

18.10.2013 03:40:58
Custom Background Tutorial
Shonsu's Custom Background Tutorial v1.1*

*v1.1 adds "no significant background", which is required to make this work!

Special thanks to Kusanagi for his help!

This is v1.1, it might not be perfect!
Try at your own risk, don't blame me if this messes up your gamefiles!
If you don't have some basic computer skills, just forget it now! Go play your
game and be happy with what you got!!!

I will create a background named "Gunslinger" in this tutorial. this is
proceded by "no significant background", which is required to make your custom
backgrounds work.
Note: Below you will find brackets {} backslashes // and spaces and commas ,
Use them as shown for correct results.

Step One: Create Folders

a) Using Windows Explorer locate and open your Arcanum directory
b) If you do not have and folder named data, create one now
c) Within the data folder you must create 2 new folders named mes and rules


Step Two: Create .mes files

Note: This step requires the use of a program such as Super NoteTab, NotePad,
or WordPad.

a) Open your NoteTab type program
Note: This is where a characters background story should be typed. Becareful
not to make it too long, there is limited space. You can

also include any additions or subtraction to stats and skills you will make.
b) Type the following:

// This file contains game-defined background descriptions
// Begins with 1000

{1000}{No significant background

Nothing of any consequence has ever happened to the character.}


You've played cowboys and indians since you were a child, now's your chance to
live it! You have bonuses to intelligence (+2) and perception (+2). Also you
have a increase to your Firearms skill.}

c) Save this file as gameback.mes within the mes folder

Note: increase in increments of 1 so your next be 1002

{1002}{Name of background

background desription, stats and skill changes.}

d) Open NoteTab again
e) Type the following:

// WARNING: Each effect has a constraint of a maximum of *FIVE* changes per
*type* of change
// (so you could have 5 changes to stats *and* 5 changes to skills, but not 6
changes to stats)
// Begins with 380

{86}{} // background effect (no background)
{87}{in +2, pe +2, firearms +6} // Gunslinger

f) Save this file as effect.mes within the rules folder

Note: this will increase in increments of one also. your next would be 88

Note: Modifications to stats and skills should be done in order. Positives
first negatives seconds.

Stats first in this order:

strength - st
Constitution - cn
Dexterity - dx
Beauty - be
Intelligence - in
Willpower - wp
Perception - pe
Charisma - ch

Skills second in this order:


Be aware if you want to raise a skill very high, like melee, you must raise its
governing stat, dexterity high enough for your skill to

take effect. Governing stats are should on page 24 of your arcanum players

So strength should be modified before beauty, prowling before repair and
willpower before bow. Get the idea? good let's move on!


g) Open NoteTab (or the like) again
h) Type the following:
// Background rules
// Begins with 0


{14}{14129 14100 7039 6044}

i) Save this file as backgrnd.mes within the rules folder

Note: This will increase in increments of 10. the next would be 20


{20}{Number from gameback.mes}
{21}{Number from effect.mes}
{22}{Race and sex that can use this background *See race & sex codes below}
{23}{Amount of gold to start game with}
{24}{Items to start with **See item codes below}

Last Step - Save, close, run
Save .mes files, close folders, and run Arcanum. With a little luck everything
will work and you will have new backgrounds!
*Race and Sex Codes

HUF - human female
HUM - human male
DWF - dwarf female
DWM - dwarf male
ELF - elf female
ELM - elf male
HEF - half elf female
HEM - half elf male
GNF - gnome female
GNM - gnome male
HAF - halfling female
HAM - halfling male
HOF - half orc female
HOM - half orc male
HGF - half ogre female
HGM - half ogre male
ANY - anyone can use this background (same as blank line, included for clarity)

** Item Codes

Note: these do not represent all the item codes posible, but they should be
more than enough. Some may not work as starting items, but

most should. Enjoy!


{6038}{Envenomed Sword}
{6039}{Elephant Gun}
{6040}{Tesla Rod}
{6041}{Flame Thrower}
{6042}{Enchanted Sword}
{6044}{Fine Revolver}
{6045}{Repeater Rifle}
{6046}{Hunting Rifle}
{6047}{Railroad Spike}
{6048}{Balanced Sword}
{6049}{Bronwyck's Gun}
{6050}{Rusty Dagger}
{6051}{Fine Steel Dagger}
{6052}{Throwing Dagger}
{6053}{Mechanical Dagger}
{6054}{Mage's Dagger}
{6055}{Dagger of Speed}
{6056}{Rusty Sword}
{6057}{Quality Sword}
{6058}{Caladon Elite Sword}
{6060}{Short Sword}
{6064}{Sword of Defense}
{6065}{Stillwater Blade}
{6066}{Rusty Axe}
{6067}{Quality Axe}
{6068}{Power Axe}
{6069}{Feather-Weight Axe}
{6070}{Reaper's Axe}
{6071}{Axe of Strength}
{6072}{Rusty Mace}
{6073}{Quality Mace}
{6075}{Rusty Hammer}
{6076}{Quality Hammer}
{6077}{Machined Hammer}
{6078}{Crushing Hammer}
{6079}{Inferno Hammer}
{6080}{Old Revolver}
{6081}{Flintlock Pistol}
{6082}{Old Flintlock Pistol}
{6083}{Quality Revolver}
{6084}{Hushed Pistol}
{6085}{High Velocity Pistol}
{6086}{Fancy Pistol}
{6087}{Schreck's Pistol}
{6088}{Long Range Pistol}
{6089}{Quality Broadsword}
{6090}{Rusty Broadsword}
{6093}{Barbarian's Heavy Blade}
{6094}{Sword of Air}
{6095}{Sword of Sickness}
{6096}{Compound Bow}
{6097}{Short Bow}
{6098}{Long Bow}
{6099}{Elven Hunter's Bow}
{6100}{Bow of Terror}
{6101}{Folding Rifle}
{6102}{Repeater Rifle Variant 1}
{6103}{Repeater Rifle Variant 2}
{6104}{Mechanized Gun}
{6105}{Looking Glass Rifle}
{6106}{Marksman Rifle}
{6107}{Levered Machine Gun}
{6109}{Rusted Rifle}
{6110}{Shocking Staff}
{6111}{Quality Staff}
{6112}{Staff of Healing}
{6113}{Shaman's Staff}
{6114}{Mage's Staff}
{6115}{Hushed Revolver}
{6116}{Hand Crafted Flintlock}
{6117}{Large Pipe}
{6118}{Hand Cannon}
{6119}{Clarington Rifle}
{6120}{Filament Sword}
{6121}{Finely Crafted Dagger}
{6122}{Charmed Dagger}
{6123}{Magick Dagger}
{6124}{Mystic Dagger}
{6125}{Arcane Dagger}
{6126}{Charged Sword}
{6127}{Charmed Sword}
{6128}{Magick Sword}
{6129}{Mystic Sword}
{6130}{Arcane Sword}
{6131}{Envenomed Axe}
{6132}{Charged Axe}
{6133}{Pyrotechnic Axe}
{6134}{Charmed Axe}
{6135}{Magick Axe}
{6136}{Mystic Axe}
{6137}{Arcane Axe}
{6138}{Charmed Mace}
{6139}{Magick Mace}
{6140}{Mystic Mace}
{6141}{Arcane Mace}
{6142}{Charmed Great Sword}
{6143}{Magick Great Sword}
{6144}{Mystic Great Sword}
{6145}{Arcane Great Sword}
{6146}{Pyrotechnic Bow}
{6147}{Envenomed Bow}
{6148}{Charmed Bow}
{6149}{Magick Bow}
{6150}{Mystic Bow}
{6151}{Arcane Bow}
{6152}{Rifled Cannon}
{6153}{Acid Gun}
{6154}{Tesla Gun}
{6155}{Grenade Launcher}
{6156}{Charged Accelerator Gun}
{6157}{Blade Launcher}
{6158}{Pyrotechnic Gun}
{6159}{Tranquilizer Gun}
{6160}{Charmed Staff}
{6161}{Magick Staff}
{6162}{Mystic Staff}
{6163}{Arcane Staff}
{6165}{Bladed Boomerang}
{6166}{Balanced Boomerang}
{6168}{Serrated Chakram}
{6169}{Mystical Chakram}
{6170}{Azram's Star}
{6171}{Aerial Decapitator}
{6172}{Void Sword}
{6173}{Droch's Warbringer}
{6174}{Large Bore Vendigrothian Rifle}
{6175}{Oak Axe Handle}
{6177}{Bone Dagger}
{6178}{Kite Sword}

Armor and Ammo

{8042}{Heavy Wool Clothes}
{8043}{Guard Leather}
{8045}{Machined Platemail}
{8046}{Priest Robes}
{8047}{Mithril Platemail}
{8048}{Dread Armour}
{8049}{Nice Suit}
{8050}{Battered Wooden Shield}
{8054}{Fancy Ring}
{8056}{Leather Gloves}
{8057}{Charged Ring}
{8058}{Small Heavy Wool Clothes}
{8059}{Small Guard Leather}
{8060}{Small Chainmail}
{8061}{Small Machined Platemail}
{8062}{Small Priest Robes}
{8063}{Small Mithril Platemail}
{8064}{Small Dread Armour}
{8065}{Small Nice Suit}
{8066}{Large Heavy Wool Clothes}
{8067}{Large Guard Leather}
{8068}{Large Mithril Platemail}
{8069}{Large Nice Suit}
{8070}{Suede Jacket}
{8071}{Oiled Thieves Leather}
{8072}{Mithril Chainmail}
{8073}{Machined Plate}
{8074}{Shadowing Robes}
{8075}{Basic Platemail}
{8076}{Bronze Barbarian Clothes}
{8077}{Smoking Jacket}
{8078}{Small Suede Jacket}
{8079}{Small Oiled Thieves Leather}
{8080}{Small Mithril Chainmail}
{8081}{Small Machined Plate}
{8082}{Small Robe of the Chameleon}
{8083}{Small Basic Platemail}
{8084}{Small Bronze Barbarian Clothes}
{8085}{Small Smoking Jacket}
{8086}{Heavy Rags}
{8087}{Large Oiled Thieves Leather}
{8088}{Large Basic Platemail}
{8089}{Smoking Jacket}
{8090}{Wool Jacket}
{8091}{Leather Armour}
{8092}{Oiled Chainmail}
{8093}{Basic Machined Plate}
{8095}{Bronzed Plate}
{8096}{Dark Barbarian Clothes}
{8097}{Servants Clothes}
{8098}{Small Wool Jacket}
{8099}{Small Leather Armour}
{8100}{Small Oiled Chainmail}
{8101}{Small Basic Machined Platemail}
{8102}{Small Robes}
{8103}{Small Bronzed Plate}
{8104}{Small Dark Barbarian Clothes}
{8105}{Small Manservants Clothes}
{8106}{Large Wool Jacket}
{8107}{Large Leather Armour}
{8108}{Large Bronzed Plate}
{8109}{Large Manservants Uniform}
{8111}{Studded Leather}
{8112}{Guard Chainmail}
{8113}{Guard Plate}
{8114}{Magick Robes}
{8115}{Elite Plate}
{8116}{Red Barbarian Clothes}
{8117}{Rustic Finery}
{8118}{Small Jacket}
{8119}{Small Studded Leather}
{8120}{Small Guard Chainmail}
{8121}{Small Guard Plate}
{8122}{Small Magick Robes}
{8123}{Small Elite Plate}
{8124}{Small Red Barbarian Clothes}
{8125}{Small Rustic Finery}
{8127}{Large Studded Leather}
{8128}{Large Elite Plate}
{8129}{Large Rustic Finery}
{8130}{Feather-Weight Chain}
{8131}{Small Feather-Weight Chain}
{8132}{Copper Ring}
{8133}{Plain Dress}
{8134}{NO GOOD}Small Ladies City Dweller Clothes
{8135}{NO GOOD}Small Ladies City Dweller Clothes
{8136}{Elegant Dress}Ladies Smoking Jacket
{8137}{NO GOOD}Small Ladies Smoking Jacket
{8138}{NO GOOD}Large Ladies Smoking Jacket
{8139}{Servant's Dress}FEMALE
{8140}{NO GOOD}Small Ladyservants Clothes
{8141}{NO GOOD}Large Ladyservants Clothes
{8142}{Rustic Dress}FEMALE
{8143}{NO GOOD}Small Ladies Rustic Finery
{8144}{NO GOOD}Large Ladies Rustic Finery
{8145}{Venom-Shielded Garment}
{8146}{Small Venom-Shielded Garment}
{8147}{Large Venom-Shielded Garment}
{8148}{Regenerative Jacket}
{8149}{Small Regenerative Jacket}
{8150}{Large Regenerative Jacket}
{8151}{Dragon Skin Leather}
{8152}{Small Dragon Skin Leather}
{8153}{Large Dragon Skin Leather}
{8154}{Creep Armour}
{8155}{Caladon Elite Guard Chainmail}
{8156}{Dwarven Chainmail}
{8157}{Elven Chainmail}
{8158}{Gnomish Chainmail}
{8159}{Molochean Hand Amulet}
{8160}{Medallion of Beauty}
{8161}{Dorian Amulet}
{8162}{Decent Gold Ring}
{8163}{Gilbert Bates Ring}
{8164}{Ring of Protection}
{8165}{Fated Ring}
{8166}{Metal Boots}
{8167}{Fine Stout Boots}
{8169}{Worn Shoes}
{8170}{Worn Boots}
{8171}{Ladies Fancy Boots}
{8172}{Worn Ladies Boots}
{8173}{Elven Boots}
{8174}{Enchanted War Boots}
{8175}{Dwarven Gauntlets}
{8176}{Machined Gauntlets}
{8177}{War Gauntlets}
{8178}{Chain Gloves}
{8179}{Light-Fingered Gauntlets}
{8180}{Gloves of Dexterity}
{8181}{Fine Helmet}
{8182}{Pig Face Basset}
{8183}{Eye Gear}
{8184}{Eye Glasses}
{8185}{Top Hat}
{8186}{Helmet of Vision}
{8187}{Chapeau of Magnetic Inversion}
{8188}{Helm of Light}
{8189}{Geleam's Helm}
{8190}{Wooden Shield}
{8191}{Dented Iron Shield}
{8192}{Quality Iron Shield}
{8193}{Kite Shield}
{8194}{Flow Specktrometer}
{8195}{Shield of Force}
{8196}{Shadow Shield}
{8197}{Dwarven Platemail}
{8198}{Minute Platemail of Regeneration}
{8199}{Great Helm}
{8200}{"Sunday's Best" Dress}
{8201}{Officer's Uniform}
{8202}{Small Officer's Uniform}
{8203}{Amulet of Leadership}
{8204}{Dark Helm}
{8205}{Teamster Gloves}
{8206}{Serpentine Necklace}
{8207}{Wheel Clan Spectacles}
{8208}{Charmed Leather Armour}
{8209}{Small Charmed Leather Armour}
{8210}{Large Charmed Leather Armour}
{8211}{Magick Leather Armour}
{8212}{Small Magick Leather Armour}
{8213}{Large Magick Leather Armour}
{8214}{Mystic Leather Armour}
{8215}{Small Mystic Leather Armour}
{8216}{Large Mystic Leather Armour}
{8217}{Arcane Leather Armour}
{8218}{Small Arcane Leather Armour}
{8219}{Large Arcane Leather Armour}
{8220}{Qintarra Chainmail}
{8221}{Charmed Chainmail}
{8222}{Small Charmed Chainmail}
{8223}{Magick Chainmail}
{8224}{Small Magick Chainmail}
{8225}{Mystic Chainmail}
{8226}{Small Mystic Chainmail}
{8227}{Arcane Chainmail}
{8228}{Small Arcane Chainmail}
{8230}{Small Electro-Armor}
{8231}{Large Electro-Armor}
{8232}{Charmed Robes}
{8233}{Small Charmed Robes}
{8234}{Magick Robes}
{8235}{Small Magick Robes}
{8236}{Mystic Robes}
{8237}{Small Mystic Robes}
{8238}{Arcane Robes}
{8239}{Small Arcane Robes}
{8240}{Charmed Traveler's Cloak}
{8241}{Small Charmed Traveler's Cloak}
{8242}{Magick Traveler's Cloak}
{8243}{Small Magick Traveler's Cloak}
{8244}{Mystic Traveler's Cloak}
{8245}{Small Mystic Traveler's Cloak}
{8246}{Arcane Traveler's Cloak}
{8247}{Small Arcane Traveler's Cloak}
{8248}{Quality Robes}
{8249}{Small Quality Robes}
{8250}{Charmed Platemail}
{8251}{Small Charmed Platemail}
{8252}{Magick Platemail}
{8253}{Small Magick Platemail}
{8254}{Mystic Platemail}
{8255}{Small Mystic Platemail}
{8256}{Arcane Platemail}
{8257}{Small Arcane Platemail}
{8258}{Flow Disruptor Shield}
{8259}{Charmed Shield}
{8260}{Magick Shield}
{8261}{Mystic Shield}
{8262}{Arcane Shield}
{8263}{Miner's Helmet}
{8264}{Charmed Helmet}
{8265}{Magick Helmet}
{8266}{Mystic Helmet}
{8267}{Arcane Helmet}
{8268}{Charmed Gauntlets}
{8269}{Magick Gauntlets}
{8270}{Mystic Gauntlets}
{8271}{Arcane Gauntlets}
{8272}{Charmed Ring}
{8273}{Magick Ring}
{8274}{Mystic Ring}
{8275}{Arcane Ring}
{8276}{Vendigrothian Padded Leather Gloves}
{8277}{Vendigrothian War Gauntlets}
{8278}{Void Ring}
{8279}{Emerald Ring}
{8280}{Ruby Ring}
{8281}{Sapphire Ring}
{8282}{Diamond Ring}
{8283}{Wooden Ring}
{8284}{Silver Ring}
{8285}{Mithril Ring}
{8286}{Emerald Necklace}
{8287}{Ruby Necklace}
{8288}{Sapphire Necklace}
{8289}{Diamond Necklace}
{8290}{Goggled Helmet}
{8291}{Large Machined Platemail}
{8292}{Large Feather-Weight Chain}


{10059}{Healing Salve}
{10060}{Fatigue Restorer}
{10061}{Ginka Root}
{10062}{Kadura Stem}
{10063}{Coca Leaves}
{10064}{Tobacco Leaves}
{10066}{Electrolyte Solution}
{10067}{Varham's Aqua Vitae}
{10068}{Monroe's Cleaner}
{10069}{Potion of Persuasion}
{10070}{Elixir of Physical Prowess}
{10071}{Spirit of Camphor}
{10072}{Famous Blood Pills}
{10074}{Heal Lesser Wounds}
{10075}{Strong Poison}
{10076}{Cure All}
{10077}{Cure Poison}
{10078}{Fatigue Limiter}
{10079}{Accelerate Healing}
{10081}{Poppy Flowers}
{10082}{Big Chief Snake Oil}
{10084}{Wonder Drug}
{10085}{Corrosive Acid}
{10086}{Animal Lure}
{10087}{Animal Scent}
{10088}{Brewer's Yeast}
{10089}{Pete's Carbolic Acid}
{10092}{Sulphur Pills}
{10094}{Morning Star Perfume}
{10095}{Dragon Cologne}
{10096}{Lingham's Belladonna}
{10098}{Mind Marvel}
{10099}{Tonic of Increased Reflexes}
{10101}{Doolittle's Glyceride}
{10102}{Nerve Pills}
{10103}{Liquid of Awareness}
{10104}{Nimm's Phosphorous Tincture}
{10106}{Witch Hazel Extract}
{10107}{Rheumatism Cure}
{10108}{Migraine Cure}
{10109}{Tincture of Arnica}
{10110}{CK Sugar}
{10111}{Elixir of Hypnotic Suggestion}
{10112}{Brain Builder}
{10113}{Muscle Maker}
{10116}{Miracle Cure}
{10117}{Mental Inhibitor}
{10124}{Vial of Dragon's Blood}
{10125}{Passion Root}
{10126}{Chateau de Be'ron Brandy}
{10127}{Dwarven Snuff}
{10128}{Elven Spring Water}
{10129}{Earl Grey Tea}
{10131}{Sweet Cakes}
{10132}{Vendigrothian Elixir}
{10134}{Greater Healing}
{10135}{Light Fatigue Restore}
{10136}{Greater Fatigue Restore}
{10137}{Heal Poison}
{10138}{Morgana's Tears}
{10139}{Fatigue Slower}
{10140}{Essence of Intellect}
{10141}{Potion of Haste}
{10142}{Liquid of Skin Thickening}
{10143}{Kalispi's Venom}
{10144}{Restore Life}


{11059}{Scroll of Disarm}
{11060}{Scroll of Unlocking Cantrip}
{11061}{Scroll of Unseen Force}
{11062}{Scroll of Spatial Distortion}
{11063}{Scroll of Teleportation}
{11064}{Scroll of Sense Alignment}
{11065}{Scroll of See Contents}
{11066}{Scroll of Read Aura}
{11067}{Scroll of Sense Invisible/Traps}
{11068}{Scroll of Divine Magic}
{11069}{Scroll of Vitality of Air}
{11070}{Scroll of Poison Vapours}
{11071}{Scroll of Call Winds}
{11072}{Scroll of Body of Air}
{11073}{Scroll of Call Air Elemental}
{11074}{Scroll of Strength of Earth}
{11075}{Scroll of Stone Throw}
{11076}{Scroll of Wall of Stone}
{11077}{Scroll of Body of Stone}
{11078}{Scroll of Call Earth Elemental}
{11079}{Scroll of Agility of Fire}
{11080}{Scroll of Wall of Fire}
{11081}{Scroll of Fireflash}
{11082}{Scroll of Body of Fire}
{11083}{Scroll of Call Fire Elemental}
{11084}{Scroll of Purity of Water}
{11085}{Scroll of Call Fog}
{11086}{Scroll of Squall of Ice}
{11087}{Scroll of Body of Water}
{11088}{Scroll of Call Water Elemental}
{11089}{Scroll of Shield of Protection}
{11090}{Scroll of Jolt}
{11091}{Scroll of Wall of Force}
{11092}{Scroll of Bolt of Lightning}
{11093}{Scroll of Disintegrate}
{11094}{Scroll of Charm}
{11095}{Scroll of Stun}
{11096}{Scroll of Drain Will}
{11097}{Scroll of Nightmare}
{11098}{Scroll of Dominate Will}
{11099}{Scroll of Resist Magick}
{11100}{Scroll of Disperse Magick}
{11101}{Scroll of Dweomer Shield}
{11102}{Scroll of Bonds of Magic}
{11103}{Scroll of Reflection Shield}
{11104}{Scroll of Hardened Hands}
{11105}{Scroll of Weaken}
{11106}{Scroll of Shrink}
{11107}{Scroll of Flesh to Stone}
{11108}{Scroll of Polymorph}
{11109}{Scroll of Charm Beast}
{11110}{Scroll of Entangle}
{11111}{Scroll of Control Beast}
{11112}{Scroll of Succour Beast}
{11113}{Scroll of Regenerate}
{11114}{Scroll of Harm}
{11115}{Scroll of Conjure Spirit}
{11116}{Scroll of Summon Undead}
{11117}{Scroll of Create Undead}
{11118}{Scroll of Quench Life}
{11119}{Scroll of Minor Healing}
{11120}{Scroll of Halt Poison}
{11121}{Scroll of Major Healing}
{11122}{Scroll of Sanctuary}
{11123}{Scroll of Resurrect}
{11124}{Scroll of Illuminate}
{11125}{Scroll of Flash}
{11126}{Scroll of Blur Sight}
{11127}{Scroll of Phantasmal Fiend}
{11128}{Scroll of Invisibility}
{11129}{Scroll of Plague of Insects}
{11130}{Scroll of Orcish Champion}
{11131}{Scroll of Guardian Ogre}
{11132}{Scroll of Hellgate}
{11133}{Scroll of Familiar}
{11134}{Scroll of Magelock}
{11135}{Scroll of Congeal Time}
{11136}{Scroll of Hasten}
{11137}{Scroll of Stasis}
{11138}{Scroll of Tempus Fugit}
{11139}{Kerghan's Death Scroll}
{11140}{Kerghan's Attack Scroll}
{11141}{Scroll of Exiting}
{11142}{Med Spider Heal}

Key Ring
{13061}{Key Ring}


{14075}{Clockwork Physician}
{14076}{Miracle Cure}
{14077}{Mental Inhibitor}
{14081}{Potion of Paralysis}
{14082}{Lemon and Potato Charges}
{14083}{Charged Sword}
{14084}{Flow Disruptor}
{14085}{Tesla Gun}
{14087}{Electro Armour (Medium)}
{14088}{Pyrotechnic Bow}
{14089}{Knock Out Gas}
{14090}{Hallucination Grenade}
{14091}{Electrocution Grenade}
{14092}{Grenade Launcher}
{14093}{Time Bomb}
{14094}{Concussion Grenade}
{14095}{Paralysis Grenade}
{14096}{Mustard Gas Grenade}
{14099}{Flame Thrower}
{14100}{Mechanized Gun}
{14101}{Acid Gun}
{14102}{Accelerator Gun}
{14103}{Pyrotechnic Gun}
{14104}{Blade Launcher}
{14105}{High Velocity Pistol}
{14106}{Schreck's Multi-Barreled Pistol}
{14107}{Long Range Pistol}
{14108}{Tranquilizer Gun}
{14109}{Poison Arachnid}
{14111}{Compound Bow}
{14112}{Envenomed Bow}
{14113}{Medical Arachnid}
{14114}{Illuminated Decoy}
{14115}{Explosive Decoy}
{14116}{Automaton Gunner}
{14117}{Goggled Helmet}
{14118}{Machined Platemail}
{14119}{Wheel Clan Spectacles}
{14120}{Envenomed Sword}
{14121}{Envenomed Axe}
{14122}{Miner's Helmet}
{14123}{Pyrotechnic Axe}
{14124}{Rifled Cannon}
{14125}{Mechanical Dagger}
{14126}{Elixir of Hypnotic Suggestion}
{14127}{Brain Builder}
{14128}{Muscle Maker}

{15084}{5% Lockpicks}


I will now show more examples of the .mes files, for clarity, and so that you
may better see the pattern.


(1) Gameback.mes - This is an example of what you gameback.mes should look like:

// This file contains game-defined background descriptions
// Begins with 1000

{1000}{No significant background

Nothing of any consequence has ever happened to the character.}


You've played cowboys and indians since you were a child, now's your chance to
live it! You have a bonuses to intelligence (+2) and perception (+2). Also you
have a increase to your Firearms skill.}


You have studied long and hard in preperation of a career in magik. Due to this
hard work you start with bonuses to constitution (+2), intelligence (+2), and
willpower (+2). You enjoy an increase to your Heal skill as well.}

{1003}{Monster Tank

Your a big strong tank. You carry a lot and hit hard. Your have a bonus to
melee (+4). You are also blessed with higher strength and dexterity.}

{1004}{Filthy Thief

As far as we know, no one has ever had a good word to say about you. Hell, most
people don't even notice you. That's their first mistake! Most likely you've
just left with their wallet! You rob from the rich and the poor, you give only
to yourself. You start with: increased dexterity (+4) and perception (+4). You
do have lower stats in beauty (-1) and charisma (-2) The following skills are
raised: dodge, throwing, pickpocket, prowling, picklock. Also with whatever
loot you've hoarded previously.}

{1005}{Renaissance Person

You are a well rounded person. "Jack of all trades", as they say. You could
prosper at just about any path you choose! You are gifted with higher Strength,
Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Willpower. You also have an addition
to dodge, melee, haggle, heal, and persuasion.}


(2) Effect.mes - This is an example of what you effect.mes should look like:

// WARNING: Each effect has a constraint of a maximum of *FIVE* changes per
*type* of change
// (so you could have 5 changes to stats *and* 5 changes to skills, but not 6
changes to stats)
// Begins with 86

{86}{} // background effect (no background)
{87}{in +2, pe +2, firearms +6} // Gunslinger
{88}{cn +2, in +2, wp +2, heal +6} // Spellcaster
{89}{st +4, dx +4, melee +9} // Monster Tank
{90}{dx +4, be -1, pe +4, ch -2, dodge +3, throwing +3, pickpocket +6, prowling
+6, picklock +6} // Filthy Thief
{91}{st +3, cn +2, dx +3, in +2, wp +2, dodge +6, melee +6, haggle +3, heal +3,
persuasion +3} // Renaissance Person


(3) Backgrnd.mes - This is an example of what you backgrnd.mes should look like:

// Background rules
// Begins with 0


{14}{14129 14100 7039 6044}

{24}{8053 8032 8272 6062}

{34}{6091 8053 8056 8127 8051 8192}

{44}{13061 8053 8056 8071 6051 6166 8281 8287 8280 8286}

{54}{13061 6063 8053 8056 8091 8107 8186}


I hope this Custom Background Tutorial has been a help to you!
Remember, the smallest mistake, like missed comma of space can blow the whole
I sure hope I didn't leave any of these mistakes in this tutorial! Sorry in
advance if I did!

(c) shonsu Oct. 2003

v1.0 Oct. 20th 2003
v1.1* Nov. 18th 2003 adds "no significant background", which is required to
make this work!

*Special thanks to Kusanagi for his help!

Any questions, problems or comments email me.

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17.Oktober 2013
Editing Backgrounds and Schematics
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Schematic and Reference Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

15.Oktober 2013
Custom Background Tutorial
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Editor für die Voll- und Demoversion

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

06.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
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