Breath of Fire 4

Breath of Fire 4

13.10.2013 09:29:37
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/ \
| Breath of Fire IV FAQ v0.16b |
| By Angelwingnl |
| |
| Check out my site at |
| |

Newest version available at

Any comments, suggestions, questions, ideas or contributions

This FAQ is best viewed in 1024x768 in WordPad, in the
Courier New font. Apart from the ASCII art above, though, it
looks well on down to 640x480 as well.

= Disclaimer =

Please distribute this FAQ to your heart's content.
Everything is okay, as long as you keep it in this original
form and don't make money from it directly or indirectly
(IE, don't sell it or give it as a "free" gift with anything
you ask money for). I would appreciate it if you told me you
are posting it on your site, but you don't have to.

Breath of Fire 4 is copyright by Capcom.

-- Sending in stuff --

If you send in any information which I use in my FAQ, I will
take the freedom of adding your name and e-mail address to
the credits section at the bottom of this guide. If for some
reason, you don't want your e-mail, name or either displayed
there, please tell me. I will use the name with which you
sign the mail, if there is none the user name of the e-mail
address. This means nicknames will come before real names.

Also please don't send in anything about later parts of the
game than the walkthrough covers. I will complete this
guide soon, so have the decency to wait until I'm there,
okay? This includes errors about which I will find out later
in the game myself. If I don't find out at the proper point
of the game, you may correct me.

= Revision History =

The listed size is the size of the version when I submitted
it. The date is the date I submitted it.

--- v0.1(14k) ----------------------------------- none -----

- Started the guide, it's still very small. I don't even own
the game yet, that's why this version was never published.
- Added some sections, most are still empty, but it is an
oversight for me for what this FAQ is going to look like.
- Created ASCII art. I think it looks pretty nice for my
first ASCII art ever.

--- v0.2(58k) ----------------------------------- 12/08/00 -

- Started actually putting stuff in the different sections.
- Started the walkthrough.
- Created tutorials for the various concepts of the game.

--- v0.3(107k) ---------------------------------- 12/11/00 -

- Continuing the whole walkthrough process.
- Filling in all those sections.

--- v0.4(158k) ---------------------------------- 12/13/00 -

- Added first Frequently Asked Question.
- Continuing on with the walkthrough, Chapter I finished
(actually, I was almost done with that on the previous
- Revised the paragraph headings.

--- v0.5(172k) ---------------------------------- 12/14/00 -

- Revised the price guessing subgame in Sarai a bit.
- Added Assists to the Characters section. Not all are known
to me yet, though.
- Added a hopefully well explaining example for Combo Magic.
This concept is really simple, once you understand how it
- Added the smith section. It's still kind of scarce though.
- Added some techniques for catching fish.
- Added an ASCII for the compass (which seems to be
confusing for some people). I *hope* I explained the
concept of the Plains well now, because about 25% of the
mail I have gotten until now is about the Plains...

--- v0.6(243k) ---------------------------------- 12/18/00 -

- Continuing the walkthrough...
- Started working on the Faerie Village section. I still
need some time to complete the sheer amount of lists this
section requires, though.
- Added Earth Ward in the Woods to the walkthrough, and the
Wisdom Seed while I was at it :).

--- v0.7(314k) ---------------------------------- 12/21/00 -

- Continuing the walkthrough as ever; finished Chapter II.
- Completed the first four Masters: Rwolf, Stoll, Una and
- Revised my theory on Elemental Combos, because it was

--- v0.8(323k) ---------------------------------- 12/21/00 -

- Going on with the walkthrough.
- Corrected some mistakes in the previous update.

--- v0.9(370k) ---------------------------------- 12/23/00 -

- Still busy on the walkthrough.
- Changed Egg Status(what the manual says is wrong).
- Added some more evaluation to the characters section.
- Put Ershin's Armor seperate from the rest.

--- v0.10(397k) --------------------------------- 12/30/00 -

- Continuing the walkthrough.
- Added info for the Faerie Village Troops and the Faerie
Village Bonds.
- Expanded Smith List a little further.
- Added example of mail I do not like to the Author's Notes.
- Revised Smith Section layout a little.

--- v0.11(408k) --------------------------------- 01/01/01 -

- Continuing the walkthrough as ever.
- Finished the entire Smith list, which was quite some work.

--- v0.12(416k) --------------------------------- 01/03/01 -

- Did a whole lot of fishing. Three more fish to catch,
eleven more to master (best points).
- Made a few minor changes. No walkthrough update this time

--- v0.13(442k) --------------------------------- 01/07/01 -

- Added some more walkthrough.
- Almost done with the Fish List.

--- v0.14(460k) --------------------------------- 01/14/01 -

- Finished Chapter 3 of the walkthrough.
- Added the last Fishing Spot, and the last Fish. Now I only
have to get the biggest size for them all.
- Started Tough Enemies Section, added Trunk strategy.

--- v0.15(476k) --------------------------------- 01/18/01 -

- Finished another six sections of walkthrough.
- Added Treasure trading section.
- Still have to look into that Rider guy.

--- v0.16(491k) --------------------------------- 01/21/01 -

- Removed all Fou-Lu's items and added them to Ryu's
- Finished Skill list.
- Revised Trunked strategy.
- I'll add the Rider after completing the game.

--- v0.16b(491k) -------------------------------- 01/24/01 -

- Added my site URL to the document. That's all.

= Contents =

To make searching through this guide easy for you, I've put
a code after each section. If you select the code (for
instance, select s02\2 for the Weapon List) by dragging the
mouse pointer over it, and use Find (ctrl-F, or those
binoculars on the toolbar for WordPad), your text editor
will jump right to the respective section.

Don't select more than one space behind the code, or Find
won't default to the selected area.

Getting Started ................ s00
Game Controls ............... s00\1
The Menu .................... s00\2
Combat ...................... s00\3
Characters .................. s00\4
Hints ....................... s00\5
Walkthrough .................... s01
1.0 Awakening ............... c1.0
1.1 The Emperor Awakens .... c1.1
1.2 The Search For Parts ... c1.2
1.3 The Great Escape ....... c1.3
1.4 The Search For Elina ... c1.4
1.5 The Search Continues ... c1.5
1.6 The Empire ............. c1.6
2.0 The Endless ............. c2.0
2.1 Cray's Escape .......... c2.1
2.2 The Wind Dragon ........ c2.2
2.3 The Dragons ............ c2.3
3.0 Streams ................. c3.0
3.1 The World Tour ......... c3.1
3.2 The Empire ............. c3.2
4.0 That Which Passes ....... c4.0
Item List ...................... s02
Item ........................ s02\1
Weapon ...................... s02\2
Armor ....................... s02\3
Option ...................... s02\4
Fishing Equipment ........... s02\5
Best Equipment .............. s02\6
Finding Items .................. s03
Item ........................ s03\1
Weapon ...................... s03\2
Armor ....................... s03\3
Option ...................... s03\4
Fishing Equipment ........... s03\5
Shop List ...................... s04
Regular Shops ............... s04\1
Manillo Shops ............... s04\2
Faerie Shops ................ s04\3
The Smith ................... s04\4
Enemy List ..................... s05
Skills ......................... s06
Learning Skills ............. s06\1
Learn List .................. s06\2
Use List .................... s06\3
All Skills .................. s06\4
Leveling Up .................... s07
Innate Skills ............... s07\1
Level Up Stats .............. s07\2
Master List .................... s08
Meeting Requirements ........ s08\1
Dragon Forms ................... s09
Ryu's Dragon Forms .......... s09\1
Fou-Lu's Dragon Forms ....... s09\2
Fishing ........................ s10
Basics ...................... s10\1
Fishing Spots ............... s10\2
Fish List ................... s10\3
Faerie Village ................. s11
Basics ...................... s11\1
Getting Started ............. s11\2
Item Shop ................... s11\3
Arms Shop ................... s11\4
Inn ......................... s11\5
Search ...................... s11\6
Troops ...................... s11\7
Music ....................... s11\8
Art ......................... s11\9
Aurum ....................... s11\A
Games ....................... s11\B
Bonds ....................... s11\C
The Tree .................... s11\D
Tough Enemies .................. s12
Trunk ....................... s12\1
Trean ....................... s12\2
Miscellaneous .................. s13
Battle Basics ............... s13\1
Combo Magic ................. s13\2
Status Changes .............. s13\3
Item Magic .................. s13\4
Questions ...................... s14
Frequently Asked Questions .. s14\1
Author's Notes ................. s15
My Stats ....................... s16
Credits ........................ s17

= Getting Started s00 =

--- Game Controls ---------------------------------- s00\1 -

Note that the letters I used for the buttons are the same
as what I use throughout this FAQ. In short:
T: Triangle
X: Cross
S: Square
O: Round
Of course, L1, L2, R1, R2, Start, and Select are the buttons
labeled that way on the controller.

The buttons you use for different actions are customizable,
but they default like this:

On the normal screen:

T: Action
S: Menu
O: Run
X: Basic Action (talk, use)
L1/R1: Camera Angle
L2/R2: Change Character
Start: Pause
Select: Help

In a battle:

T: Cancel
S: Confirm
O: None
X: Confirm
L/R: Call up Charge and Escape options
Start: Pause
Select: Help

In the menu:

T: Cancel
S: Exit the menu
O: Switch between HP/AP/CP screen and Status screen
X: Confirm
L: -
R: -
Start: -
Select: Help

Various subgames may have their own set of controls, those
will be explained at their respective location in the FAQ.

--- The Menu --------------------------------------- s00\2 -

In the basic menu, you will see a row of options on the
left, and in the rest of the screen, the status of the
characters is shown. With the square button, you can swap
between showing Status or HP/AP/CP.

This screen will allow you to scroll through all items
you have aquired. You can also use them (Item section
only). Use left/right on the D-Pad to switch between
different sections.

This is a listing of all the Skills you have learned.
Some magical abilities can also be used from this screen
(Healing or status removing). Use left/right on the D-Pad
to switch between different sections.

Here you can change what your characters are equiped
with. When you are scrolling through available equipment,
the changes made by the choice of equipment will be
shown. Use left/right on the D-Pad to switch between
team members.

This will call up a very detailed description of the
Status of the character, including all stats, current
Master, his effect on your stats, and experience. There
is also some interesting data to the right.

This allows you to change the order of the characters.

This allows you to change all basic settings of the game,
which don't affect the gameplay itself. I always put text
speed to the max, it's still slow, and you have to
confirm to make the text go away, anyway.

This allows you to choose a position and save your game
in it.

--- Combat ----------------------------------------- s00\3 -

Battles are called up randomly when you walk over certain
areas. When you enter a battle, the color of the screen with
the curving figure will tell you who has the initiative.

Blue: Normal
Red: The enemy gets one turn in the start in which you may
not move.
Green: You get one turn in the start, in which the enemy may
not move.

You have several options to your disposal as you fight a
battle. They are:

Attack: One attack will be made, the damage depends on
your Power, and the number of Hits.
Special: You can pick a Skill or Spell to use. These
sometimes cost you AP.
Use Item: You can use an item from your inventory. Not all
items can be used in battle.
Guard: You defend, improving parry rate and decreasing
taken damage. This also allows you to learn Skills
used by the enemy.

Pressing and holding any of the L/R buttons will allow you
to call up the special menu. Here, you can pick:

Charge: Your characters will keep using Attack until the
battle ends. Press Triangle to cancel.
Escape: You will attempt to run away. If you succeed, the
fight is ended. If you fail, the enemies execute
their attacks, and the fight continues.

--- Characters ------------------------------------- s00\4 -

I will add ratings for all the characters when I finish the
game. I don't have them yet now, because I feel I need to
have had some experience with all the characters before I
can compare them.

All characters have an innate element in this game, which
determines what elements they are strong/weak against.

--- Nina ---------------------------------------------------

Nina is, as always, the princess of Wyndia. She is not
really good at taking care of herself, as she is used to be
taken care of. She also cries a lot.

Jump. You can use it to get a better view of your

Nina is of the Wind element.

Used in back row: Cheer. Recovers HP for active members. The
chances of her using this are much greater when a party
member in the front row has critical HP.

Nina is a better character than she was in BoF3. Her
physical attack is still very weak, but her defensive
strength is less under par than in BoF3. Her magic is also
more defensive than in BoF3, as she takes over the role of
main magical healer from Ryu.

If you give her a headstart with some Fire Magic, her Wind
Magic will do tremendous damage. To all enemies. Also use
her to heal, she is the best healer.

--- Ryu ----------------------------------------------------

Ryu is, as in all previous BoFs, a guy who seems to have
lost his memory at first, but who really has never had any.
He will soon find out that he is not a human, but a dragon.
Because he starts out this game as an adult (BoF3 had too
much, but a little childhood storyline would've been
nice...), he isn't such a crybaby as he was in BoF3.

Slash. Use it to cut through things like bushes.

Ryu is of the Fire element.


He is still one of the most powerful characters in the game,
as he is a great all-rounder in statistics (He has to be,
because his difference in statistics is really determined by
the Dragon Form he is currently in, and his normal form
should have basic stats). He does have pretty high CP. He
has no more healing abilities like in BoF3, though, Nina
took them over.

Give him some powerful Skills to use with his high CP.
Sometimes Skills will work better then Dragon Forms.

--- Ershin -------------------------------------------------

Ershin is a rather mysterious figure, as he wears armor
that fully covers her. He seems to be rather attached to Ryu
for some reason, and his style of speech is rather odd.



Just an attack from the back row.

He tends to miss more than others. He has good Defense and
HP though, and her Power is reasonable as well.

Some people seem to think Ershin is a weakling, but I don't
agree. It's just a matter of building him up. As you may
have noted, his Wisdom and AP are very low. So give him a
Master who drains away all Wisdom and AP, and Ershin will
barely notice. Give him some Magic Shards so his AP and CP
stay at the same level, and you have a strong warrior.

Another trick for Ershin is to give him a Master that raises
his Wisdom a lot. They kept his Wisdom so low for a reason,
you know. It might never be as great as Nina's, or anyone
else's for that matter, but with Ershin's CP, you can use an
incredibly powerful Spell every other turn.

His armor is also very versatile. There is no armor that
is certainly the best one, but they all have different
properties. Keep some different armors in stock, and use the
right armor for the right enemy.

Even though he may seem no good at first, don't give up on
him too soon. Especially since from lv 25 and up, he'll
suddenly get heavy Stat boosts (especially Wisdom).

--- Cray ---------------------------------------------------

Cray is the chieftain of the Woren people. He is also an old
friend of Nina. He is always there to help Nina out.

Push. Use it to move heavy objects.

Cray is of the Earth element.

He will sometimes take a hit for a character with critical

I think Cray is great. He has great Power, and good Defense
and HP as well. His Intelligence is low though. His Agility
is not so high either, but with the disappearance of EX
Turns, that is not so important anymore.

Make sure Cray always has a good weapon. If he has a weak
weapon, his usefulness will decrease rapidly. You can also
use him before a combo, since he's very slow. That way, the
enemy can't iterrupt your combo.

--- Scias --------------------------------------------------

Scias is a mercenary initially hired to look after the party
when Cray is being tried. He seems, however, not to be as
eager to stop you as his superiors are. He seems to be in
doubt as to what side he is on. As he thinks, he is very
quiet, and when he does speak, he stutters pretty bad.


Scias is of the Water element.

Rakhasa: He shouts: "You will feel my blade!", and he
becomes much stronger. He tends to use it when his HP hits

He is pretty much an allrounder. He has quite a powerful
attack, but his Wisdom is pretty good too. His swords are
weaker than Ryu's, but have +1 Hit more often.

Make sure he has some good armor or he will take quite much

--- Ursula -------------------------------------------------

Ursula is a general of the Empire. Initially, she travels
along with Ryu because she has orders to bring him back to
the Empire, and Ryu wants to head there.



She sometimes comes back with 1 HP after being killed.

Ursula is an allrounder like Scias. She is a little more a
Magic user though, and she has a good set of Innate Skills.
She misses a lot like Momo from BoF3, but she gets to attack
all enemies with some weapons, so she's very valuable
against large groups of enemies.

Make sure Ursula is equiped with the right type of gun.
Attack All guns won't do much against bosses who are on
their own, but they are great against groups of three or
more enemies.

--- Fou-Lu -------------------------------------------------

Fou-Lu is the founder of the Empire. He has before his death
proclaimed to rise again from his grave. As his prophecy
becomes truth, however, the Empire is not happy to see him
back. Fou-Lu goes through a lot of trouble once he has
risen, as the Empire attempts to hunt him down.


Fou-Lu is of the Water element.


Fou-Lu doesn't get an evaluation, because he travels alone.
His battles are also all very easy.

--- Hints ------------------------------------------ s00\5 -

- Always be on the lookout. Even though I carefully searched
every area, it is very probable there is lots of stuff I
missed. If you're overly kind, maybe you will even tell me
what you found?

- Don't be a thief! If you slash people to take their money,
your Game Points will decrease, which is bad.

- Always keep the Master requirements in the back of your
head, so you can always try and meet some.

- For the above reason, always keep one of every item you
find remaining. One of the Master will teach you more
Skills as you have more items on you.

- Don't sell any fish. You are better off trading them for
items. Even if you trade them for items first and then
sell the items, your profit is higher.

- Ryu and Fou-Lu share Skills. this means that when either
Ryu's party or Fou-Lu learns a Skill, the other won't need
to learn it anymore.

- By using left and right on the D-Pad during battle, you
can choose which character should move. You can also
choose which character goes first with this.

- Hit trees with Ershin's Action, ram, to receive Apples or

- If someone is low on HP, and your healer is slower than
the enemy (or you wish to heal in a Combo), put the low HP
character in the back row for a turn.

- At the end of a battle, use the AP gathered with CP to
heal. Might as well use them if you can't keep them!

- When you use Combo magic, use the stronger spell first if
possible. That way, the stronger spell will determine the
increased effect. For the same reason, when trying to get
many hits, use the most hits magic first.

- Also try using a powerful Skill first, and then following
it up with an Affect All Skill. All the targets will
receive the increased effect.

- Sometimes, it might be better not to finish off the enemy
as swiftly as possible. Playing the waiting game for a
while can work out very well under the right

= Walkthrough s01 =

Just a note: The locations with a ? before their name are
locations of which are labeled "?". For lack of a real name,
I thought them up.

For easier finding back where you are, I labeled the small
headings with a code. To find where you were in the
walkthrough, just enter the section code in Find, and your
text editor will jump right to the required section. There
is no table of contents for these codes, so you'll just have
to remember the code yourself :).

Because you can rotate the camera in this game, I couldn't
give you directions like go left, because what is left
differs per angle. Therefore, I use the terms north, west,
east, and south. Just to make sure nobody gets confused by
this, here is an ASCII of the four directions, with the
game's compass' pins.

Red pin
W - + - E
White pin

Note that the compass always points in diagonal directions.

%% Awakening c1.0 %%

Crash p001
Item: King's Sword

As the game begins, Princess Nina is riding a sand boat with
Cray. It appears that they are searching for Nina's sister
Elina. Suddenly, a dragon appears (looks more like a
sandworm to me...), and their ship wrecks. As they try to
repair the damage, Cray finds they will need parts. Cray
stays behind to guard the boat, and Nina goes of in search
of the nearest town, Sarai, to the south. Cray also hands
Nina the King's Sword.

You are now in control of Nina. Exit the area to the south.

World Map p002

Now you will find yourself on the world map. Head south to a
site labeled "!".

!(Crater) p003

Heading on, Nina will find a merchant's cart. As Nina Walks
further, she slips and falls down into the crater. A dragon,
which is invisible to Nina, observes her. Then, the Dragon
shows itself to her, and flies off. After the Dragon is
gone, Nina finds Ryu lying there naked. She seems quite
embarrassed by this (kind of like Ryu in BoF3 when Deis was
freed), and Ryu quickly dresses himself with some clothes
left by the merchant. Ryu has no clue as to who he is. Nina
gives Ryu the King's Sword, and lets Ryu come with her.

World Map p004
Enemies: Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Cap, Scorpion

When you walk over the World Map, random locations will pop
up , where you will find a random item, and you will
encounter enemies. You could also learning some Skills from
the encounters here. For more details on learning Skills,
check section 05/06. I suggest having Ryu learn Rest from an
Eye Goo, so he can Combo it with Nina's Heal, and Burn from
a Mage Goo, to Combo with Sever.

When you are ready, head further south to arrive at the

Cliff p005
Item: Ammonia
Enemies: Eye Goo, Cap

Just follow the path up to the bridge. Once you cross the
bridge, take the hidden right path and follow it to an
Ammonia. Take it and go back to the intersection, where you
shouldkeep heading west. Once you jumped over the ledge, you
will find another. Here, Nina will fall down, and Ryu jumps
after her. Ryu finds out that Nina can fly (and that he
can't) the hard way. After the comical sequence, just head
in the cave, where Ryu and Nina will rest. The game will now
switch to Fou-Lu, Ryu's evil counterpart.

%% The Emperor Awakens c1.1 %%

?(Fou-Lu's Tomb) p006
Enemies: Zaurus
Boss: Kahm

Note that Fou-Lu will have any skills Ryu has, too.

You are now in control of Fou-Lu. Just follow the path
outside, and go up, and jump over the blocks. Keep going
until you get a sequence. After the sequence head on west to
the World Map.

World Map p007

You can only go to one place. So just go there.

?(Woods) p008
Enemies: Zaurus
Boss: Kahm

Take the southern path, and follow it until you meet
someone. It appears that not everyone is happy to see Fou-Lu
rise from his grave. Yohm was sent to assassinate you. To
aid him, Yohm summons the monster Kahm.
/ \
| HP: 15000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 16000 |
| |
| Item: Ambrosia |
| Skill: Flaming Fist |
| |
| Morph into the Astral Dragon right away. Keep using |
| Frost Strike until it dies. This should be pretty easy. |

After the battle, Yohm will not leave Fou-Lu alone. He
orders his soldiers to fire burning arrows at Fou-Lu. As you
escape, just follow the path. A tree will fall over, forcing
you to take the other path. At the intersection, head north
and take the SuperVitamin. Head back and take the west path.
At the bridge Yohm will reappear, and explain why he thinks
he's very smart. He will then attack Fou-Lu, causing him to
fall off the bridge. So much for a glorious "Renaissance".
Now the game will switch back to Ryu and Nina.

Cliff p009

Ryu's Dragon Powers have been awakened by the rebirth of
Fou-Lu. This means that Ryu now has access to his first
Dragon Form, the Aura. Anyway, just head outside, back to
the World Map.

World Map p010
Enemies: Cap, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Scorpion
Item: Aurum

Underway, you will find a ? area. Get the Aurum from here,
and take the side exit from this area to find the first
fishing spot. You can't fish yet, you need fishing
equipment. Just head into Sarai.

%% The Search For Parts c1.2 %%

Sarai p011
Items: Lead Ball, Panacea, Ginseng

Once here, Nina will insist you split up, unless you pick
the third option, which will make her let you help her, and
she will stay with you. The wacko girl here will explain
various basic concepts to you, and the merchants will act as
stores. When you are ready to go on, head to the left side
of town, to the tavern. Talk to the frog man, and he will
offer to sell you the Lead Ball. Buy it. After that, talk to
the eating guy at the bar. Buy him some food. Now it's time
for the first subgame.

For this subgame, you have to fill up his Happy bar before
either the Drink or the Food bar fills up. To achieve this,
just buy him food, then a drink, then food again, and keep
alternating until he is satisfied. He will give you a
Panacea, and hint you that you should head for the Inn. If
you make a meager score here, you will only get an Antidote,

Talk to the weird looking fellow just outside the Inn. You
have to guess how much you need to pay for the information
(what's up with al these guys wanting to play games while
you are on a mission?)). If you need more money, he will
tell you. Anyway, the amount is 123 Zenny. When you start
the bidding, and the guy will tell you how much you are off.
You will get four tries. Failure will give you your money
back, while succes will make you pay the guess. Once you
win, the man will tell you to go outside, and find the next
person there.

Note that the item you get is different as the reached
amount is different. This is what you get:
123 Z: Ginseng
124 - 128 Z: Healing Herb
129+ Z: nothing

World Map p012
Outside, head to a Random Location.

?(Oasis) p013

Just talk to the fellow sitting here for the password. Now
it's time to head back into the village.

Sarai p014
Item: Aurum

If you walk against the edge of the town wall outside,
you'll find a merchant sitting there. He'll give you an
Aurum, providing you have the password.

Go back to the tavern, and talk to the barkeeper. Search the
cabinet for 40 Z, then go through the passageway behind the
barkeeper. After the sequence here, you have to go to the
Valley to search for parts. The series of subgames is not
over yet...

World Map p015
Head south to the Valley.

Valley p016
Items: Croc Tear x8, Brass Helm, Digging game items
Enemies: Mage Goo, Scorpion, Eye Goo, Cap

As you enter this area, head on to the log. Cross it, and
take the 8 Croc Tears behind the sail there. Slightly to the
south, turn the wheel to the right and go down to get the
200 Z from the chest. Now go back up to turn the wheel all
the way to the left(turn it twice), and you can head on. Go
east and go in the ship, and go up the ladder in the front.
Take the Brass Helm. Go back down and operate the winch. Go
outside, and step on the anchor, and it will automatically
go back up(?). Head north to a hut. Head in there to find an
old geezer, who loans you a dog and a shovel for 50 Z. You
have to use these to find the parts for the sand boat.

The digging subgame, stuff to find:
Note that the rudder is really the position to the lower
right of it. So count from there.

Flattop: Sorry, can't remember... Maybe try the dog after
picking up all the others?
One step to the right of the small blanket: Sage's Staff
Two steps to the lower right from the rudder: Ship Parts
Two steps to the lower left from next to the barrel(also to
the lower left): Magic Shard
Up and left 3 steps from where you start: Glass Shard
Right from the rudder: Glass Shard
One step to the lower right of the rudder: Molotov

After all that, just head back to Sarai.

Sarai p017
Boss: Joh

Back in Sarai, head to the tavern. Here Nina will face even
more trouble. She has to battle Joh.
/ \
| HP: 1200 Zenny: 0 Experience: 100 |
| |
| Item: Aurum |
| Skill: Burn* |
| |
| Just use the Sever spell a couple of times and it will |
| die. Heal when needed. This is still not very tough. |

After you win, Ryu will leap in to help Nina. In the
process, he will break the King's Sword, which will
consequently become the Broken Sword.

%% The Great Escape c1.3 %%

World Map p018

Head east toward the Cliff, which is no longer a ? area, but
which has been changed into a ! area. This means something
more or less important is happening there.

!(Cliff) p019

There is nothing to do here, you just see some sequence
concerning patrolling Imperial soldiers. A merchant will help
you out, and tell you about the alternative path, which leads
through Chamba. Afterwards, just exit the area.

World Map p020

Back on the World Map, a new path will open up. Follow it to
reach Chamba.

Chamba p021
Items: Life Sandals, Panacea x2

Head straight into the house where you start and take the
Life Sandals. Up the stairs here, there is a house to the
right. It has a merchant and an Inn. At least buy the Bowie
Knife for Ryu. Get the 2 Panacea's from the cabinet here.

Just head for the northeast, and talk to the old smith. He
will talk about hexes. Now a large group enters the town.
They will be all over the town. Head into the house to the
west. Talk to the guy next to the pot. He is Tahb, the boss
of the purifiers. Tell him you'll wait (when you're ready).

After some talking, you'll need to find a worker willing to
guide you through the hex. After having talked to all of the
purifiers, you'll find they are not too willing at all. Head
back to the house where Tahb was, and he'll be waiting at
the entrance (if not, you didn't talk to all of them).

In the middle of your conversation, a purifier will drop in.
Apparently, her name is Ershin. Her talking style is...
weird, but convincing. When you are ready, head west into
the hexed area.

Hex Area p022
Enemies: Zombie, Ghost, Gasser
Boss: Skulfish
Items: Healing Herb x3, Molotov, Waistcloth

Cross the bridge to the roof, then head south. Take the
eastmost path first, and follow it to a chest containing 3
Healing Herbs. Go back, and take the alternate path south.
Go on through the house and west. Take the ladder up. Go
east at the first intersection. Go across the big plank, and
down the small one. Cross another plank, go up the roof, and
take the 300 Zenny in the chest here. Go on to the west.
Inside, drop down, and Ershin will suggest splitting up.
Press select to switch between them.

Move Ershin down with the ladder. You will notice the crate
is in her way. Jump Ryu and Nina over the gap, and go back
to the crate you came down on. Stand on it.

Now switch back to Ershin. Move through under the crate, and
take the west path first. Take the Molotov here. Stand on
the crate (move Ryu and Nina off theirs first).

Now Ryu and Nina can cross their crate. Cross it. Take the
second east passage (the one after the crate), and take the
Waistcloth outside. Go back, go on south, and try to operate
the valve. Ershin will say you have to operate two valves at
the same time.

Take the east path as Ershin. Operate the valbe just before
the ladder. The mist will fade slightly, and your characters
will go on.

Follow the path over the roofs. on the bridge, you will hear
a strange sound. Go on. You will see some more scary stuff.
Go on through under the red flag, and Ershin suggests
running. Subgame time, hammer the O button, real simple. If
you fail, Ryu will drop down, but climb back up, but he will
have reduced HP and be poisoned for the upcoming battle.Now
you have to fight the Skulfish.

/ \
| HP: 2400 Zenny: 291 Experience: 429 xp |
| |
| Item: Antidote, Fish-head |
| Skill: Venom Breath |
| |
| Use Aura with Ryu. Use Heal with Nina(The fish is |
| undead, hence Heal magic hurts it.). I didn't even need |
| to heal, but if you do, don't forget to. |

After the battle cure any poison Status you might have. Jump
at the orange piramid shape, and you will exit the Hex. In
the sandy area move two steps down, and you are back on the
World Map.

Head back to the Crash area.

Crash p023

As you can see, Cray, is real busy... being worried. Nina
will introduce you and Ershin to Cray. As you go to sleep,
Ryu will have a dream...

Dream p024
Enemies: Armor, ToxicFly
Items: Aurum x2

If you want, you can fight the Armors here until they drop
you a Raptor's Claw (yes, you get to keep items found here,
even though you're dreaming), a good weapon for Ershin. It
might take you a while, though.

You can use the diary to the east to save. Go west, and
follow the path. When you are at the two doors, enter the
first one to get the Aurum in the item bag. The second door
leads to an empty room. Head on east, and go up the stairs.
Head on through the door, the hallway, and another door.
Examine the cabinets here for another Aurum. Then walk to
the passage where the red curtain hangs. Someone will come
in. Cray suggests moving behind the curtain. You will see
that there is a small passage that allows you to go behind
the curtain. Do so, and walk to the north. The dream will
now be over.

%% The Search For Elina c1.4 %%

Crash p025

Everyone will be discussing the dream now. As Ryu wakes up,
Cray decides to go for it. You will end up back on the World

World Map p026
Enemies: Eye Goo, Flue Goo, Cap, Red Cap, Bandit

If you want too, you can try fighting the Bandits until they
drop a Moon Sword, a powerful weapon for Ryu. It might take
some patience though.

You can now fish again, and enter all the towns. The blue
fish merchant in Sarai will now be the first Manillo shop.
Too bad you don't have any of the fish he wants yet! After
you are done with any business you might have, take the new
path leading west from Chamba, to Kurok.

Kurok p027
Enemies: Flue Goo, Mage Goo, Cap, Red Cap
Item: Deep Diver

Follow the path to the dog man with the bird. He is Rwolf.
Agree with him, people like it when you agree with them. He
will now become your first Master. If you get into battle
with at least 3 enemies, you can easily make a 5 hit Combo
(If you haven't done so already). Just use some skill with
Cray first, then Burn with Ryu, and Sever with Nina. After
that, you can get Eddy from Rwolf.

You can also make a 10-hit Combo if you use Rock Blast and
then Burn on a group of 6 Caps. If you're lucky, the Caps
will survive the Rock Blast.

Passing Rwolf, take the northmost path. At the end of it,
you will find a chest containing a Deep Diver. Go back, go
down the small slope, and take the lower path west. Follow
the path until you reach the exit to this area. Head on to
the Dam.

Dam p028
Enemies: Puspool, Eye Goo, Mage Goo, Flue Goo
Items: Short Sword, Swisher, Vitamin x2, Swallow Eye x2

You will have a short conversation with the guy here. Now,
you're going to have to cross the dam. You are already at
the bottom of the first ladder. Head to the next and go
down. Go west and down yet another ladder. Go into the
hallway. Inside, go west (there is a man to the east, but he
has nothing intersting to say). Follow the path, talking to
the people underway if you want to, until you reach the
forced conversation. Talk to the guy with the tube. You'll
receive the Sluice Key. Go all the way back up, and go into
the door with the sign on it. Operate the switch in here.

Head up the ladder, and outside, up the next ladder. Go east
past the next ladder, and cross the sluice. Take the ladder
to the east first for a chest with a Short Sword. Now follow
the path inside. Operate the second sluice. Subgame time...

Just twirl around the D-Pad to make the wheel spin. You
should start slow and keep going faster. There's a small
tone sounded when you are going fast enough, as well as a !
over Ryu's head. Keep going for another while until Ryu
sweats. Nina doesn't want him to stink, so press O then. The
girl will give you a Swisher.

(-NSS- The girl says something about wanting to see what
happens if you keep going for a while before you start. She
also says the wheel will go smoother now you've helped her.
I'm not sure whether you always get the Swisher, only when
you perform well, or there are many different prizes to be

Go through the passage to the south, take the chest with 2
Vitamins to the west. Head back inside and up the ladder.
Follow the path back, and go over the second sluice. Go up
the ladder and take the 2 Swallow Eyes in the chest at the
end. Go back down and keep going eastward. As you go back
outside, talk to the man in the tower if you want, and go
on south. At the ladder leading up, first operate the
switch to the north, and cross the drawbridge. Give the key
back to the boss-type-guy, and the alarm will be sounded.
Cray is determined, however, and he wants to go on. Go back
over the drawbridge.

Up the ladder here merely leads back to the guy standing
guard atop the tower, so there is no need to go there.

Operate the lift, and you will have to press X a couple of
times. After some sequence, you will be back on the World
Map. Go north.

!(coast) p029

There is some sequence, and then some fellow will ask you
money for his song. Give him 100 Z. Don't go cheap on him,
or he will sing nonsense about tadpoles and other generally
uninteresting stuff, and ask the same question again. So
unless you have an assignment about tadpoles, pick 100 Z.

Actually, if you pick the 10 Z four times, he will
eventually sing the Dragon song for you. So if you think
hearing out four uninteresting songs is worth 60 Z, you can
pick 10 Z.

He will sing for 10 seconds. That's all folks! Back on the
World Map, head on east to Kyria.

Kyria p030
Item: Belladonna

There are some traps in this town, but they are really
obvious so you can easily avoid them (not that they harm
you). The chest to the southeast of town contains three
monsters, chests named ????. I'm not sure of their stats,
but they dropped me an Ice Punch. The three houses here are,
from south to north: the mayor's house, the Inn, and a shed.
Just head over the bridge. Get caught in the trap on the
bridge. Once over the bridge, talk to the guy on the east
for a Belladonna. At the house to the south, examine the
dog house to fight a BeeTroop.

Walk into the southern hole, and you will fall down. Climb
the ladder into a house. Take the Fish-head from the
cabinet. Talk to the schizophrenic parrot. You are supposed
to translate what he says :). Try it, it's fun. If you don't
want to play yourself, here are the correct answers:

"We really have no time for this..."
"Not really"

Then just pick "Where's the mayor?".

Go out of the house. Fall into the northern hole this time.
Drop down, take the 400 Z, drop down again, and go back up.
Exit the village and head for the Woods.

Woods p031
Enemies: Cap, Red Cap, Flue Goo, Fungoid
Boss: Maman
Items: Apple, PointedStick, Earth Ward, Aura Ring,
Healing Herb x4, Wisdom Seed

Head on into the woods, and talk to the guy near the apple
tree. He'll tell you about the mayor, and give you an Apple.
Head north past the fellow, and go east. In the new area,
head east and skip the pitfall, head south instead. Go up
north to the chest hanging as a trap. Activate the trap to
get the PointedStick. Go south, and south
of the bridge, walk south through the trees here, and you
will come to a small area with a chest containing a
Earth Ward. Head back, down the slope, up the slope to the
east, and head past the pitfalland fall down the pitfall
there. Get the Aura Ring from the chest, jump down and curl
around the path to find the ladder back up through the well.
Go up the northern slope near the well. Go on past the cage,
and drop down the pitfall just east of it. Take the four
Healing Herbs from the chest, jump down, and climb back out
of the well. Head up the northern slope again, but this time
head down the slope west of the cage. Follow the path into
the next area. Keep following the path, jumping over all the
gaps, to the first intersection. South is a small dead end,
so take the northern route. At the next intersection, take
the path to the west and get the Wisdom Seed. Head back and
take the northern path. You will get some sequence, and you
have to fight Maman.

/ \
| HP: 3600 Zenny: 450 Experience: 1500 |
| |
| Item: Apple, Flame Punch |
| Skill: Body Press |
| |
| This is the first boss battle in which you will have |
| than three characters. This means you can change who is |
| in the back row. You should change the person in the |
| back row every now and then, because they will heal |
| Status and some AP (equal to CP). Anyway, this dude will |
| go down after some strong spells. Use Aura's Flame |
| Strike, and some other Skills with the rest. Combo some |
| skills, it's handy. When Nina is in the back row, she |
| might use cheer, which heals 140 HP to all, which comes |
| in very handy. Also try the Burn + Sever\Eddy Combo. |

After that, you'll be back on the World Map. Head back to

Kyria p032

The mayor will tell you you can stay at the Inn. You
will see some Fou-Lu sequence, then you will be back to Ryu,
and Cray will fall down a pitfall. Head back up, save at the
Inn if you want. Go up the mountain path to the northwest
of Kyria.

Secret Passage p033
Enemies: Army Bat, Puspool, Tadpole, Zombie, Cadaver
Items: Water Bomb, Ammonia

Walk east past the shallow water, and get the Water Bomb
from the chest. Go back, and head north over the water. At
the turn, head further east. Follow the path into the next
area. At the intersection, take the path north. Get the
Ammonia, head back, and take the path east this time. Go on
through the twirling passage, and into the next area.

Walk up the steps to the northwest. Go up another set of
steps to the north, and another to the west. Jump over the
gap, and get the 500 Z from the chest. Jump back over the
gap, and go back down the steps. Head north. Follow the path
into the next area. Follow the small pathway here to the
small chamber with the ladder. Head up the ladder. You will
now climb up out of the Synesta well.

%% The Search Continues c1.5 %%

Synesta p034

Okay, this place is a MAZE. Use Nina's Jump action to ease
things up a little. Luckily, the Item shop is easily
recognized by the fact that it's ran by a fish man (thank
Capcom for making all merchants look exactly the same!).The
house near the marketplace is ann Inn, and upstairs you will
find the Weapon Shop(also a fish merchant).

In order to continue the game, you should go into the
orphanage(the house near the well), and talk to the nun
there. Go back out, and you will see another nun chasing
Chino. Talk to the nun, then to Chino, and you have to play
catch with him (lot's of subgames in this game, huh?).

Chino runs just as fast as you, but you can gain a small bit
on him by making better curves. The real problem is, you
can't see very well with all the buildings in your way. You
have to cut him off somewhere, try Nina's Jump action to
find him more easily. The best place to catch him is on the
walkways at the higher levels, because you can see better
there. Try the balconies to the north and east of town, you
can easily hide behind a corner here, and use all the
corners to gain some terrain on Chino.

The nun will tell you about the visit of Elina. She doesn't
know where she went, though. Chino will come in, and tell
you he knows, but you have to play Hide and Seek with them.

The first kid is found... inside the orphanage. There are
actually two kids already in here, one is not playing, the
other is. Talk to them. The one playing will give you a hint
on where to find Rudd. Go out of the orphanage.

Inside the passage to the east balcony, you will find Rudd.
Talk to him. He'll tell you that Goete is at the gate.

Head west to the gate out of Synesta. You'll find Goete
there. He'll tell you Nahma is on the stairs.

Head up to the northeast, and up the first stairway. Go
further up the stairs to the south. As you reach the stairs
leading back down to the balcony, note that Nahma is on
them. Talk to her. She will tell you about Modo.

Head back up, over the bridge, and back down all the stairs.
Head east with the passage next to the stairs, and talk to
the frog boy here. He will tell you about Konoko.

Don't mind the directions, I've already counted them out.
Just head west, and into the Inn, Konoko is up the stairs

After all that, head back south, then east back to the
orphanage. Talk to the nun. Modo will say that Chino is
hiding in the cellars below. Now you have to go find Chino.
Head south some, up the stairs, further up to the east. Turn
around to the west, and talk to the guard here. He won't let
you go in. A woman carrying a pot with water will come from
the north. Talk to her. The guard will go buy water from
her. Now is your chance, head in there.

Cellars p035
Enemies: Roach, Mouse
Items: Ammonia, Protein, Raptor Claws

Just follow the path down. You'll come to a hall with doors.
In the first room, there is an Ammonia in the cabinet. The
second is empty. Follow the path further, down into the
large room. Cray can't push the barrels here, so walk over
the planks instead. Take the Protein from the cabinet behind
the bar. Go on, there still is no choice of direction. Take
the 80 Z from the cabinet underway. When you arrive at the
cells, you will see Chino is in the first one. You can't
open it, though. The other cell holds the Raptor Claws for
Ershin. Keep going, this dungeon is pretty linear huh?

Both of the cells upstairs will have a hole in the ground,
the second one shut with planks. Stand on the planks to fall
down to where Chino is. He will tell you about Elina.

Synesta p036
Boss: Kahn

You should now head for Marlok's place. It's opposite the
Inn. Talk to the big guy in front of it. Now you have to
fight Kahn.

/ \
| HP: 3000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 1000 |
| |
| Item: Ginseng |
| Skill: Shout, Focus* |
| |
| Combo magic works nice, as always. He attacks very |
| little, but when he does, he hits you hard. Make sure to |
| heal to full health after being hit! He has high defense |
| so you want to use magic more than physical Skills. If |
| you use Aura, use Hwa, not Flame Strike. |

After the battle, Marlok will invite you in. He tells you to
go find some thief, and Nina has to help him do some chores.
>From Marlok's house, go up the stairs and head to the south.
Talk to the man sitting up there. He will hint that you
should look outside the village. Spend almost all your Zenny
on equipment and items.

World Map p037

A new path will open. Go into a Random Location on this
path. You will find the guy. He will run off.

Hideout p038
Enemies: Mouse, Rat, Army Bat

After a small sequence back at Marlok's, you are back at
Ryu's crew. Go inside the cave, and you have to play yet
another subgame. Use Cray to block passages with the
barrels, and catch the thief (splitting up seems like an
easier solution to me, but maybe that's too much thinking
for them?). Watch out, he'll run past you quickly when the
passage is blocked. Tap X to prevent him from doing that.

After catching him, the thief will explain it was Marlok who
swindled the thief. When you are back in control, go back
into the Hideout. Talk to the thief. His name is Stoll, he
is a Master, who will teach you Steal at 80 items. You don't
have that many yet, but keep him in mind, Steal is a great
ability. Also, any characters not apprenticed to anyone
should be apprenticed to Stoll, because he gives NO
penalties. Just +1 agility.

Synesta p039

As you head back to Marlok's he will think you did a bad
job, and send you on a new errand. Go out of Synesta.
yet another new path will open up.

World Map p040

Yet another new path will open up. Go into a Random Location
here. Read the sign in there, and you will open up a new
fishing spot. When done fishing, head for the Wharf.

Wharf p041
Enemies: Roach

Talk to the man behind the crates. He'll tell you to clean
up the storage room. Now you have to play... Sokoban (Does
ANYONE know that old game...?)! Just destroy the old, darker
barrels with Ershin, move the jars north, and the crates
south. The dark tiles around the signs are where the jars
and barrels go. If you screw any up, just destroy them with
*** My score: 1000 + 1500 Time Bonus = 2500 ***

After you complete that subgame, you'll get another Marlok &
Nina sequence that leaves little to the imagination (or a
lot, if you're a pervert). You have to do another subgame,
with the crane. You have to place crates on the blue marked
squares. Go for the light blue ones, those give double
*** My score: 1000(I screwed up on the light blue spots) ***

Marlok will show up. He will give you something for your
trouble, it's variable. You can get:


You can return here anytime after this to play this subgame
for extra Game Points. You'll only receive 10% of the points
you could make the first time, though.

After some sequence, you will switch to Fou-Lu again.

Bunyan's Place p042
Enemies: Snapfly
Boss: Khafu

Fou-Lu will be all healed up now. Go outside. Fou-Lu will
talk to Bunyan shortly. Behind Bunyan's house there is a
chest which contains 2 Proteins, but Ryu will come here
sometime too, and I think leaving them is a better idea.

Head down the slopes into the next area. You will meet up
with your old pal Yohm. He summons a big bird-type-thing to
kill you. You have to fight Khafu.

/ \
| HP: 20000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 22000 |
| |
| Item: Fire Ward, Ambrosia |
| Skill: EldrichFlame, Heal |
| |
| Change into the Astral Dragon. Use Frost Strike. This is |
| very easy. |

After that, Yohm will tell Fou-Lu he commands many more
monsters, and another Khafu will show up. Fou-Lu tries to
escape, and he changes into a dragon, but he is shot down by
the bird. After a not so great landing, you will switch back
to Ryu.

%% The Empire c1.6 %%

Kyoin p043

Head north into the village. There are two shops here, and
an Inn. That's pretty much all. Head up the stairs and into
the tower.

Causeway p044
Enemies: Gonghead, Mouse, Armor
Boss: Ymechaf
Items: Healing Herb x3, Glass Domino, Ammonia x2

There is nothing down the stairs, so head into
the doorway. Go on to an elevator. Go in. To the east, there
are some doorways. Skip the first. Through the second,
search the cabinets for 3 Healing Herbs. Go back outside and
head on up the stairs. You'll come to a hall with two
doorways. The first holds a chest with a Glass Domino. The
path continues through the second. Keep going. You'll come
to another one of those square holed rooms, but this one has
a platform in the middle. The platform is an elevator, you
can use it to go to other floors. Head on through the
doorway to the east, and take the elevator up. You'll see
some sequence with lightning, and when you head forward, you
will meet the guy who summoned Joh before again. This time,
he will summon Ymechaf.

/ \
| HP: 6000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 2000 |
| |
| Item: Aurum, Ice Punch |
| Skill: Whirlwind, Cyclone, Sever |
| |
| You can throw Ymechaf off balance, which lowers his |
| Defense severely for one of your attacks. I'm not sure |
| but it seems to me that Comboing magic makes him go off |
| off balance (2x is enough). Do watch out for his |
| powerful Whirlwind attack, and just attack. The best way |
| to attack is to first make a Combo in which you throw |
| him off balance, and then make a second Combo with many |
| physical Skills to damage him. He is slow, but not |
| necessarily so slow that everyone moves before him. If |
| not everyone moves before him, put the slowest character |
| in front for the Combo. |
| |
| Note that when you throw him off balance before he acts, |
| and you don't hit him anymore that turn, he won't act |
| anymore! |

After the battle, the party will run through the teleporter,
leaving the weird fellow behind. You will arrive at a
similar tower. You could just take the elevator straight
down, but if you want, stop at the third floor for 2
Ammonias, and stop at the second floor to get a Vitamin from
the cabinet in the room across the hall. Head outside.

World Map p045
Enemies: Mage Goo, Flue Goo, Bandit, Gonghead, GooCount

Head south to Astana.

Astana p046

Here, do any shopping and stuff you want to do. When you are
ready to go on, just talk to the big buff horse man walking
around the stairs at the entrance of this area. He will ask
"Have you seen the big aqueduct nearby? That's where Anasta
gets all it's water from."
That seems to be enough reason for your characters to go
there (?), since on the World Map, the Aqueduct area will
appear. Go there.

Aqueduct p047
Enemies: Mage Goo,Flue Goo, GooCount, ToxicFly, Armor
Items: Ginseng, Life Shard, Magic Shard

Head up the plank, and up the ladder. Go east to get the
Ginseng from the chest. Go back west. Head further up the
ladder on the other side of the aqueduct. On the other side,
you'll come to a small guy who will think you are the
repairman, and who will power up the gondola for you. The
gondola will take you down to the planks. Slash the rope to
drop the plank and open the passage back to where you came
from. Go the other way (unless you want to go back
outside...). Jump over the gap and go up the ladder. Up
there, head further east toward a chest with 500 Z. Go back
west, down the ladder, and over the gap. Climb the ladder.
Go east, and you will come to a water basin. Jump in. The
place where you end up will look familiar...

The diary is still there, so use it to rest and save. Go
west, north, then east a bit to the two doors. Go in the
first of them, There is a Life Shard in the bag this time.
Skip the second door, go further east and up the stairs. Go
on through the door, the hall, and another door. You will
find a Magic Shard in one of the cabinets. Walk into the
passage with the red curtain before it. Cray will say
exactly the same thing as in the dream (Couldn't he just
say: "Well, we all know what we did in the dream, right?"?).
Go behind the curtain, and walk to the other side. After
some sequence, it's time for chapter II.

%% The Endless c2.0 %%

Ludia p048
Item: Aurum

Nina will come to wake you up. When you are in control, take
the Aurum from behind the bed and save
est at the diary if
you want to. Go downstairs. You'll meet Scias, someone
assigned to make sure you don't run off. Go outside, and
Scias will join you. He's a new party member, mind you. Also
note that since Cray is being questioned, he can't come with
you. Head for the castle and you will have a short sequence
there. Now upgrade your equipment in the house to the west
of where you start if you want, and head out of Ludia.

Don't forget to change Scias' Master to Stoll or Rwolf (I'd
say Stoll).

World Map p049

For the story to continue, you have to go to Worent. I
suggest you head north to Shyde first though. Go into a ?
area on the path between Shyde and the intersection. You'll
find another sign for a Fishing Spot. Fish if you want. Go
on north into Shyde.

Shyde p050

You will note the blue fish at the entrance. He is a Manillo
with whom you can trade fish. This time, you actually have
some of the fish he wants. Still, none of the fish can be
aquired from the only Fishing Spot available to you at the
time :(.

Walk on under the passage. In a corner here, a man is
standing. Exchange your Lead Ball with him for a Bronze
Ball. There are two shops here. The area past here contains
nothing that is of any use as of yet. When done here, head
for Whychwood.

Whychwood p051
Enemies: Wyd, NutTroop
Boss: Sparrow (easy)
Items: Healing Herb x3, Magic Shard

Head south into the woods. Instead of going down the slope,
cut off by taking the path to the east :). Take the path
leading west and get the 3 Healing Herbs from the chest. Go
back and further to the south. You will be forced to go east
and go into the next area. Now, Nina will shrink all of a
sudden. The rest of your party will think she has
disappeared. Then a bird will fly down and pick her up.
Still, your party is clueless. Head on south, and you will
see some sequence with a couple of faeries.

The faeries will think YOU are no fair... But they will
explain what they did to Nina.

Don't go down the slope to the west, but instead, take the
path to the right of it. Jump over the gaps, and you will
come to a bag with a Magic Shard. Take it. Head further
west, and down the slope. Go to the southwest and go up the
slope there, and jump over the gap. This tree here holds
Nina. Ram it with Ershin, and you will get some sequence.
You are now in control of Nina.

Walk up the edge of the nest, and you will see a spot where
you can jump off. Do so. Head to the north. Now, the bird
will come back, and it thinks Nina is one of her babies. The
bird will insist that Nina eats a caterpillar. You will now
initiate a battle.

/ \
| HP: 600 Zenny: 100 Experience: 250 |
| |
| Item: Bird Drop, Wooden Rod |
| Skill: Feeding Time, Ponder |
| |
| Don't fight it. Defend, and heal (You don't want to kill |
| the birdie do you?). If you didn't kill it, it will |
| escape, and it will leave you alone, leaving you a |
| Bamboo Rod. |

Head further north. There will be a conveniently hanging
string from the tree, so climb down it. Ershin will not
allow Nina to climb down safely, and he will ram the tree
some more. Nina will enlarge right at that moment, and fall
on top of Ryu. She seems quite embarrassed by this.

Anyway, just head north for another while, and you will be
able to leave the forest, and you'll be back on the World
Map. The path to Worent will open up. You could go try out
your new fishing rod first though :).

Worent p052
Boss: Kahn
Item: ManlyClothes

It's a whole village with people looking just like Rei! I
mean, Cray. Go into the Watermill, and look who's there.
It's the wack girl again. She will explain some more simple
concepts to you. Head into the house east of the mill. This
is another Inn/Shop combination.

The two buildings to the south contain people who will tell
you that Cray is the chief of Worent.

Go further up east, and up the stairs. The party will
explain their situations to the elders. After the elders
almost declare war on Ludia, they will tell you about Tarhn,
Cray's mother. Ryu decides to go look for her. Head through
the door to the south and down into the basement. Take the
ManlyClothes there. Go back outside and try leaving the
village. Kahn will leap down and attack you.

__/Kahn (2nd fight)\______________________________________
/ \
| HP: 3500 Zenny: Experience: 2000 |
| |
| Item: Ginseng |
| Skill: Tiger Fist, Shout |
| |
| Have Ryu morph into the Aura Dragon. He still has high |
| Defense, so use Nina's magic rather than physical |
| attacks. ShiningBlade works very well though, especially |
| if you Combo it. Also, Flame Strike is more effective |
| than Hwa this time. . Also heal when needed. The Tiger |
| Fist Skill does heavy damage, but Kahn only has the AP |
| to cast it once :). After that, he will mostly use Shout |
| and guard. Just practice your Combos on him or |
| something :). |

After you kick his rear again, Una will show up. She is the
Master of Kahn, so it seems. Go back into the house where
the elders live, and head up the ladder. Talk to Una here.
Say that you are sorry, and she will offer to train you. I'd
say she makes a good master for Cray, but he is not in your
party at the moment. Anyway, if you go on the World Map, a
new path will appear to the Plains.

Plains p053

There is a sign a small ways to the east. It says:
"This way to the Golden Plains. Need a horse? Go to Worent!"
It appears you need a horse to travel here, so go back to

Worent p054

Go to the southeast of town. Talk to the woman by the
floating... thing with a saddle on it. The woman will tell
you it takes a long time to learn horsebackriding. The
weird thing flying around you is a whelk. You will take
that thing with you instead of a horse. Head back to the
Plains (make sure Ryu has the Burn Skill).

Plains p055
Enemies: Nut Mage, NutArchr, NutTroop

As you arrive here, Ryu will be riding the whelk out of the
camp. He falls of after a short while. After Ershin explains
that riding is not an innate ability for Ryu, Scias will ask
Nina why she would help people when there is no benefit for
her. Anyway, you will now be sitting on the whelk, on a
screen that will look very familiar to people who have
played BoF3.

Just like the BoF3 desert, many people seem to hate this
part of the game, but I don't see why. If you follow the
directions you get, you won't get lost. I know I didn't.

Just a note, I've been keeping my levels very low throughout
the game, partially because I run away a lot. Ryu was only
lv 12 here in my game. This is the first part of the game
where it really caused me some trouble, because those Nuts
hit pretty hard, I was on my own, and having to start this
part all over is not funny.

Before you start running through the Plains, I will first
show you a small ASCII of the compass, just so you are
heading the right direction.

Red pin
W - + - E
White pin

You'll start facing east. That is the direction you need to
go. Unlike BoF3, you are allowed to use your compass here.
Just head east, by pressing up on the D-Pad.

When you encounter enemies, just use Burn and they will die.
The NutArchrs/NutTroops might require two.

After a while, you will come to the big rock. Head northeast
from here. After a while you will see a thin line of smoke
at the horizon. Head a little further toward there, and you
will arrive at the Camp Site.

?(Camp Site) p056

Cray's mom will invite you to join her at the fire. You will
talk to her for a while, and she will tell you you can rest
in her tent. You will also see some sequence of Cray's
trial, and some flashbacks.

The next morning, as you woke up, head outside the tent.
Talk to Cray's mother again. You will get three options to
use as arguments to free Cray. Pick the King's Sword. Cray's
mother will think it's a good idea. Now you need to head
back to Worent, to ask the Worens how to get to Mt. Glom.
Walk out of the area. You will be on the World Map. Head for
the Plains, which is now a ! area.

Plains p057

You'll have short chat with Nina. Afterwards, walk of the
edge of the area, and pick to exit the Plains. Go back to

Worent p058

Go talk to all three the elders. One will tell you how to
get to Mt. Glom. It's time to head back to the plains for
another trip...

Plains p059

You will now be on foot (?). Head east again, to the big

This time, head south from the rock.

You will have to walk south for a while. You can
continuously see your target at the horizon. After a while,
you will come to a brighter part of the Plains, and you will
switch to the Mountain.

Mt. Glom p060
Enemies: Wyd, Firewyd
Items: Fire Ward, Vitamin x2, Drill Punch, Molotov x4

Note that, if you want to quit playing now, or rest and
save, you can just walk out of Mt. Glom, and you will be
back on the World Map, with a convenient new path leading to
Mt. Glom.

Head into the cave. This cave resembles Mt. Zublo from BoF3,
and stepping onto the lava will have the same effect, HP
loss. Go north, and jump over the gap. Get the bag here, it
contains a Fire Ward. Go on into the passageway, and keep
heading east. Go up the slope, and into the passage to the
north. Head toward the east. It seems a dead end, but when
you fought a battle (either by winning or running away, it
doesn't matter), the plates lying here will rearrange, and
you can get the chest across the plates. It holds 600 Z. Get
back on the plate, and run around on it to get into another

After that battle, the plates will move back into their old
positions. Move onto the northmost plate. With another
battle, the plate will rise. Get the chest toward the
northwest. It will contain 2 Vitamins. Get into another
battle, and the plates will change position again. Move onto
the plate to the north. After yet another battle, you can go
into the passage to the west here. Take the Drill Punch
there. You could equip it, but the Ice Punch is really handy
against those Fire monsters. Anyhow, head back outside, and
battle again. Move over to the eastern plate. You will need
to do one more battle. After that, you can cross over to the
east side, and go into the passage there. Cross over the
bridges and you will come to a cottage. This is where the
smith resides.

He tells you that you will need the Faerie Drop, a very rare
metal that can only be obtained in the Faerie Dimension.
After your party decides to go visit the faeries in
Wychwood, you will be back in control. Take the Aurum from
the smith's cabinet, and then head down the ladder in the
hatch. Down the ladder, take the west path first. Cross the
two bridges, and you will come to a chest holding 4
Molotovs. Go back to the cave below the smith's house, and
take the east path this time. Follow the small pathway
outside. Outside, take a few steps, and you will be back on
the World Map. Do your stuff, then head back for Wychwood.

Wychwood p061

As you walk in, you'll hear faeries laughing. Head into the
forest toward the south. Jump over the gap, head northeast,
up the next slope. You'll see some of those sparkles that
indicate the presence of a faerie. Examine them, and a
faerie will appear. His two buddies will come up behind him.

Watch the sequence. You need to be dreaming to enter the
Faerie Dimension. But don't worry, the faeries will give you
a hand doing this :).

Faerie Dimension p062
Bosses: Nmago, Ckom, Kyo, Udy, Bokta, Fantam

When you are here, the faeries will explain they need you to
get rid of the nightmares for them. Look for the speech
bubbles saying "ZZZ", walk up to them, and examine them.
Each of them will initiate a battle with one of the
nightmares. Note that you can return to the regular world to
heal up at any time, by talking to the leader-type-faerie.

/ \
| HP: 1700 Zenny: 40 Experience: 340 |
| |
| Item: - |
| Skill: - |
| |
| Just attack him until he kicks the bucket. He's very |
| easy. You probably won't even need to heal. |

/ \
| HP: 1600 Zenny: 50 Experience: 320 |
| |
| Item: - |
| Skill: Sleep, Rock Blast |
| |
| This one will actually be able to deal some damage to |
| you, with it's Rock Blast Skill. You might need to heal |
| in between once. |

/ \
| HP: 1800 Zenny: 30 Experience: 360 |
| |
| Item: Magic Shard |
| Skill: Weaken, Blunt, Enfeeble |
| |
| Don't use magic, it has no effect on him. Just use |
| physical attacks and Skills, you should be fine. |

/ \
| HP: 1900 Zenny: 20 Experience: 380 |
| |
| Item: Life Shard |
| Skill: Leech Power, Drain |
| |
| It will evade many physical attacks. Use magic instead. |
| If you use Firewind (Burn, then Sever), the Combo will |
| do pretty high damage. So use it. |

/ \
| HP: 1300 Zenny: 60 Experience: 300 |
| |
| Item: Life Shard |
| Skill: - |
| |
| Just attack him a couple of times. This is another one |
| of the real simple ones. |

A big, bouncing... Errr... thing will appear. Examine it for
the final battle, against the big nightmare boss, Fantam.

/ \
| HP: 5000 Zenny: 1800 Experience: 5000 |
| |
| Item: Magic Shard |
| Skill: Frost, Drain, Nose Dive |
| |
| Every attack you perform will change it's size, and with |
| that, it's attributes and Skills. This makes magic a |
| rather tedious thing, so use physical Skills where |
| possible. Use ShiningBlade up, then put Scias in the |
| back row to regain AP, and use it again. It should be |
| pretty easy. |

Once you win the battle, the thing will shrink and
disappear. People who played BoF3 should recognize the music
playing now, it's been edited a bit, but it's the same.

The faerie leader seems pretty happy now. He will hand you a
Faerie Drop. Now, it's time to exit the area and head back
to the smith.

?(Smith's house) p063

Head back into the cave, and go on into the cave underneath
the smith's house. Climb the ladder here. Talk to the smith
and he will forge you a new King's Sword. Head back down the
ladder and east outside. Leave the area, and head for the
Ludia kingdom.

Ludia p064

Head east into the castle. You will find that the Empire has
had the same idea as you... Nina decides to go rescue Cray.
Head back to the town area, and go into the first house (the
one you started this Chapter in, remember?). Upstairs, you
will be prompted to wait for nightfall.

?(Unknown) p065

You will see a sequence with Fou-Lu, as he was saved by
someone again, a girl this time.

%% Cray's Escape c2.1 %%

Ludia p066
Enemies: Soldier, Troop, Roach, ToxicFly
Item: Artemis' Cap

At night, save if you want. You will notice that Scias is
with you... Anyhow, just head downstairs, outside, and to
the southwest of Ludia. Talk to the man standing here to
exchange your Bronze Ball for an Iron Ball. Head back
towards the castle. You will get some sequence. It appears
that Scias does not really agree with his superiors. Go west
a few steps and head north toward the guard. You have to
kill him off in one turn, or he will call for help, and you
have to start over the castle. He has about 900 HP.

Go on to the north. You will come to the next room. Beat the
guard here and go into the passage behind him. Take the
Artemis' Cap here, and go back to the previous room. Head up
the stairs. Head on east through the passage, and up the
stairs. You will come to another guard.

Once you win the battle from the guard, you will get some
more sequence. Cray will now rejoin your party.

Head inside, and east through the passage. Go downstairs
again, and follow the path back outside. Head out of Ludia.

World Map p067

You really have to head towards Worent now, but I suggest
heading back to the smith's place first. You'll see why soon

?(Smith's house) p068

When you talk to the smith, he'll offer to make you Armor
out of items. If you want a guide on what can be made into
what, check section 04\4. To actually get something, you
will need 3 resources, but you should have the 2
Glass Shards from the digging game, and you might have found
some exploring. When you're done at the smith's place, just
go back outside and head for Worent.

Remember this place whenever you have any good junk with

Worent p069

Just head into the village, and talk to all three the
elders. The one in the center will tell Cray he should also
go see his mother. So you'd better go do that. Exit here,
and head for the campsite (? area north of the Plains).

?(Camp Site) p070

Cray will apologize to his mom. His mom will tell you that
you can stay in her tent again. After you wake up again,
head out of the tent. Talk to Cray's mother. Nina will
figure it all out, and conclude that the Empire must be
looking for Ryu.

Nina will suggest asking the Wyndian Wind Dragon for advice.
Cray's mother will say she is not sure whether Ryu is indeed
a dragon, but I suppose you already figured it out by now
:). Head back to the Plains area.

%% The Wind Dragon c2.2 %%

Plains p071

This time, just head east, and further east past the big
rock. After heading east for a while, you'll come to a
golden area in the plains again. You are now at the Shrine.

Shrine p072
Enemies: Drake, Catrpilr
Items: Silver Top x4, Light Bangle

As always, you can just exit the area and it will become a
spot reachable from the World Map.

Head east, and down the passage leading inside. Examine the
altar before the statue, and you will be prompted to insert
the Jadestone. Do so. The statue will sink, allowing you
access further inside.

Head on east. Head north at the first intersection. Continue
north at the second. At the third, head west first to get a
chest containing 500 Z. Head back to the intersection. Head
east to the next, and east past the following one too. At
the next intersection, head south. Follow the path east to a
passage. You will come to a room with multiple colored

You have to use Cray to push the handles, so the lasers will
change direction. The crystals will reflect the lasers.
Don't touch any of the lasers, because they will damage you.

Walk down the middle stairs. Push the handle on the green
laser here toward the south. Go on to the north, to the
yellow laser. Push it's handle to the north. Head back up
the middle stairs, and go down the southern stairs. Follow
the path between the lasers here to a chest containing 4
Silver Tops.

Go back down, and push the red laser's handle to the north.
Head back to the south and up the stairs, then down the
middle stairs again. Push the handle of the green laser back
to the east. Go back up and down the southern stairs again.
Push the handle for the red laser back to the east.

Enter the passage to the east and take the Light Bangle from
the chest here. Head back out. The lasers are already out of
your way, so just head into the passage to the north. Go up
the stairs here. You will come into a hut. Talk to the dude
in here, and he will exchange your Iron Ball for a
Brass Ball. Head out of the house.

If you trade a Bronze Ball for an Iron Ball here, you missed
the trade in Shyde, or the one in Ludia. If you trade a
Lead Ball for a Bronze Ball, you missed both. The one in
Ludia can't be gotten anymore now... :(.

To the west of the house is a chest containging 2 Ammonias.
Take it. After that, just exit this area in any direction.
Head for Ahm Fen.

Ahm Fen p073
Enemies: Patrol, Cracker, Nut Mage
Items: Baby Frog, Life Shard x3

Head on east over the thin bridge to the small isle. Go on
over the bridge to the south. Follow the bridge to the next
isle, and go over the following bridge to another isle. Head
for the bridge to the east. Jump over the gaps in the
bridge, and you will come to another isle. Head down to the
west of it. Keep going west to a chest with a Baby Frog.
Head back east, go past the plank you came down with, and go
up the next plank, into the next area.

You will come to an intersection. Take the path northeast,
stepping on the repaired piece of bridge underway. The
snakes will move. Head on over the planks, and you will be
able to walk over the snake. On the next plank, step on the
repaired piece, but don't go over it. Instead, walk back to
the snake. Over the snake, head further south, down the
plank, and get the Scale Mail from the chest. Walk back over
the plank. The snake will move away before you. Oh well.
Just step on the repaired piece four more times, and the
next snake will be in position. Walk east toward the next
plank. Step on the repaired piece three times to make the
snake appear here. Head back west over the snake, and you
will notice he is now in your way to get the chest. Step on
the repaired piece two more times and get the 3 Life Shards
out of the chest. On your way back, you have to walk over
the repaired piece again and the snake will move
conveniently into position. Move over it. At the next plank,
just step on the repaired piece and head back onto the
snake. Walk over it once more, and head down the plank. Jump
over the stepping stones in the water to the south. Head on
up the plank and walk to the east out of this area.

Walk on over the plank to another isle. There will only be
another plank to the north, so take that one. You will be
back on the World Map.

World Map p074

Some new paths will open up. Before you head to visit all
those cool new areas, I suggest taking the path all the way
north straight to Wyndia. Halfway the path before Wyndia,
you will have a camping sequence and a faerie will ask for
your help. You can now start the Faerie Village subgame,
which is the coolest subgame ever IMO. Check section 11 for
information about the Faerie Realm. I'd say it's a good idea
to develop the Faerie Village a bit before continuing.

Also, head for the ? area to the northwest of Ahm Fen.

?(Njomo's house) p075
Item: Vigor Seed

There is a house here. Head inside. Take the Vigor Seed from
the cabinet here, and talk to the man. He will tell you
about his wife (weird, weird story. Especially if you
consider the fact that faeries have no gender...). Head up
and talk to the faerie there. She will scold you for barging
into her room. Remember her though, she will become a Master
when you have progressed enough into the Faerie Village.

Do your stuff, and when you are ready to go on, head on
north to Wyndia.

Wyndia p076
Items: Swallow Eye x2, Fish-head x2, Eye Drops,
Ring of Wind, Fat Frog

Walk east a small bit and you will see a blue manillo
sitting there. You guessed it, he runs another fish shop.
This time, you can actually head back and catch some of the
fish he wants, if necessary.

Straight north from the Manillo merchant, head up the stairs
and into the mill. Inside, you will see a familiar person,
it's Momo! Talk to her and she will become a Master. I'd say
she is a good Master for Nina.

To the west of the mill is an Inn. There is a merchant
upstairs here.

Head into the big house to the south. There is nothing
upstairs. Head into the south door. The thin man here will
trade you 4 Aurums for your Straw. Head into the west door
and take the 2 Swallow Eyes from the cabinet. The cabinet on
the other side holds 2 Fish-heads. The northmost door will
lead back to the hall of the house. The house to the east
holds an Eye Drops in the cabinet.

Head up the stairs in the east of Wyndia and enter the
elevator. It will take you up into the castle.

Head further east and enter the tower. Head up the stairs in
here. Head back outside. Follow the path north into the next
tower. Take the Ring of Wind in the chest here. Head back
south to the previous tower and down the stairs again.
Outside, head north into the middle area. Talk to either of
the guards here with Nina in front, and they will let you

Head down the stairs here, and head west, outside. Enter the
passage to the north. Follow it and you will come down to a
prison cell. The man here will trade your Brass ball for a
Tin Ball (again, a different trade means you missed one in
the past).

Head back outside and back into the big room. Head back
upstairs. Talk to the thin man here and you will get some
sequence with the king of Wyndia, and about the Wind Dragon.

You'll note that the king of Wyndia is a lot nicer than he
was in BoF3 :).

After you wake up again, head out of the room you are in to
the west. Re-enter the king's room to the north, and loot
his dressers for a Fat Frog. Take the elevator back down and
leave Wyndia. Head for Kasq Wds.

Kasq Wds p077
Enemies: BeeTroop, Bilboa, Cracker, Nut Mage
Items: Weather Vane x2, Long Boots, Magic Shard, Aurum
Flattop x3

Head west into the woods. Go over the bridge. Head south
from here and talk to the man standing over there. He will
tell you about a new Fishing Spot. If you are a fishing
freak like me, that's enough reason to head straight out of
the forest again :).

Anyhow, when you are ready to go on, head north from the
bridge. You will enter a new area. Head northwest. At the
intersection, head up the slope. Head southeast and over the
bridge. Follow the path further, and you'll come to a sign
that explains how to ride the logs. It's pretty
self-explanatory though.

Step on the log you can reach from here. Ride it north and
step onto the next log. Ride it west a bit, and step off it
at the small isle. Step on the log at the other side of the
isle, and ride it to the item bag. Take it for 2
Weather Vanes. Head back on the log, back over the isle, and
back onto the log north of the isle. ride it further west,
and hop on the next log. Ride this one to the north, skip
the first patch of land where you can step off, and go
further all the way to the north. Step off. Walk to the
west, and follow the path to a chest containing a
Long Boots. Go back, back onto the log, but don't ride it
back all the way. Instead, ride it to the patch of land you
skipped earlier, and go off it, and walk over the patch of
land to the next log. Ride it east to yet another log. Ride
it north and you will be back on steady land. Head south,
take the chest with 600 Z, and go back north. Head further
north into the next area.

Head west, curl around the path, being careful not to hurt
your characters on the thorns of the vegetation here, and
take the Magic Shard from the chest. Head back, and go east
this time. At the intersection, take the northwest path.
Keep watching out for thorned vegetation, and follow the
path into a new area.

Keep going to the next intersection. At the intersection,
head north. The sign says:
"If ye seek the Oracle of Wind, ye shall find her here."

Just a little further is a house. Enter the house. An old
lady will be here. She is the Oracle of Wind. After she
tells you you need to head back to Wyndia, take the chest in
her house for an Aurum, and loot her bookcase for 3
Flattops. Head back out of the house. Head west and you will
get a camping sequence. Scias will now have left your party
:(. Head back to Wyndia

Wyndia p078

Head back into the castle with the elevator, and go back
into the large room east of the king's bedroom. After the
sequence, head west, and take the north passage outside. Go
into the north tower. Head down the stairs here. The guard
will have stepped aside. Head in.

Wyndia Castle Catacombs p079
Enemies: Catrpilr, Zombie, Cadaver, ZombieDr, GntRoach
Items: Soul Gem, Swallow Eye x3, Balance Ring,
Healing Herb x4

Somehow, the lower areas of the castle are infested with
monsters, so this is a dungeon. Head east until you come to
the first intersection. Take the northeast path and you will
come to another intersection. Go north to a Soul Gem. Head
south to another intersection, head east here. Follow the
path to the next area.

Keep going to the next intersection. Head northeast for 3
Swallow Eyes. You can only go when the mill points the other
way, but it won't be hard to get there. When back, take the
northern path. You will head into a new area.

Head north a bit, and step on the spinning
bridge-type-thing. Walk over to the plank and step on the
next. Head across to the south for a Balance Ring (just step
on the thing and wait for it to point south). Head back on
and go onto the bridge to the east this time. Go further to
the east and you can exit this area.

Head south a couple of steps and you will come to another
intersection. You have to head north from here, but you have
to look out for the wind or it will blow you back. You can
tell from the mills whether wind is blowing, and you have to
hide in the gaps in the wall when the wind is blowing. When
you the wind starts to blow and you are not in a gap yet,
just run in against it and make your way to a gap. Don't
forget the bag with 4 Healing Herbs to the east along the
way. After that, there is a bag with 2 FlashGrenades to the
west wall. You'll exit the area to the north when you are
far enough.

This is the end of the dungeon, the Wind Flute lies here.
Just take it. Now you have to head back. Head back through
the wind tunnel, over the spinning bridges, and through all
the tunnels.

You will have another sequence about the betrayal of Scias.
You now switch back to Ryu's gang. Just head out of Wyndia,
and head for Pung' tap.

Pung' tap p080
Enemies: GntRoach, Drake. BloodBat
Boss: Grunt A/Grunt B/Grunt C x2
Items: Homing Bomb, FightingRobe, Power Food x2

Your party will automatically play the Wind Flute and make
the elevator come down. Head southeast and into the castle.

Head on east down the stairs. You will come to a very small
room with three doorways. Take the south doorway. The path
will curl around and lead you to a small chamber. In the
small chamber, open the chest for a Homing Bomb. Go back to
the room with three doors, and head south this time. Walk on
for a small while and it's subgame time again.

You have to jump from the ledges. The wind will be able to
carry you up. The situation looks like this:

South North

------ ----
X 1
------ ------
-------- --------

S = You start here.
1 = Chest containing 600 Z.
X = Passage leading to Y.
Y = Passage leading to X.

Jumping when there is wind will cause you to go to the other
side, one level higher, except from the middle south, from
which you'll fall one level down instead. Jumping when there
is no wind will cause you to:
Jump over to the other side on the lowest level.
Jump two levels down from the upper south.
Jump one level down from anywhere else.

The objective is (After you get the 600 Z, of course), to
jump while there is wind, from the highest level, from the
north side.

For those of you who did not figure it out yet, here is what
you need to do:
1. Jump over to the south when there is no wind.
2. Jump back to the north when there is wind.
3. Take the 600 Z from the chest.
4. Jump down one level when there is no wind.
5. Jump up to the south when there is wind.
6. Head through the passage to arrive in the upper north.
7. Jump up while there is wind.

You will arrive at another wind tunnel. Here you should:
1. Jump to the north while there is wind.
2. Jump to the south while there is wind.
3. Jump to the north while there is wind.
4. Jump to the south while there is wind.
5. Take the FightingRobe from the chest here.
6. Jump back down while there is no wind.
7. Jump down without wind again.
8. Jump to the north while there is wind.
9. Jump to the south while there is wind.
10. Head through the passage.
11. Jump down while there is no wind.
12. Take the 2 Power Foods in the chest.
13. Jump up while there is wind.
14. Jump up while there is wind.

You will come to a small room with one exit to the west.
head outside and you will get some sequence. Head south over
to the gondola. The zombie look-a-like Ludian fellow will
be right behind you. He will send his clones to attack you
(Well, that's what they look like isn't it?).
_______ _______ _______
__/Grunt A\/Grunt B\/Grunt C\_____________________________
/ \
| HP: Grunt A Zenny: 500 Experience: 2600 |
| 1300 |
| Grunt B |
| 1400 |
| Grunt C |
| 1500 |
| |
| Items: Eye Drops, Molotov, Knockout Gas |
| Skill: Grunt A: Feint*, Blind* |
| Grunt B: Flare |
| Grunt C: Sleep, Weaken, Blunt |
| |
| The Burn/Cyclone(Simoon) Combo works quite well against |
| these guys, because there's three of them. Status that |
| cancels your current action such as Sleep might sabotage |
| your Combos though. Heal if needed. These guys should be |
| quite easily disposed of. |

After you beat them, the man has more clones for you. Scias
will appear and help you out (Check out the grin!). The next
battle is exactly the same, except Scias is now on your
side. Note that he is not in your party though, he
game-technically is an enemy who just happens to be damaging
the other enemies, and who does not need to be killed for
you to win. He also won't gain any experience. Don't use
affect all spells on the enemy!

You will get a sequence in which you find the Wind Dragon,
P'ung Ryong. He takes you to "The place of Summoning".

Your HP and AP are fully restored. Just head down the
mountain and you are back on the World Map.

%% The Dragons c2.3 %%

Ice Peak p081
Enemies: Icebeak, Blue Cap, Red Cap, Bilbul, Bilboa
Items: Vitamin, Icicle, AsbestosArmr

Head west until you come to the slope leading up. One step
up this slope you can go back off it to the west and take
the bag containing a Vitamin. Head up the slope to the east,
and a bit further to the north. You will have to go back
down. Take the northmost path first. Head into the cave and
follow the path to a chest containing an Icicle. Head back
outside and back up the slope. Take the southmost path now.
You'll come to a cavern with a frozen waterfall through it.
Walk over the ice, into the cave.

Follow the path north. Up at the intersection, you will
notice that the northern path is a dead end, so take the
southern path instead. Follow the path back outside, and
head west into a new area.

You will notice that a snowball is in your way. If you
examine it, the game will hint you that it should be pushed.
Switch to Cray and push the snowball out of your way. Walk
after it, but be careful not to push it again (if you do,
head out of the area and back in again to reset the
snowball). Walk around it, and follow the path to the south.
You will come to another snowball. Push it down and it will
form a bridge for you. Go over it and you will have to push
another snowball. Ignore the path to the north for now and
go after the snowball. It will still be in your way, so push
it one step further. Head to the north, and then to the
east, and you will come to a snowball lying before a narrow
path down. Push it down. Go after it and go east to get the
AsbestosArmr from the chest. Cross over the snowball again
and take the path south. Walk down the slope to the west.
Head a little to the north and push the snowball there down
to the south. Now push it down to the west. Keep pushing it
until it falls in the gap and forms a bridge for you. Head
over it. Push the snowball lying here to the north four
times and then push it into the gap to the east. Head over
it and take the 500 Z from the chest.

It doesn't matter which path south you take, both will lead
to the exit of this area.

World Map p082
Enemies: Red Cap, Blue Cap, Bilboa, Bilbul, BlueBall

On the World Map, a new path will open to Chek.

Chek p083
Item: Aurum

You'll notice that the entire town of Chek is inhabited by
children. If you talk to some, though, you'll note that they
are quite knowledgeable.

Head west into the Inn. Take the Aurum from the bag there.
Rest if you lost any MaxHP, and go back outside. Head for
the Abbess' place, the house to the east.

The Abbess will start to tell you about the difference
between gods and mortals, and about Lifestreams (no, not

As Ryu wakes up, walk outside. Apparently, you are dreaming.
The Abbess will tell you more Important Story Stuff, and
Ershin will join in the conversation. It seems that Ershin
is also a god...

As Ryu *really* wakes up, head outside again. You'll see
some sequence with Cray and Nina. You are not allowed to
sleep at the Inn (saving is possible though), or to go out
of the village. So head up the stairs to the northwest of
the town and follow the path to the Abbess. She will tell
you you should release Ershin from her armor. You will be
sent to Ershin's Dream World.

Ershin's Dream World p084
Enemies: Gulper, Spectre
Boss: Umadap/Azeus/Agiel/Yeleb
Item: Water Ward

First, the Abbess will explain to you what you need to do.
You are then in control again. Heading west will cause you
to head back out of Ershin's mind. Head north and follow the
path for a while. At the first intersection you come to,
take the south path and jump over the gap to reach the
chest, which contains a Water Ward. Head back and head north
now. After another while of following the linear path, you
will come to a new area.

Keep going north, jumping over some gaps. Examine the white
crystal hanging here and the big rock will stop spinning.
Jump onto it. Ascend to the top and you will come to a large
green crystal, with a silhouette in it...

Examine it and you will talk to Ershin, in her true form
this time. She will ask you to get rid of the pillars. When
you examine one of the pillars, a boss-fight will be

______ _____ _____ _____
/ \
| HP: 1200 Zenny: 0 Experience: 10000 |
| |
| Items: Electrode, Water Bomb, Molotov, Weather Vane, |
| Earth Ward, Water Ward, Fire Ward, Wind Ward |
| Skill: Umadap: Sever, Cyclone |
| Azeus: Frost, Iceblast |
| Agiel: Rock Blast, Stone Pillar |
| Yeleb: Flare, Fireblast |
| |
| These guys will recover 600 HP each turn, which means |
| the best way to take them out is one by one. To find out |
| what element they are weak against, press square to |
| examine them. The magic they 'suppress', is what they |
| weak against(even though my logic says they should be |
| strong against it if they suppress it. It's just how you |
| interpret the word 'supress' I suppose.). Stay healthy, |
| and it should be easy. |
| |
| Note: ShiningBlade does 0 damage to Azeus for some |
| reason. Azeus is also strong against physical attacks. |

After the fight, Ershin wants you to find her a body to live
in. She makes it sound so easy... Anyway, just head out of
the Dream World again, back to Chek. Note that you can't
follow the same path back, you have to go by the path where
you got the chest. You'll know when you're there because
that's where the path you took here can't be followed

Chek p085

Ershin will insist on some relaxation before she talks about
anything. The game will now switch to Fou-Lu.

?(Still no clue) p086

There is just a very short sequence, and it appears Fou-Lu
is still at the girl's place.

Chek p087

You can still not rest at the Inn(I hate walking around with
decreased MaxHP!) :(. So just go talk to the Abbess again
(she is at her home). You will get some more sequence, and
the game will switch to Fou-Lu again.

?(Sonne Village) p088

You can save and rest at the diary if you want. Head out of
the house. Talk to the people here if you want. Walk out to
the man at the exit of the village, and he'll tell you he
doesn't like strangers. Mami will come to help you, and you
will switch back to Ryu.

Chek p089

There will be more sequence back here. You can't actually
do anything...

?(Sonne Village) p090
Boss: Papan

Fou-Lu will talk about himself to Mami. You will then be
back in control of Fou-Lu. Head outside again, and head out
of this area.

In the next area, head west a while until you meet Mami
again. You'll hear a roar. Head south over the bridge and
follow the path east into the next area. Keep heading east
and you will meet Papan, a creature that looks quite much
like the Maman.

/ \
| HP: 13000 Zenny: 750 Experience: 10000 |
| |
| Item: Apple, Wisdom Fruit |
| Skill: Stone Pillar, Body Press |
| |
| Morph into the Astral Dragon. Use Frost Strike until it |
| dies. This is pretty easy huh? |

After you kill the thing, or rather make it go back to it's
old form, head back to the Sonne Farms and you will get a
small sequence. You will now switch back to Ryu.

Chek p091

You will get some more sequence (and Cray will say "Doesn't
that beat all?". He only forgot one word... He will also say
some less nice stuff though). Your HP and AP and even MaxHP
have already been restored for you.

Head for the Abbess' place again. You will once again have
to enter Ershin's mind.

Ershin's Dream World p092
Items: Knockout Gas x2, ManlyClothes

Follow the path. After the curve, jump over the gap and take
the 2 Knockout Gas' from the chest. Keep going to the
intersectioned area. Both sidepaths are dead ends so keep
going south. At the next intersection, take the sidepath to
the north to get a ManlyClothes from the chest. Head back
and further east, and north at the turn. You'll come to a
building that looks like a temple. Enter it. You will get
some sequence. Ershin will be mad, because she just had
some... visitors.

After the sequence, you can talk to the various men here.
Some say stuff that's funny, and others will reveal Ershin's
true name to you... (BIG spoiler, I won't tell you). Head
back outside and Ershin will wake up.

Chek p093

Ershin will tell you you can still call her Ershin, but she
would rather have you use her real name. You are allowed to
exit the village again. Head for Sinchon.

!(underway sequence) p094
Enemies: Bilboa, Bilbul, Fiend

It seems that Ershin's armor has started leading a life of
it's own, and it is sad about Ershin leaving it. After the
sequence, exit the area to the south.

Sinchon p095
Enemies: Fiend, Bot, Protobot
Items: Swallow Eye x2, Dragon Scale x3, Magic Shard x2,
Soul Ring

Head on north into the shrine. Keep heading north until you
come to the slightly raised platform. Once over it, you can
only take the east path because the west path is blocked by
a piece of a broken pillar. Head further north with the east
path. Through the passageway, head on west. Go through the
westmost passageway and south to a chest containing 2
Swallow Eyes. Head back north to the hallway and take the
north passageway this time. Keep going north and down into
the next area.

You will note that the rubble in this area splits the path
in two. Take the east path first and head up the stairs and
into the doorway. You'll note you can jump across the
pillars here. Jump over the west pillars, but use the middle
pillar to cross over to the east, and take the chest for 3
Dragon Scales.

Head back to the south and to the previous area. This time,
take the west path and go down. Walk through the room to the
north side of it and examine the plaque with the red jewel
in it. The two northmost pillars will rise, allowing you to
jump over them. Quicky run back out of this room and head
back upstairs, and jump over the pillars. Head for the
northmost pillar on the west side. Once your time is up, it
will lower again, giving you access to the west doorway.
Walk north and take the 2 Magic Shards from the chest. Then
head through under the bridge. Take the chest on this side
for a Soul Ring. Head back outside through the east doorway.

Examine the plaque again. Run back outside and around the
rubble back upstairs, and jump over the pillars. This time
take the east pillar and jump onto the middle platform from
there. Head through the doorway here. Keep heading north and
you'll be outside again, and get some sequence with Ershin.
The game will switch to Fou-Lu again.

Sonne p096
Items: Rice Ball

You can save in Mami's house. Head over to the farmlands,
and talk to Mami there. After a short conversation, Fou-Lu
decides to go to Mt. Yogy. You'll be on the World Map, but
head back into Sonne. When you talk to Mami now, she will
give you a Rice Ball. Head back to the World Map and just
head north to Mt. Yogy.

Mt. Yogy p097
Enemies: Bilbao, Cairn, Lavoid, BlackGoo
Boss: Marl/Klod/Bellwyd

Fou-Lu will punch the rock out of the way. Follow the path
to the intersected area. Take the upper north path. Follow
it, and take the upper path at the next intersection again,
instead of the small dead end. At the next intersection,
take the lower path and head into the volcano.

*** Note ***************************************************
I missed a whole bunch of items, but that's because Ryu will
be here much later too. Since Fou-Lu only gets a very short
part of the game, and an easy part at that, Ryu needs the
items more. Besides, Fou-Lu already has Mami's snack :).

Inside the volcano, head north into the next area. At the
intersection, head east. Keep going up the steps and to yet
another new area.

*** Another Note *******************************************
Since Ryu and Fou-Lu share their Skill Pools, you can learn
Skills with Fou-Lu and then Ryu has them as well. Make use
of this, the Ebonfire Skill used by the BlackGoo's and the
Blitz Skill used by the Bilbao's are very useful.

Blitz is very handy for getting good Combos, both in terms
of hits and damage, and Ebonfire is just powerful.

Just follow the linear path to the next area here. There,
keep going for another while and you will reach some
creature. It's not really intelligent, and it will attack
Fou-Lu for using difficult words.

____ ____ _______
/ \
| HP: Marl: Zenny: 2650 Experience: 25000 |
| 16000 |
| |
| Klod/Bellwyd: |
| 1500-2000 |
| |
| Item: Wisdom Seed x3, Life Shard, Magic Shard, |
| Wisdom Fruit, SuperVitamin |
| Skill: Marl: |
| Klod: Rock Blast |
| Bellwyd: Speed |
| |
| Morph into the Astral Dragon. Kill off it's buddies with |
| Eraser, and keep using Eraser to make sure those things |
| stay gone. As usual for Fou-Lu, this is very easy... |

After the fight, head back outside. Head all the way back
out of Mt. Yogy, and Mami and that other guy will come up.
The guy will ask Fou-Lu what he is, and the game will switch
back to Ryu.

Sinchon p098

In the mean time, Ryu's team will have summoned all the
dragons to them, all in their 'humanoid' form. After the
sequence the game will switch back to Fou-Lu.

Sonne p099

The guy from before will still be asking Fou-Lu questions,
but Mami says he shouldn't worry about it and tell Fou-Lu he
should get some rest. Head for Mami's place and rest up.
Save if you want, and head back outside. You will note that
the landlord has sold you out. Fou-Lu seems unwilling to
fight, and thinks maybe he'd better try escaping. Head back
into Mami's house. You will get some more sequence, and Mami
will help you escape. Mami will be arrested by the Empire
after the sequence. The game will switch back to Ryu and

Sinchon p100

The dragons will tell Ryu that he needs to seek out all
their true forms to gain their powers. You have to make your
way back through that last dungeon again... :(. You will be
fully healed though. Just keep heading south until you reach
the exit.

Chek p101
Boss: Pikeman/Archer (easy)

The Abbess will wake Ershin (the armor) up, and ask it to
help defend against the Imperial soldiers who have arrived.
As Ershin, use the diary to save. Then head outside and you
will have to battle two soldiers.

_______ ______
/ \
| HP: Pikeman Zenny: 60 Experience: 255 |
| 500 |
| Archer |
| 600 |
| |
| Item: Healing Herb |
| Skill: Pikeman: |
| Archer: Lucky Strike |
| |
| Just attack and kill them. Not tough. The Archer does |
| most damage so kill him first. |

After some sequence, there will be another such battle, but
with an additonal Pikeman. Rasso will come up and damage
Ershin. You will now be back in control of Ryu. Head for

Chek p102

Ershin will walk toward you. It sustained heavy damage and
will break down. Deis (I'll call her that from now on...)
will tell you that reviving Ershin would require her to
climb back into the armor, but that she does not intend to
do so. After that, you will be at the Abbess' place again
and you'll regain control after a short conversation. Head

After some more conversation, rest at the Inn if needed, and
head out of Chek, to the Abandoned Village.

?(Path to Abandoned Village) p103
Enemies: Yaen, Bilbul
Item: Soul Gem, Wisdom Seed

Head north up the path. Skip the small sidepath that dead
ends, and head southeast at the following intersection.
You'll quickly come to another intersection. Head south here
and get the chest containing a Soul Gem. Head back north and
continue going to the north. At the next intersection, take
the lower path to the west first to get a Wisdom Seed. Head
back up and take the east path. You will get a camping

?(Camping Site) p104

Cray will try to comfort Nina. Nina doesn't believe that
Ershin was not really a person. You can save in the tent if
you want. If you are perceptive, note that your HP/AP is
already restored, and try to leave, the game will tell you
to rest. So do that. The game will switch to Chek

Chek p105

Deis will talk to the Abbess for a while about how she does
not understand humans. Seems to me it's pretty logical that
not every person is the same, though...

?(Camping Site) p106
Boss: Ight

You will hear that Nina seems to be in trouble. Again, you
can save if you want. If you head outside, you will meet
Ursula. She will lead you to Rasso. You will note that Rasso
has not been very nice to the kids. Ursula seems pretty
upset by this. Rasso will now summon Ight to fight you.

/ \
| HP: 3000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 3600 |
| |
| Item: Aurum, Flame Sword |
| Skill: Jab, Inferno |
| |
| He's invincible... Just let him kill Ryu, and Ryu will |
| transform to Kaiser. He will no longer be controllable. |
| He will do the rest for you :). |

After some more sequence, you will be at Chapter III.

%% 3.0 Streams c3.0 %%

Sonne p107
Item: Ivory Bangle

The game will switch back to Fou-Lu. A man from Sonne will
tell you to git, and give you an Ivory Bangle. It's pretty
useful as Fou-Lu can only heal himself with Rest. Head into
the forest, and follow the path around to the World Map.
Head for the Sanctum.

Sanctum p108
Enemies: Cairn, Cyclops

Just head west to the inscripted stone. Examine it and a
creature will come after you. It appears that it's the
Papan. It will pound the stone out of the way, killing
itself in the progress. Head into the newly opened passage.
Keep following the path here until you come to the first
intersection. Head south there, and you will come to a large
crystal. Fou-Lu will be pretty happy as he finds the Water
Gene. This is in fact his third Gene, because if you check
his forms, you'll see that Ryu's Kaiser sequence has
activated Fou-Lu's Tyrant Dragon.

Keep going west through the passage that was previously
blocked by the crystal. You'll eventually come outside. Head
south, and follow the path down the mountain. Head for Soma.

Soma p109
Enemies: Bilbao, Shadow, Morph, Bandit

Head west until you come to the field with the tree in the
middle. Go south from here, and follow the path into a new

Keep going west and head down the slope. As you go on,
Fou-Lu will snce something bad happening, and the game will
switch to Mami, who is being sacrificed. Yohm will order the
Carronade to be fired at the Soma forest. It will fire, and
the bomb will fall precicely on Fou-Lu's head. Such bad
luck... Fou-Lu will be heavily wounded, and the forest is
suffering badly in the nuclear holocaust that has been
caused by the weapon. You'll see Fou-Lu laughing, and he
really reminds me of Sephiroth here. The game will switch
back to Ryu.

Abandoned Village p110

Ursula will ask Cray whether they are planning to use Ryu as
a weapon against the Empire. Cray starts arguing with her.
Scias will cut up Ursula... 's ropes. Is it just me or does
Ursula look a lot like Chun-Li? You will atomatically appear
back on the World Map. Head back to Chek.

Chek p111

Head back to the Abbess' place. You will get some sequence,
and she will ask you to wake up Deis. Don't worry, there is
no need to enter her dream world this time. Just talk to
her. She will be back into the armor, which seems rather
happy. Deis will tell the armor that it can have the name
Ershin. Basically, that means the armor is named Ershin, and
Deis is Deis. You will be back on the World Map, but head
back into Chek again.

Talk to the Abbess. She will offer to become your Master,
but she won't let you until you have met more dragons. Oh

*** Note ***************************************************
Just a small note, you now have six party members. Just
thought I'd let you know. The CP is really going to get
useful now :).

I suggest heading back to the Abandoned Village now. It's
not necessary, but you can meet Trunks there.

Abandoned Village p112
Enemies: Trunked, Trean

If you walk around here, you will run into Trunks. Beating
them is impossible (for now), but you can practice your
Combos on them. They come in groups of 6, and they never die
(like I said, for now), so you can try making huge damage or
hits Combos with no problems. Have fun with them for a
while, and make a 20+ Hit Combo so you can get all of
Rwolf's Skills later (Rock Blast, Fireblast, Rainstorm).
When you are done, head south for Mt. Ryft.

Mt. Ryft p113
Enemies: Fiend, Yaen, BlueBall, Mud Pup, Crawler
Item: Rocket Punch, Fish-head x3

Head south. You will come to a cavern entrance, go in.
Inside, go on south, jumping over the stepping stone. At the
intersection, ignore the southern path and head northwest.
At the small lake, jump over the stones to get the
Rocket Punch from the chest. Jump back and follow the path
to the west. You will come to another intersection. Head
southwest and go outside. You will note that a raft is
conveniently lying here. Step onto it. You will start a
subgame, you have to manoeuvre the raft, and you can gather
items. The raft can break, mind you.

On your first attempt, bounce against the sides of the
stream and your raft will break down. You will find yourself
at the side of the stream. Take the 3 Fish-heads from the
chest to the west, and go back up to the east. The raft is
back in one piece somehow.

This time, try keeping your raft in one piece. Gather as
many bags as possible. Eventually, you'll come to the end of
the stream.

After the quite rough ride downstream, just walk to the
south, out of this area. You will be back on the World Map.

World Map p114

A new path will open, from Mt. Ryft to Shyde. This means you
can finally go back past Shyde! Go visit Njomo, she'll teach
you a lot of new Skills (you built up the Faerie Village,
right?). As for Momo, she still didn't teach me a single
Skill. She said in the beginning you need a certain amount
of time on the clock, but why won't she just say how much?
Head back to Shyde.

Shyde p115

Head up the stairs to the west and head east. You'll come to
a new area. Don't go into the doorway yet, first head up the
ladder here. Talk to the weird girl. You will note you can
now ask her about Shift. If you do so, you will gain the
ability to travel ANYWHERE. So don't miss it. It's
important. Don't bother going outside to use Shift just yet
though, you can't go anywhere yet.

Just head back into the building and talk to the blue frog
man. He'll tell you sandfliers are not cheap. He will advise
you to ask one of the merchants here to take you along.
Ursula and Scias will attempt to hijack a sandflier. After
the sequence, you will meet Marlok again. In the
conversation, Cray and Nina will shrink(?). Marlok will give
you a Bond. Head back into the building. After another
conversation with the frog man, you will be standing next to
your very own sandflier. When you examine the sandflier, you
will be able to pick where to go, currently that is only
Kyoin. So pick Kyoin. You will initiate a subgame.

You need to ride the flier through the mazey path. Your time
will be remembered, and you can try to make better times.

Kyoin p116

Walk into the town. You will be told by the people here the
causeway is broken. Head up anyway, and the guard will stop
you. Head back to the sandflier. A man here will ask you to
take him to Shikk. Examine the sandflier, but don't choose
Shikk yet, pick "Outside of town". You will be standing on
the World Map outside Kyoin. Press right to head for Shyde,
or down to head to the Wharf. Pick the Wharf now.

%% 3.1 The World Tour (optional) c3.1 %%

World Map p117

Head for the Hideout and talk to Stoll. He should teach you
Steal now (He is called "Stole the thief" here. Weird.).
Also head back for Kurok, and Rwolf will teach you all of
his Skills.

Also check the Crash Site (where you started the game).

?(Crash Site) p118

You'll find a small fellow next to your old sandflier. He
will trade your treasure (Tin Ball --> Copper Ball if you
didn't miss any).

Head to Synesta.

Synesta p119

Head for the orphanage. Talk to the girl standing next to
Lyta. She will upgrade your treasure (Copper Ball -->
Silver Ball).

Head for Marlok's place. When you talk to him, he will
become a Master (providing you have at least the Tin Ball,
which you should have). If you have followed the
walkthrough, you can also get the Charm Skill.

World Map p120

If you haven't learned Blitz yet you can get it from Una at

Since you can now finally go anywhere again, you might want
to do some fishing.

When you are ready to go on, it's time to go visit the
dragons, so that you may get their powers. First head for
Synesta, and go south twice. You will arrive at the coast
area. Talk to the dragon there (he is in humanoid form). He
is the Mud Dragon. Of course, ask him to help you. You will
learn Mud Flow.

Now head for the Plains area. Note that you can use Shift
now, so just press Select and you can move there instantly.
Go north up to the Camp Site of Cray's mother, and she will
tell you you need to follow a shining bird. Yes, it's time
for another walk trough the Plains, people.

Plains p121

Head east to the big rock. To go east, the red pin of the
compass should be pointing to the left. It already is.

At the big rock, look around, maybe walk around a bit, and
you will soon see a shining bird. You can't miss it, the
glow is very obvious. If it is far away you see the glow but
not the bird. Anyhow, follow the shining bird, of course.

The bird will not slow down for you, so keep running at all
times, and press forward already before the end of battle
screen disappears. After a while, you will see a transparent
dragon appear, walk into him. He(or she?) is the
Grass Dragon. He will teach you Healing Wind.

Head for Shyde.

Shyde p122

Examine your sandflier and choose to head for Shikk.

On the course, you will note an area not reachable by simply
riding your sandflier there, because there is no path toward
it. The idea is to use the nearby hill to get there. Once
there, walk north into the oasis, and you will meet the
Sand Dragon. He will teach you Onslaught. The game will call
him "Grass Dragon" in the sequence, which is confusing. But
my logic tells me the other "Grass Dragon" is the real one.

Head back to Chek and the Abbess will become a Master. Now
head for N. Chamba.

N. Chamba p123
Boss: Angler

Talk to the guy sitting here. He will warn you not to go in.
Anyone who has some experience playing RPGs will know that
that really means go in there, there is something
interesting in there.

So head in. Climb down the ladder here. When you head for
the upper east edge of the roof, you will see a ? appear
above your head, and you will be attacked by the Angler.

/ \
| HP: 17500-25000 Zenny: 1300 Experience: 12000 |
| |
| Item: Deep Diver, Fish-head |
| Skill: Jolt, Feint*, Chlorine*, Curse |
| |
| It's the Angler from BoF3! It looks the same except for |
| the colors, heck, even the name is the same. |
| |
| To beat him, use your strongest Skills on him. He dishes |
| out quite some damage so stay healthy. Also, make good |
| use of the fact that the back row will restore AP. Use |
| fast characters to Combo Healing Magic. |
| |
| Preferably use Magic because he has high Defense, and |
| physical attacks won't hurt him much(or not at all, if |
| you are at low levels like me). If you do use physical |
| Skills, use strong ones(not Super Combo, that will just |
| make 9 very weak hits). |
| |
| If you can't beat him, there's only one solution, head |
| out of here and level up some more. |

Head back outside, and try to leave. The man will hint you
that you can fish in the mist. If you head back in here,
N. Chamba is a Fishing Spot, with many weird fish... (Well,
supposedly, all I've caught here is about 25 Jellyfish)

After any fishing and other World Touring you might want to
do, you are ready to continue with the storyline.

%% 3.2 The Empire c3.2 %%

World Map p123

Head either for Shyde or Kyoin and examine your sandflier.
Choose to head for Shikk, and just fly your sandflier
through the course. When you arrive, you will get some
camping sequence. Exit the camp site and you will be back on
the World Map. Head for Mt. Giga.

Mt. Giga p124
Enemies: Saruga, Yaen, Legion
Items: MultiVitamin, Weather Wand

Head east to the lift. Step onto it and it will take you to
the other side. Follow the narrow path to the first
intersection. There, head east and take the bag for 800 Z.
Go on and jump over the two gaps to the next intersection.
The south path dead ends as you see, so head north. Follow
the path, jumping down twice. See that red crystal? You
probably already guessed what it is by now. Walk up the
slope and jump down to the crystal. Examine it, and you will
receive the Fire Gem Dragon Crystal. Ryu can now use the
Wyvern Dragon Form. Jump back down, and head north up the
narrow slope. Use the lift here.

Take the upper path to the south, and take the bag there for
a MultiVitamin. Go back and take the lower path this time.
Head to the south, out of the covered area, and take the
southmost path to the west. Jump over two more gaps and take
the Weather Wand from the chest.

Go back into the covered area and take the northern path
east. You will be able to exit the area here. a new path
will open, leading to Chkpoint.

Chkpoint p125
Boss: Y.Troop/G.Troop (easy)
Items: Ginseng x3

You'll meet the guy who you gave a ride here. The building
houses an Inn. The big man outside will explain why Shikk
has closed the Checkpoint. Ursula will suggest a violent way
past here, but Nina(and the rest) will disagree.

Cray will go and talk to the guards, but they recognize him
and attack him. You will have to fight a battle.

_______ _______
/ \
| HP: 700 Zenny: 200 Experience: 1400 |
| |
| Item: Void Sphere, Dynamite |
| Skill: Rock Blast |
| |
| Just attack them. They are easy. |

After the battle, Nina will suggest using the wagons to
sneak past the gate.

You can move the two northmost wagons by pushing them with
Cray. There is also a wagon to the south, in front of the
Inn, which you can push. Go there first, and push the wagon
west three steps. Climb up the ladder to the south of the
Inn, and jump over the roof and over the wagon to the chest.
It holds 3 Ginsengs.

Now it's time to push the wagons to the north. Push the east
wagon three steps to the north, and the west wagon eight
steps to the east. Climb up to the roof of the Inn again and
jump over the wagons. You'll end up on the top of the gate.
You'll go right in front of the noses of the guards, but
they don't notice a thing.

Head to the north and you can jump down. You are across.

World Map p126
Enemies: Yaen, Saruga, Legion

Head for Shikk. Underway, go into a ? area. Follow the path
here until you come to a sidepath to the east. Go into the
sidepath. If you follow it out of the area, a new path will
open on the World Map. Head to the new ? area.

Talk to the humanoid dragon here. He is the Tree Dragon. He
will teach you Holy Circle. Now head for Shikk.

Shikk p127
Item: Water Bomb

Head west into town. Head west, past the Manillo(no, not a
merchant), and into the building. Examine the cabinet here
for a Water Bomb. Head down the stairs here, and you can
exchange your treasure with the man down here. Assuming you
got all, you now have an ElectrumBall, which allows you to
get Monopolize from Marlok. So keep that in mind.

Head back up. Outside, head north and down for a shop. If
you head down here, you'll come to the Pub. Talk to the
man who is on his own. That's Zig. He will tell you you need
the blessing of The Sea God, or he won't let you come on his
ship. Head out of Shikk, and go northeast of there to Fane.

Fane p128
Enemies: Mud Pup, BlueBall, Bad Coil, Bollor, Rollob,
Items: Hanger x5, Ammonia x2, Wetsuit

Head north, and walk over the plank. You will meet a man
there, talk to him. After talking to him, he'll let you
pass. Walk over three more planks. Head down the slope here
and walk south for a while until you come to a chest. It
contains 5 Hangers.

Head back north and back up the slope. Once up, head west
and take the bag for 2 Ammonias. head back and go over the
plank to the east. Head down the slope, and go on to the
east to a cave entrance.

Inside, head west. Follow the path, into a new area, until
you come to two passageways next to each other. Enter the
southmost one to get a Wetsuit. Go back outside and go
through the northmost passage. Follow the path in here and
take the Wave Stone. Head back out of this area, and go back
around the path. When you are at the exit of the cave, don't
go outside yet. Instead, stand on the green stone and walk
up to the pond. You will throw the Wave Stone into the
water, and light will shine from the pond. Head out of the
cave to the south. Head back west and up the slope. Walk
over the plank and take the upper path. You will come to
another cave entrance. Go in.

You will encounter another dragon. He will give you the
Salt Stone. Head back west, and then south, and leave the
Fane area. Time to head back for Shikk.

Shikk p129
Boss: Copycat (easy), Rat Pack x5/King Rat (easy)

Go talk to Zig. He'll let you come with him on the ship. As
you are almost there, he'll tell you he won't let the women
on the ship. Can't argue with superstitious people...
After Nina tries in vane to persuade Zig, you'll meet up
with your old pal Kahn. Ursula will shoot him off the mast.
Zig will suggest a different way to prove yourself. He wants
you to do a mast fight. Nina will volunteer. Of course, Nina
can fly, so for her it should be a piece of cake.

Fun fact: the sailor Nina is up against is named Iggy(like
that monkey that was with Zig in BoF3).

To win the battle, you have to push Iggy of the mast. To do
so, use X to jump onto him, and then run into him while
holding Square. The best trick to do it is to stand near the
end, wait for Iggy to run up to you, time it right and jump
on him, and run into him while he's stunned and near the

If you do it swift enough, you'll get time bonus. This will
add to your game points.

Zig will STILL not let you come on the ship, he has another
task for you. He's starting to be annoying, huh? Anyhow,
when you're ready, talk to him again. Nina and Ursula will
have to spend the night in the hold, a dark and cold area.
This guy is not very nice to women, is he? Anyway, after a
while Nina and Ursula will be attacked by a ghost named
/ \
| HP: 2000 Zenny: 800 Experience: 1000 |
| |
| Item: Nothing |
| Skill: Blitz* |
| |
| He will transform depending on what you do to him. |
| Physical attack: Sepoy |
| ANY Skill or Magic: Wizard |
| |
| If you wait(guard) for three turns, he will think you |
| are no fun and start using Blitz. If you let him use |
| Blitz often enough, you can kill him in his Copycat |
| form. But I suggest the Sepoy form. |
| |
| I suggest making him turn into the Sepoy with a regular |
| attack, so you can learn the powerful SwordBreaker Skill |
| from him. |

/ \
| HP: 2000 Zenny: 280 Experience: 650 |
| |
| Item: Nothing |
| Skill: SwordBreaker*, Focus* |
| |
| Learn SwordBreaker from him, it's a great Skill. |
| |
| Just use some Magic on him and he will easily die. He's |
| not tough at all. You can kill him in one Fireblast + |
| Cyclone(Simoon) Combo. |

/ \
| HP: 1800 Zenny: 400 Experience: 500 |
| |
| Item: Nothing |
| Skill: Recall, Bad Back* |
| |
| His physical attack is stronger than Sepoy's. The Skill |
| you can learn from him does nothing. I see no point in |
| making this guy appear. Not that he's tough, he's easy |
| like Sepoy. |

After the fight, Nina and Ursula will be harrassed by some
mice. More fighting.
___________ ________
__/Rat Pack x5\/King Rat\_________________________________
/ \
| HP: Rat Pack Zenny: 35 Experience: 2200 |
| 600 |
| King Rat |
| 200 |
| |
| Item: Flank, Iron Scraps, Rotten Meat |
| Skill: |
| |
| Just use some Affect All Magic to kill them off. It |
| should be pretty easy. |

The mice will run. Nina will start a conversation about
broccoli. It appears that while Ursula is not afraid of
ghosts or rats, she does not really like lice. The game will
switch to Ryu and Cray, who decide to go check on Nina and
Ursula. Go talk to Zig, and he will tell you you can now go
on his ship. You are allowed to leave town again. When ready
to go on, talk to Zig again.

Ship p130
Boss: Kahn
Item: Warbler

Zig will ask you where he needs to take you. When Cray tells
him you need to go to the Empire, Zig will tell you he can
only drop you off at a nearby island. Nina will suggest
looking around the ship.

Head down the stairs at the rear of the ship(no compass).
Take the Warbler from the cabinet here. Head through the
doorway here. There is nothing interesting here, so keep
walking(talk to Ursula if you want to). Then head down the
ladder into the hold. After the sequence, head back up the
ladder you will see Ursula freaking out over the sea lice.

Head back up to the deck, and Cray will tell you something
is chasing the ship. I'll bet you didn't expect THAT to come
out of the water, huh?

/ \
| HP: 12000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 12000 |
| |
| Item: Ginseng, ManlyClothes |
| Skill: Flex, Shout, Tiger Fist, Focus* |
| |
| Some people just don't know when to give up. Just attack |
| with Magic until he drops. He should be easy as ever. Do |
| stay healthy though, his attack is pretty powerful. |
| |
| Try using SwordBreaker or Blunt to reduce his high |
| Power. |

After Kahn dives back into the water, you will get some more
sequence, and you will be back in control of Ryu. A diary
has been conveniently placed on the crate, so you can rest
and save. Resting isn't necessary though, your HP/AP has
already been restored.

Head up to the deck. Talk to Zig. He will tell you that you
have ended up near the Island of Fire, which he intended to
avoid. Nina will conclude that the beast Zig is talking
about is probably an avatar of one of the dragons.

You can talk to Iggy if you want head to the Island of Fire.
However, if you climb down into the ship, and then back up,
Kryrik will be down too, and you can buy stuff from him.

When you are ready, talk to Iggy. He will take you to the
Island of Fire.

Island of Fire p131
Enemies: Sepoy, Bollor, Rollob, Gulper, Istalk
Boss: Glebe/???? x2/Loam
Items: Burnt Plug x3, Ring of Fire, Panacea x2

Note that you can talk to Iggy anytime, and you will head
back to the ship so you can rest and heal.

Walk east into the ship. a will-o'-wisp will appear over
Ryu's head. This thing will help you out, he turns yellow
when you come near a broken area of the floor, and red when
you are next to it. By falling down you will come to the
hold of the ship, and you have to take the ladder back up.

The will-o'-wisp can't totally prevent you from falling
down, but I can. If you'd rather grab the two chests and
climb up the ladder to the north by yourself, do so, but
I'll explain step by step what to do for those interested.

Take the eastmost path. At the first intersection, head
west. Continue west past the first intersection, and head
north at the second. Head east immediately, and then
immediately north again. At the very first oppurtunity, head
east again. At the intersection, head south, and then east
to the chest. It holds 3 Burnt Plugs.

Head back west two steps, and north all the way. Head west
four steps, and south two steps. Head west two steps, south
four steps, west two steps, and all the way north to the
chest. It holds a Ring of Fire.

Head back south all the way, east two steps, and north four
steps. Head east two steps, north two steps, and east two
steps. Head all the way north. Now go east two steps, and
head north onto the platform. Climb the ladder up to the

Head south and take the chest lying on the deck. It contains
1500 Z. Head back to the other side of the deck and take the
passage to the east. On the rock surface, go on east(you
can't get that chest with the northern path here). At the
next intersection, do go north, and then west. Take the 2
Panaceas from the chest.

Go back to the east and continue to the east. Follow the
path until you come to the cave. Enter it. There is another
god wanna-be here.

_____ _______ ____
__/Glebe\/???? x2\/Loam\__________________________________
/ \
| HP:Glebe Zenny: 15620 Experience: 18556 |
| 17500 |
| ???? |
| 400 |
| Loam |
| 1300 |
| |
| Item: Bent Screw x3, Glass Shard x3, Iron Scraps x3, |
| Aurum x3, Wisdom Fruit, Light Bangle |
| Skill: Glebe: Tempest, GiantGrowth, Resist* |
| Loam: Molasses, Enfeeble |
| |
| It's SummonMinion Skill does not seem to take up a turn, |
| since it can still attack after that... It's |
| SummonMinion also always goes first. So just use one |
| strong Affect All Magic each turn and the minions will |
| be history. Unless he summons Loam, he is tougher. Stay |
| healthy as always, his attack is quite strong. |
| |
| Use some strong Combos on him, and he should fall pretty |
| easily. Flame Pillar works quite well. |
| |
| I think the items he drops depend on how many times you |
| kill off it's minions. So if you want lots of items, |
| kill them a lot. I'm not sure exactly how it's affected |
| though. I killed them quite some times, btw. |

Just head back to Iggy and talk to him. You will go back to
Zig's Ship. If you head down and rest, the ship will arrive
at an island. Go talk to Zig. You will arrive in the town of

Lyp p132

First, jump over the small boat and talk to the fishing
frog. He will become a Master if you have at least 3000
Fishing Points. If you don't have that (which is likely),
try catching some of the new fish in the Fishing Spot south
of Lyp. Otherwise, wait until you find the second Ocean Spot,
which also holds a lot of new fish. Do any shopping you want
to do. Then, head outside the village.

World Map p133

As you can see, there is a new Fishing Spot out here. But
that is not all. Use Shift to travel back to Shikk, and
there, Kryrik will become another new Master, providing you
have done 25-Hit Combo. You should have.

If you got the fisherman Gyosil, you can return to Synesta
and Lyta will also become a Master. Note that someone must
be apprenticed to Gyosil for this. It doesn't matter, you
can just switch someone and when you are done, switch him
right back.

While you are at it, check back on some of your other
Masters. The Abbess in Chek is now probably ready to teach
you Concentrate.

When all done, head to the ? area between Lyp and the
Fishing Spot.

Sea p134
Items: Bent Screw x3, Water Bomb x5, ManlyClothes,
HarmonicRing, Water Ward x3

By talking to Zig, you can set sail on his ship to explore
the sea. You can find stuff out there. What I found until

Bent Screw x3(Red flag to the N of Shikk)
Second Ocean Fishing Spot( Blue flag to the north of Lyp)
Water Bomb x5(Red flag south of Lyp)
ManlyClothes(Red flag south of Shikk)
HarmonicRing(Red flag south of the previous one, reach by
sailing through the rocky area south of Lyp)
Water Ward x3(West of the Fishing Spot)

You can also find the Sea Dragon here. He has no flag
though, and is pretty tough to find. From Lyp, head east
past the Island of Fire, head north, then east again. You
will see some shallow water(the lighter blue water which you
can't cross), and lots of rocks. Head for the rocks to the
northeast. Because he is so hard to find, here is an ASCII
chart. Every character represents one square of the sea.

o = Shallow water
R = Rock
S = Sea Dragon(in shallow water)

R R o
R R o o
R R o R
R R S o o
R o o o R
o o o
o o

He will teach you Flood Tide.

As you can see, there are a couple of simple treasures,
which you can easily just row to, and there are some that
are tougher. The toughest one is the HarmonicRing. You need
luck with the wind. It's quite doable though, and the
HarmonicRing is a great prize.

If you want to retry, just hold O until you are out of
supplies, and you will return to the last port.

?(Forest) p135
Enemies: Smasher, Mask, Mirror, Tar Baby

Head south for a while. You will see a red critter sitting
here. Examine it and choose to feed it. Give it something
that is edible. Berries, Apple, any fish or meat will do.
You can keep feeding it until you weigh an ounce(Dutch
expression), but not much will happen. So leave the area to
the south. A new path will open to the Jungle area.

Jungle p136
Enemies: Smasher, Tar Baby, FireAnt
Item: SuperVitamin, Aurum x2, Toxic Claws

Head west over the plank. At the intersection, head up the
plank to the east, and jump over the gap to the north. At
the tree, head east and go down. Go west to collect the
chest, which holds a SuperVitamin. Head back east and up the
plank.Head back to the tree and climb the rope ladder
hanging from the only branch. head over the bridge and climb
down at the next tree. Head north and jump over the gap.
Head west to the next area.

Keep going west. Keep heading over the different bridges
until you come to an intersection. Take the southern path
and get 2 Aurums from the chest. Head back and take the path
north. Don't jump over the gaps, just head on west and to
the next area. Here, you have to do some more log-walking.

Head onto the log to the north and ride it onto the next log.
Go two steps further north, and cross over to the log to the
west. Head south, and stop at the log to the west. Head onto
the log to the west. Ride it south to the log to the east,
and cross over to that one. Go north, onto the next log, and
north again to reach the item bag. Take it for the
Toxic Claws.

Head back onto the log, south, onto the next log, and one
more step south. Cross over to the log to the west. Head
three steps north, onto the log to the west, and south into
the next log. From this log, head west onto the shore. Exit
the area to the west. You'll be back on the World Map, and
a path will open to Pabpab.

Pabpab p137

You will be shot at the second you enter. However, the red
critter you met earlier will stop her friends from attacking
you. A man will come out. His name is Beyd. It appears that
he is married to the pink critter(weird huh?), and he has
already lived here for quite a while. After the talking
ends, head out of the house through the door, and head to
the house south of here. Read the diary to find some notes
about the language in which the critters talk. Here are the
notes for easy reference:

ain -- during, a period
ishi -- east
kairu -- guide, teach
ko -- here, this
michu -- secret
nah -- fish
ni -- you, that
no -- wrong, bad
nosta -- north
pabpab -- us
paketo -- but, still
poto -- more, amazing
purechi -- friend
pukapuka -- slowly; relaxed; what will be, will be
having effect.
rikuku -- medicine
roi -- rock, stone
sanami -- south
santo -- thanks
sonna -- sorry
taan -- time
tatoru -- dance
temi -- enemy, bad person
treja -- treasure
ueshi -- west

This is what the critters in this room say:

Orange critter: We dance disease away, dance works.
Green critter: Dance, dance! disease cures.
Blue: *She just moans*.


Head back to Beyd and you will tell him the blue critter is
sick. Loot Beyd's cabinet for an Ammonia, then climb down
the ladder in his house.

The purple critter down here will say: What will be, will
be, friend.

Head outside. There are two more critters here.

Orange: Sorry, ???????... ?????? enemy.
Blue: This is the Pabpab village. You are our friend.

Just leave the area to the southwest. Head for Lyp.

Lyp p138

Talk to the woman on the boat to the west. She will tell you
about Mozweed. Head to the south of Lyp and talk to the man
in the tower. He will tell you Mozweed is gound on the
Nameless Island. Head for Shikk and talk to Zig again, it's
time to make another trip on his ship.

The game will show you where the purple flag is. It's just
too easy, isn't it? Just row there and you'll arrive at the
Nameless Island.

Nameless Island p139
Item: Mozweed

The bushes to the southeast are Mozweed. Slash them with
Ryu's sword to receive a Mozweed. Slash them again for
another. Keep going for a while, Mozweeds are useful. When
you have enough weed on you, head back to the ship and go
back to Pabpab.

You can also sell the Mozweed for 50 Z each.

Pabpab p140

Head for the house with the ill Pabpab, and feed it a
Mozweed. After a short conversation with Beyd, you are at
Beyd's house again. Head back to the sick Pabpab and they
are all dancing there.

The blue Pabpab will say: Thanks for the medicine! ????????!
Dance worked, but medicine also
worked. You are our friend you
are amazing!

The green one will say: It cured, it cured!

The orange one will say: You friend, thanks for the cure.

If you talk to them, this is what they say:
Blue: Thanks friend! We will show you our secret!
Between Lyp and Shikk, there are rocks. North of
the rocks, amazing treasure!

Green and Orange will repeat themselves.

When you head outside, the red Pabpab will say:
Friend! Friend!

Then, he will say: It is time to go! We will guide our

You will be back on the World Map. Head for the new area.

?(Tidal Flats) p141
Enemies: Smasher, Sandclaw, Krabby, Squirt, Rafresia,
Mirror, Fragrans, Mandraga
Items: PoisonPowder x2, Moon Tears, Silver Mail

The Pabpab with you will say: Here ????. You should go west!

After Nina talks to him, he will say: No, friend. Go west!
I go back to Pabpab, you go there!

Head west over the beach. Go on west until you come to a
chest. Open it for 2 PoisonPowders. Head back east and take
the path south. Keep heading west here until you reach a new

Head on west, past the slope. You will come to a chest
holding a Moon Tears. Go back east and head up the slope,
onto the rock surface. You will see the purple crystal here.
You can't reach it because of the trees, so head north up
the slope, and jump over the first gap. Head down the small
slope and go south to get the Dragon Gene Crystal. It's the
Earth Gem, and will grant you the Behemoth form.

>From here, head back to the thin slope, but don't go up,
instead, head east down another slope, back onto the sand.
Follow this path north to a chest which holds a Silver Mail.

Head back to the grassy area and head back up the thin
slope. Jump over the gap to the west. Here, head up the
slope and continue to the south with the upper path. Follow
the path to a slope leading back down. Head north here, and
take the narrow path to the next area.

Keep going, walking through the path between the rocks, to
the next area. You will get some sequence, as it's getting
dark. The next morning, Nina will notice that the tide has
changed, and you can't leave here. Head west to the next
area. Keep going until you are where Ursula is again. It
seems you'll have to stay here for another while... The
game will switch to Fou-Lu.

Chedo p142

It seems Fou-Lu is not doing very well. He will stagger into
Chedo, and the game switches back to Ryu.

?(Tidal Flats) p143
Enemies: Smasher, Sandclaw, Krabby, Squirt, Rafresia,
Mirror, Fragrans, Mandraga
Items: Crab x2, Deluxe Rod

After some more sequence, you are in control of Ryu again.
Head west and Nina and Ursula will come with you. After the
small sequence, keep going west, and up the rock, and on the
other side, down the rock again. Before you head down to the
sand, go north on the lowest level of the rock to collect
the 2 Crabs from the chest. Now head down from the rock and
follow the path to the chest which holds a Deluxe Rod. Keep
going west. You'll come to a Fishing Spot. Fish some if you
want, and exit the area. When you talk to Nina, Ryu will
show her the fish(I don't know what happens if you return to
camp with no fish), and Nina and Ursula will rejoin you.
Head back to the camp.

The game will switch to Fou-Lu again.

Imperial Castle p144

Fou-Lu arrives at the castle. Fou-Lu will be stopped by the
guards, but not for long. You are now in control of Fou-Lu.
Head for the crystal, and Fou-Lu will summon his Guardian.
Fou-Lu is angry at his Empire, and he tells the Guardian
that he wishes the Empire to be destroyed. He orders the
Guardian to destroy Chedo. The game will switch back to Ryu.

?(Tidal Flats) p145
Enemies: Smasher, Sandclaw, Krabby, Squirt, Rafresia,
Mirror, Fragrans, Mandraga

Nina suggests that you go fishing. Head for the
Fishing Spot, and the game will switch to Fou-Lu.

Imperial Castle p146
Boss: Kahbo, Kamyu, Diviner/Evoker/EliteTrp x2 (easy)

Head into the doorway to the east. If you head down the
stairs and follow the path, you will come to a room where
you can rest and save. The stairs up lead to nothing of

Head to the east to get a sequence. After it, you have to
battle Kahbo.

/ \
| HP: 18000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 20000 |
| |
| Item: Wisdom Fruit, SuperVitamin |
| Skill: Flaming Fist, Mystic Fire |
| |
| Transform into the Serpent. Use Waterspout on it. 3 |
| times should kill it.nd not to transform. Just attack a |
| couple of times and it will fall. |

/ \
| HP: 28000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 30000 |
| |
| Item: Wisdom Fruit, Ambrosia |
| Skill: EldrichFlame, Simoon |
| |
| Transform into the Behemoth. Use MeteorStrike a couple |
| of times. Use Searing Sand when your HP drops below |
| 2000(probably won't happen). He will die when you are |
| just about to run out of AP. |

After you defeat both these bosses, Yohm will apologize for
what he has done, and blame it to the current Emperor,
Soniel. Yohm will sacrifice himself to Fou-Lu.

You might want to head back to the room with the diary to
rest and save.

Examine the statuette behind where Yohm was, and warp to the
inner sanctum. There, walk east and talk to the guards. As
you can see, they are the same two enemies who Ershin took
out on his own, so Fou-Lu can't lose. After beating them,
you will get some sequence. Yuna will come out, and you will
have to fight some more soldiers.

_______ ______ ___________
__/Diviner\/Evoker\/EliteTrp x2\__________________________
/ \
| HP: Diviner Zenny: 0 Experience: 11600 |
| 2500 |
| Evoker |
| 2500 |
| EliteTrp |
| 1000 |
| |
| Item: Nothing |
| Skill: Diviner: Concentrate*, Magic Ball* |
| Evoker: Concentrate*, Inferno |
| EliteTrp: Target* |
| |
| They have 'Barrier' which makes them immune to attacks. |
| To get rid of the Barrier, you need to use a Breath |
| Skill from one of the Dragon Forms. Of course, the |
| Breath Skill will also make short works of this team in |
| that one shot. |

Yuna will run away. Head on east into the castle. Soniel
will suck up to Fou-Lu, but stab him with the Dragonslayer
when he is not paying attention. He will laugh, and be very
proud of himself. However, Fou-Lu has the last laugh, and
Soniel had his last. The game will switch to Ryu again.

?(Tidal Flats) p147
Enemies: Smasher, Sandclaw, Krabby, Squirt, Rafresia,
Mirror, Fragrans, Mandraga

Nina will tell Ryu that she's in love with Cray(?). As you
can see, Ryu is really paying a lot of attention to Nina :).
After a while, Nina will suggest heading back for the camp.
So head back for the camp.

At the camp, you can rest and save at the diary in the tent.
After resting once, Cray will tell you the tide is changing.
Talk to Cray and Ursula, who are blocking the way back. You
should go to the other side to check whether the path there
is back, too. So head back to the other side *again*, don't
head over the rock, but go south there, and you will see
that the path is back. You will automatically be back on the
World Map again.

World Map p148

At the ? spot to the north you will meet Kahn. He will
become a Master. After getting any Skills he will give you,
head south to Koshka.

Koshka p149

You can talk to the villagers here, and upgrade your
equipment, but that's pretty much it. When you are done
here, leave the village and head south to the Shan Rvr.

Shan Rvr p150
Enemies: LizardMn, Sporeon, Generatr
Items: Titan'sBoots, Earth Ward, Aurum x2

Head west three steps and pull the lever. Step onto the
gondola. You will be instructed how to move the gondola.
Just move it west to the patch of land. Jump over the gap to
the south. Pull the lever and head west on the next gondola.
Walk on west and leave this area.

Jump over the gaps and climb over the large tree stump. Head
east from here and take the bag for 1000 Z. Head back all
the way west from here and take the Titan'sBoots from the
chest here. Head back east and take the southmost path to
the east. You will be back in the previous area.

As you step on the gondola, you will notice that a log is
floating in front of it. Position the gondola just in front
of the log(if you miss it, either leave the area and
re-enter, or make the next log ride into your gondola, and
it will reset), and when it is in front of you, ride into
it. Take the Earth Ward from the chest here. Ride the
gondola here and jump down. You will be back at the
entrance. Head back to the west and out of this area, around
the path, a little to the south and east back into the area.

You'll be back at the gondola that you rammed into the log.
Head onto it and ride it past the first log, into the
second. As your party automatically gets of the log to the
north, walk back over it and take the chest for 2 Aurums.
Pull the lever here and take the gondola west. Head around
the path over the big tree stump again, and you are back at
the gondola again. This time, don't ram into either of the
logs, and you will reach the other side. Head south, and you
will be back on the World Map. Head for Chiqua.

*** Note ***************************************************
There is now a Manillo Shop at Chkpoint. I'm not sure when
it appears, but I *believe* it's not there when you first
arrive at Chkpoint.

Chiqua p151

There are some shops here, so spend some money/fish if you
want to. Also talk to the fishing frog in the south of town
and he will tell you about a new Fishing Spot. Finally, talk
to the man in the east of town, and he will tell you he will
show you the way to the capital if you bring him either:

- A Relic found in some ruins near Koshka
- A jar from Koshka
- Three fish, any combination of MartianSquid, Salmon, and
Sea Bream

You'll actually want to gather up all three of these
requests foor him, it pays off. Give him the fish if you
have them, if you don't, catch some now, or you could wait a
while with it. Head for Koshka.

Koshka p152

Talk to the man with the spiky brown hair and the beard
here. He'll tell you where the En Jhou ruins are. Head into
the house and talk to the man holding a jar. He'll tell you
it will take him some time to make the jar. I'm not sure
exactly how long it will take him so let's just head to
those ruins for now. Head south and then east to En Jhou.

En Jhou p153
Enemies: LizardMn, Istalk, Ibomb, Puppeter, Decoy, Snapfly,
Items: Wisdom Seed x3, Antidote x3, Aurum, WardingStaff,
Magic Shard x2

Head east and into the temple. Enter the passageway you come
to. Talk to the guy here complaining about how all the
treasure here has already been taken. Head back out and up
the stairs. Upstairs, examine the east wall to find that
it's weakened. Put Ershin in front and use his Ram action to
break down the wall. Head through the newly opened passage.

Head north up the stairs, and through the passage. Head down
the stairs here, and through the passageway. Head south,
over the gap, and climb the wooden bridge up. Head into the
passage to the east here. You can slash the ropes here with
Ryu's sword to drop what is hanging on them. Slash the first
and third from the south to drop both the chests. Head back
outside, and through the north passage to collect the 3
Wisdom Seeds in the chest there. Head back outside and climb
the wooden bridge down again. Head north, into the passage,
up the stairs, and outside to the south. Head a little
further south and jump east over the gap. Go through the
passageway and you will be in the room where you dropped the
chests. Open both of them for 3 Antidotes and an Aurum.

Head back outside, over the gap, and north up the stairs. Go
around down the stairs again, and back outside. Jump over
the gap to the east this time. Follow the path around until
you reach the ladder leading down. Go down the first set of
stairs to the west, then head south. Jump down one level.
Jump down to the south, then to the west and get the chest
for a WardingStaff. Jump another level down and walk around
the path and back up the stairs. Head through the passage on
the stairs again, and jump down again. Jump down to the
south twice, and jump over the gap to the south. Head east
and through the passageway and follow the path to another
Dragon Gene, which allows you to transform into the Mutant.
Head back outside, and go all the way west and down the
stairs, to get the 2 Magic Shards from the chest.

Head back up, jump over the gap, jump down, head around the
pool, and up the stairs again. Head back up the ladder,
south, up the stairs, around the path, through the passage
to the north, around the stairs, outside to the south,
further south and through the passageway to the west, and
down the stairs again. Now follow the path to the west, and
back outside to the World Map. Head for Koshka.

Koshka p154

Talk to the man with the pot in the house again to receive
the jar. He'll charge you 500 Z for it. That's pretty much
all you need to do here. Head back to Chiqua.

Chiqua p155

Talk to the man to the east again. Give him the fish if you
didn't already, and now that you've got the jar, he'll trade
your ElectrumBall for a Gold Ball. He never took the jar
from me, though.

It might be a good idea to check back at some of the Masters
to get new Skills, btw.

When you are ready, head out and head for the River south of

River p156
Enemies: BoltArch, Bolt Trp, Generatr
Items: Dirty Filter x3, Wisdom Seed, Power Food,
Atomic Punch, Armored Vest

You'll immediately start with a subgame here. You have to
put Cray in front of the party to push any of the crates.

Head south over the bridge-type-thing, a little east, and
north over the gap. Push the crate here to the east, and it
will bump into the other crate, forming a convenient bridge
for you. Cross over the crates and head up the stairs. Head
south until you come to another crate. Jump down off the
crate. Head south, and jump over the gap to the south. Head
east from here, into a new area.

Operate the control panel here to raise the dam. Climb up
the ladder. Climb down the ladder here to get the 3
Dirty Filters in the bag, then go back up and north over the
dam. Climb down the eastern ladder here and operate the
control panel. The dam will lower again. Head a bit east and
push the crate here. It will float to the east. Head east
and cross the small dam here. Talk to the man sitting here.
He'll give you various topics to talk about.

- Pick "Dragons", then "Yes", then "They all look
different", then "Like grass and rocks". The man will tell
you how to get to the Quarry.

- Pick "Traveling", then "Yesterday" and he will give you a
Wisdom Seed.

- Pick "Traveling", then "Across the sea", then "Chased by
the Empire" and he will give you a Power Food.

When you are done with your little chat, go a little further
east and jump over the gap to the south. Push the crate and
jump back. Operate the control panel next to the man to
lower the water level. Operate it once more to lower the
dam again. Head over the crates to the south, and head east.
Climb the ladder, and go back down to the east. Exit the
area and re-enter. Climb back up the ladder and down to the
west. Head west a little further and climb the ladder down.
Walk west and you can take what is in the chest, an
Atomic Punch (I spent like one and a half hour trying to
figure out how to get to that chest. Cheap puzzle, just exit
and re-enter like that.). Climb back up and head east, up
the ladder and down to the east, and east out of the area.

Keep heading east until you come to the gap. Jump over it to
the north. Head back west into the previous area to get the
Armored Vest from the chest, then head east all the way, up
the plank, jump down from the crate, and walk on east. You
will be back on the World Map. Head south, then west to the

?(Quarry) p157

Head north and talk to the Dragon Avatar here. He is the
Rock Dragon. He will teach you Fulguration. After that, head
for Pauk.

Pauk p158

Head a little north and enter the big tent (the only one you
*can* enter). You will get a short conversation here. Talk
to the woman again and she will tell you you need to catch
Tak the chicken if you want to talk to her gramps. Talk to
the man, and you'll see why. Leave the village. A new path
will open up to the west. Head there.

?(Western Plains) p159

You will have to play yet another subgame here. You have to
chase the chickens into the coop.

You basically have to run after them chickens to make them
go into the coop. You'll get a 100 points for every white
one, 2000 for Tak (the brown one), and 3000 if you catch
them all. Note that once you catch Tak, the game is over, so
catch him last if you want a perfect score. There is no time
limit so it can easily be done (not swiftly though).

The chickens like to hang out together, so try chasing
multiple chickens at the same time, so that it goes faster.
There are 19 white chickens in total.

After you complete this subgame, you will be back on the
World Map. Head back to Pauk.

Pauk p160
Item: Rusty Pipe

Head back into the large tent. The bearded man will thank
you (he came back to his senses). He will tell you there is
an alternate path to Astana through Fou-Lu's Tomb. Talk to
the kid just west of the tent for a Rusty Pipe. Head out
of the village.

*** Note ***************************************************
You can now return to the Western Plains anytime to play the
catch the pigs subgame (same as the chickens, only with
pigs). You can do that to rack up Game Points.

Like with the Crane subgame, you will only receive 10% of
what you gained when you played it the first time.

If you ask me, the best way to rack up Game Points here
quicky is to just catch the mother pig (with some others if
possible) right away, and repeat. Catching all the pigs
gives Bonus Points, but it takes much longer.

World Map p161

Head north. You will come to an intersection. Since you
can't enter Kwanso, just head on north. You'll come to a ?
area (it's the forest where Fou-Lu ran from Yohm the first
time). Enter the forest.

?(forest) p162
Enemies: Egg Gang, Zaurus, Morph, GoldGang, Sporeon

Head a few steps south. Head west from here, through the
dense vegetation. Avoid the white bushes, they damage you
(four whole Hit Points!). In the new area, head further west
to the scorched area of the forest. Head a little south, and
west to a passage in the vegetation. Examine the green
Dragon Crystal to receive the Myrmidon Dragon Form. Head
back and take the passage south to arrive back on the
World Map. You'll also note that there is now a new
Fishing Spot. Head further east to the Tomb.

Tomb p163
Enemies: Zaurus, Morph, Egg Gang, GoldGang, Sporeon,
Guardian, DeathBot, ProtoBot, Berserkr, MorphGoo
Boss: Won-qu
Items: Wisdom Fruit, Ambrosia, Vitamins, Electrifier,
Dragon Scale x5, Napalm x2

Don't follow the path east, instead, climb up the scorched
area to the south. Follow this path to the first
intersection. Head north there to get a bag with a
Wisdom Fruit, then head back south, then east. At the next
intersection, take the north path. Jump over the pillars.
Walk down the fallen piece of rubble and head east to the
next screen.

Keep going east. You'll note Fou-Lu's guardian sitting here.
Examine it and you will have to do battle, after some
sequence. It's the first boss fight for Ryu since Glebe!

/ \
| HP: 32000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 30000 |
| |
| Item: Moon Tears, Cupid's Lyre |
| Skill: Sanctuary, Sleep, Blizzard, Frost Breath, |
| Lucky Strike, Stone Pillar |
| |
| Equip an Ice Ring on Ryu, he'll need it. |
| |
| Morph into the Kaiser Dragon straight away. Use Fire |
| Magic on him, because he is weak to Fire. You should try |
| to make some Elemental + Dragon Magic combos (Any Earth, |
| Flame Pillar, Hwajeh), but if you gave Flame Pillar to |
| Ryu like me, you'll have to do without that. Go for |
| regular Fire Magic, and KaiserBreath. Keep in mind that |
| his Lucky Strike does 800-900 damage so stay healthy. |
| His Blizzard is also very powerful. |
| |
| For healing, try using the Snooze/Rest/Vitalize Combo. |
| It works pretty well, but only use it if you are fast |
| enough! |

I recommend you head back outside and heal up before you
head down here.

Don't go down the stairs yet, instead, head north past them
first, to get an Ambrosia from the chest (it won't be there
if you took it with Fou-Lu). Head down the stairs here and
head through the passage to the north. Keep following the
path to the next intersection. Head further south here to
get a Vitamins from the chest, and head back. Head up the
small stairs and onto the block. It will act as an elevator
and take you down.

Once down, head through the passageway to the north. Head on
north and examine the plaque to lower the pillar. Head
through the passageway behind the pillar. It's puzzle time.

You have to use the switches here to move the blocks. O
pushes all the blocks on the line forward and X pushes them
back. The area looks like this:

* = Switch
# = Raised platform
R = Red block
B = Blue Block
O = Bead
T = Treasure chest (Electrifier)


15 * # #
* 14
16 * B
B R * 13
17 * # #O# B R #
# # # # * 12
18 *
R * 11
19 *
* 10
* * * * * * * * * *
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Push X three times at switch 6. Then push O four times at
switch 13. Push X twice at switch 14. Push O once at switch
7. Finally, push O once at switch 16. Head back to the east
side and walk over the red blocks. Pick up the bead. Go on
over the blue blocks and take the Electrifier from the
chest. Head back and south out of this room. Keep going

The block here will form a stairs for you to walk down.
Climb the ladder to the south. Since the lower path is
blocked by another pillar, head up the southern path and up
the ladder. Head through the passageway to the northwest.
Head north a few steps and into the passageway to the
northeast. Open the chest here for 5 Dragon Scales. Head
back through the passageway and north past the first
intersection. At the next intersection, head west. A pillar
is blocking your way, but it will lower when you come near
it. Head through the passageway, then climb down the ladder.

This room contains another puzzle. You have to walk over to
the platforms here with the block. However, the red eye will
damage you and drain 10% of your MaxHP. Just make sure you
never walk away from the side with the red eye and you're

First step east once, then north twice, and west once. Step
north once and get the bead. Step south once, west once, and
north four times. Step east once, then south once. Step east
twice and open the chest for 5000 Z.

Now you'll have to go back by doing what you just did in
reverse, ie west x2, north x1, west x1, south x4, east x2,
south x2, west x1. Head back off the block and climb the
ladder up. Head through the passage and go east back to the
intersection. Go south until you are back at the room with
the pillar, where your Bead will crumble. Head down the
ladder and a little west, and take the northmost path this
time. Keep going up and head through the passageway to the
northeast. Follow the path until you come to an
intersection. Take the thin path to the northwest to get 2
Napalms from a chest, then go back and take the path east.
Head through the passageway.

Head up the stairs to the east and use the block to go up.
Step off the block and go all the way down the stairs. Go
north and use the block to go up. Head north out of this
room. Head over the bridges that will form for you, and
examine the plaque. You'll have to fight a boss.

__ _
/ \
| HP: II Zenny: 0 Experience: 50000 |
| 10000 |
| I |
| 10000 |
| |
| Items: Wisdom Fruit, HarmonicRing x2, Vitamins |
| Skill: Stasis, Punch, Fireblast, Revolution, Inferno, |
| Powder, Rejuvenate, Kick, Death |
| |
| Due to their Revolution Skill, don't heal to much HP or |
| you'll be sorry. I is immune to Physical attacks and II |
| is immune to Magic. Kill off I first with some powerful |
| Magic, then put your Magic users in the back row so they |
| can recover AP and use it to heal. Use some high Power |
| characters to get rid of II. Keep your characters at |
| about 50-65% HP. their Revolution Skill might heal you |
| when you're lucky, but don't count on it. |
| |
| Tip: If five members are dead, try using a Sturgeon. It |
| saved me... |

After you beat the dice, Won-qu will appear. He will give
you Won-qu's Gem. Head back south, through the block room,
and south through the dark hallway. Out in the staircase
room, you'll get a short sequence. Head all the way down,
and onto the block. Pick "Move ahead" and you will arrive at
some rock platform. Head down and take the path west to
arrive back on the World Map. After this long and tiring
dungeon, it's good to be able to save and rest. When you did
that, head back into Mukto.

Mukto p164
Enemies: Cyclops, MorphGoo
Items: Swallow Eye x4, Dynamite x5, Wisdom Seed x3,
Dragon Tear

Take the southern path and follow the path. Don't jump over
the gap, but head past it, further north. Head through the
passageway. The end of this path will seem to dead end, but
if you head a little way back, you'll see a piece of cracked
wall on the southern wall. Use Ershin's Ram to break it
open. Head through the hole and down the stairs. Downstairs,
take the lower path and follow it to a bag which contains 4
Swallow Eyes. Head back and take the upper path. Follow it
to a room with some rock platforms. Head north and climb the
rocky ladder. You should jump down the rock platforms to
obtain the bags wich hold 5 Dynamites and 3 Wisdom Seeds.

Climb back up and head north this time. Climb the ladder and
head through the passageway to the west. Keep going and head
into the temple. Open the chest here for a Dragon Tear. Head
back out of this area. Back on the World Map, head for

Astana p165

All you can do here is shop, really. There is some good
equipment available here though. Also, the Manillo here
sells some great stuff, so if you feel like going fishing,
check there first to see what fish you need for his stuff.
When you are ready to move on, leave Astana and head south
of Kwanso to the ? area.

?(Mountain Path) p166
Enemies: NutTroop, Bolt Trp, Nut Mage, BoltMage
Items: Taser, Barrier Ring

Head south and down the mountain path. At the first
intersection, head east. Take the sidepath to get a Taser
from the bag, then go on west. At the next intersection,
take the path down to get 1500 Z from the chest. Head on
east, and take the southern path to the west at the
intersection. Keep going until you get to the bag, which
holds a Barrier Ring. Go all the way back to the previous
intersection. Climb up, and at the empty chest, head up
another slope. Go west from here and follow the path. You'll
be back on the World Map. Head for the Hut.

Hut p167
Enemies: Snapfly, Stingfly
Items: Protein x2

Head east all the way up the mountain. You will arrive at
Bunyan's place. Take the 2 Proteins from the chest behind
his house if you didn't do so with Fou-Lu. Talk to Bunyan
and tell him he is not a simple hermit. He will become your
final Master. Talk to him again to get his first Skill (you
should have done a 3000 damage hit already). Head back out
of this area and re-enter the Mountain Path.

?(Mountain Path) p168
Enemies: NutTroop, Bolt Trp, Nut Mage, BoltMage

Head east. At the first intersection, take the lower path.
Head further down, and head east to the small tree. Head
south from here. At the intersection, take the path east,
and follow it all the way out of this area.

World Map p169
Enemies: Poppy, Gold Fly, Lampkin

You'll get some camping sequence. After that, head south to
the Highway. Underway, you can read a sign in another ? area
btween the Highway and the Mountain Path to find the last
Fishing Spot.

Highway p170

Head a bit south and you'll see a whole bunch of soldiers
standing here, and blocking the road. They won't let you
pass, so talk to the guy next to the soldier blocking the
road with Ursula, and he'll tell you to go talk to the
General, who resides in Astana. So head for Astana.

Astana p171
Items: Swallow Eye x3, Croc Tear x3

Head for the building southeast of Astana. Once you enter,
you will get some sequence. After that, head further
downstairs, and follow the path outside. Keep going into the
next area. Once up the stairs, walk onto the thin path to
the south (east of the stream of water). Follow this path
and go up with the ladder. You'll find a chest with 3
Swallow Eyes. Head back down and follow the thin path back.
Head north of the large building and take the 3 Croc Tears
there. Head back to the entrance to the east of the
building, and head inside.

You'll be attacked by a whole bunch of critters here.

_________ __________ ________ ______
_/Zombie x2\/Cadaver x2\/ZombieDr\/Warlok\________________
/ \
| HP: Zombie Zenny: 2140 Experience: 5740 |
| 1500-2000 |
| Cadaver |
| 750-1000 |
| ZombieDr |
| 1500-2000 |
| Warlok |
| 3000-4000 |
| |
| Item: Skull Staff |
| Skill: Zombie: Feint*, Feign Swing* |
| Cadaver: Feint* |
| ZombieDr: Feint*, Powder, Vitalize |
| Warlok: Death, Dream Breath, Dark Breath, |
| Lucky Strike |
| |
| They are very easy. Try using Ursula to attack, she will |
| easily kill all those Zombies off with an Attack All |
| Weapon. |

After you kill them off, head further east and north through
the passage. Keep going until you come to a fish man
standing next to a wounded soldier. Step north onto the
elevator and go down. Now, you are in the lower levels of
the Imperial HQ.

Imperial HQ p172
Enemies: ToxicFly, Krabby, Cadaver, Warlok
Items: Old Tire, Rotten Meat x2, Ghostbuster

Head south over the walkway. Once across, head south and
then east and north over to the lever. Pull it. Walk back
and head over the sluice. Take the Old Tire from the chest
and head back. Follow the path south to some stairs leading
down. Don't go down yet, head west to get 2 Rotten Meats
from a bag. Head back to the stairs and go down. Talk to the
soldier if you want and go on west. You'll come to some
stairs leading back up. Head a little east from here to get
a Ghostbuster from a chest, then head back and go up the
stairs. Head east and then south over the plank. Then head
west and operate the switch. Head over the now lowered
sluice and follow the path into the next area.

You'll come to some huge organic... things. Climb up the
web-like stuff and attempt to slash through the red blood
vessel. Elina will appear and explain that you'll need the
Dragonslayer to cut through it. Head down the web again and
all the way back out of here. Talk to the two soldiers who
let you through in here, and leave Astana. Head for Kwanso.

Kwanso p173

Put Ursula in the lead and talk to the soldiers here. They
will open the gate for you. You will have a short
conversation with Yuna, and Ryu will 'persuade' him to leave
the Dragonslayer behind. Leave Kwanso and head back for

Astana p174

Just head back to the Imperial HQ.

Imperial HQ p175
Enemies: BttlSuit, Gonger, Gold Fly, SaltClaw, ZombieDr,
Warlok, Zombie
Items: Poison Ward, Diana'sDress

You'll note some funny colors here. The monsters have also
become more powerful. Head back through this area to where
you saw Elina (south to the stairs, down, follow the path to
the next stairs, head back up, head south, lower the dam,
head over it, and follow to the organ area). Climb up agian
and equip the Dragonslayer on Ryu. Slash through the blood
vessel. After the short sequence, equip Ryu with his old
sword (unless you want to keep the Dragonslayer), and head
on. Head up the white pillar at the top. Upstairs, take the
Posion Ward from the chest. Head up the stairs at the south
of this room.

You'll get some more sequence with Yuna. After that, head
up the stairs to the west of the building, but not inside
yet. Head around and take the Diana'sDress behind the
building. Then head inside. You'll get some sequence with
Elina. After the sequence, head outside. You'll get some
more sequence. Now, you'll find out why everyone at the
Gamefaqs BoF4 message board hates Yuna so much. After all
the sequence, it's time for Chapter 4.

%% That Which Passes c4.0 %%

Astana p176

Head out of Astana and you'll get some camping sequence.
Afterwards, head south for the Highway.

Higway p177
Enemies: Cyclops

The soldiers will no longer block your path, so head south.
Take the exit to the east to open up a path to Sonne, or
south to open a path to the junction south of the Highway.
You could open both but it doesn't really make a difference.
Head for Sonne.

Sonne p178
Enemies: Bilbao, Morph
Item: Ring of Clay

Head south along the path, and talk to the sitting woman.
She will trade your treasure, and if you have all until now,
you should get the PlatinumBall, with which you can get
Marlok's final Skill. Leave the village to the World Map and
re-enter, and you will note your entrance is at a different
location, in the forest (I'm not sure what causes this).
Head east and then north a little, and you'll see a pit to
the west. Break the rock with Ershin and take the
Ring of Clay from the chest. Leave Sonne, and head for
Mt. Yogy.

Mt. Yogy p179
Enemies: Bilbao, Lavoid, BlackGoo
Items: Aurum, Wisdom Fruit, MultiVitamin x3

It's time to collect all the stuff Fou-Lu left behind here.
Head west and on to the first intersection. Take the upper
path south. Use Ershin to bash through the rock and collect
the bag for an Aurum. Head back to the intersection and take
the lower path north for a bag with a Wisdom Fruit. Now take
the upper path north and follow it up. At the intersection,
take the upper path first to get the Magma Armor beyond the
rock, and head back, take the lower path south, and head
into the cave. Jump over to the west to get three
MultiVitamins from the chest. Head back out and down the
mountain. Leave Mt. Yogy. Head for Sanctum.

Sanctum p180
Enemies: Cyclops
Item: Icicle

Head west into the Sanctum. Keep going to the intersection.
Head north there to collect the Icicle, then leave the area
again. Head for Chedo.

Chedo p181
Enemies: Scavengr, Gonghead, Shadow, Bandit, Gonger
Item: Firecracker, DamacsusHelm

After doing any shopping you might want to do here, head
through the large gate to the east. You'll meet enemies in
this area of town. Head south, then east up the stairs. Head
north a few steps and take the bag behind the roof for a
Firecracker. Jump over the gap to the east and follow the
path to the entrance of the building. Go inside.

Head east a couple of steps and head up the ladder. Go west
all the way and you'll come outside. Take the DamacsusHelm
(should probably have been DamascusHelm) from the chest.
Head back east and down the ladder, then head west until you
are outside again. Head up the stairs to the east, and
through the doorway (hard to see). Back inside, head east.
When you're at the stairs, head outside to the south first
to go get the 2000 Zenny from the chest, and head back in
and down those stairs. Follow through the hallway and head
down the stairs at the end. Head a little north and through
the gate to the east. You'll come to a part of Chedo that
has obviously seen better times. Head east for a while until
you run into A-tur, a pretty tough boss.

/ \
| HP: 45000-65000 Zenny: 0 Experience: 50000 |
| |
| Item: Moon Tears, Spirit Ring |
| Skill: Frost Breath, Sanctuary, Howling, Lucky Strike, |
| Magma Blast |
| |
| Equip the Ring of Ice on someone. You could equip |
| Water Wards on the rest, but if you have something |
| better, feel free. |
| |
| Nothing is particularly effective or ineffective on this |
| guy, so just use your most powerful attacks. Since his |
| HP is high but he has no super powerful attacks, play |
| the waiting game and make the maximum use of your CP. |
| Use strong Skills, but have the healers (Especially |
| Nina) conserve AP for healing, and sit in the back row |
| to recover AP. When out of AP, regular attacks are not |
| a good idea, since he counters a lot. Use 0 AP Skills if |
| possible. With Ryu, use a good Skill if he can do so |
| effectively, otherwise just use Kaiser's KaiserBreath. |
| War Shout might be effective if you're going all out |
| physical next turn, but otherwise don't bother, because |
| he will use Sanctuary pretty swiftly. |

After you kick this dude's rear end, you'll get quite some
sequence. You will then automatically appear back on the
World Map. A new path will open to the Castle, so head there.

Castle (5th floor) p182
Item: Healing Ring

Walk north just before the bridge and walk as close as
possible to the river to go under the bridge. Head further
south, jump over the river, and back north to aquire a
Healing Ring from a chest. Head back and walk east over the
bridge. At the next area, there will be music. Keep walking
east and head towards the crystal here. A-tur will arrive
again and apologize to you. He will take you to the castle.
After that, he will disappear. Just walk into the edge here
if you want to go back out of here. Head east into the next

Head down the stairs to the south and walk around the path.
The door to the west needs a 'Blue Charm', but you can go
into the door to the east. You can rest and save here (but
you didn't fight a single monster yet). You'll note a key
on top of the cabinet. Bash it with Ershin to get the key.
Head back out of this room and go back south a to the stairs
leading down. Use the key to open the small fence on these
stairs. Head down.

Castle (4th floor) p183
Enemies: Kolpum, Chingol, StarGazr, Shadow
Items: Ivory Dice, Hunting Cap, Vitamins, Icicle x2,
Magic Shard x5

Head west and then north. You'll come to a wooden walkway.
Head east over it, and head north. Head through the passage
here and you'll come to a room with a large gap in the
middle. Head through the doorway to the east, and examine
the bookcases for some weird records. One of the bookcases
contains an Ivory Dice. Head back out and go through the
doorway to the west. Follow the path to some stairs leading
down. Don't go down, head past the stairs into the next
room. Head east here and jump over the gap. Head a little
further east and go into the doorway to the east. Search all
the cabinets here for a Hunting Cap, Vitamins, and 2
Icicles. Head through the doorway to the north, and take the
5 Magic Shards from the chest here.

Head back into the room with all the cabinets, and leave
through the southern doorway. Head down the stairs here.

Castle (3rd floor) p184
Enemies: Orochi, StarGazr, Karon, Shade
Item: Earth Ward

Head through the doorway to the south. Walk down the stairs
and head out the other doorway here. You'll be in the main
room, but on the lower path. Follow it to the stairs up,
head through the doorway and get the Earth Ward from the
bag. Head back through the doorway and follow the path back
up the stairs in the small room. back at where you came down
to the third level, take the northmost stairs down. Head
over the walkway to the doorway, and head through it.

Head east and follow the path to the next doorway. Once
through it, head east through yet another doorway. Since the
path stays linear, just keep going until you find the stairs
leading down to the 2nd floor.

Castle (2nd floor) p185
Enemies: Orochi, Shade, Horseman, StarGazr, Karon
Items: Fire Ward, Water Ward, Taser, MultiVitamin x2

Head south to the big door. Since it's shut tight, head
through the door opposite it. Head a few steps north and
through the door here. Head down and through under the
bridge to get a Fire Ward from the chest. Head back south
and out of this room, and head east. Take the small sidepath
to the north. Head north with either the west or east path,
and head north of the middle platform. Head east first to
get to a room with lots of bookcases. One of them holds a
Water Ward. Go up the stairs and loot the cabinets here for
a Taser and 2 MultiVitamins. Head back out of this room and
go west to the other side of the large room. Head south from
here and down the stairs.

Castle (1st floor) p186
Enemies: Shade, Karon, Goo King, Goo Nurse, Baby Goo,
Mage Goo, Eye Goo, BlackGoo
Items: Burglar Garb, Lgt.Clothing, Power Food x2,
Belladonna x4, Vitamin x5

Head north and through the large doorway. Search the
cabinets in this room for a Burglar Garb. Head through the
doorway to the north and heal your party. Once you examine
the dragon lying on the ground, it's boss time.

/ \
| HP: 25000-35000 Zenny: 3600 Experience: 60000 |
| |
| Item: Belladonna, Moon Tears |
| Skill: Ebonfire*, Sleep, Howling, Mjollnir, Wither |
| |
| It will restore 15000 HP each turn, so start by |
| transforming Ryu into Kaiser. Also, since it doesn't |
| have the Sanctuary Skill, use War Shout, it works great! |
| Since you have to wait for KaiserBreath with attacking |
| anyway, you might as well spend the first turn with |
| Support Magic. Use another War Shout on the second turn, |
| and of course, KaiserBreath. On the rest of the turns, |
| show him your best physical Skills. Use another Breath |
| attack with Ryu. Dragonne will lose his healing ability. |
| You should easily win. |

After you beat the dragon, examine the blue floating thing
to get the Blue Charm. Head east a few steps. Now head
north. The eastmost doorway here leads to a save point. Head
through the northern doorway to get a Lgt.Clothing from a
chest between the beds. The east doorway leads to a shut
door. Head back out. Head through the doorway to the west
and search the cabinets in this room for 2 Power Foods and 2
Proteins. Head back south, and further south. Head through
the doorway here and head east through another. Loot the
cabinets for 4 Belladonnas. Go back out of this room and
take the upper path west to another doorway. Head through
and take the 5 Vitamins from the chest and head back. Head
back east, and then north to the large doorway where you
beat the dragon. Head through. You'll come to an elevator.
Head to the 5th floor.

Castle (5th floor) p187
Item: Defender

Head north and follow around to the door with the blue seal
on it (you might want to save at the room with the diary
too). Examine it and it will open. Take the Defender from
the cabinet and head down the ladder.

Castle (4th floor) p188

Coming soon...

= Item List s02 =

Item and Option are sorted by alphabetical order, and Armor
and Weapon are sorted by power. Weapons are also first
sorted by character.

The value is the price a shop asks for it, the buying price.
The selling price is half of this.

--- Item ------------------------------------------- s02\1 -

the letter between (parentheses) denotes the target of the
item. (1) = Single
(A) = All
(s) = Self only

Name Value Note
Ambrosia ???? Recover HP to all Dragon Forms
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Apple 10Z Recover 100 HP(1)
Aurum 10Z Learn Skill from scroll
Belladonna 200Z Kill target(1)
Bent Screw 10Z Raw material for the smith
Berries 8Z Restore 50 HP(1)
Bird Drop 2Z Does nothing
Burnt Plug 50Z Raw material for the smith
Croc Tear 4Z Recover 20 HP, might restore status(1)
Dragon Scale 200Z Raise Defense for single battle(1)
Dynamite 500Z Major Earth damage(1)
Earth Seed 300Z Reduces Earth dmg until next rest(1)
Electrode 250Z Medium Earth damage(A)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Firecracker 700Z Major Fire damage(1)
Fire Seed 300Z Reduces Fire damage until next rest(1)
Fish-head 400Z +1 Wisdom(1)
Flank 300Z Restores 10 AP(1)
FlashGrenade 100Z Blinds target(1)
Ginseng 200Z Raise Power for single battle(1)
Glass Shard 30Z Raw material for the smith
Headband 200Z Raise Wisdom for single battle(1)
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Holy Seed 300Z Raises Heal effect until next rest(1)
Icicle 600Z Major Water damage(A)
Iron Scraps 20Z Raw material for the smith
Ivory Dice ????? Double Zenny and xp gained; up to
Jabbergrass 20Z Remove Muteness Status(1)
Knockout Gas 100Z Cause Sleep(1)
Life Shard 400Z +10 MaxHP(1)
Loins 800Z Restore 800 HP(A)
Magic Shard 400Z +1 MaxAP(1)
Molotov 100Z Minor Fire damage(1)
Moon Tears 2000Z Restore all HP and all status(A)
Mouth Gag 100Z Mutes target(1)
MultiVitamin 500Z Recover 1500 HP(1)
Napalm 800Z Medium Fire + Wind damage(A)
Old Tire 40Z Raw material for the smith
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Phoenix Seed 300Z Raises Death res.until next rest(1)
PoisonPowder 100Z Poison target(1)
Power Food 400Z +1 Power(1)
Protein 400Z +1 Defense(1)
Ribs 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Rice Ball ???? Recover 1500 HP(1)
Roast 100Z Recover 500 HP(1)
Rotten Meat 2Z Useless
ScorchedRice 4Z Useless
StrengthSeed ???? Raises Power until next rest(1)
Strike Seed 300Z Raise Critical rate until next rest(1)
Spirit Seed 300Z Raises Mind resist until next rest(1)
SuperVitamin 800Z Restore Full HP(1)
Swallow Eye 400Z +1 Agility(1)
Taser 1200Z Major Wind + Water damage(A)
Vigor Seed 300Z Raises Status resist until next
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Vitamins 1000Z Recover 1000 HP(A)
Void Sphere 500Z Major Wind damage(1)
Water Bomb 100Z Minor Water damage(1)
Water Seed 300Z Reduces Water dmg until next rest(1)
Wind Seed 300Z Reduces Wind damage until next rest(1)
Weather Vane 100Z Minor Wind damage(1)
Wisdom Seed 800Z Recover 30 AP(1)

--- Weapon ----------------------------------------- s02\2 -

--- Nina ---------------------------------------------------

Name Pwr Wgt Value Note
PointedStick 2 1 10Z Ranged
Baton 5 1 50Z Ranged
Skull Staff 13 2 1300Z Ranged, Might do instant
Sage's Staff 15 2 230Z Ranged, Wis +5
Reed Baton 28 2 1600Z Ranged
Ruby Scepter 30 2 2000Z Ranged, Fire atk
Wand of Air 38 1 3600Z Ranged, Wind atk, Use to
cast Sever
Weather Wand 48 2 5000Z Ranged, Wind attack
WardingStaff 56 3 4800Z Ranged, Resist Magic
Battle Rod 61 2 6200Z Ranged
Rune Staff 72 2 8000Z +5 CP, +10 Wis
BlessedStaff 84 2 12000Z Use to cast Heal

--- Ryu\Scias\Fou-Lu ---------------------------------------

Name Pwr Wgt Value Usd Note
Chopsticks 2 0 40Z S Strong vs Flies
Broken Sword 4 2 ------ R
Bowie Knife 10 1 150Z RS
King's Sword 12 2 ------ R Holy atk, Casts Protect
Short Sword 15 3 480Z RS
Jang'do 22 3 2000Z S +1 Hits
Moon Sword 28 4 1500Z RS
Biter 30 3 4500Z S +1 Hits, +3% Critical
Katzbalger 30 4 1800Z RS
Broad Sword 38 8 2600Z RS +5 to user's Defense
BastardSword 42 6 3200Z R
HiddenDagger 42 2 4900Z S Might do Instant
Ice Blade 50 8 4200Z S Water atk, might cause
Render 50 6 60000Z S +1 Hits, Water atk,
Use to cast Frost, *
Claymore 56 8 5200Z RS
Firangi 58 2 8600Z RS +1 Hits
PiercingEdge 72 5 7200Z RS Use to cast Weaken
FeatherSword 88 1 9600Z RS
Royal Sword 96 6 ???? F +1 Hits, casts Drain
DamascusSwd 104 5 14500Z RS
Barbarossa 112 8 18000Z RS

* The Render is much more powerful then the listed value.
I'm not sure yet what causes this, but it's a BIG

--- Ershin -------------------------------------------------

Name Pwr Wgt Value Note
Red Knuckles 12 1 200Z Ranged
Fork 14 1 300Z Ranged, Induces Blind
Ice Punch 20 1 550Z Ranged, Water attack
Flame Punch 20 1 550Z Ranged, Fire attack
Raptor Claws 24 1 800Z Ranged, Wind attack
Earth Claws 26 1 1300Z Ranged, Earth attack
Drill Punch 32 1 1800Z Ranged
Homing Bomb 40 1 3500Z Ranged, Better chance to hit
Rocket Punch 51 1 4300Z Ranged
Toxic Claws 62 1 5800Z Ranged, Induces Poison
Ghostbuster 85 1 ?????? Ranged, Extra dmg vs Demons
Rocket Punch 93 1 10000Z Ranged
Power Glove 95 1 22000Z Ranged, Critical +20% for
enemies with 25% HP

--- Cray ---------------------------------------------------

Name Pwr Wgt Value Note
Bamboo Stick 8 3 130Z Use to cure Confusion
Log 13 4 400Z Earth attack
Steel Bat 25 5 1000Z
Spiked Rod 35 5 2200Z
Mace 43 6 3300Z
Flail 45 13 7800Z +1 Hits
Quarterstaff 54 7 5000Z
Stone Club 65 6 7000Z
Crusher 86 8 9400Z
Giant Club 99 16 12000Z Might stun enemy
Cudgel 115 10 20000Z
Earthbreaker 126 12 ????? Earth damage, Use to cast
Stone Pillar
Linked Pole 133 8 ????? Damage increases with
target's Power

--- Ursula -------------------------------------------------

Name Pwr Wgt Value Note
Scattershot 35 4 3600Z Ranged, Attack all
Flintlock 42 2 3200Z Ranged, +1 Hits
Sparkler 50 4 5000Z Ranged, Fire atk, Attack all
Flamethrower 60 4 9000Z Ranged, Fire atk, Atk all,
Use to cast Fireblast
Arquebus 70 2 6800Z Ranged
Repeater 82 6 22000Z Ranged, +1 Hits
Mortar 102 6 24000Z Fire dmg, Atk All
Culverin 108 6 ????? Ranged, Attack all, To-Hit
+20%, Critical +5%
Electrifier 110 2 16000Z Ranged

--- Armor ------------------------------------------ s02\3 -

The Used section tells you which characters can use the
Armor, namely: R = Ryu
N = Nina
E = Ershin
C = Cray
F = Fou-Lu

Name Def Wgt Value Used Note
Clothing 4 2 150Z RN CSU
Fancy Dress 5 2 170Z N U
Leather Armor 5 2 220Z R CS
Waistcloth 8 2 320Z RN CSU
Chain Cap 10 4 600Z R CS
Crepe Cape 12 2 730Z N U
Cuirass 13 4 840Z R CSU
Steel BPlate 17 3 1300Z R CSU
ManlyClothes 17 3 2000Z R CS Revive at death
(destroys it)
Mage's Robes 19 3 2300Z N Increases resistance
to magic
Scale Mail 20 5 2100Z R CS
FightingRobe 23 3 2500Z RN CSU
Party Dress 25 4 2500Z N U
AsbestosArmr 26 4 2700Z R CS
Amber BPlate 28 4 3000Z R CSU
Short Skirt 32 1 3200Z N U Reduces wearers
Magic Resistance
Lgt.Clothing 34 0 ????? RN CSU
Brigandine 35 5 4800Z R CS
Robe of Wind 44 0 6500Z N U Dodge +5%, Resist
Full Plate 47 8 6000Z R CS
Sage's Frock 50 4 7000Z N U +5 Wisdom
Silver Mail 54 5 6800Z R CS
Armored Vest 60 4 7200Z RN CSU Resist Ranged atks
MithrilArmor 64 5 8000Z R CSU
Holy Robe 64 4 ????? ??????
BlizzardMail 66 6 9300Z R CS Strong v Wind&Water,
Weak v Fire&Earth
Magma Armor 66 6 9300Z R CS Strong v Fire&Earth,
Weak v Wind%Water
Wolfskin 72 4 9500Z RN SU
Burglar Garb 77 5 ?????? U +10% Critical rate
Force Armor 82 7 ?????? ?????? Casts Barrier at
start of battle
Diana'sDress 83 5 13000Z N U
DamascusMail 88 6 23000Z R CSU
Life Armor 90 9 50000Z R CS Restore 100 HP/Turn
Star Dress 92 6 38000Z N +5 CP
Gideon'sGarb 93 10 35000Z ?????? Power +10
Mist Armor 93 8 40000Z R CS
Royal Armor 96 6 ?????? F

Lighting 0 0 200Z E +40 Agility, +20%
Dodge rate
Light Armor 10 0 200Z E +20 to Agility,
+10% to Dodge Rate
Psychometer 20 5 200Z E +20 Wis
Gravedigger 20 5 200Z E Sometimes casts
Eruption as counter
Booster 20 5 200Z E Sometimes casts
Firewind as counter
Maelstrom 20 5 200Z E Sometimes casts
Storm as counter
Panzer 20 5 200Z E Sometimes casts Jolt
as counter
Gargantua 25 8 ------ E
Spirit Armor 25 5 200Z E +10 Wis
Stout Mail 30 5 200Z E
Flame Armor 30 5 200Z E Resist Fire
Wind Armor 30 5 200Z E Resist Wind
Hydro Armor 30 5 200Z E Resist Water
Earth Armor 30 5 200Z E Resist Earth
Fire Rig 30 5 200Z E Fire does no damage
Whirlwind 30 5 200Z E Wind does no damage
Water Rig 30 5 200Z E Water does no damage
Earth Rig 30 5 200Z E Earth does no damage
Quicksilver 30 5 200Z E Casts Speed at start
of battle
Defender 30 5 200Z E Casts Barrier at
start of battle
Orihalcyon 30 4 200Z E Raises chance of
Critical Hit
Heavy Armor 40 10 200Z E
Mithril Rig 50 15 200Z E

--- Option ----------------------------------------- s02\4 -

Name Def Wgt Value Used Note
Artemis' Cap 4 1 6000Z RNECSU +25% Chance To-Hit
Astral Ward 0 0 ????? RNECSU Raises Magic resist,
Lowers Phys. resist
Aura Ring 0 0 500Z RNECSU Resist Mind atk(?)
Bandana 2 1 30Z RNECSU
Barrier Ring 0 0 5000Z RNECSU Protects against
Mind attacks(?)
Bell Collar 3 2 ???? RNECSU Higher chance to get
Random Battle
Body Ward 0 0 ????? RNECSU Raises Phys. resist,
Lowers Magic resist
Brass Helm 3 2 90Z R ECS
BronzeShield 7 2 380Z RNECSU
Buckler 13 3 1200Z RNECSU
Combat boots 15 3 5000Z RNECSU
Coupons 0 0 ????? RNECSU Gives you a discount
at shops
Cupid's Lyre 3 1 15000Z RNECSU Recover 10 HP/step
and 50 HP/turn
DamacsusHelm 19 4 11000Z R ECS
Demon's Helm 12 3 1000Z R ECS
Diamond Ring 0 0 3000Z RNECSU Protects against
death attacks
Dragon Tear 0 0 50000Z F Immune to Status Chg
Dress Shoes 10 0 800Z N U
Earth Ward 0 0 2500Z RNECSU Resist Earth attacks
Face Guard 8 3 450Z R ECS
Fire Ward 0 0 2500Z RNECSU Resist Fire attacks
Glass Domino 5 2 220Z RNECSU
Hairband 1 0 50Z N U
HarmonicRing 0 0 25000Z RNECSU Increases chance of
performing a Combo
Hawk's Ring 5 1 6000Z RNECSU Increases chance of
getting Initiative
Healing Ring 0 0 18000Z RNECSU Restoring Status
takes 1 turn
Holy Mantle 2 1 ????? RNECSU Lower chance to get
Random Battle
Hunting Cap 1 1 8000Z RNECSU +40% Chance to learn
Skill from enemy
Ivory Bangle 9 1 ????? F Recover 30 HP/Step
and 150 HP/Turn
Light Bangle 0 0 5000Z RNECSU Resist Status Change
(Stronger than
Life Sandals)
Life Sandals 0 0 500Z RNECSU Resist Status Change
Long Boots 9 3 550Z RNECSU
Poison Ward 0 0 2500Z RNECSU Immune to Poison
(Element & Status)
Red Cape 0 15 ------ E Counter rate up
Ring of Clay 0 0 10000Z RNECSU Gain HP from Earth
Ring of Fire 0 0 10000Z RNECSU Gain HP from Fire
Ring of Ice 0 0 10000Z RNECSU Gain HP from Water
Ring of Wind 0 0 10000Z RNECSU Gain HP from Wind
Shaman'sRing 0 0 40000Z RNECSU Reduces AP Cost of
Skills by 25%
Soul Gem 0 0 1000Z RNECSU Revive at Death
(desroys Soul Gem)
Soul Ring 0 0 30000Z RNECSU +50% CP
Spats 17 0 9000Z N U
Speed Boots 3 0 4500Z RNECSU +20 Agility
Spirit Ring 0 0 65000Z RNECSU Doubles CP
Talisman 0 0 300Z RNECSU Resist Death attacks
Titan'sBoots 6 3 6000Z RNECSU +10 Power
Toothpick 0 0 20Z S Raise Critical
chance by 5%
Topaz Tear 0 0 ????? RNECSU ?????
Water Ward 0 0 2500Z RNECSU Resist Water attacks
Wind Ward 0 0 2500Z RNECSU Resist Wind attacks
Winged Boots 4 0 7000Z RNECSU +4 Evade
Wisdom Ring 3 2 5000Z RNECSU +20 Wisdom
UV Goggles 3 1 3000Z RNECSU Immune to Blind

--- Fishing Equipment ------------------------------ s02\5 -

Name Value Note
Wooden Rod 50Z Weakest Fishing Rod, pwr lv 1
Bamboo Rod 250Z Medium Fishing Rod, pwr lv 2
Deluxe Rod 1000Z Easier to handle than Bamboo Rod, but
has lower range, pwr lv 2
Angling Rod 2500Z Powerful Rod, long range, pwr lv MAX
Spanner 5000Z Not as ranged/powerful as the Angling
Rod, but better then the Deluxe Rod,
pwr lv 3
Master Rod 20000Z Has slightly lower range then the
Angling Rod, but is by far the
Silver Top 20Z lv 1 Spinner Lure
Gold Top 80Z lv 2 Spinner Lure
Platinum Top 400Z lv 3 Spinner Lure
Twister 20Z lv 1 Winder Lure
Warbler 80Z lv 2 Winder Lure
Dancer 400Z lv 3 Winder Lure
Popper 20Z lv 1 Topper Lure
Flattop 80Z lv 2 Topper Lure
Swisher 400Z lv 3 Topper Lure
Floater 20Z lv 1 Minnow Lure
Hanger 80Z lv 2 Minnow Lure
Deep Diver 400Z lv 3 Minnow Lure
Baby Frog 20Z lv 1 Frogger Lure
Toad 80Z lv 2 Frogger Lure
Fat Frog 400Z lv 3 Frogger Lure
Straight 20Z lv 1 Worm Lure
Tail 80Z lv 2 Worm Lure
Crab 400Z lv 3 Worm Lure
Spoon 120Z lv 0 Ultimate Lure

--- Best Equipment --------------------------------- s02\6 -

Will be added as soon as I complete the game.

= Finding Items s03 =

This is a list of all the items, which will tell you where
you can find them. The lists are ordered the same as the
regular item lists, only this one tells you where to find
them instead of their statistics.

The list contains places to buy, places to find, and an
enemy to steal it from (or who drops it if stealing is not
available). For easily found stuff such as Healing Herb,
not all locations and stores will be listed (enemies will

--- Item ------------------------------------------- s03\1 -

Ammonia Buy at various shops
Find at various locations
Antidote Buy at various shops
Various locations
Stolen from: Gasser, Sporeon
Apple Get from man in the Woods area
Faerie Search Dif.1
Stolen from: GooCount, Goo King, Goo Nurse,
Baby Goo
Aurum Buy from various Manillos
Various locations
Faerie Search Dif.1
Stolen from: Puspool, Generatr
Belladonna Buy at Odd Item Shop in Faerie Village
Get from man in Kyria
Faerie Search Dif.1
Stolen from: Fiend, SaltClaw
Bent Screw Dropped by Bot if you have used an Elemental
Faerie Search Dif.2
Stolen from: BoltArch, Bolt Trp, BoltMage
Berries Stolen from: Cap, Army Bat, Rat, Wyd, Trunked,
Bird Drop Buy from Lazy Item Shop in Faerie Village
Dropped by Sparrow if you kill it
Stolen from: Blue Cap
Burnt Plug Find 3 at the Island of Fire
Stolen from Morph after Fire damage
Faerie Search Dif.2
Croc Tear Find in various locations
Stolen from: Eye Goo, Roach
Dark Draught Stolen from: BlackGoo
Dirty Filter Find 3 in the River area
Faerie Search Dif.2
Stolen from Morph after Wind damage
Dodge Seed Stolen from: Shadow
Dragon Scale Buy from Manillo in Sarai
Various locations
Dropped by: Gonghead
Dynamite Buy at Astana Item Shop (Chapter 3+)
Find 5 at Mukto area
Earth Seed Buy from Faerie Arum Shop
Electrode Buy at Odd Item Shop in Faerie Village
Elixer Stolen from: MorphGoo
Elixer+ Dropped by: MorphGoo
Eye Drops Buy at various shops
Find in Wyndia
Stolen from: Scorpion
Flank Get from hunting
Get from the Rat Packs you fight in the hold
of Zig's ship
FlashGrenade Buy from Lazy Item Shop in Faerie Village
Firecracker Buy at Chedo Item Shop
Find one in the dungeon area of Chedo
Stolen from: Snapfly
Fire Seed Buy from Faerie Arum Shop
Stolen from: Fire Ant
Fish-head Trade Cards at Manillo Shop
Find in various locations
Dropped by: Mouse
Ginseng Buy from Manillo in Sarai
Find in various locations
Faerie Search Dif.5
Dropped by: GooCount, Bad Coil
Glass Shard Find it in the digging subgame at the Valley
Faerie Search Dif.2
Stolen from: Sandclaw
HadeSeed Stolen from: Mirror
Headband Buy from Manillo in Sarai
Stolen from: Spectre
Healing Herb Buy at various shops
Various locations
Stolen from: Mage Goo, Flue Goo, Fungoid,
Gonghead, Troop, BeeTroop,
Holy Seed Buy from Faerie Arum Shop
Icicle Buy from Manillo in Sarai
Buy at Odd Item Shop in Faerie Village
Find in various locations
Stolen from: Rollob
Iron Scraps Get from the Rat Packs you fight in the hold
of Zig's ship
Faerie Search Dif.2
Stolen from: Squirt, Guardian
Ivory Dice Buy from Astana Manillo
Dropped by: Trunked, Fragrans
Jabbergrass Buy at various shops
Dropped by: Mandraga
Knockout Gas Buy from Lazy Item Shop in Faerie Village
Find it in Ershin's Dream World
Stolen from: Mud Pup, Krabby, Fragrans
Life Shard Find it in the Aqueduct area
Dropped by: BloodBat, Gonger
Loins Get from hunting
Magic Shard Trade Cards at Manillo Shop
Various locations
Dropped by: Gulper, Spectre
Molotov Buy at Kyria shop/Worent Shop
Various locations
Stolen from: Nut Mage
Moon Tears Buy from Manillo in Sarai
Find at Tidal Flats area
Dropped by Won-qu (boss)
Mouth Gag Buy from Lazy Item Shop in Faerie Village
Stolen from: Mandraga, Decoy
Mozweed Get from purple flag in Zig's boat
MultiVitamin Buy at Normal/Diligent Item Shop in Faerie
Various locations
Win at Rock-Paper-Scissors game in Faerie
Stolen from: Cairn, Orochi
Napalm Buy at Astana Item Shop (Chapter 3+)
Find 2 in the Tomb area
Dropped by: Ibomb
Old Tire Faerie Search Dif.2
Find one in the Imperial HQ
Stolen from Morph after Earth damage
Panacea Buy at various shops
Various locations
Stolen from: Puppeter
Phoenix Seed Buy from Faerie Arum Shop
PoisonPowder Buy from Lazy Item Shop in Faerie Village
Find 2 at the Tidal Flats area
Stolen from: Yaen
Power Food Trade Cards at Manillo Shop
Get from various locations
Faerie Search Dif.5
Stolen from: Shade
Protein Find in various locations
Dropped by: Bilbul, Legion, Egg Gang, Shade
Ribs Get from hunting
Stolen from: Mouse
Roast Get from hunting
Stolen from: Bilboa, Bilbul
Rotten Meat Buy from Lazy Item Shop in Faerie Village
Various locations
Dropped by: Cadaver
Rusty Pipe Get one from a girl in Pauk
Faerie Search Dif.2
Stolen from Morph after Water damage
SageSeed Stolen from: Mask
ScorchedRice Buy from Lazy Item Shop in Faerie Village
Stolen from: Firewyd
Spirit Seed Buy from Faerie Arum Shop
Straw Stolen from: BloodBat
Strike Seed Stolen from: Gold Fly
Swallow Eye Trade Cards at Manillo Shop
Find in various locations
Steal from: Smasher
SuperVitamin Find one in the Jungle area
Target Seed Dropped by: Saruga
Taser Buy at Chedo Item Shop
Dropped by: Rollob, Generatr
Vigor Seed Buy from Faerie Arum Shop
Get it from a cabinet in Njomo's house
Vitamin Buy at various shops
Find at various locations
Stolen from: Legion, Bad Coil, Rafresia,
Ibomb, Scavengr
Vitamins Find one in the Tomb area
Dropped by I/II (boss)
Dropped by: GooNurse
Void Sphere Buy at Odd Item Shop in Faerie Village
Water Bomb Buy at Worent Shop
Various locations
Stolen from: Icebeak
Water Seed Buy from Faerie Arum Shop
Stolen from: BlueBall
Weather Vane Find 2 in the Kasq Wds
Stolen from: Bollor
Wind Seed Buy from Faerie Arum Shop
Wisdom Fruit Dropped by I/II (boss)
Find in Mt. Yogy
Dropped by: Istalk
Wisdom Seed Buy at Diligent/Normal Item Shop in Faerie
Find in various locations
Stolen from: Egg Gang, StarGazr

--- Weapon ----------------------------------------- s03\2 -

--- Nina ---------------------------------------------------

Bamboo Stick Buy from Ordinary/Diligent Arms Shop in
Faerie Village
Baton Initial equip on Nina
Battle Rod Buy at Lyp Weapon Shop
BlessedStaff Buy at Chedo Weapon Shop
Magic Wand Buy at Synesta Weapon Shop/Kyoin Weapon Shop
PointedStick Find in Woods area
Dropped by: GooCount, Wyd, Baby Goo
Reed Baton Buy at Ludia Shop/Worent Shop
Ruby Scepter Buy from Manillo in Shyde
Rune Staff Buy at Koshka Shop/ Chiqua Weapon Shop
Sage's Staff Buy from various shops
Find it in the digging subgame at the Valley
Skull Staff Buy from Chiqua Manillo
Stolen from: Karon
Wand of Air Buy at Wyndia Shop/Chek Shop
WardingStaff Find it in the En Jhou area
Weather Wand Find in Mt. Giga area
Buy at Shikk Shop/Kryrik
Dropped by: Bollor

--- Ryu/Scias/Fou-Lu ---------------------------------------

Barbarossa Buy at Chedo Weapon Shop
BastardSword Buy at Wyndia Shop/Chek Shop
Biter Buy at Wyndia Shop
Bowie Knife Buy at Chamba Shop
Broad Sword Buy from Manillo in Shyde
Broken Sword Get it when the King's Sword breaks
Chopsticks Buy from Chiqua Manillo
Faerie Search Dif.1
Claymore Buy at Shikk Shop/Kryrik
DamascusSwd Buy at Astana Weapon Shop (Chapter 3+)
FeatherSword Buy at Koshka Shop/ Shiqua Weapon Shop
Dropped by: Bolt Trp
Firangi Buy from Manillo in Shyde
Dropped by: LizardMn
HiddenDagger Buy from Lazy Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Dropped by: Sepoy
Ice Blade Buy from Diligent Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Jang'do Initial equip on Scias
Katzbalger Buy at Ludia Shop/Worent Shop
King's Sword Given to Nina by Cray
Moon Sword Stolen from: Bandit, Drake
PiercingEdge Buy at Lyp Weapon Shop
Render Trade Cards at Manillo Shop
Scramasax Buy at Synesta Weapon Shop/Kyoin Weapon Shop
Stolen from: NutTroop
Short Sword Buy at Kyria Shop
Find at Kurok area
Taegum Buy from Ordinary Arms Shop in Faerie Village

--- Ershin -------------------------------------------------

Atomic Punch Get it from the River area
Drill Punch Get it at Mt. Glom
Earth Claws Buy from Manillo in Shyde
Dropped by: Sandclaw
Flame Punch Get from Maman boss in Woods area
Fork Dropped by: Krabby
Ghostbuster Find it in the Imperial HQ
Homing Bomb Get it from Pung' tap
Ice Punch Dropped by weird chests in Kyria
Dropped by Ymechaf
Power Glove Buy from Chiqua Manillo
Dropped by: SaltClaw
Raptor Claws Found in the Cellars area
Stolen from: Armor
Red Knuckles Inititial equip on Ershin
Rocket Punch Find in Mt. Ryft area
Stunner Buy from Ordinary Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Stolen from: BttlSuit
Toxic Claws Find in Jungle area

--- Cray ---------------------------------------------------

Crusher Buy at Koshka Shop/ Shiqua Weapon Shop
Cudgel Buy at Chedo Weapon Shop
Earthbreaker Buy from Astana Manillo
Flail Buy from Manillo in Shyde
Giant Club Buy from Chiqua Manillo
Dropped by: Cyclops
Linked Pole Trade Cards at Manillo Shop
Log Inititial equip on Cray
Mace Buy at Wyndia Shop/Chek Shop
Nunchaku Dropped by: Trean
Quarterstaff Buy at Shikk Shop/Kryrik
Spiked Rod Buy at Worent Shop
Steel Bat Buy at Synesta Weapon Shop/Kyoin Weapon Shop
Stone Club Buy at Lyp Weapon Shop

--- Ursula -------------------------------------------------

Arquebus Buy at Chiqua Weapon Shop
Culverin Buy from Astana Manillo
Electrifier Find in the Tomb area
Flamethrower Buy at Koshka Shop
Dropped by: Snapfly, Stingfly
Flintlock Buy at Shikk Shop/Kryrik
Mortar Buy at Chedo Weapon Shop
MultiGun Stolen from: Bot, ProtoBot
Repeater Buy from Chiqua Manillo
Dropped by: Guardian
Scattershot Initial equip on Ursula
Sparkler Buy at Lyp Weapon Shop

--- Armor ------------------------------------------ s03\3 -

Amber BPlate Initial equip on Ursula
Armored Vest Buy at Koshka Shop
Find one in the River area
AsbestosArmr Buy at Chek Shop
Find it in the Ice Peak area
Blizzardmail Buy at Koshka Shop
Brigandine Buy at Shikk Shop/Kryrik
Burglar Garb Find one in the Castle area
Clothing Initial equip on Ryu (he grabs it from a cart)
Chain Cap Buy from various shops
Stolen from: Cadaver
Crepe Cape Buy it at various shops
Cuirass Buy it at various shops
Dropped by: Armor
DamascusMail Buy at Astana Weapon Shop (Chapter 3+)
Defender Found in Castle area
Diana'sDress Buy at Chedo Weapon Shop
Find at Imperial HQ
Fancy Dress Initial equip on Nina
FightingRobe Buy at Shikk Shop/Kryrik
Get it from Pung'tap
Steal from: ZombieDr
Force Armor Buy from Chiqua Manillo
Full Plate Buy at Lyp Weapon Shop
Gargantua Initial equip on Ershin
Gideon'sGarb Dropped by: BttlSuit
Holy Robe Buy from Chiqua Manillo
LeatherArmor Buy at various shops
Lgt.Clothing Find in the Castle area
Life Armor Buy from Astana Manillo
Light Armor Have the smith make it
Mage's Robes Buy at Wyndia Shop/Chek Shop
Magma Armor Buy at Chiqua Weapon Shop
Stolen from: Lavoid
ManlyClothes Buy at Odd Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Find in Worent/Erhin's Dream World
Mist Armor Buy at Chedo Weapon Shop
Dropped by: Horseman
MithrilArmor Buy at Pauk Shop
Party Dress Buy at Wyndia Shop
Ranger Garb Buy at Worent Shop
Robe of Wind Buy at Lyp Weapon Shop
Sage's Frock Buy from Diligent Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Scale Mail Buy at Wyndia Shop
Initial equip on Scias
Short Skirt Buy from Lazy Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Silver Mail Buy at Chiqua Weapon Shop
Find at the Tidal Flats area
Star Dress Buy from Astana Manillo
Dropped by: Karon
Steel BPlate Stolen from: Soldier
Waistcloth Buy from various shops
Initial equip on Cray
Find in the Hex Area of Chamba
Stolen from: Red Cap
Wetsuit Find one in the Fane area
Wolfskin Buy at Pauk Shop
UV Goggles Buy at Chiqua Weapon Shop

--- Option ----------------------------------------- s03\4 -

Artemis' Cap Buy from Lazy Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Find it in Ludia Castle
Astral Ward Buy at Chkpoint Manillo
Aura Ring Buy it at Astana Weapon Shop/Shyde Weapon Shop
Find in Woods area
Balance Ring Buy from Ordinary Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Find in the Wyndia Castle Catacombs
Bandana Buy at Sarai Weapon Shop
Stolen from: Zombie
Barrier Ring Buy at Astana Weapon Shop (Chapter 3+)
Find at Moutain Path area
Bell Collar Buy from Manillo in Shyde
Body Ward Buy at Chkpoint Manillo
Brass Helm Buy at various shops
Initial equip on Cray
Find in the Valley
BronzeShield Buy at Worent Shop
Dropped by: Soldier
Buckler Stolen from: LizardMn
Combat boots Initial equip on Ursula
Coupons Trade Cards at Manillo Shop
Cupid's Lyre Buy from Astana Manillo
Dropped by Won-qu (boss)
DamacsusHelm Buy at Astana Weapon Shop (Chapter 3+)
Find one in the dungeon area of Chedo
Demon's Helm Stolen from: MaskCrab, Sepoy
Diamond Ring Buy at Astana Weapon Shop (Chapter 3+)
Dropped by: Fiend
DivineHelm Dropped by GoldGang
Dragon Tear Trade Cards at Manillo Shop
Find one in the Mukto area
Dream Ring Buy from Ordinary Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Dress Shoes Buy at Lyp Weapon Shop
Win at Rock-Paper-Scissors game in Faerie
Earth Ward Buy at Odd Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Find in various locations
Get from boss fight in Ershin's Dream World
Face Guard Buy it at various shops
Stolen from: NutArchr
Fire Ward Buy at Odd Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Find it in various locations
Get from boss fight in Ershin's Dream World
Glass Domino Buy at various shops
Find in Causeway
Dropped by: Zombie, Red Cap, Troop
Hairband Initial equip on Nina
HarmonicRing Buy from Lazy Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Various locations
Hawk's Ring Buy at Chedo Weapon Shop
Healing Ring Buy from Astana Manillo
Find one in the Castle area
Holy Mantle Buy from Manillo in Shyde
Dropped by: Chingol
Hunting Cap Buy from Lazy Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Light Bangle Buy at Astana Weapon Shop (Chapter 3+)
Find it in the Shrine area
Life Sandals Buy it at Astana Weapon Shop/Shyde Weapon Shop
Found in Chamba village
Long Boots Buy it at various shops
Find it in the Kasq Wds
Poison Ward Buy at Chiqua Weapon Shop
Find in the Imperial HQ
Ring of Clay Find one in Sonne
Ring of Fire Find one in the Island of Fire
Ring of Ice Get from Gyosil when you have 4000 Fishing
Ring of Wind Find in Wyndia
Shaman'sRing Buy from Lazy Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Dropped by: StarGazr
Spirit Ring Dropped by A-tur
Faerie Search Dif.5
Soul Gem Buy at various shops
Various locations
Soul Ring Find one in the Sinchon area
Win at Rock-Paper-Scissors game in Faerie
Buy at Chkpoint Manillo
Spats Buy at Chedo Weapon Shop
Speed Boots Buy from Diligent Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Stolen from: Saruga
Talisman Buy at Astana Weapon Shop/Shyde Weapon Shop
Titan'sBoots Buy from Diligent Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Find in Shan Rvr area
Toothpick Faerie Search Dif.1
Stolen from: Chingol
Topaz Tear Buy at Chkpoint Manillo
UV Goggles Buy from Ordinary Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Water Ward Buy at Odd Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Find at various locations
Get from boss fight in Ershin's Dream World
Wind Ward Buy at Odd Arms Shop in Faerie Village
Get from boss fight in Ershin's Dream World
Winged Boots Buy from Diligent Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Wisdom Ring Buy from Diligent Arms Shop at Faerie Village
Dropped by: BoltMage

--- Fishing Equipment ------------------------------ s03\5 -

Angling Rod Buy at Lyp Manillo Shop
Bamboo Rod Dropped by the Sparrow if you don't harm it
Buy at Wyndia Manillo Shop
Buy at Diligent Item Shop in Faerie Village
Deluxe Rod Find at the Tidal Flats area
Master Rod Get from Gyosil when you have 9500 Fishing
Wooden Rod Buy it at various shops
Dropped by Sparrow if you kill it
Baby Frog Buy it at Sarai Item Shop/Shyde Item Shop
Stolen from: Tadpole
Crab Buy at Lyp Manillo Shop
Find 2 at the Tidal Flats area
Dancer Buy at Lyp Manillo Shop
Dropped by: Decoy
Deep Diver Buy at Lyp Manillo Shop
Find it in the Kurok area
Fat Frog Buy at Lyp Manillo Shop
Get from the king's room in Wyndia
Dropped by: Mud Pup
Flattop Buy at Wyndia Manillo Shop
Various locations
Floater Buy at Synesta Item Shop/Shyde Item Shop
Gold Top Buy at Wyndia Manillo Shop
Hanger Buy at Chiqua Item Shop
Find 5 at the Fane area
Platinum Top Buy at Lyp Manillo Shop
Popper Buy at Lyp Item Shop
Stolen from: Ghost
Silver Top Buy at Lyp Item Shop
Find 4 at the Shrine
Dropped by: Puspool
Spoon Buy at Lazy Item Shop in Faerie Village
Faerie Search Dif.1
Straight Buy it at Sarai Item Shop/Shyde Item Shop
Swisher Buy at Lyp Manillo Shop
Get from subgame in the Dam area
Tail Buy at Chiqua Item Shop
Stolen from: Crawler
Toad Buy at Chiqua Item Shop
Dropped by: Tadpole
Twister Buy at Lyp Item Shop
Stolen from: ToxicFly
Warbler Buy at Wyndia Manillo Shop
Find one on Zig's ship

= Shop List s04 =

--- Regular Shops ---------------------------------- s04\1 -

--- Sarai Item Shop ----------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Croc Tear 4Z Recover 20HP, might remove Status(1)
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Wooden Rod 50Z Fishing Rod
Baby Frog 20Z lv 1 Frog Lure
Straight 20Z lv 1 Worm Lure

--- Sarai Weapon Shop --------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Sage's Staff 230Z 15 2 N Wis +5
LeatherArmor 220Z 5 2 R CS
Bandana 30Z 2 1 RNECSU
Brass Helm 90Z 3 2 R ECS
Soul Gem 1000Z 0 0 RNECSU Revive at death
(Destroys Soul Gem)

--- Chamba Shop --------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Bowie Knife 150Z 10 1 R S
Sage's Staff 230Z 15 2 N Wis +5
LeatherArmor 220Z 5 2 R CS
Brass Helm 90Z 3 2 R ECS
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Kyria Shop ---------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Short Sword 480Z 15 3 R S
Sage's Staff 230Z 12 2 N Ranged, +5 Wis
Leather Armor 220Z 5 2 R CS
Waistcloth 320Z 8 2 RN CSU
Glass Domino 220Z 5 2 RNECSU
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Molotov 100Z Minor Fire damage(1)

--- Synesta Item Shop --------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Jabbergrass 20Z Remove Mute Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Wooden Rod 50Z Weakest Fishing Rod
Floater 20Z lv 1 Minnow Lure

--- Synesta Weapon Shop ------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Scramasax 1200Z 13 2 R +1 Hits
Magic Wand 800Z 18 2 N Ranged, +3 CP
Steel Bat 1000Z 25 5 C
Waistcloth 320Z 8 2 RN CSU
Chain Cap 600Z 10 4 R CS
Brass Helm 90Z 3 2 R ECS
Glass Domino 220Z 5 2 RNECSU
Soul Gem 1000Z 0 0 RNECSU Revive at death
(Destroys Soul Gem)

--- Kyoin Item Shop ----------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Jabbergrass 20Z Remove Mute Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Molotov 100Z Minor Fire damage(1)

--- Kyoin Weapon Shop --------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Scramasax 1200Z 13 2 R S +1 Hits
Magic Wand 800Z 18 2 N Ranged, +3 CP
Steel Bat 1000Z 25 5 C
Waistcloth 320Z 8 2 RN CSU
Chain Cap 600Z 10 4 R CS
Crepe Cape 730Z 12 2 N
Glass Domino 220Z 5 2 RNECSU
Soul Gem 1000Z 0 0 RNECSU Revive at death
(Destroys Soul Gem)

--- Astana Item Shop ---------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Jabbergrass 20Z Remove Mute Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Astana Weapon Shop -------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Cuirass 840Z 13 4 R CSU
Crepe Cape 730Z 12 2 N
Glass Domino 220Z 5 2 RNECSU
Face Guard 450Z 8 3 R ECS
Aura Ring 500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Mind atk(?)
Life Sandals 500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Status Change
Talisman 300Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Death Attacks
Soul Gem 1000Z 0 0 RNECSU Revive at death
(Destroys Soul Gem)

--- Ludia Shop ---------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Katzbalger 1800Z 30 4 R S
Reed Baton 1600Z 28 2 N Ranged
Cuirass 840Z 13 4 R CSU
Crepe Cape 730Z 12 2 N
Face Guard 450Z 8 3 R ECS
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Shyde Item Shop ----------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Jabbergrass 20Z Remove Mute Status(1)
Wooden Rod 50Z Fishing Rod
Floater 20Z lv 1 Minnow Lure
Baby Frog 20Z lv 1 Frog Lure
Straight 20Z lv 1 Worm Lure

--- Shyde Weapon Shop --------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Crepe Cape 730Z 12 2 N
Glass Domino 220Z 5 2 RNECSU
Face Guard 450Z 8 3 R ECS
Long Boots 550Z 9 3 RNECSU
Aura Ring 500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Mind atk(?)
Life Sandals 500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Status Change
Talisman 300Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Death Attacks
Soul Gem 1000Z 0 0 RNECSU Revive at death
(Destroys Soul Gem)

--- Worent Shop --------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Katzbalger 1800Z 30 4 R S
Reed Baton 1600Z 28 2 N Ranged
Spiked Rod 2200Z 35 5 C
Ranger Garb 1500Z 16 3 RN CSU Resist Fire
BronzeShield 380Z 7 2 RNECSU
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Molotov 100Z Minor Fire damage(1)
Water Bomb 100Z Minor Water Damage(1)

--- Wyndia Shop --------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
BastardSword 3200Z 42 6 R
Wand of Air 3600Z 38 1 N Ranged, Wind atk,
Use to cast Sever
Mace 3300Z 43 6 C
Biter 4500Z 30 3 S +3% Critical chance
Scale Mail 2100Z 20 5 R CS
Mage's Robes 2300Z 19 3 N Raises resistance to
Party Dress 2500Z 25 4 N
Long Boots 550Z 9 3 RNECSU

--- Chek Shop ----------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
BastardSword 3200Z 42 6 R
Wand of Air 3600Z 38 1 N Ranged, Wind atk,
Use to cast Sever
Mace 3300Z 43 6 C
AsbestosArmr 2700Z 26 4 R CS
Mage's Robes 2300Z 19 3 N Raises resistance to
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Shikk Shop ---------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Claymore 5200Z 56 8 R S
Weather Wand 5000Z 48 2 N Ranged, Wind attack
Quarterstaff 5000Z 54 7 C
Flintlock 3200Z 42 2 U Ranged, +1 Hits
Brigandine 4800Z 35 5 R CS
FightingRobe 2500Z 23 3 RN CSU
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Kryrik(on Zig's ship) ----------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Claymore 5200Z 56 8 R S
Weather Wand 5000Z 48 2 N Ranged, Wind attack
Quarterstaff 5000Z 54 7 C
Flintlock 3200Z 42 2 U Ranged, +1 Hits
Brigandine 4800Z 35 5 R CS
FightingRobe 2500Z 23 3 RN CSU
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Lyp Item Shop ------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Wooden Rod 50Z Weakest Fishing Rod
Silver Top 20Z lv 1 Spinner Lure
Twister 20Z lv 1 Winder Lure
Popper 20Z lv 1 Topper Lure

--- Lyp Weapon Shop ----------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
PiercingEdge 7200Z 72 5 R S Use to cast Weaken
Battle Rod 6200Z 61 2 N Ranged
Stone Club 7000Z 65 6 C
Sparkler 5000Z 50 4 U Fire atk, Attack all
Full Plate 6000Z 47 8 R CS
Robe of Wind 6500Z 44 0 N U Dodge +5%, Resist
Long Boots 550Z 9 3 RNECSU
Dress Shoes 800Z 10 0 N U

--- Koshka Shop --------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
FeatherSword 9600Z 88 1 R S
Rune Staff 8000Z 72 2 N +5 CP; +10 Wis
Crusher 9400Z 86 8 C
Flamethrower 9000Z 60 4 U Fire atk, Atk all,
Use for Fireblast
Armored Vest 7200Z 60 4 RN CSU Resist Ranged atks
BlizzardMail 9300Z 66 6 R CS Strong v Wind&Water,
Weak v Fire&Earth
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Chiqua Item Shop ---------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Hanger 80Z lv 2 Minnow Lure
Toad 80Z lv 2 Frogger Lure
Tail 80Z lv 2 Worm Lure
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Chiqua Weapon Shop -------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
FeatherSword 9600Z 88 1 R S
Rune Staff 8000Z 72 2 N +5 CP; +10 Wis
Crusher 9400Z 86 8 C
Arquebus 6800Z 70 2 U Ranged
Silver Mail 6800Z 54 5 R CS
Magma Armor 9300Z 66 6 R CS Strong v Fire&Earth,
Weak v Wind&Water
UV Goggles 3000Z 3 1 RNECSU Immune to Blind
Poison Ward 2500Z 0 0 RNECSU Immune to Poison
(Element & Status)

--- Pauk Shop ----------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
MithrilArmor 8000Z 64 5 R CSU
Wolfskin 9500Z 72 4 RN SU
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Jabbergrass 20Z Remove Mute Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)

--- Astana Item Shop(Chapter 3+) ---------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Jabbergrass 20Z Remove Mute Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Dynamite 500Z Major Earth damage(1)
Napalm 800Z Medium Fire + Wind damage(A)

--- Astana Weapon Shop(Chapter 3+) -------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
DamascusSwd 14500Z 104 5 R S
DamascusMail 23000Z 88 6 R CSU
DamacsusHelm 11000Z 19 4 R ECS
Barrier Ring 5000Z 0 0 RNECSU Protects against
Mind attacks(?)
Light Bangle 5000Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Status Chg
Diamond Ring 3000Z 0 0 RNECSU Protects against
Death attacks
Soul Gem 1000Z 0 0 RNECSU Revive at death
(Destroys Soul Gem)

--- Chedo Item Shop ----------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Eye Drops 14Z Remove Blind Status(1)
Jabbergrass 20Z Remove Mute Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Firecracker 700Z Major Fire damage(1)
Taser 1200Z Major Wind + Water damage(A)

--- Chedo Weapon Shop --------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Barbarossa 18000Z 112 8 R S
BlessedStaff 12000Z 84 2 N Use to cast Heal
Cudgel 20000Z 115 10 C
Mortar 24000Z 102 6 U Fire dmg, Atk All
Diana'sDress 13000Z 83 5 N U
Mist Armor 40000Z 93 8 R CS
Hawk's Ring 6000Z 5 1 RNECSU Raises chance of
getting initiative
Spats 9000Z 17 0 N U

--- Manillo Shops ---------------------------------- s04\2 -

Whenever you make a purchase at a Manillo Shop, you will get
a certain amount of points. This amount is equal to the
added points of all the fish spent. That means better fish
points gives more points for the same trade! Once you are
done shopping, you will receive a stamp for every 100 points
aquired this way. Leftover points are thrown away. Once you
gather 20 stamps, you will receive a card. These cards can
be used to purchase special items, which are the same at
every Manillo. They are:

Name Pts Note
Magic Shard 3 +1 MaxAP
Power Food 3 +1 Power
Swallow Eye 3 +1 Agility
Fish-head 3 +1 Intelligence
Coupons 25 Discount at shops
Dragon Tear 50 Protects against all Status Changes
Linked Pole 75 Pwr 133, Wgt 8, Damage is higher when
enemy Power is higher
Render 99 Pwr 50, Wgt 6, Water Attack, +1 Hits,
Casts Frost

--- Sarai Manillo ------------------------------------------

Name Fish
Icicle Flatfish x3
Napalm Sea Bream x3
Taser Octopus x3
Ginseng Bonito x1, Octopus x1, Sea Bream x1
Dragon Scale Bonito x1, Octopus x1, Flatfish x1
Headband Bonito x1, Sea Bream x1, Flatfish x1
Moon Tears Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Bonito x1
Aurum Sea Bass x3

--- Shyde Manillo ------------------------------------------

Name Fish
Earth Claws Sweetfish x5
Ruby Scepter Trout x5
Broad Sword RainbowTrout x2, Trout x2, Sweetfish x2
Flail Black Bass x3, Blue Gill x3, Piranha x6
Firangi Black Bass x3, MartianSquid x3, Bass x6
Holy Mantle RainbowTrout x3, Browntail x6
Bell Collar RainbowTrout x3, Browntail x6
Aurum Jellyfish x5

--- Wyndia Manillo -----------------------------------------

Name Fish
Gold Top Blowfish x1, Flying Fish x2
Warbler Blowfish x1, Flying Fish x2
Flattop Blowfish x2
Hanger Blowfish x2
Toad Flying Fish x3
Tail Flying Fish x3
Bamboo Rod Sea Bream x2
Aurum Man-o'-War x5

--- Lyp Manillo --------------------------------------------

Name Fish
Platinum Top Browntail x1, Trout x1, Sweetfish x1
Dancer Black Bass x1, Blue Gill x1, Piranha x1
Swisher Browntail x1, Trout x1, Sweetfish x1
Deep Diver Black Bass x1, Blue Gill x1, Piranha x1
Fat Frog Browntail x1, Trout x1, Sweetfish x1
Crab Black Bass x1, Blue Gill x1, Piranha x1
Angling Rod Salmon x2, Dorado x2, MartianSquid x2
Aurum Bass x3

--- Chiqua Manillo -----------------------------------------

Name Fish
Skull Staff Jellyfish x10, Man-o'-War x10
Chopsticks MartianSquid x2, Octopus x2
Repeater Spearfish x1, Bonito x3
Giant Club Black Porgy x2, Sea Bream x6
Power Glove Black Porgy x2, Sea Bream x6
Force Armor Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Flatfish x5
Holy Robe Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Flatfish x5
Aurum Sea Bass x3

--- Chkpoint Manillo ---------------------------------------

Name Fish
Barrier Ring Salmon x1, RainbowTrout x2, Browntail x4
Light Bangle MartianSquid x2, Blue Gill x2, Piranha x4
Diamond Ring Salmon x1, RainbowTrout x2, Browntail x4
Astral Ward Dorado x1, Black Bass x4, Bass x6
Body Ward Dorado x1, Black Bass x4, Bass x6
Soul Ring Sturgeon x1, Salmon x2, Bullcat x2
Topaz Tear Barandy x1, Dorado x2, MartianSquid x2
Aurum Bass x3

--- Astana Manillo (Chapter 3+) ----------------------------

Name Fish
Ivory Dice Angelfish x5, Moorfish x5
Earthbreaker Whale x1, Barandy x1, Dorado x3
Culverin Whale x1, Sturgeon x2, Barandy x2
Life Armor Whale x1, Sturgeon x1, Bullcat x3
Star Dress Whale x3, Acheron x8
Healing Ring Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Black Porgy x2
Cupid's Lyre Spearfish x1, Angler x1, Black Porgy x2
Aurum Angelfish x1, Moorfish x1

--- Faerie Shops ----------------------------------- s04\3 -

--- Lazy Item Shop -----------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Bird Drop 2Z -
Rotten Meat 2Z -
ScorchedRice 4Z -
Knockout Gas 100Z Cause Sleep(1)
FlashGrenade 100Z Cause Blind(1)
PoisonPowder 100Z Cause Poison(1)
Mouth Gag 100Z Cause Mute(1)
Spoon 120Z Ultimate Lure

--- Ordinary Item Shop -------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Wisdom Seed 800Z Recover 30 AP(1)
MultiVitamin 500Z Recover 1500 HP(1)
Vitamins 1000Z Recover 1000 HP(A)

--- Diligent Item Shop -------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Healing Herb 20Z Recover 300 HP(1)
Antidote 12Z Remove Poison Status(1)
Panacea 100Z Remove all Status(1)
Ammonia 250Z Revive with 25% HP(1)
Bamboo Rod 250Z Medium Fishing Rod, pwr lv 2
Vitamin 100Z Recover 800 HP(1)
Wisdom Seed 800Z Recover 30 AP(1)
MultiVitamin 500Z Recover 1500 HP(1)

--- Odd Item Shop ------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Molotov 100Z Minor Fire damage(1)
Electrode 250Z Medium Earth damage(A)
Void Sphere 500Z Major Wind damage(1)
Dynamite 500Z Major Earth damage(1)
Icicle 600Z Major Water damage(A)
Napalm 800Z Medium Fire + Wind damage(A)
Taser 1200Z Major Wind + Water damage(A)
Belladonna 200Z Kill target(1)

--- Lazy Arms Shop -----------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
PointedStick 10Z 2 1 N Ranged
Short Skirt 3200Z 32 1 N Reduces wearers
Magic Resistance
Hawk's Ring 6000Z 5 1 RNECSU Increases chance of
getting Initiative
Artemis' Cap 6000Z 4 1 RNECSU +25% Chance To-Hit
HiddenDagger 4900Z 42 2 S Might do Instant
Hunting Cap 8000Z 1 1 RNECSU +40% Chance to learn
Skill from enemy
HarmonicRing 25000Z 0 0 RNECSU Increases chance of
performing a Combo
Shaman'sRing 40000Z 0 0 RNECSU Reduces AP Cost of
Skills by 25%

--- Ordinary Arms Shop -------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Bamboo Stick 130Z 8 3 C Can be used to cure
Glass Domino 220Z 5 2 RNECSU
Taegum 3000Z 36 4 S +1 Hits
Poison Ward 2500Z 0 0 RNECSU Immune to Poison
Dream Ring 3000Z 3 2 RNECSU Immune to Sleep
UV Goggles 3000Z 3 1 RNECSU Immune to Blind
Balance Ring 3000Z 4 2 RNECSU Immune to Confusion
Stunner 7700Z 70 1 E Might Confuse target

--- Diligent Arms Shop -------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Bamboo Stick 130Z 8 3 C Can be used to cure
Glass Domino 220Z 5 2 RNECSU
Speed Boots 4500Z 3 0 RNECSU +20 Agility
Wisdom Ring 5000Z 3 2 RNECSU +20 Wisdom
Sage's Frock 7000Z 50 4 N +5 Wisdom
Winged Boots 7000Z 4 0 RNECSU +4 Evade
Titan'sBoots 6000Z 6 3 RNECSU +10 Power
Ice Blade 4200Z 50 8 S Water atk, might
cause Sleep

--- Odd Arms Shop ------------------------------------------

Name Price Def Wgt Used Note
Manly Clothes 2000Z 17 3 R CS Revive at death
(destroys it)
Talisman 300Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Death attacks
Aura Ring 500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Mind atk(?)
Life Sandals 500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Status Change
Fire Ward 2500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Fire attacks
Wind Ward 2500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Wind attacks
Water Ward 2500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Water attacks
Earth Ward 2500Z 0 0 RNECSU Resist Earth attacks

--- The Smith -------------------------------------- s04\4 -

After you rescue Cray, you can go back to the smith in
Mt. Glom, and he can make armor for Ershin when you give him
the 3 resources. Somehow, this reminds me of the Dragon
System in BoF3...

I have found out that the order of the items doesn't matter,
so I'll note the used items in the order they are in on the
smith's list.

There are seven different items you can give to the smith.
All these items have a property of their own. The more of a
certain item you put into an armor, the more it's property
can be found in the armor. The items are:

Glass Shard: Grants a boost in Wisdom.
Iron Scraps: Grants better Defense. Makes your armor
Bent Screw: Grants lighter armor, and bonus to Agility.
Old Tire: Grants the Earth Element.
Burnt Plug: Grants the Fire Element.
Dirty Filter: Grants the Wind Element.
Rusty Pipe: Grants the Water Element.

If you arrange the elements the same way you have to arrange
them for an Elemental Combo (Fire -> Wind -> Water ->
Earth -> Fire), you can make armors that cast magic as a
counter attack. For instance, use a Dirty Filter(Wind) and
a Burnt Plug(Fire) to create a Booster, an armor that casts
Firewind in response to an attack.

The armors I have found so far are:

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Armor Received
%% Glass Shard Glass Shard Glass Shard Psychometer %%
%% Glass Shard Glass Shard Iron Scraps Spirit Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Glass Shard Bent Screw Spirit Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Glass Shard Old Tire Spirit Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Glass Shard Dirty Filter Spirit Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Glass Shard Burnt Plug Spirit Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Glass Shard Rusty Pipe Spirit Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Iron Scraps Iron Scraps Heavy Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Iron Scraps Bent Screw Stout Mail %%
%% Glass Shard Iron Scraps Old Tire Defender %%
%% Glass Shard Iron Scraps Dirty Filter Defender %%
%% Glass Shard Iron Scraps Burnt Plug Defender %%
%% Glass Shard Iron Scraps Rusty Pipe Defender %%
%% Glass Shard Bent Screw Bent Screw Light Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Bent Screw Old Tire Quicksilver %%
%% Glass Shard Bent Screw Dirty Filter Quicksilver %%
%% Glass Shard Bent Screw Burnt Plug Quicksilver %%
%% Glass Shard Bent Screw Rusty Pipe Quicksilver %%
%% Glass Shard Old Tire Old Tire Earth Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Old Tire Dirty Filter Stout Mail %%
%% Glass Shard Old Tire Burnt Plug Gravedigger %%
%% Glass Shard Old Tire Rusty Pipe Maelstrom %%
%% Glass Shard Dirty Filter Dirty Filter Wind Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Dirty Filter Burnt Plug Booster %%
%% Glass Shard Dirty Filter Rusty Pipe Panzer %%
%% Glass Shard Burnt Plug Burnt Plug Flame Armor %%
%% Glass Shard Burnt Plug Rusty Pipe Stout Mail %%
%% Glass Shard Rusty Pipe Rusty Pipe Hydro Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Iron Scraps Iron Scraps Mithril Rig %%
%% Iron Scraps Iron Scraps Bent Screw Heavy Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Iron Scraps Old Tire Heavy Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Iron Scraps Dirty Filter Heavy Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Iron Scraps Burnt Plug Heavy Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Iron Scraps Rusty Pipe Heavy Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Bent Screw Bent Screw Light Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Bent Screw Old Tire Orihalcyon %%
%% Iron Scraps Bent Screw Dirty Filter Orihalcyon %%
%% Iron Scraps Bent Screw Burnt Plug Orihalcyon %%
%% Iron Scraps Bent Screw Rusty Pipe Orihalcyon %%
%% Iron Scraps Old Tire Old Tire Earth Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Old Tire Dirty Filter Stout Mail %%
%% Iron Scraps Old Tire Burnt Plug Gravedigger %%
%% Iron Scraps Old Tire Rusty Pipe Maelstrom %%
%% Iron Scraps Dirty Filter Dirty Filter Wind Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Dirty Filter Burnt Plug Booster %%
%% Iron Scraps Dirty Filter Rusty Pipe Panzer %%
%% Iron Scraps Burnt Plug Burnt Plug Flame Armor %%
%% Iron Scraps Burnt Plug Rusty Pipe Stout Mail %%
%% Iron Scraps Rusty Pipe Rusty Pipe Hydro Armor %%
%% Bent Screw Bent Screw Bent Screw Lightning %%
%% Bent Screw Bent Screw Old Tire Light Armor %%
%% Bent Screw Bent Screw Dirty Filter Light Armor %%
%% Bent Screw Bent Screw Burnt Plug Light Armor %%
%% Bent Screw Bent Screw Rusty Pipe Light Armor %%
%% Bent Screw Old Tire Old Tire Earth Armor %%
%% Bent Screw Old Tire Dirty Filter Stout Mail %%
%% Bent Screw Old Tire Burnt Plug Gravedigger %%
%% Bent Screw Old Tire Rusty Pipe Maelstrom %%
%% Bent Screw Dirty Filter Dirty Filter Wind Armor %%
%% Bent Screw Dirty Filter Burnt Plug Booster %%
%% Bent Screw Dirty Filter Rusty Pipe Panzer %%
%% Bent Screw Burnt Plug Burnt Plug Flame Armor %%
%% Bent Screw Burnt Plug Rusty Pipe Stout Mail %%
%% Bent Screw Rusty Pipe Rusty Pipe Hydro Armor %%
%% Old Tire Old Tire Old Tire Earth Rig %%
%% Old Tire Old Tire Dirty Filter Stout Mail %%
%% Old Tire Old Tire Burnt Plug Gravedigger %%
%% Old Tire Old Tire Rusty Pipe Maelstrom %%
%% Old Tire Dirty Filter Dirty Filter Stout Mail %%
%% Old Tire Dirty Filter Burnt Plug Stout Mail %%
%% Old Tire Dirty Filter Rusty Pipe Stout Mail %%
%% Old Tire Burnt Plug Burnt Plug Gravedigger %%
%% Old Tire Burnt Plug Rusty Pipe Stout Mail %%
%% Old Tire Rusty Pipe Rusty Pipe Maelstrom %%
%% Dirty Filter Dirty Filter Dirty Filter Whirlwind %%
%% Dirty Filter Dirty Filter Burnt Plug Booster %%
%% Dirty Filter Dirty Filter Rusty Pipe Panzer %%
%% Dirty Filter Burnt Plug Burnt Plug Booster %%
%% Dirty Filter Burnt Plug Rusty Pipe Stout Mail %%
%% Dirty Filter Rusty Pipe Rusty Pipe Panzer %%
%% Burnt Plug Burnt Plug Burnt Plug Fire Rig %%
%% Burnt Plug Burnt Plug Rusty Pipe Stout Mail %%
%% Burnt Plug Rusty Pipe Rusty Pipe Stout Mail %%
%% Rusty Pipe Rusty Pipe Rusty Pipe Water Rig %%

= Enemy List s05 =

The list is in order of appearance. A (f) denotes enemies
found by Fou-Lu. Some enemies may appear twice in the list,
once for Fou-Lu, once for Ryu. That's not a mistake, I do
that for easy reference. A * behind a Skill denotes Skills
you can learn.

A note on the items: the Item Stolen is what the enemy drops
most often, and what can be stolen from it. The Item Dropped
is dropped only rarely, and can't be stolen. It is possible
that it drops both, or that you steal the Item Stolen from
it, and it still drops the Item Dropped.

For a description of an enemy, press Square in battle.

Name |Skills |Item Stolen/ |xp |Type
|Used |Item Dropped |Zenny |
Eye Goo |Rest* |Croc Tear |8 xp |Beast
| |Healing Herb |6 Z |
Mage Goo |Burn* |Healing Herb |12 xp |Beast
| |Wisdom Seed |11 Z |
Cap |Distracted* |Berries |7 xp |Beast
| |Healing Herb |8 Z |
The Cap will guard and use Distracted a lot, it won't attack
often unless it is accompanied by a Red Cap.
Scorpion |Blind* |Eye Drops |20 xp |Insect
| |Vitamin |10 Z |
It will run after a few rounds.
Zaurus(f)|Devour |Vitamin |2000 xp |Beast
| |MultiVitamin |350 Z |
Gasser |Chlorine* |Antidote |18 xp |Demon
| |Healing Herb |13 Z |
Ghost |Frost |Popper |20 xp |Demon
| |Knockout Gas |50 Z |
Begins the battle Asleep.
Zombie |Feint* |Bandana |17 xp |Demon
|Feign Swing* |Glass Domino |20 Z |
Begins the battle Confused.
Armor |Wild Swing* |Raptor Claws |80 xp |Machine
| |Cuirass |55 Z |
It will absorb the first few blows, then it's armor breaks
and damage will be done normally.
ToxicFly |Chlorine* |Twister |25 xp |Fly
| |Antidote |15 Z |
Red Cap |Command* |Waistcloth |42 xp |Beast
|Weaken |Glass Domino |25 Z |
It commands it's Cap minions.
Flue Goo | |Healing Herb |40 xp |Beast
| |Vitamin |16 Z |
Bandit |Healing Herb |Moon Sword |60 xp |Humanoid
| |Healing Herb |80 Z |
Puspool |Molasses* |Aurum |60 xp |Beast
|Leech Power |Silver Top |50 Z |
Fire will lower it's Defense, and increase the xp it gives.
Fungoid |Command* |Healing Herb |45 xp |Plant
|Confuse |Panacea |25 Z |
Army Bat | |Berries |30 xp |Beast
| |Nothing |20 Z |
It will do nothing at first.
Tadpole |Snooze* |Baby Frog |55 xp |Beast
|Devour |Toad |35 Z |
Cadaver |Feint* |Chain Cap |65 xp |Demon
|Recall |Rotten Meat |32 Z |
Begins the battle confused.
Roach | |Croc Tear |70 xp |Insect
| |Healing Herb |30 Z |
Mouse |Snap* |Ribs |55 xp |Beast
| |Fish-head |22 Z |
Rat |Chlorine* |Berries |250 xp |Beast
| |Toothpick |200 Z |
Snapfly |Flame Strike*|Firecracker |1300 xp |Fly
(f) |Fireblast |Flamethrower |800 Z |
A couple of Fire attacks will make it become a Stingfly.
Stingfly |Last Resort* |Nothing |1040 xp |Fly
(f) |Target* |Flamethrower |800 Z |
Gonghead |Ram |Healing Herb |75 xp |Beast
| |Dragon Scale |50 Z |
GooCount |Frost |Apple |50 xp |Beast
| |Ginseng |30 Z |
A 5-hit Combo will cause it's 'grade' to go up. You will gain
200 xp.
Wyd |Feign Swing* |Berries |140 xp |Plant
| |PointedStick |65 Z |
Becomes Firewyd if you do Fire damage to it.
Firewyd |Flare |ScorchedRice |280 xp |Plant
|Fireblast |Fire Seed |65 Z |
Will cast Fireblast on it's own team, causing all Wyds with
it to become Firewyds, and healing all Firewyds.

Water Magic will change it into a Wyd.
NutTroop |Double Blow* |Scramasax |170 xp |Humanoid
|Might |Berries |60 Z |
Dodges a lot, but has very little HP.
Nut Mage |Flare |Molotov |200 xp |Humanoid
| |Berries |70 Z |
Dodges a lot, but has very little HP.
NutArchr |Speed |Face Guard |180 xp |Humanoid
| |Berries |50 Z |
Dodges a lot, but has very little HP.
Drake |Burn* |Moon Sword |220 xp |Humanoid
|Flame Strike*|Fire Seed |210 Z |
Casting Fire magic on it will make it stronger, and it will
give 660 xp.
Soldier | |Steel BPlate |500 xp |Humanoid
| |BronzeShield |300 Z |
Troop | |Healing Herb |200 xp |Humanoid
| |Glass Domino |100 Z |
Starts the battle asleep.
Catrpilr |Feint* |Berries |90 xp |Insect
| |Panacea |50 Z |
Patrol |Watch Enemy |Steel BPlate |240 xp |Humanoid
|Heal |Roast |75 Z |
Will use Heal on you. He won't fight you at all.
Cracker |Mind Flay* |Berries |240 xp |Beast
| |Swallow Eye |75 Z |
BeeTroop |Wild Swing* |Healing Herb |120 xp |Insect
|Risky Blow* |BronzeShield |100 Z |
Will defend attacks with it's shield, after a few attacks
the shield will break. It will then no longer drop the
Bilboa |Last Resort* |Roast |230 xp |Beast
| |Ginseng |80 Z |
ZombieDr |Feint* |FightingRobe |260 xp |Demon
|Powder |Panacea |90 Z |
|Vitalize | | |
GntRoach |Jump |Healing Herb |290 xp |Insect
|Douse* |Vitamin |120 Z |
It will only use Douse if enemies with Fire damage Skills are
with it.
BloodBat |Syphon |Straw |180 xp |Beast
|Sleep |Life Shard |80 Z |
It will often escape. Has high evade and low HP.
Icebeak |Watch Enemy |Water Bomb |320 xp |Beast
|Icicle* |Icicle |160 Z |
Will always attack the party member with the lowest HP.
Blue Cap |Frost |Bird Drop |190 xp |Beast
| |Water Bomb |40 Z |
Sometimes it will flee when damaged.
Bilbul |Howling |Roast |280 xp |Beast
| |Protein |60 Z |
BlueBall |Giant Growth |Water Seed |380 xp |Demon
|Frost Strike*|Croc Tear |60 Z |
Using a Water spell on it will cause it to start using
Frost Strike.
Gulper |Fireblast |Nothing |250 xp |Demon
|Death |Magic Shard |105 Z |
|Ebonfire* | | |
|Inferno | | |
|Blizzard | | |
|Stone Pillar | | |
|Leech Power | | |
|Rejuvenate | | |
It hasn't got enough AP to execute all those neat Skills. If
you want to learn Ebonfire from it, you could restore some AP
for it, but chances are that it will use other powerful
Skills against you.
Spectre |Depress |Headband |300 xp |Demon
|Leech Power |Magic Shard |30 Z |
|Enfeeble | | |
Fiend |Death |Belladonna |300 xp |Demon
|Lucky Strike |Diamond Ring |350 Z |
Bot |Flare |MultiGun |330 xp |Machine
| |Aurum |0 Z |
If you use an Elemental Combo to create a spell formed of
multiple elements, it will burst open, making it give 660 xp.
It might also drop Bent Screw in this form.

Water attacks will confuse it.
ProtoBot |Fireblast |MultiGun |400 xp |Machine
|Sacrifice* |Aurum |0 Z |
If you use an Elemental Combo to create a spell formed of
multiple elements, it will burst open, making it give 800 xp.
It will also only use the Sacrifice Skill then.

Water attacks will confuse it.
Bilbao(f)|Blitz* |Loins |2800 xp |Beast
| |Protein |230 Z |
Cairn(f) | |Electrode |2000 xp |Beast
| |MultiVitamin |800 Z |
If it's not attacked, it will flee after a while.
Lavoid(f)|Magma Blast |Magma Armor |2200 xp |Beast
|Inferno |Firecracker |600 Z |
Fire attacks will make it stronger and give more xp. This is
cumulative, each Fire attack will add to it's strength and to
the xp. Watch out though, it will also gain massive HP
BlackGoo |Ebonfire* |Dark Draught |3200 xp |Beast
(f) | |Belladonna |550 Z |
Yaen |Chlorine* |PoisonPowder |360 xp |Humanoid
|Rest* |Antidote |160 Z |
Cyclops |Risky Blow* |StrengthSeed |3500 xp |Humanoid
(f) |Spirit Blast*|Giant Club |200 Z |
|Lucky Strike | | |
It's club will break after a few rounds, reducing the xp to
2800 and causing it to start using Spirit Blast.
Shadow(f)|Target* |Dodge Seed |1500 xp |Humanoid
|Disembowel* |HiddenDagger |400 Z |
Will often run.
Morph(f) |Flare |Nothing |680 xp |Plant
| |ScorchedRice |600 Z |
Fire damage will cause it's Stolen Item to change into
Burnt Plug.

Wind damage will cause it's Stolen Item to change into
Dirty Filter.

Water damage will cause it's Stolen Item to change into
Rusty Pipe.

Earth damage will cause it's Stolen Item to change into
Old Tire.
Trunked | |Berries |5000 xp |Plant
| |Ivory Dice |1000 Z |
Regenerates 15000 HP each turn.

Every turn you spend not attacking it, it's xp will decrease.
Trean | |Berries |8000 xp |Plant
| |Nunchaku |1000 Z |
Regenerates 30000 HP each turn.

Every turn you spend not attacking it, it's xp will decrease.
Mud Pup |Sleep |Knockout Gas |180 xp |Beast
|Snooze* |Fat Frog |65 Z |
|Confuse | | |
Crawler |Air Raid* |Tail |260 xp |Insect
| |Nothing |60 Z |
Saruga |Blitz* |Speed Boots |500 xp |Humanoid
|Muffle* |Target Seed |280 Z |
Kill one of it's companions to make it use Blitz.
Legion |Silence |Vitamin |500 xp |Demon
| |Protein |120 Z |
Physical attacks make it stronger, regenerate HP, and
increase the xp it gives. Watch out not to overdo it on this
thing or it'll slaughter you. Use Magic to finish it off.
Bad Coil |Snap* |Vitamin |310 xp |Beast
|Command* |Ginseng |80 Z |
|Sleep | | |
Bollor |Sever |Weather Vane |330 xp |Humanoid
| |Weather Wand |150 Z |
Rollob |Iceblast |Icicle |400 xp |Humanoid
| |Taser |200 Z |
It can cast Lightning when it's with Bollor. Bollor does NOT
need to use Sever for this.
MaskCrab |Blind* |Demon's Helm |450 xp |Insect
| |Eye Drops |160 Z |
Sepoy |SwordBreaker*|Demon's Helm |650 xp |Humanoid
|Focus* |HiddenDagger |280 Z |
Istalk |Transfer* |Wisdom Seed |430 xp |Demon
|Sacrifice* |Wisdom Fruit |230 Z |
Smasher |Ovum |Swallow Eye |400 xp |Beast
| |Raptor Claws |200 Z |
Mask |Counter* |HadeSeed |780 xp |Machine
| |Buckler |250 Z |
Mirror |Backlash |SageSeed |600 xp |Machine
| |Buckler |350 Z |
Tar Baby |Molasses* |Aurum |650 xp |Beast
|Douse* |Old Tire |120 Z |
|Storm | | |
|Blunt | | |
Will only use Douse when accompanied by an enemy who has a
Fire based Skill.

Fire damage will reduce it's Defense.
FireAnt |Fireblast |Fire Seed |840 xp |Insect
|Flame Strike*|Buckler |430 Z |
|Risky Blow* | | |
After some attacks, his shield will break. His Defense will
drop, and his Dropped Item will be Nothing, and he will start
using Risky Blow.
Sandclaw |Searing Sand*|Glass Shard |700 xp |Insect
|Storm |Earth Claws |450 Z |
It will start using Storm when hit by a Water based attack.
Krabby |Knock Out* |Knockout Gas |500 xp |Insect
|Lucky Strike |Fork |800 Z |
|Ram | | |
|Might | | |
After a couple of attacks, it's pincer will come off, and
it's Defense will drop. It will then drop Nothing. It will
use Ram only when it has lost it's pincer. It will also give
750 xp and 0 Z when it has lost it's pincer.
Squirt |Frost |Iron Scraps |500 xp |Insect
| |Icicle |280 Z |
They will use Frost on Sandclaws, allowing the Sandclaws to
use Storm.
Rafresia |Devour |Vitamin |700 xp |Plant
|Powder |Panacea |120 Z |
|Absorb | | |
Fragrans |Absorb |Knockout Gas |350 xp |Plant
|Dream Breath |Ivory Dice |700 Z |
|Sleep | | |
Mandraga |Howling |Mouth Gag |450 xp |Plant
| |Jabbergrass |300 Z |
LizardMn |Shield |Buckler |1000 xp |Humanoid
|Vitalize |Firangi |420 Z |
|Wind Strike* | | |
|Double Blow* | | |
Sporeon |Spores |Antidote |600 xp |Plant
| |Panacea |230 Z |
Generatr |Lightning |Aurum |700 xp |Beast
| |Taser |800 Z |
Ibomb |Air Raid* |Vitamin |1100 xp |Demon
|Protect |Napalm |300 Z |
|Sacrifice* | | |
Puppeter |Knockout* |Panacea |1000 xp |Fly
|Muffle* |Dark Draught |200 Z |
|Feint* | | |
Will flee when it is alone.
Decoy |Blind* |Mouth Gag |880 xp |Fly
| |Dancer |150 Z |
Will become Confused when it is alone.
Snapfly |Flame Strike*|Firecracker |1300 xp |Fly
|Fireblast |Flamethrower |800 Z |
A couple of Fire attacks will make it become a Stingfly.
Stingfly |Last Resort* |Nothing |1040 xp |Fly
|Target* |Flamethrower |800 Z |
Mimic |Confuse |????? |????? |?????
|Snap* |????? |????? |
|Sleep | | |
|Silence | | |
Will run a lot, and is invincible as far as I know.
BoltArch |Mind Flay* |Bent Screw |850 xp |Humanoid
|Double Blow* |????? |250 Z |
|Multistrike* | | |
Dodges a lot, but has very little HP.

If you kill one of it's allies, it will start using
Multistrike, and it will give 1275 xp.
Bolt Trp |Knockout* |Bent Screw |850 xp |Humanoid
|Weaken |FeatherSword |180 Z |
Dodges a lot, but has very little HP.

If you kill one of it's allies, it will start using Weaken,
and it will give 1275 xp.
Egg Gang |Ovum |Wisdom Seed |1100 xp |Demon
| |Protein |350 Z |
Zaurus |Devour |Vitamin |2000 xp |Beast
| |MultiVitamin |350 Z |
Morph(f) |Flare |Nothing |680 xp |Plant
| |ScorchedRice |600 Z |
Fire damage will cause it's Stolen Item to change into
Burnt Plug.

Wind damage will cause it's Stolen Item to change into
Dirty Filter.

Water damage will cause it's Stolen Item to change into
Rusty Pipe.

Earth damage will cause it's Stolen Item to change into
Old Tire.
GoldGang |Ovum |Light Bangle |800 xp |Demon
|Resist* |DivineHelm |10000 Z |
Ordinary physical attacks will reduce the amount of Zenny it
Guardian |Double Blow* |Iron Scraps |1600 xp |Machine
|Triple Blow* |Repeater |450 Z |
It has armor that will wear off after a lot of attacks (it
will probably die before that).

It will always use it first three turns to use a normal
attack, a Double Blow, and then a Triple Blow.
Deathbot |Protect |Aurum |1800 xp |Machine
|Might |Repeater |350 Z |
|Barrier | | |
|Spirit Blast*| | |
Will waste it's first few turns with casting Assist Magic.

Elemental Combos will cause it's Defense to gain a heavy
boost, and increase it's xp to 2700.
Berserkr |Jolt |Aurum |1000 xp |Machine
| |Bent Screw |200 Z |
Uses Jolt on his own team, causing ProtoBots to burst open,
and DeathBots to gain a heavy Defense boost.

Might run away.
Cyclops |Risky Blow* |StrengthSeed |3500 xp |Humanoid
|Spirit Blast*|Giant Club |200 Z |
|Lucky Strike | | |
It's club will break after a few rounds, reducing the xp to
2800 and causing it to start using Spirit Blast.
MorphGoo | |Elixer |1000 xp |Beast
Red |Burn* |Elixer+ |300 Z |
|Flame Pillar*| | |
Green |Eddy* | | |
|Cyclone | | |
Blue |Frost | | |
|Icicle* | | |
Black |Plateau* | | |
|Rock Blast | | |
It will change color at the start of a turn, and when hit
Magic it is weak against. It is weak against Magic of the
element opposite of it's own.

To dish out damage without having to worry about the color
change, just cast some weak Affect All Elemental Magic, and
after that a strong Affect All Elemental Magic of the
opposite Element.

Red = Fire
Green = Wind
Blue = Water
Black = Earth
BoltMage |Silence |Bent Screw |900 xp |Humanoid
|Iceblast |Wisdom Ring |230 Z |
Dodges a lot, but has very little HP.
Poppy |Giant Growth |Vigor Seed |1600 xp |Plant
|Curse* |Wisdom Seed |300 Z |
Heal all it's Status and it will ask for water. Use a
Croc Tear on it, and it will then use Curse, and run away.
Gold Fly |Snap* |Strike Seed |400 xp |Fly
|Chlorine* |Antidote |1200 Z |
Lampkin |Palliate* |Vigor Seed |1400 xp |Plant
| |Wisdom Seed |300 Z |
Heal all it's Status and it will ask for water. Use a
Croc Tear on it, and it will then use Palliate, and run away.
Warlok |Death |Skull Staff |2800 xp |Demon
|Dream Breath |????? |650 Z |
|Dark Breath | | |
|Lucky Strike | | |
BttlSuit |Wild Swing* |Stunner |1800 xp |Machine
|Focus* |Gideon'sGarb |280 Z |
|Rock Blast | | |
Once you destroy it's armor, it will no longer drop
Gonger |Timed Blow* |????? |1100 xp |Beast
|Watch Enemy |Life Shard |130 Z |
It won't use Timed Blow until you attack it.
SaltClaw |Reversal* |Belladonna |2200 xp |Demon
|Cyclone |Power Glove |350 Z |
|Giant Growth | | |
|Lucky Strike | | |
|Death | | |
Breaking it's pincer will increase damage it takes, increase
it's xp to 3700 and it's zenny to 1500, and make it no longer
drop the Power Glove.
Lavoid(f)|Magma Blast |Magma Armor |2200 xp |Beast
|Inferno |Firecracker |600 Z |
Fire attacks will make it stronger and give more xp. This is
cumulative, each Fire attack will add to it's strength and to
the xp. Watch out though, it will also gain massive HP
Scavengr |Jump |Vitamin |2500 xp |Beast
|Ram |MultiVitamin |220 Z |
Might run when on it's own.
Shadow |Target* |Dodge Seed |1500 xp |Humanoid
|Disembowel* |HiddenDagger |400 Z |
Will often run.
Kolpum |Double Blow* |????? |2000 xp |Humanoid
|Flame Strike*|????? |450 Z |
|Frost Strike*| | |
|Searing Sand*| | |
|Wind Strike* | | |
|Holy Strike* | | |
To get him to use any of the Physical/Elemental Skills, just
attack him with the proper Element (heal him for
Holy Strike).
Chingol |Shadowwalk* |Toothpick |2300 xp |Humanoid
|Speed |Holy Mantle |380 Z |
|Lucky Strike | | |
Lucky Strike is triggered by Shadowwalk, since Lucky Strike
is really a critical hit.
StarGazr |Concentrate* |Wisdom Seed |2200 xp |Humanoid
|Recall |Shaman'sRing |800 Z |
Orochi |Silence |MultiVitamin |2500 xp |Demon
|Giant Growth |????? |380 Z |
Physical attacks will increase it's power and xp given. This
is cumulative, like the Lavoid.
Karon |Curse* |Skull Staff |3000 xp |Demon
|MultiStrike* |Star Dress |600 Z |
|Blizzard | | |
|Lucky Strike | | |
Shade |Lucky Strike |Power Food |450 xp |Demon
|Molasses* |Protein |20 Z |
|Snap* | | |
|SwordBreaker*| | |
Horseman |Triple Blow* |????? |3500 xp |Demon
|Death |Mist Armor |400 Z |
|Inferno | | |
Goo King |Eruption |Apple |3000 xp |Beast
|Firewind |????? |1000 Z |
|Giant Growth | | |
|Storm | | |
|Jolt | | |
|Gigaflare | | |
|Ragnarok | | |
It will often run. Once you steal it's Apple though, it will
no longer run, and start using Gigaflare and Ragnarok.
GooNurse |Vitalize |Apple |400 xp |Beast
| |Vitamins |250 Z |
Baby Goo |Burn* |Apple |1700 xp |Beast
| |PointedStick |300 Z |

= Skills s06 =

--- Learning Skills -------------------------------- s06\1 -

To learn a certain Skill, find an enemy who casts it, and
Defend. If it casts the Skill while you are defending, you
might learn the Skill. If not, try again.

You can also get certain Skills from Masters, by meeting
their requirements.

--- Learn List ------------------------------------- s06\2 -

The Learn List tells you where to learn Skills. It is in
order of appearance. A * denotes Masters. A (r) denotes
Ryu's Dragon Forms (you can learn Skills from these). A
(b) denotes bosses. A (f) denotes enemies found by Fou-Lu.
They will be listed again without the (f) to show when Ryu
will meet them (if at all).

Skill Learn From
#19 Distracted Cap
#15 Blind Scorpion, MaskCrab, Decoy
#32 Rest Eye Goo, Yaen
#69 Burn Mage Goo, MorphGoo, Baby Goo
#49 Flame Strike Aura(r), Snapfly(f), FireAnt, Wyvern(r),
Snapfly, Kolpum
#18 Feign Swing Zombie
#14 Feint Zombie, Cadaver, Catrpilr, Puppeter
#12 Chlorine Gasser, Rat, Yaen, Gold Fly, Mutant(r)
#26 Last Resort Stingfly(f), Bilboa, Stingfly
#01 Wild Swing Armor, BeeTroop, BttlSuit
#31 Command Red Cap, Fungoid, Bad Coil
#70 Eddy Rwolf*, MorphGoo
#72 Plateau Rwolf*, MorphGoo
#06 Magic Ball Rwolf*
#76 Flame Pilar Rwolf*, MorphGoo
#11 Molasses Puspool, Tar Baby, Shade
#33 Snooze Tadpole, Mud Pup
#21 Focus Kahn(b), Sepoy, BttlSuit
#10 Snap Mouse, Bad Coil, Gold Fly, Mutant(r),
#37 Steal Stoll*
#56 Coward's Way Stoll*
#41 Double Blow NutTroop, LizardMn, BoltArch, Kolpum
#38 Pilfer Una*
#05 Super Combo Una*
#07 Blitz Una*, Bilbao(f), Saruga, Copycat, Bilbao
#68 Mind Flay Cracker, BoltArch
#64 FaerieAttack Njomo*
#62 FaerieBreath Njomo*
#63 War Shout Njomo*
#65 FaerieCharge Njomo*
#45 Spray Momo*
#46 Clip Momo*
#44 Oracle Momo*
#58 Egghead Momo*
#02 Risky Blow BeeTroop, FireAnt
#59 Douse GntRoach, Tar Baby
#71 Icicle Icebeak, MorphGoo
#51 Frost Strike BlueBall, Kolpum
#66 Ebonfire Gulper, BlackGoo, Dragonne(b)
#61 Sacrifice Protobot, Istalk, Ibomb
#47 Spirit Blast Cyclops(f), Deathbot
#73 Target Stingfly(f), Shadow(f), Stingfly, Shadow
#17 Air Raid Crawler, Ibomb
#22 Concentrate Abbess*, Diviner(f,b), Evoker(f,b),
#30 Sanctuary Abbess*
#27 Celerity Abbess*
#40 Charm Marlok*
#39 Monopolize Marlok*
#67 Roulette Marlok*
#16 Muffle Saruga, Puppeter
#08 SwordBreaker Sepoy, Shade
#35 Transfer Istalk
#20 Bad Back Wizard
#23 Resist Glebe(b), GoldGang
#09 Megaphone Kryrik*
#48 Cleave Kryrik*, Knight(r)
#04 Disembowel Kryrik*
#25 Supplication Lyta*
#53 Holy Strike Lyta*, Kolpum
#36 Benediction Lyta*
#24 Counter Mask, Behemoth(r)
#52 Searing Sand Sandclaw, Behemoth(r), Kolpum
#13 Knockout Krabby, Puppeter, Bolt Trp
#74 Tiger Fist Kahn*(as Master only)
#29 Shout Kahn*(as Master only)
#75 Flex Kahn*(as Master only)
#50 Wind Strike LizardMn, Warrior(r), Kolpum
#42 Multistrike BoltArch, Karon
#43 Triple Blow Guardian, Horseman
#54 Backhand Bunyan*
#03 Shadowwalk Bunyan*, Knight(r), Chingol
#28 Final Hope Bunyan*
#60 Curse Poppy, Pank(r), Karon
#34 Palliate Lampkin
#55 Timed Blow Gonger
#57 Reversal SaltClaw

--- Use List --------------------------------------- s06\3 -

The Use List tells you what the Skills do, how to use them,
and how much AP they cost. Unlike the Learn List, it is in
numerical order. The character in (parentheses) means who
you will be able to use it on, namely:
(1) = Single
(A) = All
(s) = Self only

Skill AP Effect
#01 Wild Swing 0 phys atk, 0-2 times normal damage(1)
#02 Risky Blow 0 Critical hit, low chance to hit(1)
#03 Shaddowwalk 12 Critical hit, always hits(1)
#04 Disembowel 0 Death to Target; your MaxHP -10%(1)
#05 Super Combo 12 Press buttons, number = # of hits(1)
#06 Magic Ball 5 Physical damage based on Int(1)
#07 Blitz 0 Costs 25% of HP; damage depends on HP;
multi-hit attack(A)
#08 SwordBreaker 2 Physical attack, reduces Power(1)
#09 Megaphone 4 Increase Pwr; Lower Def(A)
#10 Snap 2 Physical attack, reduces Defense(1)
#11 Molasses 2 Physical attack, reduces Agility(1)
#12 Chlorine 2 Physical attack, might cause Poison(1)
#13 Knockout 2 Physical attack, might cause Sleep(1)
#14 Feint 2 Physical atk, might cause Confusion(1)
#15 Blind 2 Physical attack, might cause Blind(1)
#16 Muffle 2 Physical attack, might cause Mute(1)
#17 Air Raid 4 Ranged attack, might stun(1)
#18 Feign Swing 0 Does nothing
#19 Distracted 0 Does nothing
#20 Bad Back 0 Does nothing
#21 Focus 0 Increases Power(s)
#22 Concentrate 0 Magic up(s)
#23 Resist 3 Invincible for one turn,
also for healing(s)
#24 Counter 1 Always counter this turn(s)
#25 Supplication 0 Improves effect of Healing Magic and
increases Dodge rate for one turn(A)
#26 Last Resort 0 Reduces Defense to 0, raises Power(s)
#27 Celerity 0 Double Pwr, Def, Agl, Wis for this
battle, use once an hour(s)
#28 Final Hope 0 Invulnerable for 3 turns; then KO(s)
#29 Shout 0 Stuns(A)
#30 Sanctuary 8 Dispel all Assist Magic(A)
#31 Command 0 Make some enemies and/or confused
allies attack the target(1)
#32 Rest 0 Recover HP and AP(s)
#33 Snooze 0 Recover HP and AP, fall asleep(1)
#34 Palliate 20 Recover Full HP and Status(1)
#35 Transfer 20 Recover 20 AP(1)
#36 Benediction 45 Revives all characters at 25% HP; may
#37 Steal 0 Steal item(1)
#38 Pilfer 0 Physical attack + Steal item(1)
#39 Monopolize 0 All xp given to user(s)
#40 Charm 0 Increase chance of finding item(1)
#41 Double Blow 3 Two physical attacks in a row(1)
#42 Multistrike 5 1-3 physical attacks in a row(1)
#43 Triple Blow 8 Three physical attacks in a row(1)
#44 Oracle 2 Wis instead of Pwr, higher damage to
#45 Spray 2 Ranged, Def instead of Pwr, higher
damage to Insects(1)
#46 Clip 2 Ranged, Agl instead of Pwr, higher
damage to Plants(1)
#47 Spirit Blast 0 Low Power attack; Ignores Defense(1)
#48 Cleave 3 Low Power attack; Ignores Defense(A)
#49 Flame Strike 2 Physical/Fire attack(1)
#50 Wind Strike 2 Physical/Wind attack(1)
#51 Frost Strike 2 Physical/Water attack(1)
#52 Searing Sand 2 Physical/Earth attack(1)
#53 Holy Strike 2 Physical/Holy attack(1)
#54 Backhand 0 Physical attack; can't kill(1)
#55 Timed Blow 13 You are KO'd; damage = remaining HP(1)
#56 Coward's Way 2 Damage increases with number of times
you ran from battle(1)
#57 Reversal 0 Phys. atk, might swap your and
target's HP(1)
#58 Egghead 0 Change into Egg(s)
#59 Douse 1 Reduce resistance to Fire(1)
#60 Curse 13 Chance of halving HP(A)
#61 Sacrifice 13 Kills user; enemy down to 1 HP(A)
#62 FaerieBreath 20 Restores HP to front and back row;
chance of removing Status(A)
#63 War Shout 20 Raises Power(A)
#64 FaerieAttack 20 Damage changes with # of faeries(1)
#65 FaerieCharge 20 Physical atk, requires 6+ faeries(1)
#66 Ebonfire 9 Non-elemental damage(1)
#67 Roulette 0 Random Skill used; won't work on strong
#68 Mind Flay 2 Physical attack, reduces Wisdom(1)
#69 Burn 1 lv 1 Fire Magic(1)
#70 Eddy 2 lv 1 Wind Magic(1)
#71 Icicle 4 lv 2 Water Magic(1)
#72 Plateau 5 lv 2 Earth Magic(1)
#73 Target 1 Undodgeable phys. atk; 50% Pwr(1)
#74 Tiger Fist 6 Physical attack(A)
#75 Flex 0 Poison all enemies AND allies(A)
#76 Flame Pillar 8 lv 3 Fire Magic(1)

--- All Skills ------------------------------------- s06\4 -

This is a list of ALL skills in the game, be it Innate
Skills, learned Skills, or Skills you can't learn. This is
just a list for easy reference to what a certain Skill does,
without having to know in which category it falls.

Skill AP Effect
Absorb ?? Recover HP(s)
Ahryu P'ung 3 lv 3 Wind Magic(A)
Aura Smash 3 Ignores Defense(1)
Bad Back 0 Does nothing
Backlash ?? Attackers receive their own attack(s)
Barrier 8 Magic damage halved for three turns(1)
Benediction 45 Revives all characters at 25% HP; may
Bing 1 lv 1 Water Magic(1)
Bing'ah 2 lv 2 Water Magic(1)
Blind 2 Physical attack, might cause blind(1)
Blitz 0 Costs 25% of HP; damage depends on HP;
multi-hit attack(A)
Blizzard 12 lv 3 Water Magic(A)
Body Press ?? Physical damage(1)
Burn 1 lv 1 Fire attack(1)
Celerity 0 Double Pwr, Def, Agl, Wis for this
battle, use once an hour(s)
Chlorine 2 Poison attack, might cause Poison(1)
Cleave 3 Low Power attack; Ignores Defense(A)
Clip 2 Ranged, Agl instead of Pwr, higher
damage to Plants(1)
Command 0 Make some enemies and/or confused allies
attack the target(1)
Concentrate 0 Magic up(s)
Confuse 2 Causes Confusion(1)
Counter 1 Always counter this turn(s)
Coward's Way 2 Damage increases with number of times
you ran from battle(1)
Curse 13 Chance of halving HP(A)
Cyclone 6 lv 2 Wind Magic(A)
Dark Wave 0 Dmg based on user's current HP(A)
Death 13 Chance to instantly kill(1)
Depress ?? Reduces AP(A)
Devour ?? Absorbs HP(1)
Disembowel 0 Death to Target; your MaxHP -10%(1)
Distracted 0 Does nothing
Double Blow 3 Two physical attacks in a row(1)
Douse 1 Increase vulnerability to Fire damage(1)
Drain 3 Absorbs HP(1)
Dark Breath ?? Heals Undead(A)
Dream Breath ?? Induce Happy Status(A)
Ebonfire 9 Non-elemental damage(1)
Eddy 2 lv 1 Wind Magic(1)
Egghead 0 Change into Egg(s)
EldrichFlame ?? Fire damage(1)
Enfeeble ?? Reduce Wisdom(1)
Eraser 0 Dmg based on user's current HP(A)
FaerieAttack 20 Damage changes with # of faeries(1)
FaerieBreath 20 Restores HP to front and back row,
chance of removing Status(A)
FaerieCharge 20 Physical atk, requires 6+ faeries(1)
Feeding Time ?? Confuses or Poisons you(1)
Feign Swing 0 Does nothing
Feint 2 Physical atk, might cause confusion(1)
Final Hope 0 Invulnerable for 3 turns; then KO(s)
Fireblast 6 Fire damage(A)
Flame Strike 2 Physical/Fire attack(1)
Flame Pillar 8 lv 3 Fire Magic(1)
Flaming Fist ?? Fire damage(1)
Flex ?? Induces Poison(A)
Focus 0 Increases Power(s)
Frost 3 lv 1 Water Magic(1)
Frost Breath ?? Water Damage(A)
Frost Strike 2 Physical/Water attack(1)
Gigaflame 0 Damage depends on user's current HP
Heal 4 Restores HP(1)
Holy Strike 2 Physical/Holy attack(1)
Howling 0 Cause Confusion(A)
Iceblast ?? Water damage(1)
Icicle 4 lv 2 Water Magic(1)
Inferno 10 lv 3 Fire Magic(1)
Jab ?? Multiple hits against random targets(A)
Jump ?? Random Damage(1)
Kick ?? Physical attack(A)
Kyrie 9 Instant kill(A)
Last Resort 0 Reduces Defense to 0, raises Power(s)
Leech Power 0 Absorbs AP(1)
Lucky Strike ?? Critical hit(1)
Magic Ball 5 Physical damage based on Int(1)
Megaphone 4 Increase Pwr; Lower Def(A)
Might 3 Raises Power(1)
Mind Flay 2 Physical attack, reduces Wisdom(1)
Molasses 2 Physical attack, reduces Agility(1)
Monopolize 0 All xp given to user(s)
Muffle 2 Physical attack, might cause Mute(1)
Multistrike 5 1-3 physical attacks in a row(1)
Nose Dive ?? Physical attack(A)
Oracle 2 Wis instead of Pwr, higher damage to
Ovum ?? Induce Egg Status(A)
Palliate 20 Recover Full HP and Status(1)
Pilfer 0 Physical attack + Steal item(1)
Plateau 5 lv 2 Earth Magic(1)
Ponder ?? Does nothing
Powder ?? Induces Blind(A)
Protect 2 Increase Defense(1)
Punch ?? Physical attack(1)
Purify 4 Removes Poison Status(1)
Ram ?? Strong physical attack(1)
Recall ?? Random Magic Skill(differs)
Rejuvenate 9 Recover HP(1)
Remedy 6 Restore all Status(1)
Rest 0 Recover HP and AP(s)
Resist 3 Invincible for one turn,
also for healing(s)
Reversal 0 Phys. atk, might swap your and
target's HP(1)
Revolution ?? HP is replaced by MaxHP - CurrentHP,
can't kill you (A)
Risky Blow 0 Critical hit, low chance to hit(1)
Risky Shot 0 Critical hit, low chance to hit(1)
Rock Blast 4 Minor Earth damage(A)
Roulette 0 Random Skill used; won't work on strong
Sacrifice 13 Kills user; enemy down to 1 HP(A)
Sanctuary 8 Dispel all Assist Magic(A)
Searing Sand 2 Physical/Earth attack(1)
Sever 3 lv 1 Wind Magic(1)
Shaddowwalk 12 Critical hit, always hits(1)
Shield 6 Increase Defense(A)
ShiningBlade 10 Critical hit; always hits(1)
Shout ?? Chance to cancel action for everyone(A)
Silence 3 Induces Mute(A)
Sleep 3 Cause Sleep(A)
Slow 1 Reduce Agility(1)
Snap 2 Physical attack, reduces Defense(1)
Snooze 0 Recover HP and AP, fall asleep(1)
Speed 2 Increase Agility(1)
Spirit Blast 0 Low Power attack; Ignores Defense(1)
Spores ?? Induces Poison(A)
Spray 2 Ranged, Def instead of Pwr, higher damage
to Insects(1)
Stand Out 0 Make enemies attack user(A)
Stasis ?? No combos possible for anyone for three
Steal 0 Steal item(1)
Stone Pillar 5 lv 2 Earth Magic(1)
Storm ?? Water + Earth Magic(A)
Super Combo 12 Press buttons, number = # of hits(1)
Supplication 0 Improves effect of Healing Magic and
increases Dodge rate for one turn(A)
SwordBreaker 2 Physical attack, reduces Power(1)
Target 1 Undodgeable phys. atk; 50% Pwr(1)
Tiger Fist 6 4-Hit physical attack(A)
Timed Blow 13 You are KO'd; damage = remaining HP(1)
Transfer 20 Recover 20 AP(1)
Triple Blow 8 Three physical attacks in a row(1)
Typhoon 12 lv 3 Wind Magic(A)
Vitalize 20 Restore HP(A)
War Shout 20 Raises Power(A)
Watch Enemy ?? Seems to do nothing, but maybe it has an
effect on future actions?
Waterspout 0 Water dmg based on user's current
Weaken 1 Defense Down(1)
Whirlwind ?? 3 Hit Physical attack(A)
Wither ?? Causes Death(A)
Wild Shot 0 phys atk, 0-2 times normal damage(1)
Wild Swing 0 phys atk, 0-2 times normal damage(1)
Wind Strike 2 Physical/Wind attack(1)

= Leveling Up s07 =

--- Innate Skills ---------------------------------- s07\1 -

Innate Skills are the Skills your characters either already
know, or which they learn automatically at a certain level
(except for Ryu, whose Innate Skills are triggered by story
sequences). Here is a list of all the Innate Skills your
characters know/learn throughout the game.

--- Nina (Starts at lv 5) ----------------------------------

Skill Lrn Effect
Sever 1 lv 1 Wind Magic(1)
Heal 1 lv 1 Heal Magic(1)
Purify 1 Removes Poison Status(1)
Barrier 8 Magic damage halved for 3 turns(1)
Rejuvenate 11 lv 2 Heal Magic(1)
Cyclone 14 lv 2 Wind Magic(A)
Raise Dead 17 Revive with 25% HP(1)
Remedy 20 Restore all Status(1)
Vitalize 23 lv 1 Healing Magic(A)
Inspire 26 Increases Wisdom(1)
Typhoon 29 lv 3 Wind Magic(A)
Kyrie 31 Instant kill(A)
Restore 34 lv 3 Healing Magic(1)
Resurrect 36 Revive with full HP(1)
Vigor 39 lv 2 Healing Magic(A)

--- Ryu (Starts at lv 1) -----------------------------------

Ryu learns his abilities from meeting the different dragons,
not from level. I have listed the element of the dragon that
teaches you each Skill. Also note that his abilities do not
consume any AP, but can be used only once after a rest at an

Skill Lrn Effect
Meditate ---- Use to change into dragon(s)
Rainstorm Wind Holy attack; Damage depends on enemy's
current HP(A)
Mud Flow Mud Water + Earth attack; depends on user's
current HP(A)
Healing Wind Grs Heals front and back row, chance to
restore Status(A)
Onslaught Snd Wind attack, confuses enemy.
Holy Circle Tree Invincible for the rest of the turn(A)
Flood Tide Sea Wind + Water, Depends on user's HP,
Stuns target(A)
Fulguration Rock Damage depends on enemy's HP(A)

--- Ershin (Starts at lv 3) --------------------------------

Skill Lrn Effect
Risky Shot 1 lower chance to hit, Critical if hits(1)
Wild Shot 7 Physical atk, 0-2 times normal damage(1)
Stand Out * Make enemies attack user(A)
Death * Chance to instantly kill(1)
Blizzard 19 lv 3 Water Magic(A)
Quake 23 lv 3 Earth Magic(A)
Inferno 28 lv 3 Fire Magic(1)
Typhoon 35 lv 3 Wind Magic(A)

--- Cray (Starts at lv 7) ----------------------------------

Skill Lrn Effect
Protect 1 Raise Defense(1)
Speed 1 Raise Agility(1)
Rock Blast 8 lv 1 Earth Magic(A)
Slow 11 Reduces Agility(1)
Blunt 14 Reduces Power(1)
Stone Pillar 17 lv 2 Earth Magic(1)
Might 21 Increase Power(1)
Shield ?? Increase Defense(A)
Quake 30 lv 3 Earth Magic(A)

--- Scias (Starts at lv 13) --------------------------------

Skill Lrn Effect
Frost 1 lv 1 Water Magic(1)
Sleep 1 Puts enemy asleep(A)
ShiningBlade 1 Critical hit, won't miss(1)
Heal 1 lv 1 Heal Magic(1)
Purify 1 Remove Poison Status(1)
Confuse 1 Confuse enemy(1)
Rejuvenate 19 lv 2 Heal Magic(1)
Raise Dead 22 Revive with 25% HP(1)
Remedy 25 Restore all Status(1)
Blizzard 28 lv 3 Water Magic(A)
Vitalize 31 lv 1 Healing Magic(A)
Lifestealer 34 Death to Target; your MaxHP -10%(1)
Restore 37 lv 3 Healing(1)

--- Ursula (Starts at lv 20) -------------------------------

Skill Lrn Effect
Flare 1 lv 1 Fire Magic(1)
Fireblast 1 lv 2 Fire Magic(A)
Confuse 1 Confuse enemy(1)
Weaken 1 Defense Down(1)
Rock Blast 1 lv 1 Earth Magic(A)
Silence 1 Induces Mute(A)
Cyclone 21 lv 2 Wind Magic(A)
Enfeeble 24 Reduce Wisdom(1)
Drain 27 Absorbs HP(1)
Leech Power 28 Absorbs AP(1)
Inferno 31 lv 3 Fire Magic(1)

--- Fou-Lu (Starts at lv 64) -------------------------------

Skill Lrn Effect


--- Level Up Stats --------------------------------- s07\2 -

This section lists exactly what the bonuses in statistics
are for all of the levels. You could use it to find what
Master works best for whom at which level. The handy thing
is that if you have, say, a bonus of 1 HP at a certain
level, and your current Master gives you a penalty of
-12 HP, your HP will just remain at it's current level,
meaning it's just as if your penalty was only -1 HP.
Swapping Masters for every level you gain is probably too
tedious, but you could try finding a certain row of level
ups in which a heavily penalized statistic only gets very
meager bonuses anyway.

I'll try to find exact values for all the level ups, but
I might run across a tough to check point sometimes. If I'm
not sure, I'll list the maximum and the minimum possible

Did you notice? Your statistic boost per level get higher as
your level gets higher. Also, the boost is extra high at
every tenth level up.

--- Nina ---------------------------------------------------

Starts with:
Level ........ 5
HP ........... 301
AP ........... 21
CP ........... 3
Power ........ 14
Defense ...... 12
Agility ...... 25
Wisdom ....... 26

Levels up:

N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10

HP ........... - - - - 21 21 23 24 31 53
AP ........... - - - - 4 4 3 3 2 8
CP ........... - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 1
Power ........ - - - - 3 3 2 0 0-1 4-5
Defense ...... - - - - 0 1 2 2 1 3
Agility ...... - - - - 5 5 2 4 3 4
Wisdom ....... - - - - 2 2 3 3 4 7

N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 N16 N17 N18 N19 N20

HP ........... 24 19 25 29 48 31 24 30 23 42
AP ........... 4 4 3 5 5 4 6 6 5 12
CP ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Power ........0-1 2 0-1 0-1 2 3 2 4 3 5
Defense ...... 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 5
Agility ...... 3 4 4 6 4 3 3 4 3 6
Wisdom ....... 5 4 4 5 4 3 5 4 4 8

N21 N22 N23 N24 N25 N26 N27 N28 N29 N30

HP ........... 26 34 26 32 46 31 23 27 35 52
AP ........... 5 6 7 6 6 9 8 6 7 14
CP ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Power ........ 2 4 3 4 2 3 3 2 3 8
Defense ...... 2 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 5
Agility ...... 4 4 5 6 5 5 4 6 4 7
Wisdom ....... 7 6 5 4 8 7 5 4 6 8

N31 N32 N33 N34 N35 N36 N37 N38 N39 N40

HP ........... 32 26 33 27 46 34 42 31 38 56
AP ........... 8 9 7 10 9 4 10 6 8 15
CP ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Power ........ 5 3 3 4 2 5 4 4 5 8
Defense ...... 3 3 4 2 5 4 3 5 4 7
Agility ...... 5 4 6 6 5 4 6 7 5 10
Wisdom ....... 5 6 5 5 7 6 7 4 7 12

--- Ryu ----------------------------------------------------

Starts with:
Level ........ 1
HP ........... 230
AP ........... 6
CP ........... 3
Power ........ 10
Defense ...... 10
Agility ...... 8
Wisdom ....... 7

Levels up:

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10

HP ........... - 24 30 22 40 32 29 31 37 51
AP ........... - 1 2 3 2 2 4 3 3 9
CP ........... - 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Power ........ - 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 5
Defense ...... - 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3
Agility ...... - 2 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 5
Wisdom ....... - 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 5

R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20

HP ........... 29 31 49 47 50 45 42 47 48 52
AP ........... 4 3 0 3 4 5 4 5 5 12
CP ........... 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
Power ........ 3 2 1 4 2 3 4 3 2 7
Defense ...... 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 1 3 4
Agility ...... 3 4 3 2 4 2 3 3 2 6
Wisdom ....... 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 5 3 6

R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30

HP ........... 35 49 50 45 46 47 48 50 35 63
AP ........... 6 5 5 7 5 4 8 6 5 11
CP ........... 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
Power ........ 4 3 6 3 2 4 5 3 4 7
Defense ...... 2 3 4 2 3 4 4 5 3 7
Agility ...... 4 5 3 3 5 2 3 5 4 6
Wisdom ....... 4 3 5 3 4 4 3 3 4 7

R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40

HP ........... 47 50 45 46 52 48 50 53 52 83
AP ........... 7 6 6 3 5 8 8 7 7 13
CP ........... 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
Power ........ 4 3 6 4 5 3 7 4 6 11
Defense ...... 5 4 3 3 5 4 6 4 4 7
Agility ...... 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 4 3 6
Wisdom ....... 3 4 4 5 3 4 2 5 4 6

--- Ershin -------------------------------------------------

Starts with:
Level ........ 3
HP ........... 313
AP ........... 5
CP ........... 5
Power ........ 15
Defense ...... 4
Agility ...... 21
Wisdom ....... 5

Levels up:

E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10

HP ........... - - - 26 43 25 28 32 40 56
AP ........... - - - 1 0 1 0 1 0 2
CP ........... - - - 1 0 1 0 1 0 2
Power ........ - - - 1 3 2 2 3 2 5
Defense ...... - - - 2 3 2 3 4 3 5
Agility ...... - - - 2 1 2 1 1 2 4
Wisdom ....... - - - 0 1 2 1 0 0 3

E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20

HP ........... 41 34 36 43 65 46 52 42 46 66
AP ........... 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
CP ........... 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
Power ........ 3 2 4 3 2 4 5 4 4 7
Defense ...... 4 3 5 7 6 5 4 6 4 6
Agility ...... 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 4
Wisdom ....... 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 1 2

E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E27 E28 E29 E30

HP ........... 56 46 51 46 66 48 54 50 48 62
AP ........... 1 1 3 2 2 4 2 3 2 6
CP ........... 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2
Power ........ 5 3 4 2 5 4 3 3 4 8
Defense ...... 5 6 5 7 4 5 7 6 8 7
Agility ...... 2 4 3 3 2 2 4 3 3 5
Wisdom ....... 0 1 0 0 4 3 6 5 4 10

E31 E32 E33 E34 E35 E36 E37 E38 E39 E40

HP ........... 54 52 46 56 63 56 46 55 ??
AP ........... 3 4 5 3 2 10 5 4 ??
CP ........... 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 ??
Power ........ 4 5 4 6 5 4 3 6 ??
Defense ...... 9 6 7 8 9 8 6 7 ??
Agility ...... 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 2 ??
Wisdom ....... 7 8 6 9 9 6 8 6 ??

--- Cray ---------------------------------------------------

Starts with:
Level ........ 7
HP ........... 460
AP ........... 16
CP ........... 1
Power ........ 27
Defense ...... 20
Agility ...... 14
Wisdom ....... 9

Levels up:

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10

HP ........... - - - - - - - 32 41 60
AP ........... - - - - - - - 0 0 3
CP ........... - - - - - - - 0 0 0
Power ........ - - - - - - - 4 3 5
Defense ...... - - - - - - - 3 2 5
Agility ...... - - - - - - - 2 2 3
Wisdom ....... - - - - - - - 0 1 3

C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20

HP ........... 43 36 41 52 71 49 52 46 60 83
AP ........... 0 2 1 2 0 2 1 0 2 4
CP ........... 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Power ........ 3 2 4 3 4 5 4 3 3 8
Defense ...... 3 2 3 5 3 4 2 4 3 6
Agility ...... 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 4
Wisdom ....... 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 3

C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30

HP ........... 59 53 48 51 72 57 61 54 63 83
AP ........... 1 2 0 2 3 1 0 0 2 5
CP ........... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
Power ........ 4 3 5 4 7 5 4 3 6 10
Defense ...... 4 4 3 2 4 5 5 4 3 6
Agility ...... 2 2 0 2 3 1 3 2 2 3
Wisdom ....... 1 3 2 3 1 3 3 4 3 5

C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40

HP ........... 62 71 55 61 73 59 64 55 72
AP ........... 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0
CP ........... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Power ........ 5 7 5 4 6 7 5 4 6
Defense ...... 4 3 3 5 4 6 5 4 4
Agility ...... 2 2 3 1 3 2 4 4 3
Wisdom ....... 3 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 3

--- Scias --------------------------------------------------

Starts with:
Level ........ 13
HP ........... 620
AP ........... 31
CP ........... 3
Power ........ 33
Defense ...... 26
Agility ...... 43
Wisdom ....... 42

S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20

HP ........... - - - 41 52 32 26 27 36 51
AP ........... - - - 1 2 3 4 2 2 8
CP ........... - - - 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Power ........ - - - 4 1 3 2 4 2 6
Defense ...... - - - 3 2 2 3 2 3 5
Agility ...... - - - 5 4 5 3 4 4 6
Wisdom ....... - - - 2 3 2 4 2 4 6

S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30

HP ........... 29 33 36 45 53 42 32 45 34 58
AP ........... 3 4 2 3 4 3 2 4 3 7
CP ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Power ........ 4 3 2 4 3 5 3 4 3 8
Defense ...... 3 4 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 5
Agility ...... 4 3 5 2 4 3 4 5 4 7
Wisdom ....... 3 4 5 5 3 3 4 3 4 6

S31 S32 S33 S34 S35 S36 S37 S38 S39 S40

HP ........... 42 47 41 38 65 46 39 53 45
AP ........... 3 4 2 2 5 4 3 4 4
CP ........... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Power ........ 5 3 3 5 4 6 3 4 4
Defense ...... 3 4 2 3 4 5 5 3 4
Agility ...... 5 3 4 6 4 6 5 4 5
Wisdom ....... 3 4 5 2 5 2 4 5 4

--- Ursula -------------------------------------------------

Starts with:
Level ........ 20
HP ........... 843
AP ........... 52
CP ........... 3
Power ........ 57
Defense ...... 54
Agility ...... 69
Wisdom ....... 73

Levels up:

U21 U22 U23 U24 U25 U26 U27 U28 U29 U30

HP ........... 28 30 34 42 52 58 32 43 34 51
AP ........... 3 3 4 3 4 5 6 4 3 10
CP ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Power ........ 3 4 3 2 4 5 3 6 4 6
Defense ...... 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 5
Agility ...... 4 3 3 5 1 4 3 4 2 7
Wisdom ....... 3 5 4 3 6 3 5 2 5 8

U31 U32 U33 U34 U35 U36 U37 U38 U39 U40

HP ........... 42 47 41 38 56 42 36 44 38 63
AP ........... 6 5 3 7 4 5 7 4 6 13
CP ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Power ........ 4 5 4 3 5 6 4 6 4 8
Defense ...... 3 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 4 5
Agility ...... 4 3 4 4 5 3 4 2 5 8
Wisdom ....... 4 6 4 5 5 3 6 7 5 9

--- Fou-Lu -------------------------------------------------

Starts with:
Level ........ 64
HP ........... 3381
AP ........... 364
CP ........... 27
Power ........ 255
Defense ...... 234
Agility ...... 227
Wisdom ....... 280

Levels up:

F61 F62 F63 F64 F65 F66 F67 F68 F69 F70

HP ........... - - - - 35 32
AP ........... - - - - 12 10
CP ........... - - - - 1 0
Power ........ - - - - 4 6
Defense ...... - - - - 3 2
Agility ...... - - - - 3 1
Wisdom ....... - - - - 13 12

= Master List s08 =

/-- Rwolf -------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Kurok |
| Requirements: Agree with him |
| Stats: AP +1, Pwr -1, Wis +1 |
| Will: Haste(increase speed) |
| Skills: 5-Hit Combo: Eddy |
| 10-Hit Combo: Plateau |
| 15-Hit Combo: Magic Ball |
| 20-Hit Combo: Flame Pillar |

/-- Stoll -------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Hideout north of Synesta |
| Requirements: Give him all your Zenny |
| Stats: Agl +1 |
| Will: Filch(Steal items as you attack, low chance, only |
| stuff you don't have yet) |
| Skills: 80 Items in your inventory: Steal |
| 120 Items in your inventory: Coward's Way |

/-- Una ---------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Worent |
| Requirements: Beat Kahn in Worent |
| Stats: HP +12, AP -2, Pwr +2, Def +1, Wis -1 |
| Will: Wild(Lower chance to hit, higher damage) |
| Skills: 1500 Combo damage: Pilfer |
| 3000 Combo damage: Super Combo |
| 10000 Combo damage: Blitz |

/-- Njomo -------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: ? area northwest of Ahm Fen |
| Requirements: Have a faerie in your colony perform any |
| job that is done in a house |
| Stats: Agl +1, AP +2, HP -8 |
| Will: Pique(All counter attacks are Critical Hits) |
| Skills: 8 faeries in village: FaerieAttack |
| 12 faeries in village: FaerieBreath |
| 16 faeries in village: War Shout |
| 20 faeries in village: FaerieCharge |

/-- Momo --------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Inside a windmill in Wyndia |
| Requirements: None |
| Stats: HP +8 |
| Will: Drowse(use Snooze in the back row) |
| Skills: 25 hours on the clock: Spray |
| 30 hours on the clock: Clip |
| 40 hours on the clock: Oracle |
| 50 hours on the clock: Egghead |

/-- Abbess ------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Chek |
| Requirements: Have the abilities from the Wind(can't |
| miss), Mud, Grass and Sand Dragons |
| Stats: Pwr -2, Def -2, AP +2, Wis +4 |
| Will: Reck(higher Skill learning rate) |
| Skills: encounter 70 different monsters: Concentrate |
| encounter 85 different monsters: Sanctuary |
| encounter 100 different monsters: Celerity |

/-- Marlok ------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Synesta, in his house |
| Requirements: Have Tin Ball or better |
| Stats: HP +16, AP +3, Pwr -1, Def -1, Agl -1, Wis -1 |
| Will: Greed(More Zenny dropped by enemies) |
| Skills: Copper Ball: Charm |
| ElectrumBall: Monopolize |
| PlatinumBall: Roulette |

/-- Kryrik ------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Shikk, after sailing on Zig's Ship |
| Requirements: 25-Hit Combo or better |
| Stats: HP +25, Pwr +3, Def +2, AP -2, Agl -2, Wis -2 |
| Will: Finale(finish off weakened enemies) |
| Skills: 30-Hit Combo: Megaphone |
| 50-Hit Combo: Cleave |
| 70-Hit Combo: Disembowel |

/-- Gyosil ------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Lyp |
| Requirements: 3000 Fishing Points |
| Stats: HP -8, AP +2 |
| Will: Ward(sometimes items are not consumed) |
| Skills: 4000 Fishing Points: Ring of Ice (item) |
| 6000 Fishing Points: Spanner (Fishing Rod) |
| 9500 Fishing Points: Master Rod (Fishing Rod) |

/-- Lyta --------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: Synesta |
| Requirements: Have someone apprenticed to Gyosil |
| Stats: AP +1, Wis +1, Def -1 |
| Will: Guard(Take damage for wounded allies) |
| Skills: Ryu at level 20: Supplication |
| Ryu at level 25: Holy Strike |
Ryu at level 35: Benediction |

/-- Kahn --------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: North of Saldine |
| Requirements: None |
| Stats: HP +20, Pwr +3, Agl +1, AP -4, Wis -3 |
| Will: Valor(Revive at KO sometimes, like Ursula) |
| Skills: 300+ encounters: Shout |
| 500+ encounters: Tiger Fist |
| 600+ encounters: Flex |

/-- Bunyan ------------------------------------------------\
| |
| Location: In his hut south of Astana |
| Requirements: Talk to him |
| Stats: Pwr +1, Def +1, Agl +1, Wis +1, HP -16, AP -3 |
| Will: Vision(Always hit your target) |
| Skills: 3000 Single hit damage: Backhand |
| 8000 Single hit damage: Shadowwalk |
| 12000 Single hit damage: Final Hope |

--- Meeting Requirements --------------------------- s08\1 -

This is a guide on how to meet all the requirements those
Masters give you. I'll try my best to give you some good
tips on how-to, and as soon as possible, of course.

--- Rwolf --------------------------------------------------

5-Hit Combo: This should be easy. Just use Rest, then Heal.
10-Hit Combo: Find a group of at least 5 enemies (Caps early
in the game), and use Rock Blast, then Burn.
If your level is low, Caps won't die from
Rock Blast. Otherwise, bad luck. You'll have
to wait, like me :).
15-Hit and
20-Hit Combo: Battle the Trunks/Treons in the Abandoned
Village. Use Plateau, Rock Blast, Rock Blast,
and you will make a 31-Hit Combo.

--- Stoll --------------------------------------------------

Just keep one of EVERY item you find. Can't help you much
more with this one. Use the walkthrough to GET every item I
suppose :). And steal a lot (once you gain the ability, that

You could try going to every town available and getting all
the affordable items you don't have one of yet (some
merchants just disappear at a certain time, though). And
catch all the fish.

--- Una ----------------------------------------------------

1500 Combo damage: Should be simple enough. Just Combo some
level 2 spells. Nina should be able to
do 900+ Damage with Cyclone/Rejuvenate,
and you can add in Burn, Frost, and/or
ShiningBlade, and you are there.
3000 Combo damage: The Combo of Burn, Cyclone (Simoon) and
ShiningBlade will easily rack up this
amount of damage for you. The only
problem is finding a group of at least 3
enemies with one member who will survive
the powerful Simoon. Try searching
around the Kasq Wds.
10000 Combo Damage: Seek out a battle with the Trunks/Treons
in the Abandoned Village, and use this
Combo on them: Rock Blast, Flame Pillar,
Fireblast. It should do about
11000-12000 damage. Of course, you could
also just have Fou-Lu learn this Skill
from a Bilbao...

--- Njomo --------------------------------------------------

8 faeries in Faerie Village: Just grow your Faerie Village.
8 should be reached pretty
12 faeries in Faerie Village: The population should be
growing pretty fast once you
reach 8 faeries, so this is
quickly reached.
16 faeries in Faerie Village: Keep em coming.
20 faeries in Faerie Village: Keep growing. Don't use any
lethal jobs for a while, or
you will keep having 18-19.

--- Momo ---------------------------------------------------

For Momo, you need to get a certain amount of time on the
game clock. Short of leaving your Playstation on overnight,
there isn't much you can do to speed up that process.

--- Abbess -------------------------------------------------

The Abbess will want you to encounter a certain amount of
different monsters. The only way to do this is to continue
in the story. Missing a monster seems a tough thing to do to
me. Some are reasonably rare though.

--- Marlok -------------------------------------------------

Marlok will teach you Skills depending on how many times you
upgraded your treasure. I put every treasure in the
walkthrough, so you should be able to find all.

--- Kryrik -------------------------------------------------

25 and 30
Hit Combo: With the Plateau, Rock Blast, Rock Blast Combo
from Rwolf you should already have this.
50-Hit Combo: Try Megaphone, Double Blow(with Ursula, an
Attack All gun), Tiger Fist(+1 Hit Weapon). It
should make a 50-80 Hit Combo.
70-Hit Combo: Same as above, but might take a few tries.

--- Gyosil -------------------------------------------------

For Gyosil, try at least catching all the fish currently
available to you. If that doesn't do it, catch at least
average length ones, and then crown them. If you don't make
it, the only solution is to get further into the game, so
that new fish will become available.

--- Lyta ---------------------------------------------------

May I suggest beating monsters?

--- Kahn ---------------------------------------------------

See above note :).

--- Bunyan -------------------------------------------------

Try using powerful physical Skills such as ShiningBlade.
Equip high Power weapons and fight low Defense enemies, such
as Eye Goos. Also try powering up with Skills like War Shout

The best method is to give someone with high Power
Shadowwalk, and fighting weak enemies. Power up with:
Last Resort, War Shout, Protect (this will add to Power with
Last Resort cast!), and Focus (on the turn before you
attack). If you have about 800 Power, you can do 12000
damage. Then use Shadowwalk. Beware of Ershin's Special and
counter attacks.

= Dragon Forms s09 =

In BoF4, the Dragon Forms system is (sadly) not as extensive
as in BoF3. Like in BoF3, certain events in the storyline or
finding crystals will enable Dragon Genes for use. You can
only use one Gene at any time, meaning there is no more
splicing in Genes for added abilities. Sometimes, a new
Dragon may replace an old one, because it is a stronger
version of the same Dragon.

Transforming to a Dragon Form will enhance Ryu's statistics,
and grant him new Skills. The old Skills of Ryu will become
unusable while he is a Dragon. Some stats may increase,
while some decrease, depending on the Dragon Form you

To become a Dragon, you will use up some AP to transform.
Every turn after that, you will use 25% of that transforming
cost to maintain your form. Once you don't have enough AP
anymore to pay that, you will revert to your human form. The
transforming cost is higher as Ryu's level is higher.

All the statistics of the Dragon Form are dependent on Ryu's
statistics. They will be multiplied by an amount that
differs per Dragon.

All the Dragon Forms' current HP will not be automatically
refilled when you revert to human form. When a Dragon has
only 3 HP remaining, and you revert to human, and you
transform again, the HP for the Dragon is still at 3. To
recover a Dragon's HP, you will have to rest, or use a
recovery item.

Many of Fou-Lu's Dragon Forms are aquired automatically
when Ryu aquires a Dragon Form. This applies to Dragon Forms
which are similar.

Note that since the Restore Form ability is given to all
dragons, it won't be listed.

The character in (parentheses) means who you will be able to
use it on, namely:
(1) = Single
(A) = All
(s) = Self only

Some Dragon Forms will aquire an improved form at a certain
amount of Game Points. The abilities marked with a * are
only available in this form.

--- Ryu's Dragon Forms ----------------------------- s09\1 -

%% Aura %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 1*level %%
%% HP: 150% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% Flame Strike 2 Physical/Fire attack(1) %%
%% Hwa (fire) 1 lv 1 Fire Magic(1) %%
%% Rejuvenate 9 Heals moderate amount of HP(1) %%
%% Barrier 4 Improves Magical Defense(1) %%

%% Kaiser %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 2*level %%
%% HP: 300% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% Kaiser goes berserk unless you collected ALL Ryu's %%
%% Dragon Forms. %%
%% %%
%% KaiserBreath 0 Non-elemental; Heavy Breath Damage %%
%% (A) %%
%% Aura Smash 3 Holy Elemental; ignores Def(1) %%
%% Hwajeh 3 lv 3 Fire Magic(1) %%
%% Ahryu P'ung 3 lv 3 Wind Magic(A) %%
%% Patoh Pah 3 lv 3 Earth Magic(A) %%
%% Resurrect 30 Revive with full HP(1) %%
%% Sanctuary 8 Cancel All Assist Magic(A) %%

%% Wyvern %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 1.5*level %%
%% HP: 180% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% Gigaflame 0 Damage depends on user's current HP %%
%% Flame Strike 2 Physical/Fire attack(1) %%
%% Hwa (fire) 1 lv 1 Fire Magic(1) %%
%% Jeh 2 lv 2 Fire Magic(1) %%
%% Might 3 Raises Power(1) %%

%% Myrmidon -> Knight (NSS; <= 18000 Game Points) %%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 1.5*level %%
%% HP: 150% -> 180% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% MetaStrike 0 Wind Breath; Ignores Def(A) %%
%% Wind Strike 2 Physical/Wind attack(1) %%
%% P'ung (Wind) 1 lv 1 Wind Magic(1) %%
%% Nah P'ung 2 lv 2 Wind Magic(A) %%
%% Ahryu P'ung 3 lv 3 Wind Magic(A) %%
%% Cleave* 3 Phys. atk; Ignores Def(A) %%
%% Shadowwalk* 12 Critical hit; always hits(1) %%

%% Behemoth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 1.5*level %%
%% HP: 220% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% MeteorStrike 0 Earth dmg based on user's current %%
%% HP(A) %%
%% Searing Sand 2 Physical/Earth attack(1) %%
%% Patoh(earth) 1 lv 1 Earth Magic(A) %%
%% Chi Patoh 2 lv 2 Earth Magic(1) %%
%% Counter 1 Always counter this turn(s) %%

%% Mutant ---> Pank (10000 Game Points)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 1.2*level %%
%% HP: 50% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% Stardrop 0 Phys. atk, lowers enemy stats(A) %%
%% Snap 2 Physical attack, reduces Defense(1) %%
%% Chlorine 2 Poison attack, might cause %%
%% Poison(1) %%
%% Sleep 3 Cause Sleep(A) %%
%% Silence 3 Induces Mute(A) %%
%% Howling* 0 Cause Confusion(A) %%
%% Curse* 13 Halves HP(A) %%

--- Fou-Lu's Dragon Forms -------------------------- s09\2 -

%% Astral %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 1*level %%
%% HP: 150% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% Eraser 0 Dmg based on user's current HP(A) %%
%% Frost Strike 2 Physical/Water attack(1) %%
%% Wild Swing 0 Random damage, 0-2 times normal(1) %%
%% Bing 1 lv 1 Water attack(1) %%
%% Death 13 Instant death to the target(1) %%

%% Tyrant %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 2*level %%
%% HP: 300% (9999) %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% Dark Wave 0 Dmg based on user's current HP(A) %%
%% Aura Smash 3 Ignores Defense(1) %%
%% Pa Bing'ah 3 lv 3 Water Magic(A) %%
%% Ahryu P'ung 3 lv 3 Wind Magic(A) %%
%% Patoh Pah 3 lv 3 Earth Magic(A) %%
%% Death 13 Instant death to the target(1) %%
%% Sanctuary 8 Dispel enemies Assist Magic(A) %%

%% Serpent %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 1.5*level %%
%% HP: 180% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% Waterspout 0 Water dmg based on user's current %%
%% HP(A) %%
%% Frost Strike 2 Physical/Water attack(1) %%
%% Bing (water) 1 lv 1 Water Magic(1) %%
%% Bing'ah 2 lv 2 Water Magic(1) %%
%% Snap 2 Physical attack, reduces Defense(1) %%

%% Behemoth %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%
%% AP Cost: 1.5*level %%
%% HP: 220% %%
%% %%
%% Skill AP Effect %%
%% MeteorStrike 0 Earth dmg based on user's current %%
%% HP(A) %%
%% Searing Sand 2 Physical/Earth attack(1) %%
%% Patoh(earth) 1 lv 1 Earth Magic(A) %%
%% Chi Patoh 2 lv 2 Earth Magic(1) %%
%% Counter 1 Always counter this turn(s) %%

= Fishing s10 =

--- Basics ----------------------------------------- s10\1 -

- Getting Started -

In BoF4, the fishing spots are not automatically shown on
the map like in BoF3. You have to find out about them first.
To find out about them, get into a random location, and
sometimes, you will find a sign telling you where to find
the fishing spot instead of an item bag.

After you find a fishing spot, all you need is a rod and
some lure. You can buy these easily from some towns, and you
might be able to find better as the game progresses.

Remember, fishing is not only fun, it can also help you. In
the beginning of the game, it can be a nice source of money.
Throughout the entire game, it is a great way to get some
good items. You can trade fish for better equipment and
other stuff at Manillo's shops, and you can get great stuff
by exchanging your fishing points too.

On all the fishing spots, there is a list of all the fish
there. They will be listed as ?, until you actually catch a
specimen of their respective kind. Also, the length of the
biggest specimen ever caught for every kind is remembered by
the game, and the bigger you catch, the bigger your total
fishing score, to a maximum of 9999 points.

When you get the biggest points possible for a fish of a
certain kind, there will be a crown next to it.

- Fishing Menu -

The fishing menu allows you to prepare your rod and lure,
and to view your fishing data. The sections are called up
like this:

- Fishing Techniques -

So now you're there, standing at the fishing spot, rod in
your hand. Now what?

First, you'll have to find out what lure the fish you are
going for likes. Some fish go for anything, some only like
one or two kinds, and some are tough to get on your line
with any lure. You can do it the tough way, by trying out
all six different lures, or you could look it up in my fish
list. Your choice.

Keep in mind that different fish require different
strategies. Some are in deep water, some are just below the
surface, some are everywhere. Try not only to find a lure
which the fish likes, but also one that can easily go near

To get a fish to bite your hook is really tougher than in
BoF3, because you can't see them anymore. They will show
themselves only rarely. When a fish comes near your hook,
you will feel the Dual Shock controller shake (watch the
Tension Bar if you have no). Press X to improve the chance
of hooking the fish. If you are already holding the X
button, releas it and quickly press it again.

How attracting a lure is to fish is (in my theory) the level
of the lure + the level of the Tech you are currently doing.
This means that the Spoon will attract no fish unless you
use a Tech (the Spoon is lv 0).

Note that Tech 4 is reasonably easy to perform. Practice it,
it can be a great help catching tough fish.

When the fish bites the hook, you have to real it in. Note
that the Casting bar will change into the Strain Bar. When
you press the X button, the bar will become larger. When you
release it, it will shrink. Keep it inside the block. It's
green when it's there. Too little strain will make it blue,
too much will make it red. When the red Stamina Bar below
your Strain Bar reaches zero, the fish is out of energy, and
when you hold the X button, the Strain Bar will stabilize
within the block. Watch out as the fish regains energy

You can use the D-Pad to pull the fish in a certain
direction. Hold the D-Pad left or right to avoid rocks.
Jiggle the D-Pad to reel in the fish faster (might as well
do something when the Strain Bar stabilizes). If the fish is
really stuck behind a rock or buoy, try releasing X for a
very short period.

Before trading a fish with Manillo, it's best to get the
perfect score first. With some tough fish however, this
might take longer than you want it to. Try at least getting
an average length one.

A final note: If you can't seem to find a fish, pick a
different position. Some fish tend to appear more in
certain regions of a Fishing Spot.

--- Fishing Spots ---------------------------------- s10\2 -


Spot: Name of fishing spot. I've named them so that they
explain the location also.
Unlock: What you need to do to find this Fishing Spot.
Descr: The game's description of this Fishing Spot.
Fish: Fish found here.

Spot: Sarai East (River 1)
Unlock: Take the side exit in the canyon area east of Sarai
Descr: The big ones can be found near the base of the
Fish: #01 Jellyfish, #05 Sweetfish, #09 Trout,
#10 RainbowTrout

Spot: Synesta/Wharf (Lake 1)
Unlock: ? area
Descr: Try aiming for the places between the rocks and
Fish: #01 Jellyfish, #02 Piranha, #03 Bass, #04 Blue Gill,
#12 MartianSquid

Spot: Ludia/Shyde (Ocean 1)
Unlock: ? area
Descr: Try fishing near the rocky areas!
Fish: #17 Man-o'-War, #18 Flying Fish, #19 Blowfish,
#23 Sea Bream

Spot: Kasq Wds (River 2)
Unlock: Talk to the man in the first area of Kasq Wds
Descr: Try fishing near the marshy area!
Fish: #01 Jellyfish, #06 Browntail, #09 Trout,
#10 RainbowTrout, #14 Salmon

Spot: N. Chamba (Chamba Spot)
Unlock: Beat the Angler found here
Descr: Look in the mist...
Fish: #01 Jellyfish, #11 Bullcat, #30 Acheron

Spot: Lyp (Lake 2)
Unlock: None
Descr: Try fishing near the trees!
Fish: #02 Piranha, #03 Bass, #04 Blue Gill,
#07 Black Bass, #12 MartianSquid, #13 Dorado

Spot: Ocean (Ocean 2)
Unlock: Find it with Zig's ship
Descr: The king of the sea is said to be found here...
Fish: #17 Man-o'-War, #21 Sea Bass, #22 Flatfish,
#24 Octopus, #25 Bonito, #28 Spearfish, #29 Whale

Spot: Tidal Flats(Saldine Spot)
Unlock: Storyline, when you are crossing the Tidal Flats
Descr: Certain kinds of fish can only be found here.
Fish: #19 Blowfish, #20 Moorfish, #23 Sea Bream,
#26 Black Porgy

Spot: Chiqua (Lake 3)
Unlock: Talk to the fishing frog in Chiqua
Descr: Try fishing near the marshy area!
Fish: #01 Jellyfish, #07 Black Bass, #08 Angelfish,
#12 MartainSquid, #11 Bullcat, #13 Dorado,
#15 Barandy

Spot: Fou-Lu's Tomb (River 3)
Unlock: Take the southern exit out of the scorched forest
Descr: Try fishing around the rocks!
Fish: #05 Sweetfish, #06 Browntail, #09 Trout,
#10 RainbowTrout, #14 Salmon, #16 Sturgeon

Spot: Highway (Ocean 3)
Unlock: Read the sign in the ? area between the Mountain
Path and the Highway
Descr: The really big fish are close to the bottom!
Fish: #18 Flying Fish, #21 Sea Bass, #22 Flatfish,
#24 Octopus, #25 Bonito

--- Fish List -------------------------------------- s10\3 -

The Maximum Length is the biggest length of the respective
fish I caught, when I had a crown. However, it is possible
that, even though you have a crown, a bigger length is
available (more points are obviously not). So, my Maximum
Length might be lower than your length. Apparently, you
crown a fish by getting the maximum points, and not the
maximum length. Try breaking my records :).


Name of fish
Lure: Lure to catch it AL/ML: Average/Maximum Length
MP: Maximum Points Value: How much the fish is worth

Usage: What the fish does as item
Description: The game's description of the fish
Found: Where to find the fish

Lures: S = Spinner
W = Winder
T = Topper
M = Minnow
F = Frog
@ = Worm

Locations: Rx = River x
Lx = Lake x
Ox = Ocean x
C = Chamba
S = Saldine
_/#01 Jellyfish\______________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 22/ 31 cm |
| MP: 80 pts Value: 4Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 50 HP(1) |
| Description: Lives in lakes and rivers; |
| Goes for any type of lure. |
| Found: R1,R2,L1,L3,C |

_/#02 Piranha\________________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 30/ 43 cm |
| MP: 150 pts Value: 30Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 150 HP(1) |
| Description: Has sharp teeth and hard |
| scales. Lives in schools in |
| lakes. |
| Found: L1,L2 |

_/#03 Bass\___________________________________
/ \
| Lure: TMF@ AL/ML: 45 / 64 cm |
| MP: 200 pts Value: 70Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 500 HP(1) |
| Description: Omnivorous, but a picky eater. |
| Avoids lures it doesn't like. |
| Found: L1,L2 |

_/#04 Blue Gill\______________________________
/ \
| Lure: SW F@ AL/ML: 37/ 50 cm |
| MP: 250 pts Value: 150Z |
| |
| Usage: Water damage(1) |
| Description: Has a violent nature and can |
| attack without warning. |
| Found: L1,L2 |

_/#05 Sweetfish\______________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 18/ 27 cm |
| MP: 150 pts Value: 20Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 5 AP(1) |
| Description: Considered a delicacy in many |
| parts of the world. |
| Found: R1,R3 |

_/#06 Browntail\______________________________
/ \
| Lure: SWTM AL/ML: 52 / 75 cm |
| MP: 250 pts Value: 200Z |
| |
| Usage: Increase Defense(1) |
| Description: Shape and color changes with |
| it's habitat. |
| Found: R2,R3 |

_/#07 Black Bass\_____________________________
/ \
| Lure: TMF@ AL/ML: 52/ 72 cm |
| MP: 300 pts Value: 250Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 1200 HP(1) |
| Description: Not much to look at, but rich |
| in protein and nutrition. |
| Found: L2,L3 |

_/#08 Angelfish\______________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 22/ 32 cm |
| MP: 250 pts Value: 350Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover from KO with 50% HP(1) |
| Description: Only found in mountain lakes. |
| Popular with children. |
| Found: L3 |

_/#09 Trout\__________________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 30/ 42 cm |
| MP: 200 pts Value: 50Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 10 AP(1) |
| Description: Very alert to danger; will |
| fight to protect itself. |
| Found: R1,R2,R3 |

_/#10 RainbowTrout\___________________________
/ \
| Lure: SWTM AL/ML: 52/ 74 cm |
| MP: 350 pts Value: 300Z |
| |
| Usage: Increase Atk(1) |
| Description: Beatiful to watch as it swims. |
| Found: R1,R2,R3 |

_/#11 Bullcat\________________________________
/ \
| Lure: TMF@ AL/ML: 60/ 84 cm |
| MP: 380 pts Value: 600Z |
| |
| Usage: Fire + Earth damage(A) |
| Description: Bottomdweller used to make |
| Dynamite. |
| Found: C,R3 |

_/#12 MartianSquid\___________________________
/ \
| Lure: W M @ AL/ML: 52/ 73 cm |
| MP: 350 pts Value: 400Z |
| |
| Usage: Dispel Assist Magic(A) |
| Description: Lives in shallow waters. Hard |
| to catch as it is very strong. |
| Found: L2,L3 |

_/#13 Dorado\_________________________________
/ \
| Lure: TMF@ AL/ML: 67/ 90 cm |
| MP: 400 pts Value: 800Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 800 HP(A) |
| Description: So big it's too much for one |
| sitting! |
| Found: L2,L3 |

_/#14 Salmon\_________________________________
/ \
| Lure: TMF@ AL/ML: 105/151 cm |
| MP: 400 pts Value: 1000Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 30 AP(A) |
| Description: Usually swims far out to sea, |
| but can be caught in rivers |
| Found: R2,R3 |

_/#15 Barandy\________________________________
/ \
| Lure: F@ AL/ML: 150/203 cm |
| MP: 700 pts Value: 1400Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover Full HP + Status(1) |
| Description: King of the lakes, it has |
| almost regal air about it. |
| Found: L3 |

_/#16 Sturgeon\_______________________________
/ \
| Lure: F@ AL/ML: 165/221 cm |
| MP: 700 pts Value: 1800Z |
| |
| Usage: Chance to Revive with 25% |
| HP(A) |
| Description: Sometimes called "the living |
| jewel." |
| Found: R3 |

_/#17 Man-o'-War\_____________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 16/ 31 cm |
| MP: 80 pts Value: 4Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 50 HP |
| Description: Ocean-dwelling jellyfish; goes |
| after any lure. |
| Found: O1,O2 |

_/#18 Flying Fish\____________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 26/ 37 cm |
| MP: 150 pts Value: 30Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 100 HP and remove all |
| Status(1) |
| Description: Skips above the waves. Very |
| agile and hard to catch. |
| Found: O1,O3 |

_/#19 Blowfish\_______________________________
/ \
| Lure: SW F@ AL/ML: 37/ 54 cm |
| MP: 200 pts Value: 80Z |
| |
| Usage: Cures Poison Status(1) |
| Description: Protects itself with very |
| sharp spines. |
| Found: O1,S |

_/#20 Moorfish\_______________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 22 /31 cm |
| MP: 200 pts Value: 100Z |
| |
| Usage: Chance to Revive with 1 HP(1) |
| Description: Popular with women, it looks |
| like it's flying in the water. |
| Found: S |

_/#21 Sea Bass\_______________________________
/ \
| Lure: Any AL/ML: 52/ 75 cm |
| MP: 280 pts Value: 30Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 400 HP(1) |
| Description: Fights but not too much; a |
| good fish for beginners. |
| Found: O2,O3 |

_/#22 Flatfish\_______________________________
/ \
| Lure: SWTM AL/ML: 37 |
| MP: Value: 300Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover Status(1) |
| Description: Swimes close to the bottom. |
| Its eyes always look to the |
| left. |
| Found: O2,O3 |

_/#23 Sea Bream\______________________________
/ \
| Lure: TMF@ AL/ML: 52/ 74 cm |
| MP: 300 pts Value: 350Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 30 AP(1) |
| Description: A fine-looking, fine-tasting |
| fish. |
| Found: O1,S |

_/#24 Octopus\________________________________
/ \
| Lure: W M @ AL/ML: 60/ 85 cm |
| MP: 350 pts Value: 400Z |
| |
| Usage: Induce Blind Status(A) |
| Description: Also called the "Devil Fish." |
| No one has yet to eat it. |
| Found: O2,O3 |

_/#25 Bonito\_________________________________
/ \
| Lure: TM @ AL/ML: 90/125 cm |
| MP: 400 pts Value: 700Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover All HP(1) |
| Description: A fast fish. Being able to |
| catch one is a distinction. |
| Found: O2,O3 |

_/#26 Black Porgy\____________________________
/ \
| Lure: TMF@ AL/ML: 52/ 75 cm |
| MP: 400 pts Value: 1000Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 100 AP(1) |
| Description: A hard fish to catch but worth |
| the effort. |
| Found: S |

_/#27 Angler\_________________________________
/ \
| Lure: TMF@ AL/ML: 105 |
| MP: Value: 1000Z |
| |
| Usage: Water + Earth attack(A) |
| Description: A rare fish usually found only |
| in deep waters. |
| Found: O3 |

_/#28 Spearfish\______________________________
/ \
| Lure: SWTM AL/ML: 142 |
| MP: Value: 1500Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover 1500 HP(A) |
| Description: Uses its horns to cut through |
| and escape nets. |
| Found: O2 |

_/#29 Whale\__________________________________
/ \
| Lure: SWTM AL/ML: 187/255 cm |
| MP: 999 pts Value: 2000Z |
| |
| Usage: Recover All HP and all Status |
| (A) |
| Description: King of the sea, it is the |
| ultimate catch. |
| Found: O2 |

_/#30 Acheron\________________________________
/ \
| Lure: TM @ AL/ML: 37/ 51 cm |
| MP: 300 pts Value: 250Z |
| |
| Usage: Induces Poison Status to all |
| enemies AND allies(A) |
| Description: Fish mutated by exposure to |
| hex energy. Handle with care! |
| Found: C |

= Faerie Village s11 =

After the camping sequence underway to Wyndia, a faerie will
come and ask for your help. Now you can start the Faerie
Village subgame. You can get various great items from here.
This section is devoted to the Faerie Village.

Did you notice that the remarks of the faeries can be pretty
funny sometimes?

--- Basics ----------------------------------------- s11\1 -

After agreeing to help the faerie, you can return to the
village anytime by camping, and talking to the faerie.

If you talk to the orange haired faerie in the middle (the
one that does not move), you will be able to give all
faeries a task to perform. You can also check your terrain
and make use of the in-game tutorial here. The Jobs and
Orders screen looks like this:

|1 Tell faeries what pace to work at. |
/----------------\ -Data--------------------------------^-^-
|2 Normal | |^3^_______ |4 ________ |5 / ______ |\6/|
| | |_^_________|><><_______|_|/________|_v_|
/----------------\ /-----------\ /-----------\ /-----------\
| ^ ^ ^ | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 |
|^7^ ^7^ ^7^ | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
\----------------/ \-----------/ \-----------/ \-----------/
| 11 || 11 || 11 || 11 || 11 || 11 || 11 || 11 |
| || || || || || || || |
| || || || || || || || |

The numbered sections are explained below:

1 Info: Tells you about the currently selected
2 Pace: Here the current pace of faerie activities
is shown.
3 Population: This shows you how many faeries are
currently living in your village. The small
number is the maximum.
4 Food Supply: This shows you how large your food supply
is. The small number is the maximum.
5 Culture lvl: This shows you your current Culture Level.
The small number is the maximum.
6 Happiness: The current happiness and size of your
7 Idle Faeries: In this box, all idle faeries are shown.
8 Hunting: In this box, all hunting faeries are shown.
9 Plow: In this box, all building/clearing faeries
are shown.
10 Tree: Tend to the tree in the village.
11 Houses: Here you can manage all your houses.

Note that faeries have three stats:

EN - Endurance: The faerie's physical prowess. High EN means
a faerie will be good at physical labor,
like clearing land, building houses, and
KN - Knowledge: The intelligence of a faerie. High KN will
allow a faerie to be better at running shops
and raising the Culture Level.
SL - Style: This is really creativity. It helps for
thinking of new jobs and the like.

Every Faerie also has a personality:

Diligent: The faerie is pretty serious at it's job, and it
will work hard (for faerie standards :).
Ordinary: The standard personality for a faerie. They will
work at an average pace.
Lazy: This faerie dislikes work and is generally more
interested in other stuff.
Odd: This refers to faeries which are considered to be
rather weird, even by fellow faeries. They are
pretty rare.

You can also choose between four different paces to work at.
These are:

Hard: Makes the faeries work really hard. It will use a
lot of food and make your faeries unhappy, so use
this only when you are really in a hurry with
Normal: This is the standard pace of working. Everything
will happen at average speed
Easy: The faeries will be allowed to work at a somewhat
slow pace. The real reason you could want use this
is because you want to let the faeries recover from
some 'hard' working.
Relax: The faeries determine their own speed. I *believe*
that with this setting, how hard they will work
depends on their personality.

Every faerie will have a parent (just one?). I don't think
the parent has any effect on the faerie's statistics though.

Birthrate is determined by Culture level and your food
supply(which is why you want to keep this at 100), and also
the general happiness of your village.

The basic jobs to be done in the village are:

Hunting: The faerie will hunt for food. This is
necessary to keep up your population.
If you don't hunt enough, faeries will
start to starve. Don't let that happen
(there are alternate ways to get rid of
useless faeries :).
Clearing & Building: Clear land to build houses on. If you
ever want to be able to use any of the
jobs, you'll have to get some houses,
and for that, you have to clear land.

The maximum values are:

Number of faeries: 20
Food: 100
Culture level: 100
Number of houses: 8

Whenever you enter the Faerie Village, you can have a look
at the message board (the sign at the front of the village)
to see what interesting stuff has happened. Faeries might
also place all kinds of weird messages here.

The game says that you should keep about a third of the
population hunting, but low Culture and low Endurance may
require more. It works the other way around, too, with high
Culture and good Endurance for the hunting faeries lower
might be adequate.

I *think* setting low Endurance faeries to hunting will
increase the chance you get the hunting subgame.

To get new jobs, your faeries will constantly think,
whatever they are doing. Faeries with high Style will think
of new jobs more often. Even though faeries will always keep
trying to think of new jobs, the chance is higher for
faeries who are currently idle.

To progress the Faerie Village, you either have to fight
battles(run away if you want, just entering the battle is
enough :), or progress the story of the game.

--- Getting Started -------------------------------- s11\2 -

Start out by setting all three faeries to Hunting. If you
want, you can just continue with your game now, and check
back later, but I suggest building up a bit first. If you
want to build up, get into Random Locations, and fight
enemies there. If you're lucky, you might even get to help
the faeries hunt, which will allow you to slay some
creatures with your sword, and give the meat to the faeries
(BoF is really cruel to vegetarian people, isn't it?). Maybe
you want to keep one of each of the different qualities of
meat for better results at Stoll. Also, to get better meat,
try chasing the creatures into the pit, they can't get out
and won't be able to run. Or trap them in a corner, they
can't go through you or your party members.

Check back every now and then to assign newborn faeries and
to check whether food has hit 100 yet.

Once your food supply hits 100, keep about a third hunting.
Make sure the hunting faeries have high Endurance, or else
your food supply will diminish. Set the rest to clearing and
building. Battle a little longer (don't give the faeries any
food while they are at 100, the food is wasted). Once some
terrain is ready for houses to be built on it, build those

Once a house is done, you can finally start assigning jobs
to the faeries and make use of statistics other than
Endurance. I would advise, however, to only assign really
low Endurance faeries to different jobs for now. Keep
building up those houses, and soon you will have a Faerie
Village with lots of faeries and lots of houses.

In the next subsections for the Faerie Village, all the jobs
will be explained. Every house will have a level, which
increases as it is used. When you change the job of a house,
it's level will be back at 1.

--- Item Shop -------------------------------------- s11\3 -

The faerie will sell you various different items. The items
in stock differ with the personality of the faerie. Check
section 04\3 for a list of what the different shops will
have to offer.

For every level the Item Shop gains, a new item is added to
what it offers.

--- Arms Shop -------------------------------------- s11\4 -

It works pretty much the same as the Item Shop, but it sells
equipment instead of items. I think Arms Shops are a lot
more useful then Item Shops.

The best way to use this job is to build it up to the
maximum, buy all equipment you can use (if you have enough
Zenny), and then use the house for something else.

For every level the Arms Shop gains, a new item is added to
what it offers.

--- Inn -------------------------------------------- s11\5 -

The Inn is just that, another Inn to rest at. The difference
with regular Inns is that you can stay here for free. The
faeries in the Inn will also give you all kinds of info
which is of no direct use to you, but which is funny. The
info I they will give you is:

- Amount of dressers you have looked in
- How many treasures you found
- How often you have gone fishing
- How many encounters with monsters you have had
- How often you stayed at an Inn
- How often you have camped
- How much Zenny you have earned in total

--- Search ----------------------------------------- s11\6 -

You can send faeries in this house out to search for items.
You can select different areas they should head to, which
have different difficulties. Areas that are more difficult
will yield better treasure, but have a higher chance of
killing your faerie. The level determines succes rate, I

Since the same Difficulty always yields the same items, I
have no idea what the difference is between different areas
with the same Difficulty rating.

--- Dif.1 --------------------------------------------------
Mostly worthless items
Item Weapon Armor Option
Aurum Chopsticks Spoon
Apple Toothpick

--- Dif.2 --------------------------------------------------
Parts to make Ershin armor with
Item Weapon Armor Option
Bent Screw
Burnt Plug
Dirty Filter
Glass Shard
Iron Scraps
Old Tire
Rusty Pipe

--- Dif.3 --------------------------------------------------
level 3 Fishing Lures, some misc. items
Item Weapon Armor Option
MultiVitamin Fork Barrier Ring
Straw Dancer
Platinum Top

--- Dif.5 --------------------------------------------------

Item Weapon Armor Option
Ginseng Spirit Ring
Power Food

--- Troops ----------------------------------------- s11\7 -

You can use the faeries in these rooms for certain Skills.
The Skills FaerieAttack and FaerieCharge will score a hit
for every faerie who is currently a soldier. The damage of
each hit depends on the level of the Troop house and the
Endurance of the Faerie. These attacks aren't very useful
unless you train your faeries quite long, and you have
pretty much of them in the Troops houses.

The Troop house will increase in level every time you return
there after having used one of the Faerie Skills.

Faerie Attack can also have four faeries execute a more
powerful attack together. Obviously, you will need at least
four faeries to be able to get this. I'm not sure what
triggers this, though.

War Shout can only be used if you also have a Music Select

--- Music ------------------------------------------ s11\8 -

You can listen to a whole lot of the great music of this
game here. You'll have to forgive my bad memory for music.
The music available is:

"Starlight Run" - ???
"Walkabout" - The World Map tune.
"By The Numbers" - I *know* it for sure...
"Bring Home A Win" - The music you hear after winning a
"Slow Tension" - I *know* it for sure...
"Endings and Beginnings"- I *know* it for sure...
"Trouble Ahead" - I *know* it for sure...
"Ephmeral" - ???
"The First Emperor" - ???
"Fighters" - I *know* it for sure...
"Take The Money And Run"- I *know* it for sure...
"Battling Gods" - I *know* it for sure...
"Desert Town" - The music of Sarai.
"Round And Round" - I *know* it for sure...
"Under Pressure" - ???
"Bastard Sword" - ???
"Another Working Day" - I *know* it for sure...
"All Mixed Up" - I *know* it for sure...
"Poisoned Air" - I *know* it for sure...
"Truth And Fiction" - I *know* it for sure...
"Watch Your Step" - I *know* it for sure...
"Darkness" - I *know* it for sure...
"Traveling Merchant" - I *know* it for sure...
"Macho Man" - It's Kahn's tune!
"The Sound Of Money" - Marlok's tune.
"Brave Heart" - I *know* it for sure...
"Requiem" - ???
"Shepards" - I *know* it for sure...
"Free Fall" - I *know* it for sure...
"Neverending Rain" - ???
"Tree Spirits" - I *know* it for sure...
"Song Of The Plains" - I *know* it for sure...
"Thousand Winds" - I *know* it for sure...
"Seeing Is Believing" - I *know* it for sure...
"A Distant Land" - I *know* it for sure...
"Hills And Streams" - ???
"The Sun And The Moon" - ???
"1-2-3 1-2-3" - It's the fishing tune.
"Samba" - It's the tune when you are reeling
in a fish.
"Today's Catch" - It's the tune when you caught a
"A Whopper Of A Tale" - The tune when you made a new
record fishing.
"Faeries" - The Faerie Village music. You can
hear this by just standing here.
"Game Over" - The tune you here when you are
game over (duh).
"Prayer" - ???
"Unwavering Courage" - I *know* it for sure...
"The Curse" - ???
"Turismo" - The tune you hear when you are
flying the sandflier.
"Replay" - ???
"Seagulls" - It's the Shikk tune.
"Sailing The Seven Seas"- The tune you hear when you are
"Pabupabu, Pukapuka" - The Pabpab Village tune.
"For the Princess" - ???
"Divine Danger" - ???

The second faerie will offer you to sing. The songs are the
songs you heard from the singing guy at the coast area. The
songs available are:

"Islands Everywhere"
"The Endless"

--- Art -------------------------------------------- s11\9 -

This is similar to the Music job, except here you can view
pictures of some characters. The pictures you can view are:

1. Ryu sitting on a stump
2. Nina with the escutcheon of the Wyndian Royal family in
the background.
3. The Sand Dragon jumping out of the sand near a
4. Cray and some Worens.
5. Your party with the singer at the Coast area, and the
transparent dragon.
6. Ershin and the purifiers.
7. Your party in the gondola with the Wind Dragon.
8. Scias looking at a windmill.
9. Ryu and some sketches of his sword.
10. Some sketches of the Sparrow.
11. Various sketches of people.
12. Various sketches of Scias.
13. Some sketches of (I think) Ymechaf.
14. Some sketches for a big monster I don't recognize.
15. ???
16. A guy with a BIG sword. I don't recognize him.
17. Some sketches for a Worent woman.
18. Some sketches of a Manillo.
19. Some sketches of a whale.
20. A sketch of Rhem (If I remembered her name correctly).
21. More sketches of Rhem.
22. A picture of the avatars of all the dragons.
23. Big monster. Don't know it (yet).

--- Aurum ------------------------------------------ s11\A -

This job will sell you Aurum. The price of Aurum will
fluctuate, and you can make money by buying and selling at
the right time. I'd say there's better ways in this game to
get money, but it's certainly useful to be able to buy some
Aurum when you need it...

When you can afford the Aurum but not the Service Charge of
10%, Aurum will cost you nothing!

The second faerie in the house will tell give you advise on
what direction the price of the Aurum is about to go.

The third faerie will trade you items for your Aurum. They
all cost 8 Aurums, and they are:

Name Value Note
Fire Seed 300Z Reduces Fire damage until next rest(1)
Wind Seed 300Z Reduces Wind damage until next rest(1)
Water Seed 300Z Reduces Water dmg until next rest(1)
Earth Seed 300Z Reduces Earth dmg until next rest(1)
Spirit Seed 300Z Raises Mind resist until next rest(1)
Vigor Seed 300Z Raises Status resist until next
Phoenix Seed 300Z Raises Death resist until next rest(1)
Holy Seed 300Z Raises Heal effect until next rest(1)

--- Games ------------------------------------------ s11\B -

The Games job will allow you to play games with the faeries.
I believe this job will make lazy faeries pretty happy :).

Anyway, the first faerie will play Kecak with you. You have
to push the O button to the rythm of the music. Sometimes a
Triangle is put in as well. I believe it's better to push a
little too early than too late. As you rack up points, you
can win prizes. Since you can only win each prize once (?),
I listed the points at which I won the prize. The actual
points might be lower.

Points Prize
860 Wisdom Seed

The second faerie here will allow you to change the names of
your party members, and of the faeries.

The third faerie will play Rock-Paper-Scissors with you.
It's not regular Rock-Paper-Scissors, you get cards which
represent either Rock, Paper or Scissors and when you are
out of cards of a certain type, you can't play it anymore.

The prizes for this are:

Prize Pts Note
MultiVitamin 1 Restore 1500 HP(1)
Dress Shoes 2 Accessory; Def 10, Wgt 0
1000 Zenny 4 - Money -
Midas Stone 8
10000 Zenny 15 - Money -
Soul Ring 30 Accessory; +50% CP

--- Bonds ------------------------------------------ s11\C -

You have to pay 8% of all the Zenny you make in battle. You
will now have a chance of being resurrected when you die in

--- The Tree --------------------------------------- s11\D -

After a certain event, I *think* the completion of the fifth
house, there will be a tree in your village. You can assign
faeries to tending to this tree, and give it fertilizers.

You can get various items from this tree, such as
Wisdom Fruits and Berries. A list will be added, but I can't
promise when.

= Tough Enemies s12 =

There are several enemies in the game that are not bosses,
but who are still very tough to beat. In this section, I
will give strategies to beat these.

Note that several might have alternate possible strategies.

--- Trunk ------------------------------------------ s12\1 -

The Trunks always appear in groups of six. You can find them
in the Abandoned Village area northwest of Chek. This
strategy will allow you to wipe them all out.

You'll need:

--- Ryu ----------------------------------------------------

Stats: Pwr 150+
Skills: Last Resort
Tiger Fist
Dragon Forms: All

--- Ursula -------------------------------------------------

Stats: Pwr 175+
Wis 100+
Equipment: Attack All Weapon
Skills: War Shout
Triple Blow

--- Scias --------------------------------------------------

Stats: Pwr 150+
Skills: Megaphone
(Optional: Coward's Way)

When you are in the battle, follow this procedure:

--- Turn 1 -------------------------------------------------

Scias: Megaphone
Ursula: War Shout
Ryu: Last Resort

--- Turn 2 -------------------------------------------------

Scias: Megaphone
Ursula: War Shout
Ryu: Meditate (Kaiser)

--- Turn 3 -------------------------------------------------

If neither Ursula's or Scias' action is necessary, you can
skip this turn. You have to be pretty strong to achieve that
though (and you'll need lots of Troop Faeries).

Scias: Megaphone (if necessary)
Ursula: War Shout
Ryu: Focus

--- Turn 4 -------------------------------------------------

If Ursula's action is not necessary, you can skip this turn.

Ursula: War Shout (if necessary)
Ryu: Focus
Scias: Use Wisdom Seed on Ursula (If Ursula has less then
24 AP left)

--- Turn 5+ ------------------------------------------------

Scias: ShiningBlade/ Coward's Way
Ryu: Tiger Fist
Ursula: Triple Blow

Repeat this last turn three times, and they should be dead.

--- Trean ------------------------------------------ s12\2 -

These are tougher versions of the Trunks. They also appear
in the Abandoned Village. They will go down with a similar
strategy, but you need to be much stronger. To be able to
kill these, you have to be able to kill the Trunks in a
single Combo (and even then you need to be more powerful).

Try swapping Ryu's Tiger Fist for Shadowwalk to kill off
just one of them. You could also apprentice Ryu to Bunyan
to make Tiger Fist hit a lot more.

= Miscellaneous s13 =

In this section, several game concepts will be explained,
which are too small to be put in their own main section.

--- Battle Basics ---------------------------------- s13\1 -

- In battle, the character picked first will always move
first, followed by the second, and then the third. This
means that if a character is faster than the character
before him, he will always move right after the character
before him.

--- Combo Magic ------------------------------------ s13\2 -

When you cast multiple spells after each other, the second
and third(if applicable) will score an extra hit, thus
having more effect. The additional hit will have the effect
of the first spell. The third will gain extra hits for both
the first and second spell. For instance, if Cray uses
Protect, and Ryu uses Rest after that, Ryu's Rest will score
an additional hit which is a small amount of increase in
Defense. If you use affect all magic, all targets will
receive the extra hit with the small bonus. Note that not
all spells can carry over all properties.

I have noted that many, many people seem to think those
Combos are very complicated in what effect they will have,
but it's really THIS simple. The spell in a Combo will score
an additional hit for every effect of every spell cast
before it, as long as it's compatible with those spells.

Also note that a spell with two effects, for instance, HP
healing and AP healing, or damage and Agility reduction,
will count the number of hits for each effect. With this, I
have done a 12-hit Combo with Snooze, Rest, Heal! The Combo
went like this:

Snooze Hit 1: HP restore from Snooze
Hit 2: AP restore from Snooze
Hit 3: Sleep induced by Snooze
Rest Hit 4: HP restore from Rest
Hit 5: AP restore from Rest
Hit 6: HP restore from Snooze
Hit 7: AP restore from Snooze
Heal Hit 8: HP restore from Heal
Hit 9: HP restore from Snooze
Hit 10: AP restore from Snooze
Hit 11: HP restore from Rest
Hit 12: AP restore from Rest

As you can see from this example, the system for Combo magic
is really pretty simple. All the effects got carried over to
the next Skills used, except for the Sleep from Snooze,
because Healing Magic is not compatible with the Sleep
Status. Simple huh?

One final note: Combo's do not always work. Even if your
characters move right after each other, and their Skills are
compatible, they may be executed seperately. This does not
happen too often though.

Sometimes, when you Combo two spells, the second will be of
a new type. The previous spell is defining for what may be
changed, but keep in mind that an Elemental Combo Spell can
be used for both the Elements it represents.

Example: If you use Burn, then Sever, then Eddy, both Eddy
and Sever will become Firewind. If you use Sever, then Burn,
then Eddy, Eddy will become a Firewind. After a Firewind,
you can upgrade only Wind Spells.

These are all Elemental Combos I found.

Spell 1 Spell 2 New Spell Effect
Any Fire lv 1 Wind Firewind Fire + Wind(A)
Any Fire lv 2 Wind Simoon Fire + Wind(A)
Any Fire lv 3 Wind Gigaflare Fire + Wind(A)
Any Wind lv 1 Water Jolt Wind + Water(A)
Any Wind lv 2 Water Lightning Wind + Water(A)
Any Wind lv 3 Water Thunderstorm Wind + Water(A)
Any Water lv 1 Earth Storm Water + Earth(A)
Any Water lv 2 Earth Tempest Water + Earth(A)
Any Water lv 3 Earth Disaster Water + Earth(A)
Any Earth lv 1 Fire Eruption Earth + Fire(A)
Any Earth lv 2 Fire Magma Blast Earth + Fire(A)
Any Earth lv 3 Fire Ragnarok Earth + Fire(A)

If you follow up an Elemental Combo with a physical Skill,
with the right character, you might get a new physical
Skill. These combo up pretty badly though, so you might want
to equip a HarmonicRing if you want to try and get them (on
the person whose physical Skill you are trying to upgrade).

These are the ones I found.

Elements Char New Skill
Fire + Wind Nina Phoenix
Wind + Water Scias Ice Sword
Water + Earth Cray Mudslide
Earth + Fire Ursula Reflect

Finally, you can get incredibly powerful Magic by combining
an Elemental Combo with Dragon Magic. These are the

Gigaflare Ahryu P'ung Earthbreaker Fire +Wind(A)
Disaster Patoh Pah Catastrophe Water + Earth,
Induces Poison(A)
Ragnarok Hwajeh Supernova Earth + Fire,
causes Confuse(A)

--- Status Changes --------------------------------- s13\3 -

There are several attacks in the game that induce a certain
Status change. The Status Changes are:

- Poisoned -
The character will receive some damage each turn, or each
step you make when you aren't in battle. Cure it with
Antidote, Panacea, or the Purify/Remedy spell.

- Asleep -
The character can't act. This status is cured by staying in
the back row for three turns, the Remedy spell, a Panacea,
or when the character is attacked, or automatically at the
end of battle.

- Confused -
The character will pick a random target to attack each turn.
Cure it with the Remedy spell, a Croc Tear, or by attacking
the character in question.

- Blind -
Reduces to hit-rate. Cure with Eye Drops, Panacea,
Croc Tear, or the Remedy Spell.

- Unconscious -
Character has 0 HP, and will be knocked out. He can't do
anything, and can't be targeted. Cure it with Ammonia, or
with some spells. If your character is still unconscious at
the end of a battle, he will be back to life with 1 HP, and
MaxHP reduced by 10%. Don't let that happen if you have a

- Egg -
Defense is 0. Character can't use Skills, except for special
egg Skills, and Power is severely reduced. After three turns,
you will be back to normal, with full HP!

- Happy -
Won't perform any offensive Wills, chance to cancel physical

--- Item Magic ------------------------------------- s13\4 -

Some items can make your characters use magic Skills in
battle. It won't even cost you any AP! Here is a list of all
Item Magic I have found this far.

Item Magic Effect
Bamboo Stick ----- Cure Confusion(1)
Flamethrower Fireblast lv 2 Fire Magic(A)
King's Sword Protect Increases Defense(1)
PiercingEdge Weaken Reduce Defense(1)
Render Frost lv 1 Water Magic(1)
Royal Sword Drain Receive HP equal to dmg done(1)

--- Ranged Attacks --------------------------------- s13\5 -

Some weapons have the property 'Ranged' to them. Ranged
physical attacks work slightly different from standard
physical attacks. When you have a Ranged Attack, you can't
be countered. Also, Kryrik's Will can be executed from the
Back Row.

--- Treasure Trading ------------------------------- s13\6 -

You have to trade the Ball you carry around at several
locations in order to get all of Marlok's Skills. These are
all the trade locations:

1. Lead Ball: Sarai p011
2. Bronze Ball: Ludia (can't come back) p050
3. Iron Ball: Shyde p066
4. Brass Ball: Shrine p072
5. Tin Ball: Wyndia p076
6. Copper Ball: Crash Site p118
7. Silver Ball: Synesta p119
8. ElectrumBall: Shikk p127
9. Gold Ball: Chiqua p155
10.PlatinumBall: Sonne p178

= Questions s14 =

If you have any questions, please ask me. If you have a
question of which the answer is easily found in this FAQ,
don't. If my explanation is too vague, though, or the
answer is illogically placed, tell me. I will be willing
to answer your question, and I will also try to modify my
FAQ so that the answer can be found more easily or is
actually answered.

What you should do to find the answer to any question:
1. Get the newest version of this guide at
2. Read the Frequently Asked Questions section below.
3. Search the FAQ in each section where you think you might
be able to find your answer.
4. If you either can't find the answer or you don't
understand my explanation, mail me. If the reason why you
couldn't find the answer is because my guide is unclear,
explain to me what is unclear so I can try to improve it.

I want this FAQ to be clear and helpful, so don't be afraid
to ask me if your question remains unanswered.

Try being a little clear, I've received mail with just a
loose question in it. It's okay to ask me any way you like
(except for insults of course), but when I don't understand
what you are talking about, I can't answer your question.

Obviously, I won't be able to answer your question if you
ask me something about a part of the game I didn't reach
yet. I also don't want any spoilers coming my way. So don't.
Be patient, ask someone else, or find out yourself.

--- Frequently Asked Questions --------------------- s14\1 -

* How many discs is Breath of Fire IV? *

That's an easy one. One disc. This is because Capcom threw
in almost no FMV, and PSX graphics games don't take up so
much space they require more than one disc, unless a lot of
FMV/Speech is added. Capcom put in a small bit of FMV,
though, I guess just to fill up the disc.

* How do I navigate through the Plains area? *

Lots of people seem to have trouble with this. But it's
really simple. If you head in the direction you are told to,
it should be easy as pie. For heading toward Cray's moms
camping site, make sure you have a whelk first.

Lots of people seem to have trouble with the compass. Here
is a little ASCII to explain it:

Red pin
W - + - E
White pin

When you are standing on the plains, with the view from the
back of Ryu, follow these simple instructions:

Head east (there's a compass in the upper left of the
screen. You are already facing east.) until you arrive at
the big rock, by pressing up on the D-Pad. At the big rock,
turn (left, right, L1, L2, R1, R2, it doesn't matter).

For Cray's mom's tent, turn to the southeast. Walk there
until you see smoke, and head on a little further to the
tent. You're there.

For Mt. Glom, head south. You'll even see a volcano where
you need to go. Keep going until the plains become gold, and
you will be there.

* How come I can't catch any fish with the Spoon? *

Since the Spoon is lv 0, you have to perform a Tech to catch
any fish with it. Try Tech 4, it's reasonably easy.

* How do I learn Skills from enemies? *

Guard while the enemy uses the Skill you wish to learn. If
it is currently learnable (it's a learnable Skill and you
didn't learn it yet, and also, you can learn it from this
particular enemy), it will appear in blue. Otherwise, it
appears in black.

= Author's Notes s15 =

These are just some random thoughts I jotted down.

Well, here it is, my second guide. I think that the layout
is a lot better than my first guide (BoF3 Powerup guide,
also available at, especially because I
spent some time designing it before I started actually
writing. I started this guide before I even had BoF4, and
this gave me quite some time to design the layout. And to
create an ASCII art. If you ever want to create a FAQ (it's
fun, really!), I can recommend spending some time on design.
Compare this FAQ to my BoF3 powerup guide and you'll see why
(not that I think my BoF3 guide looks bad).

When reading my own BoF3 guide I also found that 6 inch
lines was too long. I cut the length back to 5 inch in this
FAQ, and I think it looks much better.

I hope you like my FAQ, I'm trying my best to put some
quality in it.

Since it's in nowadays to apologize for bad ASCII, I
apologize for any bad ASCII you find in this document (I
don't want to stay behind :)!

I got some mail from someone who said:

> Why do you have to place your Breath of Fire 4 Stats even
> though it sucks? Sorry, I dont mean any offenses. Just
> asking. You havent even caught an Acheron, the Bullcat, a
> Spearfish, Sturgeon, Whale, Black Porgy, tsk tsk tsk...

Just so you know, such mail is NOT appreciated. I don't put
my email at the top of this FAQ just so you can brag about
how great you supposedly are. Neither am I posting my stats
here in this guide to show off, I just do it for people who
might be interested (in fact, someone asked me to put them
in). When you know BoF4 related stuff better then me, by all
means, mail me. But give the information to me, don't brag
to me, please. I intend to make this FAQ complete, but
people who send mail like this don't understand the sheer
amount of work that comes with that. I have no time (nor do
I want to) to make a contest out of it. Don't get me wrong,
I appreciate it when people share with me where they are in
the game, or other stuff, but this guy is just bragging.

Sorry for all that, but I get real annoyed by mail like
that. Even if he says he doesn't mean to offend me, I am
pretty offended by this, you know?

Now, this guy sent me a reply. For anyone who is interested,
here follows his second, even more offending mail:

> Ha! and who would've thought that someone would be
> INTERESTED with your stats? Don't make me laugh! And don't
> give me an excuse that you could catch the larger fishes
> during the point where you are in the game... Sorry,
> couldnt help ya, ive already given contributions with
> Dalez...he he By the way, dont bother replying anymore coz
> ur gonna be SBed ok?

He's some guy named Federico M Ang (I'm not going to tell
you his email). I'm sorry I won't be able to place any more
of his interesting "constructive comments" (which are, of
course, not meant offensive), because I blocked his mail.

Note: Someone told me what 'SBing' means. He blocked my
mail. As if I have anything to tell him...

= My Stats s16 =

For those who are interested, here is my current Status:

Encounters: 758
Max Hits Combo: 124
Max Combo Damage: 318098
Fishing pts.: 9876
Faeries: 20
Game pts.: 18494

The 124 Hit Combo was achieved by making ALL faeries troops,
and then using Megaphone, FaerieAttack, and FaerieCharge.

The 318098 damage Combo was done against a Trean, with the
Trunked strategy.

= Credits s17 =

» Capcom for yet another great Breath of Fire game.
» All the people who sent me reactions and comments on my
power up guide for BoF3. The whole reason I decided to
write this FAQ is because I enjoyed writing that one so
» Jeff Maxwell( for various info
about the start of the game, and even more various info
about the early middle of the game. He has really given me
a lot of useful info. He is also the one who totally
explained the concept of the smith to me. Thanks Jeff!
» Mordechai( for the Earth Ward in the
Woods near Kyria.
» Matthew Gordon( for quite some
various info.
» Ronny Tankersley( for some info about
the Faerie Village.
» Martez R Haynes( for the info on how the
Faerie Troops work, and the Chopsticks at the crate
» Gaist Heidegger( for the Happy Status, and
some Faerie Village info.
» Mike M( for the 124-Hit Combo.
» Thomas Rogers( for the Aurum in Sarai,
the Spoon at the crane subgame, Scias' Ice Blade, and
Cray's Special.
» Holly Kerr ( for sending me a
list of some of Ershin's armor.
» Nick W ( for the Skulfish' HP and
the tip on the singing guy.
» Nick Woelfl ( for a full list of all the
boss' HP.
» Marcell ( for the advice to sell
» for quite a big list of stolen
» for hinting me about the existence of the
Rider and the Chopam.
» Jay (Ferretocrates@aol) for the easy Aurum trick in the
Faerie Village Aurum Shop.
» Patbeater5000 (no email by request) for various info and
» Guardian ( for various hints.

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Enemy Information guide & Misc. lists compilation

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Pabpab Language Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Boss Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free

16.Октябрь 2013
Script FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Combo Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Level 37 Save.

17.Октябрь 2013
Spiel ist komplett.

18.Октябрь 2013
Enemy Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
The Unchanged

11.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the US NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014
24.Июль 2014