Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2

Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2

17.10.2013 03:05:32
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Soviet Red Alert 2 Multiplayer Tactics FAQ Version 0.6

Written by Dave Kurtzberg
I am registered at Gamefaqs as Nsane98
If you have any comments, suggestions, corrections, or additions, please let
know! (Please be kind, this is my first FAQ :-))

Table of Contents:
1) Revision History
2) What is Red Alert 2?
3) Controls
4) A brief explanation of ratings
5) Soviet Units, structures and ratings
5.1) Infantry
5.2) Vehicles
5.3) Air Units
5.4) Sea Units
5.5) Structures
5.6) Country specific units
6) Allied Units, structures and ratings
6.1) Infantry
6.2) Vehicles
6.3) Air Units
6.4) Sea Units
6.5) Structures
6.6) Country specific units
7) General Tactics
8) Map-Specific Tactics - Coming Soon!

| Copyright 2000 Dave Kurtzberg
| Any reproduction of this FAQ without my consent for ANY reason is
| Prohibited.
| If you would like to post this FAQ on your website, please email me
| for permission.
| Any use of this FAQ for profit purposes is prohibited. This FAQ will
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| Being used for profit, PLEASE e-mail me at and
| Me know. Thank You.

This FAQ is only to appear at the following websites:

If I find this FAQ anywhere else without my permission, I will be very upset
action will be taken. Please obey the law.

1) Revision History:
Version 0.1: Putting up units and general strategies. Map strategies to
soon. Also, allied unit breakdowns and ratings, and what to do against them
against enemy strategies.

Version 0.5: Added more formatting to try and make this more readable.
the allied units section. Added unit ratings (or threat ratings) to all
sections. I corrected many grammatical errors. Finally, I edited the
as the faq will now appear in more then one place.

Version 0.53:
Added Chrono Ivan and Yuri Prime, thanks to
Fixed building order, thanks to Matt Bonig
Added ASCII art, although I can't seem to do the 2 right.

Version 0.6: November 24 2000
Hopefully the ASCII at the top looks ok now. Added controls section.
Added info on WAYPOINTS! (See below, these things excite me)

Coming Soon - individual map strategies!

2) What is Red Alert 2?

Red Alert 2 (RA2) is a real time strategy (RTS) game, by Westwood. RA2 is
highly awaited sequel to the game that really made the RTS genre popular,
original Command and Conquer: Red Alert. There are many ways to play,
campaigns, skirmishes, online cooperative matches against the computer,
tournament matches, online clan matches, and online non-tournament matches.
This FAQ focuses on multiplayer tactics only. The game play is fast and
relentless. A player builds buildings, which in turn allow him or her to
produce units. To get money, the player uses ore refineries and trucks.
object is to destroy your enemy's base and units. RA2 has many maps of
and famous places to fight in, including Paris, New York, and San Antonio.
game reviewers gave this game a very high score and it deserves these
The game is incredibly fun to play and the graphics fit the game engine
perfectly. One major gripe of the players is the lack of 3-d graphics.
However, this is a good thing. Imagine your video card trying to keep up
150 tanks on the same screen, constantly moving, in a 3-d engine! It would
next to impossible with the current technology. So read on, enjoy RA2, and
slaughter some people on Westwood chat!

3) Red Alert 2 DEFAULT controls:
here we go ...

Escape(esc): Brings up the options menu

f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, and f12: These are the cool multiplayer
The text for each key will appear in the next version of this FAQ

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0: These keys select a group of units that
have set them too. To set a group of units, select all the units with
cursor and then hit control + a group key.

\: This button sends chat to all players in the game

Backspace: This button sends chat to all allies

Tab: This brings up the "diplomicy Menu"

T: This selects unit type.

Enter: sends a chat to anyone listening

A: Ally with a side whose unit you have targeted

S: Orders selected units to stop

D: This will deploy a unit or an item. For example, hitting D with an
GI makes him create his sandbags.

F: Causes a unit to follow something (YAY! a key I don't use!)

G: Orders units to guard the area in the general vicinity of where they are

H: Hitting this key will cause your map to go back to your base.

Z: Use this to set waypoints. You will always, and I repeat, ALWAYS, set
waypoints during a tank fight!!! These things usually determine who
wins a fight with an equal number of tanks. Hold Z, make a circle around
the enemies tanks with waypoints, then let go, and watch his shots miss
your tanks as they move!

X: This causes selected units to scatter. Use it if you dont have time to
set waypoints and need your units to move immediatly. Unlike waypoints,
they will stop firing, so you will have to reassign them a target once
they are scattering.

N and M: These cycle through your units, selecting the previous or next
unit, respectivly.

Spacebar: If an event pops up on your radar (for example, ore miner under
attack!), pressing spacebar will move your map to the area where
the event is taking place.

Daves 3 most important controls:
1) Waypoints (Z)
2) Scatter (X)
3) Move map to event (Spacebar)

4) A brief description of ratings (and threats):

All Ratings are done on a scale of 1-10. They are also rated at different
in the game, the beginning, middle, and end. What follows is a brief
description of each score:

1: Don't even bother to build this. It wastes money, accomplishes nothing,
is worthless in some other way.

2: Don't build this unit. It has almost no use and can be replaced by
more effective units.

3: Only build this if you are really, really desperate for a short-term fix.
Otherwise, spend your money some other way.

4: Only build this if you have a very specific strategy in mind or need them
immediately, for something like base defense during a rocketeer rush when
have no air defenses - then you would build Flak Troopers.

5: Mediocre. These are worth building, but there may be a better
alternative to

6: Above Average. Build these units if you have spare cash lying around.
will help you but you don't need them to survive.

7: Useful. A unit with a rating of 7 is useful during this part of the
They defend against enemy tactics, or are good to do some major damage.
unit is Useful now, but probably not later.

8: Very Useful. Build this unit if you can. It is very useful now and may
longevity to other parts of the game, making it a very good use of money.

9: Extremely Useful. Build this unit! It will help you now and it will
you later. However, there is one small detail that keeps a unit rated 9
being rated 10. It could be a lack of well roundedness, or maybe the unit
useful in the very far future. However, this unit should be built.

10: Perfect. Build this unit immediately. Build as many as you can (don't
this for structures, though). A unit that is useful now and useful
the rest of the game. This is a unit that could win the game for you by
5) Soviet units:
5.1: Infantry
a) Conscript:
Beginning: 7
Middle: 5
End: 2
Cost: 100
The conscript is the generic Soviet infantry unit. Weaker then their allied
counterparts, they don't have much use. However, they are cheaper then
These units are very useful for one thing, however: Garrisoning
on this later - see general strategies, and see strategies for certain
b) Attack Dog:
Beginning: 9
Middle: 7
End: 7
Cost: 200
The dog is a great scouting unit(see general tactics.) Also great for taking
enemy infantry. However, they are completely defenseless against tanks and
other vehicles. It is a good idea to include a few in a tank rush to get
rid of
those annoying infantry.
c) Engineer:
Beginning: 8
Middle: 6
End: 4
Cost: 500
The engineer has many helpful abilities. Using an engineer, a player can
over any enemy building. They can also repair bridges, defuse bombs from a
crazy Ivan, and repair structures. See tactics for a cheap way to win the
early on.
d) Tesla Trooper:
Beginning: 4
Middle: 5
End: 6
Cost: 500
These infantry units are much better then standard conscripts. Their
weapon, a
small tesla gun, is much more effective then the machine guns of the
They are a little pricey, however, especially for an infantry unit. They
have short range, making then vulnerable to long range killers like the
e) Crazy Ivan:
Beginning: 5
Middle: 5
End: 5
Cost: 600
This is the soviet equivalent of a Tanya. He is able to destroy buildings
his dynamite. However, he is fairly useless in multiplayer games against
opponents, because you will be unable to get these inside the opponents
where they really do their damage.
f) Flak Trooper
Beginning: 9
Middle: 7
End: 5
Cost: 300
I almost never make flak troopers. If I am playing someone making an air
the game will be over before his air force can do any real damage. If you
fall victim to an air force, or you see rocketeers coming, crunch a few of
out and watch them wreak havoc. The reason their rating falls is because
element of surprise for a rocketeer rush diminishes as time goes on, and the
enemy is more likely to have air defense.
g) Yuri
Beginning: 4
Middle: 6
End: 6
Cost: 1200
I LOVE THESE THINGS! They happen to be fairly useless against a good
but I still love them. They require a large investment in buildings to be
to produce and I recommend also having a cloning vat. Because they need a
battle lab, I rarely make them. However, they are useful to have a little
with against the computer =) Yuris take control of the minds of enemy units,
can make a wave that kills infantry units instantly.
I) Yuri Prime
Beginning: 5
Middle: 7
End: 7
"Yuri Prime is like a regular yuri but is better. He "floats" instead of
walking that makes him faster. He can also do that thing that takes out
infantry as many times in a row, no recoil. He can also take over units
faster and from a longer range."
Beginning: 4
Middle: 6
End: 6
"Chrono Ivan teleports around the map (like a chrono legionnaire) and places
dynamite on things, pretty good
Also from
How to get these units.
Way 1
Play as soviets capture enemy spy(ies) with yuri.
Infiltrate the allied command center to get chrono yuri do the same but for
the soviet battle lab and get yuri prime.
Way 2
Play as soviets a capture the enemy yard and build spies. Send them to the
allies and soviets to get yuri prime and chrono Ivan.
5.2: Vehicles
a) Rhino Heavy Tank:
Beginning: 10
Middle: 8
End: 8
Cost: 900
This is your bread and butter. Crunch these out as fast as possible. If
are building and advanced structure and run out of money, cancel it and
more tanks, or you lose.
b) Apocalypse Tank:
Beginning: 5
Middle: 7
End: 9
Cost: 1750
This is a heavy-duty assault tank. Slow, but if you get them into an enemy
base, watch their buildings fall in seconds. These tanks require a battle
Therefore, they are only useful later in the game, once you have enough cash
make a large amount of them. Don't try to make them at the beginning, as
smaller tanks will rush you, and then you lose. Keep in mind that these are
also very expensive.
c) Terror Drone:
Beginning: 10
Middle: 9
End: 8
Cost: 500
These units are AMAZING. Send a couple at your enemy at the beginning of
game to halt his tank production or cripple his economy by attack ore
The TD is my favorite Soviet unit in RA2. They are also incredibly fast.
d) Flak Track:
Beginning: 3
Middle: 4
End: 4
Cost: 500
These are nice against rocketeers and enemy planes, but they are more
then flack troopers and as with flak troopers, really don't have much use.
e) V3 Rocket
Beginning: 1
Middle: 3
End: 3
Cost: 800
The v3 is a nice unit later in the game because of its long-range building
destroying ability. Not very useful at the beginning, spend money on tanks
f) MCV
Beginning: 1
Middle: 5
End: 6
Cost: 3000
This unit turns into a construction yard. After you use your MCV at the
beginning of the game, you most likely wont see another.
g) War Miner
Beginning: 10
Middle: 10
End: 10
Cost: 1400
This is the soviet ore truck. It mines ore then returns to your ore
and gives you money. Also, it comes with a turret to defend itself from
infantry, but it isn't very effective against tanks.
h) Amphibious Transport:
Beginning: 4 (5 if your map has water)
Middle: 5 (6 if your map has water)
End: 5 (6 if your map has water)
Cost: 900
This is a quick unit that can transport slower units around the map. It can
also go over water. These are not very useful, especially at the start of
game, as it requires a naval yard. However, if you and your opponent are
separated by water, they come in handy.
5.3: Air units.
a) Kirov Airship:
Beginning: 3
Middle: 6
End: 7
Cost: 2000
This is the only soviet air unit. Incredibly slow, but incredibly lethal.
very much use, but if your opponent has no air defense in what looks like a
stalemate game, try making a couple of these and taking out the cy and the
factory. They are also very, very expensive. One last thing - they do
to buildings they fall on when they are shot down. This is very useful as
last damage to kill an enemy structure.
5.4: Sea units
a) Attack Sub:
Rating: (only if you are on a map with LOTS of water)
Beginning: 4
Middle: 6
End: 6
Cost: 1000
Great against enemy naval vessels, but not very useful in tournament play,
the opponent most likely wont be building a navy and if he does, you will
him with your tanks.
b) Dreadnaught:
Beginning: 1
Middle: 5
End: 8
Cost: 2000 / 2500(Russians in multiplayer?? I'm not sure about this)
These are great for destroying buildings. Useful in a long, drawn out game,
that's very close. Maybe even the difference between life and death. They
useless at the beginning of the game, though.
c) Sea Scorpion
Beginning: 1
Middle: 3
End: 4
Cost: 600
Yet another fairly useless flak weapon. Only good when you and your
have naval units, as they protect against allied air-to-ship strikes.
d) Giant Squid
Beginning: 6
Middle: 7
End: 7
Cost: 1000
The squid Another good sea unit to take out other sea units, but useless
land units.
5.5) Structures
a) Construction yard
Cost: 3000
This building lets you to build everything else. Only building that you
out with.
b) Tesla Reactor
Cost: 600
This is for power. Please, please, please, use this and not nuclear
will explain later.)
c) Ore Refinery
Cost: 2000
This is the other half of your economy. War miners deposit ore here which
turned into money by the economy. If you can destroy this at the start it
cripple your enemy.
d) Barracks:
Cost: 500
Produces infantry.
e) War Factory
Cost: 2000
Produces surface vehicles
f) Naval Shipyard:
Cost: 1000
Produces sea units and transports
g) Radar Tower:
Cost: 1000
This tower Allows you to view the map in the upper right corner screen. I
it, since you can click on where you want to see to stop scrolling.
h) Service Depot:
Cost: 800
This is almost useless. Repairs vehicles, needed to produce MCVs
i) Battle lab:
Cost: 2000
This is Useful later, but not at the start. Do not build early, as these
are a
waste of money at the beginning that could be used on tanks or more ore
j) Cloning Vats
Cost: 2500
Once again, this is almost useless. Only good if you are mass-producing
Don't make this at the start. Pricey and requires a battle lab.
k) Tesla Coil
Cost: 1500
Uses a lot of power, but its good long range base defense. Use tesla
to charge them.
l) Walls:
Cost: 100
The only use of a wall is to surround buildings with them to make the enemy
destroy the walls before the buildings. A.K.A. Not very useful.
m) Sentry Gun:
Cost: 500
Good base defense against infantry. Also great to defend against enemy
drones and to place beside captured buildings to ward off enemy engineers
n) Nuke silo
Cost: 5000
Expensive, expensive, expensive. I usually turn super weapons off.
worthless IMHO.
o) Psychic Sensor:
Cost: 1000
Lets you know when an enemy issues an order to attack you. Pricey, requires
battle lab, but a good use of spare change later on.
p) Flak Cannon
Cost: 1000
Long range Anti air defense. I like flak troopers / tracks better, as they
q) Iron Curtain.
Cost: 2500
Great for use with Libyan demolition trucks if the game lasts a long time,
otherwise, bad bad bad.
5.6: Country-specific units:
a) Libya - Demolition truck
Cost: 1500
Lightly armored, but great to destroy any enemy building but a CY. GREAT to
at the start to take out the enemy war factory or ore refinery, whichever is
more accessible, to guarantee a victory.
b) Cuba - Terrorist
Cost: 200
Disguises and destroys. Incredibly fun to play with.
c) Russia - Tesla Tank
Cost: 1200
A nice tank, but don't make them early. I don't use them much.
6) Allied Units and Structures
6.1) Infantry
A) GI:
Beginning: 7
Middle: 4
End: 3
The basic allied infantry unit. It costs a bit more then the conscript, but
has the ability to create sand bags around itself. When it does this it
more damage and lasts longer, making these good for mowing down conscripts.
However, dogs make short work of them.
b) Engineer:
Beginning: 8
Middle: 6
End: 4
Same as soviet engineers, but their voices suck.
c) Attack dog:
Beginning: 6
Middle: 6
End: 6
Watch for these with infantry units, but they can't hurt tanks.
d) Rocketeer:
Beginning: 9
Middle: 5
End: 4
Very, very deadly in the beginning if you don't build flak troopers.
e) Spy
Beginning: 5
Middle: 5
End: 6
Not as dangerous as an engineer, and more expensive to produce. During a
rush they can take out your power, however, so train some dogs to watch out
f) Tanya:
Beginning: 6
Middle: 6
End: 6
If one of these gets into your base, you are in trouble. Make sentry guns
dogs to protect against Tanya rushes.
g) Seal
Beginning: 1
Middle: 5
End: 6
You wont see these in the beginning of the game. Later, however, they can
slaughter conscripts. They have long range and high firepower. Be careful,
have c4 and can swim, just like Tanya.
h) Chrono Legionnaire
Beginning: 1
Middle: 7
End: 8
Watch out for squads of these. They can take out buildings rather quickly
you don't have dogs waiting for them. However, it takes them a while to
back in so you can move your dogs over you need to. Be careful - your
may try to draw your forces away from your base by moving these around.
let him/her.
i) Chrono Commando
Very rare. To get these you need to send a spy into an allied Battle Lab.
Don't worry about these, since if you are a soviet, you don't have an allied
battle lab, =)
j) Psi Commando
Beginning: 4
Middle: 6
End: 6
Same as a Yuri.
6.2) Vehicles
a) Grizzly Battle Tank
Beginning: 10
Middle: 8
End: 7
The first allied tank. Very fast. Be careful of them in a rush early on,
b) Infantry Fighting Vehicle:
Beginning: 1
Middle: 1
End: 1
Weak, weak, weak. However, they are fast, so watch for them. Your tanks
kill one of these fairly quickly.
c) Mirage Tank:
Beginning: 7
Middle: 8
End: 8
These tanks aren't very powerful, but they turn into trees, so you may not
notice them until too late. Watch out!
d) Prism Tank:
Beginning: 7
Middle: 9
End: 10
Watch out, these are the most powerful allied tanks, and their weapon hits
then one target at once!
e) MCV
Beginning: 1
Middle: 4
End: 4
Same as soviet MCV.
f) Chrono Miner
Beginning: 10
Middle: 10
End: 10
These things give the allied forces money. TAKE THEM OUT WITH TERROR
6.3) Air Units
a) Harrier
Beginning: 5
Middle: 4
End: 5
Make sure to have adequate air defense if you see your opponent making
b) Night Hawk Transport
Beginning: 5
Middle: 5
End: 5
Once again, air defense.
c) Amphibious Transport
Beginning: 6
Middle: 6
End: 6
Same as Soviet unit.
6.4) Naval Units:
a) Destroyer:
Beginning: 3
Middle: 6
End: 7
You will need subs and squids to take these out, and they can cause major
to your base if you don't intercept them before they get there.
b) Aegis Cruiser:
Beginning: 1
Middle: 7
End: 7
Once again, build squids and subs and these wont be a problem. If you don't
build a navy, these WILL be a problem
c) Aircraft Carrier:
Beginning: 4
Middle: 8
End: 8
The most damaging Allied unit. Watch out, they carry planes that can hurt
base. Build a navy and air defense if you see these.
d) Dolphin
Beginning: 5
Middle: 5
End: 5
These will hurt your naval units and you can't see them. Watch out.
6.5: Allied Structures:
a) Construction Yard:
The building the lets them build more buildings!!! Yay. Anyway, take this
second in a tank rush, after war factories.
b) Power plant
The allied sources of power. Take these out after war factories, barracks,
refineries, and airfields.
c) Ore Refinery
The allied economy. Take these out after the cy
d) Barracks
Produces allied infantry units. Take these out after the Ore Refinery.
e) War Factory:
Produces vehicles. Take these out first.
f) Naval shipyard
Produces naval units. If you can get these with your tanks, get them after
g) Air Force Command Headquarters:
Take these out after the barracks, to eliminate planes.
h) Service Depot:
This lets them make MCVs and repair units. If you get the war factory, you
not fear these structures, and take them out at the end.
i) Battle Lab:
Another building that doesn't produce units. As such, destroy it after you
destroy buildings that do produce units, or mine ore ;)
j) Ore Purifier
Not much use without an ore refinery. Take these out after unit producing
structures and refineries.
k) Spy Satellite Uplink:
Take this out before buildings like battle labs are ore purifiers, but after
refineries and buildings that produce units.
l) Fortress Walls:
Kinda annoying. Just blast through them.
m) Pill box:
Take these out before non-essential buildings but after buildings like cy,
refinery, and war factory / barracks.
n) Prism Tower:
These things upset me greatly. Take them out at the start, they cant take
many hits, but they do major damage.
o) Patriot missile system:
These don't worry you much; take them out at the end.
p) Gap generator:
Take these out after the essential buildings, after the satellite uplink,
before buildings like the battle lab.
q) Weather Control Device:
Get rid of these things if they are there. I usually play with super
off, so these are not a problem for me.
r) Chronosphere:
Once again, I usually play with super-weapons off. If there is one, get rid
it fast.
7) General Strategies
7.1) Things to do:
a) GARRISON BUILDINGS!!! This is one of your main offensive threats.
Garrisoning buildings is a great way to end a game before it really gets
underway. Try to make a few conscripts and garrison buildings next to your
opponent's base. This way, if they rush you, you can manage to kill some of
their tanks before they reach you, and if you get really lucky you can take
enemy structures. This tactic works great on small maps where theres only
way for the opponent to rush you. if you garrison the buildings on the
you can take out their army before it ever reaches you! After you take over
building, send an engineer to repair it ASAP. Many buildings start with
little defense, many below 50%.
*b) When tank fighting, always set waypoints. Setting waypoints in tank
* battles will usually decide who wins the fight. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS
* (did I mention ALWAYS?) Set waypoints. If you happen to have an
emergency *
* where there is no time to set waypoints, scatter instead by pressing x.
* least your units are moving. This works because while your units are
* moving and firing, hitting your opponents units (assuming he isnt using
* waypoints) the opponents units are also firing, but your units are
moving, *
* so they don't get hit! YAY! ALL HAIL WAYPOINTS!
Hmmmmm, did I make myself clear on that waypoint thing? :D
7.2) How to win:
Strategy 1:
Garrison all buildings and cripple your enemy's economy by sending terror
to his ore miners. Doing this is a great way to stop tank rushes and to get
of tanks at his base. Then, when he is crippled, build a few tanks and take
his cy, then ore refinery, then war factory, then barracks, then the rest.
Strategy 2:
Tanks. Build 5-10 tanks at the start and rush your opponent. War Factory,
Construction Yard, then Ore refinery. Do not do this if your enemy is
garrisoning buildings - instead, take his buildings first. Watch for terror
drones. Bring a few dogs with you to take care of pesky infantry. Finally,
make sure you have some tanks left at your base for the counter-rush.
(More coming soon)
7.3) Building Order
In my humble opinion, here is how to build things.
1) Cy
2) Tesla Reactor
3) Barracks
4) Ore refinery
5) Tesla Reactor
6) War factory
7) Nothing until war factory has produced 2 more ore trucks as its first two
8) Tesla Reactor
9) Radar dome, after you have tanks, and don't run out of money to build
10) Tesla Reactor
11) Tesla Reactor
12) Battle lab
13) Iron curtain if you have demo trucks, cloning vats if not, and then with
vats build Yuris.
Ok, that's all for version 0.6 - Updates coming. If you have anything to
comments, suggestions, etc, please, let me know,
I would like to thank the following:
My parents
Westwood for the info on Yuri prime and Chrono Ivan. Thanks!
Matt Bonig - For pointing out that I didn't have a
barracks in my building order.
All the websites who host my FAQ
Thanks, everybody!

Once again
Copyright 2000 Dave Kurtzberg.
This should only appear at:
Unauthorized copying is strictly prohibited
This FAQ is not to be used for profit.


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Rules.ini für alle Trupppen (auch Yuri's Revenge)

18.Октябрь 2013
Dieses kleine Tool kann die Videos aus dem Spiel zu Dateien auf der Festplatte extrahieren, man kann sie sich also alle anschauen und z.B. ins .avi Format umwandeln. (Benötigt wird dazu der Bink-Player unter

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Geld-Trainer (für gepatchte Version)

17.Октябрь 2013
Eine neue Rules.ini, für RA2 und für RA2 - Yuri's Revenge

17.Октябрь 2013
Karte aufdecken und Geld (für RA 2 v1.00 bis v1.004 und RA 2- Yuri's Revenge)

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Cash, Power, schnelles Bauen, Karte aufdecken und Mission-Skip (für v.1006 eng.)

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Trainer (nur für v1.004)

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Geld- und Energietrainer

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013
Trainer (für v1.003)

15.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer (für v.1003)

17.Октябрь 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.003)

16.Октябрь 2013
Geld-Trainer (für alle Versionen)

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

14.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Hinweise

17.Октябрь 2013
Multiplayer-FAQ für die Sovjets
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Geld-Trainer (für v1.002)

18.Октябрь 2013
FAQ für Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Endsavgame Amerika

15.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018