Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7

15.10.2013 18:55:05
Boss FAQ
7-7-7 _____ _ _
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By Sephiroth808 (The Ultimate Sephiroth Clone)

>>>Boss Guide
1. Guard Scorpion
2. Air Buster
3. Aps
4. Reno
5. Sample HO512
6. Hundred and Heli-Gunner
7. Rufus & Dark Nation
8. Motor Ball
9. Bottomswell
12.Reno and Rude
15.MATERIA Keeper
18.Red Dragon
19.Demon's Gate
1.Icicle & Evil Head
4.Carry Armour
6.Reno & Rude
8.Proud Clod
2.Bizarre Sephiroth
3.Savior Sephiroth

Hi People, Here I’m again, now with my boss guide for the great
sucess of Squaresoft: Final Fantasy VII, The game that sold lots of
I’ve decided to write this guide, because there was no other boss
guide for FFVII, there was for 6,8 and 9, but not for FF7, so I
Am writing this, CYA,.

Here I Will explain some basics for battles and system of rpgs, don’t
expect everything because it’s all the basic here I am

BOSS #0: Boss Name LV. 00
HP: 000.000.000 -HP does mean Health Power (Not Heart Power) is the
vital energy of each warrior, if a member of the party or a monster
gets the HP in 0000. it’s gameover for sure, but there is the danger
status, where your HP is yellow, in the start of a game, the yellow
is around 50 or below, basically the danger status is your HP with
75% less of the normal, let’s say, you’ve 210, the danger status will
be when you have 52 of HP, but don’t be happy, if you get 3000, your
danger status will be 750, and if you have 9999 of HP, your danger
meter will be 3000.
Some monsters really has monstrous HP, but some you don’t need to
care, like Proud Clod, has 107.000 but it’s a pushover, but don’t be
happy, Carry Armour has 2500 of HP, and Gi-Nattak has 5.500 of HP,
and they are ... bub ... HARD !!!!!

MP: 000.000.000 -MP does mean Magic Power, and at all, there is no
danger in losing it like HP, But you’ll be able to only use physical
or non-magic attacks (like commands, GFs, if the MP runs out, forget
about magic, Nah Nah. Some magics waste few MP coughfireiceboltcough,
when some a lot coughmeteorultimademicough, You better use them when
it’s really necessary.

EXP: 0000 -EXP is basically your total experience, but it doesn’t
mean your experience at all? Huh? Well You won’t be master if you
gain EXP, but you will gain powers like Speed, Inteligence, Power and
etc, also it grows your LV.

LV: 00 -LV means power, and if it’s power, the most ambitious players
will have some time leveling up, the max you can reach is 99, no 100
or 101 or more, 99 is the maximum, contrary of some RPG/Actions like
Phantasy Star Online that your max leve is 200 if ain’t wrong.
When you are leveled up your powers grow up, and you are more
powerful to defeat the bosses, if you lost to a boss in level 21,
don’t be happy getting 22 or 23, you must have basically 26 or above
to be powerful enough to defeat him,, note, more is your leve, harder
you will be able to level up, since you will get more exp to get in
the next level, for example: I am at level 4, to get 5 I need 650,
well, I got 650 and Now I am 650 exp at level 5 (note it’s just
example, you don’t need 650 actually to get lv5) now to 6 I shall
need 800, ALWAYS NOTE, it’s not just 150 more, but it’s a FULL 800
you’ll need, don’t be discouraged if you’ll need to get 10.000 exp to
level up at a certain level, you’ll be recompensed with power.

1.There is no cheating boss, it’s you that aren't prepared enough or it’s
you that didn’t use the
necessary things correctly.
2.It’s not heroism to try to defeat na extremely hard boss at low
level, it’s suicide or a
miracle if you do it.
3.Limit breax aren’t always the best choice
4.Did you find an extremely easy opponent hard? Well, Palmer is hard
if you fight him at level 1 that’s sure.
5.You must get leveled up as your enemies do too.
Wait more tips to come

Now it’s finally the boss guide

Just little Notes WHEN I Don’t list MP is when the enemy hasn’t any

7-7-7 BOSS WALKTHRU 7-7-7
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BOSS #01: Guard Scorpion LV. 12
HP: 800
Attacks: Search Scope, Scorpion Tail, Rifle Tail, Tail Laser
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Lightning, Slow and Stop
Recommended Level: 10
Location: Reactor Mako

Strategy: Guard Scorpion is a pushover, But theb beginners may be
screwed if they dunno the
strategy, but here I am, well, don’t think you are a macho man enough
to do other things if you
are not familiarized with RPG games or etc, you can change somethings
but not much or else GAMEOVER, start the battle sending Bolt attacks,
despite his 800 of power.
Keep sending bolt with Cloud and have Barret use normal attacks, use
limitbreax once in a
while with Barret and Rarely with Cloud, when GS lifts his tail, use
this time to heal your part
y, DON’T be idiot thinking this is time for Limitbreaks because it’s
not, use potion at your
own best in this time.
The attack search scope nothing does against your char, but will
centralize his next attacks,
so GS won’t miss, the only attacks you’ll need to take care are his
Scorpion Tail and
Tail Laser, to level up before the battle is a good trick, well,
don’t forget to use
always bolt, if you do it right, the battle is yours.

You Receive
180 EXP 150 GIL 16 AP
Item: Titan Bangle

BOSS #02: Airbuster LV. 15
HP: 1.200
Attacks: Counter Attack, Rear Gun, Big Bomber
Strong Point: Earth and Gravity
Weak Point: Lighting, Slow and Stop
Location: Reactor Mako

Strategy: This battle is a pushover, extremely easy, do this, all
you need is leveled up
memberss, and use Limitbreaks, don’t waste magics, unless bolt, since
it’s one of his
weak points, when Barret and Tifa have in front of him, use bolt,
and with Cloud use
Limitbreax, if he gets to be in front of Cloud, use Limitbreax with
Barret and Tifa. Note
because he takes much more damage in back than in front.
Heal your party whenever as possible

You Receive
180 EXP 150 GIL 16 AP
Item: Titan Bangle

BOSS #03: Aps LV. 17
HP: 1.700
Attacks: Sewer Tsunami, Tail
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Fire, Slow and Stop
Location: Sewer

Strategy: This battle must be problem for the beginners because his
attack Sewer Tsunami does
about 100 of damage if it comes behind, and luckily, he uses most the
Sewer tsunami coming in
Well start kicking his butt using Fire, it’s a good choice having
the 2 limit breaks of
Both Aeris and Cloud.
Aeris: Use her seal evil if you have enough hp, if you have little
HP, use heal wind.
Cloud: Both limits are very strong, Use Cross Slash if you want more
Combining Fire and Limit breaks this guy is over.
Tcharam, Do ya know what you will receive after this battle|?

You Receive
240 EXP 253 GIL

BOSS #04: Reno LV 18
HP: 1.700
Attacks: Electro-Rod, Slap, Pyramid, Slap
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Sleep, Slow, Dark, Stop, Poison, Paralyze, Ice and Fire
Location: Tower of Sector 7

Strategy: Yew, This battle is pretty hard for beginners in rpg, but
the usual fans of rpg
don’t have absolutely not much too worry.
Reno Himself is very easy, but his attacks are not, mainly his
Electro rod that not only takes
strong damage, but also paralyzes the heroes sometimes, the pyramid
also paralyzes your char,
but actually won’t do damage, but I think It might give a gameover if
all chars receive the
Pyramid, well, hit your own allies if someone is paralyzed with the
Pyramid, it does a bit of
damage, but it’s better than a gameover, well actually Electro rod is
worse than Pyramid because
You can’t attack your own chars because they will be deparalyzed
automatically, so you better
have some antistone items.
Being a human, he is vulnerable to lotta elements, obviously,
including fire, you have some,
DON’T THINK 2 TIMES, use it, Heal your party everytime possible.

You Receive
290 EXP 500 GIL

BOSS #05: Sample HO512 LV. 18
HP: 1.000
Attacks: Shady Breathe, Slash
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Fire, Stop and Slow
Absorption: Poison
Location: Shinra HQ

Strategy: Firstly do not attack his counterguards, because they will
be regenerated by Sample
HO512, I know they are little annoying creatures that are a bit
powerful enough for their
occupation, OK I Know, But I know too you will waste your time trying
to kill them so again,
I repeat, centralize the attacks to Sample HO512.
You better have Barret or you are pretty screwed, because in this
time, He’s the only one that
has a longe range weapon so he is a fundamental key in this battle,
with Cloud and Red13
use magics like Fire, have also a good armory against Poison, because
the Shady Breath will
make you be gratefull to me, keep your HP always above 300 or 200,
don’t attack with bio,
he absorbs it.
And if you wonder, The little counterguards of SHO512 have 300 of HP.

You Receive
300 EXP 250 GIL
Item: Talisman

BOSS #06 Part 01: Hundred-Gunner LV. 18
HP: 1.600
Attacks: Main and Wave Artillery
Strong Point: Water
Weak Point: Earth, Lightning and Slow
Location: Elevator of Shinra HQ

Strategy: If you haven’t got a long range weapon, you are screwed,
Barret is the only one with long range weapon this time around, so
make good use, the worst is
that Aeris and Red13 are in your party, why the worst?
Because both have close range weapon, and Barret is your only savior.
Red13 will be pretty useless in this battle, unless if you make him
to heal your party if Aeris
can’t do the job right now.
Have Aeris use magic, Barret physical attacks and Red13 to heal the
When the limit break starts, it’s a show, even Red13’s limit break in
close range can attack
The most useful limit here is of Aeris and Red13, she heals the party
with heal wind and
Sled fang of Red13 is powerful enough, but don’t waste Barret’s limit
break, it’s good too.
Take good care of your HP in this battle and I forgot.

You Receive
330 EXP 35 AP 300 GIL
Item: Hidden Artillery (steal) and Aux Artillery

BOSS #06 Part 02: Heli-Gunner LV. 19
HP: 1.000
Attacks: Q Cannon, Flying Drill
Strong Point: Earth
Weak Point: Wind. Lightning and Slow
Location: The same of P01

Strategy: Do the same thing you did last time, Team Using Bolt.
LIMITs and etc, as hundred
gunner, Heli-Gunner gets stronger when he is close to the death, so
you will need to be more
“delicate” with him in his last moments.
Do use your best attacks when he gets to be close to death, and heal
your party whenever as

You Receive
250 EXP 200 GIL 25 AP
Item: Mythril Armlet

BOSS #07: Rufus LV. 21
HP: 500
Attacks: Shotgun
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Poison, Sleep, Slow, Darkness Paralyze and Stop.
Location: Roof of Shinra HQ

Strategy: This battle is very easy, not Only Low HP and Low Power,
but Rufus has a very weak
attack called Shotgun.
The problem here is his Panther Dark Nation that supports him the
entire battle, you must
take a good care of the panther first because he will cure himself
and Rufus too, The panther
has only 150 of HP? ANY PROBLEM? No, since Rufus is really easy, you
can take care of DN.
Once DN is over, you must face the new president of shinra, Rufus, he
as said before is not a
big deal, send bio to him and do some minor attacks, Rufus will die
soon, and ... you also can
attack Rufus with bio with your battle with DN.
President Rufus is nothing more than a pushover blond.

You Receive
310 EXP 35 AP 650 GIL

BOSS #08: Motor Ball LV. 19
HP: 2.800 MP: 120
Attacks: Arm Attack, Rolling Five, Twin Burner
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Lightning and Slow

Strategy: This battle is the hardest yet, this boss will make you
heal your partners very
quickly, one problem here is that the chars are randomlu chosen,
sometimes not even Cloud is
in your party, but if you have him, better, if not ... hmm well let’s
see what we can do.
Arm attack is a normal attack,, isn’t weak, but isn’t strong though,
but his Twin Burner and
Rolling fire are so be careful, Rolling Fire simply does more than
250 of attack, it does mean
danger, but if you have more than 500 no problem, if you have 400 is
risky, simple let your
chars with more than 500.
Being a robot, if you are smart enough I could let the battle for
you, but if you aren’t,
you will need to use some bolt, that takes around 250 of HP. Some 12
hits of bolt must kill him.

You Receive
440 EXP 45 AP 350 GIL
Star Pendant

BOSS #09: Bottomswell LV. 23
HP: 2.500 MP: 100
Attacks: Tail Attack, Moonstrike, Big Wave and Water Bubble (Water
Strong Point: Earth
Weak Point: Wind, Sleep, Slow, Dark, Poison
Recommended Party: Cloud, Barret and Aeris
Location: Junon

Strategy: This battle can be very easy if you know what to do,
Bottomswell, remember Aps? Well,
he has one of his attacks, well, this guy can use it and won’t make
efforts, but he will use it
if he is close to death so don’t worry much.
He has Water Bubble, that turns your chars into Water Polos, it’s
pretty similar to
Reno’s Pyramid, but you can attack the WP that has only 40 of HP,
although being easy killed,
you better not to delay so much to undo de effect, because if BS make
all the chars in water
polo, you won’t need to wait the GO screen, just push soft reset
because if your third char
has water polo: GAMEOVER.
Have a char to heal the energy, so I recommend: AERIS.
You’ll need a long range weapon to attack BS, and if you shose
Barret, you did the right choice.
Keep the hp always above 200

You Receive
550 EXP 1000 GIL 52 AP
Item: Power Wrist

BOSS #10: Jenova-BIRTH LV. 25
HP: 4.000 MP: 110
Attacks: Tail Laser, Gas, W-Laser, Stop
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Slow and Dark
Location: Junon Ship

Strategy: Well, the hardest battle yet, Jenova has got some super
powerful attacks that if
you’ve less than 300 HP will drive you crazy, mainly because Jenova
has a frenzy to do it in
Her tail laser does nothing more nothing less than a lovely 200 at
most, being 150 at least.
And as I said when she use it in sequence, it does 300 of energy
without any stop?
This is nothing compared to Beatrix in FFIX, she took 700 when I had
200 of HP.
Her Gas causes lotta negative status (FART?), so, nothing bad if you
do some preparations
against these attacks, keep your HP above 500, as said, she tooks
continuous 300 in each member
per time.
Fire attacks also are a good choice, and you better have Aeris for
some healings.

You Receive
680 EXP 800 GIL 64 AP
White Cape and Ifrit

BOSS #11: Dyne LV. 23
HP: 1.200 MP: 20
Attacks: Needle Gun, S-Mine, Molotov Cocktail
Strong Point: Graviy
Weak Point: Sleep, Poison, Paralyze, Slow, Dark and Stop
Location: Corel Prison

Strategy: If Cloud were in this battle, This guy would be nothing
more than junk, but now, you
have only Barret this thime, and just like you guessed, it’s hard,
well, here we go.
The first thing you should know is to not equip Barret with useless
things and only the
This guy is so annoying, it looks like in this game, he can attack
all the time and Barret only
once in a while, and the worst is that his attacks are powerful, his
weakest attack is called
Needle gun, that at least, do 100 of HP, and at most 150, and
combined after with S-Mine that
causes 300 of damage,
To worsen the things, his ultimate attack is when he is close to
death is the Molotov cocktail,
that more naturally takes 200 of damage, so having high limit breaks
is so great, Dyne will
fill the limitbar easily, so send the more powerful LB you have.
Equip Barret with Restore and keep healing, him, and after some time,
send Guardian Forces,
keep doing this sequence.

You Receive
600 EXP 750 GIL 55 AP
Silver Armlet

BOSS #12: Reno (22) and Rude (23)
HP: 2.000 MP: 80 HP: 2000 MP: 135
Attacks: RENO : Slap, Turk Light, Electro Rod
Attacks: RUDE : Punch, Fire1, Cure1
Strong Points: Grabity (Both)
Weak Points: Sleep, Slow, Dark, Stop, Poison and Paralyze (both)
Location: Congaga

Strategy: He're the turks again, time for a rematch, well, the
strategy here is pretty simple, your main danger is Rude, but Reno is
equiped as well.
The most dangerous attack is Turk Light that does most likely 300 of
damage, remember Electrorod, it's now pretty stronger.
The problem with Rude is his Fire1 that costumes to attack in
sequence, doind atleast 150 of damage, he also has Punch that is
somewhat stronger than Turk Light of Reno, so you must take care
Rude also keeps healing Reno, so you better destroy Rude first.
Well, Have Aeris use her Seal Evil, causing the status stop, you've
atleast 4 free turns, to send Poison and Bio are good choices too,
it'll hurry up the battle, use sme enemy skill and fire, Rude will be
dead soon, for Reno, I think you may know to do.
That's up to you.

You Receive
1380 EXP 2150 GIL 130 AP
Fairy Tale

BOSS #13: Stinger LV. 25
HP: 2.200 MP: 60
Attacks: Hit, Sting Bomb
Lccation: Gi-Cave

Strategy: Stinger is not that hard, but his attacks are, and if you
are at low level, YOU ARE SCREWED UP, because his Sting Bomb simply
takes 800 of damage, you better have your chars leveled up, HP above
His other attack is called Hit, that can be used twice taking atmost
150 of HP.
Use beta or any lv3 magic and good luck.

You Receive
290 EXP 358 GIL 25 AP

BOSS #14: Gi-Nattak LV. 29
HP: 5.500 MP: 200 (Soul Fires have 1300 of HP)
Attacks: Take Over, Aspii, Hit
Strong Point: Earth, Gravity and Water
Weak Point: Holy, Sleep, Slow, Darkness and Poison
Absorption: Fire
Location: GI-Cave

Strategy: Gi-Nattak (Jee-n'attack) is an extremely hard opponent that
game me lotta GOs, this boss is really very hard.
In the start of this battle, he will create his minions named Soul
Fires, they "simply" attack with Fire2, don't cry, they'll use
against themselves to, HAHAHA THA'S SO COOOL, THEY'LL DESTROY
THEMSELVES, no no no .... On the contrary, Both Gi-Nattak and Soul
Fire absorb fire element.
But Wait Seph, you put "Too" in the last paragraph that you say they
use Fire2, that's it my dude, they can attack you too, Fire2 is
strong dude.
Being an undead monster, he is weak against Holy spells, do ya know
what is it? Holy is nothing more nothing less like Cure and restore
commands, you'll need to attack Gi with some cures, ethers and etc.
Gi-Nattack's strongest attack is called Aspii, that can do atleast
400 of damahge, not only, but also steals your MP.
Pison elements are great choices, it'll keep him being slowly
drained, do your best and keep your HP above 600.

You Receive
1600 EXP 3100 GIL 160 AP
Wizer Staff

BOSS #15: MATERIA Keeper LV. 38
HP: 7.000 MP: 300
Attacks: Trine, Hell Combo, Slash, Big Horn, Cure2
Weak Point: Stop
Absorption: Fire
Location: Mont Nibel

Strategy: You better first equip someone with a good stop attacks,
his more powerful attack is Big Horn, that takes very commonly 700 of
damage, his Trine (formerly Gran Train) does 550~600 of damage, but
it's only used when his HP is low.
As said, he has a weakness of stop, so Aeris is the most appropriated
for this batte, her seal evil will stop him, and you have more
chances of attacking him, don't attack him while MK is in stop status
because it may undo the effect.
When he gets to the normal, use Cloud limits, when he is stopped, use
your best magix, except Fire, that will heal Him, MK when his HP is
low, around 1500, he starts the healings, so you need to send stop
again to him.
His desperation attack is Trine, when he has really low HP, around
The rest us up to you.

You Receive
2000 EXP 2000 GIL 80 AP
Jem Ring

BOSS #16: Palmer LV. 38
HP: 6.000 MP: 240
Attacks: Mako GUN
Weak Point Slow
Location: Rocket Town

Strategy: I Don't believe this idiot is at Lv. 38 and has 6000,
(Probably) the easiest battle in the entire game, I don't know if he
is easier than Guardscorpion and Airbuster. well, never mind. to the
His attacks don't have nothin in special, even his strongest one,
that takes 400 of damage, the first step is to send Slow, that'll
make him incredible slow (Really he is so easy that has no use of
slow), you can attack him with normal attacks and magix, so don't
waste your relics in vain against this idiot.
If you lost to this, Guy, delete this faq, and break FF7 cd, you
don't deserve to live.

You Receive
1800 EXP 5000 GIL
Edin Coat

BOSS #17: Rapps LV. 39
HP: 6.000 MP: 300
Attacks: Scorpion Tail, Aero3
Strong Point: Poison, Silence and
Location: Wuu-Tai

Strategy: Let's rap.
This battle is tough due to the scarceness of the MATERIAs, first of all, send Barret's LB Mind
blast to Rapps, Taking around 300 of damage, avoiding high power magix, like Aero3, that takes
more than 1000 of energy for a single target, Scorpion Taill will be your real problem, as soon
as it takes more than 200 of damage and causing status poison, it doesn't fit well in your party
no no.
If you have the materia time, you can risk throwing it against Rapps, and throw a big guard at
him, you'll have a good protection, if you've got something like Fire3 or Quake3, use
Have Good luck.

You Receive
3200 EXP 20000 GIL 33 AP
Pierce Ring

BOSS #18: Red Dragon LV. 39
HP: 6.800 MP: 300
Attacks: Red Dragon Breath, Tail, Byte
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Slow, Dark, Poison and Paralyze
Absorption: Fire
Location: Temple of the Ancients

Strategy: What does red reminder you? if you guessed Fire, you
guessed right.
Red Dragon is really, a ridiculously overpowered boss, his tail can
do great damage more than
1000, being up to reach 1200, but if you have Barrier, it may be
reduced to 600.
Have a good protection against fire because if you have it, his fire
spell won't do no longer than 200, but if you don't have, he will do
around 700~800, I hope you have BigGuard too, so use it, use
Aeris' Seal Evil to prevent continuous attacks.
Use regen to recover your energy when necessary, use poison to hurry
up, and don't forget: ICE and water attacks

You Receive
3500 EXP 1000 GP 100 AP
Bahamuth MATERIA

BOSS #19: Demon's Gate LV. 45
HP: 10.000 MP: 440
Attacks: Rock Throw, Cave In, Demon Rush
Strong Point: Gravity and Poison
Weak Point: Slow and Dark
Location: Temple of the Ancients

Strategy: The wall also known as Demon's Gate is strong and fast,
his attacks are pretty powerful, enough to remove more than 1000 of
Rock throw makes a stone falls down to your chars, taking about 700
of damage, the cave in is more powerful though, it makes icicles to
fall down to your chars taking 350 averagely in all members.
Demon rush takes from 600 to 700 of damage to both chars, being one
of them, choosen to receive more than 1000 of damage.
The first worry is to cast BigGuard, having the same effect of
Barrier, MBarrier and Haste, Now
use regen, with normall attacks, fight him until you let him slower,
now take good use of Bolt3 and ICE3, avoid using Bahamuth at any
cost, to use Quake attacks is horrible, when his HP be lower than
3000, send Bahamuth.

You Receive
3800 EXP 4000 GIL 220 AP
Gigas Armlet

FINAL BOSS CD #01: Jenova-LIFE LV. 50
HP: 10.000 MP: 300
Attacks: Aqualung, Blue Light, Silence, Triple Wind, Reflect.
Strong Point: Gravity
Weak Point: Slow, Dark, Paralyze
Location: City of the Ancients

Strategy: Jenova Life isn't too tough, It shall be a cinch once you
have Water Ring equipped because all Jenova's attacks are water
based, so they will only heal you, buy 3 earings for all The rest is
up to you.
I Will add more next update.

You Receive
4000 EXP 1500 GIL 350 AP
Wizard Armlet


>129486784 ICQ

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30. December 2013
13. December 2013
01. December 2014
04.March 2019
11.February 2016
24.February 2018