

17.10.2013 23:19:58

RaonLauncher Guide


Table of Contents

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[1.00] Legal Information
[2.00] Raon Overview
[3.00] Shot 1
[4.00] Shot 2
[5.00] SS
[6.00] Raon Tricks
[7.00] Maps/Items/Enemies
[8.00] Closing


Legal Information [1.00]

This guide is for GameFAQs use and personal use only. If
you would like to use it for anything else, contact me to
request permission. My contact information is at the end
of the guide.


Raon Overview [2.00]

Raon is one of the strangest mobiles in Gunbound, but also
one with great potential. Raon can bunge, damage, trap,
and play fun mind games with opponents the way no other
mobile can. Raon has a shot that works incredibly well in
any death setting (Bigbomb, Double, or SS). And if that
isn't enough, it creates babies (the common nickname for
its shot 2/SS mines, which are officially called "Raons,"
which is why the mobile is officially called the "Raon
Launcher," but that's not too important), which are quite
fun to use.

Health: 1050
Attack Type: Laser
Body Type: Machine
Angle: 40 total, all true (50-10 on flat ground)
Attack: Medium to great
Defense: Good
Movement: Average


Shot 1 [3.00]

Damage: 150-200
Delay: 750

Raon's shot 1 is composed of three "streams" of ... well,
things ... that act like one shot each. Essentially, you
have a cluster of three projectiles. The reasons to call
them three instead of one are: (1) they separate in
tornados; (2) you can dig through land with them, so if you
hit a ledge over you, often one or two "streams" will go
the full distance of the shot, which is great for actually
determining how your shot will turn out.

Uses of shot 1:

(1) Bunge: Shot 1 can bunge very well. Since the shot
stays clustered, you can create deep, steep pits. Hit
right in front of a mobile and enough under to drop them in
and see the potential. If you ever get into tunneling
wars, Raon is better than most. Note: Direct hits from
above do not bunge very well.

(2) Damage: When mines/babies won't work, shot 1 can
damage well. Combined with its low delay and bunge
potential, using shot 1 alone is often not so bad.
Generally, you'll only NOT be able to use mines against
creatures, and since Raon gets a damage bonus attacking
creatures, it makes shot 1 even better.

(3) Set-Up: Shot 1 does good damage for a shot 1, but
that's not saying much. A good Raon player should use shot
1 to create opportunities to punish enemies with shot 2.


Shot 2 [4.00]

Damage: 250-350
Delay: 900

Shot 2 sends out two mines ("babies"). If the baby is
"attracted" to a mobile, its antenna will be red and it
will look awake. If it is not attracted, it will be green
and it will look asleep. On your turn, the awake babies
will walk toward the mobile they are attracted to for a set

Some other important things to be aware of...

Baby Properties:

(1) The babies always land equidistant from where shot one
would have landed, one on either side (on horizontal land).

(2) The closer your angle is to 45, the more the babies
will spread (further apart). 0 and 90 have no spread.

(3) The babies are most attracted to machine types,
followed by shields, and lastly, creatures. However! the
babies' attraction is quite messed up, so often times they
will do stupid things like follow the wrong mobile. They
will also go after corpses in solo/tag. Maybe it's just
bad luck, but they also seem extra-attracted to the Raon
that spit them out, so beware of your own children.

(4) The babies will explode on contact if you hit the
"sweet spot" of a mobile. What is this, you ask?
| |
| . |
Imagine this is a mobile (roughly). They all have a box
where you can register shots (for example, this box does
not include the head of the Dragon mobile -- its hit box is
small, in the chest/stomach area). However, there is a
special "sweet spot" (the dot) on every mobile found at the
bottom center *where the mobile touches the ground*. If
you hit this spot with a baby, it will explode immediately
upon contact. This means the enemy can't run away or
destroy the babies. Absolutely remember that the sweet
spot is *on the ground*, so you must fire the babies *at
the ground*. This holds true even for the "floating"
mobiles like Mage and A.Sate (Dragon is an annoying
exception). This sweet spot is the ONLY place Raon babies
will detonate. If you aim into the body of a mobile and
fire at full power, shot 1 will connect, but shot 2/SS will
fly right through. On that note...

(5) Babies can "warp" when Dualed (or in Double Death).
The way this works is as follows: if the first set hits a
mobile and explodes on contact, the second set will
probably miss the sweet spot due to the mobile dropping
from the explosion. However, *if the second set hits
land*, the second set will warp to where the first set hit.
Beware that if Thor/Lightning hits where the babies land,
they register a new landing spot and will not warp. The
weather can also destroy the first set of babies if they
don't explode on contact, and if they are not close enough
to the mobile to do good explosion damage, your Dual is
more or less wasted.

(6) The babies are non-solid shots. By this I mean that
they will pass through anything and everything until they
hit land, like Lightning's shots 1 and 2. This is good to
know when you want to fire through an ally, a corpse, or to
keep in mind when remembering to *never fire the babies
into the body of an enemy*.

(7) Babies can be destroyed by: mobile shots (even Raon's
SS); Thor; Lightning; tagging; sending out too many (a
maximum of 8 per Raon), in which case the oldest babies
self-destruct; and lastly, hurricanes (the babies will get
sucked up when they are touching ground in a hurricane).
Putting two babies on top of each other doesn't destroy

See the section on tricks for more on shot 2.


SS [5.00]

Damage: 250-350
Delay: 1300

SS Properties:

(1) The SS lands where the furthest baby would land.

(2) The SS walks for about five seconds before self-

(3) The SS will attack the first entity it comes across.
Such "entities" include: living mobiles, dead mobiles, and
its younger siblings (Raon babies). On a similar note, the
SS is also sucked up if it walks into a hurricane.

(4) The SS can climb some slopes, but certain slopes are
too steep, and it will simply turn around.

(5) The SS walks the way it was facing when it lands. If
the wind is strong, it can actually turn the shot in air
("boomer shot"), making the SS walk the opposite direction.
To counter this, you can overshoot or simply use a lower
angle so the "boomer" effect doesn't occur.

(6) The SS's contact point is the same as the babies.
Don't shotgun it into a mobiles body. Really, because it
walks like it does, you should never need to shotgun it for
a direct hit.

SS Tips/Tricks:

(1) The SS can bunge a bit. Use it to kill a mobile with
full health but only a bit of land underneath it.

(2) The SS can ruin angles. If you drop an enemy into a
steep pit (like with shot 1), using the SS can blow up the
land they were standing on to get an angle, effectively
ruining their shot.

(3) Missed? I think not! Think about where you can
overshoot for an easier shot. If it runs into a wall, it
comes back, so use this to your advantage. (Property 4)


Raon Tricks [6.00]

Here is the good stuff. Some of these are more strategies
than tricks, but I'll just group them all here. The
warping property of shot 2 is extremely important for some
of these shots.
Note: The names are just goofy things I made up, for the
most part. Don't take them too seriously.

(1) Dual+ Trap: One of my favorites. Use a 1-2 Dual+ (shot
1 first) with a fairly high angle (70 works). If you do
this right, you should graze the front of your enemy and
get shot 1 under him, dropping the mobile into a fairly
deep hole. Shot 2 should land either in the pit or on the
edges of it (depending on angle/wind) ready to jump in and
hurt him. If you miss and just hit the guy, it's still not
bad since you get decent damage from shot 1 and babies
surrounding him.

(2) Dual+ Explosion: Use a 2-1 Dual+ with either a high
angle (80+) or a low angle (especially at close range).
The idea is to get the babies to land more or less on top
of the mobile, then shot 1 comes down and hits, causing the
babies to explode.

(3) Raon Ultra-High Angle (UHA): Remember that you can get
the babies to explode on contact if you get them to hit in
the center of the mobile (the "sweet spot"). Also remember
that with angles closer to 0 or 90, the spread is less.
This means that if you shoot full power at an angle of 88
or above, you can get the babies close enough to explode on

(4) Raon Shotgun: This is like a normal shotgun in that it
consists of two basic steps: aim and fire at full power.
However, due to the way babies register hits, you need to
aim at that bottom-center "sweet spot" rather than simply
at the mobile. Remember that the babies must *hit land* to
register as a hit, and that the sweet spot is the bottom-
center part of the mobile touching the land. If Thor is
not active, a Dual is a great item to use. If Thor is
active, a Dual can work, but is riskier and better used
with the partial shotgun (see below).

(4.a) Partial Shotgun: This is similar to a regular baby
shotgun, but has a couple differences. The partial shotgun
uses under a bar of power to try to gently land the babies
on that "sweet spot." Use a low angle and under 1/4 total
power (1 "bar"). Beware of one of your babies facing back
at you. Here, it's better to overshoot.

(5) Raon Slip: Imagine you have a thin strip of land above
you. If you fire shot 2 at the land at full power, the
babies will actually glitch through the land and come up on
top. Ideally, you can hit people from underneath with a
painful shot 2 here. And remember, due to the warp glitch,
a Dual will still connect even though the first two babies
will destroy the land (so long as the second set hits land
and Thor is not active).

(5.a) Lightning Slip: If the land is a bit too thick to do
a normal slip, you can actually shoot through lightning (or
use the lightning item) to get it through. The way this
works is the babies hit the land, lightning hits from
above, and the land they need to slip through is reduced,
so they go through. Be cautious when using a Dual with
this trick. Note: This also works with Thor, though it is
more risky, as Thor does more land damage.

(6) Raon Ricochet: Similar to the Raon Slip, but instead of
a thin piece of land, you have a thick piece of land above
you. If you fire the babies at full power at this land,
they will actually "ricochet" off it. And "ricochet" here
is slightly misleading. They actually hit and then drop
straight down from the point of contact. To get the babies
to detonate on impact, you need to fire them so they hit
land directly above the mobile you're targeting. Sending
them directly in front is also not a bad idea since it can
trap the enemy.

(7) Raon Surprise: For Score mode only. If you pay
attention in Score, you can see where your enemies are
dropping. If you place some babies on their landing spot,
you can give them a nice 150-600+ damage before they even
get a turn. This is especially potent with two or more
Raons on one team. Lots of fun, especially if the guy
dropping starts realizing what's going on but can't do
anything about it.

(8) Raon Boost: Also known as the Raon Failure (jajaja).
Either set this up or have a competent ally bail you out.
Most likely it will be the latter. To do this, simply set
some mines on top of an enemy (shotgun right *next to* the
sweet spot) and let your ally hit him for big damage. This
works well when the enemy is on weird spiky land and the
sweet spot is hard to hit.


Maps/Items/Enemies [7.00]


Raon can be used effectively on any map, so there's no real
need to state the obvious (Adium Root: BUNGE!, etc.).


Dual: Very good, especially for shotgunning shot 2. Dual
shot 1 can be used at long range or to bunge (with
Lightning it's very good). Avoid using your Dual to
surround enemies, as they can destroy at least half of the
babies usually. While they don't get a turn, you have
wasted your Dual, which could have been used to finish him.

Dual+: Also a good choice, due to two of the more easily
used Raon tricks using Dual+. Since you won't always have
an angle to shotgun, bringing a Dual+ is a good way to
ensure you can pull off some good shots.

Lightning: You can use this for Lightning slips or extra
bunge from high angles, but overall, it's not worth taking.

Windchange: Good for avoiding hits or helping with strong
wind. Windchanges are often worth taking no matter what
mobile you play. They're often helpful but rarely

Powerup/Blood: Overall, probably not worth taking. Due to
the fact that Raon is more of a trapping mobile than a raw
damage dealer (consistently, that is), bringing a Shovel,
Bandaid, or Windchange would be preferable.

Shovel: This can be helpful to give some extra land damage
to your shot. However, I'd favor a Bandaid or Windchange
over this.

Teleport/Team Teleport: This can be helpful, but it's not
as necessary for Raon as for other mobiles.

Heal (big and small): Raon doesn't benefit as much from
heals as creatures, but in tag/solo, they're still worth
bringing, especially given Raon's ability to incapacitate
enemies. Buying more turns can be very helpful.


There's not much to note about most enemies. In general,
Raon should have a fairly easy time against most machines,
somewhat less against most shield mobiles, and the hardest
fights against creatures. For shields and especially
creatures, you'll need to rely on tricks to get good damage
from shot 2, since you can't simply surround them and
laugh. Some things to note:

Turtle: Dropping it in a hole with shot 1 followed by the
SS should ruin its angle for at least a turn or two. If
you take away its ability to run, you can also start
hitting it in that pit with one baby a turn at least.

Boomer/Ice: Raon's toughest opponents, in my opinion. Ice
has more HP, but Boomer can hit you harder. Both have huge
angle radiuses, so you can't take away their shot as easily
as Turtle. Both can move well enough to get away from at
least one of your babies. Here, you want to shotgun when
possible, rely on the Dual+ tricks to get the babies to
explode before they can run away, and pummel them with shot
1. Using your SS early isn't a bad idea, since it will
recharge in time to use as a finisher.

A.Sate: This mobile has a very low firing point, and it's
great to see it hit itself. Babies walking into it or the
SS can put a little land above its firing point, resulting
in the lasers coming down onto the Sate's head if it uses
shot 2 or the SS.

Nak: At close range, abuse Dual+s and try to not get hit
too hard. At long range, shot 1 can form an anti-Nak
barrier, and you can simply start launching shot 2 at it.

Dragon: Dragon's hit box (explained in the shot 2 section,
property 4) is actually *in the air.* It consists of the
chest/stomach area (not the head/tail) and floats off the
ground. Due to this, you actually can't hit it with shot 2
or the SS. Because it floats, shot 1 can bunge more
easily, but if you can't bunge it, you'll have to shoot
right at it. Good luck.

Knight: Knight is a machine, oddly enough. Treat it like
an A.Sate with a much better angle, but also better


Closing [8.00]

Well, that's a good amount of information about how to use
Raon. The trick is pulling it all together and finding
ways to pull the shots off. Raon is a great mobile that
can be used well on any map, against any mobile, avatar on
or off. Have fun and happy babying.

Thanks to:
GameFAQs, for hosting the guide and existing.
Softnyx, for making Gunbound.
HeatFenix, for helping out with some of the trickier things
and owning me countless times with Raon (humiliating, yes,
but learning by observation is always good).
Arthropod and Zenithyoda, for clarifying a couple things.

©BC 2005

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