Real Ending:
"I got to the "SECRET"level by doing this. killing the black knight once in the last level. Then
when I went to that spinning
reactor/generator-thingy I destroyed it and just when it exploded I ran in
to it."
Submission: Damian Gick
Moonlight Sword:
It is possible to obtain the Moonlight Sword without killing Guyra. First, in
preparation, fill all of your crystal flasks, have at least one key in a guidepost and a gate to match it. Then, make your way to Guyras chamber. When
you first get there walk straight towards and strife to the left making sure he
doesnt knock you off. Now when you are as far left and as far forward wait
until Guyra is completely facing you. Heres the tricky part. Quickly run
towards Guyras other side and get on the same platform as him, now make a short
jump across to the platform where the Moonlight sword is. Now quickly grab the
sword and use the gate to hightail it before Guyra has time to turn around and
knock you off the platform. If you did this successfully you should proudly be
able to use the Moonlight sword.