Dynasty Warriors 3

Dynasty Warriors 3

17.10.2013 10:26:25

Dynasty Warriors 3
Lu Xun FAQ
By Lu_Xun13
Copyright 2002
Version 3.0
Last Updated June 3, 2002
I. Intro
II. Copyright Info
III. Misc. Info
IV. Version Info
V. About Lu Xun
VI. Lu Xun Walkthrough
A. The Battle at Chi Bi - 208 A.D. =Allies Vs. Cao Cao=
B. The Battle at He Fei - 215 AD =Wei vs Wu=
C. The Battle at Fan Castle - 219 AD =Shu vs Allied Forces=
D. The Battle at Yi Ling - 222 AD =Shu vs Wu=
E. The Nanman Campaign - 225 AD =Shu vs Nanman=
F. The Battle at You Ting - 228 AD =Wei vs Wu=
G. The Siege of He Fei Castle - 234 AD =Wei vs Wu=
VII. Lu Xun's Weapons
VIII. Lu Xun's Unique Weapon
IX. Thanks
X. Cheats/Tricks/Hints

This FAQ is for all you Dynasty Warriors 3 fans out there who desire or
require help. I will explain about Lu Xun's weapons and attacks, give
strategies for all the battles he is in, and tell how to get his
Unique Weapon. This will probably contain much more than the above
stated, as I'm sure I will be doing many updates and adding more

--==Copright Info==--
This FAQ is copyright and is not to be duplicated, edited, stolen, sold, or
put on a website unless I grant permission through e-mail. If I do find
this FAQ copied onto your site, I WILL take swift legal action to ensure
that you will never do anything of that sort again. If you would like to
put this FAQ on your site, please E-MAIL ME FIRST before doing ANYTHING.
If I do not reply immediately, please do not just put it up on your site.
I will respond eventually. I am allowed to be online only on weekends, and
I might take a while to get back to you. My e-mail is mattd48@hotmail.com

--==Misc. Info==--
If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please don't hesitate
to e-mail me at mattd48@hotmail.com and I will give credit to and put it
up on my site. I am ALWAYS open to new ideas. However, do NOT e-mail me
concerning typos. I will change them, and I do not need a reminder every
time I put an "a" instead of a "b." As stated before, I will give credit
to anyone who sends ideas, cheat codes, etc.

--==Version Info==--
Version 0.5 The first version! Everything is done, and I'm going to
add some more sections, take ideas from people who e-mail me, and
improve on this FAQ as best as I can!

Version 1.0 The second update. Added how to get Lu Xun's Unique weapon.

Version 1.5 I fixed some of the screwed up line breaks and added some
cheats. Made it a little easier to read and fixed a couple typoes.

Version 2.0 Yeah, I finally fixed the problem with GameFAQs about not
updating my versions - Turns out I put it in the version history, but
not the top part. Heh, forgot about that, so it's my fault, not GameFAQs!
Anyway, I added some more cheats and added some more Musou Snack and Fairy
Wine locations.

Version 2.5 Added an alternate way to beat Lu Bu and added where you
can find this FAQ.

Version 3.0 Corrected the mixup between the Musou Wine and Fairy Snack
things. Thanks to Mario96274 for correcting me.

Okay, now you've read through all of that boring stuff and you can read all
about Lu Xun, an amazing character in Dynasty Warriors 3!

-==About Lu Xun==--
Background: Lu Xun was an officer who eventually married Sun Ce's daughter.
He was very smart and was promoted by Sun Quan due to his unflagging
service. He defeated Guan Yu with Lu Meng and recaptured the Jing Province.
At the Battle of Yi Ling he was supreme commander and, using his strategic
mind, leaded Wu to victory, and defeated the Shu army.

Note: This info is based on the real info from books and stuff AND info
from the game. He never really lead Wu to victory, or defeated the Shu
army. I had originally said he defeated Liu Bei, but my friend got angry
and said he'd punch me if I didn't change it, so, after a month, I finally
changed it. ^.^

Weapons: Lu Xun uses twin sabers to great effect.

Portrait: Fairly Pale, pretty-boy face, and a strange hat.

Triangle Attacks
T Attack 1: Uses both swords and spins around. Fairly short range.

T Attack 2: Knocks enemies up into the air. Typical attack for any

T Attack 3: A short and very fast diagonal slash with both swords. Stuns the

T Attack 4: He slashes foward and jumps upward, then slashes outward with
both swords as he comes back down.

T Attack 5: Slashes the enemy up into the air, slashing them once with each
sword then doing a somersault while slashing with both swords in front of

T Attack 6: He thrusts both his swords out diagonally in front of him,
firing an energy shockwave that can hit a large number of enemies.
Keep in mind that it won't always hit the enemies in front of you.

Dash Attack: Dashes forward with both swords, stunning the enemy.

Jump + Square Attack: Flips forward and slashes out in a 180 degree line.

Musou Attack: A continuous series of slashes. He ends with a final vertical

Why He's Good: Very fast, well-rounded stats, good attacks. His Musou bar is
about a quarter of an inch higher than his life bar. His attack is pretty
much average when he starts out, and the same goes for his defense. Equip
a Wind Scroll (If you can even find one...It's one of the rarest items in
the game aside from the Elixer. I've managed to snag 2 in Hard Mode. I got
one that gives plus 3 to reach, and I just got one that gives plus 8 to
reach) to improve Lu Xun's fairly short range. With his 4th weapon and a
Wind Scroll, Lu Xun becomes amazing.

How To Unlock Him: Beat the game with at least one Wu general, or have a
Dynasty Warriors 2 save on your memory card. If you don't have DW2 or have
no saved data, I suggest beating the game with Huang Gai, as he is
AMAZING. His 6th Triangle Attack can bring the house down...Literally!

--==Lu Xun Walkthrough==--

--==The Battle at Chi Bi==--
General To Defeat: Cao Cao
Conditions: Cao Cao (Enemy) is Defeated or Sun Quan (Ally) is defeated

Strategy: You start out at the bottom left corner of the map. I suggest
defeating Xiahou Dun first. Instead of rushing in to battle, stand far away
to where he or any of his guards can't see you, but still in arrow range.
Use Triangle while firing arrows instead of square. This dizzys the enemy
and prevents them from running around like idiots while you try to shoot
them. Eventually he should die and you should be able to take out the
guards. (If not, I feel very sorry for you.) Now you can run around and
defeat whatever officers you want to. Hopefully you've set the game on
Easy mode, and this battle should be a piece of cake. I suggest you don't
kill the officers that are in the 3 main boats (that is, with Cao Cao and
the surrounding officers in the other two boats.) When Zhou Yu tells all
units to cover Huang Gai, DO SO. Run to him immediately. He should be on
the 2nd row of boats and on the very far left. That is, 1 boat up from
Sun Quan and the boat all the way to the left of that row. Defeat any and
all enemies that threaten Huang Gai. If for some reason Huang Gai or Zhou
Yu dies, the fire attack will not be successful, and you will have a very
hard time beating the battle as all of the enemy forces' morale will stay
up. Eventually, enemy reinforcements will arrive. I suggest taking out all
the other officers, and, depending on how far away you are from the enemy
reinforcements, kill them or head straight for Cao Cao. If you are low on
life, run around and find some pots to break open. Also, check in every box
for items. Save before fighting Cao Cao, then continue your game and pummel
him into oblivion.

Fairy Snack Location: In between the two troop entry points at the top left
of the screen.
Musou Wine Location: At the bottom right of the map, go up towards a boat.
The snack is in a pot on that boat.

--==The Battle at He Fei==--
General To Deafeat: Cao Cao
Conditions: Cao Cao (Enemy) is defeated or Sun Quan (Ally) is defeated

Strategy: You start out in the northeast corner of the map. Kill Zhang Liao
first. If you don't, he'll kill Taishi Ci with his squad of archers in a cut
scene. The only enemy you really have to worry about here is Cao Cao. The
strategy is pretty basic. As stated above, kill Zhang Liao, then dispose of
the other generals and officers. None of them should pose much of a threat.
Once again, save before fighting Cao Cao, then proceed to beat him into
the ground.

Fairy Snack Location: Top right corner of the map.
Musou Wine Location: Top left corner of the map.

--==The Battle at Fan Castle==--
General To Defeat: Guan Yu
Conditions: Guan Yu (Enemy) is deafeated or Sima Yi (Ally) is defeated

Strategy: This battle is very hard. I'm sure you're thinking,"Well gee, it
looks pretty darn easy cuz there's only two generals!" Well, Guan Yu does
a water attack that fills up every inch of the level except the rooftops
and upper levels where Guan Yu is. It pissed me off when I was running
around, low on life, trying to find some jars to get some life. I was
sitting there, jamming the buttons and looking at a jar and breaking it
open with at least 90 enemies on my butt, and finding a full Musou keg.
Swearing Ensued as I already had full musou. The fact that the archers
I couldn't see added to the frustration. I finally retreated to my other
troops, breaking through the enemies with a nice True Musou attack.
You've heard what this level can do to you. Don't let it happen. Anywho,
back to the strategy. Defeat the other general aside from Guan Yu. I
believe he's in the bottom right middle/southern area of the map.
Eventually, reinforcements will arrive for Guan Yu. You know what I say
to you, you stupid reinforcements? I fart in your general direction!
You're mother was a hampster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time. *sniff* In a nutshell,
FORGET THE REINFORCEMENTS. None of your generals are gonna go over there,
and the fact that the water attack has probably already started should
piss you off due to you fact that you have to walk across 30 rooftops
to get there. Be aware, Guan Yu is HARD. I suggest doing a dash attack
to dizzy as many of his guards as you can, then do your SSST attack on
Guan Yu as many times as necessary until he dies. Again, save before
fighting him.

Musou Wine Location: At the southern edge from the high tower where
Sima Yi is at.
Fairy Snack Location: At the top left of map at the Northern corner
where the Shu troops enter.

-==The Battle at Yi Ling==--
General To Defeat: Liu Bei
Conditions: Sun Quan (Ally) is defeated or Liu Bei (Enemy) is defeated

Strategy: This is a hard battle. Start off by heading north of your
starting point, then diagonally left and take out Wei Yan. Now you must
proceed to take out Ma Chao directly after you defeat Wei Yan. Ma Chao
is very powerful and could possibly take out Gan Ning if you're not
quick enough. SunShangXiang can take care of Huang Zhong, so you can
leave him until last. If he's still alive by the time you're done with
everyone else (except for Liu Bei, of course) then you can take him out
and steal the stat point(s)/item/weapon from him. Zhuge Liang will
arrive for Liu Bei's reinforcements. Proceed to defeat Zhuge Liang first
but if you're pissed off, don't want to run through all those troops
for a minor stat boost, and want to finish the level, then by all means,
defeat Liu Bei and leave Zhuge Liang living. I felt bad about killing
Liu Bei, as I had beaten the game with him, maxed out all but his life
and musou stats, and gotten his unique weapon, but if you don't care
about killing the main character in the game, then go ahead and kill
him YOU HEARTLESS CRUEL, EVIL PERSON! Nah, just kidding.

Musou Wine Location: At the lower middle of the map and in a pot at
the right of the Stone Warrior Formation.
Fairy Snack: At the lower middle of the map and in a pot to the bottom
left of the Stone Warrior Formation.

-==The Nanman Campaign==--
General To Defeat: Meng Huo (7 times)
Conditions: Meng Huo (Enemy) or Sun Quan (Ally) is defeated

Strategy: First off, I'd like to say that you're in for a fairly
long battle (assuming this is your first time playing the level) and
that all the generals except Meng Huo are hard. Before you do anything,
take out Meng Huo right next to you. If you go out of your starting
point, he should be diagonally left. He is VERY easy, mainly because
your attacks do a bunch of damage to him. If he blocks your attacks,
keep doing the combo string, and ALWAYS do the SSST combo, because
either when you do the 4th Triangle Attack, he'll be knocked back
or he'll be hit anyway. Just keep pounding away. You can leave the
enemies surrounding him until last. Take out the other generals
in any order you want, but as soon as Meng Huo appears, drop
everything you're doing and run right to him so no one else defeats
him. If you defeat him all seven times he appears, then you get unlock
him in Free mode. He appears in the "Other Characters" section, the
ones you can only play as in Free mode, along with Lu Bu, Fu Xi, etc.
Keep driving his stupid face into the ground until he appears a fifth
time. When this happens, you must have an elephant to break through
the wall he's in. No elephant? HOLY CRAP! One just came out of nowhere!
I suggest after 5 seconds of fighting the gate captain, turn around and
wait for the elephant to come. Shoot the guy off with an arrow, or
just jump and hit Square to knock him off the giant beast. Of course,
there's always a cheap way to defeat the general from a distance.
Of course, Arrows. Take out the gate captain and all the enemies
surround him, and look for a wide crack in the wall where you can
see Meng Huo's elephant. Just keep firing away until he's dead, then
take the elephant and barge into the place, poaching the goods with
no trouble at all. Defeat him once he appears again, then he'll appear
a seventh time behind Zhu Rong's troops. (Assuming you haven't already
defeated her.) I would save (It's a habit of mine, I know) then just
barge in there, knock him off his elephant, and when you're low on
health, there should be a jar where the gate captain is. Defeat him,
and you've beaten the level.

Musou Wine Location: At the center of map, near the bottom, and in a
pot beside the river.
Fairy Snack Location: From the fort you start in, cross the bridge to
the left and go north.It's in a pot around there.

--==The Battle at You Ting==--
General To Defeat: Sima Yi
Conditions: Sima Yi (Enemy) is defeated or Sun Quan (Ally) is defeated

Strategy: First off, start with the generals on either side of the map.
I would go after the west base first and take out Zhen Ji and some
nameless general. Also, watch out for the watch towers on the east and
west sides, as well as in the middle, too. This is sure to piss you off,
but just do the best you can. Once you're done with the west fort, go
to the other side of the map and take out Zhang He and the archers in
the towers. After you take out both of the forts, Zhou Fang defects to
your side! Woohoo! However, you must take out the west and east forts
as fast as possible, otherwise Sima Yi will see through Zhou Fang's
betrayal. Eventually, the enemy will get reinforcements. (AGAIN! For
the love of God, when does the character's side YOU play as finally
get reinforcements? What, once? twice? Blah.) Once all the generals
have been defeated, you can go up to Sima Yi and defeat him. There
are 3 gate captains around him, but ignore them unless you need defense
badly. Once again, save, and then continue and kill Sima Yi.

Musou Wine Location: Slightly to the bottom at the center of the map.
Fairy Snack Location: At the fort in the center of the map. In the pot
at the right corner of the wooden cabin/shelter thingy.

--==The Siege at He Fei Castle==--
General To Defeat: Sima Yi (AGAIN)
Conditions: Sima Yi (Enemy) is defeated or Sun Quan (Ally) is defeated

Strategy: Okay, this is a very hard battle. The archers and traps piss
you off, and if you don't have a horse or the Red Hare when you go
through the Wall of Arrows trap, you're pretty much screwed. If you do
go through the arrows trap, then run in a zig zag as fast as your
character will allow. The Wind trap is amazingly easy to pass
through - stay along the wall and you'll be fine. Anywho, go out through
the gate leading to the beach. and head towards Xu Zhu. Defeat him,
grab the item/weapon/stat boost, then wait until the reinforcements
arrive at the bottom right corner of the map. Defeat them (with much
trouble, as there are at least 15 or 20 crossbowmen around) and then
follow your generals that should be marching towards the enemy HQ. They
should be going to the upper left corner of the map. Take out Zhen Ji
and then go back down to where Dian Wei and Xu Huang are located. Take
them out as quickly as possible, then head back up and defeat Sima Yi.
Yeap, you guessed it. Save, then proceed to beat him into the ground,
winning the game.

Musou Wine Location: In the pot to the top of the Wind Corrdidor
Trap Room.
Fairy Snack Location: In a pot to the top of the destroyed bridge on
the top right path.

Congratulations! You beat the game! Good job. Now you can proceed to
get his Unique Weapon and raise some more of his stats.

=--=--=--Lu Xun's Weapons--=--=--=

All of Lu Xun's 1st to 3rd level weapons vary in attributes. His Twin
Saber could have a Musou Charge plus 2 and a Bow Attack plus 3, and
then you can find another Twin Saber except with different stats, like
Attack plus 3 and HP Max plus 12 or something. The same thing applies
for everyone's level 1 to 3 weapon, except maybe not the same stats I
stated. As you progress into harder modes, you get better stats with
your weapons. Each character has a Unique weapon, which is generally
very hard to get. That will be explained in the next chapter. Anyway,
on to Lu Xun's weapons.

Level 1 Weapon: Twin Sabers
Attack +17
Max Hits: 4
Varying Attributes

Level 2 Weapon: Wing Sabers
Attack +32
Max Hits: 5
Varying Attributes

Level 3 Weapon: Eagle
Attack +46
Max Hits: 6
Varying Attributes

=--=--=--Lu Xun's Unique Weapon--=--=--=
Every character has a Unique weapon, which is pretty much the best
weapon that character can have. In some very rare cases, some people
have found a weapon that is actually better than their unique weapon.
A lot of weapons focus on Mounted Defense, which is sort of useless,
but still nice if you ride a horse through the whole battle. Here's
the stats of Lu Xun's Unique weapon:

Attack +42
Max Hits: 6 + Death Element
Speed +22
Musou Max +75
Defense +43
Reach +29

You get his weapon at Yi Ling. This can be played in either Free or
Musou mode, and must be done on Hard Mode. You must have Gan Ning
or Lu Meng still alive, and break through the Stone Warrior
Formation. Zhuge Liang should appear. Defeat him, and a message
should come up saying a Precious Weapon (something like that)
has been discovered. If you forgot where it is, hit Start, then
goto History and scroll up to the point where it shows where
the item is located. I believe if you use the SSST combo, you
trigger the death element in the weapon, causing any enemies you
hit (except bosses) to die instantly. This is especially helpful
in Hard mode, with the strong majors, guard captains, guards, etc.

I want to thank Z-Force for the background on Lu Xun, weapon stats,
and some of the strategies for the battles, the info about the
Elixer and Wind Scroll being the two rarest items in the game and
the Fairy Wine and Musou Snack locations. Check out his amazing DW3
guide at:


Also thanks to www.cheatcc.com for the cheat codes and
xoxie@hotmail.com for submitting them. (To cheatcc.com that is.)

--==Cheats, Tricks and Hints==--

The Super Duper Cheapo Take-The-Fun-Out-Of-It Way To Kill Officers

Okay, this trick is exactly what it's called - Cheap and
it takes the fun out of killing Officers and Generals. Okay, a
good example of this trick would be at the battle of Chi Bi.
Assuming you aren't playing on Cao Cao's side, walk to Xiahou
Dun, but don't walk right in front of him. Stand on a different
boat, but stand close enough to where he can't see you and you
can still hit him with arrows. Keep hitting him until he's dead.
See, every officer has a "range" of vision. If you stand far
enough away from them, they can't see you, but you can still
kill them with arrows. After the officer dies, you should be
able to dispose of the guards easily.

Fighting Lu Bu

Lu Bu can be killed easily on..erm...Easy mode, but on
normal and hard mode, he'll sweep the floor with your face.
First off, Be sure you have a Power Scroll equipped. Lu Bu
tends to intercept your Musou a whole bunch of times and
gets you in a deadlock. Be aware, though, you still have to
press Square a lot to win. Also, equip the Bodyguard Manual
to make your bodyguards stronger, and try to have your
third or Unique weapon equipped. The Way of Musou helps
as well, as does the Survival Guide. With these items,
you should be ready to go up against Lu Bu. However, keep
in mind that you might just get a measly attack up plus 2,
but you should be proud to fell the greatest warrior ever.
Anyway, block as much as you can, and if you get low on life,
run away for a bit, get some pots, and charge up your musou.
Lu Bu will probably regain some life, but if you constantly
assault him, he should go down fairly easily. Use your musou
whenever you get it, and if you need some life, kill some
Guard Captains. They usually drop an All Recov. Full, which
becomes your savior while fighting Lu Bu. If he starts
coming towards you, fire an arrow at his head, jump behind
him, and continue your assault. By the way, the Super Duper
Cheapo Take-The-Fun-Out-Of-It Way To Kill Officers doesn't
work here, as Lu Bu will run after you as soon as he gets
hit with the arrow. If you die, try again and just keep
trying. If the items I stated didn't work out for you,
experiment with your own. What I gave you was a suggestion,
not an order, so feel free to do whatever you want. If you
find a different strategy for defeating Lu Bu, then by
all means, please send it in and I will put it up on this
FAQ and give credit to the person who sent it in.

Alternate way to beat Lu Bu (by geist_engel@yahoo.com)
A way that I found works fairly well against LuBu is
use one character at Max level, and a second character
at level 16, min level, because the mission is set for
the level 16 character LuBu takes damage easier.

Here are the cheat codes, as promised:

Secret ending
Enter the options screen from the main menu and select
the "Opening Edit" option. Highlight the "Replay" selection,
then hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X.

Level select
At the main menu, press R1, R2, L2, L1, Square, L1, L2, R2,
R1, Triangle.

All Shu generals
At the main menu, press L1, Square, Triangle, R2, L1,
L2(2), R1, Square, L1.

All Wei generals
At the main menu, press L2, L1, Square, Triangle, L1,
L2, R1, R2, L1, L2.

All Wu generals
At the main menu, press Triangle(2), L1, Square, R1, R2, L1,

All generals
At the main menu, press R2(3), L1, Triangle, L2(3), R1, Square.

You can find my FAQ on these sites:




Check out these great sites for my FAQ and for their other great
codes, FAQs, guides, and more!

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