Dynasty Warriors 3

Dynasty Warriors 3

17.10.2013 17:26:55
-=| Dynasty Warriors 3 - FAQ, Secrets, & Cheats |=-

Presented by Kongming's Archives
( http://www.kongming.net )
Version: 1.1 | Last Update: 09/24/02
Copyright © 2002 James (Kong Ming)

Presenting a complete FAQ for Koei's Dynasty Warriors 3 with tips and
tricks, frequently asked questions, cheats and secrets, and information
on secret officers, stage events, dim sum and fairy wine locations,
normal and rare items, fourth weapons, and more.

In addition to this guide you may also reference our ad-free (ads blow)
companion site a companion site at http://www.kongming.net/dw3/ with
includes images, portraits, maps, links, and more. Some pages featured
at that site may be of particular interest to you are listed below.

Fierce Warriors (Shin Sangoku Musou 2 Moushouden) companion site.
Shin Sangoku Musou 2 Moushouden FAQ by Muni_Shinobu (external)
Dynasty Warriors 3 and Fierce Warriors officer portraits.
Dynasty Warriors 3 and Fierce Warriors wallpaper
Officer name reference (EN, JP, and CH) along with JP voice actors.
Circuit Lyrics; brought to you by Muni_Shinobu and Peas on Earth.
Detailed explanation of officer names and styles.
Romance of the Three Kingdoms and historical officer biographies.
Helpful novel, game, and history links for the interested.
Complete Three Kingdoms game soundtracks free for download!
Donate a small sum to help offset the significant costs of server
bandwidth generated by this section and its updates if you would
like to help: http://www.kongming.net/donate.html :)

Enough blather, right? Onward to the guide we go!

I - Version History
II - Section URLs (for the HTML Version)
III - Game Tips and Tricks
IV - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
V - Game Cheats & Secrets
VI - Secret Generals
VII - Game Event Guide
VIII - Dim Sum and Fairy Wine Locations
IX - Blue (Normal) Items
X - Red (Unique) Items
XI - 4th Weapons FAQ
XII - Disclaimer/Copyright

0.7: FAQ online with game tricks, a FAQ, game secrets, a guide on how
to unlock officers, and another guide on how to get the unique items.
0.8: Additions to the FAQ and the Tips sections. 4th Weapon FAQ online.
0.8.1: Minor fixes in the FAQ. Two new questions added to the FAQ.
0.8.2: Minor fixed and some error corrections (thanks to musszilla)
0.9: Addition of blue (normal) items and some error corrections.
0.9.1: Added unique item descriptions. Improved Cao Cao's fourth weapon
description along with minor improvements to others. My thanks to
musszilla for telling me the name of Jiang Wei's weapon was incorrect.
My thanks to DaveLikesOldCars for telling me that the element on Lu
Xun's weapon was incorrect. Many other small fixes also posted. Added
information on the RTK novel to the FAQ section.
0.9.2: Added the new stage reference and stage events guides (you will
probably like them very much), cleaned up a little and fixed a few
spelling and accuracy errors.
0.9.3: Improved information for Zhou Yu's, Zhao Yun's (thank you
gambit293 for pointing out some errors), Jiang Wei's, and Sima Yi's
fourth weapons. Also added some new stage events provided by manstart.
FAQ layout and copyright both revised.
0.9.4: http://www.rot3k.com/3kingdoms/ has moved to http://www.kongming.net/
so all links were updated. I have improved the fourth weapons section
significantly. All weapons now include the combos required to activate
the element and also say what side you need to be on to unlock them. Some
errors in this section have been fixed and some detailed explanations have
been added to some of the requirements fields (like Lu Xun's). I have also
added to the stage events guide and expanded the FAQ and added to the Tips
and Tricks section.
1.0: Added a Dim Sum and Fairy Wine location FAQ and added / updated some
events in the Stage Events Guide. FAQ is now complete, future updates
will be to add to existing sections and replace mistakes. Added the
Japanese "rare ending" mini-FAQ by Xiao Qiao.
1.0.1 to 1.0.3: HTML version only: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html
1.1: Error fixes, cleaned up, links section at top of page, and multiple
information additions across the whole guide. The plain text version
(this one) now contains all information from the HTML companion version -
http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html - that was previously left out due
to time limitations. The FAQ may now be posted on any site as long as
the disclaimer/copyright is read and followed to the letter and I am
sent the URL of the site at which it will appear.

In addition to the plain text version of this guide (which you are reading
right now) I also maintain a full online HTML version. The online version
is easier to navigate and includes links that can be used to hope from one
part of the guide to another. The online version is also updated more
frequently than the plain text version. Presenting a list of URLs that will
take you directly to specific sections of the HTML version.

FAQ Main Page: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html
Version History: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#ver
Disclaimer/Copyright: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#dis
Tips & Tricks: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#tricks
Walkthrough FAQ: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#faq
Game Secrets & Cheats: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#cheat
Secret Generals: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#char
Game Events Guide: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#ev
Dim Sum & Fairy Wine: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#ds
Blue (Normal) Items: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#blue
Unique (Red) Items: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#red
Fourth Weapons FAQ: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/faq.html#4th

Presenting a collection of tips and tricks for Dynasty Warriors 3. These
tidbits will help you play with greater skill at higher difficulties, get
fourth weapons faster, and build up characters more efficiently.

Archers are not your friend.
Wherever you go try to kill archers first. Not only do they do good
damage but they will also prevent you from guarding against officers and
will often times get you hit several more times in addition to the
original arrow. Make it a priority to hunt them down and kill them
whenever you see them.

Sub-generals and their powerups.
If you need to build up your character keep an eye on the generals list
while in combat. If you see an opposing officer check the list to see if
he has any subordinates. If he does, kill them first to get their bonuses.
If you kill the commander first the subordinate generals will retreat and
you will not get their attack or defense bonus.

Fighting from your horse.
It is a very good idea to learn how to fight from your horse. You can
hold down the L1 button while holding still to block. You can hold down
the L1 button while moving to prevent your horse from galloping and to
keep it facing one direction (this lets you fight solders and officers
below much easier). If you move in circles while holding down L1 you can
almost always dodge the solders that jump up to attack you. If you sway
your horse back and forth with your attacks you can get combos on people
behind you. Before long you will get so good at fighting from the horse
that you can swat your attackers out of the sky without really thinking
about it. All that said you are now better prepared to fight a powerful
enemy general like Cao Cao or Lu Bu much easier with any officer that is
well equipped to fight from a horse.

The general I am fighting is way too powerful, what to do?
Officers like Lu Bu, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei can be very powerful
and if you are not careful they can cut an underdeveloped character down
in no time at all. In Dynasty Warriors 3 an officer's power has a lot to
do with his morale. It is easy to drop an officer's moral by destroying
soldiers in his/her army. When an officer is too powerful for you to face
find a spot full of their soldiers and start killing them. As you are
killing them you will get messages telling you that the officer's morale
is dropping. When their morale is very low or when you have run out of
soldiers to kill go back and fight them again. They will be much easier
to hurt, they will block less, and they will do less damage. If you do
not have the time to do this the best thing to do is save the game and
then attack. If it does not work out quit and reset the game. If officers
defeat you regularly you should take your general into free mode to build
them up.

The battle is hopeless and you will loose soon, what to do?
This will happen to weaker characters on levels like Chi Bi and Wu Zhang
Plains and to everyone on harder difficulties at some point or another. If
the battle is going so poorly that you know your commander will soon be
defeated and the enemy officers are too powerful to fight because of their
morale there is only one thing you can do. You must attack the enemy
commander. You won't be able to defeat them hand-to-hand, but there is a way.
Get a horse if you can (you can usually get one by waiting for a
horse general or soldier to run past you followed by an arrow shot to get
them off the horse and on the ground) and start running/galloping as fast
as you can toward the enemy commander. Break all boxes found on the way in
an attempt to get as many arrows as possible. When you reach him find a
spot outside of his charge range (he will just stand there on the map
waiting for you to get close) but within your arrow shot view. Fight and
defeat the soldiers right next to you and as soon as you have an opening
start shooting at the commander.
If you stay far enough away he will just take your hits (along with his
bodyguards every once and a while) and will be defeated before long. If
soldiers reappear to attack you (they will) try not to worry about them,
just keep shooting (even if they are chopping on your back). If you turn to
fight them the enemy general will usually get back on his horse. That means
the next arrow you shoot might make them heal. If the soldiers are doing too
much damage and you know they will kill you first stop and attack them.
You must always stop to fight them if they get in front of you. If you run
out of arrows before they enemy commander is dead run in and attack using
the 3-hit technique detailed above (what do you have to loose?). If you do
this correctly you should be able to pull the battle from the jaws of defeat
more often than not.

Get better weapons and armor from generals and gate captains.
All gate captains drop Defense +1 shields and officers may drop anything
from Def +1 / Att +1 to Def +8 / Att +8. If you hit an officer or gate
captain with a large combo you can increase the power of the item they
drop (with a maximum of the normal value multiplied by two). 8 hits = +2,
16 hits = +4, 24 hits = +8. You must also make sure this combo is the death
blow, it will not count if they survive the attack. For example, if an
officer drops a +2 normally and you hit him with an 8 hit combo you will
not increase his drop, but if you hit him with a 16 hit combo he will drop
a +4 (but you will not be able to increase it to a +8). Doing this is vital
if you want to complete the game with characters on your first run through
Musou on normal or hard if you have not yet built them up.

2-Player Lightning Musou.
When you are playing with a friend, and you are next to each other with
fully charged musou gauges, you may notice that your hands glow blue. If
you both use your Musou attacks at the same time you will get a special
lightning musou that is much more devastating (and more visually impressive)
than the normal true musou. Some character combinations like Zhuge Liang and
Sima Yi can actually recharge their musou gauges while performing this musou
attack (significantly extending its length).

Item Save/Reload Trick.
(Contributed by: musszilla)
Can be done on any stage. This trick helps you get better Items and Weapons.
For better Items play the stage You Ting on Wu side on Hard Difficulty.
Playing You Ting on Wu side give you the chance to get six items. Kill the
following Generals Xu Zhu, Xu Huang, Zhen Ji, Zhang Pu and Zhou Fang. The
following people should still be alive Sima Yi (leader), Zhang He, Hu Zhi
(item), Cao Xiu (item) and Man Chong (item). Go up and close the three gates
by Sima Yi. Walk back down the path till you are just North of the fort. Save
and Quit the level. Continue the level. Go and kill Zhang He, Hu Zhi, Cao Xiu
and Man Chong (Make sure to kill the sub generals first). Then go break the
three crates to get the items (Click here for a map of You Ting). Kill Sima
Yi to finish the level. If you like the Items you get then save the game
normally. If you do not like what you get then press Start and Select (at
the same time) to do a soft reset. Select Continue and repeat the process
over until you get Items you are looking for. If you do not get good Items
after several tries Restart the level from the beginning.

Getting First Second and Third weapons FAQ.
(Contributed by: musszilla)
There is one stage that I know of that is kind of easy to get all of these.
I got every bodies second and third weapon using this trick. Use the two
player trick (as told in getting easier fourth weapons). Play Tong Gate Cao
Cao's side on easy for first weapons, Normal for second weapons, and Hard
for third weapons. Put player one as the weak person who's weapon you want
to get and a strong (maxed out) player as player two. (90% of the time you
will get the weapon you are looking for but on that rare occasion you will
get a different weapon, one time on hard I got a first weapon, and on Normal
I got a third weapon).
Here is how I did it. Take player one and go over to the crate by Tong
Gate (I do not suggest running straight at Tong Gate on Normal of Hard
difficulty, but instead walk around behind Cao Cao and then go straight up
to the box, You should be about even with the one gate on the side) Break
the box to get the weapon. The go and get the item (Over by your gate) if
you like (I got a +59 Max Musou and +59 HP Max from that box on Hard).
Then continue up to the top right corner for the Fairy Wine. You can then
go over to the Top left corner for the Dim Sum. Leave player one in either
the top Right or top Left corner of the map they will be safe there.
Then go with player two and kill Ma Chao. If you would like Han Sui drops
an Item. Click here for a Map of Tong Gate.

An easier way to get fourth weapons.
Once you have maxed out a good officer and gotten him his fourth weapon
you can get most other character's fourth weapons with much less diffi-
culty. I advise Lu Bu or Zhang He, but there are many other good choices.
Start the proper level with the weapon requirement and make the player who
will receive the weapon first player. Make your maxed general the second
player. Move your first officer (who we will assume is weak) to a safe
spot if possible and fulfill all requirements with the second officer.
The second officer can kill the required generals and trigger most events
without the help of the first officer. When the item appears, get it with
the second player and beat the stage. There are weapons that this will not
work well with, details can be found in each weapon's instructions.

To get what in Japan is called the "rare ending".
(Contributed by: Xiao Qiao)
According to one of the Japanese official manuals, you need to first beat
the game with each kingdom's "dead-portrait characters" featured right
before the actual credits. So, for Wu, it's Sun Ce, TaiShiCi, Sun Jian,
and Zhou Yu; for Shu: Guan Yu, Liu Bei, and Pang Tong; & for Wei: Xiahou
Yuan, Cao Cao, and Dian Wei. After you beat one kingdom's "dead-portrait
characters", run another Musou game with any of that kingdom's characters
AND beat their last stage under fifteen minutes. This will make the diff-
erence between the regular preset ending and the "rare ending."
For instance, if you beat the game with the four required generals of
Wu and then start another game with Xiao Qiao, complete the Nanman stage
in fifteen minutes or less. Then, instead of Zhou yu's solo performance,
she gets Zhou Yu and Lu Xun doing the Qiao sisters' dance. Also, several
scenes in her ending will have random character changes every time you
view it. Additionally, the scene where she's cheering Huang Gai's flexing
routine is replaced by her winning a game of Mahjong against Da Qiao and
two random Wu characters.
Another aspect of the endings is that just beating the game with one
character can affect another character's ending. For example, after you
beat the game with Zhou Yu, Xiao Qiao's ending switches from Lu Xun
dancing with the two Wu female bodyguards to Zhou Yu's solo dance. New
scenes also seem to unlock in this way. If you've got spare time or the
interest, try it! It's kind of fun to see the rare endings, like Da Qiao
doing the spear kata, or Zhang Fei dancing with Guan Yu and Liu Bei as
his back-up dancers.

Here is a list of frequently asked questions for this FAQ. Please review
it and our Site FAQ (http://www.kongming.net/faq.html) before sending me
any email, you question might already be answered on that site.

An officer appears on the map, but not on the stage itself.
This is a glitch in the game that you may encounter a few times while
playing. More often than not it will happen with Diao Chan on the Hu Lao
Gate. To make the officer appear kill soldiers in the area until they
appear again on the map. There will almost always work.

How do I unlock Lu Bu?
The requirements are exactly the same as stated in the character unlocking
guide in this FAQ. All you need to do is beat Hu Lao Gate with 1000 or more
kills. There is nothing special to it. This can be done on any difficulty
level and in free mode or Musou.

How many kills can you get on a single level?
In theory the answer is 9,999. Many people claim to have pulled it off
and a few have posted strategies for it. I have, personally, gotten over
4,000 kills without spending the whole time hunting down soldiers, so I
would be inclined to at least believe in the possibility. Most people lie
about it though.

What is the maximum number of hits in a combo?
255. Nearly all officers can juggle a soldier indefinitely by using the
SSSST combo over and over again, but the counter resets after kill #255.

I defeated an officer but his item will not fully appear.
This is another glitch that you may run into a few times here and there
in the game. You will defeat an officer and his body will not vanish. It
will only blink in and out of existence. This will also sometimes happen
with the item after the body disappears. The solution is simple: just kill
some soldiers in the area (while keeping the item on screen) and after a
little bit the body will vanish and the item will be available.

Who are Shu's Tiger Generals?
Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun. In the novel the
'Tiger General' title was unique to Shu and was only given to these five
officers. Historically this position was created long after most of them
were dead (257AD) by Liu Shan (Liu Bei's son and successor) and originally
named Pang Tong instead of Zhao Yun. Liu Shan later changed it to include
Zhao Yun (258AD). Historically, they were ranked in this order: Guan Yu,
Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun.

How did the five Tiger Generals die?
Guan Yu: executed by Lu Meng after being defeated at Fan Castle (AD 219).
Zhang Fei: assassinated by his subordinates Fan Jiang and Zhang Da after
drinking himself to sleep. He had beaten them because they questioned a
time limit set for the army's mourning garb (to be worn while attacking Wu
for killing Guan Yu (AD 221).
Huang Zhong: shot with an arrow by Ma Zhong, died shortly after. Historically
Huang Zhong did not live as long as he did in the novel (AD 222).
Ma Chao: dies due to an illness (AD 225).
Zhao Yun: dies due to natural causes (AD 229).

Is DW based off true history? What about the RTK novel?
Dynasty Warriors 3 is based off the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms
by Luo Guanzhong. The novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms is based off
actual Chinese history (the Annals of the Three Kingdoms), but has, in many
places, been embellished for the sake of storytelling. For the most part,
however, it hold very true to the actual events of the Later Han Dynasty
and the Three Kingdoms Era. I suggest a Moss Roberts translation if you are
interested in the book. The novel is available online at threekingdoms.com
or you may click here to see our book recommendations.
Extensive information about the novel is available on the Novel and History
page of my site, Kongming's Archives (http://www.kongming.net/novel/)

What are the maximum values for items?
HP Max (Peacock Urn) 1-60 | Musou Max (Dragon Amulet) 1-60
Attack (Tiger Amulet) 1-20 | Defense (Tortoise Amulet) 1-40
Bow Att. (Huang's Bow) 1-40 | Bow Def. (Shell Armor) 1-40
Mounted Att. (Horned Helm) 1-40 | Mounted Def. (Cavalry Armor) 1-40
Speed (Speed Scroll) 1-16 | Jump (Wing Boots) 1-16
Luck (Seven Star Orb) 1-20 | Reach (Wind Scroll) 1-20
Musou Charge (Elixir) 1-20

My attack is very high, but when I hit people I don't do much/any damage.
If you are going to use a Gameshark you should never increase the power of
an item beyond what can appear in the game itself. Dynasty Warriors 3 is
not programmed to handle Tiger Amulets with very high values. If your total
attack goes over 255 it will reset down to 1 and start over. That is why
you are not hurting anyone.

When getting a fourth weapon can I do it with two players?
Yes, you can. Not only can the player who will receive the weapon be player
one or two, but the other player cal also fulfill their requirements. Say,
for example, you want to get Sun Jian's weapon. You can play in free mode,
make Lu Bu first player and Sun Jian second player, and leave Sun Jian where
he starts while Lu Bu kills Lu Gong and gets Sun Jian's sword. There are
exceptions in a few occasions, but they will always be detailed in the
requirements. This is a great way to get weapons for characters that have
not yet been maxed out. Put them in a safe place and have your second
player officer do all the work. (See the Weapons FAQ as well)

How far in the game are you?
I have beaten the game with every character, I have every fourth weapon,
all unique items, most of my normal items are maxed out, one fourth of my
officers are maxed out, and I still play the game from time to time. The
most kills I have ever had in a stage are 4,294 on Chang Ban (hard) with
Zhao Yun. I do not play endurance or time trial. Please do not ask any more
questions of this nature, I do not have the time to answer them. :)

Your codes don't work!
You have a PAL PS2, right? Sorry, you are out of luck. No codes for you.
Not my fault, Koei decided not to release them (if there even are any).

Please help me more with something in the game?
It depends, I don't always have time. If the FAQ and the GameFAQs members
don't help, please register at the-scholars.com and post your question
in the Dynasty Warriors forum. If a member doesn't answer your question
I will. This saves me some time.

Can you tell me more about the historical officers?
Sure: http://www.kongming.net/novel/bios/

How come this FAQ doesn't have a links section?
Sure: http://www.kongming.net/links.html

Presenting a complete list of codes and cheats for Japanese and American
English versions of Dynasty Warriors 3. Please note that if you are using
a PAL PlayStation (Europe) you will not be able to use any codes.

Reset Game
At any point during gameplay press Select + Start to return to the main
game menu. Your current game will not be saved. This trick works is many
PlayStation and PlayStation II games.

Extra Characters on Initial Startup
If you have a saved game from DW2 make sure that memory card is in the
PlayStation 2 when you first startup. If you have progressed far enough
you will start the game with several officers from each of the kingdoms

Secret Ending for Independent Officers
From the main menu go into the 'Options' menu. From the 'Options' menu
choose the 'Opening Edit' option. Move the cursor over the 'Replay' option
(it must be available), hold down R1, R2, L1, L2, and press X. You will now
see the secret ending. For the Japanese version I think you either hold R1,
L2, and press Circle or hold R2, L2, and press Circle.

BGM Test Mode
At the game title screen press L1, L1, R1, R1, L2, L2, R2, R2, Square,
Triangle. A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. After you hear
this confirmation noise go to the options, select 'Sound', then select 'BGM
Test'. You can now select and listen to any stage background music featured
in the game. For the Japanese version the code is Square, Triangle (x2),
Square, L1, R1, R2, L2.

Unlock Game Opening Edit Mode
At the game title screen press R1, Square, R1, Triangle, R1, L1, Square, L1,
Triangle, L1 . A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. If done
correctly you will be able to access this new feature under the options menu.

Unlock All Movies
At the game title screen press Triangle, L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle, Square,
L2, Square, R2, Square . A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. If
done correctly you will have unlocked all secret characters in the game. For
the Japanese version the code is L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle, L2, Square, R2,

Unlock All Generals
At the game title screen press R2 (x3), L1, Triangle, L2 (x3), R1, Square.
A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. If done correctly you will
have unlocked all secret characters in the game. For the Japanese version the
code is Square, R1, Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L2.

Unlock All Shu (Liu Bei/Zhuge Liang's) Generals
At the game title screen press L1, Square, Triangle, R2, L1, L2 (x2), R1,
Square, L1. A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. If done correctly
you will have unlocked all secret Shu officers available in the game. For the
Japanese version the code is L1, Square, Triangle, R2, L1, L2 (x2), R1.

Unlock All Wei (Cao Cao/Sima Yi's) Generals
At the game title screen press L2, L1, Square, Triangle, L1, L2, R1, R2,
L1, L2. A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. If done correctly
you will have unlocked all secret Wei officers available in the game. For
the Japanese version the code is Square, Triangle, L1, L2, R1, R2, L1, L2.

Unlock All Wu (Sun Quan/Ce/Jian's) Generals
At the game title screen press Triangle (x2), L1, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2 (x3).
A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. If done correctly you will
have unlocked all secret Wu officers available in the game. For the Japanese
version the code is Triangle, L1, Square, R1, R2, L1, L2 (x2).

Unlock All Stages for Free Mode
At the game title screen press R1, R2, L2, L1, Square, L1, L2, R2, R1,
Triangle. A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. If done correctly
you will have unlocked all stages for free mode gameplay. For the Japanese
version the code is R1, R2, L2, L1, Square, R2, Triangle, L1.

Unlock Side Selection for Free Mode
At the game title screen press Triangle (hold down), R1, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1,
L2, R2. A noise will confirm correct entry of this code. If done correctly
you will now be able to choose what side to fight against in the free mode
battles. For the Japanese version the code is Square, Triangle (x2), Square,
L1, R1, R2, L2.

Presenting a complete list of all secret officers in Dynasty Warriors 3 and
the steps required to unlock them. Please use the following link if you want
to see an English/Japanese/Chinese officer name translation list (along with
names of the Japanese setting voice actors).

Cao Cao (Mengde) (Wei)
Clear game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any two Wei (blue) officers.

Da Qiao (Wu)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any officer from the Wu
(red) army. You can start the game with Da Qiao available if a memory
containing DW2 saved data is in the PlayStation 2 on the initial game load.

Diao Chan (Unaligned)
On Hu Lao Gate, Allied side, Musou mode, any difficulty. Defeat Diao Chan.

Dong Zhuo (Zhongying) (Unaligned)
On Hu Lao Gate, Allied side, Musou mode, any difficulty. Defeat Diao Chan
and Lu Bu.

Fu Xi (Unaligned)
Beat the game in Musou mode with Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian. Lu Bu must
also be unlocked.

Gan Ning (Xingba) (Wu)
On He Fei, Wei (blue) side, Musou mode, any difficulty. Wait for the Gan Ning
attack event and defeat him.

Huang Zhong (Hanshen) (Shu)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any two Shu (green)

Jiang Wei (Buoyue) (Shu)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with Zhuge Liang.

Liu Bei (Xuande) (Shu)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any two Shu (green)

Lu Bu (Fengxian) (Unaligned)
Beat Hu Lao Gate (Allies vs. Dong Zhuo) with 1000 or more kills. That is the
only requirement. This can be done in free mode or in Musou mode and on
any difficulty, honest!

Lu Meng (Ziming) (Wu)
On Fan Castle, Wu (red) side, Musou mode, any difficulty. Complete the stage
without letting Lu Meng die.

Lu Xun (Buoyian) (Wu)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any officer from the Wu
(red) army. You can start the game with Lu Xun available if a memory
containing DW2 saved data is in the PlayStation 2 on the initial game load.

Ma Chao (Mengqi) (Shu)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any officer from the Shu
(green) army. You can start the game with Ma Chao available if a memory
containing DW2 saved data is in the PlayStation 2 on the initial game load.

Meng Huo (Unaligned)
On the Nanman Campaign, Wu (red) or Shu (green) side, Musou mode, any
difficulty. Defeat Meng Huo seven times including the final defeat. All of
Meng Huo's appearances are shown on the map listed below.

Nu Wa (Unaligned)
Beat the game in Musou mode with all female officers (Da Qiao, Sun Shang
Xiang, Xiao Qiao, and Zhen Ji).

Pang Tong (Shiyuan) (Shu)
On Cheng Du, Shu (green) side, Musou mode, any difficulty. Complete the
stage without letting Pang Tong die.

Sima Yi (Zhongda) (Wei)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any Wei (blue) officer
aside from Dian Wei, Zhen Ji, and Zhang Liao.

Sun Ce (Buofu) (Wu)
Clear the game in Musou mode with any two Wu (red) officers.

Sun Jian (Wentai) (Wu)
Clear the game in Musou mode with any two Wu (red) officers.

Sun Quan (Zhongmou) (Wu)
On He Fei, Wu (red) side, Musou mode, any difficulty. Wait for Taishi Ci to
be killed by Zhang Liao. Sun Quan (or whoever else is leading the army) will
fall back, but will get cornered north of the river. Ride up next to him while
he is North of the broken bridge and your officer will jump the bridge with
him (he will also jump if Xu Shen and Dong Xi are killed). Wait for Zhang
Liao to leave the battlefield. Later he will return down to the South by Sun
Quan, save him. After that go an kill any Wu officers that remain then return
to Sun Quan. He will order a charge. If Cao Cao has no officers left he will
retreat when he meets Sun Quan.
After the battle Sun Quan will be available as a character. It is usually
best to do this with a powerful character. Start the level and do nothing
until the events start. Only kill officers that get too close to Sun Quan
saving all the rest until the end of the battle.

Taishi Ci (Ziyi) (Wu)
On the Assault on Wu Territory, Wu (red) side, Musou mode, any difficulty.
Do not attack Taishi Ci, but instead kill Liu Yong (in the Southwest corner
of the map) before killing Yan Baihu and Wang Lang. Taishi Ci will submit
after you defeat him. After the battle he will be available in the character
selection menu.

Wei Yan (Wenchang) (Shu)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any officer from the
Shu (green) army. You can start the game with Wei Yan available if a memory
containing DW2 saved data is in the PlayStation 2 on the initial game load.

Xiahou Yuan (Miaocai) (Wei)
On Mt. Ding Jun, Wu (red) side, Musou mode. Defeat Xiahou Yuan.

Xiao Qiao (Wu)
Clear the game in Musou mode with either Da Qiao or Zhou Yu.

Xu Huang (Gongming) (Wei)
Clear the game in Musou mode with any two Wei (blue) officers.

Xu Zhu (Zhongkang) (Wei)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any officer from the Wei
(blue) army. You can start the game with Xu Zhu available if a memory
containing DW2 saved data is in the PlayStation 2 on the initial game load.

Yuan Shao (Benchu) (Unaligned)
On Guan Du, Wei (blue) side, Musou mode, any difficulty. Defeat Yan Liang and
Wen Chou.

Zhang Jiao (Unaligned)
On the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Allied side, Musou mode, any difficulty.
Defeat Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang, and Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Liao (Wenyuan) (Wei)
On He Fei, Wu (red) side, Musou mode, any difficulty. Defeat Zhang Liao.

Zhen Ji (Wei)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any officer from the Wei
(blue) army. You can start the game with Zhen Ji available if a memory
containing DW2 saved data is in the PlayStation 2 on the initial game load.

Zhu Rong (Unaligned)
On the Nanman Campaign, Wu (red) or Shu (green) side, Musou mode, any
difficulty. Defeat Zhu Rong.

Zhuge Liang (Kongming) (Shu)
Clear the game in Musou mode on any difficulty with any Shu (green) officer
other than Zhang Fei and Pang Tong.

In this section we present a list of events in Dynasty Warriors 3, how to
trigger them, and any resulting effects. If an event also triggers a special
item or fourth weapon we will make mention of that too. I would like to
extend special thanks to the members of GameFAQs.com, Muni Shinobu, Manstart,
Ultrachinker, bmwong, and PhoenixWraith2 for providing additional
information to improve this section.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion
Zhang Bao drops rocks on Allied Forces (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Zhang Bao starts dropping
rocks on the allied forces in the valley to the central East.
Zhang Liang freezes the river (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Zhang Liang freezes the
river that flows along the Northern portion of the map; this allows troops
to cross and enter the castle. This event can also be triggered by defeating
Zhang Liang.
Zhang Jiao attacks the castle with his forces (All)
Requirements: defeat Zhang Jiao Southeast of the castle.
Zhang Jiao moves to the Northern shore. (All)
Requirements: defeat Zhang Jiao inside the castle. Zhang Jiao will also move
to the Northern shore if you get there before him.
Unlock a secret officer (Zhang Jiao) (Allied Forces)
Requirements: defeat Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang in musou mode.

The Battle at Hu Lao Gate
Yuan Shu's troops will stop moving (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time, Sun Jian will find out
and will get angry.
Lu Bu attacks (Allied Forces)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Lu Bu will attack Yuan
Shao starting in the central South area of the map.
Guo Si and Li Jue arrive with reinforcements for Dong Zhuo (Allied Forces)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time (later in battle). They
appear at the Northern waypoint and work their way toward Yuan Shao's forces.
Li Ru arrives with reinforcements (Allied Forces)
Requirements: open the final gate by Dong Zhuo. He will appear in front of
the gate.
Lu Bu betrays Dong Zhuo (Dong Zhuo)
Requirements: occurs if Diao Chan is defeated first.
Diao Chan betrays Dong Zhuo (Dong Zhuo)
Requirements: all generals but Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo are defeated.
Guan Yu Kills Hua Xiong (Allied Forces, Dong Zhuo)
Requirements: Guan Yu and Hua Xiong meet.
Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei repel Lu Bu (All)
Requirements: Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei meet Lu Bu.
Conversation between Lu Bu and Zhang Liao (Allied Forces*)
Requirements: *Only occurs when playing as Zhang Liao on the allied
force's side. When you meet Lu Bu there will be a cut scene in which
Lu Bu asks why Zhang Liao betrayed.
Unlock a secret officer (Diao Chan) (Allied Forces)
Requirements: defeat Diao Chan in musou mode.
Unlock a secret officer (Lu Bu) (Allied Forces)
Requirements: beat Hu Lao Gate with over 1000 kills.
Unlock a secret officer (Dong Zhuo) (Allied Forces)
Requirements: defeat Diao Chan and Lu Bu in musou mode.
Supply Team with Special Item (Red Hare Saddle) (Allied Forces)
Requirements: After defeating Lu Bu a Supply Team will appear at Cao Cao's
initial position and will work their way up to the central Northern troop
entry point.

Surprise Attack on Liu Biao
Flag breaks along the shore (Sun Jian)
Requirements: After a set amount of time, but before Sun the boulder kills
Jian, being near the shore triggers an event in which your character watches
a flagpole snap. An ill omen.
Sun Jian is crushed by falling rocks (All)
Requirements: Sun Jian chases Lu Gong too far to the North. Defeating Kuai
Liang first will negate this event.
Sun Ce swears revenge (Sun Jian)
Requirements: Sun Jian is killed by the rockslide.

The Battle at Wan Castle
Dian Wei is shot to death with arrows (All)
Requirements: Dian Wei is defeated by an officer under Zhang Xiu.
Cao Cao starts to retreat (All)
Requirements: Dian Wei is killed.
Xiahou Dun arrives with reinforcements for Cao Cao (All)
Requirements: arrives after Cao Cao starts to retreat.

Assault on the Wu Territory
You general advises Sun Ce to split his forces (Wu)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. After receiving this
advise Sun Ce will have half of his forces go in each direction.
Taishi Ci surrenders to Sun Ce (All)
Requirements: Liu Yang is defeated before Taishi Ci, Yan Baihu, and Wang
Lang. There will be a cut scene in which Taishi Ci surrenders to Sun Ce.
Taishi Ci and Sun Ce fight (Sun Ce)
Requirements: Taishi Ci meets Sun Ce (and you are playing him).
Unlock a secret officer (Taishi Ci) (Wu)
Requirements: defeat Liu Yong before Taishi Ci, Yan Baihu, and Wang Lang
in musou mode.

The Battle at Guan Du
Wen Chou starts destroying Cao Cao's Northern castle wall (Wei)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time if Wen Chou is alive.
Wen Chou destroys Cao Cao's Northern castle wall (Wei)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time if Wen Chou is alive.
Yan Liang sets up catapults to the East of Cao Cao's castle (Wei)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time if Yan Liang is alive.
Yuan Shao's supply depot is found (All)
Requirements: when you locate Yuan Shao's supply depot which will be in
one of the four forts around Cao Cao's castle.
Yuan Shao's supply depot if burned (All)
Requirements: Yuan Shao's supply depot is found and Chen Yuqiong (who
will be inside) is defeated.
Cao Cao orders his whole army to charge (All)
Requirements: Yuan Shao's supply depot is burned. Cao Cao and his whole
army will attack.
Yuan Shao says, "strategy is not needed here, charge". (All)
Requirements: Yuan Shao's supply depot has bee burned and Yuan Shao's
forces are loosing. After this Yuan Shao himself attacks.
Guan Yu kills Yan Liang (All)
Requirements: Guan Yu and Yan Liang meet.
Guan Yu kills Wen Chou (All)
Requirements: Guan Yu and Wen Chou meet.
Unlock a secret officer (Yuan Shao) (Wei)
Requirements: defeat Yan Liang and Wen Chou in musou mode.

Guan Yu's Escape
Xiahou Dun demands Guan Yu's surrender (All)
Requirements: occurs at the beginning of the stage.
A gate is cleared (All)
Requirements: each time you defeat a major general one of the five gate
in the level is cleared. Defeat Xiahou Dun to clear the final gate and beat
the stage (Guan Yu). Guan Yu opens all gates automatically as soon as the
carriage reaches them (Wei).
Unique Guan Yu defeat scene.
Requirements: If Guan Yu is defeated by Xiahou Dun (and you are playing
Guan Yu) there will be an interesting defeat scene in which Xiahou Dun tells
Guan Yu that he will not behead him because his beard is in the way.
Dropped Special Item (The Way of Musou) (Guan Yu)
Requirements: Defeat Xiahou Dun and he will drop this item.

The Battle of Chang Ban
Cao Cao arrives with his main force (All)
Requirements: occurs when there are 80 minutes left to complete the stage.
Cao Cao arrives at the Northeastern corner of the map.
Your officer threatens Cao Cao's forces (All)
Requirements: fight a soldier or officer in Cao Cao's army while at the
Chang Ban bridge (the detailed bridge closest to the Southeast corner of
the map). This event can be done after Cao Cao arrives with reinforcements.
Liu Bei's ships arrive under Liu Qi's command (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time.
Liu Bei orders his troops to retreat to the ships (All)
Requirements: Liu Qi's arrival with Liu Bei's ships.
Your officer arrives to help Liu Bei (Shu)
Requirements: meet Liu Bei after Cao Cao arrives, but before Liu Bei
reaches his destination by Liu Qi's forces. The only officers that can
trigger this event are major officers from Shu.
Liu Bei calls for a charge (Shu)
Requirements: occurs a short time after your officer announces his
presence by Liu Bei (after Cao Cao's main body arrives).
Liu Bei retreats (All)
Requirements: this is just a theory, I have yet to see this event.
Liu Bei will reach the shore by Liu Qi if you have cleared the way for him
and you will see a message saying that he is waiting for the peasants to
arrive. If the peasants are defeated Liu Bei will not retreat. I suspect that
if you save the peasants long enough for them to reach the ships and flee Liu
Bei will retreat.

The Battle of Chi Bi
Zhuge Liang summons the winds (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Required for the fire
event. Will not occur if Zhuge Liang's prayer shrine (Southwestern corner
of the map) is disturbed first by Cao Cao's troops.
Zhuge Liang abandons the prayer shrine and runs (Wei)
Requirements: Defeat Lu Meng before Zhuge Liang summons the wind.
Zhou Yu order Huang Gai to "begin the plan" (All)
Requirements: Zhuge Liang summons the winds. This event will not occur if
Huang Gai has been defeated (which means the fire event cannot occur).
Offering to help Huang Gai (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: After Zhou Yu tells Huang Gai to "begin the plan" arrive at
his destination. You character will announce his/her intention to help him.
Cao Cao's navy is set on fire (All)
Requirements: occurs after Huang Gai reaches his destination (a ship just
South of the middle of his map) and the officer there is defeated (this
officer changes depending on musou mode or free mode. He is usually Dian
Wei or Xiahou Dun). For this event to occur Zhuge Liang must have summoned
the wind, Huang Gai must have reached his destination, and Zhou Yu must
still be in battle.
Shu arrives to reinforce Wu (Wei, Wu)
Requirements: occurs after the fire event.
Zhou Yu orders attack telling his men not to be outdone by Shu (Wu)
Requirements: after Shu's forces arrive.
Xun Yu arrives with reinforcements for Cao Cao (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time as long as the battle is
going badly for Cao Cao. Causes backup troops to appear to the North of
Cao Cao's camp.
Huang Gai is shot with an arrow by Zhang Liao (Wu)
Requirements: Huang Gai and Zhang Liao meet after the fire event. An easy
way to do this is to play Zhou Yu and lead him to Zhang Liao (because
Huang Gai is Zhou Yu's subordinate the direction in which you travel
has an impact on his movements.
Precious item report (Fire Arrows) (Wei)
Requirements: Defeat Zhou Yu before the fire event. The special item
report will appear around the center of the map.

Assault on Cheng Du
Your officer comments on how hard it is to see in the forest (Shu).
Requirements: occurs at the beginning of the battle.
Pang Tong is ambushed by Zhang Ren
Requirements: Pang Tong leaves the Eastern forest and heads West along
the South road. Causes Zhang Ren and his troops to surround Pang Tong.
If saved in musou mode Pang Tong becomes a playable officer.
Liu Zheng surrenders to Liu Bei
Requirements: Liu Bei meets Liu Zheng after all of Liu Zheng's officers
have been defeated.
Unlock a secret officer (Pang Tong) (Shu)
Requirements: keep Pang Tong alive until the battle ends in musou mode.
Precious item report (Hex Mark Saddle) (Shu)
Requirements: defeat all of Liu Zheng's officers and there will be a
special item report in the Southwestern corner of the map.

The Battle at Tong Gate
Cao Cao moves West along Northern roads to the Western bridge (Allies)
Requirements: Ma Chao meets Cao Cao.
Ma Chao sends Han Sui and others to defend against Cao Cao. (Allies)
Requirements: occurs after Ma Chao meets Cao Cao and Cao Cao takes his
own forces West along the Northern trails to attack Ma Chao's camp from
behind. He will meet with Han Sui when he arrives at the bridge if Han
Sui is still alive.
Ma Chao charges Cao Cao with Pang De and Ma Dai (All)
Requirements: occurs at the beginning of the battle (Wei), occurs when
Ma Chao meets Cao Cao (Allied Forces).
Cao Cao talks with Han Sui (All)
Requirements: Cao Cao and Han Sui meet after Pang De and Ma Dai have
been defeated. Causes Han Sui's morale to drop.
Han Sui defects to Cao Cao's forces (All)
Requirements: occurs a set period of time after Cao Cao meets Han Sui.
Supply Team with Special Item (Golden Harness) (Wei)
Requirements: After Cao Cao convinces Han Sui to betray (and he does) Ma
Chao will retreat back into Tong Gate. Follow him and the Supply Team will
arrive to the West.

The Battle at He Fei
Zhang Liao kills Taishi Ci with arrows (All)
Requirements: Taishi Ci meets Zhang Liao.
Sun Quan jumps the Southeastern bridge (Wu)
Requirements: after Taishi Ci is defeated Sun Quan will retreat to the
Southeastern area. If you meet him there with your character you will
jump the bridge together with him.
Zhang Liao's forces retreat (All)
Requirements: occurs a short period of time after Zhang Liao defeats
Taishi Ci (Wei) or after Sun Quan jumps the Southeastern bridge and
Taishi Ci's defeat (Wu).
Zhang Liao's forces reappear by Sun Quan and attack (All)
Requirements: occurs a little while after Zhang Liao's forces retreat.
When playing as Wu Sun Quan must be in the Southeastern area (he must have
jumped the bridge). Zhang Liao, when defeated here, will drop the Buckler
Gan Ning's forces appear and attack Cao Cao (All)
Requirements: Occurs a set period of time after Zhang Liao's ambush.
Gan Ning's forces appear in the valley just South of Cao Cao's camp and
move North to attack him. Defeat Gan Ning to get the Power Scroll.
Sun Quan orders a charge (Wu)
Requirements: After defeating all officers by Cao Cao approach Sun Quan
and he will order a charge. Sun Quan and all officers will attack
Cao Cao's camp.
Cao Cao's reinforcements arrive (All)
Requirements: occurs after Gan Ning attacks or Sun Quan orders a charge.
Reinforcements fortify Cao Cao's camp.
Cao Cao retreats (Wu)
Requirements: Sun Quan meets Cao Cao (after ordering a charge) while
Cao Cao has no officers left. If playing in musou mode Sun Quan will be
unlocked as a playable character.
Unlock a secret officer (Zhang Liao) (Wu)
Requirements: defeat Zhang Liao in musou mode.
Unlock a secret officer (Gan Ning) (Wei)
Requirements: defeat Gan Ning in musou mode.
Unlock a secret officer (Sun Quan) (Wu)
Requirements: get Cao Cao to retreat in musou mode.
Dropped Special Item (Buckler) (Wu)
Requirements: Defeat Zhang Liao after he ambushes Sun Quan and he will
drop this special item.
Dropped Special Item (Power Scroll) (Wei)
Requirements: Defeat Gan Ning after he appears to ambush Cao Cao and he
will drop this item.

The Battle at Fan Castle
Fan Castle is flooded (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set amount of time (as long as your officer
is not in the lower area; if he is the flood will occur after your
character reaches higher ground. Kills all officers and soldiers in the
flooded areas.
Wu arrives to reinforce Wei (Wei, Shu)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Lu Meng, Lu Xun, and
Gan Ning arrive to help Sima Yi.
Guan Yu questions Xu Huang (Wei, Shu)
Requirements: Guan Yu asks Xu Huang why he is attacking when Xu Huang and
Guan Yu meet (you must be playing one of these officers).
Unlock a secret officer (Lu Meng) (Wu)
Requirements: keep Lu Meng alive until the battle ends in musou mode.

The Battle at Mt. Ding Jun
Huang Zhong shoots an arrow at Xiahou Yuan (All)
Requirements: occurs shortly after the battle begins.
Huang Zhong charges down the mountain (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time or when your character
approaches Huang Zhong.
Unlock a secret officer (Xiahou Yuan) (Shu)
Requirements: defeat Xiahou Yuan in musou mode.

The Battle at Yi Ling
Lu Xun examines the Shu encampment (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time (the harder the difficulty
the shorter the period of time will be). Lu Xun will think to himself that
Zhuge Liang must not be present and then will order Zhu Ran to set the Shu
encampment on fire. Zhu Ran's unit will appear at the West end of the
central valley and will travel East.
Zhu Ran sets Shu's camps on fire (All)
Requirements: Zhu Ran reaches the East side of the central valley after
Lu Xun examines the camp. This event will not occur if Zhu Ran is defeated
first. Causes many Shu soldiers to die and greatly reduces their morale.
Zhuge Liang's main body of troops arrives to aid Liu Bei (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time.
Shu ambush party appears in the Stone Warrior Formation (All)
Requirements: occurs as soon as a Wei soldier or officer gets near the
entrance to Zhuge Liang's Stone Warrior Formation. Lei Tong (exit),
Wu Lan (entrance), and many soldiers arrive to defend the formation.
Entering the Stone Warrior Formation (Wu)
Requirements: after passing the first two sections of Zhuge Liang's
Stone Warrior Formation your officer will wonder why the area still
looks the same as the entrance.
Stone Warrior Formation successfully traversed (Wu)
Requirements: occurs after your officer exits the Stone Warrior Formation.
This event also occurs if you enter the Stone Warrior Formation from the
exit in Shu's camp.
Supply Team with Special Item (Imperial Saddle) (Shu)
Requirements: Defeat Zhu Ran before he can set the Shu encampment on fire
and then defeat all other Wu officers but Sun Quan (kill Lu Xun last). The
Supply Team will appear by Sun Quan and will travel in that area for a
little while before leaving.

The Nanman Campaign
Troops panic after meeting an elephant (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: occurs after troops meet an elephant in battle.
Arrows have no effect on enemy soldiers (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: occurs after troops meet the Nanman soldiers with the funny
hats. (What were the hats called? I don't remember.)
King Duosi charges the camp (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. King Duosi charges down
the Eastern valley and toward the command area.
Meng Huo is defeated (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: each time you defeat Meng Huo there will be a new cut scene.
Zhu Rong is angered and swears vengeance (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: Meng Huo is defeated for the fifth time. Defeat Zhu Rong in
musou mode to make her a playable character.
Dong Tuna and Ahui Nan retreat (Nanman)
Requirements: Dong Tuna and Ahui Nan stay alive for 15 minutes.
Meng Huo surrenders (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: defeat Meng Huo seven times with the same character. Nanman
Campaign stage map (all seven locations are marked on the stage map below
this entry). If you meet Zhu Rong before defeating Meng Huo six times he
will appear at his final location and you will not be able to defeat him
all seven times. Defeat Meng Huo seven times in musou mode with the same
character to unlock him as a playable character.
Meng Huo Map: http://www.kongming.net/dw3/maps/nanmancampaign.html
Unlock a secret officer (Zhu Rong) (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: defeat Zhu Rong in musou mode.
Unlock a secret officer (Meng Huo) (Wu, Shu)
Requirements: defeat Meng Huo seven times with the same officer.

The Battle of Jie Ting
Ma Su attacks the Wei command center (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Ma Su will start moving
North along the Western road to attack the Wei command center.
Ma Su's troops are ambushed (All)
Requirements: after moving North into the large clearing in the central
Western area of the map Du Xi (Zhang He's officer) will ambush him and
attack until he is defeated. This event will not occur if Zhang He's troop
has been defeated.
Ma Su's troops are surrounded on the summit (Wei)
Requirements: Defeat Chen Shi before Ma Su announces his intention to
attack Zhang He. Ma Su's troops will be surrounded on the summit, defeat
him for a large morale bonus.
"A downhill charge like falling blossoms" (All)
Requirements: After Ma Su is ambushed by Du Xi Zhang He will charge South
down the Western path with his army. He will first attack Ma Su and then
he will move on to attack the Shu command center.
Ma Su's troop is saved (All)
Requirements: Ma Su's troop will be saved if Du Xi or Zhang He is defeated
after the ambush. Ma Su, after being saved, will retreat to the Shu
command center.
Zhao Yun arrives with reinforcements for Shu (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Zhao Yun appears by the
Shu command base with reinforcements.
Ma Su apologizes (Shu)
Requirements: If Ma Su returns to the Shu command base after being saved
he will apologize to the army for his insubordination.

The Battle at You Ting
Sun Quan orders a charge against Cao Xiu (All)
Requirements: both the West and East command centers have fallen.
Sun Quan's generals will all attack Cao Xiu.
Jia Kui arrives with reinforcements for Cao Xiu (All)
Requirements: Jia Kui arrives with reinforcements after Man Chong is
defeated (or Cao Xiu is defeated, forcing Man Chong to retreat).
Sima Yi discovers that Zhou Fang is a traitor (All)
Requirements: Sun Shang Xiang meets Zhen Ji. Zhou Fang is discovered and
returns to the Wu ranks.
Your officer rallies the army against Cao Xiu (Wu)
Requirements: Defeat both the east and west forts before attacking
Cao Xiu. When you go in to fight Cao Xiu your general will rally your
troops against him.
Zhou Fang returns to Wu (Wu)
Requirements: Defeat both the east and west forts before attacking Cao Xiu.
Your character will rally the army (when you go to meet him) and after that
Zhou Fang will return to your side.
Sun Quan tells Zhou Fang to defect to the Wu side (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time depending on the
difficulty level chosen.

The Siege of He Fei Castle
Archers ambush your army (All)
Requirements: occurs as soon as you step onto the stone pathway across the
lake in the middle of the map. The archers appear to attack Wu and Wei.
Zhuge Jin and Sun Shao arrive with reinforcements for Sun Quan/Ce/Jian (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Sun Shao arrives to the
Southeast and Zhuge Jin arrives to the Southwest, bot with many soldiers.
They move on Sima Yi's castle.
Sun Quan orders a charge (All)
Requirements: After the front gate is opened (which occurs after a set
period of time (Wei), or when the two main officers behind it (Wei), and
after the arrival of Zhuge Jin and Sun Shao all of Sun Quan's officers will
charge the castle.
Cao Rui and Man Chong arrive with reinforcements for Sima Yi. (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Man Chong and Cao Rui will
appear at the Southeastern troop entry point with a very large army and will
attack Sun Quan.
Sima Yi orders a charge (All)
After Man Chong and Cao Rui arrive with reinforcements Sima Yi will order
his whole army to attack Sun Quan (which they will do after all Wu officers
in the castle center are defeated).
All gates are opened from the inside (Wei)
Requirements: After Man Chong and Cao Rui arrive with reinforcements for
Sima Yi all gates of the Wei castle will be opened from the inside.
Wu army begins their full scale attack (All)
After the battle starts going well for Wu (Wu), or after all Wei castle
gates are opened from the inside (Wei) Sun Quan will attack himself along
with all soldiers under his command.
Sima Yi himself attacks (All)
After the battle starts going well for Wei, or after most Wei officers are
defeated Sima Yi himself will charge into battle.
Wall of Arrows trap (All)
Requirements: when you enter the long walkway along the West side of the
map the walls will start shooting arrows straight across the path.
Wind Corridor trap (All)
Requirements: when you enter the square room at the Northwest corner of
the map large wind funnels will appear. If you touch one of them you will
be injured and thrown.
Precious item report (Bodyguard Manual) (Wu)
Requirements: After defeating Xu Zhu there will be a special item report
at the Northeastern corner of the map.
Precious item report (The Art of War) (Wei)
Requirements: After defeating all enemy officers but Sun Quan wait for
a while and there will be a special item report on Sun Quan's ship.

The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains
Man Chong and Deng Ai arrive with reinforcements for Sima Yi (All)
Requirements: After Sima Zhao is defeated Man Chong and Deng Ai will
arrive with many troops by the central Northern troop entry points.
They will head Southeast to attack Guan Yu and reinforce Sima Yi.
Cao Xiu, Xin Pi, and Jia Xu arrive as reinforcements for Sima Yi (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Cao Xiu, Xin Pi, and
Jia Xu will arrive with many troops at the central Eastern area of the map.
Catapults are set up in the Northeast area of the map (All)
Requirements: occurs after a set period of time. Sima Zhao will set up
catapults and after about five minutes will start bombarding the Shu
headquarters inflicting heavy casualties and causing serious damage to
any officer that is hit. This event will not occur, and can be prevented
if, Sima Zhao is defeated.
Catapults are set up in the Southwest area of the map (All)
Requirements: occurs a set period of time after the Northeast catapults
have ceased firing. Cao Ren will set up catapults and after about five
minutes (from the previous cease fire) will start bombarding the Shu
headquarters inflicting heavy casualties and causing serious damage to
any officer that is hit. This event will not occur, and can be prevented
if, Sima Zhao is defeated. Officers will only be hit if you are in the area.
Ambush outside Shu fortress (Wei)
Requirements: While playing as Wei you will be ambushed by Huang Quan and
his men as soon as you approach the entrance to Shu's headquarters.
Huang Quan will arrive with a good amount of troops and a number of
Sima Yi is taunted (Shu)
Requirements: while playing as Shu take your character along the base of
Sima Yi's mountain and walk below him. There will be a cut scene in which
your character taunts Sima Yi. This will cause Sima Yi's morale to drop
and will also cause his soldiers to come down and attack your army. If
you are playing in musou mode (where Cao Cao is the commander) he may
even come down himself.
Zhuge Liang's wooden oxen (Shu)
Requirements: while playing as Shu when your officer arrives just South
of the central Eastern area of the map some wooden oxen will appear and
your character will examine them. Attack one of the wooden oxen and they
will break open revealing supplies.
Falling Star Event (Shu)
Requirements: After two of the five tiger generals (Zhao Yun, Guan Yu,
Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, Huang Zhong) have been defeated there will be a cut
scene in which your character witnesses a falling star.
Falling Star Event (Wei)
Requirements: After two of your own major officer (officers that you
would be able to play in musou mode) have been defeated there will be a
cut scene in which your character witnesses a falling star.
Zhuge Liang turns his legacy over to Jiang Wei (Shu: Jiang Wei)
Requirements: While playing as Jiang Wei on Shu's side after the Falling
Star Event approach Zhuge Liang. There will be a cut scene in which Zhuge
Liang tells Jiang Wei that his star is also fading and that he [Zhuge Liang]
leaves his legacy to you [Jiang Wei]. After this a report says, "Jiang Wei
is rallying Zhuge Liangs troops", this increases Zhuge Liang's morale.
Precious item report (Survival Guide) (Shu)
Requirements: After Shu's shooting star event there will be a special
item report North of Shu's headquarters.
Precious item report (Defender) (Wei)
Requirements: After Wei's shooting star event there will be a special
item report in the Northeast area of the map.

The Mountain Bandit Campaign
Mountain Bandit Commander attacks (All)
Requirements: after all Lt. Commanders are defeated and your officer
arrives at the northmost area of the map the Commander will attack you
(the Commander is usually a generic officer, but in some cases it may be
a playable characters with a little story to go behind their appearance).

Raid on the Rogue Fortress
Strange fortress (All)
Requirements: When your officer reaches the top dead end of the first area
inside the fortress he/she will run along the wall and wonder to himself/
herself why the fortress is so strange and how to get inside.
Rogue Commander attacks (All)
Requirements: after all Lt. Commanders are defeated and your officer arrives
inside the central building the Commander will attack you (the Commander is
usually a generic officer, but in some cases it may be one of the actual
characters with a little story to go behind the appearance).

Pirate Attack on High Seas
Pirate Commander attacks (All)
Requirements: after all Lt. Commanders are defeated and your officer arrives
at the Commander's ship the Commander himself will appear and attack (check
the main map for the location of the Commander). (the Commander is usually a
generic officer, but in some cases it may be one of the actual characters
with a little story to go behind the appearance).

Section VIII - DIM SUM/MUSOU WINE Locations
Each level in the game has at least one Dim Sum (pick up to permanently
increase your life by 10) and one Fairy (Musou) Wine (pick up to permanently
increase your musou gauge by 10). In this section of the FAQ you will find a
section for each stage and where they are located. Dim Sums and Fairy Wines
are always found in pots, not boxes.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion
Dim Sum: On the right side of the river exiting at the top of the castle.
Dim Sum: On a castle wall ledge two ledges down from the northeast corner
of He Jin's castle. To get this Dim Sum you must run along the top of the
castle wall until you are above it and then jump down onto the ledge. You
can see where they are from inside the castle and from the very edge of
the castle wall walkway.
Fairy Wine: Along the west side of the mountain south of Zhang Liang's
initial position.
Fairy Wine: On a castle wall ledge two ledges up from the southwest corner
of He Jin's castle. To get this Fairy Wine you must run along the top of
the castle wall until you are above it and then jump down onto the ledge.
You can see where they are from inside the castle and from the very edge
of the castle wall walkway.

The Battle at Hu Lao Gate
Dim Sum: On the north end of the castle wall by Dong Zhuo.
Fairy Wine: On the south end of Hu Lao Gate (the castle wall in the middle
of the stage map.

Surprise Attack on Liu Biao
Dim Sum: In the southeast corner of the large opening in the middle of
the forest. It is by three pots.
Fairy Wine: By the shore there are two enclosed areas that contain tents.
The Fairy Wine is in the northeast corner of the leftmost area.

The Battle at Wan Castle
Dim Sum: At the bottom of the map East from Hu Che Er's initial position.
Fairy Wine: Northeast from the southeast corner of the map in the square-
shaped indentation in the castle wall. Near the bottom center wall of that

Assault on the Wu Territory
Dim Sum: West from the top center gate captain along the north wall in
the corner.
Fairy Wine: Just to the west from the north exit of the Southwest encampment.

The Battle at Guan Du
Dim Sum: at the tip of the land protrusion west from the top two
eastern encampments.
Fairy Wine: Northwest corner of the land protrusion in the center of
Cao Cao's camp (near water on two sides).

Guan Yu's Escape
Dim Sum: just south of the first gate.
Fairy Wine: just north of the second gate.

The Battle of Chang Ban
Dim Sum: southwest of Zhang He's initial position in the southwest corner.
Fairy Wine: along the shore at the southwest corner of the map (where
Liu Bei's ships arrive) in the middle.

The Battle of Chi Bi
Dim Sum: on the rightmost of the two small ships west of the top center
area of the map.
Fairy Wine: on the ship south from the lowest gate captain on the east side
of the map.

Assault on Cheng Du
Dim Sum: at the end of the second path down from the top (northwest area
of the forest). Check your location in the forest using the main map.
Fairy Wine: down the southeast path in the forest. Check your location
in the forest using the main map.

The Battle at Tong Gate
Dim Sum: West from the northwest gate captain.
Fairy Wine: south of the northeast gate captain along the inner mountainside.

The Battle at He Fei
Dim Sum: Northwest corner of the map along the west side of the map.
Fairy Wine: Northeast corner of the map along the shore.

The Battle at Fan Castle
Dim Sum: Southern end of the west most highground.
Fairy Wine: Northwest corner of the map.

The Battle at Mt. Ding Jun
Dim Sum: Southeast from Cao Cao / Sima Yi's position.
Fairy Wine: at the top of the central easternmost hill.

The Battle at Yi Ling
Dim Sum: In the East corner of the central eastern area of Zhuge Liang's
Stone Warrior Formation. Use the main map to check your location.
Fairy Wine: In the west corner of the Southwest area of Zhuge Liang's
Stone Warrior Formation. Use the main map to check your location.

The Nanman Campaign
Dim Sum: Bottom right-hand corner of the West path down the middle of the
map (east from Meng Huo's fifth appearance location).
Fairy Wine: West of the river that exits at the top northwest area of the
map along the mountainside.

The Battle of Jie Ting
Dim Sum: Northwest corner of the clearing at the west side of the map.
Fairy Wine: Along the east wall of the center path in the middle of the
map by a building.

The Battle at You Ting
Dim Sum: Northeast corner of the path below the southern entrance to
Cao Xiu's fort.
Fairy Wine: Northeast corner inside Cao Xiu's fort.

The Siege of He Fei Castle
Dim Sum: Northeast corner of the western path to the castle interior
(northeast from the wind corridor trap).
Fairy Wine: Northeast corner of the map by the crossbow men (enter
from the south).

The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains
Dim Sum: Far south end of Sima Yi / Cao Cao's area at the Northeast area
of the map.
Fairy Wine: Southwest corner of the path to the west of Zhuge Liang /
Liu Bei's initial position.

The Mountain Bandit Campaign
Dim Sum: In a corner between houses at the northeast area of the map.
Fairy Wine: Southwest area of the houses at the central western area of
the map (in a corner).

Raid on the Rogue Fortress
Dim Sum: Northwest corner of the central northern partition of the fort.
Fairy Wine: East from the entrance to the very center of the fort (where
you meet the rogue commander).

Pirate Attack on High Seas
Dim Sum: Just north of the southwest corner of the southwestern most ship.
Fairy Wine: central west side of the eastern ship (below middle partition).

Normal items can be found on most stages and will vary in power. For example,
the Speed Scroll, when equipped, will increase your officers speed by anywhere
from 1 point to 16 points depending on the power of your Speed Scroll. To get
better normal items win levels later in the game and on harder Difficulties.
You Ting, on hard difficulty, Wu side, is the best place to get most items.
Thanks to Koei for providing the stages at which certain items can be found.

Cavalry Armor
Range: 1-40, Effect: Increases an officers defense against all attacks
while mounted.
Some locations where commonly found: The Battle at You Ting.

Dragon Amulet
Range: 1-60, Effect: Increases the size of an officer's musou bar.
Some locations where commonly found: The Yellow Turban Rebellion, The Battle
at You Ting, The Battle at Yi Ling.

Elixir Pill
Range: 1-20, Effect: Increases the speed with which an officer's musou
bar increases.
Some locations where commonly found (Rare): The Battle at Wu Zhang Plains,
The Siege of He Fei Castle, Assault on the Wu Territory. The Elixir pill
is very rare, and it is possible to complete the game many times without
ever finding a single one. To find one just keep playing and hope for luck.

Horned Helm
Range: 1-40, Effect: Increase damage an officer deals with mounted attacks.
Some locations where commonly found: The Battle at Hu Lao Gate, The Battle at
Chi Bi, The Battle at You Ting, The siege of He Fei Castle.

Huang's Bow
Range: 1-40, Effect: Increases the damage an officer deals with bow attacks.
Some locations where commonly found: The Siege of He Fei Castle, Assault on
the Wu Territory, The Battle at You Ting.

Peacock Urn
Range: 1-60, Effect: Increases the size of an officer's life bar.
Some locations where commonly found: The Battle at Hu Lao Gate, The Battle
at Chi Bi, The Battle at You Ting, The siege of He Fei Castle.

Seven Star Orb
Range: 1-20, Effect: Increases the chance of meat buns and other common
items dropping.
Some locations where commonly found: The Battle at You Ting.

Shell Armor
Range: 1-40, Effect: Increases an officers defense against bow and crossbow
Some locations where commonly found: The Battle at You Ting.

Speed Scroll
Range: 1-16, Effect: Increases the speed with which an officer runs.
Some locations where commonly found: The Yellow Turban Rebellion, Assault on
the Wu Territory, The Battle at You Ting.

Tiger Amulet
Range: 1-20, Effect: Increases damage an officer deals with physical attacks.
Some locations where commonly found: The Battle at You Ting, The Battle of
Chang Ban.

Tortoise Amulet
Range: 1-40, Effect: Increases an officers defense against physical attacks.
Some locations where commonly found: The Battle at Hu Lao Gate, The Battle at
Chi Bi, The Battle at You Ting, The siege of He Fei Castle.

Wind Scroll
Range: 1-20, Effect: Increases the range of an officer's attacks.
Some locations where commonly found (Rare): The Battle at You Ting,
The Siege of He Fei Castle. This is a rare item.

Wing Boots
Range: 1-16, Effect: Increases the height an officer may jump.
Some locations where commonly found: The Battle at Chi Bi, The Battle
at You Ting.

All rare (red) items can only be found under special circumstances (detailed
below). You can get these items in any difficulty and in free mode or Musou
mode. Some are hard to get, I will provide additional details below to help
with them.

The Art of War
Effect: Imperial Seal, War God's Axe, and Armor have longer effect.
Requirements: The Siege of He Fei Castle, Wei's army, precious item.
Defeat all generals but Sun Quan (Jian). After doing this just sit back
and wait for a while, sooner or later there will be a precious item
report on Sun's ship.

Bodyguard Manual
Effect: Bodyguards become stronger: allows them to use charged attacks.
Requirements: The Siege of He Fei Castle, Wu's army, precious item.
Defeat Xu Zhu and there will be a precious item report in the Northeast
corner of the map. Follow the path you took to reach Xu Zhu to the North,
you will come upon a gap in the walkway, you will need to jump this gap
to get to the Manual. This room is full of crossbowmen and on medium or
hard difficulty it can really be a pain to clear them out. If you run up
to the edge of the jump you will be able to get some of them within
arrow range. Shoot as many as possible before going over.

Effect: Prevents stumbling after guarding (can't be knocked off balance).
Requirements: He Fei, Wu's army, dropped item. Zhang Liao will defeat
Taishi Ci early in the battle, Sun Quan will retreat to the Southeast
just North of the river. When you arrive near him he will jump the
broken bridge with your officer. Wait for a while and Zhang Liao will
vanish. Later he will appear by Sun Quan (Jian) and attack him. Defeat
him and he will drop the Buckler.

Effect: Defense x2 for 30 seconds when near death.
Requirements: Wu Zhang Plains, Wei's army, precious item. Wait for two of
your most powerful officers to be defeated (these officers will be officers
you can play in Musou mode). After their deaths there will be a shooting
star event. After the event there will be a precious item report to the
Northeast of the map.

Fire Arrows
Effect: Can shoot fire arrows: adds a good amount of extra damage.
Requirements: Chi Bi, Wei's army, precious item. Defeat Zhou Yu before
the fire event takes place. The precious item report will appear around
the middle of the map.

Golden Harness
Effect: Prevents dismounting when hit by arrows.
Requirements: Tong Gate, Wei's army, supply troop. Wait for Cao Cao to
convince Han Sui to betray and then kill all of Ma Chao's officers, you
will get a message telling you that Ma Chao is retreating, follow him
through Tong Gate. The supply troop will appear to the left side of the
map. It can be hard to get Han Sui to betray, so I will offer some
addition tips. First, it is a good idea to set the game to normal or
hard difficulty (so your side doesn't slaughter him). Kill Pang De and
Ma Dai as soon as the battle starts, this will start the Cao Cao meets
Han Sui events (as long as Han Sui is close to Cao Cao). Keep Han Sui
safe while this is happening by not attacking his soldiers and leaving
him and his bodyguards alone. When he joins your army keep the enemy
away from him at all costs. Aside from this just wait and sooner or
later the supply troop will appear (make sure you check the message
history every once and a while just in case you missed the arrival).
This item may take you several tries to get.

Hex Mark Saddle
Effect: Start stages mounted on Hex Mark horse: 2nd best horse in game.
Requirements: Cheng Du, Shu's army, precious item. Defeat all officers
but Liu Zheng. The precious item will appear in the Southwest corner
of the map.

Imperial Saddle
Effect: Allows you to ride any horse regardless of level.
Requirements: Yi Ling, Shu's army, supply troop. Lu Xun will spot your
camp and say to himself that Zhuge Liang must not be present. He will
then send Zhu Ran to set your camp on fire. He will appear to the West
end of the long horizontal valley in the center of the map and travel
to the right end. When he reaches the right end he will set Shu's camp
on fire. Zhang Bao slows him down, but on harder difficulties he will
not be able to do much. You must defeat Zhu Ran before he can set the
Shu encampment on fire. After doing this defeat all other Wu officers
but Sun Quan (Jian). The supply troop will appear from one of Sun Quan
(Jian)'s gates and will travel in that area for a little while before
leaving. Defeat Lu Xun last to make sure you are close to the supply
team when it appears or play with two players.

Power Scroll
Effect: Never loose weapon deadlocks: you may still draw.
Requirements: He Fei, Wei's army, dropped item. After the Zhang Liao
attack event wait a while and Gan Ning will attack. Zhang Liao will
attack after Sun Quan (or Jian) retreats South below the river (which
is triggered by Taishi Ci's death at Zhang Liao's hands). Zhang Liao
will attack him down there and shortly after Gan Ning will attack with
his army. When you defeat him he will drop the Power Scroll.

Red Hare Saddle
Effect: Start stage mounted on Red Hare horse: best horse in game.
Requirements: Hu Lao Gate, Allies's army, supply team. Defeat Lu Bu and
the supply team will appear near Cao Cao's initial location. They will
travel north to the checkpoint at the top center of the map and wait a
while before leaving. You should have plenty of time to get there as
long as you go as soon as you defeat Lu Bu.

Survival Guide
Effect: Attack x2 for 30 seconds when near death.
Requirements: Wu Zhang Plains, Shu's army, precious item. Wait for two of
the Tiger Generals to be defeated (Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei,
Zhao Yun). After their deaths there will be a shooting star event. After the
event there will be a precious item report to the North of Zhuge Liang's

The Way of Musou
Effect: May use True (fire) Musou Attack regardless of health.
Requirements: Guan Yu's Escape, Shu's army, dropped item. Defeat Xiahou Dun,
he will drop the item.

In addition to first, second, and third weapons (which are randomly found
after levels) each officer has a fourth weapon. The fourth weapon comes with
set abilities and is usually the best weapon for an officer. In order to get
a fourth weapon you must be on hard difficulty and you must be on the proper
stage (mentioned below). You may get fourth weapons in musou mode and in free
mode. I would like to thank Praylood and Muni Shinobu for helping out, in
one way or another, with this section.

Cao Cao (Wrath of Heaven)
Element: Death (Activate with: SSSSST*)
Basic +45, Att +24, Arrow Att +52, Mounted Att +48, Range +24
Stage: Yellow Turban Rebellion (Allied Forces)
Supply Team (starts: Northwest entry point, moves: central Northern entry
point by Zhang Jiao's final position).
Requirements: Defeat Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang (Zhang Jiao's brothers)
without killing any Gate Captains and without loosing any of your own.
Because the supply team will appear at the Northwest entry point and move
East it is suggested that you equip either a fast horse or a good Speed
Scroll and kill Zhang Bao before killing Zhang Liang. After you defeat
Zhang Liang cross the bridge to the North of his original position and
head straight for the supply team (hurry, you don't have much time).
It is worth noting that after you get the weapon He Jin will probably
already be in danger, attack and defeat Zhang Jiao as soon as you have
the weapon.

Da Qiao (True Beauty)
(Da Qiao's weapon has no element)
Basic +37, Musou Gauge +64, Life +65, Att +22, Def +48, Luck +29
Stage: You Ting (Wu; Sun Quan's forces)
Precious Item (location: dead end the West of the Northwest entry point).
Requirements: Defeat Zhang He. You will not be able to get this item in
Musou Mode.

Dian Wei (Mad Bull)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSSSTT, SSSSST*)
Basic +49, Life +84, Att +27, Musou Charge +28
Stage: Wan Castle (Wei; Cao Cao's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: East from Hu Che Er, moves: entry point by Jia Xu).
Requirements: Defeat Hu Che Er.

Diao Chan (Gold Globes)
(Diao Chan's weapon has no element)
Basic +40, Musou Ga. +65, Def +48, Luck +30, Range +28, Musou Ch. +30
Stage: Hu Lao Gate (Dong Zhuo's Forces)
Precious Item (location: West of Fan Shui Gate).
Requirements: Defeat Yuan Shu (starts in the Southeastern area of the map).

Dong Zhuo (Grand Star)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSSSTT)
Basic +41, Life +70, Def +45, Range +25
Stage: Hu Lao Gate (Dong Zhuo's Forces)
Precious Item (location: The gate behind Xu Rong's initial position).
Requirements: Wait until the allied force has defeat all your generals
but Lu Bu and Diao Chan. Diao Chan will betray to the allied forces'
side. Defeat Diao Chan. You will want to go out and keep Diao Chan safe
while your officers are being defeated, but try not to kill to many
soldiers of the allied force. Try not to kill any generals at all. When
you go to defeat Diao Chan after she betrays you may be surprised to
arrive at here location with her nowhere to be found. Check the map
again to make sure you at the correct location. If she is invisible go
and kill some soldiers and maybe an officer in the area to make her
reappear (this is a glitch in the game that you may encounter while
trying to get this weapon). If you are going to use a second officer
on this stage I would suggest Lu Bu.

Fu Xi (Fu Xi's Sword)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSST, SSSSST)
Basic +46, Att +26, Def +51, Range +23, Musou Charge +24
Stage: Surprise Attack on Liu Biao (Liu Biao's Forces)
Precious Item (location: dead end in the Northwest corner of the beach).
Requirements: Defeat Huang Gai.

Gan Ning (Sea Master)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSSSST*)
Basic +46, Speed +22, Jump +21, Att +25, Luck +26, Musou Charge +28
Stage: He Fei (Sun Quan's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: Northwest entry point, moves: Southwest entry point).
Requirements: Wait for Taishi Ci's death event. This event occurs when
he meets Zhang Liao, which will be early in the battle. Do not kill
Zhang Liao before this event.

Guan Yu (Blue Moon Dragon)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSSSTT)
Basic +49, HP +87, Att +29, Def +59, Musou Charge +25
Stage: Guan Yu's Escape (Guan Yu's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: North of 4th Gate, moves: South).
Requirements: Clear the 4th gate.

Huang Gai (Black Shadow)
(Huang Gai's weapon has no element)
Basic +44, Life +82, Def +57, Mounted Att +52, Range +23, Musou Charge +27
Stage: Chi Bi (Sun Quan's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Northwest from Zhuge Liang's prayer shrine).
Requirements: Defeat Zhang Liao. The symbol that shows on the map after
the precious item report is a little off. You will find the weapon
fairly close to it though.

Huang Zhong (Oracle Sword)
(Huang Zhong's weapon has no element)
Basic +44, Att +23, Def +45, Arrow Att +60, Arrow Def +58, Range +26
Stage: Mt. Ding Jun (Zhuge Liang's Forces)
Precious Item (location: West from Cao Cao's starting location).
Requirements: Travel down the central patch and defeat Xiahou Shang.

Jiang Wei (Blink)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSSSST)
Basic +41, Musou Gauge +74, Att +23, Luck +25
Stage: Jie Ting (Zhuge Liang's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: Northeast of Sima Yi, moves: Northwest entry point).
Requirements: Defeat Cao Zhen and Zhen Ji. Because there seems to be a
time limit or some other requirement for this weapon it is suggested that
you move North and defeat Zhen Ji as soon as the battle begins and then
immediately continue North to defeat Cao Zhen. If you defeat them both at
the beginning (you can beat other officers on the way) the weapon report
will show immediately. Also note that you do not have to approach Sima
Yi's encampment at all.

Liu Bei (Gold Moon Dragon)
(Liu Bei's weapon has no element)
Basic +40, Speed +20, Musou Ga. +70, Mount. Att +44, Mount. Def +52, Luck +22
Stage: Yi Ling (Liu Bei's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Northeast side of Sun Quan's camp).
Requirements: Defeat Sun Shang Xiang. Make sure you are prepared before
trying to get this item, Yi Ling is a very challenging stage when found
on hard with Shu. Make sure you kill Lu Meng as fast as possible (if his
morale fills completely you may not be able to beat him) and try to prevent
the fire attack if possible (kill Zhu Ran after Lu Xun surveys your camp).
You will probably find yourself fighting all opposing officers on your own.

Lu Bu (Sky Scorcher)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSST, SSSSTT, SSSSST)
Basic +50, Jump +24, Musou Gauge +90, Life +90, Att +30, Def +60
Stage: Hu Lao Gate (Dong Zhuo's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: Northeast entry point, moves: entry point by Cao Cao).
Requirements: Defeat Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei. Don't defeat Liu Bei
first or Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will retreat.

Lu Meng (White Tiger)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSSSST)
Basic +45, Def +53, Arrow Def +54, Mounted Def +54, Musou Charge +25
Stage: Fan Castle (Sima Yi's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Southeast of the Wei base on the middle platform).
Requirements: Defeat Guan Ping.

Lu Xun (Falcon)
Element: Death (Activate with: SSST)
Basic +42, Speed +22, Musou Gauge +75, Def +43, Range +29
Stage: Yi Ling (Sun Quan's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Northeast from the stone warrior formation).
Requirements: With either Lu Meng or Gan Ning alive complete the stone
warrior formation (a square area in the central South area of the map
with four mounds) and defeat Zhuge Liang. If you follow the left-hand wall
after entering it will lead you directly to the exit. Here is a trick, you
can trigger the stone warrior formation completed event by walking into it
and then out again from the end at the Shu camp. Also, there is a bug that
you may encounter while trying to get this weapon. You can get the special
item report on normal and easy difficulties, but not the fourth weapon
itself. All fourth weapons must be obtained on hard difficulty.
The best way to get this weapon is to move South as soon as the stage
starts, defeat Wei Yan (this will buy Lu Meng some time), and then enter
the stone warrior formation. Do not fight the enemy generals and soldiers
inside, just run past. Follow the left-hand wall and you will come to the
exit. (Zhuge Liang will arrive at this point). Circle around Liu Bei and
you will find Zhuge Liang, defeat him. After you have defeated him return
to the stone warrior formation and get the weapon (it is in the Northeast
corner). After you have done this it is probably best to defeat Liu Bei
(don't worry about the other officers unless you have no choice but to
fight them).

Ma Chao (Steel Dragon)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSSST)
Basic +42, Jump +21, Mounted Att +60, Mounted Def +60, Range +21
Stage: Tong Gate (Allied Forces)
Supply Team (starts: by the Northern bridge, moves: Northeast).
Requirements: Playing as Ma Chao charge Cao Cao as soon as you get the
chance. When you get near Cao Cao there will be a cut scene after which
he travels West across the top of the map (to the bridge above Ma Chao's
camp). Ma Chao will tell Han Sui and some other officers to help against
Cao Cao so they will travel North from the camp across the bridge to
face him. Fight by Han Sui (keep him safe) and defeat as many officers
and soldiers as possible until Cao Cao himself arrives. Cao Cao will
meet with Han Sui causing his moral to drop (this happens when Cao Cao
gets close to Han Sui). Continue fighting until you see the "the allied
forces are reeling from reports of Han Sui's betrayal" message. Shortly
after this message appears Han Sui will betray to Cao Cao's side (again,
you must keep him safe until this point). Moments after his betrayal a
supply team will arrive just South of the Northmost bride. Kill the
supply captain and then finish off Cao Cao, Han Sui, and the rest of
his officers. This procedure should work every time.

Meng Huo (King of Beasts)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSSST)
Basic +48, Life +88, Att +27, Mounted Att +54, Mounted Def +54
Stage: Nanman Campaign (Nanman Forces)
Precious Item (location: West from the central mountain).
Requirements: Defeat Ma Chao, Zhang Yi and Ma Dai or defeat Zhang Fei,
Zhang Bao, and Guan Xing.

Nu Wa (Nu Wa's Rapier)
Element: Death (Activate with: SSSSST*)
Basic +39, Musou Gauge +62, Life +62, Att +21, Def +46
Stage: Wan Castle (Zhang Xiu's Forces)
Precious Item (location: North of Dian Wei's starting point).
Requirements: Defeat Dian Wei.

Pang Tong (Tornado Staff)
(Pang Tong's weapon has no element)
Basic +38, Life +66, Att +22, Arrow Att +46, Range +28, Musou Charge +29
Stage: Cheng Du (Liu Bei's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Northwest area of map).
Requirements: Travel from the forest West down the Southern path. Zhang
Ren will ambush you (Pang Tong), defeat him. Pang Tong himself must
trigger the ambush so if you are using the two player trick (and Pang
Tong is weak) make sure you defeat most of the soldiers attacking Liu
Bei and all soldiers in Pang Tong's area first, this way Pang Tong will
be safe while you kill the men with your other officer.

Sima Yi (Dark Feather)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSST)
Basic +40, Att +28, Arrow Att +50, Mounted Att +55, Radius +29, Musou Ch. +26
Stage: Wu Zhang Plains (Sima Yi's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: by Zhang He's initial position) and Precious Item
(location: entry gate Southeast of Zhuge Liang's base).
Requirements: Defeat Zhang Bao and at the 70 minute mark a Supply Team will
appear by Zhang Bao's starting position (make sure you defeat Zhang Bao
before the 70 minute mark). (Use this time to kill as many officers as
you can, but stay in the area). When you defeat the supply captain he
will not drop anything, but will instead trigger the special item report.

Sun Ce (Overlord)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSST, SSSSST)
Basic +42, Speed +21, Jump +20, Musou Gauge +80, Life +72
Stage: Assault on Wu Territory (Sun Ce's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Southwest from Taishi Ci's original location).
Requirements: Defeat Liu Yong (the lord in the Southeast area of the map)
before you defeat Taishi Ci. Taishi Ci will betray to your side and the
special item report will occur. If you are playing in musou mode you will
also unlock Taishi Ci.

Sun Jian (Savage Wolf)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSST)
Basic +43, Musou Gauge +76, Life +68, Att +22, Def +49
Stage: Surprise Attack on Liu Biao (Sun Jian's Forces)
Precious Item (location: East of the path that leads to Lu Gong).
Requirements: Defeat Lu Gong.

Sun Quan (Master Wolf)
(Sun Quan's weapon has no element)
Basic +42, Musou Ga. +68, Att +22, Arrow Att +49, Arrow Def +50. Musou Ch. +26
Stage: Siege of He Fei Castle (Sun Quan's Forces)
Precious Item (location: East of the pond in the center of Wei's castle).
Requirements: Defeat Zhang He.

Sun Shang Xiang (Sol Chakram)
(Sun Shang Xiang's weapon has no element)
Basic +40, Speed +23, Jump +22, Life +66, Luck +23, Range +30
Stage: You Ting (Sun Quan's Forces)
Precious Item (location: by Cao Xiu's initial position).
Requirements: Defeat Cao Xiu.

Taishi Ci (Tiger Slayer)
Element: Lightning (Activate with: SSST, SSSSTT)
Basic +45, Life +81, Att +26, Arrow Att +55, Mounted Att +51
Stage: Assault on the Wu Territory (Allied Forces)
Precious Item (location: by the central Northern entry point).
Requirements: Defeat all enemy officers but Sun Ce.

Wei Yan (Double Comet)
Element: Death (Activate with: SSSSTT, SSSSST*)
Basic +46, Jump +23, Att +24, Def +56, Range +22
Stage: Jie Ting (Zhuge Liang's Forces)
Precious Item (location: on top of the hill where Ma Su sets up his camp).
Requirements: After a little while Ma Su will charge the enemy but will
instead be ambushed. When this happens find the enemy general attacking
him (under Zhang He's command) and defeat him to save Ma Su. Keep Ma Su
safe. Defeat all enemy officers by Sima Yi and then enter his camp (the
item report will occur).

Xiahou Dun (Kirin Fang)
Element: Fire (Activate with: ST)
Basic +48, Att +26, Arrow Def +60, Mounted Def +56, Range +24
Stage: Guan Yu's Escape (Xiahou Dun's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Northeast corner of Guan Ping's fort).
Requirements: Defeat Zhou Cang, Chen Zhen, and Guan Ping (a pain with
how fast Guan Yu moves and clears gates).

Xiahou Yuan (Demon Fang)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSST)
Basic +45, Musou Gauge +84, Life +78, Arrow Att +58, Arrow Def +59
Stage: Mt. Ding Jun (Sima Yi's Forces)
Precious Item (location: West from Huang Zhong's initial position).
Requirements: Wait for Huang Zhong to charge downhill (there will be
an event) and defeat him. This occurs early in the battle if you
fight up the hill toward him.

Xiao Qiao (True Grace)
Element: Death (Activate with: SSSSST*)
Basic +38, Speed +24, Def +47, Luck +28, Musou Charge +30
Stage: Nanman Campaign (Sun Quan's Forces)
Precious Item (location: by Gan Ning's starting position).
Requirements: Defeat Zhu Rong.

Xu Huang (Marauder)
(Xu Huang's weapon has no element)
Basic +46, Speed +21, Musou Gauge +82, Att +24, Luck +24, Range +22
Stage: Fan Castle (Sima Yi's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Near the Northeast corner on the ground level).
Requirements: Defeat Guan Ping before the flood event (10 minutes). If
you plan to do this in free mode unlock the Wei side at Fan Castle first
(you can do this by beating it in musou mode with Sima Yi).

Xu Zhu (Stone Crusher)
(Xu Zhu's weapon has no element)
Basic +50, Musou Gauge +88, Life +86, Att +28, Def +58, Luck +27
Stage: Tong Gate (Cao Cao's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Southeast from Ma Chao's fort).
Requirements: After defeating Ma Dai and Pang De (Ma Chao's officers)
pass through Tong Gate to trigger the special item report. If you are
playing with two players it is okay for the second player to kill Ma Dai
and Pang De, but it must be the first player (Xu Zhu) who passes through
the gate.

Yuan Shao (Grand Master)
(Yuan Shao's weapon has no element)
Basic +44, Jump +20, Musou Gauge +78, Def +54, Arrow Att +51, Mounted Att +46
Stage: Guan Du (Yuan Shao's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: North from Southeastern fort, moves: Southeast
entry point).
Requirements: Keep Wen Chou alive for 10 minutes. Go to his aid at the
beginning of the battle, he will be in trouble quickly. As soon as he is
safe find and defeat Guan Yu (if Guan Yu gets near Wen Chou he will auto-
matically kill him). After defeating Guan Yu return to Wen Chou and start
killing the closest officers.

Zhang Fei (Viper Blade)
(Zhang Fei's weapon has no element)
Basic +47, Att +29, Def +58, Mounted Att +56, Mounted Def +57, Musou Ch. +24
Stage: Chang Ban (Liu Bei's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: entry point by Xu Zhu, moves: North then Northeast).
Requirements: Go to Chang Ban bridge (the detailed bridge North of Xu Zhu)
and wait until an officer attacks you there. When you meet the officer on
the bridge you will see the Zhang Fei shout event. It does not matter what
officer you meet on the bridge, they can come from the North or the South.
You can also initiate the event by getting an officer to chase you to the
bridge. When you have done this defeat Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan.
This weapon can be very tricky to get because Liu Bei will usually be in
danger before an officer arrives at the bridge. For this weapon I advise
two players (under your control or with a friend). Make Zhang Fei player 1
and choose your best officer for player 2 (the instructions will assume
that you have done this, but you can really make Zhang Fei player one or
player two). Simultaneously move Zhang Fei down to Chang Ban bridge while
you move your second officer up to Xiahou Dun. Leave Zhang Fei on Chang Ban
bridge while you defeat Xiahou Dun, Zhang Liao, and the gate captains with
the other player. As soon as you have defeated them move your second player
to Liu Bei's area defeating all officers that get near you on the way.
Defeat Xiahou Yuan and if you have time, Zhang He. By now Cao Cao will have
arrived. Continue to kill as many people as you can in Liu Bei's area until
an officer attacks Zhang Fei (try to move your second officer to a safe
spot before this happens by watching the Start map.
The shout event will occur as soon as you begin combat with that officer
(you will usually face on of Cao Cao's officers, not Xu Zhu's (probably
Cao Ren). Right after the shout event occurs you will get the Supply Troop
announcement. Chase them down and get the item. Run Zhang Fei to the far
north (where Xiahou Dun was) and leave him there. Finish off all officers
with your second player. Eventually Cao Cao himself will come to attack
Liu Bei so it is okay if you cannot leave his side (due to him being in
trouble). There is room for error with this strategy and you should pull
it off as long as your second player is powerful.

Zhang He (Peacock Talon)
Element: Death (Activate with: SSSSST*)
Basic +43, Jump +23, Att +24, Range +27, Musou Charge +29
Stage: Guan Du (Cao Cao's Forces)
Precious Item (location: center of map by bend in river).
Requirements: Find and burn the enemy supply depot with Yan Liang and
Wen Chou alive. The supply depot itself changes location each game.

Zhang Jiao (Volcano Staff)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSST)
Basic +37, Musou Gauge +72, Att +43, Range +27
Stage: Yellow Turban Rebellion (Zhang Jiao's Forces)
Precious Item (location: Southeast from the Northern river).
Requirements: Defeat all three of Liu Bei's officers, all five of Cao Cao's
officers, or all four of Sun Jian's officers.

Zhang Liao (Dragon Breath)
(Zhang Liao's weapon has no element)
Basic +48, Life +79, Att +25, Mounted Att +58, Mounted Def +58, Range +21
Stage: He Fei (Cao Cao's Forces)
Precious Item (location: North from the broken bridge in the Southeastern
area of the map).
Requirements: Defeat Zhou Tai.

Zhao Yun (Fierce Dragon)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSST, SSSSST*)
Basic +43, HP +74, Att +25, Def +52, Musou Gauge +80
Stage: Chang Ban (Liu Bei's Forces)
Supply Team (starts: entry point by Zhang He, moves: Northeast).
Requirements: Defeat Xiahou Dun, Zhang Liao, and Zhang He. In addition to
this you must also wait for Cao Cao's reinforcements to arrive (Cao Cao
arrives at the 80 minute mark) and for Liu Bei will say, "Cao Cao, so you
want to end it here at Chang Ban?" (occurs at the 78 minute mark); after
this happens fight anyone around Liu Bei with Zhao Yun causing a cut scene
in which Yun tells the enemy soldiers not to harm his lord. (This event can
not be triggered by all characters, only Zhao Yun and some other Shu
officers and cannot be triggered if Liu Bei has already reached his
destination by Liu Qi's ships). You must finish everything before Liu Qi
arrives with reinforcements and the requirements may be fulfilled in any
order (the supply team arrives after completion). It is suggested that you
defeat Zhang He last (so you are close to the supply team).

Zhen Ji (Dark Moon Flute)
(Zhen Ji's weapon has no element)
Basic +37, Speed +23, Def +52, Arrow Att +50, Mounted Att +50, Range +25
Stage: Jie Ting (Sima Yi's Forces)
Precious Item (location: by Zhuge Liang's camp).
Requirements: Defeat Jiang Wei.

Zhou Yu (Ancients' Sword)
Element: Fire (Activate with: ST, SSSST)
Basic +46, Att +23, Def +50, Range +26, Musou Charge +27
Stage: Chi Bi (Sun Quan's Forces)
Precious Item (location: directly South from Cao Cao's initial position).
Requirements: Defeat Xiahou Dun and Xu Huang or Xiahou Dun and Zhang He.

Zhu Rong (Magma Wheel)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSST, SSSST)
Basic +42, Musou Gauge +72, Def +52, Arrow Def +52, Range +26
Stage: Nanman Campaign (Nanman Forces)
Precious Item (location: close to the bridge in the center of the map).
Requirements: Keep Dong Tu Na and Ahui Nan alive for 15 minutes so they can
trigger an event together. After the escape event the item will appear. As
soon as the battle starts go and kill Ma Chao (he will kill Ahui Nan) and
once you have done that go and attack the next closest threat (probably
Zhang Yi). From there fight anyone that gets (or will soon get) close to
either of them. Drop what you are doing and run to the rescue if either of
them is in danger or has low morale.

Zhuge Liang (Peacock Feather)
Element: Fire (Activate with: SSSST)
Basic +40, Speed +22, Jump +22, Defense +55, Arrow Def +55, Mounted Def +55
Stage: Wu Zhang Plains (Zhuge Liang's Forces)
Precious Item (location: down the passage to the East of Zhuge's fort).
Requirements: Defeat Cao Xiu after he arrives with his reinforcement troops.

This guide is Copyright ©2002 James Peirce, and protected by standard
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-= Copyright ©2002 James Peirce (james_gfaqs@hotmail.com) =-
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18.Октябрь 2013
FAQ, Secrets, & Cheats

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Character Guide and FAQ

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Ma Chao Faq

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Lu Xun FAQ

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Enemy Dropped Items Weapons PowerUps on Hard Difficulty

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Jiang Wei / Kyou-I Character Guide

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Sun Quan / Sonken Junior Character Guide

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Sima Yi / Shiba Yi Character Guide

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Zhuge Liang / Shokatsuryou Character Guide

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Vierte Waffe FAQ

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NTSC zu PAL Patch, JP-Version

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30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
11.Февраль 2016