Serious Sam

Serious Sam

13.10.2013 08:03:48
Serious Sam unofficial FAQ/Hint Guide

Author: Lucian Mogosanu
Version: 0.0

=== Copyright Notes ===
This document is copyright (C) 2001 by Lucian Mogosanu. It may be used on
sites or other publications with permission. It may not be sold by anyone. Those
who want to post it on any sites should read section "[3]FAQ posting information".

=== History ===
Version 0.0
- First Version

=== Table of Contents ===
[1]Intro/Serious Sam review
[2]System Requirements
[3]FAQ posting information
[4]FAQ information
[5]About the Author
[6]Serious Sam Copyright
[7]The Story
[8]The Game
[8.1]Setting The Basic Options
[8.2]Creating your player
[8.3]Setting the controls
[8.4]Starting the game
[9]Single Player
[9.2]Sand Canyon
[9.3]Tomb of Ramses
[9.4]Valley of the Kings
[10.1]Multiplayer Modes
[10.3]Lag and Multiplayer Problems
[10.4]Cooperative Games
[15]Contributions to this FAQ
[16]Thanks to...


= [1]Intro/Serious Sam review =
It's been some time since I haven't played a good FPS (excluding Quake 3
Arena or Unreal Tournament). Since Soldier of Fortune passed some time, and I read
about Serious Sam. It's made by a team from Croatia, named Croteam. The program
served as a downloadable graphics engine presentation (see the Serious Sam
Technology Test).
But GOD Games saw the demo, and they were impressed (as everybody else who
downloaded it). So, after KarnakDemo, a whole game was created. Not only the
graphics are impressing, but the game as a whole is incredible.
A few months ago, the game appeared. It seems that after the Blair Witch
games (they're two different games, but both of them are bad) GOD Games wanted to
distribute a good game, and this one marks the spot...

= [2]System Requirements =
Minimum System Requirements:
AMD K6-3 400MHz or Celeron 300MHz
Full OpenGL compliant 3D accelerator
100% Windows compatible sound card
Windows 95OSR2/98/98SE/ME/NT 4.0 (with Service Pack 5) or Windows 2000
150MB free hard disk space

Recommended System Requirements:
AMD Athlon 550MHz or Pentium III 550MHz range processor
Full OpenGL compliant 3D accelerator with 32MB RAM
Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live
450MB free hard disk space

For Full Experience:
AMD Thunderbird 800Mhz or Pentium III 800MHz range processor
Third generation full OpenGL compliant 3D accelerator with 32MB RAM

(extracted from the game manual)

= [3]FAQ posting information =
You may post this FAQ only when the following things have been met:
- I know the exact URL of the FAQ
- The FAQ remains intact (see section [4]FAQ information)
- you give me 100& credit
- send me an e-mail after you have posted the FAQ
- you update the FAQ after new versions have been released

= [4]FAQ information =
File name: Serious Sam unofficial FAQ.doc
Pages: 13
Characters (no spaces): 27.143
Lines: 825
Font: Courier New
Font Size: 9

= [5]About the author =
I'm too lazy to write about myself right now, so, in later versions, I
promise I'll have this section complete.

= [6]Serious Sam Copyright =
Gathering of Developers and godgames are trademarks of Gathering of Developers,
Inc. Copyright (c) 1998 Gathering of Developers I, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Croteam and the Croteam logo are trademarks of Croteam, Ltd. Serious Sam and the
Serious Sam logo are trademarks of Croteam, Ltd. Serious Engine, Serious Editor,
Serious Modeler and the Serious Engine logo are trademarks of Croteam, Ltd.
Copyright © 2000 Croteam, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

This FAQ is an unofficial FAQ. This means it is not supported or endorsed by
Croteam or by Gathering of Developers in any way.

= [7]The Story =
At the dawn of the 21st Century, mankind makes a startling discovery. Beneath
the sands of the earliest known human civilization, traces of another, even more
ancient- but technologically advanced- civilization are uncovered. The profound
scientific implications of this discovery leads humankind to the far reaches of the
universe. Everything seems perfect- but too perfect to last.
In the year 2104, human civilization is attacked by countless deadly
monsters, spawned from another dimension. In the battles that follow, humankind
fights valiantly, but nothing can stop the monsters from coming. Earth's forces are
steadily defeated, planet-by-planet, from Alpha Centaury back to their own solar
Because of his extreme bravery in battling monsters, Sam 'Serious' Stone
becomes a legend. Wounded countless times- but never defeated- Serious Sam becomes
a living symbol of the Earth's resistance against the advancing evil.
But, no matter how bravely the human armies fight, they are defeated, time
and again. Attempts to defend the solar system fail and the Earth is now under
direct attack. Humankind stares into the face of its own annihilation.
World leaders must now turn to their last chance- an ancient artifact called
the 'Time-Lock', a relic from a long-forgotten race, imbued with the power to
teleport a single person back in time. The choice of whom to send is obvious…
Serious Sam becomes the final hope for humankind. He must return to the past
and change it to save his race from extinction from an evil force determined to
purge the galaxy of all intelligent life.

(extracted from the game manual)

= [8]The Game =
Well, I guess this covers anything about the game interface, including the
simple stuff about playing. More things about menus can be found in this FAQ (e.g.:
you can find more about multiplayer game types at the multiplayer section in the

= [8.1]Setting The Basic Options =

- Installing the game:
This is simple. When the autorun comes up, press "Install" and follow the
wizard. When it's over, go to Start | Programs | Serious Sam and choose running the

- Running the game:
The main menu looks like this:
- Single Player -> Here you can play a single player game
- Network -> Start a network game (see the multiplayer section for details)
- Split Screen -> Play a multiplayer game on one computer
- Demo -> View a prerecorded demo or one you recorded
- High Scores -> View the high scores table
- Options -> Set the game options
- Video Options -> Set the video options
- Audio Options -> Set your audio options
- Players and controls -> View section [8.2] for details
- Network connection -> Set network connection to match yours
- Advanced Options -> Options for advanced users
- Execute Add-on -> Install drivers and stuff like these

= [8.2]Creating your player =
You have the option to set your name, and your look. You can set the player
name and team by typing them in the boxes. You can create a coloured name if you
want to. Do it like this:
Let's say you want to create a black name. The hex value for the black color
is 000000. To make a coloured name you must use the [^] key and specify you want to
create a coloured name. Your name should look like this when you write it:
^c000000Name, where "Name" is your name. All the characters will look black, but
you can type ^c and a colour behind every character.
You can do other stuff with your character, like:
- ^c######Name - # is the hex value of the color you use
- ^f#Name - make a flashing name. # is the value from 1 to 9, for flashing speed
- ^bName – Make a bold name
- ^iName – For an italic name.
For example, my name looks like this:
^f1^cf00000S^f2^c009900p^f3^c66ccffy^f4^c996600k^f5^c000000e. This means "Spyke".

You can set a model for your character (multiplayer games only), a team and
other options like a crosshair, hiding the weapon etc. You can also set your
controls, which will be covered in the next section.

= [8.3]Setting the controls =
Setting the controls eases your game, so you don't have to use preset controls. You
can make them to match your "taste".

- The Default controls look like this:
Move Forward: Up Arrow or W
Move Back: Down arrow or S
Strafe Left: Q or A or Left Arrow
Strafe Right: E or D or Right Arrow
Jump/Swim Up: Space or R
Duck/Swim Down: F or C
Fire: Left Mouse Button or CTRL
Reload: Alt
Use/Invoke NETRICSA: none
Next/Previous Weapon: ] and [
Weapons are the keyboard numbers

- These is my control configuration:
Move Forward: w
Move Back: s
Strafe Left: a
Strafe Right: d
Jump/Swim Up: Right Mouse Button
Duck/Swim Down: Alt
Fire: Left Mouse Button
Reload: R
Use/Invoke NETRICSA: Ctrl
Next/Previous Weapon: ]/[
Weapons are the keyboard numbers

= [8.4]Starting the game =
This section will cover on how to start a Single Player Game. For help to
start a Multiplayer game see the multiplayer section of this FAQ.
At the Single Player menu, you will see the following:
- New Game -> If you click on this one, you start the game. You will have to choose
a difficulty level. These are:
- Tourist -> For people who don't know what FPS really are. I haven't tried it,
but I say it's awfully easy!
- Easy -> For unexperienced FPS players. If you haven't finished Soldier of
Fortune on "effortless", then you need to choose this. But it's still easy
- Medium -> That's the standard level. A normal FPS player should choose it
- Hard -> If you have finished Quake 3 on hardcore, then this is the level for you
- Serious -> Only if you sit 24/7 in a room playing FPS, with a toilet under you
and the food and the coffee near your monitor. Maybe not even them can finish the
game on this level.

- Custom Level -> A level you have played before. If you want to load a level from
the beggining, choose this.
- Quick Load -> Load a Quick Saved game.
- Load -> Load a saved game.
- Training -> The KarnakDemo level, for those who miss the demo version.
- Technology Test -> If you want to see cool graphic stuff. But don't get lost in
the temples ;-).
- Quit -> Are you serious?

= [8.5]NETRICSA =
NETRICSA means NEuTRonically Implanted Combat Situation Analyzer. It helps
Sam analyze stuff, and gives him info on monsters and freakin' guns. Maybe some
people couldn't get trough the game without it.
The NETRICSA comes in two shapes: the HUD, and the info interface.
The HUD displays you life meter and armor meter in the left-down corner, the
ammo in the middle-down part, crosshair, and other useful stuff. This is your best
friend, because it's the most needed thing. While you can get without the info
interface through the game, you won't know the ammo and the weapons without the
The info interface gives you info about every level, about things like signs
on the walls, weapons and enemies. All of them are useful, and I would recommend to
read you "mail" a whenever new one comes. It's a good help.

= [9]Single Player =
This section covers all the Single Player levels in Serious Sam. Although it
may seem a walktrough, it isn't. It's just a list of the levels, and some hints on
how to solve them. I think it's enough, since the walktrough to Serious Sam doesn't
involve solving hard puzzles. The level hints may seem too less, but more will be
added. Not all the levels have been added, but the rest will come after I have
finished the game.

= [9.1]Hatshepsut =
Whatever you expect, this is the first level. If you have got trough the
training, then this level should be fairly simple. Here, you will encounter the
most common enemies, and your first weapons, another colt, and a single-barrel
shotgun. The only goal is to get to the end of the level alive.

= [9.2]Sand Canyon =
As the level name says, you will get through a small canyon. Here, you will
encounter the same monsters as in the last level, with some new add-ons. Just kill
them. You may also meet the blue Bio-Mechanoid Minor piece of s**t. He'll die in a
few shotgun shots, so don't worry. When you have finished with all the enemies,
just head for the first element and get it.

= [9.3]Tomb of Ramses =
Maybe one of the most exciting levels of the game. There are some parts of it
that suck (e.g.: the damn stairs part of the level), but you have to work out until
the end of the level, where you can see the surprise, heh heh. You will meet the
juvenile arachnoid, and you will feel good after busting a cap in his ass. There
won't be many of them, don't worry. Anyway, you can get a rocket launcher here
(there must be a teleporter somwhere, but I haven't found it. Oh, and it's
impossible to jump to get it.
If you have worked enough, you will get to the final room. Here, you will
fight an awful lot of monsters. Some of them are Kleer Skeletons, Marsh Hoppers,
Beheaded guys, and, of course, the Gnarrs (I just love their look. Just look at the
flying ones... Does DOOM tell you something? ;-). After everybody is dead, an
arachnoid daddy. I guess he wants to kill you for all his sons you have put to
death. Just kill him with 10-20 double-barrel shotgun shots (you can get it from
the center of the room) and go take the second element.

= [9.4]Valley of the Kings =
This level is somehow similar to level 2, but don't get fooled, it's much
harder. You need a rocket launcher to finish it, and you'll get it by going to the
back of the statue. Get the rockets. Note that you can only get it after you kill
the common alurdan reptiloid. After this, get the rockets and the launcher and kill
his daddy (he isn't a boss, don't worry, just a big bad monster).
After this, get through the temple. Get trough the Moon Mountains. If you use
some cheats, you can get trough some rooms that have all the monsters (except the
boss) in the game. If you don't use them, you'll fall trough the bridge and get to
the Oasis.

= [9.5]Oasis =
Prepare for a simple level, with two Major Bio-Mechanoids and some other guys
to kill. Also, you will find lots of ammo for your weapons. The bigger and badder
guys can be shut down with some rockets. Not much to tell... Just keep your eyes
open, and the level will seem to be simple and beautiful.

= [9.6]Dunes =
Maybe this is the level I like the most. Get your rocket launcher and kill
the big guys that guard the entrance to the fortress. After killing everything,
enter the fortress. Here you will get the best (?) weapon in the game. Actually,
it's just the one with the biggest fire rate, and a pretty good power and accuracy.
Anyway, kill the Common Alurdan Reptiloids that guard the place and head for the

= [9.7]Suburbs =
In the suburbs, anything you have to do is to clear the guys that guard the
place. You'll meet lots of minor bio-mechanoids and some juvenile arachnoids. Also,
in the second part of the suburbs, you'll meet some common alurdan reptiloids. Just
take care of them all, analyze the situations there, and, after using the sinking
buttons, enter the sewers.

= [9.8]Sewers =
Oh, man, this level is bad. Be careful so you don't enter the water. Do it
just when you MUST do it. Make sure your health doesn' get too low, or you won't
survive in the long dive trip. If you have got some dogfighting experience, you
will survive the battles with the fishies fast, otherwise, it's gonna be hard. I
can wish you good luck, however...

= [10]Multiplayer =
This section covers everything about multiplayer. This game might not seem a
multiplayer game, but it is. It's everything you need. Have fun reading this
section. Oh, yes, and remember that multiplayer doesn't mean the network
multiplayer only, but the Split Screen multiplayer too.

= [10.1]Multiplayer Modes =
- Cooperative -> It looks like the most exciting multiplayer mode for me. Nothing
is funnier than killing a badass Major bio-mechanoid with your shotgun, and having
a friend that helps you. Also note that the cooperative mode has more monsters than
the single player mode, so having a friend near you is absolutely needed.
- Deathmatch/Scorematch -> The old Free-for-All mode. You know the rules, so, go
for it! Also, note that the scorematch is a deathmatch in which you fight for score
and in the old deathmatch (or fragmatch) you need to go for the frags.

= [10.2]Connections =
- Split Screen -> Not really a connection, but it's a game that can hold up to four
players on a screen. I don't recommend it to you if you don't have some joysticks
or joypads. Anyway, have fun.
- Local Area Network -> Play a TCP/IP game with your network neighbours on your
LAN. It can hold up to 16 players, as any TCP/IP game can. Anything is just fine if
the game versions are compatible one with another and other blah blah stuff.
- Internet Game -> If you've got an internet connection (and some money, for those
using a dial-up connection ;-) you can play on the server hosted by GameSpy, and
kick some Serious Ass. You can make friends, or play the game with a friend from
another country. It's anything you've wanted. I recommend it the most. But, if you
have a bad connection, the ping might be too high, so be careful.

All those types of Multiplayer playing make use of servers. You can host or join a
server. Info about this is covered in the manual, and it's very simple for anyone
that touched a better FPS, like Quake 3.

= [10.3]Lag and Multiplayer Problems =
Since Single Player gaming and writing this FAQ takes some time, I haven't
got too much time for a multiplayer game. This section only covers problems about
the network games, since Split Screen games shouldn't be a problem. I'll write
about LAG and multiplayer problems after the Single Player section of this FAQ is

= [10.4]Cooperative Games =
From what I saw in the demos, cooperative games are really nice. I haven't
tried them yet, but I'll make more time to do it. You may find some friends on the
net who might help you, but I recommend you playing coop games only after you have
finished the game.

= [10.5]Deathmatch =
Basic free-for-all game. No matter what you go for, score or frags, you will
surely like it. If you're a newbie, remember that you've got NO friends here. You
can hurt anybody, and this will only bring you frags or some points, heh heh.
Beware about the net players. Strafing and a good weapon are crucial to
winning. Don't go kill your enemy with a colt, if you have a rocket launcher. Make
use of all the weapons you've got. A rocket launcher might be good for some enemies
that are close to each other, so you can make genocide. A two-barrel shotgun can be
good for a bad-ass enemy.
At this point, there is only one deathmatch map. This can make some people
not buy Serious Sam, but I recommend you buying it, since there will be add-ons,
you can find new maps on the internet, and better than that, you have the map
editor that can help you make new deathmatch maps. So, don't get too serious, train
yourself on the map you've got (you can search for Deathmatch bots, or insert some
enemies in the map with the editor) and get ready for other maps that will come.

= [11]Enemies =
--- Beheaded Rocketeer ---
Metabolism: Cyber-Zombie
Perception: insentient, LCU-controlled
Size: 6 ft.
Endurance: very low
Hostility: very low
Weapon: Magic missile-launcher
Reward: 200 FC
Threat: none
Notes: They're the monsters simplest to kill. Just put a bullet trough their head.
I haven't tried it, assuming that they hold their head in their hand :lol:.

--- Beheaded Bomber ---
Metabolism: Cyber-Zombie
Perception: insentient, LCU-controlled
Size: 6 ft.
Endurance: Very Low
Hostility: Very Low
Weapon: Hand Grenades
Reward: 500 FC
Threat: low
Notes: Harder to kill than the rocketeers, but still harmless against your colt.
Kill them fast, and strafe their bombs. They're accurate, so be careful. Also, be
careful about those above you, that can easily bomb you.

--- Beheaded Firecracker ---
Metabolism: Cyber-Zombie
Perception: insentient, LCU-controlled
Size: 6 ft.
Endurance: Very Low
Hostility: Very Low
Weapon: Magic-Missile Launcher
Reward: 200 FC
Threat: none
Notes: Similar to the rocketeer, just the weapon is a little more powerful.

--- Beheaded Kamikaze ---
Metabolism: cyber-zombie
Perception: insentient, LCU-controlled
Size: 6 ft.
Endurance: very low
Hostility: extreme
Weapon: hand grenade
Reward: 2500 FC
Threat: high
Notes: Freakin' dangerous. If there are a lot of them, you can hear their screams.
And if you do, use a rocket launcher or something with a good fire rate or high
impact to kill them.

--- Gnarr Female ---
Metabolism: mammal
Perception: trained war animal
Size: 5 ft.
Endurance: Low
Hostility: Low
Weapon: bites, punches
Reward: 1000 FC
Threat: Low
Notes: The guys I like the most. A shotgun is enough to keep them down. There are
species that don't have legs and hands and just fly, and some invisible guys.

--- Gnarr Male ---
Metabolism: mammal
Perception: trained war animal
Size: 4 ft.
Endurance: low
Hostility: low
Weapon: bites, punches
Reward: 500 FC
Threat: very low
Notes: Same as the females, only that they are less agressive and require more
shots to "get down". Just kill them as fast as possible.

--- Kleer Skeleton ---
Metabolism: undead
Perception: magical creature
Size: 9 ft.
Endurance: low
Hostility: medium
Weapons: two-ball projectiles, claws, horns
Reward: 1000 FC
Threat: medium
Notes: Big and pretty hard to kill. If they're a lot, use a rocket launcher to calm
them. Otherwise, you need to use other guns. Strafe their jumping attacks.

--- Sirian Warbull ---
Metabolism: mammal
Perception: labour animal
Size: 6 ft.
Endurance: low
Hostility: medium
Weapons: horns
Reward: 2000 FC
Threat: medium
Notes: Just some wild guys trying to kill you. Three shotgun fires should kill
them, while two rockets applied when they're lots should do the trick. Not very
dangerous, so just take care of them fast.

--- Marsh Hopper from Rigil Kentaurus ---
Metabolism: terrestrial amphibian
Perception: wild animal
Size: 3 ft.
Endurance: none
Hostility: extreme
Weapons: toxic slime splash
Reward: 500 FC
Threat: very low
Notes: Even if you think they're pieces of cake, you'll find about 10 cakes that
come in a pack ready to kill you. Use a double-barreled shotgun, a tommy-gun or
even a rocket launcher to make them suffer. All you need here is a good fire rate
or a great impact. You choose.

--- Bio-Mechanoid, Minor ---
Metabolism: Endothermous Cyborg
Perception: genetically programmed
Size: 15 ft. Standing
Endurance: medium
Hostility: high
Weapons: pulse lasers
Reward: 2000 FC
Threat: medium
Notes: Easy to kill, even with a shotgun. A rocket is enough to put him down, but
they can come in packs. Just take care of them fast, and strafe their laser

--- Bio-Mechanoid, Major ---
Metabolism: Endothermous Cyborg
Perception: genetically programmed
Size: 30 ft. standing
Endurance: high
Hostility: high
Weapons: rocket launchers
Reward: 7500 FC
Threat: high
Notes: Just kill them as fast as you can. They're more bigger and more hostile than
their small brothers, but they're not hard to kill. Make sure that the rockets
don't touch you, or you can die fast.

--- Arachnoid, Juvenile ---
Metabolism: ectothermous, anthropod
Perception: primitive sentient race
Size: 10 ft.
Endurance: medium
Hostility: extreme
Weapons: chain-gun, tail sting
Reward: 1000 FC
Threat: high
Notes: They're bad guys, so stay away from them as much as you can. They can kill
you fast, because their machine-guns have infinite ammo, so shoot a few rockets to
kill them, or use the shotgun as fast as you can.

--- Arachnoid, Adult ---
Metabolism: ectothermous, anthropod
Perception: primitive sentient race
Size: 20-25 ft.
Endurance: high
Hostility: extreme
Weapons: chain-gun, tail sting
Reward: 5000 FC
Threat: high
Notes: Bigger than the juveniles and red. They can hold more attacks, but they're
the same in rest. They're just medium monsters, and they don't come in packs. Kill
them fast.

--- Aludran Reptiolid, Common ---
Metabolism: cold-blooded, reptile-like
Perception: primitive race
Size: 15 ft.
Endurance: medium
Hostility: high
Weapons: magic homing missiles
Reward: 5000 FC
Threat: high
Notes: They're common Aludran guys, and they aren't too hard to kill. Just watch
their missiles and shoot them when they come at you. They will follow you wherever
you go, and will shoot you. So, kick their asses fast.

--- Aludran Reptiloid, Highlander ---
Metabolism: cold-blooded, reptile-like
Perception: primitive race
Size: 45 ft.
Endurance: high
Hostility: high
Weapons: magic homing missiles
Reward: 25000 FC
Threat: high
Notes: Much bigger, much stronger, and much healthy. Watch them, or they'll kill
you fast. You'll meet a boss in the Valley of the Kings, and he'll show you he's
powerful. Show him you're much powerful than him with about 20 rockets.

--- Reeban Electro-Fish ---
Metabolism: aquatic vertebrate
Perception: wild animal
Size: 11 ft. in length
Endurance: low
Hostility: high
Weapons: electric discharges
Reward: 500 FC
Threat: medium
Notes: I hate them the most in the whole game. Their discharges are BAD for you, so
shoot a rocket at them if you see them. Be very careful in the sewers level. Maybe
they're a bigger threat than those Aludran guys.

--- Scythian Witch-Harpy ---
Metabolism: mammal
Perception: trained clone
Size: 5 ft. standing
Endurance: low
Hostility: medium
Weapons: magic projectiles, claws
Reward: 1000 FC
Threat: low
Notes: Not very powerful. You can shoot some shotgun shells at them if there are
not many of them, and shoot some 5.56 (with a Tommygun or a Minigun, the Tommygun
preferable) if there are many of them. They usually come in big packs, so prepare
your tommygun when you see them.

--- Lava Golem ---
Metabolism: inorganic
Perception: magical creature
Size: 10 to 100 ft.
Endurance: medium to extreme
Hostility: high
Weapons: fireballs
Reward: 500 to 50000 FC
Threat: low to extreme
Notes: Maybe the most dangerous creatures in the game. The little ones can be
destroyed with a rocket, the medium ones can die with a few grenades, and the BIG
ones require a lot of cannonballs. The big ones are the most dangerous, and you'll
think you're in hell when you'll be fighting them.

= [12]Weapons =

--- Military Knife ---
Ammo: N/A
Rate of Fire: N/A
Notes: The most simple weapon in the game. Use it whenever you need to use it, but
I don't think you'll be using it too often.

--- Schofield .45 w/ TMAR ---
Ammo: .45 Colt
Rate of Fire: Single Action; Manual Reloading
Notes: If you like the cowboy style, I welcome you to using it. This is the firs
weapon you will use, and you'll like it a lot. Good at high range. You can also use
two like this at once.

--- 12 Gauge Pump Action Shotgun ---
Ammo: 12 Gauge Shells (10 per pack)
Rate of Fire: One shell; pump reloading
Notes: It's really cool. You'll like it. If you like a weaker weapon, but with
faster rate of fire and reloading, it's yours. Not good at high range.

--- Double Barrel Coach Gun ---
Ammo: 12 Gauge Shells (10 per pack)
Rate of Fire: Two shells; Manual reloading
Notes: More powerful than the single barrel one, but it reloads slower. A good
choice at low range. Really weak at high range firing.

--- M1-A2 Thompson Submachine Gun ---
Ammo: 5.56mm bullets (50 per Box)
Rate of Fire: 600 rounds per minute
Notes: A good weapon for those who like killing lots of monsters and have some
weapon remaining for the next wave. Anyway, it's not so effective, so use it wisely
if you want to kill your enemies fast.

--- XM214-A Minigun ---
Ammo: 5.56mm bullets (50 per box)
Rate of Fire: 1200 rounds per minute
Notes: It's twice as fast as the Tommygun, but the ammo goes as twice as fast. Use
it when you're killing monsters in industrial quantities. It's really good when
you're trying to kill a pack of 200 skeletons that come at once. Only that you
don't have infinite ammo... Also, that's my favourite gun.

--- XPML21 Rocket Launcher ---
Ammo: 150mm Inferno Missile (5 per pack)
Rate of Fire: 85 Missiles per Minute
Notes: The most commonly used weapon in the game. It's very good when you're trying
to kill packs of enemies, but also very accurate. Use it with high care, or you
might kill yourself trying to kill someone else.

--- MKIII Grenade Launcher ---
Ammo: 40mm High Explosive Rounds (5 per box)
Rate of Fire: variable
Notes: You won't use this weapon too often, because you need firing at high places
sometimes, and this weapon isn't good at this. However, you can use it when a pack
of Harpies come close to you. It's very powerful.

--- XL2 Lasergun ---
Ammo: X7 Power Cells (50 units per pack)
Rate of Fire: 600 rounds per minute
Notes: A good weapon. It's one of the best automatic weapons in the game, along
with the Minigun. Much powerful than the Tommygun, but weaker than the minigun.
It's your choice most often.

--- SBC Cannon ---
Ammo: HP Uranium-Filled Cannonballs (4 per pack)
Rate of Fire: Variable
Notes: The most powerful weapon in the game. The fire rate is pretty low, but, when
you fire it agains a huge lava golem, you'll have a deja vu feeling. You'll feel
like you're playing bowling, so use it against bad enemies. The balls are going
trough the weaker enemies, and don't explode when they touch walls. It detonates at
a short time after it stops.

= [13]Items =
--- Armor ---
- Shards -> Adds one point to your armor, and goes over 100 and 200
- Exoskeleton -> Adds 25 points to your armor. Doesn't go over 100 or 200
- Vest -> Adds 50 points to the armor. Doesn't go over the maximum
- Heavy Plating -> These add 100 to your armor. They don't go over the maximum
- Heavy Armor Suit -> Adds 200 to your armor

--- Health ---
- Pill -> Adds one point to your health, and goes over the maximum
- Small Health -> Adds 10 points to your health. Doesn't go over the maximum
- Medium Health -> Adds 25 points to the health. Doesn't go over the maximum
- Large Health -> Adds 50 points to the health. Doesn't go over the maximum
- Super Health -> Adds 100 points to your health

--- Power-ups ---
- Backpack -> They add some ammo to all your weapons
- SeriousPack -> Increases all your ammo at maximum

= [14]Cheats =
This is the part of the FAQ I hate the most, as I hate cheating. But, for the
sake of some, I'll put it in the FAQ, because it comes useful sometimes. Press the
tilde [~] to activate the console and type one of the codes. You need to be polite
to get the cheats working :).

- please god -> god mode
- please giveall -> Gives everything!
- please killall -> Kills all the monsters in the level
- please open -> Opens all the doors in the level
- please fly -> If you like being a bird :)
- please ghost -> Toggle clipping
- please invisible -> No monster will see or hear you

Note that I haven't tried any of these cheats. The producers aren't
responsible for any damage you might get to your PC by using them. Me neither ;-).

= [15]Contributions to this FAQ =
Until now, nobody has helped me working at this FAQ (maybe some friends gave
me some hints, but they're not in the FAQ right now). Feel free to send any.

= [16]Thanks to... =
- Myself for having this patience to play the game
- Croteam for creating the game and GODGames for distributing it
- My father for getting the game
- Some friends for finishing the game on Tourist ;-)
- The flying Gnarrs for giving me such funny moments (just kidding) ;-)

This document is copyright (C) 2001 by Lucian Mogosanu
Serious Sam is copyright (C) 2000 by Croteam

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Komplettlösung und Secrets

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Munition, Gesundheit und Reloading

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Alle Level und den Mental-Modus freischalten

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Fundstelle der Tommygun im zweiten Level (mit Bild)

14.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

13.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Secrets

14.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019