Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross

11.10.2013 13:22:04

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Chrono Cross
New Game+ and Continue+ Mastering Guide


Version: 1.01 27/11/00

Author: Nev
ICQ: 73074367
AIM: EvilNev
Yahoo IMS: evil_nev

All text is (c) Neville Collins 2000


This Guide and all its component parts may not be used for financial
profit in any way, shape or form, it is for private and personal use
only. Neither this document nor any of its parts may be reproduced,
reformatted or edited in any way, shape or form, including it's use in
magazines, unauthorised revisions and converting this document into HTML
or any other coding or format, without my express permission. It may not
be distributed in any form, including hardcopy and all electronic format,
floppy disc, CD and DVD, for financial gain, and may not be distributed
at all without my permission unless for private and personal non-profit
use. It may not be used by games journalists, unless they have directly
obtained my personal authorisation that they can. If you want to post it
on your site then e-mail requesting to do so first and wait for my
authorisation before you put this guide up. If anyone breaks any of the
areas I have outlined, I will pursue any legal action necessary to ensure
they do not infringe on the terms of use of guides/FAQs/walkthrus by
myself or any other guide/FAQ/walkthru writers again.

I have given express permission to the following to distribute this

It is also (probably) available at my own (probably still not up) web


Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Trigger Pre Release, Chrono Trigger:
Characters, Chrono Trigger: Race Demo and Radical Dreamers: Unstolen
Jeweller are all (c) 1995-2000 Square.
Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Famicom Broadcast Satellite
System and Super Famicom are(c) Nintendo.
SONY PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and PSOne are (c) SONY.
All associated characters, events, features, stories, products etc. are
all (c) of above respectively.

All of this document was (unless otherwise credited) created and written
by me (Neville Collins), and is owned and (c) 2000 me.
I acknowledge any legally binding copyrights or trademarks that are not
specifically addressed in this document.


Title: Chrono Cross
Series: Chrono Trigger and Radical Dreamers: Unstolen Jeweller sequel
Developer: Squaresoft
Publisher: Square (Japan), Square Electronics Arts L.L.C. (US and Canada)
Genre: SRPG
Players: 1
System: SONY PlayStation
ROM Size: 2 discs (1300 MB)
Memory Card: 1 block
Analogue Control Compatible: Yes
Vibration Function Compatible: Yes
PocketStation Compatible: No
Chrono Cross Release:
Japan 18/11/1999 (NTSC format)
USA 15/08/2000 (NTSC format)
Canada 15/08/2000 (NTSC format)


The dream our planet once had
Defeated the darkness and brought forth a brighter future.
However, this was also the dawn of a new nightmare...

The final battle over the legendary treasure, "The Frozen Flame"
A battle between dragons, humans, and FATE
That will surpass even space and time is about to begin...

Our Planet's dream has not yet ended...


1. Introduction
2. Chrono Trigger Series
3. Clear Game Explanation and Features
4. Infinite Items Trick (Unconfirmed)
5. Endings
6. Characters
7. Best Equipment
8. @Rainbow Shells
9. Sprigg's Doppelgangs
10. Window Frames
11. Outroduction

Mono font check...
This document is no wider than 74 characters (73 and a space) on any line

1. Introduction

This is a short guide for building up a "mastered" game file for an
obscure little known RPG named Chrono Cross from Square. It is intended
for players who either have completed, or are near completion (by that I
mean you're a fair chunk through disc 2, at least at the Terra Tower).
I'll warn you now, though I have tried to avoid any unnecessary plot
spoilers, there are spoilers present, so please, for your own enjoyment
of the game, if you haven't completed or near completed it DON'T READ ON.

Anyways, it just covers all new features added to the game that you will
receive upon completion, how to obtain all 44 playable characters, items
required to forge their best possible equipment, the locations of all
@Rainbow Shells required to forge the best equipment, a short list of
Sprigg's Doppelgangs that can be accumulated from clear game to clear
game, little secrets and how and when to trigger all eleven known
endings. Its undoubtedly mostly covered elsewhere, but it is still nice
for players to have a single guide for a lot of what there is to do after
completing Chrono Cross, and I haven't seen some of this stuff anywhere
else, like the complete US Doppelgang list, and location of all 23
@Rainbow Shells, hope you find it helpful...

BTW, I've tried to base it all on the US version, using the US names, as
that's the version ppl will most likely be playing O_o

2. Chrono Trigger Series

Nothing to do with the guide, but to quickly recap for any younger gamers
who don't know, Chrono Cross is the second sequel to a Super Famicom RPG
called Chrono Trigger, widely regarded as one of the best RPGs ever
alongside Final Fantasy IV-IX, Dragon Quest III-VII, any Zelda etc. IMO
its a little overhyped, but enough of that =P Here's just a quick
analysis of the series and related media ROMs...

Chrono Trigger:
Released in 1995 for the Super Famicom, ported to the US SNES, later
remade for the Japanese PlayStation but not ported out of Japan, the
direct prequel to Chrono Cross in which you control Crono, a silent
protagonist in an adventure through various times, ending in a quest to
save the planet from an entity named Lavos. There are many direct
references in Chrono Cross to Chrono Trigger, and they should both be
played, or else neither, to fully appreciate the complexities (and
irregularities for that matter) of the plot.

Radical Dreamers: Unstolen Jeweller:
Released in 1996 via the Sattelaview dialup service for the Super Famicom
add-on Broadcast Satellite System, and never ported out of Japan, it was
a semi-sequel to Chrono Trigger done in a text adventure format. You
control Serge, Kid and Gil (referred to in CC as Magil) (SPOILER
WARNING!), who yes, is later revealed to be Janus/Magus from Chrono
Trigger, trying to steal the Frozen Flame from Yamaneko (called Lynx in
the US port of CC). Though it features characters from Chrono Cross,
they're not the same, they're intended to be set on parallel worlds, so
Radical Dreamers can be assumed to be set on a third world, "another
another world" from Chrono Cross if you want, and though there are
billions of cross references to each other they aren't directly linked
in plot succession like Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. Just for the
record, Guile from Chrono Cross WAS intended to be Gil, but was NOT in
the final version, the developers have said as much in interviews. Don't
ask me for the ROM image.

Chrono Trigger Pre Release:
Not a game in itself, simply a Japanese preview cart that was distributed
to the Japanese gaming media, and somehow ended up dumped and put up on
the internet... Don't ask me for it.

Chrono Trigger Characters:
Another pre-release dumped ROM, or it could be a BS piece of software,
I don't know off the top of my head, but it has been dumped. Its just
something that lets you view all the characters and enemies in the game.
Again, do not ask me for it.

Chrono Trigger Race Demo:
Another non-game curiosity ROM that has found its way onto the Internet.
It's just the race section from 2300 AD in a ROM. Don't ask me for it.

3. Clear Game Explanation and Features

Upon completing the game for the first time, regardless of which of the
two possible endings you got, you'll be given the option to save the game
after pressing the confirm firm button on the "fin" screen. Save it to
your memory card, preferably not over your last save file from the game
you have just completed, then in the New Game/Continue menu screen when
you boot up the game, choose continue. You will have to change to the
disc the game used to create the clear game file was on, if it is not all
ready in your PSX. You'll notice the clear game file you saved at the end
of the game has the number of stars you collected as yellow, character
display, G and time being displayed from the file used to create the
clear file. Select the file and the game will go back to the New Game/
Continue Game screen, except now you have the option of New Game+ and
New Game+: Start a new game with the stats and some of the elements,
equipment and items you had in the game the clear game file was saved
from, and one or two new features.
Continue+: Choose another file, that has not been completed and is not
already a Continue+ file, i.e. IS NOT a saved New Game+ file or Continue+
file, and have some of the features from the game the clear game file
used to start the Continue+ was saved from.

New Game+


1. Relief Charm - the Relief Charm key item will be present in your Key
Item list from the start, allowing you to choose a character to be
substituted in Serge's place whenever you enter battles, meaning better
balanced statistic bonuses from boss battles, and you get to mess around
more with all the characters you have accumulated. Just select it in the
Key items menu, then select the character you wish to be subbed in, if
you want Serge back then choose Serge.

2. Time Shifter - the time Shifter key item will be added to your Key
item list from the start, allowing you to speed up play with the R2
button, or slow it down with the L2 button. The buttons can be
reassigned if you want. (Fast forward is vital in New Game+ to avoid
tedious replays!).

3. Time Egg - will be found by Serge when he awakes in Arni straight
after the introduction. This enables you to go to the final boss at any
time during the game, when used on the purple portal on Opassa Beach.
Depending on when it is used, you will get different endings, all known
of which are covered in section 4. Endings.

4. Locked Door in The Bend of Time - will be unlocked, allowing you to
fight Ozzie, Slash and Flea, which will get you a minimum of a Slasher
(strong sword), Ozzie Pants (high defence helm, but with all status
afflictions) and a Dreamer's Sash (start off with element level 2 in
battle). And after beating them you can get a Dreamer's Sarong (start
off with element level 8 in battle) from the giant blob-plant thing in
the room. See the @Rainbow Shell section for more info.

5. Chrono Cross - the Chrono Cross now has a function that it didn't have
in your first playthru, it can be used in the Dimensional Vortex where
you ended up after the Dragon Tear shattered at Another's Fort Dragonia,
and where you meet Sprigg. Use the Astral Amulet on the portal in Home's
Hydra Marshes where you exited the Dimensional Vortex with Lynx, Harle
and Sprigg, and you'll end up in Sprigg's home. If you have obtained the
Chrono Cross, you will get told it is reacting to the unstable vortex,
use it in the Key Items menu and you will receive all characters from
the past game that have been used to start the New Game+ you are playing,
or all past games that have been played as the first playthru or New
Game+s leading up to your current New Game+. This basically allows you to
have all characters present in the party by the end of your third New
Game+, if played correctly (as covered in section 6. Characters.).

6. Statistics Carry Over - all stats, HP, Strength, Resistance, Accuracy,
all, will be carried for each and every character, and all new characters
that you recruit with have stats proportional to Serge's (i.e., high).
This way you will be twice as strong by the end of a first New Game+ than
you were at the end of a first normal playthru. You keep on levelling up
stats all the way through, but it becomes a lot less frequent the more
you replay, until certain stats reach a highest possible level, or you
get to 99 stars. So don't worry that your Serge with 850 HP will not go
to 999 HP, there is no way to make him without using a cheat peripheral.

7. Equipment Retained and Lost - all equipment on all characters from the
file used to start the New Game+ will be unequipped, placed in the list
of all equipment and materials, and then the whole list will be present
at the start of a New Game+, with the following exceptions:

Mastermune - as Mastermune is present in the New Game+, and it wouldn't
make sense to accumulate them (so make sure you forge a Spectra Swallow
for serge in the New Game+). It won't even revert back to a Sea Swallow
and be present as a second Sea Swallow in your equipment list, but if you
complete the game before or without getting the Mastermune, you will
retain the Sea Swallow you had from the start and have two any Continue+
or New Game+ spawned from a clear file created from the game.

Einlanzer - same as above, it/they is/are a key item, and regardless of
whether you got one or two for Glenn, they will be lost.

Hero's Blade - because it comes from the prop sword key item and is
for an event involving Pierre.

Master Hammer - as it is required to forge @Rainbow Shell gear, even
though not a key item, and is needed for an event involving Zappa.

Dragoon's Honour - even if you got more than one, all are lost, as one is
required for an event involving Guile and the Termina fortune teller.

Blue Brooch - again, even if you somehow got more than one, all are lost
as one is gained from the Sapphire Broach key item in an event involving

Hero's Medal - a key item required in the recruiting of Pierre, and for
an event involving Pierre. NOTE: If you complete the game with Pierre in
the character list, then on the next New Game+ playthru you choose to
take the Guile or Nikki route so don't get Pierre, then you use the
Chrono Cross later to get Pierre into the character list, he will have
the Hero's Medal equipped as you will have missed getting it by not
recruiting him earlier.

Hero's Shield - again, required for an event involving Pierre.

Star Fragment - required for an event involving Starky.

8. Key Items Lost - all key items, ALL, are lost, though the Time Egg is
instantly regained and you will retain the Time Shifter and Relief Charm
when starting a New Game+ from a clear file created from a New Game+.

9. Elements Retained and Lost - uncertain one this... You will loose all
Summon Elements, whether level 7 or 8, so stock up on Shiny Items at the
end of games before creating a clear file to start a New Game+. All
level 7 tech elements, except those automatically gained when a certain
star level is reached, are lost, including Pip's as he returns to normal
form if you changed him (I think... yet to confirm fully), and Steena
looses her level 5 tech as well. So you will have to get them each time
you play through the game. I still can't fathom a pattern to what spell
elements you retain and what you loose though, I suspect some may have an
upper limit whereby you will retain up to a certain number of certain
elements, then you loose any over that number.

10. G Carried Over - you will retain all G you accumulated in the game
used to create the clear file.

11. Star Level Carries Over - you will retain the star level you achieved
in the game used to create the clear game, until you reach 99 stars, and
will keep earning stars (though with less frequency) until you reach 99
stars at about the start of a third time through the game.

12. Time - resets to 00:00:00.



1. Relief Charm - the Relief Charm key item will be added to your Key
Item list, see New Game+ for details.

2. Time Shifter - the time Shifter key item will be added to your Key
item list, allowing you to speed up play with the R2 button, or slow it
down with the L2 button. The buttons can be reassigned if you want.

3. Time Egg - will be added to your Key Items list right away. This
enables you to go to the final boss at any time during the game, when
used on the purple portal on Opassa Beach. Depending on when it is
used, you will get different endings, all known of which are covered
in section 4. Endings. Of course, the number of endings accessible will
be determined by how far you played through the game when it became a
Continue+ game, so if you did it right at the end you will still only
have two possible endings to see.

4. Locked Door in The Bend of Time - see New Game+.

5. Chrono Cross - you will loose the Chrono Cross from the game saved
to create the clear file, but if you already have it in the file you
are making a Continue+ from you'll retain that one, and all characters
saved to the Chrono Cross in the game used to create the clear file can
be recalled to the Continue+ game using the Chrono Cross in the Temporal
Vortex, as with New Game+. See new Game+ and Characters section for more

6. Statistics Carry Over - All statistics for every character in the
game used to make the clear file used to make the Continue+ will be
carried over and written over the stats of the characters in the first
playthrough file. Any new characters found in the Continue+ file that
hadn't been found in the game used to make the Continue+ file will have
stats proportional to Serge's, i.e. high. Of course this helps
immeasurably, making you near invincible if the file used to create the
Continue+ had high stats. All stats will be higher, they won't be
written over higher stats as you must have completed the game whose stats
are being carried over, and Continue+ will only work on a first playthru,
therefore must be lower (I think).

7. Equipment Gained and Lost - see New Game+ conditions for equipment
being carried over.

8. Key Items Gained and Lost - see New Game+. All Key Items already
accumulated in the file you are making into a Continue+ will be retained,
but all from the game used to make the clear file, except the Relief
Charm, Time Shifter and Time Egg (if you had them), will be lost.

9. Elements carry over - see New Game+, see the critirea for elements
being carried to a New Game+. As with equipment, this should mean the
possibility for infinite elements, but I can't be sure...

10. G Carries Over and is Added - all your gold from the game used to
create the clear file used to create the Continue+ game will be added to
the amount of G in the game the clear file is used on to make the
Continue+ game.

11. Star Level Carries Over - your star level in the game used to create
the clear file used to create the Continue+ file will replace that
originally in the file (I think, not certain). It will be a higher star
level as you must have completed the game whose star level is being
carried over, and Continue+ will only work on a first playthru.

12. Doubling Items - Read section 4. Infinite Items. I haven't confirmed
it yet but it should work.

13. Time - remains as it was on the game being made into a Continue+

4. Infinite Items

This is unverified to date as I have not played another first playthru to
confirm it since realising it could be done, but in theory it will work.
If done correctly it should add a quantity of all none vital items (i.e.,
ones that you don't loose when starting a Continue+ or New Game+) to your
items list, equal to the amount of items you have amassed by the end of a
first playthru, just for beating the final boss each time you want to add
that quantity. So say you amassed 12 @Rainbow Shells on a first playthru,
you do this trick and you'll get 24, do it again and get 36, then 48,
going up by the original number of 12 each time you beat the boss. First
of all, to set it up and execute the trick, do the following:

1. Play the game through on New Game mode, NOT NEW GAME+ OR CONTINUE+.
Amass as many items as you can, especially @Rainbow Shells and
@Rainbow Shell gear.

2. When you have reached the very end of the game, got the Time Egg
and the only thing left to do is fight the Time Devourer, save the
game, and save it again to a different file on a second memory card,
so you have a back up to copy from, and in case you mess up.

3. Complete the game, when it asks if you would like to save, save the
game as a clear file to a third file, NOT over either of the other
two files you saved. The exit to the title screen.

4. Go to continue, and select the clear game file, then go to Continue+
select to use the Continue+ file on one of the two file saved at the
end of the game.

5. When the Continue+ game loads, you'll have all the items that were
saved to the clear game file, and all the items you had at the end of
the game, effectively double all the items you had at the end of the
game except for stuff like the Mastermune and Einlanzer that don't
get saved to the clear file.

6. Complete the game again, and save the new clear game file over the old
one. The double amount of items will be saved to the clear game file.

7. Exit, turn off the PSX, remove the disc, turn it on so you go to the
PSX's built in memory manager, delete the Continue+ file, copy the
back up regular New Game file at the end of the game from the second
memory card onto the first.

8. Use the clear game file with double the amount of items to Continue+
the copied regular game file at the end of game, you'll have all the
items you accumulated, plus double that amount from the clear file.

9. Repeat as desired, not bothering for one second to contemplate those
who played the game through seven times to accumulate @Rainbow Shells.

As I said, not 100% confirmed, but it should work, and should amass
elements too, though not carrying 100% perfectly all elements, and amass
a tonne of G...

5. Endings

There are 11 known endings to Chrono Cross, I am just going to give the
conditions for them, not details, so as not to ruin them for you. The
first 2 can be accessed the first time through, the other 9 can only be
accessed in New Game+ or Continue+, using the Time Egg on Opassa Beach at
certain times. If you have found anymore then e-mail me!

Ending #1 - "Bad" Ending:
Complete the game after defeating the Dragon God's temporary form in
Terra Tower, without using the Chrono Cross properly.

Ending #2 - "Good" Ending:
Complete the game after defeating the Dragon God's temporary form in
Terra Tower, use the Chrono Cross after using elements in the sequence
yellow, red, green, blue, black, white during the final battle.

Ending #3 - Developer's Room:
Complete the game before talking to Leena on the Pier in Home's Arni
Village, or recruiting Home's Poshul.

Ending #4 - General Kid:
Complete the game after talking to Leena on the Pier in Home's Arni
Village or recruiting Home's Poshul, and before breaking into Another's
Viper Manor.

Ending #5 - Cat Fight, Red Scorpion and The Squirts:
Complete the game after Korcha takes you to Gulldove after falling from
Viper Manor and before completing Another's Fort Dragonia and Lynx
becoming a playable character. Nikki and Razzly cannot be in the party

Ending #6 - Magical Dreamers:
Complete the game after recruiting Razzly in Home's Hydra Marshes, having
chosen to go and get the Hydra Humour for Kid, and before completing
Another's Fort Dragonia and Lynx becoming a playable character. Nikki
and Razzly must be in the party.

Ending #7 - Marbule Reborn:
Complete the game after Lynx becomes playable and before you save Riddel
from Hell Orcha in Another's Viper Manor.

Ending #8 - The Dark Serge War:
Complete the game after saving Riddel in Another's Viper Manor and before
staying the night at Another's Hermit's Hideaway so triggering automatic
events leading to Harle leaving the party. This is probably the hardest
to get because of small time frame in which you can get it.

Ending #9 - Lynx is Victorious:
Complete the game after Harle leaves the party on the S.S. Zebless, and
before defeating FATE at Chronopolis.

Ending #10 - Kindergartens, Restaurant Scams and Alien Invasions:
Complete the game after defeating Dario and getting the Mastermune, and
before defeating FATE at Chronopolis.

Ending #11 - Vengeance on the Humans:
Complete the game after defeating FATE a Chronopolis and before defeating
the Dragons God's temporary from in Terra Tower.

6. Characters

PLEASE NOTE: For this section I assume you know how to recruit each
character, or have access to one of many guides that covers the
recruitment of individual characters. This covers how to get all 44 on
your character list, not how to recruit each one. I may implement that
into a future if there is much call for it.

All 44 Characters by New Game+

To get all possible 44 characters in one game via New Game+s requires at
least four playthrus, with two complete clear games, the third clear game
should allow you to have all characters in the rooster using the Chrono
Cross later in the game at Sprigg's house in the Temporal Vortex.

The requirements are as follows:

1. You must refuse to go with Kid at Cape Howl in Another in at least one
game to make certain you get Leena, and Poshul if you didn't get her with
the Heckran Bone in Home's Arni.

2. You must choose Guile as your guide into Viper Manor in Another in at
least one game.

3. You must choose Pierre as your guide into Viper Manor in Another in at
least one game.

4. You must choose Nikki as your guide into Viper Manor in Another in at
least one game.

5. You must not get the Hydra Humour in at least one game so you get
Glenn, Macha and Doc at least once.

6. You must get the Hydra Humour in at least one game so you get Korcha,
Razzly and Mel at least once.

7. You must get all optional characters Luccia, Zappa, Miki, Janice,
Draggy, Starky, Mojo/Mojoy, Turnip, NeoFio, Greco, Skelly, Irenes, Leah,
Van, Sneff, Grobyc, Orlha and Pip, at least once. (Some characters I
haven't listed also give you the option of declining, you must accept
these characters at least once).

8. In one of the games, you must complete the game as Lynx with Harle in
the party rooster, using the Time Egg when she is still present, and
save it, then continue with another New Game+ or Continue+, so Harle is
able to be accessed.

Do all that and from at least the third time through the game or more,
when you use the Chrono Cross in the Temporal Vortex, you will have all
44 characters, and in any clear games from then on you can get all 44
characters listed below by using the Chrono Cross.

Character List:

Just a checklist of names, if you want more info, such as how to get
some of their level 7 and Steena's level 5 techs, or how to find them,
there are a billion guides out there that cover it. All names based on
the US version, because as I stated at the start, that's what most ppl
are likely to be playing. I know they're different in the Japanese ok!

Serge/Lynx Luccia Harle Irenes
Kid Poshul Janice Mel
Guile Razzly Draggy Leah
Norris Zappa Starky Van
Nikki Orcha Sprigg Sneff
Viper Radius Mojo/Mojoy Steena
Riddel Fargo Turnip Doc
Karsh Macha NeoFio Grobyc
Zoah Glenn Greco Pierre
Marcy Leena Skelly Orlha
Korcha Miki Funguy Pip

I'll add how to obtain them and where to get their none-automatic tech
elements if lots of ppl want me to, but its all covered so much elsewhere
it would just double the size of this document needlessly.

If you're still having trouble getting all of them, I'll show you exactly
how I did it:

1. First Game (none New Game+ or Continue+, just a regular New Game):
I got Completed the game with the good ending (either of the two possible
endings is OK), and in my character list when I completed the game were:

Serge Luccia - Irenes
Kid Poshul Janice -
Guile - Draggy Leah
Norris Zappa Starky Van
- Orcha Sprigg Sneff
Viper Radius Mojoy Steena
Riddel Fargo Turnip Doc
Karsh Macha NeoFio Grobyc
Zoah Glenn Greco -
Marcy Leena Skelly Orlha
- Miki Funguy Pip

This means that all these characters are saved to the Chrono Cross, and
can all be recalled to a game in the future, if I use the Chrono
Cross in the Temporal Vortex, and they aren't already present in the

2. Second Game (New Game+ from clear file saved at end of first game):
In the next game I completed the game with ending #7, the only characters
in the character list were:

Lynx - Harle -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - Sprigg -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

BUT, I used Pierre as the Viper manor Guide, and went to get the Hydra
Humour to save Kid, so before I lost all the characters present at Fort
Dragonia the characters list looked like this:

Serge Luccia - -
Kid Poshul - -
- Razzly - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - Mojoy -
- - - -
- - NeoFio -
- - Greco Pierre
- Leena Skelly -
Korcha - - Pip

This means that in addition to all the characters from the first game
saved to the Chrono Cross, Harle is added, and so are Pierre, Korcha and
Razzly, though they weren't present when I completed the game, they get
saved to it to as they are actually technically present in the party, but
won't be accessible till Lynx changes to Serge. If you are wondering why,
when Harle has been in your party in all games where you play till after
Harle leaves, as Pierre, Korcha and Razzly have been present in this game
but at the time you complete it have "left", but why she doesn't get
saved when you complete the game after she leaves, its because she leaves
PERMANTLY, Pierre, Korcha and Razzly are technically still on your
character list, you just can't access them.

So the current list of characters I can recall using the Chrono Cross in
any New Game+ or Continue+ created from this game now looks like this:

Serge Luccia Harle Irenes
Kid Poshul Janice -
Guile Razzly Draggy Leah
Norris Zappa Starky Van
- Orcha Sprigg Sneff
Viper Radius Mojo/Mojoy Steena
Riddel Fargo Turnip Doc
Karsh Macha NeoFio Grobyc
Zoah Glenn Greco Pierre
Marcy Leena Skelly Orlha
Korcha Miki Funguy Pip

3. Third Game (New Game+ from clear file saved at end of second game):
In the next game, I played all the way through again to get the good
ending, but I chose Nikki as the Viper Manor guide, and chose to get the
Hydra Humour (IMPORTANT: as if you do not, you cannot get Steena's Level
5 tech as the De-Hydrate won't appear. Apparently it should, but I
didn't encounter it when I went to the place on Hydra Marshes late in
the game, so...). Once Kid had rejoined the Party after the orphanage
fire event, I went to Guldove and got Mel, so the character list for
this game looked like:

Serge Luccia - Irenes
Kid Poshul Janice Mel
- Razzly Draggy Leah
Norris Zappa Starky Van
Nikki Orcha Sprigg Sneff
Viper Radius Mojoy Steena
Riddel Fargo Turnip -
Karsh - NeoFio Grobyc
Zoah - Greco -
Marcy Leena Skelly Orlha
Korcha Miki Funguy Pip

The characters not present are Harle, Guile, Pierre, Glenn, Macha and Doc
- all of whom have been saved and can be retrieved from the Chrono
Cross, so take the Tears of Hate and Love to the Divine Dragon Falls,
make it, take it to the Temporal Vortex via the portal in Home's Hydra
Marshes, use the Chrono Cross and your character list will look like:

Serge/Lynx Luccia Harle Irenes
Kid Poshul Janice Mel
Guile Razzly Draggy Leah
Norris Zappa Starky Van
Nikki Orcha Sprigg Sneff
Viper Radius Mojo/Mojoy Steena
Riddel Fargo Turnip Doc
Karsh Macha NeoFio Grobyc
Zoah Glenn Greco Pierre
Marcy Leena Skelly Orlha
Korcha Miki Funguy Pip

All characters, including Harle back in your party for the end of the
game. Nikki and Mel will be saved to the Chrono Cross permanently along
with all the others, and now all 44 characters can be recalled in all
future games.

That is not the only way to do it, but it is the joint quickest way to do
it by New Game+s (there are other way of doing it just as quickly, but
I've done it this way and confirmed it to work).

All 44 Characters by Continue+

Zach Keene has devised an even quicker way of getting all 44 characters
into one file by using Continue+s. Given some thought, this is probably
the quickest way to get all characters into one single file, and not only
that it gives hand item multiplying bonuses by doing repeated Continue+s
and using multiple save file!

1. Start a new game.

2. Save your game before selecting a guide to Viper Manor, and keep that
save (call it Save A).

3. Continue as usual (for the sake of illustration, pick Guile at Vipor
Manor and choose not to save Kid), but make another save before Harle
leaves your party (call it Save B).

4. After getting as many characters as possible, beat the game (but keep
a save right before you do so, call it Save C). Choose to save after you
beat the game (Save D).

5. Continue+ into Save A, but select a different guide to Viper Manor
(Nikki for example), and make a different choice of whether or not to
save Kid. (In this example, choose to save Kid.) After getting all the
characters you can from this (Nikki, Macha, Glenn, and Doc for example),
go back to Opassa and beat the game again. Replace Save D with the save
you make after beating the game.

6) Continue+ back into Save A, and get the last Viper Manor guide (Pierre
in this case.) Beat game, replace Save D, etc.

7) Continue+ into Save B (with Harle), beat the game, replace Save D,

8) Continue+ into Save C, go to Sprigg's and use the Chrono Cross. Voila!
All 44 characters in less time than it takes to go through the game
twice. Hopefully that made sense. But it works; I've got a 44 Character
file at only 56 stars, not to mention a nice surplus of @Rainbow Shells
from all that Continue+ing.

7. Best Equipment

If you want everybody's best weapons, that's a lot of @Rainbow Shell, it
can be done on just over three playthrus (I did it at the same time I got
all 44 characters), using fast forward in clear games and avoiding
fights, that's maybe 100+ hours. Not too bad when you consider the 200
hours required on a single playthru of FFVII, to get seven three piece
master materia sets and all stats to 255 from the Gelinka, though you'll
get sick of going through the plot by probably the second time. Anyways,
you'll need:

1 Mastermune - Serge (though Spectra Swallow is slightly stronger, the
Mastermune does critical hits much more frequently and so does more
damage on average)
1 Spectra Swallow - Serge (so you have a weapon for Serge at the star
of clear games when you loose the Mastermune)
1 Prism Dagger - Kid
2 Spectral Staffs - Radius, Sprigg
3 Spectral Rods - Guile, Riddel, Razzly (you may prefer Flower Rod for
2 Einlanzers - Glenn
6 Spectral Swords - Viper, Fargo, Glenn, Turnip, Steena, Pierre (can be
5, but with 6 you have one for Glenn when you loose the Einlanzer at the
start of clear games, but then again, by the time you have Einlanzer you
won't have Turnip, Steena, Fargo or Viper, but never mind... You may also
prefer Viper's Venom for Viper ('cause it looks cool!), and Hero's Blade
for Pierre, for being able to use his level 7 tech if you give him the
three piece hero set)
2 Spectral Guns - Norris, Starky (you may prefer to give Starky a Plasma
Pistol, 'cause its his personal weapon, though weaker)
2 Prism Picks - Nikki, Irenes
4 Rainbow Axes - Karsh, Zappa, Funguy, Leah (you may prefer to give
Zappa the Master Hammer because he's the blacksmith...)
1 Betta Carotene - Janice
1 Prism Lure - Korcha
2 Prismrangs - Van, Mel
4 Prism Pellets or 4 Pack of Lies - Sneff, Luccia, Doc, Harle (Pack of
Lies don't require @Rainbow Shells, but you can only get one per game. I
give Sneff and Harle Pack of Lies as they're a magician and jester, so
its more personalised, Luccia and Doc I give Prism Pellets (even though I
have 4 Pack of Lies O_o)
3 Cristalpan C6s - Leena, Orcha, Macha
12 Spectral Gloves - Poshul, Zoah, Marcy, Miki, Draggy, Mojo, NeoFio,
Greco, Skelly, Grobyc, Orlha, Pip

Assuming that you want all the strongest weapons rather than
personalised weapons, including the backups for Serge and Glenn, and
you use 2 Prism Pellets and 2 Pack of Lies, because you're the type
of person who would have renamed Robo as Prometheus if Chrono Trigger
had allowed you to, and bearing in mind you don't (and can't) forge
the Betta Carotene, that's a grand total requirement of:

41 @Rainbow Shells
41 @Shiny Embers
41 @Shiny Dews
41 @Shiny Leafs
41 @Shiny Sands
41 @Shiny Salts
41 @Shiny Soots
27 @Humours
18 @Leathers
16 @Fangs
10 @Feathers
11 @Screws
8 @Scales
7 @Furs
6 @Coppers
5 @Eyeballs
3 @Carapaces
1 @Bone
962400 G

(NOTE: not accounting for the fact you can get a free Spectral Glove per


After amassing all those weapons, you can get by on as few as three sets
of Prism Mail and Prism Helmets, changing them round for which ever
characters you have in the party. You'll want at least five Prism Mails
though, if you have two sets equipped on the two characters in Another's
Fort Dragonia, you'll loose their body armour, so two of the Prism Mails
for a good chunk of the game. You'll also want three Yellow Plates for
fighting the Criosphix, of which you can only steal one per playthru when
fighting the Earth Dragon. If you're crazy enough to forge 44 sets of
Prism Mail and Prism Helmets though, that'll be:

88 @Rainbow Shells
44 @Denadorites
44 @Leathers
44 @Carapaces
44 @Fangs
44 @Screws
88 @Shiny Embers
88 @Shiny Dews
88 @Shiny Leafs
88 @Shiny Sands
44 @Shiny Salts
44 @Shiny Soots
1795200 G

If you're sane though, and make 5 Prism Mails and 3 Prism Helmets, then
you'll need a much more realistic:

8 @Rainbow Shells
5 @Denadorites
5 @Leathers
5 @Carapaces
3 @Fangs
3 @Screws
8 @Shiny Embers
8 @Shiny Dews
8 @Shiny Leafs
8 @Shiny Sands
5 @Shiny Salts
5 @Shiny Soots
170400 G

If you're crazy enough to make all pieces of @Rainbow Equipment to have a
complete set for everyone, that's approx. six full playthrus, collecting
at least 21 of the 23 known @Rainbow Shells covered in the next section
in each playthru, or doing the infinite item trick till you have 99
@Rainbow Shells, forging at least 30 of them into stuff, then proceeding
to get 30 more @Rainbow shells...

8. @Rainbow Shells

This is the location of all 23 @Rainbow Shells or @Rainbow Shell
equipment that are in the game, verified thanks to Emeralda and the
Ultimania Guide, each can only be got once per playthru meaning if you
want a set of @Rainbow Shell gear for every character that's a lot of
playthrus. The one rarely dropped by the Wight Knight and the one rarely
stolen from Dark Serge must be credited to Dan Birlew and Tom Schmidt
from the official Chrono Cross Brady games guide as I didn't know of
their existence till I saw them in it, and the one from the boy under the
bed in the Orphanage on Fire I learnt about from Emeralda. DK also told
me how to get the Dreamer's Sarong, so big credit to him.

@Rainbow Shells Obtained in Battles

1. Wight Knight: Isle of the Damned (Home World), once you have got
Garai's Keepsake key item from Radius at Hermit's Hideaway in Home World,
you can reach the third area at the Isle of the Damned. Lure the
WillO'Wisp floating around all the way around the area by walking slowly
in front of it, being careful not to touch it and enter battle, until
you have directly adjacent to the suit of armour in the lower left area.
It must be very precisely positioned for it to work, but fight and defeat
the enemies you encounter by touching the WillO'Wisp, and when you
return to the field screen after the battle a ring of flame will resonate
around the surrounding area, and hopefully if you were positioned right,
activate the Wight Knight so you'll fight it. This is the annoying part,
most of the time, when you beat it, the Wight Knight will drop an @Iron,
if anything, there is a very rare chance it may drop a @Rainbow Shell.
This one is too fiddily and takes to long to reset Imo, as it is so rare
its best not to be fussed, just be happy if you get it by luck. I have
never encountered a Wight Knight anywhere else, once you beat the one at
the Isle of the Damned it won't come back, so be sure you have Sprigg
beat it with a Forget-Me-Not Pot equipped. It may occur at the bend of
time, but it must be incredibly rare as I've never seen it, add that to
the rarity of it dropping a @Rainbow Shell and its not worth it. I only
have ever got one from the Wight Knight, on my third playthru, so it
does exist, its just rare as heck.

2. Criosphinx: Earth Dragon Isle (Another World), after beating the
Earth Dragon in Home World, you'll have activated the geyser in Another
World, allowing you to go to the place where you fought the Earth
Dragon, but in Another World. There you will encounter an optional boss,
Criosphinx. There are two ways to do this battle, either way you can
steal a @Rainbow Shell from him. The first way is to answer his riddles
by using an element of the corresponding colour to the colour he is
riddling, and use a stealing element to steal it. This way you'll take
no damage at all unless you use an incorrect element. Or you can fight
him outright and steal it too. You'll need Fargo, Mel or Kid in the
party, this can be done any time on either disc after beating the Earth
This is the important bit no other guides seem to make clear: If you are
going to fight him outright to get the very useful Sunglasses
accessory that Criosphinx drops and cannot be forged or found anywhere
else in the game, you MUST attack him right away before he starts to
riddle, then you need to do about 17000+ HP damage and eventually he will
die. You can steal a @Rainbow Shell from him at any time during the
fight, if you get a @Denadorite, reset, as @Denadorite occurs about
equally as often as @Rainbow Shell as the reward for stealing, so you
should get a @Rainbow Shell after just one or two attempts. PLEASE NOTE!
If you do not attack right away, and he starts to riddle, he cannot be
beaten normally and you cannot get the Sunglasses he drops. Likewise, to
activate the riddling, just defend with all three characters and it will
start, and you're element levels will boost to level 8 each time you have
all three characters defend for a round. Unfortunately normal battle
element rules apply when fighting him outright, and he'll counter lots of
the time with powerful yellow elements. I did over 30000 HP damage to him
whilst he was riddling and he simply doesn't die. Also, his HP is listed
as 13000 by many guides, and the Official guide, but I have recorded the
damage I dealt and it took over 17000...
Ok, now, on a first playthru, you can beat him, but you'll need a Yellow
Plate armour stolen from the Earth Dragon equipped to defend yourself
from his attacks, and it will take ages, so I would recommend just
stealing a @Rainbow Shell and solving the riddle. On clear games, beat
him outright and steal the @Rainbow Shell and to get the Sunglasses as
they provide all kinds of boosts and multipliers to your physical and
elemental attacks.
And just so you know, Criosphinx can only be fought once per playthru.

3. Dark Serge: Fort Dragonia (Home World), when he appears in the
elevator room and you fight him, you'll need Fargo in the party to
do his level 3 tech element Pillage, to steal a @Rainbow Shell from
Dark Serge. It is more likely that you'll get a Trashy Tiara, about 7
times out of 8 probably, but persevere and reset if you get a Trashy
Tiara and eventually you'll get it. Dark Serge does not occur at the Bend
of Time as he is a boss, so you can only do it once per game.

4. Polis Police: Chronopolis (Sea of Eden), as soon as you enter
Chronopolis at the start of disc 2, and have heard the shadow's
conversation, when you try to proceed you enter the boss fight with
Polis Police. You must have Fargo in the party to do Pillage, you can
steal a @Rainbow Shell from Polis Police. It seems you sometimes get
Capsule elements by stealing from the Polis Police too, but I can't say
whether it happens more or less frequently than @Rainbow Shells, it
seems about equal to me. You can only fight Polis Police once per
playthru, and he doesn't occur at the Bend of Time.

@Rainbow Shells Obtained Outside of Battle

5. Arni Village (Another World), when in Arni Village in Home World at
the start of the game talk to the girl working in the bar and listen to
her poetry. Then talk to the same girl in Another's Arni and she'll tell
you that she gave up on poetry. Any time after you have the Astral
Amulet, and therefore access to both worlds, speak to the girl in Home's
Arni and she'll give you a book of poems, take it to the girl in
Another's Arni, show it to her in key item menu, and she'll give you a
@Rainbow Shell.

6. Arni Village (Another World), check the merchants stall and time
before completing Fort Dragonia in Another World and you will
find a @Rainbow Shell, only to be told it is not for sale. Return any
time in the game after you return to Another World as Lynx through the
Hydra Marshes, and the village will be deserted so you can just take
it, in the name of the age-old tradition in RPGs of stealing NPC's
personal belongings...

7. Termina (Another World, when you first visit Termina in Another World,
talk to the merchant at the Viper Churros stall by the fortune teller on
the bridge on the right hand side of town. Tell him 100GP is too high,
and tell him to set it to 60GP. Then go to Skelly's Grandmother's house
and walk to the window and you'll see an event showing the merchants new
found success, and return at any time in the game and he'll give you
free churros that'll replenish your health. Return after Serge's rebirth
and get another free churro, and you'll find a @Rainbow Shell too.

8. Viper Manor (Another World), in the treasure room right of Luccia's
lab, take the Decor Shield key item from the wall next to the snake
statue and put it on the suit of armour without a shield through the key
item menu. You'll fight five Man-O-Wars. After beating them, push the
snake statue in the middle of the room so that it is symmetrical with the
other one, and a panel will open. You can't get the chests yet though.
Wait till the Porre occupation of Termina and the Acacia Dragoon guard
will have moved, push the snake statue into position again, the go and
check the torch where the Dragoon was standing, and push the switch. You
can now get to the two chests behind the panel, one contains a Viper's
Venom, General Viper's personalised sword, and the other has a @Rainbow

9. Water Dragon Isle (Another World), the architect standing in front of
the dried up waterfall will ask you to take the key item Sturdy Ribs,
part of Skelly. Take them, collect all the other parts and get Skelly to
join your party. Then return to Water Dragon Isle and speak to the same
architect to receive a @Rainbow Shell.

10. Earth Dragon Isle (Another World), when you get control of Korcha's
boat, go to Earth Dragon Isle and talk to the captain of the
investigation team, standing next to the blow hole. Then go down through
the quicksand, and check the Rockroach blocking your way in the next
area. Go back to the surface through the blowhole and talk to the
captain of the expedition again. Return any time after the events at
Another's Fort Dragonia and talk to the captain twice, he'll give you an
@Rainbow Shell the second time.

11. S.S. Zebless (Home World), at the Vegas Casino, play the roulette
game. you need to score over 10000 points and you'll get a rank 1 item.
The first time you'll get a @Rainbow Shell, but after that it will be a
@Denadorite, so only one per playthru. The easiest way to get enough
points is to cheat, pause the game and unpause till you pause it so that
the roulette is pointing to between South and West. Hold down X (or
whatever you have as confirm), unpause the game and it will land on
North every time, doubling your score. The slow motion function of the
Time Shifter in clear games doesn't work here, as if you needed to cheat
even more...

12. Chronopolis (Sea of Eden), on the 3rd floor, the room at the back of
the room left of the elevator, where you see a computer display talking
about Lavos, there is a @Rainbow Shell in the chest.

13. Orphanage on Fire (Another World), after defeating FATE, when you use
the Chrono Cross or Mastermune to go into Kid's past, in the first
room of the orphanage, beat the Lava Boy(s), then check the clock, a boy
will run out, talk to him and say it'll be ok, and he'll give you a
@Rainbow Shell.

14. Orphanage on Fire (Another World), after defeating FATE, when you use
the Chrono Cross or Mastermune to go into Kid's past, Lucca's mother's
room, beat any Lava Boy(s), then check the bed, a boy will run out, talk
to him and say it'll be ok, and he'll give you a @Rainbow Shell.

15. Viper Manor (Another World), after Kid has rejoined after the
Orphanage on fire event, go to Luccia's lab in Another's Viper Manor
with kid in the party. Kid'll read a letter and you'll get a @Rainbow
Shell at the end. No, again, Serge, Norris, LYNX and Guile are NOT Janus.
Nor, Magus, nor Gil. Guile was intended to be the Gil character from
Radical Dreamers, but IS NOT in the final code of the game, the
developers have said this in interviews.

16. El Nido Triangle (Another World), after Orphanage on fire event, you
can enter the Triangle and go underwater as you could in Home's Triangle.
There is a chest with a @Rainbow Shell in the first area, in the upper
right corner.

17. El Nido Triangle (Another World), same as above, in the second area
with the flying saucer, on the far right side of the screen is another
chest with a @Rainbow Shell.

18. Terra Tower, (Another World), in the room above the room after the
room with the big head in, behind one of the waterfalls on the second
level is a chest with a @Rainbow Shell in.

19. Terra Tower, (Another World), from the room with #18 in, go to the
top right corner of the room and walk right so you slide down. You'll
land next to a hole, go through it to get a Betta Carotene, Janice's
strongest weapon, cannot be forged, made with a @Rainbow Shell. You'll
want at least one, but once you have one, in clear games you can
dismantle it for the @Rainbow Shell, especially since no one else can
use a Betta Carotene.

20. Terra Tower, (Another World), in the room after where you fight
Pyrotor, follow the ladders and in the middle of the room you can go
down a ladder to a chest with a @Rainbow Shell in it.

21. Terra Tower, (Another World), in the same room as #18, go to the
top of the room and down the ladders on the left hand side until you
reach another chest, inside is a Spectral glove, the best weapon for
Zoah, Marcy, Poshul, Miki, Draggy, Mojoy, NeoFio, Greco, Skelly,
Grobyc, Orlha and Pip, if you have 12, or even three, you may want to
dismantle it for the @Rainbow Shell, but chances are you'll keep it
intact for any of the characters, as it is the most common weapon
amongst playable characters.

22. Terra Tower, (Another World), in the room above the room with #19
and #18, that leads on to the Viper Manor Library, in the top right
hand corner there is a chest with a @Rainbow Shell in it.

23. Bend of Time, (Another World or Home World, New Game+ or Continue+),
after beating the game and starting a New Game+ or Continue+, you will
be able to access the door at the back of the Bend of Time. In there you
will see a very large blob-plant thing, talk to it and run round the room
3 times, then you will fight Ozzie, Slash and Flea from Chrono Trigger.
After beating them, the very large blob-plant thing wobbling about in the
centre of the room, talk to it and it'll tell you to guess a number
between 1 and 20 that he is thinking of, and he'll give you three clues.
Run around the room so you hear the number of beeps of the number you want
to guess, and then talk to him, he'll say if its correct, higher, lower,
if you're doing the right thing etc, and if you get it within three
attempts you'll get a Dreamer's Sarong, if not you can just try again.
The Dreamer's Sarong is an accessory made with a @Rainbow Shell, and
cannot be forged or found anywhere else in the game. It gives you a
starting elemental level of 8 in battle, so unless you have three
accumulated through clear games, and you want the @Rainbow Shell for
something else, you really won't want to dismantle it. Use three
Dreamer's Sarongs and getting the good ending is incredibly easy...

@Shiny Item Techniques

The other materials required for forging the best equipment are of course
@Shiny Items obtained when a summoning element kills an enemy. All these
techniques are intended for New Game+ and Continue+ files, not first

@Shiny Ember, Dew, Sand and Leaf are easy after a Continue+ and New Game+
or two New Game+s, you should have two Dreamer's Sarongs preferably or at
least a Dreamer's Sarong and Dreamer's Scarf, equip one on the character
you want to cast the summoning element, and the other on another
character, along with the field element of the corresponding character
(you will have the field elements you got from the bosses in Terra Tower
from past playthrus, if you have that character with a Dreamer's Scarf
rather than Sarong put the field element into a element level 2 slot, it
will have -3, but still work). As soon as you enter a battle, cast the
field, then the summon, unless the enemy has very high HP or is a boss
they'll die and you'll get some shiny stuff.

@Shiny Soot and Salt are a little more complex as there are no Blackfield
or Whitefield elements in the game. For @Shiny Soot, I'd recommend
putting Mothership or Grimreaper, along with a Dreamer's Sarong, on any
dark affiliated character, then go to Another's Fossil Valley any time
after you return to Home as Lynx, enter from the south entrance and go up
to fight the Shadow Cat bouncing around. Once you enter battle, kill any
Tutanshamans as they cast red elements, then defend till the Shadow
Cat(s) have used their Shadow or Hypnosis tech element tree times in a
row, and cast the black summon. You'll want to equip the character
casting the summon with a Daemon Charm or Black Brooch to prevent
Hypnosis having an antiblack effect on them...
Then leave Fossil Valley and repeat till you have all the @Shiny Soot you
@Shiny Salt is the same pretty much, except you'll want to give Unicorn
or Saints to Serge or another white affiliated character, and then go
Terra Tower and fight Myxomycetes and Cupoids till they turn the field
all white and cast the summon. You'll almost certainly want a Dreamer's
Sarong on the character you're using, as well as a White Brooch or Angel
Charm for protection from Antiwhite effects that can be caused from some
of the Cupoids' attacks. The down side is it can only be done towards the
end of the game, and not after Terra Tower changes to its final form...

9. Sprigg's Doppelgangs

Another thing that can be accumulated over clear games, Sprigg's
doppelgangs are CC's equivalent of Gau's Rages in FFVI, Quistis's blue
magic limit breaks in FFVIII etc. Except Sprigg actually turns into the
enemy, explaining her measly four element slots, poor stats etc. To gain
the doppelgang, Sprigg must beat the enemy in battle, to remember it she
MUST have a Forget-me-not Pot equipped as an accessory. NOTE: Any other
character can learn a doppelgang for Sprigg if they have a Forget-me-not
Pot equipped too, in fact this is required for Acacia PVT, Acacia SGT and
Neo-N-Bulb, all of which cannot be fought under any conditions after
Sprigg joins the party.

Forget-me-not Pot Locations:
1. Chest in Chronopolis under stairs to right of the first floor elevator
2. Steal from Peppor when you go to Another's Isle of the Damned with
Karsh, after checking the chest in the right tower of Another's Viper

They are required to beat Janice on Home's S.S. Zebless too, as any
doppelgangs you attain can be used in the battle arena to beat her.

Some of these enemies can be encountered in the Bend of time, those
with #s by the will occur in the corresponding portal from the ASCII
diagram below. those with ?s beside the number should occur in the
corresponding portals as all other enemies from the same area do,
but I haven't encountered them yet, or least not noted it. N/A means
the enemy doesn't occur in the Bend of Time's portals. the portals
are numbered in the order in which they appear, for them to appear
you must defeat enemies from all the areas which they represent and/or
complete certain events, i.e.. portal 10, the last portal, will appear
after you have fought enemies from Terra Tower and beaten the Dragon
God's temporary form to complete Terra Tower, portal 1, the first
portal represents the enemies from the start of the game, from Lizard
Rock in Home and Another and Fossil Valley in Another. And just as
some enemies appear in multiple locations with different stats, they
occur in multiple portals with different stats:

Locked door to Ozzie, Slash and Flea
| __
| _____________________||_________________
/| / _ _ _ || _ _ /
| | / |_| |_| |_| || |_| |_| / _________
| |/ 9 7 5 || _ 3 1 /____/ /
| / ||| | _ /
|/ ||/_\---Blob-plant |_|-----Portal
/ ____ / to world
/ _ _ _ _ _ / /_________/ map
/ |_|10 |_|8 |_|6 |_|4 |_|2 /

Some of these enemies cannot be found outside of The Bend of Time after
you recruit Sprigg, so can only be doppelganged if you beat them at the
Bend of Time, if you didn't have a Forget-me-not Pot equipped at the time
you fought them earlier. Some can only be got by fighting them on a
Continue+ or New Game+ with a Forget-me-not Pot prior to Sprigg joining.
NOTE: Emeralda has told me there are 72 listed in the Ultimania Guide, so
unless the Ultimania Guide is wrong and their are more (which there
probably are not), this is the first complete list based on the US
version, and I had to find them all manually, so I hope you appreciate
this. Emeralda has also translated the enemey occurances in the Bend of
Time so I can now confirm they are all correct thanks to her.

Doppelgangable Enemies:

Acacia PVT N/A Acacia SGT N/A Aero-Guard 9
Air Frame 6 Alphabat 4+5 Beach Bum 1
Beeba N/A Bubba Dingo 1+5 Bulb 2+5
CatBurglar 4+6 Cassowary 2+5 Combat 4
Combot 9 Crossbones 3 Cuscus 2+5
Cybot 4+6 Daffy Dwarf 3+6 Daggy Dwarf 3+6
Dead Beat 3+6 Dodo 2+5 Drongo N/A
Dwarf 3+6 Flea N/A Fossicker 8
Gerridae 2+5 Gizmotoid 9 Gloop 2+5
Gobledygook 2+5 Googhoul 4 Gremlin 7
Gurgoyle 6 Gyroblade 9 HotDoggity 4+6
Komodo Pup 1 Lagoonate 6+8 Mama Dingo 1+5
Man-At-Arms 2 Man-Of-War 2 Mantarrey 6+8+9
Myxomycete 10 Neo-N-Bulb N/A Opah Fish 1
Ozzie N/A Paper Boy 4 Porre PVT N/A
Porre SGT N/A Portalgheist 2 Potty 2
Prehysteric 8 PreyMantis 8 Puffy 9
Rockroach 8 SandSquirt 1 Scorpoid 3
SideSteppa 6+9 SnibGoblin 3 SnobGoblin 3
Spearfisher 8 Sprigg N/A Slash N/A
Taurminator 6 TotalChaos 4 Tragedienne 7
Tutanshaman 8 Tzete Fly 1 Whoot 10
WightKnight N/A WillO'Wisp 2+6 Wingapede N/A
Witchetty 5 Wraith 1+3 YellowBelly 8

10. Window Frames

Another little group of hidden things to accumulate as its doubtful
you'll find them all on your first playthru. I'm not going to cover them
all as you should try to find them yourself, and if you get really stuck
webrunner has done a big guide on how to find them all at GameFAQs. If
you're wondering what they are, look in the customisation option on the
main menu O_o Anyway, here is the list of confirmed window frames, all 15
listed in the Ultimania guide (so no hidden 16th in the Japanese version
as is rumoured) both those hidden and accessible from the start, so you
can check how many you managed to find:

Arnian Wood
Simple Line
Tropical Paradise
Snakes & Orbs
Porre's Furnace
Valencian Cloth
Quill and Papyrus
Iron Plate
Monster's Mouth
Infrared Vision
Tea for Three
Our Favourite Martian
Guldovian Stitch

11. Outroduction

If you have anything to contribute, questions to ask or errors to point
out, e-mail me at All contributors will be fully and
correctly credited for their work. I'll try to answer as many queries and
requests for help as I humanly can, as long as they're not about
something directly tackled within this guide.

History (forwards chronologically):

Version: A.00 (Alpha)

17/11/00 Failed two maths exams today thanks to Chrono Cross, so decided
| to put my misspent time's gained knowledge to use on this guide.
22/11/00 Finished all but the admin stuff, short one to write ^_^

Version: 1.00
22/11/00 v 1.00 release
27/11/00 v 1.01 Confirmed Bend of Time occurance, quantity of window
| frames and number of @Rainbow Shells in the game thanks to
| Emeralda (and corrected some errors-eep), added Zach Keene's
| method of getting all 44 characters and wrote in some sites I've
| authorised to put up the guide

The latest version of this Guide can be found at: (probably)

I'll update as and when is necessary, or when I receive new info to add.

Once again, it may not be hosted or used anywhere not mentioned without
my express permission. E-mail me and wait to receive my permission before
you put it on any site. And if you are reading this after buying it for
hard cash in a pirate video game store in Indonesia I'd LOVE to hear from

And just for reference, this file, v1.01 should be 71.9 KB in .txt
format, 24.4 KB in maximum zip compression, and around 116 KB in .doc
format. If it isn't, and/or you didn't find it at one of the above sites,
please inform me. This Guide was written in Microsoft Notebook, WordPad,
and spell checked with Microsoft Word 97 (so please excuse all the typos

Stuff to Do:

If anyone wants to help on these feel free to mail me and you'll be

Update any missing or incorrect information
Maybe expand the characters section to include how and where to recruit
them, and how and where to get their none automatic elements, but it
would be in the far future, and I'd make it as short and compressed a
list as possible to save ppl paper and ink if they want to print it
Maybe do a new section on where to find and trap the rarer elements in
the game to accumulate them, and/or where to find and steal the rarer
items in the game...
Confirm infinite item trick properly...
Confirm the Pip returning to original form in New Game+ and Continue+
Figure out the level 5 Steena problem.
Check lots of conditions for Continue+.
Verify the HP changes on enemies from first playthru to clear game.


Thanks to Square of course for making the game.

Thanks to CJC for being such a dedicated gamer and project director at
GameFAQs .

Thanks to DK, Emeralda and Draco Light at the FFO forums who have helped
me on little probs every now and then in CC. Especially thanks to
Emeralda for loads of info including doppelgang Bend of Time locations
from the Ultimania Guide, and for going to great lengths to help me
confirm stuff like @Rainbow Shells!

Big thnaks to Zach Keene for devising the quickest way to get all 44
characters in the game, and writing it out!

Thnaks to all at FFO for that matter for
putting up with me every day O_o

Tahnks to Dan Birlew and Ken Schmidt for the excellent Brady Games
Official Strategy Guide, which I must give credit to for 2 Rainbow shell

Tnahks to Christian, don't know why he just seems to worm his way into
credit listings...

Thnaks to Project K for importing it to the UK
for me.

Thanx to Viper Computers for mod-chipping my PAL 5552 PSX so I could
play disc 2 of Chrono Cross and stop breaking the laser with disc swaps.

And a big fat finger to Square Europe for not importing Chrono Cross to
at least the UK. France and Germany is understandable with the auto
accent translation problems, but the English version is complete. Maybe
I'm being too harsh. Hang on, no I'm not, we may have to wait till 2001
for a PAL FFIX >_<


One last thing, try choosing Pierre or Nikki as your Viper Manor guide in
a game where Guile is saved to the Chrono Cross. Bring Guile into the
character list at the end of the game with the Chrono Cross in the
Temporal Vortex, then put him in the party and go and speak to Another's
fortune teller in Termina. Those who persist on the Guile/Alf and Magus/
Janus/Gil/Magil debate won't be disappointed ^_^


"I think happiness is being able to loaf without stress."

Elle to Ark; Tenchi So-Zo: The Creation of Heaven and Earth, aka
Terranigma, aka Illusion of Gaia 2, aka Soulblazer 3, aka Illusion of
Time 2 aka Gaia 3

(c) Neville Collins 2000

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Ending Song Translation FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
The Complete Walkthrough

16.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Character Recruiting Guide

11.Октябрь 2013
All Charakterw, Waffen, Rüstungen und Accessoires und 99 von jedem Gegenstand.

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ultimania Translations

17.Октябрь 2013
Dead Sea / Sea of Eden

12.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Complete Script Guide

16.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Октябрь 2013
New Game and Continue

11.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Magic Guide

13.Октябрь 2013
Resource List

13.Октябрь 2013
Prism Equipment Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
North American Version FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
English Changes FAQ

12.Октябрь 2013
No Nonsense Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Dropped/Steal Item Guide

12.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
No Nonsense Guide

11.Октябрь 2013
Ending FAQ

12.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version (WIZ)

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

18.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ 1
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ 2
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
24.Февраль 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
22.Октябрь 2014
24.Июль 2014