Breath of Fire 4

Breath of Fire 4

11.10.2013 15:43:23
Breath of Fire IV: The Unchanged (Japan Release) Walkthough v1.85
By: The Viewer (

This walkthrough can be found on the following web sites:
GameFAQs ( and
Cheat Code Central (

v1.85- 'Synchronize' my identity to all FAQs contributed
v1.8- Final update for this Japanese version game walkthrough
v1.7- Added 3 appendices upon request and left descriptions on Chamber Town
v1.6- Major refinements and corrections of translations, mistakes and some
left points
v1.45- Added the special event after clearing the game
v1.4- The game is already finished but late updates
v1.3- Completed the writing of the first half of final chapter and minor
v1.2- Completed the whole chapter 3 walkthough
v1.1- Added the southwest area of the West Continent walkthough
v1.01- Minor adjustments and some walkthrough on the coastline
v1.0- Walkthough firstly posted

Please email me for any translation errors found, improper description of the
walkthough and other minor mistakes to me.
For those who wait for the US release of the game on the end of November 2000,
this walkthough serves to guide you how to go through the storyline although
there are some bastard localization of the names done by Capcom.
For those who played US version (soon) and ask me to change this walkthough to
quote the US version, the answer is, sorry, NO! Do your own US version of
Breath of Fire IV walkthrough.

Chapter 1: The Awakening Person
1. Symptoms
The story begins with Nina, princess of Wyndia, together with Cray, in search
of Nina's sister, who was lost during the battle between the East and West
Continent. They travel in a desert boat across the desert at night. During the
next day, something happens. There is a dragon appears in front of them and
starts attacking them. Eventually, they are crashed to the desert.

The boat needs to be repaired and the duo has to get spare part to repair it
but they cannot leave the boat along. So Nina decides she will travel to the
south where there is a town and Cray stays to keep on eye of the ship.

Now Nina appears on the map. Follow the path to an area where Nina will
discover something and enter. There is a large hole where a merchant's cart is
fallen down into it and he manages to get out by his ostrich-like animal. Nina
observes further more but she also slide into the hole. When Nina approaches to
the cart, something appears. A dragon in invisible form watches Nina. After
that, it starts to roar and shows up its true form. It flies up to the air but
disappears. What the dragon left is a young man lying with naked body and his
name is Ryu. He regains consciousness and Nina approaches to him but she asks
Ryu why he is naked with her face away. After noticing he is naked, Ryu gets
some clothes that are left by the merchant to cover his body. They introduce
themselves in brief then try to leave this hole.

2. Dragon-Concerning Person
On the map, the two people will travel south along the path given to an area
with cliffs and canyon. Follow the path that leads down to a bridge. In the
midway to the bridge, there is a sachet that can be seen across the canyon. To
get it, go across the bridge and there is a small path on the east. Follow it
to a sachet and get an item inside. Return to the bridge and follow the other
path. The party will meet a drop off between the path and Nina suggests Ryu to
jump over it. Proceed to another drop off but this one the opposite ledge is
higher. After Ryu jumps over, Nina will try to jump but she drops down...Ryu
tries to save, however, crashes to the ground below while Nina is hovering with
her wings flipping. Enter the nearby and they will spend a night there, talking
about Ryu's history.

Meanwhile, on the West Continent, there is a royal tomb stood there for a long
time. A burst of light appears from the tomb and blows up the trapdoor. A royal
member comes with his guardian. He is Fou-Lu. After several hundred years
beneath the tomb, he is back. Before gaining control on him, he asks his
guardian to guard the entrance to the tomb.
Do not let Fou-Lu take all the items inside treasure chests and sachets that he
discovers, as where Fou-Lu travels, Ryu also travels (later on the game) and
these storage cases contains some useful items for Ryu. Once Fou-Lu has got
them, when Ryu and his party come by, the chests are opened with nothing and
the sachets are gone.
Leave the tomb to the main route but ruins of block block the way. Step up to
those blocks and jump over to the opposite side. Continue along the greenery
path until there are two guards guarding the tomb. Fou-Lu summons dragon to get
rid of the guards who are trying to get rid of him. Follow the path to the next
area until there is old man who knows very much about Fou-Lu. The old man is
called Yom. After a brief talking, Yom summons a monster to battle against
Since Fou-Lu has high level of attacking power and defense, it should be easy
to defeat Yom by transforming into a dragon.
Players can transform Fou-Lu into Spiritual Dragon so that Ryu can transform
into dragon (Aura Dragon) much earlier.
After Yom is defeated, he calls his troops to get Fou-Lu but Fou-Lu escapes
from them by jumping to the top of the slope and walks away. However, Yom
orders his troops to burn the forest area. Fou-Lu goes along the path to the
right but the burning tree branches fall down and blocks the path. Run along
the path to the left to a bridge. This time Fou-Lu is being surrounded by Yom
and his troops. He asks Yom's name but Yom breaks the bridge and Fou-Lu falls
into the deep canyon.

Return to Ryu and Nina. Ryu suddenly wakes up as he feels something happen but
he ignores that. The next day they manage to reach the exit of the area. At the
map area, proceed to an area with '?'. Enter this area and the couple is in a
T-intersection with a sachet nearby. Proceed forward to Sarai Town. Head right
of the intersection leads to a fishing spot.

Sarai Town
Once inside the town, Nina asks about Ryu. Choose 'I am fine, thank you' and
Nina suggest they split out to ask the spare parts of the desert ship (it does
not matter which options is chosen). Now players have control on Ryu so go
around the town (training or fishing if players wish to, just go out the town).
Get some goods from the stalls and go to the bar for asking. Approach the old
guy that is eating and talk to him. He will ask Ryu to spend him on eating
until he is satisfied.
Mini Game
The objective of the game is simple, make the old man satisfies with food and
wine and he will tell Ryu about where to get the spare parts. When the game
starts a display showing three meters of two blue words and a red word. The
first row, which is blue, indicates when his stomach is full. The second row
marked with red word is the level of satisfaction of the old man and the third
one is the drunken level of the old man.
To get the old man something to eat and drink, simply press the corresponding
button to serve him. There are two costs of the food served, 1 zenny and 5
zenny for the food. The 1 zenny-food has lower increment on all meters whereas
the 5 zenny one has more increment on the meters. However, players must feed
him until he satisfies, that is the red bar is full.
When the old man has satisfied, he will tell Ryu that there is information
teller opposite to the inn. Leave the bar and approach Nina. Now the two people
are in a party again. Go to the information teller he will tell party to guess
how much the information is worth of.
Mini Game
In this guessing the value the information, players are given four chances to
guess. Each guess will result word expression of the guy. Players must give a
suitable range of money in order to get the information. If it is too high or
too low, he will express something to notice players. If players fail to guess
the value of information all the money bet will be returned and players have to
try again.
To get the information successfully, the betting should be around 100 to 200
zenny. Please bear in mind that if players guess the right value, all the money
bet will be taken by him.
The teller tells that to get the spare parts, there is a merchant that is
outside of the wall of the town may have the parts they want. However, players
must get the secret code.

After hearing from the information teller, leave the town and go north. There
is a question mark appears between on the north of the town. Enter to reach a
merchant on a small oasis. After exchanging words, the merchant will give the
desired item to the party. Now leave the oasis and return to the town.

Sarai Town
When the party is at the entrance of the town, go around the wall to the left
to a merchant. Talk to him and he will show the way to enter his shop if
players have the ??? in the inventory. Return to the entrance and go to the
bar. Walk to the side of the kitchen and into it. The chef will halt the party
members but allows them to enter the passage at the corner. Once in the spare
part shop, Nina asks the merchant for the broken ship. However, the merchant
does not any of the spare parts Nina wants but he suggests her to go to the
Valley of Desert Ship (????). Leave the town and return to the map, a road to
the valley is shown.

Valley of Desert Ship
Enter the valley and there is large desert ship crashed into several pieces.
There is a chest on southeast. Approach the handle (steering) and turn right
twice. Go inside the blocked area with chest containing 200 zenny. Return to
the handle and turn left three times. Go to the middle body of the ship and go
inside. Operate the switch to lower the anchor down and climb up the ladder up
for a treasure chest. Climb down and go to the anchor for a lift up one level
from the ground. Proceed to another hole and there is old man with a dog
inside. Talk to him and he will get Ryu a shovel for 25 zenny or 50 zenny plus
his dog searching for the items.
Mini Game
The sandy area on the right hand of the old man contains the parts Nina wanted.
It is recommended that a dog in help a lot of locating the area that has spare
parts. The dog will sniff around and bark when it finds something beneath the
sand. Use the shovel to dig them up. Please bear in mind that the shovel will
be broken after several times of usage.
After obtaining all the items, leave this valley and go back to Sarai Town.

Sarai Town
Enter the bar and something happens. A group of military troops under Captain
Rasso is questioning people inside the bar and execute some of the people. Nina
comes in to interfere and asking why doing such cruel thing. Rasso knows about
Nina and underestimates her ability. When Nina gets very serious, Rasso sends
Emecafu to come out and stop Nina.
This is a battle between Nina and the Iron Demon. Basically she will not have
any problem dealing with the opponent if her level status is high. Watch out
for the opponent's magical attack.
When Nina defeats Iron Demon, Rasso calls his backup to catch Nina. Ryu rush
towards Rasso and uses the Royal Sword to stop him. However, the sword is
broken but they manage to escape.

At the map screen, go to the north and there is a special event happens on the
midway. Enter the area with T-intersection and the party discovers that the
troops are guarding the path and hides from them. After that, players will be
on the map screen and after this event; Ryu cannot go to the fishing spot to
fish again. Follow the path along the west of the Sarai Town to the next town,
Chamber Town.

Chamber Town
Go into the doorway facing the entrance of the town and there is a treasure
chest. Leave the machine hut and approach the mechanic on the east corner. Nina
will ask him something about this town. According to the mechanic, this is one
of the towns that had been bombarded with curse cannon during the war and what
Nina sees is a small portion of the town that is free of the curse but most of
portions of the town are still filled with curse. After that, a group of
workers with protectors worn leave the area on the west for a rest. After
finishing the talk, go to the dining hut next to the closed gate and there are
people who are having their meal (it will be empty and something is cooking if
the party does not approach the mechanic). Talk to the cook there to get
information of the curse-polluted area. He says no one is allowed to enter the
area without a guide. Go to the workers' hostel and kitchen side has a person
who has items and weapons for sale whereas the right side is the bedroom of the
workers. Get some equipment and talk to all the workers. After that approach
the cook who is now guarding the dining hut. Talk to him and something
approaches towards the closed gate slowly. This appears three to four times and
then a man in robot-like armor knocks down the gate and he is called Master.
The cook asks him why he comes out from the working area. Then Nina wants to
enter the area. Master then argues with the cook of offering himself as the
guide. After the conversation, Master joins the party and leading Ryu and Nina
entering the polluted area. Follow the passage to the west to enter the
polluted area.
There are three treasure chests inside this area: two of them can be reached by
finding the path leads towards them whereas the other one requires the party to
enter the main area and exit through the other exit that is a steep slope. The
two chests that are reachable easily contain dynamite jade and some money.
Enter the main room and the party will step on a tied crate that will go down.
Master tells Ryu and Nina to go back to the crate and stand on it, revealing a
path for him to get through. At the same time, the party will be split into
two, one is only Master and the other one consists of Ryu and Nina. However,
only Master can climb down the ladder. To switch controlling the characters,
press SELECT. Have control on Ryu and Nina first. Follow the path to the crate
and stand there to lift the opposite crate. Switch to Master and let him go
through. Before stepping on the crate, open the treasure chest for an item and
step on the crate. Now Master ask Ryu and Nina to reach the valve switch on the
top so take them to the switch and go out through the other doorway to a
treasure chest containing an armor. Switch to Master to reach the lower valve
switch. Master tells Nina that the switches must be turned on simultaneously in
order to open the door. After that, bring the party to the next room and there
is a funny sound appears. Master will notify that situation of the area and
continue the journey. The camera angle shows a zombie-like fish swimming
beneath the polluted water. When the party approaches a small hut, the sound
becomes spookier and nearer to the party. Master suggests that the party should
run quickly but it is too late. The monster jumps out from the water and the
party starts running except Ryu. The monster starts breaking the wooden bridge
and causing Ryu to fall down whereas the others run to a safety platform.
However Ryu manages to escape in time and the whole party members are engaged
to a battle with the monster.
Skull Fish
Like the Dragon Zombie in BOF3, this monster has poisonous breath that causes
the members to be poisoned so make sure there are sufficient antidotes to cure
the poison, as the AP is required for magical attacks. However, this is a slim
down version of Dragon Zombie and keep attacking it will eventually kill it.
When the monster is defeated, it dies and drops into the water. Now it is safe
from any threats, proceed to the wall with an orange polygon to exit this
polluted area. The party is outside of the polluted building and Chamber Town.
Walk forward to leave this area and return to the map area.

Now there is an alternate route back to the crashed ship so go to the ship.
Nina introduces Ryu and Master to Cray that helped her in finding the spare
parts. They stay there for a night and during that night a dream appears where
Ryu, Nina and Cray are in an underground room whereby they enter through
swimming. Follow the path to a staircase and go up. There is a door so enter to
the next room with a staircase going down and a door covered with red curtain.
Go through the curtain and there are two people coming into the next room. Cray
suggests that they should go across behind the curtain so follow his
suggestion. After that, everything is vanished and Nina and Cray are wakened.
They tell each other that they have the same dream. While they go out from the
camp, Ryu suddenly awakes and it seems like Ryu also has the same dream. The
party decides to abandon the broken ship and explore the desert.

Croc's Valley
Go to the west of the Chamber Town to a valley called Croc's Valley. There is a
master called Ralf with his ostrich-like bird. To become his apprentice, there
are no requirements but to learn skills from him, players must perform magical
combo of exactly or more than the hit numbers he required. Align any suitable
candidates and leave this valley.

The party arrives at the top of the dam and Nina says the two flows of muddy
water blocks the way of getting across it. There is a worker comes and Nina
asks him how to get across. The worker tells her to get across the dam, the two
flows of water must be closed and to close it, she must have the keys that lock
the two engine controlling the gates of the dam. Go to the nearby chest to get
the Shot Sword for Ryu and go into the door. Follow the tunnel to the lower
part of the dam where there are some miners mining gold. Approach the guy
beneath the resting hut and Nina asks him where to get the keys to unlock the
gates. That guy tells her the keys are on the woman who is with the miners.
Approach the woman and she is shocked when Nina wants to close the dam.
However, she prepares for the worst and gives the keys to Nina. Return to the
tunnel and use the keys to open the gate. Enter and operate the engine to close
the left gate. Now the gate is closed, go across the gate and climb the ladder
to a treasure chest for Vitamin. Climb down the ladder and enter the door with
a ladder beneath the door to the second engine room. Unlock the gate and
operate the switch. But this time the engine does not close the gate. A girl
comes in to explain the mechanism of the engine operating. Now it is time for
mini game.
Mini Game
To get the engine working, one person must rotate the tape band and the other
one flips the switch. This is done automatically where Ryu rotates the band and
Cray flips the switch. To rotate the switch, circle the directional-pad several
times until the motor spins faster enough and flip the switch to enable the
gate to be closed. Players can retry again if you fail.
Leave the engine room and go through the closed gate. There is a treasure chest
at the end of the dam. Enter the door and follow the tunnel to the other side
of the mining area with a dam watcher in a tall hut. Climb down the ladder on
the elevator and lower the wooden board to go across the mud. Go to the hut
where the guy is and he will give a handle to operate the elevator. Go back to
the base of the elevator and use the handle to operate it. The elevator starts
going down but jam in the middle shaft. Meanwhile the water on the upper of the
dam is too flooded and the dam cannot hold much longer. The warning bell is
being rung by the dam watcher and all the miners are running for life except
the woman who is slow. The party also facing difficulty to lower the elevator
down and Ryu keeps trying to flip the switch but the elevator moves down bit by
bit. When the water comes like a tsunami, the whole dam is destroyed but the
party manages to reach the top of the shaft for safety. They searching for the
woman that is trapped in the water but she is safe with the safety ring wore
and the party leaves the dam.

The four people continue to an area marked '?'. Enter the area and they are on
a cliff of the shore. Suddenly a dragon appears from the mud and it is called
Nosto. That dragon keeps looking at Ryu, as seems they have something in their
mind. There is frog-like person with a pi-pa like instrument, sitting on top
one of the structures. He tells the members he can calm Nosto by singing a
song. However money must be given, the more players give, he will sing the more
until the whole song is sung. After Nosto leaves, the party will leave this
area also.
To listen all the songs, just give him 10 zenny rather than 100 zenny, as all
the songs are sang are four only and they cost 40 zenny.

Kiria Village
Walk along the new road to this village. Proceed carefully, as there is a land
mine near the stone bridge. If the party leader accidentally steps on it the
other party members will go away and the land mine explodes, but not reduction
on HP. Go to the back of the house and there is a child sitting on the ground.
He will tell that there are three chests behind the rest house: one of them
contains an item whereas the others have nothing. I am not sure whether the
item inside differs or not. Go to the stone bridge and watch out for animal
traps. If bad luck comes across, press directional pad quickly to loose it and
there is no reduction on HP. Beyond the bridge is the village elder's house and
notice that there is path going up to a cave that is guarded by a guard. To
enter the cave, the party must obtain permission from the elder. Talk to the
people around the house and players will know that the elder is not in the
house. Go around the house and there are some booby traps set by the elder. For
more experience gained, head towards the small doghouse on the left of the
elder's house and engage battle with an insect captured by the elder.
This monster is quite difficult to be harmed, as it has a shield protecting it
(the damage value with a star represents the damage absorbed by the shield).
However, keep pounding it with physical attacks and its shield will break then
it is easy to be defeated. Learn its two magical attacks, one is when it has a
shield and the other one when it loses its shield.
There are two covered holes on the east of the elder's house. Drop into them to
get 400 zenny and a medicine. Climb the ladder to emerge in a room with some
barrels. Use Cray's action or Master's action to clear the barriers and leave
the storeroom. Return to the elder's house and fall into another covered hole.
The party will drop down to the same underground area but there a ladder to
climb up and emerge inside the elder's house.
This is the only way to enter elder's house. If players enter via the door, a
cage trap will fall down and players cannot go in, plus being humiliated by
elder's parrot.
Talk to the parrot, ask it whether its master is gone out or not, or else
players will get nothing from the parrot. After that, the party must gain trust
from the parrot or else no information. When parrot trusts the party members,
it will tell them its elder is gone for hunting in the Western Forest. Leave
the village and return to the map area.
Players can now return to Sarai Town and the fishing spot nearby for some
shopping and fishing.

Western Forest
Go to the forest spot and enter. There is a person that forbids anyone to enter
the forest if players do not get the necessary information from the parrot.
After the explaining that the party wants to see the elder, he will let the
party goes in. Turn left to enter the hunting area. As the members enter, there
is a dry well on the north and there are some traps and covered holes, which is
similar around the elder's house. The covered holes leads to an underground
area with two treasure chests but only two of the covered holes are above the
chests. One of the chests has four medicine herbs and the other is an armor
called Aura Ring. Drop into the holes and get the items. Return above the
ground via the ladder and the party will emerge from the dry well. Notice there
are three tree trunks and head to the one on the northeast. Place the fruit on
top and wait for the warthog-headed animal to come out. It will go and eat the
fruit but it spots the party and runs away. Now there are tracks left by the
animal so run quickly to follow the path before it disappears. These tracks
lead to a hidden entrance and inside has a treasure chest. The other tree trunk
on southeast baits that animal to come out but when it runs, it leaves the
tracks leading to the hidden are above the exit area. Inside the hidden area is
a treasure chest containing eight apples. The tree trunk near the entrance of
this area, allows the animal leave its tracks leading to the exit path. Go to
the slope on northeast and follow the path carefully to the exit at the end.
Now the party is in a small stream. Jump over the gaps until the members reach
the higher ledge opposite to the entrance. Proceed forward and around the
corner is a sachet containing Wisdom Seed. Go back to the intersection and
there is sloped path leading up so follow it to the next area. When they
arrive, the elder is waiting for an animal to appear. A warthog-headed animal
comes out but gets scared away from something. The elder feels a pity that he
only sees a glance of the animal and finds out Nina and her party has arrived.
Nina asks the elder whether if there is way to Sinister Town. However, there is
a rumble noise and a gigantic version of the warthog-headed animal appears.
This has surprised the elder and the party is engaged in a battle.
Its dangerous attack is the Body Press. Players can pound it with physical
attack and use healing medicine or healing magic to cure, or use combined magic
to obtain greater damage (save AP for the magic and healing with items). Since
it is an animal, it will not hold too long before being defeated.
To make it stop for a while use its favorite fruit (thanks to GameStation for
posting this tip) and attack as heavily as possible.
Once it is dead, the party members and the elder return to Kiria Village.

3. Vanishing Princess
Kiria Village
At the elder's house, the elder tells Nina about the war between east and west
continents. During the war, people who wish to travel to Sinister Town will
have to use the cave above the waterfall of the village, as the main road is
blocked by the troops. After the history, the elder gives permission to Nina
and her friends to use the cave to travel to Sinister Town. Before going to the
cave, Ryu accidentally steps over the covered hole and whole party members has
to exit through the storeroom. Meanwhile, Fou-Lu is saved by a person and he
wakes up with the person that saves him. However, since Fou-Lu is too weak, he
wants to leave the house but collapses (players might have guessed the person
who saves Fou-Lu is Babaderu of BOF3).
When regaining control of the Cray and friends, enter the cave and go across
the stream to the opposite side that has an item inside a treasure chest (Water
Jade). After getting the item, follow the path where the water comes from to
another cave. Now inside of the next cave has a fork path. Go to the left path
leads to a treasure chest for an item and follow the path on the right to
another cave. Beyond the cave is the source area of the waterfall. There are
two doorways in this area but a small stone blocks the doorway on the east.
Make your way to the first gap and head northwest to a chest containing 500
zenny and return to the gap. Follow the path on northeast to exit. The party
members are in a deep well with a ladder so climb up.

Sinister Town
The party climbs up from a well inside Sinister Town. A short cut scene shows
the prosperity of the city and a sister chasing a boy.Enter the orphanage and
talk to the sister and exit the orphanage. Now the sister that chases the child
suddenly trips and feels dizzy. Approach the sister and talk to the child. His
name is Chino and he wants the party to play catch.
Mini Game
Just like the old times, dash to chase Chino but time carefully when Chino
comes, as either both sides face each other or tailing Chino will only let him
changes his running direction. Use ambush tactic to catch Chino ensures the
After getting Chino, Nina and her friends are inside the orphanage. Nina asks
the mother whether she had seen Elina and the children there knew the monastery
was visited by a group of winged royal members like Nina. The mother says Elina
loved children very well and kind. At the same time, those children start to
play hide and seek but the sister is unable to stop them. It is time for Nina
and her friends to search them out.
Mini Game
Like the hide and seek in BOF3, players have to find the children that hide in
each corner of the city. Once one of them is found, he or she will give hint of
other child's hiding place. The following are the children's hiding place:
Upstairs of the inn
Main gate of the town
Doorway near the orphanage
Behind the building with a guard stands in front of the door
First level of the outer wall of the town
Ground floor corner inside the orphanage
However, players will find that Chino cannot be found so return to the
orphanage. Talk to the children to find out Chino is hiding inside the dungeon.
Go to the entrance where there is a man guarding and he will not allow the
party to enter. But notice there is woman carrying a water pot on her head.
Talk to her and she will distract the guard away from the entrance. Enter the
dungeon and follow the stairs down to a room. Follow the raised woods into the
kitchen and leave this room. Go upstairs and follow the path to the next room.
There is a long staircase going beyond the next room. Players can see Chino
locks himself in the jail room next to the entrance but players cannot reach
him from outside. Enter the door on the north and follow the stairs up to the
second floor of the jail rooms. Enter the one on the left and fall into the
room below. Get the item inside the sachet and go upstairs again. This time
fall through the hole above the jail room above where Chino is hiding and the
party finally finds Chino.
After finding Chino, he says when Elina left the city, he saw a merchant at the
main gate of the city. The sister tells Nina the merchant Chino saw named
Marlock. The mother tells Nina that Marlock had brought Elina to the West
Continent by his desert ship. Leave the orphanage and go to the building with a
guard. Talk to the guard but he does not allow the members to enter the
building and teaches them a lesson by engaging a battle against him.
Kahn, Battle 1
This guard has some skills to be learned. However his magical attacks does not
cause much damage if the characters have higher HP and other basic abilities.
Watch out for his magical attacks that reduce 20% of the character's defense
and the one raise his attack power by 20%. Use him as a practice for big combo
After he is defeated, Marlock appears and says what a useless guard. He invites
Nina and her friends to his house. Nina asks him whether he had seen her sister
before. Marlock admits Elina had ridden his ship to West Continent and she was
being invited to go there. Cray cannot believe that a princess has gone to the
enemy's continent and Marlock says the people there needed her. Cray gets very
mad and grab him but later he drops Marlock. Marlock wants the party to do him
a favor due to the party's strong will to search Elina and Nina is happy about
it. However, Marlock wants Nina to stay there and the rest of the party members
go out to find thief who are stealing his cargo. The three persons are then
outside of Marlock's resident and discussing above robberies of merchants'
cargo. Inside Marlock's residence, he walks back and forth while Nina stands
and waits. She wonders why she needs to stay there and Marlock replies that due
to the burglar activities, there is no one else can help him look after his
properties. This shocks Nina. Leave the house and approach the person who is
standing next to the main gate of the city. Talk to him and he will tell the
guys there is a thief with a large sachet outside the desert. Return to the map
and there is a new path to a new area called Ajito.

Follow the path and there is a question mark appears so enter. Cray and his
friends find a guy with a large sack is stopping at a small oasis. Cray goes
forward and asks him. However, that guy runs away and the party feels something
fishy then start chasing him. Meanwhile, back to Marlock's residence, Marlock
suddenly approaches Nina and scares her to step back a few steps. He tells her
at this moment while waiting her friends to come back, he comes closer and
says...(it seems like Marlock is interested on Nina)

Return to Cray, he and others chase into a cave where the thief is resting.
Approach him and he starts running again. This time the party has to chase him
in order to question him.
Mini Game
The objective of this game is to chase and catch the thief. Like Chino in
Sinister Town, try not to get to close on him or else he will change running
direction. The only difference is there are three barrels inside the cave. Use
the three barrels to block the path leading smaller part of the cave. After the
trap is set, chase the thief into the trap and he will run back and forth
between the cave walls. Walk slowly so that the thief still does the silly act
or else he will escape from the trap.
When he is caught, he denies that he is the one doing the dirty work. After
questioning him, he can serve the characters as a master (Stole) by giving him
all the money in the inventory (rats!). Become his apprentice will have greater
increment in speed only and he teaches a skill when the number of different
items inside the inventory meets his requirement. Meanwhile at Marlock's
residence, he walks back and forth then suddenly approaches Nina and asks her
whether she is bored or not and such saying shocks her. Secondly he suggests
why she is not walking around like him rather standing there. Back to Cray,
they are now outside the cave and decide to return Sinister Town.

Sinister Town
Enter Sinister Town and go into Marlock's residence. However, Marlock
intentionally advises the party members of their unconcern heart and Cray
argues back that Marlock is the one behind the stealing of merchandized items.
However, Marlock explains that as a merchant, his goods are being treated like
that and approaches Cray. This makes Cray feel unpleasant. Marlock assigns
second job to Cray and his party members. After that, the three guys are
outside of Marlock's residence again, figuring where to get the job Marlock
meant. Meanwhile, inside Marlock's residence, Marlock keeps walking back and
forth and Nina observes him. Marlock persuades Nina to accept him and Nina
feels very discomfort. Outside of the residence, finally Cray suggests the
party should go to north side of the city to look for.

On the map area, follow the new opened path and there is a question mark so
enter. Unlike other question mark area, there are no goodies but a signboard
showing the location of a fishing spot. Leave this small area and another path
is shown on the map that leads to a fishing spot. Get some fishes for later

This is the place where Cray suggested. It is similar to a harbor. Approach the
muscular guy between the crates and storage room and talk to him about the job.
He will order the party to arrange the cargo inside the storage room.
Mini Game
The objective is to arrange the cargo to their respective places. There are two
places to place the cargo: the north side for the vase like light green cargo
and south side for the light brown barrel like cargo. There are some green
colored barrels that need to be removed. To arrange the cargo, use Cray's
action to push them to proper place and use Master to remove old barrels.
Notice that some of the old barrels have monsters inside. For the cargo, each
correct placing will award 200 points and 50 points for removing the old
barrels. An additional bonus points will be given if the cargo are placed
After finishing the job, that guy has another job for Cray and his friends and
Cray is very unhappy about it. Meanwhile, at Marlock's residence, Nina has
something to talk. When Marlock asks her whether she is tired or not but she is
not sure. Then something goes wrong...

The scene is back to the harbor, the muscular guy tells Ryu to use the crane to
load the cargo into the ship.
Mini Game
The objective of this task is to pick up the cargo in the loading bay and put
in a blue square. Up to ten units of cargo need to be loaded to the ship. To
control the crane, the Up-pad shortens the crane, Down-pad for extending it,
left & right pads for turning the crane and Circle button to pick up or release
the cargo. However, there is time limit to do this job. To pick up the cargo,
turn the crane and make sure the hook's shadow is above the cargo before
picking up. For releasing the cargo into the ship, make sure that the cargo's
shadow is on the blue square. After each success loading, Master will put
another cargo to be loaded.
When time is up, the person in charge will give comment to Ryu and his friends
and Nina arrives at the same time, together with Marlock. Being appreciated
with Ryu's work, he gives reward to Ryu. Marlock says they can follow the ship
with a VIP room for them then the ship travels across the desert. Honestly
speaking, the VIP room that Marlock means is a big crate with four people
inside. Cray mumbles about what kind of VIP room is this and starts to shake
the crate. Nina calms him so that he stops shaking the crate. The ship
continues traveling across the desert.

Small House on a Mountain
The scene changes to a small house where Fou-Lu is. Now he is fully recovered
and leaves the house. Once outside, Babaderu knows he has to go so he just
tells him the current events of the empire. After that, follow the path
downhill to the second area. When Fou-Lu goes forward, Yom and his troops are
waiting him. To finish Fou-Lu for good, Yom calls his gigantic bird, Cafu.
This bird is tough and has powerful magical attack. Transform Fou-Lu into
Spiritual Dragon and use his strongest magical attack to kill the bird. When
the bird's is very low, it heals itself and further attacks brings victory to
After defeating Cafu, Fou-Lu tells Yom that he has fully recovered. But Yom
summons another similar bird and it flies up to the top of the cliff above
them. Yom sends his troops to get Fou-Lu. This time Fou-Lu transform into a
dragon and flies away and Cafu start chasing him. On the way, Cafu keeps
releasing energy shots and hits Fou-Lu. Fou-Lu tries to fly up but still been
knocked down by the bird.

Hasibito Town
Back to the desert, Marlock's ship is departing from the transport station and
the two officers talk about the merchandized goods. They leave the docking area
and Cray opens up the crate and whole party come out. Leave the docking area
and the party members are in a small town. This is a bridge tower where the
merchandized goods are transported to the West Continent. Basically this bridge
tower consists of three lifts: two outside of the tower and one inside the
tower. The lift outside the first floor only transports to the second floor. To
explore the whole tower, use the main lift inside the tower that has a shaft of
four floors tall.
The first two floors have nothing so ignore them. Take lift to the third floor
and there is a cabinet room with some goodies plus a treasure chest containing
Galas's Domino on the lift room. Get them and go to the fourth floor. Follow
the path to a lift outside and let it takes the party to the top of the bridge
tower. When they arrive the top, Nina suspects the lift automatically goes down
but something happens on the top. There is a portal opening to let them go
into. However, Captain Rasso comes up and surprises the party. The party asks
whether he has brought his men surrounding the tower. He says he is alone and
takes out something that transforms into knight, which is same as the one in
the bar in Sarai Town.
Emecafu 2
Basically this is the second battle of the same opponent. The only differences
are the party is not Nina alone and the opponent is much stronger. It has a
move that he will defense up a little bit before attacking the party. Use him
as combined magic practice.
When he is defeated, Rasso cannot believe what has happened to his knight and
the party quickly jumps into the portal. The portal closes, leaving Rasso
behind and he knows that Ryu is the dragon he is looking for.

Now the party is at the transport station in the West Continent. Same as the
one in the east land, except there is no chest in the lift room on the third
floor. Go to the cabinet room for some goodies. Use the lift and go down to the
first floor and leave the station. At the map area, there is a new path leading
to a place called Astaner.

When the party revisits this place later of the game, there will be more items
for sale.
When the party enters the building, it is blocked and cannot go through. Get
some goodies from the merchants inside the small hut on the right side of the
cannon and talk to a person (muscular one) there and he says something of a
construction carried out nearby. Leave this building and go back to the map

Water Bridge
The party arrives at a bridge structure that is under construction. Approach
the wooden platform connected with wooden path. Climb up the ladder to the
second level and there is a treasure chest with a special drug. Go to the
ladder on the other side and climb up to the top level. There is a worker so
approach him and have him begin the work. Use the small lift to go down to the
ground area and follow the wooden path to a ladder. Climb up the ladder to the
second level and go to the far end for a chest containing 500 zenny. On the
midway between the ladder and the chest is another ladder leading to top level.
Follow the path to a watery area and jump in.
The party emerges to an underground room that is same as the one inside Nina,
Ryu and Cray's dream in the beginning of the game. Explore as usual until the
red curtain. After passing the red curtain to the other side, the two people
notice somebody behind the curtain and one of them flies through the ceiling to
chase them. When Cray and his party enter the room behind the curtain, he
thinks no one has noticed the party but the guy who flies through the ceiling
appears in front of them and asks what they are doing there. Nina quickly
replies that they are searching a queen and asks back whether he has seen her.
He has doubt on the question and asks back what are their purposes of searching
this person. Cray questions him whether he understands the question or not.
However, a troop of guards enters through the red curtain and the party has
nothing to do. The screen blackens and words of Nina's journey are displayed.
The scene goes to a castle tower where Cray is alone inside. The door is opened
and an elder enters and wants Cray to follow him.

Chapter 2: The Unchanged Person
4. Royal Sword
Rudia Town
Now Ryu and Nina are in a room upstairs of an inn. Get the sachet on the corner
of the bed with the diary that contains a metal. Then go downstairs and there
is man guarding the door. His name is Scias and he is responsible of watching
Ryu, Nina and Master. Since Nina wants to go out, go to Scias' side and he will
ask if Nina really wants to go. After Nina says yes, Scias will follow the
party and he will automatically join the party. Before going to the castle of
Rudia, leave this town to the map.

There is an area marked as Shed, which is on the north of Rudia Town. Head
towards the question mark area and go north. Ryu will meet something in the
middle between the question mark area and Shed. Enter the area and the party
will find there is a signboard showing an area. Leave this area and return to
the map. A new path showing area on the shore is displayed on the map, which is
a fishing spot. Head to Shed first.

Actually this is a resting area for the people who want to use the bridge to go
across to the north, which is a desert area. Get any necessary equipment and
explore the whole area. There is a person hidden from normal camera view has a
treasure to be exchanged. Return to the map and go back to Rudia Town.

Rudia Town
Go straight east and to the castle. Once inside the castle, Nina asks the
guards to permit her and the party to enter but her request is rejected. There
is an old man comes out and knows Nina's purpose. He says about Cray and his
tribe issue and then goes back inside. Leave the castle and Nina says Cray's
tribe is located on the south, passing a forest called Pauss Forest. Then Ryu
leads the party and leave the town.

Pauss Forest
On the map area there is a new path appears from the east of the question mark
area (east of Rudia Town) and bends to the west then south to a forest. Follow
the new path to the forest. Enter the forest and explore the whole area. There
is a treasure chest on the west after the lower ground area containing three
healing medicines. Leave the chest and follow south then to the west, where
there is a small passage leading to the next area.
On the next area of the forest, Nina hears some child's voice but she is not
sure about it and continues walking. When the voice appears again, Nina is
getting smaller and smaller, finally she has been shrunken to about an ant's
size! Ryu and Master, who are in front of Nina, discover that Nina has
disappeared. At the same time, Scias enters the area and his walking causes a
quake that faints Nina. Thing gets worst when a bird flies between them and
snatches Nina away. The party decides to search Nina so follow the path to the
south cliff and something is there. Three faeries are invisible and tell the
party if they can find one of them while they are going around. Master and
Scias look around but did not find anything. Ryu notices Master there is a
faerie besides him and Master uses his head to bump. The bump really takes down
one of the faerie and the game is over. The faerie (in blue) hates of Ryu
cheating by using his 'Dragon Eye' to find them. Master asks the faerie that
Nina has disappeared and begs him to help. The blue faerie gives him the clue
that the party will find Nina on a tree with bird's voice and the other faeries
second him. The three faeries then vanish.
Go to the end of the risen ground and jump to the ground with two trees. From
there, players can see a sachet on the northwest cliff. Jump to the ground and
get the sachet containing Magic Shard. Return to where the faeries were and go
down to the lower ground and go southwest to a raised ground. On the highest
point of that ground, jump to the tree with the bird's voice. Approach the tree
and use Master's head to bump the tree and a bird flies away.
Now the scene goes to Nina, where she is inside the bird's nest. When she
regains consciousness, she discovers that she is the bird's nest and realizes
she has shrunken. Nina asks why this happens to her but later she decides to
leave this scary area. Go to the tree trunk and the bird comes back. Nina
quickly turns back and run back but a worm falls from above that scares her.
The bird flies over to the other side and Nina begs it not feed her with the
worm but the bird does not know anything. A battle between human and bird is
Battle Description
This is the simplest battle in the game. Just use a couple of physical attacks
or more and the bird will go down.
If players prefer to play defense, defense every round and the bird will fed up
(thanks again to GameStation for this tip)
Go to the tree trunk and beyond it is a stem to climb down. Back to Master and
his party. After the first knock, there is no response and Master decides to
knock again. This time his knock causes a vibration and shakes Nina to fall
down. While falling down, Nina is restoring to her actual size and lands on
Ryu. Poor Ryu, he did it again and he is lying on the ground and Nina is on top
of his body. After Master's explanation of the whole thing, Nina knows she was
tricked by the faeries and Master says his words again. The rest of the members
have no choice but to leave this forest.

Furen Village
At the map area, a new path leading to the new village is displayed so follow
the path. This is Furen Village, where Cray's tribe lives. It seems like they
do not like intruders disturbing the village, as there is a person stand in
front of the entrance of the village. Go to the inn (the house beside the guy
who is swinging his bat) and there is a merchant inside, besides the inn owner.
Get some goodies from him and leave the inn.
Before going upstairs to the elders' house, notice that there is a familiar
person on the top floor of the house. Players will know he is the useless
watchdog of Marlock's house in Sinister Town, Kahn.
Proceed to the tribe elder's house and Nina will tell what has happened to
Cray. The three elders are very mad about Rudia's attitude to their tribe and
they want to start war on Rudia. However, the blue-suit elder tells the others
to calm down and they understand Nina's effort to report this matter. They
decide to leave their unhappiness aside and the green-suited elder suggests
Nina that she should see Tarbo for help. Tarbo is the former chief's wife and
Cray's mother but after Cray becomes the chief of the tribe, she has moved away
from the village to a rural area of Golden Prairie. Finally the elder with
green suit suggests Nina that the party should ride a horse to travel across
the prairie to look for Tarbo. After that, go to the next room and there is a
staircase leading down to an underground storage room with a sachet containing
an aromor. Return to the main room with the elders and climb the ladder. On top
of the ladder is a bedroom with a lady going around. Talk to her and players
will find out she is finding her apprentice who is disappeared (players will
know who he is).
Leave the bedroom and the house. When the party approaches the stone fence,
that stupid guy, Kahn, jumps down from the house and blocks the party. He is
not satisfied of the last defeat in Sinister Town and wants a rematch inside
this strong tribe so that he can win with honor. Then the rematch begins.
Kahn, Battle 2
Like the last battle, he will start his attack with his strongest magical
attack and then runs out of AP to perform the second time. Use him again as
practice target because he does not cause much damage on physical attack.
After Kahn is defeated, his master saw everything and very upset of him. She
says Kahn is not ready for any fight and amazed with the party's ability. Back
to the bedroom, the lady gives advice to Kahn that he is still weak to face any
stronger competitors and she does not this to be happened again. However, Kahn
seems not listening to her advice. Return to the party, the members can leave
the village now but back to the elders' house and to the bedroom. Talk to the
lady and express the party's apology to what the members did to her apprentice.
The lady will leave Kahn's matter away and the party members have potentials
for her (When the party has reached combo damage of 1000 or more). She
introduces herself as WonaiƒEƒijand willing to serve as the party's master.
Align suitable candidates and leave this village.

Golden Prairie
A new path is showing on the map, leading to Golden Prairie. Enter this area
and players will find there is a signboard says to travel across the prairie,
horses are needed. Moreover, there is a person under a tree and he will say
players cannot go across the prairie without a horse. Leave this area and
return to Furen Village.

Furen Village
Approach the child beside the shack (with a dog inside) and talk to him. Nina
will ask him whether he can get a horse to travel in the prairie. The boy will
tell her once the party has the horse, start a camp on the edge of the prairie
and one of the members will ride on the horse to travel. After that, the boy
gets a horse and Nina asks who will ride it. But no one wants to ride except
Ryu who is uncertain. Nina asks again and Ryu still does the old action but
that Orm seems has some interest on Ryu. The screen fades.

On the map, go back to the prairie and enter. Now the party has made a camp and
Ryu is learning to ride a special breed of animal (squid-like animal without
feet). It seems like Ryu is not confident riding a real horse and the boy gave
this animal, which is smaller and easier to ride. However, when Ryu rides a bit
forward, he falls down from it and the rest of the members think Ryu is not the
suitable jockey. But when Master says let Ryu going to the prairie and uses his
Dragon Eye to search Tarbo, together with his usual saying. Everyone has no
choice but letting Ryu go. However, again, when Ryu starts traveling through
the prairie, he falls down.

Similar to the desert in BOF3, except this traveling is done on daytime and
there is a compass to help in navigation, Ryu must reach to the camp where
Tarbo lives.
If players get lost, face west and go towards to leave the prairie.
Begin the journey by going east until there is a boulder in front and then
northeast. Go until there is a camp with smoke. In case players forget how to
reach this camp, go back to the village and talk to the boy. He will give the
direction to reach the camp. When Ryu arrives, Tarbo feels surprised that a
visitor comes by, and rides with an Orm. She knows Ryu is from the village. Ryu
tells her about Cray and Tarbo also angry of such a thing happened to her son.
Tarbo certain that Cray is sentenced to death if he is in custody but she
pacifies Ryu not to worry. Tarbo knows that the consequence of Cray will cause
internal war that she does not want to be happened. Ryu agrees her and Tarbo
understands such treatment is very unfair to the village however she notices
that Ryu is a bit tired and stops the conversation. She wants him to go into
the camp, as she knows Ryu has traveled this far to find her and he is very
tired. After Ryu enters the camp, Tarbo enters and Ryu is already in a deep

Meanwhile, back to Rudia Town, a trial is being held. The prince of Rudia (I
suppose) questions him why he sneaked into the empire after the war is stopped
and discovered by the military men. Moreover, the Royal Sword given by Rudia is
also disappeared. Cray is speechless of losing the sword. The prince is very
unhappy with Cray's rashness move that is jeopardizing the union of nations.
Cray is very mad and says the prince is only concerned with Rudia's dignity and
ignoring his act. He then explains that a princess of a nation, i.e. Elina has
found to be at the empire. However, the prince thinks Cray's reason is rubbish,
where he does not believe a princess of one of the union of nations is on
enemy's land and Cray is very dissatisfied with what the prince has said. There
are some flashbacks of how Ryu tries to save Nina and broke the sword, plus
Nina gave the sword to Ryu when she first met him. The screen then fades.

The next day, Ryu wakes up and feels energetic. Get out from the camp and Tarbo
asks how he is. To continue with one question that is not answered, approach
her and select the third choice (other choices get nothing from her), which is
the broken royal sword. She will explain the importance of the sword to Cray
and Ryu is very miserable. Tarbo then asks him whether he has broken the sword
or not and Ryu admits. Tarbo tells Ryu that without the sword returning to
Rudia, Cray cannot prove his side but Ryu is confused. Tarbo tells Ryu where to
get help and a map is shown the road to a volcano. She tells Ryu that go to the
south to Goo Volcano and Ryu understand. Before that, Tarbo reminds Ryu to
return to Furen Village to ask how to reach the volcano. Return to the map and
go back to the camp (players cannot go at this point), where is there is an
important event at there. When Ryu arrives at the party's camp, he explains the
reason they should go to the volcano. After that, they pack up the camp and
return to the map area.

Enter the Golden Prairie and again go straight to easy as usual until there is
a boulder. This time turn south and go forward.
In case players do not know how to reach the volcano, go to village and ask the
elder in a round carpet.

Goo's Volcano
Enter the cave and watch out for the lava on the ground. It will reduce the
party leader's HP but not fatal. There are two caves on the northeast corners.
Go to the cave with a treasure chest and take ‰Š‚Ì‚¨‚Ü‚à‚èinside before
entering the cave to the next area (the other cave also leads to the same area
but players have to leave via the cave on the northwest to get the armor). Once
inside the next cave, leave through the cave on the north. In this area, there
are several earth plates above lava flow and two of them have a treasure chest,
containing 500 zenny (the western chest) and Vitamin (southeast) of two. The
plates will move when the party encounters any battle so make sure the party
stands on proper plate before entering any battle. Notice that there is a
hidden cave on northwest corner. Wait for the plate to move towards the cave.
Inside the cave has a chest with Drill Punch for Master's new weapon. Go to the
cave on the east and there are small bridges connecting drop offs to the
blacksmith's house (notice the chest on the lower part).
Enter the house and the blacksmith is surprised of the party's arrival. Nina
asks him whether he can make the Royal Sword to replace the broken one. The
blacksmith replies that he can make the sword but he is lack of the material
that is required, Faerie Drop (Oh dear! It stinks). Furthermore, this material
can be obtained from a forest nearby where there are monsters inside. Master
suddenly remembers the forest where Nina got shrunken and shouts out. The
blacksmith stops telling the name and location of the forest, as Master has
known where the forest is. Before going down the ladder, get an item on the
desk. Climb down the ladder to an underground storage room with two caves. Go
through the cave on the west to emerge on the lower area of the blacksmith's
house. Go to the northwest to the treasure chest for a Dynamite Jadei‰Î–ò¥Éj.
Return to the storage room and enter the cave on the east. Follow the path to
exit the blacksmith's house.

Pauss Forest
On the map, go to the Pauss Forest and enter. The party will hear a child's
voice and Nina recognizes the voice that shrunk her. Proceed to where the party
first encountered the faerie and there are some sprinkles of spots near the
bushes. Approach the area and stand properly before starting the conversation.
An orange-colored faerie appears and asks how the party finds him. After that,
two more faeries appear and join the conversation. Ryu asks them how to get the
Faerie Drop and they feel a bit ashamed at first but one of them confirms if
Ryu really wants that item. After the confirmation, that faerie wants the party
to face on the back and the red faerie tells them they will follow later on,
with a vase on its hand. Then the blue faerie assures them everything is fine,
with a pair of heavy weights. Finally the orange faerie says this might hurt a
little bit and a stone is carried. The trio throws the items onto the party's
head and makes them fainted.

The party is now in an odd forest area. The red faerie tells party this is the
place where the faerie lives, called Dream World. When the blue faerie speaks
about ƒAƒCƒc, it cries and at the same time, a strange sound appears from the
bushes. The orange faerie tells the party that Aitsu and Dream Demon have
intruded their home and drive them away. The blue faerie says the item that Ryu
wants is being guarded by the demon's henchmen. Now proceed to the henchmen,
although they are invisible, they can be discovered through their sleeping
callouts. Kill all of them and they will leave some life shards and magic
shards. When they are out, there is a gigantic rubber-like monster coming from
the air. Approach it and it dislikes what the Ryu has done to its henchmen. It
also threats Ryu and his party that they do not belong in this world. The
battle for faeries peace begins.
Dream Demon
Do not use non-physical magic attacks on it. This will only heal it. For
quicker death, use Super Combo or Double Hit that is physical attacks. Each hit
will cause the demon's size changes (either becomes too big or too small).
After the demon is defeated, it likes a fish without that is struggling and
then disappears. The faeries come out to thank Ryu for helping them get rid of
the demon. The orange faerie suddenly remember what Ryu wants and asks him to
wait for while. That faerie goes into bushes and does the nature process. After
that it takes the Faerie Drop and gives to Ryu. Ryu and the party are back to
Pauss Forest and the faeries hope the party will visit them but Nina cannot
wait to return to Goo's Volcano.

Goo's Volcano
The blacksmith is impressed with the party of getting the material and start to
make the sword. After a while, the sword is done and Nina is very happy because
she can save Cray.
Players can return to the blacksmith with some raw materials for the blacksmith
to make new armors.

Leave the blacksmith's house and go back to Rudia. Enter the castle and Nina
tries to persuade the guard to let her enter but still being rejected. When she
speaks the sword, the attorney comes out and Nina has brought the Royal Sword
but the prince says the sword Nina brought is a fake one and the real sword is
already returned to Rudia by the empire and such word is against the treaty.
When Nina wants to know about her sister, the prince stops and tells her to
shut up, plus Cray will have punishment as usual. Nina has no choice but to
leave the castle. After Nina has left the castle, the old man approaches Scias
and asks him why he did not stop them from making the fake sword. Scias replies
him that his job is to watch and leaves. When Nina and Ryu are outside of the
castle, Nina suggests that they should rescue Cray out from Rudia and Ryu
agrees the suggestion. After the dicussion, Nina notices that Scias has not
come out yet and turn back but Scias is at her back. Go to the inn and go
upstairs to rest.

Meanwhile, a woman rescues Fou-Lu and he is lying on a bed while the woman
applies ointment to his wound. Fou-Lu feels pain and starts to move but the
woman calms him not to move.

Back to Nina and her party, now it is nighttime and she urges everyone to start
the operation. When the party enters the castle, Nina tells Scias they must
defeat any guards without mercy that guarding the door and Scias has nothing to
say. At the main hall of the castle, there is only a doorway to go that is the
one on the north whereas the doorway on the south is blocked by a sleeping
guard. Defeat the guard on the north doorway and enter. In the next room, there
is guard guarding the doorway on the east and a staircase leading up. Get rid
of the guard and enter the court. Inside the court there is a treasure chest
containing a ƒWƒQƒ"Hat. Leave the court and go upstairs. Follow the staircase
to the top of the tower and there is another guard guarding the room where Cray
is. Defeat him and enter to find that Cray is outside of the room. Nina
approaches to him and he surprises of Nina's visit. Nina tells him that she and
the party are coming to help him to escape away from Rudia. Cray at first does
not want to go, as Nina tells him if he stays, he will sentence to death and
his tribe will cause internal riot due to lack of the leadership of the chief.
For the sake of the tribe, Cray follows the party to escape from Rudia.
After leaving Rudia, the party cannot return to Rudia for this moment.

5. Larwi, Dragon of Wind
Go to Tarbo's tent on the prairie. They discuss about the things happened to
them. Tarbo wonders why Cray is acting childish. Nina explains what he did is
for finding her sister. However, Tarbo suggests the party should have some rest
and tomorrow they will continue the conversation. The next day when Ryu wakes
up, go out from the tent and approach Tarbo. They discuss about the prohibition
of people of East Continent from traveling to the West Continent and then Nina
talks about Ryu, he seems like very sad about his problem but Nina tries to
make him happy. Later, she thinks of a dragon of wind, Larwi in Wyndia
territory and suggests that Ryu should meet it. Tarbo knows that they are
fugitives of Rudia, she gives Cray a Green Jade that opens an underground
tunnel inside the Tarbo Temple.

Tarbo Temple
To get to the temple, go back to the prairie and go straight to east (In case
players forget, return to the village and ask the elder). Enter the temple and
place the jade on the ceremonial table. The statue behind the table will go
down, revealing a cave to be entered. Inside the cave is a maze-like passage
with death ends. Take the only left turn to north and go to the second left
turn on the west. There is a death end with a treasure chest containing 500
zenny. Head the passage on the opposite side (east) and take the second right
turn to the south. Follow the passage to the next room.
The party is inside a room with three beam barriers, which are consisted of
three colored light beams that are reflected by the crystals. A slight touch of
the beam will cause HP damage to the party leader. Observe the room to find
there is a treasure chest on the south wall of the first level corridor. To
reach the treasure, make sure Cray is leading the party. Push the green light
beam handle and walk cautiously to the staircase on southeast. Open the chest
for Silver Spinner of four units. To enter the doorway on the east, walk
downstairs and push the red light beam handle. Go to the green light beam
handle and reverse the light beam position. Return to the red light beam handle
and reverse the light beam position to clear the light barrier in front of the
doorway. Beyond the doorway is a treasure chest containing Light Wrist. Leave
the small room and enter the doorway on the north (there is no barrier blocking
anymore). Follow the stairs to emerge in a small hut and there is a man sitting
on southwest corner. Exchange the treasure with his treasure and leave the hut.
Behind the hut is another treasure chest and leave this entire area.

Am's Swamp
There is a new and quite long road leading to this swamp area. Follow the small
bridge to a small ground area and there is a signboard saying the some parts of
the bridges in the swamp area are broken. Follow the next bridge to the south
then to the west (follow straight south leads to a broken bridge). From the
second ground area, follow the bridge to the third one on the east. Notice the
treasure chest below it. Jump over the small gap to the fourth ground area and
to the bridge with various small gaps. Jump past these gaps and follow the
broken board down to the wet grass floor. Now head northwest back to the third
ground area where the chest is. Open the chest for a tadpole lure. Now go back
to the board. Go a bit east to another broken board and go up to the bridge
that leads to the second area of the swamp.
Follow the bridge to another broken parts of the bridge. Use Nina's action to
find there are two anacondas on the swamp. These snakes are harmless and they
serve as bridges for the party to across. To make them move, simply step on the
crossed boards on the bridge and they are on. There are two treasure chests in
this area, the chest on the southwest has a scale mail armor whereas the chest
in the middle of the area has three life shards. Coordinate the snakes'
position to get across the swamp to the bridge that leads to the next area.
There is not much in this area and the signboard there is just the remark made
by the patrol guards. Follow the bridge on the north to leave the swamp area.

There is a house displayed on the map at a little bit to the northeast. Enter
the area and the house. Go upstairs to find out a faerie is going for stroll
after the dream demon is dead. Talk to it again and say I will it will accept
anyone in the party as its apprentice (after players have help the faeries
build their first house in the village). However, there is not much to explore
so leave this area.

While walking to the north, stop at the question mark spot on the northwest
from the previous one and head west. Now Ryu is on the Shed. Enter the area and
the party will enter through the doorway where the two men were talking. Trade
with Manilo if necessary then leave this area.
Players can now go to the west beach for fishing without going for a long road.

Head north to Wyndia, in the middle of the road there is a special event so
enter. The party has made a camp and Nina tells Ryu about she and her sister's
background but stops. Cray continues Nina's story and Nina feels frustrated of
all the things had gone through but still cannot find her sister. Return to
Wyndia makes her feel ashamed of not finding her sister and Cray agrees.
However, Ryu senses there is someone approaching and it is an invisible faerie.
That faerie hopes Ryu can help the faeries in their world to build a village
(the overall is the same as the game's predecessor except some minor changes
and improvements). After allocating tasks, return to the camp and continue.
From now onwards, players can access faerie's village by camping.

Notice the windmill next to the inn. Enter the windmill and climb up the
ladder. Look who is there? It is Momo from BOF3. Talk to her and choose the
first answer. She will accept anyone to become her apprentice. Select the
suitable candidate and leave the windmill. Head east to the staircase to a lift
and go up to the upper part of the city. Once the party is on the top, go
straight to the windmill opposite (the right one) and follow the stairs up. The
party will emerge at the top of the palace. Go to the other windmill (the left
one) and enter. There is a treasure chest containing an item. Leave the room
and come down to the door below the windmill on the right. Now change the
leader to Nina and enter the palace. Talk to one of the guard and they will
allow the party to enter. But first go to the jail room at the lower part of
the palace. There is a prisoner for exchanging the treasure. Return to the main
hall at the upper level and approach to the door with a servant (again, make
sure that Nina leads the party). The servant is surprised of Nina returning
home and lets her enter the king's bedroom. Inside the bedroom, the king is
worrying about her eldest daughter, Elina and Nina enters. The king feels
surprised and happy that Nina is home, and so as Nina.
After that, they gather in the resting room and it seems the king has known
everything. Cray does not want any apologies but the king thanks him to
reporting this matter and disagrees with what Rudia has done to defend its
honor and not allowing them to search for Elina. His highness also impresses
Cray's strong believe on himself although being accused by Rudia and tells Nina
whatever they do to find Elina, his highness will fully support them, protect
them. Later, Nina mentions the dragon of wind and she has to bring Ryu to meet
it. His highness gives a brief background of the dragon and Cray says the
empire is hunting these dragons down by tracking down anyone who has
relationship between them. Finally the king suggests the party should go to the
forest to the east of Wyndia, where is a witch. But first, his highness
suggests them to rest and depart on the next day. After the stay, Nina and her
father talk for while before leaving Wyndia.

Caska Forest
As the party enters the forest, there is a man on the opposite side of the
stream so go west and turn left to the other side of the stream. Talk to him
and he will give the location of a fishing spot. Go to northwest to the second
area of the forest. Go forward and walk across the log on the stream, to the
treasure chest behind the trees for 500 zenny. Return to the other side of the
stream and follow the path to the wooden bridge to a signboard. It gives
directions of moving the logs floating on the water to other side of the
stream. Move the logs to reach the northwest bank (facing north) and follow the
path to a broken bridge. There is a treasure chest containing Long Shoes.
Return to the log and move between the logs to reach the small island in the
middle of the stream. Go over to the other side of the island and use the log
to reach the sachet there. Now move the logs to reach the bank on the northeast
and follow the path to the next area. The road in this area is split into two,
the left leads to a treasure chest and the right leads to the next area. But go
left first, when turning to the right, watch out for spikes near the trees. The
chest contains one Magic Shard. Go back to the starting point and go right
(east) to another split road. Go left (the right side leads to a dead end) and
enter the next area.
The road here also splits into two. Take the left one (the right one also leads
to death end) and there is a house next to the riverbank. As the party enters,
Ryu asks old lady inside of how to meet Larwi. She then introduces herself and
guess the party's purpose coming here. She approaches Ryu and watches him
carefully. The witch says Ryu's 'Dragon Eye' is different than she saw before.
Nina does not understand what she means and the witch explains that there are
few persons who have such eyes. She tells the party that these persons have the
same feeling/sense, as dragon of wind and every hundred years a new dragon
called Dragon of Alkai Dragon is born. Such person is referred to have mighty
strength. Cray tells the witch that the empire is aiming for Dragon of Alkai
but she has known that and suggests the party to meet Larwi. In order to meet
Larwi, they must have the flute before going to the Tower of Wind. Leave the
house and its area, the party now starts a camp at night and Cray tells Ryu
about the underground dungeon of Wyndia palace that is guarded to prevent any
strangers from entering. However, Nina discovers Scias is gone and she suspects
he returns to Rudia to report everything. Cray urges the party to get the item
When players going back and forth between visited places, there is a question
mark callout appears on Ryu's head while in the middle of between two places.
Inside this area, players can obtain an item and fight any monsters that
appear. However, since the faerie appears during the campfire, players can find
instead of the usual small battlefield, a faerie is crying for help. Take the
party approach to the faerie and it has problem of hunting down all the animals
there. Let Ryu leads the party and drive the animals into a deep hole. To kill
them, use Ryu's sword swipe and take the meat to the faerie. Although there is
not battle in this field, players can leave this area. But the next question
mark callout may also be a hunting ground.

Go back to Wyndia, in order to gain access to the underground dungeon, the
party must meet the king first. Enter the palace and go to the throne room (the
one with red carpet leading into it). Nina will talk to her father of going to
the underground dungeon beneath the palace. The king knows that to go to the
tower, that item must be brought along so he approves. Leave the palace and go
the windmill on the left. Enter the door and follow the staircase to an
underground door. The guard is now letting the party to go in. Go past the
corridor to the first cave area and go to northeast to a dead end with a
treasure chest for an item. Leave the chest and follow the path along the
south. Turn left (east) to enter the second area. After the small corridor, the
party is behind a small fan with a fork path. The path on the north (straight
line) leads to the next area whereas the right one leads to another treasure
chest Bird's Nest. However, to get the treasure chest, players must time
correctly, as there is a strong wind blowing from the chest, trying to prevent
anyone from reaching the chest.
To reach the chest without being blown away quickly, look the position of the
fan. If it is facing north, go up slowly and dash forward to the chest to grab
the item. If players start to run when the fan is facing north, the wind will
also start to blow away the party.
After getting the item, head north to the next room. In this room, there are
three mechanisms with a board on each of them. To board on, stand on the edge
where the board of the first mechanism will stop for a while and walk forward.
Now wait the mechanism to turn the board and stop at the ledge on the north.
Once the party is there, follow the path to a board that is jutting out from
the ledge. Stand on the edge and wait for the second mechanism to stop the
board next to the one the party is standing. After that, wait it to turn and
stop at the small ledge on the south wall. There is a hidden treasure chest.
Return to the second mechanism and wait until its board joints with the board
on the third mechanism on the east. Wait for the third mechanism to stop at the
ledge on the east and leave to enter the next area. Go past the small walkway
and there is a long corridor leading to the north. However, to make things
complicated, there is a strong blowing out from the door of the end of the
corridor on a few seconds interval. Stand near the corridor and want for the
wind to become weak. Aim for the safe spot with a sachet on the right wall and
run. Get the sachet of four Healing Herbs and aim the safe spot with another
sachet on the left wall. Run when the wind is weak and get the sachet there.
Aim for the safe spot on the right wall near the door and run when the wind is
weak. After that, enter the door to the next area. The party is now in the room
with the flute. Take it and leave the underground dungeon via the way the party
entered. When the party leaves the dungeon, the scene goes to Scias.

While the party is on the way getting the item, Scias goes back to Rudia and
give all the information he got to Icory(the old man in Rudia Castle). After
knowing the dragon and the Tower of Wind, he gives Scias a bag of coins as a
reward and Scias leaves. One of the henchmen asks Icory when they start to
action but he suggests they wait and see first.

Tower of Wind
There is a new path leading to the tower appears to the north of the place
between Wyndia and the forest. Enter the tower and a lift automatically goes
down for the party to board. Follow the path to enter the tower and go down,
passing a narrow walkway to a room with two doorways. Head the door on the
south and follow the passage to a storage room. Inside of this room has a
treasure chest containing Homing Bomb, Master's new weapon. Return to the room
with two doorways and go north. Follow the path to a staircase leading up to
the next area. Once the party enters, a help file appears, showing how to jump
over the jutting ledges and recognizes the wind's speed.
Watch out when making the jump, make sure the party stands at proper ledge. If
not, the party may hit the ledge above and drops down to a lower ledge below.
This is the center of the tower and it is a hollow structure with strong wind
blowing upwards periodically. Notice that there is a treasure chest on the
ledge above the ledge where the party entered. To reach the chest, jump to the
opposite ledge when the wind is weak. After that, wait for the strong wind to
jump up to the opposite ledge with the chest. Open the chest for 600 zenny and
jump back to the ledge where the party entered. Wait for the strong wind and
jump up to the ledge on the opposite side (south) to enter the door there.
Follow the staircase up to another door to emerge on the ledge on the highest
point (north). Jump when the strong wind blows to be sent onto another similar
area of tens of floors above the previous one. Enter the door there and follow
the long staircase to emerge on the ledge above (north) the ledge opposite to
the ledge the party just came up. Drop down to the ledge and wait for the
strong wind to carry the party up to the opposite ledge (south) with another
door. Enter and follow the staircase to emerge on the ledge on the highest
point (east). Drop down to the ledge below when the wind is weak to a treasure
chest containing two power foods. Drop down to the similar area below this one
and climb back again to this area. Repeat the staircase climbing to emerge on
the ledge opposite to the starting point. Drop down and use the strong to lift
the party to the ledge above the starting point. Wait for the strong wind again
to lift the party to the opposite ledge and jump quickly while the wind is
There is an alternate (shorter) route. Wait for the strong wind to carry the
party the ledge above and enter the door to go down stairs. The party will
emerge back to the ledge above the one where the party first came up from
below. Again, wait for the strong wind to carry them to the opposite ledge and
quickly jump up while the wind is strong.
The party now reaches a small ledge with a treasure chest. While the wind is
still strong, jump up to reach the top. Once up there leave the room to outside
area of the tower.

Nina tells Ryu they are riding the gliding aircraft on the south. The aircraft
will be launched when the wing that holds it spin towards the highest point.
Walk towards the aircraft, suddenly Icory arrives at the top and impressed with
Ryu's escaping method. He also finds that Cray and Nina are with Ryu. Then he
calls his henchmen to get the trio.
Battle Description (Part I)
This battle is three on three. Do not judge them as tough enemies. Use a couple
of rounds of physical attack will bring them down.
Icory impresses with the trio's ability but he threatens them he has a lot of
henchmen coming up to the top and keeps battling until the trio is exhausted.
However, someone yells stop and the person who yells is Scias. He stands on the
roof of the tower and jumps down to the left wing of the windmill. Scias
returns the filthy money to Icory and he cannot believe that Scias betrays him.
To get rid of all threats, he orders his henchmen to get all of them.
Battle Description (part II)
With Scias is on Ryu's side, it is much easier to win this battle, as Scias
attacks enemies and heals the party. So conserve AP in the battle.
After winning the battle, the experience points will not be added to Scias.
After two battles of failure, Icory leaves the tower. Scias apologizes to the
party and Nina forgives him. Cray tells the party to continue. After all the
members are boarded on the aircraft, the windmill beam loses its balance and
starts to turn. When the beam with the aircraft reaches the highest peak, the
whole aircraft is launched to the air and supported by a cable.

While the aircraft is hovering on the sky, a gigantic dragon appears on the
party's sight. Nina is not whether it is Larwi, the dragon of wind. The dragon
communicates with the people through its mind but it discovers Ryu keeps quiet.
It transfers its mind to an image of human-like form and asks Ryu whether he is
too amazed with his gigantic size. He tells Ryu that he is the unchanged one
and Nina does not understand what he means. The unchanged one means the person
has the ability of summoning all the nature forces around the world and this
person is being worshiped as god. Nina asks Larwi if Ryu is really a god but he
says Ryu is unable to use this ability and he tells Ryu to go to a village
where the unchanged ones live. After that, he returns himself as the dragon and
rush upwards, causing a strong force to push the aircraft aside. The aircraft
is then falls down.

6. Holy Land
The aircraft crashes into a peak of a mountain with terrible snowstorm but
everyone is fine. Larwi also with the party and he tells the party that the
village is beneath the mountain but he has to leave the party and transform
into the dragon. The party decides to go downhill to the village mentioned.

Great Snow Mountain
Follow the path to a slope leading up. Notice there is a sachet containing a
Vitamin that is hidden nearby. Get it and follow the slope up to a junction
where there are two paths. Take the upper one to a cave and enter. This is the
upper area of the cave area with a treasure chest containing a fruit piece. Get
the item and go outside. Now take the lower path to reenter the cave but the
party will in the lower part of the area. Follow the path that goes southwest,
leading to other side of the mountain. Go forward and enter the next area. The
party is on the foothill of the mountain but first make sure Cray is leading
the party. Move the snowball so that the party can proceed forward. Turn left
(south) and at the end of the path is another snowball. Move the snowball along
the slope to a small gap and it serves as a stepping-stone for the party.
Watch out where the snowball is pushed if it hits the rock in front, it is
gone. To get back the snowball, leave this area via the northwest entrance and
enter back.
Take the second right turn and go forward to the upper area of the treasure
chest. Move the snowball down the slope the area with the chest and follow the
slope down. Get the Ramerer Armor and use the snowball to make a stepping-stone
to leave. In the midway move the snowball along to the junction and move down
the slope to make another stepping-stone. There is a snowball in the junction
but in front of it is a rock. When they reach on the bottom, there is another
treasure chest and a snowball nearby. Use the snowball as the stepping-stone to
reach the chest with 500 zenny. After that, leave this mountain area.

Chec Village
Follow the path to this village. Enter the village and go to the resting house
(the building with two ladders on each sides). There is a sachet containing a
Metal. Leave this house and go to the elder's house. Once inside the house, the
elder recognizes Ryu as Dragon of Alkai and Nina tells him it was the dragon of
wind that told them to come here. The elder immediately knows Larwi from Wyndia
Territory. He then explains the light flow in each person's body (represented
in various color) and Ryu's light flow is much stronger than ordinary people.
Such person has the ability to summon all gods around the world. However, Cray
does not understand the whole and the elder knows it is hard to explain. He
advises the party to get some rest. After that, Ryu wakes up and finds out he
is alone. Leave the house and the elder is waiting outside. He tells Ryu that
other people are sleeping and he is in Ryu's dream. He tells Ryu that people
like them can summon gods but Ryu says he cannot do so. However, Master points
out Ryu's matter and jumps down from the roof. The elder feels strange of his
occurrence in Ryu's dream and asks him whether he is also the unchanged one or
not. Master then introduces himself to the elder and the elder suspects there
is a seal inside Master's mind. Master laughs and dream is over.
The next day, Ryu wakes up and finds out he is alone so get out from the house.
Outside the house, Nina and Cray are talking about Ryu's ability to summon gods
and not noticing that Ryu comes out from the house. When they see Ryu comes
outside, Cray tells him they should go and see the elder. Go up the stairs on
the left side of the stall and Scias is standing still. Go to the northeast
where the elder and Master are and the elder tells them that Master is same as
Ryu, he is the unchanged one also. Cray and Nina cannot believe Master is also
like Ryu. The elder says by breaking the seal inside Master's mind will know
the truth and asks Ryu to help him. When the portal is opened, the party enters
Master's mind and the elder tells the party the objective is to seek out the
seal and destroy it.
Follow the path to the middle where there are some small gaps between paths.
Past these gaps to reach the upper path near the beginning of Master's mind. Go
to southeast and jump towards the treasure chest there. Jump back to the path
and follow it around to the northeast to the next area. On the next area, jump
over the floating paths to the one nearest to the large rotating island. Hit
the white light to stop the island from rotating (be sure to let it stop where
the party can get to the top of the island). Once on the top, there is a
rhombus shaped seal that is sealed by four elemental structures. Talk to the
person inside the seal and players will now find out Master is actually a
woman. She wants Ryu to destroy the four structures to release her. Approach
one of the structures and the party will engage in a battle.
Battle Description
The four structures that seal Master are consisted of Fire, Wind, Water and
Earth. They will recover a certain amount of HP after a round. To chain magic
combo, make sure not to chain Combined Magic, as the second magic that chains
the previous one becomes all target magical attack. To conserve AP, use
physical attack for a couple of rounds or more they will vanish.
After the destruction, the seal in the middle breaks and Master is free. She
thanks the party and she requires a body of a witch in order to communicate
with the people in real world. Leave Master's mind and return to real world.
Ryu tells everything to the elder and there is a witch comes by. She introduces
herself to the party and she tells the elder that he is ready to accept Master.
The robot opens up its head and a spirit comes out and then enters the body of
the witch. Finally she is not a witch anymore but she is Master. After the
transfer, the elder wants to know more about Ryu and her but she says after
being sealed for so long, she needs some rest and food to eat. She will discuss
that after the enjoyment.

7. Dragon of Alkai
At the West Continent, Fou-Lu is getting better under the woman's care but he
keeps quiet.

Back to Chec Village, Nina is worrying of the robot cannot wake up after
Master's soul is gone to the witch's body. She decides to go to the elder house
to find out how Master is. Once the party enters the house, Master has just
finished her meal and the elder asks her about Ryu and her. She tells everyone
that Ryu and her are the unchanged people and asks Nina what she knows about
this. Nina tells everything she knows to Master but Master says what Nina
answered is not the meaning of the unchanged people. She says the unchanged
people are the one who can summon the spirits from another world. The elder
then asks her what kind of spirits Ryu can summon and Master says the god of
the Fou Empire. She also explains further that Ryu's body is incomplete where
the other half is elsewhere.

At the West Continent, Fou-Lu is completely recovered. Leave the house to
outside and follow the path to exit the village houses. However, when Fou-Lu
approaches the exit, a man stops him and suspects there is a man in that
woman's house. He then starts to question Fou-Lu but that woman comes back in
time and tells him not to be rude on Fou-Lu. She advises Fou-Lu to take his
health before doing other things.
After the conversation players will know the woman's name is called Mamy, not

Back to Chec Village, after hearing Ryu is incomplete, Nina asks who is the
other half and Master says he is Fou-Lu, the early emperor of the Fou Empire.

At the West Continent (again), Fou-Lu is sitting on a mattress and thinking. He
compares the world in the past and the present one. The purpose of establishing
the empire is for the peace of this world but after his 'hibernation' for a
long time, everything has changed. While he feels pity of his effort, Mamy
approaches him. The next day, leave the house as usual and the village to the
field area. Follow the path along the west, past the T-intersection. Mamy
notices Fou-Lu comes out again and stops him. She asks him where he is going
and Fou-Lu replies he wants to return to the empire. Meanwhile, a beast is
roaring so go past the bridge on the south to three farmers. Talk to them to
find out there is beast near the forest and destroying the crops. Follow the
path to the east to the nearby forest. Follow along the east (there is a
treasure chest on southwest corner but it is blocked by a tree trunk) to a
small open area. Fou-Lu notices there are many animals running away from the
forest and suddenly goes quietly. Then a beast falls down and attacks Fou-Lu.
Same looking as Maman in the Western Forest in the desert, except its color is
much darker and stronger (more HP). Transform Fou-Lu into Spiritual Dragon and
uses fire breath to knock down it.
When it is defeated, it restores to its original size and runs away. Fou-Lu
knows there is a demon on that animal. Return to the field area, the farmers
are impressed of what Fou-Lu has done to save their crops and at the time, Mamy
comes to see whether Fou-Lu is all right or not.

Back to the village (again), Nina thinks about Ryu's other half body is an
emperor and what empire it is. The elder tells it is useless to find the other
half because the time gap is too large and the other half body may be died for
a long time but Nina does not bother and decides to ask Master. Enter the house
and Nina tries to wake up Master but she is like in coma state and cannot be
waken. The elder tells Nina in order to wake Master, she must enter Master's
mind to call her. Say yes and the elder will send the party into Master's mind.
Once inside Master's mind, things are changed. It becomes the world of Master
wanted. Follow the path and stop at the small floating island with a treasure
chest besides the main path. Jump over the gap and open the chest for Sleeping
Jades of two. Return to the main path and follow it around to the southeast
(from the starting position). Take the first left turn to another treasure
chest. Go back to the main path and follow it through the second left turn, to
a temple-like building. Once the party has entered the temple, Master is
sleeping with several servants by her side. Master notices the party's visit
and she is unhappy of the party's disturbance. Nina quickly apologizes of the
party's visit and asks Master about Ryu. She knows it is strange of unable to
summon gods around the world. Cray understands her feeling but Master stops him
by telling him that two persons must be brought to meet the god, plus
humiliates Cray as terrible god. Master approaches Nina and continues that Ryu
was an emperor that is separated. Cray thinks of the empire has the power of
god and starts the war. Master says it is a fate that both of the half bodies
have meet together and at that moment, they will have same strength. Nina then
asks what if Ryu is not as strong as the other half body and Master thinks it
can be a possibility. For the sake of building up strength for Ryu, Master
decides to wake up and wants the party to leave and wait her. Leave Master's
mind and return to real world. Master finally wakes up and she urges the party
to depart. Ryu feels strange and Master reminds him. She asks the elder about a
temple that is used by unchanged person to summon god. The elder knows there is
an Temple of Alkai and Master wants to bring Ryu to summon all the gods. This
confuses Ryu and She explains that these dragons are originally same as her.
When Nina says about Master helping Ryu, Master stops Nina and wants her to
stop calling her Master. She then wants everyone to call her Deis, as this is
her real name. Nina and Cray do not know who she is actually. Deis explains
that Master is the armor robot and everyone seems to be confused. Finally Deis
urges the party to go to Alkai Temple Leave this village to the map area.

Follow the new road to the west. When Ryu reaches the question mark spot in the
middle between the village and the temple, a special event occurs so enter. The
party is traveling to the temple and Master's robot body arrives. It asks the
party why leaving the village without bringing it. Deis then tells it not to
follow and return to the village. She is then go first to the temple, leaving
the party. The party talks to Master's body and then continues the temple to
meet the witch.

Temple of Alkai
Enter the temple and past the corridor (first room) to first hall (second
room). Go to the right corridor to enter the door. The party is behind the
first hall so go to the door on the west to enter the first hall again. Go to
the beginning of the hall to a treasure chest. Get the items inside and go back
to the room behind the hall and enter the door in the middle of the north wall.
Follow the corridor with a turn to northeast to a stairs going down to the
second hall (fifth room). Go along the right wall and follow the staircase up
to a door. The party will enter the upper part of the third hall with many
vertical structures and there is a treasure chest. Go to the small block that
juts out on the left and jump between the gaps to a upside down 'U' structure.
Jump across to the same vertical structure on the opposite side (east). Open
the chest to get Dragon's scale of three and return to the previous hall. Enter
the lower door to emerge on the lower part of the hall with many vertical
structures. Head to the end of the hall to a carving on the wall and hit the
carving to raise the two vertical structures on both side but there is time
limit so rush back to the previous hall. Go to the upper door to emerge back to
the upper part of the vertical structures and jump over the gaps according to
the pattern: north, east and north, to the top of the carving. But first, stand
on the vertical structure on the left and wait the sand in the hourglass to go
down. When the structure sinks, enter the door to go in to the next hall
(seventh room). There are two treasure chests below both sides of the walkway
above. The left side contains two magic shards and the right side contains a
Soul Ring. Get the items and return to the hall with vertical structures via
the door on the southeast. Go to the carving again and hit it to raise the two
vertical structures on both sides. Repeat the same maneuver as before to the
top of the carving. This time enter the door in the middle and go through the
walkway in the next hall. Enter the door at the end and follow the corridor in
the next room (eighth room) to emerge to an open area. Master is already
waiting the party to arrival and tells the party this is the place where the
unchanged ones summon the gods. After that, she wants all the people to close
their eyes.

Meanwhile, at the West Continent, Fou-Lu senses his body's dragon flow is
rising and suddenly there is a small quake shaking the ground. Go to the field
area and the ground shakes again. Approach the T-intersection and turn right.
Talk to Mamy to know that there is a god in a nearby volcano. Leave the

Yogi Volcano
When Fou-Lu is on the map, the village that he is staying is called Son
Village. Head north to the volcano and enter. There is a large boulder blocking
the way but Fou-Lu uses his strength to crush the boulder away. Continue the
way to a junction with a slope going up. Follow the slope to the top of the
mountain and follow the path that leads down to a small volcano inside the
crater. Enter the volcano and go past the corridor (first room) to an area like
hot spring (second room). Head right and leap over several gaps, passing the
small ground to a ground with stairs going up. Follow the path to the next area
(third room). Actually this area is much similar to the previous one so follow
the path to the next room (fourth room). At the end of this room, there is a
monster and Fou-Lu asks whether he is the god of the mountain. Fou-Lu is then
claiming he is the god. However the monster does not want to tolerate and
attacks him.
It is an earth element based monster. However, in the middle of the battle, he
sends out two little monsters to join the battle. For easier and quicker kill,
transform Fou-Lu into Spiritual Dragon and use his dragon breath. After he is
defeated, he leaves several items:
· Life Shard
· Vitamins
· Magic Shard
· Wisdom Fruit
· Wisdom Seed
Fou-Lu discovers another unchanged people summon the gods and causes the
dragon's flow very strong. Leave this volcano via the way Fou-Lu entered. When
he leaves the mountain area, Mamy and a farmer come and ask him what has

Alkai Temple
Return to the temple, all the dragons are gathered there. Deis asks whether all
of them are present or not and Larwi confirms plus they come in bare hands
(i.e. without anything). After that he introduces himself and Deis starts to
discuss about Ryu but Nosto (dragon of mud) says Dragon of Alkai is absent.
Deis tells them that Dragon of Alkai is split into two bodies and Ryu is one of
the two bodies. Everyone knows that and Deis asks them to help Ryu getting his
complete strength. Junar (dragon of sand) feels it is unlucky for Ryu and Ta-Pu
(dragon of grass) tells that Fou-Lu, the first emperor of Fou Empire, is Ryu's
other half body. Aidia (dragon of stone) thinks maybe the awakening activity
has been started and Larwi says that Ryu as the unchanged person, has
incomplete body and Fou-Lu must decide. Deis thinks them speaking nonsense and
has a request that shocks every dragon. Nina then interrupts, asking whether
the empire is the one who behind this matter and Deis immediately reminds her
what the elder has told her before. She then wants Nina to think that Ryu's
birth has any connections. Nina replies that if two of them are together,
Fou-Lu's witch will be disappeared and that scares Ryu. Larwi tells Deis that
they, as the unchanged ones, should be neutral to any sides, which is much
better. Deis then tells the truth that with Ryu gaining back his full strength,
she can return to her own world and this shocks everyone but Ryu seems to know
something. Larwi is unhappy of Deis' selfishness but she explains are they
companions or not, then she transform back into witch body form. After that,
Deis explains that she cannot maintain her original form to be seen and all
dragons have nothing to argue.

Now at the Son Village, after bringing some relief to the villagers by
defeating the monsters, Mamy advises Fou-Lu to go back to the house for some
rest. When Fou-Lu enters the house, he is thinking about something and Mamy
comes in to tell about the village. After the rest, leave the house and go
forward. Fou-Lu finds the empire troops are here at the village so go back to
the house. He closes the door and thinks how to escape from the troops. Shortly
after that, the troops have reached to the house and the leader talks to the
landlord. Suddenly Mamy runs into the house and uses a large wood to seal the
door. The troops feel Mamy is very suspicious and knocks the door to let them
go in. Actually Mamy did not realize saving Fou-Lu could cause such a big
problem. Without any escaping method to think, head to the stove and Fou-Lu
just thinks of a way to escape. After no response from knocking the door, the
troops decide to break in to starting searching. When the door is opened, Mamy
falls out from the door. Yom goes forward to question her if Fou-Lu is inside
or not but it seems like she keeps quiet. Yom orders his troops to bring her
back to Astaner and uses her as the bullet of curse cannon.

Alkai Temple and Chec Village
Meanwhile at the temple, Larwi reminds Deis and Nosto says they (the dragons)
are expected to give help, Junar continues that Ryu must travel around the
world to find them. Deis includes that the same matter also applies on her and
the dragons are shocked. Deis then confirms what the dragons have said. Ta-Pu
says that the summons is given to their unlucky master and Aidia continues that
helping hand will be given but… Nosto says the meeting of Ryu and Fou-Lu cannot
be avoided. Junar then says they have dignity to defend of accepting any
requests and Nina asks where do they have their dignity. Nosto reminds her
about their encounter at the desert and explains that he had a bad thing to
face that time. Nosto also reminds the party that they are everywhere around
the corners of the world so he requests Ryu to find them in order to obtain
their assistance of strength. After that, everyone leaves, except Larwi. He
tells Ryu that it is useful to have two separated half bodies. Deis reminds him
what would it be if summons are made. Larwi tells her she will not like this
she were him and Ryu and him have the similarity so Ryu must decide to travel
for his quest and Larwi gives some of his power to Ryu so that Ryu can summon
him for help. Leave the temple via the way the party entered to map area.
Since Deis is using the witch's body to communicate, when encountering any
small battles, he will not join the battle and no experience points are given
to him.
The dragon summon can be used for only once. After that players must bring the
party to inn or resting house for a rest to recover. Camping will not restore
the summon abilities.
However, the empire troops have arrived at Chec Village. The elder and Master
are inside of the resting house and they know the village is surrounded. For
the sake of Ryu, the elder wants Master to escape in order to warn Ryu and he
goes out to see the situation. Leave the resting house and Master sees two
soldiers standing in front and they also see Master. After a short
confrontation, the soldiers decide to arrest him. Beat the soldiers down and
the elder comes out. Master asks him to get into his body to escape without
wasting any time. After that, he runs toward the main door and at the same time
Rasso orders his men to get the village's elder. However, Master's escape
attempt failed. After beating the soldiers that are after Master, Rasso
approaches him and asks where is Ryu. Master intentionally talks nonsense to
Rasso and Rasso heads closer to Master to ask him again but Master still talks
nonsense. Rasso suddenly gives a punch to him and Master is having short
After returning from the temple, the party enters the village and Cray feels
odd that the village is very quiet. Master is then walking towards the party
with all his strength but falls down. The elder comes out and Cray asks where
are the villagers. The elder tells him all of them are escaped to a safer place
and only Master and him guard the village. The witch cannot believe there are
such people who did this work. Nina hopes Master's body can be fixed or not but
no one can do it. The witch tells Nina that after Master's mind has left the
body, he cannot hold any longer. The elder however says he may have the change
to get fixed if they go to a place (I think it is a illusion). Master knows he
cannot hold any longer and laughs that his time is come. After that, he is
gone. Cray tells the elder that since the troops have come to this village, he
and the party will leave this village by tomorrow. The next day, when they come
out from the house, the elder is waiting outside and tells them there is a
village on the north called Deserted Village. He also hopes them be careful on
the road after that leave the village.

Head north to an unknown spot (question mark spot) and enter. Follow the path
to a fork junction and head right to T-intersection. Go right to a treasure
chest and get the item inside. Go along the path towards north to another fork
junction. Go left first to a dead end with a sachet. Get the Wisdom Seed inside
and return to the fork junction. Now head right and go up the stairs. The party
is now making a camp whereby Cray asks everyone rest first and tomorrow
continue the journey. He finds that Nina is miserable and approaches to her. He
tells her do not think too much about Master and she understand that the Chec
Villagers' safety is important. Enter the camp to rest. The next day, Ryu is
aware by Nina's scream so go out from the camp. Outside the camp, a troop of
soldiers comes by. When Ryu comes out, a lady confirms him whether he is Ryu
and then she introduces herself as Ursula. Ursula says she comes here because
of Dragon of Alkai and Cray asks why she says such word. While he is thinking
about the villagers' safety, Cray scolds Ursula of treating the villagers
cruelly. However, she does not know what he is talking and to make sure she is
not lying, Cray asks her about Master. She replies of do not know and Nina
tells her they want to go to the Deserted Village to make sure the villagers
are safe.
Ursula then brings the party, together with the troop, entering the village.
However, the village is already been bombarded and what are left are the ruins.
At the same time, Rasso comes out from the ruins and cannot believe Ursula
brings Ryu here. He is amazed and praises Ursula of arresting Ryu. Ursula does
not understand what he is talking about and Rasso shocks and tells this is what
have planned to arrest the dragon, plus her they duty is to search the dragon
but she says they come here to the village not bringing Ryu back. Rasso
intentionally wonders why Ursula acting strangely and there is a
heavily-wounded villager comes out but collapses. Cray is very angry of what
Rasso has done and Ursula approaches the villager to check his condition. Rasso
teases Ryu of his whereabouts and he dislikes him. When Ursula finds the
villager is dead, she is very angry with Rasso but Rasso defends himself by
saying why it is not good doing that and Ryu and Cray cannot stand anymore.
Nina feels strange and asks why the villagers are not bad people. Rasso likes
what Nina said and claims he will always win but Nina do not agree. Rasso
approaches Ryu and teases him. Ursula shouts at Rasso of saying such words and
their duty is to bring back Ryu to the empire. Rasso approaches Ursula and
tells her he knows that and a short delay is not a problem. Ursula disappoints
with him and Rasso warn the party members they will not always be the winner
then zpcalls his strongest unit, Aito to attack the party.
This is the strongest Rasso's man. He is invulnerable to any attacks except
gods' attack. However, Ryu can only summon Larwi once. The objective is to
reduce Ryu's HP into none to awake his mind of another dragon. Once his HP is
zero, he will automatically transform into a dragon called Kaiser Dragon and
players can sit back and watch the showdown.
If players want Ryu's experience gain the most, have all other members die and
left Ryu alone.
When Aito is defeated, Rasso cannot believe Ryu has such great hidden power
that defeats his man easily. However, with Kaiser Dragon awaken, Ryu cannot
control himself. The dragon on the air then eliminates Rasso and the rest of
the empire soldiers. Ursula is shocked with Ryu's power and draws out a gun,
pointing at the dragon but she is too scared to fire. Ryu screams loudly and
Nina comes to pacify him. After that, a subtitle appears to conclude this

Chapter 3: The Flow
8. Going for Decisive Road
Son Village
Now the scene goes to Fou-Lu. He is hiding inside the trees from the empire
troops and seeks an escape. His hiding gains suspect from a farmer. Fou-Lu
approaches him and asks where Mamy is. The farmer tells him that Mamy does not
want to be arrested and runs away. Before Fou-Lu leaves, the farmer gives him a
Life Bangle and tells him to take the path to the forest to leave this village.
Now Fou-Lu cannot enter this village.

Walk towards the tombstone and Fou-Lu will read the letters carved on it. He
has nowhere to go and suddenly an animal appears. It is the one that Fou-Lu
defeated and he asks it what it is doing there. It ignores him and starts to
dash forward to knock the tombstone. Fou-Lu thinks its move is very silly but
it keeps trying and finally it opens the tombstone. Now Fou-Lu is impressed
with its move and he starts to think whether his fate is to become god's gift.
Enter the cave and follow the passage to the second area. There is a fork path
in front and head right first. At the end of the passage is a treasure chest
and get the item. Return to the fork road and go left. There is a crystal in
front of the cave containing a dragon gene inside and Fou-Lu has another form
of dragon to transform (so as Ryu). Enter the cave to the third area and follow
the passage to the next area. Go to the end of the area and Fou-Lu is now
outside of the cave with small path on the cliffs. Follow the path down to
leave this whole area.

Soma Forest
Follow the path along the west to a tree on a multiple forks junction. Head the
path on the northwest to a treasure chest with Vitamins and get it. Return to
the junction and take path on southwest to the next area. On this area, go to
the end of the path and Fou-Lu discovers this place is too quiet. Suddenly, he
feels discomfort.

Inside a cannon room, Yunner enters and there is a woman tied up. She is Mamy
and surrounded with guards around them. After exchanging words, Yunner wants
the guards to take care of the woman and leaves. Yunner goes into a control
room with General Yom and several operators and tells Yom that he can start the
launching. Yom orders the operators to aim target and the target is Soma
Forest! It seems like Yom is already found where Fou-Lu is and Yom tells the
operators to insert spell bullets into the cannon. Now the cannon on the
entrance of the temple is raised and open fire towards the forest.

Soma Forest
At the same time, Fou-Lu feels terribly discomfort without noticing something
on the air. By then it was too late, Fou-Lu gets and this time he suffers
deeper wound than before. He cannot stand anymore and falls down. Meanwhile, a
small metal falls down from the sky and Fou-Lu looks at it. He discovers that
small piece of metal belongs to Mamy, he cannot tolerate what Yom has done and
shout loudly before he loses his consciousness.

Back to the ruined Deserted Village, Ryu is sleeping with Nina besides him
whereas Ursula is tied up. She cannot believe have such power and thinks about
the war of the empire. Cray is thinking about the battle and Ryu's hidden power
that is unleashed. Nina then comes towards and tells Cray that after Ryu has
become Kaiser Dragon, he is unstable. She also thinks Ryu may have gone to the
West Continent. Cray ignores her but Nina suggests they should go to the West
Continent. Everyone shock of her suggestion and Nina reminds the people about
the link between Ryu and Fou-Lu. She then tests Ursula's loyalty and Ursula is
not sure. Cray suggests they first return to Chec Village then decides. After
that, Scias draws his sword and does two swings. The rope on Ursula is broken
and Cray asks Nina to see how Ryu is before going to the village.
When Ryu transforms into Aura Dragon, he also has dragon breath like Fou-Lu.
If the party returns to Deserted Village, there is a group of monsters in six
that repleshish HP of either 30000 or 15000 (depends on the encounter).

Chec Village
Enter the elder's house and Nina tells him about the village. Nina also tells
him how Ryu defeated Rasso and his empire troops but he is unstable after that.
The elder replies that Ryu's body is incomplete and tells Nina Ryu is the
emperor of the empire. Ursula shocks and asks why it is not Fou-Lu. Nina
explains to her about Ryu. The party tells the elder they want to travel to the
West Continent with the help of Ursula. The elder says they can get an extra
party member. Leave the house and approach the witch and Master. Firstly Deis
wakes up and she finds the party needs her on the traveling, she tells them to
wait. After that, Master is revived and acting like usual (with the support of
Deis. She tells the party to go first without worrying the witch, as he wants
some rest and he will follow the party. When the party leaves the village,
Master starts to control the body but she negotiates with him where he can act
like the usual Master without sealing her again and he obeys her. Master is
then going out from the village.
Enter the menu window and select the special ability section. Under the ability
usage, select Master's ability and players can find that Deis has taught him
some extra magical attacks.
The elder of the village is also one of the masters the characters can learn
from. To becomes his apprentice, players must gather any three of all ancient
dragons' summons via Ryu that is Nosto (the Dragon of Mud), Junar (the Dragon
of Sand), Ta-Pu (the Dragon of Grass), Larwi (the Dragon of Wind), the Dragon
of Tree, the Dragon of Water and so on.

Raft Mountain
Enter the cave and leap over the opposite side of the stream. Head right to
another stream (the left passage leads to a dead end) and leap over several
rocks on the water to a treasure chest with Rocket Punch. Get the weapon and
leap back to the opposite side. Follow the side of the stream on the right to a
fork path and head the left path to leave the cave (the right path leads to
another dead end). There is a raft outside of the cave.
Mini Game
This is a raft riding on a rapid stream and its objective is to get all the
sachets on the stream before the raft falls over the waterfall. However, do not
bump the raft on either side of the stream, as this will cause the logs on raft
to be loosened. Repeat this and the players will have to start it again.
Before going down the waterfall, break the raft so that the party is on the
side of the stream and head west to a treasure chest at the end. Get the three
fish heads and this time starts the mini game seriously. When the party has
reached the foothill of the mountain, Cray says they should return to the boat
they have ridden but Nina reminds him that the boat is crashed and broken. Cray
then says they should go to Shed to ask for a boat.

Go to the top level of the stone fence structure and head north to the gate
bridge. Cross the gate and enter the nearby office. Approach the officer there
and the party asks for a boat. However, the officer asks the party back what
purpose the boat is for. The party is unable to give a reason and he suggests
the party to ride the merchant's ship. At the same time, he has to open the
gate to allow the ship to leave. Go outside the office and the gate is opened
while the ship is passing through. Suddenly Ursula thinks of she can stop the
ship from leaving this place and runs toward the ship while Scias sees her and
follows. They jump to the ship and scare the ship crew with someone yelling
robber plus weaponries sound. Then the crew runs away. Cray has no eyes to see
but Master laughs with his mouth covered.
As a matter of fact, this ship belongs to Malock. Malock cannot believe that
after returning from the empire, the party has become crooks and asks the party
what the party wants. Cray apologizes and asks Malock whether Malock can lend
to him and Nina also joins the conversation, saying they want the ship to
travel to the empire. Malock then tells them if they want a boat, go to the
Shed office and ask. The two people feel ashamed and guilty (that is they
shrunk). Cray explains that buying a boat requires a lot of money but Malock
scolds him this is not the reason to become bad people to get the boat. The two
people feel ashamed again. Now Cray begs him to use ƒRƒL so that they can have
a boat but Malock tells them based on their behavior, he suggests them to ride
on his ship. The two people are too ashamed (that is they are too small).
However, with their sincerity, Malock reconsiders their request and decides to
help them. He gives a check and Nina discovers that Malock is one of the
committees/members of the Shed.
Now Malock returns to Senester and he asks his crew about the money.
Back to Shed, Cray doubts Malock's generosity but Nina advises him that after
getting the item, he should not doubt anymore. Go back to the office and talk
to the officer. He knows the party wants a boat and Nina gives him the check.
He is shocked of the check given and speechless, maybe the amount written on it
or it is Malock who writes. After a while, he gets a boat and the party can use
it as many as it wants. Next is the help of how to drive the boat. But first go
to Hasibito Town.
Players must travel to Hasibito Town in order to go back to the western part of
the East Continent.
Mini Game
This is race with time mini game. Players must drive the boat from the Shed to
Hasibito with the shortest traveling time as possible.

Once there, leave the town first for re-exploration of the western part. Head
south to the Harbor. Actually, this place has nothing to explore but players
can gain more game points through the crane loading mini game. Walk south to
Senester City.

Sinester Town
It has been a long time since the last visit. There are two masters to be
aligned with (Wow! Two masters live in the same city). The first master can be
aligned is Malock the merchant. He requires a specific treasure before becoming
his apprentice. Before visiting him, head to the monastery and enter. Talk to
the child beside the sister and he will exchange the treasure (the one Malock
wants) with players' current treasure in possession. The mother beside the
child is also one of the master but the characters cannot become her
apprentices for this moment so leave the monastery and go to Malock's house.
After aligning candidates of choice, leave this city.
To learn new skills from Malock, players must exchange the treasure with those
people have treasures to be exchanged.

Players can head to this cave for learning the remaining skills from the master

Head to the question mark spot on the north of the Dam. Make sure Ryu is
leading the party when entering this area. Talk to the dragon and reply yes to
get the dragon summon from Dragon of Mud.

Croc Valley
Like the one in Ajito, enter this valley if there are remaining skills have not
been learned from Ralf.

North of Chamber
Enter and go forward. There is a guy sitting on the side telling the party that
inside of the spelled area has some remains of the monster. Go into the area
and climb down the ladder to the roof of the house nearest to the wall. Head to
the jutting ledge on the east and there is a monster comes to attack the party.
Hetero Angler
It has the same physical shape as the one in BOF3. Have Ryu to transform into a
dragon and use his fire breath, together with Combined Magic to drain the
angler's HP quickly. Watch out for its poison attack.
After killing it, go out to the spelled area and the guy tells them this place
is now a fishing spot, provided the monster is gone forever.

Broken Boat
Go to the broken boat and there is a person beside the boat. Approach him and
exchange treasure with his treasure.

Sarai Town
Not much has changed here except no more people want stop by for a rest after
the incident of Rasso and his troops. But there is a Manilo Shop for fish

After exploring the whole western region, drive the boat to Shed and go to
Golden Prairie. Enter this prairie and head east as usual, to the big boulder
for the mark. Turn around, facing southwest, to find a bird that is shining and
follow it. It takes the party to Tai-Pu, the Dragon of Grass. (Make sure Ryu is
leading the party) Talk to her and Ryu has the dragon summon of Dragon of Grass
(healing in assist).

Return to Shed and drive the boat to Hasibito Town.

Hasibito Town
Leave the docking area and enter the town. Now there is nobody in this town
like before. Go upstairs to the door where the guard is and he tells the party
that due to riot problems, the bridge tower is banned to transporting goods to
the West Continent. Leave this town and return to docking area, Ursula is
unhappy with reason of banning the bridge. When the party approaches the boat,
there is a man with a large sack (same as Stole). As a matter of fact, he wants
to travel to Shook and tells the party about Shook. Let him board the boat and
head to Shook, as he wanted.
Mini Game
Like the previous traveling from Shed to Hasibito, players have to set the
fastest record to travel from place to another.
The boat will stop at a place and the party starts a campfire. The man thanks
everyone for bringing him and tells him or her they have to walk in order to
reach Shook. When the man thanks the party again, he gives Nina a silver
spinner and tells her that Stole (the guy in Ajito) on the western region is
his elder brother. After he is gone, Cray tells Ryu and Nina they have to
search an alternate route to reach West Continent and they agree. At the same
time, Ursula asks them they already have a boat. The trio has nothing to say.
Leave the camp and return to the map.

Giga Mountain
Enter this area and there are road sign (it says this road leads to Shook) and
cable car. Ride the cable car to the south side of the mountain. Leave the car
and follow the path down to the first left turn. Enter to get a sachet with 800
zenny. Return to the main path and jump over some small gaps to a rather wide
path. Head up the slope and go to southwest. Jump down to get the crystal for
the Ignis dragon gene. Return back to the slope and go up another slope to the
second cable car. Ride the cable car to the east side of the mountain. When
leaving the cable car, head to the path on the left to a flat stone with a
sachet and get the Multivitamin. Go back to the cable car and go down the path
to the bottom of the flat stone. Follow the path around to the south and jump
over two gaps to a treasure chest. Get the new wain for Nina (players can save
about 5000 zenny when buying items and weapons in the grocery shop later) and
return to the bottom of the flat stone. Go through the slope on the south and
emerge on the path on the east. Follow the path to a road sign with the word
'this path leads to the Great Desert' and leave this mountain.

Checking Station
Enter this place and talk to the guy with green suit. He tells the party that
the alliance nation has blocked the main road to Shook and everyone is stumble
here. Ursula draws out her gun and suggests they have an ambush at night to
pass this station. However, the party is shocked and Nina advises her not to
act recklessly. But Ursula has her reasonable explanation and Cray wants Ryu to
watch her carefully. Ryu then raises his hand to block Ursula from doing
something silly but he realizes that his hand has touched Ursula's breasts and
withdraws his hand quickly. Cray thinks he can negotiate with the guards to let
the party pass and approaches them. The guards recognize Cray, chief of the
Fleen Village and the other one humiliates him as the fugitive of Rudia plus
tells him to surrender. Now Cray is very angry at the humiliation and beats the
guards heavily but there are backups appear behind the station and Cray runs
away. He feels he has done a silly thing and asks forgiveness from Nina. Nina
then walks to the carts and looks around. She suggests utilizing the carts may
do the trick.
Make sure Cray leads the party and move the cart in front of the houses to the
middle between the houses and the wooden crate. Go to the carts behind the
houses and move the cart in front of the guards to the next of them. Go and
move the cart next to the one with a child jumping on it to fix the space left
by the previous cart. Head to the ladder on the side of the house and climb up
to the roof. Go to the south (in front of the house) and jump to the cart to
bounce to the wooden crate. Get the medicine for three inside the treasure
chest and jump to climb back to the roof. This time head to north (back of the
house) and jump to the cart and bounce to the two carts in front to jump up to
the top of the station. Jump down to the other side of the station and leave
this area.

Head north to a question mark spot and enter. Walk to the T-intersection and
turn right. Follow the path to leave the area.

There is a new road to another question mark spot so follow the road and enter.
(Make sure Ryu leads the party) Talk to the Dragon of Tree and Ryu will get the
Greatest Defense summon. Leave the area and continue to Shook.

Head to the right side (near the south entrance) of the harbor and enter the
door there. Go downstairs to an underground storeroom and exchange treasure
with the guy. Go to the other side and enter the grocery store to buy
something. After that, go downstairs to the bar and talk to the sailor next to
the staircase. He is called Jig and he knows the party wants to go out to the
sea. He tells them this is not a suitable for going out except the party has
asked permission from the God of Water. Leave this seashore town.

Water God's Shrine
Head towards the guard on the wooden bridge and notice the treasure chest
below. Talk to him and he will allow the party to enter.
If players did not talk to Jig, the guard will not allow the party to enter.
Follow the wooden bridge connecting each stone the one with two directions to
go. Head the left one with a path going down to watery stone and follow the
path to the treasure chest at the beginning of this area. Take the five
suspends inside and return to the stone with two directions. Before going to
the wooden bridge on the right, notice that there is a sachet on southwest
corner above the watery path. Get the medicine of two and continue to the
wooden bridge on the right. After passing another bridge there is junction
leading to two caves, one above and the other one below. Follow the watery path
(below) to enter the cave below (there is a cave above this watery path) and
there is a square carved tile on the floor beside a hole of water. Head left
first and follow the passage to another cave. Go along the passage beyond the
cave and there are two caves at the end of the passage. Enter the cave on the
right first and there is a treasure chest containing God's Cloth. Leave the
cave and enter the cave on the left. Follow the passage to a square carved tile
with a stone on it and take the stone there. Return to the square carved tile
at the near the entrance and step on it. The party leader will throw the stone
into the water and there is a burst of light going up. Leave this cave and
return to the fork junction. Enter the cave above and the God of Water welcomes
the party's arrival with self-introduction. His name is called Abito and he is
also a form of dragon. He then tells a brief history of dragon and Nina asks
permission from him to her and friends to go out to the sea. Abito grants her
request and transforms into Wave Jade. Leave this temple when the jade is

Return to the underground bar and talk to Jig. He seems to know the party has
been to the temple and the party gives him the jade. He knows it is the real
jade and tells them they can go out to the sea. At the harbor, Jig acts
strangely and says there is somebody missing. Cray wants to know but Jig is
unwilling to tell him and he apologizes to the party. Nina feels that something
is against her, which is in Jig's mind and she assures him she is fine.
However, Jig shouts no (finally his conservative mind is uncovered) because no
women even go out to the sea before and it belongs to men's specialty.
Meanwhile, someone is shouting at the party and guess again, it is Kahn and he
stands on top of the ship's mast. He tells the party that he is training as the
man of sea and sailing is especially for the man of men or true man. He also
warns the party who ever wants to go out to the sea must defeat him first. Jig
asks whether the party knows Kahn or not and the party say yes. Ursula wants to
make sure they can board the ship by defeating Kahn but Jig keeps quiet. She
draws out gun and shoots at Kahn. Well, Kahn is not ready for gun attacks and
falls down to the sea while everyone is shocked. After that, Ursula asks again
whether the party can board the ship or not but Jig is unhappy with this and
wants a match. Nina then volunteers to fight in the match.
Mini Game
When Nina and Jig's brother, Tunekeach arrive at the highest beam on the mast,
he makes sure Nina is not afraid of heights. After Nina's assurance, a help
menu appears. In short, the objective is to knock Tunekeach down from the beam.
Players can gain some points by stomping Tunekeach's head before knocking him
down. To knock him down, use the Dash button when Nina is behind Tunekeach.
Please take note that, falling down from the beam or being knocked by Tunekeach
will reduce points obtained.
After winning the match, Jig is impressed with Nina's ability but he still
thinks women are not suitable to go sailing. With Nina's strong will to sail,
he gives her another test and Nina invites Ursula to take the test.
Jig brings them into the ship and to a ladder going down. He wants to test the
girls' bravery by sending them down to the ship's storage area, which is dark
and spooky and stay one night there. Jig also tells them Kahn was stayed there
too to prove his bravery. In order to sail to the West Continent, Nina and
Ursula climb down to the storage area. At there, Nina feels dark and spooky and
she sees Ursula draws out her gun and wipes it. Nina asks why and Ursula
explains it is for precautious. Suddenly a spooky sound is heard and a ghost
appears besides Nina. After beating the ghost down, Nina is in a scare to death
condition. At the top of the storage area, Tunekeach asks his brother, Jig
whether the girls will escape from the storage area or not but Jig keeps quiet.
Back to the storage area, Nina is very miserable of cannot escape away from
this dark and spooky area. Ursula calms her by telling her this is not
considered as scary and the scariest thing is killing people in a war. But
suddenly something is beneath the board they are sitting and Nina feels it.
Nina stands up to call Ursula and Ursula stands up. What is beneath the board
is a rat. After beating the rat and the whole gang of rats run for life. Nina
is impressed with Ursula's bravery and thinks she almost has nothing to scare
of. However, a shake of the boat drops an insect onto the board and Ursula
starts to tremble. Nina stands up and see it is a wood bug but does not scare
Nina. Then several shakes of the boat drops lots of wood bugs and they starts
to scare. The screen fades and one of them is too scared then screams very
The next day, Cray is concerned with Nina and Ursula. Head towards Jig and he
assures them Nina and Ursula are fine. Inside the boat, Nina climbs up from the
storage area, followed by Ursula. Nina then asks Tunekeach whether they can
sail or not but he replies that his brother decides everything. When the duo
comes out from the ship, Nina describes the storage area but Cray notices
Ursula's face is very bad. When Ursula is asked she replies no to keep her
self-respect. Nina repeats the same question to Jig but he still unwilling to
do so and takes out a hammer. He wants someone's buttocks been beated before
bringing the party out. Cray and Ryu know what Jig is up to and the rest do not
understand clearly. Jig asks the party whether the members want to sail or not
and his two brother cannot believe what their brother is up to. When Jig knows
Cray and Ryu will not do this kind of thing, he asks permission from Nina and
this scares Nina. Tunekeach approaches Nina and says everyone has buttocks. Jig
knows Nina will not give her to buttocks to be beated and teases women should
stay at home. Suddenly, Ursula drops her pants without a word and shocks
everyone! She then asks whether Jig can beat her buttocks or not. Jig quickly
asks her to wear the pants and says he is understood. Cray and Ryu cannot
believe Ursula could do such a daring thing. After that, Jig promises to bring
them across the sea and he is ready to sail when the party asks so.
Ask Jig to start sailing. On the midway, Jig tells the party it has been a long
time the three brothers have not go out to the sea and asks where the party
goes. Cray tells Jig they want to travel to Fou Empire and someone is following
the ship. When everything seems quiet and calm, Nina asks Ryu to go down to the
storage area beneath the sleeping quarter. Head to the storage area and Nina
explain this is the creepy place where Ursula and her stayed for a night, plus
some wood bugs. All of a sudden, the whole ship is being hit and Nina suggests
reporting this matter to the captain (Jig). Climb up to the sleeping quarter
level and Ursula is very scared, thinking the bugs is coming by firing several
shots. Nina comes and calm her it is not the bug but the ship is being hit by
something in the sea. The ship then is hit again and Ursula believes. Head up
to the deck and Cray tell Ryu they are being tailed. Jig wonders whether what
animals is attacking the ship (whale or dolphin) and suddenly someone jumps up
from the sea. Well, well, if it is not Kahn who followed the ship. He boards
the ship and seeks for revenge of his previous defeats.
Kahn, Battle 3
This time Kahn has learned some new tricks. One of his magical attacks can
poison the attacking party (the first three people) and his HP is much greater.
The rest is still remains the same. It takes two Kaiser Dragon Press to defeat
him and several rounds of other magical attacks and physical attacks.
When he is defeated for the third time, he falls into the sea and Nina wonders
Jig do not want to save him. Jig explains Kahn is training to be the man of the
sea and advises Nina not to worry about him. He also adds the dolphin will take
Kahn back to Shook.

9. As a Foolish Person
After some rest, go out to the deck and Jig says everyone is calm as usual.
Meanwhile Nina stands at top of the mast and sees an island nearby. When Jig
hears it, he advises the party not to go there, as it is ocean cemetery for the
ships and the island is called the Fire of Mountain Island whereas the
surrounding islands are belongs to a god. Nina flies down from the mast and Jig
tell them the ship cannot go nearer to the island. Nina persuade Ryu that the
god inside the mountain might be a form of dragon so they should explore the
area. Seeing the anxiousness of the party, Jig orders Tunekeach to row the
small boat to transport the party to the island.

Fire of Mountain Island
Enter the crashed ship through the hole and the party is inside the dark and
spooky body of the ship. Now Ryu's head has a fire (his dragon eye?) that
serves to help the party to navigate the plywoods on the floor. If the party
accidentally steps on the weak plywood, it falls into the storage area of the
ship with some skeletons vibrating when the party starts to go forward. Climb
up the ladder to return to the beginning of the plywood floor near the hole.
There are two treasure chests on left and right side. The left side has a Fire
Ring whereas the opposite side has three fishing lures. After getting these
items, climb the ladder on the other side of the ship (i.e. north side) to
emerge on the ship's deck. Go outside the cave to get the 1500 zenny inside a
treasure chest and go back to the cave. There is a path connected to the ship
so head toward. Go along to the left path to a treasure chest containing a drug
and follow the path to a cave on the northwest. Inside the cave is a monster
calls itself as the god and asks the party whether the members have something
to give. Nina does not know it is the Dragon of Sea but Deis immediately
uncovers the true identity of the monster. The monster then asks the party
whether there is any presentation to it and the party ignores it. The monster
is very angry and attacks the party.
Same as Iwaocain in Yogi Volcano, except it is water-based element. With two
additional characters in the battle, Cento is not very difficult to defeat.
When it spits out some backups, use multi target magical attacks to get rid of
the extra backups. Have Ryu to transform into dragon will help a lot in the
When it is dead, Deis tells everyone that the dragon's breath has risen and the
evil creatures pretend themselves as god. She also adds that Ryu's other half
body will also feel the same thing. Leave this island and return to Jig's ship.

At there, Nina feels everything is in good shape and Deis warns the party that
the world is full of dragon's breath that causes so many evil creatures. After
resting, the ship is near the shores of the continent. Jig will tell Ryu they
will arrive at Reap Village.

When the party leaves the ship, Nina thanks Jig for bringing them here and Jig
tells them if they want to sail, the brothers are welcoming them. However, Cray
says there will be no next time. There is a frogg guy fishing and he is one of
the masters. To become his apprentice, players must have fishing points of 3000
and above. (Becoming his apprentice will also enable players to go back to
Sinister Town's monastery to ask the mother to become the characters' master).
Leave this water village to the map area.
When the party goes back to Shook, Clang can become the characters' master.

There is a new path leading to a '?' spot and a fishing spot on its southeast.
Enter this unknown spot and there is a fur ball-like animal in the middle of
the forest. Approach it and it tells something but the party cannot understand
what it is saying. Actually, it is hungry and wants the party to give it fishes
to eat. Feed it with fishes (about three to four of any types of fishes) to
satisfy it. Leave this forest area.

Pabu Pabu Forest
Follow the board on the mud that goes right and stops at a stream (keep going
on the board if players want to dash). Turn right that goes up one step (there
is nothing in front) and approach the tree bridge. Go for small detour on the
east and follow the board to a small treasure chest. Get the Vitamins and climb
up the ladder to the bridge. Cross the bridge to the other tree and climb down.
Follow the board to leave this muddy area to the second area. Follow the wooden
bridge to a T-intersection and go left to a treasure chest containing two
metals. Return to the T-intersection and head north to follow the bridge to the
next area. In this area, there are some logs floating on the river so move the
log near next to the party to the north and switch to the next log. Move it to
the south and switch to the log on the left (east) to reach the small sachet on
a small island for Toxic Blow. Move the log to the opposite side to leave this
muddy forest.

Pabu Pabu
When the party walks forward, the residents are not welcoming the party by
shooting arrows from the tree. At the same time, the pink fur ball creature
arrives and stops them. There is a person comes out and asks whether Poco has
returned or not. Besides finding Poco, he also discovers there are visitors.
The party is invited into the tree house above and the members tell the person
that they are from East Continent and travel to the West Continent. The person
then tells them he was an explorer and this tree house was a meeting place for
Kamy (the fur ball creatures) but now becomes a residential place for them. He
is now realized he has not told the party his name and he quickly introduces
himself as Beito. Beito is very happy of the party members' visiting and
introduces all the Kamies that lives there. He also tells the party members
that the Kamy they met is Poco, which is his wife (gosh!) and he mistakenly
identifies Nina is Ryu's wife (Oh, God!), thus embarrasses Ryu and Nina. Cray
wants to know whether there is a path to the continent and Beito tells him
there is a path leading to continent via sandy path along the coastal line, but
the path will be covered by sea during high tide. He advises the party members
to wait low tide to go across the sandy path. Cray feels relief but Beito is
not sure the current situation without observing it. Meanwhile, Poco keeps
interrupting the conversation between Beito and the party members and causes
Beito has to stop the conversation. Leave this room via the doorway and go
across the bridge to the other tree house. When the party enters (it is a music
room), two Kamies rounding a Kamy. But first head to the book on the window.
This is a dictionary of the Kamy's language that Beito has translated (for easy
reference, copy all the words and their meanings on a paper) so read it. Now
players can understand more on what the Kamies are expressing. Approach the two
Kamies and players will find that they feel strange that their housemate dances
terribly and then talk to the 'inactive' Kamy (the blue one). Players will
discover that it is sick so return to the other tree house. After telling Beito
that one of the Kamy is sick, he knows to cure the sickness, he needs a special
herb and he asks the party members to help him to find the herb. At first, Nina
refuses to help but Beito explains that Kamies are like humans, where they also
have emotions on born and death of a Kamy. Nina is touched and asks where to
find the herb but Beito does not know where it is. Cray knows sickness cannot
be delayed too long and wants to find the herb. Beito tells them to go to Reap
and ask the people there, as the herb is located on an unknown island. Leave
this tree house and head to Reap.

Ask the people (not the sellers) there and players will find that the herb the
party members want is Moth Grass and the location of the island where the grass
is. Ask Jig to go out to the sea and there is a new purple flag on an island
near Shook. Head to the area and disembark. Use Ryu's sword swipe to cut the
grass there to get the Moth Grass and leave this island. Return to Reap and go
back to Pabu Pabu.
When players going back and forth across the sea, there is a new spot where the
grass is and players can stop by to cut some grass, as the grass cures status
changes of the characters.

Pabu Pabu
Climb up to the tree house and go across to the other side. Beito will ask
whether the members have found the grass or not. Nina approaches the sick Kamy
and gives some Moth Grasses to it. However, there is nothing happened and Beito
advises them to stay a night to let the grass takes effect. The next day, go to
the music room and the blue Kamy is fully recovered. It says something and
Beito translated that the blue Kamy thanks the party members for curing it and
one of the yellow Kamies on the drums also thanks the party members for helping
them. Nina then chats with the blue Kamy and leave this tree house. Before the
party leaves the whole area, Poco returns and tells everyone that the coastline
can be past through. It also urges the party to depart quickly before high tide
comes. Leave this tree house to map area.
When the party revisits this area, the blue Kamy gives a location of a secret

This is the starting coastline where Beito mentioned. After bringing the party
to the shore, Poco tells the members this is the place but they do not
understand. Nina confirms this is the route to the West Continent. When Poco
leaves, go straight, passing a fork junction to a treasure chest. Take the
poison drug of two units and return to the fork junction. Head the path that
goes towards southwest to leave this area.
Head southwest, passing a slope on the north, to a treasure chest and take the
item inside. Return to the slope and follow it to the end. Jump to the other
rock path and go to the grass area. Go to the east to the shore below and
follow the shore to a treasure chest on a rock. Take the Silver Mail inside and
return to the grass area above. Head towards the bushes with the dragon crystal
and take the Gaia Crystal. Now Ryu (so as Fou-Lu) can transform into Behemoth
form. Go to the rock path where the party just jumped onto and follow the path,
from the right to left, to the shore of the other side. Head northwest to leave
this area (third from the beginning) and follow the path leading southwest to
leave the fourth area.
The sun begins to set and Cray tells the members to go quickly before the sky
gets dark. They start a camp and chitchatting before going to sleep. The next
day, Nina discovers the sandy path they have gone through is disappeared (due
to high tide) and Cray does not understand why. Nina begins to regret of not
going further throughout the night. Ursula explains the sandy paths connect
several deltas and she urges to find other sandy path leading out from this
area then she goes away. Nina also wants to find the path. Follow the path on
the west to a small area with a stream and leave the area. When the party
reaches the next area, the members find Ursula kneeling down, looking the sea.
She is thinking of using rope to connect this place with the continent but that
is not practical. Nina hears what Ursula has said and Ursula tells everyone
they are trapped in this island.

In front of the Fou Capital City, Fou-Lu manages to reach outside his empire
palace. There is a person sees Fou-Lu is wounded and wants to help him but
Fou-Lu does not want any treatment and whether this is Fou Capital City. That
guy knows Fou-Lu and confirms this is the place.

Back to the shore, Cray is worrying of not finding the exit from the island.
Deis tells him it is the destiny of Ryu and Fou-Lu meeting together. After one
night, leave this area (player is controlling Ryu) and Nina wants to follow
Ryu, then Ursula. Cray wants to join the search but Ursula stops him. Cray does
not understand and Ursula gives a reason of three people are enough for the
searching and he is not for leading the party. Cray is very unhappy and Scias
advises him to relax. Deis then advises Cray whatever circumstances he must
patient and not acting like child.
Return to Ryu and Nina, Nina kneels down and watch the water on the stream.
Ursula asks her and Nina is worrying about the food supply they have brought is
not enough for them to stay until the sandy paths reappear. Leave this area
through the path on the west and go across the beach to the path that is
twisting around a small hill. Head to the top of the hill to reach the other
side (which is the next area). Go down to the beach but stop at the first level
of the path. Head towards northeast corner to a treasure chest containing two
fishing lures. Once on the beach, head west but there is a treasure chest well
hidden next to the bushes. Get the DX Rod and Nina thinks there is a fishing
spot nearby. Continue to the west to the next area.
What Nina said is right, this is a new fishing spot called Southern Island
Fishing Spot.
Now players know this island the party is trapped is called Southern Island.
Try to get some fish (as well as getting new fish on the fishing list and new
record for fishing points) before leaving this area. When Ryu comes out from
the fishing spot, Nina asks Ryu whether he got any fish and Ryu throws out a
still living 'freshy' fish on the ground. However, this scares Nina (maybe Nina
thought that all the fish caught were dead already) but she feel relief as long
as they have something to eat and asks everyone to return to the camp. When the
party reaches the small stream, Nina suddenly wants to take a bath and looking
around for a suitable spot. After that, Ryu is still standing there like an
idiot. Nina embarrassedly tells Ryu she and Ursula want to have a bath. He then
understands and runs away to the southeast corner (that leads to the camp),
where Ryu cannot see them. Nina and Ursula then drop their clothes and starts
to bath. Although the water is cold, they continue. Nina notices something like
scar on Ursula's body and gains her interest to know. Ursula is a bit
embarrassed of the scar on her body but she says it is a long story to tell, as
it was happened during the war. However, their voices are a bit loud and Ryu
also hears what they are saying. Ryu then tries to peep the girls but failed,
as Ursula sees Ryu and shoots at him. Nina cannot believe that Ryu could do
such a thing. During the night, Nina advises Cray not too worry of finding the
exit path.

At the front gate of the Royal Castle, the two guards stop Fou-Lu from going
further. Fou-Lu then wants to if this is the emperor's palace. One of the
guards tells him this is the palace of the 13th Fou emperor, Sonil and wants
him to go away. Fou-Lu is very unhappy with the guards' attitude and knocks
down the guards, as well as the front gate. He then goes in. At the portal like
area, go to the end and there is a horse that guards there. It sees an intruder
then comes forward and introduces itself as Arter. When it sees the intruder is
Fou-Lu, it kneels down to respect Fou-Lu and talks about the treaty Fou-Lu has
signed to stop the war. Fou-Lu stops it and he is known already. He wants Arter
to step aside, as he wants to destroy this empire he has established from being
controlled by those useless people.

Southern Island
Ryu is ready to go and fishing and Nina goes with him. Head to the fishing spot
and screen fades.

Royal Castle, Fifth Floor
Fou-Lu reaches the fifth floor of the city area. Enter the hall inside and go
towards the center transport portal. Yom appears from the portal and is shocked
that Fou-Lu still alive. He cannot believe that Fou-Lu can survive from the
spell blast and then sends a monster to attack Fou-Lu.
Basically this is the improved version of Kam and it does lot more damage to
Fou-Lu (around several hundreds of HP). Transform Fou-Lu to dragon and use
dragon breath to knock it down.
After defeating Karbo, Yom sends another monster to get rid of Fou-Lu.
Again, this is the improved version of Cafu. Use the same tactic like the
previous battle and use Wisdom Fruit to recharge Fou-Lu's AP if necessary.
When Camyu defeated, Fou-Lu wants to know whether there is any monster Yom can
send to kill him. Yom knows he has failed to eliminate Fou-Lu and he burns
himself to death as a punishment. Use the transport portal to transport Fou-Lu
to the palace. As Fou-Lu arrives there, go forward and there are two guards
notices him and then attack him so defeat them.
At the throne room of the palace, Sonil calls Yunar and tells him that he is
worrying of the protection is not enough and assassins may able to kill him.
Yunar then gives him sword as a precaution and goes out to the palace.
Yunar welcomes Fou-Lu's arrival and respects him very much. However, Fou-Lu
knows what he is up to and tells him not to pretend anymore. Yunar then tells
Fou-Lu that he has to be sealed from stopping Sonil's plan and Yunar uses two
witchdoctors to protect the two soldiers from Fou-Lu's attacks.
Players must transform Fou-Lu into dragon and uses dragon breath to kill the
four persons.
After defeating the four persons, Yunar lets Fou-Lu entering the palace
purposely. Inside the throne room, Sonil welcomes Fou-Lu arrival and Fou-Lu
questions Sonil why he breaks the rules of the treaty. Sonil does not answer
the question and let Fou-Lu to go up the throne. When Fou-Lu goes up, Sonil
uses the sword to stab Fou-Lu and he is god now, plus he wants to rule the
world. Fou-Lu tells Sonil that he is an unchanged person and Sonil is
underestimating his ability. Fou-Lu uses his strength to force out the sword
and cuts off Sonil's head. Fou-Lu then slowly goes up to the throne and sits
there. Yunar sees that Sonil is gone and he goes away.

Southern Island
Nina wonders why Ryu is unable to catch a fish. Then she asks Ryu whether he
likes to know Cray's background story. Nina tells that Cray and her sister are
good friends since they were young and now they are planning to get married
(Ryu then heads to other side to fish). Nina wonders why god cannot let this
two people living together forever and her sister's disappearance had hurt
Cray's heart but Nina stops conversation (maybe she is also sad). Nina suggests
they return to the camp. Return to the camp and have some rest. The next day,
Cray and Ursula discover the sandy path that they were passed through has
reappeared. Now go to the shore with the small hill (players have control of
Ryu and Nina) and there is the sandy path leading to exit. Approach the sandy
path and the rest of the party members arrive. The whole party members then
leave this coastline area.

10. West Continent
There are two roads appear on the map. Head northwest to this spot and a
familiar music can be heard. It is Kahn and he is standing on a rock. Talk to
him and he is not fighting anymore. Now he wants to teach people all the skill
he knows. Align suitable candidates to become his apprentices and leave this

First update any goods that are not from the Cousia Village, next, head to Fu
Manchu (the guy with the Chinese wardrobe) and ask for direction to empire
capital city. He certainly knows the direction but he has a small favor. The
favor he wants is the party helps him to:
Look for a treasure in a ruin near Cousia Village.
Get Cousia Village's handicraft, or
Three different kinds of fish of three units. They are Martian Squid, Salmon
and Titan
Before leaving this village, head to the frog guy that is fishing and he will
tell the location of a nearby fishing spot.

Cousia Village
When the party enters the village, the guy near the entrance is gone. Talk to
the villagers and one of them will tell the party there is a ruin on the east
of this village, called An Ju. But first head to the small hut near the
entrance of the village and ask for the handicraft. The hut owner then will
promise the party to make some handicraft so leave this village.

An Ju
There is a new path leading to a spot. Enter this spot and go in the ruin.
Enter the door at the end and the guy that was in the village is in here. Leave
the room and follow the staircase on the right to the room above. At there,
notice there is a strange color on the east. Use Master's head crush to crush
the wall and enter. Beyond this hole is a dungeon covered by gigantic tree
roots. Enter the doorway above a staircase on the left (north) and follow the
big staircase down to the doorway below on the south. Turn left (east), jumping
over the gap and follow the path down to the ground where there is a hole with
a ladder going down. Climb down the ladder to lowest part of the dungeon and go
down one level of the small staircase-like pyramid. Jump down to the treasure
chest below for a Gouma Wain and jump down to the bottom of the pyramid. Return
to the level below the peak of the pyramid via the main staircase and jump down
one level. This time head to the south side of the pyramid and jump down to the
same level as the treasure chest. Go to the south and jump over the gap. Turn
right and go downstairs to another treasure chest. Get the Magic Shard and go
up to the stair. Go straight to the east end and enter the doorway there. Head
towards the dragon crystal to get Era gene and leave this small pyramid (now
Ryu can transform into dragon with dragon breath of Pikachu like monster).
Return to the doorway where the party just entered. This time head south,
jumping across the gap, to the tip of the tree root. Go up to the beginning
area of the dungeon and to the two doorways above. Enter the doorway on the
east to a room with four stems, hanging two treasure chests and two glass jars.
Use Ryu's sword swipe to cut the stems so that the containers will fall down to
the ground below. Cut the second and fourth stem (from the left/north) so that
the chests fall down.
If players cut the glass jars, both will release air borne drugs that affect
the party's status.
Leave this room and enter the doorway on the north. There is a treasure chest
and get three Wisdom Seeds. Return to the tip of the root and go back to the
beginning of the dungeon via the way party came in. Head to the doorway on the
east and the items inside the two treasure chests. The first treasure chest has
a Metal whereas the other one has three antidotes (from the left wall). Leave
this ruin and return to the map.
Before leaving the ruin, return to the room where the guy is and he is now gone

Cousia Village
Enter the small hut and the handicraft should be ready to be picked up.

Chikua Village
Return to this village and talk to Fu Manchu. Give him the treasure he wants,
but not the gene. After giving the treasure, he will give direction to the
party where the party members travel to the village on the south but they must
move the crates in the Channel before reaching the village.
When players visit Fu Manchu again, he will offer his treasure to be exchanged
with players' treasure.

There is a small description of moving the crates so make sure Cray is leading
the party. Head to the opposite bank of the channel and leap over the small gap
through the extended structures on the water to opposite site again. Push the
floating wooden crate to hit the wooden crate so that the party goes pass the
wall that blocks the way. Go upstairs and follow the path, leaping to the
opposite the side of the channel and head east to the next area. Operate the
switch to open the gate and go across the opposite side of the channel. Close
the gate first and then push the wooden crate to the area in front of the
shack. Head to the man sitting in front of the shack. Talk to him about dragon,
next its color and finally the grass. He will tell the location of a quarry
area. Talk to him again, saying that the party travels to this place and then
something about feather. He then gives the party a Wisdom Seed. Head to the
east gate and jump to the middle small block. Push the wooden crate there to
block the channel and return to the shack. Open the small water gate to release
the water inside the channel and use the wooden crates to go across to the
opposite bank of the channel. Notice there is a treasure chest inside the
channel so leave this area via the east gate where the party climbs over the
right side of the gate and head east, then return to this area. The water is
still that shallow so climb down the ladder near the lever that controls the
east water gate. Go to the treasure chest and get the Atomic Punch for Master.
Leave this area and to the next one. Follow the path and jump over to the
opposite side of the channel. This time return to the water gates area and get
the Bullet Proof Armor. Return to the next area and follow the bank to the east
to leave this channel.

Pauku Village
Enter the only camp that can be entered and Ryu asks the woman near the
entrance of the camp the directions to empire capital city. That woman tells
him Gee knows the directions but he is unhappy now as his cock, Cocco has
escaped to nearby grassland. Leave this camp and the village.

This is the new spot on the west of the village so enter to play mini game.
Mini Game
The objective of this game is simple: drive Cocco (the cock in brown color) to
the cage to catch it. Besides Cocco, there are hens running around with Cocco
to make thing complicated. Drive ant of these hens into the cage will award
extra points of 100.
For easier and less teasing way, drive the chicken (preferably hens and as many
as possible) near the cage, which is the tree in front of it. Then chase them
from the south end and those silly chickens will go into the cage.
After getting Cocco, return to the village.

Pauku Village
Enter the camp and Gee thanks the party for catching Cocco back. He knows the
party wants to go to the empire capital city and gives the direction to head
east to the Dan Checkpoint but the road to there cannot be used. Nina then asks
for an alternate route and Gee tells the party members they can take road to
the northeast, passing the Emperor's Tomb/Royal Tomb. Cray knows that is the
tomb of the first emperor and Gee suggests the party should take this road to
Astaner. Before the party leaves, Gee warns the party members that there are
devils in the tomb. Leave this village.

11. Guidance
There is a new road to the tomb and this spot. Enter and look for the path
going up on the west (covered with spike plants). Once up there, this is the
place where Yom had burned this forest into a deserted area. Head towards
southwest corner and there is a crystal containing Earial dragon gene. Now Ryu
can transform into dragon warrior. Go to the south to leave this area and there
is a new fishing spot on the map. While in this deserted area, the north side
has nothing but a broken bridge. Head downhill and follow the path to leave
this area.

Emperor's Tomb
Enter this tomb area and go to the right side, bypassing the ruins that block
the main road and jump over the ruins to the opposite side. Go down to the main
road and enter the second area (outside the tomb). Before that, get the
Ambrosia at the back of the entrance. Head to the entrance where the guard is
sitting and touch it. It responds and asks who is there then tells the party
this is its master's resting place. After that it animates and senses Ryu. It
asks Ryu is the unchanged person but Ryu denies. However, Ryu's deny makes the
guard mad and starts attacking the party.
Served as Fou-Lu's guard, Onku is tough due to its high HP. Players may want to
do some power up, shield up, defense up, attack up magic to reduce the damage
inflicted and greater attacking power, plus having Ryu to become dragon. But
players have to recast all the magic, as Onku can dispel/cancel all the magic.
Use combined magic of Dogiga to inflict maximum damage.
When it is defeated, Onku disappears, leaving the entrance unguarded. Go down
the entrance and follow the staircase down to bottom with a doorway. Enter and
follow the path, circling down to a lift block. Go to the back of the lift
block to a treasure chest and get the Vitamin inside. Return to the lift block
and ride it down to the lowest level of the tomb. Enter the doorway and press
the mechanism inside to lower the block that blocks the doorway at the end of
the passage. Enter this doorway and read the instruction in order to move the
six blocks in the center. The objective is to arrange the three blocks of same
color in a row so that there create a bridge for Ryu to reach the center
pedestal with the jade (the three blocks must be arranged between the pedestal
and the jutting part besides the lights. After forming a bridge, head to the
center pedestal and pick the Maga Jade. To reach the treasure chest on top of
the staircase, move the other three blocks between the bottom of the staircase
and the center pedestal, then go to the pedestal and go upstairs. Take the gun
inside and leave this area to the lift block area.
Once outside the lift block area, the jade responds and the small blocks near
the lift block forming a small staircase so go down and climb the ladder there.
Follow the narrow path to another ladder and climb up. Go to the end of the
path where there is another doorway and enter. The party is inside a dim
passage so follow the path to a T-junction and turn right to enter a doorway.
Follow the passage to a treasure chest and five dragon scales. Return to the
T-junction and head north to another junction. Go left (the right side leads to
a dead end) and when the party nears the block, it will automatically goes
down, revealing a doorway to enter. Beyond the doorway is a room with a ladder
leading down to a ground area with the second Maga Jade, a treasure chest and a
block with eyes on each side. Use the block to move to the raised block with
the jade and pick it up.
While rolling the block, there is a side that has red eye on the block that can
cause Ryu's max HP value goes down temporarily per hit until he rests in an inn
or resting house.
Next, move the block to the area where the treasure chest is (beside the
ladder) and get 5000 zenny. Climb up the ladder and leave this area to the lift
block area.
When the party is outside the doorway, the block on the narrow path that is
next to the ladder at the bottom sinks, revealing another path. Climb the
ladder to the top of the lower ladder and follow the path to the next doorway.
Enter and head to the stair on the right to ride the block that moves up and
down (periodically) and go up to the upper part. Follow the staircase down to
the ground and ride the other block to go up to the upper area. Once there,
leave this area via the small path. In the next area, the small blocks
automatically form two bridges, from the entrance to the pedestal and from the
pedestal to the section with a carved stone. Pass through the bridges and read
the writings on the stone that says whoever wants to prove their training must
pass these two obstacles. After that, two gigantic dice fall down and start to
attack the party.
Shy & Too
Do not underestimate these two dice! Their attacks vary from the number that
they roll out. One of the darn magic they can do is prevent the party from
creating combo attacks for three rounds so use the strongest/most powerful
attacks the characters have. The most important thing is players do not
transform Ryu into dragon, as there is a magical attack from both dice that
inflicts most of the dragon's HP. To defeat the dice easily, each of them has
their weakness, Shy has weak defense on magic, especially fire attacks and Too
has weak defense on physical attacks, so attack based on their weaknesses by
using single target attacks.
When the two dice are defeated, Onku comes out and impressed that the party has
the strength near to its master. It lets the party to take the Onku's
Stone.After getting the stone, leave this area via the way the party came, back
to the lift block area.
When the party returns to the area with the stone, the large hole on the wall
and the lift block respond to the stone. Now players can travel up to the
ground area of the tomb or the other area at the end of the large hole. Use the
lift block to carry the party to the area beyond the hole. The party emerges to
a cliff area where the obelisk is spit into two.
Go to the north corner where there is a hidden entrance and turn the camera
angle where players can see the south wall of the passage. Look for a crack on
the wall and use Master's head crush to crush the wall. Enter the crack wall to
a well-hidden area and go down the stairs. Go to the narrow path below the
stairs and jump over the small gap to a sachet. Get the fruit inside and return
to the stairs. Follow the narrow path beside the stair to another entrance on
the east corner. Use Nina's action to get a bird view of the next area and
there are two sachets in this area. Now get the first sachet on the northeast
corner. Climb up the ladder to the top of the two sachets and jump down along
the east wall to the southeast corner. Get the three Wisdom Seeds inside the
sachet and jump down to the entrance of the area. Climb back the ladder and
face west before jumping down. Jump down to the sachet and get the Catfish
Anchor inside in quantities of five. Jump down to the ground and climb back up
the ladder and the other one on the north wall. Once up there, exit via the
doorway on the west.
Follow the path to the west to a temple structure entrance and enter. Get the
Dragon Tears inside the treasure chest in front of the tombstone. After that
read the carved words on the tombstone and players will know this is the place
where Fou-Lu was rested. Leave this hidden area to the cliff area and exit this
whole area via the path leading southwest.
When the party returns to the map, players will know that the party is on north
of the Emperor's Tomb called Mukut Cliff, which is very strange that the Fou-Lu
tomb is not inside the Royal Tomb but somewhere in this cliff area.
In the tomb where Fou-Lu was buried, there is a monster that is difficult to
kill and it recovers 20000 of HP in each round, plus its attack costs 2000 of
damage or more to the characters, which means instant death.

Go past Dan Checkpoint to this spot on the south (the party cannot enter this
checkpoint yet). Enter and follow the path downhill. Head down the first
junction and turn east to another junction (the west path leads to a dead end).
Head east to a dead end behind the junction for a sachet containing a type of
cracker. Head west to the treasure chest containing 1500 zenny and follow the
path above the chest that leads to an exit on the west. Once the party exits
through the path, there is a road leading to a small house on the hill. But
first explore the whole twisting and turning path downhill. Return to this spot
and go to the treasure chest. Follow the long path on the west to a sachet
containing one Barrier Ring. Return to the treasure chest and follow the path
on the east that eventually ends at the south of the foothill.
Leave this area and the party makes a camp for a rest and Nina wonders the
relationship between Ryu and the devils. Cray asks Ursula if there is any way
to get past the empire troops but Ursula tells him actually she has received
order to return to meet general. Cray says the Empire Capital may be terribly
destructed and it is not certain that the general is survived but Ursula
ignores him and says she will stay in the Empire Troop no matter although
General Rurn lost the in the battle. The next day, leave the camp to the map

House on Hill
Follow the path along the east to the upper part of the hill and head to the
person with a beard. Talk to him and he will become master (and the last of the
master's list). Actually he is also a master in BOF3 but it is much harder to
learn skills from him than the previous game. Leave this hill area to the map

Enter this area and follow the road. Players will that the road to Empire
Capital is blocked and the party cannot proceed. Have Ursula to lead the party
and talk to the leader of the soldiers. He asks if Ursula wants to go to the
Empire Capital or not and Ursula tells him she has to see General Rurn. The
troop leader is shocked and tells Ursula that the general is gone to Astaner.
Ursula doubts the explanation but he insists Ursula go there to find the
general. Leave this area to the map.

Update any armories and head to the small house on southeast side (make sure
Ursula leads the team). Enter the small house and Ursula tells the guards she
wants to see General Rurn and the guards let her enter. Go downstairs and Cray
asks them to keep the walking sound quieter for the sake of Ryu. Ursula then
holds still her plan and Nina tries to calm both sides. She knows Cray is a bit
too and advises him to think positively. Continue down the stairs to the
basement and follow the path to a doorway.
There is a doorway on the north where the Cray and Ursula quarreled and beyond
the doorway is curse bullet insertion room, the east doorway leads to the
control on the top. However, there is nothing worth to go for.
Exit the doorway and follow the staircase up to the top of the hill. There is a
building but do not enter yet. Head to the north of the building and follow the
path to a dead end with a sachet. Get the Croc Tears of three and return to the
front door of the building. This time head to the south of the building where
there is a ladder. Approach the ladder and climb up to the roof of the
building. There is a treasure chest on west end of the roof and get the fruit
inside. Climb down the ladder to the ground and go back to the front door of
the building.
Enter the building and Nina immediately recognizes this is the place where they
(Ryu, Nina, Cray and Master) had been here before. Cray thinks Elina was
captured and imprisoned in this building. Suddenly a strange sound appears and
something attacks the party. After a small fight, Cray wonders why this
military building has demons. Go to the door on the northeast (where last time
they had entered) and enter the inside, passing the corridor where Cray, Nina
and Ryu were caught, to an elevator. Ride the elevator down and the party is in
a walkway on a large pool inside this underground laboratory. Turn left and
there is raised gate blocking the way to a treasure chest on the northeast
corner. Notice there is a switch beside the pipe so approach it and operate it.
It lowers the gate and the party can go across the gate to the treasure chest
and get the Polluted Tires. Return to the walkway where the switch is and go
along south to a staircase. But first head west, passing the staircase, to a
sachet in front of the cracked walkway. Get the item inside and go down the
stairs. Head west and enter the opened gate to another staircase. Take a small
detour to the right (east) and there is a treasure chest hidden a corner. Get
the Ghost Busters for Master and go up the stairs on the west. Go right and
across the wooden bridge but go to west walkway to a switch. Flip it to close
the gate where the party has passed through and return to the wooden bridge.
Head straight south and across the gate. Follow the walkway to a wooden bridge
that leads to the next room.
The party is in a room filled with large internal organs so climb up to the
first level of the large organs and use Ryu's sword swipe to cut the blood vein
on the left. It looks cannot be cut and there is voice saying it cannot be cut.
The Elina's voice! Cray and Nina are surprised that Elina is still
alive and Elina knows Cray and Nina come here for her. Cray asks her how to get
through the vein that blocks the way and Elina tells him that ordinary sword
cannot cut off the vein except the Sword of Shintetsu. Nina then asks where to
get this sword and Elina tells her Yunar has the sword then urges them to find
him. Nina cannot hold her emotion and wants to hug Cray. Cray immediately
advises her not to behave like that and they now have to find Yunar. Leave this
spooky (or disgusting) room and the lab outside this military building. Return
to the cannon and ask the soldier to get some hint of finding Yunar before
leaving this whole area.

Dan Checkpoint
Have Ursula to do the talking and Ursula tells the guards she wants to see
whether Yunar is inside or not. The guards at first do not want to open the
door but Ursula's strict request makes the guards obey the order. As the party
reaches Yunar, Yunar and Cray are shocked after seeing each other. Cray cannot
hold his temper and scolds Yunar of treating Elina badly. Despite the fact the
party has known where he keeps Elina, Yunar admits and Nina begs Yunar to free
her sister. Ursula straightforwardly asks Yunar to lend the Sword of Shintetsu
to reach the upper floor of the room. Yunar knows the reason and he
congratulates Ursula of finding the dragon (that is Ryu). Cray and Ryu know he
is trying to delay them and walk forward. This scares Yunar and he says he is a
scholar and he does not quarrel with them. Cray sighs and Ursula forces Yunar
to hand the sword to her. Yunar then acts nonsense to humiliate Ursula and
delay the party. Ryu knows Yunar's tricks and suddenly swipes his sword to cut
off the Sword of Shintetsu from Yunar's body. Yunar sees the sword is on the
ground; he humiliates the party of treating him very rude and escapes, so as
his sorcerer (by means of walking). After getting the sword, Nina urges the
party to return to Astaner to help her sister to escape.

Go back to the military building on top of the hill and enter. Now the whole
building is full of demons. Go down to the laboratory and go to the next room.
Climb to the first level and equip Ryu with the Sword of Shintetsu to cut the
vein. Proceed near the upper level to the next floor but the vein is grown back
again. On the next floor, get the Poison Card inside the treasure chest next to
the cabinet and follow the way to the staircase on southeast going up. Above
the staircase is a small house and Yunar waiting the party's arrival. Cray
immediately asks Yunar how Elina is but Yunar teases him back of how ashame is
a man like him losses his boldness. Ursula asks Yunar where General Rurn is and
Yunar tells her General Rurn is too old to accept such orders. Cray is very mad
about delaying them and Yunar keeps teasing Cray of asking people for
confirmation without thrusting himself. After that, Yunar flies away. Get the
Diana's Dress inside the treasure chest on the balcony behind the house before
entering the house.
When the party enters the house, Elina is glad the party is here. Cray says at
least they see each other and Nina wants her to go home but Elina thanks Nina's
request. This confuses Nina but Ryu seems to know something. Elina tells her
sister she cannot move anymore and still confuses Nina. Nina persuade her
sister to escape during this chaotic situation of the empire and Cray also
persuades her without minding their friends. Elina tells them that the world
has changed dramatically and advises them that their friend (Ryu) has a strong
flow of power. Cray does not understand what she means but Elina wants them to
continue their journey. Nina is unwilling to leave her sister but Elina wants
Cray with her alone and asks Ryu to leave the sword. Ryu reluctant to leave the
sword but he still leaves it. After thanks from Elina, bring Nina out from the
When Ryu and Nina are outside of the house, Nina wonders how her sister knows
Ryu's name and they approach Master. Master tells them Deis has sensed the
presence of the unchanged person besides Ryu but Nina does not understand.
Back inside the house, Cray does not understand why Elina says such a thing and
Elina repeats it again then he understands. Elina knows Ryu is the unchanged
person and cray is surprised. Elina asks Cray if there is any problem regarding
Ryu's journey. Cray is still unwilling to leave her and asks her why she cannot
move but being interrupt by Elina. When Elina starts to talk, Yunar comes in
and interrupts. He says Elina is the unchanged person but artificial unchanged
person. Cray is confused with the term artificial unchanged person and wonders
why. Yunar tells Cray Elina is used to launch the curse cannon bullet. This
makes Cray very mad and Yunar calms him before continuing. He explains the
target of the cannon and its relationship are very important that he needs
something special like Elina, the most loveable and respected princess in the
East Continent to enable the empire troop to launch the cannon. Yunar walks
towards the bed and says there is a problem of launching the cannon where the
bullet used must withstand great pain and the curse but the after the bullet is
launched it will die. Cray is shocked and Yunar continues that it is a pity to
let Elina just dies therefore her body is modified so that she can survive.
Yunar then pulls away the blanket on the bed, revealing the lower part of
Elina's body that is jointed with something below the house. Cray immediately
feels very disgusting.
Outside the house, Nina tells Ryu that her sister actually was engaged with the
prince of Rudia but Cray had canceled it. She stops a while and tells Ryu that
was a long time ago, plus she wonders what the two are talking about.
Back inside the house, Cray frightened by the creation done on Elina and he
steps back, knocking down the vase on the table. Yunar intentionally asks Cray
how the jointing is and explains the jointing through sorcery that allows many
devils below the room to support Elina, plus the organs below are direct to
Elina's body organs. Cray cannot stand anymore but Yunar adds that with this
method, Elina can withstand the pain and curse without losing her life and
calls this is like god's creation. Cray cannot hold his emotion and walk
towards Yunar to kill this mad sorcerer. Yunar tries to stops him by telling
Cray that is creation of god and he cannot do anything by killing him. Cray
comes closer and closer and Yunar claims he can use this technique to change
the world. When Cray comes further, Yunar runs away and Elina wants Cray to
forget about Yunar. Cray does not know how and Elina looks at the sword then
feels relief. Elina wants Cray to cut her lower body with the sword and lies
down on the bed, waiting for Cray to do it. Cray shocks and cannot believe
Elina could say such a thing. Elina tells him this is what he wants to free
her. Cray sighs and approaches the sword but unwilling to pick it up. Elina
says her last word that she is very happy to see Cray beside her. Cray has to
pick up the sword and…
Outside of the house, a monster roaring sound appears and the whole area
shakes. After that, everything goes quiet and Cray comes out from the house
without saying anything. The screen fades and a subtitle appears to conclude
this chapter.

Final Chapter: The Changed Person
12. End of Journey
Leave the military building and Astaner to map. The party starts a camp and
Master asks Nina whether her heart is really painful or not. Inside the camp,
Nina is sitting alone in a corner and very sad. She is upset of what she has
heard about her sister where she knew Elina is fine and the next thing is she
is dead, which she cannot accept (even her final moment Nina is not beside
her). Master hints Ryu to stay beside Nina and tells her that when Deis is out
from Master's body, she has the same experience as Nina. Nina then asks whether
everything will be none at the end but he keeps quiet. Nina understands.
Outside the camp, Cray is unhappy of something. Ursula advises him to think of
Nina's feeling, as she has the same problem as his. Scias suddenly interrupts
the conversation and says he will think of it. The next day, leave the camp to
continue the journey.

The guards in this area are not blocking the road anymore and most of them are
sent to battle the monster raging the Empire Capital City. Go to the
T-intersection and head east to leave this area. There is a road to Son
Village. Return to this area and to the T-intersection. Head south to leave
this area and there is another path leading to the road between Son Village and
Soma Forest. Head to Son Village first.

Son Village
The party will enter the village from the west so head to the junction in the
middle and exchange the treasure with the woman there. Head to the path leading
to southeast corner to the forest area. Head towards the southwest corner where
there is a treasure chest that cannot be reached by Fou-Lu. Use Master's head
bump to get rid of the tree trunk and get Earth Ring inside. Leave this area.

Yogi Volcano
Let Master becomes the leader of the party in this mountain area. Actually
there is nothing to seek of except goodies unreachable by Fou-Lu. Head towards
the sachet that has a Wisdom Fruit inside and then go to the first junction and
head northeast path to a sachet on the top of the beginning of this area. After
getting the metal inside, return to the junction and head west to another
junction on the top of the mountain. Go around the outer path of the mountain,
leaping over a small gap and bump the stone that blocks the way, to another
sachet forthe item. After that, enter the mountain towards the first hot spring
area where there is a treasure chest and leave this mountain area after getting
all the items.

Empire Capital City
Get some new items before entering the city. Go to the right of the rampaged
city and go upstairs. There is a sachet on the left at the top of the stairs
and then head east, jump over the gap in front, to the stairs on the northeast
and head towards another stairs on the west. Go upstairs to enter the building
there and go to the east corridor, to a ladder on the wall. Climb up the ladder
to the first floor and follow the corridor to the west that leads outside of
the building. Get the Damascus Helm inside the treasure chest there and go down
to ground floor. Follow the west corridor to exit the building and go up the
stairs nearby to reenter the building on the first floor. Follow the corridor
to the east to a staircase but exit through the doorway on the south. Follow
the path to a treasure chest containing 2000 zenny. Return to the building and
go downstairs. Follow the corridor to another staircase going down and leave
this building. Enter the gate on the east.
Head straight along the street to the east and stop near a collapsed building.
Turn right to a hidden treasure chest and get the item inside. Go towards the
back gate of the city and the guard of the Royal Castle just defeated the
empire troops. It sees the party and starts to attack.
Like Onku of the Emperor's Tomb, have Ryu to transform into fire-based dragon
and others do the combo chaining, as Arter inflicts more damage than other
elemental based magic. If players cast magic assist on every character, be sure
to recast it because Arter can dispel all the assists.
After defeating it, Ursula finally finds General Rurn and reports to him of
accomplishment of her duty. General Rurn relieves of Ursula is all right and
she tells him Ryu is the dragon they are looking for. When the general asks
about the dragon, he asks whether Ursula has seen Yunar before and the screen
shows Cray, Ryu and her reached the small house in Astaner. The general felt
guilty of creating a fake god (that is what Yunar had done to Elina) and the
real god starts to destroy human being. He also adds that it is a foolish act
to defeat god, as god has mighty power that leads to destruction. Ursula and
General Rurn think it is a mission impossible but for the future of mankind and
the fate of destruction of the world, they are facing a dilemma. Nina
approaches the general and tells him they have to see the first emperor of the
Fou Empire, however, the general asks Nina to think carefully and looks at Ryu.
He finds that Ryu's eye has some changes, which means Ryu may be the only hope
for human being. Ryu does not believe his ability and Nina also says Ryu is not
ready to face such matter. Suddenly, Master interrupts and says Ryu will do
anything for Nina no matter what it takes (oh, how brave it is). However,
Master's talking uncovers how much Ryu likes Nina and both people are in a very
embarrassing situation. Nina immediately wants Master to shut up but the
general laughs that Alcay Dragon also has such desire like normal human being
and asks whether Ryu can help to save the world. After a while, general assures
that Ursula is well trained to accompany the party to meet the god. She
understands and opens the gate to ask the party members to enter through the
gate. When most of the members have entered the door, Ursula left behind with
the general. General Rurn wants Ursula not to worry his wound and asks her to
call him like the old days. Ursula feels strange but she is not calling him
general. Instead, she calls him grandpa (that solves the relationship between
them). The general does not understand why Ursula is like that. Ursula does not
how to say but her grandfather wants her to accompany Ryu and friends and says
good luck. Ursula understands and leaves.

Royal Castle
Beyond the gate is the road to Royal Castle (although it is a distance from the
city). Go upstairs to the gate and go left. Follow the stone path down to the
south end of the stream and jump to the opposite side of the stream. Go back to
the waterfall to a treasure chest and get the item inside. Once there, Arter
comes by and it recognizes Ryu is the half body of its master. It offers itself
to carry the party to the Royal Castle deep inside. After that, enter the
castle and head towards the door on the northeast corner. This is a resting
room but use Master's head to bump the key on top of the cabinet in order to
get it. Save the game progress here and players will find that this is the
fifth floor of the Royal Castle. Open the gate in front of the staircase
outside the main hall of the floor and go down.
For easy reference, each floor is labeled as RCXF, whereby RC stands for Royal
Castle, X for number of floor and F is for the floor.
Enter the doorway on the northeast corner (the other doorways have nothing to
explore). Follow the corridor along the west to a doorway at the end and follow
another corridor to the south, ignoring the staircase in the middle. Enter the
next doorway and turn left (east), enter another doorway at the end of the
corridor (ignoring the staircase there for a moment). Get some items from the
cabinets and go in the doorway on the northwest of the storage room to emerge
back to the main hall of this floor. Get the five Magic Shards inside the
treasure chest on the southeast corner of the hall and return to the corridor.
Follow the staircase to the floor below.
Enter the doorway on the southeast and follow the path to reenter the hall via
the doorway on below the staircase. Enter the doorway on northwest corner and
get the sachet with "y‚Ì‚¨‚Ü‚à‚è. Return to the hall and go back to the
staircase where the party came down. Follow the path along the north wall to
another doorway. Inside the main hall of the floor, head towards the doorway on
northeast and pass through the incense room. Go along the corridor on the west
to a doorway at the end and pass through two more rooms, to a staircase going
The party now reaches a hall with two large doors on the northwest and
southwest corners. Follow the path to the door on southeast and enter. Exit
through another door beside the door entered in the main hall of the floor and
return to the previous hall. Follow the path to a treasure chest around the
northwest and get the item inside. Return to the main hall and enter the door
on northeast for some items inside the cabinets. Go back to the main hall and
follow the path to a staircase on the west wall.
Go down the staircase and head north to a doorway. There are three doorways
altogether but the two on the south lead to a view of the next rooms. Enter the
doorway on the north into a wardrobe room and exit via the doorway on the east.
Follow the path to a small hut with a dragon and 'touch' it. It wakes up and
starts to attack.
Dragon Newt
Read its information and players will know that it is an artificial dragon.
However, this dragon has strong defense on earth based magic attacks but other
elemental attacks does more damage especially fire. Transform Ryu into fire
based dragon and use other party members' magic attack to chain up combo with
his fire breath for massive damage.
After the dragon is downed, the party can get the Blue Exorcism Token inside
the hut. The doorway on northeast is a resting room and the doorway next to it
is a storage room with some items to pick up. Go to the doorway on southeast
and enter. Head towards the doorway beside it to reenter the main hall of the
floor, to a treasure chest. Get the items inside and return to the corridor.
Head to the sealed door down the stairs on southwest corner and use the token
to unseal the door. Enter to open the treasure chest containing Dragon Armor.
Return to the main hall and enter the doorway on the east, to two elevators.
Now players can use the elevators to travel each floor directly without going
through the staircases. The elevator on the left side travels between 5F to 1F
whereas the right side one travels from 1F to B3F and direct to 5F. Ride the
left side elevator to 5F.
Use the token to unseal the door beside the resting room and climb the ladder
down to fourth floor. Get the Dragon Helm inside the treasure chest and climb
down to 3F. Jump down to the floor with a sachet and get the items inside and
unseal the door to get out. Follow the staircase on the west and return to the
main hall of fourth floor and go up the staircase there on the south back to
fifth floor. Ride the elevator down to first floor.
For those who do not want to going up the stairs up to fifth floor, there is an
alternate path. Unseal the door on the fifth floor as usual and climb down to
get the Dragon Helm. After that, climb back up to fifth floor and take the
elevator down to third floor and go to the sealed door to unseal it. Enter and
get the sachet, next ride the elevator down to first floor.
Once in the first floor, take the elevator on the right and go down to B1. Go
to the lever on the north and operate to raise the beam in front. Enter the
door blocked by the beam to get some items inside the lower part of the weapon
storage room. Leave this room and go up one level, go through the beam to the
other side and enter the door there. Get the rest of the items available in the
upper part of the weapon storage room. Go to the staircase on southeast and go
down the floor below.
Enter the doorway behind the staircase to a dungeon. Climb down the ladder
nearby and head north. Approach the ladder on the left side and enter the
doorway next to it, to a treasure chest with three metals. After getting the
items, return to the ladder and climb up to B1.
Enter the doorway on the north and head west to a treasure chest with a Shaman
Ring. Return to the room where ladder is and exit through the doorway on the
south. Operate the lever to raise the beam in front and go through it, to the
staircase nearby.
Enter the doorway next to the staircase and use the token to unseal the curse
string inside the main dungeon of the floor, plus getting the Yellow Exorcize
Token. Enter the door on the north and go to the door on the other side to
unseal the door.
Now players can travel to this floor through the elevator without going down or
up the staircase.
Before leaving this dungeon, climb down the ladder near the doorway where the
party just entered. Approach the treasure chest on southeast corner for Mist
Armor and return to B1. Pass the beam and lower it before entering the doorway
below the main corridor of this floor. Climb down the ladder to reenter B2.
Climb the way down to the bottom of B2 and exit through the doorway to the
south. Go up the staircase outside to go up B1 again.
Go through the beam just lowered and head to the end of the main corridor on
the west. Use the Yellow Exorcize Token to unseal the curse string and enter
the door. Follow the ladder down to B3.
Follow the path to the north to go down one level. Head west to a small room
and get the Red Exorcize Token. Unseal the door and return via the way the
party came to B1.
Return to the elevator and go to B3. Approach the elevator in the middle of
this floor and use the token to unseal the curse string in front of the
elevator. Use the elevator to go down.
Enter the room on the south for some items and the room on the north is a
resting room and game save area. Go down the staircase behind the elevator
(west) to the most bottom floor.
Palace (Approx. RCB8F)
Once down there get the item inside the treasure chest and enter the palace.
Suddenly two burst of light hit Nina and Cray and they collapse immediately.
Fou-Lu, in his royal robe, sitting on the throne, tells Ryu he is expecting his
arrival and three more burst of light come out and hit Scias, Master and
Ursula. Ryu has no choice but to approach the throne. Fou-Lu advises Ryu to
forgo his body and let his soul joins with Fou-Lu's soul. Ryu goes forward
intentionally and Fou-Lu tells Ryu he must scarify his life to have a complete
body. Ryu suddenly uses his sword to swipe Fou-Lu but he is an image. Fou-Lu
tells him the relationship of the changing person must be maintained and Ryu
shocks. Fou-Lu wants Ryu to meet him at their original arena. Ryu has no choice
but Nina calls him and runs to the throne (it seems like the swipe of the image
regains the consciousness). The rest of the party members follow her and Nina
and Cray wonder why they collapsed. Master tells Ryu that joining soul between
Fou-Lu and him must be proceeded. Enter the room behind the throne and ride the
block there down to the arena.
Proceed forward and Fou-Lu is waiting the party. Nina wants to ask him but Ryu
stops her, telling her this is between Fou-Lu and him and Ryu goes forward.
Fou-Lu explains to Ryu that both of them have the strength of god but
incomplete, as they are separated into two body. Then he asks Ryu does he
understand and Ryu agrees. Fou-Lu tells Ryu that they have the flow inside the
body and starts to fight Ryu one on one.
Save your AP, as this is a simple battle. Just attack or defend until Fou-Lu
uses a magic attack that cost Ryu's HP of 1000 and more. While in the battle,
Fou-Lu tells Ryu humans are not belong in this world and asks him why he wants
human to decide the future. However, Ryu will protest his heart for the sake of
his friends.
Ryu blocks Fou-Lu's magic attack and he becomes weak. Fou-Lu asks Ryu why he
defends and not attack in full strength. Nina approaches Ryu and heals him. The
rest of the party members come forward. Fou-Lu says Ryu has confused but Nina
denies. He then asks Ryu whether it is worth to protect the humans. Fou-Lu
notifies Ryu that he had seen all humans' problems but Ryu still holds his
opinion. Fou-Lu tries to persuade him and there are two light flows from their
body. Fou-Lu tells him what he and his friends had encountered.
Fou-Lu firstly tells Ryu that he was wanted to be dead by humans and asks Ryu
whether this world is full of cruelty or not. Players will have two choices to
make, agrees with Fou-Lu or say "I don't know". Next is Cray was escorted back
to Rudia and being accused and Fou-Lu asks the same question. After that,
Fou-Lu tells the scene where the slaughtering happened in the Deserted Village
and asks the question again. Finally Fou-Lu tells that Cray killed the person
he loves (Elina in Astaner) and repeating the same question. Ryu approaches
Fou-Lu and Nina notify him that the world is not what Fou-Lu said is full of
cruelties. She advises Ryu to be confident with his opinion. Seeing Ryu and
Nina, he thinks back of what Mamy had treated him when he was attacked Camyu
and her scarification to become the curse cannon bullet. However, for the world
peace of his own, he forgets the moment and urges the joining is approaching.
The flash back of the memories has some minor effects on Ryu's decision.
If Ryu agrees with all the scenes Fou-Lu has mentioned and agrees with his
final question, Ryu will quietly join his soul to Fou-Lu's soul without any
If Ryu is not sure with the questions Fou-Lu asked and agrees at the end, Nina
will ask Ryu whether this is his opinion or not.
If Ryu is confused with the questions Fou-Lu asked and disagrees at the end,
Ryu pretends to join his soul with Fou-Lu but he suddenly slaps Fou-Lu's hand
and make Fou-Lu very shocked and unhappy.
If Ryu is confident with his opinion from the beginning to the end, Fou-Lu will
confirm his opinion and becomes very unhappy.
This is the crucial part, as it affects the ending of the game. Choose "I don't
know" to refuse joining soul with Fou-Lu.
Bad Ending
When Ryu agrees with Fou-Lu, the party members have no choice but to accept the
faith. Ryu then sacrifices his body and joins his soul to Fou-Lu. After that,
Fou-Lu becomes the complete Alcay God and continues his destruction of mankind.
The party members are angry at Fou-Lu's dream and he transform into Tyron
Dragon to eliminate the party (players control the dragon to kill the party
members). After that, Fou-Lu is alone and end of the game.
When Ryu disagrees with Fou-Lu, this makes Fou-Lu very upset and summons Tyrant
Dragon to eliminate the party.
Tyrant Dragon
This dragon's magical attacks are based on wind, water and earth elements and
elemental attacks are changed every turn, starting from wind, water and earth
and then back to wind. For maximum damage, use magical attacks that opposite
with the dragon magical attack, e.g. if it is wind attack, use earth or earth +
fire attacks. Solely fire-based attacks will cause some damage to the dragon
but as heavy as the example given. Transforming into dragon is not recommended,
as it consumes a lot of AP.
After defeating Tyrant, Fou-Lu wonders why Ryu, as the other half of the god's
body, has different opinions. Deis says Fou-Lu is not really a bad emperor of
god, just being forced by the situation he has faced and Nina tells him that
humans are weak and cunning as he said but they help themselves to be strong
against anything. However, Fou-Lu still wants to eliminate human being by
giving reason of human uses the strength of the god to cause chaos in the world
and he must put up to an end of this. He becomes Spiritual Dragon and attacks
the party.
Spiritual Dragon
This is ultimate form of Spiritual Dragon. The first turn do not any except
casting magic assists or defend and do not transform Ryu into dragon, as the
dragon will reduce the attacking party members' HP into 1 only. After a few
rounds it will repeat this attack so be careful. After playing around with the
party members' HP, the dragon will try to status down the party members' status
or uses its breath. Fire-based attacks seem to be best to deal with the dragon.
When the party defeats the Spiritual Dragon, Fou-Lu accepts his failure and
joins his soul with Ryu. Cray asks Ryu whether he is god or not and the future
of human being. Ryu understands what Fou-Lu has said and the existence of the
unchanged person has caused such chaotic situation. Everyone is shocked hearing
such a thing. For the sake of his friends and mankind, Ryu decides to forgo his
responsibility as the god like what Deis wanted and unleashes two flows of
light flows from Ryu's body, one is Ryu's and the other one is Fou-Lu's. These
two burst of light flows are heading around the world and all the ancient
dragons are vanished. People around the world can see what is happening.
After Ryu has finished unleashing the strength of god, the party decides to
leave and the unchanged person becomes a memory to everyone. This also means
the fall of the Fou Empire. The party returns to Empire Capital and Ursula has
to continue to search her grandfather. Before the party leaves the city, Cray
wants Ursula become friends despite the war is over.
The party now continues their journey back to East Continent and Nina has
something to express to Ryu…
Listen to the closing theme and players can save a clear game to battle Fou-Lu


After Clear Game
13. God and Human
There is something changed in the village where Rasso did the slaughtering.
When the party enters the village, players can see three persons in there and
two of them are from BOF3, which are Rei and Teepo. Rei becomes a merchant
selling goodies whereas Teepo has a sword that becomes a dangerous sword after
1000 kills of enemies. There is a fox-like human (like Ursula) with the final
treasure if players miss one of the persons in exchanging the treasures around
the world (in order).

Appendix A
Treasure Exchanging Sequences
The names of the treasures are based on the Japanese released game.
1. Sarai Town
At the beginning of the game, players can purchase the treasure from the
froggy guy inside the bar for 158 zenny to obtain Maamaa Treasure.

2. Shed
When Cray is captured in Rudia (at the beginning of Chapter 2), leave Rudia
and head north to this small place. There is a man standing next
to the wall (hidden from the normal camera view) where the small inn

3. Rudia
In the night where Nina and the party try to help Cray escape, there is a
guy standing near the house on southwest corner. (See point 11 if
players miss this place)

4. Tarbo Temple
When leaving the dungeon of the Tarbo Temple, there is a guy sitting at the
back corner inside the hut.

5. Wyndia
After the guards letting the party to enter the palace, go down level 1 of
the palace and to the jail on the north corner. Talk to the
prisoner inside to exchange.

6. Broken Boat
Go to the crahsed desert boat at the beginning of the game and there are
two guys resting. Talk to the shortie on the side of the boat to

7. Shurk
Go down to the right (south) side of the loading/unloading bay, i.e. the
right side of the ship and enter the doorway there. Go down to the
staircase to an underground storeroom and talk to the guy there.

8. Sinister
Enter the orphanage and talk to the child beside the two sisters. She will
offer her treasure to be exchanged with players treasure.

9. Chicua Village
After accomplishing Fu Manchu's task, return to this village and he will
offer to exchange his treasure with players' treasure.

10. Son Vilage
Talk to the woman near the T-intersection of the field area and she will
offer to exchange her Treasure of the Treasure with players' one.

11. Deserted Village
Approach the guy (fox being) and talk to him to exchange the treasure. If
players miss the one in Rudia, you can get the Treasure of the Treasure
through this village after clearing the game.

The above is only suggested solution to exchange the treasure in order to get
the Treasure of Treasure from a japanese web site. However, I find that some
alteration of the sequences still enable me to get the Treasure of Treasure
(during my first play). They are:
Sarai Town --> Tarbo Temple --> Wyndia --> Sinister --> Broken Boat --> Shurk
--> Chicua Village -->
Son Village --> Deserted Village (after Clear Game)
During the play, I miss the guy in Shed and the other one in Rudia (nighttime),
especially in Rudia, so I
manage to get the Treasure of Treasure after Clear Game. Moreover, it is not
necessary to exchange treasure with the
guy in Shed, as he exchanges the same treasure as the one that players bought
in Sarai Town but for safety,
players can exchange with him.
Notice that the sequences after Wyndia and before the Chicua Village, the order
of exchanging treasure between Sinister, Broken Boat and Shurk are not matter
because eventually players will get the treasure that Marlock requires for
teaching the second skill.

Appendix B
Masters List
1. Ralf
Conditions to become his apprentices:
Will: Forerunner
Level Up Gain Up Rate
+1 -1 +1
Skills AP Learning Condition
Whirlwind 2 5-hit Combo++
Otachidai 5 10-hit Combo++
Magic Ball 5 15-hit Combo++
Homurabasira 8 20-hit Combo++

2. Stole
Conditions to become his apprentices:
Give all the zenny in the inventory
Will: Unexpected Gain
Level Up Gain Up Rate
Skills AP Learning Condition
Steal 0 80 items++ inside the inventory
Chicken Attack 2 120 items++ inside the inventory

3. Wuna
Conditions to become her apprentices:
Combo Damage of 1000
Will: Full Strength
Level Up Gain Up Rate
+12 -2 +2 +1 -1
Skills AP Learning Condition
Bundori 0 Combo Damage of 1500++
Super Combo 12 Combo Damage of 3000++
Rage 0 Combo Damage of 10000++

4. Monster Njomo
Conditions to become its apprentices:
At least a house is built in faerie village
Will: Crybaby
Level Up Gain Up Rate
-8 +1 +2
Skills AP Learning Condition
Explosive Attack 20 Faerie Population of 8++
All Revived 20 Faerie Population of 12++
Battle Song 20 Faerie Population of 16++
Dance Makabull 20 Faerie Population of 20++

5. Momo
Conditions to become her apprentices:
Will: Carefree
Level Up Gain Up Rate
Skills AP Learning Condition
Spray 2 Playtime of 25 hours++
Weeding 2 Playtime of 30 hours++
Oracle 2 Playtime of 40 hours++
Karanikomoru 0 Playtime of 50 hours++

6. Chec Elder
Conditions to become his apprentice:
At least 2 dragon summon powers have found
Will: Observation
Level Up Gain Up Rate
+2 -2 -2 +4
Skills AP Learning Condition
Mahoutame 0 Defeat 70 types of monsters++
Kekkai 8 Defeat 85 types of monsters++
Sebum Sense 0 Defeat 100 types of monsters++

7. Marlock
Conditions to become his apprentices:
Players must have Soutou Treasure
Will: Greed
Level Up Gain Up Rate
+16 +3 -1 -1 -1 -1
Skills AP Learning Condition
Good Luck Charm 0 Obtain Fudatsu Treasure++
Monopoly 0 Obtain Trueborn Treasure++
Roulette 0 Obtain Treasure of Treasure++

8. Crank
Conditions to become his apprentices:
25-hit Combo
Will: Follow-up Attack
Level Up Gain Up Rate
+25 -2 +3 +2 -2 -2
Skills AP Learning Condition
Mega Horn 4 30-hit Combo++
Bare Land Attack 0 40-hit Combo++
Thousand Cut 3 50-hit Combo++
Messatsu 0 70-hit Combo++

9. Gyoshuru
Conditions to become his apprentices:
Fishing Point of at least 3000
Will: Thrifty
Level Up Gain Up Rate
-8 +2
Items Price Learning Condition
Water Ring 5000 zenny Fishing Point of 4000++
Fine Rod 2500 zenny Fishing Point of 6000++
Ultimate Rod ???? Fishing Point of 9000++

10. Rita
Conditions to become her apprentices:
Party members who have thrifty heart
Will: Defend
Level Up Gain Up Rate
+1 -1 +1
Skills AP Learning Condition
Pray 0 Ryu's level is 20++
Holy Attack 2 Ryu's level is 25++
Great Barrier 3 Ryu's level is 30++
Benediction 45 Ryu's level is 35++

11. Kahn
Conditions to become his apprentices:
Will: Guts!
Level Up Gain Up Rate
+20 -4 +3 +1 -3
Skills AP Learning Condition
Kiaitame 0 300 Encounters++
Roar of Man 0 400 Encounters++
Sanrekken 6 500 Encounters++
Boast 0 600 Encounters++

12. Babaderu
Conditions to become his apprentices:
Recognition of all other masters
Will: Will
Level Up Gain Up Rate
-16 -3 +1 +1 +1 +1
Skills AP Learning Condition
Backstab 0 3000++ damage of single hit
Counter 1 5000++ damage of single hit
Shadow Walk 12 8000++ damage of single hit
Kakugo 0 12000++ damage of single hit

Appendix C
Dragon Data

Breath: Dragon Breath
After Fou-Lu has transformed into Spiritual Dragon
Aura Dragon has no dragon breath until Ryu becomes Kaiser Dragon
Breath: Kaiser Breath
Follows storyline
Without all the dragon genes and dragon summon powers, it is uncontrollable
Way Burn
Breath: Giga Flame
Obtain the Ignis gene
Jabujibu (Real Way Burn)
Breath: Giga Flame
Game Point 10000++
After Fou-Lu has transformed into Jabawock Dragon
Breath: Meta Strike
Obtain Aerial gene
Knight (Real Warrior)
Breath: Meta Strike
Game Point 20000++
Breath: Meteor Dive
Obtain Gaia gene
Bandasunatty (Real Behemoth)
Breath: Meteor Dive
Game Point 35000++
Breath: Star Drop
Obtain Error gene
Pank (Real Henner)
Breath: Star Drop
Game Point 50000++

Breath: Eraser
Follows storyline
Breath: Dark Vanish
After Ryu has transformed into Kaiser Dragon
Breath: Hell = Blizzard
Obtain Aquarius gene
Jabawock (Real Serpent)
Breath: Hell Blizzard
Game Point: 10000++
After Ryu has transformed into Jabujibu Dragon
Breath: Meteor Dive
Obtain Gaia gene by Ryu
Bandasunatty (Real Behemoth)
Breath: Meteor Dive
Game Point 35000++
According to the information from Kairie, if players obtain more than 50000
game points, the Kaiser Dragon will have 8-digit of HP, which is 99999 HP but I
think that is irrelevant in terms of programming Playstation's game internal

I here thank the following sources for making this walkthrough:
Most of the characters' name are based on the Breath of Fire IV's official
website at
GameStation and XGamely (Hong Kong) for some translations of characters'
conversation, and
Breath4 Strategy Guide at

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Enemy Information guide & Misc. lists compilation

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Pabpab Language Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Boss Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free

16.Октябрь 2013
Script FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Combo Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Level 37 Save.

17.Октябрь 2013
Spiel ist komplett.

18.Октябрь 2013
Enemy Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
The Unchanged

11.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the US NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014
24.Июль 2014