

16.10.2013 20:36:52
Arcanum of Steamwork and Magick Obscura
Quest FAQ
ICQ # : 127106684

Table Of Contents :
A. Disclaimer
B. Revision History
C. Intro
D. Quest
E. Miscellanous
F. Frequently Asked Question
G. Credits

A. D I S C L A I M E R

This faq is copyrighted to q_cept and created for personal uses
only. Any rip off from this work is totally illegal and unforgivable.
This include the magazine, game guide, etc that for commercial

If you want to put this faq to your own homepage, please let me know.
I will surely grant you a permission as long as it is not a
commercial homepage. Surely, you don't want anyone rip off your hard
work for their special profit, right ?

You may find this faq along at this site :

If you find this faq not in this site, or in the any magazine or
commercial-purpose-things, please let me know.

B. Revision History

Version 0.01
-> First FAQ written, not too much to say though.

Version 0.02
-> Added a little about class in Miscellanous
-> Added some quest.

Version 0.03
-> Added more quest.
-> Added section called Stingy Pete Quest and God's Quest

Version 0.04
-> Finishing the game and added some final quest.
-> Put Location section and some new NPC characters.

Version 0.05
-> Added a little quest, especially master quest
-> Reorder the NPC Characters Quest.
-> Repair some errors that I made previously.
-> Added some new NPC I encountered.
-> Added some location that I missed.

Version 0.06
-> Added some quest, especially Wheel Clan Quest
-> Added some new NPC Characters Quest
-> Added new NPC
-> Added some location that I newly found

Version 0.07
-> Added Frequently Asked Question section
-> Put the sollution of Ancient God Quest

Version 0.08
-> Fix information about Gorgoth

C. Intro
Well, I try to list all the quest I've got in here. I hope this one will do
help covering most of the games quests. I have finished the games now as a

Any suggestion and comments are welcomed, just make sure to put
"Arcanum FAQ : suggestion/comments/etc" in the topic.

Whenever you want to drop me any mail, make sure that the question is
not already answered in this faq or if suggestion, make sure it isn't
already written in the last faq.

I don't put the reward from the quest, because I've realized that the
reward are different from player to player, depending on how you play your

This quest written according to the Quest Log from Log Book from the
character with intelligence of 8. I don't know with higher intelligence,
but lower intelligence (1-4 approximately) will be different, and
unable to do certain quests.

And finally, the sollution I given and the order in the FAQ is not
exactly the exact way to finish the games. So, stop giving me sollution
that basically is the same with mine. If you make it with a greatly
different way to finish this, then you are free to write me an e-mail.

D. Quest

I. Primary Quest
Notes : At this one, I will now enlist differently between the quest
when you are acting as a good or evil. The good one will be
started with a sign "+" and an evil one will be started with
a sign "-". For example : +8, this means the quest if you are
good, and -8 means the quest if you are evil. I will fix this
once I know exactly all the quests for the evil one since I'm
doing this right now.

1. Discover the origins of the strange rings
Where to find : Crash Site
How to find : automatic
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> Go to Shrouded Hills and talk to Ristrezze The Importer at
the General Shop. It is next to Armory. Ask him about the
ring and find the information needed. When you asking about
you will asked to do a quest for him.
-> You can either do the quest, kill him (but the guards will
likely to spot you), steal the key to his room. If you
choose to steal the key from him, access his room and check
the cabinet for the map and address of
Quest triggered : Side Quests No. 3, Quest No. 2
Special Notes : -

2. Now that you know about P Schlyter & Sons, you need to talk to them
concerning clues about the rings.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills
How to find : automatic
Requirement : finish Quest No. 1
Solution :
-> Go to P Schlyter & Sons in Tarant. (You may try to take Magnus,
he's standing in front of P Schlyter & Sons).
-> Talk to the shopkeeper and try to 'make him let you in'.
Whether kill him, persuade him, or steal the key from him.
-> Enter the trap door and explore until you meet the Schylters.
-> You may either kill them or make an agreement with them.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 3
Special Notes : -

3. Find more about an individual named Gilbert Bates
Where to find : Tarant
How to find : automatic
Requirement : finish Quest No. 2
Solution :
-> You can ask people in all about places to gain information
about him, so you will know about him. Or, go to Halls of
-> Talk to the guard standing in front of the house. With
persuasion skill you may enter without doing any quest
(Tarant quest No. 18) or you can do Tarant Quest No. 19 to
gain audience with him. OR, you can take the key from Appleby
and make all your way to Bates house.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 4
Special Notes : -

4. Search the mines of Black Mountain Clans for clues to their
whereabouts, and report back to Bates.
Where to find : Tarant
How to find : talk to Gilbert Bates
Requirement : finish Quest No. 3
Solution :
-> Go to Black Mountain Clans and explore there. There's many usefull
items there, such as emerald, ruby, etc.
-> When you happen to find 3 stairs, the middle one will lead you
to the throne-like room and accessing long passage full of traps.
At the opposite side, you will find a mad dwarf.
-> Check the stone pilar behind him. This will reveal the clue about
Black Mountain Clan.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 5
Special Notes : Beware of traps.

5. Look for the Black Mountain Clans on the Isle of Despair
Where to find : Tarant
How to find : talk to Gilbert Bates
Requirement : finish Quest No. 4
Solution :
-> Now, go to Ashbury and a ship will be waiting for you.
-> You neeed to talk to Tharvald in the village near you land on
the Isle. In order to gain audience with him, the ogre asks you
to fight in the pit.
-> Tharvald will tell you about Wheel Clan and wheel glasses needed
to see the entrance.
-> Wheel Glasses can be obtained from him (persuasion or steal or
kill), or also from the optician in Ashbury. He will make it for
you if you have Kathorn Crystal.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 5
Special Notes : -

6. Investigate the Wheel Clan for further information about hte Black
Mountain Mines
Where to find : Isle of Despair
How to find : automatic
Requriremnt : finish Quest No. 5
Solution :
-> Go to Wheel Clan from your world map. Remember to bring Wheel
-> Talk to the guards and then make your way to King-in-waiting
-> King-in-waiting will tell you about the incident unclearly, but
you will gain access you the Drill (?) to speak with the former
-> Enter the Drill(?) and then explore until you find a room filled
with dead monsters. There's a passage here, enter it and talk
to dwarf there.
-> After conversation, you will be told the location of Stillwater
in order to find Qintara.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 7
Special Notes : -

7. Find the elven village of Qintara.
Where to find : Wheel Clan
How to find : automatic
Requirement : finish Quest No. 6
Solution :
-> Go to Stillwater and find an elf there. There are 2 possibility
to get the location of Qintara. First, do the quest from the elf
(see Stillwater Side Quest) or quest from Graynlin (see Shrouded
Hills Side Quest).
-> Make your way through Hardin's Pass and then Qintara.
-> at Qintara, talk to Raven, the princess. She will give you the
quest (see Qintara Side Quest).
-> talk to Silver Lady and talk back to Raven.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 8,9, 12
Special Notes : -

8. Locate the village of Dark Elves
Where to find : Qintara
How to find : automatic
Requirement : finish Quest No. 7
Solution :
follow the quest No. 9, 10, and 11.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

9. Found out about Renford A. Terwillger
Where to find : Tarant, Hall of Record
How to find : automatic
Requirement : finish Quest No. 7
Solution :
You can talk to censuss woman about him to gain information or
read the newspaper you found in one of the cabinet in sensuss
office. However, disapointingly, you also need to check his
tomb for more info.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 10
Special Notes : -

10. Obtain a copy of "Horror Among the Dark Elves" by Renford A.
Where to find : Tarant
How to find : automatic after read the newspaper or talk with
censuss woman
Requirement : Quest No. 8
Solution :
-> After the quest No. 9, go to library and talk to librarian.
She will give you the book, but some said it's a bug so that
you can't get the book in inventory. I just steal it from her :P.
It is said that the copy is there in Caladon.
-> Go to Ashbury and talk to the author of "Curse of T'sen Ang".
After this one you can now go to Ashbury.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 12
Special Notes : -

11. Find Mr. Victor Nisk
Where to find : Ashbury
How to find : automatic after talking to the author of "Curse
T'sen Ang".
Requirement : Quest No. 10
Solution :
-> Go to Nisk's house in Caladon, just ask the people around
about his house. It's near the cemetary.
-> Talk to Mrs. Nisk. You wil find out that Victor Nisk is
already dead and buried in cemetary there.
-> Go to cemetary, dig the grave of Victor, and you'll find
book fromm Rooseburgh Gift Shop
-> Talk back to Mrs. Nisk. You'll know get Rooseburgh in
your map.
-> Go to Rooseburgh and dig any dig-able grave to find the book.
Quest triggered : Caladon Quest No. 1, Quest No. 12
Special Notes :
In order to use the shovel, you must put it in the quick-slot.
Click it, drag to quick slot. Use the key or click it again and
point it to where you want to dig. The dig-able one will be
lighted once you put cursor on it.

+12. Find out about M'in Garad in the village of the Dark Elves and report
back to Raven
Where to find : Qintara
How to find : talk to Raven after you talk withthe Silver Lady
Requirement : finish Quest No. 7
Solution :
-> Finish Quest No. 8
-> talk to the Elf Noble there. You may kill it or not (I prefer
-> Go back to Raven, and talk to Silver Lady and back to Raven
Quest triggered : Quest No. +13
Special Notes : after this one, you can take Raven to your party.

-12. Kill all the inhabitants of Stillwater
Where to find : T'seng Ang
How to find : talk to Elf Noble in T'seng Ang and agreed to
join him
Requirement : finish Quest No. 7
Solution :
Kill all people in Stillwater.
Quest triggered : Quest No. -13
Special Notes : you'll get reputation as Butcher of Stillwater
and a lot of evil allignment.

+13. Find Nasrudin
Where to find : Qintara
How to find : automatic
Requirement : finish Quest No. +12
Solution :
-> Go to Panarii Temple in Caladon then talk to Alexander, the
High Priest. Go enter the doors after talked to him, and talk
to 2 person there. The Gnome priest is Hadrian, who will give
you a quest (see Caladon Side Quest).
-> After finished the quest from Hadrian, back to Alexander and
reveal everything you see in catacombs. Don't forget to read
the book near the temple entrance. Talk back to Alexander
after read the book.
-> Now, you need to find a way to reach Taranthoan. You have to
find your own ship to get there since no captain will brave
enough to get you there.
-> Go to Black Root, you'll find the captain from ship that took
you to Isle of Despair before. Talk to him and you'll find
that his ship has been lost in the dice game. Now, you have
3 options : buy a new ship in Black Root, gamble the ship back,
or take Stingy Pete Quest to get his ship. It is not important
which you prefer.
-> After you get a ship, sail to Taranthoan. Find a journal in the
barrel near the landing site. Read it, and it reveal two
locations. Go to Land Brige in the map and take all your way
until you find a house. Go inside and talk to elf there.
Quest triggered : Stingy Pete Quest, Quest No. +14
Special Notes : Has anybody tried to kill Nasrudin?

-13. I am meant to travel to Caladon and speak with the high priest
of Panarii, K'an Hua. He is to be found in his office inside the
Panarii Temple.
Where to find : T'seng Ang.
How to find : talk to Elf Noble there after Quest No. -12
Requirement : finish Quest No. -12
Solution :
-> Go to Caladon and enter the Panarii Temple. Tell Alexander
that you want to meet K'an Hua and he will let you in.
-> talk to K'an Hua.
Quest triggered : Quest No. -14, Quest No. -15
Special Notes : -

+14. Find the Vendigroth Device and bring it to Nasrudin in Circle of
Where to find : Nasrudin House
How to find : automatic
Requirement : finish Quest No. 13
Solution :
-> Go to place Nasrudin told you. Here, you will gain access to
Waste Land. Talk to halfing there to get the location of
-> Go to Tulla and talk to guard, he will let you in. Enter
Go to castle-like building. And head to 2nd floor where the
headmaster is waiting for you. Before you enter, the guard
will tell you to look Mural of Enlightment first. Do so and
remember it. After it, talk to the guard and he'll let you
-> The Headmaster will tell you to find a way to speak with
ghost in the pool in order to gain a clue concerning
Vendigroth Device.
-> Do quest +15
-> Bring the device to Ring of Boragh and talk to Nasrudin. He
will banish you to the Void.
Quest triggered : Quest No. +15, Quest No. +16
Special Notes :
Once you enter the Void, you'll unable to get back. Take care
every possible quest first.

-14. Rescue Tollo Underhill, the thief, from the pits beneath Preator's
Where to find : Caladon
How to find : automatic
Requirement : Quest No. -13
Solution :
-> Go to Dernholm and talk to the guard near the pits. Annoy him
to make him throw you inside the pit, or if you are evil
enough, he will throw you quickly after talk to him.
-> Explore the pit until you find the halfing thief standing
alone. Talk to him.
-> You may either kill him or take him rescued.
-> Out from the pit by using the path near the place you find
Quest triggered : Quest No. 16
Special Notes :
If you choose to rescue him, you can get him to your party. This
quest is optional, if you do this, you'll get the map of
Vendigroth that makes you easier to complete it.

+15. You neeed to determine how to get Pelojian's Spirit to answer your
questions when it appears at midnight.
Where to find : Tulla
How to find : automatic
Requirement : Quest No. +14
Solution :
-> Now, tricky part. There are 4 house which the door is locked.
In order to open the locks, you must step in the marked-
circle around the town in a definite order. The clue you have
is Mural of Enlightment. Notice that the 4 big cirle mark is
same with each of the mark in the house wall. Every circle
has 4 different mark that circle it also. Now this mark is
what you need to step in order to open the lock. Do it right,
and you'll get the door unlocked.
-> Get every book in each house. Don't forget to take amulet in
the first room.
-> Wait until midnight, and a spirit will apear in the pool.
Wear the amulet and step on the mark around the pool in an
order to let him speak. You'll find you step right if all the
stone enlighted.
-> Talk to the spirit. After that, go to the location he gave
you from the world map. Find a passage and then explore it.
You'll find the Vendigroth Device sooner or later.
Quest triggered : Quest No. +14 (continues)
Special Notes : -

-15. Retrieve the Vendigroth Device and meet K'an Hua in the Ring of
Where to find : Caladon
How to find : automatic
Requirement : Quest No. -13
Solution :
-> Go to Waste Land Entrance that K'an Hua told you. Talk to
halfing here and get some information if you like. Now, go
to Dark Elf Camp and take the Journal from the body there.
Read it to find about Vendigroth Ruins location.
-> Go to Vendigroth Ruins and explore until you find the device.
=> Bring it to K'an Hua in the Ring of Brodgar.
Quest triggered : Quest No. -16
Special Notes :
Once you enter the Void you will not be able to back to the
world. So I suggest to finish all the possible quest first.

+16. Stop Arronax
Where to find : Rosebhorough, Ring of Boragh
How to find : automatic
Requirement : Quest No. +14
Solution :
-> Enter the void, untill you find a passage unguarded by any
warrior. Enter it, and inside you'll find 2 warriors and a
lizard spirit. Talk to the guard and he'll let you in. Inside
you'll find Arronax.
-> Talk with him, and you'll learn that he's not behind all of
this mess, instead Kerghan is.
-> You now need to kill Kerghan
Quest triggered : Quest No. 17
Special Notes : Arronax will join you if you find a way to free

-16. Find Arronax
Where to find : Rosebhorough, Ring of Boragh
How to find : automatic
Requirement : Quest No. -15
Solution :
-> Enter the void, until you find a passage unguarded by any
warrior. Enter it, and inside you'll find 2 warriors and a
lizard spirit. Talk to the guard and he'll let you in. Inside
you'll find Arronax.
-> Talk with him, and you'll learn that he's not behind all of
this mess, instead Kerghan is.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 17
Special Notes :
Arronax will join you if you find a way to free him. Also you
get the 'Kill Arronax' completed quest (I don't know if that's
a bug or not).

+17. Defeat Kerghan
Where to find : The Void
How to find : automatic
Requirement : Quest No. 16
Solution :
-> Go to the room behind Arronax. This will lead you to the
place guarded by 2 warriors. Kill them and enter the passage.
-> Explore the castle inside, you'll find the dwarves and talk
with one of them will let you know more what's happening to
Black Mountain Clans. Eventually, you'll find Kerghan
-> Talking to Kerghan will reveal his true ambition. Now fight
-> Once you injured him enough, he will cast a regenerate shell.
Now the Vendigroth Device will come in handy. Use it on him.
-> Enjoy the ending.
Quest triggered : Quest No. -18 if you decided to joined forces.
Special Notes : -

-17. Get audience with Kerghan
Where to find : The Void
How to find : automatic, if you are evil enough.
Requirement : Quest No. -16
Solution :
-> Unlike the quest +17 where you have to slain all the guards,
here you can waltz all your way to Kerghan.
-> Talk to Kerghan and you can decide to fight him or join him.
-> Ally with him will get you one final quest and also some of
your ally may not like you enough anymore :P.
Quest Triggered : Quest No. +17, if you decide to kill Kerghan
Quest No. -18, if you decide to joined forces.
Special Notes :
If you bring, for example, Arronax while you decided to joined
forces with Kerghan, you can get Kerghan to 'aid' you kill him.

Where to find : The Void
How to find : automatic, if you agree to join Kerghan.
Requirement : Quest No. 17 either + or -
Solution :
Just kill all the persons/monsters he mentioned. I haven't
finished this one tough, can't find two of them.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

II. Side Quest

A. Crash Site & Arbalah House

1. The cursed spirit of Charles Brahgo has implored me to kill the
priest who cursed his soul, Arbalah. It is his belief that if I
kill Arbalah, he will be released from the curse.
Where to find : Crash Site
How to find :
Go into the cave just up the crash ship, inside you will find
the dead body of Brahgo. Talk to him, and accept or think it
Requirement : -
Solution :
Kill Arbalah in his home. You can go there via world map.
Quest triggered : No. 2
Special Notes :
If you want to retrieve both rewards from Quest 1 and 2, you
mustn't confess that you lie to Charles after he told you
Fahikrus Residence.

2. Arbalah has refused the claims of Charles Brahgo, saying Brahgo
and his partners Fahikrus killed his family and stole a sacred
artifact from him. He would like for me to locate and return
this artifact to him.
Where to find : Arbalah's House
How to find :
Go to Arbalah House throught World Map and talk to him.
Instead of killing him, talk to him about what happened and
offer your service to retrieve the artifact
Requirement : Talk to Charles Brahgo
Solution :
-> Go to Fahikrus Residence after talking back to Charles.
While talked to Charles, don't call him a 'liar' and choose
to lie afterwards.
-> You can talk, kill, or steal from Fahikrus to retrieve the
-> Return the artifact to Arbalah.
Quest triggered :
Special Note :
You can complete this quest and then kill Arbalah to gain
reward from Charles afterwards. Just remember to tell Charles
that you already killed Arbalah, NOT retrieve the artifact
back to him.

B. Shrouded Hills
1. Ristrezze wants you to find a Camera OR some Bessie Toone paraphenalia.
In return, he will give you information about P. Schuyler & Sons.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, in General Store
How to find :
Talk to Ristrezze and ask about P. Schlyter & Sons. Accept his
offer to trigger this quest
Requirement : have or already have the GB ring.
Solution :
-> You can get the camera from the Crash Site
-> You can get the boots from the mines
I suggest you give him the boots. Since it has no effect at all.
Special Note : -

2. Constable Owens needs you to remove the thieves from the bridge.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, outside the Temple
How to find : Talk to Constable Owens near the temple.
Requirement : Not accepted Quest No. 5
Solution : Easy, kill all thieves near the bridge
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : If you accept this quest, you can't do Quest
No. 5 and vice versa.

3. In order to join the thieves, you must destroy the construction
materials for the new bridge.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, bridge
How to find : Talk to thieves at the Bridge, and ask another
way needed to accross the bridge.
Requirement : Not accepted Quest No. 4
Solution : Destroy the woods materials in the south of
the bridge.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : If you accept this quest, you can't do Quest
No. 4 and vice versa.

4. Lloyd Gurloes wants you to obtain some pure orc for him
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, the armory
How to find : Talk to Lloyd Gurloes the Blacksmith.
Requirement : -
Solution :
Bring him some pure orc. You may find it in the mines there.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : You will get a fine dagger.

5. Jongle Dunne wants you to destroy the town's steam engine.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, in house near the Bank
How to find : -
Requirement : -
Solution :
You can find the steam engine in the Temple there. Just attack the
engine (using Alt+click) or plant the dynamite.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 6, Quest No. 11
Special Notes : -

6. Jongle Dunne needs a package picked up from a man named Charles
Dolan, a merchant in Dernholn.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, in house near the Bank
How to find : -
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Dernholn, and go to General Shop. Talk to him about
Jongle Dunne and he will give you the package. Or, you can steal
it from him too.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

7. Jacob Bens in Shrouded Hills wants you to steal the local mining
company payroll from the bank's safe.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, in Inn
How to find : talk to Jacob Bens in Inns.
Requirement : -
Solution :
You may need to find a way to get key from Bank-keeper. Either
steal or kill her. But kill her most likely will get you wanted.
After done, bring back to him.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

8. If in my travels, I happen accross the ancient elven amulet of N'Tala,
Graylin has offered to pay me a handsome reward for its return.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, Herb Shop
How to find : talk to Graylin in Herb Shop
Requirement : -
Solution :
The amulet of N'Tala is the one the elf located in Stillwater worn.
Take it from him and bring it back to Graylin. You can ask her the
location of Qintara afterwards.
Quest triggered : =
Special Notes :
This quest and Pelt Quest (see Stillwater Side Quest) will both
give you the location of Qintara. So you can take one or both.

9. Percival Toone wants you to find a way to free the ghost of his mother.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, house near the mine
How to find : talk to Percival Toone.
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> Enter the mine, explore untill you find the ghost (the same
place where you find Toone Boots). Talk to her to mention
about Sarah.
-> Talk to Percival to find about her sister, and then find a way
to Derholm.
-> Talk to Sarah Toone and find the address of the guy who owns
the mine (11 Lion Head Circle).
-> Go to Tarant, find the address and then try to get the deed
from him.
-> Bring the deed to either Percival or Sarah.
Quest triggered : Dernholm Quest, No. 1
Special Notes : -

10. Doc Roberts wants you to help him stop an impending bank robbery.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, house near General Store
How to find : talk to Doc Roberts
Requirement : -
Solution :
Meet him in front of the bank and he will join you. Beware, if
there's too long time for you wondering around with him, he will
leave and thus this quest is incomplete. Kill all the bank robbers.
Meet him in front of banks for rewards.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
While accepting this quest, you will be asked if you are a magician,
technologist, or partial. Magician will get a sword, technologist
will get a revolver, while partial will get an axe.

11. Constable Owen wants you to fix the town's steam engine.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, in front of the temple.
How to find : talk to Constable
Requirement : finished Quest No. 5
Solution :
Find the gear in Toone's mine. Take it to him.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

C. Dernholm

1. Sarah Toone wants you to help her regain ownership of the Bessie Toone
Where to find : Derholm, one of the house in middle.
How to find : talk to Sarah Toone.
Requirement : Shrouded Hills Quest No. 9 and already talk to
ghost and Percival
Solution :
After you get the deed, bring it to her
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
If you bring the deed to Sarah, you will get a magical sword from
her. But if you bring it to Percival, you get money.

2. Gladys wants you to find her ring, an old family heirloom
Where to find : Derholm, one of the house in the West corner
How to find : talk to Gladys and offered you help.
Requirement : -
Solution :
Solution No. 1
Find the old lady's son friend, Archibald and then try to talk
about the ring. Now, since he has no intention to give it back,
you may either steal or kill him.
Solution No. 2
After you talk to Archibald, go talk to his son. He's there at
the dock somewhere. Talk to learn what really happened. After
that, go back to Archibald, and tell then Gladys likes him and
she told you by yourself. He'll give you the ring. (Thank's to for this one).
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
When you give it back to Gladys, said that he gave it to you to
get the reward.

3. King Praetor would like for you to collect his taxes from Black
Where to find : Derholm Palace
How to find : talk to the King Praetor
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Black Root and talk to Mayor there. You will find that
Black Root are now part of Tarant. You can kill him, or steal to
get the taxes. Another sollution is doing his quest (Black Root
Quest No. 1) to gain the reward.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 4
Special Notes :
If you told the King Praetor that Black Root has changed it's
allignment, he won't trust you. If you try it again, you'll be
Number two, if you do the quest, make sure your character has
level greater than 10, otherwise he just give you the money
instead of the taxes.

4. King Praetor wants you to find his daughter.
Where to find : Dernholm Palace
How to find : talk to King Praetor
Requirement : Quest No. 3, can get to Caladonk
Solution :
-> Go to Razor Points.
-> Explore until you find the boat and the body in it. It's
the princess body. Take the amulet
-> Bring it to the King.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

D. Black Root
1. The Mayor of Black Root wants you to find his badge of office,
a ceremonial silver dagger, stolen by a gang of thieves
Where to find : Black Root, Mayor house
How to find : talk to the mayor
Requirement : -
Solution :
go to the west of the town, following the path. Eventually
you'll find the camp of thieves there. Ask the leader (Elf one).
You can either do one out of 2 quests or buy it from him
Quest triggered : Quest No. 2 OR Quest No. 3
Special Notes : -

2. D'ak Taan the thief wants you to rob the Hedge wizard's chest. If
successful, he will give you stolen items from Black Root.
Where to find : Black Root, Camp of Thieves
How to find : talk to D'ak Taan, The Elf Thief
Requirement : -
Solution :
The wizard's house is next to Arthur's house, the most south of
town. Steal the small statue from the chest. Or perhaps you can
persuade the wizard to give you.
Quest triggered : ?
Special Notes :
by accepting this quest, you are unable to get Quest No. 3 and
vice versa

3. D'ak Taan the thief wants you to obtain poison from Gronwalde. If
successful, he will give you stolen items from Black Root.
Where to find : Black Root, Camp of Thieves
How to find : talk to D'ak Taan, the Elf Thief
Requirement : -
Solution :
Gronwalde lives near the smithy. Talk to him and lie about the
rats as big as Ogre. Or steal from him
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
by accepting this quest, you are unable to get Quest No. 2 and
vice versa

4. Mrs. Cameron would like you to find his son, Liam
Where to find : Black Root, Mrs. Cameron house.
How to find : talk to Mrs. Cameron
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Liam's Workshop in the worldmap. Search the cabinet and
chest for his journal. You will get it. Read it to find
a clue about what happen. Also, remember to pick the scroll
there. It's usefull for Quest No. 5.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 5
Special Notes : -

5. Destroy the portal described in Liam Camerons' journal
Where to find : Liam's Workshop
How to find : talk to Mrs. Cameron after you get the journal.
Requirement : Quest No. 4 and Scroll from Liam's workshop
Solution :
Follow the path near Liam's Workshop, after a while, you will
find Liam's dead body. Not far from the body, you will see a
portal. Use the scroll to destroy the portal. Any creatures
near the portal will death afterwards.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

6. A strange halfings seem to indluge you in an ancient games
Where to find : Black Root, the beach near Mayor House
How to find : talk to the naked halfings there
Requirement : ?
Solution :
-> You must talk to the halfings in right order, first is
near mayor house, second is west of town near the thief
Camp but before the stone circle, third is the center of
stone circle.
-> Answer the question correctly, otherwise you fail.
The answer is as follow : clock, Spring, Fire
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
You get a mysterious gem from the quest.

E. Tarant
1. Discover the fate of Wilhemina, grilfriend of Jared The Guard
Where to find : Tarant Station
How to find : talk to one of the Guards
Requirement : have a note from Wilhemia.
Solution :
You can find the note in the Crash Site, one of the body.
Bring it to him, and this quest is solved.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 2
Special Notes : -

2. Jared The Guard wants you to go to the stone cutter at the corner of
Mulligan Bone Alley and East End Ave. in Tarant to commission a
tombstone for his belowed Wilhemina.
Where to find : Tarant Station
How to find : talk to Jared The Guard
Requirement : Quest 1
Solution :
Go to the stone cutter, talk to him, and done.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

3. Mathew Jameson wants you to retrieve his wedding rings from the
Where to find : Tarant, near the sewer at Devonshire Way
How to find : talk to Mathew Jameson
Requirement : -
Solution :
Enter sewer, first intersetion, choose down, you will find it.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

4. Madam Lil would like you to retrieve Cassie's neckale from Mr.
Mooreland's house at 46 Devonshire Way.
Where to find : Tarant, Madam Lil House, near the dock
How to find : talk to Madam Lil, ask about a girl
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to 46 Devonshire Way, and talk to housekeeper. You can pay her
or 'persuade' her. Bring back to Madam Lil
Quest triggered : Quest No. 5
Special Notes : If you are a woman, you may choose a girl or 100

5. Mr. Langley owes 400 coins to Madam Lil. Collect it and return
it to her. He is the doorman at the Bridesdale Inn.
Where to find : Tarant, Mdam Lil House, near the dock
How to find : Talk to Madam Lil
Requirement : finish Quest No. 4
Solution :
Go to the Inn that have gnomw outside it. Talk to him, and
after a little chit-chat, he will give you 500 and told you
to return after 5 days. Do so.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 6
Special Notes : same as No. 4

6. Madam Lil would like you to deliver a gift to Mrs. Halster at 48
Devonshire Way. You must tell her it is from her husband.
Where to find : Tarant, Madam Lil House, near the dock
How to find : talk to Madam LIl
Requirement : finish Quest No. 5
Solution :
Just bring the gift to Mrs. Halster, and you will automatically
pretending to be a delivery boy.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 7
Special Notes :
Same as No. 4, looks like this one is availabe only for men.
If you are female, you'd be likely to directly to Quest no. 7

7. Madam Lil would like you to locate a Medallion of Beauty for her.
Where to find : Tarant, Madam Lil House, near the dock
How to find : talk to Madam Lil
Requirement : finish Quest No. 6 (if male), No. 5 (if female)
Solution :
Find it in any chest around the world or from shop in any city.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

8. Talk to Mr. Wellhington to get entry to Wellhington Gentlemen Club
Where to find : Tarant, Wellhington Gentlemen Club
How to find : talk to guard
Requirement : Female
Solution :
-> Go to Halls of Record and then ask The Censuss woman about him.
-> Talk to Mr. Wellhington
-> You can either agree with him or kill him or steal the entry
Quest triggered : Quest No. 9
Special NOtes :
This isn't in you quest log book. But you'll need this if you want
to access the Wellhington Gentlemen Club as female.

9. A strange man in the Welhington wants you to deliver a note to
36 Low Dervish Row.
Where to find : Tarant, Welhington Gentleman Club
How to find : talk to Dark-Elf Nobel
Requirement : can access the Welhington Club.
Solution :
Just bring the letter to apropiate address
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
If you check the notes, it said '57 Mulligan Bone Alley'

10. Mr. Plaugh wants you to rid his warehouses, near the docks in Tarant,
of rats.
Where to find : Tarant, near the docks
How to find : talk to Mr. Plaugh, he's standing in front of the
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> first, go to the unlocked ones, clear the rats, take the key
-> go to the locked one, open it with the key, clear the rats
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

11. Mrs. Evelyn Garringsburg wants you to find her stolen painting, the
famed "Kerghan and Persephone" by Pizzaro
Where to find : Tarant, Devonshire Way.
How to find : talk to Mrs. Evelyn in Devonshire Way
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> You can use the notes from Quest 9, but the recipient will
likely kill you if you read it. There are other way, which
is Quest 12. Anyway, it is in 57 Mulligan Bone Alley.
Quest triggered : Quest 13
Special Notes : -

12. Madame Toussade wants you to deliver her crystall ball to Delores
Where to find : Tarant, next to Madam Lil's Place
How to find : talk to Madame Toussade and ask about the painting.
Requirement : Quest 11
Solution :
Bring the crystall ball to Delores Boston. Her house is near the
station and next to Tarant Newspaper Office. Return to Madame
Toussade, and she will tell you where the painting is
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : if you complete this quest, you are unable to
complete the Quest No. 13 and vice versa.

13. Delores Boston wants you to steal Madam Toussade's Crystall
Where to find : Tarant, near Station
How to find : talk to Delores Boston and asking about her bussines
Requirement : -
Solution :
Steal the crystall ball. Isn't it obvious?
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : if you complete this quest, you are unable to
complete the Quest No. 12 and vice versa.

14. Mr. Wright, editor of Tarantian, would like you to deliver a
payment note to Mrs. Halster on the corner of Devoneshire and
Where to find : Tarant, newspaper office
How to find : talk to Mr. Wright
Requirement : -
Solution :
Talk to Mrs. Halster concerning the payment note. Return for
the reward
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

15. Thom Grak, a rather jovial half-orc, has asked me to find Sir Matt
de Cesare for him
Where to find : Tarant, Park Station
How to find : talk to Thom Grak
Requirement : -
Solution :
Find Sir M. de Cesare in Wellhington Gentlemen Club. Talk to him
Quest triggered : Quest No. 16
Special Notes : -

16. Sir M. de Cesare wants you to find the skulls of the Ren'ar siamese
twins and bring them to him. He believes they may be in a warehouse
in Tarant somewhere.
Where to find : Tarant, Wellhington Gentlemen Club
How to find : talk to Sir M. de Cesare
Requirement : Quest No. 15
Solution :
The warehouse he menitoned is near Mr. Plaugh's warehouses, inside
you will find an Ogre Guard and also a wererat, these guys are quite
tough. Once done, check the barrel and container to retrieve the
skulls. Talk to Sir M. de Cesare afterwards.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 17
Special Notes : -

17. You need to find Arthur Tyron and bring him the siames twin skulls as
proof of larger conspiracy. His last known address was in Black Root.
Where to find : Tarant, the path near Wellhington Gentlemen Club
How to find : talk to Sir M. de Cesare while bringing the skulls
Requirement : finished Quest No. 16
Solution :
-> Go to Black Root, Arthur's house is in the south one. Here, you
will find a note. After read it, bring it to Sir M. de Cesare
at Tarant.
-> Go to Caladon, his house is near the place of 2nd murder.
Talk to him while bringing the skulls.
Quest triggered : Caladon Quest No. 2
Special Notes : -

18. Devise a solution to Bates' saboteur difficulties at his factory to
gain an audience with him. The factory is located at the end of Ten
Hands Alley, and the saboteur are reputed to strike sometime after
Where to find : Tarant, in front of Bates House.
How to find : talk to the human guard there
Requirement : solve the Primary Quest No. 2
Solution :
Enter the back of factory and wait untill midnight. The bandits
will teleport in. Kill them all. Return to the guard in the
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
If you ACCEPT this quest, you will unable to get Quest No. 19.
I don't know if you accept the Quest No. 19, you will get this
quest or no.

19. Cedric Appleby will gain you access into Bates' house if you
destroy Bates' new steam engine prototype howed in Bates' factory.
The factory is located at the end of Ten Hands Alley.
Where to find : Tarant, Cedric Appleby House
How to find : talk to Appleby
Requirement : become a member of Thief Underground
Solution :
Destroy the engine.
Quest triggerd : -
Special Notes : I include this in Thief Underground Quest too.

20. Mrs. Cassandra Pettibone wants you to steal the elven funerary
stone from the newly unearthed eleven catacombs.
Where to find : Tarant, near the Kessington Bridge Station
How to find : talk to the lady wearing Elegant Dress
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> Go to elven catacombs from your World Map. There are some
Dark Elf there waiting in the entrance. IF you are an elf,
you can avoid fighting with them. But other races will
likely have to kill them.
-> Explore the catacombs, some items is worthy to take. And
remember put some quite large empty space in your inventory
in order to pick the stone.
Quest triggered : Thief A Quest No. 1
Special Notes :
Completing this quest will get you a choice wether to join
the Thief Underground or not.

21. Edward Willoughsby wants you to convince King Farad's advisors
that Caladon should join the Unified Kingdom
Where to find : Tarant, Halls of Records
How to find : talk to Willoughsby.
Requirement : high persuasion skill.
Solution :
Quest triggered : Quest No. 22
Special Notes : -

22. Heinrich Jenks wants you to assasinated King Farad of Caladon.
Where to find : Tarant, Halls of Records.
How to find : talk nice with Heinrich
Requirement : Quest No. 21 (either mentioned or accepted)
Solution :
-> Go to Caladon dock, and near a wood chest there, a dwarf will
be waiting for you. Talk to him and get inside the chest.
-> Talk to the man in kitchen. He will give you a key so that
you can now access the palace more.
-> Explore the palace until you found a dwarf and 2 ogres
guards. Kill them and retrieve the key to king's room from
the dwarf.
-> Kill the king.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : If you kill the king, quest 21 is botched.

"WARNING" "WARNING" If you complete this quest whole town of
Caladon will go hostile with you. "WARNING" "WARNING"

23. Sebastian wants you to kill Darien Mog. In return, he might aid
you in your own quest.
Where to find : Tarant, The Boil
How to find : talk to Willoughsby and then to Sebastian in
Boil's bar.
Requirement : -
Solution :
Darien Mog lives in the same side where the bar is located.
Just enter his house. Either fight all your way in from the
front door or using the sewer will help too. Anyway, kill
Darien Mog for Sebastian.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 24
Special Notes : -

24. Sebastian wants you to kill Pollock. In return, he might aid you
in your own quest.
Where to find : Tarant, The Boil
How to find : talk to Sebastian.
Requirement : Quest No. 24
Solution :
Kill POllock. He's in the other side of Boil.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

25. Benjamin Geishwin, the phrenologist, wants you fo bring him the
skulls of Ren'ar siamese twins.
Where to find : Tarant, university.
How to find : talk to him
Requirement : not accepting Quest No. 16 before it
Solution :
Go to warehouse near the place you slain the rats at the dock.
Open/destroy the door, kill the guards and take the skull.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : if you do this, you can't do quest No. 16 and
vice versa. Instead, you will be asked to retrieve the skull
back from Benjamin by Sir M. de Cesare.

26. Find the evidence the Bates not really find the steam engine.
Where to find : Tarant, Appleby house.
How to find : talk to Appleby
Requirement : Quest No. 19
Solution :
Go to Bates Mansion and find a way to enter his bedroom. The
chest there is contained his diary/journal. Bring it to Appleby.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
You will get reputation as Betrayer of Gillbert Bates. You
can't enter his mansion anymore and he will hired some bounty
hunters to kill you.

F. Stillwater Village
1. Brigitte, Priestess of Stillwater, has entrusted you with the
task of finding the stolen idol of their goddess, Geshtianna
Where to find : Stillwater, The Temple
How to find : talk to Brigitte. She stands near the altar
Requirement : -
Solution :
the house a little oustide from village in the south direction
has the idol. Steal the key from him, or kill him or persuade
him to get the idol
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : You will get a blessing.

2. Richard Leeks, the blacksmith in Stillwater, wants you to find
his friend, Cyrus.
Where to find : Stillwater, Blacksmith
How to find : talk to Richard
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to northwest of the village. You will find a house isolated
from nowhere there. There's noone inside, but there's a foot-
print of giant creature. Follow the foot-print to the cave.
Inside you will find Cyrus locked up in jail. Get the key from
the giant creature then release him. Back to Richard to report.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

3. Gildor Nightwalk will reward you with 1500 coins, if you are able
to pass the beasts of death and retrieve the great ruby for him.
Where to find : Stillwater, house with Halfing
How to find : talk to Gildor
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to the place he marked your map. There, take the ruby and get
it back to him. You can either prowling, if you are good enough
with this skill, or you can slain the beasts. Quite experience
points to get.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

4. Myrth wants the pelt of Stillwater Giant in exchange for the
location of Qintara
Where to find : Stillwater, house with elf in it
How to find : talk to Myrth.
Requirement : trigger Primary Quest No. 7
Solution :
You can either slain the beasts (?) or steal the pelt from the
Museum in Tarant. In order to get this quest, you must let Myrth
asked you a question, but don't anwer it untill prompted the
choice : "I say I don't mind you asked, but I don't say to answer"
or something like that.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 5.
Special Notes :
If you bring the pelt from Tarant directly to him, you are unable
to get quest No. 5.

5. (Catch the Stillwater Giant)
Where to find : Stillwater, northeast house.
How to find : talk to person in the house
Requirement : accept Quest No. 4
Solution :
-> Go to the cave indicated by the man, and catch the blue rabbit
there. After that, he asks you to get him to zoologist.
-> Bring it to zoologist at Tarant, he will tell you that the
rabbit is a fake one. Go back to Stillwater and tell that poor
-> If you want, you can then wandering outside Stillwater Village
to find a wild blue rabbit. If you decided to attack it, it will
turn into Stillwater Giant. Kill him and get the pelt.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
Since I killed the zoologist, I can't get clue about this one. And,
if you finish the quest no. 4, this quest will be unavailable.

G. Ashbury
1. Geoffrey Tarroland-Ashe wants you to help him solve the mistery
of the Ashbury Cemetary.
Where to find : Ashbury, in front of cemetary
How to find : talk to Geoffrey
Requirement : -
Solution :
Access the cemetary and enter the passage until you found a
large room filled with zombies. In the center area of the room,
there's a gem, take it and bring it to Geoffrey.
Quest triggered : ?
Special Notes :
The zombie outside the tombs, will likely rise and rise again,
make it a quite nice place to gain experience, I think. Besides,
there's a possibility to take Geoffrey to your party, since he's
a little ,well, interesting (learn both college of Necromancy).

2. A fellow named Theodore wants you ro retrieve his "technologically
improved" plate from Ashbury's local scientician.
Where to find : Ashbury, near or in one of the 3 x 2 houses
How to find : talk to Theodore.
Requirement : -
Solution :
The scientist house is next Theodore's house or where Theodore's
waiting during the day. Destroy the creature there and enter the
trap door. Now, beware, a mechanical robot will strike you once
you enter the big room, except you use a good Prowling. It is
Lv. 30, and quite hard to defeat. Anyway, search the room for the
plate, and also, there's a schematic too here.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

3. Kill 3 wild piggs that keep eating Theo Brightstart's corn crop.
Where to find : Ashbury, house near the farm
How to find : talk to Brightstart
Requirement : -
Solution :
Just kill the 3 piggs. It is in the farm which doesn't have
large stones.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 4
Special Notes : -

4. Load the 5 large boulders located in Theo Brightstart's field
on his crap.
Where to find : Ashbury, house near the farm
How to find : talk to Brightstart's
Requirement : Quest No. 3
Solution :
Load all the 5 large stones to his carp. That's it.
Quest trigerred : -
Special Notes :
You must have at least 10 points in strength so that you
can carry the heaviest stones (5000). The weight differ from
4000 - 5000.

5. The Mayor of Ashbury will allow you to answer questions at this
evenings Town Council meeting. Your anwers must please as many
people as possible.
Where to find : Ashbury, Town Hall
How to find : talk to Mayor
Requirement : persuasion skill
Solution :
Go inside the Town Hall and go to podium. Answer people questions
right, and you'll finish this quest.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

H. Isle of Despair
1. The village guard on Isle of Despair wants you to kill the
Sorcerous Beast.
Where to find : Isle of Despair, village entrance
How to find : talk to the guard
Requirement : -
Solution :
The beast located north from the village, past the water.
Try to find some foot-prints. Follow it and you'll eventually
find the beast. Kill him and return for the reward.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

2. Cynthia Boggs has asked you to help her escape from the encampment
on the Isle of Despair.
Where to find : Isle of Despair, village.
How to find : talk to the only woman there.
Requirement : -
Solution :
First of all, go to Woman's Camp while wearing the item Cynthia
gave you, otherwise you will be attacked and thus, this quest is
incomplete. Talk to the leader there. She will ask you to tell
Cynthia to rescue herself. Back to Cynthia, and well, you can
help her flee the village. If so, go back to Camp and Cynthia
will leave you.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

3. Norian, on the Isle of Despair, wants you to deliver some goods
to a man named Maximillian.
Where to find : Isle of Despair, village
How to find : talk to Norian, in one of house near entrance.
Requirement : -
Solution :
Talk to Maximillian in his house. You can go there trough
World Map. Talk to Maximillian. He will give you note. Bring
the note to Norian
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

4. Jones the Colletion wants you to gather some objects from Shade
Beach. If he likes any of them, he will trade you for a strange
Where to find : Isle of Despair, village
How to find : talk to Jones, house near the pitts.
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Shades Beach via your world map. Take all items there.
Trade the ancient gear for the weapon.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

5. Find Warner Pel Dar of Cumbria and tell him that Maximillian still
lives on the Isle of Despair.
Where to find : Isle of Despair, Maximillian House
How to find : talk to Maximillian and ask his history
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Dernholm, and talk to Pel Dar woman there. You'll find out
that Warner is dead and the woman is his daughter. Ask her about
history of Cumbria. You may need to intterupt her to tell about
Quest triggered : ?
Special Notes : -

6. Tell The Wheel Clan of Tharvald's incarceration on the Isle of
Where to find : Isle of Despair, village
How to find : talk to Tharvald, leader's house
Requirement : talk to him about Black Mountain Clans.
Solution :
While in the Wheel Clan, tell King-on-waiting about him.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

7. Find book "The Hands"
Where to find : Isle of Despair, village
How to find : talk to Ogre in front of leader's house
Requirement : persuasion skill
Solution :
You can find the book in the chest near the ship that bring
you to Isle of Despair. Take it to the ogre there.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

I. Wheel Clan
1. Vegard MoltenFlow wants you to retrieve his family heirloom from
the depths of the Drodge.
Where to find : Wheel Clan
How to find : talk to Vegard
Requirement : -
Solution :
Take a tour at the Drodge, eventually you'll find the key. Also
the door that leads to a chest. Open the chest and bring him
what's inside the chest.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

2. Erick Obsidiam want you to find the lost burial ground of the Iron
Clan, and retrieve the Durin Stone.
Where to find : Wheel Clan
How to find : talk to Erick
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> Make the Iron key from the schematics he gave you and use it
to the ancient chest in Tarant Zoological Museum. Take the
drums and also the book.
-> Go to Place of Lost Voices and explore until you find an
engine. Place the drums in right order to get the message.
Prepare to fight some arachnid.
-> Go to Caladon, and retrieve the Durin Book from Mrs. Misk
House. Read it to get the entrance of Iron Clan.
-> Go to Panarii Temple there and try to retrieve the glass
device from the room which has a gnome wizard in it.
If the gnome is not talking to you anymore, kill him. But
if you still can talk to the gnome find some symbols in the
burial ground under the temple and tell him about it (I'm
not quite sure which one), he will be very happy and give
you all the items in his room.
-> Go to Secret Entrance to Iron Clan and put the device in its
place. Explore inside untill you find the room guarded by
automaton. Get the Durin Stone and take it to Erick
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

3. [I forgot the quest name].
Where to find : Wheel Clan
How to find : Talk to
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Stone Cutter Clan and make your way untill you find a
locked room with some dwarfs in it. Talk to one of them and
deliver the message.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
You can go to the entrance which the dwarf told you. You'll
find the Kerghan Journal and also a schematic.

J. Qintara
1. Mr. Winde wants you to ensure that the lost elven hunter is on
his way home.
Where to find : Qintara, near the entrance.
How to find : talk to him
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to The Bedokaan Village and talk with the leader. The leader
is one with the blue skin. Now you can either do the quest for
him or just slain the entire village.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 2
Special Notes :
If you slain the entire village, one of them will have vain rope,
use it to free the elf.

2. Kill Poachers for Kan Kerai
Where to find : The Bedokaan Village
How to find : talk to Kan Kerai, the village leader
Requirement : Quest No. 1
Solution :
Kill all the poachers in Poachers Camp
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
The poachers will try to offer you 1000 gold in exchange for
Bedokaan Village location. If you tell him so, then Quest No.
1 and 2 is botched

3. Swyft wants you to bring her to Tarant safely.
Where to find : Qintara
How to find : talk to her
Requirement : -
Solution :
Just take her to Tarant, that's it.
Quest triggered : -
Spceial Notes : -

4. Ellumnya wants you to retrieve some mithrill from the caves
of the Wheel Clans
Where to find : Qintara
How to find : talk to him
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Wheel Clans, explore their full-of-monster drill to
get a mithrill. Bring it to him
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

5. Remove the humans from Falcon's Ache
Where to find : Qintara, near the passage
How to find : talk to Raven, the Elf Princess
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Falchon's Ache, and talk to the leader of observer there.
If you have enough charisma and persuasion you can remove them
easily. Also, mentioning Bates name will have affect too. If
you can't, just let the dog attack them while you are running
away. This way, they will be killed. O yeah, some said that if
you provoke them, it will work too. But dunno.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
You can't fight in the Falchon's Ache, or you will be likely to
be killed by a strong magic. Also, this one will grant you
audience with the Silver Lady

6. Whyper wants you to gather an essence from the rare Vol'ars Wisp.
Where to find : Qintara
How to find : talk to Whyper
Requirement : -
Solution :
Just explore the Glimmering Forest until you find the monster.
It's in blue colour. Slain it, and bring the essence for her.
If you don't like wondering in the world map, you can go to
Old Lagoon and kill the Vol'ar Wisp there and gather the
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

7. Secure Jarmond's release by finding Wrath's killer.
Where to find : Qintara
How to find : talk to Jarmond, find the dead body, talk to
Requirement : -
Solution :
Gather the glass from the dead body, then make your way to the
house with the locked vase (near Ellumnya house). Wait until
night, then open the vase. You can find an empty vial. Bring to
the guard.
The second one is like this : talk to the lady who lives there
and show her the vial. If you have persuasion skill, she will
agree a plot that Wrath is doing suicide. Tell it to the guards
and not only you release Jarmond, but you can buy potion at half
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
After you complete this quest, you can take Jarmond to your party.

K. Caladon
1. Lillian Misk wants an investigation into who disclosed the
information concerning the ownership of "Horror Among the Dark
Elves" by her husband.
Where to find : Caladon, Misk's House
How to find : talk to Mrs. Misk
Requirement : -
Solution :
Find a pasport in one of the chair in Misk House. Go to the
house indicated in the passport. Take the note from the chest. Go
to Tarant and ask at The Hill of Records about the person
mentioned in the note. Talk to that person once you retrieved the
address. Back to Mrs. Misk and report your investigation.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

2. Arthur Tyron need you to find proof of half ogre breeding being
done on "Half Ogre Island".
Where to find : Caladon, Arthur Tyron House
How to find : talk to Arthur Tyron
Requirement : Tarant Quest No. 17
Solution :
Go to Half-Ogre Island. There's a laboratory. Check the safe and
you'll find the book. Take it back to Arthur Tyron house and you'll
find that Arthur isn't already there. Instead, a gnome will be
waiting for you. Talk to him. After it, you can bring the book to
Tarantian Office.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

3. Chief Inspector Henderson has charged you with the task of finding
the Whytechuruch Murderer.
Where to find : Caladon, Pollice Station
How to find : talk to Henderson
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> Go to the 1st murder site, you'll find a small metal object
there. Go back to Henderson and tell him. He'll tell you the
new murder site.
-> Go to Mushroom Inn, room No. 2. You'll find a green-blood
writing. Back to Henderson and report your findings.
-> Go to Tarant, and talk to demonlogist, you'll know that you
need the blade of Xerxes to kill the monster. Or you can
use telegraph too. (Hei, the telegraph office is useful).
-> go back to Henderson and he will tell you to enter the sewer.
Do so and explore until you find an elf standing alone. Talk
to him and then kill him. Remember the dagger you retrieved
have to give the final blow.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

4. Ryan Sanders wants you to kill his father, Jonathan Sanders. He will
pay you 1,000 coins when the job is complete
Where to find : Caladon, bar
How to find : talk to Ryan, and agree with what he said.
Requirement : -
Solution :
=> Go to Sander's house near the first murder site. Kill him.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
If you told Jonathan about his son (without persuasion, I don't
know if with persuasion) you still have to kill him since he
went hostile with you, but the quest is 'botched'. When you
return to Ryan, and asking double payment, he will order his
guards to kill you.

5. David Wit would like you to discover which is killing his rabits.
Where to find : Caladon, house with a lot of rabit outside
How to find : talk to David
Requirement : -
Solution :
Just wait till evening, and then his daughter will turn into
Licanthropy. Follow her and watch her kill a rabit and return
to her room to back to human. Talk to David after it.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 6
Special Notes : -

6. Find a cure for Cynthia Wit's werewolf curse
Where to find : Caladon, house with a lot of rabit outside
How to find : talk to David
Requirement : Quest No. 6
Solution :
Talk to one of mage master in Tulla. She will give you a potion
to cure Cynthis, but will charge you 2000 coins. Do so and bring
it to David.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

7. Find proof for Hieronymous Maxint that his heavier that air machines
actually flow.
Where to find : Caladon, the house at southern part
How to find : talk to Hieronymous
Requirement : -
Solution :
Bring him the camera you retrieve from the Crash Site.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
If you trade the camera for the information about the ring in
Shrouded Hills (see Shrouded Hills Side Quest), you can't get
this quest is done (I think so). You'll get Heal Arachnid and
the schematic of it as well.

8. Hadrian the Archaelogist, wants you to bring back a piece of
Nasrudin's skeleton
Where to find : Caladon, Panarii Temple
How to find : talk to Hadrian
Requirement : talk to Alexander first.
Solution :
-> Go to the sewer and explore it until you find a passage. Go
in and take the ladder until you find a coffin. Take the skull.
-> Bring the skull to Hadrian. This will reveal something
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

L. Rosebhorough
1. Trever Lynwood, a journalist for the Tarantian, need ou to get a
photograph of the alusive Lethe Wyvern.
Where to find : Roosebourgh, Inn.
How to find : talk to Lynwood
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to the place Trever marks you on the map. Search there for
the beast. When you found it, use the camera Trever give to you
to take picture. When a 'click' sound is heard, it's likely you
get the picture of it. Bring it back to Trever. You may kill the
beast after taking picture.
Quest triggered : -
Spceial Notes : put camera in quick slot to use it.

M. Gateway to Wastes
1. Find the part of Weldo's device from the wreckage in the wastes
Where to find : Gateway to Wastes
How to find : talk to halfing there
Requirement : -
Solution :
Quest triggered : >
Special Notes : -

N. Tulla
1. Retrieve the platinum chalice from Fa'al Kins Maze for Herzord
Where to find : Tulla, library
How to find : talk to Herzord Munk
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> Enter the maze. The entrance is the stone gate near the pool.
Don't forget to bring Fa'al Kins Coin with you
-> There's chest there. Take all of the items before you touch
-> In order to finish this maze, you'll need to touch the stone
in the center of the room while equiping one of the items
you find in the chest. Here's the order : none, ring, amulet,
helmet, boots, gauntlets, dagger, all.
-> Don't forget to search the platinum chalice also.
-> After you take the platinum and out from the maze. Talk to
Quest triggeerd : -
Special Notes : -

2. V'ed Eckes, Master of Water Magick in Tulla wants you to retrieve
the Gem of Water Purification from the acolyte waiting outside
the gates of Tula.
Where to find : Tulla
How to find : talk to V'ed Eckes
Requirement : -
Solution :
-> Go outside the city. Near the elf guard, there will be human
technologyst waiting. Talk to him, looks like if you have
persuasion skill you can get him to give the gem peacefully.
You can kill him also or steal it.
-> Bring the gem to V'ed Eckes
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

O. The Void
1. Effect Arronax's release from the magick that binds him
Where to find : The Void
How to find : talk to Arronax.
Requirement : -
Solution :
Kill the guards and that big worm lurking outside the room.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : this will let Arronax joins you.

NPC Quests
Note : NPC Quests means that the person who joins you for example
Virgil. The Quest for them aren't written in your Notes,
therefore you need to memorize and remember to do it time to
time. Also, the quest is triggered some by the NPC themselves
or you get the NPC from the quest. O yeah, for some, you only
get the quest if you have the NPC in your party. Else, it
won't triggered.

A. Crash Site
1. Virgil
How to get : you automatically get him if you accept his offer to
accompany you. In the very beggining on the game.
Starting Level : 1
Allignment :

1. Find Joachim in Shrouded Hills Inn
Where to find : Crash Site
How to find : -
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to the Inn at Shrouded Hills, you can find a room with 2 dead
bodies. Pick the notes and read it to trigger the next quest.
Quest tirggered : No. 2
Special Notes : -

2. Get the telegram from Tarant Telegram Office
Where to find : Shrouded Hills
How to find : Read the notes Elder Joachim left in his room
Requirement : have and read the notes from Joachim
Solution :
Go to Telegram Office in Tarant and ask about telegram for Virgil
Quest triggered : No. 3
Special Notes : -

3. Get the message from the Inn at Stillwater Village
Where to find : Tarant
How to find : Read the telegram from Joachim.
Requirement : have and read the telegram from Joachim
Solution :
Go to Stillwater Village, talk to the innkeeper. You will get a book.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
Looks like this one is quite useful in T'sen Ang,when you find
the leaders of the Hands there.

4. Find out more about the person which tombs is visited by Virgil
at Caladon
Where to find : Caladon
How to find : go to cemestary and Virgil automatically leaves.
Requirement : -
Solution :
Check the tombstone and after that Virgil will join you. Go to
Tarant and head to Halls of Records. Ask the censsus woman about
the dead guy. She will give you a newspaper concerning his death.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 5
Special Notes : for good player only

5. Search for Virgil in Caladon
Where to find : T'seng Ang
How to find : automatic, once you're about to leave T'seng Ang.
Requirement : Quest No. 5
Solution :
Go to Sobbing Onion Bar at Caladon and find a trap door there.
Prepare to fight once you enter the trap door. Take care all
of the bandit here. If you don't have any ressurection spell or
medicine, there's a scroll in the chest somewhere in that room.
Revive Virgil and talk to him. You can find Joachim here.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : for good player only.

6. Kill Elder Joachim
Where to find : Caladon
How to find : automatic, upon entering Caladon after slaughter
Solution : kill him.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : for evil player only.

B. Shrouded Hills
1. Sead Mead Mug
How to get : talk to him in Shrouded Hills Inn. The only one half-ogre
there. If you are capable enough, he will join your party.
Starting Level : 2

1. ?

2. Doc Roberts
How to get : accept the quest from him and he will join you shortly.
Starting Level : ?

1.Doc Roberts wants you to help him stop an impending bank robbery.
Where to find : Shrouded Hills, house near General Store
How to find : talk to Doc Roberts
Requirement : -
Solution :
Meet him in front of the bank and he will join you. Beware, if
there's too long time for you wondering around with him, he will
leave and thus this quest is incomplete. Kill all the bank robbers.
Meet him in front of banks for rewards.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
While accepting this quest, you will be asked if you are a magician,
technologist, or partial. Magician will get a sword, technologist
will get a revolver, while partial will get an axe.

C. Dernholm
1. Jayna Stiles
How to get : She's in the house in Dernholm, the southeast one. Talk to
her, and ask her to join you. You must have at least 10
Technology Points.
Starting Level : 6

1. Help Jayna study the herbology
Where to find : Dernholm
How to find : have her join your party
Requirement : -
Solution : ?
Quest triggered : ?
Special Notes : -

2. Vellinger
How to get : He is in Dernholm Pub. Talk to him and tell the story.
Admit it and he will offer to join the party.
Starting Level : 15

1. ?

3. Tollo Underhill
How to get : Rescue him from the pit.
Starting Level : 30

1. ?

D. Black Root
1. Dante
How to get : During the quest from King Praetor, talk to him in the
bar at Black Root. Offer him to join, and he will join.
He will leave once the quest is over.
Starting Level : 12

1. King Praetor would like for you to collect his taxes from Black
Where to find : Derholm Palace
How to find : talk to the King Praetor
Requirement : -
Solution :
Quest triggered :
Special Notes :

E. Tarant
1. Magnus Scale Fist
How to get : He's standing in front of P. Schlyter & Sons. With proper
dialog and good allignment, you can get him yours.
Starting Level : 8

1. Find his lost Clan
Where to find : Tarant
How to find : have him still in your party after you killed
Requirement : -
Solution :
see the Wheel Clan quest No. 2
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

2. Garfield Thelonius Remington the Third
How to get : First talk to Gar, ask about tea and give your response.
Then talk to the human there. You need Persuasion Skill to
do this. Ask him to free Gar. If you succeed, then Gar is
Starting Level : 10

1. ?

3. Perriman Smythe
How to get : He is standing in front of Mr. Willoughsby house. Talk to
him and reveal the story of yours. Than you can get him in
your party.
Starting Level : 26

1. ?

O. Sebastian
How to get : do Tarant Side Quest No. 23 and 24.
Starting Level : 30

1. ?

F. Ashbury
1. Geoffrey Tarrelord-Ashe
How to get : He is standing in front of burial place in Ashbury. Talk
to him, and then he will offer you a quest. You can ask
him to join tough. (I can't get him to join me).
Starting Level : 12

1. Geoffrey Tarroland-Ashe wants you to help him solve the mistery
of the Ashbury Cemetary.
Where to find : Ashbury, in front of cemetary
How to find : talk to Geoffrey
Requirement : -
Solution :
Access the cemetary and enter the passage until you found a
large room filled with zombies. In the center area of the room,
there's a gem, take it and bring it to Geoffrey.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes :
The zombie outside the tombs, will likely rise and rise again,
make it a quite nice place to gain experience, I think.

2. Dog
How to get : go to Ashbury, follow the main road untill the other corner,
you'll find someone kicking a dog. Quick talk to him or the
dog will die! Release the dog from him, and it will follow
you. This one is quite strong fighter. You may consider to
get this one before the Black Mountain Mine's Quest. Also
he'll join you regardless what level you are.
Starting Level : 12
Special Notes : You must do this at the FIRST TIME in Ashbury and hurry
otherwise the dog has been killed by the time you get
1. -

G. Ancient Temple
1. Torian 'Kel
How to get : search the Ancient Temple until you find a lone skeleton
in a room. Talk to him and find him dragon blood in the
place he mentioned. Bring the blood to him and he will
back into human form. Offer him to join you.

1. ?

H. Isle of Despair
1. Cynthia Boggs
How to get : accept the quest from him. After talking to leader of
Woman's Camp, return to her. And pick her with you to
be 'transfered' to Woman's Camp. He will leave you
afterwards. You don't need to have an extra space for
Starting Level : 10

1. Cynthia Boggs has asked you to help her escape from the encampment
on the Isle of Despair.
Where to find : Isle of Despair, village.
How to find : talk to the only woman there.
Requirement : -
Solution :
First of all, go to Woman's Camp while wearing the item Cynthia
gave you, otherwise you will be attacked and thus, this quest is
incomplete. Talk to the leader there. She will ask you to tell
Cynthia to rescue herself. Back to Cynthia, and well, you can
help her flee the village. If so, go back to Camp and Cynthia
will leave you.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

2. Tharvald Two Stones
How to get : You need expert at persuasion to do this. While talking
with him, ask him why he dumped to the island first before
talking about Black Mountain Clans. Then ask him to go
with you. If you do this right, he will join you.
Starting Level : 23

1. ?

I. Wheel Clans
1. Loghaire Thunderstone
How to get : You need persuasion skill to do this. First, ask his son
about Stone and Shape philosophy and (if you want) to make
him open the passage below the chamber for instant access
to Loghaire. Talk with him and persuade him that he's
doing wrong by lock himself in a cave. If you do this right,
he will give you his axe and back to rule the Dwarven again.
After you find out about what happens to Black Mountain,
return to him and he'll follow you.
Starting Level : 35

1. ?

J. Qintara
1. Swyft
How to get : accept her offer to bring her to Tarant. She is not
included in the maximum followers. She'll leave you
in Tarant.
Starting Level : 9

1. Swyft wants you to bring her to Tarant safely.
Where to find : Qintara
How to find : talk to her
Requirement : -
Solution :
Just take her to Tarant, that's it.
Quest triggered : -
Spceial Notes : -

2. Jarmond
How to get : finish the Qintara Quest No. 7, then you can talk and
offer him to join your pary. He has quite strong magic.
Starting Level : 20

1. ?

3. Raven
How to get : finish the Primary Quest No. 12. Talk to her and then
Silver Lady. Talk to her again and ask to join your party.
Starting Level : 32

1. ?

K. Bedokaan Village
1. Waromon
How to get : talk to the leader of Bedokaan (blue one) and persuade him
to release the elf or at least believe in you. Once you done
and he asked you about your tale, tell the truth. He will
tell you that you can bring one of his warrior with you.
Find Waromon in the village and take him.
Starting Level : 20

1. ?

L. T'seng Ang
1. Z'an Al'urim
How to get : upon in T'seng Ang, talk to Dark-Elf wizard that hanging
around alone. After a brief conversation, ask her to join.
I think you have to be evil to have her in your party.
Starting Level : 29

1. ?

M. Vooridan
1. Mugdo
How to get : accept the quest from the priest at Vooriden. He will
tell you to take Mogdy with you. He will leave your party
once the quest is over. But because he is dumb, he will
follow you again once you finish the quest and talk to him
again. Of course, his reaction towards you will decrease,
because you don't take him to the rock place.
Starting Level : 30

1. Take the rock from Torin Quarry for the altar.
Where to find : Razor Points.
How to find : talk to the priest.
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Torin Quarry and there you will find a stone (1000). Bring
it back to the priest.

N. Gateway to The Wastes

0. Void
1. Arronax
How to get : see The Void quest No. 1
Starting Level : 45

1. -

Notes : For these other 3 players, you need to explore all the
Void areas. I can't put the exact location for these
NPC since it's quite a headache to put it into words.

2. Gorgoth
How to get : you need to find a food for him. Food is located at the
place when you first enter the Void, in every dead lizard
there. Take it to him. But he will be hungry forever, so
bring enough food for him.
Starting Level : 50

1. -

3. Bane of Kree
How to get : ?
Starting Level : ?

1. -

4. Krakatur
How to get : ?
Starting Level : ?

This one I've got from the Dark Necromancer, I haven't figured it out
tough, but I hope soon.

1. Gorgoth, Bane of Kree, Arronax, Krakatur

All of them are in the Void. I got none. Arronax join if you help him,
I don't get all the others. I'm playing good wizard character, If
that matter.

Bane of Kree said that my offering ( to take him back to Arcanum) is
just too good.

Gorgoth said he want some food, which I don't have.

Krakatur also said he won't join, maybe because I'm too noble :) but
bringing him his journal, which you can find in Lair of Bellogrim seems
to have an effect.

IV. Thief Underground
Note : This quests are available only after you stole the stone from
Elven Burial Ground and become a member of Thief Underground

A. Personal Quest
Note : This quest come from somebody that belongs to Thief Underground.
You may find it in each city, as for me I found it in Black Root,
Tarant, and Caladon.

1. Thaddeus Mynor wants you to retrieve the map of Tarantian Sewers.
Where to find : Tarant.
How to find : talk to Thaddeus Mynor.
Requirement : finish Tarant Side Quest No. 22
Solution :
Go to Hall of Records, and talk to the person in Dept. of Water.
Steal the key from him. Access the safe and get the reward.
Quest triggered : Quest No. 2
Special Notes : Finishing this quest will make you a member.

2. Cedric Appleby will gain you access into Bates' house if you
destroy Bates' new steam engine prototype howed in Bates' factory.
The factory is located at the end of Ten Hands Alley.
Where to find : Tarant, Cedric Appleby House
How to find : talk to Appleby
Requirement : become a member of Thief Underground
Solution :
Destroy the engine.
Quest triggerd : -
Special Notes : I include this in Thief Underground Quest too.

3. Thaddeus Mynor wants you to steal the golden idol of the Barbarian
of Keree.
Where to find : Tarant
How to find : talk to Thaddeus Mynor
Requirement : finish or botched Quest No. 2
Solution :
Go to Kree (see Location section). Then make all of your way to
the altars. One of two altars hold the idols. Take it back to him.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : -

4. D'ak Taan the thief wants you to rob the Hedge wizard's chest. If
successful, he will give you stolen items from Black Root.
Where to find : Black Root, Camp of Thieves
How to find : talk to D'ak Taan, The Elf Thief
Requirement : -
Solution :
The wizard's house is next to Arthur's house, the most south of
town. Steal the small statue from the chest. Or perhaps you can
persuade the wizard to give you.
Quest triggered : ?
Special Notes :
by accepting this quest, you are unable to get Quest No. 3 and
vice versa

5. D'ak Taan the thief wants you to obtain poison from Gronwalde. If
successful, he will give you stolen items from Black Root.
Where to find : Black Root, Camp of Thieves
How to find : talk to D'ak Taan, the Elf Thief
Requirement : -
Solution :
Gronwalde lives near the smithy. Talk to him and lie about the
rats as big as Ogre. Or steal from him
Quest triggered : ?
Special Notes :
by accepting this quest, you are unable to get Quest No. 2 and
vice versa

6. Adam Maxwell, a member of the Thieves Underground, has asked you
to steal the ancient book entitled "Divinations and Magicks for
Adept Wizard" from the home of Widower Nisk in Caladon.
Where to find : Caladon, Adam Maxwell house
How to find : talk to Adam Maxwell
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Nisk's house. Lockpick the door that locked and open the
book displayer to get the book
Quest triggered : Quest No. 7
Special Notes : -

7. Adam Maxwell, a member of Thieves Underground, has asked you to
heist the priceless Neckale of Queen K'na S'ea from the museum
in Caladon
Where to find : Caladon, Adam Maxwell house
How to find : talked to Adam Maxwell
Requirement : Quest No. 6
Solution :
Go to museum. Open the safe and take the neckale. Beware of
Poison Arachnid there.
Quest triggered : -
Special Notes : there's a door that I can't even get closed to
it in museum. Anybody knows how?

B. Group Quest
Note : this quest come from someone in the street. In Tarant, it is
the same guy who offer you to join Thief Underground. While in
Caladon, it comes from the elf standing outside the bar or
half-orc near the inn. The items you get has to give to
Mr. Black (Tarant) and Mr. Riskey (Caladon), in the shop for

Thief Underground would like you to retrieve :
1. the music box that Madam Lil keeps on her person.
Solution : steal the music box from Madam Lil
Location : Madam Lil House

2. the vial of venom from Lethe Wyvern from the Zoological Society.
Solution : steal from the chest in the office of Zoology
Location : Zoology Museum

3. the flawless dwarven rubies rumored to be aboard a ship anchored
in Tarant
Solution : open the barrel in the dock.
Location : Tarant's Dock

4. the potion of dark power from Mr. Fitzgeralad's home at 40 Pelton
Solution : steal it from the chest at his bedroom
Location : 40 Pelton Cross, Tarant

5. the plans for Schrick's Multi-Bareled Pistol from Bates Factory
Solution : steal it from the drawer in factory
Location : Bates Factory

6. the Essence of Will-o-the-Wisp from Parnell's
Solution : go to the museum of weird-thing or so. Steal
it from the room. Or you may kill the Will-
0-the-Wisp monster and retrieve the essence.
Location : Tarant, museum or Glimmering Forest

7. the enchanted looking glass from Mrs. Pettibone's home on
Langsten Road.
Solution : steal from the chess in her home
Location : Langsten Road, home of women give you the
Tarant Quest No. 22

8. the lucky meadllion rumored to be held by one Poone's vagrants
Solution : I haven't confirmed this one, but many
sent me this : Poone is the inn located near
the thief undergrond basis. Try to pickpocket
the guard near there.
Location : Tarant

9. the rare Darian-Ka Sword from Mr. Appleby's home
Solution : you can picklock or either steal the key to his
Location : Tarant, Appleby's house

10. an experimental engine called The Heron Device. It is said to be
heavily guarded in a warehouse near the Bates Factory
Solution : steal the key from the guard and then piclock
the remaining. Get the Heron Device
Location : Tarant, near the Bates Factory, the one that
have a guard walking in front of the door.

11. the Jewel of Hebe from Panarii Temple.
Solution : steal the jewel from the chest there. You may
need the good prowling skill to do so. Also,
you can kill the priest.
Location : Tarant, Panarii Temple

12. the boottle of Napha Water from Mr. Halster's home on Devonshire.
Solution : Well, go to Mr. Halster's home and try to steal it.
Location : Tarant, Devonshire Street

1. Ryan Marshall's police records.
Solution : go to the pollice office, picklock the drawer.
Take the records. You may want to do it at night.
Location : Caladon, pollice station

2. Ryan Sande's pocket watch.
Solution : Ryan Samder can be found in the pub where an elf
standing outside of it. Steal the watch
Location : Caladon, pub.

3. a chest of gold from a wrecked ship north of Caladon before the
authorities can get to it.
Solution : ?
Location : ?

4. a suit of Caladon Crusading Armor from a secret armory hidden
beneath one of the guard houses.
Solution : find the trap door in one of 2 guardhouses near
the park (east side of map). It's in the chest.
Location : Caladon, guardhouse.

5. a neckale that is rumored to have magickal powers from the couple
staying at the Mushroom Inn.
Solution : it's located in Mushroom Inn No. 3. Get it there.
Location : Caladon, Mushroom Inn, room Mo. 3

6. to find the secret basement in Jonathan Sander's home and retrieve
the staff of Restoration rumored to be hidden there.
Solution : Sander's house is near the first murder house.
Find the trap door, unlock it, and retrieve the
staff from chest there
Location : Caladon, Sander's house

7. to go to the deck warehouse and retrieve the post bound for Tarant
Solution : go to the dock, picklock any chest, barrel or
anything 'till you got it.
Location : Caladon, warehouse deck.

V. Master Quest
The quest here is the ones that the master of skill give you. I will
enlist them once I got some.

A. Fighting Skills
1. Bow
Master : Kietzel Pierce
Location : Blackroot, then in Caladon
How to : talk to him

1. I have been asked by Kietzel Pierce, the Bow Master, to keep an eye
out for his lost student, Dudley Crosston. If I should locate him, I
should inform him thatKietzel has gone on to Caladon on the kings
Solution : find him at Dernhom. He is on of the bow guard. Talk
to him and then talk back to Kietzel in Caladon.

2. Kietzel Pierce will train you as Bow Master f you can find the Bow of
Ecclesiates, said to be hidden in the ancient Ruins of Szabo.
Solution : go to Ruins of Szabo and explore until you find the Bow.
Take the bow to Kietzel.

Special Notes : Actually, only the 2nd quest is required to be master of
Bow. But I inlude the 1st one in case you wondering where
to find Dudley Crosston.

2. Dodge
Master : Adkin Chambers
Location : Stillwater Village
How to : talk to him.

Adkin Chambers, the Dodge Master, wants you to kill Sir Gerrick Stout, the
Melee Master, and bring his eyes of proof that you have completed the task.
Solution : Go to Dernholm, kill Sir Gerrick Stout, and take the eyes
back to him
Special Notes : You may want to do the Melee Master quest first before
killing him.

3. Melee
Master : sir Gerrick Stout
Location : Dernholm
How to : talk to him.

Find the Lady Druella, get her to agree to marry Sir Garrick Stout, and
return her to him.
Solution : Go to the place he located in your map, kill all monsters.
Talk to the Lady.
Special Notes : You may want to take advantages from this quest to get
the cure for Adkin too. After you bring the Lady to him,
take his life. You get his eyes and potion which leads to

Take the healing potion to Adkin Chambers and restore his sight. Also, tell
him Lady Druella's location
Solution : Just bring the potion back to Adkin
Special Notes : this is just additional quest from Dodge and Melee Master.

4. Throwing
Master : Clarissa Shalmo
Location : Blackroot
How to : talk to her

Retrieve Azram's Star from K'na Tha for Clarissa Shalmo in Blackroot.
Solution :
Just go to K'na Tha, you need to throw any weapon/item to the fire
or torch along the way to open any dungeons. Once you get to room
that looks like a cross, you're there. Hit the only fire in this
room and viola, you'll get a chest contained Azram's Star. Bring
it to her.
Special Notes : -

B. Thieving Skills
1. Backstab
Master : Dr. Edmund Craig
Location : Roseborough, in one of the northern house
How to : talk to him. Just pick the option where you won't reveal
his hide. After that, he will ask you to leave. When you
about to leave, he will attack you (no wonder he's the
backstab master). Kill him.

No quest.

2. Pickpocket
Master : Samun White
Location : Tarant, Kensington Park Station
How to : keep insulting him until option : "Okay, that's enough"

You are to go to the middle of Tarant and make a fool of yourself
by running around in your underwear.
Solution : Put all of your equipment, and then running through
Kensington Broadway, from one corner to the others.
Then circle the park several times.
Special Notes : You got reputation "Pervert of Tarant".

3. Prowling
Master : Albert Leek
Location : Caladon, Sobbing Onion Bar
How to : training to be an expert will provide you the 1st clue.

Find the master of Prowling by following the direction contained in
the mysterious note.
Solution :
1. train the expert with Mr. Black in Tarant for expert. He will give
you clue No. 1
2. go to Mushroom Inn in Caladon and enter the 3rd room. Read the 2nd
clue and take the spectacles from the bed. Use it and look the
paintings there. Go to the mark place.
3. There are many Brute Fangs here, so beware.... Take clue No. 3
4. Go back to Mushroom Inn and read the clue near the fireplace.
5. Go to Sobbing Onion Bar and talk to Albert. He will train you as
master and give you Ring of Silence as bonus.
Special Notes : -

4. Spot Trap
Master : Frederick T. Fitzgerald
Location : Tarant, 40 Polton Cross
How to : talk to him

F. Fitzgerald, the master of Spotting Traps, wants you to get the Staff
of K'an T'au from the Castle of S'nel N'fa. In exchange, he will give
you master training
Solution :
There are many many traps lying in the castle. All you need to do is
not step on it. Once you face K'an T'au itself, you are close. Check
the chest in the room you face K'an T'au to get the staff.
Special Notes : -

C. Social Skills
1. Gamble
Master : Gurin Rockharrow
Location : Tarant, Werrington Gentlemen's Club
How to : keep playing dice with him until he's satisfied

No quest

2. Haggle
Master : J.M. Morrat
Location : Tarant, Grant's Tavern
How to : give him 10,000 coins

No quest

3. Heal
Master : Fawn
Location : Qintara
How to : talk to her


4. Persuasion
Master : Edward Willoughsby
Location : Tarant, his home (near the graveyard) or Halls of Records
How to : talk to him in front of his house and then talk back at
Halls of Record.

Edward Willoughsby wants you to convince King Farad's advisors that
Caladon should join the Unified Kingdom
Solution :
Read the book he gives you carefully. Once you done that, talk to
King's advisors and pick your answers carefully.
Special Notes : -

D. Technology Skills
1. Repair
Master : Hieronymous Maxim
Location : Caladon
How to : talk to him

Find proof for Hieronymous Maxint that his heavier that air machines
actually flow.
Solution :
Bring him the camera you retrieve from the Crash Site.
Special Notes :
If you trade the camera for the information about the ring in
Shrouded Hills (see Shrouded Hills Side Quest), you can't get
this quest is done (I think so). You'll get Heal Arachnid and
the schematic of it as well.

2. Firearms
Master : William Thorndop
Location : Ashbury, near the prison
How to : talk to him, while you talk to him a villager will come.
Talk to the villager and accept the quest in bargain he
tought you the master of firearms.

Kill the entire Willbecher Gang and release their hostage Mrs. Rolland,
Solution : kill the entire gang and make sure Mrs. Rolland not
Special Notes : -

3. Lockpick
Master : JT Morgan
Location : Caladon High Prison
How to : talk to one of the guard near the prison and he will give a
clue that the only person available to see him is Mrs.Morgan,
his mother in Rosebhorough. Go there and talk to her.

Take JT Morgan, the Master Locksmith, his tools so that he can escape
from Caladon's high security prison.
How to find : talk to Mrs. Morgan in Rosebhorough
Solution :
Go into Caladon High Prison in Caladon. Explore it untill you find
a halfing in the high security prison. Talk to him, and give him his
tool. After it, he will give you a master skill.
Special Notes : -

4. Disarm Trap
Master : Daniel McPherson
Location : 23 Dragon's Turnabout, Caladon
How to : talk to him

Daniel McPherson will train you as the Trap Master if you can survive the
training maze beneath his home.
Solution : survive !!!!
Special Notes : -

VI. Stingy Pete Quest
Stingy Pete is the pireate ghost who is cursed by himself to haunt the world.
In order to release him (and get his boat) take care of his unfinished tasks.
There are 3, and I will mention this all to you.

1. Stingy Pete wants you to return his treasure including the silver boot
buckles of Jones Williamson, to the remaining members of the
Williamson family.
Where to find : Stingy Pete Cave
How to find : talk to Pete
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to the location which Stingy Pete shown to you. There is a dig-able
ground which hold a treasure and a buckles. Bring it to Williamson
Quest triggered : -
Special Note : -

2. See the Mugdo NPC Quest for details of this one.

3. Stingy Pete wants you to destroy the Bangellian Scourge.
Where to find : Stingy Pete Cave
How to find : talk to Pete
Requirement : -
Solution :
Go to Bangellian Deep and explore there. When you found Bangellian
Scourge, you must destroy it. How? There's a trash near the chest
you found it (the one with fire inside it). Just put the Bangellian
Scourge in it. And it will automatically destroyed.

VII. Ancient God Quest
Okay, this one is probably the tougher from all the quest. You have
to make a gift to God in order to get the blessing. If you want all
the blessings from the God, you must do it in exact order, otherwise
a curse will come to you. Barlog (
send me this and I will put it exactly as he wrote to me. Perhaps
I will do some correction later, after I do it by myself.

1. Terel
Falchon's Ache (1628 W, 565 S)
L'tani (in Ashbury, in front of the glasses store, a guy sell it).

2. Geshtiana
Stillwater (1190 W, 754 S)
Passion Root (in the corner of the room of the altar, or in
Glimmering Forest).

3. Alberich
Wheel Clan (951 W, 666 S)
Lava Rock (Wheel Clan dungeons)

4. Makaal
The Bedokaan Village
Heartstone (on the ground in that town)

5. Bolo
Bolo's Altar (1625 W, 1636 S)(

6. Kerlin
Kerlin's Altar (882 W, 424 S)
Minura Coin

7. Shakar
Kree (636 W, 1204 S)
Reaper's Axe (sometimes in Tarant, the places which sell magical

8. Torg
Torg's Altar (1215 W, 1138 S)
any ruby

9. Halycon
Vooriden (872 W, 1192 S)
Olive Branch (Wheel Clan garden)

10. Moorindal
Ancient Temple (777 W, 919 S)
Black Diamond

11. Kai'tan
Gorgoth Pass (1500 W, 1442 S)

12. Velorien
Vendigroth Ruins, inside (306 W, 586 S)
(only you and your party have to go)

OK, finally someone has helped me to get through this All God Quest.
Thank's to Rudy to this one. I hope you all can enjoy this. I put it
exactly the same as he wrote it to me.

For solving this quest you just need the proper sacrifices and a little
bit of observation on the chart of Mazzerin. Sun symbol there has one
circle surrounding it, moon has two and earth has three.

First circle of sacrifices:

Ter'el (Falcon's Ache) - Li'tani
Makaal (Bedokaan Village) - heartstone
Alberich (Wheel Clan) - lava rock
Getshiana (Stillwater) - passion root
Halykon (Vooriden) - olive branch.

Second circle of sacrifices:

Torg (Torg's Altar) - ruby
Bolo (Bolo's Altar) - ring
Kerlin (Kerlin's Altar) - mnura coin
Shakar (Kree) - Reaper's Axe or bone dagger
Moorindal (Ancient temple) - black diamond.

Third circle of sacrifices:

Here you will have to repeat the sacrifices for the neutral gods in the
following order :
Kai'tan (Gorgoth's Pass) - geode

After you've completed these three circles, you and your party could
step fearlesly on the altar of Velorien, located in the Vendigroth
Ruins, to receive the ultimate blessing.
Note: since I was already trained in all combat skills and in persuation,
I've noticed that after receiving Velorien's blessing, I had a huge bonus
at pickpocketing and a full train at firearms. Cute, isn't it?

E. Misscelanous
Now, I've decided to put a little through on how you play the game. The
world of Arcanum is hold many possible character you can make, with their
speciality and beauty.

I. What's the class?
In Arcanum, whenever you start your game, you can make your own class,
depending on how you want to play the game. There are many many possiblities
for a class you want to make. I put some possibilities here. Of course, you
can mix them whenever you like. I don't put a deep discussion about it. Just
simple thorough to make some picture on what class is the best

1. Brute Fighter/Barbarian
This class perhaps the easier the handle. Since all you need is weapon and
armor in hands. Just slice every enemy with your melee weapon. This class
needs only little basics of skill : Dodge and Melee. And he will survive every
situation. Of course, Strength and Dexterity play their role.
The best race for this is Half-Ogre.

2. Magician
Magician means you devote yourself into magic skills. You don't put yourself
in fight like fighter except casting spells and trying to kill your opponent
with it. There are 12 magical college in the game and you are free to chooese
which one you want to master and those will bring you more into many kind

a. Cleric
This magician devote their life into healing and enchanted magic to help
their party helds battle much longer. Usually, the best one to invest for
Cleric is Necromantic (White) college. It's a great back-up support for party.

b. Elemental Mage
Elemental Mage devote themselves to elemental magic such as Water, Fire, Air,
and Earth. You cast spell with elemental aptitude, using enemy's elemental
weakness to gain advantages.

c. Necromancer
Necromancer use the spell to curse the enemy (not real curse like Diablo II),
but you put magic in enemy to weaken them, either in power or speed or else.
And also Necromancer put their skills into undead, thus making it put their
points into Necromantic (Black) College.

d. Summoner
Summoner means you put your points in spell that concentrating in summoning
underling to help you wins the battle easier. This means Summoning College will
be their main choice to obtain the path to victory.

e. Physics
Physics means you put yourself into the magic that will change the creatures
reaction towards you. Making it either friendlier or hate them. This means
your main college is Mental College.

f. Nature Mage
This kind of mage will use the power of nature in order to survive the battle.
Nature College is their basic weapon. Also, a little of hurting spell won't be
too bad.

3. Technologist
This is the opposite with magic. While magic is using the power along the
nature law, technology tends to use the power against with the nature law.

a. Healer
You use the power of science to restore the health of yourself and your party.
Not only health, but fatigue as well. Great one for the back-up party which
contain all of the techno.

b. Scientist
This one will create any formula that effecting any of your opponent. Such as
decreasing their fatigue, decrease their life, blind the enemy, etc.

c. Bomber
This one is using grenade, molotov even dynamite to hold their prey. It is
you must have use your throwing skill and perception in order to take
advantage as this one.

d. Gun-shooter
Well, this is obvious, don't you think? You use gun, shooting, and once hit,
it'd deal damage to your opponent. Just remember to bring an extra weapon in
case of you run out of ammo.

e. Traper
Okay, the name is bad, since I don't know how to spell it. But you may guess,
this one is using the trap. There are only 2 trap, Spike Trap and Bear Trap in
the games. So, you may consider to join it with other class, such as shooter
or bomber.

f. Techno-fighter
Yup, this one is using the technological-made weapon in fighting, such as
feather-weight Axe. You can make an armor or other weapon as well after you
learn the new schematic and met the certain requirement.

2. Thief
Well, not much to say about thief. The one who play a pure thief must
be a creative ones, since thief got rather difficulty in fight against
enemies. Thief will basically useful in the city while attempting to gain
money or short-cut to finish the quest since this one has the lovely
ability : pickpocket. Anyway, you know the thief is, so you must have
an idea how to get your own thief in Arcanum

3. Assasin
A rather-different type from thief. While pure thief have difficulty in
fighting the enemies, the pure assasin is like a ninja, doing killing
instead stealing. The major skill needed perhaps Prowling, because once
you gained master in it, you can 'disappear' from enemy in the fight.

5. Negotiator
Negotiator..........hmmm, you know negotiator is, the one who do the
talking. That's right. You use your charisma and persuasion skill in
order to gain what you wished for, either recruitment for party or
the way to solve the quest or to get mose easily quest. Pure negotiator
most likely gained poor way to fight the mindless beast. You know the
reason right? Peace and Love.

6. Item Throw
Well, this one is dealing with with throwing object that deals damage,
such as boomerang and throwing knife. Therefore, this class will need
their throwing skill and perception to gain a very advantage of the
weapon they use.

7. Trap-Tracker
This one is likely to try to find trap and disarm it if possible.
While in the beginning there's no trap available to disable, later on
you will get advantages of it, reducing the damage taken outside the
battle. Disarm Trap and Spot Trap will be their most friendly skill
amongst all.

Good/Evil Player
Your attempt to pick or solve quest may differ your allignment. You
can be good one, or evil one. Therefore, people of Arcanum will react
differently to you depending your allignment.

Well, this is just a sampler some class you can use. Be creative,
combine two or more class to take advantage from them all. Or, do you
have any idea what class (pure class) that can be made and survive the
games? Tell me then :)

B. Site Location
I will list all the places that I found in the games here. If you get
some places that out of the list, please let me know.

58 W 1. Stonewall Range
Crash Site 1452 W 1292 S
Arbalah House 1453 W 1304 S
Simon Frackus - Shack 1452 W 1324 S
Shrouded HIlls 1409 W 1306 S
Dernholm 1238 W 1652 S
Black Root 1097 W 1442 S
Wolfs Cave 1230 W 1532 S
Liams Workshop 1181 W 1532 S
A Lair of Gyr Dolours 1182 W 1583 S
Razor Points 1503 S 1771 S
Ancient Maze 1368 W 1585 S
Tarant 937 W 1027 S
Torgs Altar 1214 W 1138 S
Torin Quarry 1420 W 1100 S
Stone Cutter Clans 1432 W 887 S
Stillwater Village 1191 W 754 S
Black Mountain Mines 1307 W 755 S
Uncharted Cave 1048 W 695 S
Wheel Clan 954 W 667 S
Ruins of Szabo 1028 W 1323 S

2. Morbihan Plans
Elven Ruins 712 W 1022 S
Forbidden Pit 833 W 1032 S
Ancient Temple 775 W 917 S
The Lair of Bellerogrim 769 W 839 S
Kree 635 W 1203 S
Ashbury 506 W 987 S
Ancient Shipwreck 500 W 890 S
Stingy Pete's Cave 682 W 1340 S
Stingy Pete's Treasure 806 W 1340 S
The Williamson Homestead 509 W 1113 S
Vooriden 871 W 1190 S
Dungeons of the Dragon Pool 995 W 1323 S

3. Isle of Despair
Shades Beach 375 W 826 S
The Womenizer Camp 265 W 820 S
The home of Maximillian 320 W 835 S

4. Glimmering Forest
Quintara 1545 W 655 S
Falcon's Ache 1325 W 560 S
Small Pond 1595 W 880 S
Small Camp 1260 W 475 S
Secret Village 1320 W 181 S
Strange Ceremony 1180 W 290 S
K'na Tha 1435 W 617 S
The Bedokaan Village 1179 W 315 S
The Poachers Camp 1205 W 275 S
The Bangellion Deeps 1180 W 290 S
The Castle of S'nel N'fa 1387 W 642 S

5. Grey Mountains
The Bog 1075 W 515 S
Strange Pond 620 W 525 S
Kerlin's Altar 885 W 425 S
Strange Ruby Location

6. Left Continent
Caladon 1605 W 1830 S
Rosenborough 1750 W 1515 S
Broken Catedral 1630 W 1205 W
The Old Lagoon 1695 W 1320 S
Bold's Altar 1625 W 1637 S
The Cold Place 1615 W 1415 S
Lethe Wyvern Sighting 1578 W 1010 S
A Mysterious Location 1435 W 614 S

7. Thanatos
Boat Landing on Thanatos 630 W 1595 S
Village of Ashlag Tribe 744 W 1705 S
Land Bridge 720 W 1880 S
Nasrudin's Resting Place 722 W 1820 S

8. Vendigroth Wastes
Gateway to the Wastes 466 W 741 S
Mysterious ruins of the wastes 474 W 695 S
Tulla 445 W 490 S
Vendigroth Ruins 306 W 586 S
Dark Elf Camp ????????????

F. Frequently Asked Question
1. Why do you recommend to give boot instead of the camera at
Shrouded Hills?
A: Well, it just my recommendation, but you are free to give
anything you want. The boot can be sold later in the game
while the camera is needed to complete a quest at Caladon,
especially if you are planning to be a master at repair

2. I can't find the Iron Clan Quest in your FAQ. Have you not
finished it?
A: I have finished it. Read the Wheel Clan Quest No. 2 for the
information about this. If you all demand to put this quest
in separate chapter, mail me. When I got 10 or more e-mail
or messages in my ICQ, I will do this to you.

3. Why can't you updated this FAQ more often?
A: Well, this is a tough question, I have some problem with my
life to handle too you know. For example, getting sick or
broken computer.

4. I have found another way to finish the quest otherwise your
sollution given the FAQ. How about that?
A: I will mention this : This FAQ is just given to make you
easier to finish the game, meaning this isn't the exact
way to finish the game. I'm tired getting the e-mail who
gave me the sollution for certain quest I've finished and
basically simillar with my sollution. So, unless you really
find the sollution that way much different from mine, you
can send it to me.

5. Why can't I find about the quest concerning the Ogre experiment
in your FAQ?
A: I've put this in separate ways. If you guys need this one to
be different section, mail me. For 10 e-mail or messages, I
will put this on different section.

6. Your English is not good enough. I found some misspelling and
also words that is not in the right place.
A: OK, I'm clear this up. I'm sorry for that. English is not my
primary language so please forgive me for that.

G. Credits
Sierra, for making this lovely games
My roomate, to help me find one or two clue.
People on Gamefaqs Board
Liang Lu (
Charles Djohan (
Irwan Candra (
Barlog (
Dark Necromancer (
Rudy (

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17.Oktober 2013
Editing Backgrounds and Schematics
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