---Final Fantasy VII Materia Setups and Combos---
v. 1.2
Written by Stewart Bishop
Copyright 1998-1999 by Stewart Bishop
This FAQ may be reproduced electronically, altered or unaltered as long as this
disclaimer remains intact. If this document is altered in any way, shape, or
form, you must give credit where credit is due, as well as state that the
file is in actuality an altered work of the original. This FAQ may NOT be used
for any profitable or promotional purposes _what-so-ever_ in *ANY* way unless
I am contacted beforehand.
All questions, comments, additions, submissions, flames, etc. should be sent to
Stewart Bishop (Cidster@rotfl.com). If for some reason you have contributed to
this FAQ and I have not acknowledged or given you credit, please correct me at
the above e-mail address.
Final Fantasy VII is copyrighted by Squaresoft and Sony Computer Entertainment.
I. Introduction
II. Revisions/Updates
III. Materia Combos
A. Basic Materia Combos
B. Complex Materia Combos
IV. Materia Setups
V. Thank Yous
Ok, so I'm very tired and very bored. I've decided to write an FFVII Materia
Combo/Setup Guide. These setups are mainly for people that have already
beaten the game and just want to have a bit of fun smoking Sephiroth at the
end. Or, maybe, if some people contribute, they can be used to advance
in the game more easily with the use of some useful materia combos or setups.
With this in mind, let's move on...
You can find the latest updates of this FAQ as well as some other FAQs I've
written at http://www.gamefaqs.com
12/23/98: v.1.1 Added another combo and setup. Keep em comin'!
Fixed an embarrassing typo in the introduction. Don't worry,
you probably don't get it, but if you were me, you'd probably
be embarrassed too ^_^
...And check it out, some ASCII art! Heh...I bet you're just
overjoyed ^_^ Geez, sorry, it's one of my firsts, I'm trying
here, people!!
12/19/98: v.1.0. Just starting.
(Dashes indicate paired materia slots)
-=======BASIC MATERIA COMBOS=======-
WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Contain
When placed in a weapon, attacks may petrify, confuse, berserk, or
paralyze an opponent. Placed in armor, this combo will protect your
character from the above effects.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Destruct
When placed in a weapon, some attacks will instantly kill an opponent.
When placed in armor, you will be immune to instant death attacks.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Mystify
When placed in a weapon, some attacks can berserk or confuse an
opponent. Placed in armor, you will be immune to berserk and
WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Poison
When placed in a weapon, attacks may poison an opponent. Placed in
armor, this combo will protect your character from poison attacks.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Seal
When placed in a weapon, attacks may silence or sleep an opponent.
Placed in armor, you will be immune to silence and sleep.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Time
When placed in a weapon, some attacks may slow or paralyze an
opponent. Placed in armor, you will be immune to slow and
WEAPON/ARMOR: Added Effect-Transform
When placed in a weapon, some attacks may cause mini or frog on an
opponent. Placed in armor, you will be immune to mini and frog.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Command Counter-Deathblow
When hit, your character may counter attack with a deathblow.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Command Counter-Manipulate
When hit, your character may counter by manipulating the attacking
WEAPON/ARMOR: Command Counter-Mime
When hit, your character may counter attack with the last command
that was performed.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Command Counter-Morph
When hit, your character may counter attack by morphing.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Command Counter-Steal
When hit, your character may steal from the attacking opponent.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Elemental-(Elemental Magic/Elemental Summons)
Placed in a weapon, you will strike with the power of the element
that is connected to the Elemental materia. In armor, you will recieve
extra protection from the element that is connected to the Elemental
WEAPON/ARMOR: Final Attack-Revive
After your character dies, he/she will be automatically revived.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Final Attack-Knights of the Round
Your character will perform the most powerful summon as a last action.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Final Attack-Mime
Your character will perform the last command done after he/she falls.
WEAPON/ARMOR: HP Absorb-(Command/Magic Materias that cause damage to an
After performing most command/magic materias, you will absorb some
WEAPON/ARMOR: MP Absorb-(Command/Magic Materias that cause damage to an
After performing most command/magic materias, you will absorb some
WEAPON/ARMOR: MP Turbo-Knights of the Round
For an extra 5 MP, your Knights of the Round will deal 129,987 damage.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Quad-Magic-Summons (Except Knights of the Round)
You will be able to cast a summon spell 4 times in sequence, provided
you have enough mana to do so.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Quad-Magic-Any Magic Materias
You will cast any magic materias 4 times in sequence, provided you
have enough mana to do so.
ARMOR: Elemental-(Materia that involves an element), Contain
Use contain to cast a super-powerful elemental attack at yourself,
to heal.
WEAPON/ARMOR: HP Absorb-Master Summon/Knights of the Round, MP Turbo-Master
Summon/Knights of the Round
Whenever you use Knights of the Round, you will absorb tons of HP
and deal about 130,000 damage to all opponents.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Mega-All, Master Command/Master Magic
All of your Commands/Spells will target all opponents.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Comet (Level 2)-Quadra Magic, Comet (Level 2)-HP Absorb, Comet
(Level 2)-MP Absorb
Comet level 2 hits opponents 4 times. Pack this with a Quadra magic
and you have 16 merciless hits that absorb both HP and the MP that was
lost in the casting. --CONTRIBUTED BY FELLLIX@AOL.COM--
WEAPON/ARMOR: MP Absorb-Master Summon/Knights of the Round, MP Turbo-Master
Summon/Knights of the Round
Whenever you use Knights of the Round, you will absorb tons of MP
and deal about 130,000 damage to all opponents.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Sneak Attack-Knights of the Round, MP Turbo-Knights of the
Round/Master Summon, HP <--> MP
Start a battle with a Knights of the Round that deals 129,987 damage.
The HP <--> MP materia should allow for enough MP to keep doing this
over and over again.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Sneak Attack-Knights of the Round, MP Absorb-Knights of the
Round/Master Summon
Start a battle with Knights of the Round. You should absorb more than
250 MP, thus allowing you to do this over and over again.
WEAPON/ARMOR: Sneak Attack-Deathblow, Mega-All, Pre-Emptive
Start a round with a Deathblow to all your opponents' backs.
WEAPON/ARMOR: W-Summon-Master Summon/Knights of the Round, MP Turbo-Master
Summon/Knights of the Round, Mime
Deal 259,974 damage to all targets. Repeat as necessary,
WEAPON/ARMOR: W-Summon-Master Summon/Knights of the Round, Mime
Cast Knights of the Round twice, and mime until opponent(s) are dead.
The Sephiroth:
Total Slots Required: 12
Linked Materia Slots Required: 12
WEAPON/ARMOR: Fire-All, Earth-All, Ice-All, Lightning-All, Final
Attack-Revive, Master Magic-MP Absorb
This is _close_ to how Sephiroth is equipped. I know Sephiroth doesn't use
fire, all magic, and doesn't revive when dead. However, the Fire-All would
complete his elemental attacks that target all opponents. He deserves every
spell since he _is_ a dedicated magic user, and normally he can't get hurt
so the best way to go is to not make him die ^_^
Total Slots Required: 12
Linked Materia Slots Required: 12
This can be done with any Magic Materias, but I thought was best effective
with Ultima and Contain (I just chose Ultima because it targets all enemies).
It will enable you to cast a super-powered Ultima 4 times while absorbing HP
and MP at the same time. Not too shabby, eh?
The Summoner:
Total Slots Required: 13
Linked Materia Slots Required: 12
WEAPON: Knights of the Round-MP Turbo, Final Attack-Phoenix, Master Summon-MP
Absorb, Elemental-(Your favorite elemental summon)
This takes advantage of the powerful summon spells. You have all summons
available to you and absorb MP when you cast them. When you are low on MP,
you can cast Knights of the Round to regain it all again while dealing the
maximum amount of damage to your opponents. You also begin a battle with
Choco/Mog, which can paralyze some opponents. You will have an element in your
weapon, and your final attack will deal fire damage to all opponents while
reviving all party members to full HP.
(Ultimate Weapons and Mystiles/Escort Guards Recommended)
WEAPON/ARMOR: Master Magic, W-Magic, MP Absorb-Master Summon, MP
Turbo-Knights of the Round, Master Command, Enemy Skill,
W-Summon, Slash-All, Mega All, HP Plus, Final Attack-Phoenix
This is perhaps the best Materia Setup you can have in the game. Since I have
no life, I have equipped this setup on *ALL* of my characters (Yeah, I'm sick,
huh?). The Master Magic gives a character all the spells, while W-Magic lets
you use two spells in one turn. The Master Command activates most commands,
and a mastered Enemy Skill will give you some nice spells (Big Guard anyone?).
The Slash-All (Mastered), will give you Flash, which can instantly kill all
opponents. The HP Plus should boost your characters HP up to 9999. The famous
"Knights of the Round causes 129,987 damage each time it is cast, while
absorbing abnormal amounts of MP" is also here, and you can cast it twice with
the W-Summon enabled. The Final Attack-Phoenix protects your entire party from
death while dealing Fire damage to all opponents. Wicked, huh? ^_^
The Counterer:
Total Slots Required: 14
Linked Materia Slots Required: None
(Best used with Yuffie with a Mystile and her Conformer against Emerald
This is how I beat Emerald WEAPON. I equipped this on Yuffie with her
Conformer. Every time someone was hit, she would block for them and counter
12 times, each attack doing 9999 damage (119,988 total).
Master Commando (Get it?! Get it!?!?):
Total Slots Required: 14
Linked Materia Slots Required: 12
DESCRIPTION: ...when linking Master Command with any blue (support) materia,
and the character also has 2x-Cut/Slash-All will have the effect of the blue
materia. For example, if I link Master Command with HP Absorb, and then in
battle, I attack with 2x Cut, I absorb HP. *NOTE* I know this makes no sense
at all, and I have no idea why this works. --SETUP AND DESCRIPTION
WEAPON Killer:
Linked Slots: 6
Total Slots:16
Recommended Weapon: Any Ultimate Weapon
Recommended Armor: Wizard Bracelet (mostly for its high Magic Defence and 8
linked slots)
WEAPON/ARMOR: Enemy Skill(Big Guard), Mime, Final Attack-Phoenix, MP
Turbo-Knights of the Round, HP Absorb-Master Summon, Underwater (If facing
Emerald WEAPON), HP Plus, Master Command, Master Magic-Quadra Magic,
W-Summon, W-Magic, Mega All
This is my favorite combination to use once you have it all. If you want to
fight those American Creatures, All you have to do is have a mime on your
other two characters and you can cast two Knights of the Round for 13,000
damage and gain back around 7000 hp and keep doing it over and over. The
underwater materia stops the timer on Emerald Weapon and if your not facing
one of the bosses, your still have about everything you could want. I have
yet to find a better setup than this. --SETUP AND DESCRIPTION CONTRIBUTED
WEAPON/ARMOR: Quad-Magic-Fire, MP Turbo-Fire, MP Absorb-Fire, HP Absorb-Fire,
Added Cut-Fire, Added Steal-Fire, Magic Counter-Fire, W-Magic, Magic Plus
It's pretty obvious..with one casting, you get 8 Fire 3s, two attacks, 8 steal
attempts, and end up with a lot more HP and MP than you started with. The
Magic Counter is just there to add some extra bang to it. I killed the Dragon
Zombie in the last cave with this, before the combo was even halfway through,
and I hadn't even had my turn yet! Personally, I think this beyond-evil combo
is the best in the game. If you dont have enough Fire materia at level 3,
you can drop the Absorbs and the Turbo. --SETUP AND DESCRIPTION CONTRIBUTED
Please, I need contributions for Materia Combos/Setups! Mail me at
Gawain@The-Pentagon.Com, please!
NOTE: When contributing a combo or setup, mail it to me IN THE FORMAT THAT I
HAVE USED IN THIS GUIDE. Failure to do so will result in deletion. Sorry,
but I really need to save myself some time and I would greatly appreciate it.
All characters at level 100, all summos including 2 knights of the round spells, all material, all items, all ulitimate weapons limit breaks. Submission: AndrewCastillo(wingzerocustom@earthlink.net)