Dynasty Warriors 3

Dynasty Warriors 3

14.10.2013 17:04:54
Dynasty Warriors 3 FAQ/Walkthrough
Version 1.3
April 19, 2002
By Brian Nii (bnii@hawaii.edu)

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Version History
III. Differences Between Dynasty Warriors 2 and 3
IV. Frequently Asked Questions
V. Basic Strategy
VI. Items Strategy
VII. Character Strategy
VIII. Fourth Weapon Locations
IX. Red Item Locations
X. Battle Walkthroughs
XI. Character Quotes
XII. Variable Character Cut Scenes
XIII. Miscellaneous
XIV. Acknowledgements

I. Introduction

This FAQ focuses on the various events and strategies for each of the
epic battles in the game. This FAQ also assumes you know the basics of
the game (controls, items, etc.) so it doesn't reiterate what the
instruction manual already tells you.

II. Version History

Version 1.3 (4/19/02) - Fixed some errors and clarified some
information. Added info on how to get Zhou Fang to defect at You Ting.
Version 1.2 (2/10/02) - Updated various sections of the FAQ. Updated
character quotes.
Version 1.1 (1/30/02) - Revised the character strategies and updated
some battle walkthroughs after some additional play testing. Added a
new character quote section. Added more stuff to miscellaneous.
Version 1.0 (1/24/02) - Finished the battle walkthroughs. First
completed version of this FAQ.
Version 0.5 (1/23/02) - Added walkthroughs of The Battle of Jie Ting as
well as the Musou Mode exclusive battles. Added a FAQ section as well
=). Added information on getting fourth weapons and red item locations
in their respective sections as a convenient reference.
Version 0.4 (1/22/02) - Added walkthroughs of battles up to The Nanman
Campaign. Updated information for Chi Bi and He Fei. Added new sections
for Variable Character Cut Scenes and Miscellaneous findings.
Version 0.3 (1/20/02) - Added walkthroughs of battles up to The Battle
at He Fei. Updated and corrected information in the previous battles. I
had been writing most of this from memory, but after some additional
play testing there were a few details I was missing, as well as some
new things I had discovered.
Version 0.2 (1/18/02) - Added walkthroughs of battles up to The Battle
at Chi Bi.
Version 0.1 (1/17/02) - The first version of this FAQ. All sections
completed except the battle walkthroughs.

III. Differences Between Dynasty Warriors 2 and 3

People who have played Dynasty Warriors 2 may notice several changes in
Dynasty Warriors 3. First off is the difficulty. Being a veteran of
Dynasty Warriors 2 I was quite surprised to see Cao Cao getting wiped
out in the first five minutes of the Yellow Turban Rebellion. On easy
difficulty. Sun Jian followed a short time later. It was then that I
realized that the difficulty for Dynasty Warriors 3 was turned up quite
a notch. Here's a list of noticeable changes from Dynasty Warriors 2:

General or officer bodyguards no longer always drop meat buns.

Horses are considerably slower than before. Trample damage from horses
has also been drastically toned down. Horses have different
characteristics instead of being generic. The range at which a
character can move before a horse disappears seems to have increased as

Generals and officers no longer instantly recover life after a
knockdown. Instead they charge up (as if charging for a Musou attack)
and after a while they receive the life recovery. However, they still
have a limited amount of life recovery items as before.

General bodyguards (in particular those guarding the leader) have been
strengthened considerably. This is probably to buy the general more
time to recover life. They have insane defense and life, and always
seem to stun you regardless of your own defense.

Archers are now insanely powerful. Previously a minor nuisance, archers
are now a serious threat. Their damage and rate of fire has been
increased tenfold, and they tend to scatter in all directions if you
try to attack them, making them pelt you with arrows from all sides.

Other enemies have been strengthened considerably. Gate captains can
use Mosou attacks and even get in weapon locks with your character.
Enemies often use third charge attacks to stun your character. Even
privates are more aggressive this time around.

Power ups dropped by generals and officers are dependent on the
difficulty level. Before Lu Bu would always drop an Attack +8
regardless of difficulty. Now defeating him on easy gets you an Attack

Life and Musou gages are now independent of each other. Also generals
no longer drop life power ups. Life and Musou power ups are only found
in pots in each stage.

All of the original stages from Dynasty Warriors 3 have been
redesigned. In addition battles are now grouped into two categories:
90-minute battles and 30-minute battles. There are two new 90-minute
battles in Dynasty Warriors 3. The rest are 30-minute battles that
represent the minor battles that took place in the three kingdoms era.

Personal bodyguards have been weakened somewhat. Their attributes also
vary from character to character instead of being the same for each.

Unless you possess a specific item, no character begins a battle
mounted on a horse.

IV. Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Q: How do I get (insert name)'s fourth weapon?

A: I've included a section on fourth weapons below for convenience.
Usually problems happen when people are unable to get some of the
events to occur. Hopefully you can find the answer on how to get these
events to happen in the walkthroughs I've written below. Make sure the
game is set to hard difficulty. You'll be amazed at how many people
neglect to do that. Also when it says "Defeat (insert name)." you must
be the one that does the killing blow. If you don't get a cut scene (or
your character's victory phrase) from the kill it won't fulfill the
conditions. If someone else (even your own bodyguards) makes the kill
it won't fulfill the conditions. When you fulfill the requirements on
getting the weapon either a precious item will appear on the map or a
supply captain. The precious item appears in a box and you'll need to
find it (check the history option in the start menu) and smash it to
get the fourth weapon inside. The supply captain is a bit harder to get
since he'll start moving from his initial position in a predetermined
route. He won't show up on any map so if he gets a head start you'll
have to search the entire route for him. If he is defeated by your own
troops you can kiss the fourth weapon goodbye. He will drop the fourth
weapon only if you defeat him yourself.

Q: It's impossible to get (insert name)'s fourth weapon!

A: It is possible to get all the fourth weapons, but it will take quite
a bit of time, effort, persistence, and most of all luck. In fact it
took me longer to get all the fourth weapons than it did to complete
Musou Mode with all the characters, unlock all the characters, get all
the items, get all the third weapons, and max out all the characters
attributes combined. Don't be surprised if one thing after another
keeps going wrong, such as when the last character you're supposed to
defeat ends up getting killed by your allies, or if your leader dies
while you're engaged with the enemy leader after you've obtained the
fourth weapon. Most of the conditions for the fourth weapons are
designed to put you in a losing situation. Add this to the fact that
you'll need to fulfill very certain conditions playing in hard
difficulty (where things can go wrong in a heartbeat), need to get the
weapon after those conditions are met, and kill the enemy leader to
finish the stage, while simply surviving during all of this, and I
don't blame you for thinking that it's impossible to get some of those
fourth weapons. And unless you are a god of war, chances you will fail
in your endeavors again and again, sometimes due to conditions beyond
your control. While some of these fourth weapons are quite powerful,
others are barely worth the effort to get, seemingly existing only for
completion's sake. There is no silver bullet for getting these weapons,
but I can offer you some general tips.

First, get your character's third weapon. If possible get one with high
life, attack, or defense bonuses, or better yet all three. Second, max
out your character's life, attack and defense. If they're not at
maximum you won't have a prayer. Having a small Musou gage might be in
your favor as you can fill it much faster and use it as an escape
button if you're getting severely assaulted by the enemy. It won't do
too much damage, but it can get you some breathing room. Third, equip
the Peacock Urn, Tiger Amulet, and Tortoise Amulet. The higher values
the better. If you need to get around quickly in the battle equip the
Red Hare Saddle. Equip the Way of Musou as your final item. Real Musou
attacks tend to have a wider effective range and knock more enemies
back. If you're not using the Red Hare Saddle, the last choice of item
is up to you, but the Elixir may be useful if you have it. Finally,
bring along all 8 bodyguards. Don't bother with the Bodyguard Manual as
your bodyguards will die in short order, and are only there as cannon
fodder. If you're planning a defensive strategy, it might be a good
idea to bring archers. It's a good idea to try a trial run fulfilling
the conditions on the stage on easy or normal before you try it out for
real, just to get a feel of the battle. Other than that, I can only
wish you good luck!

Q: Where do I get (item name)?

A: I've included a section on obtaining special weapons below for
convenience. They can be found either by defeating a certain general or
fulfilling a certain condition. Either the enemy will drop the item or
a precious item will appear. The item bag will glow red to indicate it
contains a Red Item. Certain officers and generals drop item boxes
containing Blue (attribute raising) Items. The type of item is
determined randomly. Some Blue Items such as the Wind Scroll or Elixir
are extremely rare and the odds of getting them are fairly low. As a
general rule of thumb, the higher the difficulty and more powerful the
officer or general, the better (higher in value) the item will be.
Sometimes you can get powerful items on easy difficulty, but the odds
of this happening are extremely low. It's still a subject of much
debate as to whether or not certain generals or officers have a higher
probability of dropping certain items. It's possible that luck may
increase chances of getting good items, but the jury is still out on
that one.

Q: What's this about second/third/fourth weapons?

A: Like items, certain officers or generals drop weapon boxes. Each
character has four different weapons. The first weapon can do up to a
four hit combo and starts with no bonuses initially. The second weapon
can do up to a five hit combo, has a higher attack value, and has
random bonuses. The third weapon can do up to a six hit combo, has a
higher attack value than the second weapon, and has random bonuses. In
addition it allows your character to do a special attack as their sixth
charge attack. The fourth weapon is unique and can only be obtained by
meeting certain conditions in a battle (see fourth weapon question
above). It has the same base attack value as the third weapon and
allows six hit combos, but has a fixed amount of bonuses (which are
usually very high) and usually an elemental attack effect.

Q: What are these elemental effects on the fourth weapons?

A fourth weapon will usually (but not always) have one of three
elemental effects on it. They are Red Element (fire icon), Blue Element
(lightning icon), and Purple Element (check icon). These elemental
effects are activated when the character equipped with the weapon uses
certain charge attacks (such as their special sixth charge attack). Red
Element sets the enemy of fire doing additional damage to them (like
the Fire Arrow item). Blue Element electrocutes the enemy with
lightning. When such an enemy hits the ground they take additional
damage and discharge the electricity from their bodies, striking any
nearby enemies. The Purple Element will create a purple haze effect
around a character's attacks. This will kill any enemy on contact other
than an officer or general, in which case it deals severe damage to
them. Obviously this is the most powerful of the three elemental

Q: How do I get first/second/third weapons?

A: Like items, as a general rule of thumb the higher the difficulty
level, the better weapons you can obtain. The difficulty also affects
how many bonuses the weapon has (up to five max) and how high they are.
The chances of getting a particular weapon depends on which mode you're
playing and the stage itself. In Musou Mode you're much more likely to
get first and second weapons during the early battles, and probably
won't get a third weapon until the last two battles, it at all. In Free
Mode, difficulty will increase the odds of getting a third weapon, but
not always. Also some stages are more likely to produce third weapons
than others. For example, The Nanman Campaign (Nanman Forces) tends to
get you a third weapon most of the time, even on easy difficulty.

Q: How do I unlock (insert name)?

Most of the characters can be unlocked by simply clearing Musou mode
several times, if you have a Dynasty Warriors 2 save on your memory
card, or just by defeating them in a certain battle. Others require a
bit more effort on your part. For more details see the character
strategy section. I've listed some of the more obscure ones below.

Pang Tong: Save him from the ambush at Cheng Du (see walkthrough for

Taishi Ci: Defeat Liu Yong at the Assault on Wu Territory before he
gets killed (Musou Mode only).

Sun Quan: See the walkthrough for The Battle at He Fei for details
(Musou Mode only).

Lu Bu: Kill 1000 enemies at The Battle at Hu Lao Gate.

Meng Huo: Defeat Meng Huo seven times (Musou Mode only).

Q: Who are the Tiger Generals?

A: The Tiger Generals are Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong,
and Ma Chao. Unlike the last game they do not all appear at The Battle
of Wu Zhang Plains. At Wu Zhang Plain (Shu Forces) the default Tiger
Generals include Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, and Huang Zhong (officer under
Zhuge Liang).

Q: What exactly does luck do?

A: Some people believe it increases the chances of getting good items
from weapon and item boxes. A more prevalent theory is that it
increases the odds of an enemy dropping a meat bun. What it does
exactly is anyone's guess. It's more likely that that latter is true.

Q: Which stage is best for building up life/musou/attack/defense?

A: One popular choice is The Yellow Turban Rebellion because it's the
only stage with two life and two Musou power ups. The first life and
Musou power ups are located by the north entrance of the fortress on
the outside, and near the southwest gate captain going along the west
side of the map respectively. The second life and Musou power ups are a
bit tricky to get to as you need to make a precise jump off the wall to
get to them, and you'll have to backtrack quite a bit to try again if
you miss. They are located on platforms on the north of the east
entrance of the fortress, and south of the west entrance of the
fortress respectively.

Another popular choice is Guan Yu's Escape (Guan Yu's Forces). The life
and Musou power ups are easy to get (near the house by the first gate
and behind the second gate) and the generals drop an assortment of
attack and defense power ups along with weapon and item boxes to build
up your character every time you go through the stage. The stage is
linear and on average can take less than nine minutes to clear.

One of my personal favorites for increasing life and Musou is the
Assault on Wu Territory stage (Allied Forces). The Musou power up is
located next to a tower outside the gate of the first fortress area,
and the life power up is located by the bend right before the north
gate captain. This stage is quite linear and can take less than five
minutes to complete.

What does rank do?

Rank affects the rate of your bodyguard's growth. It also determines
which mounts you can ride in the game. At rank one you can ride any
mount in the game without having to use the Imperial Saddle item.

How do I increase my bodyguard's abilities?

Your bodyguard's Life, Musou, Attack, and Defense increase as you
increase in rank. Their appearance, fighting ability, and number are
also determined by rank. These are all increased randomly each time you
gain a rank. Once you achieve maximum rank your bodyguards will also
achieve their maximum attributes. You can have a total of eight elite
guards. It is important to note that each character will have guards of
varying abilities. While their maximum attributes cannot be increased,
you can equip the Bodyguard Manual to make them more effective in

How is the Bonus score determined?

The Bonus is determined by how many Gate Captains you've defeated as
well as how many of your bodyguards have survived the battle.

V. Basic Strategy


Bodyguards aren't usually a factor in most battles until you have eight
elite guards. Most of the time they end up as cannon fodder to distract
generals while you attack from behind. As to which weapon to use, it
all depends on your playing style. Archers and crossbowmen are great
for covering your character from behind and for stunning generals, but
get overwhelmed when up against large forces. Spears and pikes are good
if you like to take up defensive positions and advance slowly. Swords
are best for getting up close and personal with the enemy. If you equip
the Bodyguard Manual your bodyguards will attack much more aggressively
with increased power. This is great for distracting enemy generals and
officers, but it also tends to get them into more danger as well.

Combo Attacks

The last hit of a combo attack always requires recovery time. During
this time you are wide open to counter-attacks. If you need to attack
quickly and repeatedly use attacks that use one less hit than your
maximum combo. For example, if your character has a four hit combo max,
attack with a 1-2-3 rhythm (square, square, square, (pause), square,
square, square). This way you can maintain an offensive posture without
opening yourself up to attack. You can use this with five or six hit
combos as well.

As an example, Cao Cao's combo attack consists of simple side-to-side
slashes with his sword, meaning that he can use a five hit combo
repeatedly to attack a large group of enemies. Yuan Shao has a similar
combo attack except that the last two attacks are vertical slashes, so
he may be better off using a four hit combo repeatedly.


Attack generals and officers from behind whenever possible. Attacks
cannot be blocked from behind and are a sure way to break any defense.
Try to attack while your target is attacking or blocking another person
(most likely your bodyguard).

Air Recovery

The instant recovery move (L1 while in the air or hitting the ground)
is extremely helpful in that it allows you to get back on your feet
after a knockdown move. The enemy generals love to use this move to
surprise you with a sneak attack. Sometimes it is better to stay on the
ground if you're surrounded, as attacks can juggle you while performing
this technique.

Musou Counter

Musou attacks can be used to counter Musou attacks. If two characters
Musou attacks collide then a weapon lock occurs. This can be very
helpful, particularly if a powerful opponent hits you with a Musou
attack out of nowhere. The trade off between Life and Musou energy
makes this a very useful technique.

VI. Item Strategy

Speed Scroll (Speed Up) - Unless this is at a high level, the effect
this has on your movement is slightly noticeable at best. Best used for
extremely slow characters (Zhang Fei, Xu Zhu, and Meng Huo come to
mind). Note this only effects movement and not attacking.

Wing Boots (Jump Up) - Only characters with light builds (like females)
will get any real benefits from this item. Otherwise, the increase is
barely noticeable. Higher jumping can be helpful for getting hard to
reach items and dodging some attacks. Otherwise, it's another passable

Dragon Amulet (Musou Up) - This one is a bit iffy. Some characters have
such a low Musou that this won't make much of a difference, and vice
versa. You can pretty much skip this unless you really, really want to
increase your Musou gage.

Peacock Urn (Life Up) - Every little bit helps and the Peacock Urn is
no exception. You would be surprised how much difference a little life
makes between surviving a True Musou attack and seeing the game over
screen. More life means less waste for every meat bun you get. A solid
item that gets better along with your character.

Tiger Amulet (Attack Up) - A great item for the early stages of a
character's development. A must have for weak characters; it makes
strong characters even better. When your character gets stronger you
can drop it for another item, but if you have extra space to spare it
never hurts for more attack power.

Tortoise Amulet (Defense Up) - Another great item for a developing
character. What can be said for the Tiger Amulet applies to this as

Huang's Bow (Bow Attack Up) - If you're the sniper type, having this
item is a nice bonus. Otherwise, you can safely ignore this one.

Shell Armor (Bow Defense Up) - Now that archers are a serious threat,
equipping this item is a lot more attractive. In battle arrows will hit
you. A lot. It might not prevent much damage, but it might buy you
enough time to either kill the archers or run away.

Horned Helm (Mounted Attack Up) - This one is for the equestrian minded
people among us. In other words, if you plan on riding a horse for most
of the battle, you might want to invest in this. Then again most people
ride horses for getting from point A to point B faster rather than
attacking people with them. It's your call.

Calvary Armor (Mounted Defense Up) - Now this one is a bit puzzling. If
any hit on a horse dismounts you, why would you need armor to protect
you on horseback? True, having the Gold Harness prevents you from being
dismounted by arrows, but wouldn't that fall under the Shell Armor? You
be the judge.

Seven Star Orb (Luck Up) - It appears that no one really knows what
exactly luck does. Some people say that it increases your chances of
getting good items from an item box. Others claim that it increases the
chances that a defeated enemy will drop a meat bun. From my personal
observation I'd have to go with the latter. Your mileage may vary.

Wind Scroll (Reach Up) - This item basically gives your weapon
additional range as if you were on horseback. The effect is only
slightly noticeable for most characters unless at high levels. Even
then some characters have such short range that it won't make much of a

Elixir (Musou Charge Up) - A very powerful item if you like to use
Musou attacks frequently. This not only increases the rate your Musou
gage increases when you give or receive damage, but also when you
manually charge or are at critical health. Add a weapon with high Musou
charge and you can fill your entire Musou gage in a few hits.

Red Hare Saddle - This item lets you start a battle mounted on Red
Hare, the fastest horse in the game. This is great if you need to
achieve an objective quickly early in the battle (like when you're
trying to get a fourth weapon), or if you want to increase your
mobility for a battle. Of course, you can also steal Red Hare from Lu
Bu or Guan Yu but you'll need an Imperial Saddle or be at class one to
do so. Having Red Hare at the start is a bit more convenient.

Hex Mark Saddle - Similar to the Red Hare Saddle, except you start on
Hex Mark, the second fastest horse in the game. The only reason you
would want to use this item over the Red Hare Saddle is if you don't
have the Red Hare Saddle, or if you prefer Hex Mark's gray coat to Red
Hare's fiery red coat. Other than that, there isn't much difference
between the two overall in terms of performance.

Imperial Saddle - This item allows you to ride all horses regardless of
rank. It might be useful for a character that's class 16 and wants to
ride Red Hare really, really badly, but other than that it's anyone's
guess as to why you would want to use this. I'm not sure if this works
on Meng Huo's imperial elephants, but it probably does. Not that anyone
would care.

The Art of War - This allows you to use Wesley Snipes to kill the
Chinese ambassador. Well, not really. Actually this item increases the
duration of attack and defense power ups. It can be fairly useful,
considering that enemies drop attack and defense power ups like mad.

Bodyguard Manual - This item makes your bodyguards "stronger". Whether
this means they do more damage, take less damage, or both no one can
tell. But I do know that they definitely become more aggressive when
attacking, pulling off wild combos and juggling the enemy like crazy.
Of course, this zeal also makes them more vulnerable to getting killed,
but you can only avoid risks by being dead. Or something like that. It
also makes them use charge attacks more frequently, which becomes
apparent if you're using archers.

The Way of Musou - One of the best, if not the best item in the game.
This item allows you to use the True Musou attack regardless of life.
Combine this with an Elixir and a weapon with a high Musou charge and
you're in business. A definite must have for hard difficulty, but fun
for the whole family. Get this one as soon as possible.

Survival Guide - This item simply doubles your offensive power when
your life is critical. It might save your life in a pinch, but you
might want to use the Defender instead. Then again, it may be the last
push you need to kill the final general.

Defender - Similar to the Survival Guide, except this one doubles
defense rather that offense. Usually being at critical life means that
the enemy is beating you like a red haired stepchild. Discretion is the
better part of valor. He who lives to run away lives to fight another
day. You get the picture.

Fire Arrows - This item upgrades your normal arrows into flaming arrows
that do a bit more damage. Combine with Huang's Bow for maximum
firepower. Too bad you can't set those Nanman rattan troops on fire

Buckler - This item prevents you from being overpowered from an enemy
attack. Certain characters have attacks so powerful that they will
break a character's guard even when blocked (Taishi Ci comes to mind).
If you love to block a lot this item is a must have. Personally, I
think that a good defense is a better offense. If the enemy is blocking
they can't be attacking now can they?

Power Scroll - This item prevents you from losing weapon locks with an
enemy. At the very least both you and your opponent will be stunned.
This can be helpful in hard difficulty where unless you have a rapid-
fire controller or are very lucky, nine times out of ten you will lose
the match. Then again, chances are that your opponent's bodyguards will
be more than happy to beat your head in while you recover. I'll pass.

Gold Harness - This would have been really useful Dynasty Warriors 2.
Essentially this item prevents you from being dismounted by arrows
while you're on a horse. This does not prevent being dismounted by non-
arrow attacks, however. It can be very useful in conjunction with the
Red Hare or Hex Mark Saddles when you need to get from point A to point
B without getting shot off every five seconds.

VII. Character Strategy

Shu Kingdom

The Shu kingdom features warriors with a good balance of attack and
defense. The majority use pole arms, which is great for both one on one
as well as group combat. While the smallest of the three kingdoms, the
Shu army has been known to win surprise victories against overwhelming
numbers. This is mostly due to their brilliant strategist Zhuge Liang.
Having the five Tiger Generals (Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang
Zhong, and Ma Chao) certainly doesn't hurt either.

Zhao Yun
How to unlock: Initial character
History: Also known as the "Little Dragon", this Tiger General was
famous for breaking through thousands of Wei troops at the battle of
Chang Ban to rescue Liu Bei's son.
Strategy: Zhao Yun has good range with his spear and is great at
clearing crowds and even better in duels with enemy generals. His sixth
charge attack, a series of spear thrusts, lets him rack up some combo
points (press triangle repeatedly).
Personal Comments: It seems that whenever Shu sends reinforcements, 9
times out of 10 they send him. Not that there's anything wrong with
that. It sounds like he's saying "sphere" instead of "spear".

Guan Yu
How to unlock: Initial character
History: The "Man with the Beautiful Beard". Leader of the Tiger
Generals, Guan Yu's halberd was said to have weighed over 90 pounds. On
his steed Red Hare he was an unstoppable force on the battlefield.
Middle oath brother to Liu Bei and Zhang Fei.
Strategy: Guan Yu's attacks are great for clearing large groups of
enemies. His sixth charge attack lets loose a shockwave that hits
everyone in a large radius. A good character for beginners.
Personal Comments: You have to love the way his eyes widen during his
"Feel the power of the Blue Dragon!" speech. "In death my soul will be
my brethren." Indeed.

Zhang Fei
How to unlock: Initial character
History: At the battle of Chang Ban he managed to force the Wei army to
retreat simply by shouting at them. Cao Cao's advisers even had the
words "Beware of Zhang Fei" written on their sleeves. Tiger General and
youngest oath brother to Liu Bei and Guan Yu.
Strategy: Zhang Fei is all about offense. His attacks send him wading
straight into the enemy, which is fine since his attacks are quite
powerful. His weakness is that he is very slow, not only in moving but
also attacking. His sixth charge attack makes him stomp the ground,
knocking everyone off of their feet. A slow but powerful character.
Personal Comments: Zhang Fei's standing animation is rather neat. Looks
like he should be holding an electric guitar rather than a pike.

Ma Chao
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with a Shu general/DynastyWarriors2save
History: One of the Tiger Generals, Ma Chao's fighting skill has been
compared to that of Lu Bu. He seeks vengeance against Cao Cao for the
death of his father and brother.
Strategy: His spear attacks are great for hitting multiple enemies as
they tend to swing in wide arcs. His sixth charge attack sends out a
shockwave similar to Guan Yu's attack.
Personal Comments: It should be "Argh!" rather than "Kuuu!"

Wei Yian
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with a Shu general/DynastyWarriors2save
History: Although he faithfully served Liu Bei for many years, Zhuge
Liang predicted that Wei Yian would eventually betray Shu. After Zhuge
Liang's death at Wu Zhang plains, he did turn against Shu, but Zhuge
Liang anticipated this and arranged for his execution beforehand.
Strategy: Most of Wei Yian's attacks hit all enemies around him. This
makes him one of the best characters to attack large groups of enemies.
In his sixth charge attack he spins his double glaive over his head,
racking up impressive combos in the process (press triangle
Personal Comments: Bizarre... character... isn't... he?

Zhuge Liang
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with a Shu general
History: The "Sleeping Dragon", Zhuge Liang was renowned for his
brilliant strategies. Zhuge Liang joined Liu Bei after he paid him
three visits. Only Sima Yi matched his strategy in warfare, and even
after Zhuge Liang's own death at Wu Zhang managed to trick Sima Yi from
beyond the grave.
Strategy: Zhuge Liang's fan has very little range which means you will
need to rely on his charge attacks frequently (his fourth charge attack
is excellent). His sixth charge attack shoots several beams from his
fan (press triangle for more beams). Not recommended for beginners.
Experts only.
Personal Comments: Not as good as he was in Dynasty Warriors 2.

Huang Zhong
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with two Shu generals
History: Huang Zhong's archery skills were among the best in the three
kingdoms era, and his swordsmanship was such that not even Guan Yu
could discern any weakness. One of the Tiger Generals.
Strategy: Huang Zhong is a solid all around warrior with decent
attacks. If you love to use bow attacks he's your man. His sixth charge
attack shoots out two energy waves from his sword.
Personal Comments: Is it me or does he sound a lot like Dong Zhou?

Liu Bei
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with two Shu generals
History: Emperor of the Shu kingdom and elder oath brother to Guan Yu
and Zhang Fei. He wasn't much of a fighter, and was even worse as a
tactician. In fact he didn't win many battles until he met Zhuge Liang.
What he lacked in fighting ability and strategy he more than made up
with charisma and propriety.
Strategy: Liu Bei is pretty much average in most areas and has decent
attacks. His sixth charge attack sends out a shockwave just like Guan
Personal Comments: "Aah, my people. The people are the foundation of
the country. I just can't seem to protect them." One of the best
speeches in the game.

Jiang Wei
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with Zhuge Liang
History: Formerly a Wei officer, Zhuge Liang was surprised that he
countered one of his strategies and took it upon himself to bring him
over to Shu. He eventually became Zhuge Liang's successor.
Strategy: His spear techniques are similar to those of Ma Chao. His
sixth charge attack fires a ground shockwave towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: You have to love Jiang Wei's wardrobe. And the way
he makes those "Wooo!" sounds when he attacks.

Pang Tong
How to unlock: Finish Cheng Du with Pang Tong alive
History: The "Fledgling Pheonix", Pang Tong was a classmate of Zhuge
Liang. A great strategist in his own right, he helped pave the way for
what was to become the Shu kingdom.
Strategy: His unusual attacks require some getting used to, but his
Musou attack is the ultimate in crowd control. His fourth charge attack
is very effective as well. His sixth charge attack creates a whirlwind
around him, knocking everyone away.
Personal Comments: "Geh geh geh geh geh..."

Wei Kingdom

The Wei kingdom warriors are all about offense. Most adhere to the hack
and slash method of combat. They are also, as Revolver Ocelot put it in
Metal Gear Solid 2, "the greatest collection of freaks outside of Fox
Hound." As the largest of the three kingdoms, they also have the
greatest number of reinforcements in the game. Like the Shu kingdom,
they also have a brilliant strategist, Sima Yi, and their own version
of the five tiger generals, which include the likes of Zhang Liao, Xu
Huang, and Zhang He. Whereas Shu relies on strategy, and Wu on defense,
Wei simply sends overwhelming forces to attack and crush the enemy.

Xiahou Dun
How to unlock: Initial character
History: Brother of Xiahou Yuan and cousin of Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun was
considered to be Cao Cao's right hand man. Famous for plucking an arrow
out of his own eye and eating it (the eye, not the arrow).
Strategy: Xiahou Dun is Wei's counterpart to Shu's Guan Yu. His attacks
are focused on slashing through both crowds and generals alike. His
sixth charge attack sends a ground shockwave towards the enemy. An
excellent beginner's character for Wei.
Personal Comments: Xiahou Dun doesn't lose his eye until after the
Yellow Turban Rebellion, but the movie shows him with his eyepatch.
Also, is it just me or is he also the one doing the narration for each

Zhang He
How to unlock: Initial character
History: A former officer of Yuan Shao, Zhang He joined Wei shortly
after the battle at Guan Du. One of Wei's five "Tiger" generals.
Strategy: Zhang He is Wei's speed demon. Great speed and fast attacks
makes him ideal for hit and run strikes against enemy generals. In his
sixth charge attack he does a swift slash in a wide area in front of
him (pressing triangle again does another slash).
Personal Comments: Someone at Omega Force must really like Vega. One of
the funniest characters in the game.

Dian Wei
How to unlock: Initial character
History: Cao Cao's personal bodyguard. Dian Wei's ferocity in battle
gave him the nickname "Evil Comes". At Wan Castle while buying time for
Cao Cao to escape he held off the enemy troops with everything he could
get his hands on, eventually dying on his feet. When Cao Cao learned
his son died in the attack he showed no emotion. When Cao Cao learned
that Dian Wei died in the attack he wept.
Strategy: Dian Wei's attacks are purely of the hack and slash type,
making him highly effective in a crowd. His sixth charge attack is a
ground shockwave towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: Dian Wei has been seriously toned down in this game.
He's still good, but not the absolute wrecking machine he was before.

Xu Zhu
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with a Wei general/DynastyWarriors2save
History: The "Marquis Tiger", Xu Zhu was another bodyguard to Cao Cao.
Normally docile, in battle Xu Zhu turned into an unstoppable warrior.
Strategy: As you might expect from his bulk and weapon, Xu Zhu is very
slow in both moving and attacking. His attacks are quite powerful but
have limited range. His sixth charge attack is a series of belly
attacks (press triangle repeatedly) followed by a ground shaking
earthquake attack.
Personal Comments: "Fight harder!"

Zhen Ji
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with a Wei general/DynastyWarriors2save
History: Originally the wife of Yuan Shao's son, Yuan Xi. Became the
wife of Cao Cao's son, Cao Pi.
Strategy: Like Zhang He, Zhen Ji is a speed demon. She moves fast and
attacks even faster. Unfortunately, her offensive power is a bit
lacking and her flute has very little range. Fortunately, her Musou
attack is a powerful radius attack, striking all enemies around her.
Her sixth charge attack stuns all enemies around her with a blast from
her flute.
Personal Comments: She's wearing a rather nice dress, isn't she?

Sima Yi
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with a Wei general
History: Wei's counterpart to Shu's Zhuge Liang, he repulsed the Shu's
northern campaigns six times. Eventually he takes over the Wei kingdom,
which leads to the creation of the Jin Dynasty, finally uniting China
under one rule again.
Strategy: Sima Yi plays similar to Zhuge Liang except he has a much
better Musou attack. His sixth charge attack is similar to Zhuge
Liang's as well.
Personal Comments: Sima Yi wins the best motivational speech award for
Wu Zhang plans hands down. Isn't he just scary?

Cao Cao
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with two Wei generals
History: Founder of the Wei kingdom, cousin to Xiahou Dun and Xiahou
Strategy: His fighting style is simple and straight to the point.
Meaning he can easily slash his way through hordes of enemies. His
sixth charge attack is a series of sword slashes (press triangle
Personal Comments: How can you not like playing as Cao Cao?

Xu Huang
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with two Wei generals
History: One of the five "tiger" generals of Wei. Xu Huang is deeply
concerned with honor and chivalry rather than having the "win at all
costs" mentality of the other Wei generals.
Strategy: His battleaxe techniques are great for dealing with large
crowds. His sixth charge attack creates a shockwave knocking everyone
off of their feet.
Personal Comments: Is it me or does it sound like he's saying "I'm on
fire!" during his Musou attack?

Xiahou Yuan
How to unlock: Defeat him at Mt. Ding Jun
History: Brother to Xiahou Dun and cousin to Cao Cao. Xiahou Yuan
enjoyed killing people in battle as much as hunting wild animals. His
archery skills were on par with Shu's Huang Zhong, who unfortunately
cut him in half at the battle of Mt. Ding Jun.
Strategy: Xiahou Yuan plays very similar to Huang Zhong. His sixth
charge attack is a series of sword slashes (press triangle rapidly).
Personal Comments: He needs some serious anger management classes,
doesn't he?

Zhang Liao
How to unlock: Defeat him during his attack event at He Fei
History: Originally an officer under Lu Bu, after his death Zhang Liao
joined the Wei kingdom and became one of their greatest generals.
Leader of the five "tiger" generals of Wei. Famous for his defense at
the battle of He Fei where he held off thousands of Wu soldiers with
only a few hundred of his own. He was so feared that children stopped
crying at the mere mention of his name.
Strategy: Zhang Liao has fairly decent attacks. His sixth charge attack
creates a small tornado around him, knocking surrounding enemies away.
Personal Comments: "Splendid!"

Wu Kingdom

The Wu kingdom warriors favor speed and agility over brute strength.
While not as well rounded as the Shu warriors, or powerful as the Wei
warriors, the Wu warriors all have a rock hard defense. The Wu
kingdom's armies are well known for defeating opponents ten times their
number, a feat shown at many battles such as Chi Bi and Yi Ling.
Although their strategists were not the equal of Zhuge Liang or Sima
Yi, Wu's defensive power makes them a formidable adversary.

Zhou Yu
How to unlock: Initial character
History: Originally an advisor to Sun Ce, Zhou Yu eventually became an
advisor to his younger brother Sun Quan. Noted for his good looks and
brilliant strategy, he developed an obsession with killing Zhuge Liang,
whom he saw as his rival. Zhuge Liang was too wise for his plots and on
Zhou Yu's deathbed he cried to the heavens, "After making me, why did
you have to make Zhuge Liang?"
Strategy: Zhou Yu is an average attacker with great defense (a trait
shared by most Wu warriors). His sixth charge attack fires an energy
wave from his sword towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: I'm not sure why so many people like using him so
much. I don't think it's for his personality. Maybe his looks?

Huang Gai
How to unlock: Initial character
History: A loyal vassal to the Sun family, he served Sun Jian, Sun Ce,
and Sun Quan. His "defection" to Cao Cao at the battle of Chi Bi
allowed him to initiate Wu's famous fire attack that destroyed Wei's
entire naval fleet.
Strategy: Huang Gai excels in attacking a general one on one. He simply
gets into their face and bashes them repeatedly with his club. Most of
his attacks focus on beating on one target, which might be a problem in
a crowd. His high defense helps compensate somewhat. His sixth charge
attack makes him stop the ground, creating a shockwave that knocks all
enemies away.
Personal Comments: Huang Gai's standing animation just screams
attitude, doesn't it?

Sun Shang Xiang
How to unlock: Initial character
History: Daughter of Sun Jian and sister to Sun Ce and Sun Quan, Sun
Shang Xiang (or Lady Sun) became Liu Bei's wife and was often torn
between her country and her husband as a result Zhou Yu's machinations
against the Shu kingdom.
Strategy: Lady Sun moves and attacks fairly quickly, but her weapons
have limited range. Her charge attacks are much more effective than her
regular ones. Her sixth charge attack sends her chakram spinning around
her (press triangle repeatedly) racking up incredible combos.
Personal Comments: She looks a bit cuter this time around.

Lu Xun
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with a Wu general/DynastyWarriors2save
History: After Zhou Yu's death, Lu Xun became Wu's chief strategist. He
almost destroyed the entire Shu army at Yi Ling with a devastating fire
Strategy: Lu Xun is the speed demon of the Wu. He is among the fastest
of the Wu warriors and his attacks are incredibly swift. Unfortunately,
he doesn't deal much damage but his high defense compensates somewhat.
His sixth charge attack sends two energy waves out in front of him.
Personal Comments: Lu Xun is a pretty good singer.

Da Qiao
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with a Wu general/DynastyWarriors2save
History: Sun Ce's wife and sister to Xiao Qiao.
Strategy: Her normal attacks send her hopping forward, so it's
important to use charge attacks to knock the enemy away. She tends to
utilize a lot of swooping aerial attacks with her fans that give her
good mobility even while attacking. Her sixth charge attack has her
doing an aerial flip forward while her fans spin out beneath her.
Personal Comments: Not as cute as her sister.

Xiao Qiao
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with Zhou Yu or Da Qiao
History: Zhou Yu's wife and sister to Da Qiao.
Strategy: Has attacks similar to her sister, but more ground oriented.
Her sixth charge attack has her rolling into the enemy (press triangle
Personal Comments: Has the most adorable dash attack in the game.

Sun Jian
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with two Wu generals
History: Father of Sun Ce, Sun Quan, and Sun Shang Xiang. Famous for
defeating pirates, but even more famous for taking the Imperial Seal.
Strategy: An average warrior that uses sword techniques similar to the
other main generals. His sixth charge attack fires an energy wave from
his sword.
Personal Comments: "Mmmmm. Great!" Sounds like Sun Jian's been eating
Frosted Flakes again.

Sun Ce
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with two Wu generals
History: Son of Sun Jian and brother to Sun Quan and Sun Shang Xiang.
Known as the "Little Conquerer", he traded the Imperial Seal for troops
and eventually created what would become known as the Wu kingdom.
Strategy: His tonfas can strike enemies rapidly, but he doesn't do too
much damage with them. His sixth charge attack is a series of tonfa
strikes (press triangle repeatedly).
Personal Comments: His goatee makes him look like Shaggy from Scooby

Taishi Ci
How to unlock: At the Assault on Wu Territory defeat Liu Yong and
finish the battle after Taishi Ci joins you (Musou mode only)
History: After his lord is defeated by Sun Ce, Taishi Ci becomes a
loyal general of the Wu kingdom.
Strategy: Referred to by many Dynasty Warrior 3 players as "The Tank",
Taishi Ci's habit of bulldozing through the enemy reflects this
moniker. His attacks are incredibly powerful and break through even the
toughest defenses. They are also incredibly linear, which means that
Taishi Ci is more likely to drill a hole through a group rather than
destroy it outright. His sixth charge attack is a series of rapid blows
(press triangle repeatedly).
Personal Comments: Taishi Ci is much better than he was in Dynasty
Warriors 2.

Gan Ning
How to unlock: Defeat him at He Fei
History: A former pirate, "Gan Ning of the Bells" became one of Wu's
greatest officers. He is most famous for his lightning fast raid at He
Fei where he raided the Wei camp with only 100 men without any losses.
Gan Ning was also known for his skill at archery.
Strategy: His fighting style is similar to that of Huang Zhong and
Xiahou Yuan (with a round house kick thrown in for good measure). But
it is his unique Musou attack (in which he runs around like a madman)
that truly sets him apart from the rest. His sixth charge attack sends
two ground shockwaves towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: His Musou is fantastic against massive crowds. It's
also great when used as an emergency escape technique.

Lu Meng
How to unlock: At Fan Castle (Wu Forces) finish the battle with Lu Meng
alive (Musou mode only)
History: At first Lu Meng thought that a warrior only needed strength
to be effective, but Sun Quan recommended that he learn strategy as
well. Afterwards he became both accomplished as a warrior and
tactician, eventually capturing the legendary Guan Yu.
Strategy: Lu Meng has moves similar to Zhang Liao. His sixth charge
attack sends a ground shockwave towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: Lu Meng is a bit more philosophical this time
around, which is great. He was rather bland in the last game.

Sun Quan
How to unlock: At He Fei get the following events to occur: Taishi Ci's
death, Sun Quan jumping the bridge, Zhang Liao's attack, Sun Quan
orders a counterattack, Wei reinforcements appear, Gan Ning attacks.
(Musou mode only)
History: Son of Sun Jian and brother to Sun Ce and Sun Shang Xiang.
Ruler of the Wu kingdom. Sun Quan preferred to lead his armies
personally, but when he was almost killed in the front lines, he
decided to direct from the rear from then on.
Strategy: An average warrior, his fighting style is similar to the
other main generals. His sixth attack shoots an energy wave from his
sword towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: He still has that crazy hat.

Free Mode Characters

Diao Chan
How to unlock: Defeat her at Hu Lao Gate
History: Using her beauty to tempt Dong Zhou and Lu Bu, Diao Chan
succeeded in tearing their relationship apart after Lu Bu kills Dong
Zhou in a fit of rage.
Strategy: Diao Chan has great speed and her attacks strike in multiple
directions, but she lacks offensive power. Her sixth charge attack
shoots two energy waves out towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: Her maraca power has been toned down quite a bit.

Lu Bu
How to unlock: Get 1000 KO's at Hu Lao Gate
History: The greatest warrior ever in the three kingdoms period, Lu Bu
was without equal in battle. His tendency to betray everyone led to his
eventual downfall.
Strategy: Lu Bu is, hands down, the best character in the game. While
nowhere near as powerful as the computer controlled version, his
attacks are incredibly powerful and can clear hordes of enemies faster
than you can say "It's Lu Bu!" His sixth charge attack is a series of
halberd swipes (press triangle repeatedly) followed by an earth-shaking
stomp for good measure.
Personal Comments: Toned down, but still the best. He's pretty funny.

Dong Zhou
How to unlock: Defeat Lu Bu and Dian Chan at Hu Lao Gate
History: After the Yellow Turban Rebellion Dong Zhou took control over
the Imperial Court along with his adopted son Lu Bu. His reign of
tyranny ran unchecked until Diao Chan's plotting lead to his death at
the hands of Lu Bu.
Strategy: Dong Zhou is an average warrior with a fighting style similar
to the other main generals. His sixth charge attack shoots an energy
wave towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: Not much to say here. Cao Cao is more fun to play

Yuan Shao
How to unlock: Defeat Yian Liang and Wen Chou at Guan Du
History: Yuan Shao led the allied forces in the attack against Dong
Zhou. Afterwards he fought with Cao Cao at Guan Du over the central
plains of China. Although he had superior numbers, Yuan Shao eventually
lost due to his indecision and penchant for not listening to his
Strategy: Yuan Shao is an average warrior with a fighting style similar
to the other main generals. His sixth charge attack sends a shockwave
out in front of him knocking down all enemies.
Personal Comments: How can you not like this guy? Who needs strategy?
He has the best headgear in the game next to Lu Bu.

Zhang Jiao
How to unlock: Defeat Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang, and Zhang Jiao at the
Yellow Turban Rebellion
History: Founder of the religious movement known as The Way of Peace,
Zhang Jiao raised the people up against the corrupt Han Dynasty and
started the Yellow Turban Rebellion.
Strategy: Like Pang Tong, Zhang Jiao has a bizarre series of attacks.
His charge attacks are even stranger but can be effective crowd
clearers. His sixth charge attack fires a fireball towards the enemy.
Personal Comments: The zaniest character in all the three kingdoms.

Meng Huo
How to unlock: Defeat him seven times at Nanman (see walkthrough)
History: Leader of the southern Nanman tribes of the Shu kingdom. He
led a rebellion against Shu, but was captured and released seven times
by Zhuge Liang before he submitted.
Strategy: Quite possibly the slowest character in the game, but when he
gets to the party he is more than capable of bringing down the house
with his powerful attacks. His sixth charge attack is a punch to the
ground, which creates a large shockwave, knocking everyone off of their
Personal Comments: Does Meng Huo remind you of a teddy bear?

Zhu Rong
How to unlock: Defeat her at Nanman
History: Wife of Meng Huo, Zhu Rong was the only female character in
the game that actually participated in battle in the three kingdoms
Strategy: Like Sun Shang Xiang, her charge attacks are more effective
than her regular attacks. Fast, but limited offensive power. Her sixth
charge attack is a series of dart/knife/whatever throws in front of
Personal Comments: Is it me or does she have a Brooklyn accent?

Fu Xi
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan
History: A mythical character in Chinese history, he is known for the
creating the origin of Feng Shui as well as the characters later
developed in the I Ching.
Strategy: Fu Xi's broadsword attacks are slow but powerful. He has good
range but has a high recovery time after using a combo. His Musou
attack is one of the best in the game for clearing out crowds. His
sixth charge attack thrusts his sword into the enemy (press triangle
for more hits) and throws them over with it.
Personal Comments: He requires a lot of work to get up to his true

Nu Wa
How to unlock: Clear Musou mode with Sun Shang Xiang, Xiao Qiao, Da
Qiao, and Zhen Ji
History: A mythical character in Chinese history, she is associated
with the creation of mankind.
Strategy: Nu Wa has the fastest attacks in the game bar none. Her
attacks are so fast that she can counter most charge and even some
normal attacks simply by counterattacking. While most of her attacks
focus on one enemy, she recovers so fast that she can pull off multiple
combos one after the other. Her sixth charge attack is a series of
stabs with her rapier (press triangle repeatedly).
Personal Comments: Her True Musou attack can get up to 30 hits on a
single enemy with a clean hit. Scary.

VIII. Fourth Weapon Locations

This information here was obtained from Muni Shinobu's Fourth Weapon
FAQ at www.gamefaqs.com and is included for convenient reference.

Shu Kingdom

Zhao Yun
Stage: The Battle of Chang Ban
Type: Supply Team
Location: Entry point near Zhang He
Direction: Northeast entry point
Method: Defeat Xiahou Dun and Zhang Liao. After Cao Cao's reinforcements
appear, Liu Bei will send out a request for help. Go to Liu Bei and an
event with Zhao Yun will occur. Then defeat Zhang He.

Guan Yu
Stage: Guan Yu's Escape
Type: Supply team
Location: North of fourth fort
Direction: South
Method: Clear the fourth gate.

Zhang Fei
Stage: The Battle of Chang Ban
Type: Supply team
Location: Entry point near Xu Zhu
Direction: Northeast entry point
Method: After the Zhang Fei event at Chang Bang Bridge occurs, defeat
Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan.

Huang Zhong
Stage: The Battle of Mt. Ding Jun
Type: Precious item
Location: To the west of Cao Cao's initial position
Method: Defeat Xiahou Shang.

Ma Chao
Stage: The Battle at Tong Gate
Type: Supply team
Location: Right side of the bridge on the north of the map
Direction: Northeast entry point
Method: After the event where Han Sui meets Cao Cao, Han Sui will defect
to Cao Cao's side. The supply team will appear after a while.

Wei Yian
Stage: The Battle of Jie Ting
Type: Precious item
Location: On top of the hill where Ma Su advances
Method: Wait for Ma Su to move up the hill on his own. The enemy will
ambush Ma Su. Rescue Ma Su and defeat all the other generals besides
Sima Yi. Then enter Sima Yi's camp.

Jiang Wei
Stage: The Battle of Jie Ting
Type: Supply team
Location: Entry point to the northeast of Sima Yi
Direction: Toward northwest entry point
Method: Defeat Zhen Ji and Cao Zhen.

Pang Tong
Stage: Assault on Cheng Du
Type: Precious item
Location: Northwest of map
Method: After Pan Tong is surrounded by Zhang Ren, defeat Zhang Ren.

Zhuge Liang
Stage: The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains
Type: Precious item
Location: East end of Zhuge Liang's initial position
Method: Defeat Cao Xiu when he arrives with the Wei reinforcements.

Liu Bei
Stage: The Battle at Yi Ling
Type: Precious item
Location: Inside Sun Quan's camp
Method: Defeat Sun Shang Xiang.

Wei Kingdom

Dian Wei
Stage: The Battle at Wan Castle
Type: Supply troop
Location: East of Hu Che Er's initial position
Direction: Toward entry point guarded by Jia Xu
Method: Defeat Hu Che Er.

Zhang He
Stage: The Battle at Guan Du (Cao Cao's Forces)
Type: Precious item
Location: Center of map, around the bend of the central river
Method: With Yan Liang and Wen Chou still alive, find and burn the Wu
Chao supply depot.

Xiahou Dun
Stage: Guan Yu's Escape
Type: Precious item
Location: Northeast corner of the fort Guan Ping is in
Method: Defeat Zhou Can, Chen Zhen, and Guan Ping.

Xiahou Yuan
Stage: The Battle of Mt. Ding Jun
Type: Precious item
Location: In the alcove west of Huang Zhong's initial position
Method: After the cut scene where Huang Zhong runs down the hill, defeat
Huang Zhong).

Xu Zhu
Stage: The Battle at Tong Gate
Type: Precious item
Location: Southeast of Ma Chao's fort
Method: Defeat Ma Dai and Pang De, then pass through Tong Gate.

Zhang Liao
Stage: The Battle at He Fei
Type: Precious item
Location: To the north of the broken bridge
Method: Defeat Chow Tai.

Xu Huang
Stage: The Battle at Fan Castle
Side: Wei Forces
Type: Precious item
Location: Near northeast edge of the ground level
Method: Defeat Guan Ping before the flood event.

Zhen Ji
Stage: The Battle of Jie Ting
Type: Precious item
Location: Around Zhuge Liang's camp
Method: Defeat Jiang Wei.

Sima Yi
Stage: The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains
Type: Supply team & precious item
Location: Entry point southeast of the Shu base
Method: Defeat Zhang Bao. 20 minutes later the supply team will appear
around Zhang Bao's initial position. Defeat the supply team captain and
a precious item will appear.

Cao Cao
Stage: The Yellow Turban Rebellion
Type: Supply troop
Location: Entry point northwest of map
Direction: Toward center north entry point
Method: Defeat Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang without losing any enemy or
ally entry points.

Wu Kingdom

Zhou Yu
Stage: The Battle at Chi Bi (Sun Quan's Forces)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the southwest of Cao Cao's initial position
Method: Defeat Xiahou Dun and Zhang He.

Sun Shang Xiang
Stage: The Battle at You Ting
Type: Precious item
Location: Around Cao Xiu's initial position
Method: Defeat Cao Xiu.

Huang Gai
Stage: The Battle at Chi Bi (Sun Quan's Forces)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the north of Zhuge Liang's prayer structure
Method: Defeat Zhang Liao.

Lu Xun
Stage: The Battle at Yi Ling
Type: Precious item
Location: Northeast of the Stone Warrior Formation
Method: With either Lu Meng or Gan Ning still alive, go through the
Stone Warrior Formation and defeat Zhuge Liang.

Taishi Ci
Stage: Assault on Wu Territory (Allied Forces)
Type: Precious item
Location: Area in front of the center north entry point
Method: Defeat all enemy generals except Sun Ce.

Lu Meng
Stage: The Battle at Fan Castle (Wu Forces)
Type: Precious item
Location: Southeast of Wei base on the middle level platform
Method: Defeat Guan Ping.

Gan Ning
Stage: The Battle at He Fei (Wu Forces)
Type: Supply team
Location: Entry point northwest of map
Direction: Toward entry point southwest of map
Method: Wait for Taishi Ci's death event.

Da Qiao
Stage: The Battle at You Ting
Type: Precious item
Location: Dead end to the west of the northwest entry point
Method: Defeat Zhang He.
Note: This one cannot be obtained in Musou Mode.

Xiao Qiao
Stage: The Nanman Campaign (Wu Forces)
Type: Precious item
Location: To the east of the bridge at the northwest of map
Method: Defeat Zhu Rong.

Sun Ce
Stage: Assault of Wu Territory
Type: Precious item
Location: Southwest of Taishi Ci
Method: Make Taishi Ci defect to your side by defeating Liu Yong without
defeating Taishi Ci.

Sun Quan
Stage: The Siege of He Fei Castle
Type: Precious item
Location: To the east of the pond in the center of the castle
Method: Defeat Zhang He.

Sun Jian
Stage: Surprise Attack on Liu Biao
Type: Precious item
Location: To the right of the entrance of the path toward Lu Gong
Method: Defeat Lu Gong.

Free Mode Characters

Lu Bu
Stage: The Battle at Hu Lao Gate
Type: Supply team
Location: Entry point northeast of map
Direction: Toward entry point behind Cao Cao's initial position
Method: Defeat Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, and Gonsung Zan.

Diao Chan
Stage: The Battle at Hu Lao Gate
Type: Precious item
Location: West of Fan Shui Gate
Method: Defeat Yuan Shu.

Dong Zhuo
Stage: The Battle at Hu Lao Gate
Type: Precious item
Location: Entry point west of map
Method: Wait until all your generals are defeated except for Lu
Bu and Diao Chan. Diao Chan will defect to the allied forces. Defeat
Diao Chan.

Yuan Shao
Stage: The Battle at Guan Du
Type: Supply team
Location: North of the southeastern fort
Direction: Southeast entry point
Method: Keep Wen Chou alive for 10 minutes.

Zhang Jiao
Stage: The Yellow Turban Rebellion
Type: Precious item
Location: Southeast of the river north of map
Method: Defeat all three officers of Liu Bei, all five officers of Cao
Cao, or all four officers of Sun Jian.

Meng Huo
Stage: The Nanman Campaign
Type: Precious item
Location: West of the mountain at the center of the map
Method: Defeat all enemy generals on the east side (Ma Chao, Zhang Yi,
and Ma Dai) or all enemy generals on the west side (Zhang Fei, Zhang Bao
and Guan Xing).

Zhu Rong
Stage: The Nanman Campaign
Type: Precious item
Location: Near the bridge at the center of map
Method: Keep Dong Tu Ne and Ahui Nan alive for 15 minutes. When they
withdraw from battle the precious item will appear.

Fu Xi
Stage: Surprise Attack on Liu Biao (Liu Biao's Forces)
Type: Precious item
Location: Dead end area at the northwest corner of the beach
Method: Defeat Huang Gai.

Nu Wa
Stage: The Battle at Wan Castle (Zhang Xiu's Forces)
Type: Precious item
Location: North of Dian Wei's initial location
Method: Defeat Dian Wei.

IX. Red Item Locations

The information here was obtained from Muni Shinobu's Equip-able Items
FAQ at www.gamefaqs.com and is included for convenient reference.

Red Hare Saddle
Stage: The Battle at Hu Lao Gate (Allied Forces)
Method: Defeat Lu Bu and a supply team will appear on Cao Cao's attack

Hex Mark Saddle
Stage: Assault on Cheng Du (Liu Bei's Forces)
Method: Defeat all enemy generals except Liu Zhang, and the precious
item report will appear at the southwest of the map.

Imperial Saddle
Stage: The Battle at Yi Ling (Shu Forces)
Method: Prevent the Wu fire attack by defeating Zhu Ran. Then defeat all
enemy generals except Sun Quan. A supply team will appear from a troop
entry point near Sun Quan's command base.

The Art of War
Stage: The Seige of He Fei Castle (Wei Forces)
Method: Defeat all enemy generals except Sun Quan. A precious item will
appear on Sun Quan's ship.

Bodyguard Manual
Stage: The Seige of He Fei Castle (Wu Forces)
Method: Defeat Xu Zhu and a precious item will appear in the northeast.

The Way of Musou
Stage: Guan Yu's Escape (Guan Yu's Forces)
Method: Defeat Xiahou Dun to get the item.

Survival Guide
Stage: The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains (Shu Forces)
Method: After any two Tiger Generals (Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei,
Huang Zhong, Ma Chao) are defeated, the falling star event will occur
and a precious item will appear north of the entrance of Zhuge Liang's

Stage: The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains (Wei Forces)
Method: After two of your generals (must be a playable character) are
defeated, the falling star event will occur and a precious item will
appear at the top northeast of the map.

Fire Arrows
Stage: The Battle at Chi Bi (Cao Cao's Forces)
Method: Defeat Zhou Yu before fire attack and a precious item will
appear around the center of the map.

Stage: The Battle at He Fei (Wu Forces)
Method: After Taishi Ci's death event and Sun Quan jumps over the broken
bridge, Zhang Liao will attack Sun Quan. Defeat Zhang Liao to get the

Power Scroll
Stage: The Battle at He Fei (Wei Forces)
Method: After Gan Ning appears, defeat Gan Ning to get the item.

Gold Harness
Stage: The Battle at Tong Gate (Cao Cao's Forces)
Method: After Han Sui defects, defeat all enemy generals except Ma Chao.
When he begins to retreat, enter the gate and the supply troop will
appear to the west.

X. Battle Walkthroughs

Note: Some of the characters in each battle may vary in Musou mode
depending on which characters you've unlocked up to that point. These
walkthroughs are based on the default Musou or Free Mode battles. If
another character appears instead, just substitute that character for
the other one in the walkthrough. Also the initial position you start
in assumes you're using a character that isn't already in the battle or
is non-affiliated. Otherwise you'll begin at their initial starting

The Yellow Turban Rebellion

Han Forces:

This battle presents a major change from the original in Dynasty
Warriors 2. First, you are now on defense and the Turbans are on
offense. Second, you are completely surrounded on all sides. Third, the
Turbans will attack en masse instead of waiting in set positions. This
means that there is a good chance that one or more of your allied
generals will be wiped out before you manage to clear out your section.
Basically you are defending a large fortress in the middle of the
screen with He Jin in the center. The Turbans have surrounded you on
all sides and each general has taken a defensive position outside the
fortress. Sun Jian is at the west gate, Cao Cao is at the south gate,
and Liu Bei is at the east gate. Your character starts out by their
respective leader. If you're playing as a non-affiliated character,
they will start by Sun Jian's position. Your major threats again are
the three Zhang brothers, each of which has a nasty attack to unleash
on your army.

The primary strategy early in the battle is to take out all the
generals in your area and then assist the allied general closest to
you, much like you did in the last game. However, unlike the last game
your allies begin with very little support and will not last very long
without help (most of the Han forces are in the main fortress). Even
though Cao Cao has lots of officers and even some archer support, it
seems like he's always the first one to go. If he dies you can kiss
Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, and all his other officers goodbye. Therefore,
it's a good idea to go and help him out after you've cleared your area.

Early in the battle Zhang Bao (standing on the cliff on the right side
of the map) will start dropping boulders on top of soldiers east of the
fortress. These are the same boulders you know and love from the
original game, and they will do some serious damage to you if you enter
that area. In addition, if any soldiers approach the valley leading up
to his position, there will be a cut scene where he starts rolling down
Indiana Jones style boulders down towards them. These boulders ricochet
off the walls and can be hard to dodge, especially while fighting
soldiers at the same time. The good news is that the boulders will
squash the enemy without prejudice as well. They materialize out of
thin air at the top of the valley so be careful that one doesn't appear
on your head. If no one opposes him after a period of time he will come
down the valley himself to engage your forces. If you're playing as one
of Liu Bei's forces, taking him out early is a priority, as the
boulders will take a serious bite out of your forces. Also, reaching
the top of valley while the boulders are being rolled activates a cut
scene of your character destroying the boulders and motivating the
troops. This also stops the boulders from rolling down the valley as
well as the ones dropping to the east of the fortress.

North of the fortress across a river is where the majority of the
Turbans are waiting. Access to the south is normally available only by
a small river crossing in the northwest. However, Zhang Liang (located
by the entry point west of the fortress) will eventually freeze the
river, allowing the Turbans (and your forces) to walk right over it. If
you're playing as Sun Jian's forces, Zhang Liang is your primary

If you're playing as Cao Cao's forces, the strategy is simple. Clear
out all the generals south of the castle. Then go help another general
who looks like they need it. You might have to come back to drive off a
few enemy ambushes to the south, but with you in his corner Cao Cao
doesn't have much to fear. With the generals gone in the area, the
Xiahou brothers will pretty much clear the south map all the way to the
gate captain.

During this time you might notice that Zhang Jiao may be running around
in your area. Defeating him won't end the battle now, but will make him
teleport to the north, where killing him there will end the battle. If
you don't kill him in a certain amount of time he will teleport inside
of the fortress and run around a bit. If defeated inside the fortress
he will teleport to the north as well. Note that when Zhang Jiao is
defeated the first time he will say, "When all else fails, attack!" At
this point all the remaining Turban generals and officers get a morale
boost and all the enemy troops in the north will proceed to attack the
north of the fortress. Also some additional enemies will appear at the
south of the fortress (another reason why Cao Cao gets swamped so
often). By this time you should have defeated several generals and
officers so the morale boost should tide you over until you can kill
the other generals.

When you defeat most of the Turban generals the Han forces will begin
their counterattack and move their forces out of the fortress to the
north to engage Zhang Jiao. Zhang Jiao may surprise you with his
flamethrower attack so be careful and let your allies distract him
while you attack from behind (this applies to any enemy general).

Yellow Turban Forces:

The grass always looks greener on the other side. In this case this
adage doesn't hold true. Fighting as the Yellow Turbans forces is as
harsh as it was in the original game. The Han forces will put up a
tremendous fight and your "Children of the Yellow Turban" will be
shredded like the namesake cloths they wear. Entering the fortress is
even worse as enemy ambushes pop up everywhere. The Way of Peace won't
save them, but the General of Heaven has one secret weapon: you. The
battle pretty much boils down to how fast you can kill all the Han
generals before the Yellow Turbans get slaughtered, as you can pretty
much forget any backup from the other generals. If you're playing Zhang
Jiao, you're going to have to walk all the way to the northwest corner
to cross the river just to join the battle, as the river hasn't been
frozen yet. Otherwise, you'll usually start northeast of the castle, so
work in a clockwise direction around the fortress, taking out Liu Bei,
followed by Cao Cao, and then Sun Jian. Then enter the fortress and
begin working on the generals in there. You won't be lacking in cannon
fodder for this one, but the Turbans won't last long unless you get
their morale up quickly. An important note to remember is that if you
defeat a primary general, all officers under them will withdraw from
the battle. Thankfully Sun Jian, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei aren't as tough
as they will be in later battles, but He Jin will put up a considerable
fight compared to his miserable performance in the last game.

The Battle at Hu Lao Gate

Allied Forces:

This battle is a bit more straightforward than the original. There is
only one route to Dong Zhuo and unless something goes horribly wrong,
all of your forces should rendezvous at the bottom for the final push
towards Hu Lao Gate. Yuan Shao starts in a fortified position in the
northwest so his safety won't be much of a concern. Sun Jian's forces
will be assaulting the middle gate in the map (Fan Shui) while Cao
Cao's forces approach said gate from the rear. Liu Bei's forces are
positioned to attack a smaller gate in the northeast. Surprisingly an
allied general Yuan Shu has positioned himself deep into enemy
territory in the southeast, but he wont be there for long. In fact he
wont be doing any fighting at all. Basically the same strategy you used
for the original battle can be applied here. Clear out the enemy in
your path and assist the other forces. Then get together and push
towards Hu Lao gate. Sound easy? It should, but there's just one minor

That problem comes in the form of a huge warrior with a long headdress
riding a red horse and wielding a humongous crescent halberd. You
guessed it. Lu Bu is back and he stronger than ever. Shortly after the
battle starts a cut scene will show that Yuan Shu's army is not moving.
Shortly after Lu Bu will make his presence known via a cut scene and
proceed to lay waste to Yuan Shu's forces (accompanied by Lu Bu's theme
music, a remix of the Dynasty Warriors 2 theme). Afterwards, he will
proceed north and attack any unit that comes into range. While it is
possible to beat Lu Bu on your first try, it's also equally likely that
he will kill you. If you do engage Lu Bu and attempt to flee later, he
will follow you all over the map so try and get some of your own allies
between the two of you to draw his attention. Yuan Shao warns you not
to engage Lu Bu and instead head towards Hu Lao Gate. If your character
is very weak defensively that is excellent advice. Zhang Liao is
usually hanging around in the area with Lu Bu and is much easier to
defeat, dropping a handy weapon box. If you are playing as Zhang Liao
and encounter Lu Bu, an exclusive cut scene between the two will occur.
If Yuan Shu is killed and Lu Bu encounters Liu Bei, Guan Yu, or Zhang
Fei (and they are all still alive) a cut scene will take place showing
a brief skirmish between Lu Bu and the oath brothers. This reduces Lu
Bu's morale and he will pull back from battle slowly. This is very
important as if Lu Bu is left alone without this event, he will cut his
way towards Yuan Shao one general at a time.

After the Lu Bu threat is taken care of one way or the other, and your
forces have rendezvous in the southeast, it's time to head for Hu Lao
Gate. In the bend before the approach to Hu Lao Gate Dong Zhuo's forces
will launch a surprise attack with several archers on the mountainside.
Unless you have a penchant for pain and a healthy supply of arrows,
it's better to make a break for Hu Lao Gate. At the top of the bend a
cut scene will occur of your character leading an assault unit to the
Hu Lao Gate. Help the assault captain clear out the area in front of
the gate and the gate will automatically open, releasing a flood of
enemy soldiers as well as an ambush unit in front of the gate. After
that is taken care of, it's time to take on the hundreds of soldiers
inside Dong Zhuo's fortress. And face the scary wrath of Diao Chan
(read get free defense up item).

First of all it would be a good idea to take out those three gate
captains as soon as humanly possible because until the gates are
secured you are doomed to face unending hordes of enemy soldiers. Try
not to engage Dong Zhuo just yet until this is done. If he does give
chase try jumping onto the raised platform to escape. Now this is just
my observation, but for some inexplicable reason most generals do not
jump up after you when you jump onto a raised platform. Try it on other
stages and you'll see what I mean. Anyway, after the gate captains are
taken care of and the solders swarming you have been thinned out to
acceptable levels, it's time to take out Dong Zhuo himself. If he gives
you trouble you may have to wait for some back up to arrive. Speaking
of backup, two of Dong Zhuo's generals will appear to the north at
around this time, but since you're miles away and are about to kill
Dong Zhuo anyway, their appearance doesn't really mean anything.

Dong Zhuo's Forces:

Unlike the Yellow Turbans, Dong Zhuo's forces are more than capable of
holding their own. In fact while I was getting Dong Zhuo's fourth
weapon one of the generals survived for over 30 minutes completely
immersed in a sea of red at the center of the map. Now that's tenacity.
Anyway, with Lu Bu on your side, how can you not lose? As Dong Zhuo
puts it, "Don't hold back! Lu Bu is coming!" Unless you're playing Dong
Zhuo, Diao Chan, or Lu Bu, you'll start right next to where Yuan Shu is
positioned. You can pretty much do anything you want on this one, but I
usually take out Yuan Shu first, followed by Liu Bei and company to the
northeast, circling around the back towards Cao Cao (who has miles of
soldiers following him, it might take a while to cut through all of
them), and then around towards Sun Jian in a circular pattern.
Afterwards, backtrack and head up towards old pointy hat to finish the
job. The only two things you need to worry about are Diao Chan dying
(she gets sent out to the frontlines early in the battle), which causes
Lu Bu to turn against you, and if all your generals except for Lu Bu
and Diao Chan are killed, in which case Diao Chan defects. Either case
is highly unlikely unless you are trying to do them on purpose. Even if
you do absolutely nothing it can take up to 45 minutes for all your
generals to die on hard difficulty. So go ahead and have fun with this
one. Grovel and tremble? Yuan Shao has stamina, but he's nowhere near
as scary as his hat.

Surprise Attack on Liu Biao

Sun Jian's Forces:

Well, I guess it's not a real surprise attack, considering that Liu
Biao has a bazillion archers waiting for you on shore. And a rock
ambush. But I digress. Your character has some good advice in the
opening cut scene. Ignore the archers on the beach and make a break for
the fortress. If you concentrate on killing the generals, your officers
will mop up the beach for you. Basically this battle involves two
fronts. Sun Ce will approach Liu Biao from the south and Sun Jian will
take the back road and attack from the east of the fortress.
Unfortunately, Sun Jian will end up getting baited by Lu Gong into a
rock ambush in the stone valley to the north and winds up deader than
Julius Caesar in a cut scene. Of course, if you are playing as Sun Jian
this event won't happen. Killing Lu Gong won't prevent this from
happening (amusingly a deceased Lu Gong is told to retreat), as this
automatically happens once Sun Jian reaches the northern rock valley.
But even if this does occur, it's not much to worry about. Think of it
as divine punishment for taking the Imperial Seal. Anyway, it's pretty
much up to you on which route you take to the fortress. The opposition
on either route isn't exactly impressive. Once inside there are a few
more officers and archers to take care of, and then it's on to Liu Biao
himself. If you're feeling generous, try and see if you can get Sun Ce
to smack Liu Biao around before you deliver the coup de grace. Or
better yet use him to distract Liu Biao as he does have quite a bit of
stamina (Liu Biao, not Sun Ce).

Liu Biao's Forces:

This battle is even easier on this side. Again, the choice of which
route to take is pretty much up to you. If you take the east route you
can make a beeline for Sun Jian and kill him before anyone even gets
near the fortress. Or you can take the south route and systematically
slaughter all the Wu generals and officers for assorted goodies before
killing Sun Jian. There are a lot of archers on the beach, but chances
are they'll be firing at random people instead of the true threat,
which in this case is you. On a side note, if Sun Jian gets to Lu Gong,
Lu Gong will retreat in order to bait Sun Jian into the rock ambush.
Unfortunately, the event doesn't kill Sun Jian outright like it did
before, but it does reduce his morale (having a ten ton rock dropped on
you would tend to do that).

The Battle at Wan Castle

Cao Cao's Forces:

The opening cut scene before the attack will feature your character
sleeping, reading, or passed out on the floor from drinking, depending
on which one you selected. After that, it's time to go pull Cao Cao's
sorry butt out of the fire (figuratively and literally). You won't have
to worry about Cao Cao for a while since he has no less than four
officers (including Xu Zhu) protecting him, so all you have to do is
clear a path for him. Since you're under his direct command, the more
enemies you kill the higher his morale will be. Because the main gate
leading to Cao Cao is locked and being fiercely defended by one "Evil
Comes" (a.k.a. Dian Wei), Zhang Xiu's forces will have to take the long
way around. Which is fine since you want them to come to you.
Systematically take out the enemy generals, officers, and gate captains
moving in a clockwise direction around the compound, and Cao Cao will
follow from behind. When you get to the southwest gate Cao Cao will
hold his position there. I'm not exactly sure the condition at which
Cao Cao can flee the castle or the gate he'll use since it's never
happened to me on this stage. Anyway, after Cao Cao is safe for the
time being, you can go help out Dian Wei who is putting up one heck of
a fight at the gate to the interior of the compound. Northwest of this
Xu Huang is fighting off some soldiers. If you help him clear the area,
he'll help you with Zhang Xiu. After that you can proceed in Zhang
Xiu's general direction and mop up his remaining forces. Zhang Xiu has
stamina but not much else. Prepare to meet your ancestors? You've got
it the other way around my friend.

Zhang Xiu's Forces:

Oh boy. This battle's a fun one. If your definition of fun is to fight
wave after never ending wave of soldiers. Unlike Cao Cao's version of
this scenario, Cao Cao gets reinforcements. Lots of reinforcements.
Lots and lots of reinforcements. You get the picture. So it would be in
your best interest to eliminate Cao Cao as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, the most direct route is also being guarded by one angry
baldheaded guy carrying an axe with your name on it. Dian Wei is
guarding the gate leading to the center of the castle where Cao Cao is,
and unless you want to fight your way through hundreds of Wei soldiers
going to long way around, your best bet is to take Dian Wei out.
Killing Dian Wei shows a cut scene of his heroic last stand, after
which the Dian Wei gate to the inner compound will open. As you cut
your way to the back of the castle, reinforcements in the form of Zhang
Liao and Zhen Ji will arrive to the northwest in a cut scene, as will
several ambush parties to liven things up. From that point on it's a
only a matter of making a beeline towards Cao Cao before he manages to
get away, cutting through his reinforcements, ambush parties, officers,
and generals until you get to the big man himself. Cao Cao isn't that
tough, but you might be worse for the wear by the time you reach him.

Assault on the Wu Territory

Sun Ce's Forces:

This battle is pretty linear, but it does branch off into two
directions, one of which determines if you'll get another ally in the
battle or not. First off take out the two officers in the area, which
opens up the gate. From there you can follow the path until it's
decision time. You can west towards Taishi Ci or go east towards Liu
Yong. If you kill Liu Yong before Taishi Ci gets killed, he will
surrender and join your side for the battle. If you're playing Musou
Mode this will also unlock Taishi Ci as a playable character. Liu Yong
is probably the toughest of the three target generals (stamina wise)
and has lots of archer backup. After he's gone there isn't much else to
do but mop up the remaining generals. During this time you should get a
cut scene where your character suggests to Sun Ce to split forces and
take both generals out at once. It's a good idea, but unfortunately
your forces tend to arrive after you've taken out the second general.
Let them pick off the stragglers and go take out the third general.

Allied Forces:

This battle is even more linear than the other scenario since the gate
to Taishi Ci is closed. You'll initially start off in the southwest
corner of the map. While listening to Larry, Moe, and Curly make their
pre battle commentary, head up north and take out Zhou Yu's officers
along the way before taking Zhou Yu out himself. Be careful since there
are a lot of archers in the surrounding area. Then follow the yellow
brick road around the bend and you may encounter Sun Ce, one or more of
his officers, or both depending on how quickly you took out Zhou Yu. An
interesting observation I've made is that if Da Qiao is near Sun Ce
when you fight her, she becomes considerably tougher defensively than
if she were alone. If you want you can run past Sun Ce and take out any
of his generals in front of him, then come back and finish him off. On
a side note, there are some rather interesting glitches that occur
occasionally on this stage ranging from enemies coming at you from the
mountainside to people fighting on the mountainside itself.

The Battle at Guan Du

Cao Cao's Forces:

This was one of my favorite battles in the original game due to the Wu
Chao burning event. It's still here but now Yuan Shao has finally
realized that having a single highly vulnerable supply depot wasn't
such a good idea. So now he's built not one, not two, but four depots
this time, and you have to guess which one is the real one. This time
around Yuan Shao is already laying siege to Cao Cao so it's important
you find the supply depot as quickly as possible. Cao Cao is positioned
deep in the castle, guarded by Xu Zhu and Zhang Liao. Yuan Shao is
north of the castle, and the depots are to the east. Wen Chou has
already begun his assault on the north side of the castle. Unless
you're playing as one of Cao Cao's generals, your initial position will
be by the bridge near the river branch, an idea spot to launch an
attack on the depots. Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Huang, and Guan Yu
are nearby and have been assigned to assault the depots. It's your
choice as to which depot to attack first, but it's best to start with
the southeastern one and work your way counterclockwise to the northern
one so you don't waste too much time if it's the wrong one. You'll
eventually find the right one through the process of deduction.

During your supply depot hunt several events may occur as time passes.
The first cut scene features Yuan Shao's army moving archer towers to
assault the castle, after which archer towers will appear on the east
side of the castle. The second cut scene features the collapse of the
castle's wall, which results in the destruction of the north wall of
the castle, allowing Wen Chou's forces to move in. These events may or
may not take place depending on how fast you can find and burn down the
Wu Chao supply depot.

Each depot is guarded by a general and upon their demise the gates of
the depot will open. If you enter the wrong one you'll get a message
that the supplies aren't there. If you enter the right one you'll get a
cut scene where your character will report the position of the supply
depot back to Cao Cao. When you've found the right one find good old
Chun Qiong and proceed to cut off his hands, ears, and nose. After his
demise the Wu Chao compound will go up in flames in a cut scene, and
Cao Cao will begin his counterattack.

As you approach Yuan Shao you may or may not run into Liu Bei. If Guan
Yu runs into Liu Bei a cut scene between the two will appear and Liu
Bei will withdraw from the battle. Fortunately, Guan Yu will remain
with you unlike the previous game. From here on you know the drill.
Take out the remaining generals (Zhang He is running around somewhere,
go say hi to him) and gate captains before taking on old pointy hat
himself. Don't you just love his hat?

Yuan Shao's Forces:

This battle is much easier than the original one since the Wu Chao
burning event does not automatically occur. It will burn if they manage
to find and kill Chun Qiong, but you're not going to let that happen,
right? Actually I don't know if that's true, since it's never happened
to me before. But we don't want to take any chances, right? You can
find out where Chun Qiong's hiding by looking at the start map. Fun.
Now back to business. At the start of the battle Yuan Shao sends Yan
Liang to lead the assault on Cao Cao. You'll be across the bridge by
the river bend so go ahead and follow him. Basically your goal is to
take out all of Cao Cao's generals before they manage to cross the
river and get to the depots. You can safely ignore Xiahou Yuan at the
northwest at the castle since he tends to stick around there. That
leaves Xiahou Dun, Xu Huang, and a few other generals to take care of,
since they're the ones who are after the depots. Inside of the castle
are Guan Yu, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao and a few other officers. They're
relegated to defending the castle. It is important to note that if Guan
Yu encounters Yan Liang, he will kill him instantly in a cut scene
(those cut scenes can be hazardous to your health), in which case Yuan
Shao orders Wen Chou to take over the assault. Guan Yu is probably the
toughest of Cao Cao's generals so be careful when you encounter him. By
the time you kill a few generals, the wall breaching cut scene should
occur, making your job a lot easier by opening a hole through the north
wall of the castle (Cao Cao will even congratulate you for it!). After
Yuan Shao's troops run amok for a little while in the castle, another
cut scene takes place showing Cao Cao launching a surprise assault,
making additional troops appear to the southeast. But by this time your
morale should be high enough that it won't matter one way or the other.
After that clear out the remaining generals and gate captains, and show
Cao Cao that you don't need any strategies to beat him.

Guan Yu's Escape

Guan Yu's Forces:

In this scenario it's just you and Guan Yu against Cao's Cao's forces.
Unless you're playing as Guan Yu, in which case it's a kindler, gentler
version of the Endurance Mode. Your objective is to clear five gates by
defeating five of Cao Cao's generals without losing Guan Yu. To make
things more interesting you must also escort a carriage and ensure its
safety through the five gates. Despite what you might think, the enemy
will not physically attack the carriage, but the carriage will take
damage if left alone near the enemy or if you get too far away from it.
It starts out with around 200 life and takes damage in 50 point
increments (you get a message every time the carriage takes damage).
But if you're careful to stay close to the carriage and kill the
enemies as they come it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Despite
what you see in the opening cut scene, if you're Guan Yu you do not
automatically start on Red Hare. Bummer.

After a few archers say hello behind the opening gate you'll run into
Zhang He and an officer. Defeat Zhang He to open the first gate. After
a second group of archers say hello you'll run into Zhen Ji and an
officer. Defeating her opens the second gate. Around the hills in the
next area Xiahou Yuan will greet you along with yet another officer. An
enemy ambush will also come to the party as well. Beat Xiahou Yuan to
open the third gate. A third group of archers lies in wait past the
gate, and after that is Xu Huang and his officer. Beating turban boy
opens the fourth gate. Just one more to go. Across the bridge is yet
another group of archers, an officer, and Xu Zhu. These people sure
know how to throw a party, don't they? Beating Xu Zhu won't open the
last gate, but beating someone behind you will.

While you've been busy spanking the other generals, Xiahou Dun,
offended that Guan Yu doesn't want to play with Cao Cao anymore, has
been coming up from behind and is out for some serious blood. When
Xiahou Dun meets Guan Yu another cut scene occurs, followed by some
serious fighting. If you're playing as someone other than Guan Yu, be
sure to back him up (mainly by stabbing Xiahou Dun in the back while
he's occupied with Guan Yu). If you are Guan Yu, you have a serious
fight on your hands. Xiahou Dun is much tougher than he was in previous
battles, and he's not shy with his Musou attacks either. There's a meat
bun in a jar to the left of the fifth gate if you need it. Defeating
him makes him drop the very valuable Way of the Musou item and opens
the fifth gate.

Cao Cao's Forces:

This battle is basically the same as Guan Yu's scenario except you're
seeing things from Xiahou Dun's point of view. There are a few minor
changes however. First of all you get absolutely no backup whatsoever.
It's just you and Xiahou Dun (unless you are Xiahou Dun in which case
it's just you). Second, Guan Yu can open gates simply by riding up to
them since there are no guards at the gates. And lastly Shu
reinforcements appear at each gate to prevent you from reaching Guan Yu
(where the heck were they when you needed them in the last scenario?).
But despite all these obstacles Xiahou Dun isn't going to take no for
an answer. And neither are you.

Guan Yu has a commanding head start ahead of you, and the fact that he
has Red Hare doesn't help matters any. Chances are he'll be one step
ahead of you all the way, so just concentrate on playing catch up and
defeating all the Shu officers in the way. The carriage is simply there
as a time limit. You lose if it gets past the fifth gate. You can't
attack it or slow it down, but it moves so slowly that it won't be a
problem unless you really take your time. The Shu troops won't put up
much resistance, but they did bring along quite a bit of archers to
slow you down. The only problematic part is the fort where Xu Huang was
in the last scenario. Shu archers line both the east and west sides of
it and will put you in a serious crossfire while you fight the Shu
officer there. After the fort Zhao Yun appears near the bridge and
you'll have to defeat him as well. Then it's on to man with the
beautiful beard. Like Xiahou Dun in the last scenario, Guan Yu has been
powered up significantly. Use the same strategies you used there. If
you're alone, good luck. Remember the nearby meat bun if you need it.

The Battle of Chang Ban

Shu Forces:

This battle isn't as hard as the original one, since Cao Cao's
reinforcements are smaller and only come in one direction. But that
doesn't mean you can rest easy. The premise is the same as the last
time. You need to fight off Cao Cao's forces and buy enough time for
Liu Bei's reinforcements to arrive. What is new this time around is
that you need to protect the peasants that are with you and make sure
they get to safety. The peasants look just like private units except
they are wearing brown/yellow colored clothing. Your starting position
will vary depending on whom you choose, but will be somewhere on the
east side of the map. Cao Cao's main force is to the northeast with
Zhang Liao and Xiahou Dun. Xu Zhu is to the southeast, and Xu Huang and
Zhang He hanging out in the northwest. Liu Bei will retreat to the
center of the map, but will encounter Xiahou Yuan early in the battle.
Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Zhuge Liang are covering Liu Bei's escape
route across the Chang Ban Bridge.

Your opening strategy depends on your initial position. If you start in
the southeast, defeat Xu Zhu and the southern gate captains, then head
north and assist there. If you start in the northeast, defeat Xiahou
Dun and Zhang Liao and the north gate captains. Once the north is
cleared you can follow Liu Bei's escape to the south, or proceed along
the winding path to the west and fight the officers and generals you
encounter along the way. During this time Cao Cao's main force should
arrive to the northeast, but you should be long gone by then. Make your
way to Liu Bei's position and help him take out Xiahou Yuan and the
other soldiers harassing him. By that time Liu Bei's reinforcements
should arrive to the southwest in a cut scene. At this time the Shu
forces will begin evacuating the peasants on the boats, after which Liu
Bei will start mobilizing his troops to counterattack against the Wei
forces. Theoretically speaking, since it takes quite a while for even
one group of peasants to be evacuated and impatient people like me are
already attacking Cao Cao. I'm not sure what causes Liu Bei to retreat
from this battle since I've never seen it happen, but apparently he can
retreat from battle as an alternate victory condition.

During this battle two events can occur, both of which are key to
getting two fourth weapons. The first event, Zhang Fei's famous stand
at Chang Ban Bridge, will occur if the Wei forces manage to reach the
bridge while Zhang Fei is on it. This prevents any Wei forces from even
crossing the bridge for a period of time. The second event involves
Zhao Yun. If Liu Bei sends out a distress call for help and Zhao Yun
arrives near him, a cut scene will occur where Zhao Yun makes his
presence known.

Cao Cao's Forces:

One of my personal favorites, you can really get down and dirty with
this battle. The setup is basically the same except you're now on
offense rather than defense. And despite Zhang Liao's objection in the
opening movie, you get to slaughter all the peasants under Liu Bei's
protection and have fun doing it. So let's get to it!

You'll begin in the northeast along with Xiahou Dun, Zhang Liao, and Xu
Zhu. First off you'll want to want to get rid of Zhang Fei and Zhuge
Liang in the northeast. Unlike the last game where Zhang Fei was
essentially a Lu Bu clone, this time around he's much less powerful.
Once that's done you've practically won this battle. You just need to
make sure that Liu Bei doesn't manage to get away in the southwest when
the reinforcements arrive. Around this time Cao Cao should arrive to
join the party. Proceed to follow Liu Bei's escape route across the
Chang Ban Bridge. You will encounter some token resistance, some
officers, and best of all some peasants. If you manage to eliminate an
entire group of peasants assigned to a general, Liu Bei will give his
famous "Aah, my people." speech. If you get all the peasants on the
stage you can hear him repeat it up to two times! Weeeeee! Follow the
trail and proceed to slaughter every soldier, officer, general, and
especially peasant you encounter until you reach Mr. "Aah, my people."

The Battle at Chi Bi

Sun Quan's Forces:

Veterans of Dynasty Warriors 2 are in for a rude awakening here. The
stage has been totally redesigned and the boats are of varying shapes
and sizes, making the battlefield into a giant maze. The fire attack
doesn't have as big of an impact as it did before, so you'll have to
work a bit harder for victory. The basic plan is the same. Get the wind
blowing, make sure Huang Gai (and Zhou Yu) survive to initiate the fire
attack, then move to counterattack Cao Cao's forces.

No matter where you start, your initial goal should be to take out the
general smack dab in the middle of your fleet. In this case it's Xiahou
Dun. This is important because he's guarding the very position Huang
Gai needs to be in order to launch the fire attack. After he's gone
it's decision time. You can head to the west and take on Xiahou Yuan,
or go east and take on Xu Huang. Whichever direction you choose, the
forces opposite of yours will push into your territory while you push
into theirs for a game of musical boats. You might have to come back to
assist if they are coming dangerously close to your leader.

You won't have to worry about getting 100 KO's this time, as the wind
event takes place after a certain amount of time. When the cut scene of
Zhuge Liang calling the wind appears, a cut scene of Zhou Yu being
astonished will occur, Zhou Yu will instruct everyone to clear a path
for Huang Gai, which, if you're reading this, you should have already
done. If by chance you should return to that area, a cut scene will
occur where your character covers Huang Gai. When Huang Gai reaches
that position you will get a message saying that Huang Gai is in
position. If you are playing as Huang Gai, you only need to get to that
position after the wind blows, and once you get the in position message
you can then leave the area. After that it's only a matter of time
before the fire attack begins. Obviously, if Huang Gai is killed before
this, the fire attack will not occur. Alternately, if Zhou Yu is
killed, Huang Gai will withdraw from battle with the same results. But
if you cleared out that area beforehand it shouldn't be a problem. Note
that when the fire attack occurs, the layout of tbe boats on the map
changes and Sun Quan's forces can assault Cao Cao directly from the
front. This makes getting around a lot easier.

When you've reached either the northwest or northeast corners of the
map, you have two basic options. You can continue moving to the
opposite corner and clear out the gate captains along the way, then go
south and help defeat the generals you missed. Or if the fire attack
has occurred you can begin assaulting the closest general on the boats
near Cao Cao's position. Zhang Liao is on the west side and Xu Zhu is
on the east side. When the fire attack cut scene occurs, Cao Cao's
morale with drop and Zhou Yu will give the instruction to "Move to
counterattack!" and Sun Quan's forces will begin mobilizing to attack
Cao Cao via the new boat connection formed in the attack. The fire
makes it hard to tell the Wu soldiers from the Wei soldiers so keep
your map zoomed in. If the fire attack is successful, another cut scene
will occur where the Shu army sends a random general (Guan Yu, Zhang
Fei, or Zhao Yun) and reinforcements from the northwest to help you.
Hopefully you won't have to depend on them to win, but it's nice to
know that Zhuge Liang cares. But like Zhou Yu says, "Everyone, do not
become one of Shu's victories! This battle shall belong to

As the battle progresses, depending on his morale Cao Cao may start
retreating to the north camp. If he gets there you might have problems
with all those archer towers and gates, unless you took care of them
already. Also reinforcements from the north will appear in a cut scene
to back up Cao Cao. But if you've already defeated all of the other
generals and the Cao Cao's navy is up in flames, it won't make much of
a difference.

Liu Bei's Forces:

This is pretty much the same as the Wu scenario, except you'll start by
Zhuge Liang's altar in the southwest. Take out the nearby gate captain
and proceed using the same strategies you used for Wu. The only major
difference is that you won't have to clear out Huang Gai's area this
time around. There is an exclusive cut scene that will occur when the
wind blows, showing your character reacting to the summoned wind. Other
than that, everything else is pretty much the same as the Wu scenario,
except the cut scene featuring Shu reinforcements will not occur (you
are the reinforcements).

Wei Forces:

Cao Cao tells you to head for Zhuge Liang's prayer altar to the
southwest in the beginning of the battle, and that's a good idea. You
won't find Zhuge Liang there, but if you manage to defeat Lu Meng
nearby and go to the altar afterwards, a cut scene showing Zhuge Liang
being overrun by troops will occur, effectively preventing the wind
event from taking place. Special thanks goes to Ed Allen for that

If you're too slow getting to Lu Meng and the wind-summoning event
occurs, it's time to switch to plan B and take out Huang Gai instead.
He should be running around near Zhou Yu's position, but if you can't
find him then Zhou Yu will do since Huang Gai will withdraw if he's
defeated. So you can use the same strategy you used in the last game.
Drop everything you're doing and make a beeline for Huang Gai.
Interestingly enough if you defeat Zhou Yu before the wind-summoning
event occurs it will still show him in the cut scene. Once the fire
attack has been prevented you've as good as won the battle, as the Wei
navy will eventually crush the Wu forces with superior numbers. As long
as you help out of course. Systematically crush every general and
officer on the map, and then proceed onward towards the Sun leader.

The Battle at Tong Gate

Allied Forces:

This battle is a fun free for all with a small map and lots of generals
to deal with. Ma Chao and his six generals are up against Cao Cao and
his three generals. It may look like Cao Cao is seriously outnumbered
on this one, but as Ma Chao said in the opening cut scene it's probably
a trap, and he's right. And you get to lead the vanguard. Gee, thanks
Ma Chao. Right out of the gate Ma Chao will begin attacking Cao Cao's
troops with his officers Pang De and Ma Dai. It's your job to help back
him up by engaging the Wei generals near Tong Gate. Xiahou Yuan is in
the area, but Cao Hong and Cao Ren are the bigger threat. They both
have a high amount of stamina and tend to double-team you, so be
careful there. Eventually, Ma Chao will begin going after Cao Cao in a
cut scene, followed by two of his generals. Shortly after, a second Wei
force led by Xu Huang will lead a rear attack coming from the valley
north of Tong Gate. Ma Chao, realizing the situation, will order the
remaining generals to deal with this threat from behind. Hopefully by
this time you'll already have defeated all of the generals by Tong
Gate. If not, you may have to break from combat and go back to help out
the generals with this rear assault.

If Pang De and Ma Dai are killed and Cao Cao encounters Han Sui, a cut
scene will occur in which Cao Cao tries to negotiate with him. This
causes Han Sui's morale to drop. If this occurs, Han Sui will defect to
Cao Cao's side after a while. If you have been diligent in defeating
enemy generals when the opportunity presents itself, this shouldn't be
any problem.

Cao Cao's Forces:

This scenario is even more fun than the first. Ma Chao has little
chance of winning without you to back him up, but you're still going to
have to work for this one. You'll start near the entrance of Tong Gate
right in the vanguard (are you cannon fodder or what?). You should
ignore Ma Chao for now and worry about his two officers. Ma Dai and
Pang De are as tough as Cao Hong and Cao Ren were in the last scenario.
Take out his officers, and then proceed inside Tong Gate. Fighting six
generals at once (five if you ignore Han Sui) might seem rather
intimidating, but compared to Ma Chao's officers these guys are about
as tough as wet toilet paper. When Xu Huang joins the party from the
north, you'll have Ma Chao's allies caught in a wicked pincher attack.
Drive them together into the fields and crush them like the proverbial
insects they are. The Han Sui defection event can occur in this
scenario, but since it doesn't really matter one way or the other (or
if you're impatient like me), feel free to put him out of his misery,
even if he is an old friend of Cao Cao.

Assault on Cheng Du

Liu Bei's Forces:

You'll start this battle off in a cotton field, which looks a lot more
like a dark scary forest to me. As the opening cut scene shows, your
character can get lost in this place easily. The lack of a map, not to
mention rock soundtrack, can be disconcerting for some. Fortunately,
the start map still works so you can use that to get your bearings.
There are three routes to Liu Zhang and they're all pretty much the
same in terms of resistance. One thing to keep an eye on during this
battle is Pang Tong, who will take the bottom route. As soon as he
enters the valley a cut scene will occur, shortly after which he will
be ambushed by enemy troops. If you don't go to help him he will die in
another cut scene. If you do manage to save Pang Tong, and he survives
the battle, he will be unlocked as a playable character. After bailing
out Pang Tong, go after the remaining generals and mop up whatever
resistance is left. If all of Liu Zhang's generals are killed and he
encounters Liu Bei, he will automatically surrender in a cut scene,
ending the battle.

Liu Zhang's Forces:

There isn't really much to say about this one. Go kill Zhao Yun. Go
kill Pang Tong. Go kill Liu Bei. None of them are any real threat, and
since they all tend to take different routes they can't really help
each other. There are a lot of archers in the woods, and without the
map it might be hard to tell where they are, but other than that you
don't much to worry about here.

The Battle at He Fei

Wu Forces:

This classic battle has received a major makeover in the sequel. It is
also much more complex in terms of areas and events. The battlefield is
comprised of five major areas: northwest, northeast, center, southwest,
and southeast. Before we talk about the battle let's look at these
areas in detail.

Northwest Area: Here lies Cao Cao's base camp. From here are paths to
the northeast area, center area, and southwest area. Cao Cao waits
outside of his camp's main gate, and guarding him nearby is Xu Zhu. If
you can get the Sun leader inside of Cao Cao's base camp it will count
as an alternate victory condition for Wu.

Northeast Area: This area has paths leading to the northwest area and
center area. Lu Xun and several Wu officers will be fighting two Wei
generals (including Zhen Ji as an officer) in this area. There are also
dozens of crossbowmen on both sides in this area, making this a rather
dangerous area to fight in.

Center Area: This is a small village and is the central hub of the
battlefield with roads leading to all of the other areas. Taishi Ci
starts here, as does the Sun leader. Because of its strategic
importance this area will be highly contested by both sides throughout
the battlefield. The infamous Zhang Liao also begins here, and will be
joined shortly by Xu Huang from the northwest.

Southwest Area: Lu Meng starts off here and will be in serious jeopardy
as there is also a large Wei force in the vicinity as well. Not to
mention a platoon of crossbowmen. The Wei forces here comprise of
Xiahou Dun and another general. Paths from this area lead to the
northwest area or center area.

Southeast Area: This is the Wu staging area and has only one path to
the center area. In the corner there are several gate captains and a
legion of Wu crossbowmen. Strangely enough, no matter how many times
I've fought this battle, this area never comes into play. The Sun
leader never goes into the area (only to the area north of there) and
the gates have no bearing on the outcome of this battle. Not only that,
but there's a Wu general guarding there to boot. The only reason you
would want to go into this area is to kill the gate captains for
defense up bonuses, but the number of crossbowmen guarding the area
makes it more trouble than it's worth.

Now that we've got the description of the battlefield out of the way,
let's get to the battle strategy. Chances are you'll start in the
center area in the middle of it all, unless you're Lu Xun or Lu Meng in
which case you'll start in your respected area. Unless you're trying to
unlock Sun Quan, the first thing you should do is eliminate Zhang Liao.
If you're Lu Xun or Lu Meng you should concentrate on clearing your
area of all generals and gate captains before heading to the center. If
Zhang Liao is not killed within a certain time, a cut scene will occur
in which Taishi Ci is killed. When this occurs the Sun leader will
begin to retreat to the broken bridge to the southeast. He should be
safe there for the time being, but if you really want to be safe (and
unlock Sun Quan) go next to him and another cut scene will occur with
the two of you leaping over the broken bridge. Once this takes place, a
message telling you that Zhang Liao has left the central defenses will
appear, followed by another cut scene where Zhang Liao starts attacking
the Sun leader. He teleports there instantly with a large Wei force so
be sure to be nearby when it happens. Go ahead and take him out. After
Zhang Liao's reign of terror ends, the Sun leader will start mobilizing
for a counterattack in another cut scene (stay by him to initiate it).
All of these events are necessary to unlock Sun Quan. Unfortunately,
this also means that you have to baby sit him during most of the
battle, during which Lu Xun, Lu Meng, or both have probably already
given up the ghost. If they're still alive by all means go and help
them, but chances are they will kick the bucket by the time you get to
their locations. By this time most of your generals will be dead, so
you will need to play catch up right away. Start the slow and painful
process of clearing out the outlying Wei generals one by one in the
southwest, center, and northeast areas. Wei reinforcements will arrive
to the northeast and southwest in a cut scene. Things might seem grim,
but don't despair. Eventually Gan Ning will arrive in a cut scene and
attack Cao Cao's position. The Wu forces will slowly approach the
northwest area, but sometimes they will just sit back on the hill while
you do all the work. This can be frustrating if you're trying to get
the Sun leader into the camp. One way I've found is to bait Cao Cao
into chasing you, then lead him all the way back to the Sun leader. The
Sun leader will start chasing after Cao Cao, upon which you can bait
back into the camp. It's hard to do sometimes, but it may be the only
way to get the Sun leader into camp when the Wu army insists on camping
out on the hillside.

Ed Allen reports that it's a common misconception that you need to get
Cao Cao to retreat in order to unlock Sun Quan in this battle.
According to him you only need to get all of the other requirements and
he should be unlocked. Andrew Kieschnick writes in to confirm that Cao
Cao does not need to retreat in order to unlock Sun Quan.

If you're not interested in unlocking Sun Quan or have already done so,
the battle strategy becomes much more simpler. Take out Zhang Liao as
soon as possible. Having Taishi Ci for the battle makes things a bit
easier. Next clear out all the Wei generals in the center area. After
that's done, head either to the northeast or southwest area and help
out the generals there, depending on whom you feel is in worse trouble.
Next go to the opposite corner and do the same thing. If you like, you
can try a "Gan Ning raid" by heading to the next area via the northwest
rather than center route. Take out Xu Zhu as fast as possible and
bloody Cao Cao's nose a bit before heading to the next area. After the
northeast and southwest areas have been cleared, head to the northwest
for the final assault. Wei reinforcements will arrive, but so will Gan

Wei Forces:

This battle is pretty much the same for the Wei forces. Help Zhang Liao
clear out the center of all Wu opposition, then pick a corner and go
assist the forces there. Move to the opposite corner and repeat, then
head to the southeast area to finish off the Sun leader. There are a
lot of crossbowmen covering the area so approach with caution. Gan
Ning's ambush will occur at around this time, but unless you get a help
request message from HQ, you don't have to worry too much about it. If
you want to get the Power Scroll he's carrying (or are bloodthirsty
like I am), hang around the center area until he appears, then go to
him and show him exactly who you are.

The Battle at Fan Castle

Shu Forces:

This is the most difficult of the three scenarios at Fan Castle. You'll
be facing not only the Wei army in this one, but the Wu army as well.
Not to mention that you won't be receiving any backup either. It's
basically another version of Guan Yu's escape, except that if you're
not Guan Yu you won't be getting any help from him at all. It's just
you and a sea of red and blue (soldiers that is).

Okay. Now that I've told you how harsh this battle is let's get
started. You'll be positioned somewhere to the east of the castle and
will have to hack your way across the perimeter to the south
fortification in order to get to Sima Yi. Guan Yu and his son Guan Ping
are here too, but they won't move from the castle walls during the
battle because of the impending flooding of the castle. So they send
you down there to bait the enemy instead (gee, thanks Guan Yu). You
will be facing hundreds of soldiers down there with no backup so take
it easy and move with caution. The rain will make visibility very
limited so make good use of your radar. If you encounter Pang De a cut
scene will occur ("So you can advance in the rain. How about when it's
raining arrows?"), and several groups of archers will appear near your
position. Fun. If you survive that you'll most likely encounter turban
boy (a.k.a. Xu Huang) running around there.

At around this time you will most likely get a message that water is
about to flood into the castle. This cut scene will occur the moment
you set foot on higher ground. The good news is that this will
instantly kill everyone on the lower level. The bad news is this
includes your bodyguards, so make sure as many of them are on high
ground as possible before you initiate the event, as you're going to
need all the help you can get. After water floods the castle the layout
of the center map will change as you will have to walk on the rooftops
due to the flooding. Shortly after the flood event Lu Meng and the Wu
army arrive to attack Guan Yu in a cut scene. At this point Wu troops
begin flooding the castle from every direction, making for some
colorful chaos as troops from both sides engage you. Guan Ping is
probably going to be quickly overwhelmed by the Wu reinforcements, but
there's not much you can do about it, so concentrate on taking out Sima
Yi as quickly as possible before Guan Yu gets in trouble. Lu Xun
arrives near Sima Yi's position, but he's not much of a threat. Lu Meng
and Gan Ning may or may not start heading in your direction depending
on the situation, but if you're fast enough in engaging Sima Yi,
chances are they won't make it in time to assist him. Take out the
enemy groups one at a time as you slowly work your way to Sima Yi's
position, and be sure to secure the gate behind him to make things a
bit easier once you do engage him.

Wei Forces:

This scenario is much easier than the Shu one. In fact, if you're good
you can even take care of Guan Yu before castle even floods or the Wu
reinforcements arrive. You'll start off near Guan Ping's position to
the east. Your ally Pang De will stay put at his position throughout
the battle, meaning he will definitely be killed when the flood starts.
First off begin the battle by heading towards the castle battlements to
engage Guan Ping's forces. While you're fighting up the stairs you will
encounter several groups of crossbowmen that can be hard to see in the
rain, so be careful. Head south along the wall and wipe Guan Ping off
the map. Then go north to the corner and head west towards Guan Yu,
systematically taking out the pitiful Shu forces along the way. As you
might expect Guan Yu is a bit tougher than his son was. Fortunately,
he's also quite a distance away from the gate captain so you won't have
to worry about that. A special cut scene will occur if Xu Huang
encounters Guan Yu. All's fair in flood and war. Interestingly enough,
Guan Yu will make short work out of any Wei troops in the vicinity, so
if you're using them as cannon fodder you'll need to work fast. After
defeating Guan Yu a final cut scene will occur. "In death my soul will
be (with) my brethren."

Wu Forces:

This scenario is exactly the same as the Wei scenario. Despite arriving
with Lu Meng in the opening cut scene, you won't start with any allies
from Wu. The Wu troops will still take their sweet time arriving in
battle. Not that you'll need it. You can pretty much follow the same
strategy you used in the Wei scenario. For fun, try playing this
scenario using Guan Yu and watch his reaction in the opening scene.

The Battle of Mt. Ding Jun

Shu Forces:

This is an interesting level in terms of design. The battle takes place
on a mountainside with the Shu forces at the top attacking the Wei
forces at the bottom. You'll start at the top of the mountain leading
the assault down the center path with Huang Zhong backing you up. Zhang
Fei will take the adjacent path down. The center path is covered archer
towers as well as spike barricades that can do some serious damage to
you. Horses will also rear up and throw you if you encounter the spikes
on horseback. It's amusing to watch everyone getting bounced around on
the spikes as you descend. But I digress. The opposition consists of
Xiahou Yuan who is coming up the center path, and Zhang He who is
coming up the adjacent path to engage Zhang Fei. If you're not feeling
sure of yourself you can always take the safer path with Zhang Fei, but
that wouldn't be any fun now would it?

When Huang Zhong comes to the top of the mountain a cut scene of him
firing an arrow at Xiahou Yuan will occur. This will greatly increase
Huang Zhong's morale and decrease Xiahou Yuan's morale. When Huang
Zhong comes down the mountain to engage Xiahou Yuan another cut scene
will take place. Defeating Xiahou Yuan brings yet another cut scene of
his demise. After you reach the bottom go ahead and help out Zhang Fei
by taking out Zhang He around the corner. After that's done you can
approach Cao Cao in two ways. You can charge down the middle facing
more spike barricades and archers. Or you can take the stealthy
approach and take one of the side paths. The choice of approach is up
to you, but before you fight Cao Cao try to secure the gate directly
behind him to make things easier on yourself.

Wei Forces:

You'll be fighting an uphill battle on this one literally. This
scenario is the same as the Shu scenario except you're going up instead
of down. The bad news is that going uphill slows you down considerably,
making you an easy target for archers. The good news is that you can
use the spike barricades to your advantage since they're facing the Shu
army instead of you. You can choose either to go with Xiahou Yuan up
the center or go with Zhang He on the side path. Whichever you choose
go and help take out the other general after you've finished with
yours. The winding path to Liu Bei from the center is covered with lots
of crossbowmen so approach with caution. Reinforcements led by Zhao Yun
appear as you're fighting Liu Bei, but they're too far away to make any
difference. Take out the gate captain and finish Liu Bei off.

The Battle at Yi Ling

Shu Forces:

This battle can be relatively tough or a complete nightmare, depending
on whether or not you can stop the fire attack from taking place.
You'll begin in the center of the battlefield. Liu Bei is camped out in
a nearby fort, while the Shu generals are positioned in various places.
Huang Zhong is to the west facing off against Sun Shang Xiang. Ma Chao
is to the southeast facing Gan Ning. And Wei Yian is to the east up
against Lu Meng. Zhao Yun is nearby, but he doesn't have any major
match ups so he'll attack anyone conveniently in range. Sun Quan is in
a heavily fortified position in the northeast guarded by Lu Xun, but it
would be suicidal to go there until all the other Wu generals are
defeated. It doesn't matter which general you go after in the beginning
as long as you stay near Liu Bei's position. More specifically, the
valley west of Liu Bei's position. I would recommend going after Lu
Meng first since he's the closest. Lu Meng has considerable stamina in
this battle (as do Gan Ning and Lu Xun) so it might take you quite a
while to defeat him. When you do defeat him, head straight for the
valley I mentioned earlier without stopping to take any coffee breaks.

When you get a cut scene of Lu Xun surveying the Shu camp, drop
whatever you are doing and get to the valley as soon as possible. If
you're already heading there by the time you get the cut scene you have
a good chance of stopping the fire attack from taking place. If not
chances are that unless you are very close to the valley you won't be
able to prevent it in time. After the cut scene occurs, Zhu Ran will
appear in the valley and make a beeline towards Liu Bei's camp. If he
gets out of the valley the fire attack cut scene will occur, and Liu
Bei's encampment will go up in flames. This reduces the morale of all
of your generals and officers and greatly increases the difficulty of
the level. This will also cause Liu Bei to retreat into the southwest
corner of the map. If you manage to take out Zhu Ran before he leaves
the valley the fire attack will be prevented, and you can breathe a
sigh of relief. If you've prevented the attack you can proceed at will
to engage the other Wu generals (other than Lu Xun). If the attack
takes place, it becomes even more imperative that you eliminate the
generals as soon as possible, or the morale loss will seriously affect
your generals' ability to fight. Note that if you're playing as Zhuge
Liang this cut scene will not take place, so keep an eye on the valley
for a red blip and get there immediately to intercept Zhu Ran.

Since you're probably near the valley I mentioned earlier, you'll be
nearby Sun Shang Xiang position so go take her out first. She's
surprisingly easy to defeat compared to the nearby gate captain, who is
considerably tougher for some unknown reason. After that circle around
the shipyards to the north and take down any generals in that area,
before heading to Ma Chao's position in the southeast (if he's in
trouble you may want to head there first). Gan Ning is considerably
stronger than he was at He Fei, and chances are his two officers will
try to triple team you. During this time a Wu ambush party will appear
to the southwest, but if you've already prevented the fire attack they
will be ambushing thin air. Amusingly they will start heading east into
the stone warrior formation, where they will be cut to pieces by the
soon to be arriving Shu ambush party waiting there.

When all the Wu generals other that Lu Xun are taken care of, it's time
to head northeast for the final push towards the Sun leader. Hopefully
around this time Liu Bei will get a report of Shu's success and begin
mobilizing his troops for the assault. If not, you're in for a long
battle. The Wu encampment is in an excellent defensive position with
only a small bridge connecting it to the south, large amounts of troops
guarding it, and dozens of crossbowmen providing cover fire. Not to
mention Lu Xun guarding the bridge. Like Lu Meng and Gan Ning he's
received a tremendous stamina boost and will take a considerable amount
of time to take down. Once he's out of the way you'll probably want to
take out the nearest gate captain, as the gates here have an unpleasant
tendency to bring out even more crossbowmen. After that you'll run into
the Sun leader, surrounded by even more crossbowmen. You won't have
much success fighting him unless they're out of the way so take them
out as soon as possible. You might have to secure the gate behind him
as well, lest they bring out even more crossbowmen.

Wu Forces:

This scenario is so much easier than the Shu scenario. The battle is
pretty much the same, except the Shu generals are much more easier to
kill than their Wu counterparts, and Liu Bei starts in the fortified
camp to the southwest instead of at the center. Just be sure to take
out Zhang Bao who is hanging around the valley where Zhu Ran will
appear. Once that is taken care of there is very little to worry about
on this one. The fire attack will affect morale so much that the Wu
generals will most likely take out some generals all by themselves.
Which isn't to say that you should help them. I like to start with
Huang Zhong since he's west of the valley. Then I circle around
clearing out the shipyards to the north and then head east in a
clockwise pattern. Zhao Yun and Wei Yian are a complete joke compared
to Lu Meng and Gan Ning from the last scenario. By this time Ma Chao
should be long gone, but if he's not then go ahead and take him out in
the southeast. Some Shu ambush parties should pop up now and then, but
don't make any difference in the battle.

Zhuge Liang should have arrived in Liu Bei's camp to back him up at
around this time, but it's going to take a lot more than a man with a
fan dressed in pajamas to stop you now. When all the generals in the
outlying area are gone you can take one of two routes to Liu Bei's
camp. You could head back to the valley and assault the Ma An Gate
north of the camp, then proceed south. Or you can have some fun in
Zhuge Liang's psychedelic fun house (the Stone Warrior Formation a.k.a.
the eight array maze) located south of the Shu encampment in the center
of the map. Before I actually tried the maze I usually took the long
and boring route. Now that I know how much fun it is, I always take the
maze. It's up to you, but you're missing out if you go the long way.
It's safer, but less exciting.

Assuming you've taken the maze route (you did take the maze route,
didn't you?), an ambush will appear inside of the Stone Warrior
Formation as soon as someone approaches it. Compared to the maze in the
last game, where you could actually get lost (that is if you didn't use
the start map), this one is a complete joke. It looks way better than
the old one though. The maze (if you can call it that) is essentially a
nine by nine square with the start at the top and the exit on the left
side. Some areas are sealed off, but basically the path goes from the
top, upper right, right, lower right, and bottom squares. While in the
maze your radar will be disabled, but you can still use the start map
to find your way around just like the first time. Did I mention that
each area has a few enemies and crossbowmen? I probably didn't, but it
doesn't matter anyway. Have fun in the maze. You'll get two character
exclusive cut scenes when you enter the maze and when you exit it.
There are also two officers to play with inside of the maze. See if you
can find both of them. Weeeeee!

Ahem. I think the maze has gotten to my brain a bit. Anyway, after you
exit the maze you'll end up to the east of Liu Bei's camp. If you want
you can help out Sun Shang Xiang clear Ma An Gate to the north (for
some reason it takes them forever to clear that area despite the fact
there's an entire horde of Wu troops behind her). After that's taken
care of proceed into the camp and spank Zhuge Liang silly.
Surprisingly, Liu Bei is the strongest fighter out of all the Shu
warriors at Yi Ling, but considering the lukewarm opposition you've
just taken care of, that's not saying much. You can take out the gate
captains if you wish, but be warned that there are quite a bit of
crossbowmen in the area so it may be more trouble that it's worth.

The Nanman Campaign

Shu Forces:

One of two new major battles in Dynasty Warriors 3, this can be quite a
long one unless your character is significantly built up. The Nanman
solders are much stronger than anything you've encountered so far, so
it would be a good idea to have a third weapon for this one, as six hit
combos will help immensely. Zhuge Liang will be directing things from
the northern compound and should be relatively safe there as long as
morale remains high. Zhang Fei will be attacking Dong Tu Ne and Wu Tugu
to the west, and Ma Chao will be engaging King Mulu and King Duosi to
the east. Zhao Yun will head up the middle via the east bridge and
fight Yong Kai. Meng You and Meng Huo's wife Zhu Rong will guard Meng
Huo's fortress to the southwest. Speaking of Meng Huo, you may notice
that he initially starts close to the Shu compound. Whenever Meng Huo
is defeated he will reappear in another location and continue fighting.
This will occur up to six times. Upon his sixth defeat he will reappear
at his southwest base for the final battle. If you manage to get to his
base before he reappears for the first six fights, he will
automatically appear at his base camp and stay there for the remainder
of the battle. You don't have to fight him all six times, but he does
drop power ups every time he is defeated, so it might be worth your
while to engage him at every appearance.

Assuming you're going to fight Meng Huo all six times (every time you
defeat him you get a cut scene, if you get all six he becomes playable
in Free Mode), start out by engaging him right by the Shu compound.
After his defeat, he will return after a while in the western side of
the map by Dong Tu Ne. Before heading there you might want to pay a
visit to Yong Kai across the east bridge. He has a nice elephant you
can borrow to smash through the barrier separating the west area from
the east area. This makes things a bit more convenient for moving about
the area. If you're having trouble convincing him to let you borrow it,
wait until you're directly in back of him (or charging you for the
daredevils among us) and let loose with an arrow. Go ahead and kill him
too if you like, but you've got a date with Meng Huo to the west. On a
side note when you encounter elephants for the first time a cut scene
will occur showing the Shu army playing a friendly game of touch
football with the pachyderms.

Dailai Dongzhu (don't you just love these guy's names? my personal
favorite is Wu Tugu) is hanging around on the west side, but you can
save him for later unless you really want to take him out now, in which
case by all means go ahead and do so. By now Meng Huo should be
somewhere in the tropical rainforest along with Dong Tu Ne nearby.
You'll also most likely encounter the Nanman Elite troops for the first
time as well. As you might have guessed from the cut scene, these guys
are immune to arrows. From a historical perspective, the rattan armor
these guys are wearing protected them from swords and spears as well,
but fortunately it's not the case here. After beating Meng Huo for the
second time, he decides to get revenge on you by reappearing all the
way to the east where King Mulu is. You have quite a way to go so get a
move on. If you've cleared the barrier between the west and east side
you can use that route to save some time. Around this time King Duosi
will launch a raiding party near your base camp, but it's more of an
intimidation tactic than anything else. Proceed to Meng Huo.

Looks like Meng Huo has commandeered himself a horse. Which is good
since you're going to need it to get to his next appearance later. Of
notable interest here are poisoned marshes that drain your life at a
rapid pace if you get anywhere near them. On the upside they will also
affect the enemy as well, giving them a purple colored hue while doing
so. On the down side when you encounter the marshes for the first time
the morale of the entire Shu army will drop, so avoid the marshes if at
all possible. In the novel, the Nanman used this tactic against the Shu
army, so I'm guessing that is the reason behind the morale drop. After
defeating Meng Huo a third time, he will reappear by the villas west of
the Shu compound, so make good use of Meng Huo's present and get there
by horseback. Be sure to take out King Mulu if he's nearby, as you
won't be coming back to this area for quite some time.

Meng Huo is running amok there on yet another horse, accompanied by a
small force of Nanman Elite. Defeating him a fourth time gets you a
rather amusing cut scene and makes him reappear far to the south from
this position. Head south over the west bridge and dispatch Dailai
Dongzhu if you haven't already done so. A barricade prevents you from
going south past the gate captain to where Meng Huo is, but there is an
elephant with rider stationed conveniently nearby. After commandeering
the elephant, break through the barrier and go after Meng Huo. This
time he's wised up a bit and is now on an imperial elephant (which you
can't ride unless you're rank one or higher), accompanied by a large
crowd for backup. It would be a good idea to get him off the elephant
before taking him on this time. After his fifth defeat, he will
reappear near a crater southeast of the Shu compound. Taking him out
there is relatively easy. If you like you can break through the
southern barrier with your elephant and circle around the back on your
way there, taking out Yong Kai if you haven't done so already.

After defeating Meng Huo for the sixth time, he will be taken back to
his fortress in the southwest. Shortly after Zhu Rong will find out
about her husband's current dilemma in a cut scene and her morale will
increase. Before heading to the fortress make sure all the other
generals have been taken care of. By now the only ones left should be
Zhu Rong and Meng You by the fortress, and King Duosi in the southeast
corner by the spring. Head south and make your way to King Duosi.
Around the time you cross the southern bridge Zhuge Liang's army should
be mobilizing for the final assault. Go take out King Duosi, but be
careful as the area by the spring is very narrow, visibility is limited
by the trees and fog, and King Duosi's on an elephant to boot, so it's
very easy to get nailed like a ping pong ball while the other enemies
distract you. After that is taken care of head west and proceed to lay
siege to Meng Huo. Surprisingly, Zhu Rong isn't very powerful, but she
is on an elephant, and a dozen or so amazons guard her, and they're not
shy about getting up close and personal with you. The Nanman fortress
is loaded with soldiers, and Meng Huo is waiting patiently inside on an
elephant, with a gate captain behind him and crossbowmen on the
surrounding towers. Fortunately he can be baited rather easily once you
get him off the elephant. Try to get him to follow you away from the
area and you'll have a much easier time defeating him. Despite the fact
that this is the seventh encounter with him, he's just as easy as he
was the first six times. If this is your seventh time beating him, he
will submit to your superior fighting skills in a cut scene. Otherwise,
you'll put him out of his misery for good.

Wu Forces:

This battle is exactly the same as it was for the Shu scenario, except
Lu Xun replaces Zhuge Liang, Gan Ning replaces Zhang Fei, and Lu Meng
replaces Ma Chao. Sun Shang Xiang and Xiao Qiao are relegated to base
defense. Other than that you can proceed with the same strategies you
used in the Shu scenario. On one interesting note, I've seen a strange
glitch occur here by the poisoned marshes where Lu Meng was standing
directly on top of one mounted on his horse. His life meter was
completely empty and he just stood there "stoned" in the middle of the
marsh for the remainder of the battle. It's strange but true. Too bad
I've never been able to duplicate it.

Nanman Forces:

This battle can be rather harsh unless your character is pretty built
up in terms of attack and defense. You'll be going up against the Shu
Forces, but unlike their scenario they'll start on your side of the
field, so they'll be in an advantageous position right from the very
beginning. Unfortunately, Meng Huo will not participate at all during
the battle, staying put at his base until you've practically won, in
which case he's more than happy to help out. Ditto for Zhu Rong. So
it's up to you to save his sorry hide from the entire Shu army. The
basic set up is the same more or less so let's get moving on this one.

Morale makes a huge difference in how long your troops can hold out in
this battle, so it's important to take out generals as quickly and as
efficiently as possible. You'll start out in a position near the
southern bridge. Cross the bridge and head north to your first target
Zhao Yun. If you leave Zhao Yun alone and head east for Ma Chao, he
will end up chewing an impressive trail through the Nanman troops by
the time you get back to him. Best to get him out of the way now. After
his demise, you can circle back to engage Ma Chao by the poisoned
springs, but I found it's better to head north and take out Ma Dai
across the east bridge. There are a swarm of Shu troops north of the
bridge, so I hope you're ready for them.

Next you should head east to take Zhang Yi and Ma Chao, who by now are
probably deep in the poison marsh territory by now. When they've dealt
with appropriately, head back the way you came and engage Ma Liang in
front of the Shu compound, but do not enter it at this time. Let me
just repeat that one more time. Do not enter the Shu compound yet.
Doing so will reduce the morale of your entire army, which will be
disastrous at this point in the battle. After Ma Liang is gone, head
for the west bridge, dodging the crossbowmen grouped on it, and engage
Li Hui who should be nearby. The archer towers nearby are a pain so
keep moving to dodge the arrow fire. When he's gone head west and take
out Zhang Bao who should be near the entrance of the jungle. After he's
taken care of the last remaining threat is Zhang Fei to the west. Wu
Tugu, who has been going toe to toe with Zhang Fei since the beginning
of the battle, may or may not be alive at this point, depending on how
fast you were in taking out the other generals. In any case even if
he's dead Zhang Fei will usually still be hanging around the area. Go
ahead and avenge poor Wu Tugu.

Once Zhang Fei is gone the Nanman army will move to engage the
remaining Shu forces. Help them by going north over the bridge and
killing the final Shu general Guan Xing. Two of Zhuge Liang's officers
are hanging out near each of the gates beside the Shu compound. Take
them out if you wish, but make sure to leave at least one gate captain
alive in this battle. The one to the northeast is a good choice since
it has absolutely no effect on the outcome of this battle. The reason
is that if you manage to kill all the generals and gate captains in
this battle, Dong Tu Ne and Ahui Nan will both withdraw from the
battle, taking a small chunk of the morale bar with them. Trust me, a
defense up +1 is not worth the morale loss you will suffer because of
this. When the outer perimeter is cleared to your liking, go ahead and
enter the Shu compound. After a brief cut scene where you are attacked
by fire arrows, the entire Nanman army will take a loss in morale. The
exact reason behind this is unclear, but I can speculate. In the novel
the rattan armor the Nanman Elite use were made by soaking rattan in
oil so that it becomes extremely resilient to damage. This also has the
undesirable side effect of making it extremely flammable as well, a
fact that Zhuge Liang exploited rather harshly with a fire attack. In
fact the carnage from the soldiers going up in flames was so great that
Zhuge Liang was reduced to tears. The soldiers running away in the cut
scene supports this hypothesis. Anyway, by now the morale should be
high enough that this won't be enough to stop your momentum. Advance to
Zhuge Liang and show him just how much fortitude and spirit you have.

The Battle of Jie Ting

Shu Forces:

A.k.a Ma Su's Last Stand. This battle can be a tough one for the Shu
forces, and having an idiot like Ma Su doesn't help any. Your forces
consist of Ma Su in the west, Wei Yian in the center, and Ma Chao to
the east. You'll start right in the center with the Wei forces heading
straight your way. After taking out the nearby officers you can either
head for Cao Zhen to the north, or take on Zhen Ji in the east. During
this time Ma Su will blatantly disregard orders and start heading up
the hill to the west, where he'll be promptly ambushed for his trouble.
If he's not bailed out of his predicament, Ma Su will end up getting
killed, and despite your feelings to the contrary you should go and
help him out. To make matters worse, Zhang He may begin his downhill
charge event when he gets to the hill, putting Ma Su into double
jeopardy. If you do manage to rescue his sorry behind, Ma Su will
withdraw back to Zhuge Liang's base camp, and you can resume your
business with the Wei army. When Zhang He, Cao Zhen, and Zhen Ji are
disposed of, proceed with caution towards Sima Yi's camp. Being the
paranoid type that he is, he's positioned quite a few crossbowmen
around the camp, and taking them out will be neither fun nor easy.
Hopefully around this time Zhao Yun will arrive with reinforcements, so
that should make your job a bit easier.

Wei Forces:

This scenario is a bit easier than the Shu scenario since all of your
generals know how to follow orders. The strategy is the same except
this time you're going in the opposite direction. Ma Su will still be
an idiot and move up the hill without orders. If you want to get
revenge for the last time, go ahead and take him out yourself.
Otherwise, Zhang He will make short work of him when he begins his
"downhill charge like falling blossoms". This leaves you with just Wei
Yian and Ma Chao, neither of which are any particular threat. When
they're gone Sima Yi will tell you to find the Shu supply depot, which
is located in a small valley near the Shu encampment. It also is
guarded by several crossbowmen, but there's nowhere as near as many
here as there was in Sima Yi's camp. You can clear the depot out if you
want, but it's not necessary. Continue your assault on the Shu camp. At
around this time Zhao Yun may appear nearby to help defend the camp,
but if the other Shu generals are gone it's pretty much a futile
effort. When the main Wei army approaches the Shu camp, a cut scene
will occur of the mindless slaughter that is such a trademark of Wei
onslaughts, and the supply depot will be destroyed. From that point on
you should start going after Zhuge Liang himself and show him how Wei
generals follow orders.

The Battle at You Ting

Wu Forces:

This battle is similar to the Jie Ting battle except it's now the Wu
army going up against the Wei forces. But since they don't have an
idiot like Ma Su with them and a double agent in the Wei ranks, they
have a much better chance of success. The battlefield consists of three
paths leading to three fortresses, which defend the upper area where
Sima Yi is positioned. The Wu strategy is to launch an attack on all
three forts at once. Xiao Qiao will engage the west fort, Da Qiao will
take the east fort, and Sun Shang Xiang will take the center. Zhang Pu
guards the west fort, Zhang He the east fort, and Cao Xiu the center
along with Zhen Ji and Xu Huang. You can take any route you want, but
since you start out in the center you may as well take that approach.

Xu Huang is just around the corner, so engage him first. After that
it's time to play with Cao Xiu in the center fort. Zhen Ji will most
likely attack you as you enter the fort, but she's a minor nuisance at
best. On a side note, if you're playing as Sun Shang Xiang, Xiao Qiao,
or Da Qiao and you encounter Zhen Ji, a really weird cut scene will
occur. I have absolutely no idea what that one is all about, but you
have to love that matrix jump they do at the end. Anyway, when Cao Xiu
is taken care of, Wei reinforcements will arrive behind the center fort
to back him up. Fortunately, they're a bit too late for that. When the
center fort has fallen you can go help clear out either the west fort
or the east one. By the time you clear the center fort, Xiao Qiao
should be already engaging Zhang Pu in the west fort, so I usually head
for the east one. For some reason Da Qiao always seems to be lagging
behind, so help her out by engaging Zhang He. When he's gone go and
help Xiao Qiao with her battle in the west fort.

When all three forts have fallen, the Wu forces should begin
mobilizing. Zhou Fang, who is guarding the center pass, is one of your
own generals, and may or may not defect depending on how the battle
goes. If he defects, that's fine. If not, you can safely ignore him for
the rest of the battle. Or if you're impatient like me you can just go
ahead and kill him. In fact, if the morale of your army is high enough
he will not defect at all. Anyway, after Zhou Fang is a small bridge
where Xu Zhu is waiting for your approach. Defeating him clears the way
to Sima Yi's position for the rest of the Wu forces. There are three
gate captains here, but strangely enough only one is behind Sima Yi.
You can safely ignore the other two gates, but be sure to secure the
center one before you engage the Wei commander.

The Baron Samedi wrote in to report that if you defeat Zhang Pu and
Zhang He before confronting Cao Xiu a cut scene plays showing the Wu
forces getting ready to attack Cao Xiu from both sides. I've discovered
that this is also what triggers Zhou Fang's defection back to your

Wei Forces:

You have to love Sima Yi's attitude. And it's one you should adopt too.
If Zhou Fang doesn't defect in this battle, that's good. If not, you
can just crush him along with the rest of the pathetic Wu army. The
battle layout is the same as it was in the Wu scenario, and since Sun
Quan doesn't have you leading the way this time, things don't look too
good for him. And having Xiao Qiao, Sun Shang Xiang, and Da Qiao as his
primary generals don't help him much either.

As before, the choice of which route you take is up to you, but I'd
recommend dealing with the Qiao sisters first. Once they're out of the
way, your forces can attack the Wu encampment from three directions.
Depending on how the battle goes, Zhou Fang may or may not defect to
the Wu side. If he does, it won't make much of a difference since he'll
tend to do it while he's completely surrounded by the Wei forces. That
just leaves Sun Shang Xiang to deal with, and from previous encounters
with her you know that she can take as much damage as a wet paper
towel. Lu Xun is guarding the camp too, but will only put up slightly
more of a fight than Lady Sun did. As you enter the Wu camp you'll
encounter some archers, but it's going to take a lot more than that to
stop you now. Secure the gate behind Sun Quan and then finish him off.

The Siege of He Fei Castle

Important Note: It's very important that you never walk onto the stone
bridge crossing the pond in the center of the castle (the one shown in
the opening scene), no matter how much you want to. Doing so in either
scenario will make dozens of enemy archers appear around the entire
courtyard area. Depending on how far your army is in the castle it can
be a minor setback or a complete disaster. Apparently Omega Force
decided to make the courtyard bridge area so attractive that you
wouldn't be able to resist going over it. Your reward is a nice view
and a few hundred arrows up the backside. DO NOT WALK ONTO THE BRIDGE
IN THE CENTER OF THE POND! Okay. I've said my piece. Now on to the

Wu Forces:

The second of two new major battles in Dynasty Warriors 3, The Siege of
He Fei Castle is a much more dramatic conclusion between the Wu and Wei
armies than The Battle of He Fei in the last game. Unless your
character is a real wrecking machine, you're going to be spending quite
a bit of time on this one. Having a third weapon helps immensely, as
you will be hacking through an impressive number of soldiers in the
battle. The basic premise is the Wu army is laying siege to the new Wei
castle at He Fei in an all out effort to wipe them out once and for
all. He Fei Castle consists of four basic areas: the west gate, the
main gate, the east gate, and the inner compound. Gan Ning will assault
the west gate, Lu Xun and Sun Shang Xiang the main gate, and Lu Meng
the east gate. You may notice that the fastest way into the castle is
straight through the main gate, and might want to take that route
initially, but Sima Yi has already anticipated this. The moment anyone
enters the center area an enemy ambush will appear there in a cut
scene. The main gate beyond that area is locked and will remain locked
until the generals on the other side are eliminated. The east gate is
locked as well, so it looks like the west gate is the only other
option. Head for the west gate of the castle.

After defeating the nearby gate captain, head into the castle through
the west gate. It seems that Sima Yi was anticipating your arrival and
set up some fun obstacles for you to play with. The moment you enter
the western corridor arrows will begin to fire at you from the wall.
Welcome to the aptly named Wall of Arrows trap. Fighting in this area
can be hazardous to your health, so ignore all the enemies here and
make a break for it to the north. Once you've gotten past the trap you
can deal with the soldiers following you. When they're taken care of,
proceed around the corner to Sima Yi's next surprise. Be sure to walk
around those pillars in the area, unless you want to fall prey to the
terrifying Wind Corridor trap. Scary isn't it? Yes, those gusts around
the pillars will damage you, so resist the urge to touch them and just
walk around the trap to the next area. You'll run into a small
welcoming party next, complete with crossbowmen. After that it's time
for one heck of a battle royal in the main courtyard. Hopefully the Wu
army is right behind you at this point since you're going to need all
the help you can get.

Zhang He and Xu Huang are waiting for you in the main courtyard, along
with a few hundred soldiers or so. Fortunately, they won't both attack
you at once, so take them out one at a time. When both generals are
defeated the Wu army will open all the gate of the castle from the
inside. Unfortunately, around this time massive reinforcements from Wei
will arrive outside of the castle from the east. And I do mean massive.
In fact there are probably more Wei soldiers outside now than in the
castle. And considering that all of the Wu generals are occupied in the
castle, this makes Sun Quan and his small garrison extremely
vulnerable. Sima Yi is quite a strategist, but I would expect no less
from him. Anyway, you should head out back through the main gate and
help repel this sneak attack. Aside from helping Sun Quan survive,
killing the new arrivals Cao Rui and Man Chong will increase your
army's morale. Just be warned that it might take a while to thin out
their forces. Don't worry about the others in the castle. With Zhang He
and Xu Huang taken care of, they should be wrecking house (or castle as
the case may be).

When Cao Rui and Man Chong are dealt with, pay a visit to Xu Zhu to the
east via the east gate. If no one has engaged him yet, you will get a
special cut scene of him defending the stone bridge against you (one of
the coolest cut scenes in the game in my opinion). This cut scene will
only occur if you approach him from across the bridge. When the Marquis
Tiger has met his honorable end, head back to the main courtyard and on
towards the inner compound where the last of the Wei generals are
waiting for their inevitable end. You can head to the west entrance
where Zhen Ji is, or head to the east entrance where Zhang Liao awaits.
Take out the gate captain by the entrance of your choice, then head
inside and engage the general there. Run over to the opposite side and
repeat. Then head up the stairs to the top of the wall and make your
way to the top of the castle where Sima Yi awaits his impending doom.
He's not that hard, but if you get into trouble just blast him with
your Musou attack and jump over the castle wall. By this time there
should be a sea of Wu soldiers in the castle. Just sit back and
manually recharge your Musou gage, then go back up for another round.

Wei Forces:

The Wei scenario starts off with a real test of endurance. Unlike the
Wu scenario, most of the Wu forces already start inside of the castle,
meaning that they won't have to go through Sima Yi's funhouse like you
did the last time. Lu Xun and Lu Meng will be in the central courtyard,
Sun Shang Xiang is positioned to the northeast, and Gan Ning is where
Xu Zhu used to be in the Wu scenario. Interestingly enough there is a
new Wu general Zhen Ji (not your Zhen Ji) that is positioned in the
northwest. Zhang He and Xu Huang will be defending the courtyard
against the Wu invaders. Zhen Ji (the one with the sexy dress) Xu Zhu,
and Zhang Liao will stay back and guard Sima Yi.

Right from the start you will be swarmed with wave upon wave of Wu
soldiers. And despite what Sima Yi says, you won't be able to count on
reinforcements bailing you out this time. It's up to you to defend He
Fei Castle and save the day. Unlike the last scenario, Wu will get
reinforcements shortly after the battle begins, but they'll appear
outside of the castle so you won't have to deal with them until later.
The main concern is just surviving for the first few minutes of this
battle. Cut your way slowly but surely through the massive crowds to
where Lu Xun and Lu Meng are positioned. They normally won't both
attack you, so take them down one at a time (easier said than done with
all the enemies around). Surprisingly, once this accomplished you've
pretty much survived the worst of this battle. When these two are
defeated all the gates to the castle will open will open and Zhuge Jin,
Sun Shao, and the remainder of the Wu forces will flood inside the
castle to engage you and your forces.

From this point on it's simply a matter of going after and
systematically destroying the Wu generals one by one. Zhen Ji, Sun
Shang Xiang, and the two new arrivals Zhuge Jin and Sun Shao are
complete jokes. The only general who will put up a decent fight is Gan
Ning in the northeast, but if you've survived all of this so far, he
shouldn't be much of a problem at all. Around this time Wei will get
reinforcements from the southeast in the form of Cao Rui and Man Chong
(but in much smaller numbers than the last time). They won't be of much
help, but their presence is greatly appreciated. When the remaining Wu
generals are all dead, Sima Yi will begin mobilizing everyone to the
beachhead in a blue tidal wave to sweep over the remaining Wu forces
there. Ride the wave in and, as Sima Yi says, "Destroy them all!"

The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains

Shu Forces:

This final showdown between the Shu and Wei isn't quite the same battle
royal as it was in the last game, but it's still a battle of epic
proportions. Shu has a slight advantage on this map as their camp is in
a better defensive position. On the downside, they are outnumbered
almost two to one. Let's start with a basic description of the
battlefield. Zhuge Liang starts out in a large encampment to the south
surrounded by a river that divides the Wu Zhang Plains into three
sections: the west area, center area, and east area.

West Area: To the southwest Zhao Yun is defending a small camp against
Xu Huang. A bridge east of there leads to the center area where the
main Shu camp is located. To the northwest Ma Dai is defending a
similar camp against both Xu Zhu and Cao Hong. Bridges nearby lead to
the center area and east area. Zhen Ji has taken up a position directly
between these two camps.

Center Area: The Shu encampment is located on a large hill that takes
up most of the center area. Bridges to the west, north, and east of the
camp connect the area to the rest of the map, but to get to them one
must go around the hill, making it very time consuming to use them.
Wang Ping starts to the west of the encampment and will engage Cao Ren
who is nearby on a small hill. The hill on which the Shu encampment is
located is heavily guarded. Guan Xing and Jiang Wei guard the northwest
entrance, and Zhang Yi and Zhang Bao guard the southeast entrance.
There is only one entrance to the main camp itself on top of the hill,
where Huang Zhong stands guard. The inner camp beyond is where Zhuge
Liang himself is positioned.

East Area: To the northeast is Sima Yi's main camp, guarded by Zhang
Liao. Zhang Fei will be attacking Sima Zhao, who is on a hill west of
Sima Yi's camp. To the south is a large empty plain, and further south
is where Wei Yian is defending a camp against Sun Li.

Your initial position should be in the southeast near Zhang Bao. The
most efficient route I've found for this battle is to move in a
counterclockwise direction taking out any nearby Wei generals as you
go. Your first target should be Sun Li who is harassing Wei Yian to the
southeast. Defeating him will bring additional Wei reinforcements to
the area in the form of Cao Xiu. Take him down as well, but be sure not
to go anywhere near Sima Yi in the northeast just yet, as you have a
special surprise to save for him later. When you get near the large
expanse of plains in the area, Zhuge Liang's secret weapon Wood Ox will
appear. Unless you really need the supplies, ignore them for the time
being. Next you should assist Zhang Fei to the northeast in taking out
Sima Zhao. Sima Zhao will eventually start launching catapult attacks
against your headquarters if left alone, so it's important to deal with
him now. Defeating him may trigger yet more Wei reinforcements from the
north led by Man Chong. Once he's dealt with, head west over the bridge
to the northwest camp.

Ma Dai will be putting up a heck of a fight against both Xu Zhu and Cao
Hong here, but if you've been defeating generals regularly and keeping
morale up, he should be okay for the time being. Assist him by taking
both of them out. Take extra caution while doing so, as there will be
quite a bit of crossbowmen lurking about the area. By now Zhen Ji has
probably joined Xu Huang in the southwest to double-team Zhao Yun, so
that should be your next destination. Once there show Zhen Ji her place
and show Xu Huang what you've got. Once they're gone, there's only one
more general to take care of before the climactic finish. Head for Cao
Ren on the other side of the bridge and destroy him.

When all of the Wei generals have been destroyed, a jazzy heroic theme
will start to play, and the Shu army will begin mobilizing for an all
out attack on Sima Yi. If you like you can head directly for the Wei
camp or stop by the Wood Ox weapons and grab all the supplies there.
When you get near the Wei camp, a cut scene will take place where your
character will taunt Sima Yi (each character has an exclusive taunt.
Collect them all!). Despite what his reply, Sima Yi's morale will drop
(shouldn't it go up?) as a result. All that stands between you and
complete victory is Zhang Liao and a few hundred Wei soldiers. There's
not much else I can say here other than to defeat Zhang Liao and clear
the area of soldiers, archers, and gate captains before you take on
Sima Yi himself.

Wei Forces:

BOMBARDED! Forewarned is forearmed.

This battle can be amusing or annoying, depending on how you approach
it. While the Wei camp has a less defensible position than the Shu
camp, chances are the enemy won't come anywhere near it for the entire
battle, so it's not too much of a worry. On the plus side, the Shu army
loses Zhao Yun and gets Yan Yan instead. In addition, Zhang He replaces
Cao Ren. You gain a better general and they loose a good general. You
also get some neat toys to use against the Shu army in the form of
catapults (more on that later). You even get two waves of
reinforcements to boot! Isn't Wei great or what? Three cheers for Wei!

Getting back to the battle plan, you will most likely start in the
northwest by Xu Zhu and Cao Hong, who are all set to party with Ma Dai.
The battle is pretty much the same as the Shu scenario with the
exceptions I've noted above. For reasons I'll explain later, I would
recommend heading in a counterclockwise direction as before. First on
the agenda is Ma Dai who conveniently nearby. Don't bother fighting the
gate captain near his location as it's too far away and too much of a
bother to get to. After stomping him flat head on your merry way to the
southwest where Zhen Ji is most likely double-teaming Yan Yan with Xu
Huang (Wei generals sure know the value of teamwork, don't they?).
After Yan Yan's timely demise, head on over to Zhang He's position and
spank Wang Ping thoroughly. Now comes the fun part of raiding the Shu

First on the menu is Guan Xing, who is stationed near the northwest
entry point of the hill. At the top of the stairs Jiang Wei will be
along shortly to accost you. Show him that flashy clothes and a high
pitched battle cry a warrior does not make, and make your way to the
other side of the encampment. As you approach the entrance to the main
encampment, your character will be ambushed in a cut scene and dozens
of soldiers will appear in the area, along with several archers
covering the entrance. Do not stick around and admire them. Make post
haste to the south and don't slow down until they give up the chase.
Zhang Yi and Zhang Bao should be nearby the area near the southeast
entrance to the hill. Defeat both of them and head east to assist Sun
Li against Wei Yian. Wei Yian has a lot of troops for backup, but will
foolishly charge out ahead of them as you approach. Show him the folly
of his ways. After he's gone, there should only be one Shu general left
on the map. That said general should be Zhang Fei to the northeast. He
should be attacking Sima Zhao at this very moment. And despite how you
might regret it later, you should go and save him from Zhang Fei's
lukewarm wrath.

The reason? Sima Zhao is responsible for launching catapult attacks
against the Shu headquarters. A cut scene will signify that he is
setting up for the attacks. If he is killed, the attacks will not take
place, which can be a good thing depending on how you look at it. If
given enough time, Sima Zhao will start bombarding Shu headquarters
with large rocks. This will reduce the Shu morale quite a bit and
squash many enemies. Unfortunately, the rocks being hurled at the enemy
can't differentiate between friend and foe, and will be happy to squash
you flat if given the chance. And since you can't tell when or where a
rock will land next, chances are pretty good that one will hit you. Or
two. And these rocks hurt. A lot (50%+ damage to Lu Bu with maximum
defense!). And if you happen to be attacking Shu headquarters at this
time you might find it rather inconvenient for this to be happening
now. So be sure to stay out of Shu headquarters when the rocks start to
fly or you will regret it. If you have your controller's vibration
feature on, you can tell when you're in danger when you feel the
thumping of the rocks. Flee the area until the thumping goes away.
After the first attack, Sima Zhao will stop to reload for a second
attack, so you're not completely safe when the rocks stop coming. He'll
run out of ammunition after the second barrage, so you'll be safe then.

Where was I? Oh yes. Finish off Zhang Fei and Sima Yi will begin
mobilizing his army to attack the Shu headquarters. While you're
running around killing generals during the battle, two waves of Wei
reinforcements will appear (Cao Xiu near the southeast and Man Chong to
the northeast), and unlike most reinforcements they will come in handy.
When the Shu generals are no more, head back towards the Shu encampment
to take care of some unfinished business. The troops that ambushed you
last time are still there, so take it nice and slow. There won't be any
more surprises to fear along the way (unless Sima Zhao is planning
another barrage, then you should be very afraid). Some token resistance
will confront you along the way, as will Huang Zhong. Retire him as you
see fit, then move on to Zhuge Liang and show him exactly what the
outcome of this battle will be.

The Mountain Bandit Campaign (Musou Mode only)

This battle serves as either a tutorial or bonus stage, depending on
when you encounter it. It's basically you against three bandit officers
and their pitifully weak forces. You'll have the villagers backing you
up for this one (privates for game purposes), and surprisingly they can
pretty much hold their own in this battle as long as you don't decide
to go down to the local 7-Eleven for an oolong tea slurpee. All you
have to do is go around and take out the three bandit officers
scattered around the area. You can take out the gate captain to the
north too while you're at it. When that's done the bandit leader
appears by the gate to the north. He's much tougher than his cohorts
were, but considering how strong they were that's not saying much. On
an interesting note, if you're playing as Zhang Liao, Zhang Fei will be
the bandit leader and a humorous dialog ensues between the two.

Pirate Attack on the High Seas (Musou Mode only)

This battle is exclusive to Gan Ning, Lu Meng, and Xiao Qiao, and
serves as a tutorial battle for them. Basically some scary pirates
decide to try and raid a ship. Unfortunately for them, you just happen
to be on that ship. This is basically the same as the mountain bandit
scenario except you're dealing with pirates instead of bandits. There
are a few archers stationed on the ships, but fortunately they're not
as dangerous as they will be in the future. You don't need to take out
the three pirate officers on the other ships, but since this is your
first battle it makes for good warm up practice for the real thing.
There are two gate captains here, but the one to the southeast requires
some serious jogging to get to. If you want to get this battle over
with, just head for the pirate leader and swab the deck with him. Oh
yes, did I mention that there is a ship captain, and if he dies you
lose the battle? Fortunately, old Davy Jones is rather resilient and
won't go down easily unless you take time out for a suntan on the deck.

Raid on the Rogue Fortress (Musou Mode only)

Some people have had a hard time on this one due to the quirky design
of the fortress. To tell you the truth, so did I until I found out what
to do. Basically, this battle is... ummmm... a raid on a rogue
fortress. A fortress of rogue bandits to be exact. Anyway, after your
character decides it's his/her civic duty to clear the trash from the
fortress, you'll start out in the southwest corner outside of the fort.
You may be worried at first about the sheer number of bandits compared
to your forces, but don't worry. They're all stationed in various
positions and will only attack when you get to their location.

Start things out by heading north until you get to the west gate. Clear
the crowd near it and the gate should open. Head inside and proceed
north to the first bandit lieutenant. After he's taken care of, head
southeast to the south gate and kill the sergeant there. Doing so will
open the gate leading to the inner compound to the rest of your forces.
Don't worry about the forces to the south. They'll break through
eventually. Then go northeast around the corner to engage the second
lieutenant. After he's gone head back the way you came and go through
the gate to the north. Keep heading north around the corner until you
get to the third lieutenant. When he's given up the ghost, head north
and you'll get a cut scene of you character's reaction to this crazy
fortress. Apparently, all the doors to the fourth and last lieutenant
are sealed shut and no amount of knocking will open them. The trick to
solving this mystery is to go over them. Head back west until you see
stairs leading up to the top of the wall. From there you can follow the
walls north until you reach the area where the last lieutenant is
stationed. Killing him will open a door to the center of the fortress
where the bandit leader awaits you. Depending on which character you've
chosen you may encounter the bandit leader from the mountain bandit
campaign, or a defeated general of one of the Three Kingdoms. Possible
leaders include Zhang Fei, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, and Huang Gai. The leader
(or former general) will be much tougher than he was the last time
around so fight cautiously. On an interesting note, sometimes the
bandit leader's introduction cut scene is shown twice in a row, but I'm
not sure what causes this exactly.

XI. Character Quotes

Defeat: What the character says when they defeat an officer/general.
Introduction: What the character says when you encounter them.
Retreat: What the character says when they retreat from battle.
Death: What the character says when they die.
Encounter: What the character says when they encounter the enemy.
50 KO's: What the character says to congratulate you for 50 KO's.
Behind: What the character says when they are falling behind.
Trouble: What the character says when they are in trouble.

Zhao Yun
Defeat: The enemy officer has fallen to my blade!
Introduction: Watch my spear and learn!
Behold the spear of Little Dragon!
At last, a worth opponent!
Retreat: Impressive. I shall retreat...for now.
I cannot fall here. My Lord needs me.
Death: Death in battle is honorable.
Encounter: So they've joined up...
We will crush them in one blow!
You thought you could get by me!?!
Show them what we're made of!
50 KO's: You're even better than they say!
Just as I expected!
Behind: We must not fall behind!

Guan Yu
Defeat: Victory is mine!
Introduction: I am Guan Yu, brother of Liu Bei! I will prevail!
In battle I answer with my blade!
Feel the power of the Blue Dragon!
Retreat: You have not seen the last of me! Farewell!
I underestimated you!
Death: Argh! I have indeed failed my brothers!
Encounter: So, they've joined up...
Hmm, another army...
We will crush them today!
You shall not pass!
Show them our strength!
50 KO's: You're a better general than I'd heard!
You're good!
Behind: We must not fall behind!
Trouble: Is this the end...

Zhang Fei
Defeat: I beat the enemy general!
Introduction: I am Zhang Fei!
Come get some!
I'm itching for a fight!
Retreat: Hmph! You're tougher than I thought!
To defeat the mighty Zhang Fei...
I'm outta here! See ya!
Death: My brothers...Forgive me...
Encounter: You expected to get by me!
We will swat them away like flies!
50 KO's: You're pretty good!
Behind: We must press harder!
Trouble: Hold out until reinforcements come!

Huang Zhong
Introduction: Ha! Who says I'm too old for this?
I will serve until my death!
Retreat: My Lord is going to think I am getting too old.
Death: Enough! I have lived well.
50 KO's: You're a better general than I have heard!
Behind: We must not fall behind!

Ma Chao
Introduction: You who trouble the land! I shall oppose you!
Justice is with us! We shall prevail!
Retreat: You are brave! We shall meet again!
You are very skilled! I salute you!
Death: Kuu...I die with no regrets!
Encounter: Show them our strength!
50 KO's: Great!
You're a strong general!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Wei Yian
Introduction: Hmph...You worm!
Retreat: Impossible...I lost...
Death: Death...I...Ahhh...
Encounter: More come...
Don't let them through!
50 KO's: Better than rumors...
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Jiang Wei
Introduction: I shall defeat all before me! To battle!
Lord! I shall honor you!
Death: Please forgive me.
50 KO's:
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Pang Tong
Introduction: A brawl? Not my style...
You're a pain!
I guess I have some time to play.
Death: Why must I die here?
Encounter: So, they joined...
We will attack them all at once!
50 KO's: You're a better general than I have heard!
Great work!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Zhuge Liang
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: There is more to me than just strategy.
I already know what this outcome will be.
Battles are not won by strength alone.
Retreat: There will be another day...
To win without fighting is the ultimate plan.
Death: I can't believe I was unable to repay Liu Bei's trust...
Encounter: Show them the strength of our army!
Now! Attack with everything you have!
50 KO's: I did not know that you were this good!
You are a valiant warrior!
Use all the force you have!
Behind: They are outdoing us. Fight harder!

Liu Bei
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: I am Liu Bei, descendant of Liu Sheng!
I oppose all who destroy the peace!
For the restoration of the Empire!
Retreat: It is for my people that I will desist.
I will not rest until the Han are restored!
Death: My brothers...I'm sorry to say, but I must break our oath.
Encounter: Hmm. Another army...
So, they've joined...
Show them our strength!
They think they can pass our army!
We will destroy them!
50 KO's: You are a powerful warrior!
Don't let anyone get ahead of you!
I didn't know that you were this good of a warrior!
Hmm. Impressive!
Behind: Don't get behind!

Dian Wei
Defeat: I slaughtered that one!
Introduction: I am Dian Wei. Fight me!
I will crush you with my own hands.
Idiot! Why do you rush to die?
Retreat: You'll regret this! Retreat!
An even match? Impossible!
For my Lord, I can not die here!
Death: Lord Cao Cao, my life for you...
Encounter: Show them what you've got!
We will finish this today!
50 KO's: Not bad!
You're good, better than the rumors say!
Behind: We can't let them out do us!

Zhang He
Introduction: Pitiful fool, you will die.
This battlefield will be your last.
There is nothing my claws cannot tear.
Retreat: Grace is equally important in retreat.
There is no glory to be won from this battle.
That was an impressive battle... Until next time...
Encounter: More enemies...
They've joined against us...
You won't get by me so easily!
50 KO's: You're stronger than rumors say!
Behind: Don't lag behind!
Trouble: Stand strong until reinforcements come!

Xiahou Dun
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: I am Xiahou Dun! Come! Fight me!
You wish to fight me? How amusing.
I shall put an end to this!
Retreat: I was careless...
Next time you shall die!
How can I face Cao Cao?
Death: Cao Cao...Forgive me...
Encounter: Hmm, another enemy...
They've joined forces...
Crush them with one blow!
It is time to show them our true strength!
50 KO's: You're a better general that I have heard!
Good job!
Behind: Don't lag behind!

Xiahou Yuan
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: I cannot be stopped!
I eat people like that for lunch!
I will strike you down!
Retreat: Got a little carried away...
Here's someone even I can't beat! Fall back!
This wasn't meant to be...
Death: I can't die! Not yet!
Encounter: Another army...
They joined against us...
Show them our power!
Did you think we would let you through!
We will crush them!
50 KO's: You're tough!
You're better than I had heard!
Behind: Don't slack! Fight!

Xu Zhu
Defeat: That's one down!
Introduction: I eat guys like you for breakfast!
Beat me if you can!
You're mine!
Retreat: We'll meet again...
Geez, you got me!
That's it! I quit!
Death: Is this the end?
Encounter: We will crush them in one blow!
50 KO's: Nice job.
I heard you were this good!
Behind: Fight harder!

Zhang Liao
Introduction: You should not be so eager to die!
You shall not go another step!
I, Zhang Liao, will oppose you!
Retreat: Even the great Zhang Liao must lose sometime...
You're even stronger than they say!
I shall not die yet!
Death: I have found my place of rest! Farewell!
Encounter: Show them our strength!
50 KO's: Splendid!
The rumors weren't wrong about you!
Behind: We're falling behind. Go!

Xu Huang
Introduction: Come! Won't you cross swords with me?
Let us begin.
Show me what you've got!
Retreat: You fight impressively. Farewell!
I have finally met my match...
I still have much to learn...
Death: Is this it? Does it all end here?
Encounter: They've joined against us...
The enemy has been reinforced...
You won't get by me so easily!
Show the world our skill!
We will destroy them!
50 KO's: Splendid!
You're more skilled than I've heard!
Amazing skill...
Behind: Don't lag behind!

Zhen Ji
Introduction: I am as good as you my Lords!
You shall not stand in my Lord's way!
You scoundrel! Learn your place!
Retreat: I got my sleeves dirty.
We shall meet again...
I will remember your face!
Death: My dear, I wish you good fortune!
50 KO's:
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Sima Yi
Introduction: You should realize your stupidity!
My dynasty will be built on your death!
You're nothing more than child's play.
Retreat: This war is not over. We shall meet again.
You are more than I can handle.
Retreating is part of my plan.
Death: I have done all that I could.
Encounter: Hmm, another army...
They think they can pass our army!
We will crush them!
50 KO's: You're stronger than rumors say!
Don't let anyone get ahead of you!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Cao Cao
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: It is unfortunate to kill one of such skill...
I shall destroy all who get in my way!
I will show you the path to the spirit world.
Retreat: Do not think this is the end! I'll be back.
I cannot die yet.
This is not the end. Until next time.
Death: It cannot end here! Not yet!
Encounter: They joined against us...
Go! Teach them not to mess with us!
We will crush them today!
Did you think we would let you through!
50 KO's: Hmm. Impressive!
You're a better general than I have heard!
You are a formidable warrior!
Behind: Don't fall behind!
Don't lag behind!

Zhou Yu
Defeat: The enemy general has fallen to my blade!
Introduction: Unnecessary bloodshed...yet again!
Why do you discard your life so foolishly?
Behold the dance of my sword!
Retreat: Retreat is the best plan here.
You are very skilled!
For my master, I must not die today!
Death: I can't die here! Not me!
Encounter: We will not let them through!
We will attack in one sweep!
Show them our strength!
50 KO's: Impressive!
You're a better general than I have heard!
Behind: Don't be outdone! Fight!

Sun Shang Xiang
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: My bow is just more than for looks.
My brother shall praise me for defeating you.
Don't underestimate me because I'm a woman.
Retreat: I have to go now. My family will worry.
Death: I do not want to die, not yet.
Encounter: Don't let them through! Not one!
It's time to show them what we can do!
We will beat them down!
50 KO's: I've heard rumors! You're good!
Behind: Fight harder!

Huang Gai
Introduction: It takes guts to stand before me!
You think you're a match for me?
Anybody like to take me on?
Retreat: Heh heh. You're pretty good!
Death: Will this battlefield be my last...
50 KO's: Great work!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Lu Xun
Defeat: Ha! I beat an officer!
Introduction: Shall we begin? En garde!
I've heard about you. This should be fun!
Do you think you can evade my swords?
Retreat: I shall concede defeat for now...
You are a worthy opponent...
You're stronger than I expected.
Death: I'm too young to die...
Encounter: We will not let them through our army!
Now, show them the might of our army!
50 KO's: Splendid!
You're a better general than the rumors say...
Behind: We must not lag behind!

Taishi Ci
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: I'll crush anyone who stands in my way!
This will be your last battle!
Let's do this!
Retreat: What amazing power!
Next time, no matter where, I will not lose!
I shall not die here!
Death: Has fate abandoned me?
Encounter: I will display the power of this army!
50 KO's: Great job, general!
The rumors were right about your skills!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Lu Meng
Introduction: I will destroy you if it's the last thing I do!
I will not let you through. Try if you dare!
I have nothing against you. But this is war!
Retreat: This is not a time to be brave.
I cannot believe this!
Death: My lord! I must leave you now! Long live Wu!
Encounter: Hmm, another army...
So, they've joined...
We will not let them by our army!
Show them our strength!
We will attack in the name of Righteousness!
50 KO's: You fight like the devil!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Gan Ning
Introduction: They call me Gan Ning of the Bells. Let's play!
I'm Gan Ning of Wu. Who are you?
Boy, are you unlucky! Running into me like this.
Retreat: Sorry, gotta go.
I didn't know you were this tough...
Death: Man, I really messed up today...
Encounter: Don't take them lightly!
50 KO's: I didn't know you were so good!
Good job!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Da Qiao
Introduction: I can fight!
I am not afraid of anything!
Retreat: I can't fight anymore...
Death: Nooo...Nooo...I'm very, very sorry!
50 KO's:
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Xiao Qiao
Introduction: Don't mess with me!
I don't lose to anyone!
Retreat: Ouch! You're mean!
Death: Master, it hurts!
50 KO's: Splendid!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Sun Ce
Introduction: This is war. Mercy is for the weak!
Death: So this is it! I guess it's not so bad!
Encounter: We will crush them.
50 KO's: Impressive! Better than the rumors say!
Don't let anyone pass you!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Sun Quan
50 KO's:

Sun Jian
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: My sons, this is how a general fights!
Interesting! You want to fight me!
Do you honestly think you can defeat me?
Retreat: I look forward to our next encounter!
I cannot let my sons see me like this!
There is no choice. I must retreat!
Death: Sons...the future is yours.
Encounter: Another army...
We will show the world the strength of our army!
We will stop them dead!
We will crush them!
50 KO's: Mmm...Great!
You are a stalwart hero!
Don't let anyone get ahead!
Let us call you a brave general!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Diao Chan
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: You dare to be my enemy?
I will show you the splendor of my dance.
Prepare to meet your destiny!
Retreat: N/A
Death: Father, please forgive me.
50 KO's: Splendid work...
You're strong, just as the rumors say!
Behind: We need to keep up!

Lu Bu
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: Die, you scum!
You dare stand in my way! You pitiful worm!
I am Lu Bu! Bow down before me!
Retreat: N/A
Death: Impossible! I, I...
Encounter: We'll destroy them in an instant!
Give them cause to fear!
They thought they could get by me!
50 KO's: Incredible!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Dong Zhou
Defeat: Look! I have defeated an officer!
Introduction: Who is this? You are a fool to try and stop me!
Yet another sacrifice to my glory!
Kill them all! Ha! Ha!
Retreat: N/A
Death: No, no, my plan... It is all ruined now.
50 KO's: We are very honored. You are a true hero!
Behind: Everyone push harder!
Don't hold back! Attack!

Yuan Shao
Defeat: I have defeated an officer!
Introduction: This kingdom is mine! Kneel before me!
The Yuan family shall rule this era.
Grovel and tremble before me. I am Yuan Shao!
Retreat: N/A
Death: May the Yuan family prosper...
50 KO's: You are a stalwart hero!
You're a better general than I have heard!
Good job!
Behind: Don't lag behind!
Don't fall behind!

Zhang Jiao
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: Witness the miracles of The Way of Peace!
The Han is dead! Long live the Yellow dragon!
I shall punish all those who defy Heaven's will.
Retreat: I have no time for the unenlightened.
When all else fails, attack!
Death: Though my body may die, my spirit will live forever!
50 KO's:

Meng Huo
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: Meet your death, maggot!
Bow before King Meng Huo!
I will cleave through your soul!
Retreat: N/A
Death: Ah, I'm not finished yet!
50 KO's: Oh. Good job!
Don't let anyone pass you!
Behind: Don't fall behind!

Zhu Rong
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: Some moves you got there.
I am Zhu Rong, daughter of Fire!
You're mine!
Retreat: N/A
Death: Is this the end?
50 KO's:

Fu Xi
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: N/A
Retreat: N/A
Death: N/A
Encounter: N/A
50 KO's: N/A
Behind: N/A
Trouble: N/A

Nu Wa
Defeat: I defeated an officer!
Introduction: N/A
Retreat: N/A
Death: N/A
Encounter: N/A
50 KO's: N/A
Behind: N/A
Trouble: N/A

XII. Variable Character Cut Scenes

There are many events in the game where the dialogue changes depending
on which character you've selected. Try them out with different
characters to see their reaction to the situation.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion

Go forward! (Han Forces) - If you manage to reach the top of the hill
where Zhang Bao is after be starts rolling boulders down the hill, a
cut scene will play showing your character smashing a boulder and
giving a motivational speech to the troops.

The Battle at Hu Lao Gate

To Hu Lao Gate! (Allied Forces) - On the approach to Hu Lao Gate a cut
scene will play showing your character directing the assault.

Surprise Attack on Liu Biao

Head for the fort! (Sun Jian's Forces) - The opening cut scene features
your character leading the way toward the shore through a hail of

The Battle at Wan Castle

Clear a path! (Cao Cao's Forces) - The opening cut scene shows your
character giving commands to the troops.

Assault on Wu Territory

Attack them both at once! (Sun Ce's Forces) - Your character suggests a
two-way attack to Sun Ce in this cut scene.

The Battle at Guan Du

I found it! (Cao Cao's Forces) - When you find Wu Chao compound a cut
scene will show your character ordering a report back to Cao Cao.

The Battle of Chang Ban

I've been waiting! (Cao Cao's Forces) - When Cao Cao arrives your
character will make a comment in the battle.

The Battle at Chi Bi

The wind! (Liu Bei's Forces) - When the wind blows your character will
comment on it in a cut scene.

Assault on Cheng Du

Where is this? (Liu Bei's Forces) - The starting cut scene features
your character lost in the forest.

The Battle at He Fei

Jump! (Wu Forces) - When Sun Suan retreats to the broken bridge and
your character approaches him, you'll urge him to jump the gap in a cut

The Battle at Fan Castle

Our enemy is Guan Yu! (Wu Forces) - The opening cut scene features Lu
Meng telling your character the enemy is Guan Yu. For an amusing scene
try playing this one with Guan Yu and see what happens. Your character
will also tell everyone to hold on until reinforcements arrive at the
beginning of the battle. They will also remark when the reinforcements

The Battle at Yi Ling

Where am I? (Wu Forces) - When your character enters the Stone Warrior
Formation a cut scene will play showing them lost in the maze. A second
cut scene will play when the exit through the other side.

The Nanman Campaign

He is being an idiot?! (Nanman Forces) - When your character enters the
Shu compound a cut scene will take place of your character reacting to
the attack.

The Battle at You Ting

Will this really work? (Wu Forces) - Your character will ask Lu Xun if
the plan will really work in the opening cut scene. Also if you defeat
Zhang Pu and Zhang He before Cao Xiu, your character will remark on
having Cao Xiu surrounded. Thanks go out to The Baron Samedi for
pointing out that one.

Can we trust Zhou Fang? (Wei Forces) - Your character will ask Sima Yi
if Zhou Fang can really be trusted in the opening cut scene.

The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains

What is this? (Shu Forces) - Your character reacts to the secret Wood
Ox weapon in a cut scene when they encounter it in the southeast.

Do you think I'd react to all of your taunts? (Shu Forces) - Your
character taunts Sima Yi in this cut scene as they approach the Wei

Since you saw us, now you must die! (Wei Forces) - Your character
reacts to an ambush in a cut scene when you approach the Shu fortress.

XIII. Miscellaneous

Here are some of the more interesting things I've found during my
travels in the Three Kingdoms.

Platform Defense

For some strange reason generals have a strong aversion to platforms
(such as the one near Dong Zhou at Hu Lao Gate). In fact unless there's
stairs leading up to the platform they won't go up there at all. Which
can make for some interesting situations when a general is after you
and you don't want to deal with them yet (or are running away). Just
jump onto the platform and move to the center. During the dozens of
hours I've played this game I have never seen a general come up after
you. Instead they tend to run around wondering where you've
disappeared. Try it out for yourself. You can also use the platform to
put some distance between you and your tormentors as they take the long
way around every time. Note that this also applies to small obstacles
you can jump over such as walls, barricades, and the like.

Gate Offense

You can't go through reinforcement gates, which can be frustrating when
the gate captain/officer/general you've just killed gets knocked
through along with the power up. However, you can make this work for
you. Apparently beyond the gates is a strange twilight zone that no one
should be in. Whenever an enemy is knocked though the gate, it seems
that their first priority is getting back to the other side. This means
they make a beeline for the gate at all costs until they get back to
the normal side. This also means that they won't attack anyone or block
attacks as well. Get the picture? If you knock a general past a gate,
they will attempt to get back to the other side. If you can keep them
on the other side by repeatedly knocking them back through the gate
(long weapons work best) they won't be able to attack or block at all.
This works great on stages where the enemy leader is near a large open
gate. Try it out if you get an opportunity.

Message Madness

As you might have noticed while playing Dynasty Warriors 3 some strange
things can take place with the message system. This is due to the fact
that the game uses a stack message system where the most recent
messages are placed on the top of the message stack on top of the other
messages (like a stack of cards). Then each message is read off the
stack from the most recent to the oldest (like drawing cards). If your
character is very powerful they can end up doing several things in a
short amount of time (such as defeating consecutive generals, large
amounts of enemies, securing gates, etc.), which means that several
messages will become stacked in rapid succession. When you include the
morale and encounter messages that occur frequently, the stack can
become very large and it may take quite a while for the messages to be
processed on screen. This can result in some strange events such as
morale increasing for a general who has already been defeated, or
getting multiple congratulatory messages for KO's in a row.
Unfortunately, this can also have some adverse side effects if an event
is affected by message. For example, Zhang Liao can still kill Taishi
Ci at He Fei even if he is defeated if the defeat message doesn't come
up in time.

Alternate Endings

Depending on your actions in Musou Mode, the description of your
character's heroic deeds during the ending will change to reflect those
actions (defeating Lu Bu, getting Meng Huo to submit, etc.). Also the
final title of your character will vary depending on how many enemies
you have defeated (The Ultimate Warrior, A Hero of the Ages, A God of
War). Also you may find that the ending sequence itself may have become
"randomized" if you meet a certain requirement in the game. These
"random" endings feature some of the characters doing bizarre things
(Zhang Fei dancing with Guan Yu and Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang getting drunk,
etc.). How these "random" endings occur is still a mystery.

Free Mode Ending

Ever wonder what the ending would be like if you were using a Free Mode
character? Once you've unlocked the Opening Edit in the Options menu
(by clearing Musou mode with a general from each kingdom), you can find
out for yourself. Highlight Replay from the Opening Edit menu and hold
down L1, L2, R1, and R2 and press the X button, and a secret fourth
ending will play! This one is highly amusing to say the least.

XIV. Acknowledgements

Special thanks to:

Koei (www.koeigames.com) - The people that made such a great game and
brought it over to the U.S. Well, technically Omega Force made the
game, but we love them too don't we?

GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) - The best site for all your game FAQ

Muni Shinobu - He's the author of some great Dynasty Warrior 3 FAQs over
at www.gamefaqs.com. If it weren't for him a lot of people wouldn't be
using fourth weapons. I added information from some of his FAQs here for
convenient reference.

The Dynasty Warriors 3 Board at www.gamefaqs.com - Great place to
discuss the game with other fans.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Online (www.threekingdoms.com) - This is
online version of the novel on which this game is based on. Invaluable
if you want to read the history behind the characters and events in the

Contributors to this FAQ:

Ed Allen - Provided information on stopping the wind event at Chi Bi.

The Baron Samedi - Provided information on various events.

Andrew Kieschnick - Confirmed that getting Cao Cao to retreat at He Fei
is not necessary for unlocking Sun Quan in Musou Mode.

You can find this FAQ at the following places:


This document is Copyright 2002 Brian Nii. Feel free to distribute or
post as long as you don't change my name or try and make any money off
of it, okay? Letting me know about it would be good too. =)

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18.Октябрь 2013
FAQ, Secrets, & Cheats

17.Октябрь 2013
Character Guide and FAQ

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17.Октябрь 2013
Ma Chao Faq

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Lu Xun FAQ

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Enemy Dropped Items Weapons PowerUps on Hard Difficulty

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14.Октябрь 2013
Jiang Wei / Kyou-I Character Guide

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Sun Quan / Sonken Junior Character Guide

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Sima Yi / Shiba Yi Character Guide

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Zhuge Liang / Shokatsuryou Character Guide

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14.Октябрь 2013
Vierte Waffe FAQ

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15.Октябрь 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch, JP-Version

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
11.Февраль 2016