Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross

13.10.2013 09:18:07
Chrono Cross Magic Guide

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Magic Guide

Table of Contents
I. Intro
II. Versions
III. Magic
IV. Summons
V. Misc. Stuff
VI. Legal Stuff

I. Intro
This is my first time to write a FAQ, so please don't complain about the art...
anyways this is a guide to the magic in the best game on Earth...Chrono Cross!

In this game you have to FIND your magic, just like FFVII. If you know how to use
FFVII's Magic system, you've got a little head start. You can find Elements in treasure
boxes, prizes after fights, and many other circumstances.

II. Versions

-1.0 Everything is new...

-1.3 Added a lot of descriptions

-1.6 Added a lot of descriptions and Chrono Cross, finished water attacks

-2.0 Added more descriptions, finished black attacks

-Final Finish the guide

III. Magic
Magic exists in pairs. The pairs are White/Black, Yellow/Green, and Red/Blue. The colors
are effective against the other. If the field effect is all [insert magic innate here], that
kind of magic is almighty until the next casting of another kind of magic. To Summon a monster
to come and tear your enemy apart (with the exception of Unicorn), you need to place it on
lv.8 and the field effect must be filled with the Summon's innate.

*-Only same innate can use it

White Level +or- Effect Description

A PhotonRay 1 7 Single Foe The screen turns a little dark and a bright
T yellow beam is shot at the foe
T Meteorite 2 6 Single Foe A little white ball with a bluish light
A around it comes out of no where and smashes
C on top of the unsuspecting foe's head
K PhotonBeam 3 5 Single Foe A little white ball appears, but it gets
bigger and a white laser penetrates foe's
MeteorShower 4 4 All Foes Two meteors from another dimension are
hurled at your foe from space, exploding,
causing a white energy burst
HolyLight 5 3 All Foes Holy phrases surround the foes and damages
them greatly
UltraNova* 6 2 All Foes A white ball appears and sucks the foes in,
and then it makes a black energy beam from
space shoot it, causing a black explosion

H Revive 1 7 Single Ally A white ball falls on your ally, then
E energy appears around your ally and revives
A him/her
L WhiteOut** 2 0 Single Ally A energy ball appears and removes White
I status effects
N RecoverAll 3 5 All Allies White sparkles restores the entire party
G (Medium)
Purify 4 4 Single Ally White energy removes all status effects
Panacea** 4 0 Single Ally Rainbow energy removes all status effects
FullRevial* 5 3 All Allies A pillar of light revives ally to full HP
HolyHealing* 6 2 All Allies Light shines on your allies and restores
all HP and removes status effects

S TurnWhite 1 7 Single Foe/Ally White "air blades" turn foe's
U attribute/ally's attacks White
P AntiBlack* 3 5 Single Foe A white sphere with "air blades" around it
P appears around the enemy and temporarily
L seals Black Elements
E StrongMinded 4 4 Single Ally A holy light appears under the character
M and temporarily increases your ally's
E magical defenses
N WeakMinded 4 4 Single Foe Icicles appear, pierce your foe and
T temporarily decreases your foe's magical
A defenses
L Magnify 6 2 All Foes & Allies Surrounds the field with white energy and
temporarily increases Element damage by 1.5
MagNegate* 6 2 Single Ally White energy appears and creates a magical
"spine" (You'll know what I mean when you
see it). Crystals appear and finally,
temporarily nullifies foe's magic attack

T HolyLight** 5 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
R electricity zaps it to trap UltraNova
A UltraNova** 6 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
P electricity zaps it to trap UltraNova
Unicorn** 7 0 All Foes A pot appears and rainbow energy surrounds
it and when +Unicorn is summoned, the pot
will suck the +Unicorn in

S +Unicorn* 7 1 All Allies A unicorn appears, it horn starts to shine
U and raises Def & M.Def
M +Saints* 8 0 All Foes & Allies 5 Roman soliders with wings and javelins
M appear in the sky, then they throw their
O spears at the foes. As the spears pick up
N speed, they get a white glow at the tip.
When it hits the foe it causes 5 huge white
explosions and heals your party.

Black Level +or- Effect Description

A GravityBlow 1 7 Single Foe A reddish ball with black "air blades" is
T hurled at the foe who is then blown into
T the air
A HellSoul 2 0 Single Foe A ball lifts up the foe's soul and zaps it
C with blue electricity
K Gravitonne 3 5 All Foes A black field appears around each foe and
crushes them with a supergravity field
HellBound 4 0 Single Foe Surrounds the foe with blue waves of energy
and then sucks it into the ground
FreeFall 5 3 Single Foe A foe is lanched into the air and then
hurled to the ground a super-sonic speed
Revenge* 5 3 Single Foe Rings of energy surround you, and then the
rings surround the foe and shifts your
status effect into the enemy
BlackHole* 6 2 All Foes A black ball drops in the middle of the
battle field and sucks everything in the
area into a super-vacuum

H BlackOut** 2 0 Single Ally A black ball absorbs all black status
E effects
A Nostrum** 6 0 Single Ally Black "air blades" restores your ally's HP
L (Large)

S TurnBlack 1 7 Single Foe/Ally Yellow "air blades" turn foe's
U attribute/ally's attacks Yellow
P AntiWhite* 3 5 Single Foe A black sphere with "air blades" around it
P appears around the enemy and temporarily
L seals White Elements
E Genius 4 4 Single Ally A black upside down waterfall temporarily
M increases your magic power
E Imbecile 4 4 Single Foe A black waterfall temporarily decreases
N your foe's magic power
T SealAll* 6 2 All Foes & Allies A rainbow ball appears and sucks
A all black energy and temporarily stops
L everyone's Elements
Diminish 6 2 All Foes & Allies A black circle surrounds the battle field
and temporarily halves Element damage

T FreeFall** 5 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
R electricity zaps it to trap FreeFall
A BlackHole** 6 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
P electricity zaps it to trap BlackHole
MotherShip** 7 0 All Foes A pot appears and rainbow energy surrounds
it and when +MotherShip is summoned, the
pot will suck the +MotherShip in

S +MotherShip* 7 1 All Foes A UFO appears and shoot down a beam of
U light at the foes
M +GrimReaper* 8 0 All Foes Summons Death to suck in the foes and
M attack them like BlackHole would

Yellow Level +or- Effect Decription

A Uplift 1 7 Single Foe Cuts out a block of stone with spikes on
T the bottem and drops it on foe
T ElectroJolt 2 6 Single Foe A yellow ball encases your foe and starts
A to shoot electric bolts everywhere around
C it
K Upheaval 3 5 Single Foe A lot of earth shards come up and spike
your foe
ElectroBolt 4 6 Single Foe A ball of lightning hurls lighting bolts
at foe
Earthquake 5 3 All Foes Pillars of stone come out from the ground
and pounds foes
ThundaStorm* 6 2 All Foes Clouds come out and clouds on the ground
surrounds the foes and electricity from the
sky zaps the foes to crisp

H Brace** 1 0 Single Ally A magical yellow ball appears and goes
E above your ally and heals sprains and
A Yellow status effects
L Capsule** 3 0 Single Ally Yellow "air blades" restores HP (Medium)

S TurnYellow 1 7 Single Foe/Ally Yellow "air blades" turn foe's
U attribute/ally's attacks Yellow
P AntiGreen* 3 5 Single Foe A yellow sphere with "air blades" around it
P appears around the enemy and temporarily
L seals Green Elements
E HiRes 4 4 Single Ally A force field surrounds ally and
M temporarily increases your defense
E LoRes 4 4 Single Foe A force field surrounds foe and temporarily
N decreases your foe's defense
T YellowField 5 3 All Foes & Allies Thunder comes out and turns the field
A effect all Yellow
L PhysNegate* 6 2 Single Ally A yellow sphere surrounds ally and
temporarily nullifies foe's physical

T Earthquake** 5 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
R electricity zaps it to trap Earthquake
A ThundaStorm** 6 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
P electricity zaps it to trap ThundaStorm
Golem** 7 0 All Foes A pot appears and rainbow energy surrounds
it and when +MotherShip is summoned, the
pot will suck the +Golem in

S +Golem* 7 1 All Foes A huge brown Geos rises and starts walking
U through a forest and, without much effort,
M it crushes your foes
M +ThundaSnake 8 0 All Foes An electrical Serpent appears and turns
O into an electrical ball, which then turns
N a huge white bolt of lightning and hurls
itself at the foes
Green Level +or- Effect Description

A Bushwhacker 1 7 Single Foe A cyclone appears and razor sharp leaves
T start to cut up the foe
T AeroSaucer 2 6 Single Foe A ball appears and two circles penetrates
A the foe
C Bushbasher 3 5 Single Foe Branches comes out of the ground and spikes
K the enemy
AeroBlaster 4 4 Single Foe A green sonic blast hits the foe
Carnivore 5 3 All Foes A dark green venus flytrap clamps your foe
Tornado* 6 2 All Foes Two cyclones appear and then batters the
foes to bits

H Heal 2 6 Single Foe/Ally The wind and leaves restores HP (Small)
E Antidote* 2 0 Single Ally Heals poison and Green status effects
A HealAll 4 4 All Allies A white wind appears and restore HP
L (Medium)
I HealPlus* 6 2 Single Foe/Ally A lot of winds and leaves restore HP
N (Large)

S TurnGreen 1 7 Single Foe/Ally Green "air blades" turn foe's
U attribute/ally's attacks Green
P AntiYellow* 3 5 Single Foe A green sphere with "air blades" around it
P appears around the enemy and temporarily
L seals Yellow Elements
L EagleEye 4 4 Single Ally Eye glasses appear and temporarily
E increases your Hit%
M BatEye 4 4 Single Foe Eye glasses appear and temporarily
E decreases your foe's Hit%
N GreenField 5 3 All Foes & Allies The wind and leaves colors all field
T attributes Green
A InfoScope* 6 2 Single Foe Rainbow rings detects your opponet's HP
L data

T Carnivore** 5 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
R electricity zaps it to trap Carnivore
A Tornado** 6 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
P electricity zaps it to trap Tornado
Sonja** 7 0 All Foes A pot appears and rainbow energy surrounds
it and when +Sonja is summoned, the pot
will suck the +Sonja in

S +Sonja* 7 1 All Foes A fairy appears and sprinkles poisonous
U dust at foes
M +Genie* 8 0 All Foes A female genie appears and creates a huge
M tornado and beat up foes

Blue Level +or- Effect Description

A AquaBeam 1 7 Single Foe A beam is emited from the caster and a orb
T with blue "air blades" appears where it
T made contact
A IceLance 2 6 Single Foe An icicle spear appears and pierces through
C a unsuspecting foe
K AquaBall 3 5 Single Foe A ball of water is created and is launched
into the air and drops it on the foe
IceBlast 4 4 Single Foe A big icicle jets out of the ground under
the foe
Deluge 5 3 All Foes An icewall surround the foes and
chilly flood water goes through it
Iceberg* 6 2 All Foes Three large icebergs hits the foes and a
larger one hits for a final blow

H Cure 1 7 Single Foe/Ally Blue sparkles appear from the ground and
E restores HP (Small)
A Medicine** 2 0 Single Ally Heals the flu and Blue status effects
L CurePlus 3 5 Single Foe/Ally Water comes out of the ground and gradually
I comes up to form a sphere that restores HP
N (Medium)
G CureAll* 5 3 All Allies Gentle waves restores HP (Large)

S TurnBlue 1 7 Single Foe/Ally Blue "air blades" turn foe's
U attribute/ally's attacks Blue
P AntiRed* 3 5 Single foe A red sphere with "air blades" around it
P appears around the enemy and temporarily
L seals Blue Elements
E Nimble 4 4 Single Ally A waterfall temporarily increases physical
M Evade%
E Numble 4 4 Single Foe A waterfall temporarily decreases physical
N Evade%
T BlueField 5 3 All Foes & Allies Water colors all field attributes Blue
A Vigora* 6 2 Single Ally An orb with yellow "air blades" temporarily
L stops your stamina from decreasing

T Deluge** 5 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
R electricity zaps it to trap Deluge
A Iceberg** 6 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
P electricity zaps it to trap Iceberg
FrogPrince** 7 0 All Foes A pot appears and rainbow energy surrounds
it and when +FrogPrince is summoned, the
pot will suck the +FrogPrince in

S +FrogPrince* 7 1 All Foes A fat blue frog with a crown comes out and
U surrounds the area with water, then it
M makes water gush out of the ground
M +BlueWhale* 8 0 All Foes Makes a Whale blow its airhole to send
O enemies flying

Red Level +or- Effect Description

A Fireball 1 7 Single Foe A large sphere of fire hurls smaller
T spheres of flames at foe then it charges
T at the foe.
A MagmaBomb 2 6 All Foes A fire missle is shoot at each foe and
C explodes in a half-sphere of flames
FirePillar 3 5 Single Foe A foe is encased in a circle and flames
comeout of the ground
MagmaBurst 4 4 Single Foe A half-sphere of fire comes out and red
electricity surrounds it and then a fiery
pole comes out of the ground
Inferno 5 3 All Foes All the energy is drawn into the middle
and heats up the temperture
Volcano* 6 2 All Foes The ground swells under the foes and hot
lava gushs out

H Tablet** 1 0 Single Ally A sun-shaped image restores HP (Small)
E Ointment** 2 0 Single Ally A orb appears and a "flame" surrounds
A the ally and heals burns and Red status
L effects
I Recharge** 6 0 Single Ally Recovers a used element for reuse

S TurnRed 1 7 Single Foe/Ally Red "air blades" turn foe's
U attribute/ally's attacks Red
P AntiBlue* 2 6 Single Foe A blue sphere with "air blades" around it
P appears around the enemy and temporarily
L seals Red Elements
E Strengthen 4 4 Single Ally Red energy temporarily increases your
M attack power
E Weaken 4 4 Single Foe Red energy temporarily decreases foe's
N attack power
T RedField 5 3 All Foes & Allies Colors all field attributes Red
A NinetyNine 6 2 Single Ally Three "eyes" temporarily keeps Hit% of
L basic attacks at 99%

T Inferno** 5 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
R electricity zaps it to trap Inferno
A Volcano** 6 0 All Foes A sphere appears and rainbow-colored
P electricity zaps it to trap Volcano
RedWolf** 7 0 All Foes A pot appears and rainbow energy surrounds
it and when +RedWolf is summoned, the pot
will suck the +RedWolf in

S +RedWolf* 7 1 All Foes Some fiery winds appear behind the foes and
U the wolf with a fiery body appears and hits
M all foes with a fiery tsunami
M +Salamander* 8 0 All Foes There's a hole in the ground and Salamander
M comes out of it. He charges up and shoots a
O ball of fire that will burn foes to crisp


A Chrono Cross 8 7 All Foes The long-lost 7th element...It helps you
T beat Lavos and get the good ending

III.A Shops
Arni $ Termina $ Guldove $ Marbule $
Tablet 10 Tablet 10 Antidote 15 TurnBlack 75
Antidote 15 Antidote 15 Brace 15 TurnBlue 75
AquaBeam 50 Blackout 15 Ointment 15 TurnGreen 75
Fireball 50 Brace 15 Capsule 25 TurnRed 75
Cure 100 Capsule 25 AquaBeam 50 TurnWhite 75
WhiteOut 40 Uplift 50 TurnYellow 75
AquaBeam 50 Bushwhacker 50 Carnivore* 300
Bushwhacker 50 GravityBlow 60 Deluge* 300
Fireball 50 Nostrum 60 Earthquake* 300
Uplift 50 PhotonRay 60 FreeFall* 300
Aerosaucer 80 AeroSaucer 80 HolyLight* 300
ElectroJolt 80 ElectroJolt 80 Inferno* 300
IceLance 80 HellSoul 100 BlackHole* 400
MagmaBomb 80 Meteorite 100 Iceberg* 400
AquaBall 100 Upheaval 100 Tornado* 400
Bushbasher 100 Purify 210 ThundaStorm* 400
FirePillar 100 ElectroBolt 240 Volcano* 400
Heal 100 RecoverAll 380 UltraNova* 400
Upheaval 100 StrongMinded 430 BatEye 430
CurePlus 220 WeakMinded 430 EagleEye 430
AeroBlaster 240 Panacea 500 Genius 430
ElectroBolt 240 Revenge 600 HiRes 430
IceBlast 240 Diminish 1670 Imbecile 430
MagmaBurst 240 Magnify 1670 LoRes 430
HealAll 300 MagNegate 2880 Nimble 430
NinetyNine 2880 Numble 430
Strengthen 430
Weaken 430
FrogPrince* 500
Golem* 500
MotherShip* 500
RedWolf* 500
Sonja* 500
Unicorn* 500
Diminish 1670
Magnify 1670
*-Indicates Element Trap

VI. Summons
There are a pair of summons for each element. The field effect must be all [insert summon
innate here] to summon it. But, hey, it's worth it. If you have the Time Shifter, I recommend
using it to see the ammount of work the developers put into the graphics.

Name Where to get

W Unicorn Trap from Dodos in Fossil Valley (Home)
I Saints Get after battle with the Sky Dragon

B MotherShip Trap from Shadow Cats in Fossil Valley (Another)
A GrimReaper Get after battle with the Black Dragon

Y Golem Trap from Centaurpedes in Hydra Marshes (Another)
L ThundaSnake Get after battle with the Earth Dragon

G Sonja Trap from Preymantis in Gaea's Navel (Home)
E Genie Get afer battle with the Green Dragon

B FrogPrince Get from the Blue Dragon when getting Ice Breath
U BlueWhale Get after battle with the Blue Dragon

R RedWolf Trap from Hotdiggity in Mount Pyre (Home)
D Salamander Get after the battle with the Fire Dragon

V. Misc. Stuff
E-mail me all you want. I don't care how much you send. If you want to put this on your
site tell me and give me full credit. If you have any questions, e-mail me. E-mail me about the
game if you need help. Please don't send hate mail.

VI. Legal Stuff
This FAQ is Copyright (c) 2000 by Kevin Tsao. It may not be copied, have any info pulled
from this, and any other form of copying from this guide without permission. Doing so means
you are breaking the law.

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Ending Song Translation FAQ

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engl. Cheats

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New Game and Continue

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15.Октябрь 2013
Magic Guide

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Resource List

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Prism Equipment Guide

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English Changes FAQ

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Ending FAQ

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PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version (WIZ)

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PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

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engl. FAQ 1
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engl. FAQ 2
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