Damn It All: Paul W. S. Anderson & Milla Jovovich Set To Ruin Live Action Monster Hunter Movie
15.May 2018
Personally, I hated the Resident Evil films. I thought the first was so-so, and the rest were crap, the perfect example of how Hollywood does not understand games. The movies themselves might not... More
Hitman: Definitive Edition Sneaks Onto Playstation 4 & Xbox One
15.May 2018
Warner Bros. just released a definitive edition of one of my favorite series today, and you can snag it digitally or on retail right now. That's right friends; Hitman: Definitive Edition... More
New Psychological Thriller, Works Of Mercy, Would Be Scarier If The Killer Didnt Sound Like Norm Mcdonald
14.May 2018
The Works Of Mercy is shaping up to be an interesting psychological thriller with a compelling, if not exactly unique premise; you get a phone call from an unknown number, and a man you've... More
What?? Rage 2 Is Not Only Happening, Its Got A Teaser!
14.May 2018
After the (pretty much) well-received Mad Max game, I figured that a sequel to Rage would be dead in the water, but for the first time ever, it looks like I am wrong.  It looks like Rage... More
Deadpool Is Personally Asking You To Shut Your Gob
14.May 2018
The top notch ad campaign continues, as Deadpool races towards theaters this very week (cue a cacophony of fan-boy squealing from the masses). All early reports are that the flick is crushing it, and... More
Hah! Gamestop CEO Quits After Three Months And Why I Think They Deserve All The Bad Things.
11.May 2018
Now, I'm not one to laugh at another's misfortune*. In this case, however, I am not laughing at anyone's misfortune; more accurately, I am laughing at a company's misfortune. And... More
Deadpool 2: A Visit To David Beckham
11.May 2018
First we had the Hugh Jackman video, where Deadpool is trolling Jackman's birthday message to his son, and now we've got him screwing with David Beckham over the joke they made about him in... More
The Predator Trailer Has Little Kids Playing With Toys In It...
10.May 2018
The Predator trailer has finally arrived, and I gotta tell you, it ain't looking so great. Let's get this out of the way real quick; I love Shane Black. Sure, Iron Man 3 sucked, but... More
You Have A Chance To Own This Black Panther Xbox Like You Have A Chance At Winning The Lotto
10.May 2018
Why do this? Why show me something that I cannot have? It's like at those toy fairs, where they show the most amazing, epic statue of Daredevil fighting the Punisher you've ever seen, then... More
Dead Cells Hacks Its Way To PC In August
10.May 2018
Roguevania hack em up, Dead Cells is launching out of Early Access and will be a full fledged PC release in August of 2018, and the good news is, it's already pretty much crushing it in... More
Collect Your Bounties And Kill Your Enemies In Hunt:Showdown
10.May 2018
Back in the days of the wild west, things could often quickly go from bad to worse to chaos, which is what happens when there's too little law and too many men living by way of the gun. Even if... More
Batman The Animated Series Is Saving Gotham, Table Top Style
10.May 2018
Just when we'd calmed down from the Hellboy table top game announcement, here comes this thing scratching and scrabbling for my money. I don't think I've ever met anybody who... More
Jordan Peeles Upcoming Flick Has A Poster, Potential Cast List
09.May 2018
This guy has been mad busy since Key & Peele! First there was Keanu, which was flawed but fun. Then he shook the earth's foundations (if you believe the hype/are as addicted to this film as a... More
Which Monstrous Company Will Get The Rest Of The X-Men: Comcast Or Disney?
09.May 2018
In a recent interview with Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds, the actor admitted that Fox made the writers cut a joke about Disney from Deadpool 2, presumably playing nice with the juggernaut since the... More
Sylvester Stallone Is Still Making Rambo Films?
09.May 2018
Despite being almost four decades old, Hollywood is incapable of coming up with a better story than "veteran with PTSD has problems adjusting to being home", so we're staring down the... More
Thanos Enters Fortnite With The Infinity Gauntlet, Is Almost Immediately Nerfed
09.May 2018
In some pretty cool gaming news, Thanos is available for a limited time in Fortnite, complete with the Infinity Gauntlet, and you know damn well that thing is jam-packed with Infinity Stones.... More
Confirmed: The Creative Director Of Madden Is Moving On
08.May 2018
The rumors have been swirling for a while, and now it's been confirmed by the man himself; Rex Dickson, EA's creative director for the Madden franchise over the past six years has left EA. He... More
For The First Time, Square Enix Will Have Their Own Showcase At E3
08.May 2018
No one is sure of the actual significance of this yet, but that isn't stopping everybody from freaking out. What could it mean? Which games could be announced? It has to be more Kingdom... More
XBox Digital Game Sale And A Buy One Get One 50% Off 3DS Game Sale Going On Now!
08.May 2018
There's a sneaky sale going on right now, catering to Xbox Gold members, but with enough non-gold deals to get the rest of us interested as well. Target is also having a buy one get one 50% off... More
DC Announces Live Streaming Service, Live Action Swamp Thing Headed Our Way
08.May 2018
Sure, DC Comics might be years behind Marvel in a couple categories right now, like building a cohesive world that feels lived in, setting up overarching plot lines, introducing key members of... More
Reenact WW II Tank Skirmishes In Battle Fleet Ground Assault
07.May 2018
Mythical City Games' new title, Battle Fleet: Ground Assault is a tank based sequel to the turn-based military strategy game Battle Fleet 2, and it just dropped on Steam with a... More
New Luke Cage Trailer Introduces A Villain Who Can Actually Hurt Him
07.May 2018
After finally clearing his name, Luke Cage is enjoying a bit of low-level fame in Harlem, slugging drug dealers in the face and taking selfies with hood honeys and random street kids. Everything is... More
Score Yourself A Nintendo Switch And A Physical Copy of OwlBoy
07.May 2018
We're big fans of free stuff, especially free Nintendo Switches. We're pretty confident you feel the same, which is why we came to you first with this important news. Game publisher... More
All The Details On Destiny 2s New Expansion
07.May 2018
Destiny 2 has a new expansion out this week called Warmind, and we've got all the details. Warmind serves up a new story campaign that follows the warmind Rasputin, one of the... More
Roguelike Son Of A Witchs New Launch Trailer Shows Off The Cartoonish Combat
07.May 2018
Son of a Witch, the cutesy action roguelike that ended up as an official selection at IndieCade Europe 2016, IndiePrize 2017, and Game Access '17, is about to get out of Early Access and launch... More
Game Streaming Service Utomik Comes Out Swinging, Launches With 760 Games
04.May 2018
Utomik's model just might be the future of gaming, but we won't know for a while; the Netflix-esque game subscription service is headed out of its Beta phase today. Unlike Netflix, the... More
Last Gen Consoles To Get One Last Minecraft Update
04.May 2018
It might finally be time to upgrade your consoles, Minecraft lovers; the next update, titled "Update Aquatic" will be the last for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PS Vita. All future updates... More
Daemonicals Teaser Is A Whodunit Murder-Fest With A Demon
04.May 2018
This is like a big game of clue, but instead of "Mr. Mustard in the library with a lead pipe", it's "Mr. Mustard has been possessed by a demon and he just ate your... More
Interview With The Bearded Ladies, Developers Of Mutant Year Zero
04.May 2018
In 2017 I was exposed to an amazing pen and paper RPG called Mutant Year Zero. Set in a post apocalyptic universe, the game was intricate, in-depth and fun as hell; in short, I was... More
Spacecraft Building Game, Starship Corporation Leaves Early Access With A New Trailer
04.May 2018
Iceberg Interactive, mainly known for their 4X Strategy titles, are releasing their first '4D' title, called Starship Corporation. Developed by Coronado Games, Starship... More
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
24.March 2020
18.March 2020
18.March 2020