Fire Pro Wrestling G

Fire Pro Wrestling G

17.10.2013 12:40:46
Date: Wed, 27 December 2000 03:16:00 PM

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For Sony PlayStation
Version 7.0
By Stinger 3:16
Unpublished work Copyright 1999 By Stinger 3:16

**** DISCLAIMER ****

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as
this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full. This FAQ
is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use
this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. And don't take some
part or whole part of this walkthrough and put your names on it. I don't made
this walkthrough for some damn plagiarist put their names on it. I work hard on
making this walkthrough, so please don't rip-off my work.

Fire Prowrestling G is (C) Human Entertainment and (C) Sony Entertainment.

1. For Webmaster
If you want to post my faq in your site, please ask me for permission first.
I guarantee that I will give you that permission. However, I have some terms
that you must fulfill, which is :
- You don't sell it away or give it for some kind of bonus
- You don't change anything inside my faq, that's including my name as the
author and my disclaimer.
- You must check for any new updates from at least
once in a month for a new games, or once in 2-3 months for an old games.
That's all. I'm not asking much and it's not hard to do, so please do that.

2. For Reader
If you want to ask me a question, don't forget to put the game's name in the
subject field. I had told this in author's note, but I keep receiving some
mail without subject. It's not so hard to do that, right?
Oh yeah, never say this in your mail "Sorry to waste your time for reading
my mail". You're NOT wasting my time. Trust me. I like reading your mail
(except those a**holes that send me flames and hate mail) and helping you (if
I can).
One last thing, from now on I will not reply any flames and hate mail. It's
only a waste of time.

That's all. I hope you like my faq and can find some useful info.


1. Revision History
2. Frequently Asked Questions
3. Basic Moves
4. Signature Moves - WWC
5. Signature Moves - WFW
6. Game Shark Codes
7. Author's Note
8. List of the Damned
9. Credits
10. Special Thanks


Version 7.0 (27 December 2000)
* minor update

Version 6.0 (14 October 1999)
* add some changes

Version 5.0 (06 October 1999)
* add Game Shark Codes

Version 4.0 (01 October 1999)
* add frequently asked questions section

Version 3.0 (29 July 1999)
* add some wrestler names and signature moves on the WFW section
* complete all WWC and WFW wrestler names and signature moves

Version 2.0 (22 July 1999)
* add some wrestler names and signature moves
* fixing Goldberg's Jackhammer
* add some notes and basic moves

Version 1.0 (16 July 1999)
* first release, basic moves and signature moves


Q : I was looking at your FPWG Faq, I am interested in buying the import is most of the
text is japenese or english? thanx
A : All the text here is in Japanese. But I think you still can play the game even if you
don't understand Japanese (like me). Even there is some part that I still don't
understand. You still can play tag-team, 4 player royal rumble, steel cage, etc.

Q : How do you do HBK Sweet Chin Music?
A : I think you can try pressing square + X button for HBK Sweet Chin Music.

Q : Hello, I am so sorry to bother you but I saw that you created a FAQ for this game and
i had a quick question for you. This game seems really fun but everytime I grapple
with the computer it always wins. How do you beat the computer in a grapple so that
you can perform some wrestling moves on it, instead of it always beating the crap out
of you? Thanks in advance for all your help in this matter.
A : You must act fast. For the first time, you can't use combination with button X or
circle (sometimes it works but mostly you will always lose). I suggest for the first
time you use directional button + square. For example you can press up + square to do
body slam, or down + square, etc. Do this couple time. After that you can try to use
directional button + X, or directional button + circle. So, it looks like step by step
First, use square, then X, then circle. Signature moves can be performing anytime but
for the first time I think it's kinda hard. You have to wait until your opponent tired
so you can perform signature moves easier.

Q : Hey i am getting fire pro wrestling G in about 2 weeks. When u choose your guy what
does it look like? do they show every wrestlers faces and then u choose one or what?
cheers (ps..when u fight in the steel cage, is it first one to climb out?)
A : All the wrestlers here is in cartoon (not using 3D like warzone or thunder)and using
Japanese language. When you choose your wrestler the game shows the name of the
wrestler with full body. Every wrestler has 4 different alternate costume you can

Q : Yes i was reading your stragty guide for Fire prowrestling g and i was woundering if
there was any where on the net that i could buy it. I know you have to import it but
i want to buy it. thanks for your time.
A : I'm very sorry. I don't know where to buy it on-line. If I knew, I will tell you.

Q : Hey , STING 3:16 , I Saw Your Site on GAME FAQS, thanks for your help, but I need more
help if you can. Do you know any more moves since you posted the ones on that sites
Also do you know much about how to create wrestlers. Do you know a site for Human
Entertainment or any body else who can tell me with a translation on the instruction?
Thanks for your help.
A : I've been working on it; you can check the new version on game faqs. And for the trans
lation, I think somebody else has doing it. You can find it on gamefaqs.

Q : I downloaded a video form wrestling games .com and all of the words were in japanese ,
if i were to buy the game would it be in english or japanese ?
A : All languange in Fire Prowrestling G is in Japanese. But I think for the first time
you still can play some part of the game (if you don't understand Japanese) like tag-
team, royal rumble, etc.

Q : I dont know how to unlock most of the hidden characters so i read your faq but it
didnt say anything about unlocking characters do you know how to release them???
A : You have to finish the Story Mode.Along the way you will get certain hidden character
such as Andre The Giant, Ric Flair, etc.

Q : Hi! thanks for doing the FAQ!!! I'm curious if you can tell me where I can find
something to help me navigate through the many menu screens? Regards.
A : I think somebody else has doing it. You can find it on gamefaqs.

Q : 1. Do you know of any other games that have the different fed's stars in them?
2. Is this in english?
3. Know where to get rom for this?
4. Know where to get this game and/or New Japan Pro Wrestling 3? (preferable cheap)
5. Your thing isnt completely updated, you said,so is there any more feds besides wwf
and wcw?
6. What Kinds of wrestling can you do?(besides one on one)
7. What kinda control you get?(create a player, event, intro, etc.)
8. Can you tell me when you update it on gamefaqs? Sooner you respond,the better.
A : 1. At this point I don't know.
2. All in Japanese, including the options menu.
3. No.
4. No.
5. There are over 200 wrestlers with different federations such as :IW, Olive Japan,
S1, Legend, etc.
6. Tag Team, Royal Rumble, Steel Cage, Tournament, Training, etc.
7. Create Player.
8. If I have more time.

Q : Hi. How to make the "not highlighted" option highlight? Thanks for your time.
A : You have to finished the story mode first. After that the non highlighted option
become available. It contains the junior & heavy tag team championship and junior &
heavy heavyweight championship.

Q : 1. Do wrestlers turn on you during tag matches???
2. When the game starts what the hell are all the options, I can't read em??? Can u
list them for me???
3. Is there run-ins that can cause feuds???
4. If there is a challenge mode and you win belts do you see your wrestler with the
belts no matter what??? Ex: I'm not in challenge but I can defend it in like the
Octagon. Thats it for now. Thanks for your time.
A : 1. No, but I think it would be a great idea.
2. You can check it on There's a someone who already made a
translation FAQ.
3. No.
4. I think not.

Q : I was wondering how to kick out of pins and submissions quickly thank you please RE.
A : You can press X or Directional Pad simultaneously.

Q : Hi i was wondering how to change the organazations of edidted wrestlers from free
class to any other class ?
A : From the edit wrestlers option (third option from the second column), choose edit
wrestler (first option), then choose the fourth option. In there you can change the
organizations by pressing directional button left or right in the first option.

Q : Hi I just got the game and am getting my ass kicked. The comp has his way with me. I
pull maybe 1 move every 20 lockups. Is there something i am missing? Is my timing
off? If so when is the correct time to do the move. Any help would be aprriciated.
A : You must act fast. For the first time, you can't use combination with button X or
circle (sometimes it works but mostly you will always lose). I suggest for the first
time you use directional button + square. For example you can press up + square to do
body slam, or down + square, etc. Do these couple times.After that you can try to use
directional button + X, or directional button + circle.So, it looks like step by step
First, use square, then X,then circle. Some signature moves can be performing anytime
but for the first time I think it's kinda hard. You have to wait until your opponent
tired so you can perform signature moves easier. For your information, every move has
it’s own grade (from A to E). A means that move is easy to perform, and E means that
move is hard to perform. You can check the grade from the edit wrestler options (3rd
from the right), first, then the 6th above the “CPU”). In this option, you can change
the wrestler moves, finisher, and taunt. If you still having troubled doing this,just
change the computer level from 4 to 1.

Q : Hi. Thanks your tips helped alot. I am doing fine on Lvl 1 now, but I still have
trouble at any higher. When exactly do you push the button? Also I do use the square
and I still lose...99% of the time Any help would be appriciated.
A : Try to change the computer level to 1. Try this to make the game more easy.Or you can
train first. It's fourth option from the right.In training you can see if your timing
is right or not. If you timing isn't right, then the computer player will body slam
you wrestler.
Here is the quick note :
1. First choose the first option from the left (One Night Match)
2. Change the computer level from 4 to 1.
3. Choose your wrestler.
4. Choose computer wrestler (I suggest you choose a "wrestler", not boxer, karate, or
taekwondo) for example : Hollywood Hogan from WWC.
5. Start playing the game. As soon as your wrestler tie up,quickly press up + square.
Train this continuously until you have mastered this and try with X or C.

Q : Does the game tell you what a particular wrestlers finisher is and how to do it? Does
it have some marker or notification next to the move to let you know that the move is
the finisher?
A : Yes, definitely. You can change your wrestler moves and finisher moves on the edit
wrestler moves. And it does have a mark (red Japanese letter) for the finisher and
blue Japanese letter for trademark or special moves. You can change it in the edit
wrestler moves.

Q : Do u know any tricks for getting faster criticals?? I need help, I get frustrated
when they refuse to go CRITICAL. Do u have any idea what I should be doing
differently?? I tried doin repeated attacks on specific parts of the body but it
takes forever and sometimes it still doesn't come out. Also, do u know what
attributes I should set higher in Create Mode to get more power for criticals??
Thanx man, Hope u know the answerzz, later.
A : I think if you play in the Octagon you can easily critical your opponent. Just do the
basic moves and finish it with the finisher to make your opponent critical. Or do the
basic moves continuously until your opponent very tired or bleed and then do the
finisher moves. Don't perform any finisher moves before that.I maybe wrong about this
but why don't you give it try?

Q : Is Fire Pro Wrestling G a good game and how many wrestlers is there total in Fire Pro
...and 1 more question, like when can you perform the wrestlers signature finishing
moves?...can u perform it anytime.. or what?
A : I think FPWG is a great game if you compare it with other wrestling game that
available right now. In FPWG there are over 250 wrestlers including the secret
wrestlers. And yes, you can perform finishing moves anytime and anywhere but it's
kinda hard. But the coolest part is that you can create your own moves, finisher, and
taunts.So you can create a wrestler that have scorpion death drop, stone cold stunner
torture rack, etc as the basic moves and scorpion deathlock as the finisher moves.
There is no limit here in FPWG like in WWF Attitude.

**** 3. BASIC MOVES ****

1. Position : All standing
Directional Pad : Move your wrestler
Square : Punch
Triangle : Run
X : Kick
Circle : Special moves (different for every wrestler)
Square+X : Special moves (different for every wrestler)
L1 : Taunt 1
L2 : Taunt 2
R1 : Block
R2 : Rest/Breathe
Start : Pause the game

R1 : Skip conversation
R2 : tag your player on tag team mode
Start : Random select

2. Position : Opponent on Ground - at opponent's side
Square : Roll opponent
X : Pin
Circle : Stomp opponent

3. Position : Opponent on Ground - at opponent's head
Square : Lift opponent
X : Special moves
Circle : Special moves
R1 : Drag opponent

4. Position : Opponent on Ground - at opponent's feet
Square : Lift opponent
X : Special moves
Circle : Special moves
R1 : Drag opponent

5. Position : Opponent on Top Rope
Square : Drop opponent to the ground
X : Drop opponent to the ground

6. Position : Opponent running to you
Square : Special moves
X : Special moves
Circle : Special moves

7. Position : Player on Top Rope
Square : Special moves
X : Special moves
Circle : Special moves

8. Position : Player running to opponent
Square : Special moves
X : Special moves
Circle : Special moves

9. Position : Player behind opponent
Square : Special moves
X : Special moves
Circle : Special moves

10. Position : Opponent at turnbuckle (You must be in the tie up position)
U + Circle : Special Moves
D + Circle : Special Moves
F / B + Circle : Special Moves

** NOTE **

1. Every wrestler has different moves. You can combine it by using directional pad +
Square, X, or Circle button. For example: Up + Square, Left + Square, Right +
Square, Down + Square, Up + X, Up + Circle, etc will create different moves
for every wrestler with the same combine button.

2. To make your wrestler tie up just move your wrestler close to the opponents and
they will automatically tie up.

3. To get out or get in the ring, simply push the square or X button when your
wrestler nears the rope.

4. You can hit the referee by running through him or make your opponent running through
him. If your timing is right, the referee will fall down and you will be disqualified.

**** 4. SIGNATURE MOVES - WWC ****

** KEY **

Forward = (F)
Back = (B)
Up = (U)
Down = (D)
Triangle = (T)
Square = (S)
X = (X)
Circle = (C)

1. Wrestler No. 1 (a.k.a. Hollywood Hogan)
a. Hogan Big Boot : press S (opponent running to you)
b. Hollywood Leg Drop : run then press C (player running;opponent on ground)
c. Running Clothesline : press X (opponent running to you)

2. Wrestler No. 2 (a.k.a. Goldberg)
a. Jackhammer : press S + X (tie up position)
b. Spear : run then press X (opponent standing) or
press S + X (opponent standing)

3. Wrestler No. 3 (a.k.a. Scott Flash Norton)
a. Choke Slam : press S + X (tie up position)
b. Powerbomb : press D + C (tie up position)

4. Wrestler No. 4 (a.k.a. Sting)
a. Scorpion Death Drop : press U or D + C (behind opponent)
b. Scorpion Death Lock : press X (opponent' s feet)
c. Stinger Splash : run then press C (opponent on turnbuckle)
d. Flying DDT : press D + C (tie up position)

5. Wrestler No. 5 (a.k.a. Rick Steiner)
a. Power Slam : press U + C (tie up position)
b. Back Pancake : press U + X (tie up position)
c. Top Rope Clothesline : press S + X (player at the top rope)

6. Wrestler No. 6 (a.k.a. Scott Steiner)
a. Power Slam : press U + C (tie up position)
b. Back Pancake : press U + X (tie up position)
c. Steiner Recleiner : press X (opponent's head;opponent's face on the floor)

7. Wrestler No. 7 (a.k.a. Machoman Randy Savage)
a. Flying Elbow Drop : press S (player on turnbuckle)

8. Wrestler No. 8 (a.k.a. Bret The Hitman Hart)
a. Sharpshooter : press X (opponent's feet)
b. Classic Piledriver : press D + C (tie up position)
c. Small Package : press C (tie up position)
d. Low Blow : press S + X (tie up position)

9. Wrestler No. 9 (a.k.a. Kevin Nash)
a. Jackknife Powerbomb : press D + C (tie up position)
b. Choke Slam : press U + C (tie up position)
c. Torture Rack : press C (tie up position)
d. Leg Drop : press C (opponent's head)

10. Wrestler No. 10 (a.k.a. Diamond Dallas Page)
a. Diamond Cutter : press U + C (tie up position)
b. Swinging Neck Breaker : press D + X (tie up position)

11. Wrestler No. 11 (a.k.a. Muta)
a. Leg Bar : press x (opponent's feet;opponent's face on the floor)
b. Spray Liquid : press S + X (both standing)
c. Fork Stab : press U + C (tie up position)
d. Fork Stab : press C (behind opponent)

12. Wrestler No. 12 (a.k.a. Bam Bam Bigelow)
a. Powerbomb : press S + X (tie up position)
b. DDT : press F or B + C (tie up position)
c. Drop Kick : press C (both standing)
d. Moonsault : press S + X (player at the top rope)

13. Wrestler No. 13 (a.k.a. The British Bulldog)
a. Oklahoma Slam : press F or B + C (tie up position)
b. Flying Elbow Drop : press S + X (player at the top rope)

14. Wrestler No. 14 (a.k.a. Konnan)
a. Tequila Sunrise : press X (opponent's feet)
b. Super Kick : press S + X (both standing)

15. Wrestler No. 15 (a.k.a. Fake Sting/nWo)
a. Scorpion Death Drop : press U or D + C (behind opponent)
b. Scorpion Death Lock : press X (opponent' s feet)
c. Top Rope Clothesline : press S + X (player at the top rope)
d. Powerbomb : press D + C (tie up position)

16. Wrestler No. 16 (a.k.a. Ultimo Dragon)
a. Dragon Sleeper : press X (opponent's head)

17. Wrestler No. 17 (a.k.a. Kaz Hayashi)
a. Top Rope Huricanrana : press S + X (at the top rope)
b. Head Lock : press C (opponent's head;opponent's face on the floor)

18. Wrestler No. 18 (a.k.a. Chris Benoit)
a. Tombstone : press F or B + C (tie up position)
b. Powerbomb : press S + X (tie up position)
c. Crippler Crossface : press X (opponent's head;opponent's face on the floor)

19. Wrestler No. 19 (a.k.a. Eddy Guererro)
a. Frog Splash : press X (player at the top rope)
b. Powerbomb : press S + X (tie up position)

20. Wrestler No. 20 (a.k.a. Psychosis)
a. Body Slam : press U + C (tie up position)
b. Power Bomb : press D + C (tie up position)

21. Wrestler No. 21 (a.k.a. Rey Mysterio Jr.)
a. Scissors Kick : press U + C (tie up position)

**** 5. SIGNATURE MOVES - WFW ****

** KEY **

Forward = (F)
Back = (B)
Up = (U)
Down = (D)
Triangle = (T)
Square = (S)
X = (X)
Circle = (C)

1. Wrestler No. 1 (a.k.a. Stone Cold Steve Austin)
a. Stone Cold Stunner : press S + X (tie up position)
b. Bionic Elbow : press S + X (player on turnbuckle)
c. Swinging Neck Breaker : press D + X (tie up position)

2. Wrestler No. 2 (a.k.a Legion of Doom Hawk)
a. Top Rope Clothesline : press S + X (player at the top rope)
b. Running Clothesline : press X (player running)

3. Wrestler No. 3 (a.k.a Legion of Doom Animal)
a. Body Slam : press X (opponent running to you)

4. Wrestler No. 4 (a.k.a. Dr. Death Steve Williams)
a. Back Suplex : press U or D + C (behind opponent)

5. Wrestler No. 5 (a.k.a. Terry Gordy)
a. DDT : press B or F + X (tie up position)
b. Powerbomb : press D + C (tie up position)
c. STF : press X (opponent's feet;opponent's face on the floor)

6. Wrestler No. 6 (a.k.a. Undertaker)
a. Choke Slam : press U + C (tie up position)
b. Tombstone Piledriver : press D + C (tie up position)
c. Choke Lift : press X (tie up position)

7. Wrestler No. 7 (a.k.a. HBK Shawn Michaels)
a. Sweet Chin Music : press S + X (both standing)
b. Top Rope Clothesline : press S + X (player at the top rope)
c. Belly to Belly : press U or D + C (behind opponent)
d. Back Suplex Top Rope : press D + C (opponent at the turnbuckle)

8. Wrestler No. 8 (a.k.a. Big Show)
a. Show Stopper : press U + C (tie up position)
b. Choke Lift : press X (tie up position)
c. Top Rope Choke Slam : press U + C (opponent at the turnbuckle)

9. Wrestler No. 9 (a.k.a. The Rock)
a. Rocks Bottom : press S + X (tie up position)
b. DDT : press D + C (tie up position)
c. People's Elbow : press C (player running;opponent on ground)

10. Wrestler No. 10 (a.k.a. Mankind)
a. Mandible Claw : press S + X (tie up position)
b. Tombstone Piledriver : press F or B + C (tie up position)
c. Flying Elbow Drop : press X (player at the top rope)
d. DDT : press D + C (tie up position)

11. Wrestler No. 11 (a.k.a. Ken Shamrock)
a. Ankle Lock Submission : press X (opponent's feet;opponent's face on the floor)

12. Wrestler No. 12 (a.k.a. Kane)
a. Choke Slam : press U + C (tie up position)
b. Tombstone Piledriver : press D + C (tie up position)
c. Choke Lift : press X (tie up position)
d. Top Rope Clothesline : press S + X (player at the top rope)

13. Wrestler No. 13 (a.k.a. Dan The Beast Severn)
a. Arm Bar : press X (opponent's head)

14. Wrestler No. 14 (a.k.a. Bart Gunn)
a. Super Punch : press C (both standing)
b. Vertical Suplex : press U + C (tie up position)

15. Wrestler No. 15 (a.k.a. Goldust)
a. Curtain Call : press S + X (behind opponent)
b. Flying Elbow Drop : press S (player at the top rope)
c. Low Blow : press S + X (tie up position)

16. Wrestler No. 16 (a.k.a. The Patriot Del Wilkes)
a. Top Rope : press C (player at the top rope)
b. Powerbomb : press S + X (tie up position)

17. Wrestler No. 17 (a.k.a. Doug Furnas)
a. Belly To Belly : press S + X (tie up position)

18. Wrestler No. 18 (a.k.a. Sho Funaki)
a. Running Slam : press X (player running)

19. Wrestler No. 19 (a.k.a Chris Jericho)
a. Lion Tamer : press X (opponent's feet)
b. Piledriver : press S + X (tie up position)
c. Moonsault : press S + X (player at the top rope)

20. Wrestler No. 20 (a.k.a Phil LaFon)
a. Brain Buster : press U + C (tie up position)

**** 6. GAME SHARK CODES ****

I got these codes from Cheat Code Central ( and I have got their
permission to put these codes in my walkthrough.

| | |
| Joker Command P1 | D00B0768 ???? |
| Joker Command P2 | D00B076A ???? |
| Always Low Timer | 800B075E 0000 |
| Perform Double Lock-up Moves | 80063EE6 2400 |
| All Techniques May Be Used at Beginning of Fighting Road Mode | D0193A74 4445 |
| | 30193A96 0002 |
| Hit Anywhere (Normal Punches/Kicks) [Note 1] | 8005BF16 2400 |
| | 8005BF1E 2400 |
| | 8005BF32 2400 |
| | 8005BF3A 2400 |
| | |
| Infinite Stamina P1 | 800AFF14 FFFF |
| | 800AFF16 FFFF |
| No Stamina P1 | 800AFF14 0000 |
| | 800AFF16 0000 |
| Infinite Endurance P1 | 800AFF18 FFFF |
| | 800AFF1A FFFF |
| No Endurance P1 | 800AFF18 0000 |
| | 800AFF1A 0000 |
| Perform Lock-up Move Anywhere P1 [Note 2] | D00B0768 0008 |
| | 800AFF06 0036 |
| | D00B0768 0008 |
| | 800AFF62 000F |
| | D00B0768 0100 |
| | 800AFF06 0002 |
| | |
| Infinite Stamina P2 | 800B02AC FFFF |
| | 800B02AE FFFF |
| No Stamina P2 | 800B02AC 0000 |
| | 800B02AE 0000 |
| Infinite Endurance P2 | 800B02B0 FFFF |
| | 800B02B2 FFFF |
| No Endurance P2 | 800B02B0 0000 |
| | 800B02B2 0000 |
| Perform Lock-up Move Anywhere P2 [Note 2] | D00B076A 0008 |
| | 800B029E 0036 |
| | D00B076A 0008 |
| | 800B02FA 000F |
| | D00B076A 0100 |
| | 800B029E 0002 |
| | |
| Press Select + R1 + R2 For 1999 Edit Points (Caetla Users Only) |E0048C28010A0006|
| | D0193A74 4445 |
| | 80193C22 07CF |
| | D0192A90 4445 |
| | 80192C3E 07CF |
| | D01EA9BC 4445 |
| | 801EAB6A 07CF |
| Press Select + L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 For All Moves Set as Finisher |E0048C28010F0009|
| (Caetla Users Only) |E0193A7444450002|
| |B039000200000000|
| | 80193B14 2000 |
| |E0192A9044450002|
| |B039000200000000|
| | 80192B30 2000 |
| |E01EA9BC44450002|
| |B039000200000000|
| | 801EAA5C 2000 |
| Press Select + L1 + L2 For Max Attribute Parameters(Caetla Only) |E0048C280105000F|
| |E0193A7444450004|
| |B00A000100000000|
| | 30193AFF 0065 |
| |B00A000100000000|
| | 30193B09 000C |
| |E0192A9044450004|
| |B00A000100000000|
| | 30192B1B 0065 |
| |B00A000100000000|
| | 30192B25 000C |
| |E01EA9BC44450004|
| |B00A000100000000|
| | 301EAA47 0065 |
| |B00A000100000000|
| | 301EAA51 000C |

Note 1: This code enables both players to make contact with each other no matter where
they are on the screen.

Note 2: Press R1 to lock-up and then perform your character's lock-up move. Press Select
to cancel the lock-up.

**** 7. AUTHOR'S NOTE *****

I made this version 6.0 FAQ for WWC and WFW federation only . So, if you have any
questions feel free to E-mail me.

If I have more time, I will add more wrestling federations such as Olive Japan,Independent
World, Legend, S1, etc. For those of you who want to send comments, questions, or
information regarding this FAQ don't hesitate to mail me.

Feel free to e-mail me about any mistakes or additions concerning this FAQ,
but don't forget to mention the game's name in the "Subject" field.

If you read this FAQ not on these sites :
01) GameFAQs (
02) Console Gamer (
03) Absolute Playstation International (
04) Playstation Network (
05) Cheat Code Central (
06) Video Games Strategies (
07) Planet Web (
08) Hype.Se (
09) Game Revolution (
10) Game Core (
11) Xcheater (
12) PhatGames (
13) Spoiler Centre (
14) The Cheat Empire (
15) Cheat Code Central (
16) Survival Horror (
17) Games Blaster (
18) Gaming Addiction (
19) Diablo Page (
20) Resident Evil Extreme (
21) PsxGamer (
22) SuperCheats (
23) All Anime (
24) Adrenaline Vault (
25) Blue Crescent's Page (
26) RPG Classics (
27) Happy Puppy (
28) Chi Phan's Page (
29) Bob Santos' Page (
30) Alternative Reality (
31) DLH (http://DLH.Net)
32) Firesoft (
33) Beyond Evil (
34) Random Page of Crap (
35) Nemesis' Page (
36) Boschamp's Page (
37) Lugia12's Page (
38) Our Turf (
39) Randar 83's Page (
40) Total Video Games (
41) Cheating.De (
42) Cheat City (
43) Fei Yuki's Page (
44) Web Spot (
45) Tim's Vault (
46) Andrea Busia's Page (
47) Think Evil (
48) Gaming Planet (
49) Games Angel (
50) Crosswinds (
51) RPG Classics (
52) GameCastle
53) RPG Legerdemain (
54) Webcheats (
55) XCheater (
56) Neoseeker (
57) GameThrust (
58) PC Game Revieew (
59) DC Guide (
61) RPG-Vortex (
62) CheatPage (
63) Wrestling Games (
64) Resident Evil Mania (
65) GameSpot (
66) RPG Temple (
67) The Horror Is Alive (
68) PSXCodez (
69) RPGamer (
70) RPGClassics (
71) Cheat Store (
72) Games Domain (
74) CNET Gamecenter (
75) WarStoke (
76) Mark Anido's Page (
77) Joe Chandler's (
78) Cheatmaster's Gamecheats (
79) Paladins of Light Guild (
80) Tipsncheats (
81) RPG Informer (
82) The Gamer (
83) Totally RE (
84) Game United (
85) Stoneages RE (
86) FaQ Headquaters (
87) GamePower (
88) United Gamers (
89) Fresh Baked Games (
90) DH Gaming (
91) ResidentFear (
92) PlayzoneWorld (
93) GamersWeb (
94) BDGames (
96) Sjel's walktrough page (
Please tell me where you read it. And if you know someone who has rip-off my
work, please tell me his e-mail address and where you read it, we will take
care the rest.

Thanks for reading my FAQ and please send in any comments, questions, or

By the way I just want say to anyone who thinks Fire Prowrestling G is a bad game :
I've got two words for you : SCREW YOU!!!


I remove all the names inside my List of the Damned except the first two. From
now on I will focused this Damned List only for those damn plagiarist.

1. Name : VEGA
E-mail :
Website :
He plagiarized my Dino Crisis walkthrough and sell it in his store.He sold it
for Rp. 12.500,-. Although he has translate my walkthrough into Indonesian
language, I can still recognize it. That stupid son of a ***** translate it
words-by-words. The book's title is GAME GUIDE Volume 9. All the previous
volume of that book is also ripping someone else's faq (especially from
GameFAQs) and translate it into Indonesian.
For HS, the animal that I suspect responsible for that, I got few words for
you :
For any of the reader that want to do me any favor, please send flames, hate
mail, viruses, bomb, nuclear, or anything to his address.

2. Name : Game Station
E-mail :
Website :
Address : Jl. Pungkur 155 Lt. 2, Bandung 40251.
He plagiarized my friend's walkthrough (also from GameFAQs), so I think that
this animal is worthy enough to enter my Damned List. They publish it in Game
Station, October 1999, 3rd week, volume 21, Rp. 3.500,-
For KSH, Sir Maul, Tik Tan, Ratu Bedak, Blue Beo, and anybody that I forgot
to mention, I just want to say this : SCREW YOU ALL!!!!! Someday I will visit
your office carrying a BIG Shotgun, ready for blowing your f***ing brains out
from your f***ing head.
Reader, please send this a**hole some 'nice' stuff.

3. Name : X-Boy a.k.a Pansy-Boy a.k.a X-Gay
E-mail :
This son of a ***** is the webmaster of that ****ing site (
He's the world's dumbest son of a ***** that I have ever met. In their
****ing messageboard, it says that we (faq author) are the same as the
plagiarist, cause all we do is just finished the game and then write it down.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, what a good reason. Now you know why I said that he's the
world's dumbest son of a *****.
If you said that we just finished the game and then write it down, why don't
you do that by yourself, mother****er?!?!?! Why you have to ripp my faqs?!?!

For Pansy-Boy, Miss Maul, and the rest of your ****ing crew :


Dein Vater ist ein Schweineficker, darum hat er deine Mutter gefickt und ich in
die Welt gesetzt!

Tu padre es un follador de cerdos, por eso follo a tu madre y hizo possible
tu nacimiento!

tu padre es un cerdo, que se cogio a tu mama y naciste tu pendejo

hijo de toda tu puta madre te voy a matar y vas a sentir mi verga en la
garganta hasta que te salga por el culo,,solo asi sentiras lo mismo que le
hice a tu madre hijo mio bastardo.

jigoku eiku no wa.. omaega saki da. te vas a ir al infierno antes que yo pendejo

Bapaklu tukang ngawinin babi, maka ia kawin sama babi terus tuh babi
ngelahirin elu. Dasar anak babi.

My last note for Damned #1, #2, and Damned #3
All of you will surely burn in hell for what you did, so enjoy that blood
money while you can....

**** 9. CREDITS ****

I want to give credits to these people:

1. My Friend Clinton Wai ( for the correction and add some WWC and WFW
wrestlers name. Thanks Man.

2. Timothy Yee ( for the corrections.

3. James Colunga (
For the correction and add some WWC wrestlers name.

**** 10. SPECIAL THANKS ****

1. GOD for everything
2. My family & My Dogs
3. My Computer
4. Human Entertainment for making such a very very great game
5. Game FAQS
6. Cheat Code Central ( for the Game Shark Codes. Thanks Dave.
7. You for reading my FAQ

Unpublished work Copyright 1999-2000 By Stinger 3:16

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Characters Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Fighting Road Guide

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
How to Play Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
24.Февраль 2018
04.Март 2019