Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

17.10.2013 08:35:18
Thief/Assassin Guide
Version 1.1
Beta 2
Table Of Contents

I. Revisions
II. Introduction
III. Novice Training
IV. Becoming A Thief
V. Thief Builds
VI. Equipment
VII. Thief Skills
VIII. Leveling

IX. Job Lvl. 40: Thief to Assassin
X. Assassin Builds
XI. Equipment
XII. Assassin Skills
XIII. Leveling

XIV. Special Thanks
XV. Contact
XVI. Legal Mumbo Jumbo

I. Revisions

8.01.02 - Added Another Assassin Skill Build, Various spelling fixes, and added Assassin Equipment.
Tweaked Equipment.

7.28.02 - First Production.

II. Introduction

Think your tough enough to be a thief? Well, here you can find out just that. Thieves are some of the
fastest hitting people in RO. They also evade attacks from their current enemies. High level thieves will
dish out large amount of damage in a short time without getting hit. The thief is also very versatile, able
to use swords, daggers, and bows.

This document will help you through the troubles of leveling your thief and understand what your doing.
Thieves are very rewarding and nothing is more exciting then seeing yourself destroy your enemy in
five seconds without taking a single hit. Let's get started on your journey.

III. Novice Training

A novice thief has a relatively easy time leveling up. The ideal starting stats are:


As a novice, stick to fighting porings, fabres, lunatics, and pickys. Later on before you change jobs, you
migth be able to take on condors and willows. It is best you train 1 N of Morroc because you will change
jobs here. Some other good areas are:

Geffen: Out East Gate
Prontera: Out South & East Gate
Payon: Out South Gate
Alberta: Out West Gate
Morroc: Out North Gate

IV. Becoming A Thief

The quest to become a thief has changed dramaticaly. It is much different now so listen up. The first
change is that there is now a quest.

The thief guild is located in the basements of the pyramids. Getting there is straightforward, but
but will be dangerous because of the aggressive monsters in the maze. The portal is in the northwest
corner of Morroc and the Pyramid is in the northwest corner of that map.


It will be required that you bring back two different types of mushrooms to the guild. This is one of the
easier quests. After you talk to the Thief NPC, leave the pyramid and return to the field you used to
enter the pyramid. You'll notice a large pond in the middle. There is an NPC on the right side of the
pond that you need to talk to. He'll take you to the Mushroom Dungeon. The time it takes to collect
two mushrooms varies from person to person. The mushrooms have 15hp. If you attack without a
weapon, you will attack faster. *Warning* There are aggressive monsters in the area. After you have
collected the mushrooms, take them back to the NPC to receive your award.

Congratulations!!!! You are now a thief!

V. Thief Builds

*Agility Thief*

This build is the most common. I'm sure most people will tell you to stick with this in some way.

10 STR
10 DEX
30 AGI
20 STR
50 AGI
20 DEX
60 STR
100 AGI
100 STR
30 DEX

*NOTE* When It Refers to 20 STR, It means raise STR to 20, not add 20 points to STR. Also,
It includes bonuses, so 20 STR=17+3 not 20+3.

This is the only build I'm familiar with, so It's the only one I can offer such an exact path to follow.
Another Variation is instead of Maxing AGI to 100, LUK 20 can be achieved.

*Vitality Thief*

I think weggy did say it best, "If you want to pump vit, go with a Swordie. But if you insist...."

10 STR
10 DEX
25 VIT
15 DEX
35 VIT
20 STR
20 DEX
60 VIT
30 STR
80 VIT
25 DEX
40 STR
100 VIT
40 DEX
100 STR

*Dexterity Thief*

This buils is almost exactly like an archer. They use a bow and pump dex to high amounts.

39 DEX
20 AGI
48 DEX
30 AGI
58 DEX
40 AGI
80 DEX
70 AGI
98 DEX
99 AGI
10 LUK

VI. Equipment

Weapon: Cutter - Dirk - Damascus - Grimtooth
Shield: Guard - Buckler
Armor : Leather Jacket - Mantle - Ninja Suit (Thief Clothes If You Will Not Get 50th)
Helmet: Hat - Sakkat - Feather Bonnet/Angel Band
Head MId - Sunglasses - Binoculars/Phantom of Opera
Head Lower - Beard - Iron Cain
Robe : Hood - Manteau - Cape'o'Old Marquess
Shoes : Sandals - Boots
Accessories: 2 Brooch(Agi Thief), 2 Glove(Dex Thief), 2 Necklace(Vit Thief)

VII. Thief Skills

*Double Attack

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : 5% to double attack
Level 2 : 10% to double attack
Level 3 : 15% to double attack
Level 4 : 20% to double attack
Level 5 : 25% to double attack
Level 6 : 30% to double attack
Level 7 : 35% to double attack
Level 8 : 40% to double attack
Level 9 : 45% to double attack
Level 10: 50% to double attack

Weggy's Comments: This skill only works with a Knife weapon. It is a fantastic skill, as you do double
damage as well as stunning the enemy longer - which means less time for them to attack you! Maxing
this should be the first skill on your list.

My Comment: This is your first essential skill as a thief. Max this first for a huge diffrence in fighting time.

*Increase Dodge

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use: None

Level 1 : Flee increased by 3%
Level 2 : Flee increased by 6%
Level 3 : Flee increased by 9%
Level 4 : Flee increased by 12%
Level 5 : Flee increased by 15%
Level 6 : Flee increased by 18%
Level 7 : Flee increased by 21%
Level 8 : Flee increased by 24%
Level 9 : Flee increased by 27%
Level 10: Flee increased by 30%

Weggy's Comments: A very useful skill, since your flee is how often you dodge. You should get
the skill after double attack though, since it works on percentages.

My Comment: The other essential skill for a thief, Increase Dodge will give you that extra %flee that
keeps you from getting hit. Max it right after Double Slash.


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 15 SP

Level 1 : 115% Damage
Level 2 : 130% Damage
Level 3 : 145% Damage
Level 4 : 160% Damage
Level 5 : 175% Damage
Level 6 : 190% Damage
Level 7 : 205% Damage
Level 8 : 220% Damage
Level 9 : 235% Damage
Level 10: 250% Damage

Note: Again, thanks to Node for this Envenom info.

Weggy's Comments: This skill is basically the Thief's bash. It seems a bit weaker, but has more range
than Bash. It also uses the poison attribute, so it may be more effective or less effective against certain
enemies. In Beta 1, this skill isn't as useful since all enemies either have resistances to poison or
neutral - none are weak to it.

My Comment: All thought not as strong as the Swordman's Bash, this skill will help you quickly
eliminate mobs that are on you in Dungeons.


Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 20 SP

Each level increases your chance to steal, but the exact amount is unknown

Weggy's Comments: If you don't go with Envenom, you can use your SP to get some extra items by
stealing them. Steal also works better if the enemy is standing still. finally, Steal does not effect the
monster's drops. It is just a randomly selected item the enemy could drop that you get. Enemies also
do not get angry when you steal from them.

My Comment: This skill can steal you some great items without taking the hours with hand-to-hand
combat. I'm not so fond of the skill, but there's nowhere else to put skill points.


Pre-requisites: Steal Lv5
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: 10 to Hide, SP drained while hiding - less is drained based on Hide Lvl

Level 1 : 30 seconds
Level 2 : 60 seconds
Level 3 : 90 seconds
Level 4 : 120 seconds
Level 5 : 150 seconds
Level 6 : 180 seconds
Level 7 : 210 seconds
Level 8 : 240 seconds
Level 9 : 270 seconds
Level 10: 300 seconds

Note: Again I must thank Node for this info. Oi, I'm starting to become a broken record.

Weggy's Comments: This can be used for 2 reasons: Escape from a mob of angry aggressives. This is
great for a Thief since AGI does NOT do well against many enemies at once. It also has a nasty
secondary use - if a under-leveled character is trying to kill steal from you, hide. All of a sudden,
they're the tank for the enemy they have no business in hitting. Do it, come back, and laugh at them.
Serves the jerks right...

My Comment: weggy could not have said it better, this is a great escape tool. Works against most creatures.

Pre-requisites: Evenom Lv3
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use: ?

Unknown At This Time

Weggy's Comment: There is also a skill called Detoxify, which will cure poision. Since status changes are
not implimented yet, don't bother. Even after it is, don't bother, since Green Herbs are a fairly common drop.

My Comment: Put 1 point into detoxify for your last job point before job change.
*Thief Skills Build*

10 Double Slash
10 Increased Dodge
10 Evenom
7 Steal
2 Hiding
1 Detoxify

VIII. Leveling

10-15 Culvert, Rockerfield
15-20 Culvert, Rockerfield, Desert
20-25 Culvert, Mandragora Forest
25-30 Culvert
30-35 Smokies
35-40 Smokies, Elderwillows, Yoyos
40-45 Smokies, Ant Hell, Orcs, Anacondaqs
45-50 Ant Hell, Orcs, Anacondaqs
50-55 Bigfoots, Sohee, Eggrya, Orc Dungeon

IX. Job Lvl. 40: Thief to Assassin

The change to your second class job is very easy because it doesn't require you to do a quest. Not yet
anyways. The Assassin Guild is located in its own Temple/Pyramid southeast of Morroc. From Morroc,
go south, south, east, then east once more. I suggest you avoid fighting the Hodes, and stick to the
Anacondas or else your trip will end quick. Bring a Knife and 666 Zeny for absolutely no reason.

Inside the Temple follow the portals to the room with the 2 NPCs in it. This is important, GO TO THE
GUY ON YOUR LEFT!!! Not your characters left. He will be the Assassin Clan Member. Do not go to
the Clanmaster. This can be confusing, but it is very annoying. Congratulations, Your an Assassin!!!
Sit down, it will take a long time to gain all of that new HP.

X. Assassin Builds

There are THREE types of builds for an Assassin, The Dagger Build, Katar Build, and the Dagger/Sword build. If you want to use
Sonic Blow I suggest you go with the Katar Build.

Dagger Build uses two daggers, I hope you will be using 2x Damascus or 2xUpgraded/Slotted Stilletos
I haven't personally tested this build, but it works extremely well if you have a lot of strength. It is really
worth it if you have no plans of using sonic blow.

Katar Build uses a type of katar which consists of two blades. I currently use this build and the movement
of Katar is extremely fast compared to that of daggers. If you really want Sonic Blow then become a Katar

Dagger/Sword combo is used to deal out damage to all the types of monsters you fight. I have not
seen this yet, but I have heard it works very well.

XI. Equipment

Weapon: 2xDagger/Dagger&Tsurugi/Katar
Armor : Leather Jacket - Mantle - Ninja Suit/Thief Clothes (If You Can Find Them)
Helmet: Hat - Sakkat - Feather Bonnet/Angel Band
Head MId - Sunglasses - Binoculars/Phantom of Opera
Head Lower - Beard - Iron Cain
Robe : Hood - Manteau - Cape'o'Old Marquess
Shoes : Sandals - Boots
Accessories: 2 Brooch(Agi), 2 Glove(Dex), 2 Necklace(Vit)

XII. Assassin Skills

*RightHand Mastery

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use?: None

Level 1: Attack STR 60%
Level 2: Attack STR 70%
Level 3: Attack STR 80%
Level 4: Attack STR 90%
Level 5: Attack STR 100%

Comment: It is said this skill is only useful if you plan on using 2x Dagger to restore your attack power,
however I have noticed a difference with it on my Katar Assassin. You be the judge.

*LeftHand Mastery

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use?: None

Level 1: Attack STR 60%
Level 2: Attack STR 70%
Level 3: Attack STR 80%
Level 4: Attack STR 90%
Level 5: Attack STR 100%

Comment: See Description of *Righthand Mastery.

*Katar Mastery

Pre-requisites: None
Active or Passive?: Passive
SP Use?: None

Level 1: Attack STR +3
Level 2: Attack STR +6
Level 3: Attack STR +9
Level 4: Attack STR +12
Level 5: Attack STR +15
Level 6: Attack STR +18
Level 7: Attack STR +21
Level 8: Attack STR +24
Level 9: Attack STR +27
Level 10: Attack STR +30
Comment: This skill is Essential if you plan on making a Katar Assassin. If you plan on being a dagger
assassin ignore this skill all together.

*Sonic Blow

Pre-requisites: Katar Mastery Lv4
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use?: ?

Increase Katar Attack Speed. Eight Attacks In a Row followed by Regular Katar Attack

Comment: This skill had a huge hype, but it is not as good at it was before we got Beta2. It is very weak
at lower levels and only able to see a large difference at Lv10.

*Enchant Poison

Pre-requisites: Evenom Lv1
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use?: ?

Enchant Players Weapon With Poison Property

Comment: Useful skill if you plan on attacking monsters that are weak to poison.


Pre-requisites: Hiding Lv2
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use?: ?

Allows you to move in Invisible Status only while clinging to a wall

Comment: Doesn't Seem to useful unless you want to scare your friends silly. I guess it can be used to
creep through prontera and other cities.


Pre-requisites: Cloaking Lv2 and Sonic Blow Lv5
Active or Passive?:Active
SP Use?: ?

Attack monsters while being hidden. Cannot Attack over distance.

Comment: Usefull skill for after you dodge the mob chasing you. Why not Reek Shadow havoc on them?

*Poison React

Pre-requisites: Enchant Poison Lv3
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use?: ?

Player Enabled to Counter for One Hit after being poisoned

Comment: Not very useful since monsters do not have poison attributes yet.

*Venom Dust

Pre-requisites: Enchant Poison Lv5
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use?: ?

Spread Poison on Chosen Place
Requires Red Gemstone

Comment: I like the sound of this skill. It's like Anthrax RO Style. Worth the few points. Just need a Red

*Venom Splasher

Pre-requisites: Poison Reacting Lv5 and Venom Dust Lv5
Active or Passive?: Active
SP Use?: ?

Make the enemy contagious by Poison and Exploded to Take Damages around.But Only applicable for
the Situation when the Poisoned Enemy have HP at least by 1/3.

Comment: Sounds Interesting but I haven't seen the skill used in Beta2.

*Dagger Build*

5 Lefthand Mastery
5 Righthand Mastery
2 Cloaking
5 Enchant Poison
5 Venom Dust
5 Poison React
5 Venom Splasher
~This leaves you with 18 free points to distribute anyway you want

*Katar Build*

10 Katar Mastery
10 Sonic Blow
2 Cloaking
5 Grimtooth
5 Enchant Poison
5 Venom Dust
5 Poison React
5 Venom Splasher
~This leaves you with 3 free points to distribute anyway you want

*NOTE* Not Sure on Max Levels, None Are Above 5, most are below 5, I used 5 as a safe number.

*Colt5 Build*

10 Katar Mastery
1 Right Mastery
1 Left Mastery
5 Sonic Blow
2 Cloaking
1 Grimtooth
10 Sonic Blow
5 Right Mastery
5 Enchant Poison
5 Venom Dust

XIII. Leveling

50-55 Bigfoots, Sohee, Eggrya, Orc Dungeon
55-60 Hode, Frilldora, Bigfoots, Sohee, Mantis
60-65 Payon 3-4, Biblan 3
65-80 Coal Mine 2, Payon 3-4, Pyra 3-4
80+ Pyra 3-4, Payon 5, Sphinx, Hidden Temple, Petite

*The areas above Level 60 require that you have a fairly good/large party with you.

XIV. Special Thanks

~Thanks to you guys for reading this guide
~Special Thanks to weggy
~Thanks to Gravity for making the game
~Thanks to ceej for hosting this guide
~Weggy for all the helpful info in his FAQ
~Node for some of the orginal info in his Guide

-Check Out www.ro.pak0.com for more helpful information.
- http://ro.nitro7.com also has very good information

XV. Contact

In Game:

On Loki:
Yodasaura - Discount/Overcharge/Vending Merchant
Ballin Boi - Katar Assassin

On Chaos:
Contraception - FB/SS Mage

You can email me at notify911@hotmail.com and AIM me 'Jufluco'

XVI. Legal Mumbo Jumbo

This guide is found on www.gamefaqs.com. It can be used on your site as you please, just remember to
give credit. This information is completely public, I have just compiled it together. Feel free to Runamoc.
Do not Remove or modify this section without permission.

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