Final Fantasy 5

Final Fantasy 5

16.10.2013 19:04:37
Final Fantasy V Magic Guide
by Jacob Waters

Version 1.0

This document is Copyright 2001 Jacob Waters. Violators of said copyright
are subject to being legally prosecuted and pimphanded. So... do NOT take
this guide and put it on your site without my express permission!! The only
site I am putting this guide on is GameFAQ's, if you want you can e-mail me
at to ask to use this guide on your site. Also, e-mail
me at said address if you want to contribute to a future version of this
guide (if anything is missing in this guide.)

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
II. Black Magic
III. White Magic
IV. Time Magic
V. Summon Magic
VI. Finding Mirage Village
VII. Thanks

I. Introduction
Well, while playing through the game I noticed that there was a lack of a
definitive magic guide; only a blue magic chart. So, this faq is intended
to provide a complete guide for all lack, White, Time, and Summon magic.
For each spell I give a description of what it does, plus how and where you
can obtain it. Note: spells in each section are listed by the order you can
get them, not by the order they appear on the magic menu screen. Here

II. Black Magic

1. Fire- does a small amount of fire elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 150G
Where- Tule Village, Kerwin Town, Town of Karnak, Crescent Town

2. Ice- does a small amount of ice elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 150G
Where- Tule Village, Kerwin Town, Town of Karnak, Crescent Town

3. Bolt- does a small amount of lightning elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 150G
Where- Tule Village, Kerwin Town, Town of Karnak, Crescent Town

4. Sleep- puts enemy to sleep
Obtain- buy it for 300G
Where- Kerwin Town, Town of Karnak, Crescent Town

5. Poison- poisons enemy
Obtain- buy it for 290G
Where- Town of Karnak, Crescent Town

6. Fire2- does a moderate amount of fire elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 600G
Where- Town of Karnak, Crescent Town

7. Ice2- does a moderate amount of ice elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 600G
Where- Town of Karnak, Crescent Town

8. Bolt2- does a moderate amount of lightning elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 600G
Where- Town of Karnak, Crescent Town

9. Toad- causes/cures status effect toad
Obtain- In Easterly Village, run around counter-clockwise in the flowerbed
the northwest side of the village. When the frog jumps out, touch the front

of the rock. Or, buy it for 300G at Mirage Village
Where- Easterly Village, Mirage Village

10. Drain- drains the HP of an enemy
Obtain- buy it for 3,000G
Where- Lugor Bordertown, Val Castle, Kelb Village, Surgate Castle, Moore

11. Break- turns enemy to stone
Obtain- buy it for 3,000G
Where- Lugor Bordertown, Val Castle, Kelb Village, Surgate Castle, Moore

12. Bio- does moderate to heavy poison damage
Obtain- buy it for 3,000G
Where- Lugor Bordertown, Surgate Castle, Moore Village

13. Fire3- does a heavy amount of fire elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

14. Ice3- does a heavy amount of ice elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

15. Bolt3- does a heavy amount of lightning elemental damage
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

16. Doom- instant death to an enemy
Obtain- buy it for 10,000G
Where- Mirage Village

17. Asper- drains MP from the enemy
Obtain- buy it for 10,000G
Where- Mirage Village

18. Flare- does an ultra-heavy amount of fire elemental damage
Obtain- reach the top of the tower and kill the two bosses
Where- Fork Tower

III. White Magic

1. Cure- heals a small amount of HP
Obtain- buy it for 180G
Where- Tule Village, Kerwin Town, Town of Karnak, Jacohl Village

2. Scan- reveals enemies HP
Obtain- buy it for 80G
Where- Tule Village, Town of Karnak, Jacohl Village

3. Antidote- cures status effect poison
Obtain- buy it for 90G
Where- Tule Village, Kerwin Town, Town of Karnak, Jacohl Village

4. Mute- stops enemies from casting spells
Obtain- buy it for 280G
Where- Kerwin Town, Town of Karnak, Jacohl Village

5. Protect- target ally's physical defense increases
Obtain- buy it for 280G
Where- Kerwin Town, Town of Karnak, Jacohl Village

6. Mini- causes/cures status effect mini
Obtain- buy it for 300G
Where- Mirage Village

7. Cure2- heals a moderate amount of HP
Obtain- buy it for 620G
Where- Town of Karnak, Jacohl Village

8. Raise- bring an ally back to life with a low amount of HP
Obtain- buy it for 700G
Where- Town of Karnak, Jacohl Village

9. Muddle- confuse enemy
Obtain- Buy it for 650G
Where- Town of Karnak, Jacohl Village

10. Esna- cures status ailments frog, mini, poison, mute, sleep, blind,
confuse, and berserk
Obtain- when escaping Karnak Castle, open the treasure chest to the left of
the entrance to the castle, or buy it for 3,000G
Where- Karnak Castle, Rikks Village, Lugor Bordertown, Val Castle, Surgate
Castle, Kelb Village, Moore Village

11. Blink- cures status ailment blind
Obtain- buy it for 3,000G
Where- Lugor Bordertown, Val Castle, Kelb Village, Surgate Castle, Moore

12. Shell- target ally's magical defense increases
Obtain- buy it for 3,000G
Where- Lugor Bordertown, Val Castle, Kelb Village, Surgate Castle, Moore

13. Cure3- heals a heavy amount of HP
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

14. Reflect- reflects enemy spells for a limited amount of time
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

15. Berserk- target will start attacking automatically, the damage dealt is
increased by a moderate amount
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

16. Arise- brings an ally back to life with full HP
Obtain- buy it for 10,000G
Where- Mirage Village

17. Dispel- enemies next spell doesn't work
Obtain- buy it for 10,000G
Where- Mirage Village

18. Holy- deals ultra-heavy holy type damage
Obtain- reach the top of the tower and kill the two bosses
Where- Fork Tower

IV. Time Magic

1. Sleep- puts an enemy to sleep
Obtain- buy it for 180G
Where- Town of Walz, Town of Karnak

2. Regen- ally slowly recovers HP during battle
Obtain- buy it for 100G
Where- Town of Walz, Town of Karnak

3. Mute- enemy cannot cast spells
Obtain- buy it for 320G
Where- Town of Walz, Town of Karnak

4. Haste- increase target ally's speed
Obtain- buy it for 320G
Where- Town of Walz, Town of Karnak

5. Speed- caster's speed increases
Obtain- in the lower basement of Walz Castle, in the middle of the three
chests in the northeast corner; or buy it for 30G in Mirage Village
Where- Walz Castle, Mirage Village

6. Demi- reduces enemy's HP by 25%
Obtain- buy it for 620G
Where- Town of Karnak

7. Stop- completely stops enemy from doing anything
Obtain- buy it for 580G
Where- Town of Karnak

8. Comet- random amount of typeless damage to one enemy
Obtain- buy it for 3,000G
Where- Lugor Bordertown, Val Castle, Kelb Village, Surgate Castle, Moore

9. Slow2- casts slow on all enemies
Obtain- buy it for 3,000G
Where- Lugor Bordertown, Val Castle, Kelb Village, Surgate Castle, Moore

10. Return- starts any battle over (replenishes any items used)
Obtain- buy it for 3,000G
Where- Lugor Bordertown, Val Castle, Kelb Village, Surgate Castle, Moore

11. Teleport- escape from battle (will NOT work on boss fights)
Obtain- in the throne room of Val Castle, there are three treasure chests.
to the south of them is a hidden path that leads to the chest with the
teleport spell; or you can buy it for 600G in Mirage Village
Where- Val Castle, Mirage Village

12. Float- makes one or all allies float
Obtain- from the throne room of Surgate Castle take the top left stairs
outside. when outside, go right and then up into the door. then go down
the stairs to your left. You'll find yourself in a library. Go to the left
wall and down the stairs. Talk to the old lady. Grab the closest book to
her, it's "Weird Ronka." The correct spot from the very bottom right
bookcase is two to the left. Grab the next book to the left, "Register of
Monsters" The correct spot is one up from the bottom right. Grab the
"Forbidden Book." The correct spot is the two to the left, two up. Talk to
the old lady again then proceed through the top door. Go down the stairs in
the bottom left corner of the room. Go out the door just to your right.
Take a left over the bridge and go in the door on the top left part of the
screen. Go down the stairs on the left. It's in the bottom left treasure
chest. Or, buy it for 300G in Mirage Village.
Where- Surgate Castle, Mirage Village

13. Demi2- reduces enemy's HP by 50% (maximum 9999 damage)
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

14. Haste2- casts haste on all party members
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

15. Old- slowly decreases all stats of the enemy (rarely works)
Obtain- buy it for 6,000G
Where- Moore Village

16. Quick- gives caster two turns in a row
Obtain- buy it for 10,000G
Where- Mirage Village

17. X-Zone- instant kill to one enemy
Obtain- buy it for 10,000G
Where- Mirage Village

18. Meteo- does heavy fire elemental damage to all enemies
Obtain- defeat the boss ahd you'll receive it when you grab the third
Where- Great Sea Trench (take the sub to get there)

V. Summon Magic

1. Chocobo- Choco kick: light damage to one enemy; Fat Choco: does
moderate/heavy damage to all enemies
Obtain- buy it for 300G
Where- Town of Walz, Mirage Village

2. Sylph- drains life from enemy, distributes it between party members
Obtain- buy it for 350G
Where- Town of Walz, Mirage Village

3. Remora- lowers speed of enemy
Obtain- buy it for 250G
Where- Town of Walz, Mirage Village

4. Shiva- does light ice elemental damage to all enemies
Obtain- walk through waterfall at far north side of castle (must go through
aqueduct), navigate the cavern to the top, received after defeating Shiva
Where- Walz Castle

5. Ifreet- does light fire elemental damage to all enemies
Obtain- climb up a very small ladder and click on the wall, walk into the
hole and click on the book, received after defeating him
Where- Library of Ancients

6. Ramuh- does light lightning elemental damage to all enemies
Obtain- defeat him in a random battle
Where- forest just east of Easterly Village

7. Titan- does heavy amount of earth type damage
Obtain- near the end of the first world (Bartz World) during the recharging
of the meteor quest, you will fight him in one of the meteors, defeat him to
Where- Meteor (only during meteor quest)

8. Golem- uses his hands to block physical damage dealt to all party members
for a limited time
Obtain- He is the ???? monster. When you reach the area where all of the
bones and skulls first appear on the ground outside, open up the path to the
south like you were continuing going up the mountain (in order to do so,
simply go into the cave through the door on the left. Walk around in the
main room until you fall through a hole in the ground. Once you've fallen,
go into the door on the left, push the switch and the path will open.) In
the little area just before you enter the door on the right, run back and
forth to get into random battles. Eventually, you will get into a battle
with the ????, now called golem and two other monsters. Kill the other two
monsters and don't hurt the Golem. If you just wait he will say thanks and
the battle will end. You will get an item called Golem. Use it in your
inventory in order to enable the summon Golem.
Where- Valley of Dragons

9. Shoat- turns one enemy to stone
Obtain- On the northwest island, there is a hole in the bottom that you can
only get to by using the submarine. This hole leads to a cave that leads
outside. Once outside, the area you are in has a lake surrounded on three
sides by forest, and all around by mountains (which is why you can't get
there with a dragon.) There is also a chocobo forest (extra landmark.)
fight random fights until you meet Shoat, defeat Shoat to get the Shoat item
(use it in your inventory to enable the summon.)
Where- Galuf's World, northwest island.

10. Carbuncle- casts reflect on all party members
Obtain- After the save point you'll eventually come to an area where there
are a lot of skulls on the ground. When you walk across the first one, the
bridge will disappear. You're now in front of three skulls. Walk across
the top one. You can see at the top of the screen another skull by itself.
There are also three skulls blocking the path to it. Walk across the one on
the right. Now step on the top skull. You'll be warped to the green
circle. Click on it, kill Carbuncle, and you can now summon it.
Where- X-Death's castle

11. Hydra- heavy amount of lightning elemental damage
Obtain- Return to thieves hideout, walk left, talk to Hydra and you get it.
Must have Faris.
Where- Thieves Hideout.

12. Leviathan- heavy amount of water type damage
Obtain- Once you reach the end of the cave, after Leviathan kills the
monster, click on him to fight him, if you defeat him you will be able to
summon him.
Where- Easterly Falls (the fourth lithograph cave, use the sub to get there)

13. Odin- instant kills all enemies
Obtain- when the worlds join together there will now be a cave next to Val
Castle. Enter the cave and move to the back (on the part with all of the
buttons, just wait and the right one will appear.) The far back wall looks
like a dead end but it's not, walk against the middle part of it and you
will climb up. You are now in the basement of Val Castle. Move to the back
and click on the summon and you can fight Odin, defeat him and you can
summon him.
Where- Jacohl Cave then basement of Val Castle

14. Bahamut- ultra-heavy amount of typeless damage
Obtain- In Mirage Village, walk behind the pub and you will find a door to
take you inside. Walk out of the pub and down the path. The weapons shop
will be on your right. Go into the door on the left. Proceed to the
staircase and go down. Walk south until you get to the bottom. There is a
secret path on the left, take it and go up the stairs that you'll come to.
Grab the black chocobo. Okay, now you are going to want to fly to the
forest by the desert that is surrounded by mountains in the northeast part
of the map. Land and walk north, then east until you get to the mountain
with a path in it. Climb all the way to the top. Fight and defeat Bahumut
and you will be able to summon him.
Where- North Mountain

15. Phoenix- does a moderate amount of fire elemental damage and brings an
ally back to life with full HP
Obtain- When you reach the top of the tower, choose no in the cut-scene and
you will receive the summon Phoenix. Just a helpful hint, go into this
tower with about 40 elixirs (you can buy them in Mirage Village.) The enemy
Magic Pot will give you 100ABP if you give him enough of them and there are
5 Magic Pots in the tower.
Where- Phoenix Tower (same area as Bahumut only go west then south instead)

VI. Finding Mirage Village

Once you get the airship you can get to Mirage Village. Fly to the
southernmost part of land in the world (it should be a really skinny, long
island) and land next to the small patch of forest. Simply walk around
inside the forest and you will get sucked into Mirage Village.

VII. Thanks

- To Square, for reasons too numerous and too obvious to mention.

- To my brother Jason, for typing, editing, and submitting this guide for
me; not to mention getting me addicted to this wonderfully time-consuming
series in the first place.

- To my best friend Chris Fox and my other brother Garrett, for absolutely
nothing except for hauling my driver's license lacking ass around (just

- To the rest of my family: Mom, Dad, Val, and Teresa, for... I don't
know... being my family I guess...

- To CJayC, for running THE go-to site on the net for videogame information.

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15.Октябрь 2013

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