Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

16.10.2013 23:11:45
===============================Soul Linker FAQ=================================
================================By: SageRyock==================================

Table of Contents
Section I: Version History
Section II: About Soul Linkers and Myself
Section III: Advantages and Disadvantages
Section IV: Taekwon Boy and Girl Skills
Section V: Soul Linker Skills
Section VI: Skill Builds
Section VII: Stat Builds
Section VIII: Credits, Thanks, etc
Section I: Version History
Version 1.00: This is the first version of this FAQ, and will not be updated
unless Gravity decides to change the bugs and/or skills/stats of Taekwons and
Soul Linkers, or unless some more valuable knowledge comes into my posession,
which should be likely since they're a newer class, and builds are still
being tested. Next update will be the in-game info and some new builds.
Section II: About Soul Linkers and Myself
Soul Linkers are the more magical type of class for the Taekwon characters.
Soul Linkers are the ones that possess great spiritual knowledge and use the
souls of their ancient ancestors to imbue people of today with great skills.
In exchange for this magic, the Taekwon requires to sacrifice their Tae Kwon
Do skills in order to persue this type of job. This means that any and ALL
kicks that you learned as a Taekwon Boy/Girl can no longer be used as a
Soul Linker.

But, don't let that discourage you. Soul Linkers are a very good class.
Sacrificing their Tae Kwon Do skills does in fact give you quite a good
return of magical powers. Their Spirit abilities can make classes of
characters insanely powerful. Even a Priest can deal out good damage when
imbued with a soul from their ancestors. You can become a Soul Linker once you
hit job level 40 or 50 as a Taekwon Boy/Girl.

Hitting job 50 is not necessary by any means whatsoever for a Soul Linker. The
other skills that you COULD get as a Taekwon Boy/Girl are only convenient
skills that will not help you kill any faster. Soul Linkers are a lot of fun,
and a lot of times, are not easy to level in their Taekwon stages. But this is
why this FAQ exists, isn't it?

Anyone who knows me, knows I have a fetish for magic. Which is why all my
characters are magic based, rather than physical based. I picked the more
magical class of every character, and I have a lot of fun with them. Whether
it's my Wizard, Priest, Alchemist, or my Soul Linker, I always work very
well with any of these classes, and they tend to be my favorite. Since there
isn't really any more magical like classes out there that I may like at the
moment, I can't decide what my last slot should have. But since I also have
a huge fetish for guns as well, I'll probably put a Gunslinger there.

I therefore thought that magical classes are usually the more difficult type
of class to play. Where as a Hunter and put a trap down, click the monster, and
wait; classes like Wizards, Sages, Priests, Soul Linkers, Alchemists, etc, have
a much more difficult time leveling, since they're more magical based and
require more strategy rather than an Assassin or Knight just clicking a monster
and waiting for it to die.

Since the more complicated classes are forced to learn tactics like vertical
Fire Wall, make very specific class builds, and are greatly punished for making
mistakes with their builds, I decided I wanted to help out other people who may
be having trouble with any of their characters. This is why I created this FAQ,
and hope it will help others.

But enough about me, we should get onto the FAQ now.
Section III: Advantages and Disadvantages
Soul Linkers, like any other class, has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Their greatest strenght is PVM(player versus monster), and their greatest
weakness is PVP(player versus player). They work well in WoE, but not as well
as some other classes do. Here is a good list of their advantages and

1: If you're building an Esma Soul Linker, these guys can knock out many
types of monsters quite easily.

2: Their soul linking abilities prove extremely powerful, and therefore make
good support.

3: With Kaahi and Kaizel, they're basically invincible in PVM, so long as
their SP does not run out.

1: They cannot fight well in PVP at all, unless it's against a Sage/Wizard and
they have Kaite.

2: Can't fight well against anything unless they have a good Esma, or are built
as a physical attacker.

3: SP drains very quickly unless your soul links are high leveled, or your
Kaina is high to prevent you from losing SP from Esma.

Section IV: Taekwon Boy and Girl Skills
To know how to properly build a character, you must know about the skills one
can gain from the class. To help you know this, here are all the Taekwon
Boy/Girl skills.

Tornado Kick
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 180% ATK damage
Level 2: 200% ATK damage
Level 3: 220% ATK damage
Level 4: 240% ATK damage
Level 5: 260% ATK damage
Level 6: 280% ATK damage
Level 7: 300% ATK damage
Extra Notes: Good and all, but uhh... Soul Linkers can't use a single one
of these kicks anymore, so this is a skill not worth putting points into.

Prepare Tornado Kick
Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Tornado Kick
Level 1: 15% chance to activate Tornado Kick
Extra Notes: You turn it on or off. When on, every kick that's made will have
a 15% chance of going into this stance, and in which case, you hit Tornado
Kick to perform the attack. Don't get it. We don't need it.

Roundhouse Kick
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
level 1: 220% ATK damage
Level 2: 250% ATK damage
Level 3: 280% ATK damage
Level 4: 310% ATK damage
Level 5: 340% ATK damage
Level 6: 370% ATK damage
Level 7: 400% ATK damage
Extra Notes: Great, but again, don't get it.

Prepare Roundhouse Kick
Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Roundhouse Kick
Level 1: 15% chance to activate Roundhouse Kick
Extra Notes: Once again, don't get it.

Flying Kick
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 40% ATK damage
Level 2: 50% ATK damage
Level 3: 60% ATK damage
Level 4: 70% ATK damage
Level 5: 80% ATK damage
Level 6: 90% ATK damage
Level 7: 100% ATK damage
Extra Notes: Okay, this we don't really have a choice. We need this as a
pre-req for Tumbling. Max it, as much as I don't like saying that XD.

Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 7 Flying Kick
Level 1: 20% chance to completely dodge a ranged physical attack, dodges melee
physicals as well when Sprint STR bonus is in place if unequipped
Extra Notes: This is the skill that Soul Linkers need. This is a very
valuable skill and will allow us to dodge most attacks at us.

Heel Drop
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 180% ATK damage
Level 2: 200% ATK damage
Level 3: 220% ATK damage
Level 4: 240% ATK damage
Level 5: 260% ATK damage
Level 6: 280% ATK damage
Level 7: 300% ATK damage
Extra Notes: Don't get it. Period.

Prepare Heel Drop
Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Heel Drop
Level 1: 15% chance of activating Heel Drop
Extra Notes: Once again, this is a waste of points.

Spin Kick
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 220% ATK damage
Level 2: 250% ATK damage
Level 3: 280% ATK damage
Level 4: 310% ATK damage
Level 5: 340% ATK damage
Level 6: 370% ATK damage
Level 7: 400% ATK damage
Extra Notes: Nice! Can't use it.

Prepare Spin Kick
Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Spin Kick
Level 1: 15% chance to activate Spin Kick
Extra Notes: Too bad we can't use these, huh?

Happy Break
Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 3 SP
Level 2: 6 SP
Level 3: 9 SP
Level 4: 12 SP
Level 5: 15 SP
Level 6: 18 SP
Level 7: 21 SP
Level 8: 24 SP
Level 9: 27 SP
Level 10: 30 SP
Extra Notes: Once thing extra I should say, any Linker that needs to defend
themselves is going to need this at level 5 to get Mild Wind. And don't worry,
it's not THAT weak. It increases even more if you have more INT.

Peaceful Break
Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 30 HP
Level 2: 60 HP
Level 3: 90 HP
Level 4: 120 HP
Level 5: 150 HP
Level 6: 180 HP
Level 7: 210 HP
Level 8: 240 HP
Level 9: 270 HP
Level 10: 300 HP
Extra Notes: This is exactly like Happy Break, just the exact opposite, and
will give more HP the higher your VIT is. Again, get this to level 5.

Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 2% more ATK per party member
Level 2: 4% more ATK per party member
Level 3: 6% more ATK per party member
Level 4: 8% more ATK per party member
Level 5: 10% more ATK per party member
Extra Notes: And this would be why Emperium Breakers are so useful. This is
an extremely nice skill, whether you're an Emperium Breaker Linker, or a
Taekwon Master. Either way, you'll want this maxed.

Taekwon Mission
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 5 Kihop
Level 1: Targets a monster for killing
Extra Notes: This is the most interesting skill I've ever heard of. Obviously
enough though, you don't need this skill for anything, especially since you're
not staying as a Taekwon.

Mild Wind
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Changes weapon and Esma property to Earth
Level 2: Changes weapon and Esma property to Wind
Level 3: Changes weapon and Esma property to Water
Level 4: Changes weapon and Esma property to Fire
Level 5: Changes weapon and Esma property to Ghost
Level 6: Changes weapon and Esma property to Shadow
Level 7: Changes weapon and Esma property to Holy
Extra Notes: This is the most useful part of being a Taekwon, Taekwon Master,
or Soul Linker. Manipulating the elements perfectly to have any element
you wish at all. This helps make the limitations of the characters much much
easier to deal with.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 6 seconds casting time, 100 SP
Level 2: 5 seconds casting time, 90 SP
Level 3: 4 seconds casting time, 80 SP
Level 4: 3 seconds casting time, 70 SP
Level 5: 2 seconds casting time, 60 SP
Level 6: 1 second casting time, 50 SP
Level 7: 0 second casting time, 40 SP
Level 8: 0 second casting time, 30 SP
Level 9: 0 second casting time, 20 SP
Level 10: 0 second casting time, 10 SP
Extra Notes: This would be useful only for soloing. And since we'll always
be equipping some sort of weapon, its STR bonus for Tumbling provides no use.
If you have extra points, you can get it.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 5 seconds casting time, 2 cell range
Level 2: 4 seconds casting time, 4 cell range
Level 3: 3 seconds casting time, 6 cell range
Level 4: 2 seconds casting time, 8 cell range
Level 5: 1 second casting time, 10 cell range
Extra Notes: I love this skill so much. You can be a ninja with this =P. Need
to make a quick escape, but nowhere to run? Not true! You can even jump behind
walls and scenery, so long as there is a possible spot to walk.

Section V: Soul Linker Skills
Finally a Soul Linker? Well, here's a harsh truth. It's gonna stay a little
difficult for a little while longer, because you still need spirits for all
your major skills. Here are the Soul Linker skills.

Monk Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is a good skill and all, but unfortunately, combo Monks
are hard to come by these days, and would rather build a Spirit Monk or a
Guillotine Monk.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Monk Spirit
Level 1: Lasts 10 seconds, 3 seconds casting time
Level 2: Lasts 20 seconds, 2 seconds casting time
Level 3: Lasts 30 seconds, 1 second casting time
Extra Notes: Although it says it lowers the moving speed of the enemy, it
doesn't seem to do that at all. This skill is only good for Monks with
Occult Impaction. They can level almost anywhere if this is used on enemies.

Priest Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Monk Spirit
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: You ever see a ME Priest imbued with this spirit? These will
help them royally own just about any monster weak to Holy.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Monk Spirit, level 1 Priest Spirit
Level 1: Lasts 1 second
Level 2: Lasts 2 seconds
Level 3: Lasts 3 seconds
Level 4: Lasts 4 seconds
Level 5: Lasts 5 seconds
Level 6: Lasts 6 seconds
Level 7: Lasts 7 seconds
Extra Notes: Just like the Priest's Decrease AGI spell, this skill will
give them the same effect basically. Except the monster is going to get very
small, and therefore will be even slower, since they can't move as wide.

Alchemist Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is really handy for Alchemists, not too great battle-wise,
except for the fact that all classes can be hit by Berserk Potions now. It
is mostly a time saver, and Alchemists will love this skill.

Blacksmith Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Alchemist Spirit
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is really fun if you've got a Kihop party going and you're
an Emperium Breaker type. Your ASPD is going to greatly increase with any
weapon, and this will help Assassins attack faster, and make you stronger as

Crusader Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is more of a fun attack. Shield Boomerang already isn't
too strong, and usually only helps to annoy Wizards. This is an average skill
and would be worth skipping if it didn't get you Kaahi.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Monk Spirit, level 1 Priest Spirit, level 1 Crusader Spirit
Level 1: 200 Heal, 5 SP
Level 2: 400 Heal, 10 SP
Level 3: 600 Heal, 15 SP
Level 4: 800 Heal, 20 SP
Level 5: 1000 Heal, 25 SP
Level 6: 1200 Heal, 30 SP
Level 7: 1400 Heal, 35 SP
Extra Notes: This is a wonderful skill, but takes SP very quickly. This is why
this is really good to Emperium Breakers and Esma Linkers since Esma Linkers
will be getting Kaina. Every time an attempt to hit you is made, you'll heal
before the hit gets through, even if it doesn't hit you, and the SP will be
taken after the heal.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 10% recovery when resurrected, 4.5 seconds casting time
Level 2: 20% recovery when resurrected, 4.0 seconds casting time
Level 3: 30% recovery when resurrected, 3.5 seconds casting time
Level 4: 40% recovery when resurrected, 3.0 seconds casting time
Level 5: 50% recovery when resurrected, 2.5 seconds casting time
Level 6: 60% recovery when resurrected, 2.5 seconds casting time
Level 7: 70% recovery when resurrected, 2.5 seconds casting time
Extra Notes: Ever see Auto-Life in Final Fantasy? This is exactly like that in
every way imaginable. Just doesn't have any use in WoE. Don't have yggs? Use
this instead. Only problem is that its casting speed is not affected by DEX.

Knight Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Crusader Spirit
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This should have really been given to the Crusaders, but eh. It'll
allow Knights to use One-handed Quicken, which is just like Two-handed Quicken,
except with one handed swords. Not likely you'll be using this on Knights.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Crusader Spirit, level 1 Knight Spirit
Level 1: Lasts 10 seconds, 3 seconds casting time
Level 2: Lasts 20 seconds, 2 seconds casting time
level 3: Lasts 30 seconds, 1 second casting time
Extra Notes: This is an interesting spell to say the least. Provoke is still
better, but stacking this with Provoke could get some nice results. A very
good tanking skill, or WoE Breaker build.

Fist Master Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is really freaking neat. This will allow Taekwon Masters to
use Solar, Lunar, and Stellar Union, which is going to greatly strengthen them
and allow them to float off the ground.

Soul Linker Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Fist Master Spirit
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is a very nice skill indeed. Everyone knows that with a
maxed Kaahi or at least level 5 or 6 Kaahi, you're nearly invincible to
monsters. Now, what if you could use those skills on other people? Well, with
this, you can. Leveling can become a world easier with this skill.

Super Novice Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This will likely almost never be used since Super Novices are
rare to find as it is, let alone one at Level 90 or higher.

Advanced 1st Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 5 Super Novice Spirit
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is a really neat skill for those who are trying to
transcend. Unfortunately, this will grow useless quickly once they have
transcended, and its requirements are pretty high and useless.

Assassin Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is really really neat. Unfortunately, it's hard to find a
proper use for this when most Assassins don't put enough DEX in to actually
hit with Sonic Blow, and instead go completely full critical.

Rogue Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Assassin Spirit
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is nice. Rogues don't use their stalking abilities much
unless they're in WoE, and that's where this might become a little handy. It\
could probably be worth skipping, though.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Assassin Spirit, level 1 Rogue Spirit
Level 1: 33% chance of dodging the next attack
Level 2: 66% chance of dodging the next attack
Level 3: 100% chance of dodging the next attack
Extra Notes: I personally love this spell. For my Soul Linker, I built him
AGI based. Of course, it's unlikely that the enemy will hit me, but just in
case, this will dodge the next attack without fail, and when it does work, I
can quickly activate it again, and continue the slaughter.

Bard and Dancer Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is.... interesting to say the least. It's pretty funny to
see Bards perforimg Dancer spells, and Dancers performing Bard spells. This
could truly have a nice use in WoE, and could make Dancers more wanted now.

Hunter Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Bard and Dancer Spirit
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: As if Hunters weren't already strong enough as it was, this will
allow Hunters to use Beast Strafe, which is kind of a combo move like the
Monk's combos and Taekwons kick stances. Works really well on brute types,
obviously enough. This isn't really necessary though.

Sage Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is a REAL nice spell, when it finally gets a use. Battle
Sages are kind of umcommon though, so this won't be used much. When it does
get used though, it's catastrophic. You'll only want it for Esma, or the
Wizard Spirit.

Wizard Spirit
Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Sage Spirit
Level 1: Lasts for 150 seconds, costs 460 SP
Level 2: Lasts for 200 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 3: Lasts for 250 seconds, costs 360 SP
Level 4: Lasts for 300 seconds, costs 160 SP
Level 5: Lasts for 350 seconds, costs 60 SP
Extra Notes: This is amazing. Getting rid of all the gem stone costs is very
useful to those who use Safety Wall, which is common among High Wizards,
especially in WoE.

Type: Passive
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: None
Level 1: 40% boost to HB, +30 SP
Level 2: 50% boost to HB, +60 SP
Level 3: 60% boost to HB, +90 SP
Level 4: 70% boost to HB, +120 SP
Level 5: 80% boost to HB, +150 SP
Level 6: 90% boost to HB, +180 SP
Level 7: 100% boost to HB, +210 SP
Extra Notes: HB means Happy Break by the way, in case the HB thing confuses
you. This will also cut the cost of Esma greatly at higher levels. This should
be maxed for all Esma Linkers. It cuts costs of the Esma spell by 3% per level
of Kaina in the 70's, 5% in the 80's, and 7% in the 90's for a total of 21%
reduction of SP at max level in the 70's, 35% in the 80's, and 51% in the 90's.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Sage Spirit, level 1 Wizard Spirit
Level 1: 6.0 seconds casting time, reflects 1 spell, lasts 1 minute
Level 2: 5.5 seconds casting time, reflects 1 spell, lasts 2 minutes
Level 3: 5.0 seconds casting time, reflects 1 spell, lasts 3 minutes
Level 4: 4.5 seconds casting time, reflects 1 spell, lasts 4 minutes
Level 5: 4.0 seconds casting time, reflects 2 spells, lasts 5 minutes
Level 6: 3.5 seconds casting time, reflects 2 spells, lasts 6 minutes
Level 7: 3.0 seconds casting time, reflects 2 spells, lasts 10 minutes
Extra Notes: Ow. That is all I have to say. Having magic reflected back at you
is not fun, and Wizards and Sages could have a hard time killing you. Not that
you can kill them, but still, it's gonna be difficult for them to kill ya.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Sage Spirit, level 1 Wizard Spirit
Level 1: 5% MATK
Level 2: 10% MATK
Level 3: 15% MATK
Level 4: 20% MATK
Level 5: 25% MATK
Level 6: 30% MATK
Level 7: 35% MATK
Extra Notes: This skill is very weak, but is required in order to learn
Esma, which is the Soul Linker's most powerful attack, and basically their
only attack. This attack will stun medium dized monsters only. Large and
small type monsters won't be affected by the stun, nor damage.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Sage Spirit, level 1 Wizard Spirit
Level 1: 10% MATK
Level 2: 20% MATK
Level 3: 30% MATK
Level 4: 40% MATK
Level 5: 50% MATK
Level 6: 60% MATK
Level 7: 70% MATK
Extra Notes: Same as Estun, except it knocks back enemies, and it is useful
for inflicting damage on small type monsters. Large and medium types are not
affected by the damage, but are affected by the knockback.

Type: Active
In-game Info:
Pre-reqs: Level 1 Sage Spirit, level 1 Wizard Spirit, level 7 Estun, and level
7 Estin
Level 1: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 1 attack
Level 2: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 2 attacks
Level 3: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 3 attacks
Level 4: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 4 attacks
Level 5: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 5 attacks
Level 6: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 6 attacks
Level 7: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 7 attacks
Level 8: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 8 attacks
Level 9: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 9 attacks
Level 10: (40+ Base Level)% MATK x 10 attacks
Extra Notes: The Soul Linker's most powerful attack. It outclasses many
attacks in the game, having a very fast cast speed at all levels, and changes
its elemental property, due to your Mild Wind skill. Only big problem is its
pre-reqs. It's going to take a long while to get this skill maxed.

Section VI: Skill Builds
You always need the proper skills in order to win, and help your teammates
out. Here are some good skill builds.

Esma Soul Linker
Taekwon Boy/Girl Skills
Leap: Level 5
Peaceful Break: Level 6
Happy Break: Level 8
Kihop: Level 5
Mild Wind: Level 7
Flying Kick: Level 7
Tumbling: Level 1

Job change at 40

Soul Linker Skills
Spirit of Sage: Level 1
Spirit of Wizard: Level 1
Estun: Level 7
Estin: Level 7
Esma: Level 10
Kaina: Level 7
Monk Spirit: Level 1
Priest Spirit: Level 1
Crusader Spirit: Level 1
Kaahi: Level 7
Kaizel: Level 1

Notes: This is the build I work with, and I personally like it a lot. It
strikes hard and fast against monsters, helps keep yourself alive with Kaina
and Kaizel, and works really well for MVPs. You should have 5 leftover points.
What you throw those into can be just about anything you like. Kaupe, Eska,
or more soul links if that's what you prefer. Depends on your stat build.
This is the basic build for an Esma Soul Linker, though. If you decide you want
to go job 50 instead, you can get level 10 Happy Break, level 7 Sprint, and
level 7 Peaceful Break. It's not necessary by any means, though.

True Soul Linker
Taekwon Boy/Girl Skills
Flying Kick: Level 7
Tumbling: Level 1
Sprint Level 7 & Peaceful Break Level 7, OR Kihop Level 5 & Mild Wind Level 7
Happy Break: Level 10

Job change at 41

Soul Linker Skills
Eska: Level 3
Eswoo: Level 7
Spirit of Monk: Level 1
Spirit of Priest: Level 1
Spirit of Crusader: Level 1
Kaahi: Level 7
Kaizel: Level 1
Spirit of Alchemist: Level 1
Spirit of Blacksmith: Level 1
Spirit of Super Novice: Level 5
Spirit of Advance 1st: Level 1
Fist Master Spirit: Level 1
Soul Linker Spirit: Level 1
Sage Spirit: level 1
Wizard Spirit: Level 1
Kaite: Level 5
Assassin Spirit: Level 1
Rogue Spirit: Level 1
Bard and Dancer Spirit: Level 1
Hunter Spirit: Level 1
Knight Spirit: Level 1
Kaupe: Level 3
Eske: Level 3

Notes: This job's focus is to support the party, which is why this build
has every soul link. I see this build being good for an INT/AGI build, since it
has Kaupe and Eske. These skills will also be very helpful for tanking, as well
as your Kaahi and Kaizel.

WoE Soul Linker
Taekwon Boy/Girl Skills
Flying Kick: Level 7
Tumbling: Level 1
Happy Break: Level 5
Peaceful Break: Level 5
Kihop: Level 5
Mild Wind: Level 7
Leap: Level 5
Sprint: Level 7 for job 43, 46 for 10

Job change at 43 or 46

Monk Spirit: Level 1
Priest Spirit: Level 1
Crusader Spirit: Level 1
Kaahi: Level 7
Rogue Spirit: Level 1
Assassin Spirit: Level 1
Kaupe: Level 3
Alchemist Spirit: Level 1
Blacksmith Spirit: Level 5
Fist Master Spirit: Level 1
Soul Linker Spirit: Level 5
Kaite: Level 7
Knight Spirit: Level 1
Eske: Level 3
Sage Spirit: Level 1
Wizard Spirit: Level 5
Bard and Dancer Spirit: Level 5

Notes: This is quite a nice build for WoE. It has a maxed Blacksmith spirit
to get Advanced Adrenaline Rush on everyone for some good ASPD. It has maxed
Bard and Dancer spirits to allow them to operate parts of WoE that they
couldn't before. The Soul Linker spirit will allow another Soul Linker with
a similar build to help support people even more, and from what I'm told, they
make very good emperium breakers with Kihop. To top it off, they can help the
Wizards protect the Emperium much better with no gem stones for their Safety

Section VII: Stat Builds
With the right skill build, you also need to have a stat build in mind if you
want to survive. Along with these builds, I also put what skill build they
may work with at the moment.

Emperium Breaker Supporter
STR: 75
AGI: 60
VIT: 50+6
INT: 62+12
DEX: 30+12
LUK: 25

Notes: This is quite an interesting build. I've seen a number of Soul Linkers
use a build like this, and has a very high critical ratio if you use a
Dagger of Counter with it. This build seems to work nicely with the WoE
Soul Linker build given earlier.

Vital Esma Linker
STR: 1
AGI: 9
VIT: 57+6
INT: 99+12
DEX: 75+12
LUK: 1

Notes: This is the Soul Linker a lot of people are making, as they all
believe that VIT is more important that a lot of DEX. And they would be right,
DEX is nowhere near as important to Soul Linkers as it is to Wizards and
Sages. With only 31 DEX, I can cast Esma just as quick as a Wizard with 93
DEX and Level 7 Fire Bolt.

Speedy Soul Taker
STR: 1
AGI: 80
VIT: 1+6
INT: 99+12
DEX: 53+12
LUK: 1

Notes: This is the build I use, and I like it more than the Vital Esma
Linker personally. A lot of people told me that they thought it would be a bad
idea to go AGI instead of VIT. Although normally that would be true, having
a Mocking Muffler and a maxed Kaupe and Kaahi allows me to take out a lot
of monsters at once.

Section VIII: Credits, Thanks, etc
I give my greatest thanks to the people in Korea who made this game and this
FAQ possible. I give thanks to my friend Tetsuya-San, and Jynkins. I also
give thanks to some other peeps like my friends Aket, Tulip, and mochii.

If you have any questions or comments at all, let me know through e-mail if
you need to know further things about Soul Linkers. You can contact me through
sageryock@yahoo.com. Please put in the subject box "Soul Linker" or else I
may not likely read it. Or, if you like, you can contact me in-game on the
Loki server as Ryock, Yakra, Marutei Kasunara, or Ryoshi Tensuma. Again,

Game Server: Loki
Characters: Ryock/Yakra/Ryoshi Tensuma/Marutei Kasunara
E-mail: Sageryock@yahoo.com
MSN: Sageryock@yahoo.com

Please, let me know if this is seen anywhere else besides Gamefaqs.com, as that
would be illegal, and I would like to be informed of this. This FAQ is for
personal use.
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Soul Linker FAQ
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True Acolyte Guide
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