some special
way to repay their heavy debt. This is practically the most cliched story
I and most police should have ever heard.

(2) It is unlikely for the Rainbow members to have killed someone so
accurately by putting one bullet through the back of his head. There is
a high chance that it was the terrorists who deliberately killed the
gardener while his back was turned; and hence, the above story is most
likely a lie.

(3) If Nikola Gospic only holds a minority share in the meat packing plant,
this means that he has not complete control of the plant, only partial

(4) Oil exploration in Venezuela? Remember that the first mission involved
an oil refinery in Venezuela. Will there be any links?

(5) By the looks of this, I would say that Nikola Gospic is a person who
is very right-winged. Right-winged people are very nationalist, they are
people who love their country very, very much. If you are very
far-right-winged, then you most likely will have extreme nationalism, and
that I am afraid is what started the 2 World Wars.

(6) Hence, it is just natural for a far-right politician like Alvaro
Gutierrez to have support from a lot of neo-fascist organizations. Of
course, to win public support, he must maintain a certain distance from
those organizations, or people will not vote for him.

(7) If the terrorists' demands are the same as those of the Bergen shipyard,
there is a high chance that they are together.

Planning Tips
My Comments on this mission:
A third hostage rescue mission in a row. Sigh... The hostages are in
relatively open areas, so the use of silenced weapons is a must. Otherwise,
it is not too hard really, just turn those tangos into fresh meat to be

Your Teams:

Red Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Green Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santaigo Arnavisca,
Daniel Bogart, Alexandre Noronha)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To storm the Meat Packing Plant from the northern entrance.

Green Team: To storm the Meat Packing Plant from the southern entrance.

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressors


Red Team: Heavy Black Camo

Green Team: Heavy Black Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: As you wish

Green Team: As you wish

A vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team enters the Meat Packing Plant from the northern entrance. They
continue through the next set of double doors and then enter the large
room to the south, having circled the room once, they go further south
to the room with a lot of beef hanging down from the ceiling on hooks.
(That's why the mission is called Operation Crimson Hook, heh heh heh.,
so many hooks hanging meat from the ceiling!) They circle the room once,
and go through the western door,

They then go south, through the opening to the southwest, and to the double
doors outside the hostages' room. That's where they wait for the Alpha

Green Team enters the Meat Packing Plant from the southern entrance, they
circle the room in a clockwise direction before going through the opening
to the northwest of that room.

They run northwest towards the red cross in that room, before exiting that
room by going through the opening to the northwest. They then go through
the door directly to the west of them, and enter the locker room, having
circled the room in a clockwise direction, they leave by the west door.
They go south down the corridor before waiting for the Alpha Go-Code at
the corner near the hostages' room.

When the Go-Code is given, both teams storm the room from their respective
positions. Green Team continues to explore Level 0 of the Plant, and
continues in the room to the west, before heading north, and going up the
northernmost stairs and wait for the Bravo Go-Code at the top. (They will
not visit that big room to the west, as it is just below the hostage, and
they will kill the hostage if you go there.

Meanwhile, Red Team heads up the stairs from the hostage's room, and then
goes north along the walkway and through the door on the other end. Then,
Red Team waits for the Bravo Go-Code behind the door to the second hostage's

When the Go-Code is given, Red team will storm the 2nd hostage while Green
Team goes over in a blitz to the 3rd hostage, before heading downstairs
to the large room I mentioned before.

Playing as Red Team:
Enter the plant as planned. Get into a crouching position. Then go around
the first corner, there may be a Terrorist behind the counter. Take him
out if he's there. Then go to the double doors. Gee it's dark in here.
Use your Infrared Vision if you need to. Before you open the next door,
I suggest you take a deep breath.

Tension Zone! Large Room with Tables
As soon as you open the door, there will be a Terrorist in front of you.
You have to watch out here, as there are Tangos closing on you from your
left and right, so you have to be very quick to kill all of them, otherwise,
well, it would be a suicide mission, and people will die. And you don't
want that to happen, right?

Circle the room as planned, and circle the next one. Go through that single
door to the right. You will be in a room with a few forklifts. Be careful,
there are 2 Terrorists to your left. Take them out, don't worry, the
Silenced M16A2 is deadly accurate. Then go through the opening. There is
a Tango on the catwalk above. Take him out, then go and wait at the door
for the Go-Code. Feel free to press G to look at the map to see how the
Green Team is doing.

When both teams are ready, open the door (It pulls open.) and CHARGE! The
Tangos will be sandwiched between the 2 teams, and the hostage can be
rescued very easily.

Now, go up the stairs and go through the door there. You will be in another
corridor. If you like, you can do Green Team a favor by turning left to
that big pitch black room and killing all the Terrorists you find there.
Then, go to the first door of the set of the two, which is the one that
does not lead to the 2nd hostage. Open that door slowly and kill the
Terrorists behind it, then close it and wait outside the door to the 2nd
hostage's room.

When you hear "Green. Waiting for Bravo." You can give the Go-Code and
charge into the room and rescue the hostage. Then exit his room through
the other door and look down to the big room below. If there are still
Tangos down there, take them out and the mission will be complete.

h. Mission 8: Stone Cannon [TCRC3RS9H]
Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil
Date: 10-06-2006
Time: 05:00

An import-export firm in Porto Alegre, Brazil is allegedly housing what
authorities have identified as components of a chemical nerve agent.
Surveillance data has been confirmed by details of confessions extracted
from several of the terrorists captured on Cayman Brac. Your mission is
to raid the company's warehouse and secure all chemical agents on the

John Clark:
Since RAINBOW keeps on getting tapped for missions in the Western
Hemisphere, a suggestion's been made to keep you stationed out at Langley
temporarily, at least until things calm down. In the meantime, we've got
a new assignment. (1)

A U.S. Coast Guard cutter intercepted a freighter bound for Savannah. On
board were a few hundred kilos of cocaine, approximately twenty crates
of assault weapons, and a few million sheets of neo-fascist propaganda.
(2) The ship's manifest pointed the Coast Guard to a shipping firm in Porto
Alegre, Brazil. Coincidentally, that's the same company some of the
prisoners from Cayman Brac mentioned in their plea bargains. (3)

With that information in hand, the Brazilian government began surveillance
of the operation. They hit the jackpot. We've got footage of guns and drugs
going in and out of the warehouse. The surprise here, though, is that we've
also got video of what looks like chemical weapons containers labeled in
Russian. (4)

Technically, this sort of operation isn't under our jurisdiction, but I
twisted a few arms and got the assignment. This looks like a part of what
we're already dealing with for me to let it go. (5)

(1) It is true that a lot of watchful eyes around the world are watching
Rainbow's activities closely, and are wondering if this organization
exists. Read the novel and you will find out more about those people

(2) Yes, this freighter is obviously working for some illegal neo-fascist
organization with all their propaganda on board.

(3) To save their own skin, some of the terrorists captured in Cayman Brac
decided to spill the beans. So, that import export firm is related to those

(4) This warehouse is used to store many illegal drugs, as well as a large
weapon stash. Some suspicious looking containers contain chemicals and
they are labeled in Russian. I wonder what's inside those containers?

(5) With some "sweet talking", John Clark managed to get the assignment
for Rainbow. This is because, this case probably will provide some more
clues to what they have already got from the past few missions.

Kevin Sweeney:
You did nice work in Argentina, and now Intel's hoping to return the favor.
At this point we can confidentially state that the "burglars" at the
meat-packing plant were there to destroy forty year's worth of financial
records. You'd think a match would have done the job, but they seemed intent
to keeping the plant intact. (1)

The good new is, they didn't nick the backups. We found those and we're
beginning to see why someone wanted the lot destroyed. It's going to take
weeks, if not longer to decipher them, but one thing is clear: that packing
plant was used as a cover for a great many things. (2)

As for the import-export firm, the surveillance footage we've got shows
them moving a lot of gear in and out, including what looks to be
top-of-the-line weaponry. Be prepared, they're not going to be firing cheap
AK-47 knock-offs when you come through the door. (3) We're still working
on getting a final translation on the labels on the shipping containers,
but a first look confirms our worst fears. It's the ingredients for VX
nerve gas.

VX, in case you were wondering, is a nerve agent that binds to
neurotransmitters and blocks them. (5) It doesn't matter if you touch it,
or inhale it: the end result is a quick, agonizing death, and the amount
for a lethal dose is tiny. (6) Even worse, the stuff sticks around forever
and adheres to damn any surface you can imagine.

(1) The terrorists who seized the meat packing plant in the last mission
were there to destroy the financial records of the meat packing plant dating
back to 1966 (40 years). The suspicious thing is, the Terrorists were trying
to destroy the records WITHOUT destroying the plant itself. Strange.

(2) The backup copies of the financial records were left intact, and they
are now in the hands of Rainbow. Intel is currently deciphering the records
and are still figuring out why someone wanted to destroy them. The meat
packing plant may have been used for other criminal activities besides
packing meat.

(3) The Terrorists in the import-export firm tend to be very tough, as
they most likely will use the most advanced weapons against your men. So
you will have to be extra careful in there.

(4) The camera footage inside the warehouse must be very blurred, otherwise
it would not take very long for Intel to translate those labels. But still,
they know that the chemicals are used to make VX Nerve Gas.

(5) If your neurotransmitters are blocked, then it would be impossible
for nerve impulses to travel to and from your central nervous system, and
hence paralysis would result.

(6) To be more specific, you cannot breath, your spine kinds of melts away,
and then you spasm horribly, and results in your backbone being broken,
and of course, you die a painful death. 1 teaspoon of this nerve agent
can kill up to a thousand people, so beware. Watch the movie "The Rock"
for more details.

Planning Tips
My Comments about this mission:
Finally, a pure destructive mission for once. But this time, it is extremely
difficult to keep everyone alive, as the enemies tend to come at you from
all sides. So, do not let your teams stay waiting in the same spot for
too long, otherwise, they will most certainly be sandwiched and killed
by all those skilled gunmen.

Since the chances of the members of the other non-playable team(s) getting
killed is too great with the current plan, I have decided to make an extra
plan that would involve the usage of 1 Assault Team and 1 Reconnaissance

Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle)

Green Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca) and
1 Demolitions Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Gold Team: 1 Assault Operative (Jorg Walther) and 1 Demolitions Operative
(Roger McAllen)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To storm mainly the upper level of the import-export building
and the warehouse

Green Team: To storm mainly the lower level of the import-export building
and the warehouse

Gold Team: To storm mainly the lower level of the import-export building
and the warehouse

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes
Demolitions Operative:
USAS-12 Shotgun with Mini Scope

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Gold Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Tan Camo

Green Team: Heavy Tan Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Tan Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: As you wish

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
6 Breaching Charges

Gold Team:
Assault Operative:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
6 Breaching Charges

The vague rundown of the plan:
All 3 teams start at the southwestern insertion zone. Red Team goes up
the stairs directly to the northeast of them and enters the room above.
After circling the big room including the 2 doors to the southern edge
of the room, they move into that small room to the northwest. Then they
head southeast and go through the southern door of the big room, reaching
a corridor. Then they go through the door directly to the east of them
and searches the room there before going through the other door to the
next room. Red Team continues north on Level 1 of the building and proceeds
all the way to the large room to the north. They go down the stairs, and
searches all of the rooms on that level before going out through the
northeastern door. They head over to the opening that leads into the
warehouse, and waits for the Alpha Go-Code.

Meanwhile, Green Team and Gold Team enters the building through that lone
door on Level 0. Green Team proceeds along the corridor and waits for the
Charlie Go-Code at the other end, make sure that they are not seen by the
2 crosses on the map, as there are terrorists there.

Gold Team also goes along the corridor, but stops at the first door leading
south, they breach the door there, and storm the room. They then head east,
and through the next room, and will plant a breaching charge on the
southeastern door before waiting for the Go-Code.

When the Go-Code is given, the 2 teams storm the room, Gold Team will return
to the corridor where Green Team was a few moments ago, and will plant
a breaching charge on the single door leading to the north to the warehouse,
waiting for the Alpha Go-Code.

Green Team then goes through the door on the northeast corner of the room,
and explores the next room, exiting from the other door, reaching the
corridor again. They then search the next room to their northeast before
exiting from the northern door, going past a ladder and going out to the
street for a short while through the northeastern door before returning
to the room with the ladder and waiting for the Alpha Go-Code behind the
door to their east, setting a Breaching Charge as they do it.

When the Go-Code is given, all teams storm the warehouse, and cleans it

Note: This has got to be one of the hardest missions in the game. Even
if you use the plan above, chances are that the Green or Gold Team would
have men down. If you don't want that to happen, you can always make an
alternate plan with only Red Team taking part, and they will be armed with
silenced weapons so they can take out 1 tango at a time.

*****PLAN B*****
Your Teams:

Red Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle,
Santiago Arnavisca)

Green Team: 1 Reconnaissance Operative

Objectives of each team:

Red Team: To Storm mainly the upper level of the Import/Export complex,
and to storm the warehouse

Green Team: To infiltrate the Import/Export complex from the northeast

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes

Green Team: M14 Assault Rifle with Sound Suppressor

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagles (.50 cal) with High Capacity Magazines

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressor


Red Team: Light Green

Green Team: Light Green

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: Heartbeat Sensors and 3 Smoke Grenades

Green Team: Heartbeat Sensor and 3 Smoke Grenades

The vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team starts in the southwestern insertion zone, and moves northeast,
to the door on the same level there. They enter for a brief moment before
getting out again and climbing up the stairs to the large room above. They
circle the room and then search the balcony to the south through the door
that is already unlocked. Then, Red Team moves to the corridor to the east
and then enters the room to the north.

After this, Red Team returns to the large room through the room to the
southeast and waits for the Bravo Go-Code there.

Meanwhile, Green Team starts at the northeastern insertion zone and waits
for the Alpha Go-Code there. When it is given, Green Team will move
southwest, through the first door he finds on the opposite building. He
searches all the rooms on the lower floor of that building, and then exits
through the door in the southwestern room. Green Team then explores the
open area to the north (circling it in an anti-clockwise direction), and
then heads back to the corner by the building he has just got out of. He
enters the alcove and goes out through the other opening for a brief moment
before going back into the alcove and going through the door there into
the room with a ladder there. Green Team then explores the room to the
south before returning to the corridor. He then moves over to the two
crosses on the map before searching the room he has just skipped. He goes
back out, and searches the remaining rooms on Level 1 from east to west
before exiting through the southwestern exit and returning to the Insertion
Zone of the Red Team.

After the Bravo Go-Code is given, Red Team will continue their search of
the upper level of the building before heading down the ladder in the room
with the U-shaped balcony. They then enter the Warehouse from the
westernmost entrance and clear it out.

Playing as Red Team:
Move a little forwards and take out your scope, kill the Tango on the stairs
and the one behind the window. At this point, the door above may open.
Take out any foolhardy tangos that come out. Then move to the open space
and look to your right, there may be a sniper there. Take him out before
he takes you out.

Go up the stairs and get into a crouching position. There should still
be some more terrorists in the room, kill them and then circle the room
once. Open the 2nd door to your right. If you have not taken the sniper
out earlier, he will be behind the door. Pop a few caps into him if he's
there. Then enter the small room where you saw the Terrorist behind the
window at the start, still crouching, of course.

To your right, you can see a panoramic view of the warehouse. Take out
any terrorists you see, and it will make it easier when you storm it later.
Then go back to the big room, and go through the door in the right hand

You will see another door opposite you. Go through that. Be careful, as
there may be a Terrorist behind the table waiting for you. Go through the
other door, and you will be in a very dark room with some tables. Take
out the Terrorist if he is there. In front of you are 2 doors, go through
the one on the left as planned. You will be on a small catwalk. Look down.
There may be a Tango underneath. Give him a third eye if he's there. Then
look out of the window to your left. There may be some tangos in sight
in the warehouse. Take them out to make things easier later. Then go through
the door to your right.

You are now in another corridor with windows on each side. Look out the
first window on your right. There is a tango fixing a car. Kill him before
he notices you. Then look to your left. There may be a Terrorist or 2 down
there. Kill them if they are there. Then go through the door opposite.
There is a lone terrorist sitting there minding his own business and you
can shoot him from the back. Look out for another terrorist outside the
window to your right as you enter.

Then move to the windows to your left, and double check for any more
terrorists before you open the other door and go down the stairs.

The next part of the walkthrough is rather simple. Just make your way from
room to room, and kill any tangos you find before exiting to the open space.
When you are outside, watch out for a terrorist to your immediate left
if you have not taken him out already, and that lone sniper behind the
truck, then you can go over to the opening that leads into the warehouse.
I suggest you stay there and take pot shots at any tangos that pop out
before you give the go-code. Then the teams can enter the warehouse and
sweep and clear it!

As this is a big level, there may be some stragglers hiding around somewhere,
hunt them down and the mission is complete. Whew...

*****PLAN B*****
Note: You will be switching between teams in this mission.

Playing as Red Team:
As soon as you start, move forwards and look to your right. There is a
single terrorist on the steps. Kill him, then take out your scope and take
out the one at the window as well. At this point. The door at the top of
the steps may open. Be on your guard, and kill the terrorists that come
out. When no more tangos charge out, you can move on. Be aware of a possible
sniper on the balcony to the right.

As instructed by the waypoint, go through the door on the lower level.
Go over to the corridor, and take out the single terrorist there, for he
will surprise your team later if you do not take him out now. Then, go
back out and climb up the stairs and enter the big room. Kill the terrorists
as quickly as possible, and send the rest of your team in, and close the
door behind you. Now, go over to the 2 doors to your right and go through
the one that is not locked. Kill the terrorist(s) behind the door and go
back into the big room.

Now, follow the waypoint, go through the right door on the wall opposite
the door you first entered. You will be in a corridor. Look to your left,
there may be a terrorist there. If not just go over to the door there and
open it. There may be another tango in this dark room. Take him out if
he is there. Then go to the right and go through the door behind you. Follow
the waypoints if you don't get what I say. You will be in a room with a
television. There may be yet another terrorist standing behind the table.
Fortunately he probably won't notice as your team sneaks in behind him
and takes him out. With him gone, go back to the big room.

Although you are to wait for the Bravo Go-Code in this room, I suggest
you do an extra thing before you switch to Green Team. Enter the room where
you saw the tango through the window. Look to your right. You should be
looking into the warehouse. There are numerous terrorists here. Take them
all out before they know what's going on. Use a Smoke Grenade if you wish
to generate an element of surprise. When all the tangos that you can see
are killed, you can wait in the big room. Now, switch to the Green Team.

Playing as Green Team:
Move forwards out of your gap, and look to your left. There is a tango
fixing a car and another on the balcony. Take them both out. Then, head
over to the corner where the terrorist was fixing the car and peep to the
right. There may be a terrorist trying to run away. Kill him quickly. Then
you can go back and go through the door you just skipped into the building.
There are several rooms on this level of the building. There are tangos
here and there. Detect them with the Heartbeat Sensor and kill them all.
Then, you can go out through the other door in the room with the TV.

As soon as you get out, turn right into the open area. In the open area,
keep your eyes peeled for several more terrorists patrolling the area.
Then, you can reenter the building through the door behind the dumpster.
Get out of the building through the door you originally came in through
and turn right, head into the alcove. In the alcove there, kill the
terrorist and go out through the other opening.

You will have to be careful here, as there is a sniper on the balcony above
where you are standing now, as well as a terrorist or two out in the open.
Consider throwing a Smoke Grenade out to provide a cover for Antonio as
he moves out to engage the enemies. With the terrorists killed, Green Team
can move back into the alcove and through the door there into the building.

In the building, check for a terrorist on the balcony above you with the
Heartbeat Sensor and kill him if he is there. Then, go through the door
to your left. The rest here is pretty straightforward, just move from room
to room, killing the terrorists that get in your way, and that's that.

However, there is a room where you will find yourself between two terrorists
on the two corners next to the door as you enter. You can deal with this
threat by opening that door slightly, throwing a Smoke Grenade in, and
then picking off the tangos through the smoke. When you have reached the
insertion zone of Red Team, you can safely switch to Red Team once again.

Playing as Red Team:
Now, go back to the dark room, and go through the door on the left on the
other end to the U-shaped balcony above the room Green Team went through
just now. Look through the window and kill the terrorists that you can
see in the warehouse. Then, just follow the waypoints and kill all the
terrorists that get in your way. With Level 1 clear, go back to the balcony
and climb down the ladder. Move along the corridor to the left to the other
end, and enter the warehouse through the door to your character's right.
Now, all you have to do is to pick off any stragglers in the Warehouse
and the mission will be complete. Use the Heartbeat Sensor to sniff out
anyone that may be hiding. Whew...

i. Mission 9: Shattered Glass [TCRC3RS9I]
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: 09-08-2006
Time: 09:00

RAINBOW has been authorized to plant audio surveillance devices in the
penthouse of Alvaro Gutierrez, an extremist Argentine politician.
Gutierrez has been linked to both the incidents in Switzerland and Nikola
Gospic, the owner of the meat packing firm. Your mission is to plany bugs
in the computer and one of two phones in Gutierrez's Apartment.

John Clark:
Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to start closing the net on an Argentine
politician named Alvaro Gutierrez.

We've got circumstantial evidence that Gutierrez is linked to Gospic. I
want to get something concrete and find out what those two are up to. So
far, all we've got is that it's big, it's dangerous and we can't see it
all. (1)

This is why you're going to bug Gutierrez's penthouse. I want to know who
he's talking to, what he's saying and when he's saying it. Hell, I even
want to know if he's snores. He's cagey, though, so while you're upstairs,
the local police will be downstairs tearing his offices apart. It doesn't
really matter if they find anything, they'll keep Gutierrez busy enough
so that you should have a relatively clean run through the penthouse. (2)

(1) The whole purpose of this mission is to gather more evidence to prove
that Alvaro Gutierrez is one of Nikola Gospic's minions. Apparently, they
are probably up to something nasty, and it is up to you to find out what's
with them.

(2) To distract Alvaro Gutierrez's attention, the Argentine police have
decided to help by searching his offices for some unknown thing. Then,
most of his bodyguards will be off their posts, making them unlikely to
detect your presence in the penthouse.

Kevin Sweeney:
Our people sat down with Mr. Gospic for a little chat and he seems nice
enough. He arrived in the Caymans back in the 1940s, already wealthy, and
claims to be lucky in business ever since. (1) I think we got ten apologies
for the incident at the estate, which he called "a terrible accident" and
he's promised to hire more security so that it never happens again. Right
now we've got nothing on him, except that some of his companies are mixed
up in a very bad business. Indeed, he seemed extremely upset over that
whole records mess in Pilar. Nothing links him directly to any trouble
though. (2)

Gutierrez is a different story. For one thing, the terrorist who survived
the Swiss highway firefight gave us his name during questioning. For
another, several of his bodyguards were former People's Social Nationalist
thugs, at least before he put them in tuxedos to watch his back. Make no
mistake, though. They are still thugs. If Gutierrez wins that election,
things could get very ugly indeed. (3)

(1) Rainbow has sent Gospic in for questioning. Apparently, he's been on
the Cayman Islands since the 1940s and has been very wealthy since. Where
does he get all the money?

(2) Nikola Gospic has been skilled enough not to be directly linked to
any criminal activity even though some of his companies are doing some
nasty things.

(3) However, Alvaro Gutierrez is not as skilled. He was found to have helped
the terrorists in Switzerland as one of those captured mentioned his name.
Some of his bodyguards were also terrorists (from the People's Social
Nationalist Party in Venezuela), and that, is something you have to be
wary of.

Planning Tips
My Comments about this mission:
This is the one and only recon mission in the game. Your mission is to
plant bugs in one of Gutierrez's 2 phones in his penthouse as well as his
laptop computer. For some strange reason, you are not allowed to be seen
or kill anyone. Making either action will result in the instant failure
of the mission. ("Mission Failed: Your Team was Spotted") Sigh! This is
why Mission 9 is one of the missions many people love to hate. But still,
when I watched James Bond movies, James Bond always kills a considerable
number of guards when infiltrating a facility. Why can't they do the same
for Rainbow?!

Your Team:

Red Team: 1 Reconnaissance Operative (Antonio Maldini) or 1 Electronics
Operative (Alain Dubarry)

Objective of your team:

Red Team: To sneak into Alvaro Gutierrez's penthouse unnoticed, to bug
one of his phones and his computer, then leave unnoticed

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: Don't bother equipping anything

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with or without sound suppressor


Red Team: Light Green

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: Heartbeat Sensor and Electronics Kit

A vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team starts by going down the stairs immediately in front of his
starting position, and goes down the stairs. At the bottom, he goes through
the 2 subsequent sets of doors. On this floor, there should be a phone,
but do not let the team to go there, instead, allow him to head up the
stairs in the direction of the computer. (That's the yellow square and
circle thingy on the screen.) Then, Red Team will go up the stairs, and
enter the room, and leave. Then Red Team goes up the stairs next to the
room, and continues through the penthouse, and turns south, and goes into
the room with the phone.

Red Team then leaves the same way he came in, and proceeds to the set of
stairs leading up by going through the ringed hallway in an anti-clockwise
manner. At the top of the stairs, Red Team swiftly heads to the exit to
the southeast, and heads back to the extraction zone via the walkway and
ladder. (note: Another way is to go out the way you came in, it sometimes
can be less troublesome.)

As soon as you start, go through the door in front of you, and run down
the entire flight of stairs. Go through the door at the bottom, and run
through the hallway and go through the next set of double doors. You can
still run when you go towards that corner. This is where you will have
to be careful. You see the guards watching television? There is one that
walks around, and he's the one that may see you through the glass door.
When you are pretty sure that he's out of place, go up the stairs, and
lean against the wall on your right.

As you can see, there is another guard patrolling the area. So, take out
your heartbeat sensor and find out his pattern. Most of the circles on
the screen are slow moving, but if you look at the wall you are leaning
against, you should eventually be able to see a circle that is moving rather
quickly to the left. That has to be the heartbeat signature of the guard.
So, keep an eye on him, and when he's out of the way, head into the study,
and close the door behind you. Get into a crouching position, and go over
to the computer, hold down your spacebar, and the progress ring will slowly
fill up. When it is completely full, the bug has already been planted.

Then get down into a crawl, and take out your Heartbeat Sensor again. Stay
hidden behind the desk, and look in the direction of the door. Wait until
the guard has finished patrolling the hallway outside the study before
you head out to the stairs. Again, close the door behind you so as to avoid

At the top of the stairs, lean against the wall to your right and get down
into a crouch. Take out your Heartbeat Sensor again. There is a lone guard
patrolling this hallway. Wait until the circle has moved to the right,
and has stayed still in one position, then you can tell that he is around
the corner and getting further and further away from your position.

Turn left and enter the Master Bedroom as planned. Plant the bug on the
phone, but take care not to go too far to the right, or you will be seen
by the guards watching TV below. When the phone has been bugged, all you
have to worry about is to get back to the extraction zone. Get back to
the door you came in through and use you Heartbeat Sensor to make sure
that the guard is not nearby when you exit. Then you can head to the stairs
by turning right and walking through the corridor. Do not take the left
side of the hallway, or you will be in full view of the guards watching

When you get to the top of the stairs, take out your Heartbeat Sensor again.
There is another guard patrolling the Japanese Garden outside. When the
circle has gone to the far right and disappeared, it's time to sneak out
towards the exit at the far end of the garden.

Once you have gone through that last door, you can just run through the
walkway and climb up the ladder to your extraction zone! Mission Complete!
Now, it's time to get back to shooting people! Boy, and I guess none of
Gutierrez's men have any idea that we have paid them a visit!

Heh heh heh...

j. Mission 10: Lion Shadow [TCRC3RS9J]
Location: London, England
Date: 23-09-2006
Time: 15:00

A private banking house in London has been seized by terrorists in
paramilitary gear. They have taken hostages and opened fire on the
Metropolitan Police. As several of the hostages are Swiss nationals, both
the British and Swiss governments have requested your assistance in this
matter. Your mission is to liberate the bank and any hostages within, and
prevent the destruction of valuable financial records that we believe are
the terrorists' target.

John Clark:
Both the British and Swiss governments are asking for our help on this
one. Apparently there are Swiss nationals inside the bank carrying
"sensitive financial documents", but there're not willing to say more at
the moment. Obviously, the Swiss government is very concerned about what
happens to both their people and their papers. (1)

The bank's four centuries old and private, which means that it's built
like a fortress. We're looking at thick walls, and good sight lines. There
are two routes down to the vault, which is where we suspect the hostages
are being held. (2) Be careful of snipers on the walkway on the upper level.
It's where I'd put my men, if I were trying to hold this thing.

The other thing to watch for is the bank's security system. It looks like
the terrorists got it back on line. One of their people is monitoring their
camera set-up from the security room on the first floor to the right of
the front doors. You should probably take him out from outside the building.

(1) From the looks of this, it may seem that the papers contain evidence
to something that the terrorists wanted to eliminate. If the Swiss
government is so worried about the papers, what could be in them?

(2) The bank has many long corridors, so that you can easily take out
terrorists on the other side without being seen. If you are unsure, you
should use Smoke Grenades. Then the terrorists will not know what hit them
when you kill them through the smoke.

(3) If you enter the bank either way and have not taken out that person
in the security room, the bank alarm will sound, and the Terrorists will
swoop down on you, and it will be hard to survive this onslaught. It is
not necessary to use snipers for the task.

Kevin Sweeney:
We have a positive ID on the man in charge of the London bank operation.
His name is Douglas Preston. He's a British arm vet, decorated for service
in Kuwait. (1) He's also a major embarrassment to the British government.
It seems once their war hero got home, he declared his sympathies for an
organization called the United People's Front, which is an umbrella for
every neo-fascist group in the UK. (2) Officially, he split from the UPF
six years ago. Unofficially, his politics haven't changed, and he's been
connected to some illicit arms sales to paramilitary groups in Columbia.
In short, he sounds like the sort of man Gutierrez would have over for
a drink. (3)

Preston's dossier says that he's good at what he does, which means that
this operation's going to be no cakewalk. His psych profile indicated that
he has no problem using hostages as human shields, and his men are likely
to be highly trained and well armed. He's a bit of a perfectionist, very
cautious, so don't wait for his squad to make mistakes. They won't. (4)

(1) Kevin Sweeney is referring to the first Gulf War in 1990, when Iraq
invaded Kuwait. I am saying First because the Time Magazine considered
the US invasion of Iraq earlier this year the Second Gulf War.

(2) I guess this must be one of those "post-war psychological syndromes"
suffered by soldiers after that got home after a war. Some people will
suffer from horrible nightmares, others become paranoid. But in my opinion,
Douglas Preston has a very unusual version of this syndrome. From his
behavior, I concluded that he must have got a little bit obsessed with
wars, and hence he joined the United People's Front so he can possibly
fight more in the future and conquer the world. He thinks he is such a
spin-off, that he had decided to openly announce his sympathies! What a
sick freak.

(3) Douglas Preston is working on his own now, but he still has neo-fascist
views. Like many neo-fascists, he is involved in many illegal activities
including arms dealing. Of course, such neo-fascist people are people who
would enjoy working with Gutierrez.

(4) If Douglas Preston likes to use hostages as human shields, then he
must be a sadist. The terrorists who invaded the bank are very well armed,
and are excellent in what they do, so watch out.

Planning Tips
My Comments on this mission:
This is the last hostage rescue mission in the game. There are 3 hostages
in total. One is held in the main lobby in front of the cashier's desk,
and is guarded by many snipers on the balcony above and a lone terrorist
behind the cashier's desk. The other 2 hostages are in the vault, and beware,
as the terrorists down there are very alert indeed.

As for the financial records, they are inside a large library on the second
floor. Speed is necessary, as the terrorists will immediately attempt to
destroy them as your teams enter the room, so you should send the two teams
in from different doors. I have come up with a newer plan that makes use
of 3 teams. Enjoy.

*****PLAN A*****

Your Teams:

Red Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Daniel Bogart) and 1 Demolitions Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To enter bank through the side door, to prevent the destruction
of financial records, to save the 2 hostages in the vault

Green Team: To enter bank through the front door, breach into the room
with financial records and guard them

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressors


Red Team: Heavy Euro Camo

Green Team: Heavy Euro Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: 3 Smoke Grenades and 3 Flashbang Grenades

Green Team: At least 3 Breaching Charges

A vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team goes northwest, and moves west along the London bus, on the side
that faces the bank, and goes over to the door, and goes over to the double
doors there, and throws a smoke grenade in, Afterwards, they move wet along
the corridor and goes through the door on the west end, and through the
next series of rooms before heading back to the corridor. They then move
east, until they reach the foyer of the bank. They wait for the Alpha Go-Code

Green Team moves directly west and waits for the Alpha Go-Code at the
entrance there. When the Go-Code is given, Green Team enters the bank,
and circles the rooms on Level 0 in a clockwise direction (Up to the room
next to the western entrance) before going back to the foyer and going
up the southern set of stairs. They wait for a Bravo Go-Code at the top
of the stairs.

Red Team goes up the northern set of stairs and waits for the Bravo Go-Code
at the top, when the Go-Code is given, both teams storm the balcony above
the first hostage. Green Team then makes for the nearest door to the
financial records room, and plants a Breaching Charge on the door, waiting
for the Charlie Go-Code there. Red Team will then circle Level 1 of the
Bank, room by room in an anticlockwise direction until they reach the other
door to the financial records room, where they also wait for the Charlie

When the Go-Code is given, both teams storm the room, and secure the records.
Green Team stays there, while Red Team goes back to the room at the far
westend of the northern corridor, and goes down stairs through the door
there. They go for the hostage, and gets back out, while picking up the
first hostage they have ignored earlier. They then make for the Eastern
Extraction Zone.

*****PLAN B*****

Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Daniel Bogart)

Gold Team: 1 Assault Operative (Jorg Walther) and 1 Demolitions Operative
(Roger McAllen)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To enter bank through the side door, to prevent the destruction
of financial records, to save the 2 hostages in the vault

Green Team: To enter bank through the front door, to search the northern
part of the Banking House

Gold Team: To breach into the bank from the western entrance, to breach
into the room with the financial records and to breach one of the doors
leading down to the vault and to support Red Team in the hostage rescue
process down there

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with Sound Suppressors


Red Team: Heavy Euro Camo

Green Team: Heavy Euro Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: 3 Smoke Grenades and 3 Flashbang Grenades

Green Team: At least 3 Breaching Charges

A vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team goes northwest, and moves west along the London bus, on the side
that faces the bank, and goes over to the door, and goes over to the double
doors there, and throws a smoke grenade in, Afterwards, they move west
along the corridor and goes through the door facing the bank cashier, and
through the next series of rooms. They wait for the Bravo Go-Code in front
of the door leading back to the corridor at the west end.

Gold Team will move all the way round the outside of the bank in a blitz
until they reach the western entrance of the bank. They plant a breaching
charge on the door there and waits for the Bravo Go-Code.

When the Bravo Go-Code is given, Gold Team sets of the charge and storms
into the bank, they go south and circle the rooms on Level 0 in an anti
clockwise direction before heading to the foyer, where they wait for
another Bravo Go-Code at the bottom of the stairs.

Meanwhile, Red Team moves east, until they reach the foyer of the bank.
They wait for the Alpha Go-Code here.

Green Team moves directly west and waits for the Alpha Go-Code at the
entrance there. When the Go-Code is given, Green Team enters the bank,
and goes up the southern set of stairs. They wait for a Bravo Go-Code at
the top of the stairs.

At the same time, Red Team goes up the northern set of stairs and waits
for the Bravo Go-Code at the top, when the Go-Code is given, all 3 teams
storm the balcony above the first hostage. Green Team then circles Level
1 of the Bank, room by room in an anticlockwise direction until they reach
the financial records room.

Meanwhile, both Red Team and Gold Team make for the 2 doors leading to
the room with the financial records. Red Team waits for the Charlie Go-Code
behind the northern door, while Gold Team plants a Breaching Charge on
the southern door and also waits for the Charlie Go-Code.

When the Go-Code is given, both teams storm the room, and secure the records.
Green Team stays there, while Red Team and Gold Team exits the room from
the double doors Green came in through, and then they go down the stairs
to Level 1 again.

Red Team will go down to the vault via the stairs behind the door in the
room on the northwestern part of the bank, while Gold Team picks the lock
on one of the doors into the bank cashier's desk and goes down the circular
stairs there. Gold Team waits for the Bravo Go-Code some distance away
the locked door, while Red Team waits for the Bravo Go-Code behing the
first corner they will find in the basement.

When the Go-Code is given, both teams storm the vault. Gold Team will go
to the stairs Red Team came down on, while Red Team goes for the hostages.

*****PLAN A*****
Playing as Red Team:
Go over to the London Bus, and sidestep with your back towards the bus,
and you will spot that lone terrorist in the Security Room. Put a few rounds
in his head to kill him, then you can head to the door. Get into a crouching
position, and open that door a little, and throw a Smoke Grenade in, when
the smoke is thick enough, you can rush in and kill any Terrorists on either
side of the corridor before they know what's going on.

Then move to the right, and you should spot the tango behind the cashier's
desk, kill him, then move over to the corner of that hallway there, watch
out, as there may be a terrorist going down the stairs to get at you. Now,
around the corner, there should be a terrorist or two. Take them out, then
go through the door behind you. There may be a single terrorist in this
rom, kill him, then go through the door to your right (remember the other
door, it leads down to the vault.), and kill the terrorist in the room
if he is there.

At this point, you may want to sneak over to the room with the first hostage
and take out the snipers on the balcony above. Position yourself in an
obscure position, and they will not be able to see you.

Head to the foyer, and look up, there may be a single terrorist above at
the top of the stairs, kill him if he's there, then give the Go-Code. Green
Team will enter shortly.

Go up the stairs, and position your team to the left of the alcove, there
may be a single terrorist patrolling the area. If he shows up kill him
with one neat bullet to the head, the gun is not called a "silencer for
nothing"! Heh heh heh!

You are now to wait for Green Team to make their way around the lower floor
of the bank before they are ready. When both teams are ready, give the
Go-Code and charge onto the balcony and kill every enemy, then, head back
to the alcove as planned and begin circling Level 1 of the bank, killing
any terrorists you find.

When you approach the door to the financial records room, be careful, and
avoid getting in full view of that glass window, as the terrorists can
see you coming. When you are ready, take a deep breath, run to the door,
give the Go-Code and charge!

Tension Zone! Save the Financial Records!
This is one of the areas of the game that you can easily lose somebody.
You have to work fast to sandwich the terrorist AND make sure that no one
can mess with the computer and delete the Financial Records!

When the objective is complete, go to the room with the door I told you
to remember earlier, the door to the vault is locked, so you would have
to pick the lock and go down. As you go for the vault, take extra caution,
as the terrorists can see you through the bulletproof glass windows, and
one of them will run to the hostage and kill them when they see you approach.
So, you will have to be very fast to run through this corridor, kill anyone
who gets in your way, and make sure that no terrorist can reach the hostage.
Then, all that's left is the lone terrorist in the vault itself. Throw
a Flashbang Grenade into the vault and he should be stunned, then you can
kill him.

At this point, you should have completed the mission, as all terrorists
are neutralized. If not, simply escort all 3 hostages to the extraction
zone and the mission will be complete!

*****PLAN B*****
Playing as Red Team:
Go over to the London Bus, and sidestep with your back towards the bus,
and you will spot that lone terrorist in the Security Room. Put a few rounds
in his head to kill him, then you can head to the door. Get into a crouching
position, and open that door a little, and throw a Smoke Grenade in, when
the smoke is thick enough, you can rush in and kill any Terrorists on either
side of the corridor before they know what's going on.

Then move to the right, and you should spot the tango behind the cashier's
desk, kill him. Then, enter the room behind you. The door is already open.
Open the other do (It pulls open) and kill the terrorist inside that room
(remember the other door in this room, it leads down to the vault.) Go
for the door that is unlocked, and open it. Then, give the Bravo Go-Code
and the terrorist guarding the western entrance won't stand a chance for
your two teams that enter at the same time.

At this point, you may want to sneak over to the room with the first hostage
and take out the snipers on the balcony above. Position yourself in an
obscure position, and they will not be able to see you.

Head to the foyer, and look up, there may be a single terrorist above at
the top of the stairs, kill him if he's there, then give the Go-Code. Green
Team will enter shortly.

Go up the stairs, and position your team to the left of the alcove, there
may be a single terrorist patrolling the area. If he shows up kill him
with one neat bullet to the head, the gun is not called a "silencer for
nothing"! Heh heh heh!

You are now to wait for Green Team to make their way around the lower floor
of the bank before they are ready. When all 3 teams are ready, give the
Go-Code and charge onto the balcony and kill every enemy, then, head back
to Green Team's side of the balcony as illustrated by the waypoints you
set until you reach a single door leading to the library with the financial
records. As Gold Team is in a Blitz, they most likely will reach the other
door before you. Wait for Gold Team to plant the Breaching Charge,

When you are ready, take a deep breath, run to the door, give the Go-Code
and charge!

Tension Zone! Save the Financial Records!
This is one of the areas of the game that you can easily lose somebody.
You have to work fast to sandwich the terrorist AND make sure that no one
can mess with the computer and delete the Financial Records! As soon as
you enter, the computer is to your left. So, turn left immediately, and
kill the 2 or 3 terrorists by the computer while Gold Team takes care of
the rest.

When the objective is complete, get out through the double doors by the
computer, and kill the tango behind it. Go to the room with the door I
told you to remember earlier, the door to the vault is locked, so you would
have to pick the lock and go down. As you go for the vault, take extra
caution, as the terrorists can see you through the bulletproof glass
windows, and one of them will run to the hostage and kill them when they
see you approach.

As soon as Gold Team is ready, give the Go-Code. You will have to be very
fast to run through this corridor, kill anyone who gets in your way, and
make sure that no terrorist can reach the hostage. Then, all that's left
is the lone terrorist in the vault itself. Throw a Flashbang Grenade into
the vault and he should be stunned, then you can kill him.

At this point, you should have completed the mission, as all terrorists
are neutralized. If not, simply escort all 3 hostages to the extraction
zone and the mission will be complete!

k. Mission 11: Broken Stone [TCRC3RS9K]
Location: Pilar, Argentina
Date: 11-11-2003
Time: 11:00

We have concluded that the meat packing operation in Pilar is being used
as a distribution vector for chemical agents. The Argentine government
confirms that several of Gospic's operatives have recently entered the
country and have been spotted of Pilar. Your mission is to secure the
meat-packing facility and prevent the dispersal of the chemical agent.

John Clark:
Intel's convinced that Gospic has gotten his hands on multiple chemical
weapons. If he was behind the British bank operation, then it makes sense
that Preston was his supplier. Preston made a lot of contacts in Kuwait,
including a few with access to the old Soviet chemical weapons labs. (1)

It seems highly probable at this point that Gospic has his hands on some
amount of VX nerve agent. VX is extremely lethal and very durable, (2)
and could be absorbed through skin contact. That's why he had his fingers
in the meat-packing plant. The plant ships beef all around the world,
including Europe and Israel. We're talking mass murder across a dozen
countries. (3)

Now, we could probably interdict any shipments from the plant, after the
fact, but that's too risky. I want us to take that nerve agent into custody
before a single drop gets used. (4) That's why we're going back to the
meat packing plant. The Argentine government confirmed sightings of some
of Gospic's men in and around Pilar, which means that there's no time to
waste. Saddle up. You're going hunting for nerve gas.

(1) Douglas Preston was Mr. Nikola Gospic's supplier for chemical weapons.
Preston most likely had stolen some chemical weapons from those Soviet
labs or may have acquired them through the Kuwaiti black markets.

(2) Yes, one teaspoon of VX nerve agent can kill 10000 people, according
to the movie the Rock. If it is durable, an area can be contaminated for
a long time.

(3) Aha! Gospic obviously wants to use the beef to soak up the VX nerve
agent like a sponge, and ship it all over the world, so that the people
who eats the beef will, well, die very, very painfully. Just imagine the
ads, tasty VX flavored steak! Buy now!

(4) It is risky because, regardless of how wary you are, some of the
shipments may succeed in evading confiscation, and even if you secure the
beef, you may have accidents while handling the chemicals. Hence,
prevention is better than cure, and you are to storm the plant again to
confiscate any VX nerve agent before they use it on the beef.

Kevin Sweeney:
We finally have the full picture, thanks to the documents you rescued in
London. They are, to put it mildly, explosive - a collection of banking
records dating back to the Second World War detailing the systematic
looting of Holocaust victims by the Third Reich, their allies in the Ustache
regime in Yugoslavia and complicit bankers in Geneva. (1) Names are named,
including one Peja Sicic. You might remember him. He's the senior citizen
that Venezuela wanted to deport just before the unpleasantness at the
refinery. (2) In addition, there are repeated mentions of an attache to
the ministry of finance, a man named Dejan Blazevic. We've got a picture
of Blazevic an, on a hunch, one of the lads at Intel used some imaging
software to make a projection as to what he'd look like now. The end result
looks a lot like our Mr. Nikola Gospic. (3)

It seems that Blazevic got himself smuggled out of Europe in 1945. He
arrived in the Caymans a few years later, calling himself Gospic. The money
he used to set himself up was skimmed from the accounts he helped liquidate.
Intel's best guess is that he felt the Sicic deportation proceedings might
blow his own cover, so he started taking steps to hide his trail. (4) That's
not all he's up to though. The repeated attacks on the Venezuelan oil
industry, the chemical weapons and the neo-fascist ties - they add up to
something more. (5)

Now, on to more bad news. While Gospic doesn't have a stake in that
import-export firm you hit in Brazil, Gutierrez does. And Gutierrez's
import-export company does do an awful lot of business with firms htat
are owned by Mr. Nikola Gospic. In particular, there's some connection
with the meat packing firm in Pilar. (6) We know all of this because of
one of the phone calls we listened in on at Gutierrez's place. Gospic called
Gutierrez to discuss their plans for that business - plans that included
using the VX chemical agents you confiscated in Brazil. (7)

(1) The banking records you have prevented the destruction of in the last
mission shows how the Jews that were killed during Holocaust had their
property taken from them by fascist regimes like those in Nazi Germany,
the Yugoslavian Ustache regime and dishonest Swiss bankers. God knows why
some private bank will still store such records in their computers.

(2) Peja Sicic was one of the many people who stole a lot of money from
dead Jews during the Second World War. Hence, after the Venezuelan
Government knew about the bad things he has done about 60 years ago, they
have decided to deport Peja Sicic.

(3) One of the attaches to the Ministry of Finance of the Yugoslavian
Ustache regime was a person called Dejan Blazevic. Using some imaging
software, intel has managed to estimate what Blazevic looked like now,
and he looks a lot like Nikola Gospic. Hence, it is very likely that Gospic
is Dejan Blazevic.

(4) Blazevic was lucky enough to escape from the Allies in 1945 and leave
Europe. A few years later, he settled in the Cayman Islands and changed
his name to Nikola Gospic so that other people will not recognize him.
He worried that the deportation of Sicic might provide evidence leading
to his arrest, so he decided to send terrorists into the Venezuelan refinery
in Amuay to demand the release of Peja Sicic.

(5) Intel is still trying to figure out why he's has done all those things
in the past missions.

(6) Nikola Gospic does not own any of the firms owned by Gutierrez. However,
he does a lot of business with them, and hence, he can never be directly
linked to any trouble. However, it is Gutierrez that will take all of the
charges if his plans were busted by Rainbow. Hence, Nikola Gospic is a
raven, and Alvaro Gutierrez is his shield. Hence the game is called, Raven

(7) So, the outcome of Mission 9 does pay off! So, Nikola Gospic intends
to contaminate beef with his VX nerve agent, this poison can kill thousands
of people around the world if he is not stopped. Hence Rainbow must act

Planning Tips
My Comments on this mission:
You are now back to the meat packing plant. This time, there are 2 insertion
zones, one in the cafeteria and one outside the packing plant. This is
just a routine kill them all mission, but there is one extra objective,
it is to prevent the dispersal of the nerve agent. There are 3 rooms with
chemical terrorists in white. As soon as your teams enter the room, they
will immediately try to activate the poisons. So you will have to be very
quick. Also, try to make your 2 teams enter the rooms at the same time.
Then they can most likely be sandwiched.

If you are playing in the Veteran Difficulty, it may be wise to silence
your M14 Assault Rifle, as the terrorists tend to be much more alert than
before, and sometimes, they will release the VX Nerve Agent just because
they hear you in the next room!

Your Teams:

Red Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Green Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Daniel Bogart, Alexandre Noronha)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To storm the Meat Packing Plant from the front door

Green Team: To storm the Meat Packing Plant from the Cafeteria

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Black Camo

Green Team: Heavy Black Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: Heartbeat Sensor and as you wish

Green Team: As you wish

The vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team will begin at the insertion zone outside the plant. First, they
head south to the cow pens, and circle it in a clockwise direction. Before
they head back out to the main entrance. They enter the plant, head south
and goes through the double doors to a wide room just north of the room
with the first set of chemical agent. Having circled the room once, they
wait next to the alcove at the east end for the Alpha Go-Code.

Green Team starts at the cafeteria. They make their way to the northeast
and explore the locker room from the west to the east, then they exit through
the other side. Upon exiting, they head north, then west for the double
doors leading to the first set of chemical weapons. They wait for the Apha
Go-Code here.

When the Go-Code is given, both teams storm that room. Having circled the
room once, Green Team heads southwest through a long room to the west
stretching north to the south. They go through the opening and moves
southwest to the next set of double doors to the south, leading into the
room with the second set of nerve agent. They wait for the Bravo Go-Code

Meanwhile, Red Team also moves to the cafeteria and then waits for the
Bravo Go-Code behind the door leading west into the same room. When the
go-code is given, both teams storm the room.

Green team then heads north to the double doors at the far north leading
into the large room with the 3rd set of nerve agent. They wait for the
Charlie Go-Code behind the double doors.

Red Team then moves upstairs through the stairs near the cafeteria and
searches the rooms there, and goes along the catwalk over looking the large
room with 2 tanks, heading north and going through the door as they go.
Before they go around the corner to the catwalk overlooking the nerve agent,
they wait for the Charlie Go-Code. When both teams are ready, they charge
in and kill every enemy they see.

Playing as Red Team:
As soon as you start, turn backwards and go through the door there. There
is a door leading to the cow pens. I suggest you take out your Heartbeat
sensor and detect the tangos before you go in, as they are well hidden.
Then open the doors and kill all the terrorists that appear.

Circle around the room, and you will notice an opening in the wall. There
may be a terrorist or 2 over there. Kill them if they are there. Then head
back out.

Once outside, go north, and be careful as you approach the red van. There
is a terrorist or 2 nearby. Kill them, then go through the double doors
into the plant. There is another terrorist by the butcher's counter. Take
him out before he sees you. Then be careful as you go through the door.
It is always better to be safe than sorry by scanning for any terrorists
using the Heartbeat Sensor before you proceed. Once you locate the tangos,
burst in and pop him before he can respond. Then having circled the room
once, go through the opening to your left as you enter. Green should have
been waiting for Alpha Go-Code at this point.

Tension Zone! First Nerve Agent
Charge in and sandwich the tangos. Beware of the ones in white lab coats
and gas masks, as they will be the ones who disperse the nerve agent. So
it is always best to kill them first.

Once everyone is dead, these chemicals are secured. Go through the door
Green Team came in through and turn left, going along the corridor. You
are at the cafeteria. You should see a set of double doors to your right.
Head for those doors, but don't go through, instead, continue along that
hallway until you reach a second set of double doors. Wait for the Bravo
Go-Code, as planned.

When both teams are ready, CHARGE!

Tension Zone! Second Nerve Agent
This room is larger than the first, which means that the Terrorists will
be more spread out. Again, target the men in white first.

With the threat neutralized, head back to the cafeteria as planned, and
go upstairs. Go through the door on the other end of the catwalk, and search
the 2 rooms to your left one by one. Don't go through the opening to your
right, as that leads to the room with the 3rd set of chemical agents.

After searching the rooms, go over to the catwalk on the other side. Look
down, there may be a terrorist in the room below. Kill him if he is there.
Then follow the catwalk and go through the door at the other end and before
you turn around the corner, wait for the Charlie GO-Code. Get ready...

Tension Zone! Third Chemical Agent
Once both teams are ready, charge. But watch out, as this room is pretty
dark, and it will be hard for you to spot the terrorists, but still, with
the sandwich theorem in use, most terrorists couldn't possibly respond
before you have wiped them all out.

At this point, you should have secured all nerve agents, and have killed
every single terrorist in the premises. If not, hunt them down and the
mission will be complete!

l. Mission 12: Briar Gate
Location: Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands
Date: 22-12-2006
Time: 17:10

RAINBOW is authorized to search the estate of Nikola Gospic for evidence
of more chemical weapons. Intel believes he is still in possession of a
highly lethal blistering agent, which he will attempt to use. Your mission
is to prevent the destruction of evidence on Gospic's computer and to secure
the estate using all necessary force.

John Clark:
Gospic has just got to ground, which just makes him more dangerous. He's
found himself a hole somewhere and we're going to have to dig him out.
We start with his mansion on Cayman Brac. It's highly unlikely that he's
there, but his stash of blistering agent might be. At the very least, Intel
wants to go over that place top to bottom. If we're lucky, they'll be able
to figure out what he's got left, and where he's going to hit next. (1)

At this point you should be familiar with the layout of the estate. We
don't have any hostages to worry about this time, which is a bonus, but
it also means that all resistance isn't going to be bottled up in the main
house. (2)

(1) There is a high chance that Gospic's blistering agent is still in his
house, and you may be able to confiscate them before he can use it. More
information on his movements may be found as well on his computer.

(2) You only have to kill all terrorists in the house, but they wil be
more scattered than last time.

Kevin Sweeney:
We've traced the origin of the VX ingredients you confiscated in Pilar.
It's old Soviet manufacture, smuggled out by Preston. We've even managed
to pinpoint the buy at which he got it. Unfortunately, it's not all he
picked up on his little shopping trip. In addition to the VX, he got the
compounds necessary to home-brew more of the stuff and what we are pretty
certain is a blistering agent. You nicked the former when you hit the
import-export firm in Porto Alegre, but the blistering agent's still out
there. (1) So's Gospic, for that matter, and Gutierrez along with him.

The blistering agent we're looking at is most likely phenyldichloroarsine,
a colorless, odorless liquid. It does a number on the eye, lungs, skin
and guts of anyone's who's been exposed. It's slightly less effective than
the so-called mustard gas, the grandfather of blistering agents, but that's
about the only good thing about it. By the time symptoms of exposure appear,
It's already done its job. (2)

(1) The VX nerve agent you took in Porto Alegre was shipped there by Douglas
Preston. He also got some blistering agent to Gospic, and he still has

(2) The blistering agent is colorless and has no smell, so people can
breathe it in without knowing what is going on. It blinds, burns the skin
of and suffocates people, and is less effective than mustard gas. Of course,
this blistering agent causes blisters, it may seem to sound harmless, but
what if there are blisters in your lungs? You can't breathe! For your
information, this compound has a Phenyl Group, which is like a Benzene
ring but with one hydrogen atom removed, chlorine and arsenic! Wow! This
really is a super duper poisonous compound indeed!

Planning Tips
My Comments about this mission:
You are back at Mr. Nikola Gospic's private estate again. This time, all
you have to do is to kill everyone in the mansion, and to prevent the
evidence on his computer to be destroyed. This time, there is only one
extraction zone, and it is behind the house, so you can hit them from the
inside, without alerting them much. As there are NO hostages, feel free
to use Assault Rifles and Shotguns as much as you can.

However, you may still consider using Silenced Assault Rifles, because,
it decreases the chances for a curious terrorist to investigate the
shooting and it can help you prevent a large onslaught in the pool area.

For your information, I have thought of a new plan that can make the Red
Team's job easier, while allowing the other 2 teams to see more action.
Using this new plan, Each team got their fair share of the kills, that
is, Red Team killed 12, Green Team killed 8 while Gold Team killed 8! That's
fairness for you.

A 3rd plan has been added, as the mission success rate for Plan B is not
decent, for some strange reason. Like Plan B, 3 teams will be used, but
this time, we will send a single reconnaissance operative to scout ahead
to secure the evidence before Gold Team and Red Team enter the private
estate. Enjoy.

*****PLAN A*****
Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Gold Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Jorg Walther, Alexandre Noronha)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To cover the lower level of the Private Estate

Green Team: To cover the upper level of the Private Estate

Gold Team: To guard Gospic's computer

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M14 or M16A2 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M14 or M16A2 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or Sound

Gold Team: M14 or M16A2 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with or without sound suppressors

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with or without sound suppressors

Gold Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with or without sound suppressors


Red Team: Heavy Green Camo

Green Team: Heavy Green Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Green Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team:
Leader: Primary Magazines, Heartbeat Sensor
Remaining Operatives: As you wish and Heartbeat Sensor

Green Team: Primary Magazines

Gold Team: Primary Magazines

The Vague Rundown of the Plan:
All 3 teams start at the insertion zone to the southwest. All 3 teams move
to the pool area to their east. Green Team goes up the balcony via the
stairs there, while Red Team goes through the double doors to the south
of the stairs. Gold Team follows Red Team, and waits for an Alpha Go-Code
behind the door I have just mentioned.

Red Team then heads for the room with the computer through the living room,
and enters the computer room for a moment, and waits for an Alpha Go-Code.
When both teams are ready, the go-code is given, and Gold Team heads for
the computer room and stays there. Red Team then gets out the same way
they have came in. They go south to the single door leading outside, and
they circle the outside of the house up to the 3 crosses to the northeast,
and then goes back into the house through the door directly west of the
crosses. Red Team then makes their way back to the living room, and that's
where they will stay.

Meanwhile, Green Team explores the billiards room first upstairs, then
goes out of the other door. Green Team then walks along the balcony
overlooking the living room, and searches the rooms to the far south before
heading back north to the 2 other rooms on Level 1 there, they then go
down the stairs to the northwest, and search any rooms on Level 0 that
Red Team has not covered. They stop at the pool area.

*****PLAN B*****
Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Gold Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Jorg Walther, Alexandre Noronha)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To cover the lower level of the Private Estate and the outside

Green Team: To cover the upper level of the Private Estate and the rooms
to the northwest of the computer room

Gold Team: To guard Gospic's computer

Primary Weapon:

Red Team:
21E Light Machine Gun

Remaining Operatives:
M14 Assault Rifle with Sound Suppressors or High Capacity Magazines

Green Team:
Leader, 2nd Operative:
M14 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors or High Capacity Magazines

3rd Operative:
21E Light Machine Gun

Gold Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors or High Capacity

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with or without sound suppressors

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with or without sound suppressors

Gold Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with or without sound suppressors


Red Team: Heavy Green Camo

Green Team: Heavy Green Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Green Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team:
Leader: Primary Magazines, Heartbeat Sensor
Remaining Operatives: As you wish and Heartbeat Sensor

Green Team: Primary Magazines

Gold Team: Primary Magazines

The Vague Rundown of the Plan:
All 3 teams start at the insertion zone to the southwest. All 3 teams move
to the pool area to their east. Green Team goes up the balcony via the
stairs there, while Red Team goes through the double doors to the south
of the stairs, waiting for the Bravo Go-Code there. Gold Team goes through
the other set of double doors in the pool area and then moves along the
corridor, exploring every room they find until they reach a corner which
turns south into the main living room. They wait for the Bravo Go-Code
there. Green team meanwhile, on the second level, will open the doors
sequentially on the balcony until they reach the west most door. That is
the door they will go through. They then go to the room to the west, and
then to the corridor in the north. They stop and wait for the Bravo Go-Code
by the corner near the balcony overlooking the living room.

When the Go-Code is given, the 3 teams storm the living room by 3 ways.
Green Team from above, Gold Team from the north, Red Team from the south.
All 3 teams then head to the computer room.

Gold Team heads for the computer room and stays there. Red Team then gets
out the same way they have came in. They go south to the single door leading
outside, and they circle the outside of the house up to the 3 crosses to
the northeast, and then goes back into the house through the door directly
west of the crosses. Red Team then makes their way back to the living room,
and that's where they will stay.

Meanwhile, Green Team will explore the areas to the north of the computer
room and go up the stairs. They then search the rooms to the far south
before climbing down the stairs to the living room, and that's where their
last waypoint is.

*****PLAN C*****

Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle)

Green Team: 1 Reconnaissance Operative (Antonio Maldini)

Gold Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Alexandre Noronha)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To cover the lower level of the Private Estate and the outside

Green Team: To cover the upper level of the Private Estate and the rooms
to the northwest of the computer room

Gold Team: To guard Gospic's computer

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M14 Assault Rifle with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M14 Assault Rifle with Sound Suppressors

Gold Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with sound suppressors

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with sound suppressor

Gold Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal) with sound suppressors


Red Team: Light Green Camo

Green Team: Light Green Camo

Gold Team: Light Green Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: Smoke Grenades and a Heartbeat Sensor

Green Team: Smoke Grenades and a Heartbeat Sensor

Gold Team: As you wish

The Vague Rundown of the Plan:

All 3 teams start in the insertion zone in the southwest. Red Team heads
for the southeastern double doors and waits for the Alpha Go-Code outside,
while Gold Team heads for the northern double doors and waits for the Bravo
Go-Code outside.

Meanwhile, Green Team will go to the pool area, and climb the stairs to
the balcony on Level 1. He skips the first door to the east, and instead,
goes through the door to the northwest. He then enters the room to the
east before going north into the corridor. He than goes west and through
the door, and goes down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, Green
Team goes through the door, and goes north to the other door there and
enters the courtyard. He then goes northeast and into the room with the
computer and out the same door he comes in. Green Team then goes through
the southwestern door in that patio/courtyard, and continues south until
he reaches the stairs again. Green Team climbs up the stairs and goes back
to the corridor there. He then goes east, through the door to the hallway
overlooking the living room. Green Team then opens the first door he finds,
and goes into the room there (That is the room that he skipped in the
beginning.) Green Team then goes out through the other door, back to the
pool area, and goes all the way back to the insertion zone.

When the Alpha Go-Code is given, Red Team storms the living room from their
entrance, and then heads south into the kitchen and goes out to the front
pathway. They then go all the way north, then east to the dead end there
before taking a U-Turn and reenter the house through the garage. They will
end up back in the living room.

When Bravo Go-Code is given, Gold Team will bust in through their entrance,
and make their way to the room with the computer, while searching all the
rooms on their side of the living room.

*****PLAN A*****
Playing as Red Team:
As soon as the mission starts, move forwards and look up to your right.
There is a lone terrorist on patrol on the balcony. Take out your scope
and then take him out! Then turn right at the opening. There will be 2
or 3 more terrorists in the pool area. With them killed, walk up the steps
to the pool, and then look up at the balcony behind you. Another terrorist
should come out through the door on the left. Take him out before he can
respond. Then go through the double doors by the pool. Take a deep breath,
you'll need it.

Tension Zone! Living Room
There will be more than 10 terrorists in the living room. I suggest you
get into a crouching position, and pick them off one by one with your scope.
While you are fighting those terrorists, their friends may come to help
them. So be careful.

Once the living room is devoid of tangos, go through the door by the piano.
That's the computer room. They may be a lone terrorist there. Kill him
before he can mess with the computer. Then give the Alpha Go-Code to Gold
Team so they can guard the room.

Now, it's time to go outside. Go out through the door at the other end
of the living room, and then you will be outside. Walk along the path until
you reach the gate, killing any terrorists you find, then go back into
the house through the door by the yacht.

Inside the garage, there may be a lone tango there. Kill him. Then return
to the living room and wait, picking off any foolhardy tangos that might

Now, it's up to Green Team to seek and destroy the rest of the terrorists.
Once the last ones been killed. The Mission will be complete.

*****PLAN B*****
Playing as Red Team:
As soon as the mission starts, move forwards and look up to your right.
There is a lone terrorist on patrol on the balcony. Take out your scope
and then take him out! Then turn right at the opening. There will be 2
or 3 more terrorists in the pool area. With them killed, walk up the steps
to the pool, and then look up at the balcony behind you. Another terrorist
should come out through the door on the left. Take him out before he can
respond. Then go through the double doors by the pool. When all 3 teams
are ready and are waiting for the Bravo-Go Code, give the go-code. Take
a deep breath, you'll need it.

Tension Zone! Living Room
There will be more than 10 terrorists in the living room. I suggest you
get into a crouching position, and pick them off one by one. The good thing
with Plan B is that the other 2 teams can help confuse the terrorists and
assist in taking out some of the terrorists that you are Red Team will
find difficult to aim at, like the one by the piano, and the one near the
dining table to the right of the stairs. Besides, this triple decker Tango
sandwich would prove to the helpless if you approach them from 3 directions
at once.

Once the living room is devoid of tangos, go through the door by the piano.
That's the computer room. They may be a lone terrorist there. Kill him
before he can mess with the computer.
Now, it's time to go outside. Go out through the door at the other end
of the living room, and then you will be outside. Walk along the path until
you reach the gate, killing any terrorists you find, then go back into
the house through the door by the yacht.

Inside the garage, there may be a lone tango there. Kill him. Then return
to the living room and wait, picking off any foolhardy tangos that might

Now, it's up to Green Team to seek and destroy the rest of the terrorists.
Once the last ones been killed, the Mission will be complete. This time,
instead of having Ding Chavez getting over 20 kills in Plan A, Red Team
will only kill 12 tangos between them, while the other teams getting a
fairer share of the kills. Enjoy.

*****PLAN C*****
Note: You will be switching from Green Team to Red Team midway through
the level, as Recon work is best left to be done by human players. Heh

Playing as Green Team:
As soon as the mission starts, move forwards and look up to your right.
There is a lone terrorist on patrol on the balcony. Take out your scope
and then take him out! Then turn right at the opening. There will be 2
or 3 more terrorists in the pool area. With them killed, walk up the steps
to the pool, and then look up at the balcony behind you. Another terrorist
should come out through the door on the left. Take him out before he can

With that threat gone, climb up the stairs, walk along the balcony. Look
into the window in front of you. If there is a terrorist there, shoot him
in the head. Then equip your Desert Eagle with Silencer. Enter the room
the terrorist gone out of. (If no terrorist went out that door, then it's
the door to the far left of the balcony.)

Open the door. Kill the tango if he is there, and then enter the bathroom
to the right. Then, go out to the corridor. Looking to the left. If there
is a terrorist there, give him a "tap" with the desert eagle! Then, open
the door in that end of the corridor. Now, as you open to the door, you
should look to your right. If there is a tango, take him out quickly! If
you don't he will run down stairs to the computer room and erase the evidence!
If you failed to hit him, immediately change to the Silenced M14 and run
down stairs after him.

You should arrive at a room with a large TV at the bottom of the stairs.
Kill anyone who gets in the way and open the door to the patio. There may
be a single tango on patrol here. Take him out if this is so. If that tango
on the stairs managed to run away when you met him a little while ago,
you should perform the actions above much quicker than usual. Now, open
the door to your right. It's the computer room. The tango asks, "Who the?!"
You answer, "My name is Maldini, James Maldini." Use the silenced Desert
Eagle to silence him and the other terrorist that may be attempting to
destroy the evidence. If this threat gone, go back to the patio. DON'T
enter the living room! I'm warning you!

Your next target will be a bedroom. Enter it, following your waypoint.
Kill the lone terrorist if he is there. Then go through the door in front
of you and look to your left. There is a single terrorist with his back
turned against you. Give him a tap on the head, and then head back upstairs.

Go to the other end of the corridor and go through the door there. Open
the door to your right. It's a billiards room. Kill the 2 terrorists in
there, and run into the room and close the door behind you. Use your
heartbeat sensor to pick up any tango on the balcony above the living room,
and go back out to finish them with the assault rifle. Now, with Level
1 cleared, Antonio can go back to the insertion zone and well out of harm's
way. Switch to Red Team.

Playing as Red Team:
Give the Alpha Go-Code, then go through the double doors and charge!

Tension Zone! Living Room
There will be more than 10 terrorists in the living room. I suggest you
get into a crouching position, and pick them off one by one with your scope.
While you are fighting those terrorists, their friends may come to help
them. So be careful. If you are unconfident of yourself, throw a Smoke
Grenade out into the Living Room before you go out there. With everyone
killed, give the Bravo Go-Code and let Gold Team in. Now, follow your
waypoints and head out through the kitchen. When you are outside, just
follow the waypoints, killing any terrorists that get in your way. When
a total of 29 terrorists are neutralized, the mission will be complete.

Throw a Smoke Grenade out around the corner near the dead end outside the
estate if you are feeling unconfident of yourself.

m. Mission 13: Talon Steel [TCRC3RS9M]
Location: Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands
Date: 22-12-2006
Time: 23:30

Men identified as working as Gospic have killed an Interpol agent who had
infiltrated their operation and seized control of an airport on Cayman
Brac. Their baggage, which has been recovered, contains aerosol dispersal
equipment intended for use with the blistering agent, the existence of
which has been confirmed. Your mission is to secure the airport and
neutralize all gunmen.

John Clark:
Bad luck for Interpol this time. They had a man infiltrating Gospic's
operation from the other side, and he just called in from Cayman Brac
airport with the last pieces of the puzzle. The endgame is set for Rio
de Janiero, at the Festas Juninas. (1) The men the agent was working with
were involved in smuggling the chemical agent from the Caymans to Rio,
so that Gospic could expose the crowds at the festival. We're talking
hundreds of thousands of people minimum. (2)

Unfortunately, backup didn't reach their man in time, and he was killed.
The good news, what there is of it, is that the local police have been
on a hair trigger lately. They arrived in time to keep at least some of
Gospic's people on the island, and contained them within the airport
complex. They also confiscated the luggage these jokers were trying to
load onto a private plane. It's aerosol equipment, perfect for dispersing
the blistering agent. (3) This helps limits the ones who got away. Get
to work.

(1) An undercover Interpol agent has revealed that Nikola Gospic plans
to target the Festas Juninas festival in Rio de Janeiro.

(2) As up to a hundred thousand people could be on the streets to watch
the parade, Gospic's men could easily disperse the blistering agent into
the crowds, killing a lot of people.

(3) The Cayman Islands police force have been very attentive lately, and
they helped minimize the number of terrorists that can leave for Rio de
Janeiro. They also confiscated the aerosols the smugglers are trying to
use in the Festas Juninas. That way, no one will die because someone uses
his hair spray at the festival! Heh heh heh!

Kevin Sweeney:
We have one more tidbit on Gospic himself. On a hunch, I had a look at
his medical records. They tell the rest of the man's story. He's got liver
cancer, and it's terminal. The initial prognosis was six months. That was
two years ago, but he can't keep bucking the odds forever. (1) Looking
at his psych gesture, I'd say he's a good candidate for a grand suicide
gesture, and the blistering agent gives him the perfect tool for the job.

The real twist, however, is what comes after he's dead. We know now from
the records at the meat packing plant that he's been squirreling away money
for years to support a new global fascist movement. (3) It would be his
little goodbye present to the world, a legacy of hate from the Second World
Way. As part of that, he was targeting tracts of the Venezuelan oil fields
for acquisition, with an eye on sabotaging them so the bottom would fall
off the price. (4) The man's literally worth billions, and as soon as he
dies it all goes toward resurrecting the jack-booted goose-step.

(1) Apparently, Nikola Gospic has Liver Cancer, and he will soon die. During
the first diagnosis 2 years ago, his told him that he has six months to
live. However, somehow, Gospic managed to stay alive for more than 2 years
now. But still, he cannot use luck to keep himself alive.

(2) Instead of dying in bed, Nikola Gospic decided to die as a martyr.
He would like to witness the release of the blistering agent to the crowds
in the Festas Juninas, and as he is watching, he probably will breathe
in the agent and have himself killed in the progress.

(3) The reason why the terrorists decided to destroy company records in
the meat packing plant in Pilar in Operation Crimson Hook, is because they
want to remove evidence of Gospic's action of saving money for the funding
of a new neo-fascist movement.

(4) To get easy access to even more assets to fund his global fascist
movement, Gospic's men have attacked the Venezuelan oil industry several
times in Missions 1 and 5. When the oil prices drop heavily, he can get
them rather cheap, and there's no reward for being able to guess what he
will do with the money.

Planning Tips
My Comments on this mission:
Welcome back to Cayman Brac private airport! This time, the objective is
simply to seek and destroy all terrorists in the premises! However, it's
11:30pm, almost midnight, so many parts of the airport will be very dark!
So, which means that it is very easy for your men to get killed without
knowing what on earth is going on. In this mission, I suggest you use a
weapon with a good recovery stat. I personally recommend the M16A2 this
time, as it holds more ammo per magazine, and has even better recovery
than the M14. Besides, silenced M16A2s can help you to avoid detection
from the enemy, as if you use too loud weapons, terrorists are mot likely
to come running out of the hangar to mess with you, and you won't want
that to happen, right?

Heartbeat sensors also important, then you can locate where the terrorists
are in the dark. After all, the infra red goggles don't work very
effectively at times.

I have just thought of a new plan. It would involve 3 teams instead of
2. The initial plan would be Plan A. The new plan would be Plan B.

*****PLAN A*****

Your Teams:

Red Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Green Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Daniel Bogart, Alexandre Noronha)

Objectives of each team:

Red Team: To storm the Terminal Building and Hangar

Green Team: To storm the garage, tarmac and hangar

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Black Camo

Green Team: Heavy Black Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: Heartbeat Sensor and 3 Frag Grenades

Green Team: Heartbeat Sensor and 3 Frag Grenades

The vague rundown of the plan:
Red team heads north from their insertion zone, and then goes through the
door to the car park. They head for the entrance to the terminal building
by circling the car park in a clockwise arc. Then they enter the building.

Inside the terminal building, Red Team will search the lower floor in a
clockwise direction, going through all rooms to the northern stairs. They
then go up the stairs.

On the upper floor of the terminal building, they search all the rooms
before going down the other set of stairs. They then search the other 2
rooms to their north and waits for a Charlie Go-Code at the northeastern
door before going out the door leading to the tarmac to the north.

Once outside, Red Team heads south back to the car park. They pick the
locked door and heads east to the other side of the hangar. Having reached
the other side, they head for the eastern entrance to the hangar and waits
for the Alpha Go-Code.

Green team heads east from the Insertion Zone. They first search the garage
where a lone fire engine is parked. Then, they turn north at the corner
and heads all the way north to the tarmac. They wait for a Bravo Go-Code
behind a truck before going onto the tarmac. They then head east on the
tarmac while taking as much cover from the crates as possible. They
eventually reach the northern entrance to the hangar, and they enter the
building. They go upstairs, and searches all the rooms up there (making
sure that they visit the room with the glass window looking into the hangar,
enable 3-D vision if you don't know where it is) and then gets back
downstairs and enters the room leading to the hangar itself. At the small
corridor with 2 doors, they also wait for the Alpha Go-Code.

When the Go-Code is given, both teams storm the hangar and clear it out.

*****PLAN B*****

Your Teams:

Red Team: 1 Assault Operative (Ding Chavez) and a Sniper (Homer Johnston)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Gold Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Jorg Walther, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle)

Objectives of each team:

Red Team: To storm and snipe in the hangar from the northwestern entrance

Green Team: To storm the terminal building and hangar from the eastern

Gold Team: To storm the tarmac and hangar from the southwestern entrance

Primary Weapon:

Red Team:
Assault Operative:
M16A2 Assault Rifle with Sound Suppressors
PSG-2000 Sniper Rifle with Thermal Scope

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Gold Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Gold Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Black Camo

Green Team: Heavy Black Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Black Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: Heartbeat Sensor and 3 Smoke Grenades

Green Team: Heartbeat Sensor and 3 Frag Grenades

Gold Team: At least 3 Smoke Grenades

The vague rundown of the plan:

Red team heads north from their insertion zone, and then goes through the
door to the car park. They head for the entrance to the terminal building
by circling the car park in a clockwise arc. Then they go east, walk along
south of the fuel tanker truck and climb up the stairs to the east and
enter the hangar.

Green team also heads north from their insertion zone, and then goes through
the door to the car park. They head for the entrance to the terminal building
by circling the car park in an anticlockwise arc before entering the
terminal building.

Inside the terminal building, Green Team will search the lower floor in
a clockwise direction, going through all rooms to the northern stairs.
They then go up the stairs.

On the upper floor of the terminal building, they search all the rooms
before going down the other set of stairs. They then search the other 2
rooms to their north and exit the terminal building through the
northeastern exit. They then head due south, back to the insertion zone,
and go east, then north all the way to the eastern entrance of the hangar
and wait for the Alpha Go-Code.

Gold Team heads east from the Insertion Zone. They first search the garage
where a lone fire engine is parked (Entering through the southern entrance,
exiting via the door to the east. Then, upon exiting the garage, they hug
the garage wall and head north, to a gap in the wall with a door leading
to a room. They search the room, and heads out again. They then throw a
Smoke Grenade into the middle of the road, and walk CAUTIOUSLY across to
the opposite wall (The Eastern Wall) They go north, hugging the wall until
they reach a truck. They wait for a Bravo Go-Code behind the truck before
throwing a Smoke Grenade going onto the tarmac.

Meanwhile, Red Team move north to the room with the window looking out
to the tarmac. They wait for a Bravo Go-Code there.

When the Bravo Go-Code is given, Gold Team heads northwest going in a BLITZ
on the tarmac while taking as much cover from the crates as possible
(Consider hugging the northern perimeter while going east). They
eventually reach the northern entrance to the hangar, and they enter the
building. They then go through the only door on the lower level of the
hangar, search the room, and goes through the other door leading to a
junction with two doors. They wait for the Alpha Go-Code in front of the
southern door.

Meanwhile, Red Team will search the remaining room on the upper level,
and then go downstairs to the room where Gold Team is waiting and waits
for the Alpha Go-Code in front of the door leading north.

When the Go-Code is given, all 3 storm the hangar and clear it out. You
may want one of the teams to throw a Frag Grenade at the back of the large
plane there, as a Terrorist may be hiding there.

*****PLAN A*****
Note: You will be switching from Red Team to Green Team in this mission,
this is because, like Operation Pearl Castle, some of the actions made
by the AI are suicidal, particularly in the car park and the tarmac. You'll
see why...

Playing as Red Team:
Go through the door right in front of you, and charge!

Tension Zone! Open Air Car Park
This is one of the areas of the level that you will easily have men killed.
Immediately strafe right, keeping your eye on the terminal building. There
may be a terrorist up there, and there may be one or two to your right
near some barrels. There is another terrorist behind the fuel truck to
your right. Wait! There's more! There is a chance that more terrorists
will come from all corners of the airport to avenge their fallen friends!
So, I recommend that you stay at the car park for some time until the coast
is finally clear before you enter the terminal from the door there.

Tension Zone! Airport Terminal Main Concourse
At the door, I suggest you take out your Heartbeat Sensor to locate the
tangos behind the door, then you will know which side to aim at when you
enter. There may be at least 3 circles behind the door, and you should
take them out as soon as possible when you enter. Go to your left, and
walk along the concourse, killing any more terrorists that you find. Then
go through the door by the X-ray machine and search the subsequent room
before going through the other door in that room and going upstairs.

Upstairs, search each room in turn, using the Heartbeat Sensor to locate
any annoyances before enter each room. After the rooms have been searched,
head back downstairs via the other set of stairs.

When you are downstairs, I suggest you scan for anymore terrorists with
the Heartbeat Sensor before you proceed. Then, go through the door, turn
right, and search the rooms there, killing anyone that gets in the way.
Then before exiting the terminal building, change to the Green Team.

Playing as Green Team:
Give the go-code, and get some sweet drinks for shock before you go, as
another tension zone is coming up! It's the 3rd one in this level!

Tension Zone! Tarmac
The good thing is that the Tarmac is well lit. So, you don't need to mess
with your infra red vision. Be careful, as there are many tangos hidden
in obscure corners on the tarmac. This is what auto-aim is for! It is to
enable you to kill tangos from extremely obscure angles without them
knowing! Ha ha ha! Just watch out that lone sniper at the upper floor window
of the hangar building.

With all the terrorists in the tarmac killed, give the Charlie Go-Code
to Red Team so they may move on. Then, head into the hangar building. As
in the last mission here, open the door in the middle of the corridor and
kill that lone terrorist if he's there. Then head upstairs. Kill anyone
that gets into your way, and remember that room with the window overlooking
the inside of the Hangar? Head in that room, and as before, massacre as
many tangos you can find. It will make storming the hangar much easier

Of course, you shooting up there will cause some terrorists down there
to come up to get you. They are just like lambs to the slaughter. Use this
to your advantage. Let them come to you one by one and pop them in the
head one by one! Then, get back down to the lower level, and get ready
for the Alpha Go-Code.

Give the Go-Code and allow your teams to do the final mop-up.

Mission Accomplished.

Don't worry, this is the last mission in the game taking place in total
darkness, so give a sigh of relief to yourself. Our next destination, is,
the sunny Rio de Janeiro!

*****PLAN B*****
Playing as Red Team:
Go through the door right in front of you, and charge!

Tension Zone! Open Air Car Park
This is one of the areas of the level that you will easily have men killed.
Immediately strafe right, keeping your eye on the terminal building. There
may be a terrorist up there, and there may be one or two to your right
near some barrels. There is another terrorist behind the fuel truck to
your right. Wait! There's more! There is a chance that more terrorists
will come from all corners of the airport to avenge their fallen friends!
So, keep your eyes peeled.

It is a good a idea to do Green Team a favor by opening the door leading
into the terminal building and killing the terrorist in the lounge for
them, as they often fail to do that on their own. Stupid AI.

Now, walk over to the hangar, while hiding behind the fuel tanker truck
there. When you are by the far right of the truck, peep around the truck,
and you will find a tango or two hanging around the other end of the pathway
between the hangar and the terminal building. Do Gold Team a favor and
take them out! With them gone, you can simply climb up the stairs and enter
the hangar.

Inside the Hangar, go forwards, along the corridor, while being vary of
tango that may appear downstairs. Then, go over to the room overlooking
the tarmac. Kill the tango there. I bet he will be killed so peacefully
that he won't be able to speak a single word! With him gone, switch to
Homer Johnston.

As Homer, throw a Smoke Grenade in this room, and then when it has thickened,
take out your Sniper Rifle and aim with the scope outside the window. Use
the Thermal Scope to detect any tangos down in the tarmac and take them
out. For your information, there is one hiding in the crates to the left,
and one crawling on the ground underneath the left wing of the plane down
there. With them one, give the Bravo Go-Code. With two sets of eyes covering
the tarmac, the chances of Gold Team having men down will be drastically
reduced. When you can see them out the window, get back to the corridor,
and switch to your Assault Operative. Open the first door on the left,
and kill the tango inside. There is a window overlooking the hangar. Go
over there and take out all the terrorists down there! Lovely massacre,
eh? When you have taken out all the terrorists you can see, you can go
downstairs and join Gold Team.

Now, when all 3 teams are waiting for the Alpha Go-Code, give the Go-Code
and charge! Allow your teams to do the final mop up. Just watch out for
the terrorist hiding inside the plane.

Mission Accomplished.

Don't worry, this is the last mission in the game taking place in total
darkness, so give a sigh of relief to yourself. Our next destination, is,
the sunny Rio de Janeiro!

n. Mission 14: Whisper Blade [TCRC3RS9N]
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date: 04-02-2007
Time: 11:00 am

A garage near the Festas Juninas parade route in Rio de Janeiro must be
stormed. It has been identified as the site where Gospic constructed the
parade float from which he intended to disperse the blistering agent. Intel
believes that Alvaro Gutierrez is on site, supervising the last details
of the operation. Your mission is to secure the garage and capture

John Clark:
Intel has recovered the notebook kept by the Interpol agent who was killed
on Cayman Brac. Among other things, it's got the address for a garage in
Rio where Gospic's men have been building a parade float. It also has a
schedule for where the fleet's going to be when along the parade route.
We don't know where it is now, but we do know where the garage is. Even
better, according to the notebook Gutierrez is still scheduled to be there.
We can capture one rat, and he'll lead us to the other. (1)

Most of the equipment should be out of the garage already, which means
less cover for whatever resistance you do uncover. It also means there's
less chance that the blistering agent might get set off accidentally during
the shooting. The Brazilian government isn't terribly thrilled with out
intervention in this matter, but they owe us one from Porto de Alegre.
Besides, if Intel read that notebook right, we've got a matter of hours
before everything hits the fan. (2)

(1) The Interpol Agent collected information about the garage the parade
float was constructed. Fortunately, Gutierrez will be there at that time.
By capturing Gutierrez, he can help us locate Gospic.

(2) You only have a couple of hours before Gospic decides to use the
blistering agent on the crowds watching the parades.

Kevin Sweeney:
Right now Rio's the middle of the Festas Juninas. It's a series of
celebrations venerating a handful of saints, and it comes with the usual
parade and whatnot. It also brings a lot of people into the city and onto
the streets, especially along the parade route. This means there will be
crowds in exactly the places we're going to need to look for Gospic. (1)

Gospic has sponsored a float in the big parade the last few years. He's
entered one again this year. Put two and two together and you confirm what
that Interpol agent told us: he's using the float as a way to spread the
blistering agent along the entire length of the parade route. (2)

(1) If a large crowd of people is watching the Festas Juninas parade, a
single float scattering blistering agent can kill anyone that is watching,
and of course, this mass murder will mark the beginning of the "new fascist

(2) If Gospic frequently enters parade floats for the Festas Juninas,
people will get used to his habits, and will be less likely to suspect
a thing when he makes use of this new parade float that gives everyone
their share of phenyldichloroarsine.

Planning Tips
My Comments on this mission:
Welcome to sunny Rio! This is the final phase of the game. In this mission,
you are to kill everyone you find, but not Gutierrez. Gutierrez is located
in the conference room on the top floor of the garage. It is always a good
idea to send in 2 teams into that room at a time. It is also important
that you do not do the shooting, otherwise, you will most likely kill
Gutierrez by mistake, and it will be "Mission Failed: Gutierrez was killed"
for you.

Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle)
and 1 Demolitions Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Green Team: 4 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Daniel Bogart, Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To storm the garage from the south

Green Team: To storm the garage from the north

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Green Team: M16A2 Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Green Camo

Green Team: Heavy Green Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: Heartbeat Sensor and 3 Breaching Charges

Green Team: Heartbeat Sensor and 3 Smoke Grenades

The vague rundown of the plan:
Both teams start at the same insertion zone. They both go north, and at
the 2 doors, Red Team enters the garage through the southern door, while
Green Team enters through the northern door.

Red Team goes west to that lone car there, goes into the alcove to the
south for a moment and heads back to the car and waits for the Alpha Go-Code
behind it.

Green Team goes east from the entrance, and waits for the Alpha Go-Code
just around the corner to the same garage Red Team is in.

When the Go-Code is given, both teams charge into the garage. Red Team
circles the room and goes back south to the alcove, then goes through the
door to the west, and waits for the Bravo Go-Code behind the double doors
leading north.

Meanwhile, Green Team moves to the door directly to the south of their
waiting point, and enters the room there, and heads back north and returns
to their place where they wait for the Alpha Go-Code.

Then, Green Team will throw a Smoke Grenade into the corridor to their
west before heading north through that alcove into the room with the long
table. They then head west through the entire room with those shelves and
then goes through the door at the far end. Then, Green Team will head to
the double doors right in front of them, and then they wait for the Bravo
Go-Code behind the door. With the Go-Code given, both teams storm that
open area. Having circled the area once, Red and Green Team both go to
the place where Red Team had been waiting at first. Both Red Team and Green
Team go east to explore the garage there. They then go through the double
doors leading to the big car display room, Red Team heads to the Southern
Stairs (Not before they search the 2 rooms to the northwest), while Green
Team heads to the Northern Stairs.

Both teams wait for the Charlie Go-Code at their respective doors to the
conference room, and Red plants a Breaching Charge on the door while doing

When the Go-Code is given the 2 teams storm the room and capture Gutierrez.

Playing as Green Team:
Move forward, and turn left. You will reach a gap in the fence. Go through
the gap, and quickly kill the 2 terrorists if they are there. There may
be another one opening the door to get you to the left.

When the area is safe, proceed to the door to your right and go through.
There may be terrorists on the other side of the small hallway you are
in, and there's another one to the left of the gap you go through. Use
your heartbeat sensor to detect them if you are not sure.

If everything's going well, you should be waiting for the Alpha Go-Code
now. However, I suggest you stay where you are for a few moments.

Tension Zone! First Car Maintenance Area
Turn around the corner, you should see a lot of terrorists all lined up
for you shots. Kill them before they can respond. Around the corner behind
you, several terrorists may swoop in on you, so be quick and turn around
if they do come. After these tangos are killed, you can safely proceed
with giving the Go-Code.

As planned, go forwards and go through that door there. There may be a
terrorist or 2 behind the door. So be careful. Then, turn to your left
and go through that door, and turn left after that. You are back where
you are in the first place, then, turn right instead of left at that corner.
There may be terrorists waiting on the other side. Kill them, then throw
a Smoke Grenade in front of the gap leading to the right.

Wait for the Smoke to thicken, then go through that gap and massacre the
terrorists on the other side, as well as another one in the gap to the

Then, you can move on. Just follow the waypoint into that dark room with
so many shelves, killing anyone you come across. Then go to the other end
of the dark room and through the door. There will be 1 or 2 more terrorists
in this area. Kill them, and go through the double doors.

At this point, it is optional to give the Go-Code. If you want to handle
everything on your own, just press H on your keyboard and Red Team will

Tension Zone! Open Area
It is out in the open, and you should get into a crouching position, and
take out all those terrorists from obscure angles. There should be 6 tangos
in the area. Check with your Heartbeat Sensor if you are unsure. If you
are playing in Veteran Difficulty, it may be wise to throw a Smoke Grenade
out there in the open to create a smokescreen, so the Terrorists cannot
see what's going on when you send your men out to kill them. Don't worry,
the terrorists rarely see your men before your men sees them! Tee hee hee...

When everyone is killed, go through the door that Red Team was waiting
at just now. If you asked Red Team to hold, press H again and they will
move on.

Now, just proceed through the garage, following the waypoints, engaging
any tangos that come to play, but stop as you reach the second double door
of the pair. This door leads to the car showcase room.

I suggest you open that door slowly, and kill any tango that you see before
you open it completely. When all are killed, move to your left, and with
your back against the wall. Look up, there are tangos watching the showcase
room. Kill them before they know what hit them. Then go up the stairs.
Pick off any more tangos that are by the double doors, and then wait for
the Charlie Go-Code.

When good old Beckenbauer has planted the charge, it's time to ask your
team members to open and clear the door. The instant you see them open
the door, press the L key, and the charge will be detonated.

I guess Gutierrez now knows what it's like to be in the filling of a sandwich.
In fact, when he sees your men entering the conference room, he will simply
cry "I quit" and let your men capture him as soon as his 2 bodyguards are
killed. What a wimp!

Heh heh heh.

Mission Complete.

o. Mission 15: Steel Rose [TCRC3RS9O]
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date: 02-24-2007
Time: 18:00

The float concealing the blistering agent has been located near the
beginning of the parade route, and must be seized. Gutierrez has
surrendered the rough locations of both Gospic and the blistering agent,
which he intends to disperse by the means of a small concussion device.
Your mission is to prevent the detonation of the explosive and eliminate
both Gospic and his men.

John Clark:
Gutierrez ratted out Gospic to save his own skin, which is good news for
us. (1) The float's being prepared on a side street near the start of the
parade route. It's guarded by everything Gospic has left, which means that
hopefully they're keeping civilians away from it. (2) Gospic himself is
somewhere in the area. He wants to watch it go down up close and personal,
which means we can nail him.

We've relayed our findings to the local authorities and the police are
already moving people off the streets. They're leaving Gospic to us. Be
sure to search the buildings around the float for him and his men. (3)

(1) Well, squealing on Gospic isn't something that is very loyal, is it?
In fact, when I read the Rainbow Six novel, a lot of captured terrorists
refuse to talk and have to be treated with "special interrogation methods"
to make them talk.

(2) If civilians are kept away from it, it will be more unlikely that people
will know about this mission, which is a good thing, as Rainbow is a secret

(3) Gospic and his men are located in a hotel next to the parade float.
Good luck in getting rid of them, as they are very well dug in. perhaps
a sniper watching the windows will be a good idea.

Kevin Sweeney:
With the loss his aerosol equipment, Gospic has been forced to fall back
on a cruder distribution method. According to Gutierrez, he's planted an
explosive charge right in the middle of the float, with the blistering
agent bundled around it. In the middle of the parade, Gospic's boys are
going to abandon the float and the device will blow. It's a tricky balance,
but if he's figured the forces right, the detonation could spread the
chemical agent over half the city. (1) If he hasn't the blast will probably
just kill everyone for a couple of blocks (2). It's a lose-lose situation.

Ultimately, Intel believes that isn't Rio in particular. It's about the
impact an event like this will have across all of South America. The
projections that have been run are not pretty. Even the most optimistic
leave the door wide open for Gospic - or more accurately, his heirs - to
swooping on these oil fields and make a killing. (3) Now that we know what's
going on, steps can be taken to prevent that, but the first order of business
is still stopping Gospic.

(1) If the bomb is detonated, the blistering agent may kill half of Rio's
residents, just like in the movie "The Rock", where a deranged General
decides to release his VX nerve agent over the entire San Francisco.

(2) If the blast or the wind speed are not powerful enough, the blistering
agent might just spread for a couple of blocks. Either way, the results
are disastrous if the bomb does go off. A lose-lose situation indeed.

(3) If Gospic does succeed in dispersing the blistering agent, people
around South America will get really scared of Gospic's heirs, and will
do anything they tell them to do, like selling oilfields to them cheaply,
for instance, and the money will be used to finance a new global fascist
movement, blah, blah, blah...

Planning Tips
My Comments about this mission:
This is the final mission, and you will be required to use practically
everything in your arsenal in order to stop Gospic and his men. It is always
fun to play as the sniper, but watch out when you are near the float.
Gospic's men may run to detonate the bomb when they see you come, so if
you see someone running to the left, it is important to kill him quickly.

Your Teams:

Red Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price) and 1 Demolitions
Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca,
Daniel Bogart)

Gold Team: 1 Assault Operative (Jorg Walther) and 1 Sniper (Homer Johnston)

Objectives of your Teams:

Red Team: To take charge of the parade float and defuse the bomb, to enter
the hotel from the side door and eliminate Gospic on the roof

Green Team: To enter the hotel from the front door and eliminate Gospic
on the roof

Gold Team: The Sniper Team, to eliminate any terrorists that appear near
the hotel

Primary Weapon:

Red Team:
Assault Operatives:
M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes
Demolitions Operative:
USAS-12 Shotgun with Mini Scope

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes

Gold Team:
Assault Operative:
M14 Assault Rifle with Mini Scope
M16A2 Sniper with Thermal Scope or Sound Supressor

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Gold Team:
Assault Operative: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)
Sniper: SR-2 Machine Pistol with High Capacity Magazine


Red Team: Heavy Green Camo

Green Team: Heavy Green Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Green Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team:
Assault Operatives:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
3 Breaching Charges, Primary Magazines for Shotgun

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
At least 3 Breaching Charges

Gold Team:
As you wish

A vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team and Gold Teams start at the western insertion zone, they then
head north and go through the first door they find. Then, they both go
up the stairs and through the door at the top.

Red Team will go through the door to the north, a go down the stairs to
the west, and plants a breaching charge on the locked door, waiting for
the Alpha Go-Code.

Gold Team climbs up the ladder, and moves over to the northern edge of
the roof and snipes there, waiting for the Alpha Go-Code.

Green Team starts at the eastern insertion zone, and then waits for the
Alpha Go-Code just east of the corner leading to the large open area with
the parade float.

When the Go-Code is given, Red Team and Green Team will go out to the open
area. Red Team will head for the bomb, then they circle the western part
of the open area before going north through the alley to the lone door
there, planting another breaching charge on the door and waiting for the
Bravo-Go Code.

Green Team circles the eastern side of the open area, before waiting for
the Bravo Go-Code to the west of the double doors leading into the hotel.

When the Go-Code is given, Red Team will storm the large room there, before
heading for the southern stairs. Green Team breaches the southern double
doors and also storms the room, before heading to the northern set of

Gold Team will then climb down the ladder, and search the 2 rooms, and
the eastern staircase of the building they are on, they will then return
to the roof and stay there for the rest of the mission.

After that, each team will just circle all the rooms on each floor before
going up one level through their corresponding staircases. Red Team
searches the rooms to the south, while Green Team searches the rooms to
the north.

Once both teams have searched all floors, and have arrived on the roof,
they both plant breaching charges on their respective doors, and waits
for the Charlie Go-Code.

After the Go-Code is given, both teams charge onto the roof, and circles
the area, while going through all those crosses on the map first.

Playing as Gold Team:
Move forwards, and to your left. In front of you are a lot of Tangos in
the windows and on the roof of the building you are about to go to.

Then enter the building through the door. Go up the stairs, and engage
any tangos that get in the way. When you are at the top, climb up the ladder,
and switch to Homer Johnston.

As Homer Johnston, get into a crouching position, and throw a smoke grenade
up the steps. As the smoke thickens, take out your sniper rifle, and use
the thermal scope by pressing SHIFT then ALT. You can see the terrorists
on the roof of the hotel opposite the building, pick them out before they
know what hit them.

Then, hang around, waiting for more terrorists to come, and pick them off
as well. When all 3 teams are ready, give the Go-Code.

Tension Zone! Parade Float Duck Hunt
Run to the edge of the roof, and start picking off any tangos that pop
out of windows or doors. With luck, you won't lose a single team member
during the process. I often do...

Then, when the bomb is defused, wait until Red Team and Green Team are
waiting for the Bravo Go-Code, and then give the go-code. Then, you can
get down the ladder and enter the building below to take care of the rooms

Note: If you are unconfident in the abilities of the AI in this game, it
may be wise to switch to Red Team at this point before you give the Bravo
Go Code.

With that's taken care of, it's time to sit back and wait for Red Team
and Green Team to take care of Gospic.

Mission Accomplished! You Win!

Enjoy the ending!

10. Conclusion [TCRC3RS10]
Again, I am going to write this guide mission by mission, as I really do
not have much time, with schoolwork and all. This guide is complete, but
I will add new stuff as I feel like it.

Again, you can read this guide, print it out if you want it to read it
in bed or whatever, just don't copy it! That's all! See Ya!

This guide is intended to be published in GameFAQs and only GameFAQs. I
no longer allow any other websites to publish my work. However, any websites
that have asked me to allow them to publish it on their site can keep the
guide. Just make sure that it is at version 4.4 or before.

Appendix I: Feedback Information [A1]
Since the publishing of the original version of my Command and Conquer:
Generals Side Comparison Guide, I have decided that I must make some new
rules for those people who want to give me a feedback about my guides.
All future strategy guides will have this section. If the following rules
are not observed, I will just consider your e-mail to be spam mail or flame
mail, and I will delete it without reading it, and will blacklist your
e-mail address.

For publishing permission:
I used to allow people to publish my guides on their websites as long as
they ask for permission. However, I will now ignore all the requests for
this guide to be posted on other websites due to the fact that I am updating
it consistently, and only Gamefaqs can receive the most updated version
of this guide. Besides, having only one site host my work can help in
creating efficiency, as there will be many stray versions of my guide in
the internet and stuff, and it will make things very difficult to the
readers. Although I do not have a lawyer to sue anyone if they do it without
my permission, I expect everyone to have self discipline about these

Concerning the submission of your own tips:
I am always ready to accept tips from readers in order to add more flavor
to my guide. However, you must read my guide thoroughly first, and make
sure that your tip has not been listed in my guide. Otherwise, it would
be a waste of your time or my time.

Feedback Concerning Mistakes: (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, LISTEN

As I am a human, and we are all humans, we all make mistakes. Nobody is
perfect. If I had made any mistakes in my guide, feel free to e-mail me.
But however, you must follow these rules. I have typed out some bad examples
with each rule, and they are from some of the e-mail I received by people
who are dissatisfied by my original Command and Conquer: Generals side
comparison guide.

You must:
Be polite, as I will take these feedback letters as seriously as formal
letters, and you should specify the version number of my guide, then I
can check my guide out. However, it need not be as formal as business letters,
after all it is only a game. You should also present yourself clearly,
I won't even think about anything that I cannot understand at the first
glance, as I am a busy person.

For example, "I enjoyed reading your guide, but disagreed with you on some
points." From a person called Alex Shikh or "I agree with you that China
is the strongest factions, but it is not much stronger than the other 2."
From Ives Gobau And so on.

You must not:
Say any foul language and offend me.

For example, "Your guide was ********, full of lies and biased opinions."
From K Truin. You are not going to make me listen by saying rude words
to me, you will only give me the impression that you are either uneducated
or have low EQ.

Conduct any surveys about how good my guide is and give it to me, as I
could not care less about your so-called surveys.

For example, "I have conducted a survey about your guide and over 90% said
that it was a trashy tabloid." From Frozak.

Start a petition to have my guide removed.

Before, I was worried about this annoying "Petition: FAQ Removal" board
made by a certain person called GamerEX. That is, "I would like to start
the petition to have kylohk's Command and Conquer: Generals Side Comparison
Guide as it is based on opinions and fluff." When I was asked by IGN to
publish my Side Comparison Guide on their site, I told the sender about
my worries, and he assured me that I can stick with my own ways and need
not listen to angry letter up. So, that's what, if you make any rash moves
like organizing petitions, I really won't bother to negotiate with you.

Finally, you must not say anything I consider to be racist.

For example, "You mentioned that you live in China that is obvious,
considering your bias towards this side, etc..." "I am afraid that your living
in China has blinded your judgment so much." From someone I could not
remember his name. So, what are you trying to say, say that us Chinese
are all idiots? Besides, the word bias is used to describe unfair
comparisons due to neglecting some facts. As I have put all facts into
account, I really cannot have made any bias towards any sides.

From all the 50 or so letters complaint I received, I decided to listen
to less than 5 of them. Why? As only 5 of them could follow the rules stated
above. So, you MUST take those points into consideration, or else, don't
expect me to listen to you.

Game Help:
If you have read my guide and did not understand something, feel free to
ask, but please do not do this too often, as my e-mail account has other

You may have wondered why I put this section up. This is a new
"Anti-disturbance" ordinance I set up for my own use, in order to minimize
all those annoying and insulting things I receive. In fact, during
September alone, I received at least a hundred of mail concerning my Side
Comparison Guide, and I am now to make sure this will never ever happen

Thank you for your cooperation.

Lo Kai Yan Alasdair, kylohk. (Kai Yan Lo From Hong Kong)

Appendix II. The Ending [A2]
After you accept the outcome of Mission 15, you will be treated to the
ending FMV. Where you see the crowds in Rio enjoying the Fireworks of the
Festas Juninas, and a reporter says that although the police claim that
the festivities may be disrupted by some early morning disturbances, there
is no where that the festival should be interrupted.

Meanwhile, Gutierrez is being interrogated in prison by John Clark, while
other Rainbow Operatives watch. Now, John Clark asks why Gospic did not
act until Peja Sicic was to be deported. Gutierrez said that Nikola Gopic
and Peja Sicic both served in the Yugoslavian Ustache Regime during the
Second World War, and in the war, they stole millions of dollars from
various Holocaust victims and other political prisoners.

When Sicic was arrested, Gospic panicked, and he acted so that his own
cover will not be blown.

John Clark also asked why Gospic would like to attack the oil industry
so much. Gutierrez said that Gospic had wanted an economic downturn, so
that he can buy all those oilfields cheaply. The money generated from those
cheap oilfields will be used to fund a new global neo-fascist movement.

Gutierrez himself helped Gospic for one reason. He wanted to win the
Presidential Election of Argentina. Meanwhile, Nikola Gospic approached
him and promised to help him if he would help cover up his activities.
Hence, Gospic was the raven, picking up the bones of an old war, while
Gutierrez was his shield. But that does not matter now, after all, Rainbow
has won, and Gutierrez is going to prison.

That's the end of the game. Feel free to stay and read the credits, or
simply return to the main menu!

Appendix III. Obsolete Plans [A3]
*****PLAN A*****

Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Daniel Bogart, Eddie Price)

Green Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Louis Loiselle,
Kazimeira Rakuzanka)

Gold Team: 1 Assault Operative (Jorg Walther) and 1 Sniper (Homer Johnston)

Objectives of each team:

Red Team: The Main Assault Team, to rescue and escort the 2 Hostages to
the Extraction Zone

Green Team: To storm the cabin with the first hostage from the lower level;
To cover the village from a different direction

Gold Team: The Sniper Team, to watch the area from the outside balcony
of the cabin with the first hostage

Primary Weapon:

Red Team:
Leader and 2nd Operatives: M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or M16A2
Assault Rifles with Sound Suppressors
Remaining Operative: 21E Light Machine Gun

Green Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes or M16A2 Assault Rifles
with Sound Suppressors

Gold Team:
Assault Operative: M14 Assault Rifle with Mini Scope or M16A2 Assault Rifle
with Sound Suppressor
Sniper: M82A1 Sniper Rifle with Thermal Scope

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team:
Leader: SR-2 Machine Pistol with High Capacity Magazine
Remaining Operatives: Desert Eagle .50 Cal

Green Team: Desert Eagle .50 Cal

Gold Team:
Assault Operative: Desert Eagle .50 Cal
Sniper: SR-2 Machine Pistol with High Capacity Magazine


Red Team: Heavy Winter Camo

Green Team: Heavy Winter Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Winter Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: As you wish

Green Team: As you wish

Gold Team: As you wish

The vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team starts by going along the left path of the first junction down
the ramp. They follow the path, until they reach an opening in the wall
at the other end past a door leading to a cabin, then they turn back towards
the cabin and enter the door. They climb up the ladder, go through the
door and wait for an Alpha Go-Code. To be precise, that door leads to the
area above the room the first hostage is held.

Green Team and Gold Team starts by taking the right path of the first
junction. They reach a cabin with 2 doors in. Green Team storms the cabin
from the northwest door while the Gold Team enters from the southeast,
after the 2 teams have circled round the cabin once, they climb down the
ladder that is in the far eastern side of that cabin, and go through the
door below and go over to wait for the Alpha Go-Code outside the lower
level of that cabin with the first hostage.

After the go code, all 3 teams bust into the cabin, and secures the hostage.
Gold Team will proceed to a balcony on the upper level of that cabin where
they will stay there for the rest of the mission to snipe at the east.

Red and Green Teams will go down to the basement, and Green Team waits
for another go-code in the door to the south. While Red Team heads for
the second hostage and then goes through the door to the north of the
hostage's room. After heading out of the door, Red turns to the east and
moves along the path until they reach a large open area by a door to their
west, at that point, they will issue the go-code.

Green Teams heads east to explore a few more houses with terrorists inside,
while Red Team heads for the extraction zone in green, killing any more
Tangos they find.

Playing as Red Team:
OK, it's time to start our first hostage rescue mission. Go forward and
turn right, there may or may not be 2 Terrorists at the windows. Get into
a crouching position and take them out with your Light Machine Gun if you
see them. Then, follow the path and engage the enemies as you go. There
is an opening in the wall to your right hand side, and there are several
tangos hanging around there, so take them out anyone you see. Then move

Up to 2 Tangos are behind the opening in the far end of this path, and
they have to be taken out, to ensure no one can sneak up from behind you
later. Then go to the door between the 2 openings and open it. There may
or may not be a terrorist right in front of you as you open the door. And
there will always be a Tango right above you, on the top of the ladder.
Kill them, and I suggest you open the double doors to kill any more
Terrorists that spring out. Only then, you can climb up the ladder.

At the top of the ladder, get into a crouching position and look out the
window. There is a lone terrorist in that window to the house opposite.
Kill him before he can see you, as he is a sniper. Then go through the
door and wait behind the next door for your go-code.

When all 3 teams are ready, take a deep breath, you'll need it! CHARGE!

Tension Zone! First Hostage Rescue
With all 3 teams charging through 2 different entrances, the Terrorists
most likely will be very confused, then you can take all 3 Tangos down
with minimal resistance. Make sure that the Hostage follows YOUR Team
instead of the Green or Gold Teams.

At this point, it may just be safer to let the Green Team go down to the
basement to kill the Terrorists down there for you before you head to the
second hostage room. This is because the 2 Tangos down there are just so
well hidden and it is extremely difficult to see them even if you whip
out your infrared vision goggles.

Tension Zone! Second Hostage Rescue
Charge through the door, and immediately kill the Terrorist who is pointing
his gun to the hostage, there is another terrorist to his right. Take him
out quick!

With the second hostage rescued, you can continue on your way to the
extraction zone, as you move towards the extraction zone, you will notice
a Terrorist or 2 inside a window, trying to shoot at you. It is advisable
to take them out. It is also optional that you give Green Team the go-code,
as all they will find in those cabins are a couple more Tangos, as the
mission objective is to rescue all hostages, there is no need to send Green
Team in and risk their lives, as they often lost a man here or there while
storming those cabins.

Mission Complete.

*****PLAN 2*****
The vague rundown of the plan:
Red Team heads north from the insertion zone, and takes the eastern path
of the two down south. They keep on moving along the pathway and goes through
the first door on their pathway they find, before going back out again.
Then, they continue north along the path until thy reach the far end. They
turn east and go down the slope. Then, Red Team searches the house with
the red cross to the east before entering the building where the first
hostage is. They move in and save the hostage, then go into the room to
the east. They climb up the stairs, go through the door and save the second
hostage. Having saved both hostages, Red Team goes back to the lower level
of the house, and gets out through the southern exit, and then heads for
the extraction zone.

Green Team also goes north, but takes the western path and goes south.
They skip the building with the red cross and goes down the stairs to the
south of it. They then search the open area before going down the path
to the southeast. At this point, they speed up their pace to Blitz, and
runs east to the house to the northeast of the extraction zone and searches
it once before heading out to the extraction zone. (Note: There is a chance
that a Green Team member be killed when storming that house.)

Playing as Red Team:
OK, it's time to start our first hostage rescue mission. Go forward and
turn right, there may or may not be 2 Terrorists at the windows. Get into
a crouching position and take them out with your Light Machine Gun if you
see them. Then, follow the path and engage the enemies as you go. There
is an opening in the wall to your right hand side, and there are several
tangos hanging around there, so take them out anyone you see. Then move

Up to 2 Tangos are behind the opening in the far end of this path, and
they have to be taken out, to ensure no one can sneak up from behind you
later. Then go to the door between the 2 openings and open it. There may
or may not be a terrorist right in front of you as you open the door. And
there will always be a Tango right above you, on the top of the ladder.
Kill them, and I suggest you open the double doors to kill any more
Terrorists that spring out. Only then, you can climb up the ladder.

At the top of the ladder, get into a crouching position and look out the
window. There is a lone terrorist in that window to the house opposite.
Kill him before he can see you, as he is a sniper. Wait at the window for
a while and another occupant of that house will come out for you to shoot
him. With such threats eliminated, you can safely climb down the ladder,
and go out.

Go for the opening, and then kill any terrorists that may be around the
corner. Then go down the slope. As you reach the house with the sniper,
I suggest you look to your left, and check to see if there is a terrorist
behind the barrels there. Kill him if he is there. Then, go back to the
door opposite the door of the house with the sniper. That's the building
with the hostages. There are no enemies in the following room. But the
first hostage is in the room following this one. Open the door, it pulls
open, and look to your left. Kill the terrorist there. Then quickly march
forward and kill the terrorist guarding the hostage. Ask the hostage to
follow you. Then go over to the other door and go through it. I suggest
you activate your infra-red night vision goggles, as it's so dark in here.
In this room, be careful, as there can be 2 terrorists hiding here. Search
and kill the tangos if this is the case. Then, climb up the stairs and
open the double doors. They push open.

Tension Zone! Second Hostage Rescue
As soon as you open the door, you will have to be quick before the hostage
is killed. Sometimes, the terrorist guarding the hostage will be directly
behind the hostage, making it difficult for you to kill him. There can
be up to 3 terrorists in this room. With the tangos dead. Escort this hostage
and take him and the first one to the extraction zone. Follow the waypoints
if you do not know how to get there. Green Team should have cleared the
way for you already. So don't worry.

Mission Accomplished.

Stone Cannon
Your Teams:

Red Team: 3 Assault Operatives (Ding Chavez, Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle)

Green Team: 2 Assault Operatives (Arkadi Novikov, Santiago Arnavisca) and
1 Demolitions Operative (Lars Beckenbauer)

Gold Team: 1 Assault Operative (Jorg Walther) and 1 Demolitions Operative
(Roger McAllen)

Objectives of your teams:

Red Team: To storm mainly the upper level of the import-export building
and the warehouse

Green Team: To storm mainly the lower level of the import-export building
and the warehouse

Gold Team: To storm mainly the lower level of the import-export building
and the warehouse

Primary Weapon:

Red Team: M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
M14 Assault Rifles with Mini Scopes
Demolitions Operative:
USAS-12 Shotgun with Mini Scope

Secondary Weapon:

Red Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Green Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)

Gold Team: Desert Eagle (.50 cal)


Red Team: Heavy Tan Camo

Green Team: Heavy Tan Camo

Gold Team: Heavy Tan Camo

Other Extra Items:

Red Team: As you wish

Green Team:
Assault Operatives:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
6 Breaching Charges

Gold Team:
Assault Operative:
As you wish
Demolitions Operative:
6 Breaching Charges

The vague rundown of the plan:
All 3 teams start at the southwestern insertion zone. Red Team goes up
the stairs directly to the northeast of them and enters the room above.
After circling the big room including the 2 doors to the southern edge
of the room, they move into that small room to the northwest. Then they
head southeast and go through the southern door of the big room, reaching
a corridor. Then they go through the door directly to the east of them
and searches the room there before going through the other door to the
next room. Red Team continues north on Level 1 of the building and proceeds
all the way to the large room to the north. They go down the stairs, and
searches all of the rooms on that level before going out through the
northeastern door. They head over to the opening that leads into the
warehouse, and waits for the Alpha Go-Code.

Meanwhile, Green Team and Gold Team enters the building through that lone
door on Level 0. Green Team proceeds along the corridor and waits for the
Charlie Go-Code at the other end, make sure that they are not seen by the
2 crosses on the map, as there are terrorists there.

Gold Team also goes along the corridor, but stops at the first door leading
south, they breach the door there, and storm the room. They then head east,
and through the next room, and will plant a breaching charge on the
southeastern door before waiting for the Go-Code.

When the Go-Code is given, the 2 teams storm the room, Gold Team will return
to the corridor where Green Team was a few moments ago, and will plant
a breaching charge on the single door leading to the north to the warehouse,
waiting for the Alpha Go-Code.

Green Team then goes through the door on the northeast corner of the room,
and explores the next room, exiting from the other door, reaching the
corridor again. They then search the next room to their northeast before
exiting from the northern door, going past a ladder and going out to the
street for a short while through the northeastern door before returning
to the room with the ladder and waiting for the Alpha Go-Code behind the
door to their east, setting a Breaching Charge as they do it.

When the Go-Code is given, all teams storm the warehouse, and cleans it

Note: This has got to be one of the hardest missions in the game. Even
if you use the plan above, chances are that the Green or Gold Team would
have men down. If you don't want that to happen, you can always make an
alternate plan with only Red Team taking part, and they will be armed with
silenced weapons so they can take out 1 tango at a time.

Playing as Red Team:
Move a little forwards and take out your scope, kill the Tango on the stairs
and the one behind the window. At this point, the door above may open.
Take out any foolhardy tangos that come out. Then move to the open space
and look to your right, there may be a sniper there. Take him out before
he takes you out.

Go up the stairs and get into a crouching position. There should still
be some more terrorists in the room, kill them and then circle the room
once. Open the 2nd door to your right. If you have not taken the sniper
out earlier, he will be behind the door. Pop a few caps into him if he's
there. Then enter the small room where you saw the Terrorist behind the
window at the start, still crouching, of course.

To your right, you can see a panoramic view of the warehouse. Take out
any terrorists you see, and it will make it easier when you storm it later.
Then go back to the big room, and go through the door in the right hand

You will see another door opposite you. Go through that. Be careful, as
there may be a Terrorist behind the table waiting for you. Go through the
other door, and you will be in a very dark room with some tables. Take
out the Terrorist if he is there. In front of you are 2 doors, go through
the one on the left as planned. You will be on a small catwalk. Look down.
There may be a Tango underneath. Give him a third eye if he's there. Then
look out of the window to your left. There may be some tangos in sight
in the warehouse. Take them out to make things easier later. Then go through
the door to your right.

You are now in another corridor with windows on each side. Look out the
first window on your right. There is a tango fixing a car. Kill him before
he notices you. Then look to your left. There may be a Terrorist or 2 down
there. Kill them if they are there. Then go through the door opposite.
There is a lone terrorist sitting there minding his own business and you
can shoot him from the back. Look out for another terrorist outside the
window to your right as you enter.

Then move to the windows to your left, and double check for any more
terrorists before you open the other door and go down the stairs.

The next part of the walkthrough is rather simple. Just make your way from
room to room, and kill any tangos you find before exiting to the open space.
When you are outside, watch out for a terrorist to your immediate left
if you have not taken him out already, and that lone sniper behind the
truck, then you can go over to the opening that leads into the warehouse.
I suggest you stay there and take pot shots at any tangos that pop out
before you give the go-code. Then the teams can enter the warehouse and
sweep and clear it!

As this is a big level, there may be some stragglers hiding around somewhere,
hunt them down and the mission is complete. Whew...

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Megatrainer (für v1.60)

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Hinweise

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Октябрь 2013
General Planning Advice
Engl. Hinweise

10.Октябрь 2013
Penthouse Mission Walkthrough
Engl. Lösung

12.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
25.Сентябрь 2015
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
30.Июнь 2014
04.Март 2019
07.Июнь 2019