Breath of Fire 4

Breath of Fire 4

18.10.2013 02:28:11
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Breath of Fire IV FAQ/Walkthrough
Written By: Dyson Turner
Date: 4/15/02
Ver: 1.5

Table of Contents:

I: Revision History

II: Introduction

III: Game Basics

IV: Walkthrough

Chapter 1: Awakening

1a: Ryu
1b: Fou-Lu
1c: Sarai and Sandflier Valley
1d: Hexland
1e: Just a Dream and the Mudpit
1f: Trap City and The Trap Woods
1g: Making it to and out of Synesta
1h: Bandit's Hideout and Sandflier Warf
1i. Fou-lu in the Mountains
1j: End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Endless

2a: Back Home
2b: Worent Tribe and the Golden Plains
2c: Volcano and Faerie Madness
2d: Saving a Friend
2e: Going to Wyndia
2f: Wyndia and Beyond
2g: Wind Dragon and Chek
2h: Ershin's Mind and Fou-Lu in Sonne
2i: Back in Ershin's Mind and Sinchon
2j: Fou-Lu in Mt. Yogy
2k: End of Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Streams

3a: Fou-Lu stopped in the Forest
3b: Getting a Sandflier
3c: Shikk Region Other Stuff and Mt. Giga
3d: Check point and Shikk
3e: 'Xploring the Salt Sea
3f: Starting your western Journey.
3g: Pukapuka
3h: Stranded
3i: Fou-Lu in the Capital and getting off the island
3j: Shan River and Chiqua
3k: En Jhous Ruins & River
3l: Pauk Village, and The Emperor's Tomb
3m: End of Chapter III

Chapter 4: That Which Passes

4a: Chedo
4b: End of Game
4c: Clear Game


VI: Dragon Gene Guide

VII: Faerie Village Guide

VIII: Fishing Guide

IX: Character Bios

X: Thanks

XI: Copyrights
I: Revision History (As if you cared :)

4/15/2002 1.5 - Dragon Blade found & 99 Stamps

-Simmo has given me information regardign the 'Dragon Blade'
-Simmo has given me information regarding 99 Stamps

1/29/2001 1.0 - Walkthrough Completed
-Everything is basically done, so if I do another update it will be on an
item list or something!
- Dragon Evocations Added

1/27/2001 0.9 - Chapter 3 Completed
-Started Chapter 4

1/26/2001 0.7 -Chapter 3e through 3k done
- Fishing Guide Started and Completed

1/19/2001 0.55-Chapter 3 Started

- Sections 3a - 3d completed

1/18/2001 0.5- Chapter 2 Completed

-Spelling in Chapter 2 is Fixed
-Dragon Evocation Locations will be added soon as Walkthrough is complete

1/13/2001 0.31- Added some small work on the walkthrough

1/12/2001 0.3- Online Readied the Guide
-Fixed all grammar mistakes
-worked on walkthrough

1/11/2001 0.25- Chapter 1 of Walkthrough Complete

-New Questions Added to FAQ
-Corrected Grammar Errors and misspelled names
-Did other miscellaneous non-walkthrough related work
-Decided to do game Basics Section

1/4/2001- Did the stuff around the guide
-Decided Not to do lists, simply because I couldn't find all the weapons and
items this game has just too many
-I got the Dragon Gene Guide finished
-I got the Faerie Village Guide Finished
-I did the Bios, Thanks, and Copyrights.

1/3/2001- Decided to actually work on guide
-Lay out Complete
-5 Questions in FAQ
-Introduction Complete
-Beginning of the game started

II: Introduction

Breath of Fire IV is quickly becoming one of my favorite games of 2000 is not
it is my favorite game of 2000. This game combines many things to make the
game worth while and fun to play, lots of fun many games interesting
characters and more. I will help you a lot with the game, by explaining
things step by step with bosses and enemies and to help you out with areas.
This guide covers the entire game so before you e-mail me please check the

III: Game Basics


Direction Button
-Move Character
-Move Cursor on Menu

Left Analog Stick
-Move Character
-Move Cursor on Menu

Right Analog Stick
No Use

-Open Help Screen (During Battle)


/\ (Triangle)
-Use Personal Action

-Toggle Characters on Status Screen

- Open Sub Screen
- Review Enemy Info

- Talk/Check
-Accept on menu

-Change Character Order

-Change View

-Change Character Order

-Change View
Battle Basics

-Acquiring Skills through Enemies

Very similar to what we saw on Breath of Fire III, so the concept of learning
enemy skills should not be foreign to those who have experienced that. So the
same applies to this, but the system has been revamped. Here is the scoop by
utilizing the guard feature in a battle, your character will take a lesser
hit and also pick up a skill. Also unlike BOF3 where you had to watch a
certain enemy by simply guarding, you may pick up a skill from any enemy.
Also you may wonder how do you know whether or not an enemy has a learnable
skill? Well that's pretty simple as well. There are 2 colors:

Blue- when an enemy casts a magic and the words are in blue then this is a
learnable skill. If you like what the enemy did then guard until someone
picks it up.

Red- This is a skill, which you can't learn, or a skill that a character will
pick up by leveling up or getting it from a master.

- Magic Combos

If you are out of touch and have no idea what a combo is I will explain it to
you. A combo is a chained attack pattern that the enemy can do nothing about.
Combos are new to the Breath of Fire Realm and they are a much cool and
needed addition. By utilizing combos you are certain to get in a ton of hits,
and maybe even do an advanced spell! To do a combo you must remember or know
a few key things:

1. It doesn't matter what magic starts a combo, or if the magics even go

2. Never use the fastest character to start the combo, the character speed
that is first will set the tone for the battle, so a slower character won't
be able to keep up. Say you are using Ershin, Ursula, and Nina. Say you want
to do the combo of Inferno + Inferno + Typhoon = Gigaflare. You would put
Ershin first since she is the slowest, then either Ursula then Nina. This way
you will get about a 70% success rate on the combo.

3. Combo Magic, Some Combo's won't just do 3 spells back to back to back.
Some times a spell will combine to form a more powerful spell. An example of
this is the enemy skill burn and Nina's wind skill Sever. Put the character
who uses Burn first then have Nina follow up, Nina's 'Sever' will become
Firewind a much more powerful magic. There are a lot of magic combinations
they are easy to figure out if you know the magic order in the game. Of
course a spell like Ice + fire will amount to nothing. But Earth + Fire will.
The magic order is:
Fire then Wind, then Water then Earth, then back to fire.
Understanding the World Map

This World Map maybe foreign to those who played Breath of Fire III. Unlike
most RPG's where you get a free-range map. This time you have to walk on a
dotted line which is very similar to RPG fans that experience Legend of

Like Breath of Fire III, you have spots on the map marked with a Question
Mark '?'. These places usually lead to an area filled with enemies and they
have a treasure on them. The treasure is usually something you can buy from
any store. Other times there may be something more to '?' areas, because they
may have a sign in them. These signs usually lead to Fishing Spots.

There are also places marked with a Huge Exclamation Point '!!'. These places
are unavoidable and usually have something to do with the game it self.

By pressing select you will get a large view of the map, after an event in
the game you will get a thing called shift. Shift enables you to, go to a
place you have previously gone since you got the shift. You go there
automatically just incase it takes a while to get there.

IV: Walkthrough


Walkthrough Note: Unlike the other in-depth walkthroughs that are based on
the compass, mine is not. Mine is based on the default compass direction
where you get a behind and slightly above character view.

1a: Ryu

As the games starts you will see Cray Chief of the Worent Village, and Nina
Princess of Wyndia. They are on their Sand Flier in search of Nina's lost
sister Elina. Suddenly they here the rumblings of a Dragon. The Dragon
attacks the Sandflier that Cray and Nina were aboard. They fall off the
Sandflier, Nina suggests going to a nearby town to find parts that will help
repair the Sand Flier. Cray gives Nina the King's Sword just incase she runs
into a monster on her way to the near by town. Just walk away from Cray and
you will end up on the world map. Walk across the dotted line and a huge hard
to miss exclamation point will appear, enter here.

When you enter you will see a huge crater, a merchant fell in the hole and he
finds his way out. Suddenly Nina will see what appears to be a shadow of a
dragon she can't make it out; the shadow will watch her and quickly leave.
Then a naked young man will appear. Nina will be startled by the man's
nakedness, so she tells the naked man to put on clothing. He does, this is
Ryu the main character in all the Breath of Fire's. Ryu tells Nina that he is
lost and doesn't remember how he got there or how he got naked either. After
Ryu put on the clothing she will give Ryu the King's Sword which he can use
just incase they run into monsters.

So just leave this place by following the trail there aren't any forks here.
You will be back on the world map, before you enter the next town look for a
question mark to appear over Ryu's head. If you see one this means there is a
treasure near by, but in there areas there are monsters too. The monsters
make getting to that treasure a tad harder than it should be. Well the main
reason you are here is because of the monsters you want to get in many as
random battles as possible, until it's hard to level up. Level 5 for Ryu and
Level 6 for Nina is good for now. When you feel as though you have enough
Zenny and exp. please leave this place and head for a place called Cliff.

When you enter go right down the small slopes then when you hit the wall go
left. Then go left then follow the path. You will come upon "the end of the
road". Nina will inform you that you can jump over the small ledge here. She
will tell you how, it's pretty simple you can do it by just walking near a
ledge and pressing X. Then there will be another one, Ryu will make it but
Nina will not. Ryu will think Nina plunged to her death so he will jump down
after her. Nina was saved because she has wings, which allow her to levitate.
Ryu unfortunately doesn't have wings so he falls on his face.

Ryu will be ok, the sky will get dark and Nina will suggest they find some
where to spend the night instead of waiting. Just head left and you will find
a cave. The screen will shift to the inside of the cave and Nina has told Ryu
her story and her dilemma about the ship parts.
1b: Fou-Lu

After that the screen will shift to a new place. A man named Fou-Lu and a cat
like creature will be standing on top of a tower. The man will ask the lion
to watch the tomb until he returns the lion obeys. After this just run down
the stairs. I will tell you something very important, as the Fou-Lu character
Ryu and Fou-Lu share things. They share abilities that you learn from
Master's or from examining. However they do not share items Zenny or
equipment. So if you think you can cheat by pooling Fou-Lu's armor, then well
you got another thing coming. Also try not to take any treasure chest as Fou-
lu because you really don't need them.

Once you can control Fou-Lu go down the stairs and exit out the screen then
you will be in a forest. Then make a left then up a small incline then jump
across. Now go right, keep right then go down. Keep walking down and you
will see two guards. They are there because they heard about a death bring
dragon being awaken. Fou-Lu then questions the guards and asks if their were
going to kill this dragon. Then Fou-Lu summons his dragon he destroys the
entire area. Now when you can control Fou-Lu again go south past the crater
and then go to the right and you will be on the world map.

Note: You can not set up camp as Fou-Lu.
Anyway make a left, and you will be at a forest. When you get in the forest
just follow the path up and you will see a shadow figure. This man wants to
stop Fou Lu!
Boss Fight I
Front Line Party: Fou-Lu
Back Line: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: Astral
Item: Ambrosia

This fight is cake. Even though Kham and Fou-Lu's properties offset one
another Fou-Lu can still beat win this battle rather easily. As soon as you
can get a turn, meditate into the Astral Dragon. Keep using Eraser on Kham,
if his attacks are lowering Fou Lu's Astral Dragon's HP too low, just bash it
with normal attack. The main form of attack for Kham is Flaming Fist, luckily
Flaming Fist misses 90% of the time so you won't have to worry about it. In
no time you should be finished with this battle.

After the fight Fou-Lu will get away. The man will tell some soldiers to burn
the forest down with flaming arrows. The forest section is strait forward and
it doesn't have any forks (or spoons either ;). Soon you will come upon a
bridge once you do Q-Bert will appear. Actually this man is named Yohm and he
is one of the generals of the Fou-Lu Imperial Army, he burns the bridge and
Fou-Lu falling about 200 feet. He commands his men to search for the body.
1c: Sarai and Sandflier Valley

When you enter Sarai Town, Nina will ask if you will be ok. You will get
three choices pick the first two and she will leave pick the third and she
will stay. Might as well pick the third choice because it really doesn't make
a difference anyway. Well whatever you decided, it's time to explore the
town. There is a weapon shop and a house or two to explore. The weapon shop
is outside and you should be able to buy new things for both characters. When
you are through go to west part of town and you will see a building with an
ostrich in front enter here.

When you enter go down the stairs and speak to the green Manillo, he will
want to sell you a "treasure" for 158 Zenny. Buy it from him, it's a lead
ball the first of many treasures you will be able to buy from people. Now
proceed to the man eating by the bar counter. The man knows about the
Sandflier Parts but he wants to be happy, with food and drink and this will
lead to the first of many mini games.
Mini Game I
Happy Old Man

There are four types of food and drink you can use on the old man. Wine and
Steak gets the old man real happy and real quick. Don't stuff him with one
food or drink or he will either be too drunk or too full. One steak, One Wine
strategy in my opinion works the best so do that. If you feed the old man all
steak and wine you will receive a Panacea, feed him cheap food you will
receive a couple of antidotes.

The old man will tell you there is an Information Specialist outside of the
Inn. Now if you picked the first two options Nina will be outside the Tavern
with a Monkey Man. The Monkey Man, says he knows where they can find
Sandflier parts. Tell Nina you don't trust him, then go near the entrance to
find the man outside of the Inn. The man will be there but like everything
else in this town you will have to pay for it.
Mine Game II
Pay for the Info

The object here is simple you get 4 chances to match a price he is willing to
pay to get you Sandflier Parts. Now the trick to it is you have to pay the
right price you don't want to be cheated, by paying an enormous price like
200 Zenny for the same info you would get cheaper. The price is 130 Zenny, if
you pay it he will tell you that there is a black market. He will also tell
you, that you need a password to get into the black market. Most Merchants
know the password and one has just left town.

Now leave town and follow the dotted line until you reach the first ? place.
Enter there when you make it there follow the path until you reach a fork,
make a left and you will be back on the world map. A new dotted line will
appear with a fish as the mark. You will be at a fishing hole, if you have
bought a Fishing pole and some lure in Sarai you can fish if you were absent
minded like me and figured "I'm in the freakin' desert there is no water
around!", then you can't fish yet. You could just go back to Sarai and buy
the fishing pole and the lure.

The game provides a _VERY_ detailed explanation on fishing so you don't need
my help here. When you are done fishing exit the fishing hole. Now leave and
look for another ? place. Enter there and follow the path until you reach a
small oasis, a merchant and an ostrich will be here. Just speak to the
merchant and he will give you the password. Now leave this place and head
back to Sarai. Just go strait to the Tavern, and go behind the counter you
will tell the bar tender the password automatically and he will allow you
access to the door behind the bar. There will be a few men in there, they
will inform you it is illegal for them to sell Sandflier parts.

Don't give up hope they say if you go to a place called Sandflier Valley then
you can get Sandflier parts, you just have to bring them back to him and he
will refurbish them. Proceed out of Sarai and you will get a new dotted path,
which will lead you to Sandflier Valley. Once you get to Sandflier Valley go
strait and you will come upon a broken sandflier. Turn the wheel to the left
once, and then the path will be open to you. Head back down and make a right.
Now through the broken sandflier go down a board and through another hole in
the sandflier. Now keep going and enter the hole of another sandflier, go up
the steps and then climb the ladder to be on the main part of it.

Get the treasure and climb back down the ladder. Now go the machine next to
the stairs turn it on and a small elevator will come down from the top of the
flier. Get on it and it will take you up on the sand. Now just go strait and
go into the building. Now once inside you will see an old man and a dog,
speak to the man and he will tell you that you can dig up some good sandflier
parts here.
Mini Game III
Dig for the Parts

You get a shovel and a dog. The object is to dig where the dog sniffs the dog
is very accurate so where he barks there is something there. The dog and a
shovel costs 50 Zenny, the Shovel is just 25 Zenny. Take the dog and the
shovel out first he will bark at 3 spaces remember them or lick the screen
whatever you have to do. There are plenty of items to be dug up here and not
just the ship parts, if you care about metal scraps Glass shards, and a Sage
Staff then keep digging. 3 Not hitting digs and the shovel will break, if you
hit an item or the parts then that's like 2 hits because the shovel will
break quicker. You can get 2 hits in one turn, if you're lucky enough. If you
just want the ship parts dig around the middle of the screen.

Now proceed out of the Valley once on the world map set up camp somewhere and
Rest and Save since you haven't done it in a while, now go back inside of
Sarai. Proceed back to the Tavern when you do you will see an Imperial
Soldier, he is roughing up the BarTender. He is also questioning him on what
happened to the crater a few miles back. The bar tender knows nothing and the
man hits him with magic. The Imperial Soldier was looking for a dragon in the
area. Nina shows up and he realizes she is a Wyndian Princess. So he sends a
creation after Nina...
Boss Fight II
Front Line Party: Nina
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: N/A
Item: Aurum

Joh isn't that difficult of a fight considering you should be at full health
and the game realizes you only have Nina. Now, he mainly uses normal attacks,
a burn spell and Flail. The burn spell doesn't do much damage the flail
misses a lot and normal attacks aren't that powerful as well. Just keep using
Sever on it. Nina should heal if her Hp's drop to a low level. After a few
Severs Joh will go down.

After the fight Ryu will finally show up. The Imperial Solider will make a
joke about how he wasn't around to protect the princess. Ryu will take
offense and smack him with the sword, Ryu and Nina will then leave town. You
will be on the world map go back towards cliff and a huge !! will appear. You
have no choice but to go in. You will then see a bunch of soldiers but Ryu
and Nina will be hiding behind a bunch of rocks. When you can control them
leave from behind the rocks the merchant from earlier will spot you and
inform you that the soldiers have cut off the pass. He tells you another
route around their blockade.
1d: Hexland

When you are back on the world map you will see a route leading to a new
place. Follow it there is a town called Chamba there. When you enter you will
realize this town is smaller than you heard, but Nina and Ryu will think
someone can help them. Look around town there is a weapon shop here with a
Manillo in it buy some curative items here because you will need them. This
town also has a free Inn so I suggest making use of that in the future. Go to
the upper right point of the town and you will find two men up there speak to
the man sitting down. The old man will tell you why Chamba is smaller than it
use to be. According to him there was a hex on the town, and when a place is
Hex it's unlivable.

After he says that a group of people will enter the town, the old man
explains that these people are called purifiers. They go around the eastern
continent in armor and they help get rid of hexes in the area. Now go down
the stairs and go to the left a man will be inside, speak to him chose to
wait with him twice. You will find out that this man is named Tab. After you
wait with them, Nina will explain the situation and she will want to know if
there is anyway around Chamba. Tab will tell you that you will need to wear
an armor to get through the area, or you can wait a year for the Hex to be
cleared. Naturally, Nina doesn't want to wait so Tab suggested that you
should ask one of the men to guide you through the area.

Go around town and speak to everyone check back to his house and when Tab is
waiting outside of the house it is ok to talk to him again. He will not help
you or give you any armor either so it seems just about hopeless. The screen
will shift for something waddling towards the gate, suddenly it will open and
give everyone a scare. It was only a thing calling itself Ershin, Ershin is
the leader of the purifiers. Ershin will want to assist you through the Hex.
Ershin will join the party and when you are ready go through the gate that
Ershin came in through.

Now this place is tricky to navigate through and to explain. First go strait
then make a left when you get on the first roof. When you do that make your
way across a bridge that goes strait. Now climb up a ladder to get on top of
a roof. Now go on to the roof right next to it go down a ramp and you will be
at a fork. Go right until it takes you north. Keep going north, now go up
another roof and make a right. Then go across the bridge and you will be in
the next area. In the next place make a left, now Ershin will tell that she
has been informed that you are to break up at this point. You can switch
between Ershin, and Nina and Ryu by pressing select.

Press select and control Ershin first have Ershin go down the near by ladder,
then switch the party to Nina and Ryu. Now go strait and you will jump to
another roof. Stand on the crate and it will go down. Press select and switch
back to Ershin. Go underneath the crate and then go left, nearby will be a
ladder going up to a roof. Now press select to switch back to Ryu and Nina,
now you can get off the crate. When you do go right and you will reach a
Valve, Ershin will say she will need to locate the other valve. Now you will
be Ershin climb down the ladder and go up then make a right, and you will be
where the other Valve is, press X by Valve.

Ryu and Ershin will have to switch it at the same time they will
automatically do so, once this is done the mist in the area will be reduced
and you will be in a new area, and the party will be back together. Once you
have control go left, then go across the bridge, Nina says she heard of felt
something, Ershin says it's just the hex. Now you go and cure everyone make
sure you can cure as much as possible. Now continue across the bridge,
eventually you will see the thing in the hex. Ershin and Nina will run across
a rather weak bridge, keep mashing X to run across the bridge that is falling
apart. Now it's go time!
Boss Fight III
Skull Fish
Front Line Party: Nina, Ryu, Ershin
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dragon Gene: Not Needed
Item: Antidote

Keep Ershin as the third character because she is slower than Ryu and Nina
is, you should have Ershin mainly throwing curative items you bought in town.
Skull Fish will use a poison attack plus it can confuse you. Ryu should have
learned Burn from the Eye Goo and Nina already has Sever. So you should
combine the two to make Firewind, that is the quickest way to defeat this
thing. Also if there are no desperate energy needs have Ershin through in an

After the fight go down a ladder then go down another ladder and you will be
outside of the town. Ershin says that Ershin wants to go wherever Ryu goes,
and she will remain a member of your party. Now you will be back on the world
map, plus you can make it back to the crash site. Cray miraculously is still
waiting! Wow, Nina informs Cray that she was unable to obtain the ship parts,
but Cray, is just happy that she is safe. Nina introduces Ryu and Ershin to
Cray, and he says they should rest for the night.
1e: Just a Dream and the Mudpit

Abruptly, you will find your self in a weird place and Ryu Nina and Cray will
be together. Nina will mention something about a dream, and you get control
of the characters. When you do to your left or so should be a diary you
should rest and save before continuing on. Also to be noted their are some
pretty powerful but beatable monsters in the area. I suggest you take
advantage of the diary and get in to some random battles to vastly improve
your levels. When you are ready to go about your way head strait then go to
the left. Keep following along the path going left and you will make your way
to a set of stairs.

Now when you go up the stairs go strait then make a right and then go through
the door there. Walk forward and Cray will notice two men inside the room.
The two men will be discussing something, and Cray will mention that if you
walk behind the curtain you can avoid these men. Now walk behind the curtain
and when you try to walk through the door, everything will turn white and you
will be back at the desert camp. Apparently Nina and Cray shared the same
dream, Ershin explains that it was Ryu's dream and those who have the dragon
eye can see images that may be the future. Now you will automatically leave
this place. You will be back on the world map and you will see a new path
leading to a place called Kurok.

Kurok is pretty strait forward and their aren't any forks here really so
getting through here should be pretty easy. You shouldn't be able to miss the
first master of the game he is Rwolf a Wolf man who is next to an ostrich. He
can teach you some things (to learn about his stats refer to my Master's
Guide). You should use Nina with him, and if you already did the 5 hit combo
then you should be on your way with the first spell. If you haven't done it
yet then you can easily do it here on the valley when fighting some of the
groups of monsters here. When you learn the spell give it to Cray. When you
are done with the master then leave the alley by going to the path on your

Once you are back on the world map I suggest pitching a tent and setting up
camp. Unless you didn't get into any fights in Kurok Valley. Either way
continue along the path on the world map until you reach the Dam. When you
enter it will look pretty deserted but someone will come along and tell you
the deal. According to him a dragon has been acting up in the area and many
of the workers have ran off in fear because the dam might break. Now, when
you gain control of the party again, climb down the ladder. Then go to the
right then you will find another ladder so climb down that one as well. Then
go to the right you should see the orange marker so climb down another ladder
to reach the insider of the dam.

Now just go left and you will leave the inside. Now go down the stairs on the
left and go to the right. You will see a man who looks mysteriously like Fahl
the Bartender from BOF3. Now go down the ladder to the left of him. Now walk
on the path of planks you can walk on the mud but it slows down your progress
so you can't run on it. Just follow the wooden path and speak to the man
inside the overhanging. He tells you to get to the other side you will have
to close the Sluice. You will need a Sluice key a kid named Rhoppe has it.
Rhoppe is the guy to the southwest in the mud who has an inner tube. Speak to
him and he will give you the key to the Sluice.

Now that you have the key head back up the stairs and inside the dam. You
will see a steel gate that use to say authorized personnel only you might
have notice it and that you couldn't enter it before, but now with the key
you can open it. Just pull the lever on the machine and sluice will close.
Now go outside and go up the ladder then go up the ladder on the left of
there. There will be a treasure there so get it and then, go back down the
ladder then another ladder then go across the plank on the right. Enter the
room and open the gate. Now pull the lever like you did previously and the
machine will not work. Now a woman will show up she will tell you that the
machine isn't working that well, this will start a mini game! (You haven't
had one in a while...)
Mini game IV

The woman will tell you the idea is for Ryu to turn the wheel really fast and
someone next to the lever will pull it in order for it to work. To turn the
wheel you will have to rotate the directional pad clockwise. I'm not 100%
certain that you can use the dual shock pad. But if you can it would be
better than the normal buttons. Anyway keep rotating it until Ryu's starts to
sweat and you hear a squeal from the wheel. Now press O quickly. If
everything went right you should have the plank lifted

Now climb up the ladder and go to the left, then go up a ladder than make a
right. Now go across the plank and keep right and go up the ladder that is
right next to the plank area. Keep going right and then enter the door and
you will be back inside the Dam. Go strait through this underground area and
you will be back outside, in the muddy area. Head across the path and you
will reach a ladder climb down the ladder and pull the lever once you get
there. Now go back to the man inside the overhanging you will give him the
key back. He will now tell Rhoppe to close the Sluice's again. He will then
help you get out of there.

Suddenly a man will ring a bell loudly and annoyingly, he will say the Dam
has broken and you will need to clear out of the area. The man will give you
the lever and tell you to operate it yourself because he has to get out of
there. Now go over to the machine. Examine the box and Ryu will use the
lever. It will not work at first Nina suggest messing with it some more. Keep
mashing X and you will get out of there with a moment to spare. You will see
that everyone got out safely and Rhoppe is having a blast drifting away in
the inner tube. You will now be back on the world map. Once you are on the
world map head for the new path that should have just opened up.

A huge ! will stop you on your way, and you will be at a beautiful sandy
area. A huge dragon will be right on shore, then an old rat lady will appear,
she will tell you some info about the dragons. She will offer to "sing the
song of the dragons". You can cough up 10 Zenny or 100, I figured don't waste
time just give her 100 Zenny. Then you will be able to leave this area.
1f. Trap City and The Trap Woods

Writer's Rant: I hate go through this town and this forest, it was boring
difficult and an overall pain in the ass. Now, I have to write about this
place...ughhh in my opinion this place is worst than the desert in BOF3.

Anyway when you leave the Woman you will be in a town called Kyria. An orange
Manillo near the entrance will warn you that the town is riddled with traps.
Anything that looks funny in this town don't go near it, although the traps
are explained by the people near them so in a way it gives you a small
foreshadow as to what will happen when you enter the forest. Enter the first
house you see speak to the people inside and they will tell you more about
why the town is riddled with traps. Now leave the house, (this house also
doubles as a free Inn) and purposely step on the trap that you see. No point
going into the next house, and then go across the bridge there is a trap on
the bridge ignore it if you can.

Now speak to the two men next to the bridge. Talk to the man on the right 5
times and you will get an item. Now go past these two guys and go to the
lefts you will find a hole behind a kid drop through the hole make your way
through the underground area. You will find your self in a house (If it's a
shack full of barrels your in the wrong house. If you see a couple of parrots
your in the right house. Speak to the parrot near the cabinet, and he will
try to trick you. Answer the opposite of you would normally answer if your
slightly slow. Then the answers are: We really have no time for this..., No,
No, Not really. Then ask the parrot for information regarding the mayor. The
parrot will tell you the mayor has left and he is in the forest. Which is
your next stop.

There are a few more things to do in the town that are trap related but the
most important thing is the guy who is using the puppet. You might have met
him in Sarai he tells you a few more advanced things about the game. Now go
to the Manillo by the entrance of the town and he is selling items, don't get
anything curative at this point because you don't need it, and go back on the
world map. Proceed to the Woods. Now continue along the path until you reach
a man standing in your path he will tell you that the mayor is either lost in
the forest captured by the boar or captured in his own trap. You will tell
them you need to find the mayor.

The man will give you an apple, but you can get more apples using Ershin. Put
Ershin in front of the party and have her headbutt the tree 99 times, and you
will get 99 apples. This is a cheap way to gain apples and to have HP. Now go
behind the man and out of this screen. Now you can fall into the holes here
and get the treasures. But I just want you to get out of here with as little
trouble as possible. Go strait until you reach a well then make a right and
you will find a stump press X near it and place an apple on the stump. The
boar will come out of the forest sniff out the apple, eat it and run away you
have to follow the tracks of the boar. It's pretty simple, just make sure not
to get trapped while following the boars tracks.

Their are traps all over the place and some of these traps are harder to spot
than others. You will eventually come to a clearing in the tree's there is an
Earth ward there get it. Now make your way back to the entrance of this place
and you will find a stump. Place an apple on the stump and watch the boar do
the same thing he did last time, but this time keep following him it's harder
to follow these traps because you may go astray because of the other tracks
are still their. If you see some tracks that lead out of the place follow
those both if they go away keep a mental note and you can still get out of
this place.

Now you will be by a waterfall, follow the path here until you get into the
next area there aren't any forks or side paths here unless you count the one
that leads to the treasure eventually you will be on another path. The mayor
will be there, the boar from earlier is also there but the mayor has set a
trap for this boar. The boar runs off, then a Huge boar drops from the sky.
The big boar looks pretty ticked off that you messed with one of it's
Boss Fight IV
Front Line Party: Ryu, Nina, Cray
Back Line Party: Ershin
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dragon Gene: Aura
Item(s): Apple and Flame Punch

If you get the first turn, change Ryu into the Aura form. Now Nina should
cast Cyclone if she has it, and have Cray cast Eddy if you got the 5 hit
combo and gave it to him. Now for the rest of the fight have Ryu and Nina do
the combo of Hwa Cyclone to make Simoon which does a decent chunk of damage
to Maman. Have Cray either attack physically or through apples to those who
are needed (Not Ryu if he is a Dragon at the time). Maman does 3 attacks the
first is it's usual physical attack which is pretty damaging. The second
another physical attack Body Press which may stun the character they do it on
if he happens to Catch Nina with it and stuns her have Ryu and Cray do a
Firewind on him with Burn and Eddy.

It also does a Rock Blast attack that isn't very damaging but everyone might
need an apple afterward to maintain a high HP level. As long as you can keep
Ryu as a Dragon and Nina not stunned you should have a problem. If you
decided on not using Ershin for the back row then Ershin should be using his
normal attack on it, and curing.

Now you will be out of the woods and back on the world map. Proceed back to
Kyria. When you do head to the Mayor's house the normal way. The mayor will
tell you that this town was used as a war camp and that is has a passage to
Synesta in it. The mayor will allow you passage to Synesta in the morning.
Then the screen will shift to the second Fou-Lu sequence. The Imperial Army
did basically not find Fou-Lu, and a man named Bunyan who lived in the Zhinga
Mountains has. If you were a fan of BOF3 you will recognize his name right
away he went from a woodsman to a mountain man. He has helped Fou-Lu get back
to better health.

Now the morning will arrive and you will be back in the town with Ryu and
friends. You will be outside of the Mayor's house, Cray will not be looking
and he will fall through the hole. Find your way back at out and you will be
control of the main party. Now make your way back out the first house Rest
and Save and your ready to go.
1g: Making it to and out of Synesta

Make your way up the hill path and enter the door of the cave. Once inside go
strait and then make a right and follow the small pool of water. Jump over
the ledge and exit the screen. Now, in the next area go to the right and
eventually you will come upon a fork, when you do go down and head into the
next area. Now you can walk across the water here it is shallow enough and
then you can go up the stairs, now you will be in another area. The next part
is strait forward follow the path until you find a ladder that will take you
out of this place altogether. Now you will be in Synesta no one will look at
you funny because you came out of the well either.

When you are able to control your party go to the right and you will be
inside the orphanage inside the orphanage the woman running it will tell you
she will have to feed the children there before she can give you any advice
or assistance. Speak to the children there and they will tell you one of the
children there is missing. Now leave the orphanage and you will see a woman
chasing a boy she will fall down at the end of the sequence. Now go to the
left and you will see an archway. Go past this and go to the right and you
will see a flight of steps proceed up the flight of stairs and you will be on
the upper part of town go and speak to the fallen woman. She will explain
that she must catch Chino the kid who isn't in the orphanage. Approach Chino
and he will run away...
Mini Game V
Catchin' Chino

To catch Chino you have to get close enough to him to speak to him. If Chino
sees you coming he will run in the opposite direction, so to catch him you
have to sneak around somewhere and cut him off. The difficulty of this mini
game is the fact that this town is very maze like even more than Sarai was
and it's hard to find him when he runs off the screen. The bird's eye view
happens to help a lot so it won't be as difficult as you would think. The
best way to catch him is to stay on the upper area of the town and try to see
if you can stop him. Try not to directly go after him try to find an
alternate route and sneak up behind him to get him.

After catching him he will reluctantly go back to the orphanage now it's time
for you to go back to the orphanage. Now go back to the orphanage the woman
there named Lyta will speak with you. She will inform you that Elina was
there and she came bringing gift's and clothing. But where she went Lyta
doesn't know. Now Chino will come in and say that he knows where Elina went
but you will have to play hide and seek with him and the kids in the
orphanage. If you played Hide and Seek in BOF3 it's exactly like that but
more fun.
Mini Game VI
Hide and Seek

There are seven kids throughout town you must find. You have to just find
them and speak to them and they will go back to the orphanage to know how
many you caught go back to the orphanage, count how many you got and there
you have it.

One of them is already there just talk to the kid the kid claims it wasn't

Another kid is in the orphanage as well speak to him and he will give you the
location of Rudd.

Rudd is near the entrance of town to get there go to the archway ignore the
upstairs and then keep going right you will see a set of stairs and Rudd will
be standing on them. Rudd will tell you where Modo is hiding.

To find Modo go to the upper section of the town find the bridge that
connects the upper section and you will see Modo. Modo will give you some odd
directions on finding Konoko. These directions are false.

To find Konoko go to the upstairs section of the Inn.

On your way to find Rudd you might have found another kid if you didn't this
kid is right in the arch, he will also tell you where to find Goete.

Goete is on the western side of town.

Now return to the orphanage, there is still one missing kid (well it's 8 if
you count the kid who claimed it wasn't playing). Modo will tell you that
Chino went hiding where no one would go. Lyta is afraid that it went inside
the Cellar, and then you will see where the cellar is. Now proceed to this
area you should know your where there from Chino chasing. When you do the
guard will claim that it is impossible for anyone to have slipped passed him
while he wasn't looking, he will then get thirsty. Stand in the corner and
eventually a woman holding water will show up he will walk off his post and
buy some water from the woman. Now walk down the steps while the man is going
to buy his water.

Continue down the stairs and you will be in the next area. In the new area go
into the hole. Enter the first room you see and search the shelf for an item.
Forget the next room and just go strait, and you will be in another area. In
this area head down the stairs and you will be another area. Now you will be
in another room check the shelf that you see then go strait and you will be
in another room. Now go up the set of stairs search the shelf for an item and
then go then make a right. Now keep going along the path then down a flight
of stairs. When you are in this place you will see Chino in a cell but he has
a barrel blocking the door.

Now go into the next cell and get the treasure there. Now leave the cell and
go into the next room. Now head up the stairs and you will be inside another
room with two cells. Step on the wooden plank and you will through and be in
the cell with Chino. Speak to Chino and you will be back in the orphanage.
Chino will tell you where you can find Elina now. According to Chino when
Elina left the village he seen her go up to the gate some strange people
spoke to her and left with her. He will also tell you that a shop owner named
Marlok was one of the men. Marlok's shop is the house near the middle of town
guarded by the big man.

Now before continuing since you made a lot of progress I advise you to rest
and save. Now go speak to the man who is guarding Marlok's house you will
have to fight this man!
Boss Fight V
Front Line Party: Ryu, Nina, Cray
Back Line Party: Ershin
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: Aura
Item: Ginseng

Kahn isn't as tough as he may look. The easiest way to bring him down is with
Simoon or Eruption. To keep things easier when the battle starts have Ryu
turn into the Aura Dragon. Now have him alternate between using Hwa + Cyclone
for Simoon and Rock Blast + Burn for Eruption. I suggest you do it in this
order Cray Ryu Nina. Because Ryu can't get stunned as the dragon and if Cray
or Nina get stunned then you will either cast eruption or you will cast
Simoon. Kahn has 2 forms of attacks he can focus, which will increase his
next attack. Or he can use Shout, which may stun people. He really can't hurt
you unless he catches Nina after focusing. If you decided on using Ershin
have her healing and normal attacking.

When Kahn is defeated Marlok will be waiting outside of his house. He will
invite you inside of the house. He tells you that Elina was taken west into
Enemy Territory. He may be able to take you out to the west but you will have
to do some work for him, he wants you to locate a man who stole some of his
goods. He also says Nina has to stay with him to do some work around the
house. Now leave from there and speak to a man near the entrance of the town.
When you do he will inform you that he seen a man with a huge bag leave town.
1h: Bandit's Hideout and Sandflier Warf

When you get on the world map a new route will be there. Before going to the
new place go along the dots until you reach a ? Area. Enter inside, go strait
and you will find a man next to a small pond. Speak to him, and Cray will
talk about the thief who robbed Marlok. The man will run off. Now you have to
go and get the man you will automatically be in Bandit's Hideout. Now go
inside the crack in the wall and approach the man he will run off and this
will start another mini game!
Mini Game VII
Catchin' the Thief

This mini game is exactly like Catchin' Chino Mini game. The object is the
same you have to catch him by getting close enough to speak to the man. But
the thief is way faster than Chino so you won't be able to chase him down,
plus this place isn't as complexes as Synesta so it will be more difficult to
use a sneak technique. This is how you catch him, you have to locate two
barrels, on the left side of the cave near the entrance. Use Cray to push the
barrels to block off the path now chase the thief there, he will turn around
and when he does you should be able to catch him if you don't then try again.

After catching the man, he will tell you that these are his goods, and Marlok
stole them from him and he stole his things back. When you steal something
back it isn't really stealing since it was yours in the first place. So Cray
and the others decide that taking the man's good wouldn't be right. Now you
will be outside the Bandit's Hideout, you can go back in and you will learn
that his name is Stoll, and that he is one of the game's masters! To learn
about Stoll please refer to the Master's Section of this guide. Now go back
to Synesta Marlok will be very angry that you didn't get back his goods he
sends you to the Sandflier's Warf to do some brawn work.

Between Synesta and Sandflier's Warf is a question mark enter here, 90% of
the time, you will be in what seems to be just deserts. But check out the
sign there it says there is a fishing spot on the northeastern part of the
area. Go to the northeastern part and you will be back on the world map. You
will see a fishing spot near by, you can go there relax and fish if you chose
to. When you are ready to continue the actual game go to Sandflier's Warf on
the world map. When you get there go up the stairs and speak to the man next
to the building he says they have a problem in the storage room that Marlok
has instructed you to do.
Mini Game VIII
Striating out the storage room

This job is not easy and it's not fun either. The idea is simple but to move
some of the barrels and jars takes some trial and error if you want to get it
right. Now, on one side of the room you have barrels on the other side of the
room is for jars. You have to push barrels on the blue squares in front of
the sign, you have to push jars on blue squares in front of the jar sign. Old
barrels are supposed to be disposed of by using Ershin's headbutt action. The
problem are when you are destroying an old barrel you will have to fight a
monster. Nothing really powerful but it gets tedious after a while.

When you are done with that job, the man will appear and give you another job
to do.
Mini Game IX
Loading the Sandflier

This job is easier and more fun than the previous job. The idea is simple,
where you see Cray at there will be crates and to your left you will see a
sandflier. You have to take a crate from where Cray is standing and place it
on the sandflier. Aim for the dark blue spaces and you score big points,
ignore the dark blue spaces and load 10 crates to get the job done quickly.
But it is better if you go for the blue spaces.

Now when you are done Nina and Marlok will show up, Marlok awarded me with a
toothpick both times I went through the game. You might get better stuff if
you do less or more. For doing what he has asked he will allow you to ride in
the "Vip" room. The VIP room isn't exactly what you hoped for he has stuffed
you inside of his crates. Everyone especially Cray will not like to be
stuffed inside crates. After this you will get to see what's going on with
1i. Fou-lu in the Mountains

After a sequence with Fou-Lu use the diary to Save. Now speak to Bunyan if
you want to again and go down the mountains. The path going down the
mountains is pretty strait forward, eventually Yohm will appear. Yohm will
summon one of his creatures to take out Fou-Lu!
Boss Fight VI
Front Line Party: Fou-Lu
Back Line Party: None
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: Astral
Item: Ambrosia

As soon as the fight starts turn into the Astral Dragon. Khafu does some good
attacks like Eldritch Flame. But that's a breath attack and his breath attack
is like the dragon breaths because it's HP based. Khafu is flame based and
this will damage the Astral Dragon. Use the Frost Strike and it will take off
a hefty amount of damage on Khafu. Just keep up Frost Strike because after a
couple Eldritch Flame's Fou-Lu's Breath won't do much damage. It also can
heal itself but it doesn't heal enough to stop Frost Strike.

After the fight is over Fou-Lu will become the dragon and fly away, he will
also mention trying to find the other half of Fou-Lu. Yomh will tell Khafu to
destroy Fou-Lu. You will see a nice sequence of Khafu chasing Fou-Lu, Khafu
will take down Fou-Lu after a few breath attacks.
1j: End of Chapter 1

Now you will be back in control of Ryu, you will be at another Warf. Now go
strait and you will be in the town of Kyoin. Kyoin has a couple of shops here
so stock up on a weapon upgrade and some more curatives items and be about
your business. Now you will see a fairly large building and a guard the guard
will have no problem with you going into the building so go inside, you will
find out that this building is the causeway and it leads to the other side
where the empire is. One inside goes through the doorway to the south and you
will be in another area. Go up the flight of stairs and you will be in
another area.

Enter the doorway that is there and you will be back inside the Causeway.
There will be a fork there so make a right, then go north then go up a flight
of stairs. Now ignore the first room you go to unless you want an item and go
into the second room inside you will be in a new area. Go along the path and
then go up a flight of stairs. Go out the door and you will be outside the
Causeway. There will be an elevator there the elevator can take you up or
down. First cure all your members and go up. When you go up the gate will
start to activate when you walk towards the game the Imperial Soldier from
Sarai will be there! He will then call on another warrior spirit to fight!
Boss Fight VII
Front Line Party: Ryu, Nina, Cray
Back Line Party: Ershin
Difficulty: Semi-Hard
Dragon Gene: Aura
Item: Ice Punch

Ymechaf is probably the strongest opponent you fought thus far, many have
problems with him but he will go down if you know what you are doing. First
off have Ryu become the Aura Dragon. Then have Ershin come from the back row
and attack and then have Cray attack. Now Ryu will start off so have him do
Hwa, then have Nina do Cyclone and have Cray attack. After the Simoon combo
the Ymechaf will become off balance so when Cray attacks he will do hefty
damage. Ymechaf does one powerful attack called whirlwind this does some
decent damage to the entire party so at a point you will have Cray doing a
lot of curing, instead of attacking. If you run out of curative items have
Nina do curing and have Cray and Ryu do a Rock Blast Hwa combo. If you
decided on using Ershin in the front party, have her use her attack wild
swing or cure.

After the battle you will find out that the Soldier name is Rasso. He will
also be surprised that you defeated his Ymechaf, now your party will see that
the Causeway is closing and in the nick of time they will run through the
doorway. You will be in another causeway, take the elevator down then go
inside then take the elevator the down. Then leave the causeway and you will
be back on the world map. Now set up camp on the world map and rest and save
your game so far. Once out of camp go to Astana, Once inside stock up on new
weapons armors and items. You will notice the huge Carronnade, which was used
for shooting hexes into Eastern towns and places during the war and the
soldiers standing next to the carronade will tell you about the aqueduct that
cools the carronade after it's fired.

Now leave the town, and you will see a new path on the world map. Go there to
get to the aqueduct. When you are in the aqueduct go to the strait then go to
the left and you will find a ladder ascend it. Now make a right and you will
find a man there and he will turn on the Gondola. After the right go across
the plank and use Ryu's sword to slash break the rope and the drawbridge will
be lowered. Now go to the right and jump across the way. Now go strait, then
climb up a ladder. Then climb up the ladder that is right there, now make a
right and say yes that you want to jump in the water. Now you will be in the
place from Ryu's dream, everything here is exactly the same as it was before.

Nina will mention about the dream, and you get control of the characters.
When you do to your left or so should be a diary you should rest and save
before continuing on. When you are ready to go about your way head strait
then go to the left. Keep following along the path going left and you will
make your way to a set of stairs. Now when you go up the stairs go strait
then make a right and then go through the door there. Walk forward and Cray
will notice two men inside the room. The two men will be discussing
something, and Cray will mention that if you walk behind the curtain you can
avoid these men. Now walk behind the curtain and when you do one of the men
will notice you.

Continue along the path and the man will be there waiting. Nina asks him
about her sister Elina. He won't tell you anything he will call upon some of
the Imperial Soldiers to haul you away.


2a: Back Home

You will wake up in a hotel looking place. Nina will walk in and inform Ryu
that Cray is being held and questioning. Nina wants to go see what's
happening with Cray and wants to go to the castle. When you gain control of
Ryu, use the diary to save, now leave this place. A strange robed dog man
will be there, he is Scias he is suppose to watch you so you don't try to do
anything out of the ordinary. He is a playable character and a decent and in
my opinion better replacement of Cray. Now leave the place and head to the
house next door, a Manillo will be in their selling goods. Buy some of
whatever you need. Now go to the north and you will find the castle.

Proceed inside and two guards will inform you that they are still questioning
Chief Cray and that no one is to be allowed in until this is finished. Nina
wants to go to the Worent where Cray and his people are. Now, leave town and
when you get on the world map two paths will appear. One goes to Wynchwood,
the other going to Shyde. You can get some fishing in right now if you
choose, locate a ? Between a ? Place and Shyde. When you do enter there, find
a sign there then go west, when you are back on the world map a new path will
open up and you will be able to fish. When you are done with fishing go to

In Shyde you can speak to the Blue Manillo, to trade fish for items. But the
main reason you are here is to trade your treasure. Go behind the Inn, and
you will find a man there who will trade your treasure with you, you will now
have the Bronze Ball. Now, there is a weapon and an item shop here, buy what
you need and leave Shyde. Once you are back on the world map proceed to
Wynchwood. When you enter go down then until you reach a fork. When you do go
west continue west until it leads you up then it will lead you back west and
onto a new area. When you are in the next area you will hear a strange sound,
the party will sense that something is about to happen. Anyway go a few steps

When you do, you will see Nina shrink to she is not visible, no one saw this
so they do not know where she is at. A bird will go by unnoticed by the party
and take Nina away, the party decided it would be best to try and find Nina.
Just go strait some more and you will see 3 invisible characters they will be
talking about how they shrunk Nina down. Ershin will spot the three faeries
and so will Ryu. Ershin somehow can see them and Ryu can see them because of
his Dragon Eye. The faeries will tell you that they shrunk Nina and a bird
took Nina away mistaken her for one of it's own because of Nina's wings, they
will mention that she will regain her size shortly. After the sequence you
will be able to control the party again.

Now, go to the left then jump across the space. Then jump across a near by
space and receive a treasure. Now go back past the two spaces ad go down the
decline. Now go down and to the west, now go up the incline and jump across a
space. Use Ershin to the ram the tree where you see the bird. You will be
switched to Nina, she will be wakening up and she will be inside the bird's
nest. When you can control Nina head up the branch then run around the tree.
Then jump down, run across the branch and the bird will show up. Nina will
run away and a caterpillar will drop, the bird will still think she is one of
her chicks, and will try to feed her a bug!
Boss Fight VIII
Front Line Party: Nina
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: Very Easy
Dragon Gene: N/A
Item: Bird Drop or Bamboo Rod

You can pelt the sparrow with two Cyclones and get away with some exp and a
bird drop. Or you could guard for 10 rounds and the Sparrow will fly away. If
you chose to allow the sparrow to fly away then you will get a bamboo rod. If
you decide on killing it then you will not get the bamboo rod. The sparrow
has one attack, which is feeding time, which can confuse you. Other than that
it does nothing else.

After the bird is gone go back on the branch and you will see a vine leading
down descend this vine. When you do you will see Ryu, Scias and Ershin again.
Ershin will once again headbutt the tree, Nina will fall down but she will
regain size in mid air and land right on top of Ryu. When you gain control of
the party again go strait and you will be back on the world map.
2b: Worent Tribe and the Golden Plains

There will be a new route on the world map, which will take you to Worent. I
advise you to set up camp and save right now before continuing. Once inside
Worent you will realize how the Worens are and learn some things about their
courageous warriorness by speaking to them. There is a weapon shop in town
which you should check out I think it might double as an item shop as well.
When you are done speaking with the Worens and buying items go to the large
house on the northeastern part of Worent. Inside 3 old Worens will be there,
they can not help you but they can directly you to who can. They tell you to
go and look for Tahrne the mother of Cray.

Now it's time to go to the Golden Plains to find Tahrne. When you gain
control of the party head right then you will down a ladder to find storage
room inside is an item nab it. When you are finish leave the house, Kahn will
jump down from the roof of the house, he claims he has been training and he
wants his revenge for what happen to him back in Synesta!
Boss Fight IX
Kahn 2
Front Line Party: Ryu, Nina, Scias
Back Line Party: Ershin
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: Aura
Item: Ginseng

Like the other battles transform into an Aura Dragon immediately, then Nina
should get her turn so use Cyclone on him and have Scias use Shining Blade.
When Ryu can get his turn as a dragon use the Hwa-Cyclone Combination. Have
Scias continuing using the Shining Blade until the battle is over or he runs
out of AP. Now Kahn isn't any more difficult than he was in the last fight,
but now he uses a new attack called Tiger's Fist, it may take an entire round
to recover from this using healing spells. If you decided on using Ershin
have her attack mostly.

Now, after the fight a female Woren will appear her name is Una she will be
angry that you picked on Kahn. She will be inside her part of the house and
be angry with Kahn. When you can control the party head back into the house
and go up the ladder. Speak to Una and she will tell you that Kahn has left
(that fast?!). Anyway she will decide to train you now, hopefully by this
point you have gained 3000 combo points. Because if you did then give the
Super Combo to Scias! With the Super Combo Scias becomes the third best
character in the game! Oh and Pilfer should go to Ryu or Nina, although I
transferred it to my scroll and gave it to Cray later on.

Now go and speak to the elders again one will mention that you will need a
horse to travel across the golden plains. Now leave from the Elder's House.
Since you should have explored the town you will know that there is a man
near some horses. Go and see him, he will be willing to give you a horse but
no one will know how to ride a horse, he changes his mind because it takes a
long time to learn how to ride. Then the floating snail thing will start
making a circle around Ryu and chasing Ershin, Nina will acquire about that.
The man will tell her that they are hard to ride but you are welcome to it.

The man tells you that the Tahrne's camp is to the northeast and you can spot
it by looking for the fire there. Speak to him again and he gets slightly
more specific. He says go east until you find a big rock from their go north
east you will see Tahrne's Camp fire continue in that direction until you get
there. Now leave Worent and you will be back on the world map. Proceed to the
Golden Plains, you will see Ryu trying to ride on the Whelk but will keep
falling off, but he is their only hope eventually he will get the hang of it.
BOF3 fans this will look familiar it's set up exactly like the desert but
it's not as long and pointless as the desert was.

When you get on the plains you will automatically be facing east. So just go
strait. You will eventually come upon a large rock. (If you encounter 3 rocks
you went the wrong way). When you find the large rock go northeast. To go
northeast you will gave to make the red part of the needle face to the upper
left. If you trail off the screen and land in an empty place you took the
wrong direction. If you land in some sort of a shrine then you also took the
wrong direction. If you see some smoke (NOT MOUNTAIN SMOKE!) Actual smoke on
the screen then you are going in the right direction. You will eventually
start to make out the camp.

When you enter Ryu will tell Tahrne will happen to her son. Now, go inside
the tent and rest. The screen will shift to Cray and what is happening with
him. Cray is charged with breaking into the Empire, and on top of that
breaking he King's Sword. The King's Sword is a symbol of the alliance
between the East and the Empire. Now you will see the seen where Ryu slashed
Rasso with the sword earlier in the game in Synesta. Now you will be Ryu
again, head out of the tent and speak with Tahrne. Chose to speak about the
King's Sword, she will say what happen to the King's Sword will make the
punishment far more harsh.

She will also mention that their is a weaponsmith who lives in a mountain who
can probably make a copy of the King's Sword, and if he does returning the
sword will lessen Cray's punishment. She suggests going back to the Worent
Tribe to find out more about how to get to the Volcano. Now exit this area
and you will be back on the world map walk towards the Worent and you will be
stopped by the huge hard to miss !. Now, you will see your party Ryu will
update the party, and you will now have to go back to the Worent. After the
conversation you will be back on the World Map. Make your way back to the
Worent and speak to the Elders.

One of the Elders will tell you to get to the Mountain you will have to go
east until you reach the big rock then go south, and you will arrive at the
Volcano. Ok good i suggest setting up camp at this point and resting and
saving then proceeding back into the plains. This time Ryu will be on foot
but don't worry he is not any slower than when he was on the Whelk. Now you
will still be facing East when you arrive so just keep going until you hit
the big rock. Now make the red arrow face south and you will see a mountain
with smoke coming from it keep going strait. Now you will reach the Volcano.
2c: Volcano and Faerie Madness

When you get inside go right avoid stepping on the lava because if you do
your HP's will be decreased. Now jump across two lava covered spaces and then
walk out of the screen to reach the next room. Head to the right and up an
incline, and go through the hole. Now you will be in a seemingly dead end
room, walk around and you will get into a random battle after that is over
the plates will move. This is a very random area, and the plate movement to
me seems to be random so the only word of advice I can give you is to get
into battles to make the plates move. Once you are done with the plate
madness, climb down a ladder and go across a bridge to the right and you will
be outside of the house enter the house.

He will tell you that he is the creator of the original King's Sword and he
can not make a new one without a Faerie Drop. Now go down the ladder inside
the house. Make a right to the exit the area. Now follow the path and you
will be back at the entrance of the Volcano. Now leave the area and you will
return to the world map. Once you are back on the world map I advise you to
again Rest and Save when you are done go to Wynchwood. When you arrive in
Wynchwood you will hear the Faerie laughter. Now go south then jump across
the space, head to the right then up an incline. You will see some Faeries
that are just light press X near them and they will take on form. They will
not have any Faerie Drops on them.

They have a Faerie Drop where they live at, and they will take you there.
Once you are there they will inform you that a group of highly dangerous
Meanies have moved in and are pushing them out. If you can dispose of the
'Meanies', they will give you a Faerie Drop. When you can control the party
you will see ZZZ signs all over the place these are the meanies. You can
defeat almost all of the Meanies by just pounding them with physical attacks.
Defeat all the Meanies and a creature will appear you might be weak after
those fights so cure everyone and approach him to get a real battle!
Boss Fight X
Front Line Party: Ryu, Nina and Scias
Back Line Party: Ershin
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dragon Gene: Aura
Item: Magic Shard

This boss looks funny but you may have a tough time with it. The key thing to
realize about it is this, when he is big he has a high defense but when he is
small he has a high magic defense. His attacks are Drain, which usually
misses Sever like Nina, Frost, which is a small ice spell, and Ovum, which
can turn you into an Egg. The Ovum is the most difficult attack to look out
for, because as an egg there isn't much you can do. The main form of offense
is this turn Ryu into the Aura Dragon then have Nina do Cyclone and have
Scias just attack it. When Ryu gets his turn have him cast Hwa, and have Nina
use Cyclone then have Scias do the Super Combo if you have it. If you don't
have the super Combo then just have Scias attack. Fantom will go down very

After the battle the Faeries will thank you and give you the Faerie
Drop...(What exactly is a Faerie Drop? Is it the shriveled up carcass of a
Faerie? A Faerie's Spirit? The Egg or some unborn form of a Faerie? Or the
most popular belief a Faerie poop, well the faerie did pull it out of the
bushes...) Anyway after this you will be brought back to the normal world,
now leave Wynchwood and get back on the world map. Rest and Save once you are
on the World Map. Now go to the Smith's house from the world map. When you
get there speak to the Smith and he will go to work on the new King's Sword.
You can use it in battle if you want but it's not all that good, anyway
proceed back to the world map.
2d: Saving a Friend

Make your way back to Ludia. Once there head strait for the castle, Nina will
be ready to say they found the King's Sword, but a man will appear and say
the King's Sword has already been found. The man there will say that the
Empire gave them the sword back, in return for some areas on the East. He
says this even worsens the matter for Cray. Nina has a plain of trying to
break Cray out of there. But they must wait for it to be nighttime. Return
back to the house you were sleeping in. Confirm you will wait for nightfall.
While you are waiting you will see what has happened to Fou-Lu. Apparently he
was found by a woman and he is still shaking up by this.

Now you will be back with the main party. Use the diary next to the bed to
save the game before continuing. You can speak to some of the people who hang
out at night but its not needed, head strait for the castle. When you are
inside make a left and check the guard, you will get into a fight with the
guard. You have once round to take out the guards so I suggest using your
best combos here. If you don't defeat any of the guards after one turn then
the guard will call more guards and in result you will be kicked out of the

After you defeat the first guard, go into the room behind him and go up the
stairs and defeat the guard there. Go into the room he was guarding, and
there was nothing but a treasure in there. Now leave this room and go up the
stairs, you will find Cray there. Cray will be surprise to see that you made
it up there, and also excited that he is getting free. Once you get Cray back
head out of Ludia castle. Now, go near the entrance of town, ad look behind a
house, a man will be there and he will be willing to upgrade your treasure to
a Lead Ball. Now leave Ludia.

Head back to the Worent, it will be daytime some how. Anyway speak to the
Elders, and they will suggest you to go see Cray's mother's Tahrne. Now leave
the Worent; buy some things you may need before leaving and head to Tahrne's
Camp. Remember it's accessible from the world map so you don't have anything
to worry about with the golden plains nonsense. Anyway go there, Tahrne will
tell you to just spend the night. When you wake up Tahrne will tell you what
she thinks. In the morning Nina will have the idea that the Empire is
probably looking for Ryu. She says they were looking for a dragon, Ryu has a
Dragon's Eye, and the Sand Dragon acted strange around him. She says they
should go to the Dragon's Shrine in Wyndia to find out more from the Wind

Tahrne will give the Jadestone to use for the Ruins in Wyndia. Talk to Tahrne
and she will tell you that the Ruins are East of here. You should of fount
the Ruins already if you got lost in the Golden Plains.
2e: Going to Wyndia

Once you enter the Ruins go strait and you will place the Jadestone in it's
spot, an entrance will be shown. Go inside the entrance and follow the path
until you reach a fork. Now make a right, keep going strait, and you will
come upon another fork. Now keep follow along the same path and keep strait,
and you will end up in a new area. Now put Cray in the front on the party.
Now go down the stairs to your right and have him push the turn style. Now go
left then up slightly and have him push the turn style. Now go back up the
stairs and down the opposite stairs the one on the characters left. Now you
should have a clear path to get to the treasure chest so go and get it.

Now go back down the stairs go up and push the turn style there. Now go to
the left and push the turn style the other way. Now go back to the first one
and push it the other way. Now go to the left then go up and push the turn
style there. Now you can go through the doorway. Take the treasure and leave
the room. Now leave and push the turn style you just pushed the other way.
Now go down and push that turn style. Then go to the left and push that turn
style. Now go up the stairs and then come down and you will be able to go
through the doorway. When you do you will find what looks like an old storage
room. Now leave this room and look along the side of the house, he will
upgrade your treasure to a Brass Ball. Now leave and you will be back on the
world map once you get on the world map rest and save.

Now you can go to Mt. Glom. Go there and speak to the weapons smith there,
you can go there and forge weapons. When you are done go into Ahm Fen. Go
across the bridge and read the sign. They tell you to walk on broken parties
because you might scare the animals. At this point it doesn't matter so run
anyway. Now follow the path and then jump across the space, now jump across
another space and then go to the left across the planks. Now keep going left
and go down the planks to get the treasure. Now go back up the planks and go
to the right, go across the bridge to get to the next part. Keep going across
the path until you find a fork. Go to the northern path and you will see a
huge snake don't worry he is harmless.

Steeping on the x's will make noise and the snake will move. When it does
walk across it's body. Now get off at a plank and hit the X there and the
snake will move get back on the snake and get it off at the next plank. Step
on another X and the snake will move again, don't get on the snake yet go
down and you will find a treasure. Take it and go back and the snake will
move. Hit the thing until the snake goes back into the position that you saw
last. When it does get on it and go to the next platform. Now go down the
ramp to your left. Head to the upper left and go up an incline.

Now step on the X until the snakes head touches the platform. Get on the
snake and get off on at the next platform. Keep pressing the X there, and it
will not be in the way of the chests. Now get the chest that is there. Now
get on the snake and go up. Now get off the snake and go left. In the next
area just go starit and you will be on the world map. Now head towards Wyndia
a '!!' will appear enter here. You will be in camp automatically, after some
talking a Faerie will show up, the Faerie wants Ryu to help him build the
village. (Look at Faerie Village Guide for more Faerie info).

After getting started with the Faerie, leave this place Rest and Save. Now go
back to the area between Ahm Fen, and Wyndia, head to the ? to the right.
There you will find a hut. Yuck City! A man has married a Faerie! (Faeries
are cute so are puppies but a man won't marry a puppy!) Any search his house
for items then head up stairs Njomo will be there, but your Faerie Village
hasn't been up long enough :( Anyway, leave here altogether and proceed along
the map and into Wyndia.
2f: Wyndia and Beyond

Wyndia is the hometown of Nina and Elina they are as you know princesses
here. Also you may have notice with the exception of Manilo's every person
here has a pair of wings! Anyway proceed into the first shop, get as much
equipment upgrade as possible. The building to the left the windmill may look
ordinary but go inside proceed up the ladder. You will find Momo! (Momo was a
main character from BOF3) Now Momo will become your master! She's an all
positive master who teaches some decent skills. Look at the Master's Section
on more about Momo skills. When you are done apprenticing people to Momo
leave the windmill.

Now it's time to search the kingdom. Before going to the castle search as
many cupboards draw and whatever as possible. When you are done thieving find
a lift on the upper right part of town and it will take you inside the
castle. There are some more items all around the castle once you get inside
but right now those items aren't very important, you can go search them out
if you choose to. After you get off the elevator go strait up. Put Nina in
front and the guards will let you through. No go to the upper left room and
speak to the guard with Nina in front the guard will allow you to speak to
the king.

The King will tell you that they will try and protect Cray as long as
possible. Then Nina will mention wanting to meet the Wind Dragon, The king
will tell Nina about the woods that are east of Wyndia, an Oracle of Wind
lives there. He allows your party to spend the night there. In the morning
you will be fully rested. Now go down the staircase that re in the middle.
Then go to the door that is on your right. Then go down another flight of
stairs. You will be in the dungeon, speak to the man in the prison and he
will upgrade your treasure.

Now go to the inn, which is the first house inside the town, and Save, then
stock on curative items and leave Wyndia. Once you are back on the World Map,
go to the new route and enter. Once inside Go right over the bridge, once
over the bridge go up, and you will find a fisherman. He will tell you about
a fishing spot leave back out of the woods to see the fishing spot, you can
go fishing if you chose. Either way when you are back in go down and out of
the screen. Go left and go across the log, then follow the path until you
come upon a treasure nab it. Now go back across the log and go all the way
down until you reach a bridge that is broken.

Go to the lower left away from this bridge to cross another bridge. Now go
down and you will reach a sign. The sign tells you how to ride the log. Get
on the first log and then move the log north to get on the waiting log. Take
this log and roll it to the next log. Now roll this log all the way up and
get off the log when you reach the ground. There is a treasure nearby if you
want it. If you don't care get back on the log. Take this log and roll it
down until you reach a platform on your right. Get on the log that is near
the platform not the one you just got off. Roll the log to the left and get
on the log that is waiting, then roll the long down and get off when you
reach normal ground.

Now make a left and follow along the path until you reach the next screen. In
the next screen you will find a hut go inside of the hut. Once inside a
conversation will start the Oracle will tell you some things about the Wind
Dragon and a Tower. You will need the Wind Flute to call the Wind Dragon. The
Wind Flute is located underneath the castle. When the conversation is over
search the house for items leave then continue west and you will be back on
the world map. You will be automatically back in camp, and Nina will notice
that you are missing Scias. Cray believes that he went back to Ludia to tell
them of the parties actions of late since he was paid to do it.

After that you will be back on the world map reopen camp, check out the
Faerie Colony and Save. Make sure to check the colony every time you open
camp. Your next stop is heading back into Wyndia. Just go strait into the
castle, the king is in the room with throne in it, which is the door further
up from the one he was previously in. When you are inside he will allow you
to take the Wind Flute which is located in the basement of this castle. After
the conversation leave the throne room and go down to the door on the far end
of the hallway. Go inside the windmill that is to the south. Head down a
couple flights of stairs.

A guard will be there and he will allow you to go into the basement. Go
strait down the steps and follow along the path into the next room. Now go to
the left until you reach a fork and a fan. Take the lower path and you will
reach a fork and another fan. Take the upper left path and continue along the
path. Follow along the path until you reach a fork and another fan. This fan
is different than the others, this fan will stop your progress and blow you
into another direction. Wait until the fan rotates all the way away from you
and quickly run past it. Now go through the doorway and you will be in the
next room.

In the next room go down, and you will find a floating platform. Get on the
platform, and wait for it to face in the opposite direction. When it does
walk off it turn right and get on the next platform. Now wait for the
platform to link up wit the ledge on your right get off it and get the
treasure. Wait for the platform to come back into your direction get back on
it, and wait for the platform to connect to the next piece of land get off
the platform there. Then go through the door, follow along the path and you
will come upon more fans that will push you back. When the wind stops hide in
the wall cracks, the wind will start again you won't get pushed back because
you are against the wall.

When it stops go up until you find another wall crack and eventually another
fan will start wait for it to stop. That's the idea throughout the area find
a crack rest there and follow along the path an you will come upon an exit go
through that. Now, in the next room just go strait and you will find the Wind
Flute, allow the fans to push you back through this area and go all the way
back to the castle. When you are back in the castle you will see Scias, Scias
has informed a group of men about your actions with the Wind Dragon. The old
man gives Scias a big cartoony sack of Zenny. The men want to capture Ryu for
themselves to use against the Empire.

Now leave Wyndia and you will be back on the world map. Set up camp check the
Faeries Rest and Save. If you apprenticed anyone to the two masters in this
area be sure to check to see if you learned anything new. When you are set
follow the path to P'ung Tap.
2g: Wind Dragon and Chek

Nina will blow the Wind Flute to sort of summon the Wind Dragon, a flight of
stairs will be shown. Go up the stairs, and you will be in the next room. Go
down the stairs and go into the next place. Go through the bottom doorway and
continue along the path. Continue along the path until you reach the next
room. The next area has fans that will blow you up (not like an explosion but
blow you towards the sky) There are treasures scattered in this place but
none of the treasures here are even worth going through the hassle of
getting. Just go strait and jump off the platform and the fan will blow you
into the next area.

Now go through the doorway and you will be outside with some spiral steps, go
around the spiral steps and go through the doorway there. Now you will be
back in a higher room with a lot of fans. When you get there wait for the fan
to blow then jump off then you will fly into another wind room. Now wait for
the fan to blow then jump off the platform and it will take you to the next
platform. Now wait for the wind to blow again and it will take you to the top
of the tower, leave out of the tower and a conversation sequence will begin.
Nina tells you that the gondola will take you into the sky where the Wind
Dragon is located. Now try and walk across the beam and the old man Ilgor who
was talking to Scias will appear.

The old man will tell you he knows all about Ryu is the Yorae Dragon, and he
wants you to give him up or he will kill you. Of course you won't and the old
man will see three others after you. Destroy these creatures with physical
attacks. After you destroy them Ilgor when send out three more monsters at
this point Scias will show up. He will hand back the cartoony sack of Zenny.
Now he will send the three things against your party. This time Scias is on
the enemy side but he will be curing you when you are weak. Just keep up
physical and single hitting attack magic. After the battle Scias will rejoin
your party, he says he came and helped because he wanted to help you.

He doesn't know why he gave back the Zenny or why he is sticking around, but
who cares! Scias kicks ass! Now everyone will get inside the Gondola. Now you
will be so high up you are in the clouds small things will be flying around
near by eventually the Wind Dragon P'ung Ryong will appear. P'ung Ryu is so
large only his eye can fit in the little text window picture. He is also
shaking the Gondola with his voice he shrinks down and then talks some more.
He will confirm that Ryu is the Yorae Dragon. He will also tell you that Ryu
is an Endless. He will also say that it seems that Ryu is incomplete.
Remember two key things here, Ryu is incomplete, and the word 'Ryong'.

He then drops you off at a mountain and then says you will have to find a
village on foot. When you can control Ryu go down the path. Then go up an
incline and you will come upon a fork. Take the lower path and go in behind
the sheet of ice. When you are in the cave follow along the path and
eventually you will be in the next screen and out of the cave. When you are
outside put Cray in the lead and have him push the snowball towards the
right. Keep pushing the snowball until it falls into a rock and breaks. Now
go back to the left of the screen. Now continue until you find a snowball
push the snowball that is in-between the two rocks.

Push it until it falls into a small hole. Now cross over the small hole that
the snowball filled, and push the near by snowball down then to the left and
it will fill a small hole. Cross over the snowball snag the treasure and go
up and you will be on the world map. Set up camp as soon as you get on the
world map, Check the Faeries Rest and Save. When you are through with camp
proceed along the path and enter Chek. Speak to the children there, and then
search the village there is an inn and a weapons item shop. Stock up on items
a new armor weapon upgrades. Go to the house next to the weapon shop to find
a woman called Abbess.

Abbess will call sense that Ryu is the Yorae Dragon. She will tell you about
Life Streams. You will then see Ryu, Cray and Nina's life streams. All the
streams reach to the top of the screen. Ryu's stream is wide and more
predominate. Abbess will tell you that the Endless have the power to sort of
suck in other streams around it. She then tells you to rest for now, Ryu will
wake up alone go outside and Abbess will be waiting. She will talk to Ryu
more about being a God and such. Ershin will also be in Ryu's dream and
Abbess will sense that Ershin is trapped inside of the armor and that there
is a powerful stream coming from her.

In a short while the dream will end. Ryu will wake up once again and be
alone. When you leave the house this time Cray and Nina will be waiting for
you. Now go to the left and up the stairs and you will be on the upper part
of the town. Abbess and Ershin will be together, and from Abbess looking over
Ershin it will appear that Ershin is one of the endless. Abbess wants to
release the inner Ershin.
2h: Ershin's Mind and Fou-Lu in Sonne

Ershin has monsters floating around in her mind! The monsters are weak but
know powerful spells, if you have a stock of wisdom seeds provide the Gulpers
with one and you may be able to pick up Ebonfire, try to make Ryu learn this.
When you are ready to proceed follow along the path until you reach the next
screen. In the next screen follow along the path until you find a white
switch and a huge rock. By pressing the white switch it will cause the big
circle thing to stop. Walk away and it will start again, keep trying until
you can get on, you might hit a place in it where it's just a crater, keep
doing it until you find a winding path that will take you to the top.

Once at the top check the Green light in the middle that's the entrapped
Ershin, you will need to defeat the 4 pillars around her to free her! (Stop
whining you haven't been in a boss fight in ages!)
Boss Fight XI
Yeleb, Agiel, Azeus, Umadap
Front Line Party: Nina, Cray, and Scias
Back Line Party: Ryu
Difficulty: Medium
Dragon Gene: Not Needed
Item: Electroid, Water Bomb, Weather Vane, Molotov, Fire Wind Water Earth

First you want to take out Yeleb. Yeleb is the one that is Earth based. Use
Sever on it and Eddy, then have Scias attack it, it should die in two turns
of this.

Agiel is next, Agiel is Water based. Have Ryu use Ebonfire if he learned it
if not then have him do Burn, have Nina cure those who are wounded, and have
Cray attack it.

Azeus is wind based. You should have Cray use Stone Pillar on it if he has
it, and any other Earth magic. Everyone else should just attack.

Finally take out Umadap. If you picked up any icicles use those on him now.
Then have everyone attack and the fight will be over.

You will get to see the 'real Ershin'. Ershin can't leave because she doesn't
have a body. She will want you to get her the best Medium you can find. Now
head back to the entrance. When you are out of Ershin's head you will be back
in the real world. Abbess has already brought the best medium. Now Ershin
will leave the Armor and go into the body. You will then get to see a
sequence with Fou-Lu and the woman who found him. She has found Fou-Lu and is
taking care of him. Fou-Lu is weak and she is trying to get him back to full
health. Now Ershin will be eating. Ershin will tell you that they are both
Endless, and they were both summoned a long time ago.

Both of the summons got messed up. Ershin got trapped in the armor, and Ryu
got split into two people. One being the Ryu found in the desert the other is
well pretty easy to guess. Now the screen will shift back to Fou-Lu, leave
out of the house but use the diary to save first. When you try to leave the
town a man will stop you. He will know you are staying with Mami (the woman
who helped Fou-Lu) Mami will show up and she will tell him that he is her
cousin from out of town named Ryong. Now you will be switched back to the
main party, they will still be talking to Ershin, Ershin will tell you that
the other part the larger original part is Fou-Lu.

Now Fou-Lu will be lying in the bed, and Fou-Lu will finally speak. (Notice
Mami and the town folk speak in American Southern Dialect and Fou-Lu speaks
in Old English. Mami will not understand what Fou-Lu is talking about. Fou-Lu
is telling her his story about being summoned and building the Fou-Lu Empire.
Now you will rest and when you wake you will control Fou-Lu, Save at the
diary and leave. Go to where the landlord previously stopped Fou-Lu, and you
will be in a crop field. Go up and eventually you will find Mami, a
conversation will start. And then their will be a rumble everyone is shocked
by this. Go up and then go across a bridge.

Continue along the path and you will enter the forest once you are inside the
forest go strait all the animals will scatter and a huge beast will drop
Boss Fight XII
Front Line Party: Fou-Lu
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: Astral
Item(s): Apple, Wisdom Fruit

As soon as the fight starts turn into the Astral Dragon. You will get hit by
the Papan but it won't phase you much, on the next turn use Eraser. Then Keep
using it if he happens to some how damages you by a lot just attack him,
eventually he will turn into a run in the mill boar.

After the fight the bow will run off, Fou-Lu will see that it was just a
mutated boar. Now leave the forest everyone will be amazed by "Ryong's" God
like strength. Mami will come up and ask if he is all right and she will take
her 'cousin' back home.
2i: Back in Ershin's Mind and Sinchon

You will be back in control of the main party. They will be in conversation
about trying to find the other Ryu (Notice Cray says Doesn't That Just Beat
All?). Go back inside the hut and you will see that Ershin is dead tired.
Abbess says you shouldn't wake a God like you would do a person but you will
have to go into Ershin's mind and wake her up. Her sleep mind is slightly
different than her awake mind, keep that in mind :) Follow along the path
until you reach a fork in the road. Don't take any of the side roads just
continue along the path you were you will soon come upon another fork. Take
the upper left path. Eventually you will exit the screen in be in a shrine.

You will then see the "In her mind God Form of Ershin" she is in a bed
surrounded by built stripper like men. She will tell you that Ryu is the
other half of Fou-Lu. The original people have summoned her Fou-lu/Ryu for
their own purpose. She then goes on and tells you that Ryu is destined to
meet with Fou-Lu. She tells you more about fate and then the conversation is
over leave the shrine and go to the right to be out of her mind. When you
leave Ershin has woken up and she tells you, that you need to go to Sinchon
the Yorae Shrine to obtain more info and help for Ryu. She will also tell you
to stop calling her Ershin, because her name is Deis and Ershin is what the
armor called her because that means master in Empire language.

Now leave Chek and you will be on the world map, now go towards the new route
and a '!!' will stop you go in there and you will see the armor following
behind. It seems some of Deis's power has rubbed off on the armor, Deis acts
mean towards the armor. She tells the armor to act like armor, then Nina
comforts it and tells it to go back to the village. Now you will be back on
the World Map set up camp check your Faeries and Rest and Save. When you are
done with camp go to Sinchon. Go strait and go into the next room. Follow
along the path and enter the first door that you see. Now just go strait and
enter the doorway at the end of the path.

In then next room keep going down and then go through the doorway one your
left. When you enter you will see some orange pillars, walk to the end of the
room and check the symbol on the wall. After checking it two of the pillars
will rise and an hour glass will appear quickly leave this room and go strait
a little go up the stairs on your right and hop across all the orange pillars
and make it to the other side. Now, go through the doorway and you will be in
an outside place. You will call upon the dragons and while waiting for this
you will switch back to Fou-Lu.
2j: Fou-Lu in Mt. Yogy

The ground will shake go and save your game at the diary leave the house and
the ground will shake again. Go to the fields and find Mami. Mami will tell
that there is smoke coming out of the near by mountains. Mami tells you when
this happens the mountain erupts and the Mountain God is angry. Hearing the
word 'God', makes Fou-Lu wants to go investigate this. You will automatically
be on the world map, go back to Sonne, and speak to Mami again and she will
give you a rice ball. Now go back to the world map. Follow along the path and
enter Mt. Yogy. As soon as you get there Fou-Lu will swipe with his sword and
destroy the huge rock.

Now follow along the path and go right and you will reach a fork take the
higher up path. Now go along this path and you will reach another fork the
upper path here as well. Now continue along the path and you will reach
another fork, take the lower path and you will be inside the mountain. When
you are inside follow along the path to get into the next room. Once inside
down and jump off the ledge. Continue along the path jump over two more holes
go down into the next room. Now just follow along the path and you will be in
the next room. At the end of the path you will meet with the 'God'. The 'God'
is nothing more than a huge rock monster.

Of course since the Rock has a small brain it can't understand Fou-Lu mocking
him. He still gets angry he calls him a wimp and he wants to smash Fou-Lu!
Boss Fight XIII
Front Line Party: Fou-Lu
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dragon Gene: Astral
Item(s): None

Fou-Lu is faster than Marl so turn into a Astral Dragon your first time 99%
of the time Marl will use Summon Kin. He will summon Klod and Bellwyd. Kill
Bellwyd with a physical attack and keep using Eraser on Marl. He will be
damaging you because he is pretty powerful. When or if Astral gets too weak
and can't do much damage switch to physical attacks or Frost Strike.

After the fight proceed out of the mountain and try to return to Sonne. When
you get almost there you will see the Landlord and Mami, Fou-Lu will inform
them that he has killed their mountain god. Then the screen will go back to
the main party for a little while. All the dragons will be there, they all
look pretty weird too. They will tell you about Ryu and Fou-Lu. They will
tell you that Fou-Lu has reawakened recently. Since Fou-Lu has been alive
longer if they meet and combine Fou-Lu would engulf Ryu. After some more
conversation you will go back to Fou-Lu Save at the diary, and leave 'your'
house. Go to the fields on your way there you will encounter some Fou Empire

Now run back to your house. Fou-Lu chose not to kill those guards to protect
the villagers. Suddenly Mami will bust through the door she will block the
door with a board. Mami will talk to Fou-Lu, she is in love with Fou-Lu, and
she wanted Fou-Lu to be her husband. She knew there was something different
about Fou-Lu when she met him, Fou-Lu wouldn't admit it but he cared about
Mami as well. Mami will save Fou-Lu once again and tell him to go through the
hole in the stove. Fou-Lu will crawl through the hole, they will break the
door down and captured Mami.
2k: End of Chapter 2

Now you will be back with Ryu. The Dragons want you to be strong enough when
you meet Fou-Lu, they will give you your powers when you find them. Then all
the dragons disappear except for the Wind Dragon. Since you fount him on your
own he will give you his evocation, Rainstorm. Leave the outside area and you
will see what has happened to the armor in Chek. The Abbess has evacuated the
village, she stayed behind and now the armor is with her. Abbess says they
should now leave the village because the Empire should be coming soon. You
will be bale to control the armor. Go inside of Abbess's hut and Rest and

Leave the Abbess's house and the army has captured the Abbess, the soldiers
there will attack the armor. Destroy these soldiers, and the armor will tell
the Abbess to get inside of her. Rasso will tell more troops to attack the
armor destroy these troops. After that since Rasso realizes that the Armor
was traveling with Ryu, he wants to know where is he now, he will want to
kidnap the armor. Then Rasso gets fed up and uses his magic to destroy the
Armor. (Well he didn't destroy it, but it's out of commission) Now you will
be back as Ryu, you will be on the world map, set up camp check your Faeries
rest and save.

Now go back into Chek you will see the barely moving armor walking up to you,
the Armor needs Deis back to live. Deis refuses to go back inside the armor.
Then the party decided they should go and find the villagers later on. Now
leave the Abbess's house the Abbess will be there and she will tell you that
the villagers are inside an abandoned village. Now leave Chek and go to the
world map, set up camp again and save no need to rest or check the Faeries
right now. Go along the new path that leads into the mountains. Once inside
go down and follow the path until you reach a fork. Make a left and follow
along until you reach another fork.

Now follow along that path until you reach a fork when you do go take the
path leading down. Follow along and you will reach another fork take the
higher path. Continue along and go up a flight of steps. Now Camp will be set
up, and Nina will be a little misty eyed about Ershin. After some
conversation you will be able to control Ryu go into the camp and rest. A
sequence will start and then you will hear Nina screaming. Go outside and you
will see the Empire Soldiers. The Soldiers are lead by a woman named Ursula
another General in the Imperial Army. Nina asks can they go back to the
village to see if the villagers are ok.

Ursula will allow this and when you get to the abandoned Village Rasso will
be there. Rasso has killed the children who occupied the village he now plans
to kill Ryu this even a little extreme for Ursula's tastes. In Rasso fashion
he summons a spirit to kill Ryu and company.
Boss Fight XIV
Front Line Party: Ryu, Cray Scias
Back Line Party: Nina
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: N/A
Item(s): Flame Sword, Aurum

This isn't really a boss, I chose Cray and Scias because they are strong.
Your first plan of action is to have Scias and Cray attack Ryu. Then have Ryu
attack himself. Then hopefully Ight will attack Ryu that will kill Ryu. But
he is not dead he will come back to life and turn into the Kaiser Dragon!
Berserk in all he will cast a Kaiser Breath on Ight which will destroy his
shield, not have Cray and Scias block and Ryu will automatically hit it with
another Kaiser Breath which will kill it.

Now as you can see the Kaiser Dragon does everything Ryu does and Ryu has
went berserk. He as the Kaiser Dragon kills Rasso, then kill the soldiers
then he goes for Ursula but Nina jumped in the way. Ryu decided not to kill
Ursula as well.


3a: Fou-Lu stopped in the Forest

Fou-Lu will be in the forest in Sonne, a couple of the male villagers are
escorting him out. They will give Fou-Lu the Ivory Bangle, now go through the
forest and you will be on the world map. Now go to the Sanctum equip the
Ivory Bangle to Fou-Lu. Once inside go strait and check the stone pillar. You
need to "Sacrifice to the God". Papan now is still a form will ram himself
into the pillar and start bleeding, he will then ram some more and he will
die. Fou-Lu will know he was caught up in his stream and that is why he did
it. Now go inside the Sanctum. Go along the path inside and you will come
upon a fork in the road.

Take the path on the left, follow the path until you reach a blue crystal.
Check the crystal and you will realize that it is a Dragon Chrysm. You now
can transform into another dragon form as Fou-Lu! Now just keep following
along the path and you will end up back on the world map. You can try out
your new Water Dragon Serpent, and Fou-Lu's form of the Kaiser, Tyrant. When
you are ready to continue with the actual game head into the Soma Forest. Now
when you enter go make a left, then go down. Continue going down and a
sequence will start. It's Lord Yuna and the Q-Bert looking Yohm. They have
Princess Elina with them and they are intending on using her as a sacrifice!

Yohm will tell the nearby soldier to fire the Carronade into the Soma Forest.
Then you be back as Fou-Lu, the Hex will land right on Fou-Lu this obviously
would of killed anyone. Fou-Lu throws up and apparently has survived he
laughs at the mortals but he is a seriously injured, then something shiny
drop right next to Fou-Lu. (In the Japanese version and many rumors suggests
that this thing belonged to Mami, and that she was sacrifice used in the
3b: Getting a Sandflier

Now you will be back with the main party. Nina think because Ryu is not
complete is the reason behind his berserk behavior. You may have noticed that
Ursula was tied up but Scias decides that it isn't right to keep her tied up
and he frees her. She still claims that you are her captives and she is
taking you back to the empire. Now you will automatically leave this place
and be back on the world map. Set up camp Rest Save and check the Faerie
Village. When you are back on the World Map go to Chek. Go right to the
Abbess's house and she will tell you to go and find the Armor and Deis. Just
go right next to the house and you will find both. Now speak to Deis and Deis
complains that this body isn't powerful enough and she will go back inside
the armor.

Well you will be automatically back on the World Map set up camp and Save if
you like. But when you want to proceed in the game follow the path to a place
called Mt. Ryft. When you are inside go down until you reach a fork when you
do take the path on the right. Follows along the lake until you reach a fork
just keep going right. Now a mini game will start
(Yah! It's been a while!)
Mini Game IX

This game is pretty strait forward the object is to take the raft down the
rapid stream. Now if you bump into stuff your raft will fall apart, and if it
falls completely apart you ill have to start over. Now to gain points you
have to snag the bags along the way that adds to the difficulty because
obviously you want to gain points.

Now when you are done with that everyone will try and figure out how exactly
will they get to the Empire. Cray says they have Sandfliers in Shyde. Now
when you gain control just head out of the screen. When you get on the world
map it would now be a wise idea to check on your masters. When you are done
head into Shyde. Since you already have been to Shyde it isn't important to
talk to anyone or even buy new weapons. When you are ready to go on with the
game go up the stairs located near the well. When you are on the higher part
of town go do down into the next screen. Keeps going until you reach a flight
of stairs go down them.

Then keep going in that direction go across a bridge and enter a shop. Talk
to the Manillo inside, he will not give you a sandflier because you don't
have enough Zenny. (Even if your Zenny was maxed out he would not give you a
Sand Flier.) He tells you, to try and hitch a ride on a sandflier that is
leaving. Well you will see one leaving, Ursula and Scias will run very fast
on it after some slashing sounds they say they got the sandflier. Your old
friend Marlok gets off the Sandflier. Marlok will really put it into you for
trying to steal your sandflier, watch Cray and Nina shrink because Marlok is
belittling them.

Marlok will be kind enough to give you a bond, which can be used to buy a
Sandflier of your own. When you gain control back climb up the ladder on your
right walk across the plank and find the man with the puppet. Chose Ask About
Shift and he will tell you that Shift is a technique which enables you to
travel to any previously visited place on the world map! Learn all the other
stuff he is teaching and go back to the Manillo selling Sandflier. After
getting the bond he will be more than happy to give you a Sandflier! This
also opens my favorite mini game and racing the Sand Flier is like my
favorite thing to do in this game!
Mini Game X
Flying through the Sand

The Sandflier Mini Game is a lot like Mario Cart in my opinion, it reminds me
of it for some reason. Anyway, you hold O to move the Sandflier and you press
the directional buttons to move. Hop on a big hill on the track rotate the D-
pad just to show that you are a stunt waste as much time as you want out
here, and just follow along the path.
3c: 3c: Shikk Region Other Stuff and Mt. Giga

Now you are in Kyoin head, to the Imperial Causeway and the guards there will
tell you someone caused a ruckus in there the last time and the Causeway
seems to be broken. Now head back to the Sandflier Dock and a bum with a
white sack will be there, he will ask you if this is your Sandflier say yes,
then ask he will want to know if you will take him to Shikk Region. Say yes
to that too. Now go to Shikk Region he will give you an item, now leave the
place and go back on the world map. Now follow the path to Mt. Giga. Once in
Mt. Giga use the gondola there to get to the next area. Now go strait down a
ramp until you reach a fork stay on the path that you are already on.

Now just keep following the path and you will come upon a red crystal. Check
the Red Crystal it is the Fire Chrysm, which allows you to become the Wyvern.
Now keep going along the path until you find a Gondola take it and it will
take you into the next screen. Once there you will come upon a fork take the
lower path. Now follow along the path until you reach another fork, take the
higher path and eventually you will be back on the world map.

Well now that you have this nifty Sandflier it is time to go get some
Evocation visit some old friends and do some other things! First thing you
should do is go to Bandit's Hideout and visit Stoll, then you should go and
visit Rwolf in Kurok. You should learn everything from both of them for now.
Now it's time to find some more of those Dragon Evocations! First one you
should search out is the Mud Dragon. The Mud Dragon is located in the '?'
right after the Dam. Enter here, and search the area to find Ni Ryong. He
will give Ryu the Mud Flow. Now leave here and go to the Golden Plains Area.
When you are their go to Tahrne's Camp and she will tell you that there is a
grass dragon here.

But in order to meet it you will need to find a shining bird. Now leave her
camp and go into the plain go east until you find the big rock wait by the
big rock and eventually you will see a shining bird. When it starts to move
follow it. Keep following and you will see the outline of a dragon,
eventually you will be there and be in another area. Ch'o Ryong, is here he
will teach you Healing Wind. Now you want that treasures upgraded don't you?
Return to the Crash Site and you will find a man there. He will trade
treasures, then go to Synesta and go into the orphanage. Talk a girl there
and she will trade your treasure. Now it's time to find some new masters.

Now since you are in Synesta speak to Marlok, he will allow you to be his
apprentice. If you meet his requirements, then you can learn magic from him.
Now go to Chek and Abbess is a master, but I'm sure you can't learn any thing
from her yet. Finally there is a fishing spot you should check out. First you
will have to fight a boss, go into North Chamba and you will find a man next
to the place. He says there is something going on in the hex. If you want to
fight it go ahead but if you think you are not ready then forget this part
for now if you think you are ready then proceed. Just follow along the path
and eventually a huge fish will jump out of the water!
Optional Boss Fight
Front Line Party: Ryu, Ursula, Nina
Back Line Party: Scias, Cray, Ershin
Difficulty: Hard
Dragon Gene: Kaiser
Item(s): Deep Diver, Fish Head

First off you should be warned that this boss has a very high physical
defense so don't even try normal attacks. Instead on the first round have Ryu
turn into the Kaiser Dragon, have Nina use Cyclone and have Ursula use
Cyclone. For Now on have Nina healing herself or Ursula have her and Ursula
both using Cyclone when they can get in any offense. If you decided on using
Scias, you should just have him heal. Cray should attack with Stone Pillar,
and have Ershin using a magic or healing.

Now go back to the man he said since there are so many fish here the people
have turned it into a fishing spot. Leave out and when you do it is now a
fishing spot go and fish there are some rare ones in the mist. Now gets back
in the sandflier go to Shyde to Shikk. On your way there you will notice that
the bottom of the of the track looks funny proceed down there jump off of a
sand hill and you will be in another area you will meet the Sand Dragon Sa
Ryong. He will teach you Onslaught.
3d: Check point and Shikk

When you are on the world map go to the checkpoint. There will be guards
blocking the path to Shikk. Ursula thinks you should just break through, but
Cray thinks you can reason with them. Walk over there and Cray will talk with
them. he guards unfortunately will recognize Cray because he is wanted by the
Ludians! You will have to fight the guards. The guards are easily destroyed.
After you defeat them more guards will show up. Now Nina suggests that the
wagons may be of use. Put Cray in the lead and have him push the wagon that
is near the treasure so that is right on the building. Jump on it, and you
will go through the air and land right near the treasure get the treasure.

Now get off the wagon, leave and come back and it will be in its original
position. Now push the 3 movable wagons in a row one near the house with the
ladder the other two going strait at the gate where the guards are at climb
off the ladder and whee! You're over the archway of the checkpoint! Now leave
for the world map check a '?' place in-between checkpoint and Shikk. Go there
and you will be on a strait path. Follow along until it branches off, when it
does go there and you will be on the world map. A new '?' will open it. Go
there, and you will find the Tree Dragon Su Ryong. He will give you Holy

Now it's time to go to Shikk! Once entering Shikk search the town for weapon
upgrades and restock on needed items. Then find the Tavern. Inside you will
need to speak to the sailor standing by himself near the bar... hey that's
Zig! (Zig was a muscle bound sailor from BOF3) He will tell you that anyone
not blessed by the Sea God can not get on the Ship :( . Well the Sea God is
located at the Fane. So leave town and when you are back on the world map
Save Rest and go to Fane. Once there go across the bridge and speak to the
sailor he will find out you need the blessing of the Sea God. He will move
out of your way proceed along the path and you will enter the cave. Once
inside go north and enter the cave you will find a Wave Stone.

Now go back to near the entrance of the cave and you will find a pool you
will automatically throw the wave stone in the pool. Now leave the cave go up
the incline then go through the higher up entrance of the cave. The Sea
Dragon will be there. The Sea Dragon will give you his blessing and a salt
stone as proof you met him. Now leave Fane and go back to Shikk. Go back to
the Tavern and Zig will walk you to your ship. Zig is superstitious, he will
not allow the women Ursula and Nina on board the ship. Nina pleads their case
but the sailor think women are not strong enough.

At this point your old friend Kahn appears, Ursula whips out her Imperial
hand gun, and shoots him off the mast. Zig said it was good but that's not
physical strength, so Nina decided to face on of the sailors on top of the
ship in a fight.
Mini Game XI
Battlin' on thee Mast

The way to win is to knock off the sailor who is on the mast. It's pretty
simple when you figure it out. You have to hold square to ram the sailor, and
you have to press x to jump over him. This is what you do get Nina near the
edge and he will try to ram you, time the jump so Nina will pounce on his
head. Now when she lands hold Square and she will ram him off.

Although Zig is impressed he still says they won't be able to handle ship
life. So he decided to let them on board if they can survive a night in the
hold. He will escort you down there. Nina and Ursula will be calm for now.
But Nina will hear a noise, then she will feel something then you will get
into a fight! You will have to fight a copycat blast him with a weak spell
and he will turn into a wizard. Have Nina use Typhoon on the wizard and have
Ursula attack it. They will think it's over for now, but the fun hasn't even
begun. A horde of mice will come from the ceiling you will have to fight
those. Thankfully this battle is easier than the last just hit them with a
combo spell like flare Typhoon/Cyclone to get rid of them quickly.

It seems at this point that Ursula is fearless. She likes Broccoli, not
afraid of ghosts or mice. But she is somehow afraid of huge Sea Live. This is
a hilarious sequence. Then you will be switched back to the main party. It's
time to check on the ladies to see how well they did. Go down to the ship,
Nina seems find but Ursula is still shaking up by all the lice. But they made
it without a peep so Zig lets them come on board!
3e: 'Xploring the Salt Sea

Once you are on the ship, Nina will suggests that you and her should check
out the ship. Go in the ship get the item from the cabinet. Speak to Ursula
go near the hold where Ursula and Nina had to spend the night. Nina will tell
you about what happened down there. All of a sudden the ship will start to
rumble. Now head up the ladder Ursula is still afraid of the lice, forget her
for now and go to the deck. Some sort of animal is chasing the ship, get's only Kahn he some how chased the shipped and he still wants to
fight, and now he is stronger than ever!
Boss Fight XV
Kahn 3
Front Line Party: Ryu, Ursula, Scias
Back Line Party: Nina, Cray, Ershin
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: Not Needed
Item(s): Manly Clothes

This guy has some new attacks but basically he is easier than ever. Pound him
with attacks, no need to have Ryu go all crazy and turn into anything. Have
Scias use the Super Combo for added hurt and Ryu and Ursula should just
attack him to death. He is very strong after a Focus however if he catches
Ursula it may be lights out for her, or she will be near death. Have Scias
cure her up if he attacks Scias, Scias should go into a "Feel My Blade"
sequence. Which rocks one super combo after that and he will surely fall

Party 2:
Nina, Cray, Ershin

If you decided on these 3 Cray, should attack. Ershin should also attack if
you gave Flame Pillar to Ershin or Cray then they should combine with Nina to
make Giga Flare. He will go down without a struggle after a while, any curing
needs Nina should handle.

After the battle Kahn will go away. Now the rest of the voyage will be smooth
sailing. Well it should be according to the sailors. You will then wake up as
Ryu, go to the deck, and Zig will tell you that the ship has been moving
slowly as of late. Zig was afraid that you are near the island of fire, there
are some awful spirits around there. You will have to investigate the island.
You will row there and once you are in control enter inside. You will see a
will O' Wasp over Ryu's over head. Why is it there? Who knows, but I do. It's
there to illuminate the room, not only that it is also there to be a guide of
the planks. Some planks you can step on and others you can not.

Trust the Will o wasp. It can get you through this, it's like the traffic
light. Green means all clear, Yellow means you're near a break and red means
one step and you'll fall. If you do fall go to the back of the room and you
will find a ladder which will take you back to the beginning. This area is
not that hard to get through, also you have to remember that you can't jump
over holes here. When you make it to safe ground go up the ladder. When you
are on the deck of the ship make a left. Keep following along the path and
soon you will be in a cave. Once inside you will find a "God" like Fou-Lu
fought. He doesn't take kindly too small people either, he has a short temper
he doesn't like you and wants to kill you!
Boss Fight XVI
Front Line Party: Ryu, Scias, Nina
Back Line Party: Ursula, Cray, Ershin
Difficulty: Intermediate
Dragon Gene: Wyvern
Item(s): ??????

On the first turn, turn Ryu into a Wyvern. Have Nina use Cyclone or Typhoon,
and have Scias use the Super Combo. Like the other "God" Marl, he summons his
little buddies to help him. Keep the weak one alive, and concentrate on
Glebe. When Ryu is the Wyvern change have him use Hwajeh and then have Nina
use Typhoon if she has it. This combination plus the Super Combo will take
him out without many problems. When he dies kill the remaining friend.
Note: If you kill a lot of his friends then you get a lot of items, i killed
him twice and got different items, so if you want a lot of items kill a lot
of the friends.

Other Party: Ursula Cray Ershin

The basic idea here would be for everyone to attack, if you don't have
everyone attack then have Ursula and Cray link up for a Earth + Fire spell.
This does damage to all not much, and Ershin should be strong enough to take
off a decent chunk of damage with normal attack. You should have one of her
level 3 spells by now, use it on glebe if you do.
Now go back to the ship, you can just let your self drop and then just run
back to the ship. When you do you will still control Ryu, go back to where
the Diary is rest and safe. The trip now will go all the way safe and you
will dock in the small island town called Lyp.
3f: Starting your western Journey.

3 New Masters Optional:

By talking to the fishing frog in Lyp and if you have 3000 Fishing Points
Gyosil will become your master. Then if you take the boat back to Shikk, and
speak to the sailor next to the ship, and if you did a 25 hit combo Kryrik
will become your master. Now, go back to Synesta and speak to Lyta and she
will become your master, if you got Gyosil to become your master. If you went
through with all of this go back to Lyp and continue with the game.

Now, explore the town, get whatever you can and restock your items if needed.
When you are done here leave and you will be on the world map. When you do go
to the first ? area in the south. Enter the place and explore a while you
will find some sort of red creature. Speak to it, and it will speak and in
another language. Chose to feed it feed it some easily caught fish you may
have or some sort of meat you caught with the faeries. Yikes! Speaking of the
faeries when you leave here after feeding it twice go on the map open camp
and check on them! When you are done leave camp and continue along to the
next place.

Once you are inside the Jungle, run across the platform and then jump over
the space. Then go strait and you will find a ladder, then go up the ladder.
Go across the bridge to the next tree. Now go down a ladder, make a right and
go into the next area. Now walk strait and you will find a river with logs.
Time to roll some logs again! Now jump on the log and roll downs until you
hit another log roll continue rolling in that direction. Then keep going and
then jump on the log to the right. Then roll it then jump on the next log and
roll it up. Roll this long to the right, and then jump on the log that is
there. Then roll the log up and put it next to the log on the left.

Then roll it up to you hit another log then roll it to the left and you will
reach the platform grab the treasure it's Claws Ershin equip those. Now roll
back to the other log and go to the log on the right. Then go up on the log
and get off on the dirt on your right. Now continue to the right and you will
be back on the world map. Rest and Save when you get there.
3g: Pukapuka

As soon as you walk in a barrage of arrows will come at you. The little red
thing you fed will realize who you are and they will know you are not
monsters. A normal man will come out of the house and invite you in. The man
is Beyd, and according to the little red thing you can cross the tidal flats
and that will get you into the main land. Then YUCK CITY AGAIN! The man
married the little red thing! Yuck, Beyd how can you go from geeky guy in
BOF3 to creature marrying weirdo hermit in BOF4! Now leave here and go left
into the next tree house. You will see some of them circling another
creature, read the diary and you will see Beyd's note on the Pabpab language.

Pabpab Word| Translation |
Ain- |During, Period |
Ishi |East |
Kairu |Guide, teach |
Ko |Here, This |
Michu |secret |
Nah |Fish |
Ni |You, that |
No |wrong, bad |
Nosta |North |
Pabpab |Us |
Paketo |But, Still |
Poto |More, amazing |
Purechi |Friend |
1. Pukapuka|Slowly, relaxed: |
2. Pukapuka|What will be, will be |
Rikuku |Medicine |
Roi |Rock, stone |
Sanami |South |
Santo |Thanks |
Sonna |Sorry |
Taan |Time |
Tatoru |Dance |
Temi |Enemy, Bad Person |
Treja |Treasure |
Ueshi |West |

When you have done this speak to the blue Pabpab in the middle. You will find
out in so many words that it is sick, you can also talking to the Pabpab's
circling him. Remember Beyd has only defined some of the words he has not
done it all yet. So when speaking to the Pabpab's you can almost make out the
basic idea of what they are talking about and not a true translation. When
you are done go back to Beyd's shack, Beyd will tell you that, the pabpab is
sick, and he says thats what his wife was asking you for when you met up with
her on the plain earlier. He says the medicine can be found on the ocean on
an island.

Now speak to the rest of the pabpabs if you want, and then go back to Lyp. Go
back to the ship speak to Zig, and tell him you want to use the ship again.
Mini Game XII
Traveling The Sea

Ok the basic idea here is simple. You are using the ship to get to places on
the Salt Sea. You press X to raise or lower the mast, you press O to manually
row, and you press Triangle to search an area. Now, there are plenty of flags
here and what do the flags mean? They mean that there is something there!
Well the red flags mean treasure the blue mean something special, there is
also a place not marked by a flag that you need to check out!

Place 1 & 2: Ocean Spot 2, and the place where you get the medicine
Place 3 & 4: Shikk and Sea Dragon.

When you depart go up, then go to the right, you will see the first Blue Flag
stop there, inside you will find Ocean Spot2, the legendary Whale can be
caught here, but I'm sure you can't right now. Now, get back in the boat if
it took a lot of supplies to get there, simply run out your supplies, and you
will be back in Lyp. Now when you get your supplies replenished go up again
and to the right you will find another blue flag. Get off here, and you will
be on a small beach. Check the green plant on the right, it's the mozweed the
special plant that pabpab needs to get better. Chop down 99 of them, and
leave. Run out your supplies and you will be in the port in lyp.

Now when you get there go right, until you are half way across the ocean then
go down. When you go down go to the right until you find the town of shikk,
lower the anchor there. Then get right back on the boat, go to the upper left
part where the rock are at find a C shaped section of rocks, and check that
area. You will find that the Sea Dragon is there, if not try until you find
the Sea Dragon. He will give you his powers Now run out the supplies and you
will be back in Shikk, cross the ocean again and you will be back in Lyp.

Now get on the world map. Set up Camp to check on your faeries rest and save.
Now go back to Pabpab. Go to the other tent where the sick Pabpab is located
and speak to him and you will give him a herb. Beyd will tell you to rest for
now, when you wake up in the morning check on that Pabpab, he is all better!
Now speak to the other Pabpabs and they will offer you their thanks. Beyd
will say that the Flats are showing and you can cross the islands to get to
the mainland!
3h: Stranded

Beyd's wife will only walk you so far, and then she will leave, i couldn't
make out much of what she said. Go right and follow along the path, and soon
you will come upon the next screen. On the next screen go pass the ramp that
you see and continue along and get the chest, it contains moon tears,
backtrack back to the ramp and go up. Now go around the ledge and you will
see a Chrysm in the bushes, go around some more jump over the space, then run
down the near by decline, and go into the shrubs and get the Behemoth Gene!
Ryu and Fou-Lu can use this Gene! Now turn around and go up the incline, go
the opposite way and go down a decline.

Now make your way through and into the next area. In the next area the sun is
starting to set and it gets, darker, Cray says they should pick up their pace
if they plan on making it, the sun will set further and it's completely night
time now. Nina says there effort is futile so they should set up camp and
continue in the morning. Well when they wake up Cray will realize that the
Tide is back and they can't make it across. They want to make sure, so go to
the left part as I you were to continue and you will realize their is nothing
but ocean and you are stranded out there!

Oh well! Now you will see a Fou-Lu sequence. Fou-Lu survived the "Mami
Powered" Hex blast and has made it to the capital of Chedo. Things will shift
back to the main party and you will be awakening still on the island. The
tide is still in and you can't cross the flats right now. Now try and leave
the screen by going up and to the right, and Nina is bored so she joins you,
Ursula also decides to join you. Then Cray wants to tag along as well, Ursula
flashes a glance at Cray and he decided not to go. Now go into the next
screen, and the party will discuss that they will need food soon.

Now just follow along the path and you will come upon a chests that contains
a Deluxe Rod and another chest near by that contains Crabs. Nina will say
that maybe you can fish nearby. Sure enough you will find a fishing spot,
this is the Saldine Spot. This is mandatory fish I think, so just catch
anything if your not a fishing buff, if you are try to catch whatever is
available at this point. Now when you are done with fishing leave the fishing
spot and Ursula and Nina will be relieved that you found food. Now make your
way back to camp.
Sorry no naked Ursula and Nina for us NA version players!
3I: Fou-Lu in the Capital and getting off the island

Now Fou-Lu will get into his castle. When he does a lion creature will come
down, and say it's off limits. The Lion will realize that it is the rightful
ruler returning. Fou-Lu will reveal what he was up to, he wants to destroy
his own Empire and Rule the world like he should! He sends the lion out to
destroy the city! Now you will go back to Ryu and company, Nina suggests you
should fish some more so head towards the fishing spot. You will be switched
back to Fou-Lu. Now walk strait and General Yohm will show up once again to
thwart your efforts. He will summon one of his creations to destroy Fou-Lu
Boss Fight: XVII
Front Line Party: Fou-Lu
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: Tyrant
Item(s): Wisdom Fruit, Super Vitamin

Turn into the Tyrant immediately. Use a few breath attacks on Kahbo, and he
will soon die. He will not do anything harmful to Fou-Lu, this is perhaps the
easiest boss in the game

Before you can catch your breath General Yohm will summon another creature
for you to do battle with!
Boss Fight: XVIII
Front Line Party: Fou-Lu
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene Tyrant
Item(s) Wisdom Fruit, Ambrosia

Use an Ambrosia and a Wisdom Fruit to start off the battle then Turn into
Tyrant again. This time you may need to do some more Dark Waves, Kamyu
doesn't do anything really harmful to you, and it doesn't take off much
energy you should be able to put it away in under a minute.

After the fight, General Yohm will realize that Fou-Lu is a God and he can
not be stopped. It was honor trying to stop him, then apparently he is about
to kill himself. He set him self on fire ANOTHER thing NA players just didn't
see :( . Now examine the statue that Yohm killed himself by and you will be
in the castle. Now go down the stairs ignore the chest and make a left. Two
guards will attempt to stop Fou-Lu. Then you will see the current emperor
Soniel, and Yuna. They will be discussing what Fou-Lu is doing. Yuna says he
will stop Fou-Lu if he comes in here. Fou-Lu will show up and he will send
two more guards after Fou-Lu. After that Yuna will get out of there. Soniel
will start to try and reason with Fou-Lu.

Talking how he is a mortal and how he has no right to the throne. When Fou-Lu
turns he stabs him with a Dragonslayer, and proclaims he killed Fou-Lu, and
that he is the Emperor and fou-Lu is "old". Well here is yet another Jap only
scene, Fou-Lu uses his power to pull the Sword out and decapitates Soniel. He
then climbs the stairs and takes his throne.
*Sadly this is the last time you will control Fou-Lu like this*

Now you will be with Ryu and Nina at the fishing spot. Ryu seems to be very
concentrated on what's going on with the fishing. Nina will be blabbing to
him, apparently Nina is in love with Cray?!? But she knows he loves Elina and
she use to see him as a big brother but now she sees him as more. Ryu isn't
even paying attention. (I say: What is this? Cray, i thought she loved Ryu...
Ryu is the "other guy", I'm pretty sure he was paying attention, and cried
while we weren't looking :^D ) Nina catches on to him not paying attention
and advises they just go back to camp. Now go back to camp and check the tent
to rest and save.

When you wake up the Tide has gone back and you can go across the flats now!
go to the right side of the island the way you came in originally and the old
path has reformed! Now you will be brought back to the world map, check the ?
spot when you are walking down. Check the left side and Kahn will be there.
Kahn says that his life of fighting is over with and he will become your next
master! Agree to him being your master, and learn some of his tricks. You
should at least get the first ones. Go to Khaska speak to the villagers and
get weapon upgrades and armor upgrades.
3j: Shan River and Chiqua

When you are back on the World Map head for Shan River. When you get there
pull the lever. Get on and hold X to make the elevator move. Keep going until
you reach the right side, keep right hop over the space and then jump on then
next elevator. Take it to the next side and go into the next area. There are
two chest in this area one on the right side of the screen and one on the far
left, get both off these and come back out. Get on the elevator and a log
will float by, ignore the log. Another log will come by, ignore this log as
well. You can get on either log if you want, it leads to two treasures, that
i didn't bother getting.

Now when you get off go up and you will be back on the world map. Go in
Chiqua speak to the fat fish near the counter on your parties left. He will
tell you he knows how to get to the Capital. But what's in it for him. You
can give him 3 things. One a Valuable treasure from the Ruins, 2 a Vase from
Koshka, or fish needed for Shisu. The fish he wants are 3 Martian Squids, 3
Salmon, 3 Sea Breams. You can bring him one of each fish, or are 3 of one
type of fish. Any combination of 3 will do. Check your fish you may already
have them if you don't go to the Saldine Island. Go to that special fishing
spot and catch 3 Sea Breams. Bring those back.

The reason why I don't suggest the other two: It takes a very long time for
them to make the vase in Koshka, you don't want to give him the treasure you
will get in En Jhou trust me. So the Fish is the only thing you should be
able to part with. Well give him the fish speaks to him again and he will
update your treasure! Now, go speak to the man fishing in town he will tell
you of another fishing spot! Ok, leave Chiqua and go back to Koshka and speak
to the people there they will tell you more about En Jhou Ruins. Now leave
for the world map a new path will open to the En Jhou Ruins.
3k: En Jhous Ruins & River

When you are on the world map set up camp check on the faeries rest and save.
Then go inside the ruins. Walk strait and go into the room, the man in there
will tell you there is nothing there. Leave that room and go up the stairs.
Check the walls in the room one of them are weak put Ershin in front and have
her break the wall with her headbutt action. Go through the wall and take the
stairs. You will be in another room and go down the stairs there. Jump across
the hole that is right their, go up the incline and you will be in another
room. Go open the chest that is right next to you, then leave and go into the
doorway on the left.

You will see some ropes hanging from the ceiling. Use Ryu's sword to slash
the ropes. Now go back down the incline, then jump across the space. Go
inside the room and get the treasures. Now jump across the space on your
left, and go down the ladder. Go down the stairs on your right jump across
twice then leap then jump down get the treasure and go back to the stairs go
to the left, then jump down twice. Then go to the left when you are on the
bottom get. Go to the Dragon Chrysm it's the Flawed Gene! Now make your way
back through the En Jhou ruins. If you have made asked the Koshka to make you
a jar it will be ready now, so speak to him he will sell it for 500 Zenny.
Give the fish man the jar if you didn't give him the fish.

Now when you are back on the world map rest and save and check the faeries!
Now go in River, and when you do a Mini Game of Sorts will start!
Mini Game XIII
Moving the Crates

Cray will need to be in the lead as he has has the push ability, so he can
move the boxes. First go along the path and then push the crate to your left.
Run across the Crate to the other side. Then go up a flight of stairs and
keep strait, then get on top of the next crate jump off of it and go up. Then
go left and then go into the next area. Now go back into the first area and
you will be in the water, keep going and you will get a new weapon for Ershin
equip it to her. Now go back into the other area, and use the panel and the
gate will rise. Now walk across the gate then climb down from the gate when
you get across it.

On the other side close the gate using the panel. Then push the box that is
on the left side. Go strait skip the panel and cross the bridge, a man will
be there who wants to talk. Chose Dragons, then chose yes then 'They All Look
different" Then chose grass and rocks, he will tell you he seen a large rock
south of the River. Then chose Traveling then across the sea, then chased by
the empire. He will give you an item. You can also speak to him some more,
and he will give you a Wisdom Seed. When you are through with the man go to
the left, and push the crate there. Now go back to the panel which i told you
to ignore, use the panel twice once to drain some of the water, the second to
lower the gate.

Now go up and go across the crates on the left, and go into the next area.
Now go back into the previous area, and get the treasure you couldn't get.
Now go back into the new area go up a small incline then jump off the crate,
and exit the screen to be back on the world map.

Once you are on the world map, head to the fork then go take the right path.
Enter that place to meet the Rock dragon, if you got all the previous dragons
I mention you can use all the Dragon Breaths.
3l: Pauk Village, and The Emperor's Tomb

Pauk Village is pretty small so speak to the folks there and get your weapons
and stuffs upgraded. Now, go to the bigger tent on the upper right corner of
town and speak to the woman there. The woman says that the Elder knows how to
get to the capital but he won't talk because his pet chicken has ran away.
Now leave Pauk and get back on the world map, go to a question mark spot that
is near Pauk and you will be in another mini game!
Mini Game XIV
Catch the Chicken

In this fun mini game you will have to catch Tak, the Elder's chicken. The
Elder's chicken is easily identified as the brown one. You can catch the
other chickens if you want for more points. This game has no clock, but I
think you may get a bonus if you catch the chickens including Tak really
fast. To catch a chicken you have to chase it in the chicken coop, which is
in the middle of the screen. Try and ignore Tak and chase the other chickens
in for points then go after Tak

Now return to Pauk, and speak to the Elder, he will tell you that the road to
the Empire is currently blocked off. However you can go to Astana by first
going to the 1st Emperor's Tomb. Nina decided the Emperor's Tomb might be a
great place to go. So they decide to check it out. When you get on the world
map Save Rest and check the Faeries. Then ignore the place labeled Kwanso,
and then go to the forest next Fou-Lu's tomb. By exploring this place, you
will find out that it was on fire. Keep looking, go to the place where the
bridge was and in the upper right corner you will find the last Dragon
Chrysm. This allows Ryu to become the Myrmidon Dragon, which is wind based.

Leave here by going south and guess what a new Fishing spot will open!
Wowser's fish around, and catch whatever you can and when you are ready
proceed to Fou-Lu's Tomb. When inside you will recognize such landmark places
like where Fou-Lu used Astral to kill those guards. Go up the hill on your
right, and proceed along the path into the next screen. Get the treasure if
you haven't gotten it as Fou-Lu, jump across the gap on the left. Then go up.
You will be in the area with all the steps go up the steps. You will see Fou-
Lu's Tomb Guardian is stone. He will come alive, he will allow know one to
enter the master's tomb. He will realize Ryu is bredren to Fou-Lu, but he
doesn't care those are his master's orders!
Boss Fight XIX
Front Line Party: Ryu, Nina, Ershin
Back Line Party: Scias, Cray, Ursula
Difficulty: Very Hard
Dragon Gene: Controlled Kaiser, Weyr
Item(s) Moon Tears, Cupid's Lyre

This battle is mega tough. If you have a controlled Kaiser then the
difficulty is only hard. If you are still with Berserk Kaiser just use
Weyr(Wyvern) for the time being. Now, Wonqu is like his master, and is water
based. Plus he has a lot of HP and is very strong physically. You will want
in the first round for Ryu to turn into either Dragon, Kaiser is preferred.
You then have Ershin do an Inferno followed by Nina's Typhoon to make
Gigaflare. This does a nice chunk of damage. Ryu when he becomes the Dragon
should use breath uintil he is at half Hp, then switch to Hwajeh, when Ryu is
at half HP, and bring Ursula from the back to replace Nina.

Assuming Ursula has Inferno by now use the combo Ershin Inferno, Ryu Hwajeh,
Ursula, Inferno. This will also do great damage to Wonqu. If things get real
rough have Ryu waste all of his evocations on Won-qu except the Sea Dragon.
Then whoever got Flame Pillar should come from the back and make Inferno,
Inferno Flame Pillar.

Now, Wonqu will give up and admit that he couldn't beat Ryu, and he was the
equal of his master. Now leave Tomb if anyone died go to an inn and rest if
not just set up camp, then go back into tomb. There is a good skill you
should learn here, try and fight with guardians, guardians do triple blow, i
suggest saving that little nugget for our mercenary Scias :) Go strait down
all the spiraling stair cases, and enter the door way there. Now go down
another flight of stairs. Then go up, when you hit a fork keep going up and
get a chest that has vitamins in it. Now go back to the fork and go left, and
use the block elevator.

Now go through the door to reach the next room, once inside then check the
plaque and the pillar will lower. Now go into the next room strait ahead. You
will be given a puzzle where you have to use the controls to line up the
blocks to reach the middle and to the other chest and the far end side of the
room . Once you do that get bot treasures the one in the middle is a bead
which you will need in a moment. The other one is a weapon for Ursula equip
that to her immediately. Now go back to the previous room and the bead will
crumble. Now go down the newly form stairway to reach the bottom of the room,
then go up the ladder that is on the right side of the room.

Climb up that ladder go left climb up another ladder and go inside the
doorway there. Now go strait along the path and when you reach the fork make
a left, then go through the doorway. Now, put Cray in the lead and the pillar
there will lower go down the ladder that is behind the pillar. Now Cray will
be all alone, and a huge block will be in front of him. Beware the red eye of
the block, if Cray comes in contact with the red eye 10% of your total HP
will drop temporarily, and you can't recover it until your next rest! Try
your best to ignore the Eye of the Block. Get to the middle of the room to
reach the next bead, and try to make your way to the treasure for 5000 zenny,
it won't be easy, you may be able to come out with only 1 10% hp loss.

When you make it back to the party, go back to the room where the previous
bead crumbled. Now this bead will also crumble. Now go to the bottom of the
room, where the pillar was lowered, and go into the doorway behind it. Follow
along the path until you reach a fork, make a left at the fork and go through
the door to reach the next area. Before moving make sure the entire party is
at max HP/AP. Now run strait a couple of bridges will form. Two dies will
appear and they will want to battle!
Boss Fight XX
Front Line Party for I: Nina, Ershin, Ursula
Back Line Party for I: Ryu, Scias, Cray
Front Line Party for II: Ryu, Scias, Cray
Back Line Party for II: Nina, Ershin, Ursula
Difficulty: Hard
Dragon Gene: Don't use
Item(s) Wisdom Fruit, Harmonic Ring, Vitamins

Ok, I take this like it's two battles. You should go for I first. I is immune
to physical attacks. II is immune to magic attacks. Both I and II will mainly
use an attack called Revolution. This can reduce your HP to 1, but if your HP
is at 1, it will give you Max HP. This is why i suggest not using any
Dragons, because it really sucks when one of those dies. You should try and
get rid of I, just use Inferno on it for the most part, or if Nina has Flame
Pillar then this is even easier. If you can get the Inferno, Inferno, Flame
Pillar going then you will slice through I like cheese. In 3 rounds I will
drop by using that.

Now it's time for 2 change your front party to the fellas. Have them all
attack II, Ryu should be using Double Blow if he has it, Cray should be in
the back throwing items to non threatening HP needs, and Scias should use
Super Combo, or Triple Blow. When Cray can get in offense, he should just
attack. II will be destroyed quicker than one if your guys are strong enough.

Now, after the battle Wonqu will return, he will be impressed. He will
realize your strength, and give you the Wonqu Gem. Take this back to the
room, where the beads got destroyed. A block will appear. Use the block and
chose move ahead. You will be taken outside and around the back of Fou-Lu's
tomb. Now go back on the World Map, rest Save and check the faeries. That was
a tough battle you needed to rest. Now, go to the place called Mukto. You
will be in the area behind Fou-Lu's tomb. Now go to the left near the exit of
Tomb, and keep going to the left and jump over the space. Now go across the
path there, and go up, and go inside the cave.

Now put Ershin in front and have her check the wall, when you find the spot
with a whole lot of cracks, have her use her action to destroy, the wall,
proceed inside. This area is not really required, but you can go in it for
some items. The main focus of the place is that it contains the Dragons Tear.
Search the lower floors for items, then come back to the top floor. Make a
left near the entrance and follow along the path. Then clmb up a ladder get
the treasures and continue climbing up the ladder. Then climb up another
ladder and go through the passway. Now go strait and enter the place. Take
the Dragons Tear, read the plaque, and go back to the world map rest and
3m: End of Chapter III

When you are back on the world map new, roads to old places will be back. For
now head back in Astana. The main reason you are in Astana is to get the new
weapons here, and the Manillo shop. Once you are done with that leave Astana,
there is nothing else really important here. Now go to the ? spot near
Kwanso. You will be on a mountain, go strait down the mountains and when you
reach a fork go right, continue along that path and you will find Bunyan! He
is the last master of the game, if you met the requirements of all the other
masters, and you have found every master he will be your master. You should
be able to at least get his first skill.

His second skill may be a stretch for some, and his 3rd skill i don't think
anyone is getting without putting in serious hours. Now leave here and go
back down the mountain, you will end up back on the world map a new path
leading to Highway will appear take it. If you come to a ? mark on the path
take, it then read the sign there, you will find there is a fishing spot near
by! This is also the last fishing spot of the game! Last fishing spot, last
master, all signs of the end of the game! When you get on the highway, there
is Imperial Troops all over the place!

Put Ursula in the lead and speak to the main that is in front of the army.
Ursula will inquire about General Rhun, the guard will say he has left and
went to Astana. Now leave highway and go back to Astana. Now go back in town,
and go to that building where the guard wouldn't let you down the stairs. The
guard will let you down the stairs now so descend them. Now go down them go
strait and you will be outside, go up a flight of stairs and you will be near
a large. Building walk around the left side of the building and you will find
a doorway. Ha! It's the room where you saw Yuna when looking for Elina!

The party will also realize this, but there is something not right. You will
be thrown into battle! This battle is pretty simple it's just a bunch of
Zombies from earlier in the game. Just kill all the zombies and then kill the
Warlok controlling them, all of this can be done with physical attacks. But
if you are too lazy for that use a breath attack on them to get rid of them
with one round. Now go to where the red curtain is, and continue along the
path to where Yuna stopped you. You will see a soldier speak to him and keep-
going pass that point, and use the elevator there. Once off the elevator
follow along the path and pull the lever when you come upon it, this will
lower the gate.

Now keep going strait, and go down a flight of stairs. Speak to the soldier
and keep going strait, now go through the doorway. Grab the treasure, it's a
weapon for Ershin equip it to her. Now go up the stairs make a left, and then
go across the bridge then keep going strait and into the next area. In the
next area some huge monster's intestines will be on the wall. Now climb up
the veins and guts and go left. A piece of vein will block your path use Ryu
to try and slash it. You will then hear that a normal sword can not cut that.
A holographic image of Elina will be on the wall.

She says only a Dragonslayer can cut through that. (As you know the
Dragonslayer is what Soniel used to try and kill Fou-Lu) Now make your way
all the way back to Astana and to the place where you weren't originally
aloud. The soldiers there will say Yuna is on his way here, but he is stuck
somewhere. Now get on the world map set up camp rest save and check the
Faeries. Now go to Rwanso, put Ursula in the lead and speak to the guards
there. They will open the gates, and Yuna will be on the other side. Yuna
will not give up the dragonslayer just like that, but Ryu will swipe him with
his sword.

Yuna will get out of there, and he forgot his sword! Pick it up, read the
description, it kills Gods! But i doubt it would kill Ryu, and it didn't kill
Fou-Lu. Now make your way back to the place. You will find out that the place
is full of hex, and that made the monsters here quite cranky, plus stronger!
Make your way all the way back where the huge monster guts were at. Put Ryu
in front equip the Dragonslayer and cut the vein. The vein will mysteriously
grow back in 2 seconds so move quick. Now continue to climb up the guts and
you will be on the top. Now go in the door and go up the flight of stairs on
the left.

Yuna will be near a small house, he will talk to you about nonsensical
things. Now proceed inside the house and Elina is resting in the bed. She
will talk to her sister, and Cray since she knows no one else. She will then
ask Ryu to leave the Drgonslayer behind?!? She will talk to Cray alone, she
will talk about things that she shouldn't know about it. Cray will then ask
her how does she know about Ryu, and how does she know about these things.
she will tell him that she is an Endless. Yuna will now show up. He will tell
Cray he needed a Sacrifice for the Carronade that would do some major damage.
He says Elina was too pure for the Caronade she had no evil inside of her.

That is why she was made into an Endless. Carronade sacrifices need to go
under a lot of torture, and since an endless couldn't be killed she could be
tortured without be killed. She is so large that those monster guts belong to
her. Cray will pull back the sheet and discover this. Yuna will then flee
through the window, Elina request that Cray kills her. She doesn't want to
live like this. At first he doesn't want to do it, but then he realizes he
has to he doesn't want to see her suffer. Now the screen shifts to the rest
of the party they are discussing why Cray has been gone all this time. Cray
then leaves the house and he leaves the Dragonslayer behind... :(


4a: Chedo

Now you will be in Astana so leave Astana. Once you are back on the World
Map, you will be able to go to everywhere in the game. So go to Sonne, speak
to the woman in the fields, and she will upgrade your treasure. This should
be the final treasure upgrade if you got them all. Now go in Sonne although
it's pretty pointless, it's kind of funny to see almost everyone mistaking
Ryu for Fou-Lu. Now go back on the world map, and go to all the masters, and
try to get everything you can right now. Also check your Faeries and Save.
Now head to Chedo. Now go there, everyone one will be speaking of all the
destruction some monster has caused, no one in the army was powerful enough
to stop it.

(You may remember Fou-Lu told his Guardian to destroy the city well...) Well
there is still shops here. I suggest you get as many vitamins, Ammonia's and
anything else of interest. If you are a little nervous go and try and catch
some of those powerful fish. Do whatever you need, and when you are ready
come back in Chedo. The part with the shops is the safe spot, although
destroyed monsters aren't running loose here. When you are done getting all
you need go strait and you will be taken to the other side of the tracks.
Once on the other side go into the house that is right next to you. Go up the
stairs grab the treasure, jump over the space and go down the flight of

Go under the archway on the left side, go up a flight of stairs and go inside
the building. Go right and up a ladder, then go to the left and get the
treasure. Now leave this building, then go right. Then go up a flight of
stairs, then go in the building, then go out of the building on the left side
and get the treasure. Now go inside the building again and go down a flight
of stairs, then go up and then make a left. Keep going in that direction,
then go down some and you will find a chest get it and then go through the
gate there. When you start going strait, you will see the guardian that Fou-
Lu told to destroy the city. He will then try and destroy you as well!
Boss Fight XXI
Front Line Party: Ryu, Scias, Ursula
Back Line Party: Nina, Ershin, Cray
Difficulty: Very Hard
Dragon Gene: Controlled Kaiser, Myrmidon
Item(s) Moon Tears, Spirit Ring

This is one difficult battle. When the battle starts have ryu become the
controled Kaiser. Have Scias use the supercombo, followed by Ursula using
Inferno. When Ryu becomes Kaiser have him use Kaiserbreath until he takes a
damaging hit. When Kaiser HP drops too low, just have Kaiser use Hwajeh and
bring Ershin out of the back row to replace Scias. Have these 3 combines for
Inferno, Inferno Hwajeh. When Ryu goes back to normal either by Kaiser dying
or running out of MP. Have Ryu waste all of the Evocations on this battle.
When that is done throw him a wisdom fruit. Have him become the Myrmidon, and
use the breath until his HP's fall low again.

Then just have him just attack as it. When Ryu, goes back to normal replace
Ershin with Scias or Nina and have them cure the entire party. Then keep
Scias in and have him do Supercombo or Triple Blow.
This guardian will realize also that Ryu is the equal of his master. Then you
will see a sequence with General Rhun and Ursula. Apparently, General Rhun
raised Ursula when she was a child, General Rhun was Ursula's grandfather.
General Rhun warns Ryu of what is in side of the castle. He also apologizes
in behalf of the whole army, they will need the help of the Yorae Dragon to
save the world.
4b: End of Game

When the gates open, run out of Chedo and go back to the world map. Go to
camp and go to the faerie village, make an inn if you don't have one and get
a free inn rest to restore Ryu's dragons, and evocations. Make a final check
to see if you can or if you know all the Master's Skills. Then finally check
your Skills, see what you have better on the scroll, or if you have a good
skill equip to a person who doesn't need it. Then Save the game. Then proceed
to castle. Go inside the castle, and check the crystal on the far end, Fou-
Lu's other Guardian will appear. He will realize that you must meet Fou-Lu
and will take you into the immediate castle.

After the ride he can only take you so far. When you can control your
characters go down the stairs, then go strait, and then go to the left side
of the room, and go into the door. Some Imperial Soldiers will be there, a
Diary is conveniatly located here. Put Ershin in front of the party and have
her ram the book case a key will fall. Then use the diary to save. Go around
the right side of the room and the key will open the gate blocking the
stairs. Go down the stairs, make a left then go down. Go across the planks go
across it and then go up and in a doorway. Check all the bookcases, and you
will come upon an Ivory 'Dyse'.

Now leave here and go to the door on the left. Go down the stairs in this
room. Now go to the upper right room, and then make a left through 3 rooms.
And then go down a flight of stairs. Make a left here then go up when you
reach the fork, then make a left. You will be in a room with bookshelves read
the books and find the item hidden. Also check the cabinets for more items
and then leave the room. Now go back to the fork and make a right then go
through the doorway and down the stairs. Go strait into the next room, search
the closet for a burglar garb, and equip it to Ursula. Now leave this room
Heal up everyone and then go to the next room, a huge dragon will be in the
middle approach it!
Boss Fight XXII
Front Line Party: Ryu, Scias, Ursula
Back Line Party: Nina, Ershin, Cray
Difficulty: Very Hard
Dragon Gene: Controlled Kaiser
Item(s) Moon Tears, Belladonna

This boss is difficult, because he has some sort of thing that can cure him
every turn. It will seem impossible when you lose the battle. But the main
thing you have to do here is turn Ryu into Kaiser. When Ryu is Kaiser blast
it with Kaiser breath until he loses that that function. Everyone else should
block or cure each other. Until that's whipped out, it won't take any more
than 4 rounds. Then you should blast the dragon with powerful magic, and
Super Combos. You should unleash everything you have against it. This dragon
won't go down easy, but once the curing ability is gone the battle is not
that tough.

When the battle is over take Blue Charm from where the dragon once was. Now
go through the doorway, you will find two elevators. Take the one on the left
up to the 5th floor. You will be near the entrance. You might take this
opportunity to leave the castle and go to Chedo and restock on items like
Ammonia and Vitamin. Then go back into castle when you do make sure you save
first in the room with the diary. Use the blue charm on the door block by the
blue charm, examine the rooms here to find a Dragon Helm and Armor for Ershin
equip those immediately and come back out. Now go to the front room the
elevator will still be there take it to the first floor.

Go into the other elevator and go to B1. Get off the elevator and go down the
stairs, the area is blocked by a yellow field. Now go up and go down another
flight of stairs. Make a right and go through the door into the next room and
go down the ladder. Go strait and find a chest that contains Aurums, then
climb up the ladder, then up another ladder. Now go through the way there,
keep strait and you will find a dead end, a treasure will be there it's the
Shaman's Ring. Equip that to Ryu immediately. Now run all the way back to the
where the ladder was and go through the door there. Hit the switch and the
bridge will be raised.

Run inside the doorway there. Go strait and you will find the Yellow Charm.
Don't get back yet, instead go strait and you will find a door sealed by the
yellow forcefield. Open the door now, and you will find wonderful treasures
here! Now go back and raise the bridge again, then go all the way back to the
force area sealed by the yellow forcefield. You can access it now. When you
are down the stairs go along the path and down another flight of stairs. Then
you will find the Red Charm.( Simmo says head back up to the first floor, use
the elevator on floor B3. The 1st floor is where you fought Dragonne, then
head North into the room with the save point. Head east down the stairs from
there, and you will come to a door locked with the red charm. Open the door,
and open the chest and you will find the Dragon Blade.) After that go back to
the place you got the red charm and keep going strait and you will come upon
a chest containing life shards. Use these on Ursula, then go back to the room
with the Red charm in it.

Go through the doorway there, use the red charm on the door. When you're done
with that go back to the spot you go the red charm and go strait and use the
red charm on the elevator. Get on the elevator and it will take you down. Go
in the room behind the elevator, there you will ifnd many useful items in the
cupboards. There is also a nifty diary here, Rest and save. Now go on the
other side of the elevator and you will find a lot of stairs, go down all the
staircases. Eventually you will be taken to the actual throne room, which you
saw in Fou-Lu's scenario. Go inside, Cray will say something and then be hit
with a beam of light. Nina will then be hit as well. Then you will see Fou-Lu
on the throne.

He will be upset because of the mortals. He will tell Ryu to come to him.
Luckily he didn't kill your friends although they are not moving. Fou-Lu and
Ryu will meet at last, Fou-Lu will ask Ryu to become one God, Ryu does not
want to do it, and he swipes at Fou-Lu. Fou-Lu disappears, Nina comes up and
the rest of the party follows. It was only a projection of Fou-Lu. The party
is still fully healed so go through the doorway there, and use the elevator
cube. You will be at an outside place and Fou-Lu will be standing there, Ryu
wants to talk to him alone. Ryu and Fou-Lu start to talk, and Ryu won't join
with him yet, Fou-Lu tests Ryu's powers!
Boss Fight XXIII
Front Line Party: Ryu
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Dragon Gene: Not needed
Item(s) None

Well this is not a battle, but I believe you can kill Fou-Lu here if you were
strong enough. (If I will you will be the first to know ;) Anyway, if you
want to make it out alive just block Fou-Lu, although he only does 300 HP's
worth of damage for 5 rounds his Whiteout can take 1500 HP away. Keep your HP
above 1500 and you won't die at the end. You can attack him if you want.
During the battle he will speak to you he will then say how long can you
stand up to my powers and use Whiteout on you ending the battle.
You will then see the scene of Ryu getting White Out. Nina will come up and
cure Ryu. Then the rest of the party will walk up. Fou-Lu tried to convince
Ryu by showing him particular scenes of his mission. You will first see Fou-
Lu trying to escape the Empire. This will signify the war mentality of
mortals. (After each scene you will get a choice of Maybe so... I don't know.
If you want the real ending always use I don't know if you want the
alternative ending put maybe so) Now Fou-Lu will show Ryu Cray being accused
by Ludia, this will signify Trust. Then he will show Ryu, when Russo killed
the village of children, this will signify mortal cruelty.

Then he will show Ryu when Yuna made Elina into an Endless this will show
cruelty and also playing God. Then I believe since Ryu can see Fou-Lu's
thoughts, Ryu brings up when Mami first rescued him, and when Mami saved him
from the empire. This was to show not all mortals are bad and that Fou-Lu
even felt compassion at one point. Fou-Lu doesn't care and thinks that your
party Mami and others were just caught in their God life streams. You will
then feel Fou-Lu's thoughts and get two choices, Maybe So... You're Wrong!
First I'll tell you about Maybe So.

Here Ryu and Fou-Lu hold hands. Ryu's flesh evaporates and he goes inside of
Fou-Lu. To make an unstoppable Supreme God. Fou-Lu is the greater, and
decides nothing will stand in his way of taking over the world!
Bad Ending Final Fight
Nina, Cray, Scias, Ursula, Ershin
Front Line Party: Infini
Back Line Party: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
Dragon Gene: N/A
Item(s) None

Well can you call this a battle. Although your party collectively 49,995
HP's. They're are no match for Infini. Nina does Cyclone and Vigor, Cray just
attacks, and Scias does Shadowwalk. Ursula attacks, and Ershin Blocks. I
heard reports that you can lose this battle on purpose if you want. You can
also throw a curative item to Nina and hear her comments. When you are done
trying to kill yourself, or you just want to kill them, use Soul Rend, then
Dark Wave. No one will survive it...

After the battle Fou-Lu will carry out his wishes, the ending here basically
sucks wet ass... enjoy it because you were afraid of having to face Fou-Lu!

You're Wrong!

Ryu slaps Fou-Lu's hand away, Fou-Lu can't comprehend Ryu's actions, so he
has to kill him he calls his Tyrant dragon to do his dirty work!
Final Fight I
Front Line Party: Ryu, Ursula, Nina
Back Line Party: Scias, Cray, Ershin
Difficulty: Very Hard
Dragon Gene: Controlled Kaiser, Weyr, Knight
Item(s) Steal Royal Armor, Drops Ambrosia

Well, this is a tough one. You will want to first become the Controlled
Kaiser as Ryu, and then hack at Tyrant with Kaiser Breath. You will want to
do the combo of Inferno, Tphoon, Kaiserbreath. When Tyrant weakens Kaiser too
much, have Ryu make the combo of Hwajeh, Inferno, Typhoon. This will do mega
damage, when you either run out of HP as Kaiser or run out of MP. Give Ryu a
Wisdom Fruit and turn him into the Weyr. Continued the combo of Inferno
Hwajeh, Typhoon. give Nina and Ursula Wisdom Seeds, as much as possible. When
they get too weak bring Cray from the back row. Have him use Quake followed
by Ershin's Inferno and Hwajeh.

When Weyr eventually runs out of HP, use Knight if you have it. With Knight
use Breath until he becomes too weak, and then have Nina and Ursula come back
for the combo of Inferno, Typhoon, Ahryu P'ung. Now for defensive, Tyrant
like Kaiser is a triple based Dragon. It can do Wind Earth and Water. It's
only weakness is Fire, on almost any stage especially when it uses water. It
does Dark Wave, and it sort of tells you how strong the Tyrant is since it's
an HP breath attack. So if the hit's are done in the low hundreds or tens you
basically whipe it out in two rounds of so. Then it also does the level 3
magics of it's 3 elements.

It uses elements more so than anything else. Finally it uses Malefictation,
an all status spell that doesn't hurt but may have characters messed up for a
while. Stick to the combos is the only way to make it through this.

Now Fou-Lu will want to end this once and for all!
Final Fight II
Front Line Party: Ryu, Ursula, Nina
Back Line Party: Scias, Cray, Ershin
Dragon Gene: Controlled Kaiser, Weyr, Knight
Item(s) Steal Royal Sword

Ok you will still be beat up from the last battle. On the first turn, do
nothing, just guard, 95% of the time he will use a Soul Rend right away so if
you just cured you just wasted a perfectly good item. Now the front 3 will be
down to 1 Hp, bring one of the stronger members from the back hopefully Scias
to use a Moon Tears on the party, then have Nina throw Ryu a Wisdom Fruit and
have Ryu use the Ambrosia. Now you will be back in shape, have the other
characters use Wisdom Seeds on themselves. If you have some ungodly stock of
AP items like Fish use those instead. When you are on the base shape you can
be while standing up to some powerful attacks from Astral.

Use all your good things like Vitamins to keep your HP high. Then have Ryu
turn into Kaiser, have him use Kaiser Breath followed by a Gigaflare by
Ursula and Nina. Since Astral is Water based, it will take some serious
damage from this. When he regrettably uses another Soul Rend, have Ryu stay
Kaiser put him in the back and used one of your cured characters like Cray to
use Vitamins or a Moon Tears. Then bring Ershin and Ursula back, use the
combo of Ershin Inferno, Kaiser, Hwajeh, and Ursula Inferno. Until Astral
gets mad and takes out Ryu. Now give Ryu a Wisdom Fruit if you have another
one and turn into Weyr, then use the combo of Inferno, Inferno, and Weyr's

Until Astral Soul Rend's. Just keep a character like Cray fully healed and
hav him heal the party whenever he does this, this way you won't have
everyone dead. Keep this fact in mind, Astral never uses Soul Rend twice. So
you can recover from it. Run through all your dragons except Earth since it
is so slow. Until he wears them all out. Try to keep curing your party, bring
Ershin and Scias from the back row when needed. Then keep using Fire or wind
spells. Eventually after an hour or so this one will be defeated as well.

Now watch the ending, make sure to let the credits roll so you can make a
Clear Game Save!
4c: Clear Game

Ok now that you have beaten the game, is their anything else to do? Yeah you
can do some fun things, try and find all the secrets that you didn't have.
But here are a few things you couldn't do in the normal game.
Go to the ? village above Chek, you will find an item trader if you didn't
trade with the guy at night in Ludia. Above all you will find Rei and Teepo
(Although this game blows cause they call Rei "Rey". It's still fun to see
those guys, this gives those of you who never played BOF3 to see what ray
should of been like! One funny thing i noticed, Teepo has the kid face in the
Text box but an adult body.

You can buy cool things from Rei's shop like a King frog. Teepo will give you
a sword, and if you use it 1000 times it becomes a better sword! Also Rei
says Doesn't That Just beat all? These guys rock and made beating the game
worth it! That's a Dy$e Guarantee.

Q1. How do i control the Kaiser?
A1: You have to get all the Dragon Evocations and Dragon Genes.

Q2: Is their any way to get the Tyrant Gene?
A2: Only as Fou-Lu, not as Ryu.

Q3: Can i learn the Master's Skill through the Camp?
A3: Nope.

Q4: Do i have to actual apprentice under a Master to use the skills they
teach me?
A4: This is a stupid idea in my opinion, but no all you have to do is find
the master and do the task.

Q5: Is their anyway possible to make Ryu as strong as Fou-Lu?
A5: No, it would be impossible, according to some of the regulars on the BOF4
board at Gamefaqs you can't go any higher than level 50 with the normal
characters not counting Fou-Lu.

Q6: What is the Leadball the Manillo gives you good for?
A6: You have to seek out people through out the world who will trade the
treasure with you.

Q7: How do i obtain new Dragon Levels, like make a Wyvern a Weyr.
A7: It is based on game points, when you get certain amount of game points
you can evolve your dragons.

Q8: How do I gain game points?
A8: Through playing mini games, and doing things in the game, they are easy
to come by and you will have a lot without even realizing it.

Q9: Is their anyway to get the original Sandflier to work, after what happens
with the Imperial Troops?
A9: No

Q10: I missed the Earth Gene is there anyway to go back and get it?
A10: Yes, you can go back to the island and get the Earth Gene.

More Questions when I get them!
V: Masters FAQ

Like Breath of Fire III, Breath of Fire IV features Masters. Masters are
found all throughout the world most are helpful but it depends on what
characters you are using. Some are better than others, and some just conflict
with the character, here i will give you a step by step explanation of each
master and what their good for the things they teach you their skills and
what not.

Loc: Kurok
Suggested Apprentice: Nina
Requirements: None
Basic: Haste
AP+1 Power -1
Wisdom +1

Task 1: Perform a 5 hit combo in order to learn Eddy
Task 2: Perform a 10 hit combo in order to learn Plateau
Task 3: Perform a 15 hit combo in order to learn Magic Ball
Task 4: Perform a 20 hit combo in order to learn Flame Pillar
Loc: The Bandit's Hideout
Suggested Apprentice: Cray
Requirements: All your Zenny
Basic: Filch
Agility +1

Task 1: Have 80 items in your inventory
Task 2: Have 120 items in your inventory
Loc: Above Elder's Hut in Worent
Suggested Apprentice: Ershin, Cray
Requirements: None
Basic: Wild
HP +12 AP -2
Power +2 Wisdom -1
Def: +1

Task 1: Do 1500+ damage with a combo to learn pilfer.
Task 2: Do 3000+ damage with a combo to learn Super Combo.
Task 3: Do 10,000+ damage with a combo to learn Blitz
Loc: In a hut in the Southeast from Wyndia
Req: Work in the Faerie Village
Basic: Pique
Speed +2 HP-8
Ap +1

Task 1: Have 8 Faeries in the Faerie Village to learn Faerie Attack
Task 2: Have 12 Faeries in the Faerie Village to learn Faerie Breath
Task 3: Have 16 Faeries in the Faerie Village to learn War Shout
Task 4: Have 20 Faeries in the Faerie Village to learn Faerie Charge
Loc: Windmill in Wyndia
Req: None
Basic: Drowse
HP +8

Task 1: Have 25 hours on the Game clock to learn Spray
Task 2: Have 30 hours on the Game clock to learn Clip
Task 3: Have 40 hours on the Game clock to learn Oracle
Task 4: Have 50 hours on the game clock to learn Egghead
Loc: Chek Village
Req: Visit the Sand and Mud Dragons
Basic: Reck
Ap +2 Power -2
Wisdom +4 Defense -2

Task 1: Must have fought 70 different monsters to learn Concentrate
Task 2: Must have fought 85 different monsters to learn Sanctuary
Task 3: Must have fought 100 different monsters to learn Celerity
Loc: Synesta Town
Req: Have your treasure upgraded to a tinball
Basic: Greed
HP +16 Power -1
AP +3 Defense -1
Agility -1
Wisdom -1

Task 1: Have your treasure upgraded to a copper ball to learn Charm
Task 2: Have your treasure upraded to an Electrum Ball to learn Monopolize
Task 3: Have your treasure upgraded to a Platinum Ball to learn Roulette
Loc: Shikk
Req: Perform a 25 hit combo
Basic: Finale
HP +25 AP-2
Power +3 Speed -2
Defense +2 Wisdom -2

Task 1: Perform a 30 hit combo in order to learn Megaphone
Task 2: Perform a 50 hit combo in order to learn Cleave
Task 3: Perform a 70 hit combo in order to learn Disembowel
Loc: Lyp Village
Req: 3000 Fishing Points
Basic: Ward
Ap +2 Hp -8
Task 1: 4000 Fishing Points to learn Ring of Ice
Task 2: 6000 Fishing Points to Obtain the Spanner Rpd
Task 3: 9500 Fishing Points to Obtain Master's Rod
Loc: Synesta Orphanage
Req: Return to Synesta after going across the Sea, and apprenticing under
Basic: Guard
AP +1 Defense -1
Wisdom +1

Task 1: Get to Level 20 with all characters to learn Supplication
Task 2: Get to Level 25 with all characters to learn Holy Strike
Task 3: Get to Level 30 with all characters to learn Resist
Task 4: Get to Level 35 with all characters to learn Benediction
Loc: ? Beach north of Saldine
Req: None
Basic: Valor
HP +20
Power +3 Ap -4
Speed +1 Wisdom -3

Task 1: Have 300 Random Battles to learn Shout
Task 2: Have 500 Random Battles to learn Tiger Fist
Task 3: Have 600 Random Battles to learn Flex
Loc: In a hut in Hesperia Continent
Req: Meet with all the masters
Basic: Vision
Power +1 HP -16
Defense +1 Ap -3
Agility +1
Wisdom +1

Task 1: Deal 3000+ damage with 1 hit to learn Backhand
Task 2: Deal 8000+ damage with 1 hit to learn Shadow Walk
Task 3: Deal 10,000+ damage with 1 hit to learn Final Hope
VI: Dragon Gene Guide

Unlike other BOF's this game features two characters who can use the Dragon
Transformation power. Combined both characters have a decent amount af
transformations. Here I will explain what they do and what they are good for.

Ryu's Dragons

AP: 1 per level gain
Description ????/Basic Dragon Form Normal Properties
Loc: Born with

Dragon Breath-0 AP Category: Breath
Flame Strike- 2 AP Category: Melee/Fire
Hwa- 1 AP Category Fire
Rejuvenate- 9 AP: Category: Holy
Barrier- 4 AP Category: Lv Up

The Aura Dragon is the basic Dragon inside of Ryu, this is the type of Dragon
he was born as. Now some may call it the weakest form of them all, I for one
do not. When you're pissed at a tough enemy I liked turning into this dragon
and waste them. That's what this dragon is used for it's safe and efficient,
you don't get the crazy side effects like you get with the other dragons
because this one isn't elemented based. This dragon has its down side it
never upgrades and you don't get a breath attack until you get the Kaiser

Ap: 1.5 per level gain
Description- Basic flame dragon, Flame and Assist Magic
Loc: Mt. Giga

GigaFlame:0 AP Category: Breath
Flame Strike- 2 AP Category: Melee/Fire
Hwa- 1 AP Category Fire
Jeh- 2 AP Category: Fire
Might- 3 AP Category: ST Up
Description- Evolved flame dragon form, Flame and assist magic.

GigaFlame:0 AP Category: Breath
Flame Strike- 2 AP Category: Melee/Fire
Hwa- 1 AP Category Fire
Jeh- 2 AP Category: Fire
Hwajeh- 3 AP Category: Fire
Might- 3 AP Category: ST Up
Protect- 2 AP Category: ST Up

The Wyvern Dragon is pretty decent he comes in handy when you get him not
right away but you will run into some difficult ice enemies.

When you get the Weyr Dragon Form once it evolves, as you can see you get a
couple of new magic. I doubt anyone will use protect since you have other
characters who can cast that assist magic, I don't even see why they give Ryu
the assist magic with the dragon because obviously you turned into a dragon
to blow something away. The Gigaflame on either the Wyvern or the Weyr is
dangerous, if you level is about 30 you will do about 400+ 500 on each hit of
the breath. The only down side to this is the breath only hits about 6 times.
7 tops and when fighting tough bosses this just isn't enough to keep you on
your toes.

The best thing about the Weyr dragon over the Wyvern is his Hwajeh spell. You
can use this in conjunction with 2 Infernos to do about 9000+ damage if your
level is high enough.

1.5 AP per Level Gain
Description: Basic Earth Dragon. High Defense
Loc: ? Place between Pabpab and Saldine

MeteorStrike- 0 AP Category: Breath
Searing Sand- 2 Ap Category: Melee/Earth
Patoh- 1 AP Category: Earth
Chi Patoh- 2 AP Category: Earth
Counter- 1 AP Category: Lv UP
Description: Evolved Earth Dragon. High Defense

MeteorStrike- 0 AP Category: Breath
Searing Sand- 2 Ap Category: Melee/Earth
Patoh- 1 AP Category: Earth
Chi Patoh- 2 AP Category: Earth
Patoh Pah- 3 AP Category: Earth
Counter- 1 AP Category: Lv UP
Blitz- 0 AP Category: Melee

BOF3 Behemoth sucked. Not surprising that BOF4's would suck as well, I mean
he has a lot of HP and attacking him is like yanking a tiger's tail it only
makes him mad, because the effects of attacking the Behemoth are next to Nil.
But the bottom line is he just sits there, it will take a good minute for his
Meteor Strike to kick in because this thing is abnormally slow. Meteor Strike
is pretty cool because he turns back into the familiar BOF3 Behemoth, then he
sits on his enemies, big whup. It does some decent damage but his main point
is if you want to have a dragon that can absorb a lot of damage and have a
lot of HP's and you don't want to waste your Kaiser.

The Mammoth is similar to the Behemoth. But he has more HP and higher defense
he is slower than ever. At least he isn't as bad as the pathetic BOF3 mammoth
who had an Ungodly amount of HP but had a low defense. Patoh Pah comes in
handy if followed by quake it even more deadly if you put it in a Water Quake
Patoh Pah combination. It also has a Blitz attack this is perhaps it's only
use seeing as though Blitz is based on HP's and since Mammoth has a lot it
will really destroy anything in it's path. But Blitz with Mammoth you will
turn back quick because this takes a lot out of him.

1.5 AP per level gain
Description: Basic Wind Dragon. Superior Attacks
Loc: Burned Forest near Fou-Lu's tomb

Meta Strike- 0 AP Category: Breath
Wind Strike- 2 AP Category: Melee/Wind
P'ung- 1 AP Category: Wind
Nah P'ung- 2 Ap Category: Wind
Spirit Blast- 0 AP: Category: Melee
Description: Evolved Wind Dragon. Superior Attacks

Meta Strike- 0 AP Category: Breath
Wind Strike- 2 AP Category: Melee/Wind
P'ung- 1 AP Category: Wind
Nah P'ung- 2 Ap Category: Wind
Ahryu P'ung- 3 AP Category Wind
Cleave- 3 AP Category: Melee
Shadowwalk- 12 AP: Category: Melee

Don't confuse this Myrmidon with BOF3's Myrmidon. Unlike that one where it
was the ultimate Warrior Class Dragon this one is just a wind dragon. Meta
Strike is the coolest breath of the game and the funny part is it isn't an
actual "breath" like turning into some huge dragon flying out of the world
and destroying a small nation. He becomes a Knight and he attacks the enemies
with a huge sword. Well anyway the Mymidon is fast but not as powerful as
many of the other forms.

Myrmidon evolves into a Knight. Knight is quite similar to the Mymidon like
all dragon evolves are similar. But this one has some differences like the
Ahryu P'ung magic. This is like Typhoon but do an Inferno Typhoon Ahryu P'ung
combo and your looking at some heavy damage when the GigaFlare hits for the
2nd time.

1 AP per level gain
Description: Basic Mutant Dragon. UNKNOWN
Loc: The Eh Jhou Ruins

Star Drop- 0 AP Category: Melee
Snap- 2Ap Category: Melee/ST Down
Chlorine- 2 AP Category: Melee/ST Down
Sleep- 3 AP Category: ST Change
Silence- 3 AP Category: ST Change
Description: Evolved Mutant Dragon. UNKNOWN

Star Drop- 0 AP Category: Melee
Snap- 2Ap Category: Melee/ST Down
Chlorine- 2 AP Category: Melee/ST Down
Sleep- 3 AP Category: ST Change
Silence- 3 AP Category: ST Change
Howling- 0 AP Category: ST Change
Curse- 13 AP Category: Death

Mutant is like a Double Edged Sword. His HP's are ungodly low think the Pygmy
mutant form from BOF3 or the ultimate Whelp form. Low HP, but if you get
level 4 Star Drop then you will have a very powerful attack. HP's are the
main detraction from using this form, because if you get hit once by a late
enemy then you might die, so try and keep it alive.

The Punk form is slightly better it can evade better than Mutant can. The
Star Drop here is the same power as it was during the Mutant form. The status
changing magic does do hit generally more than it would if you use a normal
character in the game. So in a way if you want to give a strong enemy like a
Titan or the dragons you fight near the tomb a statue aliment like blind then
this is the perfect dragon to use for that.

Berserk Kaiser
2 Ap per level gain
Description: Evolved Dragon Form. Superior Abilities
Loc: You gain it near the end of the 2nd chapter

Kaiser Breath 0 AP: Category Breath
Controllable Kaiser
2 Ap Per Level
Description: Evolved Dragon Form. Superior Abilities
Loc: Receive all the Dragon Summons, and Dragon Crystals

Kaiser Breath- 0 AP Cartage Breath
Aura Smash- 3 AP Category: Melee
Hwajeh- 3 AP Category: Fire
Ahryu P'ung- 3 AP Category: Wind
Patoh Pah- 3 AP Category: Earth
Resurrect- 30 AP Category: Holy
Sanctuary- 13 AP Category: Holy

Berserk Kaiser although uncontrollable still kicked a huge wet ass. Unlike
BOF3's Berserk Kaiser, this one didn't always attack his allies. Berserk
Kaiser here does Kaiser Breath most of the time. If the battle is a long one
Berserk Kaiser will kill his allies. Bad thing about berserk is you can't go
back to human form, and you can't use Command on him. Controllable Kaiser is
VERY useful. To control this untamable beast is surely a cool thing. Now you
have access to all of Kaiser magic, he has a nice supply of them. Once you
can control i advise you to forget about almost all other transformations
because he embodies all of Ryu's transformation into one place.

He has all the best magic plus Aura Smash which is pretty righteous. You can
follow his dragon magic behind almost any combo that you know and it will
always do more damage. He also has an extremely high defense, but it seems
all these dragon form are barely stronger than Ryu under a normal influence.

Fou-Lu's Dragons

1 Ap Per Level Gain
Description: Basic dragon form. Normal Property
Loc: Born in

Eraser- 0 AP Category: Breath
Frost Strike- 2 AP Category: Melee/Water
Wild Swing- 0 AP Category: Melee
Bing- 1 AP Category: Water
Death- 13 AP Category: Death

This is Fou-Lu's basic dragon form. Much like Ryu's but since Fou-Lu starts
out so powerful this already is very powerful. The Eraser attack is enough to
make just about everything Fou-Lu comes across cower in fear. This is the
exact opposite or Ryu's Aura form, since Astral is dark with water. Aura is
light with fire magic, and naturally Astral has a problem dealing with fire.

1.5 AP Per Level Gain
Description: Basic Water Dragon. Water and Assist Magic.
Loc: Sanctum

Water Spout- O AP Category: Breath
Frost Strike- 2 AP Category: Water
Bing- 1 AP Category: Water
Bing'ah- 2 AP Category: Water
Snap- 2 AP Category: Melee/ST Down

Serpent is the opposite of Ryu's Wyvern. So this dragon is based on water
even so this is a pretty bad dragon. WaterSpout is a killer breath, and I
like it much better than Wyvern's breath not because it does more damage just
because it looks a lot cooler. Even without Water Spout this Dragon is a good
one and it's stats are even with the Wyvern's. This can take out just about
everything in the game without too much trouble and you don't have much to
worry about much while using this dragon. This is one of the better dragons
in the game just on an overall stand point and I only wish I could of used
more Fou-Lu to really get full use of this dragon.


According to Darkstorm_ you can use Behemoth as Fou-Lu... I'm not sure since
I never did, because I didn't find Behemoth until I was passed that point of
the game because I simply didn't know it was there, and I was already past
the final Fou-Lu segment where he gets to fight.

2 AP Per Level Gain
Description: Evolved Dragon Superior Abilities
Loc: Gained after Ryu gains Kaiser

Dark Wave-0 AP Category: Breath
Aura Smash-3 AP Category: Melee
Pa Bing'ah- 3 AP Category: Water
Ahryu P'ung- 3 AP Category: Wind
Patoh Pah- 3 AP Category: Earth
Death- 13 AP Category: Death
Sanctuary- 13 AP Category: Holy

This is the opposite of Kaiser. It is almost alike except for the fact it
will always have 9999 HP, it has a darkness-based breath attack, it doesn't
do Hwajeh and it doesn't have resurrect. When you gain this one no other
dragon is needed (actually, you could use any dragon but this one is the most
powerful. This one would easily whipe Kaiser away because of it's high HP and
it could take Kaiser out with one breath attack.


??? Per Level Gain
Description: ???
Loc: Alternate Ending

Dark Wave- 0 AP Category: Breath
Soul Rend- 13 AP Category: ???
Hwa- 1 AP: Category: Fire
Jeh- 2 AP: Category: Fire
Hwajeh- 3 AP: Category: Fire
P'ung- 1 AP: Category: Wind
Nah P'ung- 2 AP: Category: Wind
Ahryu P'ung- 3 AP: Category: Wind
Bing: 1 AP- Category: Water
Bing'ah- 2 AP: Category: Water
Pa Bing'ah- 3 AP: Category: Water
Patoh: 1 AP- Category: Earth
Chi Patoh- 2 AP Category: Earth
Patoh Pah- 3 AP Category: Earth

Infini is the best dragon in the game too bad you can only use it once. It's
Dark Wave is much like Tyrant's Dark Wave but it's Soul Rend is even better.
Soul Rend reduces all enemies to 1 HP, which can clearly end the fight after
doing a Dark Wave of course. It also has 9999 HP and 999 AP, and after every
"round" it regains 9999 hp making it invincible in a way. It also has an
extremely high defense.
Dragon Evocation Locations

Wind Dragon: Rain Storm
Location: Yorae Shrine, it's automatic!
Sand Dragon: Onslaught
Location: Check bottom area while in Sandflier, on your way to Shikk to
Mud Dragon: Mud Flow
Location: Go to the ? place near Dam, where the dragon came on shore.
Grass Dragon: Healing Wind
Speak to Tahrne, she will tell you about a shining bird. Then go to the
Goldem Plains run to the big rock in the east, wait a shining bird will
appear follow it to the dragon.
Tree Dragon: Holy Circle
Go to a ? inbetween Checkpoint and Shikk, follow the path when it branches go
left, then go on the world map, then follow the new path.
Sea Dragon: Flood Tide
While using the boat check the C shape rock area hear the island of fire,
Rock Dragon: Fulguration
Speak to the man in river, talk to him about dragons. He will say he saw a
rock. Go to the upper path when you get back on the world map and meet the
Rock Dragon.
VII: Faerie Village guide

The Faerie Village is quite similar to the one seen in Breath of Fire III.
Unfortunately some things have been changed (WHY DID THEY TAKE OUT THE COPY
SHOP!) Any way some new things have been added to the village and it's more
of a challenge raising the faeries and making the village grow and eventually
you will be able to use it at your leisure and for your own personal gain.
There is slightly a bit more thought to be used here, but like Breath of Fire
III many didn't get the idea behind raising Faeries so I am here to help you.

The Basics

First off Faeries have attitudes now, Faeries differ from one another.
Faeries also age so that is something else you want to look out for, well the
age thing is uncontrollable. Faerie Attitudes are:

Lazy: Faeries are known for being lazy well these Faeries are extra lazy.
They usually take a long time to do anything. My suggestion for these are to
have them search if they don't make it back then maybe you will get a better

Ordinary: Your run in the mill Faerie S/He is nothing special but not bad

Diligent: This is a Faerie that likes to work. They will work their naked
butt's off and do well at any job, well depending on their stats. These
Faeries generally have good stats so don't stick them in a place where they
can't do much in, and never send them out on the hunt.

Odd: Odd faeries are a double edged sword. These are the members of society
who are different. Different in this case is not a bad thing, Odd faeries
should only be preserved for special jobs since they are the rarest of all
Then you have faerie stats which mean quite a few things some of these should
be common knowledge but we have a few out there who don't have knowledge that
is common.

EN: (Endurance) This is how much the Faerie can do. A Faerie with a high
endurance genrally works in the field. You don't want this faerie doing any
brain work, I generally refer to these Faeries as "He's", because hunting
house building and searching are jobs that endurance is required.

KN: (Knowledge): This is your smart faerie. Knowledgeable Faeries raise the
culture level and develop jobs quicker. With a lot of Knowledgeable Faeries
around you will see a rise in everything. Usual put smart Faeries in shops
like Weapon and Armor.

SL (Style): This Faerie is usual good with the arts. These Faeries usually
work with the "Fun" jobs like the games and Music and Paintings.

On top of this you also have Faerie Working paces. Faeries can work up to
four different paces and what you need to be done is up to you.

Hard: Hard work Lots of Food. Lazy Faeries don't like to work hard so they
will be gruffer when they see you. Diligent ones like to be pushed so they
really get to shine. I suggest hard work if you're trying to build up the
weapon or item shop with an odd Faerie.

Normal: Normal Work, Normal Food. Generally all Faeries tend to be happy with
this form of work. Generally average stat ordinary Faeries like Normal Work,
use this most of the time. When you want to help the village grow but you
really don't need anything done.

Easy: Not much work, Low Food. If you happen to be low on Food because you
sent too many hunting Faeries out on a search you may be forced to use this
type. Faeries work slowly since Diligent Faeries aren't born very often.
Generally Lazy Faeries love Easy, Diligent workers don't like it, and they
will be gruff when you see them. Generally to keep the Diligence's happy just
have them do nothing until you get enough food for hard work.

Lazy: Own pace, Normal Amount of Food. Generally this keeps most happy but
some Diligent Faeries need to be told how hard to work so they may not like
it. Although you are giving them no order some Faeries (Lazy ones...) will
not do anything. So I think if you happen to have an abundance of Lazy
Faeries don't let them work at there own pace because the village will never
get built.
Faerie Jobs

Hunting- Generally the most important job of them all. Faeries Hunt for food,
you can help them hunt if you choose to. Just check ? Places on the world map
and you may find a Faerie overrun with animals and you can help them hunt.
It's a good idea to search out Faeries when the food supply drops.

Building and Clearing Land: This is self explanatory when you want a plot of
land to be built upon or have some tree's knocked out of the way it's their
job to do it. This is another Endurance job and if you have some spare
Endurance people put them on this job.

Growing Crops: Growing Crops is another job for Endurance, this job helps
with the food. So put a couple spares over hear to watch the vegetables grow.
If you use good fertilizer you can reap the benefits with a free item.

Items: Generally Faeries will sell Items here. Depending on the attitude of
the faerie you will get different items, generally a Diligent or Odd Faerie
will get you rare or unusual items. You can use any Faerie with a high
knowledge rating for this job to get items in quickly.

Weapons: Similar to the item shop because the type of weapon depends on the
Faeries attitude. You would generally put a Diligent or Odd Faerie here as
well, buy all the weapons then put a different Faerie here and see what you
get, Knowledge is good for this job.

INN: Well it doesn't matter what Faerie goes here because it's an INN there
is no way you can screw this job up, perhaps but you have to be really
stupid. It's a free rest so when you get the inn up don't even bother doing a
camp rest this is much better. Also if you add Faeries in this room they will
tell you different facts about the game that you may have not known!

Search: The idea here is cool and it's been brought over from BOF3, this one
is a little more interactive. You send a Faerie to a place of your choice to
look for an item, generally you will send the old builders and clearers out
on the search once their job is complete. Anyone with high endurance is good
for the hunt, generally you will want to send them far away so they can net a
cool item.

Troops: Faeries that are set for this house aid you in battle sometimes. They
will use some magic on the enemies and this is pretty helpful although it's
pretty random and you don't have any control over it, it's still pretty cool
for them to help. Stock this room up with Endurance Faeries.

Music: Faeries here will let you listen to the games themes. Although this in
no way helps you in the game it's still a fun thing to do when you are pretty
much stuck and have nothing else better to do.

Art: Like music this one does not help you in the game. Although you do get
some cool sketches of the games characters and such, I think this is a cool
place to have because it gives you something to do when your bored.

Aurum: Aurum is a totally new idea. You buy and sell Aurum it might not seem
like a big deal but when you start get use to buying and selling Aurum then
you don't know how you lived without it! If you ever played the story mode on
Ehrgeiz where you had to sell Wine then it's exactly like that. Or you could
think of it as the stock market by low and sell high is the key here. Also if
you add Faeries to this room then they will give you Aurum tips, put 3
Faeries and you can trade Aurum for items.

Games: Finally, they killed those kiddy boring games from BOF3. They get
replace by a kinda cheesy beat game. It's called Kekac and it's quite
addictive, the idea here is to gain 1500 points and gain the top prize. You
do that by pressing O to the beats and Triangle sometimes. You have to get
O's or & to get the top prize. Adding a Faerie to this room will allow you to
rename Faeries, and putting a third Faerie in the room will let you play Rock
Paper Scissors.

Bonds: This is a pretty cool idea, it's Battle Insurance. The idea is simple
you purchase insurance so if you die in battle you can come back to life in
the battle. Well, it's a lot cooler than it sounds but there are plenty of
things you have to look out for when buying battle insurance. First off
Battle Insurance contracts end if you go a long time without dying. You can
also terminate your contract. You also lose a portion of your Zenny when
using battle insurance. You can also purchase things as incentive when you
use the insurance. You also get a free item every time you update your
VIII: Fishing Guide

Like Breath of Fire III, Breath of Fire IV featured a fishing mini game.
Fishing is in no way necessary in completing the game. Although gamers find
fishing a relaxing and fun thing to do when they don't feel like finishing
the game yet.
Getting A bite:
To get a bite you will need to do the following things. You will need the
proper bate be at the proper depth and have it at the proper length.
Depending on these factors you will get certain fish. Some fish will not come
to the bait if it's a type it doesn't like, or if you are using level one
bait on a top fish it won't come to it. So when catching a fish switch bait
often when you are trying to catch all the fish in the area. You can also use
a pattern to your advantage. The game suggests you try to match the beat of
the drums in the background but for some reason i couldn't find that beat. I
suggests listening to a song that you like, and matching the beat of the drum
in that.

Catching a Fish:
When you do get a bite you will see the tension bar slightly rise real quick
mash X real fast and you will get a catch. Now 90% of the time this will
work. But, some times you won't catch that fish leave, the bait in that area
and that fish or another fish will catch on. Catching the fish takes some
practice and some getting use to, it may seem difficult in the early part of
the game but when you get use to catching the fish this will become second
nature to you.

Reeling a Fish in:
Now that you got the fish bite and caught onto the hook how do you get the
fish under control and back to you? It's pretty simple, the basic idea is to
where the fish out. Each fish has a life bar, the life bar is the red bar
that is under the tension green bar. When you can get the red bar down it's
just bringing the fish in. You have to get the fish at 0.9 m to call it an
official catch. Some fishes smaller easy to catch one it will be no problem
wearing their energy down and bringing them home. However large rare fish may
become a problem, just getting their bar down is a task, and bringing them in
is even harder.

How to catch a big rare fish:
Catching Big Rare fish may be a pain, and it may take focus trial and error.
But when you feel that powerful pull after they take the bate and see the
long Red Energy line you will know you have a big rare fish on the pole.
Don't try and bring it in as soon as possible. It will be difficult if you
have the fish at 5 m and it has half a red bar and then it suddenly goes back
out to 30 m.. What you want to do is sort of let the fish dangle hit X and
make and move the directional pad left and right, the fish will get tired.
When the fish is tired it will be easier to bring it in.

Trading at the Manillo Shops:
Before going fishing check to see if there is a manillo in the area. Check
the lists of goods that the Manillo has and then write down what the Manillo
wnats for the good you want. Go to the local fishing holes, or any fishing
hole that you have access to at the point, check the fish there and see if
you can go and find the fish it wants. If you can go there and get the fish.
You can't just catch a whole bunch of any type of fish and expect the Manillo
to give you some items, you have to find the manillo first then fish.

Using your stamp cards:
Every time you make a trade with the Manillo the Manillo will stamp your
card, when you run out of stamps on word card the Manillo will give you new
cards. Now look at the number on the bottom of the screen next to an item,
these are the number of points that item is worth. When you actually make the
trade the Manillo will give you the points, when you are done trading the
Manillo will stamp your card, if you have a lot of points the Manillo will
give you a card or two. Getting 99 Cards is tough but when you are at the
point where you can even think about getting 99 you better be prepared for a
lot of fishing! You can trade in your stamp cards for lesser items, but I say
hold onto them until you can get 99!

Simmo's way to get 99 stamps:

1) Stay at river spot one, and catch as many Sweetfish and Trout as you can.

***great fishing trick, keep the green bar on the left of the box, and the
fish will always come in. Be carefull that you don't loose your lure though,
because that happened to be a lot. ***

2) When you've got 99 of each head to the Shyde manillo store, and swap the
fish for as many Ruby Scepters and Earth Claws as you can. These are good
weapons early in the game, but the Ruby Scepters sell for 1000 Zenny each.
This should get you quite as considerable amount of stamps, i don't know
exactly how many.

3) Keep doing this, and you should easily have 99 stamps, even though later
in the game the Render is useless anyway...

Fishing Holes

River 1 |
Activation: Go to a ? |
inbetween Sarai and Cliff. |
Fish: Jellyfish, Sweetfish,|
Trout, Rainbow Trout |

River 2 |
Activation: Speak to a man |
in Kisq woods he will tell |
you where it is |
Fish: Jellyfish, Browntail |
Trout, RainbowTrout, Salmon|

River 3 |
Activation: Go to Forest |
West of Tomb, |
Fish: Sweetfish, Browntail |
Trout, Rainbow Trout,Salmon|
Bullcat, Sturgeon, |

Lake 1 |
Activation: Go to a ? |
inbetween Synesta and |
Sandflier Warf |
Fish: Jellyfish, Piranha |
Bass, Blue Gill,MartinSquid|

Lake 2 |
Activation: Automatically |
opened when you reach the |
world map on the N.Islands |
Fish: Piharana, Bass |
Bluegill, Black Bass, |
Martian Squid, Dorado |

Lake 3 |
Activation: Speak to |
Fisherman in Chiqua |
Fish: Jellyfish, Blackbass |
Angelfish, Martian Squid, |
Dorado, Barandy |

Ocean 1 |
Activation: Go to a ? |
inbetween Shyde and a ? |
? spot |
Fish: Man O' War, Blowfish |
Flying Fish, Sea Bream |

Ocean 2 |
Activation: Investigate a |
Blue Flag, in the north |
part of the salt sea |
Fish: Man O' War, Bonito |
Sea Bass, Flatfish, Whale |
Octopus, Spearfish, |

Ocean 3 |
Activation: Go to a ? |
near highway |
Fish: Flying Fish, Sea Bass|
Flat Fish, Octopus |
Bonito, Angler |

Saldine |
Activation: Go in the Tidal|
Flats |
Fish: Blow Fish, Moor Fish |
Sea Bream, Black Porgy |

North Chamba |
Activation: When you get |
the Sandflier, go to |
N. Chamba, kill the Angler |
Fish: Jelly Fish, Bullcat |
Acheron |

Fish Types

#1 Jellyfish
Average: 22 CM
Ability: Restores 50 HP
Lure: All Lures
Loc: Anywhere
Personal best: 30 CM
Description: Lives in Lakes and Rivers goes for any Lure.
Personal Description: This fish sucks don't go looking for it it will find

#2 Piranha
Average: 30 CM
Ability: Restores 150 HP
Lure: All Lures
Loc: Desert
Personal best: 40 CM
Description: Has sharpe teeth and sharp scales, lives in schools and lakes.
Personal Description: A below average catch, definitely not a fish you want.

#3 Bass
Average: 45 CM
Ability: Restores 500 HP
Lure: Doesn't Like Shiny Lures
Loc: Desert
Personal best: 50 CM
Description: Omnivorous, but a picky eater. Avoids Lures it doesn't like
Personal Description: Almost average catch, decent ability you'll catch a lot
of them.

#4 Blue Gill
Avg: 37 CM
Ability: Minor Water Damage
Lure: Doesn't Like Fish Shaped Lures
Loc: Anywhere
Personal Best: 45 CM
Description: Has a violent nature and can attack without warning.
Personal Description: Novelty catach no real purpose in my opinion.

#5 Sweet Fish
Average: 18 CM
Ability: Restores 5 AP
Lure: All Lures
Loc: Desert
Personal best: 24 CM
Description: Considered a delicacy in many parts of the world
Personal Description: Nice catch in the beginning of the game! Try and catach
as many as possible in the beginning.

#6 Browntail
Average: 52 CM
Ability: Raises Def
Lure: Doesn't like Life Like Lures
Loc: Wyndia
Personal best: 58 CM
Description: Shape and color changes with habitat
Personal Description: All right catch, moderately powerful but can be reeled

#7 Black Bass
Average: 52 CM
Ability: Restores 1200 HP
Lure: Doesn't like Shiny Lures
Loc: N. Islands
Personal best: 69 CM
Description: Not Much to look at but rich in protein and nutrition
Personal Description: Nice catch, and easily caught with the proper Lures.

#8 Angelfish
Average: 22 CM
Ability: Recovers KO victom with half HP
Lure: Any
Loc: Wyndia
Personal best: 29 CM
Description: Only found in Mountain Lakes, popular with children
Personal Description: Nice Catch, not very powerful easily reeled in. Great
item throughout the game.Average: 52 CM

#9 Trout
Average: 30 CM
Ability: Restores 10 AP
Lure: Any
Loc: Desert
Personal best: 34 CM
Description: Very Alert will fight to protect itself
Personal Description: Small and powerful, won't go down without a fight. You
will need a strong rod to reel these in easily.

#10 Rainbow Trout
Average: 52 Cm
Ability: Raises Attack
Lure: Doesn't like Life Like Lures
Loc: Anywhere
Personal best: 65 CM
Description: Beautiful to Watch Swim
Personal Description: Way easier to catch than it's cousin Trout. With the
right lure and a level 2 rod you can have a ton of these.

#11 Bullcat
Average: 60 CM
Ability: Medium Earth/Fire Magic
Lure: Doesn't Like Fish Shaped Lures
Loc: Zhinga Mountains
Personal best: 72 CM
Description: Bottomdweller Used to Make Dynamite
Personal Description: Difficulty to catch. VERY powerful, with a weak rod.
Need to go deep and far to catch it.

#12 Martian Squid
Average: 52 CM
Ability: Cancels Assist Magic
Lure: Only likes Minnow, Winders, Worms
Loc: Anywhere
Personal best: 68 CM
Description: Lives in shallow water. Hard to catch because of it's strength.
Personal Description: Very strong. Difficulty To catach lots of power,
generally worth the effort.

#13 Dorado
Average: 67 CM
Ability: Restores 800 HP to all
Lure: Doesn't Like Shiny Lures
Loc: N. Islands
Personal best: 76 CM
Description: So big it's almost too big for one sitting.
Personal Description: Powerful, fast and kind of hard to catch. You'll know
when you got a Dorado on the Reel though because of the strength.

#14 Salmon
Average: 105 CM
Ability: Restores 30 AP to all
Lure: Doesn't Like Shiny Lures
Loc: Wyndia
Personal best: 110 CM
Description: Usually Swims Far out to the Sea but can be caught in Rivers
Personal Description: Wonderful Catch, definitely one you will look for.
There pretty rare to find is the only down side of it.

#15 Barandy
Average: 150 CM
Ability: Restores All HP and recovers status of One
Lure: Only likes Life Like Lures
Loc: Zhinga Mountains
Personal best: 187 CM
Description: King of the lakes, it has an almost regal air about it.
Personal Description: Wonderful Catch! Hard to catch and difficult to find,
it won't always bie.

#16 Sturgeon
Average: 165 CM
Ability: Can revive all to 1/4 HP (Can Fail)
Lure: Only likes Life Like Lures
Loc: Zhinga Mountains
Description: Sometimes called The Living Jewel
Personal Description: The chances of catching this is pretty low, unless you
go deep and near the ground. It wil however pull you pretty far, and it won't
get tired easily.

#17 Man O' War
Average: 22 CM
Ability: Restores 50 HP to one
Lure: Any
Loc: Anywhere
Personal best: 29 CM
Description: Ocean dwelling Jellyfish, goes after any lure.
Personal Description: Weak easily caught and a waste of a catch. You'll know
when you have a pathetic Man O' War on the reel. Generally as bad as the

#18 Flying Fish
Average: 26 CM
Ability: Restores 100 HP to one Ally. Chance of Curing Status (Can Fail)
Lure: Any
Loc: Ludia
Personal best: 32 CM
Description: Skips above the waves. Very Agile and hard to catch
Personal Description: Keep the lure floating and if you have a long range rod
you'll catch it but the chances of even finding one is slim.

#19 Blowfish
Average: 37 CM
Ability: Cures posion
Lure: All
Loc: Ludia
Personal best: 44 CM
Description: Protects itself with very sharp spikes
Personal Description: Pretty much an average catch not difficult to find, and
puts up decent fight.

#20 Moorfish
Average: 22 CM
Ability: Revives Ally with 1 HP (Can Fail)
Lure: All
Loc: Saldine
Personal best: 28 CM
Description: Popular with Women, it looks like it's flying in the water
Personal Description: Not a very hard catch but it may give you trouble.
Finding them is the key, reeling them in is pretty easy.

#21 Sea Bass
Average: 52 CM
Ability: Rstores 400 HP of one
Lure: All
Loc: Salt Sea
Personal best: 66 CM
Description: Fight's not too much. A Good fish for beginners
Personal Description: Game description is pretty acurate here.

#22 Flatfish
Average: 37 CM
Ability: Revives one character status
Lure: Doesn't like Life Like Lures
Loc: Salt Sea
Personal best: 44 CM
Description: Swins close to the bottom. Its eyes always looks to the left.
Personal Description: Not a very difficult catach. Also it's a pretty decent
catch as well this is another average fish.

#23 Sea Bream
Average: 52 CM
Ability: Restores 30 AP
Lure: Doesn't like Shiny Lures
Loc: Saldine
Personal best: 66 CM
Description: A fine looking, fine tasting fish
Personal Description: Hard to catach although it's not very big it will put
up a fight with beginnerd catch about 3 of them and you will get the hang of
this fish.

#24 Octopus
Average: 60 CM
Ability: Blinds all
Lure: Only likes Minnows, Winders and Worms
Loc: Salt Sea
Personal best: 70 CM
Description: Also called the Devil Fish. No one has yet to eat it.
Personal Description: Very difficult catch will put up a very hard struggle,
think of the martian squid on steriods and you have the octopus.

#25 Bonito
Average: 90 CM
Ability: Restores all HP to one target
Lure: Only likes Toppers, Minnows, and Worms
Loc: South Levant
Personal best: 104 CM
Description: Fast Fish, being able to catach one is a distinction.
Personal Description: Very true, the Bonito at some instances will "flip" on
you and pull you 40+ out when you had it like 5.

#26 Black Porgy
Average: 52 CM
Ability: Restores 100 Ap to one target
Lure: Doesn't like Fish Shaped Lures
Loc: Saldine
Personal best: 70 CM
Description: A Hard Fish to catch but worth the effort
Personal Description: So True, this fish will but up an extremely hard fight
iuntil the point you say screw it, and go find another fish. Stick with it
reeling one in is defintely worth the 5 minutes dealing with it.

#27 Angler
Average: 105 CM
Ability: Does Major Earth/Water Magic.
Lure: Doesn't like Fish Shaped Lures
Loc: South Levant
Personal best: 134 CM
Description: A Rare fish usually found only in deep water
Personal Description: As you may know this fish will not go down easily. It
will put up a very hard fight. Catching one will be hard and a pain in the
#28 Spearfish
Average: 142 CM
Ability: Restores 1500 HP to all targets
Lure: Doesn't like Life Like Lures
Loc: Salt Sea
Personal best: 142 CM
Description: Uses it's horns to cut through an escape nets
Personal Description: Very violent and powerful fish, one of the most
difficult in the game to catch. Will put an unbelievable struggle not to get
reeled in.

#29 Whale
Average: 187 CM
Ability: Restores All Hp and revives statues of all
Lure: Doesn't like Life Like Lures
Loc: Salt Sea
Personal best: 240 CM
Description: King of the Sea, it is the ultimate catch
Personal Description: Critically aclaimed as the hardest and strongest fish
there is. You better believe it, this fish will give you a mega struggle it
is big and very strong reel this sucker in and then take a break to cool fof
the blistered fingers.

#30 Acheron
Average: 44 CM
Ability: Gives posion to all
Lure: All
Loc: Chamba
Personal best: 28 CM
Description: Fish Mutated by exposure to hex energy. Handle with care.
Personal Description: Pretty powerful fish and not one that is very strong. I
wouldn't go looking for them because there item use is not a good one.

IX: Character Bios

1. Ryu
Age: ???
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs
Action: Can slash things like hedges, can slash people for 2-10 zenny.
Magic: Dragon Transformation, Dragon Evocations

Ryu is the main character through the Breath of Fire series. Ryu like his
alternate universe ancestors, is a dragon. Ryu posses the Dragon Eye which
enables him to become a dragon, and by gaining different genes he can become
different dragons. Nina find's Ryu in the desert and he is pretty out of it
when she finds him. He doesn't know what's going on how he got in the desert
or why he is there. He only knows his name is Ryu.

Ryu is one of the best characters in the game. This Ryu unlike some of the
other BOF Ryu's contains no Healing spells or any spells at all. The only
thing Ryu does is become a dragon, and use magic that he learns and such. Ryu
has average stats he is like most hero's and all around fighter and all
around mage and has decent magic and physical defense.
2. Fou-Lu
Age: 600
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs
Action: N/A
Magic: Dragon transformation, Dragon Evocations

Fou-Lu is the founder of the Fou Empire. He built it at his very young age,
and then he "died". Actually he went into a deep sleep and predicted when he
would be resurrected. Fou-Lu is feared be everyone, because he is the Dragon
Ruler. Like Ryu he posses the ability to become a dragon, you get to use Fou-
Lu when he gets resurrected early in the game.

Fou-Lu... there is not much you can say about him. He is like every RPG
player's dream this guy just destroys everything in his path. He is
incredibly strong when you first get him and even though he can become a
dragon it is pretty much pointless because of this man's phenomenal power. He
has extremely high everything and is the best character you can control.
3. Nina
Age: 18
Height 5'9
Weight 120 lbs
Action: Float, she can see from a bird's eye view the entire town dungeon
Magic: Wind Based, and Curative

Nina, the female lead throughout the series make her return as the courageous
Princess of Wyndia again. Nina is from the long line of Wyndians, who were
all able to fly and they all have wings. Nina joins the quest when she finds
Ryu naked in and confused in the desert. she is pretty decent! Unlike her counterparts this Nina actually
is a good person to use in battle. Her wind magic is great to use and her
curing does help out in the rough fights. Although this Nina is still pretty
weak when it comes to physical attacks but she doesn't die in two hits like
other Princess Nina's out there!
4. Cray
Age: 21
Height: 6'2
Weight: 200 lbs
Action: Push heavy stuff
Magic: Earth Based, and defense offense assist

Cray at first may remind you of the feisty Tiger from BOF3 Rei, but the tail
is where the similarities end. Cray is the chief of the Worent a very eager
to fight clan of Cat/Human people. Cray is there from the start he is stay by
the side of Nina because he is life long friends with both Nina and Elina and
won't give up the search for her.

Cray is very SLOW but gifted in Earth and Assist Magic. His magic defense
isn't that high but he has a lot of HP. His physical defense is pretty high
though and him assist in the battle offensively and defensively really comes
in handy. Although Cray is a great character he was a disappointment for big
Rei fans.
5. Ershin
Age: ???
Height: 3'6
Weight: 200 lbs
Action: Headbutt
Magic: All Elements

Ershin is the leading purifier a group of people in armor who go around the
world trying to cure Hexes. A Hex is a black mist that is all hate that
mortals have inside of them. Ershin is a weird one because she refers to
herself in the third person often, and sometimes she doesn't. Ershin is said
to be actually trapped in the armor and she can't leave the armor. Ershin
joins the party when they need to be taken through the mist.

Ershin may look kind a funny and when you first get her you don't realize how
she is called a female but when you get use to using her you will like her.
In the beginning she has basically no magic but when the story progresses you
start to find some of the deep magic she has. Ershin because of the armor is
a little sluggish, but she is pretty strong and has a natural high physical
6. Scias
Age: 30
Height: 6'10
Weight: 250 lbs
Action: None
Magic: Melee/Healing/Status/Water

According to the Japanese Version, Scias was once a part of the Ludia Army in
the Ludia vs Fou war. He left the army, and he went about as a jobless
mercenary working for money. He basically wanders aimlessly looking for work.
His assignment was to watch over the party, he got attached to them and
decided to become one of the party.

Scias kicks ass. He is my favorite character behind Fou-Lu and Ryu. His
Shining Blade is deadly, and he has a lot of Melee attacks. He doesn't do
much when it comes to actual spells casting them but his defense against them
is pretty good. He is the type of character that you will always want in the
party, he seems like a samurai in the way he dresses and he carries his huge
7. Ursula
Age: 25
Height 5'10
Weight 140 lbs
Action: Uses gun to shoot people for leisure, blast obstacles, and kill
Magic: Fire, assist, Melee

Ursula is some type of purple mink/human race. She is as cold as a general
can be and reminds me a lot of Rose from Legend of Dragoon. Ursula is one of
the Generals of the Fou Imperial Troops. Ursula meets the party and her job
was to capture Ryu and take him to the Empire. Well the party sort of
captures her and goes to the Empire on their own free will.

Ursula is another great character and behind Scias she is my favorite
character. She uses all sorts of magic and she is basically fire based. She
has a low physical defense but her magical defense is pretty high. I really
liked to use her in battle because she had high will power, she almost always
got back up after getting hit (much like Garr from BOF3).
X: Thanks

HappyMatt, Dalez, Angelwingl- I recently purchased and beat this game, but
like you out there I got stuck while playing it as well. Thanks to them for
helping me figure out what to do when I got stuck at certain tricky points in
the game and what to do against some bosses. Also an extra thanks to
HappyMatt because I actually read his guide word for word and found out about
many of the cuts that were missing from this game.

SCCAN85- Basically SCCAN85 put me on to this series by advising me to
purchase the third one and without his suggestion I wouldn't have written
this or the Breath of Fire III FAQ that will be coming out shortly.

Simmo- Simmo strategy for the 99 stampps and the Dragon Blade.

CJayC- ( For hopefully even though this game got the
life squeezed out of it by the previous authors will post Dyse's BOF4 guide
as well.

Capcom ( Well I'm not as thankful for this one as I was the
previous version. Because they took out the cool scenes, but for the great
series they get the nod.

Dyse ( I make it a habit to thank myself... I wrote it you
XI: Copyrights

CAPCOM is a registered trademark of CAPCOM CO., LTD.
BREATH OF FIRE is a trademark of CAPCOM CO. LTD.
PlayStation is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

This Frequently Asked Questions and Walk Through is a Trademark of Dyson
Turner. It can not be reproduced mechanically or electronically without the
written consent of the author ( If you want to place this
File on your website please e-mail me ( about it before
doing so.

Copyright 2001-2002 by Dyson Turner

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Enemy Information guide & Misc. lists compilation

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Pabpab Language Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Boss Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free

16.Октябрь 2013
Script FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Combo Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Level 37 Save.

17.Октябрь 2013
Spiel ist komplett.

18.Октябрь 2013
Enemy Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
The Unchanged

11.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Patch for the US NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die japanische NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
25.Июнь 2019
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014
24.Июль 2014