Final Fantasy Chronicles

Final Fantasy Chronicles

01.10.2013 13:18:06


You are reading part of a Final Fantasy Chronicles walkthrough, please read
the significant other of this guide: Chrono Trigger written by the kick-ass

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Final Fantasy IV FAQ/Walkthrough v0.75
Part of Final Fantasy Chronicles
by Psycho Penguin Steve McFadden
E-mail: (Game Related) (Personal)
Last updated: July 22, 2001
Guide Percentage done (Approx): 100 percent
Total Size of Guide at moment: 40373 words, 402427 characters

All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole and in part
in any form. Playstation and Playstation logos are registered trademarks of
Sony, Inc. Final Fantasy IV, Chrono Trigger and the Final Fantasy Chronicles
are registered trademarks of Squaresoft. The author of this document are in
no way affiliated with Sony Entertainment of America and/or Squaresoft. For
more information, please read Legal Stuff. You may not place this document on
your website or reproduce it in any way without the author's consent.

This guide may only be used for private and personal use only. You may not
permit anyone under any patents to reproduce it, in part or in whole, or use
it for profitable purposes. All content within this file is owned and created
by Steve Saunders(me). Should you attempt to infraction under the fallacy that
you are right, it must be be said straight out that you are a moron.

*****************************INSTANT MESSAGE ME******************************
If you contact me on one of the instant messengers, and I do not respond, it
probably means I am busy. I am always talking with my girl, and friends, so
sometimes I just ignore some instant messages from people I do not know. Be
nice, and I will talk to you, just don't come out and ask the question and be
all rude if I do not respond in five seconds, otherwise I probably will just
block you. I will answer all e-mails about the game, however.

*********************************E-MAIL ME***********************************
One last note: Only email me about the game at , all
emails about Final Fantasy IV sent to my other e-mail adresses will be deleted
and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate

****************************KING EDGE SUCKUP*********************************
Oh, and god bless King Edge!


For being a good friend, and she is a great writer. Check out her Dark Cloud
guide and especially Chrono Cross, it kicks major ass. She also is doing a FFC
guide with me, check out her Chrono Trigger guide! She is also a hottie! ^_^.
And she did the ASCII art and format. Hell, what didn't she do? :)

-Dingo Jellybean -
Very helpful and kick ass fellow. I got some storyline parts from his guide
since I am too lazy to type them up myself ^_^

For writing this damn guide. :)

-Emperor Dark -
I got the character section from his guide, thanks!

-GameFAQs -
For posting this guide and most of my other guides.

-Brady Games
Their guide helped me translate this guide from the SNES ROM version to the PSX
version, thanks guys!

-Fresh Baked Games -
For being the coolest gaming site on the web and posting all my guides.

-Neoseeker -
For posting this guide and most of my other guides.

-Squaresoft -
For finally bringing this great game to America, well actually Square EA did,
so they deserve huggles!


=====Version History=====

v0.75 (7/19/01) - 402.4K
-Guide completed.
-FAQ updated.
-Walkthrough finished.
-Suggested levels guide added, through walkthrough too.
-Rest of guide completed.
-That's it. It's been fun, don't be surprised if it is never worked on again.

v0.7 (7/19/01) - 368.5K
-Walkthrough completed through Lunar Subterrane.. almost done!

v0.65 (7/18/01) - 349.2K
-Walkthrough completed through right after Cid modifies your airship to fly
across magma.

v0.6 (7/17/01) - 328.3K
-Lists completely done.
-This includes weapons, armor, magic, secrets, and shopping guide.
-All I need to finish now is walkthrough.
-Fixed a credit and conclusion.
-Fixed guide to match my new name at GameFAQs. :)

v0.55 (7/16/01) - 299.5K
-Helmets list completed.
-Special weapons list completed.
-This means most of the lists are completed, which was my goal for this update,
but of course my girlfriend just has to sulk over stupid crap which keeps me
from working as hard as I can, ah well.

v0.5 (7/15/01) - 286.5K
-Armor list started, I got the shields list done.
-Walkthrough and boss guide done through right before Tower of Zot.

v0.48 (7/14/01) - 274.2K
-Walkthrough, boss guide, and shop guide updated through right before Troia.

v0.45 (7/14/01) - 253.3K
-I updated the guide to match the PSX translation.
-Sorry about the lack of updates these last 10 days, but I was having some
serious issues. I think I am back now, though. Well, at least the guide can be
posted now. :)

v0.4 (7/5/01) - 248.1K
-I got the enemies list completely done.

v0.3 (7/4/01) - 196.7K
-OMG, what a huge update.
-I updated the weapons list and nearly completed it, gotta work on darts only
-I fixed up the guide, it looks 10 million times better, thanks to Adrenaline!
-That's pretty much it, the format is so much better now, but no real updated
besides my work on the weapons list, which wasn't easy, by the way. :)
-I will now submit this guide to GameFAQs where it will surely be posted
because I am the king of the world and you fear me. :)

v0.2 (7/1/01) - 91.1K
-I started and got the walkthrough updated through Mysidia.
-I started and got the boss guide updated through Mombomb.
-I added a shop guide section and updated it through Mysidia.
-I completed the items list.
-I completed the other information section.
-I added a ghetto conclusion.
-I got the controls section done.
-I got the magic list done.
-I got the sneak items list done.
-I added stuff to the table of contents, now you can see what sections are
complete and being worked on.
-Starting to keep track of guide completion and last updated date, I will
submit this guide when Adrenaline is ready with her guide, I want this sucka to
get posted, as I am working very hard on it!
-I added a note to the top about this being one part of a co written guide.
-Next up: I want to try to start and finish the weapons and armor list for next
update, or maybe just do the entire enemy list. I want to finish the lists
ASAP, then work on the walkthrough.

v0.1 (6/30/01) - 33.8K
-I got the basic format done. The format will soon change, however.
-I got the characters list completely done.
-I got the white magic list done.
-I got the introduction done.
-That is about it for now.

------------------------------------------------[ Table of Contents ]--------

I. Introduction
II. Controls
Main Menu
III. Characters
IV. Walkthrough
Suggested Levels
V. Frequently Asked Questions
VI. Boss Guide
VII. Items List
VIII. Weapons List
IX. Armor List
X. Magic List
XI. Enemies List
XII. Shop List
XIII. Secrets, etc.
XIV. Other Information
XV. Conclusion

-------------------------------------------------[ I. Introduction ]---------

Wow, here I am again. Another month, another new FAQ. This month, I chose to do
the award winning (OK, maybe not, but it's still fun, you must admit) game
Final Fantasy IV. Since Final Fantasy Chronicles is now out, and all that fun
stuff, I felt that now was a good time to do a guide for the game. Since I
also have guides for Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy 6, and Final Fantasy 9,
doing a guide for this game would get me closer to having guides for every
Final Fantasy game ever made!

A little note about this guide before I start. This is actually one part of a
two part, co written, guide for Final Fantasy Chronicles. I am doing Final
Fantasy IV, while a kick ass writer named Adrenaline SL will be handling the
Chrono Trigger part of the guide. I am not going to lie to you, my good people.
I would much rather do a guide for Chrono Trigger than Final Fantasy IV.
However, since AdrenalineSL pestered me to do a FAQ for this game, I had
no choice but to obey her. Make sure to check out her Chrono Trigger guide,
as I am sure it kicks even more butt than this guide does!

Final Fantasy IV is a great game from Squaresoft. As some of you may know, it
was originally ported over to the Super Nintendo back in 1992, as Final
Fantasy II. However, it was a pretty crappy translation, in some people's
eyes. Apparently, Squaresoft made the game way too easy for us "stupid
americans", and it was not translated properly, either. Ah well, I still
loved that game, and it also made history, because it was my first review at
GameFAQs. That review has since been updated, but it's the thought that

So, I decided to get off my duff and download a ROM of Final Fantasy IV, and
play through it, and I can see what all the hype is about. This game is great!
It's not the best game ever, I liked some of the other Final Fantasies
better, but no doubt this game kicks ass in its own way. Now, I have FFC, and
the game rocks!

Peace, and remember, check out Adrenaline SL's Chrono Trigger guide or I'll
break your arm in two! I'll say it once more, please check out AdrenalineSL's
Chrono Trigger guide or I'll stuff to you. Be scared.

-DaLadiesMan/Psycho Penguin

-------------------------------------------------[ II. Controls ]------------

_____ ______
| L1,2| | R1,2 |
------- --------
/ _ \____________/ \
| _| |_ ___ ___ /\ _ |
| |_ _| |sel| |str| [] (_)|
| |_| __ __ __ >< |
| / \ | | / \ |
\ | AL |----| AR | /
\ / \__/ \__/ \ /
\___/ \___/

D-pad: Move character or cursor.
X Button: Accept / talk / choose / etc.
O Button, Select Button: Cancel choice / Dash while held down.
/\ Button: Open menu / Increase by increments of 10 (shops)
R1 Button: Switch party leader on the field.
L1 + R1 Buttons: Run from battle.


Pressing /\ button will bring up this menu. You'll see your characters on the
left and a bunch of options on the right as follows:

-Item: Use an item.
-Magic: Use / view magic of magic using characters.
-Equip: Change the equipment of your characters.
-Status: View pertinent info of your characters. Most are self explanatory,
-Vit: How much your HP goes up when you gain levels.
-Wis: Black magic power.
-Will: White magic power.
-Order: Change the order of your characters. (Remember the top one gets
attacked most)
-Row: Change row formation (3 back and 2 front / 2 back and 3 front)
-Config: Game options...
-Mode: Wait (time stops when you choose magic or items) / Active
-Bat Spd: How fast things happen in battle.
-Bat Msg: How quickly messages scroll by in battle.
-Sound: Stereo / Mono
-Control: Normal / Custom / Single / Multi
-Cursor: Default / Memory (cursor stays where it was when you reopen a menu)
-Window: Change the colour of the window with RGB colour.
-Save: Save the game.

----------------------------------------------[ III. Characters ]------------

Thanks to Emperor Dark at for this character info.
Check out his guide, it's great!

Age: 20
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Birthplace: Unknown

Special Commands (Dark Knight):
Dark Wave: A dark wave is created from the force of Cecil's swordstroke
that damages all enemies. Cecil loses some HP's when performing this

Special Commands (Paladin):
Cover: Cecil will absorb most forms of damage targeted at a specific
party member.

Story (contains spoilers):
In order to fully understand Cecil's past, it is important to cover the
history of the Lunarian civilization and its ties with the planet earth.
When the planet between Mars and Jupiter was on the verge of being
shattered, its inhabitants, the Lunarians, fled to the Earth on
spaceships. The Lunarians arrived on earth, only to discover that the
planet's inhabitants were still evolving. In order to prevent
disturbing this delicate process, they built a second moon where they
entered a deep slumber. Among these Lunarians was Zemus, a spite-filled
man who sought to make the beautiful planet of earth his own. The
manifestation of hatred, Zeromus, took possession through this avarice.
While Zemus's body was ultimately forced to sleep, his foul mind
remained awake, contemplating the destruction of the inhabitatns of
earth. Only a few of the Lunarians, such as Foo-soo-ya, remained awake,
anticipating the day when the people of earth would reach their full
potential and thus learn to understand the Lunarian race. Foo-soo-ya's
brother, Klu-ya, became bored by the humans' slow progress and built a
magical ship to take him to earth. On earth he taught the humans
several aspects of Lunarian technology, including the airships and the
Devil's Road. During this time Klu-Ya fell in love with a human women
who later bore him two children--Cecil and Golbeza. At this point
Klu-Ya forsees the actions of the dreaded Zemus and travels to Mt.
Ordeals to await the day where resolution would be achieved betwen him
and his son.

While Golbeza ultimately fell under Zemus's sinister influence, Cecil
was raised as an orphan until taken in by King Baron early in his life.
While under the juristiction of the king Cecil became a Black Knight
and toiled through the army's ranks, finally securing himself a
position of the Captain of the Red Wings. When Cecil begins to detect
the corruption within the kingdom of Baron, he flees and along with his
friend Cain sets out to inform other nations of Baron's true motives.
The highlight of Cecil's journey occurs when he reaches Mt. Ordeals,
where his father, now referred to as "the Light", tests Cecil's spirit.
In this Cecil redeems his guilt for the atrocities he committed under
King Baron's rule, and is transformed into a Paladin. He also recieves
a legendary sword infused with the spirit of his father and upon which
is inscribed the Mysidian legend.

Eventually Cecil uncovers his father's spaceship and uses it to travel
to the Lunarian moon. Here Foo-soo-ya reveals to Cecil the secrets of
his past and returns with his party to earth to battle the Giant of
Babel, a mechanized devil designated by a Zemus as the catalyst for the
destruction of earth. After the giant's destruction, Foo-soo-ya removes
Zemus's control over Golbeza's mind and Cecil and his allies return to
the moon a second time to defeat the dread force awaiting them there--
the hatred, Zeromus. At the end of the game, Cecil ascends the Baronian
throne with Rosa as his queen.

Age: 21
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Birthplace: Baron

Special Commands:
Jump: Kain leaps high into the air and sweeps down on an unsuspecting
foe, causing hefty amounts of damage. Kain is invulnerable while he is
in the air.

Story (contains spoilers):
Kain is one of the Dragon Knights of Baron. He is tempted by King Baron
to join the Black Knights like his friend Cecil, but refuses because he
is intent on following in his father's footsteps.

Kain is jealous of Cecil due to his friend's close relationship with
Rosa. It is this jealously that allows him to be manipulated by
Golbeza. Through this possession we learn that Cain does not love Rosa
so much as he is envious of Cecil; while under Golbeza's influence he
does not even seem to care that Rosa's life is threatened by the scythe
that hovers over her head, but is quite eager to demonstrate his
superiority to Cecil, both at the invasion of Fabul and at the events
that build up to the confrontation at the Tower of Zot. However, when
Golbeza's control is not in effect, Cain appears to be excessively
troubled by the harsh actions he commits against both Cecil and Rosa.
At the end of the game Cain walks away from the lives of those around
him in an effort to strengthen himself as a Dragon Knight, and perhaps
to redeem himself for the crimes he committed against his friends.

Age: 19
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Birthplace: Baron

Special Commands:
Aim: If equipped with a Bow, Rosa can use this attack to increase her
hit rate to 100% and boost the damage inflicted by her arrows.

Pray: When Rosa uses Pray successfully, the entire party will regain
some lost HP's. This technique is not always effective, however.

Story (contains spoilers):
Rosa is, in many aspects, your standard stereotypical female RPG
character. She is Cecil's girlfriend, and as such the root of much of
the tension that exists between Cecil and Cain. And as with any
stereotypical female RPG character, Rosa has to be rescued--on more
than one occassion. However, Rosa is also a very effective user of
White Magic, having studied under the white wizards of Baron, and is
also extremely talented with a bow and arrows.

Little is revealed about Rosa's past. Her father was apparently a great
knight who was killed when Rosa was still little; as such, Rosa's
mother appears to be quite protective of her, showing great distraught
when she learns that Rosa was kidnapped by Golbeza. Rosa's relationship
with her mother is never fully built upon, but she is especially close
to Cecil, running after him when he leaves Baron and remaining with him
for a great deal of the game. The reasoning behind her overbearing
nature is never fully explained; one could assume that the death of
Rosa's father caused her to channel all of her energies on Cecil.
Rosa ascends the throne of Baron at the end of the game, with Cecil at
her side.

Age: 24
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Birthplace: Damcyan

Special Commands:
Hide: Gilbert hides from the ensuing battle.

Medicine: Edward restores his party members' HP's. Requires a potion.

Sing: Edward sings an enchanting melody that can cause various status
ailments to befall his unfortunate enemies.

Story (contains spoilers):
Edward is the prince of Damcyan. Becoming tired of the hassles of
royal life, he traveled the world under the guise of a singing bard.
During his travels he meets a charming woman named Anna, with whom he
immediately fell in love. Anna's over-protective father, Tella, became
infuriated by this and refused to allow her to continue seeing Edward.
But Anna and Gilbert were too devoted to one another, and decided to
run away. During Golbeza's invasion of Damcyan Anna is mortally wounded
as a result of shielding a barrage of arrows directed at Edward (this
is the first of numerous indications of Edward's cowardly nature).
When Golbeza and his troops have left and Cecil's party shows up, Tella
recognizes his daughter's body and attacks Edward in a blind outrage,
an attack that is halted only by Anna's dying words. As Tella leaves
the party to pursue his revenge on Golbeza, Cecil requests that Edward
travel with him to the Antlion's Cave to help him obtain the Light of
the Desert which he requires to cure a sick Rosa.

The night Rosa is recovering from her illness Edward is confronted by
Anna's spirit, who convinces him to continue to help Cecil on his
journey. However, Edward is seperated from Cecil when the boat from
Fabul is shipwrecked. He ends up in Damcyan, where he undergoes
treatment by a doctor in Troia. When Cecil stumbles upon him in Troia
Edward is too sick to aid the party directly in battle, and instead
offers the Paladin a powerful item called the Twinharp. Whenever
Edward plays his harp, the Twinharp reacts directly. This becomes the
key to defeating the Dark Elf; Edward's enchanting music is emanated
through the Twinharp, causing the Dark Elf's magnetic field to be
lifted and providing Cecil and his party with a chance at defeating

At the end of the game Edward returns to his kingdom, hoping to
someday rebuild it to its former glory.

Age: 35
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 76 kg
Birthplace: Fabul

Special Commands:
Endure: The physical damage dealt to Yang is reduced. The equivilent of
a "Protetsu" spell.

Gather: Yang accumulates his strength in order to perform a double-
damage attack.

Kick: Yang deals minimal damage to all enemies.

Story (contains spoilers):
Yang is one of the karate masters of Fabul. When Cecil and his party
first come across Yang it is at the summit on Mt. Hobs, were he is
defending himself from an onslaught of enemies sent by Golbeza to
execute him. After helping Yang fend off the monsters the party learns
that he is the last experienced fighter in his kingdom's army and that
in its current state Fabul stands little chance against Golbeza's
minions. Cecil's party travels with Yang to Fabul and the king there
allows them to play a role in defending the crystal of fire. However,
this attempt is unsuccessful, and Golbeza takes the crystal and kidnaps
Rosa in the process. Defeated but sill resolute, Fabul's king makes
arrangements for Yang to travel with Cecil's group to Baron to speak
with Cid on the issue of the war. However, the boatride to Fabul ends
in disaster, and the plan is unable to be carried out. Yang plunges
into the sea in a effort to help Rydia and turns up in Baron, in a
state of amnesia.

Baronian soldiers use Yang's amnesia as an advantage and recruit the
karate master to their side. When Cecil reaches Baron via the Devil's
Road gateway in Mysidia they find Yang and a pair of guards in the town
cafe. After a brief fight Yang comes to his senses and provides Cecil's
party with the key necessary to accessing the underground waterways
beneath Baron.

Yang remains with the party until the assault on the Tower of Babel,
when he sacrifices himself to stop the Gigantic Gun from eliminating
the Dwarves engaged in battle outside. Yang survives, however, and
awakens to find himself under the care of the Sylphs, magical creatures
that later make themselves available to Rydia's beck and call. He
recovers in time to help the rest of the world confront the Giant of
Babel near the end of the game.

Once Zeromus is defeated and Cecil and his companions have returned
safely to earth, Yang is made king of Fabul.

Age: 54
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 67 kg
Birthplace: Baron

Special Commands:
Peep: Cid analyzes his opponent's strengths and weaknesses.

Story (contains spoilers):
Cid is long-time friends with both Cecil and Rosa as well as the master
engineer behind Baron's ariships, and as such an integral figure in the
kingdom's military. Over time Cid takes notice of King Baron's unusual
behavior, but is imprisoned when he confronts his Majesty on this
issue. After Cecil's party defeats Cagnazzo they meet up with an
escaped Cid, who reveals a hidden passage in the Castle of Baron which
leads to his latest airship model, the Enterprise.

When the group reaches the underground world, Cid leaves the party to
wrap the Enterprise in mystic silver; without it, the airship is
rendered incapable of flying over the lava. He returns just in time to
save the party from plummeting to their doom, only to find that
Golbeza's Red Wings are in pursuit of their airship. To impede the Red
Wings' progress Cid leaps out of the Enterprise as it is approaching
the gateway leading to the outer world and sets off an explosion, thus
causing a landslide that effectibely blocks the passage. Cid is badly
injured because of this stunt and when Cecil's party returns to the
underground they find Cid being nursed back to health in the Dwarves
Castle. Even in this state, Cid continues to assist the party by
wrapping the Red Wings' stolen airship, the Falcon, in mystic silver
and again later by attaching a large drill to the front of the machine.
Cid makes himself useful again late in the game by helping Cecil's
party enter the Giant of Babel's interior my dropping them into its

Age: 26
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Birthplace: Eblana

Special Commands:
Dart: Edge can throw unused swords, spears, and projectiles at an
opponent for massive damage.

Ninja: A type of magic unique to Edge. Mostly variations of different
black and white spells.

Sneak: Edge can steal different items from an array of enemies.

Story (contains spoilers):
Edge is the ninja prince of Eblana. When Rubicante (the most powerful
of the Four Emperors) launches an invasion on Edge's kingdom he kidnaps
his parents, the king and queen of Eblana. Edge, being the hotheaded
indivisual that he is, chases after Rubicante alone and is badly
defeated. Cecil and his party chase after Edge, but when they've caught
up with him Edge has already lost the battle. Edge plans on running
after Rubicante again when, upon viewing Rydia's reaction to the
party's recent turn of events, decides to stay with Cecil's group
instead. Together they invade the Tower of Babel in an effort to take
back the crystals stolen by Golbeza's army, but while ascending the
tower Edge finds that his parents have been transformed into monsters.
Afraid that they are beginning to lose their human mind, Edge's parents
destroy themselves just as Rubicante appears in a visible state of
rage. Rubicante expresses his apologies to Edge, explaining that his
assistant Dr. Lugeie had mutated his parents' bodies without his
consent, but Edge refuses to listen to the demon's words and the party
attacks him. Once Rubicante is beaten, Edge is told about Golbeza and
remains with Cecil's group for the rest of the game to help them
defeat this menace.

Edge appears to have quite a crush on Rydia, and flirts with her
constantly. However, this relationship is never fully developed; Rydia
returns to the Land of the Phantom Beasts at the end of the game, and
Edge, now king of Eblana, retains his love for her.

Age: 60
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Birthplace: Mysidia

Special Commands:
Remember: Tellah attempts to recall a spell. This command will disappear
after Cecil's transformation on Mt. Ordeals.

Story (contains spoilers):
Tellah was once one of the most renowned sages in all of Mysidia. In his
older years he began to lose his memory, and with that lost a great
deal of his magical powress. When Cecil reaches the town of Kaipo the
villagers tell him of how Tellah's daughter ran away with Edward, the
prince of Damcyan, after the sage refused to consent to their marriage.
Cecil and Rydia later run into Tellah while in the Underground Channel,
and they accompany each other out of the caves. Just as they arrive
outside of Damcyan, the kingdom is bombarded by the Red Wings and
Golbeza storms the castle and retreats with the Crystal of Wind.
When Tella enters the castle he finds his lost daughter Anna among the
dying bodies, and attacks Gilbert in a blind rage. He is stopped by
Anna, who explains that she died shielding Gilbert from arrows fired by
Golbeza's troops. Tella comforts her daughter as she is dying then
strands the party behind and leaves for Mt. Ordeals to unleash Meteo:
the ultimate black magic. Halfway up the mountain he meets up with
Cecil yet again, who is climbing Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin.
When the Light appears to test Cecil Tellah's mind starts to race, and
he manages to recover all of the spells he had forgotten as well as
discover how to use Meteo.

At the top of the Tower of Zot, after Golbeza has taken the Crystal of
Earth, Tella attacks him. He uses his most powerful magic against him,
but is unable to cause any real damage. He uses Meteo as a last resort,
and while Golbeza's body is devastated by the magic, the shock caused
by the spell destroys Tella altogether. Tella dies, regretful that he
was blinded by such deep hatred.

Age: 7
Height: 107 cm
Weight: 18 kg
Birthplace: Mist

Special Commands:
Summon: An extremely potent form of magic exclusive to Rydia. Calls
upon the aid of phantom beasts from a distant land to do her

Story (contains spoilers):
Rydia was born in the village of the Misty Valley, home to the
Summoners. The Summoners are a rare group of humans imbued with a very
special gift: they can conjure phatom beasts from a distant land and
have them do their bidding. However, the Summoner and beast share a
strange bond; if the monster is ever killed in battle, then the
Summoner will perish as well. Cagnazzo, under the guise of the King of
Baron, orders Cecil and Cain to deliver a strange ring to the isolated
village. On the way they kill a dragon that forms from the mist and
hinders their progress. When Cecil and Cain arrive in the valley the
powers of the ring cause the village to become bathed in flames;
apparently Baron felt the Summoners were too dangerous to be left
alive. Cecil hears the cries of a small girl and approaches them, to
find Rydia and her dead mother. Rydia's mother was the one who
summoned the Mist Dragon, so when the dragon fell in battle, the woman
died also. Outraged to learn that Cecil and Cain were the ones who
murdered her mother, Rydia summons a phantom beast called Titan which
causes most of the valley to collapse in on itself.

Cecil awakens to find Cain missing and Rydia beside him, unconscious.
Cecil takes the silent girl to an inn at the desert town of Kaipo where
he encourages her to rest. That night an officer from Baron shows up at
the end and demands the Cecil hand over the girl; Cecil's refuses, and
proceeds to dispatch the officer and his guards. Rydia begins to trust
Cecil at this point, a trust that is strengthened when he and Rosa help
the girl to overcome her fear of fire.

While traveling by sea to Fabul, the boat is submerged underwater and
Rydia is swallowed by Leviathan, a large sea serpent and (as revealed
later) the ruler of the phantom beasts. Leviathan deposits Rydia in the
Land of Phantom Beasts, where she perfects her study of the arts of
magic. She shows up again in the underground world, just in time to
save Cecil from Golbeza and his Dark Dragon. Notably, Rydia now appears
to be a grown woman; when Cecil asks about this, Rydia explains that
time flows differently in the Land of the Phantom Beasts (It is never
explained, however, if she actually has matued both physically and
mentally or if she is still something of a child in an adult's body).
Either way, Rydia is much more open-minded at this point than she was
as a child.

After defeating Zeromus, Rydia returns to live with King Leviathan and
Queen Asura in the Land of the Phantom Beasts, perhaps able to relate
more closely to the monsters with which she shares a psychic link than
with humans since she had matured physically.

Age: 5
Height: 94/93 cm
Weight: 22/19 kg
Birthplace: Mysidia

Special Commands (Palom):
Boast: Palom's attack power is increased.

Special Commands (Porom):
False Tears: Porom pretends to cry, prompting the enemies to run away.

Special Commands (both):
Twin: Palom and Porom weave their spells together to unleash a potent
magic attack.

Story (contains spoilers):
When the boat from Fabul is shipwrecked and Cecil winds up alone in
Mysidia, the people there meet him with great discontent--the villagers
are enraged at him for the raid the Red Wings made on the village at
the start of the game. The elder that resides in Mysidia encourages him
to travel to Mt. Ordeals to attempt to become a Paladin. Fearing that
the Black Knight may have an ulterior agenda, he sends spies to
accompany Cecil on his journey to the mountain. Those spies are the
young yet renowned twin mages, Palom and Porom.

Palom, the black mage, is for the most part a very mouthy and arrogant
character. Unlike his sister, he seems to have very little faith in
Cecil the first time they meet (although he does grow to trust him
later). Porom, the white mage, is much more polite and considerate, and
frequently scolds her brother's rash behavior (to the point where she
becomes just as obnoxious). As one might imagine, these two are usually
at each other's throats, but at the same time they have a very intimate
and unspoken understanding of one another.

When Cecil returns from Mt. Ordeals, Palom and Porom beg the elder to
allow them to stay with the Paladin. The elder agrees to this, and
the twins remain in Cecil's party until a sad parting at Baron.
Cagnazzo's magic causes the walls of the castle to move together, and
to prevent the party from being crushed Palom and Porom turn themselves
into stone. They are revived by the elder's magic later in the game.

Special Commands:
Spirit Wave: Foo-soo-ya becomes disabled for the remainder of the bout;
the HP's of his party members count upward.

Story (contains spoilers):
Foo-soo-ya is the guardian of the Lunarians' slumber. When the
Lunarians arrived on earth from their homeworld to find the humans
still evolving, the Lunarians built a second moon where most of them
entered a deep sleep. One of the ones who refused to enter this state,
Zemus, longed to live on the earth and so was forced to sleep by
Foo-soo-ya. When Foo-soo-ya discovered that Zemus's mind is still
active and causing a range of disasters to befall earth, he reveals
the location of his brother's magical ship and calls out to the half-
Lunar, Cecil. Cecil uses the ship to travel to the Lunarian moon, where
Foo-soo-ya reveals his heritage and offers his assistance to the people
of earth.

When the group arrives back on earth they find that the Giant of Babel,
Zemus's tool of destruction, has already appeared. Cecil's party enters
the interior of the Giant through its mouth and destroy its Control
System. Golbeza shows up at this point, but Foo-soo-ya intervenes and
removes Zemus's control over him. The connection between Cecil and
Golbeza is revealed, and Foo-soo-ya and Golbeza travel back to the moon
using the Tower of Babel gate to face Zemus alone. Cecil's party
follows after them, and with their combined efforts manage to force
the emergence of Zeromus.

With Zeromus defeated, Foo-soo-ya states that he will return to watch
over the slumber of the Lunarians. Golbeza goes with him, realizing
that he cannot return to earth considering the atrocities he has

----------------------------------------------[ IV. Walkthrough ]------------

I am going to try a bit of a different approach to this walkthrough this
time. Normally, I will leave out storyline elements in an attempt not to
spoil the walkthrough reader. But I figured, most walkthrough readers won't
mind the spoilers, so I will proceed to include some storyline elements this

Here you go, a suggested levels guide! Also, this is the level I was at during
the point of the game, if they seem weird, it's because characters died during
big battles, I built up two people only, etc. You can do the same as I did to
make characters like Edge have higher levels then they're supposed to.

Place: Mist Cave
Levels: Cecil - 11, Kain - 11

Place: Water Cavern
Levels: Cecil - 15, Rydia - 10, Tellah - 20

Place: Antlion's Den
Levels: Cecil - 17, Rydia - 14, Edward - 8

Place: Mt. Hobs
Levels: Cecil - 19, Rydia - 16, Edward - 14, Rosa - 11

Place: Fabul
Levels: Cecil - 20, Rydia - 18, Edward - 16, Rosa - 15, Yang - 12

Place: Mt. Ordeals
Levels: Cecil - 23, Palom - 13, Porom - 13

Place: Town of Baron
Levels: Cecil - 20, Palom - 20, Porom - 20, Tellah - 23

Place: Waterways of Baron
Levels: Cecil - 20, Palom - 20, Porom - 20, Tellah - 23, Yang - 19

Place: Magnetic Cavern
Levels: Cecil - 28, Tellah - 30, Cid - 28, Yang - 29

Place: Tower of Zot
Levels: Cecil - 31, Tellah - 32, Cid - 30, Yang - 31

Place: Dwarven Castle
Levels: Cecil - 34, Rosa - 33, Kain - 36, Yang - 35

Place: Tower of Babil
Levels: Cecil - 44, Rosa - 43, Rydia - 43, Kain - 47, Edge - 32

Place: Sylvan Cave
Levels: Cecil - 48, Rosa - 48, Rydia - 48, Kain - 50, Edge - 40

Place: Cave of Summons
Levels: Cecil - 49, Rosa - 49, Rydia - 49, Kain - 51, Edge - 42

Place: Sealed Cave
Levels: Cecil - 50, Rosa - 50, Rydia - 50, Kain - 52, Edge - 44

Place: Lunar Path
Levels: Cecil - 53, Rosa - 52, Rydia - 52, Edge - 48

Place: Bahamut Cave
Levels: Cecil - 58, Rosa - 58, Rydia - 56, Edge - 52, FuSoYa - 50

Place: Giant of Babil
Levels: Cecil - 59, Rosa - 59, Rydia - 55, Edge - 55, FuSoYa - 52

Place: Lunar Subterrane
Levels: Cecil - 61, Rosa - 61, Rydia - 58, Edge - 58, Kain - 60

Place: Final Boss
Levels: Cecil - 76, Rosa - 75, Rydia - 72, Edge - 74, Kain - 78


The game starts off with Cecil and a group called the Red Wings heading back
from Mysidia from an airship. Cecil was forced to take a crystal from the
Mysidian Wizards, even though he really did not want to. Cecil suddenly demands
silence, and thinks about what he did, when enemies attack. Cecil quickly
dismisses them, but then wonders why monsters are suddenly attacking.

Back in Baron Castle now, Cecil hands the crystal to a man in a red cape named
Baigan. Baigan's job is to give the crystal to the King of Baron. The
king tells Cecil to leave, but Cecil tries to explain to him exactly what his
feelings are. The king will have none of it, however, so Cecil explains some
more. He tells the king that his fellow Red Wings are unhappy with the
decision to take the Crystal from the Mysidian Wizards. Suddenly, the king gets
all bitchy and fires Cecil from his post of commander of the Red Wings.
That was awfully nice of the king, eh? Kain comes in to back up Cecil, and
the King orders them both to deliver a Bomb Ring to Mist Village.

Now, you have control of Cecil. The game has begun!

Items to be Found:
480 gil

Head down. On floor 1F, hit the switch and nab the treasure chests. Head left,
then go up the stairs. Keep going, and Rosa will talk to you. Go into the left
tower, and now Cid will talk with you. Go up the tower.

Rosa will walk in. Cecil is extremely mad at her for some reason, and refuses
to talk to her. Rosa gets all bitchy, and gets worried because Cecil is
leaving so soon. Cecil then turns into a wuss, reassures her that everything
will be OK (heh heh), then goes back to sleep.

In the morning, you should automatically go through a scene, where you
leave the castle. The result: The start of your journey. Here's the cool
monolague scene that ended after Final Fantasy 6, for some reason. Play FF7,
FF8, or FF9 and see if you get one of these scenes. =/

Items to be Found:
Potion x3
Softs x2
Tent x2
Eagle Eye
Hr Glass
Maiden's Kiss
Enemies to be Fought: Eagle, Floateye, Imp, Sword Rat


Potion 30 gil
Life 100 gil
Soft 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss 60 gil
Eyedrops 30 gil
Antidote 40 gil
Tent 100 gil
Gyashl 50 gil

Go to the Inn. Check the pot on the right hand side to get the Potion. Go
inside the Inn. Check the pot for another potion, and then click the swords and
nab the treasure chests. Go by Rosa's house. You will see a bunch of pots, in
the shape of a cross. Check the bottom pot in this cross, and you will get yet
another potion. In Rosa's house, check the shelves to get a Ether 1, and check
the pot to get a Maiden's Kiss. Go into the back of the town, inside the water
there is a Tent and Hr Glass. Now, but some stuff, and head out into the world
map. Head north, then west. You will be in the Mist Cave.

Items to be Found:
2 Potions
Enemies to be Fought: Larva, Sandmoth
Boss: Mist Dragon
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 11, Kain - 11

The first thing I would reccomend for you to do once you get in here is raise
your levels. You start off at Level 10, but I got to Level 11 outside. Like I
said, levels in this game are not extraordinarily important, but they're
important enough. I got Cecil to 13 and Kain to 12, I think. It is harder to
get Kain to a high level than it is to get Cecil. The path through this place
is actually damn easy. You should not need a walkthrough to get through here,
but I will provide one anyways.

Keep on going through the path. Wow, what tough stuff. There will be a warning
soon."Go back....!" After you read the warning, head up and get the Potion from
the treasure chest. Go left, down, and all the way around to get the Tent from
the treasure chest. Go back up and get the Eyedrop from the treasure chest. Now
go back down, and go right. Get the Potion from the treasure chest. Now, head
up, and keep on going through the warnings, until you get to the boss.

475 HP, 200 gil, 700 experience
This Mist Dragon boss should not be too hard. Just have Cecil attack the Dragon
normally, while Kain Jumps it. Just jump it because the Jump attack does more
damage then Kain's normal attack does. It doesn't really matter about the Mist
Dragon's attacks, but this will mean most of them will focus on Cecil alone.
Just keep him cured up, I hope you bought some Cure 1 Potions in Baron Village!
Keep on doing this, and after about five, six rounds, the Mist Dragon will turn
into Mist. At this point, do not do anything. This could be a good time to
cure, as well. If you attack the Mist Dragon while it is in Mist form, it will
counter with a COLDMIST attack which does more than double the damage that the
normal attack does, and it affects both Cecil and Kain! However, if you jump,
it will not counter. Odd. Soon enough, the boss will die.

Head out, save your game, de-equip Kain, and enter the Town of Mist.

Items to be Found:

When you enter the town, the ring will glow, and bombs will come and destroy
the entire city. Then, you will hear this little girl crying. Head up and help
her out. She tells Cecil and Kain that someone killed her mother's pet dragon.
Uh oh. Cecil will fess up to the crime, and suddenly the little girl gets mad
and frightened. Kain says that the King must want all the summoners to die, so
the little girl must die as well. Fortunately, he regains his senses and
decides to go against those orders of the king. You try to save the girl, but a
battle ensues, and she summons Titan. Nice job. When you awaken, Kain will be
gone, but you will have the little girl (Rydia) with you. OK..

Head north, then east, until you get to Kaipo.

Items to be Found:
Ether 1
Enemies to be Found: Sand Man, Sandpede, Sand Worm, Float Eye
Boss: Officer and 3 Soldiers


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Rod - 100 gil
Staff - 160 gil
Short Bow - 220 gil
Brass Arrows - 10 gil


Leather Helmet - 100 gil
Clothes - 50 gil
Leather Armor - 200 gil
Iron Ring - 100 gil

Take the girl to the Kaipo Inn.

The inkeeper will let you stay for free. In the middle of the night, a Baron
General will come in, and say that all summoners must die! Since the girl is a
summoner, that means that she must die soon. Cecil obviously disagrees with
that, so the general orders that Cecil must die!

Fight the boss.

Soldiers - 30 HP each. Officer - 120 HP. 162 gil, 471 EXP
This battle is not bad, at all. Killing all three soldiers, who all die in one
hit, is all it takes to win this battle. You can kill off the Officer first for
additional HP. Kill off all three soldiers and the Officer will just run away.

You promise to protect the girl. Name her and go to sleep. In the morning, you
have control. Go buy stuff, and get all the items. Head into the top right
building, where Rosa will be. The man tells you she needs the Sand Ruby to
survive. Leave the town. When you get outside, fight around the town, gaining
levels. I reccomend getting Rydia to Level 7. Once you do that, save your game
and head up and right to get to the Water Cavern.

Items to be Found:
Dark Sword
Potion x3
Ether 1 x2
Ether 2
Feather Hat
Hades Helmet
Hades Arm
Hades Armor
Ice Rod
Iron Ring
Bomb x2
580 gil
Hr Glass 1
Maiden's Kiss
Enemies to be Fought: Cave Toad, Evil Shell, Gator, Jelly, Mad Toad, Pike, Tiny
Mage, Water Bug, Water Hag, Zombie
Boss: Octomamm
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 15, Rydia - 10, Tellah - 20

Head up from the entrance, and grab the two teasure chests, which contain a
Heal and Cure 1. Head left, and take the treasure chest, which contains a Tent.
Talk to the old man, and he will tell you that a bard has tricked his daughter
into running away with him. Tellah will join your party. Go up, and take the
treasure chest on the right hand side for an Iron Ring. Equip it on Tellah. Go
left and enter the waterfall. There is some stuff in here. Now, head out, and
go up to the next floor.

Keep following the path, collecting treasures from treasure chests along the
way. The next room is a save room. Follow the conversation. Follow the path,
grabbing the Ice Rod along the way. In the next room, grab the chests (Cure 1
and Feather Hat), and go left of the stairway, go around to get the Feather
Cap. Now, take the stairway. Get the rest of the treasure chests, and leave to
the overworld. Use a tent, and go inside the cave (up). Walk into the waterfall
and you will fall down into it. Collect the Dark Knight stuff and equip it. Grab
the armor, cure everyone, and get ready for a boss fight!

2300 HP, 500 gil, 1200 experience
This guy is pretty simple. The thing you should notice most about him is how
slow his attacks are when you finally defeat him compared to when the battle
starts. I guess he just wears down as battle goes on. Have Rydia and Tellah
attack with Bolt 1, although Rydia could use the Chocobo summon magic if you
wish, since it will actually do more damage than Bolt 1. However, Tellah's most
powerful attack is Bolt 1, so use it for now. Also, Tellah should be the healer
for this battle, as he has Cure magic. Cecil's attacks should do at least 115
HP per attack, so that alone will help out. As you wear him down, he will start
to lose legs. That is how you can tell if he is going to die or not. When
Tellah mentions something about the monster slowing down, just pound away on it
and it will die. The battle is not tough at all as long as you keep your HP up.

Leave and head to Damcyan Castle. Unequip Tellah when you get there. When you
get to the town, save and head in, but before you do, the Red Wings fly by and
attack it! Yikes!

Items to be Found
Feather Hat
Ruby Ring
Ether 1
Holy Arrows (x10) x2
Iron Arrows (x10) x2

Grab the tent and head to the top of the castle.

Upon entering the castle you will see the remains of the once beautiful castle
of Damcyan and also the downed guards. Once you have reached the center of the
castle you will see Tellah's only daughter Anna lying on the floor almost
dying. Tellah becomes enraged as he attacks the "Spoony Bard." You can't
control this battle and everything the Bard is trying to say Tellah ignores,
when Anna speaks Tellah comes to his senses and stops his attack against the
Bard. Here Anna explains what had happened, it appears that when Edward and
Anna was about to leave they were attacked by the Red Wings of Baron, also they
had taken the Crystal of Fire. Anna explains that Edward is the prince of
Damcyan and he was disguised as a Bard so that he can go to Kaipo and find
Anna. Anna saved Edward's life by shielding him from the arrows that were
brought upon by the Red Wings fleet. Afterwards Anna dies and Tellah is once
again enraged, he wishes to take vengence upon the one called Golbez, who led
the Red Wings' attack against Damcyan. Cecil says he can't go alone but Tellah
is too fustrated and angry to listen and he goes off on his own. Here Edward
cries over Anna's death and Rydia calls him a "Crybaby!" she tells him that he
is not the only one who has lost the ones he loved and tells him that he is a
grown man. Edward does not care and he wishes to stay with Anna, Cecil comes
over and literally knocks some sense into him. He tells Edward that Anna would
not like it if he was just to stay here and Cecil desprately needs Edward's
help. Edward wonders how he can help and Cecil tells him that he needs to find
the Sandruby to cure Rosa's fever. Edward tells him that he has a Hovercraft
and with it you can reach the cave of the Antlion. Before the party leaves out
of the castle, Edward comes and says the final goodbye before leaving to help
his new friends.

Wow. That was damn cool stuff. Go out through the front entrance, then swing
around the side. Enter the side building, open the secret door, go through the
sercet passage, and go through the first wall in the second cell. Get the
Leather Hat and Crossbow, leave, move to the next cell, and get the Ruby Ring.
Now, exit, and take the stairs down. Grab the items in the six cheats (Ether 1,
Life, Soft, Eyedrops, Antidote, and Potion) and get the Arrows from 4 pots.

Now, go outside. Use the hovercraft to go northeast, through the shallow rocks.
Head to the cave below Mt. Hobs.

Items to be Found:
Lamia Harp
Potion x3
Ether 1
Silk Web x2
Hr Glass 1
Enemies to be Fought: Basilisk, Cream, Imp Captain, Turtle, Weeper
Boss: Antlion
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 17, Rydia - 14, Edward - 8

There are six tresure chests in the first room. On the left side, there is a
Cure 1 and 190 gil. To the right side, there is 210 gil and a Cure 1. On the
bottom left, there is a Tent and Cure 1. Collect all the treasure then head
down to the bottom right. Get the Life potion and go in the door to get Lamia
Harp. Equip it on Edward, as it doubles his attack power.

Head around, go up the door, and get the Heal Potion. Now go into the door,
and use the save point, and get the three treasure chests, which contain a Life
Potion, Ether 1, and Tent. Head into the left side of the room and get the 250
gil from the treasure chest. Head towards the center of the room and into the
Nest of the Antilon.

1000 HP, 800 gil, 1500 experience
This boss fight is damn easy. The main thing you have to worry about is the
Antilon's counter attack. It wil basically counter any physical attacks, so
don't use them much. Have Cecil do physical attacks, since he can take the
pain, Rydia could use her Chocobo summon magic, and Edward can heal and do
attacks, he can somewhat take them if you built him up enough. This boss is
pretty easy, just make sure to heal whenever possible, and he will die soon

Get out of here and head back to Kaipo.


Hand Rosa the Sand Ruby and she will recover.

She wakes up and tells you she followed you. Golbez is now the new captain of
the Red Wings, which means that the king has truly lost his damn mind. Golbez
already has the power of one crystal, and of course, he doesn't want to stop
there, so he will go after the other three next. Edward will say that he
already has the Fire Crystal of Damycan (hmm, I thought they gave him the Water
Crystal of Mysidia at the beginning of the game..) and so he must be going to
Fabul next. However, they cannot get to Fabul because the path to Fabul goes
through Mt. Hobs, and Mt. Hobs is being blocked by ice. Rosa asks Rydia if she
can cast Fire magic, but Rydoia can't. Rosa can, I guess, because she joins
your party.

During the night, Edward will play his harp by the water, when a water hag
comes to attack him. Beat him up, as a ghost of Anna cheers him. This turns out
to be all a dream, so the game continues.. Put Rydia, Rosa, and Edward all in
the back row. Hop on the hovercraft and go to Mt. Hobs, which is near the
Antlion Den.

Items To Be Found:
10 Holy Arrows
960 Gil
Enemies to be Fought: Bomb, Cocatris, Gargoyle, Gray Bomb, Skeleton, Spirit
Boss: Mombomb
Cecil - 19, Rydia - 16, Edward - 14, Rosa - 11

After a lot of talking, Rydia will cast Fire, and will learn Fire 1. Take the
door on the left hand side (I love this music!), get the four treasure chests
(Tent, Cure 1, Heal, 350 Gold) and save your game at the save point. Now, head
to the right side of the mountain. Head to the Summit, and this is when you
meat Yang for the first time. Boss time!

3200 HP, 543 gil, 2415 experience
This battle can get to be pretty tough. The toughest part about this battle is
how the boss will change forms. It starts off the battle as the one Mombomb.
Have Rydia use the Chocobo summon magic, have Cecil use his normal attacks,
have Yang attack, Edward can heal or attack, and Rosa can use Aim. Soon enough,
the Mombomb will change form. So far, so good. Keep your party healed, because
sooner or later it will explode, which sauses 50 to 60 HP of damage to every
character, and then turn into 3 Bombs and 3 Grey Bombs. Have the same attack
pattern continue, but have Yang kick, and these bombs should be dead, although
I did have a bit of trouble with them, since I was not too well off on HP after
the Mombomb exploded on me like that.

After this battle, Yang is warned about Golbez. Keep on going down the
mountain. Exit and head to Fabul Castle.

Items To Be Found:
Demon Shield
Death Sword
Ether 1
Thor's Rage
Silk Web
Enemies to be Fought: Needler, Imp Captain
Boss: Captain, 2 Fighters
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 20, Rydia - 18, Edward 16, Rosa - 15, Yang - 12


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Fire Claw - 350 gil
Ice Claw - 450 gil
Bolt Claw - 550 gil
Demon Helmet - 980 gil
Demon Armor - 3000 gil
Demon Arm - 800 gil

Buy some stuff and check around the town for items. Go inside the left tower
and get the Thor's Rage from the pot. Talk to Yang's Wife then head back down.
In the right tower, you can get a Tent (king's bedroom) and a Bacchus (pot). Go
to the throne room. Rydia and Rosa will stay behind behind, Cecil, Yang, and
Edward till help protect the castle. Go through all the battles here. They're
not that tough, just use Edward as a healer and have Yang do Kick and Cecil do
normal attacks and you will do fine.

Afterwards the party makes their last retreat back to the Crystal Room. Here
Kain comes in and Cecil is shocked to see Kain alive. Here Kain wants to fight
Cecil and Cecil has no choice. Here you shouldn't bother trying to fight Kain
because he keeps using that JUMP attack and it will knock you out in a few
blows. Here afterwards Kain will try to put Cecil out of his misery and Rosa
comes in and tries to stop Kain, but Kain is somehwat startled and then Golbez
finally meets the party. Here, Golbez knocks out both Edward and Yang, and
commands Kain to take the Crystal of Air which Kain happily ablodges. Here
Golbez realizes that Rosa is important to Cecil and he kidnappes her and Kain
tells Cecil he had a narrow escape. Afterwards Rydia is helpless against Kain
and she performs the CURE magic towards the party and they are revived out of
their wounds. Here, Yang will help Cecil this time, but Cecil's spirit has
taken a hard punch.

Now, head to the King's Chamber, and rest in the inn. Go talk to the King in
ther morning to get the boat, and the Death Sword from the King.

After doing everything, unequip everyone except Cecil, and head to the boat.
(Sorry I am not being more detailed about this storyline stuff, I am not used
to writing a walkthrough involving storyline elements. =). The boat is
northeast of Fabul Castle, you'll see it when you leave the town. The boat
takes the long route to Baron. The party wonders why, when a whirpool sucks
them in! The boat crashes, and Cecil wakes up.. alone. Go to Mysidia. Hoo boy.
I bet you're glad to be here, eh?

Items To Be Found:
Enemies to be Fought: Zuu, Cockatris


Potion - 30 gil
Hi Potion - 150 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil


Ice Rod - 220 gil
Flame Rod - 380 gil
Cure Staff - 480 gil
Crossbow - 700 gil
Holy Arrows - 20 gil


Magus Hat - 700 gil
Gaia Gear - 500 gil
Silver Arm - 650 gil
Paladin Shield - 700 gil
Paladin Helmet - 4000 gil
Paladin Armor - 8000 gil
Paladin Arm - 3000 gil

May I reccomend not talking to anyone. See, you stole their crystal, so you're
not exactly their best friend. Talk to the elder in the norhtern building. He
will tell you to go to Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin. He offers you the duet
of Palom and Porom, who kick butt. Buy each twin a Magus Hat, Gaia Hear, and
Silver Arm. In terms of weapons, Palom should have a Flame Rod, while Porom
should have a Cure Staff. Buy all the Paladin stuff for Cecil.

Now, head out and head east until you get to Mt. Ordeals. I reccomend raising
levels before going there. Below Mt. Ordeals, there is a Chocobo Forest. Use
the Fat Chocobo to keep your items for you, while the White Chocobo will regain
your MP for you. The yellow chocobo is the classic one that you can use for

Items To Be Found:
Potion x2
Ether 1 x2
Enemies to be Fought: Ghoul, Lilith, Red Bone, Revenant, Soul
Bosses: Milon, Milon Zombie, Dark Knight
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 23, Palom - 13, Porom - 13

Make sure you enter this place with Paladin Armor. Now, head up, and find
Tellah. He will rejoin you. Put Cecil in the front row, the other three in the
back. Now, head up the cliff, fighting enemies along the way. You will have to
use Palom and Porom a lot. Don't worry about gaining levels for Cecil here.
When you get to the top, save your game, go upi and left across the bridge to
fight the boss.

Milon: 3500 HP, 2000 gil, 3200 experience
Ghasts: 200 HP each, 100 gil, 50 experience each
Kill off the 4 Ghasts first. Using Fire 3 or Cure magic on them should kill
them. Have Cecil focus on the Milon, even if the Ghasts aren't dead. When the
Ghasts have died, have Palom and Porom do twin magic, while Tellah does Fire 2
or Fire 3. Cecil should attack normally throughout the fight. Milon will do
bolt spells a lot, so make sure Porom heals the party after he does the Bolt
spell. This guy really should not be that tough at all.

Now, go back and save, and go back to the bridge, go across and you will be
attacked again!

3523 HP, 2500 gil, 3600 experience
You will notice about this battle the fact that Milon Zombie attacks you from
behind, which means that you will have your back row characters in front, and
your front row characters in back. There are two simple ways to combat that.
One, before you go into battle, make sure Cecil is in the back row, and the
other 3 are in the front row. That way, when the battle begins, Cecil will be
in the front row, and the other 3 will be in the back row. Or, when the battle
begins, have your first character do Row. Now, to the battle itself. Have
Tellah cast Fire magic every around, and Palom do Fire 2. If he does not have
Fire 2, then have Porom and Palom do twin magic every round. Cure as needed.
Milon Zombie has a nasty poison attack, either let it ride out or have Tellah
cast Esuna.

You do not have to go back and save, since this next boss fight is almost
impossible to lose. (even though I lost it, heh)

100,000 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Parry for 3 rounds and it's over. Whoo hoo.

After the battle, the cool music plays and Cecil has become a Paladin! Oh, what
now! You will notice that he is quite a bit stronger, despite the fact he is
Level 1. Anyways, the light will speak, and call him son. Why is the light
calling him son? Tellah becomes the center of attention and learns Meteo, as
well as the rest of his spells. Cool.

Now then, I stayed up here until Cecil got to Level 20. It's not as bad as it
sounds. You don't have to get that high, but I did, and it made the next place
easier. Make sure to equip that Paladin stuff, though. When you are at a high
enough level, head out, go to the chocobo forest, heal using the white one, use
the yellow one to go back to Mysidia.

Items To Be Found:
Enemies to be Fought: Zuu, Cockatris

Talk to the Elder, and he will open the Serpent Road. Now, go out and into the
house in the right hand side, and use the Serpent Road to head back to Baron.

Items To Be Found:
Baron Key
1000 Gil
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 20, Palom - 20, Porom - 20, Tellah - 23


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil

Thunder Rod - 700 gil
Cure Staff - 480 gil
Fire Claw - 350 gil
Ice Claw - 450 gil
Bolt Cloaw - 550 gil

Headband - 450 gil
Kenpo - 4000 gil
Silver Gauntlets - 650 gil

Go to the Inn, and find Yang up above. He will challenge you to a fight.

280 HP each, 0 gil, 0 experience
Easy. Next.

???? HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Just beat up on him and Cure when he does Kick and you should do fine. He's not

After the scene, you will get the Baron Key. Unlock the Weapons and Armor shops
and get some new equipment for Yang. Now, go over to the left hand side of
town, and open that house. This is the entrance to the Waterway.

Items To Be Found:
Hi Potion
Ether 1 x2
Thor's Rage
Hr Glass 1
Silk Web
Ancient Sword
Enemies to be Fought: Aqua Worm, Crocodile, Electric Fish, Fang Shell, Guard,
Hydra, Piranha
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 20, Palom - 20, Porom - 20, Tellah - 23, Yang - 19

First thing you will notice is that a lot of tough enemies in here. I advise
using the Bolt spell a lot, and then raising Levels until you are good to go.
You can always heal back at the Inn if you have to.

B4F: When you are finally ready to go, go down, and when you see a split in the
path, go down, and right, and take the three treasure chests (Hi Potion, Ether
1, Thor's Rage), then go right, and up, and left, then up, and follow the path
until you get to the next room.

B3F: Well, this is fun. Go into the water, and head down, through the secret
passage, and get the Hr Glass 1. Go down again, and go through the sercet
passage to get the Silk Web. Go down, then when you get to the bottom, go
right, and follow until you get out. Go up, and go left when you see the water
on the left hand side. Go into the middle platform here to get the Hermes, go
back right, and then follow the path up.

B2F: Go through here, go up the stairs, go left through the passage to get the
Ether 1, then go out and up.

B1FG: Before you save your game in the room, find the sercet passage and go
through it to get the Ancient Sword. Now, go back and save. Go out, and go
right, then up, through the door. Remember this place?

Items To Be Found:
Unihorn x2
Ether 1 x4
Life x2
Bacchus x2
Hermes x2
Hi Potion x2
Tent x2
Bosses: Baigan (Left Arm/Right Arm) and Cagnazzo

Go into the west tower and go into the bed if you need to. Follow the path
counter clockwise until you get into the courtyard. Watch the scene here with
Baigan, and you will fight him.

Baigan: 4444 HP, 3000 gil, 4000 experience
Left Arm: 444 HP, 0 gil, 10 experience
Right Arm: 444 HP, 0 gil, 10 experience
This boss is pretty easy, all things considering. Just make sure to focus on
the body. The arms are good to hit and all, but they just keep on regenerating,
so why bother? If you have Tellah cast a powerful spell on the body, it will
cast Wall. I just had everyone attack the center, and healed when neccessary,
and he died soon enough. Not that bad.

Go back and heal in the bed. Now go to the right side of the castle. Press the
wall switch to get the two Unihorns, two Ether 1's, and two Lifes. Go to the
northeast tower, and get the two Hermes and two Bacchus. In the basement, get
the Elixir. On the third floor, get the two Tents and the Ether 1. Get the
other Ether 1 in the pot. Now, go back and into the throne room.

5312 HP, 4000 gil, 5500 experience
Lightning. I cannot stress this enough, but this guy is really weak against
Bolt magic. Equip Yang with the Bolt Claw, and have him do Power, that will
take off some huge damage. Tellah and Palom should do either Bolt 2 or Bolt 3
each around, while Polom cures, especially after Cagnazzo does his one big
attack, the Big Wave. However, as long as you do Bolt magic, it will break his
barrier, so don't worry about it. When he goes into his shell, just use that
time for curing and stuff. He ain't that bad, trust me.

Here after the battle Cid comes in, and the party introduces themselves to
Cid. Now the party must hurry to retrieve the airship. But before they can do
so Cagnazzo has already set a trap, the doors are locked and the walls are
caving in. Here the twins turn themselves into Stone and stop the wall from
caving in. Tellah tries to break the spell but to no avail, the twins
willingly let their lives go to save the rest of the party. Tellah was the
one who wanted to go first, but Cid re-groups the party.

Meanwhile...In the Tower of Zot, Kain plans up a plot to capture the last
crystal, they will exchange Rosa for the crystal, and Kain will be the
messenger, Rosa tries to stop Kain, but Kain is too much under the influnce
of Golbez's powerful mind control. Meanwhile back at the castle of Baron...

Cid unlocks the hidden entrance to his airship and the Enterprise flies off,
then suddenly the Red Wings come but they do not wish to fight this time.
Kain delivers a message to Cecil, about trading in Rosa for the Crystal of
Earth in Toroia. Now land your airship infront of Baron and return to the
King's chambers in the basement below, remember the place with the mysterious
force? Its gone now so enter it and the real King of Baron wishes to tell you
something. He tells you to go to the Land of Summoned Monsters and return
back after your trip, then he leaves.

Items To Be Found:
Bomb x3
Prisoner Clothes
Ruby Ring
Change Rod

Whip - 3000 gil
Dancing Dagger - 5000 gil

Bard - 70 gil

The Village of Mist is where it's always been :). It's by Baron Castle. There
are three Bombs in the grass. In a house, you can use the fireplace to walk
through a secret passage to get the Tiara, Prisoner Clothes, and Ruby Ring. In
the right wall, take the secret passage to get the Change Rod. That's it for
this town!

Items To Be Found:


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Rod - 100 gil
Staff - 160 gil
Spear - 60 gil
Boomerang - 3000 gil
Short Bow - 220 gil
Crossbow - 700 gil
Brass Arrows - 10 gil
Holy Arrows - 20 gil


Iron Shield - 100 gil
Iron Helmet - 150 gil
Iron Armor - 600 gil
Iron Gauntlets - 130 gil
Iron Ring - 100 gil

Just go here to get items if you want. Nothing serious here, it's just good if
you can't afford the stuff at Mythril Village yet. Buy stuff, talk to people,

Items To Be Found:
5000 Gil
Mythril Dagger
Mythril Hammer


Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil

Mythril Staff - 4000 gil
Mythril Dagger - 3000 gil
Mythril Hammer - 8000 gil
Mythril Sword - 6000 gil

Mythril Shield - 1000 gil
Mythril Helmet - 3000 gil
Mythril Armor - 17000 gil
Mythril Gauntlets - 2000 gil

Go to the island directly south of Fabul, it is shaped like a cat's head. Go in
here, get the 5000 gil, Mythril Dagger, and Mythril Staff from the grass, then
get the following stuff for your characters.

Cecil: Mythril Shield, Mythril Helmet, Mythril Armor, Mythril Gauntlets,
Mythril Sword
Cid: Mythril Shield, Mythril Helmet, Mythril Armor, Mythril Hammer
Tellah: Mythril Staff
Yang: Nothing here.

Items To Be Found:
1000 gil
Ether 1
Ether 2


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil

Wooden Hammer - 800 gil
Great Bow - 2000 gil
Fire Arrows - 30 gil
Ice Arrows - 30 gil
Bolt Arrows - 30 gil

Leather Hat - 100 gil
Feather Hat - 330 gil
Clothes - 50 gil
Leather Armor - 200 gil
Ruby Ring - 1000 gil

Go to the western continent. Troia will be on the lower left hand corner of a
huge forest. There is a castle, and below it is a town. Go inside the town.
There are some hidden items in this town. Climb out of the pool when you get in
it, and head through the secret passage to get this grass like area. Get the
1000 gil, Ether 1, Ether 2, and Illusion. Go to the Pub inside the weapon shop
and buy a Pass if you want. Now, leave this town.

Items To Be Found:
Enemies to be Fought: Cannibal, Panther, Python, Sting Rat, Treant

This is a very interesting part of the game, and this is one of the few times
where I will include the overworld. Basically, you should level up here. If you
are not on Level 25 for Cecil, get there. But the enemies around here are tough.

Treants are Trees and usually come 2, along with 3 Sting rats. Have Yang Kick
here, but be careful, because it probably won't kill the Sting Rats, and they
will proceed to do Needle 3 times. Needle hurts, and is a powerful

If you see a Panther, KILL IT. First. because I died twice when i was gaining
levels, their damn Bluster Attack kills a character instantly, and it's not
like I had many guys alive to begin with. I had to raise levels fore a lot
longer than I wanted because I had to start over. Anyways, buy non metallic
weapons for all your characters, and then head into the Castle.

Items To Be Found:
Twin Harp
Tent x2
Hi Potion x2
Ether 1 x2
Ruby Ring x2

Go north and talk to the eight sages. Now, go into the lower left hand corner,
talk to Edward, and get the Twin Harp. Now then... your job here is done. Go
out, and north to the chocobo forest.

Items To Be Found:

There are three chocobos here. White ones let you regain your lost MP (it's
basically a free inn, as you can use Cure magic to regain your HP, then the
white chocobo to regain lost MP). A Fat Chocobo is in the northern part of this
area, use a Gysahl to summon it, it will let you store items. Now, take a black
chocobo, and go east across the water, land it in the forest, save
(reccomended), and then go inside the cave.

Items To Be Found:
Hi Potion x2
Ether 1 x2
2000 Gil
Silk Web
Hr Glass 1
Fairy Claw
Earth Crystal
Enemies to be Fought: Cave Bat, Cave Naga, Mage, Ogre, Vamp Girl
Bosses: Dark Elf, Dark Dragon
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 28, Tellah - 30, Cid - 28, Yang - 29

You can work this one of two ways. One, you can be smart and use non metallic
weapons to work your way through the cave. Two, you can be a dumbass like me,
and just go through the cave without any weapons or armor, running from every
battle. If you choose the first route, Usew Fire 3 to kill Bats, and the Power
attack and Holy Arrows to kill Ogres. Just hack away on Mages.

B1F: Walk right, and get the Hi Potion from the treasure chest. Go back left,
and head down. Keep going along the path, and get the treasure chest along the
way. Go into the door.

B2F: Go up, and whne you get to the bridge, go in the door, and you will be in
a room with 2 chests. Get the chests, go out, and go left.

B3F: Go left, into the door, and save your game. Go out, and right, and down.
Go into the room and get the three chests. Exit, go left, keep on going until
you get to the next door. Get the Fairy Claw for Yang, go left, and go down
through the door.

B4F: Keep on going up the bridge, and head right when you can to the save
point. Then go back, and up. Get the chest, then go into the Crystal Room.

23890 HP, 1000 experience, 4000 gil
The first fight, do nothing. Just don't waste your power doing anything,
because he will kill you. Then Edward plays his harp, and the control is
broken. In the second battle, have Tellah cast Wall on every member he can,
Have everyone attack normally, while Yang does power. Use Diet Food when he
casts Pig on you, that's the most annoying attack he does.

3927 HP, 6000 experience, 5000 gil
This guy is pretty tough. Have Cecil attack, Yang power, Tellah use Level 3
spells or Cure 3 when the enemy does its Breath attack, and that should do it.
I died twice, but if you are on Level 30, you should have no problem beating

Afterwards the DARK ELF dies, so take the Crystal of Earth and return to
Toroia. To make a short cut have Tellah use his WARP magic(or use the Exit
item you found earlier) once he is outside the Crystal Room. Now head back to
the center of the Castle of Toroia where the Clerics are. Inside the Clerics
greet you, then suddenly Kain tells you to take the Crystal to his airship
and he will show him where Rosa is. Beofre you leave go to the room where the
lady was guarding the treasure earlier, now the treasure of Toroia is now

Now head back to Edward's room, and a short scenario will take place, Tellah
now respects Edward and will avenge Anna's death and also avenge Edward's
injury. Now leave Toroia and head for your airship and make sure you save
your game before you enter you airship.

Items To Be Found:
Flame Armor
Flame Sword
Hell Claw
Flame Shield
Gaia Hammer
Wizard Robe
Enemies to be Fought: Carapace, Centaur, Epee Girl, Gremlin, Ice Beast, Ice
Lizard, Marion, Puppet, Slime, Sword Man, Witch
Bosses: Magus Sisters, Valvalis
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 31, Tellah - 32, Cid - 30, Yang - 31

Enter your airship, and watch the scene involving Kain taking the crystal and
leaving you in the Tower of Zot to get Rosa.

1F: When you can finally move, head to the upper left hand corner and get the
Flame Armor, and equip it on Cecil. Now, move directly right, in the northeast
corner you will find the door to 2F.

2F: Go down, and make the first left you can make. Keep going until you can go
down (there will be an opening in the wall), and do so. Head right, then down
when you can. Head left, and then follow the path up. Head right when you can,
and go up. About halfway up, on the left hand side, open the chest. Defeat the
enemies to get the Flame Sword. Equip it on Cecil. Now, move back down, left,
and up to go through the door.

3F: Basically, just follow the path. There are two paths you can take, and both
lead you to 4F.

4F: Go down, then right, then go up when you can. Take the first door to your
left. Go in, head right, and get the Hell Claw. Yang can equip this. Go all the
way down and get the Flame Shield. Put it on Cecil. Now, go back up through the
door. Go down, right, and go up through the next door. Grab the Gaia Hammer
from the chest. Cid can use this. Now, go back out, go down, and head right,
and up through the next door. Get the chest (Wizard Robe) and head back out.
Equip Rydia with the Wizard Robe. Now, go down until the bottom, and head
right, and go through that door.

5F: Go down, left, and go through the door. Use a tent and save. Go back out,
left, and up, and engage in the first of two boss fights.

Sandy: 2591 HP, 3000 gil, 2500 experience
Cindy: 4599 HP, 3000 gil, 2500 experience
Mindy: 2590 HP, 3000 gil, 2500 experience
This boss fight is really easy if you know how to handle it. Kill off the
middle sister (Cindy) first, since it can heal people. It casts Wall, so don't
use magic. Instead, use physical attacks. Once she is dead, kill the one in
front (Mindy). Once she succumbs, take out the final sister. Easy enough, just
make sure you heal when you have to (I didn't even have to), and the battle is

Now, go back, and rest/save. Remove all items from Tellah, and go back up
through where you fought the Magus Sisters. Watch the scene, Tellah leaves your
party, but Kain and Rosa join. Equip them, then leave the room, and Valvalis,
the third element, will attack!

8636 HP, 5500 gil, 9000 experience
I cannot stress how important patience is in this battle. Do not just hit the
attack button when it is your turn to attack. Valvalis will turn herself into a
tornado, and when she does, she will counterattack you with a powerful wind
attack which leaves all party members with single digit HP's. To get her out of
this state, have Kain jump her. When she is normal, have Cecil and Cid attack,
Rosa heal, Kain jump, and Yang use power. This battle wasn't bad, as long as
you remember to keep healed, at all times.

After this battle, Rosa will teleport you out of here to Castle Baron. Remember
this room from the beginning of the game? Anyways, Kain will hand over the
Magma. Now where can you use it? Before leaving here, by the way, go down to
the basement of the northeast tower, where the king will tell you to return

Now, head back to the airship. Fly south of Baron until you get to Agart. Land,
go inside, go into the well in the center of town, and drop the Magma in it. Go
out, go in the aircraft, fly over the crater, and press X. Watch the scene and
you will land in Dwarven Castle.

Items To Be Found:
5000 Gil
Dwarf Axe
Bacchus x2
Elixir x2
Ether 1 x2
Hr Glass 2
Strength Glove
Hi Potion
Black Belt
Gyashl x3
Cabin x3
Bosses: 3 Cal/3 Brina, Calbrina, Golbez/Shadow
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 34, Rosa - 33, Kain - 36, Yang - 35

Go north, watch the scene, and fight the 3 bosses. Whoo hoo.

Cal: 1369 HP each, 500 gil each, 1000 experience each
Brina: 369 HP each, 500 gil each, 1000 experience each
Have Cecil and Kain take out the Brinas in front while Kain uses Jump and Yang
uses Powers to take out the Cals in back. Take out as many as you can, as you
gain more experience this way. Have Rosa heal everyone when there is only 1 or
2 enemies left.

5315 HP, 5000 gil, 12000 experience
I don't see why this boss is such a big deal. All I did was have Kain Jump,
Yang use Power, Rosa use Aim, and Cecil attack normally, and the doll died
before I knew it.

???? HP, 11,000 gil, 15000 experience
Golbez casts Hold Gas on the entire party, then summons Shadow, who pretty much
kills everyone. Bring everyone back to life once the battle starts. This battle
is easy since Rydia returns. Have her do Titan, and have Cecil attack, while
Kain jumps. Rosa can heal and cure as neccessary, while Yang does Power, and
this boss will die before you know it. Just make sure to take out your
frustrations on Golbez.

Afterwards, watch the scene, where basically Golbez's hand will steal the
crystal. The King wants you to take back the crystals from the Tower of Babil.

Notice how the weapon and armor shops are now open, so buy some weapons. Here
is what you should buy for each character.

Cecil: Nothing.
Rosa: Rune Ring, Wizard Helm
Kain: Flame Harpoon, Fire Armor, Fire Shield
Rydia: Rune Ring, Wizard Helm
Yang: Rune Ring

You can go between the two shops to get to the Developers Room. Head up the
stairs in the weapon and armor shops room. On 3F, get the Dwarf Axe. On 4F, get
the Bacchus from the secret passage. On 5F, get a Strength Glove, Elixir, Ether
1, and Hr Glass 2.

Go to the left side of the castle now, by the Inn and items shop. Search the
pot to get 5000 gil. Head upstairs. Get the Bacchus from the secret passage. On
5F, get the Elixir, Hi Potion, Black Belt, and Ether 1.

Go down the stairs in the Inn room now. Talk to the guard and he will open a
secret passage. Move to the right and search the pots to get 3 Gyshals. Go up
the stairs to summon the Fat Chocobo. Now enter the secret passage. Move
through this place. Drink from the Water of Life to restore HP and MP.

Head outside here, and level up. Get Cecil to AT LEAST Level 35, then head up,
until you get to the Tower of Babil. Save, then go inside.

Items To Be Found:
Ice Arrows (x10) x2
Ether 1
Ice Spear
Ice Brand
Cat Claw
Hi Potion x2
Archer Bow
Ice Armor
Ice Shield
Ether 2
Tower Key
Enemies to be Fought: Alert, Egg, Evil Doll, Flame Dog, Flame Man, Chimera,
Medusa, Naga, Stoneman, Tofu
Bosses: Dr. Lugae/Balnab/Balnab-Z, Lugaborg
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 39, Rosa, 38, Rydia - 38, Kain - 41, Yang - 40

1F: Head up, then left, and get the Ice Arrows from the 2 chests. Now, head
back to the middle, and go right to get the Ether 1. Now, head back, and up
through the door.

2F: Get the Bandanna from the chest, and equip it on Rosa. Head down, and go
through the door. Kill off the Alert, then get the Ice Spear. Head out of this
room and go through the next door. Kill off that Alert, and get the Ice Brand.
Equip the Ice Spear on Kain, and the Ice Brand on Cecil. Get out, head left,
and up through the door.

3F: Go left and get the Hi Potion. Go down, right, up, and right. Go down and
get the Hi Potion. Head up, left, down, and go left and up through the door.
Get the Archer Bow and Notus, go back, and then go all the way up, all the way
left, across the path, and go through the door.

4F: Go into the left hand door and use a Cabin and save. Go north, and follow
the path. Kill the Alert to get the Ice Armor. Equip it on Cecil. Below this
room is another Alert, and the Ice Shield. Equip that on Cecil too. Ignore the
other room, and head up and left across the bridge, and through the door.

5F: Go down, right, and go up when you can. Get the Boreas. Go back down, and
ignore the next path up. Keep on going right, then up, then right when you can
to get the Ether 2. Now, head up, and go through the door.

7F: The top right room is a save point. Use a Cabin and save. Go down, follow
the path, until you encounter the boss.

Dr. Lugae: 4936 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Balnab: 4832 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Balnab-Z: 4518 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Kill Lugae first, and Balnab will detonate. Parry and then have Rosa heal. Have
Rydia summon Titan until Balnab Z dies.

9321 HP, 4000 gil, 10101 experience
He will automatically poison everyone, and will keep on poisoning you if you
try to heal it. So, just stay poisoned. Have Rosa spend every turn healing,
while Kain jumps, Yang Power attacks using the Bolt Claw. Have Rydia cast Bolt
2, and have Rosa chip in with aiming with Bolt arrows when she can.

After the battle, get the Tower Key, go back and save, go back down to 5F and
go in the center room. Remove everything from Yang, kill the Dark Imps, and
head back to the first floor. Watch all the scenes, and you will be back in the
overworld. Go to Baron Castle, and go to the east side of the courtyard, and
talk to Cid's assistants to get a attachment for the hovercraft. Fly back to
the hovercraft and pick it up using X. Go west of Agart to get to Eblan Castle.
Drop the hovercraft right next to it, and go in if you want.

Items To Be Found:
Bacchus x2
Mute Arrows (x10)
10000 gil
Sleep Sword
Ether 1 x3
Cabin x2
Hr Glass 2
Ag Apple
Blood Spear
Hi Potion
Maiden's Kiss
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 41, Rosa - 39, Rydia - 39, Kain - 44

This is optional. Anyways, go north and get the Hi Potion. In the royal
chamber, go to the left and then right using secret passages, getting all the
itens. Go back to the courtyard and go down the left hand stairs, and use all
the secret passages to gain secret items. Go through this entire castle to get
all the items until you have found all the items on the list, then go out, and
use your hovercraft to go across the shallows to get to the Eblan Cave.

Items To Be Found:
Shuriken x2
Potion x2
Ether 1
Hi Potion x3
Elixir x2
Silk Web
Life x2
Hr Glass 2
Blood Sword
Ether 2
Enemies to be Fought: Giant Bat, Ironback, Skull
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 41, Rosa - 39, Rydia - 39, Kain - 44

Move down, and go right to get the Vampire from the chest. Go up and climb down
the water. Go up through the falls to get the Shruiken. Go right and get the
Remedy. Go into the next chamber, and rest, buy weapons, etc. Search the pots
in the far left house of the section to get 2 Potions. Go north, and through
the door, to move on.

Go through the cave, it's not that tough. When you get to the soldier, go down
through the passage to get the Hi Potion. Go north now through the door. Find
another guard, and move north to get a Kamikaze. As you head down, go right and
get the Shruiken in another hidden passage. Go south, get the three chests, and
go above the cabin through the secret passage to get 2 Elixirs. Follow the path
south, then north.

Get the chest, save, use a Cabin, then kill the Stalemen to get the Blood
Sword. Go up, watch the scene, and Edge will join you. Gain a few levels with
him (Level 32 is good), and head north through the door.

Items To Be Found:
Ogre Axe
82000 gil
Hi Potion x2
Enemies to be Fought: Balloon, Black Cat, Blade Man, Grudger, Lamia, Mad Ogre,
Bosses: King Eblan/Queen Eblan, Rubicant
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 44, Rosa - 43, Rydia - 43, Kain - 47, Rosa - 32

1F: Follow the path, that's all. No shortcuts, just one straight path. Go
through the door.

2F: Follow the path until you can go down, and get the Unihorn. Go up, and
continue left until you can go through the door.

3F: Go right, skip the door, get the Succubus, then go through the door.

4F: Go right, left leads to a dead end. Follow the path, and get the chest.
Kill the Mad Ogres and equip Cecil with the Ogre Axe you win. Go left, and go
up through the door.

5F: Go right, up, down, up, right, and go through the door to the save point.
Save, heal, go out and right, through the door.

6F: Just go through the next door.

7F: Go down, left, and up the center.

???? HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Just stay still. They'll wake up soon enough.

34,000 HP, 7000 gil, 18000 experience
Have Rosa cure, Cecil and Kain should have ice weapons, Kain can jump while
Cecil does normal attacks. When Rubicant opens his cloak, have Rydia cast Ice
3, and it will do 9999 damage. Edge can do Flood magic when his cloak is open
as well, but it does less damage.

When you land, follow the path out, getting items along the way. Go back to the
Dwarven Castle, and go to King Giott. He will give you the Necklace. Go to the
Infirmary in B1F. Talk to Cid, and he will fix up the airship so you will now
be able to fly across magma.

Items To Be Found:
Thor's Rage
2000 Gil
Ether 2

Fly directly south and a little west until you get to a small town. Land and go
in. Buy stuff for your new characters (Diamond Armor!), and get items. In the
top left building, get all the items from the chests and pots. The cave north
of Tomra is the sealed cave, but don't go there yet.

Instead, go east until you get to the southeastern corner, and go in. Get all
the items from the pots, go to the second floor, search the bookcase for the
Soma Drop, and talk to the blacksmith.

Items To Be Found:
Life x3
Ether 1
Hi Potion x3
Bestiary x3
Venom Axe
Defense Sword
Ether 1
5000 Gil
6000 Gil
Yoichi Bow
Yoichi Arrows (x10)
Ether 2
Rat Tail
Enemies to be Fought: Arachne, Clapper, Conjurer, Fiend, Hooligan, Red Eye,
Bosses: Asura, Leviatan
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 49, Rosa - 49, Rydia - 49, Kain - 51, Edge - 42

1F: Cast Float on your party. Go in, and go down to the bottom right hand
corner to get the Life potion. Go up, and get the Life potion. Now, head left
through the passage to get the Ether 1. Go right, then down, then left, then
up, then left, then down through the door.

2F: There are two chests in here, one in the lower right hand corner, and one
in the upper left hand corner. Ge them, then move into the door on the right
hand side.

3F: Go down, then left, then down, then right, when you get to the bottom, go
left to get the three chests. Go out to the right and get the chest, then go
all the way right and get that chest. Go up, and before you go into the
teleporter, go right, then up, then left to get the final chest. Now go inside
the teleporter.

Inside: Teleport out, then go back in, and go down to get the Rat Tail. Collect
all the items in this town, when you get to the southern part of the first
floor, go in the hidden teleporter above the chest to get 4 chests. Go into the
teleporter now. Get all the items and armor and weapons you need, then go into
the house and save your game. Go into the library, and go into the second
floor. Challenge the queen.

31005 HP, 0 gil, 20,000 experience
Cast Wall on Asura to start, so all her recovery spells that she casts on
herself will bounce off her and go onto you. Attack her with powerful attacks,
summons, etc. Regular attacks would work just fine, but you know. JUmp with
Kain, have Cecil do regular attacks, Rosa use Aim, Rydia summon Titan, and Edge
attack. No magic should be used on her, because you casted Wall on her,

50001 HP, 0 gil, 28000 experience
Make sure no one is wearing Ice Armor. Now then, have everyone equipped with
bolt weapons, have Rydia cast Bolt 3, Edge should Blitz, and Rosa should heal
or Aim with Bolt arrows. Leviatan does the majorly awesome attack called Big
Wave, which causes a lot of damage to every character. Just have Rosa heal, and
attack as normal, and you are good to go.

Now you have two more summons! Head out, go back to Tomra, save, heal, buy more
stuff, and go into the northwestern corner of the world, to the Sylvan Cave.
This is optional.

Items To Be Found:
Bestiary x2
Angel Arrows (x10)
1000 Gil
Mage Masher
Cat Claw
Hell Claw
2000 Gil
3000 Gil
Maiden's Kiss x3
Ether 1 x2
Lit Storm
Medusa Arrows (x10)
Full Moon
Hi Potion x2
Fairy Rod
Elven Bow
Bolt Arrows (x10)
Ice Arrows (x10)
Fire Arrows (x10)
Enemies to be Fought: Dark Tree, Ghost, Malboro, Tiny Toad, Toad Lady
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 48, Rosa - 48, Rydia - 48, Kain - 50, Edge - 40

Malboros: If you see these guys, just do yourself a favor and run, then heal

Don't forget to cast Float on yourself every level.

Enter, and go right and get the 2 chests. Go down, and left, then down through
the door. Go straight down, and go through the door. Go right, and save your
game. Go up to the top here, and go right through the secret passage. Go up and
nab the chest. Now, head out, go back to the save point, and save again if you
wish. You will probably fight a lot of Tiny Toads and Toad Ladies around here,
the trick is to let them cast Toad on you twice, so you won't be affected.

From the save point, go left, then up, and get the 2 chests. Now, go down and
through the door. Here, go right and get the chest, then go left and up. Go all
the way up, and go through the secret passage. Get the chest, then go out, and
go back down, and go through that door, not the one you first saw. Get the 5
chests, then go out, then back up, and go through that door. Go down, left, and
up to get the chest, then go down, and over and up, and go into the house. Look
in the secrets section to see what to do here.

Now, go back in the cave. From the entrance, go straight down, then follow the
wall, and follow through that door. Go up and get the three chests, then go
through the secret passage. Go through the door. Go right, then down, and get
the 4 chests on the left hand side. Go down, and get the chest, then go in the
teleporter. Go up, then left through the secret passage, and go in the
teleporter. Get all the chests, killing enemies in the chests, then go through
the final teleporter to exit the cave once and for all.

Now, get to at least Level 48, heal, save, and go into the cave north of Tomra.

Items To Be Found:
Ether 1 x3
Kotetsu x2
Hi Potion x2
Life x2
Light Sword
Star Veil
Ninja Hood
Mute Bell
Ether 2
X Potion
Dark Crystal
Enemies to be Fought: Huge Naga, Mantcore, Screamer, Trap Door, Vamp lady, Were
Bat, Yellow Dragon
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 50, Rosa - 50, Rydia - 50, Kain - 52, Edge - 44

Trap Doors: It has 5000 HP, but if you do 4000 damage, but less than 5000, it
will turn into a Mantcore, who gives less Gil and Experience. Trap Door will
pretty much automatically kill a character with its search/dimension attack.
The old "cast Wall on the character it casts search on" no longer works since
he does it too quickly.

Anyways, go in, and head up through the door. Go right, then down, over the
bridge, and go to the bottom left hand corner to get the Bestiary. Go up and
through the door. Get the 2 chests, and head out, then over to the left, up the
rope, and through the door. Get the two chests in here, skip the two doors if
you want unless you want experience, since they lead to dead ends. Go down when
you are ready. Go down the rope, and get the chest. Go up, and right, and get
the chest. Go up, and go through all the doors if you want, although the third
door from right is a dead end. The fourth door from right is a save point.

Go down, and go through the door. Get the chest, and go through the next door.
Here, the door just leads to a dead end, but fight it if you want. Get the two
chests, and go through the door. Go down the bridge, skip the rope, get the
chest, and go through the door, even though it leads to a dead end. Go out,
then down the rope, and go right through the door. Get the two chests, exit, go
all the way across, and down the stairs. Go down, use a cabin, save, and go
down. Go down (not down the ropes), then go up through the door. Now, go up,
and into the next room. Take the crystal, exit, and prepare for a boss fight
unlike any other.

28000 HP, 8000 gil, 23000 experience
Make sure you have Leviatan before fighting this guy. You have to kill him
before he crushes you to death. First, have Rosa cast Slow on the Evil Wall, so
it moves slower. Kain and Cecil should just attack normally. Do not have Kain
Jump. Rydia should summon Leviatan, while Edge throws Shruikens and Fumas. He
should die before he gets to crush anyone, but once he gets to, he'll crush
everyone really quickly. Fun.

Afterwards, remove everything from Kain, and return to the entrance. Kain will
turn on you, amazing! Return to Dwarven Castle, and speak to King Giott. He
tells you to go back to Mysidia.

Go back into the overworld, and fly east from the crater until you see the
town. Land and the Lunar Whale will raise. Use the top controls to move around,
and the middle crystal will take you to the world/moon. The bottom of the whale
is the Fat Chocobo and free Inn. Now, click on the crystal, and go to the moon!

Items To Be Found:
Au Apple
Moon Veil
Enemies to be Fought: Crawler, Grenade, Juclyote, Moon Cell, Procyote, Pudding,
Red Worm
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 53, Rosa - 52, Rydia - 52, Edge - 48

If you want, you can go into the Bahamut Cave, and level up in there. I got to
Level 58 in there using only 4 characters, it's not that tough. But if you want
to add a 5th before leveling up in there, then..

Land in a gray plateau just west of the Crystal Palace, then go inside. Follow
the Lunar Path, collecting items, when you get to the Palace, cure yourself on
the left hand side, then go in the center and meet FuSoYa. He will join you.
Now, go back to the big whale. Fly south from the Crystal Palace, and find the
Hummingway's Home, which is a small cave in a plateau. Find the one that sells
items and stock up! Waste all your gold, trust me. Now then, go east of the
crystal palace, and land the big whale inside that crater with the cave in it.
That's Bahamut's Cave.

Items To Be Found:
Genji Shield
Genji Gloves
Genji Armor
Genji Helmet
Enemies to be Fought: Behemoth, D Bone, Ging Ryu, Kary, Red Giant, Warlock
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 58, Rosa - 58, Rydia - 56, Edge - 52, FuSoYa - 50

It is very easy to gain levels in here, so hang around here for a while.

B1F: Move down to the bottom. Get the Genji Gloves. Go to the right and go
through the hidden passage to get the Genji Shield. Go through the bottom right
exit door.

B2F: Get the Genji Armor on the left and Genji Helm on the right. Go north,
kill the Behemoth using your most powerful attacks, and go through the door.

B3F: Fight two more Behemoths as you make you way down to Bahamut. You should
consider Exiting and coming back in after killing the 3, since they don't come
back once you beat them.

45001 HP, 0 gil, 35000 experience
Have every character use Moon Veils or Star Veils, while Rosa casts Wall. If 4
characters got Wall off, you should have no problem. Just keep Wall up and his
attack will hit him for 9999 damage. Bring characters back to Life using Life
potions then have Rosa cast Wall on them. As long as you keep Wall up, he's no

Now, go back to the Earth. You'll end up in the Giant of Babil.

Items To Be Found:
Hi Potion
Ether 1
Yoichi Arrows (x10)
Soma Drop
Ag Apple
Enemies to be Fought: Beamer, Horseman, Last Arm, Mac Giant, Machine, Mech D,
Bosses: 4 Fiends, CPU/Attack/Defender
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 59, Rosa - 59, Rydia - 59, Edge - 55, FuSoYa - 52

Searchers: Have Rydia use a Bolt 3 spell to kill it right away, do not attack
it otherwise.

Head up, and go through the exit. Go down through the teleporter. Head left and
up to get the chest. Follow the path, getting the two chests. When you get to
the door, skip it and keep on going to get another chest. Now, go through the
door. Go up and get the chest. Now, go down and right, make a right in the path
and go up to get the chest. Go down, and take the left curve this time. Follow
the path and go through the next door. Go down, follow the path, get the chest
along the way. When you get a choice, go left, and rest/save, then go up
through the door. Go up and prepare for two somewhat easy boss battles.

28000 HP each, 10000 gil, 62500 experience
For a battle this late, it should not be this easy. Cast Fire 3 against Milon
Z, Bol 3 against the next 2, and cast Ice 3 against Valvalis. Cure as needed,
and you are good to go.

CPU: 30000 HP, 10333 gil, 50000 experience
Kill the Defender (bottom) orb first, then go for the CPU itself. Do not kill
both orbs. Follow this, cure as needed, and you won't die.

Kain rejoins, FuSoYa leaves afterwards.


-Go back to Kokkol's Smithy and get the Excalibur.
-Go to Baron Castle, and speak to the King in the basement. Boss time!

20001 HP, 0 gil, 18000 experience
Rydia uses Bolt 3, Kain Jumps, Cecil attacks, Rosa uses Bolt arrows, and Edge
uses Blitz. He should die before he gets a chance to kill you.

-Go back to the Crystal Palace, and go back to where you got FuSoYa. Go up and
step on the panel to get into the final dungeon! Level up for a while in here
if you have to.

Items To Be Found:
Ninja Clothes
Saga Staff
Fire Lash
Dragon Shield
Dragon Helm
Dragon Armor
Dragon Gauntlets
Artemis Arrows (x10) x2
Elixir x2
X Potion
Stardust Rod
Crystal Shield
Protect Ring x2
Crystal Armor
Crystal Gauntlets
White Robe
Crystal Helm
Fuma x4
Minerva Plate
Ribbon x2
Holy Lance
Au Apple
Enemies to be Fought: Blue D., Breath, D. Fossil, Evil Mask, King Ryu, Mind,
Pink Puff, Red D., Tricker, Veteran
Bosses: White Dragon, Wyvern, Plague, Lunasaurs, Ogopogo, Zemus, Zeromus
SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 61, Rosa - 61, Rydia - 58, Edge - 58, Kain - 60

Well, here it is. Go up, then right, then you see that opening on the right
hand side? Go through it, it's a secret passage. Go across, and follow the
path. Get the Ninja Clothes from the chest. Now, go up, and back through the
secret passage. Go to the other side and go through the other secret passage.
Go down and go through the teleporter. Go up through the door. Go around, get
the Saga Staff from the chest, and go down through the door. Go left, down, and
left through the door. Go up, left, cast Float and cure your party, then engage
in the boss battle here.

32700 HP, 0 gil, 55000 experience
If you cast Float before the battle on the entire party, the Gaia Rage attack
this guy will throw at you will be largely ineffective. Have Rydia summon
Bahamut, Rosa cast Cure 4 EVERY round, because the White Dragon does this storm
attack which takes everyone down to 10 HP or less, and that's not a very good
thing, and he can pull it off at any time, so just have Rosa cast Cure 4 on
everyone, so it'll heal the effects. Cecil and Kain should attack normally, by
the way. You win this battle, you get Edge's Murasame. Cool.

Now, go back down, then follow the path until you get back to the main first
area. You can go out and save now if you want, that's what I did. Come back in,
and go down through the door. Go down, then right, through the secret passage.
About 1/8th the way up, go left, and follow that to get the Fire Lash, Rydia's
best weapon. Move out, then continue heading up the passage. Go left, through
the wall, and get the Dragon Shield from the chest, then go through the door.

Here, go all the way down, past the door, and go to the bottom, then right
through the secret passage. Get the Dragon Helm from the chest, then go down,
and left, and get the Dragon Armor and Dragon Gauntlets from the two treasure
chests. Now head out of here, and go up through that door. Go all the way right
and pick up the Artemis Arrows from the chest. Go back left, and go down. Head
left and go through the door. Now, head out, and go down the bridge, to the
right hand door. Go in here, go to the upper right hand corner, and get the
Elixir. Go over to the left, get the other Elixir, then go through the door.

Go down, and get the Blizzard from the chest. Go down the bridge here. Swerve
up here and get the X Potion. Now, go through the door. Go up, then right
through the passage, and get the Stardust Rod after beating the Behemoth. Go
right through the passage, and when you go out, go down, and out. Get the
Crystal Shield. Go back through the door, and go straight up through the next

Go right and up to get the Protect Ring. Go down, and go left through the door
on the left side. Go up, left, then down to get the Protect Ring. Go up through
the door. Go left, and up to get the Crystal Armor. Go right, and go through the
door on the far right hand side. Go in and get the Crystal Gauntlets. Go down,
and go through the bridge. Get the White Robe and Crystal Helm. Go down the
left hand bridge to get the Fuma. Go up, then swing around the right hand side,
and go down through the door.

Go up here and get the Cabin from the left hand side, and go through the right
hand door. Go through the door. Go down, go through the first door to save.
Now, go out, and go back through the door. Go down through that door. Swing up,
then left, over the invisible platform. Then go left, then up, then right
through the secret passage to get to a teleporter. Go down, and get the Minerva
Plate. Go right, and go through the teleporter. Go up, and go through the
teleporter. Go up, get the chest, keep going up. Save your game here, use a
tent, go out, and fight Wyvern.

60000 HP, 0 gil, 64000 experience
I had a pretty easy time beating this boss, since its Megafire attack only
killed one person (Rydia), and didn't cast Megafire again, only Megaflare on
one character, which pretty much killed it. Use up all your Starveils and
Moonveils, have everyone attack, Rosa use Wall, Life 2, and Cure 4, and have
Rydia summon Bahamut while Edge throws stuff.

You get the Ragnarok for winning. Cool. Give it to cecil, now go back and save.
Follow the path down, and go back to the other save point. Cabin, save there.
Now, go out and go through the door to the right. This is a fun boss.

33333 HP, 550 gil, 31108 experience
Kill off everyone except Cecil before the battle starts. Plague will cast Doom
on Cecil. Have Cecil attack, and on his next turn, give Rydia a life potion.
Plague will cast Doom on Cecil and Rydia, restarting the countdown. Have her
cast Bahamut, and Cecil attack. Next turn, have Rydia give Kain a life potion.
Plague will cast Doom on the 3 characters. Have Cecil and Kain attack, while
Rydia uses Bahamut again. Next round, have the first character give edge a life
potion. Now, he will cast Doom on 4 characters. He should die soon if you have
them do normal attacks, he should die after 3 Cecil attacks and 3 Bahamuts.
Bring Rosa back quick if you want her to gain the experience.

You get Kain's Holy Lance here. Cool. Now, go back and save. Go two rooms over,
and engage in the other boss fight here.

23000 HP each, 0 gil, 29500 experience
There are two of them! Kill one first, obviously. They cast Wall on themselves.
They do this annoying fire attack, so just kill off one first. Have Rydia summon
Bahamut, Rosa use Holy or Cure 4, and everyone else attack like mad. Have Rosa
cast Slow on them when their Wall spell goes off for an easier battle.

The prize here are two Ribbons. Cool. Go back, and save. Now, go up, and left,
down, through the door. Go right, then down, then all the way to the left and
get the chest. Go down, and follow the path down to engage in another boss

50000 HP each, 0 gil, 61000 experience
Have Rydia summon Bahamut, Rosa cure everyone as needed, Kain should jump to
avoid the Big Wave attack, and Cecil should attack. Edge should either throw
stuff, or just attack as normally. He will start off the battle doing Big Wave
twice, then once, then twice. So Rosa will have to heal like crazy. Have her
heal, while everyone does their attacks, and he should die.

Go back and save. Now go back, but go north this time, through the door. Follow
the path, and get the final chest. Soon enough, you will be to Zeromus.

Golbez and Tellah finish off Zemus, but they forgot about Zeromus.

133333 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience

SUGGESTED LEVELS: Cecil - 76, Rosa - 75, Rydia - 72, Edge - 74, Kain - 78
On the first form, make sure to just parry until Edge steals the Dark Matter.
Then have Edge use the Crystal. Now Zeromus' true form will be revealed. Here
are his three main attacks.

Big Bang - Major damage caused, in the area of 2000 HP, devastating if he does
it twice in a row.

Black Hole - It removes all your good status magic.

Flare - Major damage to one character. He does this as a normal attack.

Therefore, do not attack him unless it will be a good attack, because he will
usually counterattack with Big Bang, then Black Hole. This is what you should

Cecil - Attack, and heal as needed.
Rosa - Cure 4, Life 2, Shell.
Kain - Jump, and heal as needed.
Rydia - Bahamut, and heal as needed.
Edge - Throw Excalibur, Dragon Lance, etc. and heal as needed.

Good luck! Try to be on level 75 before fighting him, but make sure you do not
attack him until you are fully cured!


-----------------------------------[V. Frequently Asked Questions ]---------

Q: Why won't I learn the Bomb summon using the Bomb item?
A: You have the wrong one.

Q: What level should I be on before fighting Zeromus?
A: I reccomend at least 75, but you can be on 99 and get your butt kicked if
you don't know HOW to beat him.

Q: Well, how do I beat him then?
A: Just make sure you don't attack him unless you are ready to feel Big Bang.
He won't do it all the time, but that's a good rule.

-------------------------------------------------[VI. Boss Guide ]-----------

Here you go, a list of how to beat all the bosses in the game. Enjoy.

475 HP, 200 gil, 700 experience
This Mist Dragon boss should not be too hard. Just have Cecil attack the Dragon
normally, while Kain Jumps it. Just jump it because the Jump attack does more
damage then Kain's normal attack does. It doesn't really matter about the Mist
Dragon's attacks, but this will mean most of them will focus on Cecil alone.
Just keep him cured up, I hope you bought some Cure 1 Potions in Baron Village!
Keep on doing this, and after about five, six rounds, the Mist Dragon will turn
into Mist. At this point, do not do anything. This could be a good time to
cure, as well. If you attack the Mist Dragon while it is in Mist form, it will
counter with a COLDMIST attack which does more than double the damage that the
normal attack does, and it affects both Cecil and Kain! However, if you jump,
it will not counter. Odd. Soon enough, the boss will die.

Soldiers - 30 HP each. Officer - 120 HP. 162 gil, 471 experience
This battle is not bad, at all. Killing all three soldiers, who all die in one
hit, is all it takes to win this battle. You can kill off the Officer first for
additional HP. Kill off all three soldiers and the Officer will just run away.

2300 HP, 500 gil, 1200 experience
This guy is pretty simple. The thing you should notice most about him is how
slow his attacks are when you finally defeat him compared to when the battle
starts. I guess he just wears down as battle goes on. Have Rydia and Tellah
attack with Bolt 1, although Rydia could use the Chocobo summon magic if you
wish, since it will actually do more damage than Bolt 1. However, Tellah's most
powerful attack is Bolt 1, so use it for now. Also, Tellah should be the healer
for this battle, as he has Cure magic. Cecil's attacks should do at least 115
HP per attack, so that alone will help out. As you wear him down, he will start
to lose legs. That is how you can tell if he is going to die or not. When
Tellah mentions something about the monster slowing down, just pound away on it
and it will die. The battle is not tough at all as long as you keep your HP up.

1000 HP, 800 gil, 1500 experience
This boss fight is damn easy. The main thing you have to worry about is the
Antilon's counter attack. It wil basically counter any physical attacks, so
don't use them much. Have Cecil do physical attacks, since he can take the
pain, Rydia could use her Chocobo summon magic, and Edward can heal and do
attacks, he can somewhat take them if you built him up enough. This boss is
pretty easy, just make sure to heal whenever possible, and he will die soon

3200 HP, 543 gil, 2415 experience
This battle can get to be pretty tough. The toughest part about this battle is
how the boss will change forms. It starts off the battle as the one Mombomb.
Have Rydia use the Chocobo summon magic, have Cecil use his normal attacks,
have Yang attack, Edward can heal or attack, and Rosa can use Aim. Soon enough,
the Mombomb will change form. So far, so good. Keep your party healed, because
sooner or later it will explode, which sauses 50 to 60 HP of damage to every
character, and then turn into 3 Bombs and 3 Grey Bombs. Have the same attack
pattern continue, but have Yang kick, and these bombs should be dead, although
I did have a bit of trouble with them, since I was not too well off on HP after
the Mombomb exploded on me like that.

Milon: 3500 HP, 2000 gil, 3200 experience
Ghasts: 200 HP each, 100 gil, 50 experience each
Kill off the 4 Ghasts first. Using Fire 3 or Cure magic on them should kill
them. Have Cecil focus on the Milon, even if the Ghasts aren't dead. When the
Ghasts have died, have Palom and Porom do twin magic, while Tellah does Fire 2
or Fire 3. Cecil should attack normally throughout the fight. Milon will do
bolt spells a lot, so make sure Porom heals the party after he does the Bolt
spell. This guy really should not be that tough at all.

3523 HP, 2500 gil, 3600 experience
You will notice about this battle the fact that Milon Zombie attacks you from
behind, which means that you will have your back row characters in front, and
your front row characters in back. There are two simple ways to combat that.
One, before you go into battle, make sure Cecil is in the back row, and the
other 3 are in the front row. That way, when the battle begins, Cecil will be
in the front row, and the other 3 will be in the back row. Or, when the battle
begins, have your first character do Row. Now, to the battle itself. Have
Tellah cast Fire magic every around, and Palom do Fire 2. If he does not have
Fire 2, then have Porom and Palom do twin magic every round. Cure as needed.
Milon Zombie has a nasty poison attack, either let it ride out or have Tellah
cast Esuna.

100,000 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Parry for 3 rounds and it's over. Whoo hoo.

280 HP each, 0 gil, 0 experience
Easy. Next.

???? HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Just beat up on him and Cure when he does Kick and you should do fine. He's not

Baigan: 4444 HP, 3000 gil, 4000 experience
Left Arm: 444 HP, 0 gil, 10 experience
Right Arm: 444 HP, 0 gil, 10 experience
This boss is pretty easy, all things considering. Just make sure to focus on
the body. The arms are good to hit and all, but they just keep on regenerating,
so why bother? If you have Tellah cast a powerful spell on the body, it will
cast Wall. I just had everyone attack the center, and healed when neccessary,
and he died soon enough. Not that bad.

5312 HP, 4000 gil, 5500 experience
Lightning. I cannot stress this enough, but this guy is really weak against
Bolt magic. Equip Yang with the Bolt Claw, and have him do Power, that will
take off some huge damage. Tellah and Palom should do either Bolt 2 or Bolt 3
each around, while Polom cures, especially after Cagnazzo does his one big
attack, the Big Wave. However, as long as you do Bolt magic, it will break his
barrier, so don't worry about it. When he goes into his shell, just use that
time for curing and stuff. He ain't that bad, trust me.

Sandy: 2591 HP, 3000 gil, 2500 experience
Cindy: 4599 HP, 3000 gil, 2500 experience
Mindy: 2590 HP, 3000 gil, 2500 experience
This boss fight is really easy if you know how to handle it. Kill off the
middle sister (Cindy) first, since it can heal people. It casts Wall, so don't
use magic. Instead, use physical attacks. Once she is dead, kill the one in
front (Mindy). Once she succumbs, take out the final sister. Easy enough, just
make sure you heal when you have to (I didn't even have to), and the battle is

8636 HP, 5500 gil, 9000 experience
I cannot stress how important patience is in this battle. Do not just hit the
attack button when it is your turn to attack. Valvalis will turn herself into a
tornado, and when she does, she will counterattack you with a powerful wind
attack which leaves all party members with single digit HP's. To get her out of
this state, have Kain jump her. When she is normal, have Cecil and Cid attack,
Rosa heal, Kain jump, and Yang use power. This battle wasn't bad, as long as
you remember to keep healed, at all times.

Cal: 1369 HP each, 500 gil each, 1000 experience each
Brina: 369 HP each, 500 gil each, 1000 experience each
Have Cecil and Kain take out the Brinas in front while Kain uses Jump and Yang
uses Powers to take out the Cals in back. Take out as many as you can, as you
gain more experience this way. Have Rosa heal everyone when there is only 1 or
2 enemies left.

5315 HP, 5000 gil, 12000 experience
I don't see why this boss is such a big deal. All I did was have Kain Jump,
Yang use Power, Rosa use Aim, and Cecil attack normally, and the doll died
before I knew it.

???? HP, 11,000 gil, 15000 experience
Golbez casts Hold Gas on the entire party, then summons Shadow, who pretty much
kills everyone. Bring everyone back to life once the battle starts. This battle
is easy since Rydia returns. Have her do Titan, and have Cecil attack, while
Kain jumps. Rosa can heal and cure as neccessary, while Yang does Power, and
this boss will die before you know it. Just make sure to take out your
frustrations on Golbez.

Dr. Lugae: 4936 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Balnab: 4832 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Balnab-Z: 4518 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Kill Lugae first, and Balnab will detonate. Parry and then have Rosa heal. Have
Rydia summon Titan until Balnab Z dies.

9321 HP, 4000 gil, 10101 experience
He will automatically poison everyone, and will keep on poisoning you if you
try to heal it. So, just stay poisoned. Have Rosa spend every turn healing,
while Kain jumps, Yang Power attacks using the Bolt Claw. Have Rydia cast Bolt
2, and have Rosa chip in with aiming with Bolt arrows when she can.

???? HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
Just stay still. They'll wake up soon enough.

34,000 HP, 7000 gil, 18000 experience
Have Rosa cure, Cecil and Kain should have ice weapons, Kain can jump while
Cecil does normal attacks. When Rubicant opens his cloak, have Rydia cast Ice
3, and it will do 9999 damage. Edge can do Flood magic when his cloak is open
as well, but it does less damage.

31005 HP, 0 gil, 20,000 experience
Cast Wall on Asura to start, so all her recovery spells that she casts on
herself will bounce off her and go onto you. Attack her with powerful attacks,
summons, etc. Regular attacks would work just fine, but you know. JUmp with
Kain, have Cecil do regular attacks, Rosa use Aim, Rydia summon Titan, and Edge
attack. No magic should be used on her, because you casted Wall on her,

50001 HP, 0 gil, 28000 experience
Make sure no one is wearing Ice Armor. Now then, have everyone equipped with
bolt weapons, have Rydia cast Bolt 3, Edge should Blitz, and Rosa should heal
or Aim with Bolt arrows. Leviatan does the majorly awesome attack called Big
Wave, which causes a lot of damage to every character. Just have Rosa heal, and
attack as normal, and you are good to go.

28000 HP, 8000 gil, 23000 experience
Make sure you have Leviatan before fighting this guy. You have to kill him
before he crushes you to death. First, have Rosa cast Slow on the Evil Wall, so
it moves slower. Kain and Cecil should just attack normally. Do not have Kain
Jump. Rydia should summon Leviatan, while Edge throws Shruikens and Fumas. He
should die before he gets to crush anyone, but once he gets to, he'll crush
everyone really quickly. Fun.

45001 HP, 0 gil, 35000 experience
Have every character use Moon Veils or Star Veils, while Rosa casts Wall. If 4
characters got Wall off, you should have no problem. Just keep Wall up and his
attack will hit him for 9999 damage. Bring characters back to Life using Life
potions then have Rosa cast Wall on them. As long as you keep Wall up, he's no

28000 HP each, 10000 gil, 62500 experience
For a battle this late, it should not be this easy. Cast Fire 3 against Milon
Z, Bol 3 against the next 2, and cast Ice 3 against Valvalis. Cure as needed,
and you are good to go.

CPU: 30000 HP, 10333 gil, 50000 experience
Kill the Defender (bottom) orb first, then go for the CPU itself. Do not kill
both orbs. Follow this, cure as needed, and you won't die.

20001 HP, 0 gil, 18000 experience
Rydia uses Bolt 3, Kain Jumps, Cecil attacks, Rosa uses Bolt arrows, and Edge
uses Blitz. He should die before he gets a chance to kill you.

32700 HP, 0 gil, 55000 experience
If you cast Float before the battle on the entire party, the Gaia Rage attack
this guy will throw at you will be largely ineffective. Have Rydia summon
Bahamut, Rosa cast Cure 4 EVERY round, because the White Dragon does this storm
attack which takes everyone down to 10 HP or less, and that's not a very good
thing, and he can pull it off at any time, so just have Rosa cast Cure 4 on
everyone, so it'll heal the effects. Cecil and Kain should attack normally, by
the way. You win this battle, you get Edge's Murasame. Cool.

60000 HP, 0 gil, 64000 experience
I had a pretty easy time beating this boss, since its Megafire attack only
killed one person (Rydia), and didn't cast Megafire again, only Megaflare on
one character, which pretty much killed it. Use up all your Starveils and
Moonveils, have everyone attack, Rosa use Wall, Life 2, and Cure 4, and have
Rydia summon Bahamut while Edge throws stuff.

33333 HP, 550 gil, 31108 experience
Kill off everyone except Cecil before the battle starts. Plague will cast Doom
on Cecil. Have Cecil attack, and on his next turn, give Rydia a life potion.
Plague will cast Doom on Cecil and Rydia, restarting the countdown. Have her
cast Bahamut, and Cecil attack. Next turn, have Rydia give Kain a life potion.
Plague will cast Doom on the 3 characters. Have Cecil and Kain attack, while
Rydia uses Bahamut again. Next round, have the first character give edge a life
potion. Now, he will cast Doom on 4 characters. He should die soon if you have
them do normal attacks, he should die after 3 Cecil attacks and 3 Bahamuts.
Bring Rosa back quick if you want her to gain the experience.

23000 HP each, 0 gil, 29500 experience
There are two of them! Kill one first, obviously. They cast Wall on themselves.
They do this annoying fire attack, so just kill off one first. Have Rydia summon
Bahamut, Rosa use Holy or Cure 4, and everyone else attack like mad. Have Rosa
cast Slow on them when their Wall spell goes off for an easier battle.

50000 HP each, 0 gil, 61000 experience
Have Rydia summon Bahamut, Rosa cure everyone as needed, Kain should jump to
avoid the Big Wave attack, and Cecil should attack. Edge should either throw
stuff, or just attack as normally. He will start off the battle doing Big Wave
twice, then once, then twice. So Rosa will have to heal like crazy. Have her
heal, while everyone does their attacks, and he should die.

133333 HP, 0 gil, 0 experience
On the first form, make sure to just parry until Edge steals the Dark Matter.
Then have Edge use the Crystal. Now Zeromus' true form will be revealed. Here
are his three main attacks.

Big Bang - Major damage caused, in the area of 2000 HP, devastating if he does
it twice in a row.

Black Hole - It removes all your good status magic.

Flare - Major damage to one character. He does this as a normal attack.

Therefore, do not attack him unless it will be a good attack, because he will
usually counterattack with Big Bang, then Black Hole. This is what you should

Cecil - Attack, and heal as needed.
Rosa - Cure 4, Life 2, Shell.
Kain - Jump, and heal as needed.
Rydia - Bahamut, and heal as needed.
Edge - Throw Excalibur, Dragon Lance, etc. and heal as needed.

Good luck! Try to be on level 75 before fighting him, but make sure you do not
attack him until you are fully cured!

That be all yo! Congrats on beating the game!

-------------------------------------------------[VII. Items List]-----------

----Here is a list of all the items in the game and how they affect you.----

------------------------------{LIST OF ITEMS}--------------------------------

Item Name: Ag Apple
Effect: Raises maximum HP by 50 points.

Item Name: Au Apple
Effect: Raises maximum HP by 100 points.

Item Name: Alarm
Effect: Wakes up those who have fallen asleep during battle.

Item Name: Alert
Effect: Alerts enemies to your presence and pulls you straight into battle.

Item Name: Antidote
Effect: Cures those who have been poisoned.

Item Name: Bacchus
Effect: Berserks the target so he/she attacks powerfully but uncontrollably.
Same effect as the white magic spell Berserk.

Item Name: Bestiary
Effect: Learn enemy HP and weaknesses. Same effect as the white magic spell

Item Name: Big Bomb
Effect: Stronger version of Bomb. Generates a ball of fire that scorches

Item Name: Blizzard
Effect: Freezes the enemy with cold dragon breath.

Item Name: Bomb
Effect: Causes fire damage.

Item Name: Bomb (summon spell item)
Effect: This item teaches Rydia the Bomb Summon spell.

Item Name: Boreas
Effect: Stronger version of Notus. Generates a huge icicle that pierces enemies
to the core.

Item Name: Cabin
Effect: Completely restores HP and MP. Cures all bad status effects.

Item Name: Cocatris
Effect: Teaches Rydia how to summon the Cockatrice spell.

Item Name: Coffin
Effect: Kills the enemy instantly. Same as the black magic spell Death.

Item Name: Cross
Effect: Cures those who have been cursed.

Item Name: Diet Food
Effect: Cures those who have become pigs.

Item Name: Eagle Eye
Effect: Zooms out of the screen to provide a panoramic view of your
surroundings. Same effect as the white magic spell Sight.

Item Name: Echo Note
Effect: Cures those who have lost their magic ability.

Item Name: Elixir
Effect: Completely restores HP and MP.

Item Name: Ether 1
Effect: Restores some MP.

Item Name: Ether 2
Effect: Restores more HP than Ether 1.

Item Name: Exit
Effect: Warps you out of dungeons to the surface.

Item Name: Eyedrops
Effect: Cures those who have become blind.

Item Name: Galadrum
Effect: Causes an earthquake to damage enemies. Same as the black magic spell

Item Name: Grimore
Effect: A book of summons that calls a random summoned creature.

Item Name: Gysahl
Effect: Calls Fat Chocobo if used in an area where there is the smell of
chocobo in the air.

Item Name: Hermes
Effect: Raises agility. Same effect as the white magic spell Haste.

Item Name: Hi-Potion
Effect: Stronger version of Potion.

Item Name: Hr-Glass 1
Effect: Stops time for enemies, immobilizing them.

Item Name: Hr-Glass 2
Effect: Stronger version of Hr-Glass 1. Enemies become immobile for a longer

Item Name: Hr-Glass 3
Effect: An even stronger version of Hr-Glass 2. Enemies become immobile for a
very long time.

Item Name: Illusion
Effect: Allows you to dodge attack by creating your double. Same effect as the
white magic spell Blink.

Item Name: Imp
Effect: Teaches Rydia how to summon Imp.

Item Name: Inferno
Effect: Scorches the enemy with dragon fire.

Item Name: Kamikaze
Effect: Sacrifices the user's HP to damage the enemy by that same amount. The
user becomes KO'ed.

Item Name: Life
Effect: Cures KO and restores minimal HP. Same effect as the white magic spell

Item Name: Lit Storm
Effect: Zaps the enemy with a dargon's lightning bolt.

Item Name: Maiden's Kiss
Effect: Cures those who have become toads.

Item Name: Mallet
Effect: Cures those who have become small.

Item Name: Mage
Effect: Teaches Rydia how to summon Mage.

Item Name: Moon Veil
Effect: Stronger version of StarVeil. Reflects enemy magic with a veil of

Item Name: Mute Bell
Effect: Prevents the enemy from using magic by silencing them. Same effect as
the white magic spell Mute.

Item Name: Notus
Effect: Causes ice damage.

Item Name: Potion
Effect: Restores some HP.

Item Name: Remedy
Effect: Cures all bad status ailments except KO. Same effect as the white magic
spell Esuna.

Item Name: Silk Web
Effect: Spins webs around the enemy to hinder their mobility. Same effect as
the white magic spell Slow.

Item Name: Soft
Effect: Cures those who have become petrified.

Item Name: Soma Drop
Effect: Raises maximum MP by 10 points

Item Name: Stardust
Effect: Showers stardust that damages any type of enemy.

Item Name: StarVeil
Effect: Reflects enemy magic with a wall of holy light. Stronger than the white
magic spell Wall.

Item Name: Succubus
Effect: Restores MP by absorbing the target's MP. Same effect as the black
magic spell Psych.

Item Name: Tent
Effect: Restores some HP and MP. Cures all bad status effects except KO.

Item Name: Thor's Rage
Effect: Causes bolt damage.

Item Name: Unicorn
Effect: Immediately cures bad status effects that would otherwise disappear
after battle.

Item Name: Vampire
Effect: Restores HP by absorbing the target's HP. Same effect as the black
magic spell Drain.

Item Name: Whistle
Effect: Allows you to call Fat Chocobo from anywhere except during battle.

Item Name: X-Potion
Effect: Stronger version of Hi-Potion.

Item Name: Zeus' Rage
Effect: Stronger version of Thor's Rage. Damages enemies with a powerful
lightning attack.

--------------------------{LIST OF SPECIAL ITEMS}-----------------------------

----This is a list of all special items. They are also known as Key Items.----

Item Name: Adamant
Use: A rare ore.

Item Name: Baron Key
Use: Unlocks a door.

Item Name: Bomb Ring
Use: Deliver it to the Mist Village.

Item Name: Crystal
Use: A mystic jewel with the power to seal evil.

Item Name: DkMatter
Use: It decreases the damage that Zeromus' Big Bang attack causes.

Item Name: Earth Crystal
Use: Stolen by Dark Elf from Toroia.

Item Name: Magma Key
Use: Drop in the well at Agart to go underground.

Item Name: Necklace
Use: Necklace with the power to break a powerful seal.

Item Name: Pan
Use: Yang's wife's frying pan.

Item Name: Pass
Use: Get into the Toroia pub.

Item Name: Pink Tail
Use: Very hard to get. Use it to get Adamant Armor.

Item Name: Rat Tail
Use: Give this to the tail collector to get the Adamant ore.

Item Name: Sand Ruby
Use: Cures Rosa's fever.

Item Name: Tower Key
Use: Deliver it to the Mist Village.

Item Name: Twin Harp
Use: Used to break the Magnetic seal in the Magnetic Cavern.

--------------------------{LIST OF SNEAKED ITEMS}-----------------------------

----This is a list of items you can steal from enemies.----

Enemy Name: Alert
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Alligator
Item Sneaked: Cap

Enemy Name: Aqua Worm
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Arachne
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Armadillo
Item Sneaked: Silver (shield)

Enemy Name: Balloon
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Basilisk
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Beamer
Item Sneaked: Tent

Enemy Name: Behemoth
Item Sneaked: Headband (helmet)

Enemy Name: Black Cat
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Black Liz
Item Sneaked: Medusa (arrow)

Enemy Name: Blade Man
Item Sneaked: Tent

Enemy Name: Blue D
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Bomb
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Cannibal
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Cave Bat
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Cave Naga
Item Sneaked: Poison (Arrow)

Enemy Name: Cave Toad
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Centepede
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Chimera
Item Sneaked: Fire (arrow)

Enemy Name: Clapper
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Cockatrice
Item Sneaked: Life

Enemy Name: Conjurer
Item Sneaked: Cure (staff)

Enemy Name: Cream
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Crocodile
Item Sneaked: Cap

Enemy Name: Dark Imp
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Dark Tree
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: D Bone
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: D Fossil
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: D Machine
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Eagle
Item Sneaked: Life

Enemy Name: Elec Fish
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Evil Doll
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Evil Mask
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Evil Shell
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Fang Shell
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Fatal Eye
Item Sneaked: Ether 1

Enemy Name: Fiend
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Flame Dog
Item Sneaked: Fire (arrow)

Enemy Name: Flame Man
Item Sneaked: Fire (spear)

Enemy Name: Float Eye
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Gargoyle
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Ghost
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Ghoul
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Giant Bat
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Ging-Ryu
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Green D
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Grenade
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Grey Bomb
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Grudger
Item Sneaked: Lit (arrow)

Enemy Name: Guard
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Hooligan
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Horseman
Item Sneaked: Tent

Enemy Name: Huge Cell
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Huge Naga
Item Sneaked: Poison (Arrow)

Enemy Name: Hydra
Item Sneaked: Poison (Arrow)

Enemy Name: Imp
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Imp Captain
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Iron Back
Item Sneaked: Silver (shield)

Enemy Name: Iron Man
Item Sneaked: Silver (dagger)

Enemy Name: Jelly
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Juclyote
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Kary
Item Sneaked: Artemis (arrow)

Enemy Name: King Ryu
Item Sneaked: Cure 1
Enemy Name: Lamia
Item Sneaked: Charm (harp)

Enemy Name: Larva
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Last Arm
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Lilith
Item Sneaked: Ether 1

Enemy Name: Mac Giant
Item Sneaked: Cabin

Enemy Name: Machine
Item Sneaked: Lit (arrow)

Enemy Name: Mad Ogre
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Mad Toad
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Mage
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Mantcore
Item Sneaked: Fire (arrow)

Enemy Name: Marion
Item Sneaked: Cure (staff)

Enemy Name: Medusa
Item Sneaked: Medusa (arrow)

Enemy Name: Molbol
Item Sneaked: Heal
Enemy Name: Moon Cell
Item Sneaked: Ether 1

Enemy Name: Needler
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Ogre
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Panther
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Pike
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Pink Puff
Item Sneaked: Ether 2

Enemy Name: Pirahna
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Procyote
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Pudding
Item Sneaked: Ether 1

Enemy Name: Python
Item Sneaked: Poison (Arrow)

Enemy Name: Queen Lamia
Item Sneaked: Charm (harp)

Enemy Name: Raven
Item Sneaked: Leather (harp)

Enemy Name: Red Bone
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Red Dragon
Item Sneaked: Firebomb

Enemy Name: Red Eye
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Red Giant
Item Sneaked: Cabin

Enemy Name: Red Worm
Item Sneaked: Ether 1

Enemy Name: Revenant
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Roc
Item Sneaked: Leather (helmet)

Enemy Name: Roc Baby
Item Sneaked: Life

Enemy Name: Rock Larva
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Rock Moth
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Sand Man
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Sand Moth
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Sand Pede
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Screamer
Item Sneaked: Lit (arrow)

Enemy Name: Searcher
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Skeleton
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Skull
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Spirit
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Soul
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Sorcerer
Item Sneaked: Cure (staff)

Enemy Name: Stale Man
Item Sneaked: Earth (hammer)

Enemy Name: Sting Rat
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Stone Man
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Sword Rat
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Tiny Mage
Item Sneaked: Rod

Enemy Name: Tiny Toad
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Toad Lady
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Tortoise
Item Sneaked: Silver (shield)

Enemy Name: Trap Rose
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Treant
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Tricker
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Turtle
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Vamp Girl
Item Sneaked: Cure 2

Enemy Name: Warlock
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Warrior
Item Sneaked: Tent

Enemy Name: Water Bug
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Water Hag
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Weeper
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Were Bat
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

Enemy Name: Yellow Dragon
Item Sneaked: Heal

Enemy Name: Zombie
Item Sneaked: Cure 1

----------------------------------------------[VIII. Weapons List]-----------

----This is a list of all weapons in the game and their stats.----


Name of Sword: Shadow Sword
Attack Power: 10
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Dark Knight
Special Attribute: Casts Silence magic randomly each time you get a hit on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: You have it when you start the game.

Name of Sword: Darkness Sword
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Dark Knight
Special Attribute: Casts Silence magic randomly each time you get a hit on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: Cave before the Waterfall in the Water Cavern.

Name of Sword: Death Sword
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Dark Knight
Special Attribute: Casts Death magic randomly each time you get a hit on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: The King of Fabul will give it to you.

Name of Sword: Legend Sword
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: It can be exchanged for Legendary Sword Excalibur.
Acquired By: Initially equipped by Paladin.

Name of Sword: Ancient Sword
Attack Power: 37
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This weapon can be used as a dart.
Acquired By: Found at the Waterfall during the Raid on Baron.

Name of Sword: Blood Sword
Attack Power: 45
Hit Percentage: 40
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: It drains HP from an opponent with each sucessful hit.
Acquired By: It is found in the Tower of Bab-il.

Name of Sword: Mythril Sword
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This sword does great against Spirit enemies.
Acquired By: Weapon shop.

Name of Sword: Sleep Sword
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: Casts Sleep magic randomly each time you get a hit on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: Found in castle of Eblan.

Name of Sword: Flame Brand
Attack Power: 65
Hit Percentage: 88
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: Regular attack w/added bonus of Fire 2. Use it as item to
cast Fire 2.
Acquired By: Steal from flame dog, or weapon shop.

Name of Sword: Ice Brand
Attack Power: 75
Hit Percentage: 88
Equipped By: Pakadin
Special Attribute: Regular attack w/added bonus of Ice 2. Use it as an item to
cast Ice 2.
Acquired By: Weapon shop.

Name of Sword: Gorgon Sword
Attack Power: 77
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: Casts Stone magic randomly each time you get a hit on an
enemy with it.
Acquired By: Steal from a Black Lizard to get it, you can also win it in battle
from them.

Name of Sword: Avenger Sword
Attack Power: 80
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: The sword casts Berserk magic on the equipped character.
Acquired By: Found in Case of Sylph.

Name of Sword: Light Sword
Attack Power: 99
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This sword works super well against the undead.
Acquired By: It is found in the Locked Cave of the Monsters.

Name of Sword: Defense Sword
Attack Power: 105
Defensive Power: 2
Magic Defensive Power: 1
Hit Percentage: 92
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This sword will raise the defensive power of the equipped
Acquired By: It is found in the Land of Summoned Monsters.

Name of Sword: Excalibur
Attack Power: 166
Hit Percentage: 100
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: It works well against the undead.
Acquired By: Exchange the Adamant Ore with the weapon kepper southeast in the

Name of Sword: Ragnarok
Attack Power: 200
Hit Percentage: 110
Equipped By: Paladin
Special Attribute: This is by far the strongest sword in the game. It does
strong attacks against everyone.
Acquired By: Defeating the Wyvern in the Moon's Core.


Name of Spear: Spear
Attack Power: 9
Hit Percentage: 75
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Spear: Wind Spear
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It works well against flying opponents.
Acquired By: Initially equipped during trip to Tower of Zot.

Name of Spear: Fire Spear
Attack Power: 66
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It casts Fire 2 with each successful hit.
Acquired By: Buy it in a weapon shop or steal it from the Flameguard enemy.

Name of Spear: Ice Spear
Attack Power: 75
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It casts Ice 2 with each successful hit.
Acquired By: Buy it in a weapon shot or get it in the Tower of Bab-il.

Name of Spear: Blood Spear
Attack Power: 88
Hit Percentage: 50
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It drains the opponent's Hit Points with each successful
Acquired By: Located in Castle of Eblan.

Name of Spear: Gungnir Spear
Attack Power: 92
Defensive Power: 7
Hit Percentage: 75
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: Increases the defensive power of the equipped character.
Acquired By: It is initially equipped after the destruction of the Giant.

Name of Spear: Dragon Spear
Attack Power: 99
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is found in the Moon's Core.

Name of Spear: Holy Lance
Attack Power: 109
Hit Percentage: 100
Equipped By: Dragoon
Special Attribute: It is strong against undead monsters, and it casts a weak
version of White magic with each successful hit.
Acquired By: You receive it after beating Plague.


Name of Blade: Kunai
Attack Power: 28
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Blade: Ashura
Attack Power: 32
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Blade: Kotestu
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: Purchase for 11,000 gold, or find Rubicant to win it.

Name of Blade: Kikuichi
Attack Power: 48
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Locked Cave.

Name of Blade: Murasame
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: You can get this from the Pale Dim in the Moon's Core.

Name of Blade: Masamune
Attack Power: 60
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Ninja
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can get this from the Ogopogo in the Moon's Core.


----With claws, it multiplies the attack power of your other equipped

Name of Claw: Fire Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Fire 2 with each hit you pull off with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: You can buy it in a weapon shop.

Name of Claw: Ice Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Ice 2 with each hit you pull off with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: You can buy it in a weapon shop.

Name of Claw: Bolt Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Bolt 2 with each hit you pull off with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: You can buy it in a weapon shop.

Name of Claw: Fairy Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 60
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Confusion with each hit you pull off with
it on an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located in the Dark Elf's cave.

Name of Claw: Hell Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Poison with each hit you pull off with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located in the Tower of Zot.

Name of Claw: Cat Claw
Attack Power: 0
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Ninja, Karate Master
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Sleep with each hit you pull off with it
on an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located in the Tower of Bab-il.


Name of Rod: Rod
Attack Power: 3
Hit Percentage: 30
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Rod: Ice Rod
Attack Power: 5
Hit Percentage: 30
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Ice 1 with each successful hit. It also can be used
as an item.
Acquired By: It can be found in the Waterfall Cave, or purchased in a weapon

Name of Rod: Flame Rod
Attack Power: 7
Hit Percentage: 35
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Fire 1 with each successful hit. It also can be
used as an item.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapon shop.

Name of Rod: Thunder Rod
Attack Power: 10
Hit Percentage: 40
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Bolt 1 with each successful hit. It also can be
used as an item.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapon shop.

Name of Rod: Change Rod
Attack Power: 15
Hit Percentage: 45
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Toad or Pig randomly with each hit you pull on an
enemy. It also can be used as an item.
Acquired By: It is on as soon as you leave the Land of Summoned Monsters.

Name of Rod: Charm Rod
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 50
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It casts Confusion with each successful hit. It also can be
used as an item.
Acquired By: It is located in the underworld.

Name of Rod: Fairy Rod
Attack Power: 45
Hit Percentage: 100
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It can be used as an item to cast a weak version of Comet
Acquired By: It is located on the Moon's Core.

Name of Rod: Silence Rod
Attack Power: 52
Hit Percentage: 100
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, Black Mage
Special Attribute: It is effective against Mages.
Acquired By: It is located in the Crystal Palace.


Name of Staff: Staff
Attack Power: 4
Hit Percentage: 25
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: You start off the game with it.

Name of Staff: Cure Staff
Attack Power: 8
Hit Percentage: 30
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It cures enemies except the undead.
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapons shop.

Name of Staff: Mythril Staff
Attack Power: 12
Hit Percentage: 35
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It is very good against undead enemies.
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapons shop.

Name of Staff: Power Staff
Attack Power: 32
Hit Percentage: 44
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Berserk magic with each hit you land on an
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapons shop.

Name of Staff: Lunar Staff
Attack Power: 36
Hit Percentage: 55
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: You can use it as an item.
Acquired By: You start the game with it after the Land of Summoned Monsters.

Name of Staff: Life Staff
Attack Power: 38
Hit Percentage: 65
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Life 1 magic with each hit you land on the
target. It can also be used as an item to cast Life 1.
Acquired By: It is located on the Moon.

Name of Staff: Sage Staff
Attack Power: 48
Hit Percentage: 65
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: Location unknown.

Name of Staff: Silence Staff
Attack Power: 54
Hit Percentage: 70
Equipped By: Caller, Sage, White Mage
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Silence magic with each hit you land on
the enemy.
Acquired By: It is found in the Giant of Bab-il.


Name of Hammer: Wooden Staff
Attack Power: 45
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Chief Engineer
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You start the game with it.

Name of Hammer: Mythril Staff
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Chief Engineer
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapons shop.

Name of Hammer: Gaia Staff
Attack Power: 65
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Chief Engineer
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is found in the Tower of Zot.


Name of Knife: Mythril Dagger
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Paladin, Black Mage, Ninja, Caller, Dragoon, Bard
Special Attribute: It is effective against spirits and the undead.
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapon shop.

Name of Knife: Dancing Dagger
Attack Power: 28
Hit Percentage: 44
Equipped By: Paladin, Black Mage, Ninja, Caller, Dragoon, Bard
Special Attribute: It causes a random status effect with each successful hit
you land on the enemy.
Acquired By: You can purchase it at a weapon shop.

Name of Knife: Assassin
Attack Power: 28
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Paladin, Black Mage, Ninja, Caller, Dragoon, Bard
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Swoon magic with each hit it lands on an
Acquired By: It is located in the underworld.

Name of Knife: Mute Knife
Attack Power: 36
Hit Percentage: 77
Equipped By: Paladin, Black Mage, Ninja, Caller, Dragoon, Bard
Special Attribute: It randomly casts Silence magic with each hit it lands on an
Acquired By: It is located in the underworld.

Name of Knife: Knife
Attack Power: 255
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: No one
Special Attribute: It can only be thrown, works well vs. aerial enemies.
Acquired By: Get it from Yang's wife.


Name of Bow: Short Bow
Attack Power: 10
Hit Percentage: 30
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it in a weapons shop.

Name of Bow: Cross Bow
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 35
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it in a weapons shop.

Name of Bow: Great Bow
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 35
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it in a weapons shop.

Name of Bow: Archer Bow
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 55
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: You can purchase it in a weapons shop.

Name of Bow: Elven Bow
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 60
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Cave of Slyph in the underworld.

Name of Bow: Yoichi Bow
Attack Power: 60
Hit Percentage: 70
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Locked Cave of the underworld.

Name of Bow: Artemis Bow
Attack Power: 80
Hit Percentage: 88
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It works very well against Dragons.
Acquired By: You can steal it from a Kary or Warlock on the Moon.


Name of Arrows: Medusa Arrows
Attack Power: 1
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: Added bonus of Petrify.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Brass Arrows
Attack Power: 3
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Holy Arrows
Attack Power: 10
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: They are very effective against undead monsters.
Acquired By: They can be found in Mt. Ordeals.

Name of Arrows: Fire Arrows
Attack Power: 15
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Fire 1 with each successful hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Ice Arrows
Attack Power: 15
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Ice 1 with each successful hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Bolt Arrows
Attack Power: 15
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Bolt 1 with each successful hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Darkness Arrows
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Curse magic randomly with each successful hit on an
Acquired By: They are located in the Underworld.

Name of Arrows: Poison Arrows
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Poison magic randomly with each successful hit on
an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Mute Arrows
Attack Power: 35
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Silence magic randomly with each successful hit on
an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Angel Arrows
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: It casts Confuse magic with each successful hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Arrows: Yoichi Arrows
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: They can be purchased in a weapons shop. They can also be found in
the Land of Summoned Monsters.

Name of Arrows: Artemis Arrows
Attack Power: 75
Hit Percentage: 0
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Caller, Black Mage, White Mage, Bard, Cid
Special Attribute: They work very well against Dragons.
Acquired By: They can be stolen from the Kary on the moon.


Name of Axe: Hand Axe
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 65
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Tower of Zot.

Name of Axe: Dwarf Axe
Attack Power: 62
Hit Percentage: 70
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in the Dwarf Castle.

Name of Axe: Ogre Axe
Attack Power: 80
Hit Percentage: 70
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: It is very effective against giants.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Axe: Poison Axe
Attack Power: 95
Hit Percentage: 75
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: It casts Poison magic randomly each time you land a hit on
an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located in the underworld.

Name of Axe: Rune Axe
Attack Power: 102
Hit Percentage: 65
Equipped By: Dark Knight, Chief Engineer, Dragoon
Special Attribute: It casts Swoon randomly each time you land a hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: You have to defeat two Red Giants, and the second one drops it.


Name of Whip: Whip
Attack Power: 20
Hit Percentage: 95
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Hold magic randomly each time you land a hit on an
Acquired By: You start off with it.

Name of Whip: Chain Whip
Attack Power: 30
Hit Percentage: 80
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Hold magic randomly each time you land a hit on an
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Whip: Blitz Whip
Attack Power: 40
Hit Percentage: 85
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Hold magic randomly each time you land a hit on an
enemy. It also casts Bolt 2 each time you land a hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: It can be purchased in a weapons shop.

Name of Whip: Fire Lash
Attack Power: 50
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Hold magic randomly each time you land a hit on an
enemy. It also casts Fire 3 each time you land a hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: It is located on the moon.

Name of Whip: Serpent Whip
Attack Power: 55
Hit Percentage: 90
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It casts Paralyze magic randomly each time you land a hit on
an enemy. It
Acquired By: It is located on the Crystal Palace.

Name of Whip: Dragon Whip
Attack Power: 80
Hit Percentage: 99
Equipped By: Caller
Special Attribute: It works very well against dragons, it casts Hold magic
randomly each time you land a hit on an enemy.
Acquired By: Win a battle against two Blue Dragons.

--------------------------{SPECIAL WEAPONS}-----------------------------------

Name: Sleep Rod
Effect: Casts Sleep magic.

Name: Defense Sword
Effect: Casts Armor magic.

Name: Fire Spear
Effect: Casts Fire 2 magic.

Name: Ice Spear
Effect: Casts Ice 2 magic.

Name: Holy Lance
Effect: Casts Holy magic.

Name: Venom Axe
Effect: Casts Venom magic.

Name: Elven Bow
Effect: Casts Shell magic.

Name: Dancing Dagger
Effect: Hurls a dagger at the enemy.

Name: Murasame
Effect: Casts Armor magic.

Name: Masamune
Effect: Casts Haste magic.

Name: Gaia Whip
Effect: Casts Gaia magic, causing an earthquake.

Name: Rod
Effect: It fires an energy bolt at the enemy.

Name: Ice Rod
Effect: It casts Ice 1 magic.

Name: Flame Rod
Effect: It casts Fire 1 magic.

Name: Thunder Rod
Effect: It casts Bolt 1 magic.

Name: Change Rod
Effect: It casts Piggy magic.

Name: Fairy Rod
Effect: It casts Charm magic.

Name: Stardust Rod
Effect: It casts Comet magic.

Name: Lilith Rod
Effect: It casts Psych magic.

Name: Staff
Effect: It cures Poison.

Name: Cure Staff
Effect: It casts Cure 1 on the entire party.

Name: Mythril Staff
Effect: It cures paraylze, sleep, confuse, and berserk.

Name: Power Staff
Effect: It cures Berserk.

Name: Lunar Staff
Effect: It cures Dispel.

Name: Sage Staff
Effect: It casts Life 1 on the entire party.

Name: Silence Staff
Effect: It casts Silence magic.

----------------------------------------------[IX. Armor List]---------------

----Here is a list of all the armor in this game.----


Name of Shield: Iron Shield
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: Nothing.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 100 G.

Name of Shield: Shadow Shield
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It is effective against Undead attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 200 G.

Name of Shield: Demon Shield
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It is effective against Undead attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 400 G.

Name of Shield: Paladin Shield
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: Nothing.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 700 G.

Name of Shield: Ice Shield
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: Strong against Ice attacks, weak against Fire attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 10000 G, located in Tower of Bab-Il.

Name of Shield: Flame Shield
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: Strong against Fire attacks, weak against Ice attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 1250G, located in Tower of Zot.

Name of Shield: Mythril Shield
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute:
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 1000G.

Name of Shield: Aegis Shield
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Petrify attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 20,000G.

Name of Shield: Diamond Shield
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Kain, Cid, Cecil
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 15,000G.

Name of Shield: Genji Shield
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Bahamut Cave.

Name of Shield: Dragon Shield
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It does 1/2 damage against Fire attacks, Ice attacks, and
Bolt attacks.
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Shield: Crystal Shield
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Cid
Special Attribute: None.
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.


Name of Helmet: Leather
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Initially equipped, or buy it at an armor shop for 100 gil.

Name of Helmet: Headband
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in a armor shop for 450 gil.

Name of Helmet: Feather
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 330 gil.

Name of Helmet: Iron
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 150 gil.

Name of Helmet: Bandanna
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By:

Name of Helmet: Magus
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 5
Equipped By: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 700 gil.

Name of Helmet: Shadow
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped By: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By:

Name of Helmet: Hades
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By:

Name of Helmet: Ninja
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It protects the wearer against Sleep.
Acquired By: None

Name of Helmet: Wizard
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped By: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 2000 G.

Name of Helmet: Demon
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped By: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 980 G.

Name of Helmet: Tiara
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 10
Equipped By: Rosa/Rydia/Porom
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in half.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 20,000 G.

Name of Helmet: Paladin
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped By: Cecil
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 4,000 G.

Name of Helmet: Mythril
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 3,000 G.

Name of Helmet: Diamond
Defense: 9
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in half.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 10,000 G.

Name of Helmet: Ribbon
Defense: 9
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It prevents all status attacks.
Acquired By: Located in Floor B7F of the Moon Core, fight Lunasaurs.

Name of Helmet: Genji
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 6
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Located in Bahamut Cave

Name of Helmet: Dragon
Defense: 11
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped By: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Ice, Fire, and Bolt attacks, cutting
damage in half.
Acquired By: Located in Moon Core.

Name of Helmet: Crystal
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 8
Equipped By: Cecil
Special Attribute: It protects against Ice, Fire, and Bolt attacks, cutting
damage in half.
Acquired By: Located in Moon Core.

Name of Helmet: Glass
Defense: 30
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped By: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It protects against all status effects.
Acquired By: Located in Moon Core, win it from an Evil Mask.


Name of Armor: Prisoner
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against Sleep magic.
Acquired By: It is initally equipped.

Name of Armor: Clothes
Defense: 1
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 50 G.

Name of Armor: Bard
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against the Silence status effect.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 700 G.

Name of Armor: Leather
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 200 G.

Name of Armor: Kenpo
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 4000 G.

Name of Armor: Gaia Gear
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: It protects against the Petrify status effect.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 500 G.

Name of Armor: Iron
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 600 G.

Name of Armor: Shadow
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Located in Antlion's Den.

Name of Armor: Wizard
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 5
Equipped by: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 1200 G.

Name of Armor: Hades
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It is located in the Water Cavern.

Name of Armor: Black
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped by: Rydia, Tellah, Palom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 10,000 G.

Name of Armor: Demon
Defense: 9
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in armor shop for 3,000 G.

Name of Armor: Black Belt
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 14,000 G.

Name of Armor: Paladin
Defense: 11
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 8,000 G.

Name of Armor: Sorcerer
Defense: 12
Magic Defense: 9
Equipped by: Cecil, Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting the damage in half.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 30,000 G.

Name of Armor: Flame
Defense: 13
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Ice attacks, cutting the damage in half.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 30,000 G. Also located in Tower of Zot.

Name of Armor: Mythril
Defense: 13
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Kain, Cecil, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 17,000 G.

Name of Armor: Power Vest
Defense: 15
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Win them from a Behemoth in Bahamut Cave or Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Ice Armor
Defense: 17
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against fire attacks, cutting damage in half.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 35,000 G.

Name of Armor: White
Defense: 18
Magic Defense: 10
Equipped by: Cecil, Rosa, Tellah, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: It protects against Darkness attacks.
Acquired By: Located in Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Diamond
Defense: 19
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in half.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 40,000 G.

Name of Armor: Minerva
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 5
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Porom
Special Attribute: It protects against Paralyze attacks.
Acquired By: Located in Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Genji
Defense: 21
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: Located in Bahamut's Cave.

Name of Armor: Dragon
Defense: 23
Magic Defense: 8
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt, Ice, and Fire attacks, cutting
damage in half.
Acquired By: Located in Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Ninja
Defense: 24
Magic Defense: 13
Equipped by: Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased in an armor shop for 64,000 G.

Name of Armor: Crystal
Defense: 25
Magic Defense: 10
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: It protects against all status effects.
Acquired By: Located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Armor: Adamant
Defense: 100
Magic Defense: 20
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: All stats increase by 15.
Acquired By: Get the Pink Tail and give it to the Tail Collector.

--------------------------------{ARM GEAR}------------------------------------

Name of Arm Gear: Ruby Ring
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against the Pig status.
Acquired By: Buy it in an armor shop for 1000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Cursed Ring
Defense: 0
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Everyone
Special Attribute: Benefits Dark Knight, hurts everyone else, it absorbs every
magical attack.
Acquired By: Win it from a Spirit.

Name of Arm Gear: Strength Bracelet
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Rydia, Yang, Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 760 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Shadow Gauntlet
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It is strong against undead attacks.
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 260 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Iron Gauntlet
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cid, Kain, Cid, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 130 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Iron Ring
Defense: 2
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Edge, Yang, Palom, Porom, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 100 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Hades Gauntlet
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: It is strong against darkness attacks.
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 320 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Rune Gauntlet
Defense: 3
Magic Defense: 8
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Edge, Yang, Palom, Porom, Edge
Special Attribute: It protects against Silence attacks.
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 2000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Demon Gauntlet
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil as Dark Knight
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 800 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Silver Gauntlet
Defense: 4
Magic Defense: 4
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Edge, Yang, Palom, Porom, Edge
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 650 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Paladin Gauntlet
Defense: 5
Magic Defense: 1
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 3000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Gold Ring
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 8
Equipped by: Rosa, Rydia, Tellah, Edward, Yang, Palom, Porom, Edge
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in half.
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 4000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Mythril Gauntlet
Defense: 6
Magic Defense: 2
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid, FuSoYa
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 2000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Diamond Gauntlet
Defense: 7
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt attacks, cutting damage in half.
Acquired By: It can be purchased for 5000 G.

Name of Arm Gear: Genji Gauntlet
Defense: 8
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It is located in Bahamut's Cave.

Name of Arm Gear: Dragon Gauntlet
Defense: 9
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt, Fire, and Ice attacks, cutting
damage in half.
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Arm Gear: Crystal Gauntlet
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 7
Equipped by: Cecil
Special Attribute: None
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Arm Gear: Zeus Gauntlet
Defense: 10
Magic Defense: 0
Equipped by: Cecil, Kain, Cid, Rydia, Yang, Edge
Special Attribute: It protects against the Mini status effect.
Acquired By: Win it from a Skeleton.

Name of Arm Gear: Protect Ring
Defense: 13
Magic Defense: 3
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against Bolt, Fire, and Ice attacks, cutting
damage in half.
Acquired By: It is located in the Moon's Core.

Name of Arm Gear: Crystal Ring
Defense: 20
Magic Defense: 12
Equipped by: Everyone except Cecil as a Dark Knight.
Special Attribute: It protects against Confuse, Paralyze, and Sleep status
Acquired By: It is won from 2 Fatal Eyes.

---------------------------------------------------[X. Magic List]-----------

----Here is a list of all the magic in this game.----

-----------------------------{WHITE MAGIC}------------------------------------

----Used by: Porom, Rosa, Foo-so-ya, Tella, Paladian Cecil, Rydia----

Name: Cure
Magic Points Used: 3
Description: Low level cure spell. Heals a decent amount, not too much.

Name: Hold
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: It holds a target still so they will be vulnerable to any attack.

Name: Scan
Magic Points Used: 1
Description: Like Scan magic, you can check out how much Hit Points and
weakness an enemy has.

Name: Slow
Magic Points Used: 14
Description: This magic will make the enemy you target go slower.

Name: Sight
Magic Points Used: 2
Description: This magic allows you to see the world map.

Name: Cure 2
Magic Points Used: 9
Description: This is a medium level cure spell.

Name: Life 1
Magic Points Used: 18
Description: It brings an enemy back to life.

Name: Shell
Magic Points Used: 10
Description: It protects against enemy magical attacks.

Name: Armor
Magic Points Used: 9
Description: It protects against enemy physical attacks.

Name: Mute
Magic Points Used: 6
Description: It prevents the targeted enemy from using a magical attack.

Name: Esuna
Magic Points Used: 20
Description: It cures status ailments.

Name: Dispel
Magic Points Used: 12
Description: It removes benedicial status conditions.

Name: Berserk
Magic Points Used: 18
Description: Every time this person turn comes, he/she will attack, at an
increased attack power.

Name: Exit
Magic Points Used: 10
Description: This is used to escape a Cave or dungeon. Does not work in a town.

Name: Blink
Magic Points Used: 8
Description: It makes a character able to evade easier.

Name: Charm
Magic Points Used: 10
Description: This makes one of your opponents an ally.

Name: Cure 3
Magic Points Used: 18
Description: This is a high level cure spell.

Name: Mini
Magic Points Used: 6
Description: This causes a enemy to shrink to a smaller size, decreasing its
statistics severely.

Name: Haste
Magic Points Used: 25
Description: This increases the target's speed rating.

Name: Float
Magic Points Used: 8
Description: It allows your characters to hover in the air.

Name: Wall
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: It makes a protective barrier than protects against most kinds of

Name: Cure 4
Magic Points Used: 40
Description: It completely heals all the character's HP. Max HP recovery.

Name: Life 2
Magic Points Used: 52
Description: It brings a character back to life and restores all their HP.

Name: Holy
Magic Points Used: 46
Description: Offensive white magic that causes holy based damage.

-----------------------------{BLACK MAGIC}------------------------------------

----Used by: Tellah, Foo-soo-ya, Rydia, Palom----

Name: Ice 1
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: This is a low level ice attack that does minor damage.

Name: Bolt 1
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: This is a low level lightning attack that does minor damage.

Name: Sleep
Magic Points Used: 12
Description: This puts the selected enemy to sleep.

Name: Fire 1
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: This is a low level fire attack that does minor damage.

Name: Venom
Magic Points Used: 2
Description: This spell attacks the selected enemy with poison.

Name: Toad
Magic Points Used: 7
Description: This spell turns the targeted enemy into a toad.

Name: Warp
Magic Points Used: 4
Description: This magic allows you to move to the previous room in a dungeon.

Name: Stop
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This spell causes the targeted enemy to stop.

Name: Piggy
Magic Points Used: 1
Description: This spell turns the targeted enemy into a pig.

Name: Fire 2
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This is a medium level fire spell that causes moderate damage.

Name: Ice 2
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This is a medium level ice spell that causes moderate damage.

Name: Bolt 2
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This is a medium level thunder spell that causes moderate damage.

Name: Bio
Magic Points Used: 20
Description: This spell causes non elemental damage and gradually reduces HP.
Of the poison variety.

Name: Psych
Magic Points Used: 0
Description: This spell steals MP from one target and gives the MP to you.

Name: Drain
Magic Points Used: 18
Description: This spell steals HP from one target and gives the HP to you.

Name: Ice 3
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: This is a high level ice spell that causes tons of damage.

Name: Fire 3
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: This is a high level fire spell that causes tons of damage.

Name: Bolt 3
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: This is a high level thunder spell that causes tons of damage.

Name: Quake
Magic Points Used: 30
Description: This is an earth elemental damage attack, it causes the ground to

Name: BStone
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This spell causes the enemy to turn to stone.

Name: Wind
Magic Points Used: 20
Description: This spell places the targeted enemy in a near fatal status.

Name: Death
Magic Points Used: 35
Description: If this spell is successful, it will instantly kill the enemy.

Name: Flare
Magic Points Used: 50
Description: This spell shoots off big ass flames from the sky, causing huge
amounts of damage.

Name: Meteo
Magic Points Used: 99
Description: This attack can hit several times for huge amounts of damage.

-----------------------------{CALL MAGIC}------------------------------------

----Used by: Rydia----

Name: Chocobo
Magic Points Used: 7
Attack: Chocobo Kick
Description: A big ass chocobo comes out of nowhere and super kicks an enemy.
Gained When: Rydia first joins your party.

Name: Mist
Magic Points Used: 20
Attack: Mist Breath
Description: A dragon shoots out water based mist at an enemy.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Titan
Magic Points Used: 40
Attack: Anger of the Land
Description: It shoots off a earth based attack at enemies.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Shiva
Magic Points Used: 30
Attack: Ice Storm
Description: Shiva will come out and shoot ice at all enemies.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Ramuh
Magic Points Used: 30
Attack: Lightning of Justice
Description: Indra will come out and shoot lightning at the enemies.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Ifrit
Magic Points Used: 30
Attack: Hellfire
Description: Ifrit will come in and use strong fire magic against the enemies.
Gained When: Level up

Name: Sylph
Magic Points Used: 25
Attack: Whisper of the Wind
Description: It regains HP and puts up a barrier around you.
Gained When: Found in the Sylvan Cave.

Name: Odin
Magic Points Used: 45
Attack: Zantetsuken
Description: Kills an enemy instantly, but he just shows up sometimes.
Gained When: Found in the basement of Baron Castle.

Name: Asura
Magic Points Used: 50
Attack: Asura
Description: Summons energy and attacks enemies and heals HP.
Gained When: Kill Asura in the Land of the Summoned Monsters.

Name: Leviathan
Magic Points Used: 50
Attack: Tsunami
Description: A big tidal wave gushes over the enemies, causing damage.
Gained When: Kill Leviathan in the Land of the Summoned Monsters.

Name: Bahamut
Magic Points Used: 50
Attack: Megaflare
Description: This causes a crapload of non elemental damage to all enemies.
Gained When: Found in the cave on the moon, defeat Bahamut to get it.

Name: Goblin
Magic Points Used: 1
Attack: Goblin Punch
Description: Weak attack, works like the Chocobo Kick.
Gained When: Gained randomly after defeating a Goblin.

Name: Bomb
Magic Points Used: 10
Attack: Self Destruct
Description: Kill an enemy, sacrifice yourself.
Gained When: Gained randomly after defeating a Bomb.

Name: Mage
Magic Points Used: 18
Attack: Mindblast
Description: Gain MP from enemies.
Gained When: Gained randomly after defeating a Mind Flayer.

Name: Cockatrice
Magic Points Used: 15
Attack: Stone Beak
Description: It turns enemies to stone.
Gained When: Gained randomly after defeating a Cockatrice.

-----------------------------{NINJA MAGIC}------------------------------------

----Used by: Edge----

Name: Flame
Magic Points Used: 15
Description: This is a fire attack.

Name: Flood
Magic Points Used: 20
Description: This is a flood attack.

Name: Blitz
Magic Points Used: 25
Description: This is a lightning attack.

Name: Pin
Magic Points Used: 5
Description: This is used to paraylze the enemy.

Name: Smoke
Magic Points Used: 10
Description: You can use this to escape from a battle very easily, wuss!

Name: Image
Magic Points Used: 6
Description: With this, invading attacks become easier.

--------------------------{MAGIC LEARNING LIST}-------------------------------

This is a list of what characters learn what spells and when they learn them.


Level: 1
Spell Learned: Chocobo
Type: Summon

Level: 2
Spell Learned: Ice
Type: Black

Level: 3
Spell Learned: Cure
Type: White

Level: 4
Spell Learned: Sight
Type: White

Level: 5
Spell Learned: Thunder
Type: Black

Level: 7
Spell Learned: Hold
Type: White

Level: 8
Spell Learned: Sleep
Type: Black

Level: 10
Spell Learned: Poison
Type: Black

Level: 12
Spell Learned: Cure 2
Type: White

Level: 13
Spell Learned: Toad
Type: Black

Level: 15
Spell Learned: Stop
Type: Black

Level: 20
Spell Learned: Piggy
Type: Black

Level: 25
Spell Learned: Bio
Type: Black

Level: 32
Spell Learned: Asper
Type: Black

Level: 36
Spell Learned: Drain
Type: Black

Level: 39
Spell Learned: Ice 3
Type: Black

Level: 42
Spell Learned: Fire 3
Type: Black

Level: 45
Spell Learned: Bolt 3
Type: Black

Level: 47
Spell Learned: Quake
Type: Black

Level: 49
Spell Learned: Stone
Type: Black

Level: 51
Spell Learned: Wind
Type: Black

Level: 52
Spell Learned: Death
Type: Black

Level: 55
Spell Learned: Flare
Type: Black

Level: 60
Spell Learned: Meteo
Type: Black

Learned as Story Items
-Fire (Black)
-Mist (Summon)
-Titan (Summon)
-Ifrit (Summon)
-Shiva (Summon)
-Ramuh (Summon)
-Leviathan (Summon)
-Asura (Summon)
-Odin (Summon)
-Sylph (Summon)
-Bahamut (Summon)

Optional Spells
-Cockatrice (Summon)
-Bomb (Summon)
-Goblin (Summon)
-Mage (Summon)


Level: 20
Magic: Fire 1
Type: Black

Level: 20
Magic: Ice 1
Type: Black

Level: 20
Magic: Bolt 1
Type: Black

Level: 20
Magic: Stop
Type: Black

Level: 20
Magic: Asper
Type: Black

Level: 20
Magic: Cure 2
Type: White

Level: 20
Magic: Confuse
Type: White

Level: 20
Magic: Blink
Type: White

Level: 20
Magic: Esuna
Type: White

Level: 20
Magic: Life
Type: White

Level: 20
Magic: Exit
Type: White

Learned as Story Items
-Every other white and black magic


Level: 10
Magic: Cure
Type: White

Level: 10
Magic: Hold
Type: White

Level: 10
Magic: Mute
Type: White

Level: 10
Magic: Slow
Type: White

Level: 10
Magic: Sight
Type: White

Level: 11
Magic: Life
Type: White

Level: 12
Magic: Protest
Type: White

Level: 13
Magic: Cure 2
Type: White

Level: 15
Magic: Silence
Type: White

Level: 18
Magic: Esuna
Type: White

Level: 20
Magic: Berserk
Type: White

Level: 22
Magic: Blink
Type: White

Level: 24
Magic: Confuse
Type: White

Level: 26
Magic: Exit
Type: White

Level: 29
Magic: Shell
Type: White

Level: 30
Magic: Cure 3
Type: White

Level: 30
Magic: Mini
Type: White

Level: 31
Magic: Dispel
Type: White

Level: 33
Magic: Haste
Type: White

Level: 35
Magic: Float
Type: White

Level: 36
Magic: Reflect
Type: White

Level: 38
Magic: Cure 4
Type: White

Level: 45
Magic: Life 2
Type: White

Level: 55
Magic: Holy
Type: White


Level: 10
Magic: Cure
Type: White

Level: 10
Magic: Hold
Type: White

Level: 10
Magic: Mute
Type: White

Level: 10
Magic: Slow
Type: White

Level: 10
Magic: Sight
Type: White

Level: 11
Magic: Life 1
Type: White

Level: 12
Magic: Armor
Type: White

Level: 13
Magic: Cure 2
Type: White

Level: 15
Magic: Silence
Type: White

Level: 18
Magic: Berserk
Type: White

Level: 19
Magic: Exit
Type: White

Level: 20
Magic: Esuna
Type: White

Level: 23
Magic: Blink
Type: White

Level: 25
Magic: Confuse
Type: White


Level: 10
Magic: Fire 1
Type: Black

Level: 10
Magic: Ice 1
Type: Black

Level: 10
Magic: Bolt 1
Type: Black

Level: 10
Magic: Sleep
Type: Black

Level: 10
Magic: Poison
Type: Black

Level: 11
Magic: Ice 2
Type: Black

Level: 12
Magic: Fire 2
Type: Black

Level: 13
Magic: Bolt 2
Type: Black

Level: 14
Magic: Stop
Type: Black

Level: 19
Magic: Bio
Type: Black

Level: 22
Magic: Toad
Type: Black

Level: 23
Magic: Quake
Type: Black

Level: 25
Magic: Drain
Type: Black


Level: 2
Magic: Cure
Type: White

Level: 3
Magic: Sight
Type: White

Level: 8
Magic: Life 1
Type: White

Level: 15
Magic: Cure 2
Type: White

Level: 19
Magic: Exit
Type: White

Level: 24
Magic: Esuna
Type: White


Level: 25
Magic: Flame
Type: Ninja

Level: 27
Magic: Flood
Type: Ninja

Level: 33
Magic: Blitz
Type: Ninja

Level: 38
Magic: Pin
Type: Ninja

Level: 45
Magic: Smoke
Type: Ninja

Level: 50
Magic: Image
Type: Ninja

------------------------------------------------[XI. Enemies List]-----------

----Here is a list of all the enemies in the game and their stats. More Coming


Name: Abyss Worm
Hit Points: 7000
Experience: 7350
Gold: 310
Weakness: Fire

Name: Adamantium
Hit Points: 150
Experience: 240
Gold: 80
Weakness: Ice

Name: Alert
Hit Points: 1495
Experience: 2100
Gold: 380
Weakness: None

Name: Alligator
Hit Points: 150
Experience: 840
Gold: 95
Weakness: Ice

Name: Allemagne
Hit Points: 25000
Experience: 40000
Gold: 65200
Weakness: Air

Name: Antlion
Hit Points: 1000
Experience: 1500
Gold: 800
Weakness: None

Name: Arachne
Hit Points: 3500
Experience: 4400
Gold: 585
Weakness: Air, Ice

Name: Armadillo
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 1600
Gold: 195
Weakness: None

Name: Assault Door
Hit Points: 5000
Experience: 31100
Gold: 4500
Weakness: None

Name: Asura
Hit Points: 23000
Experience: 20000
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Attack System
Hit Points: 2000
Experience: 150000
Gold: 10333
Weakness: None


Name: Bahamut
Hit Points: 37000
Experience: 35000
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Balnaba
Hit Points: 3927
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Barbariccia
Hit Points: 6000
Experience: 9500
Gold: 5500
Weakness: None

Name: Baron Guard
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 720
Gold: 500
Weakness: None

Name: Basilisk
Hit Points: 90
Experience: 120
Gold: 30
Weakness: None

Name: Behemoth
Hit Points: 16000
Experience: 58700
Gold: 65000
Weakness: None

Name: Beigan (arm)
Hit Points: 350
Experience: 10
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Beigan (body)
Hit Points: 3500
Experience: 4800
Gold: 3000
Weakness: None

Name: Belfegoyle
Hit Points: 1900
Experience: 4095
Gold: 485
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Berserk Ogre
Hit Points: 1700
Experience: 2370
Gold: 270
Weakness: None

Name: Black Dragon
Hit Points: 550
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Black Grenade
Hit Points: 820
Experience: 1650
Gold: 630
Weakness: Air

Name: Black Knight
Hit Points: 320
Experience: 1100
Gold: 175
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Black Pudding
Hit Points: 1050
Experience: 3060
Gold: 1300
Weakness: None

Name: Blizzard Lizard
Hit Points: 400
Experience: 1500
Gold: 290
Weakness: Fire

Name: Blood Flower
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 1210
Gold: 35
Weakness: Fire

Name: Blood Worm
Hit Points: 638
Experience: 1200
Gold: 350
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Bloody Bat
Hit Points: 399
Experience: 1200
Gold: 365
Weakness: Air, Fire

Name: Bloody Bone
Hit Points: 170
Experience: 670
Gold: 170
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Bloody Red
Hit Points: 2000
Experience: 3500
Gold: 465
Weakness: Air

Name: Blue Dragon
Hit Points: 13200
Experience: 13600
Gold: 40200
Weakness: None

Name: Bomb
Hit Points: 50
Experience: 370
Gold: 80
Weakness: None

Name: Breath
Hit Points: 31300
Experience: 60000
Gold: 50000
Weakness: None

Name: Brena
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None


Name: Cagnazzo
Hit Points: 4000
Experience: 5500
Gold: 4000
Weakness: Ice

Name: Cait Sith
Hit Points: 285
Experience: 830
Gold: 255
Weakness: Holy

Name: Calco
Hit Points: 1000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Calcobrena
Hit Points: 4624
Experience: 190000
Gold: 7000
Weakness: None

Name: Cannibal
Hit Points: 370
Experience: 960
Gold: 220
Weakness: Fire

Name: Centaur Knight
Hit Points: 380
Experience: 1000
Gold: 175
Weakness: None

Name: Centipede
Hit Points: 60
Experience: 80
Gold: 20
Weakness: None

Name: Chimera
Hit Points: 700
Experience: 2875
Gold: 230
Weakness: None

Name: Cockatrice
Hit Points: 100
Experience: 280
Gold: 120
Weakness: Air

Name: Control System
Hit Points: 20000
Experience: 150000
Gold: 10333
Weakness: None

Name: Cresalis
Hit Points: 800
Experience: 2830
Gold: 40
Weakness: None


Name: Dark Bahamut
Hit Points: 25000
Experience: 64300
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Dark Elf
Hit Points: 3000
Experience: 6000
Gold: 5000
Weakness: None

Name: Dark Knight (On Mt. Ordeals)
Hit Points: 1000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Dark Wizard
Hit Points: 4250
Experience: 17300
Gold: 2400
Weakness: None

Name: Deathtanet
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 850
Gold: 350
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Defense System
Hit Points: 2000
Experience: 150000
Gold: 10333
Weakness: None

Name: Demon Soldier
Hit Points: 11800
Experience: 18900
Gold: 7000
Weakness: None

Name: Demon's Wall
Hit Points: 19000
Experience: 23000
Gold: 8000
Weakness: None

Name: Dive Eagle
Hit Points: 18
Experience: 30
Gold: 10
Weakness: Air

Name: Dr. Lugeie (2)
Hit Points: 6600
Experience: 15000
Gold: 4000
Weakness: None

Name: Dog
Hit Points: 2500
Experience: 3000
Gold: 3000
Weakness: None

Name: Domo Boy
Hit Points: 37
Experience: 190
Gold: 50
Weakness: None

Name: Draculady
Hit Points: 250
Experience: 819
Gold: 195
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Dragon Knight
Hit Points: 65000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Dragon Machine
Hit Points: 15000
Experience: 41500
Gold: 2550
Weakness: Fire

Name: Dream Evil
Hit Points: 1100
Experience: 3700
Gold: 365
Weakness: None


Name: Eblana King
Hit Points: 60000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Eblana Queen
Hit Points: 60000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Eukaryote
Hit Points: 1700
Experience: 7200
Gold: 1560
Weakness: None

Name: Evil Head
Hit Points: 800
Experience: 2050
Gold: 355
Weakness: Air, Fire


Name: Face Bat
Hit Points: 150
Experience: 630
Gold: 150
Weakness: Air, Holy

Name: Fake Puppet
Hit Points: 256
Experience: 860
Gold: 180
Weakness: Fire

Name: Fang Shell
Hit Points: 58
Experience: 110
Gold: 30
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Fighter
Hit Points: 65
Experience: 410
Gold: 100
Weakness: None

Name: Flame Dog
Hit Points: 1221
Experience: 1720
Gold: 245
Weakness: Ice

Name: Flame Warrior
Hit Points: 579
Experience: 1720
Gold: 300
Weakness: Ice

Name: Float-Eye
Hit Points: 20
Experience: 40
Gold: 10
Weakness: Air

Name: Flying Eye
Hit Points: 40
Experience: 75
Gold: 25
Weakness: Air

Name: Fly Killer
Hit Points: 65
Experience: 120
Gold: 35
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Four Emperors
Hit Points: 62500
Experience: 10000
Gold: 0
Weakness: Varies


Name: Gargoyle
Hit Points: 160
Experience: 318
Gold: 100
Weakness: Air, Holy

Name: Gatlinger
Hit Points: 110
Experience: 370
Gold: 55
Weakness: None

Name: General
Hit Points: 320
Experience: 610
Gold: 155
Weakness: None

Name: Ghast
Hit Points: 170
Experience: 200
Gold: 75
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Ghoul
Hit Points: 120
Experience: 930
Gold: 200
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Giant Soldier
Hit Points: 8500
Experience: 31000
Gold: 1500
Weakness: None

Name: Gigantoad
Hit Points: 44
Experience: 90
Gold: 25
Weakness: Ice

Name: Gigas Gator
Hit Points: 292
Experience: 870
Gold: 300
Weakness: Ice

Name: Goblin
Hit Points: 6
Experience: 20
Gold: 10
Weakness: None

Name: Goblin Captain
Hit Points: 199
Experience: 1940
Gold: 45
Weakness: None

Name: Golbeza
Hit Points: 11000
Experience: 20000
Gold: 11000
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Golden Ryu
Hit Points: 8200
Experience: 30000
Gold: 23000
Weakness: None

Name: Green Dragon
Hit Points: 2200
Experience: 4770
Gold: 1800
Weakness: None


Name: Heiropatra
Hit Points: 255
Experience: 750
Gold: 205
Weakness: Holy

Name: Hellflapper
Hit Points: 850
Experience: 3200
Gold: 315
Weakness: Air

Name: Hellneedle
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 1210
Gold: 220
Weakness: None

Name: Hellturtle
Hit Points: 700
Experience: 1350
Gold: 230
Weakness: Ice

Name: Hydra
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 680
Gold: 230
Weakness: Ice, Thunder


Name: Ice Beast
Hit Points: 445
Experience: 1570
Gold: 280
Weakness: Fire

Name: Ice Warrior
Hit Points: 1050
Experience: 2600
Gold: 215
Weakness: Fire

Name: Insectus
Hit Points: 28
Experience: 8
Gold: 15
Weakness: None

Name: Iron Dress
Hit Points: 100
Experience: 1100
Gold: 235
Weakness: None

Name: Iron Golem
Hit Points: 2500
Experience: 3700
Gold: 385
Weakness: None

Name: Iron Soldier
Hit Points: 3000
Experience: 9900
Gold: 1220
Weakness: None


Name: Kuar
Hit Points: 593
Experience: 2800
Gold: 345
Weakness: None


Name: Lacy
Hit Points: 100
Experience: 160
Gold: 40
Weakness: None

Name: Lady Guard
Hit Points: 390
Experience: 1260
Gold: 200
Weakness: None

Name: Lamia
Hit Points: 1200
Experience: 2060
Gold: 1210
Weakness: None

Name: Last Arm
Hit Points: 9500
Experience: 8800
Gold: 340
Weakness: None

Name: Leviathan
Hit Points: 35000
Experience: 28000
Gold: 0
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Lilith
Hit Points: 320
Experience: 2750
Gold: 365
Weakness: Fire

Name: Lunar Virus
Hit Points: 980
Experience: 3300
Gold: 1100
Weakness: None

Name: Lunasaurus
Hit Points: 21000
Experience: 100000
Gold: 0
Weakness: Fire, Holy


Name: Machine Cannon
Hit Points: 1800
Experience: 3250
Gold: 890
Weakness: None

Name: Machine Soldier
Hit Points: 3600
Experience: 8200
Gold: 985
Weakness: None

Name: Mad Toad
Hit Points: 59
Experience: 130
Gold: 35
Weakness: Ice

Name: Mag
Hit Points: 4300
Experience: 3000
Gold: 3000
Weakness: None

Name: Magma Turtle
Hit Points: 400
Experience: 1700
Gold: 235
Weakness: Ice

Name: Mammon
Hit Points: 1800
Experience: 5500
Gold: 525
Weakness: Fire

Name: Manticore
Hit Points: 2000
Experience: 35000
Gold: 1200
Weakness: None

Name: Marion
Hit Points: 473
Experience: 1290
Gold: 195
Weakness: None

Name: Marionette
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 1420
Gold: 270
Weakness: None

Name: Medusa
Hit Points: 430
Experience: 1250
Gold: 225
Weakness: None

Name: Mind
Hit Points: 12300
Experience: 65000
Gold: 50000
Weakness: None

Name: Mind Flayer
Hit Points: 500
Experience: 1100
Gold: 235
Weakness: None

Name: Miss Vampire
Hit Points: 2350
Experience: 4600
Gold: 220
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Mist Dragon
Hit Points: 465
Experience: 700
Gold: 200
Weakness: None

Name: Mithril Golem
Hit Points: 2000
Experience: 2950
Gold: 240
Weakness: Ice

Name: Mithril Lamia
Hit Points: 1100
Experience: 2160
Gold: 1310
Weakness: None

Name: Mol
Hit Points: 555
Experience: 1510
Gold: 225
Weakness: None

Name: Molbol
Hit Points: 1999
Experience: 11000
Gold: 460
Weakness: None

Name: Moon Goddess
Hit Points: 2700
Experience: 13100
Gold: 3500
Weakness: None

Name: Mother Bomb
Hit Points: 10800
Experience: 1750
Gold: 1200
Weakness: Darkness

Name: Mystery Egg
Hit Points: Varies
Experience: Varies
Gold: Varies
Weakness: Varies


Name: Naga
Hit Points: 900
Experience: 1120
Gold: 150
Weakness: None

Name: Nagarusher
Hit Points: 1200
Experience: 3600
Gold: 240
Weakness: None


Name: Octomammoth
Hit Points: 2350
Experience: 1200
Gold: 500
Weakness: Darkness, Thunder

Name: Odin
Hit Points: 20500
Experience: 18000
Gold: 0
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Officer
Hit Points: 221
Experience: 400
Gold: 80
Weakness: None

Name: Ogre
Hit Points: 865
Experience: 1100
Gold: 240
Weakness: Holy


Name: Pain Bomb
Hit Points: 100
Experience: 450
Gold: 105
Weakness: None

Name: Phase
Hit Points: 25500
Experience: 50000
Gold: 65000
Weakness: None

Name: Pink Puff
Hit Points: 10000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Plague
Hit Points: 28000
Experience: 31200
Gold: 550
Weakness: Air

Name: Prankster
Hit Points: 385
Experience: 1500
Gold: 275
Weakness: Fire

Name: Prokaryote
Hit Points: 2200
Experience: 8100
Gold: 1850
Weakness: None

Name: Purple Baravois
Hit Points: 50
Experience: 760
Gold: 50
Weakness: Fire


Name: Rag
Hit Points: 2200
Experience: 3000
Gold: 3000
Weakness: None

Name: Red Dragon
Hit Points: 15000
Experience: 51800
Gold: 65000
Weakness: Ice

Name: Red Marshmallow
Hit Points: 55
Experience: 25
Gold: 15
Weakness: None

Name: Remedy Bomb
Hit Points: 600
Experience: 2480
Gold: 315
Weakness: Air

Name: Revenant
Hit Points: 160
Experience: 680
Gold: 190
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Rilmarder
Hit Points: 12000
Experience: 21000
Gold: 10700
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Roc
Hit Points: 999
Experience: 1410
Gold: 150
Weakness: Air

Name: Roc Baby
Hit Points: 50
Experience: 1010
Gold: 85
Weakness: Air

Name: Rockgrinder
Hit Points: 600
Experience: 2800
Gold: 345
Weakness: None

Name: Rubicante
Hit Points: 25200
Experience: 25000
Gold: 7000
Weakness: Ice


Name: Sahagin
Hit Points: 48
Experience: 800
Gold: 100
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Sand Sahag
Hit Points: 20
Experience: 80
Gold: 20
Weakness: Ice

Name: Sand Worm
Hit Points: 75
Experience: 88
Gold: 25
Weakness: None

Name: Satanite
Hit Points: 2400
Experience: 4300
Gold: 575
Weakness: None

Name: Satan Jr.
Hit Points: 2980
Experience: 6400
Gold: 650
Weakness: None

Name: Scarmiglione
Hit Points: 3100
Experience: 3000
Gold: 3000
Weakness: None

Name: Scarmiglione (2)
Hit Points: 3000
Experience: 4000
Gold: 3000
Weakness: Air, Fire, Holy

Name: Sea Pot
Hit Points: 110
Experience: 230
Gold: 80
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Searcher
Hit Points: 5500
Experience: 18200
Gold: 900
Weakness: None

Name: Silver Ryu
Hit Points: 7500
Experience: 25000
Gold: 19000
Weakness: None

Name: Skeleton
Hit Points: 50
Experience: 240
Gold: 120
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Skull Dragon
Hit Points: 9000
Experience: 14100
Gold: 6750
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Skulljar
Hit Points: 740
Experience: 1055
Gold: 120
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Soldier
Hit Points: 27
Experience: 160
Gold: 55
Weakness: None

Name: Sorcerer
Hit Points: 1000
Experience: 2370
Gold: 275
Weakness: None

Name: Sorcerer Lady
Hit Points: 300
Experience: 1670
Gold: 330
Weakness: None

Name: Soul
Hit Points: 150
Experience: 160
Gold: 165
Weakness: Holy

Name: Spirit
Hit Points: 50
Experience: 290
Gold: 125
Weakness: Holy

Name: Splasher
Hit Points: 105
Experience: 460
Gold: 145
Weakness: Thunder

Name: Steel Golem
Hit Points: 2100
Experience: 2100
Gold: 445
Weakness: Ice

Name: Summoner
Hit Points: 3000
Experience: 3700
Gold: 475
Weakness: None

Name: Sword Rat
Hit Points: 30
Experience: 68
Gold: 20
Weakness: None


Name: Thunder Dragon
Hit Points: 7000
Experience: 8000
Gold: 900
Weakness: Air

Name: Thunder Fish
Hit Points: 200
Experience: 650
Gold: 230
Weakness: Air

Name: Thunder Spirit
Hit Points: 1400
Experience: 2460
Gold: 150
Weakness: Holy

Name: Tiny Mage
Hit Points: 69
Experience: 260
Gold: 100
Weakness: None

Name: Toady Toad
Hit Points: 400
Experience: 1850
Gold: 335
Weakness: Ice

Name: Toady Witch
Hit Points: 2960
Experience: 3500
Gold: 600
Weakness: None

Name: Tridariathan
Hit Points: 37000
Experience: 61100
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Twin Snake
Hit Points: 90
Experience: 760
Gold: 225
Weakness: Holy, Ice


Name: White Dragon
Hit Points: 27300
Experience: 59000
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: White Moose
Hit Points: 102
Experience: 1060
Gold: 385
Weakness: Ice

Name: Wood Eyes
Hit Points: 260
Experience: 1000
Gold: 150
Weakness: Fire


Name: Yang
Hit Points: 4000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Yellow Dragon
Hit Points: 1800
Experience: 34000
Gold: 1500
Weakness: None

Name: Yellow Jelly
Hit Points: 35
Experience: 140
Gold: 35
Weakness: Fire


Name: Zemus
Hit Points: 11000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Zeromus
Hit Points: 111000
Experience: 0
Gold: 0
Weakness: None

Name: Zombie
Hit Points: 40
Experience: 120
Gold: 35
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Zombiesaur
Hit Points: 10000
Experience: 15100
Gold: 8100
Weakness: Fire, Holy

Name: Zuu
Hit Points: 941
Experience: 740
Gold: 700
Weakness: Air

-------------------------------------------------[XII. Shop Guide]-----------

----Here is a list of all the shops in the game and what they sell.----

-----------------------{BARON VILLAGE - 1ST VISIT}----------------------------


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil



Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Rod - 100 gil
Staff - 160 gil
Short Bow - 220 gil
Brass Arrows - 10 gil

Leather Helmet - 100 gil
Clothes - 50 gil
Leather Armor - 200 gil
Iron Ring - 100 gil

---------------------------{FABUL CASTLE}-------------------------------------


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Fire Claw - 350 gil
Ice Claw - 450 gil
Bolt Claw - 550 gil
Demon Helmet - 980 gil
Demon Armor - 3000 gil
Demon Arm - 800 gil



Potion - 30 gil
Hi Potion - 150 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil


Ice Rod - 220 gil
Flame Rod - 380 gil
Cure Staff - 480 gil
Crossbow - 700 gil
Holy Arrows - 20 gil


Magus Hat - 700 gil
Gaia Gear - 500 gil
Silver Arm - 650 gil
Paladin Shield - 700 gil
Paladin Helmet - 4000 gil
Paladin Armor - 8000 gil
Paladin Arm - 3000 gil

-----------------------{BARON VILLAGE - 2ND VISIT}----------------------------


Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Thunder Rod - 700 gil
Cure Staff - 480 gil
Fire Claw - 350 gil
Ice Claw - 450 gil
Bolt Cloaw - 550 gil


Headband - 450 gil
Kenpo - 4000 gil
Silver Gauntlets - 650 gil

----------------------------{VILLAGE OF MIST}---------------------------------


Whip - 3000 gil
Dancing Dagger - 5000 gil


Bard - 70 gil



Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Rod - 100 gil
Staff - 160 gil
Spear - 60 gil
Boomerang - 3000 gil
Short Bow - 220 gil
Crossbow - 700 gil
Brass Arrows - 10 gil
Holy Arrows - 20 gil


Iron Shield - 100 gil
Iron Helmet - 150 gil
Iron Armor - 600 gil
Iron Gauntlets - 130 gil
Iron Ring - 100 gil



Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil


Wooden Hammer - 800 gil
Great Bow - 2000 gil
Fire Arrows - 30 gil
Ice Arrows - 30 gil
Bolt Arrows - 30 gil


Leather Hat - 100 gil
Feather Hat - 330 gil
Clothes - 50 gil
Leather Armor - 200 gil
Ruby Ring - 1000 gil

---------------------------------{CAVE EBLAN}---------------------------------


Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Cross - 100 gil


Power Staff - 2000 gil
Ice Brand - 26000 gil
Ice Spear - 21000 gil
Kunai - 4000 gil
Boomerang - 3000 gil
Archer Bow - 3000 gil
Archer Arrows - 70 gil


Ice Shield - 10000 gil
Ice Armor - 35000 gil
Black Robe - 10000 gil

-----------------------------{DWARVEN CASTLE}---------------------------------


Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Cross - 100 gil
Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil
Eagle Eye - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil
Remedy - 5000 gil


Dwarf Axe - 15000 gil
Great Bow - 2000 gil
Darkness Arrow - 40 gil
Flame Sword - 14000 gil
Fire Spear - 11000 gil


Flame Shield - 1250 gil
Flame Armor - 30000 gil
Wizard Hat - 2000 gil
Wizard Robe - 1200 gil
Rune Gloves - 2000 gil



Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Cross - 100 gil
Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil
Eagle Eye - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil
Remedy - 5000 gil


Ashura - 7000 gil
Chain - 6000 gil
Ogre Axe - 45000 gil
Archer Bow - 3000 gil
Mute Arrows - 100 gil

Diamond Shield - 15000 gil
Diamond Helmet - 10000 gil
Diamond Armor - 40000 gil
Diamond Gauntlets - 5000 gil
Tiara - 20000 gil
Gold Ring - 4000 gil

----------------------------{LAND OF SUMMONS}---------------------------------


Soft - 400 gil
Maiden's Kiss - 60 gil
Mallet - 80 gil
Diet Food - 100 gil
Echo Note - 50 gil
Eyedrops - 30 gil
Antidote - 40 gil
Cross - 100 gil
Potion - 30 gil
Life - 100 gil
Tent - 100 gil
Cabin - 500 gil
Eagle Eye - 100 gil
Gyashl - 50 gil
Remedy - 5000 gil


Whip - 3000 gil
Chain Whip - 6000 gil
Blitz - 10000 gil
Kotetsu - 11000 gil
Fairy Rod - 5000 gil
Lunar Staff - 7000 gil
Angel Arrows - 110 gil


Aegis Shield - 20000 gil
Sorcerer Robe - 30000 gil

----------------------------{KOKKOL'S SMITHY}---------------------------------


Shruiken - 20000 gil
Fuma - 50000 gil
Yoichi Arrows - 140 gil

-----------------------------{HUMMINGWAY HOME}--------------------------------


Hi Potion - 150 gil
Life - 100 gil
Ether 1 - 10000 gil
Ether 2 - 50000 gil
Elixir - 100000 gil
Cabin - 500 gil
Bestiary - 980 gil
Whistle - 20000 gil

----------------------------------------------[XIII. Secrets List]-----------

Other Summons
Did you know what you can get three summons just from fighting enemies? The
Mage Flak, Bomb, and Imp will all sometimes drop items that allow you to learn
their summon magic.

Go to the Land of Summons and get the Rat Tail, then use the hovercraft to go
to the cave southeast of Mythril Village, and give the Rat Tail to the guy to
get the Adamant. Then give it to Kokkol's Smithy in the Underworld. Go to the
Moon and come back, and he will make you the Excalibur.

Adamant Armor
In a room in floor B5 of the Lunar Subterrane, where you can find a Inferno
item, there is a 1 in 64 chance you will find a Pink Puff, and a 1 in 64 chance
he will drop a Pink Tail. Give this to the Tail Collector and he will give you
the Adamant Armor. This is the hardest item to get in any Final Fantasy game.

Developer's Room
In between the weapon and armor shops on the second floor of the Dwarven
Castle, there is a secret passage. Take it to get to the Developer's Room. I am
pretty sure this is PSX only.

Item Duplication Trick
(credit: Dingo Jellybean)

- Enter battle with a weapon in your left or right hand.

- Here enter battle.

- When the battle starts, go to an empty slot in your item box hit "A"

- Select a weapon or shield with the "A" button and put it in a empty slot.

- Finish the battle or run away, it doesn't matter.

- After the battle select the weapon or shield that you put in the empty slot

- Here you will see two of the same weapon or shield in your character's hand.
Now click that weapon or shield again and put it in an empty slot.

- Now click on that SAME WEAPON OR SHIELD again and put it back in your
character's hand. Now you have the same weapon in the character's hand, and the
other duplicate in your inventory!

Rare Items
Each time you win a battle, sometimes you will win a rare item. Here is a list
of the rare items, the effects of these items, and which enemies you can WIN
them from (not sneak).

Rare Item Name: Artemis Bow
Description of Rare Item: The best bow in the game.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Kary

Rare Item Name: Bomb
Description of Rare Item: It teaches Rydia how to summon Bomb.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Bomb, Gray Bomb, Balloon,

Rare Item Name: Cocatris
Description of Rare Item: It teaches Rydia how to summon Cocatris.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Eagle, Cocatris, Roc Baby

Rare Item Name: Crystal Ring
Description of Rare Item: It prevents Sleep, Confuse, and Paralyze.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Red Dragon

Rare Item Name: Cursed Ring
Description of Rare Item: It absorbs elemental damage, but lowers stats.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Spirit, Soul, Ghoust, Hooligan,
D. Bone, D. Fossil

Rare Item Name: Dragon Spear
Description of Rare Item: It is a powerful dragoon spear.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Red Dragon, Blue Dragon

Rare Item Name: Glass Helmet
Description of Rare Item: It prevents most status effects.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Evil Mask

Rare Item Name: Gorgon Sword
Description of Rare Item: This sword can cause gradual petrify.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Black Lizard, Medusa, Gorgon

Rare Item Name: Imp
Description of Rare Item: It teaches Rydia how to summon Imp.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Imp, Imp Captain, Black Imp,

Rare Item Name: Lilith Rod
Description of Rare Item: Casts Drain on opponent.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Lilith

Rare Item Name: Mage
Description of Rare Item: It teaches Rydia how to summon Mage.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Mage

Rare Item Name: Pink Tail
Description of Rare Item: Rarest of items, trade it to get Adamant armor.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Pink Puff

Rare Item Name: Power Vest
Description of Rare Item: Raises strength but only minimizes defense increase.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Behemoth

Rare Item Name: Rune Axe
Description of Rare Item: This strong axe works well against magic users.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Mac Giant, Red Giant

Rare Item Name: Serpent Whip
Description of Rare Item: This whip is effective against dragon type monsters.
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Blue Dragon

Rare Item Name: Silence Staff
Description of Rare Item: It cures and casts Silence, and improves the Will
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Marion, Sorcerer, Conjurer

Rare Item Name: Zeus Gloves
Description of Rare Item: Effective gloves against giants, protects against
Names of Monster(s) You can win Rare Item from: Skulls, Red Bones

------------------------------------------[XIV. Other Information]-----------

----This is a list of all other information about me and my guide.----


For being a good friend, and she is a great writer. Check out her Dark Cloud
guide and especially Chrono Cross, it kicks major ass. She also is doing a FFC
guide with me, check out her Chrono Trigger guide! She is also a hottie! ^_^.
And she did the ASCII art and format. Hell, what didn't she do? :)

-Dingo Jellybean -
Very helpful and kick ass fellow. I got some storyline parts from his guide
since I am too lazy to type them up myself ^_^

For writing this damn guide. :)

-Emperor Dark -
I got the character section from his guide, thanks!

-GameFAQs -
For posting this guide and most of my other guides.

-Brady Games
Their guide helped me translate this guide from the SNES ROM version to the PSX
version, thanks guys!

-Fresh Baked Games -
For being the coolest gaming site on the web and posting all my guides.

-Neoseeker -
For posting this guide and most of my other guides.

-Squaresoft -
For finally bringing this great game to America, well actually Square EA did,
so they deserve huggles!

-----------{CONTACT INFORMATION, MY OTHER GUIDES, ETC.}-----------------------

All my other guides and reviews can be found on my contributor page.

All my unposted FAQs can be found on the following websites.

Here is how you can contact me via e-mail or instant messengers.
-Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare
-AIM: MeganIzMyAngel
-AOL addy:

----------------------------------------------[XV. Conclusion]---------------

Thanks for reading the guide, I will work on it some more soon, I promise!

And remember, read Adrenaline SL's Chrono Trigger guide or I'll make you
famous! =/

-Psycho Penguin - Personal - Game Related

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Final Fantasy Chronicles: Final Fantasy IV Guide

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